:: #mythtv-users

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Friday, December 3rd, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:05] stuartm: skd5aner, jamesd_laptop: my grandparents are all dead, I hope you're happy ;)
[00:00:14] sphery: well, I was going to get a link to the phoronix post that implied we're getting kickbacks, but I can't get the site to display any text--just ads
[00:00:22] skd5aner: stuartm: probably form all the pr0n you sent them
[00:00:26] skd5aner: s/form/from
[00:00:30] sphery: somewhere under . . . 0#post159390 , fwiw
[00:00:37] skd5aner: j/k... I will drop the dumb jokes now
[00:00:38] jams: actually that porn link paste has happened a couple times in this channel
[00:00:41] stuartm: never knew my grandfathers, both died before I was born :/
[00:00:50] jamesd_laptop: stuartm, well pasting your goatse pr0n to them in an IM window no wonder they both died of a heart attack
[00:01:38] stuartm: :p
[00:01:52] ** skd5aner goes to eat dinner before his jokes cause any more emotional damage **
[00:01:58] sphery: . . . ;postcount=5 ... only took about 100 reloads to display
[00:02:16] sphery: tons of css errors
[00:02:29] skd5aner: sphery: geeze, what are you using to rendor the page? MythBrowser?!
[00:02:44] sphery: heh, using Namoroka, of course
[00:02:45] inordkuo1 (inordkuo1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:03:06] sphery: (which is Firefox with the name you get if you don't agree to the licensing terms for using the trade-marked name, Firefox)
[00:03:23] sphery: I think their CSS is really broken, though
[00:03:23] skd5aner: I thought it was ice weasel, or is that only on debian?
[00:03:30] sphery: ice weasel is debians
[00:03:47] sphery: mozilla uses the development code name if you refuse the license
[00:04:03] sphery: debian decided to do patches to replace that with their own name so it could be consistent across versions
[00:04:15] sphery: they didn't like the idea of users having Shiretoko and then Namaroka and then ...
[00:04:26] skd5aner: makes sense
[00:04:31] skd5aner: alright, dinner's ready later
[00:05:05] sphery: heh, seems in FF4 era, I'll have an impossible to pronounce one: Tumucumaque
[00:05:20] sphery:
[00:05:38] stuartm: of course it wouldn't be a problem if Debian packagers could just stick to packaging
[00:06:02] sphery: well, someone has to remove the randomness from key generation--you know the openssl devs won't do it for them
[00:06:12] sphery: ;)
[00:08:54] stuartm: packagers fscking with the code they package pisses me off, I truly believe that they are deceiving users. How many people know that when they download the latest MythTV (insert any application here) package for debian that they aren't getting the official version but one that a packager cooked up?
[00:08:58] Maliuta (Maliuta! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:35] sphery: yeah, funny thing is that's the whole reason that the Mozilla Foundation instituted the trademark/naming licensing agreement
[00:10:40] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:10:48] sphery: because packagers were shipping out something that wasn't firefox, but were calling it firefox
[00:11:31] stuartm: It's not a bad idea, I certainly can't think of an alternative
[00:11:57] sphery: yeah... though I won't agree to their license for the name, I do understand their reasoning for it.
[00:12:35] stuartm: for a second I had this idea of building checksums for libs at each revision, but that's a completely silly and unworkable idea
[00:13:12] sphery: heh, isn't that what git does :)
[00:14:39] stuartm: the uncompiled code yes, but once compiled you can't say that the code was unmodified, so it doesn't work for packages which ship binaries and not sourcecode
[00:15:37] stuartm: too many different factors in compilation to tell a modified dso apart from an unmodified one
[00:17:30] stuartm: at least when builds are done from an svn repo we get a 'M' after the revision, it doesn't tell us what changes were made but we know it's not a clean unpatched source
[00:17:42] stuartm: dunno if git does something similar
[00:18:15] sunrunner20: will mythtv transcode tv to mpeg2 for diplay on DLNA/uPnP?
[00:21:55] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:36] elmojo: does the signal monitor still work (alt-f7)?
[00:24:54] elmojo: need to test a new antenna
[00:31:32] iamlindoro: sunrunner20, Myth does no on the fly transcoding at all-- if you need something in a certain format for uPnP, you will need to set up a user job to run after a recording
[00:41:08] xris: NOTICE: trac is down pending a DNS move to new server
[00:43:17] stuartm: elmojo: one way to find out :)
[00:47:11] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit (Quit: Slim-Kimbo)
[00:51:46] xris:
[00:58:56] elmojo: stuartm: I tried and was wondering if it's expected to work or if there is another way of launching a signal monitor
[00:59:12] elmojo: having it flash for a few seconds while changing a channel isn't that useful
[01:00:13] stuartm: elmojo: yeah, I'm not sure whether it survived the OSD port
[01:00:45] stuartm: Mark may know whether it was intentionally disabled or simply broken
[01:01:27] EagleIJoe (EagleIJoe! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:01:50] elmojo: cool, thanks I'll ask
[01:03:40] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:07:45] cesman_ is now known as cesman
[01:07:57] cesman (cesman! has quit (Changing host)
[01:07:57] cesman (cesman!~cecil@pdpc/supporter/professional/cesman) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:17:11] drindt (drindt! has quit (Quit: Mary had a little Segmentation fault)
[01:18:07] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: you'll be proud of me – I bought an 80+ 600W supply to replace my 'standard' 600W supply ;-) Hehehe
[01:18:21] sphery: nice!
[01:18:25] sphery: 80 PLUS ftw!
[01:19:00] sphery: if you're really drawing around 300W or more from that thing, you'll see a nice difference in power usage (possibly >$2/mo)
[01:19:22] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: Hehehe.. ;-) I'll probably swap it in over the weekend, when I (hopefully!) get to my 0.24 upgrade...
[01:19:31] sphery: and I hope you're drawing at leat 120W--since they're only guaranteed 80%+ efficiency for 20%-100% load
[01:19:46] sphery: (and drop off quickly underneath 20% load)
[01:20:03] castlec1: hey guys. i've got ld telling me that it can't find lpiano
[01:20:11] sphery: on my 400W PSUs, switching to 80 PLUS saved me >$1.50/mo
[01:20:13] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: No problem drawing 120W... ;-) My cpu alone is an Athlon 64 x2 6000 – and add 9 3.5" disk drives, and I think I qualify... ;-)
[01:20:26] stuartm: hence why you want to get a PSU to suit your requirements and not simply the highest wattage possible
[01:20:27] sphery: I'm drawing around 100W on them
[01:21:01] sphery: and that $1.50 was figuring at $0.10/kwH
[01:21:42] castlec1: ---> failing to link to libpiano
[01:21:48] DanC2 (DanC2! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:48] stuartm: heh, unsurprisingly that's cheaper than the UK, it's £0.10/kWh here
[01:22:23] DanC2: mythfilldatabase failed to run again!
[01:22:31] DanC2: what mechanism is supposed to run mythfilldatabase periodically? is it a cron job?
[01:22:36] stuartm: libpiano? Not only have I never heard of it, I'm 99.99% certain that MythTV does not and never has directly linked that library
[01:22:44] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: I haven't measured just the myth box with my kill-o-watt yet, but I will do it this weekend.
[01:22:57] castlec1: it's pianobar. i'm working on pandora support
[01:23:32] castlec1: it's a basic issue, i'm sure but i haven't been working on c++ in forever and never really in a unix env
[01:23:39] stuartm: castlec1: ah right, well have you installed the -dev or -devel package for libpiano?
[01:24:09] castlec1: i had to build and install the lib myself
[01:24:41] castlec1: the pastebin has the library location proof in it
[01:24:58] stuartm: sphery: 100W, for what spec? I was disappointed that this machine was drawing ~60W on average, but you've cheered me up a little
[01:25:44] iamlindoro: castlec1, it still looks like you did not let the library install itself, is that correct?
[01:26:03] castlec1: i built and installed it on the front-end
[01:26:04] stuartm: that's 60W for the computer, not including the 2x 27W for the monitors, 6W for the speakers and 6W for the printer
[01:26:17] jya (jya! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:26:17] stuartm: or was that 0.6W for the printer, I can't remember
[01:26:25] iamlindoro: castlec1, As in, make install? Or you copied it yourself?
[01:26:35] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:26:41] castlec1: make install-libpiano
[01:26:42] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: And I decided to plan for the future and picked up a 10x BD-R drive for $110... I know threre's no BluRay mastering software [for linux] yet, but I could at least use it for archiving to BD disks and when I do start building a BR library, ripping them...
[01:27:11] stuartm: castlec1: add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ then run ldconfig before trying to build again
[01:27:33] castlec1: ok
[01:27:43] onus (onus! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:28:06] stuartm: the linker doesn't know to look in /usr/local/lib for the library
[01:28:10] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[01:28:43] castlec1: wife is calling me for dinner. be back shortly
[01:28:45] onus: I've looked around, and I don't see where to change the seek values(5 sec rw, 30 sec forward) for the front end. Where do you do that?
[01:31:00] sphery: stuartm: various different one--the 100W is just a round about number for them... several Athlon XP systems, and Athlon X2 6000+, etc..
[01:31:29] sphery: Myth Athlon II systems are lower wattage--they were the first I started buying with an eye toward power consumption
[01:31:38] sphery: haven't measure them, lately, though
[01:32:15] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:32:24] tstorm (tstorm! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:33:13] onus: nevermind, found it in the playback group
[01:33:15] onus (onus! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:38:54] XChatMav (XChatMav! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:41:41] MavT (MavT! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[01:50:21] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[01:51:42] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:52:49] DanC2 (DanC2! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[01:54:59] DrTodd (DrTodd! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:55:29] DrTodd: anybody have experience with hdhomerun on comcast basic cable?
[01:56:17] castlec1: ok, so my /etc/ has one line: include /etc/*.conf. so I added a new file called libmyth.conf
[01:56:30] castlec1: no dice there
[01:58:05] LedHed (LedHed! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:59:12] skd5aner: sphery: so what was you objection to the FF license?
[01:59:39] skd5aner: I know debian's issue
[01:59:56] tictric (tictric! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:59:56] tictric (tictric!~quassel@unaffiliated/tictric) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:00:36] sphery: mainly that there's absolutely no reason for me to agree to it
[02:02:19] castlec1: ldconfig -v shows libpiano
[02:03:20] skd5aner: sphery: ahh, the "because you can" reason
[02:03:29] sphery: or because I don't need to :)
[02:03:34] castlec1: any way I can query ld or ldconfig to see what it's calling the library?
