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Wednesday, December 29th, 2010, 00:03 UTC
[00:03:50] wagnerrp: jstenback: not exactly... must run a backend with a Videos storage group defined
[00:04:42] wagnerrp: i dont know if ive ever actually tested the seektable copy
[00:04:52] wagnerrp: it /should/ work, but ill have to take another look at it
[00:05:27] jstenback: wagnerrp: ah, ok... I tried running it on a slave backend, I think you're right in that I don't have Video storage groups defined on this slave (and probably don't want to)
[00:06:06] wagnerrp: (until today) mythbackend did not support writing to anything but the root of a storage group
[00:06:31] wagnerrp: so is set up to only write using the file system
[00:06:38] jstenback: wagnerrp: either way, the storage group piece was the missing key here on the master, and after finally spending some time to set that up here, the script now works (short of the seek table copy problem here)
[00:06:47] jstenback: wagnerrp: ah
[00:06:55] wagnerrp: technically, it will check any path for any host listed for a Videos group
[00:07:08] wagnerrp: but it will only work if that path actually exists and is writable on the local machine
[00:07:15] wagnerrp: assuming if it is, you had mounted it over nfs
[00:07:27] jstenback: wagnerrp: I was going to say that it did sucessfully create new sub dirs here, and write to them
[00:07:38] jstenback: which surprised me given the recent commit to trunk
[00:07:40] wagnerrp: yeah, it checks for the root path
[00:07:59] jstenback: but yeah, the directory is local on the master
[00:08:06] wagnerrp: actually, the bindings themselves check if the root path is available
[00:08:24] wagnerrp: and if it is, it marks the StorageGroup object as isLocal=True
[00:09:02] jstenback: makes sense
[00:09:29] jstenback: wagnerrp: fwiw, you should s/--seektable/--seekdata/ in the usage_txt variable in the script
[00:09:38] jstenback: if you're hacking more on it...
[00:10:10] wagnerrp: to be honest, i didnt even remember that i had added that back in after rewriting it for 0.24 and the new metadata format
[00:10:32] jstenback: wagnerrp: heh
[00:11:26] jstenback: wagnerrp: from a quick look through the code earlier it *looks* like it should work, but for some reason doesn't... copy_seek() does get called, and there's data in
[00:11:33] carter05 (carter05! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:11:50] wagnerrp: so in unrelated news, i learned not to cook with habenero chilis
[00:12:10] jstenback: wagnerrp: anyways, thanks for the explanation. I've gotta step out for a bit but I'll probably look at this a bit more later on...
[00:12:16] ** lyricnz hates on the driver-ish addons – pulseaudio, *audiod, kdvb, etc. What junk! **
[00:12:28] wagnerrp: two tiny little peppers, cost a whole $0.05 at the supermarket, put into about a gallon and a half a black bean chili
[00:12:33] wagnerrp: wow that stuff is not
[00:12:37] wagnerrp: s/not/hot/
[00:13:03] lyricnz: post it on am-i-hot-or-not? :)
[00:13:08] AriX (AriX! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:17] lyricnz: Is there a script to clean up orphan recordings? (program exists in mythtv, but not in filesystem)
[00:14:53] Saviq: hi all, two questions: (how) can I override the movie metadata source in 0.24?; would you (mythtv) be interested in a metadata grabber for that's a private PHP movie collection solution?
[00:18:50] wagnerrp:
[00:19:21] Saviq: lyricnz:
[00:19:26] wagnerrp: Saviq: mythtv itself is supposed to be the 'private movie collection solution'
[00:19:37] lyricnz: sweet. checks.
[00:19:52] wagnerrp: and if mythweb gets updated to handle storage groups properly, it would be the php frontend to that collection
[00:20:13] Saviq: wagnerrp: yeah, but until tmdb has any real amount of polish metadata, it's kind of useless for me
[00:20:40] wagnerrp: so add your polish metadata from your private database
[00:21:00] Saviq: probably can't
[00:21:10] Saviq: most of it is pulled from
[00:21:25] Saviq: so licensing won't allow it to be pushed up to tmdb
[00:21:45] wagnerrp: so paraphrase it in your own words
[00:22:03] wagnerrp: or come up with new summaries
[00:22:10] paul-h_ (paul-h_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:22:28] Saviq: in the mean time, can I please override the script?
[00:22:32] wagnerrp: theres nothing wrong with creating your own grabber for whatever service you want
[00:22:53] ** lyricnz got error with that script, following up stfw **
[00:22:53] wagnerrp: but unless its a community accessible website, dont expect it to be put in the repository
[00:22:59] Saviq: I don't
[00:23:01] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[00:23:23] wagnerrp: IIRC, there is currently no GUI to allow you to select an alternate grabber
[00:23:30] Saviq: no, there's none
[00:23:38] Saviq: and I can't see it in settings, either
[00:23:53] wagnerrp: and the database setting it used to be in changed
[00:24:36] wagnerrp: i believe the database values are now TelevisionGrabber and MovieGrabber
[00:24:56] wagnerrp: and the data is a relative path from $PREFIX/Metadata/
[00:25:05] Saviq: TVGrabber and MovieGrabber, that's here, thanks
[00:25:13] wagnerrp: the current unset defaults are 'Television/' and 'Movie/', respectively
[00:25:26] wagnerrp: tvgrabber? not televisiongrabber?
[00:25:31] ** wagnerrp goes and checks the plugin **
[00:25:32] Saviq: nope
[00:26:24] lyricnz: wagnerrp: Saviq
[00:26:48] wagnerrp: . . . oad.cpp#L286
[00:26:52] wagnerrp: its TelevisionGrabber
[00:27:33] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:28:12] wagnerrp: scratch that, looks like it takes the absolute path to the grabber
[00:28:45] wagnerrp: i guess that should be expected, thats how it used to work
[00:28:47] Saviq: wagnerrp: ah and it wouldn't be set without the GUI, so I need to add myself a setting there, right?
[00:29:02] Saviq: also, is that 'mythvideo.MovieGrabber' or just 'MovieGrabber'?
[00:29:16] wagnerrp: just MovieGrabber and TelevisionGrabber
[00:29:21] Saviq: ok thanks a lot
[00:29:25] wagnerrp: the metadata grabbing is now a generic library
[00:29:36] wagnerrp: mythvideo is being slowly consumed by the core mythfrontend
[00:29:45] wagnerrp: and those are per-host settings
[00:29:47] wagnerrp: not a global
[00:31:10] wagnerrp: lyricnz: what error?
[00:31:35] lyricnz: as reported in that thread – TypeError: searchRecorded got an unexpected keyword argument 'livetv'
[00:32:01] wagnerrp: as reported in that thread – update your bindings
[00:32:08] lyricnz: I'm doing that now
[00:32:13] wagnerrp: :)
[00:32:43] wagnerrp: it was actually a flaw in the script that caused a flaw in the python bindings to not cause problems
[00:32:55] wagnerrp: so the script was fixed, and it broke in the bindings
[00:34:38] lyricnz: yeah, I got that
[00:34:55] lyricnz: my python skills aren't great, but stfw pointed straight to the issue :)
[00:35:11] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:35:15] lyricnz: it's a cool script
[00:36:24] lyricnz: Saved 20GB of space
[00:36:58] wagnerrp: formerly, it would have marked all your livetv sessions as orphaned, delete the files, and orphaned the actual database records
[00:41:13] Twigg (Twigg!~darren@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:44:09] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents!~darren@ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[00:45:03] Beirdo: who's the twit playing Kenny G or some such crap... in the office?
[00:50:04] shipit (shipit! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:52:24] ** wagnerrp advises yet another person against 2-pass encoding **
[00:55:10] wagnerrp: france is planning a tax on tablets running anything other than windows operating systems
[00:56:17] hashbang (hashbang! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[00:59:48] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (Quit: abqjp)
[01:00:05] GadgetWisdomGuru (GadgetWisdomGuru!~gwg@ has left #mythtv-users ()
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[01:25:49] Shadow__X: nice
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[02:11:23] Shadow__X: i just noticed this but steam has mega sales going on right now
[02:11:31] Shadow__X: just wanted to let everyone know
[02:15:10] highclasshole (highclasshole! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:22] PhoenixWing (PhoenixWing! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:16:08] highclasshole: So I have Myth all setup, and I am able to record and watch the recordings and its great frontend backend working fine, I use HDHomeRun. However one little thing, I cannot for the life of me get the 'Watch Live' to work
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[02:17:39] wagnerrp: check your backend logs for why the recording is failing
[02:18:03] highclasshole: the recording is working fine
[02:18:08] highclasshole: and I can watch it while it is recording
[02:18:09] wagnerrp: you just said it wasnt
[02:18:24] wagnerrp: "I cannot for the life of me get the 'Watch Live' to work"
[02:18:24] highclasshole: its only the Watch Live on the front end
[02:18:30] wagnerrp: yes, the recording
[02:18:38] highclasshole: but it makes those temp files
[02:18:44] highclasshole: mpg in my directory
[02:19:08] highclasshole: and I can watch the 2 second of it that recorded with mplayer
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[02:21:24] wagnerrp: one way or the other, we need to see logs
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[02:21:41] highclasshole: putting them in pastebin now
[02:22:10] highclasshole:
[02:22:24] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:24:44] wagnerrp: seems odd that Xv is failing only on live playback
[02:24:57] highclasshole: Yeah, strange huh
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[02:25:22] highclasshole: I have kind of a stupid complicated setup, so I'm not super optimistic
[02:25:56] highclasshole: I can't use vdpau because I'm on xinerama because I have 3 monitors 2 on 1 graphics card 1 on the other, both nvidia
[02:25:57] wagnerrp: and it says youre using a dummy tuner?
[02:26:06] highclasshole: and I'm on freebsd
[02:26:20] highclasshole: I have the network attached hdhomerun
[02:26:31] highclasshole: but it does seem to be acting weird, I setup a recording as a test which works fine
[02:26:54] ** Beirdo snickers **
[02:27:00] highclasshole: but when I go to watch tv it pulls up a different station, I notice that the light for the tuner goes on for about a second before going off
[02:27:18] wagnerrp: yeah, it seems to be recording fine
[02:27:28] wagnerrp: but a livetv recording is tied into the livetv session
[02:27:43] wagnerrp: since playback fails immediately, it terminates the livetv session
[02:27:45] Beirdo: I love seeing some of the funky setups people like to make just for the sake of doing things in their own way :)
[02:27:47] wagnerrp: and the recording stops along with it
[02:28:00] highclasshole: is there anyway to force it to use mplayer
[02:28:07] wagnerrp: for recordings? no
[02:28:12] wagnerrp: what is your processor?
[02:28:22] Beirdo: Cuisinart
[02:28:38] highclasshole: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+
[02:28:53] wagnerrp: which should have no trouble with playback of that content without vdpau
[02:29:07] wagnerrp: does freebsd have randr support yet?
[02:29:14] wagnerrp: that might do better than xinerama
[02:29:46] wagnerrp: honestly, its been years since ive run xorg on my freebsd backend
[02:30:18] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: what do you use for fe's
[02:30:26] highclasshole: I have xrandr, honestly I've just been using xinerama so long
[02:30:34] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:43] wagnerrp: diskless gentoo boxes, booted off an iscsi terminator on the freebsd backend
[02:30:56] wagnerrp: s/terminator/target/
[02:31:23] highclasshole: I was able to setup mplayer in the media settings to watch stuff that is being recorded via mplayer
[02:31:29] highclasshole: through the frontend
[02:31:44] wagnerrp: recordings do not allow external players
[02:32:06] highclasshole: hmm
[02:32:15] highclasshole: dude
[02:32:15] wagnerrp: and external player support is due for removal from mythvideo as well, or at least heavily altered
[02:32:17] highclasshole: its working
[02:32:21] highclasshole: wtf
[02:32:41] wagnerrp: did you already have another media player open?
[02:32:54] wagnerrp: IIRC, Xv only supports one open renderer at a time
[02:33:01] wagnerrp: and same with VDPAU
[02:33:13] highclasshole: I'm not away of anything being open
[02:33:25] wagnerrp: to be honest, if youve got video cards capable of using VDPAU, just use the OpenGL painter
[02:33:30] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: are they all identical boxes booting from the iscsi target?
[02:33:45] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: close enough that they run off a shared image
[02:34:01] highclasshole:
[02:34:05] highclasshole: >.<
[02:34:08] highclasshole: i don't even..
[02:34:10] wagnerrp: rather, i have one base image that i do my updates to, clone them off, and then copy a few MB of configs and others over
[02:34:11] highclasshole: whatever..
[02:34:22] highclasshole: thanks
[02:34:23] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: oh ok cool. Thanks i just wanted to make sure i understood it correctly
[02:34:37] wagnerrp: highclasshole: i would still recommend using opengl over xv
[02:34:52] wagnerrp: (and opengl for the UI painter as well)
[02:35:16] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: so then multiple images that at the core are relatively the same
[02:36:16] k-man_ (k-man_!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:37:07] wagnerrp: with Xv, the OSD has to be rendered at video resolution, converted to YUV, and then baked into the video
[02:37:16] wagnerrp: which then gets sent to the video card and rescaled
[02:37:36] wagnerrp: so if your video resolution is significantly different from your output resolution, it looks like crap
[02:38:13] wagnerrp: beyond that, doing so requires more CPU than the opengl methods, and the opengl renderer can use deinterlace filters written in shader code
[02:38:23] wagnerrp: such that they run on the GPU rather than the CPU
[02:38:29] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[02:38:48] wagnerrp: its just all around nicer if you have a halfway decent video card
[02:38:56] wagnerrp: (read just about anything nvidia)
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[03:02:34] tzanger: good evening. I'm trying to get HDMI audio working with an 8400GS. I have verified that the spdif (coax) output of the sound card is working (plugging it into my receiver) and my TV (LG 46LD550) supports HDMI audio
[03:02:56] tzanger: I've got the coax out of the sound card (snd-hda-intel) connected to the correct pins on the video card
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[03:03:27] tzanger: I haven't got the EDID stuff disabled in X, the video is fine but so far no audio
[03:03:36] wagnerrp: edid stuff?
[03:03:45] tzanger: wagnerrp: UseEDID is *not* set to false
[03:03:47] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[03:04:35] tzanger: edid-decode.c decodes the EDID fine, but unfortunately it doesn't go on to decode the extensions, which is where the audio stuff is buried
[03:05:01] tzanger: I was wondering if there was a trick with nVidia drivers to force audio on in the DVI output
[03:05:04] Shadow__X: tzanger: have you told your audio manager to use the right sound card
[03:05:19] tzanger: Shadow__X: yes, as I mentioned if I plug the spdif output into my receiver I get audio
[03:05:46] tzanger: plugging it into the spdif input on the 8400gs doesn't seem to pass it along
[03:05:57] Shadow__X: afaik hdmi audio comes up as another audio output
[03:06:05] Shadow__X: i could absolutely be wrong
[03:06:07] k-man_ (k-man_!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[03:06:08] tzanger: Shadow__X: only if the video card actually has a sound card in it (some do)
[03:06:57] tzanger: the 8400gs just has an spdif input and is supposed to encode the audio info into the TDMS stream if present and the HDMI sync requests/allows it
[03:07:18] tzanger: nothing relating to audio in Xorg's log shows up though and my googling hasn't turned up anything useful
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[03:23:46] dewman: wagnerrp, did you mention that you have a samsung tv a few days ago?
[03:24:12] wagnerrp: yes
[03:24:28] dewman: and you are using a nvidia card correct?
[03:24:41] wagnerrp: yes
[03:25:01] dewman: did you happen to have any overscan issues with the card when you first set it up?
[03:25:13] wagnerrp: yes
[03:26:23] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: I've got a 32" Samsung 720p, and have no issues with overscan (HDMI connection), but my son's 40" Acer 1080p has overscan issues... We had to adjust it with nvidia-settings, then re-load them with an entry in the startup file.
[03:27:10] dewman: how did you correct the overscan issue and get it to stick after x is restarted? by using the xorg.conf? or by the nvidia-settings? Each time I make the adjustment with nvidia-settings and restart x the issue comes back.....driving me nuts.
[03:27:22] wagnerrp: by using mythtv's settings
[03:27:30] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:29:08] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: Using my google-fu, I found a way to load the nvidia settings at boot – by putting a command (something like "nvidia-settings --load-config-only") in the startup script. NOTE: That's not the actual command – I can't remember off the top of my head, but google should tell you. ;-)
[03:30:07] J-e-f-f-A: I tried using the 'screen setup wizard' in myth to account for it, but it acted quite strange, and would scale to smaller than what I set it to... and I could not get back to 'normal' without telling it to 'reset' the settings, which went back to overscan...
[03:30:14] dewman: J-e-f-f-A, thanks. I remember seeing a post about that somewhere. Will try to dig it up.
[03:30:17] shipit (shipit!~sumeet@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:30:35] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: that way, even X looks 'right'. ;-)
[03:30:44] wagnerrp: who needs X to look right?
[03:31:09] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Hehehe... ;-) Useful when you bring up a shell, and you can see the left 3 characters... ;-)
[03:32:29] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: Basically, you'll find that just entering nvidia-settings after rebooting or starting X will set the overscan again. That command just applies the saved settings without opening the nvidia-settings gui. ;-)
[03:35:30] lyricnz: crap. my myth was working great, and I applied some OS updates, now it's "randomly" failing to record, ugh!
[03:35:44] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: You're not going to believe this, but I just ssh'd into that box, and I actually remembered correctly – the command in my startup script is: /usr/bin/nvidia-settings --load-config-only
[03:38:12] dewman: J-e-f-f-A, lol. I just found that post that I remember reading about....
[03:38:41] dewman: J-e-f-f-A, and yep it is exactly what you have...
[03:39:31] [R]: does myth have a way of knowing in how many dies i'll run out of space?
[03:39:37] [R]: how many days*
[03:39:48] [R]: i've seen it knows avg recording size
[03:39:57] lyricnz: not days, but it can guess at recording-hours
[03:40:09] lyricnz: it's in the system-status section of frontend
[03:40:53] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:41:00] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: I have this file in my /etc/xdg/autostart directory — I'm running Fedora – not sure if that same mechanism exists for everything:
[03:41:13] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:41:55] [R]: lyricnz: that's weird that its not on the backend status page
[03:41:55] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[03:41:59] [R]: lyricnz: i see it in the frontend
[03:42:03] [R]: i have 90 hours
[03:44:05] dewman: J-e-f-f-A, I am using mythbuntu, 10.04 I just added the autostart...cross my fingers.... gonna see if it works...
[03:44:19] dewman (dewman!~rob@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:45:55] map7 (map7! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:46:30] lyricnz: DAMN. It was working so well, too!
[03:46:32] lyricnz: waaah
[03:47:48] tzanger: ffffjfjfjfjfj
[03:47:57] tzanger: d
[03:48:04] Shadow__X: [R]: i can see it in mythweb under recorded
[03:48:10] J-e-f-f-A: lyricnz: turn off auto-updates. ;-) Then determine the issue and fix it... (but that's probably obvious, so I'll shut up now...)
[03:48:30] lyricnz: I didn't auto-update, I updated fc13->14 for no good reason :)
[03:48:50] [R]: Shadow__X: i see total recorded...
[03:48:51] tzanger: bleh, it sounds like ati is the way to go these days, nothing but troubles iwth nvidia
[03:48:52] Shadow__X: isnt fedora regarded as a testing distro?
[03:48:59] lyricnz: I kept the old kernel , but bugger
[03:49:01] J-e-f-f-A: lyricnz: Oh... ;-) I'm still on FC13. ;-)
[03:49:29] lyricnz: it normally works great, almost everything from mainstream binary packages, too easy
[03:50:12] dewman (dewman!~rob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:50:18] lyricnz: any clue what would cause "random" failure to record? (ie: it thinks it's recording, but no file saved)
[03:50:20] J-e-f-f-A: lyricnz: Ah... I've been compiling from source for a few years now... I think since 0.20 (well, just before the release, using Trunk to get new features I desired...) I haven't looked back since.. ;-)
[03:50:45] dewman: J-e-f-f-A, it worked! First go round...
[03:51:03] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: Awesome – same fiel in the autostart directory?
[03:51:07] J-e-f-f-A: *file
[03:51:40] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:52:23] dewman: J-e-f-f-A, yep...
[03:53:08] J-e-f-f-A: lyricnz: Without examining the logs, there's no way to know... And then it might take a knowledgeable OS or Driver person to dig deeper if the logs don't detail enough... (unfortunately, neither of those is me...)
[03:53:10] lyricnz: J-e-f-f-A: the binary rpms are pretty current, usually within two months of current.
