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Monday, June 27th, 2011, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:10] ICM^: eh, i'll worry about it later
[00:01:14] wagnerrp: i would imagine so
[00:02:07] ICM^: whoa. this costs $?
[00:02:30] iamlindoro: ICM^: yes
[00:03:02] iamlindoro: $20/year, or literally pennies per day... and is sold at cost
[00:03:36] ICM^: fair enough, just wasn't expecting it
[00:04:41] ICM^: since i'll probably be changing locations (between here in Rochester NY, home in Philly, and wherever I co-op), when you pay for the service, you're not stuck to one location, correct?
[00:04:53] wagnerrp: you can have up to four lineups
[00:05:01] wagnerrp: you can delete old ones to make room for new ones
[00:05:04] ICM^: okay
[00:05:04] ICM^: :)
[00:05:18] wagnerrp: we used to have free guide data from zap2it
[00:05:27] wagnerrp: but it got abused by commercial applications
[00:05:44] wagnerrp: so the service was shut down, and schedules direct was set up to license the content
[00:05:49] ICM^: that's dicks
[00:06:09] ICM^: but oh well, $20/yr really isn't bad, considering I don't even pay the cable bill
[00:06:33] wagnerrp: dorm cable?
[00:06:42] Metoer (Metoer!metoer@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[00:06:45] ICM^: yep
[00:07:02] wagnerrp: so, you pay large amounts for cable... :)
[00:07:16] ICM^: well, perhaps :p
[00:07:27] ICM^: but other people get to pay for my large amounts of electricity usage
[00:07:56] wagnerrp: you would be surprised just how little electricity you use
[00:08:26] ICM^: I actually am in one of the on-campus apartments
[00:09:07] ICM^: I run a Linux server non-stop, my desktop non-stop, two monitors, a laser printer ... only one here for the summer so a fridge, washer/dryer to myself, AC.. my carbon footprint is a little high right now
[00:10:08] wagnerrp: a small fridge might consume $5 in power a month
[00:10:15] Metoer (Metoer!metoer@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:16] techmik (techmik! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:18] ICM^: it's a full-sized fridge
[00:10:24] ICM^: this apartment is meant for 4 people
[00:10:35] ICM^: i'm just here taking summer classes so my roommates are in whatever state. lol
[00:10:38] wagnerrp: washer and dryer only use power when your using it, so one versus four makes no difference
[00:10:46] ICM^: true
[00:10:48] wagnerrp: a large fridge and freezer might be double that
[00:10:55] russell5: im trying to get a 2250 working in gentoo with 2.6.39 and all i get is this message in dmesg [ 1.004901] saa7130/34: v4l2 driver version 0.2.16 loaded i copied the firmware to /lib/firmware and the support is built into the kernel (not as a module)
[00:10:59] wagnerrp: laser printers shut down after an idle period
[00:11:14] ICM^: Alright, got the SD lineup
[00:11:16] wagnerrp: LCD monitors dont consume much, and shut down down after an idle period
[00:11:37] ICM^: default channel frequency table? or should I use us-cable?
[00:11:58] wagnerrp: and even if youve got power hungry parts in that server and desktop, i doubt you would be running more than 300W combined between them
[00:12:51] wagnerrp: the AC would be the killer, but on campus apartments likely means recently built
[00:13:01] wagnerrp: which means high efficiency AC, with heavy insulation
[00:13:04] ICM^: these are, yep
[00:13:13] ICM^: definitely heavy insulation in these buildings
[00:13:17] ICM^: it's necessary
[00:13:21] ICM^: for the winters..
[00:13:41] techmik (techmik! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:16:22] ICM^: scanning channels
[00:16:29] ICM^: ... 'Failed to find any new channels!'
[00:17:03] wagnerrp: why are you scanning channels?
[00:17:32] ICM^: because I just realized I'm an idiot>
[00:17:35] ICM^: *? >_>
[00:17:36] iamlindoro: ICM^: Why are you still trying to scan channels?
[00:17:45] ICM^: as soon as I said that, I realized.
[00:18:02] ** ICM^ instead, fetches channels from listing source **
[00:18:12] wagnerrp: its the button to the right of that, 'fetch channels from listings source'
[00:18:18] wagnerrp: right
[00:18:28] iamlindoro: Hopefully you haven't shredded your video source with all the attempting to scan
[00:20:26] ICM^: We'll see
[00:20:43] ICM^: How resource intensive is the mythtv-frontend?
[00:21:11] techmik (techmik! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:22:31] wagnerrp: depending on the resolution and theme, anywhere from a couple hundred MB to a GB
[00:22:34] iamlindoro: as intensive as the content you throw at it
[00:23:00] wagnerrp: the UI is pretty trivial to run, the hard part is decoding
[00:23:12] ICM^: I thought decoding was done by the back-end? or the hardware-encoder?
[00:23:25] dkeith (dkeith!~dkeith@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:25] iamlindoro: how would an encoder handle decode?
[00:23:46] ICM^: oh. derp. alright.
[00:23:59] ICM^: I misread there
[00:24:31] wagnerrp: you wont have any problem with the content you get out of a PVR-150
[00:24:47] wagnerrp: unless youre trying to run MythTV on a VIA box, or old Pentium II
[00:25:14] ICM^: I have an older laptop, just curious if, over the LAN, I'd be able to stream TV to it
[00:25:36] ICM^: AMD Turion64, 1.8 GHz, 512 MB of RAM
[00:25:55] wagnerrp: plenty for pvr-150 recordings
[00:26:20] wagnerrp: iffy for broadcast digital
[00:26:35] wagnerrp: out of the question for HD H264
[00:26:44] wagnerrp: (bluray or HDPVR output)
[00:29:45] ICM^: crap. any way to delete a directory on the 'DEfault Storage Group Directories'
[00:29:53] wagnerrp: 'd'
[00:37:58] techmik (techmik! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:38:01] ICM^: alright. I did all that, finished the configuration, ran mythfilldatabase
[00:38:05] ICM^: anything else?
[00:38:25] wagnerrp: should be it
[00:38:37] ** ICM^ loads up the MythTV front-end **
[00:38:38] wagnerrp: did mythfilldatabase seem to be doing anything?
[00:38:46] wagnerrp: it should have taken several minutes to run
[00:39:01] ICM^: it appeared to, looks like it was grabbing files
[00:40:02] ICM^: hm.
[00:40:19] techmik (techmik! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:36] ICM^: When I go to 'Watch TV', it says 'Please wait...', then goes back to the home screen
[00:41:05] wagnerrp: check your backend logs for an explanation why the recording failed
[00:42:12] capleton (capleton! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:42:47] iamlindoro: And unless you see and understand the problem immediately, take the *entire* contents of the backend since it started up and pastebin them for us to use (please don't excerpt)
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[00:44:08] techmik (techmik! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:44:10] ICM^: I think I do, actually. the mythtv backend runs under the user 'mythtv' yes?
[00:44:24] ICM^: er, hm. It's a permissions issue to say the least
[00:44:34] wagnerrp: depends on how you started mythbackend
[00:44:46] wagnerrp: but if you used init scripts, thats a good assumption
[00:45:00] iamlindoro: and/or who provides your packages and init script
[00:45:24] capleton: hey, how's everyone doing? I have a semi-noob question about something in the wiki, for autostarting... wow, I guess, what does the "gnome autostart" do? Like, what is the point of that script?
[00:45:36] techmik (techmik! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:46:00] ICM^: yeah. I changed the folders to where it saves liveTV and recordings. they're owned and restricted to the user 'ian'. whoops.
[00:46:02] wagnerrp: capleton: that would be something to ask in #gnome
[00:46:26] wagnerrp: capleton: thats a line from our wiki? could you give some context?
[00:46:47] capleton:
[00:47:15] wagnerrp: so the actual script would be '.gnomerc'
[00:47:44] wagnerrp: that would be a script that is automatically run when gnome loads under your user account
[00:47:54] techmik (techmik! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:57] wagnerrp: specifically, it waits 10 seconds, and then starts mythfrontend
[00:48:16] capleton: Oh I see; so it's for users who use gnome, but do not use gdm?
[00:48:46] wagnerrp: gdm just performs autologin
[00:48:57] wagnerrp: the .gnomerc tells gnome to run mythfrontend after being started
[00:49:08] wagnerrp: either by gdm, or by startx
[00:49:33] capleton: lol, ohh wow. I am a dumbass :facepalm: Okay, i get it now
[00:49:41] capleton: Thanks wagnerrp
[00:49:50] ** iamlindoro wonders why he's seeing Dunkin Donuts commercials on a local channel when there isn't a Dunkin donuts in hundreds of miles **
[00:50:03] capleton: :)
[00:51:18] techmik (techmik! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:51:41] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: krispy kreme are so much better...
[00:52:03] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: heh, we don't have any of those either
[00:52:26] iamlindoro: But that *is* a hell of a claim
[00:52:32] iamlindoro: maybe I should be happy we don't have those
[00:52:44] wagnerrp: capleton: autostarting mythfrontend from gnome seems like a bad thing to do
[00:52:56] ICM^: is there any proper way to stop the mythbackend ?
