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Saturday, January 1st, 2011, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:24] superjudge (superjudge! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:00:42] clever: tzanger: not sure, but you can change the default alsa device thru .asoundrc
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[00:02:54] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
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[00:09:15] CLGSHAFT (CLGSHAFT!~mythtv@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[00:16:45] jya (jya!~avenardj@mythtv/developer/jya) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:17:14] trumee: Happy New Year everybody! (UK, 2011 happened)
[00:20:00] balor (balor!~aidan@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[00:28:51] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:29:07] balor: Is it possible to get mythfrontend to pull *everything* from the backend i.e. the mythgallery images and mythvideo videos?
[00:29:17] wagnerrp: at current, no
[00:29:34] wagnerrp: only recordings and mythvideo (when set up using storage groups) are pulled from the backend
[00:29:46] wagnerrp: mythgallery and mythmusic have not been migrated over to using storage groups yet
[00:30:27] wagnerrp: storage groups are the mechanism mythtv uses for defining storage on the backend, which can then be shared out to connected frontends
[00:30:51] balor: So if I copy my movies into the dir I defined as a storage group then mythvideo should find them?
[00:31:20] wagnerrp: if they exist on the backend, and are in one of the folders you defined for the Videos storage group on that backend
[00:31:37] wagnerrp: then yes, a 'scan' in mythvideo later and the content should be accessible to any connected frontend
[00:31:39] balor: thanks. And Happy New Year from UTC
[00:32:52] hipitihop (hipitihop!~denis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:33:24] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:37:46] balor (balor!~aidan@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:38:02] balor (balor!~aidan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:04] balor: Should there be a "Create Videos Group" in the storage groups setup? As I can see a Screenshots, CoverArt etc... but no Videos/Movies.
[00:40:28] wagnerrp: its either Video or Videos, cant remember
[00:40:34] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:40:42] wagnerrp: and if there isnt one, there will be a 'create...' entry instead
[00:42:01] balor (balor!~aidan@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:42:14] balor (balor!~aidan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:28] GreyFoxx: Is XFS still the myth recordings partition of choice?
[00:48:34] tzanger: wagnerrp: you're right, it wasn't the backend, it was the underpowered forntend
[00:48:46] tzanger: put my desktop pc there instead of the athlon soething or other and no skipping at all
[00:49:08] wagnerrp: xfs, jfs, and apparently ext4 are all decently suited
[00:49:23] wagnerrp: athlon what?
[00:49:28] balor: So I've created a StorageGroup called Videos and copied a file into the directory. From the frontend (separate machine) I can't see the videos listed. Using version 63 of protocol if that helps.
[00:49:48] wagnerrp: youre in canada, so it should only be MPEG2
[00:49:55] GreyFoxx: XFS is what I've historically used, but I;m setting up a new box and was considering using ext4, mostly because I'm not actively using anything else :)
[00:49:56] wagnerrp: any 64-bit athlon should be plenty powerful
[00:50:10] wagnerrp: and the higher end AthXPs should be usable as well
[00:50:27] wagnerrp: ive got a 1.93GHz Barton i use as a test box with no issues
[00:50:42] wagnerrp: my recordings are probably a bit below average bitrate
[00:51:00] wagnerrp: but im usually running under 80% even with a basic deint
[00:51:33] wagnerrp: ive been using jfs, just because ive had some bad experiences with xfs in the past
[00:51:50] wagnerrp: but then jfs has its own quirks
[00:53:10] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:42] balor: Do I need to export the videos on an NFS/CIFS share to see them from the frontend?
[00:55:56] wagnerrp: no, but you do have to restart the backend, and then scan in mythvideo
[00:56:20] balor: scan in...I read about that somewhere...
[00:56:37] wagnerrp: in mythvideo, hit 'm'
[00:56:42] wagnerrp: its in the resultant menu
[01:01:10] balor: right...just audio now
[01:01:18] balor: MythTv doesn't like PulseAudio
[01:01:43] wagnerrp: it can use it, but ALSA is preferreed
[01:02:50] gregL (gregL! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:02:59] balor: It seems to have hosed my audio. I can't play totem audio files.
[01:03:56] balor: hmmm...and frontend won't exit a movie cleanly when Esc is pressed – I just get a black screen
[01:04:44] klucas (klucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:05:25] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:05:33] trumee: balor, not sure what distro you are on. But on ubuntu i had to get rid of pulse-audio completely
[01:06:06] awalls (awalls! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:06:17] balor: trumee: I'm on Fedora and I'm quite attached to pulseaudio
[01:06:22] trumee: balor, otherwise Mythtv would lock up the audio.
[01:06:34] balor: trumee: looks like I have the same issue
[01:07:37] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:19] balor: My other issue is getting a black screen on "Attempting to change from WatchingVideo to None"
[01:09:38] balor: Then I have to Ctrl+C the frontend
[01:13:08] balor: ah, there's an ALSA:pulse device
[01:13:10] balor: which works
[01:13:54] balor: and fixing that also fixes the blank screen issue
[01:13:56] balor: yay!
[01:14:06] balor: Why didn't I do MythTv years ago!
[01:16:28] tzanger: wagnerrp: I can't remember offhand, I *want* to say Athlon 1600
[01:16:55] tzanger: but that can't be right
[01:17:28] tzanger: it was an M2NPV-VM but upgraded it after
[01:27:54] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[01:32:46] wagnerrp: 1600MHz or 1600+?
[01:34:25] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:34:39] wagnerrp: well, either are really a bit slow
[01:34:50] wagnerrp: should work if youre using xvmc, but i would recommend upgrading over that
[01:36:01] jya: balor: if you select ALSA:pulse, you are using pulseaudio, just pulse's ALSA emulation... You can also use the PulseAudio:default device, which is using the native pulse interface
[01:36:02] momelod (momelod! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:47:19] wagnerrp: anyone else get this invite?
[01:55:43] jya: what invite ?
[01:56:12] jya: wagnerrp: you're the one using mythtv on FreeBSD right?
[01:56:20] wagnerrp: * You have been invited to ##InteractiveArt by Unintended (
[01:56:26] wagnerrp: yeah, backend only
[01:56:51] jya: nah , didn't get that invite.. I'm jealous now..
