:: #mythtv-users

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Saturday, July 3rd, 2010, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:34] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[00:02:51] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:09:40] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:41:27] Beirdo: Trailer Park Boys rule
[00:43:06] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:43:09] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[00:49:06] croppa (croppa! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:50:35] croppa (croppa! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:58:38] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:46] wagnerrp: does anyone else find it odd how people on tv shows have sex with their clothes on?
[01:11:49] oobe: Beirdo, i seen every single episode of TPB
[01:12:30] oobe: plus the movie and the specials and the movie they made before the series
[01:14:00] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[01:16:46] Beirdo: Bubbles rules
[01:17:01] oobe: yeah for sure
[01:17:14] oobe: have you heard him do the song liqour and whores?
[01:17:42] Beirdo: yup
[01:17:50] Beirdo: he's actually a musician by day
[01:17:52] oobe: lol
[01:17:57] oobe: oh cool
[01:18:05] oobe: oh yea
[01:18:05] Beirdo: guitarist in a rock band the name of which I forget
[01:18:13] oobe: he has a band with CD's
[01:18:13] wagnerrp: and by night, he fights crime as the Scarlet Arachnid
[01:18:30] Beirdo: wagnerrp: you are a silly boy
[01:18:40] oobe: i didnt know he fights crime too
[01:19:04] Beirdo: I love the messed up words...
[01:19:04] oobe: lol
[01:19:19] Beirdo: none of which are allowed in the channel :)
[01:20:08] oobe: I havent watched it for ages
[01:20:28] Beirdo: helicopter -> helico*******er
[01:20:34] Beirdo: approximately
[01:20:43] Beirdo: Bubbled rules
[01:20:47] Beirdo: Bubbles..
[01:20:50] Beirdo: !TROUT
[01:20:50] ** MythLogBot dumps a bucket of trout onto Beirdo **
[01:23:39] oobe: oh wow i have seen this Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day
[01:24:47] oobe: I thought this was the last thing they made Trailer Park Boys: Say Goodnight To The Bad Guys which i did see
[01:25:11] Beirdo: I wouldn't be surprised if they have another season in the works
[01:25:28] Beirdo: wonder if GreyFoxx has seen em lately? :)
[01:25:40] Beirdo: they are based in the Halifax area, last I heard
[01:26:20] oobe: I read ages ago they wernt making anymore
[01:26:50] oobe: but i guess that was before they made the last 2 one off's
[01:29:45] ivor (ivor!~ivor@kde/developer/ivor) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:30:27] ivor (ivor!~ivor@kde/developer/ivor) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:04:47] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:05:23] sentoza (sentoza! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:08:19] Beirdo: Gah.
[02:08:23] Beirdo: TNT can bite me
[02:08:48] Beirdo: 8:00pm-9:01pm
[02:08:51] Beirdo: jerks
[02:09:23] Beirdo: Discovery too
[02:09:34] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[02:10:41] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:21:03] high-rez: Cool, takashis alsa tree appears to have fixed the devince enumeration issue when dealing with more than one nvidia hdmi device in the same system. Only problem is none of the devices work now :)
[02:36:03] oobe is now known as `
[02:36:11] ` is now known as oobe
[02:43:53] wagnerrp: Beirdo: you around?
[02:44:37] Beirdo: yup
[02:44:48] Beirdo: whazzup?
[02:44:49] wagnerrp: i assume youre the resident expert on buildbot
[02:44:59] Beirdo: I guess so :)
[02:45:00] Beirdo: heh
[02:45:15] wagnerrp: it it only designed to make sure the code compiles? or can it actually do runtime testing?
[02:45:51] Beirdo: it normally is configured to have a testing stage after compiling
[02:46:17] Beirdo: how the tests are defined is completely up to the setup
[02:46:24] wagnerrp: ive got a python script ive been working on that goes though and does various tests on the bindings
[02:46:31] Beirdo: niiice
[02:46:32] wagnerrp: would that be possible to be worked into buildbot?
[02:46:42] Beirdo: I would expect so, yes
[02:46:51] Beirdo: would it need the backend to be running?
[02:47:16] wagnerrp: backend and database, yes
[02:47:21] Beirdo: that would make it a bit more... interesting... to get working, but it's not really impossible
[02:47:39] wagnerrp: although its set up with dependencies that if one test fails, all the dependent tests are skipped
[02:48:06] Beirdo: that's fine, as long as ultimately it will fail out
[02:48:32] Beirdo: if we did that in the standard build, you can kick butt if people break your bindings :)
[02:48:35] Beirdo: hehe
[02:49:05] wagnerrp: right now, it just produces a tree of tests run, and reports 'success', 'failed', or 'skipped' for each
[02:49:16] wagnerrp: and then spams out all the failure tracebacks at the end
[02:49:47] Beirdo: hopefully sets exit codes for failure and success in the end?
[02:50:00] Beirdo: btw... buildbot is python code :)
[02:50:17] wagnerrp: yeah, i set an error code if there are any outright failures
[02:50:22] Beirdo: sweet
[02:50:25] wagnerrp: error code being '1'
[02:50:27] high-rez: Huh, do the nvidia drivers really have to be loaded before you can use nvidia hdmi on the GT2XX cards ?
[02:50:29] Beirdo: that should work fine
[02:50:49] wagnerrp: although the tracebacks are just run to stdout, it would probably be better to put them in stderr
[02:50:55] Beirdo: I need to start looking at making vmware images to make slaves
[02:51:27] Beirdo: then we don't have to explain to people how to set it up as much
[02:52:39] wagnerrp:
[02:53:33] wagnerrp: if i could copy/paste in color, it would be colored
[02:53:45] Beirdo: nice stuff
[02:54:18] lucidblue (lucidblue! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[02:56:17] Beirdo: OMG, I'm just not ready to code right now
[02:56:54] Beirdo: I left work a bit early with that lousy headache... it's mostly under control now...
[02:57:14] Beirdo: kinda want to start messing with mythgallery
[02:58:27] Beirdo: just need to determine how to use a REST interface from Qt :)
[02:58:43] Beirdo: and then get the energy to get to work
[03:02:10] high-rez: Man, I'
[03:03:11] high-rez: just don't get this whole alsa hdmi thing, setting masks, etc etc.
[03:19:41] Beirdo: ahhh
[03:19:53] Beirdo: forgot to install ntpd on my mythbox
[03:19:55] Beirdo: heh
[03:20:02] Beirdo: the clock was off by 22s
[03:20:14] Beirdo: really annoying when trying to record accurately
[03:32:57] JJ1 (JJ1! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[03:39:46] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:45:27] dgilmore (dgilmore!~dgilmore@fedora/dgilmore) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[04:08:06] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:18:23] bjd (bjd! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[04:20:23] mcl0vin (mcl0vin!~chatzilla@unaffiliated/dacs) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:20:30] mcl0vin: howdy folks
[04:21:45] mcl0vin: on my way to home from a long day, wife calls and say that the box was not responding so she figure if she turn off the power and turn it back everything will be cool.
[04:22:09] wagnerrp: generally a good assumption
[04:22:17] wagnerrp: unless that box happens to house your backend
[04:23:17] mcl0vin: by the time i am home i got the warm welcoming , so i looked at the screen and there it is , "The configuration default for GNOME power manager didn't installed correctly"
[04:23:58] wagnerrp: you must have updated something, and run into dependency issues
[04:24:17] mcl0vin: and everytime i try to login i get this msg
[04:24:33] wagnerrp: so log into something else until you get gnome fixed
[04:24:38] wagnerrp: why are you even running gnome?
