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Sunday, October 17th, 2010, 00:06 UTC
[00:06:41] at0m (at0m! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:12:51] Baylink (Baylink! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[00:16:54] Baylink (Baylink! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:19:51] beata000 (beata000! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:33] Shadow__X: when i try to use the preprepared complex searches in mythweb the movies one just results in a blank white page
[00:21:50] Shadow__X: mythtv .23–1 fixes
[00:21:59] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:03] kloeri (kloeri!~kloeri@freenode/staff/exherbo.kloeri) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:01] GadgetWisdomGuru (GadgetWisdomGuru!~gwg@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:25:05] Beirdo:
[00:27:01] knightr: Beirdo, would have seen you more with this: . . . y_id=1306388 :)
[00:27:28] Beirdo: hehe
[00:27:45] Shadow__X: its even cheaper
[00:27:47] Beirdo: not that kinda geek
[00:28:40] wagnerrp: knightr: you should at least buy it from thinkgeek
[00:28:52] wagnerrp: after all, it was their april fools joke that originally resulted in that thing
[00:29:10] knightr: Yep, I know..
[00:29:57] knightr: wagnerrp, it was less apparent that it was a kid's product on :)
[00:30:21] Beirdo: hehe
[00:33:41] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:39:09] otwin (otwin!~na@ has left #mythtv-users ()
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[01:34:10] wagnerrp: uh oh... flooding in australia
[01:34:25] AriX (AriX! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:07:50] Baylink: Anyone know why frontends in .23.1 and -fixes leave zombies around?
[02:07:57] Baylink: Known bug?
[02:08:15] Beirdo: yeah, it's been fixed for 0.24, AFAIK
[02:08:44] Baylink: kthx
[02:09:13] Beirdo: no problemo
[02:09:43] Baylink: I updated slightly the lede on the .23.1 release notes about this (driver) problem
[02:10:25] Baylink: Didn't help; I still crashed on the 4th record.
[02:10:27] Baylink: Pants.
[02:12:31] Baylink: I've upgraded to .23-fixes to try to fix what I *thought* was the V4L problem fixed in 24665, but no luck; here's my crash log:
[02:13:02] Baylink: FE and BE both .23-fixes; kernel–0.3-desktop
[02:13:03] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[02:13:16] Baylink: IVTV is 1.4.1
[02:13:31] wagnerrp: technically, its not ivtv anymore
[02:13:33] Baylink: Any thoughts, anyone? sphery?
[02:13:40] Baylink: What it says in the dmesg...
[02:13:47] wagnerrp: ivtv is only the userland tools
[02:13:53] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[02:13:54] wagnerrp: the drivers are entirely within the kernel
[02:14:09] Baylink: "[ 9.067215] ivtv: Start initialization, version 1.4.1"
[02:14:12] wagnerrp: no userland component needed
[02:14:22] Beirdo: ivtv is still the name of the driver
[02:14:27] Baylink: What I was thinking.
[02:14:43] wagnerrp: sure, but the version number is now only that of the tools
[02:14:45] Baylink: My userland tools are *in fact* not up to 1.4.1, but I didn't think that mattered for this.
[02:15:14] Shadowfire (Shadowfire! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:16] Baylink: No, there still needs to be a driver version; the driver doesn't rev every kernel...
[02:15:19] Beirdo: wagnerrp: not true
[02:15:31] Beirdo: modinfo ivtv if ya don't believe me
[02:15:31] madfordmac (madfordmac! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:16:07] Baylink: In *any* event... :-)
[02:16:44] sybolt (sybolt! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[02:16:45] Baylink: That my backend is giving that ivtv version number warning bothers me...
[02:16:54] Baylink: since I'm past that version...
[02:17:21] Beirdo: not sure what that crash is
[02:17:27] Beirdo: ignore the warning
[02:17:33] Baylink: Looks like a memory alloc problem in a c++ lib
[02:18:26] Baylink: FWIW: before I upgraded, I was hanging *inside the drivers*, and locking up the hardware; that did not happen this time; just the BE crash
[02:20:08] Baylink: If I knew which tuner to disable, I would, but the experimentation will take all weekend.
[02:20:21] Beirdo: ]how many are you using?
[02:21:14] Baylink: 250/350/500, now; 4 tuners on 3 card
[02:21:32] Beirdo: fun
[02:25:37] Baylink: I'm wrong: the tuner access attempt errors came up after the restart, and dumped the BE *again*, from the leftover recordings.
[02:26:08] Baylink: How far back do I have to rev my kernel to get before this? Cause this is fatal...
[02:27:40] AriX (AriX! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:28:05] Beirdo: no clue
[02:28:15] Beirdo: my ivtv stuff worked flawlessly
[02:28:39] Beirdo: 2.6.34-rc1
[02:29:25] Baylink: Yeah, it was sphery I was talking to. You around, dude?
[02:29:44] Beirdo: oh ;)
[02:30:40] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Quit: poodyp)
[02:31:12] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:37:10] Baylink: So should I disable the tuner that's showing up in the error messages?
[02:37:26] Beirdo: be worth a try
[02:37:38] Beirdo: but that warning message, just ignore it
[02:37:51] Baylink: I was. It's the *other* error:
[02:37:56] Beirdo: K :)
[02:38:26] Baylink: 2010-10–16 22:23:55.436 DevRdB(/dev/video0) Error: Start(): pthread_create failed.
[02:38:26] Baylink: eno: Resource temporarily unavailable (11)
[02:38:26] Baylink: 2010-10–16 22:23:55.456 MPEGRec(/dev/video0) Error: Device error detected
[02:38:26] Baylink: 2010-10–16 22:23:55.489 DevRdB(/dev/video0): Stop(): Not running.
[02:38:55] Baylink: This predated the alloc error before the upgrade.
[02:39:09] Baylink: Or maybe that just just a buffering issue, and a red herring
[02:39:41] Beirdo: pthread_create failed?!
[02:39:44] Beirdo: ummm
[02:39:54] Beirdo: how much swap on this box?
[02:40:14] Baylink: How the hell do I tell?  :-)
[02:40:25] Beirdo: I think you may have slammed your head into a memory wall
[02:40:28] Beirdo: ummm
[02:40:30] Beirdo: free?
[02:41:14] Baylink: Holy shit, batman. My swap's not on. HTF did that happen?
[02:41:21] Beirdo: language... :)
[02:41:42] Beirdo: fix yer memory/swap and I bet it will start workin
[02:42:34] Baylink: It appears my swap *has no label*, and is therefore not being found; does fstab actually control that?
[02:42:57] Beirdo: your fstab is likely trying to mount via label
[02:43:11] Beirdo: or uuid
[02:43:15] Baylink: I just don't remember what labels it. mkswap?
[02:43:24] Beirdo: yep
[02:43:34] Beirdo: it should give you the uuid
[02:43:59] Baylink: rebooting. This will be embarassing. Yeah, I just use labels; less entropy in the config files, which is a feature.
[02:45:18] Baylink: ATTENTION EVERYONE: That was embarassing; please flush your IRC caches.
[02:45:27] Baylink: Can we snip the logbot?  :-)
[02:45:43] Beirdo: hehe
[02:45:46] Beirdo: heck no :)
[02:46:09] Baylink: 2GB in fact.
[02:46:15] Baylink: Which is, y'know, *there* now.
[02:46:17] Beirdo: hehe
[02:46:22] clever: you can read the uuid without whiping it, just blkid /dev/s*
[02:46:38] Beirdo: I have 4G RAM + 16G swap (across two disks) in the backend
[02:46:54] Beirdo: massive overkill, but meh :)
[02:46:57] Baylink: Yeah, but I prefer not to *use* UUIDs in fstab; they trash the format, *and* it's harder to see if you've broken them.
[02:47:02] clever: Beirdo: damn!
[02:48:36] Baylink: Oh, hell; I had a pair of DB servers that were dual-quad Opterons with 32GB of RAM apiece at my last job. Only $6K...
[02:48:49] Beirdo: heh
[02:48:53] Baylink: I don't remember what swap we gave them. 16G, I think.
[02:49:07] Baylink: Supermicro mobos; never gave me a problem.
[02:50:12] Baylink: We had a bit o trouble tuning MySQL5...
[02:51:44] Baylink: Space in use: 393G + 370G + 927G + 627G
[02:51:56] Baylink: Freespace about 1.4T
[02:52:12] Baylink: I think that will last the season out
[02:53:59] Baylink: Yup; using 3600 of swap. Heh.
[02:54:23] Beirdo: hehe
[02:54:33] Beirdo: 4 lousy meg of swap needed
[02:54:50] Baylink: 4292 now
[02:54:50] jarle (jarle! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[02:55:10] Baylink: We had the machine up to a gig, but it was 400 sted 333, and it *might* have been flaky
[02:55:43] Beirdo: oh, for the old days of slow ram :)
[02:56:20] Baylink: I'd love to upgrade this, and I *have* a spare CoreDuo mobo, but no CPU or RAM just now... and no money
[02:56:28] Baylink: Not for that...
[02:56:51] Beirdo: yeah, it will happen eventually
[02:56:59] Baylink: Maybe.
[02:57:07] Baylink: Got lots of other stuff queued in front
[03:00:38] Baylink: Will transcodes actually fail if the *drive the program's on* hasn't enough space?
[03:02:46] Beirdo: dunno
[03:02:53] Beirdo: I don't do transcoding
[03:04:14] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:14:17] Baylink (Baylink! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[03:14:57] Beirdo: hmmm
[03:16:56] Joe_J (Joe_J! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:21:47] Joe_J: Every time I change the channel in live tv, keyboard input starts to be ignored (0.23.1 fedora 12 release).
[03:23:44] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:31:27] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:36:05] Beirdo: any PVR-x50 users here who run trunk?
[03:36:21] wagnerrp: yep
[03:36:54] Beirdo: could you playback a recent ivtv capture, and go into the OSD to see if it reports the length wrong?
