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Tuesday, October 18th, 2011, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:24] Twiggy2cents: I have a lot of these 2011-10–17 18:54:29.937 ProgramInfo(2032_20110810110000.mpg), Error: GetPlaybackURL: '2032_20110810110000.mpg' should be local, but it can not be found
[00:00:31] Twiggy2cents: with different files
[00:00:55] wagnerrp: did you have a secondary backend, or a failed hard drive at some point?
[00:01:06] Twiggy2cents: nope
[00:01:36] Twiggy2cents: Well I dunno about failed hdd. As far as I know the hdd's are okay
[00:04:41] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:05:10] Twiggy2cents: If I can list each recording folder in my SG's would that mean that for the most part the hdd hasnt failed?
[00:07:03] Twiggy2cents: It appears to have started at 6 this morning
[00:15:50] Twiggy2cents: Can I delete the entries from the db?
[00:16:06] Twiggy2cents: Why would they disappear? I cant find the files
[00:27:00] wagnerrp: see
[00:30:38] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[00:31:44] Twiggy2cents: thanks
[00:32:44] panfist (panfist! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:32:58] panfist: i just installed myth front/backend on the new ubuntu, and i can't figure out how to add media to the library
[00:33:02] panfist: there used to be something in utilities/setup > setup > media, but i don't see a media submenu anymore
[00:33:22] wagnerrp: go into mythtv-setup, storage directories
[00:33:23] sphery: panfist: +
[00:33:30] wagnerrp: add the folder you want to the Videos group
[00:33:43] wagnerrp: and then proceed to ignore me and read those links
[00:34:15] sphery: there are lots of fish in those links :)
[00:34:33] sphery: but it was nice of you to be so generous with your fish, wagnerrp  :)
[00:34:59] panfist: thank you
[00:35:29] panfist: you're pointing towards using storage groups and i was planning on using local storage but i guess i'll try out the sg thing
[00:35:44] sphery: but, basically, the Video Manager is just another view in mythvideo, now
[00:35:55] panfist: i have been relying on using mplayer in my previous installation because the internal player skipped on some hd stuff
[00:36:04] sphery: and you can scan in mythvideo in any view, so no need for a special "app" for scanning
[00:36:06] panfist: and it says that mplayer is incompatible with storage groups
[00:36:41] sphery: note that the internal player in current mythtv is not the internal player from previous versions
[00:36:54] sphery: i.e. try it, again, and you may be pleasantly surprised
[00:37:05] sphery: (and, if not, we can't fix the problems without bug reports :)
[00:37:34] sphery: and, eventually, use of local folders is likely to disappear
[00:37:54] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:38:20] panfist: out of curiosity why does mythtv have the ambition of providing video player code too...why not use mplayer? mplayer is pretty good on its own
[00:38:35] panfist: but you know the saying goes that hubris is one of the traits of a true programmer
[00:38:39] wagnerrp: because that would mean heavily patching mplayer to make it do all we need to do
[00:38:48] wagnerrp: so we either heavily patch mplayer
[00:38:52] wagnerrp: or we just write our own
[00:38:59] wagnerrp: either way, it would probably end up being a similar amount of work
[00:40:00] panfist: now i'm curious what you want to do that mplayer doesn't do; i could understand a different codepath for live tv or cached live tv, but for playing video files, what's the difference
[00:40:45] wagnerrp: we would need to write a new UI, we would need to write a new control input scheme
[00:40:53] wagnerrp: theres all the file buffering code
[00:41:02] wagnerrp: theres all the stuff needed to support nuppelvideo
[00:41:12] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:41:16] wagnerrp: various different forms of closed captioning
[00:41:35] wagnerrp: frame exact seeking to implement the cutlist editor
[00:41:51] wagnerrp: and just to allow much more efficient seeking
[00:42:09] panfist: i can appreciate more efficient seeking, and closed captioning
[00:42:20] wagnerrp: do understand that we are only writing a player, not video decoders
[00:42:37] wagnerrp: video decoding is handed off to ffmpeg, the same libraries that mplayer is wrapped around
[00:43:13] wagnerrp: if nothing else, it means its a lot easier to maintain over time
[00:43:26] panfist: i can appreciate that too
[00:43:29] wagnerrp: since we dont have to continually maintain patch sets against a changing upstream player
[00:44:10] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!~MaverickT@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[00:44:14] panfist: i understand about the video decoder thing, i have just found that i have used many players that use the ffmpeg decoder and mplayer has allowed me to play the most stuff smoothly
[00:44:16] earthnative: when you say that the use of local folders is likely to disappear, that means that storage groups is the only option?
