:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (190):

adante, aloril, And4713, Anduin, AndyCap, anykey_, at0m, Azelphur, baffle, bbee, beata000, Beirdo, benc_, bestis, bjd, blizzard`, BLZbubba, brfransen, Caeles, caelor, cafuego, Caliban, Captain_Murdoch, cdpuk, cesman, chainsawbike, ChanServ, christ`, clever, ColdFyre, ComradeH1z`, Cougar, Criggie, cromag, croppa, cynicismic, d0netsFN, dagar, dansushi, dashcloud, Dave123, deathadder, deegan_____, derstock, deshymers, dewman, dibbz, Digdilem, dlblog, dmb, dmz, dougl, elmojo, eNeRGi, etotheipi, EvilGuru, fedorared, felipe`, Floppe, GadgetWisdomGuru, ghoti, Gibby, gpmidi_wrk1, gregl, GreyFoxx, grokky_, growler, hackman, harrsonk, Heliwr, high-rez, highzeth, hobiga, Hoxzer, Hylas, iamlindoro, ikonia, J-e-f-f-A, jamesd_, jamesd_laptop, jams, jan2600, jannau, jarle, jbrett, jduggan, JJ2, johnf1911, johnnyj, jpabq, jpabq-, jstenback, justdave, justinh, jya, k-man, kabtoffe, KaZeR, kc, keith4, kenni, kisak, kloeri, knightr, kormoc, kothog, KraMer, kurre_, larrikin, Laughing_Elephan, Linkeroo, lotia, Lt_Dan, mag0o, Maliuta, Metoer, mhentges, mikeones, MilkBoy, mishehu, mrec, MythLogBot, mzb, neosmatrix, npm, nuonguy, oobe, ozatomic, Patina, paul-h, peterpops, pheld, pigeon, pizzledizzle, poodyp, Prost, purserj, quicksilver, RagingMind, RC, RDV_Linux, rhpot1991, RobertLaptop, Roedy, rooaus, rushfan, ruskie, saftsack, Saviq, ServerSage, sid3windr, sidh, skd5aner, Slim-Kimbo, sphery, sphex_, Splat1, squidly, sraue, stahnma, stoth, sulx, sutula, sybolt, tank-man, tgm4883, th1, thefRont, ThisOtherGuy, tomaw, tomimo, totalanni, tris, troyt, Twiggy2cents, wagnerrp, waxhead, weta, Wicked, wylie, xand, xand2, XLV, xris, zand__, zzpat, zzztrumee, [R], _abbenormal, _charly_
Sunday, October 3rd, 2010, 00:05 UTC
[00:05:24] FredYerkes (FredYerkes! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:19:06] joat (joat! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:26:47] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:27:16] JJ2 (JJ2! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[00:41:57] hpeter (hpeter! has quit (Quit: hpeter)
[00:51:35] [R]: whomever is the editor for amazon sucks
[00:51:39] [R]: i just found 2 typos
[00:54:26] Beirdo: so fix them
[00:54:40] Beirdo: they do accept fixes
[00:57:53] [R]: really?
[00:57:55] [R]: in descriptions?
[00:58:21] Beirdo: as far as I know. I suggested a new title a while back, and they fixed it
[00:58:48] Beirdo: it's worth checking
[00:59:45] [R]: i already closed it
[00:59:53] Beirdo: there's a link on the item page
[01:00:09] Beirdo: "update product info"
[01:00:21] [R]: oh wlel... next time
[01:00:26] jan2600 (jan2600! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:05:24] jan2600 (jan2600! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:11:46] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:15:20] deegan___ (deegan___!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:18:25] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:18:53] deegan__ (deegan__!~deegan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[01:26:45] Beirdo: la la la
[01:27:38] Beirdo: now if only my frontend wouldn't go Waited 100ms for video buffers aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaL
[01:28:04] Beirdo: it is annnoying :)
[01:29:17] deegan___ (deegan___!~deegan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[01:29:35] deegan___ (deegan___!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:35:22] deegan____ (deegan____!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:41:52] FredYerkes (FredYerkes! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[01:43:44] stahnma (stahnma!~stahnma@fedora/stahnma) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:44:18] Beirdo: oooh, "The Middle" has the Janitor from Scrubs as a main character
[01:45:56] stahnma: FYI, the link given by chanserv for thread searching is a 404
[01:46:34] stahnma: is there a way to enable the cutlist upon playback without having to hit e-z-e each time I watch something new?
[01:47:05] [R]: i think lirc can send mu;ltiple keypreses
[01:47:12] [R]: you could make a button that sends all the keys
[01:47:31] dashcloud (dashcloud! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:37] Beirdo: there is a setting to tell it to autoskip commercials, but I don't know that you're going to be happy with that on
[01:48:51] GadgetWisdomGuru (GadgetWisdomGuru!~gwg@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:48:51] stahnma: well, the cutlist seems pretty effective thus far. Ideally, I'd have a button on my remote that does that, but I am still having a few issues with lirc on a mac frontend
[01:55:03] wagnerrp: Beirdo: "The Middle" has the cop who gets shot on the train in The Fugitive as a main character
[01:55:43] wagnerrp: stahnma: all 'z' does is load the skiplist into the cutlist
[01:55:55] wagnerrp: as beirdo said, you can have mythtv automatically skip the skiplist
[01:56:09] wagnerrp: the default behavior is just to notify you of an upcoming commercial
[01:56:16] stahnma: wagnerrp: is that in mythtvsetup or in preferences?
[01:56:24] wagnerrp: frontend preferences
[01:56:30] stahnma: thanks
[01:58:29] Beirdo: wagnerrp: yeah, that too :)
[01:59:11] deegan____ (deegan____!~deegan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[01:59:30] deegan____ (deegan____!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:43] Shadow__X (Shadow__X!~jose@unaffiliated/shadowx/x-411846) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:15:22] deegan_____ (deegan_____!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:43] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[02:18:41] deegan____ (deegan____!~deegan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[02:18:53] awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:22:18] iamlindoro: "[mythtv-users] FE/BE on AppleTV" is comedy
[02:22:53] iamlindoro: " And secondly, I'm interested in running a backend on this machine getting HD shows from an HDHomeRun. Yes I know the hardware is far from ideal... but nonetheless..."
[02:23:36] iamlindoro: translation: "I know you are going to tell me this isn't possible because my idea is f'ing retarded, but I won't let facts stand in the way of my super l33t hacker project."
[02:24:28] Beirdo: hehehe
[02:24:52] Beirdo: iamlindoro: you are a translator too :)
[02:25:02] iamlindoro: Yeah, I speak dumbass fluently
[02:25:31] Beirdo: hopefully not from experience, but rather by observing :)
[02:26:24] wagnerrp: no, experience... someone contracted a mythtv install with several apple tvs
[02:26:27] iamlindoro: Well we all have our moments, but I've never tried to run the FE and BE on the native ATV OS, running HD content
[02:26:46] iamlindoro: But yeah, I was paid to install the FE on a gaggle of ATVs once :)
[02:26:58] iamlindoro: at least it was under linux, but it still performed miserably
[02:27:00] Beirdo: that's fun :)
[02:27:17] iamlindoro: and that's without trying to run it on OS X with no hardware accel
[02:27:22] Beirdo: yeah
[02:28:01] iamlindoro: Got everything working, and it was... "functional" and played video up to a certain extent.... but the UI was unresponsive to the extent that pressing a button had a multi-second feedback time
[02:28:14] Beirdo: yikes
[02:28:26] wagnerrp: does the A4 blend of PowerVR not have the video decoder of the GMAs?
[02:28:28] iamlindoro: I should be sleeping, race in the morning. But not tired.
[02:28:31] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar!phoenix@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:28:39] Beirdo: another race?
[02:28:43] iamlindoro: yep
[02:28:48] Beirdo: nice work, man
[02:28:59] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, I think they probably have some manner of hardware accel, but suspect it's just a proprietary DSP
[02:29:05] deegan_____ (deegan_____!~deegan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[02:29:14] iamlindoro: Only a half marathon tomorrow-- nice easy training run ;)
[02:29:30] Beirdo: heh. it would only kill me three times or so
[02:29:36] wagnerrp: so is anyone drafting a response? or should i crush his dreams?
