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Thursday, July 8th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:45] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:01:49] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[00:02:06] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:59] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:09:45] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:12:37] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[00:19:02] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[00:23:42] madLyfe (madLyfe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:36:05] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:38:47] Aval0n (Aval0n!aval0n@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:41:07] Wicked (Wicked!~zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[00:42:23] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:10:41] wagnerrp: heh heh... . . .
[01:10:53] wagnerrp: nothing like exposing your mysql password to the world
[01:12:38] psm321: :-O
[01:12:59] psm321: my mythtv user's password is still mythtv, but i dont have my sql server open to the outside
[01:13:10] wagnerrp: well sure....
[01:13:22] wagnerrp: but its amusing when someone actually bothers to make some randomized password
[01:13:26] wagnerrp: and then gives it to everyone
[01:14:05] wagnerrp: its not like the myth database in any manner secure
[01:14:16] wagnerrp: even with a password on it
[01:14:32] psm321: hmm?
[01:14:48] psm321: oh because the password is in plain text on any box accessing it?
[01:15:04] wagnerrp: no, because you can work back to the password using the XML interface on port 6544
[01:15:12] psm321: oh
[01:15:19] psm321: interesting, i didnt know that
[01:15:23] wagnerrp: use the interface to grab the PIN in the database
[01:15:24] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:15:31] wagnerrp: use the PIN to grab the credentials to access the database
[01:15:43] psm321: ah
[01:15:49] wagnerrp: assuming you havent put in place IP based credentials, its insecure
[01:16:08] psm321: heh, i'm not sure i even have a pin
[01:16:28] psm321: then again, if someone's inside my network i have bigger problems
[01:17:20] wagnerrp: it was intended as some modicum of security for people on shared networks, like campus resnets
[01:23:42] psm321: good point
[01:24:14] psm321: i had a problem for a while when i had 2 independent myth installs on my network where sometimes my frontend would lose track of which backend it was supposed to talk to
[01:25:18] Beirdo: GreyFoxx: you awake? :)
[01:26:29] PennStateJoe74 (PennStateJoe74! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:39:57] Wicked (Wicked!~zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:41:51] clever: psm321: id give each frontend a different name/pw to the db and lock things down
[01:42:01] clever: so its imposible for them to update eachothers schema and bugger it up
[01:44:02] psm321: clever: luckily it was all the same version, but anyways i'm not running 2 anymore
[01:44:14] psm321: good idea though :)
[01:44:54] clever: one layout ive seen before was picking the mythtv version by altering PATH and LD_something
[01:45:03] clever: from the .bashrc in seperate HOME directorys
[01:45:12] clever: which then clearly seperates the file with the db pw
[01:45:24] clever: once you nuke upnp, its fairly simple to do
[01:45:31] clever: could probly share the mysql server
[01:46:23] Beirdo: OMG, I'm not gonna field the inevitable messups from THAT setup
[01:47:30] clever: i thought i read it originaly from
[01:47:50] wagnerrp: LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[01:48:02] wagnerrp: thats the only way to install multiple instances of mythtv on a single system
[01:48:08] wagnerrp: but it doesnt make it any less of a minefield
[01:48:10] clever: yeah thats the one i was thinking of
[01:48:30] clever: if you keep them out of the default search path, then it cant find the wrong ones by mistake
[01:48:41] clever: proper chmod/chown can also lock down so the user cant touch the wrong mythtv
[01:48:51] Beirdo: wagnerrp: there is another way at build-time, but we don't do it
[01:49:13] Beirdo: but still, not gonna be fielding support for that :)
[01:49:18] clever: ive thought of making a heap of symlinks to the build dir and adding it to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[01:49:19] wagnerrp: well sure, you can statically compile everything
[01:49:21] clever: so i could run without installing at all
[01:49:23] wagnerrp: thats tons of fun
[01:49:29] Beirdo: no, not statically
[01:49:44] Beirdo: but by telling LD where to look specifically for the .so
[01:49:46] Beirdo: it's a pain
[01:49:52] Beirdo: but it DOES work
[01:50:06] clever: normaly its done only for and nothing else
[01:50:06] Beirdo: and is not at all supported in our builds :)
[01:50:30] Beirdo: whatever
[01:50:36] clever: ive seen it in the LFS install book, when you have to trick the compiler into using /tools/etc/
[01:50:49] clever: so you can completely isolate the new root from the host
[01:51:20] clever: just no idea how i would integrate it with qmake
[01:52:12] paperclip (paperclip! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:53:17] Aval0n: does linux finally do blu-ray disc playback?
[01:53:54] Beirdo: !url lmgtfy linux bluray playback
[01:53:54] MythLogBot: lmgtfy:
[01:53:59] wagnerrp: linux doesnt do anything, its just a kernel
[01:54:21] Aval0n: ahh
[01:54:31] Aval0n: there's that elitist attitude I've missed so
[01:54:41] Aval0n: haven't been in this chan for over a year haha
[01:55:05] Beirdo: what elitist attitude?
[01:55:17] wagnerrp: just speaking the truth
[01:55:18] Beirdo: jeez, I'm not going to go search google for it for you
[01:55:20] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:55:27] wagnerrp: no... linux does not support bluray playback
[01:55:34] Aval0n: beirdo
[01:55:43] Aval0n: lol
[01:55:44] oobe: there is a project for open source blu ray decryption
[01:55:53] Aval0n: media viking
[01:55:54] Aval0n: yeah
[01:55:55] oobe: but it hasnt had any progress for a long time
[01:55:58] oobe: like any
[01:55:59] wagnerrp: now if you want to ask if a specific application supports bluray playback, then you may get an answer that youre looking for
[01:56:10] Beirdo: now if you asked "does mythtv support bluray playback yet", that would be a valid question
[01:56:17] Beirdo: hehe, beat me to it.
[01:56:26] wagnerrp: they answer to that would be 'yes*'
[01:56:30] jamesd2 (jamesd2!~jamesd@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:56:38] wagnerrp: '*for unencrypted bluray disks and directory structures'
[01:56:41] Aval0n: yeah I typed linux
[01:56:43] Aval0n: thought mythtv
[01:56:45] Aval0n: just noticed that
[01:56:57] Beirdo: ah, sorry, we ain't mind readers :)
[01:57:10] Aval0n: I was actually pleasantly suprised to see how much work mythtv has had
[01:57:23] Aval0n: I switched from mythtv to media portal a while back
[01:57:26] Aval0n: because of blu-ray
[01:57:36] Aval0n: knowing that mythtv can do it now
[01:57:39] Aval0n: makes me want to switch back
[01:57:42] Aval0n: I was .21
[01:57:51] Aval0n: although I'm probably stuck with windows
[01:58:01] Aval0n: since I doubt mythtv supports ATI DCT's
[01:58:10] Beirdo: <nelson> HA HA </nelson>
[01:58:39] Aval0n: <homer> DOH </homer>
[01:58:40] hadees (hadees! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:59:00] wagnerrp: ATI doesnt support ATI's DCTs
[01:59:04] wagnerrp: nothing mythtv can do about that
[01:59:20] Aval0n: why do you say that
[01:59:27] wagnerrp: because they dont
[01:59:32] Aval0n: they just had a recent firmware upgrade
[01:59:42] wagnerrp: ATI support for their graphics cards under linux has been abysmal
[01:59:54] wagnerrp: i dont think they ever had an xvmc implementation working under linux
[01:59:54] Aval0n: the DCT is not a graphics card
[02:00:08] wagnerrp: discrete cosign transform
[02:00:23] wagnerrp: actually what youre really concerned about is iDCT, which is used for playback
[02:00:23] Aval0n: or what they call it... Digital Cable Tuner
[02:00:28] wagnerrp: oh, that
[02:00:41] wagnerrp: yeah, thats not supported by ATI either
[02:00:45] Aval0n: ahahaha
[02:00:46] Aval0n: :P
[02:00:47] wagnerrp: windows drivers and APIs only
[02:00:57] Aval0n: yeah, that is sadly true
[02:01:00] wagnerrp: no linux and/or open source support
[02:01:06] RobertLaptop_ (RobertLaptop_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:01:06] Aval0n: typical ATI
[02:01:16] wagnerrp: actually, that one isnt ATI's fault
[02:01:16] Aval0n: I hope for more out of CETON and their quad DCT
[02:01:25] wagnerrp: blame CableLabs for that one
[02:01:25] Aval0n: who's fault AMD?
[02:01:29] Aval0n: ah
[02:01:31] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:01:48] wagnerrp: ATI's hands (and Ceton's, and SiliconDust's, and ...) are tied
[02:01:57] Aval0n: I can't complain media center 7 with my DCT and blu-ray via total media theatre is pretty solid
[02:02:06] Aval0n: I would like to run mythtv again however
[02:02:24] Aval0n: justinh still retired?
[02:02:29] clever: wagnerrp: what are the chances of an ndiswrapper type thing for video cards?
[02:02:29] Aval0n: or has he made any new themes?
[02:02:38] wagnerrp: with any luck, your DCT will be obsoleted here in the relatively near future
[02:02:39] Beirdo: I think he's workin on some
[02:03:03] Aval0n: wagnerrp, Why would that be with luck/
[02:03:05] Aval0n: ?
[02:03:05] wagnerrp: clever: however you do it, youll have to reverse engineer the DRM and key exchange
[02:03:19] wagnerrp: Aval0n: that would mean it would be replaced by something else
[02:03:25] clever: wagnerrp: ah, yeah the protected path stuff would still get in the way
[02:03:29] wagnerrp: considering cablecards are entirely unusable as they are
[02:03:34] wagnerrp: its not like the new thing could be any worse
[02:03:38] Beirdo: he's usually around having fun listening to newbies
[02:03:38] Aval0n: My cable card works great
[02:03:48] Aval0n: well
[02:03:56] Aval0n: coupled with my cisco tuning adapter
[02:03:56] clever: the binary blob will expect a safe channel to the video card, which linux cant exactly promise to it
[02:04:00] Aval0n: it does
[02:04:09] wagnerrp: cablecards are a sham
[02:04:27] Aval0n: I can record all HD content from my provider with my htpc
[02:04:27] Beirdo: they are a conspiracy by the MAN
[02:04:38] Aval0n: works great
[02:04:42] wagnerrp: using windows vista/7 and windows media center
[02:04:45] Aval0n: I'm happy with it
[02:04:58] Aval0n: yes using win7 and media center
[02:04:59] wagnerrp: and by the way, you cannot actually access that content do tinker with it
[02:05:07] Beirdo: and Redmond thanks you for your patronage. Cha Ching!
[02:05:14] Aval0n: I don't care to really
[02:05:15] wagnerrp: you cant externally transcode, or commercial clip, or do anything like that
[02:05:17] Aval0n: as long as I can play it bac
[02:05:24] Aval0n: actually
[02:05:27] Aval0n: I can commercial clip it
[02:05:38] wagnerrp: you can skip ahead, thats not the same thing
[02:05:42] Aval0n: no
[02:05:47] Aval0n: I can commeercial skip
[02:05:58] wagnerrp: thats what i just said
[02:06:15] Aval0n: what i'm talking about
[02:06:18] Aval0n: is playing back the media
[02:06:19] clever: i'm surprised doesnt have a 'cant fast forward' flag like DVD's
[02:06:22] Aval0n: with no commercials to deal with
[02:06:29] Aval0n: either automatically or button press
[02:06:52] wagnerrp: but you cannot permanently remove those commercials, and store the content externally
[02:07:08] wagnerrp: it must remain locked down within the content control system
[02:07:08] Aval0n: I can remove them.. but once I have.. I can not move the content
[02:07:20] Aval0n: it has to be done within media center
[02:07:22] Aval0n: with a plugin
[02:07:25] Aval0n: but yeah
[02:07:29] Aval0n: it's locked to the machine
[02:07:35] wagnerrp: thats garbage
[02:07:41] Aval0n: perhaps
[02:07:44] Beirdo: craptacular
[02:07:49] Aval0n: but it's no different than a set top box
[02:07:52] Aval0n: actually it is
[02:07:54] Aval0n: because it's more functional
[02:07:56] clever: almost as useless as the STB's that have the built-in recording
[02:07:57] wagnerrp: how would the plugin be able to process the content?
