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Thursday, October 13th, 2011, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:08] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:04:26] Oleg_: if I wanna capture over the air ATSC broadcasts, I need to enter "Tuner 1" for Default input?
[00:04:42] Oleg_: I connected an antenna to ATSC input
[00:05:59] iamlindoro: If you have a selection of default inputs, you've already set the card up wrong
[00:06:06] iamlindoro: Digital tuners are DVB Card Type
[00:06:18] iamlindoro: Sounds like you're using v4l of ivtv
[00:07:01] iamlindoro: s/of/or/
[00:10:33] Oleg_: ok, "Connect Source to Input" section
[00:10:41] Oleg_: I don't even understand what it means
[00:10:56] wagnerrp: you defined your tuner card?
[00:11:07] Oleg_: yes
[00:11:18] wagnerrp: when you define it, mythtv will enumerate all the inputs the tuner card provides
[00:11:25] wagnerrp: you defined your video source?
[00:11:31] Oleg_: no
[00:11:31] wagnerrp: (the thing that contains your channel lineup)
[00:11:31] iamlindoro: and you created a video source, and pointed that at your schedules direct account?
[00:11:39] iamlindoro: The steps in mythtv-setup are numbered
[00:11:47] iamlindoro: that's because they need to be done properly, in order, and they're not optional
[00:12:06] wagnerrp: once you have created a video source in step 3
[00:12:17] wagnerrp: you can then connect that video source to the input on your tuner card in step 4
[00:13:02] shipit (shipit! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[00:13:05] Oleg_: well, this thing is not that easy to configure
[00:13:21] iamlindoro: It's a lot easier to configure if you read the documentation
[00:13:28] shipit (shipit!~shipit@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:35] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[00:15:44] Oleg_: video source name can be any name?
[00:15:54] wagnerrp: yes
[00:16:16] Oleg_: and should I enter user id and password for it?
[00:16:28] wagnerrp: the ones corresponding to your schedules direct account
[00:16:29] Twiggy2cents: iamlindoro> You probably need to be reading the manual hoolio> look for some doco specific to your versions myth and fedora <iamlindoro> It's a lot easier to configure if you read the documentation <iamlindoro> that's because they need to be done properly, in order, and they're not optional
[00:16:32] Twiggy2cents: Just sayin
[00:16:53] Twiggy2cents:
[00:18:19] Oleg_: ok, the subscription to a schedules direct account is an absolute requirement?
[00:18:35] wagnerrp: are you recording from an antenna or a cable?
[00:18:45] Oleg_: antenna
[00:19:12] wagnerrp: broadcast channels from an antenna, you will likely get around 12hrs of poor quality guide data
[00:19:21] wagnerrp: you may get more, probably not
[00:19:27] c5s (c5s! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:19:41] wagnerrp: and that guide data may be as worthless as a bunch of 30 minutes 'unnamed show's
[00:19:43] Twiggy2cents: " poor quality guide data" just to emphasize
[00:20:08] Twiggy2cents: I used to think that there was no need for schedules direct but now after having it I wouldnt go back
[00:20:13] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:20:24] wagnerrp: with schedules direct, you get two weeks of data, and it is very infrequently wrong
[00:20:29] Twiggy2cents: You can set it to EIT until you get your setup running though(just incase you decide to abandon it)
[00:20:42] Oleg_: eit?
[00:20:48] wagnerrp: broadcast guide data
[00:21:05] wagnerrp: basically, mythtv records things based off scheduling data
[00:21:19] wagnerrp: without valid data, you can only use it with manual time-based recordings
[00:21:29] wagnerrp: in which case youre marginally better off than a VCR
[00:22:14] Oleg_: ok, let me subscribe to this direct service
[00:22:30] wagnerrp: note that there is a 7-day free trial
[00:22:36] wagnerrp: and with 2 weeks of data
[00:22:48] wagnerrp: that means you have 3 weeks before you run out of schedules direct guide data
[00:24:16] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[00:25:38] Oleg_: then I will have to pay?
[00:26:33] wagnerrp: if you decide (like everyone else) that EIT is too much garbage to try to use, then yes
[00:26:59] wagnerrp: we used to get free guide data through zap2it for non-commercial use
[00:27:11] wagnerrp: however payware programs abused the service, and it was shut down
[00:27:41] wagnerrp: so, the mythtv community and several other opensource PVRs banded together and founded schedules direct to license they data from zap2it
[00:27:48] Oleg_: well, this service is cheap enough – $25 per year
[00:27:52] kc (kc!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:28:51] kc (kc!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:14] Oleg_: it says:
[00:29:17] Oleg_: "Error:
[00:29:18] Oleg_: You are being effected by a random bug under investigation. It may be 60 minutes until your account is ready for use. Sorry, Please try again later."
[00:36:41] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:37:26] hoolio: so what's the difference between shepherd and schedules direct?
[00:37:34] hoolio: i mean why do we have two systems?
[00:38:20] hoolio: i get brilliant guide data through shepherd and it doesn't cost me anything
[00:38:20] iamlindoro: because they're on two continents, for two different countries, with two different TV standards?
[00:38:27] hoolio: hrm
[00:38:43] iamlindoro: And because the approach used by Shepherd would lead to prosecution in the US
[00:38:48] hoolio: oh
[00:38:53] hoolio: ic
[00:39:00] hoolio: um, why?
[00:39:57] Twiggy2cents: scraping I am guessing
[00:39:58] iamlindoro: because shepherd scrapes numerous web sources in contravention of their terms of service, and distributes copyrighted and copyrightable data without the permission of the owner
[00:41:51] hoolio: yeah ok, i get the angle.
[00:42:10] hoolio: not sure of the exact legal situation, but i don't think it's as clearly cut here
[00:42:24] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:42:47] hoolio: the copyright enforcement movement isn't as well entrenched here
[00:43:00] hoolio: (in australia)
[00:43:20] hoolio: I'm now trying to determine if it is actually doing something illegal by australian law
[00:45:19] hoolio: "Some of the grabbers used by Shepherd read web sites that say they don't want their data used in PVRs, but that doesn't mean it's illegal. Shepherd doesn't copy or distribute data, but rather allows individuals at home to read it via their PVRs. It operates in the same manner as a browser, sending HTTP requests and formatting the resultant HTML for display in a manner appropriate to the user. "
[00:46:03] hoolio: I'm not sure if any such website "terms of service" are legally binding here either.
[00:46:10] hoolio: so back to schedules direct for a sec
[00:46:11] iamlindoro: So basically, you're relying on the authors of a tool to tell you if the tool is legal ;)
[00:46:30] hoolio: as i said the copyright enforcement movement isn't as well entrenched here
[00:46:39] hoolio: that's generally accepted here
[00:46:43] iamlindoro: You guys actually have a very high profile web scraping case going on right now
[00:47:07] hoolio: yep, we have legal battles all the time
[00:47:11] iamlindoro: So better to reserve your legal opinion if you don't know the score ;)
[00:47:16] hoolio: but they're ones you guys have had already
[00:48:38] iamlindoro: Take this, for example: . . . 21-v-rogers/
[00:48:54] iamlindoro: Where bah, wrong link
[00:49:49] hoolio: . . . nd-analysis/
[00:49:54] iamlindoro: Anyway, best just to leave the legal debate out-- there is case law in .au that holds click wrap agreements are enforceable, meaning you are bound by the terms of service and can be sued for redress if you violate them
[00:49:58] hoolio:
[00:49:59] MythLogBot: SVN 2009: (branch master)
[00:50:51] hoolio: i don't know of any instances where anyone has been found liable for copyright infringement for using page scrapers.
[00:51:05] iamlindoro: That's thinking too microscopically
[00:51:06] hoolio: doesn't mean that cases aren't still being tried
[00:51:24] Oleg_: and what does it mean, "Data Direct Lineup"?
[00:51:25] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:51:49] iamlindoro: That's like saying "I don't know of cases where people have been found guilty of murder with a raw piece of celery"
[00:52:09] iamlindoro: When the basic behavior is illegal, so too are derivative behaviors
[00:52:13] hoolio: um, ok.
[00:52:23] Oleg_: what is data direct lineup?
[00:52:24] hoolio: as i keep saying, the legal landscape here is different
[00:52:36] hoolio: it's not been proven illegal here.
[00:52:39] wagnerrp: datadirect is the service that provides the data
[00:52:42] iamlindoro: But really, this is obscenely offtopic, the point is that *nobody* who is not ready to offer professional legal services should be offering any legal opinion in this channel
[00:52:47] wagnerrp: its a part of tribune media services
[00:52:52] wagnerrp: the parent company of zap2it
[00:53:11] hoolio: I never said i was a lawyer, i'm just talking about the law
[00:53:12] Oleg_: wagnerrp, ok, so what should I enter in that box?
[00:53:19] wagnerrp: what box?
[00:53:21] iamlindoro: it's inappropriate, because someone might do something retarded based on your say-so, and we want no part of people inferring that such negligent opinion is reliable
[00:53:22] hoolio: i'm pretty sure that's not illegal ;)
[00:53:23] wagnerrp: oh
[00:53:32] iamlindoro: therefore, please lkeep your legal opinions to yourself
[00:53:39] wagnerrp: it should be autopopulated by the lineups you have configured for your schedules direct account
[00:53:43] Oleg_: okay, fetching lineups
[00:54:14] hoolio: talking about the law is not allowed here?
[00:54:32] iamlindoro: hoolio: Giving a legal opinion that could get people in trouble isn't, that's correct
[00:54:38] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:05] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[00:55:30] hoolio: i don't agree with your notion that i was giving a legal advice.
[00:55:35] hoolio: i was talking about the law.
[00:55:36] iamlindoro: I don't care :P
[00:55:44] iamlindoro: I'm telling you to drop it
[00:56:43] hoolio: i am displeased with your black and white approach.