[01:57:17] wagnerrp: i dont get it though, there is no one of that name on the server
[01:57:29] wagnerrp: and ive got no idea what i would have anything to do with 'interactive art'
[01:57:45] wagnerrp: i figured they just spammed it at random
[01:57:47] jya: wagnerrp: ever considered trying the backend on solaris kernel? looking at nexenta right now
[01:57:59] wagnerrp: never run solaris
[01:58:04] jya: that looks like a sweet combination: solaris kernel, gnu userland
[01:58:13] jya: so core ZFS and kernel smb support
[01:58:21] jya: great for a disk storage backend
[01:58:29] wagnerrp: theres a couple attempts at that for freebsd
[01:58:34] wagnerrp: bsd kernel and gnu userland
[01:58:44] wagnerrp: i know of at least debian and gentoo doing it
[01:58:50] jya: yeah, I saw the debian version
[02:00:58] tictric (tictric! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:02:24] wagnerrp: crap, coke on the keyboard
[02:04:29] jya: shouldn't you get ready for NYE ?
[02:04:42] tgm4883: wagnerrp, no, that should be on a mirror with a razor blade right?
[02:05:59] klucas (klucas! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:16:57] wagnerrp: tgm4883: sure, putting it on a bumpy surface like a keyboard is just wasteful
[02:19:06] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[04:52:21] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!~Matt@wikisource/ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:52:29] mattwj2002: hi guys
[04:59:53] Cromag (Cromag!cromag@irssi/user/cromag) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:00:53] _abbenormal (_abbenormal! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:07:23] mattwj2002: would a P4 2.8 Ghz handle HD?
[05:08:01] mattwj2002: I would want to play back from a HDhomerun
[05:10:07] wagnerrp: would be at about its limits, but it should
[05:10:41] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:11:57] mattwj2002: okay
[05:11:58] mattwj2002: hmm
[05:14:05] brent (brent!~brent@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[05:25:26] mattwj2002: yeah
[05:25:35] mattwj2002: I really want to be able to record hd again
[05:25:36] mattwj2002: :(
[05:26:40] mattwj2002: the hdhomerun records it in mpeg2 right?
[05:26:58] mattwj2002: I'll probably need a good nvidia graphics card
[05:27:09] wagnerrp: the HDHR records in whatever the broadcaster broadcasts
[05:27:25] mattwj2002: really
[05:27:29] brent: hey guys
[05:27:41] mattwj2002: I thought all broadcast in the US were MPEG2
[05:27:41] brent: just installed ubuntu 10.10 64 bit
[05:27:47] mattwj2002: I am talking OTA
[05:27:48] wagnerrp: it is
[05:27:56] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[05:27:58] brent: how do i update so 0.24 shows in software downloads?
[05:28:01] mattwj2002: okay
[05:28:02] mattwj2002: )
[05:28:02] wagnerrp: but the most the HDHR does is some PID filtering
[05:28:03] mattwj2002: :)
[05:28:13] mattwj2002: got ya
[05:28:40] wagnerrp: brent: git pull?
[05:28:49] mattwj2002: what is clear QAM usually?
[05:28:57] mattwj2002: MPEG4?
[05:29:05] brent: umm no
[05:29:11] wagnerrp: mpeg2 video, ac3 audio, mpeg2ts container
[05:29:44] mattwj2002: how is it they fit so many more channels in the same 6 Mhz?
[05:29:50] wagnerrp: brent: umm yes, that is the official way to update mythtv
[05:29:58] brent: ok
[05:30:03] brent: i am installing git
[05:30:07] wagnerrp: mattwj2002: because they use a different modulation with roughly double the bandwidth
[05:30:22] mattwj2002: oh yeah
[05:30:22] wagnerrp: brent: you are probably looking for the way to do updates through your distro's package manager
[05:30:28] mattwj2002: I knew that!
[05:30:34] wagnerrp: in which case you would have to ask that distro
[05:30:38] mattwj2002: less reduancy
[05:30:44] mattwj2002: *bad spelling*
[05:30:48] brent: oh
[05:30:55] wagnerrp: mattwj2002: no, lower SNR
[05:31:11] wagnerrp: lower signal-to-noise, but higher bandwidth
[05:31:17] mattwj2002: no I mean from a data prospective
[05:31:36] wagnerrp: meaning it relies on a cleaner transmission mechanism than broadcast can provide
[05:31:40] mattwj2002: less redundant data
[05:31:45] mattwj2002: right?
[05:31:49] wagnerrp: no, not less redundant
[05:32:17] wagnerrp: redundancy means the data is transmitted multiple times, or has some sort of parity or hamming code for recovery
[05:32:21] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:32:27] mattwj2002: right
[05:32:51] wagnerrp: think of it this way
[05:32:59] mattwj2002: I thought it had partiy or something on that order
[05:33:02] wagnerrp: do you know how audio bitrate works?
[05:33:08] mattwj2002: yes
[05:33:23] wagnerrp: 16-bit audio means you have some 65k different levels the audio can exist at
[05:33:34] mattwj2002: ok
[05:33:55] wagnerrp: each time sample contains 2 bytes of data
[05:34:22] wagnerrp: but with that much data per sample, the risk of noise causing a invalid data point is significant
[05:34:46] wagnerrp: if you halve the data, 8-bits per sample, you have significantly better error resiliency
[05:34:53] brent: so a little reading on ubuntu, i am restricted to 0.23.1+fixes until april
[05:35:13] wagnerrp: brent: no, you need to enable the necessary ppa
[05:35:27] brent: sorry i am a noob
[05:35:32] mattwj2002: interesting
[05:35:34] brent: ill hjave to read up on that
[05:35:37] brent: thanks
[05:35:42] wagnerrp: mattwj2002: ATSC primarily uses 8VSB, capable of 19.4Mbps
[05:35:59] mattwj2002: but half the bandwidth
[05:36:14] mattwj2002: of clear QAM
[05:36:29] wagnerrp: one of the things in consideration for digital cable was 16VSB, which has double the bandwidth, but much less resiliency
[05:36:56] wagnerrp: cable typically uses QAM-256, different encoding, but roughly 38mbps
[05:36:57] mattwj2002: why did they decide against it I wonder?
[05:37:15] wagnerrp: QAM-64 is half the bandwidth, and QAM-16 is half again
[05:37:42] mattwj2002: does cable actually use QAM-64 or 16?
[05:37:57] wagnerrp: some providers do, not many
[05:38:02] mattwj2002: I always scan for just 256
[05:38:07] wagnerrp: since they only offer 19 and 9mbps, respectively
[05:38:18] mattwj2002: right
[05:38:38] wagnerrp: they have the signal quality since its a closed circuit, so they can afford the higher bandwidth encoding
[05:39:11] mattwj2002: got ya
[05:39:27] mattwj2002: by the way......not to be rude or anything but what happened to Dick Clark?
[05:39:34] mattwj2002: is he okay?
