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Sunday, November 7th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:09] k_ross_: i'm usinig "all available methods" and strict enabled
[00:02:11] jst (jst! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:03:47] jst: Hey, all. I'm trying to correct/compensate for the the one-pixel, green line that is shown at the bottom of my screen whenever I'm watching something off the HD-PVR. All the forums I've found on line talk about correcting for overscan under Setup -> Appearance -> Setup Screen, but I see no such option. I'm running 0.23.1, and do not want to upgrade to 0.24.
[00:04:27] Beirdo: too bad then
[00:04:35] Beirdo: :)
[00:04:36] k_ross_: i think you want setup->tv settings->playback, then the second screen, increase "vertical scaling" to 1
[00:04:47] Beirdo: that's already been fixed for 0.24
[00:05:17] wagnerrp: the release should be official within 48hrs, why dont you want to upgrade?
[00:05:23] jst: k_ross, right you are, thanks. :)
[00:05:38] jst: wagnerrp/Beirdo, 0.24 was UNGODLY slow on my machine.
[00:05:53] wagnerrp: tickets man, tickets
[00:06:00] wagnerrp: we need them if we are supposed to fix something
[00:06:07] Beirdo: wagnerrp: +1
[00:06:32] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[00:07:26] skd5aner: jst: what kind of hardware and what exactly was slow?
[00:07:50] skd5aner: jst: and how long ago did you try 0.24?
[00:08:06] skd5aner: since, officially for a few more days, 0.24 doesn't exist ;)
[00:08:10] jst: skd5aner, as of yesterday. Dual-core Athlon 6000+ with (integrated) NVIDIA 8200.
[00:08:37] wagnerrp: were you trying to use one of the higher end VDPAU deint filters?
[00:08:45] skd5aner: was it just playback you were having problems with?
[00:08:46] wagnerrp: how much video memory?
[00:09:00] jst: Not sure.
[00:09:09] jst: It wasn't playback so much as navigation, menus, etc.
[00:09:26] jst: And I use straight VDPAU with no deinterlacing.
[00:09:40] skd5aner: wagnerrp: well, as far as VDPAU – if it's the same hardware, if he didn't change any settings it would probably equally suck if he was pushing the limits of the hardware in 0.23 just the same in 0.24
[00:09:53] wagnerrp: true
[00:10:06] skd5aner: jst: do you know what painter you were using?
[00:10:10] wagnerrp: jst: opengl, qt, or vdpau painter?
[00:10:12] jst: OpenGL.
[00:10:19] jst: Wait, there's a VDPAU painter?
[00:10:21] skd5aner: jst: what about the version of nvidia drivers
[00:10:31] skd5aner: jst: in 0.24 there is, but it's also "experimental" I believe
[00:10:36] jst: Latest, I always install them manually.
[00:10:36] wagnerrp: sorta, its basically opengl run through the VDPAU interface
[00:10:50] wagnerrp: the purpose being less resources are being used
[00:10:56] wagnerrp: it helps with 256MB graphics cards
[00:11:07] skd5aner: jst: I did read something about the very latest version of the nvidia driver causing a few other people issues – but could be completely unrelated
[00:11:54] jst: Yeah, sorry I can't be more specific. The machine is completely wiped now.
[00:12:46] skd5aner: wagnerrp: Actually, I think mark reverted the VDPAU painter – r25931
[00:13:05] r600cc (r600cc! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:26] skd5aner: jst: just trying to help figure it out... it can really only be 1 of a few things, primarly a configuration issue or a bug
[00:14:00] jst: Yeah.
[00:19:36] k_ross_: i didn't see any significant changes in the commflagging code, so could my commercial flagging problem be caused by the ffmpeg sync? does anyone know what svn revision in mythtv has the ffmpeg resync? i can try a build just before that and one just after that to see if that has any effect
[00:20:56] jst (jst! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:24:46] ]Oscar (]Oscar! has quit ()
[00:25:29] Chiwauwa (Chiwauwa!~Chiwauwa@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:26:12] k_ross_: looks like r25803
[00:28:54] jst (jst! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:08] stuartm (stuartm! has left #mythtv-users ("Gone")
[00:29:27] Beirdo: why doesn't my power search custom record rule work?
[00:29:33] jst: Actually, I just thought of something I experiecned under 0.24... Under 0.23.1, changing channels/tuners when utilizing the HD-PVR are fast, but with 0.24, it could take up to 30 seconds before the stream would start to play.
[00:32:32] k_ross_: 0.24 had the signal monitor patches that are mentioned in the wiki applied, which will slow down tuning
[00:33:06] AriX (AriX! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:33:26] jst: k_ross, looks like I'll stick with 0.23.1 then. :)
[00:34:03] k_ross_: really? i find those patches to be absolutely necessary for live tv to function properly (at least on my setup)
[00:35:32] jst: Hmm, I just use the latest v4l-dvb drivers and everything works fine here.
[00:36:04] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[00:36:50] jst: Otherwise, one of my TV-tuner cards won't even load, heh.
[00:36:57] k_ross_: i haven't tried anything newer than what's in the 2.6.32 kernel
[00:43:56] k_ross_: what the...?!
[00:44:17] r600cc is now known as shipit
[00:44:18] k_ross_: i just re-ran mythcommflag in 0.24 on that file, and now it gives results almost identical to the 0.23.1 run
[00:44:42] k_ross_: i haven't changed any of the comm flag settings in the mythfrontend in quite some time
[00:45:25] k_ross_: is it possible that mythbackend is calling mythcommflag with arguments different than what i'm passing?
[00:45:38] k_ross_: or something that would cause a difference?
[00:47:20] k_ross_: or is it possible that commflagging while recording could be a problem? btw this is with recordings from an hd-pvr
[00:54:36] m4xx: i'll paypal someone to get this damned card working =\
[00:55:43] k_ross_: how much? :)
[00:55:56] m4xx: how much do you want ? =\
[00:56:17] m4xx: i've been at this for 2+ weeks =[
[00:56:21] wagnerrp: enough to buy one of these new variants of this card yourself
[00:56:28] wagnerrp: talk to the linuxtv guys
[00:56:42] wagnerrp: if the tuners on that card are in fact flipped from the normal layout
[00:56:54] wagnerrp: its possible there have been other changes to the design
[00:56:59] wagnerrp: that makes the drivers not function
[00:57:17] m4xx: even if the digital half works?
[00:57:44] wagnerrp: the digital and analog halves of that card basically function as two completely independent devices
[00:59:19] m4xx (m4xx! has quit (Quit: m4xx)
[00:59:37] markk (markk! has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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[01:02:20] m4xx (m4xx! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:52] m4xx: where/what would be the proper way to ask the linuxtv guys for help?
