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Saturday, November 19th, 2011, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:31] sphery: seems we don't even have to pretend that sontek was never here...
[00:01:07] clever: sphery: capture works too, all thats left is proper startup on boot and moving mysql :)
[00:01:13] clever: storage on nfs is minor
[00:01:40] sphery: cool
[00:02:22] sphery: I just booted to my kernel (past 2.6.38, so with lirc in kernel), and my remote works fine with my old lirc 0.8.7--but only because I'm using atilibusb driver, so nothing really changed for me
[00:02:38] sphery: means I can upgrade lirc whenever--no need to figure it out right now
[00:02:53] clever: yeah, the user<->kernel api probly didnt change much
[00:03:03] clever: but the 0.8 install script tries to compile the lirc kernel driver, and fails hard
[00:04:22] sphery: yeah
[00:04:47] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!~pintlezz@ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[00:05:03] sphery: but thanks for the motivation to get started on this... now I can actually finish the kernel update I was rolling out (basically just delete the old kernel)
[00:05:08] sphery: one less todo to do
[00:05:27] clever: the desktop i was using cant boot from cd or usb, its being a pain
[00:05:38] clever: so i just forced it to run my old nfsroot image to get things installed
[00:05:54] clever: and then rather then fuss with grub at the end, i just put the fresh kernel on the tftp server
[00:06:45] clever: dhcp loads pxe which loads the kernel and boots from the hdd normaly
[00:09:05] russell5 (russell5! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:34:12] redxine (redxine! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:56:03] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:18:47] westlock3 (westlock3!~mythtv@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:20:15] westlock3: The middle mouse button works to scroll through the channels but I can't figure out how to basically hit return with the mouse to accept the channel selection. Does anyone have a solution for this.
[01:20:37] wagnerrp: mythtv is really not designed for use with a mouse
[01:20:54] wagnerrp: there is partial gesture support, intended for use with touchpads
[01:21:00] wagnerrp: but its not really functional at the moment
[01:21:40] westlock3: So there is no keybinding I can change to map the return key to a mouse click with left right or middle.
[01:22:07] wagnerrp: dont know to be honest
[01:22:11] westlock3: I've looked through the keybindings a while back but couldn't even find where the return key was mapped to.
[01:22:15] wagnerrp: i dont know if the mouse is accepted for use with keybindings
[01:22:33] westlock3: I'll have to keep hunting around I guess and trying.
[01:23:20] westlock3: Also occassionally the audio gets bubbly but I just hit escape and restart and it goes away for another half an hour. Although it never affects the recordings – only live tv.
[01:23:36] westlock3: Nothing shows in the logs.
[01:23:53] wagnerrp: bubbly?
[01:24:12] westlock3: Yeah that is how it is best described.
[01:24:17] wagnerrp: heh
[01:24:55] westlock3: Otherwise myth is working great – beyond expectations.
[01:28:59] wagnerrp: sphery: didn't you have a wiki page up for doing log rotation with the new formats?
[01:30:27] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!~pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:31:59] sphery: thought you did
[01:32:10] sphery: I just did a wiki page for syslog config
[01:32:15] wagnerrp: i have that utility in the gentoo packages
[01:32:18] wagnerrp: oh, syslog
[01:32:30] sphery:
[01:32:38] sphery: old one
[01:32:39] wagnerrp: yeah, i just came across that
[01:32:49] wagnerrp: was thinking it needed to be updated for the new filenames
[01:33:02] sphery: plus and
[01:33:26] sphery: which is really . . . ration_Files
[01:33:54] sphery: I think this is Beirdo's page:
[01:34:22] sphery: heh, or maybe not... seems some guy named sphery did: Start a page describing logging and options for the new logger
[01:35:02] wagnerrp: evil twin?
[01:35:09] sphery: guess so
[01:35:17] sphery: does mention's yours right?
[01:35:24] wagnerrp: yeah
[01:35:40] wagnerrp: seems i put that in there two months ago
[01:37:10] sphery: or maybe your evil twin did?
[01:37:29] sphery: it /was/ a different IP address...
[01:37:38] sphery: or are you the evil twin?
[01:37:46] wagnerrp: i am my evil twin
[01:37:56] wagnerrp: i have this glue on mustache
[01:38:00] sphery: nice
[01:38:01] wagnerrp: lets me flip between the two
[01:38:11] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Quit: kormoc)
[01:40:06] sphery: just like . . . -p5-n3-sr-i1 ?
[01:41:08] wagnerrp: unable to load a message from our sponsors?
[01:41:33] sphery: wow, maybe they ran out of sponsors
[01:42:41] jpabq_ (jpabq_!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has quit (Quit: jpabq_)
[01:43:01] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:43:17] wagnerrp: i really need to catch up on the last season of that series
[01:43:36] sphery: I love the series... though it's not looking good for renewal
[01:44:05] sphery: . . . orry/110567/
[01:44:45] russell5 (russell5! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:54] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[01:52:40] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit (Quit: Client exiting)
[01:53:21] sphery: trying to figure out whether we have multiple timelines going on in The Event or if there's just some really bad continuity editing
[01:53:35] ** wagnerrp hates it when people put categories at the top of pages **
[01:53:38] wagnerrp: sphery: the latter
[01:53:43] sphery: hehe
[01:53:59] wagnerrp: stop it, stop it now!
[01:54:11] wagnerrp: hit the escape button, then the delete button
[01:54:13] sphery: they show both sides of a phone conversation in different episodes, but then they use different conversations while doing them
[01:54:14] wagnerrp: you can do it!
[01:54:34] sphery: but I need to know what the event is
[01:54:48] sphery: it's not the plane crash... it's not the assasination attempt...
[01:55:03] wagnerrp: then skip to the end
[01:55:15] wagnerrp: and hope they got to the event before cancelling the show
[01:56:14] sphery: you probably read the last chapter of a book first, right?
[01:57:00] Captain_Murdoch: in this scenario, you're reading the 3rd chapter when they decided not to publish 4–20.
[01:57:16] sphery: hehe, good point
[01:57:31] sphery: didn't stephen king do a "pay for future chapters" book?
[01:58:55] sphery: guess he just proposed it... (took the proposal off his own web site, though)
[01:59:11] Captain_Murdoch: heh. came to his senses?
[02:02:40] sphery: ah, ok, he started--but never finished it since not enough people kept paying:
[02:02:40] ** wagnerrp sees if he can piss off some VIA users by locking their wiki pages as historical archive **
[02:05:00] davide (davide! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[02:22:52] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:26:54] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:37:50] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:53:49] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[03:10:54] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:18:33] wagnerrp: fringe is only 3GB... that cant be good
[03:22:48] wagnerrp: logs dont seem to indicate anything is wrong, file shows up as 1hr in external player
[03:22:58] wagnerrp: its really just... that small
[03:26:01] clever: weird
[03:26:14] clever: though mine is only 1.1gig, no hd capture cards yet
[03:26:51] wagnerrp: there are no HD capture cards mythtv is capable of using
[03:27:20] wagnerrp: and the HDPVR should be closer to 6GB/hr
[03:27:31] clever: dang
[03:29:39] wagnerrp: thats not to say you cant crack open an HDPVR and mount it internally
[03:29:49] wagnerrp: but even if you did, you would still have that external STB to connect to
[03:30:45] clever: i should take another look at HD now that i got some decent systems
[03:31:00] wagnerrp: do you mean HD? or digital?