[02:08:13] wagnerrp: if it could do that, it would just as easily be able to dump the video to disk
[02:08:22] wagnerrp: would would violate the cablelabs licensing terms
[02:08:26] wagnerrp: and void their contract
[02:08:29] clever: wagnerrp: enless its a digitaly signed and authorized plugin
[02:08:38] Aval0n: the plugin that does it has multiple options
[02:08:54] Aval0n: one of them being to stop recording all together when a commercial comes on
[02:08:57] wagnerrp: yeah, there is that possibility
[02:09:07] Aval0n: and to start again when the commercials are done
[02:09:14] [R]: that sounds dangerous
[02:09:16] Aval0n: using the timeshift to compensate for the delay
[02:09:21] Aval0n: yeah
[02:09:23] Aval0n: it does
[02:09:33] Aval0n: even mythtv's commecial detection isn't flawless
[02:09:39] Aval0n: at least as of the version I used
[02:09:46] Aval0n: personally
[02:09:49] Aval0n: I don't use any of it
[02:09:54] Aval0n: I don't watch enough TV
[02:09:56] wagnerrp: Aval0n: thats why its only detection
[02:10:08] Aval0n: yeah but they streamline it.
[02:10:18] Aval0n: so you don't have to screw with it
[02:10:19] wagnerrp: and youre supposed to go into edit mode and manually confirm it before permanently altering the video
[02:10:22] [R]: by removing content?
[02:10:26] Aval0n: there is really no argument here
[02:10:28] wagnerrp: like [R] said, that sounds dangerous
[02:10:29] Aval0n: mythtv is superior
[02:10:35] Aval0n: I agree completely
[02:10:48] Aval0n: I just want HDTV via HDMI to my set
[02:10:55] clever: just being able to capture on one system and play on another makes mythtv better
[02:11:00] Aval0n: and to be able to record as I please on my HTPC
[02:11:10] Aval0n: with the other functions that come with an HTPC
[02:11:21] clever: there is no point in recording it on 3 computers just because you want to watch it in 3 different rooms at diff times
[02:11:23] Aval0n: the integrated netflix in media center is not bad
[02:11:33] Aval0n: clever you don't
[02:11:40] Aval0n: you would just use media extenders
[02:11:49] Aval0n: to play the recording off the main HTPC
[02:11:50] wagnerrp: again, netflix is one more thing that cannot happen on linux
[02:12:04] clever: Aval0n: yeah, id have to extend the hdmi and ir, and even then, nobody can use it in the other room if i'm using it
[02:12:06] Aval0n: linux is just a kernal :P
[02:12:11] Aval0n: kernel)
[02:12:30] wagnerrp: yes, but microsoft will never release silverlight for use with the linux kernel
[02:12:37] Aval0n: well
[02:12:40] clever: Aval0n: ive done the same thing with myth, ran a composite vid line and usb extension to another room
[02:12:43] wagnerrp: netflix uses silverlight
[02:12:44] Aval0n: how do ps3s play netflix?
[02:12:44] [R]: wagnerrp: they dont have to
[02:12:52] [R]: wagnerrp: they just need to give the drm stuff to moonlight
[02:13:03] wagnerrp: Aval0n: they made their own deal with netflix and developed their own interface
[02:13:08] [R]: which of course would never happen
[02:13:15] wagnerrp: technically, a linux program could do that on their own
[02:13:17] Aval0n: right but it doesn't have to involve ms
[02:13:26] Aval0n: that is my point
[02:13:32] Aval0n: it could happen
[02:13:37] wagnerrp: but using the existing interfaces requires silverlight (or at least the DRM components of it)
[02:13:46] wagnerrp: not in anything open source
[02:13:55] wagnerrp: open source eliminates the possibility of DRM
[02:13:56] Aval0n: silverlight sucks anyway
[02:13:58] Aval0n: hehe
[02:14:02] Aval0n: yeah F drm
[02:14:19] clever: yeah, its imposible to get a protected path in open source
[02:14:28] clever: i can just edit it at any point in the protected path to dump the data
[02:14:31] Aval0n: peace
[02:14:34] Aval0n (Aval0n!aval0n@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:15:26] clever: only real way to do it would be to have pre-compiled&signed blobs of that open-source code
[02:15:40] clever: and some way to verify the code in-ram isnt being replaced
[02:15:52] J-e-f-f-A: he's gone...
[02:15:56] clever: yeah
[02:28:50] G`Kar (G`Kar! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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[02:30:07] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:13:04] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[03:27:57] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[03:55:29] el_duerino (el_duerino!~afey@2001:4bd8:2:2:223:aeff:fe91:6669) has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:08:24] larzen1 (larzen1! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:08:44] larzen1: Folks... I am trying to set up transcoding .. but I am getting an error in the log saying something to the effect
[04:08:58] larzen1: "Please ensure that your transcoder is set in your recording profile"
[04:09:24] larzen1: im a little confused as to where this needs to happen?
[04:09:41] larzen1: so I went into the front end, settings, Recording Profiles
[04:10:00] el_duerino (el_duerino!~afey@2001:4bd8:2:2:223:aeff:fe91:6669) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[04:10:11] larzen1: and I see two items: IVTV Mpeg-2 Encoders
[04:10:15] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:10:16] larzen1: and I also see "Transcoders"
[04:10:26] larzen1: is there something I am missing here?
[04:11:01] [R]: so go in transcoders and set it up
[04:11:01] jpabq- (jpabq-! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:11:05] el_duerino (el_duerino!~afey@2001:4bd8:2:2:223:aeff:fe91:6669) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:12:16] high-rez: Its too hot. Mythtv fails to work once the inside temperature is > 30C. Is it ok to put ice cubes on the myth machine
[04:13:32] larzen1: [R]: ok.. I created a new Transcoder Profile
[04:13:40] larzen1: now how do I apply this profile to new recordings?
[04:13:45] larzen1: or even existing recordings ?
[04:21:37] loganhatesmath (loganhatesmath!needhelp@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:21:58] loganhatesmath: anyone interested in doing/hacking a algebra one course for 50 USD
[04:23:20] Beirdo: huh?
[04:23:32] Beirdo: what the heck does that have to do with mythtv?
[04:23:45] Beirdo: !trout loganhatesmath do yer own dang homework
[04:23:45] ** MythLogBot slaps loganhatesmath with a do yer own dang homework trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[04:24:47] mnjay (mnjay! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:24:51] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[04:26:29] mnjay: I'm having problems with mythnetvision crashing when playing a video. Any ideas?
[04:34:24] ver (ver!~ver@2001:470:b:126:1::200) has quit (Quit: Because NVidia is forcing me to close X to reinstall already existing files of the same version.)
[04:38:26] oobe: you might need to downgrade the adobe flash plugin
[04:38:43] oobe: yep thats it
[04:38:56] oobe: i had to search for an older version of flash
[04:39:27] mnjay: How do I downgrade? Are there instructions somewhere?
[04:39:35] mnjay: I'm running Mythbuntu
[04:39:40] oobe: yea i assumed
[04:40:04] oobe: you will need to mark the existing package flash-nonfree not to upgrade
[04:40:04] clever: mnjay: for firefox, its just a file at .mozilla/plugins/
[04:40:23] clever: mnjay: there is also a global directory with the same file, you can probly just replace it with any version you want
[04:41:35] oobe: clever no i had to dig around a bit before it would work
[04:41:50] oobe: adobe broke it recently and the last few versions dont work
[04:42:02] clever: oobe: one major flaw i found is that it must have CURL installed
[04:42:04] oobe: plus they dont have mirrors of the older versions
[04:42:09] clever: if you dont, it blindly segfaults
[04:42:18] oobe: oh maybe that is it
[04:42:24] oobe: wait i have curl installed
[04:43:08] el_duerino (el_duerino!~afey@2001:4bd8:2:2:223:aeff:fe91:6669) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[04:44:17] oobe: anyway this is the version im using Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
[04:44:22] Shadow__X: anyone else experience that after an update using vinagre doesnt setup dkms to turn the screen back on?
[04:44:26] oobe: that solved my problems
[04:45:39] oobe: so mnjay look for an rpm or deb of Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45 and unpack it if its rpm
[04:45:41] oobe: thats what i did
[04:45:48] simcop2387-lap: ok after upgrading to mythtv 0.23 i've been noticing the autoexpire system not behaving the way i'm expecting it to (or i just wasn't paying attention before) lots of newer recordings are being deleted to preserve older lower priority recordings and there's a lot of things being put into the deleted group before they're actually deleted so that they aren't visible anymore when they shouldn't be as far as i can tell
[04:46:00] oobe: since i couldnt find an official adobe mirror
[04:46:07] clever: oobe: i just got the .tar from the abobe site and copied out the .so i needed
[04:46:15] oobe: awesome
[04:46:22] clever: ive got a couple versions still laying around, i backup them as i upgrade
[04:46:32] oobe: i couldnt find tar balls that wernt just the latest version
[04:47:30] oobe: anyway thats my 2 cents as i had the exact same problem and fixed it by downgrading mnjay
[04:47:44] simcop2387-lap: i mean stuff recorded TODAY is being marked for deletion rather than stuff from november going away
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[05:00:09] EliTe is now known as LyRiczZ
[05:02:39] simcop2387-lap: hrm i seem to have found a ticket possibly related
[05:03:14] mnjay: I found 10.0.45 here: . . . rchive-extra
[05:03:22] mnjay: Thanks for your help. I'll give it a try.
[05:03:27] mnjay (mnjay! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[05:09:24] Beirdo: Flash must die a horrible and mutilating death
[05:09:55] Beirdo: can someone please drag it down the highway behind their car for a few hundred miles.... PLEASE?
[05:09:57] oobe: it's on its way
[05:10:11] oobe: youtube has html5 testing
[05:10:39] oobe:
[05:10:44] el_duerino (el_duerino!~afey@2001:4bd8:2:2:223:aeff:fe91:6669) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:11:20] Beirdo: youtube may also expire
[05:11:21] Beirdo: hehe
[05:12:04] Beirdo: Wolfgang Puck Coffee???
