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Sunday, January 16th, 2011, 00:17 UTC
[00:17:44] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:19:07] russell5 (russell5! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:22:30] xtort-- is now known as xtort-
[00:27:04] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:27:34] XChatMav (XChatMav! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:28:30] aputerboy_ (aputerboy_! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[00:37:27] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[00:50:42] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
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[00:54:54] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:50] shipit (shipit! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:01:38] johnsu01: sphery: well, now I'm watching a channel with schedule data and not seeing the error
[01:02:31] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:11:41] redwizard_kde (redwizard_kde! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[01:16:47] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:18:03] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:25:30] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:32:37] Beirdo: watching the US-based Top Gear... the first one, I think
[01:32:51] Beirdo: with the Lamborghinis...
[01:33:18] Beirdo: funny hearing "oh BLEEP" every time the guy shifted gears
[01:33:36] Beirdo: he got it up to 180mph in 1 mile though
[01:43:35] unixSnob (unixSnob! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[01:44:53] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[01:45:43] tank-man (tank-man! has quit (Quit: :q!)
[01:54:37] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[02:01:25] tictric (tictric! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:08:31] mzb (mzb! has quit (Quit: Quit? I never quit! ... well, hardly ever.)
[02:09:26] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:12:49] wagnerrp: Beirdo: apparently one of them is a rally driver
[02:13:25] Beirdo: cool
[02:14:01] wagnerrp: yeah, the new yorker, the fat guy, and the guy who actually knows what hes talking about
[02:14:25] Beirdo: yup. still fun to watch, but not as good as BBC, so far
[02:28:45] croppa_ is now known as croppa
[02:32:42] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A!~J-e-f-f-A@unaffiliated/j-e-f-f-a) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[02:33:51] jya (jya!~avenardj@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Quit: jya)
[02:34:21] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A!~J-e-f-f-A@unaffiliated/j-e-f-f-a) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:34:42] plotino (plotino! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:37:52] mzb (mzb! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:39:01] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:43:50] biffhero (biffhero! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[02:49:54] iamlindoro: Where does SyFy get off calling Being Human "a Syfy Original Series?"
[02:50:15] Beirdo: hehe
[02:50:42] wagnerrp: well... its original film, if not original in concept
[02:50:49] skd5aner: same marketing department that renamed the network "SyFy"?
[02:51:30] wagnerrp: skd5aner: a disease from the world's old recreational activity?
[02:51:31] Beirdo: and who decided that wrestling belonged on a SciFi-based channel, even before renaming it
[02:51:48] wagnerrp: s/old/oldest/
[02:52:37] sphery: wagnerrp: I can't remember the last time I has so few recordings in my backlog (1161)... It's so freeing.
[02:52:52] wagnerrp: heh
[02:52:57] Beirdo: nothing a little rm won't help with :)
[02:53:14] sphery: of the 274 on that hard drive, all but 38 were meh... most of the 38 are current season or one or 2 eps out of old season, so no big deal
[02:53:26] skd5aner: SyFy – a venereal disease. "The sailer got a bad case of the SyFys from a hooker while in port"
[02:53:34] wagnerrp: what did you lose that you wanted to keep?
[02:53:34] sphery: Beirdo: but if I just wait for the drive to fail, then it's the universe telling me something
[02:53:43] sphery: I'm not a man of action, but a man of re-action
[02:54:02] Beirdo: hehe
[02:54:11] sphery: none was stuff I wanted to keep, but the 38 were ones I hoped to watch
[02:54:12] Beirdo: screw being proactive :) it's overrated
[02:54:15] sphery: including 7/10 The Event
[02:54:24] sphery: Some Castle
[02:54:45] sphery: 5 The Good Guys (might just write off that series since they're lost)
[02:54:50] skd5aner: sphery: good thing you are working on the mythtorrent plugin – you'll be back up to speed in no time!
[02:54:55] sphery: and since the series is cancelled
[02:55:00] sphery: skd5aner: heh, right
[02:55:02] wagnerrp: sphery: oh, thats blasphemy
[02:55:16] sphery: well, the 'verse is saying I shouldn't watch it...
[02:55:22] sphery: I'm getting the message loud and clear
[02:55:34] sphery: and it sounds like "wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-click-click-click"
[02:55:48] wagnerrp: if you dont watch it, how will you be able to tell blood from barbecue sauce?
[02:55:49] Beirdo: followed by an odd silence.
[02:56:04] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:56:09] skd5aner: Well, my mbe has been offline since ~Jan 2, and still waiting for my replacement mobo to arrive :(
[02:56:26] sphery: skd5aner: heh...
[02:56:36] skd5aner: commercials are really starting to affect my pysche
[02:56:47] sphery: I ordered a new WD Caviar Green 2TB to replace the Seagate 1.5TB
[02:56:52] skd5aner: oh...
[02:57:07] sphery: but looked and found that I still have 2yr 8mos of warranty on the Seagate
[02:57:14] sphery: so I'll probably RMA it
[02:57:22] Beirdo: be a good plan
[02:57:25] sphery: just don't know where to put a 1.5TB HDD that I don't fully trust
[02:57:32] sphery: (since it will be a repaired drive)
[02:57:33] Beirdo: I... want.. my... MacBook!
[02:57:37] skd5aner: my 2TB samsung (F3) drive was acting funky, so that got RMAd too... still waiting for that to be returned as well
[02:57:58] sphery: do you trust RMA replacements?
[02:58:03] Beirdo: I do
[02:58:05] skd5aner: I do
[02:58:13] sphery: so I could put it in MythTV box?
[02:58:24] skd5aner: It's about the only place I'd place it
[02:58:31] skd5aner: it's just recordings
[02:58:38] sphery: guess it's probably no worse than when I knowingly buy 1.5TB Seagates with firmware problems because of their price...
[02:58:38] Beirdo: I've used several over time :)
[02:58:59] skd5aner: sphery: heh – I ALMOST did that a year ago
[02:59:11] sphery: anyone know if The Gates is a good show?
[02:59:21] skd5aner: sphery: "ooohhh, $59... it's /almost/ worth teh gamble ;)
[02:59:40] sphery: lost 6 of those, and if the show isn't good, then I can make that 38 into 32
[02:59:49] skd5aner: The Gates?
[03:00:00] sphery:
[03:00:07] skd5aner: wasn't that a lame soap-drama vampire thing?
[03:00:11] skd5aner: on ABC
[03:00:15] sphery: ooh, I /hope/ so
[03:00:16] Beirdo: yeah, it was
[03:00:18] sphery: then I can delete
[03:00:21] sphery: cool
[03:00:25] skd5aner: like... "Desperate Housewives" with fangs or something?
[03:00:27] Beirdo: it had some no too bad eye-candy
[03:00:33] Beirdo: but it sucked
[03:00:38] Beirdo: (pun intended)
[03:00:39] skd5aner: is that a pun?
[03:00:45] sphery: oh, Marisol Nichols
[03:00:54] sphery: and Rhona Mitra
[03:01:02] skd5aner: I steered far away from ever watching it to begin with
[03:01:06] skd5aner: not my cup of tea
[03:01:16] skd5aner: I already record more that I can keep up with
[03:01:17] sphery: if they'd cancel it, it makes it easier to delete
[03:01:36] sphery: I hate when I delete without watching a show that I hear is bad, then 7 years later, it's still going
[03:01:38] skd5aner: of course, they cancelled 3 shows i actually wanted to watch this past season
[03:01:45] sphery: makes me wonder
[03:02:00] sphery: heh, yeah, they always cancel the ones you want to watch
[03:02:05] skd5aner: I want to be a programming exec so bad sometimes
[03:02:19] sphery: I'm looking forward to the return of V (hasn't returned for me, yet--since I haven't started watching this season)
[03:02:24] Beirdo: have "The network that doesn't suck!"
[03:02:25] sphery: but I'm sure that this will be the last season
[03:02:28] skd5aner: they're so risk adverse, they go for the low-hanging fruit/lowest common denominator
[03:02:41] sphery: yeah, Live To Dance
[03:02:48] sphery: like there's not enough dance shows on
[03:02:56] sphery: and they're like 17 hours per week per seris
[03:03:10] sphery: so how can anyone--even a huge dance fan--fit another into their schedule?
[03:03:24] sphery: and Skating with the Stars
[03:03:30] skd5aner: I like how every promo (again, I'm watchign live TV for the last 2 weeks) for that show is Paula telling a contestant in her review of them that "I can really tell that you live to dance"
[03:03:32] skd5aner: blah
[03:03:40] wagnerrp: sphery: as long as its not a seagate RMA
[03:03:50] sphery: (which is playing off the over-hyped Dancing with the Stars, too)
[03:03:58] Beirdo: Fornicating with the Stars would sell well
[03:03:58] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, this is a seagate rma
[03:04:04] wagnerrp: ive replaced two of my three seagate drives in my array
[03:04:20] wagnerrp: and one of those replacement drives had to be replaced again
[03:04:24] skd5aner: my wife really enjoys "So you think you can dance" and I've watched a few episodes of it... I don't care for it, but I can see how there's some actual talent there... I really hate any of the reality talent shows though
[03:04:40] sphery: yeah, reality isn't my cup of tea
[03:04:50] sphery: but it's definitely the low-hanging (and low-budget) fruit
[03:05:00] sphery: and they just keep doing the same thing over and over and over
[03:05:01] skd5aner: she's given up on pretty much any of them besides that, and I think she likes "The Sing Off" too now, but again... there's actual talent there and we're both Ben Folds fans and he's a judge so...
[03:05:41] wagnerrp: if i wanted to see karaoke, i would go to a bar
[03:05:59] skd5aner: that seems to be the only "judge" show where I would say the judges aren't just dumbies... they are really versed in the field and give really technical feedback (sing off)
[03:06:04] wagnerrp: there are advantages to going to the bar for karaoke that you dont get at home
[03:06:13] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!~Matt@wikisource/ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:06:21] mattwj2002: hi all
[03:06:26] skd5aner: wagnerrp: I'll pass on pretty much all of it
[03:07:01] wagnerrp: thats because you have no reason to go to the bar, you already have a wife
[03:07:01] mattwj2002: I know mythexport isn't officially supported by mythtv but man it is so much faster and does a much better job than ffmpeg
[03:07:15] wagnerrp: erm... doesnt mythexport use ffmpeg?
[03:07:17] skd5aner: Give me most of the original FX programming, some of the AMC and A&E programming, and about a third of the broadcast sitcoms, and I'm good
[03:07:21] ** mattwj2002 needs to go to the bar with that logic **
[03:07:37] mattwj2002: hehe not if you hack it!
[03:07:40] skd5aner: wagnerrp: heh, yea... the bar is just twice as expensive for me
[03:07:47] wagnerrp: what original programming does A&E do?
[03:07:55] skd5aner: Walking Dead
[03:08:01] wagnerrp: thats AMC
[03:08:22] Beirdo: "X script is so much faster than program Y... oh, I hacked it up"
[03:08:25] Beirdo: hehe
[03:08:33] Beirdo: ooookay
[03:08:43] skd5aner: wagnerrp: oh, thought you said AMC...