[01:03:53] wagnerrp: the #linuxtv channel, or their official mailing lists
[01:04:37] m4xx: what should i say/ask.
[01:10:08] Kunalagon (Kunalagon!~Kunalagon@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:10:45] wagnerrp: Beirdo, iamlindoro: the 'unknown table engine' error is a MySQL one caused by InnoDB tables being irrecoverably broken, and preventing the InnoDB engine from loading
[01:11:07] wagnerrp: chances are its the mythweather tables, and i emailed scott directly about this
[01:12:27] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:16:17] Beirdo: Or by him not telling mysql to include innodb
[01:17:13] Beirdo: but fair enough
[01:17:56] jamesd_laptop (jamesd_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[01:18:36] wagnerrp: i had the same exact problem a couple days ago
[01:20:26] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: is the fact that mysql classic will not include innodb anymore affect us? or was that only for embedded systems
[01:20:28] Beirdo: ah
[01:20:49] wagnerrp: eh?
[01:20:56] wagnerrp: mysql no longer supporting innodb?
[01:21:08] m4xx: community edition will
[01:21:26] m4xx: afaik
[01:21:59] Shadow__X: m4xx: yeah thats what it seems like. The classic one still will include it
[01:22:10] Shadow__X: wagnerrp:
[01:24:08] Shadow__X: nvm though because as m4xx has pointed out it doesnt seem like that will be effecting the community edition
[01:24:39] m4xx: yeah, i freaked yesterday when i saw that ;x
[01:26:14] hednod- (hednod-! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:26:16] jamesd2 (jamesd2! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:28:14] CKnet (CKnet! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:28:31] Beirdo: blah blah BLAH
[01:29:09] Beirdo: oh this will take forever, it seems
[01:29:35] k_ross_: and people were worried that oracle owning mysql would be a bad thing :P
[01:29:39] k-man_ (k-man_!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:29:46] Technophil (Technophil! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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[01:29:48] hednod- is now known as hednod
[01:29:50] k-man_ is now known as k-man
[01:30:06] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:30:36] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:30:50] Beirdo: bah, who exactly cares about the commercial licensed versions?
[01:31:13] XLV (XLV!~XLV@unaffiliated/xlv) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:31:49] Technophil (Technophil!~David@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:34:28] k_ross_: amazon does
[01:35:44] k_ross_: i mean all of their critical data resides in oracle servers, but they also use mysql for a lot of stuff, including their RDS service
[01:40:29] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:40:37] Beirdo: blah blah blah
[01:40:50] Beirdo: they'll just raise prices if they have to
[01:41:07] Beirdo: and they don't use Classic, I'm sure. They likely use Enterpries
[01:41:13] Beirdo: Enterprise rather
[01:41:45] fleers (fleers! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:43:57] k_ross_: correct. when i said oracle bad for mysql, i was meaning on a more general, long term way. and you asked who cares about commercial licensed versions of mysql anyway
[01:44:59] Beirdo: hehe
[01:46:28] Beirdo: OK now for some fun
[01:46:50] Beirdo: time to start coding the creation of PCs on the MUD
[01:46:58] wagnerrp: maybe well just have to switch mythtv to use nosql
[01:47:01] Beirdo: now that I have the core of it there
[01:47:08] wagnerrp: it would fix all our scaling issues... :)
[01:47:22] Beirdo: !trout wagnerrp
[01:47:22] ** MythLogBot slaps wagnerrp with a trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[01:47:35] Beirdo: don't encourage the clueless :)
[01:53:00] jst (jst! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:05:44] ekristen (ekristen! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:05:50] ekristen: wagnerrp: you around?
[02:05:59] wagnerrp: uh huh
[02:06:22] ekristen: is the python libraries backwards compatible?
[02:06:39] ekristen: to protocol and database schema?
[02:06:45] wagnerrp: meaning... can the 0.24 bindings work with 0.23 database and backend?
[02:06:47] wagnerrp: no
[02:06:52] wagnerrp: they only function with one version
[02:07:19] ekristen: ok, but 23 should work with 23.0 and 23.1 and 24 should work with 24.x
[02:08:07] wagnerrp: 0.23 will work with 0.23, 0.23.1 will work with 0.23.1, 0.24 will work with 0.24
[02:08:48] ekristen: ah so literally only good for a single version
[02:08:51] ekristen: ok, thanks
[02:10:37] wagnerrp: they are designed to be updated with the installed version of mythtv
[02:11:22] ekristen: I understand, it makes sense
[02:14:13] ekristen: thanks
[02:14:36] k_ross_: okay it seems i'm getting different results when i rerun comm flagging vs when the backend ran it during recording. what could be going on here?
[02:15:14] k_ross_: this is from a recording from earlier today. same version for each run.
[02:23:49] shipit (shipit! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:24:19] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:34:14] smithna (smithna! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:44:26] ekristen: does mythtv track if the show is a movie vs a tv show somewhere in its database?
[02:45:19] ekristen: rather if a recording is a tv show or movie?
[02:46:07] mcbane (mcbane!~mcbane@zdv-vpn2-39-71.zdv.Uni-Mainz.DE) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:46:12] mcbane: hi
[02:46:34] mcbane: is it possible to use http ts streams as input for mythtv?
[02:49:08] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[02:49:21] ekristen: wagnerrp: you still around?
[02:52:53] Beirdo: blargh
[02:53:03] wagnerrp: yep
[02:53:11] Beirdo: wonder what I did wrong in THAT code :)
[02:54:30] ekristen: is there a field in the db somewhere to indicate whether a recording is a movie vs tvshow?
[02:55:11] Beirdo: dunno offhand
[02:58:28] wagnerrp: ekristen: for mythvidexport, i just use the existence of a subtitle
[02:58:38] Beirdo: somehow, it's actually possible to have TOO many recordings of Scrubs?
