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Saturday, September 3rd, 2011, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:12] dkeith:
[00:02:15] wagnerrp: skd5aner: git describe
[00:03:46] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:07:59] jpabq_ (jpabq_!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:04] troyt (troyt! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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[00:24:41] kormoc_afk (kormoc_afk!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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[00:49:28] dewman (dewman! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:14:06] madsara (madsara! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:14:26] madsara: Hey any good links on what users have for their mythtv boxes?
[01:14:57] wagnerrp: what specifically are you looking for?
[01:15:45] madsara: Just to see what people are doing, quite honestly.
[01:15:58] madsara: What kind of hardware, etc.
[01:16:07] wagnerrp: i mean... you design your box around your use scenario
[01:16:11] wagnerrp: how do you want to use mythtv
[01:16:25] madsara: Yeah, I just want to see what people have documented...
[01:16:29] madsara: Like hobbyist photos.
[01:16:43] madsara: Or links of tubgirl if all else fails.
[01:24:05] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[01:24:32] wagnerrp: some people have shots of their machines on their wiki user profiles
[01:25:01] wagnerrp: but to be honest, most computer cases, and even most HTPC cases are nothing fancy to look at
[01:26:50] wagnerrp: some people use little ION systems, others use mac minis, some use gaudy home theater cases, while others simply give up and have a big PC next to their tv
[01:27:01] wagnerrp: all of them look horribly out of place in their environment
[01:27:34] wagnerrp: a small handful actually find cases that look decent, discretely hidden among other AV gear
[01:28:22] wagnerrp: and the rest of us either hide boxes behind entertainment centers, on the opposite side of walls, on a shelf in the basement below, mounted to the inside of a cabinet, or anywhere to get ugly computer parts out of view
[01:31:01] wagnerrp: me personally, ive got a big double-wide pedestal server in the basement for a backend
[01:31:08] wagnerrp: and then two beige desktops to drive frontends
[01:31:31] wagnerrp: one on some wire shelves directly beneath one tv, one floor down
[01:31:42] wagnerrp: the other behind a big wooden entertainment center
[01:33:23] wagnerrp: so back to the original question
[01:33:36] wagnerrp: looking at other people's installations doesnt really get you anything, unless youre bored
[01:33:52] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:33:53] wagnerrp: figure out what you want to record, how many and what kind of tvs you want to drive
[01:34:04] wagnerrp: and then we can go from there recommending what kind of hardware to look into
[01:44:02] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:54:05] marsilainen (marsilainen! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[01:59:38] kormoc_afk (kormoc_afk!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:50] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc_afk
[02:16:09] dewman: I have a giant dl580 in the basement for my backend...LOL
[02:16:46] dewman: a bit overkill, but it was cheap.
[02:18:27] wagnerrp: yeouch
[02:18:58] dewman: well considering the whole house is electric (heat,water,well) whats another 20 bucks a month..
[02:19:04] wagnerrp: of course you do realize you could get better performance with a single $100 AMD chip, right?
[02:19:19] wagnerrp: four chips, 165W TDP each
[02:19:26] wagnerrp: didnt know they made anything that ran that hot
[02:19:53] dewman: yeah its a 4 cpu....
[02:20:08] dewman: so thats 660w
[02:20:27] wagnerrp: presumably youre using a heatpump rather than a resistance heater
[02:20:43] dewman:
[02:20:50] wagnerrp: no?
[02:20:52] dewman: baseboards in each room
[02:21:03] wagnerrp: so hot water heat?
[02:21:16] dewman: electric bill in december runs 6–7 bills
[02:21:21] dewman: electric
[02:21:23] dewman: water
[02:21:57] dewman: we do have a fireplace, but its pretty much worthless...
[02:22:49] dewman: you have to burn 60 pounds of wood each day to get the temp to 65–70
[02:23:16] wagnerrp: where do you live?
[02:23:19] dewman: MI
[02:23:34] dewman: the tundra..
[02:23:36] dewman: hehe
[02:23:48] wagnerrp: is this just a very old house that you dont have a heatpump and central air?
[02:24:14] [R]: growing up in nj, we dindt have central air
[02:24:18] dewman: thats exactly it.....The first upgrade is windows.... then the fireplace, then central air..