[03:08:46] mattwj2002: Beirdo: I used that script I sent you
[03:09:12] mattwj2002: the quality is better on my N1 too
[03:09:20] skd5aner: wagnerrp: the wife likes intervention
[03:09:28] Beirdo: Hmmm, maybe I should do some nuvexport fun this weekend
[03:09:39] skd5aner: I guess looking at their original programming I don't watch much of A&E
[03:09:42] wagnerrp: Beirdo: i wonder what kind of performance hits nuvexport has by using mythtranscode as a frame server
[03:09:46] Beirdo: bu first, need to go get a coke...
[03:09:55] Beirdo: skd5aner: A&E had The Glades
[03:10:05] mattwj2002: Beirdo: I still think we need an iPad template too
[03:10:20] Beirdo: wagnerrp: if you have a reasonable CPU, likely not much :)
[03:10:21] mattwj2002: just a though )
[03:10:27] mattwj2002: :)
[03:10:31] mattwj2002: *thought
[03:10:47] wagnerrp: mattwj2002: maybe manufacturers should produce tablets capable of playing worthwhile codecs and bitrates
[03:10:52] Beirdo: yeah, someone needs to define what that template may be.
[03:10:53] wagnerrp: just a thought :)
[03:12:17] mattwj2002: ./HandBrakeCLI -i DVD -o ~/Movies/movie.mp4 -e x264 -q 20.0 -r 29.97 --pfr -a 1 -E faac -B 160 -6 dpl2 -R Auto -D 0.0 -f mp4 -4 -X 1024 --loose-anamorphic -m
[03:12:18] mattwj2002: :D
[03:12:50] ** Beirdo bellows in pain **
[03:12:53] wagnerrp: 6 channel audio at 160kbps?
[03:12:56] mattwj2002:
[03:13:19] Beirdo: dangit, I kicked the stupid fridge door edge-on... barefoot
[03:13:22] wagnerrp: why not remix it to 2-channel?
[03:13:22] Beirdo: klutz
[03:13:38] skd5aner: Sweet, wife found some sympahony on PBS playing a bunch of video game songs, I heard several mario themes going on in the other room
[03:13:40] skd5aner: off to watch that
[03:13:41] skd5aner: :)
[03:14:21] mattwj2002: I know one of my friends uses something with knoppmyth to re-encode for his ipad
[03:14:48] mattwj2002: that is actually what gave me the idea
[03:17:18] Hilikus (Hilikus!~hilikus@unaffiliated/hilikus) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:17:23] Hilikus: hey guys
[03:17:34] mattwj2002: hi Hilikus
[03:17:43] Hilikus: what's the most common hd capture card?
[03:17:53] mattwj2002: O_O
[03:18:00] mattwj2002: ummm
[03:18:07] wagnerrp: what do you mean by 'hd capture card'?????????????????????????????????????????????????
[03:18:10] wagnerrp: crap
[03:18:14] Hilikus: i have a hauppauge pvr150 for sd
[03:18:23] wagnerrp: key stuck
[03:18:26] mattwj2002: I like the hdhomerun
[03:18:26] Hilikus: lol
[03:18:34] mattwj2002: no idea if it is the most common
[03:18:36] mattwj2002: :P
[03:18:45] Beirdo: nice one, wagnerrp :)
[03:18:49] wagnerrp: do you want a capture card? or a tuner?
[03:18:52] Hilikus: i mean most common becuase i will assume its the best supported
[03:19:05] mattwj2002: that is a tuner not a capture card
[03:19:14] Hilikus: i think a capture card, i don't need a tuner. i will connect the signal from my STB
[03:19:24] wagnerrp: then you want an HDPVR
[03:19:28] wagnerrp: which is an external box
[03:19:42] wagnerrp: there are no such supported devices in card form
[03:19:51] Beirdo: yet :)
[03:19:54] Hilikus: oh ok. but playback is still done by the pc processor or it decodes as well??
[03:20:23] wagnerrp: why would you want such a device to decode?
[03:20:33] Hilikus: i don't want to, i'm just asking if it does
[03:20:45] wagnerrp: if you dont want to, why does it matter?
[03:20:57] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:21:07] [R]: wagnerrp: found anotehr clueless person for you
[03:21:11] [R]: wagnerrp: . . . d-phone.html
[03:22:06] Hilikus: do those get their input through HDMI or what?
[03:22:15] wagnerrp: component
[03:22:26] wagnerrp: there is no worth to hdmi capture
[03:22:34] Hilikus: why?
[03:22:42] [R]: wagnerrp: of course there is... if you like ot waste disk space
[03:22:49] wagnerrp: any content you want to capture will be from a device using HDCP
[03:23:02] wagnerrp: any HDMI capture device you purchase will not be able to use HDCP
[03:23:10] wagnerrp: it would be in violation of their license
[03:23:12] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:23:25] Hilikus: oh i see. i didn't know hdmi was encrypted
[03:23:57] [R]: its not
[03:23:59] [R]: HDCP is
[03:24:30] Hilikus: can you have hdmi without hdcp?
[03:24:47] wagnerrp: sure, but you dont really have a choice in the matter
[03:25:01] Hilikus: yea i know, i was just trying to understand
[03:25:04] wagnerrp: if the source device wants to use HDCP, theres nothing you can do to prevent it
[03:25:40] Hilikus: so should i expect a noticeable decrease in PQ by capturing from component and outputting digital (hdmi) from my pc?
[03:26:26] wagnerrp: not really
[03:29:58] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[03:34:24] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[03:34:57] wagnerrp: more people wanting to use telnet to control the frontend
[03:36:40] [R]: i used to use telnet
[03:36:41] [R]: speaking of that
[03:36:48] Hilikus: in terms of linux support, are there some that are recommended over others or because they are usb it doesn't matter??
[03:36:50] [R]: i have a todo for making a --jumppoint cmdline optino for the frontend
[03:36:57] [R]: i know every now and then peopel ask about it
[03:37:22] wagnerrp: Hilikus: some what?
[03:37:27] Hilikus: hd pvrs
[03:37:32] wagnerrp: theres only the one
[03:37:42] wagnerrp: there can only be one
[03:38:10] mzb (mzb! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:38:22] Hilikus: the hauppauge one?
[03:38:35] wagnerrp: the HDPVR, yes
[03:38:42] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:39:16] Defense (Defense! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:39:28] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:39:36] Hilikus: oh that's the model, not the device name
[03:40:37] ki7rw (ki7rw! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:41:22] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[03:42:02] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar!~Unknown@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:45:10] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:46:08] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:48:14] mzb (mzb! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:48:31] npm_ is now known as npm
[03:53:35] markk (markk! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[03:56:32] Hilikus: if i change an SD STB for an HD one and both have s-video and i use that to record using a pvr150, should i expect better quality or the pvr150 is the weakest link in terms of quality anyway?
[04:02:27] wagnerrp: svideo is the weakest link
[04:02:37] wagnerrp: you will be limited to 480i by the limitations of the video bus
[04:05:57] markk (markk! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:09:47] Hilikus: got it. thanks a lot for all your help wagnerrp
[04:13:16] Hilikus (Hilikus!~hilikus@unaffiliated/hilikus) has quit (Quit: Suerrrrrrte)
[04:17:47] GrahamS (GrahamS! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:20:21] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:24:09] GrahamS: Uh I have a seemingly newbie question... the optical output on a sound card is that a spdif or TOSLINK? Whats the difference? I thought SPDIF was the RCA looking digital output? I have a Optical output that I would like to hookup to my Digital Reciver. Never having had a digital reciver before I am totally lost when it even comes to termimoligy
[04:24:56] bill6502 (bill6502! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:24:57] wagnerrp: toslink is an spdif signal over an optical connector
[04:25:18] GrahamS: Ah ok
[04:25:20] [R]: wtf
[04:25:21] [R]:
[04:25:22] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[04:25:22] GrahamS: So all the info about spdif applies
[04:25:23] [R]: how is that picture possible?
[04:25:26] wagnerrp: you can convert between the two with just a few dollars worth of analog circuitry
[04:25:59] GrahamS: Ok step 1 of I dunno how many down in making this work
[04:26:03] wagnerrp: [R]: laser pointer at one end
[04:26:14] [R]: oh, i guess that makes sense
[04:26:28] wagnerrp: thats why the whole left end is lit up
[04:26:34] wagnerrp: and not just the fiber itself
[04:27:10] [R]: makes sense
[04:28:58] kurol (kurol!~fubar@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:29:45] GrahamS: This would be easier if I just had an HDMI Tuner :\
[04:30:18] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:30:26] [R]: what is an hdmi tuner?
[04:30:34] ** [R] attempts to figure out how that makes sense **
[04:30:41] GrahamS: A tuner that takes HDMI in...
[04:30:46] wagnerrp: HDMI is not RF modulated
[04:30:55] wagnerrp: you cannot make an 'HDMI tuner'
[04:31:01] wagnerrp: the terms are contradictory
[04:31:12] al_nz1 (al_nz1! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:31:35] GrahamS: Well I am totally belwedred as it is
[04:31:44] al_nz1: does mythtv let you stream tv to other computers on you home lan, which dont have a tuner attached to them?
[04:31:50] bill6502 (bill6502! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[04:32:02] [R]: al_nz1: you just run a frontend on each computer
[04:32:16] [R]: al_nz1: the backend program is what records
[04:32:16] al_nz1: [R]: so yes then?
[04:32:19] wagnerrp: al_nz1:
[04:32:25] wagnerrp: the backend records, the frontend plays
[04:32:35] wagnerrp: the frontend connects to the backend over the network to get content
[04:32:50] al_nz1: +wagnerrp: thats very cool
[04:33:07] al_nz1: min lan requirements? g/n? or only wired?
[04:33:14] wagnerrp: only wired
[04:33:37] al_nz1: damn, guess I cant watch TV on my android then :-(
[04:33:47] GrahamS: I have had acceptable performance using my laptop as a front end wireless
[04:33:51] GrahamS: *shrug*
[04:33:51] [R]: oh... so i was telling the guys at work how much wifi sucks for streaming video... and they all poo poo'd it... and yesterday this guy was telling me how he was watching video and his wifi crapped out
[04:34:04] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!~Matt@wikisource/ has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:34:15] wagnerrp: GrahamS, al_nz1: the issue isnt throughput
[04:34:26] al_nz1: wagnerrp: whats the issue?
[04:34:32] wagnerrp: g, and certainly n, have enough bandwidth for just about any broadcast content
[04:34:37] wagnerrp: the issue is reliability
[04:34:45] wagnerrp: wireless /will/ have dropouts
[04:34:49] wagnerrp: for several seconds at a time
[04:34:53] wagnerrp: during which, playback will stall
[04:35:09] wagnerrp: mythtv is designed for reliable networks, so it doesnt not have a significant playback buffer
[04:35:09] al_nz1: wagnerrp: ah ok
[04:35:15] GrahamS: Fair enough...
