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Tuesday, August 10th, 2010, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:57] mechcozmo: ...nope
[00:02:26] mechcozmo: when playing livetv, it's averaging around 70% load
[00:03:17] mechcozmo: nightwalk: ah, take that back, Xorg is using ~20% on top of that, but you get the idea; plenty to go around
[00:05:45] nightwalk: Really? Sounds to me like it's almost pegged :)
[00:06:22] mechcozmo: nightwalk: well, yes, but for a 7-year-old computer system it handles pretty well
[00:06:56] nightwalk: Well, I've run out of suggestions. If you're patient, maybe someone with a bit of myth knowledge will wander back and help you ;)
[00:07:18] mechcozmo: alright...
[00:07:36] mechcozmo: nightwalk: it handles 1080p sometimes, 720p just fine
[00:07:39] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:08:17] nightwalk: Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Seems I have a little more looking to do, but have both of those boards bookmarked just in case ;)
[00:08:39] nightwalk: Good luck with your myth issues, mechcozmo
[00:08:42] nightwalk (nightwalk! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving.")
[00:11:39] pyarra (pyarra! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:16:50] pyarra: hi folks, I have a question: I've got my myth box set up, dumped a bunch of MP3 in /var/lib/mythtv/music/Z (I use initial/artist/album to organise files)
[00:16:56] pyarra: mythmusic sees them
[00:17:09] pyarra: but all these albums come up with "Unknown artist"
[00:17:27] pyarra: however when you look at the details per file, the artists name is tagged
[00:17:40] pyarra: I've used kid3 to confirm all files are tagged
[00:17:55] pyarra: anyone now why mythmusic thinks it doesn;t know the artist name?
[00:21:50] DjMadness_ is now known as DjMadness
[00:21:53] DjMadness (DjMadness! has quit (Changing host)
[00:21:53] DjMadness (DjMadness!~DjMadness@pdpc/supporter/student/DjMadness) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:39:01] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[00:59:33] mechcozmo (mechcozmo! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[01:01:39] AriX_ (AriX_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:05] wagnerrp: pyarra: mythmusic only uses the id3v2 tags
[01:06:45] pyarra: wagnerrp: yep, the files are tagged with both. Also, when you view the individual tracks, the tags are being used (artist name is there)
[01:07:13] pyarra: it's when you browse the list of albums that there's a stack of "Unknown artist"
[01:12:59] awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:13:23] awalls (awalls! has quit (Client Quit)
[01:16:36] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:19:01] pyarra: is there a process that kicks off to re-index the music? If so: what is it, and how do I do it?
[01:19:44] wagnerrp: nope, just the internal scanner in mythfrontend
[01:21:59] sphery: meaning go into mythmusic through the frontend and do a scan :)
[01:22:38] pyarra: OK, I did try that a while back, but I'll give it another go, thanks
[01:23:05] wagnerrp: its generally been considered that the 20 seconds needed to do that whenever you buy new music isnt enough of a hassle to code up an alternative
[01:24:21] sphery: especially since in most cases, you'll throw the CD into the MythTV box and use mythfrontend to rip it, so it will get put in automatically.
[01:24:42] sphery: of course, that won't apply to iTunes or similar
[01:30:50] wagnerrp: sphery: you know if the 3-column list view in mythvideo is static or theme choosable?
[01:31:16] XChatMav (XChatMav! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:34:15] MavT (MavT! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[01:39:13] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:39:49] pigeon (pigeon! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:40:50] AriX_ (AriX_! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:40:52] pigeon (pigeon! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:46:37] rues (rues!~rues@ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[01:53:14] cotski (cotski! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:14:10] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[02:14:47] itscrimetime (itscrimetime! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:15:27] simonckenyon (simonckenyon!~simoncken@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:19:47] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:20:54] itscrimetime (itscrimetime! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:15] rossand (rossand! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[02:38:20] pizdets (pizdets! has quit ()
[02:38:50] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:05:24] sphery: wagnerrp: don't know... sorry.
[03:05:46] wagnerrp: just wondering in response to a mythtvtalk question
[03:06:24] sphery: I think iamlindoro wants to make it more theme-controllable than it is, but I don't know how far he's gotten on it
[03:07:29] Beirdo: forums are evil
[03:09:11] sphery: yeah
[03:09:26] wagnerrp: no, youre evil
[03:09:31] ** wagnerrp goes and hides in a corner **
[03:09:50] Caesar (Caesar!~apollock@debian/developer/apollock) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[03:10:50] wagnerrp: why wont this monitor turn on...
[03:13:08] wagnerrp: screw it
[03:13:15] wagnerrp: goodbye you worthless piece of hardware
[03:13:25] wagnerrp: youve served me poorly these past 8 years
[03:14:28] dewman: are you going to shoot it?
[03:15:02] wagnerrp: nah, let it rot in a closet for years until i find an electronics recycler
[03:15:46] wagnerrp: in all honesty, it was broken when i got it
[03:16:10] dewman: well thats good on the other hand would disregard the planet and blast the heck out of it letting the lead seep into a local stream killing the endangered salmon that spawn.
[03:16:12] wagnerrp: used to be my parents, but they replaced it late '02 when someone decided to clean it with windex and killed a couple dozen volumns
[03:16:25] wagnerrp: columns
[03:17:43] dewman: I got a monitor a while ago from a friend of mine...It was covered in spray paint, look liked it had been dropped a few times, but that thing worked for at least 5 more years after I got it.....think it was a mag or something.
[03:19:01] dewman: so a while ago you told me not to waste my time on that nvidia 5700 video card....... you were right....
[03:19:54] jams (jams! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[03:19:55] dewman: the onboard intel 8 meg video actually works a little better, at least with 1080I, the intel doesnt stutter during playback.
[03:21:14] Beirdo: need to find my old cacti scripts :)
[03:21:16] wagnerrp: i pulled one out of a dumpster in front of work a couple months ago
[03:21:45] wagnerrp: best i could tell, someone bought a new computer and didnt realize that DVI-I port still supported their old VGA LCD
[03:21:47] dewman: dumpster diving has given me many good finds in the past.
[03:22:07] wagnerrp: its now bolted up as a spare diagnostic monitor on one of the racks in the server room
[03:22:09] Beirdo: wagnerrp: go Elvis on it
[03:22:21] wagnerrp: elvis...?
[03:22:28] Beirdo: yeah
[03:22:41] Beirdo: he had a reputation for having shot his TV
[03:22:44] wagnerrp: a kick and some punches?
[03:22:45] dewman: is that like eating fried twinkies?