[04:25:01] bjd (bjd! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:25:07] mcl0vin: ?
[04:25:11] wagnerrp: ?
[04:25:26] mcl0vin: !
[04:25:28] mcl0vin: :D
[04:25:45] wagnerrp: if you get that error message when trying to log into your system, it means your system is trying to open the gnome window manager, which is subsequently failing because of broken dependencies
[04:25:50] wagnerrp: so run some other window manager
[04:26:05] wagnerrp: to be honest, you shouldnt be using gnome on anything other than a desktop system
[04:26:16] wagnerrp: its not well suited for servers and mythfrontends
[04:26:17] mcl0vin: what do you suggest
[04:26:48] wagnerrp: assuming you have no use for a desktop environment, something that doesnt provide one
[04:26:56] wagnerrp: mythbuntu defaults to xfce
[04:27:15] wagnerrp: other people like fluxbox, icewm, ratpoison, evilwm
[04:27:22] wagnerrp: even a couple use twm
[04:27:34] wagnerrp: you *can* run mythfrontend without any window manager
[04:27:40] wagnerrp: but its not recommended
[04:27:44] wagnerrp: some things wont work properly
[04:27:47] mcl0vin: i am using xfce
[04:27:52] mcl0vin: i am running mythbuntu
[04:28:00] wagnerrp: then you shouldnt be getting gnome errors on login
[04:29:17] mcl0vin: dpkg -l gnome
[04:29:19] mcl0vin: No packages found matching gnome.
[04:29:27] mcl0vin: i have no idea what is going on
[04:31:19] mcl0vin: mythfrontend
[04:31:20] mcl0vin: xprop: unable to open display ''
[04:31:22] mcl0vin: mythfrontend.real: cannot connect to X server
[04:35:58] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:42:59] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[04:43:22] womble (womble! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:49:31] womble: Trying to get MythTV running on Debian Lenny. I'm getting fonts that are 1 pixel high. I've checked and adjusted DisplaySize in xorg.conf so that xdpyinfo shows 100x100 dpi. Google isn't being real helpful otherwise. Anyone got any pointers to things that can lead me to a solution?
[04:50:03] Beirdo: wagnerrp: yer a smart guy... you have any idea how I should (theoretically) hit a webpage in setup for mythgallery (with flickr)?
[04:50:35] Beirdo: i.e. display it and get the user to authenticate the application with Yahoo
[04:50:48] wagnerrp: theres no api to do so?
[04:50:57] wagnerrp: or is the api only for display
[04:51:03] Beirdo: it says... get the user to go to this URL
[04:51:03] wagnerrp: and youre looking for upload capacity?
[04:51:12] wagnerrp: heh... thats crap
[04:51:26] Beirdo: the user has to authorize the app
[04:51:29] Beirdo: only once
[04:51:52] Beirdo: kinda like Facebook does with its API
[04:52:10] Beirdo: "allow this application to use flickr" sorta thing
[04:52:31] Beirdo: and I'm looking at using only a slideshow type of deal, no uploading
[04:52:46] mcl0vin: wagnerrp: any suggestion on how i could fix my problem
[04:52:46] Beirdo: heh, who knows, maybe uploading later
[04:53:17] Beirdo: most desktop apps can just spawn the browser at that URL
[04:53:46] Beirdo: while we HAVE a browser, it's in yet another plugin, and I don't know if we want to have plugin interdependency like that
[04:54:08] sphery: Beirdo: kormoc_afk may have some thoughts on at least the Google API side of things
[04:54:14] Beirdo: Yahoo...
[04:54:20] Beirdo: flickr is Yahoo :)
[04:54:26] Beirdo: picasa is Google
[04:54:34] Beirdo: and they have their own fun... Captcha
[04:54:49] Beirdo: that I can do with MythUIImage
[04:55:04] Beirdo: once again, one time only during setup
[04:55:07] sphery: yeah, if you have that figured, then nvm... but I know he's mentioned some Google account ideas before
[04:55:19] Beirdo: ah, yeah
[04:55:34] sphery: don't know anyone with ideas for Yahoo!, though
[04:55:41] Beirdo: I'm planning picasa API use too
[04:55:52] Beirdo: Oh, I have an idea... :)
[04:56:21] Beirdo: it involves going to their HQ.. and flaming brown bags...
[04:56:27] Beirdo: oh wais
[04:56:30] Beirdo: wait. :)
[04:56:44] longhaire (longhaire! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:57:03] Beirdo:
[04:57:17] Beirdo: that's the fun
[04:57:42] sphery: heh
[04:57:50] Beirdo: step 4 ends with: Direct the user to follow this url, then return to your app once they're complete.
[04:57:54] Beirdo: argh, blah
[04:58:07] sphery: frob...
[04:58:35] Beirdo: once I have that frob, it will go in the db
[04:58:59] Beirdo: but if we wanna be able to setup on the TV without firefox, etc...
[04:59:31] sphery: you should be able to use the HTML component without a full-fledged mythbrowser invocation
[04:59:51] sphery: kind of like the Program Details screen does (or MythNetvision)
[04:59:54] Beirdo: I dunno about you, but I sure don't wanna have to transcribe a bloody URL to my browser elsewhere
[04:59:59] Beirdo: ah
[05:00:03] Beirdo: OK.
[05:00:31] sphery: (I think MNV just uses the HTML widget--it may use MythBrowser, though, so don't quote me on that)
[05:00:41] sphery: but Program Details definitely doesn't
[05:00:59] Beirdo: OK, that gives me somewhere to look
[05:01:13] sphery: don't think we give the user much control without the MythBrowser plugin, but if it's just a "go here to activate, then exit browser" thing...
[05:01:14] Beirdo: as long as I can bring it up and let them say "YES"
[05:01:26] sphery: might be doable
[05:01:32] sphery: paul-h is the expert on that
[05:01:35] Beirdo: likely type in username/passwd
[05:01:41] Beirdo: and press button
[05:02:43] wagnerrp: thats one of the most contrived authentication systems ive ever seen
[05:02:44] Beirdo: err, the token goes in the db, not the frob :)
[05:02:53] Beirdo: yeah, it's funky, eh?
[05:03:20] sphery: yeah
[05:03:42] sphery: but I think people will love it once you get it working
[05:03:47] Beirdo: any other gallery-type sites we wanna use too?
[05:04:01] Beirdo: gallery3 will be an option soon enough (not quite released yet)
[05:04:06] sphery: strange that they don't just e-mail you an accept/reject request
[05:04:16] sphery: Kodak?
[05:04:21] longhaire: Hi,
[05:04:21] longhaire: Very up to date installs of mythtv and having a tough time running nuvexport on any of the machines, remote or local. Here is the response when I enter the nuvexport command:
[05:04:21] longhaire: Loading MythTV recording info.
[05:04:21] longhaire: This host not configured for myth.
[05:04:21] longhaire: (No RecordFilePrefix defined for steve-desktop in the settings table.)
[05:04:21] longhaire: Googled it but got lots of info about how to set up a Myth system, and mine is up and running.
[05:04:21] longhaire: Any thoughts?
[05:04:22] Beirdo: well, this is for a desktop app
[05:04:27] sphery: don't know how popular it is
[05:04:30] wagnerrp: wow...
[05:04:34] Beirdo: which we essentially are
[05:04:36] sphery: ah
[05:04:42] Beirdo: longhaire: nice spew
[05:04:42] wagnerrp: longhaire: its channel policy to not paste more than two lines of text in here
[05:05:09] Beirdo: Kodak, you say?
