:: #mythtv-users

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Friday, July 2nd, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:26] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (*.net *.split)
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[00:11:53] Mode for #mythtv-users by : +v Beirdo
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[00:56:38] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:57:21] waltm (waltm!~kathy@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:13] waltm: I'm having a problem with downloading images from the tmdb script in mythvideo, the log shows that instead of downloading the image it's a html redirect. I'm running .23 +fixes25178
[01:02:38] [R]: i think i saw something about that on the ml the other day
[01:02:39] waltm: Anyone have an idea as to where to look for the problem?
[01:06:59] sphery: waltm: I recommend trying a bunch of other movies, too--it may just be problems with the one you're trying?
[01:09:39] waltm: I have 4 I added in the last 2 days, they are all returning the same error. When I go to the address in firefox it does seem to redirect to the image at another address.
[01:09:55] sphery: I haven't used it in a couple of days, but when I did, I got images without problems for most--there were just a couple that didn't get images.
[01:11:05] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (*.net *.split)
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[01:12:25] Beirdo (Beirdo!~gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:25] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Beirdo
[01:14:46] sphery: seems Beirdo was the sole survivor of that one...
[01:15:17] sphery: If you're hearing this, you are the Resistance...
[01:15:20] wagnerrp: wonder if hes got some script to detect being on the wrong side of splits, and reconnect
[01:15:30] sphery: could be...
[01:16:00] sphery: I still don't know for sure if there is a "right side" and a "wrong side"... Seems there could be "gray sides"
[01:17:05] Lexridge (Lexridge!~lexridge@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:17:13] [R]: lol
[01:17:18] [R]: the side you are on is always the right side
[01:17:24] [R]: that way when the peopel come back
[01:17:29] [R]: you can laugh merciliously at thekm
[01:17:49] Lexridge: If I compile mythtv .23 with vdpau on, what changes does it make, if any, to my nvidia drivers?
[01:17:59] kormoc: none
[01:18:16] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... 0.23-fixes should have options for vdpau interlacers, etc, right?
[01:18:29] Lexridge: Well, I am having this exact same problem, and have been for weeks. I need to fix it.
[01:18:33] ** J-e-f-f-A can't find them... yet I'm using the nvidia driver... humm... **
[01:18:42] wagnerrp: not so much 'options', as lets you pick which of the four you want to use
[01:20:40] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: yeah, just seems I can only select "VDPAU Slim" "Normal" or "High Quality", with no entries below it, and if I add one, there's no option for VDPAU, yet I know I'm running the nvidia binary, and I'm pretty sure myth compiled with vdpau support when I built 0.23...
[01:20:46] ** J-e-f-f-A goes off to check... **
[01:22:48] J-e-f-f-A: ugh... how'd that happen? "VDPAU support no" WT?!?!? ugh... ok, simple fix... just recompile...
[01:22:49] abqjp (abqjp! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:24:06] Beirdo: heh
[01:24:09] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: note that if you use the nvidia driver installer package, it tends to like to remove libvdpau (the FOSS one) from your system--which will break things. I've had to re-install libvdpau after installing the nvidia drivers on every system on which I've installed the nvidia drivers.
[01:24:14] Beirdo: mmmm, mexican coke
[01:24:20] Beirdo: coca cola rather
[01:25:04] sphery: heh,
[01:25:09] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: On this system I actually had to use an RPM, since it's FC13, and the nvidia 'shell' installer puked that the compiler was a different version, etc... doh!!!!
[01:25:23] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: ^^^ ah, the good stuff with Cane sugar, eh?
[01:25:31] Beirdo: aye
[01:25:48] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: the VDPAU options are editable in the same place they have always been
[01:26:00] wagnerrp: you have to hit the 'edit' button on one of the playback rules
[01:26:09] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: yeah, but not if the frontend wasn't compiled with vdpau support... DOH!
[01:26:23] wagnerrp: well thats certainly a problem
[01:26:23] MavT (MavT!~MaverickT@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:26:32] wagnerrp: its enabled by default
[01:26:52] wagnerrp: meaning you are missing a compile time dependency that made configure disable it
[01:26:56] J-e-f-f-A: !trout J-e-f-f-A "compile myth with vdpau support, dummy!"
[01:26:56] ** MythLogBot slaps J-e-f-f-A with a "compile myth with vdpau support, dummy!" trout on behalf of J-e-f-f-A... **
[01:27:19] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!~MaverickT@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[01:27:45] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: yeah, I probably compiled it before I got the nvidia driver downloaded on my box...
[01:28:40] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: like I told sphery – for the first time, the nvidia 'shell' install method didn't work on FC13 – google told me that I could d/l it from rpmfusion, so that's what I did this time...
[01:29:37] [R]: why the hell would you want to use that broken piece of trash .sh script in the first place
[01:29:42] [R]: thats a surefire way to break your box
[01:30:08] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: Well, I've been using them for the last few years... Seems less likely to 'break' stuff than RPMs from different sources...
[01:30:16] J-e-f-f-A: (ie: dependency issues)
[01:30:20] [R]: thats why you install rpms made for your dist
[01:30:23] [R]: problem solved
[01:30:55] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: Yeah, but then some stuff is only avaiable from one rpm, some from another... bah... just compile everything from source!!!! ;-)
[01:31:05] [R]: lol
[01:31:45] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: My first couple of myth boxes were all rpm based... and after being in dependency 'hell' a couple of times, I switched to using source for most stuff... ;-)
[01:32:13] J-e-f-f-A: And this thing with the nvidia driver [due to some change in Fedora 13 apparently] was the 1st time I'd had any problems with it.
[01:32:32] wagnerrp: [R]: oh? ive never had any problems with that bourne script
[01:32:41] J-e-f-f-A: I guess that's what I get for running a distribution numbered "13"... ;-)
[01:32:44] [R]: wagnerrp: i've seen tons of people totally hose their system with it
[01:33:29] wagnerrp: its always been fairly fool-proof to me
[01:33:46] [R]: why install some generic crap when you can install somethign made for your dist...
[01:33:49] [R]: tahts what i always say
[01:34:10] J-e-f-f-A: Yeah, my biggest thing was figuring out how to get into 'init 3' and back... when I was a total n00b... ;-)
[01:34:23] wagnerrp: at least on gentoo, the distro specific package is just a small wrapper around that script
[01:35:34] [R]: wagnerrp: no
[01:35:38] [R]: wagnerrp: the ebuild extracts it and runs makes
[01:35:41] [R]: runs make*
[01:36:06] wagnerrp: what do you think the shell script does
[01:36:14] Beirdo: hehe
[01:36:18] wagnerrp: it just checks to see if you have a matching kernel that it can download a module for first
[01:36:31] wagnerrp: before resorting to building it
[01:37:18] ** Beirdo resorts to burping **
[01:37:25] Beirdo: ahh. Coca Cola :)
[01:38:01] sphery: I'd like to buy the world...
[01:38:12] waltm (waltm!~kathy@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:38:21] Beirdo: heh
[01:38:27] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: the latest one didn't even check if there was a matching kernel version to download, it just went on and built it...
[01:38:57] J-e-f-f-A: yikes... /me found himself starting to whistle for a minute!!!
[01:39:10] Beirdo: hahahaah
[01:42:57] J-e-f-f-A: Oh yeah, just did an 'svn up' – forgot that dude "Gavin" made all those changes to mythweather... I just wish had signed off on our usage of their radar images... :-(
[01:46:27] Beirdo: hehe
[01:46:33] Beirdo: bite me :)
[01:46:46] J-e-f-f-A: Took ya long enough to respond!
[01:46:50] Beirdo: we have static weather maps
[01:46:56] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:46:59] Beirdo: I was off makin a sandwich
[01:47:29] J-e-f-f-A: Oh that's right, your're snort^H^H^H^Hipping coke...
[01:47:44] Beirdo: heh
[01:47:52] Beirdo: it IS dinner time here ya know :)
[01:50:35] Beirdo: time to watch a bit of TV... then mess with mythweather some more
[01:50:36] Beirdo: heh
[01:51:19] Beirdo: haha
[01:51:36] Beirdo: it's recording
[01:51:39] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: Hey, your work is greatly appreciated... ;-) I'm just 'razzin' ya... ;-)
[01:51:49] Beirdo: tis fine, I can take it
[01:52:25] ** sphery made the mistake of thinking it would be easy to fix #8572 (we have a lot of stuff needing changing for Qt4.7) **
[01:52:57] Beirdo: hehe
[01:53:19] Beirdo: I should be a dork and put in a ticket demanding a switch to gtk
[01:53:19] Beirdo: hehe
[01:54:16] sphery: heh
[01:54:20] sphery: assign it to kormoc
[01:54:22] Beirdo: nah, how about to libXm
[01:54:23] Beirdo: hehe
[01:54:36] Beirdo: hehe
[01:54:49] Beirdo: but anyways
[01:55:06] Beirdo: got some Burn Notice queued up to watch
[01:55:33] high-rez: Hmmf. I'm trying to do HDMI Audio – but I get no sound out of my receiver. I've got a card that actually supports HDMI audio this time, unmuted the channels – but still nothing.
[01:55:38] skd5aner: SNL sketch – "What... is... Burn Notice?"
[01:55:44] high-rez: Interesting, in dmesg it shows that it sees my receiver.
[01:55:55] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: Me too, but it's hard to do without VDPAU!!!!
[01:55:58] Beirdo: heh, I stopped watching SNL so long ago
[01:56:25] Beirdo: got a nice blue glow on the HDPVR
[01:56:33] skd5aner: eh... people have said that about SNL since the 80s
[01:56:39] Beirdo: stupid blue LEDs
[01:57:19] Lexridge: SNL may suck, but Jimmy Fallon is classic! Especially when he slow-jams the news lol
[01:57:26] Beirdo: meh
[01:57:28] Beirdo: :)
[01:57:38] skd5aner: see, now I can't stand Jimmy Fallon on late night
[01:57:47] skd5aner: but hey... that's just me – to each their own ;)
[01:57:52] Lexridge: I used to hate him too, then he suddenly got much better
[01:57:55] Beirdo: Dana Carvey... now that's good
[01:58:23] skd5aner: choppin' brocolli
[01:59:13] Beirdo: and... Mike Myers with "If it's not Scottish... it's crrrap!"
[01:59:18] skd5aner: Beirdo: . . . ce-game-show
[01:59:29] Beirdo: heh
[02:00:08] Beirdo: I should pick up the keyboard and skip the "It's my money, and I need it now" junk
[02:00:39] Beirdo: OMG
[02:00:51] Beirdo: HDPVR just stopped recording... and started again
[02:00:52] Beirdo: hehe
[02:01:14] skd5aner: Beirod: Mine does that if the STB switches resolution mid-broadcast
[02:01:19] skd5aner: it keeps working though
[02:01:24] Lexridge: Is $174 a good price on an HDPVR? that the Amazon price.
[02:01:40] Beirdo: nah, this was switching from Burn Notice... to Royal Pains
[02:01:41] Beirdo: hehe
[02:01:48] Beirdo: but yeah
[02:01:48] wagnerrp: pretty decent, retail is $200
[02:02:01] Beirdo: yeah, decent price
[02:02:09] Lexridge: I've been considering getting one so I can finally get my dish hd in the garage.
[02:02:13] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: I don't understand it... even compiled with vdpau support, myth isn't seeing it... what the *bleep*??? /me is confused...
[02:02:15] skd5aner: Beirdo: I'm rewatching that SNL sketch, you watching it? makes me laugh
[02:02:32] Beirdo: nah... watchin Burn Notice, I tell ya
[02:02:35] Lexridge: but until I get this little problem fixed, no point in buying on yet.
[02:02:58] Lexridge: *one* that is
[02:02:59] Beirdo: J-e-f-f-A: ./configure say anything useful?
