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Sunday, November 6th, 2011, 00:03 UTC
[00:03:10] prologic: freezing or crashing?
[00:03:25] mediasource (mediasource! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[00:07:21] messerting (messerting! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:14:15] [R]: freakin livetv
[00:15:37] koffel: okay updated to 10.04 and mythtv 23 and still can not get hd pvr to work
[00:16:46] [R]: "can not get it to work" doesn't really say much
[00:16:58] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:17:05] [R]: but you should be using 24
[00:17:11] prologic: I can't get mythlink to work either :/
[00:17:19] prologic: but hey I haven't finished instlaling perl bindings yet :)
[00:17:20] koffel (koffel! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:25:22] koffel (koffel! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:26:17] Moscherkobold (Moscherkobold! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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[00:30:57] koffel (koffel! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:32:01] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:37:17] koffel (koffel! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:41:59] StevenR_ (StevenR_!~foo@ has quit (Quit: leaving)
[00:43:32] redxine: mythlink?
[00:44:25] StevenR (StevenR!~foo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:23] koffel (koffel! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[00:48:47] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:03:22] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:09:46] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:10:24] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:11:42] prologic: yeah
[01:11:53] prologic: creates symlinks to recordings with human readable names
[01:11:59] prologic: goof for streaming up via a web server
[01:12:03] prologic: or the air-video-server
[01:23:42] koffel (koffel! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:37:42] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:50:23] fleers (fleers! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:53:13] koffel (koffel! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[02:00:18] benc_ (benc_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:05:31] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:08:38] shipit (shipit! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:43] Heliwr (Heliwr!~Heliwr@pdpc/supporter/student/heliwr) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[02:19:41] fleers (fleers! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:22:27] Moscherkobold (Moscherkobold! has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[02:22:33] Moscherkobold (Moscherkobold! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:23:27] Heliwr (Heliwr!~Heliwr@pdpc/supporter/student/heliwr) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:06] koffel (koffel! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:26:47] prologic: is it possible to create an artbitrary menu item that fires up another app?
[02:27:29] [R]: yup
[02:28:48] prologic: cool, how? :)
[02:29:03] prologic: I want to remove the music plugin and in it's stead fire up an mpd client
[02:29:29] [R]: the wiki explains hwo to edit the menu xml
[02:31:01] koffel (koffel! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:35:40] koffel (koffel! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:41:32] splurben (splurben! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:41:35] koffel (koffel! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:45:36] koffel (koffel! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:50:40] splurben: hey, just upgraded to 0.25_pre20111102 – can anyone confirm whether the mythweb recorded programmes pixmaps (100x75) should be functioning?
[02:53:05] koffel (koffel! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:06:03] Beirdo: splurben: yes, they should be
[03:06:19] Beirdo: assuming you updated mythweb as well as mythtv
[03:08:08] splurben: yes mythweb is mythweb-0.25_pre20110703
[03:09:24] splurben: I've been trying to troubleshoot it. I have pixmaps for the recorded programmes on the frontend, just not in mythweb
[03:10:01] Beirdo: might be a php config issue
[03:10:19] splurben: The HTML is asking for <img src="http://thialfi2/mythweb/tv/get_pixmap/thialfi . . . -1.png" width="100" height="75">
[03:10:40] Beirdo: and?
[03:11:00] splurben: but I don't even have a tv directory under mythweb
[03:11:15] Beirdo: sigh. It works via rewrites
[03:12:34] Beirdo: anyways, I'm back off to work on OpenCL stuff
[03:12:43] splurben: hmm, I'm not a PHP guru at all, I'm assuming I'm looking for a configuration line
[03:13:10] Beirdo: look at your mythweb.conf snippet
[03:13:23] splurben: thank you
[03:13:28] Beirdo: make sure you have it all setup right.... then look at apache's error logs :)
[03:13:36] Beirdo: make sure it's not whining about something
[03:14:05] Beirdo: it is fairly well documented in the config file last I looked
[03:14:21] Beirdo: anyways, good luck, I'm gonna go bury my head again :)
[03:14:32] splurben (splurben! has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:16:31] pyther (pyther!~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[03:17:43] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:21:41] SharkMonkey (SharkMonkey!~blenderer@unaffiliated/sharkmonkey) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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[03:27:00] koffel (koffel! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[03:41:24] biffhero (biffhero! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:42:32] biffhero: My auto-cleanup script doesn't work, as I am an idot.
[03:42:57] wagnerrp: and you can't spell either
[03:42:59] wagnerrp: :)
[03:43:14] biffhero: yep.
[03:44:20] biffhero: I noticed the other night that I filled up the filesystem, and this messed up some recordings, caused them to not happen.
[03:45:24] biffhero: I think it's because I am using symlinks to get into my directories
[03:46:23] SharkMonkey (SharkMonkey!~blenderer@unaffiliated/sharkmonkey) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[03:48:05] shipit (shipit! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:48:24] wagnerrp: this autocleanup script does what?
[03:48:49] biffhero: It is the myth "disk free" stuff.
[03:48:56] biffhero: let me look in my backend logs.
[03:49:03] wagnerrp: disk free stuff....
[03:49:09] wagnerrp: no idea what youre talking about
[03:49:13] biffhero: 2011-11–05 20:39:24.899 AutoExpire: CalcParams(): Max required Free Space: 11.0 GB w/freq: 15 min
[03:49:30] wagnerrp: yes, what auto-cleanup script?
[03:50:29] biffhero: Well, I think I was talking gibberish. I meant "the myth autoexpire stuff". Is that supposed to delete videos from the hard drive and remove them from the database?
[03:50:38] wagnerrp: yes
[03:51:49] biffhero: If I set this to 11.0GB, and then get down below 10GB free, nothing is deleted. I think I am causing it with my symlinks to my disk.
[03:52:22] wagnerrp: hardlinks keep the data on disk even after that instance of the file is deleted
[03:52:38] wagnerrp: symlinks are just a redirect to the file, and cannot prevent anything from happening to the target
[03:53:14] biffhero: OK. I don't think that this is happening here, though.
[03:56:33] biffhero: I have a feeling that the freespace checker is looking at /var/lib/mythtv/ and not /var/lib/mythtv/recordings/ I plan on fixing it by moving things up a level, and putting /var/lib/mythtv on the other drives.
[03:58:07] wagnerrp: the expirer checks each directory you have listed in your storage directories
[03:58:24] wagnerrp: and only those directories
[03:58:49] shipit (shipit! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:58:51] wagnerrp: if it finds the free space for the partition that directory is on to be too small, it will start deleting stuff
[03:58:56] Beirdo: and doesn't follow symlinks.
[03:59:15] wagnerrp: no, hes saying he has symlinks pointing to those files
[03:59:31] wagnerrp: wondering of those symlinks are preventing the targets from being deleted
[03:59:46] biffhero: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 41 2010-12–11 13:03 /var/lib/mythtv/recordings -> /mnt/local/data1/shares/mythtv/recordings/
[03:59:53] Beirdo: right
[03:59:58] Beirdo: that's what I was saying
[04:00:05] biffhero: no, to the recordings direcory.
[04:00:06] Beirdo: it won't follow that symlink
[04:00:11] wagnerrp: oh
[04:00:13] shipit (shipit! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:00:16] wagnerrp: well why the hell did you do that?
[04:00:35] wagnerrp: just tell mythtv to use /mnt/local/data1/shares/mythtv/recordings
[04:00:35] Beirdo: it will get the free space of where the symlink is, not where it's pointing
[04:00:40] biffhero: ok, thanks for confirming. I won't have to test before I clean.
