:: #mythtv-users

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Saturday, May 29th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:23] [R]: myth disables pulse
[00:00:38] xoritor: - Add BR: pulseaudio-libs-devel to enable proper pulseaudio support (rfbz#567)
[00:00:43] xoritor: from the rpm changelog
[00:00:50] xoritor: so....
[00:00:57] poodyp_ (poodyp_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:01:06] xoritor: no it does not disable it in fedora 13
[00:01:43] [R]: if your using a distro pacakge that changes myth's beahvior
[00:01:47] xoritor: so is anyone _successfully_ using mythtv in fedora 13?
[00:01:48] [R]: you'll have to talk to whomever created it
[00:01:50] xoritor: how is that?
[00:02:35] xoritor: if so did you disable pulseaudio or have you gotten it to work with pulseaudio?
[00:02:36] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[00:02:57] [R]: myth disables pulse when it starts
[00:03:07] [R]: moodboom: it looks like your playback profile might be bad
[00:03:07] poodyp_ is now known as poodyp
[00:03:10] xoritor: dude you are just trying to be a jerk are you not?
[00:03:32] [R]: i'm telling you what myth does
[00:04:23] xoritor: that is 100% valid for me to ask as this is the mythtv-users channel... and you do have lots of questions in here about specific distro modified packages
[00:06:01] moodboom: [R] thanks, i'll play with it
[00:06:10] moodboom: [R] in mythtv-setup?
[00:06:17] [R]: moodboom: the frontend
[00:06:25] moodboom: [R] tx
[00:10:45] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:13:27] gbutters is now known as gbutters_away
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[00:18:18] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:20:07] Cubber (Cubber! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[00:27:42] symptom (symptom! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:01:38] Lycan^ (Lycan^!~MrX@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:07:23] symptom (symptom! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[01:09:15] gigem (gigem!~david@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[01:15:28] htpc: exit
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[01:29:53] Beirdo: OK.
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[01:30:06] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Client Quit)
[01:30:07] Beirdo: time to be compiling mythtv on the fitpc
[01:31:09] Beirdo: so first... empty the USB hard drive I have sitting here...
[01:31:44] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[01:34:39] hevymetal87_: hey, does anyone have any info on the asus falcon2? using the falcon chipset by conexant, I cant find anything on the net on myth tv with this card...
[01:35:00] iamlindoro: !url tuners
[01:35:00] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[01:35:06] wagnerrp: ooh, nice
[01:36:30] hevymetal87_: if that was for me, nothing... unless reference designs are somehow supposed to help...
[01:36:43] iamlindoro: If it doesn't ilst as supported there, it's not supported
[01:37:04] wagnerrp: hevymetal87_: you click on the link that matches the type of capture card that is
[01:37:16] wagnerrp: and it provides a list of cards of that type supported under linux
[01:37:28] rooaus (rooaus! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:37:33] hevymetal87_: i used the search... . . . em19bc1a03af
[01:37:49] hevymetal87_: maybe thats not what the card Really is?
[01:37:50] iamlindoro: Again, if you can't find a reference to it there, it's not supported
[01:38:10] iamlindoro: Asking us will just send us to go search there, this is a way to cut out the middle man
[01:38:39] hevymetal87_: ok then, thanks
[01:39:01] hevymetal87_: well, is there somewhere to search on related hardware and doing this myself?
[01:39:22] iamlindoro: !url linuxtv
[01:39:22] MythLogBot: linuxtv:
[01:39:56] iamlindoro: That's the most reliable source of technical information anywhere, and the repos is linked there-- the best you are likely to get if you want to write the driver yourself is the repository source code
[01:40:54] hevymetal87_: thans
[01:40:56] hevymetal87_: thanks
[01:41:55] hevymetal87_ (hevymetal87_! has quit (Quit: A day without sunshine is like .... night)
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[03:05:18] ZenGuy311: is there a guide on the OS,applications, & hardware used to record and encode tv shows?
[03:09:34] gregl (gregl! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:10:52] tank-man: there are many guides for many things
[03:11:23] ekristen (ekristen! has quit (Quit: ekristen)
[03:13:29] Beirdo: OK, compiling
[03:17:46] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:29:39] ZenGuy311: tank-man: where can i find thee guides
[03:30:32] tank-man: what guide specifically? theres lots of info on the wiki page and mailing list
[03:37:10] ZenGuy311: ok
[03:41:50] Dave321 (Dave321! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:44:58] sphery: ZenGuy311: can start with
[03:45:23] ZenGuy311: sphery: k
[03:49:07] mzb is now known as mzb_zz
[04:00:04] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[05:20:03] npm (npm! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[05:20:36] J-e-f-f-A: ugh... Onlly one firewire port on this test box... Bought a PCI firewire/usb card at Micro Center – and it doesn't work... :-(
[05:22:18] J-e-f-f-A: MC didn't have a Firewire -> Motherboard Header bracket either... Oh well, only one FiOS STB will work with channel-changing until I remedy that issue...
[05:22:28] Kazan: welcome to the wonderful world of the content cartel and their fascist mindset
[05:22:50] Kazan: i'm just hoping someone gets the InfiniTV 4 working on linux.. with Cablecard :D
[05:23:15] Kazan: Quad tuner, m-card utilizing, card :D
[05:23:16] J-e-f-f-A: Kazan, don't count on Cablecard in Linux, unfortunately... :-(
[05:23:30] Kazan: oh i won't count on it being "officially" supported
[05:23:44] Kazan: but someone with enough motiviation and right knowledge could get it working
[05:23:50] J-e-f-f-A: Kazan, That's why I just got two HD-PVR's... ^ perhaps.