[00:56:52] iamlindoro: Your displeasure is noted
[00:57:15] hoolio: how are we supposed to understand the landscape if we aren't allowed to discuss it?
[00:57:40] iamlindoro: hoolio: We don't allow discussion of web scraping or violations of terms of service in *any* jurisdiction here
[00:57:44] iamlindoro: It's right in the channel rules
[00:58:00] iamlindoro: if you want to discuss it, discuss it somewhere legal matters are on-topic
[00:58:32] hoolio: i understand why you need to be saying this.
[00:58:34] iamlindoro: . . . e_Violations
[00:58:46] iamlindoro: Great, thanks for your understanding. Now please behave accordingly
[00:59:02] hoolio: ok
[00:59:06] iamlindoro: thanks
[00:59:11] hoolio: sorry if i raised your blood pressure :)
[00:59:35] iamlindoro: Not raised, this is old hat by now
[01:00:08] Oleg_: ok, modulation should be terrestial 8-vsb?
[01:00:26] iamlindoro: if you're using an antenna, yes
[01:02:25] Oleg_: ok, when I scan for channels, it just keeps saying "Timed out – no signal"
[01:03:11] iamlindoro: Are you letting it complete?
[01:03:29] iamlindoro: Not every channel has programming on it-- in fact, over the air only a tiny minority do
[01:03:54] iamlindoro: and presumably you used the us-bcast frequency table?
[01:04:33] Oleg_: it just says "Broadcast"
[01:04:53] iamlindoro: that's fine
[01:07:10] Oleg_: it says "failed to find any channels"
[01:08:27] iamlindoro: Then you have a signal problem, a config problem, or a driver problem
[01:08:41] iamlindoro: Have you used this same antenna with the same cable before?
[01:09:06] Oleg_: ok, let me connect it to my TV to test it
[01:09:15] ** iamlindoro wonders if that is a no **
[01:09:16] troyt (troyt! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:06] Oleg_: it's a tv indoor antenna vhf/uhf
[01:10:23] Oleg_: I have 3 of those in my house
[01:10:54] iamlindoro: have you been using them to date to receive digital signals?
[01:11:04] Oleg_: yes
[01:17:49] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:24:21] Oleg_: all of those antennas work when I connect them to my TV
[01:26:27] Oleg_: so, what's wrong?
[01:37:12] Oleg_: the channel scan is absolutely required?
[01:37:38] wagnerrp: how else would mythtv know where the channels are to tune?
[01:39:11] Oleg_: well, when I connect those antennas to my TV, they can catch ATSC broadcasts
[01:39:28] wagnerrp: what settings where you using to scan?
[01:39:39] Oleg_: on TV?
[01:39:44] wagnerrp: in mythtv
[01:41:09] Oleg_: ok, for data direct lineup – Local Broadcast Listings
[01:41:35] wagnerrp: i mean... schedules direct does not provide enough data to tune a digital channel
[01:41:41] wagnerrp: you must have mythtv scan for channels
[01:41:46] wagnerrp: what options did you use when you did so?
[01:42:26] Oleg_: Capture device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0
[01:42:42] Oleg_: Input: DVBInput
[01:43:11] Oleg_: what else do you need to know?
[01:43:21] wagnerrp: when you selected DVBInput, and mapped it to your schedules direct lineup, there should have been an option to scan for channels
[01:43:43] russell5 (russell5! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:43:50] Oleg_: yes
[01:44:08] wagnerrp: what options did you use?
[01:44:14] Oleg_: Scan for channels
[01:45:16] Oleg_: Scanning Range: ATSC channel 2 through ATSC Channel 69
[01:46:54] Oleg_: so, what's the problem?
[01:46:59] Oleg_: weak antenna signal?
[01:46:59] wagnerrp: the HVR-1600 has two inputs, one for analog, one for digital
[01:47:04] mzb_ is now known as mzb
[01:47:14] wagnerrp: did you plug your antenna into the correct F-connector in the back?
[01:47:14] Oleg_: well, I put the antenna into the atsc input
[01:50:12] jya: it's not a good week when it comes to computers and technology :(
[01:50:13] jya: . . . DYfvKP?hl=en
[01:51:31] Oleg_: wagnerrp, so, the problem is probably a weak antenna signal?
[01:51:37] wagnerrp: dont know
[01:52:05] Oleg_: outdoor antenna should work?
[01:52:52] wagnerrp: so should indoor if its currently working with your tv
[01:52:56] jya: Oleg_: hold the antenna yourself, attaching aluminium foil to the mast and wrapping it around your hand :P
[01:53:16] wagnerrp: not tin?
[01:54:47] jya: tin can create back noise in the 17th parallels, it's advised against
[01:55:02] Oleg_: I dunno what tin is
[01:55:49] wagnerrp: tin? Sn? atomic number 50? stuff that nutjobs stamp into foil and wrap around their heads?
[01:56:48] wagnerrp: he said to wrap aluminum foil around your head... traditionally the joke is to use tin foil
[01:57:20] Oleg_: maybe I could move the pc to another room and try to scan for channels from there
[01:57:36] Oleg_: oh!
[01:57:38] wagnerrp: what is the antenna shaped like?
[01:57:41] Oleg_: now I have a bit of success
[01:58:09] Oleg_: because it says: "Found 2 new non-conflicting ATSC channels"
[01:58:10] wagnerrp: most antenna besides basic "bunny-ears" have some amount of directionality
[01:58:38] Oleg_: this indoor antenna is just a very basic antenna
[01:59:13] Oleg_: ok, so it found 2 channels
[01:59:21] Oleg_: it's better than nothing
[01:59:58] Oleg_: and now I should press on "Insert All", right?
[02:01:20] Oleg_: ok, interaction between inputs
[02:01:25] Oleg_: what should I put there?
[02:02:43] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Quit: jya)
[02:04:54] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:05:52] Oleg_: ok, so now I am running mythfilldatabase
[02:06:58] hadees (hadees!~hadees@ has quit (Quit: hadees)
[02:08:22] wagnerrp: assuming the channel name broadcast by the stations matches that in the schedules direct lineup, mythfilldatabase will automatically match the channel with its guide data
[02:08:36] wagnerrp: if not, you will have to manually match it by going into the channel editor and setting the xmltvid
[02:08:49] wagnerrp: which can be found by mousing over the channel in question on the schedules direct website
[02:11:26] len (len! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:11:31] Oleg_: DVBChan(1:/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0) Error: SetChannelByString(Please add): CheckChannel failed.
[02:11:42] Oleg_: what does it mean?
[02:12:15] wagnerrp: after you scan for channels, you need to select one as the initial starting channel to use when entering livetv
[02:12:44] wagnerrp: you have not done so, so mythtv is attempting to tune the initial value of "please add"
[02:13:07] Oleg_: livetv?
[02:13:13] wagnerrp: "Watch TV"
[02:13:20] Oleg_: there is no livetv option in mythtv-setup
[02:13:30] wagnerrp: where are you at that you got that issue?
[02:13:44] Oleg_: it's from the backend logs
[02:13:59] wagnerrp: dont know what would cause that
[02:14:08] milquetoast (milquetoast! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[02:14:30] milquetoast (milquetoast! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:23:20] Oleg_: ok, got some horrible viewing quality on 5.1 channel
[02:26:12] Oleg_: ok, this issue is caused by the weak antenna signal?
[02:26:22] wagnerrp: could be
[02:26:36] wagnerrp: tuner cards often tend to be much less sensitive than tuners found in tvs
[02:26:48] wagnerrp: how far are you from the stations?
[02:28:28] Oleg_: well, I am in NYC
[02:28:32] Oleg_: Brooklyn
[02:28:40] wagnerrp: lot of tall buildings?
[02:28:52] wagnerrp: some tuners have issue with 'multipath'
[02:29:00] wagnerrp: signal bouncing off mutliple buildings
[02:29:17] wagnerrp: causing the signal to come from multiple directions with different latencies
[02:29:24] wagnerrp: basically, blurring the signal
[02:29:25] Oryx (Oryx! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:29:35] wagnerrp: and while that may cause a bit of a shadow on analog
[02:29:45] wagnerrp: its a complete loss of reception on digital
[02:30:02] Oleg_: but analog TV is not broadcast anymore, right?
[02:30:09] wagnerrp: yes and no
[02:30:12] wagnerrp: there are some analog stations
[02:30:18] wagnerrp: but theyre all low power or nighttime stations
[02:30:41] wagnerrp:
[02:31:40] Twiggy2cents: So, cloud printing can be abused. My wife just sent a photo to the printer. Scared the crap outta me
[02:31:52] wagnerrp: cloud printing?
[02:34:33] Oleg_: well, the results seem good: . . . b5e864004dde
[02:35:03] Twiggy2cents: Google cloud printing. It is a simple way to set up a printing from a mobile device
[02:35:35] wagnerrp: you know what 'the cloud' is, right?
[02:35:49] jheizer (jheizer! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:36:01] wagnerrp: thats where you send a task out to some clump of hardware owned by someone other than you
[02:36:18] wagnerrp: it processes it in batch fashion, and sends you back the results
[02:36:31] Twiggy2cents: psh "the cloud" no longer has the traditional meaning
[02:36:32] wagnerrp: 'cloud printing' would then be some batch printing service
[02:36:45] wagnerrp: akin to Amazon's on-demand publishing
[02:36:53] wagnerrp: what you described would be 'network printing'
[02:36:59] wagnerrp: and has been in use for like 30 years now
[02:36:59] Twiggy2cents: In this sense my pc with the printer is acting as the could
[02:37:11] Twiggy2cents:
[02:37:19] jheizer: but but clouds are cool!