[02:03:13] Beirdo: likely a too-old version of libvdpau?
[02:03:50] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: ... confugre says "VDPAU support yes"...
[02:03:55] Beirdo: hmmm
[02:03:58] J-e-f-f-A: hummm libvdpau... humm...
[02:03:59] Beirdo: then it's supported
[02:04:36] Beirdo: I seem to remember seeing it whine about an old version on a previous attempt a while back
[02:04:52] MilkBoy (MilkBoy!~milkboy@2a00:16a0::a800:c1ff:fe40:f4b2) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:04:54] J-e-f-f-A: ugh... mythfrontend isn't detecting it... if I select any of the vdpau profiles, it doesn't have any of the settings, and if I try to add one, there's no option for vdpau... ugh.
[02:05:06] Beirdo: ?!
[02:05:13] ** J-e-f-f-A is confused... I WANT TO WATCH BURN NOTICE, DARN IT!!!!! **
[02:05:23] Beirdo: you sure you are running the right mythfrontend? :)
[02:05:33] J-e-f-f-A: (without the cpu hitting 100% and pausing every 2 seconds!)
[02:05:34] Lexridge: seems many are having my problem with .23. But none of the forums ever comes up with an answer.
[02:05:47] Beirdo: forums?!
[02:05:48] Beirdo: heh
[02:06:10] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo... well, pretty sure... let me wipe out the myth binaries in /usr/local/bin and do the make install again...
[02:06:19] Lexridge: mailing lists, probably. Just search google for TV: DrawUnusedRects() — end
[02:08:39] Lexridge: but I am not using vdpau. My old nv6800 doesnt support it.
[02:09:00] th1 (th1! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[02:09:04] Beirdo: Dunno, man
[02:09:25] Beirdo: my vdpau is happy
[02:09:26] Beirdo: heh
[02:09:53] Beirdo: never seen that bug come up
[02:10:24] Lexridge: It seems I had read somewhere on the or the wiki, that something gets changed within the nvidia driver is myth is compiled with vdpau support, and I accidentally did it the first time.
[02:10:32] Lexridge: but I cannot find it now
[02:11:18] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... I didn't wipe out the myth libs before doing the make install... hopefully that fixes me up...
[02:11:35] th1 (th1! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:12:38] Beirdo: how would compiling an application change the kernel drivers/
[02:12:43] Beirdo: that's ridiculous
[02:13:16] Lexridge: I think I found it, actually
[02:14:07] Lexridge: Under Caveats section.
[02:14:51] Lexridge: but that seems different for me. I actually have an nvidia card.
[02:15:36] wagnerrp: . . . acement-fail
[02:16:11] Beirdo: sigh
[02:16:27] Beirdo: I hope my mythbox has enough disk space for my next trip to Philly
[02:16:41] Beirdo: 10 days away from home. BAH
[02:16:47] Beirdo: heh
[02:17:21] wagnerrp: pick up a spare?
[02:17:25] Beirdo: and it will be nearly 10 days of 12h work days...
[02:17:38] Beirdo: hmm
[02:17:41] J-e-f-f-A: I think I just found the problem... the rpmfusion nvidia driver is pretty old... 195.36.24 ... and myth doesn't seem to like compiling with it... :-(
[02:17:57] Beirdo: I can add a bit more disk, I guess
[02:18:18] Beirdo: meh
[02:18:55] high-rez: Do I need a .asoundrc for HDMI out these days or is this old info ?
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[02:26:05] J-e-f-f-A: yay... got vdpau support compiled successfully on one of the frontends... it's just my FC13 backend that's not behaving, because of the stupid RPM being out of date... no time to troubleshoot tonight... ;-)
[02:27:02] J-e-f-f-A: high-rez: I wish I knew! ;-) jya or one of the other gurus would know, but obviously they're 'afk' right now... ;-)
[02:27:29] high-rez: Grr :/
[02:28:05] high-rez: The whole alsa digital audio etc etc is such a mystery.
[02:28:52] J-e-f-f-A: high-rez: just think of it as a 'learning experience'... ;-)
[02:29:42] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:36] lozarythmic (lozarythmic! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:31:18] ** J-e-f-f-A needs a faster cpu.... **
[02:32:02] ** wagnerrp wishes they had this kind of sesame street when he was a kid.... **
[02:32:52] Beirdo: fail this
[02:35:29] sphery: that was annoying--and the worst part is that I don't know if my fixes are actually correct
[02:35:47] sphery: you wouldn't happen to be a template guru, would you?
[02:38:28] wagnerrp: template?
[02:38:45] Beirdo: not me...
[02:38:52] sphery: :(
[02:38:57] Beirdo: :(
[02:39:27] Beirdo: well, I think it's high time to break mythweather again
[02:39:29] Beirdo: heh
[02:40:25] Beirdo: gonna use the new stuff Captain_Murdoch added
[02:40:37] sphery: Don't know if the template changes (like those in eventing.h) are valid for T = int as well as T = QString. If not, I have no idea how we're going to fix templates to handle Qt's making QString(0) or QString(NULL) invalid. . . . qt_4_7.patch
[02:41:32] Beirdo: oh, I have to wait another 20min before doing make install :)
[02:41:52] Captain_Murdoch: Beirdo, I may commit a fix to the lastmodified issue tonight, tracking that down now.
[02:42:09] Beirdo: OK. sounds great
[02:42:52] Beirdo: I like that we have better support for grabbing images off the web :)
[02:43:03] sphery: I heard the web is a fad.
[02:43:14] Beirdo: that's gonna make my proposed gallery changes a LOT simpler
[02:43:40] Beirdo: the cache has a finite maximum size in bytes or anything like that?
[02:44:29] sphery: heh, my mythweather is disabled... so I need to fix deps so I can see if I have it compiling with Qt4.7
[02:44:37] Captain_Murdoch: default is 50MB but it is settable if we want to make a new setting. :)
[02:44:44] Captain_Murdoch: 50MB is the Qt default.
[02:44:45] Beirdo: nice
[02:44:50] Lexridge (Lexridge!~lexridge@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:44:52] Beirdo: that should work well for gallery use
[02:45:09] Beirdo: I just don't want to have it suck down like terabytes of images :)
[02:45:13] rossand (rossand! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[02:45:14] Beirdo: well, gigabytes
[02:45:15] Beirdo: hehe
[02:45:45] Beirdo: so it does FIFO, least used, or some other algorithm, I guess
[02:45:55] Beirdo: when it's full that is
[02:46:10] emmanuelux (emmanuelux! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:46:33] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[02:47:13] Beirdo: ah crap
[02:47:29] Beirdo: it didn't change channels while I was at work
[02:47:34] Beirdo: this is not Good Eats.
[02:47:39] Beirdo: this is NCIS
[02:48:12] Beirdo: and I can't delete it because it's doing commercial detection on it
[02:48:17] Beirdo: that's... unfortunate :)
[02:48:31] Beirdo: I think I need to tweak my changing script a wee bit
[02:49:33] ivor (ivor!~ivor@kde/developer/ivor) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[02:49:54] Captain_Murdoch: Beirdo, yeah, I haven't explored the caching algorithm much yet. not sure if it's FIFO or LRU.
[02:49:58] sphery: no wonder DateTime::Format improves time zone handling--it has 10M dependencies
[02:50:10] Beirdo: Captain_Murdoch: as long as it works :)
[02:50:35] Captain_Murdoch: you can stop that commflag job and then delete.
[02:51:13] Beirdo: oh?
[02:52:51] Beirdo: why didn't I think of that :)
[02:52:58] Beirdo: delete and allow re-record...
[02:53:14] Beirdo: and put it to delay longer between channel digits
[02:56:07] Beirdo: 5 more minutes left on the current recording
[02:56:12] J-e-f-f-A: should I be concerned that 'tv_play.o' is taking over 10 minutes to compile on my Athon 64 X2 6000+ ??? Jeepers, usually the whole compile is only 15–20 mins tops... it's been over 30 mins already...
[02:57:49] Beirdo: don't sound right to me
[02:58:32] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: yeah, I just started over... did a 'make distclean'... and started it all over... seems to be flying at the moment, we'll see what happens in a few... ;-)
[02:58:40] Beirdo: OK, scheduled a show at 8.
[02:58:56] Beirdo: on a different channel... it better like me this time
[02:59:23] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: you didn't try your channel change script out with "Tuner Test" mode (aka "Live TV"?)
[03:00:09] Beirdo: yeah, I tried it a couple times, but who knows, I was likely on an edge case
[03:00:56] cooper76 (cooper76! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:05:31] high-rez: Interesting. If I specify ALSA:plughw:2,8 it works. So card 2 device 8 appears to be LPCM out.
[03:05:48] high-rez: not sure why specifing the HDMI device isn't working though :(
[03:05:52] hadees (hadees! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[03:06:14] Beirdo: OK, the scheduler's borked
[03:06:31] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:06:52] Beirdo: I tell it "record this specific showing"
[03:07:02] Beirdo: it decides... nah, I'll record it later tonight
[03:07:08] Beirdo: bit me. do it NOW
[03:07:14] Beirdo: bite me rather
[03:07:57] high-rez: I'd rather send the encoded stream to the receiver :/
[03:08:34] Beirdo: ooooh
[03:08:42] Beirdo: this was an IR fail
[03:08:59] Beirdo: the IR transmitter thingy fell off the receiver
[03:09:01] Beirdo: hahah
[03:11:22] Beirdo: nothing a little electrical tape can't fix
[03:12:34] Captain_Murdoch: figured out my issue. I hard-coded a URL in the test theme chooser so the same image was being used multiple times on the screen at the same time. the download manager code uses the URL as the key in a table though, so subsequent requests would overwrite the first's info. so I now serialize requests for the same URL. better that way anyway since subsequent requests should come out of cache.
[03:13:18] Beirdo: hehe
[03:14:58] Beirdo: yay, that works MUCH better
[03:15:45] Beirdo: I put the emitter right at the receiver... and electrical taped the wre right to the receiver
[03:15:51] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:16:05] Beirdo: I will not trust the crappy adhesive
[03:16:33] JJ (JJ! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[03:16:58] Beirdo: Captain_Murdoch: so is that fix gonna get a new commit, or is it just in your testing area?
[03:17:33] Beirdo: oh man, no more Glee. Why did I pick that as a test recording?
[03:17:35] Captain_Murdoch: yeah, getting ready to commit in the next half hour or so. won't affect you much, but will require a make clean since I changed the class a little.
[03:18:16] Beirdo: hehe
[03:18:19] Beirdo: OK.
[03:18:23] Beirdo: I'll stop the compile then
[03:18:32] Captain_Murdoch: need to strip out all my debugging comments,make sure itstill works, copy to my pristine tree, test compile there, think up a commit message, then commit. :)
[03:18:37] Beirdo: ahh
[03:18:53] Beirdo: make clean is always fun
[03:19:21] Beirdo: I'll just watch TV in the mean time
[03:19:22] Beirdo: heh
[03:21:26] Beirdo: Hmmm, not sure I like #8631
[03:22:25] sphery: I'd like it more if it made the data available and allowed themers to choose which to display
[03:22:54] sphery: the seek stuff taking it into account is obnoxious, though
[03:23:03] sphery: I now that 3/4 of the program is 45min
[03:23:08] sphery: after cutting it's what?
[03:23:11] Beirdo: yeah
[03:23:16] hadees (hadees! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[03:23:26] Beirdo: I'd prefer to see frame number available too :)
[03:23:32] Beirdo: especially in the editor
[03:23:35] sphery: it is
[03:23:40] sphery: check out Arclight's editor
[03:23:57] Beirdo: oh? one sec
[03:24:03] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:24:16] sphery: that being in trunk, though, as there's no Arclight OSD in 0.23-fixes, TTBOMK
[03:24:25] Beirdo: yay
[03:24:27] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:24:37] Beirdo: I do trunk
[03:26:00] mnjay1 (mnjay1! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:26:48] Beirdo: I like
[03:26:53] mnjay1: I'm looking for a way to disable fan art backgrounds either completely or for specific folders, any ideas?