[00:53:25] wagnerrp: if you started it through the init scripts, you should stop it through those same init scripts
[00:53:26] iamlindoro: ICM^: You should be starting and stopping it using your distro's init system
[00:54:07] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:54:49] capleton: got it. Thanks again wagnerrp :)
[00:54:51] capleton (capleton! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:55:15] wagnerrp: i dont really think he got it
[00:55:58] ICM^: lol.
[00:56:48] wagnerrp: usually when someone tells you youre about to do a bad thing, you ask what to do instead, or at least why its bad
[00:57:08] iamlindoro: "#mythtv-users: Don't go away informed, just go away."
[00:57:11] ICM^: I'm having serious issues with permissions right now -.- It's been so long since I've had to do any of this
[00:59:51] ICM^: ian@Mai:/media/640GB$ sudo chmod -R ugo+rw MythTV/ --- Afterwards, in MythTV/livetv/: -rw------- 1 ian ian 5 2011-06–26 20:58 asdf
[01:00:44] techmik (techmik! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:44] russell5: im trying to get a 2250 working in gentoo with 2.6.39 and all i get is this message in dmesg [ 1.004901] saa7130/34: v4l2 driver version 0.2.16 loaded i copied the firmware to /lib/firmware and the support is built into the kernel (not as a module)
[01:00:58] wagnerrp: your recording directory must be readable, writable, and executable by the user running mythbackend
[01:01:28] ICM^: exactly wagnerrp — but when I try to change the permissions, the permissions don't change -.-
[01:01:45] wagnerrp: russell5: the HVR-2250 is not a saa7130/34 device
[01:01:55] wagnerrp: thats all you see, because that driver is not finding anything to load
[01:02:28] russell5: yeah its saa7164 wrong driver iguess then
[01:03:12] wagnerrp: 'chown -R mythtv:mythtv /media/650GB/MythTV; chmod 755 /media/640GB/MythTV'
[01:03:48] iamlindoro: The above also assumes mythtv has the right to traverse to /media/640GB, too
[01:04:20] iamlindoro: meaning if you have correct permissions on the bottommost directory but can't traverse to it, you are still just as screwed
[01:07:08] iamlindoro: Grrr, how can I fix bugs when Comcast won't give me more than 30s of uptime at once
[01:09:15] markk (markk! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:57] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: i think youll appreciate this one... . . . cid=36578990
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[01:14:05] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: yes, very well put
[01:14:06] ICM^: wagnerrp something is messed up as it got mounted with the default_permissions flag
[01:14:11] ICM^: fixing that, then it should all be good
[01:15:03] wagnerrp: ooh yeah, mountpoints
[01:15:24] wagnerrp: you definitely do not want to store to a mountpoint
[01:15:52] Gibby: ugh, so now dish says that TV2 can not use IR,
[01:28:48] techmik (techmik! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:31:02] ICM^: thanks for all your help, wagnerrp, iamlindoro :)
[01:31:14] techmik (techmik! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:31:22] ICM^: it appears to be working right now
[01:31:45] ICM^: any way to not have it hide my cursor when i mouse over?
[01:34:04] iamlindoro: Utilities/Setup->Setup->Appearance, "Hide Mouse Cursor in MythTV"
[01:37:15] shipit (shipit! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:38:10] ICM^: some channels appear in widescreen, squished on my widescreen, confusing
[01:55:19] wagnerrp: why do people have such fragile egos?
[01:56:50] NRGizeR (NRGizeR! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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[01:57:37] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: I assume this is some forum thread somewhere?
[01:57:47] wagnerrp: nah, highway
[01:58:14] wagnerrp: line of cars going 60 in a 65, guy in the left lane passing at 63
[01:58:33] wagnerrp: so when he finally gets passed, i get over and blow by at 75
[01:58:43] wagnerrp: of course hes not to be outdone, and blows by me at 90
[01:59:01] wagnerrp: ... right into an interchange that likes to launch cars on turns
[01:59:08] wagnerrp: so hes using up three lanes, practically out of control
[02:04:22] Gibby: so i upgraded to 24 fixes, still issues with playback, took out the vdpaubuffersize
[02:04:27] Gibby: on vdpau normal
[02:23:19] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:26:39] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[02:30:14] Gibby: all other hd content works fine, so it leads me back to iamlindoro and skd5aner advice, I just don't know how to fix it
[02:39:59] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:43:39] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:46:05] Gibby: free beer
[02:48:06] techmik (techmik! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:49:27] ICM^: i'll take one!
[02:50:25] techmik (techmik! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:51:53] ICM^: why does the channel keep switching between 16:9/10 and 4:3
[02:52:04] ICM^: it's kind of irritating
[02:53:34] Gibby: ICM^, got help me first lol.... but you ratio, is it changing while watching it? during different sessions,ect....
[02:53:53] techmik (techmik! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:54:14] ICM^: while watching it
[02:55:10] Gibby: during commercials?
[02:55:20] ICM^: during the program itself
[02:55:29] ICM^: yes during commercials though
[02:55:36] ICM^: but that doesn't bother me
[02:55:52] Gibby: just that channel?
[02:56:00] ICM^: seems to be multiple channels
[02:57:21] iamlindoro: ICM^: you have the "fill" set to auto, it's not changing aspect, it's changing fill
[02:57:22] Gibby: wierd, what is your source?
[02:57:34] iamlindoro: while watching, bring up the on screen menu and change the fill to "Off"
[02:58:02] ICM^: how do I bring up the OSM?
[02:58:11] iamlindoro: Press the key you have bound to the menu action
[02:58:17] iamlindoro: likely "M"
[02:59:51] ICM^: .. I hit 'space' and everything went away
[02:59:55] ICM^: I feel like that maybe wasn't supposed to happen
[03:00:15] Gibby: how do i check video card permformance?
[03:00:27] iamlindoro: Difficult to know without knowing what you did directly beforehand
[03:00:56] ICM^: iamlindoro was in the submenu of the 'fill adjust' or whatever the option was
[03:01:49] iamlindoro: ICM^: You can try leaving and restarting video playback, the critical element is turning fill to "off"
[03:02:28] ICM^: got it :)
[03:03:45] ICM^: next item.. it's taking control of the system sound
[03:04:34] iamlindoro: Yes
[03:04:56] ICM^: anyway to disable that, so it doesn't?
[03:05:01] iamlindoro: no
[03:05:18] ICM^: wow, really? that's horrifically irritating
[03:05:35] ** iamlindoro sighs **
[03:05:40] ICM^: sorry, just is :/
[03:05:45] iamlindoro: Yeah, so is that
[03:05:59] ICM^: just.. surprises me is all
[03:06:19] wagnerrp: mythtv is designed as a dedicated media player
[03:06:32] wagnerrp: it is not really intended to be run on a machine where youre expecting other noises
[03:06:41] ICM^: true
[03:07:05] ICM^: it's going to be so nice on my box connected to my projector
[03:12:47] techmik (techmik! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:15:55] Gibby: any suggetions on the playback profile, on a Zotac HD-ND02-U with HD-PVR?
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[04:32:14] Gibby: i have 2 hd-pvr's, how do i make them be the same video# when they come up
[04:32:30] [R]: udev rules
[04:32:31] [R]: its in the wiki
[04:33:40] Heliwr (Heliwr!~Heliwr@pdpc/supporter/student/heliwr) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[04:35:41] Gibby: which page? i check the hd-pvr one
[04:36:45] [R]:
[04:36:59] Gibby: ty
[04:37:38] Gibby: also, any idea why the video_bitrate and video_peak_bitrate change on hdpvr, when myth access's them?
[04:38:10] [R]: because myth sets them?
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[04:38:49] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:39:12] Gibby: well, haven't been able to figure out where/how it does it... seems as if, i change it back to default after myth grabs it, i have no issues at all
[04:39:46] [R]: it does it in the code... it does it with ioctl
[04:40:08] Gibby: so to change/disable that, i would have to change it, then re-compile i guess
[04:40:13] [R]: no
[04:40:17] [R]: why would you not want myth to set it
[04:40:30] Gibby: ok it can set it, where do i tell it where to set it to
[04:40:40] [R]: its covered in the hdpvr wiki
[04:40:53] techmik (techmik! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:41:56] Gibby: found it i think, recording profiles... from some reason the recording gets me, i think livetv not recording, but not to myth
[04:42:10] analogue__ (analogue__! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:52:09] Gibby: thanks [R]
[04:53:00] wagnerrp: anyone else mistake bruce boxleitner for a slightly younger michael douglas?
[04:54:59] Heliwr (Heliwr!~Heliwr@pdpc/supporter/student/heliwr) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:56:28] Gibby: so a lower bitrate should help with the jittering right?
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[05:01:24] DaiTengu: argh, why can't I get myth to pick up analog channels with my HVR-2250? (this is more a cry of frustration than a question)
[05:02:07] wagnerrp: youve pulled your lineup from schedules direct?
[05:02:24] wagnerrp: these are direct analog, not capture off a cable box?
