:: #mythtv-users

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abqjp, adante, Agrajag-, aliby, aloril, And4713, andreax1, Anduin, AndyCap, anykey_, at0m, Azelphur, baffle, banyan_, bbee, bbigras, Beirdo, benc_, bjd, blizzard_, BLZbubba, bobgill, c4t3l, Caesar, cafuego, Caliban, Captain_Murdoch, Cap_J_L_Picard, cesman, ChanServ, christ`, clever, Cougar, croppa, cserindere, d0netsFN, dagar, dan4dm, dansushi, Dassu, Dave123, deegan, Dibblah, dibbz, DjMadness, dknowles_, dlblog, dmb, donFTW, dougl, dustybin, edman007, ekristen, elmojo, eNeRGi, Essobi, EvilGuru, eye69, felipe`, FinnTux, fleers, Floppe, foobum, gandalfcome, ghoti, gigem_, GrahamIRC, gregl, GreyFoxx, grokky, growler, grumpydevil, GuySoft, hackman, hadees, haffe, Heliwr, high-rez, highzeth, Hiisty, Hilikus, ikonia, ivor, J-e-f-f-A, jamesd2, jams, janneg, jbrett, jcarlos, jduggan, JJ2, jmkasunich, jpabq, jpabq-, jstenback, justdave, jya, jya_, k-man, kabtoffe, KaZeR, keith4, keld, KingKaeru, kloeri, kormoc, KraMer, kurre, LabMonkey, ldam, leprechau, lotia, Lt_Dan, lyricnz, madLyfe, mag0o, Maliuta, marc-us, martin-lb, MavT, Metoer, mhentges|GER, mikeones, MythLogBot, mzb, nobody88, npm, nrpil, nuonguy, nutron, oneman_, oobe, Patina, paul-h, PeaceKeeper, pheld, pigeon, pizzledizzle, pmhahn, PointyPumper, ProfessorBacon, Prost, psipsi_, purserj, quicksilver, RDV_Linux, Rebecca, rhollanAfk, rhpot1991, RobertLaptop, rooaus, ruskie, Shadow__X, shady, sid3windr, sidh, simcop2387, skd5aner, sphery, Splat1, squidly, sulx, sutula, Tanthrix, tgm4883, th1, thefRont, Therock_, ThisOtherGuy_, toeb, Tomas-, tomaw, tomimo, toorima, tris, troyt, tt884, tweek__, tzanger, ver, wagnerrp, waxhead, Wicked, xand, XLV, xris, zand, zzpat, _abbenormal, _charly_
Saturday, June 19th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:38] grumpydevil (grumpydevil!~rudy@2001:610:73e:0:230:48ff:fe80:79d4) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:00:49] justinh: ok now I just need a 24/7 repeating playlist
[00:01:00] grumpydevil: Sigh.. i have a 0.21 problem...
[00:01:14] grumpydevil: hoping for help
[00:01:20] justinh: I had a 0.21 problem. So I got 0.24
[00:01:23] grumpydevil: 3 DVB-C capturecards
[00:01:25] justinh: I had a 0.21 problem. So I got 0.23 even
[00:01:31] grumpydevil: but it will record only from 2
[00:01:44] grumpydevil: what can be the problem?
[00:02:04] grumpydevil: -- not yet willing to switch.. i first want to test the 2 backend case more carefully
[00:02:44] grumpydevil: if this is a database problem, the problem will just move along to 0.23
[00:03:14] justinh: logs?
[00:04:01] justinh: and have you verified all 3 tuners work when hooked up to the same cable?
[00:04:06] justinh: simple stuff
[00:04:28] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:04:44] Beirdo: OK, paid an extra tiny bit and delivery estimate (not free shipping, not June 22–25
[00:04:47] Beirdo: heh
[00:04:49] madLyfe (madLyfe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:05:15] grumpydevil: i have done live-tv watching from all 3
[00:05:25] grumpydevil: that works..
[00:05:44] justinh: at the same time?
[00:05:51] justinh: and you're sure it *was* all three?
[00:06:22] grumpydevil: using the input source selection from the menu
[00:06:52] grumpydevil: not all 3 at the same time... that needs 3 independent front-ends. Hmm.. .might be able to set that yp
[00:06:55] grumpydevil: not all 3 at the same time... that needs 3 independent front-ends. Hmm.. .might be able to set that up
[00:07:40] _abbenormal (_abbenormal!~abbenorma@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[00:07:42] grumpydevil: but using switch-input i can walk through all of them
[00:07:43] justinh: eh? since when?
[00:08:01] justinh: start one recording something
[00:08:08] justinh: then start livetv
[00:08:15] justinh: then you could be able to use PiP
[00:08:21] justinh: there ya go 3 tuners in use
[00:08:39] grumpydevil: actually, this evening i had 2 recordings ongoing, then started liveTV on the 3th
[00:08:44] grumpydevil: but i can retry again
[00:09:15] justinh: btw if your nick isn't registered I'm gonna steal it :D
[00:09:45] grumpydevil: its registered where i hang out most...
[00:13:43] justinh: must... resist .. infantile... joke....
[00:14:34] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:14:50] Beirdo: hehe
[00:14:56] madLyfe (madLyfe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:03] Beirdo: madLyfe: you are flapping.
[00:15:18] ** Beirdo pokes madLyfe with a cattle prod **
[00:16:11] mcl0vin (mcl0vin! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:16:48] tstorm (tstorm! has quit (Quit: tstorm)
[00:18:01] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[00:19:05] grumpydevil: ok, 2 recordings ongoing and 1 life TV
[00:19:26] grumpydevil: these are DVB-C cards, so i needed to be carefull not to start 2 sessions on 1 card...
[00:19:47] grumpydevil: total config is 1x PVR500, 3x DVB-C and 3x DVB-S(2)
[00:20:11] grumpydevil: according the backend status page i have the 3 DVB-C active now
[00:20:22] lepsie is now known as leprechau
[00:21:59] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:17] justinh: grumpydevil: so, all good now?
[00:24:28] grumpydevil: no.
[00:24:34] grumpydevil: scheduler refuses to schedule it
[00:24:54] grumpydevil: dvbc-0 and dvbc-1 are used by the scheduler, dvbc-2 is not
[00:25:13] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:25:14] grumpydevil: or rather, it uses analog input as third.
[00:25:30] justinh: so that;s likely an input connections problem
[00:25:31] grumpydevil: yet all 3 dvbc have rec priority 1, and analog has rec priority 0
[00:25:50] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:26:11] grumpydevil: all 3 dvbc have the same input connection.
[00:26:19] justinh: anyway I'm going to bed
[00:26:38] grumpydevil: to be certain i've deleted all cards and gone through mythtv-setup again
[00:26:43] grumpydevil: ok, sleep well
[00:28:49] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:30:00] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Quit: poodyp)
[00:33:44] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:43:02] tstorm (tstorm! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:43:17] tstorm (tstorm! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:46:38] GuySoft (GuySoft! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[00:47:23] GuySoft (GuySoft! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:50] Trux (Trux! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:50:18] cesman (cesman!~cecil@pdpc/supporter/professional/cesman) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:52:44] GuySoft (GuySoft! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[00:53:29] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:53:32] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[00:54:13] cesman (cesman!~cecil@pdpc/supporter/professional/cesman) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:13] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[01:04:45] GuySoft (GuySoft! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:04:53] Wicked (Wicked!~zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[01:10:18] Trux (Trux! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[01:11:54] davide (davide!~david@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:15:58] gigem_ (gigem_!~david@ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[01:24:18] Wicked (Wicked!~zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:24:48] Trux (Trux! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:27:27] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:43:04] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:42] Trux (Trux! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:58] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:55:42] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[01:55:53] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:00:48] Trux (Trux! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:05:33] coolball (coolball! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:06:10] coolball: i have a tv tuner card is mythtv made to use those?
[02:09:22] jpabq (jpabq! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[02:10:13] jpabq- (jpabq-! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[02:11:23] ** tgm4883 blinks **
[02:11:29] tgm4883: coolball, uh, yea
[02:12:16] J-e-f-f-A: ... as long as it's supported by Video 4 Linux (v4l) ...
[02:12:27] J-e-f-f-A: !url linuxtv
[02:12:27] MythLogBot: linuxtv:
[02:14:50] marc-us: Well, running errands and just finished dinner
[02:14:54] marc-us: whoops
[02:15:12] J-e-f-f-A: hehe
[02:15:15] wagnerrp: tweek__: still around?
[02:16:25] wagnerrp: guess not
[02:16:54] wagnerrp: tweek__: when you get back, check out the 'markup' attribute for the Recorded class
[02:17:08] ** Beirdo settles down for a fun night of TV... and maybe even some code **
[02:17:17] wagnerrp: it creates an editable list of all data in recordedmarkup for that chanid and starttime
[02:17:30] wagnerrp: it will give you all the data youre looking for
[02:17:37] wagnerrp: its rather crude and buggy in 0.23
[02:18:10] wagnerrp: should be much more consistent and easier to use once i commit #8577
[02:18:23] coolball: i do not know what I am doing
[02:18:45] Beirdo: wagnerrp: snap to it! how dare you have a life? :)
[02:18:46] Beirdo: hehe
[02:18:49] wagnerrp: coolball:
[02:24:31] coolball: nice link... is there a getting started page?
[02:29:53] edman007 (edman007!~edman007@pdpc/supporter/active/edman007) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:27] edman007: is it just me, or is the stuff that comes out of the hdpvr much more difficult to play than other HD sources?
[02:30:52] ** edman007 does not remember his mac having much trouble with quicktime stuff **
[02:35:39] jya: Is there some sample Qt code available anywhere for the settings that will run some specific code if an option is selected in a list and adjust what is displayed elsewhere on the page?
[02:37:03] jya: I know how to make something visible based on an option being checked or not, or selected in the list, but this doesn't run code
[02:39:58] kormoc: edman007, h264 vs mpeg2 is quite the difference
[02:40:12] edman007: hrm...
[02:40:24] edman007: seems like it can barely play on my system :(
[02:40:36] kormoc: edman007, vdpau?
[02:41:48] gizmobay (gizmobay! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:42:20] gizmobay: My frontend is running but it doesn't show up in the ps -A
[02:43:01] edman007: i got radeon 3870 with the open source drivers...does not seem too bad with mythtv...the laptop though is a x1600 and it can't really play it...
[02:43:34] kormoc: edman007, yeah, you're not going to be able to. you're only hope is to lower the bitrate
[02:44:07] edman007: ehh...
[02:44:37] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[02:44:54] edman007: kormoc, any re-encoding methods that work well with multi-core systems?
[02:45:48] gizmobay (gizmobay! has quit (Client Quit)
[02:48:13] Beirdo: kormoc: really liking clean blue :) Especially after downloading the logos for the channels
[02:49:34] kormoc: Had to show those myth-ui guys they don't get to have all the eye candy :P
[02:49:50] Beirdo: yeah, I like.
[02:49:51] kormoc: edman007, there's a multi-threaded h264 decoder for ffmpeg
[02:52:36] ** J-e-f-f-A has got to get his 'prod' system up to 0.23-fixes so he can get his 'test' box up on trunk... ;-) **
[02:52:52] Beirdo: hehe
[02:53:27] J-e-f-f-A: there is SO MUCH great work going into trunk right now... it's incredible...
[02:54:38] Beirdo: dangit... hungry again
[02:55:09] Beirdo: shuddup, stomach, you've had enough
[02:55:13] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:56:01] J-e-f-f-A: I think I need to drop the "# of concurrent jobs" down to 2 now that I'm running hd-pvr's... 4 commflag jobs have my two cores pegged... DOH! ;-)
[02:56:02] jpabq- (jpabq-! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:59:28] Beirdo: dig -x 2001:1938:270::2:1
[02:59:32] Beirdo: w00t!
[03:01:02] tweek__: wagnerrp: yep, thanks, found it a while back while digging through libmythdb or something
[03:01:40] tweek__: could still add a patch that goes through it and generates lists that look like [(0, 1130), (24713, 31986), (47528, 53754)] if you want
[03:04:17] tweek__: by the way, these python bindings are awesome
[03:04:22] tweek__: saving me a lot of work
[03:04:36] achew22 (achew22! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:19] Peacekeeper (Peacekeeper! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:47] Peacekeeper: Anyone have Mythtv running on fedora 13 and have lirc working with a pvr-150?
[03:12:30] inordkuo (inordkuo!~inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:17:06] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: At first I thought I'd be able to help you, but then I got to "13" and "PVR-150"... ;-) I'm on FC8 and have used a serial blaster/receiver. ;-) (sorry!)
[03:17:48] Peacekeeper: Hehe np
[03:18:05] Peacekeeper: 13 is nice, just been a pain to setup on my mythbackend
[03:18:34] achew22: J-e-f-f-A: I'm looking at setting up a blaster to control my STB. How reliable is the blasting?
[03:18:38] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: I hope to re-build my OS tomorrow with either 12 or 13, and also bring myth up to 0.23-fixes. ;-)
[03:18:46] Peacekeeper: mythbackend lircd-0.8.6[1582]: could not get file information for /dev/lirc0
[03:19:04] Peacekeeper: I think that the issue :) now why is that happening
[03:19:24] Peacekeeper: I rebuilt today with f13 and 23-fixes
[03:19:30] achew22: Peacekeeper: does /dev/lirc0 exist?
[03:19:33] Peacekeeper: still fighting all the little stuff
[03:19:36] Peacekeeper: no :(
[03:19:49] Peacekeeper: but I dont know why.... yet
[03:20:11] achew22: for me my /dev/lirc0 points to /var/run/lirc/lircd
[03:20:16] achew22: err... my lircd points there
[03:20:33] achew22: thats not it ;)
[03:20:34] Peacekeeper: I have /var/run/lirc/lircd
[03:20:44] achew22: so lircd is running that is good
[03:20:48] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: I ran a serial IR blaster for my whole myth life up until 2 weeks ago... once I got a few kinks ironed out, it was 99.99% accurate for those 3 or 4 years... ;-)
[03:21:12] achew22: J-e-f-f-A: what did you get 2 weeks ago?
[03:21:16] Peacekeeper: yes it says : accepted new client on /var/run/lirc/lircd
[03:21:48] Peacekeeper: then : could not get file information for /dev/lirc0
[03:22:09] inordkuo (inordkuo!~inorkuo@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:22:18] Peacekeeper: you think ln -s /dev/lirc0 /var/run/lirc/lircd will work?
[03:22:30] achew22: no, that is /dev/lircd that points there
[03:22:36] achew22: /dev/lirc0 is a device for your lirc device
[03:22:42] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: I'm on FiOS HD now, so do my channel-changing with Firewire. ;-)
[03:22:52] achew22: J-e-f-f-A: do you get most of your channels?
[03:22:59] Peacekeeper: humm, ok any ideas why I dont have that?
[03:23:02] jpabq (jpabq! has quit (Quit: ZNC -
[03:23:04] achew22: Peacekeeper: is your pvr 150 set up?
[03:23:08] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: I haven't tried via firewire – I have HD-PVRs. ;-)
[03:23:23] Peacekeeper: dmesg show me that? I can what tv on it yes
[03:23:43] achew22: thats the set up i'm going to but I'm switching to sattelite... screw it, I tried typing that 4 times and it still doesn't look right so screw it
[03:24:01] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:24:08] wagnerrp: tweek__: can be easily done
[03:24:10] Peacekeeper: I change channel via firewire to cable box
[03:24:30] Peacekeeper: at least I will again :) once I get lirc fixed that is next on the list
[03:25:37] achew22: Peacekeeper: which ivtv are you using are you running 0.6.whatever they are on
[03:26:32] Peacekeeper: let me see
[03:26:42] achew22: and what lirc are you running? did you compile it yourself?