[02:37:20] wagnerrp: no, your PC is not acting like 'the cloud'
[02:37:37] wagnerrp: it stopped being 'the cloud' when you bought it, and made it a single endpoint
[02:37:39] Twiggy2cents: That is what it is called. You can argue, but argue with google, not me
[02:38:18] Twiggy2cents: It allows printing from IOS Android and Chromeos. In most cases network printers do not
[02:38:26] wagnerrp: Oleg_: what type of antenna do you have?
[02:38:53] Oleg_: wagnerrp, indoor color tv antenna uhf/vhf/fm
[02:39:17] wagnerrp: Twiggy2cents: thats not the printer's fault for the phones not supporting standard network printing protocols
[02:39:25] wagnerrp: Oleg_: i mean... what does it look like?
[02:40:04] Oleg_: well, for example, one of them is trisonic – model ts 1581b
[02:40:30] Twiggy2cents: wagnerrp, you are getting off point. What ever you want to call it, it scared me when I was watching tv and the clunky printer started making noise in the other room.
[02:41:11] jheizer: ugh, anyone else having one of those throw your myth system out the window kind of weeks?
[02:41:29] jheizer: failed OS drive led to way too many issues that should not be issues
[02:41:33] Oryx: Can anyone recommend a USB tuner for Linux that supports analog & digital cable as well as terrestrial HD broadcast in North America?
[02:41:48] wagnerrp: 30db gain? its actually possible you might be over-amping it
[02:42:05] wagnerrp: point your antenna at 350deg, just left of due north
[02:42:10] wagnerrp: and see if you get better signal
[02:42:41] wagnerrp: Oryx: HVR-1950
[02:43:15] wagnerrp: if you want an analog tuner and it must be USB, thats the only worthwhile option
[02:44:54] Oryx: Thanks, just to confirm analog for cable TV (if digital is supported, that would be a plus), as well as over the air HD broadcasts work with that model?
[02:44:57] jheizer: Anyone here with an HDPVR that had i working fine under an old ubuntu that now has 11.04 where the driver+blaster is included have tons of problems?
[02:45:11] jheizer: I an did put in the tx_only line in the modprobe options
[02:46:27] jheizer: waaaaaaaaaa my LIRC file is now blank!!!
[02:46:41] jheizer: it has been working/locking up the last 3 days so it was there
[02:46:57] wagnerrp: broadcast digital? yes
[02:47:07] wagnerrp: cable digital? *yes... but only unencrypted channels
[02:47:12] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[02:47:27] jheizer: There is now a hardware.conf.old and a lircd.conf.old
[02:47:30] jheizer: no wonder....
[02:47:53] Oryx: wagnerrp, And lastly analog cable? If so, this is exactly what I've been looking for
[02:48:14] wagnerrp: analog cable? yes... for as long as your cable provider continues to transmit in analog
[02:48:46] Oryx: They do, it's a crappy local provider
[02:50:01] ** jheizer dreams of the simple analog days :-) **
[02:50:16] wagnerrp: jheizer: but... you have comcast!
[02:50:24] c5s (c5s! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[02:50:40] jheizer: oh yes, wonderful COMCAST
[02:50:48] wagnerrp: in other words
[02:50:55] wagnerrp: ditch the HDPVR and cable box, and get a cablecard tuner
[02:50:58] jheizer: although I guess with the new cable card tuners comcast can be at the top of people's lists now
[02:51:20] jheizer: when they forced to digital I went Dish
[02:51:28] jheizer: so stuck with them and hdpvr for a bit
[02:51:35] wagnerrp: contract?
[02:51:48] jheizer: yeah for a few more months
[02:51:57] jheizer: honestly my hdpvr has been a damn rock
[02:52:02] jheizer: mine never locks up or anything
[02:52:06] jheizer: until 3 days ago that is
[02:52:09] wagnerrp: cold house?
[02:52:26] jheizer: OS drive crashed
[02:52:41] jheizer: was happy to see newer ubuntu had the hdpvr+blaster drivers built in
[02:52:42] wagnerrp: no... HDPVR problems often tend to be heat related
[02:52:53] jheizer: but have had random issues since then
[02:52:56] wagnerrp: lack of problems would indicate a cold house
[02:52:58] jheizer: in a cool basement
[02:53:04] jheizer: ah got ya
[02:53:19] jheizer: didn't realize it was so ehat related
[02:53:23] jheizer: *heat
[02:53:49] jheizer: imagine that, restore the lirc configs, reboot, blaster works great again
[02:53:56] jheizer: no idea what .old them all
[02:54:33] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:54:34] jheizer: hmm I did run mythbuntu-control-center to set up the FE on this MBE that only gets used in the work out room today
[02:54:42] jheizer: wonder if that murdered it
[02:56:17] jheizer: SOB, and I hit forgot to hit delete+rerecord on all the 0byte ones I just removed
[02:56:39] wagnerrp: hehe
[02:56:49] jheizer: oh, looks like it had already rescheduled them
[02:56:51] jheizer: that a new thing?
[02:57:17] jheizer: we'll see if mythbusters records in 3 minutes
[02:59:46] jheizer: 30mb and counting
[02:59:47] jheizer: woot
[03:00:15] Twiggy2cents: According to that this would qualify as cloud computing. I am sharing a resource over the internet. Also it is just passing the file to the computer to print. There is no drivers on the phone which would also relate the cloud part
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[03:04:18] jheizer: set recordings now till 8am each on a different channel
[03:04:24] jheizer: see if it survives the night lol
[03:19:07] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:28:26] Oryx: I just bought this, I'm good to go for MythTV / Linux support?
[03:28:41] Oryx: I'll be a very happy man on Friday
[03:28:57] wagnerrp: should work
[03:29:07] wagnerrp: although is there any particular reason why you had to go USB?
[03:29:19] Oryx: Laptop
[03:29:41] wagnerrp: this is a laptop dedicated for use with mythtv?
[03:30:13] Oryx: Yes, also wanted to be able to travel with it, so it's probably my best option
[03:30:46] wagnerrp: note that the scheduler was designed with the idea that mythtv would always be running (or have the ability to start itself) and always have access to the tuner
[03:31:01] wagnerrp: if not, conflict resolution may not behave in the manner you want
[03:31:29] wagnerrp: canceling one show in favor of another, as it expects the first will be able to be recorded at a later time
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[03:33:23] Oryx: *nods* I don't care to keep it always on, but we'll see
[03:33:51] wagnerrp: mythtv has the ability to shut itself down, and turn back on automatically as needed using your BIOS timer
[03:34:08] Oryx: Back in the day, I had one of the original Hauppauge PCI tuners, the Linux and FreeBSD support was farely good, but it was really too slow to record (it did direct memory writes for TV watching)
[03:34:23] wagnerrp: called a 'framegrabber'
[03:34:24] Oryx: This is leaps ahead of where things were back then :D
[03:34:38] wagnerrp: most digital tuners still have one of those, because its just so cheap to add one
[03:34:55] wagnerrp: which is why when you wanted analog, i explicitly pointed you to that tuner in particular
[03:35:14] wagnerrp: hauppauge is pretty much the only manufacturer still making hardware encoder analog cards
[03:35:36] wagnerrp: some of the ATI cards have it, but they dont work in linux
[03:36:16] wagnerrp: and you can find multiple-input security DVR cards, but those really arent designed for TV capture
[03:38:23] Oryx: Ah sweet, thanks for the recommendation!
[03:38:36] Oryx: It looks like it will fit my needs perfectly
[03:38:49] wagnerrp: some of us keep pushing to remove framegrabber support entirely
[03:39:17] wagnerrp: but one of the linuxtv devs (and hauppauge engineers) keeps advising against since most analog tuners are framegrabbers
[03:42:38] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:42:46] wagnerrp: heh
[03:43:08] devinheitmueller: I have remarkable timing, no?
[03:43:19] iamlindoro: remarkable F5
[03:44:22] Oleg_: oh man
[03:44:27] devinheitmueller: For the record, I don't actually sit in front of the IRC log whacking the refresh button.  :-)
[03:44:38] wagnerrp: sure...
[03:44:48] devinheitmueller: I have a script that does it for me.  :-)
[03:45:11] iamlindoro: and greps for hauppauge|linuxtv|devin?
[03:45:30] devinheitmueller: That would be a cool little app. Perhaps I should write something like that for my Android phone....
[03:45:45] devinheitmueller: (or just a script which sends me an SMS)
[03:48:50] ** iamlindoro has to design "the perfect MythTV remote control," visually **
[03:49:02] iamlindoro: for use in... a thing
[03:49:25] devinheitmueller: iamlindoro: they got rid of the $5.00 fee for Xcode.  :-)
[03:49:26] ** wagnerrp wonders if iamlindoro is channeling a certain trash can **
[03:50:20] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: Hmm... I wonder if I paid $5 for it? It was a few months ago now
[03:50:28] iamlindoro: which trash can?
[03:50:39] devinheitmueller: For 3.x it was free, for 4.0 it was $5.00, for 4.1 it was free again.
[03:50:40] wagnerrp: the british kind
[03:50:50] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: Ah, I must have paid it then
[03:51:03] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: I must be slow tonight... need another hint
[03:51:05] devinheitmueller: I think the $5.00 was really just a way to ensure developers actually had a legit Apple Developer account.
[03:51:09] Oleg_: ok, found a few more channels
[03:51:11] wagnerrp: dustybin
[03:51:15] iamlindoro: hahahaah
[03:51:20] iamlindoro: I get it
[03:51:33] Oleg_: but none of them have good reception
[03:51:46] iamlindoro: except I do more than talk
[03:51:48] Oleg_: so, maybe I should buy another type of antenna?
