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Thursday, October 27th, 2011, 00:06 UTC
[00:06:49] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[01:02:21] wagnerrp: Oleg_: what i was _really_ getting at is that you only use multiple MBR/EBR/EFI/BSD partitions/slices if you are using a filesystem that doesnt have its own scheme
[01:02:27] wagnerrp: in other words, not running ZFS
[01:02:34] wagnerrp: in which case i would going to question why not
[01:04:59] wagnerrp: for a single drive for bulk storage, UFS in a single partition encompassing the whole disk would be acceptable
[01:05:10] wagnerrp: while ZFS would allow you to logically partition it up for convenience
[01:05:16] quentusrex_ (quentusrex_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:05:46] wagnerrp: for an OS drive, on a sufficiently new system that it can boot off EFI, i would absolutely go ZFS
[01:12:50] Oleg_: well, my system is not that new
[01:13:29] wagnerrp: in which case i would seriously suggest looking into faking it, with a small boot partition pivoting into a ZFS partition
[01:13:41] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[01:21:56] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:22:59] Oleg_: zfs is the most advanced filsystem available?
[01:23:30] wagnerrp: on freebsd, youve got UFS and ZFS
[01:23:40] wagnerrp: and ZFS allows you do be a lot more flexible
[01:29:40] Oleg_: but zfs requires a lot of RAM
[01:31:38] wagnerrp: yes, ram is cheap
[01:52:47] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[01:57:46] ** wagnerrp debates responding to #10127 with the solution of just deleting 'Pokémon' **
[01:59:03] hpeter (hpeter! has quit (Quit: hpeter)
[01:59:22] wagnerrp: wait, why would pokemon even be available through miro?
[02:02:37] Twiggy2cents: Because you gotta catch them all?
[02:04:05] Twiggy2cents: s/catch/watch/
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[02:13:47] awalls- (awalls-! has quit (Quit: Bye)
[02:14:36] wagnerrp: amazing, a new wiki user that is actually real
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[02:26:27] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[03:02:12] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[03:19:36] Scopeuk is now known as Scopeuk-AFK
[03:20:24] Tod4Dd (Tod4Dd! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[04:31:37] ** wagnerrp wonders if jya has blown his connection cap, and they've got him throttled too low to perform the necessary keep-alive **
[04:34:45] [R]: i'm watching True Life: I Have a Hot Mom
[04:35:13] [R]: "Two teenage girls suffer their mothers' excessive vanity."
[04:35:35] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:35:52] wagnerrp: theres a woman down the street we call 'hot momma'
[04:36:11] [R]: lol, theres these old women at my work that dress like they are 20
[04:36:13] [R]: its disgustig
[04:36:28] wagnerrp: ever seen the goonies?
[04:36:36] [R]: no
[04:36:44] wagnerrp: throw momma from the train?
[04:36:49] [R]: what?
[04:36:55] wagnerrp: theyre movies
[04:37:38] [R]: oh
[04:37:44] wagnerrp: this woman...
[04:38:01] wagnerrp: my neighbor (who we call hot momma) looks like a slightly younger version of her
[04:38:12] [R]: EWWW
[04:38:55] wagnerrp: she thinks she is
[04:39:08] wagnerrp: any single men on the street hit on
[04:39:39] wagnerrp: she kicked her husband out of the house thinking someone at work was making passes at her
[04:39:50] wagnerrp: although we think it was more just idle office chatter
[04:40:28] [R]: that is DISGUSTING
[04:40:37] [R]: this man has like 99GG breasts
[04:40:40] [R]: this woman*
[04:40:48] wagnerrp: we also think the husband is now gay... of course getting kicked out by that, one might think that path is their only option
[04:41:01] hpeter (hpeter! has quit (Quit: hpeter)
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[05:01:57] dgarr (dgarr! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[05:10:28] wagnerrp: apparently someone paid $32K on ebay for a ticket on the first public 787 flight
[05:10:59] [R]: wtf
[05:11:04] [R]: people are so stupid
[05:11:54] wagnerrp: someone who can afford to pay $32K on something as frivolous as a flight on just another airliner should be laughing all the way up the stairs into their private jet
[05:12:36] [R]: lol
[05:13:54] [R]: wow, this plastic surgeon told this woman she dintd need what she wanted
[05:13:54] [R]: lol
[05:13:58] [R]: thats how gross she is
[05:17:25] oobe: nah she is most likely average or attractive and just insecure
[05:17:51] [R]: no, she has like 99GG breasts
[05:17:55] [R]: shes gross
[05:18:22] wagnerrp: how is that even possible?