[05:02:30] wagnerrp: what kernel version are you using?
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[05:02:56] DaiTengu: yeah, direct analog. 2.6.38
[05:03:13] wagnerrp: what distro? what version of mythtv?
[05:03:21] DaiTengu: mythbuntu .24.1
[05:03:35] wagnerrp: how recently have you updated mythtv?
[05:03:42] DaiTengu: fresh install
[05:03:52] DaiTengu: with all the updates applied
[05:04:00] wagnerrp: from the mythbuntu ppa?
[05:04:26] DaiTengu: yeah, along with the mythtv-updates repository.
[05:05:20] DaiTengu: There's still a few things i need to poke at, like trying to play a channel directly from vlc.
[05:05:39] wagnerrp: first, try 'cat /dev/video0 > some_file.mpg'
[05:07:00] Gibby: Can block an FE from using certain inputs?
[05:07:09] wagnerrp: no
[05:07:12] DaiTengu: hmm, just a blue screen from cat /dev/video0
[05:07:23] DaiTengu: that may help to explain my problem
[05:07:29] DaiTengu: digital works though
[05:07:54] Gibby: Can you set it to a certain input by default?
[05:07:55] wagnerrp: blue usually means no signal input the encoder
[05:08:22] wagnerrp: tuned to a channel with too low signal, or a disconnected baseband input
[05:08:47] DaiTengu: need to find a list of frequencies, hang on :p
[05:11:19] DaiTengu: I freaked out a bit when I found Google bought SageTV, so I'm trying alternatives :)
[05:11:35] DaiTengu: I had a SageTV setup for the last 6 years.
[05:12:45] DaiTengu: well that worked. I can see TV from the /cat/video1 output
[05:13:04] wagnerrp: well at least that means the card works
[05:13:24] wagnerrp: you have it configured as an IVTV MPEG encoder, correct? not a V4L input?
[05:13:43] Beirdo: ergh
[05:13:44] DaiTengu: let me double check, I know I initially did v4l
[05:13:53] DaiTengu: but changed it after hours on google :)
[05:14:12] Beirdo: how can I convince my graphics card to run X with nothing attached to it?
[05:14:21] Beirdo: it insists there are no displays
[05:14:36] Beirdo: which is true, of course :
[05:14:38] Beirdo: ;)
[05:15:04] techmik (techmik! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:15:11] wagnerrp: fake an edid
[05:15:36] Beirdo: oh?
[05:15:37] Beirdo: hmm
[05:18:56] DaiTengu: ugh, I hope I don't have to manually name all these channels
[05:19:12] wagnerrp: no, you pull a lineup from schedules direct
[05:19:16] wagnerrp: the channels will come named
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[05:21:40] DaiTengu: hmm, I wonder myabe if something's wrong with my schedules direct setup then
[05:21:44] DaiTengu: to the logs!
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[05:25:03] DaiTengu: oh man I'm dumb, I probably didn't set any linups up at schedules direct, it's been so long since I used it.
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[05:46:37] Beirdo: hahahaha
[05:46:48] Beirdo: here I am trying to get it to connect...
[05:47:01] Beirdo: and I had the HDMI cable on the ION card
[05:47:03] Beirdo: no wonder
[05:47:11] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:47:34] Beirdo: and as I don't have a mini-HDMI->HDMI cable, connect the TV with the DVI to to the 550Ti, and up it comes
[05:48:24] clever_: Beirdo: why do you want to run x without a display?
[05:50:44] techmik (techmik! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:52:11] Beirdo: because the display is my TV, and I'm using it
[05:52:45] clever_: ah
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[05:53:12] clever_: i'm still using vga to connect my myth box to the tv, so its always connected
[05:53:38] clever_: but i am having audio trouble over hdmi, it works, but the tv only has 2 speakers, and only 2 channel analog out can be used
[05:53:43] Beirdo: this card has no VGA
[05:53:43] clever_: so i loose all the surround sound
[05:54:12] Beirdo: tis life. Got it to behave now
[05:54:36] clever_: nearly everything has digital audio output
[05:54:37] clever_: nothing has digital input
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[10:47:26] ovrflw0x: how to find out if the satellite tv provider allows recording tv via tv tuner card?
[10:47:39] ovrflw0x: how to find out if the satellite _dish_ tv provider allows recording tv via tv tuner card?
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[11:00:13] ovrflw0x: anybody?
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[12:31:37] thecardsmith: I'm setting up mythtv under fedora with a hdpvr, and I run mythfilldatabase and i get channels in the mysql database however, when i try to run the front end, and go to watch live tv, i find an error in my mythbackend log that reads:
[12:31:50] thecardsmith: "Channel(/dev/video1) Error: GetCurrentChannelNum(100 WE VT6): Failed to find Channel"
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[13:00:28] spirit3: I officially declare today "NVRM: os_raise_smp_barrier(), invalid context!" day
[13:00:55] spirit3: hey hashbang
[13:01:29] hashbang: spirit3: wotcha
[13:02:46] spirit3: I still have random problems due to suspected AMD chipset issues but a rebuild on Intel seems too expensive (and time consuming) at the moment
[13:03:12] spirit3: Oddly enough, un/reloading the modules does seem to improve matters
[13:03:32] spirit3: Which goes against all previous 'warm reset bad' advice
[13:04:22] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!~pintlezz@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[13:06:09] hashbang: thecardsmith:
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[13:07:16] hashbang: spirit3: I can't remember whether un/reloading causes problems for me, or whether it's just warm *reboots* that cause trouble
[13:08:21] hashbang: spirit3: I've been an Intel bigot ever since I tried and failed to get a stable AMD K6 system back around 1998 or so, so I can't help any if that's where your evidence is leading you... :-]
[13:10:18] spirit3: In future I think I'll do the same
[13:10:46] spirit3: in future, even
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[13:13:24] hashbang: spirit3: is it still the same issue of losing one tuner, or something else now?
[13:14:32] spirit3: Same as ever – losing one tuner
[13:14:42] hashbang: spirit3: Nova-T-500 wasn't it?
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[13:15:21] spirit3: Yes, this used to happen almost daily – now nightly I check if the tuners are in use, if not I stop myth backend, reload modules, restart myth
[13:15:31] spirit3: I now see perhaps one issue a week with failed recordings
[13:15:48] spirit3: if they're in use it waits until they're idle – so it restarts nightly without fail
[13:16:24] hashbang: oh, also, I use Fedora. You're using Ubuntu, aren't you?
[13:16:32] spirit3: Yes, the Mythbunu build
[13:18:29] spirit3: Although I've not moved to 11.04 after my horrific experiences on the desktop
[13:18:35] hashbang: spirit3: I did give you the link to my checklist, didn't I? . . . ucture/28366
[13:19:21] spirit3: yes, I went through all of that :(
[13:20:14] spirit3: although, I don't think I've tried downgrading the firmware – I originally upgraded in an attempt to solve this exact issue
[13:21:05] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:21:45] hashbang: spirit3: I doubt 1.10 will improve matters over 1.20
[13:22:36] hashbang: spirit3: did you check various driver knobs under /sys to confirm that the tweaks were actually taking effect
[13:22:38] hashbang: ?
[13:23:25] spirit3: This was some months ago – but I think so, yes – the module options etc
[13:23:33] hashbang: e.g. cat /sys/module/dvb_usb_dib0700/parameters/force_lna_activation
[13:23:40] spirit3: yes, exactly
[13:26:17] hashbang: for i in `find /sys -name 'control' | grep "usb\|i2c"`; do echo $i; cat $i; done
[13:27:28] hashbang: spirit3: maybe it's the 2K/8K bug that Malcolm Priestly mentions, and you'll just have to wait until 2012...
[13:28:20] spirit3: what am I looking for on the power control variables?
[13:28:26] spirit3: Most are set to auto, with a few set to 'on'
[13:29:12] lapion: It would appear like all v4l2 possibilities have been removed from myth-setup and mythtv-tuning..
[13:32:29] hashbang: spirit3: most should be on
[13:32:50] hashbang: spirit3: auto means the kernel will attempt to power down USB devices when it thinks they aren't being used
[13:33:12] hashbang: spirit3: (that was item #4 in my checklist)
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[13:33:37] lapion: a channel scan on any analog card just gives a list of all channels without regard to if there is any signal or not
[13:33:57] spirit3: I thought I'd done this ... or at least a variation of it ... I'll check now
[13:34:53] eddie-128: Can anyone help me stop myth front end taking 2 min on start up while it runs /bin/mount /dev/sd?? on each device taking about 10–20 sec each to time out?
[13:36:56] spirit3: hashbang: I had options usbcore autosuspend=-1 but not the /sys changes ... *head desk*
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[13:42:07] henkpoley: Does MythTV 0.24.x introduce new triggers to reset the shutdown timer ?
[13:42:31] henkpoley: It's keeps jumping back to the 300 seconds I've set as timeout.
[13:42:48] hashbang: spirit3: worth a go, then...