[04:35:16] al_nz1: I am cat5'ing my house anyway
[04:35:22] wagnerrp: and for live viewing, it simply cannot have a large playback buffer
[04:35:30] wagnerrp: people complain about the lag enough as it is
[04:36:02] wagnerrp: 3rd party players can buffer all they wish
[04:36:02] al_nz1: actually I was only trying to setup my PC to play DVB-T with VLC, but ended up reading about MythTV instead lol
[04:36:31] wagnerrp: but the mythfrontend application itself will not work acceptably (at least in my opinion) over wireless
[04:38:29] al_nz1: I know this is slightly OT, but until I get time to read up fully on MythTV – can someone explain how to get VLC going with DVB-T? I have fiddled and got nothing!
[04:38:52] [R]: al_nz1: read the vlc documentation?
[04:38:52] wagnerrp: try #vlc
[04:39:03] wagnerrp: simply put... you use the dvbtools 'scan' to make a channels.conf
[04:39:09] wagnerrp: feed it to vlc, and... do something
[04:41:02] al_nz1: great, the ubuntu install guide for mythtv is down
[04:41:31] al_nz1: wagnerrp: dvbtools seperate prog to VLC?
[04:41:56] wagnerrp: separate package, yes
[04:42:04] al_nz1: plugin for VLC?
[04:42:44] wagnerrp: no, command line tool
[04:43:23] tgm4883: al_nz1, which guide is that?
[04:44:32] al_nz1:
[04:46:02] GrahamS: Should you be able to see anything on the end of the optical cable if it is infact getting anything from the sound card? Should there be a visable light if I where to unplug it from the reciever?
[04:46:54] wagnerrp: GrahamS: toslink uses 650nm diode lasers, same color as red laser pointers
[04:47:44] wagnerrp: er no, i think theyre just basic LEDS, not diode lasers
[04:47:53] GrahamS: OK I should see some red if infact my sound card is putting out *somthing*
[04:47:55] GrahamS: er something
[04:49:16] al_nz1: ok i got dvbstream
[04:49:29] al_nz1: looks like there is a bit to getting it to go
[04:50:22] [R]: wagnerrp: how do they encode data on light? its probably a stupid question
[04:52:36] wagnerrp: biphase encoding
[04:52:57] wagnerrp: basically, you have a square wave clock signal, on and off
[04:53:30] wagnerrp: and your data is encoded in the difference
[04:53:33] [R]: but how do they get such high bitrates?
[04:53:57] wagnerrp: they dont
[04:54:05] wagnerrp: spdif and toslink are limited to 2mbps
[04:54:12] [R]: thats not high?
[04:54:22] wagnerrp: not particularly
[04:54:35] [R]: is that 2mhz?
[04:54:40] wagnerrp: yeah
[04:55:07] wagnerrp: are you asking how they pulse the diode that fast?
[04:55:09] [R]: yeah
[04:55:18] wagnerrp: havent the foggiest
[04:55:22] [R]: lol
[04:56:14] GrahamS: huh ok so I can not even get a visiual red glowing end so that would lead me to bielvev my sound card is not outputing anything
[04:56:26] [R]: wikipedia says 125mbps
[04:57:39] wagnerrp: its 48kHz, 20-bit LPCM
[04:57:45] wagnerrp: just under 2mbps
[04:58:29] [R]: Digital audio bitstream. Originally limited to 48 kHz at 20 bits. Extended to support all modern formats, except Dolby Digital Plus, TrueHD, and DTS HD audio streams.
[04:58:32] GrahamS: Ugh I would be happy with static at this point :|
[04:58:47] wagnerrp: all modern formats that are under 2mbps
[04:59:00] [R]: Originally 3.1 Mbit/s; Now 125 Mbit/s
[05:00:00] wagnerrp: they can say that all the want, but that doesnt mean components will actually do that
[05:00:23] [R]: lol
[05:00:30] wagnerrp: at that sampling rate and bit level, with overhead, its 2mbps
[05:00:35] wagnerrp: DTS is 1.5mbps
[05:00:41] wagnerrp: biggest AC3 ive seen is 640kbps
[05:00:58] [R]: i can't find anyting on wikipedia about the actual signal
[05:01:03] wagnerrp: it might support 125mbps, but the highest bitrate audio it will ever see is 2mbps
[05:03:31] [R]: did i ever tell you my toslink story
[05:03:40] [R]: when i first was hooking up my first toslink, i coudln't get hte calbe to go in the hole
[05:03:47] [R]: i thought my cable was broken, so i got a new one
[05:03:50] [R]: and that one had the same problem
[05:03:53] [R]: it was driving me nuts
[05:04:08] [R]: turned out the little plastic cap was on the cable and i had to take it off
[05:05:20] [R]: Since optical modules, connectors and fiber cables are flammable, scorching or burning them may cause them to emit smoke or burst into flame, which can in turn cause gas emissions. Therefore, do not use these devices in the vicinity of flames, smoke or any flammable materials.
[05:05:21] [R]: haha
[05:05:49] Beirdo: I didn't know glass was flammable.
[05:06:06] wagnerrp: and here i thought you were going to go into one of those 'back in the day' stories
[05:06:13] Beirdo: the cable itself ain't flammable
[05:06:23] Beirdo: the plastic around it may be though
[05:06:24] wagnerrp: Beirdo: cheap toslink cables are plastic
[05:06:43] Beirdo: ewww
[05:07:08] wagnerrp: back in aught four, we didnt have those store bought toslink cables, we had to make our own
[05:07:09] Beirdo: OK then :)
[05:07:33] wagnerrp: we would fire a sounding rocket into a thunderstorm carrying a leader wire which connected back to a pit of sand
[05:07:35] [R]: omg
[05:07:42] [R]: i JNUST had a dicussion with this guy at work about aught
[05:07:48] [R]: and i even made him look it up in the dictionary
[05:07:48] wagnerrp: we would connect out stereo equipment with fulgurites
[05:09:02] Beirdo: hehe
[05:09:12] Beirdo: another thing I don't get....
[05:09:37] Beirdo: why do people think that ferrite chokes will do ANY good on an optical cable.
[05:10:26] wagnerrp: pics or gtfo
[05:10:42] Beirdo: heh
[05:10:52] Beirdo: like I remember where I saw pics
[05:11:15] Beirdo: I'm not the spheripedia
[05:11:26] russell5 (russell5! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[05:11:59] wagnerrp: im serious
[05:12:05] ** wagnerrp starts powering up **
[05:12:14] wagnerrp: wwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[05:12:26] wagnerrp: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[05:12:31] ** Beirdo releases a cloud of methane **
[05:12:50] GrahamS: Why do people spend $100+ on a *name not to be mentioned HDMI cable when a no name brand that is 30% of the cost works the same so long as it is to spec?
[05:12:51] wagnerrp: <tune in next time for wagnerrp kicks beirdo tfo>
[05:13:03] fa2k (fa2k!~fa2k@2001:470:9863:fafa:226:2dff:fef1:9233) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[05:13:04] wagnerrp: <last time on #mythtv-users>
[05:13:10] wagnerrp: wwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[05:13:19] Beirdo: hehe
[05:13:32] [R]: GrahamS: hdmi calbes are a lot less than $30...
[05:13:33] Beirdo: GrahamS: because they are suckers
[05:13:45] Beirdo: you can get them for $3
[05:14:07] wagnerrp: hey now, thick gage wires are closer to $5
[05:14:12] Beirdo: twisted pair with insulation and shielding... check.
[05:14:44] GrahamS: er ok um 15%
[05:14:56] GrahamS: I am in Canada we pay too much for some reidiculious stuff
[05:15:06] Beirdo: the only thing those uber-expensive cables have that could have ANY use... gold plating on the connector's conductors so they don't corrode
[05:15:22] [R]: plating!? you're telling me they aren't made of solid gold?
[05:15:27] Beirdo: hehe
[05:15:44] Beirdo: they pretend it's solid 24k gold, don't they?
[05:15:49] [R]: for that price... it should be!
[05:16:26] GrahamS: Was it not Denon that had the $300 Cat5e patch cable?
[05:16:33] Beirdo: should be solid platinum
[05:17:31] wagnerrp: i occasionally watch ads to make fun of them
[05:17:51] wagnerrp: the latest ones are commemorative coins
[05:17:54] Beirdo: and they should use diamonds at the end of the fibers too
[05:18:02] wagnerrp: 24 carat gold (plating)
[05:18:26] wagnerrp: now for only $20 +S&H
[05:18:45] wagnerrp: a $60 value, worth $2 in scrap
[05:19:15] fa2k_ (fa2k_!~fa2k@2001:470:9863:fafa:226:2dff:fef1:9233) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:19:19] wagnerrp: hand painted by the little robotic hands that move printer microjets around
[05:19:25] [R]: if we are talking about useless commercials... i love that one for those new ones for the $2 bills
[05:19:46] wagnerrp: hehe
[05:20:02] wagnerrp: i like the ones issuing official currency of Liberia
[05:20:02] Beirdo: $20 + $100 S/H. Second one free, just pay another S/H
[05:20:15] [R]: the thing with the $2 bills... they say they are still valid currency
[05:20:15] tgm4883: al_nz1, should be back up now
[05:20:19] [R]: so its still only worth $2...
[05:20:44] Beirdo: no, it's worth $2 as currency
[05:21:01] wagnerrp: and worth $2 from collectors
[05:21:03] Beirdo: it's potentially worth less/more as a collectivble
[05:21:06] kormoc: GrahamS, $500 cable,
[05:21:09] [R]: i can't imagine something as stupid as a colored $2 actually being worth something
[05:21:14] wagnerrp: thats a bad kormoc
[05:21:31] [R]: i loved that expensive network card
[05:21:33] [R]: was it $300?
[05:21:41] kormoc: wagnerrp, ooh?
[05:21:48] wagnerrp: [R]: the one that ran linux and had a 400MHz processor?
[05:21:52] [R]: yeah
[05:21:53] GrahamS: Ooo can you hear the nuances of digital audio
[05:21:56] wagnerrp: kormoc: not a fan of URL shorteners
[05:22:03] kormoc: meh
[05:22:17] Beirdo: give him the original 10-line URL ;)
[05:22:19] Beirdo: hehe
[05:22:22] wagnerrp: GrahamS: you can hear variations in jitter induced by different quality cables
[05:22:34] [R]: wagnerrp: afraid of getting rickrolled/gross picture'd?
