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Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:03] sphery: (at least, I don't see how it could have an effect)
[00:00:33] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:00:41] zombor: the problem with manually switching inputs is that im using xbmc to watch tv via myth protocol, so im not sure i can change the input
[00:00:50] sphery: anyway, feel free to enable browse all tuners, and if it's not too slow for you (and if it actually works), that may be useful, too
[00:03:37] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has quit (Quit: devinheitmueller)
[00:04:18] ** zombor tries **
[00:04:26] sphery: zombor: oh, well, in that case, there's a great frontend program for MythTV, called mythfrontend :)
[00:04:43] zombor: yeah, i dont want to use two programs ;)
[00:04:45] Beirdo: time for me to go home. Die, Monday, DIE!
[00:05:08] sphery: heh, I don't use 2 programs :)
[00:05:28] zombor: do you really want to get into that? ;)
[00:05:52] sphery: heh, well at least I have the home-field advantage in here
[00:07:10] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[00:07:16] LinuxMarine1 (LinuxMarine1! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:07:40] LinuxMarine1 (LinuxMarine1! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:09:04] mycosys: zombor – i have long been curios – what the hell does xbmc have that is worth the hassle?
[00:09:30] skd5aner: pretty graphics
[00:09:36] zombor: i dont want to seem like im trolling
[00:09:48] skd5aner: (not that mythtv has ugly graphics)
[00:10:01] kormoc: they do non-tv stuff better. We're getting better, but we're behind as it wasn't the focus for a long time
[00:10:08] zombor: imo, it has better movie and local tv show support
[00:10:42] zombor: live tv is a third-rate citizen to me, so im fine with watching it in xbmc, and like i said, i'd rather have only one program open
[00:11:00] zombor: i only use myth to record shows, cut the commercials out, and transcode them
[00:11:04] sphery: what do you mean by "local tv show support"?
[00:11:08] zombor: ^^
[00:11:15] zombor: local video
[00:11:18] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:11:21] kormoc: sphery, non-recorded sources
[00:11:23] sphery: so you move the shows out of MythTV recordings?
[00:11:33] zombor: yes, i transcode them, then move them to xbmc
[00:11:37] sphery: because you like XBMC's presentation of them...
[00:11:38] zombor: then delete them from mythtv
[00:11:39] sphery: ah, I see
[00:11:46] sphery: just wondered
[00:12:03] mycosys: wow – fortune in transcoding lol (jks)
[00:12:06] zombor: mythtv has great support for job queues/transocing
[00:12:28] mycosys: myth is the most integrated system i have ever seen for media
[00:12:31] mycosys: is magical
[00:12:36] zombor: well, for live tv it is
[00:12:43] mycosys: in general imo
[00:12:44] sphery: I like the record, watch, delete approach
[00:12:47] zombor: for local media, i prefer xbmc
[00:12:56] sphery: and I still have too many terabytes of recordings to watch
[00:12:59] zombor: sphery: yeah, i like to archive my shows though
[00:13:24] zombor: have them in a standard format
[00:13:27] sphery: I will admit that there are some things I'd like to improve in Watch Recordings
[00:13:29] zombor: er, location/format
[00:13:55] sphery: I plan to add tag support soon (so you can tag any recording with any number of tags and filter on tags)
[00:14:11] mycosys: spose subtitle handling could be better in myth, but i have it set to use mplayer as an alt, diff button press
[00:14:20] sphery: just can't figure out the UI for setting tags (on recording rules, recordings, ...)
[00:14:34] zombor: mythtv doesn't focus on non-live tv stuff, and that's fine, but thats why i dont use the frontend
[00:14:38] mycosys: if mythvideo-scanner worked it would be perfect lol
[00:14:39] troyt (troyt! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:15:00] mycosys: mythtv doesnt do livetv well at all zombor
[00:15:10] mycosys: it isnt FOR livetv
[00:15:15] mycosys: it sucks at it
[00:15:25] kormoc: Funny how folks see things entirely differently
[00:15:26] mycosys: epically
[00:15:30] sphery: but does recorded tv, which I think he's grouping under "live tv" (versus his, transcoded and pulled out of recordings TV)
[00:15:36] zombor: mycosys: it's the best thing out there ;)
[00:15:36] kormoc: I just don't like live tv, but myth seems to handle it fairly well
[00:15:39] zombor: that ive seen
[00:15:46] mycosys: yep =- insanely good at recorded broadcasts
[00:16:16] mycosys: zombors method kills the best bit – commflagging
[00:16:30] kormoc: mycosys, no, he does that
[00:16:33] sphery: well, if he transcodes and cuts commercials, he's likely using that
[00:16:37] zombor: mycosys: not true, i flag the commercials by hand, and transcode them out
[00:16:50] zombor: then ffmpeg them into h264
[00:17:01] mycosys: wow – you so use it for the opposite reson to me
[00:17:13] mycosys: i use it because it is easy and a pleasure to use
[00:17:15] zombor: i use it to archive, mainly
[00:17:19] mycosys: jus does its thing
[00:17:25] zombor: and to watch live tv
[00:18:24] sphery: for a savings of approximately 50% HDD space (tops--assuming you keep the same quality), where HDD space is about $0.06/GB and an MPEG-2 HDTV recording about 6GB meaning you'd save about $0.18 storage, but at the expense of how many hours of ffmpeg maxing out CPU (and system power draw)?
[00:18:40] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[00:18:58] zombor: i get much more than 50%
[00:18:58] mycosys: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[00:19:05] sphery: then you lose quality
[00:19:21] sphery: (as H.264 is designed to give approximately the same quality as MPEG-2 at half the bitrate)
[00:19:28] sphery: or you lose resolution
[00:19:45] sphery: but then again, 6GB would be the pre-commercial-cutting size
[00:19:55] sphery: and 4GB post-commercial cutting
[00:20:04] zombor: 3.8GB mpeg gets down to 1.2GB in my h264 setting
[00:20:05] sphery: so it would be saving about 2GB over a lossless transcode, right?
