:: #mythtv-users

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Sunday, July 4th, 2010, 00:03 UTC
[00:03:07] Beirdo: I see stupid people... They're everywhere!
[00:11:04] awalls: Beirdo: Your mission is clear:
[00:21:56] wagnerrp: who is the mohock, lower center...
[00:22:17] Beirdo: blah
[00:30:29] Beirdo: GAHHHH
[00:30:44] Beirdo: Jarod's gonna LOVE putting this crap into lirc
[00:30:49] Beirdo: it's so borked
[00:32:04] awalls: wagnerrp: from Taxi Driver?
[00:34:19] wagnerrp: yeah, probably.... never seen that movie
[00:34:24] wagnerrp: what about the top left
[00:35:01] Beirdo: YAY
[00:35:18] Beirdo: I hacked this hacked crap... until it wants to work... with irw
[00:36:16] Beirdo: they overrode the definitions of read/write/etc...
[00:36:22] Beirdo: and didn't chain it
[00:36:44] awalls: Edward Scissorhands?
[00:36:55] wagnerrp: thats what i thought, but the hair isnt right
[00:37:08] awalls: Here's a better Taxi driver pic: . . . 46640326.jpg
[00:38:23] awalls: Ah, I found a decoder ring: . . . ll/118-1117/
[00:38:36] awalls: That tags at the bottom give you the movie
[00:38:42] awalls: /that/the/
[00:39:21] awalls: woo hoo, Army of Darkness made it
[00:39:47] wagnerrp: hehe, i didnt even consider the irony of snake wearing 3D glasses
[00:40:00] wagnerrp: the glasses.... they do nothing...
[00:48:56] lucidblue (lucidblue! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:49:39] lucidblue: hey guys, I'm running mandriva, and I need to enable the '-r' option for lircd, but I don't have a LIRCD_OPTIONS= in my /etc/sysconfig/lircd ... any thoughts
[00:51:44] ruskie (ruskie!ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie) has quit (Excess Flood)
[00:55:42] ruskie (ruskie!ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:57:19] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[01:02:10] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:11] awalls (awalls! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:10:41] harry0 (harry0! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:18:31] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:34:30] dmfrey (dmfrey! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:37:49] Beirdo: hmm
[01:37:59] Beirdo: transmitting not working still
[01:38:12] Beirdo: sigh
[01:38:46] Beirdo: might just be a case of the wrong conf file
[01:41:59] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:59:57] GTCorey (GTCorey! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:01:08] GTCorey: My movie grabber ( is not finding info anymore without the imdb number and when found it wont download the artwork.
[02:01:21] GTCorey: anyone know what is going on?
[02:03:36] RDV_Linux: GTCorey: a few weeks ago tmdb stopped support of their old v2.0 API. Only MythTV 0.23 has a script that still works with TMDB.
[02:21:47] GTCorey: thats what we have
[02:21:56] GTCorey: downloaded the instal disk today
[02:22:23] GTCorey: I finally found one set of videos that worked correctly (top gear)
[02:27:16] lucidblue (lucidblue! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[02:34:21] Beirdo: OK
[02:34:47] Beirdo: anyone have a working lircd.conf for transmitting RC64 DirecTV codes from mceusb?
[02:47:06] oobe: is that possible?
[02:47:57] Beirdo: I would certainly hope so
[02:48:20] Beirdo: the stupid thing can decode the codes, why not be able to transmit?
[02:49:01] Beirdo: and the irrecord file doesn't seem to want to work... of course, it could be a busted IR emitter for all I know
[02:49:34] oobe: irrecord can be a bit tricky
[02:49:46] Beirdo: that's the polite way to put it :)
[02:49:53] oobe: i havent used it in a while but i remember having it not want to connect
[02:49:57] Beirdo: irw likes the file I have just fine...
[02:50:04] oobe: it wont work while lircd is running
[02:50:08] Beirdo: but irsend... not working
[02:50:19] Beirdo: yeah, I know, I found that
[02:51:01] oobe: i never used ir blasters
[02:51:16] oobe: I dont have cable tv
[02:51:22] Beirdo: neither do I
[02:51:23] Beirdo: :)
[02:51:27] Beirdo: satellite
[02:51:32] oobe: FTA is good enough here
[02:51:38] Beirdo: now... I wonder...
[02:51:51] Beirdo: I don't have any USB A-A cables...
[02:52:06] Beirdo: just curious if that USB port is of any use :)
[02:54:07] Beirdo: . . . SB_or_Serial
[02:54:10] Beirdo: ooooooh
[02:54:13] oobe: you can probably get the manual for the stb
[02:54:22] oobe: awesome
[02:59:23] Beirdo: ain't got a way to test taht right now though
[03:23:57] benc_ (benc_! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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[03:34:30] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[03:58:52] Beirdo: bah and also humbug
[03:59:07] rossand (rossand! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[04:19:29] Maliuta (Maliuta! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:24:57] Beirdo: omg
[04:25:30] Beirdo: 1.5M objects in jarod's kernel tree
[04:25:48] awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:26:08] Beirdo: for lirc
[04:27:09] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:34:41] awalls (awalls! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:39:26] ** Beirdo watches livetv usign one of the pvr250s **
[04:43:29] harry0 (harry0! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:53:44] Beirdo: ugh, it was a whole kernel tree, duh :)
[05:06:58] rhollan (rhollan! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:07:19] rhollan: can someone remind me how to install fixes after a clean install of 0.23 in mythbuntu?
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[05:07:45] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v wagnerrp_
[05:08:51] ** rhollan is trying to remember how to install -fixes after a clean install **
[05:09:08] wagnerrp_ is now known as wagnerrp
[05:12:38] GTCorey (GTCorey! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[05:18:57] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[05:23:01] Transformer (Transformer! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:24:10] gerhard7 (gerhard7! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:40:35] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:57:43] KraMer (KraMer! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:07:04] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:08:10] symptom (symptom! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:31:55] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has quit (Quit: Failure is always an option! -Mythbusters)
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[06:42:04] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:44:58] womble (womble! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:47:04] womble: Is there a brief description of what the hardware requirements of a separate backend and frontend are (ie how much work each one actually does)? makes general observations, but I'd like to know how those requirements are divided so I can plan what I need at each "end".
[06:51:20] Shadow__X: womble: for us to know you need to give up some more information. such as sd or hd once you have those you have to consider how you are going to record your streams (ie. through qam,atsc,dvb-s etc)
[06:51:38] Shadow__X: it all depends on what you are going to be doing
[06:52:27] rubberDucky (rubberDucky! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:52:31] flabberkenny (flabberkenny! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:52:49] rubberDucky: anyone know anything about a frontend on android devices?
[06:52:55] womble: Shadow__X: No, actually, I don't think it does. seems to have answered my immediate questions.
[06:56:31] womble: If I have a separated frontend/backend setup and want to rip a DVD, do I put the DVD in the frontend machine and rip it from there, or do I put the DVD in the backend machine and control the ripping from the frontend? If the former, where does the transcoding take place (frontend or backend)?
[06:56:43] wagnerrp: frontend, yes
[07:00:11] womble: So any frontends I want to rip DVDs on need a fairly grunty CPU, as well as the backend(s) (to process recorded content). That's a bit of a bummer — though decidedly understandable.
[07:00:37] womble: I'd kinda hoped that mtd might be some sort of magical mystery world of distributed jobs and dancing bunnies.
[07:00:59] wagnerrp: there is MTD, but its actual purpose is unknown to me, never used it
[07:02:21] womble: It seems like it's "in charge" of doing this rip I'm testing out at the moment, but it doesn't appear to be doing anything complicated as yet (just ripping -> transcoding in a linear process).