[03:31:05] wagnerrp: they are not the same thing
[03:31:31] clever: i know i cant capture anything digital, too much encryption up here
[03:31:45] clever: but analog hd thru the component outputs should be posible
[03:31:48] wagnerrp: not for anything broadcast
[03:31:57] wagnerrp: there is no encryption in ATSC
[03:32:09] clever: would a dual core Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz be able to handle the encodes from an hdpvr?
[03:32:23] wagnerrp: nope
[03:32:41] clever: no options to turn the bitrate down?
[03:32:52] wagnerrp: you can, at a reduction in quality
[03:33:13] clever: well, its either SD stuttering HD, or middle ground
[03:33:33] clever: middle ground sounds better then SD
[03:36:21] wagnerrp: or if you cant handle decoding it, hold off on buying a $200 capture box until you can
[03:37:12] clever: any samples of the output avail for download?
[03:37:36] wagnerrp: there were some sample torrents years back, like 30 seconds of video at a couple different bitrates
[03:37:53] clever: was one of them kill bill?
[03:37:54] wagnerrp: i dont know if theyre still active
[03:38:11] wagnerrp: no, just some generic recordings
[03:38:21] clever: must be a different sample that i have then
[03:38:36] wagnerrp: i recall one of them being some show on river rafting
[03:38:53] clever: nope, never seen that sample
[03:39:36] clever: ugh, top 3 google results are youtube, lol
[03:39:46] clever: unlikely to be anywhere near the same encoding
[03:41:56] clever: found some samples :)
[03:42:20] wagnerrp:
[03:48:00] clever: wagnerrp: 16mb for 55 seconds, does that sound like alot?
[03:48:30] clever: VO: [xv] 720x480 => 720x540 Planar YV12
[03:48:40] clever: clearly not HD, but it is h264
[03:48:46] wagnerrp: no, not that much
[03:48:56] wagnerrp: broadcast HD is ~2MB/s
[03:49:02] clever: ah, should have read the sample title better, it was 480i
[03:49:10] clever: second sample is 720
[03:49:27] clever: 32mb, 59seconds, 2mins to dl
[03:49:53] clever: dont see much point in capturing at 1080 either, since my tv only goes up to 720
[03:50:18] wagnerrp: so you can record as it is broadcast, with the minimal number of transformations
[03:50:58] clever: as it is now, the STB is having to scale it down to 720 anyways
[03:51:07] wagnerrp: why?
[03:51:23] wagnerrp: STBs normally have no trouble shifting between resolutions as the source demands
[03:51:54] clever: the tv can only do 720, and the HDMI link has to reset (taking 3–4 seconds) whenever i change between hd and sd channels
[03:52:37] wagnerrp: yikes, my PS3 does it in about a quarter second
[03:53:03] clever: half the problem is the tv, half is the STB
[03:53:06] clever: and the PS3 isnt helping
[03:53:15] clever: i turn the tv on, and then the ps3 comes on by itself
[03:53:28] clever: and if i change input to the myth box, the ps3 switches the tv back to its own input
[03:53:39] clever: once the ps3 is done booting
[03:53:42] wagnerrp: then you have CEC misconfigured
[03:53:57] clever: nope, the HDMI switch box doesnt support CEC
[03:54:06] clever: so the ps3 is unaware of the fact that its on the inactive input
[03:54:18] clever: cheap crap
[03:54:28] wagnerrp: its a single wire bus
[03:54:37] wagnerrp: it is physically connected at all times through the dumb switch
[03:54:44] clever: yeah, but the switch box isnt advertising itself as a switcher
[03:54:47] wagnerrp: so your tv is telling your PS3 to turn on through CEC
[03:54:53] clever: yep
[03:55:06] wagnerrp: and your switcher is just being dumb and switching to the PS3 when the HDMI signal comes in
[03:55:10] clever: and because the switch box is purely passive, it cant be detected as being on the wrong input
[03:55:14] clever: nope
[03:55:20] clever: the switcher doesnt switch!
[03:55:27] clever: it stays on the STB box input
[03:55:41] wagnerrp: you just said it switches to the PS3
[03:55:41] clever: the PS3 comes on, but the input remains set to the STB
[03:55:53] clever: the tv switches to the switch box
[03:55:54] clever: the switch box itself remains on is last input
[03:56:19] clever: and if i change the TV input while the PS3 is booting, the tv goes back to the switch box
[03:56:47] wagnerrp: because you have the PS3 set to continually spam out "watch me! watch me!"
[03:57:00] wagnerrp: so the tv dutifully does so
[03:57:02] clever: its more that it does it once on bootup, /etc/rc.local
[03:57:12] clever: and it took long enough to boot, that i was able to switch inputs
[03:57:26] wagnerrp: wait... ps3? /etc/rc.local?
[03:57:39] clever: just an example
[03:57:58] clever: yeah, my current frontend is strugling with the 720 sample
[03:58:03] clever: A: 38.0 V: 36.7 A-V: 1.222 ct: -0.067 2177/2177 74% 16% 1.8% 704 0
[04:00:17] clever: i'd probly have less problems if i put the DVD and STB on the switcher
[04:00:22] clever: and give the PS3 an input all to itself
[04:00:45] clever: but then that may mess with controling the sound system volume while using the ps3
[04:07:47] shipit (shipit! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:17:47] wagnerrp: i dont know how they manage it, but FOX at 6Mbps still looks better than CBS at 13Mbps
[04:18:34] jpabq: iamlindoro, did you ever figure out why Recording Options -> Edit Recording Schedule -> Metadata Options does not save the changes?
[04:20:13] PC-Doc (PC-Doc!~PC-Doc@ has left #mythtv-users ()
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[05:54:56] ectospasm (ectospasm!~ectospasm@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:55:05] wagnerrp: ectospasm: mythtv supports multiple 'menu themes'
[05:55:12] wagnerrp: you seem to have selected a different one
[05:55:19] ectospasm: OK
[05:55:38] wagnerrp: you likely have the 'classic' theme, and youre looking for 'default'
[05:56:09] wagnerrp: it is selected in the appearance settings in the frontend
[05:57:23] ectospasm: hmmmm... OK, lemme go look.
[05:59:52] croppa (croppa! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[06:04:59] ectospasm: OK, so I set it to default, but I still can't seem to add my music or video libraries... only options I have are for TV, I can't even set up the media libraries in the frontend. I've added them in mythtv-setup. but nothing's there.
[06:05:37] wagnerrp: when you say 'TV', do you mean 'Watch TV'?