[03:27:07] Peacekeeper: no everything it atrpms
[03:27:21] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: hehehe... ;-) I spell it wrong all the time too.. it's easier to just say "sat"
[03:27:27] Peacekeeper: how do i see verion of ivtv. the dmesg looks funny
[03:27:42] Peacekeeper: ivtv: Start initialization, version 1.4.1
[03:27:49] Peacekeeper: that can not be right, can it?
[03:27:55] LedHed (LedHed! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:27:57] achew22: whoa... they've moved a lot since I looked at their last page
[03:28:01] grokky_ (grokky_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:08] Peacekeeper: ROFL
[03:28:25] achew22: thats fine, I just needed to make sure you were greater than 0.5
[03:28:26] J-e-f-f-A: achew22 – I just switched *from* sattelite (Dish) to FiOS. I'm saving about $20/month over what I was paying for Dish SD + Fios 15/2 Internet – but I now have 2 HD boxes and 35/35 interent... Varoom!
[03:28:49] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[03:29:23] achew22: J-e-f-f-A: I wish I could get fios but I live in colorado :( most of the people who work in tech work in sat around here (being on top of a mountain and all) so we get decent rates on sat but awful internet
[03:29:49] achew22: Peacekeeper: did you select IVTV in the installscript from your rpm?
[03:30:12] Peacekeeper: lirc_i2c 5643 0
[03:30:14] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: yeah, I would have stayed with Dish, but they didn't offer me anything close to competitive... Until I actually commited to FiOS and called to cancel!
[03:30:28] Peacekeeper: achew22: sorry I am not following
[03:30:49] J-e-f-f-A: (but by then it was too late!) — and besides, they couldn't offer me internet, nevermind 35/35 internet!
[03:31:03] Peacekeeper: is there suppost to be a lirc kernel module rpm ?
[03:31:35] achew22: Peacekeeper: I don't think so. usually the rpm/debs have all the modules included
[03:31:42] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: you're on FC13? I think lirc moved to /var/run/lirc<something>...
[03:32:42] achew22: all it takes is going into the config file for lirc and flipping it to on through the REMOTE_MODULES list
[03:32:43] Peacekeeper: humm. /var/run/lirc/ has lircd and
[03:33:38] Peacekeeper: achew22: you mean the lircd.conf
[03:33:51] Peacekeeper: ?
[03:34:00] achew22: i know in debian land that is how you do it and it is in hardware.conf
[03:34:00] saintdev (saintdev!~saint@unaffiliated/saintdev) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:34:13] achew22: but that might be some of the ubuntu magic
[03:34:57] achew22: J-e-f-f-A: how much did you pay for your pvr-hd?
[03:35:30] Peacekeeper: uggg. I think i will come back to it in a few
[03:35:31] Peacekeeper: hehe
[03:35:33] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: about $200 each. (HD-PVR) ;-)
[03:35:37] Peacekeeper: thx for the help :D
[03:35:42] achew22: Peacekeeper: did that get it?
[03:35:48] Peacekeeper: I saw them on sale yesterday
[03:35:51] Peacekeeper: No :(
[03:35:57] Peacekeeper: You in US?
[03:36:04] achew22: Sorry, I may know how to fix it the ubuntu way only :(
[03:36:23] achew22: Yeah I'm in the US, and I know about the bill that just passed that can have them turn off composite.
[03:36:32] saintdev: I have a recording in upcoming recordings that has the same icon as inactive recordings
[03:36:34] achew22: err... component
[03:36:43] achew22: wait...
[03:36:51] Peacekeeper: . . . searchViewed
[03:36:51] saintdev: but the status says Record All +5/-2 Will Record, what does this mean?
[03:36:57] Peacekeeper: 179 – 20$ mail in
[03:37:03] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: But that's only for 'new releases' stuff that's not out on DVD yet... so it's not all that bad... (basically just ppv stuff)
[03:37:17] achew22: Peacekeeper: amazon has it for 185 instant with free shipping . . . p/B0018LX0DY
[03:37:30] Peacekeeper: plus you can find a $10 off online too for the site
[03:37:34] Beirdo: with tax that can be just about $200
[03:37:35] Beirdo: hehe
[03:37:44] Beirdo: it was for me (yesterday)
[03:37:52] achew22: amazon has a VAT?
[03:37:55] achew22: crap
[03:37:58] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: Not bad... I paid $203 shipped for one, and just shy of $200 for the other one shipped. But I didn't pay cash – I had gotten a bounus at work in the form of gift certs...
[03:38:04] Beirdo: VAT? no
[03:38:10] achew22: locality tax?
[03:38:28] Beirdo: I'm in Washington State... Amazon charges state sales tax here
[03:38:34] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: If they have a presence in your state, yes.
[03:38:40] achew22: <-- colorado
[03:38:44] Peacekeeper: Yea $179 – $20 mail in – $10 online coupon
[03:38:46] achew22: they left colorado
[03:38:49] Beirdo: dunno about other states, but they have a HUGE presence here in Seattle
[03:38:51] achew22: I can't get into the affiliate program
[03:38:57] achew22: they hate colorado
[03:39:02] achew22: so they definitely don't have a presence here
[03:39:09] Peacekeeper: was $9 to ship so that not to bad
[03:39:27] achew22: do you get closed captions with the HD-PVR?
[03:41:06] awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:41:17] symptom (symptom! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:42:27] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: Nope.
[03:42:41] saintdev (saintdev!~saint@unaffiliated/saintdev) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[03:42:54] achew22: if you use the optical cable do you get multi channel audio? 5.1?
[03:43:20] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: Yes. ;-)
[03:43:26] Typosu (Typosu! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:43:41] achew22: I wonder if I can get fios... that would be something
[03:43:50] achew22: who is your provider?
[03:44:09] J-e-f-f-A: (although I have to admit tried it yet.)
[03:44:17] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: FiOS is from Verizon
[03:44:36] achew22: I don't think I could bring myself to give verizon any money
[03:45:24] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: Hehehe... I'm the opposite... I <3 Verizon, but H8 at&t and c*mcast...
[03:45:45] achew22: You haven't named a company I like yet. I live on a local internet provider and T-Mobile
[03:46:09] achew22: Although I think my local guy just resells a business comcast line
[03:46:11] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: t-mobile has horrible service here in New England...
[03:47:22] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: btw – Verizon FiOS HD is top-dog right now – they don't compress the signal at all – it's absolutely gorgeous... I've seen c*mcast's idea of HD, and at least in this area, is compressed and looks horrible...
[03:48:38] Beirdo: I wish I could get fios
[03:48:40] Beirdo: alas
[03:48:47] wagnerrp: i didnt realize that 'comcast' was considered vulger
[03:48:59] Beirdo: heh
[03:49:04] Beirdo: it is to some people
[03:49:06] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: it is the way I usually spell it... with a "U"... ;-)
[03:49:34] wagnerrp: they better not be spraying that everywhere
[03:49:36] J-e-f-f-A: ... that's how much I came to 'love' them in the 7 years of horrible service I had from them...
[03:49:50] wagnerrp: if any sperm is wasted, god gets quite irate
[03:50:37] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: I was on FiOS Internet basically 1 week after the fiber was laid in my neighborhood... ;-) Before Verizon even announced it's availability to me. ;-)
[03:50:53] wagnerrp: you know, ive still never seen that movie
[03:51:31] J-e-f-f-A: I got the notification in the mail that it was available a month *after* I already had it... hehehehe...
[03:51:53] wagnerrp: speaking of which , i need to call up my local telco about that
[03:51:58] J-e-f-f-A: ^ that must have gone right over my head... ;-)
[03:52:10] wagnerrp: its a song from one of the monty python movies
[03:52:33] wagnerrp: anyway, some big metal service box went up on a pole at the top of my street
[03:52:38] J-e-f-f-A: Ah... ok. ;-) hehehehe...
[03:52:57] wagnerrp: last time i called, it was just 'well make sure to tell you when its available'
[03:53:00] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: are there orange tags on the cables goine to/from it? ;-)
[03:53:14] wagnerrp: well come on, im sure you have a timeline for this sort of thing
[03:53:15] J-e-f-f-A: 'going' even? ;-) heheh
[03:53:25] wagnerrp: i know you know exactly when its going to hit my street
[03:53:49] Peacekeeper: man lirc and fdora 13 is kicking my butt
[03:54:23] Beirdo: wagnerrp: do you know if dblain is active?
[03:54:27] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: what provider is it, a cable company?
[03:56:33] wagnerrp: local telco, cincinnati bell
[03:56:49] wagnerrp: theyre rolling out their own fiber network, identical hardware to verizon
[03:57:17] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Ah... sounds good for you! ;-)
[03:58:17] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: any other things you ran into with FC13?
[03:58:36] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: And is this your first time with Fedora?
[03:58:44] wagnerrp: Beirdo: cdev (dblain) is currently idling in #mythtv, but hes not around that often
[03:59:32] wagnerrp: hes usually in there, but if you ask a question, dont be surprised if youre waiting several hours for a response
[03:59:41] Peacekeeper: no I have run fedora since the beggining
[04:00:11] Beirdo: OK, I just saw that all the UPNP bugs are assigned to him, and wondering if he's active with it at all
[04:00:16] Peacekeeper: I have not got firewire channel changing going yet
[04:00:35] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: Ah, me too. ;-) I think I started with FC3 or 4 with Jarod's guide. ;-)
[04:00:43] Peacekeeper: but that is because I am banging my head on desk about lirc
[04:02:03] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: I use 6200ch – it's on the wiki now at  — and a sample of my channel change script is at the bottom. (Motoroloa QIP7100 on FiOS)
[04:02:12] awalls (awalls! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:05:41] ** Beirdo is playing ticket thief **
[04:06:12] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[04:08:13] Beirdo: not stealing the mythgallery ones YET
[04:12:38] achew22: Is there any way to have picasa albums show up in mythgallery? Is there a plugin that provides that ability?
[04:18:23] coolball (coolball! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[04:22:50] klk (klk! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:24:30] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: Looks like somebody asked that question 1–1/2 years ago... . . . /235628.html
[04:25:14] achew22: how hard would it be to write a C++ to python binding for myth plugins
[04:25:19] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: ... and it looks like nothing came of it either.
[04:25:45] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: i dunno. ;-) but I'll bet there's some useful info on the wiki.
[04:25:55] achew22: are there existing plugins that are written in python?
[04:27:21] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: I don't know... but this seems like a good place to find out:
[04:28:22] achew22: I would hit you if I were there in person J-e-f-f-A ;)
[04:28:51] J-e-f-f-A: achew22: Hey, I could have just said "RTFM" or "Google is your friend"  ;-) hehehehehe
[04:29:15] achew22: I'm used to that at least
[04:29:26] J-e-f-f-A: hehehehe... ;-)
[04:29:53] leprechau (leprechau! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:30:38] J-e-f-f-A: I have *got* to get more involved in development... I made one patch about a year ago, then a change to 6200ch, but nothing else... Just need to find more time!!!  ;-)
[04:33:01] kormoc: quit your day job! ;)
[04:34:37] Peacekeeper: J-e-f-f-A: Firewire channel change works
[04:34:39] Peacekeeper: :D
[04:34:49] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: hehehe... ;-)
[04:39:00] wagnerrp: Beirdo: i recall him saying hes got a lot of planned changes for mythxml
[04:39:00] abqjp (abqjp! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:39:11] wagnerrp: but how much of that would be specifically related to upnp, i dont know
[04:39:48] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: Awesome btw... ;-) (sorry, didn't mean to ignore ya!)
[04:40:01] Beirdo: ok. :)
[04:40:15] Peacekeeper: np :D
[04:40:27] Peacekeeper: I am now hooking up hd-pvr then back to lirc :(
[04:40:33] Beirdo: Well, I have enough on my plate anyways... upnp would be nice to be fixed though.
[04:41:09] ** J-e-f-f-A <3's his HD-PVRs... ;-) **
[04:41:26] Peacekeeper: well I will let you know how it goes :D
[04:41:27] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: Just one Hd box?
[04:41:31] Peacekeeper: yes
[04:41:35] Peacekeeper: I have 3 OTA
[04:41:41] Peacekeeper: and one Cable
[04:41:49] J-e-f-f-A: 2 HD here, 4 ota. ;-)
[04:42:04] Peacekeeper: I got my hvr-2250 going
[04:42:08] Peacekeeper: that is a nice card
[04:42:32] wagnerrp: would be nicer with linux analog support
[04:42:40] ** wagnerrp would like to replace his aging -150s **
[04:42:52] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: I bought a 2nd HDHR to use for clear QAM, but there's nothing of value there... And only about 1/2 of the locals that I get via OTA... so they're both on OTA now.
[04:43:22] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:43:25] Peacekeeper: Yea QAM sucks here too
[04:43:32] Peacekeeper: i think i got 4 channels
[04:44:19] J-e-f-f-A: I got about 60, but it was every local cable access channel in MA (99% junk), and only about 3 or 4 of the HD locals...
[04:46:39] Peacekeeper: hdpvr inpit composite?
[04:46:42] Peacekeeper: input
[04:46:45] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: One tip that I forgot to do – Set the recording profile for the HD-PVR – the default bitrate for HD is all the way up (incredible pic), but for SD is horrible...
[04:47:00] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: Not if you've got HD! "Component"
[04:47:12] J-e-f-f-A: And if you've got an optical cable handy, SPDIF.
[04:47:21] Peacekeeper: oops i ment that
[04:47:22] Peacekeeper: ROFL
[04:47:28] Peacekeeper: SPDIF yes :D
[04:48:24] J-e-f-f-A: And make sure you click those optical cables in all the way... or your hd-pvr will behave very randomly if the audio signal cuts in & out...
[04:50:12] Peacekeeper: nice tips thx
[04:50:14] J-e-f-f-A: Do you have a beefy cpu or a vdpau capable video card?
[04:50:23] Peacekeeper: vdpau
[04:50:31] Peacekeeper: how do I set bitrate?
[04:50:34] J-e-f-f-A: Ok, then you should be ok. ;-)
[04:50:37] Peacekeeper: well 1 sec let me finish setup
[04:51:23] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: Recording profiles in the TV setup – make sure you select MP4 hardware encoder type, then adjust the sliders...
[04:51:34] Peacekeeper: ahh nice
[04:51:38] Peacekeeper: Thank you :D
[04:51:47] J-e-f-f-A: I set my box to lock at 1080i for HD and 480i for SD.
[04:52:03] J-e-f-f-A: (Set-top box...)
[04:52:06] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[04:52:55] kormoc: I like having my set top box output at native res
[04:53:17] kormoc: (720p for 720 hd, 1080i for 1080, 480i for sd)
[04:54:17] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: Yeah, unfortunatly the QIP7100 doesn't seem to have an option for that... it's got an 'output resolution' setting, and a checkbox for 'sd override' to drop to 720x480i
[04:54:56] Peacekeeper: did you scan for the QAM channels of just download from schedules direct?
[04:55:01] Peacekeeper: ASTC I scanned for.