[02:58:41] wagnerrp: title alone means movie, title and subtitle mean tv show
[02:58:47] ekristen: wagnerrp: its for my mythtv bindings
[02:59:01] wagnerrp: there is a 'category_type' and 'showtype' which may indicate otherwise
[02:59:03] Beirdo: wagnerrp: that breaks for one thing I record :)
[02:59:13] Beirdo: DirecTV Concert Series
[02:59:15] wagnerrp: all of my recordings are of type 'series'
[02:59:18] Beirdo: the title's the band name
[02:59:24] Beirdo: the subtitle's empty
[02:59:28] Beirdo: stupid DirecTV
[02:59:28] wagnerrp: a movie might be of otherwise type
[02:59:30] ekristen: and I've found that not all tv shows always have title and subtitle
[02:59:52] wagnerrp: either way, if it doesnt have a subtitle, i cant match it against
[02:59:59] wagnerrp: so it would fall through to the generic mode anyway
[03:00:00] Beirdo: aye
[03:04:53] Beirdo: there we go
[03:05:00] Beirdo: needed the -rdynamic
[03:09:42] GreyFoxx: Can anyone tell me where does one install the libflashplayer plugin so that mythbrowser will work with it? I've gotta be dense since I don't see it after 10 minutes of googling around
[03:12:21] sphery: GreyFoxx: Same place you install it for firefox
[03:12:51] GreyFoxx: Ahhh ok. I didn't have it installed for firefox on this machine either. didn't realize it would use the same location
[03:12:54] GreyFoxx: cool. thanks
[03:13:18] sphery: yeah, don't know if it also looks in Chrome's place or not, but it looks in Firefox's places
[03:13:38] sphery: jams: here now
[03:14:00] GreyFoxx: spher: So I'm gonna be in your neck of the woods on Tuesday.
[03:14:07] GreyFoxx: We're heading to Orlando
[03:14:18] GreyFoxx: I'm hoping for nice weather heh
[03:14:24] sphery: cool
[03:14:38] sphery: so the delay for the shuttle means the earliest it can go is Mon
[03:15:08] GreyFoxx: heh
[03:15:15] GreyFoxx: of course, before I get there :)
[03:15:52] sphery: of course, that's also the last chance in the present orbital launch window, so if it's delayed again, you'll have to stick around until Nov 30 – Dec 5
[03:16:19] wagnerrp: crap....
[03:16:31] wagnerrp: had a bad recording of NCIS, so i marked it for re-record
[03:16:36] sphery: ah, no, they've already cancelled the Monday launch, so it's Nov 30 at the earlies
[03:16:39] wagnerrp: it re-records on election night, with all the tickers
[03:17:02] sphery: they've already sent the astronauts back to Houston
[03:17:10] ekristen: wagnerrp: that sucks
[03:18:11] GreyFoxx: pffft, so now flash works in firefoxx, but still not in mythbrowser
[03:18:36] GreyFoxx: time to dig out some strace
[03:18:37] sphery: GreyFoxx: Flash 10.1 and 10.2 have a bug
[03:18:47] GreyFoxx: I just installed the latest from adobes site
[03:18:49] sphery: GreyFoxx: they will only work in a Qt Webkit with a workaround for that bug
[03:18:54] sphery: GreyFoxx: meaning Qt 4.7
[03:18:59] GreyFoxx: ahhh poo
[03:19:07] GreyFoxx: wonder if I can find an older version pre 10.1
[03:19:10] sphery: however, you need very new 0.23-fixes or current trunk/0.24-fixes
[03:19:23] GreyFoxx: I'm running trunk for a week ago heh
[03:19:25] sphery: though the bug should cause a segfault
[03:19:36] sphery: so if you're not getting a seg fault, it's not finding the plugin
[03:19:46] GreyFoxx: all I'm getting is a "you need to upgrade your adobe flash player" message where the content is
[03:19:54] sphery: which site?
[03:19:56] GreyFoxx: gonna try stracing and see where it's trying to load it from
[03:20:01] GreyFoxx: I tried youtube
[03:20:13] GreyFoxx: picked a random video
[03:20:30] sphery: I don't know what their min Flash version is...
[03:20:35] sphery: Hulu is
[03:20:48] sphery: I'd guess similar for YouTube
[03:20:56] sphery: ads, though, aren't picky
[03:21:05] sphery: might want to try like or
[03:21:38] sphery: sweet... extra hour of sleep tonight
[03:23:40] bill6502 (bill6502!~bill6502@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:23:45] GreyFoxx: ok, neither of those work either
[03:24:47] cal__ (cal__! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:57] GreyFoxx: hrm, well it's finding the plugin, just apparently failing to load it and just not spitting out any error
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[03:38:25] sphery: that was a challenge... lizard hunting (a little Cuban brown anole snuck in my warm house when I came home earlier tonight, and I had to chase him around with a shoe box)
[03:39:56] wagnerrp: we get mice
[03:40:19] wagnerrp: did you know .22 birdshot wont even penetrate a mouse?
[03:40:33] wagnerrp: knocks it a foot or two across the concrete floor, and it just keeps on running
[04:14:43] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: heh nice
[04:16:45] wagnerrp: well you know... its a low power scatter round, you think it will be safe
[04:16:55] wagnerrp: wont cause any damage, wont ricochet
[04:17:08] wagnerrp: but here, its so low power, you'd be better off with a paintball gun
[04:25:08] Beirdo: or a golf club
[04:25:38] Beirdo: yay yay aya
[04:25:46] wagnerrp: too easy to dodge
[04:25:48] Beirdo: I got that code behaving
[04:28:46] fleers (fleers! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[04:29:27] wagnerrp: HHAHAHA
[04:30:01] wagnerrp:
[04:31:24] Shadow__X: it makes the wii tenis rackets almost excusable
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[04:36:02] npm (npm! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[04:40:11] Beirdo: need foood
[04:50:54] k_ross_: does comm flagging in 0.24 use vdpau? i ask because in my terminal window where i'm running mythcommflag, i keep seeing "Player(0): Timed out waiting for free video buffers"
[04:52:32] wagnerrp: no, commflagging is all software
[04:53:22] wagnerrp: in theory, it wouldnt be difficult to tie the CHD decoders into commflagging
[04:53:47] wagnerrp: but for VDPAU, we would have to write code to pull the rendered textures back out of the graphics memory using opengl
[04:54:35] k_ross_: then what is causing that message? and does it affect commflagging?
[04:55:04] wagnerrp: are these recordings from a remote backend?
[04:55:35] wagnerrp: or real-time flagging from in progress recordings?
[04:55:44] k_ross_: i have two backends, with NFS mounted recording directory
[04:56:09] k_ross_: i'm re-running comm flagging on a previous recording, to see if i get different results
[04:56:49] Beirdo: k_ross_: commflagging still uses the same buffer management code as playback
[04:57:10] Beirdo: I've noticed it doing that occasionally too, but not often
[04:57:37] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Quit: poodyp)
[04:58:06] Beirdo: note to Ubuntu users... if 10.10 is THAT much of a pain, use 10.04!
[04:58:09] k_ross_: it's happening every few seconds for me right now during this run, and it shows about 14 fps
[04:58:32] Beirdo: yeah, I'm not sure why it happens, but it does use common code
[04:58:51] k_ross_: ok
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[06:08:22] wagnerrp: whats going on? why are my recordings recording twice?