[03:27:05] Beirdo: heh. dropped the keyboard on the floor... and it started playing
[03:27:15] Beirdo: it seems the enter key got bumped
[03:27:39] Beirdo: mnjay1: ummm, use a different theme?
[03:27:59] Beirdo: I think there's a background image you can overwrite
[03:28:10] Beirdo: and just not download the fanart
[03:28:44] Beirdo: i.e. disable the download from the cronjob if you have one, or just stop running jamu by hand
[03:28:58] Beirdo: w00t!
[03:29:07] Beirdo: DirecTV has Trailer Park Boys!
[03:29:11] Beirdo: in HD
[03:29:52] J-e-f-f-A: They have What?!?
[03:29:56] ** J-e-f-f-A googles... **
[03:30:03] Beirdo: it's on 101
[03:30:05] Beirdo: :)
[03:30:16] Beirdo: Trailer Park Boys FTW
[03:30:26] high-rez: Man, linux audio is just such a mess :/
[03:30:26] Beirdo: right, GreyFoxx?
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[03:31:08] GrahamIRC1 (GrahamIRC1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[03:31:31] high-rez: jeff: So I think I got it working. It seems if I just tell it to do LPCM on ALSA:plughw:2,8 – i'm all good. Just told it I have 7.1 channels – though I'd really prefer to send the encoded audio to the receiver. But oh well :/
[03:32:13] jya: high-rez, you have a nvidia GT2XX by any chance?
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[03:32:28] J-e-f-f-A: high-rez: that's cool.... some day I'll upgrade to a 7.1 receiver and work in that stuff too... ;-)
[03:33:44] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[03:34:22] high-rez: jya: I do have a 2XX. It's a 210
[03:34:58] jya: it's a bug in the alsa drivers, upgrade to the latest alsa and 256.xx nvidia drivers
[03:34:58] high-rez: jya: I'm running trunk. Using the auto-detect stuff it finds the NVidia_1:HDMI device (it's _1 cause I also have a HDMI on mobo)
[03:35:17] high-rez: Latest alsa == trunk ?
[03:35:22] high-rez: I'm running .23 on alsa
[03:35:26] jya: there's a howto page on the xbmc site
[03:35:28] high-rez: Not such a recent version of nvidia drivers though
[03:35:32] high-rez: No kiddin ?
[03:36:02] jya: currently, the audio device isn't properly detected by alsa
[03:36:17] high-rez: Interesting. I see it sees it as like 4 separate devices on the card.
[03:36:24] jya: you have to give ssome parameters to the kernel driver for you to only see one device and not 8
[03:36:32] jya: or 4
[03:36:37] high-rez: Yeah, it's 4 devices.
[03:37:08] high-rez: But even if I plug it at the right plughw device – if I tell it the device can do Dolby Digital and DTS in addition to LPCM...
[03:37:19] high-rez: The audio turns into static. If I say just LPCM the audio is fine.
[03:37:22] jya: . . . %2C_or_GT240
[03:37:41] hadees (hadees! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[03:37:47] high-rez: What i'm not at all clear on is, is an .asoundrc still needed these days?
[03:37:55] jya: usually not
[03:38:10] jya: and certainly not if all you are using on that machine is mythtv
[03:38:14] high-rez: Should AC-3/DTS/EAC3 passthrough work fine ?
[03:38:20] skd5aner (skd5aner! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[03:38:22] jya: E-AC3 won't
[03:38:40] high-rez: That's not such a big deal I guess.
[03:38:42] jya: there's no passthrough working other than plain DTS and AC3 in linux yet
[03:39:14] high-rez: I guess that's not a big deal – decoding EAC3 doesn't seem to take much CPU. I assume there's no advantage in letting my receiver do it ?
[03:39:48] jya: not really... except that you won't have a cool E-AC3 light turning out on the receiver
[03:40:13] jya: but at this stage, decoding E-AC3 and sending multi-channel LPCM is the only way possible
[03:40:31] high-rez: I think its interesting that all of the supported modes on my receiver are presnted to linux.  :)
[03:40:50] jya: what do you mean?
[03:41:16] high-rez: I'll pastebin it
[03:41:54] skd5aner (skd5aner! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:42:00] high-rez:
[03:42:04] high-rez: That.
[03:42:10] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[03:42:31] high-rez: Even sees my receiver model #
[03:42:37] high-rez: Pretty nifty
[03:42:54] jya: what it reports is what the gt210 supports
[03:43:01] jya: not what your amp does
[03:43:37] high-rez: Ahh ok
[03:43:51] high-rez: I thought it was getting all that from the amp – since it was able to get the amp model #
[03:43:54] jya: unfortunately, that info doesn't get back over hdmi
[03:43:59] jya: not with 1.3 at least
[03:44:04] high-rez: i see
[03:44:22] jya: it sees the "monitor" data, from the EDID
[03:45:16] jya: interesting that it sees AC3 as 8 channels
[03:45:26] jya: AC3 can't do 7.1...
[03:45:57] high-rez: Heh, bug ? :)
[03:46:09] high-rez: Woh, I went to type bug and "bing" came out. Freudian slip.
[03:46:10] jya: I'm guessing the reason you can do AC3 and DTS passthrough and that you hear static instead, is because of the ALSA bug
[03:46:33] jya: you can't do I mean
[03:46:48] high-rez: are the devices differnet? E.g. card 2 device 3 is used for encoded audio where card 2 device 8 is meant for LPCM or something like that ?
[03:46:54] jya: would probably work if you selected another device but hw:3,8
[03:47:26] jya: normally, the device hdmi is a plug device to the right output
[03:47:49] jya: two things I can imagine here..
[03:48:01] high-rez: I see. And alsa figures out the actual hardware to route it to?
[03:48:05] jya: 1- it's an ALSA bug, and it sees more device on that video card that there really is
[03:48:23] jya: 2- the new code that configure the output for non-audio (e.g. AC3 or DTS passthrough) is buggy
[03:48:51] jya: I hope it's not #2 ...
[03:49:05] high-rez: So how many devices should this piece of hardware actually have? Is therea different device for LPCM than for encoded data streams (like ac3) ?
[03:49:10] jya: so will be interesting to see once you have ALSA working properly and you only see one audio device on that card
[03:49:17] jya: it should have one
[03:49:24] jya: hdmi that's it
[03:49:50] high-rez: Alright. Well I'll get it fixed and report back then. got the latest 256 driver. I already have the .23 alsa drivers that the xbmc page said I should be using
[03:49:56] jya: if you read the XBMC wiki page
[03:49:57] jya: . . . %2C_or_GT240
[03:50:15] jya: the give which device to use for which brand and what's known to work
[03:50:49] jya: but from their list, it seems that if LPCM is supported, then so will DD and DTS
[03:50:52] pjcrux (pjcrux! has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
[03:51:56] jya: I need to get myself one of those cards to try out
[03:51:56] ** Beirdo patiently waits for Captain_Murdoch to finish :) **
[03:52:04] Captain_Murdoch: yeah,almost there. :)
[03:52:12] Beirdo: cool
[04:03:55] wagnerrp: anyone know off hand where you need to put a custom menu theme?
[04:04:41] Beirdo: up yer.... oh wait
[04:11:02] Captain_Murdoch: I think ~/.mythtv/themes/myowncustommenutheme works.
[04:11:59] wagnerrp: ok, thanks
[04:12:58] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: should have spammed a couple links in that commit for good measure... :)
[04:13:19] Captain_Murdoch: figure most have 4.5 already and won't even care.
[04:13:41] Captain_Murdoch: but yeah, should have.
[04:14:55] wagnerrp: my gentoo system which gets updated about once a month is 4.6.2, my bsd system which gets updated on major releases is 4.6.1
[04:15:01] wagnerrp: i think youre probably safe
[04:17:47] Captain_Murdoch: Beirdo, ok, committed.
[04:17:51] sphery: mmmm... Bacon spaghetti
[04:18:17] sphery: (You know you should have stopped for the day and made dinner hours ago when you go to the fridge to get the shaker of parmesan and accidentally get the bacon bits.)
[04:18:26] sphery: midnight dinner is too late
[04:18:27] Beirdo: coolio.
[04:18:30] Beirdo: thanks
[04:18:40] Captain_Murdoch: yw
[04:18:54] Beirdo: starting a compile then :)
[04:19:59] wagnerrp: no new commands to play with?
[04:20:04] ** wagnerrp feels left out of the fun **
[04:20:58] Beirdo: mythweather should be using the new stuff tonight for the static map scraper.... or non-scraper now
[04:21:04] Beirdo: just need to return the URL now :)
[04:22:28] Beirdo: do we have JSON parsing in myth at this point?
[04:23:37] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, those are coming. I need to clean that part up some and get the status messages hooked up. ie, FE tells BE to download, BE sends out status messages to keep the FE updated about the progress. right nowI send a completed message only and need to tweak that a little to make it handle more situations.
[04:24:08] wagnerrp: no worries
[04:24:29] wagnerrp: that actually reminds me, i need to tweak the event handling a bit in the bindings
[04:24:50] wagnerrp: ive got some query messing with the scheduler that isnt working properly since its running too soon
[04:25:05] Beirdo: fun
[04:25:07] wagnerrp: need to make it wait for a notification of the scheduler run
[04:29:05] Beirdo: hmmm, what should I search for for the name of a IR USB transmitter?
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[04:40:10] Beirdo: . . . &sr=8-10
[04:40:22] Beirdo: err
[04:40:32] Beirdo: . . . p/B003QQOHZ4
[04:41:11] Beirdo: why don't I see the whole URL?
[04:41:31] Beirdo: anyways... is that actually 2 transmitters and one receiver, plus a remote?
[04:42:02] th1 (th1! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[04:42:19] wagnerrp: yeah, looks like it
[04:42:26] Beirdo: not bad
[04:42:34] Beirdo: wonder if lirc will like it
[04:42:41] wagnerrp: should
[04:42:45] Beirdo: for transmit too?
[04:42:54] wagnerrp: dont know about that, never used it on mine
[04:43:02] Beirdo: and see it as two transmitter?
[04:43:03] Beirdo: heh
[04:43:04] Beirdo: ah
[04:43:18] Beirdo: $10.49 shipping?!
[04:43:25] Beirdo: eatest thou me!
[04:43:44] wagnerrp: (/me got free shipping on his)
[04:45:20] Beirdo: . . . p/B000W5GK5C
[04:45:28] Beirdo: that I can get free shipping on
[04:45:41] th1 (th1! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:45:42] Beirdo: (Prime member)
[04:50:49] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[04:54:14] high-rez: :D
[04:55:10] th1 (th1! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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[05:06:42] Beirdo: -rw------- 1 gjhurlbu gjhurlbu 37773 2010-07–01 22:05 cache_63ef4d90cd0c2120de85c51f40f3e78cd8fa3067.cache
[05:06:46] Beirdo: Wooohoo
[05:16:02] mnjay1 (mnjay1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[05:24:27] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[05:25:00] Beirdo: OK, Captain_Murdoch...
[05:25:13] Beirdo: committed the mythweather change to use the new support :)
[05:25:30] Beirdo: the static map script is really fast now :)
[05:26:49] Beirdo: all it really needs to do is compose the URL and look up the location text from a CSV file. muhahaha
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[07:14:09] Beirdo: I'm bored
[07:22:56] Beirdo: Bah
[07:23:04] Beirdo: Royal Pains was in "Cuba"
[07:23:12] Beirdo: my butt... that's Old San Juan
[07:23:33] Beirdo: been there...
