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Wednesday, June 15th, 2011, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:43] ** Novae just recieved a HDHomeRun! :) **
[00:02:50] Novae: let the play begin
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[01:36:38] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:45:59] wagnerrp: sphery: uh oh... no more appletv support?
[01:46:42] ** iamlindoro cries tears of joy **
[01:47:04] wagnerrp: does this mean we can close all open tickets for apple remotes?
[01:47:21] iamlindoro: But in all seriousness, not supporting a hardware platform you can't even buy any more seems ok to me
[01:47:26] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:38] iamlindoro: (though admittedly that's a weak excuse)
[01:47:49] iamlindoro: and besides, those people can go on using it w/ Linux
[01:48:02] iamlindoro: Which any sane person would have done in the first place anyway
[01:51:26] sphery: oh, no... I just bought a palette of Apple TVs for $25
[01:51:39] sphery: was going to have a frontend in every corner of every room of the house
[01:51:42] iamlindoro: Heck, the palette is worth $25
[01:51:52] iamlindoro: The ATVs came free
[01:51:57] iamlindoro: you can brick up a wall with them
[01:52:10] iamlindoro: or resurface your driveway
[01:52:17] pigeon (pigeon! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:53:23] sphery: heh, true--I could find a lot more uses for the palette than the ATVs
[01:53:28] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:53:49] skd5aner (skd5aner! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:54:01] iamlindoro: Isn't it "pallet" when referring to the forklift thingie?
[01:54:05] iamlindoro: maybe?
[01:54:20] wagnerrp: yes
[01:54:38] wagnerrp: otherwise, you bought a whole palette of different colored apple tvs
[01:54:49] sphery: heh
[01:55:10] wagnerrp: you can swap them out to go with whatever shows youre wearing that day
[01:55:10] iamlindoro: I blame sphery, I followed his lead
[01:55:10] sphery: it had blueberry and strawberry ones!
[01:55:39] iamlindoro: ah, Gil Amelio ATVs
[01:56:23] sphery: wow, you must know your apple history /much/ better than I
[01:57:03] wagnerrp: looks like AMD is going to be pushing a lot more memory bandwidth in the future
[01:57:09] iamlindoro: Heh, Gil Amelio was boss when everything was Tangerine this, flower power that
[01:57:20] sphery: did you see the series A stuff today, wagnerrp ?
[01:57:21] iamlindoro: Jobs' first act upon return was to kill that stuff off
[01:57:34] wagnerrp: read some ars review
[01:57:46] wagnerrp: the graphics chip on the new APUs is too powerful
[01:57:59] sphery: I wonder how the turbo goes... is it something you can rely on or is it burst only
[01:58:22] wagnerrp: meaning its ridiculously starved for memory bandwidth
[01:58:24] sphery: of course, I'd be better off with an Atom since series A is 35W or 45W, and Atom is like 4W
[01:58:56] sphery: are they using HT for the bus?
[02:00:10] wagnerrp: between the CPU and GPU?
[02:02:00] sphery: yeah
[02:02:06] wagnerrp: dont know
[02:02:28] sphery: just wondered... I should probably read up on the architecture a bit
[02:02:42] wagnerrp: this really documents just how important memory is to modern graphics cards... . . . ce-preview/3
[02:03:04] sphery: yeah, fusion would be using main memory for gpu, right?
[02:03:08] sphery: if so, that's a big downside
[02:03:14] wagnerrp: (check out the page)
[02:03:43] Technophil1 (Technophil1! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:04:11] iamlindoro: One of these days I'm going to need to build an honest to goodness gaming PC again
[02:04:14] Technophil (Technophil! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[02:04:19] iamlindoro: such a pain in the butt to keep up to date, though
[02:04:25] sphery: no joke
[02:05:06] HoochMobile (HoochMobile!~HoochMobi@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:05:26] sphery: I have been "handing down" mythtv frontend parts to my mythtv dev box, and have a drive in there for gaming, but it's no "honest to goodness gaming pc"
[02:05:52] wagnerrp: i basically run whatever graphics card i can pick up for $100 when i feel like upgrading
[02:06:00] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:06:23] wagnerrp: running a 9800GT currently
[02:07:07] iamlindoro: I have GPUs to spare around here, some of them quite good
[02:07:31] iamlindoro: I just a) don't want to reboot a myth system to game, and b) don't want to run a system exclusively devoted to gaming (no room, waste of energy and money)
[02:07:51] wagnerrp: well... my desktop still runs windows
[02:08:06] iamlindoro: But that doesn't mean I don't wonder how certain games would look at Super-High-Def and full anisotropic triple buffered fellate-o-vision
[02:08:50] sphery: falafel vision?