[04:55:06] J-e-f-f-A: Peacekeeper: "MPEG-4 AVC Hardware Encoder" is the "Codec"
[04:55:30] J-e-f-f-A: I scanned for QAM...
[04:55:56] Peacekeeper: I thought I might scan on my all air2pc card to see what I get now :D
[04:56:11] J-e-f-f-A: For 'regular' stuff from the STB, I just cleaned up the SD listing to match what I sub to, and ent on. ;-)
[04:57:15] J-e-f-f-A: I also went into mythweb and set SD channels that had HD equivalents to be 'invisible'...
[04:57:55] Peacekeeper: Yea I have some clean up to do like that too
[04:58:19] Peacekeeper: I just need all my tuners and lirc running first. then I will fine tune it all
[04:58:49] J-e-f-f-A: btw... I set my bitrates like this: Low res – Avg 8000 Max 10000 Medium – Avg 11000 Max 14000  – High – 13500 Max 20200
[04:59:46] J-e-f-f-A: Probably a bit overkill, but that way SD is about 3GB/hr, and looks as good as the original signal, and 1080i looks absolutely stunning, exactly like original as far as my naked eye is concerned... ;-)
[05:02:40] J-e-f-f-A: And if you're carrying over any recording profiles that you've got existing rules setup for, make sure you alter them to match the source too... (I wondered why my 'low quality' SD recordings looked like *bleep* at first, and it was because I never setup the profile for the HD-PVR, and it was using the lowest quality setting for SD...)
[05:03:54] J-e-f-f-A: ... Humm. maybe those bitrates for 'low' are still too low, it's not as clear as I though, but then again, I was just watching a 1080i program... ;-)
[05:12:53] klk (klk! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:18:32] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:24:48] Beirdo: YAY, Cliff Lee
[05:24:59] Beirdo: 1–0 shutout
[05:25:06] Beirdo: too bad that wasn't tomorrow
[05:25:29] Beirdo: complete game shutout ;)
[05:32:12] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:36:54] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:37:40] Tanthrix: So, my Comcast DCT dvr box has died after 4 years of service. I've been using it with my HD-PVR and firewire to change channels
[05:38:16] Tanthrix: I have a choice of replacing it with an HD tuner and presumably switching to an IR blaster to save $6–15 a month
[05:38:34] Tanthrix: Or getting another full DVR box with firewire, and hope that channel changing is supported.
[05:39:03] Tanthrix: I'd like to go with the cheaper tuner option, but I've never used an irblaster for recording before and am concerned about reliability – any opinions?
[05:40:07] achew22: go to the comcast center and ask for a box with firewire
[05:40:13] ** Beirdo grumbles **
[05:40:48] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[05:40:55] Beirdo: wagnerrp: do you know if there's a "normal" way to be looking for perl module pre-reqs right now for install?
[05:41:12] wagnerrp: you mean in configure?
[05:41:18] Beirdo: yeah
[05:41:28] wagnerrp: yes, recently added a couple weeks ago
[05:41:28] Tanthrix: achew22: As I said, I can do that, but I'm suspecting that the dumb HD tuners do not have firewire – only the HD dvrs.
[05:41:28] Beirdo: mythweather scripts are being HORRIBLE...
[05:41:39] Tanthrix: achew22: Which I don't want to pay extra for if it's not going to get me anything
[05:41:44] Beirdo: and since I am the defacto maintainer...
[05:41:45] Beirdo: heh
[05:41:53] achew22: Tanthrix: I got a "dumb" hd reciever with firewire from comcast
[05:41:56] Beirdo: I need to fix this nonsense
[05:42:06] Tanthrix: achew22: Oh really? What model?
[05:42:29] achew22: DCH 3200 or 6000 something
[05:42:41] kormoc: Tanthrix, they're required to provide you one upon request
[05:42:43] achew22: there are a lot of motorolas that have them
[05:42:52] achew22: I think it is even a law that the cable box has them
[05:43:01] Tanthrix: Sweet, I'll do that and save the money.
[05:43:13] wagnerrp: Beirdo: see perl checks for the bindings in mythtv/configure:3957
[05:43:22] Beirdo: perfect
[05:43:25] Beirdo: thanks
[05:43:28] kormoc: Tanthrix,
[05:43:37] wagnerrp: and similar checks for python stuff in mythplugins/configure:425
[05:43:51] Tanthrix: kormoc: Cool, thanks.
[05:44:19] Beirdo: first I'm doing #8644
[05:44:22] Beirdo: err
[05:44:26] Beirdo: #8466
[05:44:29] Beirdo: stupid brain
[05:49:09] pheld (pheld! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:50:35] Beirdo: pheld: you like yer IPv6 tunnel?
[05:53:26] pheld: Beirdo: works fine. Rock stable
[05:53:41] Beirdo: :)
[05:54:00] Beirdo: I'm using sixxs too, terminating in Phoenix, AZ
[05:54:04] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:54:23] Beirdo: although not connected to IRC using it... yet
[05:55:23] pheld: I used to care about which apps used it, but that was years ago. Now it causes very little problems a all to apps on *nix.
[05:56:15] Beirdo: well, I just haven't gotten to it yet :)
[05:56:16] Beirdo: heh
[05:56:37] Beirdo: actually, the linode where I do my IRC from is on an tunnel (it has static IP)
[05:56:46] Beirdo: home has sixxs
[05:59:25] Beirdo: there. I haz committed
[05:59:27] Beirdo: hehe
[05:59:38] Beirdo: now to look at the configure checks
[06:05:35] pigeon (pigeon! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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[06:19:29] Beirdo: and committe
[06:19:31] Beirdo: d
[06:20:05] Beirdo: wagnerrp: now if I'm missing any of the required perl modules... mythweather will be disabled by configure
[06:20:37] Beirdo: need to think of a way to make it more granular, be able to disable each scraper family individually.
[06:24:20] Beirdo: ugh
[06:24:38] Beirdo: I forgot how messy #8356 was
[06:24:52] Beirdo: makes me feel like I'm off to polish a turd
[06:30:17] Beirdo: # This series applies on GIT commit 4c82b2d085b894d0104f6b35595f8349519dccdc
[06:30:21] Beirdo: ARGH
[06:30:31] Beirdo: way to go... heh
[06:30:48] Beirdo: we're not using git. that doesn't help me determine what it's based on
[06:37:41] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has quit ()
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[06:42:04] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stoffel
[06:45:33] Beirdo: OMG
[06:45:42] Beirdo: this machine needs more memory so bad
[06:45:43] Beirdo: heh
[06:48:58] stemann (stemann! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:51:37] Beirdo: heheeheh
[06:51:50] Beirdo: weatherScreen.cpp: In function âQString formatTime(const QString&)â:
[06:51:50] Beirdo: weatherScreen.cpp:38: error: âclass MythContextâ has no member named âGetSettingâ
[06:52:09] Beirdo: OK, that's a fail.
[06:52:56] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:53:17] symptom (symptom! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[07:05:38] achew22 (achew22! has left #mythtv-users ()
[07:09:00] natanojl (natanojl! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:09:37] Beirdo: bah
[07:10:06] Beirdo: I want myth fullscreen, but the lousy gnome taskbar/panel bar won't bugger off
[07:10:20] Beirdo: and I'm sure this is in the wiki, but I don't see it
[07:10:22] Beirdo: sigh
[07:10:36] justinh: got compiz enabled? disabled it :)
[07:10:58] Beirdo: ah, likely
[07:11:10] justinh: only fix I know of for that
[07:11:23] Peacekeeper (Peacekeeper! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[07:13:31] Beirdo: hmmm
[07:14:00] Beirdo: I kill compiz... and the two terminals are on top of the frontend... and still have teh bars
[07:14:31] Beirdo: have I ever mentioned how much I hate gnome :)
[07:15:58] Beirdo: ahhhh, ratpoison
[07:16:01] Beirdo: much better
[07:16:07] Beirdo: eat me, compiz
[07:16:18] justinh: on ubuntu it's generally as easy as setting desktop effects to disabled
[07:16:31] Beirdo: heh
[07:16:38] Beirdo: I'll do that next time I login :)
[07:16:39] Beirdo: hehe
[07:16:57] justinh: I don't like gnome much but I tried KDE a while back. Shudder
[07:17:12] justinh: zillions of menus
[07:17:27] Beirdo: just going through the different themes to see how many need the copyright notice for mythweather
[07:17:44] Beirdo: so far all but arclight, and it has it too small
[07:18:47] Beirdo: EVERY screen in mythweather needs the copyright notice
[07:20:20] Beirdo: grrrr
[07:21:23] achew22 (achew22! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:23:06] justinh: lol is $20 the standard bounty rate these days or something? :-O
[07:23:30] Beirdo: heh, not if you are trying to bribe me.
[07:23:39] Beirdo: might work for some people
[07:23:51] justinh: these folks need a slap. they wanna see how many people donated twice that just to say thanks for a crummy theme
[07:24:28] Beirdo: heh
[07:24:39] Beirdo: you theming again? :)
[07:24:48] justinh: saying stuff like "I'm really nerved". Oh come on devs stop being so slow already!
[07:25:26] justinh: I am actually. it's not gonna be another arclight though
[07:25:45] Beirdo: hey, I always liked your stuff before
[07:26:12] Beirdo: I wouldn't want you to copy arclight. There's room for variety
[07:26:25] justinh: we'd be using arclight if it wasn't for my wife not liking the small text
[07:26:53] Beirdo: when you get to the mythweather screens, you need to be sure to allow mucho space for the copyright notice... on every screen
[07:27:12] justinh: isn't the (C) optional?
[07:27:15] Beirdo: I'm gonna hunt down the other themers and make that well known
[07:27:19] justinh: or would it only show where needed?
[07:27:20] Beirdo: absolutely not
[07:27:42] Beirdo: it is needed on every screen due to TOS for some of the providers :(
[07:27:56] Beirdo: in particular
[07:28:03] justinh: no I mean where the t&c of a grabber doesn't need it shown
[07:28:12] Beirdo: which gives pretty good non-US coverage
[07:28:21] Beirdo: ahhh, yeah, it might be empty
[07:28:39] justinh: uh oh. been handed my 11 week old nephew
[07:28:41] Beirdo: I don't remember if I made it mandatory on the scrapers or not.
[07:28:53] Beirdo: I think I did, and if not, I will
[07:29:18] Beirdo: a courtesy notice would be appreciated if not required by nearly every provider out there
[07:29:45] Beirdo: definitely has the longest I've seen yet though
[07:30:25] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:30:39] Beirdo: and they provide the text
[07:32:55] justinh: little wiggler. trying to stand up all the time already
[07:33:05] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:33:09] Beirdo: hehe
[07:34:42] Beirdo: is made by the Norwegian Institute of Meteorology and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation
[07:34:45] Beirdo: there it is
[07:35:00] Beirdo: had to go look in the cache file
[07:38:09] justinh: wonder how much better than the bbc's feed it is
[07:38:50] justinh: if I search for my postcode with it, then my parents' – who are 150 miles away.. and the weather report is the same
[07:39:52] Beirdo: yuck
[07:40:04] Beirdo: that MIGHT be accurate, but doubtful
[07:40:25] Beirdo: occasionally, they are bound to line up out of coincidence
[07:40:45] justinh: then try
[07:42:18] justinh: I think the key is, both M40 & DH8 postcodes – although 150 miles apart – are in the 'North' of England. And it's all the same 'up there' right ;)
[07:42:27] Beirdo: yah
[07:42:35] Beirdo: way to go BBC
[07:44:06] eye69 (eye69! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:44:13] justinh: I was stunned to find the similarity in the weather forecasts
[07:44:41] Beirdo: heh, yeah, too similar
[07:44:48] Beirdo: like ... identical
[07:48:28] danbri (danbri!~danbri@unaffiliated/danbri) has quit (Quit: danbri)
[07:48:43] justinh: it could be the same for the whole country for all I know
[07:48:54] justinh: that'd be fun to expose
[07:50:23] eye69: Hello. Probably a much-answered question, but how the hell do I scroll in the xmltv window in mythtv-setup?
[07:51:32] justinh: nope. never been asked here before as far as I know
[07:52:51] eye69: I've reinstalled the mythbox and had 0.21 before, with 0.23 now. On 0.21 xmltv ran in the xterm window, but now it scrolls off the screen as it runs in the mythtv-setup window itself, and I can'
[07:52:58] eye69: I've reinstalled the mythbox and had 0.21 before, with 0.23 now. On 0.21 xmltv ran in the xterm window, but now it scrolls off the screen as it runs in the mythtv-setup window itself, and I can't seem to scroll it.
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[07:56:14] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[08:00:12] eye69: justinh: Ok, weird. I can't find anything in the list about it. I found one entry on a forum, but no solution.
[08:07:27] justinh: which grabber?
[08:09:17] Jay2k1 (Jay2k1! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:10:04] clever: eye69: shift + page up
[08:10:13] clever: in the xterm window
[08:16:07] eye69: It doesn't run in the xterm window, it runs in mythtv-setup itself.
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[08:18:17] eye69: I can see scrollbars that move as if text is being output, but I can't find any way of scrolling down. See he has the same problem as me, but I'm not running Mythbuntu.
[08:18:54] eye69: I'm running 0.23-fixes from SVN on Debian lenny.
[08:19:05] justinh: ah maybe you need to run it without hiding the mouse pointer
[08:19:21] eye69: How would I do that?
[08:19:27] justinh: IMHO mythtv-setup should always run with the mouse cursor visible
[08:19:46] justinh: it's a mythfrontend setting but you can override it with a -O option
[08:19:50] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:19:51] justinh: lemme just dig a bit
[08:19:55] eye69: Thanks.
[08:20:42] justinh: run mythtv-setup with -O HideMouseCursor="0"
[08:20:51] eye69: Ok, trying...
[08:21:01] justinh: then you should at least see the mouse & be able to use the scrollbar
[08:22:16] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:23:41] eye69: That seems to work fine! Thanks dude.
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[08:29:11] Dassu: Hmm, gonna upgrade from v0.21 to 0.23 will I be expecting any compatibility issues like database corruption?
[08:29:38] Beirdo: back it up first
[08:32:48] justinh: mythtv backs up an existing database before it upgrades the schema
[08:33:16] MavT (MavT!~MaverickT@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:34:00] justinh: but if you don't run mythtv-setup as the right user when you do it, it won't be able to write the backup :)
[08:34:35] Dassu: yep, gonna back up it up manually as wiki has info on that
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[09:11:48] EvilGuru: Ugh. I wonder why Hauppauge changed the Nova-500 to have two inputs as opposed to just one. Seems as if I'll need to get myself a 4-way splitter
[09:14:54] justinh: nova-TD500
[09:15:04] justinh: you're lucky it works in linux at all
[09:18:35] EvilGuru: I have one of the classic ones (the real T 500 with a single input) and felt like another to replace my Nova-T, but that brings me to four inputs
[09:25:20] justinh: 4-way aerial amps don't cost that much
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[09:32:51] Guest14651 is now known as rileyp
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[09:34:06] rileyp: Do I need to modify anything in jamu to improve on the metea data I already get by default in lucid
[09:38:58] justinh: probably need to run it interactively to get everything's inetref
[10:02:46] stemann (stemann! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:03:06] rileyp: In my video library I manually edit file names sometimes for ones that are missing metadata so it will download
[10:04:31] rileyp: Is that all I need do . there sems to be a few guides for jamu and user tasks using scripts etc and cron
[10:04:58] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:05:24] rileyp: Is all that are they all old hat with the advent of .23
[10:05:51] rileyp: *Is all that all old hat with the advent of .23
[10:06:11] justinh: no
[10:06:32] justinh: mythtv respects metadata sources so doesn't let users hammer them
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[10:13:12] rileyp: jamu is only to be run on the BE?
