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Wednesday, October 6th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:03] Beirdo: hope they beat the Phillies though
[00:00:11] kormoc: hey now!
[00:00:14] wagnerrp: my sister used to work at one of those 'boats'
[00:00:26] skd5aner: dealer?
[00:00:29] Beirdo: kormoc: yeah well :) Let's just not mention the Mariners
[00:00:30] wagnerrp: chef
[00:00:51] skd5aner: ah, that'd be a good opportunity for a chef I would think!
[00:00:52] wagnerrp: its a joke... it wasnt a boat
[00:00:53] Beirdo: Phillies would be OK.
[00:00:55] MavT (MavT! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:01:04] skd5aner: hehe, but it's SURROUNDED by WATER
[00:01:07] wagnerrp: it would have taken them three whole days to pump the thing dry and float it
[00:01:35] wagnerrp: they sunk a bunch of barges, and built it on top
[00:02:09] awalls: Sounds like a well anchore bouy
[00:02:09] skd5aner: alright, dinner calls! good night
[00:02:39] Beirdo: wow. Tampa Bay got best record of league this year? sweet
[00:03:15] EvilBob: Dinner... I knew I was forgetting something. Will fight with this again tomorrow, or tonight if I can't sleep.
[00:03:36] Beirdo: (as did the Phillies... hmmm)
[00:03:49] wagnerrp: woo! im recordin'
[00:03:57] Beirdo: good work
[00:04:57] Beirdo: woo! My MIR was recieved and is being processed
[00:05:24] Beirdo: silly scambates
[00:08:04] Beirdo: Total running time: 3 months 8 days 8 hrs 57 min
[00:08:13] Beirdo: Total Recorded: 29 days 16 hrs
[00:08:25] Beirdo: Percent of time spent recording: 2%
[00:08:32] Beirdo: ummm, new math :)
[00:08:48] Beirdo: I know... it's prorated by number of encoders, blah blah
[00:14:29] Beirdo: OK, I have drives to collect, I'm going home
[00:17:03] kormoc: Beirdo, I seem to recall changing that due to you not liking the other math :P
[00:23:04] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:24] dibbz (dibbz! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:24:53] cooper76 (cooper76! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:29:24] Crankygeek (Crankygeek! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:30] Loshki (Loshki!~chatzilla@unaffiliated/losher) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:32:02] Crankygeek: I have upgraded my video card to an nVidia 210 with hdmi output, I do not get any audio now, and the video is very jumpy.....any help?
[00:37:08] wagnerrp: if video is jumpy, you are probably using the wrong playback profile
[00:38:21] Crankygeek: Not sure what you mean, what should it be set for and where would I find it?
[00:38:39] wagnerrp: should be set to 'Slim' or 'VDPAU Normal'
[00:40:50] RC (RC! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:44:25] Crankygeek: is that in the backend somewhere?
[00:45:47] wagnerrp: its playback... frontend
[00:53:24] Crankygeek: ok, that fixed it, any idea why I have no audio tho?
[00:54:50] wagnerrp: using the wrong device? what do you have set for audio output?
[00:56:34] vallor_ (vallor_!~Rock@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:57:02] Crankygeek: in the backend it's set to ASLA:HDMI
[00:57:25] wagnerrp: check that against what you see with `aplay`
[00:57:37] wagnerrp: the backend?
[00:57:38] wagnerrp: no...
[00:57:43] wagnerrp: the backend doesnt do playback
[00:57:45] wagnerrp: the frontend does
[00:58:26] Crankygeek: Still under the playback menu?
[00:59:04] wagnerrp: dont remember where that is off hand
[00:59:27] iamlindoro: Utilities/Setup->sEtup->General
[01:01:59] Crankygeek: I see where it is set to ALSA:HDMI, but nothing that says aplay
[01:02:12] wagnerrp: you run `aplay`, on the command line
[01:02:31] wagnerrp: it lists your available devices and interfaces
[01:02:37] Crankygeek: ahh, sorry, as you can tell, I am a noob with myth
[01:02:49] wagnerrp: this is not a myth utility
[01:03:50] quicksilver (quicksilver! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[01:04:12] Crankygeek: Does that usually take a while to pull up any info?
[01:04:37] wagnerrp: shouldnt, no
[01:05:07] Crankygeek: well, I type aplay and enter and it just seems to hang there
[01:05:17] quicksilver (quicksilver! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:05:20] jan2600 (jan2600! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[01:07:04] Crankygeek: that's it right, just 'aplay' at a CL and enter?
[01:07:08] jan2600 (jan2600! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:07:35] wagnerrp: youre interested in '-l' and '-L'
[01:07:42] wagnerrp:
[01:08:59] Beirdo: OK, disks attached
[01:09:42] Crankygeek: all it see is the built in Intel audio card from the motherboard
[01:09:56] wagnerrp: you are using the nvidia drivers?
[01:09:59] wagnerrp: not 'nv'?
[01:10:27] Crankygeek: I am using the recommended nVidia drivers that ubuntu installed
[01:10:44] wagnerrp: are those the proprietary nvidia drivers?
[01:10:50] Crankygeek: yes
[01:11:19] wagnerrp: what version of ubuntu?
[01:11:39] Crankygeek: I am using Mythbuntu
[01:11:55] iamlindoro: sigh
[01:12:22] Crankygeek: Is that a problem?
[01:13:02] Crankygeek: Was I better off starting with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and installing Myth from the repositories?
[01:13:14] iamlindoro: no, but the fact that it takes asking three attempts at each question to get you to answer it is saddening
[01:13:24] iamlindoro: Good think wagnerrp is a more patient guy than I
[01:13:37] wagnerrp: no, because then you would have to tend with pulseaudio
[01:13:51] Crankygeek: Like I said, I am new to this stuff
[01:14:02] Crankygeek: Thanks for being patient though
[01:16:41] awalls: FOX is shameless
[01:17:03] awalls: Hyping television shows is not newsworthy.
[01:18:08] ** awalls wonders why he even watches tv **
[01:19:17] Crankygeek: So is there something I can do here to figure out why nVidia is not showing up in aplay?
[01:19:52] iamlindoro: Are you running a new enough version of ALSA that HDMI out from your video card is supported?
[01:19:54] wagnerrp: if it doesnt show up, its really out of our territory
[01:20:00] wagnerrp: perhaps too old a version of ALSA
[01:20:06] wagnerrp: might want to ask the #ubuntu people
[01:20:42] iamlindoro: ALSA needs to be 1.0.23 or greater to support nVidia HDMI audio, as I recall-- and even then often requires tweaks
[01:21:05] iamlindoro: And all curerntly released Ubuntu is ALSA <= 1.0.22
[01:21:19] iamlindoro: so unless you've compiled your own ALSA to get support, it's not supported
[01:22:26] Crankygeek: ok, thanks for all the help.....after I get that figured out, is there someone here that can help me with deciphering how to get my remote working with Directv?
[01:23:03] wagnerrp: as in an IR blaster?
[01:23:37] Crankygeek: yes, seeing I don't have the correct cable to go serial to USB
[01:24:40] JJ1 (JJ1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:25:45] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:25:51] kormoc: Crankygeek, you can buy them via monoprice really cheaply
[01:26:40] joat (joat! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:27:19] JJ1 (JJ1! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:27:24] Crankygeek: is that the easiest way to set up channel changing?
[01:28:09] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:29:00] EvilBob: awalls: I never did get my remote working yet, had to give up for the day. Thanks for your help
[01:29:23] awalls: Np. Sorry.
[01:29:54] EvilBob: I will take another run at it tomorrow depending on my pain level
[01:29:55] awalls: Fixing up ivtv cx18 and cx23885 ir stuff is on my todo list
[01:30:12] awalls: Or maybe my bucket list
[01:30:36] awalls: Its a lot harder than it has to be.
[01:32:56] Azelphur (Azelphur! has quit (Excess Flood)
[01:33:19] Azelphur (Azelphur! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:34:20] Beirdo: OK, drive... no dying while I rsync off ya
[01:35:38] Saviq is now known as Saviq_afk
[01:36:08] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:24] cesman (cesman! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:24] cesman (cesman!~cecil@pdpc/supporter/professional/cesman) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:25] cesman (cesman! has quit (Changing host)
[01:37:12] Beirdo: ugh.
[01:39:30] Beirdo: heh, rsyncing over my ccache
[01:39:50] Beirdo: resized every filesystem... slightly
[01:39:58] Beirdo: hmm
[01:40:02] awalls: Thumbnails and browser cache are important too...
[01:40:06] Beirdo: OK, this is stupid
[01:40:23] Beirdo: I should just resize the fs that's in the mirrorset
[01:40:31] Beirdo: to match the replacement drive
[01:40:38] Beirdo: add the new mirror...
[01:40:47] Beirdo: hmmm
[01:43:39] awalls: In your face KFC product placement in a FOX show
[01:44:01] awalls: Followed by a KFC commerical
[01:44:07] ekristen (ekristen! has quit (Quit: ekristen)
[01:44:42] awalls: I need to turn off the tv ... and the go get some chicken.
[01:45:34] awalls (awalls! has quit (Quit: Bye)
[01:47:27] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:55:57] val-l (val-l!~Rock@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:01] Beirdo: hmm, need to remember how to write grub2 onto a disk's MBE
[01:59:11] kenni (kenni! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:59:18] wagnerrp: grub-install
[01:59:27] kenni (kenni! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:50] Beirdo: that's what I thought.
[01:59:58] wagnerrp: no ordinary family, she's sweeping the floors at 250mph...
[02:00:00] Beirdo: I'll wait until I'm done resyncing...
[02:00:12] pyther (pyther!~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[02:00:29] Beirdo: I exactly sized the root mirror to match
[02:00:30] wagnerrp: besides the fact that the floor, and carpet, and clothes, and plastics that make up the frame of the sweeper, arent designed for those kinds of stresses
[02:00:47] wagnerrp: i guess she souped up the backpressure to allow it to sweep faster?
[02:01:37] Beirdo: hehe
[02:02:04] Beirdo: oh blah
[02:02:18] Beirdo: to resize filesystems... must umount.
[02:03:40] Criggie: erm
[02:03:41] Beirdo: sonva...
[02:03:44] Criggie: not always
[02:04:05] wagnerrp: Criggie: yes, always, if the filesystem isnt set up to support live expansion
[02:04:06] wagnerrp: and few are
[02:04:18] Beirdo: it's shrinking.
[02:04:21] Beirdo: even better
[02:04:33] Criggie: ahhh fair enough – jfs, xfs, and ext3/4 all work nicely
[02:04:35] Beirdo: OK, one is expand
[02:04:40] Criggie: oh shrinking is a PITA
[02:04:49] Beirdo: the others are shrinking (two of em)
[02:05:54] Beirdo: 7:30–8pm is old Family Guy
[02:06:13] Beirdo: I can lose that slot easily enough
[02:06:49] Beirdo: meanwhile... adding the first disk to mirror for /
[02:07:07] Beirdo: once that's done, I drop the old disk out, add the second new disk
[02:07:23] Beirdo: all the while recording TV and commflagging :)
[02:09:02] wagnerrp: shes running in heals? come on...
[02:09:12] Beirdo: heh
[02:09:20] Beirdo: I haven't even RECORDED it yet :)
[02:13:19] steve__ (steve__!~steve@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:14:46] Beirdo: wow, these new drives are nice and fast :)
[02:15:02] Beirdo: syncing from one of them to the other
[02:15:04] NightMonkey: Beirdo: Models?
[02:15:28] Beirdo: ST3250318AS
[02:15:45] Beirdo: they are syncing at 80MB/s
[02:15:57] NightMonkey: Beirdo: Nice.
[02:16:05] Beirdo: oh, 74MB/s
[02:16:06] Beirdo: still
[02:16:07] Beirdo: heh
[02:16:26] Beirdo: the system is very not idle
[02:16:32] Beirdo: load avg of 5
[02:16:42] Beirdo: on a quad-core + HT.
[02:17:13] Shadow__X: Beirdo: what are you syncing
[02:17:24] Beirdo: root filesystem
[02:18:10] Shadow__X: what are you using to sync it
[02:18:25] ** NightMonkey bets on dd **
[02:18:37] steve__: Hello all, I have a question regarding routing a multihomed mythubuntu box with IPTV. With both NIC connected I can only get either internet or multicast, but never both. Tried various route commands but just no luck. Anyone willing to spend a few minutes?