[04:01:09] Beirdo: unless someone recently added that and I missed it anyways :)
[04:01:15] wagnerrp: just because mythbuntu pre-configures you to use /var/lib/mythtv/recordings, that doesnt actually mean you have to use that
[04:01:26] wagnerrp: you can use something else, you can use multiple something elses
[04:01:37] biffhero: [9:00] <wagnerrp> well why the hell did you do that? <<< To keep the install still at /var/lib/mythtv, and added a big raid drive.
[04:01:51] wagnerrp: to keep what install?
[04:01:57] wagnerrp: nothing installs to /var/lib/mythtv
[04:02:28] biffhero: probably mythbuntu.
[04:02:47] wagnerrp: mythtv only sets that default recording directory when you first create a new databae
[04:02:53] wagnerrp: afterwards, it will not touch anything
[04:03:02] wagnerrp: whatever changes you make stay changed
[04:05:15] wagnerrp: s/mythtv/mythbuntu/
[04:05:36] biffhero: ah.
[04:05:48] wagnerrp: mythtv itself has no default recording path
[04:06:01] wagnerrp: (and i would fight tooth and nail against it being placed in /var)
[04:09:04] biffhero: I can move all of /var/lib/mythtv to the large drive with minimal downtime.
[04:09:34] wagnerrp: right now you have /var/lib/mythtv/recordings symlinked to /mnt/local/data1/shares/mythtv/recordings
[04:09:51] wagnerrp: all you have to do is go into mythtv-setup, go into storage directories, and Default
[04:09:56] wagnerrp: delete the existing entry, add the new entry
[04:10:16] wagnerrp: you may not even have to restart the backend for that to take effect
[04:10:38] wagnerrp: but it wouldnt be a bad idea to do it anyway
[04:10:46] wagnerrp: either way, youre talking all of 30 seconds
[04:10:53] biffhero: doesn't running mythtv-setup shut down the backend?
[04:11:14] wagnerrp: no, running mythtv-setup warns you that you are running the backend, and offers to shut it down if you are
[04:11:43] wagnerrp: running mythbuntu's wrapper script, also named mythtv-setup, shuts down the backend
[04:15:15] biffhero: ah, I thought that I had to accept the offer to shut down the backend, or I was dead. I will try it sometime.
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[04:27:38] mzb (mzb!~mzb@2002:9665:6c58:e472:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:42:42] wagnerrp: astounding
[04:42:57] wagnerrp: someone registers for a wiki account, and authenticates it in under one minute
[04:43:30] wagnerrp: they didnt wait hours or days to do so
[05:03:46] deathadder (deathadder! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[06:49:52] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:20:08] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:44:42] Weaselweb (Weaselweb!~quassel@2001:6f8:9e4:123:21a:92ff:fe5a:1409) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:48:16] Beirdo: brain hurts
[07:48:46] Beirdo: about 90% done writing the first OpenCL processor (and support for it all)
[07:49:56] dulux-oz (dulux-oz! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:50:26] dulux-oz: Hi All, anyone on-line?
[07:52:54] dekarl: Beirdo, if slurpben comes back. just get him to update his mythweb past 2011-10–05... should work wonders for broken preview pixmaps after moving to 0.25-*
[07:53:25] Beirdo: I DID tell him to update mythweb, but he thinks it is.
[07:53:26] Beirdo: heh
[07:55:02] dekarl: ahh, he'll learn that updating to in progress developments that are months old is not the wisest of all choices (and that he's asked to follow the commits for a reason :)
[07:55:16] Beirdo: here's hoping
[07:55:40] Beirdo: as I was the one that last fixed the previews in mythweb, I'm pretty sure I knew what I was telling him :)
[07:55:42] dekarl: dulux-oz: no, but someone on-chair ;)
[07:57:02] dekarl: Beirdo, true, that's what made me wonder, too. Seems he has mythweb from July and the rest from november...
[07:57:32] dulux-oz: thanks guys – very funny. OK, newbie alert – i'm trying to set up mythtv on a windows xp box with an avermedia a188 capture card and i'm having difficulty getting the card recognised by mythtv – can anyone help out a poor, frustrated newbie – please?
[07:57:57] Beirdo: ummm, mythbackend on WinXP?
[07:58:05] Beirdo: not gonna happen
[07:58:27] dulux-oz: mythbackend's working on xp – that's not my problem
[07:58:43] Beirdo: capturing will only work on Linux (and for a small number of devices FreeBSD or OSX)
[07:59:28] dulux-oz: ok, so why is there a winx86 installation of myth (backend, frontend, filldatabase, etc)?\
[07:59:29] Beirdo: until someone puts the V4L2 API in Windows, you will never get it to capture with most devices
[07:59:51] Beirdo: mainly for the frontend part
[08:00:29] dulux-oz: so what i'm hearing is format and go centos
[08:00:35] Beirdo: if you want to capture, install Linux, basically
[08:00:53] SharkMonkey (SharkMonkey!~blenderer@unaffiliated/sharkmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[08:01:51] SharkMonkey: So I'm not using mythtv to record any tv, nor do I have any kind of capture card. Can I remove the buttons related to that stuff from the front end?
[08:01:58] dulux-oz: ok (slightly off-topic) anyone know a good winVNC-type app for linux?
[08:02:20] Beirdo: VNC was invented for Linux
[08:02:32] Beirdo: you should have no problem finding clients or servers
[08:02:40] dulux-oz: ahh – ok, that answers that – told you guys i was a newbie  :-)
[08:04:34] SharkMonkey: Especially since I seem to get stuck at the pop error informing me that I haven't setup a capture card.
[08:04:44] SharkMonkey: My remote stops working. The keyboard doesn't respond either
[08:04:49] Beirdo: then setup a capture card
[08:04:53] SharkMonkey: If I accidentally hit the button
[08:05:05] SharkMonkey: I don't have any interest in one.
[08:05:34] Beirdo: so setup a capture card. In particular, a "dummy" capture.
[08:06:27] SharkMonkey: Oh. Thanks.
[08:06:31] Beirdo: tv capture is an integral part of MythTV, running without any capture device is not normal, and is not heavily supported :)
[08:06:40] Beirdo: but there is a way.
[08:06:49] stoffel (stoffel! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:06:49] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stoffel
[08:07:47] dekarl: dulux-oz: sorry, just fell out of bed. if you want to gibt mythtv a try it might be easiest to use mythbuntu, it's basically a mythtv appliance. (and maybe someone will contribute a BDARecoder to make a backend on windows useful, but don't hold your breath)
[08:08:41] FabriceMG (FabriceMG! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:12:35] dulux-oz: ok, thanks guys, i appreciate the help
[08:12:39] dulux-oz (dulux-oz! has quit ()
[08:13:58] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[08:14:57] Beirdo: ah, frick...
[08:15:20] Beirdo: doing GPU programming is hard on the brain, I tell ya
[08:16:41] laga: Beirdo: what are you doing?
[08:16:54] Beirdo: other than hurting my brain?
[08:17:03] Beirdo: working on GPU-based commflagging
[08:17:04] laga: yes :)
[08:17:06] laga: oh, nice!
[08:17:50] pheld (pheld! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:20:33] Beirdo: so far, still fleshing it all out, the first chunk of GPU code is doing audio processing... but it's not done, and I've been working it all day
[08:31:35] SharkMonkey: I'm an idiot. I keep hitting the android home button instead of the mythmote home button.