[10:20:36] justinh: nobody ever reads the docs on these things?
[10:21:03] justinh: questions are asked in such a manner all the time?
[10:21:08] justinh: know Yoda do you?
[10:21:48] Beirdo: OK...
[10:22:00] Beirdo: anyone here actually currently USE mythweather?
[10:22:18] justinh: not me
[10:23:25] Dassu: dunno what's the use as now a days all mobiles support weather broadcasts
[10:23:56] justinh: not all
[10:24:07] justinh: not everybody has a stupid expensive phone :)
[10:24:10] Dassu: :( well true
[10:24:22] Dassu: false the stupid part though
[10:24:26] justinh: some people still have phones that make/receive calls! :-O
[10:24:42] Dassu: :-O I never receive calls except from skype
[10:24:48] Beirdo: heh
[10:24:49] justinh: no it isn't IMHO. feature phones all seem to lack the ability to do what a phone should be able to do well
[10:25:05] Dassu: Really I use my phone primary for irc and web browsing
[10:25:18] justinh: see
[10:25:20] Beirdo: I think the icons in the NDFD (us_nws 6-day and 18h) are totally screwed
[10:25:24] justinh: less of a phone...
[10:25:59] justinh: my wife uses my mobile to annoy me a lot
[10:26:03] Beirdo: unless both Miami and Chicago are due for constant thunderstorms
[10:26:57] StealthSqd (StealthSqd! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:27:53] justinh: give me half a choice & I'll chuck my mobile in the nearest bin
[10:28:19] justinh: apparently it needs charging up sometimes. that's a bloody drag
[10:29:09] justinh: ooo great. I have to fiddle with the stupid connector, to give it juice, and all so people can annoy me by ringing me when it's least convenient. And no, I don't do voicemail either
[10:29:18] justinh: I'd rather tweet
[10:29:26] justinh: and even that's bloody annoying
[10:29:35] ** Beirdo tweets... especially after Taco Bell **
[10:30:03] justinh: don't geddit :)
[10:30:26] Beirdo: hehe
[10:30:35] Beirdo: OK, it's more of a honk
[10:30:37] Beirdo: hheeh
[10:31:16] justinh: ah
[10:31:20] justinh: parp!
[10:31:25] Beirdo: yup
[10:31:58] Beirdo: dang. 3:30am
[10:31:59] Beirdo: hehe
[10:33:15] highzeth:
[10:33:42] Beirdo: oooh, the high in Nome, AK tomorrow: 35F
[10:33:50] Beirdo: poor frozen buggers
[10:33:57] justinh: ooo look. unfunny cartoon!
[10:34:28] highzeth: come on, evil dog sniggering, thats always funny
[10:34:39] justinh: nah
[10:34:48] justinh: never saw the point of Popeye either
[10:35:24] danbri (danbri!~danbri@unaffiliated/danbri) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:35:42] justinh: as for the Hooded Claw.. man... any psycho worth his salt would've offed Ms Pitstop right there & then.
[10:35:51] highzeth: agree on popeye, never got him
[10:36:25] justinh: go on guv.. take Olive Oyl... you can have her lol
[10:36:47] rileyp: good to see youve taken your happy pills again justinh
[10:37:03] justinh: STHU
[10:37:04] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[10:37:18] justinh: wow it's hard not to be obscene
[10:37:29] rileyp: i hate my mobile but it is habdy when you want something and dont want to walk
[10:37:43] justinh: don't want to walk? lol
[10:38:11] justinh: like nobody really keeps in touch properly anymore.. it's all done with stupid 'likes' on facebook & crap
[10:38:11] oobe is now known as ding
[10:38:21] rileyp: hmm big construction siteId walk 2 to 5 kms a day
[10:38:42] rileyp: but with phone i can walk less or get others to walk for me... :D
[10:38:51] justinh: lazy ass
[10:39:03] rileyp: thanks
[10:39:40] rileyp: phone never works when you want it to though because being underground you miss calls
[10:39:54] rileyp: then when above lots of voicemail which I hate
[10:40:02] Beirdo: urgh
[10:40:13] ding is now known as oobe
[10:40:14] Beirdo: can't I find ONE place in the US that will be sunny?
[10:41:03] rileyp: was sunny today in Melbourne AU winter soltace today or tomoorrow too!
[10:41:14] justinh: you know what I really hate about mobile phones? the sound quality
[10:41:24] rileyp: but its been cold... well not cold by your standards
[10:41:44] Beirdo: even friggin Honolulu is supposed to be rainy
[10:42:48] Beirdo: Go, Vegas
[10:42:54] Beirdo: finally something without rain
[10:43:00] Beirdo: OK, the icons work
[10:43:18] oobe is now known as dong
[10:43:24] Beirdo: it was just my dumb luck that I picked two places that were onna get lots of rain
[10:43:41] dong is now known as oobe
[10:45:37] oobe is now known as dung
[10:45:50] dung is now known as oobe
[10:46:56] Beirdo: OMG
[10:47:07] Beirdo: what is this person's problem?
[10:47:27] Beirdo: it's almost 4am... and they are STILL blowing one of those retarded horns
[10:47:41] Beirdo: I need a sound-seeking missile
[10:48:12] Beirdo: you wanna make that much noise, please to to South Africa. Thanks.
[11:04:59] grumpydevil: ok, solved my scheduling problem
[11:05:14] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:05:19] grumpydevil: justinh: it was caused by duplicate definitions in the inputgroup
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[11:18:37] rileyp: Hey australia is playing tonight in the soccer I want to turn off those stupid horn thingos
[11:18:42] grumpydevil (grumpydevil!~rudy@2001:610:73e:0:230:48ff:fe80:79d4) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:18:50] haffe: Well.
[11:18:53] rileyp: there was a package but i cant seem to find it
[11:18:58] haffe: A quick FFT and some filtering.
[11:19:13] rileyp: I think jya made one
[11:19:37] rileyp: anyone know what its called or can link me
[11:19:46] jya:
[11:21:00] jya: it doesn't turn off off the vuvuzela completely, but it reduces the constant noise (at least you can hear the cheering again)
[11:21:05] grumpydevil (grumpydevil!~rudy@2001:610:73e:0:230:48ff:fe80:79d4) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[11:21:15] Beirdo: rileyp: I'd like to turn off the one one of my neighbors is using in person... at 4am
[11:21:33] jya: but don't expect anything spectacular... A $1 plastic crap made in China isn't going to produce a perfectly flat sound
[11:21:59] rileyp: . . . 20?page=last
[11:22:09] jya: actually, I found that after an hour or so, you forget the filter is there and it sounds loud again...
[11:22:25] jya: rileyp: again,
[11:22:46] rileyp: thnaks sorry i was searching goole
[11:22:56] superdump (superdump!~rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:22:56] rileyp: *you know google
[11:24:33] rileyp: now the dummy question how do i install it? sorry...
[11:25:39] jya: are you running trunk or 0.23-fixes
[11:26:24] rileyp: Im on lucid so i think it 0.23 fixes
[11:26:29] rileyp: ill look
[11:26:40] grumpydevil (grumpydevil!~rudy@2001:610:73e:0:230:48ff:fe80:79d4) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:26:42] Beirdo: OK, I've run out of energy
[11:26:49] jya: you can either compile it or get pre-compiled one
[11:27:12] Beirdo: #8356 will just have to wait a wee bit longer to be resolved
[11:27:22] jya: ; describe how to install from my repo; it's 100% compatible with the official ubuntu one, and include this partch
[11:27:25] rileyp: 24836 fixes
[11:28:23] Beirdo: gah
[11:28:35] Beirdo: this person wants to add more silly settings
[11:28:42] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:29:11] Beirdo: how many people REALLY need to know the wind speed on LAND in the beaufort scale? or in knots?
[11:29:21] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:29:23] Beirdo: both of those are nautical measurements
[11:29:39] zzpat: ask if they want furlongs per fortnight included too
[11:30:02] Beirdo: I *WILL* fix kph to be km/h like it is supposed to be
[11:30:21] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:30:58] grumpydevil: beafort scale is often used in europe in official weather forecast, and on TV as well
[11:31:03] rileyp: fishermen always talk in knots
[11:31:05] justinh: how many people know what wind strengths feel like anyway?
[11:31:30] Beirdo: well, bah anyways
[11:31:31] zzpat: in the news on tv always talks of wind speed in knots
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[11:31:33] rileyp: I do and Im only a recreational fisher but I have a boat
[11:31:34] Beirdo: :)
[11:31:58] grumpydevil: we tend to talk in windforce x
[11:31:59] rileyp: If its above 12 knots wher i fish forget it to rough in my little boat\
[11:32:16] rileyp: Ill get a wet bum
[11:32:18] Beirdo: it is the least crazy feature in that whack of patches though
[11:32:19] justinh: I bet not many land lubbers know
[11:32:20] grumpydevil: when you tell me windforce 8 or greater i turn rather carefull...
[11:32:31] grumpydevil: as 8 is minor storm
[11:32:51] zzpat: I've got no idea what windforce relates to, we've never used it here
[11:33:02] justinh: like we dunno the difference between nautical & ordinary miles either. like we care
[11:33:07] Beirdo: I went biking in 60km/h winds once
[11:33:09] Beirdo: that was fun
[11:33:15] zzpat: I could imagine
[11:33:26] grumpydevil: what is that in windforce?
[11:33:26] rileyp: wind speed in au is always in knots for the fisho's
[11:33:31] Beirdo: then I turned cross-wind... and slowed significantly
[11:33:47] justinh: we get 'strong' wind warnings in forecasts. means stay away from tall unsupported walls & trees :D
[11:33:51] Beirdo: then turned into the wind... and could barely even walk the bike
[11:34:03] rileyp: but on real windy days the say wind was up to x km/hr lol
[11:34:16] rileyp: so average joe can relate
[11:34:35] justinh: we never remember that stuff
[11:34:41] justinh: and we still use mph
[11:34:52] justinh: and centigrade for temps :P
[11:34:55] rileyp: On ash wednesy in au in 1982 I was blown off my bike
[11:34:56] grumpydevil: ok, high 7
[11:34:59] rileyp: i was 12
[11:35:04] Beirdo: yeah, it's called "Imperial" or "English" units for a reason
[11:35:41] rileyp: big fires that day sky looked like end of world.
[11:35:57] zzpat: In the UK, it is still (2007) not uncommon to find the "metric foot" in use in the domestic refurbishment market. (nice... . . . measurement)
[11:36:23] rileyp: wind spped up to 120 kmph where I was not safe outdoors sent home from school
[11:36:35] Jay2k1 (Jay2k1! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:36:56] Beirdo: well, I'm gonna get some shuteye
[11:37:03] grumpydevil: in windforce 12 you stay inside...
[11:37:04] Beirdo: I'm not in .au :)
[11:37:08] Beirdo: I'm in
[11:37:14] grumpydevil: (that is 117 km/h or more)
[11:37:15] zzpat: ouch
[11:37:19] zzpat: goodnight!
[11:37:24] Beirdo: it's only 4:30am
[11:37:30] Beirdo: heh,
[11:37:31] zzpat: good morning!
[11:37:35] Beirdo: morn
[11:37:43] grumpydevil: $timeofday
[11:37:50] rileyp: good day mate
[11:38:02] jya: Even in France, the metric-system country, most units related to the Navy are imperial unit... Winds speed is usually discussed in knots if boating
[11:38:21] Beirdo: yeah
[11:38:36] Beirdo: but not many myth boxes on sailboats, I'd bet :)
[11:38:36] jya: well, not the same as US Imperial
[11:38:41] jya: but still the same name :)
[11:38:50] Bazil_ (Bazil_! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[11:39:05] jya: LOL: Sydney Harbour
[11:39:06] jya: A unit of volume used in Australia for water. One Sydney Harbour, also called a Sydharb (or sydarb), is the amount of water in Sydney Harbour: approximately 500 gigalitres (about 400,000 acre-feet).[22]
[11:39:23] jya: 400,000 acre-feet ?
[11:39:35] zzpat: shrug
[11:39:41] Beirdo: what the heck is an acre-foot?
[11:39:42] Beirdo: hehe
[11:40:01] Beirdo: the volume of 1 foot deep over an acre?
[11:40:05] jya: 1 acre * 1 foot :)
[11:40:13] zzpat: they refer to stuff as that would take x times to fill sydney harbour or this dam holds x sydney harbours
[11:40:19] jya: it speaks so clearly in my mind
[11:40:20] Beirdo: what a retarded measurement that nobody will ever used
[11:40:23] zzpat: I've never heard the shortened version. ever.
[11:40:30] jya: I'm glad wikipedia made the corresponding unit
[11:40:31] Beirdo: yeah
[11:40:48] Beirdo: like they use football fields as a length unit in the US
[11:40:55] StealthSqd (StealthSqd! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[11:40:57] jya: I would have never guess one a Sydney Harbour of water was otherwise
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[11:41:24] Beirdo: anywho
[11:41:31] Beirdo: night/morning all
[11:41:36] jya: good night..
[11:41:51] rileyp: jya Ive added your repo and opend synaptic and performed a reload
[11:41:51] zzpat: we use football fields here. I designed a shed recently that was two football fields long
[11:41:57] rileyp: oh 30 seconds pleae
[11:42:00] rileyp: please
[11:42:09] jya: going to finish the new audio settings while watching Holland Japan..
[11:42:17] jya: before the big game at 11:30PM
[11:42:23] rileyp: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[11:42:29] jya: rileyp: Was saying good night to Beirdo
[11:42:30] rileyp: to impress the wiefey
[11:42:35] rileyp: Oh ok
[11:42:40] rileyp: phew
[11:43:03] jya: but hurry, I don't see my IRC client when I'm on VMware
[11:43:26] rileyp: jya Ive added your repo and opend synaptic and performed a reload
[11:43:31] rileyp: what next
[11:43:37] jya: upgrade all
[11:43:45] jya: or whatever you want
[11:43:48] rileyp: i cant find it in synaptec
[11:43:56] jya: what can't you find?
[11:44:03] justinh: synaptec? lol
[11:44:13] jya: the upgrade all button ?
[11:44:31] rileyp: can I apt=get install vuvulzela
[11:44:31] jya: you haven't looked very carefully... there aren't that many button in synaptic
[11:44:38] jya: no
[11:44:52] jya: it's in mythtv, you have to upgrade mythtv
[11:44:58] zzpat: heh, try apt-get update and apt-get upgrade
[11:44:59] rileyp: oh thats ok
[11:45:02] rileyp: easy
[11:45:05] jya: so you just press upgrade all
[11:45:07] jya: and that's it
[11:45:20] rileyp: thanks
[11:45:22] jya: it will upgrade the mythtv packages, and probably mplayer and x264
[11:45:33] jya: and you have to apply the changes of course
[11:46:49] rileyp: sudo apt-get-upgrade myth*
[11:46:54] rileyp: on my FE
[11:47:01] jya: use synaptic
[11:47:09] jya: how hard could it be?