[00:20:51] zombor: im using the libx264-lossless_slower profile in ffmoeg
[00:21:42] sphery: anyway, I may just have a bias against transcoding because I don't see any reason to keep low-quality video with advertisements (they now put them on screen during the show), rating markers (TV V, etc.), logos, bugs, news tickers, weather interruptions, ...
[00:22:02] sphery: I just buy a good copy of whatever is worth keeping on DVD (or BluRay)
[00:22:19] zombor: i dont mind the corner logos too much
[00:22:31] zombor: and if they have interuptions, i just delete it and mark it to re-record
[00:22:55] zombor: i have debated that though, how much time i spend deleting commercials vs just buying the blurays
[00:23:11] sphery: yeah, that was the other part--the time involved
[00:23:20] zombor: thats the only concern i have
[00:23:22] sphery: especially my time, but to some extent, also, the CPU time
[00:23:41] zombor: an average day, i have probably 2–4 hours of recording
[00:23:44] sphery: in truth, that's probably the most important reason I decided transcoding wasn't worthwhile
[00:23:48] sphery: forgot about that :)
[00:24:10] zombor: but if i buy a blueray of it, there's time to convert that to h264 ;)
[00:24:17] zombor: ripping it, etc
[00:24:18] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:47] sphery: and in truth, the quality loss isn't that big a deal--as DVD quality is actually not bad on a real screen (versus the old CRTs)
[00:25:00] zombor: well, on my screen it is
[00:25:08] zombor: it's huge
[00:25:11] sphery: so you could transcode to lower quality without losing that much
[00:25:16] zombor: i can tell the difference on 720p even
[00:25:34] sphery: can tell the difference doesn't mean "is worth the difference"
[00:25:55] sphery: but you're the one who said you're cutting size enough to lose quality...
[00:26:10] sphery: anyway, if it works for you
[00:26:23] zombor: yah, since live tv is 720p, and has the logos/etc, im not too concerned about that
[00:26:40] zombor: when i rip blueray, i do it at 18cq, which ends up being like 12–15mbs
[00:26:49] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:26:50] zombor: pretty large
[00:28:11] wagnerrp: _justdave: i do not believe mythtv currently supports ASS subtitle formats
[00:28:30] wagnerrp: in fact, there is a ticket on trac, #9294, to add such support
[00:29:59] wagnerrp: _justdave: the preferred format for subtitles is to simply use the bitmapped SUB file from straight out of the DVD
[00:32:41] wagnerrp: zombor: erm... if you buy a bluray of something, then there is good chance it already is in h264
[00:32:49] zombor: wagnerrp: i know that
[00:32:57] zombor: but i dont want 50–60GB movies
[00:33:08] wagnerrp: no, more like 25–30
[00:33:08] mycosys: that said – mplayer does really well with ass atm if you are inclined to setting up an external player
[00:33:17] zombor: it looks acceptable at 12–15mbps to me
[00:33:56] wagnerrp: youre going to spend just as much on electricity transcoding that movie to 15mbps as you would just buying more hard drive space to otherwise store it
[00:34:32] larrikin (larrikin! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[00:34:34] zombor: it's not a big deal
[00:35:17] zombor: and i doubt that's completely true ;)
[00:35:40] mycosys: lol – why, do you have your own generators?
[00:35:46] mycosys: wind power ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:36:06] zombor: i dont mean electricity is free
[00:36:34] wagnerrp: well a 2TB drives goes for as little as $70 these days
[00:36:50] zombor: if you find them on sale
[00:36:51] wagnerrp: and lets say you halve the size, the difference in hard drive space is all of $0.50
[00:37:13] zombor: i think you ignore the power to run the hard drives ;)
[00:37:23] sphery: $6/yr, worst case
[00:37:36] sphery: (assumes 6W draw 24/7)
[00:37:39] zombor: right, encoding the video is dirt cheap as well
[00:37:41] wagnerrp: and you spin themm down when not ins use
[00:37:47] mycosys: hard drives spin down when you arent using them
[00:37:48] wagnerrp: so more likely around $1-$2/yr
[00:37:50] zombor: much much less than that
[00:37:56] zombor: mycosys: i know how computers work ;)
[00:38:00] mycosys: rofl
[00:38:03] wagnerrp: well lets think about this...
[00:38:05] zombor: i dont understand the need to debate things like this
[00:38:07] sphery: oh, and assumes $0.12/kWh (national average)
[00:38:10] zombor: who really cares?
[00:38:26] kormoc: zombor,
[00:38:37] zombor: kormoc: of course
[00:38:48] wagnerrp: to get a bitrate of 15mbps on 1920x1080@24fps content, with a quantizer of 18, youre going to have to run some pretty high quality settings, and youre going to have to run all sorts of denoise filters
[00:39:03] wagnerrp: that transcode is going to be /slow/
[00:39:25] zombor: wagnerrp: my 6 core machine does it in real time
[00:39:27] wagnerrp: lets day a 3GHz quad core i5
[00:39:40] zombor: if not faster than real time
[00:39:51] wagnerrp: a six core machine should manage about a third real time to achieve the settings you claim
[00:39:56] zombor: depends
[00:40:00] kormoc: huh... my 24 core box doesn't...
[00:40:18] zombor: sorry, not real, slightly less
[00:40:29] zombor: and again, who cares
[00:40:31] wagnerrp: should be around 8–10fps
[00:40:34] zombor: you do your thing, ill do mine
[00:40:38] zombor: does it really matter?
[00:40:52] wagnerrp: were just trying to show its not worth the effort
[00:41:04] zombor: how about you buy me some 2tb hard drives and i wont encode the rest of the bluerays i buy
[00:41:10] zombor: will that make you happy? :)
[00:41:22] wagnerrp: nope
[00:42:55] wagnerrp: meh... just frustrating to see people transcoding simply because 'well thats what you do'
[00:43:13] zombor: when did i say that?