[03:37:22] wagnerrp: any particular revision range you prefer?
[03:37:30] Beirdo: not really
[03:38:01] Beirdo: and what MPEG2 mode do you capture in?
[03:38:12] wagnerrp: PS i believe
[03:38:17] Beirdo: K
[03:38:27] wagnerrp: something finished recording 8 minutes ago, shows up properly
[03:38:52] Beirdo: K. could you confirm that you are NOT using DVD mode?
[03:39:27] wagnerrp: dvd mode?
[03:39:30] wagnerrp: no such option
[03:39:35] Beirdo: there should be
[03:39:50] wagnerrp: oh, stream type?
[03:39:53] Beirdo: yes :)
[03:39:57] wagnerrp: no, just PS
[03:40:00] Beirdo: sorry, I wasn't specific.
[03:40:03] Beirdo: OK
[03:40:31] Beirdo: trying to see what the issue might be here
[03:41:56] wagnerrp: ntpq is reporting an offset of.... -358343
[03:42:03] Beirdo: ouch
[03:42:19] wagnerrp: 4 days?
[03:42:28] Beirdo: peers is saying that?
[03:42:43] wagnerrp: ntpq
[03:42:48] Beirdo: and then what?
[03:42:53] wagnerrp: -p
[03:43:03] Beirdo: ok, so peers
[03:43:19] Beirdo: and your system date says?
[03:43:35] wagnerrp: the system times and dates are the same
[03:43:37] wagnerrp: go figure...
[03:43:41] wagnerrp: somethings borked
[03:43:42] Beirdo: odd
[03:44:02] Beirdo: maybe stop ntpd, run ntpdate a couple times, restart ntpd?
[03:44:08] wagnerrp: already done
[03:44:15] Beirdo: heh
[03:44:24] Beirdo: xntpd or openntpd?
[03:45:22] wagnerrp: erm... yes
[03:45:37] wagnerrp: im going to guess open
[03:45:55] wagnerrp: no, just normal ntpd
[03:45:58] wagnerrp: not open or x
[03:46:24] Beirdo: umm, more likely xntpd
[03:46:29] Beirdo: which is the original
[03:46:29] AriX (AriX! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:46:37] Beirdo: and more featureful :)
[03:46:57] AriX (AriX! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:47:08] Beirdo: and is opensource, but the openbsd fool didn't understand how to use it, so he dumbed it down to make openntpd
[03:47:16] Beirdo: with no drift support
[03:47:36] Beirdo: if you have an ntp.drift, that's the deciding factor :)
[03:47:45] Beirdo: in /var/lib/ntp on my ubuntu boxes
[03:48:40] Beirdo: ntpd runs as a PLL (to get technical) and the drift presents an error signal due to how much your hardware clock drifts from reality
[03:49:13] Beirdo: frequency offset in PPM
[03:49:51] Beirdo: makes for a MUCH more stable PLL implementation
[03:50:03] Beirdo: anyways... :)
[03:50:14] Beirdo: why your offset can be so high, I dunno
[03:51:18] Beirdo: anyways, I have a suspicion on the #7978 bug, but I need to wait until recording ends so I can restart
[04:00:52] Beirdo: OK, this should be fun
[04:01:00] Beirdo: please be the problem!
[04:03:05] Beirdo: OK, recording
[04:03:07] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar!phoenix@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[04:03:39] Beirdo: I think I found it
[04:03:41] Beirdo: YAY
[04:04:31] Beirdo: how the heck this works for you and not me, wagnerrp, I'm not sure
[04:05:17] wagnerrp: got a recording profile you want me to use?
[04:05:21] Beirdo: it SEEMS like an optimization that got added to the in-recording seektable building for MPEG2-PS is dependant on using something that's not necessarily there
[04:06:14] Beirdo: I'm doing MPEG2-PS
[04:06:24] Beirdo: on an HVR-2250, however
[04:06:50] Beirdo: I commented out part of the optimization that danielk put in 2 years back, and now it's behaving
[04:07:47] Beirdo: basically, as soon as he sees a slice header, he dumps the rest of the packet, it seems
[04:08:07] Beirdo: but for me at least, that doesn't work as it ends up skipping several frames
[04:08:47] Beirdo: dunno how or why
[04:09:06] Beirdo: just sayin the symptoms and the workaround that seems to have fixed it
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[04:10:11] Beirdo: I was looking for what could cause it not to be counting frames correctly
[04:10:42] Beirdo: and that optimization seems to be what was skipping frames for me
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[06:28:41] MythDoof (MythDoof! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:31:08] MythDoof: Hey Guys, does anyone know how to fix slow playback of music files in MythMusic 0.23.1+fixes ? All my music sounds like it's on a slightly slow record player!
[06:32:28] wagnerrp: what are the files? mp3? ac3? flac?
[06:32:42] wagnerrp: aac?
[06:33:38] Beirdo: could be a 44.1k vs 48k sampling issue?
[06:34:01] MythDoof: all mp3, various bitrates
[06:34:10] wagnerrp: are you doing digital output?
[06:34:14] MythDoof: yep
[06:34:36] wagnerrp: well if anything, it should make playback faster, not slower
[06:34:51] MythDoof: external USB soundblaster with optical output to a yamaha 5.1 system
[06:35:52] Beirdo: if the system is sending 48kHz samples, and the soundcard is reading em as 44.1kHz samples...
[06:35:56] MythDoof: yeah, weird huh?
[06:36:00] Beirdo: it would sound 10% slow
[06:36:07] MythDoof: hmmm, that is possible
[06:36:39] wagnerrp: Beirdo: the system resampling the 44.1 to 48, and then the sound card transmitting them at 44.1?
[06:36:52] Beirdo: something odd like that, yeah
[06:37:19] MythDoof: is there a place to switch off the resampling?
[06:38:09] MythDoof: weird thing is everything else sounds fine
[06:38:18] MythDoof: video, DVD's, recordings, all OK
[06:38:20] wagnerrp: of course using optical to 'preserve quality' is pretty much a wash at this point
[06:38:48] MythDoof: yeah I know, it was just that the Yamaha wants optical
[06:39:33] MythDoof: If I don't use it the TSS-10 doesn't give 5.1 on anything
[06:47:45] MythDoof: thanks for trying guys, I'll poke around in more general system settings
[06:47:49] MythDoof (MythDoof! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[06:57:14] Saviq is now known as Saviq_afk
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[07:21:21] messerting_: I'm compiling mythtv 0.23-fixes from svn on Fedora. What is the recommended config options to make mythfrontend start when pulseaudio is installed?
[07:22:01] messerting_: Ie, I don't want to uninstall pulseaudio, but want mythfrontend to start, that be using pulseaudio or not.
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[08:03:45] messerting_: Hm, seems to work. My problem was that I started mythfrontend over ssh.
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[09:04:34] Hal69: im trying to get this working with my pace tdc787x. i got the 6200ch to change channels. im having trouble getting mythtv to play
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[09:18:38] paul-h_: Beirdo, wagnerrp: MythDoof isn't here right now but if you see him, It sounds like he may have turned on time stretch by mistake X is slowdown W is speedup by default, if you are wondering it was added for listening to audio books
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[09:38:43] rileyp: mythtv is very slow to startup and entering the recordings page is unusually slow, when playing back a recording that is in progress If I attempt to run it with no buffer time the picture often breaks up and then it closes
[09:39:53] rileyp: live tv works but will pixelate etc if I dont pause if for about a minute and then play.
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[09:41:18] rileyp: testing
[09:43:02] tank-man: "buffer time" ?
[09:43:33] rileyp: umm I maen like about seconds behind the actaul recoding
[09:44:10] rileyp: If I open a recording and fast forward to the point where it becomes livetv
[09:45:51] rileyp: or If I attempt to play live tv without pausing for at a guess 60 second and playing the picture breaks up and then live tv closes
[09:46:21] tank-man: you can try looking at the log files to see what mythtv says it is doing
[09:47:22] rileyp: If I open livetv hit pause wait >40 seconds then press play ,playback is perfect
[09:47:57] rileyp: Could it be a network issue?
[09:48:23] rileyp: my MBE is behind a switch
[09:50:06] tank-man: i doubt it is a network issue
[09:50:27] bjd: wonder if it's disk IO issues
[09:51:04] tank-man: we can keep guessing, but the logs will give more info
[09:51:55] rileyp: ok ill do a run and pastebin my result thanks
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[10:01:14] rileyp:
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[10:02:10] Hal69: i have ubuntu 10.10 installed. I installed the mythtv backend/frontend. why are the foreward/back buttons underneath the panels?
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[10:53:14] rileyp:
[10:54:22] rileyp: RemoteFile::openSocket(file data socket), Error: Could not connect to server :6543 Is this nornal?
[10:54:59] rileyp: AFD Error: Unknown audio decoding error this looks sad as well
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[12:29:05] rileyp: hello
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[12:46:22] Flashtek: mzb: why do you want me to ask in here about 'why not use LinuxMCE' ?
[12:46:52] mzb: ssh! ... they might hear you!
[12:47:29] mzb: (lots of pommies here, so you should feel right at home;p))
[12:47:37] ** mzb ducks **
[12:50:02] smithna (smithna! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:50:24] mzb: ~google linuxmce vs mythtv
[12:50:24] mzb: [Google] [MythTV vs LinuxMCE – Ubuntu Forums]
[12:50:32] mzb: ^ poll
[12:52:25] Flashtek: so.. MCE is akin to Elastix
[12:52:27] Flashtek: ?
[12:53:39] mzb: have you checked the release dates of linuxmce?
[12:53:42] mzb: err ... yeah
[12:53:47] mzb: but worse
[12:54:26] Flashtek: lol
[12:54:29] Flashtek: how can anything be worse ?
[12:54:43] Flashtek: Deb stable yes ?
