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Sunday, September 12th, 2010, 00:08 UTC
[00:08:53] npm (npm! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[00:11:32] Josh` (Josh`! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:17:00] Josh`: I'm trying to wrap my head around this. The other night, my wife left LiveTV running while watching a marathon of "My Life as Liz". The next morning, she did not want them to be deleted, so she marked all of them as "Do not auto-expire" as well as "Preserve this episode". We still had 300GB free space remaining out of the 500GB storage group directory. The next day, the recordings were automatically expired and deleted. What gives?
[00:19:58] wagnerrp: you need to set them as 'proper' recordings
[00:20:08] wagnerrp: they were left as livetv recordings, so they were culled by the housekeeper
[00:20:31] wagnerrp: (ive not actually done this, so i dont know the process)
[00:24:20] Varro (Varro! has quit ()
[00:28:46] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[00:34:21] [R]: wagnerrp: you'd think setting dont expire would override that...
[00:34:27] ** [R] smells a patch he could write **
[00:35:10] wagnerrp: i would think 'dont expire' wouldnt even be an option for livetv recordings
[00:35:26] [R]: well its probably not
[00:35:28] [R]: but the ui doesn't knowtaht
[00:35:53] [R]: isn't there some kind of setting for expiring livetv in the backend though?
[00:37:07] Captain_Murdoch: "don't expire" is just setting autoexpire = 0 in the DB. by default LiveTV is something like Autoexpire = 9999. normal recordings autoexpire = 0 or 1. so LiveTV gets expired first. normally to prevent a liveTV program from expiring, you move it out of the LiveTV recording group which sets the autoexpire to 0 (or it used to when that code was written I believe).
[00:37:43] Captain_Murdoch: autoexpire code sorts by the autoexpire field in descending order so LiveTV gets picked up first before regular programs.
[00:38:51] [R]: but if you dont expire to 0, then the recordint isnt 9999 anymore...
[00:39:42] dougl (dougl! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[01:34:34] durin42 (durin42!~durin@adium/durin42) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:20] durin42: I've got a weird problem here – I can't figure out how to import a channels.conf for my atsc tuner into mythtv-setup.
[01:36:38] durin42: When I go to do a channel scan, I get only two options: Full Scan or Import Existing Scan
[01:36:40] wagnerrp: dont, use the internal scanner
[01:36:51] durin42: Internal scanner doesn't work with my card.
[01:36:58] durin42: em28xx family, it finds no channels
[01:37:09] durin42: but scan works just fine
[01:37:31] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:37:33] iamlindoro: Sounds like your tuner is slow to tune and you need to crank up the tuning and signal timeouts before scanning
[01:37:34] wagnerrp: have you filed a bug ticket detailing such?
[01:37:52] durin42: iamlindoro: where does one do that?
[01:37:53] iamlindoro: Eaaaasy on the ticketage, it's almost definitely a driver issue
[01:37:56] iamlindoro: in capture card setup
[01:38:03] durin42: wagnerrp: the wiki indicates this is known behavior
[01:38:11] durin42: (yeah, this card takes a while to latch on to a signal)
[01:38:28] wagnerrp: well if the wiki indicates that the proper solution is to use the dvb-tools scan, the wiki needs to be changed
[01:38:38] wagnerrp: and im sure ill get around to deleting that entire page eventually
[01:39:36] iamlindoro: durin42, you could try cranking both timeouts to ungodly high values if it's slow to tune-- the defaults in mythtv-setup are only those that work with most functioning drivers, they're adjustable for slow hardware/drivers such as yours
[01:39:47] durin42: ok, found it
[01:39:54] iamlindoro: Will mean a very very long scan, but will also make it a lot more likely to work, since we use the same APIs scan does
[01:40:07] durin42: looks like it was also detected as an analog card, which is also clearly part of my problem
[01:40:10] wagnerrp: does scan just have longer default timeouts?
[01:40:16] wagnerrp: durin42: mythtv does not detect anything
[01:40:18] iamlindoro: durin42, It doesn't get detected at all
[01:40:22] wagnerrp: you have to tell it what kind of card you have
[01:40:28] iamlindoro: Myth probes the card as you toggle through the types
[01:40:30] durin42: wagnerrp: I gave scan the '-5' flag to quintuple the timeouts
[01:40:46] wagnerrp: so you need to do the same thing in the mythtv capture card setup
[01:41:01] durin42: *nod* now that I realize my dumbass mistake of leaving it in analog mode, I should be set
[01:41:06] iamlindoro: So you need to a) make sure you set it up as a DVB card type, and b) crank up those timeouts, and of course c) choose the correct frequency tables and modulation for whatever you're scanning
[01:41:19] wagnerrp: durin42: what card do you have?
[01:42:26] durin42: wagnerrp: Pinnacle something something 800i
[01:42:35] iamlindoro: PC TV
[01:42:36] durin42: PCTV Pro HD?
[01:42:42] wagnerrp: that card is fine for digital, but should not be used for analog
[01:42:46] iamlindoro: And yeah, that card is definitely fin to scan with myth's scanner
[01:42:46] durin42: Right.
[01:42:50] iamlindoro: er fine
[01:43:04] durin42: It found 7 channels, which is *way* low, cranking the timeouts to see if that helps.
[01:43:39] iamlindoro: Are you scanning ATSC or QAM? Did you give it the proper frequency range and modulation?
[01:43:48] iamlindoro: Because there's no way you should have been able to scan by now
[01:43:55] iamlindoro: it should take you a number of minutes at least
[01:43:58] durin42: broadcast ATSC
[01:44:12] durin42: (that is, not cable, standard US OTA)
[01:44:15] wagnerrp: he means the last time he tried scanning
[01:44:17] wagnerrp: not just now
[01:44:19] iamlindoro: How many channels do you expect to get? What is your zip code?
[01:44:22] durin42: No, just now
[01:44:35] durin42: 60202, quite a few channels (at least a dozen or so)
[01:44:41] wagnerrp: if you scanned just now, you must have only scanned the currently tuned channel
[01:45:05] AriX_ (AriX_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:45:19] durin42: It cycled thorugh all the channels.
[01:45:27] durin42: It's timing out really fast on each channel.
[01:45:59] wagnerrp: heres a list of what you should be picking up... . . . neup_1171966
[01:46:23] durin42: That looks about right.
[01:47:21] iamlindoro: bearing in mind that that's an aggregation of what many people pick up, with many differently aimed antennas
[01:47:49] wagnerrp: the comcast lineups pick up roughly the same number of channels
[01:47:51] durin42: Yeah, some of those are fictional to my mind
[01:48:12] durin42: FWIW, it says it's 66% done with the scan I started about 4 minutes ago
[01:48:20] durin42: which doesn't seem like it's taking nearlly long enough
[01:48:27] durin42: so I must have done something dumb in the config
[01:52:03] Baylink (Baylink!~jra@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:09:01] Beirdo: OK, I think I shall go out for food
[02:09:51] wagnerrp: ive been reading through a lot of pages as ive been marking them for deletion
[02:10:05] wagnerrp: and i came across MeanTux's rant about the loss of -350 output support
[02:10:50] wagnerrp: im just wondering, he claims hes unwilling to buy new hardware when his current hardware works 'just fine', so how does he know that modern video outputs on video cards arent better than that of the 10yr old PVR-350?
[02:11:00] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:11:01] Beirdo: heh
[02:11:08] wagnerrp: he hasnt bought new hardware to know any better
[02:11:26] Beirdo: and clearly doesn't use HD much/at all
[02:11:42] wagnerrp: well surely not, his -350 works 'just fine' for recording too
[02:11:50] durin42: My scans are taking longer now, but they're failing in an odd way: the channels lock, but finding channels fail. Is there anything I should be tweaking to try and fix that?
[02:11:57] Beirdo: hey, he can fill his boots
[02:12:14] Beirdo: he should go write an OpenGL driver for the PVR-350
[02:12:23] Beirdo: then it will just "work"
[02:12:43] Beirdo: that should take him a while
[02:13:07] wagnerrp: im wondering if i should roll some of these pages into the linuxtv wiki
[02:13:15] wagnerrp: they currently have none for any of the PVR cards
[02:13:51] Beirdo: ugh
[02:14:46] Beirdo: please make a possible regression-causing "simple" change so I can debug and do something silly...
[02:14:48] sybolt (sybolt! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:14:50] Beirdo: um... no
[02:14:59] wagnerrp: ?
[02:15:11] Beirdo: #8132
[02:15:32] Typosu (Typosu! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:48] Beirdo: myth client for Yahoo! widgets?!
[02:16:15] Beirdo: if their API won't let you use SOAP... bleh
[02:16:41] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[02:17:12] Beirdo: the API supports SOAP.. anything past that's a bonus that I dunno I really want to mess with right now
[02:17:34] Beirdo: UPnP-over-GET-only isn't really in spec
[02:17:55] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:19:25] wagnerrp: what kind of tv supports yahoo widgets and doesnt do upnp?
[02:19:37] Beirdo: ummm, my Vizio :)
[02:20:01] wagnerrp: it doesnt do upnp? or there are problems with myth's upnp server?
[02:20:02] Beirdo: if it does UPnP, I haven't found it
[02:20:07] wagnerrp: wtf..
[02:20:21] Beirdo: but it's a cheap TV, and does netflix :)
[02:23:35] Beirdo: anyways...
[02:23:45] Beirdo: I don't think I'll do that for 0.24
[02:25:25] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[02:26:25] Beirdo: food time
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[02:52:30] Josh`: wagnerrp, [R], I got lost in the replys to my LiveTV autoexpiring problem. Is that the suggested resolution for the future? Just change the LiveTV programs I want to keep's recording group to something 'proper'?
[02:53:35] wagnerrp: yes, anything you want to keep, you must move out of the LiveTV recording group
[02:54:04] wagnerrp: the best solution would have been to just make a recording rule before you went to bed
[02:54:09] wagnerrp: rather than leave livetv on all night long
[02:54:19] Josh`: wagnerrp, agreed, but she didnt know that at the time :p
[02:56:51] Gibby_away (Gibby_away!~gibby@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:57:29] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:59:57] Josh`: I dont mean to sound picky because I'm not contributing code, but I agree with the comment earlier, if the autoexpire and preserve settings on LiveTV recordings dont matter, it shouldnt be an option because it is misleading :p
[03:01:42] Josh`: Should I put a feature request bug in for that?
[03:01:56] wagnerrp: feature requests arent bugs
[03:03:58] Josh`: but isnt that an option in mythtv trac?
[03:04:07] wagnerrp: no
[03:04:23] Josh`: oh, meh. I thought I've seen that in there.
[03:04:29] wagnerrp: for better or worse, there is no real place for feature requests
[03:04:35] wagnerrp: there is the wishlist on the wiki
[03:04:42] wagnerrp: but most people simply ignore that
[03:06:37] Josh`: mmk.
[03:07:05] Pluribus (Pluribus! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:14:33] Pluribus: Hello all, any fairly familiar with TMDB?
[03:14:48] wagnerrp: depends on what you need to know, shoot
[03:15:22] Pluribus: It would seem that TMDB has stopped returning the certification fields on api queries...
[03:16:34] _charly_ (_charly_! has quit (Quit: _charly_)
[03:16:49] Pluribus: For example: The movie "Hook" shows on the website a PG rating (I even fetched it several weeks ago WITH that certification) A pull with the script now doesnt have the certification section
[03:16:57] _charly_ (_charly_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:17:11] Pluribus: Here is the command I used: /opt/mythtv/share/mythtv/metadata/Movie/ -l en -D 879
[03:18:07] Pluribus: Running trunk r26241 if that matters.
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[03:20:03] iamlindoro: Pluribus, Doesn't have anything to do with us, you should report it at TMDB
[03:20:14] iamlindoro: Since they're the ones not returning the certifications
[03:20:24] _charly_ (_charly_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:20:53] wagnerrp: bleh... stupid schema checks
[03:21:04] wagnerrp: i wish the python bindings would simply ignore that garbage
[03:21:13] Pluribus: Fair enough. Wanted to confirm that nothing related was up in the air.