[11:47:13] rileyp: which Item do I choose though
[11:47:20] rileyp: as ther lots of myth items
[11:47:20] jya: upgrade all
[11:47:43] rileyp: Im hesitant to do that incase ai break something
[11:47:58] jya: look, what do you ask me when I've already told you what to do... No point asking me if you want to do differently..
[11:48:01] rileyp: Its a karmic FE running 0.23 fixes
[11:48:07] jya: end?
[11:48:09] jya: and?
[11:48:20] rileyp: ok Ill trust
[11:48:23] jya: look, you do what you want
[11:48:47] jya: but if you want to install the vuvuzela filter otherwise, you'll have to get the source code and apply the patch yourself
[11:49:29] jya: you mentioned oyu were running lucid before
[11:49:35] jya: so is it karmic or it's lucid?
[11:49:51] jya: because the upgrade isn't the same depending on which one you use
[11:49:52] rileyp: its a lucid BE and karmic FE
[11:50:01] rileyp: with 0.23 fixes
[11:50:17] jya: are you using VDPAU ?
[11:50:22] rileyp: yes
[11:50:29] jya: in synaptic
[11:50:34] jya: do a search for vdpau
[11:50:38] rileyp: I think i already had your repo
[11:50:40] jya: what installed packages do you see?
[11:50:45] jya: you did?
[11:50:56] jya: actually, you must have, otherwise you wouldn't have 0.23
[11:51:22] jya: once you have installed the packages I've compiled
[11:51:24] rileyp: lidvdpau1 0.3.2
[11:51:34] jya: ok, so you do have my repo
[11:51:44] jya: this package doesn't come with the default ubuntu
[11:51:50] jya: so you can safely upgrade
[11:52:08] jya: if you were running stock packages on karmic, there's an extra step to do before upgrading
[11:52:11] rileyp: Hmm i know ive been on y6our website a few times (your in my bookmarks
[11:52:14] jya: so once you've installed
[11:52:19] jya: mythtv
[11:52:25] jya: go into settings -> general
[11:52:28] jya: go to the audio page
[11:52:35] jya: check the advanced box
[11:52:45] jya: and activate the vuvuzela filter checkbox
[11:52:51] jya: validate to the end
[11:53:07] jya: then when watching TV, you press menu, and select Toggle vuvuzela filter
[11:54:08] rileyp: ok thanks very much
[11:54:34] jya: you're welcome... bip if you need further assistance
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[12:46:49] rileyp: jya Ive done a system update but the option inst in the general/audio advanced settings
[12:47:08] jya: did you restart mythfrontend ?
[12:47:13] rileyp: yes
[12:47:25] rileyp: I had to do a reboot
[12:47:28] jya: what's the version of mythtv-frontend ?
[12:47:35] jya: on your system?
[12:47:38] rileyp: do I ned to download your patch file
[12:47:43] jya: no
[12:47:48] superdump (superdump!~rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2)
[12:47:59] rileyp: 225135
[12:48:06] rileyp: sorry 25135
[12:48:51] rileyp: some are 23138
[12:48:57] rileyp: oops 25138
[12:49:00] jya: ok
[12:49:09] jya: let me check
[12:49:36] rileyp: hang on do i ned to apply the patch
[12:49:49] rileyp: that you llinked me to
[12:49:52] jya: again: no
[12:49:58] rileyp: ok sorry
[12:51:13] jya: well, option is definitely compiled in...
[12:51:26] jya: what do you see in the advanced menu ?
[12:52:13] rileyp: oh bum just closed it
[12:52:54] jya: start mythfrontend with
[12:53:09] jya: mythfrontend.real -v audio -O VuvuzelaFilter=1
[12:53:11] rileyp: override src quality
[12:53:34] rileyp: and aggresive sound ....
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[12:56:32] ekristen (ekristen! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:57:06] rileyp: still nothing
[12:57:08] ekristen: good morning — mythfilldatabase keeps stating it cannot connect to the mythbackend even though it is running
[12:57:45] ekristen: error "Connection to master server timed out. Either the server is down or the master server settings in mythtv-settings does not contain the right ip address"
[12:57:48] rileyp: do both items have a network connection?
[12:57:58] ekristen: they are on the same machine
[12:58:44] ekristen: so the scheduler isn't updating itself to the latest listings pulled down without me restarting mythbackend
[12:58:48] rileyp: still need network connectionI have found but I could be wrong someone iwil sing if i am
[12:59:03] ekristen: ok the network connection is there
[12:59:13] ekristen: I am SSH'd into the box right now from my laptop
[12:59:23] ekristen: and I can get into its mythweb just fine
[12:59:43] ekristen: the ip in the database is — should I be using
[13:00:34] rileyp: locate mysql.txt then cat mysql.txt and use those settings
[13:00:52] rileyp: for loopback should work
[13:00:55] justinh: no that just says where the database server is
[13:01:35] rileyp: justinh will put you right perhaps..........
[13:02:02] ekristen: both MasterServerIP and BackendServerIP say
[13:02:21] justinh: there's nothing wrong with that
[13:02:49] ekristen: hrm
[13:02:55] rileyp: then you need set in the fe setup
[13:03:25] rileyp: or
[13:03:33] justinh: which user are you running mythfilldatabase as?
[13:03:38] justinh: rileyp: shush
[13:03:43] rileyp: ok
[13:04:07] jya: rileyp: in mythfrontend, when you go in the Information Center -> System Status
[13:04:12] jya: what version do you have there?
[13:04:32] ekristen: rileyp: my user (probably should be mythtv though now that I think about it)
[13:05:01] justinh: ekristen: then you probably have the wrong details in ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt or ~/.mythtv/config.xml
[13:06:03] ekristen: ok — I'll make the change and watch my logs for the error
[13:06:09] ekristen: thanks for the help rileyp, justinh
[13:06:19] ekristen: I'll let you know the outcome
[13:06:25] justinh: generally you should always run mythfilldatabase as the user mythbackend runs as
[13:06:25] ** dustybin starts work on a slackware joggler build **
[13:06:39] justinh: better altogether to let mythbackend run it actually
[13:07:13] jya: rileyp : if you see 25138, and if starting mythfrontend with -O VuvuzelaFilter=1 and if during playback, pressing menu you don't see Toggle Vuvuzela Filter, then I'm at lost
[13:08:27] rileyp: jya im sorry i installed your lucid ppa on my karmic setup
[13:08:42] jya: couldn't have worked...
[13:09:05] jya: wouldn't have upgraded anything
[13:09:25] rileyp: well i just removed the lucid ppa from synaptic
[13:09:51] jya: and even if using the lucid version, you would have the vuvuzela filter
[13:09:59] jya: anyhow... I've given you all you need...
[13:10:09] jya: nothing more I can add I'm afraid
[13:10:13] jya: it's definitely there...
[13:10:20] rileyp: well on first rebbot the nvida driver failed...
[13:10:34] jya: if you start with -O VuvuzelaFilter=1 ; then you don't need to go into the settings menu
[13:10:43] ** dustybin looks at his joggler and starts to feel excited **
[13:10:47] jya: the menu will be activated
[13:11:07] rileyp: ok thanks very much
[13:11:11] xand: dustybin: TAKE A DEEP BREATH
[13:11:13] jya: allright good luck...
[13:11:30] rileyp: cheers Im gonn ahve my first beer for the night!
[13:11:57] rileyp: and watch the skippies try and play soccer
[13:12:22] rileyp: will the vuvuzela filetr work on recordings?
[13:12:40] jduggan: dustybin: how long have you had the joggler ?
[13:13:30] dustybin: jduggan: i bought new parts for new mythbackend / server box, converted migrated from debian to slackware, so been busy doing that, im ready for joggler now
[13:14:05] xand: slackware? :|
[13:14:16] dustybin: yep, the best distro i have ever used
[13:14:37] dustybin: i now know what applications are meant to be like before some distros ruin them
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[13:22:15] justinh: yeh all that hard work distro packagers put in to make stuff easy to install... pfft
[13:23:10] dustybin: we use slackbuilds, its easy as installpkg mythtv-0.23-i686–1_SBo.tgz
[13:24:02] StealthSqd (StealthSqd! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[13:26:25] dustybin: on a distro like ubuntu, you dont have much control of the ready built packages, in slackware you can configure your package just how you want it, ie. using latest source code etc
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[13:27:29] bjd: could just compile from source ...
[13:28:55] dustybin: bjd: you could but thats a big job, there is more to just compiling the source, there are man pages, init.d scripts, and a load of other stuff. creating a package performs all those tasks, and it also lets you remove the package properly, without leaving mess behind like if you compiled yourself and installed
[13:29:19] justinh: oo new mac mini is thinner than the last? :-O
[13:29:27] justinh: not that I'll ever afford one at this rate
[13:30:34] dustybin: justinh: nice, i wouldnt mind getting a mini
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[13:34:18] jya_ is now known as jya
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[13:36:02] jya_: rileyp: the vuvuzela filter works on any playback... doesn't matter the source
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[13:41:06] rileyp: jya its all fixed I added the karmic ppa updated and the filer is in advanced setting and the osd menu
[13:41:54] rileyp: as you said it would....
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[14:42:31] Dassu: "You haven't..." the error message I shall receive when I try to browse internet videos. Extremely detail should I say?
[14:42:46] Dassu: *detailed
[14:43:07] wagnerrp: likely being chopped off due to lack of screen space to display more
[14:43:14] wagnerrp: try running the grabbers manually from the command line
[14:51:29] iamlindoro: hasn't configured any subscriptions
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[14:59:06] Peacekeeper: Is there a way to remove some channels from a tuner that uses the same data source as another tuner. I dont what channels on tuner2 that I do want on tuner1
[14:59:48] Peacekeeper: Tuner1 is a hd-pvr with all channels and tuner2 is QAM only. But I can not add another source to scehdules direct
[15:01:11] jarle (jarle! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:02:19] wagnerrp: you already have all 4 sources used?
[15:03:33] Peacekeeper: No
[15:03:38] wagnerrp: just leave all the content in the single SD lineup
[15:03:44] jarle (jarle! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:03:45] Dave123-road (Dave123-road!~dave@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[15:03:49] wagnerrp: create two sources in mythtv, both using the same lineup
[15:04:03] wagnerrp: pull the channels from SD for the HDPVR source
[15:04:08] wagnerrp: scan for the QAM source
[15:04:17] Peacekeeper: Ahh I think I know where you are going!!!!
[15:04:24] wagnerrp: two separate sources pulling off the same SD lineup
[15:04:29] Peacekeeper: Ok
[15:04:56] wagnerrp: digital lineups will never add channels from the data source
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[15:05:09] wagnerrp: since the data source does not provide sufficient data to tune the channel
[15:06:00] squish102 (squish102! has quit (Quit: = oops wrong button)
[15:06:13] Peacekeeper: Ok so use the same source for both
[15:07:06] Peacekeeper: done that
[15:07:18] Peacekeeper: so on the QAM do I scan ?
[15:07:35] wagnerrp: you must scan for any digital tuners
[15:07:47] wagnerrp: meaning digital and analog tuners cannot coexist on the same mythtv source
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[15:08:19] Peacekeeper: Ok this is a hd-pvr and a hvr-2250
[15:08:30] edman007: wagnerrp, so i got the same problem, and my QAM tuner detects a bunch of "possibly 4 channels"...what does that mean?
[15:08:36] Peacekeeper: hvr-2250 is QAM and hd-pvr is composite
[15:09:17] wagnerrp: component
[15:09:29] edman007: but basically, i got the hdpvr, does anything, the hdhomerun, does ClearQAM, and the pvr150 that does analog, i want each to be high priority for it's type
[15:09:35] Peacekeeper: yea, sorry did that again
[15:09:44] wagnerrp: but you send the STB a single channel number, meaning the tuning procedure is very similar to that of analog tuners
[15:09:47] edman007: wagnerrp, no...composite, analog and digital...component is the connection type...
[15:10:07] wagnerrp: huh?
[15:10:24] wagnerrp: edman007:
[15:10:36] Peacekeeper: Ok, I have HDPVR and 2250(QAM) set to same SD source.
[15:10:39] edman007: wagnerrp, the hdpvr can record analog, digital, and HD, regardless of how it is encoded since it relies on a cable box to decode it
[15:10:42] wagnerrp: 'possible channels' means that there was a stream descriptor, but no channel there
[15:11:06] wagnerrp: there could be a channel there at some point, but its currently offline
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[15:11:13] edman007: ahh, ok
[15:11:19] wagnerrp: no, the HDPVR records analog
[15:11:33] Peacekeeper: Now if I scan on the 2250 will that mess up my listings?
[15:11:45] wagnerrp: no, since theyre on two separate sources
[15:11:52] edman007: wagnerrp, which was decoded by the cable box, it could have been in any of the formats the cable box supports, including encrypted digital
[15:12:10] Peacekeeper: separate SD sources or tuners?
[15:12:15] wagnerrp: after you scan, you will have to match up the XMLTV IDs on the channels with those listed on the SD website
[15:12:24] wagnerrp: separate mythtv sources
[15:12:28] wagnerrp: you have one SD source
[15:12:28] Peacekeeper: ok :D
[15:12:45] wagnerrp: mapped to two mythtv sources, one for your HDPVR, one for your QAM tuners
[15:12:48] Peacekeeper: so then how do i remove channels from that tunner that I dont want?
[15:12:52] Peacekeeper: tuner..
[15:13:08] wagnerrp: from the QAM tuner? you dont, you only have those channels detected during the scan
[15:13:09] Peacekeeper: ahh doh
[15:13:12] Peacekeeper: I just got it
[15:13:20] Peacekeeper: I see what you are saying
[15:13:21] wagnerrp: and mythtv only pulls data for those XMLTV IDs defined for those channels
[15:13:26] Peacekeeper: sorry ... slow today
[15:13:47] wagnerrp: edman007: when you tune an external tuner, you provide it a single channel number
[15:13:55] wagnerrp: which makes it effectively the same as tuning an analog tuner
[15:14:29] Peacekeeper: ok I am off to do that. Thank you again...
[15:14:34] edman007: wagnerrp, but the other tuners on the system are aware of the channels and their types
[15:14:59] wagnerrp: regardless of what source the cable box is pulling from, it has its own internal translation data from a single channel number to the physical, virtual, and program numbers needed to actually tune
[15:15:14] wagnerrp: as far as mythtv is concerned, you are using an analog tuner
[15:15:34] wagnerrp: it just happens to be one that feeds it a pre-compressed strea
[15:15:34] wagnerrp: m
[15:16:40] edman007: yes...but how do you manage recordings between them, a true analog that can't only record analog, a ClearQAM that can only record clearqam, and the one with the cable box that does not care, obviously you make the cable box low priority, but the other tuners need to have an idea that they are the same source and channels right?
[15:16:55] edman007: s/can't/can/
[15:17:40] wagnerrp: set the channum and callsign the same, and mythtv will assume theyre the same channel
[15:17:44] wagnerrp: and will schedule them as such
[15:18:00] wagnerrp: then just put your preferred input at the top of the list
[15:18:13] wagnerrp: and mythtv will use the first one free
[15:18:24] skd5aner: jya: you around?
[15:19:16] edman007: wagnerrp, alright...thanks
[15:20:56] stemann (stemann! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:26:25] skd5aner: hmmm, I think I discovered a bug with VDPAU filters on playback on SD material... anyone mind looking at my -v playback log to confirm if it looks wonky to them?