[00:43:51] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:43:54] wagnerrp: thats the reason why the majority of people transcode
[00:43:59] wagnerrp: at least around here
[00:44:04] zombor: ok, when did i say that?
[00:44:12] zombor: if this whole triade is about that
[00:44:38] sphery: you said you're doing it to save storage space
[00:44:41] wagnerrp: well the triade is because people transcode because they just assume thats the efficient way to do things
[00:45:14] zombor: sphery: yes, not because "thats what people do"
[00:45:25] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:45:25] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:45:48] mycosys: i love my ssd – thats a complete reboot
[00:46:26] zombor: sphery: that email worked great, thanks
[00:47:03] sphery: enjoy
[00:48:24] sphery: OK, so I like the show House, but my favorite part of it actually the dancing dots at the beginning
[00:49:28] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[00:53:38] vbman2 (vbman2! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:58:49] Mightyball (Mightyball! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:59:39] Mightyball: has anyone gotten an HVR-2250 working?
[01:02:50] vbman2 (vbman2! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[01:03:33] zombor: Mightyball: me
[01:05:02] Mightyball: i'm trying, fresh install of latest xubuntu. following official instruction on downloaded firmware, etc. did make menuconfig (didnt change anything), then make is exiting with errors, dont know why
[01:05:44] zombor: im using gentoo, just enabled the dvb stuff in the kernel, and installed the firmware and it worked
[01:06:12] Mightyball: oh, and i'm not interested in HD or digital, just analog
[01:07:08] zombor: no idea then ;)
[01:07:21] tris (tris! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[01:07:29] Mightyball: sigh. i never have any luck getting stuff to compile properly
[01:07:33] wagnerrp: analog support should have been added to the kernel in 2.6.37
[01:07:37] zombor: there's still analog broadcasts? ;)
[01:07:38] machoo (machoo! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:07:49] Mightyball: canada, basic cable.
[01:07:59] zombor: amazing
[01:08:09] ** NightMonkey hugs his "analog" Dish receiver. **
[01:11:47] Mightyball: ok, just rebooted. dmesg says "waiting for firmware upload". then "upload failed"
[01:11:59] Mightyball: got the firmware in /lib/firmware...
[01:12:18] zombor: i needed firmware not listed on the page...
[01:12:40] Mightyball: oh good. :P where do i get that?
[01:12:49] zombor:
[01:12:50] tris (tris! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:51] zombor: i needed that
[01:13:05] achromat (achromat! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[01:13:27] zombor: in addition to these
[01:14:09] achromat (achromat! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:14:40] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:16:44] dewman (dewman! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:17:35] Mightyball: ooh, i think that may have worked
[01:18:49] machoo: Anybody have a moment to help point me in the right direction to help with missing guide data after demoting a frontend/backend machine to just a frontend machine?
[01:20:39] wagnerrp: did this use to be the master backend?
[01:20:49] machoo: yeah the only backend
[01:22:59] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:23:36] Mightyball: woot, its working! thanks zombor!
[01:23:37] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:23:50] Azelphur (Azelphur! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[01:25:56] zombor: Mightyball: np
[01:27:18] Mightyball (Mightyball! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:32:04] wagnerrp: machoo: how did you pull guide data? SD? XMLTV? EIT?
[01:32:39] wagnerrp: considering youre connecting through comcast, you should have been using SD (schedules direct)
[01:32:54] machoo: lol yeah I have an account with SD
[01:33:17] russell5 (russell5! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:33:24] machoo: I think its a mysql problem
[01:33:57] machoo: I think the frontend is still connecting to the guide db that used to be the old combo db
[01:34:07] xilet (xilet! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[01:34:19] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[01:39:36] petefoo (petefoo! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:13:30] mycoserve: you guys know anything of w7 not seeing samba machines with open auth?
[02:19:06] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[02:19:33] wagnerrp: i have still not be successful at connecting my w7 machine to my domain
[02:19:36] wagnerrp: but beyond that...
[02:19:57] machoo (machoo! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[02:24:14] Technophil1 (Technophil1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[02:27:46] mycosys: that should be solved by this wagnerrp . . . ta-windows7/
[02:28:14] mycosys: or by addin ntlmv2 capability to ur samba
[02:28:38] mycosys: but..... this isnt even SEEING the machine other than by upnp
[02:30:21] larrikin (larrikin! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:32:39] wagnerrp: is that something to do with two registry keys that have to do with authentication?
[02:33:09] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[02:34:03] wagnerrp: security policies... no, the fixes i found for something else
[02:34:12] wagnerrp: although the fixes never fixed anything
[02:34:30] wagnerrp: i can access the shares just fine, i just cant join a domain
[02:37:02] mycosys1 (mycosys1!~mycosys@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:38:10] mycosys (mycosys!~mycoDA@ has quit (Changing host)
[02:38:17] mycosys: that fix is supposed to allow domain auth
[02:47:01] mycosys (mycosys!~mycoDA@unaffiliated/mycosys) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[03:53:02] Mycosys (Mycosys!~Mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:54:16] Mycosys: I really fuxed my install
[03:59:35] wagnerrp: well im pretty sure i just got called a douche and a turd sandwich
[04:01:17] wagnerrp: kormoc: further correspondence with your 'friend'
[04:01:41] wagnerrp: i outlined why none of the devs had any desire to help him in his goals of a ad funded mythtv-based dvr
[04:02:04] wagnerrp: because of the legal implications of using the commercial detector to replace the broadcast ads with his own
[04:02:15] wagnerrp: only to get the response that i was all wrong
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[04:02:23] tgm4883: wagnerrp, wow
[04:02:25] tgm4883: just wow
[04:02:27] wagnerrp: he never intended to replace ads, only to add more of them
[04:02:37] tgm4883: Oh yea, thats a much better idea
[04:03:05] wagnerrp: giving the example that in between episodes of 'two and a half men', and 'the big bang theory'
[04:03:35] wagnerrp: instead of just having the boner pill ad, the douche ad, the tampon ad, the diaper ad... there would also be an ad for a fanless nvidia card
[04:05:53] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[04:09:06] wagnerrp: well... he intends to have a wizard available for mythtv installation within three months
[04:09:26] wagnerrp: lets see if his 'people' can get it done before the first party wizard is available
[04:10:10] wagnerrp: funny, he announced it yesterday, a full month after earnest development on it started, and a good year after the plans to do so by the devs
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[05:07:59] hooliowobbits: using mysql, trying to work out how long a recording would be
[05:08:18] hooliowobbits: given it might also be subject to record x mins before and x mins after
[05:08:29] hooliowobbits: select title,starttime,endtime,(unix_timestamp(endtime)-unix_timestamp(starttime))/ 60 from recorded;
[05:08:41] hooliowobbits: this doesn't include the pre and post padding
[05:08:46] hooliowobbits: where is that data stored?
