Monday, June 14th, 2010, 00:01 UTC | ||
[00:01:50] | highzeth: | guess they use(d) ogg even for ogv |
[00:02:19] | ctmjr (ctmjr!~ct@unaffiliated/ctmjr) has quit (Quit: Leaving) | |
[00:02:35] | kormoc: | sphery, whoops, I lied earlier! |
[00:02:45] | kormoc: | SELECT SUM(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema='mythconverg' AND table_name = 'record' AND COLUMN_TYPE != 'text'; |
[00:02:57] | kormoc: | that will give you the fixed width size of the tables on the fly |
[00:06:02] | kormoc: | sphery, do you know why we store description in oldrecorded? is it purely so if people look back they can see what it used to say or is it used for something else? |
[00:06:59] | tweek__: | I've been looking forever for that, thanks |
[00:07:01] | sphery: | kormoc: used for dup matching when one of 2 (or both) programs is missing a programid and the user has specified a subtitle/description dup method |
[00:07:23] | kormoc: | ahh |
[00:07:30] | sphery: | so we do need it |
[00:07:35] | sphery: | but we can convert it, too |
[00:07:36] | sphery: | :) |
[00:09:37] | sphery: | anyone know which country it is that has the extremely long program descriptions? |
[00:10:08] | sphery: | I was thinking it was one of those northern-European ones, but I can't remember. |
[00:10:30] | highzeth: | german can be long |
[00:11:37] | iamlindoro: | sphery, UK Radio Times descriptions run into the pages |
[00:11:43] | iamlindoro: | multiple pages, that is |
[00:12:23] | Beirdo: | gah. I hate her voice... Paula Deen? |
[00:12:39] | syamajala (syamajala! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:12:47] | Beirdo: | those "Hey y'all" ads are obnoxious |
[00:14:08] | sphery: | Beirdo: "My recipe calls for one stick of butter, but I'm adding two because it's so good." |
[00:14:14] | sphery: | iamlindoro: thx |
[00:14:19] | Beirdo: | hehe |
[00:14:30] | iamlindoro: | sphery, np |
[00:14:33] | sphery: | Any radio times users around? |
[00:14:36] | Beirdo: | Emeril's kinda like that too, but him I like |
[00:14:57] | iamlindoro: | sphery, justin and stuartm both are, don't know your timetable |
[00:15:23] | highzeth: | sphery: not a long one by far, but a decent example |
[00:15:37] | sphery: | woah! |
[00:15:47] | kormoc: | |
[00:15:56] | kormoc: | that's food network quality right there |
[00:15:58] | highzeth: | usually I cant see it all on my netbook |
[00:16:04] | sphery: | highzeth: can you do: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e 'SELECT MAX(LENGTH(description)) FROM program;' |
[00:16:23] | sphery: | woah, and here I thought that 255 was enough :) |
[00:16:34] | sphery: | we might have to go with a full 640, like DOS |
[00:16:57] | marc-us (marc-us!~marc@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:17:04] | highzeth: | sphery: 2824 |
[00:17:07] | sphery: | thanks |
[00:17:10] | highzeth: | np |
[00:17:17] | sphery: | I guess we will go >1364chars, then :) |
[00:17:33] | Beirdo: | whitey making a Kwanzaa cake? maybe it's good that my audio borked on windoze |
[00:20:33] | Bhaal (Bhaal!~bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving") | |
[00:20:38] | syamajala (syamajala! has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[00:23:45] | syamajala (syamajala! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:24:07] | sphery: | kormoc: Is there any reason that a smaller value would be better than a larger value--ignoring "future new columns" or any column growth? I.e. will a smaller limit improve performance in any way? (From a Qt MySQL drivers standpoint, it won't, so just wondering about the MySQL side.) |
[00:25:46] | kormoc: | beyond the page overflow chunk, nopers |
[00:26:10] | sphery: | thx |
[00:28:35] | pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:36:44] | highzeth: | sphery: btw, the hickups in random recordings I mentioned to you a week or two ago, very embarrasing, one(or more) patches was to blame. Narrowed it down to SBE's only(centralized storage), replaced all patches on main panel and all has been well since. |
[00:39:50] | sphery: | highzeth: Were these in-Trac patches? If so, do you know which? Could you comment on the ticket? |
[00:40:18] | highzeth: | oh, patches as in cat5/6 cables |
[00:40:45] | sphery: | oh, those patches :) |
[00:41:00] | sphery: | well, glad you got it fixed |
[00:41:19] | highzeth: | so are we =) |
[00:41:25] | sphery: | I know how annoying unreliable hardware can be with a nice reliable mythtv app |
[00:42:56] | highzeth: | got the main patch panel in my brothers house, my house & our old mans house & the barn are all going via that one, so it affected more than myth, but not extended periodes, so didnt show up in the monitoring |
[00:43:33] | highzeth: | the fun of modernizing a farm ;) |
[00:44:32] | Beirdo: | cat5 to the cows? |
[00:44:55] | highzeth: | nah, to control the emm equipment to dry the wheat among others |
[00:44:56] | Beirdo: | use snmp traps to tell you when they need milking... |
[00:45:06] | Beirdo: | hehe, I'm being silly, no worries |
[00:45:40] | highzeth: | no worries idd |
[00:48:38] | sphery: | Beirdo: wouldn't that be SBMP? |
[00:48:44] | sphery: | (Simple Bovine Management Protocol) |
[00:48:52] | Beirdo: | hehee |
[00:48:57] | dt_lunatic (dt_lunatic! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:49:30] | Beirdo: | mooooo! |
[00:51:12] | dt_lunatic: | i can pull in OTA stations in 3 markets on the same antenna/tuners (KC, Columbia, and St Louis MO). how do i combine my sources so that i can use the one input connection for all 3? |
[00:54:30] | sphery: | heh, the age-old search for an RF-combiner |
[00:57:04] | sphery: | dt_lunatic: I'd start with: , and then search the mythtv-users mailing list archive ( ), and if that's not enough, ask on mythtv-users mailing list (there are some very knowledgeable people on there when it comes to this topic) |
[00:57:23] | sphery: | but the simple answer is, "It's not simple." :) |
[00:57:27] | dt_lunatic: | no, i get all 3 markets already. one hell of an ant |
[00:57:44] | dt_lunatic: | i need to get the SD data to work together |
[00:57:59] | grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:58:09] | marc-us: | sphery, how often do you run the kill "generate-preview" shell script in cron? Did you say every hour or five minutes? (regarding killing when the hd-pvr does not stabilize before recording starts and a bunch of duplicate processes start) |
[00:58:31] | dt_lunatic: | i.e. 22.1 has no data cause it is CoMo market and i have the input connected to the KCMo source |
[00:59:09] | sphery: | marc-us: I don't run it--I don't have an HD-PVR. I think the dev who was using it (and uses his HD-PVRs a lot) runs it every 5mins. |
[00:59:17] | Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:59:49] | marc-us: | Ah thanks... I'll probably run it ever 15 min thanks for the info |
[00:59:53] | sphery: | dt_lunatic: ah, you want to combine the Schedules Direct lineups? |
[01:00:00] | dt_lunatic: | correct |
[01:00:11] | GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | |
[01:00:56] | dt_lunatic: | thats what i was trying to say. Missouri is flatter than my first GF and i have line of sight for all 3 markets. |
[01:01:03] | sphery: | dt_lunatic: TTBOMK, there's no real way to do that. The best you could do is download the data from all your lineups, run a program to combine them, then run mythfilldatabase against the combined data. Ideally, you'd do it with DataDirect raw format (not XMLTV format)--you'll get more/better data that way. |
[01:01:41] | dt_lunatic: | damn, i was expecting an answer like that :( |
[01:02:00] | sphery: | are you /positive/ that the OTA lineup for your area doesn't show all (since you're getting them, they should know it's possible to receive them) |
[01:02:08] | sphery: | dt_lunatic: you mean darn :) (language, please :) |
[01:03:35] | dt_lunatic: | positive. the antenna i use is not exactly common. 9ft long yagi with i think 85 elements and a 35db preamp on the mast |
[01:04:19] | pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | |
[01:04:33] | marc-us: | dt_lunatic: are all the stations in a somewhat single direction? |
[01:04:47] | tweek__: | does mythtranscode or nuvexport provide support for QuickTime-style chapter markers? |
[01:05:32] | dt_lunatic: | 24 services from KC 12 from CoMo and 18 from STL. yeah, geography is kind. i cant get all 3 markets at once. pick 2 really. but you et the point |
[01:05:43] | marc-us: | dt_lunatic: that is one hell of a preamp... do you get 0 db at each of the taps on the splitter? |
[01:05:57] | dt_lunatic: | the cities all are on I70 |
[01:07:18] | marc-us: | Sweet, my stations are all around me... So far rabbit ears, albiet two of them combined seem to meet the need but I want to go outside with two medium range antennas on a mast |
[01:07:45] | dt_lunatic: | 3.7 db the feed is a bit longish... 10ft off the roof, down to the eves, center of the attic, raceway to basement then of to 3 different locations for TVs and myth |
[01:08:16] | marc-us: | good, then you don't over drive the signal to the equipment |
[01:09:11] | marc-us: | up to 7ish is safe before a poorly built agc on a tv would burn out |
[01:09:17] | highzeth: | the good thing about norwegian summers, it never gets dark, you actually can have 24h working days |
[01:09:49] | sphery: | I'd think after one of those, you need a 24h resting/sleeping day |
[01:10:10] | marc-us: | I can sleep in direct sunlight |
[01:10:13] | highzeth: | pwr naps do help ;) |
[01:10:38] | marc-us: | power to the nappers |
[01:10:42] | Beirdo: | I could do 24h work if I got a solid 12h sleep after |
[01:10:44] | croppa (croppa! has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[01:10:53] | Beirdo: | I used to be on a 36h cycle back in university |
[01:11:07] | silverdulcet (silverdulcet!~silverdul@unaffiliated/silverdulcet) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[01:11:14] | Beirdo: | it's odd though :) |
[01:11:19] | tweek__: | it sucks |
[01:11:25] | marc-us: | I could in the old days. sadly no more |
[01:11:25] | ** Beirdo prefers the 24h cycle ** | |
[01:11:53] | tweek__: | what's even worse is not being able to get to sleep on cue afterward |
[01:11:54] | highzeth: | I try to do 3x15min pwr naps, then Im good |
[01:11:55] | marc-us: | I don't like it when I start to hear voices from lack of sleep. |
[01:12:01] | Beirdo: | heh |
[01:12:13] | Beirdo: | I'd lose my clarity of vision |
[01:12:26] | highzeth: | thats why I use glasses :X |
[01:12:34] | Beirdo: | that was a good sign to chug a couple coffees and head STRAIGHT home |
[01:12:54] | Beirdo: | as the crash can only be held off for about 45min by coffee :) |
[01:12:57] | silverdulcet (silverdulcet!~silverdul@unaffiliated/silverdulcet) has quit (Client Quit) | |
[01:13:19] | dt_lunatic (dt_lunatic! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
[01:13:39] | Beirdo: | too old for all that now, I think |
[01:14:35] | highzeth: | Im not sure about that, as Ive become older the need for sleep have become far less |
[01:14:46] | Beirdo: | heh |
[01:15:13] | highzeth: | after 35 I very rarely sleep more than 3h a night |
[01:16:32] | Beirdo: | sucks to be you |
[01:16:49] | Beirdo: | I can't operate for long on under 6–7h on average |
[01:17:22] | highzeth: | I dunno about sucks to be me, we are all diff, thankfully =) |
[01:17:31] | Beirdo: | yeah, so true |
[01:17:42] | Beirdo: | OK, it would suck for me if I were you |
[01:17:43] | Beirdo: | there |
[01:17:57] | highzeth: | ;) |
[01:19:56] | Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward) | |
[01:21:15] | Beirdo: | OK, data moved, PVs resized to 8M, moving back |
[01:22:37] | [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[01:23:31] | dt_lunatic (dt_lunatic! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[01:28:04] | awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[01:35:01] | dt_lunatic: | aight, im out for now. thanks sphery, i'll have to look into that. right now i'm having a nightmare with the conversion to QAM. signal is POOR, and the xmltv ids are all buggered so ive got a lot of work cut out for me. |
[01:36:07] | edman007 (edman007!~edman007@pdpc/supporter/active/edman007) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[01:37:06] | dt_lunatic (dt_lunatic! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | |
[01:37:14] | sphery: | dt_lunatic: if you're using Comcast (though I thought you said OTA, where you would be using 8VSB not QAM), you may want to check out scte65scan |
[01:37:18] | sphery: | too late |
[01:37:32] | sphery: | maybe he meant "conversion to digital OTA" |
[01:37:51] | sphery: | in which case, I would have linked |
[01:38:31] | ** wagnerrp refused to help anyone who uses words like 'aight' ** | |
[01:40:04] | sphery: | aight ain't right |
[01:41:43] | Beirdo: | a'ight, blah |
[01:41:55] | Beirdo: | ever watched Greg the Bunny? |
[01:42:01] | sphery: | that show was great |
[01:42:06] | sphery: | can't believe they cancelled it |
[01:42:09] | Beirdo: | Totally agree |
[01:42:18] | Beirdo: | Count Blah FTW. |
[01:42:25] | sphery: | heh, yeah |
[01:42:45] | Beirdo: | they tried to make him say "a'ight", but he kept adding the blah :) |
[01:43:05] | sphery: | I don't know what it is about Seth Green, but it seems his shows only survive when his characters are animated or puppets--never when his face is seen on screen... |
[01:43:20] | Beirdo: | hehe, he is a dork |
[01:43:32] | sphery: | oh, yeah... I remember that episode. |
[01:43:35] | Beirdo: | but still, a funny dork |
[01:43:41] | sphery: | I like Seth Green a lot. |
[01:43:49] | sphery: | Too bad no one else seems to |
[01:43:53] | Beirdo: | so do I, but he's still a dork |
[01:43:54] | Beirdo: | hehe |
[01:44:12] | sphery: | heh |
[01:45:13] | wagnerrp: | i would hardly call being stuck on adult swim 'surviving' |
[01:45:24] | Beirdo: | hehe |
[01:45:33] | Beirdo: | better than not existing at all, no? |
[01:46:26] | sphery: | heh, yeah |
[01:46:34] | sphery: | but there's also Family Guy |
[01:46:44] | sphery: | (new Family Guy, that is :) |
[01:47:05] | Beirdo: | Family Guy++ |
[01:47:26] | sphery: | thus the Robot Chicken Star Wars jokes at the end of the Family Guy Star Wars episodes |
[01:47:28] | wagnerrp: | wasnt that guy on a tv show too? |
[01:47:34] | sphery: | Greg the Bunny |
[01:47:41] | sphery: | And Buffy The Vampire Slayer :) |
[01:47:47] | wagnerrp: | the family guy guy was? |
[01:47:49] | Beirdo: | oh, a REAL TV show |
[01:48:05] | sphery: | Seth Green was--and note he's not Seth MacFarlane |
[01:48:10] | sphery: | Seth Green is Chris on Family Guy |
[01:48:14] | Beirdo: | yeah |
[01:48:38] | sphery: | and Neil Goldman, it seems |
[01:48:44] | wagnerrp: | macfarlane, he played a weird unrelated 'uncle' on some show |
[01:49:18] | Beirdo: | and of course, we all remember Seth Green from Austin Powers |
[01:49:32] | sphery: | Gilmore Girls? |
[01:49:38] | awalls (awalls! has left #mythtv-users () | |
[01:49:41] | sphery: | . . . ;appearances |
[01:49:59] | sphery: | if so, I'm proud to say I didn't know that |
[01:50:12] | wagnerrp: | no, im thinking of the bowling guy from fringe |
[01:50:17] | wagnerrp: | getting him mixed up with macfarlane |
[01:50:22] | sphery: | ohhh |
[01:50:32] | sphery: | yeah, they do have a very similar way of talking |
[01:51:18] | sphery: | Kevin Corrigan, it seems |
[01:51:22] | wagnerrp: | kevin corrigan, i was thinking of grounded for life |
[01:51:59] | Beirdo: | OMG. Seth MacFarlane was on Gilmore Girls?! Hehehe |
[01:52:08] | sphery: | heh, yeah, surprised me, too |
[01:52:24] | sphery: | though thinking wagnerrp watched it and knew it surprised me more ;) |
[01:52:27] | Beirdo: | mind you... |
[01:52:35] | wagnerrp: | gilmore girls? |
[01:52:39] | sphery: | yeah |
[01:52:39] | wagnerrp: | never seen it |
[01:52:45] | sphery: | that makes 2 of us |
[01:52:55] | Beirdo: | Christian Bach (i.e. the lead singer of Skid Row for oh so long) had a recurring role on Gilmore Girls |
[01:53:12] | sphery: | but when it looked like the only thing Seth M was in where he could have been some uncle, I thought you had seen it |
[01:53:49] | Beirdo: | or do I have his name screwed in my head... anyways, former lead singer of Skid Row |
[01:53:51] | sphery: | wow, so I guess he did whatever it took to keep himself off skid row |
[01:54:31] | Beirdo: | duh |
[01:54:35] | Beirdo: | Sebastian. |
[01:54:39] | ** Beirdo slaps himself ** | |
[01:55:25] | Beirdo: | my brain needs more caffeine |
[01:55:41] | Beirdo: | anyways, he was on the show for years... |
[01:55:48] | ** wagnerrp thinks they need more Evil-Lyn on robot chicken ** | |
[01:57:22] | ** Beirdo has never watched Robot Chicken. must do so ** | |
[01:57:37] | grokky (grokky! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
[01:58:09] | wagnerrp: | i just think rachael leigh cook is hot.... not that it matters on a show enacted by a bunch of toys |
[01:58:18] | Beirdo: | hehe |
[01:58:30] | Beirdo: | no argument here |