[06:06:59] ectospasm: Yeah, the only stuff I can do is TV-related
[06:07:10] ectospasm: ...I'm not even interested in the TV aspects yet
[06:07:14] wagnerrp: mean the actual text
[06:07:22] wagnerrp: is it 'TV' or 'Watch TV'
[06:08:15] ectospasm: It was TV in the classic theme, and Media Library/Watch Recordings
[06:08:26] wagnerrp: ah
[06:08:29] ectospasm: ...nothing else under Media Library
[06:08:37] iamlindoro: meaning you haven't installed the plugins
[06:08:39] wagnerrp: in that case, if you dont have 'Watch Videos', or "Listen to Music"
[06:08:43] wagnerrp: the plugins, yes
[06:08:58] ectospasm: OK, so I need to get the plugins...
[06:10:28] ectospasm: ah, the plugins are named myth* not mythtv*
[06:23:22] ectospasm: Got it working, thanks. Only one thing left to get me back to where I was before with Mythbuntu... I need to enable VDPAU... lmgtfms
[06:24:09] ectospasm: ah, TV settings.
[06:25:33] wagnerrp: you only need to enable vdpau if you have el crappo processor
[06:26:19] wagnerrp: just about any modern dual core, besides Atoms and mobile chips, have plenty of power for any media you might want to throw at them
[06:37:45] ectospasm: heh, I have dual core Atoms.
[06:37:51] ectospasm: And VDPAU is necessary
[06:38:08] ectospasm: works like a charm
[06:38:23] wagnerrp: (on select material)
[06:38:30] ectospasm: TV even looks good now (I don't remember it working well under mythbuntu)
[06:39:38] ectospasm: Well, since the primary function of this HTPC is streaming BD from my NAS, I've found that VDPAU is the only way to get reliable video out of this underpowered rig.
[06:40:10] wagnerrp: commercial BD m2ts files shouldnt have problems on vdpau
[06:40:30] ectospasm: they don't. But my Atom cores had trouble on their own.
[06:40:50] wagnerrp: well the atom doesnt have anything like the kind of power needed
[06:41:00] ectospasm: point well taken.
[06:41:21] wagnerrp: a 1.8GHz dual core atom has about 1/6th-1/8th the performance of a 3GHz dual core chip
[06:41:32] ectospasm: Now, i noticed an Internet video option that I don't remember seeing before... does that mean I can watch youtube and hulu in MythFrontend?
[06:41:52] wagnerrp: anyway, issues with VDPAU tend to be more from flawed recordings, or poorly encoded video
[06:41:55] ectospasm: right... I was going for low noise/fanless.
[06:42:04] wagnerrp: internet video is the plugin MythNetvision
[06:42:15] wagnerrp: which is a general framework for flash and downloadable video
[06:42:29] wagnerrp: there are grabber scripts available to use with it for youtube and hulu
[06:43:52] wagnerrp: note that on an Atom, youre going to struggle with playback of anything through flash
[06:44:21] wagnerrp: its a very inefficient video player, and the atoms just dont have enough to power through it
[06:44:47] ectospasm: that would explain that problem then.
[06:45:59] ectospasm: I've got another HTPC that can play flash OK, but I generally don't use it because for whatever reason only Windows works reliably on it. Probably because my motherboard doesn't strictly list my CPU as a supported processor. That's a mistake I made a while ago.
[06:47:43] ectospasm: Oh, well, it's late, and I need to wake up early. Thanks for the help!
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[07:19:51] wagnerrp: uh oh! my facebook login and password have been stolen!
[07:19:57] wagnerrp: wait... i dont have a facebook login and password
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[08:27:05] melissa: HI GUYS, I am considering upgrading my backend/frontend. It is currently running a q8400. I was thinking of upgrading to a A66–3650. I was wondering if there are any know issue or any experience with these chips
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[08:28:29] melissa: my plan is to disable the on board video and use a gt 430
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[08:31:15] melissa: would intel be a better bet than amd, I found the price to perfomance ratio to be fantastic for the a6–3650
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[11:59:58] lyricnz: why does mythfrontend change the system volume? and how can I change or prevent thsi?
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[12:23:04] lyricnz: Man, linux audio is just crazy
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[13:27:45] redxine1: lyricnz – I find that a matter of opinion ;D
[13:31:09] redxine1: There are two ways myth's front end (or most audio applications in general) can handle changing volume. What you are expecting is that it's done on the application side in software, which myth can do. However since it's done in software it'll be somewhat less responsive than just having myth control volume using the system mixer, which in most cases is accomplished in hardware. Hence why it changes the "system" PCM volume.
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[13:43:29] lyricnz: yeah, I found the "stop messing with my volume" setting :)
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[13:43:57] lyricnz: And while hunting around in TV for something else, found the "overscan=OFF" setting. Woop!
[13:45:20] lyricnz: So frontend is 90% sorted now – DVI->HDMI, 1080p resolution, analog volume working properly. Just need to figure out digital audio on my MB, someday
[13:47:59] wagnerrp: overscan=off... thats a rare option
[13:48:25] wagnerrp: what tv?
[13:49:16] lyricnz: panasonic 50" plasma. can find model if you're that interested...
[13:50:08] wagnerrp: nah, just curious
[13:50:26] lyricnz: found it in the setup menu. nice, that's been bugging me for ages.
[13:50:39] lyricnz: Can workaround in myth, but makes using the desktop (occasionally) a pain
[13:51:27] wagnerrp: considering digital tv has well defined edges with no underscan
[13:51:39] wagnerrp: there is _exactly_zero_reason_ for a tv to have overscan
[13:51:58] wagnerrp: just rare to find one that actually realizes this
[13:52:11] laga: my digital tv has some noise at the top.
[13:53:01] wagnerrp: you mean analog data in the top couple scanlines, that a broadcaster has foolishly encoded in-frame?
[13:53:36] laga: yes.
[13:53:49] wagnerrp: maybe if enough digital tvs didnt have overscan, people would understand what incompetent fools operate that station and complain
[13:53:57] ** wagnerrp heads to the store **
[13:55:10] laga: chicken-egg problem
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[14:38:40] wagnerrp: theres no chicken/egg problem
[14:38:52] wagnerrp: tv manufacturers should make a stand for sensibility
[14:39:13] ** awalls practices reading VBI data by looking at the pixels FOX broadcasts **
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[14:42:50] awalls: I guess TV manufacturers could autodetect if VBI data was on the top few image lines and adaptively change overscan on or off
[14:43:23] wagnerrp: but... VBI data comes in out-of-frame on a 525 (or 625) scanline signal
[14:43:35] wagnerrp: digital signals are 480i or 576i
[14:43:35] awalls: I doubt they will want to ever display "junk" to the end consumer
[14:43:44] wagnerrp: meaning compressed by some 8%
[14:44:06] wagnerrp: that VBI data is now blended, and cannot be accurately read
[14:44:23] wagnerrp: its worthless, theres no point to keeping it
[14:44:36] awalls: Oh I agree it is useless in the image
[14:45:24] awalls: But what mfr is going to let the consumer see junk on the screen and have the consumer look to a compititor's product that doesn't show it.
[14:45:42] awalls: /competitr's/
[14:45:50] ** awalls can't spell **
[14:46:01] wagnerrp: one with principles
[14:46:05] wagnerrp: and no business sense
[14:46:09] awalls: :)
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[14:48:15] ** wagnerrp would love a TV that would display that garbage in-frame, with a popup pointing to it saying "this broadcaster is run by a bunch of tools" **
[14:48:27] wagnerrp: and promptly change channel to one better run
[14:48:37] wagnerrp: of course that would mean i would never watch anything on CBS...