[05:22:56] kormoc: Sorry if this floods... . . . m0xd1QxVXhVa
[05:22:56] kormoc: 2RqUm1oc1VqQmFWRlJXYUVOU2JGWllaVWhrVjAxV2NFZFdNbmgzVmpKRmVWVnFUbGRoYTFwaFdsVmFkM Up0UmtobFJrNXBVbGhDYjFZeFdsTlNNV3hYVld0a1ZtSnJOVmxaYlhNeFkxWmFkR042Um14aVJuQkpXV E53UjFZd01YSmpSbkJYVm14S1RGWnFTa3RTTWs1SlUyeFdhRTFZUWxWWGExWmhVekZrV0ZKcmFHcFNhe lZ2VkZSQ1MxbFdXblJOU0dSc1VteFdOVlpITlU5aFZrNUdZMGRvVm1KR1NucFdWVnBoWkVkV1NWcEdhR 2xTTTJnMVZtcEtlazVYUmtkWGJrcHFVbTFTWVZsdE5VTlRSbGwzVjJ4d2JHSkZXbmxhVlZwclZqRktWb GRVUWxkaVdFSk1WVzB4VjJSR1VuSmFSbWhwVWpKb1ZWZF
[05:23:05] [R]: lol
[05:23:08] wagnerrp: GrahamS: well, you can if you have... bionic ears
[05:23:12] Beirdo: hahaha
[05:23:24] wagnerrp: kormoc: not a fan of URL longeners
[05:23:25] wagnerrp: :P
[05:23:34] Beirdo: kormoc: you just had to go and take it to the n-th degree :)
[05:23:38] GrahamS: I am mostly tone deaf so really it could be a sting telephone for all I care
[05:23:45] [R]: omg
[05:23:47] [R]: thats a real site
[05:23:48] [R]: wtf
[05:23:56] [R]: "Because bigger is better, right?"
[05:24:00] fa2k_ (fa2k_!~fa2k@2001:470:9863:fafa:226:2dff:fef1:9233) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:24:04] tgm4883: kormoc, I think you have a typo at character 259
[05:24:05] fa2k (fa2k!~fa2k@2001:470:9863:fafa:226:2dff:fef1:9233) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:24:06] tgm4883: :)
[05:24:12] wagnerrp: GrahamS: you mean the world doesnt drop to slow motion when you start running?
[05:24:20] kormoc: :P
[05:25:06] GrahamS: Haha that would be fun wagnerrp Sadley no
[05:25:38] GrahamS: If I had any hair I would pullt it the frig out
[05:27:27] jamesd2 (jamesd2! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:32:32] Beirdo: so Simon Cowell may be a jerk on TV, but apparently he can drive fast :)
[05:33:53] Beirdo: and I'm trying an MP4 export for the nook color
[05:33:55] Beirdo: hehe
[05:34:01] GrahamS: Top Gear>
[05:34:01] GrahamS: ?
[05:34:08] Beirdo: yup
[05:34:22] Beirdo: I have about 15 of them to catch up on
[05:34:37] [R]: crazy british people
[05:34:49] GrahamS: Well I am bout to give up
[05:34:57] GrahamS: I can not evne get a red light to show up on the cable
[05:34:59] GrahamS: Nothing noda
[05:35:01] GrahamS: :\
[05:35:11] Beirdo: Hmm, I forgot to look for Goon Show LPs at the store today
[05:35:13] Beirdo: I suck
[05:35:25] Beirdo: but I got a bunch anyways
[05:41:05] GrahamS: Anyone have any idea why cat /dev/urandom | aplay -Dhw:0,1 -f S32_LE -c 2 -r 44000 should not give *something* on the digital? It gets static on the HDMI connection to my TV which is hw:0,3
[05:41:28] Beirdo: check the mixer, maybe it's muted
[05:41:34] GrahamS: PCM is 100%
[05:41:39] GrahamS: Everything is 100%
[05:41:49] Beirdo: and possibly muted
[05:41:51] GrahamS: Excpect for SPDF which is 00 as the only other otion is Mute
[05:42:10] Beirdo: K
[05:42:15] Beirdo: well then I dunno
[05:42:31] GrahamS: That is where I am at now too
[05:43:33] GrahamS: Static or an error message would at least give me something to move foward with :|
[05:44:59] Beirdo: for one thing... the rate is more likely either 48000 or 44100
[05:45:08] Beirdo: but I doubt that will do squat
[05:45:16] GrahamS: Well yeah I just want static
[05:45:36] GrahamS: Not asking for much :| An incorrect rate would be grabled but there would still be some sort of signal
[05:47:20] Beirdo: one would expect so
[05:48:02] GrahamS: I wonder if I need to boot with it plugged in? Nah that would be silly but at this point I am willing to reboot
[05:48:22] [R]: there is no logic to detect if a toslink cable is plugged in
[05:49:36] GrahamS: OK that answers that question
[05:53:25] al_nz1: ok I am still stuck trying to get dvb-t going with vlc after quite a bit of googling
[05:53:33] al_nz1: anyone able to help pls
[05:53:52] [R]: al_nz1: this still isn't #vlc...
[05:54:08] al_nz1: [R]: #vlc is still dead
[05:54:30] [R]: and?
[05:54:51] al_nz1: so plan B is that someoe here might be able to help :-)
[05:54:55] ki7rw (ki7rw! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:57:26] Beirdo: hmmm, how to burn a CD from ISO in Winblows.
[05:57:33] Beirdo: been so long since I've tried
[05:58:04] al_nz1: Beirdo: I know the answer, but if I follow [R]'s lead I cant tell you sorry – its OT
[06:00:51] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[06:05:01] J-e-f-f-A: GRRR... Something's fubar with my db – "Watch Recordings" comes up blank... did the 'optimize db' script, things look ok in Mythweb and when doing selects... grr.... /me is googling... but has to get to bed soon... doh!
[06:05:36] Beirdo: J-e-f-f-A: check the filter in Watch Recordings
[06:07:00] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: Thanks, but no luck... I get the following messages logged: 2011-01–16 01:05:59.909 RemoteGetRecordingList() list size appears to be incorrect. followed by: 2011-01–16 01:05:59.920 PlaybackBox Error: SortedList is Empty
[06:07:30] J-e-f-f-A: Googling tells me that there's an error in my 'recorded' table that QT doesn't deal with... but how do I find/fix the error?!?  ;-)
[06:10:37] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:12:30] Beirdo: dunno
[06:12:37] Beirdo: mysqlrepair?
[06:12:46] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... if I do a "-v all" log, I see the query seems to be cut off... ends like this: ]2010-03–06[]:[]Default[]:[]0[]:[]0[]:[]Li
[06:13:00] J-e-f-f-A: I'll try that...
[06:16:18] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:18:51] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: Grr... no luck – says all tables are OK, and no change when restarting mythbackend and going into the frontend... doh!
[06:19:16] J-e-f-f-A: Maybe I can 'glean' what record is bad from the "-v all" log and clean it up from mythweb...
[06:19:33] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:21:55] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:24:06] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: Ah, found one recording from "Live TV" that has a damaged "storage group" field — says "Li  ?"  — should be "LiveTV"....
[06:26:50] J-e-f-f-A: That was it... a corrupted 'storagegroup' field on a single recording row caused the entire "Watch Recordings" screen to come up empty... wow... Even when I switched filters, it came up empty.... Not what I expected...
[06:28:47] Beirdo: interesting
[06:30:22] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:30:47] J-e-f-f-A: Yeah, never had that happen to me before...
[06:31:26] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[06:34:06] J-e-f-f-A: I don't typically use "LiveTV" – I only use it to test tuners... And I just happened to use it today to test my system out after a power failure this morning that lasted an hour (I have a ups, but it only lasts about 20 mins...)  ;-)
[06:34:52] J-e-f-f-A: Anyways, mystery solved... time to get some ZZZzzzz's....  ;-) Thanks Beirdo ...
[06:36:23] Beirdo: no prob
[06:38:58] bill6502 (bill6502! has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:00:05] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[07:02:01] Beirdo: Looks like I need to get a new Torx screwdriver
[07:02:03] Beirdo: T8
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[07:24:44] wagnerrp: what do you need to get into?
[07:24:50] wagnerrp: Beirdo: ^^
[07:25:46] Beirdo: hehe
[07:25:51] Beirdo: PowerBook G4
[07:26:10] wagnerrp: wtf are they using torx screws?
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[07:30:41] Beirdo: all of the screws on the bottom to change drive, etc.
[07:30:59] Beirdo: Torx T8. Meh, I can use a set in my arsenal anyways
[07:31:13] Beirdo: had a set in PR...but...
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[07:34:11] al_nz1: how would I even test that my hardware is installed?
[07:34:15] al_nz1: i see it in lsusb
[07:34:22] al_nz1: and there is a entry in dev/
[07:35:03] Beirdo: you just answered your own question, dude
[07:35:12] al_nz1: .../dev/dvb/adapter0
[07:36:00] al_nz1: right
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[07:36:45] al_nz1: next q is how to get this dvbapp program to do a scan?
[07:36:56] Beirdo: is it mythtv?
[07:37:08] al_nz1: dvpapp isnt
[07:37:18] al_nz1: its a tool used to help mythtv i think
[07:37:19] Beirdo: then doubt many people here are likely to know
[07:37:44] Beirdo: time to read manpages and other docs, I guess
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[13:39:11] balachmar: Hi, I am going to build a new mythtv backend. It will also serve as a backup server. I think this is a good idea, because my recordings require quite a biut of space.
[13:40:51] balachmar: However, I am now thinking about which file system I am going to use. I like the features of ZFS and btrfs. However, btrfs is not ready yet. And ZFS requires the BSD kernel. So maybe I should go with softraid + LVM? (Basically I want to be able to take snapshots and grow my storage by adding/replacing hdds.
[13:41:45] wagnerrp: i dont know about btrfs, but ZFS does not allow expansion by adding hard drives
[13:42:58] balachmar: wagnerrp: I thought it should be able to do that using raidz
[13:43:29] Steve_Goodey (Steve_Goodey! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:43:36] wagnerrp: you can replace each drive in a vpool, rebuilding each time, and when you are done it will automatically expand to the larger size
[13:43:43] wagnerrp: but you cannot add new drives to a vpool
[13:44:20] wagnerrp: the only way to to expand an array by adding new drives in zfs is to add a whole new independent vpool
[13:46:21] balachmar: ok, learned something new today :)
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[13:47:10] wagnerrp: there is zfs-fuse that can be used on linux, i wouldnt bother with it
[13:47:14] balachmar: With softraid it is possible to grow a raid5 array, right?
[13:47:39] balachmar: If I would go with zfs it would be either a bsd or debian with bsd kernel.
[13:47:46] wagnerrp: depends on the implementation
[13:47:50] Steve_Goodey (Steve_Goodey! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[13:48:02] wagnerrp: 'software' is a generic term for any software RAID implementation
[13:48:17] wagnerrp: as opposed to something hardcoded into a XOR engine on a RAID controller
[13:48:26] wagnerrp: s/software/softraid
[13:48:46] ** wagnerrp heads out **
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[13:49:55] balachmar: Well I was talking about md-raid
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[14:00:41] jamiem: kormoc is asleep. Where do I set a default start/end early value in mythweb, please?
[14:14:00] ** jamiem found it finally hidden in recording priorities  :) **
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[14:22:34] |PSU|: hi guys, is anyone using the Hauppauge 1212 HD-PVR with Myth?
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[14:35:42] cleith: Hello, anybody around today?