[02:30:01] Beirdo: stomp on em good
[02:30:04] iamlindoro: you do it
[02:31:11] iamlindoro: Anyway, I felt really bad about that gig and basically comped him the installs-- I did warn him that it wasn't going to be all he had hoped, just based on my hunch, but still felt bad when we were a day in and he had a totally non-functional setup
[02:31:16] mohi666: iamlindoro: Are you from san jose?
[02:31:27] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:31:35] iamlindoro: mohi666, yes
[02:32:02] mohi666: you're going to run through my street
[02:32:25] Beirdo: hand him some water on the way by :)
[02:32:25] iamlindoro: cool-- hopefully you aren't unlucky enough to have a band on your front lawn ;)
[02:32:42] iamlindoro: depending on where you are on the course, just chucking it on me might be better ;)
[02:32:51] iamlindoro: turn the hose on me, even
[02:32:52] Beirdo: heheh
[02:33:10] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[02:33:26] Beirdo: get him from behind with a firehose, and it will even speed him up a touch temporarily too
[02:36:36] dewman (dewman!~dewman@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:37:50] mohi666: iamlindoro: I'm kinda pissed about it. I can't park my car in front of my house tonight lol
[02:38:21] iamlindoro: mohi666, What street do you live on?
[02:38:31] mohi666: 11th
[02:38:48] iamlindoro: So it's a ways in
[02:39:01] iamlindoro: meaning you get to wait even later as they close the course ;)
[02:39:04] mohi666: Most likely I'm going to be sleeping at the time of Marathon
[02:39:34] iamlindoro: Some of those old ladies take a looooong time... sleep past noon
[02:40:20] mohi666: hahahaha
[02:40:50] deegan_____ (deegan_____!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:44:40] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:46:55] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has quit (Quit: Mary had a little Segmentation fault)
[02:52:10] iamlindoro: mohi666, I just checked, 11ths street is actually between miles 1 and 2, so that should be opened back up nice and early-- my bad, dunno why I thought that was later in the course
[02:58:37] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Quit: poodyp)
[03:02:21] wagnerrp: i just cant imagine what that guy would want to do with a backend with no storage space
[03:03:27] DanC_ (DanC_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:03:43] awalls (awalls! has quit (Quit: Bye)
[03:03:58] Beirdo: hahaha
[03:04:12] Beirdo: Lunesta (a sleeping pill) may cause... morning drowsiness
[03:04:16] Beirdo: no duh!
[03:04:49] DanC_: I'm struggling to get going on this apple tv. I did the patchstick thing, so I have XMBC and ssh. And I installed the mythtv plug-in ( ) but I don't see MythTV on the screen
[03:05:06] deegan______ (deegan______!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:05:23] ** wagnerrp makes jedi motions **
[03:05:31] wagnerrp: you do not want to install MythTV on that Apple TV
[03:06:11] DanC_: I don't?
[03:06:21] wagnerrp: no
[03:06:26] DanC_: I thought I did. I thought I wanted to watch live TV, schedule recordings, etc.
[03:06:37] Beirdo: you want to use it for batting practise
[03:06:56] Beirdo: wagnerrp: I like your summary on the list. Pretty much covers it
[03:07:01] wagnerrp: only if you have standard definition content with low enough requirements it could be decoded by a 1GHz Pentium M
[03:07:17] ** DanC_ was pretty sure he wanted MythTV on this Apple TV **
[03:07:35] DanC_: why don't I want MythTV on this Apple tV?
[03:07:47] wagnerrp: because it has no power
[03:07:56] wagnerrp: its like trying to run mythtv on a 10yr old computer
[03:08:39] DanC_: now I'm really confused. The thing plays HD content.
[03:08:53] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:09:23] deegan_____ (deegan_____!~deegan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[03:12:34] wagnerrp: its a 1GHz Pentium with an XvMC capable graphics card
[03:12:35] iamlindoro: playing HD content isn't just some checkbox where something "can" or "can't"
[03:12:47] wagnerrp: its capable of moderate bitrate ATSC content
[03:12:49] iamlindoro: the ATV can play the low bitrate, low-to-medium resolution content provided by iTunes
[03:12:52] DanC_: sure enough... 1 GHz pentium M. crud... details, details.
[03:12:59] wagnerrp: you might get 14mbps out of it before the thing chokes
[03:13:14] wagnerrp: compared to the 16+mbps usually broadcast
[03:14:24] wagnerrp: the XBMC people will likely tell you the same thing
[03:14:29] wagnerrp: its just a very limited device
[03:14:35] wagnerrp: it was limited 4 years ago when it was released
[03:14:40] wagnerrp: and is just as much so today
[03:15:16] wagnerrp: if you want small, you could put together a fairly small mini-itx box
[03:15:23] wagnerrp: or you could get a pre-built ION system
[03:15:38] wagnerrp: or you could drill a hole in the wall, put in an HDMI faceplate
[03:15:43] wagnerrp: and put your frontend where ever you want
[03:16:01] Beirdo: heh, assuming you own your home
[03:16:25] Beirdo: I'd hate to see my damages bill if I did that here
[03:16:38] DanC_: ION systems go for around $350; 1st gen Apple TV is down to $150 now
[03:16:45] Beirdo: for a reason
[03:16:50] wagnerrp: and you sure get what you pay for
[03:19:08] deegan______ (deegan______!~deegan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[03:19:10] wagnerrp: even something like a popcorn hour, or similar upnp box is a much better option than an ATV
[03:19:25] deegan______ (deegan______!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:19:30] wagnerrp: they cant run the frontend, but at least they have a decent decoder chip
[03:21:21] Beirdo: I need to buy me a decent UPnP client
[03:22:55] elmojo: would be neat if an AppleTV could support the Crystal HD hardware
[03:23:43] wagnerrp: i believe the old one can
[03:23:56] wagnerrp: or maybe thats the old mac mini
[03:25:21] Beirdo: now that would be cool
[03:25:28] deegan_______ (deegan_______!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:25:37] DanC_ (DanC_! has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[03:26:09] wagnerrp: even if it did, its still only got 256MB of memory
[03:26:29] Beirdo: killjoy :)
[03:26:31] Beirdo: hehe
[03:27:08] wagnerrp: . . . 25-mini-pci/
[03:28:53] deegan______ (deegan______!~deegan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[03:34:30] Beirdo: . . . /B002MCZJ3C/
[03:34:38] Beirdo: wonder if that works well...
[03:35:22] DanC_ (DanC_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:35:55] Beirdo: unless someone is nice enough to make a UPnP client in a Yahoo TV Widget :)
[03:36:00] ** DanC_ wonders what the crystal HD hardware costs **
[03:36:02] Beirdo: that would be cool
[03:36:27] Beirdo: DanC_: I've seen them for $40ish
[03:36:32] DanC_: $50 at newegg, I see
[03:36:56] Beirdo: K, just below $50, perhaps :)
[03:36:56] Beirdo: heh
[03:36:58] wagnerrp: you would have to run trunk to get support
[03:37:27] wagnerrp: is the CHD stuff going to be active for 0.24? i know he said the VAAPI stuff wasnt sufficiently complete
[03:37:42] DanC_: DVR service from the cable company is looking less and less rediculous
[03:37:58] DanC_: or rather: less and less overpriced
[03:38:01] Beirdo: wagnerrp: I think it will be
[03:38:02] tank-man: freedom isnt free
[03:38:08] wagnerrp: no one ever said mythtv was cheap
[03:38:19] Beirdo: all of the changes have been committed to trunk, AFAIK
[03:38:30] DanC_: at first I thought I could make a DVR for the price of a $70 capture card plus old franken-hardware. Ooops.
[03:38:30] Beirdo: VAAPI ain't ready though
[03:38:34] wagnerrp: it doesnt have to be expensive, but you cant go dumpster diving either
[03:38:45] DanC_: Then somehow I thought an Apple TV would suffice. oops.