[00:44:20] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:44:33] wagnerrp: earthnative: that will be the only option at some point in the future
[00:44:43] wagnerrp: the plan is to remove all local access to content from the frontends entirely
[00:45:10] wagnerrp: well, let me rephrase that
[00:45:10] hadees (hadees! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:45:10] ** earthnative nods. I must make a point of ensuring I get around to installing a myth backend before that point, then **
[00:45:28] wagnerrp: the plan is to remove all local folder definitions from frontends entirely
[00:45:47] wagnerrp: in 0.25, the player will intelligently load content from the local disks if it is found
[00:45:54] wagnerrp: rather than pulling it from the backend
[00:47:05] panfist: i have my storage groups set up, but i am still unable to finish because i'm not sure how to scan for videos. i'm in a library view, i think, and the menu doesn't have a "scan for changes" option
[00:47:26] wagnerrp: in 'media library' --> 'watch videos', hit 'm'
[00:47:37] wagnerrp: earthnative: i dont understand, you need a backend to run mythtv as it is anyway
[00:47:45] panfist: yup...not there
[00:48:05] panfist: i see, "group list menu" change group filter, change group view, change group password, add this group to playlist, help
[00:48:12] earthnative: wagnerrp: yeah, I'm hoping to hook the stored files into xbmc as the interface
[00:48:22] wagnerrp: panfist: youre in 'watch recordings'
[00:48:29] panfist: or if i go one level out to just "media library" where i see "watch recordings", the menu just has "about" and "cancel"
[00:48:37] panfist: i dont see anything other than watch recordings
[00:48:40] wagnerrp: then you need to install the mythvideo plugin
[00:48:54] earthnative: (I'm lurking in channel to absorb knowledge, am yet to actually install either :)
[00:48:56] wagnerrp: in 0.24 and previous, its a separate plugin
[00:49:04] wagnerrp: in 0.25, it has been integrated with the core
[00:49:28] panfist: i see
[00:49:43] wagnerrp: earthnative: basically, xbmc is good if you want a single, independent media player
[00:49:54] wagnerrp: while mythtv is good if you want to record, or have multiple systems you want to link together
[00:50:29] earthnative: in my case, xbmc is good cos it's what I already have, and I don't want to implement a whole new media-watching paradigm in one hit, if I can avoid it :)
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[00:51:43] earthnative: so a mythtv backend is the first plan, purely for capturing digital TV streams to disk for later watching... I'm not too fussed about the time-shift-while-live thing :) ...a full mythtv frontend will (maybe/probably) come later :)
[00:55:09] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:55:20] earthnative: (and hopefully, the PS3 will also find it, since my xbmc is on an original xbox hardware, so can't handle HD video :/
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[01:09:54] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:11:44] panfist: sphery: earlier you mentioned that the internal player in the current mythtv is not the same as the previous versions,
[01:12:01] panfist: which mythtv version features the new player?
[01:12:03] wagnerrp: well... in that it gets improved with each successive version
[01:12:24] wagnerrp: as in the current player in 0.24 is improved from that in 0.23
[01:12:29] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:33] panfist: i'm on version 0.24.1 i think
[01:12:39] wagnerrp: and the new player in 0.25 is improved from that in 0.24
[01:13:00] panfist: i noticed that 0.25 is not listed on the main site, is that intentional like 0.25 is not stable for wide release or is it just out of date?