[02:03:37] sphery: same reason I never sign an NDA
[02:03:42] skd5aner: ha
[02:03:56] sphery: why put restrictions on what I can do when I can avoid such restrictions
[02:04:02] GtrBaitt (GtrBaitt! has quit ()
[02:04:03] skd5aner: yea... my company signs them on my behalf for me – like they actually need /my/ signature
[02:04:10] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:04:12] sphery: castlec1: have you tried running the linker command just before the failure?
[02:04:18] J-e-f-f-A: DrTodd: No, but I have 2 HDHR's with OTA HD, and have tried it on my FiOS cable, but only got crappy SD Digital locals.
[02:04:19] tictric_ (tictric_!~quassel@unaffiliated/tictric) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[02:05:00] castlec1: sphery, i don't see an ld command on the make output, it's being called by gcc
[02:05:07] castlec1: g++
[02:05:12] DrTodd: jeff: the channel scanning stuff is not working for me
[02:05:18] sphery: run that and see if it succeeds
[02:05:53] castlec1: same
[02:06:44] sphery: and you've checked /etc/
[02:06:54] castlec1: yup,
[02:07:01] castlec1: and ran ldconfig in verbose mode
[02:07:03] J-e-f-f-A: DrTodd: Are you sure there are non-encrypted channels available? The cable companies have been locking things up left and right...
[02:07:27] castlec1: is there a verbose for g++
[02:07:28] castlec1: ?
[02:08:18] J-e-f-f-A: castlec1: probably – check the man page — often times "-v" or variants, with multiple "v"s, or multiple instances of the -v flag... but I don't know for g++ myself...
[02:08:46] DrTodd: pretty sure
[02:08:59] DrTodd: i get some digital sub-channels directly through my tv just fine
[02:09:01] J-e-f-f-A: castlec1: ie: type man g++ at your shell prompt... ;-)
[02:09:16] castlec1: did so before i asked :) lots of stuff to wade through
[02:09:21] sphery: castlec1: try sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ && ldconfig
[02:09:53] sphery: then retry the compile
[02:10:31] castlec1: k
[02:10:56] sphery: oh, probably need a sudo on that ldconfig
[02:11:05] castlec1: most likely
[02:12:28] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:12:36] castlec1: yay!
[02:12:40] castlec1: thanks guys
[02:12:46] castlec1: the link worked
[02:12:47] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:12:52] sphery: heh
[02:12:54] castlec1: what inspired trying that?
[02:13:17] sphery: actually reading the pastebin and seeing what was where... Maybe should have done that before.
[02:13:22] castlec1: should i have specified the version info in my .pro/Makefile?
[02:13:52] biffhero (biffhero! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[02:14:05] sphery: don't know
[02:14:20] castlec1: good enough :)
[02:15:03] castlec1: now, since I'm too lazy to go upstairs and the wife is watching tv down here, i'll have to wait a few hours to crash my front end
[02:19:39] DrTodd (DrTodd! has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.12/20101027155015])
[02:19:58] sphery: heh
[02:20:13] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:21:20] sphery: looks like make install-libpiano doesn't create a linker name for the lib (or a fully-qualified soname)... Wonder if we should submit a patch to make those symlinks for them
[02:21:44] sphery: and maybe to run ldconfig, too
[02:22:49] tstorm (tstorm! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[02:23:18] sphery: then again, maybe they left that to the person installing because of their windows support
[02:23:36] castlec1: they don't have real windows support though
[02:23:41] castlec1: it's through cygwin
[02:23:45] sphery: yeah, but they do have windows with cygwin
[02:24:00] sphery: so don't know if they're trying to minimalize the (hard-coded) Makefile
[02:24:29] sphery: anyway, a note in your readme should be enough for users to start with :)
[02:24:45] castlec1: maybe they need a configure script
[02:24:50] sphery: yeah, they do
[02:24:56] sphery: autotools ftw!
[02:25:37] castlec1: i'm trying to get my virtual box gui to start from here. no luck so far
[02:25:45] sphery: could simplify building, too--could build the binary and the lib in one run
[02:25:54] castlec1: yeah
[02:26:12] sphery: with a configure switch --enable-shared
[02:26:18] castlec1: most likely doesn't do that because of the static linking
[02:26:24] sphery: yeah
[02:26:36] sphery: but easy enough to make a switch with autotools
[02:26:39] Twigg (Twigg!~darren@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:26:55] castlec1: i'll have to google said autotools
[02:27:08] aloril (aloril! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:27:10] sphery: it's just your autoconfig/automake/...
[02:27:17] shipit (shipit! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:27:21] castlec1: which i know nothing about :)
[02:27:50] sphery: heh, they're what build configure and and ..
[02:28:32] castlec1: i have a very small handle on qmake right now. baby steps
[02:29:22] sphery: heh, yeah, autotools is basically the anti-Qt approach (Qt made their own equivalent with qmake)
[02:29:42] [R]: ewww
[02:29:45] [R]: what guy buys another guy a drink
[02:29:56] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents!~darren@ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[02:32:37] Twigg is now known as Twiggy2cents
[02:34:03] xand (xand!xand@pdpc/supporter/active/xand) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[02:34:09] castlec1: OH YEAH, X windows is awesome :)
[02:35:03] aloril (aloril! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:37:37] xand (xand!xand@pdpc/supporter/active/xand) has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:40:20] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:41:53] JEDIDIAH__ (JEDIDIAH__! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[02:43:16] Twigger (Twigger!~darren@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:46:08] Twigger is now known as Twiggy2cents
[02:49:11] wagnerrp (wagnerrp! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:49:18] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v wagnerrp
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[03:07:31] Caliban (Caliban! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[03:07:49] Caliban (Caliban! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:09:24] itp (itp! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:18] itp: hi — anyone around who might be able to help me out with an issue that's cropped up (or point me in the right direction?)
[03:10:36] itp: since updating from 0.23 to 0.24, some (but not all!) of my recordings seem to be disappearing shortly after they finish recording
[03:10:46] itp: the database entries remain, but the file on the filesystem is gone
[03:21:28] castlec1: i've got work to do but I just had executing code :) i have succesfully pulled stations
[03:21:37] castlec1: then it crashed... lol
[03:27:55] wagnerrp (wagnerrp! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:01] wagnerrp: skd5aner: you around?
[03:28:53] wagnerrp: just wonder what should be done with the changeset template on the wiki
[03:29:13] wagnerrp: since right now, theyre all broken
[03:31:21] wagnerrp: Beirdo: is there a simple way to figure out the git hash for an svn changeset?
[03:31:35] wagnerrp: i could try writing up a bot to automatically translate all the existing entries
[03:32:14] [R]: grrr... why do so many people not know how to set their clock properly
[03:32:41] wagnerrp: bad email?
[03:33:19] [R]: yeah
[03:34:14] Beirdo^2 (Beirdo^2!~beirdo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:34:51] wagnerrp: Beirdo^2: is there a simple way to figure out the git hash for an svn changeset?
[03:35:21] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, question was raised a while ago on #mythgit by skd5aner himself
[03:35:32] wagnerrp: mythgit... thats a new one
[03:35:41] Captain_Murdoch: temporary for migration
[03:35:53] Beirdo^2: Not sure other than git log
[03:35:57] Captain_Murdoch: eventually it will be #getmyth or #getmeth
[03:36:12] Beirdo^2: Grep for it?
[03:36:42] wagnerrp: well if im writing a bot to do the translation, i can do better than grep
[03:36:44] Beirdo^2: I can root around once I'm home but I don't know off hand
[03:37:07] Beirdo^2: A bot... Huh
[03:37:24] wagnerrp: yeah, im a bit busy at the moment, just considering what could be done
[03:37:35] wagnerrp: five minutes after i left tonight, my server ate itself
[03:37:36] sphery: what's the purpose of watching a repo?
[03:37:39] sphery: in github?
[03:37:44] wagnerrp: so i lost all my recordings tonight
[03:37:51] Beirdo^2: We could just extract the data.
[03:38:16] Beirdo^2: Make a one time mapping
[03:38:48] sphery: looks like each commit has: git-svn-id: 7dbf422c-18fa-0310–86e9-fd20926502f2
[03:38:51] Beirdo^2: sphery: Normally you would watch ones that interest you
[03:38:53] sphery: type line
[03:39:28] Beirdo^2: It can make rss of the checkins or something
[03:39:34] sphery: I guess I can look up what watch means... I guess it lets you see the non-dev (non-lists) goings on for the repo?
[03:40:14] Beirdo^2: It puts activity on your dashboard basically
[03:40:59] Beirdo^2: I wish my phone had a real keyboard
[03:41:09] sphery: heh
[03:41:15] sphery: touchscreen?
[03:41:18] sphery: if so, I feel your pain
[03:41:33] Beirdo^2: Yeah. Eye-phone
[03:41:39] sphery: heh
[03:41:40] Beirdo^2: Send
[03:41:48] sphery: help
[03:41:57] Beirdo^2: Hehe
[03:43:53] Beirdo^2: Anyways. I'll think about it but a simple svn to fit map wouldn't be hard to build. And could be put as a webservice or something
[03:44:05] Beirdo^2: The map is static
[03:44:32] Beirdo^2: Could even make a custom bot plugin for it
[03:46:12] Beirdo^2: Give me a day or two :)
[03:46:25] Beirdo^2: With all the other fun...
[03:47:05] sphery: yeah, things like that can wait
[03:47:22] sphery: until it's all stable, no sense going off and doing the nice-to-haves
[03:48:19] [R]: CALM Act passed, will quiet loud TV commercials within a year
[03:48:47] [R]: does commflag use volume level?
[03:48:56] Beirdo^2: No
[03:49:14] Beirdo^2: Not that I know of
[03:49:17] [R]: good
[03:49:30] wagnerrp: theres no real way to use volume level either
[03:49:58] wagnerrp: the problem is that the shows and commercials are normallized independently
[03:50:09] wagnerrp: shows can have very loud sections
[03:50:19] sphery: though some have said that looking for 0-levels works to indicate intra-commercial spots
[03:50:21] wagnerrp: and as a result, the volume for the entire show gets reduced
[03:50:35] wagnerrp: while commercials are generally fairly constant with no peaks
[03:50:49] wagnerrp: so the entire segment gets amped up
[03:50:50] sphery: since even in silent sections of shows, there's some non-zero volume
[03:51:09] wagnerrp: mythtv has no way of telling whether something is a commercial, or just a fairly loud section of the show
[03:51:23] [R]: good point
[03:54:06] castlec1: just put VERBOSE macro in my code. What header needs included for it?
[03:54:22] sphery: mythverbose.h
[03:54:52] castlec1: any additional libs to link against?
[03:55:26] Beirdo^2 (Beirdo^2!~beirdo@ has quit (Changing host)
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[03:55:26] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Beirdo^2
[03:56:38] mrec: hi, is it possible to use DVB pid filters with mythtv?