[03:21:24] iamlindoro: Nope
[03:21:28] wagnerrp: yeah, nothing on our end
[03:21:30] iamlindoro: . . . 80562c62/879
[03:21:33] wagnerrp: and i just confirmed it
[03:21:36] iamlindoro: it's not in their return
[03:21:48] iamlindoro: <certification></certification>
[03:22:42] Josh`: Now my number buttons arent working in the LiveTV EPG.
[03:23:50] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:24:12] Josh`: Looks like the number keybindings are changing the time rather than jumping. Guess I forgot to check that in the frontend setup...
[03:24:15] Pluribus: Ah, even better... I have been trying to get all my videos properly rated since it isnt possible to filter by certification, or auto hide them (Annoying that they default to lowest parental control, but /me shrugs)
[03:26:33] Gibby (Gibby!~gibby@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:31:12] leprechau (leprechau!~leprechau@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:32:04] wagnerrp: mmm... 7GB wasted on an upscaled 480i recording
[03:33:29] wagnerrp: why does my cableco give the one local station with no real content of their own the most bandwidth?
[03:34:32] Pluribus: Even better... looks like the fix will be deplyed first thing monday for the certifications.
[03:35:56] Pluribus: (if anyone else notices and cares :-) )
[03:39:18] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
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[03:40:14] Beirdo: wagnerrp: because they like being incompetent
[03:41:38] wagnerrp: here we go again with the build errors
[03:41:54] wagnerrp: RingBuffer.cpp:1920: error: call of overloaded 'abs(long long int)' is ambiguous
[03:43:11] hadees (hadees! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:43:29] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:45:06] Beirdo: hehe
[03:45:29] Beirdo: oh that reminds me... my freebsd virtualbox is still up.
[03:45:39] Beirdo: it finished compiling Qt
[03:45:40] Beirdo: heh
[03:46:16] Beirdo: it took a week because I'd keep forgetting to check if it was waiting on me for the config steps
[03:46:31] wagnerrp: yeah, that is a nuisance
[03:47:04] wagnerrp: some of the port manager handle that more gracefully
[03:47:06] Beirdo: I like trying things the hard way (for whatever reason)
[03:47:31] Beirdo: do we still need qt4-qt3support?
[03:47:43] wagnerrp: i believe so for some of the plugins
[03:47:54] Beirdo: K, thought so
[03:48:07] wagnerrp: i know we did for 0.23
[03:48:29] Beirdo: I don't recall it being removed since
[03:51:41] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:58:44] wagnerrp: i need a faster backend...
[04:02:03] paul-h_ (paul-h_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:13:18] wagnerrp: look out, its kormoc's evil twin
[04:13:23] wagnerrp: hes got a third eyebrow
[04:19:59] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
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[04:26:01] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:26:24] [R]: i think i broke my WOL :(
[04:26:56] Beirdo: wagnerrp: ummm, I tell it to make install qt4... and it starts building Firebird2?
[04:27:30] Beirdo: it had already finished with qt4, I thought
[04:28:00] Beirdo: WTH is Firebird anyways? :)
[04:28:17] wagnerrp: some kind of database
[04:28:25] wagnerrp: (i had the same question and looked it up)
[04:28:50] Beirdo: oh
[04:29:07] Beirdo: and as I wanted to install, I was make install as root
[04:29:26] [R]: whats the tentative release date for 24?
[04:29:28] Beirdo: and it won't *compile* that turd with me as root, it seems
[04:29:43] wagnerrp: yeah, its a PITA
[04:30:00] Beirdo: I am gonna comment it out
[04:30:28] Beirdo: [R]: see Chris Pinkham's post in the -dev mailing list on Sep 6
[04:30:43] [R]: ah, i knew i saw it in email at one point
[04:30:43] [R]: thanks
[04:31:24] Baylink: Re MythArchive: really? There are that few archivers that no one's maintained it?
[04:31:36] Beirdo: seems that way
[04:31:42] Baylink: Crap.
[04:31:43] Beirdo: you wanna maintain the thing?
[04:32:00] wagnerrp: Baylink: why burn stuff to dvds when you have a several TB array of recordings in your basement?
[04:32:03] Baylink: I may have to, or my sister will kill me. Alas, I don't know internals well enough: I'd need help.
[04:32:07] deathadder (deathadder! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:32:25] Baylink: The 2.5TB is inside the box, on my sister's dresser. And she's regularly at 10–20GB free.
[04:32:33] Beirdo: heh
[04:32:40] wagnerrp: we all need help, or we wouldnt be here
[04:32:45] Baylink: Besides, the non-DVD-V part will help me populate *my* box.
[04:32:59] wagnerrp: 2k recordings in 2.5TB? all IVTV stuff?
[04:33:14] Beirdo: wagnerrp: this think can't get MySQL-5.0.86
[04:33:27] Beirdo: any way of updating the ports? I forget :)
[04:33:49] wagnerrp: install cvsup from ports
[04:33:52] Beirdo: basic FreeBSD n00b question, I realize
[04:34:01] wagnerrp: or just download and untar a new archive
[04:35:23] Beirdo: finally.. it's getting it from
[04:35:24] Beirdo: heh
[04:35:36] Baylink: Yeah, and much at DVD-res for cleaner faster burning.
[04:36:01] wagnerrp: Baylink: with the price of hard drives, i think it would be better worth your time to just buy another
[04:36:01] Baylink: So, whom did I want to bug about it? Maybe I can get a braindump.
[04:36:10] Baylink: Parkinson's law, wagnerrp.
[04:36:26] Caliban (Caliban! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:36:28] Beirdo: n ot sure anymore who even wrote that
[04:36:51] Gibby (Gibby!~gibby@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:36:52] wagnerrp: sure, but at 6mbps, that will take a while to fill a 2TB drive
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[04:37:41] Beirdo: Baylink: one sec
[04:38:08] wagnerrp: anyway... whats the problem with mytharchive currently?
[04:38:27] Beirdo: looks like it might be paulh's baby
[04:38:35] wagnerrp: yeah, said that several hours ago
[04:38:40] wagnerrp: but even he hasnt touched it in years
[04:38:57] wagnerrp: and in a few months, its going to be completely broken
[04:39:07] Beirdo: yeah, and will need some love
[04:39:14] wagnerrp: external dependency mismatch
[04:39:40] Beirdo: oh?
[04:39:58] wagnerrp: i dont know how long python2.7 will take to become the default in distros
[04:40:05] Beirdo: hehe
[04:40:10] wagnerrp: but the mysql library we use doesnt work on 2.7
[04:40:18] Beirdo: pretty
[04:40:30] wagnerrp: and the alternative library doesnt exist in package repositories
[04:40:33] Beirdo: maybe then that can wait until the db gets embedded
[04:40:58] wagnerrp:
[04:41:43] wagnerrp: the interface with each is a bit different
[04:41:49] wagnerrp: so i need to make a bit of a translation layer
[04:41:51] Beirdo: well, if the db is embedded...
[04:42:12] wagnerrp: but beyond that, there are some missing features in oursql that i rely on
[04:42:12] Beirdo: your ticket to yourself becomes "wontfix" :)
[04:42:18] wagnerrp: and i dont see any way to work around them
[04:42:40] Beirdo: sucky
[04:42:42] wagnerrp: namely, it does not handle the lastrowid when doing inserts to tables with auto_increment fields
[04:42:53] Beirdo: WHAT?
[04:42:58] Beirdo: what a piece of crap
[04:43:18] Beirdo: let's hope they fix that deficiency
[04:43:32] wagnerrp: to be fair, it /should/ handle them, but the mysql libraries are silently not returning the proper data
[04:43:35] wagnerrp: so they never noticed
[04:43:45] wagnerrp: i brought it up a couple weeks ago
[04:44:09] Beirdo: how lovely
[04:44:21] Beirdo: I guess you'll just have to switch to perl.
[04:44:22] Beirdo: heh
[04:44:45] wagnerrp: the alternative... i found a 'pure python' mysql library
[04:44:50] Baylink: Well, I'm unemployed; I'll need *something* to do in between the Craigslist lookups.  :-)
[04:44:58] wagnerrp: dont actually know how it works... i think it hits the mysql sockets directly
[04:45:03] Baylink: Anyone I can ask stupid questions of?
[04:45:30] Beirdo: I'm no python wrangler :)
[04:45:31] Baylink: Personally, I'd like to see it be a Job that picks off Playlist entries from the main UI.
[04:45:52] wagnerrp: what do you mean?
[04:45:56] Baylink: I can learn the *language*; been looking for a practical excuse. It's the Myth internals that will kill me.
[04:46:12] Baylink: We already *have* a UI that lets you pick saved recordings.
[04:46:32] Baylink: I would just need a way to grab the playlist entries and route them out to the builder/burner job.
[04:46:33] Beirdo: #8920... how is that "major"?
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[04:46:45] Baylink: Unless your query wasn't to me, wagnerrp
[04:47:11] wagnerrp: what do you mean by 'Job'?
[04:47:17] wagnerrp: Beirdo: because anon says so
[04:47:33] Beirdo: heh.
[04:47:39] Baylink: Well, until I find out it's impractical, I mean a MythTV Job.
[04:48:02] wagnerrp: oh, not jobqueue job
[04:48:30] Baylink: Probably one that just calls an external script, of course, but load-scheduleability seems good. No, I think I do mean a jobqueue job. Not the entire build/burn, of course, no.
[04:48:42] Baylink: But the trigger and recordingID handoff.
[04:49:00] Beirdo: jobqueue to make the ISO...
[04:49:10] wagnerrp: ive got it on my plate to rewrite the jobqueue
[04:49:32] wagnerrp: right now, it only supports transcodes, commdetection, and four user jobs
[04:49:33] Baylink: Ok... I don't know *what's* practical yet, of course, since I have no knowledge of FE internals.
[04:49:50] wagnerrp: and its basically whatever backends you have running in a free-for-all
[04:49:50] Baylink: Can a User Job get access to the recording IDs of what's in the playlist presently?
[04:50:16] wagnerrp: my plan is to add a couple database tables to define the jobs, so you can have an arbitrary number
[04:50:19] Beirdo: wagnerrp: you can disable backends for jobqueue use, IIRC
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[04:50:31] wagnerrp: and actually have a job manager, which dispatches jobs to specific jobqueues
[04:50:39] Beirdo: nice
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[04:50:57] wagnerrp: Beirdo: i mean when each jobqueue comes available, it scans the available jobs in the table, picks the first, and runs it
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[04:51:01] Beirdo: and be able to delete from PBB even when it's being worked on in the jobqueue
[04:51:03] cafuego_ (cafuego_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:51:05] Beirdo: please
[04:51:10] wagnerrp: its first-come-first-serve basically
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[04:51:34] wagnerrp: Beirdo: part of what the job manager will do is suspend and terminate local and remote jobs
[04:51:38] Baylink: Cause if a userjob can't get that, I'll have to redo the entire selection UI
[04:52:21] wagnerrp: so if you want to delete something, you would just tell the jobqueue to terminate anything running against that chanid/starttime
[04:52:46] Beirdo: wagnerrp: nice
[04:52:51] wagnerrp: as it stands, you have methods to terminate jobs
[04:53:04] wagnerrp: but that entails putting 'STOP' in a certain field in the database
[04:53:08] Beirdo: yeah, that are clumsy to get to at imes :)
[04:53:12] Beirdo: times rather
[04:53:16] wagnerrp: and hoping whatever job you have running checks that
[04:53:20] Beirdo: yeah
[04:53:41] Beirdo: rather than telling the backend to terminate the child process :)
[04:54:03] Baylink: See: this is the reason I'd like to be able to do it as a userjob, if there's a way to port the selection information out to the task.
[04:54:08] Beirdo: it could use a rework.  :)
[04:54:30] Baylink: So much better to leverage all the control-plane work.
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[04:56:32] Baylink: Anyway; sleep calls. more later.
[04:56:56] Baylink (Baylink!~jra@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:57:49] Beirdo: wagnerrp: [26243]....
[04:57:58] Beirdo: your change is good for Linux too
[04:58:03] Beirdo: abs() is for int
[04:58:08] Beirdo: not long long
[04:58:28] Beirdo: llabs(): _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600 || _ISOC99_SOURCE; or cc -std=c99
[04:58:43] wagnerrp: so everything should be using llabs instead of abs?
