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Saturday, September 17th, 2011, 00:06 UTC
[00:06:30] jmartaudio (jmartaudio!~chatzilla@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:08:21] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:08:46] dewman: wagnerrp, so...You want to buy a dl580? ;-) I took your advice and I am going to be moving to a more less power hungry secondary backend....
[00:09:00] jams: dewman- g5 ?
[00:09:07] dewman: hehe...No...
[00:09:10] dewman: g2
[00:09:17] jams: hehehe
[00:09:24] jams: good luck with that
[00:09:37] dewman: hey, i got it for free( the server that is)
[00:09:46] dewman: =)
[00:09:59] wagnerrp: wait wait... this quad xeon was your /secondary/?
[00:10:05] dewman: yep
[00:10:18] ** wagnerrp shakes his head **
[00:10:18] dewman: also has oracle 11g installed for my work
[00:10:35] ** wagnerrp watches dewman's power bill drop by $25/mo **
[00:10:52] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:58] dewman: you know, its already anywhere between 200–500 a month...
[00:12:03] wagnerrp: electric heating?
[00:12:15] dewman: yeah, the whole house is electric...
[00:12:24] dewman: heat,water,etc..
[00:12:30] wagnerrp: no heat pump?
[00:12:33] dewman: no..
[00:13:03] dewman: and living in MI i should get one..
[00:13:11] wagnerrp: in that case, you may as well keep the xeon
[00:13:21] dewman: lol...
[00:13:25] wagnerrp: since anything you save there, will be offset by the need for more resistance heating
[00:13:36] dewman: it keeps the basement kinda warm..
[00:13:50] shipit_ (shipit_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:56] wagnerrp: and a warm basement makes your feet feel cozy
[00:14:01] jmartaudio: anyone want to help out a mythtv noob? I've been trying to get an hdhomerun to work in mythbutu 11.04 on day 3 of install attempts.
[00:14:01] shipit (shipit!~shipit@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[00:14:34] dewman: jmartaudio, is it plugged in? =)
[00:14:46] wagnerrp: yeah, the efficiency claims were based on the assumption you had some better mechanism for heating your home
[00:15:15] wagnerrp: jmartaudio: what have you done so far?
[00:15:37] dewman: yeah, I wish i did....this house is right around 50 years old....So we have baseboard heat in each room... its a terrible setup
[00:18:16] jmartaudio: mythtv backend sees it. i updated the firmware (but had to do it with an osx machine cause i got an error in mythbuntu) i get to the part where i either scan the channels or fetch and i cant do either successfully. have a working schedules direct account
[00:19:18] wagnerrp: you cannot fetch channels for digital tuners
[00:19:18] jmartaudio (jmartaudio!~chatzilla@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:19:28] wagnerrp: you cannot quit when trying to get help
[00:19:54] dewman: heh
[00:21:23] Seeker`: wagnerrp: all of the best people quit before you've even had a chance to read their question
[00:26:14] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:37:17] trux (trux! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:37:33] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[00:40:44] Roed (Roed! has quit ()
[00:43:49] waxhead (waxhead! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:46:02] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:43] iamlindoro: Yay for Archer returning, yay for recording it in perfect digital fidelity!
[00:47:54] iamlindoro: This TV season will be much more fun with CableCard :)
[00:48:45] wagnerrp: and pirate wenches
[00:49:00] iamlindoro: Don't be silly, I'm not going to be a pirate
[00:49:05] iamlindoro: I'm going to be the pirate king
[00:50:42] wagnerrp: you just killed like... a dozen people
[00:51:29] iamlindoro: Wow, if the five year old me knew that, he would get a huge boner
[00:54:51] iamlindoro: Kinda fun to see the poor overworked HD-PVR not even on the upcoming schedule, given how hard it has had to work in the past couple of years
[00:59:16] sphery: still haven't gotten the stupid motherboard to boot anything from USB
[01:00:11] wagnerrp: boot from ethernet
[01:00:15] sphery: I can boot to my mythtv box by setting the clock ahead 4hrs (local/utc difference), then booting... so, in theory I could do that and let it run for 4+ hours and then it wouldn't fail on last mounted in the future
[01:00:55] sphery: but unfortunately I need to move the boot/root HDD to another--which means I need to boot into something other than the mythtv box
[01:01:31] sphery: iamlindoro: do you know of any tricks for getting gigabyte boards to boot from usb? I've tried usb flash drive (with usb hdd) and usb cd and neither works
[01:02:10] wagnerrp: perhaps you have to use some specific USB ports?
[01:02:10] iamlindoro: sphery: No tricks that I've ever had to use
[01:02:10] sphery: I'm currently burning an ubuntu CD and can plug the stupid drive in to the IDE bus behind the HDD I'm going to move, but I'd really like to be able to use USB boot
[01:02:30] sphery: yeah, that could be... and I don't know if it's trying to boot the usb mouse or something
[01:02:37] sphery: it really looks like it's not even touching the usb drive
[01:02:43] sphery: the manual doesn't say much
[01:03:04] sphery: wagnerrp: as far as network booting--is there an easy way to do that with a live cd image (like ubuntu or whatever)?
[01:03:12] iamlindoro: Naturally, the one Gigabyte board I bought three years ago makes me an expert. Also, I stayed at a holiday inn express last night.
[01:03:27] sphery: iamlindoro: hehe, I thought you were a big fan of gigabyte
[01:03:27] wagnerrp: not that i know of
[01:03:51] sphery: cd boot is likely the easiest, then
[01:03:54] sphery: very annoying
[01:04:54] davide (davide! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:05:18] davide (davide! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:00] sphery: I was hoping that there was a bios update that might fix it, but I'm on F13 and F14's description is, "Add new LAN version support" (and comes as a windows exe that's not just a self-extracting zip, so I haven't even booted up a windows box to try to extract it)
[01:06:16] sphery: that said, I have no clue what LAN version support means
[01:06:24] iamlindoro: I definitely am not partial to Gigabyte, I just happen to own one
[01:06:47] sphery: "greater compatibility and extra power for USB devices."
[01:06:54] sphery: of course, you can't boot from them
[01:07:12] ** iamlindoro crosses his fingers and hopes all platforms still compile **
[01:09:47] adante (adante!~adante@ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[01:10:50] LD (LD! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:11:09] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Disconnected by services)
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[01:12:59] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Quit: Body blow! Body blow!)
[01:13:33] trux (trux! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[01:14:05] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:20:35] iamlindoro: Hmm, so I reorganized my tuners (I don't use priorities) and I'm wondering if I can do it more optimally to get the digital tuners to take all the shows they can
[01:21:00] iamlindoro: right now I have the QAM tuner taking The Office, and "The Secret Circle" falling all the way back to the last tuner, the HD-PVR
[01:21:10] iamlindoro: order of tuners is QAM, Prime, Prime, Prime, HD-PVR
[01:21:25] iamlindoro: CW is available on QAM and HD-PVR, NBC is available on all
[01:21:42] iamlindoro: would be nice if I could nudge Secret circle onto the QAM, and Office onto any Prime
[01:21:45] iamlindoro: and not use the HD-PVR
[01:22:18] Muzer (Muzer! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[01:23:21] iamlindoro: suspect I could bump priority on Secret Circle up one to get what I want conditionally, but really It is *not* higher priority than office
[01:24:03] iamlindoro: Also guess I could go Prime, QAM, Prime, Prime, HD-PVR
[01:24:05] wagnerrp: CW isnt available copy freely?
[01:24:08] iamlindoro: that might be the best choice
[01:24:14] iamlindoro: CW and CBS are broadcast flagges
[01:24:16] iamlindoro: flagged
[01:24:17] wagnerrp: isnt that a local broadcast station?
[01:24:19] wagnerrp: huh...
[01:24:35] iamlindoro: CBS instructs all its affiliates to turn on broadcast flag
[01:24:40] iamlindoro: CW owned by CBS
[01:24:59] wagnerrp: i thought that FCC ruling instructed everyone to not turn it on
[01:25:04] iamlindoro: only for OTA
[01:25:13] iamlindoro: they can and do turn it on for redistribution to cable
[01:25:30] iamlindoro: CableLabs requires CableCard devices to obey the broadcast flag if no CCI is present
[01:25:40] iamlindoro: so Prime tunes everything but HBO, CBs, and CW
[01:25:45] iamlindoro: (for me)
[01:26:02] iamlindoro: but a QAM tuner is fine with it
[01:26:34] wagnerrp: retarded...
[01:26:44] iamlindoro: yup
[01:26:55] wagnerrp: you sold/discarded your old QAM tuners?
[01:27:35] iamlindoro: nope, still have 'em
[01:27:38] iamlindoro: just can't split much more
[01:28:28] wagnerrp: buy an amp?
[01:28:57] iamlindoro: I have an 8 way
[01:29:14] iamlindoro: though it's sort of having trouble lately
[01:29:25] sphery: iamlindoro: so you have 3 video sources?
[01:30:07] sphery: you could just reduce prio of cbs and cw channels on prime and hd-pvr video sources
[01:30:30] sphery: that will make the showing of secret circle on the qam higher prio than the showings on the others, so it should take the qam
[01:30:46] iamlindoro: sphery: Yeah, I just don't want to muck with priorities if I can avoid it
[01:30:57] iamlindoro: I think just going Prime, QAM, Prime, Prime, HD-PVR should do it
[01:31:09] sphery: yeah, understandably... but this may actually be one of the few cases where a channel prio is appropriate
[01:31:20] sphery: anyway, either approach
[01:31:30] sphery: as long as it does what you want
[01:31:34] iamlindoro: We'll find out :)
[01:31:44] sphery: any particular reason you want it to stay off the prime? primary because of H.264?
