:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (188):

aberrios_, abqjp, adante, AlexC`, aloril, And4713, Anduin, AndyCap, antihc3, anykey__, asphere, at0m, Azelphur, baffle, bedlore_, Beirdo, benc_, bestis, bjd, BLZbubba, bobgill, Caeles, caelor, cafuego, Caliban, Captain_Murdoch, cattelan_away, chainsawbike, ChanServ, christ`, clever, ColdFyre, Computer_Czar, computix, ComradeHaz`, CoreDump, Cougar, cromag, croppa, CRU_, ctmjr, cynicismic, d0netsFN, dagar, dansushi, dashcloud, Dave123, Dave123-road, deegan, dibbz, Digdilem, dlblog, dmb, dmz, dougl, draioch, duffydack, dustybin, eharris_, ekristen, elprespufferfish, Elshartwo, eNeRGi, fedorared, felipe`, Floppe, gholmlund, ghoti, Gibby, gregL, GreyFoxx, grokky_, hackman_, hednod, Heliwr, high-rez, highzeth, iamlindoro, ikevin, ikonia, J-e-f-f-A, jams, jan2600_, jannau, jarle, jbrett, jduggan, JEDIDIAH__, jpabq, jpabq-, jstenback, justdave, justinh, justpaul, jya, kabtoffe, KaZeR, kc, keith4, kenni, kirdneh, KjetilK, kloeri, knightr, kormoc, KraMer, kurre, k_ross, LabMonkey, larrikin, Led-Hed, len, leprechau, Linkeroo, Lt_Dan, M0nk3Ee, mag0o, Maliuta_, MavT, Metoer, mikeones, MilkBoy, mishehu, mrec, MythLogBot, mzb, n1md4, natanojl, npm, nuonguy, nutron, oobe, Outlier, ozatomic, Patina, paul-h, peterpops, pigeon, PointyPumper, Prost, purserj, quicksilver, r00fus, RDV_Linux_, RobertLaptop, Roedy, rooaus, rushfan, ruskie, russell5, RyeBrye, Shadow__X, shipit, sid3windr, sidh, simcop2387, skd5aner, Slim-Kimbo, Sp0tter, sphery, Splat1, squidly, sraue, sulx, sutula, tank-man, tgm4883, thefRont, ThisNewGuy, Timrit, tomaw, toorima, toxic, tris, troyt, ttelford, ubIx_, wagnerrp, Waterman, waxhead, weta, wide, xand, XLV, xris, yatesy, zand, _charly_
Friday, November 12th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:15] skd5aner: "clean" was the appropriate word I think – feels like someone dumped a bunch of bleach on everything :D
[00:00:17] Beirdo: hehe, I started using it like 2 days after he committed it, i think
[00:00:31] skd5aner: nice work
[00:00:38] ** kormoc tips his hat **
[00:01:05] skd5aner: man, that's 2 compliments I've given to kormoc in 2 days, I'll have to pace myself
[00:01:16] Beirdo: I'm not too good at visual design, but I do know what I like... and that I do like.
[00:01:19] Beirdo: heh
[00:01:47] Beirdo: which is odd, as usually, I like my web stuff to be more dark, less white.
[00:01:52] skd5aner: I have thought about spending some time on a new mobile/android/ipod one
[00:01:53] Beirdo: but... it just works for me
[00:02:16] kormoc: by new you mean improving the existing one?
[00:02:20] skd5aner: the existing one, no offense, doesn't really seem to work that great
[00:02:45] kormoc: works great on ios
[00:02:45] skd5aner: kormoc: well, not sure if I'd improve or just start over
[00:02:52] kormoc: but needs more screens ported to it
[00:03:13] skd5aner: kormoc: I don't have an iPhone/iPod touch, so can't test it on ios :(
[00:03:21] skd5aner: kormoc: but for android, it basically didn't work
[00:03:40] kormoc: it was written for IOS and follows apple's ui design specs
[00:03:43] skd5aner: have to use the full default theme to get anything done, which is ok but a bit of a pain
[00:04:25] kormoc: We're gonna throw it all out soon anyway
[00:04:32] kormoc: do a html5 + css layout right
[00:04:40] kormoc: so the layout is all the same no matter the device
[00:04:44] Beirdo: :)
[00:04:47] kormoc: just pure css styling it
[00:04:51] skd5aner: all, as in... all layouts? including lite/mobile ones?
[00:04:56] kormoc: yes
[00:04:58] Beirdo: I will have to remember to fuel kormoc with beer
[00:05:16] skd5aner: cool, hope it works out well – I'm willing to test on Android
[00:05:23] draioch (draioch!~draioch@ has quit (Quit: draioch)
[00:05:32] skd5aner: I just loaded up the site in the ipod template to test again...
[00:05:43] skd5aner: I see 2 icons, Television and Remote
[00:06:08] kormoc: tap on television
[00:06:33] skd5aner: yup...
[00:06:39] skd5aner: then I clicked upcoming...
[00:06:40] kormoc: Recordings -> Group -> Title -> Episode
[00:06:47] kormoc: and?
[00:06:51] skd5aner: (out of upcomung and recorded)
[00:07:10] skd5aner: and I get a nice list of upcoming recordings, but it won't scroll at all
[00:07:17] kormoc: that's really odd
[00:07:20] skd5aner: using swiping or the keypad
[00:07:21] kormoc: FoYo?
[00:07:26] skd5aner: yup
[00:07:27] skd5aner: Droid2
[00:07:34] kormoc: I wonder if FoYo broke it
[00:07:55] kormoc: I only have apple stuff, so I never really worked on that side of things
[00:08:02] skd5aner: So, on the "TV menu" I see upcoming and recorded
[00:08:13] skd5aner: not sure what you mean by "recordings group title episode"
[00:08:19] kormoc: Recorded
[00:08:25] kormoc: takes you to a menu of the groups
[00:08:25] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:08:31] kormoc: then you can select a title
[00:08:35] kormoc: then a episode
[00:08:43] kormoc: and that's pretty much the best demo screen there is
[00:08:48] skd5aner: yup, going through now
[00:08:57] kormoc: including the play on front end integration
[00:09:10] kormoc: there's a lot of porting of functionality missing
[00:09:13] jamesd__ (jamesd__! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:09:20] skd5aner: ah, I see a program details screen for one of the recordings, but again – no scroll
[00:09:32] kormoc: was hoping folks would help out with that now that the base was done but everyone decided to write their own rather then work together
[00:09:33] skd5aner: any "guide" ?
[00:09:47] jamesd__ (jamesd__! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:08] kormoc: I'd have to read up on the FoYo webkit changes to even know where to begin
[00:10:13] kormoc: does rotation still work?
[00:10:26] skd5aner: well, perhaps you're right... going down a new path would probably be counterproductive – if I take any looks, I'll try to coordinate with your
[00:10:33] skd5aner: s/your/you
[00:10:40] Beirdo: why do I keep reading that as FroYo (as in frozen yogurt)?
[00:10:46] skd5aner: yup, rotation works – but no scroll either way
[00:10:50] kormoc: weirdness
[00:11:08] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:11:20] kormoc: well, the html5 rewrite will be targeting google tv as one of the platforms, so it should be extremely similar to froyo
[00:11:23] kormoc: Beirdo, cause it is?
[00:11:34] Beirdo: hehe
[00:11:39] skd5aner: ah, that was the other weird thing that causes me to use the normal theme – I can't search...
[00:11:51] kormoc: never written! :P
[00:11:51] skd5aner: so, it doesn't do me much good if I'm out and about and want to schedule a recording
[00:11:55] skd5aner: ah – gotcha
[00:11:56] kormoc: it's really incomplete, aye
[00:12:10] skd5aner: I see, I wasn't aware that it was more of a prototype/poc
[00:12:12] kormoc: again, was hoping all those dozens of folks wanting to help out would help out
[00:12:18] skd5aner: since my browser defaults to it
[00:12:37] skd5aner: well, it does look really nice and clean too :)
[00:12:40] sphery: kormoc: why do that? they can create their own custom app that has part of the functionality, instead of putting it in mythweb
[00:13:00] Beirdo: yeah, and then post it for the world to see... and get all of 3 users
[00:13:10] skd5aner: Well, I am pretty happy with MythDroid, but it's only a telnet based controller – doesn't do any of the stuff I would really want MythWeb to do
[00:13:15] kormoc: There was tons of folks who said they'd port screens if I got the base in, so I spent a ton of time getting the base, then they didn't know how to get it so to help push it, It auto-detected and used it, and then they went out there and did their own cause ours is too hard
[00:13:24] sphery: and then get bored, stop updating it, and then it quits working for those other 3 users, too
[00:13:35] Beirdo: yup
[00:13:35] ** skd5aner wasn't one of those folks :) **
[00:13:55] skd5aner: anyway – dinner's here – thanks for the background on the ipod theme kormoc
[00:14:06] Beirdo: and then those 3 users come into -users ML and moan about mythtv being broken because some unheard-of POC broke
[00:14:07] kormoc: but yeah, we should likely stop using it by default
[00:14:44] kormoc: Beirdo, didn't you know? The only reason myth is around and in use in the world is due to MyMythEpicWindowsMobileApp Version 0.18
[00:14:57] Beirdo: hehehe :)
[00:15:03] sphery: I wonder if I change MythWeb to the iPod skin would it also provide the iPod for me.
[00:15:14] Beirdo: there's all sorts of cool mythtv related crud on github
[00:15:34] Beirdo: haven't even started searching google code or sourceforge
[00:16:04] sphery: cool stuff, scattered among the other not-so-cool stuff
[00:16:13] Beirdo: yeah
[00:16:19] Beirdo: cool and k00l!
[00:20:47] ghoti_ (ghoti_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:47] ghoti (ghoti! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[00:22:50] elmojo (elmojo!~elmojo@unaffiliated/elmojo) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[00:23:22] smooph (smooph! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:23:51] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (Quit: abqjp)
[00:26:14] CRU_: Hey, wondered if someone can help me. I just set up my first mythtv box and recorded a couple shows. They show up in Previously Recorded but not in my View Recordings folder (I cant play them via previously played screen)
[00:27:14] r00fus (r00fus!~r00fus@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:27:17] r00fus: hello
[00:27:22] wagnerrp: sphery: didnt someone already set that up?
[00:27:27] r00fus: i am having an issue with my upgrade to .24
[00:27:35] r00fus: i cant scan for audio devices
[00:27:56] wagnerrp: r00fus: what do you mean?
[00:28:08] r00fus: i go to setup
[00:28:10] r00fus: general
[00:28:24] wagnerrp: CPU_: hit 'm' in the watch recordings screen and see if you have a category filter on
[00:28:25] r00fus: go over 4 pages to Audio System
[00:28:33] r00fus: highlight scan for audio devices
[00:28:44] r00fus: and then myth crashes
[00:28:45] wagnerrp: and nothing shows up?
[00:28:50] wagnerrp: ooh, thats worse
[00:28:55] r00fus: the console says Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[00:29:12] r00fus: i sent an email to the mailing list
[00:29:13] wagnerrp: check the documentation on the webpage for obtaining a traceback from a core dump
[00:29:15] sphery: wagnerrp: the version icon?
[00:29:21] wagnerrp: submit a ticket for it
[00:29:23] r00fus: but was impatient, so thought i would try here
[00:29:36] CRU_: wagnerrp: Thanks , that fixed it
[00:30:05] r00fus: i am not seeing how to obtain a traceback on the wiki
[00:30:10] sphery: wagnerrp: so, maybe like: {{VersionNote|version|text}}
[00:30:12] r00fus: is there a url with instructions?
[00:30:27] wagnerrp: sphery: yeah, thats the one
[00:31:26] wagnerrp: r00fus: do you see the mythfrontend.core file?
[00:32:13] CRU_: I just have one last issue: Is there anyway to remap the USB MCE Vista Remote keys...I can't figure that one out (it works as soon as I plug in but cant seem to figure out lirc with ti)
[00:32:20] r00fus: let me try to find it
[00:32:29] sphery: wagnerrp: what do you think?
[00:32:36] r00fus: no, actually i don't see it
[00:32:50] r00fus: i just did an updatedb and locate mythfrontend.core
[00:32:52] r00fus: nothing
[00:33:02] wagnerrp: sphery: i think its awful
[00:33:11] ** wagnerrp sends sphery back to English class **
[00:33:24] sphery: heh
[00:33:31] sphery: edits didn't take
[00:33:40] sphery: must broken be mediawiki
[00:34:06] wagnerrp: r00fus: cant do anything without that core dump
[00:34:09] sphery: ok, better?
[00:34:22] wagnerrp: sphery: is it 'ulimit -c'?
[00:34:44] r00fus: how do i create a core dump?
[00:34:45] wagnerrp: better
[00:34:46] jduggan: `in 25
[00:34:50] kormoc: oh lord. "All Programs – Law & Order – There are 40 recordings in this display group"
[00:34:56] wagnerrp: r00fus: it says one was created
[00:34:59] sphery: ulimit -c unlimited
[00:35:02] sphery:
[00:35:05] wagnerrp: that 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)'
[00:35:36] r00fus: so where would it be saved?
[00:35:50] wagnerrp: in the folder you ran 'mythfrontend' from
[00:37:38] darkfrog (darkfrog! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:37:40] r00fus: well it is not there
[00:37:42] r00fus: weird
[00:38:09] wagnerrp: sphery: im thinking more of something like 'this script works with the following versions'
[00:38:20] wagnerrp: perhaps something to include in with the ScriptInfo block
[00:38:27] sphery: wagnerrp: that would work, too... feel free to change it
[00:38:45] sphery: and, yeah, putting it in scriptinfo would be nice--and would solve the "scriptinfo puts a big blank spot" issue :)
[00:38:53] wagnerrp: heh
[00:38:58] darkfrog: wagnerrp: sorry, had to leave earlier, you had suggested some HD options that would work with satelite? I don't mind the component cable route and external channel changing.