[03:51:52] styelz: fixed my hdhomerun issue, was the power supply. yay.. thanks whoever suggested that
[03:52:06] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: looks like I'm running 4.1, but I don't recall doing an upgrade recently... oh well
[03:52:39] Oleg_: wagnerrp, what can you suggest to me?
[03:52:40] devinheitmueller: I actually really like Xcode. As much as I rely on Linux dev tools, they pretty much suck compared to Xcode (or Visual Studio for that matter)
[03:53:03] iamlindoro: I like it too... IB is *really* nice, and the code autocompletion is amazing
[03:53:10] wagnerrp: Oleg_: i dont really have anything to suggest, i use my cable as an "antenna" for my local broadcast channels
[03:53:31] devinheitmueller: iamlindoro: beyond the autocompletion and the debugger, Linux doesn't really begin to compare.
[03:53:35] Oleg_: wagnerrp, digital channels?
[03:54:38] devinheitmueller: Oleg_: you're in Brooklyn? And you have an HVR-1600? Turn the antenna 90 degrees and scan again.
[03:55:01] wagnerrp: 90 degrees?
[03:55:09] wagnerrp: too high of gain?
[03:55:16] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: perhaps the antenna is oriented wrong.
[03:55:37] devinheitmueller: Oleg_: where are you in brooklyn?
[03:55:45] wagnerrp: i told him it should be pointed just left of due north
[03:55:47] Oleg_: devinheitmueller, Midwood
[03:55:48] devinheitmueller: …. meaning how far out from Manhattan.
[03:55:55] wagnerrp: tvfool says everything is at 350deg
[03:56:35] devinheitmueller: Oh, you should have no problem with reception then, unless you're adjacent to a huge building between you and the Empire State Building.
[03:56:55] devinheitmueller: Also, how new is your 1600?
[03:57:14] Oleg_: devinheitmueller, bought it yesterday and installed it today
[03:57:31] devinheitmueller: Yeah, that should be a s5h1411 demod. You shouldn't have any problem with reception.
[03:57:54] Oleg_: but I have quite big problems with it
[03:58:06] devinheitmueller: Which two channels did you get?
[03:58:12] Oleg_: devinheitmueller, do you use cable or antenna?
[03:58:16] devinheitmueller: I have both.
[03:58:28] Oleg_: 5.1 and 9.2
[03:58:38] devinheitmueller: Those are the exact same frequency.
[03:58:39] Oleg_: but then I scanned again and got 3 or 4 more channels
[03:58:46] devinheitmueller: You only really found one real channel.
[03:58:55] Oleg_: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 41.1
[03:59:05] devinheitmueller: hmmm....
[03:59:42] Oleg_: but I don't know why reception is so poor
[04:00:23] Oleg_: you think a regular indoor antenna should be enough for good reception?
[04:01:00] wagnerrp: devinheitmueller: i was a bit concerned about his antenna being active
[04:01:08] wagnerrp: its got a 30db amp on it
[04:01:11] devinheitmueller: Oh.
[04:01:21] devinheitmueller: Yeah, I would try turning that off and see if it helps.
[04:01:52] devinheitmueller: He should be able to get around 20 channels.
[04:04:27] devinheitmueller: Crap. I've got to go. Oleg_: try rotating the antenna, turn off the preamp, move it closer to the window. Sorry I cannot be of more help at this point. Oh, and go to to see a list of what you should be able to receive...
[04:04:30] devinheitmueller: ttyl
[04:04:39] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has quit (Quit: devinheitmueller)
[04:14:34] Shadow__X: when i use vdpau slim as playback profile the video seems to stutter and the motion is not as smooth as it is when i use slim. Is my gpu (8400gs bad) or is something else wrong
[04:23:14] Oleg_: and I don
[04:23:22] Oleg_: and I don't even get any sound
[04:23:42] Oleg_: why TV's reception of those channels is usually fine?
[04:27:17] _abbenormal (_abbenormal! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[04:27:39] wagnerrp: sound is a playback issue, not a recording issue
[04:27:42] wagnerrp: those recordings have sound
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[04:38:38] c5s: I'm having php memory_limit problems in mythweb while trying to search or view upcoming. I'm on mythbuntu v0.24.1-88-gf006f90
[04:39:10] Oleg_: bbl
[04:39:15] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[04:40:03] c5s: I upped my php_value memory_limit to 512M
[04:40:29] clydefrog: Having issues with a second hard drive getting recognized on the front end guys.
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[04:41:12] clydefrog: auto mounted, shared via samba with /media/TV.
[04:41:29] clydefrog: can access it from windows, not from front end.
[04:41:33] wagnerrp: this is for recordings or videos?
[04:42:08] c5s: ahhh, never mind I updated that to 1024M, restart apache and it seems to be working now
[04:42:11] clydefrog: unencrypted DVD files. .VOB, .IFO. All in separate directories
[04:42:33] wagnerrp: clydefrog: mythvideo content doesnt get mounted on the frontend
[04:42:54] clydefrog: its mounted on the backend, not recognized on the front end though
[04:43:05] wagnerrp: your backend has read access to the content?
[04:43:20] wagnerrp: the user running the backend, that is
[04:43:35] wagnerrp: you added '/media/TV' to the Videos storage group on the backend?
[04:44:16] clydefrog: backend will not recognize it either through mythtv. I did add
[04:44:36] wagnerrp: what do you mean backend will not recognize it?
[04:45:17] clydefrog: Under "Watch Videos", no videos are displayed
[04:45:24] wagnerrp: did you ever scan for content?
[04:45:44] wagnerrp: any reason these disks dont simply live in your backend?
[04:45:53] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:47:08] clydefrog: was trying to figure out how to do the scan. Cannot seem to find a "scan for changes" option anywhere. Hitting "M" on the keyboard brings up delete options and an "about" menu, but thats about it.
[04:47:23] wagnerrp: where are you at when you hit 'm'?
[04:48:04] clydefrog: mythbuntu backend setup, any menu.
[04:48:17] wagnerrp: you must scan in 'watch videos' in the frontend
[04:50:27] clydefrog: Thank you! Doing that now. How long does it take. I'm still not getting anything after the scan.
[04:50:50] wagnerrp: depends on how much content you have
[04:51:01] wagnerrp: it should have a popup dialog showing progress during the scan
[04:51:22] clydefrog: right now its a 1TB drive, with about 20Gbs of data on it. No progress bar either.
[04:52:17] wagnerrp: chances are the CIFS share is mounted in a manner such that the backend cannot access it
[04:52:28] clydefrog: under the smbd.conf, i used mythuser for "forceuser" and "forcegroup" for the share.
[04:52:31] wagnerrp: so back to the other question, why not just stick the disk in your backend?
[04:52:40] wagnerrp: smbd.conf?
[04:52:52] wagnerrp: wait... this is a disk on another linux server, and youre sharing it out over samba????
[04:53:54] clydefrog: no, the disk lives in the backend. I have 2 1TB drives in it. One with the file system on it, and one to store DVD files.
[04:54:14] wagnerrp: then why does samba factor into this at all?
[04:54:40] c5s (c5s! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:55:23] clydefrog: to be honest, how else, other than mounting the drive within an already shared directory would I complete this task?
[04:55:37] wagnerrp: screw samba, dont touch samba
[04:55:46] wagnerrp: the disk is local to the backend
[04:56:03] wagnerrp: the disk and folder have permissions that the backend can read from it?
[04:56:21] wagnerrp: if so, specify that folder in the Videos storage group in mythtv-setup
[04:56:22] wagnerrp: and thats it
[04:56:24] wagnerrp: youre done
[04:56:26] wagnerrp: finished
[04:56:40] wagnerrp: mythbackend will automatically stream that content to any connected frontend
[04:56:59] clydefrog: even though its a separate disk?
[04:57:16] wagnerrp: why would that have anything to do with anything?
[04:57:41] hoolio (hoolio! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:57:46] clydefrog: so, the mount in fstab should be /dev/sdb1?
[04:57:59] wagnerrp: if the disk shows up as /dev/sdb1, sure
[04:58:38] clydefrog: not /media/TV
[04:59:03] wagnerrp: /dev/sdb1 is the device node mapped to that disk, automatically generated by udev and the kernel
[04:59:21] wagnerrp: /media/TV is the location on the filesystem you are mounting the disk to
[04:59:37] clydefrog: but it wont auto mount at start up.
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[05:00:11] wagnerrp: that sounds like a distro problem rather than a mythtv problem
[05:00:22] wagnerrp: you hand wrote this fstab?
[05:00:32] clydefrog: yep
[05:00:39] wagnerrp: my guess is you hand wrote it wrong
[05:00:43] wagnerrp: paste the whole line
[05:02:51] clydefrog: here it is: /dev/sdb1 /media/TV ntfs auto, users, rw 0 0
[05:03:09] wagnerrp: well your first problem is youre using ntfs
[05:03:20] clydefrog: lol
[05:03:27] wagnerrp: dont do that
[05:03:35] wagnerrp: this is linux, use a linux-native filesystem
[05:03:42] wagnerrp: like xfs or jfs or ext4
[05:04:49] clydefrog: will do
[05:05:13] wagnerrp: no reason to use 'users' if youre mounting automatically
[05:05:21] wagnerrp: no reason to use 'auto' since that is default
[05:05:43] wagnerrp: and once you switch to a proper filesystem, youll want to change that last number to a 2
[05:05:54] wagnerrp: to ensure it will be fsck'd during the second pass on boot
[05:06:30] clydefrog: okay
[05:07:20] clydefrog: was it really because of the file system? Ive read that others used ntfs-3g and did not have an issue.
[05:07:51] wagnerrp: maybe, maybe not
[05:07:59] wagnerrp: but, theres no reason to be running ntfs
[05:08:17] wagnerrp: so you may as well change to something more sensible before you fill the drive up and have no where to temporarily store that data
[05:10:32] clydefrog: true. Thank you for your help... again.  :) Calling it a night and will give it another shot tomorrow.