[05:39:50] mattwj2002: I haven't seen him in many years
[05:40:13] wagnerrp: seriously? hes been hosting the new years eve special since the early days of the roman empire
[05:40:14] wagnerrp: hes fine
[05:40:26] mattwj2002: oh he had a stroke
[05:40:49] Cromag (Cromag!cromag@irssi/user/cromag) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[05:41:29] mattwj2002: I normally watch CNN's countdown
[05:41:41] mattwj2002: but this year's I am watch ABC's in HD OTA
[05:41:42] mattwj2002: :)
[05:42:01] mattwj2002: trying out my new antenna I got for Christmas
[05:42:17] brent: wagnerrp thanks for the help, a little over my head for the moment
[05:42:37] wagnerrp: brent: try in #ubuntu-mythtv
[05:42:57] wagnerrp: ive never used mythbuntu, so im not sure how to enable the mythbuntu PPAs
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[07:11:28] clgshaft: happy new year everyone
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[10:16:10] semsem: Hi
[10:16:23] semsem: could somebody help me please
[10:16:36] semsem: I have an issue with swap
[10:16:57] semsem: I have 12GB swap area on my system
[10:17:07] semsem: but mythtv only uses 3.4GB
[10:17:22] semsem: How I can tell mythtv to use more
[10:19:07] FabriceMG: hello , you say swap, the swap system file on linux?
[10:19:25] semsem: yes I am using mythbuntu 10.10
[10:19:33] semsem: free total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 2059676 1630756 428920 0 168128 1097356 -/+ buffers/cache: 365272 1694404 Swap: 11934712 0 11934712
[10:19:36] FabriceMG: 12 Gb!!!!!!!!
[10:19:40] sid3windr: ehh
[10:19:46] semsem: hahaha
[10:19:47] sid3windr: and why would you WANT myth to swap more?!
[10:19:56] semsem: I know it is a bit stupid
[10:20:10] semsem: it only uses 3.4GB
[10:20:26] semsem: sometimes it runs out of memory
[10:20:29] semsem: my mem is only 2GB
[10:20:50] FabriceMG: in standard swap = 2* men
[10:20:55] FabriceMG: in standard swap = 2* mem
[10:21:02] semsem: playing HD consume alot mate
[10:21:43] FabriceMG: it's stupid , buy 1 Nvidia card
[10:22:18] sid3windr: swap = 2* mem? so one of my servers needs 96G of swap ;/
[10:22:21] sid3windr: swap ~ 4G
[10:22:24] sid3windr: the end :p
[10:23:25] semsem: Any solution mythtv can swap more than the already using?
[10:24:17] FabriceMG: it's not 1 pb 32bit 64bit with 3.4 limit?
[10:24:44] semsem: 32bit
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[10:36:15] sid3windr: 3.4 limit? que?
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[13:06:44] jya: how do you blacklist someone on IRC, so you never get to be annoyed by someone writing constantly useless stuff?
[13:07:30] Crys: jya: /ignore
[13:07:37] jya: thanks
[13:07:43] Crys: jya: /help ignore
[13:08:05] Crys: jya: you need to apply a host mask
[13:08:14] Crys: jya: nick!whois@host
[13:10:16] jya: oh, I can just do right click -> ignore in my irc client :)
[13:27:47] grumpydevil: Is mythweb brogen in git at the moment?
[13:27:54] grumpydevil: broken, even
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[14:11:16] strizer: happy new year!
[14:12:32] strizer: can i use the HP USB TV Tuner (KS523AA#ABA) with mythtv?
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[17:08:15] balor: I'm in the UK, have done a channel scan on Europe-west, but get no channels. How can I go about debugging the issue?
[17:16:26] Azelphur: what input method are you using?
[17:16:37] Azelphur: like DVB-T, DVB-S, ?
[17:17:36] Azelphur: balor: ^
[17:18:27] balor: It's a DVB-S2 card
[17:18:36] balor: So I'm using DVB-S
[17:21:22] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents!~darren@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[17:21:56] balor: I've got two satellite dishes (they were on the house when I bought it)
[17:22:01] balor: And I've tried both dishes
[17:22:18] balor: I *believe* one is pointed at Sky – which is Astra
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[17:26:56] Crys: balor: Astra has multiple satellite groups
[17:27:08] wagnerrp: strizer_: mythtv doesnt support tuner cards, it supports capture APIs
[17:27:24] wagnerrp: ask the people who write the kernel drivers for those capture APIs
[17:27:27] wagnerrp: !url tuners
[17:27:27] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[17:28:29] balor: Crys: Is that a reason why a channel scan might not find any channels?
[17:28:55] Crys: balor: Astra 1 to 5. Astra 1 is used for most German channels, Astra 2 is BBC and other UK channels.
[17:29:46] Crys: balor: lots of reasons. For example the aim of your dish may be off, the LNB is broken, your DiSEqC settings are wrong, cable issues ...
[17:29:47] balor: ah
[17:29:56] wagnerrp: semsem: why did you leave before i could mock you for /completely/ misunderstanding the concept of swap memory
[17:30:13] balor: When scanning it states that stuff is Locked, whatever that means
[17:30:32] wagnerrp: balor: 'locked' means the tuner has 'locked' into a certain channel
[17:30:42] wagnerrp: or 'multiplex', or 'transponder'
[17:30:46] wagnerrp: whatever you want to call it
[17:31:26] wagnerrp: it means the channel is there, and there is sufficient signal for full (or nearly) recovery of the original stream
[17:31:29] Crys: In order to lock onto a channel, the card must get a signal, am I right?
[17:31:41] wagnerrp: locking is a good thing
[17:31:46] wagnerrp: it means things are working properly
[17:32:34] Crys: balor: What scan tool are you using? w-scan gets the best results for me on DVB-S2
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[17:34:35] wagnerrp: sits idle in the channel for five hours, and times out right as i respond to him...
[17:35:22] balor: Crys: I'm just using the built in mythtv button
[17:35:59] wagnerrp: try with one of the scans in dvbtools, see if its a mythtv problem, or a hardware/driver problem
[17:36:12] wagnerrp: apparently w-scan works well
[17:36:20] Crys: balor: what's your Linx distribution?
[17:37:18] wagnerrp: note that while you can import a channels.conf from that external scanner, you should still use the internal scanner for pulling channels into mythtv
[17:37:30] Crys: balor: . . . ne_utilities
[17:37:31] wagnerrp: and if you intend to use the EIT guide grabber, you /must/ use the internal scanner
[17:39:16] Crys: balor: only w-scan and scan-s2 support DVB-S2. W-scan is the only tool that doesn't need an initial scan file. But you still need to know the sat group name.
[17:39:34] balor: This (time: 00:00) diseqc_send_msg: SEC_TONE_OFF failed.