[05:24:37] Kazan: lots of the jackhole cable companies are encrypting every single QAM channel, other than local bcast, even when the channel owner has told them that it's against their license to transmit said channel
[05:24:59] ** Kazan is currently local bcast only **
[05:25:43] Kazan: do you know where the up-to-date list of dependancies for .23 is? just did a fresh OS install and gettin ready to compile
[05:26:25] J-e-f-f-A: Kazan, I just got FiOS TV HD installed today – two HD boxes. I've got everything working perfect right now except the 2nd box channel changing, since this MB only has one external firewire port, and the QIP7100 doesn't have a loop-through firewire port... :-(
[05:27:24] Kazan: are you using firewire to carry image?
[05:27:28] Kazan: or just channel changing?
[05:27:40] Kazan: if just channel changing how are you getting image?
[05:28:01] J-e-f-f-A: Kazan, No, sorry, I don't. I used Jarod's guide for most of it, and trial-and-error for the rest. But I'm sure there's a list somewhere.
[05:28:19] J-e-f-f-A: Kazan, Firewire for channel changing only currently, and capture via HD-PVRs
[05:28:47] J-e-f-f-A: BTW: FiOS TV HD looks STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[05:29:31] Kazan: HD-PVRs? what card specifically?
[05:29:48] Kazan: or are you talkin about the external $250/pop USB ones?
[05:30:20] ** Kazan only has a 720p TV.. which is nice.. but it's no 1080p **
[05:30:27] J-e-f-f-A: Hauppauge HD-PVR --- Model 1212 – it's an external USB box that converts HD Component Video into H.264 in hardware.
[05:30:40] Kazan: k so it is the one i was thinkin gof
[05:31:03] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[05:31:12] Kazan: doesn't do 1080p
[05:31:23] J-e-f-f-A: Kazan, They're about $200 shipped if you look around a little bit... I got mine for about $203 each via Amazon. (Got an award in Amazon certs, couldn't convert to cash, so this was perfect...)
[05:31:42] Kazan: oh.. and the content cartel is trying to close the analog hole again
[05:32:16] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:32:47] J-e-f-f-A: Kazan, Only in specific circumstances – PPV's that haven't been released on DVD yet, and one or two other circumstances too.
[05:34:21] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[05:35:01] ** J-e-f-f-A wonders if You-Do-It Electronics has a Firewire Backplate -> Motherboard Header ... Humm.... **
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[06:05:32] AndyCap: J-e-f-f-A: dumpsterdiving some place they recently installed new motherboards? :p
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[07:16:21] Pwen: hi all. quick question. what keyboard button do I push to open the EPG?
[07:16:36] Pwen: just trying to figure out how to configure my lircrc to map a button to my remote for the same purpose.
[07:19:34] AndyCap: Pwen: this?
[07:20:34] Pwen: I have found that, and it says keyboard "O" turns on "browse mode"
[07:20:38] Pwen: which I assume means EPG?
[07:21:47] AndyCap: depends what you mean by epg. the full screen deal or just flipping through the title description channel by channel in the osd
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[07:38:54] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:40:08] trumee: is it possible to download podcasts in myth 0.23?
[07:41:18] trumee: i add cnet loaded rss subscription in mythnetvision but it opens the flash page, whereas i want it to download the podcast.
[07:45:50] esperegu: any dvd-S guru's around?
[07:50:17] Pwen: AndyCap: I mean the full screen dealie. it was what I was after, thanks
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[10:54:22] achew22: Is the encoding of the video stored in the database? can you tell the difference between a mpeg vs a mp4 or do you have to parse the filename?
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[10:57:40] clever: the filename only tells you the container format, not the video codec within
[10:58:15] achew22: I'm trying to specify the "type" (mimetype maybe?) in a RSS feed for the encosure tag
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[11:26:30] EruditeHermit: hello
[11:27:15] c4t3l_ (c4t3l_! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:27:29] EruditeHermit: Some of my ATSC channels are jerky while others are smooth. Could poor signal reception be the cause or is it more likely to be a software issue?
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[11:29:37] GreyFoxx: Nice, Nice. My company (which is a colo facility among other things) has equipment colo'd in another facility very far away. And that stuff is nolonger reachable. I called their support and they don't have a single person on call in that entire city to go look
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[12:01:46] nobody88: I always get a Segmentation fault if i do a Videoscan in mythVideo. I already deleted the content of videometadata but this had no effect. Has anyone an Idea what can cause a Segemntation fault while scanning for new videos? mythfrontend.log and mythbackend.log shows nothing special. mythfrontend.log shows only "ScanVideoDirectory Scanning *Path*" and then Segmentation Fault! I started mythbackend and mythfrontend with -v all!
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[12:07:26] clever: nobody88: poor programing is the main cause of segfaults
[12:07:39] nobody88: :)
[12:07:44] clever: the code wasnt properly writen to handle something unexpected, so its crashing badly
[12:08:18] nobody88: there is no way to find what is unexpected?
[12:08:34] clever: get a backtrace with gdb
[12:08:50] nobody88: ok i will tr
[12:08:52] nobody88: try
[12:09:27] clever:
[12:09:58] nobody88: I'm already on that site;)
[12:10:00] gigem_ (gigem_!~david@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:10:01] nobody88: thanks
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[12:19:58] IronChef_ is now known as IronChef
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[12:23:50] IronChef: is there an australian video source? i tried google...
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[12:38:57] zzpat: IronChef: whatever do you mean?