[03:23:02] patdk-lap: wagnerrp, sometimes supports, I have a crapload of systems that don't do analog on the dvi port on the computer
[03:23:19] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:23:30] Beirdo: patdk-lap: then it's not DVI-I
[03:23:34] wagnerrp: patdk-lap: ive never seen a DVI port on a video card that did not support analog (and come with the necessary adapters)
[03:23:50] patdk-lap: these where yes, DVI-D ports
[03:23:58] patdk-lap: the 4 pings where missing, filled in
[03:24:11] patdk-lap: these where first gen dvi ports on computers though
[03:24:22] Beirdo: how about 4 pongs?
[03:24:26] patdk-lap: every system after that batch, had them
[03:24:30] wagnerrp: pins?
[03:24:47] patdk-lap: the 4 analog pins, that go around the large flat blade :)
[03:25:15] dewman:
[03:25:17] patdk-lap: same deal with many laptops also
[03:26:19] jams (jams! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:26:19] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v jams
[03:29:29] wagnerrp: now ive got space on my desk, i need another monitor
[03:30:05] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[03:30:41] ** patdk-lap mails one **
[03:39:04] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[03:54:40] hadeees (hadeees! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:55:24] ND-movie (ND-movie! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:07:44] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:07:44] ** Beirdo wishes he knew exactly where his snmp-mysql script for cacti went **
[04:08:21] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:10:44] wagnerrp: quiet evening
[04:10:47] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[04:11:53] Beirdo: yeah.
[04:12:04] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Client Quit)
[04:13:41] Beirdo: klasdfahgiuqehgqnelghajsfxnilg5
[04:13:45] Beirdo: that's better
[04:20:01] Beirdo: I guess I'll have to recreate that script
[04:22:14] Beirdo: rather disconcerting
[04:22:27] Beirdo: ooooh
[04:22:31] pyarra: Hm, I did a "Scan for new music" from mythfrontend, but all those albums are still coming up "Unknown artist"
[04:22:35] Beirdo: I reformatted that box too.
[04:22:39] Beirdo: GAH, I such
[04:22:41] Beirdo: suck
[04:22:50] pyarra: is there some way to debug that scan process to see what's making it misbehave?
[04:23:24] wagnerrp: a scan will not update the database from tag information on existing files (i think)
[04:25:42] wagnerrp: it does store 'date_modified' in the database
[04:25:57] wagnerrp: so it may update the file if the filesystem reports the file as being modified
[04:26:32] ** wagnerrp goes back to his broken bindings **
[04:28:09] pyarra: wagnerrp: so you reckon a recursive touch might do the trick?
[04:28:36] Beirdo: no touching its funky place
[04:28:46] wagnerrp: no, because if you altered the files, the file system would already have updated the last modified timestamp
[04:29:11] high-rez: Hmmf
[04:29:29] high-rez: I have one particular DVD that myth just does not like
[04:29:47] wagnerrp: 0.23 or trunk?
[04:30:57] high-rez: trunk.
[04:31:05] high-rez: What's odd is its not even menus
[04:31:46] high-rez: And I'm using vdpau and sending the dolby digital directly to the receiver – so its not like myth is even doing much
[04:32:44] ** Beirdo grumbles at his computer **
[04:32:56] Beirdo: stupid... piece of....
[04:33:19] Beirdo: I hate you, you file-eating monster
[04:33:20] pyarra: OK, did a touch then a re-scan, no change... is there something I'm missing here?
[04:33:36] Beirdo: pyarra: yeah, that wagnerrp said that was a waste of time
[04:34:14] pyarra: Beirdo: OK, I misunderstood – what will make the scan re-check the ID3 tags?
[04:34:38] Beirdo: now that I couldn't tell ya. I haven't used mythmusic for quite some time
[04:35:28] high-rez: Does myth use its own libdvdread/libdvdnav or does it use external libs ?
[04:35:41] pyarra: going back to what wagnerrp said: the files haven't changed – the tags were there when I copied them to the myth box
[04:35:58] wagnerrp: then nothing has scanned for you to refresh
[04:36:03] wagnerrp: err... changed
[04:36:16] pyarra: right... so... um?
[04:36:49] christ_ (christ_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:37:30] pyarra: what I would like is for the existing ID3 tags to be used. I've confirmed they're in the files. If mythmusic doesn;t know about them, how can I make it so, or how can I find out (and fix) what's causing it not to use them?
[04:37:47] pyarra: (aside from manually editing the DB, which is going to get a bit old)
[04:37:59] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:38:36] Beirdo: are your tags ID3v1 or v2?
[04:39:08] wagnerrp: i mentioned that hours ago
[04:39:11] wagnerrp: he claimed v2
[04:39:19] pyarra: both are present
[04:39:27] Beirdo: OK.
[04:39:35] christ` (christ`! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:39:36] ** Beirdo shrugs **
[04:39:54] high-rez: So weird
[04:40:04] high-rez: Fight Club is the only movie I've had problems with.
[04:40:29] Beirdo: it must have failed the quality movie check
[04:41:31] Beirdo: "this movie sucks, must fail now"
[04:41:40] Beirdo: if only, eh?
[04:41:49] pyarra: when the frontend scans the files for tags, does it call a helper app or library? Like, is there something I can call manually to test if there's something about one lot of tags that makes it fail?
[04:42:24] high-rez: What ?
[04:42:29] high-rez: Dude fight club is a great movie.
[04:42:35] Beirdo: hehe
[04:42:37] high-rez: I assume you don't like the big lebowski either ?
[04:42:39] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[04:42:46] Beirdo: one man's trash is another man's treasure
[04:43:07] Beirdo: neither really appealed to me for some reason
[04:43:20] high-rez: You see, the problem is you just have no taste.
[04:43:30] wagnerrp: pyarra: probably mythplugins/mythmusic/mythmusic/metaioid3.cpp
[04:43:32] Beirdo: but seriously, odd that it wouldn't work.
[04:43:47] Beirdo: bah.
[04:43:50] high-rez: You're so accustomed to watching chick flicks and romantic commedies, and awful eddie murphy movies, that you don't know what good is.
[04:44:03] Beirdo: !trout high-rez silly user
[04:44:03] ** MythLogBot slaps high-rez with a silly user trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[04:44:21] high-rez: Come on now, I'm graduated beyond silly user.
[04:44:29] high-rez: I'm at the very least an annoying regular at this point.
[04:44:31] Beirdo: heh
[04:44:45] Beirdo: I guess
[04:44:54] high-rez: :(
[04:44:58] Beirdo: hehe :)
[04:45:05] Beirdo: I was just agreeing...
