:: #mythtv-users

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Monday, July 19th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:07] kormoc: hrm, it's no longer exposed in there
[00:00:20] rhollan: kormoc: nothing on that page regarding either mpegurl or m3u
[00:00:43] rhollan: so, how the heck does FF associate the totem-gstreamer plugin with mpegurl?
[00:02:42] Beirdo: likely ubuntu is
[00:02:49] Beirdo: not firefix
[00:02:57] Beirdo: firefox... stupid fingers
[00:04:39] Beirdo: bah
[00:04:47] Beirdo: what kind of retarded city is this?
[00:05:00] Beirdo: like the 4th largest in the USA and no Red Robin?!
[00:05:21] kormoc: Why would you eat Red Robin in philly?
[00:05:29] Beirdo: hehe
[00:05:31] Beirdo: I dunno
[00:05:35] wagnerrp: rhollan: audacious does not support requesting mpeg auth from the user
[00:05:51] Beirdo: I just felt like having some burgers, etc
[00:05:55] rhollan: not mpeg auth: http auth
[00:05:57] kormoc: go to 5 guys
[00:06:00] wagnerrp: the only way to get it to work with audacious is if you alter the playlist file to include the username and password in the url
[00:06:03] Beirdo: oh DUH
[00:06:04] wagnerrp: right... http auth
[00:06:06] Beirdo: thanks :)
[00:06:13] Beirdo: they are literally right down the street
[00:06:21] Beirdo: and I keep forgetting
[00:06:31] ** NightMonkey sighs **
[00:06:44] rhollan: wagnerrp: I was considering that.... or actually something far simpler...
[00:07:09] rhollan: have mythmysic generate a cookie as part of the URI it provides, and make that cookie good for about 10 seconds or so.
[00:07:15] rhollan: then it could be sent plain text.
[00:07:39] NightMonkey: Zina ftw. It makes nice playlist files, complete with http auth.
[00:07:42] Beirdo: heh, a block and half from here
[00:07:46] wagnerrp: is PHP even aware of the authentication that apache is putting on the page?
[00:08:07] kormoc: wagnerrp, depends on the auth method
[00:09:13] kormoc: if it's basic, we can, if it's digest, we can't
[00:09:55] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Quit: gandalfcome)
[00:11:02] rhollan: using basic auth.
[00:11:04] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:11:33] rhollan: GRRR.;false does not display mpegurl association in firefox
[00:12:41] kormoc: My firefox shows m3u as "M3U Audio Playlist"
[00:14:38] rhollan: mine doesn't That's what's driving me crazy
[00:15:06] rhollan: So I can't remove the existing association
[00:15:06] kormoc: As someone said, could be one of Ubuntu's many many patches
[00:16:00] Beirdo: gnome may have some associations as well, and firefox may be setup to punt anything it doesn't directly support up to gnome
[00:16:37] Beirdo: gnome FTL
[00:16:38] Beirdo: :)
[00:19:49] rhollan: find . -type f -print -exec grep mpegurl {} \; >/tmp/foo
[00:19:53] rhollan: sledgehammer time
[00:22:35] Beirdo: can't touch this...
[00:22:59] wagnerrp: da na na na... na na.. na na...
[00:24:40] kormoc: you likely want to search for m3u
[00:25:19] wagnerrp: whoops... seems ive just removed an import package from gentoo
[00:26:02] ** Beirdo pokes gentoo **
[00:26:19] wagnerrp: trying to cleanse and update this box
[00:26:32] wagnerrp: was complaining about some missing dependency compiled into pambase
[00:26:37] wagnerrp: so i blew away pambase
[00:26:41] Beirdo: oops
[00:26:47] wagnerrp: and... oopsie, i cant login anymore, :)
[00:26:47] Beirdo: kaBLOIE
[00:27:09] wagnerrp: luckily i noticed while i still had a root terminal open
[00:27:15] Beirdo: :)
[00:27:26] wagnerrp: good thing i do all my stuff with root and not sudo
[00:27:40] wagnerrp: i would have been in a world of hurt then
[00:27:47] Beirdo: yeah
[00:28:07] Beirdo: would have to boot up and fix it from a CD, probably
[00:28:25] wagnerrp: i think ive got an old snapshot of the system i could roll back to
[00:29:20] rhollan: can't find the damn association anwhere!
[00:29:29] Beirdo: now to go burger myself. Thanks kormoc for reminding me of the obvious venue... jsut down the street
[00:29:44] Beirdo: be back in a bit
[00:30:12] wagnerrp: how do i have mixed bits of qt4.4 and qt4.5 installed
[00:30:23] [R]: wagnerrp: poor system administration?
[00:36:02] rhollan: /usr/share/applications/defaults.list associates audio/x-mpegurl wuth totem.desktop and that names a file in the same dir. aliases maps audio/mpegurl to audio/x-mpegurl,
[00:36:11] rhollan: Talk about roundabout and indirected.
[00:37:16] rhollan: so, firefox gives the unknown MIME type to gnome, gnome twiddels it's thumbs and comes up with totem.
[00:37:37] rhollan: Bleck
[00:38:04] And4713 (And4713! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:42:39] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit (Quit: Slim-Kimbo)
[00:49:02] rhollan: audacious will not authenticate even if proxy parameters are specified.
[00:50:11] rhollan: bug to that effect was filed in 2008
[00:50:47] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:51:24] hadees (hadees! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:51:33] leprechau (leprechau! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:17] awalls (awalls! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:55:24] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:58:12] wagnerrp: i really hate circular dependencies in package managers
[00:58:33] wagnerrp: i cant install package A because my package B is too old, i cant install package B because my package A is too old
[00:58:48] wagnerrp: or my favorite, i cant install package A because my package A is too old
[00:59:31] [R]: so remove it
[00:59:32] [R]: or force it
[00:59:58] wagnerrp: yeah yeah.... but ive got to work through each of those manually
[01:00:08] wagnerrp: i cant just do 'update whole system' and leave it for a couple hours
[01:01:21] rhollan (rhollan! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:02:53] DanC_ (DanC_!~connolly@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:53] kormoc: wagnerrp, update portage, the newest should solve all that automatically
[01:03:02] wagnerrp: that was the first thing i did
[01:04:39] ** DanC_ is trying to soak up hardware recommendations... for recording ATSC stuff **
[01:04:47] wagnerrp: problem is im 8mo behind on updates
[01:04:56] wagnerrp: and the older gentoo gets without updates, the crankier it becomes
[01:05:03] wagnerrp: it wants your weekly cpu time
[01:05:23] wagnerrp: !url tuners
[01:05:23] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[01:06:55] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[01:07:05] DanC_: yeah, I've been browsing around there... doing a manual join with prices on and; my best guess so far is Hauppauge 1199 WinTV HVR-1600 for ~$90.
[01:07:06] highzeth: heh, had that roundabout couple weeks ago wagnerrp, the biggest drawback with gentoo
[01:07:49] wagnerrp: its all fine if you do things somewhat regularly
[01:08:15] ** DanC_ finds one locally for $40! **
[01:08:17] wagnerrp: even my laptop which i havent done anything with in ~3mo had no conflicts on an emerge world
[01:08:17] highzeth: oh Im sure, but I never do that heh
[01:08:32] wagnerrp: but this one i havent done anything since november or earlier
[01:09:26] DanC_: anybody care to share experience with a USB tuner?
[01:09:27] highzeth: that said, this round was alot leaner than the first years I started using gentoo, they have become alot better at keeping a less cluttered trail
[01:09:40] wagnerrp: avoid?
[01:10:11] wagnerrp: highzeth: no, i think portage has become a lot better on working through these issues on its own
[01:10:31] DanC_: avoid... USB tuners, that is? that matches my intuitions, somehow
[01:10:53] highzeth: yes, thats what I meant to say, sorry if it didnt come out right =)
[01:10:58] wagnerrp: a number of people around here used them, ive just always preferred good ol' internal
[01:11:05] wagnerrp: or lacking that, ive had no problems with my HDHR
[01:11:36] kormoc: I have a hdpvr, it's pretty awesome
[01:11:51] wagnerrp: also not a tuner... :P
[01:11:54] highzeth: DanC_: Ive only helped setting up a couple dvb-t usb sticks, they still work, or so I gather since they havent complained. Other than that I too stick with pci(-e)
[01:11:54] DanC_ (DanC_!~connolly@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:11:56] rhollan (rhollan! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:10] rhollan: well, audacious does not appear to use it's authentication settings
[01:12:13] kormoc: wagnerrp, meh, close enough :P
[01:12:30] wagnerrp: i would still much prefer to have one internal
[01:12:36] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:47] rhollan: It reports neon: Authentication required, but no credentials set
[01:13:14] wagnerrp: whats the word on warranty if you crack one open?
[01:14:24] wagnerrp: crack one open, bolt it to the inside of your case, splice power off a MOLEX connector, and hit the USB headers directly
[01:15:45] highzeth: music streaming rhollan?
[01:16:07] wagnerrp: mythweb, yes
[01:17:20] highzeth: ahh, never used myth's music features.
[01:17:42] wagnerrp: it doesnt play nice with apache authentication
[01:17:47] rhollan: trying to... behind a plain authentication web server 'cause I want to stream across the net
[01:18:10] wagnerrp: can you just fiddle with the auth requirements so the streaming pages dont require it?
[01:18:14] rhollan: I tried using audacious with hard-coded username/password proxy settings, but it does not appear to use them.