[14:36:33] allesmueller: hi
[14:36:44] cleith: hey
[14:37:00] cleith: anyone using nvidia 9500 GT?
[14:37:19] cleith: I can't get vdpau working well.
[14:37:54] cleith: I mean, it is working, but I have tried all deinterlacers and I still get some slight tearing and other artifacts
[14:38:38] cleith: I have tried sending 720p instead of 1080i as well, but same problem
[14:38:48] cleith: from my stb that is
[14:39:48] allesmueller: but tearing is related to sync screen refresh with fps ?
[14:40:20] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!~pintlezz@ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[14:40:29] cleith: are you saying it might be a modeline issue?
[14:42:44] allesmueller: somewhat about that, yes – I found this
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[14:45:30] allesmueller: as far as I understood tearing happens if screen refresh rate and content frame rate doesn´t match
[14:47:38] cleith: hmmm... yes, I'll have to recheck some things in that dept (I hate modelines)
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[14:57:19] allesmueller: hmm – I think I have an idea how mythcommflag could potentially be improved.
[14:57:36] cleith: thanks allesmueller
[14:57:56] allesmueller: cleith, did you find something useful there?
[14:58:26] cleith: um, I think I have seen that before, but I'll do some more searching. thanx
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[14:59:13] allesmueller: you´re welcome – sorry I can´t help with a solution ...
[14:59:33] |PSU|: hi guys, is anyone using the Hauppauge 1212 HD-PVR with Myth? can you record two HD channels at a time?
[14:59:33] cleith: later
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[15:00:54] allesmueller: When running mythtranscode I noticed one audio stream changed from 2 channels on commercial to 6 channels at least on the beginning of the movie.
[15:01:53] allesmueller: is there a way to scan a recording for other changes of the audio channels ... with mplayer or something?
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[15:34:37] balor_: Can I select multiple chanels in the Channel Editor? I've got to remove about 200 or so
[15:35:09] allesmueller: I do that alway with mythweb
[15:35:29] ** balor_ looks at mythweb **
[15:39:06] balor_: delete all without icon and all with xxx in the title, would probably be a nice query :)
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[16:05:34] balor: If I mark channels as not visible, rather than deleting them, will I just see those channels in the EPG?
[16:09:46] stuartm: hidden channels do not appear in the EPG, livetv browsing and will not be used for scheduling
[16:10:02] stuartm: they are better described as 'disabled'
[16:11:23] balor: excellent
[16:12:58] iamlindoro: Though you *can* tune to them in livetv
[16:13:12] iamlindoro: They are disabled for purposes of scheduling, but still usable
[16:13:31] stuartm: yup, they just won't show up in browse mode or anywhere else in the frontend
[16:14:17] stuartm: useful for the mheg related channels in the UK because under ordinary circumstances you won't tune to those directly but they need to remain working
[16:15:37] stuartm: so when it pops up a 'Press Red to continue watching the match' the mheg will take you to the part-time video channel where they are continuing coverage while the main channel continues with their normal schedule
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[16:18:23] iamlindoro: stuartm, Intesting, I didn't know any of the MHEG stuff and anter-channel dependencies
[16:18:26] iamlindoro: er interesting
[16:18:30] iamlindoro: and inter-channel
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[16:20:49] stuartm: it's nothing really fancy, but mheg posses the ability to change channels and the BBC maintain ~3 part-time video channels which it will utilise to show special events/coverage and 4-way news (single video, but with mheg overlay which allows you to pick which audio you listen to)
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[16:21:00] balor: Is there any way to tell mythtv to give me just the freeview+ channels in there "native" order? I know this is a UK-specific question.
[16:21:38] stuartm: balor: I'm not sure I understand the question
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[16:23:19] stuartm: iamlindoro: mheg can also resize the picture (well myth does the resizing at the request of mheg) so that you can get video inset alongside the text/graphics on screen
[16:23:32] balor: stuartm: There are a lot of channels that have no data and there are (at least) 7 or so BBC 1 channels, plus the channels ITV1 and ITV2 have lots of others between them.
[16:23:52] balor: One might expect to switch ITV1->2->3->4 etc... then through the BBCs then others..
[16:25:25] stuartm: balor: there's no option for sorting by name, we sort according to the channel number which is supplied in the data e.g. 1, 2, 3 (ITV 1), 4 (Channel 4) not BBC 1, BBC 2, BBC 3, BBC 4
[16:26:16] stuartm: huh, seems the BBC have dropped their 'multi-screen' news
[16:28:15] stuartm: well I say that ... the option might exist in the programme guide, but definitely not livetv
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[16:29:05] stuartm: there might be interest in implementing it
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[16:33:43] stuartm: – our rendering of the text is still not quite right, probably because we're using the wrong font and the images don't look perfect because we're stretching a 16:9 source to my 16:10 display
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[16:34:30] stuartm: anyway, box on the left is live tv, BBC News as it happens as the mheg helpfully reminds me
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[16:36:58] wagnerrp: |PSU|: no, the HDPVR only has one video input, you can only record one show at a time
[16:37:37] wagnerrp: you can however purchase multiple HDPVRs and attach them to multiple cable boxes to record multiple shows at the same time
[16:38:53] |PSU|: wagnerrp: thanks! are there any HDPVRs on the market that record multiple shows? how come the DVR that i am renting from my cable provider can do multiple at once?
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[16:39:27] wagnerrp: |PSU|: the DVR that you are renting from your cable provider has multiple tuners, to allow for multiple recordings
[16:39:44] wagnerrp: the HDPVR only has a single video capture input, meaning you can only record one thing at a time
[16:40:12] wagnerrp: as mentioned, mythtv allows multiple tuners and capture inputs, allowing multiple simultaneous recordings in exactly the same manner as your rented DVR
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[16:41:46] |PSU|: gotcha, THANKS!
[16:41:51] |PSU|: are you using the HDPVR?
[16:41:54] wagnerrp: no
[16:42:05] |PSU|: ok, heard anything about it?
[16:42:25] wagnerrp: people than have them like them, apparently it produces good quality recordings
[16:42:48] |PSU|: ok
[16:43:12] |PSU|: is that really the only option for capturing HD input?
[16:43:22] wagnerrp: capturing, yes
[16:43:40] wagnerrp: note the difference between capturing and tuning
[16:44:31] |PSU|: gotcha
[16:45:31] |PSU|: does this box actually have the ability to capture all channels? my current analog card can only capture the "lower channels"
[16:45:50] wagnerrp: no, that box does not have the ability to TUNE any channels
[16:45:59] wagnerrp: you capture a video stream, you tune a channel
[16:46:17] wagnerrp: you capture the video output from a cable box
[16:46:24] wagnerrp: your cable box tunes the channels
[16:46:30] |PSU|: gotcha
[16:46:33] stuartm: HDPVR is designed to be used with a set-top/cable box or similar which has working component output
[16:46:57] wagnerrp: so anything you can tune and play on your cable box, you can capture with an HDPVR
[16:47:12] stuartm: if the component is disabled for certain shows/channels then the HDPVR won't be able to record them
[16:47:40] stuartm: some companies apparently only enable HDMI
[16:47:59] |PSU|: interesting
[16:48:14] wagnerrp: comcast does not
[16:48:21] wagnerrp: nor do i believe they are allowed to
[16:48:27] |PSU|: ok, that's what i have...assume u saw my host :P
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[16:48:49] |PSU|: finally entered the HD world at x-mas
[16:48:57] |PSU|: now i'm debating whether i upgrade my mythbox
[16:49:07] |PSU|: had been running on a pvr-350
[16:49:18] |PSU|: could only tune/capture the lower channels
[16:49:31] wagnerrp: you may want to hold off a bit
[16:49:33] |PSU|: the DVR from comcast is $6/month, although it's free for 6-months
[16:49:46] |PSU|: that's what i am wondering
[16:49:51] |PSU|: do you see more options coming in the future?
[16:49:57] wagnerrp: read up on the HDHomeRun Prime
[16:49:58] stuartm: in UK component output doesn't even exist on any pay tv boxes (Sky, Virgin, BT etc) so the HDPVR is not really worth having
[16:50:23] jya (jya!~avenardj@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Quit: jya)
[16:50:36] |PSU|: stuartm: interesting. do you only have HDMI out?
[16:50:42] |PSU|: wagnerrp: okay will check that out
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[16:52:10] stuartm: |PSU|: yeah, it's pretty much HDMI only, TVs might come with a component input for use with some camcorders etc but all set-top boxes tend to offer just HDMI output
[16:53:44] |PSU|: wagnerrp: it sounds like HDHomeRun will do multiple channels at once?
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[16:54:07] wagnerrp: three, yes
[16:54:21] |PSU|: and will it work with myth? :P
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[16:54:48] wagnerrp: yes
[16:55:06] |PSU|: so we just have to wait for it to come out?
[16:55:17] wagnerrp: yes
[16:55:52] |PSU|: any eta? the one article i read said they hope to have it in production by year-end (2010)...
[16:56:20] wagnerrp: its been in production for several months, they are waiting on cable labs certification
[16:56:42] |PSU|: and that's really a "who knows when?"
[16:56:43] wagnerrp: well i wont say it has been in production, they have been ready for production
[16:56:51] |PSU|: right
[16:57:10] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:57:11] wagnerrp: their engineers have been using it with mythtv for months
[16:57:14] |PSU|: :)
[16:57:18] |PSU|: nice
[16:57:41] |PSU|: what kind of box would you need to support that? 3 HD recordings?
[16:58:35] wagnerrp: the only difference between an HD and an SD recording is bitrate
[16:58:44] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:58:59] wagnerrp: and HD stuff will be no more than ~15–20mbps per recording
[16:59:17] |PSU|: ah, ok
[16:59:36] |PSU|: well thanks a bunch for the recommendation! i will hold off for a few months :)
[17:00:53] wagnerrp: understand that the HDHRP will only be able to record those channels marked as copy freely
[17:01:13] wagnerrp: that may be everything, that may be everything but premium, that may be exactly nothing
[17:03:35] |PSU|: so really, in that case the HD PVR has some advantages>? anything that you can tune, it can capture, while HD HRP may be limited?
[17:04:05] wagnerrp: correct, the HDPVR can CAPTURE anything coming off the cable box
[17:04:21] wagnerrp: the HDHRP will only be able to record those shows marked as copy freely by the cable company
[17:05:19] |PSU|: interesting
[17:05:29] |PSU|: and that's what we will find out after certification?
[17:07:29] wagnerrp: know anyone with a tivo?
[17:09:50] |PSU|: nope
[17:10:49] |PSU|: what can tivo record? everything?
[17:11:12] wagnerrp: it can record everything, but only the 'copy freely' content can be copied off the unit
[17:11:53] |PSU|: interesting. so they would have a case to get at least that much approved
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[17:13:59] justTom (justTom! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:15:36] justTom: Hi all, I'm running 0.23 on my FE/BE attatched to my television and I'm trying to add a second FE.
