:: #mythtv-users

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Friday, August 27th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:09] ComradeHaz`: Fair.
[00:00:25] ComradeHaz`: I still don't see a way to pull up a menu....
[00:00:52] wagnerrp: where are you now?
[00:00:55] ComradeHaz`: Is it on some keyboard or remote shortcut?
[00:01:17] sphery: Heh, my Edie's Fruit Bars normally have 4 each of 3 flavors. Last time I had a "mismatched" box, it had one fewer of my favorite flavor. This box has 2 extra of my favorite flavor.
[00:01:21] suffice (suffice!~phann@ has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[00:01:22] ComradeHaz`: Media Library ---> Watch Videos
[00:01:36] wagnerrp: and you pressed 'm' to bring up the menu?
[00:01:55] ComradeHaz`: No. I did not know 'm' brought up a menu
[00:02:05] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:02:08] ComradeHaz`: Can I do that with the remote?
[00:02:19] gkeen316 (gkeen316!~gkeen316@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[00:02:20] wagnerrp: that all depends
[00:02:34] ComradeHaz`: Even better, can I do that scan for changes automagically?
[00:02:35] wagnerrp: can you do that with the remote?
[00:02:40] wagnerrp: no
[00:03:06] ComradeHaz`: Can you?!
[00:03:06] ComradeHaz`: :D
[00:03:06] ComradeHaz`: Can one?
[00:03:20] wagnerrp: i can, sure
[00:03:26] wagnerrp: because i set up my remote to allow so
[00:03:28] wagnerrp: did you?
[00:03:47] ComradeHaz`: Not yet!
[00:03:55] ComradeHaz`: Hmm, no sound :/
[00:08:29] mazda01 (mazda01! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:16:02] [1]gkeen316 ([1]gkeen316!~gkeen316@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[00:17:04] high-rez: Wow
[00:17:36] high-rez: My local television news station just towed the NAB line on FM Radio in electronic devices and completely distorted the facts
[00:18:14] high-rez: "Other countries have it why don't we? The battle brews to put FM radio on cell phones."  – a total lie since you can get FM radio on cell phones, but nobody enables it cause consumers don't care
[00:18:57] high-rez: But they're representing the issue as 'a battle put fm radio on cell phones' when the really is 'a battle to force manufacturers to put fm radio on cell phones'
[00:19:16] ** high-rez hits the record button this one **
[00:21:46] sphery: yeah, I love how so much useless stuff gets put into things "to help the [stupid] consumers" (i.e. DTV tuners and decoders)
[00:22:03] ** ComradeHaz` is still messing about but is starting to flal asleep **
[00:22:07] sphery: this stupid consumer wanted a TV without a tuner/decoder (basically a monitor) but couldn't buy one
[00:22:15] ComradeHaz`: Time for sleeps gents. Goodnight, and thankyou :)
[00:22:49] high-rez: Its all hand outs to the NAB.
[00:23:22] high-rez: The funny thing is, in the battle between the RIAA and the NAB – I have no idea who to root for – they're both so entirely evil.
[00:23:52] Beirdo: sphery: hehe, I think that about some of our changes to mythtv at times
[00:24:15] sphery: heh, yeah
[00:25:20] high-rez: Btw, now that I have audio configured right (i suspect it really is a bug that misconfigured audio can cause a playback hang) the frontend is working great with qt 4.7 ;)
[00:25:51] sphery: cool
[00:31:15] wagnerrp: sphery: you can get them, but they dont tend to make those in nice displays
[00:31:41] wagnerrp: the expensive panels get all the extra unneeded doo-dads like network/internet/radio/tv/...
[00:31:51] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:31:58] wagnerrp: most of Westinghouse's TVs did not have tuners
[00:32:07] wagnerrp: weve got a tunerless phillips plasma at work
[00:32:33] wagnerrp: samsung makes some expensive large format displays for lobby wall displays
[00:33:16] Beirdo: just steal one from work, then?
[00:33:18] Beirdo: cool
[00:33:29] wagnerrp: oh, its a piece of crap
[00:33:34] wagnerrp: native 1024x1024
[00:33:36] wagnerrp: whats with that?
[00:33:52] Beirdo: snicker
[00:34:31] [R]: what the hell is 1024x1024?
[00:34:37] mazda01 (mazda01! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:34:44] Beirdo: a resolution
[00:34:53] [R]: that some crack addict thought of?
[00:34:56] Beirdo: !trout [R] language
[00:34:56] ** MythLogBot slaps [R] with a language trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[00:35:02] Beirdo: obviously :)
[00:35:04] wagnerrp: some old 46" phillips plasma weve got at work
[00:35:15] Beirdo: maybe that's the size of the pr0n pics the designer had
[00:35:16] [R]: tell me... do plasma tvs really have plasma in t hem
[00:35:20] [R]: or it is a marketing mimmick?
[00:35:22] [R]: gimmick*
[00:35:30] wagnerrp: yes, they have plasma
[00:35:47] wagnerrp: low temperature plasma
[00:35:51] sphery: wagnerrp: it was the FCC's requirement that by Jul 1, 2004, 50% of all new TV's 36" and larger needed integrated OTA tuners/decoders; by Jul 1, 2005, 100% of TV's 36" and larger and 50% of sets 25" to 35"; by Mar 1, 2006, 100% of all TVs 25" or larger; by Mar 1, 2007, all TVs 13" or larger
[00:35:58] sphery: this is what I did not like
[00:36:01] [R]: low temp plasma? what is that? i thought plasma was plasma cuz it was super hot
[00:36:07] high-rez: Don't they /make/ plasma – i don't think plasma exists without a gas being excited – no ?
[00:36:12] wagnerrp: sphery: 'TV' is the key word there
[00:36:16] sphery: right
[00:36:17] wagnerrp: if you dont have a tuner, its just a monitor
[00:36:28] sphery: but you can't buy a monitor of equivalent size
[00:36:38] wagnerrp: sure you can
[00:37:01] sphery: no, you could only buy commercial screens
[00:37:04] sphery: which are garbage
[00:37:11] sphery: and extremely expensive for what you get
[00:37:22] wagnerrp: like i said, before westinghouse went belly up, they sold them
[00:37:26] wagnerrp: just a year or two ago
[00:38:03] wagnerrp: of course they looked like garbage too
[00:38:09] wagnerrp: but at least they were cheap garbage
[00:38:33] high-rez: i don't mind that TVs have ATSC tuners in them... Even if its mandated. They sort of go hand in hand (and the requirement probably was to help with the DTV transition)... But requiring a cell phone with an FM tuner is just lame.
[00:38:39] sphery: on the bright side, now that the FCC mugged me and took my $500, the cost of those digital decoders has dropped--thanks to computer tech
[00:39:05] sphery: but that mandate should /never/ have existed
[00:39:21] sphery: since the vast majority of TV users /never/ uses the DTV tuner or decoder
[00:39:32] sphery: after all, we're at what, 11% OTA usage, now?
[00:39:34] wagnerrp: high-rez: when half the population has cable, which /requires/ a STB, theres not a whole lot of point to mandating tuners
[00:39:42] wagnerrp: or even buying a tv with one in it for that matter
[00:39:50] sphery: exactly
[00:40:28] sphery: so in my TV, which was an early model, approximately $500 of the cost was for the decoder (tuner was still cheap)
[00:40:49] sphery: and it's a POJ decoder that can't keep up with real-time ATSC at high bitrates
[00:40:52] high-rez: Yeah, unless its like a medical device or something safety related (airbags?), governments mandating what features products have feels so communist. Except that its at the behest of corporations so I guess its more fascist
[00:41:03] wagnerrp: wow
[00:41:49] sphery: and at the time I was shopping for a new HDTV display, I /looked/ for one that was a monitor.
[00:41:59] high-rez: sphery: I didn't bother with hdtvs until the prices got reasonable.  :) I just dealt with having a huge CRT monitor (which was doing higher resolution than todays high def tvs)
[00:42:00] sphery: I couldn't find any 68" 1080p monitors at all
[00:42:17] high-rez: Dang, thats a huge display
[00:42:20] sphery: yeah, mine wasn't reasonable price
[00:42:29] sphery: it was $4K when I got it
[00:42:36] high-rez: I think if I was going for somethiung that big I'd have to get a projector ;)
[00:42:41] sphery: now I could get a better one for way less money
[00:42:49] high-rez: (which is what I used for a very long time too)
[00:42:52] sphery: I will be replacing it with a projector
[00:42:56] [R]: how far away do you have to be from 68" for it to not suck?
[00:43:01] sphery: (but most of the reason for that is because I won't do LCD)
[00:43:18] sphery: I sit approximately 25 yards away
[00:43:18] high-rez: No likie LCD ?
[00:43:28] [R]: how far is 25 yards? isn't that a lot?
[00:43:36] mzb is now known as mzb_zz
[00:43:39] wagnerrp: 68" 1080p for me would be about 20'
[00:43:45] sphery: though sometimes the guy in that house--the one 25 lawns away--compalins
[00:43:47] mzb_zz is now known as mzb
[00:43:49] Beirdo: hehe
[00:44:12] Beirdo: you sure it's not his wife/daughter yer watching?
[00:44:17] sphery: high-rez: I love LCD--but I hate LCD for video
[00:44:26] sphery: LCD is great for computer monitors, though
[00:44:38] [R]: so hows that VDPAU painter? is it better than opengl?
[00:44:45] sphery: Beirdo: heh
[00:44:48] wagnerrp: it basically is opengl
[00:44:56] wagnerrp: the advantage is improved memory usage
[00:44:56] sphery: closed GL?
[00:45:06] wagnerrp: so you can get by with 256MB cards
[00:45:11] wagnerrp: and VDPAU decoding
[00:45:12] [R]: so thats really no diff?
[00:45:13] sphery: *in trunk
[00:46:58] high-rez: sphery: I pseronally preferred CRTs for a long time – but it seems with modern LCDs the blur isn't reall noticeable to me.
[00:47:52] sphery: yeah, they're doing tricks to fix the LCD problems, but they're not doing the best tricks, anymore
[00:48:20] Shadow__X: what do you guys think of the zotac iontx p-e as a frontend for the hd
[00:48:34] [R]: i have an ionitx b-e
[00:48:35] [R]: works like a charm
[00:48:40] Shadow__X: . . . -nvidias-ion dual core celeron
[00:48:41] sphery: instead, they're using stupid tricks to try to give the same benefit, but without the brightness loss
[00:48:47] high-rez: I love my ionitx but the myth devs complain about them constantly ;)
[00:48:50] sphery: so they're inventing information to stick in between frames
[00:49:20] Shadow__X: [R]: which cpu does that one have
[00:49:32] [R]: Shadow__X: 230
[00:49:32] sphery: Shadow__X: p-e isn't the worst choice of "ION" (even if it isn't an ION)
[00:50:08] sphery: IONITX-P-E with the Celeron SU2300 – $169
[00:50:14] sphery: i.e. not an Atom
[00:50:14] Shadow__X: [R]: and i am guessing if there is errors in the recording it still defaults to go back to cpu right
[00:50:23] [R]: Shadow__X: huh?
[00:50:36] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (Quit: abqjp)
[00:50:36] [R]: sphery: i thought the definition of ion was atom?
[00:50:37] high-rez: The ionitx is the one that uses the powerbrick with the dual core n330 atom. I think its magic for a frontend
[00:50:38] Shadow__X: sphery: right the chipset is ion but the nature of ion was to stick it with an atom
[00:50:49] sphery: [R]: TTBOMK, so did nvidia
[00:50:52] high-rez: I thought the definition of ION was atom+9400
[00:50:54] [R]: AHHA
[00:50:59] sphery: [R]: . . . vidias-ion/1
[00:51:05] [R]: i don't really care
[00:51:07] sphery: trounced the atom, though
[00:51:12] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: if the VDPAU decoder spits out the video initially because it cannot decode it, mythtv will drop back to the software decoder
[00:51:39] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: if VDPAU fails because of errors in the stream, playback will fail outright in unpredictable ways
[00:51:54] wagnerrp: probably dropping back to the main menu
[00:51:57] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: yeah thats what i thought at times i have stream errors
[00:52:30] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: most of the time it keeps playing just makes a popping noice similiar to squelch then skips a few frames
[00:52:53] wagnerrp: error recovery has gotten significantly better
[00:52:59] wagnerrp: in the 180.x line, it was pretty horrible
[00:53:20] sphery: IMHO, buying Atom is like buying a stock car that only does 25mph, because "this race track is all down hill"
[00:54:05] sphery: buying a nice low-power-usage CPU with some headroom gives the best of both worlds--and works even on flat race tracks
[00:54:50] Shadow__X: sphery: so you suggest getting something like a 45watt amd cpu with integrated video?
[00:55:09] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: correct
[00:55:18] Shadow__X: i look at ion boards because they are cheap are lower power and use really small footprints
[00:55:21] sphery: Shadow__X: the problem with that approch would be the AMD integrated CPU is usually ATI
[00:55:30] Shadow__X: if i had the money i would prefer using a mac mini
[00:55:35] sphery: but a nice low-TDP AMD or Intel chip with integrated nvidia is grat
[00:55:44] sphery: and, yeah, something like mac mini is wonderful
[00:55:46] Shadow__X: sphery: right exactly
[00:55:54] wagnerrp: the problem is youre not going to find modern intel chips with onboard nvidia
[00:56:13] wagnerrp: ive not heard how the integrated graphics on the i5s handle the opengl painter and video renderer
[00:56:14] agr0__ (agr0__! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:57:00] Shadow__X: yeah with the switch to nehalem intel is pushing other gpus to the way side
[00:57:01] sphery: Shadow__X: this is my latest manifesto:
[00:57:21] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: which is funny, because they dropped their own GPU
[00:57:50] sphery: Shadow__X: note that I'm not recommendign the Mac Mini, but given sufficient effort, you could do a similarly-well-designed system that's atom-like power usage and real-computer-like computing power
[00:57:54] agr0_ (agr0_! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:58:17] wagnerrp: sphery: the realist's manifesto?