[01:18:22] wagnerrp: seems like the easiest route to me
[01:18:39] rhollan: wagnerrp: sure, but then I expose my music to anyone who can come up with the right requestr.
[01:18:45] wagnerrp: so?
[01:18:50] rhollan: RIAA would bust my ass for "sharing".
[01:19:03] wagnerrp: not likely
[01:19:15] rhollan: Jamie Thomas would disagree
[01:19:30] wagnerrp: completely different
[01:19:40] wagnerrp: the only thing that would be available would be the music itself
[01:19:43] wagnerrp: not the lists
[01:19:50] highzeth: I came across ampache at the same time as myth, at that time I only utilized myth's dvr features, and never looked for alternatives on either since
[01:19:53] wagnerrp: so people would only be able to pull it by trial and error
[01:20:02] wagnerrp: according to some people, thats likable to hacking
[01:20:13] rhollan: different in the technical sense, but I doubt in the legal sense
[01:20:18] wagnerrp: are you saying you would get in trouble for someone hacking into your computer and stealing your music?
[01:20:28] rhollan: don't want to take the chance. Heck, even streaming to myself is risky.
[01:20:43] wagnerrp: youre making it available, you are not broadcasting it to the world
[01:20:44] rhollan: wagnerrp: no, making the music public is the problem
[01:20:53] rhollan: "making available".
[01:21:34] wagnerrp: im sure your fruit would be at the top of the tree
[01:21:36] rhollan: In any case, if mythmusic can get auth information initially sent to apache and feed that back in the m3u file, and have the player resend it, that would be great. With a few pointers I could code that myself and contribute it.
[01:21:40] wagnerrp: there are easier targets to go after
[01:22:27] wagnerrp: your logic would make mythweb itself illegal
[01:22:48] wagnerrp: since there are no access restrictions preventing use by third parties
[01:24:08] rhollan: wagnerrp: no, it's the choice to make mythweb PUBLICly accessable that would be the crime
[01:24:20] rhollan: And I want to do that but lock it down with auth.
[01:24:32] kormoc: you wouldn't be
[01:24:44] kormoc: but in anycase, give me a minute to make a patch...
[01:25:00] rhollan: can m3u's have auth info in them?
[01:25:06] wagnerrp: yes
[01:25:21] rhollan: I'd rather you walk me through the patch.. then I could do it myself and start being productive.
[01:25:26] wagnerrp:" rel="nofollow">
[01:25:50] rhollan: o.k. but can you get the acess protocol, so https if that's what was used?
[01:25:54] rhollan: otherwise it would break.
[01:26:26] rhollan: I was also considering using client certs to access mythweb but no players support them wuth https.
[01:26:32] wagnerrp: correct, unless your https proxy was set up to do deep alteration of such files
[01:26:44] rhollan: hmmm. Can apache do that?
[01:27:15] rhollan: I guess mythweb uses relative paths internally, but has to code a hard path in the ,m3u
[01:28:14] wagnerrp: correct
[01:28:15] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:28:41] rhollan: if apache exposes the auth to php so you can glean username and password, does it also expose the http/https difference?
[01:28:53] rhollan: Also, what about user names with @ in them?
[01:29:03] rhollan: Not sure how to escape them.
[01:29:08] wagnerrp: can you have a username with an '@' in it?
[01:29:38] rhollan: lots of sites do that: they use a domain name.
[01:29:50] wagnerrp: using http auth?
[01:29:51] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:29:51] rhollan: I'm guessing HTTP URI escaping would handle that.
[01:30:13] wagnerrp: most sites use their own session/cookie based authentication
[01:30:17] kormoc: rhollan,
[01:30:19] kormoc: give that a go
[01:31:12] rhollan: %40 for @
[01:31:38] wagnerrp: qt4.4 still works with 0.23 doesnt it?
[01:31:50] kormoc: wagnerrp, Aye, it was only bumped for -trunk
[01:32:41] rhollan: thanks!
[01:32:50] rhollan: might need urlencode() around the username
[01:33:22] kormoc: not sure bout that, depends on the spec which I'm reading now
[01:33:23] rhollan: dunno if it works on the auth part of the uri though..
[01:33:32] rhollan: going to try your change with/without it.
[01:34:22] rhollan: brb
[01:36:43] kormoc: it's up to the application if they support or don't support using : or @ in usernames/passwords, and if they support it via url encodes or not
[01:37:04] rhollan: true.
[01:37:16] kormoc: as they need to base64 encode it and set it to apache
[01:37:43] kormoc: so given url-encoding may break as often as non, I'm not going to bother
[01:37:46] kormoc: does the patch work for you?
[01:40:04] wagnerrp: so starting at 9:39... wonder how long it will take to biuld mythtv on an old AthXP
[01:40:22] kormoc: 10:32
[01:44:33] highzeth: Jeff Beck & Herbie Hancock double concert on thursday, so looking forward to that =)
[01:46:34] rhollan: well, it gets https: but no user or pass
[01:46:51] kormoc: Php running in safe mode?
[01:47:17] rhollan: how can I tell, and does it cache it's files? should I restart the webserver?
[01:47:57] joat (joat! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:57] kormoc: shouldn't be any caches
[01:48:02] dkeith__ (dkeith__! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:48:05] kormoc: do you get https://:url ?
[01:48:15] dkeith__ (dkeith__! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:48:57] rhollan: yeah, i see the URL change with no escaping in the .m3u file.
[01:49:03] rhollan: as expected.
[01:49:18] rhollan: I'd think that since the m3u file contains a URI the parts should be escaped.
[01:49:34] rhollan: I think I can do that.
[01:49:52] kormoc: that entirely depends on if the client reading the url will un-escape it or not
[01:50:15] kormoc: Do you have : or @ in your username/password?
[01:50:25] rhollan: yes, @
[01:50:34] kormoc: ha
[01:50:37] rhollan: and, if I make that change it works.
[01:50:37] kormoc: fair 'nuff
[01:51:03] rhollan: kormoc: it isn't a URL, it's a URI, to be techical.
[01:51:09] rhollan: so the escaping should be in.
[01:51:21] kormoc: it's actually not
[01:51:27] kormoc: it's never set to the server in that form
[01:51:46] kormoc: the client *has* to process that url/uri before sending it to apache
[01:52:00] kormoc: and if the client doesn't support unescaping, it'll break with it escaped
[01:52:37] rhollan: right, but you'd have http[s]://name:password@domain/... with @ in the name.
[01:52:41] rhollan: That is not a valid URI
[01:52:52] kormoc: depends entirely on if the client supports it or not
[01:52:55] kormoc: some will
[01:53:01] rhollan: if name, password, domain, and path were separate in the .m3u file you'd be right.
[01:53:08] ** kormoc sighs **
[01:53:20] kormoc: I only just read the RFC on how they want this handled
[01:53:25] kormoc: but hey, I guess you're smarter then us all
[01:53:33] rhollan: O.K. lemme check. I trust the RFC
[01:53:34] kormoc: I await your RFC updates
[01:53:35] rhollan: what
[01:53:41] rhollan: what's the #?
[01:54:00] kormoc: 2617
[01:57:21] rhollan: Er, that covers it in the HTTP header, not the URI. Still looking
[01:58:12] rileyp (rileyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:58:15] miststlkr (miststlkr! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:15] rileyp: failed: Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost'
[01:59:33] Shadow__X: hello to you too
[02:00:05] rileyp: Im back on the mythexport boat but cant seem to connection mythweb is working but is extreley slow
[02:00:34] miststlkr: hello all, really stupid question... if I get a tuner card like the haup 1600, does that handle output to the TV also? if so, can anyone recommend one that they like that had HDMI out?
[02:00:42] wagnerrp: no, capture only
[02:00:45] [R]: miststlkr: your video card outputs to your tv
[02:01:14] miststlkr: that is what i though, but I vaguely remember an old Haup I had that had a coax out also... guess not.
[02:01:17] kormoc: rhollan, that's because it's not specified and is entirely up to the client to support, IE 7+ by default won't work with that change ( ) for example
[02:01:22] rhollan: O.K. I see what's going on.
[02:01:52] kormoc: rhollan, hence why it's going to break some clients to url encode and will fix others
[02:01:56] kormoc: it's a crap-shoot
[02:01:58] rileyp: I think ive broken somethng with apache
[02:02:14] rhollan: Firefox will like it. In fact, it will prompt the user with the uriencoded version of user:pass
[02:02:15] rileyp: I reinstalled it as well
[02:02:39] rileyp: should my apache server be
[02:02:54] rhollan: so if I uriencode the @ but not the . in , it will uriencode the . too
[02:03:09] rhollan: I suppose I could change my user names to hse % instead of @
[02:03:28] rhollan: but that might cause problems for my mail apps
[02:04:35] dashcloud (dashcloud! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:45] rhollan: yup, the player does not like the @ in the user name in the audio/mpegurl MIME type, but if I use it directly in a firefox URI it works fine, so totem is likely being dumb... or m3u files DO specify an encoding... checking further.
[02:12:29] kormoc: it doesn't, it's up to whatever http lib the player is using
[02:21:25] rileyp: Im having trouble with mythweb here is the error og for apache2
[02:22:03] dmfrey (dmfrey! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[02:22:31] kormoc: rileyp,
[02:22:40] kormoc: rileyp, replacing the localhost with the host running apache/mythweb
[02:23:59] rileyp: kormoc, thnaks Ill have a looksy
[02:27:09] rhollan: kormoc: .m3u files can have URLs. RFC 1738 specifies how reserved characters should be encoded in URL scheme parts for a given scheme
[02:27:36] rhollan: The thing is that the http and https schemes do not specify user:pass parts
[02:27:42] rhollan: but the generic URL does.