[07:23:42] Beirdo: way often :)
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[08:01:11] Beirdo: haha, nice view of El Morro
[08:01:20] Beirdo: Cuba, my left foot
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[08:36:47] justinh: grrr. my subwoofer has gone on the blink
[08:37:11] justinh: shouldn't have taken a shortcut & fitted 4-pin ATX PSU connectors for the power
[08:37:27] justinh: they're just not cut out to be automotive connectors
[08:40:15] th1 (th1! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[08:43:05] justinh: think I'll go with Neutrik speakon
[08:50:34] justinh: or Neutrik Powercon :)
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[09:18:45] justinh: heh. remembered we use a meaty power connector on one of our mobile DVRs
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[09:47:53] RealMurphy (RealMurphy! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:49:22] RealMurphy: Hi all, I've been searching for an answer quite a bit but somehow Diseqc eludes me. I've got a simple setup, one dish, with two universal LNBs one 9/8 port switch supporting Disecq. With w_scan and -D1u -D2u I can switch to the other LNB and scan all ok, but myth 0.23 does not like me to
[09:50:23] RealMurphy: So far I've tried Diseqc, mini diseqc and uncommitted diseqc with two ports, but when I try to scan the second port I only get the channels from the first one
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[09:51:12] justinh: good luck finding people with experience of dvb-s in here
[09:51:33] RealMurphy: justinh: you mean chances are slim?
[09:51:40] justinh: very
[09:51:51] RealMurphy: sh**, any suggestions where to dig?
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[09:52:08] justinh: especially when you're involving switches & stuff beyond the usual dumb dish & LNB setup
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[09:53:13] RealMurphy: I have one weird line saying" 2010-07–02 11:20:45.734 DiSEqCDevTree: Changing to DiSEqC switch port 1/2" but I *think* it should be 2/2, shall I try bugging the devs?
[09:53:34] justinh: no it's even less likely anybody in the other channel would know
[09:53:49] RealMurphy: justinh: darn, looks like a lost cause then :(
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[09:54:48] justinh: might help
[09:55:00] RealMurphy: already trough that one...
[09:55:10] RealMurphy: Maybe a long posting the the mailing list then...
[09:55:52] RealMurphy: trough-> tried
[09:56:38] justinh: from what you've said it would appear you've not set up the device tree correctly
[09:56:57] RealMurphy: that is also my impression, but there is hardly anything what could go wrong
[09:57:30] justinh: or something has done daft when you've set up input connections
[09:58:00] RealMurphy: I'm currently delving into the SQL tables and there both LNBs almost share the sme config and I think one of the values there should be larger (by one) than another, but then I don't have any schema information about these tables with any details
[09:58:14] justinh: you'll likely need a different 'video source' for all of the input connections
[09:58:35] justinh: RealMurphy: don't mess with the sql. it's not designed for human intervention
[09:59:39] justinh: how many 'video source' sources do you have?
[10:00:03] justinh: my guess is you need two, one for each of the LNBs
[10:00:20] RealMurphy: justinh: two sources
[10:00:25] RealMurphy: both xmltv based
[10:00:37] justinh: that's irrelevant for now
[10:00:53] th1 (th1! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[10:01:01] justinh: so within input connections, you selected the 1st LNB route & scanned for channels.. which worked
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[10:01:16] RealMurphy: justinh: yes
[10:01:17] justinh: but when you went to scan the 2nd LNB route.. nothing?
[10:01:33] RealMurphy: justinh: no I get the first set of channels (from 1st LNB) again
[10:01:38] justinh: ah right
[10:01:49] RealMurphy: justinh: think that a separate source might help?
[10:02:14] justinh: the 2nd LNB should be assigned to a source not already associated with the 1st LNB
[10:02:15] RealMurphy: I dont think that's something I've tried yet
[10:02:23] RealMurphy: ok, sounds like a plan :)
[10:02:41] justinh: you can't treat them the same because they're totally different & will carry different channels/content
[10:03:15] justinh: so, videosource 1 == 1st LNB
[10:03:21] justinh: videosource 2 == 2nd LNB
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[10:06:21] RealMurphy: justinh: ok, I'll try that, thanks a lot – somehow this has eluded me so far
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[10:07:03] justinh: seems like that's where you've gone wrong. I'd honestly have thought that if you already knew you'd need two independent sources you'd have figured it out already :)
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[10:18:26] RealMurphy: justinh: possibly just confused my dual-port DVB-T card which only requires a single source
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[10:19:47] justinh: easy mistake to make. hope it works out for you
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[10:26:39] justinh: hahahahaha. email from directors commanding us all to stop using MS Office. Gladly!
[10:29:10] RealMurphy: justinh: ;) Glad that I'm working in a Linux only environment, if only those pesky .docx files were not arriving...
[10:30:07] justinh: apparently our last IT dept were a bunch of charlatans. very few of the licences they got were legit
[10:34:27] gbee: nows the time to sell them on the benefits of OpenOffice, TCO == Nil, Pesky license issues == None
[10:35:14] justinh: they're already on it, but we rely on MS Office for our databases & other stuff
[10:35:28] justinh: just checked & none of the databases I use can be opened in OO
[10:35:30] justinh: yay!
[10:36:00] justinh: ouch, and thunderbird can't import from Outlook
[10:36:10] justinh: that's outlook, not outlook express. yuk
[10:38:35] justinh: last time I used OO Write I was appalled at just how closely it apes MS Word. Same formatting goofups & all
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[10:40:31] sid4windr: thunderbird can import from outlook can't it
[10:40:39] sid4windr: at least from 2003
[10:40:42] sid4windr: dunno about newer
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[10:43:53] justinh: outlook 2003? LOL
[10:43:59] justinh: 2000 here man
[10:44:20] sid4windr: :|
[10:44:35] justinh: windows 2000 too.  :-P
[10:44:40] justinh: running on a Duron 800 :D
[10:45:10] sid4windr: :(
[10:45:19] sid4windr: self built out of scrap parts as well? :p
[10:45:26] justinh: but we're #1 CCTV manufacturer in all of Europe apparently. you don't get to #1 by giving your employees adequate equipment!
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[10:45:56] justinh: no, built by a bloke who was doing dodgy deals on the side with his brother who owned a computer parts company
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[10:47:18] sid4windr: =)
[10:47:27] sid4windr: so almost self built and surely out ouf scrap parts
[10:47:41] justinh: yup
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[11:17:31] gbee: justinh: like it or not, OO has to mirror itself on MS products since that's the only way they'll sell themselves to companies who are allergic to change
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[11:19:33] gbee: maybe once they've grab enough market share they can afford to be inventive and original
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[11:44:22] sidh: Greetings
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[11:46:39] sidh: i run mythbuntu 10.04 for 3 days, 2 days ago while I was watching livetv, it crashed, then i installed openssh-server (i relly don't understand it is not installed by default btw) , yesterday after several hours of watching tv it crashed again, but before rebooting by ssh , i got in the log these 2 errors :
[11:46:51] sidh: [37715.880487] __ratelimit: 9 callbacks suppressed
[11:46:53] sidh: [37715.880497][3270]: segfault at 40 ip 0150f4a3 sp ad9be650 error 6 in[eec000+bad000]
[11:47:16] sidh: any idea ?
[11:50:43] sidh: it seems that 's a pulse audio related problem
[11:50:46] sidh: AGAIN
[11:54:21] lyricnz: kill pulseaudio
[11:54:40] justinh: gbee: they even copied the bugs? lol
[11:54:50] lyricnz: die die die (pulseaudio)
[11:55:07] justinh: PA & mythtv are not happy bedfellows
[11:55:15] lyricnz: yet another pointless linux abstraction on audio
[11:55:36] justinh: PA == pointless abstraction :D
[11:55:47] ** lyricnz chuckles, oh yeah! **
[11:56:19] ** lyricnz rocks out to his fave band. **
[11:56:23] gbee: justinh: Microsoft calls them 'features'
[11:56:37] lyricnz: wonder if I should try mythcommflag when I last used it (5+ years), it sucked!
[11:56:56] gbee: don't bother, it hasn't changed a line since then
[11:57:21] justinh: mythcommflag needs a lot of TLC to work in non-US/Canada locations
[11:57:26] gbee: lyricnz: it's designed for US adverts and if it happens to work anywhere else that's just serendipity
[11:57:45] lyricnz: aw, damn
[11:58:02] lyricnz: my C skills are too rusty to help anyway
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[11:58:19] justinh: what we need is people with the necessary code know-how and motivation to help – in the right part of the world
[11:58:21] gbee: and don't blame anyone at MythTV for that, not one user has taken interest in making it work outside the US, there have been no patch submissions for years
[11:58:33] justinh: or just armed with enough video samples of sufficient length
[11:58:58] justinh: it's not just code knowhow either – image processing & pattern analysis
[11:59:00] lyricnz: could it be that mythtv has a reputation amongst OSS for being terribly unfriendly to developers?
[11:59:02] lyricnz: :)
[11:59:12] justinh: lyricnz: nope
[12:00:42] justinh: if you look at any of the recent rejected code it's more than likely you'll find an unwillingness to cooperate with the project's ethos or coding standards – or just listen to reason from people whose interests lie in doing the right thing by the project
[12:01:02] jedlhl (jedlhl! has quit (Quit: jedlhl)
[12:01:59] justinh: not that much code has been rejected lately AFAIK. if there's ever been a perception that the devs are unfriendly I've no idea where that came from. my own experiences couldn't be further away from that :-)
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[12:04:36] justinh: maybe in future commflagging could be modularised somehow. right now it just seems like a big black box full of unknown things which few – if any – people really understand
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[12:05:15] pepsiman: my mythtv box has died :(
[12:06:10] justinh: ironically, it looks for all the world like a commercial flagging program for windows was based on mythtv's own code – did some research a while ago & there seemed to be many similarities
[12:10:19] sidh: is there a way to install mythtv without pulse audin ?
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[12:10:33] sidh: i mean pulse audio
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[12:12:10] justinh: if you don't have pulseaudio installed on a system, installing mythtv will not pull pulseaudio in
[12:12:30] justinh: or shouldn't – if the packaging is done right :)
[12:13:21] sidh: ok so it is just mythbuntu that is bad choice
[12:14:16] sidh: maybe with debian and mythtv separately there won't have pulse audio issue
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[12:15:33] ** lyricnz plays with mythcommflag. **
[12:15:44] lyricnz: Does it create cutlists, or actually edit the recordings?
[12:15:44] justinh: uninstall pulseaudio then :)
[12:16:02] justinh: lyricnz: it puts commercial flag markings in the seektable
[12:16:21] justinh: lyricnz: which you can then turn into a cutlist in mythtv's editor with the Z key
[12:16:46] justinh: or use a menu option.. not sure about the last bit
[12:16:50] lyricnz: can I view the mythcommflag in a visual way without converting to cutlist?
[12:17:09] justinh: nope
[12:17:39] lyricnz: I'd better try it before I start making suggestions, eh? :)
[12:17:45] lyricnz: 68%/312fps
[12:17:56] justinh: not sure it converts it into a cutlist – it loads the commercial flags into a cutlist AFAIK
[12:18:01] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:18:18] justinh: so if you clear the cutlist you don't also clear the commercial flag points I think
[12:18:32] justinh: I could be wrong – I've never tried it
[12:19:18] lyricnz: what's the "skip" key by default?