[08:31:39] SharkMonkey: I should by a real remote
[08:32:33] SharkMonkey: *buy
[08:37:24] prologic: hmm
[08:37:36] prologic: This is what happens when I try and play a DVD (Shrek 2 for example):
[08:37:36] prologic:
[08:37:52] prologic: any ideas why it bombs out after selecting "English" in the menu?
[08:42:24] dekarl: can you play it if you extract the movie with vobcopy -l (or similar)?
[08:43:05] dekarl: looks like you somehow ended up in the not-quite-DVD area: "libdvdread: Can't seek to block 3898763"
[08:43:20] SharkMonkey: Should I be setting up a screen saver or something to prevent burn in?
[08:43:43] dekarl: prologic: this looks strange, too: Error Loading en_us translation for module mythvideo
[08:43:56] dekarl: SharkMonkey: depends on your screen
[08:44:16] dekarl: I have nothing setup for my lcd displays
[08:45:38] prologic: dekarl, I didn't install any of the i18n stuff along with mythtv
[08:45:43] prologic: so I'm presuming it's using the default locale
[08:45:59] prologic: but yeah not sure why it can't play the dvd
[08:46:08] prologic: I'll try the vobcopy thing and report back
[08:46:13] prologic: dvd playing is all a bit screwy atm :/
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[08:47:47] prologic: could I possibly be missing some libraries when I built mythtv?
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[08:49:27] dekarl: its looking more like the menu is sending you into neverneverland instead of the correct movie stream. Is that a DVD structure that was somehow messed with?
[08:50:32] prologic: no, it's a store bought disc
[08:50:35] prologic: so I doubt it
[08:50:53] prologic: I'll investigate further anyhow – gotta get dvd playing working :)
[08:51:44] dekarl: well, I copied mine to disk with vobcopy -l (which has it's own set of limitations, but worked in all cases for basic "playing the movie" without trick play)
[08:53:36] prologic: ahh k
[08:53:52] prologic: surely dvd playing in general works for most though with the mythfrontend?
[08:53:55] SharkMonkey: I think my led display is safe too then. It's essentually an lcd.. display
[08:54:05] prologic: I could also get it to work with some fidding with mplayer
[08:54:09] prologic: but too much fiddling ihmo
[08:55:18] dekarl: yes, DVD/BluRay playback should be working very well
[08:55:31] prologic: hmm
[08:55:32] prologic:
[08:55:34] prologic: interesting find
[08:55:44] prologic: someone in #mpd reckons it's not maintained anymore though
[08:57:00] dekarl: a mpd client is more or less a remote control for your jukebox, correct?
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[09:12:10] prologic: yeah :)
[09:12:23] prologic: I kinda prefer mpd over mythmusic tbh
[09:12:39] prologic: and want to figure out a way to get the remote working to control it as well (when you're not watching tv, videos, etc)
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[09:20:33] dekarl: prologic: as the author of that plugin puts it "it's a one day hack" doesn't sound like it should take to much to reactivate...
[09:21:36] prologic: probably not
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[09:32:05] Beirdo: OK, one more chunk of code... reading back the results
[09:38:02] SharkMonkey: I'd like automatically shut off my laptop screen when the front end launches. Is there a recommended way to do this?
[09:38:09] SharkMonkey: Some place where I would invoke xrandr?
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[09:57:46] Beirdo: OMG. Got it compiled
[09:58:04] Beirdo: I think I'll check it in now (locally) before trying it ;)
[10:01:51] Beirdo: Create(audioVolumeLevelMix): Error in kernel: <program source>:24:21: error: call to 'max' is ambiguous
[10:01:54] Beirdo: oops
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[10:32:26] SharkMonkey: I have a lot of non-music audio files. Lectures and podcasts. Is there something more suited to those than the music player?
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[10:59:38] dekarl: SharkMonkey: maybe the normal player? I'm thinking about the media kinds between "movie/episode" and "audio recording of a song" every not and then. (like music video or radio series) It should somehow be merged into one. not sure how though :)
[11:00:06] dekarl: normal player, as in use mythvideo
[11:01:28] dekarl: s/not/now/
[11:04:32] tehif: hello, I'm experiencing problems with TBS 8922 on Ubuntu 11.10, I've installed the official drivers, but the device does not registered by DVB and udev is kindly saying: udevd[345]: timeout: killing 'v4l_id /dev/video0' [764]
[11:04:33] MythLogBot: SVN 764: (branch master)
[11:04:51] Beirdo: 2011-11–06 03:02:18.567651 I Window RMS: inf dB, Overall RMS: inf dB, Delta: nan dB
[11:04:59] Beirdo: something tells me I have a bug :)
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[11:09:48] dekarl: tehif, is that this one? "TBS8922 linux driver is updated to V111103, which supports ubuntu 11.10."
[11:11:17] tehif: dekarl: exactly, a lie.
[11:12:13] dekarl: you should tell that to support of the card or the os :D
[11:12:34] dekarl: maybe make a nice bug report instead of accusing them of lying
[11:16:37] croppa (croppa! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:16:52] tehif: dekarl: you have your point, and motivated me enough. Just bzipped syslogs. I'm in a hurry so meanwhile I'll see what happens with 10.04.
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[11:33:05] tehif: dekarl: just sent an email to the support team, hope they work it out
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[11:58:29] nijm: Does anybody know if you can put plugins somewhere in your home dir? Somewhere like ~/.mythtv/plugins?
[12:01:22] Beirdo: Woohoo! Have code running IN the GPU.
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[12:08:07] Beirdo: and on that fine note... bed. at 4am. oops
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[13:12:29] redxine: 'afternoon
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[14:17:32] Twiggy2cents: wagnerrp, does a dump of a dvd access as fast as a video file, or the same as an ISO
[14:20:09] redxine: well any DVD ISO just has mpeg2 files, so if the dump wasn't transcoded then there shouldn't be a difference, except maybe a wee bit slower if it's encrypted.
[14:20:42] Twiggy2cents: access time to an ISO is like 5 times longer than a single video file
[14:22:05] redxine: well it'd have to mount it and decode the file system structure.... hrm
[14:22:38] Twiggy2cents: Would running a frontend off of a flash drive be a bad idea?
[14:23:15] Twiggy2cents: An actual dedicated install on a flash drive
[14:23:29] redxine: the entire OS? I don't see any objection.
[14:23:52] redxine: In fact it's completely feasable to boot frontends over a network with no problem
[14:23:59] redxine: for discless clients.
[14:24:01] Rubin: so... i need to build a linux based myth frontend machine
[14:24:05] Twiggy2cents: yeah, I am making a frontend and since the prices of hdd's completely sky rocketed I am looking at options
[14:24:18] redxine: YAY NATURAL DISASTERS
[14:24:19] ** redxine claps **
[14:24:22] Rubin: what should i be looking at motherboard/cpu wise?
[14:24:38] Rubin: i5?
[14:24:41] redxine: Rubin: If it's just a front end atom would be perfect.
[14:24:45] Twiggy2cents: redxine, how much load does that put on another computer? My backend is at pretty much max load now
[14:24:55] redxine: booting over a network?
[14:24:59] Rubin: redxine, would it? i thought they could be touchy with 1080p
[14:25:08] redxine: Depends on the graphics chipset
[14:25:22] Rubin: do you have a choice with atom?
[14:25:41] redxine: If you can offset it to a good graphics card then 1080p's smooth as ice.
[14:25:47] redxine: not particularly.
[14:25:50] Twiggy2cents: Rubin,
[14:26:07] Rubin: yeah iv been there, its just not clear how dated it is
[14:26:59] Rubin: redxine, so an atom board with, say, an nvidia card?