[02:25:30] dewman: it was 92 today.... all the kids were running around in just huggies..
[02:25:39] [R]: haha
[02:26:44] dewman: it felt like we were living in saint louis again....
[02:34:05] Technophil (Technophil! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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[03:05:16] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:28:51] wagnerrp: Beirdo: looks like that SDR thing is offline
[03:35:42] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:38:20] trux (trux! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:38:26] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[03:43:57] trux: so, rebuilt the box with gentoo...and lirc with devinput on pvr-250 works, irw sees all button presses, but mythtv only reacts to the 4-directions. Hard to use without "enter/escape". What am I missing ?
[03:44:28] wagnerrp: the names for the other commands have changed, and need to be updated in your lircrc?
[03:44:53] trux: names on mythtv side ? or lirc...I updated lircrc
[03:47:06] wagnerrp: if they work in irw, they will work in mythtv
[03:47:15] wagnerrp: mythtv simply needs to be informed of those names, through the lircrc
[03:47:22] wagnerrp: specifically what file did you edit?
[03:47:24] wagnerrp: path and all
[03:47:43] trux: .lircrc -> .mythtv/lircrc
[03:47:59] wagnerrp: thats ~/.mythtv/lircrc ?
[03:48:12] trux: yes
[03:51:49] trux: LIRC: Successfully initialized 'localhost:8765' using '/home/myth/.mythtv/lircrc' config
[04:19:52] jpabq_ (jpabq_!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has quit (Quit: jpabq_)
[04:24:21] fleers (fleers! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[04:27:39] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:29:14] Beirdo: wagnerrp: aww, sucky
[04:29:32] Beirdo: I was looking forward to scanning the waves late at night again
[04:30:37] wagnerrp: there are others available, but nothing like the range that one provides
[04:30:56] Beirdo: yeah, that was by far the best example
[04:31:16] Beirdo: I even pulled a weather fax off it last night :)
[04:44:38] MissionCritical (MissionCritical!~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[04:44:44] wagnerrp: all the other ones are so noisy too
[04:44:55] Beirdo: yup
[04:51:33] trux: thanks for the sanity check, wagnerrp
[04:51:50] Beirdo: long weekends FTW
[04:52:03] trux (trux! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:52:10] MissionCritical (MissionCritical!~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:52:28] wagnerrp: Beirdo: is there a reason a lot of these seem to be mirrors about the center range?
[04:53:20] Beirdo: it could be they are just that, maybe they didn't set it up right?
[04:53:42] wagnerrp: i was wondering it it were an artifact of some type of receiver
[04:53:51] Beirdo: i.e. the second half may just be the alias
[04:54:23] Beirdo: I didn't really look into it
[04:56:10] pmhahn (pmhahn! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:58:19] Beirdo:
[04:58:20] Beirdo: hah
[04:58:32] Beirdo: I know him... he's the guy who runs
[04:58:48] Beirdo: used to be in the #asterisk channel a lot, and maybe here too
[04:58:58] wagnerrp: oh? ever question him as to why its down all the time?
[04:59:32] Beirdo: heh, haven't seen him around for a while
[05:00:46] Beirdo: hmmm, his text says he's tuned to 14MHz band... but it's on the 7MHz band
[05:01:23] wagnerrp: anyway, i assume thats you at 67.40.196...?
[05:01:24] Beirdo: and not down to 7Mhz itself. crud
[05:01:40] Beirdo: I think so
[05:01:52] Beirdo: there
[05:01:52] wagnerrp: you see how theres the dead zone in the center
[05:02:01] wagnerrp: and signals are mirrored across it
[05:02:06] Beirdo: put in my ham callsign (have no radios)
[05:02:25] ** wagnerrp slaps VA3HGJ around a bit **
[05:02:28] Beirdo: yeah, not completely mirrored though
[05:02:47] Beirdo: I'm on an active SSB convo
[05:03:17] Beirdo: quite faint though
[05:04:34] Beirdo: 7175kHz USB or thereabouts
[05:04:42] wagnerrp: scroll down
[05:07:27] Beirdo: to what?
[05:07:42] wagnerrp: to that bar at the bottom of the page that tells you were all connected users are listening at
[05:07:50] Beirdo: ah yeah
[05:09:14] wagnerrp: so is logging into irc as 'sysadmin' any better than logging in as 'root'?