[04:45:50] Beirdo: hmmm
[04:46:10] Beirdo: I wonder.
[04:46:52] high-rez: So the movie plays if I skip past the parts where its freezes (otherwise I get too many buffer erros messages)
[04:47:14] high-rez: E.g. like this
[04:47:14] high-rez: 2010-08–09 21:46:11.835 Player(1): Waited 100ms for video buffers AAALAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[04:47:20] high-rez: And then splat.
[04:47:29] high-rez: But if I skip ahead 30 seconds it's happy.
[04:47:37] high-rez: for another minute or so
[04:48:36] high-rez: I guess I should make sure it's /not/ just this video.
[04:49:34] pyarra: wagnerrp: is there an online source code browser somewhere that i can look at?
[04:49:50] wagnerrp: . . . ic/mythmusic
[04:50:06] pyarra: ty
[04:51:38] madLyfe (madLyfe! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:55:48] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:57:38] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:01:40] pyarra: ah, C++, how I haven't missed it
[05:01:46] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[05:02:49] pyarra: actually, let me re-phrase that: gosh, it's been a while since I've read any C++ code
[05:03:17] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:04:57] pyarra: this error log might be a hint: TagLib: MPEG::Header::parse() — Invalid sample rate.
[05:05:17] pyarra: is there some easy way to find out *which* file caused it to barf?
[05:06:09] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:06:33] clever: pyarra: my only guess is to look at the code and modify it to do so
[05:07:14] pyarra: so there's no debug level logging capabilities built in?
[05:07:36] clever: not sure, you can check mythwhatever -v help
[05:07:50] clever: but i dont think the MPEG decoding has much to enable
[05:08:37] mechcozmo (mechcozmo! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:08:38] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:08:49] skd5aner (skd5aner! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[05:08:50] mechcozmo: hello, I am getting the error: "mythtv is using all inputs but there are no active recordings" but my database IP is set properly. even stranger, if I restart mythbackend, it all works
[05:09:24] wagnerrp: what kind of tuners are you using?
[05:09:32] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[05:11:25] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:13:49] mechcozmo: PVR-500
[05:14:31] mechcozmo: wagnerrp: PVR-500
[05:14:56] wagnerrp: yeah, i was wondering if were possible your backend came up before something the tuner cards needed
[05:14:58] wagnerrp: but not likely
[05:15:18] mechcozmo: nope
[05:15:24] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:15:47] mechcozmo: it's worked fine, but I ran a batch of updates yesterday and I think that's when in started... unsure
[05:17:05] mechcozmo: wagnerrp: it doesn't help that the machine likes to overheat; the BIOS kills everything
[05:17:29] wagnerrp: you should fix that before worrying about your mythtv problems
[05:17:35] mechcozmo: wagnerrp: it is pretty annoying, but it's got quite a few fans shoved in it
[05:17:51] wagnerrp: clean out your heatsink
[05:17:55] wagnerrp: reseat with new grease
[05:17:56] mechcozmo: done it
[05:17:58] mechcozmo: done it
[05:18:13] wagnerrp: replace heatsink with one usable with your processor
[05:18:25] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:18:30] wagnerrp: what processor?
[05:18:30] mechcozmo: replaced it with a bigger one
[05:18:36] mechcozmo: Athlon 2500+
[05:18:39] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:18:45] kormoc: Bigger != Better
[05:18:47] mechcozmo: 1.5GB RAM
[05:19:05] mechcozmo: er, sorry, same heatsink but bigger CPU fan
[05:19:15] wagnerrp: bigger fan is worse
[05:19:16] mechcozmo: it's the stock one that came with the CPU
[05:19:27] mechcozmo: why?
[05:19:55] wagnerrp: it runs at a slower rpm, so the airflow through the center which is actually blowing on the heatsink is less
[05:20:01] wagnerrp: unless you installed a duct
[05:20:41] mechcozmo: it covers more of the heatsink and dropped CPU idle temperature from ~50˚C to 46˚C
[05:20:53] mechcozmo: I installed the sensors package
[05:21:02] wagnerrp: no need for that
[05:21:13] mechcozmo: easier to check than the BIOS
[05:21:15] wagnerrp: you can just pull the temperature out of /proc/acpi
[05:21:40] wagnerrp: /proc/acpi/thermal/THRM0/temp or something
[05:22:06] Beirdo: not on all systems
[05:22:13] mechcozmo: doesn't show on mine
[05:22:24] wagnerrp: any decently modern system
[05:22:30] Beirdo: not all
[05:22:33] wagnerrp: pretty sure my 2600+ barton does it
[05:22:34] mechcozmo: 7 years old decently modern?
[05:22:45] Beirdo: only some support that
[05:23:05] Beirdo: it's one of the many possible ways, and certainly the easiest... when it works :)
[05:23:14] mechcozmo: temp1: +41.0°C (low = -1.0°C, high = +127.0°C) sensor = thermistor
[05:23:19] mechcozmo: lm-senors seems to work
[05:23:26] mechcozmo: eh, sensors
[05:23:41] mechcozmo (mechcozmo! has left #mythtv-users ()
[05:23:44] Beirdo: for instance... atom... which is modern (only a few months old!) has no such support
[05:23:49] mechcozmo (mechcozmo! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:23:59] wagnerrp: that chip should be fine up to 75C or so
[05:24:07] mechcozmo: agreed
[05:24:15] Beirdo: Atom D510 to be exact :)
[05:24:26] wagnerrp: if you are hitting anything near that, you need a new heatsink
[05:24:36] Beirdo: or a new CPU :)
[05:24:39] wagnerrp: of course i would be hard pressed to recommend a heatsink for a system that old
[05:24:50] wagnerrp: better to spend ~$150 and swap out the whole thing
[05:25:14] mechcozmo: yeah, next upgrade will be some nettop-ish box with a big hard drive
[05:25:30] mechcozmo: but it works pretty well for now
[05:25:40] ** wagnerrp is not a fan of backends on 'nettops' **
[05:25:42] mechcozmo: flags SD at around 6:1
[05:26:30] mechcozmo: eh, so it goes... but that's for the futer
[05:26:31] mechcozmo: **future
[05:28:21] mechcozmo: here, because I can't play LiveTV since all the tuners are "busy"
[05:28:25] mechcozmo: let me play something recorded
[05:29:25] ** Beirdo waits for cygwin to finish upgrading **
[05:29:36] mechcozmo: climbing from 40 to 43
[05:30:00] mechcozmo: ...44˚
[05:30:15] mechcozmo: ...45
[05:30:57] Beirdo: I may have to actually write the drivers for the sensor chip in my dev box
[05:31:46] mechcozmo: 47˚
[05:33:40] mechcozmo: 49˚
[05:35:04] Beirdo: why are you asking?