[15:26:54] skd5aner:
[15:28:06] skd5aner: There's 4 playbacks in there
[15:28:39] skd5aner: first one is a 720p recording, second is a 1080i, third and fourth are both 480i (SD) recordings
[15:28:56] skd5aner: the first 2 load the filters correctly, but the 480i videos do no load any filters
[15:29:52] jya_: skd5aner: did you have a try of the latest vuvuzela filter for 0.23-fixes? did it fix your ac3 audio issues?
[15:29:53] skd5aner: Video 1: 2010-06–18 18:54:11.866 NVP(0): LoadFilters('vdpaucolorspace=auto, vdpaustudio, vdpauhqscaling'..) -> 0x0
[15:30:06] skd5aner: jya: just a sec, that's what I was pinging you about, but want to complete this thought first :)
[15:30:47] skd5aner: Video 2: 2010-06–18 18:59:47.546 NVP(1): LoadFilters('vdpaucolorspace=auto, vdpaustudio, vdpauhqscaling'..) -> 0x0
[15:31:28] skd5aner: Here's where the problems start...
[15:31:32] skd5aner: Video 3: 2010-06–18 19:01:35.005 NVP(2): LoadFilters(''..) -> 0x0
[15:31:56] skd5aner: Video 4: 2010-06–18 19:04:56.234 NVP(3): LoadFilters(''..) -> 0x0
[15:32:37] skd5aner: Why would the SD video's not load the filters... you can see about 20 lines above that that it go through the playback profile and sees what it matches
[15:35:02] at0m (at0m! has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
[15:35:52] jya_: which video card is that?
[15:35:57] jya_: 220?
[15:36:30] skd5aner: jya 240
[15:36:33] jya_: ah GT240
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[15:37:45] skd5aner: jya: I also responded to the vuvuzela filter Q in #mythtv
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[15:39:16] jya_: did you see in the log that it was applied the filteR?
[15:39:46] jya_: i mean, you enabled it in the menu during playback?
[15:40:59] skd5aner: yes
[15:41:52] skd5aner: well, yes to the second question – I enabled the vuvuzela feater in the advanced settings, then in the OSD during playback
[15:42:04] skd5aner: I can hear the audio cut out briefly while the filter's applied, then back on
[15:42:14] jya_: and you can't hear the difference.
[15:42:15] skd5aner: but the wife and I couldn't really tell a difference
[15:42:30] jya_: it's rather significant, there's a sllight volume loss to start with
[15:42:40] skd5aner: No, I even went in and added the 2'nd, 3'rd, and 4'th harmonic back and recompiled, still no differece
[15:43:00] jya_: do you see go soocerroos in the log?
[15:43:05] skd5aner: jya: It almost sounds louder, because when I do enable the feature, my receiver comes back with +4dB
[15:43:17] skd5aner: with verbosity?
[15:43:21] skd5aner: -v audio?
[15:43:27] jya_: yes
[15:43:34] skd5aner: Didn't check the log to be honest...
[15:43:48] skd5aner: I can set that up and see...
[15:43:59] skd5aner: bare with me about 4 mins, gotta run to the other room
[15:44:21] skd5aner: Also, I noticed in the log you put 235 instead of 233
[15:44:24] skd5aner: I mean, the code
[15:44:36] skd5aner: did you have better success with 235?
[15:45:09] jya_: the sample analyser at work, showed me more at 235 than 233
[15:45:31] jya_: and the extra harmonics had too much impact on the voice
[15:46:17] qbee (qbee!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:46:39] qbee: hello all!
[15:46:46] jya_: back to your vdpau filter , remove the hqfilter to start with, like vdpaustudio only, and start adding more filters
[15:46:51] jya_: hi there... good morning
[15:47:24] jya_: ok.. going back to what i was up to
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[15:48:41] skd5aner: jya: leaving?
[15:49:47] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[15:49:54] jya_: quick
[15:50:10] skd5aner: jya: here's the pastebin for -v audio for vuvuzela –
[15:51:33] jya_: well, you must be deaf ;)
[15:51:46] skd5aner: eh?
[15:52:14] jya_: i can see audio being decoded, filter applied and AC3 re-encoded
[15:52:35] skd5aner: I hear sound, but neither I or my wife can distinguish a different in the vuvuzela :(
[15:52:43] jya_: if you hadve added the extra harmonics
[15:52:54] noisymouse (noisymouse! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[15:52:56] jya_: you should definitely hear a difference
[15:53:08] skd5aner: yea, it's not even subtly different
[15:53:12] jya_: voices get some clicks with 932 and 1864 in
[15:53:16] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:53:25] skd5aner: yea, and the announcers sound fine too
[15:53:34] skd5aner: it's like, the filters aren't being applied or something?
[15:53:52] jya_: look at the source code in audiooutpututil.cpp
[15:53:57] skd5aner: Tried on 2 different games I had recorded
[15:54:14] jya_: change instance.state.depth_factor = 1.0f
[15:54:25] jya_: to instance.state.depth_factor = 0.99f;
[15:54:33] skd5aner: does that put a band around the frequency?
[15:54:47] jya_: this change the depth of the filter
[15:54:55] jya_: even try instance.state.depth_factor = 0.9f;
[15:55:14] jya_: won't solve the issues
[15:55:28] jya_: but at least you will hear if the filter is applied or not
[15:55:34] skd5aner: jay: I even added surrounding frequencies...
[15:55:42] skd5aner: 233,234,235,236, etc
[15:56:13] skd5aner: ok, I'll play with that variable... what would you expect me to hear by changing that number?
[15:56:29] jya_: anything < 0.9 in depth
[15:56:56] jya_: i can give you the coefficient where all you hear are the vuvuzela :)
[15:56:59] skd5aner: lol, not sure I know how that's supposed to sound... but will it be apparent?
[15:57:18] jya_: if you use say 0.9f
[15:57:24] bjd: heh, you've filtered out those bloody horns?
[15:57:25] jya_: then it will sound very wrong
[15:57:34] skd5aner: Actually, I was wonder if there was a dummy recording of just those frequencies, then I could see if the filter does indeed work
[15:57:51] skd5aner: I would think that would be pretty easy, for someone, to create if it's not already out there...
[15:58:57] jya_: try it on a laptop where the speakers are closer to your hear
[15:59:03] jya_: the difference is more obvious
[15:59:32] jya_: ok... anyhow... i'm in a bad mood now... damn referee just like 4 years ago
[15:59:43] skd5aner: haha, sorry jya
[15:59:56] skd5aner: compiling in .9 now to see what happens
[16:00:00] thefRont (thefRont! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:01:21] skd5aner: jya: yea, the US got screwed on a goal last night :P
[16:01:27] jya_: i know...!
[16:01:31] jya_: was watching it
[16:01:39] jya_: should have won
[16:02:20] jya_: i don't even understand why he blew his wisthle
[16:02:31] skd5aner: It's a weird sport when the ref won't even tell you WHY he called a foul
[16:03:36] skd5aner: k, testing with .9, brb
[16:04:45] skd5aner: .9 made everything REALLY LOUD
[16:04:57] skd5aner: vuvuzellas were about the same volume
[16:05:16] skd5aner: everything else around it appeared louder
[16:05:19] skd5aner: I think
[16:06:42] jya_: hold a sec
[16:06:46] jya_: let me calculate something
[16:06:59] jya_: maybe your broadcaster is already filtering it
[16:07:03] skd5aner: well, trying again, everything just sounds more muddled and louder, including the vuvuzelas
[16:07:10] jya_: it will still sound lound after the filter
[16:07:16] skd5aner: jya_: I'm thinking that might be the case
[16:07:31] jya_: the difference is the static, very constant noise that sounds like a wasps nest
[16:07:36] skd5aner: I don't have one of the first few games to test against unfortunately, just the ESPN feed
[16:07:45] jya_: any variations, etc.. will still be there
[16:08:13] jya_: that constant noise is gone, but you still hear horns when they just start blowing etc..
[16:08:40] skd5aner: jya: I hear the constant, but it's definitely not as loud, but I think it's because the broadcasters have filtered it down, but not out
[16:09:15] jya_: you can't filtering out completely
[16:09:18] skd5aner: that's ok though... I was just curious if your filter would take the rest out :)
[16:09:20] jya_: it's not a constant noise
[16:09:27] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[16:09:28] jya_: it's a very narrow filter
[16:09:28] skd5aner: yup, understood
[16:09:32] jya_: only two frequencies
[16:09:41] jya_: and it's very narrow
[16:09:47] skd5aner: yea...
[16:09:49] jya_: quite good filter actually :)
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[16:09:59] skd5aner: :)
[16:09:59] jya_: it does what it's supposed to di
[16:10:33] jya_: try those parameters
[16:10:35] skd5aner: jya: I'd be curious to play around wth a video that contained a constant tone at that frequency to show how well the filter works
[16:10:49] skd5aner: which params?
[16:12:06] jya_: my backend crashed..
[16:12:11] jya_: damn nvidia
[16:12:35] skd5aner: alright, lunch is on the table, thanks jya_, I'll follow up with you later
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[16:42:29] bcgrown: What would cause "AV decoder. Error: -2" when playing FLACs? This seems to be a new error as I've never had a problem with the same files before
[16:42:58] bcgrown: my mythfrontend is 25135 (0.23-fixes)
[16:44:37] bcgrown: it also seems to be only affecting FLACs in one directory, but I have full read/write permissions to both...
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[16:53:13] ProfessorBacon (ProfessorBacon!~Clarvis@unaffiliated/someidiot) has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:56:17] sphery: bcgrown: my best guess: seeking in FLAC isn't supported. Someone is trying to skip forward.
[16:57:52] bcgrown: sphery: only if the FLAC skips on its own, but that wouldn't make much sense. I can play some FLACs and not others
[16:58:41] sphery: don't know then
[16:58:51] sphery: maybe an error in the FLAC encoding or something
[16:59:05] sphery: or a bug in libav* FLAC decoder
[16:59:25] bcgrown: hrm. as far as i can tell all the ones i encoded with myth work fine, and the ones that don't work are albums that i've purchased online in FLAC format
[16:59:43] sphery: then sounds like some difference in encoding
[17:00:29] bcgrown: yep, but there is something wrong with the decoder too since obviously those files work for other people. i can play them fine in VLC
[17:00:32] sphery: try playing it with a current ffplay (I think it will work on audio only). If it doesn't work there, it won't work in MythTV until they fix it.
[17:01:15] sphery: if it works in ffplay, then you likely need to wait for the next ffmpeg sync (or next MythTV version to be released)
[17:01:32] bcgrown: yep, works in ffplay
[17:02:01] bcgrown: but i have played these exact files in MythTV before, which is what confuses me
[17:02:34] sphery: MythTV switched the decoder for flac to use libav* (from ffmpeg)
[17:02:40] bcgrown: when?
[17:02:40] sphery: so the older versions used a different lib
[17:02:48] sphery: I don't remember... commits list knows
[17:02:49] sphery: :)
[17:02:57] bcgrown: a month ago, a year ago?
[17:03:00] sphery: it was recently--either before 0.22 or 0.23
[17:03:05] Peacekeeper: uggg, lirc still killing me on Fedora 13 and pvr-150
[17:03:24] bcgrown: hm maybe that's it. i think it was 0.22 when it worked properly
[17:03:28] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[17:03:34] bcgrown: and now it doesn't in 0.23
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[17:05:25] bcgrown: maybe if i transcode them flac--> flac they will work?
[17:05:35] sphery: possible
[17:06:45] sphery: bcgrown: also possible that it's
[17:06:58] sphery: i.e. 0.23-fixes doesn't support other-than-16-bit audio
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[17:09:50] jya_: sphery: it supports 8-bit audio ! :P
[17:10:15] sphery: oh, I stand corrected.  :)
[17:10:32] Peacekeeper: what creates /dec/lirc0 ? Does ivtv play a part in that? Lirc start but can not find /dev/lirc0 and then errors Failed to initialize hardware
[17:10:40] sphery: I never remember which was supported--much easier now that you have it all working :)
[17:10:42] jya_: I also posted a patch a while back, that allows playback of 24,32 bits audio in mythmusic
[17:11:02] sphery: is that one in trunk, yet?
[17:11:15] jya_: was about the same time as I added that hack to play 32 bits audio in videos
[17:11:27] jya_: oh, that was completely for 0.23
[17:11:49] jya_: just the hack was ugly, and Janne didn't want to spread it more than outside avformatdecoder
[17:11:52] sphery: oh, I see... a workaround patch for 0.23-fixes users until they upgrade to the proper implementatoin in trunk
[17:12:10] jya_: and instead wanted the conversion to be done in the audio class, which is now what's happening
[17:12:12] jya_: yeah..
[17:12:17] jya_: let me search
[17:12:25] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[17:12:59] theSeekerr: Has anyone tried mhddfs (or any other variety of UnionFS) with MythVideo? Everything else can see the virtual mount (can share it with Samba etc) but MythVideo doesn't find anything.
[17:13:13] jya_: sphery:
[17:13:37] StealthSqd (StealthSqd! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:13:51] jya_: this re=encode all non 16 bits audio in mythmusic into 16 bits audio
[17:16:16] bcgrown: sphery: these are all 16-bit files
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[17:20:24] Peacekeeper: Can any point me to the wiki / maillist that show how how to add a delay to the hd-pvr channel change. My SPDIF audio drops out and gets out of sync on channel change.
[17:20:25] [R]: Peacekeeper: just put a sleep in your script
[17:20:25] Peacekeeper: I am using sa3250ch. Does it sleep?
[17:20:27] [R]: make a script that calls it
[17:20:29] [R]: than sleeps
[17:20:32] [R]: and put that as your script
[17:21:17] Peacekeeper: ahh ok I can do that, any suggestions on how long to have it sleep ?
[17:21:40] [R]: however long you need it to
[17:22:05] bcgrown: sphery: transcoded files still won't play :(
[17:22:28] Peacekeeper: Ok thank you
[17:22:39] Peacekeeper: the hd-pvr works nice, just gets out of sync :(
[17:23:41] [R]: the only sync issues i've heard is with dish network
[17:23:49] [R]: mine works flawlessly and has for many months
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[17:26:30] Peacekeeper: are you using it with SPDIF?
[17:26:41] [R]: yup
[17:26:45] Peacekeeper: humm
[17:27:18] Peacekeeper: do you have your setop box output resolution fixed?
[17:27:49] Peacekeeper: like 720p
[17:32:24] [R]: nope
[17:32:27] [R]: it floats
[17:32:46] bcgrown: sphery: any other ideas besides waiting for an ffmpeg sync? how often does that happen, anyway?
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[17:51:05] justinh: well, mister 'forced77', I've voted your STUPID '3D' format posters on tmdb has 0.5 stars you frickin muppet
[17:51:23] justinh: and any proper posters on the same movie I've given ten stars. eat that
[17:52:43] sphery: bcgrown: no ideas
[17:52:53] sphery: justinh: but, but, but... It's 3D!
[17:53:31] justinh: . . . original.png
[17:53:38] justinh: gee, thanks for giving us a choice man
[17:56:10] Peacekeeper: adding the sleep worked. Thank you [R]
[17:56:26] justinh: think that's all four of his updates voted the minimum possible now
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[18:08:22] blizzard_: Question
[18:08:31] blizzard_: what is good singal reception?
[18:08:38] blizzard_: when do you begin having problems etc?