[13:43:27] hashbang: eddie-128: suggestion 1) don't shut down your front end, suggestion 2) have fewer filesystems :-)
[13:46:22] eddie-128: hasbang – I only use /dev/sda to /dev/sdd It only fails on /dev/sde to /dev/sdi I am not sure why it is trying to mount those devices.....
[13:51:29] hashbang: eddie-128: grep sd[e-i] /etc/fstab /etc/blkid/*
[13:56:05] eddie-128: hasbang no result, nothing found.....
[13:59:43] hashbang: eddie-128: weird
[13:59:59] hashbang: eddie-128: what distro?
[14:00:14] eddie-128: ubuntu lucid
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[14:05:13] eddie-128: hasbang Thanks for your help however on review of the configuration again I reviewed the ignore devices section, adding the devices there solves the problem. Thanks again.
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[15:12:20] skd5aner: I've noticed, at least in arclight, that the channel icons in the EPG sometimes don't load properly until you hit up/down, then the blank space will eventually load the icon...
[15:12:44] iamlindoro: BURN THE THEMER!
[15:12:45] skd5aner: anyone know if that's that's a known issue/reported bug? (^ iamlindoro)
[15:13:01] iamlindoro: But yes, I've noticed that too (though it's outside of the themes ability to control)
[15:13:08] skd5aner: so a mythui issue?
[15:13:21] iamlindoro: It's not something I could cause to happen or not happen... definitely an issue with the guide grid widget
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[15:13:55] skd5aner: I'm just trying to get as many defects/bugs reported as I can, but trying to avoid duplicates
[15:14:27] iamlindoro: I am of two minds about that
[15:14:32] skd5aner: (or things already addressed in master)
[15:14:39] iamlindoro: On one hand obviously we need bug reports
[15:14:52] skd5aner: Well, when I say "as many" I'm not looking to set any records here :)
[15:14:56] iamlindoro: but on a personal level when I see someone open up a ton of tickets at once, I get totally disheartened
[15:15:06] iamlindoro: And don't want to work on anything
[15:15:09] iamlindoro: and I know I'm not alone
[15:15:17] skd5aner: just get the obvious ones I've run into since 0.24 is released that are impactful or noticiable
[15:15:44] sphery: what's an EPG?
[15:15:48] iamlindoro: Nick Morott did a similar thing a year or so ago, I refused to look at *any* of them until this month because it made me so frustrated
[15:15:51] skd5aner: I would say less than 5–10 total (including the 2–3 I already ahve open)
[15:16:00] iamlindoro: especially when they were all in a row, and he cross referenced a ton of them
[15:16:05] skd5aner: and not all simultaneously
[15:16:06] _abbenormal: electronic program guide epg
[15:16:13] iamlindoro: and some of them were totally feature requests
[15:16:19] iamlindoro: In fact, I just closed one of those yesterday
[15:16:23] sphery: (between my "find all new series" inactive rule and my existing schedules, I never use the EPG )
[15:16:41] sphery: just use "Upcoming Recordings" to find new series and make active rules for them
[15:17:23] skd5aner: well, you know I know the difference between a true bug and feature request, except in those instances where it's a gray area and one dev calls it a bug and another calls it a feature request... but generally – I'm talking about things that hang, segfault, refuse to play properly, or appear generally broken
[15:17:33] sphery: iamlindoro: FWIW, though, isn't there a plan to rewrite guidegrid to make it themable?
[15:17:41] iamlindoro: sphery: I'll believe it when I see it
[15:17:54] sphery: heh, plan doesn't mean that it's something that will get done :)
[15:18:20] sphery: after all, look at all my plans--though, really, I've gotten a couple of big ones done this year... the new command line parser, the new logger
[15:18:41] iamlindoro: Put another way, I don't expect that the Guide Grid is going to be rewritten in anything remotely resembling the near future, no
[15:18:43] skd5aner: I think my trac track record (heh) is pretty good, very little cruft or invalid items out there
[15:18:57] sphery: iamlindoro: but we /could/ modify it to allow 99 channels per screen!
[15:19:22] sphery:
[15:19:51] henkpoley (henkpoley!~henkpoley@2001:888:133c:0:21a:73ff:fef2:8071) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:20:24] sphery: I just don't get why someone thinks that having 99 channels on a single screen makes sense (or even any number greater than the current 12)
[15:21:19] sphery: I assume his definition of "On larger TV's at higher resolutions" is much different from mine...
[15:22:01] iamlindoro: better mean higher resolutions *and* dimensions
[15:22:22] sphery: yeah, but even at 1920x1080 at 100", do you really want more than 12
[15:22:35] iamlindoro: I mean, doesn't everyone like to inspect their Guide on the wall like a late Monet?
[15:22:41] sphery: heh
[15:23:01] ** iamlindoro pulls over the rail ladder to check what's on channel 1 **
[15:23:14] sphery: Ticket #9901: When I try to read the EPG, my shadow blocks the row I'm reading
[15:23:43] sphery: (assuming a projector)
[15:24:55] skd5aner: I would say my only complaint from a design standpoint is that sometimes it's hard to see which line has the focus – the contrast for the highlighted row isn't always obvious
[15:25:05] skd5aner: (in the epg obviously)
[15:25:22] skd5aner: but, it's not that bad
[15:25:25] iamlindoro: That's not design, that's theming
[15:25:44] sphery: yeah
[15:25:48] skd5aner: ah – I rarely change themes, so I sometimes don't realize what's by design and what's unique to the theme
[15:25:52] iamlindoro: The color, highlight, outline, etc. are themed
[15:26:10] sphery: though I'll admit that it seems the category color thing would make it hard to theme such that it's always visible
[15:26:21] iamlindoro: It's design, it's just not the type of design I thought you were referring to ;)
[15:26:46] iamlindoro: sphery: That's why I turn off category colors in my themes
[15:27:30] iamlindoro: hmm, seems we lost the ability to do that
[15:27:58] sphery: yeah, it was removed
[15:30:08] iamlindoro: Clearly it needs to be a setting
[15:30:10] iamlindoro: GRR
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[15:36:39] sphery: Oh, wait, guess "EPGShowCategoryColors" still exists--it was planned to be removed (and made a themable setting), but was never finished
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[15:55:19] jams: hehe i have DB backups going all the way back to 2008, it's probably safe to remove some of those
[15:56:00] jams: compressed size has increased from 19MB to 64MB
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[16:01:40] pak0: hi all people
[16:01:42] pak0: good eveing
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[16:04:56] jams: sphery- anyway to disable the autobackup of a db when mythtv-setup wants to upgrade?
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[16:17:29] Cubber (Cubber! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:18:42] Cubber: I am running mythtv on gentoo. On my client laptop I have installed iptables, however I cannot seem to get the upnp connection to the server to work when iptables is running. If it is not running I can connect mythfrontend to the server just fine. Is there something else I need to do to make the upnp traffic work with iptables running on the client machine?
[16:19:24] wagnerrp: stop blocking UPNP traffic with proper iptables rules?
[16:20:21] Cubber: yah I realize it is blocking but any idea how I do it? I saw something called linux-igd but it looked like it was more for a router than a client setup
[16:22:05] wagnerrp: unblock multicast traffic on maybe
[16:22:43] Cubber: I will try that thanks
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[16:34:45] Cubber: i added the following rules and it now works
[16:34:46] Cubber: iptables -I INPUT -d -j ACCEPT
[16:34:46] Cubber: iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 6549 -j ACCEPT
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[17:06:32] sphery: jams: for what purpose?
[17:10:46] sphery: there's a setting (that probably shouldn't exist) that does it, but a better approach is to replace the DatabaseBackupScript (i.e. by just putting in a different $SHARE_DIR/ ) with one that just "does the right thing"--i.e. checks to see if you have a recent enough backup/checks to see that the distro/package manager script backup functionality actually created a backup/...)
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[17:22:19] pak0: what lib is lyajl?
[17:22:31] pak0: i have one error on configure and cant find this
[17:22:43] pak0: checking for main in -lyajl... no
[17:23:31] sid3windr: yajl. :)
[17:25:29] pak0: thanks
[17:25:36] pak0: now problem with python
[17:25:38] pak0: xD
[17:27:26] jams: sphery- just working on a test box and am tired of the backup taking forever and filling up the disk
[17:28:07] jams: i did modify that perl script and the setup program decided that it didn't work so it tried an internal process
[17:29:30] sphery: and you exited with a 0 status?
[17:29:34] jams: don't really care whats considered right or best. just want it to not even try :)
[17:29:37] jams: yes
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[17:30:00] jams: yes the first line of the script was exit 0
[17:30:53] sphery: what happens if you put in a script: #!/bin/sh\nexit 0
[17:31:24] jams: don't know..can try in a bit
[17:31:33] sphery: if it doesn't work, I'll look into it
[17:31:47] sphery: Nigel may have added code so that if the file it says to create doesn't exist, it sees it as a failure
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[17:32:12] jams: i think thats what happened. sorta remember seeing a msg to that effect
[17:35:12] skd5aner: uglyoldbob: do you run mythbuntu?
