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Friday, August 5th, 2011, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:45] russell5 (russell5! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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[02:01:13] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: what was that one website that generates crappy 3D cartoon videos?
[02:01:46] wagnerrp: ah, xtranormal
[02:08:16] k-man: justinh, I discovered it is Gill Sans
[02:08:29] k-man: justinh, but the font used in MythCenter is something else
[02:09:40] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!~pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:22:44] highzeth (highzeth! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:16:53] wagnerrp: wtf...
[03:17:09] wagnerrp: pinguy os, the linux distro for people who find ubuntu just too hard
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[04:36:21] justinh: k-man: Gill Sans, really? Heh Not GPL last time I looked
[04:54:35] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[04:56:06] dougl (dougl! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[04:56:15] justinh: oh btw been wondering lately if anybody has looked at changing the sort order of the grouplist so that recgroup entries appear in their own list. I've started using recgroups but found that for ease of listing it's best (for us) to put a '1' in front of the name. I've always been in the habit of showing group names *and* show titles
[04:58:06] Captain_Murdoch: justinh, just use the CHANGERECGROUP keybinding to pop up the recgroup chooser if you want to switch groups.
[04:58:56] ** Captain_Murdoch wrote rec groups originally to provide 'views' of recordings, not as a way to group them under virtual 'recgroup' titles in Watch Recordings.. **
[04:59:19] justinh: easy for you to say. the remote my wife uses doesn't have enough buttons & she refuses to change to one which does
[05:00:59] justinh: I can stick with it as it is. I was prepared to look at the grouplist logic to see what it'd be like to have recgroups appear as their own block
[05:01:19] Captain_Murdoch: then it's just 2 button presses away via the popup menu. MENU then ENTER.
[05:01:40] justinh: again, 2 button presses. this is my wife I'm talking about :)
[05:01:56] justinh: stupid remote she prefers doesn't even have a blimmin menu key
[05:02:00] Captain_Murdoch: UP UP UP UP UP vs MENU ENTER.  :) j/k
[05:02:25] justinh: I had to put MENU on 'red' on that remote
[05:02:31] Captain_Murdoch: we do something similar to what you're describing with the power searches, so it could easily be done with recgroups.
[05:02:47] Captain_Murdoch: we put power searches at the top in ()
[05:03:11] justinh: Captain_Murdoch: yeah I've seen the code enough times to get a feeling it'd be possible so I was going to look at doing it
[05:03:30] justinh: be altogether better to retrain my wife with a new remote
[05:03:35] Captain_Murdoch: as soon as it's done for recgroups, someone will want it for categories, then the people who view only those won't want it and then.....  :)
[05:03:56] justinh: it's not that she doesn't understand – she's not thick or anything – she just refuses to go with anything new
[05:04:46] Captain_Murdoch: hey, I'm still using packard bell remotes with serial receivers because my fingers are trained from years of MythTV use. I picked up a bunch off eBay for $2 each years ago and have one on every system in the house.
[05:05:18] grimmfarmer (grimmfarmer! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:05:20] justinh: like when she says to me about some of mythtv's features, how they're impossible to use because they're 'so complicated' and yet she tells her friends it's amazing how she can do (feature she says is too complicated to use)
[05:05:55] justinh: yeah we've got all-in-one remotes here
[05:06:24] justinh: wanna control the TV, press TV, then it's the TV remote... MythTV.. press 'VCR' (sigh)
[05:06:54] justinh: I had a harmony 515 which had ample buttons, but it sucked to high heaven.. and then broke
[05:07:29] justinh: it's hard finding multipurpose remotes with a) enough buttons and b) enough programmability
[05:08:00] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:08:57] LedHed (LedHed! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:09:03] justinh: hahahaha I've still got mythphone in my keybindings list of stuff
[05:09:21] Captain_Murdoch: mine have better descriptions.  :) 'AUX1' == pause, 'Message' = menu, 'AUX2' = recgroup chooser, 'AUX3' == timestretch, 'Phone' == program finder. it's no wonder that guests are afraid to use my setup sometimes.
[05:09:27] dougl (dougl! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:10:02] justinh: heh
[05:11:30] justinh: she could have had the 8 aux buttons under the flap, but she's taped that up because the flap fell off. It's not ideal not having appropriately named buttons
[05:12:42] Captain_Murdoch: yeah, it's a pain sometimes.
[05:12:46] ** Captain_Murdoch goes back to bed after he got back up previously to post a question in #mythtv so he wouldn't forgot about it in the morning. **
[05:12:57] justinh: night
[05:13:15] justinh: I'm awake waay too early today so getting some theming in :)
[05:13:51] grimmfarmer: anyone available to talk about an hdhomerun tuning issue?
[05:15:00] NewBuntu81 (NewBuntu81! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:16:09] justinh: ahh, *so* glad I stuck with leaving checkboxes etc in base.xml now. change one & get it right – they're all right :-)
[05:16:09] NewBuntu81: Hi All. I've added another (3rd) PCI tuner in my box. I can view the video and audio by using the mplayer /dev/video2 (also 0 and 1) commands. However, mythtv doesn't want to show the new card that I've added in it. Any thoughts on how to get it to show up?
[05:16:28] justinh: NewBuntu81: hardware encoding?
[05:16:43] NewBuntu81: Yea, they're all PVR-150's
[05:17:01] justinh: NewBuntu81: should appear in the capture card dropdown list
[05:17:11] NewBuntu81: (in addition to the dual tuner 2250 I have in it...5 tuners total). The 4 originals (2250 and two 150's) are working fine.
[05:17:15] justinh: even if the permissions are wrong it'd still appear
[05:17:20] NewBuntu81: Yea that's what I thought, but it isn't showing.
[05:17:47] NewBuntu81: Myth is recording fine on the original 4, #5 just doesn't want to show up even after reboot.