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[12:41:23] Kazan: weird
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[12:42:43] Kazan: i have libvorbis-devel, flac-devel, libcdaudio-devel, cdparanoia-devel, lame-devel, taglib-devel all installed.. but the configure script for mythplugins says "Mythusic requires X" repeatedly with each one of those listed
[12:42:54] Kazan: then says mythmusic will not be build because it is missin a dep
[12:43:06] sid3windr: there's at least one ,IronChef , it's producing neighbours, all saints and some other stuff
[12:43:08] paperclip (paperclip! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:43:10] sid3windr: home and away for one
[12:43:11] sid3windr: :p
[12:46:20] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:46:42] wagnerrp: my network went down just minutes after i went to sleep last night... go figure
[12:48:49] johd (johd!~johd@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:49:28] sid3windr: forgot to unplug your matrix brainlink? :P
[12:49:48] wagnerrp: nah, suffering the wrath of cheap netgear hardware
[12:49:56] Kazan: anyone.. idea why mythplugins configure doesn't think i have any of mythmusic's requirements installed when i have them all installed?
[12:50:01] wagnerrp: works great... when it works
[12:50:27] wagnerrp: Kazan: you dont have one of them installed
[12:50:33] wagnerrp: pastebin the output of configure
[12:50:35] sid3windr: =)
[12:50:41] sid3windr: and remove config.cache :p
[12:51:09] Kazan: config.cache doesn't exist
[12:51:20] Kazan: and i so have all the libs installed
[12:51:25] Kazan: [07:42] <Kazan> i have libvorbis-devel, flac-devel, libcdaudio-devel, cdparanoia-devel, lame-devel, taglib-devel all installed.. but the configure script for mythplugins says "Mythusic requires X" repeatedly with each one of those listed
[12:51:56] wagnerrp: so you have the -devel package, which just includes the headers
[12:52:09] wagnerrp: do you actually have the package itself, which includes the libs it needs to link against?
[12:52:18] Kazan:
[12:52:24] Kazan: yes i have the devel packages
[12:52:32] wagnerrp: no, the normal package
[12:52:34] Kazan: that's why i listed them specifically as the devel packages :D
[12:52:41] wagnerrp: you have libvorbis-devel, do you have libvorbis?
[12:52:59] Kazan: oh.. if you have the -devel you have the normal package. Fedora -devel rpms always list the base package as a prerequ
[12:53:17] wagnerrp: pastebin your config.ep
[12:54:04] Kazan: no such file
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[12:58:26] wagnerrp: yeah, it doesnt even do any compile checks
[12:58:29] wagnerrp: it just checks for the files
[12:59:45] wagnerrp: for example, FLAC is looking for ${PREFIX}/include/FLAC/all.h and ${PREFIX}/lib/
[13:01:44] Kazan: well.. prefix is /usr/local by default right?
[13:01:49] wagnerrp: yes
[13:02:01] Kazan: well.. that's not where the headers are residing.. that would be the problem
[13:02:24] wagnerrp: it will also check in /usr
[13:02:38] Kazan: that's where they are
[13:03:05] Kazan: so add --libdir-name=/usr ?
[13:03:25] Kazan: or /usr/include ?
[13:04:16] wagnerrp: would make no difference either way
[13:04:36] Kazan: trying either of those i get a bunch of complaints from sed "sed: -e expression #1, char 9: unknown option to 'S'"
[13:04:47] Kazan: what do i need to set to make it check?
[13:04:53] Kazan: (the right paths)
[13:05:36] wagnerrp: it checks everywhere the operating system would check when it ran the binary
[13:05:48] wagnerrp: meaning if you try to fix it that way, you just broke things anyway
[13:05:55] Kazan: odd
[13:06:04] Kazan: i installed everything but mythtv from RPM
[13:06:14] Kazan: mythtv itself compiled and installed fine, just mythplugins giving me flack
[13:07:25] wagnerrp: flak, and its interesting that it would fail on lame, because you need lame to install mythtv proper
[13:07:47] Kazan: yeah
[13:07:54] wagnerrp: youre running 0.23-fixes, right?
[13:08:20] Kazan: hmm i see in the .configure script it is setting LIBPATHS=cat /etc/ | grep -v "#" | grep -v "include"
[13:08:26] Kazan: yes, and that check right there is going to fail
[13:08:36] Kazan: because /etc/ is deprecated. and empty
[13:08:53] Kazan: Fedora 13 uses /etc/ files
[13:10:04] wagnerrp:
[13:10:40] Kazan: that's the same check that the mythtv configure uses
[13:11:04] Kazan: oh i guess isn't blank
[13:11:10] Kazan: that instruction is in
[13:12:04] Kazan: that instruction still comes up blank
[13:12:31] wagnerrp: yeah, seems that instruction is not designed to follow includes
[13:12:42] wagnerrp: j-rod: any comment on ^^^?
[13:12:59] Kazan: creating myth.conf doesn't fix it
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[13:13:46] wagnerrp: no, it wouldnt
[13:14:04] Kazan: then.. why did you link that?
[13:14:18] wagnerrp: just saw mention of that, didnt actually read it first
[13:14:25] Kazan: gotcha
[13:15:58] wagnerrp: anyway, i havent heard anything of this before, so i guess nearly everyone on fedora uses packages
[13:16:08] Kazan: i refuse to use atrpms
[13:16:15] wagnerrp: except of course the packagers themselves... (j-rod)
[13:16:17] Kazan: last time i did they "updated packages" nuked my Xorg
[13:16:24] Kazan: s/they/their
[13:17:56] Kazan: well mythmusic isn't a big deal
[13:17:57] Kazan: i rarely use it
[13:18:22] wagnerrp: you can always just disable the checks in the configure temporarily
[13:18:53] Kazan: i so rarely use mythmusic, and the wife never does, so its no big deal
[13:19:20] Kazan: just annoying.. because my F9-upgraded-to-F11-upgraded-to-F12 install it would compile on
[13:19:46] wagnerrp: so this is something they just started doing in F13
[13:21:05] superdump (superdump!~rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2)
[13:21:40] Kazan: or this is a problem i solved back on F9 and don't remember now
[13:27:02] wagnerrp: the 'hacky' solution would just be to add '/usr/lib' to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH during compile
[13:27:11] ZenGuy311 (ZenGuy311! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[13:27:18] wagnerrp: but i think the configure itself needs patching
[13:28:15] Kazan: so file a bug?