[03:38:52] Beirdo: you could in the days of SD only
[03:39:02] Beirdo: but HD... that's another story
[03:39:11] DanC_: yes, so I'm learning.
[03:39:17] deegan_______ (deegan_______!~deegan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[03:39:24] wagnerrp: $200 of guts will play just about anything you may come across with mythtv
[03:39:39] wagnerrp: $250 and you will be able to play anything
[03:39:56] Beirdo: I woulda put it a touch higher (more RAM), but yeah
[03:40:13] DanC_: do tell? what would one get with the $200 or $250?
[03:40:13] wagnerrp: 2GB ($40) of memory is plenty
[03:40:39] wagnerrp: $60 for a dual core AMD, another $60 for a microatx board
[03:40:42] Beirdo: fair enough
[03:40:47] wagnerrp: $40 for a cheapo case and PSU
[03:41:01] wagnerrp: $20 for a receiver and remote if you dont have one
[03:41:03] DanC_: learning to build my own PC is bewildering. I do it every few years, but the knowledge from last time is useless each time.
[03:41:10] Beirdo: $60ish for a VDPAU-compatible NVidia card
[03:41:20] wagnerrp: nah, $25
[03:41:26] wagnerrp: or you just get a slightly more expensive motherboard
[03:41:51] Beirdo: $25 for what?
[03:41:52] wagnerrp: i think my MATX 8200 mobo was $75
[03:41:57] wagnerrp: and that was a year and a half ago
[03:41:58] Beirdo: 9400?
[03:42:14] wagnerrp: my 8400 fanless ive got as a secondary in my desktop was $25 a year ago
[03:42:20] Beirdo: they just keep getting cheaper :)
[03:42:50] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[03:43:39] DanC_: darn; newegg's search box doesn't grok VDPAU
[03:43:48] Beirdo: no, it won't
[03:44:02] ** DanC_ went to wikipedia school on VDPAU the other day... **
[03:44:04] Beirdo: !url – list
[03:44:04] MythLogBot: faq google linuxtv lmgtfy log logs nocablecard overscan tuners upnp wiki
[03:44:14] Beirdo: hmm, I don't have it in there
[03:45:01] wagnerrp: DanC_: anything 8-series or better you can still purchase will support it
[03:45:27] deegan_______ (deegan_______!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:45:36] Beirdo: !url vdpau
[03:45:36] MythLogBot: vdpau:
[03:45:42] Beirdo: there
[03:48:23] DanC_: thanks
[03:48:58] Beirdo: the wiki is a good place to self-educate. We do try to keep it from having too much useless cruft
[03:49:32] wagnerrp: but people do try so hard to bring it right back
[03:49:42] Beirdo: it IS a wiki after all :)
[03:51:27] Beirdo: wikis can be first class idiot magnets for some reason
[03:51:37] Beirdo: but are so useful when well managed
[03:52:37] DanC_: yeah... there's an art to catalyzing a community around a wiki
[03:53:15] Beirdo: wagnerrp and a couple others have been doing a great job of keeping the spam at bay, I think
[03:53:22] DanC_: sigh. I guess I should have known this apple TV idea was too good to be true
[03:53:48] Beirdo: I suck...
[03:53:57] wagnerrp: to be honest, there really isnt that much spam to keep at bay
[03:54:05] Beirdo: I was about to go check something, and I forgot what it was
[03:54:06] wagnerrp: its more just trying to organize the data
[03:54:16] wagnerrp: and there is a huge amount of it surrounding mythtv
[03:55:33] Beirdo: yer still doing a laudable job :)
[03:58:47] deegan_______ (deegan_______!~deegan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[03:58:50] DanC_ (DanC_! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[03:59:05] deegan_______ (deegan_______!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:01:38] Beirdo: . . . /B003L0QD6G/
[04:01:44] Beirdo: I think that thing runs Linux
[04:02:20] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:09:02] benc_ (benc_! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[04:12:24] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:15:04] jamesd_laptop (jamesd_laptop! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[04:15:40] jamesd_laptop (jamesd_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:17:29] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[04:20:35] slickrick (slickrick! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:20:52] benc_ (benc_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:21:06] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:23:20] slickrick: does anyone know how install the binary nvidia drivers on a system without an nvidia card installed? i need to skip the autodetection of a compatible gpu in the installer.
[04:25:07] benc_ (benc_! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[04:26:07] tank-man: the read me has a section on manual install i believe
[04:28:22] slickrick: tank-man: i've been reading it and i don't see any details about installing manually.
[04:29:45] kormoc: slickrick, it's covered near the top, but in short, run it with --extract-only and do the rest of it by hand
[04:30:34] tank-man: yes, that
[04:30:54] slickrick: kormoc: oh i see. thanks. i see a spot in the readme that lists where all the files go.
[04:31:20] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:31:42] benc_ (benc_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:32:15] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:51:20] stahnma: when using mythvideo and I download metadata, what is the script it is actually running
[04:52:05] stahnma: I'd like to batch download all the metadata if possible. Seems like there's probably an easy way to do this, but looking into Jamu, I don't see that I have a jamu.conf anywhere
[04:52:12] [R]: stahnma: thats what jamu is for
[04:52:31] [R]: stahnma: theres a sample
[04:52:31] stahnma: I assume mythvideo has a jamu.conf it is using somewhere then?
[04:52:35] [R]: mythvdieo doesnt use jamu
[04:52:42] stahnma: what does mythvideo use?
[04:52:50] wagnerrp: the grabber scripts
[04:53:25] stahnma: like ?
[04:53:39] wagnerrp: mythvideo calls and internally, and processes the response
[04:53:47] wagnerrp: 0.23 does not have batch processing, 0.24 will
[04:53:50] stahnma: ok
[04:54:00] stahnma: it's handling the responses and such internally?
[04:54:11] stahnma: like first look up title, then provide series / episode info
[04:54:50] ** Beirdo batch yawns/ **
[04:55:09] deegan________ (deegan________!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:55:14] wagnerrp: old format:
[04:55:21] wagnerrp: new format:
[04:55:42] Beirdo: I am so in need of more drive space :)
[04:56:31] stahnma: wagnerrp: ok, I was just wondering if I had to write my own wrappers for batch processing or if there was something inside of mythvideo I could utilize...I guess it's a bit of both
[04:57:19] wagnerrp: you could use jamu, or you could write your own wrapper pretty easily using the python bindings, or you could simply wait for 0.24 to be released (or upgrade to trunk)
[04:58:06] stahnma: I'll look into jamu
[04:58:13] stahnma: the example config looked rather large
[04:58:23] stahnma: I'll see if I can grok it tomorrow
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[05:32:42] Beirdo: how the heck do we have 7 unassigned tickets?
[05:35:11] wagnerrp: i see 14
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[05:35:33] Beirdo: 7 assigned to "anonymous"
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[05:44:56] Beirdo: 6 anonymous :)
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[06:13:31] Beirdo: deegan_________: enough _s for you? yikes!
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[06:17:19] ugliefrog: Can someone please tell me how i can troubleshoot sound while watching live running ubuntu and when i run watch live tv there isnt any sound.....All i have ever got as an answer was sounds like a conflict with pulse audio...
[06:17:37] [R]: but watching recordings it works?
[06:17:57] ugliefrog: [R], no sound in recordings either
[06:18:16] [R]: and you're using the mythbuntu packages?
[06:18:17] ugliefrog: ill give it a try again to make sure
[06:18:37] ugliefrog: im using mythtv from the repo
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[06:19:00] [R]: thats old and beta
[06:19:06] [R]: you need the ones from mythbuntu repos
[06:19:15] [R]: 0.23.1
[06:20:06] ugliefrog: well crud...ill see if its on launchpad
[06:20:26] [R]: what do you need launchpad
[06:20:30] [R]: theres a whole repo just for it
[06:20:59] ugliefrog: launchpad so i can add it then update
[06:21:15] [R]: just goto the mythbuntu site
[06:21:18] [R]: it tells you what to do
[06:21:23] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar!phoenix@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[06:21:23] ugliefrog: ok
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[06:25:18] Beirdo: the ppa is on launchpad, is it not?