[05:17:58] NewBuntu81: Even though I can show a picture on all of them by mplayer command.
[05:18:06] unixSnob (unixSnob!~unixSnob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:18:16] NewBuntu81: Maybe myth only will deal with 2 of the same type of card?
[05:18:21] justinh: hahaha no
[05:18:25] justinh: it's not MCE
[05:18:51] justinh: there *is* a hard-coded limit somewhere but it's more than 5 I'm sure
[05:19:47] NewBuntu81: My main cards I use are showing as "Encoder" 21, 23, 32, and 33.
[05:20:13] NewBuntu81: I have no idea where it gets its numbering, but all i care about is that the /dev/videos are matched up correctly and that it works--and all is fine with those showing.
[05:20:48] justinh: encoder nymbers are auto generated & they autoincrement
[05:21:02] justinh: so every time you add a new tuner instance it gets bumped up
[05:21:17] justinh: & then if you later delete a tuner the numbers don't get reset
[05:21:32] justinh: it's just so's they've got unique numbers
[05:21:35] NewBuntu81: i have 34 and 35 that show as description (mpeg/dev/v4l) or path (/dev/video0)
[05:21:44] NewBuntu81: right
[05:21:52] NewBuntu81: Is 35 the max?
[05:22:38] justinh: no, don't think there's any max there but there may be a limit to how many cards myth looks for
[05:23:36] justinh: I think it might be as high as 8, but I could be wrong
[05:24:13] justinh: it's a long time since this came up & I can't remember if I was looking in the source & saw it or somebody mentioned that there is actually a hard-coded limit
[05:24:44] justinh: when I say hard-coded I mean you can't change the setting without changing code. not that it'd be hard to change ;)
[05:25:10] unixSnob (unixSnob!~unixSnob@ has quit (Quit: leaving)
[05:25:30] justinh: any limit may well have been changed recently – it's a *long* time since the "OMG mythtv *does* have a tuner limit after all" discussion
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[05:28:26] justinh: nah doesn't look like there's *any* limit. Now I'm doubting whether there ever was one
[05:29:10] justinh: libs/libmythtv/videosource.cpp looks like it goes through everything in /dev/video & if it's the right kind of device it goes in the list
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[05:32:27] justinh: course, it's always possible the permissions on the device don't allow the user mythtv-setup is running under to see it
[05:32:50] justinh: ls -al /dev/ |grep video
[05:34:48] justinh: eek. better get a move on or I'll be late
[05:35:49] NewBuntu81: ok thanks!
[05:56:14] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
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[06:50:24] paistis: Hi what it takes to record iptv with mythtv?
[06:58:14] dekarl: depends on your IPTV, if it's unencrypted MPEG-2 TS in a multicast session you just need to write a playlist and add a NetworkRecorder
[06:59:09] kth (kth!~kth@unaffiliated/kth) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:59:18] dekarl: there are some guides on the wiki (hopefully) all are referenced here
[07:02:54] paistis: it's multicast session problem was that when i try to scan channels it really does not find any
[07:05:38] dekarl: so you can watch IPTV with VLC (or similar) on you backend and have a M3U playlist for the recorder at hand already? (btw which provider is it?)
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[07:09:37] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:09:52] styelz: hi, is there any workaround to speed up mythtv video with nvideo option "Composite" "Enable"
[07:11:18] styelz: works sweet if i Disable Composite
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[07:13:16] paistis: dekarl: yes, provider is sonera in finland
[07:18:04] dekarl: paistis, ok. So once you have the M3U you can add a Networkrecorder in mythtv-setup and point it to your playlist. The playlist will look similar to
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[07:27:01] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Quit: Body blow! Body blow!)
[07:27:18] paistis: still nothing
[07:28:31] paistis: and the m3u playlist works with vlc
[07:29:05] pheld (pheld! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:33:20] paistis: this is the m3u list
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[07:56:23] justinh: styelz: why do you even need a composited desktop? all those effects suck anyway IMHO
[07:57:08] styelz: dunoo, i like em a little
[07:57:10] justinh: had to fix my work desktop machine again this morning. wouldn't power up. turns out the new Antec 430W (!) 80+ PSU has gone bonk & taken the motherboard with it
[07:57:46] justinh: btw have you tried gl video rendering?
[07:58:06] laga: justinh: is that an antec earthwatts with the 80mm fan?
[07:58:21] styelz: gl in what/
[07:58:23] justinh: laga: Basiq430W or something
[07:58:31] justinh: styelz: in mythfrontend video playback
[07:58:40] styelz: nah im using vdpau
[07:59:15] justinh: I dunno if vdpau works with composite.. but I'm doubting it
[07:59:28] justinh: laga: the power here is pretty bad apparently. it's taken out a few PSUs
[07:59:30] styelz: is that whats going on
[07:59:41] styelz: appears to work
[07:59:50] styelz: just slow, maybe its not working aftera ll
[08:00:09] laga: justinh: ah, too bad.
[08:00:38] laga: justinh: i just bought an enermax for the new myth box. 50€ is very expensive imo, but apparently you got to pay that for a good and quiet one
[08:00:38] styelz: not much slower, just a little on buzy scenes
[08:01:24] justinh: laga: with the BP430 PSU it's not staying on – power cycling itself. and with the old PSU – the one which ran hot cos the fan had failed – it's powering up but won't boot
[08:01:48] laga: justinh: just throw that crap out ;)
[08:02:06] laga: justinh: the enermax is replacing an antec PSU which has a noisy fan and beeping coils.
