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Friday, October 22nd, 2010, 00:04 UTC
[00:04:13] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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[00:13:51] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents!~darren@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:52] wagnerrp: there he goes again... pulling in random threads from other mailing lists
[00:14:13] wagnerrp: sphery: you really need to do something about that, hes trashing your good name
[00:14:54] simcop2387 is now known as SIMCOP2387
[00:15:05] Twiggy2cents: I know this is off topic, but I only have one question. On my fedora machine I am trying to get lirc to work. It was advised to install lirc-remotes for a library of preconfigured lircd.conf's I installed it but have no clue where its at. Any tips?
[00:16:04] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, I'm guessing you mean grounded
[00:16:33] wagnerrp: yep, pulling in garbage from his fax program
[00:17:15] Twiggy2cents: nvm :) search to the resuce
[00:17:19] Twiggy2cents: rescue*
[00:17:23] sphery: yeah
[00:26:10] Twiggy2cents: do I need to route the mythtv lirc keypress application to my lircrc?
[00:26:27] wagnerrp: mythtv lirc keypress application?
[00:26:35] Twiggy2cents: its in the frontend settings
[00:27:06] Twiggy2cents: Right under the lirc socket setting
[00:27:12] wagnerrp: is that something to use to override the use of 'mythtv'?
[00:27:21] Twiggy2cents: I dunno thats why I am asking
[00:27:40] wagnerrp: if you dont know what it is, and i dont know what it is, dont touch it
[00:27:52] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[00:27:56] Twiggy2cents: it says exteral application or script to run when a keypress is recieved by LIRC
[00:28:16] wagnerrp: i dont know why you would want such a thing
[00:28:28] wagnerrp: i dont know why you wouldnt simply use 'irexec'
[00:28:49] Twiggy2cents: I wasnt sure what to use to set up this remote
[00:30:31] Twiggy2cents: nvm it was just an issue with the buttons being named wrong
[00:31:49] sphery: lirc keypress application is a hack that runs a system command on every button press
[00:32:00] wagnerrp: but what for?
[00:32:08] sphery: it was put in place so some people who couldn't figure out irexec could make a beep on every button press
[00:32:22] wagnerrp: so... ripe for removal
[00:32:28] sphery: it will be gone as soon as I decide to stop upholding the freeze
[00:32:30] sphery: I already have the patch
[00:32:47] wagnerrp: cut away my good man
[00:32:49] sphery: :)
[00:33:21] wagnerrp: excise those demons
[00:34:25] ** wagnerrp goes back to editing cutlists **
[00:37:15] jan2600_ (jan2600_! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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[00:42:34] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:47:04] harrisonk_away is now known as harrisonk
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[00:49:32] jamesd2 (jamesd2! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:49:53] Twiggy2cents: Is there a way to make a button press start mythtv?
[00:50:49] Twiggy2cents: actually I jsut figured this out. I am failing at searching before asking
[00:50:50] Twiggy2cents: sorry
[00:53:31] wagnerrp: Twiggy2cents: irexec
[01:01:26] ThisNewGuy (ThisNewGuy! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:02:46] Twiggy2cents: I am really sorry for all the questions but. If I wanted it to start on the monitor Device1 no matter where the mouse is what would I do?
[01:03:11] wagnerrp: are you running independent screens?
[01:03:24] wagnerrp: i.e. can you drag windows from one to the other?
[01:03:32] Twiggy2cents: yes,no
[01:03:39] Twiggy2cents: Seperate x servers
[01:03:45] wagnerrp: servers or screens?
[01:04:00] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:04:06] clever_: either way, DISPLAY is the answer
[01:04:08] Twiggy2cents: Its an nvidia card set up for seperate x servers. I cannot drag between screens
[01:04:11] wagnerrp: whatever... just write a script that sets the 'DISPLAY' variable properly'
[01:04:28] wagnerrp: screens will be ':0.0', ':0.1',...
[01:04:36] npm (npm! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:04:36] Twiggy2cents: okay
[01:04:40] wagnerrp: servers will be ':0.0', ':1.0', ...
[01:04:47] clever_: yep
[01:04:51] wagnerrp: you can 'echo $DISPLAY' to see what it currently is
[01:05:09] gsteinert (gsteinert! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[01:06:38] ThisNewGuy (ThisNewGuy! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:39] Twiggy2cents: will it grab focus of that screen when its properly set up?
[01:07:01] clever_: it might
[01:07:11] wagnerrp: it doesnt matter
[01:07:13] wagnerrp: lirc does not require focus
[01:07:16] clever_: i have mouse focus, so it changes alot
[01:07:25] clever_: wagnerrp: but some of the colors in myth change when it lacks focus
[01:07:39] clever_: the 'active' button is the same color as inactive buttons, making the menu's imposible to use
[01:07:42] Twiggy2cents: ohh okay thank you
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[01:26:39] wagnerrp: this doesnt seem right...
[01:27:03] Twiggy2cents: wagnerrp, when I go off screen the colors do change
[01:27:05] wagnerrp: real time commflagging running 30fps, 6 minutes off a recording is taking 8% CPU
[01:27:40] wagnerrp: full tilt commflagging earlier today was running 195% at 80fps
[01:28:49] wagnerrp: nevermind, im looking at a 480i commflagging
[01:29:07] wagnerrp: the real time 1080i one is using up a more reasonable amount
[01:30:18] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents!~darren@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[02:02:39] mardok: How do you change the sound settings? Some of my movies have no voices in the foreground, but have background noises.
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[02:25:56] darkdrgn2k (darkdrgn2k! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:26:00] darkdrgn2k: anmy one know how to get HDMI audio working with a ZBOX?
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[02:42:51] gaurdro: I have a hvr-1600 that works flawlessly under windows. (I just installed win7 to test) under linux I get chopped audio more chopped than this the card is locking on to the audio signal and I have set the sample rate and bitrate in mythtv correctly. anyone see this issue?
[02:43:25] wagnerrp: did you set it up as a v4l or mpeg card?
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[02:44:00] gaurdro: mpeg card
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[02:47:09] darkdrgn2k: any one know how to setup a zbox for audio?
[02:48:46] gaurdro: I should also mention that any audio i can get from the card is the same way. dumping to mpg, vlc, etc.
[02:49:10] wagnerrp: gaurdro: nvidia graphics?
[02:49:25] gaurdro: yes,
[02:50:13] wagnerrp: have you made the vmalloc fix?
[02:52:40] gaurdro: aha, I don't believe so. I didn't know there was a vmallac fix
[02:53:19] wagnerrp:
[02:54:03] wagnerrp: the 1600 and nvidia cards both want large amounts of memory space
[02:54:12] wagnerrp: but usually that only affects 32-bit systems
[02:54:25] wagnerrp: it shouldnt be needed on 64-bit ones
[02:54:38] gaurdro: I am on a 64bit system but maybe I'm just special
[02:55:12] wagnerrp: they recommend minimum of 256MB
[02:55:18] wagnerrp: i believe the 64-bit kernels default to 1GB
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[03:02:12] gaurdro: frakin xchat keeps crashing
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[03:02:14] lofidellity: does anyone know where i can find detailed instructions for using a wintv-hvr-850
[03:02:47] wagnerrp: for ATSC hopefully
[03:02:55] lofidellity: ntsc unfortunately
[03:03:01] wagnerrp: dont bother
[03:03:08] lofidellity: that bad then?