[17:36:15] sphery: jams: I don't see any code that's requiring a file with the suggested backup file name to exist--I think it's actually getting an errored exit status
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[17:39:28] skd5aner: uglyoldbob: ... if so, you might want to check out – . . . 1519#441519. It was fixed in the latest build version of mythbuntu
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[17:57:50] uglyoldbob: im running ubuntu 10.04 64-bit (im pretty sure it is the 64 bit version – not sure how to check that)
[17:58:35] sphery: uname -m && file /usr/bin/mythbackend.real
[18:01:47] Gibby: are there any RF blasters?
[18:02:11] sphery: none that I've ever found
[18:02:23] Gibby: ugh
[18:02:24] sphery: did your dish dual-tuner turn out to not use IR on the 2nd tuner?
[18:02:39] Gibby: yep
[18:02:48] Gibby: even tho i have saved statements from 3 tech's saying it does
[18:02:49] wagnerrp: Gibby: the issue is more that there are no standard RF communications protocols
[18:02:52] Gibby: and the manual
[18:02:55] sphery: wow--even though both the customer service guy and manual said it does
[18:03:07] wagnerrp: all RF devices tend to use their own custom sequencing
[18:03:23] sphery: Gibby: sounds like you need to get them to replace the STB with 2x (or two 2x) single-tuner ones
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[18:03:39] Gibby: so now since you get your first receiver to free and each additiontal is $7 for a single or $14 for a duo, it will cost me $7 more a month for 4 STB's
[18:03:49] sphery: unless you want to reverse engineer their proto and create your own blaster
[18:03:52] Gibby: yep and they have to put up a different dish
[18:04:02] sphery: or create a robotic arm to press buttons on their remote :)
[18:04:12] Gibby: i don't have that much time, i am still having issues with the hdpvr
[18:04:40] sphery: Gibby: you should be able to argue for them to waive that additional fee since their hardware didn't work as described--and it's the reason you switched to dish
[18:05:08] Gibby: yeah haven't tried it yet, just got into work, going to call them later, just wanted to double check on the rf blaster thing first
[18:05:15] Gibby: it just erks me
[18:05:29] sphery: yeah, understandably
[18:05:31] sphery: I'd be upset, too
[18:05:41] Gibby: so on another topic, how many hdpvr's should a gigabit network be able to handle?
[18:05:55] techmik (techmik! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:05:58] Gibby: say at a 6.5Mb cbr?
[18:06:20] jams: wagnerrp- present?
[18:06:30] wagnerrp: sphery: would be easier to crack it open, and run leads to the buttons to control with a serial device
[18:06:31] wagnerrp: jams, sure
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[18:07:10] jams:
[18:07:23] Gibby: wagnerrp.....hmm wonder how hard that would be.....
[18:07:36] jams: i get that when I try to run against master
[18:07:46] wagnerrp: no you dont
[18:08:01] jams: do I need to update?
[18:08:02] wagnerrp: you get that when you try to run against 0.23
[18:08:44] jams: bah your right. that gentoo box is .23
[18:08:45] Gibby: thinking about instead of 2 sd and 2 hd, just getting 3 hd..... and adding another hdpvr, i have just had so many jittering issues with it so far
[18:08:45] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, yeah--but the robotic arm would look cooler!
[18:08:53] wagnerrp: jams: :)
[18:08:58] Gibby: think i might have a bad gigaswitch... replacement should be in the morning
[18:09:50] jams: wagnerrp- does gentoo have a package or overlay (?) for master
[18:10:08] wagnerrp:
[18:10:24] Gibby: theoretically shouldn't a gigabit network support around 75 hdpvrs at max bitrate?
[18:10:57] jams: thx
[18:11:04] wagnerrp: HDPVRs do not use the network
[18:11:07] wagnerrp: theyre USB
[18:12:19] Gibby: correct, but to get to the fe it is network
[18:12:22] wagnerrp: because of packet and protocol overheads, along with limitations of hardware, drivers, and network stacks
[18:12:29] wagnerrp: youre probably looking closer to 55–60
[18:12:39] sphery: Gibby: You might want to ask on the -users list if anyone else has a dish duo and what they're doing with it
[18:12:58] sphery: would get more eyes--and maybe someone has seen a way to make the 2nd tuner work
[18:13:03] Gibby: wagnerrp, correct, i was not taking into account overhead
[18:13:24] Gibby: yeah, i will sign-up for the list again and ask, i see it was asked on the mailing list back in 06 it looks like
[18:14:16] Gibby: wagnerrp, i guess the limitation would be the usb speed on the BE then, since it is less than the network, but i should have no issues with 3 or 4 hdpvr's i think
[18:14:21] Gibby: but i have an issue with just 1 :(
[18:14:30] wagnerrp: it should not, no
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[18:16:08] sphery: Gibby: and
[18:16:17] sphery: note:
[18:16:18] jams: emerge layman
[18:16:27] jams: hehe wrong window
[18:17:23] sphery: Gibby: and . . . 61246c22bd90 , which is the approach wagnerrp mentioned--soldering leads on the UHF remote circuit board
[18:17:34] sphery: A fair amount of soldering will be required.
[18:18:21] Gibby: I can solder! :)
[18:22:05] Scopeuk-AFK is now known as Scopeuk
[18:22:25] sphery: Gibby: this might be easier, though: . . . ducts_id=263
[18:22:38] Gibby: yep got it up now....
[18:22:49] sphery: $39 once (or twice, for 2x dish duo), versus $7/mo (or $14/mo?)
[18:24:13] Gibby: yep, trying to work it out over 2 years
[18:25:37] Gibby: looks like for 2 with 3 day shipping would work out to be $3.87 over 2 years
[18:26:46] sphery: and you're in a 2-yr contract, right?
[18:27:08] wizbit (wizbit! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:27:23] Gibby: yep
[18:27:31] sphery: is the $7/mo extra to go with single-tuner STBs per STB (meaning it would be $14/mo if you want your 4 tuners) or is that total with 4 tuners?
[18:27:48] Gibby: first STB is free, each duo is $14 each single is $7
[18:28:00] Gibby: right now my 2nd duo is $14
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[18:28:11] Gibby: if i go with 4 STB's it would be $21 a month
[18:28:11] sphery: ah, so $7 extra to get 4 tuners
[18:28:34] Gibby: yeah, even with 2 day shipping it works out to be only $4/month
[18:28:58] sphery: I didn't see it for cheaper, but found it for $47.99 at one place
[18:29:21] Gibby: trying to find a dishstore coupon
[18:29:23] pak0 (pak0! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:29:45] sphery: the $47.99 place (free shipping):
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[18:30:45] Gibby: guess i don't need over night, since i need to get my other pvr-150 working on pci riser first anyways
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[18:47:19] Gibby: just ordered 2, we will see in a couple days...
[18:47:56] sphery: good luck
[18:48:36] sphery: of course, so far you're turning out to be very lucky--since they've created that converter in the last couple of years
[18:48:58] sphery: so maybe it will keep up
[18:49:10] sphery: oh, and maybe you should buy a lottery ticket today, too :)
[18:53:25] Gibby: maybe if when i get home and my hd-pvr's playback correctly, i will.... :)
[18:53:39] Scopeuk is now known as Scopeuk-AFK
[18:55:03] Gibby: any adjust their hdpvr bitrate? how low can I go and not loose to much on 1080 HD?
[18:59:31] sphery: If you were Hermes Conrad, you could go so low that anyone trying to copy you would break his back.
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[19:36:13] jams: wagnerrp- {'showcount': 1222, 'rectime': -4367320842
[19:36:19] jams: is rectime supposed to be negative?
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[19:40:00] jams: thats from the historical section
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[19:42:56] wagnerrp: shouldnt be, no
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[19:44:40] jams: could just be this DB, the import didn't go as smooth as it should have
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[19:46:22] iamlindoro (iamlindoro!~iamlindor@mythtv/developer/iamlindoro) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[19:46:32] wagnerrp: the age is the current time, minus the starttime of the oldest recording
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[19:47:25] wagnerrp: which would put your oldest recording as 138 years in the future
[19:47:31] jams: isn't that db_age
[19:47:49] wagnerrp: oh, right...
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[19:52:01] wagnerrp: works for me... 14721120 seconds
[19:52:30] jams: ok..probably my db then
[19:53:24] jams: right now i'm happy it all works without blowing up
[19:54:17] jams: will probably add some try: except cause several things didn't work after the update until I ran mythtv-setup or some some frontend settings
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[19:58:31] jams: hehe theme: None
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[20:28:58] lapion: hmm can anyone tell me where I can find any info regarding analog (frame grabbers) and mythtv >= 0.24
[20:29:15] wagnerrp: avoid at all costs
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[20:30:17] lapion: I know but in the netherlands non framgrabbers are $200 +
[20:30:43] wagnerrp: awfully pricey
[20:31:29] wagnerrp: around here, used PVR-150s are about a tenth that
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[20:32:10] lapion: pvr 150s are not even sold anymore.