[08:02:09] justinh: I lost the windows XP hdd yesterday too, so installed ubuntu – seems I can do everything I need in that – so all I had to do was find a spare box lying around which worked
[08:02:29] justinh: pity about the CPU & graphics but at least now I can work
[08:02:41] justinh: frickin SiS junk
[08:02:48] laga: ha, SiS
[08:03:24] justinh: semprom 2400+ CPU
[08:03:32] justinh: *sempron
[08:03:54] justinh: it's still faster than the machine the last one replaced though :D
[08:03:57] laga: as long as you get your work done
[08:04:32] styelz: opengl seems ok
[08:05:22] justinh: so do you want stupid desktop effects or accelerated video playback? ;-)
[08:06:29] styelz: both
[08:06:30] styelz: hehe
[08:07:40] styelz: greedy aren't i
[08:07:49] justinh: no, just silly
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[08:09:53] justinh: laga: anyway, that PSU was brand new! wouldn't have expected that even of Antec
[08:10:14] justinh: these PSUs are a far cry from what our old IT guy bought. LOL these things actually weigh something
[08:13:55] laga: yeah, if the power sucks, the power sucks
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[08:21:49] dekarl: paistis: you could try udp:// instead of udp://@
[08:23:24] dekarl: I don't really understand which style is used where (with or without @ ) but the examples on the wiki are without @ (I use rtsp myself, so can't help there)
[08:24:18] paistis: did'n help :/
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[10:09:50] EvilGuru: justinh: I think for vdpau and composite to work together that the new X server fence sync stuff is needed
[10:10:37] EvilGuru: But every compositing window manager tears and feels like 30 FPS. Best to disable the extension entirely
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[10:21:49] justinh: EvilGuru: why you telling me for? :-)
[10:22:05] justinh: I don't care for any of the new desktop stuff
[10:22:25] EvilGuru: s/justinh/styelz/
[10:22:36] justinh: if that means I won't get to use Ubuntu shatmat or whatever they come up with, so what? :)
[10:24:42] styelz: ok
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[11:38:46] justinh: hahahaha I can program AVR micros in linux now :-)
[11:38:56] justinh: I may never need to run windows at work again
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[13:42:08] justinh: I seem to have been sidetracked with a little 1-wire project
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[14:26:24] wagnerrp: apparently fox has ordered a sequel to the Cosmos series, produced by Seth MacFarlane
[14:26:39] wagnerrp: i have a bad feeling about this
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[14:28:33] iamlindoro: extra points for potentially unintentional Seth McFarlane + Star Wars reference
[14:30:20] stuartm: heh
[14:31:19] stuartm: wagnerrp: so that E2000 is pretty nice, especially for the price, thanks for the suggestion
[14:32:02] ** wagnerrp is still on his 8yr old WRT-54Gs **
[14:32:09] stuartm: only problem I have with it is that the keyword/site blocking functionality sucks compared to my previous netgear router
[14:33:16] stuartm: you can't setup one long list of keyword blocks, you are limited to four per 'profile' and so you need to setup a new profile for every four blocks
[14:34:32] stuartm: the site filter is worse than useless, if you block it still lets, and others through, plus there's a character limit which prevents blocking long domain names
[14:35:00] wagnerrp: heh
[14:36:10] stuartm: but I'll learn to live with that :) Or I'll leave my other router in place for the blocking ... depends how much power I'd really save by removing it
[14:36:27] sphery: wagnerrp: so, GNOME 3 has functionality similar to Firefox's "Switch to Tab" ->
[14:36:47] sphery: and, fwiw, I'm glad Linus isn't a MythTV user--I'm sure there would be comments...
[14:36:59] stuartm: sphery: heh, I had the same thought when I read that article
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[14:38:10] iamlindoro: I'd rather enjoy telling Linus "patches welcome"
[14:38:21] stuartm: IMHO we're not removing functionality though, just making that functionality more accessible or automatic
[14:38:24] sphery: heh, and I can imagine you doing so
[14:38:53] sphery: stuartm: yeah, I was thinking more along the "unholy mess" lines than the "removing functionality" thing
[14:39:08] stuartm: ah
[14:39:12] stuartm: well that too
[14:39:17] sphery: not that we are--we're more of an "not-yet-finished mess"
[14:39:21] wagnerrp: sphery: does it at least open a new tab in gnome-terminal?
[14:39:57] wagnerrp: you know... excel has had that same annoying behavior for a decade
[14:40:04] wagnerrp: its hard to open a second instance of excel
[14:40:14] wagnerrp: it wants to open everything in the same window
[14:40:32] wagnerrp: and you cant break files out of that window, you can only make smaller windows inside the main window
[14:40:39] sphery: he says clicking the icon in the gnome shell just takes you to an existing term
[14:40:41] wagnerrp: WTF would i want excel to function as its own window manager
[14:40:48] wagnerrp: i /hate/ applications that do that
[14:40:52] sphery: and you have to use some terminal keystroke to start a new term
[14:41:16] wagnerrp: to be fair, i dont much see the point of desktop icons
[14:41:28] sphery: wagnerrp: what? You don't like MS's MDI (multiple-document interface) forced on you?
[14:41:31] sphery: I totally agree
[14:41:58] iamlindoro: Unfortunately there is no viable alternative to Office
[14:42:05] iamlindoro: whereas there is for Gnome
[14:42:09] sphery: I agree--I'm a fluxbox user and don't have a single icon on my desktop (because I didn't adulterate fluxbox with a stupid program that puts them there)
[14:42:25] iamlindoro: Open/LibreOrifice have been getting progressively worse for years
[14:42:27] wagnerrp: i would be perfectly content telling people they cant have icons on their desktop
[14:42:31] sphery: I have WM keystrokes that bring up the biggies and use the menu to bring up the others (with a keystroke to bring up the menu, even)
[14:43:21] sphery: iamlindoro: yeah, I finally realized that it's just not worth it for anyone I know to try to figure out OpreOffice
[14:43:55] wagnerrp: MDI is the DEVIL!