[02:19:12] wagnerrp: steve__: mythbackend will only listen on one interface
[02:19:13] Shadow__X: NightMonkey: i somewhat recently discovered you can use pv in combination with dd to get speed and eta
[02:19:19] wagnerrp: but it should ba able to access content on both
[02:19:44] Beirdo: you may need to read up on multicast
[02:20:15] steve__: I have fiber to the house, and two seperate IP's assigned by the ISP, one internet only, the other IPTV only, both dhcp
[02:20:42] NightMonkey: Shadow__X: pv?
[02:20:50] steve__: I have tried 'route add -net netmask' as suggested by some googling
[02:20:55] steve__: pv?
[02:21:02] steve__: nm
[02:21:15] NightMonkey: Shadow__X: pvmove, you mean?
[02:21:35] Shadow__X: NightMonkey: nope pv pipe viewer
[02:21:57] dibbz (dibbz! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:22:04] Shadow__X: pv -petr file | dd of=/some/place and you will see speed and eta
[02:22:32] NightMonkey: Shadow__X: Oh. I just do a loop with kill -SIGUSR1 on dd.
[02:23:00] NightMonkey: No eta though.
[02:23:16] Shadow__X: NightMonkey: yeah its pretty neat check it out
[02:24:06] Beirdo: OK, grub now on all 6 drives
[02:24:16] Beirdo: one of em's coming out when I'm done all this
[02:24:33] Beirdo: that way if the stupid bios boots to the wrong disk, it SHOULD still boot
[02:24:59] Shadow__X: Beirdo: what are you using to sync them
[02:25:09] Beirdo: md
[02:25:17] Beirdo: on a running system
[02:25:23] Shadow__X: they are on an array?
[02:25:31] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:25:35] Beirdo: mirrored
[02:25:46] Shadow__X: ah so a large raid 1?
[02:26:00] Beirdo: several large raid 1
[02:26:08] Beirdo: one for each filesystem :)
[02:26:17] steve__: Anyone know how to force traffic through a certain NIC via some kind of route command?
[02:26:26] Beirdo: man route
[02:26:45] Shadow__X: Beirdo: oh ok cool thanks
[02:27:12] Beirdo: syncing off the old drive to a new one... 25–30MB/s
[02:27:30] Beirdo: doing /opt now
[02:27:41] Beirdo: aka /dev/md3
[02:27:58] Beirdo: md1 and md2 need filesystem shrinks (/var and /var/lib/mysql)
[02:28:28] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[02:29:04] Beirdo: resizing /var will be fun
[02:29:19] Beirdo: if I don't go to single user mode, not sure I can
[02:29:39] Shadow__X: Beirdo: wait md1 is /var? or am i just understanding this wrong
[02:29:47] Beirdo: yep
[02:30:11] Beirdo: and I'm shrinking it (replacing 300G dying drive with 250G new ones)
[02:30:26] NightMonkey: Man, downsizing is everywhere. Even here.
[02:30:26] Beirdo: the other 300G already died on Sunday
[02:32:47] Beirdo: doing /var/lib/mysql will be easy
[02:33:02] Beirdo: once I take down the backend... as soon as House finishes playing :)
[02:33:16] Beirdo: and take down mysql obviously
[02:36:48] sybolt (sybolt! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[02:37:35] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar!phoenix@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:40:05] Beirdo: OK, /var/lib/mysql is ready to be synced
[02:40:22] Beirdo: I think for /var I'll see what I can do
[02:40:23] Beirdo: hehe
[02:43:59] Beirdo: I think for /var... I'll rsync contents to one of the new partitions... rename /var /var-old, mount the rsync onto /var
[02:44:06] Beirdo: worth a try anyways
[02:44:08] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar!phoenix@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:44:41] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar!~dcooper@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:48:55] Beirdo: aw come ON
[02:49:42] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:52:15] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[02:54:27] Beirdo: my windows box has its moments of stupidity...
[02:55:34] steve__ (steve__!~steve@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[02:59:08] Crankygeek (Crankygeek! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:59:26] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar!~dcooper@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:59:40] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar!phoenix@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:06:13] NightMonkey: Moments? Just moments?
[03:06:17] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:09:22] steve__ (steve__!~steve@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:20:38] xand2 (xand2!~xand@pdpc/supporter/active/xand) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:20:45] xand (xand!xand@pdpc/supporter/active/xand) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[03:27:43] Beirdo: why won't it let me umount the old /var?
[03:27:58] Beirdo: I restarted everything that used it to use the new /var
[03:28:10] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[03:28:12] wagnerrp: pure unadulterated hatred
[03:28:34] [R]: Beirdo: lsof?
[03:28:42] Beirdo: shows nothing
[03:28:45] [R]: fuser?
[03:28:51] Beirdo: shows nothing
[03:28:53] [R]: weird
[03:29:48] wagnerrp: is this system too old/slow for HD playback? Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.60GHz
[03:30:14] Beirdo: heh, probably... although vdpau will help.
[03:30:22] wagnerrp: no, there is no help
[03:30:30] Beirdo: that's slower than an Atom, dude
[03:30:38] wagnerrp: mailing list question
[03:30:46] wagnerrp: phil should have just outright told him to give up
[03:31:00] Beirdo: it will work fine for playback
[03:31:04] steve__: just so everyone knows I had to echo 0 > rp_filter in both eth0 and all under proc
[03:31:15] Beirdo: as LONG as he uses vdpau, and all his video can use it
[03:31:47] Beirdo: the second it doesn't... playback comes to stuttering halt
[03:32:01] wagnerrp: simple answer, its too slow
[03:32:03] wagnerrp: :)
[03:32:14] Beirdo: heh
[03:32:16] Beirdo: not really
[03:32:35] Beirdo: but sure
[03:33:12] ** Beirdo slaps his system **
[03:33:17] Beirdo: no more being a pain
[03:34:07] steve__ (steve__!~steve@ has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
[03:36:00] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, you missed a golden opportunity
[03:36:07] iamlindoro: Long answer, Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.
[03:36:23] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:36:59] wagnerrp: ill have to remember that for next time
[03:36:59] Beirdo: argh
[03:37:01] Beirdo: :)
[03:37:10] Beirdo: it was:
[03:37:22] Beirdo: /var/lock, /var/run, /var/lib/mysql
[03:37:26] Beirdo: all still mounted
[03:37:33] Beirdo: even though I remounted
[03:38:42] Beirdo: what a pain
[03:40:22] Beirdo: and now to do it again
[03:41:28] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, I'm sure the fx5200 guy feels that system is more than good enough
[03:41:50] wagnerrp: if only he could get X running...
[03:42:18] sphery: iamlindoro: looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[03:42:33] iamlindoro: heh
[03:42:45] wagnerrp: actually, hes got a server farm of old P3s in his basement, couldnt he use those for some form of distributed decoding?
[03:42:56] wagnerrp: you know, like send chunks of video out tens of seconds in advance
[03:43:09] wagnerrp: and have them return the raw video?
[03:43:41] iamlindoro: heh, he can just kvm between each screen every three seconds to catch the next clip
[03:44:08] wagnerrp: surely that would be a grand use of 2kW
[03:44:15] wagnerrp: its winter now, has to heat his home somehow
[03:45:27] wagnerrp: Beirdo: do you actually have an rsync server set up? or are you just using it instead of `cp` for the progress indicator?
[03:45:54] Beirdo: hmm?
[03:46:05] Beirdo: no, I'm syncing using md
[03:46:08] wagnerrp: you said you were shuffling stuff around with rsync
[03:46:12] wagnerrp: oh...
[03:46:17] Beirdo: ahh
[03:46:28] Beirdo: I used rsync -avtx /var/ /mnt/
[03:46:31] Beirdo: heh
[03:46:32] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[03:46:36] sphery: no --progress
[03:46:41] sphery: how trusting of you
[03:46:49] Beirdo: nah, it shows you what it's dong
[03:46:52] Beirdo: doing
[03:46:57] Beirdo: that's the v
[03:47:21] Beirdo: filesystems appropriately resized... no single user :)
[03:47:23] sphery: yeah, but doesn't show how much longer it will take
[03:47:28] Beirdo: had to bounce a pile of stuff
[03:47:39] Beirdo: it was only 770MB of crap to rsync
[03:48:25] sphery: ah, that wouldn't take too long
[03:48:42] sphery: for my 1TB moves, I have to do --progress or I go crazy trying to schedule things
[03:48:47] Beirdo: hehe
[03:49:00] Beirdo: well, most of the heavy moving is md's problem
[03:49:10] sphery: mine?
[03:49:12] sphery: :)
[03:49:15] Beirdo: I needed that rsync so I could umount /dev/md1
[03:49:20] Beirdo: to shrink it
[03:49:24] sphery: I've never heard of (the other) md
[03:49:39] sphery: oh, wait, like multiple-device md?
[03:49:43] Beirdo: yes
[03:49:46] jk-: how about unix domain sockets?
[03:49:52] Beirdo: these are all raid1 software raid
[03:49:53] sphery: Ah, I thought it was some kind of dd replacement
[03:50:02] Beirdo: jk-: what about them?
[03:50:26] jk-: Beirdo: the new var will not have the old sockets present
[03:50:36] Beirdo: as I said, I had to bounce a bunch of daemons when I did the mount -M
[03:50:40] jk-: ah :)
[03:51:08] Beirdo: mysql, cron, atd, syslog, postfix, apache, xrdp
[03:51:09] sphery: I could never move a file system that's in use by a running system
[03:51:20] sphery: I always take the simple approach and just use a boot/root disk
[03:51:28] Beirdo: hehe
[03:51:29] Beirdo: wuss
[03:51:30] Beirdo: :)
[03:51:44] sphery: Yeah, that's what separates the sys admins from hacks like me
[03:51:47] Beirdo: you do it the smart way
[03:51:55] sphery: good thing no one expects me to be a sys admin :)
[03:51:57] Beirdo: this is risky and messy
[03:52:03] sphery: heh
[03:52:30] Beirdo: but until I dropped mysql and tried to get it back up... the backend was hunky dory
[03:53:26] Beirdo: OK. md3 syncing from new disk to new disk
[03:53:44] Beirdo: which is /opt... including the backend binary :)
[03:55:28] Beirdo: I wanted to keep the backend running.... reboot window starts at 11pm
[03:55:36] Beirdo: oooh, I borked screen :)
[03:55:36] Beirdo: hehehe
[03:56:18] Beirdo: missing /var/run/utmp
[03:56:20] Beirdo: hehehe
[03:56:35] Azelphur (Azelphur! has quit (Excess Flood)
[03:56:49] Beirdo: and /var/run/screen
[03:57:02] Beirdo: kinda saw that coming
[03:57:15] Beirdo: just ran screen as root, away it goes
[03:58:36] Beirdo: it will like me better after a reboot, I'm sure
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[04:01:05] wagnerrp: so apparently we shouldnt buy silicon image hardware... //" rel="nofollow"> . . . sg36545.html
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[04:01:59] Beirdo: heh
[04:02:35] Beirdo: load avg 8.27
[04:02:52] wagnerrp: just what are you doing over there?
[04:03:10] Beirdo: commflagging
[04:03:24] Beirdo: 4 at a time... 200% CPU each
[04:03:24] wagnerrp: 10 at once?
[04:03:25] Beirdo: :)
[04:03:51] wagnerrp: oh, when youre doing hyperthreading, a singlethreaded process can use over 100%?
[04:03:55] Beirdo: and playback, and recording, and md syncing
[04:04:05] Beirdo: it's not single-threaded
[04:04:20] Beirdo: clearly
[04:04:58] Beirdo: at least 2 active (very active) threads
[04:05:32] Beirdo: I'm running commflag at max cpu, not niced, BTW
[04:05:42] Beirdo: that may tell it to go multi-thread
[04:06:43] Beirdo: gotta say, I love this system (so far)
[04:07:01] Beirdo: dying disks aside
[04:07:10] Beirdo: that was a calculated risk
[04:07:16] Beirdo: which bit my butt
[04:18:03] Beirdo: heheh
[04:18:10] Beirdo: Haven is SUCH a Canadian show
[04:18:29] Beirdo: several actors that I've seen on plenty of Canadian shows
[04:18:48] Beirdo: it's recorded in Nova Scotia IIRC
[04:18:54] Beirdo: not actually in Maine :)
[04:19:08] Beirdo: other side of the bay
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[04:31:00] Beirdo: oh crud
[04:31:15] Beirdo: root@mythbe:~# mdadm /dev/md1 -v -a /dev/sdd5
[04:31:16] Beirdo: mdadm: /dev/sdd5 not large enough to join array
[04:31:23] Beirdo: why oh why.