[05:12:08] Beirdo: puleeeze
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[05:19:13] simcop2387-lap: oobe: i'm waiting for ffmpeg/gstreamer/whatever versions of firefox :)
[05:20:05] oobe: ok i dont know about that
[05:20:09] oobe: what is it
[05:20:24] oobe: or is it just somthing on your wishlist
[05:20:40] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:20:46] simcop2387-lap: wishlist so firefox will support more videos in html5
[05:22:03] oobe: it will take a bit of time but it is inevitable that embedded video will mostly use html5
[05:22:27] clever: simcop2387-lap: they probly wont cover gstreamer for the same reasons they wont cover dshow (windows), they dont want to deal with all the bugs those libs have getting filled under firefox and stuff
[05:22:31] oobe: except the sites that say to themselves but we only just paid a developer 5 years ago to make our flash player
[05:26:05] simcop2387-lap: clever: yea but there are people making patches to do them all still :)
[05:26:42] clever: those patched verions would then be un-supported so you cant file bugs to mozilla and expect it to get fixed
[05:26:57] simcop2387-lap: i'd still use it if it was needed
[05:28:16] clever: simcop2387-lap: sounds like it will lead to site devs using codecs that are half supported, so others wont have it working right, and people wont like it in general
[05:29:09] wagnerrp: ... there i go again, trying to argue with people on gizmodo
[05:29:12] wagnerrp: ill never learn
[05:29:39] simcop2387-lap: clever: thats the big argument about html5 video as it is :)
[05:30:39] wagnerrp: bugs in ffmpeg/gstreamer/whatever have nothing to do with why they will not be used by mozilla
[05:31:03] wagnerrp: it has everything to do with them being unable to rely on such decoders existing on the system
[05:31:29] wagnerrp: in order to provide a cohesive user experience, they must ship with their own decoders
[05:32:20] simcop2387-lap: that and they can't/won't ship ffmpeg themselves because of potential patent issues
[05:32:44] wagnerrp: eh? theres just as much patent issues with them shipping their own decoders as them shipping ffmpegs
[05:33:03] wagnerrp: no, they probably cant do it due to discrepancies between the GPL and MPL
[05:33:21] simcop2387-lap: they're picking only one decoder that they feel offers them safety from the patents, theora/vorbis
[05:33:38] simcop2387-lap: maybe vp8 in the future but i haven't looked into what they're doing anymore
[05:33:47] wagnerrp: they could just as well only ship ffmpeg's vp8 implementation
[05:33:53] simcop2387-lap: yes
[05:33:54] wagnerrp: no need to ship the entire libav package
[05:34:11] simcop2387-lap: software patents make a mess
[05:35:00] wagnerrp: however they simply cant rely on the system to have such decoders available for use, they must provide their own
[05:35:25] wagnerrp: which is why you will never see any (official) firefox using such
[05:36:06] simcop2387-lap: definitely that's where so much politics and other annoying issues come from, the patches i'm most interested in are the ones that allow more than one backend to be usable since its got the greatest possiblity of being put into mainline firefox since they can still ship their own but you could swap them out with a browser plugin basically
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[05:37:01] wagnerrp: wasnt there some fork released a couple months ago that could use directshow codecs?
[05:37:17] wagnerrp: yeah, wildfox
[05:38:11] simcop2387-lap: i've got a feeling it'll all end up amalgamating into the patches that let multiple backends exist for decoding
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[05:57:53] Beirdo: how odd
[05:58:12] Beirdo: seems that the composite in on the back of my PVR-250... Composite 3
[05:58:14] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:58:14] Beirdo: heh
[05:58:27] Beirdo: v4l2-ctl and mplayer FTW
[05:58:44] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:58:57] Beirdo: and in the process, totally borked that recording of Castle.
[05:58:58] Beirdo: heh
[05:59:00] Beirdo: Oh well
[06:00:06] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[06:04:08] Beirdo: Niiice
[06:04:32] Beirdo: next Tuesday... all three receivers should be going ... 7pm-8pm
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[06:08:26] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:09:30] Beirdo: hahaha
[06:09:37] Beirdo: just as I expected...
[06:10:03] Beirdo: the 7-port USB hub... internally a 4-port hub chained off a 4-port hub
[06:10:58] KraMer (KraMer! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[06:11:18] Beirdo: and it is totally blinged out
[06:11:32] Beirdo: multi colored LEDs... jeez
[06:11:58] Beirdo: oh well, as long as it works. It will be inside an opaque cabinet anyways
[06:14:59] natanojl (natanojl! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:15:10] Shadow__X: Beirdo: thats what happens when you order stuff from newegg
[06:15:15] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:15:18] Beirdo: hehe
[06:15:20] Shadow__X: and get the ones with the high ratings
[06:15:23] Beirdo: Amazon actually
[06:15:30] Beirdo: and I new it would be like this
[06:15:41] Shadow__X: it seems as if you like projecting your internal monologue on the -users channel when its quiet
[06:15:48] Beirdo: but I didn't realize the ... extent... of the "rice-boy-ness"
[06:15:58] Beirdo: heh
[06:16:08] Beirdo: the joys of being on the west coast
[06:16:17] Beirdo: all those lame east coasters went to bed
[06:16:32] Shadow__X: whoa there i like my east coast
[06:16:37] Beirdo: hehe
[06:16:44] Beirdo: I grew up in Eastern Time
[06:16:52] Beirdo: I can diss you guys a bit
[06:16:53] Beirdo: hehe
[06:17:06] Beirdo: but it IS past 2am
[06:17:11] Shadow__X: i am interested in seeing how the west coast atmosphere is
[06:17:15] Shadow__X: that it is
[06:17:29] Beirdo: so not too surprising that most are sleeping
[06:17:35] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:17:35] Shadow__X: yes
[06:18:43] Beirdo: well, right now, Seattle ain't too chilly
[06:18:44] Beirdo: hehe
[06:19:19] Beirdo: but whatever. I'll be on the east coast again... in a couple days
[06:19:33] Beirdo: and sweating half to death, I'm sure
[06:19:49] Shadow__X: around my parts its been over 95 consistently
[06:19:52] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[06:20:00] Shadow__X: but luckily it honestly doesnt feel at that bad
[06:20:21] Beirdo: high of 92F here tomorrow...
[06:20:23] Beirdo: oy
[06:20:28] Beirdo: hehe.
[06:20:50] [R]: 95... 92... thats like freezing
[06:20:59] Shadow__X: [R]: where are you
[06:21:03] [R]: hell, its 95 right now and its 11:30 at night
[06:21:13] Beirdo: hehe
[06:21:14] Shadow__X: is it humid though
[06:21:15] [R]: aka phoenix
[06:21:18] [R]: not really
[06:21:38] Beirdo: well, Phoenix gets hot and dry though, primarily, no?
[06:21:50] [R]: very hot and very dry
[06:21:54] [R]: although its monsoon season
[06:22:04] Beirdo: 92F in Seattle's pretty toasty
[06:22:06] [R]: so one of these days its gonna start "raining"
[06:22:56] Beirdo: hehe
[06:23:08] Beirdo: well, today there wasn't a cloud in the sky ;)
[06:23:18] Beirdo: so people here were enjoying the sunshine
[06:23:27] [R]: one of 5 days of sunshine?
[06:23:37] Beirdo: I expect to see a lot of lobster-like people tomorrow
[06:23:44] Beirdo: heh, we get more than 5
[06:24:11] Beirdo: there's been more than 5 since I moved here in April
[06:24:46] Beirdo: but it isn't the norm for sure
[06:27:16] [R]: @#$@#$#@
[06:27:20] [R]: stupid state taxes
[06:27:33] Beirdo: oh quit whining :)
[06:27:49] Beirdo: move to Europe... you'll see what taxes are REALLY about :)
[06:27:51] high-rez: So, I'm confused. In what scenario does the vdpauivtc flag benefit?
[06:27:54] [R]: my paycheck is $4 less
[06:27:58] [R]: because of stupid taxes
[06:28:11] Beirdo: you are whining over $4? :)
[06:28:20] [R]: $4 per check
[06:28:25] [R]: times 2 is 8, times 12 is alot
[06:28:36] Beirdo: not really
[06:28:40] [R]: high-rez: from the wiki
[06:28:41] [R]: high-rez: # Why/when it should be used: When playing telecined content.
[06:29:04] Beirdo: $96/year is hardly "a lot"
[06:29:05] high-rez: Shouldn't NVP detect with I'm playing telecined content and enable it on demand ? :)
[06:29:43] [R]: thats a trip to the casino
[06:29:55] Beirdo: meh
[06:29:56] [R]: high-rez: if you want to write a patch for that, then sure, it would
[06:31:08] high-rez: Yeah, I uhm yeah
[06:31:10] high-rez: More beer
[06:32:07] [R]: lol
[06:32:23] high-rez: Well it doesn't appear to be having a negative effect on my programming
[06:32:30] LyRiczZ (LyRiczZ!needhelp@ has quit (Quit: Living your life is a task so difficult, it has never been attempted before.)
[06:32:31] Beirdo: oh wow
[06:32:46] Beirdo: predicts sun for Seattle for the next 10 days
[06:32:55] high-rez: Thats just wrong
[06:33:03] high-rez: I already miss the rain
[06:33:07] Beirdo: with one day of "partly cloudy" next Monday
[06:33:44] Beirdo: although back down to the mid/high 70s after Sunday
[06:33:47] high-rez: The last 4 weeks of overcast left my wife damned near suicidal
[06:33:54] Beirdo: so enjoy the sweet weekend
[06:33:56] high-rez: So I guess its good we get a little sun
[06:34:07] Beirdo: OMG, she's not cut out for the PNW then
[06:34:16] high-rez: Heh
[06:34:17] high-rez: Yeah
[06:34:31] high-rez: Well we'll see how you handle it a couple of years down the road
[06:34:36] Beirdo: move to Phoenix :)
[06:34:41] high-rez: Fall can be quite depressing for non natives :)
[06:34:50] Beirdo: heh
[06:35:04] Beirdo: well, Puerto Rico falls are pretty similar.. just warmer
[06:35:25] Beirdo: rains pretty much every day from September through to April
[06:35:35] Beirdo: not the whole day, but a portion of it at least
[06:36:06] Beirdo: mind you, there was sun almost every day for a portion too
[06:36:11] Beirdo: I'll adjust fine
[06:36:40] Beirdo: and there's always medication :)
[06:36:42] Beirdo: heh
[06:37:02] Beirdo: I should go self-medicate with another beer
[06:37:09] Beirdo: but I can't be bothered to get up
[06:37:34] [R]: lol
[06:37:39] high-rez: Thats what a good relationship is for
[06:37:53] Beirdo: hehe
[06:37:53] high-rez: Those moments you need a beer but cant be bothered to move
[06:38:07] Beirdo: I was thinking a minifridge by the couch
[06:38:10] Beirdo: hehe
[06:38:38] Beirdo: actually, a kegerator by the couch would be just awesome
[06:39:20] grumpydevil (grumpydevil! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[06:40:41] high-rez: Did you go to the beer fest ?
[06:40:53] Beirdo: unfortunately not
[06:41:00] Beirdo: didn't feel too well
[06:41:20] high-rez: so many microbrews
[06:41:22] high-rez: Also?
[06:41:25] high-rez: Malt and Vine
[06:41:29] Beirdo: did go to the Sour Beer Fest earlier though
[06:41:31] Beirdo: :)
[06:42:18] Beirdo: at Brouwer's during beer week
[06:42:25] Beirdo: yummy lambics
[06:42:39] high-rez: If you get a chance, and they're not in stock right now, but if you get a chance
[06:42:54] high-rez: Sometimes Malt and Vine has the "120 minute IPA"
[06:43:05] high-rez: I had a 2005, and it beat me down.
[06:43:09] Beirdo: 120 minute?
[06:43:26] high-rez: has something to do with the process
[06:43:36] Beirdo: I like 60 minute. 90 minute's OK too, but not a "daily" beer
[06:44:05] high-rez: But imagine a REALLY good tasting beer. Very aromatic and flavorful
[06:44:09] high-rez: Thats 80 proof.
[06:44:42] Beirdo: heh
[06:44:57] Beirdo: I'll take my 80 proof as single malt scotch
[06:45:32] high-rez: Maybe i had that wrong, it could have been 40 proof. I'll ask the guys at work.
[06:45:36] high-rez: It kicked my behind.
[06:45:44] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[06:45:46] Beirdo: 40 is more likely
[06:45:47] high-rez: And it tasted like a /great/ beer.
[06:45:53] high-rez: Probably right.
[06:46:01] Beirdo: 20% alcohol is still a bit high for a beer, even IPA
[06:46:13] Beirdo: oh, and I do like my IPA :)
[06:46:17] Beirdo: hops FTW
[06:46:24] high-rez: Yeah, hops are great.
[06:46:27] high-rez: Pike makes a good IPA.
[06:46:29] Beirdo: I fit right in to the beer style here
[06:47:02] high-rez: But with so many great local microbrews, the thing to do is sample at a place like M&V. They constantly switch out whats on tap.
[06:47:23] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:47:32] Beirdo: yah
[06:49:31] map7 (map7! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:49:37] Beirdo: well, I should start heading for bed.