[02:08:52] wagnerrp: i used to do triple monitor gaming, but my 6800GS at the time just didnt have the power for it
[02:09:11] sphery: I once heard about a guy with walleye vision
[02:09:30] wagnerrp: he get a job as a radar operator?
[02:09:52] sphery: heh
[02:10:07] sphery: that movie was so bad
[02:10:13] Twigg (Twigg! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:22] wagnerrp: so bad it was good
[02:11:33] GWG (GWG! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:11:43] GWG: I have a question.
[02:11:47] GWG: What is mythfillnetvision?
[02:11:53] [R]: nothing
[02:12:06] GWG: I've just recently noticed this, and assume it is part of a plan to move site map updating to the bacend
[02:12:45] wagnerrp: no, it is a script to allow updating to run as a background process
[02:12:52] iamlindoro: s/script/application/
[02:12:55] wagnerrp: rather than require it to be called on demand in the frontend
[02:13:01] wagnerrp: yeah, binary, not script
[02:13:02] [R]: hrm, is that in trunk?
[02:13:05] iamlindoro: and .24
[02:13:08] [R]: really
[02:13:10] GWG: But, is it a background process on the frontend or on the backend?
[02:13:13] GWG: I noticed it in .24.1
[02:13:27] wagnerrp: anywhere the grabber scripts are installed
[02:13:31] GWG: Okay.
[02:13:39] wagnerrp: generally that would be your backend
[02:13:41] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[02:13:48] GWG: Is that enabled by default?
[02:13:58] iamlindoro: There's nothing to enable, it's for *you* to cron
[02:13:58] wagnerrp: no, you have to run it through cron
[02:14:05] GWG: Okay.
[02:14:10] GWG: I can do cron
[02:14:28] GWG: Now that I've finished my server upgrade, I want to start enabling features I didn't play with under the old system
[02:14:33] GWG: Including more of mythnetvision
[02:14:39] GWG: what else have I missed that's more recent?
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[02:32:15] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v iamlindoro
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[03:04:46] sphery: wagnerrp: all of last season of Flashpoint is gone
[03:05:14] sphery: I must have accidentally deleted it when I was cleaning up the cancelled shows
[03:05:27] sphery: er, I mean, MythTV must have done it!
[03:05:29] iamlindoro: And nothing of value was lost
[03:06:00] sphery: I really like the show
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[03:11:15] tgm4883: sphery, I agree, flashpoint is good
[03:11:22] ** tgm4883 is catching up on netflix **
[03:11:45] sphery: I have to figure out how I'm going to catch up--after having accidentally deleted the season
[03:12:16] tgm4883: sphery, unmark it as deleted from the deleted group?
[03:12:24] sphery: heh
[03:12:31] sphery: no such group here
[03:12:36] tgm4883: :/
[03:12:47] sphery: delete means delete
[03:12:54] ** tgm4883 trusts the mythtv backend to delete things when it needs room **
[03:13:36] kormoc: iamlindoro, you'll be proud. I signed up for a Couch to 5k class starting in two weeks.
[03:13:47] iamlindoro: I am proud ;)
[03:13:50] abqjp (abqjp! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:14:10] iamlindoro: And it'll be fun
[03:14:14] iamlindoro: and there will be girls
[03:14:37] kormoc: A girl is 'dragging' me to it. She's taking it at the same time
[03:14:48] iamlindoro: There ya go!
[03:14:52] iamlindoro: Built in success!
[03:14:57] kormoc: Aye :)
[03:23:10] Novae is now known as _Novae
[03:24:23] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, guess I didn't accidentally delete Flashpoint--I actually watched it
[03:24:36] sphery: I thought I had one more season to watch...  :(
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[03:53:02] k-man: anyone ever have a problem with LIRC suddenly misbehaving? like once every 6 months or so?
[03:54:19] [R]: nope
[03:55:05] k-man: twice now i've had this problem where suddenly lirc seems to respond to remote signals it should be ignoring. like the volume for my amp. when i press down, it pauses mythtv
[03:55:11] k-man: restarting lirc seems to fix it
[03:55:13] k-man: very strange
[03:55:48] k-man: but as i said, it doesn't happen often
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[04:25:49] hoolio: you could ad a cronjob to restart lirc every now and then
[04:25:50] hoolio: :)
[04:25:54] hoolio: is that bad?
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[07:17:22] hoolio: anyone awake?