[01:13:10] panfist: i mean is the main site out of date
[01:13:14] wagnerrp: 0.25 is the developmental branch
[01:13:22] wagnerrp: 0.24 is the current release version
[01:15:47] Oleg_: it kinda sucks that mythtv is in the ports collection for freebsd, yet freebsd doesn't support most tv tuner cards
[01:16:24] wagnerrp: well that depends on if you consider USB tuners worth mentioning
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[01:16:56] Oleg_: freebsd supports a lot of USB tv tuners?
[01:17:06] wagnerrp: in theory, everything linux supports
[01:17:10] wagnerrp: see webcamd
[01:17:34] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Quit: Body blow! Body blow!)
[01:18:21] Oleg_: why is it so easy for freebsd to support usb tv tuner cards, but so hard to support pci/pci-e tv tuner cards?
[01:18:51] wagnerrp (wagnerrp!~wagnerrp_@mythtv/developer/wagnerrp) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[01:19:56] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v wagnerrp
[01:20:05] wagnerrp: oof...
[01:20:51] wagnerrp: Oleg_: webcamd acts as a userland translation daemon to access USB devices
[01:21:07] wagnerrp: you cant intercept PCI and PCIe in the same manner for it to work the same
[01:29:06] Oleg_: so, this tuner will work on freebsd: . . . 3&sr=8-1 ?
[01:29:18] wagnerrp: in theory... maybe...
[01:29:43] wagnerrp: dont quote me on that, i dont know more than a cursory bit of information about webcamd
[01:29:54] wagnerrp: !seen decke
[01:29:54] MythLogBot: decke was last seen 337 days 5 hours 10 minutes 19 seconds ago
[01:30:02] wagnerrp: he could tell you more
[01:30:04] wagnerrp: :)
[01:31:01] Oleg_: ok
[01:31:13] wagnerrp: you might have to wait around a while
[01:31:19] wagnerrp: he doesnt come by often
[01:34:45] Oleg_: he used a tv tuner on freebsd?
[01:35:05] wagnerrp: he was the one who pointed me to it, although i dont know if he was using it himself
[01:35:19] wagnerrp: he was around to work on the make file for the mythtv port
[01:36:03] ** Beirdo yawns **
[01:40:53] panfist: ok, not sure what happened, everything was working fine but i updated my video drivers and rebooted, now the backend won't run
[01:41:09] panfist: i found out when i tried to open the frontend and it crashed and tried to restart itself several hundred times in a row
[01:41:31] wagnerrp: the frontend doesnt restart itself
[01:41:39] wagnerrp: thats a wrapper script mythbuntu provides
[01:41:58] panfist: bad mythbuntu
[01:42:05] wagnerrp: although it shouldnt even be trying to start the frontend if the backend isnt running
[01:42:19] panfist: damn it's still going
[01:43:44] panfist: there's no mythtv-backend log file
[01:46:16] panfist: ok i see a message when trying to start the backend, error while loading shared libraries:
[01:46:18] NULL[0] (NULL[0]! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[01:46:49] panfist: that smells like it's related to me changing my video card drivers, but i'm not sure how to proceed
[01:46:53] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[01:47:22] wagnerrp: your mythtv libs are somehow linked against a different version of the gl library
[01:47:37] Oleg_: brb
[01:47:42] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:49:03] panfist: could that kind of linking break in the package level? i'm using the ubuntu ocelot repositories, and i purged myth and any related pacakages, then reinstalled them
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[02:54:49] Beirdo: which version of the nvidia drivers was it that has issues recently?
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[03:08:04] wagnerrp: WTF!