[05:05:10] wagnerrp: and as the error says in plain text, that host has not yet been configured for mythtv
[05:05:16] Beirdo: I'll have to take a look
[05:05:29] sphery: that said, you're missing config.xml that points to the proper database (and you seem to be using a local database that's empty)
[05:05:29] longhaire: sorrsorry about the multi line post
[05:05:32] wagnerrp: nuvexport is looking for certain information in the database that is only created when you configure mythtv on that host
[05:06:07] sphery: but RecordFilePrefix is dead
[05:06:13] sphery: replaced by SG's
[05:06:22] wagnerrp: running an old version of the script?
[05:06:29] sphery: yeah, sounds like maybe so
[05:06:46] Beirdo: ahhhh, formerly ofoto
[05:06:59] Beirdo: I used to use them
[05:07:15] sphery: (unless--and this would be annoying--there's no errors when it's trying to resolve SG's and it doesn't say that it was falling back to RFP as a last resort)
[05:07:28] sphery: yeah,
[05:07:35] sphery: sorry... I just know them because a friend uses them
[05:08:02] Beirdo: boooo
[05:08:11] Beirdo: no API on kodakgallery
[05:08:23] ** wagnerrp half votes for just making a proper mythgallery module on mythweb, and routing everything through that **
[05:08:55] Beirdo: huh?
[05:09:00] wagnerrp: why does the user have to log in to flickr just to view it?
[05:09:13] Beirdo: why would I route API calls through apache?
[05:09:24] wagnerrp: i mean the API should allow unauthorized read-only access shouldnt it?
[05:09:25] longhaire (longhaire! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:09:38] Beirdo: because you have to login to view normally?
[05:09:47] sphery: Beirdo: I got a free 30" print from kodakgallery--used it to print 2 panoramas side-by-side that I stitched together with Hugin. One was the Seattle from the Bainbridge Ferry and the other was Multnomah Falls.
[05:09:48] wagnerrp: Beirdo: no, i mean just pull in some image gallery program for mythweb
[05:09:50] Beirdo: many people lock down their galleries and use permissions
[05:09:55] wagnerrp: and use that instead of 3rd party services
[05:09:59] Beirdo: sphery: ooooooh
[05:10:29] Beirdo: wagnerrp: nah, I may look at exposing this stuff via the protocol though, and let mythweb pull from me :)
[05:10:37] sphery: (stitched images to make the pano's, but put 2 panos side-by-side because the 30" aspect had a different aspect than I needed, so it was 2 for one (for free :)
[05:10:55] wagnerrp: Beirdo: would have to duplicate the plugin api into the backend
[05:10:56] Beirdo: many people use flickr and picasa... free online galleries
[05:11:00] Beirdo: free storage
[05:11:01] wagnerrp: another thing to tack onto your list?
[05:11:08] Beirdo: heheh
[05:11:16] Beirdo: OK, I'll shuddup then :)
[05:11:17] Beirdo: hehe
[05:11:30] Beirdo: ideally, I want this in the backend
[05:11:38] Beirdo: with storage groups
[05:11:46] Beirdo: for local galleries
[05:11:56] wagnerrp: ideally, the backend would support plugins
[05:12:01] gerhard7 (gerhard7! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:12:02] Beirdo: it will
[05:12:05] Beirdo: eventually
[05:12:12] wagnerrp: but then youre going to start getting messy with separate frontend and backend plugins
[05:12:43] Beirdo: nah, then the frontend can use the protocol... same as mythweb :)
[05:12:44] Beirdo: heh
[05:13:04] Beirdo: oh I dunno
[05:13:05] Beirdo: heh]
[05:13:36] Beirdo: you are making me think.
[05:13:40] Beirdo: that's not allowed
[05:13:41] Beirdo: heh
[05:14:39] Beirdo: oh no
[05:14:49] Beirdo: hhe
[05:14:54] Beirdo: facebook.
[05:15:18] womble: OK, so obviously "small fonts" is too tricky... how about a simpler question: where is the theme to use stored in the filesystem?
[05:17:16] sphery: in the mythtv share directory
[05:17:29] sphery: /usr/{,local/}share/mythtv/themes
[05:17:44] sphery: you need to edit the theme to use different fonts or different font sizes
[05:19:31] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:20:12] womble: How wonderfully user-friendly.
[05:20:22] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:21:52] womble (womble! has left #mythtv-users ("Oooh! Shiny!")
[05:22:31] sphery: user friendly... yep
[05:22:56] sphery: we should just put in the user friendly controls people want and let them have broken themes where nothing lines up
[05:26:55] rossand (rossand! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[05:27:03] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!~MaverickT@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[05:29:04] mcl0vin: wagnerrp: so you think this is my problem
[05:29:08] mcl0vin:
[05:30:20] wagnerrp: id say a full root is a problem
[05:44:25] KraMer (KraMer! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[05:44:28] Beirdo: OOOh, rated TV-MA LSV
[05:44:30] Beirdo: hehe
[05:44:36] Beirdo: Rescue Me FTW
[05:44:49] wagnerrp: i though it would be Sesame Street
[05:45:15] Beirdo: language, sex and violence... the ratings trifecta
[05:45:18] lozarythmic (lozarythmic! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:45:27] wagnerrp: D?
[05:46:11] Beirdo: D?
[05:46:17] wagnerrp: drugs?
[05:46:25] Beirdo: hmmm, they didn't mention it
[05:46:33] Beirdo: but it IS Rescue Me
[05:47:05] wagnerrp: yeah, posted this yesterday...
[05:47:17] wagnerrp: sesame street, now on skinamax
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[05:48:09] Beirdo: hahaha
[05:48:27] Beirdo: so Bert finally raped Ernie?
[05:48:59] wagnerrp: ernie seems to have enjoyed it
[05:49:10] Beirdo: heh
[05:49:31] wagnerrp: now i dont understand how there can be nudity and brief nudity
[05:49:36] Beirdo: heyyyy, he was askin for it
[05:49:42] wagnerrp: doesnt nudity encompass brief nudity
[05:49:47] wagnerrp: seems redundant
[05:49:50] Beirdo: someone obviously buggered up that rating
[05:50:06] Beirdo: turned on all the bits :)
[05:50:06] wagnerrp: especially when theyre obviously running out of room to display the information
[05:50:44] wagnerrp: you know... it could be that
[05:50:52] wagnerrp: they do seem to be in alphabetical order
[05:51:06] wagnerrp: it could have just been autogenerated by some program, and all the bits were on
[05:51:07] Beirdo: it's hard to believe Rescue Me is in season 6!
[05:51:22] Beirdo: with all of the other good shows that don't make it a year..
[05:51:44] Beirdo: yeah, it does seem like someone forgot to zero out a flags field
[05:52:12] Beirdo: Denis Leary's still on TV though, that's cool by me
[05:58:11] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:59:28] Beirdo: and there's the D
[05:59:41] Beirdo: and let's not forget A
[05:59:45] Beirdo: plenty of A
[05:59:53] Beirdo: alcohol FTW
[06:00:55] lapion: hello, has anyone had any succes using audio on a saa7133 without odd-dsp ?
[06:01:21] Beirdo: bag full of stolen morphine
[06:01:25] Beirdo: heh
[06:01:47] lapion: *oss-dsp
[06:03:43] Beirdo: 2010-07–02 23:02:12.622 Audio 1109665 ms behind video but already 180 video frames queued. AV-Sync might be broken.
[06:03:48] Beirdo: oooohnice
[06:04:26] Beirdo: my first buggered recording
[06:04:36] Beirdo: at least it lost sync during commercials
[06:10:08] wagnerrp: Beirdo: you watch much SNL?