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[11:21:17] awalls: !help
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[13:48:58] AlmightyOatmeal (AlmightyOatmeal! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:49:01] AlmightyOatmeal: I'm trying to gather imdb data for my movies and i'm getting the following msg and it doesn't appear any data is going into the database:, any ideas?
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[13:57:12] AlmightyOatmeal: is there any way to verify is actually fetching data despite that error?
[13:59:43] wagnerrp: AlmightyOatmeal: you cannot use imdb for data
[14:00:19] AlmightyOatmeal: wagnerrp: the imdb-bulk-update is using tmdb or something like that
[14:00:40] wagnerrp: it may be
[14:00:51] wagnerrp: in any case, you cannot use imdb data
[14:00:54] stuartm: wagnerrp: look at the paste
[14:01:13] stuartm: it's invoking
[14:01:29] wagnerrp: so its poorly named
[14:01:40] stuartm: but the script is broken because it's supplying a line of xml to -D instead of an id
[14:02:01] wagnerrp: oh
[14:02:06] wagnerrp: its using the old format
[14:02:26] wagnerrp: the old search format for provided one response per line
[14:02:34] wagnerrp: in the format "id:movie title"
[14:02:56] wagnerrp: in the new format, the first line is the xml descriptor
[14:03:05] wagnerrp: so it is trying to search for that instead
[14:03:28] stuartm: would using jamu or similar not be a better idea?
[14:03:45] ** stuartm isn't really familiar with jamu or mass metadata updates **
[14:03:58] AlmightyOatmeal: i'm not familiar with jamu myself
[14:04:10] wagnerrp: actually, mythvideo supports bulk updates internally
[14:04:14] wagnerrp: no need for external script
[14:04:49] stuartm: wagnerrp: in trunk/master, was it added before the 0.24 release?
[14:04:52] AlmightyOatmeal: wagnerrp: if that were working then i wouldn't need to do it manually, and the built in bulk update calls the tmdb scripts anyway
[14:05:06] wagnerrp: bulk updates exists in 0.24
[14:05:28] stuartm: AlmightyOatmeal: the tmdb scripts are working, it's the imdb-bulk...blah that is broken
[14:05:37] AlmightyOatmeal: ah
[14:05:40] wagnerrp: AlmightyOatmeal: yes, but imdb-bulk-update does not understand how to use
[14:05:42] wagnerrp: mythvideo does
[14:06:06] AlmightyOatmeal: mythvideo does nothing though, out of over 800 movies it has fetched data on maybe 4 or so
[14:06:20] stuartm: right, time to install my new DVB-S2 card, wish me luck
[14:06:23] stuartm (stuartm!~stuartm@mythtv/developer/stuartm) has quit (Quit: Gone)
[14:06:46] wagnerrp: then either you did not run the bulk update properly, or the videos do not match entries on
[14:07:36] AlmightyOatmeal: all of my movies are named like TITLE (YEAR OF RELEASE).EXT
[14:07:59] wagnerrp: the year should be ignored by the scanner
[14:08:13] wagnerrp: and mythtv should be searching for the title
[14:08:21] wagnerrp: hit 'w' on one and see if it works
[14:08:54] Novae is now known as _Novae
[14:09:18] AlmightyOatmeal: i need to map W to a key on my remote, what would 'w' be set to as an action?
[14:09:34] AlmightyOatmeal: nevermind
[14:10:21] AlmightyOatmeal: it shows fetching details then nothing
[14:10:54] wagnerrp: what does it say the title is?
[14:10:58] AlmightyOatmeal: for example, the movie 100 feet. i can search and it pulls up everything directly but mythvideo does nothing
[14:11:30] wagnerrp: what is the exact filename?
[14:11:32] AlmightyOatmeal: and the file name is "100 Feet (2008).avi"
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[14:14:01] wagnerrp: it should work fine
[14:14:15] AlmightyOatmeal: should and are being two different things
[14:15:16] wagnerrp: the scripts work fine, and the response is only one character off
[14:15:26] wagnerrp: default allowed distance should work
[14:15:38] AlmightyOatmeal: the end result is clearly not working
[14:16:05] wagnerrp: caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan you paste some frontend logs?
[14:16:12] wagnerrp: gah...
[14:18:02] AlmightyOatmeal: i'm not seeing any logs pertaining to fetching of data in the frontend log, mainly database connection and the infocenter weather applet
[14:23:12] AlmightyOatmeal: gah?
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[14:27:31] wagnerrp: gah... my 'a' got stuck
[14:27:41] AlmightyOatmeal: hah
[14:28:21] AlmightyOatmeal: did you still want FE logs even if there is no output from metadata updating?