[05:11:19] Captain_Murdoch: starttime and endtime do include padding, but they are rounded as well, so with my 30 seconds start padding, my times are normally right on the hour and half hour like 08:00:00 instead of 07:59:30.
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[05:11:58] hooliowobbits: okies, thanks
[05:12:06] Captain_Murdoch: progstart and progend don't include padding, they are the actual program start/end times from the guide.
[05:12:14] hooliowobbits: yeah, that's what i thought
[05:12:56] hooliowobbits: so if i have generous padding, say 10 mins each side
[05:13:09] hooliowobbits: how can i grab that from mysql?
[05:14:06] Captain_Murdoch: your query works fine here. shows most of my programs as 32 minutes long or 62 minutes long.
[05:14:09] wagnerrp: hooliowobbits: what language are you using?
[05:14:15] Captain_Murdoch: with my 30-second pre-pad and 120 second post-pad.
[05:14:34] hooliowobbits: wagnerrp: just the mysql query language
[05:14:57] hooliowobbits: ok. so the start and end DO include padding?
[05:15:05] wagnerrp: i mean... are you just doing this now for personal information, or are you intend to use it in a program?
[05:15:11] hooliowobbits: ah
[05:15:18] Captain_Murdoch: yes, that's what I said earlier. :)
[05:18:32] wagnerrp: note that the use of starttime/progstart is not entirely consistent throughout mythtv
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[05:21:00] hooliowobbits: (sorry phone)
[05:21:20] hooliowobbits: I have an issue with my tuner that i'm monitoring
[05:21:27] hooliowobbits: it had been cutting recordings short
[05:21:42] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: think it would be worth duplicating the entire EXIF data set into the database?
[05:22:48] wagnerrp: you said you had some 32k images... that could get a bit large in the database
[05:23:31] hooliowobbits: i've written a script which tells me how long a recording should take (using that query above), the amount of data written and then a statistic showing data written per minute of recording time "megpermin"
[05:24:08] hooliowobbits: what alerted me to an issue was that megpermin varies even when recording times dont
[05:25:15] hooliowobbits: wagnerrp: so it's for my own info
[05:27:39] hooliowobbits: for example i have three 60 min recordings (using the query above to calculate length), but the size written for each of them is 2060, 2148 and 2866.
[05:28:03] wagnerrp: hooliowobbits: well what im getting at is that depending on the language, you may be doing it the wrong way
[05:28:12] hooliowobbits: i have no idea why the data could vary so much between three 60 min recordings
[05:28:25] hooliowobbits: it's all just standard mysql query language.
[05:28:34] wagnerrp: then its not a script at all
[05:28:41] hooliowobbits: ah
[05:28:42] hooliowobbits: ok
[05:28:53] wagnerrp: anyway, that is 2060MB?
[05:28:55] hooliowobbits: it's a standard mysql query language called from a bash script
[05:28:58] hooliowobbits: yeah
[05:29:13] wagnerrp: these are digital recordings?
[05:29:17] hooliowobbits: yep
[05:29:24] hooliowobbits: dvb-t
[05:29:28] wagnerrp: then bitrate is entirely up to the broadcaster
[05:29:44] hooliowobbits: okay
[05:29:46] wagnerrp: maybe for one recording, they decided it was high action and needed more bandwidth
[05:30:06] wagnerrp: maybe for another recording, there was a more important show using the same multiplex at the same time, so it got priority
[05:30:14] hooliowobbits: yep
[05:30:18] hooliowobbits: makes sense
[05:30:28] wagnerrp: remember that each physical channel can hold a dozen or more standard definition channels
[05:31:06] hooliowobbits: okies
[05:31:09] hooliowobbits: thanks :)
[05:37:41] kormoc: wagnerrp, yeah, he's a winner!
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[05:50:37] wagnerrp: crap, there are 32 EXIF data points just for GPS information
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[06:16:51] hooliowobbits: "Are Linux users lemmings collectively jumping off of the cliff of reliable, well-engineered commercial software?" — Matt Welsh from /.
[06:17:29] [R]: yeah, i love that reliable well engineering commercial software
[06:17:33] [R]: you know, like windows
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[06:18:34] wagnerrp: i will admit that one of the problems with open source is it often produces a hodge podge of unplanned code
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[06:19:07] hooliowobbits: but not all of it gets merged
[06:19:09] wagnerrp: but then there is plenty of crap commercial software too
[06:19:20] wagnerrp: its just that no one buys it, and they go bankrupt
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[06:39:30] sphery: But then there's the FOSS code that resulted from "reliable, well-engineered commercial software" that was donated to the community--like Netscape's code.
[06:39:54] sphery: Which the Mozilla developers took a look at and said, "Yeah, this won't work. We need to redesign and rewrite it all."