[06:12:02] [R]: so i'm watching Spaceballs... I didn't realize John Candy had died so long ago
[06:12:02] Beirdo: nope
[06:12:12] Beirdo: not since the mid 90s
[06:12:25] wagnerrp: well anyway, did you ever see the 'dick in a box' skit, passed around the internet?
[06:12:37] Beirdo: nope
[06:12:47] [R]: wagnerrp: langauge!
[06:13:01] wagnerrp: dick? its a name
[06:13:06] [R]: lol
[06:13:09] wagnerrp: would you rather i call him richard in a box?
[06:13:11] Beirdo: and he said skit
[06:13:12] Beirdo: :)
[06:13:14] [R]: ROFL
[06:13:28] wagnerrp: anyway... check out the logo...
[06:13:49] [R]: hah
[06:14:03] Beirdo: niiice
[06:15:18] [R]: i really hate these file hosting websites
[06:17:26] Beirdo:
[06:17:31] Beirdo: w00t
[06:20:41] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:28:10] lapion: can anyone help me setting up mythtv to use ALSA:hw:1,0 as input ( @ 32000 hz )
[06:28:47] [R]: did they fix that? i thought it could only use /dev/dsp for input
[06:28:53] [R]: lapion: you should just get a real capture card
[06:29:00] wagnerrp: [R]++
[06:29:20] lapion: laptop with pcmcia
[06:29:26] wagnerrp: i think ALSA capture support got added in some time prior to 0.22
[06:29:31] [R]: laptop as a backend
[06:29:33] [R]: theres a stupid idea...
[06:29:50] wagnerrp: get a PVRUSB2
[06:30:13] lapion: well I prefer a sub-40watt device to a sub-150 watt desktop to run 24/7
[06:30:35] wagnerrp: most desktops will idle ~40–50W
[06:31:24] lapion: nope, the popwersupply sucks 150 watt minimal.. even though the cpu only sucks 40–50w or even 25 watt..
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[06:32:03] lapion: *powersupply
[06:32:04] wagnerrp: then you need to throw that power supply in the garbage
[06:32:07] wagnerrp: its absolutely worthless
[06:32:37] wagnerrp: PSUs with min-80s efficiency are pretty easy to come by
[06:32:44] wagnerrp: s/min/mid/
[06:33:14] wagnerrp: and low 90s are not unheard of
[06:33:51] lapion: wagnerrp, well my laptop doesn't use more then 40 watt even if fully-processing..
[06:34:06] wagnerrp: its also horribly limited as far as expansion
[06:38:16] [R]: i love police women of memphis
[06:38:19] [R]: officer aubrey is hot
[06:45:24] Beirdo: oooh, thanks for the reminder
[06:45:36] Beirdo: must add Memphis Blues to recording list
[06:45:50] [R]: lol
[06:46:59] Beirdo: sorry, Memphis Beat
[06:47:02] Beirdo: OK, I'm a tard
[06:47:58] Beirdo: aaargh. It's almost over
[06:48:41] Beirdo: will be recorded at a later time. hehe
[06:49:03] Beirdo: 5am Sunday
[06:49:06] superdump (superdump!~rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:49:06] Beirdo: OK then
[06:49:16] Beirdo: like anyone will be up to watch that
[06:49:28] Beirdo: that's purely a DVR timeslot
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[07:29:21] justinh: lapion: you should get a more efficient PSU then
[07:29:39] justinh: my backend pulls only about 120W flat out
[07:29:54] justinh: when idle, more like 35W
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[08:02:29] eruditehermit (eruditehermit!~sagar@unaffiliated/eruditehermit) has joined #mythtv-users
[08:02:56] eruditehermit: hello, does anyone know if this card is supported in Linux?
[08:03:09] wagnerrp: yes
[08:03:38] eruditehermit: also, if a card has a NTSC tuner but it says it has PAL decoder, will it work with PAL VCRs?
[08:03:57] wagnerrp: although i dont understand why someone would be selling a PAL unit in the US
[08:04:17] eruditehermit: well its the only one I could find
[08:04:21] eruditehermit: lol
[08:04:28] wagnerrp: i would avoid purchasing from someone who apparently has no idea what theyre talking about
[08:04:29] eruditehermit: PAL units are hard to find here
[08:04:40] wagnerrp: for good reason
[08:04:49] eruditehermit: well this one says PAL only
[08:04:51] wagnerrp: PAL hardware to interface it with isnt sold here
[08:05:10] eruditehermit: what do you mean?
[08:05:28] wagnerrp: that is a US company
[08:05:35] wagnerrp: why they would be selling PAL hardware is beyond me
[08:05:44] eruditehermit: right, but I need a PAL card
[08:05:56] eruditehermit: and the input pin looks like PAL
[08:06:06] wagnerrp: why would you need a PAL card?
[08:06:24] eruditehermit: I have an old PAL video camera
[08:06:30] eruditehermit: I want to digitize my recordings
[08:07:13] wagnerrp: cant help you there
[08:07:33] eruditehermit: but that card will work right?
[08:08:19] eruditehermit: the one that said it has a PAL decoder but NTSC tuner is here
[08:08:22] eruditehermit: . . . t_id=0261503
[08:08:30] eruditehermit: this one sounds iffy
[08:08:34] wagnerrp: yes, there are PAL and NTSC versions available
[08:08:58] justinh: most tuner cards have video decoder chips which can do all video standards. it'll generally just be the tuner which is pal or ntsc
[08:09:32] eruditehermit: justinh, so if I plug in my PAL camera will it playback?
[08:09:38] justinh: possibly
[08:10:29] justinh: but once again we have to say that using mythtv to digitise home movies is pretty much a waste of your time
[08:10:51] wagnerrp: if you get a PVR-150
[08:11:01] wagnerrp: you can just do 'cat /dev/video0 > some_file.mpg'
[08:11:46] justinh: and if you get a lame framegrabber card you can use some horrible incantation to encode on the fly
[08:12:06] wagnerrp: everyone loves black magic
[08:12:19] eruditehermit: so how would you suggest I do this?
[08:12:38] wagnerrp: ask in #video4linux?
[08:12:39] justinh: what kind of tapes are the crappy old camcorder using?
[08:12:47] eruditehermit: HI8
[08:12:52] justinh: then you're in luck
[08:13:08] eruditehermit: but I also have a video tapes
[08:13:13] eruditehermit: and a PAL VCR
[08:13:15] justinh: find a cheap digital-8 camcorder on ebay & whisk the camcordings to your pc via firewire :)
[08:13:26] wagnerrp: well the PAL VCR is going to be worthless
[08:14:20] eruditehermit: why is the PAL VCR worthless?
[08:14:28] wagnerrp: because it wont run
[08:14:45] eruditehermit: oh it does
[08:15:00] wagnerrp: im sure it doesnt do so well
[08:15:08] eruditehermit: runs just fine
[08:15:14] wagnerrp: its designed to run on a 50Hz power signal
[08:15:18] wagnerrp: and youre feeding it 60Hz
[08:15:22] wagnerrp: that cant be good
[08:15:31] eruditehermit: nah it has circuitry to detect that
[08:15:34] eruditehermit: just like a laptop
[08:15:54] eruditehermit: 240/120 50–60
[08:16:00] justinh: wagnerrp: meh VCRs have used switch mode PSUs for aeons
[08:16:01] wagnerrp: why would they bother? youre only going to get a PAL signal in countries that have 50Hz power
[08:16:16] eruditehermit: well they did
[08:16:16] eruditehermit: =p
[08:16:19] justinh: no you're not
[08:16:26] wagnerrp: justinh: they actually have proper switched mode supplies?