[03:57:05] mrec: the current problem is mythtv sets too many filters and exceeds the wifi 801.11bg network speed
[03:57:10] Beirdo is now known as Guest65277
[03:57:14] sphery: castlec1: no, it's just (the not-yet-properly-named) libmythdb, IIRC
[03:57:25] [R]: mrec: you shodu't be using myth with wifi...
[03:57:35] castlec1: alright. it's complaining about QString too
[03:57:35] [R]: mrec: and what is 801.11bg
[03:57:38] Beirdo^2: Muh
[03:57:39] mrec: it works perfectly with kaffeine and mplayer
[03:57:48] [R]: kaffeine and mplayer aren't myth
[03:58:04] mrec: 801.11g actually
[03:58:06] Beirdo^2: Gonna slap NickServ
[03:58:14] sphery: castlec1: you'd need #include <QString> for that
[03:58:15] ** [R] ponders what 801.11g is **
[03:58:17] mrec: 54 mbit .. around 1 mbyte/sec is reliable here
[03:58:22] castlec1: just include #include <QString> or insert sometthing into QT lib marks?
[03:58:23] mrec: wifi standard?
[03:58:26] wagnerrp: mrec: mythtv does not transmit DVB streams
[03:58:36] wagnerrp: it only transmits video streams
[03:58:37] mrec: but the driver I use does
[03:58:47] mrec: it uses the network in the background
[03:58:56] wagnerrp: yeah, it uses the loopback interface
[03:59:02] mrec: the device is in another room and I'd like to use it with my notebook
[03:59:03] jamesd_laptop: everything works if you have enough cafene if that doesn't fix it... add twice as much tequila and then everything is fine untill the next morning, wash, pee, repeat.
[03:59:07] wagnerrp: where there is effectively no bandwidth limit
[03:59:20] ** sphery loves Community **
[03:59:22] mrec: with wifi I have 1mbyte/sec limit
[03:59:36] mrec: that works reliable
[03:59:39] wagnerrp: so you have your backend running on the machine the tuner is connected to in the other room
[03:59:48] wagnerrp: your backend records, and sends video to the frontend on your notebook
[03:59:58] mrec: no the driver is running in the other room on a seagate dockstar ARM
[04:00:06] mrec: I just loaded the virtual interface onto my notebook
[04:00:21] wagnerrp: see... now why do you have to go doing things excessively complex
[04:00:31] mrec: it's rather easy ...
[04:00:32] sphery: Oh, my gosh, Target. What were you thinking. Who ever heard of putting sugar in dried tart cherries...
[04:00:41] wagnerrp: its rather screwy, thats what it is
[04:00:43] sphery: I want my $3.50 back
[04:01:07] mrec: is there a way to make DVB filtering more accurate?
[04:01:09] castlec1: QTString is in QTCore which is automatically linked against but I get complaints about qbytearray.h
[04:01:18] mrec: that mythtv won't set filters for other TV stations?
[04:01:31] wagnerrp: mrec: install your tuner on your backend where it should be
[04:01:53] mrec: the tuner is also used for windows..
[04:02:00] mrec: no good idea it's just temporary
[04:02:06] wagnerrp: mythtv expects dedicated hardware to use
[04:02:11] mrec: ok nevermind
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[04:02:22] wagnerrp: if youre not going to be giving it dedicated hardware, so it can record what it wants when it wants, you shouldnt be using mythtv
[04:02:34] wagnerrp: if youre not going to do that, you should be running _any_ DVR software
[04:02:40] sphery: castlec1: likely just need a #include <QByteArray>
[04:02:41] wagnerrp: s/should/shouldnt/
[04:03:03] wagnerrp: all DVR softwares are going to assume they have dedicated access
[04:03:16] wagnerrp: and in any sensible setup, any DVR software _will_ have dedicated access
[04:03:20] mrec: wagnerrp: I'm just too lazy to use my 801.11N router :D
[04:05:03] Guest65277 is now known as Beirdo
[04:06:36] mrec: wagnerrp: do you know how I can recover pulseaudio from suspend?
[04:07:09] wagnerrp: no, but ALSA works just fine across a suspend/wakeup
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[04:07:50] ** J-e-f-f-A agrees ... yum remove pulseaudio ... problem solved. ;-) **
[04:09:01] mrec: problem is I killed mythfrontend and now audio doesn't work because it might be corked or whatever
[04:09:05] Beirdo^2 (Beirdo^2!~beirdo@unaffiliated/beirdo) has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
[04:09:10] Beirdo: hehe
[04:09:11] mrec: of course I can kill pulseaudio now..
[04:09:47] mrec: ah starting/stopping mythfrontend solved it
[04:10:09] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[04:17:53] mrec:
[04:18:35] dashcloud (dashcloud!~quassel@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[04:25:21] high-rez: So is there good, functional hardware video accel with AMD/ATi cards yet – or is that just a pipe dream?
[04:25:43] wagnerrp: pipe dream
[04:25:54] high-rez: Cool. I'll cross em off the list.
[04:26:23] wagnerrp: thats some nice video quality on that tuner
[04:29:06] Beirdo: nice test shot anyways
[04:33:02] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A!~J-e-f-f-A@unaffiliated/j-e-f-f-a) has quit (Quit: Oh No!!!! ;-))
[04:59:11] mrec: wagnerrp: . . . rking-14022/ :D
[04:59:33] mrec: this is the device which is used
[04:59:36] castlec1: in see in the pianobar makefile a switch to pass a define to the preprocessor. how can i do that with qmake?
[04:59:41] mrec: with ARM -> x86 link
[05:01:01] castlec1: DEFINES += USE_MY_STUFF QT_DLL
[05:06:07] wagnerrp: mrec: i still consider anything using LD_PRELOAD to be hackish
[05:06:27] wagnerrp: in some cases, its the only thing you can do
[05:06:40] wagnerrp: in this case, there is absolutely no reason they couldnt just write a proper driver for that tuner
[05:07:28] mrec: wagnerrp: took around 1 year to make this mechanism stable
[05:07:35] mrec: now it's rock solid
[05:07:39] elmojo (elmojo!~elmojo@unaffiliated/elmojo) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:08:03] mrec: we also considered to use cuse/fuse but those kernel interfaces are not stable and not available everywhere
[05:08:25] mrec: only way to write stable crosskernel supported drivers is interfacing libc
[05:09:22] wagnerrp: not at all
[05:09:30] wagnerrp: check out the hdhomerun
[05:09:36] wagnerrp: right now, mythtv just interfaces with it directly
[05:09:45] wagnerrp: but there _is_ a DVB API driver for it
[05:09:50] mrec: that's the problem
[05:09:53] wagnerrp: not a good one, but its still perfectly doable
[05:10:00] mrec: you can also directly implement userspace drivers in mythtv but it's useless
[05:10:35] mrec: a linuxdvb compatible driver is less work and supports everything
[05:11:10] mrec: additional not all embedded systems come with a linux dvb stack
[05:11:17] mrec: this tuner comes with its own stack
[05:11:32] mrec: all in userspace so no kernel dependency
[05:12:12] mrec: it also provides better monitoring possibilities
[05:12:38] mrec:
[05:13:39] mrec: arm, mips, powerpc, x86–32bit/64bit all supported including network support
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[05:48:07] toeb: yesterday i had "DVBSM(/dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend0), Error: Cannot read DVB status eno: Operation not supported (95)" in my backend logs
[05:48:32] toeb: I've never seen this before...
[05:48:42] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[05:49:18] wagnerrp: usually a permissions issue
[05:49:19] toeb: Backend was stuck and did no longer react on client connection, frontend and mythweb could both not connect...
[05:52:23] toeb: mh thats strange, we were using mythvideo and when switching to the watch recordings screen the backend did no longer respond...
[05:53:33] toeb: so nothing but myth was using the device...
[05:56:52] toeb: well mytht did switch pretty immediatly from RecordingOnly -> None to None ->RecordingOnly
[05:56:59] toeb:
[05:57:33] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A!~J-e-f-f-A@unaffiliated/j-e-f-f-a) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:02:04] sphery: wonder if Beirdo is going to fix up all the links to changesets in gossamer-threads...
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[06:07:35] [R]: in 0.24... when my show ends, i see my themes background for a second before i get back to the watch recordings screen, has anyone else seen that?
[06:10:17] Beirdo: hahaha
[06:10:19] Beirdo: screw that
[06:17:28] EagleIJoe (EagleIJoe! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[06:17:50] toeb: [R]: i see that too
[06:18:04] [R]: what theme do you use?
[06:18:12] toeb: tinted glass
[06:18:23] [R]: ok so diff theme
[06:19:13] toeb: i think with blue-abstract i saw this too...
[06:19:28] toeb: but i havent used this for several months...
[06:20:02] [R]: tahts what i use
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[06:36:46] wagnerrp: sphery: no fair, flash VDPAU means we cant claim that as a con... :P
[06:37:28] ** [R] wishes there was a way to watch southpark online in myth **
[06:38:41] wagnerrp: [R]: mythnetvision... all you have to do is write a grabber
[06:39:01] wagnerrp: if you want, you could probably do it entirely without scraping their site
[06:39:02] [R]: yeah... tahtsa ll i have to do
[06:39:05] [R]: piece of cake
[06:39:20] [R]: i've looked into it before... can't figure out how
[06:39:27] wagnerrp: use the ttvdb libs to pull a list of what shows should be there
[06:39:32] wagnerrp: and make a guess of where they would be
[06:40:11] [R]: but alas... my frontend is ion and 64bit
[06:40:25] [R]: although i didn't really notice many problems using boxee playing southpark
[06:41:36] [R]: i should just figure out how boxee does it
[06:42:21] wagnerrp: they pull a list of links from their own site
[06:42:34] wagnerrp: for all it matters, they could just hard code it
[06:42:46] [R]: yeah, i've tried to wireshark it before
[06:43:03] wagnerrp: wireshark?
[06:43:09] wagnerrp: you mean boxee?
[06:43:17] [R]: run wireshark while boxee is running
[06:43:30] wagnerrp: ah, all of their grabbers are managed through their web page
[06:43:57] wagnerrp: they parse the content lists on their servers, and then push that list out to whoever wants it
[06:44:15] wagnerrp: along with an optional overlay, and button coordinate information
[06:44:16] [R]: yeah, so if i could just figure out how the client gets the list from the server
[06:44:40] wagnerrp: rather, you want to find out how the server gets the list from... the server
[06:44:47] wagnerrp: we dont want to be pulling from boxee
[06:45:07] [R]: you might not... but i dont care
[06:45:08] [R]: hehe
[06:45:49] [R]: all these sites need to provide rss feeds with direct links
[06:45:55] [R]: everyone would liek them so much better
[06:48:43] Beirdo: sphery: you in?