[14:27:09] Twiggy2cents: well the broadcasts havent changed. An atom with ION graphics would be possible but it would be at its max. A core2 or i series woudl be better
[14:27:23] redxine: I'm not a pratciular fan of nvidia cards but in this case it'd probably be best.
[14:27:43] redxine: The integrated chipset on most atom's won't be sufficient for HD playback.
[14:27:48] Rubin: i like the low-power aspect of atom, but i dont want to be anywhere near not having enough power
[14:27:58] Twiggy2cents: nvidia has great support with linux
[14:28:02] Twiggy2cents: ati support blows
[14:28:08] Rubin: yeah that is my take as well
[14:28:53] redxine: I've had too much trouble with the nVidia drivers in pretty much every other application. Can't attest to mythTV, but the proprietary nVidia drivers always gave me a headache.
[14:29:15] Rubin: thats true too, but sadly there isnt anything better on linux
[14:29:30] Rubin: intel is just _soo_ poor performance wise
[14:29:44] redxine: But they've been amazing at completely supporting linux drivers
[14:29:58] Rubin: yes
[14:30:23] redxine: I think as Linux gets pushed onto more and more set top boxes, tablets and the like, OEM's will have a change of heart.
[14:30:26] redxine: That's my hope anyways.
[14:31:26] Rubin: i think whats going to happen is that the interfaces to drive these things will stop being so complex.. when you can have big roms and fancy chips on a card, you dont need as much magic in the driver
[14:31:52] redxine: Rubin – It's like the nightmare that was winmodems....
[14:31:59] Rubin: yeah
[14:32:08] Rubin: you can blame intel for that
[14:32:10] redxine: well now we have more FPGA's and the like. Graphics cards are practically computers in their own right now.
[14:32:16] Rubin: they love using their cpus for non cpu activities
[14:32:37] redxine: It was cheaper to do it in software than pay for the SMD components and put them on a board...
[14:32:51] Rubin: yet winmodems werent any cheaper than real ones...
[14:32:55] redxine: sure it drove the price down but at the cost of more bugs being introduced
[14:33:24] redxine: they had fewer components I guess, but I always liked just being able to set the serial flags and dial away.
[14:33:43] ** Rubin never tried to make a winmodem work **
[14:35:05] Rubin: so the other problem i face is that the local shop here doesnt seem to carry atom anymore
[14:35:28] Rubin: so i'd have to newegg it, but i'd rather build this today as I have time.
[14:35:30] redxine: then the cheapest AMD would be more than enough
[14:37:46] Rubin: ok
[14:39:50] Twiggy2cents: So how much does PXE rely on the server, aside from hdd access? Does it use in server resources?
[14:40:14] Rubin: pxe is just a boot time thing
[14:40:28] Rubin: it pulls down an image (in various methods) and boots off it like a floppy or hard disk.
[14:40:40] Twiggy2cents: but a pxe server is the part that sends the image
[14:40:42] Rubin: you'd use NFS or samba or something for other disk access than that
[14:40:51] Rubin: pxe server is just a TFTP server
[14:41:09] Twiggy2cents: This is goign to be a FE and nothing more. It needs no other access
[14:41:37] Rubin: i havnt done a pxe boot of a full diskless system in a long time
[14:42:04] Rubin: but i think you will pull down a real small image (/boot etc) and then that will have network drivers and nfs mount the rest of the system
[14:42:14] Twiggy2cents: ohh
[14:42:16] Rubin: theres something on the wiki or somewhere with directions for myth
[14:47:49] redxine: Banshee can play DVD's now o.o
[14:49:26] Scopeuk-AFK is now known as Scopeuk
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[14:53:16] simcop2387 (simcop2387!~simcop238@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Excess Flood)
[14:53:24] sid3windr: mine just pulls down the kernel which has the driver, then mounts root over nfs
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[14:56:21] Twiggy2cents: well, i found a used 40gb sata drive for 13.50 on ebay. I am just going to go that route. The only reason I wanted to network boot was because I didnt have a drive. But that is cheap enough.
[15:01:37] sid3windr: I'm drowning in drives, but drives make noise. :P
[15:04:29] redxine: laptop drives make less noise generally; how feasable is it to harness one in the space for an ATX drive?
[15:05:30] sid3windr: atx drives don't exist, but you mean 3.5" drives ;) there are adapters to make them fit :)
[15:05:54] redxine: yeah that one lol.
[15:07:00] redxine: 8,9 cm.. whatever it is x3
[15:07:31] redxine: €63 for 2TB o.o
[15:07:32] redxine: . . . CFoQ8wIwBQ#p
[15:09:57] redxine: how can a drive not be suitable for a RAID? o3o
[15:10:24] AndyCap: redxine: having infinte retries for instance.
[15:10:33] redxine: nicht RAID-geeignet (Not appropriate for RAID)
[15:10:35] redxine: hrm
[15:11:33] redxine: well myth has it's own magical file balancing act, so it shouldn't matter correct?
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[15:16:30] redxine: interesting. SCP is considerably faster than samba on my mythbackend
[15:16:39] redxine: by a power of 6 roughly
[15:20:00] sid3windr:
[15:20:03] sid3windr: where do you get that?
[15:20:08] sid3windr: should be triple by now..
[15:20:15] redxine: Google! x3
[15:20:27] redxine: . . . tml?refID=01
[15:20:43] sid3windr: you keep repeating stuff three times it seems, or what does x3 mean :P
[15:20:52] redxine: €66 even after VAT
[15:21:06] redxine: it's xD except furry-er
[15:21:07] redxine: :P
[15:21:09] sid3windr: not too bad, I hope they have stock
[15:21:15] sid3windr: I don't recognize xd as a smiley either :P
[15:21:58] redxine: well it's certainly not hex.
[15:22:03] redxine: 0xD
[15:22:31] redxine: it's an laughing :-D with a halo
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[15:28:07] redxine: wha- o.o
[15:28:30] redxine: when I go to buy the drive on the site, I go to check out as a guest and it complains that the cart is empty!
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[16:01:57] Rubin: hrm
[16:01:59] Rubin:
[16:02:05] Rubin: think that would work as myth frontend?