[00:58:26] Shadow__X: sphery: yes i fully agree and if i had the money to spend on a mac mini for a frontned i would
[00:58:57] sphery: I thought it was AMD's buying ATI and Intel's trying to kill nvidia's ION that was pushing non-Intel graphics on Intel mobos to the wayside
[00:59:06] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: you can build a mini-itx i5 system that will do 25W idle, 60W under load, and can decode anything you want to throw at it
[00:59:37] wagnerrp: if you shut down or standby when not in use, you could get by with a few dollars of power consumed per year
[00:59:38] sphery: and ^^^ is a good approach
[00:59:45] sphery: and not likely too expensive, either
[00:59:50] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: yeah i have looked at that before as well and just use the integrated intel(shudders at the though) gpu
[01:00:26] Shadow__X: i do have to say i like the itx i5 approach as well
[01:01:19] Shadow__X: how is sleep and wake working with mythtv and the related ir receiver? i remembered reading here that people had issues with usb after resuming that required unplugging the usb device and plugging it back in
[01:01:19] sphery: I don't know the Intel-mobo scene, at all
[01:01:34] sphery: wonder how much more power a discrete graphics board uses compared to integrated
[01:01:46] nutron: bajillions of watts
[01:01:55] sphery: i.e. get a nice fanless nvidia card that's not high-power-usage....
[01:02:19] Shadow__X: i would most likely get a 9400
[01:02:26] Shadow__X: cheap and still does vdpau
[01:04:03] wagnerrp: $340 for for mini-itx board, 3.2GHz i5, 4GB of 1333
[01:04:08] wagnerrp: $40 for case
[01:04:13] wagnerrp: $40 for PSU
[01:04:17] wagnerrp: $20 for IR
[01:05:50] Shadow__X: thats not bad at all considering its an actual machine
[01:06:10] Shadow__X: i have to agree with sphery atoms are pretty anemic when it comes to being able to process
[01:06:28] wagnerrp: which as beirdo discovered, is awful when trying to compile trunk on it
[01:06:34] wagnerrp: how many hours did that end up taking?
[01:06:51] Beirdo: hehe
[01:06:58] Beirdo: 4 I think
[01:07:08] Beirdo: and thank you for reminding me... need to do it again
[01:07:08] Beirdo: hehe
[01:07:10] sphery: wow
[01:07:19] wagnerrp: i think my 5yr old opteron takes about 30 minutes from scratch
[01:07:22] Beirdo: that was a FULL compile though
[01:07:34] sphery: sounds like you could sell ccaches for that build
[01:07:37] Beirdo: machine has 1G RAM in it
[01:10:15] wagnerrp: 'today on ice road truckers, the rookie challenges the king to a race'
[01:10:25] wagnerrp: why would you /ever/ race in that environment
[01:10:48] [R]: why NOT
[01:11:32] Shadow__X: found a am3/am2+ board integrated 8200 for 52 bucks
[01:15:49] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: for a h55 build though could i even think of using the integrated gpu
[01:19:14] sphery: what's h55?
[01:19:33] wagnerrp: i5 chipset
[01:19:38] Shadow__X: intel core i3/i5 board
[01:19:47] Shadow__X: doesnt it do i3 too?
[01:20:21] wagnerrp: i dont know, they mixed and matched that entire architecture into a giant cluster-f
[01:20:55] Shadow__X: i liked the good ol c2d days myself
[01:21:35] sphery: yeah, C2D was much easier to figure out than "i".RNG()
[01:22:26] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!~MaverickT@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:25:20] paras (paras! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:27:06] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:33:41] paras (paras! has quit (Quit: Verlassend)
[01:39:14] wagnerrp: ooh, venture brothers starts back up next week
[01:44:30] gkeen316 (gkeen316! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:58:14] TUplink (TUplink! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:00:26] aloril (aloril! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[02:01:00] aloril (aloril! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:05:05] sybolt (sybolt! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:07:43] Beirdo: OK, time to go home.
[02:07:49] Beirdo: and I'm hungry
[02:09:47] Defense (Defense! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:14:03] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[02:19:36] sphery: Beirdo: sounds like VAAPI is for disposable/one-time-use frontends :)
[02:28:29] Gibby: hmmmm, what to tackle next
[02:28:49] itscrimetime (itscrimetime! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:30:32] Gibby: Any one here have mfh3 Directv?
[02:31:22] wagnerrp: i... dont know
[02:32:41] sphery: I hear there's some energy crisis building... Or maybe the economic downturn...
[02:33:05] wagnerrp: is it a crisis of mfh3?
[02:33:07] sphery: someone should tackle those
[02:33:44] Gibby: I am just wondering for the controlling of my directv boxes if I can follow the d11 and hr20 even tho i have to use a d11-i and hr20-i
[02:33:46] mag0o: meh, i'm trying to get acpi wakeup working and can't get it...if i set the bios to wake up in X minutes, it will happily do that, but following the wiki for 'manually test wakealarm' yields no results. Any suggestions? Asus p4p800e motherboard
[02:33:58] itscrimetime (itscrimetime! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:34:05] itscrimetime (itscrimetime! has quit (Client Quit)
[02:34:45] [R]: mag0o: did you try all the suggestions from the wiki?
[02:34:51] [R]: mag0o: about "if it doesn't work"
[02:35:46] gkeen316 (gkeen316! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[02:35:49] mag0o: yep
[02:36:26] mag0o: I've made it all the way through the wiki before coming here :)
[02:37:14] [R]: maybe your board just doesnt' work
[02:38:23] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[02:38:34] mag0o: I'm thinking that, but haven't given up yet
[02:40:22] gkeen316 (gkeen316! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:41:16] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[02:42:19] mag0o: if I do conclude that acpi wakeup is a no-go, is it possible to have an always on frontend wake up the backend via wol? i think i recall seeing an option to wake up the backend, but not sure.
[02:42:23] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:43:14] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:43:42] sphery: the master backend can wake and sleep slaves or itself
[02:43:56] sphery: but the itself part requires timer wakeup
[02:44:08] mag0o: the acpi stuff..grr
[02:44:19] sphery: though wasn't there something that replaced acpi wakeup in newer kernels and stuff?
[02:44:44] mag0o: got me
[02:46:22] sphery: ah, maybe the new thing was /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm
[02:47:05] sphery: (and it seems that's what the wiki talks about now)
[02:47:17] [R]: my wakeup works like a charm
[02:47:20] ** [R] hugs his motherboard **
[02:47:26] Gibby: i can use 1 hdhomerun dual, to work to SD directv boxes right?
[02:47:43] [R]: Gibby: hdhomerun uses atsc or qam... dtv boxes don't output either
[02:47:46] sphery: HDHomeRun only does digital OTA and Cable
[02:47:50] ** mag0o makes fun of his motherboard **
[02:48:13] Gibby: then what does directv output via the coax from the STB
[02:48:23] nutron: asus has always been flaky :( especially with apic's and acpi tables
[02:48:24] sphery: Gibby: for DirecTV you need an analog capture device--ideally something like the Hauppauge PVR-150 for standard-def or Hauppauge HD-PVR for high-def
[02:48:42] [R]: Gibby: out the coax is super crap ntsc
[02:48:56] sphery: Gibby: and you want to use S-Video (or, at worst Composite) output from the DTV box--not the RF-modulated output (coax)
[02:49:11] sphery: (or Component if you go HDTV and HD-PVR)
[02:49:29] Gibby: right now i am just going to use 2 SD boxes until i fork out the "security deposit" and monthly rent just for the box not including the extra money for the hd channels
[02:49:43] Gibby: so S-Video is the best?
[02:50:09] sphery: for SDTV, S-Video is your best bet
[02:50:16] sphery: and the PVR-150 will capture it
[02:50:48] Gibby: hmmm ok
[02:50:57] sphery: you could get an HVR-1600, which is basically a PVR-150 + a digital tuner (for over-the-air TV broadcasts in your area), but if you're not using the digital, the PVR-150 is much cheaper
[02:51:29] sphery: though they got slapped by the FCC for selling them (since they don't have digital tuners), so Hauppauge can't sell new ones in the US, so you have to buy from ebay, generally
[02:51:40] Gibby: well i was going to use digital also, just taking steps slowly
[02:51:43] sphery: (the PVR-150's that is--they can sell teh HVR-1600, but it's much more expensive)
[02:52:08] sphery: but the HVR-1600--and the HDHR and any other digital capture--will /not/ work with DirecTV
[02:52:20] Gibby: so i would need 2 pvr-150's for 2 directv STB's?
[02:52:24] sphery: so when you go high-definition with DirectTV, your /only/ option is the Hauppauge HD-PVR
[02:52:40] sphery: right, 2 PVR-150's for 2 DirectTV STBs
[02:52:50] sphery: or you could get one PVR-500, but usually 2 PVR-150s are cheaper)
[02:53:07] totalanni: hum
[02:53:22] totalanni: any of u guys got a min? :)
[02:53:23] sphery: the HVR-1600's digital tuner is only useful with over-the-air broadcasts or unencrypted QAM cable broadcasts
[02:53:41] kormoc: totalanni, just ask
[02:54:20] rossand (rossand! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[02:54:23] totalanni: i did a basic frontend/backend setup, it found my tuner, scanned and added channels(but at the end of that it said none found, but still added them), restarted, and it says cannot connect to backend
[02:54:48] Gibby: but as said before S-video is the best option, any cards out there with 2 of those? my backend is a 2U rackmount server, soo space is limited in it
[02:55:10] sphery: PVR-500 is basically a single PCI card with 2 PVR-150s in it
[02:55:36] wagnerrp: they make low profile 150s as well
[02:55:38] sphery: but you would need an additional "connection kit" to get a 2nd S-Video input
[02:55:41] wagnerrp: or do you have a riser card?
[02:56:08] wagnerrp: the 'connection kit' is just a daughter bracket that connects to a header on the card
[02:56:08] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:56:24] wagnerrp: if you had no room, you could always drill a hole in your case and mount it directly to it
[02:57:10] Gibby: correct, i have a pci riser card in it now that gives it 3 pci slots, 1 is going to be used for a 4 port sata card, there is a another pci slot but almost not useful unless i cut the case a little bit
[02:57:29] Gibby: I found a pvr-500 for 48, that is cheaper than 2 pvr-150's
[02:58:42] Gibby: i can't find any of the connection kits tho
[02:58:42] i_is_cat: for $48?
[02:59:12] Gibby: yes $48 but no connection kit, i have found just a conneciton kit yet
[02:59:19] wagnerrp: i believe hauppauge will still sell you one directly
[02:59:26] wagnerrp: for a couple bucks plus shipping
[03:00:34] i_is_cat: Gibby, is this a one time thing or are there many cards?
[03:00:39] ** i_is_cat wants some **
[03:00:44] Gibby: 1 time thing
[03:00:48] i_is_cat: darn
[03:00:51] Gibby: it is used
[03:00:54] i_is_cat: meh
[03:01:19] Gibby: what about this
[03:01:22] i_is_cat: i got my pvr150 used for $60 a year and a bit ago..
[03:01:28] Gibby: it has s-video
[03:02:25] sphery:
[03:02:53] wagnerrp: i got my pvr-150 new for $60 in like 2006
[03:03:06] sphery: a PVR-150 is likely $20-$30 on ebay
[03:04:05] i_is_cat: ya well people want hd instead of sd so prices are dropping pretty decently..
[03:04:22] sphery: heh, thought there are some unreasonable prices on there (some asking $56 or more for a PVR-150)
[03:04:33] i_is_cat: my uncle paid around $120 brand new for the pvr150 and barely used it, i probably could've got it for cheaper but i didnt wanna feel like i was ripping him off
[03:04:44] wagnerrp: prices have been that low for a while now
[03:04:56] wagnerrp: the -150 never went for $120 new
[03:05:02] wagnerrp: retail was like $90
[03:05:02] i_is_cat: sure did
[03:05:03] Beirdo: sphery: yeah... atom add water and stir frontends...
[03:05:05] sphery: i_is_cat: definitely true--the fact that there are tons of PVR-150 auctions ending in hours with no bids and prices around $15–20 says that you should be able to get them cheap
[03:05:05] Gibby: the cheapest 150 i see now is 31
[03:05:28] i_is_cat: wagnerrp, i live in canada so prices are higher here
[03:05:32] sphery: Gibby: look also at the auction ones--not just buy it now
[03:05:35] i_is_cat: and theres nothing i can do about it
[03:06:05] Gibby: hmm so 1 pvr-500 with connection kit or 2 pvr-150's.... the 150's are probably smaller huh?
[03:06:06] Beirdo: i_is_cat: that certainly wasn't the case when I was still living in Canada
[03:06:32] i_is_cat: which? prices being higher in general? or the pvr 150 price?
[03:06:36] Gibby: lol the ones ending in a day with no bids are 29.99 for shipping
[03:06:44] sphery: Gibby: if you get low prifile, they're probably smaller, but for the not low-profile ones, maybe not
[03:06:50] Beirdo: the prices were about even between CDN$ and US$
[03:07:23] Beirdo: which actually made CDN prices about 20% lower
[03:07:29] sphery: though the low-profile ones are pretty high--looks like $80 or so for a PVR_150 LP
[03:07:40] i_is_cat: i normally dont check out us prices tbh, but whenever i mention a price of a product in here, everyone is always stating its much cheaper on us sites.
[03:08:08] Beirdo: hmph
[03:08:29] Beirdo: the alphapulse tweak gave me back about 3% CPU
[03:08:36] Beirdo: not nearly good enough
[03:09:12] Beirdo: now to use less CPU... playing back H.264
[03:10:33] sphery: Gibby: IMHO, it looks like tomorrow is the day to buy... I see 9 different auctions, 0 bids, $0.01 ending in 1d 2h and change. With an appropriate bid, it looks like you could get a couple of those for cheap (since so many will come up at the same time)
[03:10:43] sphery: though today may be the day to bid
[03:10:55] sphery: oh, and note that I'm not recommending any particular sellers on ebay...