[04:59:13] Beirdo: as long as it will compile right... or that difference fits in 32bits at all times, yes
[04:59:33] hadees (hadees! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:59:57] Beirdo: subtracting two 64-bit numbers and using a 32-bit abs... is asking for trouble eventually
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[05:00:40] Beirdo: we'll need to test that it will compile under linux of course ;)
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[05:10:37] Beirdo: iiiinteresting
[05:10:43] janneg_ (janneg_! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:10:59] Beirdo: a screenshot during playback... 1918x1078
[05:11:17] Beirdo: it's skipping 1 pixel on each side
[05:11:24] Beirdo: odd
[05:11:42] wagnerrp: thats over the frontend web server?
[05:11:46] Beirdo: yup
[05:11:53] Beirdo: at the menus, it's full screen
[05:12:09] [R]: blah ,i have a script to compile myth... but it got an error at the end, so now i have to rerun it :(
[05:12:11] Beirdo: 2010-09–11 22:12:02.766 MythMainWindow::screenShot saving winId 346 to //tmp//myth-screenshot-XML.jpg (0 x 0) [ 1/1 – 1918/1078] type JPEG
[05:12:25] Beirdo: how odd
[05:12:47] Beirdo: I don't think I care enough to bother to see why at the exact second
[05:13:05] wagnerrp: i think i just broke something
[05:13:53] Josh`: This is kind of embarassing. I need to enable Sticky Keys in my frontend, but it is not listed as an option where the instructions say it should be (in frontend settings under TV Settings|Playback). Is there some reason it may be missing?
[05:14:24] Beirdo: wagnerrp: it's getting that from active screen geometry, it seems
[05:14:48] wagnerrp: no, the browser is just sitting there
[05:14:48] Beirdo: sorry, active main window geometry
[05:14:53] wagnerrp: its not getting a screenshot
[05:14:59] wagnerrp: the frontend is still fully functional
[05:15:19] Beirdo: when did you compile that frontend?
[05:15:30] Beirdo: and what do the logs say?
[05:15:30] wagnerrp: last week?
[05:15:34] Beirdo: oh
[05:15:34] wagnerrp: been a while
[05:15:38] Beirdo: I fixed that today
[05:15:39] Beirdo: hehe
[05:15:42] wagnerrp: ah
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[05:32:10] Beirdo: jeez
[05:32:16] Beirdo: 71 open bugs now!
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[05:32:37] Beirdo: 313 total
[05:32:48] Beirdo: so I guess still going down a bit
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[06:37:37] Gibby: anyone here of lifeshield formely ingrid?
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[06:43:10] Gibby: heard of i meant
[06:51:33] KraMer (KraMer! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[06:53:31] wagnerrp: WTF is wrong with Moloth on the wiki? . . . Installation
[06:53:40] wagnerrp: its instructions on getting a tuner working
[06:54:09] wagnerrp: and it includes installing his wireless network card, as well as setting up mythvideo, mythweather, and mythmovies
[06:54:18] ram_64892 (ram_64892!1817c40e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[06:54:53] wagnerrp: even the xmltv setup doesnt really have any purpose being there
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[07:06:40] Beirdo: yay.
[07:06:59] Beirdo: mythweb now has screenshots in the /remote :)
[07:07:05] Beirdo: and it works for me
[07:07:27] Beirdo: but xris is reporting black screens for him during playback
[07:07:53] wagnerrp: thats dirty
[07:07:56] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:08:07] wagnerrp: bringing features to my attention after the freeze has gone into effect
[07:08:13] wagnerrp: and i cant put them into the bindings
[07:08:48] Beirdo: talk it over with the steering committee
[07:09:03] wagnerrp: :)
[07:09:15] Beirdo: I'd posit that as it's due to a bug fix, it could almost be considered part of the bug fix I did
[07:09:39] Beirdo: can't hurt to ask them
[07:10:04] wagnerrp: nah
[07:10:21] Beirdo: up to you, man :)
[07:10:30] wagnerrp: might be something to backport later if someone asks for it
[07:10:40] wagnerrp: but im not going to worry about it
[07:10:50] Beirdo: fair enough
[07:11:10] ** wagnerrp goes back to pillaging the wiki **
[07:12:05] Beirdo: heh
[07:12:26] Beirdo: I think there's a very good chance #4883 is no longer valid
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[07:32:41] ram_64892: hey guys
[07:32:47] ram_64892: looks like lots of people here
[07:33:24] wagnerrp: no, just a bunch of lurkers and sleepers
[07:33:31] ram_64892: :)
[07:33:40] ram_64892: well, my first time here
[07:33:53] ram_64892: just jumped in on the myth bandwagon
[07:34:17] Beirdo: wagnerrp: libmp3lame... where might I find the port? it's not in audio that I see
[07:35:23] wagnerrp: audio/lame ?
[07:35:31] Beirdo: I installed that
[07:35:35] wagnerrp: thats the one
[07:35:49] wagnerrp: oh, right...
[07:36:10] ram_64892: I have a question... wondering if anyone here can help. I'm constantly seeing audio about 300msec ahead of video in liveTv and recordings. But if I play the .nuv files directly in VLC, there is no issue. Anyone know how i can fix that?
[07:36:15] wagnerrp: something funky with the includes
[07:36:18] wagnerrp: never did figure it out
[07:36:24] Beirdo: heh
[07:36:28] Beirdo: ... :)
[07:36:29] ram_64892: I know I can set the audio sync during live tv or playback
[07:36:33] wagnerrp: i just end up using './configure --prefix=/usr/local --extra-cflags=-I/usr/local/include --extra-ldflags=-L/usr/local/lib' as a workaround
[07:36:39] wagnerrp: VLC can play nuvs?
[07:36:40] ram_64892: but I keep having to do that everytim ei change channel
[07:36:59] ram_64892: wagnerrp – yeah I think so... at least I managed to anyway
[07:37:02] Beirdo: ahhh
[07:37:38] wagnerrp: ram_64892: if you play the recording with 'mythavtest <path/to/file.nuv>', do you have a delay or not?
[07:39:13] wagnerrp: during livetv, do you have to distinct sets of audio playing? one lagging behind the other?
[07:39:30] ram_64892: no
[07:39:36] ram_64892: I already muted my line-in
[07:40:31] wagnerrp: are you using pulseaudio?
[07:41:46] wagnerrp: mythtv and pulseaudio dont play together nicely
[07:42:00] wagnerrp: and it's been known to cause A/V sync issues
[07:42:17] ram_64892: I don't think I'm using pulseaudio
[07:42:30] ram_64892: I've seen it being mentioned in other places
[07:42:35] ram_64892: but I don't even know what it is
[07:42:39] ram_64892: so I assume I must not be using it
[07:42:51] ram_64892: I just tried mythavtest
[07:42:56] ram_64892: and I see the lag with that too
[07:43:28] wagnerrp: dont really know how to help you further
[07:43:34] wagnerrp: i have no experience with framegrabbers in mythtv
[07:44:14] ram_64892: that's ok thanks for trying :)
[07:44:50] ram_64892: I tried looking at some forums/mailing list archives... looks like there are others seeing this problem too, but I never saw a solution
[07:45:20] wagnerrp: the solution is to buy a 'proper' card
[07:45:39] Beirdo: OK, that did it.
[07:45:53] wagnerrp: specifically, an mpeg encoder, rather than a framegrabber
[07:46:04] Beirdo: now I just need the perl and python binding prereqs
[07:46:30] wagnerrp: want my package list?
[07:46:37] Beirdo: sure :)
[07:46:42] ram_64892: ok thanks wagnerrp
[07:46:54] Beirdo: I'll probably find em all, but easier is better :)
[07:48:09] wagnerrp: ram_64892: basically, a framegrabber requires mythtv to capture the raw frames, compress them, capture the raw audio, compress it, and multiplex it
[07:48:20] wagnerrp: it takes a lot of power, and there are a lot of steps to go wrong
[07:48:20] Beirdo: ===> py26-lxml-2.2.2 does not work with libxslt-1.1.25.
[07:48:26] Beirdo: oh... eat... me...
[07:48:28] Beirdo: heh
[07:48:30] wagnerrp: mpeg encoders sidestep the whole thing
[07:48:35] wagnerrp:
[07:48:38] dmb (dmb!~dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[07:49:33] ram_64892: Right... I just have one of those cheap RCA to USB converters
[07:49:47] wagnerrp: i never did find a perl Net::UPnP package
[07:49:55] wagnerrp: so right now, im just running with the perl bindings disabled
[07:50:06] ram_64892: but what I don't understand is... it looks like the NUV file itself is ok... because if I download it off my mythweb and play it on VLC, there's no lag
[07:50:06] Beirdo: you could CPAN it\
[07:50:09] wagnerrp: to be honest, those checks should probably be disabled in configure
[07:50:15] wagnerrp: since theyre runtime optional
[07:50:22] ram_64892: so I just assumed it was a problem with just the playback, not the actual recording
[07:50:29] Beirdo: agreed
[07:50:45] wagnerrp: ram_64892: there very well could be, none of the devs still use framegrabbers, so they dont get tested often
[07:51:15] trumee is now known as zzztrumee
[07:51:16] wagnerrp: a lot of us support the option to drop them entirely
[07:51:32] ram_64892: by framegrabber, I assume you mean the capture device right?
[07:51:40] Beirdo: I could install one
[07:51:44] wagnerrp: that specific type of capture device
[07:51:48] ram_64892: right
[07:51:50] Beirdo: but I don't feel like it, they are such a pain
[07:51:59] ram_64892: but it looks like the capture is actually fine
[07:52:30] ram_64892: it's only the playback that has a problem... and I didn't think the playback had anything to do with the capture device
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[07:52:43] wagnerrp: it doesnt
[07:52:54] cromag (cromag!cromag@irssi/user/cromag) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:53:00] wagnerrp: but there could be some regression somewhere with nuv playback
[07:53:10] wagnerrp: ive still got money on it being a pulseaudio issue
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[07:54:17] ram_64892: From what I read about it on wikipedia, pulseaudio is distributed with many distros
[07:54:22] ram_64892: but I downloaded mythbuntu
[07:54:28] ram_64892: 10.04
[07:54:41] wagnerrp: Beirdo: and you need to set 'COMPILER_PATH' to '/usr/local/lib' before you compile ffmpeg
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[07:54:56] Beirdo: good to know
[07:54:56] wagnerrp: and install yasm and binutils
[07:55:11] Beirdo: there's no equivalent?
[07:56:23] Beirdo: DVB support no [/usr/src/linux-8.0-RELEASE/include]
[07:56:25] Beirdo: snicker
[07:56:57] ram_64892: wagnerrp
[07:57:06] ram_64892: how would i check if I have pulseaudio running?
[07:57:13] wagnerrp: Beirdo: you set those with ldconfig
[07:57:16] ram_64892: is it as simple as checking ps for pulseaudio?
[07:57:24] wagnerrp: dont know offhand
[07:57:28] wagnerrp: ive never installed it
[07:57:44] wagnerrp: i dont believe it is installed in mythbuntu
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[07:58:50] wagnerrp:
[07:59:01] wagnerrp: COMPILER_PATH gets set to /usr/local/bin, not lib
[07:59:18] wagnerrp: thats where the asm tools get installed to
[07:59:26] Beirdo: ahhh
[07:59:28] wagnerrp: so thats where gcc needs to be pointed to to find them
[08:00:02] wagnerrp: and for mythtv, you have to use 'gmake' instead of 'make'
[08:00:07] Beirdo: because... of course... it can't use a system path, as that would be silly
[08:00:09] wagnerrp: so make sure thats installed as well
[08:00:15] Beirdo: ah, yes
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[08:39:33] [R]: wagnerrp: you there?
[08:40:08] ram_64892: wagnerrp, to continue the conversation from earlier... do you happen to know how to use something other than the internal player for livetv and recordings?
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[08:41:07] Beirdo: that is highly unrecommended
[08:41:20] Beirdo: and unsupported (last I heard)
[08:41:25] ram_64892: ok
[08:41:40] ram_64892: it seems like all other players don't have a problem with audio sync
[08:41:44] ram_64892: but the internal player does
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[08:42:07] Beirdo: you setup the mixer stuff?
[08:42:17] ram_64892: not really
[08:42:34] ram_64892: I did mute the line in
[08:42:38] ram_64892: if that's what you're asking
[08:42:45] Beirdo: k
[08:42:50] ram_64892: but other than that, is there naything else that needs to be done with the mixer?