[03:08:12] wagnerrp: maildrop just magically started to log properly
[03:09:03] Beirdo: hehe
[03:09:19] wagnerrp: its not that i mind it working
[03:09:34] wagnerrp: its that i spent an hour and a half earlier today trying to get it to work to no avail
[03:09:42] Beirdo: it's the magic fix... and the subsequent magic death
[03:09:43] wagnerrp: and now it just starts working on its own
[03:09:51] wagnerrp: there was no fix, i did nothing to fix it
[03:10:07] Beirdo: you musta sacrificed the right chicken
[03:10:45] wagnerrp: well at least i means i can trace down why its not filtering properly
[03:11:25] ub3r (ub3r! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:11:36] Beirdo: yup
[03:11:48] ub3r: hi, guys.  :)
[03:16:41] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:32:33] panfist: i'm trying to compile and set up 0.24.1 on linux, and after running mythtv-setup then mythfilldatabase, i get "there are no channel sources defined, did you run the setup?"
[03:33:00] panfist: i did, but i don't have a capture card anyway. i had a problem before where i had to define a dummy capture card, now i'm getting an error about channel sources
[03:33:26] panfist: there's one relevant google search i can find so far with my problem, that user reported he flushed his databases, tried again and it worked
[03:33:29] panfist: that didn't work for me
[03:33:53] [R]: myth isn't really designed to ru nw/o a tuner
[03:34:07] wagnerrp: you must create a card (even if its a dummy tuner), create a video source with at least one channel, and map that source to an input on your tuner card
[03:34:36] panfist: i actually do have a tuner but it's not hooked up to anything right now because there aren't any available sources in my office where i'm testing this thing
[03:34:58] panfist: it's an hvr-1250 which i understand is not the greatest, compatibility wise so i figured i would skip configuration if i could
[03:35:12] wagnerrp: works great, ive been using one for years
[03:35:14] panfist: i'm not sure if i can actually get a signal here but i do want to be able to play files from a library in the mean time
[03:35:29] [R]: no one said you needed to get a signal
[03:36:40] Tod4Dd (Tod4Dd! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[03:55:28] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, you around still?
[03:55:48] wagnerrp: aye
[03:57:06] Captain_Murdoch: what do you think of a routine that combines the functionality of SetParentOf and SetRequires? so I can do something like blah->SetRequiredChild("infile") instead of blah->SetParentOf("infile")->SetRequires("infile")
[03:57:32] Captain_Murdoch: (no 'Of' at the end of that SetRequiredChild).
[03:58:01] Captain_Murdoch: or to be consistent with current conventions I guess SetRequiredParentOf("infile")
[03:59:12] Captain_Murdoch: although I prefer the SetRequiredChild("infile") name better, seems more logical since it's not really the required parent of something, the child is required.
[03:59:58] wagnerrp: so youre just looking to come at SetRequiredChildOf from the opposite direction?
[04:00:39] wagnerrp: sounds fine to me
[04:01:00] Captain_Murdoch: yes. for instance, I want to add a addInFile(bool addOutFile = false); helper to use everywhere we want to have --infile/--outfile. so that means anywhere I want to use that, I'd have to blah->SetParentOf("infile")->SetRequires("infile").
[04:01:31] wagnerrp: that reminds me, i still need some cleanup of the CommandLineParser::ReconcileLinks routiner
[04:01:35] [R]: fsck it... im going back to 0,24
[04:02:33] [R]: wtf, i hit pause
[04:02:35] [R]: and it crashes
[04:02:37] [R]: that ain't right
[04:20:58] Gumby (Gumby!~gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[04:25:11] Beirdo: but of course... you won't debug
[04:27:04] [R]: well its my production machine
[04:27:06] [R]: i need it back up
[04:27:09] [R]: i already missed a recording today
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[06:04:35] xris: gah! go on vacation while cable is out and nothing records..  :(
[06:07:18] lapion: What you went on vacation and did not occasionally check your myth for status ?
[06:09:28] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[06:10:08] xris: lapion: hard to do that from the middle of the woods
[06:10:27] xris: sad thing is that it was broken for 2 days before that.
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[06:24:47] wagnerrp: clearly you need a laptop and a sat phone
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[06:37:02] justinh: heheh. people who skip mythtv-setup steps & are surprised when they fail
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[07:25:58] justinh: blimey. there's a nick I've not seen in a while willcooke
[07:26:21] willcooke: justinh, hello pal! Long time no see, how's it going?