[01:58:44] | sphery: | I have S1 on DVD, but haven't gotten to it, yet |
[01:59:25] | sphery: | Did you see the RLC episode on XBox Live where she was a cop who arrested a drunk Santa |
[01:59:28] | Beirdo: | oh bah, now I have "18 and Life" stuck in my head |
[01:59:50] | sphery: | heh, now I do |
[01:59:54] | Beirdo: | sorry.... |
[02:00:09] | Beirdo: | he may have been a douche, but the guy could sing :) |
[02:00:32] | wagnerrp: | i used to have most of robot chicken recorded years ago, but i havent watched it in a long time |
[02:00:42] | sphery: | wagnerrp: "Fairy Tale Police" – |
[02:00:45] | Beirdo: | kinda like his biggest enemy... Axel Rose. |
[02:01:50] | Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[02:04:04] | grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[02:06:59] | wagnerrp: | sphery: recommending? or just pointing out? |
[02:09:31] | grndslm (grndslm! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[02:09:54] | wagnerrp: | looks like its only available on xbox marketplace |
[02:10:25] | sphery: | wagnerrp: it's a very short show (5min or so), so if you have XBL Gold subscription, it's free and worth watching |
[02:10:40] | sphery: | though primarily because She's All That |
[02:10:46] | wagnerrp: | helps to have an xbox |
[02:10:50] | sphery: | heh |
[02:11:09] | sphery: | I'm borrowing one from MS--until it RRoD's... |
[02:11:45] | sphery: | (my 3-yr warranty is now over, so the next will be my last RRoD--3rd time's a charm) |
[02:12:22] | Beirdo: | test the device for aerodynamics? |
[02:12:39] | sphery: | ? |
[02:12:58] | sphery: | like airflow? |
[02:12:59] | Beirdo: | borrow a trebuchet and launch it at Microsoft campus |
[02:13:06] | sphery: | ahhh, that would be cool |
[02:13:19] | wagnerrp: | meh, theyre not that hard to build |
[02:13:23] | sphery: | I'll send it to you if you promise to film the catapulting onto MS campus |
[02:13:28] | Beirdo: | hehe |
[02:13:53] | Beirdo: | I'm too old to pull that off these days |
[02:14:01] | sphery: | yeah, I know how it goes |
[02:14:08] | sphery: | I'd still love to see it on YouTube, though |
[02:14:11] | Beirdo: | gotta find us a young punk... |
[02:14:15] | sphery: | heh, yeah |
[02:14:18] | Beirdo: | yeah, that would be priceless |
[02:14:26] | wagnerrp: | like kormoc |
[02:14:32] | Beirdo: | make a fake Mastercard commercial |
[02:14:36] | wagnerrp: | speaking of... wonder if hes around |
[02:14:50] | Beirdo: | hehe... |
[02:14:51] | wagnerrp: | nope |
[02:14:54] | wagnerrp: | !seen kormoc |
[02:14:55] | MythLogBot: | kormoc is here and has been idle for 1 hour 49 minutes 9 seconds |
[02:15:12] | wagnerrp: | ive got a friend who just got back from DC |
[02:15:15] | Beirdo: | maybe he's off launching stuff at Microsoft. |
[02:15:23] | sphery: | <+MythLogBot> and sphery last woke him from his slumber |
[02:15:46] | wagnerrp: | apparently there was some restaurant somewhere near Dupont Circle |
[02:15:57] | sphery: | did kor moc move to DC? |
[02:15:58] | wagnerrp: | that had a bacon buffet |
[02:16:05] | sphery: | oh, there's the kor moc tie in |
[02:16:11] | Beirdo: | ummm, no... kormoc's still in Seattle last I heard |
[02:16:14] | sphery: | nice, bacon buffet |
[02:16:21] | brfransen (brfransen! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[02:16:25] | wagnerrp: | like $60 on top of the meal, but they had like 20 different types of bacon |
[02:16:27] | Beirdo: | bacon buffet? |
[02:16:34] | wagnerrp: | smoked in various flavors |
[02:16:35] | Beirdo: | Wha?? |
[02:16:44] | Beirdo: | you can get most of a pig for not much more |
[02:17:06] | Beirdo: | mmm, pig |
[02:17:08] | wagnerrp: | well it was the kind of place the meal itself was 80 |
[02:17:24] | Beirdo: | jeez |
[02:17:50] | Beirdo: | if I'm feeling that rich, I'll go around the corner from work and eat at Morton's |
[02:18:24] | wagnerrp: | well, he said he spent his entire meal allowance from the company at that restaurant |
[02:18:28] | Beirdo: | but yummy bacon :) always a welcome addition to my diet |
[02:19:23] | grokky (grokky! has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[02:19:27] | wagnerrp: | had to shower repeatedly, as the grease just kept oozing out of his skin |
[02:19:35] | Beirdo: | hehe |
[02:31:45] | PennStateJoe74 (PennStateJoe74!~joe@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[02:34:13] | PennStateJoe74: | hey folks! got myth working today first time ever – sort-of... but my video is being displayed in a strange transparent overlay over my desktop...?? =-O |
[02:34:44] | PennStateJoe74: | ubuntu 10.04 / myth 0.23 / gt 220 |
[02:35:14] | tank-man (tank-man! has quit (Quit: :q!) | |
[02:40:32] | [R]: | transparent overlay? |
[02:40:41] | pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit () | |
[02:41:45] | PennStateJoe74: | well its a mix of my background and the live video |
[02:41:58] | [R]: | is it regular ubuntu or mythbuntu? |
[02:42:39] | PennStateJoe74: | if i do alt + scroll wheel + can get it to change entirely to the background image |
[02:43:07] | [R]: | disbale that desktop effects crap |
[02:43:07] | CNLiberal (CNLiberal! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[02:43:14] | PennStateJoe74: | but going the other way I get about a 50/50 split |
[02:43:24] | wagnerrp: | what type of monitor do you have? |
[02:43:39] | CNLiberal: | so i clean installed my mythbuntu install today (backend only) to 10.04 x32 |
[02:43:51] | PennStateJoe74: | panasonic G-10 42" tv |
[02:44:14] | wagnerrp: | thats a.... plasma? |
[02:44:19] | [R]: | CNLiberal: and... |
[02:44:23] | PennStateJoe74: | yes |
[02:44:27] | wagnerrp: | is it possible youve simply burned your desktop background into your tv? |
[02:44:37] | PennStateJoe74: | na |
[02:44:48] | CNLiberal: | and upgraded FE to 10.04 x64. I added JYA's repo back. Now, when I try and watch any video, i get a segfault in myth and crash to desktop...i've tried mythfrontend -v all and I'm not getting anything back, except it saying SEGFAULT. What else can I do? |
[02:45:00] | wagnerrp: | plasmas are very bad for that, it may take as little as a couple hours of use |
[02:45:08] | [R]: | CNLiberal: read the bug report documentation and file one |
[02:45:43] | ablyss (ablyss!~opera@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
[02:45:46] | PennStateJoe74: | it only happens when it swaps to TV |
[02:46:02] | PennStateJoe74: | all other programs are fine |
[02:46:29] | PennStateJoe74: | and full screen video in boxee is fine |
[02:47:31] | CNLiberal: | [R]: I've never done that before, but I'll look on the web site to see if it gives me a direction for filing the report |
[02:49:07] | PennStateJoe74: | i think it it an issue with effects... |
[02:50:03] | syamajala (syamajala! has quit (Quit: Leaving...) | |
[02:54:47] | PennStateJoe74: | any other thoughts from anyone before i troubleshoot this as a desktop effects issue? |
[02:55:35] | wagnerrp: | mythtv does not support any form of transparent background, so if you have something like that, its a desktop effects issue |
[02:56:42] | tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[02:59:05] | PennStateJoe74: | ok. thank you |
[03:00:05] | CNLiberal: | dang...i have to compile myth with debugging support? |
[03:00:14] | CNLiberal: | does anyone know if JYAs repo does that already? |
[03:00:25] | CNLiberal: | cuz I might just need to rebuild the FE...fresh install it |
[03:00:46] | wagnerrp: | you cant build the frontend without the backend |
[03:01:23] | CNLiberal: | when i say "rebuild" i mean fresh install of mythbuntu |
[03:03:07] | PennStateJoe74 (PennStateJoe74!~joe@ has left #mythtv-users () | |
[03:05:14] | user_ (user_! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[03:05:56] | user_ (user_! has left #mythtv-users () | |
[03:06:03] | user_ (user_! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[03:06:31] | user_: | Hello |
[03:07:14] | user_: | I just installed the package "mythtv" on my Debian, I get "Cannot login" when I try to connect using the front-end |
[03:07:32] | user_: | Could please someone help me sort this out? |
[03:08:24] | wagnerrp: | have you actually set up mythtv? |
[03:10:02] | user_: | wagnerrp: I installed the package "mythtv" |
[03:10:13] | wagnerrp: | so youve not yet set up mythtv |
[03:10:27] | user_: | wagnerrp: I really don't know, I'm new to this |
[03:10:46] | dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
[03:10:46] | user_: | well it asked me for the root password of mysql |
[03:10:49] | wagnerrp: | please read.... for an understanding of how mythtv fits together |
[03:10:53] | user_: | nothing else |
[03:11:36] | Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[03:11:39] | user_: | wagnerrp: ok |
[03:11:40] | wagnerrp: | then read through the documentation at |
[03:12:15] | wagnerrp: | what exactly do you think mythtv is? |
[03:12:53] | user_: | wagnerrp: why? |
[03:13:13] | user_: | I now what it is but i'm new into the mythtv world |
[03:13:13] | kormoc: | Why read the docs? Cause they're important? |
[03:13:21] | user_: | *I know |
[03:13:44] | wagnerrp: | most of the people who come in here and have not even touched the docs are looking for something different from what mythtv provides |
[03:14:04] | user_: | No no, hehe i'm looking for mythtv ;) |
[03:14:22] | user_: | simply, i always ran into errors when tring to get it up |
[03:14:44] | user_: | myth-based distros are obviously easy to set up |
[03:14:56] | user_: | but I am on a normal Debian... |
[03:15:27] | wagnerrp: | 'mythfrontend' should not be run until youve already gone through all the setup procedure in 'mythtv-setup', as well as started the backend |
[03:15:36] | wagnerrp: | thats all documented on that second link |
[03:15:53] | user_: | ok, thanks dude |
[03:16:13] | kormoc: | Huh, moved to dc eh? |
[03:16:29] | kormoc: | sphery, that's how those blasphemous rumors get started |
[03:19:07] | dmz (dmz! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | |
[03:19:44] | dmz (dmz! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[03:21:25] | sphery: | kormoc: heh, well, wagnerrp was the one who led me astray |
[03:23:13] | wagnerrp: | i dont know what youre talking about |
[03:23:18] | wagnerrp: | i was just discussing bacon |
[03:23:31] | kormoc: | wagnerrp, so tell me the name of this place? |
[03:23:38] | ** kormoc eyes flights ** | |
[03:23:41] | wagnerrp: | he didnt remember |
[03:23:46] | kormoc: | oh noes! |
[03:24:00] | kormoc: | I shall have to google |
[03:24:49] | wagnerrp: | something upscale in Dupont, near all the embassies |
[03:27:36] | wagnerrp: | should announcements about MythBox (3rd party xbmc) really be on the wiki? |
[03:36:50] | Beirdo: | hehe. |
[03:37:35] | Beirdo: | OK, my LVM volume groups have all been merged |
[03:38:32] | Beirdo: | time to toss logical volumes I will never again use. |
[03:38:38] | Beirdo: | like the netbsd testing one |
[03:39:08] | sphery: | Heh, yeah, it's not 1985, anymore. No need for *BSD |
[03:39:39] | Beirdo: | well, I was playing :) |
[03:39:48] | Beirdo: | "experimenting" |
[03:39:49] | Beirdo: | hehe |
[03:39:53] | wagnerrp: | netbsd was around in 1985? |
[03:40:18] | Beirdo: | heh, probably not |
[03:40:30] | Beirdo: | anyways, FreeBSD may still be worth the trouble |
[03:40:39] | Beirdo: | and OpenBSD does make for a nice firewall |
[03:40:45] | Beirdo: | but meh :) |
[03:40:46] | sphery: | |
[03:40:55] | wagnerrp: | and Net will run on your toaster |
[03:41:55] | Beirdo: | Oh, I know BSD itself is almost as old as I am |
[03:42:05] | Beirdo: | but I'm not sure when NetBSD was hatched |
[03:42:14] | Beirdo: | and I can't be bothered to read up :) |
[03:42:16] | Beirdo: | House is on |
[03:42:17] | Beirdo: | hehe |
[03:43:48] | wagnerrp: | i thought all those grew up in the early/mid 90s |
[03:46:12] | Beirdo: | I think so |
[03:46:20] | Beirdo: | but BSD itself started in the late 70s |
[03:46:38] | Beirdo: | and was the backbone of SunOS right up to SunOS 4 |
[03:46:56] | andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
[03:46:59] | Beirdo: | SunOS 5 was SysV-based and is known ever since as Solaris |
[03:47:29] | Beirdo: | SunOS had its own kernels, IIRC, but the userspace was BSD |
[03:48:11] | sphery: | Seems OpenBSD forked NetBSD in 1995. |
[03:48:47] | Beirdo: | that sounds about right |
[03:49:12] | Beirdo: | and then Theo the Rat borked it all... er, code reviewed and rewrote... |
[03:49:17] | Heliwr (Heliwr!~Heliwr@pdpc/supporter/student/heliwr) has quit (Quit: I've got to get out of this place, if it's the last thing I ever do...) | |
[03:49:33] | sphery: | NetBSD came from 4.3BSD release via the Net/2 source code release and the 386BSD project, and its source repo was established on Mar 21, 1993. |
[03:50:51] | sphery: | I could never use *BSD. I don't even know how one would choose which *BSD to use. |
[03:51:30] | Beirdo: | FreeBSD if you want something usable for "normal" uses |
[03:51:47] | Beirdo: | OpenBSD if you want it tighter than a gnat's butt. |
[03:51:53] | sphery: | heh |
[03:52:09] | Heliwr (Heliwr!~Heliwr@pdpc/supporter/student/heliwr) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[03:52:13] | Beirdo: | NetBSD if you wanna play and can't stand the idiots that did OpenBSD :) |
[03:52:16] | wagnerrp: | how do you choose what distro to use? |
[03:52:19] | Beirdo: | something like that |
[03:52:40] | sphery: | wagnerrp: heh, funny enough, I couldn't choose that, either |
[03:53:20] | Beirdo: | FreeBSD is what gentoo aspires to be |
[03:54:22] | sphery: | I've heard rumors that Gentoo is losing a lot more users (and maintainers) than its gaining. |
[03:54:38] | Beirdo: | not surprising |
[03:54:44] | Beirdo: | it's fun if you have the time |
[03:55:17] | Beirdo: | but so many of us tend to get to the point where we don't wanna mess with the box, just keep it running, let someone else do the fiddly work and make us packages |
[03:56:19] | sphery: | So, from this conversation and from browsing a couple of the *BSD wiki pages, I've learned a lot more about *BSD tonight than I previously knew. |
[03:56:32] | CNLiberal (CNLiberal! has left #mythtv-users () | |
[03:57:02] | sphery: | All I knew before is that *BSD is probably what we'd all be using if not for that little lawsuit way back when |
[03:57:13] | Beirdo: | :) |
[03:57:18] | Beirdo: | BSDi sucketh |
[03:58:22] | wagnerrp: | what lawsuit was that? |
[03:58:30] | Beirdo: | oh, and openldap can bite me |
[03:58:38] | Beirdo: | I ain't doin THAT again |
[03:58:45] | sphery: | . . . gal_troubles |
[03:59:47] | Beirdo: | Mmmm, I smell wood smoke |
[03:59:57] | Beirdo: | curse you people and your fireplaces! |
[04:00:51] | sphery: | When SCO--I mean AT&T's Unix System Laboratories (USL) subsidiary-- sued BSDi. USL was the owner of the System V copyright and the Unix trademark. BSDi made the proprietary BSD/386 (later BSD/OS). |
[04:03:05] | sphery: | basically, my understanding is that the BSD kernel and code was way ahead of GNU/Linux, but because of legal ambiguity, a lot of people chose to focus on GNU/Linux during the lawsuit. Even Linux said if 386BSD (the FOSS version of Net/2) were available, he likely wouldn't have created Linux. |
[04:03:24] | sphery: | s/Even Linux/Even Linus/ |
[04:03:27] | sphery: | muscle memory |
[04:03:38] | Beirdo: | he likely woulda made the kernel |
[04:03:59] | Beirdo: | but it probably woulda died kinda like Hurd and the rest of the unknowns |
[04:04:35] | user_ (user_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[04:04:51] | sphery: | , "What is your opinion of 386BSD?" -> "Actually, I have never even checked 386BSD out; when I started on Linux it wast available (although Bill Jolitz series on it in Dr. Dobbs Journal had started and were interesting), and when 386BSD finally came out, Linux was already in a state where it was so usable that I never really thought about switching. If 386BSD had been available when I started on ... |
[04:04:57] | sphery: | ... Linux, Linux would probably never had happened." |
[04:05:16] | Beirdo: | hehe |
[04:09:53] | fugdnscerd (fugdnscerd! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
[04:10:50] | fugdnscerd (fugdnscerd! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[04:26:52] | rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[04:33:01] | DjMadness (DjMadness!~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/DjMadness) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
[04:39:15] | hobiga (hobiga!~hobiga@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[04:57:57] | dmz (dmz! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | |
[05:03:48] | fugdnscerd (fugdnscerd! has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[05:11:27] | fugdnscerd (fugdnscerd! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[05:18:25] | [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving) | |
[05:32:00] | Beirdo: | libtool RTL |
[05:32:04] | Beirdo: | FTL rather |
[05:35:25] | sphery: | heh, another user announcing his purchase of a new e-mail enabled phone |
[05:38:22] | Beirdo: | I wanna kick some major butt |