[00:38:59] wagnerrp: yeah, never did figure out how to stop that
[00:39:26] wagnerrp: darkfrog: for subscription satellite, analog capture is the /only/ option
[00:39:28] darkfrog: Hoping to avoid a $200 cost though. :)
[00:39:42] wagnerrp: and for HD, that means the HDPVR
[00:39:48] darkfrog: wagnerrp: my I used to run my HDPVR on satelite over component cables
[00:39:55] darkfrog: ah
[00:40:05] darkfrog: so HDPVR is the only option there for real HD?
[00:40:17] JEDIDIAH__: yup
[00:40:24] wagnerrp: HDPVR is the only option for analog HD, yes
[00:40:31] darkfrog: argh....$190 is a lot to spend. :o
[00:40:35] wagnerrp: and analog is the only option for capturing from an STB
[00:40:49] wagnerrp: (excluding firewire off cable STBs)
[00:41:05] wagnerrp: how is it that satellite companies didnt have to follow with the firewire stuff?
[00:41:08] kormoc: so don't spend it and live with what you got
[00:41:35] kormoc: wagnerrp, they're not uhh... what's it called... contracted to the city
[00:41:36] darkfrog: wagnerrp: yeah I'm using cable now and had tried to use firewire, but only some of the channels worked
[00:43:39] ghoti_ is now known as ghoti
[00:44:03] npm_ (npm_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:46:05] r00fus: so no ideas on how to get my core dump?
[00:46:59] r00fus: btw, this is what i get when i just try to play a recording without scanning for audio devices
[00:47:02] r00fus: 2010-11–11 16:06:31.312 Opening ALSA audio device
[00:47:02] r00fus: 'default:AES0=0x6,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x0,AES3=0x2'.
[00:47:02] r00fus: ALSA lib conf.c:4600:(snd_config_expand) Unknown parameters
[00:47:02] r00fus: AES0=0x6,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x0,AES3=0x2
[00:47:02] r00fus: ALSA lib pcm.c:2211:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM
[00:47:02] r00fus: default:AES0=0x6,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x0,AES3=0x2
[00:47:02] r00fus: 2010-11–11 16:06:31.312 ALSA, Error:
[00:47:03] r00fus: snd_pcm_open(default:AES0=0x6,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x0,AES3=0x2): Invalid
[00:47:03] r00fus: argument
[00:47:04] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:04] r00fus: 2010-11–11 16:06:31.312 AudioOutput Error: Aborting reconfigure
[00:47:04] r00fus: 2010-11–11 16:06:31.312 AudioPlayer: Disabling Audio, reason is:
[00:47:05] r00fus: Aborting reconfigure
[00:47:15] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:47:25] darkfrog: r00fus: ever heard of pastebin?
[00:47:54] r00fus: sorry
[00:48:14] kormoc: it's only in the channel topic and the channel FAQ and the channel notice...
[00:48:25] npm (npm! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[00:48:38] CRU_: Anyone know an updated guide that can walk me through how to get a USB MCE remote into lirc for editting buttons?
[00:48:41] darkfrog: kormoc: it should be pre-pended before every message. ;)
[00:48:53] r00fus: didnt realize 10 lines from the console was bad, my apologies
[00:49:10] Beirdo: if > 2 lines, please use a pastebin
[00:49:34] r00fus: ok, will do in the future, nevertheless, thats what happens when i play a recording
[00:49:37] Beirdo: 3... you may get away with... more ist verboten.
[00:50:22] kormoc:
[00:50:24] kormoc:
[00:51:55] bedlore (bedlore! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[00:52:01] CRU_: is there an easy way to install 0.24 mythtv?
[00:52:13] CRU_: err upgrade
[00:52:16] r00fus: ok, i am trying to restart the upgrade
[00:52:29] r00fus: reinstalled the pore .24 database and it just upgraded schemas
[00:52:32] r00fus: maybe that will work
[00:53:28] kormoc: you need to re-scan your audio in mythfrontend's settings
[00:53:43] darkfrog: wagnerrp: thanks again
[00:54:24] r00fus: nope, just tried to restart the whole process and get the same issue when I try to scan for audio devices
[00:54:54] r00fus: it says core dumped, but i am not seeing the core anywhere
[00:56:46] r00fus: i may just ahve to downgrade
[00:57:14] k_ross: if you run mythfrontend from a terminal (as opposed to launching from the GUI), it should create the core file in the current directory
[00:57:23] k_ross: it may be named "core" and not "mythfrontend.core"
[00:57:59] r00fus: it didnt create it there
[00:58:17] r00fus: i did a locate core and nothing interesting showed up (after doing updatedb)
[00:58:25] k_ross: or just run it with gdb
[00:59:07] k_ross: i think you need to configure with "--compile-type=debug" to get a meaningful backtrace with gdb though
[00:59:13] bedlore (bedlore! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:59:30] r00fus: i use the atrpms packages
[00:59:46] Mousey (Mousey! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:59:50] r00fus: i tried to install the debug via the link someone posted, but yum could not find that package
[01:03:38] jamesd_laptop (jamesd_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:44] jamesd__ (jamesd__! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[01:14:26] wagnerrp: sphery: looks like ill need to use images to do what im trying
[01:15:20] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:20:05] ** Beirdo is listening to Irish drinking songs on YouTube **
[01:20:44] ** wagnerrp is listening to Irish punk songs, from a source with decent quality **
[01:20:53] darkfrog (darkfrog! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:21:02] Beirdo: I like these lyrics :)
[01:21:12] Beirdo: the song's called "Bugger Off"
[01:23:03] wagnerrp: half of these could be drinking songs
[01:23:32] wagnerrp: if not for the fact that drunks probably couldnt follow them without significant slurring
[01:26:04] Beirdo: hehe
[01:28:40] wagnerrp: ive never noticed this before, but their drummer is pretty fantastic
[01:32:17] Beirdo: ahhahahha
[01:32:26] Beirdo: of course, YouTube was lying (as always)
[01:32:37] Beirdo: the song's by The Real McKenzies
[01:32:57] Beirdo: Scottish-influenced Celtic punk... from Vancouver BC
[01:33:44] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit (Quit: Slim-Kimbo)
[01:40:43] wagnerrp: sphery: how does that look?
[01:43:34] sphery: wagnerrp: beautiful!
[01:48:43] wagnerrp: sphery: and in the event the script doesnt use anything that has changed between versions...
[01:49:16] sphery: looks good
[01:50:47] gigem (gigem! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[01:53:11] wagnerrp: hehe... the perl bindings never change so everything continues to work
[01:54:25] wagnerrp: id love to say that in the python bindings 0.24-->0.25
[01:54:40] wagnerrp: but i figure the recordedfile stuff with break most things
[01:57:56] sphery: hehe, yeah
[01:58:04] sphery: I put a couple of perl bindings ones in place
[01:58:08] sphery: thanks for setting this up, too
[01:58:39] sphery: will make it easier for people now that I'm advertising your heavily on list
[02:02:27] wagnerrp: no longer taking credit for mythlink?
[02:02:32] sphery: heh, no
[02:02:40] sphery: I just deleted the rename code from
[02:02:45] sphery: not much esle
[02:03:30] sphery: couple of mods to enable single-file linking--mostly from a user patch
[02:04:04] wagnerrp: i had an image for 0.20 and 0.20.2 as well... but i figured that was so old as to be irrelevant
[02:04:11] sphery: heh, yeah
[02:08:51] sphery: wagnerrp: seem to be missing an icon for 32.1:
[02:10:01] wagnerrp: and one for 23.1 for that matter
[02:11:51] sphery: true
[02:19:45] wagnerrp: well now that thats over... back to setting up this commit that i was about to submit four hours ago
[02:20:00] jamesd2 (jamesd2! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:20:41] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[02:29:06] pepperjack (pepperjack! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:34:12] LedHed (LedHed! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:35:47] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:37:06] wagnerrp: im conflicted as to whether #9212 is a legitimate bug or a feature request
[02:40:38] Azelphur: Is there any way to have mythtv scan the recordings directory and repopulate the database
[02:40:52] wagnerrp: no
[02:41:18] Azelphur: Plan B, upgrading my 0.23.1 database backup to 0.24 manually?
[02:41:47] wagnerrp: just recover from your backend, and let mythtv-setup autoupdate it
[02:41:58] wagnerrp: s/backend/backup
[02:42:12] Azelphur: I guess
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[02:55:06] kormoc: wagnerrp, it's a feature request
[02:55:14] kormoc: wagnerrp, our master mixer is not alsa's master
[02:55:20] kormoc: wagnerrp, they can use ours or alsa's
[02:55:29] wagnerrp: no, jya told him to submit a ticket
[02:55:35] wagnerrp: but its horribly worded
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[02:56:23] [R]: wagnerrp: today at work i said "it shouldn't be that small"
[02:56:50] jya: I see this as a bug, because it's definitely not something ALSA was define for; the guy use ALSA like you would use pulse..
[02:57:27] jya: myth read the volume when the class is created, if anything else change the volume, it won't know from then... Normally, opening the alsa device blocks anything else to do the same...
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[03:15:57] s34n_: I'm looking for help with a hauppauge 250
[03:16:14] s34n_: I can't seem to get any input from it
[03:17:13] s34n_: is anyone around who is willing to help me troubleshoot it?
[03:17:32] wagnerrp: do you have a /dev/video0?
[03:17:38] s34n_: yes
[03:17:48] s34n_: dmesg looks good for the card
[03:17:54] wagnerrp: can you 'cat /dev/video0 >file.mpg' and get viable video?
[03:18:08] s34n_: I just don't see any traffic if I tail /dev/video0
[03:18:23] s34n_: wagnerrp: no. it comes up empty
[03:18:43] s34n_: wagnerrp: I set the input to 2 (composite)
[03:19:53] s34n_: wagnerrp: I've use the card before (a year or so ago)
[03:22:36] GadgetWisdomGuru: Where did the Edit function in playback move to in 0.24?
[03:23:42] wagnerrp: 'e'
[03:23:49] wagnerrp: and its in the 'm' menu somewhere
[03:25:10] GadgetWisdomGuru: I was trying to find it in the m menu.
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[04:17:49] wagnerrp: why is there never a pontoon plane when you need one
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[04:28:17] Beirdo: heh
[04:29:41] wagnerrp: you know, when the big bang theory started, i was worried it would rapidly go stale
[04:29:44] wagnerrp: man was i wrong
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[04:45:42] Beirdo: hehe
[04:45:46] Beirdo: it's pretty funny
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[05:03:36] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents!~darren@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:04:12] Twiggy2cents: wagnerrp, have you set up hamachi on any of your computers?
[05:05:28] wagnerrp: i have in the past, not currently
[05:05:44] Twiggy2cents: I have it set up, but its like its ignoring my route
[05:05:46] wagnerrp: ive used it for LAN games
[05:05:55] wagnerrp: ive never used it on linux
[05:06:06] Twiggy2cents: I can connect but I cant tunnel. Everywhere on the internet says I need to create a route. Which I have
[05:06:06] Twiggy2cents: ohh
[05:06:28] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[05:06:38] Twiggy2cents: windows set up in a breeze and I checked, a windows computer on my network works just fine connecting to an outside hamachi
[05:12:10] wagnerrp: if you end up breaking the universe, this time its on your head
[05:14:13] Twiggy2cents: lol. Well as long as I dont divde by zero or use my portal gun for the tunnel, I should be fine
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[06:42:53] technut: hello all
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[06:45:25] wagnerrp: idles for an hour, and then leaves within a minute of greeting the channel?
[06:52:08] sphery: might be one of those things where he's not registered/set up right
[06:53:45] zand_ (zand_!xand@pdpc/supporter/active/xand) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:54:05] wagnerrp: channel doesnt require registration of any sort
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[07:00:13] wagnerrp: sphery: ever use
[07:00:23] sphery: no
[07:00:39] sphery: what is it?
[07:00:50] wagnerrp: well basically, you sign up, create an account, install a plugin in your media player of choice
[07:00:53] sphery: some social networking site where you submit which song you're hearing?
[07:01:15] wagnerrp: as you play music, it logs it to a database, matches with people of similar choice, and makes recommendations
[07:01:46] wagnerrp: anyway... you go onto the site, you can get a list of everything you have ever played
[07:02:12] wagnerrp: you can do things like tag it, mark it as a favorite, remove from list, ....
[07:02:22] wagnerrp: .... or 'purchase track'
[07:03:06] wagnerrp: now sure, you could have popped a friend's CD into your player, and had it show up as playing
[07:03:42] wagnerrp: but its just amusing that someone is actively marketing to that segment which is 'ruining the music industry'
[07:04:53] wagnerrp: more power to em...
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[07:28:22] wagnerrp: thunderbird doesnt seem to like dummy mail accounts
[07:30:01] wagnerrp: ah, identities
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[07:50:07] moho_: O my Andycap has gas ;)
[07:51:32] moho_: all these peep's in here an it's dead
[07:53:14] moho_: helloooooooo is anyone in here
[07:53:41] justinh: yes
[07:53:54] wagnerrp: no
[07:54:03] moho_: you dont count
[07:54:52] justinh: only The Count counts. Oh and people who count
[07:56:06] moho_: does mythtv really work aand what do you watch ?
[07:56:25] justinh: no, mythtv doesn't really work. not without a bit of effort from you
[07:56:40] justinh: what sort of trollish opening question is that anyway?
[07:57:02] moho_: forget tthat then no effort here
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[07:57:14] justinh: thing is, nobody here can really help you decide whether or not mythtv is for you. we're not about trying to persuade people to use it
[07:57:18] wagnerrp: after 9 years of development, mythtv is still completely non-functional
[07:57:43] wagnerrp: i honestly dont know what those people are doing
[07:57:52] justinh: we can *help* you if you run into problems installing it or using it. we won't give you a walkthrough either
[07:58:10] justinh: wagnerrp: I know, and with so many paying customers too – it's a scandal!
[07:59:33] justinh: oh and when I said 'we' I didn't include myself. I'm not here often enough anymore. Well maybe I'm logged in but it's not often I'm active since work started disallowing connections to my home IP.