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[14:50:09] redxine: haha. CBS has always done a very nice job of making me irate with all their media outreach
[14:50:19] wagnerrp: they are _terrible_ around here
[14:50:36] wagnerrp: their 1080i primary is only twice the bandwidth of their 480i secondary
[14:50:51] redxine: I was talking about the content x3
[14:50:52] wagnerrp: the secondary is flooded with that VBI crap by the way
[14:51:20] redxine: ZDNet writes like they're being paid to be microsoft's tool.
[14:51:33] wagnerrp: they have all sorts of problems when switching between their own feed for news blurbs or commercials, and back to the corporate feed
[14:51:40] redxine: and DON'T GET ME STARTED on Lawrence O'Donnald.
[14:51:47] redxine: Haha I've noticed that.
[14:51:59] awalls: Occasionally ABC's 7.2 OTA shows a Windows XP desktop. :)
[14:52:25] wagnerrp: once or twice a week during the limited stuff i perform, they manage to completely botch it and send the 4:3 480i version upscaled to 1080i
[14:52:38] wagnerrp: s/perform/record/
[14:52:54] redxine: ROFL a desktop x3
[14:52:59] awalls: Oooo, blocky
[14:53:33] wagnerrp: would you rather it drop back to an amiga or onyx?
[14:53:51] redxine: It'd tickle me to see a *NIX kernel panic
[14:53:52] wagnerrp: :)
[14:54:27] redxine: I've always been under the impression that windows was too unprofessional to be used in something as big as broadcast media lol
[14:54:37] wagnerrp: well the stations used to use Amiga and SGI systems for their computerized compositing
[14:54:39] redxine: since I was 6 x3
[14:55:18] awalls: ABC 7.2 is a local, prerecorded and computer gen'ed Wx broadcast
[14:55:20] wagnerrp: i frequently see windows-isms on the weather forecasts
[14:57:18] redxine: NT isn't a real time kernel lol.
[14:57:40] wagnerrp: who says it has to be?
[14:57:51] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:58:05] wagnerrp: its just providing some video feed, to be composited by another system
[14:58:10] redxine: realtime chroma key and audio processing, perhaps?
[14:58:13] redxine: ah
[14:58:39] wagnerrp: the weather software just happened to CTD
[14:58:52] wagnerrp: while the desktop was still switched into the feed
[14:59:07] awalls: CTD ?
[14:59:13] wagnerrp: crash-to-desktop
[14:59:18] awalls: Thx
[14:59:48] redxine: I would be so lost without wikipedia x3
[15:00:06] redxine:
[15:05:57] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:06:41] PC_Doc: I am having trouble with Myth flagging commercials. Is there someone that coud give me a hand?
[15:07:03] wagnerrp: not until you ask a specific question
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[15:08:49] PC_Doc: I am running Mythbuntu 9.4 commercial flagging worked fine but after update it will not skip commercials anymore.
[15:08:50] wagnerrp: second rule of mythtv irc... dont ask to ask, just ask
[15:09:11] wagnerrp: what version did you update to?
[15:09:29] PC_Doc: Just OS and Myth updates not version update
[15:09:57] wagnerrp: meaning youre still running MythTV 0.21?
[15:10:16] PC_Doc: Ubuntu 11.04 Myth .24
[15:10:26] wagnerrp: that would be a version update
[15:10:29] wagnerrp: 0.21 to 0.24
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[15:11:20] wagnerrp: can i see what specific version? i want the first line output by 'mythbackend --version'
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[15:12:06] PC_Doc: MythTV Version  : v0.24.1-110-gf5fd11f
[15:13:10] wagnerrp: there was an issue where the wrong frame number was being used in the scanner, resulting in wildly poor results
[15:13:24] wagnerrp: but it was fixed in v0.24.1–95
[15:13:54] wagnerrp: open up the backend status page (http://yourbackend:6544)
[15:14:02] melissa: HI guys, I am considering upgrading my backend/frontend. It is currently running a q8400. I was thinking of upgrading to a A6–3650. I was wondering if there are any know issue or any experience with these chips?
[15:14:09] PC_Doc: No, worked fine but now I am getting incorrect flagging always indicated 134 breaks found which I suspect is an error code.
[15:14:40] wagnerrp: melissa: thats actually a downgrade
[15:14:59] melissa: do the newer amd chips work well with myhtv
[15:15:03] wagnerrp: a q8400 will have slightly higher performance than an a6–3650
[15:15:26] wagnerrp: amd processors work fine, amd graphics do not
[15:15:51] melissa: oh, i looked up some benchmarks and it seemed to be fater
[15:16:03] melissa: faster
[15:16:07] wagnerrp: what kind of benchmarks?
[15:16:26] PC_Doc: Backend page is up
[15:17:22] wagnerrp: PC_Doc: you had already answered what i was looking for from that page
[15:18:52] wagnerrp: in 0.24, error codes are anything from 239–255
[15:18:59] wagnerrp: 134 is actually the number of breaks it found
[15:19:03] wagnerrp: which is of course wrong
[15:19:11] wagnerrp: but means a successful exit
[15:19:33] wagnerrp: one of the things ive never liked about how that is set up, a successful exist should _always_ be 0
[15:19:45] melissa: it was the passmark cpu benchmark, the q8400 gets a 3693 and the A6–3650 a 5118
[15:19:53] wagnerrp: passing data through the exit code is somewhere between ugly and broken
[15:20:04] PC_Doc: So you want me to look in the backend log files for error codes 239–255?
[15:20:31] wagnerrp: PC_Doc: no, im saying the commflagger exited successfully
[15:20:38] wagnerrp: it did not error, it just didnt work properly
[15:20:49] PC_Doc: Ok gotcha
[15:21:15] PC_Doc: If I manually queue flagging it takes about 10 sec before it finishes with the 134 breaks
[15:21:19] sid3windr: heh
[15:21:25] ** sid3windr reads that as "just updated, didn't actually update" **
[15:21:40] sid3windr: the "just os and myth updates not version update"
[15:21:40] sid3windr: :)
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[15:22:53] lapion: can anyone tell what the name of the script for finding stale mythtv files is again ?
[15:23:04] wagnerrp:
[15:23:09] lapion: thanks..