[12:21:24] lyricnz: hahah, I mythcommflagged a station with no ads ;)
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[12:35:02] gbee: lyricnz: that reputation is bogus, a couple of non-coders didn't like it when we rejected their ideas, as a result they posted comments at every opportunity (mailing list, slashdot, wikipedia etc) stating it as fact that MythTV treated developers badly and that it had a really bad reputation for such ... only it's never ever been true
[12:35:48] gbee: if it were true we wouldn't have one of the biggest development teams of all open source projects
[12:36:22] gbee: top 2% iirc
[12:36:56] gbee:
[12:36:59] lyricnz: but 90% of oss projects are crap :)
[12:38:50] justinh: wonder what the illustrious jono bacon would have to say nowadays
[12:39:56] gbee: they frequently end up that way because commit access is handed out like presents at Christmas and every dumb idea is accepted without critical review
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[12:42:13] justinh: like er.. hey, let's make pulseaudio the default audio engine in our distro! ;-)
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[12:47:50] justinh: oh dear El Reg. Trying to claim GIMP is suitable for mere mortals again
[12:47:51] gbee: fwiw, there are no kids/teenagers in the MythTV team although we've never once asked someone's age before giving them commit access – it might be might down to the fact that you need enough maturity to take criticism and to have the necessary patience. If you go away and re-write your code according to the suggestions or even throw it away instead of throwing a hissy-fit then and only then are you likely to be trusted with
[12:47:53] gbee: commit privs
[12:49:54] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:50:56] justinh: give it longer before giving anybody like me commit access again then :-) Took me a long time to find out I'm not the sort to take crticism well
[12:51:58] gbee: justinh: in fairness, PS isn't for mere mortals, most people treat it as a slightly fancier MS Paint and there are linux alternatives for that, GIMP positions itself against PSs more professional features
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[12:52:49] justinh: having tried PS I'm not even sure why it's popular with so many 'pro' folks. its preview rendering is raggedy
[12:52:56] gbee: Disclaimer: It's been years since I used PS and at least 18 months since I fired up Gimp either
[12:53:06] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:53:47] gbee: these days Inkscape does everything I need and more
[12:54:09] justinh: all this work I've been doing on my theme I've not even had to open a single image app
[12:54:28] justinh: gonna have to sooner or later. there's icons I be needin
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[12:55:44] justinh: I still wish my wife had liked Arclight though
[12:56:30] mag0o: tell her someone with commit access tossed all the themes except for Arclight and you have no choice :)
[12:57:13] justinh: you're forgetting something
[12:57:21] gbee: justinh has commit access ;)
[12:57:29] mag0o: :)
[12:57:33] justinh: and she already knows I'm capable of doing this stuff
[12:58:10] mag0o: Tell her in addition to the tossing of said themes, you hit your head
[12:58:12] justinh: need a few more days off work to crack on
[12:58:43] justinh: mag0o: she'd more than likely start watching real teevee again.. and I do NOT want that to happen
[12:58:47] gbee: I could lie and say that I sympathise, but I want to see more themes :)
[12:59:04] ** gbee cracks the whip **
[12:59:10] justinh: concept is no mould breaker, that's for sure
[12:59:17] justinh: it's very functional
[12:59:27] justinh: just what an old man like me needs
[12:59:45] mag0o: my lite theme has been on hold for a while now, work actually wants me to do some work lately
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[13:00:03] justinh: needs direction too.. mythui is giving me choice overload :D
[13:00:18] justinh: I've redone a few screens several times over
[13:02:28] mag0o: i know what you mean there. after the time away from my latest, then looking at it again, it's not very consistent b/c i was trying too hard
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[13:03:25] caelor_ is now known as caelor
[13:03:43] justinh: I quoted somebody about $2500 to do a theme for 0.20 once. for mythui I'd probably treble that
[13:04:38] mag0o: lol
[13:05:20] justinh: my approach is probably wrong anyway, doing bits & bobs here & there. shoulda planned every single thing first, sorted out the common elements & inherit them down the line
[13:06:11] justinh: there's also having to go back & make a 16:9 aspect theme work at 4:3 because of the (arghhh! stupid) intel driver not allowing wide resolutions with tvout
[13:07:56] mag0o: heh
[13:11:37] justinh: is where I'm at right now. Ish
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[13:13:06] justinh: not entirely sure I'm gonna have fanart there – infact I'm still not sold on the horizontal group list yet, but at least I know my wife likes it
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[13:14:39] ericwait: I have installed mythweb (Ubuntu 10.04, apache2) and would like my main site to NOT go to /mythweb but to the original index.html. Please help
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[13:16:54] pepsiman: ericwait, doesn't it ask during install whether to do that or not?
[13:17:35] ericwait: yes, but at one point i must have gone through the setup too fast and chose the wrong one :(
[13:18:11] ericwait: i have tried uninstalling and then reinstalling, but the redirect is still happening
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[13:19:19] ericwait: I thought that there might be a redirect that was placed in the apache files but have not found anything out of the ordinary thus far. Any one know what the setup might modify?
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[13:21:26] pepsiman: If I buy a Revo from Taiwan, will I get screwed by UK customs charges?
[13:21:47] pepsiman: ericwait, use dpkg-reconfigure
[13:21:53] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:22:27] justinh: ericwait: look in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
[13:22:38] justinh: I thought I'd messed up too, but I hadn't
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[13:26:44] ericwait: #pepsiman, well done. Thank you.
[13:27:59] ericwait: my next question is much harder, I have three ATSC tuners that all have no problem getting all of the channels over the air. However... here is where it gets weird
[13:29:50] ericwait: I run the (name might not be exact) so that I can watch shows from media center on other machines. The local fox channel's shows will not play. They play fine in mythbuntu though. Any thoughts?
[13:30:27] ericwait: mind you all my other shows will play fine on the media centers.
[13:31:14] justinh: so it's a problem with the 'media center' machines
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[13:31:24] ericwait: I have also tried downloading the show from mythweb to my machine locally and that file will not play either
[13:31:28] justinh: and I hoep to God you're using --link
[13:32:04] ericwait: #justinh you are correct, I am just making links. no need to screw with the org
[13:32:10] justinh: anyway, the problem of the files not playing isn't mythtv's fault
[13:32:25] justinh: go file a support ticket with MS :D
[13:32:53] ericwait: lol, like that is going to get me any where :-/
[13:33:05] justinh: mythtv doesn't do anything to the streams it records, so the files are just what is broadcast
[13:33:28] justinh: unless you've transcoded them yourself of course
[13:33:36] justinh: or you get mythtv to transcode them
[13:33:53] ericwait: nope. no transcoding
[13:34:13] justinh: maybe you should look at running mythfrontend on windows then
[13:34:24] justinh: or dump windows altogether :)
[13:35:11] ericwait: i have tried both. Believe me, i am a Linux fan-boy
[13:35:46] ericwait: the research I do goes out to labs that run windows exclusively :( :'(
[13:36:21] ericwait: and I have run vbox to watch shows but it is quite cpu intensive at 1080p
[13:36:45] ericwait: and no dolby digital in vbox (that i am aware of)
[13:37:16] justinh: no US broadcast is 1080P anyway
[13:37:19] ericwait: I can dual boot, but I would like to just watch a show on my lunch break w/o restarting
[13:37:40] ericwait: you are right, 1080i (i stand corrected)
[13:37:52] justinh: and you *can* run a *real* mythfrontend on windows
[13:38:01] justinh: no virtual junk
[13:38:03] justinh: natively
[13:38:10] ericwait: in 64-bit windows 7?
[13:38:26] justinh: yes
[13:38:34] ericwait: I would love it! where can I find it?!
[13:38:58] justinh:
[13:39:17] ericwait: brb, will check it out now. THANKS
[13:39:25] justinh: somebody makes ready made binaries.. dunno where they're hosted
[13:40:02] J-e-f-f-A: justinh: I thought you were going to paste ... ;-)
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[13:40:39] justinh: or another 'love letter' from my web host? ;-)
[13:41:49] J-e-f-f-A: Hehehe... one of the steps for the windows compile is "WAIT FOR HOURS ( overnight)!"  ;-) hehehehehehe
[13:42:24] justinh: IIRC the site hosting windows binaries is australian
[13:43:12] J-e-f-f-A: justinh: So you're saying the aussies are slow? I've got a friend down there ya know! ;-) hehehehehe
[13:44:19] justinh: no, I'm saying the windows binaries were hosted on an australian site, if my memory serves
[13:45:10] J-e-f-f-A: ;-)
[13:45:52] ericwait: #justinh, after quick scan through the doc, i mentions mythtv 0.21 will it work with my 0.23 backend?
[13:45:59] ericwait: it not i
[13:46:21] justinh: <headdesk>
[13:46:22] wagnerrp: ericwait: where does it say such nonsense?
[13:46:41] J-e-f-f-A: ericwait: Umm... just under "Win32 Build Script" it says "Get the build script for release 0.23 : . . ."
[13:46:42] ericwait: "As of 20080418 there are a few patches that will make MythTV 0.21 work better on Windows:"
[13:46:57] wagnerrp: that doesnt say anything about 0.23
[13:49:04] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop!~RobertLap@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:49:05] ericwait: blew right passed that part. I guess the 32 sent me looking else where thinking that there would be a win64 somewhere
[13:52:27] wagnerrp: there is no 32 or 64 bit windows mythtv
[13:52:30] wagnerrp: just the source
[13:52:36] ericwait: while I am waiting for pkgs to download, last question. I have a ntsc card connected to us-cable, it tunes and finds all the right channels but the recordings are nothing but static? worked fine in 0.21 not so much in 0.23
[13:52:40] wagnerrp: compile the source as you see fit
[13:52:54] wagnerrp: for what its worth, what do you expect a 64-bit version to get you anyway?
[13:52:57] ericwait: #wagnerrp, got it thanks. downloading stuff now
[13:53:09] th1 (th1! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[13:53:21] ericwait: wagnerrp, nothing just the right files structure
[13:53:41] ericwait: programs(86) vs programs
[13:53:47] wagnerrp: meh...
[13:54:03] ericwait: I can handle it just lazy, that's all
[13:54:20] wagnerrp: you do realize those install paths are just suggestions, right?
[13:54:29] wagnerrp: i mean you can install it to wherever you please
[13:55:41] J-e-f-f-A: Ooh, he's gonna get stuck here... "run the from a DOS command line ( be sure to use the correct options )." – Win7 doesn't have a "DOS" command line, does it?!? hehehehehehe
[13:55:41] ericwait: yep, do i do realize and i retract all my last 64-bit statements... O:-)
[13:56:29] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: sure it does, why would you think otherwise
[13:56:50] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: it has a "Command Prompt", not a "DOS Prompt" ;-)
[13:57:03] wagnerrp: its a DOS emulator
[13:57:10] wagnerrp: its been the same thing ever since WinNT
[13:57:18] ericwait: J-e-f-f-A, is correct it's an emulator
[13:57:20] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: yeah, I know. Just being a smart-arse... ;-)
[13:57:25] ericwait: wagnerrp, right
[13:57:44] ericwait: so how about static on tuned channels?
[13:58:24] justinh: if there's static they ain't tuned :P
[13:58:54] ericwait: i guess you are technically correct...
[13:58:56] J-e-f-f-A: ericwait: are you sure the analog channels are still there to be tuned?
[13:59:14] ericwait: works on a old school tv
[13:59:37] ericwait: and the tune-channels on myth-setup finds them ok
[13:59:54] J-e-f-f-A: <is analog scanning working in 0.23?>
[14:00:11] wagnerrp: yes, but someone running roadrunner shouldnt be using it
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[14:01:18] ericwait: roadrunner? ... I did have problems with my modem dieing lately, are they connected?
[14:01:41] wagnerrp: no, im saying if youre using roadrunner, youre in the US
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[14:01:56] ericwait: wagnerrp, correct
[14:01:57] wagnerrp: and if youre in the US, you should be pulling a lineup from your schedules direct account, rather than manually scanning
[14:02:23] ericwait: that is preferred?