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[14:28:47] wagnerrp: if theres no output, logs wont do much good
[14:28:57] AlmightyOatmeal: i figured as much
[14:29:16] iamlindoro: But if there's no output, then you're also not initiating metadata grabbing
[14:29:34] AlmightyOatmeal: which would then be a mythvideo issue?
[14:29:54] iamlindoro: No, it would be you failing to properly initiate metadata grabbing
[14:30:07] iamlindoro: or running with a verbosity level that suppresses it, like -v none
[14:30:53] iamlindoro: From your Jamu output, it appears that you probably upgraded myth and then failed to upgrade Jamu to a version to support new python bindings
[14:31:08] iamlindoro: It's quite likely that you have made a similar mistake with the bindings/metadata scripts
[14:31:11] wagnerrp: that was... imdb-bulk-updater.pppppppppppppppppppppl output
[14:31:23] iamlindoro: Well whatever that is, it's not supported
[14:31:35] wagnerrp: which very likely cannot be updated to support the current metadata scripts
[14:31:43] AlmightyOatmeal: i'm working with jamu directly right now, if this fails then i will run the FE with increased logging output
[14:31:56] iamlindoro: Please just use the frontend
[14:32:01] iamlindoro: Jamu is deprecated
[14:32:27] iamlindoro: Highlight the movie, press MENU->Item Details->Retreive Details
[14:32:37] iamlindoro: then pastebin the entire log, even if you don't think it's important
[14:33:11] AlmightyOatmeal: give me a min, i need to find a keyboard and mouse to hook up to the box
[14:33:27] wagnerrp: why cant you use a remote?
[14:34:04] wagnerrp: while you may not have 'w' bound, you cant do much in mythtv without a MENU button
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[14:40:14] AlmightyOatmeal: wagnerrp: i need to increase the verbosity because doing what was said produces 0 logged output
[14:40:39] AlmightyOatmeal: and do to that i need to open a terminal on the mythtv box and in order to type i need a keyboard
[14:40:48] iamlindoro: Are you actually checking the console, or are you assuming that it's going to a log file somewhere?
[14:41:01] iamlindoro: If a log file, what is the latest datestamp in that log file?
[14:41:04] wagnerrp: you can SSH in and run mythfrontend remotely
[14:42:04] AlmightyOatmeal: wagnerrp: mythfrontend: cannot connect to X server
[14:42:16] wagnerrp: did you tell it where the X server is?
[14:42:27] wagnerrp: for instance... 'export DISPLAY=0.0'
[14:44:09] AlmightyOatmeal: wagnerrp: no, and that example didn't work
[14:44:34] AlmightyOatmeal: iamlindoro: the /var/log/mythtv/frontend.log is current, but debugging is turned off
[14:44:42] wagnerrp: setenv DISPLAY :0.0 ?
[14:45:04] iamlindoro: Default verbosity should log something, did you set it to -v none, and if so, why?
[14:45:12] AlmightyOatmeal: wagnerrp: setenv not found — its fedora 12
[14:45:34] AlmightyOatmeal: iamlindoro: it logs stuff just not what is pertenant, i didn't set it to anything nor to i know where to set it by default
[14:45:39] wagnerrp: setenv isnt a program
[14:45:43] wagnerrp: its a command in your shell
[14:45:57] AlmightyOatmeal: wagnerrp: "bash: setenv: command not found"
[14:46:00] wagnerrp: and if export didnt work, it would be because you were using a csh-style shell, and setenv would
[14:46:13] wagnerrp: if you are using bash, then export as detailed would work
[14:46:26] AlmightyOatmeal: i'm using bash... export works but couldn't connect to X
[14:46:36] wagnerrp: because you didnt have permission
[14:46:41] wagnerrp: because youre running as the wrong user
[14:47:12] AlmightyOatmeal: wagnerrp: export DISPLAY=:0.0 did the trick, had to add the ':'
[14:47:55] wagnerrp: ah, whoops
[14:48:17] AlmightyOatmeal: i'm getting the grabber output
[14:48:35] iamlindoro: Don't describe the log, pastebin the log
[14:48:44] AlmightyOatmeal: give me a minute :P
[14:49:02] iamlindoro: Please post the whole thing from start to finish, don't excerpt
[14:49:12] AlmightyOatmeal: ok
[14:51:21] AlmightyOatmeal: <-- that is as much as i could grab
[14:52:34] iamlindoro: That is you running a "scan for changes" and it dutifully going off and downloading metadata in the background
[14:52:44] iamlindoro: It is not, however, doing what we asked you to do
[14:52:52] iamlindoro: that it, you didn't do what we asked you to