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[06:40:53] wagnerrp: of course then the netscape people subsequently said, "hey, this is better than ours" and started using it
[06:41:12] sphery: yeah
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[06:53:40] G: how distructive are changes to EPG source to scheduled recordings? Should I completely take my mythbackend down to do it to be safe, or what?
[06:54:03] [R]: huh?
[06:54:38] sphery: you mean video sources?
[06:54:53] wagnerrp: mythfilldatabase will update your source data, and then schedule a re-recording
[06:54:55] sphery: as in list of channels accessible on an input and their associated tuning information?
[06:54:56] G: [R]: well, if I've got a scheduled recording, lets say the 6pm news on TV1, and I change EPG data sources, whats the chances of it messing up my scheduled recordings
[06:55:10] [R]: what do you mean change it
[06:55:13] [R]: what do you mean emssing up
[06:55:14] wagnerrp: that depends
[06:55:18] sphery: what do you mean "EPG data sources"
[06:55:25] wagnerrp: if you change from EIT to XMLTV guide data
[06:55:33] wagnerrp: show names and the like could be slightly different
[06:55:39] wagnerrp: resulting in the recording rules no longer matching
[06:55:47] sphery: and it would mean you're changing video source, which requires a backend restart
[06:56:32] G: sphery: source for my XMLTV data, I'm changing from an XML datasource that same guy generates off the NZ Satellite feeds, to a xmltv source that I've generated off the OTA HD feeds
[06:56:41] G: *some guy
[06:57:11] G: ideally, and I think it's the case, pretty much the only change is the HDTV tags
[06:57:21] sphery: well, if all that's changing is where you're pulling the data from, it's not a big deal
[06:57:31] G: although it seems the XML channel ID tags are changing
[06:57:32] sphery: (meaning if all the channel xmltvid's stay identical)
[06:57:53] sphery: otherwise, you really do want to shut down the backend (and will likely need to reconfigure your video source)
[06:58:42] sphery: also, note that if your authority and/or programids change, you'll be starting over on duplicate matching
[06:59:46] G: sphery: how do you mean?
[06:59:53] G: (sorry, still a bit new to MythTV)
[07:01:55] johd (johd!~johd@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[07:02:00] justinh: he means that changing EPG sources is likely to mess up how mythtv determines whether something is already recorded or not
[07:02:17] G: justinh: ahhhh right
[07:03:41] sphery: yeah, so if you're just starting, it's probably not that big a deal... if you have a couple years' history, it could be very annoying
[07:04:11] Beirdo: Oy, this was fun
[07:13:40] G: sphery: thanks
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[07:40:20] justinh: arghhh. I HATE Nautilus
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[07:42:45] wagnerrp: im sure captain nemo would be very disappointed
[07:44:39] [R]: finding nemo is on?
[07:45:28] wagnerrp: eh?
[07:47:54] [R]: lol
[07:48:32] wagnerrp: do you know jules verne?
[07:49:23] [R]: 50000 leagues under hte sea
[07:50:21] justinh: I was never a fan of Verne either
[07:50:34] justinh: maybe that's where my prejudice comes from
[07:51:06] staylo: nah, that's probably from Austen
[07:51:15] wagnerrp: doc brown would be very disappointed
[07:52:53] justinh: I didn't think any file browser could be slower & more unresponsive than windows explorer
[07:53:22] justinh: show as icons, dir with a few hundred photos... select a few to delete them...
[07:55:33] justinh: I could understand it needing a fair bit of memory, but pegging the CPU for minutes at a time is just ridiculous
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[08:29:12] earthnative: justinh: I'd love nautilus to have a 'terminal view' alongside Icon/List/Compact views
[08:30:06] earthnative: for those easier/faster-in-the-command-line things – like rm -rf on a tree (or du, df, any ls more complex than EVERYTHING by date/name/size, etc
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[09:03:34] toeb: where do i set the password for the html setup page?
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[09:17:53] justinh: huh?
[09:18:00] justinh: you mean mythweb?
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[09:18:32] justinh: if you do mean mythweb, you secure that the same way you'd secure any other apache setup
[09:20:02] Beirdo: fun times
[09:20:52] Beirdo: I am now routing this laptop trhough the openwrt router.. using IPv6
[09:21:03] justinh: edit config file, set password, restart apache... rinse & repeat
[09:27:33] Beirdo: I think I shall call it a day
[09:28:11] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[09:50:42] toeb: justinh: no i meant the new setup (http://backend:6544)
[09:51:19] toeb: i just want to take a look... i won't dare to really use it... ;-)
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[10:07:32] justinh: toeb: wouldn't have thought there'd be any need to protect it yet
[10:07:52] justinh: cos it wouldn't be a great idea to expose that port to the internet anyway
[10:12:19] toeb: maybe it's simply to avoid that people complain about the Setup not (yet) working correct, since it is not finished...
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[11:12:37] Captain_Murdoch: toeb, password in HTML setup is changed in HTML setup. default login and password was specified in the commit message that enabled it. :)
[11:15:29] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, I think just certain bits of EXIF might be good. one of the things considered for the modified 'file' schema was the ability to store images and music in the same structure. you may want to ask sphery about it. we already have plans to store preview images in there, so the schema can handle things like height, width, etc.. it could be extended to allow other fields as well.
[11:20:06] toeb: Captain_Murdoch: thx, i
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[12:33:17] lyricnz: Hmmm, anyone going to fix/update mythtube? Or make it good enough for official plugin?
[12:33:30] skd5aner: no need to
[12:33:36] skd5aner: mythnetvision exists
[12:33:48] ** lyricnz stfw **
[12:33:58] skd5aner: :)
[12:34:40] lyricnz: dang, wife shut down mythfe in the other room. hmm, will try on back+frontend
[12:35:16] skd5aner: what – is mythtube a way to play youtube videos in mythtv?
[12:35:20] skd5aner: or something else?