[17:15:50] justTom: Seems like it should be easy, but I'm having trouble getting it to go
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[17:16:23] wagnerrp: can you connect to the mysql server remotely using the 'mysql' command line utility?
[17:16:45] justTom: I can log into the mysql db from my new FE using "mysql -u mythtv -p -h mythconverg"
[17:17:08] justTom: but when I start mythtv-setup or mythfronend it won't log in
[17:17:10] wagnerrp: what IP did you set your backend to listen on?
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[17:17:47] justTom: wagnerrp, do you mean myth or mysql?
[17:18:01] wagnerrp: mythbackend, what IP is it set to listen on
[17:18:03] |PSU| (|PSU|! has quit ()
[17:18:13] wagnerrp: first page of first section in mythtv-setup
[17:18:35] justTom: do I look at the /etc/mythtv/config.xml?
[17:18:49] wagnerrp: no, this setting does not exist in any file
[17:19:03] justTom: I guess I'm not sure then
[17:19:08] justTom: where is it set?
[17:19:17] wagnerrp: first page of first section in mythtv-setup
[17:20:09] justTom: Local Backend IP Address:
[17:20:19] wagnerrp: and the master is the same?
[17:20:31] justTom: yes
[17:21:35] wagnerrp: you said neither mythtv-setup or mythfrontend would connect to the database, but mysql could?
[17:21:45] justTom: yes
[17:21:59] wagnerrp: could i see the frontend logs from where its trying to connect to the database?
[17:22:08] justTom: Strange thing is that my mysql.txt and config.xml are set to "localhost" on my BE and if I change them to on my FE/BE that FE won't log into the BE either
[17:23:16] wagnerrp: but you can connect remotely from the mysql command line client?
[17:23:31] justTom: yes
[17:23:42] allesmueller: I have a strange problem with transcoding – or with – I´m not sure: the recording contains 1 video and 2 audio tracks, at the begin both audio tracks have 2 channels and later 6 channels. The mkv file sounds right at the beginning and seems to be "scratchy" when the recording goes to 6 channels ... anyone a glue how I could overcome this?
[17:24:44] justTom: here is my FE log trying to connect:
[17:25:23] wagnerrp: justTom: you dont have the mysql drivers to connect to the database with
[17:26:14] wagnerrp: Qt is misconfigured
[17:27:53] justTom: Any idea what mysql package do I need to install?
[17:28:46] wagnerrp: qt-sql
[17:29:02] wagnerrp: it must be built with the qmysql3 driver
[17:30:49] justTom: hmm, I bet it screwed it up by building qt 4.7 from source
[17:33:15] justTom: Does myth 0.23 use qt 3 or 4?
[17:33:21] wagnerrp: 4
[17:33:38] justTom: so sounds like I need to go build the qt4-mysql package
[17:34:01] justTom: Do you happen to know if that comes with the main qt-4 package or if it is seperate?
[17:34:15] wagnerrp: i dont know, my package manager does all this
[17:34:38] wagnerrp: any good reason you built qt4.7 from source?
[17:34:56] justTom: Yeah – I usually like to stick with that too, but I needed 4.7 for some dev work I do on another OSS project
[17:35:03] wagnerrp: ah
[17:35:32] justTom: Thanks for the help
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[20:11:15] jgoulah: can i run the backend without a capture card? i keep getting this and its dying when i start it even with --nosched
[20:12:18] wagnerrp: no, you cannot run the backend without a capture card, as that error indicates
[20:12:26] jgoulah: um that sucks :)
[20:12:29] jgoulah: used to be able to
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[20:12:40] jgoulah: i dont want to use the tv portion just video/music/etc
[20:12:43] wagnerrp: tunerless backends have never been a supported mode of operation
[20:12:54] [R]: jgoulah: sounds like you dont want mythtv
[20:12:59] jgoulah: hm
[20:13:08] jgoulah: i was running 0.22 just fine
[20:13:23] jgoulah: i like the other components
[20:13:24] stuartm: as it currently stands, MythTV is still primarily a DVR, that may change eventually
[20:13:26] wagnerrp: while the change in 0.24 was not to intentionally prevent tunerless backends
[20:13:30] kormoc: jgoulah, it may have worked, it's just not a mode we ever supported
[20:13:55] wagnerrp: it has not been 'fixed' as it is not a supported mode that was broken
[20:14:09] wagnerrp: you can always set up a dummy tuner and channel
[20:14:15] wagnerrp: to appease the scheduler and its sanity check
[20:14:24] jgoulah: thats what i'm wondering, ok
[20:14:40] jgoulah: i get it, the tv piece is awesome – but i like the other components
[20:14:49] jgoulah: i used to run the tv piece when it was easy (analog tv)
[20:15:07] jgoulah: though i would like to get it working again
[20:15:11] wagnerrp: the tv piece is what mythtv is designed for, the other components are just addons
[20:15:34] wagnerrp: hopefully in 0.25, mythtv-setup will be replaced with a web setup run by the backend
[20:15:55] wagnerrp: which means the backend will have to be able to run tunerless, if for no other reason to be able to get into the setup to add a tuner
[20:17:18] jgoulah: ok
[20:17:41] kormoc: jgoulah, just create a dummy tuner and create a fake channel and call it good?
[20:18:12] jgoulah: trying it
[20:19:06] jgoulah: honestly i have used this since... i dont know 2001 maybe earlier? and used to love the tv stuff but never got around to buying new hardware for digital
[20:19:16] jgoulah: so hopefully one day i can get that set back up
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[20:20:34] jgoulah: what do people recommend for say verizon fios tv any experience there?
[20:24:16] jgoulah: kormoc: wagnerrp anyway that seems to have worked thanks
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[20:26:56] jgoulah: one other question, on the mythvideo plugin – seems to get the details (title,description) but not the cover art... whats the best way to debug whats happening?
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[20:27:15] kormoc: jgoulah, HDPVR is your only option to get all the channels in HD
[20:28:01] jgoulah: kormoc: can i plug directly into that, or i have to go through the cable box
[20:28:08] wagnerrp: cable box
[20:28:17] wagnerrp: its analog capture over component
[20:28:31] jgoulah: ok
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[21:03:10] JEDIDIAH__: is there a good human readable naming convention for the cover art? that could be a handy thing.
[21:03:41] JEDIDIAH__: I impose one of my own. makes cleanup of mistakes a lot easier.
[21:03:52] kormoc: handy for you, not handy for machines
[21:05:14] JEDIDIAH__: machines don't need gibberish.
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[21:07:21] wagnerrp: heres what im using in the bindings... . . .
[21:12:15] kormoc: JEDIDIAH__, nothing in the current schema is gibberish
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[22:10:57] thunwind: hi guys, I've got a large dvd collection in .iso I've been using on 0.23 over NFS, I noticed that 0.24 now supports dvds using storage groups, if the css2 decrypt libs are installed does it work with encrypted dvds?
[22:11:08] wagnerrp: no
[22:11:34] thunwind: so best to stay with nfs for iso?
[22:11:41] wagnerrp: no
[22:11:57] wagnerrp: best to decrypt your ISOs when you rip them, and use storage groups
[22:12:15] thunwind: ok, second best? :)
[22:17:30] wagnerrp: you could script up any dvd ripper software, combined with mkisofs to strip CSS off your images
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[22:19:19] wagnerrp: or apparently you can do this...
[22:19:38] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:19:45] hashbang: evening all
[22:20:17] wagnerrp: no, nevermind, that shouldnt do anything
[22:22:08] hashbang: I've just imported a bunch (~300) of RSS feeds that I read into MythNews, but it hangs when I enter it. I've cleaned up the names as best as I can see (e.g. removing special chars). Anyone got any tips for debugging it, short of running under gdb(!) ?
[22:22:38] clever: hashbang: anything in the logs?
[22:23:02] wagnerrp: too many feeds take too long to process?
[22:23:13] wagnerrp: has it actually hung, or is it sitting there processing?
[22:23:27] hashbang: wagnerrp: I think it just randomly hangs after the first one or two
[22:23:31] hashbang: 2011-01–16 22:14:05.735 MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager0) UPDATE newssites SET updated = '1295216045' WHERE name = 'Android Applications' ;
[22:23:31] hashbang: stat("/var/lib/mythtv/.mythtv/MythNews/Android Applications", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0664, st_size=38078, ...}) = 0
[22:23:31] hashbang: open("/var/lib/mythtv/.mythtv/MythNews/Android Applications", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 81
[22:23:38] hashbang: ...and then that's it.
[22:23:48] Perdignus: Could someone suggest a good VDPAU capable video card with HDMI audio passthrough, SPDIF pins and is pci-express 2.0 please? I see many with HDMI but I can't locate the SPDIF pins on the board
[22:24:03] hashbang: "Android Applications" is created and looks broadly right.
[22:24:16] wagnerrp: Perdignus: why would you want one with SPDIF pins?
[22:24:51] kenni (kenni!~kenni@mythtv/developer/kenni) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[22:25:24] Perdignus: wagnerrp: well, maybe that isn't the right term, digital audio from the motherboard to the video card, the out the HDMI is what I'm looking to do
[22:25:28] hashbang: Perdignus: I'd imagine they're prohibited from producing cards like that.
[22:25:49] hashbang: Perdignus: the video card shows up as an ALSA sound card
[22:25:52] wagnerrp: Perdignus: yes, why would you specifically want passthrough
[22:26:00] wagnerrp: the older 8 and 9 series nvidia cards support passthrough
[22:26:11] wagnerrp: while the newer GT series have onboard audio hardware
[22:26:33] wagnerrp: the newer GT series ARE their own sound card, and dont need SPDIF inputs
[22:26:49] Perdignus: wagnerrp: so the new GT series have the equivilant of an onboard-sound card? directly on the video card?
[22:26:58] hashbang: Perdignus: yup
[22:27:13] Perdignus: wow, that's even better, no wonder I don't see the pins ;)
[22:27:26] wagnerrp: yes, they all show up as HDA compliant cards to the system
[22:27:34] hashbang: Perdignus: of course, it does mean there's no 'digital hole' for unDRMed audio
[22:27:51] wagnerrp: i dont know where DRM factors into this anywhere
[22:28:05] hashbang: wagnerrp: between the HDMI port and the HDMI display
[22:28:07] wagnerrp: mythtv does not an cannot play any DRM'd content
[22:28:28] Perdignus: Would a GT 210 be a good VDPAU chipset?
[22:28:44] wagnerrp: by being open source, it cannot hide the keys necessary to implement DRM
[22:29:00] hashbang: Perdignus: I think the GT220 is supposed to be better, but I only found the 210 and 240 in passively-cooled variants.
[22:29:09] hashbang: 240 is overkill, apparently.
[22:29:18] wagnerrp: since its not a licensed DRM user, its not passing encrypted content to the video card, and the video card has no reason to enable HDCP
[22:29:30] wagnerrp: i dont even know if the linux nvidia drivers are capable of HDCP
[22:29:49] wagnerrp: anyway.... the 210 is good enough for playback
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[22:29:56] hashbang: wagnerrp: Hmmm, I guess. :-)
[22:29:58] wagnerrp: the 220 is good enough to use all of the deinterlace filters
[22:30:05] Perdignus: Looks like I could get one for ~$25 after a rebate –
[22:30:13] hashbang: Perdignus: bargwin.