[03:10:57] sphery: :)
[03:11:02] Gibby: sphery, the shipping is $29.99
[03:11:05] sphery: so best of luck
[03:11:14] sphery: woah... I see, now
[03:11:16] sphery: that's bad
[03:11:39] Beirdo: bend over... we're gonna ship this card
[03:12:05] Gibby: ns, i might jsut get 1 pvr-150 and get my 1 directv STB working the do the other
[03:13:29] sphery: Gibby: this would be so much easier if not for the FCC
[03:13:41] Gibby: err the FCC errr
[03:14:10] sphery: their fining Hauppauge for selling analog-only capture cards is why you can't find them new
[03:14:25] sphery: and why some people seem to think they can put an unreasonable price on them on ebay :)
[03:14:42] sphery: so how much is the HVR-1600, now, anyway?
[03:14:46] Beirdo: which is why I'm KEEPING mine :)
[03:15:00] sphery: which is the HVR model with 2x analog + 2x digital?
[03:15:07] sphery: !url tuners
[03:15:07] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[03:15:12] wagnerrp: 2250
[03:15:16] sphery: thx
[03:15:20] Beirdo: hehe
[03:15:28] wagnerrp: yeah, thats an option
[03:15:30] ** sphery checks to see if it's working with V4L **
[03:15:34] wagnerrp: 2250 comes in low-profile
[03:15:40] wagnerrp: and works in analog and digital
[03:15:52] sphery: PCI or PCIe?
[03:15:55] wagnerrp: e
[03:16:06] Gibby: hmm i can only use pci
[03:16:11] wagnerrp: 1600 then
[03:16:15] sphery: :(
[03:16:41] Gibby: not answered about this
[03:16:58] sphery: wagnerrp: says no ntsc support? Is it available, just not in the shipping kernel?
[03:17:18] wagnerrp: possibly
[03:17:36] Beirdo: 60Hz beat of seconds?
[03:17:40] sphery: so the HVR-1600 is $80 new
[03:17:40] Beirdo: sphery: you lost me.
[03:17:40] wagnerrp: steven toth only put it together about a month ago
[03:17:53] sphery: Beirdo: heh, ignore me...
[03:17:59] wagnerrp: it may still only be in his development branch
[03:18:02] Beirdo: you needed a value > 1Hz to make sure that a second wasn't missed :)
[03:18:13] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[03:18:49] Gibby: could i use 1 card to do my directv STB and OTA?
[03:19:22] wagnerrp:
[03:19:24] sphery: Gibby: with the HVR-1600, yes
[03:19:34] sphery: Gibby: the HVR-1600 is $80, though, it seems
[03:20:05] Gibby: i found 1 for $45
[03:20:17] sphery: nice
[03:21:27] Gibby: with free shipping----done
[03:21:49] stoth (stoth! has quit (Quit: stoth)
[03:22:02] wagnerrp: speak of the devil
[03:22:20] sphery: and he shall...disappear?
[03:22:27] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:22:34] iamlindoro: run away! run away!
[03:22:55] Beirdo: hehe
[03:23:05] Gibby: so now i need to get the stuff to control the changing of the channels
[03:23:32] Beirdo: yay. vaapi stuff compiled.
[03:23:44] Beirdo: it's MUCH faster with ccache :)
[03:24:41] mag0o: meh, wakeup schmakeup
[03:27:52] Gibby: so what is a good cheap OTA antenna?
[03:27:54] wagnerrp: wow... stay puft caffeinated marshmallows on thinkgeek
[03:28:07] wagnerrp: Gibby: how far are you from the transmitters?
[03:28:21] Gibby: 1 sec
[03:28:36] Beirdo: "good antenna" totally depends on where you are, what's around you, etc.
[03:28:47] wagnerrp: terrain
[03:28:58] Beirdo: yup
[03:29:07] Beirdo: trees, buildings, hills...
[03:29:12] mag0o: Gibby: i'm using a 2x4 and coat hanger
[03:29:27] wagnerrp: probably multiple coat hangers
[03:29:29] wagnerrp: and some wire
[03:29:29] sphery: Gibby:
[03:29:41] Gibby: NBC is the farthest at 11 miles
[03:29:42] mag0o: (romex actually)
[03:30:51] Gibby: well it is going to be inside too
[03:31:45] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[03:33:39] Gibby: so an attic one like this should work right? . . . aultDomain_0
[03:34:29] sphery: I had a 16-foot long UHF/VHF antenna in my living room for about a week while setting up to verify it would work (before spending 8hr mounting it in the attic)
[03:34:35] sphery: not recommended, though
[03:35:39] Gibby: what is not recommended?
[03:36:01] sphery: putting a 16'-long antenna in your front room
[03:36:49] Gibby: lol
[03:38:28] Gibby: geez, chosing an antenna is harder than a tuner card
[03:38:35] wagnerrp: not sure why you would need such a large antenna
[03:38:56] wagnerrp: i mean the worst youve got to contend with is a few palm trees, maybe a bridge
[03:39:20] sphery: when the HDTV was new, it was just barely enough to pick up the worst/lowest-power channels
[03:39:25] sphery: now, it's overkill
[03:39:34] sphery: they've all upped power and stuff
[03:39:38] Gibby: . . . aultDomain_0
[03:39:41] Gibby: so that would work?
[03:39:59] Gibby: I would like to mount the antenna just on top of my server rack
[03:40:05] wagnerrp: go for the 14' one
[03:40:30] wagnerrp: 16' is too much, but a 14' yagi... just right
[03:41:09] sphery: ah, it seems it's actually 12ft x 10ft x 5ft
[03:41:17] sphery: Terk TV-38
[03:42:35] Gibby: so if i need to point in mulitple directions, iwill need more antenna's right?
[03:43:02] Gibby: yeah, want to stay under $40 for antenna for now
[03:44:16] Timrit (Timrit!~scott@unaffiliated/timrit) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:44:34] wagnerrp: do you need to point in multiple directions?
[03:45:37] wagnerrp: a dipole antenna is about the old unidirectional antenna youre going to find
[03:45:53] wagnerrp: anything else is going to be a figure 8
[03:46:04] wagnerrp: two directions of high gain, two directions with poor reception
[03:46:16] wagnerrp: or unidirectional
[03:46:27] wagnerrp: s/old unidirectional/only omnidirectional/
[03:46:55] Timrit: hello. i am running a mythbuntu 10.04 dedicated backend only and a Arch frontend on my laptop. i am getting the following error when the frontend is started from the cli: Protocol version mismatch (frontend=23056,backend=56). is there a fix to this besides using ubuntu frontend? both systems are current as of a few minutes ago.
[03:47:18] wagnerrp: no, one is current, the other is several weeks old
[03:47:34] Timrit: which is old wagnerrp?
[03:47:44] Gibby: . . . be7f17dd98fb
[03:47:47] wagnerrp: your frontend is running 0.23.1, your backend is running 0.23.0
[03:48:00] tgm4883: Timrit, update your backend to 0.23.1
[03:48:25] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[03:48:36] Timrit: i pulled it from the mythbuntu repo. can i get it from someplace else and add it to the sources?
[03:48:53] tgm4883: Timrit, are you familiar with the mythbuntu-repos package?
[03:48:58] Gibby: timrit, are you using auto-builds?
[03:49:10] wagnerrp: tgm4883: you have some phrase highlighted?
[03:49:18] tgm4883: wagnerrp, yep, mythbuntu and ubuntu
[03:49:20] Timrit: tgm4883: no
[03:49:23] wagnerrp: hehe
[03:49:23] Timrit: i am not
[03:49:29] Timrit: Gibby: i am not either
[03:49:33] wagnerrp: wondered how you always seem to show up
[03:49:52] tgm4883: psychic :)
[03:49:56] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:49:59] Timrit: i appreciate the help
[03:49:59] wagnerrp: apparently
[03:51:17] tgm4883: Timrit, install this package . . . 2723_all.deb
[03:51:25] tgm4883: i'd link you to the website, but it's down right now
[03:51:36] tgm4883: when you install that, it will prompt you to install 0.23.1
[03:51:43] tgm4883: do not install 0.24
[03:51:50] totalanni: Whats the command to start the backend?
[03:51:57] Timrit: tgm4883: will it remove 0.23.0?
[03:51:59] Shadow__X: start sesame
[03:52:07] wagnerrp: mythbackend
[03:52:20] totalanni: wagner: im glad your here :)
[03:52:23] wagnerrp: any startup script you may have would depend on your distro
[03:52:29] Gibby: so based out that tvfool output, what is my best antenna for inside under $40
[03:52:31] wagnerrp: mythbackend literally is the backend executable
[03:52:38] totalanni: some reason my frontend wont see the backend
[03:52:41] totalanni: and its localhost
[03:52:52] tgm4883: Timrit, it will upgrade it to 0.23.1
[03:52:56] tgm4883: so technically, yes
[03:53:02] Timrit: cool
[03:53:05] gkeen316 (gkeen316! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[03:55:02] wagnerrp: did tvfool get rid of their elevation maps?
[03:55:21] Timrit: tgm4883: should i activate the testing ppa?
[03:55:30] Timrit: or does that break regularly
[03:55:32] tgm4883: Timrit, yea
[03:55:38] tgm4883: it doesn't contain mythtv packages
[03:55:58] tgm4883: just stuff that the mythbuntu team writes, it's low traffic
[03:57:01] Gibby: :(
[03:59:34] wagnerrp: Gibby: theres basically three types people around here buy
[03:59:57] Timrit (Timrit!~scott@unaffiliated/timrit) has quit (Quit: reboot)
[04:00:26] wagnerrp: big yagis, bay antennas, or just simple bunny ears
[04:00:53] Gibby: what are bay antennas?
[04:00:59] gkeen316 (gkeen316! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:02:01] wagnerrp: stuff like . . . b/B000FVVKQM
[04:02:16] wagnerrp: if you look for instructions online for building an antenna, youll find that
[04:02:34] Gibby: hmm that link didn't work
[04:02:49] wagnerrp: fairly easy to piece together with $10 and a hardware store
[04:02:56] Gibby: I was thinking about this small yagi
[04:02:58] Gibby: . . . em3caffc5b00
[04:03:02] wagnerrp: . . . b/B000FVVKQM
[04:03:15] Gibby: 404 error still
[04:03:56] wagnerrp: bah... . . . p/B000FVVKQM
[04:04:07] wagnerrp: i really need to figure out why copy-paste broke again
[04:04:21] totalanni: wagnerrp: for some reason, my frontend cant see my backend
[04:04:23] totalanni: same box
[04:04:35] totalanni: tried filling in its ip
[04:04:38] wagnerrp: dont bother with those tiny yagis
[04:04:38] Gibby: are versions the same?
[04:04:44] totalanni: and using
[04:04:56] Beirdo: wagnerrp: I have a tiny yagi :)
[04:04:58] Gibby: . . . aultDomain_2
[04:05:00] totalanni: and mythfilldatabase doesnt even connect
[04:05:02] wagnerrp: youll get just as good of signal from a pair of bunny ears
[04:05:03] Timrit (Timrit!~scott@unaffiliated/timrit) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:05:04] Beirdo: it's annoying me
[04:05:11] Beirdo: wagnerrp: not true :)
[04:05:13] Gibby: Beirdo: The tiny yagi does?
[04:05:20] totalanni: Gibby: its all on one box and 1 i would assume so
[04:05:21] Beirdo: UHF is better on the yagi.
[04:05:28] Beirdo: VHF on the bunny ears
[04:05:37] Gibby: totalanni: do mythbackend -v and mythfronend -v
[04:05:42] Beirdo: but yeah, it's sucking a wee bit
[04:06:02] wagnerrp: totalanni: in mythtv-setup, first page, you set both IPs to be the same, and the address of your backend?
[04:06:03] Gibby: i meant i only need a antenna for transmitters in a 20 miles radius tho
[04:06:03] Beirdo: it seems that openingy balcony door messes up reception
[04:06:16] totalanni: yes
[04:06:17] Beirdo: which sucks as I open it a lot
[04:06:20] totalanni: both ips are the same
[04:06:26] totalanni: either
[04:06:30] totalanni: or its local ip doesnt work
[04:06:31] Gibby: so a yagi like this . . . aultDomain_2
[04:06:42] wagnerrp: and after changing those, you restarted your backend?
[04:07:00] totalanni: Gibby: same version...yes...
[04:07:02] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:07:10] Beirdo: BAH
[04:07:19] Beirdo: Rescue Me season finale's next week!?
[04:07:35] wagnerrp: totalanni: are you sure your backend is running? you can open 'top' and see it?
[04:08:00] Timrit: so i still get that error after installing that debian package on the backend. is current version 56 or 23056?
[04:08:13] wagnerrp: 59
[04:08:22] wagnerrp: -fixes is 23056
[04:08:22] Gibby: timrit: what is the output of dpkg -l mythtv-backend and dpkg -l mythtv-frontend
[04:08:38] wagnerrp: have you restarted your backend?
[04:08:41] Gibby: totalanii: ^^^ do the same
[04:08:46] totalanni: wild
[04:08:49] totalanni: i did
[04:08:49] Timrit: i just rebooted the backend
[04:08:56] Timrit: thats why i left
[04:08:57] totalanni: and its getting further now
[04:09:01] totalanni: sec
[04:09:01] Timrit: irssi:))
[04:09:04] gkeen316 (gkeen316! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:09:20] Beirdo: QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::newData(QString, units_t, DataMap) to WeatherScreen::newData(QString, units_t, DataMap)
[04:09:21] Timrit: Gibby: frontend is on arch
[04:09:24] Beirdo: oooo[s
[04:09:34] Gibby: so do the arch equiv
[04:09:34] Timrit: dpkg doesnt exit
[04:09:41] totalanni: ok
[04:09:45] totalanni: backend is running now
[04:09:50] totalanni: and i filldatabase
[04:09:55] totalanni: let me try a restart
[04:10:02] totalanni: and see if it comes up automatic this time
[04:10:07] Gibby: so this one . . . aultDomain_2
[04:10:15] Gibby: or . . . aultDomain_2
[04:11:43] Gibby: me hungry, as soon as i order an antenna, i am going to get something to eat then bed
[04:11:45] Beirdo: sphery: my long startup is when it's writing defaults.
[04:12:17] Timrit: Gibby: mythtv-backend 0.23.0+fixes24158–0ubuntu2 A personal video recorder application (server)
[04:12:26] sphery: Beirdo: yeah, saw that when you posted before
[04:12:27] Timrit: backend
[04:12:52] sphery: Beirdo: is it starting up multiple mythfrontend/mythtv-setups at the same time (on different hosts)?