[18:08:45] paul-h: bcgrown: I think -2 means the file can't found. Are you sure MythMusic is looking for the correct file?
[18:08:56] justinh: good signal is anything with BER of 0 and UNC of 0
[18:09:08] blizzard_: I am having stable values of: Signal 85%, snr 89–90% ber & unc = 0
[18:09:14] justinh: strength is immaterial. quality of signal is king
[18:09:44] blizzard_: all tho, I am getting a stable flow of these error messages in the mythbackend logfile:
[18:09:50] blizzard_: 2010-06–19 20:08:57.982 MythSocket(7faa8c00ef60:47): writeStringList: Error, No data written on writeBlock (935 errors)
[18:10:05] blizzard_: about one such error message every 5–10 seconds
[18:10:17] justinh: if your signal quality is steady with 0 ber and 0 unc.. then it's not yer signal
[18:10:27] blizzard_: liveTV works well tho, stops and buffers at some time which is annoying
[18:10:40] blizzard_: oke
[18:10:42] blizzard_: hm
[18:11:12] blizzard_: status SCVYL | signal 85% | snr 90% | ber 0 | unc 0 | FE_HAS_LOCK
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[18:11:42] blizzard_: what could cause the "no data written on writeBlock" error messages in the logs then?
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[18:12:34] bcgrown: paul-h: yes, but the error reports this path: /media/hugevat/Music/purchased online/ when it should be "Purchased Online" (capitalized). could that be the problem?
[18:13:46] bcgrown: paul-h: "Directory to hold music" is /media/hugevat/Music, so shouldn't it be able to properly to read all the subdirs?
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[18:17:09] paul-h: bcgrown: filenames are case sensitive so that would do it. I would try a rescan.
[18:19:46] bcgrown: paul-h: nope. if I set the music dir to only that "Purchased Online" subdir, it works, but if i set it to /Music/, it won't play the ones in /Purchased/
[18:20:04] bcgrown: but they all show up in the db
[18:20:33] bcgrown: can i just enter a comma-separated list of dirs instead?
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[18:22:26] paul-h: No you can't use more than one directory until we support storage groups. I would set the music directory to /media/hugevat/Music and then do a rescan
[18:22:37] bcgrown: hmm i've tried that about 20 times
[18:22:40] qbee (qbee!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:22:51] bcgrown: would a / at the end make any difference?
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[18:23:58] paul-h: Just checking the code I doubt it would
[18:24:23] bcgrown: ok I set it to /media/hugevat/Music, then did "Scan for new music" and it still converts that dir to lowercase
[18:25:23] paul-h: Are you using something like samba or cifs that could be getting in the way?
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[18:26:50] bcgrown: i have that dir shared via samba, but mythfrontend is accessing the files on its local drive
[18:27:06] rhollanAfk: GRR! Still can't detect DVDs inserted. Anyone have an idea what;s going on?
[18:27:15] rhollanAfk: system sees the disk as mounted.
[18:27:24] rhollanAfk: Is myth fighting with another automounter
[18:27:27] subone: Is there any way that I can manually change the order in which videos are listed under "watch videos"? All of my star trek movies for example are in order except the new movie is listed before all the others
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[18:27:31] bcgrown: paul-h: one thing i just noticed — the files in question show up under "Edit Playlist" but not in the dir tree under "All My Music"
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[18:29:15] bcgrown: paul-h: nm, they're there now. still get the same error on play though
[18:30:15] bcgrown: paul-h: they play fine after i renamed the dir to lowercase. lol. not a very good solution, though.
[18:30:18] rhollan: Ah! For some reason I keep losing the /dev/dvd -> /dev/sr0 symlink on boot
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[18:31:20] bcgrown: paul-h: either the db isn't getting updated right, or the name is being converted to lower case somewhere
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[18:32:22] subone: Is there any way to make a textbox/spinner in mythtv larger? I can't see the contents of it
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[18:39:03] rhollan: Anyone know why I keep losing my /dev/dvd -> /dev/sr0 link?
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[18:43:14] paul-h: bcgrown: if you look in the music_directories table in the db for Purchased Online is it in upper or lower case or both?
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[18:48:24] noaXess: hello
[18:49:14] noaXess: i have three mytht clients.. if i watch on one of them livetv the start channel for livetv on the other two clients will be the last channel i watched on the first client..
[18:49:34] tgm4883: noaXess, yes
[18:49:50] noaXess: so if i start the second client's livetv, i'm on the same channel.. is there an option to have on each client it's own last watched channel?
[18:49:59] J-e-f-f-A: nope
[18:50:04] J-e-f-f-A: it's per-tuner on the backend.
[18:50:11] tgm4883: I don't think so, the .....
[18:50:13] wagnerrp: man, i love it when people ask for new features that have already existed in mythtv for several releases
[18:50:33] noaXess: aha. so i need to set three different start channels on the backend.. cause i have three tuners..
[18:51:03] J-e-f-f-A: noaXess: But LiveTV is going to use the first free tuner, no matter which frontend goes into LiveTV.
[18:51:20] noaXess: wagnerrp: what do you mean?
[18:51:38] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I think it would be sweet if mythtv could schedule recording ;)
[18:51:43] J-e-f-f-A: noaXess: MythTV is designed to be a PVR – you should get used to using it that way – ie: scheule things to record that you like to watch, then watch them whenever you want...
[18:51:56] tgm4883: J-e-f-f-A, +1
[18:51:56] J-e-f-f-A: tgm4883: Yeah, that would be the bomb, eh? ;-)
[18:51:57] justinh: subone: which one?
[18:52:03] wagnerrp: noaXess: nothing to do with discussion in here, i was commenting on a thread on the -dev mailing list
[18:52:13] noaXess: aha. ok..
[18:52:14] noaXess: :)
[18:52:22] tgm4883: I haven't watched "live" tv in years
[18:52:48] wagnerrp: someone asking is we could implement some sort of centralized storage using the backend, rather than having to mount their videos on each frontend
[18:53:10] ** J-e-f-f-A only uses LiveTV to test new tuners and channel change scripts. ;-) **
[18:53:11] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:53:46] wagnerrp: ditto
[18:54:26] subone: justinh, which box you mean? in particular i am looking at the "next file" box under "edit metadata", but all i can see is "star trek..." i cant see the actual sequel text
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[18:59:41] justinh: subone: the only way is to edit the theme xml
[19:01:15] justinh: compromises have to be made in places within themes – some areas are seen by themers as more important than others so there might not be room
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[19:15:20] bcgrown: paul-h: how do i look in the music_directories table in the db?
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[19:15:44] wagnerrp: what do you mean?
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[19:17:08] justinh: oh that's annoying. decide to mask cover images to make corners rounded.. and then you notice they're not all the same dimensions. GRRR
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[19:20:08] wagnerrp: paul-h: youre the one working on the mythmusic rewrite?
[19:24:32] paul-h: wagnerrp: yes
[19:24:58] wagnerrp: are you making any changes to the database?
[19:25:34] paul-h: I haven't so far but will be doing to add the tag stuff eventually
[19:25:34] wagnerrp: and... do you think it would be worthwhile to make classes in the bindings for the music tables, similar to what i have for mythvideo?
[19:25:58] wagnerrp: i havent done so yet, as i dont personally see a use for them
[19:26:27] wagnerrp: s/bindings/python bindings/
[19:27:12] paul-h: sounds good to me. If there is a use for them
[19:29:00] justinh: ah to heck with it. I'll do some imagemagick on my coverart dir
[19:29:46] paul-h: wagnerrp: while you are there someone was asking about making MythArchive work with non local files does the bindings have a way to do a remote file transfer from a backend to any frontend?
[19:30:17] subone: Is there any way that I can manually change the order in which videos are listed under "watch videos"? All of my star trek movies for example are in order except the new movie is listed before all the others
[19:30:59] paul-h: wagnerrp: Since the script is in Python it would make sense to use your bindings for more stuff like that if it's available
[19:33:05] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:34:33] subone: I even tried changing the names of the files to "Star Trek [01]...", "Star Trek [02]..." but still didnt fix it, also tried doing the same to the titles in meta data, same issue
[19:34:43] wagnerrp: yes, the python bindings supports pulling both recordings and mythvideo content off the backend
[19:35:40] paul-h: wagnerrp: k cool, any example code somewhere I can look at
[19:35:45] subone: oh nvm looks like setting the title in metadata like that and then restarting mythtv did the trick
[19:36:16] wagnerrp: <file pointer> = Recorded((chanid, starttime)).open('r')
[19:36:18] wagnerrp: or
[19:36:38] wagnerrp: <file pointer> = MythBE().getRecording(chanid, starttime).open('r')
[19:36:51] bcgrown: paul-h: I have a bunch of outdated stuff in my music_directories table. if i drop the table in mysql, will mythtv be able to re-create it without freaking out?
[19:36:52] tweek__: import MythTV; db = MythTV.MythDB; rec = db.getRecording(starttime=datetime.datetime(2010, 06, 19, 12, 00, 00), chanid = 1234);
[19:37:25] wagnerrp: dont use getRecording for that purpose, just use Recorded directly
[19:37:32] wagnerrp: i consider getRecording depreciated
[19:37:41] tweek__: thought one of those interfaces was broken, can't remember which
[19:37:43] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A!~J-e-f-f-A@unaffiliated/j-e-f-f-a) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:37:47] tweek__: is searchRecorded okay?
[19:38:07] wagnerrp: getRecorded just calls searchRecorded and returns the first response
[19:38:22] paul-h: bcgrown: yes but you will have to do another rescan afterwards
[19:38:49] paul-h: wagnerrp: ok thanks, I'll make a note to try that
[19:39:13] bcgrown: paul-h: yep i assumed as much
[19:39:15] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:40:32] wagnerrp: paul-h: for both recorded and mythvideo content, it will search any locally available storage groups first, and try to pull the content off the file system, before resorting to streaming from the backend
[19:40:51] tweek__: anyway, if you're interested I have a patch that sorts the credit lists by role / last name, grabs the content rating (TV-PG, R, etc.) and generates a cutlist in a neat list of tuples
[19:41:58] tweek__: does this ~/.mythtv/config.xml file absolutely need to be there before importing? I haven't bothered to try this out in Windows / elsewhere yet
[19:42:12] wagnerrp: maybe when i get back, headed out
[19:42:27] tweek__: later then, take care
[19:42:31] wagnerrp: that stuff may have changed with the not-yet-submitted version in trunk
[19:42:37] Dave123-road (Dave123-road!~dave@ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[19:42:49] wagnerrp: ive rewritten those things completely twice
[19:42:59] wagnerrp: i think ive finally got it where im happy with it
[19:43:22] wagnerrp: the bindings dont require that file on import, only if youre trying to access the database
[19:43:37] wagnerrp: and then it will only require it if you dont provide the credentials on your own
[19:43:42] wagnerrp: and it cannot find the backend over UPNP
[19:44:02] wagnerrp: if it does find the backend over UPNP, it will write out the config.xml in the location its expecting
[19:44:11] wagnerrp: this is all speculation on my part... ive never used the bindings under windows
[19:44:22] tweek__: sounds great, I was planning to just write the file myself from within the script if necessary
[19:44:49] bcgrown: paul-h: i dropped the table music_directories, but it doesn't get created when i do the rescan
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[19:56:13] sphery: bcgrown: you can't just change things in the DB--especially DB schema. Now you get to do:
[19:57:06] bcgrown: paul-h> bcgrown: yes but you will have to do another rescan afterwards ...
[19:58:02] paul-h: bcgrown: ok sorry I thought you meant truncate the data not nuke the table.
[19:58:08] subone (subone! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[19:58:16] bcgrown: doh
[19:59:32] sphery: bcgrown: on the bright side, this will definitely clear out any broken data :)
[20:00:15] bcgrown: lol yes, it's not like it was working properly in the first place
[20:03:26] bcgrown: sweet, it seems to be back to normal now! thanks guys. time to go check if the rest of the world still exists :)
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[20:29:57] antonella: hi everybody
[20:30:37] Dave123-road (Dave123-road!~dave@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:30:43] antonella: I have a big problem: anytime I load a dvd into drive, mythtv closes. I'm on mythbuntu... can anybody help me?
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[20:36:08] rhollan: antonella: you need to get the mythbuntu updates
[20:39:44] antonella: rhollan I just reinstalled mythbuntu
[20:39:53] antonella: rhollan what do you mean?
[20:40:09] rhollan: will show how. It adds repositories to ubuntu, and lets you pick dily updates or stable snapshots.
[20:40:20] rhollan: latest released mythbuntu is outdated
[20:40:21] coolball (coolball! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:40:26] rhollan: these are debug updats
[20:40:37] antonella: I'm on the original mythbuntu system, downloaded 4 days ago
[20:40:46] tgm4883: it provides daily builds from the fixes branch
[20:41:04] rhollan: RC or beta?
[20:41:05] tgm4883: antonella, so you are using Mythbuntu 10.04?
[20:41:13] coolball: hi, i do setup and it says no UPnP
[20:41:40] coolball: does that mean it doesnt detect my tv tuner card?
[20:41:40] tgm4883: rhollan, RC or beta? I would guess neither
[20:42:24] antonella: tgm4883 yep!
[20:42:30] rhollan: I downloaded 10.04 RC and had the same problem. Had to enable auto-builds and select a more recent snapshot to get around the DVD crash problem
[20:42:50] tgm4883: Mythbuntu 10.04 was shipped in April, there have been updates to mythtv since then
[20:43:09] rhollan: if antonella is taking bleeding edge updates, one of them may have rebroken things
[20:43:25] coolball: It just says: no UPnP
[20:43:29] coolball: is this normal
[20:43:30] coolball: ?
[20:43:30] antonella: ok, auto-build configured, now?
[20:44:41] tgm4883: antonella, you would do system updates as usual
[20:45:26] coolball: is mythtv also a realtime tv watching utility?
[20:45:40] coolball: or just a DVR?
[20:45:41] Tolley (Tolley! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:45:55] antonella: tgm4883 sorry i'm newbe
[20:46:00] rhollan: coolball: real-time (with pause and restart effects!)
[20:46:11] oobe is now known as doo
[20:46:22] rhollan: NP, I got bit by the same bug recently.
[20:46:23] tgm4883: antonella, and obviously didn't read the auto-builds screens?
[20:46:40] antonella: yep, i selected version 0.24
[20:46:41] Tolley: I am trying to watch the flash player on mythbuntu. I have do you know where the system saves the flv files when you start the player?
[20:46:42] doo is now known as oobe
[20:47:11] tgm4883: antonella, stop
[20:47:15] antonella: ok
[20:47:21] coolball: rhollan that is great but I am not lucky because it tells me: no UPnP...
[20:47:30] antonella: do i have to select version 0.23?
[20:47:37] tgm4883: antonella, do you want to run trunk?
[20:47:49] antonella: what's trunk?
[20:47:59] tgm4883: yea, you don't want to run trunk then
[20:48:11] rhollan: haven'
[20:48:18] rhollan: haven't tried uPnP
[20:48:32] Peacekeeper: why oh why does lirc hate my pvr-150
[20:49:18] tgm4883: antonella, do 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-repos'
[20:49:21] tgm4883: and select 0.23
[20:49:34] tgm4883: then, read all the screens instead of hitting next blindly
[20:49:34] rhollan: antonella: I stuck with updates for 0.23 0.24 is a little too bleeding edge for my main box
[20:50:24] coolball: it is asking for: hostname
[20:50:28] antonella: 0.23 from uk?