[05:36:23] mechcozmo: well, i'd like it if I didn't have to restart mythbackend each time the box came up
[05:36:52] Beirdo: so why are you asking us about the temperatures?
[05:36:54] mechcozmo: right now, i'm watching the temperature as I'm watching some videos
[05:37:28] kormoc: sadly, we're all watching your temperature...
[05:37:34] Beirdo: heh
[05:38:02] mechcozmo: exciting, huh?
[05:38:44] mechcozmo: (we're up to 51˚C if you wanted to know)
[05:40:25] Beirdo: heh
[05:40:35] Beirdo: my mythbox is hovering around 60C
[05:40:39] mechcozmo: and holding steady
[05:40:45] Beirdo: at the CPU, 35C at the mobo
[05:41:03] clever: No ACPI support in kernel, or incorrect acpi_path ("/proc/acpi").
[05:41:10] clever: my master backend cant even show its own temp! :P
[05:41:29] mechcozmo: clever: install the lm-sensors package
[05:42:03] clever: mechcozmo: na, dont really need to see that
[05:42:50] mechcozmo: clever: suit yourself
[05:45:06] mechcozmo: but I guess nobody has theories on why my backend is acting dumb?
[05:46:53] XChatMav (XChatMav! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:47:32] Beirdo: dunno whatcha talkin about
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[06:03:12] kormoc: YERG! python easy_install my buttocks...
[06:04:53] Beirdo: heheh
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[06:25:53] mechcozmo: anyone have any experience with MythNetvision?
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[06:34:07] oobe: yes mechcozmo im sure many people do
[06:34:26] mechcozmo: anyone in this channel, oobe?
[06:34:37] oobe: probably
[06:34:43] mechcozmo: basically trying to decide if it's worth setting up
[06:34:50] oobe: i set it up
[06:34:55] oobe: i dont use it much
[06:35:07] oobe: but still good to have it there if i want
[06:35:28] oobe: I added rss feeds for all my favourate youtube channels
[06:35:32] oobe: that is handy
[06:36:39] mechcozmo: yeah, i think i might wait to .24 to get Hulu
[06:37:49] oobe: hmm who said .24 will hulu support
[06:38:09] mechcozmo:
[06:38:09] oobe: and will that be a part of mythnetvision or a standalone plugin
[06:38:27] mechcozmo: part of mythnetvision
[06:38:52] oobe: sounds unlikely unless there is a way for them to work within hulu TOS
[06:39:04] ** mechcozmo shrugs **
[06:39:37] mechcozmo: oobe, do you have any clue why I get "Error: MythTV is using all inputs, but there are no active recordings?"
[06:39:45] mechcozmo: if I restart mythbackend, it all works
[06:39:53] oobe: no
[06:40:19] mechcozmo: damn
[06:41:53] Beirdo: ahhhh
[06:42:22] mechcozmo: I just want it to work!
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[06:45:08] cotski: mechcozmo i just set up a new myth system (my first go at it) and i was getting that
[06:45:22] cotski: the issue was the backend was starting before the tuners where ready
[06:45:31] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:45:38] cotski: there is a script you can run to delay the backend starting
[06:45:51] cotski: ill dig it up for you
[06:45:55] mechcozmo: cotski: thanks!
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[06:47:47] ** Beirdo rejoices. **
[06:47:53] cotski: . . . amp;page=209
[06:47:56] cotski: comment 3127
[06:47:59] Beirdo: I have cacti
[06:48:06] cotski: i posted all my scripts
[06:48:12] mzb (mzb! has quit (Excess Flood)
[06:48:17] cotski: hope that helps
[06:48:32] mechcozmo: that is a huge number of comments...
[06:48:33] Beirdo: cotski: upstart?
[06:48:40] cotski: yeah
[06:48:49] cotski: it starts backend too quickly
[06:48:50] Beirdo: figures
[06:48:58] Beirdo: stupid thing
[06:49:00] cotski: well thats what i gather by all the posts i read
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[06:49:05] mechcozmo: make sense... i just ran the updates
[06:49:37] mechcozmo: **a bunch of updates
[06:50:36] Beirdo: now I need to create my flippin sensors graphs again
[06:51:21] mechcozmo: Beirdo: that easy to do?
[06:51:41] Beirdo: not hard if you know how :)
[06:52:01] Beirdo: but that's too much like my day job, blah blah
[06:52:57] Beirdo: I'll get to it when I get to it :)
[06:53:27] mechcozmo: Beirdo: yeah, i know that feeling...
[06:53:51] Beirdo: I already have the hard part done
[06:54:03] Beirdo: the SNMP pass script
[06:54:40] cotski: do any of you guys use the ps3 remote? ive read the battery life can be bad (1 day) if you dont do some timeout stuff, but i have not found anything about battery life once you do the timeout fix?
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[06:54:52] k-man: why is it that you need to make install mythtv prior to compiling the plugins? could the build process not get whatever it needs from the build tree rather than wherever mythtv libs are installed?
[06:54:53] cotski: im yet to setup or buy a remote :-(
[06:54:57] mechcozmo: cotski: where is the mythtv-backend.conf file?
[06:55:15] Beirdo: k-man: because it is
[06:55:34] mechcozmo: cotski: i like the WiiMote... it's fun, and works pretty well
[06:55:43] cotski: im at work so cant check, i think /etc/init/mythtv or something like that
[06:56:02] cotski: the init dir where ever that is, im new at linux so dont know off the top of my head
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[06:57:03] mechcozmo: cotski: I use mostly FreeBSD and OS X, so I have trouble with this Linux thing too
[06:57:23] cotski: google says /etc/init/mythtv-backend.conf
[06:57:26] cotski: :-)
[06:57:28] k-man: Beirdo: thanks for your explanation :)
[06:57:30] cotski: sounds correct
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[06:59:19] mechcozmo: cotski: should I replace the rest of my script if I don't use a DVB-T card?
[06:59:27] mechcozmo: cotski: just using an old-fashioned PVR-500
[07:00:37] cynicismic (cynicismic! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[07:00:43] cotski: mechcozmo i got most of that from other posts, it should grab the tuners from the database and check they have started, so im not really sure sorry
[07:01:04] mechcozmo: i suppose a restart will tell me
[07:01:06] Beirdo: Gonna think of some mysql stats to gather for cacti too
[07:01:06] cotski: this is my first myth system so im new to all of this
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[07:01:29] mechcozmo: cotski: same here, just a few months of tinkering when I get the change
[07:01:34] mechcozmo: **chance
[07:02:13] kormoc: Beirdo,
[07:02:24] cotski: i still dont have a remote!!! i sit on the couch and log in remotely using my laptop to skip adds etc :-)
[07:02:42] cotski: the wife will want a remote soon though!