[07:26:45] willcooke: I finally have an excuse to hang out on irc all day and say I'm working
[07:27:48] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!~pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:28:07] justinh: heheh. goes pretty well :-) Still digging away at a mythtv theme, in between bouts of family activities. You?
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[07:31:12] willcooke: justinh, heh. Relying on Myth more than ever here. Got a three year old telly addict who just demands that he watch what ever tickles his fancy and expects it to appear immediately!
[07:32:09] justinh: can't seem to get our little lad interested in any telly at 14 months old. I hope it stays this way for a while yet :-)
[07:33:41] justinh: he's more interested in turning the TV off & walking around with the remote holding it like it's a phone & shouting
[07:34:28] willcooke: justinh, ;) Awesome!!
[07:35:48] justinh: gonna have double trouble starting in February too
[07:36:02] justinh: God help us lol
[07:37:38] justinh: not that I'm theming at the mo though. Got over 5000 photos to tag
[07:38:04] justinh: it'd help if facial recognition worked on babies ;)
[07:43:53] willcooke: justinh, congrats!!
[07:47:03] justinh: we totally rely on mythtv in our house. or rather, my wife does :-)
[07:47:36] justinh: I don't watch much these days. hardly get a look in, with all the ITV junk
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[08:06:16] willcooke: justinh, I've got a good mind to "UPDATE channels SET visible=0 WHERE NAME LIKE "%ITV%"
[08:06:48] justinh: heh
[08:07:27] lyricnz_ (lyricnz_!~simonrobe@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:07:29] justinh: or just WHERE commfree="0"
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[08:07:56] justinh: hmm now there's a thing we could have put into xmltv's channel thingy
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[08:49:48] willcooke: justinh, I see that Myth should be able to interrogate the series ID in the EIT. Do you know if a "record this series" (series link) functionality is in the works?
[08:50:53] justinh: I know it isn't. It needs somebody with the necessary chops to look at it
[08:51:19] justinh: same as the trailer record stuff in freeview+
[08:51:47] justinh: that stuff is gonna be nice to have in mythtv :)
[08:53:38] ** willcooke googles trailer record **
[08:54:19] justinh: willcooke: it's where freeview+ boxes can show a green icon when a trailer is shown (even during playback) & the user can set up a series record just by clicking on it
[08:54:28] willcooke: ahh, sweeeet#
[08:54:43] willcooke: is it transmitted in the EIT?
[08:54:45] justinh: like the reminder stuff on Sky+, but able to do it from a recording
[08:55:04] justinh: oh and actually set up a recording from it too :)
[08:55:30] justinh: the techy stuff was talked about in the -dev channel a while ago. the guy from the bbc who implemented it was in that day
[08:56:23] justinh: basically, it's not just in the EIT
[08:56:44] willcooke: bum
[08:56:52] willcooke: i'll see if I can find the logs
[09:08:32] trumee (trumee! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[09:08:34] justinh: I think there's some of this 'green button' stuff in the freeview MHEG iPlayer patch that recently went into master, but it's (according to paul-h) not hooked up to anything yet
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[09:11:08] justinh: huh? saw in a log that stuartm said that the mheg engine is only active during livetv.
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[09:11:33] justinh: be a pity, that cos the 'freeview+' trailer record stuff is mheg
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[09:12:39] justinh: oh you buggers. Stop trying to make iplayer work through a proxy YOU MORONS
[09:13:07] justinh: if you don't live in the UK, tough titty
[09:14:06] willcooke: justinh, hmmm. Well in 0.24.1 MHEG seems to do something during playback of recorded because I get the "press red" thingy
[09:14:17] willcooke: perhaps I imagined that
[09:14:50] justinh: no you didn't
[09:15:10] justinh: I've got it turned on too, so I get to see the radio channels' MHEG
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[09:20:19] justinh: hmm. maybe it was before #mythtv was logged by beirdobot
[09:20:41] justinh: anyway one of the guys is jamesba & some bloke called Dave IIRC
[09:21:01] justinh: stuarta was taking part in the discussion too, I remember
[09:21:19] justinh: another developer who fell into the family way ;)
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[09:38:52] justinh: willcooke: I think I was talking out of my bum about the series record stuff
[09:39:05] justinh: it's apparently been in mythtv a while, even using EIT
[09:39:15] justinh: but it's not called anything crap like 'series link'
[09:39:56] justinh: I wouldn't trust it as far as I could throw it though, being that it relies on the EIT monkeys
[09:41:39] willcooke: justinh, orly?