[13:28:25] wagnerrp: nah, ill ask around
[13:30:15] Kazan: weird.. mythtv-setup cannot logig to the database with the same user/pass i can at mysql -u mythtv -p -h localhost
[13:30:20] Kazan: login*
[13:31:27] wagnerrp: remotely?
[13:31:36] Kazan: no. accessing from localhost
[13:31:36] wagnerrp: because its connecting from a network address
[13:32:08] wagnerrp: no idea then
[13:32:30] Kazan: in Database Configuration hostname: localhost, database name: mythconverg, user: mythtv, pass: mythtv
[13:32:46] Kazan: in the priveleges table of mysql mythtv@localhost, password: yes
[13:33:42] Kazan: "mysql -h localhost -u mythtv -p" works
[13:33:51] Kazan: gorram sometimes i hate programs :D
[13:35:28] Kazan: aah.. if i try that from my non-root user it gets access denied as well ... why root vs non-root should matter when you're setting -u ...
[13:35:40] Kazan: nevermind.. i typoed the password on that test
[13:35:45] Kazan: it works from my root and non-root users
[13:36:03] wagnerrp: it should make exactly zero difference
[13:36:09] Kazan: i know
[13:36:46] wagnerrp: unless root is using the file socket, and your local user doesnt have permission and is connecting over the loopback network
[13:37:08] Kazan: i think i know what the problem is
[13:37:33] Kazan: qt-mysql wasn't installed
[13:38:05] Kazan: success :D
[13:44:28] Kazan: grr BS.. channelscan isn't locking onto the channels i know i get :/
[13:48:05] Kazan: oh.. firmware is missing
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[13:51:50] Jay2k1: :'(
[13:52:24] Jay2k1: </lost>
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[14:16:43] justinh: wheee rsyncing disks. just love it
[14:16:45] Kazan: sweet.. cableman cableman full of crap :D
[14:17:11] Kazan: i'm getting local channels repeated over my cable now that i have digital cable (But not paying for TV).. and some other channels too
[14:17:20] justinh: should be able to upgrade my laptop hdd soon, and pop the original laptop hdd into the frontend :)
[14:17:26] Kazan: install guy said "noo.. they changed that law, we don't have to do that anymore" about local channels *cough* BS!
[14:17:45] justinh: Kazan: FUD makes the world go round
[14:18:23] Kazan: yeah i was 95% certain he was full of feces
[14:19:49] Kazan: oh bastages.. its doing an fsck on my lvm.. there goes an hour!
[14:22:43] Kazan: i'll actually turn on one of my PVR-500 heads and do a channel scan and see what i get
[14:22:44] wagnerrp:
[14:24:44] nobody88 (nobody88! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:25:18] Kazan: ah
[14:25:28] Kazan: so he was half-right
[14:25:45] Kazan: some bcast elect must-carry, some don't. must-carries cannot charge, but optional-carries can
[14:25:55] wagnerrp: correct
[14:26:07] wagnerrp: but chances are most if not all of your local stations are listed must carry
[14:26:30] Kazan: i know for a fact that KDSM isn't
[14:26:42] Kazan: because they're repeatedly got in disputes over how much mediacom pays them
[14:26:47] Kazan: s/they're/they've
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[14:35:54] Jay2k1: I want to get the title of a recording into a variable in a bash script, using mysql
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[14:36:07] Jay2k1: this works fine, except there are umlauts in the title
[14:36:18] wagnerrp: what is your `locale`?
[14:36:45] Jay2k1: de_DE.UTF-8
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[14:37:58] Jay2k1: i wonder if i can use iconv to change the encoding of the output of mysql
[14:38:11] Jay2k1: or if i have to do it completely differently
[14:43:06] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: i tried forcing it to the -users list, but it seems the mailer forcefully tacks on its own reply-to
[14:45:22] alenl (alenl! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[14:45:57] Jay2k1: got it
[14:47:50] Jay2k1: SQL="charset utf8; SELECT title FROM recorded WHERE ..."
[14:48:45] alenl (alenl! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:50:22] wagnerrp: your database should already be in utf8
[14:50:27] wagnerrp: if you have to force it, something is wrong
[14:51:47] wagnerrp: of course the preferred method is to use a language that has mysql bindings, and even better one that has mythtv bindings (perl/python)
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[14:52:49] Jay2k1: i know neither of these
[14:53:02] Jay2k1: and it's just a basic thing so i won't bother
[14:53:09] Jay2k1: the db is in utf-8, yes
[14:53:18] wagnerrp: what are you trying to do?
[14:53:34] Jay2k1: but when you start mysql from the command line, the output is f***ed somehow
[14:53:47] Jay2k1: until you tell it to change charset
[14:53:54] Jay2k1: for whatever reason
[14:54:17] Jay2k1: i'm looking for recordings in the "movies" recording group where transcoded = 1
[14:54:33] wagnerrp: to...?
[14:55:02] Jay2k1: well, i record two things basically, stuff like series i want to watch only once, and movies i want to keep
[14:55:14] alenl: anyone has any idea how can nonzero BER happen, if the signal is 65%+ and SNR is 99%?
[14:55:19] Jay2k1: for the movies, i fine tune the cutlist, do a lossless transcode and then want to move them to mythvideo
[14:55:35] Jay2k1: the "move to mythvideo" is what i do with that script
[14:56:02] wagnerrp: the "move to mythvideo" is what i do with this script...