[07:02:49] Beirdo: oooh
[07:03:06] k-man: cotski: yes, i used to do somilar, then i got a keyboard and controlled it that way, but that also became tiresome
[07:03:12] Beirdo: it might not have everything I want, but it should be a good start :)
[07:03:19] k-man: cotski: a remote makes mythtv a whole lot more useable imho
[07:03:46] mechcozmo: cotski: just needed the one line change
[07:03:57] mechcozmo: thanks!
[07:04:28] cotski: ill get one, its just the next step... looking at bluetooth ps3 remote so i dont need to point it at anything
[07:04:43] k-man: oh
[07:04:44] cotski: np... took me a while to work out what was going on with that mechcozmo
[07:05:30] mechcozmo: cotski: yeah, kept hearing that it was either DB settings issue (but it wasn't set for loopback) or the PVR-500 cards started up fast enough that the backend couldn't beat it, so........
[07:06:07] k-man: cotski: i have this remote: . . . N=B000F7JCRA
[07:06:15] k-man: it works very well for mythtv imho
[07:07:37] cotski: cheers k-man, i have a look at that
[07:08:03] k-man: cotski: this site has fairly good reviews of remotes:
[07:08:25] k-man: my only complaint about that remote is no backlight on the keys
[07:14:11] Beirdo: kormoc: that looks like a fine start :)
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[07:25:18] bjd: wagnerrp: it was on some forum
[07:25:35] bjd: might explain why i can't get hdmi on my 9500gt working with my samsung lcd
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[09:25:11] mattwj2002: hi all
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[09:34:35] justinh: morning all :)
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[09:47:48] mattwj2002: hey guys
[09:47:52] mattwj2002: hi justinh
[09:48:48] mattwj2002: not that I am complaining or anything....but I have noticed that mythtv is releasing more often....what is up with that?
[09:48:49] mattwj2002: :)
[09:49:21] hot_wheelz (hot_wheelz! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:51:34] mattwj2002: justinh: are you here?
[09:51:53] hot_wheelz: What is the key used to accept an icon choice in 0.22 or 0.23 when doing an icon download i know for example that you would use d to del somthing but what about accepting
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[09:53:14] mattwj2002: does anyone know if microbridge works if you have a linux mythtv box and a windows miro box?
[09:55:08] hot_wheelz: anyone?
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[09:56:28] mattwj2002: yes
[09:56:47] mattwj2002: anyone in the room
[09:56:48] mattwj2002: :P
[09:57:14] mattwj2002: hot_wheelz: do you know?
[09:57:28] justinh: mattwj2002: heh yeah there's definitely more of a release plan nowadays
[09:57:52] justinh: mattwj2002: do you mean the channel icon download? surely SELECT should work
[09:58:25] mattwj2002: no no that isn't what I was asking about :P
[09:58:37] mattwj2002: "(4:53:16 AM) Matt: does anyone know if microbridge works if you have a linux mythtv box and a windows miro box?"
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[10:01:13] justinh: mattwj2002: so what icon download do you mean?
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[10:02:28] awoodland: anyone had any luck with the sony blu-ray players (e.g. s370) and upnp from mythtv?
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[10:02:34] mattwj2002: where are you getting the icon download part?
[10:02:44] mattwj2002: I didn't mention the icon download
[10:02:54] justinh: mattwj2002: oh sorry, that was hot_wheelz .. oops. a bit tired here ;)
[10:03:03] mattwj2002: no worries :P
[10:04:04] justinh: mattwj2002: I dunno about mirobridge. I gave up trying to get miro working on my backend system
[10:04:22] mattwj2002: okay
[10:04:30] mattwj2002: well mythbuntu has a wizard for it
[10:04:35] mattwj2002: so I'll give it a try
[10:04:37] mattwj2002: :)
[10:05:09] justinh: yeh well mythbuntu was a whole other headache when I tried it. Me & it don't get on
[10:05:41] mattwj2002: what version ago though?
[10:05:47] justinh: current
[10:05:51] justinh: 10.04
[10:06:01] mattwj2002: O_o
[10:06:45] hadees (hadees! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[10:06:54] justinh: I was going to go with it on my frontend, but installation worked ok & resulted in a non-booting machine
[10:07:24] justinh: so I thought "screw that", and if I needed to reinstall the OS I might as well have just gone with plain ubuntu
[10:09:24] justinh: and yeah, I *really* could've sat down & tried to work out what was really going wrong but I needed my frontend back up & running ASAP
[10:09:29] justinh: as ever :)
[10:10:24] mattwj2002: lol
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[10:19:40] hot_wheelz: yes i'm on 10.04 with mythtv 0.23.1
[10:19:50] mattwj2002: oh this really sucks!
[10:20:09] mattwj2002: Miro Bridge can only be run with a MythTV back end on which a Miro distribution is also installed.
[10:20:24] mattwj2002: I thought you could use it on a different computer?
[10:20:37] hot_wheelz: so after searching how u select what icon to use?
[10:20:38] mattwj2002: so I can use miro on a different computer and access mythtv?
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[10:34:18] justinh: hot_wheelz: *what* icon? channel icon?
[10:35:10] justinh: for the majority of things in mythtv, if not all things, SELECT is what you use to confirm a selection. Arrow keys move around areas like lists or grids where there's a choice
[10:37:30] hot_wheelz: justinh yes channel icon
[10:39:21] brfransen (brfransen! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[10:39:50] justinh: so when you say 'select an icon' do you mean you see a bunch of icons you searched for, see the one you want & you need to tell mythtv to use *that* icon? Or what?
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[10:46:30] hot_wheelz: justinh right
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[10:46:51] justinh: and is SELECT or OK not doing it for you?
[10:47:20] justinh: if no, I think you should explain a little better what you are trying to do
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[10:53:58] hot_wheelz: justinh when i see the icon search screen i only see the following down the bottom
[10:54:45] hot_wheelz: Search terms Search Skip
[10:55:03] hot_wheelz: no select or ok
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[10:59:10] hot_wheelz: justinh any idea?
[11:02:13] hot_wheelz: justinh Are you there?
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[11:12:45] justinh: hot_wheelz: so do you see a box where text might be entered?
[11:13:02] justinh: what happens if you go with the 'search terms' option?