[05:39:00] | Beirdo: | libesmtp uses libtool, and if you upgrade libtool past the version it likes... it gacks and won't build without intervention |
[05:39:43] | squish102 (squish102! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
[05:40:36] | achew22 (achew22! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[05:41:28] | squish102 (squish102! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[05:41:35] | Beirdo: | so I'll have to see how to decouple it properly from the version |
[05:45:43] | Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[05:49:35] | KraMer (KraMer! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving") | |
[05:49:54] | superdump (superdump!~rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[05:52:39] | esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[05:53:37] | justinh: | ugh. how can anybody use the mythbuntu theme with fanart? guess I'll have to plod on with my own |
[05:54:42] | achew22: | justinh: my mythbuntu theme has fanart in the back |
[05:55:06] | justinh: | yeah I know it has fanart backgrounds. that's what makes it so ummm... |
[05:55:14] | Beirdo: | cool |
[05:55:34] | Beirdo: | that's the word you were looking for |
[05:55:50] | Beirdo: | heeh |
[05:55:56] | Beirdo: | or was it "fanboy" |
[05:56:02] | esperegu: | anyone knows how I can get the correct modeline? I have an nvidia ion and a lg tv. The outer border falls off the screen currently |
[05:56:28] | Beirdo: | connected by HDMI? |
[05:56:33] | esperegu: | Beirdo: yes |
[05:56:41] | Beirdo: | you probably have to tell the TV not to overscan |
[05:56:54] | achew22: | esperegu: my tv has an option to not overscan |
[05:56:56] | Beirdo: | on my Samsung, rename the source to PC |
[05:57:07] | Beirdo: | dunno how the LG ones do it |
[05:57:11] | esperegu: | Beirdo: that currently is not posible |
[05:57:32] | esperegu: | Beirdo: before I had that option but then the colours became terrible |
[05:57:33] | Beirdo: | I'm sure it is |
[05:57:47] | esperegu: | Beirdo: nope. |
[05:58:12] | Beirdo: | dunno, but that's a function of the TV more than of the video card |
[05:58:15] | esperegu: | Beirdo: I think that is only possible with certain settings or something |
[05:58:36] | justinh: | certain settings like saying to the nvidia driver to ignore EDID & junk |
[05:58:36] | Beirdo: | there should be a way to tell the video card to give borders (essentially) |
[05:58:42] | esperegu: | it's not possible to use another modeline/ |
[05:59:06] | Beirdo: | modelines basically aren't used much in Xorg |
[05:59:19] | Beirdo: | I'm sure it's possible, but not really used much |
[05:59:33] | justinh: | I dunno what the big fuss is about overscan on HDTVs. It's not like we've not had at least 10% of the picture cut off on SDTVs. We've just never noticed it |
[05:59:41] | Beirdo: | yeah |
[06:00:02] | Beirdo: | just the problem is, over HDMI, the video cards use the whole signal, and the TVs are still overscanning |
[06:00:28] | justinh: | or the problem is that the TV scales the input video to its native res, and crops that |
[06:00:31] | Beirdo: | so you either have to tell the video card to use less of the screen, or tell the TV not to overscan at ALL on that input |
[06:00:47] | esperegu: | justinh: if the buttons of mythtv fall of the screen that it is inconvenient. I would prefer to solve that at the source so it also works for kde etc. |
[06:01:05] | justinh: | yeah well mythtv's setup buttons shoulda been made overscan safe years ago |
[06:01:05] | toorima (toorima! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
[06:01:14] | Beirdo: | if your TV can't do it, look for an nvidia-settings or the like |
[06:01:25] | justinh: | nvidia settings can't do it AFAIK |
[06:01:33] | Beirdo: | and buy a new TV :) |
[06:01:51] | justinh: | search for the tv model number & overscan |
[06:01:56] | esperegu: | buying a new TV is no problem. tearing it apart and painting it white again is ;-) |
[06:01:58] | justinh: | or 'pixel perfect' |
[06:02:13] | justinh: | some HD sets just can't do it |
[06:02:17] | Beirdo: | yeah, there's likely something out there |
[06:02:23] | Beirdo: | WHY would you do that? |
[06:02:56] | esperegu: | Beirdo: you like black? |
[06:02:59] | esperegu: | I have a LG 42LF75 |
[06:03:01] | esperegu: | checkin google |
[06:03:19] | justinh: | ugh. don't search for 'lg pixel perfect' stupid warranty name |
[06:03:22] | Beirdo: | why wouldn't I like the outside being black? |
[06:03:46] | esperegu: | Beirdo: well. I also painted my speakers white. |
[06:03:50] | justinh: | you DO get a choice in TV colour these days. You can have any colour as long as it's BLACK |
[06:03:55] | esperegu: | it just looks better |
[06:04:01] | Beirdo: | OK then |
[06:04:02] | Beirdo: | enjoy |
[06:04:07] | esperegu: | and smaller |
[06:04:20] | Beirdo: | why would you want it to look smaller? |
[06:04:22] | Beirdo: | heh |
[06:04:26] | esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) | |
[06:04:33] | Beirdo: | most people try to make their TV look bigger! |
[06:04:42] | justinh: | I hate this shiny black stuff |
[06:04:50] | Beirdo: | OK then, bye. |
[06:04:53] | Beirdo: | silly users :) |
[06:04:54] | esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[06:04:54] | Beirdo: | hehe |
[06:04:55] | justinh: | I hope by the time I buy one the trend is towards something else :) |
[06:05:09] | justinh: | I never liked it in the 1980s either |
[06:05:24] | Beirdo: | yeah well |
[06:05:25] | esperegu: | Beirdo: if it looks smaller my gf allows me to buy a bigger one |
[06:05:26] | esperegu: | ;-) |
[06:05:36] | Beirdo: | uh huh. |
[06:05:47] | achew22: | no that's what she said? |
[06:05:54] | Beirdo: | maybe she allows it because you painted it, and it looks funky |
[06:06:12] | justinh: | fwiw I wouldn't have bothered painting the teevee |
[06:06:47] | justinh: | just get a bezel made & stick it on :) |
[06:06:58] | Beirdo: | yeah, that makes more sense to me |
[06:07:00] | esperegu: | bezel. what's that? |
[06:07:02] | justinh: | hmm.. market opportunity! |
[06:07:06] | Beirdo: | easier to sell it after too |
[06:07:16] | justinh: | esperegu: fake front |
[06:07:29] | justinh: | won't void yer warranty either |
[06:08:07] | Beirdo: | yup |
[06:08:34] | justinh: | should be quite easy with some MDF & a router :) |
[06:09:10] | justinh: | that's a wood cutting router, not a networking router |
[06:09:33] | esperegu: | hmpf. |
[06:10:34] | esperegu: | I sellected scanning instead of 16:9 as the ratio and now it displays everything. is that a valid solution or will that give me other problems? |
[06:11:02] | Beirdo: | !overscan |
[06:11:05] | justinh: | give it a try |
[06:11:07] | Beirdo: | !url overscan |
[06:11:07] | MythLogBot: | overscan: . . . l-tvs-do-it/ |
[06:11:24] | Beirdo: | but yeah, that might be what LG lets you do to overcome it |
[06:11:38] | justinh: | heh there really seems to be a gap in the market for gizmos that make yer aitch dee teevee blend in with your decor |
[06:16:10] | Kunalagon (Kunalagon!~Kunalagon@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[06:16:26] | esperegu: | Beirdo: interesting article |
[06:17:30] | justinh: | doh |
[06:20:11] | esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[06:20:32] | esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[06:21:16] | justinh: | those look seriously expensive |
[06:23:00] | justinh: | "A 42" frame in the standard moulding category would start at $809" :-O |
[06:23:25] | justinh: | man, those Americans sure like their real wood |
[06:24:14] | esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Client Quit) | |
[06:24:40] | esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[06:26:19] | Beirdo: | huhh uhhuhuh |
[06:26:42] | Beirdo: | they'll settle for viagra in a pinch though |
[06:27:25] | justinh: | lol |
[06:27:58] | justinh: | seriously though.. I'd pay a £50 premium to have a choice in colour |
[06:28:07] | Beirdo: | I wouldn't |
[06:28:08] | Beirdo: | heh |
[06:28:29] | Beirdo: | I'd rather spend the $$ on bigger screen |
[06:28:44] | Beirdo: | or on beer to guzzle while watching it |
[06:30:41] | Beirdo: | I can understand why others would think otherwise of course |
[06:31:21] | justinh: | yay! looks like silver/grey is coming back |
[06:31:29] | achew22 (achew22! has left #mythtv-users () | |
[06:31:58] | justinh: | black HDTV would mean I need a black HTPC case, black AV receiver... or a big box to put everything in.. |
[06:33:26] | Beirdo: | put the gear behind smoked glass |
[06:37:01] | Beirdo: | I don't get this |
[06:37:13] | Beirdo: | how does end up in the dir? :) |
[06:39:18] | Beirdo: | oooh |
[06:39:21] | Beirdo: | I think I got it |
[06:41:33] | Beirdo: | bingo |
[06:44:02] | sphery: | Oh, and I was just missing I-48. |
[06:48:58] | kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk | |
[06:52:05] | Beirdo: | hehe |
[06:52:39] | justinh: | smoked glass? heh that's as 1980s as black plastic |
[06:53:10] | justinh: | time to head out to work. wonder what delights await me there |
[07:00:22] | Beirdo: | I like smoked glass. bite me :) |
[07:00:54] | haffe: | Problem with black plastic is that dust becomes visible at once. |
[07:02:12] | Beirdo: | gives the maid something to do :) |
[07:07:04] | afarris01 (afarris01!~andrew@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[07:08:03] | pheld (pheld! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[07:18:55] | Jay2k1 (Jay2k1!~J@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[07:24:37] | octavsly (octavsly! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[07:34:05] | pak0 (pak0! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[07:36:01] | grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[07:37:07] | pak0: | i have found an issue, when i plug my stick dvb-t af9015 on a mobo p5q-vm epu works fine and can record two channels, when i plug it on a mobo m3n78-vm i cant tune channels or watch tv, and the two mb have the same set on bios |
[07:38:49] | Beirdo: | not sure how that's an issue with mythtv though |
[07:45:35] | pak0: | yes, sorry, i miss channel |
[07:45:59] | pak0: | but, if i use it with vdr or another program, then i can watch tv |
[07:47:35] | esperegu_ (esperegu_!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[07:48:21] | justinh: | don't think it's a motherboard issue either |
[07:48:47] | justinh: | think it's more likely an issue of modules being loaded properly in one case, and not in the other case |
[07:48:51] | esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
[07:48:56] | justinh: | or else permissions being correct in one case & not in the other |
[07:49:41] | pak0: | hmmm |
[07:50:27] | pak0: | i have set that this week end on this two mobos, install myth 10.04, and next plug the adapter, install linux-restricted firmware and tune channels |
[07:50:31] | pak0: | dont do it any more |
[07:50:49] | justinh: | there is no 'myth 10.04' |
[07:50:52] | justinh: | mythbuntu maybe |
[07:50:55] | pak0: | sorry |
[07:51:01] | pak0: | apologyze about my english |
[07:51:09] | pak0: | mythbuntu 10.04, yes |
[07:51:29] | justinh: | this stuff isn't always autodetected you know |
[07:51:34] | pak0: | yes |
[07:51:53] | justinh: | it's possible there *is* a BIOS or motherboard issue but it's far less likely than something else |
[07:52:13] | pak0: | when i plug the adapter and do "dmesg | grpe dvb" it shows the adapter, w/o firmware, next i install the firmware and works fine |
[07:52:51] | pak0: | i would try it more options under bios |
[07:52:57] | justinh: | and on the other motherboard what happens? |
[07:53:10] | justinh: | I doubt it would be anything you can set in the BIOS |
[07:53:22] | pak0: | have a similar issue with one nova-td-500-hd, in p5ql work fast and fine, but on m3n78 have alot of channel lock |
[07:53:41] | pak0: | tested on two m3n78-vm |
[07:53:44] | justinh: | could be the other motherboard is just junk |
[07:54:14] | pak0: | on m3n78-vm the adapter dont work (the af9015), and the nova-td-500 dont work very fine |
[07:54:50] | pak0: | i would test updating the bios of m3n78, later |
[07:55:31] | pak0: | thank you for ear me |
[07:56:18] | justinh: | well, with the extra information you've given it sounds very much like the m3n78 motherboard is awful |
[07:56:31] | justinh: | sounds like it has big problems with usb devcies |
[07:58:05] | justinh: | gah. stupid work internet connection is up & down like a yoyo |
[07:59:57] | sidh (sidh! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[08:00:02] | sidh: | greetings |
[08:00:15] | sidh: | I install mythv 0.23 on a debian squeeze with a GPU (old) Nvidia GeFOrce4 MX 460 (driver 96.43.16 ), but when i launch $ mythtv-setup , i get this error : "mythtv-setup : error while loading shared libraries : open shared object file: No such file or directory", so i tried to aptitud install libvdpau, but it needs the latest nvidia driver as dependance and it doesn't support my GeForce4 MX 460 GPU, so do you have an idea for fixing t |
[08:01:01] | sphery: | sidh: You likely need to install the open-source libvdpau library. It tends to be uninstalled when you install the nvidia drivers using the nvidia installer. |
[08:01:39] | sphery: | specifically the vdpau wrapper – |
[08:02:19] | justinh: | arghh silly musicbrainz. setting *dates* in the *year* tag |
[08:02:20] | sidh: | sphery: when i install libvdpau, it download the latest nvidia driver, that doesn't suit my old GPU |
[08:02:39] | sphery: | and, regarding #mythtv , we just have a lot of developers who try to read everything in there, so we keep any talk that's not directly related to changes planned and current development to a minimum |
[08:03:03] | pak0: | vdpau supports mx 460? lol |
[08:03:06] | justinh: | you could always compile mythtv yourself without vdpau enabled |
[08:03:37] | pak0: | its incredibly when i watch people working with that hardware |
[08:03:37] | sphery: | sidh: is there a different libvdpau? The one I'm suggesting has no dependency on the nvidia drivers (I have it installed on systems with ATI cards and on which nvidia drivers have never been installed) |
[08:03:42] | justinh: | uninstall the mythtv packages, install subversion, check out 0.23-fixes |
[08:03:52] | sphery: | (is there a different one in your package manager, that is) |
[08:03:58] | pak0: | time to breakfast |
[08:04:34] | justinh: | my current backend has a VDPAU capable card in it.. I'm just not using it for playback |
[08:04:52] | justinh: | I just needed a cheap PCIe graphics card |
[08:06:21] | sidh: | sphery , as you can see i have it installed, but there is no libvdpau.SO1 |
[08:07:24] | sphery: | sidh: right, likely because installing the nvidia libraries uninstalled the FOSS libvdpau |
[08:07:32] | sphery: | so reinstall it? |
[08:07:36] | sidh: | i meant , sorry |
[08:07:48] | justinh: | isn't there a nvidia legacy driver package anyway? |
[08:08:00] | sphery: | yeah, but it uninstalls libvdpau :) |
[08:08:09] | sphery: | at least it did for me |
[08:08:25] | sidh: | sphery: so i should reinstall this one after the legacy old nvidia driver has been installed ? |
[08:08:33] | sphery: | right |
[08:08:37] | sidh: | ok |
[08:09:02] | sphery: | the nvidia installer seems to mess it up without any regard for the package manager |
[08:09:51] | sidh: | ok it seems there now , i re-try mythtv-setup |
[08:11:10] | johd (johd!~johd@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[08:18:34] | justinh: | just remembered there's a good reason I can't use packages for my frontend |
[08:18:52] | justinh: | stupid packages don't usually have aac audio support & some of my dvd rips have aac audio |
[08:29:50] | sidh: | sphery: that 'ok i have run mythtv-setup succesfully, but i realized that i had to be the mythtv-user for running mythtv , so as i use a NAS (NFS) server for video/music, do you think i have to change the uid of the mythtv user in oder to match the uid permission on the NFS server ? |
[08:30:24] | justinh: | shouldn't imagine you'd have to |
[08:30:28] | sidh: | sphery: oops sorry , i forgot , i relly thank you for your help with libvdpau |
[08:31:04] | sphery: | y/w... I don't know much about NFS, so I'll leave that to someone else |
[08:31:29] | justinh: | sidh: try without it first.. and if it works, then you don't have to mess with UIDs |
[08:31:33] | justinh: | :) |
[08:31:37] | drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[08:32:12] | justinh: | hope your NAS isn't wireless though. that's gonna suck |
[08:32:56] | sidh: | justinh: you mean once the set up is done i can use a "normal" user to run mythtv or will it be always the mythtv user that will be used ? |
[08:33:30] | justinh: | the backend – the thing writing & reading files from the recordings storage group(s) should run as the mythtv user |
[08:33:58] | justinh: | doesn't – or shouldn't matter what user you run mythfrontend as |
[08:34:17] | sidh: | justinh: i asked because of the umask, group member can not write in directory |
[08:34:26] | sidh: | on my NFS share |