[08:16:46] justinh: they have quartz crystals now so you don't need to get sync from the mains
[08:17:28] eruditehermit: so what do you guys recommend for digitizing the VCR tapes?
[08:17:43] justinh: a digi-8 camcorder. end of
[08:17:59] eruditehermit: justinh, yeah but that only works for HI8 tapes right?
[08:18:02] eruditehermit: what about VHS
[08:18:03] wagnerrp: you mean VHS tapes?
[08:18:05] eruditehermit: yes
[08:18:09] eruditehermit: I have both
[08:18:09] justinh: not if it has analogue input too :)
[08:18:17] eruditehermit: oh
[08:18:21] justinh: lots of camcorders can convert analogue to DV on the fly
[08:18:27] eruditehermit: really?
[08:18:35] justinh: yes
[08:18:51] wagnerrp: depending on how much content you have
[08:18:53] eruditehermit: so I can walk into frys tomorrow and grab a Digital 8 camcorder and it will just work?
[08:19:10] wagnerrp: it may be a better investment of time and money to just ship it off to some place that does this professionally
[08:19:25] justinh: eruditehermit: NO. not if you just grab 'A' camcorder
[08:20:37] eruditehermit: so not all Digital8 camcorders do this?
[08:20:45] justinh: <headdesk>
[08:21:11] justinh: "lots of camcorders can convert analogue to DV on the fly", I said
[08:21:15] justinh: LOTS. not ALL
[08:21:30] eruditehermit: hrm
[08:21:35] eruditehermit: I have a mini DV camcorder
[08:21:41] eruditehermit: do you think that will be able to do it?
[08:21:46] justinh: maybe
[08:21:53] justinh: read the manual
[08:21:59] eruditehermit: hrm let me go try
[08:24:08] eruditehermit: hrm I didn't think Cameras had inputs
[08:25:20] justinh: lots do. on models where it's enabled they have a menu option to set the A/V connectors to be inputs instead of outputs
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[08:43:43] eruditehermit: ah sweet
[08:43:46] eruditehermit: turns out it does do it
[08:46:48] justinh: there we go. saved you money & time. that'll be $200 please
[08:48:03] justinh: one thing it won't do is let you transfer macrovision protected pre-recorded material. but then doing that is a waste of time anyway since you could prolly just buy the DVD
[08:50:11] justinh: I know 3 hours of my time is worth more than a few sheckles :)
[08:58:31] KaZeR (KaZeR! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:01:40] eruditehermit: justinh, well I just figured it was theoretically possible
[09:01:47] eruditehermit: now that I found some cables I can actually try it
[09:01:47] eruditehermit: =p
[09:02:02] eruditehermit: but yes the manual says its possible
[09:02:20] eruditehermit: though I'm not sure how well it will do with PAL to DV
[09:11:53] justinh: there's only one way to find out
[09:18:14] eruditehermit (eruditehermit!~sagar@unaffiliated/eruditehermit) has left #mythtv-users ("Ex-Chat")
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[09:18:39] eruditehermit: justinh, so it sort of works
[09:18:49] eruditehermit: my VCR can convert from PAL to NTSC
[09:18:59] eruditehermit: so if I convert to NTSC, it works
[09:19:05] eruditehermit: but it won't work directly with the PAL
[09:19:14] eruditehermit: and the VCR conversion is lossy
[09:19:28] eruditehermit: so I think I need a PAL camcorder
[09:19:42] eruditehermit: but its a good idea
[09:19:48] justinh: maybe look for a camcorder on ebay which has a dud tape mech :)
[09:20:13] justinh: but do your research & make sure it can do video input
[09:20:41] justinh: actually scratch that. finding a PAL camcorder in the US is unlikely & the shipping from elsewhere will kill you
[09:20:53] eruditehermit: hmm
[09:21:03] eruditehermit: I actually have the PAL camcorder that does HI 8
[09:21:07] eruditehermit: but it has a dud tape mech
[09:21:14] eruditehermit: maybe I can recycle that somehow
[09:21:15] eruditehermit: =p
[09:21:22] eruditehermit: let me drag that out
[09:21:45] eruditehermit: ah wait
[09:21:49] eruditehermit: it doesn't have firewire
[09:21:51] eruditehermit: no go
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[09:33:05] eruditehermit: justinh, so you prefer the camcorder A/D to the TV card A/D
[09:34:15] justinh: it's not so much that – it's getting the video into a format much easier to capture
[09:34:27] justinh: DV is much easier to handle than raw video
[09:35:33] eruditehermit: as far as quality it'll be the same right?
[09:37:14] eruditehermit: if I can find a cheap cam, maybe I can pull this off
[09:38:43] justinh: as far as quality is concerned you'll generally find that even a cheap camcorder does a better job than a tuner card
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[09:43:06] eruditehermit: well thanks justinh
[09:43:11] eruditehermit: this will have to wait till tomorrow
[09:43:18] eruditehermit: but i've made a lot of progress
[09:44:30] eruditehermit: gnight
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[10:54:23] justinh: yay more mythvideo xml bashed upon :)
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[11:16:19] oobe: what is that justinh
[11:17:26] oobe is now known as mohi1
[11:17:35] justinh: that theme I said I'd never do
[11:17:39] justinh: I am doing
[11:17:43] mohi1 is now known as oobe
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[11:20:43] justinh: got the gallery view to fix, the manager view, the popups.. the edit metadata screen.. you name it. lol
[11:21:04] justinh: who knows, I might even release it one day
[11:21:16] justinh: anon, of course. I'm not having no stinkin users email me about it
[11:32:56] sercik (sercik!~sercik@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:33:09] sercik: hello my first time here...
[11:33:18] sercik: i have a wintc hvr1110 card
[11:33:26] sercik: is a hibryd with analog and digital...
[11:33:39] sercik: i need to define it as two different inout?
[11:34:34] sercik: sorry for mistake.. like two different capture cards?
[11:35:56] sercik: Mythtv's docs say that in order to configure a hybrid card like mine you
[11:35:56] sercik: should first configure the digital tuner and then use the "analog options
[11:35:56] sercik: section" for the digital tuner
[11:36:23] sercik: so i need to define only one capture cards or two?
[11:36:52] sercik: and the line in is another capture card or simply another video sources?
[11:45:54] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[11:46:22] XLV: quick offtopic: rsync by default checksums original and copied files to ensure integrity of copied data?
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[11:58:23] AndyCap: XLV: nope
[11:59:18] AndyCap: XLV: umm, or well, I dunno if it checksums files you copy. Just that it does not checksum files to decide what files to copy. Unless you specify it as a commandline option
[11:59:49] AndyCap: XLV: yeah, looks like rsync does checksum of files transfered
[12:02:10] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:02:34] XLV: here it seems that the copying algorith does just that..
[12:04:17] sercik: i neeed help to configure mythtv dor my card..
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[12:41:52] chog (chog! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:42:01] chog: hi folks
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[12:43:28] chog: I've just done something cool patch to mythmusic, but I don't know who to tell. I can't make any sense of the wiki.
[12:44:28] chog: I've got mythmusic smart playlist to sort by directory. Dunno if it's been done before, but I like it.
[12:45:11] chog: ahh yes, the deafening stillness of irc.