[05:10:58] Tod4Dd (Tod4Dd! has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[05:11:06] wagnerrp: ... why is so slow ...
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[06:53:29] sphery: wagnerrp: guess that proves that atom is better than Core Duo
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[09:12:44] hashbang: heyas
[09:24:57] justinh: mornin
[09:32:34] hashbang: justinh: how goes it?
[09:33:33] justinh: not bad. busy busy at work
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[13:01:30] likwid--: is there a way to kill a commercial job. ive got one show that has been trying to flag for 8–10 hrs now
[13:01:50] likwid--: tried to watch it there was lots of distortion, like the cable feed wasn't good at the time.. very pixelated
[13:01:58] likwid--: i think thats why its having such a hard time
[13:02:18] likwid--: but its ragging my hd as its constantly read/writing
[13:03:50] GreyFoxx: Anyone here ever tried to undelete a file deleted from an ext4 partition ?
[13:04:45] likwid--: n/m found the process.
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[14:10:43] notlistening: Hi, I am using myth mythtv backend upnp server to stream my recording to my android phone, are there better ways to go about doing this?
[14:10:52] wagnerrp: mythdroid
[14:12:48] notlistening: have you got personal experience with using that
[14:12:53] wagnerrp: nope
[14:13:09] j-rod|afk is now known as j-rod
[14:13:56] justinh: I have. it sucked
[14:17:00] notlistening: oh :(
[14:17:24] notlistening: lol maybe upnp client and video player is better then with mythweb
[14:20:09] simcop2387 (simcop2387!~simcop238@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[14:23:07] justinh: all the droidy myth things I've tried sucked one way or another
[14:23:10] justinh: or more than one way
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[14:23:41] justinh: some people, it seems, can't even draw a simple button shape without making it look like crap
[14:25:25] ** wagnerrp wonders if justinh is talking about him **
[14:25:37] wagnerrp: im creative... just not in an artistic manner
[14:28:28] justinh: wagnerrp: did you make a droidy myth client/remote thingy?
[14:28:46] wagnerrp: no, but other stuff ive attempted... ends badly
[14:29:06] justinh: so I wasn't talking about you then ;)
[14:29:19] wagnerrp: i know
[14:29:46] justinh: mind, anything I'd do might look ok, but would be a bag of s*** in the code
[14:30:06] justinh: some droid apps manage both at the same time
[14:31:07] justinh: I dunno where all the 'I'm not any kind of designer' stuff comes from. there are more than enough outlets of good looking button graphics out there
[14:31:27] justinh: hahaha.. this just rolled onto my timeline
[14:33:59] iamlindoro: Heh... I actually had a friend with a pet possum once
[14:38:11] iamlindoro: Thinking back, his family were probably inbred
[14:38:40] justinh: lol
[14:38:56] justinh: didn't realise you knew anybody from my home town
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[15:33:27] Oleg_: okay, guys, on Windows, I managed to get a perfect reception of 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 11.1, and probably some other channels
[15:33:36] Oleg_: using the WinTV program
[15:34:35] Oleg_: with sound working fine
[15:34:46] Oleg_: but on linux, it's a different story so far
[15:35:16] Oleg_: first of all, there is no sound in mythtv when I watch these channels
[15:36:06] Oleg_: any idea why sound isn't working?
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[15:47:25] wagnerrp: you went into sound setup, scanned for devices, and picked the proper ALSA output?
[15:47:42] wagnerrp: should be something like ALSA:default, or maybe :front
[15:56:03] Oleg_: is it possible to switch to the oss output?
[16:00:23] Oleg_: by the way, for video playback profile, should I choose vdpau normal or vdpau high quality?
[16:00:48] wagnerrp: what is your video card?
[16:00:55] Oleg_: nvidia gt 220
[16:01:07] wagnerrp: should have enough power for either
[16:02:17] Oleg_: now I just wanna find the setting for /dev/dsp output
[16:02:31] wagnerrp: why would you want to use the old OSS outputs?
[16:04:48] hashbang (hashbang!~isajb@2001:630:e4:1212:230:48ff:febf:1392) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[16:07:16] jams: maybe he is using OSS instead of ALSA
[16:07:30] wagnerrp: does OSS4 still use those devices?
[16:07:45] jams: they are symlinks
[16:08:20] jams: /dev/dsp -> /dev/oss/oss_envy240/pcm0
[16:09:08] Oleg_: ok, how can I make alsa output work for me?
[16:09:19] Oleg_: both alsa and pulseaudio outputs work in mplayer
[16:09:27] jams: it's a neat way to set the default audio device
[16:09:40] jams: well then i guess he is not using OSS =)
[16:09:57] Oleg_: and oss output also works in mplayer
[16:10:12] wagnerrp: OSS doesnt exist
[16:10:23] wagnerrp: youre using some virtual OSS device provided by pulseaudio
[16:10:42] Oleg_: well, I simply created /dev/dsp
[16:10:46] Oleg_: with mknod command
[16:11:20] wagnerrp: if pulseaudio is active, it should have assumed control over any audio devices, and blocked direct access outside of pulseaudio
[16:11:30] wagnerrp: that includes any ALSA or OSS outputs
[16:12:28] Oleg_: ok, then I should choose pulseaudio in mythtv-setup?
[16:12:47] wagnerrp: no, when you scan for devices, mythtv will disable pulseaudio to access the ALSA and OSS devices directly
[16:13:07] wagnerrp: if you tell mythtv to use one of those devices, then mythtv will disable pulseaudio any time you want to use it
[16:13:19] wagnerrp: you almost certainly have no reason to use pulseaudio
[16:13:32] wagnerrp: and there are a lot of reasons to not use pulseaudio for multimedia applications
[16:13:44] Oleg_: well, I have no clue why there is still no sound when watching channels
[16:14:29] wagnerrp: what device did you tell mythtv to output to?
[16:15:40] Oleg_: alsa
[16:15:53] Oleg_: let me check that setting again
[16:15:56] Oleg_: where is it?
[16:15:56] wagnerrp: well you cant just type in 'alsa' and expect anything to work
[16:15:59] Oleg_: I can't find it now
[16:16:01] wagnerrp: you have to specify an alsa device
[16:16:29] Oleg_: where in mythtv-setup can I find the setting for it?
[16:16:48] wagnerrp: its not, its in mythfrontend
[16:17:05] wagnerrp: the only audio settings in mythtv-setup are those for capturing audio with an analog framegrabber
[16:17:14] jams: mythfrontend setup->general 3rd or 4th page in
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[16:29:39] Oleg_: great, sound is working now, thanks
[16:30:29] Oleg_: ok, the good news is that now I have a perfect reception of 7_1 (ABC), 11_1 (CW), and some other channels
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[16:49:18] Oleg_: why does mythtv say "hd 720" for the cw network (11_1 channel) when it's actually broadcast in 1080i?
[16:49:44] wagnerrp: likely keying off the guide data
[16:50:01] wagnerrp: rather than the actual recording information
[17:04:14] Oleg_: is there way to keep the information about a certain channel constantly displayed on the screen?
[17:04:38] Oleg_: like with what bitrate it's broadcast, channel number, and etc.
[17:04:57] wagnerrp: you can adjust the timeout, but there is no way to keep it on screen indefinitely
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[17:28:28] iamlindoro: If it says hd 720, it's because it was 720p
[17:28:53] wagnerrp: after recording, all that stuff is properly recorded?
[17:28:57] iamlindoro: The network may *mostly* broadcast in 1080i, but Myth determines the exact HD resolution after the fact, and getting that mark means that most of the frames were 720p
[17:28:58] wagnerrp: s/recorded/reported/
[17:29:53] iamlindoro: There's nothing preventing a "1080i" network from broadcasting in 720p, or from alternating the resolution right midstream-- it happens all the time
[17:30:16] iamlindoro: Myth collates all the stream changes and takes the largest time spent at a given resolution, and marks the recording accordingly
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[17:57:26] Oleg_: I don't understand. I ran the channel scan again and it says "Found 1 off-air channel"
[17:57:44] Oleg_: and below it, it says "Delete all"
[17:57:58] Oleg_: why "delete all"?
[17:59:27] Oleg_: it also offers me to "Set All Invisible" or "Ignore All"
[18:03:27] iamlindoro: Because the channel is off the air
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[18:14:11] Oleg_: it found channel 13_1 (PBS), but to get the perfect reception of it, I need to put the ears of the antenna in the position that makes me completely lose the reception of 7_1 (ABC)
[18:16:03] wagnerrp: well that doesnt make sense
[18:16:08] wagnerrp: theyre both at 350deg from you
[18:16:32] Oleg_: well, I am telling you the facts
[18:16:33] wagnerrp: did you ever try disabling the amp on that antenna?
[18:17:52] Oleg_: I just disabled it and completely lost the reception of PBS and CW
[18:19:04] Oleg_: for 7_1, it now says "partial lock", but 0 actual reception
[18:19:14] Oleg_: just blank screen
[18:22:39] Oleg_: turned the amp back on, and the perfect reception of PBS and CW is back
[18:23:54] Oleg_: but don't I live less than 10 miles away from the transmitter towers of those stations?
[18:24:19] wagnerrp: yes
[18:24:31] wagnerrp: those bunny ears, do you actually have them extended?
[18:24:35] Oleg_: yes
[18:28:42] notlistening: I've heard it all now bunny ears :P
[18:28:50] wagnerrp: ?