[16:03:56] wagnerrp: Twiggy2cents, redxine: i /think/ that a VIDEO_TS folder should be considerably faster than an ISO
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[16:04:33] wagnerrp: the issue is that when reading the ISO, you're rapidly bouncing back all over the place, reading little info files
[16:04:52] wagnerrp: while the remote file buffer in mythtv is optimized for bulk data
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[16:05:39] wagnerrp: Twiggy2cents: booting off a flash drive isnt 'bad'... i just dont see much use to it
[16:06:01] wagnerrp: you get low latency, but those things are generally single-chip devices, meaning throughput is fairly low
[16:06:30] wagnerrp: boot times are not going to be significantly better than a local disk, and only modestly better than network boot
[16:06:52] wagnerrp: now an SSD will boot up radically faster than rotating storage
[16:07:13] wagnerrp: but.. how often do you actually reboot your frontends, and can you just put them in standby instead
[16:07:50] wagnerrp: Rubin: if its just a frontend, an Atom is garbage
[16:07:55] wagnerrp: it doesnt have enough power to do anything HD
[16:08:08] Rubin: heh
[16:08:12] Rubin: k
[16:08:21] wagnerrp: if instead you get an ION, you rely on your (nvidia) graphics card to do everything, and the Atom is just along for the ride
[16:09:00] wagnerrp: a lot of people use those IONs with MythTV, but it is recommended you have enough power behind your CPU such that you can fall back to software decoding should you need to
[16:09:10] Rubin: yeah. so then whats the point
[16:09:30] Rubin: im coming up with $700 for a myth-frontend which is higher than i'd hoped
[16:09:33] wagnerrp: on the other hand, if you are running a backend, or a combination backend/frontend, the backend has some real time needs for significant power
[16:10:24] Rubin: thats with an i5
[16:10:29] wagnerrp: the scheduler is very computationally intensive, scaling based off the number of channels you have, the number of recording rules you have, the number of tuners you have, and how old your database is (specifically how large the record of old recordings is)
[16:10:47] Rubin: i only have 2 tuners, the backend seems to be doing ok
[16:10:51] wagnerrp: with a simple broadcast lineup, an Atom would generally be OK
[16:11:06] jpabq: Rubin, this at least has an ION, so would work for a frontend:
[16:11:09] wagnerrp: with a larger cable lineup, you can run into problems with the scheduler taking too long
[16:11:36] wagnerrp: once your scheduler runs start to hit a minute or more, it can be disruptive to recordings, causing delayed starts and other similar issues
[16:13:22] wagnerrp: Twiggy2cents: PXE stands for 'preboot execution environment'
[16:13:44] wagnerrp: it is the system running on the client that allows some very basic software to pull a boot image from the server
[16:13:52] wagnerrp: there is no such thing as a 'pxe server'
[16:14:26] wagnerrp: for a standard PXE setup, the server runs a tftp server, pointed at by a dhcp record, to pull the initial bootloader
[16:14:35] wagnerrp: this could be something like PXELinux, or the linux kernel itself
[16:14:42] pyther (pyther!~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:14:56] wagnerrp: pxelinux pulls additional configuration information from tftp
[16:15:18] AndyCap: well, there used to be a pxe server. :P
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[16:15:36] wagnerrp: you can boot a memory disk pulled from pxelinux over tftp, your can boot into an initramfs stored within the linux kernel
[16:16:04] wagnerrp: generally, you use NFS or iSCSI after that, anyone running SAMBA/CIFS would be a fool
[16:17:00] pyther (pyther!~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:17:28] wagnerrp: redxine: those WD Greens also have the nasty tendency to park themselves after 8 seconds of idle
[16:18:04] wagnerrp: its something you have to go into the firmware to fix, and at its stock setting tends to be very bad for cycling issues when used on a RAID
[16:18:30] wagnerrp: additionally, the EARS variants have 4KB blocks, but lie and say theyre 512B blocks
[16:19:06] wagnerrp: a RAID controller may store data in some block at the start of the drive
[16:19:13] wagnerrp: and since you cannot control the size of this sector
[16:19:27] wagnerrp: you cannot ensure striping gets aligned with the real block boundaries
[16:21:26] wagnerrp: Rubin: is this a dedicated frontend, and you have some backend elsewhere it is going to connect to?
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[16:22:44] Rubin: wagnerrp, yeah
[16:22:54] Rubin: the backend is up and running already. seems happy as a clam
[16:23:26] wagnerrp: well the real issue is that nVidia has gotten out of the embedded graphics market
[16:23:41] wagnerrp: the IONs are really the last solution for inexpensive onboard nvidia
[16:24:01] Rubin: i mean... for the $700 i spec'd i could also use it to playsome games (ie, minecraft) so its not a total loss. just meh.
[16:24:04] wagnerrp: if space isnt a big concern, you can pick up a GT210 for very little
[16:24:20] wagnerrp: if price isnt a big concern, you can get an old Mac Mini (before they went AMD graphics)
[16:24:44] wagnerrp: or something like an Asrock Vision, both with integrated mobile nvidia graphics
[16:25:26] jmartens (jmartens! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:25:27] wagnerrp: if hardware decoding and deinterlacing isnt a big concern, you can get a mini-itx board with an i3, and intel graphics
[16:25:53] pyther (pyther!~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:26:01] wagnerrp: so small size, low cost, and hardware decoding... pick two
[16:26:18] wagnerrp: or you go with an ION, and have no worthwhile CPU to fall back on
[16:28:45] Rubin: i dont care about size
[16:29:10] Rubin: im too n00b at this to know much about hardware decoding
[16:32:15] Rubin: i'll have to think on it a bit
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[16:34:05] wagnerrp: brb
[16:37:12] AndyUbuntu (AndyUbuntu! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:37:26] AndyUbuntu: hi everyone
[16:37:52] AndyUbuntu: i wonder if anyone can help with a remote control issue
[16:38:10] AndyUbuntu: i have an ir receiver that is different from the remote control
[16:38:26] AndyUbuntu: does it matter which ir receiver you use?
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[16:40:14] biffhero: they have to match with respect to the signaling speed.
[16:40:28] AndyUbuntu: oh ok
[16:40:52] biffhero: but the good news is that most of them are the same.
[16:41:03] AndyUbuntu: i have a haupauge 1110 that works with the default remote, though i would like to get it working with a thermaltake remote
[16:41:13] AndyUbuntu: excellent :)
[16:41:57] biffhero: that's why the harmony remotes are successful. they blink at the right rate for most things.
[16:42:02] redxine: most signal at 38 KHz
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[16:42:29] AndyUbuntu: ok
[16:42:46] biffhero: redxine: thanks, I was trying to find that. I just got to and "The most commonly used protocol is the NEC protocol, which specifies a carrier frequency of 38 kHz. The NEC protocol is used by the vast majority of Japanese-manufactured consumer electronics."
[16:42:55] AndyUbuntu: I have intsalled the infarred remote control properties
[16:43:18] redxine: Really the only thing limiting the hardware is the particular IR triode.... no that's the wrong word.
[16:43:24] redxine: detector IC.
[16:43:41] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[16:44:08] AndyUbuntu: i am a bit of a noob when it comes to this
[16:44:17] redxine: Most will operate around 38 KHz, and although they'll respond to slightly different frequencies within a certain range of error, the greater the difference in frequency the less effective range it'll have
[16:44:20] AndyUbuntu: what does that mean?
[16:44:31] AndyUbuntu: oh ok
[16:44:35] AndyUbuntu: that makes sensse
[16:44:47] redxine: if for some reason either the remote or the receiver is not 38 KHz, then the performance will be less than expected.
[16:45:19] redxine: You can program almost any remote with LIRC really
[16:45:23] AndyUbuntu: is is likely to still work slightly
[16:45:30] AndyUbuntu: cool
[16:45:50] mactalla (mactalla!~mactalla@2001:470:b:107:221:5cff:fe47:e2ff) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:46:01] redxine: I've only seen one strange Nokia remote that had some sort of frequency hopping thing.
[16:46:09] redxine: rather strange for a remote.
[16:46:45] biffhero: AndyUbuntu: Your statement about "i have an ir receiver that is different from the remote control" confuses me. Do you mean that you have an IR extender? Or an electronic consumer device (say a panasonic TV) but a remote from a different vendor (say a sony VCR) ?
[16:47:17] redxine: I believe he means that he has say for example a hauppage IR receiver but not the hauppage remote.
[16:47:39] rsiebert_ (rsiebert_! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:47:53] AndyUbuntu: no, i mean i have the haupauge 1110 tv card that came with an ir receiver thats connected to the card and i have a termeltake remote that i would like to use
[16:48:03] AndyUbuntu: yeah thats right
[16:48:05] rsiebert (rsiebert! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[16:48:05] redxine: exactly.
[16:48:41] AndyUbuntu: it has picked up my ir receiver though i have been strugling with my remote
[16:48:56] mactalla: Anyone know if the 0.25 (dev) version has multithreading enabled for the Internal video player?