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[08:00:27] justinh: congrats on getting 0.24 out btw :-)
[08:01:17] wagnerrp: this is truly baffling...
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[08:01:33] wagnerrp: a perfectly viable set of perl bindings in the repository
[08:01:51] wagnerrp: but instead, this guy starts to write up his own with nest to no functionality
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[08:02:05] wagnerrp: and on top of that, stuffed it into CPAN
[08:03:30] justinh: that could be fixed I suppose. stuff the *official* bindings into CPAN too
[08:03:49] wagnerrp: seems hes got another perl module for interfacing with mythweb
[08:05:05] npm_ (npm_! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[08:05:24] justinh: heh
[08:05:50] justinh: perl VNC stuff too
[08:05:51] justinh: OMG
[08:06:50] moho_: just a simpel yes or no : does mythtv really work
[08:07:12] wagnerrp: moho_: thats not a simple question
[08:07:19] wagnerrp: does it work to do what?
[08:07:41] wagnerrp: clearly with 188 people in the channel, it does /something/
[08:08:03] justinh: mythtv never worked as a coffee machine controller. I've always been disappointed by that
[08:08:35] wagnerrp: we cant give you a yes or no unless you tell us specifically what you want to use it for
[08:09:15] justinh: if you mean as a DVR for teevees... then yes it does work. Very well, too
[08:09:32] wagnerrp: on linux anyway
[08:09:46] wagnerrp: and preferably with unencrypted sources
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[08:09:56] justinh: wagnerrp: of all the ones I checked out on Windows.. the workers are few
[08:11:29] justinh: I mean sheesh I spent longer trying to make GBPVR & mediaportal work than I did getting to grips with installing mythtv – and mythtv has got easier since then
[08:11:51] justinh: sure other programs get installed faster and *look* easy but that's *NOTHING*
[08:12:31] justinh: anyway what was the question again? Zzzzzzzzzzzz
[08:12:53] moho_: ZzzzZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[08:13:01] Chat7652 (Chat7652!jufkxo@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[08:14:08] wagnerrp: so moho_, what do you want to use mythtv for, such that we can answer if it will work for your application?
[08:14:36] moho_: dvr
[08:14:50] wagnerrp: dvr for... what source?
[08:15:34] wagnerrp: ATSC? US digital cable? US subscription satellite? DVB-T? DVB-C? DVB-S? PAL? SECAM? ISDB-T? NTSC? IPTV?
[08:17:35] btwe: Hi, anyone here who can help me to trace my EIT problem?
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[11:19:25] el_duerino: Hi folks, for a while now my previously well working mythbox throws errors in the logs like follows:
[11:19:26] el_duerino: " Error: offset>181, pes length & current can not be queried" which leads to crashed recordings and sort-of freezes in the frontend. Anybody an idea?
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[14:06:00] Azelphur: Hmm, my PC has cover art instead of screenshots in MythVideo, but the backend/frontend has screenshots. Any idea on how to fix it?
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[14:41:50] saftsack: hey, has the file /usr/share/mythtv/database/mc.sql moved to another location in 0.24? can't find this file, after compiling and installing mythtv-0.24
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[15:56:38] iamlindoro: saftsack: We have never installed the mc.sql file, it's always been exactly where it is-- in the source-- mythtv/database/mc.sql
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[16:15:48] deegan: heh, upgrading was smother then i expected. only thing i had to fix was the audio output on the frontend. :)
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[16:33:09] toxic (toxic!~toxic@2a01:e35:8a50:48a0:225:22ff:fe05:604d) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:33:20] toxic: hello guys, I'm using the latest mythbuntu and I'm wonderiung if mythtv is able to present my videos based on the metadata and not the actual directory structure...
[16:33:48] toxic: something like a virtual dorectory by film-genre...
[16:34:04] toxic: (Action/Comedy/SF...)
[16:34:30] iamlindoro: Have you looked at the "Browse By..." modes in the menu?
[16:34:37] iamlindoro: MENU->Browse By...->
[16:35:17] toxic: Perfect iamlindoro !
[16:35:19] toxic: thx !
[16:35:21] iamlindoro: np
[16:35:30] toxic: (Menus are a little hodden ;))
[16:35:33] toxic: *hidden
[16:35:40] toxic: just one last question then...
[16:35:47] toxic: jamu seems to be not present...
[16:35:49] iamlindoro: by hidden, you mean, "Right there at the top level?"
[16:35:57] iamlindoro: not present where?
[16:36:13] toxic: in the console, I mean it's not in my $PATH
[16:36:29] toxic: and I don't find in the dow where the executable might be
[16:36:32] iamlindoro: Sounds like a packager thing
[16:36:46] toxic: apt-get install jamu would work ?
[16:36:47] iamlindoro: you should speak to #mythbuntu
[16:36:58] iamlindoro: not unless they package it separately
[16:37:02] iamlindoro: speak to your packager
[16:37:08] aberrios_: i dont think they do
[16:37:20] toxic: I go to #mythbuntu ;)
[16:37:41] hpeter (hpeter! has quit (Quit: hpeter)
[16:37:52] toxic: one other question : where do I customize the title displayed for my films ? For example, all my series are "named" "NameOfTheSerie"...
[16:37:59] toxic: so I don't see what episode it is...
[16:38:25] iamlindoro: You should use a theme that properly themes the title and subtitle
[16:38:27] iamlindoro: like Arclight
[16:38:59] toxic: wow, Ok, only thin... do you have some kind of howto on how to change the theme ?
[16:39:13] iamlindoro: thin?
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[16:39:53] iamlindoro:
[16:40:24] toxic: that's about developing a theme...
[16:40:31] iamlindoro: Which is how you change one
[16:40:33] aberrios_: as long as you have the themes installed, which by default I think Arclight is withMythBuntu change it in "Appearence" section
[16:41:06] iamlindoro: ah, you mean "switch" and not "edit"
[16:41:28] toxic: got it ;)
[16:41:29] iamlindoro: Utilities/Setup->Setup->Appearance (in <= .23) or Utiltites/Setup->Setup->Theme Chooser (.24)
[16:41:36] toxic: thx !!!!!!
[16:45:01] toxic: any full list of the keyboard shortcuts ? like m-> menu ? Cause I keep forgetting the key to download the metadata... ;)
[16:45:27] aberrios_: w
[16:45:40] iamlindoro: No-- they are all viewable and edtiable in the key bindings screen
[16:45:47] iamlindoro: Utilities/Setup->Edit Keys
[16:46:05] iamlindoro: W is the default metadata download shortcut, but you can make it whatever you want
[16:46:15] iamlindoro: Context is "Video" and command is "DOWNLOADDATA"
[16:46:58] toxic: cool, thx again !
[16:47:15] toxic: I'm gonna go bother the mythbuntu team now to get jamu ;)
[16:48:06] toxic: well, a find /usr -name *jamu* found it ;)
[16:54:22] toxic: well, I have no valid jamu.conf it seems... Did not found any example config file on the wiki... Someone have a faster solution than read the whole jamu wiki page and write a jamu.conf from scratch ?
[16:55:43] toxic: found the example conf...
[16:55:55] toxic: not hidden at all *grins*
[16:58:29] Saturnation (Saturnation!~dsouth@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:00:16] Saturnation: argh, color me confused regarding the ir-core stuff :(
[17:00:41] Saturnation: is it possible to configure a remote with the ir-core in the way it was configured with lirc???
[17:03:58] JEDIDIAH__: is there any way to get rid of the season information appended to the list view for videos? Is that behavior controlled by code or theming?
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[17:06:48] iamlindoro: code
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[17:23:11] ** JEDIDIAH__ grubles **
[17:23:15] ** JEDIDIAH__ grumbles **
[17:23:23] JEDIDIAH__: any idea where?
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[17:42:13] JEDIDIAH__: that would be a good thing to make themeable.
[17:43:02] iamlindoro: If it were as simple as deciding to do so, it would already be done
[17:43:48] JEDIDIAH__: obviously
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[18:06:17] dustybin: .24 kicks butt :D
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[18:08:28] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
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[18:08:47] BLZbubba: anyone here familiar with what it would take to get netflix working on myth?
[18:09:08] BLZbubba: apparently boxee has a binary to do it; is that something myth could use?
[18:09:25] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[18:10:52] kormoc: BLZbubba, there is no silverlight for linux that supports DRMEd video playback (moonlight is out)
[18:11:15] kormoc: BLZbubba, if their binary works stand-alone, you could add a menu entry to mythfrontend to launch it
[18:11:52] kormoc: BLZbubba, but the netflix app on boxee requires silverlight, so you're back to square one,
[18:12:07] kormoc: "The Netflix App for Boxee is currently available only for the Mac (excluding AppleTV), and the Windows version."
[18:13:35] JEDIDIAH__: the binary for the boxee box might have some potential.
[18:13:42] kormoc: JEDIDIAH__, no, it doesn't
[18:13:49] JEDIDIAH__: why not?
[18:13:54] kormoc: as I pointed out, it requires silverlight and doesn't work on linux
[18:14:03] kormoc: it's just a sandboxed browser
[18:14:39] JEDIDIAH__: something on the boxee box lets it do it's thing.
[18:15:22] JEDIDIAH__: it might be transplantable.
[18:16:47] kormoc: JEDIDIAH__, no, read the link, boxee itself says it needs silverlight
[18:19:16] BLZbubba: ah lame
[18:20:01] BLZbubba: yeah i went down this road once, the DRM for netflix will be painful to get working
[18:20:19] BLZbubba: though they said that if i spent $100k on licensing and certification, it may be possible
[18:20:29] wagnerrp: heh
[18:20:32] BLZbubba: cable card uses the same thing
[18:21:02] BLZbubba: and MS is a big part of that cartel
[18:21:07] BLZbubba: sorry, consortium
[18:21:21] wagnerrp: excuse maybe, but its not the same tech
[18:22:29] dustybin: i still cannot make my mind up on what size hard drives / raid configuration i should get for my 6 empty bays
[18:23:08] dustybin: raid-5 (6x 1tb)
[18:23:24] wagnerrp: better raid-6 (6x2tb)
[18:23:24] dustybin: raid-6 (6x 2tb)
[18:23:33] dustybin: haha snap
[18:24:07] dustybin: or should i not bother with raid at all
[18:24:27] dustybin: as long as i got a back up, why do i need raid
[18:25:33] dustybin: raid is designed for uptime and redundancy? why does one need that for home use?
[18:26:23] jams: ask that question again after your disk fails
[18:26:23] sphery: my preference is 0-raid
[18:26:36] sphery: i.e 6 discrete disks/file systems
[18:26:39] wagnerrp: no, RAID is designed for data resiliency
[18:26:51] wagnerrp: to allow it to survive one or more drive losses
[18:27:02] xand: RAID isn't a replacement for backups though
[18:27:24] sphery: and, if these are for MythTV recordings, it's only TV
[18:27:58] dustybin: the vast bulk of it will be used for ripping my blu-ray discs
[18:29:15] dustybin: the actual blu-rays will be the backups
[18:29:35] wagnerrp: hope that works better for you than it did for me and HDDVDs
[18:29:40] JEDIDIAH__: more is better. your collection will grow to fill up any available space of cuorse.
[18:30:00] dustybin: wagnerrp: why what happened? data loss?
[18:30:28] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, your hd-dvds separated/became unreadable between first rip and drive loss, right?
[18:30:50] sphery: so when you went to re-rip after replacing hard drives, you couldn't and had to buy new copies?
[18:30:54] JEDIDIAH__: oh... the HD DVD's just plain cracked up?
[18:31:05] dustybin: wagnerrp: you dont seem like the kind of guy who would of suffered data loss?
[18:31:21] JEDIDIAH__: ...which reminds me. There's an old DVD I have been meaning to rerip...
[18:31:46] JEDIDIAH__: how were the hddvd's stored?
[18:32:21] wagnerrp: dustybin: ran out of space on the array, so all my 'recoverable' hddvds were stored on a spare 2TB drive that got fubar'd
[18:32:32] dustybin: eeeek
[18:32:39] wagnerrp: JEDIDIAH__: in the box, on a shelf, only ever used once when ripped the first time
[18:32:53] sphery: dustybin: he didn't suffer data loss--he wanted to know what it was like, so he did it on purpose
[18:32:56] JEDIDIAH__: that's messed up.
[18:33:01] JEDIDIAH__: lose a lot of disks like that?
[18:33:17] wagnerrp: sat there for a year and a half, little more than half my WB disks are dead
[18:33:19] sphery: wagnerrp: maybe they need more blue light to stay healthy... vitamin d or something?
[18:33:37] wagnerrp: seems to fail when trying to access data on the lower layer
[18:33:57] sphery: so now you can only watch the top half of the movie :)
[18:34:15] wagnerrp: ive got like 20 non-WB disks, a single one failed
[18:34:15] JEDIDIAH__: dang. Now I am glad I did not snarf up the discount disks when the format was declared dead.
[18:34:27] wagnerrp: ive got another 20 WB disks, like 11 failed
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[18:34:45] wagnerrp: of course the WB disks can be swapped for blurays for $5 and the insert
[18:34:52] JEDIDIAH__: I had a disk quality issue with one of the potter movies (WB)
[18:34:59] sphery: is the jury convinced that it's only HD-DVD and that BluRay are unaffected by similar issues?
[18:35:17] wagnerrp: JEDIDIAH__: so $2 for the HDDVD and $5 for the swap... i still come out ahead
[18:35:19] dustybin: ive got some seagate drives from 8 years ago working perfectly
[18:36:05] wagnerrp: except for blade running, that cost like $12, and the swap is another $15
[18:36:05] JEDIDIAH__: I suppose if you have a batch of them (seagate drives that is) then whichever one's survive the first year just might make it to their 8th birthday.