[06:25:58] [R]: i'm sure it is
[06:26:04] [R]: but you dont have to go find it
[06:26:14] [R]: its right there on the website
[06:33:46] kormoc: I'm so confused
[06:33:56] kormoc: he said he was using our repo
[06:34:04] kormoc: and you said he was out of date and should use ubuntu packages?
[06:34:56] [R]: no, he ws using the ubuntu repo
[06:35:14] [R]: and he needs to use the mythbuntu package
[06:35:19] kormoc: ugh
[06:35:24] kormoc: too many repos
[06:35:26] [R]: lol
[06:36:11] [R]: its amazing how expensive some things are on amazon... do people actually buy things that are clearly sold by people that have no clue what the atual price is?
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[06:37:27] Beirdo: kormoc: yeah, and jya has an ubuntu repo too. just to add another one to the pile :)
[06:37:48] [R]: but jya patches it
[06:37:56] [R]: then again... so does mythbuntu...
[06:38:12] [R]: i still think their "remove the shutdonw command option" patch is the stupidest thing ever
[06:38:45] Beirdo: why would anyone do that?
[06:38:52] Beirdo: in a distribution?
[06:39:35] [R]: ?
[06:40:18] Beirdo: ? what?
[06:40:29] [R]: i didn't get your question
[06:40:31] Beirdo: why would someone remove functionality like that?
[06:40:49] wagnerrp: because the snosberries taste like snosberriers
[06:41:05] [R]: Beirdo: oh... cuz they think you should only use dbus shutdown
[06:41:12] Beirdo: hah
[06:41:13] jya: aren't the Mythbuntu mythtv packages the same as the Ubuntu ones?
[06:41:24] [R]: jya: yes, but the ubuntu ones are old as crap
[06:41:25] wagnerrp: yes
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[06:41:33] jya: Mythbuntu is just the distrib, but AFAIK, mythbuntu makes the packages
[06:41:44] [R]: jya: mythbuntu repos are updated
[06:41:44] wagnerrp: and if you install mythtv over ubuntu, you end up with pulseaudio
[06:41:56] jya: I see..
[06:41:58] wagnerrp: while the mythbuntu distro strips that out
[06:42:38] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar!phoenix@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[06:44:36] Beirdo: jya: any thought on #9031?
[06:45:01] jya: Beirdo: I download the logs... Thinking of adding another huge lock all around it
[06:45:15] jya: can't think of any other reasons why this used to work, and is now failing
[06:45:27] Beirdo: there's gotta be something with the callbacks
[06:45:52] Beirdo: like the thread it's calling back into being gone or some oddness
[06:46:12] jya: To be honnest, I didn't even write that code. I think it's Danielk who extracted the code from the pulse utility.. I only made it (or so I thought) thread-safe
[06:46:39] Beirdo: ah. Well, maybe soemthing still isn't threadsafe or something, not sure
[06:46:47] Beirdo: it's a head-scratcher that's for sure
[06:46:54] jya: when I had tracked it many moons ago, it turned out to be doing thing the way they should be...
[06:47:11] jya: problem is debugging callbacks and threads on linux is a bloody pain...
[06:47:27] Beirdo: sure is
[06:47:29] jya: never managed to step-through properly
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[06:47:51] jya: like I put a breakpoint in one thread, I step in and I end up in another thread.
[06:48:14] Beirdo: yeah, gdb can be very misleading with threads
[06:48:25] Beirdo: I think there are ways around that, but I forget how anymore
[06:48:39] jya: well, if you know of a good debugger, I'm all hears...
[06:49:05] jya: i played with a few, never found an interesting one
[06:49:09] Beirdo: heh, I do, but it's Solaris 10 only
[06:49:11] Beirdo: heh
[06:49:13] Beirdo: dtrace
[06:49:22] Beirdo: does us zero good for this though
[06:49:24] jya: kdbg is the one I settled on, still crap
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[06:49:53] jya: I'll try looking into it later today.. Hopfully I'll be able to reproduce it
[06:50:18] Beirdo: cool. As long as someone can reproduce it. I think markk was saying he's seen it too?
[06:50:21] DXSUCKIT1990: Hey, newbie here looking for some help and trying not to step on any mines
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[06:51:01] wagnerrp: D-yer-Mak-erZoSo, : read the docs, try to work it out, were here if you have any specific questions, or when you get stuck
[06:51:05] Beirdo: I intentionally didn't install pulseaudio (from Ubuntu 10.04 Server) to avoid it all
[06:51:09] jya: that log I got and backtrace are from Markk
[06:51:22] Beirdo: perfect
[06:51:29] jya: been running with Pulse for about 6 months, mainly to find issues like that
[06:51:30] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: Oh I did and via the wiki was told to contact help if it didn't work
[06:51:32] ugliefrog: restart and then cross fingers
[06:51:46] Beirdo: he's pretty good at following up, and is a lot closer to you timezone-wise than he is to many of us :)
[06:51:50] wagnerrp: D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: correct, we're here for when you get stuck
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[06:52:09] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: Specific question is: I am trying to install the MythTV on IWndows via this
[06:52:26] wagnerrp: D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: you already have mythtv set up on another machine?
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[06:52:45] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: no, is that important, like I said I am wading blind thru waters
[06:52:51] Beirdo: jya: yeah, well, you're doing audio development, so it does make sense for you to work with pulse, even if it is a pain in the rump.
[06:53:00] wagnerrp: currently, only the frontend works on windows
[06:53:07] wagnerrp: mythtv is split into two programs
[06:53:10] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: how do I set up the backend?
[06:53:19] wagnerrp: the frontend which handles all playback
[06:53:26] wagnerrp: and the backend which handles all storage and tuner cards
[06:53:30] wagnerrp: the backend does not run on windows
[06:53:38] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: How do I get that going?
[06:53:38] Beirdo: yet
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[06:54:13] wagnerrp: you run that preferably on linux, but freebsd and osx can be made to work
[06:54:43] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: hell, guess i am stuck, I don't have anoher machine to run linux. Well I actually have a seedbox but no moderator setting
[06:54:54] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: That runs Debian
[06:55:11] wagnerrp: yeah, we dont talk about those kinds of things here
[06:55:30] wagnerrp: should have been listed on the same page that led you here
[06:56:30] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: I don't see anything there, I am reading it now about talking about installing it on a Debian machine
[06:56:53] wagnerrp:
[06:58:04] wagnerrp: your 'seedbox', we dont talk about that here
[06:58:49] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: Oh ok, I understand. Just to clear things up, I use it for web site hosting. Way better than the service comcast offers
[06:59:26] wagnerrp: you also cannot run your backend from a remote machine
[06:59:47] wagnerrp: the backend handles your storage and tuner cards
[07:00:05] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: Oh ok, gotcha. Looks like I'll have to see if I can throw together a ok machine form old pc parts and install Fedora Core
[07:00:15] wagnerrp: you cant very well do that from a remote machine, and certainly not a virtual one that you cant actually add hardware to
[07:00:23] wagnerrp:
[07:01:07] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: OK, I'll read that over, see what I have to do. What is the system requirements for mythtv
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[07:03:09] wagnerrp: there are no requirements
[07:03:21] wagnerrp: there are recommendations based off what you intend to record from
[07:03:36] Beirdo: must have a processor, and RAM and storage
[07:04:09] Beirdo: anything more specific depends on what the sources are, and what your output device is
[07:04:38] Beirdo: oh, and needs capture devices appropriate for said sources
[07:04:56] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: Oh, actually, I just thought about it. I can partition the new HDD i am getting and ddual boot
[07:05:02] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: dual*
[07:05:30] wagnerrp: you dont want to put your system and recording storage on the same drive
[07:05:41] wagnerrp: and you dont want to dual boot your backend
[07:05:50] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: Why is that?
[07:06:00] wagnerrp: because mythtv is a DVR
[07:06:09] wagnerrp: you give it guide data, you tell it what to record
[07:06:18] wagnerrp: it will do so at the appropriate time
[07:06:29] wagnerrp: if you are booted into windows, how is it going to record?