[06:49:55] Beirdo: at least it's cooled down to a reasonable sleeping temperature
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[07:53:56] simcop2387-lap: ok that bug is really starting to make me mad, i just WATCHED that episode and it deleted it almost immediately
[07:54:09] simcop2387-lap: i don't have watched before unwatched on, or even marking things as watched
[07:55:10] justinh: mythtv can delete stuff? somebody tell my wife!
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[07:57:01] hot_wheelz: I am running mythtv 0.23 what is the plugin required for podcasts?>
[07:57:39] simcop2387-lap: justinh: well the problem is that its deleting stuff that it shouldn't be, its keeping around 3–4 month old recordings while deleting stuff recorded TODAY even when its on "delete oldest first" mode
[07:58:09] justinh: hot_wheelz: video podcasts? that would be mythnetvision
[07:58:52] justinh: simcop2387-lap: ouch. I've never played with any of that stuff. some things DO actually get autoexpired but I've only ever disabled things expiring
[07:59:17] dibbz (dibbz! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:00:26] simcop2387-lap: this all started because i caught it trying to delete the new futurama episodes before i ever had a chance to watch them, and now i'm watching it like a hawk and i've even told it to delete/autoexpire some extremely old episodes of things and its deleting new stuff anyway, its starting to make me want to go rip out the entire autoexpire system and rewrite it from scratch for you guys
[08:01:56] simcop2387-lap: what's really odd is i've found it marking things as deleted and putting them at the top of the autoexpire list when no one has even touched the system
[08:04:16] justinh: so how's all that supposed to work anyway?
[08:06:29] justinh: nothing in the wiki really :-(
[08:06:32] simcop2387-lap: well there's three modes, "oldest first" pretty simple, delete the oldest recording to free up space as needed. "lowest priority" deletes the lowest priority shows first to keep the highest priority ones around. and then there's "weighted combined lowest/oldest" which will delete them based on; age + (priority * -weight); where weight is some user configured number to make higher priority recordings stick around more
[08:06:37] simcop2387-lap: at least that's my understanding of it
[08:07:26] justinh: should myth even be expiring anything? I mean do you have much free space?
[08:07:44] simcop2387-lap: we've got 1.3TB of space but its all filled :)
[08:08:01] simcop2387-lap: there's some other stuff about deleting liveTV recordings first before anything else (since they aren't expected to be saved anyway), and you can tell it to use autoexpire instead of actually deleting a recording when you directly delete things (so you can undo it if you want)
[08:08:45] simcop2387-lap: but for some reason its not doing it in the sane way that it presents it in the "System Status" screen (go far to the right and it'll show you the order it claims its going to delete them in)
[08:08:45] justinh: so what's spat out in the log when something gets expired?
[08:08:58] justinh: heh
[08:09:12] simcop2387-lap: justinh: Expiring 1802 MBytes for 1307 @ Thu Jul 8 01:00:00 2010 => Star Trek: The Next Generation "Where Silence Has Lease";
[08:09:41] simcop2387-lap: whoops wrong log
[08:09:50] simcop2387-lap: that's one that i told it to delete (guide data was wrong)
[08:10:02] simcop2387-lap: or something ran late on wgn dunno
[08:10:13] justinh: there's a ticket open for this:
[08:10:19] simcop2387-lap: yea i pasted that link earlier
[08:10:37] simcop2387-lap: i'm just scratching my head over this while trying to figure it out
[08:11:09] simcop2387-lap: guess its time to switch to All messages now in the logs just because i can't find anything in this level of logging
[08:11:45] justinh: maybe all -database
[08:11:52] justinh: otherwise that's a crapton of log
[08:12:24] simcop2387-lap: yea
[08:12:39] justinh: and I doubt adding database logging will be of any value here
[08:13:12] justinh: The program 'grap' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install grap
[08:13:15] justinh: lol
[08:14:20] justinh: actually I *do* use autoexpiry quite a lot. keep a max # of episodes for a lot of shows
[08:14:29] justinh: 2010-07–07 21:05:09.450 autoexpire: Expired program: Expiring 588 MBytes for 1014 @ Wed Jun 30 20:30:00 2010 => The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Too many episodes, we only want to keep 4
[08:16:08] justinh: I might pare that down to only 2 shows. I hardly ever watch it. I find the audience really annoying
[08:17:10] justinh: if only the audio mixer guy would crank the crowd down a couple of dB
[08:18:37] simcop2387-lap: yea there's a number of those for me too, but we've also got a lot of syndicated shows we record just to have something to watch when bored
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[08:50:25] justinh: wheee. highlight all the nicely formatted text in an OO doc, select a new font and er... oh dear
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[09:27:15] yunosh: crap, i accidentally ran when i wanted to run --link. now the recordings are not found anymore, and running myhtrename again, with the format specifiers of the original filenames doesn't do anything either.
[09:27:19] yunosh: halp?
[09:30:37] yunosh: ah, double crap, this only happens with titles that contain non-ascii characters :(
[09:39:21] yunosh: geez, and it has been replaced by a better script because of its desctructive nature. silly me
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[09:58:10] cch: Hiya, I have a question regarding hardware compatibility. My home htpc is a mini itx case with a pci-e expansion slot, but no additional space at the back for the card's ports. So i'm looking for a hd external tv tuner that is compatible with mythtv, does anyone have any suggestions? I've been looking about but maybe i'm a bit early for the HD stuff. I'm in the UK.
[10:04:51] justinh: cch: the only 'hd' tuner you can have right now in the UK is for satellite
[10:08:07] flabberkenny (flabberkenny! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:08:47] cch: okay, thanks justinh, I wanted to prepare for the hd switch on, so i don't have to upgrade later. :)
[10:09:06] justinh: no, Freeview HD is DVB-T2 & there are NO tuners for it yet
[10:09:18] justinh: and nobody has even announced they're going to make any
[10:09:21] cch: fair enough
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[10:09:47] cch: i'll get a normal dvb-t external usb
[10:09:47] justinh: there was a rumour Hauppauge were going to do a USB2 DVB-T2 tuner, but that thread was removed from their forums
[10:10:22] cch: i guess we'll just have to wait and see. i might try and grab a slim pci-e card and drill a hole in my case so the cable fits.
[10:10:26] justinh: and besides, with no physical dvb-t2 tuners, there can be no dvb-t2 drivers for linux... and without drivers, no code in mythtv
[10:10:36] cch: thanks for answering my question, means I can stop looking now
[10:10:49] justinh: drill a hole in the case? why?
[10:11:00] justinh: these cards have an aerial connector on the back plate
[10:11:21] cch: i have a pci-e slot on the board (requires a riser to use it), but no back panel for the cards ports
[10:11:30] justinh: eew
[10:11:33] cch: so it'll take some hacking about to make it fit. ;)
[10:11:37] justinh: that's one retarded case :)
[10:11:58] cch: i think it's meant so you can install additional sata ports
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[10:12:27] cch: it's a htpc / file server / newsleecher in one, so i'm kind of cramming together multiple systems
[10:12:35] cch: aside from that, it's a lovely case ;)
[10:13:00] justinh: lol
[10:13:51] justinh: FFS, anybody seen the front page of The Express today?
[10:16:22] cch: the case btw: . . . stemopen.jpg
[10:16:39] cch: it's pretty tiny, but yes, retarded ;/
[11:04:37] k-man: i've been trying out the psychosis builds of mythtv frontend of OS X, but they are just not working for me. the current build renders the menus strangely and fails to find the backend using either upnp or manual entry
[11:05:06] k-man: hmm... just had a thought, maybe i haven't enbabled mysql/myth on the network
[11:05:58] k-man: crap, that's it.. mysql is bound to
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[11:38:14] wagnerrp: newsleecher?
[11:46:14] justinh: some people just can't get enough alt.buffy.fanfiction !
[11:46:58] cch: <3
[11:56:52] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!~gandalfco@dhcp-11.MPA-Garching.MPG.DE) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:57:00] justinh: I gave up on the idea of having everything in one box. it's just not cheap to build a good looking, small, quiet box with enough storage & CPU power
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[12:42:54] cch: aye, fair – struggled to justify building separate machines, a htpc and a util / file storage device, which is why I went the whole hog in one.
[12:43:32] cch: I originally was using a reasonably high powered gaming machine as the file server which was just a waste of power and it was massively noisy too!
[12:44:15] cch: obviously I'm now paying the price by struggling to wedge a tv card into it :)
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[12:45:15] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v gbee
[12:49:26] gbee: one of those new Best Buy stores in the UK is opening up a couple of miles from here, in the building formally belonging to a B&Q warehouse
[12:49:52] gbee: not sure whether to be excited or not
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[13:02:23] justinh: <3 my backend machine which lives under the stairs
[13:02:40] justinh: 4TB, 2GB RAM, 3x DVB-T tuners
[13:03:02] cch: hawt
[13:04:27] justinh: nope. runs cool thanks to every fan receptacle being populated :D
[13:05:08] justinh: and FWIW, the power it consumes doesn't concern me. it's still cheaper than Sky+ & a better deal than the totally crummy Freeview PVRs out there
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[13:05:23] justinh: you want convenience, it comes at a price
[13:07:11] cch: yeah, fair enough.
[13:08:27] cch: I reckon I can shoehorn this card into my case though – it's pretty silent, fits under the tv, 2.5TB (with 2 more drive bays), ssd runs the system os, fanless mini-itx mobo.
[13:08:52] justinh: great til you get HDTV then
[13:09:17] cch: yeah, late 2011 where I live
[13:10:20] justinh: can it even play h.264 1080i?
[13:10:35] justinh: UK HD is a cow to decode with a CPU
[13:10:41] cch: yeah, the mobo is an atom board, but with the nvidia ION chipset
[13:11:12] cch: works fine for downloaded 720p / 1080p
[13:11:32] cch: That said, i know very little about on board tv tuners, hence being here. ;)
[13:11:48] wagnerrp: discussion of such 'downloaded video' is banned in this channel
[13:12:07] justinh: and fwiw, that's no indication it'll be ok with broadcast HD
[13:12:37] anykey_: nvidia IONs can decode BBC HD with no problems at all
[13:13:12] justinh: well, so long as the signal quality is OK :)
[13:14:46] justinh: viddypow really doesn't like anything but a zero BER from the tests I've done
[13:15:24] anykey_: yeah, noticed that too
[13:17:55] cch: harsh ;)
[13:18:11] cch: might have to be new hardware for me next year, then!
[13:19:27] cch: certainly no reason why I can't go forward with something for the next year though, seems reasonably cheap to implement.
[13:21:21] bbee (bbee!~bbee@unaffiliated/bbee) has quit (Quit: "It is easiest confidently to seduce those we are least attracted to." -- Alain de Botton)
[13:28:10] gbee: no-one has actually tried decoding BBC HD from freeview, since there are no DVB-T2 tuners
[13:28:40] gbee: hopefully it will use the same encoding as freesat, but that's not guaranteed
[13:31:44] justinh: many suspect the reason BBCHD's bitrate has dropped is to make sure it fits on freeviewHD
[13:33:36] justinh: I still don't really care either way about HDTV
[13:34:18] justinh: <<< luddite :-)
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[13:35:11] ** gbee has swallowed the pill **
[13:35:25] Jay2k1: red or blue?
[13:35:26] gbee: bought a bluray drive the other night
[13:35:33] gbee: so, I guess blue ;)#
[13:35:36] Jay2k1: heh
[13:35:43] wagnerrp: oh? i bought one like 3.5 yrs ago
[13:35:43] justinh: it's just not worth me climbing a big ladder with a hammer drill just yet
[13:36:14] wagnerrp: ive still got that single bluray movie to go along with it... :)
[13:36:22] justinh: heh
[13:36:42] justinh: I now can't remember the last film I bought on DVD, so I think it unlikely I'll be buying many bluray discs
[13:36:52] gbee: wagnerrp: heh, I wanted to wait the HDDVD/Bluray thing to sort itself out and some sort of usable support under linux
[13:37:21] ** wagnerrp was referring to his playstation **
[13:38:16] gbee: bought Band of Brothers boxset to go with it, unable to watch my VHS boxset anymore (don't ask why it wasn't DVD, lets just say that it was a present)
[13:38:43] wagnerrp: eew... VHS...