[07:09:48] womble: Can I stick a DVD in the backend's DVD drive and then tell a frontend to play it? Seems like that wouldn't be a massive extension beyond "read data off a tuner connected to the backend and play it on the frontend"...
[07:15:34] symptom (symptom! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[07:21:44] cdpuk (cdpuk!~chris@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:24:09] womble: So, I see that I can get a Twinhan DVB-T USB stick for $71.50, or a Hauppauge DVB-T USB stick for $209. That's a fairly startling difference; is the Hauppauge gear really that good? (Or, conversely, is the Twinhan stuff really that bad?)
[07:27:09] wagnerrp: clearly youre getting ripped off on the hauppauge one
[07:27:57] wagnerrp: not quite sure what a 'hauppauge dvb-t usb' stick is
[07:28:58] womble: "Hauppauge HVR900 MCE USB2 External Digital Analogue or DVB TV Tuner"
[07:29:33] wagnerrp: well thats just downright baffling
[07:29:54] wagnerrp: 'digital analogue' means nothing
[07:30:08] wagnerrp: and 'mce usb2' is not part of the tuner
[07:30:31] wagnerrp: sounds like an ebay auction with the seller leaving out key prepositions and conjunctions
[07:31:27] wagnerrp: i see that same tuner for sale from a real store for a quarter that price
[07:32:58] womble: I'll bet they won't do cheap shipping to Australia, though...
[07:34:58] stoffel (stoffel! has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:39:44] SteelSide (SteelSide!~SteelSide@unaffiliated/steelside) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[07:48:26] npm_ (npm_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[07:53:12] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[07:53:49] womble: Anyone know what a Hauppauge "ministick" is? LinuxTV wiki knows nowt of it.
[07:56:16] wagnerrp:
[08:11:53] womble: Probably should have been a little more specific there... I was more interested in whether it's solid under Linux.
[08:12:13] wagnerrp: if its not listed on the linuxtv wiki, signs point to no
[08:12:33] womble: Google-indexed forums, as usual, are a mix of "ZOMG it doesn't work" and "durr of course the $SOMETHING_ELSE works fine"
[08:14:05] Beirdo: the only way to know for sure is to buy one and try it
[08:14:07] Beirdo: heh
[08:15:09] Beirdo: but yeah, if it's not on the linuxtv wiki, it's doubtful it will work, but you could just be the first person to try something that uses drivers that exist with some variation of the name
[08:15:29] Beirdo: or try looking under the product number perhaps
[08:20:19] wagnerrp: Beirdo: any of your systems have an /etc/timezone?
[08:20:50] Beirdo: I'd hope they all do
[08:21:00] wagnerrp: timezone, not localtime
[08:21:05] wagnerrp: ive never seen an /etc/timezone
[08:21:21] Beirdo: /etc/timezone is standard, AFAIK
[08:21:30] wagnerrp: neither fbsd or gentoo have one
[08:21:44] Beirdo: gentoo is hardly "normal" for Linux
[08:21:56] Beirdo: it's Linux trying to be FreeBSD
[08:22:30] wagnerrp: suse has no /etc/timezone
[08:23:10] Beirdo: Ubuntu/Debian does AFAIK
[08:23:19] Beirdo: it contains the text of what your timezone is
[08:23:46] wagnerrp: . . . uestion.html
[08:23:56] wagnerrp: sphery: might interest you ^^^
[08:24:07] Beirdo: and /etc/localtime is usaully a symlink or copy to the tzinfo file
[08:24:19] Beirdo: I refuse to go to that crappy forum
[08:25:16] Beirdo: 2010-07–04 00:17:26.588 AFD Warning: ScanATSCCaptionStreams() called with no PMT
[08:25:22] Beirdo: gorgeous....
[08:25:51] Beirdo: that gets spewed on my frontend logs when using livetv... on an ivtv card
[08:26:07] Beirdo: not ATSC, fix it, kthxbi
[08:27:38] Beirdo: so.. Jarod informed me... my mceusb device... not supported in 0.8.6 of lirc...
[08:27:53] Beirdo: support was added since for transmitting on that device
[08:27:55] Beirdo: heh
[08:28:00] Beirdo: sooo....
[08:28:08] Beirdo: I wasted a pile of time. :)
[08:42:48] __benny__ (__benny__! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:47:55] cdpuk (cdpuk!~chris@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[09:05:21] Beirdo: yay. kernel panic on the new kernel I just finished building
[09:05:37] Beirdo: it couldn't get memory for the PCI bridge?!
[09:06:17] Beirdo: idiotic changes
[09:06:35] Beirdo: there's a new one to disable the bootmem stuff
[09:06:47] Beirdo: let's shut that off and try again, shall we?
[09:07:56] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:11:27] mcl0vin_ (mcl0vin_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:14:31] waxhead (waxhead! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[09:16:35] ** Beirdo glares at the computer **
[09:16:41] Beirdo: build faster!
[09:25:07] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Quit: Body blow! Body blow!)
[09:25:43] Beirdo: aw man, you GOTTA be kidding me
[09:26:42] Beirdo: apparently, it's gonna recompile it all
[09:36:05] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:37:56] drindt: iam trying to get running mythtv on my tv via hdmi connector, the X server detects a 1920x1080px display properly, but mythtv doesnt fit the screen, mythtv displays with a oversize so a lot of the picture is hidden
[09:38:06] drindt: someone has a suggestion?
[09:41:06] Beirdo: !url overscan
[09:41:06] MythLogBot: overscan: . . . l-tvs-do-it/
[09:42:48] Beirdo: anyways, bed for me
[09:43:00] Beirdo: stupid kernel compile's gonna take a while
[09:44:47] drindt: Beirdo: thanks
[09:54:43] flohack (flohack! has joined #mythtv-users
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[10:03:43] SteelSide (SteelSide!~SteelSide@unaffiliated/steelside) has joined #mythtv-users
[10:04:26] drindt: thats weird, my Xorg told me that he is using 1920x1080, but in mythtv the screen calibration tool told me after the correction 1680x900 when i see both triangles. is that a overscan issue? because the upper left corner is properly visible, but not the lower right. thanks for all help
[10:05:10] justinh: that's one crapton of overscan if it is overscan
[10:08:01] drindt: justinh, sorry but i cant understand you last sentence
[10:08:18] natanojl (natanojl! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:10:25] justinh: if you're really running at that resolution & you have to move the triangles that far, you've got one hell of a lot of overscan going on there
[10:10:37] justinh: I think your tv is rescaling it
[10:10:54] justinh: even bad case overscan should only amount to maybe 10% on a new tv
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[10:12:51] womble (womble! has left #mythtv-users ("Oooh! Shiny!")
[10:14:17] drindt: justinh: i read around in the internet some guys talking about the "just scan" method in tv but it doest work here
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[10:21:25] drindt: justinh: i renamed the source in the tv, the screen looks now ok, but when i go to screen setup the triangle lower right isnt visible, but the rest of the menus are looking ok
[10:21:30] drindt: better than before
[10:21:53] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:28:18] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:32:46] flohack: Hi! I have stuttering audio with mythmusic since the 0.23 (was on 0.21 before). I have tried various options for the default audio device in Setup->General, but could not get rid of the problem. Any ideas how I could debug the problem? htop does not show an unusually high cpu load btw.
[10:36:32] flohack: I'm on a via platform and there is no /dev/hpet available. Could that cause the trouble?
[10:52:16] toma (toma!~toma@kde/toma) has joined #mythtv-users
[10:52:52] toma: hi, is it possible to switch channels etc by way of a webpage instead of using a remote control or keyboard?