[04:13:01] sphery: or any idea why it's only sometimes slow?
[04:13:17] sphery: like who might be locking the keybindings or jumppoints table?
[04:13:25] Beirdo: nope. just on one machine
[04:13:34] Beirdo: the backend's running, obviously
[04:13:36] Beirdo: but that's it
[04:13:36] sphery: myisam or innodb?
[04:13:41] Gibby: so i think i am going to order the 2nd yagi
[04:13:49] Beirdo: myisam,
[04:13:56] sphery: yeah, backend shouldn't ever touch those tables
[04:13:56] Beirdo: i haven't messed with it
[04:14:22] Gibby: do i hear any other bidders?
[04:14:37] sphery: I'm wondering if using innodb might make it not do that (i.e. row-level locking instead of table-level)
[04:14:42] sphery: but that's just a workaround, not a fix
[04:14:59] sphery: I'll likely have to consult with my mysql guru and see if he has any ideas
[04:15:13] Beirdo: :)
[04:15:18] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!~MaverickT@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:15:19] Gibby: going once
[04:15:19] sphery: I may just modify the keybindings code, though, to make it more efficient
[04:15:53] Beirdo: WTF?!
[04:16:05] Beirdo: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4233 2010-08–23 19:11
[04:16:17] Beirdo: that's supposed to be executable, tard!
[04:17:02] Defense (Defense! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:17:06] Gibby: sold ok, i have spent enough money without the wife knowing....
[04:17:06] Timrit: would it be better to be running mythtv-0-23-fixes-svn or mythtv 25574–1?
[04:17:34] Timrit: ^^ on arch
[04:17:35] Beirdo: what's a better flavor of ice cream? chocolate or vanilla?
[04:17:49] [R]: vanilla... duh
[04:18:02] sphery: and by "keybindings code", I mean the reset code
[04:18:03] Gibby: vanilla with cookies
[04:18:09] wagnerrp: clearly neopolitin
[04:18:14] [R]: i had the weirdest ice cream
[04:18:15] wagnerrp: everyone has to eat something they dont like
[04:18:20] sphery: vanilla with malt
[04:18:22] [R]: it was mint chocolate... but it wans't green... it was white
[04:18:24] [R]: isn't that strange?
[04:18:27] Gibby: timrit, what is on the fronend now?
[04:18:32] [R]: wagnerrp: you are pure evil
[04:18:35] Timrit: the second
[04:18:38] Timrit: mythtv 25574–1
[04:18:39] [R]: wagnerrp: everyone knows strawberry is the worst
[04:18:56] Gibby: update the backend
[04:18:58] wagnerrp: you do realize that the green color from mint ice cream is just food coloring, right?
[04:19:04] totalanni: hum
[04:19:08] [R]: wagnerrp: yes, i know that
[04:19:15] Gibby: i like strawberry cheese cake blizzards from DQ
[04:19:16] [R]: wagnerrp: i just thought it odd that they were too cheap/lazy to do it
[04:19:18] wagnerrp: so why is white mint weird?
[04:19:19] totalanni: so the backend wont autolaunch
[04:19:21] totalanni: at boot
[04:19:27] [R]: wagnerrp: because every other one is green
[04:19:35] wagnerrp: food coloring is dirt cheap
[04:19:42] wagnerrp: they werent saving much money by leaving it out
[04:19:44] Gibby: totalanni, run the start up script manually and see why it fails
[04:19:52] [R]: then why not put it in?
[04:19:57] sphery: Gibby: peanut butter crunch blizzards from DQ--they took them off the menu, but sometimes, you can convince an employee to make one, anyway
[04:19:58] wagnerrp: why put it in?
[04:20:04] [R]: to be normal
[04:20:05] Timrit: ummmm is the most current version going to say 56 or 23056 cause i get this error in terminal: (frontend=23056,backend=56)
[04:20:10] wagnerrp: normal is white
[04:20:22] Beirdo: sphery: Reece's Pieces Blizzard :)
[04:20:23] Gibby: sphery, i have to know drive 1hr for a DQ, the wife and i usually go once a month
[04:20:26] [R]: Timrit: 23056 is 23fixes, 56 is 23 not fixes
[04:20:34] totalanni: gibby: it works when i launch it in term
[04:20:51] Gibby: totalanni, what is your OS?
[04:20:55] wagnerrp: weve only got one or two DQs in the local area
[04:20:58] totalanni: mythbuntu =\
[04:21:01] wagnerrp: but this one area of town really likes UDF
[04:21:08] [R]: i have one down the street... went there. havent been in years
[04:21:09] Timrit: can i do an /exec mythbackend --version in here?
[04:21:09] wagnerrp: theyve got half a dozen in a couple square miles
[04:21:10] [R]: got a snickers blizzard
[04:21:12] [R]: it was interesting
[04:21:24] Gibby: when i lived in washington state we were about 5 min from a DQ loved it
[04:21:33] [R]: Timrit: if you want to flood the channel and piss everyone off...
[04:21:40] sphery: Timrit: [23056] is 0.23.1 and [56] is 0.23
[04:22:00] Timrit: i did the update i was told to a few minutes ago
[04:22:03] wagnerrp: ever been to a coldstone?
[04:22:11] [R]: wagnerrp: home based in arizona
[04:22:15] Gibby: timrit did you select the 0.23.1?
[04:22:19] Timrit: yes
[04:22:25] [R]: wagnerrp: i put gummy bears in mine and my friends think i'm weird
[04:22:26] sphery: wagnerrp: coldstone!
[04:22:30] totalanni: Backend works
[04:22:31] totalanni: now
[04:22:44] totalanni: but "watch TV" dumps me back to the menu screen
[04:22:47] Gibby: timrit: do and apt-get update then apt-get upgrade
[04:22:50] [R]: totalanni: what does the log say
[04:22:54] sphery: and marble slab for the coldstone experience at a slightly reduced price
[04:22:56] totalanni: nothing
[04:23:04] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!~MaverickT@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:23:07] Gibby: sphery, yes i live close to a cold stone, but DQ still has better blizzards
[04:23:07] totalanni: o
[04:23:10] totalanni: about the watch tv
[04:23:15] [R]: totalanni: i highly doubt both the fron and back logs say nothing
[04:23:27] Gibby: i would take marble slab over coldstone but DQ over both
[04:23:31] tgm4883: Timrit, did you do an apt-get update and upgrade after selecting 0.23.1?
[04:23:36] totalanni: [R]: i thought u were talking about the backend not autorunning...
[04:23:38] Timrit: Gibby: failed to fetch
[04:23:42] Timrit: 404 error
[04:23:42] [R]: totalanni: huh?
[04:23:42] sphery: Gibby: yeah, I like them both, but differently--I'd never get a blizzard at coldstone
[04:23:44] totalanni: nothing
[04:23:48] Gibby: Timrit: It is down :(
[04:23:50] totalanni: where can i find the backend log?
[04:24:00] tgm4883: Timrit, do "dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-repos" and select PPA, not US, UK, or FR
[04:24:03] Timrit:
[04:24:10] Gibby: sphery, ditto i get and oreo shake sometimes
[04:24:10] Timrit: ok
[04:24:12] [R]: totalanni: stdout from the backend or from where you told it to log to when you started it
[04:24:22] totalanni: kk
[04:24:25] totalanni: ty
[04:24:35] Gibby: damn now i am really hungry, atleast BK now has the orea sundae shake which is close
[04:25:31] Gibby: tgm4883: what is up with the mythbuntu sites?
[04:25:32] Timrit: Gibby & tgm4883 & everyone else, thank you for helping me.
[04:25:38] Timrit: it is updating now
[04:26:01] totalanni: stdout on the backend said command not found
[04:26:12] tgm4883: Gibby, IDK whats up with I think I know whats going on with the repos, but can't confirm until I can get ahold of the hosts
[04:26:14] totalanni: lemme go back to mythsetup
[04:26:16] totalanni: and tell it to log
[04:26:19] totalanni: in a dir
[04:26:35] Gibby: tgm4883: seems like we need another mirror
[04:27:38] tgm4883: Gibby, nah, we just need to fix the cron job on the three
[04:28:02] Gibby: wish there was an IRC client for BB
[04:28:13] Timrit: Gibby: there is
[04:28:23] Timrit: jmirc
[04:28:24] Gibby: Timrit: for the 8330 curve?
[04:28:40] Timrit: i use it on my curve
[04:28:48] Timrit: not sure it it is a 8330
[04:29:09] Timrit: TBH i am not sure what model it is
[04:30:45] wagnerrp: hey, look at that... housekeeper at work
[04:30:54] wagnerrp: it cleaned up my bad recordedcredits entries for me
[04:31:52] Beirdo: nice
[04:32:09] sphery: that's its job--going around cleaning up your mess :)
[04:32:10] wagnerrp: thats not nice
[04:32:14] Gibby: i am off to bed, see ya in 7hrs
[04:32:15] wagnerrp: i was messing around with stuff
[04:32:20] Timrit: thanks Gibby
[04:32:20] wagnerrp: and expected those entries to be there
[04:32:31] wagnerrp: i was confused when they didnt show up through the bindings
[04:32:41] Gibby is now known as Gibby_zzzzz
[04:33:29] sphery: if you want to temporarily disable it, comment out the call to CleanupRecordedTables() in programs/mythbackend/housekeeper.cpp
[04:33:40] wagnerrp: cant compile
[04:33:46] wagnerrp: and ive already uninstalled
[04:33:55] sphery: cleans recordedprogram/rating/credits/markup/seek
[04:34:03] Beirdo: wagnerrp: we need to get that thing compiling for ou
[04:34:05] Beirdo: you
[04:34:12] wagnerrp: ive been running my backend without any mythtv files on my system for a week now.. :)
[04:34:34] wagnerrp: Beirdo: i really need to go through ffmpeg and see why it /does/ compile
[04:34:47] wagnerrp: just duplicate the fix over
[04:34:52] Beirdo: heh
[04:37:33] Beirdo: so.. recording in AC3 is nice :)
[04:37:44] Beirdo: bah to stereo in
[04:39:38] Timrit: wooohooo! i have playback
[04:39:54] Timrit: and livetv
[04:40:35] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:42:22] Timrit: someone gave me a pinnacle hd pci card. is it easy to install/configure? lspci reports Conexant Systems CX23880/1/2/3 (rev 05)
[04:44:55] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[04:48:15] totalanni: hum
[04:48:21] totalanni: i hope 9.1 helps my problems
[04:51:02] totalanni: so, if i dont wanna do schedulesdirect
[04:51:05] totalanni: i select EIT?
[04:51:18] [R]: eit generally sucks...
[04:51:43] totalanni: i dont have any more cash flow atm
[04:51:48] totalanni: and i hear it costs
[04:52:00] [R]: $20
[04:52:05] totalanni: i know how much
[04:52:13] totalanni: its still tooo much atm
[04:52:24] totalanni: i just want livetv to work
[04:52:27] totalanni: then ill take it from there
[04:52:40] [R]: w/o listings myth is kinda pointless
[04:52:46] [R]: you should just use xine or like tvtime
[04:52:48] iamlindoro: and Myth is *not* the budget option
[04:52:51] iamlindoro: it's the luxury option
[04:52:59] totalanni: i understand
[04:53:10] totalanni: sorry i dont have $ to blow like u guys all at once
[04:53:19] totalanni: and have to piece it together
[04:53:23] iamlindoro: Then Myth is not for you-- no listings, Myth useless
[04:53:26] Timrit: i gladly pay 20 bucks a year for the listings
[04:53:32] totalanni: nm
[04:53:38] totalanni: clearly you didnt understand my question
[04:53:45] iamlindoro: and EIT is no guarantee
[04:53:55] iamlindoro: meaning most likely, especially if you are using cable, you will get nothing
[04:53:58] totalanni: let me rephrase it
[04:54:07] Timrit: i thought EIT only worked in Europe
[04:54:14] wagnerrp: oh, it works over here
[04:54:18] iamlindoro: no, there is some EIT, usually on antenna
[04:54:22] [R]: Timrit: there is eit in us... but you'll get like 1 hour if that
[04:54:24] wagnerrp: but we usually only get the current and next show
[04:54:24] totalanni: if i dont want to use scheduledirect at the moment, but i atleast want to get live tv up and going, and maybe pay for it with next weeks paycheck
[04:54:29] wagnerrp: and only for broadcast
[04:54:33] totalanni: would EIT be the thing to select for now?
[04:54:38] [R]: totalanni: you should just use xine or tvtime then
[04:54:43] totalanni: ...
[04:54:48] [R]: or just wait a week?
[04:54:49] iamlindoro: no, getting the free week of Schedules direct would be
[04:54:54] [R]: or that too
[04:55:00] totalanni: ty
[04:55:01] iamlindoro: then it works for the next seven days, and gets you three total weeks of listings
[04:55:02] totalanni: nm
[04:55:06] iamlindoro: enough to get you to your paycheck
[04:55:06] wagnerrp: do you want to watch live tv? or do you want a dvr?
[04:55:17] totalanni: i want to know this will work
[04:55:21] totalanni: before i blow any more $
[04:55:25] totalanni: thats what i want
[04:55:26] totalanni: nm
[04:55:27] iamlindoro: Then use the free week
[04:55:33] iamlindoro: and you won't blow any
[04:55:45] wagnerrp: and you have three weeks to get it working before you run out of guide data
[04:55:45] totalanni: ty
[04:55:56] totalanni: it downloads 3 weeks worth?
[04:55:59] totalanni: thats cool
[04:56:01] totalanni: that will work then
[04:56:02] wagnerrp: 2 weeks
[04:56:03] sphery: 2 weeks worth
[04:56:15] wagnerrp: but it will download 2 weeks ahead, right up till the last day
[04:56:16] sphery: but at the end of the 1 week trial, you'll have 2 weeks from then, making a total of 3 wks
[04:56:35] sphery: I'm just a bit too slow
[05:01:17] totalanni: so
[05:01:23] totalanni: i link the input to the source
[05:01:25] totalanni: correct?
[05:03:37] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: is there a list of valid 'job's for people in the universal metadata format?