[08:43:10] Beirdo: mute the input, set it as a capture
[08:43:38] Beirdo: I think that's it (all I remember from using a framegrabber like 5 years ago)
[08:43:48] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!~MaverickT@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[08:43:54] ram_64892: yeah, I've done both
[08:44:31] ram_64892: and if I play back the recordings with VLC, it looks good... but if I play back recordings within myth frontend, audio is about 300ms ahead
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[14:46:52] smithna: Hi, with the latest svn — I lost the init script that started mythbackend. Anyone know where it went?
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[14:47:25] smithna: NM
[14:47:30] smithna: found it.
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[14:58:39] darkdrgnk: morning all
[14:59:51] darkdrgnk: any one know if 169time mod is supported with myth?
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[15:01:40] wagnerrp: looks like its firewire
[15:02:04] wagnerrp: if those use the standard firewire video streaming protocols, mythtv should be able to use them
[15:03:19] darkdrgnk: wagnerrp: hmm doing some reaserch on it... back in 2005 they were saying its not compatible
[15:03:20] wagnerrp: however as with the r5000, such modifications to leased hardware, as well as access to encrypted networks using modified hardware, almost certainly violate your terms of service
[15:03:44] darkdrgnk: hmm... dam..
[15:03:52] wagnerrp: so we will make no effort to add support for such tools if they do not work as-is
[15:04:29] darkdrgnk: wagnerrp: *sigh* why do these dam tv companties make it so hard to use their FULLY PAID FOR service!
[15:04:49] darkdrgnk: instead provide sub-standard hardware and force you to use it only!
[15:05:15] wagnerrp: because they can
[15:05:34] wagnerrp: you keep the bar low, and you legislate barriers to entry for new players
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[15:05:53] wagnerrp: makes it cheaper to 'innovate'
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[15:06:46] darkdrgnk: hmmm how nice for them.. while the end user gets screwed
[15:07:00] darkdrgnk: i cant even get the dam blaster to work properly with their unit:(
[15:09:21] darkdrgnk: on top of it blaster method really sux for channel surrfing :-P
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[15:10:02] wagnerrp: mr_claus: yes...
[15:10:04] mr_claus: hi, can i store video files on mythbackend and stream them with mythfrontend to my tv?
[15:10:24] mr_claus: wagnerrp: you're to fast for me :) ty
[15:10:28] darkdrgnk: WOW pre-caugnition LOL talk about lag...
[15:10:35] darkdrgnk: i got the answer before teh question on that one
[15:10:48] wagnerrp: he already asked in the dev channel
[15:10:53] darkdrgnk: aaa :-P
[15:11:09] darkdrgnk: here i though u had some crazy powers!
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[15:11:29] mr_claus: it's magic :)
[15:13:03] Baylink: Ha.
[15:13:19] Baylink: Is paul-h floating around this morning?
[15:13:26] darkdrgnk: any one know anythin about these dam BELL (or dishnetwork) remotes and IR blasters?
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[15:27:29] sphery: wagnerrp: shouldn't you at least say, "Library Computer Access/Retrieval System" and maybe mention Star Trek?
[15:27:39] sphery: :)
[15:28:42] wagnerrp: thats just not as fun as defining a word, using the word itself
[15:29:09] sphery: heh, guess that's true, websterrp :)
[15:30:10] wagnerrp: circular definitions ftw!
[15:31:01] sphery: circular definition: (noun) see "circular definition"
[15:31:29] wagnerrp: an attempt to define a word or phrase in a circular manner
[15:32:21] wagnerrp: you know what the amusing thing is?
[15:32:30] wagnerrp: LCARS was designed as a cost cutting measure
[15:32:45] wagnerrp: they didnt have the budget to set up computer panels loaded with backlit buttons
[15:34:09] darkdrgnk: any one know the "remote pvr" option available on bells networks, and is it possible to abuse that remote functionality with mych
[15:34:36] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, funny
[15:36:03] wagnerrp: and back to the wiki cleanse...
[15:36:38] Baylink: Ah; there's wiki-cleansing?
[15:36:52] wagnerrp: yeah, clearing out all the tuner pages
[15:36:56] Baylink: Ah.
[15:37:07] wagnerrp: upon suggestion of one of the linuxtv devs
[15:37:14] Baylink: I'm hoping to make a pass through the User Manual this week and bring it up to .23.1
[15:37:25] Baylink: Are you a tuner guy, wagnerrp?
[15:37:33] wagnerrp: im just setting up a big list of tuner cards, redirecting to the linuxtv wiki
[15:37:38] wagnerrp: no, im the python guy
[15:37:45] Baylink: Aha.
[15:37:58] Baylink: Remember when *languages* didn't rev underneath you?
[15:38:34] Baylink: It irritates me when language and toolset people don't realize that "release early and often" doesn't really work as well in that environment...
[15:40:45] sphery: wagnerrp: So, did you notice that the Java-based BT client Azureus has changed its name to "Vuze" and has an "Integrated hi def[sic] player on your PC and Mac. Simply click play." Its slogan seeems to be, "Find, Download, Play. Mac, PC, Mobile, TV." Yet they still claim to respect others' copyrights.  :)
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[15:41:51] sphery: that said, I haven't used its new incarnation and the built-in Find feature to see whether they're actually trying to keep it above board.
[15:42:29] stuartm: Baylink: I'm getting particularly pissed with the API/behaviour changes of perl modules, it used to be that you could depend on them to be stable
[15:42:44] sphery: I used the old Azureus once to download and one of the Ubuntu LiveCDs, but it was such a pain that I've gone back to http downloads.
[15:44:05] sphery: Baylink: Getting the user manual stuff updated to current MythTV would be wonderful. It's been a while.
[15:44:06] stuartm: sphery: I've never once found BT to be faster, easier or more available than an ftp/http mirror for distro CDs/DVDs
[15:44:53] sphery: stuartm: yeah, I tried it out once hoping to help offload the bandwidth usage, but it was very annoying (especially opening up my firewall and all the ick that's BT)
[15:44:56] stuartm: quite the opposite, BT was slower than a tortoise in treacle
[15:46:38] sphery: stuartm: Yeah, to demonstrate, iamlindoro bought Starcraft II--by Blizzard, the highly-successful World of Warcraft vendor that rakes in a fortune in subscriptions. They chose to distribute the downloadable version using BT. He said it took >5hrs to download about 2GB.
[15:48:02] sphery: ah, wait, 5hrs, 5GB
[15:48:22] wagnerrp: sphery: yeah, Vuze went 'legitimate' years ago
[15:49:16] wagnerrp: Baylink: its really less of an issue that old bits are depreciated
[15:49:24] sphery: and in the end, he didn't have the DVD, case, manual, warranty card, box--and it took him longer than it would have taken to drive to Fry's and back
[15:49:34] wagnerrp: and more that new features get added that i cant use because im stuck supporting old versions
[15:50:11] wagnerrp: RHEL, CentOS and the like all run 2.5
[15:50:19] wagnerrp: theres a lot of stuff i want to use in 2.6
[15:50:21] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, I just noticed it--someone mentioned, "Azurus," in an article on the Inq and I knew the name was wrong and couldn't remember what the real name was
[15:50:27] wagnerrp: and again more stuff i want to use in 2.7
[15:50:31] sphery: guess I'm a bit behind the timtes
[15:51:24] wagnerrp: gah!
[15:51:35] wagnerrp: here i am deleting all this crap... and someone adds a new page
[15:53:13] sphery: heh, though that's annoying, it only become bad when someone adds a new page /after/ you finish deleting (since this guy is just following the model of the other pages that sill haven't been taken down)
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[16:03:21] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, excellent description in
[16:04:18] wagnerrp: yes, and blatently false
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[16:09:19] darkdrgnk: so whats new and exciting in trunk?
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[16:12:43] wagnerrp: new theme downloader, new audio subsystem, new OSD library, new video decoder and display libraries, ffmpeg sync, binding updates, the list goes on...
[16:13:20] darkdrgnk: sounds like a worth while update :)
[16:13:32] darkdrgnk: you guys are really cranking these releases out latly LOL
[16:13:36] wagnerrp: this is shaping up to be a fairly big one
[16:13:44] wagnerrp: and 0.25 is expected to have similarly large changes
[16:13:53] darkdrgnk: its make -j 4 for 4 cores right?
[16:14:09] wagnerrp: no, its make -j4 for 4 threads
[16:14:18] wagnerrp: how much memory do you have?
[16:14:27] darkdrgnk: 2g
[16:14:39] wagnerrp: i wouldnt do more than 3
[16:14:50] wagnerrp: with 4, youre probably going to start dipping into swap
[16:16:25] darkdrgnk: hey is there any plans to shorten the delay between recording and livetv?
[16:16:31] darkdrgnk: (the buffer)
[16:16:38] wagnerrp: none at all
[16:17:02] wagnerrp: there is good reason for the buffer
[16:17:23] wagnerrp: reasons that cannot easily be bypassed
[16:17:31] skd5aner: darkdrgnk:
[16:17:53] wagnerrp: read well, that page is skd5aner's baby
[16:18:30] wagnerrp: darkdrgnk: depending on your capture device, it alone may add several seconds of latency before it even passes the video to mythtv
[16:18:48] skd5aner: heh, just an unofficial librarian ;)
[16:19:08] sphery: especially can not be bypassed since we have to support 20-year old computers for our users
[16:19:09] darkdrgnk: wagnerrp: im aware.. my source is also a pvr which adds a second onto it.. so at the end changing channel is like a few seconds delay
[16:19:55] sphery: darkdrgnk: when was the last time you tried a cable company set-top box? My channel changes with my DISH network setup using PVR-x50 was actually faster than my DISH receiver
[16:20:12] wagnerrp: sphery: how much of that delay is to ensure that the information is available on the file system for those using shared NFS mounts?
[16:20:37] sphery: I would get garbage from before the channel change in the recording/Live TV , so I finally added a delay at the end of my channel change script so it didn't do that
[16:20:57] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, that's another one
[16:21:09] darkdrgnk: sphery: sorry.. how do you chance channels? blaster?
[16:21:35] wagnerrp: is it dish or direct that allows USB on some of their boxes?
[16:21:38] sphery: tons of things that make it our current setup very appropriate--based on years of tuning
[16:22:15] sphery: I used an IR transmitter. (Only option on the receivers I had.)
[16:22:18] darkdrgnk: wagnerrp: its not dish..
[16:22:21] colbey00 (colbey00! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:22:25] sphery: I'm no longer using Dish, though. I have only OTA, now
[16:22:25] darkdrgnk: sphery: so how is myth faster then the settop box?
[16:22:45] wagnerrp: darkdrgnk: there is no loss of video coming from the -150
[16:22:48] darkdrgnk: cant do OTA.. my apartment is a faraday cage :( cant get a single channel though
[16:23:08] wagnerrp: so myth would change channels, set itself up, and start streaming before the dish receiver was actually ready
[16:23:14] colbey00: Hey, all. Can anyone help me with a frontend crash?
[16:23:26] darkdrgnk: wagnerrp: aa i see what you mean..
[16:23:29] sphery: darkdrgnk: I sent the channel change request, then the STB started changing the channels while MythTV started the recording. MythtV finished first.
[16:23:42] sphery: yeah
[16:23:42] wagnerrp: colbey00: explain what happened
[16:24:07] colbey00: wagnerrp: I'm trying to record all shows that match a search, using Search Words : Advanced
[16:24:13] darkdrgnk: sphery: i love it when the box get stuck on an I nteractiv channel
[16:24:34] colbey00: the search works right, but when I select the search and choose "record", the frontend immediately exits.
[16:25:12] sphery: darkdrgnk: heh, yeah, I had some where it went to a channel that I didn't get and rather than just accept a channel change request, you had to send OK to the stupid dialog telling you to call and pay DISH more money for the channel and /then/ send a new channel request
[16:25:30] sphery: I think that ruined about 5 of my recordings one week while I was traveling
[16:25:31] rraasch (rraasch! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[16:26:20] darkdrgnk: i wish there was a way to abuse the remote PVR option (using to control the pvr...
[16:26:44] sphery: so this would be basically a channel-change script?