[02:28:11] rhollan: I guess whether to urlencode the user:pass depends on what MOST players do.
[02:28:28] dkeith__ (dkeith__! has quit (Quit: Trillian (
[02:30:13] kormoc: iTunes, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, VLC, and Quicktime support http://test@123:456@domain
[02:30:28] kormoc: that's enough for me
[02:31:21] rhollan: so, it's totem that's the baddie, I guess.
[02:32:40] rhollan: that's in .m3u files ?
[02:33:17] kormoc: just opening the files, m3u shouldn't make any difference as it just uses the open file routine for each one in it
[02:34:20] rhollan: right but it's interpretation of the URL in it that's the problem for totem, when it has an @ in the user name.
[02:37:12] rhollan: it's clearly a totem problem, though the change I propose is valid for URLs. Still, if totem is the only app that has trouble it it, I guess it's for totem to fix it.
[02:40:45] whoever (whoever! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[02:41:29] miststlkr (miststlkr! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:49:41] rhollan: Thanks kormoc, for my setup I added rawurnencode around the user name and password and it works. Going to have to watch other players to see if they have trouble.
[02:49:55] rhollan: that is rawurlencode.
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[03:47:13] simcop2387-lap: someone once told me that jamu can be used to add videos in the background to mythvideo on a frontend but i can't seem to figure out how to get it to and there's no docs saying that it can, anyone know what i need to be doing?
[03:49:35] oobe: by background you can automate the process by usinga cronjob
[03:49:49] oobe: that is probably what they mean
[03:50:14] wagnerrp: do you add content so frequently that you need something to do it for you automatically in the background?
[03:50:57] beata- (beata-! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[03:51:49] wagnerrp: just spend the couple seconds to pull up a scan when you open mythvideo after adding some new files
[03:51:53] oobe: here is a link in the docs that talks about it in further detail
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[09:16:10] DaveMorris: I'm trying to use nuvexport to transcode some recordings however it is failing :( Running it on Ubuntu Karmic. I think I've identified the problem, which is that mythtranscode is running at 0 FPS I'm running the command on my frontend, which has got the recordings mounted in the same location (they both exist on /recordings) as the backend, via NTFS. Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong, or have wrongly configured?
[09:16:56] justinh: NTFS? That was clever
[09:17:49] DaveMorris: NFS :)
[09:19:00] justinh: how come you're using mythtranscode anyhow? most people don't want their stuff in a myth only format
[09:20:28] DaveMorris: nuvexport, from what I read, is a 2 stage process, it calls mythtranscode to do something, then calls ffmpeg to transcode it to your chosen format.
[09:21:32] DaveMorris: or is there a better tool for archiving off my recordings?
[09:23:30] justinh: I just edited a big bunch of shows & did a 'lossless' transcode on em
[09:24:09] justinh: 500MB or so for a half hour show isn't bad
[09:24:20] justinh: less hassle than experimenting with encoders etc
[09:26:28] DaveMorris: and how do you select out the shows you wanna archive?
[09:28:46] justinh: heheh. you do not want to know that
[09:29:42] justinh: using mythweb to find out the filename of the programme, copy & rename... then delete the recording :)
[09:29:58] justinh: don't do it very often – there's FA worth keeping
[09:30:25] justinh: it's *television* & by its very nature is absolutely disposable
[09:31:12] DaveMorris: heh, see nuvexport makes it nice and easy to select the shows you wanna keep
[09:31:38] justinh: methinks mytharchive is missing a trick
[09:32:16] DaveMorris: yeah, I just wanna archive them off my backend on to my fileserver which has loads of empty space
[09:32:17] justinh: writing discs is just SO 20th century :)
[09:32:59] justinh: read something on the wiki about nuvexport – it mentioned FIFO dirs... yours empty?
[09:33:07] justinh: tried nuvexport with the --debug option yet?
[09:33:34] justinh: and btw from the look of it it seems like you have the choice between 3 encoders, not that it's a multistage thing
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[09:35:36] justinh: I dunno, I never got nuvexport to work properly when I've tried it before. always relied on ffmpeg, and ubuntu always ships a crippled version. build from source & wind up breaking nuvexport due to ffmpeg options having changed. it's all been incredibly tedious
[09:41:16] DaveMorris: my FIFO dirs contains a couple of files, vidout/audout which are empty, wasn't sure if they where pipes or not.
[09:41:16] DaveMorris: I've tried nuvexport with --debug, which is whats led me to the mythtranscode problem which is the first part it tries to run and gets hung on.
[09:41:55] justinh: thought it'd only run mythtranscode if you specifically say you want it run
[09:44:54] DaveMorris: re-reading the wiki when I'm not tired, shows I may have made a mistake in debugging, let me do it again
[09:53:14] DaveMorris: ok, it does appear to be running, but runs at 1.5 fps, with only around 2% cpu load. So need to look at why, since that will take around 16hrs for a 1hr show
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[10:07:00] justinh: probably been niced :)
[10:07:05] justinh: very very niced
[10:09:20] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[10:12:42] justinh: 1TB HDD only £29.99 plus VAT today. sheesh
[10:14:30] DaveMorris: I turned off nice and it's still been very very slow
[10:15:08] justinh: prolly be quicker to do it on the backend machine then, then the files are really local
[10:15:18] DaveMorris: not with my backend
[10:15:25] DaveMorris: it's a dual P350Mhz machine
[10:15:37] justinh: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[10:15:59] justinh: is it even fast enough to serve the files ? lol
[10:16:03] gerhard7 (gerhard7! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[10:16:42] DaveMorris: yeah, it needs 2 CPU's though, so that 1 can run mysql and the other mythtv, I was getting database drop outs on a P450
[10:17:35] justinh: ouch
[10:17:53] justinh: I retired my old 2000XP box a little while back. I've not regretted it
[10:18:09] justinh: uses less power at idle, and is way, way faster
[10:18:45] justinh: anyhoo those FPS sound suspiciously very low
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[10:24:50] gbee: justinh: 1TB for £30? Where's that?
[10:25:07] justinh: Aria
[10:25:13] gbee: not that I've any room left for another drive :(
[10:25:46] justinh: got room for another 2 here. might wait til 2TB are £29.99 plus VAT :)
[10:26:44] justinh: heh I still have another 1TB partition I've not used yet. well almost 1TB
[10:27:56] justinh: not having a very good day today. feel like utter crap & waiting for THE EVENT to start
[10:47:18] gbee: best of luck with that
[10:48:19] ** gbee doesn't really know the right things to say for these occasions ;) **
[10:50:10] jduggan:
[10:51:04] justinh: long linky alert:
[10:51:06] justinh: . . . letter190710
[10:51:41] justinh: gbee: thanks. trying my best to take it in my stride. dunno if I feel ill cos I'm really ill or what
[10:52:22] gbee: Samsung, even better!
[10:53:51] justinh: 5400RPM too, might be cooler
[10:54:13] justinh: longer longer longer life. well maybe
[10:54:20] gbee: it will be, I've already got one or two of those
[10:54:32] jduggan: hmmm
[10:54:38] gbee: quiet, cool and so far very reliable
[10:54:41] jduggan: not bad price
[10:54:56] justinh: I like aria. especially since they're so near where I live :)
[10:55:16] justinh: they tend to actually have the stuff in they say they've got in stock too, which is nice
[10:55:20] gbee: but I can wait, if I bought it now I'd need to find a new case too
[10:55:33] justinh: unlike microdirect whose warehouse doesn't seem to know what it's got
[10:55:51] justinh: website stock != store stock != warehouse
[10:55:57] jduggan: i have yet to find a nice little case for a nas device
[10:56:02] gbee: in another few weeks that will be the stock price everywhere
[10:56:14] justinh: aye
[10:56:32] jduggan: i want something small that can take mini-itx board with 3 external bays for my own caddies, havent found anything yet
[10:57:29] gbee: just found a nice case on Ebuyer, same make/styling as my existing fe/be but inexplicably black ... why paint brushed aluminium black? They don't stock the unpainted silver :/
[10:58:07] justinh: painted not anodised? eew
[10:59:43] gbee: justinh: you're well positioned, we used to have a great place here not more than 2 miles from my home, but they then moved to Manchester and six months later they stopped selling parts and switched to full-time system building
[11:00:10] gbee: justinh: actually not able to tell which, I just know that I don't like the black
[11:00:38] gbee:
[11:00:43] justinh: planetmicro used to be very handy for me. it was a 10 minute walk from my house
[11:01:26] justinh: whut? 2x optical drive bays?
[11:01:35] gbee: a week ago I wouldn't have liked the two optical drive bays, but then I bought the Bluray drive and now need something with two 5 1/4" bays
[11:01:53] justinh: heh
[11:02:04] justinh: unusual, but doesn't look too bad even in the black
[11:02:39] bjd: I quite like the black
[11:02:42] gbee: yeah, it's a pretty strange design choice, but I guess they figured they had the room so why not? If you
[11:02:55] justinh: at least it's not shiny shiny cheap looking
[11:02:59] bjd: that logo is slightly annoying
[11:03:00] gbee: only have a single drive, then it might be odd
[11:03:14] gbee: bjd: ouch, hadn't noticed that
[11:03:22] justinh: bit of white spirit, sorted :D
[11:03:29] gbee: they've rebadged it, my existing one has no logo
[11:03:37] justinh: it's not too bad anyway
[11:03:49] bjd: Yeah
[11:04:00] justinh: on photos my LC02's logo looks that obvious but in reality it's invisible
[11:04:04] bjd: i'm kinda looking for something like that, it'd be tucked away in a cabinet
[11:04:20] justinh: if you're gonna tuck it away why bother with the 'htpc' case?