[06:50:11] ** wagnerrp needs a pair of circumaural wrap-around headphones **
[06:50:30] [R]: circumaural?
[06:50:35] wagnerrp: i love these sennheisers, but the headphone hair is awful
[06:50:44] wagnerrp: [R]: big ones, that go around your ear
[06:50:59] wagnerrp: they rest on the side of your head, and enclose your ear, rather than resting on top of them
[06:51:04] [R]: i'd be pimp if i wore those at work
[06:53:50] [R]: wagnerrp: actually
[06:53:56] [R]: wagnerrp: i dont know if they changed something, or i'm thinking clearly
[06:54:15] [R]: wagnerrp: but i found where to pull the url from the southaprk website
[06:54:22] [R]: wagnerrp: AND their code is valid html5
[06:54:33] wagnerrp: its more than that
[06:54:38] [R]: what else do i need?
[06:54:45] wagnerrp: you want to strip away all the excess crap, so you get just the player
[06:54:50] Beirdo: wagnerrp: which model?
[06:55:02] [R]: . . .
[06:55:04] [R]: it is just the player
[06:55:47] wagnerrp: Beirdo: a pair of these...
[06:56:22] wagnerrp: at least its foam and cloth on the top
[06:56:39] Beirdo: ahhh
[06:56:55] wagnerrp: my last pair were aiwas, with some wide plastic strap on the top
[06:57:03] Beirdo: I had HD455 before, had to toss them when they broke after nearly 10yrs of service
[06:57:06] wagnerrp: they would leave my hair downright disgusting
[06:57:58] wagnerrp: Beirdo: those are... supraaural?
[06:58:04] Beirdo:
[06:58:44] Beirdo: I'm getting to be in the market for some new ones soon :)
[06:59:39] wagnerrp: yeah, that plastic strap on the top of those things?
[06:59:52] wagnerrp: the adjustable part that hangs below the hard support?
[06:59:59] Beirdo: yeah
[07:00:06] Beirdo: it's leather-like, I think
[07:00:10] wagnerrp: my Aiwas had the same thing
[07:00:30] Beirdo: very comfy, but do a number on the hair I no longer really have
[07:00:31] Beirdo: :)
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[07:14:42] [R]: wagnerrp: oh snap... they have a json feed of each season, and it includes the id for the url, i think thsi is very doable
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[07:36:02] [R]: wagnerrp: do the netvision grabbers run on the frontend or the backend?
[07:36:20] wagnerrp: backend
[07:36:35] ** [R] ponders if this breaks the TOS **
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[08:10:17] Beirdo: wagnerrp: mythsystem-rewrite is on github :)
[08:10:24] Beirdo: no more rebasing will happen
[08:11:01] wagnerrp: woo!
[08:11:15] ** wagnerrp goes back to writing a program to manage his bsd jails **
[08:11:46] ** wagnerrp really wishes init systems were written in something other than bourne **
[08:12:06] Beirdo: and we have -commits emails again
[08:12:37] Beirdo: If they make init not use /bin/sh, they should be slapped
[08:12:53] wagnerrp: if you ever looked at the fbsd init system, youll want to claw your eyes out
[08:13:00] Beirdo: normally, you want the init subsystem to be able to run with static binaries
[08:13:03] Beirdo: hehe
[08:13:08] Beirdo: quite likely so
[08:13:16] wagnerrp: tens of thousands of lines of garbage, because of the deficiencies of sh
[08:13:19] Beirdo: upstart drives me insane already
[08:14:42] wagnerrp: i have want to spend a few weeks and write a compiled startup system
[08:14:58] wagnerrp: something that has just enough capability built in that it can get the system running
[08:15:07] wagnerrp: and anything else needs to be compiled into it later
[08:15:17] wagnerrp: s/have/half/
[08:15:32] Beirdo: heh
[08:15:38] [R]: hrm
[08:15:40] Beirdo: busybox, here we come
[08:15:43] [R]: mythbrowser doesn't seem to be finding my flash
[08:15:51] wagnerrp: no more depedance on a clutter of of userland executables
[08:15:53] [R]: is there something i need to configure?
[08:15:55] Beirdo: skd5aner: you have commit emails
[08:15:56] Beirdo: ;)
[08:16:09] wagnerrp: written in a language at least as easy as bourne
[08:16:33] wagnerrp: theres no reason why the init script cant thread off, is there?
[08:17:19] wagnerrp: have it calculate the ordering ahead of time, and compile that in
[08:17:59] wagnerrp: or even just dont, it would surely be /vastly/ faster than a similar system written in sh
[08:18:40] Beirdo: hehe
[08:18:50] Beirdo: oh, you mean like Linux initramfs?
[08:18:50] Beirdo: :)
[08:19:25] wagnerrp: i mean most init scripts do dependency calculation
[08:19:41] wagnerrp: such that it calculates the proper startup order on-the-fly based off keywords in the init files
[08:20:17] wagnerrp: of course youve got stuff like suse which orders everything ahead of time
[08:20:46] wagnerrp: the runlevels are symlinks to the init scripts with '01.script1', '02.script2'...
[08:22:18] [R]: so no ideas onn mythbrowser not working wit hflash?
[08:22:58] wagnerrp: only used it once or twice
[08:23:21] [R]: i'm trying to adobe detect page
[08:23:23] [R]: and it says its not there
[08:23:29] [R]: but i verified its in a location qt looks for
[08:24:31] Beirdo: I've never used mythbrowser
[08:24:37] Beirdo: let alone flash
[08:25:10] Beirdo: oooh.
[08:25:16] Beirdo: The Stig rolled a car :)
[08:25:35] wagnerrp: oh? what car?
[08:25:36] Beirdo: it was a 3-wheel (2 in the back, 1 in front) car
[08:25:46] wagnerrp: erm... what stig? i thought they fired the last one
[08:26:10] Beirdo: they refuse to say who he is, so who knows
[08:26:29] Beirdo: watching an old one off BBC America
[08:27:36] Beirdo: hah, right
[08:27:52] Beirdo: original play date 2010-10–04
[08:27:57] Beirdo: maybe in America
[08:28:28] Beirdo: in lovely letterboxed SD
[08:28:43] Beirdo: go, BBC America. Wankers
[08:28:47] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[08:29:05] [R]: you can say wankers? but i can't say smoe of the words you yell at me about?
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[08:30:38] wagnerrp: [R]: you just have to be more colorful
[08:30:41] wagnerrp: get creative
[08:30:45] [R]: lol
[08:31:33] [R]: grrr
[08:31:36] [R]: the stupid 32bit plugin works
[08:31:40] [R]: but not the 64bit awesomness
[08:31:47] wagnerrp: bring in some less used insults
[08:32:05] wagnerrp: bring in insults from dead languages, or those not commonly spoken by mythtv users
[08:32:39] carter05 (carter05! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:32:42] wagnerrp: click-click-pop-click-pop you [R]
[08:32:52] [R]: lol
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[08:43:09] [R]: MUHAHA
[08:43:10] [R]: that worked
[08:48:49] wagnerrp: whats this? a personal appeal from 'wikipedia author lilaroja'?
[08:49:40] wagnerrp: i guess people have been getting tired of jimmy wales
[08:50:17] [R]: do you know how to make mythbrowser "fullscreen"?
[08:50:51] wagnerrp: nope, i thought it always was
[08:51:00] wagnerrp: you mean make the flash player full screen?
[08:51:06] [R]: no
[08:51:12] [R]: like i can see the theme around the browser viewport
[08:51:29] wagnerrp: dont know anything about that
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[10:15:07] justinh: heh. searching for nvidia 8400/8600 on ebay so I can forgo the cruddy intel integrated vid on my frontend (don't hold yer breath for decent opengl video there folks) & actual BGA chips are showing up
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[10:56:33] beerpages: Erstelle dir deine eigene Umfrage – Beispiel: . . . 2%20Kampagne
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[11:43:14] lightpriest: i just upgraded to maverick, and suddenly the remote control doesn't work in MythTV. it does seem to control gnome, dunno if it's X or one of gnome services, could it be steeling the input events?
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[11:58:19] justinh: bah to dist upgrades
[11:58:40] justinh: hi, I just updated my whole OS for no apparent reason and stuff broke. HELLO
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[14:04:44] ThisNewGuy: hi all – I just cloned the source from git hub and noticed that the old themes dir is missing (e.g. no more mythbuntu theme), is myth no longer going to host these themes?
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[14:11:41] justinh: thought the intent was to take every theme out bar the *one* official theme
[14:13:26] ThisNewGuy: seems like there's a number of them in mythtv/themes (Terra, MythCenter, etc)
[14:13:49] ThisNewGuy: but no more ArcLight, Childish, etc
[14:16:59] justinh: you need the theme downloader mentioned in the 0.24 release notes, silly
[14:17:28] justinh: hint: it's built into 0.24 already
[14:20:05] ThisNewGuy: hmm – I have some patches to the themes and I was hoping to keep up with the source
[14:21:57] justinh: pity huh
[14:25:02] ThisNewGuy: indeed
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[14:40:51] Captain_Murdoch: justinh, yes, the intention is eventually to only ship a default and default-wide and all others will be downloadable via the download site. packagers will be free to package up themes as well if they choose so their users don't have to download them. we won't officially distribute any other than our default and default-wide though.
[14:41:19] Captain_Murdoch: ThisNewGuy, the theme stuff is still being worked on I believe. that's what I heard last night.
[14:42:15] ThisNewGuy: Captain_Murdoch: cool – thnaks
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[14:50:56] justinh: I read somewhere that one foo is still maintaining one of my previous efforts. LOL
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[15:59:43] lightpriest: is it possible that X or some gnome service is stealing the LIRC control from mythtv?
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[16:00:16] lightpriest: i can control mythtv with my remote, but it looks like it's limited to "arrow keys"
[16:01:58] clever: lightpriest: X programs cant talk to lirc
[16:02:47] clever: and generaly, lirc will send the buttons to every program, so if you ran 2, both would get the button and react
[16:03:09] lightpriest: yes but myth uses its own configuration to get other keys to work
[16:03:19] lightpriest: this mythtv.lircrc
[16:03:31] lightpriest: i mean, i can control the GTK interface with the remote
[16:03:38] lightpriest: even the browser reacts to keystrokes
[16:03:59] clever: then its sending X11 key press events, lirc isnt doing anything
[16:04:09] J-e-f-f-A: lightpriest: Sounds like you don't have the keys mapped right in the mythtv .lircrc – run 'irw' and press buttons, and compare them to what you have mapped in the .lircrc
[16:04:53] lightpriest: i tried that
[16:05:04] lightpriest: and it only reacts to the "arrow keys"
[16:05:19] jamesd_laptop (jamesd_laptop! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:05:21] lightpriest: actually, it doesn't react to anything
[16:05:32] clever: then lirc isnt setup right
[16:05:44] lightpriest: then how is it reacting at all? :)
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[16:05:46] J-e-f-f-A: lightpriest: are you saying that irw only reacts to the arrow keys?