[08:34:43] | justinh: | so make it so the mythtv user which mounts it *can* write to it |
[08:34:46] | justinh: | or it's USELESS |
[08:35:28] | justinh: | if mythbackend can't write files to it, what point is there in having it? |
[08:35:45] | sidh: | well it could read all the video on the share |
[08:36:01] | sidh: | and write records on the local hdd too... |
[08:36:26] | justinh: | do you want the backend to write to the nfs share or not? |
[08:36:47] | justinh: | if it's to be a recording storage area the answer is YES |
[08:37:00] | sidh: | only when the record is good enough to be backed up |
[08:37:25] | justinh: | so it's NOT for general recordings storage then |
[08:37:32] | justinh: | you should be more clear when you ask questions |
[08:38:28] | justinh: | you *will* need write permission on the share at some point though, so you can move stuff onto it. of course |
[08:38:33] | sidh: | justinh: my first experience last year with mythbuntu and records stored on the NFS server was not a success |
[08:38:55] | sidh: | the lag of the LAN storage (gigabit wired lan) |
[08:39:02] | justinh: | ruh? |
[08:39:09] | justinh: | there shouldn't be any problem with that |
[08:39:38] | justinh: | and WTH is this word 'lag' being used inappropriately everywhere? |
[08:41:05] | sidh: | caused too much lag while watching TV, beacuse when watching TV it "records" some minutes , and the performance was bad (had to wait too much time), so i decided to store "tv records " on a local hdd |
[08:41:26] | justinh: | muh too much lag. It's BS |
[08:41:42] | justinh: | if you mean its performance was crap, say so. It does not LAG |
[08:42:24] | sidh: | well believe or not , i had to wait somthing like 5 to 10 minutes while swtchig tv channels |
[08:42:39] | justinh: | stupid retarded gaming terminology masquerading as a definition |
[08:42:55] | justinh: | then you had config issues with the network and/or shares |
[08:43:13] | justinh: | you shouldn't have experienced problems like that if the share was working correctly :) |
[08:44:05] | sidh: | no my LAN didn't lag, i used it with other BSD servers , and Intel gigabit ethernet cards (some in trunk mode) and it roxx |
[08:45:01] | sidh: | on the ZFS/NFS share i have somthing like 80M/s write performance |
[08:45:14] | justinh: | so the problem was something else |
[08:46:15] | sidh: | maybe, i didn't find , last time, so as i would like this time have a good experience with mythtv, i decided to store the tv records locally |
[08:46:25] | justinh (justinh! has quit (Quit: leaving) | |
[08:57:45] | hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[08:58:46] | duerF (duerF! has quit (Quit: Leaving) | |
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[09:15:40] | flabberkenny (flabberkenny! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:21:49] | justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:22:54] | pak0: | i have found a similar problem than mine . . . k-tuner-show |
[09:23:25] | justinh: | time to junk the crummy kworld then |
[09:23:34] | justinh: | or the junk motherboard. either or. your choice |
[09:24:28] | justinh: | q |
[09:26:06] | pak0: | arg |
[09:26:32] | pak0: | just pluged the dvb-t on p5ql and found alot of channels with the same config of myth, the same grabber, all the same |
[09:26:48] | pak0: | im sure is a problem of this mobo, the m3n78 |
[09:26:55] | pak0: | and no sound over iec958, only hdmi |
[09:27:10] | justinh: | it was never likely but it seems to be the case |
[09:27:14] | pak0: | and i dont have the box to return it to the shop Y_Y |
[09:27:19] | justinh: | ebay! |
[09:27:29] | justinh: | 'Great motherboard for HTPC' ;-) |
[09:27:51] | justinh: | set up a one-time ebay account, sell it for as much as you can get |
[09:28:00] | justinh: | then ditch the account |
[09:28:01] | pak0: | great motherboard xDDD for win2 |
[09:28:14] | pak0: | 57? i payed |
[09:28:25] | justinh: | or put it down to experience |
[09:28:42] | pak0: | i have 2 m3n78-vm |
[09:28:43] | justinh: | as purchasing mistakes go it's not so bad |
[09:28:50] | pak0: | anyone here interested? |
[09:29:31] | justinh: | make an 'ok' frontend for somebody |
[09:30:24] | justinh: | boards with so few PCI slots are little use as backends |
[09:30:39] | justinh: | especially if they bork with tuners in em! |
[09:37:31] | zzpat (zzpat! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:39:16] | pak0: | xd |
[09:41:24] | pak0: | all of these days fighting with the af9015 chipset and all the time its on the mobo the problem! |
[09:43:10] | pheld: | is teletext expected to work in trunk? It doesn't seem to find any pages (or teletext subtitles). Was ok a few weeks ago. Could it be related to the mythui-osd merge? |
[09:43:25] | justinh: | yup |
[09:43:45] | justinh: | more than likely IS related to that |
[09:44:04] | justinh: | course that's why you need to be following the -commits & -dev mailing lists if you use trunk |
[09:45:07] | pheld: | I'm on dev, but haven't noticed anything there. Will check commits-archives. Thanks! |
[09:56:22] | pak0: | is any command like "force_lna_activation" for af9015? |
[10:00:09] | zzpat (zzpat! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
[10:01:14] | Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward) | |
[10:04:00] | pak0: | interesting... |
[10:04:21] | pak0: | justinh, changing usb high speed to full speed under bios setup, and i can tune channels now... |
[10:04:43] | justinh: | what was the default? |
[10:04:46] | bjd (bjd! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | |
[10:04:47] | pak0: | and the led on the dvb adapter is on |
[10:04:50] | bjd (bjd! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[10:04:55] | pak0: | the default on bios ws high speed |
[10:05:01] | zzpat (zzpat! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[10:05:08] | pak0: | and on p5ql is high speed and can tune channels |
[10:05:19] | justinh: | and what a retarded idea.. being able to set the USB speed... |
[10:05:25] | pak0: | on m3n78 with high speed i cant found channels with mythtv or vdr or w-scan |
[10:05:47] | justinh: | yeah well methinks their definition of 'high speed' may differ |
[10:05:58] | justinh: | fwiw I wish w-scan would die in a fire |
[10:06:15] | pak0: | yeah, because when you comme in, says, fullspeed is 12Mbps and Highspeed is 480Mbps |
[10:06:36] | justinh: | what's the default setting though? |
[10:07:23] | justinh: | wouldn't be surprised if some motherboard makers have implemented extra ports through a hub |
[10:07:28] | pak0: | if you load default values is set on high speed |
[10:07:40] | justinh: | and it doesn't work on highspeed? meh |
[10:07:48] | pak0: | let me see what says the p5ql on this section |
[10:08:03] | justinh: | I think the motherboard is broken :) |
[10:09:30] | pak0: | the two mobos? |
[10:09:37] | pak0: | on p5ql is set on High Speed |
[10:10:05] | pak0: | and have another extra option on usb menu, the "BIOS EHCI hand-off" option and is set to enable |
[10:15:08] | pak0: | i have to solved the sound problem now |
[10:15:52] | zzpat (zzpat! has quit (Quit: quit) | |
[10:18:37] | zzpat (zzpat! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[10:20:27] | pak0: | i have another issue with this adapter, can tune some transponder |
[10:21:00] | pak0: | can tune 22 channels, lost 10, same issue on two mobos, uses af9015, but is a cheap adapter, npg real dvb-t |
[10:26:33] | justinh: | I'd have binned that tuner by now |
[10:26:37] | justinh: | a long time ago, infact |
[10:27:54] | jduggan: | i binned myth and got a v+ stb.. now im moving to an area withotu v+ so need to get myth recording tv again :P |
[10:27:58] | johd (johd!~johd@ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | |
[10:28:11] | jduggan: | well, binned myth for tv – i kept it around for music and movies |
[10:28:40] | justinh: | you'd not had v+ long |
[10:29:05] | justinh: | I tried binning mythtv for a standalone PVR a couple of years back. Oh boy |
[10:29:11] | jduggan: | about 12months ago i think |
[10:29:17] | jduggan: | 12months in september |
[10:29:18] | justinh: | not even Humax or topfield stuff even comes close |
[10:29:29] | jduggan: | i might be wrong |
[10:29:35] | jduggan: | hmmm |
[10:29:48] | jduggan: | now you have me thinking – i might end up moving mid-contract, that would suck |
[10:29:49] | justinh: | when a top of the range consumer box can't hold a candle to software there's something very wrong in the marketplace |
[10:30:18] | justinh: | even forgetting the clever scheduling, the timestretch... |
[10:30:30] | jduggan: | for the most part i have been pleased with the v+ box, it obviously doesnt have all teh features of myth but it is relatively painless and has just worked (tm) for me |
[10:30:34] | drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has quit (Quit: mary had a little segmentation fault) | |
[10:31:10] | justinh: | you shouldn't have to RTFM to be able to get even basic stuff working from the user interface – but with all these, you have to read |
[10:31:26] | justinh: | remember the 1st time I sat down in front of a sky+ box. |
[10:31:41] | justinh: | where are the recordings? Oh they're in your personal planner. WTF?! |
[10:31:50] | justinh: | I never worked it out btw |
[10:31:52] | jduggan: | yea that is annoying |
[10:31:58] | jduggan: | i had the same thing |
[10:32:01] | jduggan: | heh |
[10:32:30] | test4 (test4! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[10:32:40] | justinh: | then you get to thinking they didn't arrive at these design decisions lightly.. so you wonder what kind of retards they had in their focus groups |
[10:33:02] | jduggan: | if humax or sky or whoever had a box that you could record to and watch the recordings on another front end i would probalby stick to a commercial stb but for now i'll be sticking back with myth |
[10:33:32] | justinh: | not one of the commercial offerings has anything like the stability of mythtv |
[10:34:16] | jduggan: | which is ironic given the feature parity |
[10:34:18] | justinh: | and their UIs make GNAT & Mythcenter look like masterpieces |
[10:34:45] | pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | |
[10:34:45] | justinh: | for all people moan about mythtv doing stuff so wrong, they really forget how bad it is out there |
[10:34:56] | justinh: | even the once holy Tivo are messing up now |
[10:36:09] | justinh: | hahah I just remembered how hard it was to set up a recording on my last VCR if you didn't have a video+ listing |
[10:36:26] | justinh: | how many missed recordings I had due to programming error. lol |
[10:36:49] | justinh: | I doubt myth will ever catch up to that number... unless I unplug the aerial |
[10:37:35] | justinh: | somebody could easily clean up if they could write better software for this standalone junk |
[10:39:33] | justinh: | so yeah – at this stage I'm not necessarily still using mythtv because of the 'extras'. it's more cos commercial offerings don't do what they say on the box |
[10:41:25] | test4: | pool ! PPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW ! IR blastered |
[10:41:40] | justinh: | anyway jduggan – moving anywhere nice? we've gota spate of people moving out of our street lately |
[10:46:06] | justinh: | grrr. I'm sick of this network connection sucking now |
[10:47:25] | jduggan: | justinh: herefordshire from milton keynes |
[10:49:49] | keld (keld! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
[10:50:17] | justinh: | ahh anywhere from MK is good :) I went there once |
[10:53:09] | jduggan: | i quite like it |
[10:58:30] | Jay2k1: | is there a free software which allows me to extract the sound of a DVB MPEG2 stream? |
[10:58:46] | justinh: | ffmpeg :) |
[10:59:04] | Jay2k1: | hmm, word |
[10:59:40] | justinh: | see my script in the wiki |
[10:59:59] | justinh: | I record dvb-t radio shows & turn em into podcasts |
[11:00:07] | justinh: | without nasty python hacks or php |
[11:01:34] | esperegu_ (esperegu_!~quassel@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
[11:02:18] | justinh: | course with more recent ffmpeg the commandline has changed |
[11:02:25] | justinh: | because they *could. those bastards |
[11:02:49] | esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[11:03:13] | justinh: | here you go |
[11:03:18] | justinh: | ffmpeg -i $filename -v -1 -ar 44100 -ab $bitrate -ac 2 -acodec libmp3lame -f mp3 '$newfilename' |
[11:03:30] | Jay2k1: | yeah |
[11:03:36] | Jay2k1: | just that i'm on a mac :P |
[11:03:36] | justinh: | dvb audio is generally 48khz, FYI |
[11:03:54] | justinh: | so, can't you get ffmpeg on a mac? |
[11:04:05] | Jay2k1: | well, i could |
[11:04:15] | Jay2k1: | either build from source or using macports |
[11:04:40] | justinh: | well, owning a mac I'm sure you have plenty money. go buy your software :D |
[11:04:48] | keld (keld! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[11:04:49] | Jay2k1: | heh |
[11:05:22] | Jay2k1: | it belongs to my company |
[11:07:02] | bbee (bbee!~bbee@unaffiliated/bbee) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[11:07:37] | bbee (bbee!~bbee@unaffiliated/bbee) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[11:15:15] | test4 (test4! has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[11:30:20] | Kunalagon (Kunalagon!~Kunalagon@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
[11:31:01] | flabberkenny (flabberkenny! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | |
[11:33:12] | flabberkenny (flabberkenny! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[11:33:27] | fugdnscerd (fugdnscerd! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
[11:36:41] | Kunalagon (Kunalagon!~Kunalagon@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[12:05:32] | octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | |
[12:09:17] | JJ1 (JJ1! has left #mythtv-users () | |
[12:10:01] | justinh: | okay this is getting a bit tiresome now having to log in over ssh every 5 minutes |
[12:22:44] | lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit (Quit: lyricnz) | |
[12:25:06] | Jay2k1: | ? |
[12:32:46] | lcase (lcase! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[12:32:57] | lcase (lcase! has quit (Client Quit) | |
[12:45:15] | pheld (pheld! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[12:45:20] | dad_ (dad_! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[12:45:36] | dad_ is now known as Guest33271 | |
[12:45:36] | Guest33271 is now known as rileyp | |
[12:46:50] | gigem (gigem!~david@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[12:47:00] | rileyp: | Ever since i started using myth (prob 12 months now I have never worked out how to scroll the dialog boxes eg How do I scroll across to find out what it says after Record one showing of this title e...?. |
[12:47:15] | gigem (gigem!~david@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[12:48:09] | rileyp: | alink to the mythpage is here |
[12:48:52] | rileyp: | Im using graphite but it also does it in mythcentre |
[12:50:18] | rileyp: | Or Is it possible to make the dialog box bigger? |
[12:52:52] | justinh: | oh dear that sucks |
[12:53:27] | justinh: | it's possible to make the box bigger but only by editing the theme |
[12:55:13] | justinh: | wonder if it every occurred to anybody to shorten the descriptions |
[12:55:26] | justinh: | "record 1 every day" would do it for me |
[12:55:29] | rileyp: | its been annoying the crap outa me since day one and i bnevr bothered to resolve |
[12:55:36] | rileyp: | but the time has come |
[12:55:37] | justinh: | or "record 1 every week" |
[12:55:49] | justinh: | looks like either a) an old theme version |
[12:56:00] | rileyp: | the page is so bloody big and the box so small |
[12:56:11] | justinh: | b) a theme which hasn't got that screen themed so it's pulling the 4:3 default popup |
[12:56:18] | rileyp: | Its soooooo annoying |
[12:56:28] | Jay2k1: | oh yeah this annoys me too |
[12:56:43] | justinh: | yeah well... I was using the mythbuntu theme on a 4:3 res with my 16:9 PAL TV |
[12:56:51] | justinh: | I got sick of seeing "PLEASE WAI..." |
[12:56:56] | rileyp: | i belive i have to edit an xml file in /usr/share/mythtv |
[12:57:06] | justinh: | pardon me but "PLEASE WAI..." is longer than "PLEASE WAIT" |
[12:57:27] | justinh: | rileyp: possibly more than one xml file too |
[12:57:42] | Jay2k1: | for scheduling i use mythweb only... also the "start early" and "end late" dialogs are cut, they default to 0 but when you press right/left it changes to 1, 2, 3 etc.. but you don't know if it's 3 more minutes or 3 less minutes |
[12:58:04] | Jay2k1: | you only see "3 ..." |
[12:58:09] | justinh: | so many choices can make the GUI confusing |
[12:58:20] | justinh: | but God help anybody who cuts the number of available choices |
[12:58:34] | rileyp: | its graphite im using on a 1920x`1080 screen |
[12:58:56] | justinh: | graphite looks good on my32" CRT |
[12:59:06] | rileyp: | and using 1920/1080 in myth |