[16:49:23] redxine: You'll need to create a lircd.conf for your Termeltake remote you want to use
[16:49:24] biffhero: Well, I suspect that hauppage has that IR receiver tied in to their hardware in such a way that you can't get at it from user space, so you would have to speak to it in the right signaling that the Hauppage firmware can emulate.
[16:49:33] redxine: if you can't find it online you can simply create your own config.
[16:49:59] Madhatta: so the mythtv front kept losing connection from the myth tv backend after it would freeze each time after I would install it and I then tried installing ubuntu which took foooorever and bombed out at the end. Had to go back to windows :-/
[16:49:59] biffhero: redxine: does it pass it straight through? that's awesome, so then yeah, use lircd, and you are done.
[16:50:06] AndyUbuntu: ok
[16:50:07] Madhatta: front end*
[16:50:10] redxine: It's generally straight forward. irrecord picks up on the signalling type and codes and then you press each button and assign a name.
[16:50:17] AndyUbuntu: so it is not likely to work at all?
[16:50:35] redxine: biffhero: pass through what?
[16:50:50] biffhero: redxine: pass through the signals to userspace (lircd)
[16:50:52] redxine: it's likely to work if the receiver works
[16:51:17] AndyUbuntu: redxine, how easy is it to creat my own lircd.conf
[16:51:19] biffhero: In that case, andy, get on the lircd howto, and see if you can see lircd seeing your blinkenlights.
[16:51:25] biffhero: I have to go, laters.
[16:51:52] redxine: I'm guessing your on *buntu
[16:51:58] redxine: have you installed LIRC?
[16:52:00] Jonny (Jonny! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:52:06] redxine:
[16:52:38] Jonny: hi redxine, im am o my other machine now
[16:52:57] redxine: in a nutshell: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc to configure the receiver and/or transmitter, and then sudo irrecord -d /dev/lirc0 lircd.conf
[16:53:19] Jonny: I istalled the "infarred remote control" application
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[17:02:10] jams: hauppage only understands rc5 which isn't very common.
[17:02:13] jams: for ir
[17:02:59] jams: if that termaltake remote uses rc5 than it should be ok, otherwise it's a waste of time
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[17:10:47] jams: Assuming termaltake is really thermaltake then the odds of it working are very low. Most thermaltake remotes are imon rebranded.
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[17:12:19] AndyUbuntu: ok thanks
[17:12:50] AndyUbuntu: do you know where you can buy a thermaltake ir receiver?
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[17:16:07] jams: i do not. My .02 is go buy a streamzap for $30 or maybe a MCE and do away with both imon and hauppauge ir gear.
[17:17:39] AndyUbuntu: i thought the imon remotes and hauppauge were really good
[17:17:45] biffhero: yeah, get the remote you want, and get an lirc receiver
[17:18:33] biffhero: I love my harmony, but if you don't want to spend the $$$, any standard remote will work when you get lirc working.
[17:18:41] jams: AndyUbuntu- some love them, I curse at them.
[17:18:44] AndyUbuntu: i have a haupauge remote, i just like the thermeltake one and want to use that one
[17:18:48] AndyUbuntu: lol
[17:19:19] hpeter (hpeter!~hpeter@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:21:40] redxine: his lirc is being all funky
[17:21:52] AndyUbuntu: will have a look at the remotes you have recomended
[17:22:08] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:22:11] AndyUbuntu: yeah the lirc is not in a good state at the mo
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[17:55:20] wagnerrp: mactalla: mythtv has had multithreaded video decoding for years
[17:56:29] high-rez: So in 0.25, does it setup a default usernams/password for the web interface on port 6544 or does this need to be configured somewhere (mythtv-setup?)
[17:56:54] wagnerrp: yes, yes
[17:57:06] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:57:09] high-rez: What is the default? I didn't see it on the wkiki.
[17:57:15] high-rez: s/wkiki/wiki
[17:57:42] FabriceMG: wagnerrp, nice script in 0.25
[17:57:47] wagnerrp: i dont think its listed on the wiki
[17:57:53] wagnerrp: i dont recall what it is off hand
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[18:01:30] FabriceMG: wagnerrp, is't possible to add fanart and artwork recordings not used?
[18:01:40] mactalla: wagnerrp: reading the mailing lists + bug reports seems that to really get any use of it they're waiting for ffmpeg-mt to be merged into mainline.
[18:01:59] wagnerrp: FabriceMG: at the time it was written, fanart was not used for recordings
[18:02:34] mactalla: wagnerrp: I'm having a hard time nailing it down to a specific date, but it appears the most recent sync to ffmpeg was perhaps done a month or so before ffmpeg-mt merged.
[18:02:55] wagnerrp: mactalla: h264 and vc1 both support 'slices'
[18:03:08] wagnerrp: and sliced videos in those formats can run as many threads as they have slices
[18:03:26] wagnerrp: it takes a very modest CPU to manage HD mpeg2
[18:03:34] mactalla: wagnerrp: currently in 0.24 the internal player can't handle HD on my CPU. But mplayer with -lvadopts threads=2 does (better; 1080 is still too much).
[18:03:40] wagnerrp: and no one should bother with HD divx and xvid
[18:03:49] wagnerrp: what is your CPU?
[18:04:08] mactalla: eeebox b202 (old machine). I think it's an Atom dual core 1.6
[18:04:24] wagnerrp: well theres no helping that
[18:04:41] ** wagnerrp 's desktop circa 2004 was more powerful **
[18:05:00] mactalla: I've just ditched storage groups in favour of NFS and mplayer's doing decently. I do miss out on the OSD progress bar, though.
[18:05:15] mactalla: yeah, I know. But this is what I've got available.
[18:05:36] wagnerrp: mythtv has not as yet converted to the ffmpeg-mt branch
[18:05:48] wagnerrp: as it was not yet merged upstream at the time of our last sync
[18:06:01] wagnerrp: we will likely not have another sync prior to the release of 0.25
[18:06:14] mactalla: Okay, that's good to know. Was considering trying 0.25 pre-release in hopes it could use both cores. But I'll stick with mplayer for now I guess.
[18:07:03] mactalla: Okay, I'll keep my eye out for 0.26. That's exactly the info I was trying to dig up!
[18:07:07] mactalla: Thanks, wagnerrp.
[18:08:34] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:09:01] [R]: omg, i've been having hdpvr probelms ALL weekend, turns out it was my updated libmythtv
[18:09:23] redxine: o.o
[18:09:39] redxine: OH GOD THE BUGS THEY BURN!!
[18:10:55] wagnerrp: wtf...
[18:11:13] wagnerrp: in the past week and a half, i have banned roughly 110 of this guy's accounts
[18:11:23] [R]: wagnerrp: he's SUPER TROLL
[18:11:28] wagnerrp: i dont have to wait for him to spam
[18:12:15] wagnerrp: because every single one of these accounts is exactly 14 characters long, truncated or padded by the real name, and with an email address either with a polish ccTLD, or from a polish language website
[18:12:45] FabriceMG: wagnerrp, not fanart but metadata recordings
[18:13:00] wagnerrp: what about metadata?
[18:14:00] [R]: so i managed to get my hdpvr stuck on this new firmware version, and i can't get it to downgrade
[18:14:17] FabriceMG: wagnerrp, your script for erase metadata recordings not used
[18:14:49] wagnerrp: yes, it erases metadata for recordings with no files, and files for recordings with no metadata
[18:15:02] wagnerrp: technically, it doesnt do either
[18:15:15] wagnerrp: it uses the relevant backend protocol commands to make the backend do it
[18:22:27] wagnerrp: gah!