[17:39:34] balor: diseqc_send_msg: SEC_TONE_OFF failed. looks bad
[17:39:47] balor: Crys: Using Fedora 13
[17:40:10] wagnerrp: ah, yeah... i remember something about the dvb-s scanner in mythtv working better if you scan using an initial transponder
[17:40:18] Crys: balor: Do you have a DiSEqC switch in your setup?
[17:40:24] wagnerrp: rather than just a blind scan of the whole channel map
[17:40:43] balor: Crys: Total n00b, and I just bought the house. Is that a physical switch?
[17:41:33] wagnerrp: its an communications protocol, between the tuner card and your satellite hardware
[17:41:47] balor (balor!~aidan@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:41:48] Crys: balor: if you have two dishes and multiple LNBs you must probably have one or multiple switches
[17:41:51] wagnerrp: lets you control polarity on the LNB, lets you control dish rotors
[17:41:55] wagnerrp: lets you control switches
[17:42:00] Crys: he is gone
[17:42:06] wagnerrp: bleh...
[17:42:23] Crys: Evil peer got him
[17:42:26] balor (balor!~aidan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:42:31] Crys: wb balor
[17:42:32] wagnerrp: its an communications protocol, between the tuner card and your satellite hardware
[17:42:39] wagnerrp: lets you control polarity on the LNB, lets you control dish rotors, lets you control switches
[17:42:42] Crys: balor: if you have two dishes and multiple LNBs you must probably have one or multiple switches
[17:42:43] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:43:04] balor: ah
[17:43:06] balor: in the attic
[17:43:10] ** balor goes **
[17:43:44] Crys: balor: I suggest that your read the wikipedia texts about LNB, DVB-S and DiSEqC
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[17:45:28] balor: Crys: Will do
[17:45:41] Crys: balor:
[17:45:59] Crys: balor: that's the receiver thingie on front of the dish.
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[17:51:46] wagnerrp: is there any different between QList[n] and ?
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[18:07:28] balor: There's a "Lobgear" branded contraption in the attic. Looks like a multi-way splitter.
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[18:11:22] balor: This is it... Though It's white with a twisty thing in my attic
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[18:11:32] Crys: balor: For each LNB, four cables should go into a multiswitch
[18:11:46] balor: ah
[18:12:12] kmrs75: hell i am new here just starting off with mythtv – hope to get it up and running soon
[18:12:13] Crys: That looks like an analog TV thing to me
[18:12:25] balor: hmm....
[18:12:28] balor: could be
[18:12:36] balor: Satellite to the living room
[18:12:41] balor: Analogue to the rest of the house
[18:12:45] balor: would make sense
[18:12:54] Crys: UHF is not related to DVB-S ;)
[18:13:06] Crys: It's analog TV or DVB-T
[18:15:03] Crys: A multiswitch has four inputs labeled e.g. hor/low, hor/hi, vert/low and vert/hi
[18:15:31] tzanger: I'm really happy that the skipping/jumping was ust due to frontend underpower
[18:16:03] tzanger: I also discovered the newer (with HDMI out) 8400GS boards have a built-in sound card
[18:16:14] tzanger: the older (VGA/Svid/DVI) 8400GS has a SPDIF in but it doesn't work
[18:17:20] Crys: balor: Do you have a working receiver attached to the LNB and your TV?
[18:18:35] balor: I've never used the satellite feed
[18:21:57] tzanger: now if I can only figure out how to override which audio card is used by flash/hulu I'll be all set :-)
[18:22:54] tzanger: Is there a listof environment variables that flash uses for configuration? I see FLASH_PULSE_something onine but no definitive list
[18:23:50] Crys: tzanger: google for .asoundrc
[18:26:33] tzanger: Crys: yes I know about asoundrc; I actually changed it in /etc/asound.conf and got it working but ended up breaking everything else so changed it back :-)
[18:28:37] clgshaft_ (clgshaft_!~brent@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:30:36] Crys: balor: Have you tried the w-scan utility? I suggest S19E2 and S28E2 as sat id. Astra 2 28,2° East has all UK channels.
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[18:38:36] kmrs75: does anyone have this card i have been looking and looking and cant find much info about it for linux
[18:38:37] kmrs75: lspci
[18:38:51] kmrs75: 06:00.0 Multimedia controller: ViXS Systems, Inc. XCode 2100 Series
[18:39:38] clgshaft_: hey guys, i was using 0.23 and had channels changes working on my 950q, i upgraded to 0.24 and now i cannot cnage channels, crashes the frontend, video buffer error, or the channel plays and i cannot change exit or anything
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[18:54:39] balor: So the two wires from the satellite (LMB?) come directly into my room and have bare ends on them (with a screw fitting). Should I put them into *something* before my DVB-S2 card?
[19:00:47] clgshaft_ (clgshaft_!~brent@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:04:17] Crys: balor: no, you don't have to.
[19:04:43] balor: ah
[19:04:48] balor: no firmware!
[19:04:52] balor: dmesg to the rescue
[19:04:56] Crys: balor: for a simple setup, you can connect an ordinary LNB directly to a DVB receiver.
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[19:05:15] Crys: balor:
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[19:08:51] GreyFoxx: hrm, well getting mythtv to run via IPv6 is certainly interesting :)
[19:12:18] balor: yay!
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[19:12:39] balor: success with w_scan
[19:12:47] clgshaft (clgshaft! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:13:50] balor: I presume that mythtv scan will now work
[19:13:54] balor: Thanks a lot all
[19:16:19] clgshaft (clgshaft! has quit (Client Quit)
[19:18:48] Crys: balor: you are welcome
[19:19:06] tzanger: interesting. this frontend (pentium D 3GHz) is showing a loadavg of 2.5–2.75 playing back 18Mbps HD but it's perfectly smooth and good.
[19:19:27] tzanger: the Athlon system with the exact same video card has a lower loadavg but can't play back the same stream
[19:19:44] balor: tzanger: I'm running everything on a Celeron, which is also my mail and web server
[19:19:59] wagnerrp: GreyFoxx: too much qt stuff that relies on ipv4?
[19:20:15] wagnerrp: balor: what kind of celeron?
[19:20:15] tzanger: balor: my backend is a p4 system with an hvr2250 and two software raid1 arrays. the backend seems fine, it's the frontend I'm having fun with
[19:20:36] tzanger: balor: what kind of video card are you using? what kind of media are you playing?