[11:04:38] justinh: mind, you'll pay nigh on 50 quid for a decent desktop case
[11:04:44] justinh: er midi tower
[11:04:46] bjd: cos it's a cabinet the tv sits on with a glass front
[11:04:51] justinh: eew
[11:04:55] bjd: so i kinda want it to look presentable
[11:05:00] justinh: how very 1980s lol
[11:05:23] bjd: Yeah, it was already in the flat when i bought it :D
[11:05:27] justinh: I should introduce you to my wife. she loves trinkets & cabinets full of junk
[11:05:42] bjd: oo-err
[11:06:07] gbee: the company that makes that case do some nice looking stuff and cheap too, the components and internal design are IMHO top notch
[11:06:10] justinh: come the baby crawling around time, I'm totally gonna screw all the drawers & cupboards shut in the livingroom
[11:06:31] justinh: call it the clutter time capsule
[11:06:51] gbee: they are just _very_ hard to find in the UK, ebuyer has offered some models at various times, sometimes rebadged as in this case
[11:06:58] justinh: say look – we don't frickin NEED this storage because we (I mean YOU) put stuff in there & forgot about it
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[11:07:23] justinh: hey, everybody gotta have one itsy bitsy pet hate right? ;-)
[11:07:45] justinh: still haven't found a shop dummy hand I can sub for my own come the hand-squeezing time
[11:08:04] justinh: everybody thinks I'm joking
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[11:24:25] gbee: heh, what did I say the other day about how the only thing I'd change on my htpc case would be to remove the worthless compact flash/slot micro slots? They've updated that model and done exactly that :)
[11:26:01] gbee: sadly it seems they've also decided that no-one likes the silver and they are only selling their stuff in black :(
[11:28:13] gbee: and they've done away with the two optical drive model, which is presumably why Alpus are now selling it as their own, they've bought the end of line stock
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[12:05:17] anykey_: RDV_Linux: taking the discussion about MNV to #mythtv-users: can the refresh command be run on the backend?
[12:05:44] justinh: if black cases are stuck in the 1980s... yuck
[12:05:49] justinh: roll on the 1990s again!
[12:06:00] RDV_Linux: anykey_: Do you mean the "Update subscriptions"?
[12:06:10] anykey_: RDV_Linux: yeah
[12:07:06] RDV_Linux: anykey_: Right now the only way to update in the background is "mythfillnetvision --refresh-all" and it is not linked to any MNV menu.
[12:08:14] anykey_: RDV_Linux: I know, but can this be run on the backend or does it have to run on the frontend?
[12:08:47] justinh: mythfillnetvision? heh it's growing up :)
[12:09:56] RDV_Linux: anykey_: That is what iamlindoro intends but things are at the migration point (FE-->BE) and he is the one to say how far things have come at the moment.
[12:10:19] anykey_: ok :)
[12:10:39] RDV_Linux: anykey_: I have a combined FE/BE so I cannot not tell. Just try it and see.
[12:13:04] justinh: gbee: heard the one about Sky working with NDS to provide targeted ads to their DVR customers?
[12:14:23] gbee: no, but I'm not surprised
[12:14:52] justinh: must mean that non-skippable ads are just around the corner too
[12:15:50] gbee: it's not enough that their DVR customers pay twice (once for subscription, once for the box) and still put up with adverts on Sky One etc, nah now Sky wants to force adverts down their throats even for recorded material
[12:16:35] justinh: seems like they're gonna flag the streams & get the DVR to play a pre-delivered advert
[12:17:24] justinh: been a while since I had Sky but I've heard their ad breaks are syncronised
[12:17:28] gbee: the basic Sky subscription costs more than the TV License and yet unlike the BBC, Sky's own channels still show adverts ... so what are you actually paying for?
[12:17:50] justinh: always wondered that myself
[12:18:12] justinh: still way cheaper than buying a football season ticket though
[12:18:20] justinh: by a factor of at least ten
[12:19:00] justinh: think over the next few years I'm just going to buckle down & get used to the idea of doing without
[12:19:28] gbee: granted, but that's the sports package which costs even more than the basic, I'm just not sure what those people buying the basic package actually pay for when the channels themselves are ad-funded anyway
[12:20:10] justinh: satellite carriage can't be that expensive either, noting how many crud-o-vision outlets there are
[12:20:44] justinh: okay they *have* maybe had a significant investment in hardware
[12:21:05] justinh: yer 'free' STB is maybe £100 worth in parts
[12:21:15] RDV_Linux: gbee: In #mythtv you commented that PBS took 10 minutes to update. Although timing can very that is definitely higher than I get. I just timed it and got "1m9.775s"
[12:21:53] gbee: RDV_Linux: well it was the first run after adding PBS and it took 23 minutes in total
[12:22:03] RDV_Linux: gbee: I forgot that it also takes MNV itself a while to update the data base.
[12:22:13] gbee: (and I've yet to find content which will play here in the UK)
[12:22:48] RDV_Linux: gbee: Interesting as I am in Canada and the ratio to play or not play is about 50%.
[12:22:55] gbee: RDV_Linux: yeah the download itself took just a couple of minutes, it was the insertition into the database which accounted for the rest
[12:24:23] RDV_Linux: gbee: I will come back with an example program that I can play so you can try it to see if only Canada slips under the wire
[12:24:46] gbee: RDV_Linux: just tried it agai and it seems I didn't give it long enough, I'm presented with a blank white screen and nothing happens – after a minute I got 20 seconds of audio and then nothing
[12:24:58] rileyp: how long should it take to transcode a 1.5 gb mpeg with ffmpeg to a ipod sort of file size with a 1.6ghz atom
[12:25:35] gbee: guess it's a flash problem on my machine
[12:25:43] rileyp: It was 45 minute show and 1.5 hours later ist stil going
[12:26:16] gbee: rileyp: which codec are you transcoding to? H.264 will take hours on that cpu
[12:27:00] rileyp: mk4 does that sound right hang on Ill have a llook
[12:27:23] justinh: think ipoo will cope fine with xvid & mp3
[12:27:23] gbee: which is kinda the point of H.264, it's higher compression therefore takes a lot of CPU grunt to encode
[12:27:27] justinh: or xvid & aac
[12:27:31] RDV_Linux: gbee: The sequence I get is "White screen-->A still image--> A small menu at the top (email...)-->Video starts". I can play "American Experiance-->A Class Apart"
[12:27:46] rileyp: Its m4v
[12:27:49] gbee: doesn't get paste the white screen here
[12:28:20] rileyp: sorry my bad I know nothing of encoding
[12:28:56] RDV_Linux: gbee: When you are in a country that cannot play the video it posts a message on the screen. This sounds like a different issue.
[12:29:05] rileyp: its using aac and ...
[12:29:08] gbee: RDV_Linux: either way, my point wasn't to get PBS working since I didn't expect that it would, but I'm noting some things we can improve in the frontend UI
[12:29:37] RDV_Linux: gbee: Fair enough
[12:30:21] gbee: e.g. the busy dialog could update to indicate where we're at, we print that to the logs but leave the user with a generic 'wait' message, but if we remove the update from the frontend then that becomes irrelvant
[12:31:24] gbee: if we clearly mark those sources which aren't available in all locales then that's going to help users with initial selection of sources
[12:32:13] gbee: all the sort of stuff which is trivial to implement but collectively will result in a more polished product
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[12:34:04] gbee: not knocking anything about MNV, it's fantastic work, just offering critical feedback and if required I'll help with implementing some of the suggestions
[12:34:14] rileyp:
[12:34:24] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has quit (Quit: mary had a little segmentation fault)
[12:34:25] rileyp: thats what ffmpeg is using
[12:34:48] gbee: libx264 < That's H.264
[12:35:58] gbee: it's a high end codec that achieves very good compression and good picture, it's just very cpu hungry
[12:36:14] rileyp: could anyone here suggest something for ffmeg to use thats more suitable for me then
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[12:36:35] rileyp: Until I move my server to a stonger machine
[12:36:57] rileyp: thats ffmpeg sorry
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[12:44:42] gbee: you could try mpeg4
[12:44:49] gbee: -vcodec mpeg4
[12:45:02] gbee:
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[13:01:43] rileyp: gbee -acodec libfaac -vcodec mpeg4 does this mean I need to check I have them
[13:02:25] rileyp: I know I have libfaac
[13:03:40] rileyp: I folllowed guide C on this page
[13:04:20] simcop2387-lap (simcop2387-lap!ever@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:05:44] gbee: I believe the mpeg4 encoder is built into ffmpeg so you won't need an external lib for that
[13:09:47] rileyp: ok and I can check synaptic for -acodec or is that just a ....