[18:36:09] wagnerrp: blade runner
[18:36:27] sphery: dustybin: I have a Hitachi HDD that's been clicking very badly since Nov 2008 (and used continuously until about 2 months ago) that's still working
[18:36:36] dustybin: ay eok
[18:36:52] dustybin: seagate .12 series are ace
[18:37:09] wagnerrp: hope youve upgraded the firmware on them all
[18:37:20] dustybin: wagnerrp: thats the .11 series
[18:37:20] sphery: wasn't that the .11's?
[18:37:31] Azelphur: did anyone ever complete the MythUI Demo Themes so they would be usable?
[18:37:42] Azelphur: MediaStream on MythTV would look slick :D
[18:37:49] sphery: Azelphur: not meant to be usable as anything other than a demonstration of capabilities
[18:37:52] wagnerrp: ah, maybe
[18:37:58] dustybin: Azelphur: ive still got mythttv running on my joggler
[18:38:02] sphery: Azelphur: pretty much every single screen was different under it
[18:38:04] Azelphur: dustybin: me too :D
[18:38:06] wagnerrp: Azelphur: all of the demos are just a single page
[18:38:11] dustybin: ace :D
[18:38:19] wagnerrp: it would be months to update any of them to be a full theme
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[18:38:44] sphery: Azelphur: and, besides, we want new, custom themes--MythTV isn't just an also-ran that aspires to be like some other media center
[18:39:07] Azelphur: sphery: of course, I use MythTV because functionality wise it's better than XBMC
[18:39:10] wagnerrp: the demo themes were just to say, 'hey, we can do almost everything they do'
[18:39:36] Azelphur: that said XBMC is the best looking one I've seen, so having the looks of XBMC and the functionality of MythTV would rock
[18:39:46] sphery: heh
[18:39:52] sphery: amazing how many people say that
[18:39:58] wagnerrp: sphery: seems the mailing list doesnt like using thunderbird mail identities
[18:40:02] Azelphur: hehe
[18:40:03] sphery: and then don't make themes that are prettier
[18:40:04] JEDIDIAH__: might as well throw together some silly eye candy and clones, all that ui lib work was done.
[18:40:13] wagnerrp: it barfed when i tried to send through my mythtv account
[18:40:17] Azelphur: I'm not an artist, I can never make anything look good D:
[18:40:21] sphery: and amazing, too, how many of the people who actually /do/ theming say exactly the opposite
[18:40:22] JEDIDIAH__: some of the newer ones look very respectable.
[18:40:33] sphery: that there are major design flaws in the XBMC themes
[18:41:32] sphery: wagnerrp: did you subscribe with that address?
[18:41:42] wagnerrp: yeah, change my subscription and all
[18:41:46] sphery: I sent an e-mail to myself at that address and don't think I got it
[18:41:53] JEDIDIAH__: there should be a theme for every inclination and no rush to ignore certain types of users.
[18:42:10] wagnerrp: it works, but thunderbird has some funky thing that allows multiple identities
[18:42:12] sphery: JEDIDIAH__: certain types of users should be making the themes they want
[18:42:17] wagnerrp: changes the from and reply-to
[18:42:25] wagnerrp: but did it in such a way the mailing list didnt like it
[18:42:30] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, I use that a lot
[18:42:36] sphery: never changed subscription address, though
[18:42:59] sphery: I've only ever used identities for other lists, though
[18:43:10] sphery: specifically work stuff
[18:43:41] Beirdo: wagnerrp: mailman is likely setup to only let subscribers post
[18:43:44] JEDIDIAH__: MythTV... the code monkey's PVR
[18:43:46] dustybin: shall i build a NAS box..
[18:44:09] martin___ (martin___! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:44:15] sphery: not much monkey-ing required in building a theme
[18:44:23] sphery: (I know because I'm a code monkey and I can't theme)
[18:44:24] JEDIDIAH__: with Unix, kind of every box is a NAS box.
[18:44:25] wagnerrp: Beirdo: it is, and i changed the address listed in my subscription
[18:44:28] Beirdo: well, not code monkeying
[18:44:44] sphery: heh, yeah, artistic mokeying definitely required
[18:44:47] martin___ (martin___! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:44:48] Beirdo: wagnerrp: hmm, OK. I dunno off hand
[18:44:49] JEDIDIAH__: well, it depends on what you want to change (theme wise)
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[18:48:24] sphery: I want to change that people don't seem to understand they can start a theme from scratch instead of taking some old, designed-for-the-other-engine theme or already-done theme and changing it
[18:48:57] sphery: where it's quite likely that doing a theme from scratch will be even easier than taking and old non-MythUI theme and "fixing" it
[18:49:05] Beirdo: although, realistically... nothing wrong with that if you properly attribute :)
[18:49:06] iamlindoro: sphery: But that's the only way not to get blamed for design decisions/backgrounds/names/text labels/etc.!
[18:49:06] sphery: and the end result will be orders of magnitude better
[18:49:17] Beirdo: aye
[18:49:35] Beirdo: rolling your own gives a lot more variety for the users too
[18:49:46] sphery: yeah, my only complaint with "porting" old themes is that you end up with MythTV 0.21
[18:49:53] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: bet youve never tried it with a gas mask...
[18:50:09] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: That is true
[18:50:16] iamlindoro: Though in fairness, only pussies just run marathons ;)
[18:50:23] wagnerrp: heh
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[18:50:38] wagnerrp: wonder what that 'backpack of energy gel' was
[18:50:39] sphery: iamlindoro: the gas mask would make the swim portion of your tri very difficult
[18:50:50] iamlindoro: True that
[18:51:00] sphery: would need to do an exorcist-style head turn to breath without sucking in water
[18:51:13] iamlindoro: and would probably have a waterlogged filter anyway
[18:51:14] wagnerrp: sphery: back stroke
[18:51:18] sphery: heh
[18:51:30] wagnerrp: theres no real rules are there?
[18:51:37] wagnerrp: you just have to swim it, doesnt matter how
[18:51:41] iamlindoro: Right, you can use any stroke you like
[18:52:12] sphery: yeah, but people would laugh if I did the doggy paddle
[18:52:14] iamlindoro: float on your back, breaststroke, butterfly, whatever... but obviously freestyle is most efficient, especially since you still need your legs for another 138.2 miles afterwards
[18:52:18] Azelphur: I'm having problems where certain frontends only show cover art and no screenshots, while others do. Any suggestions?
[18:52:25] Beirdo: except the "propeller on a dinghy" stroke
[18:53:03] deathadder (deathadder! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:53:21] Azelphur: I need my screenshots :(
[18:53:22] wagnerrp: Beirdo: ignore the hidden minisubmersible pulling you along
[18:53:28] Beirdo: hehe, yeah
[18:53:38] iamlindoro: Azelphur: Only two possible explanations for that-- you are using different browse modes on the frontends so that the folder structures differ and thus use a different image choosing mechanism, or you are using different/edited themes
[18:54:40] iamlindoro: The themer can hardcode what images you see, and failing that, Myth will choose to use coverart, except when the parent directory contains the word "season" or the grandparent directory name is the same as the item title
[18:54:42] Azelphur: well I don't think it's themes as all machines are running the mythbuntu theme
[18:54:53] iamlindoro: Then you are using different browse modes
[18:55:04] iamlindoro: There is no other way for it to occur
[18:55:05] Azelphur: where do I set the browse mode?
[18:55:16] iamlindoro: MENU->Browse by
[18:55:30] duffydack (duffydack! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:55:40] iamlindoro: As a distant third possibility, you have broken metadata through manual editing or running some third party script
[18:55:59] Azelphur: what's the default mode?
[18:56:08] iamlindoro: Folder
[18:56:20] Azelphur: yea set it to folder no dice
[18:56:31] iamlindoro: Minimally, if you are comparing two frontends they all need to be on the same browse mode
[18:56:37] Azelphur: I could have broken metadata, I moved my screenshots directory
[18:56:48] Azelphur: but then why would it work on one frontend and not another
[18:57:10] iamlindoro: because on one system the images are cached in the theme cahce, and on the other they are not
[18:57:31] Azelphur: where's the theme cache?
[18:57:35] iamlindoro: if you clear the theme cache on all systems, you may find them all similarly broken
[18:57:43] iamlindoro: ~/.mythtv/themecache/
[18:57:44] Azelphur: yea that's what I'm about to try
[18:58:02] iamlindoro: You can't just move image dirs around, at least, not when you are using local storage
[18:58:23] iamlindoro: If you moved it and had been using storage groups for all metadata/images, and had updated the storage group, it would "just work"
[18:58:27] iamlindoro: +1 storage groups
[18:58:40] Azelphur: I'm using storage groups
[18:58:49] iamlindoro: But when you have locally hosted videos, the path to all the images is absolute
[18:59:07] iamlindoro: Sorry, but I'm not confident I am getting an acfurate picture of what you have done
[18:59:40] iamlindoro: You moved a bunch of imagery around and have likely in some fashion broken your metadata, and I'm not certain that whatever you did to move it around was safe or correct
[18:59:44] Azelphur: I moved the screenshots directory and changed the entry in mythtv-setup to the new location
[19:00:19] iamlindoro: That would be correct in most cases, but may not be in your case depending on what local settings you have set up
[19:00:20] Azelphur: Also for extra confusion, I just cleaned the theme cache and the situation is the same
[19:00:26] Azelphur: backend/frontend gets screenshots, my PC doesn't
[19:00:40] kormoc: iamlindoro, I don't like driving 138 miles yet alone biking/running/swimming/crawling/rolling/oozing
[19:01:03] iamlindoro: kormoc: and 138.2 doesn't include the 2.4 mile swim ;)
[19:01:21] iamlindoro: Azelphur: Then you have in some fashion misconfigured your video and image settings
[19:01:32] sphery: I could handle 138 miles, but the extra .2 was a deal breaker
[19:01:41] Azelphur: iamlindoro: client side or backend side?
[19:01:56] iamlindoro: Azelphur: Everything you are seeing/telling sounds like you are not using storage groups for videos at all
[19:02:03] iamlindoro: You may think you are, but you may be wrong
[19:02:10] kormoc: I walk about 2 miles a day, so it'd take me a tad under three months to do the course
[19:02:11] iamlindoro: select * from videometadata limit 10;
[19:02:15] iamlindoro: to a pastebin
[19:03:07] Azelphur: iamlindoro:
[19:03:48] Azelphur: if you click raw it unbreaks the table
[19:03:56] Azelphur: \o/
[19:04:28] sphery: wow, I never knew about raw
[19:04:40] sphery: I've always just copied the stuff out of the edit box
[19:04:45] iamlindoro: none of those have screenshots assigned to them
[19:04:59] Azelphur: yea it's selected movies, they happened to be the first ones
[19:05:05] Azelphur: I'll select some that have screenshots hold on
[19:05:14] iamlindoro: select * from videometadata where season > 0 limit 10;
[19:05:16] Azelphur: sphery: hehe :)
[19:06:05] iamlindoro: and
[19:06:09] dustybin: this would make a _awesome_ NAS box:
[19:06:14] iamlindoro: select * from storagegroups;
[19:06:22] Azelphur: iamlindoro:
[19:06:25] iamlindoro: (storagegroup?)
[19:07:12] Azelphur: here's storagegroup
[19:07:17] jheizer (jheizer! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:07:39] iamlindoro: OK, I need to know what specifically you are expecting to see, what what you are seeing
[19:07:48] iamlindoro: Are you expecting the buttonitems to be screenshots?
[19:07:54] Azelphur: yea
[19:07:59] Azelphur: I can take a screenshot hold on
[19:08:28] tomimo (tomimo! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[19:08:47] JEDIDIAH__: ...perhaps if that box had side accessable hot swap trays. needing to open up the case is a real downer.
[19:09:43] jheizer: Anyone have an idea why I would get a 0 byte ATSC recording, but the show in the next 30 minute slot recorded on the same channel/tuner just fine?
[19:09:59] jheizer: great weather that day and antenna gets a great signal
[19:10:07] jheizer: log has nothing
[19:10:09] iamlindoro: driver issues would be my first guess
[19:10:20] wagnerrp: dustybin: Beirdo has that exact case for that exact purpose
[19:10:30] iamlindoro: If you have a 0 byte recording (ie, a file exists but is empty) it's because the tuner told myth it was recording, and never sent an error state
[19:10:44] dustybin: wagnerrp: ace
[19:10:45] jheizer: yeah, just saw that in the users mailing list
[19:10:47] iamlindoro: So myth happily sat there waiting for the tuner, which said it was just fine, to pass it data
[19:10:52] Azelphur: iamlindoro: My PC on the left, VNC to frontend/backend on the right . . . 00_scrot.png
[19:10:58] jheizer: what made me remember to check on this one from last night
[19:11:37] jheizer: weird stuff, have not touched the box in ages other than keeping up with .24fixes releases
[19:11:40] iamlindoro: Azelphur: Are you using file browse mode on one but not the other?