[11:13:24] justinh: and by the way when I said OK and SELECT I meant the *keys* OK or SELECT
[11:14:37] hot_wheelz: it shows the channel name in the search terms box..I have to go i'll check back with u 2morrow
[11:14:58] hot_wheelz (hot_wheelz! has quit ()
[11:17:23] mattwj2002: yeah I think mirobridge needs a ton of work
[11:17:24] mattwj2002: :(
[11:17:28] justinh: man, how can something so simple be so complicated?
[11:24:35] mattwj2002: what is that justinh?
[11:29:01] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[11:29:49] justinh: the icon downloader most mortals seem to grasp in a second :)
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[11:49:37] bjd: any AMD types around, not really bought AMD and kinda after some advice
[11:50:11] patdk-lap: T1090? :)
[11:50:20] patdk-lap: wish amd had more cache on their cpu's though
[11:50:27] bjd: thinking about: for a combo front/backend
[11:51:51] justinh: AMD types? heh you mean people are still take a hard line either way?
[11:54:14] patdk-lap: justinh, heh, everyone I know uses strickly intel
[11:54:51] sid3windr: strickly!
[11:54:56] patdk-lap: for me, I find my computer runs so much faster with more cpu cache, and amd is started to have enough cache for me to look at now
[11:55:15] patdk-lap: sid3windr, well, someone has to come up with new interesting words :)
[11:55:16] __benny__ (__benny__! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[11:55:31] bjd: strickly :)
[11:55:33] bjd: strickly speaking, i usually buy intel
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[11:59:31] wagnerrp: what about during that whole 'netburst mistake'?
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[12:06:57] cotski_: hi guys, anyone here use the Sony PS3 Bluetooth Remote? Battery life is poor (1 day) unless you setup a timeout (well thats what the threads say), any one done this? whats the battery life like after doing that?
[12:07:07] cotski_: im finding it hard to find info on this :-(
[12:07:18] patdk-lap: heh
[12:07:25] patdk-lap: cotski, mine is setup
[12:07:27] patdk-lap: it works good
[12:07:37] wagnerrp: sounds like the controller timeout in the PS3 setup
[12:07:39] patdk-lap: but I dunno, I only set it up 2 days ago
[12:07:59] wagnerrp: allows the controller to disconnect and go to sleep after a few minutes of idle
[12:08:07] cotski_: yeah thats it, the timeout
[12:08:08] wagnerrp: even if the PS3 is still powered up
[12:08:24] wagnerrp: but it only matters if you keep the PS3 powered at all times
[12:09:17] cotski_: so batteries should last a long time then? i dont have a ps3, just going to go buy a remote
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[12:10:26] peitolm: cotski_: my batteries lasted a couple of weeks, before I replaced it with an ir2bt and aa hauppage 870
[12:11:48] cotski_: 2 weeks is not a long time, so you didnt like the ps3 remote peitolm?
[12:12:09] wagnerrp: the 870 is not likely to last 2 weeks either
[12:13:17] peitolm: cotski_: i still have the original batteries in it, but it gets used on the 2nd ps3, the hauppage 870 does the all-in-one duties for the main one, single point of control, and has a v.high Wife-acceptance-factor
[12:13:24] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:13:34] peitolm: wagnerrp: the 870 has a charging cradle, so i don't worry about the battery life
[12:13:43] wagnerrp: right, so do my 880s
[12:13:51] wagnerrp: (thats how i know it wouldnt last 2 weeks)
[12:14:25] peitolm: wagnerrp: right
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[12:27:53] ThisOtherGuy: hey all – that new feature where if a recording fails it gets rescheduled is awesome!
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[13:25:23] sidh: Greetings
[13:26:42] sidh: I'm trying to set up vlc as default with mythtv , but i loose the remote control, so it is not so easy
[13:29:15] sidh: furthermore do you know how we call "classic television" (composite, svideo) in mythtv documentation, i would like to find out how to enlarge menu letters, and file names (very difficult to choose a file as they display like 'Princ....'
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[13:30:13] sidh: i chose 4/3 themes (the only one)
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[14:01:38] sidh: I've just realize mythtv doesn't use mplayer as default but a tunned one base on FFmpeg
[14:02:19] sidh: is there a equivalent option of framedrop for the internal mythtv player ?
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[14:13:40] sidh: because i have some framedrop with Internal that doesn't happen with vlc or mplayer
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[15:29:05] wagnerrp: mythtv does not use a 'tuned' mplayer
[15:29:16] wagnerrp: nor does it use anything mplayer
[15:29:48] flabberkenny (flabberkenny! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[15:29:48] wagnerrp: mplayer and mythtv share the use of the ffmpeg decoding libraries
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[15:32:16] bjd: blah, it's really hard finding suitable hardware :(
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[15:33:30] iamlindoro: That's what she said
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[15:39:10] wagnerrp: RDV... is not around
[15:39:22] wagnerrp: curse you tab completion for telling me things i didnt want to know
[15:40:54] wagnerrp: !seen RDV_Linux
[15:40:54] MythLogBot: RDV_Linux was last seen 3 hours 42 minutes 11 seconds ago
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[16:34:30] sidh: If i run vlc as player with mythtv, does vlc use .lirc/vlc or .lirc/mythtv config file ?
[16:34:51] wagnerrp: mythtv does not use external players
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[16:37:18] sidh: wagnerrp: in vlc most of the main keys of the remote are recognized but the KEY_PAUSE and KEY_PLAY have the same "paly" action effect, whereas irw gives 2 different codes for them, so i try to investigate where the problem could come ...
[16:37:33] sidh: s/paly/play
[16:38:20] wagnerrp: for help with vlc, please see #videolan
[16:39:24] sidh: wagnerrp: ok so to your point of view, it is a pure vlc problem with lirc, .lirc/mythtv has nothing to deal with isn't it ?
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[16:40:53] wagnerrp: vlc is probably going to use ~/.lircrc, or whatever file it is designed to open
[16:41:15] wagnerrp: the file mythtv is designed to open has no bearing on any applications mythtv may execute externally
[16:41:32] wagnerrp: unless your startup scripts mess with the HOME path in the environment
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[17:38:07] high-rez: Beirdo, you around? Curious if you ever got UPnP with your samsung straightened out? :)
[17:39:46] Beirdo: it works OK
[17:40:01] Beirdo: I just haven't finished testing the commskip part yet
[17:40:13] Beirdo: which isn't in trunk yet anyways
[17:40:28] Beirdo: any issues you are seeing?