[03:03:15] wagnerrp: its a framegrabber
[03:03:32] wagnerrp: framegrabbers are great for direct playback, not for recording
[03:03:43] lofidellity: good to know
[03:03:53] lofidellity: what should i get for recording?
[03:04:20] lofidellity: preferably something close to the same price as the 850 was if not cheaper
[03:04:34] wagnerrp: northeastern resnet?
[03:05:10] wagnerrp: so that means youre trying to record off the campus analog cable?
[03:05:33] lofidellity: yes
[03:05:56] lofidellity: wagnerrp: nice, i see you have been doing some whoising on me
[03:05:56] wagnerrp: you require a USB tuner? cant do PCI or PCIe?
[03:06:06] wagnerrp: all of 10 seconds worth...
[03:06:13] lofidellity: its working on a revo r1600 so yeah, i need usb for that
[03:06:32] lofidellity: my desktop isnt consistantly running linux so i'd rather not use it
[03:06:42] wagnerrp: for USB, youll want to look into a PVR-USB2 or HVR-1950
[03:07:46] lofidellity: awesome
[03:07:56] lofidellity: thanks for your help
[03:08:03] wagnerrp: the first is no longer in production, youll have to go to ebay/craigslist/etc...
[03:08:19] wagnerrp: the second is fairly expensive, but will give you digital recording if you want to set up an antenna
[03:08:20] lofidellity: found the pvr-usb2 on amazon
[03:08:37] lofidellity: we have digital broadcasts here as well
[03:08:39] lofidellity: just not much
[03:08:46] wagnerrp: ouch... pricey
[03:08:50] wagnerrp: better off getting it from ebay
[03:10:15] fleers (fleers! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:10:54] wagnerrp: !seen j-rod
[03:10:54] MythLogBot: j-rod was last seen 68 days 6 hours 50 minutes 29 seconds ago
[03:10:58] StinkPot (StinkPot! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:59] StinkPot: what will happen if you try and shoot pistol ammo in a revolver?
[03:11:00] wagnerrp: oof
[03:11:14] wagnerrp: you die, please do so
[03:12:29] lofidellity: wagnerrp: how about these? I can get one of those for pretty cheap. are they at all useable?
[03:13:08] wagnerrp: we dont support them directly, and i dont see anything on the wiki about them
[03:14:21] wagnerrp: basically, there are only a handful of special cases where we support the tuner directly
[03:14:53] wagnerrp: otherwise, we just support the V4L, IVTV, and DVB APIs, and any cards with drivers that use them
[03:14:58] wagnerrp: !url tuners
[03:14:58] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[03:15:07] wagnerrp: they write the drivers ^^^
[03:16:55] lofidellity: thank you once again, i can stop beating myself up for not being able to set up this 850 and not purchase that hava box
[03:17:07] devinheitmueller: lofidellity: the 850 should work.
[03:17:19] devinheitmueller: Does it detect under Linux?
[03:17:33] devinheitmueller: (e.g. do you see the driver loading in dmesg?)
[03:17:44] wagnerrp: devinheitmueller: was suggesting he not bother using it for analog
[03:18:00] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: it should work as long as your PC has enough horsepower to do the MPEG encoding.
[03:18:06] lofidellity: devinheitmueller: yeah its detected, i just have run into issue after issue
[03:18:19] wagnerrp: yeah... i wouldnt put any more load on an Atom than need be
[03:18:29] devinheitmueller: lofidellity: well, that describes most people's experience getting MythTV working regardless of the card.
[03:18:45] ripperda (ripperda! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:18:53] wagnerrp: you have a /dev/video0 and /dev/dvb/adapter0?
[03:18:53] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:19:25] wagnerrp: you /can/ use that card as a V4L capture card through /dev/video0
[03:19:33] devinheitmueller: Also depends on how new your kernel is. There were fixes a few months ago to get that card working properly under MythTV. So if your kernel and MythTV board are too old, you will have issues.
[03:19:52] wagnerrp: but its generally recommended you avoid framegrabbers for analog if possible
[03:20:58] lofidellity: i have it setup currently to use /dev/video0 as a v4l card
[03:21:23] devinheitmueller: Oh, did you add the "nopoweroff=1" modprobe option for xc5000?
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[03:21:54] lofidellity: no
[03:22:17] devinheitmueller: Well, if you don't do that, when you select "Watch TV", it will hang for seven seconds and drop you back to the menu.
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[03:22:34] lofidellity: is that why???
[03:22:40] wagnerrp: assuming you otherwise have everything set up to that point
[03:22:41] lofidellity: holy crap devinheitmueller you are amazing
[03:22:49] lofidellity: going to try that now
[03:22:53] wagnerrp: (he did write a number of these drivers)
[03:23:06] devinheitmueller: Well, I wrote the driver, so one could argue I have some insight on that particular card.
[03:25:18] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[03:25:44] wagnerrp: if that doesnt fix it, chances are you missed something in mythtv-setup
[03:26:02] wagnerrp: theres a lot of steps to setting up mythtv, and it doesnt do a very good job at telling you when something is set up wrong
[03:26:16] devinheitmueller: Yeah, the other key thing is making sure you are running Mythtv 0.22 or later and have a relatively recent kernel (within the last six months)
[03:26:41] ripperda: Hi guys, I chatted with you a few days ago about transcoding/removing commercials
[03:27:27] ripperda: I've transcoded a couple of programs; they're all nuv files now; 2 transcoded to RTjpeg and 2 to mpeg-4
[03:27:31] benc_ (benc_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:27:46] ripperda: however, now all of the programs I've transcoded barely run in mythtv; the video and audio is very jerky
[03:28:20] [R]: ripperda: what does the log say? whats your cpu usasge like?
[03:28:40] ripperda: I noticed that when I play an mpeg-2 file, my cpu usage is ~20%, when I play these files it goes up to ~120% (really 60% across 2 cpus)
[03:28:48] ripperda: let me check my logs
[03:28:58] wagnerrp: what CPU, what bitrate?
[03:29:04] [R]: mpeg4 can be hard to play sometimes
[03:29:27] wagnerrp: yeah... 2mbps ASP shouldnt be difficult on anything in the last decade
[03:29:32] ripperda: this is an Atom processor;
[03:29:49] [R]: the atom can barely decode anything
[03:30:00] ripperda: I have an Acer Aspire 1600
[03:30:07] ripperda: normally, VDPAU is used to do the decoding
[03:30:13] wagnerrp: even ASP should be trivial for that thing
[03:30:30] [R]: well if you are hitting 120%... vdpau clearly isn't being used
[03:30:35] wagnerrp: yeah, you really wanted to do a lossless transcode, and keep it in mpeg2
[03:30:46] wagnerrp: [R]: VDPAU (on that system) doesnt do ASP
[03:30:54] [R]: asp?
[03:31:01] ripperda: ah got it
[03:31:01] wagnerrp: advanced simple profile
[03:31:15] wagnerrp: mpeg4 asp, as opposed to mpeg4 avc (h264)
[03:31:20] [R]: oh...