[12:59:16] | justinh: | wife has to strain to read the text though.. meaning I have to make my own theme. Again |
[12:59:20] | justinh: | grrr |
[12:59:25] | rileyp: | but i think the menus are running 1024x768 |
[12:59:33] | justinh: | ruh? |
[12:59:50] | rileyp: | Im on a 42 ' lcd |
[12:59:50] | justinh: | OSD scales to the video resolution |
[12:59:59] | justinh: | menus should be whatever X is running at |
[13:00:11] | justinh: | that's *main* menus |
[13:01:04] | rileyp: | i say that because when i start myth froma terminal it says 1024/768 but i could be mistaken its been a long time since i looked |
[13:02:40] | justinh: | it'll be whatever X is running at |
[13:02:55] | justinh: | so if you run X at 1920x1080 that's what the GUI should be |
[13:04:59] | Azelphur: | so if I upgrade to a nice 1080p TV, I shouldn't have the amazing "..." problem? |
[13:05:21] | Azelphur: | ... is funny, I go into Live TV and it says "Please W..." |
[13:05:29] | Azelphur: | might aswell put ait instead of 3 dots xD |
[13:05:56] | AriX_ (AriX_! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
[13:06:15] | Jay2k1: | that's weird |
[13:06:31] | justinh: | use a non-lame OSD theme then |
[13:06:36] | Jay2k1: | i use german language and 1024/768 and it says "Bitte warten" |
[13:06:39] | rileyp: | 'Loading window theme from /usr/share/mythtv/themes/Graphite/menu-ui.xml |
[13:06:39] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:52:24.929 Loading menu theme from /usr/share/mythtv/themes/mediacentermenu//mainmenu.xml |
[13:06:39] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:52:24.936 Found mainmenu.xml for theme 'Graphite' |
[13:06:39] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:52:24.992 MythContext: Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 1) |
[13:06:39] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:52:24.994 Using protocol version 56 |
[13:06:40] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:52:33.478 Loading menu theme from /usr/share/mythtv/themes/mediacentermenu//advanced.xml |
[13:06:43] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:52:35.567 Loading menu theme from /usr/share/mythtv/themes/mediacentermenu//main_settings.xml |
[13:06:46] | justinh: | OI ! |
[13:06:46] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:52:38.327 XMLParseBase: Loading window theme from /usr/share/mythtv/themes/Graphite/appear-ui.xml |
[13:06:49] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:54:28.881 Received a remote 'Clear Cache' request |
[13:06:50] | justinh: | USE A PASTEBIN |
[13:06:51] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:54:28.958 Primary screen: 0. |
[13:06:53] | Azelphur: | justinh: or buy a better TV, fear my 800x600 :P |
[13:06:53] | justinh: | USE A PASTEBIN |
[13:06:53] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:54:28.961 Using screen 0, 1920x1080 at 0,0 |
[13:06:55] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:54:28.965 Using theme base resolution of 1280x720 |
[13:06:55] | justinh: | USE A PASTEBIN |
[13:06:57] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:54:29.000 Using Frameless Window |
[13:06:58] | tmkt (tmkt! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
[13:06:59] | rileyp: | 2010-06–14 22:54:29.000 Using Full Screen Window |
[13:07:03] | Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o iamlindoro | |
[13:07:05] | justinh: | somebody kick this joker please |
[13:07:09] | rileyp has been kicked from #mythtv-users by iamlindoro!~iamlindor@unaffiliated/iamlindoro (rileyp) | |
[13:07:17] | inordkuo (inordkuo!~inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:07:21] | Azelphur: | |
[13:07:24] | Azelphur: | Fear my oldschool TV |
[13:07:27] | justinh: | yay cheers iamlindoro |
[13:07:39] | tmkt (tmkt! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:07:41] | iamlindoro: | I kicked him just for using that POS Graphite ;) |
[13:07:47] | Jay2k1: | haha |
[13:08:05] | justinh: | these stupid IRC clients which get past flood kicking... |
[13:08:27] | rileyp (rileyp! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:08:37] | justinh: | rileyp: use a pastebin in future |
[13:08:45] | justinh: | any more than 3 lines |
[13:08:59] | rileyp: | ok ill be good now |
[13:08:59] | Jay2k1: | why don't you have a bot in here anyway |
[13:09:02] | justinh: | unless you'd like everybody in here to hate you forever :) |
[13:09:23] | justinh: | not sure if freenode like autokick bottery |
[13:09:45] | justinh: | wouldn't be surprised if that was why we didn't have one here |
[13:09:57] | justinh: | we could have one for banned words then too :) |
[13:09:58] | Azelphur: | justinh: I doubt it, the official ubuntu channel is full of them |
[13:10:05] | Azelphur: | and the official ubuntu channel is partnered with freenode |
[13:10:26] | Jay2k1: | although i find that banned words thing a bit weird |
[13:10:34] | justinh: | legality |
[13:10:39] | rileyp: | Using theme base resolution of 1280x720 it said |
[13:10:42] | Azelphur: | banned words is stupid, don't take insult unless it's intended :) |
[13:10:48] | jams: | this channel has to many bots they way it is |
[13:10:50] | justinh: | rileyp: yeah theme *base* resolution |
[13:11:01] | Azelphur: | but this channel could do with a factoid bot :) |
[13:11:02] | rileyp: | so thats normal |
[13:11:23] | Jay2k1: | jams i mean basic channel protection, like spam, join/part flood, nick flood and things like that |
[13:11:25] | justinh: | means it's scaled from the base resolution to whatever res you run mythfrontend at |
[13:11:42] | justinh: | nah if we got that I think banned topics too |
[13:11:50] | rileyp: | I like graphite best even more than arclight i suppose i should just get used to arclight and add some of my own background pictures |
[13:11:55] | justinh: | anybody mentions soft***.. boom! |
[13:12:17] | justinh: | or sassykay enn gee |
[13:12:24] | Jay2k1: | i just find it a bit ridiculous that it's allowed to say f*ck but as soon as you say it uncensored someone will say "language", i don't get the point of that |
[13:12:28] | justinh: | legal uses my rear end |
[13:12:39] | Azelphur: | haha speaking of softcam, my mums considering subscribing to sky, is there any way to use the sky subscription with myth? |
[13:12:41] | justinh: | Jay2k1: you're not allowed to say that either |
[13:12:45] | justinh: | Azelphur: NO |
[13:12:52] | Azelphur: | you can't get a card reader or something? :( |
[13:12:55] | justinh: | Azelphur: STB or bust |
[13:12:56] | justinh: | NO |
[13:13:01] | Azelphur: | aww. |
[13:13:04] | Jay2k1: | well, i've seen it a few times and noone said anything, as opposed to the uncensored words |
[13:13:13] | justinh: | thank Murdoch for that |
[13:13:23] | ** Azelphur sighs at Murdoch ** | |
[13:13:29] | rileyp: | hey lets stay on topic .... mythtv :D |
[13:13:29] | justinh: | mmm NDS... |
[13:13:40] | Azelphur: | another customer lost thanks to your tomfoolery, sir :P |
[13:13:45] | Azelphur: | (@ Murdoch) |
[13:13:47] | justinh: | Jay2k1: depends if there's anybody around to smack you or not |
[13:14:17] | justinh: | Azelphur: well, he doesn't have to worry a about piracy one jot |
[13:14:25] | Azelphur: | true |
[13:15:32] | rileyp: | Oh look Im sorry. Im a newb I wont do it again |
[13:16:01] | justinh: | like people who msg me out of the blue without asking only ever do it once. I put them on /ignore |
[13:16:22] | Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o jams | |
[13:16:55] | justinh: | rileyp: it's just annoying when text gets inserted piecemeal like that. personally I'd be less offended if it all came in in one go |
[13:17:08] | justinh: | but if it did that you'd be autokicked for flooding :D |
[13:17:21] | justinh: | well might.. |
[13:17:45] | Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : -o jams | |
[13:18:26] | Azelphur: | justinh: have to write an auto pastebin script for all the popular IRC clients :D |
[13:18:43] | Azelphur: | if number of lines > 3, pastebin and return url hehe |
[13:18:56] | justinh: | and emacs of course |
[13:19:05] | justinh: | s/emacs/kitchen\ sink/ |
[13:19:09] | Azelphur: | \o/ |
[13:21:57] | justinh: | hmm that squeezebox stuff is all starting to look quite reasonably priced when you examine crappy network media players |
[13:23:21] | justinh: | those dumb £100 'wifi radio'gizmos |
[13:24:27] | justinh: | think I'll start messing with turning my frontend into a squeezeslave player & see if I can figure out how to integrate it with mythtv so it doesn't interfere with TV functions |
[13:25:02] | justinh: | hrm. wonder if I can directly access the rear audio outputs AND output spdif doing different things |
[13:25:31] | akv_ (akv_! has left #mythtv-users () | |
[13:25:40] | justinh: | now *there* would be a use for analogue outputs on a 5.1 capable soundcard |
[13:25:47] | Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : -o iamlindoro | |
[13:26:11] | justinh: | duh.. I could always use a cheap-as anything USB soundcard too |
[13:26:36] | flabberkenny (flabberkenny! has quit (Quit: flabberkenny) | |
[13:30:25] | octavsly (octavsly! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:31:14] | rileyp: | so are we going anywhere with this dailog box issue or have I blown it |
[13:32:18] | rileyp: | I just tried arclight again.... I just dont like the way the highlighted menu item scrolls with the screen instead of staying in th centre |
[13:32:42] | Kunalagon (Kunalagon!~Kunalagon@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | |
[13:33:23] | justinh: | that's a one line change |
[13:33:29] | justinh: | if that's all you dislike about it |
[13:33:58] | justinh: | though changing that might very well break other stuff :) |
[13:34:08] | rileyp: | Can it be made horizonatl and not vertical? |
[13:34:14] | justinh: | not easily |
[13:34:33] | rileyp: | ok i wont go there |
[13:35:02] | marc-us (marc-us!~marc@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
[13:35:02] | rileyp: | wher do i dumpp my pictures in arclight |
[13:35:53] | rileyp: | in the images folder in /arclight |
[13:35:56] | rileyp: | i suppose |
[13:36:32] | justinh: | you suppose wrong |
[13:36:39] | rileyp: | backgrounds |
[13:36:46] | justinh: | and again |
[13:36:49] | rileyp: | must diitch those tendris |
[13:36:58] | justinh: | fanart & stuff does in the right place |
[13:37:01] | justinh: | not the theme dir |
[13:37:06] | rileyp: | oh? enlighten me please |
[13:37:09] | justinh: | s/does/goes/ |
[13:37:17] | justinh: | storage groups |
[13:37:28] | justinh: | for fanart, banners, covers |
[13:37:29] | justinh: | etc |
[13:37:48] | justinh: | then you use a metadata grabber like JAMU to go get the artwork for you |
[13:38:21] | rileyp: | but on a FE how do I access storage groups isnt that oly accessible from the mythtvsetup menu |
[13:39:26] | rileyp: | on the backend? sorry for splitting my text |
[13:40:05] | justinh: | storage group content is streamed from the backend :) |
[13:40:24] | justinh: | no setting up required once you've got them done in mythtv-setup |
[13:40:33] | rileyp: | But its 6 degrees c in my shed |
[13:40:46] | rileyp: | and 25 in the house |
[13:40:56] | rileyp: | and AI havent bothered with vnc yet |
[13:40:58] | justinh: | don't you have VNC/freenx/X-forwarding ? |
[13:41:01] | justinh: | pfft |
[13:41:10] | rileyp: | newb/..... |
[13:41:22] | justinh: | arghh stop using NEWB as an excuse for everything |
[13:41:41] | justinh: | what you mean is LAZY :) |
[13:42:07] | rileyp: | I know i need to go there I use ssh mostly happily onthing is i m not smart enough with myth to operate its setting from a terminal screen |
[13:42:28] | justinh: | you can't do setup stuff from a terminal |
[13:42:38] | justinh: | that's why there's a GUI for it |
[13:43:38] | rileyp: | so how did myth work before the setup gui's were made |
[13:44:46] | rileyp: | I'm sure you can do everything from a terminal screen if you really want to |
[13:45:15] | justinh: | there's always been a GUI |
[13:45:16] | rileyp: | but im going silly now must install vnc..... |
[13:45:24] | rileyp: | oh ok |
[13:45:36] | justinh: | and even devs don't hack the db themselves |
[13:45:41] | justinh: | it's a BAD IDEA |
[13:46:55] | rileyp: | so rather than start playing with jamu which sounds as much fun to play with as setting up vnc how can i change the size of that bloody dialog box |
[13:47:50] | justinh: | first off, find out where the dialog box is coming from |
[13:47:55] | justinh: | look at the output of mythfrontend |
[13:48:40] | justinh: | my bet is that it's not coming from the theme itself and is just one of the default theme xml files (default/base.xml) |
[13:49:13] | justinh: | or default/recordings-ui.xml |
[13:49:19] | justinh: | more likely the latter |
[13:49:26] | rileyp: | shcedule-ui.xml Im preety sure after trolling through it and reading a whole heap of greek |
[13:49:40] | justinh: | duh yeah that not recordings |
[13:49:53] | justinh: | not up to speed with mythui theme files yet & I dunno if I ever will be |
[13:50:56] | rileyp: | the first part of schedule-ui is the shedule page.... the last part is the menu i linked to before |
[13:51:07] | rileyp: | |
[13:51:20] | rileyp: | I think |
[13:51:34] | rileyp: | from what I understood |
[13:51:37] | rileyp: | of it |
[13:52:57] | rileyp: | <window name="scheduleoptionseditor"> |
[13:53:51] | justinh: | yes but a lot of that stuff is inherited from stuff in base.xml |
[13:54:10] | rileyp: | <area>247,183,780,100</area> |
[13:54:17] | justinh: | that's where it gets much more fun |
[13:54:21] | rileyp: | I think its an area iNeed to edit |
[13:54:29] | justinh: | that's one of them |
[13:54:38] | justinh: | then you need to change the size of the spinbox |
[13:54:41] | _abbenormal (_abbenormal!~abbenorma@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:54:51] | justinh: | then you need to change the size of the graphic used in the spinbox |
[13:55:19] | justinh: | I rue the day I ever ventured into editing a theme xml file |
[13:55:45] | rileyp: | why in the heel when they made graphite did the y make that box so small |
[13:56:08] | rileyp: | you cant read the text . |
[13:56:33] | rileyp: | If i were to change the text size in the appearane setrting would it fix it? |
[13:56:39] | justinh: | no |
[13:56:49] | rileyp: | Bah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
[13:57:08] | justinh: | those text size things don't work anymore & will be gone in 0.24 |
[13:57:28] | justinh: | it was daft having users able to change text sizes. it messed up theme designs |
[13:59:11] | rileyp: | |
[13:59:42] | rileyp: | thats the window I need to edit in shcedule-ui |
[14:00:31] | justinh: | oops it was a wide selector not spinbox lol |
[14:00:38] | justinh: | <buttonlist name="rules" from="basewideselector"> |
[14:01:00] | justinh: | which inherits properties from the buttonlist called "basewideselector" in base.xml |
[14:01:12] | justinh: | go see basewideselector in base.xml |
[14:05:10] | marc-us (marc-us!~marc@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[14:05:19] | rileyp: | looking at base.xml |
[14:06:42] | rileyp: | lokking at basewide def of a button |
[14:08:07] | grokky (grokky! has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[14:08:32] | justinh: | what I would probably do is copy the basewideselector buttonlist into schedule-ui in place of <buttonlist name="rules" from="basewideselector"> |
[14:09:22] | marc-us (marc-us!~marc@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | |
[14:09:39] | justinh: | so then instead of <buttonlist name="basewideselector"> you'd use <buttonlist name="rules"> but with the original content of basewideselector – then customise it in schedule-ui.xml |
[14:09:43] | rileyp: | just found basewide selector |
[14:10:21] | justinh: | inheritance makes defining global stuff easier, but can make changes more time consuming to do |
[14:10:28] | marc-us (marc-us!~marc@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[14:11:43] | rileyp: | so Id copy from <buttonlistname> to </buttonlist name>? |
[14:12:13] | justinh: | no just <buttonlist name> to </buttonlist> |
[14:12:25] | rileyp: | yep thats what I meant |
[14:12:27] | rileyp: | sorry |
[14:12:57] | ** justinh wonders how many people realise what hard work theming actually is ** | |
[14:15:22] | rileyp: | in shedule-ui do I need to cut anything or do I just add "the rules" as above |
[14:19:24] | ** wagnerrp suggests #mythtv-theming .... ** | |
[14:26:15] | rileyp: | . . . nshot2ch.png |
[14:26:40] | rileyp: | I did what you suggested and it made the top box massive |
[14:27:13] | rileyp: | but the recording rule box remains the same |
[14:29:12] | esperegu: | anyone knows why I might get a 'bookmark saved' and 'bookmark cleared' every few seconds while watching liveTV ? |
[14:29:52] | rileyp: | your remote has the button jammed on |
[14:30:12] | rileyp: | or keyboard or lirc has a backlog of commands |
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[15:42:00] | mcl0vin: | Good morning folks |
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[15:44:50] | rileyp: | hi |