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[13:23:05] justinh: if your ffmpeg is crippled you need to either find a new repo or build it yourself
[13:27:43] iamlindoro: gbee, The update is all but removed from the FE as it is-- Only task I have remaining is to put it into the housekeeper-- and yes, the intention is that the BE runs it for all FEs.. by .24 all updating will be out of user sight
[13:28:07] simcop2387-lap: wagnerrp: sorry i didn't respond last night but sometimes i do and scanning can take upwards of 20 minutes because of the number of files
[13:28:12] iamlindoro: I take your point that whole sources might be country specific, the grabber capability XML can be expanded to include that
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[14:13:05] justinh: heh. friend of mine tells me watching Inception feels like listening to Muse. Might give that a miss too then
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[15:15:29] innatech: any reason why numerical channel entry (w/the remote control) would work when watching LiveTV, but not when the channel guide is up?
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[15:26:17] wagnerrp: rileyp: if you want power for transcoding, replace the Atom
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[15:27:17] gbee: innatech: stupid settings, enable 'Allow channel jumping in guide' under 'TV Settings > Programme Guide'
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[15:27:50] gbee: unless someone reminds me why we need a setting for that I'll make that the default behaviour and remove the setting
[15:28:42] innatech: gbee: that was it. thanks!
[15:29:19] iamlindoro: That setting should get nuked too
[15:30:08] wagnerrp: i never understood the default of 'select opens the record menu' either
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[15:31:29] sphery: gbee: it's on the list of key-stupidity that needs fixing: . . . 8365#418365\
[15:31:37] sphery: er, without the backslash:
[15:31:47] sphery: (stupid different keyboard :)
[15:32:25] sphery: gbee: the problem is that some users want to use the num keys for scrolling--we need to fix it so that that's never done in myth and we provide other ways of scrolling
[15:32:27] gbee: sphery: huh, were you here two minutes ago? I was going to ask if it was on the list but I didn't see you
[15:32:42] sphery: the whole mythical 5-key remote
[15:32:54] wagnerrp: no 'join' message
[15:33:15] sphery: yeah, I was, but I've been lurking for a week or so (had family visiting and now that they're gone, I was just getting started catching up on mythtv stuff)
[15:33:18] rileyp: wagnerp Yeah its on the program i suppose now I have dual core amd 4400 sitting there collecting dust
[15:33:34] sphery: I've noticed that my key completion stuff doesn't show people who have been silent for a long time
[15:33:44] wagnerrp: a 4400 will be vastly more powerful than any form of atom
[15:34:07] gbee: yeah, few places actually support scrolling by number so we're safe to nix it, if you can navigate the main menus to get into livetv or the guide, then you've already got arrow keys
[15:34:40] sphery: gbee: works for me--I haven't figured out a plan for how to deal with it for the "itty-bitty remote" users
[15:34:42] wagnerrp: i dont know why you would /want/ a 5-key remote
[15:34:49] sphery: no joke
[15:34:55] sphery: MOAR BUTTONZ!
[15:34:56] wagnerrp: the new boxee remote is 6-button, and thats just not enough
[15:35:08] sphery: I have 8-button mice
[15:35:36] wagnerrp: if you count the auto-scroll, mine is 12-button
[15:36:06] wagnerrp: other one next to me is 8-button
[15:36:24] sphery: gbee: FWIW, I do like Paul's idea of adding menu options for scrolling--because, if nothing else, it makes it easy for a user who doesn't know all the key bindings to find
[15:36:27] gbee: it's apple inspired and people tend to believe that if apple are doing it then it must be right, as though they've never got things wrong
[15:36:38] rileyp: Ive followed plan C do I need anything else to transcode for an Ipod? suggestions anyone?
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[15:36:58] wagnerrp: gbee: i wonder if that bubble is about to collapse
[15:37:03] sphery: wagnerrp: exactly--and if mice have more than 5 buttons, then remotes need more than 5
[15:37:09] gbee: sphery: menu options? (sorry memory of a goldfish)
[15:37:27] sphery: gbee: for scrolling: as he mentioned here:
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[15:38:41] wagnerrp: oops... one of 'em slipped in
[15:38:55] gbee: ah, yeah having options to jump a day or so forward/backwards makes a lot of sense, those large jumps can be a pain otherwise
[15:38:55] wagnerrp: iamlindoro or gbee, mind nuking Maria on the wiki?
[15:39:33] wagnerrp: thanks
[15:39:36] iamlindoro: np
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[15:43:04] sphery: How do you solve a problem like Maria?
[15:43:22] rileyp: sing a song about it?
[15:43:31] sphery: We know wagnerrp's answer... Would have been a much shorter musical, though.
[15:43:51] wagnerrp: spamalot is shorter than west side story?
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[15:50:53] rileyp: Anyone with transcoding exp here?
[15:50:57] wagnerrp: sphery: could always write up a pywikipedia bot to take care of it
[15:51:31] wagnerrp: if a user's first post contains more than a certain percentage of external URLs, ban them
[15:51:36] wagnerrp: rileyp: shoot
[15:51:39] rileyp: I need to set up mythexport with aprofile for my ipod touch
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[15:52:54] wagnerrp: seems it will do 3.0 baseline profile, at D1 30fps
[15:53:22] rileyp: I have followed plan C here
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[15:53:50] rileyp: to enable flaac
[15:54:19] wagnerrp: that would be faac, not flac
[15:54:48] rileyp: ok as you can se Im really up with this transcoding stuff
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[15:55:07] wagnerrp: faac is an aac encoder, compressed mpeg4 audio
[15:55:16] wagnerrp: flac is a lossless compression
[15:55:23] wagnerrp: flaac is... nothing
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[16:32:03] lydgate: how much of a nightmare will it be to combine two storage groups into one? i.e. could I just move all the files into one directory, then run something like UPDATE recorded SET storagegroup = 'newgroup' to combine the two?
[16:32:31] lydgate: i used to have two sets of smaller disks but now i'm building a bigger array
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[16:37:07] gregl: lydgate: Move the files,enter mythvideo, hit M,choose scan for changes..done..
[16:37:34] gbee: two storage groups?
[16:37:44] lydgate: gregl: err, not for mythvideo, for mythtv recordings
[16:37:46] gbee: you just move the files, no need to rescan
[16:38:33] lydgate: yeah i have two separate storage groups totalling about 1.2 TB of data ... I want to move them onto a single array
[16:39:17] wagnerrp: mythvideo does not support multiple storage groups
[16:39:20] wagnerrp: only the 'Videos' one
[16:39:21] gbee: just combine them, you can move files freely between paths in the same storage groups
[16:39:38] gbee: wagnerrp: might be a little confusing to introduce that now
[16:39:49] gbee: what he meant was multiple directories under a single storage group
[16:40:17] gbee: lydgate: in other words, just go ahead, mythtv will still find the recordings
[16:40:20] lydgate: no, they are two separate storage groups on two separate disks, not one storage group with multiple directories
[16:40:21] wagnerrp: setting 'storagegroup' in the database would imply he was using two separate ones
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[16:40:37] wagnerrp: lydgate: ideally, the database would have the right storage group listed
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[16:40:53] wagnerrp: however for recordings, mythtv will fall through and search /any/ storage group on the system
[16:40:55] gbee: since when have we supported multiple recording storage groups?
[16:41:01] wagnerrp: if it cannot find it in the one it is supposed to be in
[16:41:05] lydgate: ok
[16:41:20] wagnerrp: however you must have the 'hostname' set properly
[16:41:29] wagnerrp: it will not spider out and search slave backends
[16:41:52] lydgate: wagnerrp: ok. there's only one backend so I don't think I'll have that problem
[16:42:07] lydgate: it's just multiple RAID arrays and multiple storage groups
[16:42:09] wagnerrp: gbee: pretty sure that has always been there
[16:42:22] wagnerrp: in the storage options, you can set which storage group you want a recording rule to save to
[16:42:24] lydgate: it sounds like worst case I can just go in and update the mythconveg.recorded database
[16:42:38] sphery: lydgate: also, proper selection of Storage Group scheduler will be much more reliable than using multiple Storage Groups to spread out recording to multiple disks.
[16:42:40] gbee: eugh, that's messy since everything else has a single storage group and there is really no need for multiple groups at all
[16:43:10] wagnerrp: i assume its so you could have multiple groups for multiple users of the system
[16:43:25] sphery: lydgate: i.e. use Default for everything and let the scheduler decide which disk to write to. Only reason for multiple SG's is if you're so ana^H^H^Hobsessive that you have to put certain shows together into a specific directory.
[16:43:53] wagnerrp: of you want to group shows onto different hard drives, so they expire differently
[16:43:55] lydgate: sphery: well I did it because I had some recordings on RAID and some on dodgy old disks that I thought might fail
[16:44:17] lydgate: so i wanted to put important recordings on one storage group and non-important recordings on another
[16:44:25] sphery: ah, yeah, that might be a reason, too
[16:44:34] sphery: though using dodgy disks...  ;)
[16:44:36] gbee: it's one of those things that probably made sense at the time, but just complicates configuration IMHO, but I'll let someone else worry about that
[16:44:58] wagnerrp: gbee: im sure its one of those things that most people dont even know is an option
[16:45:01] sphery: gbee: agreed--we have learned a lot about how storage groups should be used since they were first introduced
[16:45:06] lydgate: sphery: right, well now that i've got new disks i'm looking to combine them into one storage group
[16:45:12] sphery: thus my treatise I posted to the list a week ago or so
[16:45:16] wagnerrp: so whether it complicates things is debatable
[16:46:22] sphery: lydgate: yeah, as gbee said, just move the recordings and don't change anything in the DB. Assuming the new directory is in the single group and is accessible from the host that recorded the shows, they will just work.