[20:32:18] wagnerrp: thats why i said used
[20:32:24] lapion: all you can get are FGs
[20:33:22] wagnerrp: the HVR-1300 and HVR-2200 are both hardware mpeg encoders
[20:33:40] wagnerrp: as is the external HVR-1900
[20:33:48] lapion: and I have a siemens Fujitsu-Siemens PCI-DVB Cable but it will not load firmware anymore
[20:34:03] wagnerrp: or you can go HD with an HDPVR
[20:34:42] wagnerrp: although currently the -2200 drivers are bugged
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[20:36:11] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:36:57] lapion: an hvr 1100 is $90 (E55)
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[20:38:00] lapion: Hauppauge WinTV HVR-2200 PCI-e Dual goes for $160
[20:38:09] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:39:35] lapion: my mistake, Hauppauge WinTV HVR-2200 PCI-e Dual goes for $200,- , Elgato – Eyetv One Digitenne goes for $160
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[20:44:09] wagnerrp: ouch, it goes for $120 around here
[20:44:53] lapion: that's the Euro price... imagine all those products and read Euro instead of $,
[20:46:18] lapion: what's even worse all digital sources where I live are encoded except for 3 public tv channels...
[20:46:39] sphery: s/encoded/encrypted/ I presume
[20:49:59] lapion: yes
[20:50:49] lapion: and most dvb-c/t cards come without ci option
[20:55:07] lapion: however I do have a nice siemens "Fujitsu-Siemens PCI-DVB Cable" with an analog daughterboard with the possibility of adding a ci module to the card making it the older fully capable card.
[20:55:28] lapion: however it needs to be reset, it will not load the firmware anymore
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[21:22:54] ICM: Hm, MythTV was working last night, but while randomly watching a program, it just went blank
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[21:23:40] ICM: now whenever I launch the front end, and select 'Watch TV', it'll show 'Please wait...' for a minute and display 'Could not connect to the master backend server — is it running?....'
[21:23:57] ICM: and it is, in fact, running, I've checked with ps -ef. Not sure what's going wrong
[21:24:51] lapion: so FG's are not going to be supported in 25 and beyond anymore ?
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[21:27:45] lapion: or is it just a matter of waiting for the switch from libmpeg to ffmpeg
[21:33:58] galen (galen!~galen@ has left #mythtv-users ("WeeChat 0.3.5")
[21:36:14] sphery: ICM: have you rebooted to let the system reset everything (and ensure all of MythTV's parts are brought up correctly and in order)?
[21:36:31] sphery: sometimes a reboot is the easiest way to ensure things are properly reset
[21:37:33] ICM: I suppose I might as well, just in case
[21:37:39] sphery: lapion: while they'll probably be supported as long as they're not causing undue waste of development effort, we warn against them because they /do/ cause undue waste of install/setup/configuration effort for users
[21:37:40] ICM: I'll be back :)
[21:38:10] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit (Quit: lyricnz)
[21:39:12] lapion: thanks sphery
[21:39:25] sphery: i.e. it's the hardest possible capture type to set up; it's generally a waste of power (causing your system to use significant CPU resources, thereby preventing idle/power savings); the files you get are generally only useful to MythTV (as we're pretty much the only app using NUV containers); and the quality is generally very poor because OEMs include the cheapest possible hardware just so they can say they support analog
[21:39:27] ICM (ICM! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:39:44] sphery: (or so they can sell the part for $10 rather than the $20 a hardware encoder is worth)
[21:40:01] sphery: (and, yes, I said, "the $20 a hardware encoder is worth," not "the $20 a hardware encoder costs")
[21:41:49] lapion: too bad HW-enc cards are hard to come across in europe, people are simply not selling them...
[21:42:34] sphery: yeah, it all started when the US FCC sued Hauppauge for selling analog-only encoder cards
[21:43:03] sphery: so you can likely thank my "let the market decide" government
[21:50:10] dougl (dougl! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[21:51:18] wagnerrp: sphery: harder than DVB-S with DiSECq?
[21:51:41] sphery: ok, maybe not /the/ hardest
[21:52:14] wagnerrp: of course dvb-s is infinitely more worthwhile than a framegrabber
[21:52:18] sphery: yeah
[21:52:32] sphery: at least it is where it's accessible
[21:53:19] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:54:03] iamlindoro: Since the most common DVB-S setup is a single cable to a single LNB, I would say that framegrabbers are harder than (most people's) DiSEqC
[21:54:22] iamlindoro: DiSEqC is only hard when you have to start worrying about switches and multiple LNBs
[21:55:35] sphery: and moving the dish?
[21:57:20] sphery: iamlindoro: is the "please wait background doesn't always appear" that CM is working on, already?
[21:57:53] lapion: yes but wagnerrp sphery I would think that the worst would be sw-ci/ca ??
[21:58:08] iamlindoro: sphery: yes
[21:58:12] wagnerrp: lapion: we dont support software cams
[21:58:15] wagnerrp: so thats not even an option
[21:58:53] lapion: I am talking about tv cards with usb-ci readers
[21:59:27] lapion: nvm it's the same thing.. it all boils down to sw cams
[21:59:29] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[21:59:54] wagnerrp: we only support cams which are implemented completely inside the tuner card
[22:00:03] wagnerrp: we only implement the top application layer
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[22:00:35] wagnerrp: and do not provide any of the lower layers, or routing into intermediate hardware
[22:00:41] lapion: however live tuning of fg is totally not working under 25 , and only partially under 24.1
[22:00:58] wagnerrp: so there is nothing to configure, besides a checkbox to enable hardware cam support on the card
[22:02:06] sphery: what do you mean, "live tuning of f[rame]g[rabbers] is totally not working under 25 , and only partially under 24.1"
[22:02:11] sphery: it works fine when configured properly
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[22:02:35] sphery: assuming working framegrabber hardware/drivers
[22:02:53] lapion: yeah I was looking into that and I might even buy a fire-dtv/floppy-dtv seeing how they are not so expensive.. however the cards are not certified by cable providor
[22:02:59] iamlindoro: * On your system
[22:02:59] iamlindoro: Since I am 100% certain that it works on others
[22:03:33] sphery: wagnerrp: do you have to put so much between the lines in your messages... I'll get to the recordedfile schema, eventually... sheesh.  ;)
[22:03:41] lapion: I have a system I upgraded from 23.1 to 24.1 under 23 it was working fine..
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[22:04:17] iamlindoro: Not only do I anecdotally contend that framgegrabbers work under both .24 and master, I've personally done it... and nothing has changed configurationwise
[22:04:20] wagnerrp: sphery: well the bigger issue is a mechanism in the recordedfile schema to directly address a specific title on an ISO
[22:04:22] sphery: * and during this upgrade, I /only/ upgrade MythTV, the underlying distro, which included kernel and driver updates...
[22:04:48] wagnerrp: i dont doubt you can get the stuff in for 0.26, and depending on when we freeze, before 0.25
[22:05:01] wagnerrp: but that specific feature may take a bit more effort
[22:05:08] wagnerrp: since we have nothing similar in the code currently
[22:05:24] sphery: yeah, no clue how to jump to a particular title in a dvd--nor even how they're addressed
[22:06:05] wagnerrp: it was not intended in any way as a slam against you (*cough* or how long weve been waiting for this *cough*)
[22:06:07] wagnerrp: :)
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[22:06:14] ** lapion maybe the not tunable part is amd64 related ? **
[22:06:35] sphery: lapion: if anything /besides/ MythTV changed, it's likely that you need to redo your capture card and input connections configuration at minimum (the capture card part of , not the video source part)
[22:06:47] sphery: lapion: more likely it's your current system/configuration
[22:07:01] kth1 (kth1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:07:18] sphery: as I'm sure there are probably more x86_64 users these days than x86_32 users--at least within the kernel and MythTV development communities
[22:08:08] sphery: that said, since hardware encoders are generally much closer to plug and play than frame grabbers...
[22:08:23] lapion: I have a running system that has not problem tuning into a live (analog) stream, only changing channels during live (analog) playback is not working.
[22:08:30] sphery: you might want to ask on the mythtv-users list where others in the Netherlands are buying hardware encoder cards
[22:08:43] sphery: lapion: well that's a whole different thing
[22:08:56] sphery: channel changes in Live TV are pretty unreliable right now
[22:09:11] sphery: that has /nothing/ to do with framegrabber or hardware encoder or digital capture
[22:09:40] sphery: but if you use your DVR as a digital video /recorder/, you'll never use Live TV, so won't ever change channels in Live TV.  :)
[22:09:59] lapion: I have a newly installed x64 system I installed as a trial which when scanning for channels finds live signal on every frequency.
[22:12:42] lapion: when I start the watch-tv option of mythtv if I change channel or a pre programmed recording starts and changes the channel during watch-tv the stream aborts.
[22:13:41] lapion: this last remark is on the working system not the experimental x64 system
[22:15:00] henkpoley (henkpoley!~henkpoley@2001:888:133c:0:21a:73ff:fef2:8071) has quit (Quit: henkpoley)
[22:15:04] miststlkr: when I choose to sort mythvideo by date, it sorts by day of the week first, so you end up with the listings as "Fri, 3 Jun" followed by "Fri, 20 May" then "Mon, 2 May" and so on, rather than sorting by the month/date/year as one might expect, or simply most recent back, and would be far more useful. Is there a setting I've missed to change this?