[18:22:41] ** wagnerrp just sliced his thumb open trying to strip a coax cable **
[18:23:13] Anduin (Anduin!~awithers@pdpc/supporter/professional/anduin) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:23:25] [R]: wagnerrp: im sure its only a flesh wound
[18:25:58] wagnerrp: on a related note, seems this knife is sharp enough to have no trouble going through the armored shielding
[18:28:52] wagnerrp: and compression connectors are wondrous
[18:30:46] redxine: yay
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[18:37:10] wagnerrp: sphery: seems Dupont signed a contract with a 'leading asian manufacturer' of OLED screens, licensing them some technology that would make large format displays commercially viable
[18:37:12] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:38:58] [R]: like 100"?
[18:39:10] wagnerrp: like, larger than cell phones and tablets
[18:39:56] [R]: lol
[18:40:04] [R]: speaking of tablets
[18:40:07] [R]: im getting a nook color
[18:40:12] [R]: im gonna hack the crap out of it
[18:40:30] wagnerrp: i think beirdo has one of those
[18:40:51] redxine: I want something that can run a proper x86 distro on it.
[18:41:06] [R]: wagnerrp: so its that time of year again
[18:41:14] [R]: wagnerrp: i still don't understand why eveyrone always complains at DST time
[18:41:36] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:41:42] wagnerrp: good luck finding something x86 with a power envelope usable on an ultra mobile device
[18:41:49] wagnerrp: at least now that transmeta is gone
[18:42:08] redxine: I just want it to be tethered to my desk to hold and look pretty
[18:42:29] redxine: lol no. But apparently that's the market strategy microsaft is headed for
[18:44:00] scampgb (scampgb! has quit (Quit: scampgb)
[18:45:42] ** wagnerrp goes back to fiddling with paramiko **
[18:46:16] hpeter (hpeter!~hpeter@ has quit (Quit: hpeter)
[18:46:17] redxine: ssh for python o3o
[18:46:33] redxine: was für?
[18:47:38] wagnerrp: scripting up rebuilds for my frontend and backend
[18:48:04] wagnerrp: it lets me pull the terminal error codes out, while expect does not
[18:48:27] redxine: like stderr?
[18:48:41] wagnerrp: with expect, i would actually have to parse through the output to see if there was any fatal error logged
[18:48:58] wagnerrp: with ssh, i simply pull the error code out after execution
[18:49:07] redxine: grep fatal? lol
[18:50:03] wagnerrp: my frontends all run on iscsi images
[18:50:42] wagnerrp: i want one tool that can build updates on the frontend, shut them down, cycle the images, and start them back up
[18:51:02] wagnerrp: that means either i run the command line ssh through expect, or i use paramiko
[18:51:27] wagnerrp: or i use two independent applications on both machines and set up some custom communications protocol to manage them
[18:52:27] redxine: ah
[18:55:38] wagnerrp: similarly, ive got my master backend on a freebsd jail
[18:55:42] tehif (tehif! has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
[18:56:18] wagnerrp: i want it to take a snapshot, go into the jail, pull, build, update, and restart the backend
[18:56:22] redxine: o_o
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[18:56:28] redxine: lawl BSD
[18:56:36] wagnerrp: or if it fails, take down the jail, roll it back, and bring the jail back up
[18:56:49] redxine: I didn't think v4l2 had great support in BSD..
[18:56:59] wagnerrp: it hardly has any
[18:58:07] redxine: heh.
[18:58:25] wagnerrp: not sure why i would want to use v4l2 though
[18:59:23] redxine: not all of us are blessed with DVB or ATSC content :P
[19:00:06] wagnerrp: and they can run linux
[19:00:08] wagnerrp: :)
[19:00:15] redxine: ^.^
[19:00:27] redxine: Error executing command as another user: Not authorized. This incident has been reported.
[19:00:38] redxine: highly appropriate:
[19:01:32] wagnerrp: not ?
[19:02:32] redxine: HAHA x3
[19:06:48] AndyCap: wagnerrp: cfengine, chef, puppet or buildbot? :P
[19:07:09] wagnerrp: 'configure; make'
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[20:08:43] plut0 (plut0! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:09:13] plut0: anyone use iguanaIR?
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[20:14:19] ** wagnerrp uses geckoIR **
[20:14:47] wagnerrp: its like iguanaIR, but it will stick to any surface
[20:15:03] [R]: lol
[20:15:23] [R]: a gecko once ran into my old apartment
[20:15:39] [R]: i accidently chopped off its tail
[20:15:42] [R]: i eventually got it outside
[20:17:14] wagnerrp: accidently?
[20:18:22] [R]: well i wanted to kill it
[20:18:26] [R]: not injur it
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[20:25:39] plut0: how does geckoIR work for you?
[20:27:38] prologic: Is there some reason why a system event wouldn't be working? (Start Recording) – set to run mythlink?
[20:27:51] prologic: I see nothing in the logs about mythlink either which is weird
[20:33:07] Captain_Murdoch: you can run your backend with "-v network,file --loglevel debug" to see when the events are sent and a little debugging output from inside the event handler class.
[20:35:15] wizbit: what else would a frontend need CPU for when using VDPAU ?
[20:35:43] prologic: Captain_Murdoch, ta
[20:35:46] prologic: might do that
[20:36:21] [R]: wizbit: not much
[20:36:24] pyther (pyther!~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther) has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:36:32] wizbit: [R]: so that means i could get a box what uses a intel atom
[20:36:47] [R]: wizbit: if all you care about is playing video taht is supposed by vdpau
[20:36:53] [R]: and you will NEVER want to play somethign not supported by vdpau
[20:36:58] [R]: and realize that you will NEVER be able to
[20:36:59] [R]: then atom is fine
[20:37:16] redxine: I wonder what the probability of a plane from Weeze to London in January being delayed by weather.
[20:37:24] wizbit: what video isnt supported by vdpau?
[20:37:33] prologic: I thought vdpau is deprecated anyway
[20:37:37] prologic: in favor of something else
[20:37:38] prologic: *meh*
[20:37:49] [R]: prologic: nope
[20:37:56] [R]: wizbit: vdpau supports a very specific list of codecs
[20:38:20] wizbit: as long as my ripped dvds and tv in uk is supported, ill be ok
[20:38:35] redxine: It played my dirac files ^.^
[20:38:44] plut0: you could encode your videos to be supported by vdpau of course that takes cpu time
[20:39:27] wizbit: dont forget, my backend will do all the hard work
[20:39:41] wizbit: intel i3 in backend, intel atom in frontend
[20:45:35] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:46:29] wizbit: i just won a Cambridge Audio 540R :D
[20:46:32] ** wizbit celebrates **
[20:48:36] MissionCritical (MissionCritical!~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:49:19] plut0: is it possible to pair any RF remote with a bluetooth receiver on Linux and be able to communicate via lirc?
[20:50:05] [R]: "rf" remotes generally aren't bluetooth
[20:50:36] plut0: some are
[20:50:42] [R]: which one?
[20:50:50] plut0: sony ps3 remote
[20:50:57] [R]: because thats a bluetooth remote
[20:51:33] redxine: bluetooth the technology uses RF at the hardware level
[20:51:42] redxine: 2.4 GHz
[20:51:43] plut0: harmony 900 also
[20:51:56] plut0: so i'm generalizing
[20:51:56] [R]: harmony 900 doesnt do bluetooth
[20:52:00] [R]: next!