[03:31:27] [R]: like divx and xvid?
[03:31:43] wagnerrp: ripperda: if you really want to transcode to a new format, you should be doing it externally to h264
[03:31:52] wagnerrp: at least then you can still use the graphics chip for decoding
[03:31:54] wagnerrp: [R]: yes
[03:32:37] wagnerrp: otherwise, i would just recommend sticking with mpeg2, and buying more hard drive space if youre running out
[03:32:57] wagnerrp: atoms are pretty inefficient
[03:33:11] ripperda: ok, so are you saying mythtv transcoded to mpeg4 asp, but I would have wanted a different app to transcode to mpeg4 avc/h264?
[03:33:17] wagnerrp: its going to cost more in electricity to recompress to h264 than you save in not having to buy more disk space
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[03:33:37] ripperda: ok, I'm not too worried about disk space
[03:33:54] wagnerrp: if you dont care about disk space, keep them mpeg2
[03:34:09] wagnerrp: do a 'lossless transcode' to clip the commercials out and be done with it
[03:34:32] gizmobay: Has anyone noticed that the channel icons don't always display with 0.24RC1?
[03:35:03] ripperda: how would I do a lossless transcode to stay in mpeg2? when I pull up the transcode menu, I see options for "default", "autodetect", and high/medium/low quality
[03:35:23] wagnerrp: you change one of those recording profiles to be 'lossless'
[03:35:34] wagnerrp: most people use the 'autodetect mpeg2' profile for that purpose
[03:35:42] ripperda: ok, I'll take a look at that
[03:36:18] iamlindoro: gizmobay, display fine every time for me
[03:36:41] iamlindoro: but then again, channel icons display in lots of spots, so you probably ought to be a lot more specific
[03:36:43] ripperda: so I see where to select lossless transcoding in that profile, but it also only has RTjpeg/mpeg-4 codec options
[03:37:10] gizmobay: oops, yeah on the OSD they don't display properly.
[03:37:16] iamlindoro: They do here, every time
[03:37:25] ripperda: if I select lossless and the mpeg-4 codec, is that what I'd want?
[03:38:47] gizmobay: hmm they're there as the display on the EPG and mythweb.
[03:39:07] wagnerrp: if you select lossless, i believe it will override all other options
[03:39:33] ripperda: ah yes, you're right, all other options gray out
[03:40:02] ripperda: so with the nuv files I've already transcoded, is there a way to transcode them back to mpeg2? I assume I'll lose some quality, but at least would still have them
[03:40:19] wagnerrp: not in mythtv, no
[03:40:31] wagnerrp: you could use some external tool like handbrake
[03:40:43] ripperda: ah ok, I have handbrake, I'll take a look at that
[03:40:52] ripperda: I've used that on some of the dvds I've ripped
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[03:59:12] gizmobay: the channel icons don't always display with 0.24RC1 when browsing the channels on the OSD from livetv.
[04:00:11] [R]: gizmobay: you already told us this...
[04:00:56] gizmobay: no i didn't clarify where the issue was occuring.
[04:01:07] [R]: ok, so you see the given icon elsewhere?
[04:01:29] gizmobay: yes, once you select the channel and then hit info the icon displays.
[04:01:37] [R]: anything in the frontend log?
[04:03:05] gizmobay: nope nothing. I ran it with -v osd.
[04:03:44] [R]: weird
[04:03:48] [R]: sounds like you should file a bug report
[04:05:18] gizmobay: okay, I'll do that.
[04:05:53] iamlindoro: I wouldn't, since it works fine here
[04:05:57] iamlindoro: I'd bring it up on the users list
[04:05:58] [R]: lol
[04:06:20] gizmobay: okay I'll bring it up on the users list.
[04:06:27] iamlindoro: More likely that you expect the icon to be in the browse_info window, and in your theme's OSD, it's not
[04:06:52] gizmobay: some display and some don't
[04:07:19] iamlindoro: then it's almost certainly a configuration issue
[04:07:53] gizmobay: once I select the channel and hit info then the channel icon displays.
[04:08:05] iamlindoro: totally different OSD window
[04:08:55] gizmobay: so I browse while watching TV and I see no icons and then I select the channel and then info and then I see the channel icon.
[04:09:11] iamlindoro: Yes. Totally different windows
[04:09:34] iamlindoro: one is program_info, the other browse_info
[04:09:46] gizmobay: Ahh, I see. I look into it on the users-list.
[04:10:03] gizmobay: I'm having another major issue a library mismatch for mythmusic and the the FE seg faults.
[04:10:24] iamlindoro: That would be a compile/install/package issue
[04:10:30] gizmobay: If I reboot, the first time the FE starts no issue unless I exit the FE and try to restart.
[04:10:40] gizmobay: the FE
[04:11:17] iamlindoro: If you are having library mismatch issues, you have broken packages, or if you build myth, then you have failed to clean out old libraries before installing .24 ones
[04:17:05] gizmobay: okay, that fixed my problem but not my first one.
[04:19:26] gizmobay: hmm the one tuner browse_info shows all the icons but not the other tuner.
[04:23:36] wagnerrp: commflagging on freebsd is /really/ pathetic
[04:24:02] wagnerrp: same episode, ~14mbps 720p
[04:24:26] wagnerrp: im getting 80fps on a 1.8GHz AthX2 (BSD)
[04:24:36] wagnerrp: and 250fps on a 2.7GHz AthX2 (linux)
[04:25:01] wagnerrp: certainly the new processor is faster
[04:25:07] wagnerrp: but not 4x faster
[04:27:17] [R]: thats weird
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[04:30:19] Criggie: wagnerrp: drive speed too might have effect
[04:30:44] wagnerrp: the BSD box has a faster drive
[04:30:48] Criggie: oh
[04:31:28] wagnerrp: and theyre both running full load on the CPU
[04:31:31] wagnerrp: so that doesnt matter anyway
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[05:04:08] EnderTheThird: Having some trouble getting Mythweb up on 0.24-RC1 on Ubuntu 10.10. I've copied the mythweb directory to /var/www, chown'd all to www-data, and pointed mythweb.conf to /var/www/mythweb, but I just get a blank page in my browser. No error or anything
[05:04:45] EnderTheThird: mythweb.conf in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/, that is
[05:05:21] EnderTheThird: Anyone have any idea what's up? I checked release notes, and I'm not seeing anything helpful. I saw that it needs php5.3, which is installed.
[05:05:27] [R]: the mythweb packages set themselves up prroeply
[05:05:30] [R]: you dont have to copy anything
[05:05:57] EnderTheThird: Even installing from source tar's?
[05:06:13] [R]: why would you install from source?
[05:06:20] [R]: when the packages are set up properly
[05:07:01] EnderTheThird: 0.24-RC1 isn't in repo's.
[05:07:11] [R]: mythbuntu repos
[05:08:38] EnderTheThird: The ppa?
[05:09:07] [R]: they have a non ppa repo also
[05:09:13] [R]: the website explains hwo to do it
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[05:10:59] EnderTheThird: Hmmm, checking out the website now.
[05:12:56] EnderTheThird: Are you talking about the auto builds? I'm not seeing 0.24rc1 otherwise. (I swear I'm not trying to be difficult!  ;-) )
[05:13:27] [R]: yes
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[06:05:43] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: you still up?