[10:53:52] justinh: toma: yes. the remote controls in mythweb which works by way of the telnet interface on mythfrontend
[10:54:10] drindt: setting up like in the howto described . . . igital_sound my asound.conf and it looks like but dont get sound in tv... please get me a clue
[10:55:19] toma: justinh: looks almost what i need yes
[10:55:21] toma: thanks
[10:55:29] justinh: exactly, not almost
[11:00:45] toma: justinh: yes, i would only need a few keys so it fits the screen of my phone
[11:00:55] toma: justinh: so almost :)
[11:01:07] toma: but i'm happy anyways
[11:15:34] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:15:50] justinh: meh. phone as a remote control. MEH
[11:16:01] justinh: people have done apps for that you know
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[12:57:43] Bhaal: Beirdo: Well, I figured out how to watch streams with 0.23 ... Using mythvideo ...
[12:57:50] Bhaal: mplayer and .asx files...
[12:58:10] Bhaal: Works a treat .. At least for the nasatv stream
[13:01:04] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[13:14:34] gsteinert: hey all. Im having trouble with my EIT data. I have a DVB-S2 card and have been using the broadcasted EPG data for around 2 months and it has been working perfectly up until now.
[13:14:34] gsteinert: Now, I get no EPG data at all. This has happened sometime in the last 2 days (I havent been home in that time so I think the data ran out during this time)
[13:14:34] gsteinert: ive tried running mythfilldatabase, but it says that its skipping fetching EPG data as its configured to use broadcasted data
[13:14:34] gsteinert: how wouldI go about updating the db with broadcasted EPG data?
[13:17:52] toma (toma!~toma@kde/toma) has left #mythtv-users ("-")
[13:24:05] Bhaal: FUCK
[13:24:46] Bhaal: Just heard a cop car go past, first I hear its siren down at the major insection at the bottom of the hill...
[13:25:27] Bhaal: just a couple of seconds later, I hear it go past, and I have NEVER heard it go past that fast before, something bad has/is happen(ed/ing)
[13:25:48] Bhaal: It wouldnt have had a chance at stopping at the next set of lights up the road...
[13:28:40] Bhaal: damn
[13:28:45] Bhaal: wrong channel, sorry guys
[13:34:48] oobe: RDV_Linux, did you know that images downloading are broken now im they changed somthing in there URL's
[13:34:57] sphery: Bhaal: language, please
[13:35:28] sphery: gsteinert: MythTV grabs EIT data on its own schedule (and timing depends on whether you've enabled active or passive grabbing)
[13:36:26] sphery: gsteinert: the only way to "force" it to re-fetch data is to restart all your mythbackends. You can force it to forget old data with: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e "TRUNCATE TABLE program;"
[13:36:27] gsteinert: sphery: any ideas why it would have stopped? it was working fine for 2 months before this
[13:36:48] sphery: My first guess would be changes at that broadcaster--possibly you need a rescan or something
[13:37:08] RDV_Linux: oobe: There is a ticket for this issue. iamlindoro will be back by Monday and I suspect will provide a fix shortly. An FYI does not download any images it just provides the image URLs to MythVideo which does the actual downloading.
[13:37:08] sphery: EIT experts would probably have better guesses, though (but it seems none of them are around)
[13:37:44] sphery: oobe: there's a patch on (IIRC) the -users list
[13:37:59] sphery: or maybe it was on the ticket
[13:38:04] oobe: yea i saw the ticket just thought i would mention it
[13:38:06] sphery: it doesn't look too bad
[13:38:20] oobe: fyi i tried the anonymous users patch it didnt work for me
[13:38:23] sphery: (the patch, that is--seems right, but I don't konw the code)
[13:38:36] sphery: are you getting a 302?
[13:38:50] gsteinert: sphery: i have restarted my backend a number of times to no joy =( ill try a rescan
[13:39:49] sphery: gsteinert: if you hang out for a while, you'll probably encounter a couple of the EIT experts... Another (possibly easier) approach is to send an e-mail to the mythtv-users list, where you'll get many more eyes on it (though it will require more patience)
[13:40:14] sphery: if it is a broadcaster thing, likely someone in the region can tell you what happened/how to fix
[13:40:30] sphery: make sure you mention where in the world you are/what source you're using for TV
[13:40:38] gsteinert: sphery: thakyou, ill see if the rescan helps then try the list =)
[13:40:48] sphery: this isn't the US, right?
[13:41:00] gsteinert: no, its Freesat in the UK
[13:41:27] sphery: ok, was going to say that in the US, the broadcaster or re-broadcaster probably just decided not to provide the data (as they're only required to provide now/next info)
[13:41:43] sphery: and since it costs money to provide more than the minimum...
[13:41:57] oobe: sphery, i just made a paste of what the log says
[13:42:01] sphery: Freesat should work, but may require some changes--the list would know better
[13:42:06] oobe: i didnt get any 302 errors
[13:42:37] oobe: not to worry
[13:42:42] oobe: it will get fixed im sure
[13:43:31] sphery: HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently
[13:44:06] sphery: so, 302 (Moved Temporarily) was already handled and 301 needs handling...
[13:44:30] sphery: the patch in the ticket should work, but if you copied from the HTML page, it's broken
[13:44:36] sphery: let me upload it properly
[13:46:35] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has quit (Quit: mary had a little segmentation fault)
[13:50:32] oobe: awesome
[13:52:14] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:53:45] oobe: are you gonna attach it to the ticket? sphery
[13:53:58] oobe: or upload it somewhere else
[13:54:50] Bhaal: sphery: as said 'sorry' I typed into the wrong channel
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[13:55:56] oobe: anyway when i did try to patch it i copied and pasted his diff from the ticket page
[13:56:04] oobe: so that is why it didnt properly work
[13:56:26] sphery: oobe: . . . irects.patch is the patch. I haven't even compile-tested it, but please try it and if it works, feel free to upload it to the ticket as an attachment or just let me know and I'll upload it later. Thanks.
[13:57:01] oobe: ty sphery
[13:57:07] sphery: I cleaned it up a bit and fixed what the wiki corrupted
[13:57:20] sphery: good luck
[13:57:20] sphery: thanks
[14:00:11] abqjp (abqjp! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:02:07] oobe: yep works perfect thanks
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[14:02:49] sphery: oobe: works means the images work after using it?
[14:03:43] oobe: yea
[14:03:52] oobe: it downloads the perfectly
[14:04:07] oobe: before it would download the html redirect files
[14:04:28] oobe: or thats what i thought it was doing i didnt check
[14:04:36] sphery: cool... I'll upload the patch as an attachment
[14:04:42] oobe: so yes i get the posters and backgrounds now
[14:04:46] sphery: thx
[14:04:50] oobe: thank you
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[14:17:26] gsteinert: hey, was in here not so long ago with EIT trouble. Ive been looking through mythweb and its reporting the eit_cache table as "Table is marked as crashed and last repair failed"
[14:17:56] gsteinert: i was just wondering if clearing the table could solve my problem?
[14:18:18] gsteinert: or at least, can i do it without causing any harm? :P
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[14:51:23] sphery: gsteinert: you need to tell MySQL to fix the table
[14:51:38] sphery: gsteinert: run or use MythWeb's Repair Database option
[14:52:17] gsteinert: sphery: i think I may have sorted it, there is a fix tables button at the top of the mythweb page. I clicked that and EPG data is coming up for the channels I am viewing
[14:52:23] sphery: gsteinert: . . . the_Database
[14:52:35] sphery: yeah, that's the repair database option
[14:52:39] gsteinert: i think its just a matter of time before it gets round to sorting the rest =)
[14:52:46] gsteinert: thankyou for your help =)
[14:52:56] sphery: still, you should do as suggested at that link and have your system auto-run in cron
[14:53:27] sphery: but glad you figured it out.
[14:53:48] sphery: also, sounds like you may have passive EIT enabled
[14:54:07] sphery: if so, you'll need to tune each mux that has different EIT data on it for it to pick up all the data
[14:54:21] sphery: with Freesat, it may all be on all muxes, so...