[12:35:30] skd5aner: s/what/wait
[12:36:09] lyricnz: yeah
[12:36:14] lyricnz: old stuff, pre 0.22
[12:36:17] skd5aner: yea, then MNV will work
[12:36:45] skd5aner: this is a "different" mythtube I didn't know existed, that replicates the flash functionality in mythweb I guess – . . . /155851.html
[12:40:33] seeker (seeker!~seeker@unaffiliated/seeker) has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
[12:40:57] justinh: mythtube hasn't been developed for a long time anyway
[12:41:01] justinh: like since before 0.23
[12:42:11] justinh: sucks to even have to use a flash player, especially if it can't sync redraws to vblanking
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[13:14:18] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: yeah, didnt realize just how expansive EXIF was
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[14:23:42] trumee: is there any way to replace the Call Sign with Channel name in Program guide?
[14:25:04] wagnerrp: go into the channel editor, replace the callsign with the name
[14:25:18] wagnerrp: do note that the callsign is expected to be a very short string
[14:25:22] trumee: wagnerrp: can the call sign contain spaces?
[14:25:33] wagnerrp: and doing so will likely cause conflicts with most themes
[14:26:17] trumee: wagnerrp: if not, i would want the channel icons to be bigger, is that possible?
[14:26:23] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:26:33] wagnerrp: sure, edit the theme
[14:28:39] trumee: wagnerrp: thanks. what is the best to bind a jump point to a lirc based remote?
[14:29:19] wagnerrp: bind the jumppoint to a keyboard key, bind the remote button to the same keyboard key
[14:30:18] trumee: wagnerrp: i have bind the jump to letter O. But i am bit stuck on how to bind O to the remote
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[14:30:44] wagnerrp: frontend settings, keybindings
[14:37:04] trumee: wagnerrp: i have bound the key O in the frontend
[14:37:30] trumee: wagnerrp: and am trying to bind remote Red key to letter O with irexec
[14:39:35] trumee: wagnerrp:
[14:40:06] trumee: wagnerrp: my ugly shell script is doing the job atm. But irexec for mythtv isnt
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[14:42:13] wagnerrp: trumee: if you press 'O' in mythfrontend, does it jump to mythzoneminder?
[14:42:34] trumee: wagnerrp: yes it does
[14:43:28] wagnerrp: did you restart the frontend for it to take the new lirc config file?
[14:43:47] trumee: wagnerrp: yes i did.
[14:44:02] trumee: wagnerrp: there was some error about 'O' not recognized
[14:44:13] wagnerrp: do you have the files linked properly so mythtv actually reads the file you edited?
[14:44:21] wagnerrp: mythtv does not read any file named '.lircrc'
[14:44:40] trumee: wagnerrp: ah. what file does myth read then?
[14:45:12] wagnerrp: ~/.mythtv/lircrc
[14:46:48] trumee: wagnerrp: thanks. going to try this out once the family finishes their favourite program :)
[14:51:26] soomsoom (soomsoom! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:51:43] soomsoom: How can I run mythbacend without a capture card?
[14:51:51] soomsoom: *mythbackend
[15:00:09] wagnerrp: mythbackend requires a properly configured capture card and video source
[15:00:09] hashbang: soomsoom: have you tried?
[15:01:20] soomsoom: hashbang: yep... i don't know why i need capture card if all I want its watch movie on my TV
[15:01:21] soomsoom: :X
[15:08:06] wagnerrp: because mythtv is designed to record and play back tv
[15:09:15] soomsoom: ugh
[15:09:32] soomsoom: so there is no way to make it work without capture card?
[15:09:40] wagnerrp: you can create a dummy tuner and source to force it to run
[15:10:20] soomsoom: there is a tutorial to do that?
[15:10:43] wagnerrp: not that i know of
[15:11:19] petefoo_:
[15:14:14] soomsoom: ok thanks
[15:16:30] dmz: howdy y'all, i just added 2 tuners to a new backend but myth doesn't seem to recognize it; i see in backend logs on both systems that my new server registers as a backend but it doesn't seem to noticing the tuners; any thoughts?
[15:21:41] dmz: nevermind; forgot i had to reset master backend
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[15:25:06] sphery: soomsoom: the other question is, "Do you really want to use MythTV if you're not using the TV part of it?"
[15:26:03] sphery: also note that the page petefoo_ linked is out of date--those instructions apply only to 0.23-fixes and below
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[15:47:07] JEDIDIAH__: The TV part doesn't require a tuner to be actively running at the instance you want to use the TV part of mythtv. Since the devs like to ignore LiveTV, this is even more the case than it would be otherwise.
[15:55:21] wizworks (wizworks! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:55:31] sphery: yay, another thread about to turn into a top/bottom posting flame fest because people will be offended by someone's letting a new user know that our lists use bottom-/inline-posting
[15:55:46] wizworks: having problem with mythtv box on ubuntu 10.4 screen keeps blanking after few minutes. any ideas?
[15:56:10] sphery: wizworks: step 2, don't use GNOME screensaver
[15:56:28] sphery: gnome-screensaver-command is broken, so we can't control it
[15:56:36] wizworks: sphery: I uninstalled acpi and gnome-screensaver still screen blanks.
[15:56:56] sphery: see above
[15:57:07] sphery: gnome-screensaver-command is broken--there's nothing we can do about it
[15:57:23] sphery: use xscreensaver, or--better--don't use a screensaver on a mythtv frontend box
[15:57:36] sphery: my screensaver is the power button
[15:58:13] wizworks: sphery: but I uninstalled gnome screensaver (apt-get remove gnome-screensaver) so being that it isn't there anymore, how can that be the problem?
[15:59:32] wizworks: I ran: apt-get remove gnome-screensaver acpid to remove both things that *could* cause this.
[16:00:56] sphery: not sure, then... you'd have to look at frontend log files with -v important,general,playback to see what mythtv thinks is running and if it's doing the right thing
[16:01:28] wizworks: am using HDMI output... could there be a problem with HDMI?