[22:30:17] wagnerrp: and the 430 is the only card that will do HD audio bistreaming
[22:30:33] hashbang: Perdignus: Asus do some passive cards, so look into those.
[22:31:01] wagnerrp: the 210 and 220 will do AC3 and DTS
[22:31:10] wagnerrp: but you need a 430 if you want to bitsream stuff like DTS-HD
[22:31:21] Perdignus: hashbang: ok, I don't care too much about a fan since the system is one floor below me in the basement, I run the wires up through the wall
[22:31:51] hashbang: Perdignus: cool. OTOH, it's one less moving part to go wrong and let your GPU cook.
[22:32:18] Perdignus: hashbang: good point, which reminds me I should clean my fans about now
[22:32:18] wagnerrp: GPUs will shut down before you cook them
[22:32:37] wagnerrp: and theyre rated for stable operation at over 100C anyway
[22:33:46] hashbang: wagnerrp: I've seen weird bugs and crashes that went away when the card was replaced.
[22:34:37] hashbang: I got a passive Asus GT240 for my new build, unfortunately, I couldn't convince it to output 15.625KHz PAL
[22:34:58] hashbang: so I had to downgrade to a 7600GT with a fan that I had in another machine :-(
[22:35:31] Perdignus: bummer
[22:36:48] hashbang: Perdignus: TBH, it'll be good to get some gaming value out of the GT240 before I put it in my MythTV box. :-)
[22:37:18] hashbang: Perdignus: I'm only on SD at the moment, and when I need VDPAU for HD, I'll be connecting via HDMI to a new TV, and so I won't need 15KHz output. :-)
[22:39:41] Perdignus: hashbang: you'll be loving it then, I do NOT miss my SD TV one bit
[22:42:10] hashbang: Perdignus: I got a used fairly high-end Panasonic CRT a couple of years back. I think I'd need to spend about 3–5x more on a Panasonic Plasma to better the picture quality.
[22:42:50] messerting (messerting! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:48:14] jamesd2: not sure... 1080p tv's are pretty cheap... its only size that really adds price these days.. and a 42" looks bigger than all but the largest CRT's and probably not even those.
[22:48:33] jamesd2: didn't CRT end at 35" or did they make a 50" one?
[22:48:46] Perdignus: Do people really buy plasmas anymore? Wouldn't an LED tv suffice?
[22:49:02] ** J-e-f-f-A has a Mitsubishi MegaView 37" monitor – 1024x768. ;-) **
[22:49:27] jamesd2: Perdignus, i just got a 50" 1080p plasma i love the picture much better pictture than the 42" lcd i replaced....
[22:49:53] jamesd2: and the 42" was 1080p also... much better colors
[22:49:57] J-e-f-f-A: jamesd2: 36" was typically the biggest – my Mitsubishi is a 37" tube with 36" viewable area... a little blurry at 1024x768 though, as it's not a 'data grade' tube.
[22:51:01] J-e-f-f-A: jamesd2: It hasn't been turned on for a couple of months now... on Black Friday I got a 32" LCD... ;-) (and haven't moved the 220lb beast yet...)
[22:53:00] Shadow__1: J-e-f-f-A: i recently got rid of a 36inch crt tv as well. The overall dimensions itself made it hard to move. It was really awkward to get a good hold of it
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[22:53:42] wagnerrp: Perdignus: LCDs still cannot compare to a plasma in contrast or response time
[22:54:07] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__1: A Sony? yeah, I got one for free from a friend – about 4 years ago – it would turn off, or have no picture at times. It just had cold solder joints – I had it fixed 2 hours after getting it home.
[22:54:20] kormoc: wagnerrp, not true anymot with contrast. Samsung's microdiming LCD tech is uber impressive
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[22:54:35] kenni (kenni!~kenni@mythtv/developer/kenni) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:54:53] Shadow__1: J-e-f-f-A: nope a mitsubishi
[22:55:14] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__1: But the interlace flicker drove me crazy- so I gave it away. I am (well, was running) the 37" Mitsubishi monitor through a scaler, so no interlace flicker. Incredible picture with a scaler... (Viewsonic N4)
[22:55:42] wagnerrp: ugh... every mitsubishi ive seen has looked like garbage
[22:55:42] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__1: (I got two of them for free from work when they upgraded to 40" LCD monitors... At the time it was quite a score...)
[22:56:02] Shadow__1: i decided i rather just wait and save for decent lcd's
[22:56:04] kormoc: wagnerrp, that said, they're not out yet and will be uber costly for awhile too
[22:56:19] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: perhaps, but these were Industrial grade computer monitors. With the Viewsonic N4 video scaler, they looked quite stunning.
[22:56:20] wagnerrp: kormoc: yeah, i was going to say E3 demo gear doesnt count... :)
[22:56:36] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[22:56:46] kormoc: wagnerrp, CES ;)
[22:57:18] paul-h (paul-h!~Paul@mythtv/developer/paul-h) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:57:21] wagnerrp: erm, yeah... got expos mixed up
[22:57:46] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: My buddy has a 3D LED local-dimming LCD – I was quite suprised that the image quality is stunning – no percieved blur at all, even at very high motion shots (sports)... I was pretty shocked... But then again, when you spend a few thousand dollars on a tv...
[22:58:18] J-e-f-f-A: IIRC, it's a 55" – and IIRC, it's a Samsung.
[22:59:19] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__1: I'm waiting for full OLED. ;-) ie: a TRUE LED TV.  ;-)
[22:59:52] Shadow__1: is that organic led? or was that something different
[23:00:06] wagnerrp: yes
[23:00:11] J-e-f-f-A: Yeah. ;-)
[23:00:31] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__1: The Samsung "G" phones have full oLED displays – they are stunning...
[23:00:50] J-e-f-f-A: *Galaxy S phones
[23:01:03] Shadow__1: so would that mean every pixel has its own led light?
[23:01:24] wagnerrp: yes
[23:01:33] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__1: a-yup. ;-)
[23:01:40] Shadow__1: ah ok good stuff
[23:03:28] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar!~Unknown@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[23:03:49] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__1: I had heard of a 32" model shown at the german 'ces' show, and just googled and found that LG displayed a 31" 3d set at CES this year...
[23:04:13] Perdignus: When the video cards have on board digital audio, is linux driver support an option? Or is it supported with the nVidia driver?
[23:04:43] VManiac16 (VManiac16!~Unknown@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[23:05:40] Perdignus: s/option/issue
[23:06:25] nEo-1664 (nEo-1664! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:06:48] hashbang: Perdignus: TBH, I'm not sure there's much point in getting an nVidia card for MythTV and not using the proprietary drivers.
[23:07:01] hashbang: Perdignus: I hate to say it, but they work better.
[23:07:04] nEo-1664 (nEo-1664! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:08:05] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:08:38] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[23:09:54] Perdignus: hashbang: oh no, I'm definately using the nVidia drivers, I'm just wondering where support for the onboard audio comes from? the kernel or the nVidia driver?
[23:10:06] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:10:30] hashbang: pretty sure it comes from the nVidia driver
[23:11:09] hashbang: oh, maybe not
[23:11:17] justTom (justTom! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:11:18] hashbang: # grep -r "NVIDIA HDMI" .
[23:11:18] hashbang: ./linux-2.6.29.x86_64/sound/pci/hda/Kconfig: bool "Build NVIDIA HDMI HD-audio codec support"
[23:11:19] hashbang: ./linux-2.6.29.x86_64/sound/pci/hda/Kconfig: Say Y here to include NVIDIA HDMI HD-audio codec support in
[23:11:19] hashbang: ./linux-2.6.29.x86_64/sound/pci/hda/patch_nvhdmi.c: * HD audio interface patch for NVIDIA HDMI codecs
[23:11:19] hashbang: ./linux-2.6.29.x86_64/sound/pci/hda/patch_nvhdmi.c: info->name = "NVIDIA HDMI";
[23:11:37] Perdignus: interesting
[23:11:58] ** hashbang sits corrected by evidence. :-) **
[23:12:40] thunwind: is there a way I can get my 4 digit code without running mythtv-setup (backend is recording atm)
[23:12:48] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: re: Red2Blu — so it's $4.95 per disc, plus $6.95 shipping & handling "per order" – is that 'per disc', or can you send in 4 discs and only pay one $6.95 S&H fee?
[23:13:48] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:14:18] hashbang: thunwind: echo select * from settings where value='securitypin'; | mysql -p mythconverg
[23:14:41] hashbang: hmm
[23:14:46] Shadow__1: how do i get a recording to start late
[23:14:50] hashbang: put " round that echo. :-)
[23:15:06] hashbang: thunwind: echo "select * from settings where value='securitypin';" | mysql -p mythconverg
[23:15:19] thunwind: hum, I get two lines, one with 0000 and the other is blank
[23:15:36] hashbang: thunwind: looks like it's probably 0000 then :-)
[23:15:37] clever: hashbang: thats what -e is for
[23:15:42] [R]: Shadow__1: its an option when yo uset it up... i awlays setup from mythweb... its under "advanced" there
[23:15:46] hashbang: thefRont: the same as my luggage!
[23:15:46] thunwind: my FE says bad pin of 0000, should I delete that blank entry?
[23:16:11] Shadow__1: [R]: yeah same here but i see start early and end late only
[23:16:22] [R]: Shadow__1: what more do yo uthink you need?
[23:16:25] Shadow__1: i tried putting in -2 for start early but that was not correct
[23:16:40] Shadow__1: i wanted to start the recording late
[23:16:41] [R]: oh... hrm
[23:16:48] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Interesting – the program terms state (#14) "The Program may be terminated by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Inc. at any time and if not terminated by June 30, 2010, the Program shall be deemed to expire on June 30, 2010."  — Maybe they forgot about that?
[23:16:48] [R]: you could setup a manual recording...
[23:17:09] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[23:17:24] Crys (Crys!~|Crys| has joined #mythtv-users
[23:17:24] Crys (Crys!~|Crys| has quit (Changing host)
[23:17:24] Crys (Crys!~|Crys|@plone/tiran) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:17:50] clever: hashbang: mysql -p -e "select * from settings where value='securitypin';"
[23:18:20] Shadow__1: [R]: ah ok cool thanks. forgot about that options
[23:18:38] Shadow__1 is now known as Shadow__X
[23:18:44] hashbang: clever: that's better. :-)
[23:18:47] [R]: Shadow__X: i do know – works for end late though
[23:18:51] Shadow__X (Shadow__X! has quit (Changing host)
[23:18:51] Shadow__X (Shadow__X!~jose@unaffiliated/shadowx/x-411846) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:19:17] Shadow__X: oh ok cool to make it end early
[23:20:24] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:21:06] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Ah, faq has the answer for the S&H: "A: Flat fee shipping and handling is $6.95 on your entire order shipped within the Continental US" That's not bad...