[18:28:51] Oleg_: if I change the position of the bunny ears with the amp enabled, 7_1 comes back with perfect reception, but CW gets completely lost and PBS still remains
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[18:42:05] wagnerrp: sphery: some interesting benchmarks
[18:42:15] wagnerrp: . . . hreaded-Perf
[18:42:39] wagnerrp: details the performance loss from having the share L2 and frontend between the two cores in a bulldozer module
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[18:59:04] sphery: interesting
[19:00:02] wagnerrp: not that surprising, but interesting to see the scale
[19:00:20] sphery: yeah
[19:00:38] Scopeuk-AFK is now known as Scopeuk
[19:00:53] Oleg_: and what button should I press to start recording the broadcast I am watching?
[19:01:11] wagnerrp: you are always recording the broadcast you are watching
[19:01:21] Oleg_: to the hard drive?
[19:01:28] wagnerrp: you press 'r', or whatever key you mapped to record, to mark it as something to keep
[19:01:44] wagnerrp: yes, mythtv, just like every other pvr, records everything
[19:01:50] wagnerrp: thats how you can pause and rewind
[19:02:06] sphery: wagnerrp: hehe, so how long before the ToS, etc. are updated to say that your cloud "possessions" are not transferrable in the event of death:
[19:02:56] wagnerrp: Oleg_: basically, 'livetv' is nothing more than a recording with a bit of glue to allow channel changing
[19:02:59] sphery: Oleg_: ideally, though, you will use the program guide to create rules so that mythtv will just record everything you might possibly ever want to watch for you automatically
[19:03:24] sphery: then you'll just watch recordings from your library rather than waste time watching whatever garbage is currently airing when you have time to watch TV
[19:03:30] wagnerrp: livetv is the first thing to get deleted in the event that you run out of hard drive space and need to expire something
[19:03:48] wagnerrp: and will automatically be cleaned up after 24 hours if it hasnt been deleted by auto-expiration
[19:04:22] wagnerrp: sphery: and this is exactly why the cloud is a /bad/ thing
[19:04:24] ** sphery wonders if we really need the live tv max age setting... **
[19:04:42] sphery: (is there really a reason that it can't just always be 1 day?)
[19:04:51] sphery: yeah, agreed... I don't do cloud
[19:04:58] sphery: even my e-mail is on my own terms
[19:05:02] wagnerrp: i think a week might be better
[19:05:20] sphery: but then we'd never hear the end of, "live tv is filling my hard drive!"
[19:05:36] sphery: (yes, people don't get the idea that empty storage space is wasted storage space)
[19:05:47] AndyCap: sphery: people stopped complaining about linux uses up all my ram
[19:06:17] sphery: only because there aren't memory manager programs (like file manager programs) showing them the contents of RAM
[19:06:19] Oleg_: why does it record in mpg container, not in ts container?
[19:06:21] sphery: :)
[19:06:39] wagnerrp: Oleg_: it is a TS container
[19:06:41] wagnerrp: mpeg2ts
[19:06:52] wagnerrp: '.mpg' is just a meaningless file extension
[19:07:09] wagnerrp: we could name the files '.porn' if we wanted and any properly written video player wouldn't care
[19:07:17] sphery: yeah, we used to allow users to tell it to change from TS to PS, but the code was buggy, only saved about 20% space, max, and HDDs are /much/ cheaper than the complicated code required
[19:07:47] wagnerrp: sphery: that still happens as part of lossless transcoding
[19:07:55] sphery: yeah
[19:08:00] AndyCap: 20% space? that's about 1.5 terabytes. :/
[19:08:05] Oleg_: well, I know that blu-ray files have m2ts extension, but TV broadcasts have ts extension
[19:08:20] sphery: but that's something that has a "keep old files" get out of jail free card
[19:08:21] Oleg_: but it's all the same thing, mpeg2ts?
[19:08:26] AndyCap: Oleg_: technically tv broadcasts do not have extensions
[19:08:34] wagnerrp: Oleg_: file extensions are very much a Windows thing
[19:08:40] sphery: file name extensions are for broken file managers/OS's
[19:08:45] wagnerrp: they are effectively meaningless
[19:08:45] Scopeuk is now known as Scopeuk-AFK
[19:08:47] sphery: yes
[19:08:54] sphery: it's a stupid idea of encoding metadata into a filename
[19:09:16] wagnerrp: as mentioned, any proper video player will discover the container format from the first couple bytes in the file
[19:09:17] AndyCap: Does mythtv support  ?
[19:09:27] wagnerrp: and then discover the codec format from the container metadata
[19:09:35] AndyCap: wagnerrp: assuming the proper video player ever starts when people click on the file
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[19:10:05] Oleg_: ok, but blu-ray files in BDMV folder are in mpeg2ts container, just like TV broadcasts are?
[19:10:20] wagnerrp: Oleg_: similar, not quite identical
[19:10:21] sphery: AndyCap: Starting at $3549 for 3FT.
[19:10:32] sphery: I know /my/ MythTV will never support that
[19:10:50] sphery: but it says it's the quietest USB cable, yet
[19:10:57] AndyCap: Hah, 20% restocking fee
[19:11:05] wagnerrp: carbon fiber shielding?
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[19:11:08] sphery: would be nice--my USB cables tend to keep me up at night with all the racket
[19:13:15] AndyCap: a special adhesive material that not only does not negatively impact the sound, but makes the ends very strong and durable.
[19:13:28] wagnerrp: AndyCap: i sometimes wonder if these people actually believe what theyre selling
[19:14:43] wagnerrp: 'not only is each data line isolated from the vdc line and ground, they are isolated from each other'
[19:14:46] wagnerrp: wait wait...
[19:14:50] AndyCap: some of them must know it's snake oil
[19:15:07] wagnerrp: the WHOLE PURPOSE of balanced twisted pair is that they are NOT isolated
[19:15:32] wagnerrp: rather whatever noise one wire experiences, as does the other
[19:15:42] sphery: wagnerrp: btw, did you see that Apple is going to kill the console business with its next entry into the living room market? . . . f_times.html
[19:15:49] wagnerrp: so the noise is canceled out taking the differential of the two
[19:15:54] sphery: I guess they must have learned a *lot* from the failure of Apple TV
[19:15:58] sid3windr: are usb cables twisted inside?
[19:16:15] wagnerrp: sid3windr: yes, they are balanced twisted pair, just like ethernet
[19:16:19] sid3windr: oh :)
[19:16:21] sid3windr: never checked
[19:16:34] sphery: i.e. much cheaper to manufacture than coax
[19:16:48] sphery: (which is also why HDMI is twisted pair instead of coax)
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[19:17:54] wagnerrp: and scsi
[19:17:57] wagnerrp: and firewire
[19:18:21] wagnerrp: and dvi, displayport, just about any high speed local interconnect is twisted pair
[19:19:15] wagnerrp: for long range, high voltage, shielded coax does better
[19:19:31] wagnerrp: but requires a considerably more expensive modulator
[19:19:38] sphery: yeah
[19:19:59] sphery: just saying that dvi/hdmi is basically the consumer version of a professional-quality video distribution design that used coax
[19:20:09] sphery: and the main difference was the use of cheap twisted pair
[19:20:16] sphery: what was that called...
[19:20:54] AndyCap: I thought pros used SDI?
[19:20:56] sphery: SDI... Serial Digital Video
[19:21:01] sphery: yeah
[19:21:20] wagnerrp: AndyCap: 3Gbps for long range
[19:21:20] AndyCap: which if I recall correctly has a lot less wires
[19:21:26] wagnerrp: its just coax
[19:21:35] wagnerrp: one wire and ground
[19:21:43] AndyCap: yes.
[19:22:01] wagnerrp: but, youre trading that $0.30 LVDS transmitter for a $10+ coax transmitter
[19:22:34] wagnerrp: or you can get a cheap transmitter, which results in the garbage video you get from a VCR or consumer RF modulator
[19:23:29] wagnerrp: basically, the higher your power, the higher the cost
[19:23:33] AndyCap: ah, hdmi uses the rest for ddc, cec and hot plug
[19:23:59] wagnerrp: LVDS gets by with low power and low cost by using twisted pairs
[19:24:13] AndyCap: 3 pairs for data and 1 for clock
[19:24:13] wagnerrp: but, wire resistance limits the distance that low voltage signal can travel
[19:24:30] sphery: resistance is futile!
[19:24:31] laga2 (laga2!~yaaic@ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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[19:24:53] wagnerrp: when you get up to high voltage signals, like the couple volts coax runs at
[19:25:02] wagnerrp: you have to have more and more shielding between the connectors
[19:25:13] wagnerrp: meaning twisted pairs work less and less well
[19:25:25] wagnerrp: so you abandon them, and just use a single shielded transmission wire
[19:31:15] Oleg_: I placed an order for winegard ss-3000 indoor antenna. Supposedly, it's the best antenna for broadcasting stations that are like less than 20 miles away from you
[19:32:50] wagnerrp: no vertical beamforming
[19:33:13] wagnerrp: probably only has a 10–20deg beam width
[19:33:18] wagnerrp: youll need to aim it pretty well
[19:33:53] wagnerrp: according to tvfool, as close as you can get to 350deg
[19:34:06] wagnerrp: theyre all probably located on the same skyscraper antenna mast
[19:34:15] wagnerrp: whatever is that direction and ~8.5 miles from you
[19:35:24] grumpytravel (grumpytravel!~rudy@2001:610:73e:0:21b:21ff:fe22:b647) has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[19:37:49] Oleg_: there are probably no analog broadcasts in my local area?
[19:38:11] wagnerrp: there may be, not really worth worrying about
[19:38:35] wagnerrp: theyre going to be small independent stations
[19:39:32] grumpytravel (grumpytravel!~rudy@2001:610:73e:0:21b:21ff:fe22:b647) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:39:38] Pehnep (Pehnep! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:40:00] Pehnep: Hey, people.
[19:40:32] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe!~LD@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:41:04] Pehnep: Could anyone perhaps help me? I'm having trouble starting out with MythTV.