[09:41:56] willcooke: justinh, I must have missed that then, unless it just works under the covers?
[09:42:28] willcooke: I mean, when I say record one of these a week, or in-this-timeslot it does just work
[09:43:00] justinh: aha. David Waring is the 'Dave' guy
[09:43:16] justinh: willcooke: yeah, that should do the biz
[09:47:43] justinh: heh he works at MediaCity
[09:48:54] justinh: and goes by the name 'ribenakid' on twitter. LOL. enough web stalking now
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[15:47:03] Ankhwatcher: Does anyone have any mythtv plugins they would recommend I use?
[15:48:33] wagnerrp: plugins dont change behavior, they only add behavior
[15:48:47] wagnerrp: so we cant really recommend any unless we know what behavior you want added
[15:50:20] Ankhwatcher: better scanning sorting and displaying of downloaded tv shows and movies
[15:50:44] wagnerrp: if you want downloaded tv shows and movies, see mythnetvision
[15:50:55] wagnerrp: it has grabbers for a handful of sites
[15:51:05] wagnerrp: although most of them are just set up for flash streaming, not download
[15:52:03] Ankhwatcher: okay, I'm really looking to get the functionality of boxee in myth
[15:52:30] wagnerrp: yes, thats the purpose of mythnetvision
[15:52:33] wagnerrp: online content
[15:53:25] Ankhwatcher: I think I'm going to set up MythMediaMonitor
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[15:54:41] wagnerrp: is that the one that inserts crap into the 'watch recordings' screen?
[15:55:50] Ankhwatcher: yes
[15:56:28] wagnerrp: yeah, we heavily recommend against such action
[15:56:44] Ankhwatcher: okay
[15:57:05] wagnerrp: plus its pulling metadata against IMDB, which they forbid
[15:57:07] Ankhwatcher: well can I set some other system to automatically find and insert content into myth video
[15:57:28] wagnerrp: just tell it to scan whenever you add any content
[15:57:33] wagnerrp: takes all of a couple seconds
[15:57:55] Ankhwatcher: is there a console command which tells it to scan
[15:58:03] wagnerrp: in 0.24, no
[15:58:09] Ankhwatcher: I might be able to add that as an on-complete for deluge
[15:58:40] wagnerrp: might want to read the topic before you proceed further
[15:59:37] Ankhwatcher: hey, deluge does exactly what it's supposed to like a good boy
[16:04:49] Ankhwatcher: join #android-dev
[16:04:54] Ankhwatcher: woops
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[17:10:54] Oleg_: I am glad the CW network survived
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[18:00:56] esperegu: is it possible to play HD content on a P4–2.8 and if so what are the best settings?
[18:01:45] wagnerrp: that depends on the HD content
[18:02:02] wagnerrp: HD MPEG2, youre probably find
[18:02:06] wagnerrp: use the Slim profile
[18:02:22] wagnerrp: Xv/standard, with a light deinterlacer
[18:02:28] esperegu: wagnerrp: cool. let me try that
[18:02:31] wagnerrp: HD H264, youre out of luck... upgrade
[18:02:37] esperegu: hmm
[18:02:58] esperegu: gues most dvb-s is h264
[18:05:30] esperegu: ;-(
[18:05:38] esperegu: that sux
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[21:08:57] justinh: wahaha. noticed a new bug. this one's weird. shameless is currently recording, only in the PBB when I enter the screen its recording icon (statetype set) flashes up momentarily – but in playback the time is advancing – so it's definitely recording
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[21:31:41] Beirdo: OK, I think maybe I like Wil Wheaton a bit more
[21:32:07] Beirdo: "They're free (as in beer and no-f#$*ing-DRM), and you're encouraged to share them.