[17:41:10] Beirdo: There's at least one guy out there who seems to want to make patches for UPnP stuff, and thinks it's not being worked on
[17:41:13] Beirdo: HAH
[17:41:25] Beirdo: that explains the 18k line patch I am working on....
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[18:10:05] Beirdo: kormoc: You wanna kill #2923? ;)
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[18:13:52] Beirdo: OMG is rsync under cygwin ever slow
[18:13:53] Beirdo: heh
[18:14:10] Beirdo: pushing my entire music dir from the windoze laptop to my dev box
[18:14:56] Beirdo: started it at like 10:30pm yesterday... over 12h, still going
[18:20:16] high-rez: Beirdo: Yeah, my samsung gets totally unstable. It'll play the content – but stop responding to input from the remote/front panel etc. Can't even turn the volume down ;)
[18:21:30] Beirdo: yeah, what resolution are you playing?
[18:21:38] Beirdo: I had that with 1080i
[18:22:09] Beirdo: 720p, not so much, and 480p has no issues whatsoever (all H.264)
[18:22:22] high-rez: Yeah, this was 1080i
[18:22:30] high-rez: Yeah h264 here
[18:23:04] Beirdo: I think the processor/whatever in the TV just can't handle decoding it well
[18:23:08] dashs (dashs! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:23:18] Beirdo: as in, it uses 100% of its CPU, apparently
[18:23:43] high-rez: I dunno, its not choppy on mine.
[18:24:00] high-rez: I suspect that this is a config like the beagle board where its offloading the decode to a dsp...
[18:24:43] Beirdo: well, either way, it seems to be swamped, right at the tipping point, and stops listening to the remote... but only when playing 1080i H.264
[18:26:21] dashs: Trying to install mythtv-backend as slave on debian lenny — database password config not working
[18:27:03] dashs: Does it use the local and master myswl?
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[18:28:42] dashs: Does it use the local and master mysql?
[18:32:10] dashs: Can connect now but have protocol mismatch — meaning I need to build slave from (old) scratch?
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[18:35:29] itscrimetime: does firewire work in mythtv 23
[18:35:31] itscrimetime: ?
[18:35:38] iamlindoro: Yes
[18:35:55] iamlindoro: Does firewire work with your provider/box/headend, probably not
[18:36:11] itscrimetime: i see iamlindoro but i get a error
[18:36:21] itscrimetime: on a unecrypted channel
[18:36:28] iamlindoro: meaning the firewire code in Myth is fine, but limited by most people's local headends having 5C'd everything
[18:36:36] iamlindoro: what makes you think the channel is not 5C'd?
[18:36:56] itscrimetime: i went threw firewire_tester
[18:37:05] itscrimetime: and it says broadcast was fine
[18:37:30] iamlindoro: That isn't necessarily a sure sign that capture is possible, though it's a good start
[18:37:48] iamlindoro: it's possible that you have misconfigured your setup, or that the current program is 5C, etc.
[18:37:49] dashs: Is this comcast?
[18:38:05] itscrimetime: comcast usally don't encrypt locals
[18:38:16] iamlindoro: itscrimetime: That is WAY too broad a statement to make
[18:38:16] dashs: yes
[18:38:18] iamlindoro: and incorrect
[18:38:35] iamlindoro: Since generally speaking, in most markets, Firewire is entirely locked down, broadcast channels included
[18:38:46] itscrimetime: i seee
[18:39:00] itscrimetime: it worked in mythtv 22.
[18:39:07] itscrimetime: but no in 23
[18:39:29] iamlindoro: Did you upgrade your distro at the same time?
[18:39:36] itscrimetime: yes
[18:40:00] iamlindoro: then you have thrown many unknown variables into the mix-- more likely you have switched to firewire support libraries with issues
[18:40:04] itscrimetime: i did fresh install of distro and mythtv 23
[18:40:30] itscrimetime: i did use mythchanger
[18:40:36] itscrimetime: and mythprime
[18:40:55] iamlindoro: Neither are provided by us, we know nothing about them
[18:41:26] itscrimetime: don't u have prime the firewire?
[18:41:38] iamlindoro: Some people do-- but we don't provide tools to do so
[18:42:12] itscrimetime: i see
[18:42:28] itscrimetime: this what i am using ubuntu 8.10 and mythtv 23
[18:43:18] itscrimetime: it did work with ubuntu 8.10 and mythtv 22
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[18:50:55] miko: Hello, I'm new in mythtv. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and MythTv with SkyStar HD2 + SkyStar2 rev.2.8. I need install cccam plugin (as client) to mythtv, but it looks too dificult for me. Can anybody help?
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[18:58:28] justinh: miko: no help for that sort of thing here I'm afraid :)
[19:00:03] miko: justinh: and where i can find some help? :) If you ḱnow...
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[19:26:13] __benny__: jpabq: or high-rez or you there ? well, testing now
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[20:06:02] AndyCap: Hmm, nfs was a tad slow with lots of recordings.
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[21:05:52] wagnerrp: the diseased chinese is back...
[21:06:59] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:11:32] dashs: Does the slave backend require a local mysql server?
[21:12:24] dashs: I get a "No setting found for this machine's BackendServerIP"
[21:13:16] tgm4883: dashs, It shouldn't
[21:13:26] tgm4883: it should need a mysql client
[21:14:23] dashs: tgm4883: it has that.
[21:15:39] dashs: Where is mythbackend looking for BackendServerIP?
[21:16:00] tgm4883: probably config.xml
[21:16:14] tgm4883: ~/.mythtv/config.xml
[21:16:19] dashs: ok
[21:18:38] dashs: tgm4883: not the place.
[21:19:25] wagnerrp: no, the only information stored outside the database is the location of the database
[21:19:35] wagnerrp: BackendServerIP is stored in the database
[21:19:41] wagnerrp: and is editable through mythtv-seutp
[21:22:33] cdpuk (cdpuk!~chris@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:24:20] dashs: But not editable on a slave, right?
[21:25:01] wagnerrp: why not?
[21:25:19] wagnerrp: its a local setting
[21:25:34] wagnerrp: so if you set it on a slave backend, it will set the IP address for that slave backend to use
[21:26:08] dashs: In the master DB then there are separate settings tables for each pc?
[21:26:26] wagnerrp: some settings are local to that hostname, some are global
[21:26:37] wagnerrp: the MasterServerIP is a global setting for the entire system
[21:26:50] wagnerrp: the BackendServerIP is local to each individual computer
[21:27:21] dashs: In any case I'm unable to run backend-setup on this headless beast.
[21:27:33] wagnerrp: how is that?