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[06:07:12] wagnerrp: anyway... just interested in your thoughts on #9134
[06:07:22] wagnerrp: wondering if i should get something prepped for the bindings
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[08:12:10] peitolm: is there anyonw here who's running DVB-S pointing at 28.8E? I'm after the output from "select mplexid,frequency from dtv_multiplex where frequency like '1080%';"
[08:15:11] deegan: 28.8E which satelite is that?
[08:15:40] deegan: nvm i'm not on it.
[08:23:00] peitolm: eurobird1, astra 2C, astra 2D, and i think 2A and 2B as well
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[08:44:21] jstenback: anyone here at this hour that knows the MythEvent guts?
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[08:51:49] simonckenyon: mplexid is unique to your setup – have a look at or
[08:53:26] peitolm: simonckenyon: i'm more interested in the actual frequecny for TId 2047
[08:54:04] peitolm: lyngsat shows it as 10803, but what lyngsat shows, and my card sees, are out by a couple of kHz
[08:54:31] peitolm: appears to be a holding page
[08:55:37] peitolm: let me re-do the query then, can i get the output of "select transportid,frequency from dtv_multiplex where transportid=2047;"
[08:56:25] simonckenyon: 10802750 is what i have – but i did this scan some time ago
[08:56:35] peitolm: thanks
[08:57:28] peitolm: what's the rolloff you have for that multiplex?
[08:58:10] simonckenyon: (null)
[08:58:36] peitolm: interesting, is that the same for all the otherS? i have 0.35 for them
[08:59:09] simonckenyon: that column is null for all mplexid
[09:01:46] peitolm: thanks
[09:01:48] peitolm: afk, meeeting
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[09:38:09] deegan: Is it possible to have both xmltv and EIT on the same video source? There are a couple of channels that does not have a xmltvid and i would like those to get their info from EIT but since the video source has xmltv configured it seems mythfilldatabase does in fact not bother with EIT.
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[09:47:09] clever_: deegan: if i remember correctly, mythfilldatabase never does EIT, mythbackend handles it
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[09:53:46] justinh: deegan: sure. I do. just have use eit enabled on that video source & make sure useonairguide is set for the channels you wanna use eit with
[09:55:34] justinh: and clever is right – mythfilldatabase doesn't have anything to do with eit
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[10:35:23] deegan: Ok thanks, then i know where to go lookin' for fixin's.
[10:35:35] deegan: clever_, justinh thanks. :)
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[10:52:26] peitolm: woo, that's got BBC 1NW moved to the new transponder, thanks simonckenyon
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[10:53:55] simonckenyon: no problem – my LNB is broken and i cannot get any verically polarised signals – have to wait until next thursday before sky fix it (they broke it moving the dish) – so cannot test my moves
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[11:39:49] ** peitolm wonders where they're going to stick BBC 1HD **
[11:40:48] peitolm: hmm, probably next to BBC HD in 2050
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[11:56:29] simonckenyon: . . . conehd.shtml
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[12:05:24] peitolm: simonckenyon: I'm says it's on channel 108, intersting they're moving BBCHD on vm though
[12:06:11] peitolm: I don't know how freesat channels equate to tids/pids etc, but i'm sure lyngsat will be updated once the location is known
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[14:46:16] AndyCap: I see HP slate has Broadcom CrystalHD.
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[16:22:36] iamlindoro: gizmobay: Or just ignore me when I ask you to start on the users list
[16:24:11] simonckenyon (simonckenyon!~simoncken@ has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.0 Insomnia
[16:26:33] ** iamlindoro grumbles and considers closing the ticket closed->pleaselisten **
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[17:50:36] jstenback: iamlindoro: hey there, thanks again for the pointers a few days ago regarding the problem I reported as ticket 9123
[17:51:00] jstenback: iamlindoro: I just added a bunch more info there in case that's an are you happen to know well
[17:51:17] jstenback: (socket code problem of some sort, it seems like)
[17:51:26] iamlindoro: jstenback: no problem, fix for the issue being discussed, hopefully we'll have something for it in the next day or two
[17:52:13] jstenback: iamlindoro: excellent!
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[18:20:05] Captain_Murdoch: jstenback, can you try the patch I just attached to ticket #9123 and see if that fixes your issue?
[18:20:19] jstenback: Captain_Murdoch: sure can!
[18:20:48] Captain_Murdoch: thanks. I'm hopping offline but will be back later. just /msg me if you want and I'll respond when I can.
[18:20:57] jstenback: k
[18:21:00] jstenback: thanks!
[18:21:03] Captain_Murdoch: yw
[18:26:05] Captain_Murdoch: jstenback, basically the SBE is opening a new connection to the MBE and telling hte MBE that it (the SBE) wants to receive events from the MBE. this shouldn't happen normally, as the SBE receives events via it's normal socket to the MBE. the patch prevents the SBE from opening a new event-receiving connection to the MBE. it's not a cure, just a fix for something that shouldn't occur. still need to determine why the SBE i
[18:26:05] Captain_Murdoch: s opening a new command connection to the MBE anyway. it's visible in your SBE log around time 2010-10–20 23:35:48.925. you can see the SBE connect to the MBE twice around there, once on a non-events command channel and one for an event-receiving channel (specified by '1' in the ANN Monitor connect string)
[18:27:27] kenni (kenni! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[18:27:45] jstenback: Captain_Murdoch: ok, I should know in a few here whether it helps...
[18:27:56] Captain_Murdoch: ok, thanks. /me is afk now.
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[18:47:49] LordVonAwesome: Any scte65scan experts in here? Trying to get it to scan on a pcHDTV but no luck. It doesn't seem to be even able to access the device — any chance it is a permissions issue?
[18:49:33] wagnerrp: yes, are you trying to run it as a user with permission to access the tuner?
[18:49:54] wagnerrp: you need read/write, typically that is with the 'video' group
[18:50:09] LordVonAwesome: Im running as root!
[18:50:14] LordVonAwesome: let's see..
[18:50:21] wagnerrp: is your backend running?
[18:50:25] LordVonAwesome: no i turned it off
[18:50:36] wagnerrp: any other applications that may be accessing it?
[18:50:37] LordVonAwesome: thought that was the problem at first, mythSetup was getting an ERROR_OPEN
[18:50:50] LordVonAwesome: so I turned off backend and now it shows up fine in mythsetup
[18:51:03] LordVonAwesome: Dont have much else on here, it is a fresh MythDora install. let me check the ps though
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[18:52:04] LordVonAwesome: I don't see the back or front end running
[18:52:17] LordVonAwesome: neither is setup
[18:52:44] LordVonAwesome: Permissions on /dev/dvb/adapter0/ looks like:
[18:52:44] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:52:45] LordVonAwesome: crw-rw----+ 1 root video 212, 0 2010-10–22 14:14 frontend0
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[18:53:11] wagnerrp: if youre root, it shoudlnt matter
[18:53:14] LordVonAwesome: yeah
[18:53:17] LordVonAwesome: that's what i figured
[18:53:32] LordVonAwesome: Running scte65scan -v
[18:53:55] LordVonAwesome: yeah, still getting PID 0x1ffc timeout
[18:54:10] LordVonAwesome: really frustrating since I was actually amazed that I got it compiled and everything! :)
[18:54:35] LordVonAwesome: Hrm
[18:54:42] LordVonAwesome: Dumb question, but what should the card be feeding from?