[14:02:51] wagnerrp: if you dont pull a lineup from your listings source, youre going to have to manually match up channels after scanning it
[14:03:05] wagnerrp: its just a bunch of tedium that can be easily bypassed
[14:03:38] ericwait: that was not the case in 0.21. the scan would sync with schedulesdirect quite well
[14:03:54] __benny__ (__benny__! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[14:03:57] ericwait: but I can try the other way. brb
[14:04:17] wagnerrp: i guess MFD would match up channel numbers....
[14:04:38] caelor: sphery: disabling EIT hasn't fixed it. Problem came back today. Interestingly, it only happened after I came home and started moving some files around. I noticed the iowait went higher than I'd like, and the time of the abort seems to correspond. I wonder if mysqld having iowait problems
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[14:10:04] caelor: sphery: interestingly, backend didn't get into the deadlocked state, and sbe looks to have finished whatever it was doing when it was trying to post status updates to the DB. I think the DB connection issue is separate to the deadlock. My money would be on iowait for the db connection, and possibly 8526 for the deadlock (I'm guessing it gets into that state when the recording thread has db issues). Seem reasonable?
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[14:13:32] sid4windr is now known as sid3windr
[14:13:33] ericwait: what is the difference betweeen mpeg v4l and ivtv? i guess which one should be used for the hauppauge pvr-150?
[14:15:18] ericwait: nvr mind ivtv looks like the best choice
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[14:52:58] abhi_nav (abhi_nav!~Abhijit@unaffiliated/abhi-nav/x-3227102) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:53:07] abhi_nav: can i watch online full movie in mythtv? how? i run the program and it confused me thats why asking here
[14:53:49] abhi_nav: help
[14:54:59] abhi_nav: ????????
[14:55:19] wagnerrp: online full movie?
[14:55:23] abhi_nav: yes
[14:55:33] wagnerrp: please explain what youre trying to do
[14:55:57] abhi_nav: wagnerrp, i mean i dont want to connect my tv cable to computer to watch tv on mythtv. i watn mythtv to go to internet and let me watch online movie
[14:57:17] wagnerrp: mythtv does not support DRM'd services like netflix, itunes, or amazon unbox
[14:57:27] abhi_nav: wagnerrp, in other words tell me is it compulsory to only connect tv cable only to watch anything on mythtv?
[14:57:40] wagnerrp: it will support any flash-based streaming sites
[14:57:50] wagnerrp: however mythtv is designed to use a tuner
[14:57:58] abhi_nav: like youtube?
[14:58:02] wagnerrp: and it will complain unless you have a backend running, with a tuner
[14:58:10] abhi_nav: i see
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[14:58:29] wagnerrp: you can get by with a 'fake' tuner pointed to an mpeg file on your hard drive
[14:58:39] wagnerrp: but if youre going to do that, you probably dont want to be using mythtv anyway
[14:59:07] skd5aner: mythweb flash streaming?
[14:59:15] skd5aner: If that's what he means
[14:59:25] skd5aner: could only watch recordings though
[15:00:19] skd5aner: mythweb flash streaming? If that's what he means, he could watch recordings that way
[15:00:38] skd5aner: sorry if you got that message twice, I wasn't identified, wasn't sure the first ones went through :)
[15:01:04] abhi_nav: no
[15:01:33] abhi_nav: i mean e.g. i used hulu it contains full movie or somethingl ike that but i cant use it because its us only.
[15:01:46] abhi_nav: anyway thanks for talkig. :)
[15:02:53] wagnerrp: mythnetvision will support streaming flash websites, and includes a grabber for hulu in trunk (which will be available in 0.24)
[15:03:49] abhi_nav: ok
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[15:56:37] lucidblue: hey all, I'm having a really hard time getting mythweb to work on a mandriva 2010 install... it keeps giving me access denied (403)... I thought it might be in the /etc/httpd/conf/webapps.d/mythweb.conf, but I even tried moving every thing in /var/www/mythweb to /var/www/html/ (doc root) and still the same issue... I have phpmyadmin installed and it works fine.. any ideas?
[15:57:17] lucidblue: I've tried a lot of stuff in google, most talks about a .htaccess file, but I don't thinnk that's used in the newer versions
[15:58:59] lucidblue: in my apache error_log: [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /var/www/mythweb/
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[16:02:59] Hal-Emmerich: is there any way to add new news feeds to MythTV?
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[16:06:56] sphery: caelor: Sounds reasonable. MySQL doesn't like when it gets into an I/O wait state, which is why we recommend putting the MySQL database data files on a different file system (and, ideally, different drive) from the recording file systems.
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[16:09:02] caelor: sphery: yes. I checked up, and the mbe was running an ubuntu generic kernel, so I've switched to a server kernel, in the hope that its preemption might be better (and this one's PAE enabled, so it can see the full 5gb ram now). I'm just trying to work out why /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend has become /dev/dvb0.frontend0...
[16:09:12] caelor: the joys of changing kernels!
[16:09:18] wagnerrp: baffling
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[16:10:25] caelor: I think I shall call it an "ubuntuism"
[16:10:40] wagnerrp: no, i was referring to using 5GB of memory and PAE
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[16:11:18] caelor: ah. the generic kernel it was loading was just simple generic, without pae, so it capped the ram
[16:11:27] caelor: I'd figured it was the least of my problems. :)
[16:11:29] wagnerrp: usually you do memory in matched pairs, so you get the (significant) benefit of dual channel
[16:11:58] caelor: indeed. 2x 2gb sticks plus the original matched 512mb sticks
[16:12:18] caelor: but without pae, the OS is limited to a 32bit addressing limit
[16:12:31] wagnerrp: this is an old P4?
[16:12:36] sphery: wagnerrp: or, now, in triples for the new one
[16:12:58] caelor: nope, AMD X2 4200+
[16:13:06] wagnerrp: why arent you running 64-bit?
[16:13:24] sphery: heh, the aptly-named "triple-channel" architecture
[16:13:50] caelor: because I didn't have a 64bit install cd to hand at the time, and was trying for a stable config before tuning.
[16:14:15] caelor: plus I've had issues with 64-bit in the past (on gentoo), and judged it caused more problems than it fixed.
[16:15:07] wagnerrp: only problem ive ever had was years ago, tightvnc wasnt listed as capable of building under 64-bit in the ebuild
[16:15:36] sphery: Problems with 64-bit: Flash, Skype, AMD/ATI drivers, ...
[16:15:37] pepsiman (pepsiman!~mparsons@ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[16:15:37] sphery: :)
[16:15:52] pepsiman (pepsiman!~mparsons@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:16:03] caelor: if memory serves, it was some library pollution between /lib and /lib64 for some non-ebuilded installs
[16:16:19] caelor: it was back when I had far more time to code and maintain machines. :)
[16:16:21] sphery: of course, Flash 10.1 kills MythBrowser whether you use 32-bit or 64-bit beta (that was available before they pulled it)
[16:18:59] caelor: using ubuntu rather than gentoo feels very much like driving a modern car vs an old mini – it's all very cushioned and comfortable, but I'm not confident I could make it behave when going sideways.
[16:19:51] sphery: but at least the last thing you see before you go out will be a "pretty" purple UI
[16:20:28] sphery: though I'd argue that once you get the experience with *buntu you had with Gentoo, you'll be equally comfortable with it.
[16:20:43] ericwait: so I have been compiling mythfrontend on my win 7 box and it gets stuck looking for . . . which is at lin 2161 in
[16:21:09] ericwait: how can i find the current zip?
[16:21:17] sphery: I mean switching distros is a big change--there's no such thing as, "I know Linux, so I know all distros"
[16:21:53] caelor: sphery: probably very true. My reason for switching was down to the maturity of ubuntu (plus the fact that the myth packages for gentoo at around the 0.20 time were fairly slow to be updated)
[16:23:06] caelor: and the lack of time that Gentoo typically demands
[16:23:24] caelor: (or rather, results in)
[16:23:29] sphery: Yeah, seems that a lot of former Gentoo users (and packagers) have come to the conclusion that it's a huge time sink. At least the MythTV ebuild seems to lack a motivated maintainer.
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[16:24:21] ericwait: justinh, wagnerrp, bump
[16:24:21] sphery: might have just been due to the DB issues that mainly hit them when they changed the DB charset on the default build
[16:24:49] wagnerrp: eh?
[16:25:03] ericwait: so I have been compiling mythfrontend on my win 7 box and it gets stuck looking for . . . which is at lin 2161 in
[16:25:38] sphery: we'll see how things go (though if I'm right that their ebuild is still a 0.22 ebuild, it doesn't bode well for their catching up/keeping at the bleeding edge, like has been the typical for them)
[16:25:50] caelor: it also seemed to have lost its way a little bit, politically, and that meant it was difficult for motivated maintainers to get things done. But the DB issue was a big one – end users could get themselves into unsupported configurations that required fairly detailed knowledge to fix
[16:26:15] sphery: yeah, did they end up writing some script to try to fix it?
[16:26:46] caelor: (although you could argue that knowledge is something that gentoo users typically gain fairly quickly due to the style of distro)
[16:27:06] justinh: bump? in IRC? ROFL
[16:27:07] sphery: I ran out of time before the 0.22 release and had lost motivation, too (especially after a certain blog post that)
[16:27:59] caelor: I don't know. I manually fixed mine, and it trundled along a bit. I moved to ubuntu when I wanted to try MythUI in trunk, and didn't rate my chances at doing a build that would be useful for bug reporting on a gentoo box
[16:28:17] ericwait: justinh, it got your attention did it not?
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[16:29:09] justinh: ericwait: yeah but not for the right reason :P
[16:29:49] ericwait: my apologies :-!
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[16:39:36] caelor: hmmm. Note to self. MAKEDEV dvb somewhere outside of /dev is not a good idea.
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[16:41:33] caelor: for future reference for anyone with a /dev/dvb0.frontend0, it's a udev rule thing. It seems there wasn't any for DVB devices. Presumably came with Ubuntu's desktop kernels, but not with server (which is understandable).
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[17:15:44] ** Beirdo yawns **
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[17:21:53] Brad-D: ooops, i accidently just wiped out one of my recording directories due to stupidity
[17:22:05] Brad-D: is there an automated way to remove those entries from the database?
[17:22:13] justinh: heh this LED torch I bought from the £1 shop doesn't work. just aswell I bought it to be the handle of my camcorder stabiliser :)
[17:22:30] justinh: Brad-D: how do you accidentally type rm -rf /therecordings/directory ? :-O
[17:22:47] Brad-D: sadly, i was playing around with rsync to back up my system
[17:22:59] Brad-D: used the --delete option, and pointed it at the root of the drive
[17:23:05] justinh: whoops
[17:23:07] Brad-D: Kapowwwwy, stupidity strikes
[17:23:08] Brad-D: indeed
[17:23:12] Brad-D: ahh well, so be it
[17:23:32] wagnerrp: there is a script in trac that is designed to remove such orphaned entries
[17:23:33] Brad-D: so i'll never get the recordings back, but is there any easy way to clean those out of hte database?
[17:23:41] Brad-D: perfect, i will go look for it
[17:23:43] Brad-D: thanks wagnerrp
[17:23:48] wagnerrp: but it is deemed obsolete, unmaintained, and dangerous to use
[17:23:51] Brad-D: oh
[17:23:55] Brad-D: doh!
[17:23:56] justinh: back up your database first
[17:23:58] justinh: properly
[17:24:13] justinh: i.e. mysqldump – or the official backup script
[17:24:15] wagnerrp: obsoleted by code.... not yet committed by sphery
[17:24:20] justinh: don't rsync the mysql dir :P
[17:24:22] wagnerrp: <prod> <prod> :)
[17:24:31] Beirdo: ZOT.