[14:44:10] sphery: since all they'd be doing is trying to figure out how to use it so they could avoid paying for MS Office--and then fighting against the current for years following--it's actually "cheaper" to just buy MS Office
[14:44:36] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[14:44:55] sphery: just too much of an investment of time (not only learning, but dealing with documents from others that get formatted differently, and knowing what you can and can't change without affecting what the MS Office users see and how it formats things and ...)
[14:44:55] stuartm: I've not used icons on my desktop for years, 99% of the time they'd be hidden behind open windows and I'd have to minimise everything to get at them
[14:45:04] sphery: yeah, agreed
[14:45:22] sphery: the gnome shell makes sense from the "pops up over other windows" perspective
[14:45:36] sphery: but if it's like Firefox 4+'s Switch to Tab, it's just idiotic
[14:45:56] stuartm: libreoffice, at least in the packages I've got here looks awful, they've obviously had to replace the icons but they've chosen some that look like they date from 1995 in 16bit colour
[14:46:20] sphery: and the fact that Mozilla decided to make it so you cannot disable Switch to Tab permanently means you always have to watch closely in the "Awesome" bar and hit Shift or Alt before selecting if you're on a Switch to Tab one
[14:46:44] KungFuJesus: stuartm: isn't that what the "show desktop" and other similar shortcuts were for?
[14:46:49] sphery: and they actually told developers who asked for a way to disable it that that idea is in "add-on territory"
[14:47:04] KungFuJesus: in OS X there were always hotkeys to it, and compiz allowed you similar functionality
[14:47:05] sphery: so you actually have to install an add-on to remove a "feature" of Firefox
[14:47:09] stuartm: no, actually, worse, 8bit colour
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[14:48:00] stuartm: KungFuJesus: right, but I'd much rather use a panel so that I didn't need to minimise/restore all the windows just to get at an icon
[14:48:20] sphery: stuartm: well, I'm sure they look better on my monochrome laptop monitor
[14:48:21] KungFuJesus: yeah but gnome3 does it horribly, lol. And it runs at snail speed
[14:49:26] KungFuJesus: I mean I never use icons anyway, I launch everything from xmobar or an xterm, but it's really hard to unleash somebody who is used to the OS X/Windows paradigm now to new fedora
[14:49:38] sphery: KungFuJesus: so, in that article ( ), Linus says, "Why can't I have shortcuts on my desktop? Why can't I have the expose functionality? Wobbly windows? Why does anybody sane think that it's a good idea to have that 'go to the crazy "activities"' menu mode?" .... Is he saying that GNOME 3 adds Wobbly Windows and that's crazy or ???
[14:49:58] sphery: (I would agree that wobbly windows is crazy, but I just can't parse that statement...)
[14:50:00] stuartm: the 'lots of icons on desktop' approach is a throw back to Windows 3.x (or maybe earlier) that I guess a lot of old timers still cling to because it's easier than adjusting to an approach which makes better use of large screens and resolutions
[14:50:12] sphery: almost sounds like he's saying that it's hard to invoke wobbly windows, now...
[14:50:27] sphery: stuartm: Mac OS 1, perhaps ?
[14:51:02] KungFuJesus: I think gnome3 is best kept on the tablet to be honest
[14:51:19] KungFuJesus: it is kind of frivilous as to what lengths they go to for eye candy on that window manager
[14:51:47] KungFuJesus: creating a new virtual desktop for each window being launched? That's stupid. Sometimes it's handy to have two windows open at once
[14:51:49] wagnerrp: sphery: i wouldnt have a problem if gnome3 was set up like the new taskbar in windows 7
[14:51:56] sphery: yeah, seems a lot of people are forgetting about desktops and productivity and content creation thanks to "the infinitely more popular" tablets (which are consumers, not creators--regardless of what Apple's commercial says)
[14:52:00] sphery: Unity...
[14:52:02] KungFuJesus: wagnerrp: you mean like the dock?
[14:52:17] wagnerrp: left click to open existing instance, middle click to open new instance, right click to open context menu
[14:52:28] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, would make sense
[14:52:38] KungFuJesus: gnome3 removed any notion of a context menu for whatever reason
[14:52:48] KungFuJesus: they felt that if it required more than one button they didn't want it I guess
[14:52:57] wagnerrp: so theyre emulating apple now?
[14:53:18] KungFuJesus: possibly, though ctrl+click gives you a context menu
[14:53:22] KungFuJesus: this does not happen in gnome3
[14:53:32] ** sphery wonders if he'll get to see the Juno launch today. Will be the first time I've ever seen Lego astronauts actually head to space. **
[14:54:04] KungFuJesus: lol
[14:54:18] wagnerrp: lies
[14:54:24] wagnerrp: legos are plastic, not titanium
[14:54:29] stuartm: wtf was that about though? Why lego? Why did it cost $15,000?
[14:54:35] sphery: KungFuJesus: heh, more than one mouse button, obviously (as according to Linus, you click a term, it goes to the new one, then you'll have to hit 3 keys to launch a new one)
[14:54:43] sphery: no idea why they chose that
[14:54:45] stuartm: wagnerrp: I thought they were cast in aluminium?
[14:54:59] sphery: yeah, aluminum--and likely custom design
[14:54:59] wagnerrp: well, some form of lightweight metal
[14:55:06] sphery: so I can understand the $15K
[14:55:23] sphery: but not why someone felt it was worth spending that for this purpose
[14:55:30] KungFuJesus: didn't NASA recently have their funding cut, by a lot?