[14:56:31] Jay2k1: i guess that also transfers the metadata?
[14:56:44] Jay2k1: i have a binding on my remote that fetches the imdb data
[14:56:46] wagnerrp: moves into the mythvideo path, adds an entry, performs lookup on, or failing that duplicates it from the guide data
[14:57:02] Jay2k1: i see
[14:57:05] Jay2k1: sounds clever
[14:57:15] wagnerrp: requires 0.23
[14:57:24] Jay2k1: i have it
[14:58:44] Jay2k1: thanks, gonna have a look at that
[14:58:51] wagnerrp: you probably want to run ' --helpformat' and '--mformat' to tune the filename format you want
[14:59:03] wagnerrp: default is 'Movies/%TITLE%'
[14:59:10] wagnerrp: also... it only works with storage groups
[15:00:02] Jay2k1: oh
[15:00:18] Jay2k1: well, i guess it doesn't make a difference if i change the recgroup or the storgroup
[15:00:26] Jay2k1: whether*
[15:00:32] wagnerrp: storage groups in mythvideo
[15:06:22] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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[15:14:02] Jay2k1: i guess myth can't join two recordings?
[15:14:12] wagnerrp: no, but `cat` can
[15:14:32] Jay2k1: oh, is it that easy?
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[15:14:46] wagnerrp: for anything thats a transport stream, yes
[15:15:02] Jay2k1: of course, streams can't have a header
[15:15:07] Jay2k1: d'oh
[15:15:28] wagnerrp: any digital recording should be a transport stream
[15:15:40] wagnerrp: but it may be a program stream when coming out of lossless transcoding, i dont know off hand
[15:15:43] Jay2k1: i was stupid enough to do an apt-get upgrade during a recording
[15:15:51] Jay2k1: i didn't transcode yet
[15:16:31] wagnerrp: make sure to rebuild the index afterwards, or else it wont work properly within mythtv
[15:18:38] Jay2k1: how would i do that? ffmpeg?
[15:19:42] wagnerrp: mythcommflag --rebuild
[15:19:54] Jay2k1: i see, thank you
[15:24:31] Kazan: what is an "SCTE" channel, and what does it mean by "conflicting"?
[15:24:59] alenl (alenl! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:27:21] wagnerrp: 'SCTE' means theyre a digital cable channel
[15:27:58] wagnerrp: 'conflicting' means that the cableco did not specify any virtual channel numbers for them, so they are all unknown
[15:28:12] Kazan: fun
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[15:49:43] sphery: wagnerrp: "It is not worthless to me." -> translation, "Current MythTV doesn't allow me to steal TV content."
[15:50:20] sphery: (as I /really/ can't see any other reason he'd have a stream that MythTV can't understand)
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[15:51:53] ** sid3windr upgrades .21 to .23 ... :) **
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[15:59:43] wagnerrp: sphery: i cant think of anything else
[16:01:46] Socres (Socres! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:05:50] wagnerrp: sphery: looks like hes one of the alsa-soundblaster devs
[16:07:45] wagnerrp: !seen jcdutton
[16:07:45] MythLogBot: jcdutton has not been seen here
[16:08:55] wagnerrp: im thinking that name sounds familiar
[16:09:04] wagnerrp: but then i may just be reminiscing of Deus Ex
[16:10:29] wagnerrp: well heres the source of all his problems
[16:11:02] wagnerrp: hes using wireless with mythtv... . . . /comments/79
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[16:21:34] Kazan: sphery: um.. yeah.. bite my freaking arse. i pay the cable company, these are channels they're not filtering. the ATSC tuner on the television can tune them
[16:21:52] Kazan: so its by no means "stealing cable" when i am paying for service
[16:21:53] wagnerrp: s/ATSC/QAM/
[16:22:01] Kazan: well yeah.. technically
[16:22:07] wagnerrp: and hes not talking about you
[16:22:11] Kazan: oh
[16:22:14] Kazan: i thought hwe was
[16:22:14] wagnerrp: hes talking about someone on the -dev list
[16:22:18] Kazan: oooooooh
[16:22:31] Kazan: apologies :D
[16:22:36] wagnerrp: who wants mythtv to record shows that it cant decode
[16:22:48] wagnerrp: when doing digital recordings, mythtv waits until it hits the first keyframe
[16:22:57] wagnerrp: because the video before the first keyframe is worthless garbage
[16:22:58] Kazan: yeah
[16:23:28] wagnerrp: so the person he is referring to wants mythtv to record those shows anyway
[16:23:28] Kazan: maybe he wants to use the service he's paying for, in a way the Cartel doesn't approve of.. like, being able to watch the premium channels
[16:23:48] wagnerrp: sphery's assumption was that he wants mythtv to record those encrypted shows that he doesnt have a CAM for
[16:23:58] Kazan: presuming that someone is "stealing cable" simply because they want to be able to decrypt encrypted content is dishonest at best
[16:23:59] wagnerrp: which he can then decrypt offline
[16:24:13] Kazan: in the USA you cannot get CAMs, even for service you paid for, for recording in linux
[16:24:15] wagnerrp: over here, thats called a felony
[16:24:22] Kazan: unless someone gets the Ceton InfiniTV 4
[16:24:26] Kazan: um.. not if its a channel you paid for
[16:24:33] wagnerrp: its a DMCA violation
[16:24:40] Kazan: the DMCA can kiss our collective posterior
[16:25:00] wagnerrp: most of the developers live in the US, and do not want to distribute software that violates DMCA
[16:25:14] Kazan: every time that provision of the DMCA might got to SCOTUS in a case this like the MAFIAA drops their case, ever notice?