[01:31:56] sphery: primarily, that is
[01:32:19] iamlindoro: yeah, commercial cutting options
[01:34:09] iamlindoro: Just want to keep it un-reencoded whenever possible
[01:34:15] iamlindoro: no reason to throw away fidelity if I can avoid it
[01:34:33] iamlindoro: also, because those channels *are* available on other tuners, but the HD-PVR is the only one which can get HBO and Starz
[01:39:05] sphery: yeah, makes sense
[01:39:16] sphery: I was just curios
[01:39:18] iamlindoro: sphery: Channel priority wins-- my way worked for a single conflict, but that instance was actually three
[01:39:21] sphery: and curious, too
[01:39:48] MP44 (MP44! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[01:40:07] sphery: yeah, I recommend the negative priority for exactly the reason you said, above--"suspect I could bump priority on Secret Circle up one to get what I want conditionally, but really It is *not* higher priority than office"
[01:40:29] sphery: if you use positive channel priority on the qam input it actually becomes equal (or higher) prio than the office
[01:40:43] sphery: which is why channel prio should almost always be negative
[01:40:56] iamlindoro: yeah, exactly what I used
[01:40:58] sphery: and tuner should always be negative (but tuner priority is almost always a bad thing)
[01:41:28] sphery: well, copying my boot/root file systems over
[01:41:45] sphery: can't believe I had to burn an ubuntu cd
[01:42:00] sphery: I have a beautiful USB multiboot flash drive with like 12 different distros on it
[01:42:15] sphery: and, well, seems that the gigabyte doesn't like USB
[01:42:27] iamlindoro: So what you're saying is, Ubuntu rescued you, and you couldn't do it without Ubuntu
[01:42:35] iamlindoro: And you're basically in love
[01:42:39] sphery: despite their marketing stuff... "3x USB Power Boost: GIGABYTE motherboards feature a 3x USB power boost, delivering greater compatibility and extra power for USB devices. GIGABYTE's unique USB power design is also able to efficiently regulate output over the full voltage range, which greatly enhances USB device compatibility. In addition, dedicated lower resistance fuses ensure lower voltage drops, and provide more stable and plentiful ...
[01:42:45] sphery: ... power delivery."
[01:42:51] sphery: heh, though: "(note) Only front USB ports support 3X USB Power"
[01:42:55] sphery: and I've been using the back ones
[01:43:47] sphery: if I unboot and find out it just required using the front usb (which I haven't used because I wanted to verify it worked with a little 512MB usb flash so I don't destroy my good ones if I wired it wrong)
[01:43:57] sphery: I'll be so disappointed in myself
[01:44:07] iamlindoro: We'll all be pretty disappointed in you too
[01:44:12] mag0o: me too
[01:44:25] sphery: :(
[01:44:27] iamlindoro: Especially mag0o
[01:44:57] mag0o: :)
[01:45:06] sphery: I still never know whether to enable ganged mode ram or not
[01:45:21] sphery: I know it's supposed to be higher performance, but I want stability
[01:45:26] sphery: not too concerned over performance
[01:45:45] iamlindoro: You'll never get Crysis working at 4K with that attitude
[01:46:16] sphery: might get it working at 4K with 0.1fps
[01:47:15] iamlindoro: gallery mode!
[01:47:43] ** wagnerrp needs more memory **
[01:48:54] wagnerrp: my credit card was blocked! they removed $855,5!
[01:49:07] wagnerrp: you know... you would think they could at least get the amount correct
[01:49:09] sphery: so when you have a hdd that showed a few errors, but it's a 750gb hdd, what do you do with it?
[01:49:18] Cougar (Cougar! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[01:49:19] sphery: it seems too big to just throw away, but I don't know if I can trust it
[01:49:31] wagnerrp: i wonder if that was some inproper float conversion, chopped off the extra zero
[01:49:35] wagnerrp: improper
[01:49:40] sphery: and I don't know for sure it's not just cables or even the MCEs the cpu was getting
[01:50:08] iamlindoro: So secret circle has the kid from Sara Connor Chronicles
[01:50:14] iamlindoro: might as well not have worried about the rec rule
[01:52:36] sphery: Hit f12 and choose +HDD and then a next screen apears with the option to choose the usb key!
[01:53:01] sphery: hmm, maybe that's the problem... to boot from usb, you choose hdd, not usb hdd
[01:53:27] iamlindoro: duh
[01:53:57] sphery: I just figured since I'm in ATSC land, I'd choose usb hdd not hdd
[01:54:09] iamlindoro: WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PRODUCT
[01:54:12] sphery: (wagnerrp should understand that)
[01:54:18] iamlindoro: I TRIED CD-ROM
[01:54:21] iamlindoro: I TRIED NETBOOT
[01:54:34] iamlindoro: BUT IT NOT WORK
[01:54:41] wagnerrp: hehe
[01:55:01] sphery: yeah, what was I thinking--assuming that usb hdd meant usb hdd... I should have known better
[01:55:17] sphery: (once ubuntu finishes moving my file system, I'll test it out)
[01:55:36] iamlindoro: We've had a preponderance of ranting users lately
[01:55:51] sphery: yeah
[01:55:58] sphery: btw, thanks for your "not taking votes" comment
[01:56:03] iamlindoro: yup
[01:56:06] sphery: I still need to send the reply to the "why" on that
[01:56:08] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[01:56:19] sphery: just haven't had a chance--prep'ing for 5 busy weeks
[01:57:29] iamlindoro: So, internal firewire changing survived most platforms, that's good
[01:58:46] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[01:58:49] sphery: glad you got that in
[01:58:55] iamlindoro: still needs a functional UI
[01:58:57] _abbenormal- (_abbenormal-! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:59:07] saintdev (saintdev!~saint@unaffiliated/saintdev) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:08] wagnerrp: "Nirvana: Live at the Paramount"
[01:59:08] sphery: I really had no idea that the old internal firewire channel changer was only usable with firewire capture
[01:59:11] wagnerrp: hah, thats a laugh
[01:59:11] ComradeH1z` (ComradeH1z`!Haz@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:00:10] J-e-f-f-A_ is now known as J-e-f-f-A
[02:00:27] sphery: wagnerrp: totally inappropriate humor, but:
[02:00:59] saintdev: my new recordings aren't getting added to the watch list, what should I look at?
[02:01:07] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[02:01:43] wagnerrp: wow, how did i not see that one
[02:01:46] mag0o: lol
[02:01:49] mag0o: nice sphery
[02:01:49] iamlindoro: the watch list isn't for new recordings, it's for old ones
[02:02:11] saintdev: iamlindoro: so when do recordings get added to it?
[02:02:35] iamlindoro: saintdev:
[02:02:52] iamlindoro: [11310]
[02:02:52] MythLogBot: SVN 11310: (branch master)
[02:05:32] Mission-Critical (Mission-Critical!~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:44] saintdev: hmm, ok. guess i misinterpreted that when it was added.
[02:12:43] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:12] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[02:15:47] sphery: well, the F12|HDD thing didn't work
[02:15:55] sphery: even with a FAT16 usb key
[02:16:08] iamlindoro: Maybe it should lose some weight
[02:17:23] _charly_ (_charly_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:20:47] wagnerrp: "celebrities go head-to-head with civilians who hate them to win their "haters" over"
[02:20:55] wagnerrp: that sounds like an absolutely worthless show
[02:20:59] sphery: yeah, well it's sure been a weight on my shoulders, today
[02:21:22] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, that's one new series I'm not recording at all
[02:21:36] sphery: (most "reality" doesn't make my "record all new series" cut)
[02:22:45] wagnerrp: so does CW think vampires are boring again, and its time to go back to witches?
[02:23:11] iamlindoro: It's all just young beautiful people in wet dresses
[02:23:29] iamlindoro: which will be just fine
[02:23:41] sphery: yeah, whitchever way they go, it's all the same
[02:24:30] iamlindoro: witchever?
[02:24:41] Mission-Critical is now known as MissionCritical
[02:25:06] sphery: well, fit better than vampirever
[02:26:01] sphery: So, I'm loving my new mouse... It has a rechargeable AA battery in it, and can recharge using micro-usb connector /and/ it's usable while charging.
[02:26:08] wagnerrp: i see A Gifted Man as one of those shows that could be interesting, but will get canned after 10 episodes, pissed off that you started to get into it
[02:26:35] iamlindoro: There is basically nothing this fall that is interesting to me
[02:26:46] sphery: amazing how many conflicts I have
[02:26:54] sphery: seems my remote backend is actually getting some use
[02:27:09] sphery: (or will be if I can get the new hardware working :)
[02:27:14] wagnerrp: thats because you record everything, whether its interesting or not
[02:27:55] sphery: hehe
[02:27:55] iamlindoro: Only to discover years after the fact
[02:28:10] wagnerrp: no hope for yet another JJ Abrams show?
[02:28:16] iamlindoro: not this season
[02:28:26] sphery: I thought he had a new one this season
[02:28:32] iamlindoro: I'll watch Terra Nova but have no hope
[02:28:44] wagnerrp: Person of Interest
[02:28:55] sphery: yeah, Terra Nova is the next sci fi series to get cancelled
[02:28:57] iamlindoro: PofI isn't really Abrams, though
[02:29:07] wagnerrp: ah, zap2it just has his name first
[02:29:07] iamlindoro: Alcatraz is coming
[02:29:28] iamlindoro: Person of Interest is based on a single screenplay by Abrams
[02:29:30] sphery: ahh, Greg Plageman with J.J. Abrams and Jonathan Nolan
[02:29:57] sphery: well, wonder if that means that series won't get cancelled?
[02:29:57] iamlindoro: Nolan is encouraging too, but he's just another author of the single screenplay
[02:30:07] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:30:18] sphery: I mean if it were JJ's, it would get cancelled :)
[02:30:31] sphery: (still surprised Fringe isn't yet cancelled)
[02:30:58] sphery: don't worry--I knocked on wood
[02:30:59] iamlindoro: Alcatraz looks better
[02:31:09] iamlindoro:
[02:31:29] sphery: Hugo!
[02:32:12] sphery: and Dr Alan Grant
[02:34:50] wagnerrp: Alan Tudyk wont save Suburgatory?
[02:37:09] wagnerrp: bets on first show to be cancelled? i say Work It
[02:37:15] iamlindoro: TV Season is going to make it harder to get Myth work done
[02:37:23] iamlindoro: since all summer nothing records all weekend
[02:37:49] iamlindoro: But starting next weekend, no days off
[02:37:54] sphery: that's why a dedicated dev box rocks
[02:38:15] iamlindoro: Or just comes between one and TV
[02:38:27] iamlindoro: I work fast to fit in between recordings
[02:38:32] iamlindoro: and don't just make promises ;)
[02:38:41] sphery: hehe
[02:39:08] sphery: hey, I don't just make promises--I also have some > 80 unfinished (but started!) patches
[02:39:20] iamlindoro: How silly of me
[02:40:05] wagnerrp: the finder... ugh...
[02:40:51] wagnerrp: and napoleon dynamite... i honestly never saw the humor in that movie
[02:42:21] sphery: I still think I'll like The Finder
[02:42:24] sphery: is it on the scheduler?
[02:42:33] iamlindoro: The Ribbon
[02:42:36] iamlindoro: The Explorer
[02:42:45] iamlindoro: The Dock
[02:43:07] sphery: If The Finder succeeds, it would make the new invention unnecessary:
[02:43:59] wagnerrp: brian o'byrne from flash forward... what ever happened to that show?