[04:31:36] Beirdo: OK, fine. bite me
[04:35:37] Beirdo: I'll just shrink it further than necessary... resize the md
[04:36:06] Beirdo: move to the new disks... resize the md to max size, resize the filesystem
[04:36:16] Beirdo: stupid overhead bytes :)
[04:36:17] iamlindoro: /join #beirdo-monologues
[04:36:21] iamlindoro: oh wait, I'm already there
[04:36:47] Beirdo: hehe
[04:37:17] Beirdo: sorry
[04:37:18] Beirdo: hehe
[04:39:24] wagnerrp: second drive down... 140GB to go and then i can move these over to the other backend
[04:39:30] Beirdo: hehe
[04:39:37] Beirdo: we both are nuts :)
[04:41:45] wagnerrp: no, i just have to remove these drives from this machine
[04:41:50] wagnerrp: to allow it to boot properly
[04:41:56] wagnerrp: and the other backend doesnt do zfs
[04:42:11] Beirdo: zfs can be a pain :)
[04:42:23] Beirdo: a good pain though
[04:42:36] Beirdo: computers so suck
[04:42:47] wagnerrp: the only fault is sometimes its /too/ automated
[04:42:54] stoth: zfs peaked my interest a couple of years ago. Is it stable under Linux now? Production worthy?
[04:43:03] Beirdo: not available in Linux
[04:43:08] wagnerrp: so you cant forcefully fix something like the 4k sector issue on EARS drives
[04:43:17] wagnerrp: not natively anyway... there is a FUSE program to mount it
[04:43:21] Beirdo: you can compile it yourself if ya want
[04:43:35] Beirdo: it's "open source" but not GPL-compatible
[04:43:42] stoth: last I heard the only stable platform was solaris
[04:43:53] Beirdo: so nobody will be distributing it for Linux
[04:44:13] Beirdo: it's in FreeBSD too, wagnerrp could comment on stability
[04:45:51] Beirdo: I like the concept.
[04:46:01] Beirdo: we use it at work with Solaris
[04:46:31] Beirdo: but... right now, my biggest need would be for video storage in myth, and JBOD + SG works for that :)
[04:46:47] wagnerrp: fbsd 7.0 had it, but it had some issues
[04:46:56] wagnerrp: 8.0/8.1 has a much improved version
[04:47:16] Beirdo: and now that opensolaris is a goner...
[04:47:25] Beirdo: I may want to try nexenta
[04:47:43] Beirdo: goner, although open... heh
[04:47:55] wagnerrp: but zfs wants a pretty beefy machine
[04:48:05] wagnerrp: of course 'beefy' is relative, and any modern system can run it fine
[04:48:07] Beirdo: yah
[04:48:12] Beirdo: depends on mode though
[04:48:37] wagnerrp: well of course Z takes a lot of power, and Z2 considerably more
[04:48:41] Beirdo: if you are doing the RAID5 equivalent (RAIDZ?) it would need more, I bet
[04:48:47] wagnerrp: but i mean as far as memory, the more the better
[04:48:50] Beirdo: yeah
[04:49:05] wagnerrp: 4GB is recommended minimum
[04:49:12] Beirdo: heh
[04:49:35] Beirdo: I'll pass for now
[04:49:40] stoth: Beirdo: opensolaris has been pulled from circulation?
[04:49:41] wagnerrp: basically, it does windows-style data prefetch, and heavy caching
[04:49:48] wagnerrp: much of which is disabled by default under 4GB
[04:50:12] Beirdo: stoth: not sure if they removed it from the site, but they have canceled any Sun/Oracle support, last I heard
[04:50:13] wagnerrp: ive not had significant trouble running it on my 2GB server
[04:50:38] Beirdo: i.e. the guys who were being paid to work on it are no longer in that position, I would guess
[04:51:00] Beirdo: and being Oracle... heh
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[05:01:14] Beirdo: OMG
[05:01:15] Beirdo:
[05:01:27] ** Beirdo laughs heartily **
[05:02:01] Beirdo: that's priceless
[05:02:12] wagnerrp: so where did you come across that gem?
[05:03:18] Beirdo: a friend pasted it to me
[05:03:20] Beirdo: hehe
[05:07:53] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[05:09:16] wagnerrp: 84G to go...
[05:09:31] Beirdo: nice
[05:09:45] Beirdo: I got one more filesystem to sync over... /var
[05:09:53] Beirdo: but I have to resize the dang thing again
[05:09:56] wagnerrp: thats awful... like 32MB/s
[05:10:40] wagnerrp: i dont know if its slow because of the source drives? (ancient 300GBs) or the destination (4K WD EARS Green)
[05:11:01] Beirdo: heh
[05:11:09] Beirdo: 300GB can't be all THAT ancient
[05:11:10] Beirdo: heh
[05:11:29] Beirdo: funny enough, I'm draining an old 300G drive too
[05:11:33] wagnerrp: theyre the original drives i used with this RAID card when i bought it back in ought six
[05:11:45] Beirdo: that's only 4 years, dude
[05:12:02] Beirdo: now, ancient 30G drives... that's different
[05:12:03] wagnerrp: but i used 'ought'
[05:12:10] wagnerrp: thats all old-timey and old
[05:12:14] Beirdo: heh
[05:13:03] Beirdo: I have to resize /var for 64 measly kilobytes
[05:13:30] Beirdo: sigh. that's what I ger for forgetting md's overhead and all
[05:13:42] wagnerrp: ill have to do a bit of benchmarking
[05:14:08] wagnerrp: whether the 320GB mirror on my areca card, or the 300GB ZFS mirror is faster
[05:14:30] Beirdo: for read or for write?
[05:14:37] wagnerrp: whatever
[05:14:42] Beirdo: heh
[05:14:44] Beirdo: k
[05:14:56] wagnerrp: i used to have a single 250GB drive as my boot
[05:15:18] wagnerrp: and then the 320GB mirror housed all my iscsi images, and jailed servers
[05:15:50] wagnerrp: mysql, apache, mythtv, bunch of other crap, all lived in jails off that mirror
[05:15:59] wagnerrp: debating just moving them all over to the boot drives
[05:16:15] wagnerrp: and freeing up another two drives
[05:16:20] Beirdo: heh, I would, personally
[05:16:36] wagnerrp: considering the boot partition might take all of 2–3GB
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[05:34:53] wagnerrp: why is my router reporting two separate USB/Serial devices
[05:35:00] wagnerrp: i should only have the one to talk to the UPS
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[05:41:01] Beirdo: dunno
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[05:42:47] wagnerrp: how do i detach these drives...
[05:43:06] Beirdo: grab the cable and pull?
[05:44:16] wagnerrp: i mean do i just unmount, pull, and rescan the LUN to update the system for the removed drives?
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[05:44:41] wagnerrp: theyre on the raid card, so they show up as SCSI drives
[05:44:56] Beirdo: ah
[05:45:08] Beirdo: could be that simple
[05:45:23] Beirdo: I love that about SATA
[05:45:26] wagnerrp: i know the system barfs if i pull one of the ATA drives off the onboard controller
[05:45:42] wagnerrp: (its SATA but not AHCI)
[05:45:54] Beirdo: whether or not it's supposed to be hot-plug, most controllers handle it pretty well, I've found
[05:46:15] wagnerrp: AHCI controllers handle it natively... the old style, not so much
[05:46:21] Beirdo: ah
[05:46:41] Beirdo: I just realized...
[05:46:46] Beirdo: I didn't eat any dinner
[05:46:58] wagnerrp: sitting down there cold? or burning?
[05:47:08] Beirdo: never made anything
[05:47:17] Beirdo: I went straight to the computer
[05:47:31] Beirdo: dumb dumb dumb
[05:49:08] wagnerrp: and thats it... three drives emptied
[05:49:18] wagnerrp: just have some PATA one left that i couldnt hotplug
[05:49:27] Beirdo: 3.5min left
[05:49:59] Beirdo: then I resync /var onto the second new disk and the old disk is done
[05:53:27] Beirdo: yay. /dev/sdc is now totally idle
[05:53:46] wagnerrp: will 'cp' recurse through fs mounts?
[05:54:02] Beirdo: probably
[05:54:07] Beirdo: I'd use rsync
[05:54:18] Beirdo: :)
[05:54:45] Beirdo: rsync -avtx /original/dir/ /new/dir/
[05:54:59] Beirdo: the x means stay on the file system
[05:56:56] wagnerrp: oh! forgot i could just replicate entire filesystems in zfs
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[05:57:12] Beirdo: hhehe
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[06:22:05] Beirdo: woot. done
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[06:22:32] Beirdo: I think I'll just yank the plug tonight, and then put it all together tomorrow...
[06:23:15] Beirdo: as I have a precision screwdriver set and some arctic silver showing up tomorrow
[06:23:50] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[06:24:03] Beirdo: the SATA plug that is :)
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[06:36:07] Beirdo: woohoo
[06:36:24] Beirdo: and added another 500G to the SG config
[06:36:38] Beirdo: shouldn't run out of disk for a wee bit longer now
[06:39:48] BLZbubba (BLZbubba! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[06:40:17] Beirdo: hehee, oops
[06:40:35] Beirdo: yanked the wrong frigging 300G drive
[06:40:58] Beirdo: lost /opt/mythtv/video1 there for a moment
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[09:14:42] pak0: there is one issue about the nova t-500 and recording two channels on same multiplex
[09:14:43] kth (kth! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:15:27] pak0: when you start to record one channel, and jump to watch another on same multiplex, you have the problem of very poor signal strenght, but if you jump to another input and select the same channel, the problem is solved
[09:15:56] pak0: i try ti to set up only one channel recording for input on setup, but the problem persist and then you cannot change to another input
[09:19:11] lyricnz: thanks for your help the other day guys. I've still got a couple of problems to solve, that would be great :)
[09:20:14] justinh: pak0: sounds like you need to enable the LNA
[09:20:57] justinh: for some obscure reason the optimum mode of operation (i.e. with LNA activated) isn't the default in the driver – or at least wasn't for a considerable time
[09:21:14] justinh: IIRC the modprobe option is force_lna=1
[09:21:23] lyricnz: And it's justinh ! yay! :)
[09:21:40] justinh: force_lna_activation=1
[09:21:47] justinh: I was almost right
[09:22:16] bobnvic (bobnvic! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[09:23:07] ** lyricnz has (at least) two issues left: **
[09:23:09] pak0: hmm
[09:23:14] pak0: /etc/modprobe?
[09:23:26] justinh: pak0: varies according to distro
[09:23:28] lyricnz: channel scanner finds channel 9 (all channels on that multiplex), but cannot livetv or record it. fails.
[09:23:52] justinh: pak0: on *buntu it's /etc/modprobe.d/options
[09:24:09] lyricnz: and the "media server" part doesn't seem to be working 100% – my popcorn hour, xbox 360, and ps3 can all see the server, but not the content
[09:24:19] lyricnz: any clues, on either issue?
[09:24:19] justinh: pak0: looks sensible
[09:24:49] justinh: lyricnz: xbox360 won't play a lot of the content myth can serve anyway – i.e. mpeg recordings
[09:25:14] lyricnz: yeah, I'm thinking the videos+music in particular, not just the recordings
[09:25:50] lyricnz: all seem to "sortof work" (ie: can see the volumes, but not the media), or something like that – I can reproduce if someone has things I should be looking for
[09:25:54] justinh: I've not had much experience playing with upnp but the things I've tried it with (O2 joggler & some software apps in windows machines) have worked just fine
[09:26:38] justinh: lyricnz: AFAIK it should all 'just work' if you can see the upnp server at all – even if whatever you're using can't play the stuff you should still see it all
[09:27:29] lyricnz: yeah, hmm, didn't work like that for me. probably some bust config, since the box has been through every myth version over last 8 years or so
[09:27:47] lyricnz: though i think it got reinstalled from scratch about 5 years ago
[09:28:10] justinh: lyricnz: what I mean is, it won't be busted mythtv config since you can only enable or disable the upnp server
[09:28:48] justinh: if the content works in mythtv it should be ok on the upnp side too
[09:29:36] lyricnz: my frontend mounts the mythvideo directory which is exported by samba. is that kind of nonsense not needed anymore?