[13:38:59] wagnerrp: if i wanted that quality, i would just record it off History or Spike for free
[13:39:04] gbee: wagnerrp: my last console was an xbox, the original one
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[13:39:15] gbee: wagnerrp: indeed
[13:40:03] anykey_: so are blurays now playable under linux if you speak of usable support?
[13:40:36] wagnerrp: please replace 'linux' with some specific media player
[13:41:09] anykey_: is it playable directly off disc with any open source player?
[13:41:30] wagnerrp: was arguing this with someone last night, linux is just a kernel, and doesnt support much
[13:41:43] cch: yeah, but surely you know what he means, right? ;)
[13:41:44] wagnerrp: directly off the disk is not yet possible
[13:41:58] wagnerrp: the open source decryption libraries are not yet mature enough
[13:42:11] cch: shame.
[13:42:18] gbee: anykey_: not just yet, but it seems like we'll get there in the near future
[13:42:20] wagnerrp: but you can rip the ISO, decrypt it with some proprietary tool, and play that in mythtv
[13:42:23] anykey_: so there is actually something like libdecss for blurays?
[13:42:41] gbee: libaacs
[13:42:47] wagnerrp: and libbdplus
[13:43:06] justinh: time to test the DMCA to its very limit
[13:43:06] gbee: both supported (in theory) in MythTV trunk
[13:43:11] wagnerrp: is that what its named?
[13:43:17] wagnerrp: no, libbluray
[13:43:51] anykey_: what about the menus?
[13:44:10] justinh: meh. ondisc menus are nowt but a nuisance
[13:44:33] gbee: anykey_: supported from what I understand
[13:44:46] wagnerrp: using the on-disk menus would required bringing in a JRE dependency
[13:44:52] wagnerrp: which has not been done yet
[13:45:05] gbee: ah, yeah, misread the commit
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[13:45:17] gbee: eww Java ... maybe I can live without menus
[13:45:31] anykey_: maybe I'll just stick with that bluray player I got
[13:45:51] ** wagnerrp would just rip the m2ts and play that directly **
[13:48:18] gbee: wagnerrp: need menus, well possible need them, for accessing certain titles (episodes on a boxset) when playing off the disk – we still need the play from disk capability because not everyone will want to spend 20 minutes ripping a rental just to watch it
[13:48:28] gbee: possibly
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[13:54:57] AndyCap: unless you can rip and play simultaneously?
[13:55:38] AndyCap: of course, ripping a rental is a little dodgy. :P
[13:57:32] justinh: ROFLMAO. To uninstall MS Office I need the CD
[14:01:45] Jay2k1: i assume you did the hard disk clean up thingy and checked "microsoft office setup files"
[14:01:49] mrand (mrand!~mrand@ubuntu/member/mrand) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[14:02:10] justinh: nope.
[14:02:14] justinh: I just think it's funny
[14:03:05] Jay2k1: uninstalling the kaspersky trial that ships preinstalled on hp computers is funnier
[14:03:18] Jay2k1: you click uninstall, the uninstaller runs through and then you reboot
[14:03:24] Jay2k1: wait, mcaffee, not kaspersky
[14:03:47] Jay2k1: anyway, when you try installing kaspersky afterwards, it tells you that you have another av product installed and kaspersky can't install
[14:04:15] Jay2k1: google then tells you that although you deinstall mcaffee, there's still some resident file system driver you have to get rid of
[14:04:28] Jay2k1: which can be downloaded at the mcaffee homepage
[14:04:45] Jay2k1: they clearly didn't understand the concept of uninstalling
[14:08:42] justinh: well that's them & probably the majority of windows developers
[14:09:33] justinh: OH! You mean uninstall & remove all the files which were put in place during the install uninstall, not just delete the program folder entries
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[14:14:17] justinh: when I got my laptop I got sick of vista & just plonked a licenced copy of XP home on there. suits me better
[14:15:03] Jay2k1: yeah, xp > vista
[14:15:17] justinh: I had 2GB RAM & it wouldn'
[14:15:26] justinh: wouldn't play an mp3 without stuttering
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[15:55:43] ** J-e-f-f-A H8s mcaffee... **
[15:56:35] ttist25 (ttist25! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:57:34] ** wagnerrp can spell out full words like 'hates' **
[15:58:08] J-e-f-f-A: ;-) Y'er smart! ;-)
[15:59:03] ttist25: Hello, I've just done a fresh install of MythDora 12.23 and I'm having some difficulty with FireWire output not displaying color during Live TV
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[15:59:28] wagnerrp: mythtv does not output over firewire
[15:59:55] ttist25: sorry – I'm using a Motorola DCX-3200 FireWire out port as a capture card
[16:00:14] ttist25: and the captured video is black and white
[16:00:24] wagnerrp: captures off that are digital captures, they cannot lose color in the transfer
[16:00:27] ttist25: I had it working well with MythDora 10.21
[16:00:40] wagnerrp: if you are getting black and white, and you can confirm on another functional computer that the video is black and white
[16:00:50] wagnerrp: then the video your cable box is sending you is black and white
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[16:01:15] wagnerrp: and by that, the video your cable company is sending you is black and white as well
[16:01:26] J-e-f-f-A: ttist25: What's your display device? Is it a TV with S-Video?
[16:01:59] wagnerrp: if you have a chromance pin on an svideo cable, you will not get color
[16:02:12] ttist25: it has s-video but I'm using the VGA port from my mythbox directly to the monitor for outbpu
[16:02:25] wagnerrp: if you have a bad connection with composite video, color will go before the full signal
[16:02:34] J-e-f-f-A: ttist25: Then it sounds like your cable box is sending b&w as wagnerrp said.
[16:02:40] ttist25: and again – the strange thing is that it worked in 10.21 which I think had mythtv .21
[16:02:49] wagnerrp: if you are using VGA, then either the video itself from the cableco is bad, or you are having video card driver issues
[16:03:13] wagnerrp: VGA is an RGB signal, it does not support black and white signals
[16:03:53] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!~gandalfco@dhcp-11.MPA-Garching.MPG.DE) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[16:04:15] ttist25: My next step is going to be to reinstall 10.21 and see if I still have the issue – just wanted to check here to see if there was a known driver issue with .24
[16:04:24] ttist25: Google is not being much help
[16:04:52] ttist25: also – I have a hauppauge PVR-250 that IS sending color to the display
[16:04:59] ttist25: not sure if that helps you
[16:05:26] wagnerrp: do you have another machine you could test the recording on?
[16:06:19] ttist25: I have a Mac mini sitting there but i'm really not well versed there
[16:06:36] ttist25: is there something native to the mac that I might be able to use to test?
[16:07:13] wagnerrp: quicktime
[16:07:15] J-e-f-f-A: ttist25: by "PVR-250 ... sending color" – you mean that the recordings from it do playback in color, right?
[16:07:34] ttist25: correct – I can watch live tv in color from the PR-250
[16:07:43] hashbang (hashbang! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:07:52] iamlindoro: Sounds like a playback profile issue, having nothing to do with capture
[16:08:21] wagnerrp: can XvMC cause things to play in B&W?
[16:08:41] ** J-e-f-f-A handn't thought about that, , not realizing a playback profile could effect color... **
[16:09:07] iamlindoro: XvMC can make the OSD black and white, but not the video-- but if he were using a different renderer for that stuff, and the picture controls were set to hue = 0, or he has the older, broken nvidia drivers installed...
[16:09:43] iamlindoro: on some of the older nV drivers, it was necessary to set hue = 100% to get any color at all
[16:09:49] J-e-f-f-A: ... if it is a playback profile issue, playing it in mplayer or xine or vlc (or some other player) would show color, right?
[16:09:54] iamlindoro: with viddypoo, anyway
[16:10:00] iamlindoro: theoretically, yeah
[16:10:32] iamlindoro: anyway, just a thought
[16:10:33] ttist25: so what's the command? mplayer /dev/Videox
[16:11:01] iamlindoro: no, play one of the recordings you think is in black and white
[16:11:02] ttist25: Video0 is my Hauppague – not sure how to tell which the firewire is – fairly noobish
[16:11:12] iamlindoro: live TV are still recordings too
[16:11:14] wagnerrp: no, go into your recording directory and find one of your livetv recordings
[16:11:19] ttist25: I haven't recorded anything – it's a fresh install
[16:11:26] iamlindoro: if you've watched live TV, you've recorded
[16:11:31] ttist25: correct
[16:11:36] iamlindoro: so you have recordings
[16:12:01] ttist25: ok – so go into /storage/recordings and play something in there?
[16:12:10] J-e-f-f-A: ttist25: yes...
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[16:12:43] ttist25: ok – I'll give that a shot – and if I see color there I should do what
[16:12:54] ttist25: and if I don't see color?
[16:13:07] iamlindoro: you should not get ahead of yourself, one thing at a time ;)
[16:13:19] ttist25: heh! thanks
[16:15:08] ** wagnerrp wishes this archive thread would die off **
[16:15:31] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: I have no idea why one would want to create a 50 GB DVD anyway
[16:16:00] iamlindoro: I took the question to mean "Can I archive to Blu-ray," meaning "can we create a blu-ray," which we cannot with open source tools
[16:16:04] wagnerrp: i assume by that they really mean put a dozen of your favorite DVD resolution movies onto a single bluray
[16:16:11] iamlindoro: but it seems like they just want to create an extremely fat DVD
[16:16:24] J-e-f-f-A: Unless they wanted to put every episode of their favorite reality show on one BlueRay disc...
[16:16:39] iamlindoro: s/Blueray/bluray or Blu-ray/
[16:16:44] dewman: I guess I should ask the question about moving the recordings to a dds drive then. ;)
[16:16:44] iamlindoro: ;)
[16:16:44] J-e-f-f-A: hehehehehe
[16:16:50] johnnyj: J-e-f-f-A: where you could then destroy them all at once
[16:17:02] J-e-f-f-A: johnnyj: ha! agreed!
[16:17:15] johnnyj: throw it in a sack, throw the sack in a river and hurl the river into the sun
[16:17:21] wagnerrp: im just finding recordable optical media to be less and less relevant for... well... anything
[16:18:03] wagnerrp: if you want backups, use hard drives
[16:18:12] wagnerrp: if you want redundant backups, use multiple hard drives
[16:18:29] wagnerrp: if youre worried about long term survivability of those backups, cycle the hard drives for newer ones
[16:18:56] wagnerrp: if you want a portable format that can be played anywhere, use a hard drive, and one of those docks with a built in media player
[16:19:14] wagnerrp: or maybe a reusable SDXC card
[16:20:13] johnnyj: so I've been spending a good deal of time on airplanes lately – and sky mall has an ad for these sunglesses that have widescreen's in them for watching vidieo off my iphone /ipod – have any of you seen this?
[16:20:14] wagnerrp: i just look at my shelf behind me, with several dozen DVDs of recorded shows, and a spindle full of DVDs... and i have no desire to ever touch them again
[16:20:20] J-e-f-f-A: or a large usb 'key'...  ;-) 16GB ones are pretty cheap nowadays...
[16:20:37] wagnerrp: johnnyj: yeah, theyve been around for a couple years
[16:20:56] johnnyj: are they as cheesy as they seem?