[05:18:40] wagnerrp: did she get skin grafts? or has she just been expanding the things over the past fifteen years?
[05:19:00] [R]: i dunno
[05:19:04] [R]: it was just gross
[05:24:44] oobe: I think I heard a case similar and seen pics she would be getting them expanded piece by piece over time
[05:31:03] CWSmith (CWSmith! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
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[05:48:15] [R]: they can say bj on comedy central?
[05:50:12] wagnerrp: my neighbor's name is bj
[05:50:19] Hoochster (Hoochster!~hooch@ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[05:50:32] [R]: haha
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[06:17:17] oobe: this is a huge implant
[06:17:51] wagnerrp: i cant believe that is real
[06:19:41] zzztrumee is now known as trumee
[06:20:32] oobe: more to the point what would make a woman do that to herself
[06:20:47] oobe: and does anyone find it attractive or is it just a novelty
[06:21:20] oobe: I imagine her in adolecents being insecure about her flat chest and possibly being teased
[06:22:31] wagnerrp: chest size is less important than how you carry yourself
[06:23:09] oobe: lol I think she would have a lot of trouble carrying herself with a chest that size
[06:23:24] wagnerrp: check out the woman in burn notice
[06:23:47] wagnerrp: she doesnt have much to show off, but is consistently at the top of 'hottest women' lists
[06:23:52] oobe: I did see a couple of episodes of that show when it was new
[06:24:12] robert_s (robert_s! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:24:46] oobe: I know what you mean some women just have a talent for being naturally sexual
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[06:45:55] trumee is now known as zzztrumee
[06:53:45] Scopeuk-AFK is now known as Scopeuk
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[08:20:01] justinh: hoo hoo hoo. looks like we're gonna be buying a Blackmagic HyperDeck Shuttle :-D
[08:23:46] justinh: HDMI, SDI capture up to 1080P30, direct to SSD
[08:35:44] prologic: hmm my backend crashed for some strange reason
[08:35:48] prologic: 0.24.1 here
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[08:52:14] justinh: yeah some strange reason is always doing it
[08:52:29] justinh: the thing is, saying 'some strange reason' isn't really much of an explanation
[08:53:31] justinh: you need to find out the *actual* reason by looking in the backend log, or if that isn't very illuminating, running the backend with more log verbosity – and if that still isn't enough, running it under gdb
[08:53:58] prologic: yeah
[08:54:04] prologic: just saying :)
[08:54:08] prologic: it's only happened once
[08:55:00] justinh: lucky you
[08:56:25] prologic: heh
[08:56:56] prologic: still need to get shephard xmltv data working ihmo
[08:57:00] prologic: the EPG data is crap :)
[09:04:29] shipit (shipit! has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:57:05] waxhead (waxhead! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[10:00:55] Floppe: are there any pastebin equivalent for storing video recordings regarding trac tickets?
[10:03:54] MrPaco (MrPaco! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[10:05:02] mike|2 (mike|2! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:05:20] justinh: webspace is cheap these days
[10:05:42] justinh: or do what most people do – use a file bin
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[11:53:05] wagnerrp: is this guy just using random arbitrary websites so the immediate bounce doesnt prevent creation?
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[13:56:26] sidewalk (sidewalk! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:57:21] sidewalk: im having problems with mythtv, i can watch tv in xawtv and change channels etc, and scan for channels with tvscan, but mythtv cant scan channels nor watch any, all I get is a blue screen or was of the black and white ants
[13:57:30] sidewalk: s/was/war
[14:01:15] justinh: analogue / digital / que?