[05:09:25] Beirdo: hehe, nope
[05:11:29] Beirdo: listening to a radio in Renton now
[05:11:47] Beirdo: it's like having my own ham radio, but no transmitter :)
[05:12:16] wagnerrp: and a pretty poor set of tuning equipment
[05:12:47] Beirdo: VE7FAI... from around Vancouver... talking to someone in the US
[05:13:20] Beirdo: this is pretty good for the band.
[05:16:11] Beirdo: heh, this one's 75miles south of Columbia, Missouri
[05:18:44] jman (jman!79d683c6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[05:18:54] Beirdo: I'd still rather have the other site up so I can listen to some shortwave rather than ham band
[05:25:14] jman: hello, i was wondering if I could get some help with mythtv. The frontend does not recognise the tv card after startup until I run the mythtv-setup. Is this due to the backend starting before the tv card has been detected?
[05:25:34] wagnerrp: the frontend never touches the tv card anyway
[05:25:45] wagnerrp: the backend handles recordings, the frontend handles playback
[05:26:22] wagnerrp: there are some known issues with how upstart manages init
[05:26:34] jman: so, why would I need to start the setup to enable tv viewing?
[05:26:36] wagnerrp: in that the backend is started before various drivers are loaded, or before the network comes up
[05:27:13] wagnerrp: jman: no clue, considering mythtv-setup operates completely independently front the backend
[05:27:23] wagnerrp: unless you tell it to close the backend when it warns about it
[05:27:46] wagnerrp: s/front/from/
[05:27:48] Beirdo: wagnerrp: seems this weekend is a DX contest on the ham bands
[05:27:57] wagnerrp: DX?
[05:28:10] wagnerrp: distance transmit?
[05:28:25] Beirdo: yeah, they try to accumulate as many long distance calls as they can
[05:28:39] Beirdo: and swap cards for each conversation
[05:28:47] Beirdo: it's a ham thing :)
[05:29:23] wagnerrp: im a bacon/pulled pork person myself
[05:29:35] [R]: lol
[05:29:39] [R]: i dont get bacon
[05:29:40] [R]: its just fat
[05:30:58] Beirdo: no it isnt
[05:31:04] Beirdo: it's fat AND salt
[05:31:08] Beirdo: get it right
[05:31:27] [R]: lol
[05:31:35] wagnerrp: theres no added fat
[05:31:59] Beirdo: and the smoke flavor. have to have that
[05:32:38] wagnerrp: i guess that means added sugar and salt?
[05:33:02] Beirdo: yep.
[06:04:36] ubIx_ (ubIx_! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[06:22:36] k-man: how can you not get bacon? even vegetarians eat bacon
[06:22:53] wagnerrp: oh?
[06:22:55] Beirdo: mmmm, bacon
[06:23:09] wagnerrp: like... tofubacon?
[06:23:24] wagnerrp: is there such an atrocity?
[06:23:53] wagnerrp: faken... wow
[06:24:09] k-man: bacon is like the gateway drug for vegetarians
[06:24:22] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Quit: Quit)
[06:24:38] wagnerrp: vegetarians should have their canines and incisors removed
[06:25:12] wagnerrp: clearly they have no use for them
[06:27:19] k-man: . . . -lamb-bacon/
[06:27:26] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[06:27:51] wagnerrp: have you ever seen how they make turkey bacon?
[06:28:20] wagnerrp: its... disturbing
[06:28:25] k-man: no and I don't want to
[06:28:38] k-man: there is no such thing as bacon turkey in australia
[06:28:51] k-man: or at least, there shouldn't be
[06:28:54] wagnerrp: its not so much turkey, as reconstituted turkey food product
[06:29:06] Beirdo: gimme the real thing, thanks
[06:29:17] Beirdo: slab of cured pork side. Thanks
[06:29:26] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:29:31] k-man: wagnerrp, which part of "i don't want to" didn't you understand? :)
[06:29:56] wagnerrp: its as much turkey as cheese wiz is cheese
[06:30:04] Beirdo: or whiz
[06:30:08] k-man: having seen that lamb bacon recipe, I think it warrants researching the real thing and giving it a go
[06:30:41] wagnerrp: gah!