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[14:55:45] wagnerrp: its a publicity stunt
[14:55:53] wagnerrp: $15K for publicity isnt that odd
[14:55:57] sphery: KungFuJesus: if "cancellation of the manned space program" constitutes "a lot", then, yeah :)
[14:56:04] KungFuJesus: lol
[14:56:12] sphery: wagnerrp: true
[14:56:18] stuartm: still seems way too high to me for a trio of 2" tall cast metal figures, custom moulds or not
[14:56:20] sphery: it's nothing compared to what a company spends on marketing
[14:56:30] wagnerrp: and youre probably talking another $1000 for the fuel to get that couple ounces to... saturn?
[14:56:31] sphery: just not a good time for it--what with the debt ceiling and all
[14:56:37] wagnerrp: no, jupiter
[14:56:53] sphery: yeah, it's not that Sano mission...  ;)
[14:57:27] sphery: anyway, planning to mow my lawn through the launch window--but will need to somehow realize when it's time to look up
[14:57:47] stuartm: alarm clock?
[14:58:25] sphery: yeah, thinking I won't hear any timer while mowing... and I don't have a watch, so it would have to be my cell phone
[14:58:44] sphery: I'll probably just do the inefficient "check frequently and then waste some time around scheduled launch time"
[14:59:21] sphery: I won't say that the weather looks good outside, now, because if I did, that would jinx the mission
[15:00:28] sphery: wagnerrp: so, Juno is costing $1.1B, so those legonauts are costing 0.00136% of the mission cost.
[15:00:46] sphery: Imagine what else we could have done with that 0.00136%
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[15:04:11] wagnerrp: i honestly have no idea
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[15:04:33] wagnerrp: $15K doesnt get you much when youre talking about something that has to withstand the riggers of deep space
[15:06:11] sphery: stuartm: FWIW, have you considered trying dd-wrt on your E2K? +
[15:06:30] sphery: (seems openwrt has E2000 under work-in-progress status)
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[15:13:30] sphery: wagnerrp: btw, did you see . . . graphics-arm ? mobile devices will soon match PCs for performance and graphics... and "For example, digital TVs and monitors are in the pipeline with a display resolution of 4,096x2,160 pixels or '4K2K', which is four times the resolution of current high-definition 1080p equipment, and buyers will expect their devices to ...
[15:13:36] sphery: ... support it."
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[15:13:48] sphery: yes, because I want 4K2K on my 3.5" phone screen, please
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[15:26:31] wagnerrp: sphery: i do
[15:26:55] sphery: and what do you want on your 68" HDTV?
[15:27:14] wagnerrp: 16K
[15:27:30] sphery: I think there's a point where it just doesn't matter--and I think we're beyond that point
[15:27:45] wagnerrp: and for reference, i have NEVER heard anything called '4K2K before'
[15:27:49] wagnerrp: its just '4K'
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[15:27:51] sphery: after all, if iPhone is the Retina display, do you plan to replace your retinas?
[15:28:20] wagnerrp: no, i just dont trust steve job's idea of "good enough"
[15:29:00] wagnerrp: the retinal display at my arm's length is not outside my visual acuity
[15:29:16] sphery: note that his commercials also say the iphone 4 is the highest resolution phone screen ever, so they /can't/ do a higher resolution one
[15:29:24] sphery: if they do, it will make the commercial a lie
[15:29:33] sphery: (since it says "ever" not "yet")
[15:29:53] wagnerrp: depending on what the image is, most people can see at a higher detail than that screen is capable of
[15:29:58] wagnerrp: (at arm's length)
[15:30:55] wagnerrp: the traditional test is to take two pixels side by side, and determine at which point you can no longer tell there are two pixels active
[15:30:59] sphery: glad I got distracted talking in here, so I could see that there's an additional 5-min on the hold (meaning the launch is delayed at least 5 min)
[15:32:07] wagnerrp: which for someone with excellent vision, the retinal display at 2–3ft is about as small as you can perceive that particular detail
[15:32:21] wagnerrp: however, you can see that single lit pixel at far smaller than that scale
[15:32:48] wagnerrp: you can also make out two parallel lines with a single unlit line between them much smaller than that scale
[15:34:04] wagnerrp: plus, thats assuming youre at arms length, and not much closer
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[15:34:35] sphery: yeah, I just think it's a lot of cost for little gain
[15:35:04] wagnerrp: true, there is a bit of diminishing returns there
[15:35:07] sphery: granted, I won't get it until it's very little cost (because I don't waste money on the bleeding edge phones), but ...
[15:35:25] wagnerrp: but saying it is all you ever need is completely false
[15:35:40] wagnerrp: you can see better than that, so eventually someone will sell better than that
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[15:35:54] sphery: yeah, just saying that 4K on my 3.5" phone screen seems stupid when my monitors are still 1920x1200
[15:36:11] sphery: and my 24" monitor still looks good at 1920x1200
[15:36:16] wagnerrp: i would counter that saying monitors still at 1920x1200 is stupid
[15:36:38] wagnerrp: for instance, text only looks good because of tricks with subpixel rendering
[15:36:51] wagnerrp: any a higher resolution, you dont need to play those tricks
[15:36:55] sphery: yeah, increasing the monitor resolution would likely give much more benefits
[15:37:01] wagnerrp: its like anti-aliasing in video games
[15:37:05] sphery: but, however they get there is fine
[15:37:17] wagnerrp: you only need AA because your video card or display is incapable of rendering at sufficient resolution
[15:38:54] sphery: until Euclideon tech is out ;)
[15:42:33] wagnerrp: sphery: so by 2016, mobile phones will be capable of the sort of graphics we see on today's 5yr old consoles?