[17:24:41] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: is'nt it 'bump bump'... ;-)
[17:24:42] Beirdo: <prod>Cattle</prod>
[17:25:31] Brad-D: yeah hopefully i've made my last rsync stupidity error
[17:25:40] J-e-f-f-A: Brad-D: I used that script recently — make sure to run it first with --dry-run (iirc that's the right syntax) to have it show you what it's going to do... ;-)
[17:26:06] Brad-D: jeffa: thanks, good tip
[17:26:11] Brad-D: definitely backing up the db ahead of time too
[17:26:21] J-e-f-f-A: Yes, good idea. ;-)
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[17:32:13] Brad-D: jeffa: do you know if i should turn mythbackend off before i do this?
[17:33:25] J-e-f-f-A: Brad-D: Yes, it would be a good idea to stop mythbackend, backup the db, then do the find orphans script.
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[17:38:33] galorin: I was wondering, is there an easy way (MySQL-wise) of setting all my currently scheduled recordings to, say max 5 recordings, auto-expire, etc?
[17:38:35] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[17:40:15] Brad-D: hey jeffa, did you use that script on a .23 version of the database? The script connects to my database, but seems to think it has no valid recordings?
[17:41:00] J-e-f-f-A: Brad-D: yeah, I used the one in my src tree for 0.23-fixes...
[17:41:14] Brad-D: hmmm, i wonder what i'm doing wrong
[17:41:54] J-e-f-f-A: Brad-D: /usr/src/mythtv/release-0-23-fixes/mythtv/contrib/maintenance/myth.find_orphans. pl <-- on my system...
[17:42:17] Brad-D: oh wait, got it now
[17:42:20] Brad-D: thanks!
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[17:50:33] Brad-D: hmm, it claims i only have 5 missing recordings, but that can't be right
[17:51:01] justinh: like you've been told – it's not to be relied upon :)
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[17:51:34] J-e-f-f-A: Brad-D: Hehehe... Yeah, I guess that's why they're re-doing it in 'code'... ;-)
[17:51:41] justinh: galorin: nope. nobody here encourages users to mess directly with the db
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[17:52:39] J-e-f-f-A: Brad-D: I actually had good success with it, from a bunch of old orphaned recordings that were on a HDD that died quite some time ago...
[17:52:43] galorin: Darn. I guess I will have to go looking through the source and see what does what.
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[17:53:40] justinh: galorin: what you're after doing is not a very typical case :)
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[17:54:48] justinh: how many scheduled recordings can there be anyway?
[17:55:12] justinh: in the past I've found mythweb quick for changing schedules en masse
[17:56:25] galorin: I have three kids, each with different demands for what they want to record, so probably thirty shows, some for stuff that is on break and won't return but I still want to catch it
[17:57:00] justinh: 30 shows won't take long to change
[17:57:11] justinh: prolly could've done half of them in the time we've been yakking here :)
[17:57:27] galorin: Probably, but that's not the point. :-P
[17:57:43] justinh: you could possibly look into using playlists to do what you want
[17:57:56] justinh: I added a bulk set/unset autoexpiry flag a while back
[17:58:54] justinh: point is, not every dev can 2nd guess every single possible user requirement no matter how rare ;)
[17:59:02] th1 (th1! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[17:59:11] justinh: and even if they could, would they want to if it'll result in mile long menus? :)
[17:59:36] galorin: True dat.
[18:00:04] galorin: I have been using Myth since .19 and this is the first time I've really wanted to dig in deep.
[18:00:18] galorin: just been a luser.
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[18:11:42] sphery: galorin: if you use MythWeb, it will take minutes to change 30 rules.
[18:12:19] sphery: a lot less time than figuring out the data constraints on the multiple values that need to be set to enable max recordings
[18:14:20] Beirdo: gday, sphery
[18:14:27] sphery: hello
[18:14:59] J-e-f-f-A: Wait, I thought Beirdo was from CA, not AU! ;-)
[18:15:18] Beirdo: gday, eh!
[18:15:20] Beirdo: hehe
[18:15:37] Beirdo: you haven't been to the Ottawa Valley, I take it :)
[18:16:31] J-e-f-f-A: hehe, nope. ;-) Unfortunately I've never been off of the mainland of North America... Boring life I guess...
[18:16:38] Beirdo: ummm.
[18:16:49] Beirdo: !trout J-e-f-f-A geography
[18:16:49] ** MythLogBot slaps J-e-f-f-A with a geography trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[18:16:54] Beirdo: heh
[18:17:01] Beirdo: Ottawa Valley... on the mainland...
[18:17:09] Beirdo: capital of Canada...
[18:17:10] Beirdo: :)
[18:17:21] J-e-f-f-A: Beirdo: Yeah, I realize that would be in CA..  ;-) But I've only been to Tijuana and Montreal... ;-) (outside of the US)
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[18:17:30] Beirdo: ahh
[18:17:48] Beirdo: Montreal is fun.
[18:18:35] J-e-f-f-A: Hehehe... I was 17 or 18 when I was there for a week... crazy city...
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[18:22:04] ** J-e-f-f-A bought a copy of "Strange Brew" on DVD a few months back... wow, that brought back some memories... **
[18:23:22] Beirdo: :)
[18:23:25] ericwait (ericwait! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[18:23:31] Beirdo: hoser
[18:24:01] ** J-e-f-f-A laughs... <-- was gonna say the same thing!!!! **
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[18:24:22] galorin: Sorry, child-related emergency. I like digging around, especially in databaey stuff. I'm off to do mythweb stuff now.
[18:24:36] Beirdo: I still plan on calling a dog "Hosehead"
[18:24:59] kormoc: I found a mouse in the beer and it eh, caused me to puke eh, and my cop friend say to come here and get free beer or he'll press charges eh
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[18:29:35] Beirdo: hehe
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[18:33:10] galorin: whoops, just broke mythweb. LOL Oh well
[18:37:06] galorin: Tried to switch over to the ipod skin, and bleh, it fell over
[18:38:28] Beirdo: fall down, go boom
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[18:40:21] kormoc: galorin, on a ipod/iphone or safari browser?
[18:42:15] galorin: More interesting than that, Warning at /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/modules/settings/handler.php, line 61:
[18:42:15] galorin: require_once(modules/settings/tmpl/iPod/header.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[18:44:42] Beirdo: hard to believe that this music is... 26 years old
[18:45:14] ** Beirdo is enjoying some vintage Metallica **
[18:45:51] ** J-e-f-f-A listened to the J. Geils Band on the way in to work today... **
[18:45:53] kormoc: ahh, yeah
[18:46:01] kormoc: there's no themed setting page for that template
[18:46:09] kormoc: browse to the main root and it'll work
[18:47:04] justinh: grrr qt font metrics still suck
[18:48:25] J-e-f-f-A: justinh: that's why I still use Imperial measurements — I don't like the Metric system... hehehehehe
[18:48:29] galorin: Ooo lovely handler
[18:51:20] justinh: put a textarea on top of an image, both of area 0,0,500,40 & set the text to allcenter.. and the text is too high up. grrr
[18:51:38] justinh: maybe it's the font's fault in this case
[18:52:05] mag0o: Beirdo: the music hasn't aged a bit, we have
[18:52:12] mag0o: :)
[18:52:25] Beirdo: true nuff
[18:52:52] mag0o: funny enough, i've got some metallica in my ears right now too
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[19:00:37] Beirdo: I was certainly not a Metallica fan when this came out. 10 years old...
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[19:15:53] justinh: gah. transcode status: errored. yeah, helpful that
[19:16:00] Beirdo: hehe
[19:17:04] jduggan: heh
[19:17:19] th1 (th1! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[19:17:37] justinh: /usr/bin/mythtranscode: Symbol `_ZTV11AudioOutput' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
[19:17:40] justinh: !
[19:19:14] justinh: sheesh. when I updated to newer packages I forgot mythtv-transcode-utils
[19:19:26] justinh: wonder what else I forgot
[19:19:36] jduggan: to flush
[19:19:54] justinh: I forgot to uninstall these stinking fricking packages I think
[19:20:06] justinh: and build from source, then I know where the heck I'm at
[19:20:28] jduggan: old libs?
[19:20:35] jduggan: ah
[19:21:08] justinh: next day off I have these packages are going South
[19:21:45] justinh: presumably splitting stuff like mythtranscode up is seen as helping.. but it's not helped me
[19:23:12] justinh: meh. transcode 'errored' again.. exit status 255.
[19:24:22] justinh: guess I have to look in the source to find out what 255 means
[19:28:19] justinh: #define GENERIC_EXIT_NOT_OK
[19:28:21] justinh: yay
[19:30:35] justinh: ah. I think I may have stumbled upon a bug
[19:30:40] Beirdo: cool
[19:30:49] justinh: add a bunch of stuff to a playlist, go job options – transcode
[19:30:57] justinh: it's not asking which transcoder profile to use
[19:31:08] justinh: select a single recording & it does
[19:31:23] justinh: so no profile specified, mythtranscode is gonna barf
[19:32:10] justinh: pretty sure this worked the other day when I lossless transcoded spongebob recordings though
[19:32:17] justinh: did a whole batch in one go
[19:32:48] justinh: weird. now the whole job queue is marked as 'processing'
[19:36:28] justinh: bah there's only 11 of em. I'll set them off manually
[19:38:45] justinh: hmmm. seems I've run into a problem when I renamed a transcoder profile
[19:39:16] justinh: don't think anybody who threatened to sort that out ever got round to it.. you can rename em all you like they're still called the same thing when you come to choose em
[19:41:07] justinh: oh no, I made a new transcoder profile called mpeg2lossless
[19:41:35] justinh: nope still unrecoverable error on the transcode
[19:42:09] justinh: exit status 232 this time though
[19:44:29] justinh: lol how user friendly is this?
[19:46:04] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit (Quit: lyricnz)
[19:47:37] justinh: ok. transcoding is totally borked
[19:51:39] cdpuk (cdpuk!~chris@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:54:03] justinh: ooo now it's working
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[20:11:14] ** EvilGuru <3 The Daily Show, even if it is on More5 **
[20:13:12] ** kormoc thinks EvilGuru isn't in the us **
[20:17:34] EvilGuru: UK, we get a cut down version on the awfully trashy channel 4 network (think big brother)
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[20:40:48] gbee: to be fair, More4 isn't trashy, it's Channel 4s high-brow arts, politics and adult drama channel – their answer to BBC Four
[20:41:29] ** jduggan likes more4 **
[20:41:31] gbee: the opposite end of the scale to E4
[20:42:10] gbee: which is their answer to BBC Three ...
[20:42:27] jduggan: mostly grand desiigns :)
[20:42:36] justinh: ooo. cachaca is nice with lemon too
[20:42:38] ** wagnerrp thinks anyone playing softcore voyeurism... erm... big brother is trashy **
[20:43:07] justinh: hmmm. Kinga & that bottle was bordering on not softcore
[20:43:11] gbee: wagnerrp: Big Brother isn't shown on More 4, it's shown on E4 and the parent Channel 4
[20:44:27] ** justinh wonders how Dave is actually an acronym of 'OMG HOW MANY REPEATS?' **
[20:44:46] jduggan: lol
[20:44:51] jduggan: infinite
[20:44:57] jduggan: its one big repeat
[20:45:10] jduggan: does it have any original programming?
[20:45:11] justinh: and Dave Ja Vu... pfft
[20:45:24] justinh: jduggan: it had that Red Dwarf thing
[20:45:36] jduggan: ahyea
[20:45:39] gbee: that's quite literally it's entire purpose, it's the outlet for UKTV's huge catalogue of ex-BBC content
[20:46:03] kormoc: Red Dwarf++
[20:46:11] jduggan: nod
[20:46:12] gbee: they manage to scrounge together a couple of hours of original programming a week
[20:46:15] justinh: kormoc: you seen the latest? it's dire
[20:46:46] kormoc: nope, just the old ones
[20:46:57] gbee: justinh: latest? You mean the 3-part reunion/mini-series?