[06:30:44] ** wagnerrp is an idoit **
[06:31:02] wagnerrp: ive been fiddling with the comparison operators in the python bindings
[06:31:11] wagnerrp: and have been testing them for about the last 10 minutes
[06:31:24] Beirdo: forgot to save the file?
[06:31:35] wagnerrp: i thought they were broken because 'FOX19 First Weather at 4' is less than 'Justified'
[06:31:52] Beirdo: ummm
[06:31:54] wagnerrp: for some reason, i got it in my head that higher number means lower
[06:33:13] Beirdo: you must be using golf sort
[06:33:25] wagnerrp: something like that
[06:35:21] jman (jman!79d683c6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
[06:40:15] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: have you done anything further with the command line parser and utility app?
[06:41:08] wagnerrp: ive got these changes to support grouping and dependence sitting here still, itching to commit
[06:42:07] wagnerrp: i havent really looked at them since posting the patches... the mechanism is still 'dirty' to my eyes, but i cant think of a better way to manage it
[06:42:28] wagnerrp: Beirdo: did you ever see that stuff?
[06:43:06] Beirdo: oooh, I remember that, but no, never did look at the patches
[06:43:17] Beirdo: I think I was too buried in trying to get 'blows to work
[06:43:32] wagnerrp: blows?
[06:43:35] wagnerrp: oh, windows
[06:44:04] Beirdo: might be something to look at tomorrow though
[06:44:26] wagnerrp:
[06:44:44] wagnerrp: full copies of the cpp and header, plus an example of how to use it for mythfilldatabase
[06:45:08] Beirdo: cool
[06:46:41] wagnerrp: makes stuff like this...
[06:47:28] Beirdo: nice
[06:47:44] wagnerrp:
[06:47:51] Beirdo: I'll try to look over it on the weekend. Likely have some ideas in there somewhere
[06:49:38] wagnerrp: hahaha, i forgot i put this comment in there
[06:49:46] wagnerrp: 534: // we dont care about children
[06:49:53] Beirdo: hehe
[06:50:09] wagnerrp: the parent doesnt care if a child option has been set or not
[06:50:26] wagnerrp: conversely, the child option requires one of the parents has been set
[06:51:17] wagnerrp: anyway, you can define something as a parent, child, required, or blocking, of another option
[06:51:23] wagnerrp: and the definitions are done using strings
[06:51:25] Beirdo: neat
[06:51:43] Beirdo: that should take a pile of the odd logic outta the mainlines
[06:52:12] wagnerrp: reconciled after everything has been configured, just prior to parsing
[06:52:26] wagnerrp: so you can say something blocks something else that hasnt been defined yet
[06:54:05] wagnerrp: i think much of the code dealing with storage of links, and reconciling them afterwards, is 'dirty'
[06:54:11] wagnerrp: but i honestly dont know of a better way to handle it
[06:56:03] wagnerrp: interesting
[06:56:13] wagnerrp: some changes got pulled in since i wrote this
[06:56:27] wagnerrp: and git had absolutely no idea where to put it
[06:56:32] wagnerrp: do it got it completely wrong
[06:56:35] wagnerrp: so
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[13:38:22] jason1969: Stupid question: I have two dual tuner cards, do I have to re-scan every card for channels every time the local transmitter's channels change? Or does scanning one update all of them? Is there a way of scanning from the command line?
[13:38:41] jason1969: Oh and should I shutdown the backend before I scan or not?
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[13:54:41] wagnerrp: no, yes, no, yes
[13:54:58] wagnerrp: you scan once per source
[13:55:09] wagnerrp: if your tuners are all using the same source, you only need to scan once
[13:55:26] wagnerrp: if you set each of your four tuners up with its own source, reconfigure so theyre only using the one source
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[13:56:05] wagnerrp: there /is/ some form of command line scanner built into mythtv-setup, but nobody really uses it
[13:56:09] wagnerrp: and i dont really know what it does
[13:56:29] wagnerrp: the backend locks your digital tuner cards while ever it is running
[13:56:38] wagnerrp: you must shut it down so mythtv-setup can access your tuner cards
[13:56:50] wagnerrp: mythtv-setup will warn you as such if it detects mythbackend running
[13:57:44] jason1969: ic. OK what are "unused transports" ?