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[15:57:15] | highzeth: | evenin mcl0vin |
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[16:14:30] | hobiga (hobiga!~hobiga@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
[16:19:36] | wagnerrp: | look at that, another failwhale candidate |
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[16:22:52] | Jay2k1 (Jay2k1!~J@ has quit () | |
[16:23:34] | highzeth: | clever: fyi, todays opera build has lotsa html5 features added incl webm |
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[16:31:51] | justinh: | hmm. what I suggested – I intended you to read between the lines.. oh and read the xml & figure stuff out too |
[16:32:04] | sphery: | wagnerrp: someone got through the reCAPTCHA? |
[16:33:33] | rileyp: | justinh I tried quite a few things but nothing made that box bigger |
[16:33:48] | wagnerrp: | sphery: and someone else called 'mysql' from within perl |
[16:33:53] | justinh: | the box is a graphic AFAIK |
[16:33:55] | wagnerrp: | ...when will people learn... |
[16:34:06] | rileyp: | wagnerp I cant post on the theming channel |
[16:34:09] | justinh: | so to make the box bigger you need to er.. make a bigger box |
[16:34:20] | AriX- (AriX-! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:34:27] | wagnerrp: | oh? why not? |
[16:34:51] | justinh: | prolly not registered |
[16:35:00] | wagnerrp: | theres no +r on the channel |
[16:35:12] | pak0 (pak0! has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | |
[16:35:16] | sphery: | it doesn't show as +r... unless he's talking about mythtv-theming mailing list... |
[16:35:20] | fleers (fleers! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:37:21] | rileyp: | * #mythtv-theming :Cannot send to channel |
[16:37:35] | rileyp: | thats what I get |
[16:37:43] | AriX_ (AriX_! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
[16:37:44] | wagnerrp: | huh.... |
[16:37:45] | sphery: | strange... |
[16:38:38] | rileyp: | I see where you typed test |
[16:39:17] | rileyp: | |
[16:39:55] | xand (xand!xand@pdpc/supporter/active/xand) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | |
[16:39:58] | rileyp: | my prob is I cant read all of the dialog box |
[16:40:10] | rileyp: | after the word e.... |
[16:40:18] | xand (xand!xand@pdpc/supporter/active/xand) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:40:48] | rileyp: | So Id like to fix it seeing its been annoying me for over a year now and probably a million others as well |
[16:41:35] | justinh: | nobody'll ever commit a fix for it though |
[16:41:42] | justinh: | not for graphite |
[16:41:56] | rileyp: | wellit does it in mythcentre as well |
[16:42:12] | justinh: | mythcenter-wide you mean? |
[16:42:57] | rileyp: | and not sure there as i use mythcentre on my video crippled BE on a 17 incher in the shed |
[16:43:07] | rileyp: | in 4;3 |
[16:44:03] | sphery: | iamlin doro might commit a fix for Graphite |
[16:44:07] | rileyp: | Its not the only dialog box in myth you cant read eg in the Be when seting up tuner cards |
[16:44:55] | Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:45:01] | sphery: | rileyp: the most likely reason it "does it in mythcentre as well" is because Graphite hasn't themed that screen, so it's falling back to the definition in default-wide (which will definitely be updated if you submit a patch) |
[16:45:45] | justinh: | unless it's just not in defaut-wide of course |
[16:46:47] | sphery: | Right, and that layout almost looks like a default screen (that default-wide falls back to) |
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[16:47:50] | KingKaeru (KingKaeru! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:48:22] | KingKaeru: | do i need to upgrade my wireless G network to wireless N if i want to add a frontend to my setup? |
[16:48:31] | rileyp: | how can i check this" default wide"? |
[16:49:16] | sphery: | SHARE_DIR/mythtv/themes/default-wide/ |
[16:49:56] | KingKaeru: | anyone? ;p |
[16:49:57] | sphery: | KingKaeru: Wired connections are best for reliability. Any wireless connection is usable on a "if it's good enough for you" basis. :) |
[16:50:17] | KingKaeru: | yeah i'm trying to avoid having to run the wire |
[16:50:25] | justinh: | me, I want my connection to be solid & reliable, so I ran wires everywhere |
[16:50:39] | sphery: | justinh: +1 |
[16:50:41] | justinh: | and while a 'wireless' connection may work well today it might not work so well tomorrow |
[16:50:51] | justinh: | or in one hour's time |
[16:50:52] | KingKaeru: | why do you say that? |
[16:50:57] | rileyp: | no default-wide in /usrshare/mythtv |
[16:51:08] | justinh: | because wireless connections can be interrupted by all kinds of things |
[16:51:08] | KingKaeru: | i dont understand how it is unreliable |
[16:51:09] | rileyp: | oops mised a / |
[16:51:11] | sphery: | "And the murderer is" ... back to Watch Recordings screen |
[16:51:48] | justinh: | wireless connections need to be *solid* for media playback duties |
[16:51:59] | sphery: | rileyp: ls -ld /usr/{,local/}share/mythtv/themes/default-wide/ |
[16:52:02] | justinh: | good consistent data rate |
[16:52:05] | rileyp: | my wireless is stuffed everytime the phen rings... our crdless phones stuff wireless..... |
[16:52:16] | KingKaeru: | i'm more concerned with bandwidth...if the 54Mbit/s is sufficient |
[16:52:18] | justinh: | microwave ovens can too |
[16:52:20] | sphery: | rileyp: if you don't have a default-wide theme, you have a broken install |
[16:52:26] | justinh: | KingKaeru: bw is one consideration |
[16:52:48] | KingKaeru: | justinh my wireless network is solid so far with no issues from microwave/phones |
[16:52:48] | justinh: | but ultimately it's no good having a connection which is 54mbits/sec 50% of the time |
[16:52:55] | justinh: | YMMV. Always |
[16:53:10] | KingKaeru: | so 54Mbs should be sufficient to stream then |
[16:53:17] | justinh: | yes. if you get that all the time |
[16:53:22] | KingKaeru: | thanks :) |
[16:53:22] | justinh: | YMMV. Always |
[16:53:25] | rileyp: | ls: cannot access /usr/local/share/mythtv/themes/default-wide/: No such file or directory |
[16:54:06] | rileyp: | drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2010-06–01 00:25 /usr/share/mythtv/themes/default-wdrwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2010-06–01 00:25 /usr/share/mythtv/themes/default-wide/ |
[16:54:07] | rileyp: | ide/ |
[16:54:07] | rileyp: | 010-06–01 00:25 /usr/share/mythtv/themes/default-wide/ |
[16:54:32] | rileyp: | sorry for posyting so much shite |
[16:54:38] | rileyp: | double post |
[16:54:39] | sphery: | KingKaeru: and remember that the 54mbps is shared, too |
[16:54:49] | KingKaeru: | sphery: no probs there |
[16:55:13] | KingKaeru: | the network is extremely simple and low traffic |
[16:55:21] | sphery: | so, AFAIUI, if you have a backend recording over a wireless link to an NAS, then a frontend playing a recording, then a backend running mythcommflag, you're sending at least 3 programs across the network |
[16:55:24] | KingKaeru: | almost all the traffic will be for mythtv |
[16:55:30] | iamlindoro: | And that 54 mbps is not the actual max bandwidth |
[16:55:37] | KingKaeru: | the backend will be hardwired |
[16:55:41] | KingKaeru: | and the nas will be hardwired |
[16:55:53] | sphery: | and maybe 4 if the backend is pulling the recording from the nas and then streaming it to the frontend |
[16:55:54] | iamlindoro: | ie, realistically, you will only be able to do a single HD FE stream, and then, only under optimal conditions |
[16:56:09] | sphery: | and then only with occasional glitches |
[16:56:10] | rileyp: | run a friggin wirea nd be be done |
[16:56:12] | KingKaeru: | sphery: only thing wireless will be the frontend |
[16:56:17] | sphery: | wire FTW! |
[16:56:25] | iamlindoro: | anyway, sounds like your mind is made up |
[16:56:33] | KingKaeru: | iamlindoro: what's the bitrate of an HD stream? |
[16:56:36] | iamlindoro: | the point is, we say it's a really bad idea, but if you prefer to find out, have at it :) |
[16:56:51] | sphery: | again, though, "Wired connections are best for reliability. Any wireless connection is usable on a "if it's good enough for you" basis. :)" |
[16:56:53] | iamlindoro: | Generally speaking, 19 Mb/s max |
[16:56:54] | KingKaeru: | i'm not going to run a wire if i dont have to |
[16:57:10] | iamlindoro: | And your 54 Mbit wireless connection will manage more like mid-20s throughput |
[16:57:10] | KingKaeru: | hrm |
[16:57:22] | KingKaeru: | okay so G isnt suffient |
[16:57:26] | KingKaeru: | I guess i'll upgrade to N |
[16:58:04] | sphery: | think of how much cheaper a bit of cat 5e would be than getting a new N router and possibly an N NIC |
[16:58:05] | highzeth: | one thing is in-house interference, how is your neighbourhood? lotsa other wlan ax points? |
[16:58:07] | sphery: | :) |
[16:58:25] | rileyp: | sphery where do I go from here its a mythbuntu install |
[16:58:27] | sphery: | just hope that all the interference happens when you don't feel like watching TV |
[16:58:28] | KingKaeru: | srsly dude running a wire is going to be the last resort |
[16:58:43] | KingKaeru: | and if wireless doesnt work it's not a big deal to scrap it in the end |
[16:58:46] | rileyp: | that i emoved all myth from when i did a upgrade to 0.23 |
[16:58:47] | sphery: | since you won't feel like watching TV when the interference happens |
[16:59:18] | sphery: | rileyp: you'd have to ask some *buntu users |
[16:59:24] | sphery: | possibly in #mythbuntu |
[16:59:28] | KingKaeru: | why are you so afraid of wireless networks sphery? |
[16:59:32] | KingKaeru: | lol |
[16:59:48] | sphery: | Because who wants to wear their tin-foil caps when watching TV? |
[16:59:51] | rileyp: | no this is a myth issue not a buntu issue |
[16:59:56] | sphery: | that's as bad as having to wear 3D glasses |
[17:00:24] | sphery: | rileyp: no, there's no issue in MythTV with installation of default-wide--it's either a packaging issue (Mythbuntu) or an installation issue (if you compiled/installed yourself) |
[17:01:20] | rileyp: | a |
[17:02:10] | rileyp: | wait I have default wide.... |
[17:02:14] | rileyp: | my bad |
[17:04:04] | rileyp: | drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2010-06–01 00:25 /usr/share/mythtv/themes/default-wide |
[17:04:22] | eNeRGi_ (eNeRGi_! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | |
[17:05:01] | rileyp: | ah so inned to edit this settings-ui.xml |
[17:05:15] | rileyp: | thats I need to edit |
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[17:07:52] | gregl (gregl! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:11:45] | justinh: | whu? |
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[17:12:46] | kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc | |
[17:14:37] | justinh: | the widget is defined in default-wide/schedule-ui.xml from default-wide/base.xml AFAIK |
[17:14:48] | justinh: | sod it. lemme at it |
[17:15:49] | justinh: | nope. mythcenter-wide looks fine |
[17:16:11] | justinh: | well the arrows of the selector are a bit cut off but you can certainly see all the text |
[17:17:07] | ** justinh tries graphite ** | |
[17:17:42] | sphery: | wagnerrp: Flash 10.2 will have 3D video support. Just what we need. |
[17:17:42] | justinh: | aha |
[17:17:55] | justinh: | it's only graphite – or at least it's not graphite AND mythcenter-wide |
[17:17:56] | unixSnob (unixSnob! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:17:59] | sphery: | . . . eaming-video |
[17:18:23] | justinh: | and it's all in Graphite/schedule-ui.xml |
[17:20:37] | johd (johd!~johd@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:23:14] | justinh: | right, so the basewideselector is 395 pixels wide |
[17:23:34] | justinh: | and the background for it is a PNG image |
[17:23:48] | justinh: | so if you change the size of the selector you need to also make a new image |
[17:23:53] | justinh: | or just replace it with a shape |
[17:24:11] | justinh: | I'll go with the latter. gimme half an hour |
[17:25:04] | ldam (ldam! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:26:27] | sphery: | you're just fixing the top box's size and centering buttons, right? I don't think iamlindoro would be very interested in changing button sizes themselves (as he tries to keep that consistent throughout the theme and has already been somewhat vocal about our putting too-long text in buttons) |
[17:26:40] | sphery: | I think he prefers to fix MythTV rather than change the buttons to suit it |
[17:27:44] | justinh: | not sure he cares about Graphite whichever way |
[17:28:20] | justinh: | it's his baby – his prerogative but I don't mind wasting half an hour on it |
[17:30:03] | justinh: | other screens have the buttons well placed & using plenty of the screen. if anything the scheduleoptions area is out of step with the rest IMHO |
[17:31:08] | sphery: | yeah, I'm sure it's a not-yet-themed (or "partially themed" since it's in there, but not actually layed out) screen, so I know he'll appreciate some fixes for it |
[17:31:35] | justinh: | for the half hour or so it'll take it's worth a punt |
[17:32:25] | justinh: | better than trying to direct somebody who doesn't know anything about theming.. but hey.. if we get another theme contributor out of this.. ;-) |
[17:34:32] | paul-h (paul-h! has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[17:35:31] | gigem (gigem!~david@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
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[17:36:14] | justinh: | actually wouldn't mind shortening some of the text in places |
[17:36:58] | justinh: | ultimately that might be themable but the burden on translation will be heavy |
[17:37:12] | Jay2k1 (Jay2k1! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:37:15] | sphery: | yeah, it's best to fix it in mythtv proper |
[17:37:49] | sphery: | don't know if another UI design would allow giving the same info but with more-button-appropriate-text (i.e. the long text is elsewhere)--but then again, I'm not a UI wizard like you |
[17:39:24] | justinh: | no longer a ui wizard |
[17:39:29] | justinh: | if I ever was :) |
[17:40:20] | justinh: | I think all the 'of this title' can be taken out safely.. that's kind of assumed |
[17:40:34] | toorima (toorima! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:40:42] | justinh: | 'every day' shortened to 'daily' |
[17:41:53] | erikja (erikja! has quit (Quit: Leaving) | |
[17:42:00] | justinh: | doing that though I fear running into the same issues I had when I suggested renaming 'video sources'. never forget how hard that bit me |
[17:42:49] | justinh: | but in wide themes, there's plenty of room onscreen.. possibly even more than enough in the 4:3 ones too |
[17:42:57] | justinh: | esp. in cases like this |
[17:43:08] | justinh: | six of one, half a dozen of the other |
[17:51:36] | sphery: | heh, well--as someone who opposed the suggested new names for video sources--I wouldn't oppose the changes you're suggesting here :) |
[17:52:36] | sphery: | (I don't oppose renaming video sources, but don't want to make it more confusing by "simplifying" things--i.e. calling them listings sources when many users have a single listings source used for multiple video sources) |
[17:53:02] | sphery: | and, unfortunately, I don't have any suggestions for better names. :( |
[17:54:10] | paul-h (paul-h! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:56:26] | justinh: | thingies! |
[18:01:06] | sphery: | heh, at least that does keep the distinction between listings provider, lineup, and "thingy" :) |
[18:01:34] | blizzard_: | when mythfilldatabase is automatically ran by mythtv, as which user is it ran? mythtv? |
[18:01:48] | kormoc: | blizzard_, the same user the backend is running as |
[18:01:48] | blizzard_: | I want to change the number of days the grabber gets data for |
[18:02:21] | blizzard_: | oke, tnx |
[18:02:58] | blizzard_: | getting alot of: |
[18:02:59] | blizzard_: | Failed to download data for on 2010-06–29. |
[18:03:20] | blizzard_: | so the grabber gets data up till 06–28 but then there's nothing available for that last day |
[18:03:23] | blizzard_: | =) |
[18:05:08] | sphery: | blizzard_: changing the number of days retrieved involves changing the xmltv script itself |
[18:05:35] | sphery: | i.e. mythtv queries the script to determine the number of days to retrieve |
[18:05:39] | justinh: | rileyp: almost there |
[18:06:30] | wagnerrp: | youre pulling data from |
[18:06:33] | Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
[18:07:22] | blizzard_: | sphery, no config files for that? I thought that there was a config file for all the options you could run mythfilldatabase with |
[18:07:36] | blizzard_: | (was just looking for that script) |
[18:07:52] | blizzard_: | wagn: naah, that's the way the channels are named in my grabber config |
[18:08:06] | blizzard_: | that row just said that it was the channel Discovery HD |
[18:08:29] | blizzard_: | TV1000 Action is named something like action.tv1000.viasat |