[02:44:10] iamlindoro: it sucked
[02:44:11] wagnerrp: did they ever end it, or did it just stop
[02:44:20] iamlindoro: They ended on a cliffhanger IIRC
[02:44:23] wagnerrp: ah
[02:44:53] iamlindoro: . . . rward-finale
[02:45:02] wagnerrp: they had a second season?
[02:45:17] iamlindoro: no
[02:45:20] total (total! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:45:33] iamlindoro: thou shalt not read urls
[02:45:46] iamlindoro: "1 second season"
[02:45:53] iamlindoro: "flashforward finale"
[02:46:20] wagnerrp: heh
[02:46:33] total: Could someone suggest a compatible card, that is pci-e 1x, can decode my cable channels 3–80ish, and (if possible) decode the free digital cable stations
[02:46:53] wagnerrp: free digital cable stations?
[02:47:00] total: like
[02:47:05] total: the music stations
[02:47:12] total: that come in whne i hook up my hdtv
[02:47:15] wagnerrp: those arent free, you pay for those
[02:47:33] total: yea yea
[02:47:39] total: i thought u had to buy the hd package
[02:47:44] total: none the less
[02:47:47] total: :)
[02:47:51] wagnerrp:
[02:47:52] iamlindoro: That said, the answer is an HVR-1250 (original model)
[02:48:02] wagnerrp: put in your zip code, pick your cable provider
[02:48:17] iamlindoro: And what you're referring to is usually called digital basic or digital starter
[02:48:19] wagnerrp: those are the unencrypted channels you can expect to get with a clearqam tuner like the HVR-1250
[02:48:26] iamlindoro: basically the digital equivalent of the basic analog lineup
[02:49:17] total: yea
[02:49:23] total: thos are qam256
[02:49:28] total: thats the ones i get with my tv
[02:49:33] total: minus the music channels
[02:49:47] wagnerrp: anything you can get with your tv, you can get with a clearqam tuner
[02:50:13] wagnerrp: (like the aforementioned -1250)
[02:50:49] total: even the non-digital ones?
[02:50:59] total: lke 3–80?
[02:51:19] wagnerrp: if you want the analog channels, you need an analog tuner.. see HVR-2250
[02:51:33] total: is there a pci-e 1x that does both?
[02:51:42] wagnerrp: see above
[02:51:51] total: ah
[02:52:34] total: beautiful
[02:52:55] total: ok
[02:52:57] total: last quesiton
[02:53:07] total: that one says 2 channels at once
[02:53:14] total: does it mean one qam and one not?
[02:53:29] total: or can i do 2 analougs at once?
[02:53:30] wagnerrp: that card has two hybrid tuners
[02:53:39] wagnerrp: each tuner operates independently
[02:53:45] wagnerrp: each tuner can do analog or digital
[02:53:58] total: thanks wagnerrp
[02:54:01] wagnerrp: but most importantly, analog is tied into an MPEG encoder
[02:54:12] wagnerrp: you dont want to mess with any analog hardware that doesnt have a hardware encoder
[02:54:34] total: that 2250 have hardware?
[02:54:42] wagnerrp: yes
[02:55:07] wagnerrp: as opposed to the 1250, which does analog, but has no hardware encoder
[02:55:21] wagnerrp: and technically, analog on the 1250 isnt supported under linux anyway
[02:56:12] total: myth-tv supports both qam and ana on the 2250, and i should have no probs then?
[02:56:23] wagnerrp: correct
[02:56:30] iamlindoro: no hyphen
[02:56:36] total: sorry
[02:56:39] total: good then
[02:56:56] total: im ordering 2 right now now, so i can pass them through to my mthrv vm
[02:57:07] iamlindoro: ruh roh
[02:57:19] ** iamlindoro looks expectantly at wagnerrp **
[02:57:26] total: i know its coming
[02:57:29] wagnerrp: VM?
[02:57:33] total: esxi
[02:57:55] wagnerrp: why?
[02:58:13] iamlindoro: And if you won't listen to what wagnerrp is about to say, we would probably dig up the opinion of the guy who wrote the driver for the hardware you're about to buy
[02:58:39] wagnerrp: stoth dislikes hardware passthrough in VMs?
[02:58:39] iamlindoro: which amounts to, more or less, "just as long as all you care about is every other byte of your recording"
[02:58:45] wagnerrp: hehehe
[03:01:12] total: ?
[03:01:41] total: ive been debating the usb haupagge
[03:01:46] iamlindoro: we're still waiting on *your* answer
[03:02:01] wagnerrp: the question being... why are you running esxi?
[03:02:02] total: im still waiting fora clear question
[03:02:04] total: ah
[03:02:06] total: sorry
[03:02:22] wagnerrp: (or any other blend of virtual machine)
[03:02:39] total: esxi is my all in one nas, router, game server
[03:02:44] total: and webstacks
[03:03:02] iamlindoro: all the more reason *not* to try to put myth there
[03:03:09] saintdev: iamlindoro: so how come some shows get immediately added to the watch list, but others aren't added at all?
[03:03:16] total: why so iamlindoro
[03:03:18] wagnerrp: NAS, router, webserver are likely all linux
[03:03:22] wagnerrp: is your game server linux?
[03:03:32] total: its a version of tinylinux
[03:03:34] total: yes
[03:03:40] total: microlinux
[03:03:42] total: whatever
[03:03:44] wagnerrp: so why not just run them on the same machine?
[03:03:50] wagnerrp: why farm them out to virtual machines?
[03:03:59] total: well the router is bsd
[03:04:20] total: cause im trying to learn virtualization as a trade
[03:04:32] total: and cut my home power bill ;)
[03:04:39] iamlindoro: saintdev: it's not supposed to just be a "dumb" list, it prioritizes a number of criteria like chance of expiration, how behind you are, etc.
[03:05:08] iamlindoro: And basically attempts to help you avoid missing something through autoexpire, and getting too far behind
[03:05:30] iamlindoro: Look at the largest hunk of the commit, where it is well commented
[03:05:36] wagnerrp: total: so you can run NAS, router, webserver, and game servers all on BSD
[03:05:51] wagnerrp: why not just run BSD, and use one kernel instance
[03:05:59] total: im not quite that advanced bro
[03:06:08] iamlindoro: not to mention the rather high chance of your recordings being screwed by running in a VM
[03:06:09] total: i use pre developed os's basicly
[03:06:21] iamlindoro: especially if you are running multiple VMs + a host OS
[03:06:22] ** sphery wishes that cpio copied capabilities (i.e. from setcap) **
[03:06:49] total: iamlindoro: are you aware of esxi
[03:06:49] wagnerrp: what im hinting at is that there are really only a small handful of proper uses for virtualization
[03:06:57] total: its not a host os that runs vm
[03:07:00] total: its all baremetal
[03:07:03] iamlindoro: total: Yes.
[03:07:07] iamlindoro: And it still doesn't matter
[03:07:18] saintdev: iamlindoro: that sort of explains it then. the shows that aren't being added (or more likely haven't yet been added) have no episode limit, while the ones that have have a small limit
[03:07:26] wagnerrp: full sandboxing for development, operation of old software for which you no longer have machines to run, and thats about it
[03:08:01] total: ok
[03:08:12] iamlindoro: as the linux tuner drivers are written in such a way that the allocation of resources to all the running VMs drastically increase the chance that the driver will discard data before the VM gets the resources to write the data out
[03:08:16] wagnerrp: it can be used for HA and processes migration... but then thats really a crutch for applications not designed for that sort of thing internally
[03:08:34] wagnerrp: it can be used for isolation... but then there are other tools that work just as well for isolation without the overhead
[03:09:13] saintdev: or when it would be more economical to run hundreds of servers on a single piece of big iron instead of a hundred separate boxes.
[03:09:14] wagnerrp: personally, ive always been of the opinion routers should not be run on the same physical system as application servers
[03:09:46] wagnerrp: saintdev: no, because you can just as well run all those hundreds of servers on a single piece of big server /without/ using virtualization
[03:10:02] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[03:10:18] total: it has its advantages
[03:10:23] total: like vmotion
[03:10:40] wagnerrp: being process migration?
[03:10:54] total: yes
[03:11:05] total: point being
[03:11:06] iamlindoro:
[03:11:08] wagnerrp: is an application really needs to be live migrated from one server to another, it should have that capability built in
[03:11:22] total: i use its because its simple
[03:11:29] wagnerrp: such as clustered databases, SANs, routers with failover built in
[03:12:20] total: but no
[03:12:27] total: thanks guys for helping me find a card
[03:12:33] wagnerrp: nearly everything virtualization does, there is a better way to do it
[03:13:05] iamlindoro: Do what you want-- but you *will* ultimately have recording issues if you use VMs, especially on a busy machine
[03:13:12] wagnerrp: virtualization is basically using the sledgehammerfor every task
[03:13:26] wagnerrp: sure, you can use it to pound that nail in
[03:13:30] total: i dont have a busy machine
[03:13:32] wagnerrp: but it doesnt mean its the proper tool for the job
[03:13:33] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:13:39] total: its a basic home nas
[03:13:45] iamlindoro: total: You're running numerous other VMs, are you not?
[03:13:47] wagnerrp: its the easy, mindless tool for the job
[03:13:53] iamlindoro: christ, whatever
[03:13:57] iamlindoro: you're right, it's going to work great
[03:14:01] iamlindoro: we're all just jealous
[03:14:02] iamlindoro: go for it
[03:14:13] mycosys (mycosys! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:14:19] saintdev: "when all you have is a hammer..."
[03:14:24] total: iamlindoro: im running a pfsense router and a minecraft game server
[03:14:28] total: and a nas
[03:14:42] iamlindoro: Which is more than enough to cause you recording issues
[03:15:07] iamlindoro: But I'm over it. I don't care what you do-- There's only so far we can go to try to save you, some people need to learn for themselves
[03:15:31] wagnerrp: pfsense wont, the nas might, minecraft certainly will
[03:15:46] total: my minecraft server has a tops 3 people on at a time
[03:15:47] total: lool
[03:15:49] sphery: minecraft is a hog
[03:16:01] total: and is dedicated 4gb of ram
[03:16:04] total: out of my 16
[03:16:19] total: it is not a hog ftr
[03:16:25] sphery: (fun, but wow, for an 8-bit graphics game, it sure does require tons of cpu)
[03:16:44] sphery: I've heard the server is also a resource hog, but haven't actually ran one
[03:17:41] total: well
[03:17:44] total: ill give it a try
[03:17:47] total: and report back
[03:18:00] iamlindoro: We don't need more reports
[03:18:07] iamlindoro: we're basing our advise on existing reports
[03:18:13] iamlindoro: advice
[03:18:26] sphery: yay, copying 475GB of recordings to the new HDD... time to get some dinner and watch some mythtv--assuming the shows I want to watch aren't in the 475GB I'm copying
[03:18:52] total: fine fine
[03:19:00] sphery: got the 2TB and 1.5TB on the remote backend in place, so it's just the 475GB from the 750 that I'm missing, now
[03:19:20] total: thanks for the help with the cards atleast
[03:28:02] sphery: wow, just started recording syndicated reruns of Psych... in a 28hr period this weekend, I'll get 10 episodes of it
[03:32:17] total: whats a good prebuilt frontend?