[16:26:47] sphery: if so, it could be done
[16:27:02] sphery: I thought "remote PVR" meant some sort of video distribution thing
[16:27:14] darkdrgnk: remote pvr allows you to setup recordings on your pvr
[16:27:28] darkdrgnk: but it can also just TUNE to a channel at a specific time..
[16:27:34] darkdrgnk: i think
[16:27:47] sphery: yeah, you could script that
[16:27:52] darkdrgnk: remote PVR usses a Network connection to connect to wish there was a way to hijack the stream
[16:28:03] sphery: (and then upload it to )
[16:28:57] colbey00: wagnerrp (or anyone else), any ideas? Is recording from Search Words : Advanced not supported, or something?
[16:30:36] wagnerrp: i recall something about power searches in the UI being broken, but i didnt think that existed in any release version
[16:31:25] colbey00: I'm running the latest mythbuntu, unless it's updated itself to something slightly newer at some point.
[16:32:22] darkdrgnk: colbey00: slighly newer then the latest mythbuntu?
[16:33:04] colbey00: I mean, I don't follow the schedule well, and I'm not particularly experienced with Linux. I know Ubuntu (like Windows) searches for and installs updates.
[16:33:13] Baylink: QUERY: Anyone know if "playlists randomly dump out early" is a known bug in 23.1?
[16:33:26] colbey00: So maybe it's updated me from what was on the 10.04 disc. Otherwise, I'm running stock mythbuntu 10.04.
[16:33:56] sphery: Baylink: MythVideo, MythMusic, or MythTV?
[16:33:58] ram_64892 (ram_64892!1817c40e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
[16:34:07] Baylink: MythTV; sorry.
[16:34:36] Baylink: I initially thought it might be "Myth has to search for clips in the storage group, cause it doesn't have their location cached the first time", but we ruled that out.
[16:34:37] wagnerrp: sphery: mythvideo doesnt have playlists
[16:35:10] sphery: colbey00: I don't know Ubuntu, but I'm under the impression you have to enable auto-builds or you're using the (known, broken) pre-0.23-release version that shipped with 10.04
[16:35:32] sphery: colbey00: and enable the 0.23 or 0.23.1 build (not trunk/development/unstable)
[16:35:48] colbey00: sphery: Ah. OK. I'll give that a shot.
[16:35:51] sphery: it may fix your search words issues
[16:36:04] sphery: Baylink:
[16:36:50] Baylink: That looks like it, Sphery; thanks. I'll pile on that bug, too.
[16:37:27] sphery: wagnerrp: right, but I've heard the childid thing called a playlist before, so I just wanted to make sure I was on the right page
[16:39:23] darkdrgnk: "Remove MTD (myth transcoding daemon) and therefore the ability to directly rip DVDs ([25874], [25876])
[16:39:24] darkdrgnk: Move all scanning, metadata, and DB manipulation out of MythVideo and into core MythTV "
[16:39:25] darkdrgnk: y?
[16:39:46] wagnerrp: it wasnt working
[16:39:51] darkdrgnk: aaaa
[16:39:56] darkdrgnk: good reason i guess
[16:40:24] wagnerrp: mtd wasnt working, and should be rewritten to take advantage of the jobqueue instead of running a separate mtd
[16:40:34] wagnerrp: no one wanted to make it do so in time for 0.24
[16:40:51] wagnerrp: so it was taken out, possibly to return in 0.25 or 0.26
[16:41:13] wagnerrp: as for the metadata stuff, its a prelude to allowing recordings to access all those utilities and move mythvideo internal to core myth
[16:41:37] darkdrgnk: cool..
[16:42:06] darkdrgnk: just wish the bitmat subtitle support for mkvs would be improveed
[16:42:27] darkdrgnk: y
[16:43:08] wagnerrp: mythtv supports bitmapped subs just fine embedded in mkvs
[16:43:10] sphery: wasn't it?
[16:46:36] darkdrgnk: sphery: latly they been sinking below the video
[16:46:44] darkdrgnk: in the black bars.. and not being rendereed
[16:47:14] darkdrgnk: (horizontal black bars)
[16:47:24] wagnerrp: darkdrgnk: have you tried with opengl?
[16:47:32] darkdrgnk: i am using opengl afaik
[16:47:45] darkdrgnk: .. i should check in case it switched to open
[16:47:52] darkdrgnk: uhh qt
[16:48:05] sphery: that's the theme painter
[16:48:08] sphery: not the video renderer
[16:48:16] darkdrgnk: wheres the video rendere sttings
[16:48:21] sphery: video renderer is one of Xv, OpenGL, VDPAU or ...
[16:48:26] sphery: playback profiles
[16:48:46] darkdrgnk: let me check
[16:48:50] sphery: wagnerrp: with my system, captions are "sparkly" on OpenGL renderer
[16:49:00] sphery: could be my ancient GF7200, though
[16:49:19] kormoc`: sphery, VAMPIRE CAPTIONS!?!?!?
[16:49:26] sphery: they flicker, jump, and go in-and-out of transparent
[16:49:42] sphery: kormoc`: heh, maybe I can get Buffy to stop by
[16:50:04] sphery: though Freddie may not like that
[16:50:17] kormoc`: . . . t_blade1.jpg
[16:50:33] sphery: heh
[16:50:57] sphery: haven't seen Twilight, but all the talk about it makes that funny enough
[16:51:36] colbey00: sphery: Thanks for the help. I'm auto-building 0.23.1 now. but I'm still getting that crash. Any other ideas?
[16:51:41] kormoc`: Ooh, so RE: Afterlife was pretty bad. It was like fan-fic made into a movie
[16:51:59] wagnerrp: anyone else see something wrong with this file? . . . I#lircd.conf
[16:52:07] kormoc`: and they're gonna try to make another one
[16:52:10] sphery: colbey00: so it's a crash when you try to create a power search using search words?
[16:52:46] colbey00: When I try to record the search. Creating the search works fine.
[16:53:06] wagnerrp: anyone?
[16:53:10] sphery: colbey00: any chance you can get a backtrace?
[16:53:35] sphery: wagnerrp: complete and total disregard for beautification?
[16:53:43] kormoc`: wagnerrp, no?
[16:54:02] wagnerrp: # this config file was automatically generated
[16:54:02] wagnerrp: # using lirc-0.8.0(devinput) on Thu Mar 23 12:09:41 2023
[16:54:11] kormoc`: ha
[16:54:15] kormoc` is now known as kormoc
[16:54:17] sphery: heh
[16:54:25] kormoc (kormoc! has quit (Changing host)
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[16:54:29] colbey00: sphery: Sure. Give me a couple minutes.
[16:54:38] sphery: colbey00: that's optimistic ;)
[16:54:55] colbey00: ha
[16:55:07] sphery: colbey00: note, though, that Ubuntu does have packages, so you should use them--don't recompile from source
[16:55:13] sphery: (they have debug packages, that is)
[16:55:14] Gibby (Gibby!~gibby@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:55:42] colbey00: yeah, I'm installing mythtv-dbg and mythplugins-dbg from apt now
[16:57:32] AriX_ (AriX_! has quit (Quit: Leaving...)
[17:07:55] colbey00: sphery: filed as bug 636499.
[17:08:04] colbey00: I guess that was a "couple" minutes.
[17:08:36] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:09:26] colbey00: Should I wait for a comment to the report, or is this something you were planning to look at? (If so, thanks!)
[17:18:28] Gibby (Gibby!~gibby@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:21:23] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[17:23:36] Baylink: wagnerrp: so who reads the CVS header?
[17:24:26] wagnerrp: cvs header?
[17:25:02] thefRont (thefRont! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[17:26:29] Baylink: svn?
[17:26:41] wagnerrp: yes, we do svn
[17:26:50] Baylink: Oh; that's an application generated header. Nvm.
[17:27:00] sphery: I'm glad our bug numbers don't increase as fast as Ubuntu's... The other night was just 632K and now it's 636K
[17:27:25] Baylink: That's just worthless.
[17:28:21] Baylink: So, wagnerrp: can you give me enough of a sense of the jobqueue machinery to know whether my vision of manually scheduling a job from the FE and having it pick up the current playlist entries and send them to the job is architecturally feasible?
[17:28:51] wagnerrp: Baylink: right now, the jobqueue is designed to be run off a chanid and starttime
[17:29:01] wagnerrp: you can bypass that by giving it... i dont remember what values
[17:29:09] guest__ (guest__!5e922ffd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
[17:29:13] wagnerrp: and pass whatever args you want through one of the other fields
[17:29:17] Baylink: Hmmm.
[17:29:27] wagnerrp: then you just run your userjob giving it a %JOBID%
[17:29:35] wagnerrp: and let it pull what it wants out of the database from there
[17:29:35] Baylink: So manua job enqueueing is based on the currently selected recording in the FE, then?
[17:30:02] wagnerrp: the 'watch recordings' screen is the only place in the frontend that currently lets you enqueue jobs
[17:30:40] wagnerrp: and as far as i know, recordings are the only thing jobs are currently used for, user jobs or otherwise
[17:30:44] Baylink: Yes. I just want the job to get *the current contents of the playlist at enqueue time*, instead of the presently selected program, and I don't know if that's possible.
[17:31:00] Baylink: It sounds like no; nothing from the job is run at enqueue time.
[17:32:22] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:32:38] Captain_Murdoch: recording playlists aren't stored anywhere but in-memory on the frontend, so theres nowhere for the jobqueue to query to find out the items in the playlist.
[17:33:21] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, I think it's chanid = -1 that indicates it's not a recording, but that's going from memory.
[17:36:08] skd5aner: OK, my server is freezing up multiple times a day now... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[17:36:20] skd5aner: time to find a replacement mobo for a socket 939... sigh
[17:37:14] sphery: last time I went to the trouble (and expense) of finding a replacement mobo for an out-of-date socket, it cost me more than it would have to just replace the whole system (mobo, CPU, RAM)
[17:37:37] skd5aner: Sigh...
[17:37:52] skd5aner: so frustrated about the whole thing
[17:37:53] sphery: of course, that's because in the end, I ended up replacing everything except the CPU because it all failed one after the other
[17:37:55] skd5aner: probably a bad cap
[17:38:12] sphery: and I was paying a premium for old stuff since it wasn't under production
[17:38:42] sphery: so, you could use this as an opportunity to upgrade your old S939 to a nice AM3 with a nice 45W TDP Athlon II :)
[17:39:08] skd5aner: sphery: yea, probably true... just hate to let the rest of it go to waste you know?
[17:39:10] wagnerrp: or a nicer 65W Athlon II X4
[17:39:20] skd5aner: sphery: also, performance isn't really an issue
[17:39:20] wagnerrp: or even a 95W Athlon II X6
[17:39:59] sphery: or a 45W Athlon II X4
[17:40:06] skd5aner: and, I'd have to start researching stuff... just didn't want to spend the time to do so :(
[17:40:28] wagnerrp: sphery: yeah, but you cant do HDPVR stuff with that one
[17:40:30] skd5aner: I'd rather put the money in building another new frontend for a new TV I just added...
[17:40:46] sphery: wagnerrp: true, which is why I'd go for the X2 with higher clock rate :)
[17:43:07] sphery: mmmm.... proglist_helpers. I hope it's the Cheeseburger Macaroni one
[17:43:44] skd5aner: No AMD boards with 4 PCI slots, oh well
[17:44:01] sphery: yeah, limited to 3 generally
[17:44:08] sphery: though I thought there was a single Gigabyte one with 4
[17:44:39] skd5aner: Oh well, guess I get rid of a card
[17:45:00] skd5aner: wow, several intel boards with 4 or 5
[17:45:00] sphery: no, you upgrade it to a PCIe one :)
[17:45:16] skd5aner: sphery: heh, $$$
[17:45:42] skd5aner: I've got 2 HD5000s (PCI), and PVR-250 and a PVR-500
[17:45:46] skd5aner: all PIC
[17:45:47] skd5aner: PCI
[17:46:10] colbey00: sphery: I'm out now. Thanks again for your help, and I'll keep an eye on the bug. That make sens?
[17:46:12] colbey00: sense?
[17:46:12] skd5aner: I do have an extra HDHR sitting around, so I'll just take out the HD5000s
[17:47:02] skd5aner: Ugh, I hate trying starting to research current chipsets/mobos/cpus from scratch :P
[17:47:15] sphery: colbey00: thanks for the BT. It looks good, but on first look, I don't know if we've fixed it in trunk. The pointer that's null in your case isn't protected in trunk, so either someone fixed the root of the problem (I hope) or the crash can happen in trunk.