[20:47:49] justinh: yeah
[20:47:56] gbee: that latter series, was it 6/7? weren't good, but those can hardly be called new, they must be at least 7–8 years old
[20:48:15] kormoc: it's sorta rare to play here
[20:48:25] justinh: hey but at least it was made in HD
[20:48:27] kormoc: so all in all, I've only watched maybe 20 or 30 episodes
[20:48:39] justinh: kormoc: you've prolly seen the best ones then :)
[20:48:58] justinh: I was a massive fan but gave up after the 6th or 7th
[20:49:26] justinh: the one where the nanobots reconstructed the ship. it was meh
[20:50:50] justinh: wonder what a caipirihna made with lemon instead of lime is called
[20:51:09] wagnerrp: sprite?
[20:51:23] skd5aner: that would be with lemon AND lime
[20:51:41] kormoc: caipirlime-a
[20:51:44] justinh: heh
[20:51:57] justinh: no fizzy soft drinks in my recreations
[20:52:04] justinh: just fresh fruit
[20:52:31] gbee: I actually missed Red Dwarf (the ship), I think they spent far too long pissing around in Star Bug, but the latter series were full of nonsense like the departure of Rimmer and replacing him with thingy, just lost cohesion considering most of the best laughs revolved around his character
[20:52:46] ** jduggan drinks waaaay too much diet cola **
[20:53:10] jduggan: about 16litres/pw
[20:53:14] jduggan: :(
[20:53:21] levander (levander! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:53:23] gbee: scripts took a header too, since Grant Naylor left the team (it was his creation to begin with)
[20:53:25] justinh: how are you even still alive? :-O
[20:53:25] kormoc: that's an odd number
[20:53:36] jduggan: not really
[20:53:40] jduggan: 8 bottles
[20:53:50] jduggan: average over 1 a day
[20:53:51] justinh: 8 two litre bottles
[20:53:52] kormoc: for 7 days, that's odd
[20:54:05] jduggan: hey its diet!!
[20:54:17] justinh: brian rotting chemicals
[20:54:20] jduggan: sitting at my desk
[20:54:23] justinh: see ^^
[20:54:26] gbee: says jduggan as his chair strains under the weight
[20:54:26] jduggan: i dont eat much
[20:54:30] kormoc: and no one was surprised when jduggan got cancer
[20:54:35] levander: I wanna install mythtv on a another computer and wipe my old computer with myth on it. The new computer will have a newer version of myth. But, I want to move my old recordings (and database that describes them) to the new computer. Anybody gotta suggestion for the procedure?
[20:54:43] jduggan: but drink coke
[20:54:54] levander: Just backup the old database... But, then how do I restore it to a newer version of MythTV on the new computer?
[20:55:04] kormoc: jduggan, you should move to snorting coke, easier on the system
[20:55:13] jduggan: kormoc: haha
[20:55:21] jduggan: but cancer :(
[20:55:22] justinh: levander: restore the database, then run mythtv-setup. badabing
[20:55:35] kormoc: jduggan, that's where those fake sugars get you
[20:55:49] jduggan: shrug
[20:56:01] justinh: still, thank god for diet drinks
[20:56:04] skd5aner: It sure is interesting to see where some of the myth user concentrations are from the submitted icons
[20:56:10] jduggan: i have drank 13 2 litre bottles in a week
[20:56:18] jduggan: but cut back
[20:56:27] jduggan: :)
[20:56:31] justinh: so we can laugh at the fat kids who go to the shop & buy pies, chips, chocolate bars & crisps... oh and a diet coke
[20:56:40] levander: justinh: Interesting, that's exactly what is needed. The only thing is I run Mythbuntu and all that stuff (mythtv-setup) gets run during operating system install. I guess I'll just have to figure out enough about how Mythbuntu works so that I can install mysql, restore the MythTV backup, then run mythtv-setup...
[20:56:45] skd5aner: jduggan: I loved coke, but have cut back significately without really even trying that hard the last couple of years
[20:57:00] jduggan: i used to drink dr pepper
[20:57:02] skd5aner: ok, before anyone says it... COCA-COLA
[20:57:15] justinh: levander: so get rid of the mythbuntu database, then restore the old database.. then run mythtv-setup. badabing
[20:57:51] levander: justinh, yeah, i bet that works, thanks man! you probably just saved me a couple of hours of digging...
[20:58:14] justinh: sitting there clicking 'digg this'.. I'd love to save more from that too
[20:58:22] kormoc: jduggan, you know
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[20:58:39] kormoc: jduggan, there are likely universities that would like to pay you to be in studies
[20:58:46] kormoc: jduggan, that's *a ton* of fake sugar
[20:58:47] justinh: "what's the worst that can happen?". Oh :D
[20:58:56] jduggan: hahaha
[20:59:02] jduggan: no doubt
[20:59:14] justinh: that's probably more fake sugar than the scientists gave those lab rats in the nutrasweet studies
[20:59:41] justinh: I read about that on the interwebs one time
[20:59:45] jduggan: cola is an addiction
[20:59:48] sphery: levander: and, specifically, . . . base_Restore
[21:00:06] jduggan: whether its mental or physical im not sure
[21:00:21] jduggan: but i need to drink i
[21:00:23] jduggan: t
[21:00:29] justinh: my cousin drank 9 or 10 cans of regular coke a day. he got very unwell
[21:00:43] justinh: he was a sickly kid anyway mind
[21:00:47] sphery: levander: but download the newer version of the restore script (linked in first section) and use: --drop-database --create-database --directory /path/to/backups --filename mythconverg-1214–20080626150513.sql.gz
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[21:10:18] justinh: hmm no mythtranscode is definitely still not liking some dvb recordings
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[21:18:58] justinh: bbc recordings. as per usual
[21:19:14] Beirdo: they set the "evil" bit
[21:19:15] justinh: stupid AD junk
[21:21:12] justinh: gotta get round to adding more PID filters to the recorder
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[21:53:15] justinh: oh good ffmpeg -acodec copy -vcodec copy fixed it
[21:55:52] EvilGuru: justinh: What are the beeb up to?
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[22:03:29] stuartm: Southland any good? All the hype had it down as a gritty and realistic cop show, so I was expecting The Wire ... first episode doesn't come close :/
[22:03:48] stuartm: EvilGuru: nothing, just that justinh is having transcoding some BBC recordings
[22:07:12] justinh: I think it's the audio description stuff in the streams messing up mythtranscode
[22:08:03] justinh: mythtranscode reported it was an empty stream with an invalid codec (ish). ffmpeg said it was MP2 audio, in mono
[22:08:39] justinh: maybe recording things off the real programme boundary doesn't help – the number of streams can change, yada yada
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[22:09:16] justinh: had issues with transcoding (losslessly) recordings from bbc channels for ages but can't pin down the cause of it
[22:09:26] mag0o: southland was decent iirc
[22:10:15] justinh: I really need to get back to messing with the code. I've had a look & seen it might be fairly trivial to add more filtering to the dvb recording profiles
[22:10:47] justinh: which will be fine so long as broadcasters don't mess up & label streams wrongly...
[22:12:40] justinh: so we'd have 'all' (PID on a channel), 'tv' (just video & audio from a channel), 'primary audio & video' (self described) and 'audio' (just audio).. maybe.
[22:12:57] justinh: save a shedload of space doing away with subtitles & AD for those who don't need em
[22:16:14] EvilGuru: space is cheap
[22:16:47] justinh: yeah but why waste space with streams you don't even want?
[22:17:18] justinh: he said, as he kind of confesses to turning into a kind of file squirrel ;)
[22:24:22] justinh: need to investigate who to complain to about the BBC promoting facebook so much these days
[22:24:45] justinh: they're as good as endorsing a commercial enterprise & last I heard that was against their charter
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[22:32:34] Beirdo: charter, scmharter
[22:32:42] Beirdo: meh, I can't type
[22:33:35] stuartm: justinh: their iphone/ipad luv-in is no better
[22:34:06] justinh: can't say I've noticed that
[22:34:52] Beirdo: Whoah.
[22:35:08] Beirdo: I didn't realize Cito Gaston was back managing the Blue Jays
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[22:46:46] Beirdo: OK, let's see if loud music can get this headache to calm down
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[22:54:24] Beirdo: it's workin
[22:55:58] justinh: heh come to think of it, the allegedly commercially agnostic BBC has been promoting commercial stuff for ages
[22:56:08] justinh: Glastonbury festival, album launches.. you name it
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[22:56:29] kormoc: I had no idea they were commercially agnostic
[22:56:32] Beirdo: OK, my iPod ain't quite loud enough for proper heavy metal therapy :)
[22:56:39] justinh: they're supposed to be
[22:57:10] kormoc: you guys need a good ol' fashioned revolt to fix things up
[22:57:19] justinh: like no product placement, no mentioning company names directly...
[22:57:29] justinh: no er.. advertising
[22:58:26] justinh: they got a good rolling for their 'U2 day' IIRC. U2 wanna launch a new album, radio one were right behind it
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[23:00:44] justinh: gonna have to have a letter sent to the BBC Trust
[23:01:31] Beirdo: heh
[23:01:42] justinh: not sure where to draw the line though, since guests on shows are usually there to flog something or other
[23:01:47] Beirdo: give the Royal Post your hard earned cash?
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[23:02:32] justinh: OMG. they've sent staff on courses teaching em how to use facebook & twitter?! :-O
[23:02:45] Beirdo: WHY?
[23:02:45] justinh: that's just beyond the pale. and I'm a big fan of the BBC
[23:02:54] Beirdo: send them home to their teenagers
[23:03:03] Beirdo: cheaper
[23:03:21] justinh: er.. like I'm not a teenager & I can work twitter lol
[23:03:41] Beirdo: yeah, but if you want someone to train you how to tweet... use a twitter addict
[23:03:59] Beirdo: many of whom are teens :)
[23:04:11] justinh: I used to be an addict. then I quit
[23:04:24] justinh: I'm back on it but down to less than 10 a day
[23:04:39] justinh: much better s/n ratio now :D
[23:05:00] And4713 (And4713! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:05:51] Beirdo: tweeting "ugh, today sucks" grows weary after the third day in a row :)
[23:06:28] justinh: I've met some good people in real life through web 2.0
[23:06:48] justinh: but met more in real life through web 1.0 tbh
[23:06:58] Beirdo: heh
[23:07:03] Beirdo: yeah
[23:07:43] justinh: I had my mythbackend tweet about every successful recording for a while. that got boring real fast
[23:07:54] Beirdo: hehe
[23:08:13] Beirdo: tell the world about yer XXX recordings?
[23:08:13] justinh: stikes me you wanna hear about the ones that don't make it so you can arrange to do stuff about it
[23:08:22] kormoc: "Hawt Trannie Grannies recorded from channel..."
[23:08:44] justinh: search on for 'mythtv'
[23:08:46] justinh: man oh man
[23:09:01] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[23:09:58] kormoc: we don't have a hashtag?
[23:10:23] justinh: it's totally abused
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[23:15:22] kormoc: #mythtv #nowplaying
[23:16:43] wagnerrp: brian wood needs a medal
[23:16:50] kormoc: ooh?
[23:17:10] kormoc: twitter has some strange folks
[23:17:10] kormoc: MythTV Recording: Men in Trees Kiss and Don't Tell
[23:17:45] wagnerrp: 'we all need to remember to select subjects that are relevant to the issue being discussed. things like "hmmm..." or "mythbuntu?" are not good choices'
[23:18:44] kormoc: oh lordy
[23:18:45] kormoc:
[23:18:51] kormoc: it's a twitter feed of the -users mailing list
[23:19:33] justinh: yep
[23:19:55] justinh: for those people who just can't get enough
[23:22:29] Beirdo: OMG
[23:22:38] Beirdo: that's just... spamtastic
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