[07:06:36] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: Oh I see. Dur lol
[07:06:40] knightr (knightr! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[07:07:01] wagnerrp: if you are using mythtv only for livetv, youre better off just using some basic video player
[07:07:38] [R]: if i'm playing a wii game and not doing what its telling me to do with my motions of the controller... but i'm winning... is it cheating?
[07:08:02] Beirdo: oh, wow, that's funny. got one show commflagging at 30fps, and one at 303fps
[07:08:16] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: What do you mean? For just viewing live tv instead of recording? Well I probably will just record a few shows a wekk so I can bott into linux before the show comes on
[07:08:24] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: week*
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[07:08:58] wagnerrp: meaning, there are a lot of people who are simply looking for something to watch tv through a tuner with
[07:09:05] wagnerrp: they stumble across mythtv, try to set it up
[07:09:14] wagnerrp: and dont realize that its not at all what theyre looking for
[07:09:56] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: Oh no, I am not looking at it for that. I do want to DVR a few programs, so that's why I brought up the dual booy option. I am not gonan be recording tons and tons of shows
[07:10:02] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: boot*
[07:10:26] [R]: and then when you forget to boot into linux
[07:10:29] [R]: oops, missed that show
[07:10:44] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: That's ok. I missed the show.
[07:10:49] [R]: lol
[07:10:56] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: IT isn;t the end of the world
[07:11:01] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: It isn't*
[07:12:27] Beirdo: sounds more like a job for a (shudder) Windows-based PVR program if it's gonna get that complicated
[07:12:53] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: Is there any free windows based PVR systems out there?
[07:12:55] Beirdo: of course, if mythbackend would be useful under winders...
[07:13:03] Beirdo: probably
[07:13:13] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: I know, Windows, gros. But hey, I have to do what I have to do
[07:13:17] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: gross*
[07:13:18] wagnerrp: i used gbpvr briefly before moving to mythtv
[07:13:25] Beirdo: !url lmgtfy windows free pvr software
[07:13:25] MythLogBot: lmgtfy:
[07:13:32] wagnerrp: but that was nearly 5 years ago
[07:13:39] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: Is that ok for what I want ot do?
[07:14:21] wagnerrp:
[07:14:24] Beirdo: iamlindoro is likely asleep, he could probably clue us into how close mythbackend is to being useful in Windows
[07:14:58] [R]: wasn't someone working on letting myth use the windows driver framework?
[07:15:17] wagnerrp: [R]: its planned, but not actively
[07:15:25] wagnerrp: we want to get 0.24 out first
[07:15:41] wagnerrp: and then there are more important matters of getting the setup rewritten
[07:15:49] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo: Thanks for the link wagnerrp
[07:21:28] Beirdo: OMG, the commercials on the Nickelodeon channels are extra obnoxious
[07:22:07] [R]: Beirdo: dare i ask why you are watching it?
[07:23:08] dlonie`` (dlonie``! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:24:21] Beirdo: Penguins of Madagascar
[07:24:24] Beirdo: :)
[07:24:37] [R]: lol
[07:25:05] Beirdo: most channels I can block out the commercials if I'm busy doing stuff
[07:25:24] deegan__________ (deegan__________!~deegan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:25:50] Beirdo: but not these ones. little kids toys... aimed at little kids to make them pester their parents incessantly for pieces of crap that will end up in the trash in a week
[07:26:40] Beirdo: deegan__________: you are dragging an awfully long tail
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[08:45:10] Beirdo: TV Network execs are retards
[08:45:27] Beirdo: seems they think they know how many people actually watch each show
[08:45:40] Beirdo: now how in the heck could they possibly know that?
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[08:48:20] at0m: Beirdo: yea puzzling... only thing i can think of is that they have a fixed group of people filling out viewing reports which then get turned into the stats
[08:48:29] Beirdo: yeah
[08:48:54] Beirdo: idiots think that a very limited sample size is statistically valid
[08:49:02] Beirdo: just like politicians
[08:49:06] Beirdo: full of crap
[08:49:07] at0m: same everywhere, you're getting top10 show lists with # of viewers, i don't see other ways to get that
[08:50:02] at0m: im not sure they can afford to have crap stats when all the sales of ad space/time are based on that
[08:50:30] Beirdo: the stats are crap
[08:51:00] Beirdo: you can't seriously judge the viewing patterns of 300M people with like 5–10k people
[08:51:01] at0m: my instructor would say, PFM
[08:53:29] Beirdo: stupid Fox
[08:54:16] Beirdo: and yet... Big Brother's hitting season 13
[08:54:59] Beirdo: CBS obviously is stupid too
[08:55:11] at0m: panem et circenses =]
[08:55:14] Beirdo: renewing Big Brother, cancelling Numb3rs
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[09:30:05] AndyCap: Beirdo: who cares about the stats as long as the people buying advertising believe the numbers.
[09:30:46] Beirdo: they are all blithering idiots
[09:30:55] Beirdo: anyways, time for me to go to bed
[09:31:33] AndyCap: Beirdo: they deserve eachother. :)
[09:33:12] Beirdo: yeah, but unfortunately, they are the twits that get to decide what swill we get fed on the TV
[09:33:26] Beirdo: and on that note... night.
[09:33:39] AndyCap: night
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[09:53:39] denniss: hey, i am still asking myself why the myth-setup gets a lock on some channels to save them, but mythbackend/frontend just gets a partial lock. any idea on this? i can tune in via szap-s2 and ffplay
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[11:18:22] cromag: will it be possible to setup a recording via the telnet socket sometime in the future ?
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[11:45:46] milanese: hi
[11:46:50] milanese: 2 day late new mythtv 0.24?
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[11:48:49] milanese: new date for mythtv 0.24?
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[13:46:29] k-man: is there a way to adjust the overscan/underscan in mplayer?
[13:46:37] dlonie```: Eep, "svn: Failed to add file 'bindings/python/Makefile': an unversioned file of the same name already exists"
[13:46:45] dlonie```: Someone committed their makefile...
[13:47:14] dlonie```: Perl bindings, too
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[14:45:28] deshymers: anyone use a ps3 as a client? I'm curious how the interface is for it. I know this really isnt a proper channel for the question, but my google foo is full of fail today apparently  :
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[14:58:57] fedorared: Not myth, but my ps3 streams from ps3 media server. Interface is the usual controller buttons, with a menu you can bring up on screen
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[15:02:08] deshymers: fedorared: ok but can you search and sort the results? or is it just a straight list of your content?
[15:04:49] fedorared: List but I don't have much on it
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[15:06:46] deshymers: hmm ok
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[15:45:55] dewman: Is there a way to add categories for mythvideo? or is the software only designed to pull from the api queries?
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[16:32:00] sphery: dewman: edit the metadata in MythVideo, and change the category to whatever you want.
[16:33:42] dewman: sphery, yeah I tried that, seems all i have is miro,unknown and none.
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[16:35:16] dewman: It does't allow me to add a category.
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[16:41:58] dewman: sphery, I just inserted the categories through sql, quicker that way.
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[16:46:11] dewman: sphery, Ahh....I just noticed that you need to hit enter.... DOH!
[16:46:15] dewman: mybad
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[17:24:19] johnf1911: spot of an HD-PVR question
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[17:24:46] johnf1911: I'm on Bell satellite with a 6131 receiver; the receiver is set to output 720p (no passthrough :( )
[17:24:56] johnf1911: all of my recorded content appears to be 60fps
[17:25:16] johnf1911: I want to detelecine to native frame rate, presumably in most cases 24fps
[17:25:36] johnf1911: anyone have any experience with this?
[17:27:23] jpabq: johnf1911, very, very rare for cable or satellite to broadcast at 24p except on some "special" movie channels. Bell is probably broadcasting 720p60, so you *are* getting the native frame rate. The HD-PVR never transcodes/translates. Whatever it sees on it's inputs is what it outputs.
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[17:29:24] johnf1911: jpabq: ok, that actually answers one of my questions
[17:29:31] johnf1911: I was pretty sure it would output what it received
[17:29:56] johnf1911: (though I did read a thread that seemed to suggest that some players may report 30fps content that it records as 60fps, even though it was really 30fps and recorded as such)
[17:30:10] johnf1911: but I'm interested in turning that 60fps into 24fps
[17:30:50] johnf1911: so inverse telecining it
[17:31:38] jpabq: If the original source really is 24p (in other words it is a movie, instead of a TV show), I believe it is possible to detect the original cadence and convert from 60p to 24p, but I have never done that.