[14:03:49] sidewalk: sorry, analogue
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[14:04:29] sidewalk: sorry for that
[14:04:48] sidewalk: the card is a: 01:09.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7134/SAA7135HL Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)
[14:05:17] oobe: sidewalk, you probably need to select the exact model in mythtv-setup
[14:05:34] justinh: you mean the CORRECT TYPE in mythtv-setup
[14:05:38] justinh: not exact model
[14:05:47] oobe: yes
[14:05:53] sidewalk: not v4l?
[14:06:04] justinh: yes
[14:06:24] sidewalk: okey, uhm, but which one could it be?
[14:06:41] justinh: although you'd be much better off with a proper tuner card – one with onboard mpeg encoding
[14:07:03] justinh: e.g. hauppauge pvr-150 & the more modern hauppauge cards
[14:07:25] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:07:36] sidewalk: this is what i could find, i also have one old pinnacle wdm card
[14:07:42] sidewalk: but it also only gives me blue screen
[14:07:46] justinh: sidewalk: do you only have one tuner in the machine?
[14:08:01] justinh: if yes, then only one can be selected
[14:08:12] sidewalk: currently only one
[14:08:40] justinh: and if it's a crappy analogue framegrabber – which it IS, the V4L type of card selected by default in mythtv-setup is correct to use
[14:09:18] devinheitmueller: sidewalk: Do you have the correct input selected? You will get bluescreen if you are capturing on composite or s-video and have the cable connected to the tuner input.
[14:09:36] justinh: sidewalk: the biggest snag with using framegrabber cards is that they generally don't do audio capture onboard. more than one tuner needs more than one soundcard. Then it gets complicated
[14:09:39] sidewalk: its the television one
[14:10:14] devinheitmueller: Ok, in that case you should never see blue screen. Only static (assuming the problem is the tuner). Are you seeing bluescreen when capturing on the tuner input?
[14:10:20] devinheitmueller: s/tuner/television/
[14:10:56] ** justinh wishes mythtv would stop supporting framegrabbers **
[14:11:01] sidewalk: can i verify with some other tool which settings i should use/change ?
[14:11:11] devinheitmueller: justinh: this problem almost certainly has nothing to do with framegrabber versus encoder.
[14:11:29] justinh: if it works in a different app, then the driver is ok – and you certainly have another problem
[14:11:32] streeter (streeter!streeter@nat/redhat/x-krqrorygmwqucgys) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:11:41] justinh: like maybe you've selected the wrong frequency table
[14:11:43] sidewalk: because xawtv and tvscan, like i mentioned, are able to scan channels correctly and xawtv shows them
[14:11:55] justinh: or the wrong tv standard
[14:11:56] sidewalk: im using europe-west
[14:12:00] sidewalk: PAL
[14:12:05] devinheitmueller: justinh: In fact, it seems to be a pretty common theme that the people here blame framegrabbers for problems that are almost certainly nothing to do with the fact that they're framegrabbers.
[14:12:12] justinh: are those correct for where you are?
[14:12:25] justinh: devinheitmueller: that doesn't change the fact they're sub optimal for use with mythtv
[14:12:30] sidewalk: yeah, they worked in xawtv and are correct for where im located
[14:12:56] devinheitmueller: justinh: well, if you go by what the people here say, they are much more sub optimal than in reality.
[14:13:25] justinh: devinheitmueller: I tried a framegrabber once, for a giggle. It would be a complete understatement to say it merely sucked
[14:13:27] devinheitmueller: All I'm saying is that you guys hear "framegrabber" and then blame all problems on the fact that it's a framegrabber, and in reality it in many many cases has nothing to do with that.