[16:05:52] lightpriest: no no
[16:05:59] lightpriest: because I open it in the console, it just confused me
[16:06:05] clever: lightpriest: it sounds like mine, its a plain usb keyboard from what the OS can see
[16:06:09] lightpriest: i see ^A and ^B
[16:06:17] lightpriest: yeah
[16:06:19] clever: that always comes up when you use the arrow keys
[16:06:25] lightpriest: but I don't see codes and such
[16:06:30] clever: i'm using the devinput driver
[16:06:51] lightpriest: i didn't change anything basically, I just upgraded from lucid to maverick
[16:07:03] clever: when its setup right, it will 'break' the keyboard/mouse features, forcing everything to go thru lirc
[16:07:16] clever: /usr/sbin/lircd -P /var/run/ -H devinput -d /dev/input/by-path/pci-0000:00:1d.0-usb-0:1:1.0-event-mouse -o /var/run/lirc/lircd
[16:07:29] clever: have to use a command something like this
[16:07:52] clever: LIRCD_OPTS="-H devinput -d /dev/input/by-path/pci-0000:00:*-usb-0:1:1.0-event-mouse -o /var/run/lirc/lircd"
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[16:08:05] clever: exact contents depend on what your device is
[16:09:17] lightpriest: LIRCD_OPTS is in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf?
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[16:12:25] lightpriest: ok that's weird
[16:12:34] lightpriest: irw doesn't show a thing, although the remote works
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[16:13:49] lightpriest: cr*p :/
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[16:17:54] lightpriest: clever, isn't irw a simple program? isn't it just supposed to spit out what it sees?
[16:18:58] clever: lightpriest: yeah, it just connects to a unix socket and repeats whatever it gets
[16:19:16] clever: LIRCD_OPTS might be gentoo only
[16:19:27] clever: not sure what ubuntu calls it
[16:19:40] lightpriest: ubuntu has REMOTE_LIRCD_ARGS
[16:19:47] lightpriest: but that doesn't matter
[16:19:51] lightpriest: something else is bothering me
[16:20:15] lightpriest: if i play with the volume, gnome's volume changes
[16:20:22] lightpriest: but irw /dev/lircd shows nada
[16:21:04] lightpriest: could it be emulated by one of X's modules?
[16:21:27] clever: if gnome is reacting, then lirc isnt working
[16:21:37] clever: its sending normal keyboard keys, which gnome reacts to
[16:21:49] lightpriest: ohh
[16:21:56] clever: gnome doesnt do lirc
[16:22:11] lightpriest: then what emulates the keyboard/mouse?
[16:22:27] clever: the receive itself is emulating a keyboard/mouse
[16:22:36] clever: its claiming to be a usb keyboard&mouse
[16:23:04] tgm4883: lightpriest, what remote?
[16:23:26] lightpriest: on lucid, it used to work as "Window Remote" and there were two of them in the sample files
[16:23:42] lightpriest: on maverick I only have one which includes the word "All" in the end :)
[16:23:54] lightpriest: I though they merged the two before
[16:23:59] clever: at this point, its not the lirc remote config files
[16:24:07] clever: lircd is not connecting to the remote at all
[16:24:32] clever: when it does, it will cease to work as a keyboard, so gnome will stop responding
[16:24:39] lightpriest: so lirc is just not replacing the correct usb file?
[16:24:45] lightpriest: devfile, that is
[16:24:53] clever: it doesnt replace the file
[16:25:06] clever: it opens it in exclusive mode, blocking all other access to it
[16:25:37] clever: and lirc only does so when it has clients
[16:25:55] clever: if i close all clients (irexec,irw, mythtv), then it closes the device, and lets it act as a keyb/mouse
[16:28:36] Steve_Goodey (Steve_Goodey! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[16:29:24] lightpriest: ok, I think I isolated the problem
[16:29:34] lightpriest: something isn't being recognized correctly
[16:30:04] lightpriest: i mean, there's no /dev/input/by-path|by-id when only the IR is plugged in
[16:31:21] clever: you can also try guessing which /dev/input/something it is
[16:31:29] clever: usualy, there should be a symlink for it under by-path/by-id
[16:32:22] lightpriest: yeah, there isn't
[16:32:28] lightpriest: i just plugged/unplugged it
[16:32:34] lightpriest: it was /dev/input/event2
[16:32:35] clever: udev is one way to fix that
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[16:40:15] lightpriest: yeah
[16:40:20] lightpriest: turns out the default is /dev/lirc0
[16:40:37] lightpriest: and probably udev should link /dev/input/even2 to that
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[19:05:01] jarle: iamlindoro: Revision: 27062
[19:05:48] jarle: iamlindoro: has there been a lot of work in the scanner lately?
[19:05:57] jarle: iamlindoro: dvb-s
[19:06:05] Beirdo: trac is now up.
[19:06:57] iamlindoro: jarle, In the *very* last revisions of .23-fixes and all of .24, there are some fixes that help eliminate some duplicate channel messages that might be false
[19:07:41] iamlindoro: jarle, If you are on latest .23-fixes or on .24, and you still get them, then that usually means that your transponders contain tuning information for the whole network... conflicts are duplicate with the same frequency id and serviceid
[19:08:04] iamlindoro: If you are on a new enough myth revision, you can usually ignore all the dupes for DVB-S
[19:08:15] iamlindoro: if you are on an older revision, you definitely want to update and rescan
[19:08:48] iamlindoro: I am not able to figure out how SVN revisions relate to git tags so I have no idea if your version is new enough or not
[19:09:40] jarle: iamlindoro: I am in the process of rescanning channels and and editing channel list now, so guess I should update to latest 0.24 and re-scan
[19:10:01] jarle: 0.24 is considered stable now, correct?
[19:10:07] iamlindoro: correct
[19:11:09] jarle: now I just have to figure out how to work with github, I've moistly been using svn..
[19:16:41] Beirdo: I plan to implement !svn in the bot this weekend, have it return the git sha1 that matches
[19:32:14] raptorjr (raptorjr! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:33:56] raptorjr: hello, i thought i should tru the new github, but it looks like mythweb is talking protocol 63 and the backend is using 64. Should i still stay with svn?
[19:34:00] raptorjr: try
[19:35:04] xris: raptorjr: or manually bump the protocol in mythweb.
[19:35:21] xris: chances are it will work. I don't think the recent protocol change was significant for mythweb
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[19:35:41] raptorjr: was thinking about that, but didn't want to mess with it, but i'll try =) thank you
[19:35:42] wagnerrp: in this case, bumping the protocol in mythweb will work fine
[19:35:47] wagnerrp: in most cases, that is a bad thing to do
[19:36:02] raptorjr: what file is it?
[19:36:09] wagnerrp: the last proto bump was to add a new command that mythweb does not currently use
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[19:45:21] raptorjr: i guess i need to change the protocol_token also? where do i find that string?
[19:46:25] raptorjr: and if i learn to read i will find it =)
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[20:01:20] ** dustybin thanks everyone involved with making .24 possible **
[20:03:22] dustybin: this is a rock solid setup, i can dim lights, turn on my sub box, check my security camera, record tv, watch videos, listen to music, without even moving from my chair :D
[20:04:04] Digdilem: :)
[20:04:12] Digdilem: but your wife is running around like a mad thing
[20:04:41] dustybin: wife? what wife? i dont think a wife would allow me to spend stupid amount of hours in front of my computer!
[20:05:02] Digdilem: tbh, if you have enough remote control skills, you don't need one.
[20:05:09] dustybin: heh
[20:06:44] wagnerrp: if you have enough remote control skills, you dont need a wife?
[20:06:59] ** wagnerrp wonders what sort of 'devices' Digdilem can control through his remote **
[20:07:35] dustybin: its taken me a long time, but i can now say my home computer network is now complete, im now a free man :D
[20:11:17] ** dustybin listens to net radio via mythvideo + playlist + mplayer + lirc mplayer exit command :D **
[20:16:22] skd5aner: That's a great example of non-integration and hacking together things if you ask me
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[20:17:01] dustybin: skd5aner: i used to use mythstream plugin but its a bit crumby, this is a lot cleaner
[20:17:21] skd5aner: perhaps, but I wouldn't be bragging about it ;)
[20:18:53] dustybin: what happened to that ace old 4:3 retro theme
[20:18:58] scott0070 (scott0070! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:19:53] dustybin: this was awesome:
[20:21:00] wagnerrp: eh?
[20:21:29] dustybin: wagnerrp: hasnt it been removed? i cannot locate it
[20:21:46] wagnerrp: it has been removed, as it no longer works with the new UI
[20:21:56] dustybin: right ok
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[20:26:01] GadgetWisdomGuru (GadgetWisdomGuru!~gwg@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[20:26:23] skd5aner: so... why are multiple commits shown on this -commit email? . . . /075854.html
[20:26:33] wagnerrp: thats how git works
[20:26:42] skd5aner: not sure I understand that answer :/
[20:26:47] wagnerrp: you commit to your local fork
[20:26:56] wagnerrp: then you push multiple commits to the master repository
[20:27:10] wagnerrp: so a single update may contain multiple commits
[20:27:12] skd5aner: So, it's rarely a 1:1 push
[20:27:15] tstorm (tstorm! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:27:20] dustybin: that sounds like a right 'git' – English humour :P
[20:27:21] wagnerrp: it doesnt have to be
[20:27:40] wagnerrp: chances are, someone is going to write some middling layer that splits them up before mailing out
[20:28:02] skd5aner: so, is there an overall commit hash that covers all "sub-commits" or is it still 1:1?
[20:28:22] dustybin: how about a web / hosting provider what uses git for clients on the server, so people can go back versions of php files etc
[20:28:27] stuartm: dustybin: it was named git deliberately, it's not a coincidence
[20:28:49] dustybin: aye ok
[20:28:56] stuartm: only Linus says he was talking about himself, I'm starting to think he actually meant the software
[20:29:15] stuartm: well at least he's a git for writing the damn thing
[20:29:19] dustybin: LOL
[20:30:08] dustybin: stuartm: peepshow tonight – new series
[20:30:14] skd5aner: I'm sorry, I'm doing my best to just ride the "git wave" (especially since I'm not a dev), but I'm definitely feeling really dumb right now
[20:31:17] wagnerrp: dont worry, most of us dont really know whats going on
[20:31:23] skd5aner: investing a several hours aweek on the release notes is something I enjoy, but if I can't keep up it's easily to get burried under a pile of backlogged commits to review, and I'm afraid that I'm not picking up on it fast enough
[20:32:08] dustybin: what kind of tasks do mythtv devs have to go through? reading lots of mails? reading trac comments?