[03:53:10] lyricnz: I
[03:53:11] lyricnz:
[03:53:11] lyricnz: don
[03:53:11] lyricnz: '
[03:53:12] lyricnz: t
[03:53:12] lyricnz: thi
[03:53:12] lyricnz: nk
[03:53:12] lyricnz: it
[03:53:19] lyricnz: oops, damn keyboard
[03:53:26] dewman: WAF should improve for this.
[03:53:32] ** kormoc evil eyes lyricnz **
[03:53:34] lyricnz: Its probably a driver or something
[03:53:48] lyricnz: I was leaning on the enter key I think :)
[03:53:49] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: Awesome. ;-) so now I know that autostart mechanism works for Mythbuntu too. ;-) Are you running KDE?
[03:54:04] dewman: J-e-f-f-A, no xfce
[03:54:37] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: so did you just change the 'don't display' line to xfce, or did it just work?
[03:55:07] dewman: it just worked.
[03:55:56] dewman: I went into session and startup,application autostart and created a new startup app.
[03:56:02] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: Cool. I just looked at the wiki page for Overscan, and that info is already there, with the shortened parameter of "-l" ;-) But not how to add it to create the 'autostart' file.  ;-)
[03:56:55] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: Oh, ok, so you didn't use the physical file I gave you, you just used the command in the xfce autostart utility. That works. ;-)
[03:59:37] dewman: J-e-f-f-A, yep.... I also started nvidia-settings as root, adjusted the autoscan and then I noticed that I could save the settings. so I dont know if that did it or if the autostart did it or a combination of both.
[03:59:58] dewman: *overscan*
[04:00:13] J-e-f-f-A: Grr... I have a pair of 2GB DDR2 800 dimms here that I tried to put in my machine to bring it up to 8GB, but the machine locks up randomly – within 10–30 seconds after POST... Seems the ram I have in there now is exact same specs, but 1.9v instead of the 1.8v the 'new' ram is... and the same memory as what I'm running now (OCZ) at Micro Center is 2.1v... strange...
[04:00:51] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: The 'save' saves to a file, but it doesn't get loaded by X automatically. The command you put in the autostart loads it.  ;-)
[04:01:32] dewman: J-e-f-f-A, ahh...So its a combination of both then.... excellent
[04:03:30] dewman: J-e-f-f-A, I asked this same question in #nvidia this morning.....not a peep from anyone for over 6 hours....Thank you for the assistance. =)
[04:05:21] highclasshole: wagnerrp: OpenGL seems to be working better thanks for the suggestion
[04:05:41] J-e-f-f-A: dewman: NP. ;-) It was still fresh on my mind since I just setup my son's TV the week after thanksgiving. ;-)
[04:05:41] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: you now have four double-sided dimms?
[04:05:52] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: I tried...
[04:06:04] wagnerrp: highclasshole: yeah, if your hardware has enough opengl performance, it is absolutely the recommended method
[04:06:17] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: so that exceeded the capabilities of the chipset perhaps, instead of the voltage difference?
[04:06:36] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: what processor do you have?
[04:06:41] Shadow__X: J-e-f-f-A: they probably changed the chips in the ram. I am unsure if you have have ram of different voltages running at the same time or if you have to adjust it to the same voltage
[04:06:59] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Athlon 64 x2 6000+ (AM2)
[04:07:09] highclasshole: honestly, I'm surprised I got this working as fast as I did, just started on it a few hours ago
[04:08:10] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__X: Yeah, the thought had crossed my mind to go into the Bios and force it to 1.8v and try again... but I didn't do that. ;-)
[04:08:13] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:08:58] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: The Bios splash screen displayed 8GB ram (maybe just reading the capacity from the chip?), but then the system hard hangs within 10–30 seconds.
[04:09:07] Crys (Crys!~|Crys|@plone/tiran) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[04:09:20] wagnerrp: are you forcing a certain clockrate for the memory?
[04:09:28] wagnerrp: or are you letting the system decide what to use?
[04:09:44] lyricnz: if it works fine with each set of two chips, but not when they're together, it's pretty clearly an incompatability, right?
[04:09:54] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Just let it auto-detect so far – it's DDR2 800, so I'm presuming it's auto-detecting 400Mhz clock speed.
[04:11:04] wagnerrp: i know the older memory controllers didnt like running with a full 8 ranks
[04:11:05] Shadow__X: it couldnt be a mismatch of timmings could it be?
[04:11:26] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: so the ranks were there for show?
[04:11:30] wagnerrp: on the 939 processors, it would drop to 333MHz (PC2700) with all four slots populated
[04:11:38] Shadow__X: also wouldnt it be banks?
[04:11:42] wagnerrp: populated with double sided dimms that is
[04:11:59] wagnerrp: is it banks or ranks?
[04:12:02] wagnerrp: i thought it was ranks
[04:12:17] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__X: They're both 5-5-5–18  – just one (OCZ) is 1.9v, the Corsair is 1.8v
[04:12:47] Shadow__X: J-e-f-f-A: i know certain chips will crash while being undervolted. I would try setting it at 1.9 and see
[04:13:51] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: are you referring to this
[04:14:04] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__X: Actually, I think wagnerrp is on to something – I think I tried an identical set of the Corsair memor (all 4 dual-sided 2GB dimms 1.8v 5-5-5–18) and it still didn't work...
[04:14:05] wagnerrp: yes
[04:14:39] Shadow__X: oh ok sorry about that then
[04:14:48] wagnerrp: "The Socket AM2 memory controller is limited to four ranks of memory at the full DDR2–800/PC2–6400 speed; thus, with the six ranks of memory with the four sticks that you're considering running, you will have to run them at DDR2–667/PC2–5300 speed"
[04:14:59] wagnerrp: there you go, four ranks, or two double sided modules
[04:15:15] wagnerrp: and more and you have to drop the bus speed
[04:15:34] wagnerrp: or youre overclocking and stability is not guaranteed
[04:15:41] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Ok. ;-) So unless I looked for single-sided 2GB DDR2 dimms, or dual-sided 4GB DDR2 dimms, I can't expand beyond that without dropping the clock rate. doh!
[04:15:52] wagnerrp: correct
[04:16:02] wagnerrp: you /can/, but the chip is not rated for it
[04:16:17] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: overclocking the mem controller?
[04:16:17] J-e-f-f-A: ah, gotcha. thanks!
[04:16:26] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: correct
[04:16:29] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[04:16:36] Shadow__X: oh ok thanks for the heads up
[04:16:57] wagnerrp: while you can buy 1066 and 1333 DDR2 memory, there are no DDR2 memory controllers actually rated beyond 800
[04:17:16] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Ooh, wait – they actually have double-sided, single-rank memory modules?
[04:17:30] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: only registered DIMMs, for servers
[04:18:01] J-e-f-f-A: Oh, well, this MB accepts them... humm...
[04:18:04] wagnerrp: maybe some of the intel 775 chipsets do 1066
[04:20:13] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: yeah i thought mb's past the 965 chipset did 1066
[04:21:58] Shadow__X: but again i could be mistaken
[04:22:27] wagnerrp: i think my p35 is officially limited to 800
[04:24:25] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... looks like I'll stick with 4GB ram with this MB. ;-) I guess that give me an excuse to upgrade to a new MB. ;-)
[04:24:41] J-e-f-f-A: (+cpu/memory, etc. ;-)
[04:25:13] wagnerrp: RDRAM, FB-DIMMs, and G3MX were all designed to bypass this issue
[04:25:33] Shadow__X: J-e-f-f-A: I am about where you are. I am looking at what bits i can upgrade but, would want to go to a new mb cpu
[04:25:59] wagnerrp: using one mechanism or another to chain multiple ranks together, to prevent them from each being controlled directly by the memory controller
[04:26:22] wagnerrp: and each has died out one after the other
[04:26:36] wagnerrp: because it remains cheaper to just build denser memory modules as needed
[04:26:49] ** J-e-f-f-A was never a fan of RDRAM... Sounded good in concept, but it was only 16-bit bus... strange... **
[04:27:03] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, but at the time, it was *fast*
[04:27:22] kormoc: and then a year and a half went by and it was average and expensive
[04:27:23] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: but only slightly faster than DDR2 400 in dual-channel mode... ;-)
[04:27:32] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: PCIe, USB, SATA, and DVI all use very narrow busses
[04:27:35] Shadow__X: in all honestly it was around 1 to 2 years ahead speed wise
[04:28:08] Shadow__X: J-e-f-f-A: yes but rdram was in 2003 on the 423 socket where as ddr2 is 775 and a few years later
[04:28:33] wagnerrp: its cheaper to build a narrow, high clock rate bus, than a wide slow bus
[04:28:35] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: true. But just like the "LED TVs", their advertised 800Mhz speed was negated by having to do 4 transfers to equate what 'standard' memory did in ONE clock cycle.
[04:28:35] ** lyricnz has nfi what type of memory is in his computers. THese days, I just buy new ones. **
[04:28:59] wagnerrp: the problem with RDRAM was their funky on-stick controller
[04:29:21] lyricnz: dmidecode doesn'
[04:29:22] lyricnz: t
[04:29:26] wagnerrp: sucked down too much power, created too much heat, made it very costly, and added high memory latencies
[04:29:27] lyricnz: give all that low-level info
[04:29:50] ** kormoc thinks lyricnz needs to buy a new keyboard next time he buys a computer **
[04:29:56] J-e-f-f-A: (IE: An 'LED TV' is just an LCD TV with an LED backlight. Granted, it's much improved picture, but the marketing was/is very misleading IMHO)
[04:30:05] wagnerrp: intel repeated the same design mistakes with FB-DIMMs several years later for similar reasons
[04:30:32] wagnerrp: and it died out just the same
[04:30:43] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: wow, I guess so, I haven't even heard of FB-DIMMs. ;-)
[04:31:06] wagnerrp: FB-DIMMs were used for the Core2-based Xeons
[04:31:08] lyricnz: kormoc: I'm in a super-slobby mood, so am dragging my wrists and little fingers across the keyboard, yes ;)
[04:31:28] wagnerrp: you had the same 2-channel memory controller
[04:31:31] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Ah, fully-buffered dimms. ;-) gotcha.
[04:31:39] wagnerrp: but it was set up such that the controller only accessed the first stick of memory
[04:31:45] wagnerrp: and the first stick accessed the second
[04:31:51] wagnerrp: and the second accessed the...
[04:32:11] wagnerrp: since they were daisy chained, you have no effective capacity limits
[04:32:32] wagnerrp: since they were daisy chained, you had all that extra heat and cost from the extra circuitry, and memory latencies were horrendous
[04:32:45] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Oh, so as far as the memory controller is concerned, it was one big dimm, kinda like a 'raid 0'... humm
[04:33:03] wagnerrp: so they dropped it and went with an integrated DDR3 controller for the next generation
[04:33:25] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A,
[04:33:37] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, also know as the ram I have to buy for my desktop
[04:34:23] Shadow__X: mac pro goodness?
[04:34:27] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: ooh. ;-) says "Apple Specific" though – and not to mention, I could probably get a new MB/CPU/memory for close to that price. ;-)
[04:34:28] kormoc: Indeed
[04:34:56] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, heh, it's not actually apple specific, any xeon 5xxx cpu will use the same ram
[04:35:52] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: Ah, but probably not supported on my Asus M2N-E (AM2+) motherboard... ;-)
[04:35:55] ** wagnerrp wonders if kormoc can really call 'that thing' a 'desktop' **
[04:36:05] ** kormoc shifty eyes **
[04:36:07] wagnerrp: almost seems demeaning to it
[04:36:13] kormoc: Heh, true
[04:36:14] Shadow__X: workstation
[04:36:21] wagnerrp: workstation sounds good
[04:36:23] kormoc: She's my baby
[04:36:26] J-e-f-f-A: There ya go.
[04:36:41] Shadow__X: i thought it was legitimately listed as a workstation
[04:36:49] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: is that your work machine, or personal?
[04:36:50] wagnerrp: those are some big heatsinks
[04:36:56] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, personal
[04:37:03] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, my work machine is my mac pro personal laptop
[04:37:06] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: nice. ;-)
[04:37:18] Shadow__X: you must be pretty strong
[04:37:29] kormoc: %s/mac pro/macbook pro/
[04:37:45] Shadow__X: there goes my dreams of a pretty sweet rig
[04:38:08] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: eh?
[04:38:31] kormoc: Heh, I own a mac pro, a macbook pro, a mac mini, airport extreme, airport express, ipod touch... I don't have brand loyalty... not one bit!
[04:39:04] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: someone using a mac pro as a laptop somehow
[04:39:11] Shadow__X: it was a poorly executed joke
[04:39:26] wagnerrp: i thought you were commenting on the cost of server memory
[04:39:28] kormoc: Shadow__X, I do use vnc to get to it at times
[04:39:43] Shadow__X: you draw the line at the ipad and xserve
[04:40:05] kormoc: Shadow__X, so I can use my nice beefy 100/100 connection to basically have my mac pro local to my laptop ;)
[04:40:29] kormoc: yeah, xserve is dead, ipad isn't enough of a laptop to be useful for me
[04:40:41] Shadow__X: oh ok
[04:40:46] wagnerrp: who needs NX and VNC when youre on a local network from anywhere in the world
[04:40:51] Shadow__X: i have one and i use it to read articles
[04:40:53] kormoc: indeed!
[04:41:15] J-e-f-f-A: I bought my wife an iMac a few years ago (the 17" lcd model) – other than that, the only apple products I have are a few iPODs (a 4GB Mini, 80GB Video, and an 8GB Nano I won at work...)  ;-)
[04:41:31] Shadow__X: only a few years ago huh
[04:41:46] J-e-f-f-A: ... and I thought my 35/35 link was pretty fast! DOH! ;-)
[04:41:53] kormoc: my mac pro is getting old in the tooth, heading towards three years old
[04:42:14] ** wagnerrp finds it amusing that 4GB 800MHz FBDIMMs need those huge heatsinks, while 4GB 1333MHz registered DDR3 has none at all **
[04:42:41] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__X: it may have been more than that... it was something like $1300, and brand new... I'm getting old and time is going by much faster nowadays...
[04:43:18] Shadow__X: J-e-f-f-A: just kidding around. That model has been fased out for a few years now
[04:44:30] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__X: holy smokes... I guess I bought it in 2006... so about 5 years ago... eek! /me feels more gray hairs pop out... doh!
[04:45:23] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__X: and I guess it wasn't
[04:46:11] J-e-f-f-A: ... brand-new – looks like the 17" models were first sold in 2002. I got it in 2006 – when I couldn't stand the viruses I was getting on my Wintel box from my Wife 'checking her email' on my wintel box... doh!
[04:47:58] J-e-f-f-A: Shadow__X: Ah yes, it's the 17" Intel Core 2 ... came out late 2006 – I got it for her for Christmas...
[04:49:07] dewman (dewman!~rob@ has quit (Quit: checking for oatmeal in /dev/dvd)
[04:49:48] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[04:55:47] wagnerrp: HAH
[04:56:51] wagnerrp: im reading dewman's current profile... backend is a quad prescott with a fanless geforce
[04:57:07] wagnerrp: fanless graphics card doesnt seem worth the effort at that point
[04:57:13] J-e-f-f-A: Now THAT's funny... ;-)
[04:57:17] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:02:23] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents!~darren@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:02:32] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:02:46] Shadow__X: quad prescott?
[05:02:56] Shadow__X: how does one fit soo much heat in one box
[05:03:51] wagnerrp: the prescotts were actually lower power than modern 1366 i7s and xeons, as well as the high end AMD counterparts
[05:04:25] wagnerrp: they just didnt have much idle to speak of, and performed horribly
[05:05:01] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: really? my preshott 3ghz always ran pretty warm
[05:05:20] Shadow__X: i guess comparing it to the other processers i had at the time it wasnt that bad
[05:06:49] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[05:06:56] wagnerrp: the highest power ones were only 115W, most were 89W
[05:07:05] wagnerrp: i7s are 130W
[05:08:13] Shadow__X: hmm yeah
[05:08:15] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:08:23] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:09:28] wagnerrp: the difference is that 130W i7 performs about 6–8x the work of the fastest P4 ever produced, and when idle consumes considerably less power
[05:09:50] paras (paras! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:09:55] Shadow__X: yeah i think i was considering at idle
[05:10:14] Shadow__X: but you are right the new cpu's use more power
[05:10:58] wagnerrp: that quad prescott could be replaced by a $400 computer that would never peak over 100W consumption
[05:11:12] Shadow__X: is that a server board?
[05:11:31] wagnerrp: hes got an old dell server listed on his user profile
[05:11:55] Shadow__X: oh ok. is that located on the wiki?
[05:12:35] Twigg (Twigg!~darren@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:13:07] wagnerrp: yes
[05:15:52] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents!~darren@ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[05:23:19] derekj (derekj!4792a305@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[05:24:04] derekj: anyone happen to have a roku xd* here?
[05:28:36] wagnerrp: derekj: . . . _question.3F
[05:29:53] [R]: anyone happen to eat food here?
[05:29:54] [R]: :P
[05:30:10] wagnerrp: IVs only for me
[05:30:13] [R]: haha
[05:30:16] [R]: i'm so sorry
[05:30:18] [R]: what happened?
[05:30:24] derekj: wagnerrp: I'm well aware of irc etiquette
[05:30:43] wagnerrp: why bother myself with eating when i can have a machine do it for me
[05:30:52] wagnerrp: derekj: the implication is just ask your question
[05:30:56] [R]: rofl
[05:31:04] wagnerrp: if someone has an answer, they will eventually get back to yuou
[05:31:17] iamlindoro: jesus christ, people on the list are truly clueless
[05:31:39] iamlindoro: They won't be satisfied until I personally come and configure Blu-ray decryption in their houses
[05:31:57] derekj: wagnerrp: no, you misundertand. The implication is I want someone with actual experience with the device who knows what they are talking about
[05:31:59] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: thats fine, whats your going rate?
[05:32:15] iamlindoro: When the config file GIVES YOU AN EXAMPLE and all you have to do is replace the 0's with the hex values sitting RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, you should really step back and let the grownups handle it
[05:32:39] wagnerrp: derekj: if you have a question about mythtv use with this device, then we can probably provide some sort of answer
[05:32:47] iamlindoro: derekj, And his/my implication is that few people volunteer themselves to be someone's personal guide on IRc without knowing at least what they'd like to know
[05:32:49] wagnerrp: if your question is only about this device, then youre really off topic
[05:33:23] wagnerrp: ask a specific question, and we can give a specific answer
[05:33:27] iamlindoro: When someone comes in and says "who can help me?" or "Who has this?" even when the answer is yes, I ignore them, because nobody wants to offer themselves up without knowing what they're getting in to
[05:33:39] wagnerrp: without that, were just going to start pointing at the documentation
[05:34:19] derekj: iamlindoro: then feel free to ignore
[05:34:29] ** iamlindoro sighs **
[05:34:37] iamlindoro: derekj, Ask a specific question, or leave
[05:34:44] [R]: that's what she said
[05:34:48] iamlindoro: indeed
[05:34:53] [R]: HAHA
[05:34:56] ** wagnerrp didnt get that one **
[05:35:05] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:35:33] kormoc: wagnerrp, [R] is just a 'that's what she said' bot, don'tcha know
[05:35:57] wagnerrp: !thatswhatshesaid
[05:36:05] wagnerrp: i think its broken
[05:36:15] iamlindoro: !url lmgtfy That's What She Said
[05:36:15] MythLogBot: lmgtfy:
[05:36:48] [R]: urban dictionary
[05:36:52] [R]: The most versatile joke on Earth.
[05:37:11] Captain_Murdoch: [R] if she said that, she might have been a cop trying to entrap. :)
[05:37:52] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[05:38:21] AriX (AriX! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:38:25] iamlindoro: It's only entrapment if you try to convince someone to do something they wouldn't have otherwise done ;)
[05:39:51] [R]: but what if theres a prostitution sting, and the guy doe sit just because th cop was too hot, but he normally woudln't have done it
[05:40:01] [R]: the charges will still stick
[05:40:20] iamlindoro: Heh, that's not something they wouldn't have otherwise done
[05:40:43] wagnerrp: thats something they would have only done with a really hot prostitute
[05:40:48] wagnerrp: hardly entrapment
[05:40:51] iamlindoro: ie, being appealing isn't entrapment
[05:41:05] [R]: "i touched her hand, her hand touched her boob, by the transitive property, i touched her boob"
[05:41:06] [R]: ROFL
[05:46:28] kormoc: goodbye internet Paul Allen files new complaint against Facebook, Apple, others
[05:48:18] wagnerrp: isnt there something in patents that they cant be 'obvious extensions' of an existing tech?
[05:49:06] kormoc: Aye
[05:49:11] wagnerrp: pretty sure melvil dewey has prior art
[05:49:33] wagnerrp: moving it from a crapload of drawers to an electronic database is pretty obvious to me
[05:49:48] kormoc: it's still weird to see him go after so many big fish with the knowledge the patent will likely be overturned
[05:51:24] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:51:32] JEDIDIAH__: moving it from a bunch of drawers to a database has been done already. been done long enough that any patents would have expired by now.