[14:14:13] justinh: it was correctly identified, set up & all.. and yet it was seemingly unable to pull in a clear picture and good audio at the same time
[14:14:32] justinh: some channels had a good picture with awful audio – some were in between
[14:14:43] justinh: I snapped it & put the parts in the bin
[14:14:47] Hoochster (Hoochster!~hooch@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[14:15:09] devinheitmueller: justinh: right, and that almost has absolutely nothing to with the fact that it's a framegrabber. It's almost certainly a misconfiguration of either the application or a driver bug related to configuration of the video/audio standard (which is just as likely to occur with an encoder)
[14:15:44] justinh: well, framegrabbers tend to be very low cost bits of kit, with poor quality electronics like the actual tuner itself
[14:16:07] sidewalk: in xawtv i think it was in overlay or the other one
[14:16:14] devinheitmueller: justinh: wrong again. Many framegrabbers actually have a shared tuner with digital, and they can be very high quality.
[14:16:20] justinh: mind, the tuner on my old pvr150 was pretty crappy too – but at least it pulled in audio over NICAM
[14:16:54] sidewalk: and when scanning channels with tvscan i had to specify the exact vbi, because it is /dev/vbi0 not /dev/vbi
[14:16:58] devinheitmueller: The fact that there are so *many* different manufacturers and models of framegrabbers is one of the key reasons they are more likely to have driver bugs than a very popular encoder product, but that is not a reflection on the fact that it's a framegrabber itself.
[14:17:20] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:17:26] justinh: devinheitmueller: and it doesn't change the fact that grabbing frames is not an optimal way to capture video in a DVR app
[14:17:57] devinheitmueller: Given modern hardware, it is more than enough for DVR usage.
[14:18:38] devinheitmueller: It's not *as good* as an encoder obviously, but if it's 90% as good and 30% of the cost, then for many people it is still a good deal if they don't capture analog all the time.
[14:19:00] wagnerrp: nah... like 5% of the cost
[14:19:21] wagnerrp: $1 in a computer store mystery bin, vs. $20 on ebay
[14:20:36] devinheitmueller: All I'm saying is that framegrabbers are *everywhere*, they are much more popular than encoders, and many, many people are perfectly happy with the quality. Hence having a product which excludes 80% of the available products out there may not be such a bright idea.
[14:21:02] devinheitmueller: Of course, I don't write the code, so ultimately it is up to the devs to decide what they do and don't want to support.
[14:21:24] justinh: everywhere?
[14:21:28] sidewalk: is it possible to choose another card than v4l when using an analog card?
[14:21:42] wagnerrp: and if they can figure out how to get them configured for recording, more power to them
[14:21:59] devinheitmueller: sidewalk: "v4l" is a class of card. It applies to all analog cards that do raw video capture.
[14:22:00] wagnerrp: but we see far more people in here having problems with framegrabbers than ivtv cards
[14:22:10] justinh: because they're harder to configure
[14:22:27] justinh: and the resulting recordings are bigger than mpeg2, or take much more CPU load to create. or both
[14:22:51] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: I'll be the first to admit that encoders can be easier to configure. That said, much of that is the fact that you're talking about one of two or three encoder products (high uniformity) versus possibly hundreds of different framegrabber products.
[14:23:00] justinh: and if you want more than one tuner.. multiple audio cards in linux.. not something I would want to mess with
[14:23:30] wagnerrp: justinh: well, most framegrabbers these days provide their own 'audio card'
[14:23:35] justinh: that's the other thing. every man & his dog makes framegrabber cards. seems there's a new one made every 5 minutes, possibly needing driver tweaks...
[14:23:49] wagnerrp: its only the old garbage that requires passthrough capture
[14:24:23] devinheitmueller: justinh: right. Now you're seeing my argument. It's not "analog versus framegrabber". It's "PVR-[123]50/HD-PVR/HVR_1600" versus "everything else"
[14:24:38] simonckenyon|2 (simonckenyon|2!~simoncken@ has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.0 Insomnia
[14:24:55] justinh: so do the drivers manage to keep track of the audio capture too? so you don't end up with 2 identical tuners – say /dev/video0 has its audio capture on #1 ?
[14:25:19] sidewalk: okey, so anyone have any good ideas?