[19:41:20] wagnerrp: ask away, if someone has an answer, they will answer
[19:41:35] Pehnep: Alright, thanks.
[19:41:36] jpabq_ (jpabq_!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[19:42:28] Pehnep: Well, the thing is, I bought a Technisat Cablestar HD2 DVB-C module which I put into my PC, and I'm wondering how I could make it work with MythTV.
[19:42:56] wagnerrp: put into your pc... meaning put into your DVB-C tuner?
[19:43:11] Pehnep: Into a PCI slot.
[19:43:32] wagnerrp: oh, you said module... i thought you were referring to a CI module
[19:43:40] Pehnep: Ah, my bad..
[19:43:55] Pehnep: Yeah, that one is plugged into the tuner, tuner is plugged into the PCI slot.
[19:45:05] Pehnep: But how to get it to work?
[19:45:19] wagnerrp: do you have a /dev/dvb/adapter0 device?
[19:45:55] Pehnep: I am afraid that I am not familiar with that term..
[19:46:08] wagnerrp: youre running linux, correct?
[19:46:26] Pehnep: Correct, Ubuntu 11.04
[19:46:29] Scopeuk-AFK is now known as Scopeuk
[19:46:36] wagnerrp: so open up a terminal
[19:46:41] wagnerrp: use 'ls' to look at your filesystem
[19:46:45] wagnerrp: and see if you have anything in /dev/dvb
[19:47:02] Pehnep: Alright, one moment.
[19:48:45] Oleg_: that card is for European users?
[19:48:54] wagnerrp: correct, european cable users
[19:49:33] Pehnep: Adapter0
[19:49:48] Pehnep: That's what's in there, wagnerrp.
[19:50:04] wagnerrp: so your card appears to be working, or at least the driver is detecting it and creating the proper device nodes
[19:50:15] wagnerrp: so go through steps 1–6 in mythtv-setup
[19:51:09] Pehnep: I currently appear to be stuck at Database Configuration 1/2
[19:51:27] wagnerrp: you have mysql installed and running?
[19:51:31] wagnerrp: actually, scratch that
[19:51:48] wagnerrp: if you installed the proper ubuntu packages, mysql should be installed, running, and configured with a basic database
[19:52:19] Pehnep: I recently reinstalled Ubuntu 11.04 x64.
[19:52:40] Pehnep: So it should be there, I'll check in the Package Manager..
[19:53:18] Pehnep: Aye, it's there.
[19:55:10] Pehnep: How would I configure it for MythTV though, wagnerrp?
[19:55:28] wagnerrp: how are you 'stuck' at database configuration?
[19:57:24] Pehnep: To be frank I've no idea at all as to how to fill it in properly.
[19:57:45] wagnerrp: then you need to find a mythbuntu install guide
[19:58:34] Pehnep: Ah, alright, thank you.
[19:58:40] sphery: are you using mythbuntu, or trying to reproduce all the configuration/setup that mythbuntu does automatically for you?
[19:58:50] sphery: ...
[19:59:17] sphery: where mythbuntu is, basically, what you'll have /if/ you properly configure ubuntu to run mythtv
[20:00:02] sphery: imho, it's the best way to get started with mythtv (and is a great way to continue with mythtv after years of experience)
[20:00:50] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe!~LD@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[20:00:55] Pehnep: Well, I've not installed Mythbuntu, but I'll give it a look, I'm not a very advanced user yet as you could've probably already told.
[20:01:15] Pehnep: So it might just be what I need here as well.
[20:01:28] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:01:45] wagnerrp: if you installed the official ubuntu packages for mythtv, you installed some blend of mythbuntu
[20:04:04] bbc581: I have a question with respect to mythfilldatabase, the channels table, and mc2xml. if the channum field contains the full ATSC/sub-channel number but my data.xml program data utilizes the digital (dvr) numbers without the sub-channel, can I run mythfilldatabase in such a way that it only pays attention to the xmltvid and does not add additional channels to the table?
[20:04:19] wagnerrp: bbc581: you have a question we refuse to answer
[20:05:32] wagnerrp: specifically, we refuse to answer anything pertaining to mc2xml
[20:06:07] iamlindoro: In that the use of that tool is theft of service, and using it actually actively contributes to problems for us as a project
[20:06:18] Pehnep: Hmh, I see then, wagnerrp. Thank you, I'll look into it some more.
[20:06:48] iamlindoro: As most of the US devs use Myth only so long as schedules direct is available, if enough people decide to just steal their listings, there is a high liklihood that MythTV for US users will eventually cease to exist
[20:06:53] sphery: Pehnep: specifically because mc2xml is a violation of the Windows MCE Terms of Service that results in your stealing TMS listings data
[20:07:19] sphery: Pehnep: the approved solution is to support the FOSS community and subscribe to Schedules Direct (\ )
[20:07:25] sphery: without that backslash :)
[20:07:36] wagnerrp: sphery: wrong person
[20:07:41] Pehnep: Wait, what? I think you go the wrong --
[20:07:45] Pehnep: Yeah.
[20:07:48] sphery: ooh, sorry
[20:07:55] Pehnep: It's bbc581 who asked.
[20:07:57] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[20:07:57] sphery: bbc581: see above
[20:07:58] Pehnep: No problem.
[20:08:23] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:11:54] wizbit: my mythtv recordings drive always remains at 95% full :D
[20:12:02] wizbit: recycle ftw
[20:12:26] sphery: wizbit: unused space is wasted space--so mythtv is doing good for you :)
[20:13:32] wizbit: true, i use a script to automatically record highlights everyday, and mythtv expires oldest recordings, that means my drive is full of fresh recordings, i dont have to touch a thing
[20:13:59] wizbit: apart from when i dont want a recording to expire
[20:14:40] sphery: yeah, and you always have something interesting to watch
[20:14:51] wizbit: indeed
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[20:19:10] wagnerrp: sphery: thats not entirely true
[20:19:13] wagnerrp: for RAM, absolutely
[20:19:17] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[20:19:23] wagnerrp: for disks, a bit of free space helps keep fragmentation down
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[20:29:34] Pehnep: Wagnerrp, I checked the login information for the Database Configuration, and even with the password there is in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt it will say "Cannot login"
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[20:31:36] Pehnep: What could possibly still be causing this error?
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[20:31:53] sphery:
[20:32:04] wagnerrp: could be you installed the wrong packages, so mythbuntu never set up your database for you
[20:32:12] sphery: but note that distros do things differently, so you should /really/ find the *buntu docs for it
[20:36:04] Pehnep: Alright.
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[20:46:58] zarthan: Since the title and other information is available with mouseover I would like to disable the display of episode titles in mythweb and compact the listing display. I have looked through the mythconverge table and don't see anything obvious. Can someone give me a clue where to start.
[20:47:57] bbc581 (bbc581! has quit (Quit: Got to keep moving!!)
[20:48:49] wagnerrp: if you didnt display the title on the grid, how would you know what show it was?
[20:48:56] wagnerrp: you would be compacting it beyond usefulness
[20:51:03] zarthan: I want the show name just not the episode title.
[20:51:23] wagnerrp: so then just remove the code that prints the subtitle
[20:51:36] wagnerrp: should be no need to go digging around in the database for that
[20:54:40] zarthan: I understand. I have been digging around for a bit and haven't found where the code is. I was looking through the database hoping to find the table entry for the episode title.
[20:54:59] wagnerrp: it probably doesnt even pull from the database
[20:55:08] wagnerrp: it probably gets that information from the backend
[20:55:23] Oleg_: let's assume I wanna record a program, but without commercials
[20:55:28] Oleg_: can I do that?
[20:55:47] wagnerrp: how would you record a program without commercials? (other than record something on PBS)
[20:56:10] wagnerrp: you have to record it to know where the commercials are in the first place
[20:56:28] wagnerrp: mythtv has an application called 'mythcommflag' which will scan the recordings and search for what it things are commercials
[20:56:37] wagnerrp: giving you the option of automatically skipping them during playback
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[20:58:08] Oleg_: if I scheduled a recording, I can stop running mythfrontend, but mythbackend should always be running?
[20:58:28] wagnerrp: mythbackend is all you need to record
[20:58:35] wagnerrp: it will record whether or not any frontend is connected
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[21:07:52] azertuie (azertuie!~chatzilla@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:07:56] azertuie: hi
[21:07:59] azertuie: anyone there ?
[21:08:12] wagnerrp: nope
[21:09:24] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[21:10:43] azertuie: well who know dreambox ?
[21:11:55] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[21:12:23] wagnerrp: mythtv does not support the dreambox tuners
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[21:14:11] azertuie: i don't get
[21:14:19] azertuie: what do you mean by not supporting ?
[21:14:36] iamlindoro: means cannot be used with MythTV
[21:14:41] wagnerrp: mythtv has no support for capturing TV with the dreambox
[21:18:15] azertuie: why ?`
[21:18:30] zarthan: Is this a place to ask specific questions about mythweb?