[09:29:39] justinh: unless you need to do something on your router or whatever.. but then if it was that I'd expect you wouldn't be able to even see the server
[09:30:02] justinh: lyricnz: it's mythbackend which does the upnp serving not mythfrontend
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[09:30:03] lyricnz: it's just a switch on the LAN, the only router is the modem between the LAN and the internet
[09:30:16] lyricnz: justinh: i was talking abotu the client, of course
[09:30:21] pak0: thank you justinh, but dont solved my problem
[09:30:38] justinh: pak0: you'd have to reload the module of course
[09:30:46] lyricnz: you said "if the content works in mythtv" <=== presumably talking about the frontend "working"
[09:31:07] justinh: i.e. stop mythbackend, reload the module with the correct option, then restart mythbackend
[09:31:25] pak0: i have restarted all my computer
[09:31:52] pak0: but stills the same, i have to select another input manually and then i can watch and record two channels on same multiplex w/o poor signal
[09:32:14] justinh: pak0: maybe your signal is just crud then
[09:32:25] justinh: pak0: but check the LNA is actually enabled with modinfo
[09:32:38] justinh: modinfo dvb-usb-dib0700
[09:33:01] pak0: colud not find module
[09:33:03] pak0: argggg
[09:33:08] justinh: pak0: i.e. the signal is good enough for one tuner but not the other
[09:33:32] lyricnz: justinh: it could be a storage-group vs non-storage-group issue. my system predates storage groups, so they're not used for video etc
[09:33:44] pak0: sorry, miss key
[09:33:45] justinh: even a 2-way splitter (internal to the card) isn't always an equal split
[09:34:04] justinh: lyricnz: I dunno. it worked even before I used SGs
[09:34:33] justinh: lyricnz: and in any case SGs aren't in place for music yet :)
[09:34:46] pak0:
[09:34:47] justinh: lyricnz: ah – you of course need to tell the backend machine where the stuff is
[09:35:23] lyricnz: uh, it has directories configured directly, I suppose. it must do, that's where all the metadata is right?
[09:35:45] justinh: the metadata is always in the database
[09:36:01] pak0: is correct my pastebin?
[09:36:19] justinh: pak0: seems modinfo doesn't report what is actually loaded
[09:36:45] justinh: dmesg might know
[09:37:51] pak0: how i do it?
[09:39:18] justinh: maybe cat /proc/modules |grep dvb
[09:40:12] pak0:
[09:40:58] justinh: or maybe even cat /sys/module/dvb-usb-dib0700/parameters/force_lna_activation
[09:41:42] justinh: if that answers 0 then the LNA isn't activated – i.e. the modprobe.d/options file didn't do its thing
[09:42:25] pak0: cat: /sys/module/dvb-usb-dib0700/parameters/force_lna_activation: No such file or directory
[09:42:25] pak0: cat: /sys/module/dvb-usb-dib0700/parameters/force_lna_activation: No such file or directory
[09:42:25] pak0: cat: /sys/module/dvb-usb-dib0700/parameters/force_lna_activation: No such file or directory
[09:42:25] pak0: dvb-usb-dib0700/parameters/force_lna_activation: No such file or directory
[09:42:28] pak0: upppsss!!!!
[09:42:31] pak0: sorry!!!
[09:42:37] pak0: i only have selected one line
[09:43:00] justinh: see if you can find it in /sys/module yourself
[09:44:32] pak0: a
[09:44:48] pak0: here speak about to meet down and next start, only reboot dont work
[09:44:51] pak0: let me test it
[09:45:11] pak0: and dont is on sys/module
[09:46:11] pak0: looking on /sys/module/dvb_usb_dib0700/parameters/ and nothing is here
[09:47:30] justinh: is dvb_usb_dib0700 even in /sys/module?
[09:47:45] justinh: dmesg would probably show you if you even bothered to look in there
[09:48:06] pak0: yes
[09:58:03] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:58:28] pak0: nothing
[09:58:33] pak0: cant load
[10:00:17] Criggie (Criggie! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[10:06:30] pak0: i cant solved these
[10:08:15] Peitolm: if you modunload it, can you modprobe it manually with that option, or use insmod with the option
[10:10:04] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:11:44] pak0: FATAL: Module force_lna_activation not found.
[10:12:02] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[10:14:03] sid3windr: it's an option, not a module ;)
[10:14:35] lyricnz: justinh: interesting, the ps3 can play recordings, just not video/music. I think it might be a SG issue, or something
[10:18:03] lyricnz: Incorrect key file for table './mythconverg/upnpmedia.MYI'; try to repair it
[10:18:59] lyricnz: #145 – Table './mythconverg/upnpmedia' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
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[10:28:41] Peitolm: pak0: that looks like you didn't specify the command line correctly, what did you try?
[10:30:19] pak0: i dont know how to do it
[10:31:44] Peitolm: so, what did you do to get that error?
[10:32:02] pak0: watch one channel and record another on same multiplex
[10:34:19] Peitolm: and you got 'FATAL: Module force_lna_activation not found.' ?
[10:34:24] Peitolm: where did you get that error?
[10:34:54] pak0: because i do modprobe
[10:34:59] pak0: is mine error
[10:35:06] pak0: what i have to do?
[10:35:21] Peitolm: so you got that error when you tried to modprobe
[10:35:25] Peitolm: yes?
[10:35:36] Peitolm: please copy and paste the command line you ran wth modprobe
[10:35:49] pak0: i do modprobe force_lna_activation and get fatal error
[10:36:08] pak0: is a bad command then really?
[10:37:28] Peitolm: yes
[10:37:40] Peitolm: you were supposed to do 'modprobe dvb-usb-dib0700'
[10:38:17] pak0: WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/options, it will be ignored in a future release.
[10:38:39] Peitolm: try your recording and watching again
[10:38:53] pak0: let me see
[10:39:27] Peitolm: if that fails, then run 'rmmod dvb-usb-dib0700 && modprobe dvb-usb-dib0700 force_lna_activation=1' and retry
[10:39:46] pak0: it seems to work
[10:39:50] pak0: fine now!
[10:39:53] pak0: hmm
[10:39:59] pak0: nop, a little poor signal return
[10:40:15] pak0: recording one channel and wathing another on same multiplex
[10:41:06] Peitolm: o.k., stop the record and watch, try the rmmod command above and then re-test
[10:41:09] pak0: very very poor signal problem
[10:41:31] pak0: w/o restart?
[10:42:52] Peitolm: yes
[10:43:20] Peitolm: the rmmod should work as long as nothing else is accessing the device, (so you may need to stop the backend temporarily
[10:44:09] pak0: at this moment im recording one and watching another w/o poor signal problem
[10:44:26] pak0: and two on same multiplex
[10:44:54] pak0: what i have to do for fix that them? if i restart now the problem return really?
[10:45:05] justinh: how do you *know* it's a signal problem?
[10:45:10] pak0: the only i have do it now its the rmmod and modprobe
[10:45:25] justinh: but for one thing you should force_lna_activation for that card all the time anyway
[10:45:29] pak0: i can watch all my channels very fine
[10:45:42] pak0: and record one and watch another on another multiplex w/o problems
[10:45:44] justinh: what does femon -a 1 say when you think the signal is poor?
[10:45:58] pak0: the problem is only when i watch one and record another too on same multiplex
[10:46:04] joat (joat! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:46:12] justinh: that should have nothing to do with anything
[10:46:16] justinh: not signal related anyway
[10:47:50] pak0: status C YL | signal 9ec6 | snr 0711 | ber 001fffff | unc 00000015 | FE_HAS_LOCK
[10:47:53] pak0: with femon
[10:48:05] justinh: and for adapter 0 with femon on its own?
[10:48:30] pak0: not the same wait
[10:48:34] justinh: you have a high bit error rate on that adapter. your signal is crud
[10:49:05] justinh: is that with force_lna_activation=1 ?
[10:49:11] pak0:
[10:49:25] pak0: yes
[10:49:44] justinh: eew
[10:49:56] justinh: so adapter 1 is having problems
[10:50:25] justinh: they're not necessarily both tuned to the same frequency though
[10:50:30] pak0: that card have two inputs for external cable, but for diverity tecnology
[10:50:48] pak0: maybe i have to test it with two cables on my card?
[10:51:09] pak0: but at this time, test it with only one and work, after i do rmmod and modprobe
[10:52:21] justinh: it shouldn't matter
[10:54:53] pak0: after i have run 'rmmod dvb-usb-dib0700 && modprobe dvb-usb-dib0700 force_lna_activation=1' and retry
[10:55:07] pak0: now i can watch and record two channels on same multiplex
[10:55:17] pak0: and have the option on /modprobe.d/option
[10:55:30] pak0: i have to do anything more or when i restart i loss that?
[10:55:40] justinh: sigh
[10:56:06] justinh: I hate ubuntu for its habit of messing around with config files
[10:56:23] pak0: me too
[10:56:36] pak0: is better to jump to another distribution for use mythttv?
[10:56:48] pak0: i would jump if is the best solution too
[10:56:54] justinh: I think the options file might be called /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf
[10:57:15] justinh: if your file is called that it should be ok as far as I know
[10:57:36] pak0: just restarted my computer and testing now
[10:57:44] pak0: this is very common on ubuntu
[10:58:08] pak0: you have sound on spidf, two weeks before, you jump to the new version of ubuntu, and then dont have sound xD
[10:58:40] Peitolm: might be worth checking that your module is being loaded with the correct option, and you don't have to do something like modules-update
[10:58:49] pak0: i remember one year ago fighting with one dvb-t i dont remember the name, the card is loaded and tune fine, on next update, break it xD
[10:59:01] justinh: or you could modify /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf – put the line dvb-usb-dib0700 in there, then ADD the line dvb-usb-dib0700 force_lna_activation=1 so it always gets loaded with that option
[10:59:17] pak0: now i have restarted my computer and i m wathing and recording two channels on same multiplex
[10:59:22] justinh: that would stop the module being loaded automatically – and then would later load it with the option you want
[10:59:22] pak0: its seems to work
[10:59:37] justinh: I said all along you absolutely need that lna option enabled
[11:00:24] pak0: the only i have do it its set on modprobe.d/options the force_load option, restart and dont work, shutdown and dont work, do it one rmmodprobe and run 'rmmod dvb-usb-dib0700 && modprobe dvb-usb-dib0700 force_lna_activation=1' and retry and work very fine at this moment
[11:00:43] justinh: there might be a good reason why the option isn't enabled by default but surely the driver could detect which card it is & *always* enable the LNA for it
[11:00:46] pak0: and just restarted and stills working
[11:01:09] justinh: pak0: maybe ask in #ubuntu for a way to force a module to load with options
[11:01:11] pak0: but, why now works and on first step dont?
[11:01:18] pak0: ok
[11:01:25] pak0: thank you very much for your support
[11:01:36] justinh: put it nicely though, don't ask them why their config files are so backward ;)
[11:01:41] pak0: thank you really
[11:02:00] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:02:01] justinh: if ubuntu had a mascot I'd buy one & stick pins in it
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[11:04:23] Peitolm: more effective to do that to debian
[11:04:35] Peitolm: but then all distros have problems
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[11:06:05] justinh: debian didn't foist pulseaudio on anybody. nor upstart ;-)
[11:06:19] justinh: nor do they keep moving config files around AFAIK
[11:06:30] justinh: oh – or grub2
[11:14:10] Peitolm: without debian, there would be no ubuntu
[11:14:37] justinh: lol I'm not gonna go blaming debian for ubuntu
[11:14:59] justinh: ubuntu is debian-based.. with er.. 'improvements'
[11:16:59] oobe: i installed debian squeeze and it used grub2 by default without asking
[11:17:10] oobe: i recall an older installer gave me a choice
[11:17:21] oobe: it could of been an option i missed in my haste though
[11:19:38] justinh: hrm. getting failed CRC checks on a different PID now
[11:21:19] justinh: 2010-10–06 12:21:08.933 PESPacket: Failed CRC check 0xb3112109 != 0xfbf01908 for StreamID = 0x70
[11:21:31] justinh: but they all say != 0xfbf01908
[11:21:55] justinh: & the first number is just incrementing
[11:22:06] justinh: that sounds like a bug
[11:26:49] justinh: gah. I can't even delete the in-progress recording now
[11:28:50] RC (RC! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[11:30:06] justinh: different mux, same PID has CRC errors
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[11:38:04] Criggie: Note to self – leatherman taste bad.