[15:30:17] wagnerrp: melissa: i want to say there is something questionable about those results
[15:30:49] wagnerrp: the Llano chips are nothing but a standard Stars core with a GPU tacked on
[15:31:07] wagnerrp: thats the same core as found in the Phenom II and Athlon II chips
[15:31:24] wagnerrp: which are fairly comparable clock for clock with the Core 2 chips
[15:32:07] melissa: wagnerrp, would passmark be a fair assessment of speed. I was also wondering if myth is planning to take advantage of some intel tech (perhaps quick sync)
[15:32:48] wagnerrp: for a 2.6GHz quad core Stars to perform 50% better than a 2.66GHz quad core yorkfield
[15:32:54] wagnerrp: there is something wrong going on
[15:33:20] wagnerrp: mythtv cant take advantage of quick sync until drivers for accessing it are made available on linux
[15:33:31] wagnerrp: ive not heard any indication that they are
[15:34:10] melissa: Ahhh, well perhaps I should look at some other benchmarks. I was quite surprised by the results I found
[15:35:03] wagnerrp: 2.6GHz should make it comparable to an X4 810
[15:35:28] wagnerrp: which scored a 3129 on the same benchmark
[15:35:43] wagnerrp: much more reasonable, perhaps a bit low
[15:35:51] wagnerrp: maybe the core2 was tested with better memory
[15:36:21] wagnerrp: i would say either that number was taking the integrated graphics into account, or was pulled from a heavily overclocked processor
[15:37:41] wagnerrp: heres an A8–3800, same chip as the 3650 but 200MHz slower and a faster graphics core, measured 3260
[15:37:55] melissa:
[15:38:16] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:38:19] melissa: You are very right, I will scrap that idea
[15:39:27] wagnerrp: your CPU is plenty fast as it is, youre not going to find any commercial content it does not have the power to decode
[15:39:41] wagnerrp: a newer i5 might be able to do so with somewhat lower power consumption
[15:40:03] wagnerrp: but i would stay away from any AMD graphics
[15:40:24] wagnerrp: and would only bother with intel graphics if you absolutely need a slim machine (such that you couldnt do a discrete nvidia card)
[15:40:47] melissa: Yeah, I was planning on using a gt 430
[15:41:30] melissa: I think I will stick with intel
[15:42:06] melissa: it was just a really good price, lol
[15:42:43] wagnerrp: that chip would be great for mythtv... if we had decent AMD graphics drivers
[15:42:51] melissa: I was thinking of the upgrade since my system is not fast enough to transcode recordings into flash\
[15:42:58] BLZbubba: it's kind of sad, nvidia is really the only way to go
[15:43:02] BLZbubba: thanks to vdpau
[15:43:19] wagnerrp: but AMD inherited a cesspool of Linux support from AI
[15:43:21] wagnerrp: ATI
[15:43:23] BLZbubba: i have a gt210 and it is fanless; works great
[15:43:45] wagnerrp: a q8400 should have absolutely no trouble with the live flash transcoding in mythweb
[15:44:23] wagnerrp: unless perhaps youre trying to do so with full bitrate HDPVR content, and then only if ffmpeg isnt intelligent enough to shuffle encoding to a second thread
[15:44:24] melissa: it does, i think the problem is decoding the source from the hd-pvr
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[15:47:50] melissa: hummm, maybe I will have to look into whether it is shuffling different jobs to different threads, I dont think it is, as the other 3 threads seem to have very low usage
[15:48:21] wagnerrp: you might want to check with the ffmpeg people
[15:48:28] wagnerrp: maybe there is a flag we should be using that we arent
[15:48:42] melissa: I will look into it
[15:49:05] wagnerrp: . . . is the code in question
[15:50:37] melissa: thanks wagnerrp
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[16:27:55] BLZbubba: if my shows are showing up in the schedule an hour later than they should be, is that likely to be a problem with mythfilldatabase, or schedules direct, or somewhere else? the time zone on the backend looks to be correct
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[16:38:04] BLZbubba: actually they show up in the schedule just fine but then they record at the wrong time and show up with the wrong time in the recorded programs
[16:38:54] wagnerrp: are you using a proper time zone? or a dumb GMT offset?
[16:42:47] clgshaft (clgshaft!~clgshaft@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:45:21] BLZbubba: America/Denver
[16:46:10] BLZbubba: at least in all the places I know to set it; e.g. /etc/localtime and /etc/timezone
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[16:50:48] sphery: BLZbubba: you're using schedules direct?
[16:50:55] BLZbubba: yes
[16:52:13] BLZbubba: it seems to be going into the schedule ok; it is just choosing to record at a different time
[16:52:16] sphery: BLZbubba: did you set something for "Your local time zone (for XMLTV)" in mythtv-setup? It should be set to None.
[16:52:50] BLZbubba: any idea what the settings table value is?
[16:52:52] sphery: (which is th edefault)
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[16:53:58] BLZbubba: upcoming recordings is also correct
[16:55:53] jpabq: sphery, I just updated to latest master. After installing it, I did the equivalent of "service mythbackend restart". Now I have a prompt in that window asking if I want to upgrade the DB, but I can't type into it, because mythbackend is effectively running in the background. Do I need to run mythbackend in the foreground first?
[16:56:27] wagnerrp: the master backend should update automatically
[16:56:38] wagnerrp: anything else should refuse to do so
[16:58:13] sphery: jpabq: either that or run mythtv-setup in the foreground
[16:58:20] jpabq: mythbackend is being started using the fedora init scripts that I got from contrib years ago. Looks like it is being started with "daemon ... mythbackend --daemon ..."
[16:58:23] sphery: stuartm mentioned it was doing that
[16:58:38] sphery: I'm pretty sure it's the result of the fix for
[16:58:43] sphery: I'll look into it soon
[16:58:59] jpabq: Okay. I will run mythtv-setup. Thanks.
[16:59:19] iamlindoro: It's like backwards thunderdome
[16:59:25] iamlindoro: One bug enters, two bugs leave
[16:59:41] sphery: hehe
[17:00:06] wagnerrp: thunderbowl!
[17:00:19] sphery: doesn't that also happen in an amoeba hotel?
[17:00:49] BLZbubba: maybe i just need to restart mythbackend every time the time changes?
[17:01:06] sphery: BLZbubba: I don't restart mine
[17:01:44] sphery: BLZbubba: based on the fact that you're asking about direct database manipulation, is it possible you've put bad values in the DB? Can I see all the output of select * from settings where value = 'TimeOffset';
[17:02:13] BLZbubba: | TimeOffset | None | NULL |
[17:02:26] jpabq: iamlindoro, did you see my question about changes to the inetref not being saved in Recording Options -> Edit Recording Schedule -> Metadata Options ?
[17:02:50] BLZbubba: i restarted mythbackend and the 10:00am show recorded correctly, weird
[17:03:04] BLZbubba: i'll keep watching it througout the day
[17:03:26] sphery: BLZbubba: sounds like your system is running with a bad time zone specified--like wagnerrp was alluding to
[17:03:28] iamlindoro: jpabq: I saw it, but no idea-- it is actually saved in the DB IIRC but something is cached in the PBB and the cache is what's not getting updated
[17:03:44] iamlindoro: no doubt some "optimization"
[17:04:33] BLZbubba: is there somewhere other than /etc/timezone and /etc/localtime to set it?
[17:04:47] sphery: how you set time zone is all distro specific...
[17:04:48] BLZbubba: for mythbackend anyway
[17:04:54] jpabq: iamlindoro, After changing the inetref, I did try to leave the "Watch Recordings" screen, and then go back in and checked, and the inetref was back to the old, wrong value. I did not try to completely exit mythfrontend, though.