[15:32:20] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has quit (Quit: mary had a little segmentation fault)
[15:51:11] justinh: grrr. Why can't 'verified by Visa' go die in a fire?
[15:52:01] justinh: asking you to remember a frickin 8 digit sequence to 'secure' a card is stupid – and when you forget – which you invariably do, the questions it asks to reset it are easily guessable or researched anyway
[15:58:06] wagnerrp: apparently if you let someone fire roman candles at you, and then let the burning spheres smolder in your lap, you will (and deserve to) catch fire...
[15:58:14] wagnerrp: thats one of the most contrived PSAs ive ever seen
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[16:12:19] EvilGuru: Does anyone now of an easy way to force my DVB-S card to power up the LNB? scan works, but it only powers it up for a few seconds at a time and does not last that long
[16:15:07] Beirdo: WTH?
[16:15:25] Beirdo: how can this kernel NOT recognize a PCI bridge?!
[16:15:40] Beirdo: what in the heck got misconfigured!?!
[16:22:55] Beirdo: and, BTW. I hate upstart
[16:23:05] Beirdo: non-working piece of crap
[16:24:05] Beirdo: my myth box is currently stuck at the "Ubuntu 10.04" screen... no consoles
[16:24:14] Beirdo: but... I can ssh in
[16:24:31] Beirdo: and it's not consistent about doing this
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[17:06:22] Beirdo: ughhh
[17:06:33] Beirdo: I forgot --initrd on the make-kpkg
[17:06:38] Beirdo: there goes another 3h
[17:08:00] justinh: doh
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[17:09:26] wagnerrp: thats what happens when you try to build a system on a dinky Atom
[17:09:39] Beirdo: it's not on an Atom, punk :)
[17:09:54] wagnerrp: old man
[17:09:57] Beirdo: this is on the myth box... Pentium D
[17:10:19] wagnerrp: hey, that can manage your HDPVR content at 1/3 real time
[17:10:25] wagnerrp: horray for netburst! :)
[17:10:33] Beirdo: this is what I get for trying to use Jarod's git tree... and making debs
[17:10:37] Beirdo: hehe
[17:10:41] Beirdo: shuddup
[17:10:42] Beirdo: :)
[17:10:56] justinh: ahahaha.. the woman who the domain name I wanted for the dog training club website who was uncontactable has subscribed to email updates. muhahahahaha
[17:11:13] justinh: who owns
[17:11:15] justinh: oops
[17:12:42] Beirdo: there. removed "quiet splash" from the boot to hopefully solve the problem of the stupid ubuntu splash screen staying up
[17:12:56] Beirdo: at least I might be able to find what's borking upstart
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[17:39:15] Shadow__X: !lastseen iamlindoro
[17:39:23] Shadow__X: !help
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[17:39:30] justinh: !seen iamlindoro
[17:39:30] MythLogBot: iamlindoro was last seen 8 days 4 hours 39 minutes 16 seconds ago
[17:39:30] Shadow__X: help last seen
[17:39:37] Shadow__X: thanks justinh
[17:39:53] wagnerrp: what did you need?
[17:40:12] Shadow__X: just havnt seen him around so wanted to see the last time he was here
[17:41:13] JJ1 (JJ1! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[17:41:39] Shadow__X: but other than that another of my seagate 1tb drives is failing. 3rd of 4 to be exact and am wondering if i should just buy bigger drives and slowly move my array over(risky) buy all new drives and transfer it over (wouldnt have enough sata ports to do that unless, i did dd for each drive then expanded them) or just buy a single 1tb drive to replace this failing one and figure it out later
[17:43:12] Shadow__X: also neweggs selection of pci express to sata controller card selection isnt great if you want more than 2 ports which is sad
[17:43:28] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:46:48] wagnerrp: there are a handful of 4-port ones
[17:46:49] Shadow__X: long story short never buy ST31000340AS
[17:47:00] wagnerrp: but anything decent is going to be SAS or RAID
[17:47:20] Beirdo: Shadow__X: I find that hard to believe
[17:47:31] Beirdo: more likely a power issue ro something
[17:47:47] Beirdo: ie the drives may be the victim here, not the cause
[17:48:16] Shadow__X: Beirdo: seriously? 1 drive is the firmware issue the other is shot and this one i flashed it to the newer firmware but has smart errors
[17:48:38] Beirdo: or PEBCAK
[17:48:43] Beirdo: that works too :)
[17:48:44] Shadow__X: Beirdo: not if you look at the fact i have now 4 WD 1tb blacks in there and they are great
[17:48:52] Beirdo: for now
[17:49:00] Shadow__X: for over a year
[17:49:08] Beirdo: uh huh.
[17:49:30] Shadow__X: Beirdo: yeah i get what your saying but what i am saying is that the ST31000340AS were known to be horrible
[17:49:45] johd (johd! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[17:50:02] Beirdo: heh
[17:50:14] Shadow__X: i am sure most of my issues are through the firmware issue but still i shouldnt lose 3 out of 4 drives due to shotty firmware
[17:50:35] Beirdo: no buying Fujistu, whatever you do
[17:50:59] Shadow__X: no i thought seagate desktop drives were good boy was i mistaken
[17:51:49] Shadow__X: btw ever since day 1 i had 1 wd 1TB black for os and 4 Seagate 1tb 340 for array. whats left function is still thr wd 1tb and one seagate 1tb
[17:52:26] Shadow__X: so unless my power issues are only killing seagates... that leads me to a 3 out of 4 are dead scenario
[17:53:08] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: yeah i see that now i was looking in the wrong spot
[17:53:25] Beirdo: I assume you RMA them?
[17:53:31] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop!~RobertLap@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[17:53:37] Shadow__X: havnt had time but yes i will rma them
[17:53:58] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:54:18] Beirdo: I had to RMA about half my drives while living in PR
[17:54:20] wagnerrp: i find my seagates are my most power hungry and finicky drives on my array
[17:54:21] Beirdo: it's not hard
[17:54:21] ** sid3windr has about 200 seagates running at work with about 5/year failing **
[17:54:48] Beirdo: and... they were all seagate, and it was unclean power that did them in
[17:54:55] Beirdo: stupid crappy power grid
[17:55:06] Beirdo: fried every single machine I had
[17:55:15] justinh: no UPS?
[17:55:23] Beirdo: UPS doesn't clean the power
[17:55:30] Shadow__X: Beirdo: yeah i can see that
[17:55:43] Beirdo: it only cleans it when running on battery
[17:55:53] Shadow__X: power conditioner perhaps?(if that really helps) or something similar
[17:55:56] justinh: ah depends on the UPS
[17:56:02] Beirdo: unless you get a REALLY expensive UPS :)
[17:56:15] Beirdo: moving to Seattle works
[17:56:32] justinh: mains adapter to low voltage.. into a mains inverter ;)
[17:56:38] Beirdo: no more crappy power grid
[17:56:49] Beirdo: yeah, a REAL UPS would do fine
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[17:57:08] wagnerrp: yeah, powerline conditioners are generally more expensive than consumer UPSs
[17:57:18] Beirdo: but the usual ones you find in stores.. basically shunt to mains when mains are up
[17:57:39] Beirdo: so if the main power is crap... it does nothing for you
[17:57:42] wagnerrp: youre talking several kVa commercial units that are active UPSs
[17:57:49] Beirdo: aye
[17:58:05] Beirdo: steal one from a colo center near you
[17:58:12] wagnerrp: and then, the constant load on the battery usually requires their replacement much more frequently than passive ones
[17:58:19] Beirdo: yup
[17:58:19] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:58:32] Beirdo: screw it, I'll take the generator too
[17:58:52] Beirdo: just keep feeding it diesel
[17:59:08] wagnerrp: get a big flywheel
[17:59:22] Shadow__X: swapping out drives for bigger ones on a raid array to to eventually grow to the new size is still considered risky correct?