[13:58:30] wagnerrp: in digital television, a "transport" is the actual broadcast
[13:58:44] wagnerrp: and each broadcast stream can carry multiple audio, video, and data channels
[13:59:06] wagnerrp: an unused transport means there used to be something there, but mythtv has detected all of those channels have moved to a different transport
[13:59:44] jason1969: After scanning I get "found 4 unused transports" (Delete|Set to Invisible|Ignore) what is the correct action?
[13:59:58] wagnerrp: just set invisible
[14:00:02] jason1969: Thanks!!
[14:00:57] wagnerrp: either that, or 'transport' refers to 'transport stream', which is actually one audio/video channel
[14:01:12] wagnerrp: unused would mean a channel descriptor, with no streams contained within
[14:01:26] wagnerrp: just a tag with no actual data
[14:01:39] wagnerrp: in either case, it should be set to invisible
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[14:05:51] jason1969: Can I assume "Conflicting DVB channels" are transmission from another mast with the same channelID?
[14:05:58] wagnerrp: likely
[14:06:27] jason1969: so ignoring them is also the correct thing to do unless that signal is better
[14:06:44] wagnerrp: invisible, yes
[14:07:12] jason1969: hm I said ignore, probably should have done invisible. I'll redo, thanks again.
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[15:16:18] trumee_: i am trying to setup lirc (0.8.7) with kernel 2.6.39 (on gentoo). irw is responding to the keypresses but mythfrontend isnt.
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[15:16:36] wagnerrp: why not lirc 0.9.0?
[15:17:08] trumee: 0.8.7 seems to be the stable version on gentoo
[15:17:25] wagnerrp: only because 0.9.0 is a significant break in setup
[15:17:38] wagnerrp: so they dont want people to inadvertently upgrade
[15:17:45] wagnerrp: and not understand the consequences
[15:18:04] trumee: wagnerrp: so 0.9.0 will work with mythfrontend/devinput?
[15:18:20] wagnerrp: well so should 0.8.7
[15:18:29] wagnerrp: if irw is picking up the keypresses
[15:18:32] wagnerrp: then your lircrc is wrong
[15:18:34] trumee: wagnerrp: right so i better stick with 0.8.7 then
[15:18:39] wagnerrp: or mythtv is pointed at the wrong device
[15:19:18] trumee: wagnerrp: 2011-09–03 16:14:40.723 LIRC: Successfully initialized '/dev/lircd' using '/home/xx/.mythtv/lircrc' config
[15:19:34] trumee: wagnerrp: that is the mythfrontend log
[15:19:47] wagnerrp: and the codes in lircrc match those being spit out by irw?
[15:21:12] trumee: wagnerrp: no!
[15:21:24] wagnerrp: well then, theres your problem
[15:21:31] trumee: wagnerrp: thanks.
[15:25:25] trumee: wagnerrp: is there any place i can get the devinput keymap for mceusb?
[15:26:00] wagnerrp: might search the mailing list
[15:26:10] wagnerrp: there have been many discussions of such over the past few months
[15:27:10] trumee: wagnerrp: cheers
[15:28:10] trumee: wagnerrp: got it. /usr/src/linux/drivers/media/rc/keymaps/rc-rc6-mce.c
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[16:30:07] nidhoegger: hi, i got a bluray drive and wanted to try playback using mythtv. i used dumphd like described in the wiki and got the decrypted data on the disc
[16:30:13] nidhoegger: how exactly do i play that now?
[16:39:33] wagnerrp: you have the decrypted m2ts or BDMV?
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[16:40:52] nidhoegger: yes
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[16:41:14] wagnerrp: i mean which one did you want to use
[16:41:39] nidhoegger: i have dumped the whole BD, i got the BDMV folder on my HDD now
[16:42:09] wagnerrp: so just make it ./Movie Title/BDMV/<video files>
[16:42:13] wagnerrp: and scan for new content
[16:42:30] nidhoegger: in mythvideo?
[16:42:45] wagnerrp: you need to use that path in your filesystem
[16:42:49] wagnerrp: and then scan for content in mythvideo
[16:42:53] nidhoegger: thanks!