[19:12:06] Azelphur: nope
[19:12:25] sphery: jheizer: may need a channel scan or some low-level system changes to fix tuning
[19:12:45] sphery: sometimes broadcasters/re-broadcasters change their stuff, even when you haven't changed yours :)
[19:12:54] iamlindoro: Azelphur: Something is different in the code on one box or the other-- look at the item titles
[19:12:56] Azelphur: both say "Enable File Browse Mode" when I press M
[19:13:01] jheizer: yeah, same channel recorded after than fine
[19:13:03] jheizer: on same tuner
[19:13:06] Azelphur: yea I noticed the item titles
[19:13:20] sphery: jheizer: what catpure device
[19:13:25] iamlindoro: The reason it works on the right is because the title on the right is "24" (which is suppressed because it knows it's a TV episode)
[19:13:33] jheizer: log:
[19:13:39] jheizer: looking to see which card it was on now
[19:13:49] iamlindoro: The reason it doesn't work on the left is because the title does not match the grandparent
[19:14:03] iamlindoro: So a) someone has modified code, or b) they are looking at different databases
[19:14:12] sphery: yeah, that looks like the card is not giving any data
[19:14:28] sphery: too bad it happened on The Big Bang Theory, too
[19:14:34] jheizer: yeah :-(
[19:14:42] Azelphur: well I just checked the theme versions and they are both running the exact same version of the mythbuntu theme, I'll check out different databases
[19:14:43] jheizer: only reason I care today
[19:14:45] jheizer: lol
[19:15:00] iamlindoro: Azelphur: Could be the same theme, hacked or patched actual code
[19:15:11] sphery: jheizer: at least CBS has a semi-usable web site for watching videos
[19:15:18] iamlindoro: Azelphur: But the one on the left is either broken/different DB or someone has messed with the code
[19:15:19] sphery: much better than Hulu's player
[19:15:28] Azelphur: both using the same MySQL DB
[19:15:35] Azelphur: I'll try removing and purging the mythbuntu theme on my PC
[19:15:39] jheizer: cool, have't tried it in a while
[19:15:57] iamlindoro: Azelphur: K, have to throw up my hands, then-- the left case scenario simply cannot occur in unadulterated code
[19:16:08] Azelphur: I'll try a different theme too
[19:16:58] Azelphur: iamlindoro: same problem on my PC using mythcenter-wide
[19:17:16] iamlindoro: Azelphur: Sorry to hear that, good luck
[19:17:29] Azelphur: \o/ fun
[19:17:36] Hoxzer: gf
[19:17:46] iamlindoro: But since I wrote the code in question, the only thing I can say definitely is that something is not right on the left :)
[19:18:04] Azelphur: haha indeed
[19:18:58] Azelphur: does the frontend keep any other cache besides the theme cache that could be causing it
[19:19:07] iamlindoro: no
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[19:20:16] iamlindoro: Azelphur: here, look at this
[19:20:21] ** iamlindoro pastes rudely **
[19:20:24] iamlindoro: if (parent && metadata && ((QString::compare(parent->getString(),
[19:20:24] iamlindoro: metadata->GetTitle(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) ||
[19:20:24] iamlindoro: parent->getString().startsWith(tr("Season"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)))
[19:20:25] iamlindoro: item->SetText(metadata->GetSubtitle());
[19:20:25] iamlindoro: else if (metadata && !metadata->GetSubtitle().isEmpty())
[19:20:25] iamlindoro: item->SetText(QString("%1: %2").arg(metadata->GetTitle()).arg(metadata->GetSubtitle()));
[19:20:33] iamlindoro: That's how the two button labels are built
[19:20:39] Azelphur: fun
[19:20:45] iamlindoro: The former is the screen on the right
[19:20:50] iamlindoro: the latter is the screen on the left
[19:21:18] iamlindoro: The fact that you are getting different behaviors means the metadata and/or folder structure on the two disagrees
[19:21:45] jheizer: sphery: Kworld card
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[19:21:59] Saturnation (Saturnation!~dsouth@ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[19:21:59] jheizer: 01:09.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7131/SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev d1)
[19:22:05] iamlindoro: First one says "If I have a parent folder, and the parent includes season, or the parent includes the title, display the subtitle as the buttonlabel"
[19:22:06] sphery: jheizer: usb, pci/pcie, ???
[19:22:11] jheizer: pci
[19:22:21] sphery: hmmm... I'd guess tuning problems, then
[19:22:25] iamlindoro: the second one says "If that's not true, but if I have metadata and a subtitle, display title: subtitle"
[19:22:29] Azelphur: iamlindoro: but that's not supposed to be possible because the dir structure and mysql database are the same regardless?
[19:22:37] jheizer: yeah, thought my Air2PC card was #1
[19:22:46] iamlindoro: Azelphur: You may think they're the same, but they're in some way not
[19:22:48] jheizer: since it has always seemed more reliable than the kworld
[19:22:51] jheizer: but guess not
[19:23:03] Azelphur: yea
[19:23:10] iamlindoro: Azelphur: Which is why I concluded that if everything else you told me was true, that someone had messed with the code on one or the other
[19:23:15] Azelphur: I'm trying a reinstall of mythfrontend on my PC to see if that solves it :S
[19:23:16] sphery: jheizer: they may flip flop if you haven't set up udev or something to keep them static
[19:23:50] jheizer: sphery: haven't after rebuild years ago so sure they are
[19:24:03] jheizer: but haven't had issues in a long time so never cared
[19:24:11] jheizer: when I first got it the card's support was so so
[19:24:31] sphery: anyway, it looks like mythtv did everything it could--tried to tune the channel, then waited for data and was never told there were any problems
[19:24:53] sphery: eventually someone may write code to detect when we're not getting data, but we don't have it now
[19:24:59] sphery: we kind of expect the hardware to work properly
[19:25:11] sphery: hardware, drivers, underlying system, ...
[19:25:15] jheizer: understood
[19:25:20] iamlindoro: Azelphur:
[19:25:25] iamlindoro: That is the equivalent code, for images
[19:25:29] jheizer: just was a bit more confused when next channel was fine
[19:25:30] jheizer: stupid tuner
[19:25:34] Azelphur: iamlindoro: :)
[19:25:39] iamlindoro: the reason your image selection is done differently is whatever the same reason the label selection is different
[19:25:41] jheizer: *next show on same channel I mean
[19:25:48] Azelphur: iamlindoro: Qt, I'm using MySQL
[19:25:52] Azelphur: wat
[19:25:53] Azelphur: I mean OpenGL
[19:25:58] iamlindoro: specifically, that the metadata or folder structure in some way differs
[19:26:09] iamlindoro: Azelphur: Painter doesn't have anything to do with this
[19:26:14] Azelphur: ok
[19:26:19] jheizer: only of these day I will get out of only dev in .Net land and help out some
[19:27:01] Prost (Prost! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:27:14] Azelphur: gonna try the age old turning it off and on again, brb \o/
[19:27:36] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:27:59] jheizer: every time I try I get lost in the initial learning curve and sizzle out
[19:28:09] jheizer: of the existing code base that is
[19:28:37] wagnerrp: when someone says '17 fold', doesnt that mean you double it (or fold it on itself) 17 times? 2^17?
[19:28:44] iamlindoro: Azelphur: Please also go to Utilties/Setup->Setup->Media Settings->Video Settings->Metadata settings
[19:28:46] iamlindoro: and compare both systems
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[19:32:14] gigem_ is now known as gigem
[19:34:43] Azelphur: iamlindoro: everything is unticked
[19:34:58] iamlindoro: *unticked*? On both?
[19:35:04] iamlindoro: Well that's certainly not default
[19:35:08] Azelphur: there are 4 options htere
[19:35:32] Saturnation (Saturnation!~dsouth@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:35:55] Azelphur: Perform metadata update after video scan, Enable Random Trailer Playback, Display Unknown File Types, Enable Metadata in file browser
[19:36:24] iamlindoro: Assuming .24, that means you ahve manually come in and turned off the automatic metadata updates, and you have turned off enable metadata in file browser
[19:36:47] iamlindoro: Why did you do either?
[19:36:54] Azelphur: I don't believe I did
[19:37:01] Azelphur: could it be a problem related to upgrading?
[19:37:05] iamlindoro: No
[19:37:19] Azelphur: no idea then, I don't remember doing it and I see no reason why I would :S
[19:38:04] iamlindoro: anyway, I still contend that either you have mismatched settings between the frontends, or that someone has horked with the code
[19:38:11] iamlindoro: The metadata, at least, all looks correct
[19:38:29] Azelphur: If I delete my .mythtv folder that completely resets all frontend settings right?
[19:38:33] iamlindoro: no
[19:38:42] iamlindoro: settings are kept in the database, not a file
[19:38:42] ekristen (ekristen! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:38:46] Azelphur: ah
[19:38:56] Azelphur: how would I reset my frontend settings so I can make sure I have no other weird settings like that
[19:38:57] iamlindoro: I would go through the menus on both and compare all the toggles
[19:39:05] Azelphur: *cry* :P
[19:39:06] iamlindoro: in mythvideo itself
[19:39:12] iamlindoro: Shouldn't take you more than five minutes
[19:39:14] ekristen: whats the correct myhtv uri format
[19:39:41] Azelphur: iamlindoro: except that the other frontend is being used now :(
[19:39:51] ekristen: it is suppose to be myth://<hostname>/<recording_file_name> yes?
[19:39:52] Azelphur: is there no way to reset it? I'm ok with resetting it
[19:40:09] iamlindoro: ekristen: No
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[19:40:26] iamlindoro: Azelphur: There is a way, but requires DB editing I don't feel comfortable suggesting
[19:40:39] Azelphur: I have backups and am familiar with MySQL
[19:40:46] ekristen: iamlindoro: care to share the correct format?
[19:40:52] iamlindoro: I feel a lot more comfortable telling you to just go through all the mythvideo menus and submenus, and the filter menu, and compare every setting
[19:40:58] iamlindoro: ekristen: It depends on the context
[19:41:14] skd5aner: Azelphur, iamlindoro: I just checked that setting's menu out of curiousity after an upgrade (and I never had entered it before) and 2/4 of them were checked. Display uknown file types and enable metadata in file browser
[19:41:20] skd5aner: the other two were not enabled
[19:41:35] skd5aner: is that the norm?
[19:41:37] iamlindoro: skd5aner: That would be more or less the default
[19:41:51] skd5aner: k – just thought I'd double check for you Azelphur
[19:41:54] skd5aner: thanks iamlindoro
[19:42:02] ekristen: connecting from a client that understands the myth:// format
[19:42:08] Azelphur: ty :)
[19:42:08] jheizer (jheizer! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[19:42:10] ekristen: I am just writing a script to feed it the url
[19:42:19] ekristen: long story, but I am just trying to get the syntax correct
[19:42:31] iamlindoro: ekristen: the URI format changes based on what you are trying to do with it
[19:42:37] ekristen: stream a video?
[19:42:46] iamlindoro: video? Recording?
[19:42:50] ekristen: myth://dbuser:dbpass@hostname/recording
[19:42:52] ekristen: sorry recording
[19:43:02] iamlindoro: Yikes, that is *definitely* not it
[19:43:03] ekristen: I wasn't tracking what exactly you were referring to
[19:43:10] iamlindoro: We don't put username and password in our URIs
[19:43:15] iamlindoro: this sounds like XBMC nonsense
[19:43:18] iamlindoro: is it XBMC?
[19:43:43] ekristen: sorta ;)
[19:43:52] iamlindoro: Then it's not a myth URI
[19:44:00] iamlindoro: You should speak to them about what they expect
[19:44:18] iamlindoro: They put myth:// in front of something, but it's their internal addressing for myth, not a myth URI
[19:44:29] iamlindoro: Thus, we don't know what they expect, but they ought to
[19:44:59] ekristen: ok I understand that
[19:45:03] ekristen: but what comes after the /
[19:45:10] iamlindoro: ...
[19:45:12] iamlindoro: seriously?
[19:45:13] ekristen: I am trying to figure out how to get the path to the recording correctly
[19:45:18] iamlindoro: It's not one of our paths
[19:45:27] iamlindoro: just because it looks like one of ours doesn't mean it is
[19:45:27] ekristen: what?
[19:45:31] ekristen: ok fine
[19:45:37] iamlindoro: I just explained this
[19:45:43] ekristen: I understand what you explained
[19:45:47] iamlindoro: they prepend myth:// on something, but it is *not* a native myth URI
[19:45:47] ekristen: but it doesn't make any sense
[19:45:50] ekristen: I get that
[19:45:53] iamlindoro: so I have no way of telling you what to put after /
[19:45:53] ekristen: so
[19:46:01] ekristen: ah
[19:46:04] wagnerrp: ekristen: there is a regular expression in mythtv/bindings/python/MythTV/ that will parse out the URI
[19:46:26] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: But it will *not* work when fed to XBMC/Boxee
[19:46:30] iamlindoro: since it's not a Myth URI
[19:46:48] iamlindoro: It's their internal URI that they pass to libcmyth and do mumbo jumbo on
[19:46:50] ekristen: iamlindoro: I understand
[19:46:51] Azelphur: iamlindoro: I noticed something else interesting, some of the videos don't even have cover art
[19:46:58] ekristen: they parse the uri and send the "commands" to the backend
[19:47:00] wagnerrp: right, that is for parsing the URIs as provided by the backend for recordings, or the videometadata for videos
[19:47:04] ekristen: my brain was taking a little time to catch up
[19:47:47] ekristen: wagnerrp: I am trying to figure out if I can augment the media player within boxee or not
[19:48:09] ekristen: trying to figure out and understand how the player is connecting into the mythtv backend
[19:48:18] wagnerrp: it would be great if you could just provide boxee a file-like object
[19:49:20] wagnerrp: the FileTransfer object supports all the normal read/write/seek/tell methods, and can be used directly in-place of the standard python file object
[19:49:29] ekristen: wagnerrp: I completely agree
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[19:51:06] wagnerrp: parsing the myth URI to pass to boxee isnt going to do you any good
[19:51:17] wagnerrp: unless you intend to require all recordings/video be NFS mounted
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[20:01:25] GlemSom: On MythTV 0.23.1: In channel-scanning, are there a way to only add channels that can be decrypted? (DVB-C setup).. I have access to some encrypted channels on my network – but not all as I do not have the full package...
[20:03:03] wagnerrp: in the channel scan, tell it to check decryption for each channel
[20:03:13] wagnerrp: it will activate the CAM and see if it can be used
[20:03:26] wagnerrp: rather than simply ignore any channel marked as encrypted
[20:03:42] wagnerrp: assuming you have a CAM slotted into your tuner card
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[20:04:10] GlemSom: wagnerrp, But – that just tests it... The channels will still be added by default – eventhough the channels cannot be descrypted
[20:05:39] wagnerrp: it should test it, and not add them if it cannot be decrypted
[20:06:09] duffydack (duffydack! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[20:08:08] GlemSom: I'll just re-test again... it takes some minutes to do a full scan... :P
[20:09:10] dustybin: wagnerrp: 1TB x 3 – Raid-5 – Personal Stuff & 2TB x 3 – Raid-0 – Blu-Ray rips (use original as backup)
[20:11:13] sphery: GlemSom: also ensure you're using very recent 0.23-fixes
[20:11:28] wagnerrp: no
[20:11:36] wagnerrp: if youre not going to do redundancy, dont do raid
[20:11:55] wagnerrp: RAID0 is only worthwhile for temporary scratch space
[20:12:01] wagnerrp: not for any form of long term storage
[20:12:25] GlemSom: sphery, yeah, it's at 27077...