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[06:08:52] wagnerrp: oh ticket, how i will submit thee, and subsequently complain on the mailing list about how mythtv sucks for not using UTC
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[07:46:23] Beirdo: well, that's enough for one night
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[07:47:02] wagnerrp: yeah, me too
[07:47:17] wagnerrp: about to fire off a bug report for the mysql bindings and head in
[07:47:35] wagnerrp: seems it barfs on empty DATE and DATETIME fields
[07:47:42] wagnerrp: (where the data is 0000-00–00)
[07:47:44] Beirdo: tomorrow I may setup a slightly easier way to set the attributes of a player :)
[07:47:58] symptom (symptom! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[07:48:06] Beirdo: right now I have to hand it a JSON object in text, I want a wrapper for that
[07:48:32] wagnerrp: player?
[07:48:41] Beirdo: yeah, MUD player :)
[07:49:09] Beirdo: all the attributes (such as sex, age, etc) are stored internally in a binary tree, and in the db in JSON
[07:49:28] Beirdo: rather than having 200+ arbitrary columns that have to change all the time
[07:50:27] Beirdo: makes for some fun... data wrangling...
[07:50:49] Beirdo: basically, stored kinda like a perl hash as far as the code sees it
[07:51:17] Beirdo: except some attributes are aggregatable... like max_hit_points.
[07:51:31] Beirdo: it will be adjusted by player class and player race
[07:51:39] wagnerrp: have you ever used launchpad?
[07:51:44] Beirdo: it just gets rather complex, rather fast
[07:51:50] Beirdo: briefly, yes
[07:52:09] wagnerrp: do you know what the 'unformatted' tags are?
[07:52:15] wagnerrp: like how trac has '{{{ }}}'
[07:52:24] Beirdo: not off hand, no
[07:52:40] Beirdo: tgm4883: you got a clue for that (if you're up?)
[07:56:54] Beirdo: anywho, I'm gonna go crash
[07:57:18] Beirdo: that was a fun day of mental gymnastics. Good thing I love playing with pointers :)
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[10:23:28] Widget: for a fresh 0.24-fixes svn install, does it matter what the mysql DB encoding settings are any more?
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[11:54:12] mrec: hi
[11:54:21] mrec: 2010-08–23 13:07:05.032 DevRdB(/dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend0): End-Of-File? fd(56)
[11:54:24] mrec: 2010-08–23 13:07:05.177 DVBSH(/dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend0) Error: Device EOF detected
[11:54:27] mrec: 2010-08–23 13:07:05.353 DVBRec(17:/dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend0) Error: Stream handler died unexpectedly.
[11:54:30] mrec: does anyone know how that can happen?
[11:54:48] mrec: to me it seems EOF can only happen to dvr or maybe demux
[11:55:02] mrec: code says:
[11:55:04] mrec: if (_device_read_buffer->IsEOF())
[11:55:04] mrec: {
[11:55:04] mrec: VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, LOC_ERR + "Device EOF detected");
[11:55:04] mrec: _error = true;
[11:55:06] mrec: }
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[13:23:06] Widget: this 0.24-rc2 install isn't going well. i can see channels, but can't watch or record any...
[13:26:58] iprouteth0: I've been fighting with mythweb
[13:27:26] Widget: what, as a user or dev?
[13:27:31] iprouteth0: user
[13:28:28] smooph (smooph! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[13:28:40] iprouteth0: Not much much but the same mailing list post all over google when I search the error
[13:29:00] iprouteth0: Fatal error: Call to a member function query_col() on a non-object in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/mythweb/modules/backend_log/init.php on line 19
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[13:29:30] Widget: what ver?
[13:29:31] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:29:42] iprouteth0: of mythtv, or mythweb?
[13:30:16] iprouteth0: * www-apps/mythweb
[13:30:16] iprouteth0: Latest version available: 0.23.1_p25396
[13:30:16] iprouteth0: Latest version installed: 0.23.1_p25396
[13:30:16] iprouteth0: Size of files: 37,161 kB
[13:30:16] iprouteth0: Homepage:
[13:30:17] iprouteth0: Description: PHP scripts intended to manage MythTV from a web browser.
[13:30:19] iprouteth0: License: GPL-2
[13:30:36] Widget: the gentoo builds worked for me
[13:30:40] Widget: for 0.23.1
[13:30:44] Widget: PHP issues perhaps?
[13:30:58] iprouteth0: PHP did not work immediately for me
[13:31:36] iprouteth0: I had to add -D PHP5 to apache opts, and added the Load Module for php
[13:32:06] iprouteth0: now I know PHP is working. Co-worker gave me a small script to show my php info
[13:32:23] iprouteth0: this is my first time working with apache though
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[13:33:33] Widget: which php ver?
[13:34:28] iprouteth0: PHP Version 5.3.3-pl3-gentoo is at the top of page when i use my info.php script
[13:37:05] Widget: same as me
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[13:41:57] iprouteth0: think i'm getting somehwere
[13:42:42] iprouteth0: I had some redudant entries in my httpd.conf, and cleaned those up. Before I could run apache2 -M and get all my loaded modules
[13:43:00] iprouteth0: now I get # apache2 -M
[13:43:01] iprouteth0: Syntax error on line 108 of /etc/apache2/mythweb.conf.apache:
[13:43:01] iprouteth0: Invalid command 'php_value', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[13:45:25] Widget: yeah, I get that, but my setup has worked fine
[13:46:29] iprouteth0: Sound like you really didnt have to do much tweaking then of any conf files, Widget?
[13:46:50] iprouteth0: if so, it's good to hear that the install SHOULD work..... lol. welcome to gentoo
[13:47:45] iprouteth0: I tend to like to be as minimalist as possible when i select my USE flags for building anything, and that habit sometimes gets me in trouble
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[13:50:42] Widget: i'm trying the 0.24 live builds atm, and stuff isn't going well. but i need to do a reinstall and i don't want to do an upgrade two weeks later
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[13:52:49] iprouteth0: manually building or is it in the unstable portage repo?
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[13:56:52] Widget: there's an overlay
[13:57:06] Widget: but I just get many MYTH_PROTO_VERSION was empty errors in the frontend
[13:57:16] Widget: the backend seems pretty happy, it's found channels and can EIT scan
[13:57:38] Widget: but i can't watch any channels, and requests to record things are ignored
[13:57:59] Widget: mythweb just hangs, presumably waiting on the backend
[13:59:06] iprouteth0: I havent quite gotten that far. I have no tv card hardware so my current intentions are to stream my current media library
[13:59:48] iprouteth0: i've got mythtv backend working well, frontend is mostly working well. Will playback at least. So mythweb has been more problematic
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[14:14:02] Widget: aha, the master backend IP doesn't like not being localhost
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[14:22:20] iprouteth0: everything working?