[16:43:08] nidhoegger: another question: is it possible to play the Disc directly without dumping?
[16:44:02] wagnerrp: if it only uses AACS, and you have configured libaacs to be able to handle that disk
[16:45:41] nidhoegger: ive configured it and created the keydb file
[16:45:51] nidhoegger: do i start it via the DVD button or what?
[16:46:01] wagnerrp: does the keydb specifically contain the individual or group keep for that disc?
[16:46:07] wagnerrp: s/keep/key/
[16:47:19] nidhoegger: Volume Unique Key
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[17:34:54] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, I have a working mythutil binary with a bunch of commands implemented such as clearcache, event, resched, scanvideos, setverbose, setloglevel, systemevent, copyfile, queuejob, gencutlist, getcutlist, setcutlist, clearcutlist, getskiplist, setskiplist, clearskiplist, and message and printtemplate from mythmessage.
[17:35:30] Captain_Murdoch: sorry for the delay, I've been away for a few days and just skimmed scrollback...
[17:35:43] wagnerrp: no worry, it was just last night
[17:38:10] Captain_Murdoch: I can probably get it in this week. I knocked out most of the easy ones I think. moving some other commands may mean moving certain functions into libs so it's a tradeoff on those and may not be worth it. I haven't auditted all binaries though to see if anything else can be moved..
[17:38:54] wagnerrp: i think you misunderstand what i was asking
[17:39:21] wagnerrp: i was just talking about the command line parser, and had mentioned mythutil because there were features you wanted added to the parser to use in it
[17:39:49] wagnerrp: i was just wondering if you had looked at the changes i posted a couple weeks back or not
[17:40:07] wagnerrp: and if you had, did they work, were there any problems, any suggestions, etc...
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[17:46:55] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: specifically, im referring to the grouping functions
[17:47:00] wagnerrp: internally, theres a lot different
[17:47:27] wagnerrp: externally, you would just do something like add(...)->SetGroup("Cutlist")
[17:47:44] wagnerrp: instead of the normal add
[17:49:05] wagnerrp: theres also SetParentOf, SetChildOf, SetRequires, and SetBlocks
[17:50:18] Captain_Murdoch: I haven't actually run your code, but did look at it when you posted the link. I could install the patch here and give it some testing and see if there are any other ideas I have. I could easily modify my code to use the grouping code if it was available. It would be nice if that support was in. that way it would show that --chanid and --starttime are required for --queuejob, etc..
[17:51:41] Captain_Murdoch: can you repost the link, I lost it in the power outage during the hurricane last weekend.
[17:52:07] Captain_Murdoch: I'll try to get it applied tonight or tomorrow and play with it a little while.
[17:52:20] ** Captain_Murdoch goes afk for a while. **
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[17:55:11] Seeker`: Has anyone ever considered changing Arclight so that the program guide uses more than half the screen? There is a vast area of nothingness atm
[17:56:54] ** sphery thinks that the author of Arclight likes the design the way it is **
[18:00:35] Seeker`: its a great theme, apart from the fact that my girlfriend dislikes the EPG being squashed into the right hand corner
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[18:03:25] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: BTW, wagnerrp's comment (and link to patch) were at
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[18:14:58] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: im probably going to look it over once more and submit it later today
[18:16:28] wagnerrp: externally, its a drop in replacement
[18:16:42] wagnerrp: the various users only need to modify things if they want the new capabilities
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[19:34:55] Ankhwatcher: Hi, I'm thinking of setting up MythTV to watch freesat on. Will this card work with MythTV? . . . GQI2TM3GLHN9
[19:35:15] Ankhwatcher: It is a TBS DVB-S2 High Definition Digital Satellite Tuner PCI Card HD (DVB-S2/DVB-S) Receiver – PCI
[19:35:32] wagnerrp: likely not, since mythtv only supports a handful of cards directly
[19:35:38] wagnerrp: what it DOES support is the Linux DVB API
[19:35:56] wagnerrp: and through that, all the cards that are supported by Linux drivers that expose that interface
[19:36:02] wagnerrp: !url tuners
[19:36:02] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[19:36:07] Ankhwatcher: I know myth works with the Hauppage cards, but they cost about twice as much
[19:36:10] wagnerrp: that project handles tuners
[19:36:24] wagnerrp: so if they provide a driver for that tuner, more than likely MythTV can use it
[19:36:40] wagnerrp: MythTV doesnt support the digital hauppauge tuners either
[19:36:46] wagnerrp: they simply support the API
[19:36:59] wagnerrp: and the linuxtv project supplies drivers for those cards that also support the API
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[19:40:48] Ankhsis: Sorry about that, my internet connection is having a thing
[19:41:27] Ankhsis: TBS provide linux drivers:
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[19:42:11] wagnerrp: if they provide linux drivers that use the standard DVB api, they youre golden
[19:42:15] wagnerrp: s/they/then/
[19:43:03] dashs: Ive hosed my db access. Access is only possible on the master backend via localhost; where is a good tutorial for making the db accessible from the lan?