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[13:50:40] ThisOtherGuy: hey all – does anyone know why syndicatedepisodenumber isn't in the oldrecorded table?
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[14:56:35] justinh: ThisOtherGuy: maybe something to do with SD not allowing long-term storage of its data
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[15:04:40] ThisOtherGuy: justinh: k – thanks
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[15:25:22] ThisOtherGuy: Can anyone help me figure out why the pbb doesn't show fan art for "$..! My Dad Says"? I can see the files in the banner, coverart and fanart dirs
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[16:15:51] skd5aner: ThisOtherGuy: unfortunately, I think it's because that show sucks... so it forgoes the torture of dealing with the artwork as well
[16:15:54] skd5aner: ;)
[16:16:34] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[16:16:35] iamlindoro: And because the show's title contains wildcards that would throw off any regexp (which is only intended as a best effort)
[16:17:03] iamlindoro: Which is why the fallback behavior of being able to name the artwork as seriesid_artworktype.ext exists
[16:17:23] iamlindoro: ie EP01331794_coverart.png
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[16:20:42] sphery: what's with 10M people complaining that the scheduler doesn't work
[16:21:16] sphery: (and probably because the people don't understand how they told the scheduler to do exactly what it's doing using priorities they shouldn't be using--at least not without first understanding them)
[16:21:42] justdave (justdave!~dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has quit (Quit: kernel upgrade)
[16:22:28] sphery: we really have to improve MythCrystalBall and MythTelepathy classes. Seems those are the ones that are failing--not the scheduler.
[16:24:04] iamlindoro: Because people are illiterate morons who are quick to blame the tool in their hands than the tool with the hands
[16:24:44] sphery: heh
[16:25:06] sphery: well, why should /I/ have to read section 12 of the HOWTO before I start randomly flipping switches on my system
[16:25:12] sphery: it should know when I do something stupid
[16:26:06] awalls: It does, it just doesn't tell you.
[16:27:20] ** awalls eagerly awaits the invention of the "Do what I meant, not what I said" computer **
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[16:31:49] sphery: awalls: heh, yeah--though I suppose you could say that "recording exactly what you told it to record" is a way of telling you :)
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[16:36:12] iamlindoro: Heh-- Undercover Video Game Boss: . . . me-employees
[16:40:56] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:41:33] skd5aner: I was just reading an article about the new NBA Jam and the hidden players... they put a lot of current politicians in the game like when they had Clinton in the original
[16:42:46] Beirdo: iamlindoro: #8979... another case of using GetDecoder(), etc and not null-checking before using
[16:43:02] skd5aner: iamlindoro: did you ever see the video where Bowser's minions complain about how easy it should be to kill Mario but they have all these dumb rules that Bowser gave them so it makes it easy for Mario to kill them?
[16:43:05] Beirdo: wonder how it got to be NULL, but still, we should be checking before dereference :)
[16:43:13] skd5aner: heh – I think it was on collegehumor
[16:43:47] iamlindoro: Beirdo: I think mark should make the determination, though, as it's possible that there's a deeper issue-- it's likely that the decoder should *never* be NULL, or that it's checked elsewhere
[16:44:20] Beirdo: and also GetDecoder() is silly when all it does is uses the "decoder" from within the class... why we use the public method internally is beyond me
[16:44:23] Beirdo: yeah
[16:44:32] Beirdo: the real problem is how the decoder is NULL
[16:44:51] Beirdo: but we can expect these crashes until we religiously null-check things :)
[16:45:54] Beirdo: wonder what got borked...
[16:46:32] iamlindoro: Almost certainly that the channel failed to tune, thus there was no data, thus no way to get a decoder
[16:46:43] Beirdo: sounds likely
[16:47:02] Beirdo: too much of a head-scratcher for first thing in the morning for me :)
[16:47:07] cynicismic (cynicismic! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[16:47:18] wagnerrp: conquistadora the explorer?
[16:47:45] cynicismic (cynicismic! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:48:16] iamlindoro: The FE log indicates that it can't read from the RB and that peek returned an error condition-- granted, we shouldn't be attempting to get the encoding type when tuning failed, but the fundamental issue is the failure to get working data (which appears to possibly be a RingBuffer or socket problem)
[16:48:51] Beirdo: maybe a broken signal monitor?
[16:49:17] Beirdo: I dunno. need coffee, and off to a pointless training session
[16:49:22] iamlindoro: I don't think so, the ringbuffer is failing in private functions
[16:50:26] Beirdo: I'm sure we'll run it to the ground. Odd that it doesn't happen to more people, but we have plenty of race condition/signal dependent behavior to send us insane.
[16:50:50] teknopagan (teknopagan!~justin@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[16:50:59] Beirdo: oh whoah
[16:51:20] Beirdo: it's GetEncodingType... called from GetCodecDescription... from the OSD update
[16:51:39] iamlindoro: But again, that's just the symptom, not the cause
[16:51:53] Beirdo: maybe it's trying to update the OSD before it has valid signal?
[16:52:04] iamlindoro: Not according to the logs
[16:52:31] iamlindoro: Yes, there is a small bug exposed in that the playback stuff is attempting to operate on a null recording, but it's the null recording and ringbuffer failure that's the real bug
[16:52:56] Beirdo: quite likely so
[16:53:28] Beirdo: should be able to fix the symptom at least, but that's not ideal... be nice to fix the problem
[16:54:16] Beirdo: do surgery and remove the tumor rather than applying another band-aid as it were
[16:54:29] Beirdo: anyways, be back after being "trained"
[16:55:38] sid3windr: potty? ;>
[17:01:30] waza-ari (waza-ari! has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:04:15] waza-ari: Hey, i updated to the 0.24 weekly repo and now i cannot download metadata anymore. When i press "get Details" there is a small window for a very short time, and nothing happens. I'm using the german version of mythvideo, version 0.24.0 trunk 26659. any ideas? Thanks
[17:04:39] wagnerrp: version 0.24.0 has not been released
[17:04:50] iamlindoro: tell your packager to fix their install of the python bindings and metadata scripts
[17:04:54] waza-ari: according to my dpkg it is 0.24.0
[17:04:55] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[17:05:03] wagnerrp: there is no 0.24 branch
[17:05:09] iamlindoro: whatever your packager chooses to call it, there's still no .24
[17:05:11] wagnerrp: there is trunk
[17:05:35] waza-ari: hm. in mythbuntu it is called 0.24 :)
[17:05:40] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: do errors from the grabbers get printed to the logs?
[17:05:56] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: no
[17:06:07] iamlindoro: but the command being run is
[17:06:20] iamlindoro: which can be cut, pasted, and inspected
[17:06:59] waza-ari: what is the command?
[17:07:10] wagnerrp: waza-ari: run 'select data,hostname from settings where value like "mythvideo.%Grabber";' in mysql
[17:07:21] wagnerrp: see what is defined as your metadata grabbers
[17:07:26] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: That won't matter
[17:07:31] iamlindoro: Those settings aren't used any more
[17:07:32] wagnerrp: then run those paths directly, and see if they error
[17:07:35] wagnerrp: oh?
[17:07:40] iamlindoro: nope
[17:07:47] iamlindoro: Haven't been since the generic metadata stuff went in
[17:07:49] wagnerrp: then i need to fix where theyre pulled from in the bindings
[17:08:21] iamlindoro: Ideally the bindings can have a default value, since there's presently no way to *set* the new values either
[17:08:32] iamlindoro: since there's only one compliant TV grabber, and one compliant Movie grabber
[17:08:54] wagnerrp: i would have to adjust the installer to statically define the PREFIX to make that work
[17:08:58] wagnerrp: certainly do-able
[17:09:17] wagnerrp: either that, or have them work it out from where they are installed
[17:09:30] iamlindoro: "TelevisionGrabber" and "MovieGrabber" are the settings
[17:09:42] iamlindoro: anyway, his settings of those are fine (since it's just using the defaults, as everyone is)
[17:09:50] iamlindoro: his problem is mismatched scripts and bindings
[17:09:56] iamlindoro: because of packager screw ups
[17:11:10] gkeen316 (gkeen316! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:12:32] ThisOtherGuy: iamlindoro: EP01280011_fanart.jpg worked for me
[17:12:47] iamlindoro: I know ;)
[17:13:19] waza-ari: okay, what can i do for the moment? :)
[17:13:38] k4ever_ (k4ever_!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:13:43] iamlindoro: complain to your packager
[17:14:05] waza-ari: no (simple) way to fix it myself?
[17:14:12] wagnerrp: install from source
[17:14:17] iamlindoro: You're using trunk (the development code) so if you aren't able to properly compile and install myth yourself (in which case it would work fine) then you are at their mercy
[17:14:55] ** tgm4883 pops his head in **
[17:15:04] wagnerrp: trunk exists for development, not for use
[17:15:23] waza-ari: yeah, alright. I have no problem compiling it myself, but why compile, if there are packages out there?
[17:15:28] gkeen316 (gkeen316! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[17:15:38] wagnerrp: because trunk exists for development
[17:15:38] tgm4883: mismatched scripts/binding?
[17:15:54] waza-ari: wagnerrp: yeah, but 0.24 has some nice new feautures, such as mass metadata grabbing...
[17:16:03] wagnerrp: the packages only exist for testing their package system
[17:16:25] wagnerrp: getting it working with changes in trunk, testing new things
[17:16:31] tgm4883: wagnerrp, there is a password required for installation now. So people will at least have to read the warnings
[17:16:36] wagnerrp: heh
[17:16:47] ThisOtherGuy: iamlindoro: any idea why it only shows up when I'm on a show and not when I'm on the show group?
[17:17:09] tgm4883: the password is in the text, so it's not difficult to get. But they will at least know to expect breakage
[17:19:50] Gumby (Gumby!~gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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[17:23:31] ** NightMonkey drinks coffee, runsaroundrunsaround **
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[17:29:18] Beirdo: ugh.
[17:30:02] wagnerrp: zfs seems to be rather slow at accessing old snapshots
[17:30:13] ThisOneGuy (ThisOneGuy! has quit (Client Quit)
[17:30:17] wagnerrp: i suppose because it keeps having to re-seek all over the place pulling the old bits of data
[17:30:48] ThisNewGuy (ThisNewGuy! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:31:13] ThisNewGuy: hey all
[17:32:14] wagnerrp: finally figured out what type of guy you were?
[17:32:39] ThisNewGuy: it's an ongoing process
[17:33:18] wagnerrp: ThisOnGuy... ThisOneGuy... ThisNewGuy...
[17:33:48] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:34:26] Beirdo: just change it to JerseyBoy and be done with it :0
[17:34:49] waza-ari (waza-ari! has quit ()
[17:35:07] ThisNewGuy: :-)
[17:35:27] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:38:44] waza-ari (waza-ari! has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:39:27] waza-ari: Hey again, i just installed 0.23.1 again. Now mythtv does not start anymore, cause the DB Schema is to new. Is there any way to downgrade, or, can i somehow complety reset the database?
[17:40:02] wagnerrp: how long ago did you upgrade to trunk?
[17:40:31] waza-ari: i just upgraded today
[17:40:43] wagnerrp: then you should have a database backup you can recover from
[17:40:54] waza-ari: sure >.<
[17:40:56] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:41:00] waza-ari: stupid me. Thanks :)
[17:41:43] waza-ari: whats the default path to store them? cannot remember the path myth displayed me...
[17:42:09] wagnerrp: i think it will store to the Backups storage group if one is defined
[17:42:17] wagnerrp: otherwise placing it in one of the Default groups
[17:48:40] Saviq_afk is now known as Saviq
[17:52:02] waza-ari: where do i find the groups? ...
[17:52:31] wagnerrp: mythtv-setup
[17:53:34] waza-ari: i cannot start mythtv-setup because of the database issue...
[17:53:43] sphery: right, it falls back to one of the directories in the default storage group
[17:53:51] sphery: so look in your recordings directories for a .sql.gz file
[17:53:53] wagnerrp: select * from storagegroup;
[17:54:11] wagnerrp: mythbuntu stuffs then in /var somewhere
[17:54:15] wagnerrp: /var/db/mythtv or something
[17:54:16] sphery: you most likely don't have a backup sg set up
[17:54:25] sphery: or maybe you do
[17:54:44] sphery: recordings are likely in /var/lib/mythtv
[17:55:15] Beirdo: go, HE.