[16:46:39] gbee: if it were really important to arrange things in that way I'd create the concept of sub-groups within a named storage group, same functionality but at least from a UI perspective it's a clearer hierarchy
[16:46:43] lydgate: sphery: ok, thanks
[16:46:44] wagnerrp: anyone know if gregturn/goldfish is still around?
[16:47:01] sphery: gbee: I firmly believe we need to put a pop up in mythtv-setup that discourages users from "defining" (actually overriding) SG's on remote backends
[16:47:17] sphery: I plan to write up the patch for that one soon and see if I can get agreement on it
[16:47:30] sphery: there's no reason to ever override SG dir lists on a properly-configured system.
[16:47:47] gbee: sphery: I was just thinking that the 'default' storage group needs to be renamed as well, every other group reflects what it holds
[16:47:50] sphery: (no reason in MythTV, that is... plugins... well...)
[16:48:15] sphery: gbee: yeah, Captain_Murdoch had mentioned doing just that in #mythtv a while back.
[16:48:31] sphery: think it was going to be TV or Recordings or something
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[16:49:24] gbee: I don't want to be the guy constantly picking holes or pointing out problems, but I'm making a habit of it lately
[16:50:07] sphery: heh
[16:50:38] sphery: well, since you usually do the work to fix those problems, no one will ever fault you for it
[16:50:57] sphery: (or if you don't do a fix for a problem, you do plenty of other fixes)
[16:51:42] gbee: on that note, I plan on yanking that channel change setting and adding a navigation submenu tonight, then I really need to add animated gif support for Beirdo
[16:52:36] sphery: thanks for doing the channel change setting
[16:53:08] sphery: it will be nice to let someone else bear the brunt of the ire from users who feel random-useless-setting is critical
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[16:54:04] wagnerrp: speaking of beirdo, i was clearing out old packages last night from one of my system and came across CUPS... i wonder if 'print' capability in mythgallery would get much use
[16:56:07] gbee: I can certainly see the appeal, but it might be difficult to do correctly
[16:57:45] sphery: If the iPad doesn't need print capability, do we...  ;)
[16:57:59] gbee: without a print configuration screen etc, how do you select between multiple printers? Can you print directly without whatever desktop stuff you have installed intercepting and insisting on popping up it's own print options window?
[16:59:38] gbee: and is it stupid to see it as a slippery slope, you'll have someone write a patch to allow cropping before printing, then someone adds histogram adjustment and before you know it, mythgallery has evolved into full editor instead of a simple photo browser
[17:01:24] gbee: if it can be done with a minimal number of new settings (none preferably) and a simple remote friendly UI, then I don't have a problem with print support and QT might even give us a cross-platform solution
[17:02:31] gbee: just call me Mr. Glass-half-Empty
[17:02:55] wagnerrp: i know my PS3 has 'print capacity', but apparently it only works for a subset of networked toshiba printers
[17:03:02] wagnerrp: so the feature is next to useless
[17:04:42] gbee: that's where cups and QT would come in, but I'm not sure if QT offers a 'print directly with no interaction' facility, at least with KDE printing from most apps results in a kprint window being presented
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[17:13:01] sphery: Might be trunk rather than 0.23-fixes (as it claims)? I know when I type in numbers in the OSD in 0.23-fixes, I see them and they stick around >10ms
[17:13:33] sphery: "It would be nice to fix this in 0.23-fixes as well. " makes me think the guy just assumes it's broken in 0.23-fixes
[17:15:30] Captain_Murdoch: gbee, I use multiple recording storage groups on my system to keep my daughter's cartoons on their own drive so they don't consume space for the important shows. :)
[17:16:30] sphery: OK, it has the same code he's changing in -fixes, but it doesn't seem to fail in -fixes unless it's just some places. (Maybe only in LiveTV for channel changes?)
[17:16:56] Captain_Murdoch: I also have at least 2 read-only recording storage groups I believe. I use them for playback, but not for new recordings.
[17:18:55] Captain_Murdoch: once I get around to working on the ProgramInfo::ToXML/FromXML and the MFSW, then another recording storage group will be used. Right now I'm using 'Archive' in my testing (well, not 'right now' since I'm side-tracked on the theme downloader currently).
[17:21:13] ** kormoc wonders if jackson-json would be better then protobuf for myth **
[17:22:01] kormoc: wonder if it's even doable with c++
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[17:31:34] justinh: talking about doing away with pgup & pgdn ? :-(
[17:32:19] justinh: mind you, I needn't worry too much about that if I can change my keybindings – spare remote buttons ftw :)
[17:38:10] sphery: kormoc: you can't change your mind, now... I'm excited about protobuf
[17:38:32] wagnerrp: would you say youre... buffed about it?
[17:39:04] kormoc: sphery, jackson-json would allow us to stream files over json :)
[17:40:26] sphery: justinh: were talking about doing away with the setting "Allow channel jumping in guide" and putting the DAYLEFT/DAYRIGHT/... actions into the menu in the guide so they can be used even if the user doesn't know about page up/down.
[17:40:38] sphery: kormoc: sounds cool
[17:41:00] kormoc: sphery, yeah, it's just java tech and thus I donno how doable it'd be in c/c++/php/python/perl
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[17:46:51] justinh: sphery: ah
[17:47:07] justinh: pity about the boxee remote being so lame though eh
[17:48:00] wagnerrp: is it bluetooth? i cant imagine its IR if its to be typed on sideways
[17:49:01] justinh: probably. read it's some sort of RF
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[18:28:14] br14: are upcomming recordings held in a table or a query?
[18:28:39] kormoc: nether
[18:28:51] kormoc: it's held by the backend in memory
[18:30:57] br14: wow never would have guessed, is there a way I can view that list from cmd line?
[18:31:41] sphery: br14: mythbackend --printsched
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[18:32:17] sphery: br14: though, chances are you should really ask how to do what you're trying to do instead of asking how to do the steps you think are required to do what you want to do
[18:32:42] br14: sphery: its far to late for that
[18:32:44] sphery: i.e. chances are there's something to do exactly what you really want to do
[18:32:55] br14: sphery: but that cmd worked perfectly
[18:33:05] sphery: so what are you doing?
[18:33:32] kormoc: It's never too late to do things right
[18:33:39] br14: seems to be working now
[18:33:44] iamlindoro: Nope, too late:
[18:33:54] iamlindoro: can't give answers now, sucked into wormhole
[18:34:14] br14: had to repair the db, wanted to check if recordings got schedualed after my madness ;)
[18:34:18] kormoc: Ahh, can't argue with that
[18:34:19] ktosiek: Hi!
[18:34:30] ktosiek: mythtv 0.23 can't import my channels.conf
[18:34:33] sphery: br14: what do you mean by "repair the DB"?
[18:34:43] ktosiek: (I'll post log on pastebin in a second)
[18:34:53] ktosiek: what may be the problem?
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[18:35:00] kormoc: sphery, he took a pin and a magnet and flipped a bunch of bits on the platters by focusing solar radiation
[18:35:06] sphery: if it involves "edited the DB data to contain what I think it should contain", you probably should do it right
[18:35:18] sphery: or re-do it right, as the case may be :)
[18:35:28] br14: the fill db script generated a mad amount of errors, I ran repair table on a bunch of mythconverg...
[18:35:28] ktosiek: the log i here:
[18:35:31] sphery: kormoc: heh, just like a true programmer
[18:35:45] ktosiek: I got this channels.conf from w_scan
[18:36:03] ktosiek: any ideas?
[18:36:05] kormoc: iamlindoro, do you recall the software to use for lossless h264 cutting?
[18:36:19] sphery: er, "real programmer", it seems...
[18:36:32] br14: '/' filled up about a wk ago, caused lots of headaches, one seems to be mysql with some corrupt rows
[18:36:41] wagnerrp: br14: if youre looking more for something you can fit into a program, you can access it over myth protocol (using either of the language bindings) or over mythxml
[18:37:01] kormoc: sphery, that was exactly what I attempted to channel
[18:37:06] sphery: ktosiek: the best-supported approach for getting channels into MythTV is to use the MythTV channel scanner in mythtv-setup, not to import whatever garbage you got from DVB utils (a completely independent project)
[18:37:17] iamlindoro: kormoc: I don't really do any, it's possible to do it with h264ts_cutter as I am told, but that's windows only-- may be usable in wine
[18:37:44] kormoc: iamlindoro, no worries, I just recalled for some reason that you've mentioned it before
[18:37:54] ktosiek: sphery, how can I use this? It looks like it doesn't know about any transponder lists
[18:37:57] iamlindoro: kormoc: There are roundabout ways to sorta-kinda do it with avidemux
[18:38:08] ktosiek: so I would have to scan every transponder by hand
[18:38:09] br14: what version is mythtv at lately?
[18:38:11] iamlindoro: kormoc: I should try it again someday soon with their trunk version to see if it's more reliable
[18:38:19] br14: ooh topic ic
[18:40:43] ktosiek: ok, how do I do channels scanning in mythtv 0.23? mythtv-setup wants frequency and other things I don't know where to get from :-/
[18:42:24] ** kormoc tips his hat towards iamlindoro **
[18:42:25] kormoc: thanks much
[18:42:37] iamlindoro: np, good luck
[18:43:55] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:44:08] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[18:44:20] sphery: br14: you did run either an or mysqlcheck, right? Are you saying that after that there was corrupt data? And if so, how did you find said data?