[17:32:42] johnf1911: well, a lot of HD television content is actually 24p too
[17:32:52] johnf1911: if you look at a scene rip of most any drama for instance
[17:32:52] sphery: can be done at playback
[17:33:01] johnf1911: you'll see they are 24p
[17:33:04] sphery: to do it in the recording, you must transcode after recording
[17:33:09] johnf1911: sphery: with myth itself? interesting, tell me more
[17:33:15] johnf1911: yes, I'm cool with transcoding it
[17:33:26] johnf1911: would like to remove those unsightly commercials as well :)
[17:33:28] sphery: TTBOMK, MythTV doesn't support ivtc
[17:33:48] johnf1911: ah, ok
[17:34:11] sphery: you'd have to write a new video filter for MythTV to support it
[17:34:15] johnf1911: I was thinking more using nuvexport
[17:34:16] sphery: some other players will do it
[17:37:14] sphery: johnf1911: if you're using a VDPAU-capable video card and VDPAU rendering for video, you may be able to use vdpauivtc filter
[17:37:34] sphery: that seems to be the only ivtc possible with MythTV
[17:37:40] johnf1911: interesting
[17:37:52] johnf1911: but I'm more interested in it for archival purposes than on playback
[17:38:05] sphery: . . . /053348.html
[17:38:27] sphery: also, TTBOMK, it won't really have any noticeable effect on the recording file--size or anything
[17:38:43] sphery: so whether you do it at playback or you transcode, doesn't matter
[17:41:09] johnf1911: I think it would have a small impact on file size, but given that I'm going to be transcoding it anyways, and some portable devices (the target of a second retranscoding) don't support 60fps, I feel that it might be easier to hit them both in one go
[17:42:02] sraue (sraue! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[17:42:55] sphery: yeah, transcoding for device capabilities is really the only good reason to do that
[17:43:27] sphery: I don't do it, myself, though, so I can't help you make it work.
[17:43:40] sphery: I'll leave you to someone else more knowledgeable than me for that...  :)
[17:45:43] johnf1911: thank you very much for the advice you are able to offer though
[17:45:46] johnf1911: it's much appreciated
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[18:06:58] Beirdo: oh great
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[18:09:06] Beirdo: I think maybe the drive bit it
[18:10:30] johnf1911: ugh, that doesn't sound too good
[18:11:35] johnf1911: did you see my question above?
[18:11:48] johnf1911: as I recall, you're quite invested in nuvexport (author?)
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[18:38:26] stoth: somthing is wrong with mythvideo on ubuntu 10.04
[18:38:41] stoth: By default the directory is blank, so I have a nfs share as /videos
[18:38:58] stoth: I have /videos setup as the new videos folder
[18:39:08] stoth: still no videos show up, evern after choosing to scan many times.
[18:39:19] stoth: From the underlying OS the files are accessible and playbale in VLC.
[18:39:55] stoth: is this going to turn into /videos needs to be visible on the backend also?
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[18:42:03] wagnerrp: if you have defined the folders in mythfrontend on your frontend, the frontend needs file access
[18:42:18] wagnerrp: if you have defined storage groups in mythtv-setup, the backend needs file access
[18:42:35] stoth: hmm. This is a frontend only mount, and defined in the frontend.
[18:43:00] wagnerrp: but its an NFS mount? meaning your videos are on some other machine?
[18:43:05] stoth: correct
[18:43:12] wagnerrp: is this other machine running a backend?
[18:43:20] stoth: IN previous versions of myth (.21+fixes) this was fine (iirc)
[18:43:30] wagnerrp: in 0.23, it should be fine as well
[18:43:33] stoth: no, other machine is an unrelated system
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[18:44:15] wagnerrp: however local file access on the frontend is depreciated
[18:44:20] wagnerrp: and scheduled to be removed in 0.25
[18:44:26] stoth: I run mythfrontend logged in as myself, and can play the videos as myself in other apps.
[18:45:15] stoth: the alternative is to have the backend have the mount and expose them through storage groups?
[18:45:32] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, [mythtv-users] Atom diamondview + ION vs pineview + ION2 forcombined fanless front/backend
[18:45:52] sphery: I'm replacing my junky frontend, and the obvious path is to go with a new-generation junky frontend
[18:45:58] sphery: (my translation)
[18:46:02] wagnerrp: that is preferred from a mythtv standpoint, but if the backend is a different machine that would also have to be NFS mounted, it doesnt really make sense
[18:46:43] stoth: right
[18:47:14] wagnerrp: the only thing i can think of is that you either have it misconfigured somehow, or these is content which mythtv is not told to handle
[18:47:30] wagnerrp: either the file extension is not defined, or you have it set to hidden
[18:48:11] stoth: grrr. ok. thanks wagnerrp
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[18:48:31] stoth: is dvd iso support on the cards for myth?
[18:48:34] wagnerrp: just to check... "select * from settings where value='VideoStartupDir';"
[18:48:51] stoth: lemme check that
[18:49:00] wagnerrp: mythtv supports ISOs just fine with local storage
[18:49:08] wagnerrp: from 0.24 forward, it also supports it over storage groups
[18:49:20] wagnerrp: that was the last thing that was holding up the removal of local storage
[18:49:28] stoth: mythweb videos sections show VideoStartupDir as /videos
[18:49:54] wagnerrp: note that when accessing storage group content, for videos or recordings, the frontend will search the local filesystem first
[18:50:55] wagnerrp: so if you have the same folders mounted on both the frontend and backend, it will pull the content over the local filesystem rather than streaming from the backend
[18:51:08] stoth: ok
[18:52:28] stoth: ok. So I have a mythv-rec build on a dev box, lemme try /videos on that.
[18:55:05] stoth: ahh poo. I need to build the plugins.
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[18:58:33] stoth: interesting. /share/Movies/dvd
[18:59:47] stoth: I switched to a different skin (regular wide blue skin). The default for the field is /share/Movies/dvd (in the default skin the default is blank). It works on this box.
[19:00:13] iamlindoro: Themes can't affect default settings values at all
[19:00:21] iamlindoro: They're not capable of doing so
[19:00:42] stoth: is VideoStartupDir support to default?
[19:00:50] stoth: (all of the other dirs do)
[19:01:03] iamlindoro: I can't parse the question
[19:01:13] stoth: support/suppsoed
[19:01:21] wagnerrp: VideoStartupDir is the old setting for mythvideo storage
[19:01:46] iamlindoro: videostartupdir does have a default (as all values do) but some default values aren't actually "set" in the DB until you go all the way through those settings once
[19:02:07] iamlindoro: And it's possible that the uPnP server scanner doesn't have a value filled in for the default, which may require you to do so, always
[19:02:17] iamlindoro: (and, of course, the uPnP server doesn't support Storage Groups yet)
[19:02:30] Beirdo: ARGH
[19:02:49] Beirdo: one of my two system disks in the new backend (old drives) just ate it
[19:03:30] Beirdo: and I need a philips head precision screwdriver, and I can't find mine
[19:03:33] stoth: lemme go and try this on my production frontend again
[19:03:44] Beirdo: (to change MiniPCIE cards)
[19:03:52] Beirdo: got the fan grille on there though
[19:04:30] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:05:41] Beirdo: OMG
[19:05:49] Beirdo: it takes down the whole SATA controller?!
[19:06:35] Beirdo: figures
[19:07:27] Beirdo: OK, I guess it's time to be buying a 1TB + drive for data, and swap in the other 300G for the other half of the mirror
[19:09:44] zzztrumee is now known as trumee
[19:10:19] Beirdo: meanwhile... Now that it will boot, let's put the HVR2250 back in and let it be a backend
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[19:15:16] Belboz991: Hey all, trying to figure out why Image Gallery is cropping all of my images, seems to be forcing a fill-to-screen, causing the vertical compositions to loose 1/2 of the image area off the top and bottom in preference of filling the width of the screen
[19:16:09] Belboz991: worse, I don't recall changing anything, or even updating anything, I have no idea what changed
[19:18:35] stoth: damn thing works fine on my dev box but not on my production box (videostartupdir)
[19:19:56] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:20:08] stoth: scan for videos starts and ends very quickly
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[19:21:09] Beirdo: Belboz991: hit W
[19:22:19] Belboz991: Beirdo: Thanks!