[05:51:38] paras (paras! has quit (Quit: Verlassend)
[05:52:09] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[05:52:21] wagnerrp: its still weird to seem him going after companies that have been doing such practices for over a decade now
[05:52:55] wagnerrp: there really needs to be some sort of statue of limitations on patents
[05:53:16] wagnerrp: if a company can prove that their use of the patented technology was sufficiently visible to the public
[05:53:16] kormoc: that's really common with patents tho. they can seek damages over the entire time so might as well wait till the targets are nice and juicy
[05:53:24] kormoc: yeah, totally
[05:53:45] wagnerrp: and you made no effort to try to have them license it
[05:53:52] wagnerrp: the whole patent should be null and void
[05:53:58] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:54:54] wagnerrp: you start negotiations as soon as possible following discovery of infringement, or you lose everything
[05:55:11] wagnerrp: send some sort of notice, a brief letter, something
[05:55:29] wagnerrp: set up a system where you file with the patent office of possible infringement just so its on record
[05:56:29] paras (paras! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:56:45] paras (paras! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:01:34] wagnerrp: hehe... 'the french authority in charge of disconnecting people from the internet for copyright infringement has been found guilty of copyright infringement themselves'
[06:01:36] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:02:37] kormoc: woo!
[06:04:29] [R]: IRONY
[06:10:44] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: that always happens
[06:11:02] Shadow__X: there has been evidences even the mpaa has been in violation of copyright infringement
[06:11:31] ** J-e-f-f-A is SHOCKED!!! j/k! ;-) **
[06:13:54] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Gee, I found 4GB DDR2/800/ECC dimms that would work in my MB – but they're $120 each... doh! I think I'll just save up some $$$ and buy a whole new MB/CPU/MEM when I can swing it. ;-)
[06:15:10] wagnerrp: you need ECC? your board even supports ECC?
[06:15:46] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: I don't need it, but my MB does support it. It's the only 4GB DDR2/800 dimms I've come across so far...
[06:15:53] Shadow__X: if intel didnt split 1156 and 1366 i could afford to upgrade sooner by getting a i3 to start
[06:16:13] wagnerrp: newegg has some decent mushkin 4GB sticks for $80
[06:16:21] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: what do you mean?
[06:18:30] Shadow__X: that i3 cpu's are cheaper and if they did not split into 2 different chipsets i could put together an i3 system now and later on go to a i7 9xx cpu
[06:18:59] wagnerrp: the 1156 and 1366 sockets are both scheduled to be phased out within a year
[06:19:17] Shadow__X: what are they going to now
[06:19:25] Shadow__X: back to one socket?
[06:19:36] wagnerrp: 1155 and ... something else i dont remember off hand
[06:19:56] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Ah, just found a pair of 4GB sticks for $173... better than 2x$120... But I think I'll wait and replace everything in 6mos to a year. ;-)
[06:21:44] wagnerrp: its going to be quad channel, so probably 1550–1600 pins
[06:21:53] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: i thought sandy bridge was going to be an extention of the i7's now. the 980x is already gulftown
[06:21:58] Shadow__X: oh ok
[06:22:19] wagnerrp: no, sandybridge gets a new incompatible socket
[06:22:24] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:22:50] Shadow__X: i am starting to like how amd does upgrading
[06:23:18] wagnerrp: dont keep your hopes up of /ever/ being able to upgrade your processor and keeping your same processor
[06:23:31] wagnerrp: even with AMD systems
[06:23:38] wagnerrp: ive got an existing AM2 system
[06:23:45] Shadow__X: you mean same motherboard right?
[06:23:51] Shadow__X: or am i just not understanding that right
[06:23:52] wagnerrp: but were i to upgrade the processor, i would still upgrade memory and motherboard
[06:24:22] kirkB (kirkB! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:24:40] wagnerrp: i would want to switch to ddr3, i would want better onboard graphics (of course nvidia hasnt made that possible yet)
[06:25:12] kirkB: Hi all – is anyone familiar enough with Mythweb to help troubleshoot an install that just seems to not be working?
[06:25:25] wagnerrp: socket A stuck around for a /long/ time
[06:25:40] Shadow__X: kirkB: what seems to be the problem. Just ask and someone will eventually help
[06:25:45] wagnerrp: from the original sub-gigahertz thunderbirds to the latest bartons
[06:25:54] ** J-e-f-f-A still has a Socket A system – it's his old Wintel box. ;-) (oldest box in the house!!!) **
[06:25:55] kirkB: I'm getting a truncated page
[06:26:02] wagnerrp: but its not like you could continue using that socket A board with more modern processors
[06:26:14] kirkB: after passing auth, I get a truncated page, that ends with this:
[06:26:15] wagnerrp: if nothing else, the old boards just didnt have the bus capability
[06:26:31] kirkB: <body>
[06:26:35] kirkB: <div id="page_header" class="clearfix">
[06:26:37] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: ya mean like the Intel "Overdrive" chips?  ;-)
[06:26:37] kirkB: <div id="logo_box">
[06:26:39] kirkB: <a id="mythtv_logo" href="root_url">
[06:26:41] kirkB: <img src="root_urlskins/default/img/mythtv-logo.png" alt="MythTV" class="alpha_png">
[06:26:43] kirkB: </a>
[06:26:47] kirkB: </div>
[06:26:49] kirkB: <div id="sections">
[06:26:57] J-e-f-f-A: kirkB: don't do that – use a pastebin!!!!
[06:27:03] kirkB: this is after a new install using Mythbuntu's repo
[06:27:07] wagnerrp: my old KT333 originally paired with my XP1600 couldnt keep up with my Barton2600, and i had to replace the board
[06:27:12] kirkB: oops, sorry
[06:27:39] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:27:45] k-man_ (k-man_!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:27:48] kormoc: root_url is undefined. This means it's not setup correctly
[06:27:53] k-man_ is now known as k-man
[06:28:07] kirkB:
[06:28:10] kirkB: yes
[06:28:14] kirkB: I am following the install doc
[06:28:31] kirkB: and that took me to the blank page problem, with modules_path not being defined
[06:29:08] wagnerrp: isnt that the error you get for running an old, incompatible version of PHP?
[06:29:13] kirkB: so I created the soft link as per the bug report
[06:29:16] kormoc: oh lord
[06:29:22] kormoc: that's so not a good fix
[06:29:32] wagnerrp: upgrade to php 5.3
[06:29:53] wagnerrp: whats this? php bindings?
[06:29:57] kirkB: this is the version of php5 I'm running: 5.3.2–1ubuntu4.5
[06:30:20] kormoc: . . . 646bd808861c
[06:30:27] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:30:28] wagnerrp: fancy
[06:30:38] xtort-: kirkB, What distro?
[06:30:43] xtort-: oh
[06:30:47] xtort-: nm, i see it
[06:31:14] ** wagnerrp waits for sphery to fix up mythtvj **
[06:31:24] xtort-: I had that problem when I didn't have a good /etc/httpd/whatever/mythtv.conf file
[06:31:43] wagnerrp: and theres some shell of ruby bindings floating around github
[06:32:02] J-e-f-f-A: sphery broke his myth setup? DOH! /me weeps for sphery...
[06:32:03] kormoc: Using the symlink 'fix' will always leave you with a broken mythweb unless you had a previously working mythweb install
[06:32:17] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: eh?
[06:32:24] kormoc: you need to dump the symlink and use that changeset
[06:32:24] kirkB: so is there a better fix?
[06:32:32] kormoc: yes, the one I linked to
[06:32:34] kirkB: er, use that changeset
[06:32:48] kirkB: let me read it – sounds like I haven't done that before
[06:33:01] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: You said " wagnerrp waits for sphery to fix up mythtvj"  — so I was feeling sorry for him... ;-)
[06:33:45] wagnerrp: yes, mythtvj
[06:33:56] wagnerrp: what does that have to do with a broken myth setup?
[06:34:00] J-e-f-f-A: oh, didn't see the 'j'... ;-) my bad. ;-)
[06:34:03] kirkB: OK, removing the link gets me back to the errors as seen here:
[06:34:32] kirkB: so to use the changeset, download the two files and overwrite?
[06:34:41] wagnerrp: mythtvj is an old set of java bindings written for 0.21
[06:35:11] kirkB: those are diffs though – not sure how to apply them cleanly
[06:35:18] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Ah, gotcha.  ;-)
[06:35:29] kormoc: I have no idea how to apply that changeset to a non-git checkout
[06:35:34] wagnerrp: and then there is a 'ruby-mythtv' on github, that off hand i believe is against 0.23
[06:35:46] kormoc: yeah
[06:36:04] kormoc: why bother writing anything and submitting it upstream for official support when you can let it sit and age
[06:36:19] kirkB: I can download the file, will diff them locally to make sure it makes sense
[06:36:46] kormoc: kirkB, that error is actually due to incorrect database settings or being unable to connect to the database
[06:37:15] kirkB: the pastebin php errors?
[06:37:53] kormoc: yes
[06:39:09] kirkB: I pulled the connection data from ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt, and the frontend works
[06:39:34] wagnerrp: is the frontend on the same system as mythweb?
[06:39:40] kirkB: yes
[06:40:48] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[06:43:30] kirkB: just confirmed on command line that mysql access works with the credentials I've put in mythweb.conf
[06:43:38] kormoc: . . . d0d26fcb7fd1
[06:43:43] kormoc: apply those changes and try again
[06:44:23] kirkB: ok, thanks for the help all
[06:46:44] kirkB: interesting
[06:46:54] kirkB: replaced the Translate.php file
[06:47:53] kirkB: now I get both problems :) Have php errors and now the logo shows up like before:
[06:48:55] kirkB: I can provide you with access to the webpage if that would help
[06:48:57] KraMer (KraMer! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[06:50:30] kirkB: I think the first error exists because i have no modules_path directory (removed the link as suggested)
[06:50:55] kirkB: I have not applied the first changeset – that would resolve that issue?
[06:52:00] kormoc: no, it's related to another error
[06:52:12] kormoc: . . . 605b5c97819e
[06:53:56] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:54:35] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:55:06] kormoc: and if that still isn't working, . . . 16aa991c579f
[06:56:41] kirkB: ok
[06:57:05] kirkB: second to last changeset resulted in the logo rendering, errors going away, but plain background, no content on screen
[06:57:12] kirkB: last changeset made no difference
[06:57:20] kormoc: view source, pastebin
[06:57:50] kirkB:
[06:57:56] kirkB: same page truncation
[06:58:45] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[06:58:47] ** kormoc scratches his head **
[06:59:58] kirkB: php.log just has warnings about not being able to load – which I think has existed a long time with this install
[07:00:30] k_ross (k_ross!ad40b024@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[07:02:39] kormoc: Do you have a mythconverg.mythweb_sessions table in your database?
[07:03:08] kirkB: yes
[07:03:17] kirkB: want me to remove the user row and login again?
[07:04:27] kormoc: Nah. That proves your defines should be running....
[07:05:05] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:05:27] kirkB: there are 3 rows that are not user: entries – looks like sessionIDs or something ... that's expected?
[07:05:55] kormoc: depends on how you're doing your login, but it's not unexpected
[07:06:26] kormoc: can you add a die(modules_path); on line 68 of includes/defines.php ?
[07:07:50] kirkB: at like 68, not sure what to do
[07:07:50] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[07:08:04] kormoc: die(modules_path);
[07:08:10] kormoc: save, load in a browser
[07:08:23] kirkB: pastebin of that section:
[07:08:30] tris (tris!~tristan@CAMEL.ETHEREAL.NET) has quit (Excess Flood)
[07:08:44] kormoc: right after that define, add the die(modules_path);
[07:09:23] kirkB: on a new line?
[07:09:35] kormoc: Sure
[07:09:39] kirkB: not very familiar with php sorry
[07:10:26] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:10:54] kirkB: Check this pastebin, make sure is right because this just throws up a blank screen:
[07:11:04] kirkB: updated is lower part
[07:11:14] kormoc: yeah... ugh... not being found at all...
[07:12:03] kirkB: modules_path doesn't exist remember
[07:12:16] kirkB: I removed the link
[07:13:22] tris (tris!~tristan@CAMEL.ETHEREAL.NET) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:14:03] flexy (flexy! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:14:18] kirkB: I'm tempted to move to the git version – is it safe to do so? If so perhaps that might be the easiest way to proceed?
[07:14:46] flexy: release-0.24, is mythtvosd still in use? can't seem to get it working anymore...
[07:14:47] kirkB: it's just php files right? the Mythbuntu package doesn't provide any advantages other than security updates
[07:14:53] wagnerrp: flexy: no
[07:15:39] kormoc: kirkB, try . . . 8d1a400f13cc
[07:15:41] flexy: wagnerrp: ok. used it to notify smart failures in the past. checked for it after email smart notifications and did not see anything on tv...
[07:15:44] wagnerrp: but its replacement has been added to trunk
[07:15:53] flexy: ahaa
[07:15:53] kormoc: kirkB, sadly git master is different then git 0.24-fixes
[07:15:54] wagnerrp: or master, whatever its called now
[07:16:02] wagnerrp: . . . 3b06d70e9668
[07:16:10] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[07:16:36] wagnerrp: the new utility works everywhere, while the old utility only worked during playback
[07:16:47] ** kormoc smacks **
[07:16:50] [R]: that's what she said
[07:18:00] flexy: wagnerrp: that sounds even better. I was not aware of the working only during playback...
[07:18:40] kirkB: applied the defines changeset. Closed browser, logged in again, now have a php error:
[07:18:45] flexy: wagnerrp: can I just apply that commit to release-0-24-fixes?
[07:18:58] kormoc: kirkB, that's it?
[07:19:02] wagnerrp: maybe, probably not
[07:19:10] kirkB: and then the logo
[07:19:15] wagnerrp: do so at your own risk
[07:19:15] ** kormoc blinks **
[07:19:30] flexy: wagnerrp: that goes without saying :)
[07:20:15] flexy: wagnerrp: won't come here crying that applying the commit made my htpc eat my dog and sleep with my wife... :D
[07:20:31] [R]: i'd be scared if my computer slept with my wife
[07:20:42] kormoc: kirkB, and view source should show a backtrace?
[07:20:49] [R]: mainly because i don't have a wife... haha
[07:21:02] kirkB: kormoc: I backed out of wagnerrp's changeset (defines.php) as I think he might not ahve directed that at me
[07:21:19] kormoc: wagnerrp had a changeset?
[07:21:20] wagnerrp: my changeset?
[07:21:35] kirkB: wagnerrp: . . . 3b06d70e9668
[07:21:42] wagnerrp: no, i was 'ooooo'ing at the new php bindings (split out of mythweb)
[07:22:01] kirkB: :) so I'll ignore
[07:22:12] kirkB: let me check for a backtrace kormoc
[07:23:22] wagnerrp: mmm... context managers in c++ are fun
[07:23:27] kirkB: view source pastebin:
[07:23:55] kormoc: kirkB, did you keep the errors.php patch from eariler?
[07:24:26] kirkB: yes
[07:24:37] kirkB: all patches kept so far
[07:24:46] kormoc: I have no idea how you'd get that error message without a backtrace then...
[07:25:14] kirkB: I have php outputting errors to the browser – is that what you mean?
[07:25:33] kormoc: we override that and install our own error handler
[07:25:43] kormoc: so we get better context...
[07:26:08] kirkB: makes sense – is there a way for me to confirm the custome rror handler is engaged?
[07:26:25] kirkB: I'll turn off php's error output
[07:28:23] kormoc: there shouldn't be a way to override the custom handler
[07:31:29] kirkB: Looking at the php error I'm seeing and I agree – there is no _shared folder under mythweb
[07:31:55] kormoc: hrm
[07:32:02] kormoc: I know what's up...
[07:32:42] kormoc: no... that still works...
[07:32:44] kormoc: hrm
[07:32:47] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:32:54] kormoc: it should be modules/_shared/
[07:32:58] kormoc: why isn't it getting that...
[07:34:10] kirkB: because I don't have a modules_path folder
[07:34:18] kormoc: no
[07:34:22] kormoc: modules_path is a define
[07:34:34] kormoc: it's just not being set correctly for you...
[07:35:18] kirkB: it's not defined in Translate.php
[07:35:22] kirkB: where should it be defined?
[07:35:29] kormoc: includes/defines.php
[07:39:13] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[07:39:35] kirkB: this line: should there be a leading backslash? dirname(__FILE__).'/../modules/',
[07:39:51] kormoc: nope
[07:40:05] kormoc: you removed the die(modules_path); from that file, right?
[07:40:11] kirkB: right
[07:40:24] kormoc: yeah... I'm lost
[07:40:34] kormoc: there shouldn't be any way that'd fail
[07:40:40] kormoc: unless there's permission issues
[07:40:48] kormoc: but then it shouldn't load the header
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[07:47:09] kirkB: just for fun, I created a link to modules/_shared, and the php error goes away, but the page is still truncated as before.
[07:49:28] kormoc: I'm gonna have to install a mythbuntu disk in a VM to track this down likely
[07:49:59] kormoc: which isn't likely to happen till mid January, as I'm flying out in two days with tons to do before hand
[07:51:13] Shadow__X: kirkB: is this a new install?
[07:51:47] Chat2932 (Chat2932!ntnvoa@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:52:10] kirkB: I've had it installed and working before, but it stopped whne upgrading Ubuntu. I've tried a couple of times using Mythbuntu's Control Center, never had it working again though. So short answer is no
[07:52:30] kirkB: I'm running Ubuntu and using Mythbuntu's repo
[07:52:56] Shadow__X: what did you upgrade
[07:53:04] kirkB: Ubuntu
[07:53:08] kirkB: which meant most packages
[07:53:21] Shadow__X: from which version to which version
[07:53:37] kirkB: it is currently running the last LTR
[07:53:40] kirkB: let me look that up
[07:53:51] Chat2932: hey
[07:54:44] Shadow__X: the reason why i am asking is because i have noticed an issue at times going from mythtv .23 from ubuntu repo to .24-fixes from mythbuntu where i had to do dist-upgrade and install -f afterwards
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[07:56:36] kirkB: if memory serves, I installed Karmic fresh and upgraded to Lucid, which is where it sits now
[07:57:01] wagnerrp: i guess chat2932 was only here to 'cyber'
[07:57:25] kirkB: But it did have 0.23 installed at one point I believe.
[07:58:15] kirkB: dist-upgrade shows only 2 packages needing upgrading
[07:58:19] kirkB: right now
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[07:59:57] Shadow__X: kirkB: yeah that should of worked fine but still i would make sure you selected the right repo in mythbuntu control center and then make sure the packages for mythtv are right in synaptic
[08:01:31] kirkB: What's the right repo in MCC? I have it at 0.24 PPA, with both MythTV and Mythbuntu updates repos enabled
[08:01:50] Twigg (Twigg!~darren@ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[08:02:17] Shadow__X: what do you mean both updates repos enabled
[08:02:56] kirkB: There's the MythTV Updates repo and the Mythbuntu updates repo
[08:03:35] Shadow__X: what are the mythtv updates repo
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[08:04:59] Shadow__X: the reason why i ask is because i only use the mythbuntu repos as it provides .24-fixes builds
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[08:05:31] kirkB: the MythTV repo has upstream MythTV fixes, built each day when there are fixes from upstream
[08:05:50] kirkB: the Mythbuntu repo will only have fixes to software written by the Mythbutnu team
[08:06:03] kirkB: or so the MCC text says
[08:08:48] Shadow__X: ok yeah i just looked at it
[08:09:04] Shadow__X: is the only issue you are having mythweb related?
[08:09:12] kirkB: yes
[08:09:33] Shadow__X: have you tried removing it completely and reinstalling it?
[08:09:35] kirkB: well, pecl and pear issues too, but I think I've solved most of those. no other Myth-related issues
[08:09:42] kirkB: yes, though MCC
[08:09:48] kirkB: not Synaptic
[08:09:49] Shadow__X: i will say though that these are things i would try that does not mean it will work
[08:09:57] Shadow__X: i would try synaptic
[08:09:58] kirkB: nod
[08:10:07] Shadow__X: and completely remove it then install it again
[08:10:12] Shadow__X: it could work
[08:10:16] kirkB: heh
[08:10:19] Shadow__X: although i am sure its a long shot
[08:10:53] kirkB: so if I uninstall it, is there a way for me to use another version rather than the one pacakged?
[08:14:11] artus37 (artus37! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:14:15] [R]: Delete the weather stuff from mythweb — if you want weather stuff from your browser, use a real weather service.
[08:14:16] [R]: HAHA
[08:14:45] artus37: morning
[08:15:09] wagnerrp: [R]: hes going to catch hell from the users for that one
[08:15:22] [R]: gonna raise hell
[08:15:25] [R]: gonna raise hell
[08:15:31] [R]: are there more words to that song?