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[17:59:24] AndyCap: I see APC has a 1kVA online ups
[17:59:45] Beirdo: Shadow__X: depends on the RAID controller, I'm sure
[17:59:47] wagnerrp: and if the feds are ever coming after you, just open the cage and release the speed safeties
[17:59:58] wagnerrp: aim it at your computer
[18:00:05] Beirdo: hahahah
[18:00:11] wagnerrp: instant claymore
[18:00:13] Shadow__X: Beirdo: i am using mdadm software raid
[18:00:30] Beirdo: wagnerrp: or just get a trebuchet and fling it into the ocean
[18:01:15] Beirdo: extra points if you hit the Bainbridge Island ferry
[18:05:20] Beirdo: Pawn-held designed wireless input device
[18:05:29] Beirdo: nice typo, Amazon
[18:05:50] Beirdo: a palm-sized bluetooth keyboard, BTW
[18:07:11] Beirdo: thanks, but I don't want my keyboard to be in a pawn shop
[18:08:57] brfransen (brfransen! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:09:16] Beirdo: thinking that something like that could be a useful remote for my mythbox
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[18:09:23] Beirdo: so if I need a keyboard...
[18:10:31] wagnerrp: full qwerty? single-handed half qwerty? dual/tri-fold qwerty?
[18:11:00] Beirdo: . . . p/B002YX1M3U
[18:11:25] Beirdo: I'm considering the concept :)
[18:11:29] wagnerrp: never liked non-staggered keyboards
[18:11:49] Beirdo: yah
[18:12:24] Beirdo: realistically, I think a Harmony and a real bluetooth kbd/mouse might be a better over all plan
[18:13:02] wagnerrp:
[18:13:47] Beirdo: gah
[18:13:54] Beirdo: unusable for me
[18:14:03] wagnerrp: get the left handed version?
[18:14:38] Beirdo: if I'm getting a keyboard, it's so I can use it for console use to fix stuff, primarily
[18:14:54] Beirdo: that thing would just drive me insane
[18:15:37] wagnerrp: yeah, just get a full size keyboard and stuff it along side the couch
[18:15:43] Beirdo: yup
[18:16:02] Beirdo: then use the harmony that I don't have yet for the main myth use :)
[18:16:27] wagnerrp: should have gone in on the amazon deal a couple weeks back
[18:16:39] Beirdo: heh
[18:16:41] Beirdo: ah well
[18:16:48] wagnerrp: 880 for $70
[18:17:16] Beirdo: they are $79.99 right now
[18:17:28] Beirdo: refurb
[18:18:27] Shadow__X: what about a logitech dinovo? isnt that close to what you want
[18:18:41] wagnerrp: yeah, i think theres one with a touchpad
[18:18:45] wagnerrp: and its pretty flat
[18:18:49] Shadow__X: . . . _rd_i=507846
[18:18:56] wagnerrp: you could probably just turn it off and slide it into the couch cushions
[18:19:10] Shadow__X: yeah it even has a cover so yu dont have to worry
[18:20:01] Shadow__X: even backlighting
[18:20:20] Beirdo: it's a possibility, yeah
[18:21:06] Beirdo: but really, it it;s only for "OMG, must fix on console" use..
[18:21:13] Beirdo: I can just use USB
[18:21:24] Beirdo: open the cabinet, plug in.
[18:22:10] wagnerrp: ive got a cheap ps2 keyboard above the dvd player for that purpose
[18:22:15] Beirdo: if it's instead of a remote, the dinovo's a good idea
[18:22:44] Beirdo: but I do have a pile of remotes already
[18:22:45] wagnerrp: my sister has one of the older models, i dont like typing on it
[18:22:46] Beirdo: heh
[18:23:15] Beirdo: one from the HDPVR, one from the MCEUSB little box...
[18:23:26] Beirdo: plus the directv ones.. (3 of em)
[18:23:39] Beirdo: plus the TV's, plus the DVD
[18:23:40] Beirdo: heh
[18:23:55] Beirdo: phallic symbols all over the place
[18:26:28] Beirdo: really don't need to buy a Harmony... but it'd be a cool toy
[18:27:06] Shadow__X: i think the idea is to consolidate
[18:28:00] Beirdo: heh
[18:28:03] Beirdo: shhh
[18:28:14] Beirdo: I haven't gotten to it yet
[18:29:55] Beirdo: oh god.
[18:30:21] Beirdo: my head's saying "hey, stupid! you need more caffiene!!!"
[18:30:25] Beirdo: CC [M] drivers/net/wan/hdlc_cisco.o
[18:30:55] Beirdo: ok, how was that in my paste buffer?
[18:31:15] Beirdo: I guess I smacked the mouse button there
[18:31:16] Beirdo: sorry
[18:32:34] Beirdo: hmm, need to find my other svideo cable
[18:32:56] Beirdo: so I can have the second pvr250 use that instead of composite
[18:33:29] Beirdo: not that it matters until I can get this mceusb thingy transmitting
[18:38:18] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:40:17] Beirdo: cool, nothing set to record until tomorrow evening
[18:44:24] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:46:54] justinh: ugh wth have channel 4 done with their mpeg encoding?
[18:53:04] unixSnob (unixSnob! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:54:41] tank-man: the future is now: ads in captchas now :)
[18:57:00] wagnerrp: oh?
[18:57:56] tank-man: . . . wcaptcha.jpg
[18:58:03] tank-man: yea, but not in my dreams!
[18:58:51] justinh: eew
[18:59:01] wagnerrp: heh
[18:59:25] wagnerrp: that looks like its off some patent application
[18:59:42] wagnerrp: dont tell me they actually managed to patent putting ads in captchas
[18:59:50] Beirdo: coool, you can patent stupidity?
[19:00:33] AndyCap: nice. if we're lucky that'll limit the use of it. :P
[19:00:43] Beirdo: charge royalties...
[19:00:51] Beirdo: Here's your sign... now pay me
[19:01:57] Beirdo: the PVR250 worked so well last night that I forgot I had it in LiveTV mode :)
[19:01:59] gilles_ (gilles_!~chatzilla@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:03:07] Beirdo: .win 27
[19:03:10] Beirdo: err
[19:03:53] justinh: hmmm where was that patch for the tmdb image downloadering?
[19:04:18] Beirdo: /dev/null?
[19:04:23] Beirdo: I dunno, sorry
[19:04:33] justinh: heh
[19:04:43] justinh: was it for jamu or for actual code?
[19:05:38] RDV_Linux: justinh: The patch is on the ticket reporting the issue. It is also a patch for MythVideo. Jamu works.
[19:06:09] Beirdo: RDV_Linux: jamu is a great tool, in case nobody's stroked yer ego lately :)
[19:06:14] justinh: yeah found it :)
[19:06:20] justinh: thanks RDV_Linux
[19:06:31] RDV_Linux: Beirdo: thanks
[19:06:41] justinh: arghh it's for code not the script. bum
[19:09:33] justinh: I need to get off these spoon feeding packages
[19:10:09] Beirdo: hehe. #8639
[19:10:15] Beirdo: stop using gnome!
[19:10:26] wagnerrp: is the problem that the web downloader in mythvideo just isnt set up to follow redirects?
[19:10:55] justinh: wagnerrp: looks like that
[19:11:28] justinh: or wait – looks like it follows 302 but not 301
[19:11:54] Beirdo: there's a patch for that, no?
[19:11:55] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: I know it handled redirects for a long time as TVDB had redirects. TMDB must be doing something slightly different then how the code handled redirects before.
[19:12:10] Beirdo: oooh, not for the scripts..