[18:46:03] br14: sphery: nether, I ran mysqls repair table on the tables that were part of the sql causing errors (found in mythbackend log)
[18:46:19] sphery: ktosiek: I don't know anything about DVB-S (except to reference ). But, I thought you just told it to start and it gets everything that can be put into a single video source. I do know you will need multiple video sources (which, therefore, necessitates multiple channel scans) for certain DVB-S configurations.
[18:46:38] kormoc: you should run a repair on all the tables, as they might not show up until you try to access a broken row
[18:46:48] sphery: br14: ah, yeah, that's what does, but it repairs all broken ones.
[18:47:17] br14: mysql removed some records, then i re-ran mythfilldb, and like magic I have recodings scheduled
[18:47:27] br14: kormoc: I'll give it a go
[18:47:28] sphery: so I'd recommend running or hitting the "Repair Database" button in MythWeb's setup area under Database
[18:47:44] br14: mythweb has always been broken on this install :(
[18:48:40] sphery: then would be the easier choice :)
[18:49:12] johnnyj (johnnyj! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:49:22] justinh: ktosiek: initial tuning data can be had from
[18:50:19] sphery: thanks justinh--I was way beyond my AOE on DVB-S stuff.  :)
[18:50:58] ktosiek: thanks, I'll look for data for S13E
[18:52:01] justinh: I think the reason we see so few people in here with dvb-s know-how is that they all use livetv & are sitting channel surfing
[18:52:11] justinh: still trying to find something to watch!
[18:52:20] sphery: ktosiek: The wiki does mention some info on using If you find it needs expanding/more details for how to find what you need there, we'd very much appreciate your updating it. in step 8.
[18:52:38] johd (johd!~johd@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:52:42] sphery: justinh: heh, yeah, the problem with having 2M channels.
[18:53:08] ** sphery is quite happy with his smattering of OTA (terrestrial) channels **
[18:53:19] br14: can mysql.txt exist in the cwd?
[18:53:32] sphery: yes, but it will be ignored :)
[18:53:49] justinh: all about the config.xml nowadays
[18:53:57] sphery: really, you should have config.xml in the configuration directory ( $HOME/.mythtv/ )
[18:54:47] br14: (I'm on .21)
[18:55:02] iamlindoro: Why are you still using such an ancient version?
[18:55:08] sphery: but you can have mysql.txt in any of a bunch of places and it will use them in a particular order... places include $HOME/.mythtv/mysql.txt , /usr/{,local/}share/mythtv/mysql.txt , /etc/mysql.txt ... order is something no one should ever have to worry about (which is why $HOME/.mythtv/config.xml is preferred).
[18:55:17] sphery: br14: 0.21-fixes uses config.xml , too.
[18:55:23] sphery: I haven't had a mysql.txt since 0.20
[18:55:47] br14: no -fixes for me
[18:56:02] sphery: note, also, that many distros put the actual mysql.txt in random places, then use links or other trickery (even evil trickery) to get them to be used.
[18:56:10] justinh: so er.. where did my ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt come from?
[18:56:14] br14: mythtv works, the WAF is skyhigh, I'm not touching it.
[18:56:21] justinh: on a clean install. I don't remember copying it back
[18:56:26] sphery: so, basically, by using a file that could exist in any number of places, you have to make sure /every/ one of them is correct to make sure you're using the right info.
[18:56:33] johd (johd!~johd@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:56:39] br14: its working its magic now
[18:57:02] johnnyj: sphery: how was vacation?
[18:57:04] sphery: there's much to be said for current MythTV
[18:57:33] sphery: johnnyj: Nice... Parents had fun. Only down side was the week of fixing their Windows computers.
[18:57:39] ** kormoc eyes **
[18:57:59] br14: eh, I installed current version mythbuntu for my parents a few months ago wasn't that impressed
[18:58:08] johnnyj: sphery: ahh – i know that joy
[18:58:12] kormoc: I'm really curious as to what the current install base is
[18:58:26] sphery: johnnyj: yeah, probably everyone who "knows computers" does...  :)
[19:01:00] justinh: still keep surprising my dad. still not installed windows 7 even to try it :)
[19:01:13] Disputin (Disputin!~disp@ has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[19:01:28] justinh: the fringe benefit is that I don't know any windows 7 tricks to help him out :D
[19:01:50] johnnyj: justinh: i tried an RC copy and declared it 'what vista shoulda been' but 'not worth buying'
[19:02:16] justinh: oh, like an actual working, operable OS? lol
[19:02:32] justinh: gave vista the big middle finger after 2 days
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[19:04:22] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:04:47] sphery: Isn't mythui osd?
[19:09:07] iamlindoro: yes
[19:09:28] ktosiek: justinh, sphery: thanks, it's scanning now :-D
[19:09:29] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:09:44] sphery: ktosiek: good luck
[19:09:56] sphery: iamlindoro: thanks. Just replied with that info (so I'm glad I was right :)
[19:10:01] iamlindoro: heh
[19:10:13] ktosiek: aaaand it stopped. found 34 channels
[19:10:40] justinh: ktosiek: 34 channels on one transponder? sounds like a lot
[19:10:48] justinh: try adding new transponders :)
[19:10:50] ktosiek: no, after "scan all you can"
[19:11:03] ktosiek: so, it was 2 transponders :-)
[19:13:56] justinh: well, not all tx carry details of others. and some don't follow the spec of where the info tables should be etc etc etc
[19:13:59] justinh: YMMV
[19:16:12] gfather (gfather!~gfather@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:26:50] sphery: wagnerrp: osd_cat fakes it with ASCII
[19:27:32] sphery: (technically, libxosd does, but since osd_cat uses libxosd...)
[19:27:45] gfather (gfather!~gfather@ has quit (Quit: gfather)
[19:27:51] sphery: in other words, what the guy does will be just as good as what osd_cat gives
[19:28:21] sphery: if he uses mythtvosd and a shell script to make the proper volume slider or bar
[19:29:15] iamlindoro: Suspect it would be about 20 minutes work to add slider/progress bar support to mythtvosd
[19:29:51] sphery: or, better, to the new mythui notification system
[19:30:00] kormoc: He's just being clever, tis all
[19:30:00] iamlindoro: Add an optional progress bar widget to the windows in osd.cpp, then have it parse the input XML looking for a progress bar value of 0–100, and set the fill/visibility of the progress bar based on that
[19:30:02] sphery: (which may take longer than 20min to create :)
[19:32:23] justinh: mmm cut & paste coding. My favourite kind
[19:37:37] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[19:38:15] wagnerrp: sphery: there some response to that thread that i missed? or are you just reading backlogs?
[19:39:14] sphery: wagnerrp: just catching up
[19:40:19] sphery: and, FWIW, it's libxosd that's causing the issue--completely unrelated to MythTV (and not even related to chroma key drawing/repainting). libxosd isn't happy with new X
[19:41:54] ** wagnerrp wonders what he carelessly removed that took cpuid.h with it **
[19:41:55] sphery: With sufficient repetition, you can get xosd displays stuck regardless of what's displayed underneath if using new X. Seems libxosd needs some updates, but since all the DEs have their own notification GUI stuff, no one is really working on it.
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[20:19:23] johnnyj: i get stuck too with sufficient repetition
[20:19:46] johnnyj: although I can't blame it on a lib or distro
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[20:23:31] wagnerrp: i get stuck too with sufficient repetition
[20:23:38] wagnerrp: although I can't blame it on a lib or distro
[20:25:55] johnnyj: nice
[20:31:19] ktosiek (ktosiek! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[20:37:30] sphery: heh
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[20:51:17] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v sphery
[20:56:02] wagnerrp: so intel released a 3.2GHz hex-core.... for $900
[20:56:34] wagnerrp: if youre spending that much money on a processor, why wouldnt you spend the extra hundred for the slightly faster and fully unlocked edition?
[20:58:13] trumee is now known as zzztrumee
[21:00:37] kormoc: wagnerrp, I much rather the 8 core @2.26 ghz xeon 7560 with turbo
[21:01:07] wagnerrp: are those true 8-core? or a pair of quads on a single package like the AMD magny-cores
[21:01:20] kormoc: afaik they are true 8 core
[21:01:39] wagnerrp: oh how designs have changed
[21:01:51] wagnerrp: im surprised intel hasnt gone after AMD for that
[21:01:54] kormoc: Granted, it's a 4k processor
[21:02:10] kormoc:
[21:02:13] wagnerrp: 'wait a minute... you used to say multi-package chips were baaaaddddd'
[21:04:53] wagnerrp: thats just too much for a single processor
[21:05:12] wagnerrp: why not just go multi-socket/server at that point?
[21:05:19] sphery: iamlindoro: --even mentions MythTV (but not MNV, so I don't know if the guy has seen that, yet)
[21:06:22] wagnerrp: kormoc: i suppose for applications that are per-server licensing, rather than ones that are per-process or per-thread?
[21:07:03] kormoc: wagnerrp, cause you can shove 4 of them in a single server and get 32 cores (64 threads) in 2U
[21:07:21] kormoc: they're pretty awesome for databases
[21:07:27] wagnerrp: kormoc: then get one of those supermicro clusterboxes
[21:07:37] kormoc: they don't fit in 2u :)
[21:07:44] wagnerrp: four mini-servers in a 2u
[21:07:50] wagnerrp: each with a pair of 4-core processors
[21:08:08] kormoc: Yeah, different usage
[21:09:01] johnnyj: um- what does ibmythfreemheg do ?