[14:52:55] iamlindoro: er that is
[14:53:35] AlmightyOatmeal: my apologies
[14:53:39] iamlindoro: Mythvideo will attempt to download ALL metadata for unprocessed items when you run a scan, which it is doing, successfully
[14:53:55] AlmightyOatmeal: just a moment and i will try again
[14:53:57] iamlindoro: Not only that, but it's downloading your images too-- so, basically-- everything is working
[14:54:09] AlmightyOatmeal: except for showing up in mythvideo
[14:54:32] iamlindoro: Sounds like you have file browse mode on, and you've ticked the checkbox not to show metadata in browse mode
[14:54:39] iamlindoro: Turn off file browse mode
[14:55:11] iamlindoro: When you turn on file browse mode, you're explicitly telling it *not* to use metadata
[14:55:23] iamlindoro: and turning mythvideo into a "dumb" file browser
[14:55:25] AlmightyOatmeal: it should be showing the metadata in file browse mode though, it shows up for approx 4 movies that thats it
[14:55:36] iamlindoro: No, it shouldn't
[14:55:49] iamlindoro: Again, if you want to use metadata, turn off file browse mode
[14:56:24] AlmightyOatmeal: it should, it does, and even switching to gallery mode yeilds the exact same results
[14:56:40] iamlindoro: AlmightyOatmeal: No, not gallery mode
[14:56:50] iamlindoro: You are switching views
[14:57:00] iamlindoro: not turning off file browse mode
[14:57:14] iamlindoro: Bring up the INFO menu, read the options
[14:57:46] iamlindoro: Once you've disabled file browse mode, we can continue
[14:58:03] AlmightyOatmeal: iamlindoro: again, exact same results
[14:58:37] iamlindoro: AlmightyOatmeal: You are getting frantic. Relax. These are all steps.
[14:58:52] iamlindoro: So, now File Browse mode is explicitly disabled?
[14:58:57] AlmightyOatmeal: yes
[14:59:19] iamlindoro: Good. Now highlight an item, press MENU->Item Details->Retrieve Details, and post logs
[14:59:44] iamlindoro: *Full* logs, please
[15:00:06] iamlindoro: And if you haven't restarted mythfrontend to stop the background mass grab, do so first
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[15:01:01] iamlindoro: And even though you say you have it turned on, please check the following
[15:01:14] iamlindoro: Utilities/Setup->Setup->Media Settings->Video Settings->Metadata Settings
[15:01:35] iamlindoro: Wording will depend on theme, but it will be something to the effect of "tree loads metadata"
[15:01:41] iamlindoro: Needs to be checked
[15:02:52] AlmightyOatmeal: i'mt trying to find a pastebin app to paste the entire log, my ssh buffer fills up quickly
[15:05:17] iamlindoro: Did you confirm the metadata checkbox is enabled?
[15:05:47] AlmightyOatmeal: under Metadata Settings there is "[ ] Perform metadata update after vi..." "[ ] Enable Random Trailer Playback" "[X] Display unknown file types" "[X] Enable metadata in file browser"
[15:06:23] iamlindoro: OK
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[15:07:05] AlmightyOatmeal: i told mythvideo to retrieve the details for a movie '100 Feet' but it isn't appearing in the log
[15:07:34] iamlindoro: Please just post the logs
[15:07:34] AlmightyOatmeal:
[15:08:07] iamlindoro: Oh dear, your bulk updater seems to have borked your DB
[15:08:15] iamlindoro: which is almost definitely your issue
[15:08:23] iamlindoro: 2011-06–15 10:06:25.759 Running Grabber: /usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Movie/ -l en -D <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
[15:08:28] AlmightyOatmeal: irl sadface
[15:08:47] iamlindoro: Meaning something inserted a record with raw XML, which MythVideo isn't capable of doing... it it had to be that script
[15:09:18] wagnerrp: hahahaha
[15:09:30] iamlindoro: FWIW you seem to also be choosing "Retrieve all details" and not the specific one for the single item
[15:09:43] AlmightyOatmeal: well for @#*%&'s sake
[15:09:56] AlmightyOatmeal: iamlindoro: thats the only option i have for retriving details from the menu button
[15:10:17] iamlindoro: AlmightyOatmeal: Wrong menu
[15:10:28] iamlindoro: There are two menus, MENU and INFO, you want the other one
[15:10:54] AlmightyOatmeal: <-- "2011-06–15 10:10:05.909 No results found for 100 Feet 0 0" but i can type in "100 feet" and directly get the movie info page from tmdb
[15:11:02] AlmightyOatmeal: so i don't know why it can't find the movie..?