[18:55:08] LordVonAwesome: I assume straight from the wall... not going through the DTA
[18:55:28] wagnerrp: correct
[18:55:34] LordVonAwesome: dang
[18:55:48] LordVonAwesome: man i am so tired of live TV :)
[18:55:53] LordVonAwesome: mythtv has me spoiled
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[18:59:39] iamlindoro: LordVonAwesome: What is it that makes you think that the PID timeout is wrong?
[18:59:51] iamlindoro: Are you sure that your cable company broadcasts SCTE-65 tables?
[19:00:14] iamlindoro: the pid timeout means there's no SCTE-65 table present, not that it's not accessing the device
[19:00:51] iamlindoro: you should also show us what specific command you are trying to run
[19:02:48] devinheitmueller: Also bear in mind that seeing that message occurs during normal operation (and doesn't explicitly indicate a problem). Many frequencies will not have data on PID 0x1ffc.
[19:03:22] iamlindoro: exactly, that's why I'm asking for his command line, as he might well not be passing it a frequency table
[19:03:38] devinheitmueller: You should make sure you let the scan run to completion, since it's possible that the frequency containing the table is up on a frequency toward the end of the list.
[19:03:40] iamlindoro: (in which case it will time out on the currently tuned frequency and never scan a range)
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[19:09:29] lofidellity: devinheitmueller: your advice worked excellently last night
[19:09:41] devinheitmueller: lofidellity: glad to hear .it
[19:09:53] lofidellity: the only thing that appears to broke is when i stream my recording i get no sound
[19:10:09] lofidellity: but if i play the recording in mythtv i get sound
[19:10:25] wagnerrp: stream to... another mythfrontend?
[19:10:46] lofidellity: stream to vlc
[19:10:56] lofidellity: from the web interface
[19:11:01] wagnerrp: chances are vlc cant properly handle nuppelvideo
[19:13:28] lofidellity: according the the forums ive found so far it can, but ill try mplayer
[19:15:11] LordVonAwesome: iamlindoro: I'm running ./scte65scan
[19:15:26] wagnerrp: another reason why mpeg encoders are preferred, you dont end up with those garbage nuvs
[19:15:59] LordVonAwesome: it returns that message and then stops
[19:17:26] iamlindoro: LordVonAwesome: you need to read the docs, then
[19:17:46] iamlindoro: Because you can't just run it without arguments-- there is plenty of documentation that comes with it, as well as in the wiki
[19:18:06] LordVonAwesome: I'm willing to admit that :) I did read them pretty thoroughly though. I've tried running the commands on the wiki as well
[19:18:31] LordVonAwesome: When i run "./scte65scan -H FFFFFFFF,0 us-Cable-Standard-center-frequencies-QAM256"
[19:18:32] iamlindoro: If you read them even cursorily, you would know that running without options won't work
[19:18:40] iamlindoro: Are you using an HD Homerun?
[19:18:45] iamlindoro: (I know that you're not)
[19:18:50] iamlindoro: so why are you using HDHomeRun options?
[19:18:51] LordVonAwesome: Nope
[19:18:57] LordVonAwesome: Hrm
[19:19:00] iamlindoro: Time to start reading again
[19:19:27] LordVonAwesome: thanks... is there a pcHDTV specific section? Willing to admit I missed something :)
[19:19:43] devinheitmueller: Lord. Let's build a command line tool that does something obscure when no arguments are provided (instead of showing usage)....
[19:19:49] iamlindoro: There is one approach when scanning using a DVB API card, and one with HDHRs
[19:19:56] LordVonAwesome: Ah
[19:20:24] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: it does have --help
[19:20:36] iamlindoro: But issue isn't the program, it's sitting in the chair
[19:20:37] LordVonAwesome: Yeah it supports -?
[19:20:43] devinheitmueller: iamlindoro: yeah, but it also does something really stupid if no arguments are provided at all.
[19:21:10] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: Well, I'd argue that scanning the currently tuned frequency is a reasonable default behavior, though I suppose it could say so
[19:21:59] LordVonAwesome: I guess i am more lost than I thought then... I thought the only part of the wiki specific to HDhomerun was the one section with the extra compile options?
[19:22:22] LordVonAwesome: Maybe i am just reading the wrong article!
[19:22:54] iamlindoro: Maybe you should read the readme that came with the scte65scan source
[19:23:13] iamlindoro: and the output of --help
[19:23:30] LordVonAwesome: Thought I had done that but it has been a while
[19:23:39] LordVonAwesome: I'll try it again and see what i missed thanks
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[20:10:30] stevieman: I'm just setting up .23 and I cannot remember what card types I have. I have a pvr-150 which I think is an Analog V4L or maybe it was an IVTV MPEG-2 card. Can someone help me figure this out?
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[20:11:29] sphery: stevieman: MPEG-2
[20:11:41] stevieman: sphery: Perfect thanks
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[20:12:50] darkdrgn2k3: hey
[20:12:54] darkdrgn2k3: any one here using a zbox fe?
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[20:13:55] iamlindoro: Why don't you just say "ION frontend?"
[20:14:03] iamlindoro: since ZBox is meaningless, and just a stupid marketing name
[20:14:04] darkdrgn2k3: iamlindoro: hmm good idea
[20:14:13] darkdrgn2k3: any one here using a ion fe?
[20:14:47] wagnerrp: because calling it a 'zbox' makes it a completely different device
[20:14:55] wagnerrp: and allows you to set up duplicate threads of discussion
[20:15:02] iamlindoro: heh
[20:15:05] darkdrgn2k3: wagnerrp: LOL sorry....
[20:15:07] darkdrgn2k3: anyway
[20:15:14] darkdrgn2k3: does the ion do audio over hdmi ?
[20:16:52] iamlindoro: yes
[20:17:01] darkdrgn2k3: ok
[20:17:18] darkdrgn2k3: i assume its over the nvidia chipset?
[20:17:25] iamlindoro: yes
[20:17:59] darkdrgn2k3: would there be any reaons why the nvidia shows outpuits..
[20:18:02] darkdrgn2k3: "This sound device does not have any controls." in alsa mixer
[20:18:11] iamlindoro: because it's a digital output
[20:18:16] stevieman: I also have a Pinacle 800i which if I remember gets setup as two cards, a DVB DTV card and an analog card. Is that correct? I remember reading a how-to when I first set it up but I cannot find the how to now
[20:18:27] darkdrgn2k3: ok.. but how do i send audio from myth to hdmi then?
[20:18:31] iamlindoro: and/or (depending on what you are looking at) because you don't have recent enough ALSA to support it
[20:18:53] darkdrgn2k3: alsa-lib-1.0.23–1.fc13.i686
[20:18:55] iamlindoro: You configure the HDMI output device defined in your ALSA conf exactly like any other digital output
[20:19:05] iamlindoro: ALSA:devicename
[20:19:36] darkdrgn2k3: aplay -l doesnt show any nvidia devices
[20:19:46] darkdrgn2k3: nore does aplay -L
[20:19:59] iamlindoro: then you have an ALSA configuration or driver issue
[20:20:05] iamlindoro: #fedora might be a better help
[20:20:14] darkdrgn2k3: danke..