[16:01:39] sphery: can you start post to the log output from starting mythfrontend, please?
[16:01:46] zombor_ (zombor_!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:02:00] sphery: (startup output only requires default verbose options, so no need to restart)
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[16:04:38] wizworks: sphery: the box is both the backend and the frontend. How to stop and then start the frontend?
[16:05:43] sphery: no idea how mythbuntu wants it done... but for what I need, now, the normal log output is fine
[16:06:47] wizworks: sphery: it's not mythbuntu – rather just vanilla ubuntu 10.4. I'll see if I can get you them logs.
[16:07:16] sphery: either way, not sure how they set up their start scripts
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[16:14:53] Myth-Bert (Myth-Bert!52e8e0ea@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[16:15:11] Myth-Bert: hello of the room
[16:15:20] Myth-Bert: does someone can indicate me how can i restart the starting setup of mythtv ? please :)
[16:15:42] wagnerrp: have you recorded anything?
[16:15:50] Myth-Bert: i'm under mythubuntu 11.04 and the
[16:16:07] Myth-Bert: no no pvr recording if that what you mean ?
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[16:16:29] Myth-Bert: hellO Wagnerrp
[16:16:38] wagnerrp: if youre using mythbuntu, you should see #ubuntu-mythtv
[16:16:51] wagnerrp: tell them you want to delete the existing database, and create a new one
[16:17:06] wagnerrp: mythbuntu has some special mechanism that creates the database
[16:17:12] tgm4883: wagnerrp, or does he just want to run mythtv-setup
[16:17:39] wagnerrp: well i would dell him to 'drop database mythconverg;' and then 'mysql < mc.sql'
[16:17:45] wagnerrp: s/dell/tell/
[16:18:15] wagnerrp: but youve got some automated mechanism to create the database that i assumed should be followed
[16:18:16] ** JEDIDIAH__ wonders why he isn't having these 10.04 screensaver issues. **
[16:18:24] Myth-Bert: ok thanks WagnerrP , and tgm4883 in the consol terminal it resort me error E/ when i do myth setup
[16:18:33] trumee: Mytweb is giving me weird errors
[16:18:35] unixSnob (unixSnob!~unixSnob@ has quit (Quit: leaving)
[16:18:39] trumee: Warning at /srv/www/htdocs/mythweb/modules/tv/detail.php, line 310: !!NoTrans: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()!!
[16:18:52] trumee: Warning at /srv/www/htdocs/mythweb/modules/_shared/tmpl/default/header.php, line 16: !!NoTrans: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /srv/www/htdocs/mythweb/includes/errors.php:150)!!
[16:18:59] wagnerrp: trumee: upgrade php
[16:18:59] trumee: any idea what could be wrong?
[16:19:10] wagnerrp: you need php5.3
[16:19:40] trumee: wagnerrp: thanks
[16:20:13] wizworks: sphery: I cleared the logs and tried restarting hasn't written anything to the frontend log yet... I might have to try again later.
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[16:21:14] Myth-Bert: i will ask to #ubuntu-users right as you said WagnerrP Thx Again , Thx all For the Idea
[16:22:32] wagnerrp: Myth-Bert: the commands i gave above will work
[16:22:39] wagnerrp: if you know the root mysql password
[16:22:46] wagnerrp: you need to know that to create a new database
[16:23:16] smooph (smooph! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:24:31] Myth-Bert: arf i dont fink i have that passworw mysql :(
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[16:25:37] trumee: wagnerrp: i do have php5.3 in opensuse 11.3
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[16:25:53] sphery: wagnerrp: as far as the gallery stuff... if you want it in the main schema, I like Captain_Murdoch's plan... basically, just add a table for images with the image info you want to store, then link it to mediafile for the storage info (hostname, SG, filename, etc). can create additional "per-file" metadata, too, on the other side of mediafile (so have width/height, etc on the right and caption, date, ... on the left side – ...
[16:25:59] sphery: ... . . . e_schema.png )
[16:26:18] wagnerrp: sphery: did you ever submit any of the new tables?
[16:26:23] sphery: not yet
[16:26:26] sphery: can do that this week
[16:27:16] sphery: planned to do it a couple weeks ago, but got distracted with my HDD observing (trying to figure out what was causing those SATA errors)
[16:27:30] sphery: I do need to get it in and start the conversion, though
[16:28:28] sphery: trumee: then you haven't updated your PHP bindings?
[16:28:32] trumee: wagnerrp: PHP Version 5.3.3 is what i have
[16:28:48] trumee: sphery: ah, that might be the issue
[16:28:53] sphery:
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[16:43:54] trumee: sphery: there are no php bindings in mythtv configure script, ./configure --help |grep -i php returns nothing?
[16:44:30] wagnerrp: the php bindings were not split out until after the 0.24 release
[16:45:05] trumee: wagnerrp: so it will be installed when i do a ./configure?
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[16:45:59] trumee: wagnerrp: find /opt/mythtv-0.24/ -name "*php" returns nothing too.
[16:46:18] wagnerrp: are you running 0.24 or master?
[16:46:44] trumee: wagnerrp: 0.24 fixes
[16:46:54] wagnerrp: then there are no php bindings
[16:47:28] trumee: wagnerrp: right, so what do i need to sort out to get mythweb running?
[16:47:49] trumee: wagnerrp: i am grabbing mythweb using, git clone -b fixes/0.24 git://
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[16:50:05] trumee: and the only copy i have is ./www/htdocs/mythweb/classes/MythBackend.php
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[17:06:28] taylorr: sphery: any chance you could e-mail me the Zotac GT220 MIR form?
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[17:45:37] dmz: any suggestions on why recordings preview does't play, but only shows a static image?
[17:45:55] wagnerrp: recording previews?