[17:04:56] BLZbubba: mythbuntu
[17:05:31] iamlindoro: jpabq: It works fine in every other instance of the rec rule editor, so whatever it is is specific to th ePBB
[17:05:37] sphery: BLZbubba: sha1sum /etc/timezone /etc/localtime
[17:06:11] jpabq: iamlindoro, okay. I just remember you trying to track that down a while ago, and didn't know what the status was. Thanks.
[17:06:35] sphery: BLZbubba: better... sha1sum /etc/timezone /etc/localtime /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Denver
[17:07:03] sphery: I'm guessing /etc/timezone is different (assuming it's a text file with just America/Denver in it or something)
[17:07:16] sphery: but wonderin gif your localtime actually is what you think it is
[17:07:48] iamlindoro: jpabq: np, guess I sort of lost track of that one, I don't really edit rec rules from the PBB… I imagine it's something danielk could probably answer with no trouble, since he may be the one two wrote whatever optimization is going awry
[17:08:26] jpabq: You use mythweb instead?
[17:08:47] BLZbubba: localtime matches the zoneinfo file for Denver
[17:09:11] sphery: and /etc/timezone content is?
[17:09:14] iamlindoro: jpabq: No, I use any one of the other FE means of editing the rules
[17:09:14] wagnerrp: jpabq: i imagine hes talking about storing them in the recording rule
[17:09:24] wagnerrp: so they get auomatically picked up by the recordings
[17:09:34] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: That's what he's talking about too
[17:09:53] iamlindoro: He's just talking about entering the rule editor from the PBB, versus Manage Recordings->Recording Rules
[17:10:03] wagnerrp: you can make recording rule changes in the PBB?
[17:10:09] iamlindoro: Same rule editor, different results
[17:10:15] iamlindoro: yes, highlight a recording and press E
[17:10:35] Scopeuk-AFK is now known as Scopeuk
[17:11:01] jpabq: iamlindoro, It is in the Watch Recordings screen that I notice that the "art" is wrong, so it just seems natural to "fix" it there.
[17:11:33] jpabq: Next time, I will try it from Manage instead.
[17:11:55] iamlindoro: It works fine from any other means of entering the editor
[17:12:03] iamlindoro: that's why I'm convinced it's a PBB caching thing
[17:14:27] jpabq: make sense. Is there a ticket for the problem? I doubt anyone else is looking at it, if there isn't. I could create one, but you seem to know more about the problem...
[17:14:55] iamlindoro: I don't think there's a ticket
[17:15:09] iamlindoro: I doubt anyone besides me will look at it even if there is a ticket
[17:16:02] iamlindoro: Feel free to open one, though I am not sure how soon I will look at it
[17:18:04] jpabq: Okay. I fully understand priorities --- especially considering how much you are being payed :-)
[17:19:59] iamlindoro: jpabq: I suspect figuring it out will mean me sucking it up and asking daniel what is different caching wise in the PBB with the rec rules… I already felt enough like all the metadata changes were unwanted so when I was working through the bugs at first I felt like I was on my own to find solutions
[17:21:06] BLZbubba: sphery: America/Denver
[17:24:16] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:24:51] sphery: BLZbubba: I have no idea why (some parts of) your system kept operating with the old offset in place (in spite of the rules). If you figure it out, though, I'd love to know as we usually have 1–4 people per DST change that mention that they need to restart mythbackend to pick up the time change, and I have no idea how you could configure a system to do that (as it's completely wrong behavior and flies in the face of the whole ...
[17:24:57] sphery: ... zoneinfo/Olson DB
[17:26:02] sphery: BLZbubba: about the only way I could actually imagine that could even cause that is if your start script does something incredibly stupid like look at the current offset and then set a specific offset in the TZ environment variable
[17:26:34] sphery: so that you're actually running the backend in +7 until you restart it
[17:27:48] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:36:46] sphery: hmmm... -users list says that the nvidia driver that I just installed after updating my kernel, yesterday (285.05.09) is unstable/causing issues. Wonder if that's some Fedora-specific packaging thing (as it seems to work fine for me)
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[17:38:39] sphery: iamlindoro: Does #10167 actually report a bug and give a completely unrelated patch in the same ticket?
[17:39:50] sphery: oh, it's saying that the patch seems to fix the mentioned issue, but leaves other locations affected by the same symptom
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[18:07:32] wizbit: does mythtv switch screen resolutions using built in code or does it use a external program?
[18:08:59] wagnerrp: it uses randr
[18:11:41] wizbit: i removed lots of packages from my pxe build, i need to make sure i didnt remove that!
[18:11:51] wagnerrp: its part of Xorg
[18:12:03] wagnerrp: you would have to try hard for the distro to let you remove it
[18:12:07] wizbit: its still there yep :D
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[19:26:22] robertzaccour (robertzaccour! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:26:26] robertzaccour: hey yall
[19:27:55] robertzaccour: I was wondering if I could somehow make a folder that would display what is recorded from my ps3 with my hd-pvr in real time making my laptop screen also a display for my ps3. I use cat /dev/video1 > "whatever I wanna call it".avi to record my gameplay
[19:35:37] skd5aner: you won't be able to do anything in "real-time" with mythtv... there will always be a few seconds delay
[19:38:05] AndyUbuntu (AndyUbuntu! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:39:31] wagnerrp: for that matter, you wont be able to do anything "real time" with an HDPVR
[19:39:41] wagnerrp: all hardware encoders will have some mount of delay
[19:39:48] wagnerrp: i think on the HDPVR, its about a second
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[19:40:31] wagnerrp: also, the HDPVR does not output 'avi's, it outputs 'ts's or potentially 'mpg's
[19:40:52] wagnerrp: although no properly written media player will care one way or another
[19:41:15] skd5aner: mine outputs docx files
[19:49:28] awalls: PVR-150s and HVR-1600s seem to have a 2 second lag between output of YUV vs output of MPEG
[19:50:05] robertzaccour: well it was worth thinkin about I suppose.
[19:50:08] awalls: MPEG output is not very good for playing video games.
[19:50:20] robertzaccour: a wet dream, poof. thanks anyhow :)
[19:50:25] wagnerrp: no, just get a TV
[19:50:44] robertzaccour: lookin at prices. got my eye on an emerson at wal-mart on the 25th
[19:50:49] wagnerrp: or even a monitor, since just about all of them do HDCP these days
[19:50:54] robertzaccour: 40" 1080p $240
[19:51:15] awalls: With the PVR-150 and HVR-1600 you can get good enough with the YUV stream. I'm not sure if the HD-PVR has such a mode.
[19:54:08] robertzaccour: awalls: what is YUV stream?
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[19:54:41] wagnerrp: the raw 12-bpp video stream
[19:55:17] wagnerrp: as opposed to the mpeg stream out of the hardware encoder chip
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[19:57:54] awalls: for reference, you can get both the YUV and MPEG stream coming from the chip at the same time.
[19:58:15] awalls: So you can watch YUV and record MPEG to disk.
[19:58:32] awalls: But you won't be using MythTV for the live watching of the YUV.