[05:04:14] nutron (nutron! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[05:04:15] wagnerrp: getting some clashing between that returned by ttvdb, and that available for recordedcredits.role
[05:04:19] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, I thought I put it at the bottom?
[05:04:32] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, We only parse a few of them right now
[05:04:42] wagnerrp: so you did... i need to scroll further
[05:04:43] wagnerrp: thanks
[05:04:46] iamlindoro: np
[05:04:59] iamlindoro: Not all used, but all recognized in the peoplelist object
[05:14:11] wagnerrp: bah... still running into unicode issues
[05:14:16] wagnerrp: i thought i fixed that one
[05:17:04] ** Beirdo kicks the alphapulse patch to the curb **
[05:17:19] Beirdo: break my animated maps, will ya?
[05:17:22] wagnerrp: wait, theyre stored in the database in latin1?
[05:17:41] Beirdo: why are we storing ANYTHING in latin1?
[05:18:10] wagnerrp: names from the people table, im pulling out in ascii
[05:18:14] wagnerrp: not unicode
[05:18:19] aloril (aloril! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[05:18:25] Beirdo: that's a paddlin
[05:18:40] wagnerrp: ?
[05:18:46] Beirdo: heh
[05:18:47] wagnerrp: oh, paddling...
[05:18:49] wagnerrp: right
[05:18:53] Beirdo: you missed that Simpsons?
[05:19:03] wagnerrp: must have
[05:19:26] wagnerrp: no, i saw that one
[05:19:29] Beirdo: they had an old guy as a substitute teacher
[05:19:32] wagnerrp: one of the old guys
[05:19:36] wagnerrp: not moleman, the other one
[05:19:58] Beirdo: I don't remember the guy's name off hand
[05:20:41] aloril (aloril! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:21:37] Timrit: i am trying this question once more then i will stop. someone gave me a pinnacle hd pci card. is it easy to install/configure? lspci reports Conexant Systems CX23880/1/2/3 (rev 05)
[05:21:50] Beirdo: !url tuners
[05:21:50] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[05:22:20] wagnerrp: Beirdo: could you confirm this? make sure i dont just have a broken database?
[05:22:27] wagnerrp:
[05:22:29] Beirdo: I could try
[05:22:57] wagnerrp: just do everything i type there
[05:23:04] Beirdo: K, one sec
[05:23:14] wagnerrp: if its got a u'', thats unicode
[05:23:16] wagnerrp: '' is ascii
[05:24:23] totalanni: ok
[05:24:29] totalanni: im gonna cough this one up to virtualization
[05:24:34] totalanni: try it on a dedi
[05:24:55] btwe_afk is now known as btwe
[05:24:57] aloril (aloril! has quit (Excess Flood)
[05:24:59] totalanni: will a celeron dual core 1.8ghz and 512 ram do it for a backend/frontend?
[05:25:13] [R]: depends on what you want to do with it
[05:25:16] totalanni: record 1 and watch 1
[05:25:20] wagnerrp: ram is a bit scarce
[05:25:21] aloril (aloril! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:25:23] wagnerrp: 1GB would be better
[05:25:25] [R]: record what and watch watch
[05:25:37] wagnerrp: dual core celeron.. so its a core2?
[05:25:44] totalanni: yes
[05:25:55] wagnerrp: 1.8 C2D should manage anything ATSC
[05:26:05] btwe is now known as btwe_afk
[05:26:13] totalanni: ok
[05:26:21] totalanni: i might be able to scrape up some more ram
[05:26:32] totalanni: as long as its quanity>quality
[05:26:32] Beirdo: >>> c.execute('select * from videocast limit 5')
[05:26:32] Beirdo: 0L
[05:26:45] wagnerrp: Beirdo: well then you dont use mythvideo
[05:26:47] Beirdo: can't do much abotu the last query
[05:26:53] Beirdo: not much
[05:26:56] wagnerrp: anyways... what about the 'people' table
[05:26:59] Beirdo: I have one Futuramam in there
[05:27:04] Beirdo: same as yours
[05:27:14] Beirdo: >>> c.fetchone()
[05:27:14] Beirdo: (1, '50 Cent')
[05:27:22] wagnerrp: so the people table is still latin1?
[05:27:30] Beirdo: don't ask me... I don't have anything with that fool in it
[05:27:55] Beirdo: seems that way
[05:27:57] Beirdo: one sec
[05:28:11] wagnerrp: i dont actually know how to check that directly
[05:28:15] Beirdo: nope
[05:28:32] Beirdo: name varchar(128) collation utf8_bn
[05:28:35] Beirdo: bin
[05:28:38] Beirdo: argh. :)
[05:28:44] Beirdo: according to phpmyadmin
[05:29:09] Beirdo: beats me
[05:29:36] Beirdo: and videocast...
[05:29:41] wagnerrp: yeah, the videocast doesnt have any of that garbage
[05:29:42] Beirdo: utf8_general_ci
[05:29:49] wagnerrp: just a normal varchar
[05:29:55] stoffel (stoffel! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:29:55] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stoffel
[05:30:30] Beirdo: videocast is utf8_general_ci rather than utf8_bin on the cast field
[05:30:43] Beirdo: not sure what the differences could be
[05:30:53] Beirdo: that's more a kormoc type of question :)
[05:30:53] wagnerrp: videocast is nothing, its running defaults
[05:31:04] Beirdo: aye
[05:31:35] wagnerrp: "`cast` varchar(128) NOT NULL" versus "`name` varchar(128) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"
[05:31:42] wagnerrp: hey, check that out, i can paste again
[05:32:01] Beirdo: you aren't paste-challenged anymore :)
[05:32:53] benny__ (benny__! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:33:29] kormoc: general means it uses the 'general' language matching, so U with a accent is equal to a U with a different accent or none at all, ci is just case insensitive
[05:33:53] Beirdo: ahhh
[05:33:57] Beirdo: its a sorting thing
[05:34:14] wagnerrp: well craptastic
[05:34:17] kormoc: general_ci is pretty useful for our people tables, so if someone is ?ble whatnot in one feed and Able whatnot in another, they'd merge
[05:34:26] kormoc: Beirdo, it's more matching for the unique constraint
[05:34:29] wagnerrp: if i use oursql instead of MySQLdb for database access
[05:34:32] wagnerrp: it comes out unicode
[05:34:34] Beirdo: ahh
[05:34:46] wagnerrp: my database module is just screwed up
[05:35:10] Beirdo: sucky
[05:35:29] wagnerrp: s/my database module/the official database module/
[05:35:35] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[05:35:58] kormoc: what's wrong with Unicode?
[05:36:13] wagnerrp: nothing
[05:36:18] wagnerrp: i want to use unicode, i expect to use unicode
[05:36:27] wagnerrp: but the database is passing me ascii
[05:36:37] wagnerrp: so its screwing with some code that is expecting unicode
[05:37:46] kormoc: try running SET NAMES 'utf8_bin'; right after connecting?
[05:38:38] wagnerrp: MySQL error 1115: Unknown character set: 'utf8_bin'
[05:38:52] kormoc: whoops
[05:38:53] kormoc: SET NAMES 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_bin';
[05:39:32] wagnerrp: same result
[05:39:50] wagnerrp: actually, no
[05:39:55] wagnerrp: i didnt run it immediately
[05:40:02] wagnerrp: the bindings automatically run some other crap first
[05:41:10] wagnerrp: no, still same result
[05:41:29] kormoc: so the DB doesn't control that, that's really crappy
[05:41:50] wagnerrp: thats what the python guys keep saying
[05:41:57] wagnerrp: which is why they abandoned it, and wrote their own
[05:51:58] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[05:52:55] aloril (aloril! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[05:53:23] aloril (aloril! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:53:49] wagnerrp: ok, i changed it to something that /should/ be encoding naive
[05:54:00] wagnerrp: seems to work now
[05:54:06] wagnerrp: still annoying
[05:56:47] Beirdo: monoprice, you wankers, where's my order!?
[05:57:16] Beirdo: they gave me a USPS confirmation number, but USPS hasn't scanned it even once yet
[06:01:10] sphery: my monoprice order got here way faster than I expected
[06:02:44] Beirdo: it will likely be here tomorrow ;)
[06:06:15] Beirdo: ahhh, hit Federal Way, WA at 9:30pm today
[06:06:19] Beirdo: should be here tomorrow
[06:09:34] Beirdo: 4 * 6ft RG6 for the new amp/splitter
[06:15:05] wagnerrp: ok, next item, power rules through the bindings
[06:15:10] wagnerrp: this'll be fun...
[06:20:21] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
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[07:01:44] totalanni: hey wagner
[07:02:11] totalanni: i got a gig in a core2 and installed mythtv
[07:02:20] totalanni: fixed the connection to backend problem
[07:02:46] totalanni: still dumping me back to the menu whenever i select "watch tv"
[07:03:07] totalanni: mythsetup found my hvr-950q
[07:03:10] totalanni: and did a channel scan
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[07:13:06] totalanni: Beirdo? Wagnerrp? Kormoc?
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[07:38:18] justinh: wooo. you mean I *might* be able to use opengl video rendering if I use the nofrag option in a playback filter? Interesting ...
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[07:52:48] dserban_: when specifying the channel change script in mythtv-setup, can I specify a parameter of my own? ie. /usr/local/bin/stb-control chan $chan ?
[07:55:07] justinh: all it'll ever pass is the channum from the channel table
[07:55:16] tris (tris! has quit (Excess Flood)
[07:56:15] clever: dserban_: can always make a wrapper script that does that for you
[07:56:48] dserban_: justinh, aye understood
[07:56:58] dserban_: clever, yeah I know, I just don't feel it's as elegant :P
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[07:58:05] justinh: dunno why you'd want it to pass anything else – I mean it's meant to be for changing channels ;)
[07:58:21] dserban_: Hah, it's a swiss-army-knife damnit!
[07:58:32] dserban_: =D
[08:00:45] justinh: ok then. it's a swiss army knife with one blade, and that blade is welded in a fixed position
[08:01:34] dserban_: Heh, wrapper script it is!
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[09:12:35] robert__: if anyone looks for a nice case: . . . 19&area=
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[09:14:57] justinh: ooo looks like ass, and no IR window :-(
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[09:16:34] robert__: you can use the hdd or power led hole for that
[09:16:54] robert__: the black one looks better, it fits nice on the av-receiver
[09:17:25] justinh: using a 3mm hole for an IR window? heh that is going to perform pretty badly
[09:17:43] robert__: all other cases I have seen here or in the lists don't look nice (imho) on the living room and don't fit with the av-receiver sizes and looks
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[09:17:59] justinh: and no, I'd much rather not have to drill a newly bought case :)
[09:18:17] robert__: i have a terratec diversity dual dvb-t tuner
[09:18:27] robert__: it has already a remote included
[09:18:37] justinh: yeah I agree it's probably a prince among thieves, but saying it's one of the best of a bad bunch isn't saying much for the price they charge
[09:18:44] robert__: aren't there 3mm IR-leds out there?
[09:19:04] robert__: and if light gets to the sensor then even 3mm should be enough
[09:19:06] justinh: you mean photodiodes? probably
[09:19:19] benny__ (benny__! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[09:20:19] robert__: its quite expensive, i know. but with cardreader, front usb, blabla it has all i need
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[09:22:55] robert__: just as an information for other cases (travla): . . . 2=0000000002
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[09:27:01] robert__: does anyone knows how the progress of the mythmusic port is?
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[10:37:40] justinh: nope
[10:37:54] justinh: plenty people ask, and nobody ever says anything
[10:38:03] justinh: so I expect nobody but those working on it know anything
[10:38:29] toeb: says or does anything about it?
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[10:55:44] DrChef: Hi
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[11:07:11] justinh: I know this much – however mythmusic turns out after the rewrite people will still complain about it without ever bothering to think of constructive ways to improve it
[11:11:24] justinh: I suspect that when it emerges there'll be different views available, just like with mythvideo – and playlist management will be somewhat improved. pretty logical assumptions knowing what mythui can do :)
[11:14:13] justinh: and if you really think about it for a while you'll realise that managing collections of thousands of music tracks via a remote control isn't what anybody would call easy. before xbmc got its different views – i.e. when it was basically just a file browser – it was a PITA too – although I'll concede that it could use .m3u playlists
[11:17:18] justinh: maybe we'll also get the ability to use storage groups for music too.. just wait & see :-)
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[11:20:26] DrChef: I just saw that there isn't any longer support for ripping DVDs in 0.24
[11:20:33] DrChef: what's the reason for this?
[11:21:53] justinh: nobody wanted to make it work or maintain it
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[11:22:26] DrChef: ok
[11:25:14] justinh: besides there have been better ways to rip discs for quite some time
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[15:46:31] wagnerrp: quiet morning
[15:47:14] totalanni: cause i dont wanna both you anymore wagner
[15:47:45] totalanni: cant get my capture card to work
[15:48:24] wagnerrp: the wintv framegrabber, right?
[15:48:26] totalanni: yea
[15:48:32] totalanni: what i have done so far
[15:48:41] wagnerrp: are you sure it even still works?
[15:48:46] totalanni: last night, whenever id goto watch tv, it would say "please w..."
[15:48:49] wagnerrp: i mean have you tested it elsewhere and confirmed that?
[15:48:57] totalanni: it detects the card and was able to scan channels
[15:49:02] totalanni: but i have yet to see a picture
[15:49:15] wagnerrp: pastebin your backend logs
[15:49:23] wagnerrp: if you stick at that 'please wait' popup
[15:49:27] simonckenyon (simonckenyon!~simoncken@ has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.0 Insomnia
[15:49:29] totalanni: ok
[15:49:30] totalanni: but
[15:49:33] wagnerrp: it means the backend is not releasing the video stream to the frontend
[15:49:42] wagnerrp: so there will be errors explaining why in the backend logs
[15:49:46] totalanni: i was reading on linuxtv about the hvr-950q
[15:50:07] totalanni: and i put a xc5000?.fw file into /lib/firmware
[15:50:08] wagnerrp: the 950q is... a framegrabber
[15:50:16] wagnerrp: you have a 950q?