[08:15:49] wagnerrp: cheap trick?
[08:16:11] [R]: i guess so
[08:16:23] ** wagnerrp is gonna party like its 1982 **
[08:16:41] [R]: i saw them in concert once
[08:16:43] [R]: with journey
[08:16:46] [R]: it rocked my socks off
[08:18:05] kirkB: thanks kormoc and Shawdow__X  – appreciate your time and help. Will sing off and see if a reinstall works
[08:18:18] kirkB: s/sing/sign  ;)
[08:18:43] Shadow__X: kirkB: i dont know how much my help was compared to kor mocs but maybe it will fix it
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[08:18:58] Shadow__X: dont forget to do a complete removal aslong as it just removes mythweb
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[08:54:08] jstenback: wagnerrp: fwiw, it's looking like DBDataRef.append() is called when attempting to copy seek data from a recording to mythvideo with, but "sd in self" is always true, so nothing is appended.
[09:04:04] lyricnz: any idea how to diagnose a "random" fail-to-record? (0 byte file)
[09:04:18] [R]: lyricnz: read the backend log
[09:05:05] lyricnz: No kidding :) nothing interesting there. I'll filter and pastebin
[09:06:52] lyricnz:
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[09:08:47] [R]: that's odd
[09:08:50] [R]: and theree was ntohign else?
[09:08:57] [R]: sounds like you need to increase your verbosity
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[09:36:11] jstenback: wagnerrp: nm my previous comment, the problem is that the seekdata is copied, but with a filename of "". The markup db reference in the Video class is created before the mythvideoexport script sets the filename
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[09:53:13] lyricnz: [R]: absolutely. any hints on which bit to add?
[09:53:40] [R]: dunno
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[09:59:01] lyricnz: -v record,channel,dvbcam" ?
[10:00:44] lyricnz: let's try that..
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[10:29:50] artus37: Hi all
[10:30:02] artus37: does anybody know phoenix card reader?
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[10:43:01] artus37: anybody using xbmc and mythtv together?
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[11:38:37] lyricnz: backend is full of messages like below:
[11:38:38] lyricnz: 2010-12–29 22:38:21.317 DVBRec(3:/dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend0): PID 0x902 discontinuity detected
[11:38:38] lyricnz: 2010-12–29 22:38:21.327 DVBRec(1:/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0): PID 0x85 discontinuity detected
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[12:02:40] ** lyricnz removes the old tuner card, and a PCI sata controller that a couple of disks were connected to. **
[12:02:47] lyricnz: PCI bandwidth issue perhaps?
[12:02:58] lyricnz: are onboard sata controllers on the pci bus?
[12:03:53] lyricnz: crap, it didn't fix problem above
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[12:16:28] derekj: lyricnz: nah, more likely signal issues
[12:17:12] lyricnz: signal should be really good – never noticed any artifacts on dvb, tuner appeared to be working fine yesterday
[12:17:28] lyricnz: what does the snr number from tzap mean, anyway?
[12:17:34] lyricnz: or the myth numbers
[12:18:00] derekj: lyricnz: those snr # can't be trusted (depends on card and driver)
[12:18:05] derekj: driver lies
[12:18:11] lyricnz: yeah that's what I figuerd
[12:18:22] lyricnz: how to diagnose any possibly bad signal issue then?
[12:18:50] derekj: not much really except mehodical trubleshooting
[12:19:14] derekj: like remove any splitters if you have any
[12:19:52] derekj: connect directly to antenna/source if possible
[12:20:39] derekj: if problem disappears you know it's caused by signal loss
[12:20:45] lyricnz: there's no myth-related splitter, but the large roof antenna feeds a powered amp/splitter, which delivers great signal (according to the tv's in the house)
[12:20:51] derekj: if not, investiagte further
[12:21:18] lyricnz: Not sure it's possible to undo that – since inbound antenna only reaches to amp/splitter box
[12:21:49] derekj: well, so what change betw. when you didn't have issues to now?
[12:21:55] derekj: SW upgrade?
[12:23:06] derekj: something must have changed
[12:23:12] lyricnz: well, two changes: added new tuner card two days ago, appeared to work perfectly (though not analysed thoroughly). then updated OS, but left myth stuff alone...
[12:23:20] derekj: you just need to figure out what it is :)
[12:23:38] lyricnz: so could be either. I can swap back to old card, but that's only two-tuner.
[12:24:05] lyricnz: shutting down to swap cards back.
[12:24:06] derekj: I'd be much more inclined to suspect os upgrade
[12:24:25] lyricnz: yeah? that's positive ;)
[12:24:47] derekj: reboot to the old os
[12:24:53] lyricnz: hahah, no
[12:25:06] lyricnz: updated fedora 13->14
[12:25:19] derekj: dude, why you laghing?
[12:25:22] lyricnz: ~1400 packages, but 90% never used.
[12:25:30] derekj: laughing*
[12:25:37] derekj: hdd is cheap
[12:25:42] lyricnz: no backout strategy, upgrade was in-place.
[12:25:50] lyricnz: brb, swapping card hardware
[12:25:57] derekj: when you upgrade install to a different partition
[12:26:18] derekj: keep the old os around until you're certain there are no issues
[12:26:34] derekj: just the smart thing to do
[12:27:27] derekj: so you just round robin ABABAB as you upgrade
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[12:28:55] lyricnz: Hmm. I don't usually download the whole install media, just update the packages. OS is not well separated from myth anyway
[12:29:04] lyricnz: swapped back to old hardware, rebooting.
[12:29:36] lyricnz: Same error. Hmm.
[12:29:45] lyricnz: so not hardware related! yay
[12:30:08] lyricnz: will try older kernel
[12:30:14] derekj: lyricnz: sigh. then do a rsync (mirror) of old os to new partition, then upgrade the OS on the new partition
[12:30:37] derekj: no need to d/l whole distro
[12:32:09] ** lyricnz facepalms **
[12:32:26] lyricnz: Okay, let me take a step back..
[12:32:50] lyricnz: I was diagnosing a problem where recordings mysteriously fail. 0 byte recordings, though myth thinks it's recording.
[12:33:01] lyricnz: I enabled some extra logging in myth to chase thos
[12:33:17] lyricnz: perhaps current errors are "normal"?
[12:33:39] derekj: 0 byte recordings are hardly normal
[12:33:50] derekj: something is screwed up
[12:33:56] lyricnz: Not that, the errors that I'm seeing in logs, causing me to think something is screwet
[12:33:58] lyricnz: y
[12:34:08] derekj: just myth's way of telling you that
[12:34:23] lyricnz: Oh yeah, definitely something screwey :)
[12:35:54] lyricnz: I'll go put the other card back in, and retest properly. I did some hardware cleanup which might have helped anyway...
[12:36:17] lyricnz: machine had a PCI SATA controller installed, from when it had many disks, so I swapped back to onboard.
[12:36:31] lyricnz: Are onboard controllers on PCI bus? Or northbridge?
[12:36:50] derekj: they are on PCI bus
[12:37:06] lyricnz: so probably makes no difference? still, sata card was shitty old one
[12:37:25] lyricnz: brb, reinstalling second card.
[12:44:48] lyricnz: after many successes, another failure
[12:45:48] lyricnz: At least I have a shortish log, with myth startup, three recordings attempting, two succeed – one fail.
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[12:48:24] ** lyricnz swears **
[12:58:56] lyricnz: the one that failed happened to be the second channel on the same mutex.
[12:59:18] lyricnz: is the mutex->channel filter part of myth, or linuxtv or driver?
[12:59:29] artus37: anybody using mythweb with ipod theme?
[13:05:35] derekj: what channel mutex filter?
[13:05:48] derekj: never heard of such a thing
[13:11:18] lyricnz: excuse my jargon, but -
[13:11:21] lyricnz: as far as I understand it – there are multiple channels interleaved on the same ... uh, tuning frequency. In order to watch one of them, you tune to the right frequency, then filter out just the channel that you're interested in. Mythtv understands this, and allows you to actually record multiple channels from the same frequency, by applying different filters . Ie: record multiple channels with the same capture card
[13:11:32] lyricnz: this is for dvb
[13:11:48] derekj: that's not mutex
[13:11:53] derekj: that's multiplex
[13:11:58] derekj: sigh
[13:12:24] lyricnz: meh, jargon. you can't expect all users to know this stuff.
[13:12:37] derekj: if you use jargon at least make an attempt to undertant what you're talking about
[13:13:01] lyricnz: doesn't my explanation above indicate that I understand, even if I didn';t know the word?
[13:13:03] lyricnz: shesh
[13:13:25] derekj: sigh
[13:13:54] derekj: you now further conflate multirec with multoplex
[13:14:04] derekj: multiplex*
[13:15:08] derekj: just dont expect anybody else to understand what you're going on about when you use the wrong jargon]
[13:15:32] lyricnz: give me a break. I'm just a user. I try to explain what's going on.
[13:16:02] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!~pintlezz@ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[13:16:25] lyricnz: I observe that the logs appear to indicate that the channel that failed to record was the second on the same "tuning thingy", and wondered whether that filtering logic was part of mythtv, or part of linuxtv/driver
[13:16:46] lyricnz: isn't that pretty *good* (for a user)?
[13:17:07] derekj: that's not what you said at first
[13:17:27] derekj: your last attempt is better than your first
[13:17:34] derekj: but not by much
[13:19:47] derekj: they bottom line is the driver must "allow" multirec in order for myth multirec to work successfully
[13:19:59] derekj: the*
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[13:22:55] lyricnz: Okay. And if it doesn't? Can I disable multirec in myth? I've found errors from the record failure: TVRec(3) Error: SignalMonitor failed , Updating status for "Grand Designs":Farnham on cardid 3 (Tuning => Recorder Failed)
[13:23:24] lyricnz: setting maxthingies=1 in mythtvsetup?
[13:23:32] lyricnz: instead of 2
[13:24:03] derekj: probably. but I never use multirec myself so I'm afraid I can't tell you how
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[13:24:25] lyricnz: I'll try that – and see if half the virtual devices go away. x
[13:24:26] lyricnz: tx
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[13:28:41] lyricnz: Well, so far so good
[13:30:43] lyricnz: Recording six channels at once, no problem
[13:32:23] lyricnz: thanks for the tips derekj
[13:32:31] lyricnz: I guess my driver doesn't support multirec
[13:33:00] derekj: it could be the card has HW PID filter
[13:33:21] derekj: iow, not a driver limitatio per se
[13:33:30] derekj: limitation*
[13:34:30] lyricnz: Hmm, maybe I'll check which of the two cards doesn't support multirec when I have a bit more time. I was under critical WAF pressure.
[13:34:51] derekj: what cards are they?
[13:34:58] lyricnz: I'm running a card that doesn't work with stock linuxtv, fwiw
[13:35:14] lyricnz: I've got a "dvico dual digital 4" which is a dual-tuner card.
[13:35:37] derekj: umm, that shiould support multirec
[13:35:46] lyricnz: And quad tuner card – &nd ash; which is the hairy one
[13:35:53] derekj: if memory serves that has xceive receiver
[13:36:16] derekj: umm, referring to the dvico
[13:36:27] lyricnz: Yup. okay, I'll try that now – see if I can spot which is which device is which in mythtvsetup
[13:37:09] derekj: no experience with the quad
[13:37:31] lyricnz: the dvico dual digital 4 has two very different versions, with different hardware.
[13:37:34] lyricnz: tres annoying
[13:38:02] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:38:44] derekj: how much was thee quad?
[13:38:49] derekj: the*
[13:38:57] lyricnz: aud$200 iirc
[13:39:05] derekj: looks like a severe overkill :)
[13:39:36] lyricnz: because our fta channels are so crap at running to schedule, you need to schedula +15 minute overrun.
[13:39:37] derekj: I mean seriously, your household watches that much TV?
[13:39:57] lyricnz: This makes it a real pain to record two programs that (theoretically) run up against each other on different channels
[13:40:15] derekj: well, no doubt
[13:40:33] lyricnz: None of us watch terribly much, but there are at least 4 distinct groups of tv viewers in the house:
[13:40:35] derekj: but 4 tuners....
[13:40:46] lyricnz: I watch mostly motorsports and technical/science stuff, and some movies
[13:41:03] lyricnz: wife watches lifestyle crap, like gardening and house makeovers, and some history stuff
[13:41:15] lyricnz: teenager watches a bunch of teenage drama/sitcom crap
[13:41:20] GreyFoxx: I've got 5 tuners, one of which is doing multirec QAM. not often ALL of them get used at once, but it happens at times
[13:41:22] lyricnz: and the two little ones watch lots of kids tv
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[13:45:01] derekj: quad tuner on a pciex1 slot. now there is a good use of pcie!
[13:45:17] lyricnz: how do tell which is which? they don't appear in nice order in mytvsetup: realtek realtek zarlink realtek realtek zarlink
[13:45:32] derekj: hopefully the drivers mature soon :)
[13:45:55] lyricnz: I think new card is realtek, then ;)
[13:45:55] lyricnz: I think the problem is that the copyright notices on the stuff from realtek
[13:46:03] lyricnz: it's not oss friendly or something
[13:46:45] derekj: who knows
[13:47:14] derekj: realtek isn't as bad towards OSS as most other companies
[13:47:54] derekj: they even worked on relasing their own drivers and contributing it back to the kernel, iirc
[13:48:12] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:48:25] derekj: not many companies take that enlightened approach yet
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[13:51:04] derekj: derekj: you should also looking into the module param 'adapter_nr' if you're concerned about load order/dev nodes
[13:52:44] derekj: at least that could save your sanity on which cards myth would use for multirec
[13:53:07] derekj: and not barf if you happen to reboot
[13:53:32] lyricnz: ok
[13:53:52] lyricnz: how would that work with multi-tuner devices? it already looks like they're shuffled :)
[13:54:17] derekj: adapter_nr makes sure they arent shuffled
[13:54:37] lyricnz: will look tomorrow, anyway bedtime!
[13:54:41] lyricnz: thanks for your help
[13:54:41] derekj: load in the same order every time you reboot
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[15:37:53] justifier (justifier! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:39:00] justifier: hi all, my sound worked the other day but no i get no sound out of mythtv. i get sound using vlc but not through mythtv, if i try and turn up the volume (within myth) it just says volume 0% and will not increase.
[15:39:20] wagnerrp: how are you outputting?
[15:39:52] justifier: out of speaker jack setting at alsa:default
[15:40:12] wagnerrp: any chance you have pulseaudio on your system?
[15:41:30] justifier: it's allways been alsa, just tried changing and made no difference
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[15:54:39] Razal: you haven't managed to mute the channel in alsamixer have you? that's gotten me before
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[15:56:21] justifier: Razal, i dont think so and surly vlc wouldnt play if i had?
[15:57:31] justifier: and its really stange how it shows 0% volume and that i cannot increase it
[15:58:44] wagnerrp: that generally means you are using the wrong mixer
[16:00:49] Razal: ah, I read that as vnc (and figured you had some vnc extension I haven't heard of) and it was outputting a separate channel. Sorry =)
[16:01:19] justifier: wagnerrp, ive cycled through them all and none of them make a difference.
[16:02:32] justifier: maybe its time for a fresh install
[16:03:58] Razal: I vaguely recall having the same problem a few years ago, and vaguely recall it being something easily fixed in alsamixer
[16:05:57] justifier: hmmm last week my database crashed and corruped itself i managed to fix that, its just all seeming a little flaky recently
[16:06:47] wagnerrp: anyone know off hand what the peak bitrate seen over DVB is?
[16:06:55] wagnerrp: ive seen some test samples at 25Mbps
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[16:07:44] Crys: justifier: years ago I fixed an issue with my alsa mixer settings be resetting the mixer to default values.
[16:08:40] justifier: ill quickly try that
[16:09:07] Crys: justifier: On Ubuntu, the mixer settings are saved in /var/lib/alsa/asound.state
[16:09:15] squidly (squidly!~squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Quit: leaving)
[16:09:25] wagnerrp: that file location is pretty standard across distros
[16:09:33] squidly (squidly!~squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:12:30] justifier: hmmm nothing
[16:13:28] justifier: on a slightly different note if i just copied old recordings into a new recorinds directory would it automatically see them or would i need a database backup too
[16:13:47] wagnerrp: are you still using the same database?
[16:14:16] justifier: would be a new database
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[16:14:42] Crys: justifier: alsactl init
[16:14:50] Crys: justifier: init tries to initialize all devices to a default state. If device is not known, error code 99 is returned.
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[16:14:57] wagnerrp: if you are recreating the database, you must do a backup and restore to be able to recover your recordings
[16:15:21] wagnerrp: recordings are indexed using the filename, hostname, and storage group name
[16:15:25] squidly (squidly!~squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Client Quit)
[16:15:40] wagnerrp: if the filename can be found on that host, under a folder defined for that storage group
[16:15:44] wagnerrp: mythtv will be able to use it
[16:16:10] wagnerrp: if it cant find it in any folders defined for that storage group, it will fall through to any storage group defined on that host (or on the master if that is not the master backend)
[16:16:11] justifier: ahh okay
[16:16:24] justifier: Crys, adam@adam-myth:~$ alsactl init
[16:16:24] justifier: Unknown hardware: "HDA-Intel" "SigmaTel STAC9221 A1" "HDA:83847680,107b5049,00103201" "0x107b" "0x5049"
[16:16:24] justifier: Hardware is initialized using a guess method
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[16:33:32] Saviq: hi all, after upgrading from 0.23.1 to 0.24 I'm getting some kind of judder (video speeds up and back down) during playback, playback logs say a lot about video being behind audio
[16:33:44] Saviq: all that on a nVidia 8400GS using VDPAU
[16:33:57] Saviq: and myth at 100% CPU
[16:34:02] Saviq: +frontend
[16:35:42] Saviq: when using ALSA:iec859, CPU is idle but I'm still getting video drops
[16:36:28] Saviq: and it doesn't matter whether HD/SD is played
[16:36:56] Saviq: all that is relevant only for recordings, though, videos play fine
[16:39:05] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:40:47] wagnerrp: is mythtv all you upgraded?
[16:41:06] wagnerrp: did you upgrade the rest of the system as well?
[16:41:07] Saviq: wagnerrp: no, but if I downgrade it back, playback's fine
[16:41:25] wagnerrp: what graphics drivers are you running?
[16:41:41] Saviq: 256.53
[16:42:10] Saviq: what's weird is that I can play 1080p videos, but both SD and HD recordings drop frames
[16:42:20] Saviq: (all that using Internal player, of course)
[16:43:49] Saviq: I'm at 27420 from 0.24-fixes
[16:43:54] Saviq: (running gentoo)
[16:46:06] Saviq: I'm not using storage groups for video, though
[16:46:25] Saviq: recordings are nfs-mounted, too, but they're streamed anyway in 0.24, right?
[16:46:56] wagnerrp: only if the frontend cant find them on the local filesystem
[16:50:44] Saviq: oh, I think I found something – deinterlacing
[16:50:59] Saviq: when set to progressive, there are no dropouts
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[17:01:52] Saviq: yup, deinterlacing is the culprit – in both VDPAU Slim and Normal profiles I'm getting dropouts on interlaced video :/
[17:03:02] iamlindoro: Your GPU is the absolute bottom of the barrel supported by VDPAU, it's not surprising that the default deinterlacing options choke it
[17:03:35] iamlindoro: So just switch to the simplest deinterlacers in your playback profile, or no deinterlacing
[17:03:53] wagnerrp: well, the 8200s are considerably less powered
[17:04:41] Razal: I was just going to suggest that vdpau was having trouble with it, and in order to keep a quality deinterlacer, switch to CPU decoding
[17:05:12] wagnerrp: at least my 8200 has no problem with any 1080i60 content using Slim
[17:05:50] wagnerrp: and my (G98) 8400 does Normal without problems
[17:06:02] Razal: hrm. do the 8200 and… nevermind =)
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[17:08:14] Saviq: mine did both fine, too (yes, a G98) on 0.23.1
[17:09:22] Saviq: anyway, since I'm using interlaced output anyway (that may be causing all the issues), I'm gonna drop deinterlacing until I get a flat screen
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[17:09:42] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: why is someone fiddling with libbluray and aacskeys for a matroska file
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[17:10:10] wagnerrp: heh... seems that was your response too
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[17:10:43] iamlindoro: A stolen MKV file at that
[17:10:53] iamlindoro: so even though I have a pretty good idea of what's wrong, I ain't helping
[17:12:27] wagnerrp: is that 'Predators' and 'sublime' is the group?
[17:12:33] wagnerrp: ive never heard of 'sublime predators'
[17:13:07] iamlindoro: yes
[17:13:33] iamlindoro: at least, that's what google would have me believe
[17:13:44] iamlindoro: the funny thing is that he likely DID rename it, but still kept the group name??