[20:52:00] redxine: not sure what kind of spectrum that uses either
[20:52:03] redxine: lol x3
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[20:53:26] plut0: oh my bad that one is IR
[20:55:06] redxine: the Wii controllers use bluetooth
[20:55:18] plut0: yeah
[20:56:20] plut0: what driver does the ps3 remote use?
[20:56:38] redxine: a ps3 one.
[20:56:40] redxine: /humour
[20:58:19] plut0: i'm guessing this won't work as i've thought
[20:58:39] redxine: shouldn't it' just be HID?
[20:58:47] plut0: yeah probably
[20:59:16] plut0: i was hoping to find a high end RF remote to talk to lirc
[20:59:50] redxine: LIRC is the Linux INFRA-RED Control daemon
[20:59:57] redxine: I don't think LIRC would help in this case
[21:00:26] plut0: well it talks to the ps3 remote
[21:00:36] redxine: LIRC does? o.o
[21:01:04] plut0:
[21:01:17] plut0: i get your point though
[21:01:42] plut0: i think lirc works beyond IR only though
[21:02:22] redxine: that's interesting o.o
[21:03:28] redxine: ah it just uses the passing interface
[21:03:33] redxine: well that makes sense
[21:04:43] plut0: i was hoping to take any high end RF remote, pair it with bluetooth in linux and communicate via lirc. not that simple though
[21:05:01] redxine: never is, is it?  :P
[21:05:20] plut0: thats my motto in IT
[21:05:36] redxine: Welcome to the world of "There isn't a shiny point and click GUI for that"
[21:05:47] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[21:05:54] redxine: of course, it also means "world of you can make it do ANYTHING you want.
[21:05:56] plut0: i'm fine with cli
[21:05:56] redxine: "
[21:06:27] hpeter (hpeter!~hpeter@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:06:45] plut0: i'm trying to build universal remote with IR and rs-232 backends working with lirc
[21:07:12] redxine: eh?
[21:07:20] redxine: the receiver?
[21:07:29] [R]: plut0: thats not rocket science
[21:07:33] [R]: the schematics are on the lirc webiste
[21:07:37] plut0: use an ir blaster with lirc to talk to devices
[21:07:45] plut0: rs-232 for devices that support it
[21:07:55] redxine: I made one pretty simple.
[21:07:57] plut0: and a RF remote to talk to the computer
[21:08:04] redxine: I use it with my SA settop box.
[21:08:15] [R]: there is no "universal" when it comes to multiple devices
[21:08:20] plut0: i was hoping for a 2 way RF remote but i can't find one that will work with lirc
[21:08:37] redxine: You want to push instructions to the remote?
[21:09:33] plut0: well theres two parts here, transmitting using irsend
[21:09:49] plut0: and a 2 way RF remote for receiving
[21:10:17] redxine: I'm still slightly confused, plut0. You want to push out RF commands to the remote or to an RF-receiving box?
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[21:11:30] plut0: understand?
[21:12:12] redxine: the lines where bluetooth IO begins and ends is still a tad fuzzy.
[21:12:55] plut0: let alone 2 way communication
[21:14:09] redxine: I don't think all your messages got through. Draw me a diagram lol.
[21:14:38] plut0: some of the high end RF remotes can receive data as well as transmit
[21:14:50] redxine: for, e.g. feedback?
[21:14:56] plut0: so say you play music, the remote could display the album art
[21:15:19] redxine: Ah. /Really/ fancy remotes.
[21:15:27] plut0: yeah very expensive remotes
[21:15:41] redxine: such as?
[21:16:35] plut0: . . . otes/trc-780
[21:16:39] plut0: . . . otes/mx-5000
[21:16:43] plut0: two examples
[21:17:13] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:17:24] redxine: the "Provides 2-Way communication with MRX-10 Network System Controller" sticks out to me.
[21:17:40] redxine: You'd have to figure out a way to emulate or interface with whatever protocol it uses to do that.
[21:18:28] plut0: yup
[21:18:37] plut0: its all proprietary no support crap
[21:18:47] redxine: "The specifications are exactly the same except that i-series products operate at a 433MHz (the other RF products transmit and receive at 418MHz). All i-series remotes must be matched with i-series base stations."
[21:19:19] redxine: so bluetooth isn't involved here. You'd either have to make your own RF transponder, which is rather involved, or hack the original one.
[21:19:26] quentusrex_ (quentusrex_!~quentusre@freeswitch/developer/quentusrex) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:19:37] redxine: How proficient are you with electrical engineering? lol
[21:20:32] plut0: too much of a headache
[21:20:41] redxine: either way would involve either a signal generator and oscilliscope
[21:20:58] plut0: oh
[21:21:04] plut0: urc has RF base stations
[21:22:03] redxine: the IP base station might be of a little more use for this purpose
[21:22:32] plut0: proprietary and expensive
[21:23:27] redxine: sounds like it
[21:26:54] redxine: might have been cool though
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[21:41:07] wagnerrp: plut0: look at the wiki, there are at least two pages documenting how to use the PS3 remote with mythtv
[21:41:21] wagnerrp: nevermind, seems youve already found one of them
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[21:41:50] plut0: wagnerrp: yeah i saw that i was just looking for other RF remote choices
[21:42:07] redxine: IR really isn't that bad, plut0
[21:42:38] plut0: all my equipment will be in another room
[21:42:45] wagnerrp: plut0: HDMI?
[21:43:13] plut0: tv in one room, everything else in another room separated by a wall
[21:43:41] [R]: i think thats why they invented drills
[21:43:57] Weaselweb (Weaselweb!~quassel@2001:6f8:9e4:123:21a:92ff:fe5a:1409) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:44:00] redxine: THey have RF extenders too.
[21:44:05] wagnerrp: . . . adapter.aspx
[21:44:08] plut0: i ran a bunch of cables behind the wall
[21:44:13] wagnerrp:
[21:44:36] plut0: yeah i see that URC has RF extenders
[21:44:49] plut0: er IR extenders
[21:45:14] wagnerrp: the latter is a hardwired IR extender, re-purposing the CEC wire in an HDMI cable
[21:45:38] [R]: sounds evil
[21:45:44] wagnerrp: the former is an adapter to inject CEC commands into the CEC wire, and control supported hardware directly
[21:46:09] plut0: interesting
[21:46:18] wagnerrp: and as of very recently, is supported natively by mythtv
[21:46:35] redxine: you could always use an USB receiver with a long cable.
[21:46:42] plut0: its more than just extending IR though, i was looking for a higher end remote that can talk to lirc
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[22:40:35] unlord: hi
[22:42:38] unlord: I'm having trouble with my pvr-2250 card
[22:42:50] unlord: I am able to a channel scan, but I have 0% signal stength
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[23:30:36] sphery: wagnerrp: hehe, well it's a step up from the travesty that is LCD for video screens assuming reasonable (as defined by me, not manufacturers) longevity, but I still want my field-emmission display
[23:31:05] sphery: unlord: usually I would say, "are you sure you have the firmware in place and set up properly", but IME, without firmware the 2250 didn't even create device nodes...
[23:31:26] sphery: that's the behavior I get with my pcHDTV HD-3000s when I'm lacking firmware, though
[23:32:00] sphery: perhaps you have the proper "main" firmware file, but are missing firmware(s) for one or more smaller components?
[23:32:36] sphery: (I'm not sure whether the 2250 needs just the one firmware file or 4--I put 4 in place, but didn't test with just the one)
[23:33:04] sphery: oh, and I'm assuming you mean the Hauppauge HVR-2250 (not PVR-2250)
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