[03:33:14] wagnerrp: prebuilt computer? or specifically a pre-installed mythfrontend?
[03:34:25] total: preinstalled
[03:34:29] total: that asrock one?
[03:34:53] wagnerrp: pre-installed machines are pretty rare
[03:35:05] wagnerrp: you can find a companies that pop up occasionally
[03:35:11] wagnerrp: but they tend to die off fairly quickly
[03:35:21] total: ah
[03:35:25] wagnerrp: asrock does not sell machines pre-installed with mythtv
[03:35:43] total:
[03:35:55] total: . . . uilt_Systems
[03:36:04] total: its in the wiki that those are prebuilt
[03:36:27] iamlindoro: They're pre-built, they're not pre-installed with myth
[03:36:47] iamlindoro: Heh, all too few systems are advertised by volume in liters
[03:38:11] iamlindoro: That said, that machine is a good choice for a frontend
[03:38:16] iamlindoro: Or even a backend
[03:38:22] sphery: or both
[03:38:41] wagnerrp: better choice if frontend is involved somewhere
[03:38:57] wagnerrp: no sense spending that much when you dont need that nvidia graphics
[03:38:59] sphery: yeah, lots of money if it's a dedicated backend
[03:39:38] total: what holds virtualization back with mythtv if you dont mind me asking
[03:39:39] iamlindoro: Wow, Apple has made XCode very iTunes like
[03:39:48] ** iamlindoro blinks **
[03:39:52] total: i/o's?
[03:40:09] iamlindoro: I'd have to go with the fact that users of virtualization don't read explanations the first four times they are offered
[03:40:15] iamlindoro: Followed by the explanations
[03:40:54] wagnerrp: the problem with virtualization he was talking about was that hardware passthrough does not play well with that driver, or that card, or perhaps hardware in general
[03:41:10] iamlindoro: s/that driver/any linux tuner driver/
[03:41:25] wagnerrp: the problem with running several other intensive applications on the same machine as your backend is that your backend needs power when it wants power, and it needs to get it right now
[03:41:30] sphery: + it's generally not necessary
[03:41:32] wagnerrp: power for the scheduler
[03:41:34] sphery: so why use it
[03:41:38] wagnerrp: IO for the database and recording
[03:41:47] wagnerrp: and if it doesnt get it, you will lose recordings
[03:41:48] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:41:56] total: kk
[03:41:58] wagnerrp: there is no graceful failure
[03:42:02] iamlindoro: obscenely time sensitive tuner driver buffers is to me the most compelling reason not to virtualize
[03:42:06] wagnerrp: below a certain point, you will lose data
[03:42:31] total: would a usb passthru help solve the problem?
[03:42:36] iamlindoro: No
[03:42:42] iamlindoro: it would make it worse
[03:43:16] total: proper pooling would help
[03:43:22] total: but that would shit on my nas
[03:43:27] total: i guess
[03:43:50] total: i think im finally starting to geta grasp of what you guys are saying
[03:47:50] wagnerrp: actually were arguing different points
[03:48:06] wagnerrp: hes talking about the issue of throwing additional load onto systems running time critical applications (mythtv(
[03:48:26] wagnerrp: im more talking an idological complaint of virtualization
[03:48:33] wagnerrp: i dont like it
[03:48:55] total: i really dont stress my esxi
[03:49:09] wagnerrp: not on average, no
[03:49:19] total: the most it see is 10Mbits downloading to the freenas
[03:49:28] total: 100Mbit
[03:49:30] wagnerrp: but its not the average time critical applications need to worry about
[03:50:14] total: and the freenas works off a passthru hardware raid card
[03:50:24] total: so the raid functions dont tax the cpu
[03:53:01] total: anyways
[03:53:18] total: im off to reformat this computer
[03:53:20] total: have a good night guys
[03:53:45] total (total! has quit ()
[04:04:19] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[04:21:52] wagnerrp: sphery: no matter how many times you explain how virtual tuners work, people just dont get it
[04:22:01] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:22:01] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:22:16] sphery: more people recommending the alternating virtual tuners thing?
[04:28:34] ** wagnerrp loves his state **
[04:28:41] wagnerrp: s/state/commonwealth/
[04:29:00] [R]: whats the difference between state and commonwealth?
[04:29:05] [R]: is it something to do with dirty hibbies?
[04:29:07] [R]: hippies*
[04:29:14] wagnerrp: about seven letters
[04:29:28] [R]: lol
[04:29:33] wagnerrp: the Kentucky DoT requires slow moving vehicles to have a bright orange reflective triangle
[04:29:48] wagnerrp: buggies, like those driven by the Amish, are slow
[04:29:56] wagnerrp: and as such need the bright orange reflective triangles
[04:30:35] wagnerrp: the Amish religion forbids the display of bright colors, so several Amish are currently in jail over roadway violations
[04:31:58] [R]: rofl
[04:32:21] wagnerrp: technically, its a misdemeanor with a fine
[04:32:37] wagnerrp: but they refused to pay the fine, as that would be admission of being wrong
[04:32:41] wagnerrp: so theyre in jail for comtempt
[04:32:49] saintdev (saintdev!~saint@unaffiliated/saintdev) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[04:32:50] mag0o: wagnerrp: ?
[04:33:11] wagnerrp: those they
[04:33:31] wagnerrp: amazing bout of comments on that image
[04:34:08] westlock3 (westlock3!~mythtv@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:35:00] mag0o: yep
[04:39:53] mycosys (mycosys! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:40:01] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!~matt@wikisource/ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:40:08] mattwj2002: hi all
[04:40:08] mattwj2002: :D
[04:40:27] mattwj2002: xris how long do you think it'll take before I get my wintv box?
[04:41:08] mattwj2002: also did you get the cable card going?
[04:42:39] xris: comcast appt next tuesday
[04:42:56] mattwj2002: oh okay
[04:43:27] xris: no clue on delivery time. if you ordered straight from hauppaug, it comes usps. mine took a little over a week to seattle (basically the entire distance of the US)
[04:43:48] mattwj2002: ok
[04:43:58] mattwj2002: yeah I did order it straight from them
[04:44:15] mattwj2002: they haven't e-mailed me or anything yet either
[04:44:26] westlock3 (westlock3!~mythtv@ has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[04:44:39] mattwj2002: so you placed your order and a week later you had it?
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[04:47:51] ** wagnerrp heads off in search of food **
[04:48:11] mattwj2002: wagnerrp: if you were here you could have some pizza
[04:48:12] mattwj2002: :)
[04:48:52] westlock3: mmm pizza
[04:51:45] mattwj2002: bye all
[04:51:46] mattwj2002: :D
[04:52:16] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!~matt@wikisource/ has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:59:54] xris: I preordered back in august
[05:00:00] xris: they had a bunch of production delays.
[05:00:29] xris: they said they'd email me a tracking number, but they didn't, so don't expect one (thought they're quick to reply to questions if you email them and ask nicely for the tracking numbr)
[05:00:30] xris: )
[05:00:58] xris: oh, and that's what I get for typing before reading that he left...
[05:05:15] MilkBoy (MilkBoy!~milkboy@2a00:16a0::a800:c1ff:fe40:f4b2) has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:17:25] ** wagnerrp returns from gastro-intestinal distress castle **
[05:20:38] westlock3: Sound question....
[05:20:57] mag0o: White Castle, or Krystal down here in the south
[05:21:31] westlock3: I can get my en210 card working fine in myth but when I watch youtube there is no sound. I followed this . . . 20,_or_GT240
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[05:23:06] westlock3: It is the only audio device enabled on my frontend.
[05:26:38] westlock3: It is only connected by the HDMI cable
[05:27:03] westlock3: reboot
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[05:40:14] iamlindoro:
[05:40:16] iamlindoro: That was fun
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[05:48:15] sphery: so, I think it was a good idea to swap HDDs today... tons of failed opcodes and copied that last file at 116kB/s
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[09:21:27] EvilGuru: . . . Moving-Parts
[09:22:04] EvilGuru: Slashdot is once again behind the curve — I saw a 'documentary' on this last week on Film4 :P
[09:31:08] stuartm: The Hunt for Red October?
[09:31:38] stuartm: I didn't notice that was on
[09:33:38] EvilGuru: Indeed, in the true aspect ratio, too.
[09:51:45] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[09:53:52] stuartm: oh that's annoying, but maybe I'll just buy the blu-ray instead
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[09:58:19] EvilGuru: mythweb tells me it is being shown again today at 18:20
[09:58:30] EvilGuru: *tomorrow, sorry, Sunday the 18th
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[10:19:28] stuartm: cool
[10:19:56] ** stuartm starts humming the Soviet anthem **
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[11:16:40] k-man: so i've been trying to compile mythtv on osx Lion with no success – but that led me down to looking at writing a homebrew formula for compiling it
[11:17:08] k-man: anyone with a mac care to give it a go and tell me what errors it gives for them?
[11:21:15] k-man: you can test it by doing "brew install -vd . . . htv.rb"
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[11:52:22] k-man: is it possible to compile mythtv without the filters?
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[12:15:25] lxs-makoto: hello. i'm having some issues getting my mythtv to work. my backend is my desktop, which appears to be working, my laptop, the frontend, doesnt work. i've told it under mythtv-setup that the database is at, but it keeps trying to connect to which is the laptop. do i need a mysql on my laptop?
[12:25:20] messerting (messerting! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:33:17] Twiggy2cents: what keeps trying to connect to that IP? The frontend or the backend?
[12:33:37] Twiggy2cents: And no you do not need mysql on the fe
[12:35:32] lxs-makoto: im not quite sure, i'm assuming its the frontend trying to connect to.. itself.
[12:36:30] Twiggy2cents: did you run mythtv-setup on the FE?