[14:25:33] sidewalk: the card works, but just not in mythtv, am i missing some setting somewhere?
[14:25:38] devinheitmueller: justinh: the audio capture is done by making available an ALSA device. You basically have to figure out once that /dev/video0 is tied to ALSA "hw:1,0"
[14:25:39] wagnerrp: no, you still could end up with a mess of video nodes and audio devices, with no simple way to match up
[14:25:59] jpabq_ (jpabq_!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:26:09] wagnerrp: you could probably troll through dmesg to find out the timing of when they were registered
[14:26:13] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: fortunately, they tend to be highly consistent. So while there is no way to programatically determine the relationship, once it's done then it tends not to be an issue.
[14:26:43] devinheitmueller: The only time you run into trouble is if you add hardware (or with some products if you have multiple boards in the system)
[14:27:28] devinheitmueller: The plan is that the media-controller API being introduced will fix those issues though. You will be able to make a kernel call to see which audio device is tied to the video device.
[14:28:07] wagnerrp: that will make configuration a lot easier
[14:28:26] wagnerrp: the only thing unresolved at that point would be which analog capture is tied to which STB
[14:28:33] wagnerrp: but then the encoder cards suffer the same problem
[14:29:27] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: the media controller API will expose a serial number in it's data, so no more need for udev rules.
[14:30:15] devinheitmueller: This assumes the product actually has a serial number. Fortunately the capture device vendor that most of the people here use that isn't a problem.
[14:30:34] wagnerrp: oh, so there actually is uniquely identifying information you can pull from the analog cards similar to the MAC in DVB ones?
[14:30:42] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: yes.
[14:31:04] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: At least for the Hauppauge products, *every* card has a serial number in its eeprom.
[14:32:02] devinheitmueller: It might be an issue for users with some other vendors who don't bother with serial numbers, but it would only really be an issue if they are trying to make multiple cards work in the same machine.
[14:33:02] justinh: at least with encoding & DVB/ATSC devices, all that happens is that cards get swapped around. not inputs :-)
[14:33:19] devinheitmueller: justinh: yup.
[14:33:40] justinh: sidewalk: anyway, in a version of mythtv a while ago analogue scanning was broken & I dunno if it was ever fixed – for all the people we see in here with problems
[14:33:42] wagnerrp: justinh: sure, but what if one is sitting on an antenna and another on cable
[14:33:54] wagnerrp: or your analog cards are hooked to two separate IR controlled STBs
[14:34:16] justinh: wagnerrp: but still deviceX is all in one place :)
[14:34:20] wagnerrp: mythtv doesnt see a problem, and will blindly start recording the wrong thing
[14:34:29] justinh: wagnerrp: not like video over here, audio over there, remote over there
[14:34:32] wagnerrp: or in the case of digital, will fail when it attempts to do so
[14:34:35] devinheitmueller: Oh, good point. I don't know if there are plans for IR devices to be exposed in the media-controller framework. Good question for j-rod.
[14:34:52] justinh: oh wait – IR has never been integral
[14:34:55] justinh: heh
[14:35:43] devinheitmueller: justinh: be nice. j-rod and mchehab have invested a huge amount of effort to improve that situation.
[14:36:09] justinh: I meant IR receivers on devices have always had to be separate – because of lirc :)
[14:36:37] justinh: observation not a complaint
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[14:51:21] justinh: anyway, is there still anywhere with analogue tv left? LOL
[14:58:41] wagnerrp: everyone big is kicking out within a year or two, leaving just smaller stuff
[14:59:02] wagnerrp: i imagine most of the cable providers over here will have cut off analog service by then too
[15:00:16] wagnerrp: looks like our low power stuff gets to keep broadcasting until 2015
[15:03:24] wagnerrp: seems japan switches off next year... any progress on isdb tuners?
[15:06:03] wagnerrp: weve actually got the occasional argentinan user in here who would use that stuff
[15:08:03] ** quicksilver still has analogue for another 3 weeks, I think. **
[15:08:09] quicksilver: longer if I turn the antenna round
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[15:20:09] devinheitmueller: somebody please kill Agrajag....