[21:27:36] clever: then run it with x11 forwarding
[21:27:44] clever: or vnc
[21:28:16] Hamlet_bed (Hamlet_bed!~joao@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:29:01] dashs: Currently not enough X11 there...oh well.
[21:29:17] wagnerrp: there must be x11
[21:29:22] wagnerrp: mythtv will not compile without x11
[21:29:59] clever: the backend generates alot of UI elements just to init the setup, even though it never actualy connects to a x11 server
[21:30:58] dashs: OK, I'm looking to get some extra horsepower onto mythcommflag, actually. So a blind beast should be ideal.
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[21:33:42] dashs: Thanks, anyway.
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[21:35:33] wagnerrp: i guess he thought we were lying?
[21:36:10] wagnerrp: is it for some reason not possible to have the X libraries installed on the system, and not actually run X?
[21:37:08] clever: ive wondered if you could get the x11 headers/client libs without the server, but havent found a way to do so
[21:37:25] wagnerrp: sure
[21:37:50] bjd: mmm, just dug out an old box and looking at the intel graphics drivers, they sure have come a long way
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[22:17:25] skd5aner: How "accurate" should the search results be when searching sources like youtube in MNV in .23? I find that I can search things with exact titles, but not show up the same as they would in a browser
[22:18:09] skd5aner: I can usually get around it the hard way by searching for the youtube ID and get the video I'm looking for to show up in the results
[22:18:17] skd5aner: it's hit or miss otherwise sometimes
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[22:45:02] iamlindoro: skd5aner, They're as accurate as the API returns, we have no control over them
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[22:57:29] gshelton: running into problems with TW and my current setup
[22:57:41] gshelton: (Time Warner)
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[22:59:15] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:59:22] Beirdo: Any people here running trunk that are up for trying a patch for a few days?
[23:01:17] Beirdo: *crickets*
[23:04:14] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has quit (Quit: lyricnz)
[23:05:32] ** Beirdo hopes Captain_Murdoch has time to get the animated GIF stuff done before freeze :) **
[23:07:32] kc (kc!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[23:19:55] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:30:12] Typosu (Typosu! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:37:31] Captain_Murdoch: Beirdo, yeah, shouldn't be an issue. even if it went in but needed a little tweaking between freeze and release, but I don't think that will be necessary.
[23:38:00] Beirdo: Coolio :)
[23:38:21] Beirdo: just looking to get rid of that last dangling weather issue
[23:38:57] _abbenormal (_abbenormal! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:39:00] Captain_Murdoch: one of the issues I need to work around now is the fact that your weather URIs don't end in ".gif", so it wouldn't get loaded as an animated gif. I need to run everything through the QImageReader and then check QImageReader::supportsAnimation() to know whether to load as an animated image or not.
[23:39:19] Beirdo: Ahhh. That is a bummer
[23:39:31] Beirdo: no way to get the mime type from the request?
[23:39:33] Captain_Murdoch: gbee mentioned using QImageReader for everything anyway, so that's not an issue.
[23:39:54] Beirdo: yeah, that should be OK anyways
[23:40:13] Captain_Murdoch: possible, but really shouldn't rely on the extension or mime type being correct. this way it will also support any animation format that QImageReader supports.
[23:40:24] Beirdo: yeah, I like that better anyways
[23:42:13] Beirdo: Captain_Murdoch: if you feel up to it, the patch from #6824 could use a bit more of a workout
[23:42:22] Captain_Murdoch: I already added a method to allow MythImage to load from a QImageReader
[23:42:25] Beirdo: it's working quite well for me
[23:42:46] Beirdo: Cool :)
[23:43:30] Captain_Murdoch: have you done any comparisons on the frame positions between the stock version vs the patched?
[23:43:47] Beirdo: I haven't noticed either being significantly wrong
[23:44:23] Beirdo: so.. for me at least, it seems to have no adverse affects in terms of quality
[23:44:46] Beirdo: but I would like if some others could give it a go before committing it :)
[23:46:18] Beirdo: I'll update the patch tonight just to be sure, but I think what's there is what I have, except I've taken the #if 0 out around the block starting at 766 in main.cpp
[23:47:13] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (Quit: abqjp)
[23:47:35] Captain_Murdoch: I havne't looked at it in a long long time. is it an always-on thing or just for certain codecs or what?
[23:47:59] Beirdo: always on, as far as I've seen
[23:48:33] Captain_Murdoch: if you could copy your mythcommflag executable with the patch and then recompile again without the patch so you have both binaries, you could do a side-by-side comparison and flag a program using each and then do a --getskiplist to get the skip list from each instance to see if the accuracy is similar.
[23:49:05] Captain_Murdoch: would be easy to automate that since --getskiplist prints out a 1-line comma separate list of ranges.
[23:49:25] xand (xand!xand@pdpc/supporter/active/xand) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[23:49:35] Beirdo: yeah, I'll take a look at doing that
[23:50:13] Beirdo: so force a commflag with it... put aside the skiplist... force without, compare skiplists
[23:50:33] Beirdo: good plan of a way to test it *properly* :)
[23:51:15] Beirdo: anyways, it's about time for me to go home before I fall over
[23:51:49] Captain_Murdoch: yeah, that would be a good regression test.
[23:51:53] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:52:07] Captain_Murdoch: something that needs to be done with flagging since it irritates a lot of people when it breaks. :)
[23:52:26] Beirdo: if you (or someone else) would like to stress it a bit as well and see if their results are OK, that would be good
[23:52:54] Beirdo: I'm doing HDPVR recordings (which gets a lot of benefit from the speedup)
[23:53:22] Beirdo: so if someone could test with other formats than H.264 from an HDPVR, it would be nice
[23:53:37] Captain_Murdoch: unfortunately I'm not running trunk in production and my time is limited right now so I can't say I'd have enough time to test it. that's the reason for the --getskiplist testing. if that matches close enough it would probably be good to go in. if it was wildly off in some samples, then that would need to be checked.
[23:53:47] Beirdo: yup
[23:53:50] Beirdo: gotcha
[23:54:19] Beirdo: BRB
[23:55:04] Captain_Murdoch: I'll see if i can get it compiled sometime and if you make a script to test I could run that on a bunch of my recordings if I get the time. I have some QAM HDHR, some OTA ATSC, some IVTV MPEG2 and some NUV
[23:55:49] Captain_Murdoch: nuv are from the HDHR and ATSC air2pc cards since I convert some HD down to SD if it's not going to be watched in the near future.
[23:57:47] xand (xand!xand@pdpc/supporter/active/xand) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:58:10] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[23:58:38] Beirdo: ahh, cool
[23:59:22] rmeden (rmeden! has joined #mythtv-users

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