[15:43:06] wagnerrp: and by a 'few years', he means like 8
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[15:46:31] wagnerrp: sphery: euclideon needs someone with a better voice to do their videos
[15:48:06] wagnerrp: it sounds like a nasally 100lb version of ahnald
[15:48:32] sphery: heh, yeah, wasn't the best
[15:48:43] sphery: I'm starting to think NASA doesn't want me to mow my lawn
[15:49:42] sphery: s/NASA/the guy in the boat who's in the restricted area and delaying the launch, now/
[15:52:27] wagnerrp: so im confused as to how euclideon intends to STORE all this information
[15:52:36] wagnerrp: nevermind rendering it
[15:52:57] sphery: yeah--and how they could possibly get it rendered at 24fps using software rendering only
[15:53:48] wagnerrp: well the original high quality graphics were done using voxel rendering in real time in software
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[15:54:16] wagnerrp: my point is the only way they can realistically pull this off is through procedural generation
[15:54:27] wagnerrp: theres no way you can actually store all this information on the system
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[15:55:01] wagnerrp: and if youre doing procedural generation, why not make your generation algorithm dynamically scale the polygon count of whatever youre looking at depending on its distance
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[15:55:19] wagnerrp: which... is exactly what tessellation in opengl4/dx11 does
[15:55:53] wagnerrp: theyre comparing their new tech against DX9 grade graphics
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[16:17:40] NewBuntu81: Hi All. Do analog cards record above channel 99 in mythtv? I can tune in the frequency to channel 117 and watch it in mplayer, but myth seems to show a blank screen recording.
[16:19:43] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[16:20:43] __alex__: I was wondering if anyone could give me some information, I was interested in setting up a MythTV box and was looking at different tuner cards, but most seem to only support digital in Linux. As far as I was aware, isn't all television digital at this point? Also, will these get all the channels, or will I need something like the DC50X box inbetween? (I'm going to college, I assume they get up to about channel 99 – They have Com
[16:20:44] __alex__: cast)
[16:21:40] sphery: NewBuntu81: US NTSC broadcast frequency table only goes to channel 69, but cable ones go to 125...
[16:22:11] sphery: I'm assuming you're using cable, but if it's broadcast in Canada or something, just set a freqency ID equal to the frequency in kHz
[16:22:16] NewBuntu81: alex: Depends on where you are. Comcast has started digitizing their channels, so you want a card that can do clearQAM.
[16:22:49] sphery: or an HDPVR or an HDHR Prime :)
[16:23:07] sphery: time to watch the Lego astronauts lift off...
[16:23:28] NewBuntu81: Sphery: I can tune in and watch cable channel 117 in mplayer, but myth shows blank (B) recordings. Any thoughts on what I need to fix?
[16:23:51] NewBuntu81: I had installed yet another pci pvr-150 card, set it to IVTV like the other 2 I have.
[16:28:00] __alex__: The tuner card I was looking at is a Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1250. It says it supports ATSC, ClearQAM and NTSC. I looked at the compatibility list and it says that this card will only support digital broadcasts. I'm interested in using it in Champaign, IL – which according to HDHomeRun I can get 40 HD channels, but I can't seem to find anything about what other channels will work.
[16:30:17] NewBuntu81: Comcast has digitized all channels here. But they allow me to watch the locals (free over the air ones, but via cable) on ClearQAM. I have an HVR 2250 (dual tuner) for local tv. I also have a couple pvr-150's to record from DTA's.
[16:30:59] NewBuntu81: If it's just you, you might get by with a pvr-150 for recordings from the DTA, and maybe a card that can do ClearQAM too. That will allow you to record several things at once.
[16:31:42] __alex__: Okay, and from what I've been reading, I think I need an IR Blaster to be able to change the channel on the DTA then?
[16:31:44] NewBuntu81: Just remember, with the dual tuner cards like the hvr-2250, you only get one input port--it has a built in splitter. That can be a hurdle depending on what you want to do.
[16:32:18] jbrett (jbrett!brett@nat/hp/x-olsmbbtsnojtqtpp) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:32:28] NewBuntu81: Correct, from what I know anyway...the IR blaster is the easiest way to go. There are other ways--firewire, serial--but they seem more difficult and probably not worth the effort.
[16:34:07] __alex__: Do you have any experience, I read you could get an Octocoupler which seems to just be a cable that runs from one IR port directly to another rather than having the receivers taped together or something?
[16:34:58] NewBuntu81: I can't speak on that. I have a dual port IR blaster--one box, with two output jacks to change channels.
[16:38:23] __alex__: If I get a HVR with two input ports, will it be able to work as both the HVR with a direct link and the PVR if I run one cable through the DTA?
[16:39:36] NewBuntu81: A dual port IR blaster is like 2 remote controls...if that makes sense to you.
[16:40:17] NewBuntu81: The reason people tape each IR blaster to each receiver, then tape over the to ensure that the wrong box wont change channel. Say you have 2 DTA's...they both take the same signal.
[16:41:32] __alex__: Yes, but I'm talking about a dual tuner card doing both the HVR and the PVR that you suggested earlier
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[16:42:14] __alex__: The card has two coaxial input ports, so I was trying to see if the HVR can act as a PVR
[16:46:39] NewBuntu81: they were just the card models (HVR, PVR).
[16:46:47] NewBuntu81: for specs on the cards, see the manufacturers website
[16:47:38] NewBuntu81: The HVR-2250 I have (dual tuner) does ClearQAM AND regular analog cable (whole number channels).
[16:47:55] NewBuntu81: As well as ATSC broadcast (over the air).
[16:48:09] __alex__: According to what I was reading, PVRs can only take Analog signals whereas HVRs can take other signals as well. If this HVR can only work in Digital mode in Linux, will it be able to function with the DTA in the middle
[16:48:15] NewBuntu81: BUT, you only have one coax input.
[16:48:32] NewBuntu81: The 2250 i have works in all modes.
[16:48:35] wagnerrp: __alex__: the HVR-1250 only functions in digital mode in linux
[16:48:45] wagnerrp: even if it could be used for analog in linux, you wouldnt want to bother
[16:49:37] __alex__: If it can't be used in analog mode, and I have to have a DTA in the middle to get more than the local channels, will it work with the DTA is basically what I was trying to ask.