[12:54:46] mzb: ie: bundled with a few nice addons, but poor support and slow release
[12:55:12] mzb: stable is GOOD! ... but not necessarily what you want ;)
[12:55:25] ** Flashtek drums his fingers on the desk **
[12:55:41] mzb: I only moved my MBE from stable because of support for one of the tuner cards I wanted to use
[12:56:06] rileyp: can someoen look at my log and explain wtf is going wrong
[12:56:15] Flashtek: bear in mind I'm not going to use it for watching TV..
[12:56:31] Flashtek: media server for downloaded files and CCTV system..
[12:56:58] mzb: then google zoneminder + whatever ;)
[12:57:16] Flashtek: I was thinking myth for the cctv control
[12:57:18] mzb: but mythtv is the best combination I can think of
[12:57:22] Flashtek: kk
[12:57:49] Flashtek: so.. if I go Deb stable, I should be ok ?
[12:57:57] Flashtek: it's a good start point I suppose..
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[13:01:52] mzb: yeah, to a point ... ie: if it doesn't work you can always dist-upgrade to sid and rebuild mythtv ;)
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[15:31:46] wagnerrp: sphery: do you intend to do anything with #9108?
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[15:59:20] darkdrgnk: hey all
[15:59:26] darkdrgnk: whats teh min processor needed for HDTV playback
[16:01:04] gbee: H.264 or MPEG-2?
[16:01:09] darkdrgnk: H.264
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[16:03:01] gbee: well it still varies according to the specific encoding, framerates etc., but a dual-core 2.5Ghz is probably the absolute minimum to deal with most HD H.264, and somewhere between that and 3.0Ghz if you want to be certain
[16:03:14] darkdrgnk: thanks...
[16:03:20] darkdrgnk: :-S so muchfor that LOL
[16:03:28] darkdrgnk: wanan build a mini itx fase for a mythtv front end
[16:03:29] gbee: or grab a £20 graphics card and use VDPAU
[16:04:05] gbee: darkdrgnk: in that case look for an Nvidia ION board
[16:04:15] gbee: which should support VDPAU
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[16:04:35] darkdrgnk: i did find this one:
[16:04:35] darkdrgnk: . . . acture=Zotac
[16:04:47] darkdrgnk: its 9300
[16:05:02] darkdrgnk: sadly no hdmi out :_S but..
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[16:05:44] darkdrgnk: wanted to put it in a m350 case
[16:05:45] darkdrgnk: . . . e=Mini%2DBox
[16:05:59] gbee: that should do nicely, at least for decoding the video, but there are others here who have actual experience with mini-itx, might be worth waiting around for additional suggestions
[16:06:30] darkdrgnk: gbee: im still looking. id like to see if i can find onbord firewire ....
[16:06:32] gbee: you might just be able to get one with HDMI-out etc
[16:07:06] darkdrgnk: but thats probably pointless :( as in canda cable companies dont actualy broadcast clear or let you use the firewire port at all
[16:09:14] darkdrgnk: gbee: what about ram for the FE.. what do you think is a good amount?
[16:11:40] gbee: 2GB is a good figure IMHO, it's not too tight, not too expensive
[16:12:00] gbee: you can get away with less, but it's almost not worth trying
[16:14:39] tgm4883: mzb, regarding that poll, it's over 2 years old
[16:19:59] gbee: is LinuxMCE still going? I thought it had died years ago
[16:20:55] knightr: darkdrgnk, NCIX has the Zotac Mag which is an Atom with ION1 and the Zbox which is ION2... I have the Mag but I am not currently using it for HD though (small antenna problem)...
[16:21:24] JJ1 (JJ1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[16:21:55] knightr: darkdrgnk, both are known to get relatively hot under heavy use...
[16:22:06] knightr: :(
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[16:23:19] knightr: darkdrgnk, as for you cable company problem, only solution would be an HD PVR to get HD or connect an OTA antenna to your tuner...
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[16:25:01] darkdrgnk: knightr: yeh.. well HD PVR is encrypted and OTA doesnt work in the apt cause im in a faraday cage :(
[16:25:38] knightr: darkdrgnk, HD PVR is not encrypted but the output is H264 encoded I believe...
[16:26:32] knightr:
[16:26:49] knightr: click on features...
[16:27:14] darkdrgnk: Ooo sorry i mis understood
[16:27:25] skd5aner: correct
[16:27:43] darkdrgnk: i though you ment Cable Companie's PVR that support HD which is encrypted
[16:27:47] darkdrgnk: but THIS is component :-P
[16:27:53] darkdrgnk: still need a blaster though
[16:28:02] skd5aner: or firewire
[16:28:09] knightr: darkdrgnk, np... it has one I believe (a blaster)...
[16:28:09] skd5aner: which is how I change my STB's channels
[16:28:15] skd5aner: for the HDPVR
[16:28:23] darkdrgnk: skd5aner: problem is that the receiver is reall wierd..
[16:28:51] darkdrgnk: some times it "jams up" and you gatta pound the remote with random buttonst ot get out of some wierd menu that appears...
[16:28:59] darkdrgnk: (like the interactive menus)
[16:29:01] knightr: darkdrgnk, if you get it from NCIX wait until it's truly on sale (3/4 of the current "sales" price...)
[16:29:10] darkdrgnk: it also likes to "turn off" randomly
[16:29:26] knightr: darkdrgnk, sounds like it's at the end of its road...
[16:29:38] darkdrgnk: knightr: no its "by deisn.."
[16:29:59] darkdrgnk: the ZBOX loosk cheap and nice!
[16:30:06] knightr: darkdrgnk, it's not a bug, it's a feature? :)
[16:30:42] darkdrgnk: knightr: the old coder's creed! from bugtrac Replace all the words from "bugs" to "features", add it to the manual and release it anywhay
[16:30:45] knightr: darkdrgnk, keep in mind that it's an Atom though... It's ION too so it should support HD with VDPAU...
[16:31:15] knightr: darkdrgnk, exactly... :)
[16:31:18] darkdrgnk: knightr: the zbox?
[16:32:09] knightr: darkdrgnk, yep, the Zbox is Atom (Dual Core like the Mag I believe)...
[16:32:16] darkdrgnk: es it is..
[16:32:18] darkdrgnk: Intel® Atom™ D510 (dual-core) (1.66 GHz)
[16:32:25] darkdrgnk: ok breakfast time
[16:32:28] darkdrgnk: oill look into this later :)
[16:32:35] knightr: darkdrgnk, good luck!
[16:33:32] knightr: darkdrgnk, I was talking about the HD PVR for the sales price, the Zbox I am not sure of the price it can go for..
[16:36:43] knightr: darkdrgnk, be careful, one of the prices for the Zbox is for a barebone computer without memory, hd, etc...
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[16:52:26] darkdrgnk: knightr: supid quest.. theres no ID "Remote" right?
[16:52:27] darkdrgnk: ir
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[16:57:53] knightr: darkdrgnk, neither the HD PVR nor the Mag/Zbox has one AFAIK...
[16:59:03] darkdrgnk: so usb mce..
[16:59:14] darkdrgnk: to bad you cant POWERON using IR :(
[17:02:00] skd5aner: you can using USB
[17:02:05] darkdrgnk: ?
[17:02:09] darkdrgnk: usb mce?
[17:02:13] skd5aner: not sure
[17:02:18] skd5aner: but you can wake-on-usb
[17:02:28] darkdrgnk: hmm ill look into it ...
[17:02:35] skd5aner: I think I saw something on the wiki about it
[17:02:42] skd5aner: in terms of using an usb IR remote to wake
[17:03:12] skd5aner: knightr: also, the HD-PVR does come with a remote
[17:03:23] darkdrgnk: hoenstly i dont like the happauge remorts :-S
[17:03:36] skd5aner: but, it leverages i2c I believe, and generally isn't recommended
[17:03:39] knightr: skd5aner, it does?
[17:03:43] skd5aner: yup
[17:04:15] knightr: skd5aner, hmm, you are right, it has an IR receiver port...
[17:05:15] darkdrgnk: skd5aner: i see allot of talk about wake from s3.... not from cold boot
[17:05:20] knightr: skd5aner, btw, for those commit messages, if you see a file that's committed but not listed (for the translations) it's because it doesn't have new content, only obsoletions or things like that...
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[17:10:10] knightr: darkdrgnk, I think the remote for the Antec Elite VFD (and other similar displays) can do it but it's no longer in the form fact (ITX) you want...
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[17:16:15] skd5aner: knightr: ok, thanks
[17:16:31] Beirdo: knightr: make sure to put some "eh" in en_CA :)
[17:16:36] skd5aner: darkdrgnk: correct – like I said, it's a "wake" capability, not a poweron one
[17:18:37] knightr: Beirdo, I was hoping that somebody would do a translation for en_ca with "eh"s in it... :) :)
[17:19:07] darkdrgnk: skd5aner: how do you shyut down to s3
[17:19:34] Beirdo: knightr: and "hoser" :)
[17:19:36] Beirdo: hehe
[17:20:30] skd5aner: darkdrgnk: I haven't done it, but I think you simply can issue the system sleep command
[17:20:52] skd5aner: or run mythwelcome or something like that
[17:20:54] knightr: Beirdo, are you offering to make one? :) :) You seem to have a lot of good ideas as to what should be put in it to make it truly Canadian! :) :) :)
[17:20:59] skd5aner: but, I leave mine on 24/7 – so never done it
[17:21:34] skd5aner: I was considering making an en_CA one – but definitely not a native speaker
[17:21:42] skd5aner: but figured it wouldn't be that hard to figure it out
[17:22:15] Beirdo: heh, I don't think I have time to keep a translation going, but I could, I guess
[17:22:32] skd5aner: Beirdo: we could team up
[17:22:35] knightr: skd5aner, I thought of it too but I am not a native speaker either... I know quite a few of the differences between Canadian, US and British English but not all of them unfortunately...