[12:36:54] lxs-makoto: yeah, but it was a while ago
[12:37:10] lxs-makoto: should I re-run it?
[12:37:24] Twiggy2cents: You need to make sure that your BE mythtv-setup is set up to your BE STATIC IP. Then do mytht-setup and make sure that the ip matches that
[12:37:36] Twiggy2cents: Yeah, if you dont change anything it wont change anything
[12:37:52] lxs-makoto: ah ok
[12:38:06] Twiggy2cents: Run the setup on the FE and check what your settings are on it
[12:38:18] stuartm: run mythfrontend -p
[12:38:43] stuartm: you don't want to run mythtv-setup on the frontend, only the backend
[12:39:22] Twiggy2cents: oh
[12:39:26] stuartm: mythfrontend -p prompts for the backend IP (after reselecting language)
[12:40:02] Twiggy2cents: ohh so it is like a fresh start?
[12:40:34] lxs-makoto: all the settings in the frontend config look ok, but when i do the -p and configure it manually, it says it cant ping the databse host
[12:41:01] lxs-makoto: although that looks my fault
[12:41:12] Twiggy2cents: Are you sure that is your backends IP? Did you set your BE to have a static IP?
[12:41:35] lxs-makoto: under... networkmanager *shudders*
[12:41:42] lxs-makoto: im gonna reconfigure the IP manually
[12:42:57] Twiggy2cents: just type ifconfig in a terminal
[12:43:19] k-man: Twiggy2cents, are you sure your mythtv is bound to the right interface? and not to localhost?
[12:43:58] Twiggy2cents: lxs-makoto, k-man meant that for you
[12:44:12] lxs-makoto: hmm, i'll check
[12:44:23] k-man: Twiggy2cents, oops sorry
[12:44:35] k-man: lxs-makoto, yes, I meant that for you
[12:46:43] lxs-makoto: it wasnt
[12:47:22] lxs-makoto: and i've reloaded it
[12:48:30] lxs-makoto: still getting unable to connect to database
[12:48:33] lxs-makoto: Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'' (using password: YES)
[12:49:09] Twiggy2cents: Your mysql is probably set up for localhost too
[12:49:45] Twiggy2cents: You might need to add a user with that IP or somethign like this 'mythtv'@*
[12:49:56] Twiggy2cents: I suck at mysql but it is somethign like that
[12:50:15] Twiggy2cents: Is it possible to grab movie trailers with metadata lookup?
[12:50:28] lxs-makoto: i hate mysql, with a passion
[12:51:42] Twiggy2cents: I cheat and use either phpmyadmin or a local gui access
[12:55:59] stoth (stoth! has quit (Quit: stoth)
[12:58:42] lxs-makoto: woot
[12:58:44] lxs-makoto: i think im in
[12:58:55] lxs-makoto: i had derp'ed in a config, so it was using the wrong password
[13:01:40] k-man: lxs-makoto, cool
[13:01:53] lxs-makoto: although
[13:02:30] lxs-makoto: i cant get live tv to work, but i think thats because sdb1 isnt mounted on /media/exthdd and thats where i think its looking for somewhere to put its stuff
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[13:24:57] iamlindoro: oooOOOOOOoooo!
[13:25:03] iamlindoro: MVB PK for v25
[13:25:07] iamlindoro: er MKB
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[13:51:46] Twiggy2cents: do the Trailers have to be local or can they be on the backend?
[13:51:54] Twiggy2cents: I cant get them to play from the backend sg
[13:52:24] Twiggy2cents: They are in there and play from mplayer but with the option play random trailer, nothing plays
[13:52:43] nae: Hey, I just upgraded my media pc from lenny to squeeze and also moved from freevo to mythtv. The live tv from my DVB tuner through mythfrontend is really jumpy, but if it plays smoothly if I use mplayer dvb://blabla. The machine is a 1GHz VIA Eden – should that be enough to use mythtv and if so how can I improve the performance?
[13:53:06] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Filename handling for mythavtest appears to be broken
[13:53:45] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Seems to not be passing in the filename/URI at all, so the ringbuffer gets a null filename
[13:57:47] FabriceMG: iamlindoro, good news, the Allocine APIv3 for French, Dutch, Spanish and UK with the same script
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[14:39:31] Twiggy2cents: Is there any public script for retrieval of Video trailers that match a list of videos? Or is that going to be a manual thing?
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[14:55:13] Jessica_Lily: Hey, I am finding mythtv is deleting recordings without me telling it to… I had yet to watch somethings I had recorded and it's deleted them is there an option to stop it?
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[15:06:25] wagnerrp: Twiggy2cents: there is no public resource to get video trailers from
[15:06:25] jarle: Jessica_Lily: If your storage is filling up mythtv will start to delete old recordings to make room for new ones...
[15:06:43] wagnerrp: the closest option is the links to youtube trailers that tmdb provides
[15:07:00] wagnerrp: but youre best off trying to find a trailer on the DVD/blurays you rip content from
[15:07:13] wagnerrp: yes, its called 'autoexpire'
[15:07:48] Jessica_Lily: ahh
[15:07:53] Jessica_Lily: jarle thanks
[15:08:01] Jessica_Lily: im trying to find out how to change the directory it records to
[15:08:03] wagnerrp: you can find this list if you run 'mythbackend --printexpire'
[15:08:15] wagnerrp: you change the directory the same way you told it in the first place
[15:08:20] wagnerrp: storage directories in mythtv-setup
[15:08:36] wagnerrp: (unless youre running mythbuntu that sets it for you)
[15:09:01] Jessica_Lily: im using mythtv on ubuntu :P if that counts
[15:09:13] Jessica_Lily: i think its recording to /var/lib/mythtv/recordings
[15:09:14] Korny2: BUt only on the primary drive
[15:09:53] jarle: Jessica_Lily: as wagnerrp said, set your storage directories in mythtv-setup
[15:09:57] Jessica_Lily: i think i found it
[15:09:57] Jessica_Lily: yeh
[15:09:58] shipit_ (shipit_!~shipit@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[15:09:59] wagnerrp: yes, mythbuntu automatically adds that /var/lib/mythtv/recordings
[15:10:04] wagnerrp: mythtv itself has no default storage
[15:11:13] Korny2: speaking of which, is there a command to force a recording to an empty storage pool drive, I just want to verify its working
[15:11:25] Jessica_Lily: right i think i've done it
[15:11:30] jarle: Jessica_Lily: adding several storage dirs, using serveral disks is a good way to spread the load, and also keep you from loosing all your recordings if one disk fails..
[15:12:02] Jessica_Lily: i have the OS on one hdd which is relatively small and i have a data hdd which is big
[15:12:24] wagnerrp: stuartm: you know... the Red October used a series of impellers in a baffled tunnel, not all together different from a modern day pump jet
[15:12:52] wagnerrp: the movie changed it to a magnetohydrodynamic drive because 'impellers in a tunnel' are too boring for movie watchers
[15:14:03] wagnerrp: one of the japanese conglomerates actually built one like 10yrs back... had pretty poor performance and the concept was abandoned
[15:14:37] wagnerrp: Jessica_Lily, jarle: you should not record to the same disk that stores your database
[15:16:43] sphery: not too bad... of 94 recordings on the failed hard drive, only 3 were un-copyable. One re-airs tonight (nice timing :), one was the first half of a 2-hr show that I had already recorded (and watched) in full, and one was just a CSI episode.
[15:17:19] Korny2: sphery no backups?
[15:17:37] Korny2: I'm wasting a 2 TB drive for my flexraid parity drive
[15:17:43] wagnerrp: backups of a recording drive?
[15:17:44] sphery: no, it's just tv
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[15:18:05] Korny2: I back up my movies mainly
[15:18:48] Korny2: although recordings get included in it because I'm to lazy no exclude em and it only takes 10–15 minutes a night to resync
[15:19:34] Korny2: Although I can't decide if 70MB/s is slow or fast for parity creation :/
[15:19:56] wizbit: my mythtv box is now self sufficient, mythtv expires / deletes oldest recordings, and i run a daily script what sets mythtv to record tv highlights using radiotimes, if i want to keep a recording i just turn off the auto-expire.
[15:19:57] sphery: on your 6-core?
[15:20:14] Korny2: I THINK its the parity drive slowing it down since its a 5900 rpm samsung
[15:21:05] wagnerrp: a 5900rpm 2TB drive will be bottoming out somewhere around 60–70MB/s
[15:21:11] wagnerrp: top end will be double that
[15:21:53] sphery: all my recordings drives are big/slow
[15:22:21] sphery: (and now, the boot/root of my remote backend is big/slow)
[15:23:01] sphery: though I have a separate partition for the root and "extra" file systems (where the extra is space for recordings)
[15:23:52] sphery: so, tonight at 8pm, my backend status page will show 10 episodes of Psych on the schedule--completely filled by Psych
[15:24:22] sphery: (would have been at 4pm, but the Monk episode that I lost re-airs at 7pm)
[15:24:47] ** wagnerrp wonders why his dev box ends up recompiling ffmpeg so often **
[15:24:59] sphery: I have wondered that myself
[15:25:27] sphery: it's almost like sometimes it doesn't use the ccache info
[15:25:31] wagnerrp: monk and psych... since when do you get those channels?
[15:27:16] wagnerrp: sphery: well its particularly noticeable for me, since i have to manually set COMPILER_PATH for ffmpeg to compile
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[15:34:56] Jessica_Lily: i can't find the option to turn autoexpire off
[15:35:00] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: filename is being pulled properly from the parser, so the problem lies elsewhere
[15:35:11] wagnerrp: there is no option to turn it off
[15:35:14] Jessica_Lily: o
[15:35:19] wagnerrp: you can disable it per recording, or per recording rule
[15:35:45] Jessica_Lily: well i never want them to expire… i'd rather delete manually … whats the easiest way to do that?
[15:36:06] wagnerrp: manually delete them, and dont worry about the expirer
[15:36:11] Korny2: Do you watch live TV ever?
[15:36:15] Jessica_Lily: yes
[15:36:31] wagnerrp: livetv self deletes after a day anyway
[15:36:47] Jessica_Lily: mm im not bothered about that being deleted just the stuff i record
[15:37:11] wagnerrp: Jessica_Lily: if you manually delete stuff to ensure there is always free space for mythtv to use
[15:37:21] wagnerrp: the auto-expirer will be of no concern
[15:37:57] Jessica_Lily: okay i have checked the autoexpire list and things are still on there can i take them off?