[19:22:33] Beirdo: no problemo
[19:22:37] Belboz991: Beirdo: that dang cat must have stepped on that key the other day
[19:22:46] Beirdo: it cycles through several zoom methods
[19:22:51] Belboz991: Beirdo: that really should be better documented
[19:23:23] Beirdo: I think it is... somewhere
[19:23:30] Belboz991: or available as an option in "Settings" under the Menu in the Image Gallery main page
[19:23:56] Beirdo: that whole plugin's gonna get reworked anyways
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[19:24:22] Belboz991: I googled for about 2 minutes, I tried googling every way of phrasing "mythtv Image gallery" and cropping I could think of, but I kept on getting articles on crop cirlcles!
[19:24:43] sphery: wagnerrp: btw, using a kill-a-watt and a 125W proc, I determined that a) when not busy ("idle"), the power usage drops by about 60W--regardless of whether you've enabled freq scaling or not, and b) if you also enable freq scaling and the proc goes to minimum freq, you get maybe an extra 5–7W power reduction
[19:24:55] Belboz991: probably because of "myth + crop" = "crop circle" to Google :P
[19:25:06] sphery: I had always assumed that running at max freq would still use nearly full power--whether processing or not
[19:25:14] sphery: (this was with an Athlon X2 4800+ proc)
[19:25:37] wagnerrp: i find a lot more reduction (in heat at least) with my core 2 when cutting frequency
[19:25:44] Beirdo:
[19:25:59] sphery: yeah, I'll have to play with some other newer procs to see what happens
[19:26:00] Beirdo: it probably needs work, it hasn't been touched in a while
[19:27:00] sphery: was just stunned that I got virtually no savings when going from performance (always 2.4GHz) to ondemand (basically downclock to minimum, 1GHz) governor... Then tried both at load and found that load--not freq--had a /much/ greater effect on the 4800+
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[19:33:09] stoth: buildFileList directory = myth://Videos@mythbackend/var/lib/mythtv/videos/
[19:33:19] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:33:25] stoth: this is from the mythfrontendlog. It's wrong.
[19:33:38] MavT (MavT! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[19:33:57] iamlindoro: That dir is set in the Video storage group in mythtv-setup
[19:34:07] iamlindoro: there is no default value for that
[19:34:13] Belboz991 (Belboz991! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:34:28] iamlindoro: If you see one, it is very very likely (certain, I think) that the Mythbuntu guys decided to insert one (assuming you're using mythbuntu or their packages)
[19:34:45] stoth: that's what happen when I ask to scan, and it ignores the value of VideoStartupDir
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[19:37:30] stoth: on the box that works buildFileList directory = /Videos
[19:38:09] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:38:12] stoth: so on ubuntu 10.04 I can't make an nfs mounted share work (it's a frontend box). On a mythtv-rec tree box, containing front and backend, scan works correctly.
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[19:40:40] stoth: So on one box NFS mounted videos are find, on another box it's insisting on using Storage Groups. Is this an adjustable setting I'm just missing (enable/disable storage groups for videos?)
[19:41:01] wagnerrp: videos are global
[19:41:18] wagnerrp: if you access it in one manner on one frontend, you will access it in the same manner on another frontend
[19:41:25] wagnerrp: assuming theyre in the same system
[19:41:26] iamlindoro: The reason it ignores the local setting is because you ahve the two set identically
[19:41:35] iamlindoro: in which case Myth prefers the SG path
[19:41:57] iamlindoro: if you want to use the local setting, remove the video Storage Group (FWIW all the instructions, and addressing this issue are on the wiki page)
[19:42:10] stoth: I'm not using storage groups, or not intensionally. The only place I've entered /Videos is on the frontend
[19:42:23] iamlindoro: "<iamlindoro> If you see one, it is very very likely (certain, I think) that the Mythbuntu guys decided to insert one (assuming you're using mythbuntu or their packages)"
[19:42:33] iamlindoro: "<iamlindoro> That dir is set in the Video storage group in mythtv-setup"
[19:42:55] tomaw_ (tomaw_!tom@freenode/staff/tomaw) has quit (Quit: Quitting)
[19:44:51] iamlindoro: Have to go take the dog to the ponds before she eats me in my sleep. is definitely required reading, it's behaving exactly as expected given the settings on your system
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[19:47:54] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:52:51] stoth: thanks iamlindoro: I went ahead and added them to a storage group on the backend and everything working as expected now. Kinda surprised the Ui let's you define a field (VideoStartupDir) (which defaulted to blank) along with all of the other video fileds but they basically are ignored.
[19:53:12] stoth: wagnerrp: iamlindoro thanks for your comments.
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[20:06:44] saftsack_ (saftsack_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:08:48] saftsack_: hey, how to set up a fake recorder in mythtv?
[20:10:20] kormoc: you setup a dummy recorder
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[20:12:25] ddddd: does anyone know what option I should use when setting my pvr card type for a hauppauge pvr-500?
[20:12:58] ddddd: neither mjpeg capture card, nor ivtv mpeg2 encoder seem to work
[20:13:23] awalls: ivtv MPEG2 should just work
[20:13:27] stoth: ddddd: ivtv encoder should be ok
[20:13:55] ddddd: when I choose ivtv, I get the "please wait..." screen when trying to watch live tv. it just hangs there, doing nothing
[20:15:40] Beirdo: you setup your channels yet?
[20:15:40] ddddd: anyone know where I can look to find out what's going on?
[20:15:47] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[20:15:57] ddddd: I did a fetch from my schedulesdirect source
[20:16:07] [R]: ddddd: the frontend and backend logs
[20:16:16] ddddd: Beirdo: should I be scanning instead?
[20:16:19] Beirdo: no
[20:16:36] Beirdo: but make sure you have a valid startup channel too
[20:16:50] ddddd: Beirdo: it's on 2, which is a valid channel where I am
[20:17:09] ddddd: R: I'll try starting live tv again and paste the frontend log to paste bin...
[20:17:10] Beirdo: OK, then off to the logs :)
[20:21:25] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:22:53] ddddd:
[20:23:11] ddddd: gah. sorry about that...
[20:23:12] ddddd:
[20:24:00] [R]: and the backend...
[20:24:20] ddddd: working on it...just a sec...
[20:25:22] Beirdo: Oh, WTH?
[20:25:53] Beirdo: Family Guy playing an entire Conway Twitty song.
[20:26:15] [R]: lol
[20:26:30] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:26:40] Beirdo: like the WHOLE thing
[20:26:43] ddddd:
[20:26:47] ddddd: sorry for the delay
[20:27:23] ourtv (ourtv! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:29:25] [R]: you've got tons of errors about things set up wrong
[20:29:30] [R]: in the profiles and wahat not
[20:29:33] [R]: but tehres too muych stuff in there
[20:29:33] ddddd: figures
[20:29:35] [R]: you need to get a clean log
[20:29:44] [R]: start the backend, start the frontend, do 1 failed thing
[20:29:45] [R]: and thats it
[20:30:06] ddddd: ugh. ok. so I need to step through the setup process again
[20:33:13] ourtv (ourtv! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[20:34:17] [R]: Beirdo: does myth support ipv6?
[20:35:09] Beirdo: no
[20:35:12] Beirdo: not at this time
[20:35:57] [R]: i need to figure out how to do ipv6
[20:36:05] Beirdo: in myth?