[21:32:10] Beirdo: "
[21:32:25] Beirdo: in reference to one of his books available as an eBook :)
[21:32:25] wagnerrp: because he gave you an autographed still-in-package will wheaton doll?
[21:32:33] wagnerrp: is he no longer on your list of enemies?
[21:32:36] Beirdo: hehe
[21:32:47] Beirdo: Wesley Crusher still is a putz though
[21:32:48] Beirdo: hehe
[21:32:54] ** justinh agrees **
[21:32:56] Beirdo: anyways, got a meeting to go to
[21:32:57] justinh: "but MOM"
[21:33:25] justinh: weird recording bug is no longer showing itself. bah
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[22:06:55] M0nk3Ee: anyone in here got an android tablet, just wondering if there are any plans for frontends / remotes planned. i have tried the myth remote in the market place. good for phones but not very tablet friendly
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[22:35:21] Beirdo: wagnerrp: could you tell me what's at /usr/local/include/linux/videodev2.h:479 on the freebsd slave?
[22:35:48] Beirdo: my freebsd box doesn't seem to match up line-wise, I don't see any reason why I'd get a warning there
[22:39:13] wagnerrp:
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[22:40:41] Beirdo: Thanks :)
[22:41:16] Beirdo: hmmm, the union...
[22:42:14] Beirdo: oooh, that's crap code
[22:42:20] wagnerrp: ?
[22:43:10] Beirdo: I can see why gcc whines about that
[22:43:23] Beirdo: I'd expect it to be union { } name;
[22:43:23] Guest47691 (Guest47691! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:43:25] wagnerrp: !!!!
[22:43:34] wagnerrp: why...
[22:43:38] Beirdo: but that's how it is in the Linux headers
[22:43:51] Beirdo: how do you access "discrete"?
[22:43:57] wagnerrp: discrete?
[22:44:06] wagnerrp:
[22:44:24] Guest47691 (Guest47691! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:44:38] Beirdo: normally, the union containing it would be instantiated with a name, and you'd use structvar.unionmember.discrete
[22:44:59] russell5 (russell5! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:45:04] Beirdo: WTF?!
[22:45:06] wagnerrp: i bet thats the Ankh guy who was in here earlier
[22:45:19] wagnerrp: i should have been more forceful about 'read the topic before you proceed any further'
[22:45:28] Beirdo: "For example, I have deluge set up to torrent TV Series, whever i downloaded a new episode, I had to manually run a scan for new media."
[22:45:31] Beirdo: FWAP!
[22:45:50] Beirdo: keep hitting him until he learns. Have a 2x4
[22:45:55] PhilQ (PhilQ! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:46:12] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: not to mention he wrote a script that has the total effect of running mythutil --scanvideos
[22:46:12] Scopeuk is now known as Scopeuk-AFK
[22:46:15] wagnerrp: not to mention the fact that he wrote his own socket code to access the backend
[22:46:24] wagnerrp: and yeah, what iamlindoro said
[22:46:38] iamlindoro: Delete the page, IMO
[22:46:46] wagnerrp: and why hes sudo-ing... i have no clue
[22:47:01] iamlindoro: "This script will perform a scan of all defined storage groups, delete missing videos, and adding any new videos for which it can find."
[22:47:03] iamlindoro: um, no it won't
[22:47:09] iamlindoro: the script tells mythtv to do that
[22:47:49] Beirdo: clue-by-four time for sure
[22:48:52] hoolio (hoolio! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[22:53:09] Oleg_: this section of the manual doesn't explain many things:
[22:53:27] Captain_Murdoch: I wrote my own MythTV frontend in 2 lines of shell script. #!/bin/sh\nmythfrontend
[22:53:33] Oleg_: for example, I wanna know what button I need to press to get reminded what channel I am tuned to
[22:53:54] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: in some circles, that would only be considered one line
[22:54:17] Captain_Murdoch: even better. :)
[22:54:30] Captain_Murdoch: makes me more elite.