[16:21:16] wagnerrp: would you look like a complete dork if you left the house in one? yes
[16:21:28] wagnerrp: you would probably also end up getting hit by a car
[16:21:29] johnnyj: im talking on an airplane
[16:21:53] wagnerrp: for an airplane? get some velcro and stick it to the seat in front of you
[16:22:31] iamlindoro: johnnyj: They are most assuredly as cheesy as they seem, you are talking a 720x480 display at one inch
[16:22:52] wagnerrp: the ones i saw were only CIF resolution
[16:23:02] iamlindoro: Same stuff has been around for ages, and has always been aful
[16:23:04] iamlindoro: er awful
[16:29:21] ttist25: ok – I'm back. I opened up a recording from /storage/recordings and played it in Xine and it's black and white there as well
[16:30:15] J-e-f-f-A: johnnyj: This stuff?  – the res is 320x240  – or 640x480 on the 920 models...
[16:30:49] J-e-f-f-A: ttist25: So, your STB is feeding you B&W... Have you tried power-cycling it?
[16:31:44] ttist25: yes i pulled the power for a good 2 minutes and started it up – same thing
[16:31:45] wagnerrp: the STB should not be transcoding on the firewire output
[16:31:56] wagnerrp: it should just be sending you the exact video stream the cableco is sending
[16:32:15] ttist25: here's the thing that bothers me – it was working fine yesterday with 10.21 – the only change is the version of mythdora
[16:32:42] wagnerrp: then either your cableco decided that was a good time to start sending analog video
[16:32:48] ttist25: heh
[16:32:49] wagnerrp: or you have some problems with your video card and/or driver
[16:32:59] ttist25: I'm thinking drivers
[16:33:13] J-e-f-f-A: ttist25: Did you play that file on the mac?
[16:33:30] ttist25: no I haven't jeff.
[16:33:42] ttist25: work is interrupting me quite rudely
[16:33:52] dagar (dagar! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[16:34:07] ttist25: also – I'm not getting channel change to the motorola any longer
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[16:34:16] J-e-f-f-A: ttist25: work?  ;-) (/me is at work too... shhh!)
[16:34:19] ttist25: I used to get channel change right from myth w/o issue
[16:34:29] ttist25: :)
[16:35:16] ttist25: does the fact that it's not sending channel change commands any longer tell you anything?
[16:36:27] J-e-f-f-A: ttist25: not me... I do use firewire for channel changing, but use the 6200ch program on the wiki with a pair of FiOS QIP-7100 STBs (I don't capture via FW – I use HD-PVRs)
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[16:38:51] ttist25: ok – I guess i'll see if I can capture in color to the mac-mini and then go from there
[16:38:56] ttist25: thanks for all of your help
[16:39:26] wagnerrp: if youre capturing in b&w on one machine, you will be capturing in b&w on every other machine
[16:39:36] wagnerrp: as mentioned, your cable box does not encode that digital signal
[16:39:42] wagnerrp: it only passes it through from the cableco
[16:39:56] wagnerrp: try playing it back on a machine that you know is working properly
[16:42:51] ttist25: i will reinstall 10.21 and see how it goes. like I said it was working perfectly yesterday – but, it IS mythtv so I had to go and mess it up!  :)
[16:43:03] ttist25: thanks again – i'll get back and let you know what i find out
[16:43:13] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop!~RobertLap@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[16:43:29] wagnerrp: the pirate bay got hacked, compromising over 4M usernames, email addresses, and ip addresses
[16:43:38] wagnerrp: wait... TPB had login accounts? why?
[16:49:25] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:50:17] gbee: forums or something?
[16:50:19] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: one of the comments on the digg is "You can post comments and search for pr0n if you create an account." – so that's probably why...
[16:51:00] gbee: or was TPB was of the pay for quality torrent link sites?
[16:53:10] J-e-f-f-A: hehehe... another comment on the digg... "I guess you could say their accounts and passwords were — pirated?"
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[17:28:39] gerhard7 (gerhard7! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:28:42] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, and in other news, the MPAA filed 4M simultaneous lawsuits today. j/k
[17:29:49] wagnerrp: nah, apparently those people all have accounts to get access to the porn, MPAA doesnt care about the porn
[17:29:56] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
[17:34:50] jamesd2: the mpaa doesn't want to be associated with porn, and the porn industry is too fragmented to group together to fight theft... and they know that the more porn people see the more they want, so in the end the more people buy
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[18:02:30] dewman: so here is a question for the smart folks...... my myth backend is a dell sc420 and it is currently using onboard video (8 whopping megs of video) dell in there wonderful ways of thought added a extra divider in the pcie slot so you cant add a pcie card without taking a dremel to the slot and cutting out the divider. So any recommendations on a *cough* decent pci video card?
[18:02:52] bfleming (bfleming! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:05:12] Beirdo: dewman: there are NVidia 9500GT PCI cards out there
[18:05:53] wagnerrp: i have to believe that it has an extra key in the PCIe slot, its not actually a PCIe slot
[18:06:44] dewman: wagnerrp, check this out....
[18:06:57] wagnerrp: WTF
[18:07:04] wagnerrp: thats retarded
[18:07:22] dewman: looks a little take a chainsaw to the mb
[18:07:44] dewman: and then to top it off with a ati card... ;)
[18:08:02] Beirdo: why would you use an ATI card?
[18:08:23] wagnerrp: an ATI card wouldnt get you anything more than the existing onboard Intel graphics
[18:08:36] madLyfe (madLyfe! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:09:10] dewman: thats what the guy put in after he did a mod. I wouldnt waste my money on one..
[18:09:54] wagnerrp: thats not a PCIe x16 slot
[18:10:11] bfleming (bfleming! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:11:11] dewman: Yeah i think its a 8x.
[18:11:17] wagnerrp: i have no idea what that extra crap is on the back side
[18:11:22] wagnerrp: but those gaps are bad news
[18:11:41] wagnerrp: at best, its acting as an x8
[18:11:43] discernica (discernica! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:11:57] wagnerrp: at worst, its actually doing something with those pins and can damage the card and board
[18:12:39] wagnerrp: if its your backend, why do you need a better video card?
[18:12:39] dewman: yeah, so I think I will stick with a pci card then.....I dont like the idea of melting plastic on a mobo..
[18:12:39] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[18:12:48] gbee: wagnerrp: link says there aren't actually any pins in the rear section
[18:13:00] dewman: its a be/fe
[18:13:11] gbee: or maybe it means they aren't soldered to anything, either way, it's FUBAR
[18:13:43] wagnerrp: spend $150, replace innards with new AMD parts
[18:14:17] dewman: i figured you were going to say that. =)
[18:14:31] wagnerrp: probably less
[18:14:48] wagnerrp: an nvidia board is ~$75, a new processor is $60
[18:14:55] wagnerrp: you already have memory to use
[18:15:03] Beirdo: beer is cheap
[18:16:34] dewman: 4 gigs of ddr2 ecc
[18:17:20] wagnerrp: well the 'ecc' part isnt going to do much
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[18:21:10] dewman: then I will have to buy a new capture card...cant have a new computer with a old frame grabber...
[18:21:57] wagnerrp: cant have an old fake server with an old framegrabber either... :)
[18:23:09] dewman: true.... but you know what...this thing works pretty good....It does choke everynow and then when watching HD content....
[18:24:08] wagnerrp: it works just fine for your purposes, i just dont like companies tossing in consumer processors and calling it a server
[18:27:06] superdump (superdump!~rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2)
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[18:32:29] dewman: wagnerrp, it came with a celeron proc....I found a p4 3.0 for 10 bucks on it performs much better now.
[18:32:46] wagnerrp: i can imagine
[18:33:02] wagnerrp: actually... is it a 478 or 775 socket?
[18:34:47] dewman: I cant remember off the top of my head..
[18:37:31] unixSnob (unixSnob! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:39:47] dewman: looks like 775
[18:40:04] wagnerrp: see if you can just pick up a new core2
[18:40:10] wagnerrp: no need for a new graphics card
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[18:44:58] dewman: hmm... will look into that...
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[18:59:25] dewman: wagnerrp, do you have a "user systems" page on the wiki?
[18:59:47] wagnerrp: i dont think i tagged my user page that, no
[18:59:47] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:00:12] johnnyj: ush – helping with lirc always gets me in trouble
[19:00:59] dewman: I was just wondering what you guys used as far as a setup. Pretty cool to see the people that have photos and what works for them listed...
[19:01:48] wagnerrp: big server headless file server in the basement, a couple boxes scattered around the house
[19:02:12] wagnerrp: an extra server in there...
[19:02:30] dewman: how big is big?
[19:02:42] wagnerrp: full height, double wide
[19:04:22] sphery: wagnerrp: do you know anything about archiving recorings to blu-ray?  ;)
[19:04:32] sphery: I'm with you--HDD is the way to go
[19:04:37] wagnerrp: 'dont?'
[19:04:47] sphery: heh
[19:05:12] sphery: yeah, I don't archive even on HDD (other than backlog :), so I haven't even had to decide where/how to archive
[19:05:31] dewman: I have a dl580 that sits behind me....Been meaning to take it to the basement...but dont have the energy to move a "server" that weighs 90 pounds down a flight of stairs.
[19:06:45] Beirdo: dewman: take it to the top... push
[19:07:04] Beirdo: oh wait, that works better with balconies
[19:07:19] dewman: lol...Yeah....It would probably survive....
[19:07:39] Beirdo: your wall and staircase might not
[19:07:57] clever: ive got a few laptops like that
[19:08:11] clever: drop it and put a hole in the floor, and not even bother the system
[19:08:18] Beirdo: get one of the staircase-side seat thingies for the elderly.
[19:08:18] wagnerrp: yeah, this thing is a big block of thick rolled steel
[19:08:24] Beirdo: and put it on that.
[19:08:29] wagnerrp: pretty hefty on its own accord
[19:08:38] wagnerrp: not including the dozen or so hard drives in there
[19:08:43] Beirdo: heh
[19:08:49] johnnyj: you could rig up some sort of pulley system
[19:09:02] Beirdo: give a teenage boy $20
[19:09:04] Beirdo: done
[19:09:09] dewman: i should just have the wife move it....
[19:09:11] ** johnnyj is letting that one go **
[19:09:15] dewman: lol
[19:09:28] Beirdo: find some jock who wants a touch of cash :)
[19:09:40] Beirdo: wife?! heh, careful
[19:09:44] wagnerrp: Beirdo: only if hes a ninja, and mutated....
[19:09:55] Beirdo: that could progress to ex-wife rapidly :)
[19:10:23] Beirdo: wagnerrp: if I had a basement, I'd likely have a rack in the corner somewhere
[19:10:26] Beirdo: :)
[19:10:29] Beirdo: full
[19:10:38] Beirdo: but alas, I'm in an apartment
[19:10:41] dewman: 20tb san...
[19:10:48] dewman: now that would be cool...
[19:10:50] Beirdo: 20TB would be a start
[19:10:55] wagnerrp: i dont really have any good place to put a rack
[19:10:57] Beirdo: 1PB. Thanks
[19:11:07] Beirdo: I'd find a way to fill it.
[19:11:29] dewman: one big giant partition...
[19:11:46] ** Beirdo is worried that his current 380GB area for mythtv will be full when he gets back from Philly **
[19:11:59] Beirdo: I think I'll have expired shows.
[19:12:00] Beirdo: :(
[19:12:04] wagnerrp: Beirdo: i ended up velcroing everything to the bottom of an AC duct
[19:12:22] johnnyj: wagnerrp: hopefully a dry one
[19:12:34] Beirdo: but I have no more drive space to throw in at the exact second, so it will have to do until the 19th
[19:12:41] wagnerrp: no condensation ive noticed
[19:12:47] wagnerrp: s/everything/everything light/
[19:12:56] Beirdo: hehe
[19:13:03] Beirdo: hang the server off the duct...