[17:47:19] sphery: I'll look into it.
[17:47:52] colbey00: great, thank you!
[17:48:24] colbey00: New to Myth and loving it so far. Watching HD picture-in-picture right now, and thrilled about it! Looking forward to fixing the rest of my issues!
[17:49:00] colbey00 (colbey00! has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:54:25] Baylink (Baylink!~jra@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[17:54:25] zzztrumee is now known as trumee
[18:02:22] sphery: wonder if colbey00 was just selecting Record from the menu
[18:02:27] sphery: I'm not getting a crash that way
[18:02:51] sphery: (I'm testing with trunk, though)
[18:03:46] sphery: seems trac is dead
[18:04:23] knightr: sphery: Yep, got a report from jya and Kenni and confirmed here as well...
[18:05:23] sphery: yeah, I just caught up in #mythtv and saw
[18:06:44] knightr: sphery: I think it's back...
[18:09:39] skd5aner: is there a way to pull serial number data from a mobo on the cli?
[18:09:58] kenni: skd5aner: dmidecode?
[18:13:06] sphery: yeah, works for me now, too... thanks.
[18:13:37] meekatron (meekatron! has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
[18:14:45] sphery: OK, I found what he was doing (only way I see to access the function where it's crashing), and I can't repro the crash.
[18:15:56] sphery: I'm starting to think it may be a theme issue
[18:16:06] knightr: sphery: np
[18:16:10] sphery: this is what people get for not using the only complete theme...
[18:18:07] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:19:06] sphery: OK, Mythbuntu definitely has an issue in that popup (missing the text in the OK button)
[18:19:11] sphery: but it doesn't crash
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[18:25:21] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:26:16] trumee (trumee! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:34:19] stuartm: I think we need to start collecting notes on broken/incomplete themes, I'd like 0.24 to improve on 0.23
[18:34:45] sphery: do you remember who the mythbuntu author is?
[18:35:37] stuartm: gbutters
[18:36:27] sphery: I can't reproduce the crash with Arclight, Mythbuntu, MythCenter, or MythCenter wide (which covers both default themes),
[18:36:36] sphery: FWIW, Terra is also missing text and overflowing
[18:37:30] sphery: It's the proglister PhrasePopup. Manage Recordings|Schedule Recordings|Search Words|Keywords
[18:38:22] stuartm: sphery: mind creating a ticket or trac wiki page and noting all these there?
[18:38:51] sphery: which would you prefer?
[18:39:01] sphery: with wiki I can screenshot?
[18:39:09] sphery: though I could attach screenshots to a ticket
[18:39:19] sphery: Oh, FWIW, it doesn't crash with Terra, either
[18:39:30] stuartm: I generally don't need a screenshot, I just need to know where to look
[18:39:45] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:40:15] sphery: stuartm: btw, it's (backtrace at ), and #1 0x080b4ff0 in MythUITextEdit::GetText (this=0x0)
[18:40:20] stuartm: the proglister one is because no Terra version of that popup exists, so it's using the default
[18:40:30] sphery: any ideas how MythUITextEdit would be null?
[18:40:35] sphery: ah, makes sense
[18:41:17] stuartm: if it doesn't exist in the theme and the code isn't requiring it?
[18:41:22] sphery: could be the same for Mythbuntu
[18:41:35] sphery: yeah, that's why I was thinking it might be a theme issue
[18:41:48] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:41:54] sphery: but I'm pretty sure it /should/ be required (whether it's enforced or not)
[18:42:11] sphery: currently, that is
[18:42:49] stuartm: hmm, it is required, so we should never even display the screen
[18:43:03] sphery: was it required in 0.23-fixes? How can I check?
[18:43:37] stuartm: unless UIUtilE::Assign() really _is_ broken as the ticket I closed earlier today claimed
[18:43:56] sphery: heh, wouldn't that be poetic justice :)
[18:44:14] sphery: (or bad timing... one or the other.)
[18:44:27] stuartm: sphery: it uses that UIUtilW/UIUtilE stuff that I love so much (anduin added it)
[18:44:48] sphery: Yeah, seems incomplete without a North and South version, too :)
[18:44:53] stuartm: UIUtilW only warns, UIUtilE throws an error
[18:45:50] sphery: So, in . . . st.cpp#L1793 , it's required, too, right?
[18:45:51] stuartm: but if UIUtilE was broken in 0.23 (or even broken in trunk) then it wouldn't throw the error and ... *boom*
[18:46:07] stuartm: yes
[18:46:42] sphery: well, I have to say you did far better at parsing that ticket you closed today than I did.
[18:47:02] sphery: I was having a hard time catching the point of the ticket
[18:47:37] sphery: the title encouraged me to not try very hard to understand it, though (kind of wrote it off)
[18:47:42] sphery: "UIUtilDisp is some strange...."
[18:49:15] sphery: and speaking of templates, I should really finish the template specialization we need to fix Qt4.7 support. It's now a release candidate and I'm pretty sure Ubuntu 10.10 is using 4.7.
[18:50:12] unixSnob (unixSnob! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:50:18] stuartm: well it is strange, it's very strange, as I commented when I closed the ticket it's not hard to come to the conclusion that it was intentionally written to be obscure
[18:50:53] stuartm: but unless anyone can see a problem with the logic that I couldn't, it should be working
[18:51:06] stuartm: which theme apparently triggered this crash?
[18:51:58] sphery: Heh, I'm far from a C++ template expert. I plan to have danielk sanity check my changes before committing.
[18:52:02] stuartm: sphery: ahh, no PowerSearchPopup is broken in trunk
[18:52:13] stuartm: it never assigns m_phraseEdit
[18:52:37] stuartm: nor in 0.23
[18:52:54] stuartm: PowerSearchPopup shouldn't be confused with PhrasePopup
[18:53:10] sphery: oh....
[18:53:13] stuartm: . . . st.cpp#L2087
[18:53:43] stuartm: it assigns m_phraseList, but not m_phraseEdit
[18:54:09] sphery: oh, re-reading his initial description, he said: 20100912 12:24:07< colbey00> wagnerrp: I'm trying to record all shows that match a search, using Search Words : Advanced
[18:54:18] sphery: I didn't see that he was using Advanced
[18:54:32] sphery: So I've been testing the wrong side of things
[18:54:48] stuartm: sphery: looks like that whole popup might be broken, I'm not even sure that the popup is meant to contain/use a textedit widget
[18:54:59] ** sphery often forgets that our users are so Advanced **
[18:55:03] dmb (dmb!~dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[18:55:27] sphery: Yeah, I have no clue how Advanced works
[18:55:39] sphery: I guess he set his keyword search first, then selects it then Record, then boom
[18:55:59] stuartm: I think we need to go back to the pre-mythui version and compare
[18:56:56] sphery: Or, maybe you have to create a Stored Search first...
[18:57:10] sphery: I can't get anything in the popup--so I can't even get to the Record button
[18:57:58] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:58:33] sphery: ah, New Search
[18:58:36] sphery: that was obvious
[18:58:38] johnf1911 (johnf1911! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[18:58:57] sphery: I think the late night has caught up with me
[19:00:50] sphery: so, since he's a new MythTV user, I'm wondering if he really even wants an Advanced Keyword Search or if he's doing things the hard way
[19:01:02] ikke-t (ikke-t! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:01:39] ikke-t: hi, need help in translation. What is roll-off, and what is it used for? some new option it seems.
[19:01:50] sphery: OK, the ::::: is ugly, too
[19:01:58] justinh: probably not a new thing at all ikke-t
[19:02:06] ikke-t: ?
[19:02:08] sphery: ikke-t: in what context?
[19:02:19] justinh: ikke-t: sounds like what we call post-roll in EN-GB land :)
[19:02:27] ikke-t: it seems to appear related in tuning?
[19:02:32] justinh: that is, the amount of time past the end of a scheduled recording
[19:02:43] stuartm: . . . ist.cpp#L813 << No lineedit in that popup originally, sphery if you want I can fix this, just reassign the ticket to me
[19:02:44] ikke-t: ah...
[19:02:52] stuartm: won't be tonight though
[19:02:54] justinh: tuning, as in channel setup?
[19:03:03] ikke-t: wait a min..
[19:03:23] sphery: stuartm: OK, there's no Trac ticket for it, yet--it was a guy who was just in here. I'll make one and ref the Ubuntu ticket (and tell the Ubuntu guys).
[19:03:30] sphery: then I'll assign it to you.
[19:03:32] sphery: thanks.
[19:03:38] ikke-t: class ScanRollOff
[19:03:51] justinh: ikke-t: no idea what that is then
[19:03:54] ikke-t: i don't know yet where it's found in code, i'll check...
[19:04:23] EagleIJoe (EagleIJoe! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:04:29] stuartm: sphery: looks like some copy/paste errors combined with it being incomplete and untested during the mythui port, not my work at least ;)
[19:04:43] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[19:04:49] sphery: stuartm: yeah, that probably doesn't get used much at all
[19:05:00] sphery: I've only ever even entered the Search stuff when testing bug reports
[19:05:23] justinh: ikke-t: possibly relates to the bandwidth of a digital transport.. but I don't think it's an area you're going to need to translate
[19:06:13] ikke-t: "Roll Off factor (Default: 0.35)"
[19:06:21] justinh: yeah I see that in the source
[19:07:31] kenni: ikke-t: give me a sec, I can check if I've translated it into something general, when the terms gets too technical, it's better to leave them in english, as those people who would need such a setting, know what it's called
[19:07:32] ikke-t: some new weird setting related to tuning it seems
[19:07:52] ikke-t: yes :)
[19:08:14] ikke-t: sounds a lot like a setting that could be hidden in finland... :)
[19:09:20] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:09:29] ikke-t: I wonder if there should be a glossary for all terms in wiki. some settings are very technical, even for very technical people.
[19:09:53] kenni: ikke-t: nope, I've more or less just copied the source
[19:10:08] kenni: factor->faktor in my case :)
[19:10:19] trumee (trumee! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:10:30] ikke-t: I made similar for finnish, but kinda hate half translated strings
[19:10:45] ikke-t: i rather leave them not translated
[19:11:02] kenni: sure, your choice
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[19:16:08] ikke-t: what is the difference between "teletext subtitles" and "text stream" on DVB?
[19:16:22] ikke-t: i would have thought they are the same thing
[19:17:05] ikke-t: isn't teletext subs the nordic style used at least in Fin?
[19:17:26] ikke-t: the one that you use ProjectX to separate the subs from teletext page?
[19:17:50] ikke-t: so is text stream then somehow different, like sub picture stream?
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[19:22:13] ikke-t: roll-off:
[19:22:50] ikke-t: seems to be the time to signal to change from state to another
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[19:34:09] ikke-t: found the best description of DVB subtitles:
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[20:06:51] sphery: kormoc: btw, did you see
[20:08:00] kormoc: uh oh!
[20:08:16] sphery: seems to fly in the face of the 3 Laws...
[20:08:26] kormoc: yeah
[20:08:44] wagnerrp: sphery: robots will only lie to prevent starvation, they have to trick the medicine they need for fuel from old people
[20:08:59] kormoc: and now when NORAD's computer says, 'I did not launch any nuclear weapons'....
[20:09:02] sphery: I think the SkyNet clock just jumped a few ticks forward
[20:11:24] sphery: wagnerrp: is that a reference to a show?
[20:11:34] justinh: oh wouldn't it be a lark if whatever made skynet ultimately possible was bittorrent? ;-)
[20:11:53] wagnerrp: seriously?
[20:12:00] justinh: man's insatiable greed for BD MKVs was his downfall. Muhahahahaha
[20:12:14] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, I'm missing the ref
[20:12:48] justinh: would you like to play a game?