[19:58:59] awalls: as MythTV buffers everything to disk anyway IIRC
[19:59:45] unlord (unlord! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:59:47] unlord: hi guys
[19:59:58] unlord: does anyone have a PVR-225-
[20:00:14] unlord: PVR-2250
[20:00:33] iamlindoro: nope, nobody does
[20:00:41] wagnerrp: in the whole world
[20:00:44] iamlindoro: since there's no such thing
[20:01:16] unlord: Hauppauge HVR-2250
[20:01:22] iamlindoro: That said, Some people have HVR-2250s, but there are likely tons of people who can answer your question without having to pass an entrance exam
[20:01:33] iamlindoro: So it might be better just to ask the actual question
[20:01:40] unlord: I am not seeing any channels
[20:01:55] unlord: as in, it scans and it says it detects them but the signal strenght is zero
[20:01:59] wagnerrp: scanning digital on FIOS?
[20:02:10] unlord: Comcast
[20:02:20] AndyUbuntu (AndyUbuntu! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:02:22] robertzaccour: I was talking to someone in another channel about streaming ps3 gameplay with vlc
[20:02:32] wagnerrp: you have FIOS for internet but comcast for cable?
[20:02:36] wagnerrp: why split it apart?
[20:02:46] unlord: billing reasons
[20:03:18] wagnerrp: seems odd... but in any case, why type of card did you add the -2250 as?
[20:03:42] wagnerrp: v4l? mpeg? dvb?
[20:03:49] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[20:03:58] unlord: dvb I believe, this is my first MythTV setup
[20:04:16] wagnerrp: and it auto-detected the device at /dev/dvb/adapter0?
[20:05:26] unlord: I believe so, let me go into the setup and check
[20:05:32] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[20:05:52] unlord: /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 is what I have
[20:06:03] wagnerrp: you have the cable plugged into the right input?
[20:06:07] wagnerrp: one is for tv, one is for radio
[20:06:46] wagnerrp: you have the card plugged directly into the cable coming out of the wall? not through your cable box?
[20:07:12] unlord: yep, I tested the cable out of the wall and my HD TV decodes the channels just fine
[20:07:39] unlord: and yes, I have it into the correct coax in, but I can confirm that again
[20:07:43] wagnerrp: when you scanned, you were using the 'cable' channel table, and 'qam-256' modulation?
[20:08:03] sphery: unlord: ignore the signal strength--it's mostly meaningless... but you likely need to up the signal timeout and tuning timeout on the capture card in mythtv-setup... try 3000/5500 or so (in whichever order they appear on screen... forget which is which)
[20:08:54] unlord: wagnerrp: where do I choose that, I am scanning from Input Connections
[20:09:21] wagnerrp: they are options in the page that comes up to configure the scan options
[20:10:18] unlord: wagnerrp: setting Modulation right?
[20:10:50] wagnerrp: both of those settings are on the same page
[20:10:51] unlord: okay, I see what you are saynig
[20:11:20] unlord: its scanning, but it still says Timed out, no signal
[20:11:31] unlord: sphery: where do I set the timeout options?
[20:11:42] sphery: and you've let it run through the whole list--not just the initial few channels
[20:11:59] sphery: it will time out on any channel without an actual signal
[20:12:01] unlord: sphery: its still going through everything
[20:12:04] sphery: in capture card options
[20:12:11] wagnerrp: going through everything should take about 10 minutes
[20:12:16] wagnerrp: there are about 150 channels it scans
[20:12:28] unlord: I'm at 20%
[20:14:09] wagnerrp: heres what you should be expecting, and the channel they are found on... . . . neup_8306792
[20:14:35] wagnerrp: seems most of the stuff will be in the 60–120 range
[20:15:26] robertzaccour (robertzaccour! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[20:15:29] wizbit: i need to get my head around cpan, i cannot get DateTime::Format::ISO8601 installed, missing deps, even the missing deps will not install, i think there is something wrong with my cpan setup
[20:16:15] xrdodrx (xrdodrx!~xrd@unaffiliated/xrdodrx) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[20:16:31] unlord: wagnerrp: yah, these are the channels my TV decodes
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[20:30:35] wagnerrp: well thats a new one
[20:30:45] wagnerrp: a wiki spam bot spamming links to spam on other wikis
[20:31:09] unlord: it found some channels
[20:31:53] AndyCap: wagnerrp: link juice?
[20:32:04] wagnerrp: ?
[20:32:13] redxine: spam inception? lol
[20:34:16] unlord: wagnerrp: cool, I'm decoding a western :)
[20:34:25] unlord: wagnerrp: I don't have any sound yet
[20:34:40] wagnerrp: thats a playback issue, not a recording one
[20:35:46] unlord: yeah, I suppose so
[20:36:02] MrPaco_ (MrPaco_! has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[20:36:21] wagnerrp: its simply not possible for the digital recording to not have sound
[20:36:28] wagnerrp: unless the code itself is horribly broken
[20:36:38] wagnerrp: ill say its not possible for a misconfiguration to cause that
[20:38:41] unlord: well, the sounds works in other programs
[20:38:57] wagnerrp: what distro are you running?
[20:39:02] unlord: gentoo
[20:39:25] wagnerrp: standard ALSA, or did you decide to install pulseaudio?
[20:39:41] unlord: I think gnome uses pulseaudio now
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[20:39:53] wagnerrp: gnome uses whatever you tell it to
[20:40:04] wagnerrp: by default, pulseaudio is not compiled on gentoo
[20:40:06] unlord: I'm pretty sure this is pulse audio
[20:40:16] wagnerrp: you need to specify it by changing your USE flags
[20:40:44] unlord: I've got USE=pulseaudio
[20:41:14] wagnerrp: go into your sound setup, let mythtv scan for devices
[20:41:25] wagnerrp: use the one that looks like 'ALSA:default'
[20:41:29] wagnerrp: or something along those lines
[20:41:31] unlord: in the mythconfig?
[20:41:36] wagnerrp: frontend setup
[20:41:55] wagnerrp: mythtv will disable pulseaudio temporarily, so it can get at the delicious ALSA devices underneath
[20:42:05] AndyUbuntu (AndyUbuntu! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:42:08] unlord: Audio output device is ALSA:default
[20:42:27] wagnerrp: scan for new devices, and see if it comes up with a different list
[20:42:40] wagnerrp: ALSA:default may not be a valid device on your system
[20:42:55] unlord: set it to ALSA:hdmi and it works now :)
[20:43:54] wagnerrp: understand that pulseaudio doesnt actually support hardware it just acts as an unnecessary layer between the ALSA or OSS drivers, and the applications
[20:44:45] unlord: wagnerrp: there was a good reason I installed it, I'm not sure what that was now
[20:44:59] wagnerrp: wanting to do network audio?
[20:45:26] wagnerrp: that or bluetooth headphones are about the only two reasons
[20:46:42] unlord: is there a TV Guide like plugin for mythtv?
[20:46:50] wagnerrp: no
[20:47:30] wagnerrp: there is the native EPG built into the core
[20:47:36] wagnerrp: so there is no need for a plugin
[20:47:40] unlord: oh okay
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[20:48:09] unlord: my 2250 came with a remote control, and an IR cable. is it possible to make that work?