[15:50:23] totalanni: now its telling me all aval inputs are in use
[15:50:24] totalanni: yes
[15:50:37] totalanni: should i just take it back
[15:50:38] wagnerrp: i thought you were trying to use some wintv pci card
[15:50:48] totalanni: i went with the usb soultion
[15:50:53] totalanni: to try to virtualize first
[15:51:10] wagnerrp: ah, ignore analog on that device entirely
[15:51:18] wagnerrp: as far as mythtv is concerned, that is a digital-only tuner
[15:51:25] totalanni: what do i select for card type?
[15:51:35] totalanni: not analog v4l capture card
[15:51:36] totalanni: i take it
[15:51:40] wagnerrp: dvb
[15:51:42] totalanni: (which is what it found)
[15:51:58] wagnerrp: it didnt find a matching card type
[15:52:04] wagnerrp: v4l is just the first one in the list
[15:52:14] totalanni: i only have dvb dtv capture card
[15:52:22] totalanni: isnt that sats?
[15:52:34] wagnerrp: no, thats anything that uses the DVB API
[15:52:40] wagnerrp: which means any digital tuner in linux
[15:52:42] totalanni: ah
[15:52:58] wagnerrp: DVB-T/S/C, ATSC, US QAM, ISDB, ...
[15:53:12] wagnerrp: theyre all 'dvb' cards as far as linux is concerned
[15:53:13] totalanni: ll
[15:53:18] totalanni: kk*
[15:53:25] totalanni: i saw the sat option and got confused
[15:53:39] totalanni: lemme try that
[15:54:07] totalanni: same error now
[15:54:21] totalanni: "error: mythtv is using all inputs, but there are no active recordings"
[15:54:26] totalanni: i think im gonna roll back
[15:54:31] totalanni: and try a fresh install
[15:54:34] totalanni: with dvb
[15:54:36] totalanni: selected
[15:59:03] totalanni: if its scanning, should that mean the card is working?
[15:59:13] totalanni: generally
[15:59:21] wagnerrp: probably
[15:59:33] wagnerrp: but the error you list usually means you have not configured it in mythtv properly
[15:59:43] totalanni: it def could tell which channel had signals and which didng
[15:59:47] wagnerrp: or the device node is inaccessible to the backend
[15:59:51] totalanni: 1 thing i noticed
[16:00:01] wagnerrp: perhaps file permissions issues
[16:00:10] totalanni: during the channel scan, it would say "adding channel #"
[16:00:21] totalanni: at the end it said "no channels found"
[16:00:27] totalanni: even thou it added the ones it found
[16:00:33] totalanni: is that normal?
[16:01:27] wagnerrp: dont know
[16:01:30] wagnerrp: never scanned analog
[16:01:30] hashbang (hashbang! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:01:46] totalanni: now
[16:01:50] totalanni: do i have to add multi tuners
[16:02:07] totalanni: to get it to scan qam and analog?
[16:02:09] wagnerrp: yes, you can add as many tuners as you want to mythtv
[16:02:23] totalanni: no talking about for the same 950q
[16:02:43] wagnerrp: yes, those two halves of the device are exposed to linux as two independent tuners
[16:02:50] totalanni: ok
[16:03:02] wagnerrp: since they are in fact not independent, you must add them to an input group, so mythtv knows not to use both at the same time
[16:03:15] totalanni: so a custom group not the default
[16:03:24] totalanni: i thought i read something about that last night as well
[16:03:34] totalanni: but it was getting late and i wanted to confirm that with ya
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[16:19:43] totalanni: so
[16:19:48] totalanni: when i select dvb
[16:19:56] totalanni: it seems to only be scanning QAM-256
[16:20:14] wagnerrp: apparently you told it to scan QAM-256
[16:20:18] wagnerrp: are you using digital cable?
[16:20:22] totalanni: yes
[16:20:25] totalanni: cable
[16:20:29] wagnerrp: then thats what you want
[16:20:32] totalanni: dunno how digital
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[16:21:59] totalanni: its only finding channels >100
[16:22:08] totalanni: what about channels 3–70? :)
[16:22:08] wagnerrp: that is common
[16:22:16] wagnerrp: 3–70 is left for analog
[16:22:25] wagnerrp: and they use digital on the higher channels so it doesnt interfere
[16:22:25] totalanni: kk
[16:22:53] totalanni: "found 1 new non-conflicting ATSC channel(s)."
[16:22:55] totalanni: lol
[16:23:22] stoth (stoth! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:23:59] totalanni: so
[16:24:04] totalanni: i make a new input group
[16:24:06] totalanni: correct?
[16:24:20] totalanni: cause it takes 2? one for analog and one for qam?
[16:24:24] wagnerrp: IMHO, you should just delete the V4L tuner from mythtv
[16:24:29] wagnerrp: but thats just me
[16:27:03] totalanni: ok
[16:27:07] totalanni: so i select cardtype
[16:27:12] totalanni: dvb dtv
[16:27:24] wagnerrp: youve already done that, and scanned
[16:27:28] wagnerrp: you only have the one tuner on that card
[16:27:36] totalanni: for frontend id, it is "auvitek au8522 QAM/Subtype ATSC"
[16:27:43] totalanni: how do i get the analog?
[16:27:51] totalanni: it only scanned qam
[16:27:51] wagnerrp: like i said, you shouldnt
[16:28:16] totalanni: ok, whats the next step then?
[16:28:45] wagnerrp: make sure you have a default channel set for the digital input
[16:28:50] wagnerrp: exit setup, and start the backend
[16:28:51] totalanni: got a total of 4 channels in my editor
[16:29:01] totalanni: ?
[16:29:02] wagnerrp: are you US or canada?
[16:29:04] totalanni: us
[16:29:10] wagnerrp: then you should have a lot more than 4
[16:29:11] totalanni: are you saying im not gonna get analog channels?
[16:29:23] wagnerrp: im saying with that card, you dont want to
[16:29:27] wagnerrp: you /can/, but you shouldnt
[16:29:27] totalanni: ...
[16:29:35] totalanni: then why didnt i just go for hdhr
[16:29:35] totalanni: ?
[16:29:47] totalanni: my cable co doesnt really do QAM
[16:30:08] wagnerrp: they must at the very least rebroadcast the local 'must carry' broadcast stations
[16:30:16] totalanni: all i want is channels 3–60
[16:30:30] totalanni: i just wanna dvr nick and cartoon network for the kid
[16:30:39] wagnerrp: then you want an IVTV card
[16:31:27] wagnerrp: PVR-150/500 (PCI), HVR-1600 (PCI), HVR-2250 (PCIe), PVR-USB2, HVR-1950 (USB)
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[16:35:18] totalanni: local bestbuy only has the 1600
[16:35:36] wagnerrp: if you can wait, and you really have no use for digital
[16:35:38] totalanni: ill prob just take back what i got and wait for a good deal on the 1950
[16:35:49] wagnerrp: it would be a lot cheaper to pick up an old 150 off craigslist or ebay
[16:36:37] totalanni: i guess this is what i get after checking wiki for compat and going and buying something it says is compat
[16:36:39] totalanni: urhg ;)
[16:37:15] devinheitmuelle1 (devinheitmuelle1! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:37:33] wagnerrp: framegrabbers are supported, they are just a hassle to record off of
[16:37:34] totalanni: can that 1600 record 2x analog at once?
[16:37:47] wagnerrp: no, it can record one analog and one digital at the same time
[16:37:58] wagnerrp: only the PVR-500 or HVR-2250 can record two analog at once
[16:38:58] totalanni: nice
[16:39:14] totalanni: well, i was able to watch the on demand corner box
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[16:39:30] totalanni: and 1 local gov channel
[16:39:44] totalanni: i guess im done for the day
[16:40:03] totalanni: ty for your help getting this pos usb working wagnerrp
[16:41:32] Gibby: anyone here using directv and usb to change channels?
[16:42:43] ** devinheitmuelle1 coughs **
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[17:10:25] squidly: Gibby: i use a usb/serial addapter
[17:12:19] wagnerrp: or a usb --> serial --> usb adapter?
[17:14:25] squidly: wagnerrp: I have a serial card in my backend box, so I use a serial->usb on the D11 side
[17:15:49] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[17:20:06] Gibby: squidly: Which USB/Serial do you use?I am going to use usb/serial-null modem-usb/serial hopefully
[17:20:42] squidly: one sec let me look at it for ya
[17:21:12] squidly: it's one I got from bestbuy
[17:21:51] Gibby: mmm kk
[17:22:12] squidly: the wiki does have links to a couple that work.
[17:24:17] Gibby: yeah for about $30 a piece I need 4 now and then 2 more later
[17:26:36] wagnerrp: $30? i got mine for like $5
[17:26:56] Gibby: squidly: Is that a Dynex from BB?
[17:27:36] Gibby: wagnerrp: I am looking at this maybe: . . . em5189951179
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[17:34:37] squidly: Gibby: yea I think so
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[17:53:04] marc_us: totalanni: Does your name stand for Total Annihilation?
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[18:07:43] btwe: Hi, how can I import video files into my mythtv repository, so that thay are streamable to any client like recordings from tv (i am running version 0.22)
[18:08:06] wagnerrp: streamable to upnp clients?
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[18:08:37] btwe: any mythtvfrontend on the intranet
[18:09:00] wagnerrp: we dont support streaming to remote frontends over the internet
[18:09:11] iamlindoro: tra
[18:09:40] btwe: all recordings are streamed too, arent they?
[18:09:55] wagnerrp: over a secure, high speed network
[18:10:10] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, he's talking about internal to his network-- inTRAnet
[18:10:13] wagnerrp: mythtv is not designed for the security requirements or bandwidth restrictions of internet use
[18:10:42] btwe: sure, ok, its for private use inhouse. intranet only
[18:10:55] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[18:11:20] wagnerrp: for non-recording videos, use mythvideo
[18:11:23] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:11:26] wagnerrp:
[18:11:28] btwe: I would like to add some avi/mpges to the very comfortable menu -> watch recordings
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[18:11:44] wagnerrp: if you set it up to use storage groups, the backend will stream the content to any connected frontend
[18:11:52] btwe: afaik mythvideo only supports video files on local machine, not on the server
[18:12:13] iamlindoro: incorrect
[18:12:42] btwe: Ah, ok, I will have a more detailed look at that plugin. Thanks! :)
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[18:14:16] iamlindoro: Finished off my lost Blu-ray collection... and may have accidentally bought all of Pushing Daisies on Blu too
[18:14:17] janneg: iamlindoro: any plans to remove direct directory config options from mythvideo before 0.24?
[18:14:37] iamlindoro: janneg, would really like to
[18:15:22] iamlindoro: janneg, automating creation of SGs is easy, but the only question is what about people whose backends don't have the videos mounted
[18:17:28] janneg: that's is just a problem for moving the metadata scan exclusively to the backend
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[18:18:32] iamlindoro: janneg, No, it's not-- if the user has the videos only mounted on his frontends, and we create SGs and do a scan, then it clears his metadata
[18:19:13] janneg: i.e. the backend wouldn\t have access to the local dirs either
[18:19:32] iamlindoro: janneg, Many users have the files *only* mounted on their frontend
[18:19:56] iamlindoro: if we create a video SG, and the files are not local to the BE, the files are inaccessible and any scane will clear metadata
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[18:22:35] iamlindoro: The question is, I guess, do we want to cleanly move people's metadata-- I would argue that we do-- in which case we need to create the SGs for them, and run some sort of check to determine that all of them are accessible on the BE
[18:22:43] iamlindoro: I think sphery had some ideas about how best to accomplish that
[18:22:43] janneg: the storage groups shouldn't be created with the backend hostname
[18:23:01] ** iamlindoro feels like he must not be making sense or something **
[18:23:15] iamlindoro: actually, no, janneg, I think I'm just not understanding what you are getting at
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[18:23:49] iamlindoro: What do you propose we do for users who have all-local video storage, metadata, and a series of video directories which are inaccessible on any of their backends?
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[18:25:07] janneg: I understand the problem. I'm argueing that the backend should be able to distingush delete files from inaccessible sg
[18:25:42] iamlindoro: Maybe so
[18:25:50] janneg: and it shouldn't delete metadata for inaccessible files
[18:26:02] iamlindoro: presently, it does
[18:26:11] iamlindoro: in mythvideo, or out
[18:28:11] dserban__ (dserban__! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[18:28:14] janneg: we probably should make mythvideo similar to 'watch recordings' and deprecate support for deleting files out of mythvideo
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[18:31:21] matt1982_: hey I am trying to configure my hauppauge remote based on the wiki however Instead of seeing things like "Up Arrow" etc I can only see the ^[[C and numbers from the keypad, only arrow buttons and numbers + OK work. Any ideas why this seems to be happening?
[18:31:23] janneg: btw I don't like the name libmythvideo. unfortunately I don't have a a better name
[18:31:48] iamlindoro: janneg, What don't you like about the name?
[18:31:57] iamlindoro: guess it's a little non-specific... hmmm
[18:32:13] high-rez: libmythvideocentricmedia
[18:32:16] iamlindoro: sounds like it could relate to playback.. yeah, see what you mean
[18:34:08] iamlindoro: janneg, libmythvideomanage, or libmythmediamanage, if we use it for music scanning, etc. later on
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[18:35:57] janneg: yes, video playback is my first association. libmythmetadata maybe?
[18:36:48] iamlindoro: I suppose that would work
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[18:39:18] janneg: does it depend on libmythtv? if not we could plan to move programinfo into it
[18:39:49] iamlindoro: Shouldn't need libmythtv, it's minimally changed from its old place in mythvideo and plugins aren't allowed to depend on libmythtv
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[18:58:36] devinheitmuelle1: Hey, is there any trick to getting tvdb metadata to render properly for videos? It works fine for recordings, and I can see at least the series, season, and episode data is being properly determined based on the filename. And I went to the website and confirmed the metadata was present.
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[18:59:16] devinheitmuelle1: Is there any command line trick to lookup metadata for a given filename and see debug output?
[18:59:59] wagnerrp: recordings dont support image lookups
[19:00:05] wagnerrp: thats something externally grabbed by jamu
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[19:00:12] devinheitmuelle1: this isn't for recordings. It's for videos.
[19:00:30] devinheitmuelle1: Oh, but yeah, I assume it's being done by Jamu or some other tool.