[23:21:41] wagnerrp: yeah, i dont know if they have a limit on the number per order though
[23:22:39] J-e-f-f-A: 25.  – and happens to be the max per individual too...
[23:23:17] wagnerrp: well to be fair, they only have like 50 HDDVD movies
[23:23:39] iamlindoro: DVD2Blu is a much more fun program
[23:23:56] iamlindoro: where you can send them *any* DVD and pay them a few bucks to send you a totally different Blu-ray
[23:24:19] wagnerrp: wait... you dont have to supply the matching DVD?
[23:24:34] iamlindoro: nope
[23:24:38] iamlindoro: anything
[23:24:45] iamlindoro: (anything commercial)
[23:24:52] iamlindoro:
[23:24:52] wagnerrp: any retail WB, or any commercial?
[23:24:54] iamlindoro: any
[23:25:06] iamlindoro: WB and non-WB alike
[23:25:17] sid3windr: fun
[23:25:17] [R]: do you pick the bluray
[23:25:19] ** J-e-f-f-A is impressed. **
[23:25:20] [R]: or do they send you a random one?
[23:25:25] iamlindoro: you pick the blu-ray
[23:25:30] [R]: how does that work?
[23:25:32] [R]: what do they do with the old dvds?
[23:25:33] wagnerrp: they send a random one
[23:25:35] [R]: sell them?
[23:25:37] wagnerrp: its like the woot bag of crap
[23:25:39] wagnerrp: :)
[23:25:40] J-e-f-f-A: [R]:
[23:25:59] [R]: J-e-f-f-A: but it doenst say what they do with it...
[23:26:11] iamlindoro: They likely toss it
[23:26:19] hashbang: [R]: there are companies here that buy job lots of used DVDs and flog them
[23:26:31] iamlindoro: Since it's probably all about adoption, they don't care about what they get
[23:26:33] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: ? Step 1 is "Select the Warner Bros. Blu-rays you want to own"...
[23:26:54] [R]: J-e-f-f-A: i'm not questioning the process for hte end user
[23:27:05] [R]: iamlindoro: arne't they losing money by doing htat?
[23:27:20] iamlindoro: It costs them less than $4.95 to make you a Blu-ray
[23:27:24] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: Oh,you mean the DVD you trade in – they probably trash it. ;-) (Or the WB employee that receives them has one heck of a DVD collection afterwards...)
[23:27:32] iamlindoro: They're likely still making money even at that price point
[23:28:14] [R]: J-e-f-f-A: haha
[23:28:40] [R]: "excluding adult content"
[23:28:41] [R]: haha
[23:28:42] sid3windr: but you can't trade in porn
[23:28:44] sid3windr: hehe
[23:28:47] sid3windr: just read that too. :P
[23:29:01] iamlindoro: Quick way to get a couple seasons of Chuck if you're so inclined
[23:29:11] hashbang: [R]: the 'no pr0n' thing suggests they're selling them as a job lot (probably by the lb)
[23:29:21] kormoc: go to wallmart, grab a bunch of the $0.99 dvds they have, send them in
[23:29:32] [R]: kormoc: thats a good idea
[23:29:34] hashbang: [R]: I've bought ex-rental DVDs from such resellers
[23:29:39] sid3windr: that's what I was thinking too, kormoc :)
[23:29:51] hashbang: [R]: 5 for £10, free shipping
[23:29:53] J-e-f-f-A: similar rules to the Red2Blu program — up to 25 per household, flat S&H of $4.95 on the entire order... humm...
[23:30:13] [R]: hashbang: do they guarantee against scratches?
[23:30:16] wagnerrp: do they ship to PO boxes?
[23:30:18] Crys: I have an idea for mythwelcome that I like to run through you before a write a feature request. I want to prevent my box from shutting down if a ssh session is open or a samba connection is established. How do you like the idea to add several options for scripts + message to mythwelcome? For example script "ps ax | grep sshd:", message "ssh connection open".
[23:30:32] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: no.
[23:30:42] [R]: Crys: dont' file a trac bug unless you have a patch though
[23:30:44] hashbang: [R]: they guarantee they'll be playable
[23:30:50] [R]: Crys: you dont need a patch for that though
[23:31:03] hashbang: [R]: most were perfect, some needed some cleaning, a few a polish.
[23:31:06] wagnerrp: Crys: the feature requests on the wiki are generally ignored
[23:31:12] [R]: Crys: the optino to run "mythshutdown --check"... jsut replaced that with a script, and have it check whatever you want, and than if all that passes... run mythshudown --check
[23:32:27] Crys: [R]: I've already tried a replacement for mythshutdown --check in the backend. It works but it doesn't show a nice message in mythwelcome.
[23:32:51] [R]: Crys: lol
[23:33:31] hashbang: [R]:
[23:33:49] lofty40 (lofty40!~mario@ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[23:33:57] [R]: hashbang: pretty good prices
[23:34:02] [R]: but who wants dvds anymore
[23:34:03] [R]: lol
[23:34:20] kormoc: [R], I still buy DVDs
[23:34:23] ** hashbang too **
[23:34:27] hashbang: -ENOHD
[23:34:39] ** J-e-f-f-A too. **
[23:34:42] thunwind (thunwind! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:34:46] hashbang: I don't pay more than £4 for anything.
[23:34:56] hashbang: rules.
[23:35:10] hashbang: OK, boxsets I pay more...
[23:35:38] Crys: [R]: mythwelcome hangs at "... idle and will shut down in 10 seconds".
[23:35:40] [R]: i havent bought dvds in forever... i have the movie channels
[23:35:46] [R]: Crys: what do you mean hangs?
[23:36:14] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!~Matt@wikisource/ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:36:16] hashbang: [R]: all the movie channels are owned by Murdoch in the UK
[23:36:22] hashbang: [R]: or free
[23:36:32] mattwj2002: hi guys
[23:37:14] hashbang: [R]: I used to use (like netflix) but I didn't get through the DVDs quickly enough once I had my MythTV box. :-)
[23:37:33] [R]: i want to do netflix streaming
[23:37:37] mattwj2002: any idea why my computer is crashing everytime I try and watch live tv?
[23:38:00] mattwj2002: X is crash
[23:38:04] mattwj2002: it records fine
[23:38:05] hashbang: mattwj2002: completely dead? even to network? Probably a wonky driver.
[23:38:11] Crys: [R]: I've replaced mythshutdown --check with my own script in mythtv-setup. The script works as expected (the computer doesn't shut down) but mythwelcome keeps counting down until 10 seconds to shutdown and sits there.
[23:38:12] hashbang: mattwj2002: what card/driver are you using?
[23:38:16] castlec (castlec! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:38:38] mattwj2002: I don't remember it is an Nvidia something or other
[23:38:53] [R]: Crys: yeah, i dunno how frontend checks
[23:39:00] mattwj2002: I am using the non open source ones
[23:39:06] castlec1 (castlec1! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:39:27] hashbang: mattwj2002: what version?
[23:39:37] hashbang: mattwj2002: I hear the 260.19 drivers are a bit wonky
[23:39:58] Crys: [R]: mythwelcome is hard coded to use mythshutdown --status 0.
[23:39:58] mattwj2002: one sec I'll check
[23:41:10] [R]: Crys: yeah,k guess you are scrweed
[23:41:17] mattwj2002: yeah hashbang that is the one
[23:41:32] ** mattwj2002 bashes hashbang **
[23:41:50] mattwj2002: should I go down a version or go open source?
[23:42:14] iamlindoro: Neither
[23:42:19] hashbang: mattwj2002: 256.13 working fine for me
[23:42:39] iamlindoro: . . . 2/#post55710
[23:42:45] mattwj2002: I'll try an older version
[23:42:47] iamlindoro: no
[23:42:57] Crys: [R]: I could replace mythshutdown with my own wrapper but that's a hack.
[23:43:18] [R]: Crys: well unless your gonna patch it... nto really gonna get changed
[23:44:05] mattwj2002: downgrading
[23:44:11] iamlindoro: no
[23:44:15] iamlindoro: mattwj2002, try reading
[23:44:19] mattwj2002: okay
[23:44:51] mattwj2002: oh
[23:45:05] mattwj2002: "You just needed to switch to a Playback profile that doesn't use XvMC, like the "Slim" Playback profile."
[23:45:06] mattwj2002: :)
[23:45:26] Crys: [R]: I could try to come up with a patch. I know some C, C++ and QT. But I don't see a point with writing a patch if nobody likes the general idea.
[23:45:55] [R]: Crys: if you submit a patch to trac and it doesnt suck... it;'ll be accepted
[23:46:40] dkeith_ (dkeith_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:46:40] ** mattwj2002 buys iamlindoro a beer **
[23:47:52] wagnerrp: oof, segfault
[23:48:10] wagnerrp: kernel fault, rather
[23:49:00] [R]: oops i did it again
[23:49:04] hashbang: ttfn, chaps
[23:49:15] hashbang (hashbang! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:49:26] dkeith (dkeith!~dkeith@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[23:50:54] Crys: [R]: I'm not sure if my idea fits into the design of mythwelcome.
[23:51:12] Stevezau (Stevezau! has quit ()
[23:51:31] [R]: you could just add 1 extra return code
[23:51:42] [R]: and say somethihng generic
[23:51:50] [R]: and add a new db option to call a custom script for that return code
[23:51:58] wagnerrp: Crys: couldnt you change the shutdown command
[23:52:29] wagnerrp: so that the shutdown command does its own check, and refuses to shutdown if it meets certain conditions
[23:52:44] [R]: wagnerrp: it already does that... hes just talking about the message on the mythwelcome screen
[23:53:00] Crys: wagnerrp: My first attempt didn't restart the countdown, too.
[23:54:58] Crys: Right now my check script is run over and over again without a delay between each call and without restarting the mythwelcome countdown.
[23:55:31] [R]: Crys: what is the return value for status?
[23:55:40] [R]: 0 i assume?
[23:56:10] Crys: 0 for "ok" and 32 for "do not shut down".
[23:56:38] [R]: if status was returnning 32... than mythwelcoem woudln't show a countdown...
[23:56:49] mattwj2002: so iamlindoro what type of beer do you want?
[23:57:02] Crys: I think mythwelcome doesn't know about the result of the script since it's a backend thing.
[23:58:14] [R]: welcome runs mythshutdown --status
[23:58:20] Crys: I assume that mythwelcome tells the backend to shut down over and over again. The backend runs my script and stops the shutdown since it doesn't return 0.
[23:58:33] [R]: mythwelcdome has nothign to do with shutting down
[23:58:39] [R]: the backend does that on its own
[23:59:03] [R]: the backend has a timer, 2 mins, 5 mins, whatever
[23:59:08] [R]: it runs mythshutdown --check (or whatver is in the db)
[23:59:21] [R]: if that fails, it doesnt shutdown
[23:59:39] [R]: independently of that... mythwelcoem runs mythshutdown --status
[23:59:54] Crys: Yes, that's how I understand it, too.

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