[22:16:31] sphery: miststlkr: you didn't select sort by date, you selected browse by date... in 0.25, there will be an option to sort by date added
[22:16:41] sphery: miststlkr: see . . . 3478#483478'
[22:16:44] sphery: er,
[22:17:46] miststlkr: sphery: you are, of course right. sorry for the mistake and thanks for the link. Looking forward to that little feature, it will surely be welcome in my household! cheers!
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[22:22:16] wagnerrp: this is an interesting concept for people with hidden mythtv boxes...
[22:22:47] sphery: HDMI has channel change build in?
[22:23:23] wagnerrp: HDMI-CEC is a communication protocol intended to allow different devices to work together
[22:23:44] sphery: oh, I see, that's just putting the IR cable inside the HDMI cable
[22:23:52] wagnerrp: but there was never any standard put together
[22:23:54] sphery: not actually using HDMI to signal a channel change on the A/V device
[22:23:59] DeviceZer0 (DeviceZer0!~hate@unaffiliated/devicezer0) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[22:24:04] wagnerrp: so different brands dont work in combination
[22:24:17] wagnerrp: and were no better off than all the devices having their own communications protocol as before
[22:24:25] wagnerrp: like sony's s-link
[22:24:27] sphery: wonder if that works with HDMI that requires a handshake...
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[22:24:54] sphery: heh, well there's no reason to have standards:
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[22:25:25] sphery: (actually, the article argued that legally mandated standards are foolish--and I'll agree with that)
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[22:26:12] wagnerrp: no they arent, for specifically this reason
[22:26:37] wagnerrp: for example, if you have a sony tv, you can use your tv remote to control playback on your PS3
[22:26:48] wagnerrp: and they use that as a selling point that only their TVs could do that
[22:27:00] sphery: but the government shouldn't mandate a standard
[22:27:14] sphery: the market/industry should choose (and evolve) standards on its own
[22:27:19] wagnerrp: if instead there were a minimum supported list of commands, you could configure it so any manufacturer could have that capability
[22:27:36] iamlindoro: That's why I have no standards at all
[22:27:48] sphery: and that may mean that the HDMI consortium needs to get their act together, but it's definitely not a government issue
[22:28:20] sphery: but that may be what you're saying--based off my joke that they're completely unnecessary
[22:28:24] wagnerrp: ok, i see where youre going
[22:28:42] wagnerrp: yes, it should not be government mandated, but instead mandated by licensing with the HDMI consortium
[22:30:24] eddytv: Is there a "Jump to live" keybinding that I'm not finding? i.e. if I'm watching a game live, rewound it a couple times to watch something over a few times, and now want to "jump to live"?
[22:30:27] wagnerrp: do computers and electronics have any government mandated standards?
[22:30:39] wagnerrp: besides things like radio emissions and lead content
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[22:33:06] wagnerrp: ooh... b.a.t.m.a.n. advanced meshing protocol
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[22:37:13] wagnerrp: Beirdo: you might be interested to know the linux kernel limits the maximum number of GPUs to 16
[22:38:09] sphery: but it's FOSS, so he can just change a define from 16 to 65536
[22:38:18] eddytv: I can find "JUMPSTART" to jump to the start of a recording, but no "JUMPEND", "JUMPLIVE" (or something like that)
[22:38:22] sphery: I'm sure that's all it takes
[22:38:42] wagnerrp: yeah, the kernel option came up as part of a 'make oldconfig'
[22:38:43] iamlindoro: sphery: clearly the correct number is 99
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[22:39:02] sphery: just make it -1, and I'm sure that means "unlimited"
[22:39:21] wagnerrp: also amusing, the driver name for hybrid graphics, where you have both a low power integrated, and high power discrete
[22:39:27] iamlindoro: -1 means GPU_ON_FIRE, 0 is unlimited ;)
[22:39:42] wagnerrp: is called VGA_SWITCHEROO
[22:41:26] sphery: eddytv: 1 >
[22:41:37] sphery: perhaps? To get to 1min from the end (or 0 >)
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[22:42:01] sphery: 0> would actually get you to exit on a recording, though
[22:42:50] eddytv: I'm talking live TV, like sports
[22:43:04] eddytv: I'll often be watching and want to do my own "instant replay" a few times
[22:43:07] wagnerrp: even better to watch recorded
[22:43:22] eddytv: When I'm done, I want to "catch up to live"... on the TiVo, there's a button for that :-/
[22:43:41] wagnerrp: considering something like a football game only has about 10 minutes of real play
[22:43:50] eddytv: Sports are one of the only things I actually watch live
[22:44:17] eddytv: But over the weekend I noticed I had no way to "jump to live"
[22:45:10] eddytv: So I guess the answer is, 'there is no JUMPEND' (which would only make sense for live TV, obviously)
[22:45:44] eddytv: While I was perusing the keybindings in MythWeb... and speaking of jumping... is there something that explains JUMPFFWD, SEEKFFWD and FFWDSTICKY and which ones I should assign to my remote? (I understand "SKIPCOMMERCIAL" :)
[22:47:49] eddytv: It seems that's 4 ways to "move ahead" in a program, and 4 similar ways to "move backwards"...
[22:54:24] wagnerrp: hahaha, capt.m FRWOP'd stuarta
[22:54:49] wagnerrp:
[22:55:03] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:55:05] sphery: eddytv: if you're close to live, you can just do a DOWN to jump forward by the jump amount you've specified (versus the (smaller) skip amount)
[22:55:12] sphery: see playback groups for settings
[22:56:00] eddytv: I thought 'Down' did CHANNELDOWN?
[22:56:30] sphery: wagnerrp: are you about 10mos behind on your tickets mail?
[22:56:47] wagnerrp: sphery: nah, just skimming it for 'low hanging fruit'
[22:57:06] sphery: eddytv: ah, in Live TV it does
[22:57:44] sphery: which means you'd need to use JUMPFFWD (default is PgDown) to use the jump amount you've specified
[22:58:07] wagnerrp: sphery: im wondering if he saw the name on the ticket before doing so
[22:58:23] sphery: this is the stupidity of our overriding generic bindings to do things other than what they say in different contexts
[22:58:57] sphery: I agree with CM, though--max episodes is completely unrelated to autoexpire
[22:59:00] eddytv: ok, I think that relates to my previous question about the different ways to "move ahead". I didn't have any keys on my remote set to do a "PgDown" so I didn't have JUMPFFWD
[22:59:24] sphery: and it /didn't/ autoexpire it... it recorded new and deleted old
[22:59:51] sphery: and I think he just wanted to set the preserve flag
[23:00:28] wagnerrp: autoexpire and preserve are two separate things?
[23:00:51] sphery: yeah
[23:01:07] wagnerrp: that doesnt make sense
[23:01:12] sphery: preserve is used in the scheduler
[23:01:18] sphery: autoexpire is after the scheduler
[23:01:44] wagnerrp: i dont see the difference
[23:01:56] wagnerrp: what does preserve do in the scheduler
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[23:02:11] ** sphery looks in the horse's mouth **
[23:02:17] wagnerrp: oh, i get it
[23:02:59] wagnerrp: theyre two completely independent mechanisms, with different controls for each
[23:03:07] sphery: yep
[23:03:19] sphery: CM explains it much better than I, so I'm looking for his words
[23:03:20] wagnerrp: yeah, because im looking through the query in autoexpire.cpp
[23:03:39] wagnerrp: and its checking for preserve=0
[23:03:44] wagnerrp: no need, i get it now
[23:04:05] sphery: why don't dates work in trac, now
[23:04:17] sphery: like I can't see any more detail to "10 months ago" by hovering or clicking
[23:04:20] sphery: that sucks
[23:04:23] sphery: stupid Trac
[23:04:31] wagnerrp: works here
[23:04:41] sphery: what do you do? just hover?
[23:04:49] wagnerrp: august 17 and 18
[23:04:50] sphery: are you logged in or not?
[23:04:59] wagnerrp: logged in, yes
[23:05:21] wagnerrp: you have to hover, clicking does nothing
[23:05:24] sphery: yeah, on Aug 17: 20100817 15:54:31< Captain_Murdoch> I don't know of any reasons that we couldn't substitute 'autoexpire' for 'preserve' in the maxepisodes query and rip out all the other preserve stuff. I've always held that maxepisodes was different than autoexpire, but it's not a huge deal as long as the episode can re-record. I never use the 'record new delete old' and never have things auto-expire for space reasons either.
[23:05:31] sphery: what are you hovering over?
[23:05:38] sphery: the time itself isn't even showing a link
[23:05:45] sphery: ah, now it works
[23:05:48] wagnerrp: changed 10 months ago
[23:05:52] sphery: I was used to it showing a link
[23:06:15] sphery: but it's this newfangled, "Links are for lusers, let's just rewrite the browser in JavaScript" Web 2.0 stuff...