[20:13:06] wagnerrp:
[20:13:51] justinh: hey, no links to copyrighted material UK folks can't play ;-)
[20:14:23] wagnerrp: hey, i tried to find one on youtube, but its all student theater remake garbage
[20:14:30] justinh: heh
[20:14:36] justinh: gotta love user generated content
[20:15:13] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:15:43] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, I hadn't seen that episode
[20:18:20] wagnerrp: justinh:
[20:20:15] sphery: wagnerrp: best part is if you get, "The following clip is brought to you by State Farm"
[20:20:47] rraasch (rraasch! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:25:38] sphery: wagnerrp:
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[20:27:11] sebrock (sebrock! has quit (Quit: Leaving (US: || SE:
[20:27:15] wagnerrp: how appropriate
[20:27:20] sphery: yeah
[20:27:48] wagnerrp: shame trac only gets house/car/life insurance spam
[20:28:09] sphery: yeah, at least robot insurance spam would be humorous
[20:28:31] wagnerrp: my god is there lots of spam
[20:30:47] kormoc: The last transmission we received from the Discovery was, 'My God, it's full of spam'
[20:33:22] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:37:45] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[20:39:51] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[20:43:50] stuartm: heh
[20:43:50] rraasch (rraasch! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[20:51:49] Beirdo: hehe
[20:52:10] Beirdo: OK, let's see what all got changed while I slept
[20:53:04] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:59:42] skd5aner: wagnerrp: that's my fav SNL parody commercial of all time
[21:00:07] skd5aner: "when the robots come, and they will, will you be ready?"
[21:00:09] skd5aner: heh
[21:01:04] ** stuartm deletes Beirdo **
[21:01:30] Beirdo: ?!
[21:01:31] Beirdo: heh
[21:03:58] skd5aner: F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5th time the server has crashed today... Can't postpone it any longer, looks like I'm going to have to build a new machine tomorrow
[21:04:52] skd5aner: I did send a request to MSI tech support for advice – they may RMA a mobo that's 3–4 years old... that'd be nice
[21:05:31] Beirdo: a couple pounds of C4 with a USB detonator
[21:06:54] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[21:12:04] wagnerrp: only 47 tuner cards left to go...
[21:12:11] johnf1911 (johnf1911! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[21:12:12] Beirdo: hehe
[21:12:13] dmb (dmb!~dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[21:12:25] wagnerrp: well, 44... maybe 42
[21:12:35] wagnerrp: unique stuff that may have custom setup pages
[21:12:37] Beirdo: I need a slave screen for this laptop
[21:12:45] wagnerrp: HDHR, HDPVR, plextor garbage...
[21:13:50] wagnerrp: i never liked using a secondary monitor on a laptop
[21:14:27] wagnerrp: the DPIs are so disparate, its jarring when moving from one screen to the other
[21:15:02] flabberkenny (flabberkenny! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[21:17:55] Beirdo: yeah, but having more screen real estate is nice
[21:18:56] johnf1911 (johnf1911! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:19:01] Beirdo: . . . /B001350E84/
[21:19:16] Beirdo: heh, not the kind of "USB monitor" I was really searching for
[21:19:23] Beirdo: but interesting, nonetheless
[21:19:57] Beirdo: on the wish list it goes
[21:20:51] Beirdo: too bad myth will likely never work right on a USB monitor
[21:21:11] wagnerrp: standard definition, i dont see why not
[21:21:19] Beirdo: drivers
[21:21:24] wagnerrp: and USB3.0 might work
[21:21:35] Beirdo: ain't no OpenGL for most of them in Linux
[21:21:41] wagnerrp: Xv?
[21:22:03] Beirdo: yeah, I'm gonna try to do Xv with HD content... on a tiny monitor :)
[21:22:20] Beirdo: the allure is a kitchen station
[21:22:31] wagnerrp: Xv does scaling
[21:22:37] Beirdo: especially if it's a touchscreen...
[21:22:45] wagnerrp: but youre simply not going to be able to pump HD content down a USB cable
[21:22:48] Beirdo: but the CPU would be rather limited
[21:22:50] wagnerrp: the bandwidth isnt there
[21:23:00] Beirdo: sure it is
[21:23:11] Beirdo: how did it get onto the backend?
[21:23:16] wagnerrp: compressed
[21:23:24] Beirdo: now RAW HD is another thing
[21:23:37] wagnerrp: how else would you be outputting to this USB monitor?
[21:23:43] Beirdo: what I want... a USB device WITH VDPAU in it :)
[21:23:49] Beirdo: heh
[21:23:56] skd5aner: but... why USB in the first place?
[21:24:01] ** Beirdo puts down the crack pipe **
[21:24:14] skd5aner: I mean... what's the factor that limits you to use USB?
[21:24:15] Beirdo: I want a small touchscreen monitor
[21:24:32] Beirdo: they only are likely to exist as USB
[21:24:32] skd5aner: But, that doesn't have to be USB
[21:24:42] wagnerrp: Beirdo: so get one designed for car-puters
[21:24:50] wagnerrp: VGA/DVI+USB
[21:24:56] Beirdo: hmm
[21:24:57] skd5aner: ++
[21:25:03] Beirdo: good point
[21:25:15] Beirdo: that plus an ION box
[21:25:19] wagnerrp: 6–10", usually <<$200 for screen plus touchscreen
[21:25:43] skd5aner: Beirdo: so does this mean you're going to resurrect MythRecipe ;)
[21:25:56] wagnerrp: theyre intended for DC operation, so you could wire it up to a spare molex plug
[21:27:18] Beirdo: skd5aner: it's always been on the wish list
[21:27:28] Beirdo: wagnerrp: yeah, that's a bit of an issue
[21:27:45] Beirdo: I want this to be not a hacked up pile of crap in my kitchen
[21:28:14] darkdrgnk (darkdrgnk! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[21:28:28] justinh: j o g g l e r ? ;-)
[21:28:38] Beirdo: ?
[21:28:49] wagnerrp: so use some wireloom, and make it look professional
[21:28:57] Beirdo: Your search "joggler" did not match any products.
[21:29:11] justinh: the pile of crap I just got rid of. 7" touchscreen wifi dual core atom junk :)
[21:29:29] Beirdo: ...
[21:29:30] Beirdo: :)
[21:29:32] wagnerrp: no battery, no VDPAU, but only 50E
[21:29:47] wagnerrp: oh, and a plastic heatsink
[21:30:27] Beirdo: . . . /B002VY8OS8/
[21:30:34] Beirdo: if only that were a bit smaller
[21:30:49] Beirdo: it might just do though
[21:32:02] Beirdo: assuming Linux can use the touch part :)
[21:32:21] justinh: touchscreens are generally USB thingies these days
[21:32:45] wagnerrp: . . . 9&sr=1-5
[21:32:50] Beirdo: yeah, with it all built-in, it's hard to know unless someone's played with it
[21:33:07] Beirdo: Jeez
[21:33:21] Beirdo: I was complaining that 15.6" is too big.
[21:33:54] Beirdo: that screen's bigger than the TV in my bedroom, I don't have space for that on a kitchen counter
[21:34:35] wagnerrp: . . . &sr=1-68
[21:34:37] Beirdo: nice though
[21:34:54] wagnerrp: thats what i was actually talking about
[21:35:42] Beirdo: yeah
[21:35:57] Beirdo: the mounting, wiring, etc.. could be difficult though
[21:36:11] ** Beirdo is fundamentally lazy these days **
[21:36:18] johnf1911 (johnf1911! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[21:36:30] wagnerrp: seems its composite only
[21:36:45] wagnerrp: and 1440x234 in liar-speak
[21:36:59] wagnerrp: (480x234)
[21:37:02] Beirdo: ouchy
[21:38:22] wagnerrp: what size are you looking for?
[21:38:37] Beirdo: 10–11"
[21:38:43] Beirdo: something like that
[21:38:50] Beirdo: 15.6 will do in a pinch
[21:39:03] wagnerrp: mount it under your cabinets . . . 100-WS-.html
[21:39:21] wagnerrp: put the computer in the cabinet
[21:40:01] wagnerrp: eew... still composite only
[21:40:08] Beirdo: hmm, that could work, especially if you can use a real remote
[21:41:09] Beirdo: but bummer about composite
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[21:44:21] wagnerrp: stuartm: only ~170 of those left to go
[21:44:30] wagnerrp: :)
[21:45:50] kisak: good afternoon, I still have not been able to locate a suitable mpeg2 demuxer which is capable of handling both HD video and ac3 surround audio
[21:46:19] kisak: (related to 2077)
[21:46:23] kormoc: what's wrong with projectx or ffmpeg?
[21:46:45] kisak: ffmpeg doesn't appear to get the job done
[21:46:58] stuartm: wagnerrp: yeah, I think I'll manage them a dozen at a time :)
[21:47:15] stuartm: and maybe pester xris into giving you delete perms ;)
[21:47:25] kormoc: if ffmpeg can't do it, it's unlikely anything else would...
[21:49:22] kisak: I'll assume that's true for the moment, what else can I do to work against error 232 from mythtranscode?
[21:49:34] kisak: that's the deadlock detected error
[21:50:32] knightr: kormoc: Hi!
[21:50:45] knightr: kormoc: Did you get my request for help?
[21:51:24] kormoc: knightr, Aye, I need to look into it some
[21:51:29] knightr: knightr: I have ISP problems today so I'm not sure it got out...
[21:51:49] knightr: kormoc: ok np, just wanted to make sure it got out...
[21:51:56] knightr: kormoc: Thanks!
[21:52:43] knightr: kormoc: Had to ask our PHP guru... (-;
[21:53:02] kormoc: Heh :)
[21:55:36] kisak: on another note, I wonder it would take to support "large PATs", which is crippling firewire capture of about 40% of the channels I have and means I have to have every channel cloned to an auxillary-capture-method set
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[21:55:53] knightr: kormoc: I hope it's a smile there (not sure, the font is a tad too small)...
[21:56:07] kormoc: Aye, it is
[21:57:40] knightr: kormoc: (-;
[22:00:23] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[22:06:10] Beirdo: wagnerrp: for Net::UPnP::* on freebsd... install devel/p5-version
[22:06:26] Beirdo: then cpan... install Net::UPnP::ControlPoint
[22:06:35] Beirdo: seems to be effective
[22:07:42] kisak: oh ... I have a minor addition that can goto 6200ch.c
[22:08:06] kisak: tags for the QIP 7100 2
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[22:19:13] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:19:31] Beirdo: wagnerrp: compiling mythtv (first try) on freebsd :)
[22:21:23] awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:26:54] Beirdo: OMG
[22:27:21] Beirdo: wagnerrp: for libmythui... -pthread is on the final compil line like 30 times
[22:27:28] Beirdo: what the heck!
[22:27:54] awalls: Multithreaded linking...
[22:30:43] dkeith (dkeith!~dkeith@nat/hp/x-grbczvmribviukdm) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:30:56] stuartm: Beirdo: known issue, jannau was looking into it a couple of months back
[22:31:23] Toast (Toast!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:32:00] wagnerrp: mmm... new venture brothers tonight
[22:33:18] wagnerrp: huh? says it aired a week ago
[22:35:52] Beirdo: stuartm: cool. strange as heck seeing that fly by :)
[22:36:11] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[22:36:37] wagnerrp: wow...
[22:37:03] wagnerrp: 76% of americans polled know we fought a war of independence against great britain
[22:37:13] Beirdo: it's like -pthread -pthread -pthread
[22:37:14] Beirdo: hehe
[22:37:25] Beirdo: the rest of them were born in the US
[22:37:34] wagnerrp: 2% think it was france, 3% think it was some other country, 19% didnt know
[22:37:52] Beirdo: wow
[22:38:30] stuartm: wagnerrp: how many people think the USA defeated Great Britain?
[22:38:46] johnf1911 (johnf1911! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[22:38:48] wagnerrp: 79% of americans think the earth revolves around the sun, while only 67% of british do
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[22:39:13] Beirdo: stuartm: how many Americans have ever heard of Great Britain?
[22:39:52] Beirdo: let alone can identify its parts
[22:39:55] stuartm: Beirdo: no comment ;)
[22:40:54] stuartm: I'm sure many still think that England == Britain and vice-versa
[22:41:11] wagnerrp: stuartm: well thats becoming more and more true
[22:41:13] Beirdo: yeah
[22:41:19] wagnerrp: you keep letting go of territories
[22:41:41] Beirdo: the poor Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish have become non-entities
[22:42:23] wagnerrp: Beirdo: dont forget the.... Men? Manians?
[22:42:38] Beirdo: from Isle of Man?