[15:38:08] Jessica_Lily: and i have about 700GB free now so it should be okay :)
[15:38:28] wagnerrp: 700GB will get you ~100–140hrs of HD content
[15:38:32] wagnerrp: so youre good for a while
[15:38:36] Jessica_Lily: :)
[15:38:50] Jessica_Lily: will the current recordings persist then or will they still expire?
[15:38:52] wagnerrp: you can manually disable expiration on the individual recordings
[15:38:57] Jessica_Lily: okay
[15:38:58] Jessica_Lily: cool
[15:39:01] Jessica_Lily: thanks for the help!
[15:39:13] wagnerrp: or you can disable it on the recording rules, which will only affect recordings made on those rules past that point
[15:41:51] sphery: Jessica_Lily: auto-expire only happens when MythTV records to a full file system... So, as wagnerrp said, if you never, ever, fill up any file system, auto-expire won't happen.
[15:42:02] Jessica_Lily: awesome
[15:42:06] sphery: but you really /should/ enable auto-expire on at least some recordings
[15:42:19] wagnerrp: note that it is per-filesystem
[15:42:25] sphery: i.e. the random movies you record or something... because if MythTV runs out of space on a file system, Bad Things happen.
[15:42:26] Jessica_Lily: well i delete them when i watch them
[15:42:31] wagnerrp: you can have 500GB free on one disk, and 10GB free on another
[15:42:46] wagnerrp: if the disk scheduler decides for some reason to record to the 10GB disk, it will expire something from it
[15:43:10] Jessica_Lily: i moved everything onto the disk with 700GB free
[15:43:21] Jessica_Lily: so nothing should record or be on the other hdd
[15:43:33] sphery: meaning you have only one file system in your Storage Groups?
[15:43:56] Jessica_Lily: i have a disk for my OS and applications and one for just data
[15:44:02] Jessica_Lily: the data one is 1TB
[15:44:06] Jessica_Lily: (with 700GB free)
[15:44:17] sphery: ok, sounds like you should be good until you fill that 1TB
[15:44:17] wagnerrp: you dont want to record to the disk that holds your database
[15:44:33] Jessica_Lily: sphery i doubt i will
[15:44:46] Jessica_Lily: wagnerrp i think the db is stored on the OS/application disk
[15:44:51] wagnerrp: so you deleted the /var/lib/mythtv/recordings path from that storage group?
[15:45:02] Jessica_Lily: i did remove that yes
[15:45:08] wagnerrp: ok, sounds good
[15:45:12] Jessica_Lily: and i moved the files there to the data hdd
[15:45:18] sphery: ah, there was a day when I thought 1TB of recordings sounded like a lot
[15:45:27] Korny2: its really not :/
[15:45:29] wagnerrp: hehe
[15:45:49] wagnerrp: you know, up until last year, thats all i had
[15:45:56] wagnerrp: a trio of 300GB drives
[15:45:59] Jessica_Lily: xD
[15:46:06] Korny2: I know most people think transcoding is pointless, but when you can transcode mkv realtime, why not :P
[15:46:11] sphery: now I'm wondering whether to check that next 2TB into my system since I only have 9.75TB in there, now, with 3.2 TB free
[15:46:24] wagnerrp: Korny2: because you cant transcode HD in real time?
[15:46:41] wagnerrp: not with that measily 6-core processor youve got there
[15:46:48] sphery: maybe he's just trans-containering :)
[15:47:24] Korny2: What I used to do, is delay transcoding 1 week, then not delete the orginal until the transcode job was done, it was quite seamless
[15:47:43] Korny2: And all automated
[15:48:01] sphery: not transcoding is even more seamless and even more automated
[15:48:09] sphery: and with HDDs being cheap these days...
[15:48:30] Jessica_Lily: i don't know how to alter expirey on pre-recorded im looking at the wiki and it says select info, im not seeing info
[15:48:31] wagnerrp: you have it set up to automatically detect interlacing, and IDCT/deinterlace as needed?
[15:48:33] Korny2: I don't really keep that much anymore now that we dumped cable
[15:48:45] sphery: Jessica_Lily: which page... you have to hit MENU, now
[15:48:50] sphery: we need to update that page
[15:48:51] Korny2: wagnerrp: handbrake can bet setup to do that via CLI
[15:49:00] Jessica_Lily: i went onto manage recordings and then previously recorded
[15:49:13] sphery: you want to go to Watch Recordings
[15:49:31] sphery: to change rules, go to Manage Recordings|Recording rules
[15:49:51] sphery: but to change existing recordings, go to Watch Recordings, hit MENU, then Storage Options
[15:49:52] Jessica_Lily: okay im on the watch recordings and i have the recording selected
[15:50:08] wagnerrp: last time i did that, iDCT on 14Mbps 1080i30 MPEG2 to decent quality 5Mbps 1080p24 h264 ran around 2fps on my 2.75GHz C2D
[15:50:11] Jessica_Lily: hit menu?
[15:50:18] sphery: M
[15:50:23] Jessica_Lily: ahh :D
[15:50:29] fleers (fleers! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:50:32] Jessica_Lily: done it ^.^
[15:50:52] sphery: you /might/ be able to select All Recordings|MENU|Add this Group to the Playlist, then MENU|Playlist Options|Storage Options
[15:51:05] sphery: and remove autoexpirability from all recordings at once
[15:51:05] wagnerrp: thats just a bit slower than real time
[15:51:14] Korny2: only 15x :P
[15:51:15] sphery: Jessica_Lily: again, what's the page--I need to fix it
[15:51:28] sphery: on the wiki, that is
[15:51:54] Jessica_Lily: oo urm . . . g_Recordings
[15:52:20] Jessica_Lily: urrr okay this is weird… i am recording something to test that its not being added to autoexpire
[15:52:21] Jessica_Lily: and it is
[15:53:10] sphery: did you change your recording rules, too
[15:53:12] sphery: 09.17 11:49:31 <+sphery> to change rules, go to Manage Recordings|Recording rules
[15:54:11] Jessica_Lily: okay im at rules, clueless what to do
[15:54:12] sphery: grrr... readline's Ctrl-W doesn't kill a word in the browser
[15:54:27] Jessica_Lily: i can see three rules on three different programs im recording
[15:54:41] wagnerrp: bleh, acronym soup... i mean IVTC
[15:55:03] sphery: you need to select the rule (likely SELECT, which is Space or Enter by default)
[15:55:06] sphery: then edit it
[15:55:12] sphery: change Storage Options to disable autoexpire
[15:55:24] Jessica_Lily: do i have to do this per recording?
[15:55:27] sphery: if SELECT doesn't work, hit MENU and dig through that 'til you find something about editing the rule
[15:55:35] wagnerrp: on all your existing recording, yes
[15:55:35] sphery: for rules, you have to do it for each rule
[15:55:44] sphery: for recordings... 09.17 11:50:52 <+sphery> you /might/ be able to select All Recordings|MENU|Add this Group to the Playlist, then MENU|Playlist Options|Storage Options
[15:55:47] sphery: 09.17 11:51:04 <+sphery> and remove autoexpirability from all recordings at once
[15:55:47] wagnerrp: for new recordings, they take whatever the value of the rule is
[15:56:27] Jessica_Lily: okay i did
[15:56:50] sphery: (i.e. changing the rule has no effect on existing recordings)
[15:56:54] Jessica_Lily: okay ill schedule a new recording and see what it says
[15:57:43] wagnerrp: sphery: you know, if there was some transcoding tool that could automatically detect telecining and frame padding, and drop everything to 24p... that might actually be worth the effort for me to transcode
[15:57:56] Jessica_Lily: ahhh its still setting new recordings to auto expire im so confused >.<
[15:58:08] Korny2: Handbrake won't do taht?
[15:58:15] Korny2: with appropriate switches?
[15:58:15] wagnerrp: i highly doubt it
[15:58:38] ghoti_ is now known as ghoti
[15:59:32] Korny2:
[16:00:33] sphery: fwiw, using the playlist, you /can/ disable autoexpire on everything at once
[16:00:46] sphery: but you'll still need to edit each individual recording rule
[16:00:50] Jessica_Lily: but if a new rule is made (when i schedule a new recording)
[16:00:58] Jessica_Lily: it checks the autoexpire box
[16:01:01] Korny2: I use the -5 (--decomb) switch
[16:01:28] Jessica_Lily: is there like a master rule that i can edit which means all new recordings i schedule will by default not have that selected
[16:02:18] sphery: Auto-Expire default: If enabled, any new recording schedules will be marked as eligible for auto-expiration. Existing schedules will keep their current value."
[16:02:37] sphery: mythfrontend, Utilities/Setup|Setup|General settings
[16:02:50] sphery: on the screen General (Auto-Expire)
[16:02:50] wagnerrp: Korny2: im not talking about deinterlacing
[16:03:04] wagnerrp: im talking about 24fps content being broadcast at 30 and 60fps
[16:03:42] wagnerrp: at 30i, the telecine, convert 4 frames into 10 fields
[16:03:56] wagnerrp: at 60p, they duplicate, convert 2 frames into 5 frames
[16:04:53] wagnerrp: im talking about something intelligent to scan through the content, and figure out whether its a candidate for either of those, or otherwise use a deinterlacing filter
[16:05:03] Jessica_Lily: sphery im not seeing it
[16:05:15] wagnerrp: if you use --decomb, its just going to blindly deinterlace, even if there is a better option
[16:05:23] Jessica_Lily: i went to the general option and i looked through all the options i gave
[16:05:30] Jessica_Lily: non were auto-expire
[16:05:39] sphery: Jessica_Lily: oops... mythfrontend, Utilities/Setup|Setup|*TV Settings*|General
[16:05:42] sphery: wrong general
[16:05:45] wagnerrp: Korny2: most pre-recorded content on TV is going to be 24fps
[16:05:58] wagnerrp: they film it that way to make an easy conversion to dvd and bluray
[16:06:00] Jessica_Lily: ahh okay
[16:06:15] wagnerrp: so deinterlacing is the /wrong/ thing to do to it
[16:06:17] Jessica_Lily: ahh!
[16:06:26] Jessica_Lily: found it!
[16:06:57] wagnerrp: generally, the only things that will actually be broadcast at original framerate will be news, talk shows, and sports
[16:07:18] Korny2: -detelecine wouldn't work either?