[19:12:13] justinh: . . . irects.patch
[19:12:18] Beirdo: I'll go back to my coffee
[19:14:00] Beirdo: back to NCIS! enough of this nutrisystem ad
[19:14:09] wagnerrp: tmdb shouldnt be sending 301s, unless the script is sending bad links
[19:15:05] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: is only sending the links as returned in the api call (GIGO) no massaging is done at all.
[19:15:18] wagnerrp: 302 is a temporary redirect (like for caching), 301 is for a permanently moved page/file
[19:15:39] wagnerrp: RDV_Linux: figured as much, not blaming you on that one
[19:15:50] Beirdo: they may have done so on purpose, not unheard of
[19:15:54] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: no offence taken;)
[19:15:58] wagnerrp: s/ tmdb api/
[19:16:37] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: same diff
[19:17:45] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: As Jamu uses the same tmdb_api code I checked and it is not having issues downloading from the urls that are returned by the api.
[19:18:27] wagnerrp: RDV_Linux: probably because urllib handles the 301/302/whatever code as expects clients to
[19:18:46] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: that is what I figured
[19:19:14] justinh: possibly some qt-ism or other
[19:20:21] Beirdo: heh
[19:21:12] justinh: of course they'll want to deal with different redirect codes in different ways. for teh fr33d0mz!
[19:31:53] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:52:09] JJ2 (JJ2! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[19:52:37] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:04:44] Beirdo: yay
[20:05:00] Beirdo: kernel works MUCH better with an initramfs
[20:06:43] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:06:59] Beirdo: argh
[20:07:21] Beirdo: except now the f'ing hdvpr IR ain't working
[20:07:24] Beirdo: sigh
[20:12:45] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[20:13:17] Beirdo: urgh
[20:17:27] Beirdo: blargh
[20:17:38] Beirdo: and the patched version... no compily
[20:18:23] Beirdo: sigh
[20:18:37] justinh: linux is fun! ;)
[20:18:38] Beirdo: and the patch (to try again) on Jarod's site... 404
[20:19:44] rhollan: I am considering a reinstall of mythtv on Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid), and wonder if it can use an existing apache configuration and mysql server, or will it try to stomp over them. Anyone know?
[20:21:15] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[20:21:32] justinh: wonder what reinstalling has ever solved. hmmm
[20:21:51] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop!~RobertLap@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[20:22:07] rhollan: I am trying to run iRedMail and a mythbackend on the same server, and iRedMail really does not want to be installed on MythBuntu
[20:22:33] justinh: rhollan: control your own destiny. compile mythtv from source :)
[20:22:50] rhollan: In particular, iRedMail puts all it's web stuff in /usr/apache2 and mythb configured apache to use /var/www
[20:23:13] Beirdo: OMG
[20:23:18] rhollan: justinh: I think the existing packages would be fine
[20:23:20] Beirdo: Linux is not an appliance :)
[20:23:28] Beirdo: just reconfigure something :)
[20:24:06] rhollan: and telling mythtv install to use an existing apache root is done HOW?
[20:24:21] rhollan: or an existing mysql server, for that matter? Those are the biggies
[20:24:24] Beirdo: by editing the config files
[20:24:54] Beirdo: it has not much to do with mythtv, everything to do with #mythbuntu
[20:24:55] rhollan: before install? Again, HOW? mythtv appears to install stuff where it wants.
[20:25:06] justinh: yeah once it's trampled all over your config
[20:25:13] Beirdo: mythtv doesn't install mythweb anywhere
[20:25:15] Beirdo: YOU did
[20:25:15] justinh: mythtv doesn't do it
[20:25:20] justinh: packages do
[20:25:22] croppa (croppa! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:25:22] rhollan: right, which is why I figured it might be better to start with 10.04 and install both mythtv and iRedMail on that
[20:25:28] Beirdo: whether by hand , or via mythbuntu packages
[20:25:41] rhollan: but, I don't know if I can get mythtv to "play nice" with existing apache and mysql installations
[20:25:50] Beirdo: you're probably right, but if you use packages, you'll be right where you were
[20:26:01] Beirdo: of course you can
[20:26:07] justinh: why would iredmail use /usr/apache2 ?
[20:26:11] rhollan: Sure, mythbuntu is a bit too tightly integrated
[20:26:17] Beirdo: yeah, that's retarded anyways
[20:26:21] rhollan: iredmain uses web-based administration
[20:26:25] justinh: so?
[20:26:34] justinh: who says they can't be symlinks?
[20:26:36] rhollan: /usr/share/apache2 actually
[20:26:52] justinh: who says they can't be done with apache config directly anyway?
[20:26:52] Beirdo: /random/unusual/path
[20:26:54] justinh: ;)
[20:26:54] rhollan: justinh: tried that... too many hardcoded paths in some of the php scripts, it appears
[20:27:05] justinh: sounds like a great reason to dump it
[20:27:17] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:27:18] justinh: like uhh take your stinking hard-coded crap & shove it :)
[20:28:06] rhollan: The point is that I don't want to have the hassle of debugging iredmail config, and it can install nice on an existing LAMP configuration under ubunto
[20:28:10] rhollan: ubuntu
[20:28:26] rhollan: So, I figure, let iredmail call the directory shots, and make myth play nice with it.
[20:28:47] Beirdo: why use iRedMail at all if it's so borked?
[20:28:50] justinh: with apache you can have your dirs anywhere you want
[20:29:00] justinh: it's all in the config
[20:29:08] rhollan: Then the question becomes: can I tell mythtv install where the root of the web server directory is, and to not install mysql over an existing install
[20:29:15] justinh: you can even put /root in there if you're stupid enough
[20:29:34] justinh: rhollan: no it doesn't ask AFAIK
[20:29:36] rhollan: right, but the docs for the config are almost nonexistant: I really don't want to have to figure out apache config/
[20:29:40] justinh: it'll assume /var/www
[20:29:56] rhollan: justinbh: yeah, and mythbuntu configures apache that way.
[20:29:57] Beirdo: mythtv doesn't install mysql!
[20:30:02] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[20:30:08] rhollan: good, so mysql install was a mythbuntu thing/
[20:30:15] Beirdo: nor does it install apache
[20:30:23] Beirdo: you need to put the config into apache
[20:30:48] rhollan: Good. So mythtv setup will talk to an existing mysql server, and install the mythweb stuff under /var/www?
[20:30:52] justinh: if dependencies are already installed no packager will install them again
[20:30:56] Beirdo: if you don't want to figure out apache configs, you're best off not trying to combine things
[20:31:00] justinh: it's nothing to do with mythtv
[20:31:03] rhollan: That's an easy apache config change.
[20:31:07] justinh: it's what the packaging does
[20:31:07] Beirdo: it will not install mythweb anywhere
[20:31:08] Dave123 (Dave123! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:31:10] Beirdo: you need to do it
[20:31:26] justinh: Beirdo: nah, ubuntu packages do it for you
[20:31:35] rhollan: I don't mind doing small config changes, but I want to avoid major ones.
[20:31:43] Beirdo: that's not mythtv
[20:31:47] Beirdo: that's #mythbuntu
[20:32:17] rhollan: O.K., then the plan is to install an OS that iRedMail is happy with, and then install mythtv over that.
[20:32:32] rhollan: iRedMail is a bitch to configure, with ldap, clamav, mysql, and apache crap
[20:33:04] justinh: yeah I bet it is with hardcoded paths in its guts
[20:33:08] Beirdo: then don't use it
[20:33:21] rhollan: I really don't want to dig into all the details. I've been fighting with it trying to shoehorn it into mythbuntu and it's been pain all the way.
[20:33:24] Beirdo: it's certainly not a mythtv-users issue :)
[20:33:57] rhollan: no, it isn't. I just wanted to know if mythtv can play nice with an existing apache and mysql install, and it looks like it can/
[20:34:21] Beirdo: of course it can
[20:34:30] Beirdo: it's an application, and it's configurable :)
[20:34:40] rhollan: IOW, ubunty, iredmail, then mythtv, instead of mythbuntu, and then iredmail.