[17:22:49] skd5aner: well – that's what the internet is for ;)
[17:23:27] Beirdo: the problem with Canadian English... it's a mutt
[17:23:29] skd5aner: its also close enough that even if your "wrong" you're not entirely wrong
[17:23:42] knightr: Beirdo, skd5aner: The main thing to do would be to take the en_us one, change the locale defined in it and change the .pro files so that they refer to it...
[17:23:46] Beirdo: much of American English is OK, and so is much of British
[17:24:06] Beirdo: like -ise vs -ize, both are acceptable
[17:24:17] skd5aner: knightr: work backwards?
[17:24:56] knightr: This is the page I usually refer to to see the differences... . . . American.htm
[17:25:26] wasutton3-Kira (wasutton3-Kira!~wasutton3@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:25:30] Beirdo: Most Canadians my generation or younger are perfectly happy with American English spellings
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[17:25:40] Beirdo: my father's generation... heck no
[17:25:44] wasutton3-Kira: what would be the best dual tuner card for a mythtv setup on maverick meerkat?
[17:25:54] knightr: skd5aner, the en_us file is essentially a cut & paste of the original text... The only thing one has to do is search for known differences... (our, ize, etc...)
[17:26:00] skd5aner: That's nice because it lists the most common with an *
[17:27:08] Beirdo: the main ones are color vs colour, etc
[17:27:28] Beirdo: that's the one that will bite us most often, in fact
[17:27:47] Beirdo: center vs centre as well
[17:28:32] knightr: theatre, theatre...
[17:28:48] knightr: oops, theatre, theater...
[17:29:11] Beirdo: yup, same rule as center :)
[17:29:50] knightr: cheque, check..
[17:29:51] Beirdo: although, in Canadian/British English, I believe that "center" used as a verb is correct. As a noun, it's "centre"
[17:29:55] Beirdo: not sure though
[17:30:10] Beirdo: yeah, we don't use that one in MythTV though :)
[17:30:16] knightr: GreyFoxx, gray...
[17:30:39] skd5aner: eh, debatable
[17:30:42] knightr: oops, sorry GreyFoxx, wanted to type grey...
[17:30:51] skd5aner: US grey/gray is commonly used just as much really
[17:31:12] skd5aner: and theatre can be dependant I would think
[17:31:27] skd5aner: but, again – only looking from what I'm used to seeing in context
[17:31:44] knightr: I believe centre is sometimes used in the US too..
[17:31:55] skd5aner: maybe in the US, some things are interchangable – but not in CA
[17:32:19] skd5aner: knightr: depends if it's a proper now "Cancer Centre" – but generally never used otherwise
[17:32:27] skd5aner: s/now/nown
[17:32:29] skd5aner: noun
[17:32:30] skd5aner: ugh
[17:32:51] skd5aner: my fingers like to piss off my brain
[17:33:19] knightr: skd5aner, yep, you are right... It's never used in another context AFAIK...
[17:33:26] skd5aner: also, my comment "maybe in the US, some things are interchangable – but not in CA" was really more a question
[17:36:05] JJ1 (JJ1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[17:36:48] Beirdo: skd5aner: Centre in the US would likely only be used where it's trying to be quaint/British/renaissance...
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[17:37:04] Beirdo: likewise with Theatre
[17:37:05] zzztrumee is now known as trumee
[17:37:45] iamlindoro: not exactly on theatre
[17:37:57] iamlindoro: theatre in the US is the occupation/field
[17:38:00] iamlindoro: theater is a location
[17:38:05] knightr: Beirdo, skd5aner I could help you start an en_ca translation but are you willing to maintain it after that? English is not my mother tongue and my own English is a mix of Canadian and US English so I don't think I would be the right person to do it... I maintain the US English one but this one is essentially a cut & paste of the source string and some singular/plural forms to take care of...
[17:38:05] Beirdo: it is convenient to spell it centre in Canada though. It's one word that you don't need to create two signs for for English/French
[17:38:17] Beirdo: iamlindoro: heheh, OK, I stand corrected
[17:38:34] skd5aner: yea, that's what I was referring to above with theatre/theater
[17:38:45] Beirdo: knightr: Sure, I could certainly help there
[17:39:19] Beirdo: and if I have a question on "proper" Canadian English, I can always ask my dad (languages teacher)
[17:39:25] skd5aner: I definitely wouldn't want to be a primary maintainer going forward, but happy to help get it up and running and potentially help during string freezes
[17:40:07] Beirdo: there are plenty of Canadians around to help too, should they care to
[17:42:00] Saviq_afk is now known as Saviq
[17:42:47] knightr: Beirdo, skd5aner, so how do you want to proceed, do I make a copy of the US English one & commit it or should I sent you a patch with all the necessary modifications?
[17:43:10] Beirdo: I'd start with the US one, I'd think
[17:43:11] knightr: Beirdo, skd5aner If I commit it, you have to make it OK for 0.24 though...
[17:43:20] wagnerrp: would you have to make two separate language files for canadia?
[17:43:26] at0m (at0m! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[17:43:33] knightr: wagnerrp, why?
[17:43:49] wagnerrp: one for canadians, and one for french
[17:43:52] Beirdo: yes
[17:44:01] Beirdo: English and French Canadians
[17:44:08] Beirdo: en_CA, fr_CA
[17:44:10] knightr: wagnerrp, I am planning to make one for French Canadian but not right now...
[17:44:18] knightr: Canadians...
[17:44:20] wagnerrp: madness...
[17:44:26] Beirdo: knightr is in a good place to do fr_CA :)
[17:44:28] gbee: wagnerrp: Canada is divided into the French and English speaking populations
[17:44:43] knightr: wagnerrp, why?
[17:44:59] gbee: same is true for many countries
[17:45:00] wagnerrp: i was under the impression everyone spoke english up there, but some preferred to speak french
[17:45:00] Beirdo: I'm sure that some people would rather see it be fr_QC
[17:45:02] knightr: Beirdo, that's for sure, I am French Canadian...
[17:45:18] Beirdo: yup ;)
[17:45:19] knightr: wagnerrp, nope, French is my mother tongue...
[17:45:35] knightr: Beirdo, that will never happen...
[17:45:38] knightr: :)
[17:45:41] wagnerrp: knightr: madness to have multiple official national languages
[17:45:46] Beirdo: well, other than Quebec, that's a fairly good generalization, wagnerrp
[17:46:29] Beirdo: Quebec is predominantly French (except Montreal/Sherbrooke where there are immigrants and other English-types)
[17:46:30] knightr: Beirdo, you do realize that your remark would $$@#$ some people outside Quebec (the Maritimes for example...)
[17:46:50] wagnerrp: 'course were getting there with english and spanish
[17:46:53] Beirdo: New Brunswick is the ONLY official bilingual province, last I heard
[17:47:06] Beirdo: knightr: well aware :)
[17:47:24] Beirdo: but as a vast generalization, it stands fairly well
[17:47:30] knightr: Beirdo, yep but there are people who speak French there as well...
[17:47:39] knightr: Beirdo, yep...
[17:47:43] Beirdo: yeah, but consider that part of the Gaspe :)
[17:47:44] Beirdo: hehe
[17:47:50] Beirdo: now THAT will annoy them
[17:48:50] Beirdo: in the highly populated areas, English dominates everywhere but Montreal and Quebec City, pretty much
[17:49:17] Beirdo: but if you know no French, God help you in northern Quebec :)
[17:49:36] knightr: Beirdo, wagnerrp the reason why I don't want to do fr_CA right now is that I don't consider fr_FR to be stable enough (we still change some stuff in the initial translation) and I have not yet found something that would help me merge the info from one into the other the way I want to...
[17:49:52] Beirdo: makes sense
[17:50:11] Beirdo: we don't need to do en_CA as a priority either, but it can't hurt
[17:50:22] gbee: wagnerrp: many national borders are drawn by conquerors or politicians who don't care about cultural and linguistic differences, many tried and failed to set one official language for their nations but most failed since people might be physically subjugated but you cannot force them to speak or learn a foreign language, as a result many countries are multi-lingual
[17:50:48] Beirdo: aye, look at Switzerland..
[17:50:50] wagnerrp: gbee: i know, but that just seems... odd to me
[17:50:52] Beirdo: Belgium...
[17:50:55] gbee: Switzerland list German and French as official languages, but there are also Italian speaking populations
[17:51:00] wagnerrp: yeah, belgium has three?
[17:51:13] gbee: in Wales, Welsh and English
[17:51:17] Beirdo: Switzerland has 5 official languages last I heard
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[17:51:39] gbee: wagnerrp: French and Flemish (Dutch), maybe German as well, I can't quite remember
[17:51:40] knightr: Beirdo, for en_CA the situation is different, it's mostly changing the spelling of the words, not change the words themselves (like in the GB translation were the US words would not be appropriate)...
[17:51:44] Beirdo: English, French, German, Italian, Romansche (or something like that)
[17:51:53] gbee: Beirdo: aye
[17:52:30] Beirdo: knightr: yeah, true.
[17:52:50] gbee: Spain: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galacian etc
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[17:53:15] Beirdo: wouldn't be surprised to see Arabic in Spain's list
[17:53:32] Beirdo: with the Moorish history there
[17:54:23] gbee: and even in the US, though it might not acknowledge it officially, many people's first language is not English but Spanish etc, some barely understand English, let alone speak it
[17:54:26] gbee: :p
[17:54:32] knightr: Beirdo, the Canadian in me would like to help for en_ca but there is a risk I would accept a US spelling when a more appropriate Canadian one should have been used...
[17:54:51] Beirdo: knightr: well, that would be... Canadian :)
[17:55:01] Beirdo: most people accept either
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[17:55:11] gbee: Beirdo: particularly in the immigrant population, from North Africa, Morocco etc
[17:55:14] wagnerrp: gbee: yeah, i made reference to that, but i dont understand how people can immigrate to a country and refuse to learn the official language
[17:55:18] knightr: gbee, I was tempted to suggest making a es_us (is it es, I am not sure) locale file..