[12:48:13] justinh: mythmusic is undergoing a rewrite at the moment
[12:48:30] chog: 'bout time
[12:48:38] justinh: heh I see you've gone into the dev channel. well that's the right place to talk about doing development
[12:48:54] justinh: and never mind 'bout time. we're not at your beck & call here guy
[12:49:16] chog: :).ll..yeah true. Thanks for the hard work!
[12:50:50] chog (chog! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:51:36] justinh: heh patient enough to hack on the code but.. umm... meh
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[12:51:44] chog: boing
[12:52:06] justinh: chog: patience is a virtue around here. it's the weekend. some people have lives :)
[12:53:57] chog: yeah I know..been playing with this stuff for a long time. I always have that battle with the "linux-SHOULD-be-able-to" yada yada yada crowd. I'm just excited. Never done any toying wit mythtv before
[12:54:22] chog: :))...sounds weird coming from a 37 yr old plumber! lol
[12:54:30] rossand (rossand! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:55:02] justinh: well, stick around in #mythtv for a while. maybe somebody working on mythmusic can take a look – or maybe they'll tell you they've already done it , or plan to... or... whatever :)
[12:55:26] chog: cool. thanks justinh
[12:55:40] justinh: are you working with trunk btw?
[12:55:50] chog: nah..22
[12:55:55] justinh: eep
[12:56:09] justinh: mind you, mythmusic hasn't changed any lately AFAIK
[12:56:34] justinh: ok – you should know that any code changes made regarding new features stand a chance but only if they've been made against trunk
[12:56:37] chog: eep! It took make ages to compile..I had a probem with webqt ..running it on lenny
[12:56:58] chog: not sure I want to do that again until I have to.
[12:57:05] justinh: keeps the -fixes branch for bug fixes, see :)
[12:57:15] justinh: new features go into the dev branches
[12:57:41] justinh: you should be okay in this case – mythmusic hasn't been revised between 0.22 & 0.23 as far as I can remember
[12:58:15] justinh: won't save you having to compile again but it *will* save you from having to rip up your code & start over
[12:59:26] chog: nyah.I added two lines. It's no ball breaker. Anyway I wont make anychanges until I have to. If it works, I leave it alone. Too scared I'll brake it an the wife won't get to watch Amazing Race.
[13:00:49] justinh: heh two lines
[13:01:12] justinh: but hey, kudos to you for having a go :) we need more of that round here
[13:01:13] chog: Hmm oh yeah, listening to Lead Zep- whole lotta love, chatting on my old G40's all retro baby. k. Thanks justinh, hope the weekend rocks.
[13:01:22] chog is now known as chog_lurk
[13:01:32] justinh: seriously. we DO need more of that round here :)
[13:01:37] chog_lurk: lol
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[13:02:29] justinh: two line patch one day.. maybe next time it'll be a new plugin or something.. or a bugfix
[13:03:25] chog_lurk: well..that's a plan! I
[13:03:29] beata- (beata-! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[13:04:14] chog_lurk: maybe a plugin to kill any ipods that get plugged in...nice.
[13:04:25] chog_lurk: anyway, I was going! c ya
[13:04:37] justinh: have fun
[13:09:21] justinh: hmm I think the time has come to take myself off the autoforward list for the club website emails
[13:12:14] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[13:15:51] chog_lurk: club?
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[15:20:31] sercik: i have an ibrid tuner analog + digital tv hauppauge hvr1110, i don't know how top add analog tuner to mythtv
[15:20:42] sercik: in capture cards i can choose different options
[15:20:49] wagnerrp: dont?
[15:20:55] sercik: and in the probrd info i see:
[15:21:13] sercik: hUPPuge wintv/hvr ...........
[15:21:14] wagnerrp: its a framegrabber, so leave it unused and neglected
[15:21:49] sercik: wagnerrp, are you talking with me?
[15:21:57] sercik: can you help me?
[15:22:04] wagnerrp: if you want to record analog, swap it for a 1700, or pick up an old PVR-150
[15:22:19] sercik: i want to see analog tv
[15:22:28] wagnerrp: you dont want to record?
[15:22:37] sercik: i'd like a mediacenter..
[15:22:38] sercik: nono
[15:22:46] sercik: i need help to configure muthtv
[15:23:12] wagnerrp: correct, if you want to record analog, you should get an HVR-1700, or a PVR-150
[15:23:26] sercik: ok
[15:23:37] sercik: but can i use mythtv to watch analog tv?
[15:23:54] wagnerrp: no, you can use mythtv to record analog tv
[15:24:07] sercik: hmm
[15:24:13] sercik: i don't understand
[15:24:20] sercik: so mythtv is not a player?
[15:24:28] wagnerrp: mythtv is a DVR
[15:24:31] justinh: it is a player. of recorded TV
[15:24:35] justinh: even live tv is a recording
[15:24:35] wagnerrp: DVRs record tv for later playback
[15:24:50] wagnerrp: right, livetv is just a recording running at a couple second delay
[15:24:56] sercik: ah
[15:24:57] sercik: ok
[15:25:06] sercik: is a sort of streaming?
[15:25:13] wagnerrp: if you want to record analog, you dont want a framegrabber
[15:25:22] wagnerrp: which is the type of analog tuner found on the 1100
[15:25:33] sercik: so the problem is that my cRD IS NOT COMPAtible with mythtv? at least for analog?
[15:25:37] wagnerrp: mythtv can use them, but few people around here actually do
[15:25:42] justinh: if *watching* TV is all you want, use something else
[15:25:45] wagnerrp: because theyre a pain to set up and use
[15:26:02] wagnerrp: if you want to /watch/ tv, a framegrabber is just fine, and actually preferred
[15:26:17] wagnerrp: if you want to record (which is the only way mythtv works), you dont want a framegrabber
[15:26:35] sercik: ok thanks
[15:27:02] sercik: i like mythtv because of plpugins and other things
[15:27:21] sercik: i'd like to have a frontend to watch tv browse internet play mame etc. etc.
[15:27:27] sercik: so mythtv is not for me?
[15:27:39] wagnerrp: if you dont want to record tv, mythtv is not for you
[15:27:50] wagnerrp: just use the tuner in your tv
[15:29:38] sercik: i understood that this is a little ot, could you give me the name of mediacenter for linux, i'd like something like a set top box
[15:31:50] sercik: :(
[15:31:54] sercik: goodbye
[15:32:00] sercik (sercik!~sercik@ has quit (Quit: Sto andando via)
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[15:45:07] gafir: hello, I don't see the mouse cursor when using Myth-TV with Ubuntu 10.04 — and I don't know how to save my new capture card from the screen using keyboard shortcut — any way to do "submit/save" with the keyboard? I do "esc" but it doesn't seem to save it — thanks
[15:45:26] gafir: it would be good to have the mouse cursor, but if not, then just keyboard shortcut would work
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[15:56:09] gregl: gafir: You shouldn't use escape,you must continue hitting next to the end..Then it will save your card...Escape will cancel your input...
[15:56:34] gafir: ok thanks — any idea why I don't have a mouse cursor though?
[15:56:55] gafir: gregl: it worked,
[15:57:40] gregl: gafir: I have never used a mouse in Mythtv,so no idea...
[15:57:44] J-e-f-f-A: gafir: Yeah, the mouse is hidden by default – there's an option to show it in the general settings.
[15:58:00] gafir: J-e-f-f-A: ok, let me find this :-)
[15:58:40] J-e-f-f-A: gafir: Myth is designed to be a PVR controlled by a remote control, that's why the mouse is hidden by default...
[15:59:00] gafir: j-e-f-f-A: I don't have a remote though :-)
[15:59:22] J-e-f-f-A: sure you do, it's called a keyboard.