[15:11:42] unixSnob (unixSnob!~unixSnob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:11:57] iamlindoro: 011-06–15 10:10:04.507 Running Grabber: /usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Movie/ -l en -D <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
[15:12:03] iamlindoro: because your script broke the DB record
[15:12:28] AlmightyOatmeal: is it fixable? i more or less have nothing that i need to retain in the DB
[15:13:09] iamlindoro: Move the movie out of your Mythvideo dirs, run a scan so that it's removed, move it back in, run a scan, then pull metadata for it
[15:13:33] iamlindoro: Obviously that solves the single instance of corruption, but it's harder to know how much exactly there is
[15:13:57] AlmightyOatmeal: the movies are on a cifs volume so i can just unmoutn the volumes, scan, remount and presto?
[15:14:10] iamlindoro: Sure, if you are cool with all of it being removed and readded
[15:15:20] wagnerrp: which is why we insist that things which access the database directly check the schema
[15:15:42] wagnerrp: while the schema and grabber format are not related, had it checked the schema, it would have refused to run
[15:16:01] iamlindoro: remember when you run a scan, it's going to go off and try to get the metadata for everything new that was added (and anything old which hasn't yet been processed), so you can either be very patient as it finishes that, or you can manually select the item and download the individual metadata, which jumps it to the front of the line
[15:16:20] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: isnt that disabled by default?
[15:16:46] AlmightyOatmeal: iamlindoro: i will end up selecting one from the front of the line to make sure, it's currently adding videos
[15:16:52] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: It is (well, it was until I just changed the default), but AlmightyOatmeal has it enabled (which is good, I think it should be)
[15:16:59] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:19:59] wagnerrp: fair enough
[15:19:59] ** AlmightyOatmeal whistles while tapping his fingers on the laptop **
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[15:24:01] AlmightyOatmeal: how about that, success
[15:24:10] ** AlmightyOatmeal hugs and licks iamlindoro and wagnerrp **
[15:24:22] iamlindoro: Hopefully that's a hug and a lick respectively
[15:24:23] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:24:24] iamlindoro: ;)
[15:24:38] iamlindoro: Glad it worked, and we'll remember to say bad things about that script
[15:25:11] AlmightyOatmeal: good plan :)
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[15:25:45] iamlindoro: AlmightyOatmeal: If you're the one who posted the similar sounding problem to the users list and wouldn't mind following it up for archival purposes, that would help
[15:25:47] ** AlmightyOatmeal does the fat kid happy dance **
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[15:26:03] AlmightyOatmeal: iamlindoro: that wasn't me actually, i don't use forums or mailing lists usually
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[15:26:09] iamlindoro: ok, thanks
[15:27:17] stuartm_: yay for the s2-liplianin branch compiling uncompressed modules when the pre-installed are compressed
[15:28:04] stuartm_: that's a huge mess that I don't know where to start fixing
[15:28:34] stuartm_: seriously, who uses uncompressed modules anymore?
[15:28:52] AlmightyOatmeal: is there a different way to get netflix working besides the virtual machine setup?
[15:29:13] iamlindoro: Probably not, they rely on silverlight and silverlight DRM, which don't exist in linux
[15:29:33] AlmightyOatmeal: well that just sucks :(
[15:31:47] stuartm_: the large brown envelope they took from Microsoft is entirely unrelated to their decision to use Silverlight
[15:32:22] iamlindoro: Don't be silly, the envelope was red, and addressed to "Nearest Netflix Facility"
[15:32:37] iamlindoro: Which is likely not a funny joke if you're not familiar with how Netflix works/you don't live in the US :)
[15:33:42] mycoserve (mycoserve!~mycoserve@unaffiliated/mycosys) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[15:33:55] AlmightyOatmeal: now i just need to get all the buttons working on my ATI Home Theater remote, such as volume, and extra buttons... the number keys, navi/select keys work, but volume, play, pause, extra buttons, etc don't work yet
[15:34:41] AlmightyOatmeal: and then figure out of my hardware is capable of decoding large high def video files, it seems to choke pretty damn well on large files
[15:36:20] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!~pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:36:24] iamlindoro: We definitely recommend that people have adequate CPU to decode files when hardware decoding fails, but if you have a sufficiently new nVidia GPU you can definitely use that
[15:36:32] iamlindoro: ie, anything 8200 or newer
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[15:37:20] AlmightyOatmeal: i'm using a PCI nVidia GeForce 6200 (256m), the best video card i have. i have an ati radeon home theater pci card as well (64m) that's like a radeon 7500
[15:38:19] AlmightyOatmeal: unfortunatly this box has limited capabilities, 2x pci slots, the processor is AMD and it's showing up as "Unknown Processor" even after a bios reset at 1.4ghz
[15:38:40] stuartm_ (stuartm_!~stuartm@mythtv/developer/stuartm) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[15:38:58] AlmightyOatmeal: i may turn this box into my router and use my router as a media box, at least that has 2x pci and 1x half height agp at 2.4ghz, but only 512mb ram (this one has 768m ram i believe)
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[16:12:31] ** skd5aner hearts markk **
[16:12:35] skd5aner:
[16:12:42] wagnerrp: AlmightyOatmeal: anything you may have used for a mythfrontend is rather overkill for a router
[16:13:03] wagnerrp: and you dont want to use an AGP box for mythtv
[16:13:51] sphery: wagnerrp: that's not necessarily true... Atom would make a good router (and, despite making a terrible frontend, many use Atom for a frontend)  :)
[16:14:25] wagnerrp: IMO, an Atom is overkill for a router
[16:14:28] sphery: though, really, ARM makes a better router--better power consumption and nice distros like openwrt
[16:14:31] wagnerrp: at least a consumer grade one
[16:15:00] sphery: yeah, definitely more than you need--and no idle power savings, so...