[20:12:29] wagnerrp: and you would be MUCH better off doing 2TBx2 RAID1 than 1TBx3 RAID5
[20:13:34] wagnerrp: you would save a slot, it would cost less, and it wont be faster for all but bulk sequential writes
[20:13:40] wagnerrp: err... will
[20:18:43] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:19:09] Azelphur: iamlindoro: I don't get the same problem on my netbook so I can confirm it's not a remote frontend problem
[20:19:13] Azelphur: it's specific to the one frontend
[20:19:26] Azelphur: gonna try looking through comparing to my netbook
[20:22:14] Azelphur: iamlindoro: also my netbook has all 4 options unticked in video metadata settings
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[20:28:26] Azelphur: iamlindoro: found it! I'm not sure if this is a bug or not
[20:28:53] Azelphur: Setup > Appearance > Localization > Language, my PC was set to English (United Kingdom)
[20:28:59] Azelphur: if I set it to English (United States) it works
[20:29:13] Azelphur: I see how it is, no screenshots for us brits? :p
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[20:36:06] GlemSom: Just re-tested.. "Test decryptability" just tests decryptability... It still adds the channels no-matter if they could be decrypted or not! Does it then set a flag somewhere in the database... So I can see what channels could be decrypted ?
[20:36:35] wagnerrp: to be honest, no idea
[20:37:58] GlemSom: I guess it's not worth making a bugreport... as 0.24 is out... I doubt anyone care about 0.23.1 anymore ?
[20:39:02] wagnerrp: not so much
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[20:48:07] wagnerrp: why are there so many scripts on the wiki that involve copying the skiplist to the cutlist?
[20:48:23] wagnerrp: i still say that option should be removed from mythcommflag
[20:59:54] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:04:45] dustybin: is raid-5 fast enough to read HD video and for mythvideo to play it back?
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[21:07:52] Sp0tter: of course
[21:08:02] wagnerrp: that depends
[21:08:13] wagnerrp: are you trying to run RAID5 in software on a 386?
[21:08:43] dustybin: wagnerrp: on a intel i3
[21:08:48] dustybin: mdadm
[21:08:53] deathadder (deathadder! has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[21:09:33] wagnerrp: then youre probably fine
[21:09:55] kormoc: he's using quantum fireball ata33 drives tho
[21:09:57] wagnerrp: i still see a 3-drive RAID5 as a waste
[21:10:17] Sp0tter: meh
[21:10:57] kormoc: it's a waste for mythtv recrodings
[21:11:58] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[21:18:12] wagnerrp: certainly a waste for mythtv recordings
[21:18:21] wagnerrp: but i think its a waste in general
[21:18:37] wagnerrp: 4 or less, i would just do RAID10, 6 or more i would do RAID6
[21:19:00] Sp0tter: meh, nothing wasteful about 3 drives in raid 5
[21:19:11] Sp0tter: just depends on the persons needs
[21:19:13] _strog (_strog! has quit (Quit: _strog)
[21:19:25] kormoc: can't do a raid10 on 3 or 2 drives
[21:19:38] kormoc: and what about 5 drives?
[21:19:49] wagnerrp: you can do 1E (mdadm 2f) on 3 drives
[21:19:51] draioch (draioch!~draioch@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:20:04] wagnerrp: 5 drives, i would just buy a 6th and do RAID6
[21:20:44] wagnerrp: RAID 1E on 3 drives would end up like... AAB BCC DDE EFF ...
[21:21:02] wagnerrp: just ensures theres two copies on separate drives at all times
[21:21:43] wagnerrp: so 3 1TB drives would result in 1.5TB with double redundancy
[21:21:53] kormoc: meh
[21:22:28] kormoc: it's single redundancy
[21:22:45] wagnerrp: basically, i just dont see the purpose of adding the complexity of parity calculations unless youve got a lot of hard drives
[21:23:15] wagnerrp: kormoc: depends on the implementation
[21:23:40] wagnerrp: on ZFS, duplication is done per-file rather than per-block
[21:24:01] kenni (kenni! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:24:09] wagnerrp: so with 2 copies spread across 3 drives, you lose 2 drives and youve only lost 1/3 of your data
[21:24:20] kenni (kenni! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:24:38] wagnerrp: its still a viable file system, and the remaining files you have are complete
[21:26:59] Sp0tter: parity calcs are NOT complex
[21:27:28] wagnerrp: they are when youre trying to do hundreds of MB worth per second
[21:27:30] stoffel (stoffel! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:27:30] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stoffel
[21:27:33] Sp0tter: nope
[21:27:36] Sp0tter: they are not
[21:27:41] Sp0tter: this is 2010
[21:28:18] wagnerrp: yes, this is 2010, and we have all sorts of dolts trying to run on Atom processors with the power of brand new 2002 hardware
[21:28:52] JEDIDIAH__: even moldy oldies are probably overkill for this stuff.
[21:31:29] Flash__ (Flash__! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:31:35] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:32:38] draioch: anyone built a linux htpc using mythtv
[21:33:11] wagnerrp: i would say nearly everyone in here
[21:33:26] wagnerrp: this IS the mythtv users channel
[21:34:21] draioch: ok thanks
[21:34:31] draioch: wha you think about this
[21:34:33] draioch: . . . p;templete=2
[21:34:49] draioch: or can u recommend anything
[21:34:59] Digdilem (Digdilem! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[21:35:01] draioch: was also thinking about a zotac motherboard
[21:35:08] wagnerrp: for anything other than a dedicated frontend, i think thats a mistake
[21:35:12] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:35:22] wagnerrp: i would say the same about any ION system
[21:35:39] draioch: so you think the ion is not the way to go
[21:35:40] wagnerrp: and i would say a non-ION Atom for anything related to mythtv is a mistake
[21:35:57] wagnerrp: do you intend to record tv with this computer?
[21:36:08] draioch: i will prob use the hd pvr
[21:36:15] draioch: or maybe a pvr-350
[21:36:25] wagnerrp: you cant buy PVR-350s
[21:36:33] wagnerrp: nor do you want to
[21:36:39] draioch: ok thanks
[21:36:56] dustybin: my osd looks lovely
[21:37:01] wagnerrp: if you only care for standard definition analog, you want a PVR-150 or -500
[21:37:11] wagnerrp: no longer produced, so you have to pick them up off ebay
[21:37:22] draioch: ok thanks
[21:37:38] draioch: what mobo would u recommend
[21:37:44] JEDIDIAH__: ...although the hd-pvr compresses SD quite nicely.
[21:37:58] wagnerrp: yeah... its just not very economical while doing it
[21:38:18] wagnerrp: you would be better off spending your $200 on a PVR-150 and 2TB hard drive
[21:38:26] draioch: ok
[21:38:30] draioch: is . . . rboards.html
[21:38:35] draioch: a good place for info
[21:38:55] JEDIDIAH__: ...except the 150 is a dead end.
[21:39:26] JEDIDIAH__: It's ultimately up to him.
[21:39:59] draioch: ok i take ur advice thanks
[21:40:01] wagnerrp: anyway, those are all nice motherboards for /playback/
[21:40:08] draioch: what about
[21:40:16] wagnerrp: but they offer very little expansion capability for recording
[21:40:22] wagnerrp: you can do USB capture like the HDPVR
[21:40:30] wagnerrp: or network capture like the HDHomeRun
[21:40:39] draioch: how usb capture
[21:40:53] draioch: except for hdovr
[21:40:56] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:40:58] draioch: HDPVR
[21:41:13] wagnerrp: but micro-atx is really a better platform for a backend
[21:41:15] JEDIDIAH__: for SD, just about anything will do. You don't need a particular video card or a bruiser CPU for SD.
[21:41:19] wagnerrp: or depending on your needs, full ATX
[21:41:48] draioch: shit the more i look at this the more confused it seems to be
[21:41:51] wagnerrp: hide it behind an entertainment center, hide it on the opposite side of a wall or floor
[21:41:57] sphery: wagnerrp: not rack-mount PIII's?
[21:42:04] wagnerrp: or use an independent backend in your basement so size doesnt matter
[21:42:10] wagnerrp: and use a dedicated frontend on your tv
[21:42:21] wagnerrp: which can be one of these Mini-ITX or ION systems
[21:42:46] draioch: i was kinda settled on the mini itx or ion
[21:42:51] draioch: but now
[21:42:57] kormoc: I just use a mac mini as my MBE/FE
[21:43:08] kormoc: works great with a hdpvr + usb storage
[21:43:21] draioch: kormaoc: thanks
[21:43:22] wagnerrp: right, a mac mini basically puts you in the same place as a (proper) mini-itx system
[21:43:32] wagnerrp: plenty of power, but lack of expansion except for USB
[21:43:55] wagnerrp: if you dont need a lot of tuners or hard drives, it can work great
[21:44:15] kormoc: one tuner, one usb drive, nice, neat, simple, small, quiet, sharp
[21:44:31] wagnerrp: by 'proper mini-itx' system, i mean one with some real power, not one with an Atom processor
[21:44:53] wagnerrp: an Atom is great if you are only doing playback of content than can be handled by the hardware decoders in the video processor
[21:45:36] wagnerrp: for acting as a general media server, doing batch processing of transcodes, commercial flagging, or anything like that? it falls on its face
[21:46:21] skd5aner: sphery: ping
[21:46:48] sphery: yeah
[21:46:53] draioch: so looks like a non atom mini itx with PCI for m-audio card and PVR-*** would be good for me
[21:47:20] wagnerrp: why do you need an m-audio card?
[21:47:41] Sp0tter: draioch: i have the backend and frontend on a mini itx atom
[21:47:42] Sp0tter: and it works fine
[21:47:50] Sp0tter: ion
[21:48:00] ** Beirdo has a killer backend using mini-itx... and i7 **
[21:48:04] kenni (kenni! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:48:07] draioch: i would also like to do some audio recording 24 bit 96 KHz
[21:48:10] skd5aner: sphery: r27195 – fix anything that should be called out in the next changelog?
[21:48:20] draioch: sp0tter thanks for that
[21:48:20] kenni (kenni! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:48:31] wagnerrp: unless you use nice headphones, or have spent more than $1000 combined between your speakers and receiver, youre not going to notice the difference between an m-audio card and the onboard sound
[21:48:55] wagnerrp: and generally, youre going to be using SPDIF or HDMI audio anyway, at which point a discrete card will offer NO advantage
[21:48:58] sphery: skd5aner: no, it was fixing a technically-wrong, but unimportant oversight
[21:49:08] draioch: wagnerrp thanks
[21:49:08] skd5aner: k, thanks :)
[21:49:28] wagnerrp: and honestly, if youre going to be doing studio work, you should not be doing that on your htpc system
[21:49:38] sphery: skd5aner: of all my last-night commits, only the "don't ask to save cut list on exit if it hasn't changed" commit warrants mentione
[21:49:47] skd5aner: yea, jus got to that one
[21:49:51] skd5aner: was going to add it, thanks
[21:49:56] draioch: im gonna have to do more research talk later and thanks to all
[21:50:24] sphery: skd5aner: oh, and maybe the one that fixes #9104 (which will be backported to 0.24-fixes (and maybe 0.23-fixes?) soon enough)
[21:50:42] wagnerrp: Beirdo: the problem with your mini-itx system is all the external crap youve got strapped to it takes up more space than it does
[21:50:43] wagnerrp: :P
[21:51:09] sphery: skd5aner: for the most part, I was just cleaning up a bunch of tiny but unimportant patches from my series
[21:51:42] Beirdo: wagnerrp: hehe, yeah, like the 6 drives + the optical drive :)
[21:51:55] Beirdo: and the HDPVR, HD Homerun... :)
[21:52:06] wagnerrp: i thought you had two HDPVRs
[21:52:33] wagnerrp: anyway, you know the reasoning danielk dropped the reaper loop to 10ms?
[21:52:36] Beirdo: only one
[21:52:40] Beirdo: 10ms? nah
[21:52:57] Beirdo: he's doing this as an interim solution for his use, he said
[21:52:58] Beirdo: OK
[21:53:06] Beirdo: we may want to tweak that too
[21:53:16] Beirdo: just didn't want to suck too much CPU waiting for nothing :)
[21:53:59] wagnerrp: well the only thing im concerned about is with it buffering the pipes
[21:54:18] Beirdo: yeah. We'll probably have to tweak some to keep that all in line
[21:55:41] Sp0tter: draioch: I recommend this-
[21:55:52] Sp0tter: i bought a 2nd one for my bedroom i liked it to much
[21:56:00] Sp0tter: and all the sensors and temps are linux friendly
[21:56:05] Sp0tter: vs the crappy zotac boards
[21:56:31] wagnerrp: as mentioned, ION systems are fine IF all your content is VDPAU friendly
[21:56:53] wagnerrp: digital tuner and HDPVR output should work fine
[21:57:37] kormoc: god help you if you try to comflag hdpvr output on it
[21:57:56] wagnerrp: yeah... frontend only
[21:58:07] wagnerrp: cant mention that enough times
[21:58:45] kormoc: there was one guy in here awhile ago who was under the impression that commflagging was part of the FE, so when we said FE only he thought it'd commflag in greater then realtime
[21:58:56] wagnerrp: heh
[21:59:36] Beirdo: hehe
[21:59:39] wagnerrp: Beirdo: dont forget that all this stuff is very much POSIX only
[21:59:52] Beirdo: commflagging H.264 on... Atom!?! hahahahaha
[22:00:09] Beirdo: wagnerrp: yeah, I know
[22:00:28] Beirdo: but even Windows does most of POSIX in the area of forking, etc
[22:00:42] Beirdo: we WILL make it work with FreeBSD, not to worry
[22:00:44] Beirdo: heh
[22:01:08] wagnerrp: the only thing needed for FBSD and probably OSX is just to make sure to load the right headers
[22:01:22] Beirdo: yeah. likely so
[22:01:41] Beirdo: it shouldn't take much. I have the FreeBSD VM for test-compiling
[22:02:00] Beirdo: and of course, you have plenty too :)
[22:02:02] wagnerrp: i have the FreeBSD M for test-compiling
[22:02:11] kormoc: and I use OS X commflagging, so I'll know if we fail to fork ;)
[22:02:18] Beirdo: cool :)
[22:02:34] Beirdo: it shouldn't be hard to have it working
[22:02:46] kormoc: "Why is my living room cold? Oh... Commflagging is broken..."