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[17:47:24] dmz: in watch recordings, there use to be at one point a preview window for the recordings as you browsed the list
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[17:47:55] Toast (Toast!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:48:40] wagnerrp: not since 0.21
[17:49:25] Toast: I accidentally upgraded to 0.25. Before I role back my database and lose my latest recordings, does anyone know if I can easily edit my database back to be compatible with 0.24?
[17:50:46] wagnerrp: not easily
[17:52:30] Toast: How stable is 0.25 at the moment? My other option is to upgrade my frontends to match, but as this is my main TV, I'm a little wary of doing that.
[17:52:48] sphery: taylorr: sent
[17:52:50] wagnerrp: it varies
[17:53:20] sphery: Toast: how long between the accidental upgrade and now?
[17:53:34] sphery: you should have gotten a backend when it upgraded your db
[17:53:46] sphery: so if you just did it, you won't lose anything with a DB restore
[17:54:19] taylorr: sphery: got it, thanks!
[17:54:27] Toast: A couple of days... There is only one recording that I really need and I can grab that from mythweb.
[17:54:47] Toast: Still, would have preferred not to have to delete the rest.
[17:54:58] sphery: Toast: just stick them into MythVideo
[17:55:15] Toast: Is there any way to export the metadata?
[17:55:19] sphery: use to create useful symlinks, then use that to move them to mythvideo
[17:55:19] Toast: (without a frontend)
[17:55:33] sphery: useful symlinks = "figure out which is which"
[17:55:47] sphery: you'll lose the metadata, but can do a mythvideo metadata lookup (hit w on it)
[17:55:54] Toast: Might be easier to just download it, it's only a few GB.
[17:55:57] sphery: and it will pull a good deal of metadata
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[17:56:34] sphery: with, you can use a format that includes recording date, so that you can move all the recordings starting after the accidental upgrade
[17:57:03] Toast: Where would it put the metadata? Surely it would go back into the database and get lost?
[17:57:26] sphery: --dest=/path/to/empty/directory --format='%Y%m%d-%H%i-%eH%ei-%T-%S'
[17:57:43] sphery: gives you a nice title/subtitle view sorted by starttime
[17:57:56] sphery: mythvideo stores its metadata in a different area from mythtv recordings
[17:57:57] Toast: Thanks.
[17:58:11] Toast: but in the same database?
[17:58:22] wagnerrp: what metadata would be a few GB?
[17:58:36] sphery: wait, use: --link=/path/to/empty/directory --format='%Y%m%d-%H%i-%eH%ei-%T-%S'
[17:58:51] sphery: don't remember if --dest is really there or if that's some other program
[17:59:06] sphery: nvm... it is
[17:59:09] sphery: so either way
[17:59:32] sphery: yeah, same database, but different tables
[17:59:40] wagnerrp: all the artwork for a large library *might* total a few GB
[18:00:03] sphery: Toast: see + +
[18:00:16] sphery: just make sure you use a supported filename format and mythvideo will find all the info for you
[18:00:28] Toast: Cool :) Thanks again.
[18:00:38] sphery: and you can then tell mythtv to delete and allow re-record on the episodes if you want them in mythtv
[18:00:56] sphery: or you can just move all the mythtv recordings for those shows into mythvideo for archival
[18:01:06] sphery: or you can do the watch and delete thing
[18:02:08] Toast: My plan is to copy out this one recording, then in delete all the new recordings in mythweb so I don't have any orphans. I will then downgrade and all should be good when I start up again.
[18:09:06] sphery: that should work, but you can get all those shows into mythvideo rather easily...
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[18:59:50] wagnerrp: sphery: any idea what 'snooker' is?
[18:59:59] sphery: pool-ish thing?
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[19:00:50] wagnerrp: so its some kind of sport?
[19:00:53] sphery: yeah
[19:01:14] sphery: or game, depending on your definition of the word sport :)
[19:02:03] Beirdo: hey, Poker's on ESPN, snooker's much more a sport than Poker
[19:03:19] sphery: heh, and wrestling's on SyFy, but...
[19:03:37] wagnerrp: but... its the world series of poker
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[19:18:07] AndyCap: wonder if this would work to distribute my recordings over 5 new storage dirs. :P for i in $(ls -S *.mpg) ; do echo mv $i* /dest/0$((FILE++%5+1))/;done
[19:32:17] wagnerrp: such behavior is planned for a housekeeping task
[19:32:26] wagnerrp: but... so many plans, so little time
[19:34:36] AndyCap: moving data to a new server and new filesystems so I might as well spread it out now
[19:34:59] AndyCap: rather than keep the behemoth filesystem around
[19:37:57] AndyCap: well, it seems to be working.
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[22:08:06] ** skd5aner snickers **
[22:08:20] skd5aner: ASS subtitle support
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[23:05:42] wagnerrp: !seen nutron
[23:05:42] MythLogBot: nutron was last seen 64 days 10 hours 48 minutes 54 seconds ago
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[23:10:18] ** wagnerrp thinks we need some more perl guys **
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[23:15:37] upgrdman: im trying to login to my myth server from another box on my LAN. i recently changed from wifi to regular ethernet, and i updated the ip, but cant login. iirc, mythtv or mysql limits access to the original interface. how do i change that?
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[23:22:39] wagnerrp: mysql may restrict itself to the local system, and simply not listen on the network
[23:23:00] upgrdman: i had it working over wifi earlier
[23:23:04] wagnerrp: additionally, there are access restrictions that you either have to set up per-machine, or you could use wildcards for your whole network
[23:23:12] wagnerrp: either way, the information is in the documentation
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[23:23:33] wagnerrp: mythtv only has the two values in the database about where to access the backend
[23:23:42] wagnerrp: you have the local backend address, and the master backend address
[23:24:00] wagnerrp: and the latter setting really only exists to allow the backends to decide which one will operate as the master
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[23:38:56] Toast: sphery: Everything works now. :)
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