[22:54:58] wagnerrp: say it right, its 31373
[22:55:29] Oleg_: also, it talks about a zoom key. I don't have this key on my multimedia keyboard
[22:55:46] wagnerrp: i think zoom defaults to 'w'
[22:55:53] Beirdo: NP: Styx – Mr. Roboto
[22:55:54] Beirdo: :)
[22:55:58] Oleg_: oh, it mentions the info key
[22:56:02] Oleg_: that's what I need
[22:56:07] wagnerrp: info defaults to 'i'
[22:56:15] Oleg_: oh, cool
[22:56:37] Beirdo: Captain_Murdoch: you might be able to even do: #! /usr/local/bin/mythfrontend
[22:56:44] Beirdo: and have a one-liner for real
[22:56:58] Beirdo: (substituting in your path, of course)
[22:57:01] Oleg_: But info key just tells me what position I am at
[22:57:02] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:57:14] wagnerrp: are you maybe looking for menu? 'm'
[22:57:33] xavierh: enter twice I believe
[22:58:14] xavierh: Oleg_: or space twice
[22:58:19] wagnerrp: Oleg_: mythtv is not designed to use multimedia keys, when it talks about any key, it is referring to the name of something in the key bindings
[22:58:40] wagnerrp:
[23:01:11] xavierh: So I was wrong, it is info twice to see the description
[23:01:43] xavierh (xavierh! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:01:49] Oleg_: yeah
[23:03:07] jams: nice..mythtv-setup complains if the backend is running, it complains even more if it's not running.
[23:03:44] wagnerrp: it does?
[23:03:50] jams: yep
[23:03:57] jams: didn't notice it till this last update
[23:04:09] wagnerrp: at most, it should complain to the log if it has no database configured and fails to find anything over upnp
[23:04:32] Beirdo: I've never seen it go nuts. That's definitely worth a ticket if there isn't one
[23:04:34] jams: can't connect to master backend, is the ip address set for it i mythtv-setup correct
[23:04:41] jams: endless loop
[23:05:09] mcmoyer (mcmoyer!~textual@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[23:05:10] Beirdo: hmmm, maybe drop into gdb and get a backtrace so we can easier find how it got there.
[23:06:19] jams: yeah sounds like aplan. Think my previous update was about two weeks ago.
[23:06:37] Beirdo: yeah, an update first might be good just in case :)
[23:06:38] Beirdo: heh
[23:07:06] jams: oh i mean this is a clean checkout. I don't remember it doing this two weeks ago
[23:07:23] Beirdo: ooooh
[23:07:27] Beirdo: I getcha now
[23:07:46] Beirdo: sorry, I'm still a half-wit today, it seems
[23:07:55] jams: naw i phrased it wrong
[23:09:01] Beirdo: Mmmm, Styx
[23:09:13] Beirdo: good to drown out coworkers, I tell ya
[23:10:02] ** wagnerrp suggests Cream instead **
[23:10:02] Beirdo: Oh wow. Alaskan Viaduct demolition starts Friday :)
[23:10:15] Beirdo: at least the south end.
[23:10:20] wagnerrp: alaskan viaduct? what for?
[23:10:55] Beirdo: it's a raised highway that is FUGLY and goes into downtown Seattle
[23:10:55] wagnerrp: sure you have plenty of fresh water up there
[23:11:07] wagnerrp: so has nothing to do with alaska or water
[23:11:10] Beirdo: Alaskan Way Viaduct in fact
[23:11:21] Beirdo: why they called it a viaduct, I dunno
[23:11:37] Beirdo: the street below/beside is Alaskan Way
[23:12:02] Beirdo: it's being replaced by a bored tunnel
[23:12:24] Beirdo: as it's old, and due to fall down any time now, especially should the ground shake and help it
[23:12:47] Beirdo:
[23:12:52] Beirdo: for the interested
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