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[14:31:17] Widget: apart from the bbc radio channels on freesat
[14:31:25] Widget: i get errors trying to tune to multiplex 2013
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[15:59:46] Weaselweb: is there a possibility to shutdown the system using a multimedia key? e.g. by pressing the key KEY_SLEEP twice in a short time
[16:01:10] iprouteth0 (iprouteth0!~iprouteth@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[16:14:25] Azelphur: Weaselweb: could probably do that with xbindkeys and a bash script
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[16:28:45] Weaselweb: Azelphur: thanks for the idea, but i think i found a more elegant way: ~/.fluxbox/keys: none XF86Sleep XF86Sleep :ExecCommand sudo halt -p
[16:28:58] Azelphur: :)
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[16:56:02] Beirdo: happy DST day, America
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[17:42:51] wagnerrp: sphery: i had already replied to scott as such directly
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[17:48:11] Beirdo: hmmm, I need to find where I put those d20 manuals
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[17:51:56] wagnerrp: (int)(rand()*20)
[17:52:05] Beirdo: no, silly
[17:52:13] Beirdo: as to rules, etc
[17:52:50] wagnerrp: 1. roll the dice; 2. read the value; 3. compare
[17:53:09] Beirdo: !trout wagnerrp
[17:53:09] ** MythLogBot slaps wagnerrp with a trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[17:53:11] Beirdo: :)
[17:53:21] Beirdo: there's a LOT more to it than that
[17:53:44] kormoc: I have a cheaters dice for D&D 1st and 2nd edition
[17:53:55] Beirdo: trying to recall what machine the zip files were on
[17:54:15] wagnerrp: kormoc: you always roll 20s?
[17:55:01] kormoc: wagnerrp, nah, in 1st and 2nd edition, you have to roll under your skill to pass the check
[17:55:15] kormoc: I have a d20 that is 1–10 twice
[17:55:31] kormoc: so you'll always roll under your skills and thus always pass the check
[17:55:46] Beirdo: hehe
[17:56:25] kormoc: and it's a old green dice with the embossed numbers ready for the colored crayon to fill it in
[17:56:29] kormoc: looks totally legit
[17:56:41] k_ross_ (k_ross_!ad40b024@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[17:57:48] Beirdo:
[17:58:05] Beirdo: maybe I was just reading online, hence why I can find no flippin PDF
[17:58:51] Beirdo: I should talk to some coworkers to see if they have any D20 manuals I could borrow..
[17:59:01] Beirdo: several are ex-WotC
[18:01:15] kormoc: d20?
[18:01:30] Beirdo: yeah, or even D&Dv4
[18:02:22] Beirdo: it makes it easier to base a MUD on than older D&D versions
[18:03:05] Beirdo: hmm, I guess D&D v3.5 rather :)
[18:03:21] kormoc: I like 2ed personally
[18:03:48] Beirdo: yeah, I bet in person, it would be more fun, but to mechanize into a MUD... aye, carumba
[18:04:00] n1md4 (n1md4! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:04:05] n1md4: evening.
[18:04:37] wagnerrp: afternoon
[18:04:54] Beirdo: morning
[18:05:08] n1md4: I've just purchased a TV with built in freeview (UK) tuner. Can I hook this up to mythtv?
[18:05:34] [R]: waht outputs does it have?
[18:05:55] wagnerrp: you can connect a PC to one of the video inputs on your TV
[18:06:08] wagnerrp: but no, you cannot capture video from the tuner in your TV
[18:06:37] n1md4: that's a shame :-/ I was hoping to cut my monthly Sky bill
[18:07:15] k_ross_: you still can, you'll just need a little more hardware
[18:07:21] wagnerrp: dont make the assumption that mythtv is somehow the 'cheap' solution
[18:07:36] wagnerrp: if you wanted to capture SKY, you would need a SKY box, and an analog capture card
[18:08:13] n1md4: I don't care about Sky, and Freeview is, well, free. I'd be using MythTV as the capture part of Sky record feature.
[18:09:21] n1md4: Can it also do series linking; where it repeadedly records a series over time?
[18:10:05] wagnerrp: if you tell it to
[18:11:20] n1md4: Okay. Ultimately I'd like an easy to use box (for the family) to replace the features of Sky+
[18:12:00] Weaselweb (Weaselweb!~quassel@2001:6f8:9e4:123:21a:92ff:fe5a:1409) has left #mythtv-users (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")
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[18:15:10] k_ross_: i don't live in the uk, but as far as i know, you just need a dvb-t card for your computer to record freeview
[18:16:19] n1md4: Thanks.
[18:17:36] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:19:40] k_ross_: of course, if you want to use mythtv with it (as opposed to, say, windows media center), make sure there's a linux driver for whatever card you choose, by going to and checking the wiki
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[18:23:17] Toast: does the svn release-0-24-fixes/ branch follow release candidates?
[18:24:20] [R]: yes
[18:24:27] Toast: Thanks.
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[19:10:48] Azelphur: when in mythweb, mythvideo, if I click "Scan Collection" it brings up a popup saying "1 requests pending." what do I do next?
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[19:15:32] Azelphur: ah I see, that means it's doing it and I just need to wait :)
[19:21:22] Azelphur: justinh: a while back I asked, "Is there any way to initiate a MythVideo scan and Metadata grab from the command line?" you said "god, how many times must this subject come up? NO"
[19:21:34] Azelphur: justinh: wget http://localhost/mythweb/video/scan is the answer :)
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[19:34:42] kormoc: that's been disabled
[19:35:07] wagnerrp: Azelphur: that hasnt been the answer since 0.22
[19:35:08] kormoc: and will break your video setup on -trunk and 0.24+
[19:35:25] wagnerrp: it has never properly handled storage groups
[19:35:28] Azelphur: kormoc: It worked for me on 0.23 o.O
[19:35:34] kormoc: luck
[19:35:35] wagnerrp: not properly
[19:35:53] wagnerrp: no, it worked because you never scanned in mythvideo itself
[19:36:03] Azelphur: huh?
[19:36:26] wagnerrp: mythweb does not calculate hash values on videos it scans in
[19:36:36] kormoc: hash is a 0.24+/-trunk feature
[19:36:43] wagnerrp: everything but VIDEO_TS folders must have a hash value
[19:36:45] kormoc: in 0.23, it works as long as there's no remote storage groups
[19:36:49] wagnerrp: hash is a 0.23+ feature
[19:36:53] kormoc: ooh?