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[21:19:42] wagnerrp: azertuie: we choose not to because there are no developers who use one to maintain support
[21:19:57] wagnerrp: and further, the bulk of their continued use is for illegal access to pay tv
[21:20:23] azertuie: well `
[21:20:51] azertuie: my question was simply is there any package available to install mythtv
[21:21:03] j-rod is now known as j-rod|afk
[21:21:04] azertuie: on dreambox
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[21:21:08] iamlindoro: no
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[21:21:31] wagnerrp: mythtv does not have any playback support on the SOC that runs the dreambox
[21:22:06] wagnerrp: even if you could install mythtv on it, the dinky 400MHz chip would be far from powerful enough to run mythtv
[21:23:36] azertuie: i got dreambox hd 800
[21:24:09] wagnerrp: youre certainly not going to install mythtv on the 64MB of flash
[21:24:31] wagnerrp: and even if you did install it to an add-on hard drive, you couldnt run a combo frontend-backend on the 256MB of memory
[21:24:41] iamlindoro: So only 300 Mhz then :P
[21:24:59] wagnerrp: besides the fact that the libav codecs on a 300MHz MIPS /might/ be able to play 4CIF MPEG2
[21:25:17] wagnerrp: s/4CIF/CIF/
[21:25:47] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:26:11] wagnerrp: mythtv is designed to run on desktop x86 hardware
[21:26:15] wagnerrp: not embedded machines
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[21:32:07] azertuie: seriously i want to get off with this complicate world
[21:32:13] azertuie: bye
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[21:32:36] iamlindoro: Anyone really think MythTV was for that guy anyway?
[21:32:57] wagnerrp: no, its too complicate for him to get off with
[21:33:08] iamlindoro: Anyway, so it looks like CableLabs just gave SiliconDust dispensation to basically ignore CGMS copy flagging
[21:33:20] wagnerrp: really....
[21:33:22] likwid--: whats that mean to me
[21:33:27] iamlindoro: And thus they've released new firmware
[21:33:32] likwid--: i have a prime
[21:33:44] iamlindoro: It means those local channels with the "braodcast flag" that could be captured with a ClearQAM card but not the Prime now work
[21:33:49] wagnerrp: it means channels like CBS that like to use the broadcast flag can now be recorded
[21:34:01] likwid--: did they work on the hdhomerun(non prime)
[21:34:11] iamlindoro: yes, as that's a regular ClearQAM tuner
[21:34:17] Oleg_: I go to "Browse Videos" and there are no files listed even though I have a few mpg files in /home/oleg/Default folder
[21:34:19] wagnerrp: yes, because standard tuners ignore the flag
[21:34:24] likwid--: nice
[21:34:38] wagnerrp: Oleg_: you have defined that path in the Videos storage group in mythtv-setup?
[21:34:58] Oleg_: let me see
[21:36:23] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: considering upnp no longer needs the local folder definitions for 0.25, any chance of removing it?
[21:36:29] wagnerrp: it nothing else, remove the option from the UI
[21:36:39] wagnerrp: and then wipe it with a schema update for 0.26
[21:37:15] Oleg_: wagnerrp, okay, I added that path to the video group. now I have to run mythfilldatabase?
[21:37:26] Oleg_: 'cause it looks like mythfrontend doesn't see the new path
[21:38:25] wagnerrp: no, you only run mythfilldatabase if your channel lineup changes
[21:38:31] wagnerrp: and mythfrontend doesnt need to see the new path
[21:38:33] wagnerrp: mythbackend does
[21:38:38] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: I don't think anyone will let me get away with it unless we support SG + Encrypted ISO
[21:38:52] wagnerrp: as your backend will be accessing that content
[21:38:55] iamlindoro: That's the sole remaining choke point
[21:39:03] wagnerrp: (and that means your backend needs access to /home/oleg/Default)
[21:39:24] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: i thought in 0.25, the frontend would automatically try to access the content locally if it found it
[21:39:31] Oleg_: I don't know why it still says "No files found"
[21:39:49] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: yeah... I dunno, maybe I can get away with it. Let me think on it for a few hours
[21:39:50] wagnerrp: meaning encrypted ISOs and VIDEO_TSs would work as long as you have those folders mounted on each frontend
[21:40:03] wagnerrp: Oleg_: have you hit 'm' and then 'Scan for content'?
[21:40:35] Oleg_: in mythtv-setup?
[21:40:50] iamlindoro: This is where we stop
[21:40:54] iamlindoro: you too wagnerrp
[21:40:56] iamlindoro: no more words
[21:40:58] iamlindoro: and do this
[21:41:10] iamlindoro:
[21:41:16] wagnerrp: :)
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[21:46:42] Oleg_: ok, thanks
[21:47:05] Oleg_: why does closed captioning seem a bit delayed on all broadcasts?
[21:47:48] Oleg_: I mean, often it's not fully in sync with what a person says
[21:48:04] Oleg_: even when reception is perfect
[21:50:04] Oleg_: I mean, this problem occurs for me
[21:50:11] Oleg_: I don't know if it's normal
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[22:23:37] Oleg_: I just read that mythtv-setup will become obsolete in the future
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[23:35:35] Pehnep: Wagnerrp, I really can't seem to find as to why it won't just connect to the mysql like it's supposed to.
[23:36:17] wagnerrp: what username/password are you giving to mythtv-setup?
[23:37:01] Pehnep: The ones found in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[23:37:23] wagnerrp: the ones you found in mysql.txt are the ones mythtv-setup put there in the first place
[23:37:39] wagnerrp: when you open mythtv-setup and go through that database configuration dialog
[23:37:45] wagnerrp: if it has a successful connection
[23:37:49] Pehnep: Then why the hec would it reject them..?
[23:37:53] Pehnep: heck*
[23:37:54] wagnerrp: it will write those credentials out to mysql.txt and config.xml
[23:38:08] Pehnep: Hmh, most odd..
[23:38:30] wagnerrp: open up a command prompt
[23:38:38] wagnerrp: and try... mysql -umythtv -pmythtv mythconverg
[23:38:42] Pehnep: Because it seemed to have gone the other way around with me, the file was always there and it's rejecting them in the setup.
[23:38:48] Pehnep: Alright.
[23:38:57] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[23:39:09] wagnerrp: the file may have already been there because the mythbuntu packages placed it there
[23:39:31] wagnerrp: mythtv-setup is trying those credentials, failing, and popping the configuration dialog back up
[23:41:13] Pehnep: That command doesn't work, works fine when I try it with the password in the file though.
[23:41:30] Pehnep: Indeed, Wagnerrp.
[23:41:53] wagnerrp: the password in the file is something other than 'mythtv'?
[23:42:14] Pehnep: Correct.
[23:42:35] Pehnep: mysql -umythtv -ptA07OpYf mythconverg
[23:42:44] Pehnep: Worked like a charm.
[23:42:46] wagnerrp: in mysql.txt, there will be a DBHost or DBHostName
[23:42:49] wagnerrp: what is that value?
[23:42:50] Pehnep: But in the setup it doesn't.
[23:43:12] Pehnep: Localhost.
[23:44:30] wagnerrp: now that makes no sense
[23:44:43] Pehnep: Could it be that it's the wrong one? Or that there's a conflict between versions?
[23:44:58] wagnerrp: conflict between versions?
[23:45:30] Pehnep: Versions of Ubuntu and Mythbuntu or something akin to that.
[23:45:38] wagnerrp: doubtful
[23:49:11] GreyFoxx: Hrm, any ubuntu users with multiple capture cards find that their video devices seem to shift around between reboots?
[23:49:30] wagnerrp: GreyFoxx: you use firewire, right?
[23:49:56] GreyFoxx: I recently reinstalled a backend that has 3 ivtv cards and 2 atsc cards, and for the last few days each bootup has the /dev/video* entries on different cards
[23:50:08] GreyFoxx: wag: I use to, only ivtv and dvb for now
[23:50:33] wagnerrp: ah, was going to mention there was some patch a user put together a few days ago for h264 content over firewire
[23:50:41] GreyFoxx: I've also noticed some weird tuning issues since the reinstall, but for now I want to make sure the cards are always mapped to the save device name
[23:50:54] wagnerrp: didnt know if that was still something that concerned you
[23:51:00] GreyFoxx: cause mythbackend gets upset if they move around between different card types :)
[23:51:32] wagnerrp: theyre all ivtv cards, why would mythbackend care?
[23:51:44] wagnerrp: the only problem is when you have them hooked into specific STBs
[23:52:00] GreyFoxx: not all, 3 ivtv, 2 atsc with analog too, so they all get "video*" names of some sort
[23:52:17] GreyFoxx: and for some reason with this reinstall those video* names change every couple of removes
[23:52:17] wagnerrp: cant you blacklist the framegrabbers?
[23:52:26] wagnerrp: or come up with UPNP rules to link the ivtv ones elsewhere
[23:52:33] GreyFoxx: some times video0 is an ivtv, othertimes it's a atsc card
[23:52:58] wagnerrp: s/UPNP/UDEV/
[23:53:23] GreyFoxx: hmmm, blacklisting might do it, but udev is an option.
[23:53:25] wagnerrp:
[23:53:29] Pehnep: Wagnerrp, wild things seem to be going on at Mythtv's own terminal but for some reason I can't copy paste that as the key combination would simply close the terminal and clicking won't work either.
[23:53:42] GreyFoxx: Thanks for the link :)
[23:53:50] Pehnep: I tried to do something with it but it doesn't seem to have helped any.
[23:54:09] Pehnep: Still the same errors, mysql error mostly.
[23:54:13] rclark (rclark! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[23:54:39] wagnerrp: Pehnep: 'ctrl-c' is the standard key combo to terminate the running application
[23:54:54] wagnerrp: there arent 'wild things' going on
[23:55:41] rclark (rclark! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:56:12] Pehnep: Yeah, there are.
[23:56:20] Pehnep: Wasn't referring to the combination.
[23:56:28] Pehnep: That was just the reason I couldn't copy paste.
[23:56:35] Pehnep: But I took a screenshot instead.
[23:56:37] Pehnep:
[23:56:45] wagnerrp: select the text you want to copy
[23:56:48] wagnerrp: and middle click to paste
[23:56:52] wagnerrp: standard X11 behavior
[23:57:24] wagnerrp: try making it connect to your network IP address
[23:57:39] Pehnep: Yeah, like I said, I tried to copy it that way as well.
[23:57:45] Pehnep: But to no avail.
[23:57:57] Pehnep: Alright, let's see..

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