[17:55:21] Beirdo: gbee: aye
[17:55:42] gbee: knightr: it's 'es'
[17:56:02] gbee: and I'm sure that would be appreciated by the Spanish speaking population of the USA
[17:56:03] knightr: Beirdo, :) maybe but that would go against the idea of making a separate translation file...
[17:56:10] Beirdo: The Spanish translation could use regionalization. Much of the recent hissy-fit on a ticket shows that
[17:56:27] ** wagnerrp thinks the spanish speaking population of the US needs to learn english **
[17:56:29] GreyFoxx: wag: That's just short sighted and stubborn. Limiting your ability to communicate with the majority of your local population is just stupid
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[17:56:50] Beirdo: the Spanish-speaking population in the US is... es_MX, es_PR, es_DR
[17:56:50] knightr: Beirdo, yep, definitely.. But they should try completing it with words that are as much neutral as possible before thinking about doing that...
[17:57:06] GreyFoxx: If I move to China and refuse to learn a word of chinese I'd be an idiot
[17:57:08] wagnerrp: GreyFoxx: oh yeah! i know i surely dont want to be a functional member of society
[17:57:20] Beirdo: hey, GreyFoxx... you could help on an en_CA too :)
[17:57:27] GreyFoxx: Sure
[17:57:36] ** kenni thinks everyone should just get along and learn Danish **
[17:57:37] knightr: gbee, I'll check if I can dig up the info or find somebody who can help in that regard...
[17:57:44] Beirdo: wagnerrp: they ARE functional members of society.
[17:58:27] wagnerrp: only because enough public services have switched over to allowing spanish
[17:58:28] Beirdo: kenni: heh, the Vikings had their chance... sorry :)
[17:58:33] ** knightr thinks kenni smoked something funny... **
[17:58:39] ** GreyFoxx runs to the store to buy more crap to take on his trip **
[17:59:01] wagnerrp: it just doesnt make sense
[17:59:02] Beirdo: wagnerrp: of course. The southwest was stolen from Mexico, the native peoples there predated English-speaking.
[17:59:23] wagnerrp: that was well over 100yrs ago
[17:59:28] knightr: Beirdo, with the fr_FR translation we chose words which were as much as possible acceptable to people from France and Canada....
[17:59:31] Beirdo: stolen/conquered/bought... whatever
[18:00:22] Beirdo: and when the English-speaking went out there barely over 100 years ago, they refused to speak the predominant local language
[18:00:38] m4xx (m4xx! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:00:39] Beirdo: which is exactly what you are complaining that recent immigrants are doing
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[18:00:52] wagnerrp: Beirdo: thats perfectly fine if you take over by force
[18:01:01] Beirdo: not really
[18:01:17] Beirdo: but that's how it HAS happened ;)
[18:02:01] Beirdo: the official language should be that spoken by the people ruling, and by the people being ruled
[18:02:11] Beirdo: if that's more than one language, so be it
[18:02:21] messerting_ (messerting_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:03:04] Beirdo: gone are the days of forcing culture change on people at sword-tip or gunpoint
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[18:03:41] wagnerrp: the people who still dont speak english are immigrants
[18:03:48] Beirdo: not true
[18:03:49] wagnerrp: part of naturalization includes learning english
[18:03:58] Beirdo: not at all true
[18:04:26] Beirdo: there are a vast number of born US citizens without English as a first language
[18:04:59] Beirdo: you forget, I lived in Puerto Rico. It's part of the US, all citizens by birth
[18:05:01] wagnerrp: if they go to school, they are taught and learn english
[18:05:10] Beirdo: and there are MANY who don't learn English at all
[18:05:20] GadgetWisdomGuru (GadgetWisdomGuru!~gwg@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[18:05:58] Beirdo: and believe me, not speaking Spanish made getting yourself understood rather tough at times.
[18:06:16] Beirdo: as they *could* speak English, but refused to
[18:06:34] Beirdo: just like people on the mainland who *could* speak Spanish, but refuse
[18:06:37] Beirdo: it's idiotic
[18:06:52] wagnerrp: see, thats just not right
[18:07:25] trumee (trumee! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:07:39] Beirdo: and the court system is only in Spanish, in spite of English being a second official language
[18:07:53] Beirdo: I needed a damned interpreter to get my divorce through
[18:07:57] Beirdo: so stupid
[18:08:25] sraue (sraue! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:08:48] Beirdo: being on the other side of the fence really does open the eyes to the stupidity in the "English-only" thought prevalent in the USA
[18:09:40] Beirdo: now, third/fourth generation... makes you wonder why no English has crept in
[18:09:55] knightr: Beirdo, skd5aner so about this en_ca translation... I can start it, change the words I am completely sure about (the ones from the URL I posted above for example), commit it and let you update it... I could be one of its listed maintainers but if I use the incorrect spelling you would have my blessing to change it, deal?
[18:10:19] Beirdo: but first generation (i.e. ones who just naturalized), don't expect fluency. Second gen, perhaps
[18:10:34] Beirdo: knightr: sounds good
[18:10:53] wagnerrp: fluency? no... but a functional knowledge of it? i dont see why that isnt reasonable
[18:11:05] knightr: Beirdo, OK, I'm starting the work on it today...
[18:11:08] GadgetWisdomGuru (GadgetWisdomGuru!~gwg@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:11:24] Beirdo: I think you'd find that most immigrants have some functional knowledge of English
[18:11:35] Beirdo: just like I have a functional knowledge of Spanish
[18:11:49] Beirdo: but may not be at all comfortable trying to talk in it
[18:12:13] Beirdo: listen and comprehend, sure
[18:12:19] Beirdo: speak it, not likely
[18:12:44] Beirdo: and especially not when speaking to someone with a shared language that they both are more comfortable in
[18:13:46] Beirdo: now, why someone moves to the US, and wants to create a microcosm of where they moved FROM... that's just odd.
[18:14:42] Beirdo: sure, socializing with others of similar background is sensible, but making a "little vietnam", etc is kinda odd to me
[18:15:03] stoffel__ (stoffel__! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:15:18] Beirdo: speaking of which, I should walk down there and get some pho
[18:15:30] Beirdo: (just like 4 blocks down the street)
[18:15:56] Beirdo: although, to be fair, that's not just immigrants doing that
[18:16:26] Beirdo: we have neighborhoods (and ghettos) of predominantly one culture all over
[18:18:17] wagnerrp: we had a vietnamese place near campus
[18:18:19] wagnerrp: great soup
[18:18:26] Beirdo: for sure :)
[18:19:03] Beirdo: from where I live... east is the old predominantly black area of the city.
[18:19:15] Beirdo: west has Little Vietnam, then Chinatown
[18:19:46] Beirdo: fun, eh? multicultural area, and yeah, I hear a lot of non-English
[18:21:53] m4xx: my tv picks up channels like bravo and spike, yet my tuner card doesn't. is there something i can do to fix this?
[18:23:45] m4xx: i believe it should be able to see them.
[18:25:54] Beirdo: OK, I need food. Then I think I'll putter around downtown or something
[18:26:08] Beirdo: I need to step away from computers for a bit :)
[18:26:11] kc (kc!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[18:33:01] wagnerrp: m4xx: analog or digital?
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[18:39:05] m4xx: digital
[18:39:24] m4xx: they are cable channels
[18:39:37] JJ1 (JJ1! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[18:39:37] wagnerrp: digital cable... meaning you have an HDTV with a QAM tuner?
[18:39:52] m4xx: yes
[18:40:19] wagnerrp: what tuner card?
[18:40:27] m4xx: wintv hvr 1600
[18:40:41] wagnerrp: perhaps try upping the scan timeouts
[18:40:58] wagnerrp: should be in the card setup
[18:41:00] m4xx: should i be using quick scan always?
[18:41:08] wagnerrp: quick scan?
[18:41:12] m4xx: ack
[18:41:14] m4xx: quick tune
[18:41:14] m4xx: sorry
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[18:41:36] wagnerrp: quick tune only matters for tuning, it does not affect the scan
[18:41:42] wagnerrp: and there is no need for it for recordings
[18:42:24] m4xx: it's set at 500/3000 should i just up it to 1000/3000?
[18:42:34] wagnerrp: worth a shot
[18:42:58] wagnerrp: you could also check what channel those channels show up as
[18:43:06] wagnerrp: and manually scan a single transponder
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[18:44:08] m4xx: i'm not sure what you mean. is that on the wiki?
[18:44:49] wagnerrp: there are several scan options
[18:45:15] wagnerrp: the digital channels you pick up on your tv should be unnamed and unnumbered
[18:45:23] wagnerrp: meaning the tv will just show the physical channel and id
[18:45:37] wagnerrp: you can have mythtv just scan that physical channel
[18:46:21] clever: like 93.1 thru 93.10, which are leaking on-demand shows from the cable box network over here
[18:46:24] m4xx: physical channel not being "logical channel" on schedules direct?
[18:47:03] m4xx: chan 48 in my line up is chan 48 on my tv
[18:47:37] wagnerrp: your cableco broadcasts a single-number channel, that is only usable by its own cable boxes
[18:47:41] iamlindoro: Then your TV has an analog tuner
[18:47:47] iamlindoro: and you are viewing analog on your TV
[18:48:58] m4xx: my card is dual tuner, on the wiki it says to set it up a a single card then modify the analog options for it. i dont see this option anywhere
[18:49:48] wagnerrp: that is correct, your card is a dual tuner
[18:49:59] wagnerrp: that means you have to set up the analog and digital tuners completely independently
[18:50:10] wagnerrp: and you should not be scanning for analog channels
[18:50:18] wagnerrp: just create an analog cable lineup on schedules direct, and pull it
[18:50:51] m4xx: so i instead of channel scan, click the button next to it and finish?