[17:13:53] wagnerrp: and the resolution
[17:14:05] iamlindoro: If you're going to go through the effort of renaming your stolen crap, wouldn't you at least make it human readable?
[17:14:12] wagnerrp: nah, that was probably just the name as extracted from the rars
[17:14:42] iamlindoro: ah, maybe so
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[17:20:02] Saviq: ok one last thing, any idea what might cause ?
[17:20:50] Saviq: I'm often getting some artifacts and a short squeak from the speakers when playing HD content
[17:24:28] iamlindoro: Those messages come from ffmpeg/libavcodec, it's VDPAU being incapable of dealing with the encoding options you set
[17:25:26] wagnerrp: most likely, there were too many reference frames in use during encoding
[17:25:32] wagnerrp: so the video decoder runs out of frame storage
[17:25:37] wagnerrp: and starts dropping them
[17:25:44] wagnerrp: later frames depending on them cannot find them
[17:25:50] wagnerrp: so decoding fails until the next keyframe
[17:26:43] wagnerrp: best solution would be to rerip from the source you originally got it from
[17:27:03] Saviq: hmm I got it off the air (DVB-S2)
[17:27:21] wagnerrp: unaltered?
[17:27:40] wagnerrp: generally those things should be encoded properly, such that hardware decoders have no problem with them
[17:28:03] Saviq: nope, it's straight off the air
[17:28:07] wagnerrp: maybe some data corruption?
[17:28:09] Saviq: recorded with mythtv
[17:28:27] wagnerrp: satellite knocked off alignment or something
[17:28:31] wagnerrp: dish, rather
[17:28:36] Saviq: ;)
[17:28:44] Saviq: I'll have to check the file if it plays fine somewhere else
[17:33:53] iamlindoro: Or simply don't use VDPAU, or you can attempt to increase the VDPAU buffersize to deal with the inappropriate number of reference frames
[17:34:12] iamlindoro:
[17:34:39] iamlindoro: IIRC max value is 50
[17:35:36] iamlindoro: But even if that works, it's still just working around the fact that your encoder has set unrealistic/inappropriate options by devoting more resources to VDPAU than it probably should have to
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[17:38:13] wagnerrp: the defaults should work fine with any legitimate L4.1 content
[17:38:55] wagnerrp: the levels being pre-defined capability points, giving minimum throughput and resource requirements to be able to handle the video
[17:51:09] Razal: I'm replacing my backend server and upgrading all to 0.24-fixes, storage groups only, in the process. Am I correct in saying that I *have* to run MythVideo on the backend to scan for changes to the Videos SG before the frontends will not have to scan for changes every time they enter MythVideo?
[17:51:36] wagnerrp: no, mythvideo exists on the frontend only
[17:51:50] wagnerrp: you add the necessary folders to the Videos storage group on the backend
[17:52:12] wagnerrp: and then any frontend can scan those groups to upgrade the shared database
[17:52:26] Razal: that's what I've attempted. Lemme see if I can find that mailing list post saying what I said up there.
[17:53:00] Razal: Currently, on the frontends, I have to rescan every time MythVideo is launched to populate the list.
[17:53:24] wagnerrp: then you configured something horribly wrong
[17:53:42] iamlindoro: Specifically, you probably hace a serious mysql misconfiguration
[17:53:44] iamlindoro: er have
[17:53:54] wagnerrp: you do have the one database right?
[17:54:04] wagnerrp: youre not running mysql on each and every frontend?
[17:55:46] iamlindoro: Or whatever that setup was that doesn't commit all the changes to the DB right away
[17:55:57] iamlindoro: That broke people's mythvideo scans too
[17:56:06] wagnerrp: using innodb?
[17:56:20] iamlindoro: I thought it was much more specific than just that
[17:56:42] wagnerrp: yeah, i would expect even if they were using innodb, the sql access would be set up to auto-commit
[17:56:50] Razal: back, sorry – work called =) One DB, yes inndb
[17:57:54] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: manually running a scan does nothing in browse mode, right?
[17:57:57] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:58:13] iamlindoro: running a scan should work regardless of mode
[17:58:16] trumee: is there equivalent of "Find" for 0.23.1?
[17:59:26] wagnerrp: trumee: you could probably backport it to use the 0.23 bindings without excessive effort
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[18:00:07] trumee: wagnerrp: 'backport' seems to suggest, it wont work straight out of the box?
[18:00:16] Cipher: anyone know how to get the asx streaming to work on Mythweb from windwos?
[18:00:46] wagnerrp: Cipher: you need to make sure mythweb has file access rights to the recordings
[18:01:10] Cipher: it works fine in linux
[18:01:21] Cipher: but windows can't connect via media player for some reason
[18:01:22] wagnerrp: then it will work fine in linux
[18:01:34] wagnerrp: are you using a framegrabber?
[18:01:41] Cipher: not that i know of
[18:01:54] wagnerrp: what tuner card do you have?
[18:01:58] Cipher: hdpvr
[18:02:07] wagnerrp: what version of windows?
[18:02:34] Cipher: 7
[18:02:44] wagnerrp: just use UPNP
[18:03:25] Cipher: can't
[18:03:28] wagnerrp: trumee: i dont know off hand what would need to be changed, but yes, it will not work directly
[18:03:30] wagnerrp: why?
[18:03:56] Cipher: it's over wireless
[18:04:02] wagnerrp: so?
[18:04:08] wagnerrp: upnp works just fine over wireless
[18:04:11] Cipher: for some reason the upnp only works on lan
[18:04:16] Cipher: weird
[18:04:31] Cipher: even my ps3 can't see my mythtv via wireless
[18:04:35] justifier (justifier! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[18:04:36] wagnerrp: upnp works just fine for any connection on the same physical segment
[18:04:37] Cipher: ps3 uses upnp right?
[18:04:39] trumee: wagnerrp: yes, doesnt work,
[18:04:53] Cipher: wonder why my ps3 can't see it then..
[18:05:13] wagnerrp: what IP address is your backend listening on?
[18:05:25] wagnerrp: ah yes... context managers
[18:05:29] Cipher: both on 10.0.0.x
[18:05:34] wagnerrp: 0.23 does not support the 'with' context manager
[18:06:15] wagnerrp: then your access point is filtering out all broadcast/multicast traffic
[18:06:29] FabriceMG: wagnerrp, hello , after test in 0.23.1 , I confirm , mythranscode have 1 bug in 0.24
[18:06:33] wagnerrp: or you are running a different subnet for your wireless network
[18:06:54] Cipher: that's what i thought,
[18:07:14] Cipher: using a wrt54g with tomato
[18:07:19] wagnerrp: but there is nothing specifically that prevents upnp from working on wireless
[18:07:26] Cipher: and i swear it's setup correctly
[18:07:32] Cipher: right
[18:07:51] Cipher: yea that's kinda what i figured... i think others are having the same problem with tomato actually
[18:08:00] trumee: wagnerrp: backend is on localhost,
[18:08:08] Razal: wagnerrp: scanning populates the list in browse mode or list mode. (sorry for delay, having to multitask)
[18:08:18] FabriceMG: with wrt54g router use dd-wrt , it's more easy
[18:08:28] justifier (justifier! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:08:33] ** sphery likes openwrt **
[18:08:34] Cipher: more easy??
[18:08:46] ** trumee sphery ++ **
[18:08:56] wagnerrp: Razal: when you scan, mythtv /should/ be storing that information to the database
[18:09:01] FabriceMG: more fonctionality
[18:09:11] wagnerrp: and any subsequent time you open mythvideo, the content will already exist
[18:10:34] trumee: wagnerrp: i have bunch of these,
[18:10:54] Cipher: so no idea on asx stream via mythweb in windows?
[18:11:10] wagnerrp: if it works in linux, it should work in windows
[18:11:20] Cipher: must be a codec issue
[18:11:23] wagnerrp: if it doesnt work in windows, only possibility i see is that windows doesnt like the format
[18:11:24] justifier (justifier! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:11:25] trumee: Cipher: try playing using mplayer in windows. it will give you a better debug output
[18:11:26] sphery: isn't the asx just a file with a URI for the shows--that uses file paths?
[18:11:38] wagnerrp: but windows 7 has built in h264 support
[18:12:06] Cipher: is dd-wrt free?
[18:12:47] trumee: wagnerrp: i have about 10 of not found shows, can i delete those entries manually?
[18:12:59] Razal: wagnerrp: I see the videometadata table is populated, with host=my backend
[18:13:01] trumee: Cipher: it is free to install.
[18:14:13] Razal: which table does mythvideo read the list from?
[18:14:33] sphery: openwrt is Free (and Open Source Software)
[18:14:49] wagnerrp: videometadata
[18:15:04] sphery: dd-wrt has a commercial license so they can distribute binary only stuff on top of the GPL'ed stuff
[18:15:41] Cipher: should i go with open-wrt or dd-wrt?
[18:15:55] sphery: dd-wrt is likely easier
[18:16:08] sphery: but a purist should read:
[18:16:28] sphery: I'm a purist so I went with the harder one out of principle
[18:17:41] Razal: wagnerrp: in order to read the list without scanning for changes, there should be a set of metadata in the table with host=frontend, yes?
[18:18:09] wagnerrp: no, all entries in videometadata are global
[18:18:16] wagnerrp: all frontends must have access to all content
[18:18:22] sphery: why wouldn't you just scan
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[18:18:26] wagnerrp: if host is defined, it means the content is accessible over storage groups
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[18:18:34] wagnerrp: and the host is the backend it is found on
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[18:18:41] wagnerrp: sphery: he is, its just... not working
[18:18:47] Razal: sphery: because I have to scan *every* time mv loads
[18:19:35] sphery: ah, missed that
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[18:23:00] iamlindoro: As previously mentioned, this is almost certainly a MySQL misconfiguration of some sort
[18:23:24] iamlindoro: Some table changes not getting committed, so the in-memory version of the metadata list is the only one that ever exists
[18:25:16] Razal: *nod* that's where I'm looking
[18:30:53] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:34:50] [R]: wouldn't it be cool if the jobqueue told you when the job ended?
[18:35:09] wagnerrp: what do you mean?
[18:35:23] [R]: well i have like 5 things in my queue that ended
[18:35:52] [R]: and i had a like hour gap between recordings where my backend dindt turn off
[18:35:55] [R]: obviously it was doing commflagging
[18:36:16] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[18:36:17] [R]: but the jobqueue doesnt tell me when the commflag job ended
[18:36:19] wagnerrp: you mean like that 'statustime' field that gets updated every time the status changes, including when the job completes?
[18:36:31] [R]: i looked
[18:36:39] [R]: it dindt appear to be the end time
[18:36:59] wagnerrp: unless it wrote that out and then stalled, it will be
[18:38:02] [R]: one sec
[18:41:10] [R]: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM jobqueue WHERE inserttime = statustime || 14
[18:41:10] [R]: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM jobqueue WHERE inserttime != statustime || 0
[18:41:31] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:41:34] wagnerrp: that sounds like they never even started
[18:41:37] awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:41:52] [R]: the comment shows how many breaks were found
[18:42:01] [R]: although they do have that crazy ubuntu weird exit code
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[18:42:14] wagnerrp: weird exit code?
[18:42:32] wagnerrp: the number of commercial breaks IS the exit code for mythcommflag
[18:42:41] [R]: status = 272
[18:42:49] [R]: i once decoded that
[18:42:51] wagnerrp: 272 means it finished successfully
[18:42:54] [R]: oh, hrm
[18:43:19] wagnerrp: but why statustime would remain unchanged... sounds like a bug
[18:43:26] wagnerrp: because its supposed to change on every update
[18:43:37] [R]: is it right on yours?
[18:44:08] drbonez- (drbonez-! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:44:10] wagnerrp: its updating fine on mine
[18:44:28] ** [R] looks at the code **
[18:45:08] [R]: oh man... it's that i love lucy episode where they are driving to florida and have to change the tire
[18:45:55] wagnerrp: does the car fall off the jack, roll into a ditch, and flip over?
[18:46:00] [R]: no
[18:46:04] [R]: but they put a hole in the hood
[18:46:14] Razal: wonder why I'm not remembering that one
[18:46:17] [R]: and they wind up putting the old tire back on
[18:46:19] wagnerrp: does the driver go nuts, strip down, and run off into the desert?
[18:46:34] [R]: wagnerrp: they were on the east coast driving to florida... no desert
[18:46:38] jstenback: wagnerrp: hey there
[18:46:51] jstenback: wagnerrp: so I figured out why the seek table didn't get copied over
[18:46:53] wagnerrp: [R]: must not be the one im thinking of
[18:47:05] wagnerrp: yeah, you said the seektable was being copied before the filename was set
[18:47:08] [R]: wagnerrp: i dont think that ever happened in an i love lucy episode...
[18:47:17] wagnerrp: so the entries were showing up with a hostname of ''
[18:47:21] jstenback: wagnerrp: yeah, ok, wasn't sure if you saw scrollback that far back...
[18:47:32] wagnerrp: yeah, ill take a look at it later today
[18:47:36] wagnerrp: thanks for looking into that
[18:47:44] k_ross (k_ross!ad40b024@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[18:47:45] jstenback: np, thanks for the script!
[18:48:17] wagnerrp: [R]: oh wait, that was rat race
[18:48:23] [R]: ROFL
[18:49:04] drbonez- (drbonez-! has left #mythtv-users ()
[18:49:12] wagnerrp: and there were like 40 women (and one man) dressed up as lucille ball
[18:49:29] [R]: yeah
[18:49:40] [R]: and they were all whining
[18:49:45] wagnerrp: and bath tubs full of pepto bismal
[18:51:04] Cipher (Cipher! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:53:24] wagnerrp: shame theres not a complete version of that scene on youtube...
[18:55:25] Saviq is now known as Saviq_afk
[18:58:20] [R]: wagnerrp: um... i don't see anywhere that it updates statustime except in mythtranscode
[19:01:09] Beirdo: uuuuggggh
[19:01:45] Beirdo: show up at the crack of noon (well, 11am) and I had *2* emails...
[19:01:59] Beirdo: both from coworkers who decided to work from home
[19:02:02] Beirdo: heh
[19:02:11] Beirdo: shoulda stayed in bed :)
[19:02:15] [R]: haha
[19:02:15] wagnerrp: [R]: mythtranscode never touches the database
[19:02:25] [R]: wagnerrp: well i dindt actually check what it does wit hti
[19:02:28] wagnerrp: it only runs calls in libs/libmythtv/jobqueue.cpp
[19:02:29] [R]: wagnerrp: i just saw that it changed a local variable
[19:02:47] wagnerrp: and those calls are used all over the place, include mythcommflag, and the jobqueue itself
[19:02:47] Beirdo: wagnerrp: other than reading cutlist, etc, right?
[19:03:01] [R]: wagnerrp: do you see an UPDATE to statustime that i'm missing?
[19:03:16] wagnerrp: Beirdo: i mean it makes no direct SQL calls of its own
[19:03:21] Beirdo: K ;)
[19:03:24] wagnerrp: it only uses methods from the libraries
[19:03:32] wagnerrp: same methods used by other tools
[19:03:33] Beirdo: good thing
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[19:05:36] FabriceMG: Beirdo, hello
[19:05:54] FabriceMG: pb of mythtranscode an audio in fifo
[19:06:02] wagnerrp: [R]: ah, its the database itself that does the updates
[19:06:12] wagnerrp: | statustime | timestamp | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
[19:06:26] wagnerrp: your database may be out of schema
[19:06:26] FabriceMG: yesterday in 0.24
[19:07:17] wagnerrp: i figured JobQueue::ChangeJobStatus NULLed statustime, and forced mysql to update, but thats not the case
[19:07:26] [R]: wagnerrp: i dont see that in dbcheck.cpp
[19:08:41] Beirdo: FabriceMG: it looks like mythtranscode is trying to upmix and can't do it
[19:08:45] wagnerrp: interesting... i never set that
[19:08:53] FabriceMG: now in 0.23.1 , same file,
[19:08:57] Beirdo: how are you running it?
[19:09:11] [R]: wagnerrp: is yours myisam or innodb?
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[19:09:54] wagnerrp: myisam
[19:10:05] FabriceMG: Beirdo, and the out file audio is good in 0.23.1
[19:10:07] Beirdo: FabriceMG: ahhh. Your audio stream changed from 2 to 6 channel
[19:10:21] FabriceMG: not in 0.23.1
[19:10:27] Beirdo: yes it ded
[19:10:30] Beirdo: did rather
[19:10:38] wagnerrp: Beirdo: yeah, this is the guy i was mentioning where mythtranscode is trying to remix the audio
[19:10:44] Beirdo: line 195 in your pastebin
[19:11:10] Beirdo: it's not trying to remix that I see, it's just that your audio format changed mid-file
[19:11:29] Beirdo: this is a jya question
[19:11:54] wagnerrp: just because he would be the one to know codecs?
[19:12:04] Beirdo: as I'm sure it has eveything to do with how the audio stream changes are handled
[19:12:19] wagnerrp: ah
[19:12:21] [R]: wagnerrp: so should i file a ticket with a patch that manually updates statustime... or changes the schema to do on update?
[19:12:23] Beirdo: which is code he's put in, and he's been tinkering with :)
[19:12:23] FabriceMG: same file , same cut, difference iis version sous mythtv
[19:12:43] Beirdo: yes, and the audio handling code changed in mythtv
[19:12:48] wagnerrp: i was wondering how that bit would be related to his audio playback stuff
[19:13:03] Beirdo: well, mythtranscode uses a player
[19:13:07] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:13:09] Beirdo: it's common code
[19:13:21] Beirdo: or at least partially common :)
[19:13:37] wagnerrp: Beirdo: could you 'desc jobqueue'?
[19:13:50] Beirdo: anyways, if you are going to fifos... which you are... 6 channel audio is a problem
[19:13:52] wagnerrp: need a third party to see who screwed up their database
[19:13:54] Beirdo: ?
[19:14:04] [R]: i hav ea fresh 0.24 db
[19:14:09] Beirdo: ahh, in mysql?
[19:14:11] Beirdo: one sec
[19:14:17] wagnerrp: mine works as it should, but doesnt seem to match the dbcheck creation code
[19:14:36] wagnerrp: [R]s looks proper, but is broken
[19:14:52] kormoc: | statustime | timestamp | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
[19:15:10] wagnerrp: well then HTF do i have an on-update trigger in mine
[19:15:15] [R]: lol
[19:15:20] FabriceMG: Beirdo, sometime in 0.24 with 6 channel, it's work correctly !
[19:15:22] [R]: maybe you were sleep SQL'ing
[19:15:36] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:16:13] Beirdo: wagnerrp:
[19:17:01] Beirdo: FabriceMG: if you are doing -> raw fifos, 6 channel will give you 6 channels of PCM
[19:17:22] Beirdo: if it switches from 2 channel to 6 channel mid-recording, I'd expect it to die
[19:17:57] Beirdo: as it started writing 2 channel PCM, then wants to do 6 channel PCM
[19:18:06] Beirdo: something's going to break in there
[19:18:07] FabriceMG: no
[19:18:22] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:18:27] FabriceMG: in 0.23.1 , he switch and it's work
[19:18:47] Beirdo: OK, how can I make this more obvious?
[19:18:50] FabriceMG: but in 0.24 , he swith but he crash
[19:18:55] Beirdo: 0.23.1 code != 0.24 code
[19:19:29] Beirdo: with the mountain of changes that went into 0.24, I'm not surprised that there are some issues
[19:19:36] FabriceMG: yes , so a bug in code
[19:19:43] FabriceMG: ok
[19:19:49] Beirdo: most, if not all of the audio changes were for playback
[19:19:57] FabriceMG: no solution at this time
[19:20:01] Beirdo: mythtranscode is sort of a secondary issue.
[19:20:21] Beirdo: put in a ticket, and hopefully we can find and kill the problem.
[19:20:25] wagnerrp: seriously, WTF
[19:20:47] Beirdo: we'd likely need a backtrace of the crash, and the logs you pastebinned
[19:20:48] FabriceMG: if a have the problem, some script for mythtv don't works now
[19:20:49] wagnerrp: ive got a database backup dating to march 08 that still has that listed
[19:21:06] wagnerrp: that was /long/ before i ever started tinkering with the database
[19:21:17] wagnerrp: schema rev 1160
[19:23:08] wagnerrp: kormoc: you got any explanation on how i could have magically created an on-update trigger?
[19:23:21] wagnerrp: was that maybe some 'fix' gentoo did in their ebuilds ages ago?