[19:20:48] tzanger: this is all ATSC 18Mbit 1920x1080 streams
[19:21:13] wagnerrp: media doesnt matter so much for the backend, unless you want to do commflagging or transcoding
[19:21:20] tzanger: wagnerrp: exactly
[19:21:27] wagnerrp: but the database, scheduler, and guide data all take a bit hit on CPU
[19:21:36] balor: tzanger: I'm using my laptop on the frontend, streaming ogv
[19:21:43] wagnerrp: if youre running multiple tuners, you don't want to be doing that on an old p3-based celeron
[19:21:48] tzanger: that's why I'm tryign to see why the loadavg on the athlon is lower but stuttery as hell where the pentium d has higher loadavg but smooth
[19:22:17] wagnerrp: because the pentium-d was a dual core
[19:22:36] tzanger: wagnerrp: this is very true, I forgot all about that
[19:22:40] wagnerrp: meaning it could run the decoding, deinterlacing, and osd all in separate threads
[19:22:52] wagnerrp: mpeg2 decoding is single threaded, but deinterlacing is handled separately
[19:23:30] tzanger: I wonder if this am2 system can take a dualcore athlon.. I don't want to buy antoher mb but if I can drop a dualcore proc in it I'll do that :-)
[19:23:45] wagnerrp: WTF is someone doing with 16kbps audio?
[19:24:30] tzanger: listening to it is my guess :-)
[19:24:51] wagnerrp: the hell they are
[19:25:01] wagnerrp: AAC at 16kbps is just going to be a bunch of noise
[19:25:12] tzanger: I didn't say enjoying it
[19:25:21] wagnerrp: touche... :P
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[19:30:24] GreyFoxx: wag: Actually so far it's been relatively easy. mythweb was a 1 liner, getting the backend to listen for both V6 and V4 was 1 line, and only a few more for MSocketDevice for the clientside connections
[19:30:34] GreyFoxx: upnp and several other thintgs still don't work
[19:30:44] GreyFoxx: but it's promising
[19:31:00] GreyFoxx: considering I've only spent and hour or so looking at it
[19:31:10] wagnerrp: let me know if you need help with the python
[19:31:15] GreyFoxx: Absolutely.
[19:31:33] wagnerrp: AFAIK, the only issues are going to be one or two regular expressions for detection an IP versus a hostname
[19:31:58] GreyFoxx: I'm working on converting as much of my internal network to v6 . Mostly for the learning experience and I know in about 9 months work is gonna start a project to push IPv6 throughout our network
[19:32:02] GreyFoxx: yeah
[19:32:13] GreyFoxx: the IPs are crazy :)
[19:32:56] blizzard_: question, could I get nuvexport to use the same resolution as the input video somehow? instead of needing to look it up and specify it at each occation?
[19:32:57] GreyFoxx: fd14:6bf7:21fb::150 – greg [01/Jan/2011:12:24:00 -0400] "GET /tv/recorded HTTP/1.1" 200 66151
[19:33:15] GreyFoxx: heh parsing the IPs is a little more complicated than IPv4 :)
[19:33:23] tzanger: this graphics card (8400GS) is doing NOTHING to accelerate the atsc playback. X is using 96% CPU
[19:33:32] wagnerrp: fd14? that looks like a real IPv6 address
[19:33:40] wagnerrp: not one routed through a tunnel broker
[19:33:54] GreyFoxx: It is
[19:34:06] wagnerrp: how did you pull that one off?
[19:34:17] wagnerrp: or is this internal only, not connected to the ipv6 internet at large
[19:34:19] balor: Can I import the w_scan scan into Myth? As the myth channel scan is still not playing nice?
[19:34:43] GreyFoxx: This experiment is "internal" to my house and my ISP (which is me) only
[19:35:02] GreyFoxx: I reconfigured the firmware on my router to support V6, and have some blocks routed up to my desk at the office
[19:35:31] wagnerrp: ah, so your provider doesnt actually do ipv6
[19:35:54] GreyFoxx: No, but we will be, so this is personal research in advance of it.
[19:36:55] GreyFoxx: It's interesting to see how many things don't support it Or need to be recompiled for it
[19:37:40] GreyFoxx: yet at the same time some things only need slight tweaks (like myth so far)
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[19:39:41] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: for what its worth, im prefectly happy with dropping support for realgarba^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hrmvb
[19:41:24] wagnerrp: and using pulseaudio and radeon graphics to boot... hes just doing things ALL wrong
[19:42:49] tzanger: is there anything out there that decodes the FULL EDID? I see decode_edid.c but it doesn't do anything about the extensions, which is what I'm really after
[19:43:44] wagnerrp: tzanger: if your 8400 is causing 96% usage on X... you are probably using the nv or nouveau drivers
[19:48:51] clgshaft (clgshaft! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:49:18] tzanger: yeah I'm using whatever driver minimyth uses
[19:49:19] tzanger: let me check
[19:49:45] tzanger: (II) LoadModule: "nvidia"
[19:49:45] tzanger: (II) Loading /usr/lib/nvidia/xorg/modules/drivers//
[19:49:46] tzanger: yep
[19:53:14] russell5: could it be useevents
[19:53:22] russell5: not sure if you checked that i just had a similar problem
[19:55:11] nodecam (nodecam!~greg@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:55:27] nodecam: Anyone here familiar with gentoo?
[19:55:43] wagnerrp: relatively, what do you need?
[19:55:44] castlec1 (castlec1! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:55:53] nodecam: I'm trying to upgrade to 0.24
[19:55:57] nodecam: via the packages in git
[19:56:12] nodecam: and the builds fail because of a "QA Notice"
[19:56:22] castlec1: hey guys, is h.264 in the guise of m4v supported by mythvideo in 0.24?
[19:56:34] wagnerrp: that was resolved a couple weeks ago
[19:56:48] wagnerrp: no such thing as m4v
[19:57:14] castlec1: that was the container option given by handbrake as default so it's what i had used
[19:57:35] nodecam: isn't m4v what PSPs and iPods like?
[19:57:39] wagnerrp: m4a, m4v... the only thing defined in the mpeg4 spec is mp4
[19:57:52] wagnerrp: m4a and m4v are nothing but renamed mp4s
[19:58:05] tzanger: heh, huludesktop's taking 123% cpu :-)
[19:58:11] wagnerrp: 'mp4' being the proper extension for the mpeg4 container format
[19:58:16] nodecam: right
[19:58:31] castlec1: so do you think i can just rename and it'll show up in my video list?
[19:58:32] nodecam: the QA notice is what was resolved a couple of weeks ago? (sorry to backtrack)
[19:58:53] wagnerrp: i think you should set 'm4v' as a valid video extension in mythvideo setup
[19:59:18] wagnerrp: nodecam: yeah, the ebuilds currently in the mythtv git repository have been working for several weeks now
[19:59:20] balor: If I could be rude and ask again. How do I import a w_scan dump into mythtv as channels? My google-foo fails me
[19:59:21] castlec1: you just said it was invalid :)
[19:59:36] wagnerrp: castlec1: sure, its not a valid extension...