[20:21:07] darkdrgn2k3: acutaly do you know what module sopposed to be loaded...
[20:21:11] darkdrgn2k3: for ion hdmi
[20:21:34] iamlindoro: snd_hda_somethingorother
[20:21:43] iamlindoro: if your ALSA is properly configured, you should see something like
[20:21:45] iamlindoro: hdmi:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0
[20:21:45] iamlindoro: HDA NVidia, NVIDIA HDMI
[20:21:45] iamlindoro: HDMI Audio Output
[20:21:52] iamlindoro: with aplay -L
[20:22:32] darkdrgn2k3: snd-hda-codec-nvhdmi.ko?
[20:22:35] iamlindoro: Then it's as simple as setting up your output device as ALSA:hdmi in myth
[20:22:40] deaman (deaman!~deaman@nat/trolltech/x-oykhhwsxaiyhmybg) has quit (Quit: deaman)
[20:22:44] iamlindoro: couldn't tell you, please ask in alsa
[20:22:46] iamlindoro: #alsa
[20:22:51] iamlindoro: or in your distro's channel
[20:23:01] darkdrgn2k3: iamlindoro: yeh thats what did with the other box.. for some reason.. getting no joy on this side
[20:23:07] iamlindoro: k, good luck
[20:23:13] darkdrgn2k3: danke yet agin
[20:23:25] darkdrgn2k3: seeing how both channels are dead :( ill need it
[20:23:50] iamlindoro: I would be astonished if #fedora were dead
[20:23:58] darkdrgn2k3: it is...
[20:24:08] darkdrgn2k3: im sitting in it
[20:24:11] iamlindoro: with 378 users??
[20:24:16] iamlindoro: sounds like you need to be more patient
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[20:24:34] darkdrgn2k3: lol i am...
[20:24:45] darkdrgn2k3: im also wodering if i shoudl jsut go ahead and wipe this pc and install fedora 14
[20:29:53] iamlindoro: ION audio definitely works out of the box with ubuntu, I can't speak to fedora/red hat/etc.
[20:30:05] darkdrgn2k3: i may have to go ubuntu
[20:30:09] darkdrgn2k3: but im not a fan of oit :-S
[20:31:03] darkdrgn2k3: seems there are a few errors loading the modules though
[20:31:04] darkdrgn2k3: . . . 79a36b9e2545
[20:31:06] devinheitmueller: Also possible that your ALSA isn't new enough. The HDMI audio didn't work on my system until I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04.
[20:31:40] darkdrgn2k3: devinheitmueller: im ussing feodra 13
[20:31:47] devinheitmueller: Do you see the ALSA output devices for the Nvidia HDMI if you run "aplay -l"?
[20:31:49] darkdrgn2k3: and i checked its the same libraries verion as are 14 beta
[20:31:55] darkdrgn2k3: devinheitmueller:no...only intel
[20:32:10] darkdrgn2k3: . . . 79a36b9e2545 <- its in the middle
[20:32:11] devinheitmueller: Ok, so this has nothing to do with Myth then.
[20:32:20] iamlindoro: deja vu :P
[20:32:20] darkdrgn2k3: nop
[20:32:23] darkdrgn2k3: all to do with hardware
[20:32:26] devinheitmueller: You should talk to the ALSA people
[20:32:28] darkdrgn2k3: we estalished that arleady
[20:32:31] devinheitmueller: Go to #alsa.
[20:32:35] darkdrgn2k3: devinheitmueller: i am :)
[20:32:43] darkdrgn2k3: devinheitmueller: kinda talking to a wall though no one alive in there atm
[20:32:47] darkdrgn2k3: or last night
[20:33:19] devinheitmueller: You can also email the alsa mailing list. You might get better answers there (given many devs don't operate on #irc)
[20:33:39] darkdrgn2k3: yeh
[20:33:49] wagnerrp: that would make sense, i bet #irc is a general help channel
[20:33:58] darkdrgn2k3: yeh i gues.. but i hate mailing lists LOL oh well
[20:34:06] darkdrgn2k3: wagnerrp: honestly i dont blame the devs not comming here..
[20:34:44] ** wagnerrp thinks darkdrgn2k3 missed the joke **
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[20:35:52] darkdrgn2k3: wagnerrp: no.. i didnt
[20:36:09] wagnerrp: the '#' means its an irc channel
[20:36:09] darkdrgn2k3: wagnerrp: i do have to point out i try to deal with allot of noob questions when i can here too
[20:36:21] wagnerrp: #irc@freenode, which would likely be a general IRC help channel
[20:36:22] darkdrgn2k3: wagnerrp: mmmm yes i see now
[20:36:27] wagnerrp: not one for ALSA
[20:36:40] darkdrgn2k3: wagnerrp: sadly the joke was lost on me :( dam sleep depravation
[20:37:01] sid3windr: wagnerrp: actually on feenode that would probably be ##irc ;)
[20:37:08] ** sid3windr hides again **
[20:37:34] darkdrgn2k3: wagnerrp: sadly the joke was lost on me :( dam sleep depravation
[20:37:36] darkdrgn2k3: oops
[20:37:38] darkdrgn2k3: wrong window
[20:37:39] wagnerrp: well done, making a pedantic joke about a pedantic joke... :P
[20:38:02] sid3windr: :D
[20:38:11] devinheitmueller: Despite my rather warped sense of humor, I didn't intend it as a joke. I was just deciding whether to say "irc" or "#alsa", and ended up with a combo of the two.  ;-)
[20:38:16] sid3windr: who is correcting the correctors!
[20:38:31] darkdrgn2k3: a correction facility?
[20:38:39] MavT (MavT! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[20:39:23] sid3windr: a correctional facility?!
[20:39:23] sid3windr: :p
[20:39:45] darkdrgn2k3: LoL
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[20:42:07] stevieman: does .23 use storage groups properly now?
[20:42:18] iamlindoro: It has always used storage groups properly
[20:42:21] wagnerrp: as opposed to using them how?
[20:42:29] darkdrgn2k3: hmm
[20:42:31] darkdrgn2k3: the ion
[20:42:33] darkdrgn2k3: "03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT218 [ION] (rev a2)"
[20:42:42] darkdrgn2k3: haha nm
[20:43:04] stevieman: as oppossed to .21 (I think,) the last ver of myth I ran I was told not to use storage groups
[20:43:38] iamlindoro: It sounds like you are asking a question without having any idea what you're asking
[20:44:01] stevieman: well that is very possible
[20:44:28] iamlindoro: Recordings have required storage groups since MythTV .20 (four years ago), and we have been recommending storage groups for MythVideo videos since .22... if someone told you not to use them, it wasn't a myth dev
[20:44:53] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:45:43] stevieman: well that is quiet possible, It's been atleast a year since I've setup myth. Perhaps it was something else I was told not to use yet....
[20:46:16] wagnerrp: storage groups in mythvideo did not allow for ISO playback until 0.24, if thats what youre thinking of
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[20:56:58] dustybin: am i allowed back yet?