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[16:05:14] wagnerrp: devinheitmueller: still around?
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[16:05:56] wagnerrp: some user claiming he couldnt get any analog channels
[16:06:05] wagnerrp: but switching to the HRC table fixed it
[16:06:19] wagnerrp: i thought HRC only affected a handful of channels, not the whole table
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[16:21:43] sphery: HRC is most channels offset by a small amount... IRC is HRC, but with 5 and 6 offset
[16:22:29] sphery: FWIW
[16:23:05] sphery: and it seems IRC is normal cable but with 5 and 6 offset
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[16:51:35] sidewalk: okey, im back, changed card to a pinnacle one, maybe its easier getting to work
[16:54:05] sidewalk: same problem as before, only blue screen, but if i use xawtv with grabdisplay it shows all channels
[16:54:14] sidewalk: lspci says: 02:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture (rev 11)
[16:54:44] sidewalk: dmesg says
[16:55:03] sidewalk: [ 13.942920] bttv0: using: Pinnacle PCTV Studio/Rave [card=39,autodetected]
[16:55:30] sidewalk: any ideas? :-)
[16:57:27] iamlindoro: Set fire to the trashcan you found the card in, and walk quickly away
[16:57:50] iamlindoro: That's an ancient framegrabber, which is notoriously a pain in the ass to set up in mythtv
[16:58:09] sidewalk: then there should be lots of howto's to avoid such pain?
[16:58:28] iamlindoro: Let us know when you have yours written, we'll tell the next guy
[16:59:12] sphery: HOWTO: Get a hardware encoder card.
[16:59:13] sphery: :)
[16:59:50] ** sphery just bought a dual hardware encoder card--and won't even use the analog/hardware-encoding side of it **
[17:01:01] iamlindoro: because standard definition is for suckas
[17:01:37] sidewalk: okey, well do you acctually know how to help me out or are you just bragging about yer own cards?
[17:01:45] sphery: hehe... or at least for people who have cable/satellite STB's to output analog
[17:02:19] sphery: I can't help you with a frame grabber... IMHO, frame grabbers aren't worth the time involved to set them up
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[17:02:39] iamlindoro: What he said
[17:02:46] sphery: not when you can get a hardware encoder for barely more than the cost of a frame grabber
[17:02:50] sidewalk: start a blog about it
[17:02:50] iamlindoro: Most mythtv users, devs included, dumped framegrabbers years ago
[17:03:10] iamlindoro: And in fact, we've discussed dropping support for them altogether
[17:03:20] iamlindoro: We have a blog about it, it's called
[17:03:23] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[17:09:03] sidewalk: is it possible to get the grabdisplay option running in mythtv?
[17:09:21] iamlindoro: never heard of it
[17:10:26] sidewalk: well, its an overlay if i understood it correctly
[17:10:37] iamlindoro: We don't use overlay for capture
[17:10:41] iamlindoro: mytht records everything
[17:10:47] iamlindoro: liveTV included
[17:10:59] iamlindoro: you need to be able to pull raw frames off the card, and re-encode them
[17:11:21] iamlindoro: it's probable that whatever your misconfiguration is is explained in a plain english log message in the backend log
[17:11:29] iamlindoro: So that's the place to start
[17:11:53] sidewalk: its an option for "capture"
[17:12:01] sidewalk: Capture: grabdisplay
[17:12:19] iamlindoro: It's not an option for mythtv
[17:12:27] sidewalk: oki
[17:12:43] iamlindoro: The "capture" you are referring to is not capture in a MythTV sense
[17:12:48] sidewalk: okey
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[17:20:33] sidewalk: does mythtv work with a TECHNOTREND TT BUDGET S2–3200 DVB-S 2 PCI (1082468) ?
[17:25:14] _abbenormal: yes
[17:25:35] sidewalk: okey, is it like easy to setup?