[16:25:47] wagnerrp: individual users have never been hit with violations
[16:25:47] Kazan: that's a problem i've had with those developers for a long time
[16:25:49] wagnerrp: companies have
[16:25:51] Kazan: its why i'm not a contributor
[16:26:13] Kazan: because they're spineless sissies more worried about their hides than whats right. the EFF would gladly pay any legal fees
[16:26:29] wagnerrp: uh huh...
[16:26:51] Kazan: that and every time i've seen Isaac talking he's a total douche
[16:28:18] Kazan: hence why don't contribute development time :D
[16:30:22] johd (johd!~johd@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[16:36:16] wagnerrp: anyway, cablecard tuners will never be supported for the same reasons
[16:36:40] wagnerrp: the single exception being the HDHomeRun, which supposedly is already supported for content specified as 'copy-freely'
[16:38:56] revilootneg (revilootneg! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:43:53] Kazan: so i figured out the channel mapping that i'm receiving
[16:44:01] Kazan: they're stacking 11 analog channels into a single QAM multiplex
[16:44:03] Kazan: impressive :D
[16:44:11] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:44:14] wagnerrp: not really
[16:44:26] Kazan: actually a cablecard tuner is an authorized decoding device
[16:44:33] wagnerrp: a single QAM channel is some 38mbps
[16:44:36] Kazan: so it doesn't run south of the DMCA even for piss-pants
[16:44:39] Kazan: true
[16:45:03] Kazan: plus.. if someone got the Ceton InfiniTV 4 working on linux it would look like any other DVB card to mythtTV
[16:45:04] wagnerrp: correct, but the cablecard tuner outputs encrypted content
[16:45:14] wagnerrp: decryption the output of a cablecard tuner would violate DMCA
[16:45:21] Kazan: no it doesn't
[16:45:27] wagnerrp: yes, it does
[16:45:52] Kazan: no, it doesn't. the tuner receives the encrypted stream, hands it to the cablecard, the cablecard decodes it, and then it hands that decoded stream to the driver
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[16:46:02] sid3windr: heh, just saw the ical button on the upcoming recordings page
[16:46:04] sid3windr: funky =)
[16:46:18] wagnerrp: it decrypts the content from the cableco, then re-encrypts it to something else, and hands that off to the driver
[16:46:22] Kazan: even if it hands the coded stream to the driver, and then you hand it to the cablecard, the cablecard is an authorized decryption device
[16:46:32] Kazan: the Ceton does not
[16:46:47] Kazan: not according to everything i read
[16:46:48] wagnerrp: its encrypted in some form or another all the way to the TV
[16:46:58] Kazan: no. it isn't
[16:47:05] Kazan: the Ceton InfiniTV 4 is a PCI-Express board
[16:47:08] wagnerrp: as dictated by the Cable Labs licensing agreement
[16:47:09] sid3windr: then it can't be a certified cablecard device me thinks
[16:47:19] Kazan: sid3windr: it is
[16:47:54] Kazan:
[16:48:02] Kazan: quad stream m-card compatible PCI Express tuner
[16:48:07] wagnerrp: so what
[16:48:32] wagnerrp: you dont think the content stored by windows media center would sit on disk unencrypted do you?
[16:48:54] Kazan: true, it might not
[16:48:54] wagnerrp: it gets passed out of the card to the computer encrypted
[16:49:04] wagnerrp: in order to actually play the content
[16:49:21] Kazan: if it leverages the CAM to play the content then it is an authorized decoding
[16:49:36] Kazan: as long as you didn't store it unencrypted its an authorized usage
[16:50:04] Kazan: so if you "record encrypted stream from CARD" then "utilize CAM to unencrypt stream during playback" you are not circumventing a copy protection mechanism
[16:50:09] wagnerrp: it has to be passed back into the card, authorized for playback by the cableco, decrypted, and passed back out of the card through a secure tunnel to the video card
[16:50:13] Kazan: and even if you were it is likely to be a fair-use defendable use
[16:50:38] wagnerrp: fair use defends the individual, not the organization
[16:50:52] wagnerrp: users accessing their purchased content would be blameless
[16:50:54] Kazan: Sony would disagree
[16:51:00] Kazan: so would SCOTUS
[16:51:23] Kazan: so lon as the product has substantial non-infringing uses
[16:51:50] Kazan: and so long as you made the presence of the CAM required (aka the implementation conformed to cable lab's requirements) then you're not violating the DMCA
[16:51:52] wagnerrp: name a US based company violating DMCA
[16:52:08] Kazan: none, because Fair use is not considered a violation of the DMCA
[16:52:16] Kazan: fair use is protected under the safe habor provisions
[16:52:22] wagnerrp: we _can_not_ conform to CableLab's requirements
[16:52:29] Kazan: says who?
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[16:52:36] Kazan: what part cannot be implemented?
[16:52:48] wagnerrp: being able to maintain security of the content
[16:52:50] Kazan: other linux based devices have managed to do so
[16:52:55] wagnerrp: no, they havent
[16:53:20] Kazan: does Tivo not still use linux?
[16:53:20] wagnerrp: the series 3 TiVos run linux, but the linux hardware never touches that video stream
[16:53:38] wagnerrp: storage, decryption, decoding.... all done in dedicated hardware inaccessible from linux
[16:54:03] Kazan: hmm
[16:54:16] Kazan: i still assert that it would be protected under safe habor as fair use. as you have paid for the content
[16:54:28] wagnerrp: the user would, yes
[16:54:30] Kazan: and the device you're using is a supported output device
[16:54:41] Kazan: especially since for that stream to be understandable by the TV it has to be an HDCP stream
[16:54:54] wagnerrp: there is no support for HDCP in linux
[16:55:16] Kazan: because nobody has implemented it
[16:55:18] wagnerrp: you cant make any of the open source or proprietary X11 drives activate HDCP
[16:55:25] wagnerrp: because theres no point to do so
[16:55:35] wagnerrp: because X11 itself is not a secure output protocol
[16:55:47] Kazan: um.. since when has that stopped us
[16:55:48] Kazan: DRI?