[19:24:06] FabriceMG: Beirdo, i will create a new ticket for this bug
[19:24:20] k-man_ (k-man_!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:24:30] Beirdo: Thanks. Hopefully it will get found and fixed
[19:25:49] dustybin (dustybin! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:26:54] wagnerrp: i refuse to believe im the only person for which jobqueue.statustime has ever worked properly
[19:27:02] ** wagnerrp is freakin' out man... **
[19:27:08] [R]: haha
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[19:43:39] Perdignus: /quit
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[19:44:34] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, what's the question RE: statustime? it should be updated whenever that row is updated since it's a timestamp and not a datetime.
[19:44:43] [R]: Captain_Murdoch: its not
[19:45:08] JEDIDIAH__: jobqueue.statustime seems to work for me... ???
[19:45:18] wagnerrp: timestamps automatically get updated on every update?
[19:45:28] Captain_Murdoch: [R], mine are, but I'm on older code.
[19:45:30] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, yes
[19:45:44] [R]: Captain_Murdoch: it doesn't for me
[19:45:48] wagnerrp: mine are, but somehow i managed to get some 'on update' trigger into my database
[19:45:50] stuartm: wagnerrp: via the magic of sql, yes
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[19:45:59] wagnerrp: i cant explain how
[19:46:06] wagnerrp: its been there for at least three years
[19:46:17] wagnerrp: that was before i started tinkering, so it wasnt my doing
[19:46:38] wagnerrp: but i cant find any old version of the code that would have added that to the table
[19:46:45] Captain_Murdoch: I never set it up with a trigger, so something did that, but it wasn't my code. :)
[19:47:12] Captain_Murdoch: it's been a timestamp from day 1. are you sure that's not your version of mysql just making it look like that?
[19:47:28] [R]: Captain_Murdoch: for every entry, inserttime=statustime for me
[19:47:43] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: my database dumps all list that on update trigger in text
[19:47:44] stuartm: Captain_Murdoch: `statustime` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
[19:48:06] stuartm: in other words, every time we update that entry, also update the timestamp
[19:48:10] [R]: stuartm: wagnerrp had the same thing... but its not in the schema
[19:48:15] wagnerrp: stuartm: except dbcheck.cpp doesnt have the trigger anywhere in the code
[19:48:23] wagnerrp: or at any point in the past as far as i can tell
[19:48:30] stuartm: wagnerrp: it must have been there originally ...
[19:48:52] stuartm: or added in an update that was later pulled or amended
[19:48:57] wagnerrp: ive been carrying around the same database since 2006, so its possible i just didnt check far enough back
[19:49:13] Captain_Murdoch: [R], yeah, I saw your message in scrollback.
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[19:49:21] Captain_Murdoch: stuartm, I don't have that 'on update' part and mine works fine.
[19:49:40] Captain_Murdoch: I believe that's implied by the fact that it's a timestamp.
[19:49:40] [R]: Captain_Murdoch: myisam or innodb?
[19:49:44] Captain_Murdoch: myisam
[19:49:44] stuartm: I'm not sure how old my database is exactly, but it's 'very old'
[19:49:53] [R]: i have a fresh 0.24
[19:50:09] Captain_Murdoch: my DB is from 0.7 days possibly. it's ancient. I can't recall the last time I've ever started from scratch. it's been years.
[19:50:17] [R]: lol
[19:50:21] [R]: that would drive me nuts
[19:51:00] stuartm: ugh, mysql website has become useless
[19:51:09] sphery: DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is the default for the first timestamp column declared in a table with neither default nor on update clauses specified
[19:51:16] J-e-f-f-A: me too. ;-) (but not as far as you guys – I think I was 0.16 or 0.17...)
[19:51:20] sphery:
[19:51:47] sphery: so it should work properly unless, maybe, someone messes with the db mode (like uses a strict mode)
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[19:51:50] [R]: stuartm: how did you get that output you pasted with the on update?
[19:52:03] sphery: show create table jobqueue;
[19:52:23] stuartm: [R]: SHOW CREATE TABLE jobqueue;
[19:52:34] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:52:40] stuartm: case doesn't matter, used upper case out of habit
[19:53:06] [R]: With a DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP clause and no ON UPDATE clause, the column has the current timestamp for its default value but is not automatically updated.
[19:53:08] sphery: yeah, jobqueue table create in 1057 update is correct and will result in DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
[19:53:46] sphery: so any user without that is doing something that's "not supported"
[19:53:52] Captain_Murdoch: says that with a 'default', but without an 'on update', that it won't get updated automatically.
[19:54:01] J-e-f-f-A: mine has the UPDATE entry.
[19:54:15] sphery: we don't specify a default
[19:54:17] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: ^^^
[19:54:21] sphery: " statustime TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,"
[19:54:22] [R]: sphery: there are 2 create tables for it
[19:54:42] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[19:54:44] [R]: dbver 1056 has a CREATE
[19:54:55] sphery: ah, then last time the DB init rollup was done, it was done incorrectly
[19:54:56] Captain_Murdoch: my "show create table jobqueue" does show "default" and "on update" even though "desc jobqueue;" doesn't.
[19:54:59] sphery: I can fix that
[19:55:04] sphery: " statustime timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,"
[19:55:19] sphery: I'll change the default init and do a db update to fix broken db's
[19:55:35] sphery: obviously can't be backported to 0.24, but anyone who has the problem can do the alter manually
[19:56:19] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, thanks.
[19:56:29] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: I think I'll just make it explicit, though, so this can't happen again
[19:56:38] sphery: rather than rely on defaults
[19:56:57] ** Captain_Murdoch knew it hadn't been broken initially since he uses it often enough. **
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[19:57:13] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, yeah, makes sense. might want to check for others if we have any.
[19:57:19] sphery: we have a lot of timestamps--and it seems several were borked in the init rollup
[19:57:26] Captain_Murdoch: could be whoever did the rollup didn't get the 'on update' parts for some reason.
[19:57:28] sphery: yeah, was doing that :)
[19:58:26] sphery: yeah, I'll verify that a new db does it right and update the mysqldump comment about how to make an updated init
[19:58:39] sphery: (it's no longer current version)
[19:58:51] sphery: so it doesn't do the right thing at all :)
[19:59:13] Captain_Murdoch: why use a timestamp if you don't use 'on update'
[19:59:28] sphery: so who gets the thanks in the commit message for identifying a broken initial DB?
[19:59:33] [R]: sphery: me
[19:59:46] [R]: :)
[20:00:02] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:00:27] sphery: did someone need the sql code to fix theirs?
[20:00:37] [R]: i just fixed it in phpmyadmin
[20:00:56] sphery: cool
[20:01:16] sphery: you set it specifically to DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , right?
[20:01:26] [R]: phpmyadmin had a dropdown
[20:01:28] [R]: for the options
[20:01:34] [R]: so i dint have to type it
[20:01:36] [R]: but yeah, thats what it was
[20:01:39] Captain_Murdoch: were they in all caps? :)
[20:01:39] sphery: cool
[20:01:53] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: that wasn't because of SQL--I was yelling
[20:02:12] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, yeah, I know, just joking about phpmyadmin having it in all caps or lower. :)
[20:02:19] sphery: ahh
[20:02:25] sphery: I don't know phpmyadmin
[20:02:32] Captain_Murdoch: I try not to use it.
[20:02:41] [R]: so i have to do emissions testing on my car today... am i the only one who thinks thats one of the biggest scams ever?
[20:02:44] sphery: yeah, not having it installed makes it easy to not use it :)
[20:03:28] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:03:37] sphery: [R]: when I'm behind someone whose car it belching out noxious fumes that make it so I can't breathe, I wish we have that "scam"
[20:03:41] wagnerrp: emissions testing? what are those?
[20:03:47] [R]: sphery: haha
[20:03:56] [R]: wagnerrp: when you do your car registration...
[20:04:12] [R]: i thought all states had emissions testing
[20:04:17] ** wagnerrp has never run his car through emissions testing **
[20:04:25] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: Yep, and here in MA, our emissions are dang close to how strict CA emissions are... doh!
[20:04:37] wagnerrp: kentucky nixed that in like 2003
[20:04:44] wagnerrp: i only ever had to do it once
[20:05:03] sphery: wagnerrp: haven't you ever watched The Price Is Right?
[20:05:10] sphery: "California emissions"
[20:05:28] wagnerrp: ah, so cars only emit exhaust in california
[20:05:29] wagnerrp: i get it
[20:05:34] sphery: heh
[20:05:35] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: anything without OBD II is now exempt – but no 'visible smoke' or you'll fail... Safety inspection is still required on ALL vehicles though...
[20:05:43] [R]: it's $27.75 for them to plug their tester into my OBD port
[20:05:44] sphery: ok, really they say, "California emissions standards"
[20:06:01] [R]: J-e-f-f-A: hahha... we don't have safety :)
[20:06:08] Shadow__X: by that standard any saturn that has over 140k miles on it will fail due to blue smoke
[20:06:14] [R]: J-e-f-f-A: my windshield is cracked and i passed last time...
[20:06:16] wagnerrp: [R]: when i did it, they hooked up a vacuum to my exhaust as well
[20:06:20] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: $29.00 here... every year. It used to be $30 for 2 years... not anymore.
[20:06:28] wagnerrp: they actually did emissions tests
[20:06:32] [R]: J-e-f-f-A: ah... evfery 2 here
[20:06:40] wagnerrp: rather than just checking to see if the car thinks its running properly
[20:06:53] Shadow__X: wait you have to pay for the emissions testing? we have emissions testing here but its part of inspection
[20:06:55] [R]: they may hook up somethign to the exhuast too
[20:06:56] [R]: i dont remember
[20:07:04] [R]: Shadow__X: yeah, we dont have inspection
[20:07:04] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Yeah, they used to do it that way here, but switched to OBD II only. Heck, until last year, the non OBD-II cars even had to go on a Dyno while doing the 'sniffer' test...
[20:07:06] sphery: fwiw, this fix will have to wait until after I've made my bread and finished some cleaning
[20:07:23] wagnerrp: yeah, mine may have been part of the registration fee, but i never had to pay for it explicitly
[20:07:40] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: Wait, you have a life outside of MythTV??? /me is shocked!!!  ;-) hehehehehe
[20:07:42] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: same here
[20:08:10] [R]: here we have to register every year or every 2 years... and than get emissions every 2 years for cars older than X, where X is some amount of years like 4 or so
[20:08:19] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: the above is pretty much all there is to that life outside of mythtv :)
[20:08:23] J-e-f-f-A: My dad lives in Kansas, and their inspection consists of "You drove it here, so it must be safe"... doh!
[20:08:34] ** J-e-f-f-A laughs. ;-) **
[20:09:14] dingus (dingus! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:11:32] dingus: hey i come and go a lot, this time im here because i have an issue with my remote basicly lirc is installed and working, lircd.conf is configured for my remote, lircrc file is correctly configured based on examples from the wiki if lirc isnt run as a deamon, it shows accepted new client on /var/run/lirc/lircd, but the buttons on my remote dont do anything
[20:11:35] dingus: any ideas at all
[20:12:14] [R]: dingus: do you get any output from irw?
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[20:14:04] dingus: yes irw outputs all the names as defined in lirc.conf
[20:14:53] lars1 (lars1! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:14:56] dingus: but strange thing, my left right up down and power work through out the distro
[20:15:00] stuartm: here in the UK they rolled emissions tests in the the MOT (annual vehicle safety/roadworthiness examination)
[20:15:17] [R]: dingus: and if you use ircat, do you get output?
[20:15:18] lars1: hi there
[20:15:33] stuartm: s/in the the/in to the/
[20:17:07] dingus: [R] great help i have an error in my config file
[20:17:33] lars1: im very new to mythtv but i would like to ask: any idea why i can't get a channel lock after resuming (pc was suspended)?
[20:17:44] [R]: stuartm: here they care about clean air... but not safety
[20:19:13] jhp (jhp! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:19:20] kormoc: wagnerrp, not that I k now of
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[20:19:46] lars1: or in other words .. is there a command i could run to (re)initialize the dvb card (i'm using mythbuntu 10.10)
[20:20:04] wagnerrp: kormoc: read about half an hour back, sphery figured it out
[20:20:29] lars1: like "eth down, eth up"
[20:20:33] stuartm: lars1: probably driver/hardware related, some of them don't cope well with suspension, especially those which depend on uploaded firmware – when the PC is suspended the card loses power and the firmware in the cards RAM is lost, the driver doesn't upload it again after coming out of the suspended mode
[20:21:06] J-e-f-f-A: Maybe he could do a 'modprobe' to re-load the firmware?
[20:21:16] stuartm: lars1: you could try asking in #linuxtv, they are the guys who write the drivers
[20:21:34] lars1: •stuartm• oh okay .. i'll try :)
[20:21:40] lars1: thanks alot, sir
[20:22:08] stuartm: J-e-f-f-A: yeah a modprobe -r <module>, modprobe <module> might help, but in some cases on a complete power cycle seems to work
[20:23:35] lars1: •stuartm• I also try that
[20:26:57] dingus: [R] thanks for the insight it was the word "emd" in my lircrc not "end" although i have one other issue, all the buttons work in ircat except music, strange thing is irrecord also tells me music has a code of 0x037FF07BB8 which seems simply to long
[20:27:00] dingus: any ideas?
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[20:30:05] kormoc: wagnerrp, so he did. snazzy
[20:30:19] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:32:03] Imhotep_ (Imhotep_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:33:11] stuartm: sphery: this ties in with the stuff we were discussing last month about validating everyone's databases against the current schema to spot and fix these sort of divergences
[20:33:30] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:34:28] sphery: yeah
[20:34:51] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[20:35:12] sphery: still haven't figured out a good way of doing that without having to maintain dbcheck.cpp's schema updates + having to modify the VerifySchema() function for every schema-modifying DB update
[20:36:00] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:36:00] wagnerrp: sphery: do a init update with every schema change?
[20:36:04] dingus: fixed it
[20:36:15] wagnerrp: then it just checks against the init
[20:36:50] Digdilem (Digdilem! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:36:56] wagnerrp: of course then it could only check for the current version
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[20:37:42] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:40:59] Razal: wagnerrp: about my mythvideo scan problem — I realized my init script was starting mythbackend as root instead of user mythtv. I fixed that and one of my two frontends now pulls the list from the storage group (the mac os frontend). But, there are multiples of everything in the database (and the list). Is is safe to just drop the videometadata table and have backend repopulate it?
[20:41:27] dingus: ok me again, "ircat mythtv" shows the key process, but mythtv still dosent respond
[20:41:45] Digdilem (Digdilem! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:42:11] wagnerrp: huh? there should only be one database, regardless of what user is logged in
[20:42:45] wagnerrp: but if you think youve got it fixed...
[20:43:07] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:44:16] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[20:44:34] Razal: yeah, beats me why that would have made a difference with the db. The windows frontend is still doing the same thing, though. Going to test with fresh mythvideo tables, thanks
[20:45:58] Razal: to add to the headscratch, this is a brand new clean db
[20:47:21] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:51:31] Saviq_afk is now known as Saviq
[20:55:20] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, that would work, but an init update is really annoyingly involved
[20:55:42] sphery: which is why we haven't done one in a long time
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[20:56:12] wagnerrp: heh, yeah
[20:56:12] dingus: ok to give a update, e4verything is working right in lirc, irw, lircrc, ircat and iwexec, but remote buttons dont work in mythfrontend
[20:56:21] wagnerrp: the base database is in the 1100 range still isnt it?
[20:56:29] sphery: Razal: sounds like you have multiple different config.xml or mysql.txt files
[20:56:38] sphery: and some may specify different hostnames
[20:56:50] wagnerrp: dingus: if the remote buttons arent working in mythfrontend, then lircrc isnt working right
[20:57:14] sphery: wagnerrp: 1226
[20:57:22] sphery: 1265 being current
[20:57:32] sphery: for a couple hours, that is :)
[20:57:39] Razal: sphery: I nuked /root/.mythtv when I noticed it
[20:57:46] ** wagnerrp is excited **
[20:57:48] wagnerrp: recordedfile?
[20:57:51] dingus: ok i can understand that, but i dont really know where to go "ircat mythtv" reveals right stuff
[20:57:56] ** wagnerrp rubs hands together **
[20:58:01] sphery: no, the timestamp fix
[20:58:08] sphery: then will come mythvideo integration update
[20:58:11] sphery: then recordefile
[20:58:22] sphery: (with no users of recordedfile tables to start with)
[20:58:35] sphery: will probably start by transferring mythvideo data first
[20:59:33] sphery: Maybe I'll do testing of all possible paths for the mythvideo schema integration today, then bounce it off Capt M before pushing
[21:00:20] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:01:29] wagnerrp: oh this cant end well
[21:01:49] wagnerrp: the mSATA connector
[21:02:10] wagnerrp: a format for SSDs that is electrically SATA, but physically PCIe x1
[21:02:18] ** kormoc blinks **
[21:02:31] jhp: Hi everyone. I have a fiber connection at home since last week. I can order some IPTV box with this to watch digital television. But now I read that their are posibilities to use MythTV as well to watch / record those channels. Could you tell me, if I configure my box that way, how many channels can I then record at the same time?
[21:02:42] kormoc: that sounds like a evil plan to make money
[21:03:08] k-man_ (k-man_!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:12] wagnerrp: jhp: mythtv's support for IPTV is designed for one specific provide in northern france
[21:03:32] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:03:45] wagnerrp: specifically, it is unencrypted RTSP over multicast
[21:04:08] dingus: ok my lircec file can be found here
[21:04:09] dingus:
[21:04:32] dingus: i think the issue is prog=mythtv, but prog=mythfrontend dosent seem to work eather
[21:07:07] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:07:35] wagnerrp: mythtv is the right filter
[21:07:48] jhp: The following link (dutch) tells me that I can tell a linux system to behave like the Amino box that my profider gives out. It also includes a link to a tgz file with channel information, but I'm going to dive into that a little more.
[21:07:49] k-man_ (k-man_!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[21:08:31] wagnerrp: go go google translate
[21:10:02] jhp: I also found people in the States etc that are doing something like it creating a m3u file to have a list of channels with multicast IP/Port information.
[21:10:54] wagnerrp: that looks like... suse? that they are providing directions for
[21:10:55] jhp: To me this looks like they are doing very generic stuff and it should be possible to make that more generic in MythTV as well.
[21:11:33] kormoc: jhp, we welcome your patches
[21:11:39] jhp: The information you need is the multicast IP/Port information for you channels.
[21:12:16] jams: kormoc- ever finish the git version info thing for mythtv packages?
[21:12:19] jhp: kormoc: Sorry, but I'm really not a coder. I'm a bofh for a living and I have people that do the coding for me.
[21:12:27] kormoc: jams, negative
[21:12:38] jams: darn
[21:12:45] kormoc: jams, wagnerrp did a version I believe, but I'm not sure if it's live?
[21:13:08] jams: o thats right you two were working on it about the same time
[21:14:10] wagnerrp: eh?
[21:14:27] kormoc: wagnerrp, date to git hash util
[21:14:52] wagnerrp: oh, i had some web application pretty much written
[21:15:04] wagnerrp: but abandoned it to handle the ebuilds in a different manner
[21:15:12] jhp: But then, back to my question. If you have this IPTV connection working, how many channels would you then be able to record at the same time?
[21:15:29] wagnerrp: how much bandwidth do you have?
[21:15:31] kormoc: jhp, as many as your hardware lets you (we have no limits defined)
[21:15:46] jhp: Or does this fully depend on your bandwidth / system speed etc ?
[21:15:50] jhp: ok ... check
[21:15:52] wagnerrp: assuming your ISP allows you to subscribe to multiple multicast addresses
[21:16:01] wagnerrp: then the only limiting factor is bandwidth
[21:16:20] wagnerrp: standard definition streams are going to run usually 1–3mbps
[21:16:23] jhp: I have 50Mbit up/down.
[21:16:33] wagnerrp: high definition is going to be 8–20mbps
[21:17:05] wagnerrp: assuming the bitrates hold in comparison to broadcast tv
[21:17:20] stuartm: which isn't always true for iptv
[21:17:40] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:17:54] stuartm: generally broadcast (aerial/antenna/satellite) is going to be better quality on average
[21:18:03] jhp: And it depends offcourse on the config of the genexis that is terminating the fiber.
[21:18:33] wagnerrp: ?
[21:18:53] jhp: The tell us in the sales pitch that they stream the IPTV stuff in full HD 1080P I think.
[21:18:54] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:19:04] kormoc: jhp, resolution != bitrate
[21:19:16] wagnerrp: yeah, but you can send 'full hd 1080p' garbage at 3mbps
[21:19:18] kormoc: I can have a 1080 stream at 1 megabit per second. it'd just look like crap
[21:19:44] jhp: Let me check the information about this.
[21:20:05] wagnerrp: you should be able to handle at minimum 2 1080p streams
[21:20:15] wagnerrp: you may be able to handle more depending on the bitrate they give you
[21:20:42] sphery: OK, so the thing I hate most about github is that all the commit messages for commits since we switched aren't going into Trac's database--so we can't do searches on our Trac (and github's search is global--so not just our project).