[16:16:00] wagnerrp: ive got a rather complex rule set
[16:16:26] wagnerrp: and even under full internet capacity (5mbps), my router hits a whopping 3% usage
[16:16:45] wagnerrp: and thats a dinky 500MHz AMD Geode
[16:16:48] sphery: wow
[16:16:54] sphery: geode just for x86?
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[16:17:04] AlmightyOatmeal: wagnerrp: right now my router has a processors twice as fast as my mythtv box
[16:17:04] sphery: or any particular reason you didn't go arm?
[16:17:40] AlmightyOatmeal: but i'm afriad the half height agp card may have a faster interconnect but the pci card i'm using has the better gpu?
[16:17:41] wagnerrp: sphery: didnt know of any nice ARM routers when i bought this thing...
[16:18:17] sphery: a processor 2x as fast as a mythtv box is definitely overkill for a router
[16:18:33] sphery: so were you just thinking of swapping so that you used the faster system for the myth box?
[16:19:06] AlmightyOatmeal: sphery: at the time it was the only spare box i had. Yes, that's the plan, but the problem is the form factor... either i use the half height agp card (trying to find the specs now) or the pci nvidia card
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[16:20:09] sphery: yeah, pcie nvidia would be much better than either of those options
[16:20:16] AlmightyOatmeal: pci, not pci-e
[16:20:22] sphery: right
[16:20:27] wagnerrp: PCI cards cannot be used for HD video
[16:20:49] AlmightyOatmeal: i really don't have many options available :(
[16:21:07] wagnerrp: PCI doesnt have the throughput for HD video
[16:21:23] wagnerrp: you will get stuttering
[16:21:51] AlmightyOatmeal: i've noticed
[16:23:20] wagnerrp: sphery: you hear righthaven got axed?
[16:23:42] AlmightyOatmeal: so unless i find a half height agp video card switching boxes would be silly
[16:24:09] wagnerrp: spend $200, buy yourself a new machine
[16:24:43] AlmightyOatmeal: if i had $200 i would by special formula for my son who i can't see
[16:24:49] AlmightyOatmeal: i'm trying to make the best out of what i have
[16:25:25] wagnerrp: spend $60, get a PCI card that does VDPAU
[16:25:42] wagnerrp: if using hardware decoding, you bypass those bus bandwith limitations
[16:25:49] wagnerrp: .... for content the card can decode in hardware
[16:26:00] AlmightyOatmeal: if i had anything more than $10 i would have spent it on formula
[16:26:04] AlmightyOatmeal: i will look into that
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[16:29:40] sphery: wagnerrp: nice
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[16:32:00] wagnerrp: judge ruled that they cant sue people for copyright infringement when they dont hold the copyright
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[16:32:17] wagnerrp: the newspaper only sold them the right to sue, not the copyright itself
[16:32:24] wagnerrp: which... is simply not legally valid
[16:32:40] wagnerrp: the judge also gave them two weeks to explain why they should not be sanctioned
[16:35:02] stuartm: wagnerrp: ?
[16:35:33] sphery: stuartm: righthaven (from :23:20, above)
[16:35:34] wagnerrp: [12:23] <wagnerrp> sphery: you hear righthaven got axed?