[22:02:57] Beirdo: now, if you want HPUX... you're on your own
[22:03:02] Beirdo: hehe
[22:03:07] kenni (kenni! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:03:13] kormoc: VAX
[22:03:16] Beirdo: that machine makes a nice space heater, I'd bet
[22:03:33] Beirdo: put a Cray in the basement?
[22:03:49] kormoc: I'm between 26–28C when commflagging works, when it's broken I'm at 22–24C
[22:03:59] Beirdo: heh
[22:04:01] Beirdo: wow
[22:04:15] kenni (kenni! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:04:19] ** Beirdo glares at MPEG2-PS recording **
[22:04:30] Beirdo: get your frigging seekmarks right!
[22:04:46] Beirdo: got a fix for TS
[22:04:57] Beirdo: but PS is being a PITA
[22:05:09] Beirdo: 2214 2010-11–12 11:59:00 15 145534 9
[22:05:15] Beirdo: 2214 2010-11–12 11:59:00 15 145422 9
[22:05:26] Beirdo: first is from while recording. second is on a rebuild
[22:05:39] Beirdo: grrr
[22:05:55] Beirdo: I'll find the magic incantation soon enough
[22:06:20] kormoc: just subtract 112 frames per row! That'll fix it! ;)
[22:06:33] Beirdo: bytes...
[22:06:39] Beirdo: and it's not constant :)
[22:06:41] kormoc: whatevs
[22:06:47] Beirdo: it was for TS
[22:06:48] kormoc: Tisk, too bad
[22:06:53] Beirdo: it was 188 bytes off always
[22:07:06] Beirdo: happens to be the length of a TS packet
[22:07:23] Beirdo: we were recording the offset AFTER the packet instead of before
[22:07:24] Beirdo: heh
[22:07:51] Beirdo: pretty sure we are in PS too, but it's harder to identify how to get the other value as it's not packetized
[22:07:55] Digdilem (Digdilem! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:11:49] Flash__ (Flash__! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[22:12:10] Beirdo: OK, let's try THIS
[22:14:29] Beirdo: I *will* find this
[22:14:30] Beirdo: heh
[22:15:36] dustybin: Beirdo: what RAID card do you use on your pc-q08 ?
[22:15:46] Beirdo: huh?
[22:15:54] Beirdo: I don't
[22:15:54] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:15:54] dustybin: do you use this box:
[22:15:59] Beirdo: yes
[22:16:03] Beirdo: but no RAID card
[22:16:07] dustybin: Beirdo: no raid?
[22:16:22] Beirdo: that is correct
[22:16:40] dustybin: Beirdo: so all your drives are not 1 big storage pool?
[22:16:43] Beirdo: I use software RAID1 on the system drives, and no RAID
[22:16:52] Beirdo: they are not
[22:16:56] dustybin: i see
[22:17:04] Beirdo: no need for it. storage groups FTW
[22:17:22] dustybin: oh i didnt think about storage groups
[22:17:24] kormoc: hardware cards are great for certain setups. Home servers are not one of them
[22:17:40] Beirdo: especially not for MythTV
[22:17:41] Beirdo: :)
[22:17:59] dustybin: Beirdo: do you have video spanned on more than 1 disk?
[22:18:19] Beirdo: I have storage group dirs on 4 drives
[22:18:27] kormoc: that 1.2 tb recording of titanic is a pain to store
[22:18:47] dustybin: so the idea of storage groups is so one doesnt need RAID!
[22:19:03] ** dustybin reads **
[22:19:17] Beirdo: as long as you don't need the redundancy, correct
[22:19:29] Beirdo: whic, for TV recordings, I do not need
[22:19:39] dustybin: i dont need redundancy, just a backup
[22:20:30] unixSnob (unixSnob! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[22:20:48] dustybin: Beirdo: i was thinking about buying the qc-q08, runnning FreeBSD on it, sticking 6x 2TB drives – ZFS – RAID-Z2
[22:21:21] Beirdo: enjoy
[22:21:35] dustybin: 'MythTV will balance concurrent recordings across the available directories in a Storage Group in order to spread out the file I/O load. '
[22:21:38] dustybin: nice
[22:22:11] unixSnob (unixSnob! has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:24:19] dustybin: instead of using RAID / Striping etc. I could use 3 x 2TB drives, and stick a storage group on each, and fill them up with blu-ray rips
[22:24:38] dustybin: if a disk goes down, ill only lose the data on the drive what went, rather than the whole set
[22:25:45] skd5aner: correct (sorta)
[22:26:06] CRU_ (CRU_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:26:09] high-rez: Our eat the cost of the parity drive and go raid5 so you never lose data ;)
[22:26:23] high-rez: s/never/would be unlikely to
[22:26:26] GadgetWisdomGuru (GadgetWisdomGuru!~gwg@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:26:30] dustybin: 1.0TB x6 – RAID-5 – EXT4 – LVM – 4.7TB FREE SPACE
[22:26:32] kormoc: high-rez, bitrot!
[22:27:03] dustybin: if i was rich and didnt care about electricity, i would invest in a freeBSD NAS box
[22:27:23] high-rez: kormoc: erm, raid-z?
[22:27:25] skd5aner: It's not like running a box 24/7 costs a lot of money :P
[22:27:40] trumee is now known as zzztrumee
[22:27:41] dustybin: i thought it does
[22:27:49] kormoc: pennies on the dollar!
[22:27:50] dustybin: i already have 1 server running 24.7
[22:27:52] Sp0tter: mine cost $13 a month
[22:27:56] CRU_: Can anyone help me...I have a MCE USB remote (VRC 1100) and can't get it to connect lirc (cant find correct lircd.conf to use irw) and in mythtv none of the keys with three presses (shift control _) will work. I tried xmodmap but with three key presses still doesn't work.
[22:28:02] Sp0tter: to run my 7tb file server, raidz2
[22:28:15] zzztrumee is now known as trumee
[22:28:19] dustybin: oh nice, what drives do you use
[22:28:20] skd5aner: I've done the math, I want to say my server costs maybe $20–30/yr to run 24/7 – but I honestly don't remember the number, was a while ago I did the calculation with my kill-a-watt
[22:28:33] Sp0tter: a bunch of 1.5tb drives, mostly seagate, a couple of the green wd ones
[22:28:43] Sp0tter: the segate drives are only like 8 watts each
[22:28:53] Sp0tter: wd less
[22:28:57] dustybin: ok
[22:29:18] Sp0tter: i know the exact wattage and cost of all my computers
[22:29:19] dustybin: i am sooo tempted to build a NAS
[22:29:20] high-rez: If my myth boxen were at $20–30/yr to run, they'd be significantly cheaper than my cat and way more useful.
[22:29:28] dustybin: LOLOLOL
[22:29:43] jpharvey (jpharvey! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[22:30:13] dustybin: a ultra low powered mini-itx board, using ultra low powered seagate 5900.12
[22:30:27] Sp0tter: my frontend atom+ion only takes 40 watts max and corst $4.32 a year to run
[22:30:43] Sp0tter: oops i mean thats under use
[22:30:47] Sp0tter: total cost is $31
[22:30:54] dustybin: cheaper than a pet dog!
[22:30:54] Sp0tter: i brake each cost up to udle and use
[22:31:04] Sp0tter: 36 watts when idle
[22:31:12] kormoc: my mac mini averages 15 watts, 11 watts idle
[22:31:33] Sp0tter: but its a mac mini
[22:31:39] ** dustybin reads . . . ctices_Guide **
[22:31:48] kormoc: Sp0tter, so it's awesome?
[22:31:57] Sp0tter: no it sucks dick for coke
[22:32:06] kormoc: Sp0tter, and I'll ban you for that language
[22:32:10] dustybin: :O
[22:32:23] dustybin: i wasnt expecting that lol
[22:33:07] ** dustybin makes sure his children doesnt read that comment **
[22:33:10] kormoc: back to the topic, there's nothing else out there that's much cheaper with the same form factor
[22:33:34] Beirdo: especially with equivalent CPU power
[22:33:41] skd5aner: Actually, I just replaced my PSU/MOBO/CPU, so I don't know how much it costs now
[22:34:09] skd5aner: but still
[22:34:10] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:34:27] skd5aner: even if it were like $70/yr, I don't really consider that a major cost
[22:34:36] Sp0tter: i agree skd5aner
[22:34:55] Sp0tter: my main compuiter uses 232 watts when in use and 148 whennot.. for a total of $140 a year or so
[22:35:50] dustybin: a night out drinking cost more than $140
[22:35:53] RDV_Linux_ (RDV_Linux_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:37:40] mzb: I'm currently using trunk 26544 ... am I likely to have problems "migrating" to 0.24-fixes?
[22:39:29] dustybin: my OSD is *huge*
[22:39:43] kormoc: I doubt she ever said that
[22:39:48] dustybin: ?
[22:40:05] Sp0tter: kormoc: watch the language
[22:40:09] dustybin: indeed
[22:40:41] Beirdo: what... "she" is a bad word now?
[22:40:56] Sp0tter: ducks fly together
[22:40:59] kormoc: Beirdo, he's just trying to provoke me
[22:41:00] Sp0tter: :)
[22:41:29] jan2600_ (jan2600_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:41:49] kormoc: but hey, why try to make friends with developers of the app one uses
[22:42:18] jan2600 (jan2600! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[22:42:55] Sp0tter: kormoc: I just think its silly, this is 2010, and "language" is a thing of the past... then you draw some imaginary line between cursing and sexual inuendos... but whatever floats your boat
[22:43:23] kormoc: Sp0tter, it's all covered in the channel FAQ, including the fact that it's not up for debate
[22:43:37] Sp0tter: kormoc: I'm not debating, i just stated my opinion tiger
[22:43:47] dustybin: tiger?
[22:44:02] Sp0tter: tiger, as in over agressive, as in jumping to conclusions
[22:44:10] Sp0tter: i didn't repeat anything else he wuldnt consider "bad language"
[22:44:22] kormoc: ugh
[22:45:12] kormoc: I don't care what you find silly or not. You joined our channel, ignored our rules and find it silly that we take offense
[22:45:33] kormoc: thanks for being so grateful for the thousands of hours of volunteer work we've done for you
[22:45:35] trumee is now known as zzztrumee
[22:45:42] Sp0tter: its not related at all
[22:45:47] kormoc: Yes it is
[22:45:51] Sp0tter: no its not
[22:45:54] kormoc: Yes, it is
[22:46:02] Sp0tter: oh, i hadn't though about it thatway, i guess you're right
[22:46:03] Sp0tter: no its not
[22:46:25] mrand (mrand!~mrand@ubuntu/member/mrand) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[22:46:28] kormoc: bah
[22:46:29] dustybin: arguing in here is not a good idea :-S
[22:47:04] kormoc: you can disagree all you want, but it's disrespectful to ignore community rules
[22:47:34] Sp0tter: kormoc: I did not read the rules beforehand.. its impractical to read the rules for every chat channel... and when you pointed that out I begain folliowing them immediately
[22:47:49] Sp0tter: i still think its silly, and THAT is not a show of disrespect or ungratefulness
[22:50:04] zzztrumee is now known as trumee
[22:53:05] streeter (streeter!~streeter@nat/redhat/x-cbmatcdxukazowqz) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[23:03:02] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:04:37] Beirdo: wha?
[23:06:31] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Client Quit)
[23:07:04] wagnerrp: dustybin: what kind of drinking do you do that a single night costs $140
[23:07:17] kormoc: binge
[23:07:42] Beirdo: scotch.
[23:07:50] wagnerrp: yeah, but binging on expensive stuff?
[23:07:53] Beirdo: hint... buy a bottle, get smashed at home
[23:07:57] ** kormoc eyes his $200 bar tab from Halloween for cheap rum **
[23:08:10] wagnerrp: cheap rum for how many people?
[23:08:13] kormoc: just me
[23:08:19] wagnerrp: expensive bar
[23:08:23] kormoc: 17 $10 rum buckets
[23:08:30] kormoc: + tax and tip
[23:08:30] Beirdo: hehe
[23:08:31] wagnerrp: bucket is...?
[23:08:44] bjd: Heh
[23:08:55] bjd: i found the tipping culture odd when I was in NY
[23:09:36] kormoc: wagnerrp, it's a mix of rum + juice served in a bucket
[23:09:41] dustybin: in the Audio System, Audio Capabilities is blank, but i should be able to select DTS options etc
[23:10:02] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:10:47] kormoc: wagnerrp, . . . ed-pizza.jpg
[23:12:07] dustybin: Enable AC3 to SPDIF passthrough & Enable DTS to SPDIF passthrough in your audio menu?
[23:12:19] dustybin: Do you guys have ^^
[23:12:50] ctmjr (ctmjr!~chuck@unaffiliated/ctmjr) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:13:01] JEDIDIAH__: drinks or any food out come with a considerable markup.
[23:13:15] skd5aner: yea, going out to drink is expensive
[23:13:22] JEDIDIAH__: magnify that for top shelf stuff.