[20:36:09] Beirdo: forget it for now
[20:36:48] [R]: no
[20:36:49] [R]: in my network
[20:36:59] Beirdo: ah, it's not that hard
[20:37:14] Beirdo: radvd is the key to easy ipv6 networking
[20:37:21] [R]: openwrt supposedly support it
[20:37:25] [R]: but i can't find nay good documentation on it
[20:38:33] andreax (andreax! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[20:39:11] ** bjd has a tunnel to HE on his cisco router **
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[20:40:13] [R]: but whats the point really
[20:40:21] [R]: what can i do with ipv6 besides see the dancing kame?
[20:40:54] Beirdo: expose whatever the heck you want on your network in spite of stupid NATs
[20:41:04] bjd: well, thats why it's cited as the chicken/egg problem
[20:41:30] anykey_ (anykey_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:41:55] [R]: Beirdo: i dont expose anything from my lan
[20:41:55] bjd: service providers don't bother cos end users don't want it, end users don't have any motivation to deploy v6 cos service providers don't have anything that might tempt them
[20:42:47] Beirdo: bah
[20:42:53] Beirdo: people are lazy
[20:42:57] Beirdo: that's the real reason
[20:43:40] bjd: i expect it'll get stupidly NAT-tastic then people will make the switch
[20:44:00] Beirdo: it already IS stupidly NAT-tastic
[20:45:37] Beirdo: well, I'm gonna go get food
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[20:55:02] ddddd: R: where do I find the field that let's me define the password to use for connecting to the database?
[20:56:58] [R]: in ~/.mythtv
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[20:57:44] ddddd: thx
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[21:04:48] ddddd: well...looks like it works now
[21:04:56] ddddd: sometimes my level of stupidity astounds even me
[21:05:12] ddddd: I just relied on the debconf scripts I go through apt to properly set up mythtv
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[21:05:32] ddddd: it did a fairly good job, but it never added the user "mythtv" to the database back end
[21:05:44] ddddd: added the user, set the password, and voila
[21:06:11] ddddd: Beirdo and R: thanks for the guidance. I'm sure I'll be back in here at some point in the future :-P
[21:06:38] ddddd (ddddd! has quit (Client Quit)
[21:08:39] ComradeHaz`: Is there anyone around who is familliar with Mythdroid? I am struggling to make my device connect to my Myth box which is both a front and back end
[21:10:37] [R]: you have the telnet interface turned on?
[21:11:01] GreyFoxx: That's nice.... Iv'e been using mythmote from my android phone.... I think I'll try this one out
[21:11:28] ComradeHaz`: [R], I am not sure. Could you elaborate, please/
[21:12:06] [R]: ComradeHaz`: it should be in in the instructions...
[21:12:25] [R]: ComradeHaz`: its an option in the frontend
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[21:15:25] ComradeHaz`: [R], I cannot find such an option. I assume you do not mean the 'Network Remote Control' option?
[21:15:47] GreyFoxx: bah, mythdroid doesn't work with trunk... oh well :)
[21:15:54] [R]: why would you assume i don't?
[21:15:56] [R]: tahts it
[21:16:51] ComradeHaz`: I assume you don't as you called it something else! I guessed you might as I thought you might mean that. Sadly, I have already enabled that and Mythmote works.
[21:17:11] [R]: ok
[21:18:33] tomaw (tomaw!tom@freenode/staff/tomaw) has quit (Quit: Quitting)
[21:19:49] ComradeHaz`: GreyFoxx, wtf?
[21:19:57] ComradeHaz`: "MythDroid 0.3 supports 0.21 – 0.23 and MythTV trunk. "
[21:20:28] GreyFoxx: just cause something is written on a webpage doesn't make it currently accurate
[21:20:45] ComradeHaz`: What does 'check out' mean?
[21:20:45] tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
[21:21:03] [R]: ComradeHaz`: to stare at a hot chick
[21:21:42] ComradeHaz`: That was my understanding. In the context of installing MDD, I suspect that's not the intended deffinition, however.
[21:21:55] GreyFoxx: 2010-10–03 18:21:46.021 MainServer::HandleVersion – Client did not pass protocol token. Refusing connection!
[21:22:08] GreyFoxx: hence, mythdroid does not support current trunk
[21:22:50] GreyFoxx: it uses more than just the telnet intercface, it also uses the mythprotocol and that is where it's having issues, at least for me
[21:22:58] [R]: ComradeHaz`: well w/o you providing context... what kind of an answer do you expecdt?
[21:23:06] ** GreyFoxx goes to put on some support **
[21:23:11] GreyFoxx: supper even
[21:24:29] ** awalls thinks wearing supper can be messy **
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[22:38:49] mythlove: How do I expand the recording option so that we can see all the text? IE, "Record in this timeslot ever..." gets cut off.
[22:39:47] [R]: if you are talking about the frontend, you need to modify the theme
[22:40:19] mythlove: How do I modify the theme?
[22:41:48] [R]: edit the xml in /usr/share/mythtv/themes
[22:42:18] D-yer-Mak-erZoSo (D-yer-Mak-erZoSo! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[22:42:53] mythlove: is there a theme already installed that has a wide format built in?
[22:43:13] [R]: how do i know what you have installed?
[22:45:10] mythlove: LinHES 2.06 or something...there are various themes that came with it. Was hoping for a simple solution, rather than editing xml files.
[22:45:55] Guest1469 (Guest1469! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[22:46:54] [R]: so try the tehemes
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[23:36:09] Sickler: i know this question is asked a lot but is there any support for netflix streaming
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[23:36:27] Sickler: whether its thru wine or an app
[23:37:19] [R]: no
[23:37:38] Sickler: plans by netflix or mythtv?
[23:37:53] Azelphur: . . . /286302.html ?
[23:37:59] wagnerrp: access to netflix requires silverlight, which requires windows or osx
[23:38:00] [R]: netflix requires silverlight with DRM
[23:38:05] [R]: there is no silverlight with DRM for linux
[23:38:07] [R]: end of story
[23:38:12] wagnerrp: we cant really do anything
[23:38:22] wagnerrp: netflix has to provide some manner for use to access
[23:38:47] Sickler: thats kinda sh*ty so i need to virtualize zp
[23:39:04] wagnerrp: or dont use netflix?
[23:39:11] wagnerrp: the DVDs work just fine
[23:39:31] Sickler: yea thats true but its the convenience factor sometimes
[23:40:00] [R]: cancel your netflix and tell them why... they need to get the message we won't put up with their crap
[23:40:02] Azelphur: there's always too
[23:40:03] ** Azelphur runs **
[23:40:04] wagnerrp: complain to netflix about wanting access?
[23:40:22] Sickler: i have been meaning to create a bartpe usb drive
[23:41:07] Sickler: azelphur: i dont get it
[23:41:20] Sickler: funny but
[23:41:33] Azelphur: haha
[23:41:38] wagnerrp: clearly anyone who wants to access content without digital restriction management is a pirate
[23:41:46] Azelphur: ^ ++
[23:41:53] wagnerrp: i mean why else would you want to foster intercompatibility?
[23:42:13] Beirdo: !parrot
[23:42:13] ** MythLogBot looks around the channel for parrots for Beirdo to smack. **
[23:42:31] Azelphur: . . . comicpng.jpg
[23:42:31] Azelphur: :D
[23:42:42] Beirdo: Netflix works well on my second TV
[23:43:16] wagnerrp: Sickler: basically, theyre not going to release their content without some form of DRM
[23:43:22] wagnerrp: and you cant do DRM with open source programs
[23:43:28] Sickler: well wasnt sure if something i was just missing, didnt intend to steal or anything thats all
[23:43:52] [R]: wagnerrp: nothnig is really stopping microsoft from releasing a binary with the DRM
[23:44:10] wagnerrp: [R]: correct, at which point it would not be open source
[23:44:20] [R]: but it would work in linujx
[23:47:37] Azelphur: and they wonder why people resort to piracy...
[23:52:08] Beirdo: it's because people are evil... or somtehing
[23:57:07] sphery: There's no DRM in freedom. Can't do DRM in Free software.
[23:57:55] Beirdo: all of the letters of DRM are in freedom though
[23:58:02] sphery: heh, yeah
[23:58:36] Sickler (Sickler! has quit (Quit: Give me a freakin' job!)
[23:59:14] Beirdo: No
[23:59:21] Beirdo: get your own freakin' job!

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