[16:50:04] NewBuntu81: Knowing how Comcast is set up in my area, which seems similar to other areas in the US...i'd an HVR-2250 for the local channels (record 2 at the same time) and get a PVR-150 or two.
[16:50:25] NewBuntu81: The DTA only outputs coax (analog).
[16:50:43] NewBuntu81: Unfortunately, Comcast didn't put rca (composite) ports on it.
[16:50:47] wagnerrp: no, there is no cable box you can rent or purchase that will output modulated digital video over coax
[16:51:56] wagnerrp: directtv used to offer one a decade ago, but that is no longer the case
[16:52:23] __alex__: Alright. That's what I was trying to check. So I really only need a PVR-150 (Or similar) if all I want to do is record one channel at a time.
[16:52:35] wagnerrp: yes
[16:52:46] wagnerrp: pvr-150, pvr-500, or hvr-1600
[16:52:53] __alex__: Alright. Thanks guys
[16:56:10] sphery: NewBuntu81: what frequency table did you choose? and you're sure it's actually on frequency 751MHz or so?
[16:56:17] sphery: (for channel 117)
[16:56:31] NewBuntu81: 751.25
[16:56:46] NewBuntu81: =channel 117 according to the wiki chart that people mentioned in posts
[16:56:59] NewBuntu81: and it does indeed tune in that channel in mplayer. Myth on the other
[16:57:05] sphery: so you chose ntsc_cable
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[16:58:17] sphery: and your frequency id is set to 117?
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[17:02:00] NewBuntu81: um, /dev/ set to IVTV, and cable.
[17:02:20] NewBuntu81: Input connections has the correct video source
[17:02:33] NewBuntu81: That video source scanned for channels and added all cable channels
[17:02:39] sphery: and that channels's frequency ID?
[17:02:51] NewBuntu81: 117
[17:02:58] sphery: why aren't you using Fetch channels, since you're US?
[17:03:19] sphery: note that frequency ID != channel number --they could be the same or different
[17:03:34] NewBuntu81: ah...i was not aware of that.
[17:03:47] sphery: freq id is on 2nd screen
[17:03:55] NewBuntu81: the other 2 pvr-150's i have set up just record from channel 3 (each of them)...each connected to a DTA. they work fine
[17:03:59] sphery: (or look it up in mythweb channel editor)
[17:04:03] NewBuntu81: yup
[17:04:08] NewBuntu81: it's 117, i just looked
[17:04:11] sphery: ok
[17:04:15] sphery: not sure why it's not working
[17:04:16] NewBuntu81: should it be set to the 751.25?
[17:04:18] sphery: should work fine
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[17:04:44] NewBuntu81: that's why i had wondered if mythtv didn't like channels above 99
[17:04:53] sphery: no, it would have to be set to 751250 if you wanted to specify frequency, but 117 is identical to 751250, assuming you're using the right freq table
[17:04:56] NewBuntu81: linux shows it in mplayer...just wasnt making sense to me
[17:05:12] NewBuntu81: hmmm, i'll try that
[17:05:23] sphery: note, also, that you should probably set your default freq table to us cable ntsc and set this video source/card to use the default freq table
[17:05:38] sphery: anyway, gotta mow the lawn before the rain
[17:05:39] sphery: good luck
[17:06:06] NewBuntu81: ok thanks sphery!
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[18:05:56] wagnerrp: ugh
[18:06:04] wagnerrp: my parents went out of town for the weekend
[18:06:15] wagnerrp: they left about half an hour ago, and ive been trying to reach them on the phone ever since
[18:06:28] wagnerrp: theres a packed bag of clothes sitting on the floor in the kitchen
[18:07:47] sid3windr: whoops.
[18:07:52] sid3windr: going far away?
[18:07:56] plotino (plotino! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:08:13] sid3windr: did you check if it's not your clothes and they expect you gone when they come back? ]:-)
[18:08:49] wagnerrp: couple hours drive
[18:09:02] sid3windr: ouch :/
[18:10:25] kormoc: overnight ups!
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[18:27:37] justinh: NewBuntu81: what was the problem where mythtv-setup couldnt see the new tuner earlier?
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[19:36:07] leo145 (leo145!~shervinkh@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:36:32] leo145: hi.when i enter watch TV option in mythfrontend nothing happens.anyone here knows the reason?
[19:40:47] wagnerrp: check your backend logs
[19:42:59] iamlindoro: but, pre-emptively, failure to follow all the steps in mythtv-setup properly
[19:43:40] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:46:45] justinh: bah I don't really need the inuse statetype
[19:47:28] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:47:42] justinh: at least not in the recordings list
[19:50:36] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:54:27] justinh: haha worked around the WAF problem
[19:56:19] leo145: this is my log:
[19:56:31] leo145: wagnerrp
[19:57:10] wagnerrp: the error should be fairly obvious
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[19:58:37] wagnerrp: specifically, you never defined any storage folders for mythbackend to record to
[19:58:45] wagnerrp: and the failover defaults do not appear usable
[19:59:00] wagnerrp: mythtv-setup should have warned you of this when you closed it
[19:59:12] justinh: darn these plain English error messages
[19:59:16] justinh: code 253!
[20:00:06] leo145: wagnerrp: i should define it it mythtv-setup?
[20:00:29] wagnerrp: YES
[20:00:34] wagnerrp: erm... sorry about the caps
[20:08:36] leo145: wagnerrp: ok now it opens.but it locked on a can i change channel
[20:08:59] sphery: hit MENU, then find the option to change inputs
[20:09:06] sphery: or change cards or whatever it says
[20:12:08] leo145: it has locked on this screen.when i hit every button nothing happens.