[18:51:49] m4xx: "fetch channels from listing source"
[18:54:02] wagnerrp: for analog, yes
[18:54:42] m4xx: so am i or am i not suppose to set up 2 cards?
[18:56:33] wagnerrp: yes, as far as mythtv is concerned, you have two completely independent cards
[18:56:37] wagnerrp: one DVB, one MPEG
[18:56:51] hednod- is now known as hednod
[18:56:59] m4xx: ah
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[19:44:09] toxic (toxic! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:44:22] toxic: hello, I've just installes mythbuntu, addes my nfs share in fstab, mounted it, and told mythtv-setup to use the nfs share to store videos
[19:44:28] toxic: problem : the videos already in the nfs share are not listed by mythtv
[19:44:39] wagnerrp: why are you using nfs?
[19:44:56] toxic: because I've already got 3.5 TB of videos on the server !
[19:45:17] toxic: on a raid, so copying it is not the intent here
[19:45:27] toxic: is there a known bug with mythtv and nfs ?
[19:45:32] wagnerrp: you cant put your tuners and master backend on that server?
[19:45:48] gbee: toxic: in mythvideo press (M)enu then "Scan for Changes"
[19:46:00] toxic: wagnerrp, I could, but 'im tring the simple setup right now to test out mythtv
[19:46:21] wagnerrp: fair enough... what gbee said, did you scan for files?
[19:46:24] toxic: gbee, You're my god !
[19:46:47] toxic: I did not saw any instruction to do this...
[19:46:54] toxic: (in the install manual...)
[19:47:05] iamlindoro: whose install manual?
[19:47:13] iamlindoro:
[19:48:01] toxic: ok... my bad...
[19:48:02] toxic: sorry
[19:48:08] toxic: ther's a lot to read ;)
[19:49:21] toxic: is there a way to get it download covers too ?
[19:49:32] wagnerrp: 'm'
[19:49:54] iamlindoro: alternately, again, read the instructions
[19:49:57] iamlindoro: it's all in there
[19:50:44] toxic: ok, my bad, I got the good install guide now ;) Going to do some reading ;)
[19:50:47] toxic: thanks a lot guys !
[19:51:11] toxic: just a last thing : I have no tuner right now on my mythbox...
[19:51:29] wagnerrp: do you ever intend to get a tuner?
[19:51:34] toxic: Any advice for a good tuner very easy to setup ?
[19:51:46] wagnerrp: that depends, what do you want to record?
[19:52:05] at0m (at0m! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:52:06] toxic: In france, the name is "TNT", that is DVBT 720p
[19:52:27] toxic: (most "interesting" channels are streaming 720p
[19:52:31] toxic: )
[19:52:37] wagnerrp: !url tuners
[19:52:37] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[19:53:00] wagnerrp: for dvbt, mythtv supports the use of any cards that are exposed through the Linux DVB driver interface
[19:54:03] toxic: hmm... that means as always that my old KWork iis not gonna work and that I need to look for some DVBT tuner that works out-of-the-box on Linux
[19:54:04] wagnerrp: anyway, the recommended operation for mythvideo is through storage groups, as detailed on that mythtv wiki page
[19:54:12] wagnerrp: set up a backend on your file server
[19:54:28] wagnerrp: add your storage folders to the Videos group
[19:54:40] wagnerrp: and they will be available to any frontend that connects to it
[19:55:04] toxic: wagnerrp, my file server is not powerfull enought (so I was told) to do ad-detection... Can I add a second backend afterwards to do that ?
[19:55:22] wagnerrp: you can run a jobqueue on your frontend
[19:55:35] wagnerrp: but the backend also has to do guide data handling and scheduling
[19:55:40] wagnerrp: both fairly intensive processes
[19:56:10] sphery: and you can disable commercial flagging and transcoding on your backend server
[19:56:28] wagnerrp: what is 'not powerful enough'?
[19:56:29] ** sphery can't wait 'til we split out the backend **
[19:56:31] toxic: I got a core 2 E8200 with 4GB of DDR2 800 handeling a 4TB mdadm raid already
[19:56:46] sphery: heh, that's way powerful enough
[19:56:55] sphery: i.e. it's a real computer
[19:57:16] sphery: may just not do it in real time (though that likely will--except maybe for some high-bitrate H.264)
[19:57:56] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!~Matt@wikisource/ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:58:03] sphery: much better than the Athlon XP 2400+ I was using for years as my master backend, commercial flagging computer with high-definition ATSC
[19:58:10] mattwj2002: hi guys
[19:58:26] mattwj2002: I have a bit off topic question could you guys help me?
[19:58:38] wagnerrp: depends on how off topic
[19:59:26] mattwj2002: I have basic cable with comcast....I have a standard cable box.....the on demand button doesn't work......
[19:59:29] toxic: sphery, hey ! thanks for tip ! last time I asked for minimal requirements to do ad-detection, noone wanted to answer me because there was "too many variables" ;)
[19:59:42] mattwj2002: when I go to channel 1 it works
[20:00:04] mattwj2002: am I suppose to have access to on demand or not?
[20:00:11] wagnerrp: toxic: you significantly reduce those variables by saying your are a french dvb-t user
[20:00:43] sphery: toxic: yeah, in general, commercial detection isn't a problem since it doesn't necessarily have to happen in real time.
[20:01:11] wagnerrp: and if you do want real time, chances are youre looking at a high end Core2 or i5/7
[20:01:13] sphery: but that system should work well
[20:01:25] wagnerrp: DVB-T can use h264
[20:01:29] wagnerrp: which can be very intensive for decoding
[20:01:35] sphery: yeah
[20:01:47] sphery: well not necessarily real time, but not significantly slower than real time
[20:01:49] mattwj2002: anyone no?
[20:01:52] mattwj2002: *know
[20:02:16] aloril (aloril! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:02:18] toxic: perfect wagnerrp and sphery  ! Thank you very very much !
[20:02:20] sphery: mattwj2002: mythtv won't provide access to it
[20:02:26] wagnerrp: mattwj2002: only one other comcast user in here currently, and i doubt he uses on-demand
[20:02:47] sphery: mattwj2002: you'd have to figure out some way to set up the cable box, then get the output to mythtv
[20:02:59] sphery: generally manual vod tuning and a manual recording rule
[20:03:05] wagnerrp: something about being a mythtv dev, with 10+TB of other content already available... limits the allure of cable on-demand
[20:03:21] mattwj2002: oh this has nothing to do with mythtv
[20:03:29] wagnerrp: exactly
[20:03:40] wagnerrp: youre too far off topic for anyone currently in here to have much knowledge about it
[20:03:48] mattwj2002: okay
[20:03:50] sphery: ahhh
[20:03:50] wagnerrp: hence the 'depends'
[20:03:51] mattwj2002: :)
[20:04:00] mattwj2002: by the way
[20:04:08] mattwj2002: my mythtv box is broke!
[20:04:09] mattwj2002: :(
[20:04:15] sphery: broke how?
[20:04:22] mattwj2002: hardware keeps locking up
[20:04:22] sphery: that we're more likely able to help with
[20:04:28] sphery: ah, that not so much so
[20:04:30] wagnerrp: he accidentally dropped it down the stairs
[20:04:36] sphery: heh
[20:04:37] mattwj2002: lol
[20:04:56] mattwj2002: not looking to troubleshoot it today
[20:05:04] mattwj2002: just saying I miss it so!
[20:05:08] sphery: wagnerrp: like this:
[20:05:50] mattwj2002: hehe
[20:07:01] sphery: yeah, I'd be lost without my mythtv
[20:08:04] andreax1 (andreax1! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:08:22] toxic: I did "play folder" on my 3.5Tb of videos... And ESC key just go to the next file in the playlist. How to return to the menu ?
[20:08:48] sphery: when I've had hardware problems in the past, I've actually taken down other, arguably more important, computers to scavenge parts until replacements arrive
[20:08:53] andreax (andreax! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[20:09:05] sphery: toxic: escape key a /lot/ of times
[20:09:15] anheuser (anheuser! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:10:04] sphery: toxic: (there's an "out" in what will soon be 0.24)
[20:10:22] sphery: meaning it will be better in the next version
[20:10:22] wagnerrp: that 'out' didnt make it in for 0.23?
[20:10:23] toxic: ok sphery I killed mythfrontend.real ;)
[20:10:30] toxic: faster
[20:10:47] wagnerrp: .real? a mythbuntu user..
[20:10:49] sphery: hmmm, yeah, it should be in 0.23-fixes
[20:10:57] sphery: toxic: yeah, you likely need to update
[20:11:05] sphery: toxic:
[20:11:09] toxic: going to update right now ;)
[20:11:15] sphery: choose 0.23, not 0.24/trunk/development/unstable
[20:11:27] toxic: just a last question : I managed to download the metadata manually for one file
[20:11:38] toxic: but It's gonna be looong for all files...
[20:11:46] ** sphery suspects you're going to want to look for info on Jamu **
[20:11:59] wagnerrp: yeah, either look at jamu, or use trunk instead
[20:12:02] anheuser (anheuser! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[20:12:16] wagnerrp: (or just wait a week or two for final release)
[20:13:10] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!~Matt@wikisource/ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[20:13:43] toxic: ok... Jamu seems a little too complicated for this time of the day
[20:13:49] toxic: I'm gonna leave it for now...
[20:14:53] sphery: note that you don't have to wait for the w to complete
[20:14:57] sphery: so it doesn't have to take that long
[20:15:06] sphery: w, right, w, right, w...
[20:15:16] sphery: though it may prompt you when your names are bad
[20:15:31] toxic: w ?