[17:25:58] _abbenormal: i build my own drivers from media but not hard
[17:26:44] sidewalk: cool, ill have a look at it
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[18:11:57] wagnerrp: sidewalk: more correctly, no
[18:12:11] wagnerrp: mythtv works with the Linux DVB API, including the protocols for S2
[18:12:27] wagnerrp: the LinuxTV project writes drivers that work with the S2–3200 card
[18:12:48] wagnerrp: so if youre curious about support for other hardware, see...
[18:12:53] wagnerrp: !tuners
[18:12:59] wagnerrp: !url tuners
[18:12:59] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[18:13:56] dekarl: if you want fun cards *with analog and a frame grabber chip* look out for the Sundtek MediaTV Pro, according to,65 . . . html#msg3998 it solves the dreaded audio/video device fun by bringing the mpeg compression and muxing in the driver :)
[18:14:34] dekarl: ^--- that's for the people who look for "interesting" solutions, it's not an advice to buy something that'll "just work"
[18:15:01] wagnerrp: usually when someone puts "interesting" in quotes, its time to run for the hills
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[18:18:25] dekarl: wagnerrp: they basically wrap an ivtv style functionality in the driver over v4l style hardware. I like the idea, not sure about the implemention
[18:19:05] wagnerrp: there some other USB hardware manufacturer that doesnt provide a kernel for their DVB tuner
[18:19:34] wagnerrp: but instead use the library preload trick to introduce their own code in place of the Linux API
[18:20:21] wagnerrp: one of those "interesting" implementations that should send you running for the hills
[18:20:40] dekarl: hmm, at least they ship "drivers" for all of solaris/freebsd/linux/macos/windows
[18:21:04] dekarl: (yes the first three will likely be using the same API and implementation)
[18:31:57] dekarl: sphery: thanks for the data. the SD format is uber boring (wrt DST bugs) as they nicely use well formed UTC time stamps and the grabber either leaves it alone or shifts it by static offsets. => should work very well
[18:41:59] sphery: cool... wonder what was causing the issue the user reported... probably a misunderstanding of something (such as how the end application--like MythTV--uses the data)
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[18:45:03] dekarl: I think it's both. the frontend (tv_sort in that case) does strip the timezone when *displaying* the overlap... but it does correctly identify the overlap (tested it when fixing tv_grab_pt_meo the other night)
[18:46:12] dekarl: frontend applications, especially mythtv, handling correct data wrong is another issue :) But some bugs with patches are filed and the real solution is on "the list" :)
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[18:51:49] sphery: my only comment is that wrong is probably not the right word--since MythTV handles data exactly as designed :)
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[18:53:44] dekarl: sphery: ahh, you aren't coincidentally working as diplomatic agent?
[18:54:45] sphery: :)
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[19:38:44] wagnerrp: sphery: does the auto-expirer automatically cull livetv recordings under 30 seconds or so?
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[19:53:38] sphery: all live tv under 2min is automatically deleted--not sure whether it's the autoexpirer or the tv chain doing it, though
[19:53:47] wagnerrp: ah
[19:54:20] sphery: so if you leave a channel within 2min, something deletes the fragment (and, in theory, updates the tv chain so that fragment isn't reflected)
[19:55:54] wagnerrp: you think a VIA CPU could manage IVTV recordings without XvMC support?
[19:56:35] sphery: I don't know... I think there was a 10000 that was kind of ok with them and a (smaller number) system that couldn't
[19:56:55] sphery: don't remember, though--didn't pay a lot of attention since I had written off via-based platforms early
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[20:04:38] wagnerrp: simpsons did it! . . . h-caught.php
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[20:09:56] Captain_Murdoch: AutoExpirer deletes short LiveTV programs. MainServer handles the tvchain cleanup when the file is deleted. since it's also true that you could (via mythfrontend or mythweb) delete a program manually out of hte middle of the chain someone else is watching, the mainserver delete code handles the cleanup rather than other places.
[20:10:45] sphery: ah, thanks for the clarification
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[20:12:11] prologic: hmm by default does the mythfrontend remember where you were while watching a recording if you Esc out of it some any reason?