[19:37:02] wagnerrp: yeah, added before 0.23 was released
[19:37:05] kormoc: huh
[19:37:06] Azelphur: ok
[19:37:09] kormoc: doesn't seem that long ago
[19:37:18] wagnerrp: it wasnt
[19:37:24] wagnerrp: probably added early this year
[19:37:28] wagnerrp: 0.23 wasnt that long ago
[19:37:34] Azelphur: so I best not use it then as I have multiple storage groups
[19:38:22] cookie123 (cookie123! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:38:25] wagnerrp: Azelphur: the hash values are designed so that mythvideo can find files that have been moved
[19:38:39] wagnerrp: if you move a file without the hash, you will lose all stored metadata
[19:38:42] kormoc: feel free to submit a patch to implement it
[19:38:49] Azelphur: that's not important to me :)
[19:39:08] wagnerrp: it also does not support remote content
[19:39:15] kormoc: I'm surprised it didn't wipe all your videos from the database
[19:39:22] wagnerrp: everything has to be locally available to the machine running mythweb
[19:39:37] Azelphur: hehe, everything is locally available
[19:39:49] wagnerrp: Azelphur: basically, youre having someone who wrote the mythweb video scanner, and someone who wrote the python video scanner, both telling you not to use it
[19:40:00] wagnerrp: fight us if you want, your risk
[19:40:09] Azelphur: hey I'm not fighting :)
[19:40:26] Azelphur: I already said (19:38:20) Azelphur: so I best not use it then
[19:41:05] Beirdo: don't resist... resistance is futile.
[19:41:12] Azelphur: indeed
[19:42:15] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[19:44:00] wagnerrp: so nVidia is showing off some 'vapor chamber' GPU cooling design, designed to improve effectiveness and allow quieter fans
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[19:44:11] wagnerrp: i dont see the difference between that and existing heatpipes
[19:44:43] Beirdo: different name, so they can apply for a patent?
[19:45:06] wagnerrp: heatpipes use evaporative cooling to spread the heat around more evenly, and more effectively make use of the available surface area
[19:45:12] wagnerrp: this does... exactly the same thing
[19:45:31] kormoc: it's wider!
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[19:45:53] Beirdo: hehe
[19:45:55] wagnerrp: so... its the chode of heatpipes?
[19:46:02] Beirdo: it's GPU-ier
[19:46:16] wagnerrp: really fat and short
[19:46:58] Beirdo: hey, you dang woodchucks! Quit chuckin' my wood!
[19:47:10] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:47:29] wagnerrp: im still waiting for them to go to triple slot coolers
[19:47:54] Beirdo: heh, one for the back of the card, one for the front?
[19:48:40] wagnerrp: hell, i dont see why current case manufacturers arent building in 'cooling ducts' surrounding the expansion slots
[19:48:57] wagnerrp: have a big 120mm intake that gets ducted straight into the front of the video cards
[19:49:04] wagnerrp: make the video cards themselves fanless
[19:49:14] wagnerrp: server manufacturers have been doing that for a decade
[19:49:15] Beirdo: that would be too sensible
[19:49:31] wagnerrp: and thats how their Tesla line is set up
[19:51:10] wagnerrp: everyone keeps trying to put water cooling in everything
[19:51:27] wagnerrp: but regardless of what you do, its always going to boil down to enough air going over a large enough heatsink
[19:52:16] Beirdo: nah, you COULD loop the hot "water" line through a cold water flow into the drain :)
[19:52:16] kormoc: not entirely true
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[19:53:13] Beirdo: I remember setting that up for cooling in the chemistry lab :)
[19:53:35] wagnerrp: Beirdo: yeah yeah, but i would say there may be a whole dozen of consumer computer enthusiasts doing something like that
[19:53:45] Beirdo: yeah, true
[19:53:52] wagnerrp: using water cooling to exchange heat with something other than air
[19:54:03] Beirdo: in the world :)
[19:54:39] Beirdo: if you had an indoor pool, you could heat the pool with your computers :)
[19:54:41] n0tk (n0tk!~n0tk@ has quit (Client Quit)
[19:54:42] wagnerrp: and i dare say theres only a few dozen (in the world) using water cooling and exchanging heat with something other than the air in direct vicinity of their computer
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[19:55:45] wagnerrp: water cooling offers some cool possibilities for dumping heat remotely, and ive heard there are a number of server farms starting be set up that way
[19:56:07] wagnerrp: but the enthusiast market use for it is just a waste
[19:56:47] dekarl1 (dekarl1! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:57:22] Beirdo: heh, yeah well.
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[20:09:15] stevieman: Has anyone got their remote working with sdlmame launched from mythgame? I get nothing when I use the code in the wiki.
[20:09:24] adicarlo: hola todos
[20:09:37] adicarlo: stevieman: you wanna play video games using an IR remote?
[20:10:09] stevieman: adicarlo: lol, no but Id like to be able to exit when I'm done playing
[20:10:13] Toast (Toast!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:10:24] adicarlo: oh yah... that can be bitchy...
[20:10:33] adicarlo: let me see whether that works for me, 1s
[20:10:39] adicarlo: i got other problems :P
[20:10:47] trumee is now known as zzztrumee
[20:10:56] stevieman: adicarlo: bitchy is an understatement
[20:11:16] wagnerrp: stevieman: so use 'irexec', run the command 'killall sdlmame'
[20:11:47] stevieman: wagnerrp: that is what I am attempting to do, nothing happens
[20:11:57] wagnerrp: is irexec running?
[20:12:17] stevieman: ps -aux indicates it is
[20:12:18] wagnerrp: like, right now... do you see it in your process list?
[20:12:34] wagnerrp: then check to make sure its reading the correct lircrc
[20:12:43] stevieman: le me double check though
[20:13:02] adicarlo: hmm, 9million entries in upnpmedia, that can't be right can it?
[20:13:20] wagnerrp: adicarlo: sounds like you have circular symlinks
[20:13:26] adicarlo: wagnerrp: i bet i do
[20:13:41] adicarlo: its a twisty set of directories there
[20:14:13] Beirdo: thank goodness that scan is gonna get removed sometime
[20:14:31] wagnerrp: heh... does the mythvideo scan handle them properly?
[20:14:41] wagnerrp: well, either way it means only a single scan
[20:14:55] Beirdo: if it doesn't, we'll fix it :)
[20:14:57] stevieman: wagnerrp: yep irexec is running
[20:15:51] wagnerrp: stevieman: running as the same user as mythfrontend?