[19:13:06] Beirdo: kaBOOM
[19:13:10] Beirdo: there goes that duct
[19:13:13] wagnerrp: switches, patch panel, tuner, phone ata, firewall, wireless router
[19:13:24] wagnerrp: the heavy stuff is jammed in a corner
[19:13:32] Beirdo: heh
[19:13:53] Beirdo: my setup is currently strewn across the floor of the living room of my 2BR apt
[19:14:05] wagnerrp: if only there were such a thing as a light UPS
[19:14:13] Beirdo: it will be going into the cabinet shortly after I get back from my trip
[19:14:16] johnnyj: yeah, i think i'm buying a small desktop to replace my MBE and so I'll soon move it and all it's mess to a closet
[19:14:33] wagnerrp: its in a closet, why bother with small
[19:14:47] Beirdo: but I got all of it running... all three capture devices attached to the DirecTV receivers
[19:14:51] johnnyj: to replace it as a desktop machine
[19:14:57] ttist25 (ttist25! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[19:15:13] Beirdo: I'd like to get a dual tuner HD Homerun for the OTA stuff
[19:15:32] Beirdo: offload stuff that I can get off the air from the DirecTV receivers
[19:15:39] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: Hehe... my Son just got back from Philly – training with Verizon...  ;-) he's gonna be selling FiOS... ;-)
[19:15:42] Beirdo: which accounts for a few of the shows
[19:15:48] Beirdo: J-e-f-f-A: heh, nice
[19:15:59] Beirdo: I bet he's glad to be out of the oven
[19:16:17] iamlindoro: Heh, Prince proclaims the Internet is dead... 10 trillion under 20 year olds proclaim, "Who's Prince?"
[19:16:35] iamlindoro: He's mad at iTunes for not being willing to pay him in advance
[19:16:39] Beirdo: more like Princess
[19:16:53] Beirdo: little drama queen
[19:19:21] Beirdo: I guess I'm not too.. impressed by his opinions :)
[19:21:50] Beirdo: well, better go pick up me lunc
[19:27:12] jams: h
[19:27:26] unixSnob is now known as VOICEME
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[19:28:11] ** iamlindoro blinks at unixSnob **
[19:28:21] iamlindoro: You're only in this channel AFAICT, why would you get/need voice?
[19:28:43] jams: might as well been a kickme sign
[19:31:40] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[19:32:11] dewman: ANFAWFOS
[19:32:25] dewman: =)
[19:32:48] ** iamlindoro wonders if we're +r again **
[19:33:05] wagnerrp: i looked, doesnt show it on my window
[19:33:10] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:33:28] wagnerrp: but in that event, he wouldnt even be able to join
[19:33:38] iamlindoro: +r is join but no speak, no?
[19:33:46] wagnerrp: +m mutes the channel for all but voices
[19:33:57] wagnerrp: (i think)
[19:34:04] jams: correct
[19:34:18] wagnerrp: either way, dewman isnt voiced and isnt having any problems
[19:34:40] iamlindoro: I had been under the impression that +r would only allow registered nicks to speak
[19:34:44] iamlindoro: but anyone could join
[19:34:58] trumee is now known as zzztrumee
[19:35:08] wagnerrp: maybe he /was/ in another channel, but when he changed his name, they kick/banned him
[19:36:23] justinh: heh is it just me or is there now one lone user who laments the (not) sad loss of the daft t9 text entry in the UI?
[19:36:58] wagnerrp: we used to have t9?
[19:37:17] jams: yes
[19:37:20] justinh: duh not predictive – just that stupid thing where numbers = alpha
[19:37:22] jams: it was awful awful
[19:37:31] wagnerrp: oh, i remember that
[19:37:35] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:37:38] wagnerrp: thats not t9
[19:37:44] justinh: well whatever :)
[19:37:45] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[19:37:57] wagnerrp: i hated having to wait for the timeout every time
[19:37:57] justinh: it didn't work the same way as on phones anyway, so was quite confusing
[19:38:22] justinh: I'd have patched it but was advised not to bother on account of it being removed ;)
[19:39:00] justinh: there's no reason it couldn't come back, so long as it worked properly IMHO.. subject to the relevant approvals of course
[19:39:37] wagnerrp: well if it were actually predictive text, rather than requiring several keypresses and a wait for each character
[19:39:56] justinh: hmmm might be a shade tricky for anything but English
[19:40:04] wagnerrp: or, a diamond layout would work
[19:40:44] clever: could scrape the words from the program table
[19:40:51] wagnerrp: the 8 directions open each of 8 new menus
[19:40:59] wagnerrp: so 64 characters at 2 presses each
[19:41:00] clever: those are probly the words you type mostly, typing out show names
[19:41:13] johnnyj: if you're looking for stuff to do – I'd like to see the show finder let me select the second and third letters too, instead of just the 1st
[19:41:22] justinh: I thought you meant like joystick text entry for a sec
[19:41:31] wagnerrp: justinh: it basically is
[19:41:37] justinh: johnnyj: I thought that the 1st time I used it too
[19:42:11] justinh: johnnyj: it's on my make believe to-do list – that and making all search features work pretty much the same way
[19:43:19] justinh: I was pondering how to go about making my UI rotation patch work again today. would really like to be able to have vertical text & other weird stuff
[19:43:21] wagnerrp: ive never been particularly fond of re-purposing keys for multiple uses
[19:43:33] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:43:36] wagnerrp: and it was always annoying with the old imput if i just wanted to enter a number
[19:43:54] clever: id be typing on a proper keyboard and get to a space
[19:44:04] clever: and then the on-screen keyboard would eat it and come out of nowhere
[19:44:07] justinh: yeah – it was hardly ever clear which used what method
[19:44:24] justinh: which of course is prolly why it was as unpopular as it was popular
[19:44:55] johnnyj: i suppose I was looking for something to do
[19:45:51] justinh: johnnyj: well if you do it, you know there really shouldn't be a setting for it.. imagine a "only search for 1st letter in the program finder" tickbox & somebody might take out a contract
[19:46:10] johnnyj: ha ha
[19:46:26] clever: could make it a spin-box, so you can pick 1 2 or 3
[19:46:33] wagnerrp: stick an entry at the top of the list of shows for 'select next letter'
[19:46:56] johnnyj: wagnerrp: that's a decent idea
[19:47:27] justinh: I'm not doing any more UI patches until I'm at least running what I've changed every day. I'm still using INFO to try & bring up a menu in 'watch recordings'
[19:48:01] justinh: heh practise what you patch :)
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[20:03:34] johnnyj: oh sure – jarod dhoes up AFTER I say something about lirc
[20:03:49] johnnyj: s/dhoes/shows
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[20:15:13] bradd_ (bradd_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:16:05] bradd_: anyone running mythfrontend(trunk) on mac?
[20:22:02] high-rez: Did I read right that alsa isn't yet able to send encoded eac3/dtshd over hdmi?
[20:23:10] ** Beirdo flushes alsa **
[20:23:25] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[20:23:51] high-rez: We should all beat Takashi up.
[20:23:53] ** high-rez ducks **
[20:24:08] trumee is now known as zzztrumee
[20:24:25] Beirdo: We should pool resources and get some real documentation for ALSA written
[20:24:45] high-rez: And for myth's decoding logic.  :)
[20:25:00] Beirdo: heh
[20:25:07] justinh: or pool our cash & get ALSA rewritten
[20:25:18] justinh: or just use OSS4. I heard it's very good :)
[20:25:19] high-rez: we'll end up with pulseaudio 2.0
[20:25:26] Beirdo: I vote for... nuke ALSA
[20:25:47] Beirdo: go, Ervin Santana... complete game loss. 0–1.
[20:25:57] high-rez: Come on guys, Alsa is the /Advanced/ linux sound architecture.
[20:25:58] Beirdo: sounds like a good game
[20:26:08] high-rez: No need to nuke something advanced.
[20:26:21] Beirdo: I can think of a better "A" word for it, but it's not channel-friendly
[20:27:10] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: Does it ryme with "Pass A Nine"? hehehehe
[20:27:26] high-rez: Are we playing cards here?
[20:27:34] J-e-f-f-A: Go Fish!
[20:27:39] Beirdo: J-e-f-f-A: yah, exactly
[20:28:08] Beirdo: Hmm, I feel like playing Euchre
[20:28:17] Beirdo: now there's an odd craving
[20:28:54] messerting (messerting! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:30:42] mag0o: cereal with beer?
[20:32:05] mcl0vin (mcl0vin!~piper69@unaffiliated/dacs) has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.6/20100625231939])
[20:32:10] J-e-f-f-A: mag0o: Nah, he has that every morning... ;-)
[20:32:19] justinh: alsa is more like cereal with castor oil
[20:32:38] justinh: pulseaudio is like cereal with castor oil.. on amphetamines :)
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[21:28:22] ** wagnerrp doesnt understand why people insist on proclaiming to the world that they download content on public forums **
[21:28:34] wagnerrp: s/download/illegally download/
[21:29:21] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: something recent?
[21:29:30] wagnerrp: 'my cable company doesnt provide BBC-A in their basic tier, so i /have/ to download Top Gear'
[21:29:35] wagnerrp: something on mythtvtalk
[21:31:08] iamlindoro: Yeah, "have to," nice
[21:31:50] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:35:08] iamlindoro: one might argue he "has to" upgrade his cable service
[21:35:43] dustybin: check this out
[21:35:45] dustybin:
[21:36:14] dustybin: that is my joggler!
[21:36:31] wagnerrp: or just watch it on the youtube BBC channel like the rest of the gray internet users
[21:41:47] Brik1: hey, quick, easy maybe, question. What is the nicest looking widescreen theme for mythtv?
[21:41:59] iamlindoro: contentious question
[21:42:05] Brik1: lol
[21:42:06] iamlindoro: with as many answers as themes
[21:42:15] justinh: ProjectGrayhem-wide of course!
[21:42:24] justinh: oh wait.
[21:42:26] wagnerrp: gant-wide!
[21:42:26] justinh: ;)
[21:42:56] justinh: Arclight, without question. and without irony or sarcasm
[21:43:12] Brik1: is there somewhere that shows screenshots of the different themes in action?
[21:43:26] wagnerrp:
[21:43:26] iamlindoro:
[21:43:46] wagnerrp: !url themes
[21:43:46] MythLogBot: No match for keyword themes
[21:43:55] ** wagnerrp prods Beirdo **
[21:44:25] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:45:43] Brik1: okay, so projectGrayhen and gant-wide are not on that listing, did I miss the some sarcasm?
[21:46:01] wagnerrp: those are old themes, using the old theme engine, that no longer work
[21:46:12] Brik1: ahhh, okeydokie
[21:46:43] Brik1: arclite it is then, but I dont see an arclight OSD, did I miss something?
[21:47:05] iamlindoro: Arclight has an OSD in what will be .24
[21:47:10] wagnerrp: gant used to be the default, and was often considered ugly
[21:47:19] wagnerrp: while justinh just hates all his own work
[21:47:27] wagnerrp: (projectgrayham)
[21:48:29] trumee (trumee! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[21:49:09] iamlindoro: I have resolved never to eat Gray Ham
[21:49:27] iamlindoro: I do not like it in a boat
[21:49:31] iamlindoro: I do not like it in a moat
[21:49:38] iamlindoro: I do not like it here or there
[21:49:42] iamlindoro: I do not like it anywhere
[21:49:46] Brik1: okay, how about a 4.3 theme? I guess I need something for my backend (cause it also has a frontend on it) but a pos CRTZ.
[21:50:09] Shadow__X: is a crtz a high performance limited run crt
[21:50:23] Brik1: its a fat finger CRT
[21:50:31] justinh: iamlindoro: lol
[21:50:34] iamlindoro: Many widescreen themes squish to 4:3 fine
[21:50:43] justinh: overclocked CRT with twin turbos
[21:50:53] iamlindoro: an d a tricked out exhaust?
[21:50:58] iamlindoro: MreeeeeeeeeeMREEEEE
[21:51:00] Shadow__X: for all the overcompensation goodness
[21:51:02] discernica: Question in general: what window managers do people like to use with MythTV?