[21:21:07] kormoc: yeah...
[21:21:16] kormoc: but git is so awesome, it's worth it!
[21:21:47] sphery: I wonder if it's been long enough since someone yelled at Beirdo about how "we need to fix stuff" that I can ask him if it's possible to have our post-commit hook somehow stick the commit messages in Trac's DB...
[21:22:11] sphery: been trying not to add to the constant complaints directed at him :)
[21:22:28] kormoc: Heh, I think he ran into a github bug and couldn't continue?
[21:22:30] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:22:37] wagnerrp: i say wait until the mythsystem stuff gets merged in
[21:22:40] kormoc: basically we're SOL on the trac integration?
[21:22:45] sphery: yeah, there's a bug in the Trac integration
[21:22:53] sphery: but I was wondering about a manual poke
[21:22:59] wagnerrp: s/a/many/
[21:23:00] sphery: just cram the info in the DB?
[21:23:22] sphery: don't even know if it's possible to do that with Trac
[21:23:40] kormoc: it certainly is
[21:24:12] kormoc: if I get tired of the family during my vacation I might take a stab at that
[21:24:35] wagnerrp: so ive got all these dvds im going to rerip, because i had originally done them as h264/aac/mp4 for my PS3
[21:24:38] wagnerrp: VOBs or ISOs?
[21:24:44] sphery: so, I try to load a very large page in Firefox... It starts loading, but I know it's going to take a long time, so I go to a different screen and start making comments about github in IRC... Then, Firefox notices that it's taking a long time to run the JavaScript garbage on the page, so it helpfully stops running the script and pops up a dialog--on the other screen--asking whether it should continue running the script
[21:24:46] kormoc: I'd go ISO
[21:24:51] sphery: talk about user-hostile behavior
[21:25:13] kormoc: sphery, yeah... to bad it doesn't continue to render while it's waiting for you to kill it...
[21:25:17] sphery: no joke
[21:25:29] sphery: guess they wanted to use fewer threads for better performance ;)
[21:25:32] wagnerrp: kormoc: ive honestly never used a DVD in mythtv, cant you have it bypass the menu and go to the main title?
[21:25:42] iamlindoro: firefox ihas become everything they set out to rebel against
[21:25:43] iamlindoro: it's sad
[21:26:06] iamlindoro: ie, firefox was supposed to be the lightweight, fast, easy basics of Mozilla
[21:26:11] jams: it's true they have become mozilla
[21:26:12] kormoc: wagnerrp, don't think so
[21:26:13] sphery: heh, it actually locked up all firefox windows
[21:26:20] wagnerrp: s/cant/can/
[21:26:28] kormoc: jams, worse then mozilla
[21:26:40] sphery: oh, no, it's not locked--just htat scrolling happens about 20s after the gesture
[21:26:42] kormoc: I loved mozilla until I had to have firebug
[21:27:12] sphery: I'm still holding out that FF4 might be a good thing
[21:27:23] sphery: the new "tab candy" seems promising
[21:27:27] kormoc: meh
[21:27:30] sphery: (though the project name for it is annoying)
[21:27:37] kormoc: Web browsers suck, all of them
[21:27:53] sphery: I'm not willing to sell my soul and go for the "other" browser
[21:28:06] clever: sphery: yeah, i'm trying to figure out why the new panorama is taking so much cpu time, i know 300 tabs is alot but it shouldnt be that bad
[21:28:06] kormoc: I've learned to deal with chrome
[21:28:21] ** kormoc stabs clever in the face for having 300 tabs open **
[21:28:24] sphery: clever: you're running the pre-release of 4?
[21:28:36] clever: firefox trunk
[21:28:37] sphery: wonder if this is on his P3 :)
[21:28:48] clever: core2duo 1.8ghz
[21:28:53] sphery: ah, makes more sense
[21:28:55] clever: 300 tabs needs so much ram that it wont work on anything else
[21:28:58] kormoc: holy crap, a decent cpu
[21:29:07] sphery: I couldn't imagine 300 tabs on anything without a couople gigs of ram
[21:29:22] clever: 3gig of ram, firefox has ~1.4 resident
[21:29:41] jams: wagnerrp- using the osd you can jump to the title or root menu, but it will not just start playing the feature film like mplayer can
[21:30:02] clever: sphery: the odd thing, is that every now and then when 'idle', the cpu will just peg for 20 seconds
[21:30:52] stuartm: jams, wagnerrp: well it used to but once working menu support was added that 'feature' seemed to evaporate
[21:30:59] sphery: so this timestamp thing has been broken since Dec 2, 2008
[21:31:18] kormoc: wowzers
[21:31:53] jams: stuartm- correct, that was years ago
[21:32:08] dingus: i seriously i have no idea where to go with this lirc issue right now, a point in the right direction, link another channel somthing would really help, to recap, "ircat mythtv" works how ever no buttons are recognised within mythtv
[21:32:58] sphery: clever: Perhaps the system went into an idle mode, requiring from five minutes to half an hour to unwind. Sometimes the System Idle Process hogs all the resources and chews up 95 percent of the processor's cycles.
[21:33:00] clever: dingus: go into the options and setup a lirc keypress app
[21:33:02] sphery: . . . sources.html
[21:33:36] clever: thats not it :P
[21:33:48] clever: its when the browser should be idle, its not
[21:33:59] dingus: options for what and where clever?
[21:33:59] sphery: well, figured it's worth checking--after all, it was in PC Magazine:,2817,1304348,00.asp
[21:34:02] sphery: ;)
[21:34:11] clever: dingus: let me look
[21:34:13] sphery: clever: lirc keypress app is gone
[21:34:22] clever: oh, nvm then, lol
[21:34:33] Razal: hrmm. how much trouble am I in for mixing build versions between my back- and front-ends, within 0.24 and 0.24-fixes?
[21:34:50] sphery: it's in 0.24-fixes, I think, but it's gone from trunk--it was useless and poorly implemented
[21:35:08] sphery: dingus: irwatch
[21:35:15] clever: sphery: i recently found something when reading over the source of the kernel, it seems like linux has a hidden process id 0 for the idle task
[21:35:52] dingus: thanks
[21:35:52] sphery: er, irw
[21:36:09] sphery: dingus: make sure you see some button presses there
[21:36:22] kormoc: jesus h christ. it's like clever read the link and is now repeating it to us. It's such a new trick for a old dog...
[21:36:42] dingus: sphery, irw show everything it should
[21:36:51] dingus: and "ircat mythtv" also shows what it should
[21:36:59] clever: kormoc: i didnt see any mention of the hidden linux idle process on that page
[21:37:06] sphery: dingus: and the button names are the same as the ones in your ~/.mythtv/lircrc or ~/.lircrc file?
[21:37:07] kormoc: dingus, and the logs show?
[21:37:14] sphery: for button =
[21:37:15] kormoc: clever, you should get you eyes checked then
[21:37:23] iamlindoro: sphery: dingus: Check lircd socket setting
[21:37:31] sphery: and that :)
[21:37:52] sphery: speaking of which... doesn't lircrc have a way to specify the socket name?
[21:38:05] clever: kormoc: still dont see it
[21:38:14] [R]: sphery: no
[21:38:31] kormoc: clever, "In Unix-like operating systems such as Linux, the idle task has process ID zero"...
[21:39:13] clever: kormoc: ahhh down there
[21:39:21] clever: i didnt read that far down
[21:39:44] dingus: iamlindoro lircd socket setting is fine as per the following
[21:39:45] dingus: [root@Media lirc]# lircd -n
[21:39:46] dingus: lircd-0.8.7[27483]: lircd(default) ready, using /var/run/lirc/lircd
[21:39:46] dingus: lircd-0.8.7[27483]: accepted new client on /var/run/lirc/lircd
[21:39:55] iamlindoro: wrong setting
[21:39:56] kormoc: clever, how great of you to argue about something you heven't even read then
[21:39:59] dingus: displayed when i run mythfrontend
[21:40:12] clever: kormoc: wasnt trying to argue
[21:40:26] dingus: sphery ~/.mythtv/.lircrc and /etc/lircrc are the same file
[21:40:30] [R]: defragging XFS sucks...
[21:40:39] kormoc: clever, so you were just intentionally being daft?
[21:40:58] clever: kormoc: just commenting on something i had found when reading the source
[21:40:59] wagnerrp: eew... FBI anti-piracy warnings
[21:41:07] dingus: iamlindoro, can you explain how it is the wrong setting?
[21:41:12] sphery: dingus: that's fine--just make sure button names are correct (as per lircd.conf--what you see with irw)
[21:41:18] wagnerrp: and friggen interpol
[21:41:20] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:41:27] kormoc: %s/source/wikipedia page/
[21:41:35] wagnerrp: im halfway across the world from their jurisdiction, why do i care what they have to say
[21:41:51] dingus: sphery the button names are correct, and done by hand, ircat shows the commands that should run, and irexec works
[21:41:59] clever: kormoc: never found that info on wiki pages before
[21:42:10] kormoc: wagnerrp, but interpol will send 007 after ya! It's against her majesty's wishes!
[21:42:15] sphery: dingus: then let's see your mythfrontend log output in a pastebin
[21:42:37] wagnerrp: her majesty the movie industry?
[21:42:43] kormoc: Indeed
[21:42:50] kormoc: you are to purchase but not watch!
[21:42:55] [R]: wagnerrp: interpol isn't a global organization?
[21:43:03] [R]: wagnerrp: i thought the cia/fbi cooperated with them
[21:43:10] dingus: sphery can you tell me how to find the mythfrontend log?
[21:43:13] wagnerrp: they cooperate when its in their interest
[21:44:28] Imhotep_ (Imhotep_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:45:01] sphery: dingus: likely in /var/log or just start mythfrontend (the real mythfrontend) from the command line and capture stdout/stderr
[21:45:39] sphery: or mythfrontend -l mythfrontend.log
[21:45:52] dingus:
[21:46:20] sphery: dingus: 2010-12–30 08:43:26.193 LIRC, Error: Failed to connect to Unix socket '/var/run/lirc/lircd' eno: Connection refused (111)
[21:46:29] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[21:46:34] sphery: ls -l /var/run/lirc/lircd
[21:46:48] clever: 29 17:39:46 < dingus> lircd-0.8.7[27483]: lircd(default) ready, using /var/run/lirc/lircd
[21:47:01] clever: it was using that before, so either it got deleted or it crashed
[21:47:09] sphery: something was using that before
[21:47:13] sphery: seems it's not mythfrontend
[21:47:22] sphery: unless he ran that as a different user
[21:47:32] sphery: still, what's: ls -l /var/run/lirc/lircd
[21:47:48] clever: yeah could be perm issues on the socket, ls -l will show that
[21:48:15] dingus: srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Dec 30 08:37 /var/run/lirc/lircd
[21:48:25] FabriceMG (FabriceMG! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[21:48:58] sphery: interesting... so it's not file permissions
[21:49:17] clever: ps aux|grep lircd
[21:49:31] sphery: clever: heh, was just about to ask if lircd was actually running
[21:50:28] dingus: good question and no it wasnt
[21:50:34] dingus: the log file has been updated
[21:50:44] sphery: it will have a new link
[21:50:53] dingus:
[21:51:06] sphery: #
[21:51:07] sphery: 2010-12–30 08:47:42.700 LIRC, Error: Failed to read config file '/home/mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc'
[21:51:35] sphery: so, I'm guessing it's file permissions on /home/mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc (or, really, on ~/.lircrc if /home/mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc is a link to ~/.lircrc)
[21:51:46] Razal (Razal! has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:53:20] dingus: i noticed the same thing and now it is working a charm :D
[21:54:04] dingus: one more question
[21:54:15] sphery: great
[21:54:33] dingus: i have other programs i want to control with the remote, that dont have native lirc support can i used irxevent with them with out conflictin with mythtv?
[21:55:03] clever: dingus: if both are running at once, they will react to the buttons the same
[21:55:15] clever: best to not assign a button to both programs and youll be fine
[21:56:30] dingus: well more what i was asking was dosent irxevent phase the lircrc file as well. will it dupplicate key presses to mythtv if its running and mythtv is running with native support?
[21:56:37] sphery: only way you can do what you want is to tell MythTV to stop responding to LIRC (i.e. by using EXEC or a plugin to start the external process)
[21:56:40] sphery: or use lirc modes
[21:57:00] sphery: lirc modes are extremely confusing--and not likely something you want to explor
[21:57:04] clever: dingus: the program = entries in your lircrc file limit what program obeys them
[21:58:50] dingus: sphery im useing EXEC menu to load the other application, clever i understand that so correct me if im wrong but dosent irxevent read lircrc and phase it to pass the key press? so wouldnt that mean if irxevent is running and mythtv when i press the OK button it will simulate the return key twice?
[21:59:23] clever: mythtv handles OK internaly, so it wont send any X11 events
[21:59:41] clever: while irxevent i think fakes hitting enter to the X server, so whatever app has focus will react to it
[22:00:05] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[22:00:41] superjudge (superjudge! has quit (Quit: superjudge)
[22:00:55] dingus: ok
[22:01:13] clever: brb
[22:01:19] dingus: well clever sphery and [R] you guys have been a GREAT help and your time is really appriceated
[22:02:56] Captain_Murdoch: probably will regret asking this and I can always ignore responses and do it my own way, but when do people think that the 'a new version of your theme is available for download' popup should occur? ie, only at the main menu, anytime except during playback, etc..
[22:03:50] [R]: Captain_Murdoch: the frontend should poll every 5 minutes!
[22:03:51] [R]: lol
[22:04:02] [R]: and regardless of wahts goign on, tell you right away
[22:04:43] Beirdo: Captain_Murdoch: at the main menu wouldn't cut it for me as often I leave it sitting in the PBB
[22:04:43] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: any idea why hashing might fail on a second Videos directory?
[22:05:03] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:05:04] clever: i would have it check only on startup, before showing the main menu
[22:05:06] stuartm: Captain_Murdoch: the fabled notification widget might be the best way, least intrusive, but for now anywhere except during playback?
[22:05:07] Captain_Murdoch: [R], master backend will download once a day, FE's will check the MBE every hour or so currently.
[22:05:09] Beirdo: so maybe anytime but during playback might be better :)
[22:05:29] clever: i dont like it opening windows without warning, i tend to hit a bunch of buttons and then let it de-queue
[22:05:42] Captain_Murdoch: stuartm, I actually have a popup which has a menu button to let you go straigth to the theme chooser to install the new theme.
[22:06:15] Captain_Murdoch: Beirdo, that's what I'm thinking, because people will leave their FE on different screens.
[22:06:25] Beirdo: Yup
[22:07:03] stuartm: Captain_Murdoch: a new popup?
[22:07:05] Captain_Murdoch: stuartm, if it detects a new version during playback, it will wait until you're done playing and then show the popup. (well, it doesn't wait, it just keeps checking every so often and when it finds you're not playing back anymore, then it shows the poup.
[22:07:31] Captain_Murdoch: stuartm, new MythDialogBox
[22:07:36] Captain_Murdoch: with a couple buttons
[22:08:00] stuartm: right ok
[22:08:02] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: I like the only on startup idea, but coupled with on entering settings or at least the theme chooser
[22:08:23] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: unless it uses the new notification stuff to put an unobtrusive message (rather than a popup)
[22:08:37] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, that means most people wouldn't see it if they leave the FE running and rarely go into settings.
[22:08:46] stuartm: Captain_Murdoch: exactly two? I tend to think the ok popup is preferable when a dialog boils down to exactly two options
[22:08:49] sphery: or obtrusive popup on startup/entering theme chooser and unobtrusive using the notification stuff
[22:09:16] Captain_Murdoch: stuartm, yeah, I had 3, but dropped one, so I could probably convert it over.
[22:09:48] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: nevermind, fixed it
[22:09:54] wagnerrp: configuration error
[22:10:01] clever: sphery: that would work well too, an icon that doesnt actualy get in the way of using the UI
[22:10:13] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: I just don't think theme updates are critical, must-do-now things
[22:10:39] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, it isn't, and can be ESCaped out of.
[22:10:47] sphery: they only are when you're seeing a problem with your chosen theme--at which point the user may enter settings
[22:11:01] k_ross (k_ross!ad40b024@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[22:11:11] sphery: yeah, I just hate popups that get in the way of my... "well, that wasn't supposed to be there, so now I hit the wrong buttons"
[22:11:14] clever: Captain_Murdoch: i tend to do things like left enter left left enter, without waiting
[22:11:25] sphery: I really like the idea of using the notification stuff
[22:11:29] clever: Captain_Murdoch: if it does a popup mid-way thru processing that, what happens?
[22:11:41] sphery: granted, it would tell you in the OSD or in the theme (assuming a properly-designed theme)
[22:11:51] Captain_Murdoch: so what happens when a notification pops up while you're hitting those keys? does the keystroke get sent to the underlying window?
[22:12:00] clever: sphery: yep
[22:12:17] sphery: isn't the notification stuff using the "on the theme, in the notification area" stuff? or was it done as popups?
[22:12:23] knightr (knightr!~knightr@mythtv/developer/knightr) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:12:33] Captain_Murdoch: I thought it was a window on the stack.
[22:12:38] Captain_Murdoch: like the osd
[22:12:43] sphery: oh, so not what stuartm had planned
[22:12:52] Captain_Murdoch: not sure. maybe. I dunno
[22:12:52] sphery: I haven't tested it since I saw it go in
[22:13:10] knightr (knightr!~knightr@mythtv/developer/knightr) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:13:18] sphery: stuartm's little set aside area at the bottom of metallurgy was meant for a scrolling notification area, IIRC
[22:13:47] sphery: if it's doing popups, too, then no six/half dozen
[22:13:50] stuartm: Captain_Murdoch: notification widget itself won't intercept any keypresses, you'll have an option to go to the "notification centre" from the main menu which will basically be a re-written status screen where you can dismiss/acknowledge or perform actions based on queued notifications
[22:14:03] sphery: only difference being that custom ones would allow you to not show it during playback
[22:14:18] sphery: stuartm: we don't have that, yet, then do we?
[22:14:20] Captain_Murdoch: I'll look at sending a notification message and also setting a flag to let the themer have a 'theme update is available' statetype if they want.
[22:14:32] stuartm: the notification thing is a window on the stack, just not one that intercepts input events
[22:14:33] sphery: coool
[22:14:41] sphery: make the theme turn gray when it's out of date
[22:14:50] sphery: "wait, graphite looks the same!"
[22:15:01] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, or start the burning animation. "this theme will self-destruct in 10 seconds...."
[22:15:16] iamlindoro: Current notification thingie does accept keypresses
[22:15:24] stuartm: I've not written anything of the notification framework yet, maybe this is the time to start
[22:15:26] iamlindoro: (/me has not read the scrollback carefully)
[22:15:29] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: lol--and that's the kind of theme people would pay for!
[22:15:49] iamlindoro: stuartm: Hrm? How does that differ from the notification stuff that mark has written and committed in the past two weeks?
[22:15:53] sphery: iamlindoro: yeah, it seems like markk's approach is not stuartm's plan
[22:15:59] iamlindoro: ooookee
[22:16:00] sphery: i.e mark has it doing popups
[22:16:17] iamlindoro: Have you guys compared notes?
[22:16:20] sphery: so we're only "part way there"
[22:16:23] Captain_Murdoch: things like caller id don't need a set of queued notifications
[22:16:26] stuartm: iamlindoro: similar, but not as generic/feature complete as my plan
[22:16:53] iamlindoro: someone should probably tell him :)
[22:17:22] stuartm: iamlindoro: yes, Mark based his stuff on what I'd mentioned but without the specifics since his goal was to replace the old OSD notify stuff
[22:17:58] sphery: yeah, seems like he was adding enough functionality to be able to close the ticket, but leaving room for improvement later
[22:18:25] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:18:34] ** sphery begins a plethora of db init/update tests' **
[22:18:39] Captain_Murdoch: I see a need for 2 types of notifications. some which auto-clear (caller ID, zoneminder event, etc.) and some which get queued (recording errors, disk space issues, etc.)
[22:18:49] knightr (knightr!~knightr@mythtv/developer/knightr) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:19:00] stuartm: Captain_Murdoch: yes, and more, it's all part of the plan ;)
[22:19:22] stuartm: the UDP notify stuff will plug into my stuff, but isn't the core of it
[22:19:34] knightr (knightr!~knightr@mythtv/developer/knightr) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:20:07] stuartm: guess I really will need to start working on it ... :)
[22:20:12] wagnerrp: awesome
[22:20:36] wagnerrp: i just came across a video in mythvideo named 'DELETE DUPLICATE', with the subtitle 'Beetlejuice'
[22:21:30] stoffel (stoffel! has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:21:35] Captain_Murdoch: ok, so for now, I'll just notify once when we find out about the update (which may be on startup or 10 minutes later or...) and look into seeing how I can give the themer a way to show it at the theme level as well. that simplifies my current code which wasn't even that complex to begin with.