[16:07:32] Jessica_Lily: awesome its working as i wanted :)
[16:07:35] Jessica_Lily: thanks guys
[16:08:06] wagnerrp: Korny2: --detelecing would work for telecined content
[16:08:24] wagnerrp: but i dont know if its intelligent to work with 720p content with duplicate frames
[16:08:25] Korny2: Maybe I just don't look that close at what I watch, or my video processor on my denon reciever that upconverts everything to 1080p/60 fixes it
[16:08:41] wagnerrp: and i dont know if it would fail out on true interlaced content
[16:10:59] wagnerrp: sphery: so monday we find out if we stop recording two and a half men
[16:12:20] Korny2: wagnerrp: I have some video thats 1280x720 60 fps (that orginally was SD(Family guy)) how would I test it?
[16:13:07] wagnerrp: you took 480i content, and encoded it at 720p?
[16:13:22] Korny2: No
[16:13:31] Korny2: it was broadcast at 720p
[16:13:37] Korny2: its an orginal capture
[16:13:49] Korny2: 720 mpeg2
[16:14:10] wagnerrp: meaning it was upscaled by the broadcaster?
[16:14:15] Korny2: yes
[16:14:24] wagnerrp: well then its garbage anyway, trash it
[16:14:29] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, I have a feeling it will be one of the most-watched premieres of the season
[16:14:45] sphery: and then the curiosity will die down and then it will end up getting cancelled
[16:14:47] Korny2: lol looks better then their 480i stream :/
[16:15:15] ** wagnerrp heads out to lunch **
[16:16:18] Korny2: 26% parity 1.5 hours on 9 tb, not really to bad
[16:18:13] sphery: wagnerrp: your changes to command-line parser are showing that a /lot/ of users are passing incompatible args to the programs
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[17:07:55] esperegu: is there a way to create a favorite channel list or something? I don't want to mess with the original channel nr's and would like to make zapping a little easier
[17:23:08] sphery: channel groups
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[18:19:45] sphery: wagnerrp: so, it's even worse than I thought... the mobo can't cold boot unless there's a PATA drive attached because without, it starts the AHCI option ROM too soon--before the SATA drives have init'ed--and it doesn't see the drives. There's not even an option in the BIOS to disable Quick Boot or to do a memory test, so I can't find any way to slow down boot.
[18:20:19] sphery: and there are no settings in BIOS to add a delay, nor does the AHCI option ROM have any Ctrl-S or Ctrl-F type settings to adjust
[18:26:51] justdave (justdave!~dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:28:33] esperegu: sphery: thx. is it also possible to set the order for channels in a group??
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[18:28:55] sphery: no, pretty sure it uses the same order as the normal channel listing
[18:29:05] wagnerrp: sphery: yeah, i wonder how well that is going to go over once it hits production
[18:29:52] sphery: I think we'll just have to teach a lot of users to read the error messages that tell them the command lines they've been using in scripts for years are wrong
[18:30:23] sphery: any ideas on slowing down boot before the SATA probe?
[18:30:29] esperegu: sphery: that's to bad.
[18:30:40] esperegu: sphery: maybe nice new feature?
[18:30:44] wagnerrp: personally, id like to get rid of all the refresh-today/tomorrow/etc.. commands
[18:30:53] wagnerrp: and just do --refresh
[18:31:00] wagnerrp: make it a stringlist
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[18:31:12] sphery: sounds like a good idea to me
[18:31:17] wagnerrp: so you can do '--refresh today,tomorrow,all,whatever'
[18:31:27] wagnerrp: or '--refresh today --refresh tomorrow'...
[18:31:46] wagnerrp: the stringlist type automatically handles both
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[18:36:43] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: It seems passing a filename is fine, it's passing in a string ending in / that is broken
[18:36:51] iamlindoro: take off the last / and all is fine, dunno why
[18:38:00] wagnerrp: is that like a BDMV/VIDEO_TS folder?
[18:38:04] iamlindoro: yes
[18:38:22] iamlindoro: shouldn't care if it's path/to/BDMV/ or path/to/BDMV, but for some reason it now does
[18:41:37] NickHu: mythfilldatabase Updating Channel Icons took 9 hours, YES
[18:41:41] wagnerrp: sphery: i actually wanted to make that change in the first place, but figured it would be too disruptive when the change didnt actually need to be made (unlike some of the old multi-argument options)
[18:41:47] wagnerrp: nine hours???
[18:42:19] wagnerrp: sphery: worth firing off an email to -developers? -dev?
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[18:44:04] sphery: sure... or just do it :)
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[18:47:59] iamlindoro: Yayyyyyy, LOST Season 6 BD working just fine
[18:51:02] sphery: ok, now this is just stupid and a waste of power, but I'm actually thinking of sticking a GF6200 into my new mobo, hoping the video ROM init will slow boot enough that the SATA probe happens after the drives init
[18:51:16] wagnerrp: gah...
[18:51:30] wagnerrp: some fu--- a couple streets over keeps mindlessly honking their horn
[18:51:44] sphery: not an alarm?
[18:52:28] wagnerrp: if i had to guess, id say there were some old cars, or firetruck in the fort
[18:52:36] wagnerrp: and kids are dicking around in them honking the horns
[18:52:54] wagnerrp: it actually sounds like a boat horn
[18:54:01] wagnerrp: is there no spinup delay you can set?
[18:55:00] Xciton (Xciton! has quit (Quit: AndroidIrc Disconnecting)
[18:57:35] wagnerrp: yikes, my log directory is going to fill up quickly with mfd and previewgen runs
[19:00:52] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[19:07:59] sphery: rotate!
[19:08:35] sphery: (and then, please put your logrotate config on the wiki... )
[19:09:27] sphery: because far too many people are saying mythtv should now have a log rotator built in
[19:09:51] sphery: and, IMHO, since there are tons of purpose-specific tools for that job, a less-configurable hack in MythTV is inappropriate
[19:10:29] wizbit: dont distro packages setup the logrotate automatically?
[19:10:42] NickHu: wagnerrp: Yup, been going on since 10 AM, it's now 8PM
[19:11:17] sphery: we could even just post a script that can be run in a cron job to delete old log files (with different expiry for different types--so mythpreviewgen is expired fast, but mythbackend is kept for a few weeks/month or so)
[19:11:18] wagnerrp: i dont use a distro package on my backend
[19:11:30] wizbit: wagnerrp: i dont either, but a lot of people do?
[19:11:32] wagnerrp: and its dozens of files, one per instance
[19:11:41] wagnerrp: not something logrotate is designed to handle
[19:12:16] wizbit: my frontend box ran out of space because the log was too big not long ago, it wouldnt boot properly until i deleted it
[19:12:40] wagnerrp: sphery: is there actually any logrotate program designed to handle those types of logs?
[19:12:58] wagnerrp: i thought the one you put up for the mythbuntu people logged to syslog
[19:13:28] sphery: I put up an rsyslog config--and, presumably, they have logrotate on that file
[19:13:56] wizbit: my backend logrotate does this:
[19:14:02] sphery: so logrotate pretty much presumes that any existing log file needs to be rotated out/compressed and replaced with an empty version, right?
[19:14:09] sphery: if so, then the script sounds like what we need
[19:14:31] wagnerrp: wizbit: but then youre not running trunk
[19:14:38] wagnerrp: trunk, you dont log to a file, you log to a folder
[19:14:41] wizbit: im running 24.1
[19:14:56] sphery: I know logrotate allows wildcards, but don't know if there's a way to say, "keep the X newest and archive/compress/delete the oldest"
[19:15:09] wagnerrp: and mythtv logs in that folder with the format <appname>.<date>.<pid>.log
[19:15:37] wizbit: will mythtv-setup still exist in 25.0 ?
[19:15:58] sphery: seems logrotate's nocreate would prevent creating new logs
[19:16:27] sphery: doesn't seem to be an option to delete
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[19:16:44] wagnerrp: but would it actually delete old entries matching the same pattern?
[19:17:27] sphery: rotate 0 would make it delete old ones
[19:21:43] sphery: wagnerrp: looks like it would require some sort of logrotate involving a script executed with sharedscripts and postscript/endscript or something, and then you'd have the script delete the oldest (maybe the oldest ones out of the olddir)
[19:22:50] wizbit (wizbit! has quit (Quit: ZNC -
[19:22:55] sphery: at which point, just making a script to deal with old ones would work--though for the long-running daemons, I'm not sure if it will create a new date/timestamp when you HUP
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[19:23:44] sphery: but, yeah, the challenge of rotating the files with the pid and date/time in the filenames is why ubuntu wanted a way to control filename
[19:23:52] sphery: (which is why I did the syslog config for them)
[19:24:36] wagnerrp: oh flash... why do you suck so hard...
[19:24:56] sphery: so, btw, the video rom init was way too fast--didn't help delay boot
[19:25:07] ** wagnerrp terminates plugin-container.exe **
[19:25:36] sphery: which is good because it was a terrible hack, but disappointing because it means my remote backend can't boot itself after a power outage
[19:25:55] sphery: needs a person to hit ctrl-alt-del or reset when it locks on the sata scan
[19:26:12] sphery: /this/ is why bios should be open source--so I could add a little delay
[19:26:40] lxs-makoto: sphery: hack together an arduino to send the keystroke events.
[19:26:42] sphery: but, no, MS and Intel say that fast boot is the goal... so make it so that it boots so fast the drives don't have time to init
[19:27:32] sphery: lxs-makoto: heh, I'd be more likely to build a SpinMaster -> + . . . ard-dis.html +
[19:27:45] sphery: which also happens to be arduino, but as long as I'm going to the trouble...
[19:28:26] lxs-makoto: thats pretty awesome.
[19:29:21] sphery: wagnerrp: the great thing about that spinmaster is that, for example, the make article says, "Bryan Levin was apparently having problems with cheap computer power supplies that couldn't handle turning all of his drives on at the same time. Rather than just buy a beefier power supply..." Um, "beefier power supply" means bigger power supply, so it means he'll be buying for the startup load and then may well be running at an extremely ...
[19:29:27] sphery: ... inefficient idle load (i.e. < 20% load or so)
[19:30:11] sphery: in other words, this isn't because he "cheaped out" on the PSU--it's because he likely chose the proper PSU capacity (which is something that most overclocker-type guys just don't get)
[19:31:51] sphery: though I don't currently need the spinmaster for reducing start up load on the PSU, it would also serve the purpose of allowing me to spin up/init hard drives before the boot process begins so that I could work around this POC BIOS's shortcomings
[19:32:30] sphery: but I'd just build 2 of them (one for each mythbackend), and it would likely be "nicer" for my PSU, too, so would help out--especially as I add more HDDs
[19:35:26] wagnerrp: id let my RAID card do it
[19:35:27] wagnerrp: :)
[19:35:47] sphery: there is a raid option rom, but I didn't see a delay in that
[19:35:51] wagnerrp: you could say it was from 'cheeping out on the motherboard'
[19:36:05] sphery: and if I use that, does it do anything different if I just leave all 3 as "single drives"
[19:36:14] wagnerrp: in buying a $100 consumer grade board rather than a $250-$400 server grade board
[19:36:18] sphery: (meaning would it make it so my drives won't work right elsewhere?)