[16:00:07] gafir: j-e-f-f-A: well that's the issue, my keyboard isn't wireless, so i'm using a visual keyboard with my mouse
[16:00:24] J-e-f-f-A: gafir: Myth isn't very usable with
[16:00:35] wagnerrp: gafir: mythtv only really has mouse support for the purposes of touchscreens and gestures
[16:00:38] J-e-f-f-A: ... with just a mouse ^ that sounds slow...
[16:00:45] gafir: j-e-f-f-A: alright, i'll forget the mouse then :-)
[16:00:58] gafir: j-e-f-f-A: and get a wireless keyboard maybe
[16:01:03] J-e-f-f-A: gafir: feel free to try it, but as wagnerrp says, it's got limited support.
[16:01:15] wagnerrp: generally, its advised to just get an lirc remote
[16:01:25] gafir: wagnerrp: where can I get this?
[16:01:44] J-e-f-f-A: gafir: get yourself an IR remote, and you'll be set... The Microsoft MCE remote is quite good... search ebay for "Microsoft RC6" to week out the clones/crap.
[16:01:46] wagnerrp:
[16:02:33] gafir: ok thanks — I'll look into this — I have to figure out first if I can use MythTV with FireWire on Comcast dcx3400 — and I don't seem to have it quite right yet
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[16:26:13] sphery: isn't gmythmovies violating ToS?
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[16:27:16] wagnerrp: can you violate googles ToS by using their search?
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[16:31:15] sphery: so it was never put into the official repo because???
[16:31:28] wagnerrp: no idea
[16:31:43] sphery: not that it matters now (with MythMovies gone)
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[16:39:43] Beirdo: wagnerrp: yes, you can
[16:40:24] Beirdo: if they think you are running a robot automating searches, they will cut you off at the knees
[16:40:40] wagnerrp: these potato chips taste like pepperoni
[16:47:17] Beirdo: could be a lot worse :)
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[17:00:12] Beirdo: excuse me while I light my spliff... good god I gotta get a lift...
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[17:00:32] Beirdo: why do I have Bob Marley running through my brain this morning?
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[17:12:12] banjodude: Hi. nuvexport is complaining that I need ffmpeg version 0.5, which I do. Any ideas for a fix?
[17:12:53] banjodude: ffmpeg -L says my version is FFmpeg version 0.5.2
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[17:24:32] Beirdo: argh
[17:25:24] Beirdo: "The receiver includes 2 IR emitter ports, however, this package only come one IR control cable"
[17:25:29] Beirdo: bungholes
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[18:06:16] ThisOtherGuy: Hi all – has anyone ever seen an error like this with the python bindings:
[18:06:53] wagnerrp: that in trunk?
[18:07:28] wagnerrp: looks like it
[18:08:20] ThisOtherGuy: yes
[18:10:13] wagnerrp: fixed, thanks for noticing it
[18:10:32] Beirdo: this is like Deja Vu all over again
[18:10:34] wagnerrp: ive got some script that i use to check for regressions, but its nowhere near comprehensive yet
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[18:10:53] Beirdo: I swear I've seen that precise conversation at least once here before
[18:11:06] wagnerrp: entirely probably
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[18:16:53] ThisOtherGuy: cool – thanks
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[18:19:42] Beirdo: muhahaha
[18:20:09] Beirdo: haz hax0red lirc_mceusb driver now
[18:20:17] Beirdo: well, not really hacked...
[18:20:45] Beirdo: but had to get it compiled specially due to oddness around the hdvpr's lirc_zilog driver
[18:21:52] ThisOtherGuy: warnerrp: is commmethod no longer on channel?
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[18:22:35] ThisOtherGuy: sorry: wagnerrp
[18:23:14] wagnerrp: sure looks like it is
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[18:24:33] wagnerrp: the python bindings are basically an ORM
[18:24:42] wagnerrp: it takes whats in the database, and maps it to a usable object
[18:25:01] wagnerrp: if the database table has the column, the bindings will have the attribute
[18:30:10] ** Beirdo adds a python_sucks column **
[18:30:11] Beirdo: heh
[18:30:14] Beirdo: just kidding
[18:30:24] wagnerrp: to the channel table?
[18:30:31] wagnerrp: i idea what purpose that would be
[18:30:33] Beirdo: sure, why not? :)
[18:30:36] wagnerrp: *no idea
[18:31:26] Beirdo: this is hurting me puny brain
[18:31:41] Beirdo: trying to get lirc to behave is such a chore
[18:33:53] ThisOtherGuy: hmm – must be my code – lemme check what's going on – thanks
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[18:44:22] justinh: wth is up with the ML these days? lol
[18:44:29] justinh: urgent medical attention. heh
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[18:49:37] Beirdo: heh
[18:49:43] Beirdo: justinh: you use lirc?
[18:50:16] Beirdo: could you check the major/minor numbers on /dev/lirc* for me?
[18:50:20] ThisOtherGuy: wagnerrp: it seems like I'm only getting 2 or so channels from db.getChannels() – any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
[18:52:19] ThisOtherGuy: wagnerrp: I take that back – it looks like the first 2 times I iterate the list it's fine, but after that it's empty
[18:54:20] Beirdo: anyone?
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[18:55:06] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: I use lirc – whatcha need?
[18:55:14] Beirdo: could you check the major/minor numbers on /dev/lirc* for me?
[18:55:21] Beirdo: ls -al /dev/lirc*
[18:55:23] Beirdo: :)
[18:55:45] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: crw-rw---- 1 root root 248, 0 Jun 28 20:56 /dev/lirc0
[18:55:48] Beirdo: mine seems to have a major of 250, seems lirc expects 61
[18:55:52] Beirdo: k
[18:56:01] Beirdo: I don't get it then
[18:56:15] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: Not sure if that makes a differentce, this is an MCE receiver/transmitter...
[18:56:30] Beirdo: yeah
[18:56:46] Beirdo: I have the HDPVR setup, trying to add mceusb
[18:57:12] J-e-f-f-A: I'm not using the Blasters in my HD-PVR's currently...
[18:57:16] Beirdo: the former is working (need hacked up drivers until Jarod gets a chance to put em into production)
[18:57:22] Beirdo: the latter ain't
[18:57:29] Beirdo: irw receives nothing even
[18:57:37] Beirdo: haven't even TRIED the transmitter yet
[18:58:10] J-e-f-f-A: But I setup an MCE USB receiver with a blaster to handle my one box that still needs control via IR.
[18:59:29] Beirdo:
[18:59:39] Beirdo: that's in my /var/log/lircd
[18:59:51] Beirdo: that's what's making me go... Hmmmm
[19:00:34] J-e-f-f-A: "hmmmm..."
[19:00:37] J-e-f-f-A: ;-)
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[19:10:24] Beirdo: heh, this is irritating
[19:10:37] ** Beirdo goes ape **
[19:15:09] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: I've never used lirc with more than one device at a time, so I'm afraid I'm at a loss too... (sorry)
[19:15:14] Beirdo: heh
[19:15:17] Beirdo: no problem
[19:15:59] Beirdo: the HDPVR is working fine though
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[19:34:25] SteelSide: Hi, since last upgrade of our ubuntu box (now 10.04 Lucid) our Nova-T 500 card suddenly stopped working. It will not scan, and it seems like there are some other people with the same issue ( . . . /286422.html ). scan from dvb-apps doesn't return any channels and only reports filter timeout or (tuning failed!!!). Has anyone got a similar setup or have any ideas that could help?