[20:32:12] skd5aner: Hey – if git is awesome, more power to you gys, I'm not complaining about the change – I'm just struggling to adapt to something that I would have thought was easy to adapt to – reading commits
[20:33:18] skd5aner: I mean, you guys can struggle all you want with the new CRS operations, but just reading what got checked in that day shouldn't be so convoluted one would think :S
[20:33:26] skd5aner: heh
[20:34:06] skd5aner: Anyway – I'm sure I'll pick up on it, but I hope someone finds a much cleaner format for the -commmit emails soon (and makes it easy to understand what's getting committed to "master" versus other branches
[20:34:52] dustybin: what kind of setup does a coder have when writing / testing code? i imagine a coder to be constantly changing / re-compiling code and testing for hours on end
[20:38:05] ** dustybin feels silly **
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[20:42:03] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, the vdpau support in flash makes the atom systems less of a bad idea--since it offloads the problem area, as well as decoding. That said, I still maintain atom is a not a good idea for a mythtv frontend or backend or combined frontend/backend system.
[20:42:05] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[20:42:20] skd5aner: vdpau support in flash?!
[20:42:29] wagnerrp: experimental, yes
[20:42:41] stuartm: new beta?
[20:42:49] stuartm: wasn't enabled in the last one
[20:43:21] skd5aner: is the support embedded in flash, or in the VDPAU driver (or both)?
[20:43:31] stuartm: dustybin: yeah, started last week
[20:43:49] stuartm: flash
[20:43:59] dustybin: stuartm: indeed, it wasnt that great, but they start off slow and get better
[20:44:34] stuartm: skd5aner: flash has just been modified to use vdpau if available, the hooks were in the last beta they released but it wasn't working/enabled
[20:44:46] iamlindoro (iamlindoro!~iamlindor@unaffiliated/iamlindoro) has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[20:45:01] dustybin: stuartm: do you watch 'Sky at night'
[20:45:23] skd5aner: stuartm: I see the phoronix article on it now
[20:45:28] skd5aner: interesting I suppose
[20:47:07] stuartm: dustybin: no I don't, 15 years ago maybe when I was limited to watching what happened to be on TV at the time, I'm more picky now and Sky at night doesn't interest me that much
[20:47:18] stuartm: astronomy isn't one of my hobbies
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[20:47:50] dustybin: me neither but i find it interesting, and im impressed sir patrick moore is still doing it
[20:48:06] stuartm: sure, I like the science but I get enough from Horizon et al
[20:48:09] KaZeR (KaZeR! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[20:48:33] dustybin: stuartm: the new horizons arent as good as the first lot IMO, still good though
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[20:49:29] stuartm: true, in some cases they offer nothing new at all and the talk about dumbing-down isn't entirely unfounded
[20:50:28] dustybin: stuartm: i was impressed with 'how long is a piece of string?' excellent Horizon
[20:50:48] stuartm: the one with Alan Davies? I haven't watched that one yet
[20:51:07] dustybin: yes, its mind expanding :D
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[20:54:09] stuartm: I most recently watched on on asteroids, it was pretty disappointing, they didn't reveal anything I hadn't heard, read or watched before, most of it was pretty superficial coverage of the science – I remember far more on the subject from university than they discussed in that episode
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[20:55:42] dustybin: stuartm: i agree, and the frozen human back from the dead wasnt that impressive
[20:56:59] dustybin: we need more Alan Davies & Marcus du Sautoy Horizons
[21:01:27] stuartm: I'm a little behind, I've been saving them to watch when TV goes to shit over the Christmas period
[21:02:14] tstorm (tstorm! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[21:07:55] ** stuartm puts a penny in the swear jar **
[21:08:39] stuartm: ugh, is there anything more tedious than hand merging a patch?
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[21:23:25] Beirdo: not much, no ;)
[21:23:41] Beirdo: except doing it more than once, I guess
[21:28:21] jya (jya! has quit (Quit: jya)
[21:30:27] wagnerrp: next year, oak ridge is going to donate 1 million hours of CPU time on its jaguar supercomputer to catching users of child porn
[21:30:44] wagnerrp: ... just how are supercomputers supposed to help do that?
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[21:38:09] sphery: yay, cleared my Firefox history
[21:38:24] sphery: no more old Trac/SVN URIs
[21:39:29] wagnerrp: yeah, but i liked just being able to type 'b' in the superbar and going straight to the logs
[21:41:20] sphery: b for?
[21:41:29] stuartm: wagnerrp: it would have to be either profiling of some sort, or parsing through ISP logs with some heuristics ...
[21:41:58] sphery: I'll just repopulate my history with the important files (like globalsettings.cpp and videosource.cpp and backendsettings.cpp and ...), then I can just type videosource or whatever
[21:42:12] stuartm: or cracking encryption on rar files found on torrent networks
[21:43:18] stuartm: or even just cracking encryption on drives found during searches by police on suspected paedophiles
[21:43:35] wagnerrp: sphery: 'b' for 'beirdo's logs'
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[21:43:49] sphery: oh
[21:43:58] sphery: just need to put that back into the history
[21:44:01] sphery: :)
[21:44:05] wagnerrp: specifically
[21:44:30] stuartm: 1 million hours of supercomputer time might just be enough to guess encryption keys with AES 128/256 ... who knows?
[21:45:10] wagnerrp: stuartm: technically five seconds of Atom time is enough to guess encryption keys with AES 256
[21:45:21] wagnerrp: just depends on how lucky you get
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[21:45:45] stuartm: wagnerrp: exactly
[21:46:16] stuartm: entirely possible that they won't be doing anything at all, they just want to scare enough people into thinking twice
[21:46:28] wagnerrp: no, i read the article, and the claimed 'algorithms' are to search through other people's queries
[21:46:35] wagnerrp: and track their activity on P2P networks
[21:46:51] wagnerrp: ones with distributed searching anyway
[21:47:08] wagnerrp: a task which really has nothing to do with a super computer
[21:47:11] stuartm: ok, so my first guess was right
[21:47:36] sphery: maybe they can help the Immigration and Customs Enforcement division of Department of Homeland Security with their copyright enforcement, while they're at it
[21:47:48] wagnerrp: nor is it one well suited for a super computer, unless he plans to have rolling proxies through IPs other than ones registered to ORNL
[21:47:49] npm (npm! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[21:48:10] sphery: after all, if copyright enforcement isn't an immigration-related issue that's critical for homeland security, my name is Mike
[21:48:11] stuartm: wagnerrp: when dealing with logs for an entire nation spread over a long period of time it probably helps speed up the task
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[21:49:05] wagnerrp: well 100 dedicated cores certainly isnt too shabby
[21:49:25] ricstirato: hi. I'm having problems doing transcoding 720p recordings.
[21:49:55] ricstirato: anybody to help?
[21:50:11] wagnerrp: are you trying to transcode them to support some specific mobile or UPNP device?
[21:51:03] ricstirato: No, basically just cutting for permanent archiving
[21:51:20] wagnerrp: so you just want to do lossless mpeg2->mpeg2
[21:51:30] ricstirato: basically yes
[21:51:41] ricstirato: hd space is not an issue
[21:51:54] ricstirato: have tried several howtos, none works
[21:52:04] ricstirato: 1080i is fine
[21:52:17] wagnerrp: resolution shouldnt make any difference
[21:52:22] wagnerrp: the procedure is exactly the same
[21:52:35] ricstirato: that's what I thought, too.
[21:52:58] cattelan (cattelan! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[21:53:35] ricstirato: configured transcoding profiles for 720p and 1080i, even tried the 1080i profile for the 720p recording
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[21:54:53] ricstirato: have separate backend and frontend and do the transcoding on the backend via command line
[21:55:11] ricstirato: the command line I use is:
[21:55:15] wagnerrp: youre not doing it through the jobqueue?
[21:55:22] ricstirato: mythtranscode -c 12110 -s "2010-12–01 22:25:00" -p "720p NoResize" --honorcutlist -o "test2.mpg"
[21:55:42] wagnerrp: no, you cannot create your own transcoding profiles
[21:55:58] DrTodd: I'm having a problem where my HDHR stops sending data mid-recording...the backend log doesn't show anything at the point the HDHR stops streaming
[21:56:00] wagnerrp: most people use the autodetect mpeg2 profile for lossless
[21:56:04] skd5aner: what do these merges mean? . . . b2b8e65df720
[21:56:14] wagnerrp: DrTodd: are you recording things off both tuners?
[21:56:24] unixSnob (unixSnob! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:56:29] ricstirato: yes, this works for standard resolution.
[21:56:36] DrTodd: at the time it fails?
[21:56:38] DrTodd: no
[21:56:51] wagnerrp: ricstirato: no, go into the profile, and check off 'lossless', it will disable everything else
[21:56:54] wagnerrp: then just use that
[21:57:01] DrTodd: not sure it has tried to record from both hdhr tuners at the same time yet.
[21:57:04] wagnerrp: it should work at any resolution
[21:57:25] ricstirato: nope
[21:57:40] wagnerrp: it does if configured properly
[21:58:04] ricstirato: having lossless active in the profile, I get:
[21:58:13] ricstirato: Unknown video codec: H.264
[21:58:32] wagnerrp: so you arent using mpeg2
[21:58:56] stuartm (stuartm! has left #mythtv-users ("Gone")
[21:58:56] wagnerrp: mythtranscode currently does not support transcoding to h264
[21:59:14] ** dustybin rocks to **
[21:59:18] wagnerrp: and if you are already using that codec, you really shouldnt transcode to anything else except for compatibility
[21:59:37] ricstirato: OK, this means transcoding to something else (MPEG4) which what I have configured + working for 1080i
[21:59:45] wagnerrp: there is some external script that uses projectx to losslessly cut the video
[22:00:05] wagnerrp: but you do /not/ want to transcode to mpeg4 in mythtranscode
[22:00:18] wagnerrp: if your content is h264, you do not want to use mythtranscode at all
[22:00:24] ricstirato: why?
[22:00:38] wagnerrp: because all you can do is transcode to a much less efficient codec
[22:00:53] wagnerrp: you can cut out the commercials, but youre going to end up with a large file anyway
[22:00:58] wagnerrp: larger
[22:01:18] ricstirato: makes sense ;-)
[22:01:42] ricstirato: you don't meant mythnuv2mkv?