[17:55:36] Beirdo: my linode can't hit the other end of the IPv6 tunnel
[17:55:46] Beirdo: 100% packet loss on the IPv4 side
[17:56:00] waza-ari: thx sphery found the backups :)
[17:56:16] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:56:47] sphery: Beirdo: strange, I'd expect only about 66% packet loss between IP4 and IP6
[17:57:01] Beirdo: hahahah
[17:57:15] Beirdo: it's IPv4 issues, to be honest
[17:57:20] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:57:46] Beirdo: between ash1 and mia1 on the HE backbone, it seems
[17:58:15] Beirdo: my tunnel's in Miami... the linode's in Atlanta
[17:58:45] wagnerrp: oof... seems i cant go renaming snapshots on the backup without breaking subsequent incremental ones
[17:58:58] Beirdo: ouch.
[17:59:31] wagnerrp: i was trying to go forward with something consistent
[17:59:44] Beirdo: shame on you :)
[17:59:47] wagnerrp: seems i need to rename them /after/ im done with everything
[18:00:00] Beirdo: that reminds me... I should setup amanda -> S3 one of these days
[18:00:09] Beirdo: backup /etc and a couple other things
[18:01:01] ThisNewGuy (ThisNewGuy! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[18:01:55] sphery: wagnerrp: renaming snapshots on backups?
[18:01:57] Beirdo: yay. Arctic silver and precision screwdrivers both delivered today.
[18:02:20] wagnerrp: sphery: zfs stuff
[18:02:20] Beirdo: i can hopefully finish the latest round of upgrades on the backend box tonight
[18:02:27] wagnerrp: you can make filesystem snapshots
[18:02:36] sphery: wagnerrp: oh, ... was going to say you can tell the backup script what filename to use
[18:02:42] wagnerrp: and then you can 'send' those snapshots, or the differences between one snapshot to another, to a file
[18:02:53] sphery: got it\
[18:02:55] Beirdo: have a COW, man
[18:03:05] sphery: definitely outside my aoe
[18:03:22] wagnerrp: the problem is that it requires the destination to be an exact duplicate of the source for it to work
[18:03:24] wagnerrp: names included
[18:03:38] wagnerrp: and if you change the names, you cant just change them back
[18:03:39] ThisNewGuy (ThisNewGuy! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:03:42] sphery: Beirdo: I could use some of that arctic silver for my xbox 360 when you're done with it... just swing by my place and drop it off for me when you get a chance. I'd really appreciate it.
[18:03:52] Beirdo: this reminds me of hearing the now ex-wife whining about Veritas doing similar crap
[18:03:55] wagnerrp: so i had to dump two incremental backups, and resend them
[18:04:00] Beirdo: sphery: heheh. Suuure
[18:04:23] Beirdo: $11.90 off Amazon (with WA tax)
[18:04:24] sphery: thanks. you're so generous.
[18:04:31] sphery: not bad
[18:04:38] wagnerrp: i also cant seem to send differences on a cloned drive
[18:04:38] Beirdo: actually, no WA tax
[18:04:39] kth (kth! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:04:43] waza-ari: Hm. I just applied the oldest backup i found, but it still is the "new" schema 1264...
[18:04:53] Beirdo: it wasn't sold by Amazon, just fulfilled.
[18:05:01] wagnerrp: waza-ari: the backups are named against their schema
[18:05:08] wagnerrp: you should have one with '1254' in the name
[18:05:14] Beirdo:
[18:05:21] waza-ari: yeah, there is none with 1254 in the name
[18:05:39] wagnerrp: so you never upgraded from 0.23?
[18:05:41] ThisOtherGuy (ThisOtherGuy! has quit (Quit: I'm out)
[18:05:42] sphery: Beirdo: yeah, was looking at that specific one.
[18:05:43] waza-ari: there are 5 backups containing 1264
[18:05:48] waza-ari: i had 0.23.1 before
[18:05:56] Beirdo: heh. It's in the mailroom at home right now
[18:06:04] waza-ari: and yeah, i upgraded a few hours ago...
[18:06:05] Beirdo: gonna see if I can't make my i7 happier
[18:06:22] wagnerrp: s/i7/i5/
[18:06:29] sphery: I ended up not ordering because I still can't find the washers I need for the re-mount project.
[18:06:31] Beirdo: oO
[18:06:37] Beirdo: I have an i7–860
[18:06:47] wagnerrp: you call it what you want, ill call it what it is
[18:06:53] wagnerrp: 2 memory channels, its an i5
[18:06:55] wagnerrp: :P
[18:07:00] Beirdo: whatever.
[18:07:08] Beirdo: Intel's numbering is putzed at best
[18:07:14] wagnerrp: dirty intel marketing department...
[18:07:23] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[18:08:10] waza-ari: wagnerrp, regarding to find there is no file containing 1254 there...
[18:08:23] Beirdo: hate to think what the model number would be if they hadn't abandoned the 80x86 sceme due to trademark issues
[18:08:25] waza-ari: okay, then the other way... how to completly reset the database?
[18:08:41] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:08:43] waza-ari: just truncate it? will mythtv fill it automatically?
[18:08:49] wagnerrp: do you not have any recording you care to recover?
[18:09:08] waza-ari: wagnerrp, until now i recorded nothing
[18:09:20] wagnerrp: if youre not recording tv, why are you running mythtv?
[18:09:38] Beirdo: wagnerrp: you sure that processor's dual channel? it uses DDR3
[18:09:47] waza-ari: the pc is not older than a week, and my dvb-s card simply did not arrive yet ;)
[18:10:08] Beirdo: hah
[18:10:11] wagnerrp: Beirdo: the 3 in DDR3 doesnt mean triple channel
[18:10:13] Beirdo: 2 channels of DDR3
[18:10:16] Beirdo: idiotic
[18:10:22] waza-ari: so... without some movies in mythvideo there is nothing to recover
[18:10:26] wagnerrp: !trout Beirdo hardware newb
[18:10:26] ** MythLogBot slaps Beirdo with a hardware newb trout on behalf of wagnerrp... **
[18:10:39] Beirdo: stop making confusing product descriptions
[18:10:48] wagnerrp: waza-ari: mythvideo stuff is easy, recovering recordings is hard
[18:10:54] wagnerrp: but if you have none, dont worry about it
[18:11:05] waza-ari: no, until now there is nothing to recover.
[18:11:06] wagnerrp: just 'drop database mythconverg;'
[18:11:17] wagnerrp: and recreate it with the mc.sql as per the documentation
[18:11:25] waza-ari: okay, thanks :)
[18:13:59] wagnerrp: what did i use 1.1GB doing on my current frontend instance...
[18:14:06] wagnerrp: that cant all be the theme cache can it?
[18:14:37] Beirdo: iamlindoro: you assigned #8851 in the 1s between me loading it and assigning it. :)
[18:14:40] Beirdo: well done
[18:14:47] iamlindoro: I live to please
[18:15:46] iamlindoro: It's also invalid, so now closed
[18:15:53] Beirdo: heh
[18:15:58] iamlindoro: The only thing he added 2as an advisory to manually edit the DB
[18:16:01] iamlindoro: incorrectly
[18:16:03] Beirdo: #9063... that's a duplicate I think
[18:16:13] Beirdo: have to find of WHAT before closing it
[18:17:34] Beirdo: looks like #8261 to me
[18:18:03] sphery: that would be my guess, too
[18:18:16] sphery: assuming it is an h.264 video
[18:18:32] Beirdo: it is
[18:19:07] Beirdo: the backtrace shows
[18:19:09] Beirdo: /usr/local/lib/ treamP8AVPacket+0x303)[0xb725ff
[18:22:09] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:23:50] sphery: nice detectiving :)
[18:23:59] wagnerrp: boo... i thought i was going to get to block a wiki account
[18:24:15] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:30:35] _sebrock (_sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:32:11] sphery: . . . ent-ethernet ... makes me wonder just how much power they claim my NIC is wasting
[18:33:39] skd5aner: I wonder if they'll brand it as iEEE ;)
[18:33:52] skd5aner: i-engergy-efficient-ethernet
[18:33:55] sphery: IEEE EEE for the non-official name
[18:34:02] sphery: 802.3az for official
[18:34:34] sphery:
[18:34:53] justpaul (justpaul! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:34:54] wagnerrp: '&&' does multiple tasks in sequential order in bash right?
[18:35:04] sphery: right
[18:35:05] sebrock (sebrock! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[18:35:14] wagnerrp: any difference to ';'?
[18:35:21] sphery: assuming there's no error code on exit
[18:35:27] sphery: the && checks error code
[18:35:29] sphery: ; doesn't
[18:35:32] wagnerrp: ah, its a conditional
[18:35:35] sphery: yeah
[18:36:00] sphery: and if you have pipelines involved, you need to use PIPESTATUS
[18:37:16] wagnerrp: nah, just pushing multiple backups totaling some 20GB, and i dont want to sit around to call them sequentially manually
[18:37:35] sphery: cool
[18:37:36] trumee: guys, any idea whether this card has radio tuner (Hauppauge WinTV-PVR-150 Multi-PAL 26559 LF revF089 Card)?
[18:37:37] Beirdo: you can use || too, BTW
[18:37:50] Beirdo: i.e. run the second command only if the first one failed
[18:37:56] wagnerrp: trumee: is it an MCE variant?
[18:38:07] trumee: wagnerrp: that is what i dont know.
[18:38:19] trumee: wagnerrp: . . . 120630220778
[18:38:44] wagnerrp: yes, that has an FM tuner
[18:38:55] trumee: wagnerrp: enlarging the picture doesnt say MCE
[18:38:57] Beirdo: but... I want an AM tuner
[18:39:00] Beirdo: hhe
[18:39:08] skd5aner: wagnerrp: did you say you're going to rewrite MythFM? :)
[18:39:15] wagnerrp: the MCE variants come with FM tuners, they also come with RCA L/R audio, instead of a 1/8" jack
[18:39:16] trumee: wagnerrp: MCE versions dont have radio tuners?
[18:39:34] wagnerrp: nope, never used FM, nor do i have an FM capable tuner card
[18:39:58] skd5aner: that shouldn't stop you ;)
[18:40:18] trumee: wagnerrp: so there is no difference between MCE and non-MCE cards wrt fm tuner?
[18:40:31] wagnerrp: the vanilla -150s have no FM tuner
[18:40:36] Beirdo: I'd like to use the FM in my HVR-2250 sometime, but it's not supported yet, and really, it's not much of a priority
[18:41:22] trumee: wagnerrp: any idea what those 3 jacks on one end are?
[18:42:08] wagnerrp: [14:39] <wagnerrp> the MCE variants come with FM tuners, they also come with RCA L/R audio, instead of a 1/8" jack
[18:42:27] trumee: wagnerrp: so that card is an MCE variant?
[18:42:38] wagnerrp: in other words... those are the distinguishing characteristics of the MCE cards
[18:42:42] trumee: wagnerrp: doesnt say that on the card though
[18:42:55] awalls: The yellow one is video.
[18:43:00] awalls: It's MCE.
[18:43:14] wagnerrp: yeah, but the vanilla ones have the yellow jack too
[18:43:21] awalls: MCE cards don't have IR IIRC.
[18:43:30] Beirdo: how about the chocolate ones?
[18:43:53] ThisNewGuy: Anyone know if there's a way to have jamu download new images (e.g. for a new season of a show or if the most popular image changes)?
[18:43:59] trumee: wagnerrp: i plan to replace my wintv-250 with this card since wintv-250 doesnt have radio tuner
[18:44:27] awalls: ivtv-radio is your only option for FM-radio at the moment with a pvr-150
[18:44:31] wagnerrp: why would you want to run radio through your TV speakers?
[18:44:45] trumee: i have two wintv-250 at present, i suppose one pvr-150 and one pvr-250 can co-exist under mythtv
[18:44:51] Beirdo: wagnerrp: why not?
[18:44:53] Beirdo: :)
[18:45:02] rraasch (rraasch! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:45:06] Beirdo: the one best use is for baseball broadcasts
[18:45:14] Beirdo: but most of those are on AM
[18:45:16] awalls: FM braodcast capture doesn't mean outptu to TV speakers (on a desktop system)
[18:45:26] ** awalls cannot type **
[18:45:28] trumee: wagnerrp: i want to feed it into icecast
[18:45:31] wagnerrp: yeah, but mythtv doesnt do FM capture
[18:45:38] Beirdo: but yeah, capture -> asterisk on-hold music...