[19:36:53] sphery: the raid one at least has a Ctrl-F settings page
[19:37:04] wagnerrp: my raid card has options for 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0s staggered startup on its attached drives
[19:37:07] sphery: but I really didn't see a sata init delay or equivalent
[19:37:34] wagnerrp: it applies it to all the drives, whether theyre RAIDed or JBOD
[19:37:56] wagnerrp: then theres also PUIS, if drives and motherboards would get around to properly supporting it
[19:38:03] sphery: no joke
[19:38:06] sphery: that would be so nice
[19:38:08] wagnerrp: where the disk inits, but the platters dont spin up
[19:38:26] sphery: wd green supports it, but I've never had a mobo that actually sent the spin up signal
[19:38:32] wagnerrp: my WD greens support it with a jumper, that when enabled makes my RAID card not detect them
[19:38:46] sphery: yeah... that's what happens with mine, too
[19:39:02] sphery: basically disappears the drive since the mobo doesn't know PUIS
[19:39:07] sphery: (or in your case, the raid controller)
[19:39:30] sphery: on the old system, I just had it do a "slow boot" full memory test
[19:39:37] sphery: but this bios doesn't even have that
[19:40:10] sphery: it's an award... I'd give it an award for being one of the worst bios'es ever created
[19:40:22] sphery: no usb boot
[19:40:37] sphery: no way to tell it to give the hdds time to init
[19:40:52] sphery: no way to tell it if it doesn't see hard drives properly to restart the probe
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[19:46:52] analogue__: howdy
[19:47:22] analogue__: anyone know if a tivo ir blaster cable will work with a plain old mceusb transmitter?
[19:48:09] analogue__: additionaly, are the leds on the end of the transmitter cable supposed to light up to signal a transmit?
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[19:49:50] wagnerrp: analogue__: yes, they light up in infrared
[19:50:02] wagnerrp: you can use a cell phone camera to see if theyre illuminated
[19:51:37] analogue__: wagnerrp: cool..let me see if i see anything thru my iphone
[19:54:37] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:54:52] analogue__: wagnerrp: not seeing any kind of activity thru sell phone camera. well, either the cable doesn't work or the irsending isnt' working...doh
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[20:01:46] analogue__: solution. can i use the ir transmitter on my hdpvr (control it via lirc somehow) to blast my STB?
[20:02:21] [R]: thats kind of the point of it...
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[20:03:07] analogue__: [R]: w/o going through a bunch of hoops (i vaguely remember using the ir blaster on the hdpvr required custom kernel/drivers/whatnot)
[20:03:34] [R]: its on the wiki
[20:03:42] analogue__: [R] :-)
[20:07:11] analogue__: as i thought...hoops a jumping is necessary
[20:08:23] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:08:55] [R]: not really
[20:08:57] [R]: its pretty simple
[20:09:04] [R]: assuming you dont have a assbackwards dist
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[20:12:02] analogue__: ubuntu 10.04 still at mythtv 0.23. ahh..doesn't look like the hdpvr blaster supports the att uverse vip1200/1225 codesets
[20:13:03] analogue__: correction..10.10
[20:13:46] analogue__: i gotta go find that dam ir cable that came with the mceusb or get another one
[20:14:53] analogue__: tnx for the help waggnerrp & [R]
[20:16:12] wagnerrp: analogue__: who is the local cable provider?
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[20:18:21] analogue__: waggnerrp: san bruno cable...the only choice
[20:18:51] wagnerrp: any idea what their copy protection scheme is?
[20:19:01] analogue__: have no idea
[20:19:25] analogue__: their reviews on yelp were bad enough to scare me off
[20:19:48] wagnerrp: heh
[20:20:19] wagnerrp: well, just something to look into, if most of their channels are marked 'copy freely', it may be worth picking up a cablecard tuner and switching
[20:21:11] analogue__: i just may have to if uverse's over compressed hd doesn't drive me nutty
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[21:13:48] snsumner (snsumner!6b02d5eb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[21:14:07] snsumner: Hello, I'm new to MythTV and I have a question.
[21:14:39] snsumner: How do I download the latest patches for MythTV .24, I installed MythUbuntu but I know its not the latest version.
[21:15:00] snsumner: I'm running v0.24-243-g9ba3ece
[21:15:05] wagnerrp: mythtv doesnt release patch sets
[21:15:40] snsumner: I was under the impression that you could download the latest development releases somehow
[21:15:40] wagnerrp: if you are getting anything from mythtv, you are getting source, to compile on your own
[21:15:49] wagnerrp: otherwise, youre getting it from one of the 3rd party packagers
[21:15:57] wagnerrp: and the packagers release full packages
[21:16:01] wagnerrp: they dont patch off previous versions
[21:16:14] wagnerrp: using mythbuntu, you will want to enable the mythbuntu ppa
[21:16:22] snsumner: that's it
[21:16:23] snsumner: ppa
[21:16:31] snsumner: that was what I was referring to
[21:16:35] snsumner: forgot what they called it
[21:16:37] wagnerrp: it will update your installed version, completely uninstalling it, and replacing it with a new version
[21:16:56] snsumner: Any documentation on how to enable mythbuntu ppa?
[21:17:12] wagnerrp: im sure mythbuntu does on their site, i dont know off hand
[21:17:34] snsumner: ok
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[21:23:23] sphery: wagnerrp: ah, yay, now I can relax and focus on the work that will keep me busy for the next 5 weeks...
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[21:23:26] sphery: "Q: In the BIOS Setup program, why are some BIOS options missing?" "A: Some advanced options are hidden in the BIOS Setup program. Press <Delete> to enter BIOS Setup during the POST. In the Main Menu, press <Ctrl>+<F1> to show the advanced options."
[21:23:39] wagnerrp: as in... work work?
[21:23:47] sphery: and when I did, HDD Delay showed up (allowing up to 15s delay--so I cranked it to the max)
[21:23:55] sphery: yeah, work work--not mythtv work
[21:23:56] sphery: :(
[21:24:23] wagnerrp: oh yeah! the ctrl-f1 bit
[21:24:27] sphery: was afraid that my system would go down with power outage and be stuck on the SATA probe for a week at a time a couple times
[21:24:29] wagnerrp: i didnt think they still did that
[21:24:45] wagnerrp: i had an nf2ultra that had a bunch of overclocking and other options hidden behind that
[21:24:48] sphery: yeah, I had seen that on one of my old mobos, but couldn't remember the keystroke--or what it was called
[21:25:04] sphery: I actually ended up reading 93 pages of the manual to get there...  :)
[21:25:13] sphery: I have /never/ in my life read that much of a motherboard manual
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[21:26:29] sphery: anyway, I'm glad that worked... now here's hoping that having a microatx with 2x HD-3000 in side-by-side slots doesn't mess with recordings (those things get hot)
[21:26:53] sphery: So, only thing I dislike about the mobo, now, is that I still can't get it to boot anything from USB
[21:27:31] sphery: but that's something I can work around--that's why I still have a PATA CD ROM drive sitting in the junk room (so I can plug it in where I need to)
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[23:05:39] sphery: Trisooma: out of curiosity, what's your user table look like?
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[23:06:37] sphery: Trisooma: I ask because I'm thinking about pushing a commit with a user table as the first part in a proper multiuser change (to allow small/piecemeal changes like yours), and I have some ideas about how it should look
[23:06:47] sphery: stuartm: also, IIRC, you had some ideas, too
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[23:07:05] sphery: I'm actually thinking about pushing it sooner rather than later just to have the tables in place
[23:07:16] sphery: though we wouldn't have any code using it, yet
[23:07:25] sphery: (but it might encourage more multiuser development)
[23:08:01] wagnerrp: you mean... Finswimmer?
[23:08:21] sphery: oops, yeah, I do
[23:08:26] NickHu (NickHu!~NickHu@unaffiliated/nickhu) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[23:08:43] sphery: and he's only in #mythtv... I got confused since Trisooma was in there, now
[23:09:49] wagnerrp: 'cept, hes not
[23:09:50] wagnerrp: he left
[23:09:55] stuartm: sphery: I wanted to get the basic tables and core user management classes written and committed before anything else was done, and I thought I might have been the first to work on it, but my laziness caught me out
[23:10:00] sphery: meh, I'll just wait to see his patch
[23:10:01] Trisooma: nop
[23:10:20] sphery: stuartm: yeah, I was thinking you had some initial stuff--if nothing else the design
[23:10:45] sphery: Trisooma: yeah, sorry for mixing up people's projects and pinging you in here :)
[23:10:55] sphery: (the design of the table, that is)
[23:11:08] wagnerrp: well one of you needs to say something to the guy in -dev (if thats the same person)
[23:11:14] wagnerrp: before he gets too deep into it
[23:11:22] Trisooma: o well, i got some multi user stuff up my sleeve
[23:11:38] sphery: hehe
[23:11:50] Trisooma: wagnerrp: that's prolly not me
[23:12:02] sphery: wagnerrp: my only concerns are on the schema side of things--and the code can be adapted for that pretty easily
[23:12:12] wagnerrp: Trisooma: no, person that left just before you connected
[23:12:30] sphery: really, though, I just thought having something in there would encourage people to do some dev toward it
[23:13:26] stuartm: sphery: nothing on paper, just some basic ideas rattling around my brain :) It was so simple I didn't see the need for a formal design document ;)
[23:13:49] Trisooma: wagnerrp: with the same username as mine?
[23:13:53] wagnerrp: no
[23:14:24] sphery: yeah, I just confused which user was working which project
[23:14:46] Trisooma: ok, np
[23:15:13] sphery: explains why "the multiuser patch guy" was in here, this time, but not earlier when I saw him talking in #mythtv
[23:15:24] sphery: (because I had the wrong guy :)
[23:16:19] Trisooma: shall i pitch my 'multi-user' idea in users or dev?
[23:17:18] wagnerrp: if youve got one
[23:17:20] sphery: might want to pitch it on the -dev list in the thread where the guy is talking about multiple mark as watched
[23:17:42] sphery: since he seems to be doing some work that will at least touch on it
[23:17:49] sphery: and, if nothing else, has created a user table
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