[23:06:37] sphery: after all, why give the user an indication that more info is available... It's much better as a hidden Easter egg
[23:06:53] wagnerrp: so, not low fruit, but a behavioral change with people on both sides
[23:07:01] ** wagnerrp moves onto the next **
[23:07:11] sphery: they used to be clickable and take you to the changes for that day--I'm guessing we lost that because Trac no longer knows about commits
[23:07:23] sphery: (which is why we can't search commit messages in Trac, anymore)
[23:07:30] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:07:55] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, looks like CM gave permission to stuartm to change it to work the way stuartm wants, even thoughit's separate
[23:08:32] sphery: it will make it more understandable for people who don't take the time to learn how the different rules work
[23:09:37] Beirdo: wagnerrp: I think 16 will do :)
[23:09:38] Beirdo: heh
[23:10:11] wagnerrp: Beirdo: you never know when you might want to set up a shared memory system with more slots than that
[23:11:17] sphery: but it will mean that we'll have to flip autoexpire bits automatically if the user sets record new/delete old or they'll wonder why it's not recording new
[23:12:07] wagnerrp: i want to close 9014 with a 'this is why you dont run apache as root'
[23:12:37] wagnerrp: s/apache/lighttpd/
[23:12:49] sphery: why isn't trac responding forme
[23:12:55] sphery: ah, there... just very slow
[23:12:58] wagnerrp: it hates you
[23:13:25] Beirdo: wagnerrp: if I had such a machine, I'd be having a lot of fun with it... and the electricity bill
[23:14:07] wagnerrp: Beirdo: no you wouldnt, the neighbor would, until they found the 3/4" extension cord
[23:14:25] Beirdo: hehe, yah
[23:14:43] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[23:14:46] sphery: Tianhe-1A is only 4.28MW for 5120 AMD GPUs
[23:14:46] Beirdo: or the glowing self-contained nuclear reactor on their balcony
[23:14:46] wagnerrp: sphery: you were planning on reworking on the whole mysql.txt/config.xml/upnp thing, right?
[23:15:03] Beirdo: eww. AMD...
[23:15:06] sphery: oops, 4.04
[23:15:29] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah... in ref to which ticket?
[23:15:41] wagnerrp: 7799
[23:15:43] sphery: just making sure it's not going beyond where I intend to go :)
[23:15:59] sphery: ah, yeah, I have that one in my "stealth" list
[23:16:21] Beirdo: yay, I see paul took a stab at the MHEG stuff that's apparently borked
[23:16:32] sphery: if you want to assign it to me, that's fine
[23:16:42] Beirdo: thank you. I have no way of testing it in any significant fashion
[23:17:14] wagnerrp: 8094 too
[23:17:28] Beirdo: and the horse it rode in in.
[23:17:30] Beirdo: on.
[23:17:33] sphery: yeah, that will be included in my changes
[23:17:35] Beirdo: stupid fingers
[23:17:48] wagnerrp: although that one might need a new python patch
[23:17:55] sphery: where included means "will do the right thing"--don't know about that patch, as I haven't looked at it
[23:18:28] wagnerrp: basically, if it cant find anything on UPNP, it tries to hit the backend web server on localhost instead
[23:18:41] wagnerrp: for users running their backend on
[23:19:02] sphery: in my plan, it will first use config files (config.xml, then mysql.txt), then upnp
[23:19:14] sphery: can easily add in http as a final fallback
[23:19:22] wagnerrp: right, thats the idea
[23:19:28] wagnerrp: just a final fallback
[23:20:02] sphery: oh, and using a config file means using /all/ of it (if it contains db info, we won't search for a backend using UPnP, which overwrites the info we just found in the config file), then ask it for db info
[23:20:08] sphery: we'll actually use the info we find
[23:20:23] sphery: my end paren was a few words too early
[23:20:25] wagnerrp: thats the way the python bindings are set up
[23:20:44] wagnerrp: it takes the first instance it finds with sufficient information to login
[23:20:46] wagnerrp: and if that fails, it fails
[23:20:47] sphery: yeah, and perl actually uses the info, too
[23:20:52] sphery: only mythtv code doesn't
[23:21:23] wagnerrp: Beirdo: 8801, the upnp mythvideo stuff
[23:21:29] Beirdo: yeah
[23:21:30] wagnerrp: right now, everything is just a big flat direeectory?
[23:21:37] Beirdo: it's done except for that
[23:21:39] Beirdo: yes
[23:21:44] wagnerrp: eew
[23:21:53] wagnerrp: has it always been like that?
[23:21:53] Beirdo: the directory structure isn't shown somehow
[23:22:05] Beirdo: no, we had two scanners before
[23:22:05] wagnerrp: i know it used to show up like that on my PS3
[23:22:12] wagnerrp: but i always assumed it was a limitation of the PS3
[23:22:16] Beirdo: hmm
[23:22:31] wagnerrp: no, i mean that it was a flat directory
[23:22:37] Beirdo: I'm pretty sure we had a directory structure when I'd tested it before
[23:22:37] wagnerrp: nothing to do with which database table its using
[23:23:14] Beirdo: it has something to do with how we populate data pulled from the db though ... into the structures used for UPnP
[23:23:18] Beirdo: so...
[23:23:45] Beirdo: we can call that closed if we want, but then open another task to have the directory structure come out via UPnP?
[23:23:52] sphery: isn't 8801 from before the upnp conversion to use videometadata?
[23:24:03] wagnerrp: nah, just trading one open ticket for another
[23:24:05] wagnerrp: no benefit
[23:24:05] Beirdo: originally yes
[23:24:34] sphery: so in theory if the problem existed before the change to use videometadata, that's unrelated to the problem, right?
[23:24:52] Beirdo: I'm not sure anymore
[23:26:00] sphery: heh, "This has been committed as a4ba70865147 in master." but . . . 93b2b3be001/ disagrees, "Make the socketthread quit before waiting
[23:26:17] sphery: wonder if that's one of the commits that got renumbered in the merge debacle
[23:26:30] Beirdo: nah
[23:26:37] Beirdo: more likely a cut/paste
[23:26:38] sphery: (merge debacle that happened when a private repo was merged into trunk)
[23:27:03] Beirdo: as that did point at a real commit, but seemingly the wrong one
[23:27:24] sphery: guess that makes sense
[23:27:45] Beirdo: that was likely me pasting the wrong thing :)
[23:28:27] Beirdo: what were you looking for?
[23:29:18] lapion: I just found a really painfull but unrelated mistake I made, I set the local backend to (local-lan address) and the master backend to
[23:30:06] wagnerrp: you sure the address isnt
[23:30:15] lapion: and so the localserver was looping... and exiting without noticeable reason..... after some research and googling I found out my mistake both have to be the same address
[23:30:57] lapion: be it localhost or the local lan address
[23:32:28] techmik (techmik! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[23:37:45] Beirdo: sphery: might this be what you were looking for?
[23:37:55] Beirdo: . . . 1b5d89c833a1
[23:38:07] sphery: heh, yeah
[23:38:18] kormoc_afk (kormoc_afk!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:38:22] sphery: thanks for finding it
[23:38:41] sphery: didn't really need to see it, but was just curious what the message said
[23:38:46] kormoc_afk (kormoc_afk!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:40:10] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[23:41:43] MaverickTech: good morning peoples
[23:41:51] MaverickTech: I have a question about some hangs in my myth frontend
[23:41:57] MaverickTech: what's the polite path – ask here, or post to mythtv-users@... ?
[23:42:16] ** wagnerrp suggest MaverickTech lay off the ganja **
[23:42:43] wagnerrp: good morning? madness... madness i say
[23:43:17] MaverickTech: sun in the east is about the only clue – otherwise my sleep is all screwed up ;)
[23:43:45] wagnerrp: anyway, shoot
[23:43:52] kormoc: wagnerrp, looks like it's 9:45 am where he is
[23:44:06] MaverickTech: --- Received a CTCP TIME from kormoc ;)
[23:44:16] kormoc: MaverickTech, handy thing that is
[23:44:19] wagnerrp: that just means his clock is broken
[23:44:25] kormoc: heh, fair 'nuff
[23:44:55] MaverickTech: I am a programmer, so timezones are only a suggestion, they're not to be followed
[23:45:00] MaverickTech: anyways...
[23:45:30] MaverickTech: when scrolling through 'recordings', i.e. with the down button jammed down in the remote, the frontend has a habit of locking up
[23:45:34] MaverickTech: crap – phone
[23:45:34] MaverickTech: btrb
[23:46:00] wagnerrp: must be on the ganja... he just crapped on his phone
[23:48:05] iamlindoro: don't be silly
[23:48:06] iamlindoro: he crapped it *out*
[23:48:07] kormoc: or he removed his phone from the brap
[23:48:50] wagnerrp: is a brap when you burp so hard, crap comes out of your mouth?
[23:49:08] iamlindoro: no, you're talking about a shurp
[23:49:22] kormoc: This sounds like a south park episode
[23:55:02] hoolio (hoolio! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[23:59:20] wagnerrp: FU--!
[23:59:46] uglyoldbob (uglyoldbob!~me@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

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