[19:36:32] wagnerrp: ThisOtherGuy: that method returns a generator
[19:37:36] wagnerrp: ThisOtherGuy: that means you get one iteration over it, and then its done
[19:37:56] wagnerrp: if you want to use it repeatedly, you need to cast it into a list or tuple first
[19:38:47] wagnerrp: ThisOtherGuy: for what its worth, that method is depreciated anyway
[19:38:56] wagnerrp: all it does it calls Channel.getAllEntries()
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[19:45:59] wagnerrp: justinh: that guy has trolled us a couple times in the past
[19:46:10] wagnerrp: same person, same email address, roughly the same story
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[19:55:48] justinh: Beirdo: I'll check but I dunno what you mean – minor/major..
[19:56:46] justinh: ah I've got 61,0
[19:57:33] Beirdo: hmm
[19:57:38] Beirdo: thanks
[19:57:44] Beirdo: I wanna throw things :)
[19:58:34] Beirdo: I think it's the custom crap they put in to make the HDPVR one work
[19:58:45] Beirdo: breaking the "real" lirc driver
[19:58:49] Beirdo: but I'm not really sure
[20:11:20] justinh: 'they' being mr wilson perhaps ;)
[20:12:15] Beirdo: nah, someone else, I think, but he's got it on his list of things to incorporate
[20:12:18] Beirdo: :)
[20:16:32] Beirdo: maybe this is just a ubuntu startup script thing... hmmm
[20:17:11] ThisOtherGuy: thanks wagnerrp
[20:17:52] Beirdo: heh, if only
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[21:53:45] Beirdo: disconnected
[21:53:45] Beirdo: there it is
[21:53:46] ** Beirdo slaps MythLogBot **
[21:54:12] Shadow__X: gbee: yeah i understand thats just what i am aware of. I could be wrong. Last time i heard that is what iamlindoro was doing for his blurays. You could always get a cheap license and use it from there
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[22:03:18] Beirdo: I probably need to tweak the settings just a touch more
[22:03:28] Beirdo: due to freenode being stupid ;)
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[22:37:29] Beirdo: argh
[22:37:38] ** Beirdo wants to kill **
[22:37:50] Beirdo (Beirdo!~gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[22:37:55] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Beirdo
[22:38:10] Beirdo: f'argh
[22:38:27] drindt: i had a question, i use my alsa's hdmi output channel, but i cant hear sound in my tv, just see the video here is the output seems everything fine...
[22:40:36] gbee: drindt: fire up alsamixer, check that the output isn't muted
[22:41:10] drindt: gbee: the output is called in this case? looked for hdmi but cant find it
[22:41:50] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:42:28] gbee: S/PDIF – just unmute everything if in doubt
[22:42:46] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:42:50] gbee: if that fails, pastebin the output of aplay -L
[22:43:03] drindt: gbee: i got now
[22:43:50] drindt: gbee: the output of aplay -L ->
[22:44:52] fedder (fedder! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[22:45:30] gbee: drindt: worth noting that with release versions of mythtv you have to create an alsa config which will resample the audio to the correct rate, most TVs only accept 48Khz but most TV uses 44.1Khz
[22:46:26] Beirdo: I really don't get this
[22:46:26] drindt: oh hell
[22:46:30] gbee: . . . .2C_Properly
[22:46:44] Beirdo: is the lirc_mceusb.c in lirc-0.8.6 even operational?
[22:47:19] gbee: drindt: don't think that's necessary with the trunk (development) version of MythTV, but you'd have to ask jya about that
[22:47:40] drindt: gbee: should i use the asoundrc there?
[22:49:34] Beirdo: I think I'm fighting a losing battle here ;)
[22:50:20] gbee: drindt: yes, you may need to make a couple of small changes for your specific hardware, but we'll get to that if it doesn't work as it appears in the wiki
[22:50:31] Beirdo: wish Jarod was around :)
[22:53:23] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:54:25] awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:54:31] gbee: Beirdo: well my MCE remote is working with 0.8.6, so ...
[22:55:17] Beirdo: K. well, the issue (I think) is that the hdvpr lirc crap... seems to be using lirc_dev.c from a potentially older version of lirc
[22:55:39] Beirdo: I've had to mess with the lirc_mceusb to even get it to come UP with it.
[22:56:10] gbee: drindt: with that asoundrc you'll need to set the device name in mythtv to ALSA:mixed-digital
[22:56:11] Beirdo: so I think I'm almost backporting the old mceusb one or something
[22:56:30] Beirdo: got it to be OK with the ioctls
[22:56:44] Beirdo: but now it's failing repeatedly when trying to use read()
[22:57:18] drindt: gbee: i must read a bit about, i dont really understand what i have to do
[22:57:31] gbee: Beirdo: yeah, you need Jarod ;)
[22:57:44] Beirdo: yup :)
[22:57:52] Beirdo: and he's likely off having a nice weekend
[22:57:54] Beirdo: bum :)
[23:01:47] brad7_ (brad7_!IceChat7@ has quit (Quit: Easy as 3.14159265358979323846...)
[23:01:48] gbee: ugh, this showing of Wrath of Khan was at 11:30pm, yet it's still cut to pieces ... why?
[23:02:37] gbee: not even skilled cuts
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[23:19:31] gafir: hello, does anybody know where I could find test-mpeg2 either sources or for Ubuntu? Thanks
[23:20:56] gafir: I'd like to record whatever is being played by my cable box using firewire
[23:21:15] gafir: and I think this little application might be the solution to only record what's being played at the moment, correct?
[23:23:17] cdpuk (cdpuk!~chris@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:26:31] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has quit (Quit: mary had a little segmentation fault)
[23:26:32] gbee (gbee! has left #mythtv-users ("Gone")
[23:31:27] awalls: gafir: Maybe this in libiec61883: . . . 3134;hb=HEAD
[23:31:41] gafir: thanks awalls :-)
[23:32:25] gafir: awalls: I guess this would need to be compiled first
[23:32:52] gafir: awalls: do you know if there's any alternative to capture mpeg2-ts video from Firewire, other than MythTV?
[23:32:58] awalls: Well you said "either sources" .
[23:33:36] gafir: awalls: true, but I don't know if it can be compiled without compiling the entire libiec61883
[23:34:20] awalls: "locate iec61883" on your system to see if you have lib and headers already installed
[23:34:42] awalls: Or just use your package manager to install libiec61883 and utils
[23:34:59] gafir: i do have it installed, but for some reason I can't locate test-mpeg2
[23:35:35] gafir: /usr/lib/
[23:35:35] gafir: /usr/lib/
[23:35:35] gafir: /usr/share/doc/libiec61883–0
[23:36:29] awalls: No headers, so you can't compile until you install iec61883 development package (or whatever Ubuntu calls its)
[23:36:39] awalls: /its/it/
[23:36:54] gafir: awalls: Well, I have the dev package installed as well though
[23:38:09] gafir: so i'm unsure
[23:38:43] gafir: all the urls to download the source I've found are now broken
[23:39:02] awalls:
[23:39:31] gafir: ah! ok it used to be
[23:39:41] awalls: Maybe you need the 1394 devel package as well.
[23:39:58] awalls: Anyway you have all the source available to you.
[23:41:08] gafir: thanks much :-) I'll try to compile it and see if i can use test-mpeg2 afterwards
[23:41:16] gafir: many thanks for your help with this
[23:44:08] awalls: Don't thank me:
[23:44:17] awalls: Thank the Goggle. :)
[23:44:22] awalls: /Google/
[23:44:52] gafir: hehe
[23:52:49] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[23:57:34] gafir (gafir! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)

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