[20:34:40] justinh: whether the packages allow it on the other hand... YMMV
[20:35:18] rhollan: I really did want to avoid all the desktop stuff not necesasry in ubunto, though: printers, etc.
[20:35:36] justinh: and touch tablets? :-O
[20:35:49] rhollan: I figured install on ubuntu server, but worried that wouldn't give me the necessary X stuff.
[20:35:56] justinh: no, not server
[20:35:57] Beirdo: OMG
[20:36:03] justinh: definitely not server
[20:36:04] Beirdo: I'm using ubuntu server
[20:36:15] justinh: they miss stuff out we folks with tv tuner cards need
[20:36:19] Beirdo: it works fine, but you WILL need to install a whack of suffs
[20:36:23] Beirdo: stuff
[20:36:32] rhollan: mostly X stuff, I guess
[20:36:36] Beirdo: it works fine for me for tuners
[20:36:52] justinh: bout time I stopped regurgitating stuff I read somewhere then
[20:37:04] Beirdo: you can install any deb that goes into ubuntu desktop
[20:37:19] Beirdo: the only issue is if you find something that hates 64-bit
[20:37:37] rhollan: yeah, but I want to avoid "debendancy hell"
[20:37:38] Beirdo: and, it comes up completely stripped down, basically
[20:37:48] rhollan: yesh, that's why I liked mythbuntu
[20:37:52] Beirdo: then turn the computer off
[20:38:03] Beirdo: packages have dependencies :)
[20:39:03] rhollan: I don;t mind debugging simple stuff, like configs for one or two packages, but I just don't feel like dealing with dependencies between a zillion packages right now. I do enough of that at work.
[20:39:10] Beirdo: any linux distro with packages will have dependencies or they aren't worth using
[20:39:37] rhollan: Yes, but I don't want to re-figure out X dependencies to get ubuntu server good enough for myth
[20:40:06] rhollan: perhaps I should just bite the bullet and buy a different machine for my mail server. It really would be a better idea anyway.
[20:40:37] wagnerrp: ive got my backend running all my server tasks
[20:40:51] rhollan: wagnerrp: yeah, that was my original idea.
[20:41:31] wagnerrp: i just shove everything into separate jails (think vservers)
[20:41:52] wagnerrp: i can bring anything up or down at will, revert, clone off a new copy, whatever
[20:41:55] rhollan: But, trying to shoehorn iRedMail on top of mythbuntu led to no end of grief and installing myth after iRedMail on ubuntu desktop will load a bunch of stuff I don't need
[20:42:07] rhollan: dunno about running everything on vm
[20:42:16] rhollan: it's only an Athlon 6400+
[20:42:19] wagnerrp: i dont use VMs
[20:42:42] rhollan: yeah, but what about shared servers like mysql and apache?
[20:42:55] wagnerrp: jails and vservers are a security context, isolation, not machine virtualization
[20:43:02] wagnerrp: what about them?
[20:43:17] rhollan: iRedMail expects apach'
[20:43:35] rhollan: apache's root served directory to be in one place and mythbunto elsewhere.
[20:44:05] Beirdo: argh
[20:44:06] rhollan: Trouble it, I have no idea WHERE all the iRedMail config assumptions are, so changing them is not easy.
[20:44:07] wagnerrp: so you run it on your web server
[20:44:14] rhollan: I guess I can try again.
[20:44:25] wagnerrp: who says your backend and webserver have to be on the same machine and/or image
[20:44:31] Beirdo: apt-get purge iredmail
[20:44:33] Beirdo: fixed
[20:44:49] rhollan: I was trying to avoid buying another machine for now.
[20:44:55] Beirdo: so don't
[20:45:02] Beirdo: go read the mythtv docs :)
[20:45:24] rhollan: that would have me installing myth on top of ubuntu desktop, then
[20:45:44] Beirdo: no, you can install it on top of anything you want
[20:45:47] rhollan: Or, is there a basic set of stuff it needs that can be installed on top of ubuntu server?
[20:45:51] justinh: never figured why anybody needs their own mail server anyway :)
[20:46:11] rhollan: I have my own physical mailbox, so why not my own server.
[20:46:22] justinh: sounds like just another pain in the backside (tm)
[20:46:30] dustybin: postfix ftw
[20:46:38] Beirdo: google mail FTW
[20:46:39] Beirdo: :)
[20:46:41] rhollan: ESPESCIALLY with current court cases that say cached email does not require a warrant to read
[20:46:52] justinh: muh muh muh
[20:46:53] justinh: :)
[20:47:05] rhollan: yeah, postifx is what iRedMail uses. It adds clamav and ldap for virtual user management
[20:47:17] Beirdo: rhollan: yeah, your mail goes through several servers before it hits you
[20:47:18] justinh: users? what – in ONE HOUSE? lol
[20:47:32] Beirdo: the court rulings apply to them as well
[20:47:45] Beirdo: if you don't want people reading your email, encrypt it
[20:47:51] rhollan: Beirdo: yes, but if they don't serve it to you via POP or IMAP, and just do what an MTA does, a warrant is required to intercept.
[20:47:51] justinh: oh wait my dog might need an account
[20:47:55] dustybin: gpg ftw
[20:48:02] Beirdo: otherwise, it's open to the world at some point anyways
[20:48:14] rhollan: If they hold mail for you, no warrant is necessary.
[20:48:25] rhollan: Beirdo: Ah, but it can't be used against you.
[20:48:27] Beirdo: so stop emailing your terrorist activities
[20:48:35] Beirdo: sure it can
[20:48:43] Beirdo: PATRIOT Act FTL
[20:49:00] rhollan: nope, inadmissable without warrant.
[20:49:12] Beirdo: yeah, whatever
[20:49:18] rhollan: These are not terrorist activities. I get mail from fathers' rights group members
[20:49:19] Beirdo: have a fun trip to Gitmo
[20:49:24] rhollan: not all encrypt.
[20:49:24] justinh: anyway, point is – what you want should be possible no matter how many noobs wrote iredmail
[20:49:25] bjd: America sounds like a great place to live :P
[20:49:50] Beirdo: you have the right to... bend over and take it like a taxpayer
[20:50:00] rhollan: Well, I think Io will try iRedMail on mythbuntu one more time.
[20:50:35] rhollan: Hey: is there a 9.04 based mythbuntu? That would be easier on iRedMail
[20:50:56] Beirdo: off to google with ya
[20:50:58] justinh: is there a channel where people don't walk about iRedMail?
[20:51:03] Beirdo: or #mythbuntu :)
[20:51:03] rhollan: iRedMail does not really like 10.04 and it's bad enough to debug that.
[20:51:05] justinh (justinh! has left #mythtv-users ("Grrrr.")
[20:51:18] Beirdo: then deep six the piece of junk!
[20:51:35] rhollan: And use what?
[20:51:43] Beirdo: google
[20:51:48] Beirdo: go look something up
[20:52:02] rhollan: I want mail with virtual users managed via LDAP and a web-based interface
[20:52:03] Beirdo: either way, it's not on-topic here :)
[20:52:06] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:52:09] rhollan: fair enough.
[20:52:22] ** Beirdo hands justinh a trout **
[20:52:29] rhollan: I just was wondering about myth install playing nice with an existing LAMP stack.
[20:52:37] justinh: programs are sposed to do do OUR bidding :)
[20:52:40] Beirdo: RT*M
[20:53:08] rhollan: O.K. then, on topic: is there any reason to prefer mythbuntu 10.04 over 9.04?
[20:53:17] Beirdo: #mythbuntu
[20:53:18] justinh: yes. newer mythtv
[20:53:47] rhollan: I'll check with the mytbuntu folks, then. Thx.