[20:15:33] sphery:
[20:15:41] sphery: the download metadata button
[20:15:47] toxic: I did i=>metadata=>download
[20:15:51] toxic: that was long
[20:15:53] sphery: yeah, w is faster
[20:16:03] sphery: direct key binding versus using the menu
[20:16:58] sphery:
[20:18:07] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:18:13] gbee: 0.24 will do automatic metadata lookup
[20:21:09] iamlindoro: And .25 may do automatic scanning... but but but that will add three threads to the backend! Oh noes! ;)
[20:21:15] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:21:31] sphery: iamlindoro: but users will be able to disable those threads, right?
[20:21:40] iamlindoro: heh, NO!
[20:21:42] sphery: in case they're running on 1990 hardware
[20:21:44] sphery: what?
[20:21:50] iamlindoro: Myth is really getting too bloated, you know
[20:21:53] iamlindoro: ;)
[20:22:03] sphery: I should be able to run any modern application on my 386
[20:22:07] sphery: after all, it's FOSS
[20:22:13] sphery: now go fix that, you
[20:22:20] iamlindoro: yessah
[20:28:36] maek (maek! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:29:05] maek: Im trying to build a pvr for my new hdtv – would this card . . . 7 allow me to capture the hd channels off my coax cable that I get just broadcast tv from? it says cleap qam and atsc but im a bit uncertain
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[20:35:04] Wicked: maek, that link says its broken
[20:35:11] Wicked: We apologize for the inconvenience, but the item you are looking for has been deactivated. Here are some similar products that you may wish to consider:
[20:35:27] maek: wicked, thanks for looking let me get non 404
[20:35:30] pmhahn_ (pmhahn_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:35:35] Wicked: sure :)
[20:36:14] maek: hmm worked for me, I wonder if its cookies or something
[20:37:09] Wicked: ah might be
[20:38:38] Wicked: maek,
[20:38:39] Wicked: er
[20:39:01] Wicked: maek, im sorry..but my irc client for some reason included the "allow" into the link
[20:39:03] sphery: link works for me
[20:39:06] sphery: Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 Dual TV Tuner / Encoder 1229 PCI-Express x1 Interface – OEM
[20:39:18] sphery: Wicked: you would need /very/ current 0.23-fixes for that to work
[20:39:34] Wicked: yea. i just noticed when i highlight the link the "allow" is added to the end
[20:39:36] sphery: like one from within the last 12min
[20:39:41] Wicked: sphery, its not for me.
[20:39:45] Wicked: its maek asking :)
[20:40:01] sphery: er, yeah, sorry, wrong autocomplete
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[20:40:13] sphery: maek: you would need /very/ current 0.23-fixes for that to work--from within the last 12min
[20:40:36] sphery: maek: also, note that it will only work if your cable company actually sends those channels unencrypted
[20:40:44] sphery: maek: meaning, I won't guarantee anything
[20:40:50] maek: sphery: yeah so assuming it works for myshtv in the next few weeks does it actually capture HD off the coax cable? im stupid about this stuff and thought you guys woudl be the people toask
[20:41:11] sphery: !url tuners
[20:41:11] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[20:41:23] sraue (sraue! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[20:41:43] sphery: shows that QAM would work
[20:41:45] maek: sphery: ok, on my old card It notices the channels but only shows gibbers, its non hd so that could be encrypted or because non hd trying to view hd stream
[20:41:50] sphery: but, again, it will only get unencrypted QAM
[20:42:00] maek: sphery: thanks. if I ask them will they tell me?
[20:42:07] maek: them being cable company or is that seceret
[20:42:07] sphery: not generally :)
[20:42:21] sphery: they'll help you rent an STB from them, though :)
[20:42:43] maek: sphery: thanks
[20:42:44] sphery: also, for that card, you need drivers from development
[20:43:29] sphery: if you hook up a TV to the cable line, you should be able to receive any channel that your TV can tune
[20:43:55] pmhahn_ (pmhahn_! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[20:44:08] sphery: though with that particular card, you may need /very/ new (still development) drivers and /very/ new mythtv
[20:44:43] sphery: note, though, that you need to figure out which version of a channel you're getting on the TV before making decisions
[20:44:51] maek: sphery: but it should come at some point is the general thought it seems
[20:44:58] maek: sphery: ok thanks!
[20:45:09] sphery: since it may be possible that the analog SDTV version of the channel is available, but the digital HDTV version is encrypted
[20:45:21] sphery: asking your cable co isn't a bad idea
[20:45:28] sphery: but don't expect it to be an easy process :)
[20:45:42] sphery: you need unencrypted QAM for the digital channels
[20:45:59] sphery: and, IIRC, there's actually some support for the analog encoder in the newest of the development drivers
[20:46:06] aloril (aloril! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:46:11] maek: so id need a box at that point and an actual cable card
[20:46:25] sphery: and those can't be encrypted (though they could in theory be scrambled--just not likely)
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[20:46:46] maek: so this is an analog hd card? sorry im so dumb about this. the last time I built a dvr it was just "get this card, its all sd"
[20:46:53] sphery: if channels are encrypted, you need a cable-company set-top-box receiver and an analog encoder
[20:47:05] sphery: like the PVR-150/500 for SDTV or the HD-PVR for HDTV
[20:47:24] sphery: if the channels are unencrypted, you can use just a QAM tuner
[20:47:53] sphery: the 2250 is a card with both an analog encoder (SDTV) and a digital tuner (which gets whatever is in the digital signal--either HDTV or SDTV)
[20:48:10] maek: ah thank you
[20:48:19] sphery: so, basically, that card is good for someone who wants both SDTV analog capture and digital capture
[20:48:30] maek: and you can get digital over the coax cable
[20:48:37] sphery: if you want just digital, go with an HVR-1250--it's cheaper and doesn't do the analog
[20:48:56] sphery: if you want analog HDTV, you'll need an HD-PVR
[20:49:25] sphery: and, yeah, most cable cos are switching their channels to digital because they can compress them so they can fit more ads, er, channels on the wire
[20:49:41] sphery: note, though, that if your TV needs an STB, MythTV will, too
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[20:50:54] maek: sphery: thanks very much
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[20:52:12] sraue_ is now known as sraue
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[20:54:48] sphery: maek: good luck
[20:55:01] sphery: best source of info is a combination of the internet and trial and error
[20:55:22] sphery: also, might be able to find some more info on silicondust's website for your particular area
[20:55:38] sphery:
[20:57:28] maek: sphery: yeah I looked at that ill check again thanks!
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[21:09:45] maek: sphery: does channel type "8vsb" mean anything as to what it is?
[21:10:13] sphery: 8-VSB is the modulation used by ATSC for OTA transmission
[21:10:13] maek: oh, the cable is qam256 – that makes sense
[21:10:24] sphery: yeah, QAM is the modulation used by cable
[21:10:34] maek: does that say encrypted or not?
[21:10:38] sphery: nope
[21:10:48] sphery: the signal inside is either encrypted or not
[21:10:49] GadgetWisdomGuru (GadgetWisdomGuru!~gwg@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:11:00] sphery: er, data inside the signal?
[21:11:11] maek: ok, Im reading that a lot of people with cox are picking up the qam channels with just the capture card
[21:11:19] maek: sphery: understood
[21:11:30] maek: its the transport type no the data inside
[21:11:44] sphery: right
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[21:19:14] maek: and the my last stupid question. I should be able to do 1080p playback with a 3ghz core 2 duo right?
[21:20:52] iamlindoro: Beirdo, He's complaining that myth's seektable and using an ffmpeg -i return different durations, so extracting cutpoints and trying to use them against a duration derived from ffmpeg -i isn't working-- which is most definitely not our problem
[21:21:35] gbee: anyone fluent in Mandarin? Want to translate MythTV?
[21:22:29] Beirdo: iamlindoro: true enough. if he wants to report it separately so we can deal with it separately, fine. :)
[21:22:41] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents!~darren@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:22:58] iamlindoro: Beirdo, just so long as by deal with it directly, we mean closed->invalid ;)
[21:23:01] sphery: maek: shoudl be fine for the 1080i and 720p you'll get from ATSC/QAM
[21:23:20] Beirdo: here, let me help you with your ivtv bug... with something that's from an hdhomerun that uses different code entirely
[21:23:30] sphery: maek: for high-bitrate H.264, probably, but I won't guarantee
[21:23:30] Beirdo: iamlindoro: undoubtedly :)
[21:23:34] maek: sphery: would bluray be aproblem?
[21:23:49] maek: sphery: I can get a quad core jI just have no idea what kind of muscle is needed
[21:23:50] sphery: ask my friends, trial and error
[21:24:03] sphery: I won't make any guarantees
[21:24:16] sphery: note, also, that only some bluray will be playable
[21:24:41] maek: do you do bluray playback?
[21:24:54] sphery: because of lack of support for certain types of content, and encryption is not your friend (makes it much more difficult to set up bluray playback on *nix)
[21:24:59] Saviq is now known as Saviq_afk
[21:25:09] sphery: nope, it would be a federal felony offense for me to do so, so I can't
[21:25:10] maek: sphery: yeah I recall the same hassles when dvd was new
[21:25:23] sphery: just ask the cabal
[21:26:07] sphery: I'm just using DVD and, of course, not using MythTV to play DVDs because that would be a federal felony offense for me to do so
[21:26:36] gbee: some encrypted bluray are playable with MythTV without any significant problems, newer discs are not yet, you'd need to decrypt them with a ripping tool like MakeMKV or AnyDVD HD first
[21:26:43] sphery: I refuse to go with BluRay when the benefits (increased definition) are not worth the cost (increased DRM and loss of rights)
[21:27:43] gbee: Bluray menus are unsupported, but subtitles, audio track selection, chapters and title navigation are all working
[21:28:30] gbee: Bluray support has so far proved to be much easier than DVD
[21:29:06] sphery: though markk's rewriting dvd to actually use the libs and not so much of the additional code we had for it is making dvd better
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[21:30:26] gbee: aye, it's taken a few years to work out the kinks in the DVD playback, whereas the Bluray stuff has been put together and made stable in a few months
[21:30:35] sphery: maek: anyway, some others may be able to provide you with a better guestimate of the kind of power needed for the H.264 decoding in software
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[21:31:15] maek: h.264 helps ill google around. I just didnt know what it was technically called. thanks again I appreciate the conversation
[21:31:28] sphery: maek: but in general, more MHz is more helpful than more cores, for decoding video
[21:31:31] gbee: they've not cracked sustainable nuclear fusion right?