[22:42:42] wagnerrp: yeah
[22:43:05] wagnerrp: and various island holdings
[22:43:10] Beirdo: all what.. 100 of em?
[22:43:11] wagnerrp: other island holdings
[22:43:14] wagnerrp: heh
[22:43:19] Beirdo: and Manx
[22:43:21] stuartm: well we're just 6 months away from cutting the final land ties to Scotland and letting it drift off into the North Sea
[22:43:37] wagnerrp: heres the more disturbing thing
[22:43:50] Beirdo: your booze will get more expensive yet if ya do that, stuartm :)
[22:43:51] wagnerrp: only 2/3s of british knew that the earth revolved around the sun
[22:43:58] wagnerrp: 19% think it was the opposite
[22:44:12] Beirdo: the other 1/3 believe it revolves around beer?
[22:44:13] wagnerrp: leaving 14% who think were simply drifting around in some weird stellar soup
[22:45:25] stuartm: Beirdo: did you not hear? The Scots and Welsh have more autonomy now than they have in the last 200 years, own governments and everything, only they insist that the English pay for everything and that they get seats in the English government, deciding laws which only affect England
[22:45:50] Beirdo: payback's a bitch :)
[22:47:22] stuartm: wagnerrp: I'm extremely dubious of any of these surveys, especially when the results are so clearly absurd, I can't help wondering just how many answers were deliberately sarcastic/incorrect, I know I've filled out surveys with absurd answers just for the fun of it
[22:47:49] Beirdo: or if they called only idiots
[22:50:40] stuartm: Beirdo: history is way more complicated than that, Scotland would have it that the brutish English ruled over them but truth is that it was as much a civil war in which one side requested the English to back them and England has been ruled over by Scottish kings and queens (and prime ministers)
[22:52:11] stuartm: Beirdo: well for instance, many of these phone surveys are conducted during the working day – what sort of people are generally home during the day and willing to talk to someone conducting a phone survey? It's not exactly a representative survey :)
[22:52:16] Beirdo: you'd think by now that there'd be enough intergenerational mixing that it's not really relevant much anymore
[22:54:35] stuartm: Beirdo: by ancestry I'm Welsh, my Morgan ancestors came from Monmouthshire in South Wales and only came to England in search of work on the railways, but then again all the other branches of my family were English at least as far back as the 1780s
[22:55:00] Ian_Zeplin (Ian_Zeplin! has quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.2 Shiny
[22:55:01] stuartm: couple of Scottish surnames in there, but I've no idea when those families moved south
[22:55:14] Beirdo: heh
[22:55:33] Beirdo: my ancestry (to the best of my knowledge) is English and border-clan Scottish
[22:55:39] Beirdo: so right in the crap :)
[22:55:48] Beirdo: and French
[22:56:38] stuartm: and my maternal great grandmother emigrated to Canada with her mother, brother (as part of the Home Children scheme) and sisters, they all died out there
[22:56:50] Beirdo: I wish there were Welsh :) some good folks came from Wales
[22:57:04] Beirdo: aww. the line died out?
[22:57:30] Beirdo: well, I guess not if she's your ancestor
[22:57:32] stuartm: Beirdo: not entirely, but we're not in touch with them
[22:57:39] ** Beirdo smacks himslef **
[22:57:46] wagnerrp: im a mutt
[22:57:53] Beirdo: WOOF!
[22:58:21] stuartm: the line didn't die out, but those relatives still in Canada ... who knows?
[22:59:11] wagnerrp: some british, some irish, some austrian (or french depending on the date), some german, some spanish, some hungarian, some...
[22:59:19] stuartm: her brother was put to work on a Canadian farm at the age of 12, then sent to fight in the trenches like most of the boys sent over there
[22:59:37] Beirdo: yeah, that happened to a lot of people
[23:00:20] stuartm: these days considerably more than half my living relatives live in Australia, even my sister has moved out to work there for the next two years
[23:00:59] Beirdo: #6854... can we close that, perchance?
[23:01:29] Beirdo: 13 months ago... :)
[23:01:47] Beirdo: and I haven't heard of this recently
[23:02:22] Beirdo: since it's stuartm who put it in  :)
[23:02:43] stuartm: I did? In that case close it
[23:02:50] johnf1911 (johnf1911! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[23:03:07] Beirdo: yeah, it was a deadlock you captured over a year back
[23:03:37] johnf1911 (johnf1911! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:04:02] stuartm: no memory of it, haven't seen it since
[23:04:23] Beirdo: OK
[23:04:31] Beirdo: closed as Unverified
[23:05:21] brfransen (brfransen! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[23:06:04] Beirdo: now if only #7438 could get resolved
[23:07:02] Beirdo: if it's not something simple, I'll leave it as we are planning to rip out the upnpmedia scanner post 0.24 anyways
[23:07:38] Beirdo: but meantime, would be nice to have fixed, but no clue if it's still an issue, and nigel's not an IRC type
[23:10:45] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[23:16:30] l33tlinuxh4x0r (l33tlinuxh4x0r! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:18:04] l33tlinuxh4x0r: how do i fix MythSocket(7feee031c290:45): readStringList: Error, timed out after 7000 ms.
[23:18:13] l33tlinuxh4x0r: my tuner is slow to activate about 30 seconds
[23:19:02] l33tlinuxh4x0r: Also I already googled
[23:19:23] l33tlinuxh4x0r: everything works except live tv and i havent tried recording yet
[23:22:47] [R]: then whats "everything"
[23:23:07] wagnerrp: livetv and recordings is all mythtv core does
[23:23:29] l33tlinuxh4x0r: i ment mysql and themes and the ui all work
[23:24:55] l33tlinuxh4x0r: connection to backend is good
[23:26:47] l33tlinuxh4x0r: any ideas?
[23:26:58] l33tlinuxh4x0r: I have a HVR950q if that helps
[23:27:33] wagnerrp: broadcast or digital cable?
[23:27:53] l33tlinuxh4x0r: NTSC broadcast
[23:28:01] wagnerrp: no longer exists
[23:28:07] wagnerrp: except for very low power stuff
[23:28:17] wagnerrp: and you dont want to use that tuner for NTSC anyway
[23:28:28] l33tlinuxh4x0r: i have the cheapest cable avalible
[23:28:52] l33tlinuxh4x0r: and this is the only tuner that i have and I don't have the luxury to go buy another
[23:29:04] wagnerrp: the cheapest cable available still probably simulcasts the local digital stations
[23:29:10] l33tlinuxh4x0r: i mean i thought that it was ntsc
[23:29:21] l33tlinuxh4x0r: yes it does
[23:29:44] l33tlinuxh4x0r: but i want the cheap cable channels
[23:29:58] wagnerrp: then you want a PVR-150, fairly cheap on ebay
[23:30:10] l33tlinuxh4x0r: like i said i don't have any money
[23:30:37] l33tlinuxh4x0r: the card works in windows but who uses windows
[23:31:21] l33tlinuxh4x0r: are the cheap cable channels digital too or are they ntsc?
[23:31:22] wagnerrp: that card is a digital tuner, plus an analog framegrabber
[23:31:36] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:31:39] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:31:40] wagnerrp: framegrabbers are fine for piping straight to your video card, but theyre garbage for recording
[23:31:50] wagnerrp: and mythtv only does recording
[23:31:58] l33tlinuxh4x0r: oh
[23:32:20] Beirdo: wagnerrp: added a second disk to freebsd... fdisk then bsdlabel?
[23:32:28] wagnerrp: where it says 'watch tv', thats just a recording, with playback following a couple seconds behind
[23:32:37] l33tlinuxh4x0r: oh
[23:32:42] l33tlinuxh4x0r: i didn't know that
[23:32:43] Beirdo: or just bsdlabel :)
[23:33:00] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:33:04] wagnerrp: Beirdo: sure, if you want
[23:33:08] wagnerrp: i 'zpool'
[23:33:17] Beirdo: hehe
[23:33:27] Beirdo: it's in a vm, do I really want to bother?
[23:33:42] wagnerrp: no, not really
[23:33:47] wagnerrp: especially on your limited memory
[23:33:54] Beirdo: that's what I was thinking
[23:34:01] Beirdo: gonna mount it as /opt, BTW
[23:35:12] Beirdo: just not clear on the sequence of commands :)
[23:35:34] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:35:59] l33tlinuxh4x0r: is it possible to use mythtv with a framegrabber?
[23:36:32] wagnerrp: yes, but its not recommended
[23:36:37] pigeon_ is now known as pigeon
[23:36:46] wagnerrp: and most people around here have either never used them, or havent touched them in years
[23:37:07] l33tlinuxh4x0r: :(
[23:37:22] l33tlinuxh4x0r: can you help me or at least point me in the right direction
[23:37:46] Beirdo: bsdlabel -w, newfs
[23:37:47] wagnerrp: add the card as a v4l capture device, should be /dev/video0
[23:37:49] Beirdo: should do fine
[23:37:56] wagnerrp: Beirdo: sounds right
[23:38:07] gsteinert (gsteinert! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:38:07] Beirdo: no real need to fdisk
[23:38:19] l33tlinuxh4x0r: ok i got that much
[23:38:28] wagnerrp: create a video source, this is just an abstract concept of your provider
[23:38:49] wagnerrp: it holds the channels for in this case, your analog cable subscription, and then you can attach multiple tuner inputs to it
[23:39:11] wagnerrp: bind the tuner input on the capture card to the source, set the proper audio capture method
[23:39:20] wagnerrp: pull a channel lineup from your schedules direct account
[23:39:34] wagnerrp: set up storage space, run the backend, run the frontend
[23:39:36] wagnerrp: and it should work
[23:40:37] l33tlinuxh4x0r: i did all of that
[23:40:52] wagnerrp: then pastebin your backend logs
[23:40:57] l33tlinuxh4x0r: oj
[23:40:59] l33tlinuxh4x0r: ok
[23:41:00] wagnerrp: chances are theres an error somewhere in there
[23:41:21] dkeith (dkeith!~dkeith@nat/hp/x-grbczvmribviukdm) has quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~)
[23:43:21] l33tlinuxh4x0r: looks like i actually have to add channels
[23:43:58] l33tlinuxh4x0r: i skipped the schedules direct part
[23:44:37] [R]: l33tlinuxh4x0r: well go back and do it
[23:44:49] l33tlinuxh4x0r: ok
[23:46:48] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:46:51] AriX_ (AriX_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:47:25] kisak: still around kormoc?
[23:48:03] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[23:48:30] wagnerrp: Beirdo: i remember something about running bsdlabel on an unpartitioned disk being called 'dangerously dedicated', but what the dangers are of such, i couldnt tell you
[23:48:56] Beirdo: dangerously dedicated?!
[23:49:10] wagnerrp: maybe if you ever managed to install a boot loader on that drive, it would hork everything
[23:49:17] Beirdo: ahhh
[23:49:21] Beirdo: fair enough
[23:49:30] Beirdo: it's a data-only disk :)
[23:49:44] wagnerrp: but considering this is just a test box, i dont think you really care if you lose everything on it
[23:49:55] Beirdo: not that much, no
[23:53:50] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:53:59] _totalanni is now known as totalanni
[23:55:27] l33tlinuxh4x0r: i have the same problem even after schedules direct
[23:55:49] wagnerrp: pastebin those logs
[23:56:29] brfransen (brfransen! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:57:52] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:58:04] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Client Quit)
[23:58:14] Gav8in (Gav8in! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:58:16] ** Gav8in waves **
[23:58:19] l33tlinuxh4x0r: i think that i found the problem one sec
[23:58:46] Gav8in: I have an interesting problem. Some recordings show up as only 5 seconds long when I try to watch them. On disk, they are also 5 seconds long.
[23:59:06] Gav8in: The mythbackend log shows the recording taking the proper time, but some mpeg errors early on from mythcommflag
[23:59:14] wagnerrp: hdhomerun?
[23:59:20] Gav8in: Yes!
[23:59:31] wagnerrp: update mythtv to the release version
[23:59:38] Gav8in: I have upgraded the hdhomerun firmware, upgraded mythtv to the latest 23.1
[23:59:41] wagnerrp: you are running a buggy, pre-release beta
[23:59:42] Gav8in: (it was an older 23.1)
[23:59:47] Gav8in: oh
[23:59:58] wagnerrp: youre running mythbuntu?

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