[23:13:53] skd5aner: especially in certain parts of the country – I couln't even get a buzz for less than $120 when I lived in Chicago – unless I drank the cheap stuff or beer
[23:14:35] wagnerrp: i guess drinking is fairly cheap around here
[23:14:47] Twiggy|worx (Twiggy|worx!~Twiggy@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[23:14:55] Sp0tter: i drink at home
[23:14:58] skd5aner: wagnerrp: yea – what else is there to do there besides set the river on fire?
[23:15:02] Sp0tter: its just too much to drink out, and its such a waste
[23:15:03] skd5aner: ;)
[23:15:14] Sp0tter: $4 for a $0.70 beer.. or $10 for a $1 shot
[23:15:44] skd5aner: Sp0tter: with nobody else? When you drink alone, do you prefer to be by yourself?
[23:15:45] wagnerrp: its like $8 for a quart of beer, maybe $6 for a shot of decent stuff
[23:16:11] Sp0tter: skd5aner: I enjoy drinking at someones home with a large group of people, and i also enjoy drinking by myself
[23:16:33] JEDIDIAH__: you can still be alone in a crowded room.
[23:16:43] Sp0tter: hehe, no I like to be involved
[23:16:46] skd5aner: Sp0tter: (was a plan on George Thorogood's "I drink alone")
[23:16:57] Sp0tter: skd5aner: sorry, don't know of it
[23:17:13] mzb: age related?
[23:17:22] kormoc: wagnerrp, depends on the bar, I go to my local one which is a bit spendier then others, but great people, great food, supporting local guys, etc
[23:17:35] skd5aner: Sp0tter: . . . _Drink_Alone
[23:17:53] Sp0tter: why are we all as a nation or as a world, ok with paying 10 times the price for the same drink at a bar than at home
[23:18:15] wagnerrp: kormoc: i bet they dont stand on the tables every night
[23:18:19] JEDIDIAH__: I think I see a generation gap forming... '-)
[23:18:25] skd5aner: same reason people spend $18/person to go see a movie?
[23:18:32] kormoc: because it costs a ton of money to run a bar
[23:18:42] JEDIDIAH__: No. A 2 story screen has something you usually don't have at home.
[23:18:45] kormoc: I have `~140 bottles of booze at home, yet I still like going out
[23:19:13] Sp0tter: i like going out too, but in general i try not to since its so wasteful
[23:19:19] Sp0tter: and you can't really hear what people say because its loud
[23:19:21] skd5aner: 140 bottles of booze
[23:19:22] Sp0tter: and it reaks of smoke
[23:19:29] Sp0tter: and the bathrooms have an inch or two of urine on the floor
[23:19:36] kormoc: that all depends where you go
[23:19:43] kormoc: we're usually the only ones in the place
[23:19:53] JEDIDIAH__: 140 bottles? That's a large storage footprint.
[23:19:54] kormoc: it's quiet, we're friends with the bartenders/servers/owners
[23:19:55] kormoc: it's clean
[23:19:57] skd5aner: speaking of which – later gents FRIDAY NIGHT!
[23:20:00] kormoc: JEDIDIAH__, I have no food, just booze
[23:20:10] JEDIDIAH__: still
[23:20:10] kormoc: JEDIDIAH__, and I'm not kidding
[23:20:24] JEDIDIAH__: we all have our scavenger fetishes.
[23:20:27] Sp0tter: pics or it didn't happen
[23:20:40] kormoc: Beirdo, xris, you want to attest?
[23:21:05] Beirdo: hehe
[23:21:12] Sp0tter: i think its neat to have a stomping ground, or regular hang out, i just don't see why it becomes an expensive bar or lounge instead of someones house after people turna certain age
[23:21:22] Beirdo: he is NOT kidding. This man has far more booze than you'd ever expect
[23:21:23] Sp0tter: one day everyone just quit drinking at peoples houses and only drink at bars
[23:21:41] Sp0tter: maybe its cultural pressure
[23:21:49] kormoc: because we like meeting new folks? expanding the social circle is not a bad thing
[23:21:55] JEDIDIAH__: bars and such go WAY back though.
[23:22:00] Sp0tter: you meet a lot of people at house parties
[23:22:15] bjd: house parties are a pain tho
[23:22:20] Beirdo: house parties are basically like having a bar... at home
[23:22:34] kormoc: here's some of it, . . . 23076909384/
[23:22:34] Sp0tter: Beirdo: except 1/10 the cost, cleaner, and the bedroom is close by
[23:22:42] kormoc: oh lord
[23:22:46] Beirdo: heh.
[23:22:49] Beirdo: cleaner?
[23:23:03] kormoc: cops show up cause it's too loud, get fined by the HOA for noise violations
[23:23:13] antihc3: Is there a way on the backend (Head less) to have mythtv rescan for music that i have put in /var/**********mythtv/music
[23:23:22] kormoc: it's way more for me to throw a house party, I lose hundreds in drunk booze
[23:23:30] bjd: Yeah
[23:23:41] bjd: and an inch of urine on your bathroom floor :p
[23:23:44] Beirdo: yeah, gotta preserve the stash.
[23:23:45] Sp0tter: kormoc: we always just brought our own alcohol
[23:23:48] CyberKnet (CyberKnet!~CyberKnet@ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[23:23:52] kormoc: everyone mixes the $100 a bottle vodka with juice rather then the $20 vodka
[23:24:02] Beirdo: sacrilege!
[23:24:23] kormoc: Sp0tter, when you have a extensive collection, people tend not to bring the booze, they toss $5 into a bucket and drink away
[23:24:30] kormoc: especially strangers
[23:24:39] Beirdo: toss $5 in and drink $50 of booze
[23:24:41] kormoc: ooh, and the fun legal issues if someone leaves your party and drives and wreaks
[23:24:42] Sp0tter: kormoc: yea it requires bneing alert and having other friends look out for you
[23:24:45] Sp0tter: to keep your stuff safe
[23:24:55] Beirdo: gah
[23:24:58] kormoc: it's not worth it to do it weekly
[23:25:05] kormoc: let's meet at the local bar, enjoy and not worry
[23:25:15] Sp0tter: well its about scope i ugess. i mean friends + a friend of theirs
[23:25:16] kormoc: or even a few times a week
[23:25:16] Sp0tter: not open party
[23:25:22] Sp0tter: jsut friends and friends of friends
[23:25:25] Sp0tter: not friends of friends of friends
[23:25:39] kormoc: I have friends of friends I wouldn't trust to not steal stuff from me
[23:25:47] kormoc: some of my friends have poor people judgement
[23:26:06] Sp0tter: yea i guess i know what you mean, i've had stuff stolen in the past.. but mainly i was a more open style party
[23:26:12] Sp0tter: not just a get tgoether of friends and a new person or two
[23:26:16] kormoc: and we can fit more people in the bar then in my house
[23:26:23] Beirdo: heh, true that
[23:26:27] kormoc: and the bar comps us tons of stuff too
[23:26:31] Sp0tter: what about beer pong
[23:26:36] Sp0tter: people get too old/cool to play beer pong i guess
[23:26:38] kormoc: we could do that at the bar if we wanted to
[23:26:52] Sp0tter: cards and beer pong are fun for me.. even as an old man of 27
[23:27:05] kormoc: we have beer pong contests here in Seattle
[23:27:08] kormoc: lots of bars have it
[23:27:24] kormoc: We could do cards too when we wanted
[23:27:41] kormoc: Being friends with the staff/owners makes it easy to do what you want
[23:27:51] Beirdo: the other nice part of using a bar... easier to deal with food
[23:27:52] antihc3: When i use scan for new music in the Frontend it does not find anything (as if it is scanning the local location and not on the server)
[23:27:57] kormoc: and plus when you get hungry, there's a ton of food choices rather then my pile of instant oatmeal
[23:27:58] Sp0tter: we also all ike to drink a lot.. so i guess cost is the main reason I don't like going out.. that and transportation
[23:28:04] Beirdo: :)
[23:28:13] kormoc: my bar is across the street and a block up
[23:28:21] kormoc: I can crawl back on my hands and knees and still get home
[23:28:25] Sp0tter: kormoc: hehe instant oatmeal? we have a deep fryer and giant bags of tater tots! or did back in the day
[23:28:30] Beirdo: might get hit by a car though
[23:28:36] kormoc: I have tons of alcohol, no room for food
[23:28:52] kormoc: Beirdo, yeah
[23:29:24] kormoc: Cost isn't so much an issue. I get paid well, have good side income, I rather spluge out then deal with the mess at home
[23:29:40] Beirdo: yeah, makes sense
[23:29:40] dustybin: DTS sorround works when i hit: aplay -D hw:0,0 Prelude.wav
[23:29:42] bjd: exactly
[23:29:48] dustybin: but i dont have any mythtv options :(
[23:29:53] Sp0tter: yea i'm not saying its not good for some people.. its just a different scene
[23:30:20] Sp0tter: even when i have no problem affording it, it still seems wasteful.. i might host a "drinka t home, donate the difference to cancer research" or something day
[23:30:32] Sp0tter: that would be kind of a cool movement to get going
[23:30:37] Sp0tter: drink at home for charity praties
[23:30:39] Beirdo: bah
[23:30:39] Sp0tter: parties*
[23:30:45] dashcloud (dashcloud! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:30:45] kormoc: I have the, "I just got this rare bottle of vodka, come over and try it" events every so often
[23:30:47] bjd: how many people would you have round Sp0tter ?
[23:30:48] kormoc: Mmm... Vodka...
[23:30:53] Beirdo: mmmm, vodka
[23:31:19] Sp0tter: bjd: maybe 20 or 30,my place is pretty small
[23:31:20] bjd: i have visions of 50+ people running amok :p
[23:31:30] Beirdo: and... mmmm, bacon
[23:31:38] kormoc: 20 folks and my place is *packed*
[23:31:56] kormoc: go go 550 sqft condo
[23:32:08] ** dustybin runs norton anti virus on mythtv **
[23:32:36] bjd: don't forget to run scandisk too
[23:32:38] Sp0tter: I drink cheap vodka.. McCormick
[23:32:42] Sp0tter: its $14.50 a half gallon
[23:32:56] kormoc: I collect Vodka
[23:33:01] dustybin: in Audio Capabilities, if i move the button down, the bottom text changes
[23:33:06] dustybin: but there is nothing in the box
[23:33:08] dustybin: this is strange
[23:33:11] kormoc: I gotta get a signed crystal skull
[23:34:55] dustybin: maybe ive missed some audio options when i compiled the frontend :-S
[23:35:01] ** dustybin checks **
[23:35:10] bjd: have you upgraded to 0.24?
[23:35:33] dustybin: yes
[23:35:52] dustybin: my Audio Capabilities box in Audio System is blank
[23:35:53] bjd: wasn't there something about having to rescan audio or something
[23:35:58] dustybin: yep i done that
[23:36:02] bjd: oh ok
[23:36:16] dustybin: ALSA support yes
[23:36:44] wagnerrp: whats the new linux file monitor?
[23:36:56] kormoc: inotify?
[23:37:06] Kunalagon (Kunalagon!~Kunalagon@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[23:37:18] wagnerrp: nah, something new, in 2.6.36 or 37
[23:39:24] kormoc: fanotify
[23:39:35] kormoc: 2.6.37-rc1+
[23:39:49] wagnerrp: yeah, thats the one, thanks
[23:40:50] kormoc: looks cool
[23:41:04] kormoc: I like the FD being passed directly back
[23:41:59] dustybin: my joggler does the exact same thing, the Audio Capabilities is blank!
[23:42:06] ** dustybin files a bug **
[23:43:24] bjd: gonna try an upgrade
[23:43:33] bjd: will let you know how i get on ;-)
[23:46:37] Sp0tter: the liquor store here gives you a free pint of some bacardi rum when you purchase a $20 half gallon of regular bacardi rum
[23:46:41] Sp0tter: some special Christmas promotion
[23:46:57] Sp0tter: looks hilarious, to have a pint bottle attacfhed to the half gallon one, usually its just a little airplane bottle heh
[23:48:02] wagnerrp: a half gallon of rum for $20
[23:48:08] wagnerrp: thats some cheap hooch
[23:48:22] Sp0tter: Bacardi Light
[23:48:43] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:49:00] wagnerrp: all of the burning sensation, none of the taste or inebriation
[23:49:34] Sp0tter: i don't think that cost and inebriation are correlated variables
[23:49:52] wagnerrp: no, but the term 'light' sure is
[23:49:59] Sp0tter: its light colored
[23:50:02] Sp0tter: vs dark colored
[23:50:07] Sp0tter: not light calories
[23:51:12] wagnerrp: meh, id rather have the half gallon of beer at the local hoffbrauhaus
[23:51:16] sphery: I got a 1.75L of vodka for $5 after $30MIR
[23:51:42] sphery: of course, since I'm only using it for pie dough, it doesn't have to be the best
[23:53:36] dustybin: why do i always forget to read the logs
[23:53:55] dustybin: AudioOutput Error: Aborting Audio Reconfigure. Invalid audio parameters ch 2 fmt 0 @ 44100Hz
[23:54:37] wagnerrp: wow... GT5 is /finally/ being released
[23:55:03] sphery: dustybin: that error is meaningless unless you actually have no sound (in which case it means you need to configure sound properly)
[23:55:36] sphery: it needs to be taken out of important verbosity
[23:55:41] sphery: since it's not, er, important
[23:55:55] kenni (kenni! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[23:56:12] dustybin: i have sound, just no DTS surround sound
[23:56:18] kenni (kenni! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:58:11] antihc3: What should a front end be set to for Music location. I am on a frontend on another machine and get and error /var/lib/mythtv/music /bla could not open file
[23:58:57] wagnerrp: antihc3: all frontends must be able to access your music from the same location
[23:59:10] wagnerrp: that means you need to set up NFS mounts to share it from the main server
[23:59:21] wagnerrp: there is currently no way to stream it from the backend as there is in mythvideo
[23:59:36] antihc3: ahh ok have not done that yet
[23:59:45] antihc3: wagnerrp thanks
[23:59:51] wagnerrp: make sure to mount it in exactly the same path on every machine

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