[21:51:04] justinh: Arclight squishes to 4:3 perfectly. Only one I've ever known do that
[21:51:23] discernica: What has been bothering me are pop-ups that take focus away from the frontend...
[21:51:29] Brik1: so in arclight, whats the pixilated blog to the right 2/3rds of the screen?
[21:51:31] wagnerrp: discernica: xfce, fluxbox, icewm, twm, evilwm, ratpoison, enlighenment, ...
[21:51:44] wagnerrp: Brik1: a tendril
[21:51:48] Shadow__X: hey iamlindoro by any chance do you run a frontend on os x and use storage groups
[21:51:54] Brik1: whats a tendril?
[21:51:55] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit ()
[21:52:03] wagnerrp: the thing in the picture
[21:52:04] iamlindoro: Shadow__X, no and no
[21:52:22] Shadow__X: ok thanks
[21:52:28] iamlindoro: well, no and yes, technically
[21:52:35] iamlindoro: but no to the gating question
[21:52:42] justinh: the 'pro' version of Arclight ($29.99) has a non-pixellated background :P
[21:52:48] Shadow__X: thank you for elaborating
[21:52:56] iamlindoro: Shadow__X: Nothing in OS X that should have anything to do with SGs though
[21:53:08] Brik1: anyone want to make $20 helping me via a Skype call to get my DVD working?
[21:53:44] Shadow__X: iamlindoro: for some reason it wont work with .jpg metadata and was wondering if it is something i can fix or if it has to do with my qtbuild
[21:53:44] madLyfe (madLyfe! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:54:04] iamlindoro: Shadow__X: Sounds like you don't have the Qt JPG plugin compiled/installed
[21:54:06] discernica: wagnerrp: do you have your own preference?
[21:54:17] iamlindoro: if you are building myth with the script, that should be handled for you, assuming you are using a current build script
[21:54:21] wagnerrp: Brik1: its just an abstract image, something pixelated beyond recognition
[21:54:31] wagnerrp: discernica: personally, i run evilwm on mine
[21:54:53] wagnerrp: not that it matters much since you never see it (of course with evilwm there is nothing to see anyway)
[21:55:02] Brik1: wagnerrp – yeah, i figured, didnt get the point of it, i guess there isnt one
[21:55:28] wagnerrp: you need a window manager to properly handle focus and z-positioning
[21:55:49] wagnerrp: important if for whatever reason, you want to open another program through mythtv
[21:55:54] Shadow__X: iamlindoro: oh ok yeah i guess i was wrong to ask about the other information i have been using the pre built ones
[21:56:04] wagnerrp: and i think theres some issues with normal mythtv use if you have no window manager
[21:56:18] discernica: I have been using default gnome, but pop-ups and losing focus have been an issue (not for me but others in the house)
[21:56:44] wagnerrp: so youre using ubuntu?
[21:56:51] discernica: fedora
[21:57:02] discernica: habit, have been using for years
[21:57:25] wagnerrp: didnt know fedora defaulted to gnome, i thought it used kde
[21:58:00] discernica: default is gnome, but you can download install disks for kde (I use kde on my desktop though)
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[22:01:01] streeter (streeter!~streeter@nat/redhat/x-dlenhzllovampijt) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:01:03] Brik1: Why can you scroll in the guide to the past?
[22:01:31] justinh: why not?
[22:01:47] wagnerrp: as long as you have guide data for the past
[22:01:53] Brik1: why would you ever want to?
[22:01:58] wagnerrp: the backend goes through and cleans out anything more than a couple days old
[22:02:15] wagnerrp: say you were watching something outside of mythtv, or something at a friends
[22:02:29] wagnerrp: you have a record of what it was, so you can pick up a recording at a later date
[22:03:23] Brik1: I'm coming from a dishPVR and its just not quite as idiot proof unfortunately.
[22:04:52] Shadow__X: I dont thin kthat was the goal
[22:05:03] Brik1: for example, I seem to be able to bring up the guide when watching a recording but I cant switch to livetv from there, am I right?
[22:05:47] wagnerrp: you can, but the default behavior is to bring up the scheduler to make a new rule
[22:05:59] wagnerrp: i dont remember what the key bindings is to specifically go to that channel
[22:06:05] wagnerrp: maybe 'play'
[22:07:27] Brik1: i still havent tried to setup a remote, using keyboard right now.
[22:09:36] Brik1: my "previously recorded" doesnt match my "watch recordings" what am i missing?
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[22:22:29] Shadow__X: thats fun the auto builder package of 0-23-fixes doesnt support snow leopard
[22:28:16] Shadow__X: !paste
[22:28:59] Shadow__X:
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[22:37:01] dewman: i really hate fleabay at times.... old pc parts should not cost the same or as much as new stuff. people are crooks. ;)
[22:39:22] Brik1: dewman, maybe i have something you need in my boneyard, what are you looking for?
[22:40:10] dewman: a nvidia pci video card..... (long story on why i want pci) =)
[22:40:31] Brik1: hmmm
[22:40:39] Brik1: let me take a peek
[22:40:58] jduggan (jduggan! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[22:42:40] Brik1: i have a "viper atx tnta 16mb T3" in my hand, want it? lol
[22:42:57] Brik1: "diamond"
[22:43:05] Brik1: c1998
[22:43:09] Brik1: lol
[22:44:42] dewman: umm...
[22:44:43] Brik1: seems its an AGP card, sorry, no PCI that I can see
[22:44:46] J-e-f-f-A: 73Cheve11e
[22:45:27] dewman: thanks for looking.... =) I might have to install a rss reader and go scour a "search all of craigslist" website.
[22:45:29] Brik1: you can have it for free, i'll cover shipping, if you help me with my DVD issue
[22:45:33] jamesd2 (jamesd2!~jamesd@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:45:38] Brik1: ;)
[22:45:55] dewman: I am far from knowing anything.... lol....
[22:46:21] Brik1: i'm new to myth too
[22:46:46] Brik1: i did find a box, for a front end, that seems to kick butt and was silly cheap.
[22:48:08] Brik1: $379, nvidia ion chipset, 2g ram, 160g HD, HDMI out, drives a 55" sony almost perfectly. Should be perfect but I may need to tweek something
[22:48:10] dewman: I am using a be/fe combo......but what kind did you find?
[22:48:18] Brik1: sorry, $279
[22:48:42] Brik1: installed mythbuntu no issues
[22:49:12] dewman: wow.... thats not to bad.....
[22:49:37] bradd_ (bradd_! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[22:49:41] Brik1: . . . =zotac%20mag
[22:49:51] Brik1: no DVD drive
[22:50:09] dewman: that almost looks like a wyse terminal
[22:50:27] Brik1: yeah, it can bolt to vesa mount on back of TV
[22:51:08] Brik1: would suck as backend probably, but for fe only its great
[22:51:48] Brik1: i installed mythbuntu off of a flashdrive
[22:52:05] gbee (gbee! has quit (Quit: Gone)
[22:52:28] Beirdo: wagnerrp: gimma url you want to map :)
[22:53:27] Brik1: gota go eat dinner, wife is a calling, later all
[22:54:31] G`Kar (G`Kar! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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[23:05:14] dewman: so the wife just posed a question to me, is it possible to record shows in order? IE if she wants to start watching scrubs she would like to know if it could be setup to pick up the earliest episode and then record the next episode in the series.
[23:05:39] dewman: IE 1,2,3,4,etc..
[23:05:47] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:06:07] Beirdo: not that I've heard of
[23:06:37] Beirdo: you can tell it to only record new episodes though
[23:06:47] Beirdo: and those (usually) are broadcast in order
[23:06:59] Beirdo: but for reruns... not that I've heard of
[23:07:45] dewman: yep, that makes sense......
[23:09:27] dewman: and re-runs is what she was hoping for..... she can manage because she can said she can look at the original airdate with the details, and figure out which one she wants to watch.
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[23:19:53] adac (adac! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:19:56] adac: I have a wintv aero stick and I wanted to setup lirc. Unfortunately the stick or better the infrared sensor of the stick does not appear in cat /proc/bus/input/devices any ideas?
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[23:23:48] kd0fhs: adac: wintv aero stick? do you have a model #?
[23:24:55] adac: kd0fhs, wait a second i will look it up
[23:26:46] adac: well the numbers are: 55109 LF Rev B2G3 4509, kd0fhs
[23:37:11] adac: kd0fhs, please be still here :D
[23:41:16] kd0fhs: I am!
[23:41:19] kd0fhs: :)
[23:42:11] adac: :)
[23:42:30] kd0fhs: adac: is it a Hauppauge 1176 WinTV HVR 950 USB Hybrid Video Recorder by chance?
[23:43:23] adac: kd0fhs, I have no idea.... how can I check this?
[23:44:28] kd0fhs: adac: it should say something like that on the stick itself... maybe it doesn't... does it have a coax connector on the end opposite of the usb port?
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[23:46:31] adac: kd0fhs, no I don't think so
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[23:47:11] adac: kd0fhs, you mean an external antenna connector?
[23:47:12] kd0fhs: adac: okay, so it doesn't look like this?
[23:47:26] adac: nope
[23:48:01] adac: . . . 5/index.html
[23:48:13] ekristen (ekristen! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:49:22] ekristen: for some reason whenever mythfilldatabase runs it fails to connect to the mythtv backend to update the scheduler
[23:49:32] ekristen: therefore I am loosing out on updates and future recordings
[23:49:37] ekristen: it just says it times out
[23:50:00] ekristen: which is ridiculous because it mythtv-backend is always running
[23:50:04] kd0fhs: adac: okay, this looks like it:
[23:50:18] KraMer (KraMer! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[23:50:33] kd0fhs: ekristen: did you check your sql settings?
[23:50:38] ekristen: yes
[23:50:45] ekristen: it is setup to run as the mythtv user
[23:50:47] ekristen: as a cron job
[23:50:54] ekristen: and I can run it as the mythtv user with no problems
[23:51:01] ekristen: and it fills the database just fine
[23:51:13] adac: kd0fhs, yes should be the same
[23:51:27] adac: kd0fhs, brb
[23:51:30] kd0fhs: ekristen: who is mythfilldatabase running as?
[23:51:39] ekristen: my mythtv user
[23:51:48] ekristen: well I take that back, I use to get a timeout error
[23:52:02] ekristen: however it appears that i am not getting that specific error in my logs any more
[23:52:10] ekristen: however scheduling still isn't occuring
[23:52:12] kd0fhs: hrm
[23:52:28] kd0fhs: how long ago did this start happening? just today?
[23:53:02] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:53:05] ekristen: its been a problem for a while, since I set my mythtv box back up --- I thought it was resolved when I updated to the latest version (there was a socket timeout bug that was fixed)
[23:53:10] ekristen: I stopped getting that one error
[23:53:15] ekristen: but scheduling still isn't happening
[23:53:24] ekristen: as soon as I restart the myththbackend it works
[23:53:50] ekristen: ack I take that back too
[23:53:55] ekristen: wtf — that used to fix it
[23:54:07] kd0fhs: so something else is getting in the way
[23:54:51] ekristen: ok wait a second
[23:55:43] ekristen: wow I am a spaz — apparently mythtvfilldatabase hasn't run since i updated to the latest version
[23:55:47] ekristen: now I need to figure out why
[23:57:13] ekristen: wtf, now I am pissed, I have missed a lot of my shows ... lol
[23:57:27] ** ekristen was out of town for 7 days **
[23:57:32] kd0fhs: were you able to solve it?
[23:57:37] Beirdo: ok, careful with the language please... channel rules.
[23:58:01] brfransen (brfransen! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[23:58:51] ekristen: what did I say?
[23:59:06] adac: kd0fhs, So no idea how to get this thing working?
[23:59:12] ekristen: kd0fhs: its running right now, thanks for talking through it with me
[23:59:22] Beirdo: three letter acronyms of obvious profanity :)
[23:59:32] ekristen: oh wow

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