[21:09:12] justinh: sphery: eew boxeeish UI :(
[21:09:13] wagnerrp: mheg
[21:09:13] johnnyj: libmythfreemheg that is
[21:09:23] justinh: johnnyj: liberates mythical free mheg
[21:09:35] justinh: or to put it correctly, makes MHEG work in mythtv
[21:09:39] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:09:45] sphery: justinh: yeah, I think MNV's approach is better
[21:09:46] justinh: aka MHEG – interactive 'html-like' services on DVB
[21:09:52] wagnerrp: if its already free, does it need liberating?
[21:10:10] johnnyj: it's failing to build on my mac
[21:10:40] johnnyj: at least, that;s the last thing i see in this spew when it fails
[21:10:43] justinh: not got the dependencies perchance?
[21:10:56] justinh: well, pastebin the compile log & drop the url here
[21:10:59] wagnerrp: are you building '-j something_greater_than_one'?
[21:11:04] johnnyj: yeah
[21:11:08] johnnyj: is that bad?
[21:11:14] wagnerrp: then the last thing you see is not what it failed on
[21:11:15] johnnyj: it's a habit
[21:11:26] kormoc: it's also what the os x build script defaults to
[21:11:34] kormoc: num_of_procs+1
[21:11:36] wagnerrp: since the other threads will continue on to the end of their folder
[21:11:43] kormoc: (I build with -j9)
[21:11:55] wagnerrp: pushing the error from the failed thread way up into the backlog
[21:11:58] johnnyj: oh that is better
[21:12:00] johnnyj: wagnerrp: thanks
[21:12:35] wagnerrp: now people like kormoc are building half of mythtv at once
[21:12:37] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:13:12] johnnyj: mythpainter_qt.cpp:276: error: ‘m_imageDeleteList’ was not declared in this scope
[21:13:30] kormoc: is this a rebuild?
[21:13:54] johnnyj: it's a nth attempted build
[21:14:05] kormoc: if so, add -clean to your command line
[21:15:15] johnnyj: I was actually trying to make the mythtv after the ran the configure
[21:15:36] johnnyj: since is also crapping out on me
[21:16:34] johnnyj: for one thing it keeps complaining – ./configure: line 3434: pkg-config: command not found
[21:17:23] kormoc: that's sorta required
[21:17:48] johnnyj: it doesn't die on it
[21:17:49] kormoc: it comes with xcode
[21:17:58] johnnyj: i've got xcode
[21:18:46] kormoc: welp, you can install it in ports if you don't have it for whatever reason
[21:19:00] johnnyj: and so I did install it using macports
[21:19:02] johnnyj: no change
[21:19:09] kormoc: then you need to fix your paths
[21:20:41] johnnyj: MacBook:~ johnny$ which pkg-config
[21:20:42] johnnyj: /opt/local/bin/pkg-config
[21:21:04] kormoc: works for me (tm)(r)
[21:22:53] zzztrumee is now known as trumee
[21:23:37] wagnerrp: kormoc: you seem up on all things steam, what do you make of alien swarm?
[21:23:42] johnnyj: ok i added /opt/local/bin to $ENV{'PATH'} = "$PREFIX/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:$svnpath";
[21:23:47] johnnyj: and the error is gone
[21:23:55] wagnerrp: PR stunt to keep valve in gamers' hearts?
[21:24:14] wagnerrp: or a tech demo to pull in 3rd party development using their source engine?
[21:26:22] kormoc: wagnerrp, little of all three. They got the game practically for free. A bunch of modders did a lot of the work and valve hired them on to finish it. The idea is to show off the new engine features (3rd party cam, etc) and if there's enough interest, the plan is to make it a series and have the next episodes pay-ware
[21:26:38] wagnerrp: ah
[21:26:50] wagnerrp: so they picked up the developers, and the game came for free
[21:26:55] kormoc: yeah
[21:28:25] johnnyj: the just dies on or after :ln -s libmythavcodec- libmythavcodec-
[21:28:53] johnnyj: make: *** [sub-libs-make_default-ordered] Error 2
[21:28:55] sphery: well, it /does/ say "dylib"... of course it will dy
[21:29:10] ** sphery admits he is not a Mac expert **
[21:29:14] johnnyj: is that a make job name?
[21:29:14] wagnerrp: trac down? or just stalled?
[21:29:26] johnnyj: sub-libs-make_default-ordered ?
[21:29:42] kormoc: johnnyj, we need moar logs
[21:29:46] sphery: wagnerrp: works for me
[21:36:08] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:37:55] johnnyj: im trying to re-run it and direct to output to a file
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[21:46:37] clever_ is now known as clever
[21:46:39] johnnyj: whew
[21:46:49] sphery: make -j 1 2>&1 | tee mklog
[21:47:11] ikonia (ikonia!~mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[21:47:28] sphery: or, maybe similar for the packaging script (however it works)
[21:47:38] johnnyj: i think uses -j3 anyway
[21:47:53] kormoc: osx-packager uses -j(num_of_procs+1)
[21:49:32] johnnyj:
[21:50:29] Ryushin: What was the name of that theme that had the little animated robot and has it been updated for .23?
[21:50:29] johnnyj: so that was ./ -clean -nohead
[21:50:41] sphery: Ryushin: MePo
[21:50:46] sphery: and, TTBOMK, no
[21:51:39] Ryushin: bummer.
[21:52:17] Ryushin: Seems to be other missing themes as well. Found a blootube update, but not neon yet.
[21:52:20] johnnyj: patches gladly accepted!
[21:52:47] sphery: a blootube update? where?
[21:53:10] ** kormoc eyes justinh wondering if he got productive one weekend **
[21:53:33] Ryushin:
[21:53:40] sphery: justinh: ^^^ It's alive!!!
[21:54:09] Disputin (Disputin!~disp@ has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[21:54:17] sphery: TTBOMK, he's the guy that did MePo
[21:54:30] sphery: he = elkin, not just inh
[21:55:01] Ryushin: Bummer about MePo. I've been without it now for two versions.
[21:55:11] Ryushin: Do you know made the neon-wide theme?
[21:55:21] Ryushin: My wife's son likes that one.
[21:55:39] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[21:55:50] sphery: guess not... it was Jesse:
[21:55:59] sphery: Elkin must have just been doing updates.
[21:57:08] Ryushin: Well, at least I have blootube now. My wife's son will have to suffer I guess.  :)
[21:57:22] johnnyj: is he also red-headed?
[21:57:27] sphery: neon-wide's author was just inh ere
[21:57:38] sphery: (that's a trick answer, btw)
[21:58:12] Ryushin: Guess I'm too tired to understand the joke then. He is not a carrot top for sure.
[21:58:14] ktosiek (ktosiek! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:58:31] johnnyj: anyone know anything on this problem?
[21:59:36] ktosiek: anyone can put on pastebin his dtv_multiplex for Hotbird (S13E0)?
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[22:00:03] Ryushin: Thanks everyone. Take care.
[22:00:04] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit (Quit: Client exiting)
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[22:01:50] johnnyj: ok i gotta run – i updated the mailing list with the pastebin in the hops someone will have time
[22:01:53] johnnyj: thanks guys
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[22:12:26] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, The guy who wants to "fix" redirects in .21 will have even more to do, since .23 already basically had redirect support, it just wasn't complete-- .21's image download wasn't even close
[22:13:29] iamlindoro: Also have relatively little sympathy when people say "I'm still using the 0.21 version because I've mofidied for my wishes."
[22:13:37] iamlindoro: certain offlimits patches last applied to .21
[22:15:08] ktosiek: are there any plans to add DB of known transponders to mythtv?
[22:15:26] ktosiek: something like dvb-apps is doing for dvbscan
[22:15:41] iamlindoro: It has been discussed, though nobody is working on it
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[23:27:07] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:34:17] sphery: ah, now I understand why some are so adamant about using 0.21-fixes
[23:34:20] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit (Quit: Slim-Kimbo)
[23:34:59] sphery: so the "and wasn't too impressed" is really, "And don't want to give up my illegal patches that allow me to steal TV"
[23:35:11] sphery: I agree--no sympathy
[23:40:39] wagnerrp: mailing list post?
[23:40:58] kormoc: you cold, heartless developers have no idea what it's like in the real world. Sitting on that soft sofa, wanting entertainment for free! It's horrible!!!!
[23:41:06] sphery: what's up with our Trac e-mail hooks? "Comment(by mythtvtrac@#):" which shows properly on the web page ( )
[23:41:21] sphery: wagnerrp: no, to iamlindoro's comments above
[23:41:39] sphery: his may have been in regards to a mailing list post...
[23:41:55] ** sphery just realizes that the world doesn't revolve around him **
[23:42:12] sphery: guess you were asking iamlindoro
[23:43:13] iamlindoro: was actually referring to mythtvtalk, but close enough
[23:44:27] sphery: iamlindoro: not posting versions 1 through 8 of editbarf ? just version 9? and why the roman numerals?
[23:45:30] iamlindoro: har har
[23:45:44] kormoc: sphery, it shows it as shortened to prevent email address harvesting
[23:45:54] sphery: oh, wait, the trac e-mail is working... I just can't read stuff that's in light gray on white
[23:47:03] sphery: yeah, just realized that it's there, too... I thought the "mythtvtrac" was some internal thing--just a confusing choice of user's e-mail address
[23:55:01] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:58:15] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:58:57] Disputin (Disputin!~disp@ has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)

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