[22:01:54] wagnerrp: no, i dont know what the name of it is off hand
[22:02:51] dustybin: how about a virtual man page machine, you ask a AI bot on how to do stuff, and the bot replys with the relevant info
[22:03:01] ricstirato: Mythcutprojectx
[22:03:30] wagnerrp: dustybin: good luck, hope that natural language processing goes well for you
[22:03:31] ricstirato: But this is described as
[22:03:35] ricstirato: "Script to preprocess MPEG-2 recordings from DVB-T before running MythArchive "
[22:04:05] dustybin: wagnerrp: something like that could put IRC out of business :P
[22:04:51] justinh: if only!
[22:05:07] cattelan (cattelan! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:05:13] wagnerrp: dustybin: something like that could put a lot of things out of business, and make the inventor ungodly wealthy
[22:05:51] dustybin: how?!
[22:06:05] justinh: tech support companies for one
[22:06:09] wagnerrp: because doing it properly required good natural language processing
[22:06:23] wagnerrp: something weve not yet been able to accomplish
[22:06:32] wagnerrp: something AI programmers have sought after for decades
[22:06:46] wagnerrp: something search engine companies have spent hundreds of millions every year trying to develop
[22:07:01] Beirdo: wagnerrp: the old link should still work for the logs... just will get redirected :)
[22:07:09] wagnerrp: Beirdo: yeah, i know
[22:07:37] dustybin: computers will rule, they are slowly overtaking
[22:07:56] wagnerrp: yeah, i think i just saw a snail pass them
[22:08:16] ricstirato: wagnerrp: thx, will look into this
[22:08:56] dustybin: wagnerrp: have you ever found yourself repeating the same help advive
[22:08:59] dustybin: advice
[22:09:06] wagnerrp: yeah, frequently
[22:09:14] dustybin: exactly.. a job for a computer
[22:09:16] justinh: it's only cos people don't read the docs
[22:09:20] justinh: it's all there
[22:09:25] justinh: every last bit of it
[22:09:34] dustybin: justinh: thats where a virtual man page VI bot will work
[22:09:38] dustybin: *AI
[22:09:41] justinh: sigh
[22:09:45] wagnerrp: dustybin: everything ive advised is already in the docs, or mailing list archives, or online somewhere, or...
[22:09:51] wagnerrp: people have to go /look/ for it
[22:09:57] wagnerrp: and if they cant find it in one of those sources
[22:10:00] CyberKnet: .... look ....
[22:10:08] dustybin: actually the #httpd channel already has a bot what does just that
[22:10:11] CyberKnet: ... lo-ook ....
[22:10:12] wagnerrp: theyre not going to be able to find it among some automated FAQ on a bot
[22:10:13] CyberKnet: I give up
[22:10:14] CyberKnet: what is this?
[22:10:48] CyberKnet: dustybin: then you will get questions such as ... "How do I ask the bot a question?"
[22:10:55] wagnerrp: the only way such a bot would be helpful is if it could understand the questions people were asking
[22:11:00] wagnerrp: and give the relevent advice
[22:11:06] CyberKnet: and you'll say "!bot howto their_nick_name"
[22:11:09] wagnerrp: that is a task that requires strong natural language processing
[22:11:32] CyberKnet: so you'll *still* end up fielding questions.
[22:11:41] justinh: helpy! mythteevees no worky!
[22:11:54] ** CyberKnet wonders if dustybin knows that the original proponents of the wiki said how it would eliminate questions **
[22:11:54] justinh: get yer bot out of that!
[22:11:55] dustybin: i have lirc problem, anybodyz helpz?
[22:12:36] justinh: dustybin: question, same as in here. straight Q, no pertinent information given at all
[22:12:38] dustybin: i was up 2 days straight trying to get lirc working
[22:12:43] dustybin: back in the day
[22:12:55] justinh: I was up for ooo half an hour getting lirc working. back in the day
[22:13:20] dustybin: i was up for a good 2 nights getting postfix working, those were the days
[22:13:25] vezza (vezza! has quit (Quit: Sto andando via)
[22:13:45] justinh: just goes to show.. you need a certain amount of know-how to get anywhere with computers. reading docs gets you that knowhow. and what you read in the docs you fail to understand, ASK
[22:14:02] CyberKnet: I was up for [number] good [interval] getting [activity]
[22:15:18] castlec (castlec! has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:16:11] justinh: when any idiot can just run mythtvsetup.exe & it does everything for them – what are they going to need – somebody to tell them what they should watch?
[22:17:01] castlec: I need to know what the proper method of sound output from a plugin is
[22:17:25] justinh: ruh?
[22:17:30] castlec: :)
[22:17:44] justinh: proper method? plugin?
[22:17:55] justinh: are you *writing* a plugin?
[22:18:10] castlec: i've got sound output working from a hacked together plugin/application going straight to libao
[22:18:22] castlec: i assume that isn't the mythtv way
[22:18:33] justinh: you'd probably be right
[22:18:46] justinh: see the internal player source for that
[22:18:52] justinh: or ask over in #mythtv
[22:19:09] justinh: hey that's gotta be the first time I've ever seen anybody need to direct someone that way. lol
[22:19:24] castlec: they tend to tell me to come over here :)
[22:19:42] justinh: if you're writing something for mythtv then it'd be a mythtv development kinda question, no?
[22:19:50] wagnerrp: right now, mythmusic uses its own audio settings
[22:20:05] wagnerrp: but it would probably be better to follow the internal player and use its shared audio settings
[22:20:15] wagnerrp: how to do that? i havent the foggiest
[22:20:20] wagnerrp: !seen jya
[22:20:20] MythLogBot: jya is here and has been idle for 36 minutes 43 seconds
[22:20:31] wagnerrp: would probably do well to ask him
[22:20:36] castlec: :)
[22:21:03] wagnerrp: hes been the lead on audio the past two releases
[22:21:20] castlec: ok. is that phil?
[22:21:31] castlec: sphery told me of a phil harris, I think it was
[22:22:06] justinh: nope.
[22:22:12] wagnerrp: paul harrison, and no
[22:22:16] wagnerrp: he is the lead on mythmusic
[22:22:27] justinh: seriously though why wouldn't you be able to ask about development in #mythtv?
[22:22:33] jya: wagnerrp: I agree. I talked about that before, and was pointed to the original commit. mythmusic settings were removed , -> outrage -> put back again
[22:23:21] jya: justinh: there's so much talk going on about git in #mythtv, that it would get drown in the noise
[22:23:27] justinh: ah
[22:23:35] justinh: but I left ages ago :P
[22:23:43] justinh: Oh. Different git ;)
[22:25:03] justinh: anyhoo it's probably a safe bet that the intention of the project is to output audio the same way throughout the whole program, plugins & all. so whatever the internal player does, do that :)
[22:25:39] sphery: heh, I was just ttying to figure out who phil harris was
[22:25:55] justinh: I for one won't moan when it's all unified. Why anybody'd want different audio settings for world+dog is beyond my reasoning
[22:26:32] wagnerrp: jya: the only problem i see with having one single audio setup is for people who want to have multiroom, or had a different set of speakers for audio rather than playback
[22:26:44] wagnerrp: but i think thats a fairly small minority
[22:26:50] jamesd_laptop (jamesd_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:27:03] justinh: people who want multiroom would likely fid mythmusic a bit er.. restricting ;)
[22:27:17] wagnerrp: well sure, but thats getting rewritten too
[22:27:40] justinh: unless there are plans to suck something like MPD in at the same time
[22:28:03] justinh: not that MPD is something I see as in any way viable. all the control programs I've seen for it look like qt2.0 apps
[22:28:49] castlec: was i making stuff up sphery?
[22:29:35] kormoc: "I need a way to set the playback offset in microseconds per room, as certain rooms have the walkways/seats slightly closer or away from the speakers and so the delay is noticeable. Please fix this immediately! This is a huge issue!"
[22:29:50] jamesd__ (jamesd__! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:30:09] justinh: MPD also insist on having their wiki on some horrid ad funded spammish site :-(
[22:30:16] castlec: how polite
[22:30:28] wagnerrp: castlec: yeah, you pulled the name 'phil harris' out of... somewhere
[22:30:31] wagnerrp: :P
[22:30:52] castlec: such is life
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[22:31:35] justinh: seriously.. if mythtv had its docs on wikia I don't think I'd ever have even considered it
[22:31:55] sphery: castlec: it was Paul Harrison, like wagnerrp mentioned... close--I just didn't get there from Phil Harris (I couldn't stop thinking of Phil Hartman when I read that)
[22:32:09] castlec: i was close
[22:32:10] castlec: lol
[22:32:57] castlec: anyway, as you may have figured out already, i've got pianobar working
[22:33:09] castlec: it's a nasty ugly hack but it goes
[22:33:22] justinh: ? is that some kind of midi player?
[22:33:28] castlec: pandora client
[22:33:38] kormoc: I've always wondered if last names that end in son were from "Phil Harris' son" getting shortened
[22:33:51] russell5 (russell5! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:34:01] iamlindoro: yes
[22:34:16] iamlindoro: ie Swenson = Sven's Son, etc.
[22:34:20] iamlindoro: Usually from nordic languages
[22:34:37] kormoc: nice
[22:34:48] justinh: next.. what the heck is pandora? lol
[22:35:08] kormoc: justinh, customized internet radio
[22:35:21] kormoc: Also, a planet in avatar
[22:35:46] castlec1: yeah, that's the important part, a planet in avatar :)
[22:35:47] skd5aner: also, a box
[22:35:56] justinh: kinda figured a pandora client wouldn't be an avatar point of presence thingy ;)
[22:35:58] skd5aner: or, more correctly... someone who own's a box
[22:36:05] iamlindoro: I'll turn it from a hack into a proper plugin myself if we can just not call it MythPandora or anything prefixed by "Myth"
[22:36:32] justinh: sshhh!
[22:36:33] kormoc: justinh, could be a plugin that only played Avatar 24x7!
[22:36:34] skd5aner: MythDora... oh, wait
[22:36:36] castlec1: I'm still working on it. It shall not be turned over as an ugly hack
[22:36:41] justinh: everything has to start with Myth. Eth
[22:36:45] kormoc: iamlindoro++
[22:36:50] iamlindoro: Heck, even something nice like "Pandora for MythTV" is soooo much more user friendly
[22:36:53] castlec1: PanMyth?
[22:37:03] iamlindoro: Say what you mean, be what you say :)
[22:37:15] justinh: there are worse name prefixes I spose
[22:37:19] skd5aner: MythPanda
[22:37:23] castlec1: how about "OOOOH Internet Radio"
[22:37:30] kormoc: MyPandorath
[22:37:41] justinh: how about InternetRadioForMythTV(USA users only) :P
[22:37:51] kormoc: If your plugin needs a clever name, it doesn't need to exist!