[20:48:15] wagnerrp: although it does require a data source, and for north america, that data source is schedules direct
[20:48:25] wagnerrp: i dont know if the IR input on the 2250 works off hand
[20:49:46] unlord: lol, so some channels are split into two pieces vertically
[20:49:57] wagnerrp: huh?
[20:50:33] unlord: maybe its interlaced or something, I'm seeing two copies of the same video with one on top and one on bottom
[20:50:47] wagnerrp: sounds like youve got an AMD vidoe card
[20:50:48] iamlindoro: ATI Driver, Bob2x
[20:50:59] unlord: I do have an ATI driver
[20:52:40] unlord: HD 5570
[20:53:29] wagnerrp: is this a machine dedicated to mythtv? or one that behaves as a linux desktop?
[20:55:02] unlord: its in the living room, but I use the desktop to watch hulu, dailyshow, etc.
[20:55:31] unlord: so I guess it behaves as a linux desktop, if I can get the TV part working well I can leave mythtv up all the time
[20:55:56] wagnerrp: you would be well advised to swap that card for something nvidia
[20:56:10] unlord: ahh okay
[20:56:22] wagnerrp: you can pick up a GT210 for aound $25
[20:57:21] wagnerrp: AMD graphics on linux, especially if you need video playback or opengl, is just a bunch of hassle
[20:59:08] iamlindoro: In the immediate future, however, you can simply use a Playback Profile which doesn't use the Bob 2x deinterlacer
[20:59:16] iamlindoro: meaning switch to "Slim"
[20:59:33] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:00:32] unlord: iamlindoro: where do I set this playback profile?
[21:02:19] unlord: got it
[21:02:59] unlord: thanks, I fixed it
[21:03:30] unlord: the picture looks a little strange
[21:03:36] awalls (awalls! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[21:06:08] unlord: thanks guys
[21:07:18] redxine: HAH. I cleaned up my desk a little and found a €50 note. Who knows what else I've lost in this mess.
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[21:45:52] EvilGuru: It has only taken three months, but I finally have a PCTV 290e
[21:46:34] wagnerrp: low availability for T2 receivers?
[21:47:07] EvilGuru: Seemingly so
[21:47:58] EvilGuru: I got it at a very good price £57.99
[21:48:34] EvilGuru: it is £80 everywhere else, even now
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[22:02:44] wagnerrp: sphery: whats that link to the schema image?
[22:02:54] wagnerrp: the copy i have is about a year old
[22:03:25] wagnerrp: ive got the base idea working, but i want the real schema to start designing off of to figure out what other utility classes would be useful
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[22:05:14] sphery: + . . . e_schema.png , but I need to make a few changes that iaml indoro requested
[22:05:42] wagnerrp: anything significant?
[22:07:34] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:07:45] sphery: metadatacommon.coverfile to coverart ...and merging more of videofilemetadata (and recording equivalents) to metadatacommon
[22:08:06] Scopeuk-AFK is now known as Scopeuk
[22:08:36] wagnerrp: merging... as in common fields in each will go to metadatacommon? or they will both cease to exist?
[22:08:54] sphery: <iaml indoro> metadatacommon should contain, in addition to what you have there: title, subtitle, description/plot, tagline, length/runtime and category ... That leaves the following in videofilemetadata: insertdata, showlevel, browse, and metadataid ... and the following in recorded: chanid, progstart, progend, autoexpire, recgroup, recordid, seriesid, programid, lastmodified, previouslyshown, preserve, findid, deletepending, ...
[22:09:00] sphery: ... transcoder, timestretch, recpriority, basename, profile, duplicate, bookmarkupdate, matadataid ...
[22:10:05] wagnerrp: any reason not to put series/programid in common?
[22:10:06] sphery: I'll try to get it updated early next week, then get it approaved by iam lindoro, then just push a change with the new schema tables (all will be exactly what they will be except I'll need a temp for recorded, videomarkup, and videoseek--maybe recfile_* ?
[22:10:23] iamlindoro: sphery: looks like "processed" is missing in the above list, which would be in videofilemetadata
[22:10:23] sphery: programid is going in, but not seriesid
[22:10:39] sphery: thx
[22:11:01] sphery: "And honestly, you can probably move seriesid into metadatacommon too ... hmm, no, scratch that, leave it in recorded for now"
[22:11:10] iamlindoro: Which does make me a little nervous about this change-- that the design is based on an ld schema.. hoping we don't find that anything was missed post-schema change
[22:11:29] wagnerrp: ld?
[22:11:33] sphery: old
[22:11:37] wagnerrp: oh
[22:11:42] iamlindoro: maybe it would be worth looking at the two tables and re-working it once before pulling the trigger
[22:11:46] sphery: we can't miss anything when we're converting data and code, so we'll get it
[22:12:11] wagnerrp: well this gives me the general structure, which is all im really looking for
[22:12:25] sphery: yeah, actually processed is in the schema description, just not yet in picture
[22:12:31] sphery: old pic
[22:12:32] wagnerrp: repositioning of individual data points will be trivial with how im configuring this thing
[22:13:04] sphery: (it's in the text version, not the entity diagram)
[22:13:14] wagnerrp: but things like how metadata matches to parts matches to files matches to markup... that takes a bit more effort
[22:13:29] sphery: cool
[22:13:53] sphery: I'll really try to get it in the db soon so you can practice with real tables--and will just need to change 3 table names when we go official
[22:14:10] sphery: soon = after the weekend
[22:14:21] wagnerrp: thats not really necessary
[22:14:31] sphery: would be helpful for me, too, though
[22:14:39] wagnerrp: i should be able to code this thing up blind for the most part, with a bit of testing and debugging at the end
[22:14:39] sphery: so not just for you :)
[22:14:48] wagnerrp: i just wanted to know the structure i was coding against
[22:15:45] sphery: so now I'm wondering if lindoro pings iamlindoro ... maybe I need to break in different places to prevent disturbing him
[22:15:57] sphery: (though, actually, it was good he showed up this time)
[22:16:45] sphery: iamlindoro: actually, just noticed that processed is in metadatacommon... is that right (for the metadata processing for tv, too, sounds good?)
[22:16:57] sphery:
[22:17:10] wagnerrp: sphery: probably not needed
[22:17:34] wagnerrp: since the only batch grabber is if you run mythmetadatalookup on the command line
[22:17:57] wagnerrp: within the UI, its all run through the jobqueue as each episode gets recorded
[22:18:18] iamlindoro: yeah, it's not needed for recordings
[22:18:33] sphery: ok, will move it back
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[22:35:42] wagnerrp: sphery: that image never got linked into people/credits either
[22:39:06] sphery: right, people/credits change is/can be separate
[22:40:08] wagnerrp: would that be linked into metadataid then?
[22:44:26] esperegu_ (esperegu_!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:44:29] sphery: likely
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[22:49:47] wagnerrp: any notes on how mediafile.type/subtype work?
[22:50:13] wagnerrp: nevermind, found them
[22:51:56] wagnerrp: sphery: perhaps there should be a unique tag for recordedfile?
[22:52:28] wagnerrp: something that could guarantee uniqueness, as opposed to mediafile.comment
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