[22:22:49] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:23:45] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Well that's weird... I don't think the string DELETE DUPLICATE appears in MythVideo code
[22:23:54] stuartm: wagnerrp: just be glad that sql injection isn't possible with the vast majority of queries in mythtv
[22:24:32] sphery: or MythTV code for that matter
[22:24:35] stuartm: but we should really perform an audit to find and fix the places that it is possible (I've seen a few)
[22:24:49] sphery: stuartm: custom recording rules
[22:24:52] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: this is all pretty much stock right out of mythvideo
[22:24:59] sphery: which are editable through mythweb
[22:25:09] sphery: don't think we can fix all of them :)
[22:25:09] wagnerrp: i havent touched it with any of my stuff since rescanning from scratch about a week ago
[22:25:51] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Hmm, dunno how that could be possible, that string doesn't appear anywhere in mythvideo or libmythmetadata
[22:25:57] sphery: or mythtv
[22:26:02] stuartm: sphery: that's a particularly nasty example, but then it's actually designed that way, but there are places where it can be fixed because we're not using prepared statements with bindings correctly
[22:26:26] sphery: true--and fixing the ones that can be fixed makes sense
[22:26:40] sphery: just saying that we'll always have them unless we modify our design
[22:27:13] sphery: and removing custom recording rules would likely wake a sleeping dragon (and lots of users, too :)
[22:27:40] iamlindoro: Don't worry, I 'll get rid of all of our users in the MythVideo rewrite
[22:27:45] iamlindoro: then we can just make ourselves happy
[22:27:55] sphery: nice!
[22:27:56] kormoc: woo!
[22:28:02] iamlindoro: Oh, and a Schedules Direct membership will be $1024.57
[22:28:03] sphery: without users, we have no bugs
[22:28:04] iamlindoro: monthly
[22:28:09] [R]: iamlindoro: .57?
[22:28:23] sphery: I don't think I'd be willing to go a penny over $1024.32
[22:28:24] iamlindoro: yep
[22:28:31] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: im wondering if i managed to get caught during some changes to themoviedb
[22:28:31] stuartm: well personally I don't like the custom recording rules concept ... I'd be happy to see that vanish and I think the number of users who actually use or need to use the feature is vanishingly small
[22:28:32] sphery: may have to start stealing my listings
[22:29:02] sphery: stuartm: heh, you can remove it, then. I don't want to have to fight with bjm when he wakes up :)
[22:29:03] wagnerrp: where there was a duplicate entry for beetle juice, and that was just some changelog comment i picked up
[22:29:04] kormoc: stuartm, custom rules or manual rules?
[22:29:15] stuartm: kormoc: custom rules
[22:29:19] kormoc: stuartm, I think custom rules is actually decently well used (I have well over a dozen)
[22:29:29] sphery: I do like custom rules, too
[22:29:39] sphery: I need kormoc to help me with my best-rule-ever, though
[22:29:39] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Hmm, now that sounds plausible
[22:29:56] derekj (derekj!4792a305@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[22:29:57] kormoc: stuartm, that said, I have a much different scheduler in mind that would make those a bit different...
[22:30:13] stuartm: well all I can say is that the much vaunted US guide data must actually suck
[22:30:22] kormoc: perhaps one day I'll show it off
[22:30:22] sphery: trying to figure out how to do a left join within our constraints so I can have a rule that re-records any SDTV recording in the Movies recgroup when it re-airs in HDTV
[22:30:30] kormoc: stuartm, nah, just our networks
[22:30:57] [R]: left join...
[22:30:59] kormoc: stuartm, "Top Chef: a billion different subtitles that we call titles"
[22:31:00] [R]: that's what she said
[22:31:33] stuartm: kormoc: that's not covered by pre-canned title search rules?
[22:31:37] Captain_Murdoch: stuartm, I have a couple custom rules for picking up new series on different channels.
[22:31:37] sphery: kormoc: Suppose you wanted to do a LEFT OUTER JOIN ON program.programid = oldrecorded.programid, but you had to put that in fromclauses[clause] in . Can you think of a way to do it?
[22:31:55] kormoc: stuartm, sure, but that's one of the custom rules
[22:32:16] iamlindoro: I do think Custom Rules could be better handled in the UI which could add security/prevent SQL injection, though I don't think I'm prepared to say how
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[22:32:45] stuartm: kormoc: that example doesn't need a custom rule, there is a title search rule creator which doesn't involve SQL manipulation and the possibility of SQL injection
[22:32:53] iamlindoro: I'm thinking more poetry magnets, less "edit this SQL"
[22:33:04] stuartm: it just allows wildcards in standard search fields
[22:33:10] sphery: iamlindoro: true--our UI is terrible for it, since it requires SQL knowledge (including knowledge of surrounding, never shown to the user SQL in some cases)
[22:33:33] iamlindoro: plus, no multiline text edit
[22:33:34] iamlindoro: ;)
[22:33:34] kormoc: stuartm, but it's under the custom rule banner, no? You're just arguing against custom power rules then?
[22:33:38] ** iamlindoro pokes stuartm **
[22:33:47] sphery: but still, as long as anyone has a connection to the DB, when we store SQL in the DB, we have SQL injection capability
[22:34:07] iamlindoro: Maybe .25 will be the release it finally happens :)
[22:34:36] kormoc: sphery, what are you after specifically?
[22:34:39] sphery: heh, I held off mentioning multiline text edit earlier :)
[22:34:42] stuartm: kormoc: mythweb might be describing the feature differently, in the frontend the 'custom rule' stuff is the one where you directly edit the SQL rule
[22:35:14] kormoc: stuartm, ahh, we have that as a option under custom rules and called it power search. I thought we matched the FE. Sorry for the confusion
[22:35:17] stuartm: and this is one of the problems we need to resolve in mythweb, it uses different terminology for a lot of stuff which is confusing for everyone
[22:35:30] sphery: kormoc: want to re-record any SDTV recording that's in the Movies recording group when it re-airs in HDTV
[22:35:34] kormoc: stuartm, talk to xris. he's doing the html5 rewrite now
[22:36:10] sphery: kormoc: so, maybe actually join recorded...
[22:36:23] kormoc: sphery, aye, I'd join recorded
[22:36:31] sphery: but I need a to make sure I get entries even if there are none in recorded
[22:36:52] sphery: fromclauses[clause] is my SQL
[22:37:11] sphery: and I need a left join of program + recorded
[22:37:30] kormoc: I think it'd be fairly easy, I just don't have the time right now and I'm going on vacation tomorrow until Jan 10th
[22:37:40] sphery: but since program is already there and inner joined to channel :(
[22:37:48] kormoc: you can join AS blah
[22:38:08] wagnerrp: bleh... these rips keep failing on specs of dust
[22:38:46] sphery: the ()'s seem to be messing up anything I try
[22:39:08] stuartm: heh, watching 'The Event' where following a car being flipped onto it's roof they don't bother to hide the steel plates and mountings for the ram system that was used, in fact they seem to spend a lot of time framing shots which include that detail
[22:39:26] stuartm: oops, there's the camera crews reflection in the cars paintwork too
[22:40:10] sphery: kormoc: the closest I've seen is , which allows me to re-record any SDTV Nova episode that's in current recordings that re-records in HDTV
[22:41:29] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[22:42:57] [R]: "we should share the chores." "ok, you cook, and i'll eat"
[22:42:58] [R]: haha
[22:43:00] sphery: kormoc: heh, wait, I have the SQL working for the re-record movies... It was a "show me all hdtv movies that I haven't already recorded" I was trying that needed the left outer join
[22:43:13] sphery: sorry... been a couple days since I was trying this
[22:43:13] kormoc: nice!
[22:43:14] stuartm: sphery: the intent of that rule is to allow re-recording in HD, but only if you already have that episode recorded? i.e. Don't record new/old episodes in HD if you don't have them recorded already?
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[22:44:24] stuartm: sphery: actually there's something to that "show me all hdtv movies that I haven't already recorded" idea, it could/should be a filter in the 'Film/Movie' pre-canned list
[22:45:24] sphery: kormoc: so, the only reason I wanted to do a left join of oldrecorded for that one was so that I could explicitly ignore any previously-recorded movies since I'm marking the rule as inactive (so I get notification in upcoming recordings, but it only records when I say to)--but MythWeb shows it as an inactive rule rather than saying it's already recorded
[22:45:24] stuartm: and a statetype might be employed to mark any forthcoming programmes in those lists which are not in the current recordings list or which have been recorded in the past
[22:45:53] kormoc: huh
[22:46:00] sphery: stuartm: yeah, re-record in HDTV but only if you have an SDTV copy in current recordings... It's a new canned example
[22:46:47] sphery: kormoc: I'll check to see the status info we get from the backend--if it includes both inactive and previously recorded info, it may just mean we need to swap the priority of which status mythweb gives it
[22:46:56] ** kormoc nods **
[22:47:12] iamlindoro: hmm
[22:47:24] iamlindoro: I wonder if I could subclass the EIT scanner and create a channel crawler
[22:47:31] sphery: stuartm: that example clause went in at
[22:47:40] iamlindoro: and have it perform Stuartm's notifications if a channel goes missing
[22:47:57] stuartm: sphery: ok, that's not one that can be easily done with any of the existing less-permissive rule creation methods :)
[22:47:57] iamlindoro: so that users know when to rescan for channels
[22:48:00] sphery: stuartm: and what I forgot to say was that it only matches shows that exist in current recordings (not deleted shows)
[22:48:33] kormoc: I wish we could use lists of channels for the "Only record on channel x" record type
[22:48:36] sphery: stuartm: yeah, I like custom rules so we don't have to have 2000 different rule types
[22:48:45] ** kormoc ponders at how hard that'd be **
[22:48:50] sphery: kormoc: IN clause should be fine, right?
[22:48:59] sphery: or you mean in a standard rule?
[22:49:24] kormoc: Aye, as a standard rule
[22:49:27] sphery: ahhh
[22:49:39] stuartm: sphery: I think 2000 is a slight exaggeration :) I think the current rule types do cover 99.9% of requirements
[22:49:43] kormoc: if we're gonna gut custom rules, that's one that I use a lot
[22:49:55] sphery: kormoc: anyway, thanks for bearing with me while I tried to remember what it was I was meaning to ask you. I remembered I needed to ask you something and had notes of what to ask--I just forgot the why :)
[22:50:07] kormoc: Heh, no problems :)
[22:50:37] kormoc: I use it for the office. I want the office on NBC*, TBS*, but not Cartoon network*
[22:50:51] sphery: stuartm: yeah, they cover requirements for 99.9% of people, but that other 0.1% has a lot of crazy ideas of what we need
[22:50:54] kormoc: so I need a custom rule for that or a half a dozen "The Office on channel X" rules
[22:50:54] stuartm: hell, I'll say 100%, since re-recording episodes which you currently have recorded is not really a typical problem for most DVR users
[22:51:50] kormoc: We don't cater to most DVR users as it stands now anyway
[22:51:53] sphery: kormoc: yeah, and I needed a custom rule to record Flashpoint where the category was Drama so I didn't get the news program
[22:52:24] stuartm: kormoc: I'd actually advocate a 'Record at any time on any _other_ channel' type rule, that's actually a pretty common scenario and not one that you should have to edit SQL to achieve
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[22:52:36] sphery: Canadian SWAT dramas are much better than News
[22:52:39] kormoc: stuartm, but I have a list of channels I don't want it to record from as well
[22:54:00] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:54:22] sphery: FWIW, since I mentioned the re-record movies thing:
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[23:00:01] sphery: stuartm: oh, and re-reading your comment above, yes--that rule will only re-record based on existing recordings, so I have a different rule that records all Nova (it gets the new ones)
[23:00:28] sphery: that part may not have been clear
[23:00:28] stuartm: but you don't want it to record the ones you've already watched?
[23:00:33] JEDIDIAH__: crazy requirements are one of the key reason people would use MythTV to begin with.
[23:00:48] sphery: no, only the ones that still exist in current recordings but are sdtv
[23:00:57] sphery: don't want it to record any episodes I've watched/deleted
[23:01:18] sphery: (for me, watched = deleted, so I didn't have to check the watched flag)
[23:01:54] kormoc: MythTV Version 1.0 Just another PVR.
[23:02:00] sphery: otherwise it would have the same problem of needing a left join of program + recorded, which I can't figure out how to do
[23:02:33] stuartm: kormoc: hey, don't twist my words
[23:03:17] sphery: iamlindoro: maybe #9415 will be OBE by 0.25 :)
[23:03:22] stuartm: I'm just looking for solutions that the average man/woman on the street can use and not just those who have read up on SQL
[23:03:34] sphery: (i.e. not indexed by filename in filemarkup)
[23:03:52] sphery: stuartm: yeah, custom recordings isn't user friendly at all
[23:04:11] sphery: and a nice, similarly-flexible approach that is user friendly would be wonderful
[23:04:14] kormoc: stuartm, sure, but no need to rip out the advanced features to improve the basic ones
[23:04:14] stuartm: but I'm also playing the devil's advocate and asking whether we even need such complicated rule editing options to begin with
[23:04:38] sphery: I think keeping the flexibility and making it more user friendly would be a lot of code
[23:05:00] sphery: but I do like that flexibility
[23:05:03] stuartm: kormoc: in some cases they go hand in hand, advanced features exist because no-one took the time to make them basic ones
[23:05:15] lyrinczzzzzzzzzz is now known as lyricnz
[23:05:23] kormoc: stuartm, but in those cases, improve the basic ones?
[23:05:31] sphery: yeah
[23:05:33] kormoc: they can coexist
[23:06:09] sphery: we could likely do a sufficiently-flexible and user friendly approach with iamlindoro's refrigerator magnets
[23:06:30] sphery: would just be a lot of new code replacing our "good enough, but not friendly" code
[23:06:40] stuartm: is ripping out 'advanced' features not what we've been doing for the past 18 months? Identifying what's really needed to improve the overall experience for the majority etc
[23:07:22] kormoc: stuartm, has any of those changes hurt the minority?
[23:07:40] stuartm: sphery: that or something like the smart playlist stuff in mythmusic would be an improvement
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[23:07:46] sphery: yeah
[23:08:14] sphery: I'd support the change--even arguing for it should any dragons appear
[23:08:27] sphery: just not high priority enough for me to work on it in the foreseeable future
[23:08:35] kormoc: stuartm, I'm not saying you shouldn't rip it to shreds. I'm just saying I'll likely freeze on the release/changeset before that happens personally
[23:08:51] kormoc: and there's no reason that should stop you from doing it
[23:10:22] sphery: I think the approach he's considering would meet your needs, though
[23:10:33] sphery: it wouldn't remove the ability--just the UI
[23:10:35] stuartm: kormoc: I can't say that I'm planning to make any changes at all, but it's good that we discuss and try to justify this stuff from time to time
[23:10:40] sphery: and be a huge improvement to UX
[23:14:16] stuartm: the day when we stop re-evaluting is the day when MythTV devolves into a stagnant mess, I dare to say that we've come really close to that point in recent history and that we're not out of the woods just yet
[23:15:30] kormoc: stuartm, to evaluate the need, I'd think it'd be much more useful to ask for folks to send in what they're using custom searches for and evaluate those uses rather then speculate that it's unused
[23:16:29] stuartm: isn't that what we've just done?
[23:16:58] ** kormoc blinks **
[23:17:13] kormoc: just sphery's and mine?
[23:17:43] stuartm: did Captain_Murdoch, sphery et al just list how they were using the custom rule stuff?
[23:18:35] stuartm: honestly their responses are about as useful as anything we'd get by asking -users, i.e. not very representative of the user base as a whole
[23:19:08] kormoc: we could finish the mythstats stuff and actually allow people to opt in and let us know
[23:19:10] ** kormoc shrugs **
[23:19:22] ** [R] is against big brother **
[23:19:39] kormoc: [R], which is why by default you're opted out
[23:19:50] stuartm: the kind of people who subscribe to mailing lists, or frequent the IRC channels and even those who read the homepage are those with a higher than is usual interest
[23:19:54] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:21:25] stuartm: [R]: careful, I said something similar the other day about that well known 'big brother' and I was called a nut-case, a fruit loop, a super-crazy conspiracy theorist
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[23:21:51] sphery: stuartm: heh, I agree with you on that one
[23:21:52] [R]: lol
[23:22:09] sphery: but I still use some of their services
[23:22:29] sphery: not using their browser or OS's, though
[23:23:01] stuartm: sphery: so do I from time to time, I just do so with some prior consideration
[23:23:13] sphery: right--same here
[23:23:18] sphery: and I choose which services I use
[23:23:29] stuartm: apparently privacy is dead and anyone trying to protect theirs has something deeply sinister to hide :)
[23:23:47] sphery: and, for example, have 2 accounts with them--one for their checkout and one for gtalk
[23:23:58] sphery: stuartm: that's what Eric says
[23:24:08] stuartm: yup
[23:24:13] kormoc: Sheeple like free stuff
[23:24:19] ** kormoc baaaaas **
[23:24:22] sphery: I like Free stuff
[23:24:37] sphery: I generally don't care nearly so much about cost
[23:24:43] sphery: s/cost/price/
[23:24:55] sphery: (since there's a cost to using free-of-charge stuff, too)
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[23:26:56] stuartm: kormoc: it's not even the free stuff which freaks me a little, but all the stuff that Google is now doing which seems to have no real business purpose aside from gathering ever more data about individuals e.g. what's the business case for hosting a bunch of javascript libs which anyone can use? There's no ad revenue stream from that but it is a brilliant way of tracking people across sites they don't control and which don't carry their
[23:26:57] stuartm: adverts
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[23:27:34] kormoc: they claim they don't store that data
[23:28:07] JEDIDIAH__: My most recent (custom) thing has been to split old and new shows for a given rule into two rules each with their own priority. "Old stuff" gets a higher recording priority.
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[23:28:40] sphery: stuartm: (I happen to use the service, but) they claim that the purpose for thier public DNS servers is to improve internet performance for users
[23:28:48] sphery: but when you think of what they can do with that info...
[23:29:07] sphery: kind of like when you manage e-mail for 50% of the Internet users
[23:29:10] kormoc: sphery, well, that info could be a huge boost in search result goodness
[23:29:23] sphery: right
[23:29:35] sphery: but it could also be a huge boost in what they know about me in particular
[23:29:40] JEDIDIAH__: ...some things should not be searchable.
[23:29:56] sphery: wonder what gmail's real market share is
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[23:30:34] JEDIDIAH__: in most places, just be a little odd is enough to be considered "sinister".
[23:30:46] JEDIDIAH__: this includes most people that work at Google.
[23:31:09] stuartm: kormoc: they are very careful about what they do and don't claim, for example they do say that they 'anonymise' old logs (after a few months) by scrubbing IP addresses but they all they do is create a unique hash for those IPs which will match up against future uses – i.e. it anonymises nothing at all
[23:32:15] kormoc: stuartm, thing is, with the ajax libs. They'll only get one request per browser per year, so it's hardly able to be used as a tracking method
[23:32:16] sphery: Asa Dotzler mentioned a new motto for Google:
[23:32:16] stuartm: and claiming that they don't store the data from analytics and their javascript hosting stuff sounds great, but they don't claim that the information isn't processed and made part of a profile before deletion
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[23:34:29] stuartm: kormoc: you might have a point there, but still I'm left wondering why they are even in that business to begin with ... but neither am I looking to get into another argument, especially not in a public IRC channel when they are trying to offer me a job (because that would just be rude)
[23:34:41] kormoc: Heh
[23:35:19] kormoc: I think it was entirely some engineer's 20% project and that's it, cause it hasn't really been expanded on (and if they had evil intentions they would have)
[23:37:09] stuartm: in a way I don't think Google is intentionally evil, just a little deluded, in the same way that our government so very nearly threw away our 'freedom' so that they could offer us 'freedom from terrorism'
[23:37:24] stuartm: I think they've just lost sight of what the words mean
[23:37:31] kormoc: Fair 'nuff
[23:39:05] stuartm: and I think a lot of people are willing to go along for the ride because they think that Google is somehow different from every other major multi-national corporation, they've somehow bucked the trend
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[23:57:15] nichos: hi all, silly question, im trying to buy a video card and looking at the wiki they suggest >=8600. Is the 8400 better than an 8600? I don't see any 8600's on newegg
[23:58:11] nichos: or, any suggestions for a fanless video card?:)
[23:59:14] [R]: "the wiki"?
[23:59:29] wagnerrp: neither is suggested unless you need analog video outputs
[23:59:41] iamlindoro: and no, an 8400 is worse than an 8600
[23:59:43] nichos:

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