[20:50:41] tgm4883: I'm not sure how much better the mythbuntu-repos package could explain that. If you select 0.24, it warns you that it could be a developement version
[20:50:50] tgm4883: antonella, do you live in the UK?
[20:51:00] antonella: no in italy
[20:51:06] coolball: what is a good hostname?
[20:51:11] tgm4883: but UK is the closest mirror?
[20:51:18] tgm4883: or actually, france would be I think
[20:51:19] antonella: it's de
[20:51:33] tgm4883: then select DE?
[20:51:35] rhollan: Germany it is then
[20:51:38] antonella: activate testing ppa?
[20:51:48] rhollan: I didn't
[20:51:51] tgm4883: you could
[20:51:59] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:52:01] antonella: ok
[20:52:19] tgm4883: it only adds the option to install things that are being worked on in the dev version, and fixes for other things
[20:52:36] tgm4883: as it can be difficult to backport fixes to the stable repos
[20:53:02] antonella: updating, but only a little bit about pdf found... nothing about myth...
[20:53:23] tgm4883: antonella, are you using synaptic?
[20:53:32] antonella: no, update manager
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[20:53:41] tgm4883: did you hit refresh/reload?
[20:53:53] antonella: no
[20:54:06] tgm4883: then you fail at following instructions
[20:54:09] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:54:10] antonella: it was done automatically i think
[20:55:16] tgm4883: "To complete the transition to auto-builds, please open update-manager (or synaptic) and click Check (or Reload) and then install updates as you normally would."
[20:55:17] coolball: I keep getting: Cannot login...
[20:55:27] tgm4883: straight from mythbuntu-repos
[20:55:31] antonella: tgm4883 I did it
[20:55:44] antonella: nothing new found about myth
[20:56:15] antonella: problem persists
[20:57:01] tgm4883: pastebin the output of 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mythbuntu-repos.list
[20:57:03] tgm4883: '
[20:58:10] antonella: pastebin?
[20:58:24] tgm4883:
[20:59:34] antonella:
[20:59:55] tgm4883: ok
[21:00:10] tgm4883: now pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get update'
[21:01:30] antonella:
[21:01:31] coolball: please... what does it mean if i keep getting: Cannot login ?
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[21:01:55] justinh: coolball: getting that where? and what *exact* text?
[21:02:03] antonella: tgm4883 do you prefer a look with something like teamviewer?
[21:02:19] justinh: wth is 'teamviewer' ?
[21:02:28] tgm4883: antonella, nope
[21:02:34] antonella: ok
[21:02:37] tgm4883: antonella, now do 'sudo apt-get upgrade'
[21:02:39] justinh: oh man. LOL
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[21:02:53] tgm4883: justinh, i'm assuming something like webex/gotoassist
[21:03:06] antonella: pastebin sudo apt-get upgrade?
[21:03:23] rhollan: Hmm. It seems my fastest DVD drive is in my mon-myth computer
[21:03:41] rhollan: But it is PATA. I put a new SATA drive in the Myth FE/BE and it is slow.
[21:04:01] tgm4883: antonella, sure
[21:04:08] antonella: ok, it's working
[21:04:19] ** tgm4883 cues the confetti **
[21:04:26] coolball: justinh after setup before the app loads up.. exact text is: Cannot login
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[21:05:04] rhollan: antonella: that one bit me for a few hours too.
[21:05:21] justinh: coolball: it'd say more than that
[21:05:22] rhollan: I just wish that udev would play nice: it keeps forgetting about my DVD drive
[21:05:40] antonella: tgm4883 it's now installing
[21:05:52] tgm4883: antonella, I know
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[21:06:11] tgm4883: in which case, I don't need the last pastebin
[21:06:21] justinh: coolball: bet it's 'cannot login to database' yada yada yada. You know what we call documentation? Time to have a little read
[21:06:25] antonella: tgm4883 it's a very long output
[21:06:36] Tanthrix: Anyone know if the 6200ch script in trunk supports the DCH3200?
[21:06:37] tgm4883: antonella, don't bother with the pastebin
[21:07:22] antonella: tgm4883 done
[21:07:25] trumee (trumee! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:07:43] tgm4883: antonella, ok, your upgraded then
[21:08:12] tgm4883: backend should have been restarted automatically, you probably have to manually restart the frontend
[21:08:46] RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[21:09:50] antonella: tgm4883 works! but video heavily lacks!
[21:10:28] stemann (stemann! has quit (Quit: stemann)
[21:10:30] antonella: tgm4883 oh dear...
[21:10:38] Dave123-road (Dave123-road!~dave@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[21:11:21] justinh: lacks?
[21:11:31] justinh: you mean playback is sluggish & unresponsive
[21:11:37] antonella: tgm4883 kaffeine and vlc are ok to play
[21:11:40] antonella: yep
[21:11:47] justinh: time to install the propriatary video driver for your video card
[21:11:49] antonella: it's absolutely not fluid
[21:11:51] tgm4883: frontend logs?
[21:11:59] justinh: mythtv needs xv to play video smoothly as a minimum
[21:12:08] antonella: i have nvidia drivers installed
[21:12:12] justinh: that's Xv.. which most open source video drivers don't have
[21:12:19] antonella: what's xv?
[21:12:32] justinh: X video acceleration
[21:12:32] antonella: how to fetch logs?
[21:12:39] antonella: how to enable xv?
[21:12:45] justinh: it offloads colourspace conversion & scaling to the GPU
[21:12:55] tgm4883: antonella, did you enable the testing repo?
[21:12:55] antonella: i understand
[21:13:01] justinh: if your video driver is working, it should just work
[21:14:12] antonella: tgm4883 do you mean ppa?
[21:14:28] Dave123-road (Dave123-road!~dave@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:14:33] tgm4883: antonella, well they frontend logs are in /var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log, there is a mythbuntu-log-grabber utility that you can use, but you need to upgrade to the one in the testing ppa for it to work
[21:14:46] tgm4883: i'm going to grab a quick lunch, but i'll look at your logs when I get back
[21:15:06] antonella: tgm4883 tks
[21:15:27] justinh (justinh! has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:16:01] coolball (coolball! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:16:24] Beirdo: Ahhhh. I really should get moving :)
[21:16:43] Beirdo: after staying up so dang late... just rolling outta bed at 2pm
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[21:18:30] rhollan: I found the proprietary nvidia drivers did WORSE than the stock ones when playing live TV, though they stock drivers are about 8 times slower on GlxGears
[21:18:42] ** rhollan captures 1080i via firewire **
[21:19:18] rhollan: getting about 1000 fps with stock and 8000 fps with proprietary drivers
[21:19:18] antonella: rhollan what do you suggest?
[21:19:29] rhollan: try proprietary drivers
[21:19:47] antonella: i'm downloading from nvidia website
[21:19:52] antonella: i have a .run file
[21:19:56] antonella: how to use it?
[21:20:13] rhollan: System->Administration->Hardware drivers from the ubuntu menu
[21:20:26] rhollan: it should find if there is a proprietary driver for your hardware
[21:20:39] antonella: I already did it when I installed system
[21:20:45] antonella: i have nvidia drivers enabled
[21:20:49] rhollan: did you enable them?
[21:20:52] rhollan: Oh.
[21:20:59] rhollan: Er, what kind of PC do you have?
[21:21:17] antonella: hp pavillion dv6000
[21:21:25] antonella: 2x turion64
[21:21:43] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[21:21:50] antonella: in hardware drivers it shows me 3 versions 4 nvidia
[21:21:53] rhollan: I have no idea how fast that is.
[21:22:01] rhollan: how fast is GlxGears?
[21:22:16] antonella: version 173, version 96 and an unspecified one that is recommended
[21:22:19] antonella: it's fast
[21:22:32] antonella: it normally playd 1080p with windows
[21:22:32] rhollan: how many fps?
[21:22:39] antonella: 50
[21:22:48] rhollan: 50fps with GlxGears is SLOW
[21:22:51] rhollan: you want about 500
[21:22:57] rhollan: you need accelerated X drivers
[21:23:06] antonella: i don't know glxgears
[21:23:07] rhollan: and, for whatever reason, you are not running them,
[21:23:22] rhollan: Alas, I am not an X guru. maybe others can help
[21:23:28] antonella: what's glsgears?
[21:24:20] antonella: look that i have good playback on vlc and kaffeine
[21:25:00] rhollan: hmm. So the default internal player is busted? Dunno what that is? mplayer? Anyone?
[21:25:22] tank-man (tank-man! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:25:52] tstorm (tstorm! has quit (Quit: tstorm)
[21:26:07] rhollan: glxgears is an X graphics test. Mostly 2D and 3D accel test.
[21:26:43] antonella: rhollan how to use it?
[21:27:16] antonella: where can i find it?
[21:27:19] rhollan: glxgears from command line
[21:27:33] rhollan: I think mythbuntu installs it by default
[21:27:57] antonella: 9000 frames
[21:28:18] Dave123-road (Dave123-road!~dave@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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[21:32:16] rhollan: O.K. So it's something either with the drive or player. Can you rip the DVD and then try playing it?
[21:32:29] antonella: it's long..
[21:32:48] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:33:37] antonella: rhollan it's ripping, does it work at 1x speed?
[21:33:56] rhollan: shouldn't Should rip as fast as it can.
[21:34:09] rhollan: I usually rip at 8x DVD speed
[21:34:43] rhollan: have you tried playing 1080p or 720p youtube videos?
[21:34:56] Tolley: how can i find this directory on my system? http://localhost//mythweb/pl/stream/1053/1276923600.flv
[21:34:56] antonella: rhollan no i do now
[21:35:21] rhollan: Tolly: find / -name ... -print
[21:35:39] rhollan: but it's probably under /var/lib/mythv
[21:35:41] Tolley: it is not finding anything..
[21:35:59] antonella: rhollan 720p ok
[21:36:33] rhollan: So, see if the player can play ripped DVDs O.K.
[21:36:41] rhollan: If it can, it's your drive
[21:37:34] antonella: rhollan 1080p from youtube lacks
[21:38:09] rhollan: but 720p is O.K.?
[21:38:17] Tolley: when mythweb creates a flv file does it actually save it? I can play in my browser but I just did a sudo find / -name *.flv -print. it found nothing.
[21:38:18] rhollan: Then it should be good enough for DVDs
[21:38:50] rhollan: hmmm. depends on how the web server maps the name, then.
[21:39:07] Tolley: using mythbunt 10.04
[21:42:11] antonella: rhollan how to play a divx from usb hdd with mythtv?
[21:42:28] Dave123-road (Dave123-road!~dave@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:43:56] rhollan: no idea
[21:44:26] rhollan: my guess would be to add th mounted directory to the video search list and hope the player finds it and knows how to play it
[21:47:26] antonella: rhollan i' not an expert but it seems to me that on this system any action becomes hard.... playing a dvd, too...
[21:49:04] rhollan: myth can be finicky to set up. Video is generally the worst problem. But, when you get it working it is amazing
[21:50:52] rhollan: For example my system keeps losing /dev/dvd symlinks because of bad udev behavior.
[21:51:11] rhollan: I plan to fix that wen todays ripping tasks are done.
[21:52:34] antonella: thank you rhollan, now going sleeping, it's midnight here!
[21:52:56] antonella: i'll come back on tomorrow... many thanks to all!!
[21:55:40] antonella (antonella! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:57:26] rhollan: yeah, I figured it was late there
[21:57:37] jarle (jarle! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:57:43] rhollan: how does one say good night? Bueno Noce?
[22:01:19] jarle_ (jarle_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:03:36] Beirdo: buenos noches
[22:03:41] Beirdo: in Spanish :)
[22:03:57] Beirdo: dunno for Italian, likely really close
[22:04:12] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:04:23] Beirdo: anyways, I have a baseball game to attend in a few hours... I shall now go out :)
[22:08:46] jarle_ (jarle_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:09:52] highzeth: notte =)
[22:09:52] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:13:27] ** rhollan rips **
[22:13:46] rhollan: Hmm. Paranormal Activity seems to be protected.
[22:13:57] rhollan: Thankfully, it was a lousy movie not worth having
[22:14:02] rhollan: what a letdown
[22:14:50] highzeth: I never bothered borrowing it from my brother, they are into such movies, Im not. =)
[22:15:01] Tolley (Tolley! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[22:15:18] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A!~J-e-f-f-A@unaffiliated/j-e-f-f-a) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:21:01] highzeth: last good one I was I think must have been Harry Brown, Caine is rarely a let down
[22:22:12] J-e-f-f-A: Yikes... It takes a LONG time to copy 1.5TB data... (I'm only getting about 72MB/second thruput...)
[22:25:23] GuySoft (GuySoft! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[22:25:35] rhollan: ripping Kill Bill now
[22:26:35] GuySoft (GuySoft! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:28:18] Tolley_ (Tolley_!~Tolley@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:28:31] highzeth: watching Adam
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[23:07:24] xand: win 35
[23:09:39] wagnerrp: ?
[23:10:28] rhollan is now known as rhollanAfk
[23:13:40] sphery: just upgraded because win 7 is so 2010
[23:14:00] oobe is now known as schloompy
[23:14:33] schloompy is now known as oobe
[23:15:19] oobe: im still using win 98
[23:16:04] wagnerrp: sphery: odds that jongi's '720p mkv' were sourced nefariously?
[23:16:39] sphery: well, I have a feeling he wants to skip with chapters...
[23:16:53] sphery: do nefarious mkv's have chapters?
[23:16:54] iamlindoro: which one can do in Internal
[23:17:03] sphery: but not in 0.23-fixes, right?
[23:17:15] iamlindoro: in .23
[23:17:17] sphery: oh
[23:17:41] wagnerrp: using mkv's muxed in chapters?
[23:17:44] sphery: iamlindoro: do you remember which keys?
[23:17:51] sphery: chanup/down?
[23:17:59] wagnerrp: tried earlier today and it said 'no cut points'
[23:18:02] iamlindoro: yes, up/down
[23:18:23] sphery: oh, yeah, the reply on the list already says that... sorry
[23:18:28] sphery: was going to add to it
[23:18:40] iamlindoro: if the container has AVChapter chapters (MKV, OGG, etc) it will jump between them rather than skip 10
[23:19:18] wagnerrp: not working here... maybe i was doing it wrong, or added the chapters in improperly
[23:19:29] sphery: so I have no idea why the guy thinks mplayer is the "optimal solution
[23:19:40] iamlindoro: definitely works here in containers with chapters
[23:19:46] wagnerrp: '34 right' worked great though
[23:20:00] sphery: hike!
[23:20:17] iamlindoro:
[23:20:19] iamlindoro: 5 months ago
[23:24:43] wagnerrp: what exactly does 'wedging' mean, in relation to the backend?
[23:24:59] sphery: stuck in a tight loop and unresponsive?
[23:28:12] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:29:11] wagnerrp: aaagh... top posting and breaking threading on each response... someone needs to beat this herrberger guy
[23:32:55] sphery: agreed
[23:33:07] sphery: and explain that Forward != Reply
[23:33:26] wagnerrp: that why he keeps 'cc'ing the mailing list?
[23:34:08] stemann (stemann! has quit (Quit: stemann)
[23:35:01] wagnerrp: seems beirdo didnt notice the 'reply to' field was broken when he responded
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[23:59:34] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)

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