[20:14:57] sphery: there's a setting that allows you to say what to do on exit--one option is save bookmark and exit
[20:15:57] sphery: Action on playback exit... Just exit/Save position and exit/Always prompt (excluding Live TV)/Always prompt (including Live TV)/Prompt for Live TV only ... If set to prompt, a menu will be displayed when you exit playback mode. The options available will allow you to save your position, delete the recording, or continue watching.
[20:16:17] sphery: under TV Settings|Playback
[20:17:56] sphery: oh, and pretty sure default behavior is just exit
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[21:28:01] wagnerrp: Beirdo: around?
[21:28:42] wagnerrp: on your -2250, do you have to check off the option to release the digital tuner when not in use
[21:28:51] wagnerrp: to prevent the card from locking out access to the analog capability?
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[21:58:01] Beirdo: wagnerrp: I set nothing at all, just used it, and setup the input groups correctly
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[22:51:50] ** wagnerrp wonders how iamlindoro assigned a ticket to no one **
[22:52:18] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o wagnerrp
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[23:08:54] ** dekarl wonders why sunday 00:30 am UTC is supposedly later than 01:00 am UTC... **
[23:11:30] wagnerrp: jacquelinevald authenticated two hours ago and no spam yet
[23:11:32] wagnerrp: wonder why
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[23:21:59] Twiggy2cents: Because people are playing tricks on you?
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[23:30:46] Oleg_: wagnerrp, zfs is the native filesystem of openindiana. I could try installing openindiana on an empty hard drive to find out how cool it is
[23:30:47] mw__: hi everybody"
[23:31:08] wagnerrp: Oleg_: zfs is one of two native filesystems on freebsd
[23:31:11] wagnerrp: which you already have installed
[23:34:06] mw__: i have a problem using external media with mythtv: if i plug in a usb thumbdrive, absolutely nothing happens. the drive doesnt even get mounted (though is have aotomount enabled via mythbuntu system settings). even afert mounting the stick in e.g. thunar i cannot view the media saved on it.
[23:34:09] Oleg_: well, the graphical tools, such as the freebsd installer, don't support installing zfs
[23:34:33] wagnerrp: cant say ive ever used them
[23:34:50] wagnerrp: they werent around when i started running freebsd
[23:35:02] mw__: sorry for my spelling. corrected: i have a problem using external media with mythtv: if i plug in a usb thumbdrive, absolutely nothing happens. the drive doesnt even get mounted (though i have automount enabled via mythbuntu system settings). even after mounting the stick in e.g. thunar i cannot view the media saved on it.
[23:35:48] Oleg_: what are the advantages or disadvantages of openindiana when you compare it to freebsd?
[23:35:59] wagnerrp: i honestly dont know
[23:36:13] wagnerrp: openindiana is a fork of opensolaris, after that was discontinued by oracle
[23:36:23] wagnerrp: ive never used opensolaris or solaris, or openindiana
[23:36:54] wagnerrp: openindiana _does_ have a more modern version of zfs than freebsd
[23:37:09] wagnerrp: but freebsd will be running the same version once 8.3 and 9.0 get released
[23:37:42] Oleg_: well, I am already running freebsd 9-rc1
[23:38:09] wagnerrp: their new graphical installer doesnt do zfs?
[23:38:16] Oleg_: no
[23:38:28] Oleg_: actually, I am not sure
[23:38:38] wagnerrp: im not talking about that basic blue menu thing
[23:38:49] wagnerrp: i dont really consider that 'graphical'
[23:38:57] wagnerrp: there is a new gui based installer
[23:39:31] Oleg_: well, I know that freebsd's default installation program is bsdinstall
[23:39:48] Oleg_: I don't know anything about a gui based installer
[23:44:23] mw__ (mw__!~mw@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:46:43] Oleg_: yes, bsdinstall does support installing freebsd on a zfs filesystem
[23:52:01] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[23:58:47] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:59:04] Oleg_: I don't know what just happened. My system rebooted for no reason

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