[21:31:32] fedorared (fedorared!~john@fedora/fedorared) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:31:59] sphery: gbee: the North Koreans did
[21:32:01] gbee: sphery: that said, I'd still recommend at least a dual core
[21:32:16] sphery:
[21:32:30] sphery: announced on a certain ruler's birthday, like so many other similar announcements
[21:32:52] sphery: gbee: agreed on dual core
[21:32:58] sphery: I would never go with single core, again
[21:33:20] wagnerrp: especially considering its pretty hard to even purchase single core processors
[21:33:24] sphery: but 3GHz Core 2 Duo versus 2.3GHz Core 2 Quad... I wouldn't go quad
[21:33:46] sphery: wagnerrp: unless you're looking for a 45W TDP AMD processor and only looking on newegg's site
[21:33:54] sphery: since they won't sell the e series processors
[21:33:56] wagnerrp: the quad will get your software bluray decoding, the dual will get your software HDPVR decoding
[21:34:12] wagnerrp: s/your/you/
[21:34:13] sphery: wagnerrp: but the dual will also do the software bluray, too?
[21:34:28] wagnerrp: it will be iffy
[21:34:50] wagnerrp: anything over 30mbps will probably be too much
[21:35:02] sphery: wow, didn't realize it went that high
[21:35:12] sphery: guess Dark Knight was pretty high bitrate, right?
[21:36:00] iamlindoro: Blu-ray can have averages of 40 and peaks of 50
[21:36:08] sphery: wow
[21:36:12] iamlindoro: though obviously that's more the exception than the rule
[21:36:35] wagnerrp: what is that site that list disk info?
[21:36:58] iamlindoro:
[21:38:28] wagnerrp: seems TDK was VC-1, average 24mbps
[21:39:03] iamlindoro: believe the highest bitrate stuff out there is the IMAX brand stuff
[21:39:35] iamlindoro: but also think that those were MPEG-2
[21:39:36] sphery: as in "IMAX out the bitrate"
[21:39:56] iamlindoro: heh
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[21:41:19] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: while youre around, have you noticed any problems with WB HDDVDs dying fairly prematurely?
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[21:41:42] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, I haven't put one in the drive for a really long time, so I haven't noticed
[21:41:51] wagnerrp: figured as much
[21:42:04] wagnerrp: had to recover all mine, as the (non-raided) drive they were on got borked
[21:42:22] wagnerrp: some 9 out of 17 ended up as unrecoverable
[21:42:23] iamlindoro: d'oh
[21:42:51] wagnerrp: out of all the non-WB, one episode on one disk of BSG S1 was unrecoverable
[21:43:06] iamlindoro: ouch.
[21:43:18] wagnerrp: im not /that/ pissed, considering the WB ones can be replaced for $5/pop
[21:44:37] wagnerrp: but it still seems fairly ridiculous
[21:44:40] sphery: I really wish I could remember the other changeset I was planning to backport to -fixes
[21:44:43] cdpuk (cdpuk!~chris@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:44:47] wagnerrp: HDDVD was always claimed as being so much more durable
[21:45:09] wagnerrp: since the substrate could have a thicker plastic disk or something
[21:45:26] wagnerrp: and here these things got one use, sat on a shelf for a year and a half, and are dead
[21:45:28] sraue_ (sraue_! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[21:45:57] sphery: so these are actually disc errors?
[21:46:01] sphery: that's annoying
[21:46:15] sphery: I heard CD-ROMs should last for 100 years
[21:46:16] sphery: :)
[21:46:33] sraue (sraue! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:48:36] iamlindoro: Beirdo, outleradam's new ticket is also almost definitely against .23 or earlier, I used to see something sort of like that but have not in some time-- just tested all my recordings and they all properly display a 1:00 or 1:01 duration
[21:48:53] iamlindoro: of course we'd know that if he'd bothered to fill out the ticket info correctly
[21:49:13] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: honestly, i dont understand how his problem could be caused by us
[21:49:28] iamlindoro: it's also an unintended use of the data
[21:49:33] wagnerrp: the only way mythtv hands out cutpoints is exact frames
[21:49:46] wagnerrp: and the exact frame counts are going to be correct, right?
[21:49:52] iamlindoro: should be
[21:49:55] Beirdo: should be, yes
[21:50:04] Beirdo: as that's done by decoding the file
[21:50:05] wagnerrp: which means its some external transform hes going to convert it into timestamps is broken
[21:50:18] wagnerrp: which considering hes not doing that through mythtv
[21:50:30] wagnerrp: i dont see how anything we could do would make a bit of difference one way or another
[21:50:35] iamlindoro: exactly
[21:51:14] Beirdo: yeah, he's probably using 30fps instead of 29.97fps, for example
[21:51:20] ubix (ubix! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:51:31] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: have you used this red2blu before?
[21:51:37] iamlindoro: or merely expecting that the framerate is the same throughout
[21:51:40] iamlindoro: when it's often not
[21:51:49] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, I haven't, sorry
[21:52:02] Beirdo: true. MythTV does that at times too
[21:52:10] wagnerrp: hmm... just wondering how they will handle things like (5-disk) blade runner
[21:52:31] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, They only take the insert, right? The disc stays yours?
[21:52:37] wagnerrp: correct
[21:54:01] wagnerrp: seems its $15 instead of $5
[21:54:19] iamlindoro: I think they must have bumped up the price
[21:54:26] wagnerrp: no, only for blade runner
[21:54:27] iamlindoro: or maybe just for special editions?
[21:54:30] iamlindoro: ok
[21:54:39] wagnerrp: yeah, special edition
[21:54:46] wagnerrp: vs. $23.50 on amazon
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[22:02:14] wagnerrp: $101 inc. shipping
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[22:09:56] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:10:47] iamlindoro: wonder if the backend should be spewing these... 2010-10–17 15:10:14.675 Should be local only query: IsReallyRecording
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[22:14:22] sphery: That message was put in in [6482], so I"m guessing it's actually pointing out some potentially bad recent change
[22:14:49] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:15:23] wagnerrp: based off the ffmpeg info, it looks like these are digital recordings hes having problems with
[22:15:40] wagnerrp: ~4mbps SD MPEG2, with 2.0 AC3
[22:15:52] wagnerrp: not something that would come out of a PVR or HDPVR
[22:15:53] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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[22:27:17] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:27:36] sphery: I still can't remember which trunk bug fix I was planning to backport...
[22:27:56] sphery: moral of the story: never accidentally delete your todo list
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[22:29:27] wagnerrp: whoops
[22:31:13] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:32:05] sphery: ah, my disorganization has saved me
[22:32:20] sphery: found it (and one other) in my TODO folder on my mail client
[22:32:37] sphery: versus my other TODO section of my quilt series
[22:32:50] sphery: so partial-triple-redundancy saved me
[22:34:31] wagnerrp: i cant actually see any example in mythicallibrarian where it converts the frame indexes to timestamps for commerical skipping
[22:35:25] wagnerrp: as far as i know, hes passing the frames straight into xbmc
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[22:39:09] mindoms (mindoms! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:40:02] mindoms: hello. i'd like to move a bunch of recordings to a new recording group in "watch recordings"
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[22:40:46] mindoms: i guess it would work nice great by using mysql... can somebody tell me how?
[22:40:47] wagnerrp: you can probably do that with playlists
[22:41:53] mindoms: hm. these are a lot dayle episodes, that mess up my watch-recordings menu. they are already recorded.
[22:42:46] mindoms: i would realy like ot to do this by clicking and changing every single recording...
[22:43:10] mindoms: does anybody know how these groups are stored in mythconverg?
[22:43:14] wagnerrp: add all the shows to a single playlist
[22:43:27] wagnerrp: then go into playlist options, storage options, move playlist to recording group
[22:43:28] benc_ (benc_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:43:59] mindoms: ah, cool. this sounds nicer.
[22:44:06] wagnerrp: you will also want to change your recording rules to have them put subsequent recordings directly into that group
[22:44:27] len_ (len_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:44:51] mindoms: wagnerrp: thnx. this has already been done :)
[22:45:09] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:45:17] mindoms: btw, there is no search available in "watch recordings" is it?
[22:46:38] wagnerrp: not one im aware of
[22:47:53] mindoms: is there a shortcut to add a recording to the playlist?
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[22:49:13] wagnerrp: not that i know of
[22:49:26] wagnerrp: i dont use playlists
[22:49:58] mindoms: maybe you have some better idea to deal with my "problem"
[22:50:22] wagnerrp: you can add whole categories to the playlist at once
[22:50:32] wagnerrp: if you want to add all shows of one title, for example
[22:50:40] mindoms: oh, cool
[22:54:33] sphex (sphex! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[22:55:30] mindoms (mindoms! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[23:00:54] mindoms: okay, thanx for your time && bye
[23:00:57] mindoms (mindoms! has quit (Client Quit)
[23:05:43] sphery: mindoms / for playlist
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[23:24:25] sphery: wagnerrp: no clue what Jay is misunderstanding in the "this channel = this callsign/any channel = any channel" thread
[23:26:43] wagnerrp: i dont understand why he needs to record on a specific channel
[23:27:59] sphery: that too :)
[23:28:33] sphery: but, it seems when you give someone the power to control, they try to micro-manage--to the point of breaking things
[23:28:52] sphery: this is MythTV's primary problem, IMHO
[23:29:08] sphery: we let users break their configuration
[23:29:14] sphery: and we let them blame MythTV when they do
[23:34:03] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit (Quit: Slim-Kimbo)
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