[20:57:18] wagnerrp: clearly youve not been banned
[20:57:27] dustybin: i silenced myself
[20:59:03] RyeBrye: Has anyone played around with google TV at all or looked at what it would take to get it to link up to an existing mythTV? They say they are going to support it sitting on top of a DVR (and mythtv is kind of like a DVR – albeit a much more powerful one)
[20:59:27] RyeBrye: I searched and didn't find much but an ancient thread on the users list
[21:00:06] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[21:00:31] wagnerrp: looks like its another CE4100 device, basically the same thing as the boxee box
[21:00:53] wagnerrp: but with some extra magic to allow it to put overlays on passthrough HDMI video
[21:02:04] darkdrgn2k3: wagnerrp: wouldnt hat need a decodeing then recoding of the stream?
[21:02:21] darkdrgn2k3: wait hdmi is uncompressed..... right?
[21:02:27] wagnerrp: yes, hdmi is uncompressed
[21:02:56] darkdrgn2k3: i wonder waht kinda magic ($$$$) that is
[21:02:56] stevieman (stevieman! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:03:06] wagnerrp: im sure it doesnt take much
[21:03:24] darkdrgn2k3: yeh seeing how they alreayd havea license to read the hdmi stream with cp content
[21:03:54] wagnerrp: theyre just not allowed to record it
[21:04:03] wagnerrp: but altering it doesnt violate any sort of license
[21:04:12] RyeBrye: it's a derivative work! ;)
[21:04:25] darkdrgn2k3: wagnerrp: still... you need a license to READ the hdmi stream
[21:04:32] darkdrgn2k3: keys or w/e
[21:04:41] darkdrgn2k3: a CP hdmi stream
[21:05:00] darkdrgn2k3: otherwise some one would have already delopemed a hack to hdmi cp :-P
[21:05:30] iamlindoro: Umm... they have
[21:05:33] iamlindoro: many of them, in fact
[21:05:42] darkdrgn2k3: LOL
[21:05:50] darkdrgn2k3: really?
[21:05:52] iamlindoro: yes
[21:06:23] darkdrgn2k3: myth support any of them :-D
[21:06:24] darkdrgn2k3: j/k
[21:06:27] iamlindoro: . . . p+master+key etc etc
[21:06:47] iamlindoro: no. And you don't want the raw output of HDMI anyway
[21:06:48] darkdrgn2k3: hd fury is not hdmi...
[21:06:54] darkdrgn2k3: true
[21:06:56] darkdrgn2k3: its huge..
[21:06:58] iamlindoro: HDFury most certainly IS HDMI
[21:07:10] darkdrgn2k3: ooo right
[21:07:13] wagnerrp: from what i can tell, this thing has 8 2Gbit DDR3 chips
[21:07:14] darkdrgn2k3: it outputs component
[21:07:24] wagnerrp: google stuffed 2GB of memory in the thing?
[21:07:28] darkdrgn2k3: was thinking hdpvr for some reason
[21:07:55] darkdrgn2k3: i guess the issue now a days is recompressin the hdmi stream...
[21:08:07] wagnerrp: thats not really that difficult
[21:08:17] wagnerrp: its basically the same thing a framegrabber does
[21:08:19] darkdrgn2k3: you just need the power to process a stream that big
[21:08:26] wagnerrp: you dont need to process anything
[21:08:42] darkdrgn2k3: then thats gonna be one HUGE recording
[21:08:51] wagnerrp: read in, store in a temporary buffer, make whatever changes you want, read out to the TDMS transmitter
[21:08:58] wagnerrp: whats going to be huge?
[21:09:06] wagnerrp: youre talking about 2MB per frame
[21:09:11] darkdrgn2k3: wagnerrp: im saying to actualy record a raw hdmi stream
[21:09:19] wagnerrp: theres no reason for it to handle more than one frame at a time
[21:09:19] darkdrgn2k3: not overlay
[21:09:27] wagnerrp: who is saying anything about recording?
[21:09:31] darkdrgn2k3: i was
[21:09:56] darkdrgn2k3: wlel i wasnt but anywya that not the point
[21:10:00] darkdrgn2k3: LOl i see what oyu mean wagnerrp
[21:10:43] wagnerrp: theyll probably make it double or triple buffered just to give them some more time handling the video
[21:11:10] darkdrgn2k3: i just wisht here was a way to record hd video from a cable box with myth w/o resorting to composite
[21:11:19] wagnerrp: yes, the HDPVR
[21:11:25] wagnerrp: component HD
[21:11:31] darkdrgn2k3: i ment component.. sorry
[21:11:42] darkdrgn2k3: i always get those to screwed up :-S
[21:11:47] wagnerrp: whats wrong with component?
[21:12:00] darkdrgn2k3: analog vs digital?
[21:12:02] darkdrgn2k3: degredation
[21:12:32] darkdrgn2k3: can component even do 1080i?
[21:12:52] wagnerrp: it can do 1080p
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[21:14:57] darkdrgn2k3: so why doppl complain quality is degraded
[21:16:50] darkdrgn2k3: GASP!! the hdpvr is out of stock in newegg
[21:17:34] sphery: everyone knows that analog is inhererently degraded
[21:17:56] sphery: thus why your digital HDTV movies and TV is more realistic than real-life
[21:18:11] darkdrgn2k3: lmao
[21:18:31] kormoc: Are you? Are you really? Cause you should make a work out video if you were
[21:18:42] sphery: heh
[21:18:59] darkdrgn2k3: kormoc: Wa Wa Wa Wa Waaaaaaa
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[21:21:36] darkdrgn2k3: damit the hdpvr is sold out
[21:21:38] darkdrgn2k3: and it was on sale
[21:21:39] darkdrgn2k3: :'(
[21:21:43] darkdrgn2k3: $184.99
[21:22:34] jpabq: Amazon has it
[21:24:15] sphery: jpabq: but that's $0.01 more expensive.
[21:24:27] kormoc: WD 3tb Greens are out, $240
[21:24:43] ** iamlindoro rushes to upgrade to 33TB **
[21:24:56] sphery: kormoc: and WD 2.5TB Greens for $180 (or was it $190)?
[21:25:03] kormoc: donno
[21:25:11] kormoc: didn't know they made a 2.5 tb drive actually
[21:25:35] sphery:
[21:25:45] sphery: definitely strange size choice
[21:25:49] kormoc: huh, yeah
[21:26:02] sphery: could be a 5-platter 500GB/platter one?
[21:26:14] kormoc: my home box is rebuilding the array from 3x1tb disks to 3x2tb disks right now
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[21:26:31] dustybin: would 3TB drives be too big for RAID-5 configuration?
[21:26:43] sphery: or a 4-platter 640GB, is probably more realistic
[21:26:46] dustybin: ie. they would take _ages_ to sync
[21:26:56] darkdrgn2k3: Driver "nvidia" is propriatey right?
[21:27:09] sphery: darkdrgn2k3: yep, it's the one you want
[21:27:13] wagnerrp: sphery: 4x625 maybe?
[21:27:38] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah... or whatever the 6xx GB platters were
[21:27:53] dustybin: kormoc: are you using RAID-5 ?