[16:56:06] Kazan: other workarounds of that nature
[16:56:26] Kazan: (of course.. X11 is a dead weight hanging around linux's neck, keeping it from better desktop adoption)
[16:56:58] Kazan: oh and if that stream on the tivo was innaccessable to the linux code, how exactly are their recordings being managed?
[16:57:01] Kazan: they have to be written to disk
[16:57:04] Kazan: and the operating system does that
[16:57:08] wagnerrp: the only way linux would ever be supported by cablelabs would be if one of the video card manufacturers added drivers that implemented the video decryption and decoding in the shader hardware
[16:57:31] wagnerrp: along with things in place to restrict access to the memory used
[16:57:53] wagnerrp: Kazan: linux just runs the UI, and issues commands to their proprietary firmware to do so
[16:58:04] Kazan: what managers the disk storage?
[16:58:07] Kazan: manages*
[16:58:14] Kazan: you cannot tell me their custom firmware manages the disk storage
[16:58:17] Kazan: that would be ridiculous
[16:58:20] wagnerrp: why?
[16:58:40] wagnerrp: even if it doesnt, linux never has access to the unencrypted content
[16:58:49] Kazan: that's what an operating system is for. you're essentially saying they have two computers in that box, mutually dependant, running separate operating systems
[16:58:59] Kazan: i don't care if it doesn't have access to the unencrypted content
[16:59:07] Kazan: so long as recordin and playback functions
[16:59:22] wagnerrp: now youre beginning to understand why cablecard itself is so rediculous
[16:59:33] Kazan: i understand why the cablecard is a complete and total end-run around the law
[16:59:38] wagnerrp: and why there are only a handful of devices actually authorized to use it
[16:59:49] Kazan: i understand why it doesn't serve the purpose that the law mandated it was supposed to do
[17:00:11] Kazan: i understand why they got away with it (cause congress is a bunch of old technologically inept people who are too willin to trust corporations to be honest)
[17:00:33] Kazan: what i don't accept is the assertion that "we cannot implement that on linux!" – because it's purely software. it's a software problem.
[17:00:47] wagnerrp: its a decryption problem, which is illegal
[17:00:50] Kazan: no it's not
[17:00:53] wagnerrp: yes, it is
[17:01:25] Kazan: no it's freaking not, not if you conform to the spec – which is not impossible, just requires some programming effort in video drivers mostly
[17:01:51] wagnerrp: conforming to the spec is outside of our control
[17:01:59] Kazan: now that is an accurate statement
[17:02:07] Kazan: it requires effort from teams other than simply mythTV
[17:02:26] wagnerrp: mythtv would either have to go closed source
[17:02:30] Kazan: no it wouldn't
[17:02:33] wagnerrp: or it could never touch that unencrypted content
[17:02:35] wagnerrp: one or the other
[17:03:28] Kazan: correct, it would never touch the unencrypted content. making educated inferences about how the Ceton InfiniTV 4 works you would be storing an HDCP stream. so you wouldn't get "preview", but you would get playback
[17:03:41] Kazan: so some features wouldn't work (commflag, transcode, etc) but you would have playback
[17:03:57] Kazan: time shifting, recording, playback, manual skipping, etc would all work
[17:04:03] wagnerrp: which puts it entirely in ATI/NVidia's court to implement
[17:04:20] wagnerrp: completely out of our control
[17:04:23] Kazan: it puts it in ATI/nVidias court to implement support for HDCP stream passthrough
[17:04:53] wagnerrp: HDCP only exists on the wire after the TMDS transmitter
[17:05:16] Kazan: so what on-disk crypto would they be using
[17:05:25] wagnerrp: no clue
[17:05:43] ** Kazan does some digging **
[17:05:48] Kazan: after i finish getting my channels mapped
[17:06:06] wagnerrp: either way, they would have to implement decryption and decoding in the video card, in a secure fashion
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[17:07:12] wagnerrp: and then someone would have to shell out a large amount of money to CableLabs to get the whole thing authorized
[17:07:47] wagnerrp: there is no open spec to follow
[17:07:56] wagnerrp: you have to pay to license it
[17:08:01] Kazan: which is a problem. someone should sue them for failin to conform to the letter of the law.
[17:08:03] Kazan: but nobody will
[17:08:13] Kazan: nobody has even attempted to pursue proper enforcement of the law
[17:08:18] Kazan: because nobody interested has the money to do so
[17:08:27] wagnerrp: oh, im sure they very well conformed to the letter of the law
[17:08:35] AndyCap: Kazan: If you have a cam/cablecard you could just forgo the disk encryption and store the encrypted data. Which brings the added "benefit" of leaving you unable to play recordings if you cancel the subscription for that channel. :)
[17:08:41] wagnerrp: they just bypassed the spirit of it completely
[17:09:04] Kazan: AndyCap: i'm aware, which is what i was trying to explain to wagnerrp
[17:09:13] wagnerrp: AndyCap: recordings have to be passed through the tuner at time of playback anyway
[17:09:13] Kazan: AndyCap: its better than no playback at all
[17:09:28] Kazan: assuming how you think the card works is correct
[17:09:51] AndyCap: wagnerrp: well, the parts after the tuner anyway.
[17:10:07] AndyCap: depending on how large blocks one has on this fictional box.
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[17:10:50] Kazan: AndyCap: the discussion is based off the existance of the Ceton InfiniTV 4
[17:11:08] Kazan: which is an m-card Cablecard compatible four stream tuner for Windows MCE 7
[17:11:24] AndyCap: Kazan: what of it?