[19:43:27] wagnerrp:
[19:44:49] dashs: thank you
[19:48:28] dashs: I did some such as given there, but it failed to work — I have changed the bind-address to (local ip for master). Must I clear the GRANTs first?
[19:48:45] wagnerrp: no, you can add as many as you want
[19:49:07] dashs: ok
[19:54:01] dashs: Thank you again wagnerrp.
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[21:04:15] jhp: I'm currently using mythtv to record MPEG2 multicast IPTV signals that I have on my FTTH connection. But their is a change that they will start encoding this, or that I have to move to a different profider that encodes everything.
[21:04:28] jhp: Can MythTV handle this and decode the streams while recording?
[21:04:39] wagnerrp: decode... decrypt?
[21:04:42] jhp: Do I need some special hardware to be able to do this?
[21:04:46] jhp: decrypt indeed.
[21:04:56] wagnerrp: mythtv does not do decryption
[21:05:33] wagnerrp: since the ISP inherently has control over who can access what over multicast
[21:05:42] wagnerrp: there is no need for encryption to manage conditional access
[21:06:01] wagnerrp: they simply regulate who is allowed to join what multicast address
[21:06:21] wagnerrp: if they are implementing encryption, that means they want to implement a DRM scheme
[21:06:28] wagnerrp: which mythtv cannot enforce, and thus mythtv cannot use
[21:06:49] wagnerrp: youre likely going to have to get an STB, and do analog capture from it
[21:06:56] wagnerrp: or... petition your ISP to not do so
[21:07:03] wagnerrp: (for whatever good that might accomplish)
[21:07:19] jhp: What I have heard till now is that they have to implement a DRM scheme because otherwise they are not allowed to broadcast it.
[21:07:40] sphery: you can't "snoop" on multicast traffic in promiscuous mode if you're not joined on the multicast address?
[21:08:13] wagnerrp: being able to snoop in promiscuous mode means the traffic is otherwise being sent to your router
[21:08:32] wagnerrp: surely they dont give him a multi-gigabit router actually capable of handling all that traffic
[21:08:57] sphery: that makes sense
[21:09:20] sphery: I was just wondering how multicast works--since I've never used it more than just for UPnP announcements, etc.
[21:09:37] wagnerrp: no, theres got to be some mechanism on their end to manage how many and what multicast addresses youre allowed to join
[21:10:02] jhp: Then I am fucked.
[21:10:07] sphery: language, please
[21:10:35] sphery: jhp: no, it just means you have to play by your provider's rules--get one of their set-top boxes and output to an analog encoder
[21:11:10] sphery: (or get 4 of their STBs and output to 4 analog encoders or ...)
[21:12:10] jhp: But then you have to be able to tell the STB from MythTV that they have to switch channels on the correct moment.