[20:17:29] adicarlo: hmm, i wonder, how best to diagnose this scan issue
[20:17:34] stevieman: wagnerrp: yes I've double checked that, it seems I don't have a /~.lircrc just a /.lirc. Should the code in the wiki go in the mythtv file? I have it in an ADLMame file
[20:17:38] adicarlo: i sought out some symlink circles and got nothing
[20:17:45] adicarlo: i guess I shoujld look at the data it was inserting over and over
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[20:18:10] wagnerrp: adicarlo: the UPNP scanner only does a very basic file scan
[20:18:16] wagnerrp: and it populates an in-memory table
[20:18:18] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:18:40] stevieman: that should be SDLMame file not ADLMame file
[20:18:50] adicarlo: wagnerrp: ok
[20:18:57] adicarlo: there's something inserting tons of records to this table tho
[20:19:07] adicarlo: and it was hanging up my db or rather spamming I guess
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[20:20:20] adicarlo: man mysql, i kinda hate you
[20:21:05] stevieman: adicarlo: it's not mysql fault it kinda sucks :)
[20:21:32] adicarlo: ITS ORACLES PROBLEM NOW!!
[20:21:34] adicarlo: heh
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[20:21:58] stevieman: adicarlo: he he
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[20:23:00] adicarlo: i have a lot of friends who worked for mysql, then sun, now oracle i guess — i feel for them
[20:23:28] adicarlo: tho i don't know if oracle is worse than sun, not sure it could be
[20:24:20] adicarlo: what is this, a table lock?
[20:24:24] stevieman: don't know, kinda a toss up
[20:24:42] adicarlo: i'm not used to running a basic sql stmt like "select max(intid) from upnpmedia;" and having to wait 5 minutes
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[20:30:28] adicarlo: i wonder if i should kill the backend, truncate table, then start over here
[20:30:42] adicarlo: mysql, you're so slow with deletes
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[20:38:32] ** kormoc sighs **
[20:38:56] kormoc: only cause you havne't tuned it or have slow io
[20:39:02] kormoc: and it's just OT for this channel anyway
[20:44:29] Beirdo: yeah
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[20:55:21] noii: after my mythtv installation has been running for a while, the highlights in the menus disappear, which means I can't choose 'search' in the mythmusic menu for example. any ideas?
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[20:58:54] trumee: anybody tried running myth on centos?
[20:59:17] Toast: After compiling 0.24 RC2 on debian squeeze, I get the following error when trying to start my backend. Any ideas?
[20:59:47] Toast: Starting MythTV server: mythbackend :/usr/local/bin/mythbackend: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[21:00:43] trumee: I am running centosplus kernel. If i do a modprobe saa7146, i dont get /dev/dvb folders?
[21:01:17] bjd: Toast: have you got libdirectfb installed?
[21:02:10] Toast: bjd: yes, but version 1.2–9 not
[21:02:36] bjd: so symlink?
[21:03:10] Toast: I could try, but could I be missing something simple in how I built myth?
[21:03:40] bjd: dunno, i stick with the packages – i'm lazy :)
[21:04:05] pheld: is there a way to down-prioritise EIT-handling without completely disabling it? EPG caching, scanning and db-updates are causing timeouts on channel-changes in livetv
[21:04:11] Toast: :)
[21:05:00] pheld: and the backend gets stuck on a multiplex thinking the local frontend is still connected after such a timeout
[21:05:22] Toast: squeeze only comes with 0.23.1 as far as I can seen, so I have to build.
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[21:30:39] trumee: bjd: what distro do you use?
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[21:32:31] sphery: Is #9195 a dup of #9192?
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[21:33:52] sphery: wagnerrp: Had you replied on list about fixing mythweather after having no InnoDB, I would have known I didn't need to reply.  :) That said, thanks for replying.
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[21:41:24] Azelphur: with the subtitles in mythvideo, is there any way to increase the font size?
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[21:52:04] sphery: Azelphur: no
[21:52:20] sphery: Azelphur: in trunk/0.24-fixes, you can specify a font for them
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[21:52:35] sphery: so pick one that's larger/bolder than the current one?
[21:53:03] Azelphur: I'm on 0.23
[21:53:41] ikonia (ikonia!~mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia) has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[21:53:47] adicarlo: huh, ther's a fixes branch already?
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[21:54:01] sphery: wagnerrp: also, thanks for replying about #9193. I had no idea what's happening. I hope he replies to say that's the problem. If so, I can make it just remove any cut at or > lastframe
[21:54:15] sphery: adicarlo: it's still development--0.24 hasn't been released
[21:54:25] adicarlo: sphery: yah that's what i thought
[21:55:10] adicarlo: well i just truncated the upnpmedia table and turned off the upnp scan, I don't think I use that, hopefully mythtv willb e nice and stable now
[21:55:15] sphery: yeah, just wanted to make sure anyone reading knows :)
[21:55:47] sphery: adicarlo: do you have a symlink loop in your video directories??
[21:55:54] adicarlo: no, i don't think so
[21:55:58] sphery: what was it doing?
[21:56:06] sphery: you said "trying to fill your disk"?
[21:56:11] adicarlo: inserting millions of records with no relief in sight
[21:56:18] sphery: that sounds like a symlink loop
[21:56:23] adicarlo: i know sure
[21:56:29] sphery: check carefully
[21:56:52] adicarlo: well i did a 'find <dir> -type f' and don't see any infinite recursion
[21:56:55] sphery: for any symlink within your video dir that links to some directory
[21:56:57] adicarlo: wouldn't that loop as well?
[21:57:09] sphery: adicarlo: find <dir> -type l -exec ls -l {} \;
[21:57:31] sphery: likely no--I think find actually maintains a list of canonical paths
[21:57:32] unixSnob (unixSnob! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[21:58:17] adicarlo: i've seen it loop before, lets try
[21:58:26] elmojo (elmojo! has quit (Changing host)
[21:58:43] adicarlo: no you're right not looping
[21:58:44] sphery: anyway, the UPnP media scan will happen every <X> minutes
[21:58:47] adicarlo: i must be crack smoking
[21:58:48] sphery: (30-ish?)
[21:58:55] adicarlo: sphery: yah i turned that to zero in mythtv-setup
[21:59:02] Beirdo: umm
[21:59:04] sphery: ah, then it wouldn't
[21:59:08] Beirdo: that was probably a mistake
[21:59:16] Beirdo: now it will run every 0 minutes.
[21:59:17] adicarlo: i wonder if i'll miss UPNP — waht's it for anyhow?
[21:59:21] Beirdo: ie. constantly
[21:59:24] adicarlo: Beirdo: no, never
[21:59:37] adicarlo: at least according to the help text, 0 == disable
[21:59:38] Beirdo: if you want it never, just tell it not to run upnp
[21:59:53] sphery: the setting help says 0 = off
[22:00:07] Beirdo: yeah, I'm sure it does, but do we believe it?
[22:00:18] sphery: Upnp[sic] Media Update Time: The number of minutes between mythbackend checking for new videos to serve via upnp. 0 = Off.