[19:59:54] wagnerrp: but would you rather rename all your videos? or just make the extension accepted by mythvideo?
[20:00:18] wagnerrp: balor: you dont want to do that
[20:00:29] wagnerrp: the channels.conf does not contain all the information needed by mythtv
[20:00:40] castlec1: i've only ripped on video at this point so it's ok :)
[20:01:49] balor: wagnerrp: so if w_scan correctly scans channels, but mythtv doesn't. How do I go about fixing this?
[20:02:18] wagnerrp: that one... i dont know
[20:02:27] balor: hmm...
[20:02:32] wagnerrp: i know at the very least EIT information will not work if you use a channels.conf
[20:03:08] nodecam: mythtv-0.24_p20101223.ebuild is the ebuild that's failing for me, and that looks to be the latest 0.24 in git
[20:03:15] nodecam: unless I'm looking in the wrong place
[20:03:46] wagnerrp: huh...
[20:03:49] wagnerrp: ping kormoc
[20:04:02] wagnerrp: seems hes offline
[20:04:11] nodecam: ok. Thanks.
[20:04:44] nodecam: upgrade time is always fun :)
[20:07:18] Mekon_ is now known as Mekon
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[20:08:08] balor: Does it help if totem scans correctly? i.e. can I import the Totem data?
[20:11:54] jjwin2k (jjwin2k! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:13:23] iamlindoro: no
[20:13:30] iamlindoro: It sounds like you ahve not properly configured your card
[20:13:34] iamlindoro: in myth
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[20:13:42] iamlindoro: Have you created the whole, correct diseqc tree?
[20:13:58] iamlindoro: (by following the DVB-S documentation?)
[20:14:57] stuartm: not likely to be using diseqc in the UK, just a straight universal lnb
[20:15:19] iamlindoro: very likely trye, though it's still required to set up the (boring) tree
[20:15:21] iamlindoro: er true
[20:15:23] stuartm: and yes, the UK DVB-S scan works fine
[20:15:28] iamlindoro: that is, root->LNB
[20:16:19] iamlindoro: Random guess is that his diseqc setup right now is just "Unconnected"
[20:16:49] stuartm: very probable
[20:16:54] jjwin2k: i use eit as source for my epg. one channel's program is only filled if i tune to that channel with livetv. any suggestions?
[20:19:50] ** balor googles for DiSEqC in Myth docs **
[20:22:42] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:22:54] iamlindoro:
[20:23:00] wagnerrp: jjwin2k: mythtv supports active and passive eit scans
[20:23:17] wagnerrp: one trolls your channels for data while the tuner is otherwise inactive
[20:23:33] wagnerrp: the other pulls eit data out of the multiplex while you are actively using it for recording
[20:23:41] wagnerrp: flip the setting to the opposite
[20:23:50] wagnerrp: i can never remember which one is which
[20:27:33] balor: ah...have set up DiSEqC now.
[20:28:29] balor: Now the scan asks me for a Frequency
[20:29:11] lautriv (lautriv! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:29:48] jjwin2k: wagnerrp: but the other channels work correctly. it is only one channel that is not filled wih data. shouldn't all channels be affected?
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[20:30:18] lautriv: hello, is it possible to restrict a frontend to certain actions ? (e.g. not allowing to start records or view some channels )
[20:30:39] wagnerrp: lautriv: nope
[20:30:57] wagnerrp: you can limit channels through the parental controls
[20:31:22] wagnerrp: although i believe that relies on proper raitings from the guide data
[20:31:33] stuartm: wagnerrp: nu-uh
[20:31:44] stuartm: no parental controls on channels
[20:32:06] wagnerrp: right, its only per-show?
[20:32:33] stuartm: not even that, there are zero parental controls of that sort in the frontend just plugins like mythvideo
[20:33:53] wagnerrp: s/all that crap i said/nope/
[20:33:54] stuartm: the standard approach is to use an edit menu theme which simply removes most of the options on a given frontend, but livetv remains out of the question unless you 'hide' the channels on all frontends
[20:34:24] stuartm: of course this is all something we hope to address in time
[20:34:57] lautriv: ok, so for now i have to drill a theme in the right direction ?
[20:36:51] lautriv: where exactly does the files in question take place ?
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[20:46:29] jjwin2k: i have two sources that can both "see" the channel but only one can decrypt it. can that cause the problem?
[20:47:03] wagnerrp: then you must have two independent 'video sources', one for each lineup
[20:47:27] jjwin2k: yes, i have done
[20:47:30] jjwin2k: that
[20:48:03] wagnerrp: so then you only have one source that can "see" the channel
[20:48:06] wagnerrp: because you removed it from the other
[20:48:39] jjwin2k: do i have to remove the channel or is setting it invisble enough?
[20:48:51] wagnerrp: invisible should be enough
[20:48:56] wagnerrp: just for the one source
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[20:51:59] jjwin2k: i currently have this configuration: sourceid 1 (can decrypt the channel) sourceid 2 (can't decrypt the channel). the channel is twice in the channel table, once with visible=1 (for sourceid 1) and once with visible=0 (for sourceid 2)
[20:52:26] wagnerrp: then the eit scan for that channel should only use the card for which it is visible
[20:54:10] jjwin2k: yes. i can confirm this from readings the logs
[20:54:30] jjwin2k: *reading the
[20:55:04] jjwin2k: other channels in the same situation work though...
[20:55:10] balor: Frontend Id is ERROR_OPEN, that can't be good.
[20:55:29] wagnerrp: is your backend running?
[20:55:39] wagnerrp: if your backend is running
[20:55:44] wagnerrp: it will have opened the tuner and locked it
[20:55:52] wagnerrp: such that mythtv-setup can no longer access it
[20:57:00] jjwin2k: hmm...should i clean the eit_cache table and hope that solves the problem?
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[20:58:14] lautriv: urgh, it looks like the different settings from frontends are interferring ? (one frontend has the dirs /srv/myth/audio and srv/myth/video and another is set to /srv/myth/audio/children and /srv/myth/video/children which overrides the first one)
[21:01:50] balor: wagnerrp: no, no backend is running, nor gnome-dvb-daemon
[21:02:19] jjwin2k: hmm..i'll increase the eit time out..hope that helps...
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[21:15:01] dserban: Why does my backend log have a million-bahjillion lines like this one: 2011-01–01 13:11:09.200 [mpeg2video @ 0x7f87e0004f20]warning: first frame is no keyframe <--- I don't understand what it's saying, or what subsystem is complaining.
[21:15:03] balor: Rebooting seems to have fixed my Frontend Id issue
[21:15:20] balor: But still when I scan channels the Frequency field is blank.