[16:36:15] wagnerrp: righthaven is a copyright troll out of las vegas
[16:36:46] stuartm: ah, ok missed that in between the vdpau discussion
[16:37:03] wagnerrp: they search the internet for reprints of old news articles from stephens media sites
[16:37:16] wagnerrp: when they find something possibly infringing
[16:37:30] wagnerrp: they buy the right to sue from stephens media
[16:37:51] wagnerrp: and then threaten the offending company, pay up or we sue you
[16:38:08] stuartm: ick
[16:38:15] sphery: and most people ended up settling with them because of the cost of fighting it
[16:38:16] wagnerrp: they sue people such as some politician, who posted an article ABOUT HER on her website
[16:38:45] wagnerrp: or people who paste in cited excerpts from articles
[16:39:05] wagnerrp: stuff that is debatably fair use
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[16:39:28] wagnerrp: anyway, stephens media is not suing them, but rather righthaven is
[16:39:37] wagnerrp: only righthaven doesnt own the copyright to such content
[16:39:42] wagnerrp: so they have no right to sue
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[16:54:38] stuartm: SM sound like the winners here, they took RH's money for a worthless piece of paper and they aren't being dragged into court
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[17:22:51] wagnerrp: stuartm: no, righthaven was spawned off by stephens media as a means of suing people without putting their own name on docket as the plaintiff
[17:23:24] wagnerrp: basically, they didnt want the bad publicity to backwash onto their journal
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[17:29:27] stuartm: ah, heh
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[17:30:40] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: Did you ever get around to trying the lcd patch? ;-)
[17:31:26] Beirdo: yes, but for some reason, I hadn't merged it yet. I'll do that when I'm back home at the end of the week
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[17:32:01] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: Cool. How much cleanup of my hackish C did you have to do?
[17:32:17] Beirdo: I don't remember :)
[17:32:43] Beirdo: I'll take another good look at it when I'm back though... at a USENIX confernce right now :)
[17:32:57] J-e-f-f-A: Nice... /me is jealous!
[17:33:46] Beirdo: one of the talks is on GPU scheduling
[17:33:47] Beirdo: fun
[17:34:04] J-e-f-f-A: No rush... I just hadn't been around too much so I thought I'd ping you while I was thinking about it. ^^ nice.
[17:35:19] Beirdo: I think my brain will be huring soon
[17:35:23] Beirdo: hurting :)
[17:35:45] aloril (aloril! has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[17:35:56] Beirdo: first up... NUMA-aware Contention Management on Multicore Systems
[17:36:37] Beirdo: oooh, nice Russian accent
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[18:04:34] Beirdo: now... GPU Scheduling for Real-Time Multi-Tasking Environments
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[18:13:54] wagnerrp: numa numa numa
[18:14:07] Beirdo: hehe
[18:14:30] Beirdo: the GPU one is pretty cool (especially if we want to use the GPU for multiple things in parallel
[18:14:51] Beirdo: like... playback and commflag, for instance (not that we do GPU-based commflag yet)
[18:15:12] Beirdo: or commflag & transcode
[18:15:14] Beirdo: etc
[18:15:36] wagnerrp: well you can only split it up so farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrr
[18:15:36] wagnerrp: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[18:15:41] wagnerrp: aaaaagghh...
[18:16:07] wagnerrp: because the cores are grouped into bundles
[18:16:15] Beirdo: it's for scheduling based on task priorities to make sure that higher priority GPU tasks get preference over lower
[18:16:35] wagnerrp: oh, one task at a time?
[18:16:40] Beirdo: yup
[18:16:46] wagnerrp: so not true multi-tasking
[18:16:47] Beirdo: the GPU only does one thing at a time
[18:17:15] Beirdo: unless you get really funky and split up the textures, I guess
[18:17:22] Beirdo: and the shaders
[18:17:44] wagnerrp: with hundreds of cores, you can use some for some tasks and others for other tasks?
[18:17:53] wagnerrp: they all run the same instruction simultaneously?
[18:18:14] Beirdo: they normally are all in parallel to my knowledge
[18:18:39] Beirdo: but I think you CAN make it do several things at once if you are really careful and merge the programs
[18:19:37] wagnerrp: so were definitely not doing anything in combination with playback
[18:19:38] Beirdo: their solution is done in the kernel space
[18:19:48] Beirdo: ewww, they used nouveau?
[18:23:12] Beirdo: yeah, we don't currently use the GPU for more than one thing at a time, but I'm thinking for future possibilities :)
[18:26:41] stuartm (stuartm!~stuartm@mythtv/developer/stuartm) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[18:35:30] Beirdo: now... Coordinated scheduling for virtualized accelerator-based systems
[18:35:30] trumee (trumee! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:35:36] Beirdo: more GPU scheduling
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