[22:38:08] ** iamlindoro wonderswhatlinuxusershaveagainstspaces,anyway **
[22:38:10] skd5aner: "Individual Customized Internet Radio Plugin for MythTV media center and DVR platform"
[22:38:13] castlec1: the pianobar example code has proxy code. i had intended to put that in
[22:38:41] justinh: kinda goes against T&Cs I'd have thought though
[22:39:24] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: Could be worse, it could be combined with ALL CAPS!!!  ;-)
[22:39:35] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: (maybe his space bar is broken?  ;-) hehehe)
[22:39:35] castlec1: right now it's called MythHello and it'll be staying that way for a while :)
[22:40:01] justinh: mythhello with copious amounts of pasting out of mythgame? ;-)
[22:40:12] castlec1: haven't even looked at mythgame yet
[22:40:18] ** J-e-f-f-A laughs out of his chair... ;-) **
[22:41:01] skd5aner: Wouldn't MythGame be a great example of a pluging NOT to use as an example to teach others how to build plugins?
[22:41:29] kormoc: skd5aner, where's your plugin?
[22:41:32] wagnerrp (wagnerrp! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[22:41:40] ** skd5aner shrugs **
[22:42:16] clever (clever!~clever@ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[22:42:50] skd5aner: just asking, actually
[22:42:53] sphery: castlec: as long as you don't call your plugin MythNa'vi, I'll be happy
[22:43:08] castlec1: dude, that's a great idea
[22:43:22] ** kormoc weeps for bash scripts everywhere **
[22:43:43] justinh: just make sure it ends in a dot. curse those windows users
[22:43:48] ** J-e-f-f-A chuckles **
[22:44:16] justinh: ooo with this free time I can see if I can finally make flash player not tear
[22:44:28] sphery: flash makes me tear up
[22:44:32] justinh: without getting a nvidia GPU on the case I mean
[22:44:38] justinh: be nice to get iPlayer in here
[22:44:46] sphery: sometimes I full-out bawl
[22:45:33] skd5aner: there there...
[22:45:54] sphery: it's just so flash...  :(
[22:46:22] skd5aner: it could be worse... you could be infected with MOONLIGHT!
[22:46:29] sphery: true
[22:47:02] sphery: but since MS is paying off some sites to drop Flash and use Silverlight, soon enough, I'm sure someone will go there
[22:47:23] justinh: hey why isn't mythtv-setup all done in flash/silverlight. OMG I cried reading that. Or wept actually
[22:47:31] sphery: heh, yeah
[22:47:50] castlec1: where was that at?
[22:47:57] sphery: and the guy actually said silverlight would be best because it's a better dev platform
[22:48:01] sphery: windows only, but...
[22:48:23] skd5aner: heh, it was just odd to me, not that he didn't at least try to validate his argument or understand why that's a bad idea – just don't know why he thought something like MythTV would be supportive of such a proprosal?
[22:48:26] clever (clever!~clever@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:48:31] sphery: castlec:
[22:48:44] sphery: heh, yeah
[22:48:54] justinh: silverlight / 200 lines of perl... they're good but which is better?
[22:48:55] sphery: I will admit that he truly believed it was a good solution
[22:49:10] sphery: so I can't fault him for suggesting it
[22:49:15] sphery: just not where I want to go
[22:49:18] skd5aner: I'm good friends with a guy who's a great .Net developer, and loves silverlight... for what he does, it makes sense, but still... not really the FOSS alternative
[22:49:28] kormoc: hahaha
[22:49:36] sphery: yeah, I have no problems with .NET--it's actually a great dev platform
[22:49:41] sphery: just not quite appropriate for *nix
[22:49:45] kormoc: . . . 0097861.aspx <-- great for the "Myth is using too much cpu!" folks
[22:49:51] sphery: and, yeah, I'm glaring at you, Moonlight
[22:50:14] sphery: heh
[22:50:19] sphery: kormoc: that's awesome
[22:50:27] justinh: I wish everybody would just stop using flash sites. it'd go away soon enough if 99% of people could do that
[22:50:52] sphery: kormoc: we need to make a *nix app that looks like the Windows Task Manager and shows puppies getting kicked on the CPU usage tab
[22:50:55] justinh: and if organisations like the BBC didn't frickin *insist* upon propriatary crap
[22:51:03] skd5aner: I've been pissed for a few years because CBS only streams the NCAA march madness games with silverlight... of course, moonlight wasn't supported until this past tourney – but then the HD streams never worked :P
[22:51:31] skd5aner: (that said, the HD streams didn't actually work because of bandwidth issues from CBS)
[22:51:43] justinh: apparently the HD tivo my cableco are bringing out is all flash UI
[22:51:45] justinh: :-\
[22:52:30] castlec1: alright, this is going to sound really bad, but why not just use the same hardware/code as currently bluray players with their java vm?
[22:52:43] castlec1: why a flash tivo?
[22:52:43] skd5aner: because how do you get it?
[22:52:56] high-rez: Hmmf
[22:53:53] skd5aner: kormoc: hahaha – I like that blog entry, thanks :)
[22:53:53] wagnerrp (wagnerrp! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:54:15] kormoc: sphery, PK/s
[22:54:21] high-rez: Looks like the geforce 2xx series doesn't technically support hbr/hd bitstreaming (though it does work, sort of)
[22:54:33] sphery: kormoc: heh, nice... perfect
[22:55:05] skd5aner: I suppose if it's threaded, you could really get a significate PK/s
[22:57:50] sphery: wonder why the #mythtv-commits channel is so empty
[22:58:05] castlec1: what's that one for?
[22:58:05] sphery: Each time I flip over there, I get lonely.
[22:58:10] sphery: shows commits
[22:58:18] sphery: :)
[22:58:32] skd5aner: sphery: um... I'm the only one there?
[22:58:44] sphery: it's new--Beirdo set it up with the github stuff since it was one of those things they offered
[22:58:54] skd5aner: lol... nm
[22:58:55] sphery: skd5aner: 4 of us...
[22:59:06] sphery: you, me, Beirdo, stuartm
[22:59:16] justinh: bah. still tearing
[22:59:18] skd5aner: sphery: the pm you sent me earlier contained an elipse on the end... so I was in #mythtv-commits...
[22:59:20] skd5aner: ;)
[22:59:23] skd5aner: lol
[22:59:28] Beirdo: every time something's pushed, it will tell you
[22:59:29] sphery: oh, and some github guys... a lot of them
[22:59:43] Beirdo: the github things are the bots
[22:59:44] justinh: why oh why oh why oh why oh WHY won't they just let us take the stream & play it like law abiding folks?
[23:00:19] skd5aner: gotta make dinner
[23:00:21] skd5aner: peace
[23:00:23] sphery: yeah, Git seems to be a very bad example for the young 'uns... lots of pushing and pulling... and then github says to me, "Fork Queue"
[23:00:41] streeter (streeter!~streeter@nat/redhat/x-ncskxiclphphccnc) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:00:51] sphery: I remember when this project was family friendly
[23:01:08] Twiggy|worx (Twiggy|worx!~Twiggy@ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[23:01:12] sphery: (One day, I hope to actually understand all of these Git terms)
[23:03:32] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[23:08:10] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:09:41] raptorjr (raptorjr! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:10:57] raptorjr: hello, i'm trying to understand how to use git, but dont really get it. mythweb dont really like it. anyone who knows how git works and could help me?
[23:12:48] xris: raptorjr: what are you trying to do?
[23:13:11] xris: github has good links to documentation, and I linked to some other good stuff from the post on
[23:14:06] raptorjr: i'm trying to get 0.23-fixes to see if it works better than 0.24, since 0.24 is giving me problems and i got to rule out that it is mythbuntu 10.10 that is the problem
[23:14:25] raptorjr: witch mythtv i've managed to do a clone and then switch to 0.23
[23:14:34] DrTodd: there's some people on my team at work who love git and chose it for their subproject and so the rest of us suffer
[23:14:54] raptorjr: with mythweb i do the same thing but it is still the trunk files, so maybe i'm doing somethinh wrong
[23:15:42] raptorjr: as i understand git i get all branches and then use, git checkout fixes/0.23 to switch to fixes
[23:16:21] raptorjr: and then i should get the files for 0.23, right?
[23:17:36] xris: raptorjr: if there is a branch named fixes, yes.
[23:18:21] xris: so clone mythweb, then run: git checkout fixes/0.24
[23:18:22] xris: or wahever
[23:18:38] xris: the slash is just a convention for organizing.. it's not really a directory or anything
[23:18:47] ourtv_ (ourtv_! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:20:05] raptorjr: yes, and all this works for me with mythtv, but with mythweb i still get the files for trunk, because mythweb gives me a lot of errors that mythweb is running protocol 63 and the backend is using 23056. So the backend is 0.23-fixes, but mythweb is trunk
[23:20:24] ricstirato (ricstirato! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:20:34] kormoc: the tag might be broken/missing
[23:20:50] raptorjr: is there anything i could do to find out?
[23:21:49] ** kormoc pokes xris **
[23:22:25] xris: raptorjr: works fine for me when I do it
[23:22:44] raptorjr: hmm, i'll remove mythweb and try again
[23:22:49] xris: yeah
[23:23:07] xris: was just going to walk you through a clean checkout (without a re-clone) but it's easier if you can just re-clone
[23:25:19] raptorjr: strange, worked better the second time =) thanks
[23:25:40] xris: raptorjr: you might have just needed to re-fetch the tags after they were fixed last night
[23:25:58] ** xris heads off to a meeting... **
[23:27:19] sphery: wow, nice explanatory e-mail from Brian Fischer on the Flash Square/Flash Stage Video differences (and the fact that 64-bit Flash doesn't support hardware accel)
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[23:54:49] momelod (momelod! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:53] momelod: greetings channel
[23:55:27] momelod: just got a new frontend setup w/ nvidia ion gpu
[23:56:06] momelod: but when i enable vdpau in myth i cant "failed to initialize video output"
[23:56:19] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:56:36] wagnerrp: momelod: sounds like permissions issue
[23:56:51] momelod: i know im using the nvidia proprietary drivers. is there something in xorg.conf that i need to set to enable vdpau?
[23:57:07] wagnerrp: no, but VDPAU is a direct rendering method
[23:57:27] wagnerrp: meaning the user running mythtv needs write access to the relevent devices
[23:57:48] momelod: should i see the device under /dev? if so what is it called?
[23:58:14] momelod: that way i can check the perms on it
[23:58:34] wagnerrp: /dev/nvidia0 maybe?
[23:59:11] momelod: yupp owned by root crw-rw-rw-
[23:59:43] momelod: should i change the ownership of the dev or the perms?

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