[21:15:43] balor: As a technical person, but a non-AV guy, I've no idea what goes into the Frequency field
[21:17:04] lautriv: balor, you're talking about the mythtv-setup/scan for channels thingie on the backend ?
[21:17:22] stuartm (stuartm!~stuartm@mythtv/developer/stuartm) has left #mythtv-users ("Gone")
[21:17:59] balor: lautriv: yeah
[21:18:21] balor: Though I don't get the screen on point 6. of
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[21:19:18] Crys: balor: you don't have (and need) no DiSEqC
[21:20:57] balor: Crys: So I don't need to set up DiSEqC?
[21:22:59] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[21:23:37] balor: Because I've set up an LMB, rather than having an unconnected DiSEqC, but I don't get screen 6 from as I'd expect
[21:23:59] clgshaft (clgshaft!~brent@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:24:02] iamlindoro: Crys, Wrong
[21:24:28] iamlindoro: All DVB-S users must do Diseqc configuration in myth, even if the card is directly connected to the LNB
[21:24:45] iamlindoro: In that case, you simply make the LNB the root node
[21:25:21] balor: Which I've done
[21:25:22] iamlindoro: But it is *still* the DiSEqC protocol that communicates with the LNB, and must still be configured
[21:26:11] ComradeHaz`: Hi all. On trying to play DVD's pressing 'Play DVD' justs drops back to the play disc menu.
[21:26:14] iamlindoro: balor, Then don't listen to people who don't know what they're talking about-- figure out what one of the transponder frequencies of the satellite you are aiming at is, feed it to mythtv-setup, and scan
[21:26:31] castlec1: so i'm obviously doing something wrong. i can't get new videos to show up after adding them to my videos directory
[21:26:46] wagnerrp: have you scanned?
[21:27:03] castlec1: my guess would be no. it seemed like that was happening on load
[21:27:03] iamlindoro: balor, The wiki page I provided you and which you just re-pasted here explains that you can get the transponder frequencies at Lyngsat, and how to translate them into what myth expects
[21:27:04] castlec1: not?
[21:27:19] wagnerrp: no, you must manually trigger a scan in mythvideo for new content to show up
[21:27:22] Crys: iamlindoro: he has no DiSEqC hardware at home. balor even went up to his attic to check for a switch.
[21:27:27] castlec1: how do i do that?
[21:27:53] castlec1: hit the menu button :)
[21:28:09] iamlindoro: Crys, He's using a DVB-S card connected to a LNB, and scanned DVB-S channels with w_scan
[21:28:16] balor: iamlindoro: How do you figure out the transponder freq?
[21:28:16] iamlindoro: Crys, So yes, he does have diseqc hardware
[21:28:21] iamlindoro: balor, Read the wiki page
[21:29:54] iamlindoro: balor, Look up the satellite you are aimed at, go to lyngsat and find it, the frequencies are there. The wiki page explains how to turn those numbers into acceptable numbers to myth
[21:31:44] Crys: iamlindoro: I gave him the tip to test w_scan because he wasn't able to scan with MythTV. And according to my manuals DiSEqC is used for switched, rotors etc. and not for LNBs.
[21:32:15] balor: So that's why gnome-dvb-daemon asks you to choose a satellite
[21:32:20] iamlindoro: your manuals are wrong
[21:32:29] Crys: balor: Try Astra 1 and Astra 2 (19.2° E and 28.2° E)
[21:32:52] iamlindoro: Crys, If you don't know how to configure myth for DVB-S, please don't give out advice-- you are hindering him, not helping him
[21:33:33] nodecam (nodecam!~nodecam@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:33:39] iamlindoro: Crys, One *must* complete diseqc configuration for a straight-to-the-LNB configuration, and communication with LNBs is a part of Diseqc
[21:34:01] Crys: iamlindoro: I've configured my DVB-S2 equipment just the other day. But I have a setup with multiples switches and LNBs.
[21:34:33] iamlindoro: Crys, good for you, but you are wrong on this one
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[21:34:45] balor: For astra 2 that suggests a frequency of 11720000 which is 11720 * 1000?
[21:35:12] balor: That takes the first freq in the table for
[21:36:06] balor: There's nothing that says "Transponder Frequency X" that a n00b like me can understand
[21:36:38] balor: Even the notation doesn't use SI values
[21:38:33] balor: Is "11720 H" actually 11720Hz or 11720Mhz or 11720 * H where H is some constant?
[21:38:49] iamlindoro: Horizontal
[21:38:59] iamlindoro: Polarity
[21:40:09] balor: So I've put in 11720000 and gotten "No Lock"
[21:40:36] iamlindoro: Did you put in the correct polarity, symbol rate, FEC, etc?
[21:40:44] iamlindoro: and are you actually pointed at that satellite?
[21:41:22] Crys: iamlindoro: balor doesn't know where his dish is pointing to.
[21:41:28] iamlindoro: balor, I would suggest that you are putting the cart before the horse-- the first thing you really ought to do is figure out what bird you are aimed at, verify that you have configured the correct LNB type, etc.
[21:41:58] balor: Well, w_scan and totem both resolve channels when told to go to Astra 2
[21:42:22] balor: 28.2 east Astra 2A/2B/2C/2D
[21:42:43] iamlindoro: balor, then it's likely you have misconfigured your LNB
[21:43:21] balor: I chose Europe Universal
[21:43:30] Crys: balor: Since you are living in the UK you most probably have an Universal LNB with hor / vert polarity.
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[21:45:28] balor: My gut, as a software developer of 10 years standing, tells me there's a bug here.
[21:45:39] iamlindoro: your gut is wrong
[21:46:05] lautriv: balor, sorry, was afk the problem is ( i ran into the same trap on astra 19.2E ) they change the frequencies from time to time, get one freq. from here and select "scann all" -->
[21:46:22] tzanger: nice, my motherboard (M2N68-AM2 SE2) will support up to phenom x4 processors... I might be able to push this platform a bit longer yet :-)
[21:47:04] wagnerrp: tzanger: note that phenom processors are no longer sold
[21:47:10] balor: lautriv: Does it matter that they're on Astra 1H?
[21:48:02] lautriv: balor, just select one from astra 2 , i was in a german subfolder, you see more on
[21:48:22] tzanger: wagnerrp: I think I can get a quad-core phenom or 80
[21:48:25] tzanger: er for $80
[21:48:59] balor: lautriv: They don't have Astra 2 info "We hope to add information on BBC and Sky non-encrypted, free-to-air services soon:"
[21:49:00] tzanger: if not in stock I can get an athlon2 x2 for like $60
[21:49:48] wagnerrp: tzanger: that board works with AM2/AM2+ based Phenom and Athlon 64s
[21:50:01] tzanger: yeah
[21:50:03] wagnerrp: it will likely not work with AM3 based Phenom II and Athlon II that are currently sold
[21:50:05] lautriv: balor, i had another site, will see if i can re-find it.