[18:45:56] wagnerrp: my comment was in the context of mythtv
[18:46:04] Beirdo: aye
[18:46:20] Beirdo: it has the same use as tuning to one of the music channels
[18:46:37] trumee: wagnerrp: i suppose ivtv-radio can work independently from video? ie (i can watch video and play radio at the same time?)
[18:46:57] teknopagan (teknopagan!~justin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:47:00] awalls: Um no.
[18:47:19] awalls: You're using the MPEG encoder chip to pass along PCM audio.
[18:47:22] trumee: awalls: uh oh!. so i cant do both together?
[18:47:24] awalls: Yay.
[18:47:29] wagnerrp: trumee: no, you either need to lock the tuner through mythprotocol so mythtv wont use it
[18:47:36] waza-ari: Hey again... after restoring the database mythtv does not start anymore. The frontend log says "Connection to master server timed out" (localhost:6543). But ps -ax shows the backend process running on this machine... any ideas?
[18:47:44] wagnerrp: or you need to call the program from the mythtv menu with EXEC_TUNER
[18:47:47] wagnerrp: so mythtv pulls that tuner
[18:47:52] awalls: trumee: correct (on the same pvr-150 card)
[18:47:55] trumee: wagnerrp, awalls: uh. crap, so it is no longer a choice then.
[18:48:06] Beirdo: awalls: it doesn't even MPEG encode the audio?
[18:48:21] Beirdo: how unfortunate
[18:48:36] trumee: i bought a usb fm tuner, but there is so much interefence that it hardly picks up the signal
[18:48:38] awalls: Well the anaolg tuner can only tune to one of FM, Low VHF, High VUF and UHF at a time.
[18:48:59] awalls: EMI from a PC is horrible.
[18:49:06] Beirdo: yes, but it sounded like you were saying the radio interface would pass on PCM, not MPEG audio?
[18:49:12] awalls: you'll want a good antenn far from the PC.
[18:49:22] awalls: Beirdo: YEs PCM audio
[18:49:33] Beirdo: awww. :)
[18:49:48] Beirdo: makes sense though, show up as an ALSA device, essentially?
[18:49:53] awalls: I suppose there might be a way to horse the driver into compressing it into an MPEG container with no vide.
[18:50:03] wagnerrp: well to be fair, isnt it like 12-bit, 22kHz audio?
[18:50:18] awalls: But why,? PCM is small.
[18:50:24] awalls: 48 ksps
[18:50:28] wagnerrp: i thought the quality you get from FM is fairly poor
[18:50:31] Beirdo: true true
[18:50:45] wagnerrp: 48kbps, so quarter CD quality
[18:50:48] Beirdo: but if I wanted to capture to a file, I'd want MP3 :)
[18:50:51] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[18:50:58] awalls: cx18-alsa does provide an ALSA interface, so things like gnome-radio should work with an HVR-1600 MCE
[18:51:02] Beirdo: such is life
[18:51:11] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[18:51:14] Beirdo: 48k SAMPLES/s
[18:51:17] trumee: is there any card which can give video and radio simultaneoulsy?
[18:51:19] awalls: ivtv needs an ivtv-alsa module written for it.
[18:51:36] awalls: HVR-1600: DTV and FM radio
[18:51:39] trumee: i only have two pci slots and both have pvr-250 in them
[18:51:41] Beirdo: awalls: cool, good to know
[18:52:06] awalls: LEadTek PVR-3100 H (?) for you DVB-T guys
[18:52:07] trumee: awalls: i have analog cable streams so no DTV.
[18:52:10] Beirdo: if some decade we make something for FM recording in myth, it's good to know the options
[18:52:30] Beirdo: still dunno how the scheduling could/would work for that
[18:52:42] trumee: awalls: i need a card which can play analog cable stream and fm radio simultaneously
[18:52:43] awalls: Oops, no wait the LeadTek card shares an XC3028 tuner between both analog and DTV.
[18:53:00] Beirdo: does the PVR-500 have FM?
[18:53:05] awalls: truemee PVR-500 MCE
[18:53:35] awalls: Yeah, I think only the first of the two analog tuners will do radio on a PVR-500MCE
[18:53:50] skd5aner: Isaac was always against FM in mythtv
[18:53:50] awalls: IIRC some comments in the ivtv driver code properly
[18:53:52] Beirdo: but it would have the desired affect, I'd bet
[18:54:09] Beirdo: skd5aner: yeah, well...
[18:54:10] skd5aner: not to say that couldn't change, but his reasoning was that there's no data behind it – no scheduler, etc
[18:54:19] Beirdo: there can be
[18:54:26] trumee: awalls: so i can use pvr-500 for simultaneous radio and video streams? and it is well supported under mythtv?
[18:54:44] awalls: PVR-150 MPEG video capture is
[18:54:45] skd5aner: just repeating the party line Beirdo, not necesarily marching in line ;)
[18:54:57] Beirdo: after all, I have iPhone app that can find some of that info... there are some scheduling sources, however useful they may be
[18:55:11] awalls: PVR-500 I mean
[18:55:22] awalls: PVR-500 FM radio: ivtv-radio
[18:55:38] devinheitmueller: None of those cards will do simultaneous analog video capture and FM capture (since they share the same audio decoder)
[18:55:53] awalls: If it matters to any MythTV dev's I like haveing a nice UI for FM radio.
[18:56:07] Beirdo: devinheitmueller: the PVR-500 would as it's two encoders, I'd think
[18:56:13] devinheitmueller: Well, in that case, yet.
[18:56:13] awalls: devinheitmueller: PVR-500 has two AV decoders.
[18:56:15] devinheitmueller: yes.
[18:56:17] skd5aner: You know, there are song identification services out there – you could apply that to radio recorded data – almost like "commflagging" to identify what got recorded
[18:56:24] devinheitmueller: The PVR-500 will, because it has two decoders.
[18:56:26] trumee: awalls, wagnerrp:does this have radio tuner . . . _TV_Cards_TW
[18:56:35] Beirdo: too bad it's outdated technology
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[18:56:48] ** Beirdo shakes his fist at the FCC **
[18:56:55] jams: outdated any my primary choice of caputuree
[18:56:58] awalls: trumee: It should.
[18:57:05] jams: got 4 of them chugging away
[18:57:21] Beirdo: heh
[18:57:26] awalls: But you might be restricted to the first unit for radio; I can't recall at the moment
[18:57:31] Beirdo: I have 3 PVR-250s idling now
[18:57:39] skd5aner: I have 1
[18:57:53] ** awalls meeting time... **
[18:57:58] skd5aner: well 2, 1 installed, and the other not in my list of available tuners
[18:57:58] jams: my 250's cooked themselves
[18:58:09] jams: first gen's couldn't take the heat
[18:58:23] Beirdo: heh. 2 of mine are in what's now the temporary frontend box
[18:58:29] Beirdo: one's in my devel box
[18:58:49] jams: mine are in the box of stuff, they work for about 10 minutes
[18:58:57] trumee: it has got Yellow, White and Red ports, any idea what that means?
[18:59:05] skd5aner: hmmm, that would be cool to use a song fingerprint service to "tag" a radio recording... but I wonder if any of that is "open" or exposed at all
[18:59:06] jams: then they overheat and start producing crappy blocky streams
[18:59:23] jams: unless you put a fan on them
[18:59:35] Beirdo: jams.... fans are cheap... you need better ventilation :)
[18:59:45] wagnerrp: awalls: IMHO, all of that should be consumed by mythmusic, or otherwise be in some separate UI for dealing with all sorts of audio streams
[18:59:49] jams: has to be a big fan
[19:00:04] jams: a very big fan
[19:00:05] wagnerrp: lump FM radio in with pandora, lastfm, podcasts, whatever
[19:00:23] Beirdo: wagnerrp: stop making sense :)
[19:00:44] skd5aner: yea, I wouldn't think, if it were integrated, it shouldn't be seperate
[19:00:51] wagnerrp: i know paul is current rewriting mythmusic, but i dont know what his intentions are as far as streaming content
[19:00:56] skd5aner: just like video is going towards the consolidated approach
[19:01:00] skd5aner: audio consolidation make sense
[19:01:10] iamlindoro: His intention is to have "pluggable" streaming sources as I understand it
[19:01:16] iamlindoro: see the already-written shoutcast code in svn
[19:01:32] skd5aner: yea, I think he commited a large portion of the old eskil shoutcast streaming patches
[19:01:40] skd5aner: at least to help him with the underlying framework
[19:02:06] iamlindoro: Basically a new module inherits from MusicIODevice, which is like any "file" device or ringbuffer
[19:02:22] iamlindoro: open/close/read/etc.
[19:02:31] Beirdo: nice
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[19:02:54] Beirdo: now we just need that moved to the backend, using SG... and... profit.
[19:02:56] Beirdo: or something
[19:03:17] Beirdo: way easier said than done, of course :)
[19:15:19] awalls: Would need to add FM capture nodes to recording groups or something due to mutual exclusion with capture
[19:15:39] messerting (messerting! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:15:42] Beirdo: yup
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[19:30:33] RDV_Linux: ThisNewGuy: No Jamu will not download new images when the most popular changes. MythVideo itself in trunk (0.24) does fancier season aware downloading but I do not believe exactly as you want. Jamu tries not to impact TMDB or TVDB sites anymore than necessary.
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[19:45:02] dewman: mythmusic would really be slick if it could be built to play the music from digital cable. Instead of having the channels in the channel listings for tv have it list the music channels in mythmusic....Just an idea.. I have no idea if thats possible or not...
[19:46:09] ThisNewGuy: RDV_Linux: Thanks
[19:46:33] wagnerrp: yes, you could in theory have it set up to manage a livetv chain, limiting access to a subset of audio-only channels
[19:49:34] Beirdo: heh, the only clear QAM channels on the cable provider I had in PR... were the audio channels.
[19:49:56] Beirdo: then the air2pc (which sucks at QAM anyways) died
[19:51:35] dewman: could you make it an option check box to enable it? Ie "If you have audio channels check this box to enable audio in mythmusic"
[19:52:37] sphery: Heh, so Facebook finally has a profit-making business practice... Almost $1.9B in 2 years--not too bad. . . . am_judgment/
[19:52:38] iamlindoro: We'll add an option for that over my dead body
[19:52:46] sphery: hard part will be getting the poor suckers to actually pay up
[19:52:54] iamlindoro: SANE. DEFAULTS. PEOPLE.
[19:53:10] wagnerrp: dewman: better would be an option in the channel editor for 'audio only'
[19:53:19] wagnerrp: if its audio only, it shows up in mythmusic
[19:53:25] wagnerrp: if otherwise, it shows up in normal tv
[19:53:28] iamlindoro: Putting music-only channels in MythMusic is fine. Leaving then in TV is fine. Adding checkboxes for everyone is NOT FINE.
[19:54:02] sphery: +1 on sane defaults
[19:54:10] wagnerrp: the problem is that most of those channels, at least the ones ive seen, are not 'audio only'
[19:54:24] wagnerrp: they have some nearly static mpeg image
[19:54:30] Beirdo: yeah
[19:54:31] sphery: and it's still infinitely configurable--i.e. everyone gets the source, so they can change their local copies if they feel the need :)
[19:54:53] wagnerrp: you could have some check where if the video bitrate is below some amount, make it an audio channel
[19:55:33] sphery: but that doesn't help for WMFE-ENC, which is turned into what you've defined as an "audio channel" during primetime
[19:55:38] sphery: so if I scan at the wrong time...
[19:55:55] wagnerrp: well like i said, that would just be fore the default setting
[19:55:58] sphery: (it's the encore channel on my PBS, where they re-broadcast stuff that was HDTV in primetime)
[19:56:19] sphery: yeah, that would be ok
[19:56:39] sphery: but like you said before, should be configurable
[19:56:53] wagnerrp: have 'visible' and 'audio only', one would define where it shows up, the other whether is shows up at all
[19:57:08] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Those near-still images actually *are* still images
[19:57:18] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:57:19] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: it's possible in a scan to check that flag to see if they're audio only
[19:57:31] sphery: yeah, or better, make it a channeltype instead of 2 boolean flags
[19:57:36] iamlindoro: Don't even need to resort to a bitrate trick, since there's no videa stream
[19:57:43] sphery: audio/hidden/...