[21:28:10] sphery: I use 0RAID
[21:28:19] kormoc: dustybin, no, RAID-1
[21:28:27] dustybin: aye ok
[21:28:27] sphery: different from RAID0, BTW
[21:28:50] kormoc: sphery, 3x 750 gb platters it seems
[21:28:52] iamlindoro: sphery: Ah, RAID-JBOD
[21:28:55] dustybin: raid-1 = expensive for home storage use
[21:29:10] kormoc: which is underrated... hrm...
[21:29:16] wagnerrp: kormoc: but thats only 2250GB
[21:29:17] iamlindoro: can I please kick dustybin for sharing his esteemed opinions on things?
[21:29:20] sphery: kormoc: hmmm... wonder how they get the extra 0.25GB...
[21:29:23] dustybin: :(
[21:29:33] iamlindoro: like, just because stupid should have a penalty?
[21:29:36] wagnerrp: sphery: i would be more concerned about the missing 0.25TB
[21:30:01] kormoc: "Western Digital has today introduced two new Caviar Green 3.5-inch internal hard drives, 2.5TB and 3TB models which make use of 750GB platters"
[21:30:19] trumee is now known as zzztrumee
[21:30:27] kormoc: they are 'Advanced Format technology', I wonder if that makes it up?
[21:30:27] sphery: kormoc: possible it's 4x750 and they just disable some in firmware?
[21:30:29] wagnerrp: dustybin: for arrays of 4 drives or less, RAID1 or 10 is the only thing that makes sense
[21:30:30] iamlindoro: Maybe you can get a scratch off card and upgrade the drive over the wire
[21:30:31] iamlindoro: ;)
[21:31:12] sphery: iamlindoro: exactly, it's RAID without the R. AID, aka, JBOD.
[21:31:13] wagnerrp: even 5–6 drives, its debatable
[21:31:33] kormoc: if mirroring is expensive, then your data is worthless
[21:31:36] wagnerrp: and RAID5 shouldnt be used on more than 6–8 drives
[21:31:51] kormoc: I have a minimum of 5 copies of all my data, just in case
[21:31:53] wagnerrp: the risk of double drive failure gets to be too high
[21:32:32] iamlindoro: But what's the affect of zombie apocalypse on RAID 6? HAS NOBODY STUDIED THIS?
[21:32:38] iamlindoro: WE'RE DOOMED!
[21:32:41] kormoc: oh noes!
[21:32:45] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, yeah, I guess the other 249.75GB is also relevant
[21:32:49] kormoc: the zombies be munching on my bits
[21:33:32] sphery: kormoc: worthless or worth less?
[21:33:42] sphery: i.e. for me, my data is worth less than mirroring
[21:33:47] kormoc: heh
[21:34:18] dustybin: raid-5 is best value for money for home use
[21:34:20] dustybin: IMO
[21:34:22] sphery: I do manual mirrors of my only important data--all 9.5MB of it
[21:35:01] wagnerrp: dustybin: that depends entirely on your usage pattern
[21:35:21] kormoc: at $0.09 per gig, spending $0.27 per gig is worth it for me
[21:35:22] wagnerrp: for system drives, raid0 and raid5 really doesnt make much sense at all
[21:35:51] sphery: so it's $189 for the 2.5TB version
[21:35:52] dustybin: wagnerrp: i use linux raid-1 for my system drive (2x seagate 7200.12)
[21:37:22] kormoc: I like my read speed of 336 MB/s and write speed of 112 MB/s sustained personally :)
[21:38:20] kormoc: burst reads up to 641.1 MB/s don't hurt as well
[21:38:27] wagnerrp: dustybin: IMHO, there is really no market for RAID5 any longer
[21:38:44] dustybin: wagnerrp: how comes?
[21:39:17] ** sphery guesses a large part of it is just what you mentioned **
[21:39:17] wagnerrp: if your storage needs are so large that it becomes economical to use parity instead of just simple mirroring, youre better off with RAID6, or some nested RAID5
[21:39:33] kormoc: nested raid-5 is a horrible idea imho
[21:39:37] kormoc: raid-6 is so much easier
[21:40:29] wagnerrp: at 3–4 drives, its worth the 50% markup for mirroring
[21:40:47] wagnerrp: at 6 drives, you dont want to risk that much data to two drive failures
[21:41:03] wagnerrp: better to have double or triple parity
[21:43:09] kormoc: I also personally don't like raid-5 as it can bitrot. if a drive starts failing, you can't tell which drive is failing and thus it's a crapshoot if the data slowly corrupts or not
[21:43:17] kormoc: it's also why I don't do raid-1 in pairs
[21:43:32] sphery: kormoc: heh, have you been talking to Beirdo, lately?
[21:43:51] sphery: don't know if he was using RAID5, but seems he had some bitrotting happening
[21:44:08] kormoc: sphery, Heh, I've ranted bout that for a long time :P
[21:44:25] sphery: must have been the zombies
[21:44:37] kormoc: all those zombie processes
[21:48:15] sphery: and, speaking of zombie plagues, this is a good read: , or the hard-math version:
[21:48:34] wagnerrp: kormoc: thats one of the advantages of something like ZFS
[21:48:50] wagnerrp: it does block check-summing
[21:49:08] wagnerrp: so if you are suffering a drive giving bad data, it can detect it
[21:49:16] sphery: better to block check summing than to block some checking
[21:49:32] kormoc: when it's on top of a raid device on when you use it to raid?
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[23:15:43] MythDoof: Hey everyone, has anyone else seen an issue in .23 where HD videos played back in mythvideo have choppy audio during scenes with loud music or explosions etc? I'm running mythbuntu .23 with a USB external SB Live 24 bit analog surround 5.1 card set up through pulseaudio. The connection from the SB Live to the surround sound system (Yamaha TSS-10) is via optical.
[23:16:53] MythDoof: I've tried every possible st up config I can think of in the general audio setup box. Nothing seems to fix it and some settings make the sound on some videos not work at all while others work ok.
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[23:33:45] MythDoof: aha, fixed it myself. Had to turn on VDPAU, that's really in an odd place considering the internal video player uses it. That should be moved out of tv settings and into general.
[23:33:48] MythDoof: oh well
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[23:41:31] wagnerrp: kormoc: when its on top of another RAID device, it can detect and warn of such silent corruption
[23:41:49] wagnerrp: when it /is/ the raid device, it will correct such corruption
[23:46:00] kormoc: huh, intersting
[23:46:07] kormoc: I wonder how it handles it on top of the device
[23:46:39] wagnerrp: it doesnt
[23:46:47] wagnerrp: it will still do checksumming
[23:46:57] wagnerrp: and will send you an error when it detects a corrupted file
[23:47:08] wagnerrp: but since it has no alternate copy, it has no means of correcting it
[23:47:20] kormoc: ahh
[23:47:31] kormoc: I wondered if it just tried to re-read it up to n times or something
[23:47:40] wagnerrp: ah, dont know about that
[23:54:49] wagnerrp: anyway, thats part of my motivation for dropping hardware raid and just doing ZFS directly with my next upgrade
[23:55:59] kormoc: I'm curious as to the hit the checksums cause
[23:58:31] wagnerrp: apparently its currently single-threaded per-pool
[23:58:53] wagnerrp: so on very large pools, it can become a bottleneck

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