[21:50:05] tzanger: I'm ooking at the cpu compatibility list
[21:50:21] balor: finally...I needed a DVB-S signal from Astra 2 from the North
[21:51:51] Lunar_Lamp: Is it possible to have a receiver in a device remote to the backend? i.e. have my storage on box1, and the recievers in box2, which also happens to be a frontend?
[21:52:17] wagnerrp: Lunar_Lamp: receiver.... meaning a tuner?
[21:52:23] Lunar_Lamp: wagnerrp: yes, sorry.
[21:52:36] wagnerrp: receivers must exist in a backend
[21:52:49] wagnerrp: you may run a slave backend if needed for more space or convenience
[21:53:06] Lunar_Lamp: Can I have a master backend with no receivers then?
[21:53:23] tzanger: . . . em_id=027057 there we go, they've got 2 in stock in my town
[21:53:30] tzanger: $80 for a quad core? sounds too good to be true
[21:53:40] Lunar_Lamp: My "issue" is that all my storage on the network is on a box remote from the box that's near the arial.
[21:53:41] lautriv: balor,
[21:53:45] tzanger: not bad for reviving an old system though
[21:54:06] Lunar_Lamp: I can move a tuner card into my frontend box happily, but I can't fit the storage in there.
[21:54:50] balor: scanning, mythtv segfaults
[21:55:32] jjwin2k: what means status=2 in the eit_cache table?
[21:55:59] iamlindoro: balor: What version of mythtv is this?
[21:56:33] balor: iamlindoro: mythtv-backend-0.24–2.fc13.i686
[21:57:01] wagnerrp: Lunar_Lamp: no, all backends must have tuners
[21:57:36] Lunar_Lamp: wagnerrp: can they be disabled perhaps? e.g. have a 'fake' tuner in one box that will never actually be used?
[21:58:07] jjwin2k: nm. found it.
[21:58:25] wagnerrp: Lunar_Lamp: sure, but why cant your tuners exist in your master backend?
[21:58:39] Lunar_Lamp: wagnerrp: they can, but there's no way to plug an arial into that tuner card.
[21:58:51] Lunar_Lamp: (too far away, and I don't want to drill the cable through multiple walls)
[22:02:25] pyther24 (pyther24!~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:02:33] pyther24: Hi
[22:02:41] pyther24: Is there a simple myth front kinda like tivetime?
[22:03:10] pyther24: or is there a way to make mythfrontend work in window mode so I can have it on the corner of my screen
[22:03:24] wagnerrp: '--windowed'
[22:03:52] pyther24: wagnerrp: is that a resizable window?
[22:04:03] wagnerrp: no
[22:04:08] pyther24: :(
[22:05:33] pyther24: ahh cool that doesn't work out too bad
[22:05:45] pyther24: mythfrontend --geometry 768x480 --windowed
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[22:19:49] lautriv: are there only global playlists ?
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[22:26:09] ^jamie^: hi
[22:26:26] ^jamie^: anyone have experience with using nvidia TV-out?
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[22:32:38] miststlkr: is there a way to manually change/set the metadata fields in mythvideo? Specifically, the "category" field and I'd like to edit the downloaded "data" for some of the files
[22:34:31] miststlkr: I am using .23-fixes and the default mythbuntu theme
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[22:37:37] balor: iamlindoro: The stack trace is here
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[22:47:12] wagnerrp: miststlkr: sure, hit 'i'
[22:49:31] miststlkr: wagnerrp: no, unlss I am missing something, that only gives the option to edit a couple of fields, "category" only lets me choose from three predetermined items, two of which are "unknown" and "none" and there is no way to edit the plot field
[22:49:43] jjwin2k: *facepalm* is it possible that only the current and the next program is listed in the epg-stream?
[22:50:05] wagnerrp: jjwin2k: from your EIT data? that is entirely possible
[22:50:11] wagnerrp: thats about all we get over ATSC
[22:51:04] jjwin2k: great... i think that is the problem.. all other channels have up to 2 weeks of data..that specific channels seems to list only now and upcoming...
[22:53:53] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:54:32] jjwin2k: do i deal with that? do i write a script that forces mythtv to tune all 20 minutes or so on that channel? Oo
[22:54:35] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:54:48] wagnerrp: find an xmltv provider
[22:55:57] jjwin2k: wont that collide with the epg entries from my eit data?
[22:56:06] wagnerrp: yes
[22:56:12] wagnerrp: so you disable EIR
[22:56:14] wagnerrp: EIT
[22:56:25] jjwin2k: kk
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[22:58:21] miststlkr: can the metadata perhaps be modified directly through MySQL queries, if there isn't a built-in way of doing it?
[22:58:40] wagnerrp: you can edit the metadata directly from within the UI
[22:59:07] miststlkr: wagnerrp: then I am completely missing it. where would I see a way to ediy plot data, for example?
[22:59:48] wagnerrp: its either under 'm' or 'i'
[23:00:26] balor: Given that my mythtv is segfaulting, does anyone have a dump of the channelscan database for Astra 2?
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[23:01:11] balor: channelscan table in the myhtconverg database, that is
[23:02:50] miststlkr: wagnerrp: as I mentioned above, there is no way to edit the plot on the "edit video information" screen, and when I try to set a category I get my choice of Unknown, None, Thriller, or Comedy.
[23:03:40] wagnerrp: the only reason i could think of there not being a way to do it, is because they specific theme you are currently using does not support editing that information
[23:04:36] miststlkr: i'll try another theme then, can you recommend one that you know works?
[23:05:03] wagnerrp: i would assume both arclight and graphite allow it
[23:06:48] miststlkr: I just switched to arclight and that theme can do it; I'll add it into the default mythbuntu theme's "edit" screen. sorry to bother, I had assumed it would have been in the default theme, if any at all.
[23:11:11] jjwin2k: wagnerrp: i just checked with another reciever. the eit is on that problem making channel also longer than now and upcoming...
[23:11:15] miststlkr: an d, you are correct, Graphite also handles it.
[23:15:33] jjwin2k: is there a way to get more informatio about the eit scanning? i already have -v eit
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[23:33:31] pyther (pyther!~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:33:32] pyther: Hi
[23:33:59] pyther: How can I tell EIT is working?
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[23:38:40] wagnerrp: you should see entries in the log related to it
[23:41:12] pyther: wagnerrp: mythbackend.log?
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