[18:08:51] | sphery: | blizzard_: you could specify options, but if the grabber is broken... |
[18:09:02] | sphery: | then someone should fix it |
[18:09:07] | blizzard_: | its not broken |
[18:09:12] | squish102 (squish102! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | |
[18:09:27] | blizzard_: | I think that the data source for the grabber just provides 6 days of info while the grabber asks for seven days |
[18:09:28] | wagnerrp: | anyone else watching the microsoft e3 keynote? |
[18:09:34] | blizzard_: | so the last day always results in error messages |
[18:09:43] | blizzard_: | wag: knetic? |
[18:09:58] | blizzard_: | not watching, trying to follow from time to time on blogs |
[18:10:16] | wagnerrp: | im wondering how waving your hands in the air could possibly be 'easier' than just using muscle memory to hit buttons on your remote |
[18:10:29] | wagnerrp: | do you have to fumble around in the dark to figure out what buttons do what? |
[18:10:36] | wagnerrp: | or do you just press the right button? |
[18:11:50] | sphery: | blizzard_: I think you mean "Kinect" |
[18:11:59] | blizzard_: | yap |
[18:12:01] | sphery: | (like Kinetic + Connect) |
[18:12:07] | blizzard_: | yap |
[18:12:17] | wagnerrp: | i dont /want/ to use voice... i dont /want/ to use wildly flamboyant hand gestures |
[18:12:21] | wagnerrp: | i just want to use the remote |
[18:12:30] | blizzard_: | same here |
[18:12:30] | blizzard_: | BUT |
[18:12:36] | sphery: | wagnerrp: not watching, but the whole idea of navigating a virtual world by walking and gesturing seems really annoying to me |
[18:12:41] | blizzard_: | I DO want the microsoft surface to play RUSE on =) |
[18:13:21] | sqiush102 (sqiush102! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:13:27] | sphery: | blizzard_: so, yeah, you should fix the grabber script so it knows (and tells others) how many days the provider supplies :) |
[18:13:28] | sqiush102 is now known as squish102 | |
[18:13:43] | blizzard_: | |
[18:18:28] | justinh: | rileyp: screenshot coming up |
[18:18:39] | justinh: | rileyp: |
[18:19:11] | KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:19:38] | justinh: | rileyp: . . . edule-ui.xml |
[18:20:01] | justinh: | still not great, but better than it was IMHO |
[18:20:50] | _abbenormal (_abbenormal!~abbenorma@ has quit (Quit: Yup Im Leaving) | |
[18:26:26] | natanojl (natanojl! has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[19:03:47] | PeaceKeeper (PeaceKeeper!~kvirc@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:07:32] | cipher42 (cipher42! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:07:50] | cipher42: | for some reason when i run mythtv-setup the window is blank |
[19:08:30] | cipher42: | just started happening out of nowhere |
[19:09:42] | wagnerrp: | what did you just upgrade mythtv to? |
[19:10:45] | justinh: | hmm. I need to rob a bank. want a Loewe TV |
[19:10:56] | cipher42: | i didn't just upgrade |
[19:11:02] | cipher42: | i'm using 23-fixes i think |
[19:11:28] | wagnerrp: | so if you didnt change anything with mythtv, then you changed something on your system that broke mythtv |
[19:11:33] | wagnerrp: | thats outside our purview |
[19:11:38] | justinh: | blank as in black or just a background image? |
[19:11:53] | cipher42: | it's the grey color |
[19:12:05] | cipher42: | nothing else but grey in the window |
[19:12:11] | cipher42: | said it can't connect to lirc? |
[19:12:14] | cipher42: | or something like that |
[19:12:26] | cipher42: | oh wait that doesn't matter |
[19:12:39] | justinh: | grab the output of the terminal & put the text in a pastebin |
[19:12:44] | justinh: | i.e. |
[19:12:44] | cipher42: | k |
[19:14:03] | squish102 (squish102! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
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[19:15:58] | sqiush102 is now known as squish102 | |
[19:16:02] | cipher42: | it won't let me copy the text in the window for some reason... |
[19:16:51] | RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:16:55] | cipher42: | arg.. |
[19:17:08] | justinh: | try SHIFT and CTRL C |
[19:17:47] | cipher42: | closes the window |
[19:18:34] | esperegu: | which refresh would give the best playback result? on what does that depend? |
[19:18:49] | wagnerrp: | screen refresh rate? |
[19:18:51] | esperegu: | I'm struggling with refresh rates and modelines |
[19:18:56] | esperegu: | wagnerrp: yeah. |
[19:18:56] | wagnerrp: | where do you live? |
[19:19:02] | esperegu: | netherlands |
[19:19:06] | wagnerrp: | you want 50Hz |
[19:19:29] | esperegu: | wagnerrp: thought so. but somehow I can't get the tv into 'pc' mode then. |
[19:19:34] | esperegu: | to stop overscanning |
[19:19:35] | esperegu: | hmmm |
[19:19:38] | cipher42: | says i can't load base.xml, or en_us module mythfrontend |
[19:19:41] | cipher42: | *it |
[19:19:52] | cipher42: | whoa, it just poped it! |
[19:19:54] | cipher42: | weird |
[19:21:24] | cipher42: | it's incredibly slow tho |
[19:22:51] | esperegu: | wagnerrp: hmmm. looks like pc mode is only 59.988 |
[19:23:06] | wagnerrp: | thats retarded |
[19:26:26] | justinh: | well still no fix for flash video tearing. time for flash to die |
[19:26:38] | esperegu: | wagnerrp: |
[19:26:45] | esperegu: | that's the resolutions in the manual |
[19:28:02] | justinh: | 59.988? :-O |
[19:29:51] | wagnerrp: | should be 59.97 |
[19:29:56] | wagnerrp: | but it really should be 50 |
[19:29:59] | cipher42 (cipher42! has left #mythtv-users () | |
[19:30:43] | esperegu: | what's the difference between pc and dtv ? |
[19:30:55] | justinh: | probably overscan, and the lack of it |
[19:31:18] | esperegu: | grrrrr. |
[19:31:19] | ** wagnerrp still doesnt understand why DTV is overscanned ** | |
[19:31:28] | justinh: | because it is |
[19:31:30] | esperegu: | me neither |
[19:31:43] | esperegu: | and then why can't I use pc with 50 hz???? |
[19:32:12] | esperegu: | wagnerrp: and why did you say I needed 50 hz? |
[19:32:18] | justinh: | guess I won't be buying an LG set |
[19:32:20] | wagnerrp: | because somewhere, for some reason, someone thought it would be a good idea to artificially limit things |
[19:32:26] | justinh: | esperegu: European TV is 50Hz |
[19:32:29] | wagnerrp: | you want 50Hz because your content will be 50Hz |
[19:32:48] | wagnerrp: | european TV is 25/50Hz |
[19:32:49] | esperegu: | also when using dvb-s ? |
[19:32:54] | justinh: | yes |
[19:33:10] | justinh: | 25i/50p |
[19:33:25] | wagnerrp: | north american tv is 30/60HZ |
[19:33:26] | esperegu: | so they sell a tv but I can't use properly in the correct frequency? |
[19:33:35] | wagnerrp: | so it would seem |
[19:33:37] | justinh: | not in PC mode apparently |
[19:33:50] | esperegu: | that probably has to do with the electrical setup right? |
[19:34:03] | justinh: | used to be |
[19:34:05] | esperegu: | justinh: and in dtv I can't disable overscan? |
[19:34:09] | justinh: | no idea |
[19:35:16] | wagnerrp: | is PAL actually 50Hz? or is it 50000/1001? |
[19:35:39] | esperegu: | donno |
[19:35:45] | skd5aner: | wagnerrp: I'm with you, stupid overscan :P |
[19:36:12] | justinh: | wagnerrp: 50 on the dot I think |
[19:36:24] | justinh: | producers still work to overscan safe areas |
[19:36:25] | skd5aner: | I use the nvidia-util to adjust overscan/underscan |
[19:36:35] | justinh: | on HDMI, skd5aner ? |
[19:36:38] | AndyCap: | shoot in 720+5% or 1080+5% and send in perfect 1:1 pixelmapping |
[19:36:39] | AndyCap: | but nooo |
[19:37:11] | skd5aner: | justinh: hmmm, you know... that's a good question, it was over component when I last messed with it, but have sinec switch to HDMI, not sure if it's applying or not |
[19:37:15] | wagnerrp: | why do you need safe areas if you do 1:1? |
[19:37:27] | justinh: | old practises die hard |
[19:37:41] | justinh: | and not all HD ends up broadcast as HD |
[19:37:42] | AndyCap: | wagnerrp: sensor edges etc suck from what I gather |
[19:37:58] | AndyCap: | dunno if that is actually true |
[19:38:06] | justinh: | AndyCap: not necessarily the case |
[19:38:19] | justinh: | sensors can be larger than the capture area |
[19:38:54] | AndyCap: | justinh: yep |
[19:39:03] | justinh: | and with direct to digital, hairy clock edges needn't be a concern |
[19:39:20] | skd5aner: | my stupid cable STB decided to reset itself to 480i output sometime over last week, so my HD-PVR recordings for about a week suck :P |
[19:39:42] | justinh: | stupid, or clever, and told to do so? |
[19:39:49] | skd5aner: | the wife was like "why does my show look all fuzzy" – I thought she was crazy till I walked in and looked |
[19:40:34] | skd5aner: | justinh: well, I'm going with stupid, even if told to do so – because it wasn't told by me and if the cable co decided to be mean, then it's still stupid |
[19:40:56] | iamlindoro: | Heh, the MythBox guy is mad I removed his announcement |
[19:41:16] | iamlindoro: | I feel bad, but third party frontends which directly modify the DB are not good times for the wiki front page |
[19:41:17] | skd5aner: | took me a bit to figure out why... in fact, the HD flag was still shown within the recordings menu |
[19:41:22] | justinh: | ? |
[19:43:19] | justinh: | ahh |
[19:43:20] | iamlindoro: | . . . mythtv/ |
[19:43:30] | iamlindoro: | naughty naught y XBMC FE |
[19:43:49] | iamlindoro: | that does lots and lots of direct DB manipulation |
[19:44:00] | wagnerrp: | iamlindoro: at least they handle protocol access properly |
[19:44:15] | AndyCap: | you guys started it. :P |
[19:44:19] | iamlindoro: | which is almost more puzzling |
[19:44:23] | dewman (dewman! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
[19:44:31] | skd5aner: | is it just me, or do other's frequently subsitute the term "mythbox" when referring to MythTV or at least the physical device mythtv runs on? |
[19:45:02] | justinh: | heh. my wife calls it the sooper-dooper computer |
[19:45:56] | skd5aner: | I typically just say "myth" and "mythbox" when talking to those in-the-know... mythtv when talking to "outsiders" |
[19:46:52] | justinh: | oof. did you myth that thow on the televithion? |
[19:47:22] | skd5aner: | i.e., "Crap, power went out and the mythbox didn't come back up properly" or "Crap, power went out and myth didn't come back up properly" |
[19:47:43] | wagnerrp: | 'myth' sounds better |
[19:47:48] | skd5aner: | first one, is the whole thing... the device, second is "mythtv" iteself if that's mfe/mbe, etc |
[19:47:57] | justinh: | skd5aner: almost cost me my entire root fs, that the other week |
[19:48:19] | justinh: | UPS that doesn't talk to the machine it's connected to is as much use as a chocolate fireguard |
[19:48:35] | skd5aner: | yucky, I'm SANS UPS for about 6 months now, so I'm gambling :O |
[19:48:44] | RockHound (RockHound! has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[19:48:55] | skd5aner: | lol, chocolate fireguard |
[19:49:10] | skd5aner: | sounds meltily delicious |
[19:50:25] | jolaren (jolaren!~joel@unaffiliated/jolaren) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:50:58] | jolaren: | J-e-f-f-A: Hey, I saw you alone time ago talkin about a generic application for mythtv @ android devices. Did anything come up now a few months later? |
[19:51:08] | AndyCap: | justinh: with enough chocolate it would work fine. :P |
[19:51:16] | iamlindoro (iamlindoro!~iamlindor@unaffiliated/iamlindoro) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
[19:54:51] | justinh: | lol |
[19:55:11] | wagnerrp: | i recently had to upgrade UPSs, my old APC had basically no battery power left |
[19:56:44] | AndyCap: | but can you get a ups with a programmable timer so you can wake your server for the next recording. :P |
[19:57:10] | wagnerrp: | you want to turn your backend off? |
[19:57:19] | kormoc: | AndyCap, bios already has that |
[19:58:02] | AndyCap: | in case of a power outage of course. :P |
[19:59:15] | skd5aner: | Just what I want, my MBE to run on battery power to record SportsCenter :P |
[19:59:20] | skd5aner: | ; |
[19:59:23] | skd5aner: | ;) |
[19:59:54] | AndyCap: | skd5aner: it should die with its boots on, doing what it loves. |
[20:01:19] | brfransen (brfransen! has quit (Quit: brfransen) | |
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[20:05:26] | notlistening (notlistening! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:06:03] | dewman (dewman! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:06:18] | notlistening: | Hi mythbuntu, with mythbackend using 130% of my cpu when doing nothing at all, well not recording or somthing like that is that normal? |
[20:07:26] | wagnerrp: | mythtv cannot use 130% of your CPU |
[20:07:33] | wagnerrp: | theres only 100% available to use |
[20:07:51] | notlistening: | multicore |
[20:08:19] | wagnerrp: | so its using 65% |
[20:08:20] | notlistening: | top on linux calculates all the cores into on |
[20:08:38] | kormoc: | notlistening, press 1 when you're in top to toggle roll-up or not |
[20:08:52] | kormoc: | (it's all configurable) |
[20:09:25] | notlistening: | I know but I thought it would be okay to put in those terms obviously not ;) |
[20:09:49] | kormoc: | well, it's more we can't really answer that |
[20:09:53] | wagnerrp: | do you have multiple framegrabbers? |
[20:09:55] | kormoc: | as it's doing something |
[20:10:05] | wagnerrp: | if not, then no, mythbackend should not be using that much CPU |
[20:10:25] | notlistening: | hdhomerun but it is sitting there doing nothing new install |
[20:10:35] | wagnerrp: | there /used/ to be some bug where the backend would take up one full CPU |
[20:10:43] | wagnerrp: | but that was back in the pre-0.21 days |
[20:10:44] | notlistening: | it had dropped back to 74% or so now |
[20:11:05] | kormoc: | How did you determine that it's doing nothing? |
[20:11:33] | wagnerrp: | mythfilldatabase will take a lot of CPU for a while when its running |
[20:11:53] | wagnerrp: | and the scheduler will take a lot of CPU for around a second |
[20:12:10] | kormoc: | %s/around a second/seconds/ |
[20:12:22] | wagnerrp: | (unless you have a lot of channels, recording rules, and a woefully underpowered processor) |
[20:13:06] | notlistening: | maybe a woefully underpowered processor |
[20:13:14] | wagnerrp: | what processor? |
[20:13:34] | kormoc: | 8086 4 megahertz! |
[20:13:50] | notlistening: | close atom 330 |
[20:13:53] | cdpuk (cdpuk!~chris@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:14:55] | wagnerrp: | for example, i consider my backend to be fairly underpowered, a 1.8GHz dual core opteron |
[20:14:59] | notlistening: | back at 150% :P |
[20:15:13] | wagnerrp: | takes me around 4 seconds to schedule for ~100 channels, and ~50 rules |
[20:15:20] | wagnerrp: | across 5 tuners |
[20:15:37] | sphery: | do you have an HD-PVR |
[20:15:46] | sphery: | could be a wedged preview gen |
[20:16:00] | wagnerrp: | do you have multiple instance of the backend running? |
[20:16:06] | sphery: | ps -efw | grep mythback |
[20:16:06] | wagnerrp: | the preview gen runs in a separate instance |
[20:16:13] | kormoc: | sphery, but but but, that would be doing something! |
[20:16:24] | sphery: | spinning is something :) |
[20:16:30] | wagnerrp: | for the specific reason that it can seize up like that |
[20:16:34] | sphery: | Some people even pay gyms for the privilege |
[20:16:42] | wagnerrp: | since its in a separate instance, it can spin all it wants and not bother the backend |
[20:18:00] | notlistening: | just one instance, humm maybe i will wait and see if it settles, I have another machine the same and it has not been having this problem maybe it is a mythbuntu specific thing |
[20:19:01] | RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:19:18] | wagnerrp: | what version of mythbuntu are you running? |
[20:19:47] | unixSnob (unixSnob! has quit (Quit: leaving) | |
[20:20:01] | skd5aner: | Recordy Racoon? |
[20:22:35] | notlistening: | lol skd5aner |
[20:22:43] | notlistening: | 10.04 |
[20:24:44] | Jay2k1 (Jay2k1! has quit () | |
[20:25:58] | wagnerrp: | notlistening: have you ever updated mythtv? |
[20:26:43] | notlistening: | I am running fixes from the us server I think |
[20:27:12] | notlistening: | for myth and buntu I run them regularly |
[20:28:42] | sphery: | mythbackend --version output to a pastebin would be helpful |
[20:29:08] | brfransen (brfransen! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:29:34] | notlistening: | sorry sphery :D |
[20:30:27] | notlistening: | |
[20:30:53] | Essobi (Essobi! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
[20:31:36] | sphery: | yeah, that's pretty new, so you should have most of the recent fixes |
[20:31:40] | Essobi (Essobi! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:32:22] | notlistening: | could it be a pulse issue |
[20:32:31] | notlistening: | as i added pulse in as an extra |
[20:32:37] | sphery: | maybe |
[20:32:49] | sphery: | TTBOMK, pulse isn't supported in 0.23-fixes |
[20:33:03] | esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
[20:33:22] | notlistening: | I am just using the backend for recording only and mythweb |