[20:57:20] Lt_Dan (Lt_Dan! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:57:21] rhollan: Hah! found some iRedMail config files! Now I see how to override things to make it play nice on mythbuntu.
[20:57:39] rhollan: I WISH they would have documented them, though.
[20:58:03] unixSnob (unixSnob! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[20:59:22] dustybin: does mythmusic support .pls files?
[20:59:24] ** cesman wonders why MythTV wouldn't play nicely w/ LAMP when it (mythweb) uses LAMP... **
[20:59:58] Beirdo: cesman: maybe it's an oil lamp?
[21:00:29] sebrock (sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:00:31] cesman: lol
[21:00:47] justinh: don't er.. rub it the wrong way though.. stuff might come out of it
[21:01:18] Beirdo: heh
[21:10:09] Beirdo: hahah
[21:10:22] Beirdo: + retval = 0; /* hdpvr_register_i2c_adapter(dev); */
[21:10:28] Beirdo: OK, that would be why.
[21:10:38] Beirdo: now I need to recompile.... AGAIN
[21:10:44] Beirdo: sucky
[21:12:27] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:13:55] Lt_Dan (Lt_Dan! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:29:08] gerhard7 (gerhard7! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:30:44] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop!~RobertLap@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:36:40] mtrelins (mtrelins! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:37:12] mtrelins: hi guys, running mythbuntu 10.04... hdmi audio output not responding to volume controls... any ideas?
[21:37:29] mtrelins: tv and video – internal player
[21:38:02] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop!~RobertLap@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:39:54] rhollan: mtrelins: make sure you enavle IEC958 in audio setup. Also, you may need a custom ./etc/asound.cong
[21:40:08] mtrelins: i have sound
[21:40:20] mtrelins: just that when i use volume up/down
[21:40:22] mtrelins: it won't lower it
[21:40:24] mtrelins: or raise it
[21:40:36] rhollan: Sure, because it is a digital signal. It would have to be routed through a mixer first
[21:40:55] rhollan: I have the same issue. I just use my receiver to control HDMI audio volume
[21:41:05] mtrelins: is this just a pipe dream?
[21:41:12] mtrelins: do i have to use my receiver for audio up/down?
[21:41:40] rhollan: no, I've heard that some route audio through a mixer and then out the HDMI link
[21:41:44] mtrelins: i don't really care if i have to, i just would like to know if i should keep fiddling or if it's never going to work
[21:41:45] rhollan: but that requires more ALSA-fu than I have
[21:42:01] mtrelins: alsa-fu
[21:42:02] mtrelins: lol
[21:42:10] mtrelins: by any chance do you have nvidia
[21:42:10] rhollan: it's an ALSA issue
[21:42:10] mtrelins: ?
[21:43:13] cooper76 (cooper76! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:43:25] mtrelins: ah yes, you're right
[21:43:36] mtrelins: alsamixer changing the master will lower or raise the output levels
[21:44:08] rhollan: I have radeon video on my mythfrontend
[21:44:38] wagnerrp: good luck
[21:45:13] rhollan: I dunno. The stock opensource driver works fine for me for 1080i
[21:45:52] mtrelins: where the hell is the setting for how myth controls volume in 0.23
[21:45:54] mtrelins: i was at 0.21
[21:46:14] mtrelins: just upgraded... very pleased, still working out some kinks
[21:46:33] wagnerrp: thats the mixer setup
[21:46:53] sebrock (sebrock! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[21:46:58] wagnerrp: the audio setup got reworked prior to 0.23, so it may look different
[21:47:06] wagnerrp: but it should still be in the same place
[21:47:39] mtrelins: hmm
[21:47:45] mtrelins: when i use the remote to change options
[21:47:50] mtrelins: it keeps putting in "*"
[21:47:58] mtrelins: anyone have that problem?
[21:50:54] ** Beirdo curses at his half-working HDPVR :) **
[21:51:10] Beirdo: the mceusb works fine... now the hdpvr IR won't work
[21:51:21] Beirdo: I WILL overcome!
[21:51:39] Beirdo: even if it kills me
[21:52:07] mtrelins: would you guys recommend the mce remote or a hauppauge one?
[21:52:18] mtrelins: i have both
[21:52:33] Beirdo: then use the one you like.
[21:52:38] Beirdo: or the one that will work :)
[21:52:42] mtrelins: i thought the mce one would be better but it's been frustrating
[21:52:50] mtrelins: my "ok" button doesn't work
[21:53:01] Beirdo: did you do irrecord?
[21:53:03] mtrelins: and i really don't feel like editing the source again
[21:53:06] mtrelins: yeah, doesn't register
[21:53:12] mtrelins: i had to edit the source on 0.21 for lirc
[21:53:17] mtrelins: but i don't remember wtf i did
[21:53:18] Beirdo: heh
[21:53:24] mtrelins: too much herbal therapy since then
[21:53:46] clyons_ (clyons_!~clyons@unaffiliated/clyons) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:55:34] mtrelins: ok, posting this for the general public
[21:55:42] mtrelins: if you play with alsamixer from the commandline
[21:55:49] mtrelins: and it increases/decreases your volume
[21:55:55] mtrelins: note which setting that is
[21:56:04] mtrelins: and set your settings in myth to ALSA:default
[21:56:09] mtrelins: and the item below that :)
[21:56:10] mtrelins: oops
[21:58:28] Beirdo: I'm beginning to wish I were drinking something stronger than Mexican Coca Cola
[22:01:47] EvilGuru: Beirdo: May I suggest a good London dry Gin?
[22:03:27] Beirdo: no thanks
[22:03:39] Beirdo: gin is not on my list of potable drinks
[22:03:44] Beirdo: nor is tequila
[22:04:02] Beirdo: a nice bottle of Stoli would do though
[22:07:09] Beirdo: yay
[22:09:24] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:15:51] ** rhollan drinks Single Malt Whisky **
[22:17:02] rhollan: No like tequila? Not even a decent Don Julio Anejo?
[22:22:56] Beirdo: tequila--
[22:23:09] Beirdo: scotch, vodka, rum.. sure
[22:24:39] sid3windr: tequila++
[22:25:31] Beirdo: Linux mythtv 2.6.34-rc1-jarod1 #4 SMP Sun Jul 4 14:15:30 PDT 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[22:25:34] Beirdo: muhahah
[22:26:27] Beirdo: working mceusb... patched hdpvr stuff until it worked
[22:26:43] Beirdo: which is on his list of things to do soon anyways
[22:27:00] Beirdo: and I'm sure he'll do it more elegantly than I. I just wanted it operational
[22:35:58] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Quit: Quit)
[22:36:00] hadees (hadees! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[23:07:34] mtrelins: what's the best remote to use for mythtv linux?
[23:08:26] wagnerrp:
[23:09:08] Defense (Defense! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:09:20] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[23:15:29] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:16:00] Beirdo: mtrelins: the one that you HAVE is a good start :)
[23:18:01] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has quit (Quit: mary had a little segmentation fault)
[23:22:04] rjune (rjune! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:22:16] rjune: I've installed mythtv 0.23 as per the centos instructions on, when I run mythsetup All the text appears to be in farsi and most of it is too small to recognize.
[23:22:31] rjune: is there a way to specify the language and default font size?
[23:24:46] wagnerrp: there are centos instructions?
[23:24:59] rjune: yup
[23:31:21] cesman (cesman!~cecil@pdpc/supporter/professional/cesman) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:32:28] Wicked (Wicked!~zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[23:35:23] rjune: wagnerrp,
[23:35:49] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:43:20] Wicked (Wicked!~zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:52:11] mtrelins (mtrelins! has quit (Quit: mtrelins)
[23:56:35] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has joined #mythtv-users

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