[21:12:54] sphery: just like thousands of MythTV users' systems do every day
[21:13:30] sphery: LIRC (Linux Infrared Remote Control) can be used to send IR signals to the STB(s) based on guide data provided by your listings provider
[21:13:42] wagnerrp: sphery: basically, you need multicast aware hardware through the whole chain
[21:13:58] wagnerrp: the PC or STB tells the router it wants to join the multicast group (address/port)
[21:14:09] wagnerrp: the router tells the upstream hardware it wants to join
[21:14:12] wagnerrp: and so on up the group
[21:14:26] wagnerrp: all they have to do is deny, and that deny gets passed all the way back to the source
[21:14:47] sphery: interesting... makes sense, too--since video would be a huge amount of bandwidth, it can't really go out to everyone
[21:14:59] wagnerrp: well it can go out to everyone
[21:15:09] wagnerrp: its just a single multicast stream going out to everyone
[21:15:24] wagnerrp: your router gets the one stream it requests
[21:15:35] wagnerrp: and then it forwards that stream on to each device in its network that requested it
[21:15:37] sphery: no, it can't go out to everyone or there would be no bandwidth left
[21:15:51] wagnerrp: as opposed to each device getting its own independent copy of that stream
[21:16:03] wagnerrp: its like a switched cable network
[21:16:04] sphery: it can go to everyone subscribed, but I'm agreeing that it would have to work the way you describe or they couldn't fit enough channels on the links
[21:16:21] wagnerrp: only the channels being actively used are sent
[21:16:26] sphery: let alone leave bandwidth available for actually using the 'net
[21:16:29] sphery: right
[21:16:33] sphery: I understand
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[21:46:51] trumee: i have a weird issue on my BE/FE. I have a few directories with VIDEO_TS. On a seperate FE in mythvideo i see the videos listed directly. On the BE/FE, mythvideo is showing these VIDEO_TS movies in directorys.
[21:47:11] trumee: Hope i was clear :p
[21:48:21] trumee: I have few movies in the format movie1/VIDEO_TS, movie2/VIDEO_TS etc.
[21:48:59] trumee: On a separate FE i am getting the desired behaviour. In mythvideo i can listings Movie1, Movie2 etc
[21:49:42] trumee: However on the common BE/FE, I see 2 level directories.
[21:54:51] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:58:52] trumee: has there been a change on how VIDEO_TS folders are shown?
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[22:33:17] Seeker`: trumee: no idea if i'm talking rubbish, but do you have "browse mode" enabled on your FE/BE?
[22:36:03] trumee: Seeker`: yes
[22:36:12] Seeker`: trumee: tried disabling it?
[22:36:44] trumee: Seeker`: it makes it uglier
[22:36:59] trumee: Seeker`: i get two copies of the same movie
[22:40:26] trumee: Seeker`: i was wrong. With browse mode disabled, i get duplicates of ISO movies, VIDEO_TS movies display fine
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[22:53:14] Seeker`: trumee: sorry, thats me out of suggestions :(
[22:53:37] trumee: Seeker`: no worries. cheers
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[23:20:24] sphery: why are users so interested in seeing old, no-longer-available-on-their-systems channel numbers on recordings after they switch TV providers?
[23:20:36] sphery: a channel number is just a number... it's meaningless
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[23:30:04] Beirdo: because they still have meaning to them, I guess
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[23:51:51] Beirdo: oh crap, that's not the right way to open a 13lb box of oxiclean
[23:52:20] sphery: heh, do you have an oxi clean floor, now?
[23:52:30] Beirdo: I was reaching for a knife to open the bag inside the box, and the box fell on the floor and the bag split open
[23:52:50] Beirdo: so the next couple loads will have floor oxiclean
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[23:52:54] Beirdo: hehe
[23:53:08] sphery: mmmm, floor oxiclean
[23:53:17] Beirdo: yeah..
[23:53:36] sphery: now I'm hungry for floor pie
[23:53:42] Beirdo: need to clean the apt this weekend... my goal is to rid myself of Mt. Amazon Boxes today
[23:54:05] skd5aner: Beirdo: I did that 3 weeks ago – cleared out a garage bay of cardboard
[23:54:07] Beirdo: and maybe the Full Circle Farm Box Tower too
[23:54:23] Beirdo: if I had a garage....
[23:54:25] Beirdo: hehe
[23:54:36] skd5aner: Filled the entire bed of my truck, all boxes brocken down even
[23:54:43] skd5aner: broken
[23:55:00] Beirdo: and if I can find the flippin pins for the shelving unit, I can clean a lot more up
[23:56:52] Beirdo: I hate cleaning.
[23:56:55] Beirdo: boooooring
[23:58:33] Beirdo: need to clean the sheets, the throw on the couch, and the one on the recliner...
[23:58:37] Beirdo: bleh
[23:58:45] Beirdo: why can't stuff just clean itself?
[23:59:17] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

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