[20:33:28] | notlistening: | for the frontend I am using boxee |
[20:33:48] | wagnerrp: | thats hardly a frontend |
[20:34:06] | wagnerrp: | more of, it will play fo;es it finds on the hard drive |
[20:34:07] | wagnerrp: | files |
[20:35:01] | notlistening: | ture wagnerrp but i like it more than myth at the moment |
[20:35:27] | notlistening: | all about the UI |
[20:37:20] | notlistening: | i'd love myth if i could get the online content easily and if it was as slick as boxee |
[20:37:38] | wagnerrp: | see mythnetvision |
[20:38:28] | notlistening: | can it do lastFM? |
[20:39:08] | wagnerrp: | MNV is for downloadable and html-based video content, so no |
[20:39:13] | sphery: | MythBrowser can do |
[20:39:38] | wagnerrp: | there is a rework in progress for mythmusic, which intends to add support for some of the more common streaming music services |
[20:39:47] | tmkt (tmkt! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
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[20:39:53] | Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v iamlindoro | |
[20:40:01] | notlistening: | have you guys tried boxee, to have a idea of why i like it, I know you might be shot for defecting but ;) |
[20:40:48] | wagnerrp: | me personally? no... but i know a couple of the theme and UI guys have been trying out other HTPC softwares for ideas |
[20:41:10] | notlistening: | likes this ^^ |
[20:41:21] | tmkt (tmkt! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:42:09] | wagnerrp: | im too many thousands of lines in to easily jump ship |
[20:43:05] | notlistening: | myth a far superior for its ability and there is some amazing work having gone into myth but IMHO the frontend is the failing point and only on the graphics functionality of the UI rather than anything else |
[20:44:22] | wagnerrp: | well its more that myth is a DVR, and neither boxee nor xbmc have any similar functionality, nor do they want it |
[20:44:32] | sphery: | well, there's much to be said for form over function |
[20:44:34] | wagnerrp: | theyre not directly competing |
[20:44:47] | sphery: | pretty bling must be what it takes to make a good media center |
[20:45:10] | sphery: | tvheadend :) |
[20:45:25] | wagnerrp: | is not designed to be a DVR software |
[20:45:42] | wagnerrp: | its supposed to be a unified architecture for them to hook into 3rd party DVR programs |
[20:46:04] | wagnerrp: | hence why its only the 'headend' |
[20:46:15] | sphery: | yeah, but they seem to want DVR capability |
[20:46:38] | sphery: | at least they realize that rolling their own isn't the right approach |
[20:46:45] | notlistening: | when content goes online as it will it won't be needed |
[20:46:56] | sphery: | heh, yeah |
[20:47:03] | notlistening: | or if |
[20:47:08] | wagnerrp: | what broadcast content do you get online instead of recording? |
[20:47:24] | sphery: | tell that to the telcos/cable-cos/etc who are refusing to invest billions in their infrastructure to provide the required bandwidth |
[20:47:35] | notlistening: | for the UK most the major channel are both |
[20:47:36] | wagnerrp: | the stuff on hulu and netflix doesnt even come close to the bitrate of broadcast content |
[20:47:49] | wagnerrp: | same thing with content through iPlayer |
[20:48:08] | notlistening: | yeah i know we are talking today though |
[20:48:09] | sphery: | Each day Netflix ships DVD's with a combined bandwidth that's a huge percentage of total Internet capacity |
[20:48:49] | sphery: | and, besides, do you /really/ think that Boxee/XBMC will be given access rights to the DRM'ed online services? |
[20:48:52] | notlistening: | and i talking years away |
[20:49:11] | sphery: | the only way you can make them work is to do what many in some camps seem to already do--steal video |
[20:49:50] | sphery: | boxee will have a great chance since it's an appliance, but... |
[20:49:51] | wagnerrp: | XBMC, no... but i could see Boxee offering a binary distribution offering legitimate access to DRM'd content |
[20:50:14] | AndyCap: | just like tivo |
[20:50:27] | sphery: | just like Hulu |
[20:50:29] | notlistening: | Boxee have the right model and are making the right moves to miss out the middle men |
[20:51:06] | notlistening: | well it is hard to know where to go and what to do |
[20:51:30] | sphery: | yeah, but hey, if you don't want to use any of the features of mythfrontend, you don't need to |
[20:51:47] | sphery: | but you may want to at least install it so you can properly manage your system |
[20:52:15] | sphery: | oh, and don't forget to hope that your 3rd-party "fake the protocol" client doesn't kill your data :) |
[20:52:54] | notlistening: | haha normally it is the cheap hardware i choose to put in my systems |
[20:53:22] | wagnerrp: | sphery: luckily, boxee has no client to possible have one that does bad things |
[20:54:34] | notlistening: | well you guys get lastFM going and i'm yours ;) |
[20:55:00] | notlistening: | the back end has settled down now to 30 – 40 % |
[20:55:28] | wagnerrp: | thats still much higher than it should be |
[20:55:29] | sphery: | wagnerrp: oh, it's just UPnP or something? |
[20:55:33] | wagnerrp: | it should be 0–5 |
[20:55:47] | wagnerrp: | sphery: i dont think boxee has any support at all |
[20:56:05] | sphery: | so he's just selecting files to play, then? |
[20:56:14] | wagnerrp: | thats my assumption |
[20:56:38] | wagnerrp: | there was some guy on mythtvtalk a couple days ago that was generating an xml list from the database, that was the first hint of any form of boxee/myth support |
[20:56:44] | notlistening: | thats the only solution right now |
[20:56:50] | sphery: | oh, so basically like using xterm + xine for a frontend :) |
[20:57:13] | sphery: | notlistening: using to create useful names, at least, I hope |
[20:57:22] | wagnerrp: | i recommended he switch to using the XML interface in the thread |
[20:57:39] | jolaren (jolaren!~joel@unaffiliated/jolaren) has left #mythtv-users () | |
[20:59:46] | notlistening: | wagnerrp, XML interface? |
[21:00:05] | iamlindoro (iamlindoro!~iamlindor@unaffiliated/iamlindoro) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
[21:00:08] | wagnerrp: | http://<backend>:6544/Myth/GetRecordings |
[21:00:20] | iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[21:00:26] | iamlindoro (iamlindoro!~iamlindor@unaffiliated/iamlindoro) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[21:00:28] | wagnerrp: | much more likely to be a static target than the database or mythproto |
[21:00:48] | wagnerrp: | and then you can even use that to stream content over the XML interface |
[21:00:55] | wagnerrp: | no direct file access needed |
[21:02:04] | notlistening: | Cool, i like coming here, its a nice community |
[21:05:42] | FredYerkes (FredYerkes! has quit (Quit: leaving) | |
[21:06:02] | notlistening: | I am getting a 401 error will that occure if i have nothing recorded? |
[21:06:29] | wagnerrp: | no, it means i told you the wrong page |
[21:06:36] | wagnerrp: | its GetRecorded, not GetRecordings |
[21:06:37] | notlistening: | oh :P |
[21:06:59] | wagnerrp: | should return an xml sheet of all your recordings, along with channel info |
[21:07:16] | wagnerrp: | basically, a reformulated ProgramInfo structure |
[21:07:50] | wagnerrp: | stupid python... doing as its supposed to and not as i expect |
[21:09:10] | sid3windr: | MythMindControl not ready yet? ;> |
[21:09:55] | wagnerrp: | nah, i assumed some method was going to return one output, so i corrected for it |
[21:10:06] | wagnerrp: | and instead it returned exactly what i needed and i didnt need to correct anything |
[21:10:39] | sid3windr: | ahh |
[21:10:52] | sid3windr: | so mythmindcontrol IS ready.. it's just not correcting for your corrections yet |
[21:15:17] | sphery: | heh, iamlindoro's in the "Comcast service issues" hour of his day |
[21:19:58] | cdpuk (cdpuk!~chris@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
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[21:28:14] | notlistening: | Boxee is crap you can only add online rss feeds that the boxee server can access to boxee rather than a locak rss feed because they like you to do it through their website interface :( |
[21:28:30] | GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[21:29:49] | notlistening: | murmors ...bigbrother tracking content blah blah |
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[21:34:55] | justinh: | heh what did you expect? |
[21:34:55] | sebrock (sebrock! has left #mythtv-users () | |
[21:35:11] | justinh: | everything has to go through them ready for when they spin the charging model out |
[21:35:16] | RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[21:38:11] | notlistening: | my backend just dies :P I am doing so well tonight |
[21:43:52] | dashcloud (dashcloud! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[21:44:28] | marc_us (marc_us!~marc@ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | |
[21:45:15] | notlistening: | MySQL server has gone away appears a lot in the logs |
[21:47:31] | kormoc: | you should fix that |
[21:48:16] | mcl0vin (mcl0vin!~piper69@unaffiliated/dacs) has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100401080539]) | |
[21:50:55] | wagnerrp: | notlistening: thats how they handle indexing content, and manipulating pages to better suit a remote |
[21:51:50] | wagnerrp: | MythNetvision does the same thing, but leaves it up to the content grabbers to provide the altered web page |
[21:52:00] | wagnerrp: | more expandable, less user friendly for updates |
[21:52:07] | wagnerrp: | its all a tradeoff |
[21:52:10] | sphery: | and allows the user to run the server :) |
[21:53:58] | notlistening: | is there an easy way to repair mysql? |
[21:54:12] | wagnerrp: | restore from a backup |
[21:54:55] | notlistening: | don't have one but it is a new install |
[21:55:23] | notlistening: | I have though installed on two machines and had this problem where ever the problem is |
[21:55:36] | sphery: | "MySQL server has gone away" is not due to bad data--it's due to a bad MySQL server |
[21:55:46] | sphery: | restoring a backup would only fix data or schema issues |
[21:55:48] | wagnerrp: | 'server has gone away' indicates the actual connection has dropped |
[21:55:55] | sphery: | to fix server issues, you need to fix the server or your network |
[21:56:10] | wagnerrp: | usually only happens if youve left the connection open for 8hrs without executing any commands |
[21:56:19] | sphery: | (another good reason why not to use wireless networks for Myth--didn't think of that earlier when the other guy asked) |
[21:57:04] | wagnerrp: | even on wireless, the tcp connection should survive a network dropout |
[21:57:14] | wagnerrp: | unless the network drops for so long, the OS culls all active connections |
[21:57:34] | PeaceKeeper (PeaceKeeper!~kvirc@ has quit () | |
[21:58:35] | notlistening: | not sure where the issue is then mysql has nothing bad in the error logs about closing and is still running |
[21:59:07] | notlistening: | mythbackend is still running but not talking to mysql |
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[22:18:59] | notlistening (notlistening! has quit (Quit: Leaving) | |
[22:28:44] | cafuego: | Any aussie myth users who use shepherd for program data who also had it not grab anything for this week and fixed it? |
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[22:47:10] | inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | |
[22:48:18] | sybolt: | anyone seeing high cpu usage playing audio-only streams in recent trunk? |
[22:50:20] | justinh: | er.. you? ;-) |
[22:50:34] | sybolt: | anyone _else_ :) |
[22:51:32] | sybolt: | seems to happen only when playing back a recording, not in LiveTV |
[22:52:17] | justinh: | grr notlistening left before I could yell at him |
[22:52:32] | justinh: | really grinds my gears when people diss mythfrontend's UI |
[22:52:53] | justinh: | muh graphically blah blah blah. yeah well just because stuff doesn't slide around the screen. Whoop dee frickin doo |
[22:53:27] | justinh: | yeah and just because the main menus don't sit there hogging 50% CPU while it's not actually doing *anything* apart from scroll a small line of text |
[22:53:28] | sphery: | agreed |
[22:53:52] | justinh: | and that, on a recent-ish core2 duo laptop |
[22:54:23] | sphery: | when it comes to things sliding around the screen and picking a recording to play back using a list of filenames versus a less-animated UI and being able to choose using the recording metadata and sorting and grouping and ... |
[22:54:57] | justinh: | but look how smoothly the massive list of thousands of items scrolls by :D |
[22:55:09] | justinh: | grrr |
[22:55:46] | justinh: | file browser vs proper integrated solution :) |
[22:56:16] | justinh: | they're really gonna have to sort that out if they ever manage to integrate a DVR backend though |
[22:57:14] | justinh: | and no, nobody in their right mind is gonna queue up to watch content online until such time as it's at least as good quality as they can get over the air or over cable |
[22:57:47] | justinh: | purely online I mean. sure there's stuff you just can't get over the air right now |
[22:58:20] | justinh: | sybolt: anyway ranting aside tried mythfrontend -v playback? |
[22:58:56] | justinh: | if not, you need to. there might be a clue or two in there |
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[23:10:54] | dewman: | I have a question regarding playback profiles. Since I have a framegrabber card (I know) and a really crummy video card, but..I have a pent 4 3.0 ghz with 4 gigs of ram allocated for my mythbox, which playback profile might be a good one to try? |
[23:11:42] | dewman: | and does anything else depend on the playback profile? such as mytharchive? |
[23:13:12] | fleers (fleers! has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[23:22:45] | sphery: | dewman: Best bet is to start with the Slim playback profile group and if that works, you can try one of the others. But, don't use the CPU* ones (minus or plus). |
[23:23:00] | squish102: | is there a page for mythtv's default settings? I changed my dvd player to internat and now it just hangs. I did not write down the mplayer settings |
[23:23:46] | dewman: | sphery, ahhh. ok....Thanks. I will give that a whirl right now. |
[23:24:02] | sphery: | squish102: mplayer dvd://%t -dvd-device %d -fs -zoom -vo xv -aid %a |
[23:24:35] | squish102: | thanks sphery, is that the same for a ripped dvd? |
[23:24:49] | sphery: | you mean an ISO? |
[23:24:59] | squish102: | .vob's |
[23:25:28] | squish102: | oh, maybe it was the default player? |
[23:25:45] | sphery: | I don't kow |
[23:25:53] | sphery: | that's just the only mplayer in the settings |
[23:26:02] | squish102: | oh ok thanks |
[23:27:03] | sybolt (sybolt! has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | |
[23:29:23] | justinh: | people still use mplayer? heh |
[23:33:10] | marc-us: | here is a simple question I seem to find difficult to research.... How do I configure mythtv to watch ISOs stored on the backend? Mythvideo lists them but do not play. |
[23:33:44] | wagnerrp: | |
[23:34:03] | marc-us: | Okiedoke, I'll take a look. |
[23:34:08] | justinh: | storage groups don't work with ISOs yet |
[23:35:14] | wagnerrp: | thats explained right at the top of that page, so if you need to use ISOs, you need to use the 'Local Video Storage' method |
[23:35:18] | wagnerrp: | and mount the content over NFS |
[23:35:27] | Dave123 (Dave123! has joined #mythtv-users | |
[23:36:40] | squish102: | marc-us trying storage groups? |
[23:37:16] | squish102: | justinh the intermal player just hangs on vob's and video_ts :( |
[23:37:30] | wagnerrp: | yes, thats what he said |
[23:37:38] | wagnerrp: | and what the page says |
[23:37:40] | marc-us: | Yes, I now know that what is the problem |
[23:37:50] | marc-us: | iso doen't work in storage groups |
[23:38:29] | marc-us: | wagnerrp: I'll follow the method you detail |
[23:38:57] | wagnerrp: | as of 0.23, mythvideo now uses hashing for video content |
[23:39:11] | wagnerrp: | so you can swap between the two methods at will, without loss of metadata for the content |
[23:39:51] | marc-us: | OK I'll have to research hashing. |
[23:40:04] | wagnerrp: | no you dont, its all done internally |
[23:40:14] | wagnerrp: | if you are using 0.23, and you move or rename content |
[23:40:22] | wagnerrp: | mythvideo will automatically recognize it in the new location |
[23:40:30] | marc-us: | OH... ISee. |
[23:40:35] | marc-us: | thanks |
[23:41:10] | tank-man (tank-man! has quit (Quit: :q!) | |
[23:41:14] | marc-us: | so, I supposes I'll have to mount the directory for the iso files on each front end |
[23:41:24] | wagnerrp: | correct |
[23:41:31] | wagnerrp: | in the same exact location on each frontend |
[23:42:08] | marc-us: | I'll mount to the same directory on each machine just like the old days |
[23:54:41] | rileyp (rileyp! has quit (Quit: Leaving) |
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