[19:00:43] wagnerrp: for mythvideo, it should work fine
[19:00:44] wagnerrp: 0.23?
[19:00:49] devinheitmuelle1: Yeah.
[19:00:51] iamlindoro: devinheitmuelle1,
[19:00:54] wagnerrp: how recent?
[19:00:56] devinheitmuelle1: Been there, done that.
[19:00:58] iamlindoro: Those are the supported file naming schemes for television
[19:01:13] devinheitmuelle1: Ubuntu: 0.23.0+fixes24
[19:01:16] iamlindoro: did you name them according to those schemes *before* scanning them in?
[19:01:21] iamlindoro: or did you rename them after?
[19:01:25] wagnerrp: was the image url redirect stuff for thetvdb or themoviedb?
[19:01:34] iamlindoro: tmdb
[19:01:36] devinheitmuelle1: iamlindoro: if I look at the file under MythVideo, it does show that it determined the correct series, season, and episode.
[19:01:44] devinheitmuelle1: And I did do a rescan after renaming.
[19:02:00] iamlindoro: devinheitmuelle1, ok, so mythvideo has it right-- I'm not sure which files you are referring to them?
[19:02:04] tgm4883: just fyi, that looks like 0.23 RC
[19:02:13] iamlindoro: er to then
[19:02:39] tgm4883: just in case ^ matters to the issue devinheitmuelle1 is having
[19:02:42] devinheitmuelle1: Well, presumably if mythvideo knows the series, season, and episode, then it can query tmdb for all the other info (subtitle name, director, image, etc)
[19:02:51] iamlindoro: right-- did you download metadata?
[19:02:53] devinheitmuelle1: tgm4883: it's whatever is the current package in Ubuntu.
[19:02:53] matt1982_: hmm is there a log file for lircd? when I try to restart it I get a FAIL for "Starting remote control daemon"
[19:02:56] iamlindoro: ie, highlight the item, press w
[19:03:00] devinheitmuelle1: iamlindoro: is that a separate step?
[19:03:03] iamlindoro: yes
[19:03:07] iamlindoro: well, in .23 anyway
[19:03:08] devinheitmuelle1: iamlindoro: ah. Ok.
[19:03:10] iamlindoro: not in trunk
[19:03:15] devinheitmuelle1: iamlindoro: and what is that step entail?
[19:03:18] iamlindoro: in trunk the metadata is grabbed at scan time
[19:03:33] devinheitmuelle1: ok, let me try...
[19:03:43] iamlindoro: runs the grabber scripts with the DB information for title, season, and episode, returns the XML for all the metadata and locations of images, downlaods images
[19:04:05] matt1982_: sorry do I need to be registered to speak in channel?
[19:04:10] wagnerrp: no
[19:04:21] wagnerrp: we all just prefer to avoid lirc
[19:04:21] devinheitmuelle1: Ah, look at that.
[19:04:23] devinheitmuelle1: Yeah, working now.
[19:04:30] iamlindoro: was always working :)
[19:04:47] matt1982_: haha wagnerrp yeah know the feeling, I havent been here before so wasn't sure if I needed to be logged in
[19:04:53] devinheitmuelle1: Well, I don't have "w" mapped to my remote control.  ;-)
[19:05:15] wagnerrp: devinheitmuelle1: with a couple more keypresses, you can get to it through the 'i' (info) menu
[19:05:15] devinheitmuelle1: Hmm, looks like it got the image for the series, but not for the actual episode (even though the series does have per-episode images).
[19:05:18] iamlindoro: devinheitmuelle1, as tgm4883 mentiones, though, you are using a pre-.23 copy-- which means it does not have fixes for TMDB's (movies) redirect images-- you will want to get to current .23-fixes or .23.1
[19:05:29] devinheitmuelle1: fair enough.
[19:05:38] devinheitmuelle1: This is probably "good enough" for now.
[19:05:40] devinheitmuelle1: thanks guys.
[19:05:43] iamlindoro: devinheitmuelle1, does the screenshot dir you set exist?
[19:06:00] iamlindoro: and/or if you are hosting the videos in a storage group, did you create the screenshots SGs
[19:06:01] devinheitmuelle1: Well, presumably all this got pre-configured when I installed the mythbuntu packages.
[19:06:10] iamlindoro: That is probably too large a presumption
[19:06:12] devinheitmuelle1: I am getting the season specific image – just not the episode specific image.
[19:06:32] devinheitmuelle1: (e.g. – it is showing the "Season 7 boxset cover image")
[19:06:35] iamlindoro: presumably you mean you are getting the coverart and fanart, but not the screenshot
[19:06:40] iamlindoro: all are discrete
[19:06:52] iamlindoro: Myth downloads all of them, all are available to the themer
[19:06:52] devinheitmuelle1: Yes. This would presumably be coverart.
[19:07:00] iamlindoro: you are getting covereart
[19:07:09] iamlindoro: you are, to listen to it, not getting screenshots
[19:07:21] tgm4883: SG and SG directories are set up during a mythbuntu install
[19:07:35] iamlindoro: So it sounds as though you have not configured a screenshots SG (if your videos are SG hosted) or not created the Screenshots dir (if they are locally hosted)
[19:07:58] devinheitmuelle1: sounds like it.
[19:08:21] devinheitmuelle1: This is all local.
[19:08:51] iamlindoro: If you are using local, then you need to check your Screenshots dir (Utilities/Setup->Setup->Media Settings->Video Settings->General) and make sure it is filled in, and exists
[19:09:01] devinheitmuelle1: It' possible that the default mythbuntu theme simply doesn't render the screenshot.
[19:09:04] iamlindoro: and is writable by the FE user
[19:09:04] devinheitmuelle1: ... checking...
[19:09:10] iamlindoro: yes, it is possible
[19:09:18] iamlindoro: Arclight uses screenshots, could try switching to that
[19:09:36] iamlindoro: Arclight will use Fanart, Coverart, and screenshot (but not banners), etc.
[19:10:07] iamlindoro: if all is well, you will see something like "Lost 6x1_screenshot.png" in that dir... and that just means that your theme doesn't use screenshots
[19:10:52] devinheitmuelle1: Ah, screenshots are being populated.
[19:10:53] devinheitmuelle1: interesting.
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[19:12:47] devinheitmuelle1: Yeah, the correct image is in that directory, but not being rendered. Good enough. I don't have anymore time to really play with this now since I'm at work (this was a lunch hour project).
[19:13:05] iamlindoro: well, it's not that it's not being rendered, it's that your themer chose not to use it
[19:13:09] iamlindoro: if you'd like to see it, try Arclight
[19:14:50] devinheitmuelle1: fair enough.
[19:15:12] devinheitmuelle1: Admittedly I haven't played with the themes; just using whatever default came with Mythbuntu.
[19:15:33] iamlindoro: interestingly, nobody has ever complained that I disabled the ability to choose which artwork gets downloaded-- I expected major uproar :)
[19:15:54] iamlindoro: that is to say, disabled the ability to turn of screenshot downloads, fanart downloads, etc.
[19:16:02] ** tgm4883 files a complaint to iamlindoro **
[19:16:12] iamlindoro: was a long time ago :)
[19:16:23] ** tgm4883 files a retroactive complaint to iamlindoro **
[19:16:27] devinheitmuelle1: I'm happy enough – metadata was rendered, and there was "some image" shown rather than a blank screen.
[19:16:28] iamlindoro: I think it was even pre-.22
[19:16:37] ** tgm4883 files a prehistoric complaint to iamlindoro **
[19:16:40] iamlindoro: hah
[19:16:43] wagnerrp: you used to be able to select which artwork you wanted?
[19:16:54] iamlindoro: you used to be able to set a command for each artwork type
[19:17:00] wagnerrp: oh, that
[19:17:01] iamlindoro: so you could clear it and have it do nothing
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[19:17:17] iamlindoro: obviously that was a hacky way to do it, but I know people were
[19:17:38] iamlindoro: so when I rewuired that the command lines be standardized, I took all those settigns away
[19:17:42] iamlindoro: er required
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[19:20:36] devinheitmuelle1: iamlindoro: do you happen to know if the metadata gathered through this mechanism is exposed via the UPnP interface?
[19:20:50] iamlindoro: devinheitmuelle1, it is not yet
[19:20:58] devinheitmuelle1: ok, good to know.
[19:21:08] iamlindoro: though there is a ticket that goes part of the way there, and we are trying to figure out if some form of it will be feasible for .24
[19:21:23] devinheitmuelle1: For example, if I were working on a UPnP client to browse the videos, would the metadata get rendered....
[19:21:55] wagnerrp: as it stands, the upnp server currently does not access any of the mythvideo database tables
[19:22:05] iamlindoro: yeah, all that it would give right now would be the filename
[19:22:09] devinheitmuelle1: ok.
[19:22:27] iamlindoro: we are literally in the midst of discussiong how to move mythvideo into the core, and to make the uPnP server rely on that metadata
[19:22:33] iamlindoro: and whether we can manage it for .24
[19:22:38] wagnerrp: it performs its own directory scan on content in directories listed by the VideoStartupDir, so it doesnt use storage groups either
[19:22:50] devinheitmuelle1: ah.
[19:22:54] devinheitmuelle1: Yeah, that makes sense.
[19:23:03] wagnerrp: so if you want to mess around with upnp
[19:23:13] wagnerrp: you need to define that setting on the backend hosting the upnp server
[19:23:20] iamlindoro: devinheitmuelle1, if it is *not* done for .24, it will definitely be so for .25
[19:23:29] wagnerrp: either through the database, or within mythvideo on that frontend directly
[19:23:40] iamlindoro: devinheitmuelle1, MediaMVP HD?
[19:23:49] devinheitmuelle1: no comment.
[19:23:51] devinheitmuelle1: yes.
[19:23:52] devinheitmuelle1: :-)
[19:23:55] Gibby: did I see someon working/fixing the UPNP client?
[19:23:55] iamlindoro: ha
[19:24:30] wagnerrp: Gibby: there are two people currently working on it, some plans, and a patch or two in trac
[19:24:57] Gibby: warnerrp: What about adding a transcode option to it :)
[19:25:10] wagnerrp: not at current
[19:25:23] iamlindoro: Gibby, if you've got the patches, we've got the commit access
[19:25:43] iamlindoro: devinheitmuelle1, How how is mkrufky's prognosis? Is he going to make it?
[19:25:47] Gibby: i wish i knew how to do it, but i don't think it would be hard to use ffmpeg to do it
[19:25:57] iamlindoro: Gibby, You are mistaken
[19:26:01] devinheitmuelle1: iamlindoro: if he's sick, that would be news to me.
[19:26:07] iamlindoro: everything seems easy to those who have no idea how to do it
[19:26:16] wagnerrp: Gibby: using 'ffmpeg' directly would not be the way to do it
[19:26:24] iamlindoro: devinheitmuelle1, I just wondered whether he was going to make it through his awful IRC allergy he's developed ;)
[19:26:36] devinheitmuelle1: he's just been very busy lately.
[19:26:43] Gibby: well ihave done some command line stuff with ffmpeg to transcode but i suck at scripting
[19:27:05] iamlindoro: Gibby, scripting isn't how one would do it
[19:27:28] Gibby: correct, but if you can't script you can't build
[19:27:31] wagnerrp: you would have to add new transcoding classes to mythbackend
[19:27:32] iamlindoro: one needs to write C++ code using livavcode and libavformat to accomplish the transcodes
[19:27:32] devinheitmuelle1: Transcoding is rather difficult to do when doing streaming. Ask yourself how trick controls like rewind would work.
[19:27:39] iamlindoro: I can't write a script to save my life, I'm a myth dev
[19:28:09] wagnerrp: or even seeking for that matter
[19:28:40] devinheitmuelle1: If you were prepared to do your transcoding to some predefined size as a batch process, you could probably get away with ffmpeg. But most people don't want to use up all the storage of having multiple copies of their streams.
[19:28:59] wagnerrp: devinheitmuelle1: thats actually the near term plan
[19:29:12] wagnerrp: for early in the 0.25 cycle
[19:29:28] devinheitmuelle1: wagnerrp: makes sense for the short term – you do it similar to the way commercial cutting works.
[19:29:47] iamlindoro: devinheitmuelle1, we're very shortly to begin a major DB overhaul, and part of that will be allowing one to keep many different files associated with a single recording or video record, including "profiles" of transcoded versions-- so it will mostly obviate the need for a transcoding uPnP server
[19:30:02] iamlindoro: bah, too busy writing to read
[19:30:09] Gibby: well right now i use ps3mediaserver to stream/encode to my clients
[19:30:42] Gibby: i like it b/c i can have small HD files TV about 1Gb for 1hr TV show
[19:30:42] wagnerrp: devinheitmuelle1: commercial cutting of transport streams is 'easy', literally just chopping off bits of the video
[19:30:50] wagnerrp: the problem is fixing the time codes
[19:30:57] wagnerrp: something beirdo and i are currently both struggling with
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[19:49:27] Beirdo: ugh
[19:49:36] Beirdo: headaches should be made illegal
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[19:52:48] wagnerrp: yum is... fedora?
[19:52:58] Gibby: yes
[19:53:14] wagnerrp: why does fedora store its init scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ ?
[19:53:32] Gibby: BTHOM
[19:54:45] Beirdo: yuk?
[19:55:07] Beirdo: because that's how it used to be done? ;)
[19:55:36] wagnerrp: ive seen name one or the other, but never both in combination
[19:55:59] Gibby: I think AIX does something like that too
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[20:06:48] skd5aner: Is Jim Stichnoth in IRC?
[20:07:02] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[20:07:17] skd5aner: submitter of #8822
[20:07:21] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:08:35] skd5aner: sphery: ping
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[20:15:58] Beirdo: skd5aner: if you find him, let us know :)
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[20:19:42] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:33:26] Gibby: crap, i forgot the USB port on my D11 is already used
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[20:42:59] Beirdo: already used?
[20:43:28] devinheitmuelle1 (devinheitmuelle1! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[20:45:06] iamlindoro: he has a USB fan in there
[20:45:13] Gibby: yep I have MFH3
[20:45:39] iamlindoro: Meth Fortress Head three?