[20:12:10] leo145:
[20:15:19] leo145: 2011-08–06 00:44:52.640 Player(0): Waited 100ms for video buffers AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAu
[20:16:07] sphery: looks like an audio issue
[20:16:22] sphery: likely need to fix your audio output
[20:16:28] leo145: why audio?
[20:18:07] sphery: audio provides timing for video
[20:18:27] iamlindoro: And your log message tells us that not a single frame of video is being provided, because it's not getting any audio
[20:18:42] sphery: or it's not outputting audio or soemthing
[20:18:48] sphery: (the A's have it)
[20:19:01] leo145: and this is the rest
[20:19:04] leo145: 2011-08–06 00:48:00.762 Pulse: PulseAudio resume OK
[20:19:05] leo145: 2011-08–06 00:48:00.862 Pulse: PulseAudio suspend OK
[20:19:05] leo145: 2011-08–06 00:48:00.871 AO: Opening audio device 'default' ch 1(1) sr 48000 sf signed 16 bit reenc 0
[20:19:05] leo145: 2011-08–06 00:48:00.873 AudioOutput Warning: mmap not available, attempting to fall back to slow writes
[20:19:05] leo145: 2011-08–06 00:48:00.880 ALSA, Error: no playback control PCM found on mixer device default
[20:19:05] leo145: 2011-08–06 00:48:00.880 ALSA, Error: Unable to open audio mixer. Volume control disabled
[20:19:06] leo145: 2011-08–06 00:48:00.881 AudioPlayer: Enabling Audio
[20:19:12] iamlindoro: <facepalm>
[20:19:16] sphery: I don't know specifics of that error message, but it looks like it has a ton of audio and it's filling the buffer
[20:19:17] iamlindoro: Don't. Do. That. Please.
[20:19:44] sphery: leo145: anything more than 2 lines, please use pastebin
[20:19:52] sphery: . Thanks.
[20:20:24] leo145: ok.i know
[20:20:26] leo145: sorry
[20:21:30] leo145: this is the full log
[20:21:32] leo145:
[20:24:57] leo145: nothing?
[20:27:58] justinh: hohohohoho. now I've got little sidebars on the recording list items to indicate recording, inuse, transcoding etc. only had to sacrifice 20px too :)
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[20:38:53] sphery: leo145: change your audio output device to ALSA:pulse or PulseAudio:default
[20:39:05] ** sphery types super loudly so maybe he'll hear **
[20:40:16] justinh: jee – how many fonts does mythcenter want?
[20:42:00] justinh: in the meantime:
[20:42:04] sphery: only the best of fonts...
[20:42:34] sphery: Seems no one in the world--save Android phones and tables--has Droid Sans font installed
[20:42:59] justinh: and people who used mepo-wide I think
[20:44:04] sphery: Looks like MythCenter uses Arial and Thorndale, and MythCenter-wide uses Droid Sans and Liberation Sans,
[20:44:26] sphery: (assuming base.xml has all the fontdefs)
[20:45:43] justinh: ah no mepo used handel gothic
[20:46:36] justinh: WTH?! Somebody made an MPD client for mythfrontend? :-O
[20:46:55] justinh: you stumble on the most unexpected stuff sometimes
[20:47:44] justinh:
[20:48:30] justinh: wonder how come I'd never heard of it.. this was kept pretty darn quiet
[20:49:06] justinh: looks like the closest thing to a non-sucky MPD frontend I've ever seen
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[21:01:18] iamlindoro: justinh: I remember using a Myth MPD frontend a few years back-- same one?
[21:01:39] iamlindoro: yeah, looks the same
[21:02:18] justinh: can hardly believe I missed it. heh
[21:02:39] iamlindoro: It's non-MythUI though, so I wouldn't expect it to compile
[21:02:49] justinh: yeah that figures
[21:03:46] iamlindoro: It might be basic enough that it would only use the old UI widgets which still exist, so you never know I guess
[21:05:59] justinh: the best & worst thing about it I reckon, is the fact that one guy who 'can't code' set about something & made it.. but maybe if it'd been more widely known it could've been contributed to a lot more & we'd still have it
[21:07:20] sphery: yeah, it's those mean devs trying to squash 3rd party clients
[21:07:36] sphery: changing around apis for no reason other than to make the other clients fail
[21:07:58] sphery: (obviously no reason, since they changed the theming engine and before people used MythCenter, and now they use MythCenter, so...)
[21:08:40] justinh: heh. I think if anybody had a right to complain about mythui changes it'd be me – but I ate em all up :-D
[21:09:19] sphery: yeah, and you're still plugging away on themes
[21:09:32] sphery: (and more, even)
[21:09:51] justinh: theming is keeping me busy enough for now
[21:09:55] sphery: (and we do appreciate your contributions--past, present, and future)
[21:10:47] justinh: looking at those early screenshots the other day I was reminded how much this effort has changed since I started
[21:11:34] justinh: I have a feeling it's going to be changing some more. I have to draw a line somewhere though, or it'll never be done
[21:14:25] justinh: my wife insisted I go back to recordings-ui tonight cos the statetypes I'd put on the button background made it tricky to see what was recording and/or inuse as well as what was selected
[21:16:21] justinh: and I *still* dunno what to do with the main menu lol
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[21:49:07] justinh: oo I think I just found a bug
[21:51:21] justinh: adding a shape to a buttonlist which is inherited from a shape of a different area – even though I'm defining a new area – is messing up the buttonlist
[21:51:47] hpeter (hpeter!~hpeter@ has quit (Quit: hpeter)
[21:51:58] justinh: like it's making out as if a shape is wider than the others in the buttonlist statetypes despite having an area set which isn't
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[22:12:28] justinh: looks like childcount isn't working with plural translation in a template here
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