[22:00:20] adicarlo: hmm, i didn't see an option to turn it off completely
[22:00:22] sphery: end space included
[22:00:26] sphery: hope those got fixed for 0.24
[22:00:48] Beirdo: mythbackend --noupnp
[22:00:49] sphery: UPnP got fixed
[22:00:52] sphery: extra space didn't
[22:01:00] sphery: oh well, the whole thing will disappear, so :)
[22:01:12] sphery: won't noupnp break MythWeb preview gen?
[22:01:16] Beirdo: but you sure there are no symlinks in there at all?
[22:01:21] Beirdo: no
[22:01:25] Beirdo: why would it?
[22:01:40] sphery: does noupnp only disable upnp or does it disable all of MythXML?
[22:01:41] adicarlo: oh you know whatI b3et it was a symlink circle in my music dir or something
[22:01:56] sphery: oh, yeah, music dirs are scanned, too
[22:02:01] sphery: I always forget that
[22:02:03] ** adicarlo searches for how to turn this off utterly **
[22:02:05] Beirdo: AFAIK, it affects ONLY the upnp proper
[22:02:07] sphery: (since I don't have a music collection)
[22:02:19] Beirdo: adicarlo: fix your silly symlinks
[22:02:20] Beirdo: :)
[22:02:30] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:02:50] adicarlo: Beirdo: why do you object to me turning off somethign I don't use?
[22:03:07] kormoc: upnp isn't only media sharing
[22:03:30] kormoc: you'll break any bindings, future mythweb won't work, remote frontends/backends won't work
[22:03:38] kormoc: but hey, whatever
[22:03:41] Beirdo: kormoc: umm, what?
[22:03:43] adicarlo: kormoc: seriously?
[22:03:47] Beirdo: none of them use UPnP
[22:03:55] Beirdo: they use the shared webserver
[22:04:04] kormoc: Beirdo, sure we do, auto descovery
[22:04:11] kormoc: discovery
[22:04:11] Beirdo: now if --noupnp shuts off that webserver than someone needs a smack
[22:04:31] Beirdo: autodiscovery, yeah... which you can configure around
[22:04:50] adicarlo: don't need that neither :)
[22:04:59] Beirdo: however, if the issue is the scanner going insane due to symlinks
[22:05:07] Beirdo: fix the blasted symlink issue ;)
[22:05:19] kormoc: afaik, we decided we wouldn't support it and the python bindings are upnp only, no?
[22:05:30] Beirdo: hmmm, not sure
[22:05:31] kormoc: adicarlo, it'll break mythmusic proper as well (broken symlinks)
[22:05:34] Beirdo: that could be
[22:05:46] kormoc: I know we've talked about removing the non-upnp perl hooks
[22:06:04] kormoc: and I was planning on moving mythweb to upnp only, as everyone should use unpn
[22:06:11] sphery: I could have sworn when we first added --noupnp, all the "optimize until it doesn't work" people on the list turned if off then complained because they didn't get MythWeb previews.
[22:06:32] Beirdo: sphery: yeah, that could just be autodiscovery
[22:06:45] kormoc: we just use mythxml for pixgens
[22:06:46] Beirdo: they'd need to use the config.xml or whatever to get around it
[22:06:50] kormoc: nah
[22:06:51] sphery: or maybe they've fixed that
[22:07:03] sphery: yeah, I'm thinking maybe originally it disabled mythxml
[22:07:08] sphery: and now it's just the upnp server?
[22:07:14] Beirdo: I'd hope so!
[22:07:16] kormoc: upnp is via the webserver
[22:07:21] Beirdo: if not, we need to fix it
[22:07:43] Beirdo: --noupnp *should* just turn off upnp, not the webserver
[22:07:54] Beirdo: if not, that's a pretty serious issue
[22:07:57] kormoc: meh
[22:08:04] kormoc: it's a unsupported setup
[22:09:08] Beirdo: heh
[22:09:19] Beirdo: we'll be cleaning that crap up in 0.25, I'm sure
[22:12:16] sphery: yeah, 0.25 should fix a lot of it
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[22:49:35] sphery: heh, "I upgraded from 23.0 to 32.1 thinking that might help." That must be a /very/ nice version of MythTV. Can't wait until I get a chance to see it.
[22:50:45] [R]: lol
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[23:14:19] Beirdo: RONK!
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[23:31:55] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:39:08] k-man: who manages the database design?
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[23:43:30] Beirdo: RONK!
[23:43:40] k-man: ronk?
[23:43:46] Beirdo: heh
[23:43:55] Beirdo: you need to watch more Scrubs
[23:44:52] Beirdo: the answer to yer question: the developers
[23:45:10] Beirdo: not sure if any one in particular is the master of all of it
[23:45:35] [R]: developers developers developers
[23:45:55] k-man: it would be cool if mythtv could store the language that a program is in – i think the first step would be adding a couple of tables to mythtv to store the language
[23:46:07] k-man: how should I go working on that?
[23:46:31] [R]: where is it going to get that from?
[23:46:45] shipit (shipit!~sumeet@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:46:51] ** Beirdo shrugs **
[23:47:08] Beirdo: might be in the new metadata stuff
[23:47:13] k-man: [R]: well, in Aus, the program guides often contain the langauge a show is in, but as mythtv has no way to deal with it, the data is discarded by the guide grabber
[23:47:25] [R]: so the grabber says it
[23:47:29] [R]: so add a column to the program table
[23:47:58] k-man: well, the grabber doesn't at the moment as there is no where to put the data, the grabber devs just ignore that info
[23:48:14] [R]: so modify the grabber
[23:48:39] k-man: well, first need to get the column into mythtv i think no?
[23:48:48] [R]: [04:47:29] [R] so add a column to the program table
[23:49:02] Beirdo: don't know if that's the right place
[23:49:07] [R]: why not?
[23:49:16] k-man: so what do i do? write the sql and submit a patch?
[23:49:31] [R]: well you need to add a lot more tahn that
[23:49:37] [R]: cuz then you need the code to do soething with it
[23:49:51] k-man: it mightbe instructive to use the same data design that xmltv uses, which is 2 columns, langauge and original-language afaict
[23:50:41] k-man: [R]: yes, i realise that, but if i can convince the devs to add the columns, its non intrusive, and then support in the frontend can be added bit by bit
[23:51:10] [R]: bit by bit/
[23:51:12] [R]: just do it all
[23:51:15] [R]: and submit a patch
[23:51:21] [R]: thats how feature requests work
[23:51:30] k-man: ok
[23:53:12] k-man: check out Go in Peace, Jamil the guide says it is from Denmark, in Arabic and Danish, english subs.
[23:54:13] [R]: i belive you...
[23:54:56] stevieman (stevieman! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:56:36] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)

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