[20:45:50] Gibby: Multi something Head 3
[20:46:04] iamlindoro: riiiight
[20:46:05] Gibby: I have a usb dongle in there that has a ethernet plug in it
[20:46:28] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[20:46:39] Beirdo: multi-family housing
[20:46:44] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:46:56] Beirdo: anyways, seems they stack it on GigE
[20:46:59] Beirdo: interesting
[20:47:49] Gibby: Yep, I have Fiber to my house, it then Hits a media converter and out of the converter 1 rj-45 port is for tv, 1 for eternet and 2 rj-11 for phone
[20:48:06] Gibby: so my directv boxes take ethernet
[20:48:13] Gibby: Also it is a D11-i....
[20:48:34] Beirdo: house?
[20:48:34] Gibby: I already order the serial/usb stuff, going to try to use a usb hub, but i doubt it will work
[20:48:41] Beirdo: you mean apartment, right?
[20:48:43] Gibby: Yep, house. Had it built
[20:49:10] Beirdo: why would they have multi-home stuff running to a house?
[20:49:12] Gibby: My whole sub-division is MFh3
[20:49:16] Beirdo: oh
[20:49:29] Gibby: and the ISP providing it sucks!!!!! errr thinking about it pisses me off
[20:49:36] Beirdo: sucks to be you if you ever want the freedom to use something else
[20:50:02] Gibby: well only half my sub-divsion has it, the other half has time warner
[20:50:14] Gibby: this house behind me, 40–50' away has time warner but i can't get it
[20:50:47] Beirdo: heh
[20:51:05] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:51:22] Gibby: As soon as my roud is turned over to the county since they are still buidling in here I will be able to get something house, but it has been 2years of hell with this ISP, I mean damn I have fiber to house and all they can give me is 5/1
[20:52:30] Gibby: no i am agitated errr, my typing is getting all messed up, time for beer, i will be back later tonight when i have to patch servers at work and rebuild 1 from FLAR
[20:52:37] Gibby is now known as Gibby_afk
[20:52:52] GadgetWisdomGuru: Anyone here using Fedora and MythTV?
[20:53:11] Beirdo: GadgetWisdomGuru: no, we all use Windows 7 and MCE
[20:53:15] Beirdo: !trout GadgetWisdomGuru
[20:53:15] ** MythLogBot slaps GadgetWisdomGuru with a trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[20:53:30] Beirdo: of course people are using Fedora
[20:54:01] GadgetWisdomGuru: Let me rephrase that.
[20:54:05] XLV (XLV!~XLV@unaffiliated/xlv) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:54:10] GadgetWisdomGuru: Is anyone currently here using Fedora as their distribution?
[20:54:26] Beirdo: Yes, I'm sure there is.
[20:54:26] GadgetWisdomGuru: As in, in the room
[20:55:08] GadgetWisdomGuru: Because, some weird thing just happened, and I'm thinking of switching to the rpmfusion mythtv packages over the atrpms packages I've been using for years and I thought someone might have an opinion.
[20:55:09] ** Beirdo wonders what's up with the meta-questions **
[20:55:42] ** GadgetWisdomGuru isn't sure his question is a meta-question **
[20:55:51] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[20:55:56] wagnerrp: its an indirect question
[20:56:00] iamlindoro: GadgetWisdomGuru, I have heard some very very negative things about the atrpms packages for some time
[20:56:05] wagnerrp: youre asking if anyone is around for you to ask
[20:56:13] GadgetWisdomGuru: Okay.
[20:56:16] wagnerrp: rather than asking your question directly
[20:56:18] iamlindoro: TTBOMK the rpmfusion ones are the ones to go with these days, not least of which because they are spec'ed by a Myth dev
[20:56:22] iamlindoro: and Red Hat employee
[20:56:35] GadgetWisdomGuru: Ironically, the one who sent me to atrpms in the first place.
[20:56:36] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:56:51] iamlindoro: perhaps/probably before rpmfusion had them?
[20:56:58] iamlindoro: I think many years ago atrpms was the only game in town
[20:57:00] GadgetWisdomGuru: Yes, that's why.
[20:57:08] GadgetWisdomGuru: But, there is one package that isn't in rpmfusion
[20:57:09] GadgetWisdomGuru: libdvdcss
[20:57:55] iamlindoro: Not sure what the thing to do is there, I'm afraid, not a fedora user
[20:58:05] iamlindoro: could package that one yourself I suppose
[20:58:08] GadgetWisdomGuru: I know that to do.
[20:58:11] iamlindoro: and/or just compile and isntall
[20:58:14] GadgetWisdomGuru: I guess I'll give it a shot.
[20:59:36] GadgetWisdomGuru: I just hate to have to reformat 3 separate systems to clean out the atrpms rpms.
[20:59:48] GadgetWisdomGuru: Might just wait till the next Fedora release.
[21:00:06] GadgetWisdomGuru: But, that's my problem, I suppose, and not relevant to the chat
[21:01:56] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:17] GadgetWisdomGuru: It just might end up a version # issue
[21:03:47] GadgetWisdomGuru: If rpmfusion is using a different version than atrpms, what is the worst that could happen if I want to keep my existing database?
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[21:25:07] dustybin (dustybin! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:25:19] dustybin: a remote control what can do gestures
[21:25:21] dustybin: . . . trol-p111682
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[21:26:02] iamlindoro: EXPELLIARMUS
[21:26:10] nutron: :(
[21:32:38] messerting (messerting! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[21:33:19] ** Beirdo makes a gesture at his remote **
[21:33:23] Beirdo: nope, did nothing
[21:33:26] mzb is now known as mzb_zz
[21:34:40] Beirdo: OK, I'm not liking this much
[21:37:16] Beirdo:
[21:38:12] Beirdo: it starts up with really slow audio... then freezes
[21:38:35] Beirdo: then I tell it to exit, and next time I go in, it sometimes works right, sometimes repeats
[21:42:20] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:43:20] Beirdo: and then I restart the frontend and it works
[21:43:22] Beirdo: grrrr
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[22:20:31] grumpydevil: hmm..... just ran across a configuration where disabling VDPAU gives better result...
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[22:22:08] kormoc: grumpydevil, and that surprises you why?
[22:22:57] gbutters1 (gbutters1! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[22:38:02] spinull (spinull!~echosyp@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:38:38] spinull: can anyone tell me if the IR on the pchd5500 is supported yet?
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[22:55:20] iamlindoro: !tuners
[22:55:23] iamlindoro: sigh
[22:55:24] iamlindoro: !url tuners
[22:55:24] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[22:55:27] iamlindoro: They can
[22:57:10] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!~MaverickT@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:01:46] spinull: nice
[23:08:09] Typosu (Typosu! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[23:17:51] spinull: anyone want to help me with my pchd5500, i have two of them, one seems to work fine, the other just spits out input/output error
[23:18:25] iamlindoro: spits out when you do what to it?
[23:18:34] spinull: when i cat /dev/video0 >> test0.avi
[23:18:41] iamlindoro: hd5500's can't do that
[23:18:56] iamlindoro: (and even those cards that can, they're not AVIs, they're MPGs...)
[23:18:57] spinull: well the other one just did
[23:19:02] iamlindoro: then it's not an HD5500
[23:19:16] wagnerrp: the pchdtv cards are framegrabbers
[23:19:17] spinull: whats the difference in what i name it
[23:19:17] iamlindoro: only hardware encoder cards can dumb the raw output of the video node
[23:19:27] wagnerrp: you cannot 'cat' out out a compressed video
[23:19:42] iamlindoro: uhhh... an HD5500 is one kind of card, and the card that *can* output direct from the video node behaves entirely differently
[23:19:49] iamlindoro: So it matters quite a great deal
[23:19:59] spinull: hhmm
[23:20:10] wagnerrp: do you have any cards besides those two in that machine?
[23:20:15] wagnerrp: perhaps a PVR-150 or 500?
[23:20:47] spinull: im 99% sure its a 5500
[23:20:57] wagnerrp: im 100% sure its not
[23:21:04] iamlindoro: whichever one you got output from cat is not
[23:21:07] iamlindoro: no way, no how
[23:21:18] spinull: i ordered the two of them at the same time
[23:21:34] wagnerrp: and what is the third capture card you have in there?
[23:21:39] spinull: i don't
[23:21:48] iamlindoro: then one of your cards is not an HD5500
[23:21:57] iamlindoro: one might be, but the other most definitely is not
[23:22:00] wagnerrp: then pastebin your dmesg
[23:22:09] spinull: k, one sec
[23:22:12] wagnerrp: or lspci if you would prefer
[23:22:18] spinull: cause now im confused
[23:22:22] wagnerrp: either will work
[23:22:26] spinull: how about both
[23:24:08] spinull:
[23:24:49] ** iamlindoro thinks someone didn't actually watch his cat output **
[23:24:54] spinull: but yeah, i just cat /dev/video1 and it gave me video
[23:24:59] spinull: i swear to god
[23:25:20] iamlindoro: yeah, but your cards aren't HD5500s
[23:25:26] spinull: ...
[23:25:28] spinull: wtf are they
[23:25:31] iamlindoro: those don't have
[23:25:35] iamlindoro: 01:08.2 Multimedia controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder [MPEG Port] (rev 05)
[23:25:40] iamlindoro: still waiting on dmesg...
[23:25:43] spinull: oh
[23:25:53] iamlindoro: they're whatever you bought
[23:26:05] spinull: i hope i still have the receipt for that shti
[23:26:22] iamlindoro: please watch your language, profanity against channel rules
[23:27:31] spinull: my bad
[23:28:16] spinull:
[23:28:39] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:28:53] iamlindoro: Something in this story is not lining up
[23:28:59] gbutters (gbutters! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:29:11] spinull: ?
[23:29:20] spinull: do tell, cause im confused now
[23:29:34] spinull: im pretty sure i purchased 5500's
[23:29:37] iamlindoro: dmesg says you have hd5500s, but fact: you *cannot* cat the video node from an HD5500 and get playable video, not without putting something like mencoder in between it and playback
[23:29:57] spinull: vlc can do screen capture right?
[23:30:05] iamlindoro: wouldn't know
[23:30:17] spinull: i think it can, i'll demonstrate
[23:30:47] wagnerrp: also, for mythtv, its best to stick with the proprietary nvidia drivers
[23:31:05] spinull: good to know, thanks
[23:31:32] spinull: first time iv turned this thing on in awhile, ( i just moved)
[23:35:23] spinull: hhmm
[23:35:46] spinull: anywho, whats with the input/output error on /dev/video0
[23:35:57] spinull: nevermind
[23:36:01] spinull: we covered that
[23:36:05] Beirdo: OK, Haribo gummy bears commercial... evil
[23:36:11] spinull: "i can't do that"
[23:37:26] iamlindoro: correct
[23:38:42] spinull: you're not crazy
[23:38:44] spinull: i am
[23:38:49] iamlindoro: correct
[23:38:50] spinull: we'll just leave it at that
[23:42:01] spinull:
[23:42:03] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!~MaverickT@ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[23:42:07] spinull: what can you tell me about that
[23:43:21] iamlindoro: Probably a lot more if we didn't have to play "tell me what my problem is with no information, readysetgo!"
[23:43:51] spinull: mythfrontend just closes when i try to watch livetv,
[23:44:34] iamlindoro: Minimally, you have audio misconfigured-- whether the backedn is misconfigured too would depend on the backend logs
[23:48:35] mzb_zz is now known as mzb
[23:48:55] phil (phil! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:49:11] phil: hiho
[23:49:26] phil is now known as phil_42
[23:50:03] phil_42: wagnerrp: do you know someone doing the schedule ui?
[23:50:23] wagnerrp: what do you mean?
[23:51:13] phil_42: if you know who coded the schedule recordings part from the guide
[23:51:44] wagnerrp: probably stuartm
[23:51:56] wagnerrp: that all got rewritten about a year and a half ago
[23:52:08] phil_42: hm ok
[23:52:52] phil_42: as i did a lot of backend work in my past i got an idea for improving it
[23:53:08] iamlindoro: phil_42, If you have an idea that you actually want implemented, it will need to come with a patch
[23:53:09] phil_42: in many ways
[23:53:43] phil_42: well, iamlindoro, are you the maintainer?
[23:54:04] iamlindoro: I am one of several people who does UI stuff
[23:54:15] iamlindoro: we are not lacking good ideas, we are lacking good patches
[23:54:31] phil_42: the last time i did a patch it was just commted by nice idea, won't come into code, bye
[23:54:53] iamlindoro: What patch was that?
[23:55:12] phil_42: i won't do that again (although some people actually worked on the patch after me and included it)
[23:55:21] iamlindoro: what patch was that?
[23:55:36] phil_42: so patching without discussing is not my way
[23:55:43] iamlindoro: what patch was that?
[23:55:56] phil_42: fluxbox patch, not a big deal
[23:56:04] iamlindoro: what does fluxbox have to do with us?
[23:56:37] phil_42: well, let me quote you [01:53:09] <iamlindoro> phil_42, If you have an idea that you actually want implemented, it will need to come with a patch
[23:56:46] iamlindoro: yes, and that's still correct
[23:56:58] iamlindoro: If you want to talk about your idea, we can talk about it with you
[23:57:05] iamlindoro: but if you want it implemented, you will need to do it
[23:57:08] phil_42: without a discussion on peculiarities of it, i won't code a minute
[23:57:29] phil_42: without discussion no way
[23:57:51] iamlindoro: like I said, we are willing to discuss your idea with you
[23:57:59] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[23:57:59] phil_42: if i've got to deliver it straight ahead, there's much too much overhead for the part which simply was not in discussion
[23:58:02] iamlindoro: we just aren't willing to do the work for you
[23:58:15] phil_42: i know that
[23:58:21] phil_42: read again please
[23:58:25] iamlindoro: So, go ahead, let's discuss
[23:58:32] phil_42: alright
[23:58:38] iamlindoro: then if it sounds like we're open to it, you can go write the patch
[23:58:43] stoth (stoth! has quit (Quit: stoth)
[23:59:38] phil_42: i thought about combining custom schedules with the ones offered in the guide
[23:59:54] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (Quit: abqjp)
[23:59:58] phil_42: in the guide itself you've got 7 or 8 options

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