[19:58:13] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: oh? i figured it was an mpeg stream with a bunch of blank P frames
[19:58:23] wagnerrp: mpeg2 actually has a special format for still images?
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[19:58:39] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: yep, there's a still_pict flag
[19:59:49] iamlindoro: In fact, only in this dev cycle did we finally start handling those channels nicely
[20:01:07] iamlindoro: And the scanner actually used to check for the still picture flag to determine audio only-- and still does ttbomk-- we just don't do anything useful with that info once we've got it
[20:03:01] skd5aner: what about things that come through an STB, like "Music Choice" or Sirus XM on DirecTV, which could go through an HD-PVR – no way to easily "scan" that
[20:03:35] iamlindoro: Music choice is exactly what I've been talking about
[20:03:47] iamlindoro: it's just a stupid marketing name for a channel with still_picture toggled to on
[20:03:54] skd5aner: yup
[20:03:54] wagnerrp: hes saying coming through an analog tuner, its going to be full bitrate regardless
[20:04:02] skd5aner: exactly
[20:04:06] wagnerrp: analog capture, rather
[20:04:07] iamlindoro: Coming through an analog tuner, you shouldn't be scanning regardless
[20:04:18] xris (xris! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:04:24] skd5aner: yup, exactly the point I guess
[20:04:30] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:04:30] iamlindoro: In which case you would designate it an audio only channel
[20:05:02] skd5aner: just pointing out that the only scenario that I, and I would imagine most US users, would have an "audio only" channel is via something like the HD-PVR
[20:05:08] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[20:05:23] iamlindoro: skd5aner: That's not so at all-- audio only channels are almost always unencrypted
[20:05:25] skd5aner: I don't think most US users would probably ever get an audio only channel via ATSC/QAM – maybe, but doubtful
[20:05:38] iamlindoro: Comcast leaves the audio only channels unecrypted
[20:05:45] wagnerrp: mine are all unencrypted
[20:05:46] skd5aner: is it common? interesting
[20:05:48] iamlindoro: Check out any comcast market on the SD website
[20:05:53] skd5aner: TimeWarner does not
[20:06:02] iamlindoro: Time Warner sucks
[20:06:06] skd5aner: yes, yes they do
[20:06:12] skd5aner: but so does comcast :P
[20:06:20] iamlindoro: comcast is farrrrr better than TWC
[20:06:33] skd5aner: less sucky doesn't necessarily mean "good"
[20:06:35] skd5aner: :D
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[20:06:44] iamlindoro: TWC is infamous for encrypting even the locals, they'll be unusable with the HDHR Prime whereas Comcast should work nicely, etc.
[20:07:14] skd5aner: I had comcast when i lived in Chicago – and they encrypted just as much and firewire ports were just as locked down at the time
[20:07:28] iamlindoro: Which is not par for the course
[20:07:47] skd5aner: well, that definitely could have changed over the last several years
[20:07:54] iamlindoro: Comcast has an agreement with TiVo that will make the HDHR Prime usable in most markets, whereas it will be useless for TWC in every market
[20:08:09] iamlindoro: Comcast traditionally leaves a fair amount open via ClearQAM, including all the music channels
[20:08:18] iamlindoro: Firewire is more likely to work in Comcast than anywhere else
[20:08:19] iamlindoro: etc.
[20:08:31] iamlindoro: You may not love them, but they're a damn sight better than most of the alternatives
[20:08:33] skd5aner: There's really no providers that I can really say are consumer friendly, but I guess some are better than others and I'll definitely agree that TWC is *not* one of those companies
[20:09:04] skd5aner: and yes, they do most definitely suck
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[20:09:38] skd5aner: however, they have a monopoly where I live – 0 competition
[20:09:53] skd5aner: I think there might be a very small window of folks that can get uverse maybe
[20:10:04] iamlindoro: uverse is even worse than TWC
[20:10:08] skd5aner: heh :)
[20:10:24] iamlindoro: All the limitations, and even worse picture quality for your trouble
[20:10:50] skd5aner: Yea, TWC does have some compression issues too, but I've seen worse as far as PQ goes
[20:11:04] skd5aner: not giving them a thumbs up, but at least it's watchable 95% of the time
[20:12:05] skd5aner: however, I'm in one of their markets where they are heavily rolling out SDV, but hopefully that won't impact QAM – it definitely shouldn't. I wonder if the HDHR Prime is SDV capable?
[20:12:34] iamlindoro: yes, it is
[20:12:41] skd5aner: that's great news!
[20:13:04] iamlindoro: Has a usb port on the back to plug in the tuning adapter
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[20:13:40] skd5aner: ahh, that would make sense, so really the device is fairly independant since it's leveraging the tuning adapter to really be the interface/bridge
[20:14:54] skd5aner: well, I guess it's pretty interesting, back to the original topic at hand, that large providers are sending unencrypted music channels out there via QAM
[20:14:57] wagnerrp: are those things actually modulators? or do they just tell the HDHRP where to find the channel?
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[20:15:33] trumee: wagnerrp: any idea whether PVR-500 can do multi Pal?
[20:15:46] trumee: wagnerrp: i am interested in Pal-BG support.
[20:15:48] wagnerrp: i have no idea what 'multi pal' is
[20:16:05] iamlindoro: They send an OOB request for the channel, receive the tuning info once it's set up, and communicate it back to the cablecard device
[20:16:14] trumee: awalls: are you aware if PVR-500 can do PAL-BG
[20:16:48] skd5aner: !url lmgtfy pvr-500 PAL-BG
[20:16:48] MythLogBot: lmgtfy:
[20:17:03] wagnerrp: seems BG is the standard form of PAL
[20:17:08] wagnerrp: it should be able to handle it
[20:17:26] wagnerrp: ive never heard of any limitation such that it could only do 7 or 8MHz channels
[20:17:30] skd5aner: look at that, the first result is the mythtv wiki article on the PVR-500
[20:17:37] Peitolm: grr, my pvr-250 keeps locking up my backend :(
[20:19:44] trumee: skd5aner, wagnerrp:thanks
[20:20:15] trumee: guys, is there any way to find out whether a computer is under-powered?
[20:20:43] wagnerrp: what PSU? what hardware?
[20:21:09] trumee: wagnerrp: 350W, Asus M3N78-EM
[20:21:25] trumee: wagnerrp: not sure about PSU, it is a remote machine.
[20:21:38] wagnerrp: PSU... you said 350W
[20:21:47] wagnerrp: CPU? GPU? hard drive count?
[20:22:04] trumee: wagnerrp: i have noticed that the mceusb transreceiver stop responding and fm usb tuner fails too.
[20:22:18] skd5aner: I would doubt the PSU would have anything to do with that
[20:22:19] eriksson25 (eriksson25! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:22:26] wagnerrp: that sounds like USB issues, nothing to do with power
[20:22:40] skd5aner: I mean, you're talking 5Vs and basically no watts
[20:22:55] wagnerrp: or 2.5 watts
[20:22:56] trumee: wagnerrp: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 250 Processor, nvidia GPu onboard and 3 hard disks
[20:23:14] skd5aner: well, not enough to break the camels back I would assume
[20:23:45] trumee: wagnerrp: somewhere i had read that usb issue could be because of low power supply
[20:24:00] wagnerrp: doubtful
[20:24:51] eriksson25: Hi, I have managed to compile my mantis drivers for my terratec cinergy c pci. But I need to know what files its using. v4l folder is filled with files and modules. And there is planty of files there.
[20:24:58] trumee: wagnerrp: problem is that before i added the third harddisk and fm tuner, the remote had worked great
[20:25:09] Peitolm: the USB bus has it's own power limits
[20:25:11] eriksson25: Anyone know how I can find witch files/drivers its using.
[20:25:13] wagnerrp: USB tuners take next to nothing
[20:25:22] wagnerrp: hard drives are only going to cause problems on boot and spinup
[20:26:02] trumee: is it possible to find out via software if insufficient power is an issue (lmsensors?)
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[20:26:27] wagnerrp: no
[20:27:12] trumee: wagnerrp: this is what happens to my usb tuner,
[20:27:37] eriksson25: I try to run ./configure --dvb-dir=/path/to/driver but dont know what file I shuld point it to.
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[20:28:41] awalls: trumee: Whether a PVR-500 does PAL-BG or not for RF depends on the analog tuner on the unit; be careful when purchasing and you should be fine.
[20:29:05] awalls: for Baseband input (CVBS or SVideo), any PVR-500 can do PAL-BG
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[20:29:51] trumee: awalls: any idea about this
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[20:31:39] awalls: If you beleive the large picture at the bottom of the page, then read the white labels on the analog tuner cans: PAL-B/G-I-D/K SECAM
[20:32:13] awalls: (I assume SECAM-L and not the Eastern Europe SECAM-D/K)
[20:32:36] awalls: or maybe all SECAM ...
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[20:33:22] trumee: awalls: ah! didnt notice it. thank you
[20:34:19] awalls: trumee: Beware if you have a VIA PCI chipset, sometimes the PLX PC bridge on the PVR-500 won't play nice in your system
[20:34:30] awalls: /PCI/
[20:35:21] trumee: awalls: i have a Asus M3N78-EM which is based on NVIDIA GeForce 8300
[20:35:23] eriksson25: Anyone using SASC-NG and could give me a help?
[20:35:37] wagnerrp: no, mythtv cannot use SASC-NG
[20:35:40] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o iamlindoro
[20:35:53] wagnerrp: and the cavalry has arrived...
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[20:38:22] wagnerrp: funny, the terratec cinergy dvb-c pci cards have CI slots
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[20:39:54] wagnerrp: i cant imagine what he would need to use 'that software' for
[20:40:24] iamlindoro: to have one card and share it to many STBs
[20:41:38] wagnerrp: i was implying something even less legal
[20:42:18] iamlindoro: well yeah, that too
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[20:53:20] Peitolm: anyone here know what might be causing "MPEGRec(/dev/video0) Error: Device error detected" and "DevRdB(/dev/video0): Stop(): Not running."
[20:53:41] iamlindoro: your capture device being in a bad state
[20:54:01] iamlindoro: eg, a frozen/overheated HD-PVR
[20:54:33] Peitolm: I have PVR-250 and a skystar card
[20:54:48] iamlindoro: video nodes are analog nodes, so it's not your DVB card
[20:55:10] iamlindoro: it's either the framegrabber side of your DVB card, or the pvr-250, and as previously mentioned, it's a device error
[20:55:19] iamlindoro: so you have a hardware or driver issue
[20:55:39] Peitolm: o.k., i'm going with driver as it was previously fine
[20:55:58] iamlindoro: lots of things are previously fine... until they break
[20:56:33] kormoc: reboot
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[20:57:57] Peitolm: given ambient temp is 18.1 and it has been many, many degrees higher
[20:58:02] Peitolm: a reboot does fix it
[20:58:30] Peitolm: so i recon its driver
[21:01:30] iamlindoro: Temperature is *not* the only factor that can play into failing hardware
[21:01:44] iamlindoro: You haven't said anything yet that indicates a driver issue over a hardware one
[21:02:11] iamlindoro: a reboot can absolutely resolve some issues that might occur if you have dodgy HW
[21:02:18] Peitolm: apart from a reboot always fixing it
[21:02:26] iamlindoro: That doesn't mean anything
[21:02:33] kormoc: that doesn't indicate software over hardware
[21:02:42] Peitolm: what would
[21:02:54] kormoc: using different hardware and having the same issue
[21:03:00] iamlindoro: ^
[21:03:32] iamlindoro: Who teaches these kids troubleshooting techniques these days, I tell ya
[21:04:46] Peitolm: isn't that a bit harsh?
[21:05:21] Peitolm: Tomorrow I'll swap the 250 for a 350, see if that solves it
[21:06:04] Peitolm: but given this setup was working fine until recently, ie before the last kernel upgrade, I'm going to believe it's software for now
[21:07:14] iamlindoro: It's not a matter of right or wrong, we're just suggesting that if you're going to make a conclusion, at least do the legwork to make sure it's sound
[21:07:47] Peitolm: fair enough
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[21:10:48] Peitolm: it's only the second time i've seen it, so i don't have enough evidence to replicate it, so i'm just casting about for possibilities
[21:11:46] Peitolm: but thanks for the pointers
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[23:57:48] sphery: Beirdo: heh, I have 1 month, 22 days, 1 hr, 21 minutes of shows waiting for me to watch them

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