[17:11:41] wagnerrp: my argument is that such a thing would never be supported under linux
[17:12:09] AndyCap: not on any non-tivoized linux anyway
[17:12:10] Kazan: AndyCap: i'm hoping someone gets it working in linux as a four head DVB card, and i'm hoping he might be wrong about how system works (though I would be suprised if it wasn't sorta right)
[17:12:51] AndyCap: Kazan: ah, yes, so the CableCard licensing guys, mpaa, and everyone else can come gunning for him?
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[17:13:43] wagnerrp: i saw a flow chart somewhere of the completely circuitous route video has to take in an MCE7 cablecard system
[17:13:48] wagnerrp: but i cant seem to find it
[17:13:48] Kazan: assumin that person lives somewhere those goons can project any power
[17:14:01] wagnerrp: s/completely/ridiculously/
[17:14:13] AndyCap: wagnerrp: is it still named Protected BDA or something?
[17:14:33] AndyCap: or was wdm the new paradigm
[17:15:14] wagnerrp: WDM is just the general windows driver api
[17:15:24] AndyCap: . . . da_spec.mspx
[17:16:51] Kazan: just a theorectical discussion anyway
[17:17:06] Kazan: if the day ever comes where i need to use one of those cards, and linux cannot hack it, i'll switch to windows MCE 7
[17:17:39] AndyCap: Kazan: which is a perfectly viable solution
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[17:17:54] AndyCap: or just rent the cableco pvr.
[17:17:58] wagnerrp: Kazan: or get one of these...
[17:18:11] wagnerrp: or one of a number of competing products that have not yet made it to market
[17:18:14] ** AndyCap can't really get excited about the HDPVR **
[17:18:15] Kazan: oh right.. the external hauppauge device
[17:18:42] Kazan: those cost $200/pop, the InfiniTV 4 is $400.. so Hauppauge needs to come down in price
[17:18:56] Kazan: and those HD PVRs only work so long as congress doesn't let the cartel close the analog hole
[17:19:08] Kazan: and don't you loose some quality going digital->analog->digital?
[17:19:27] wagnerrp: some, but people who have them claim its not noticeable
[17:19:34] wagnerrp: so long as you run it at full bandwidth
[17:20:25] Kazan: true
[17:20:41] Kazan: with MPEG2 and h.264 and a very short analog hop the lossage should be minimal
[17:21:09] Kazan: plus.. you don't REALLLY need 4 streams at once...
[17:21:20] wagnerrp: i do
[17:21:25] Kazan: even when i had three analog and one digital tuner in this syhstem the most id use at once was three
[17:21:36] Kazan: but there aren't enough good shows on these days for that to be a problem so much
[17:21:46] wagnerrp: ive legitimately had seven recordings going at once before
[17:21:58] wagnerrp: 5 recordings off my three digital tuners, plus another two off my two analog ones
[17:21:59] Kazan: holy frack.. wtf bbq?
[17:22:05] AndyCap: quite a difference between 1 component input and 1 digital multiplex
[17:22:05] Kazan: how does the HD-PVR connect to the system? USB2 is it?
[17:22:18] wagnerrp: yes, USB2.0
[17:22:44] Kazan: k
[17:22:59] Kazan: well.. enough theorectical iscussions.. i need to get some food and finish up this config
[17:23:03] Kazan: have to go to friends in about 20 minutes
[17:24:08] XLV: wagnerrp, how many tv hours you write in 24h?
[17:24:22] wagnerrp: eh?
[17:24:43] XLV: thats my primary question.. when do you view all the tv you write...
[17:24:45] wagnerrp: how much do i record per day?
[17:24:57] XLV: unless you are doing it for a household of 10
[17:25:36] wagnerrp: nearly all the shows i watch are during the same 3hr time span of 8pm-11pm
[17:25:54] wagnerrp: some days, all the major networks, and some cable networks are airing stuff i want to watch simultaneously
[17:26:03] wagnerrp: other days, i record absolutely nothing
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[17:26:52] wagnerrp: over the four years ive had mythtv installed, ive averaged around 2hrs recorded per day
[17:26:54] AndyCap: so not playing backfaster than realtime? :P
[17:27:38] wagnerrp: think of the several months during the off season, where you record nothing
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[17:28:10] wagnerrp: record extra now, have something to watch later
[17:28:33] wagnerrp: and this is for four people, its not like we all watch the same things
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[17:31:08] XLV: idk.. i watch live nowadays only sports broadcasts
[17:31:28] XLV: the few shows, from "other" sources
[17:31:57] Kazan: isn't there a file for dropping into /etc/rc.d/init.d hiding somewhere in contrib?
[17:32:01] Kazan: i don't see it in config_files
[17:32:30] wagnerrp: there are init scripts in there, yes
[17:32:38] wagnerrp: dont know if there is specifically one for fedora
[17:33:15] Kazan: found them
[17:33:24] Kazan: they're in Linux/init_scripts
[17:33:24] wagnerrp:
[17:33:40] Kazan: there are fedora specific ones
[17:33:41] wagnerrp: those have all been removed and put on the wiki for current trunk
[17:33:49] Kazan: job queue is a seprate process now?
[17:34:16] wagnerrp: it can be
[17:34:21] wagnerrp: the backend runs its own jobqueue
[17:34:42] Kazan: ok that is how i had it working before
[17:34:50] wagnerrp: but mythjobqueue lets you run a queue on a tunerless box, such as a dedicated frontend
[17:34:59] Kazan: gotcha
[17:34:59] wagnerrp: or even something otherwise unrelated to mythtv
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[18:00:46] Kazan: if you manually enter XMLTVIDs for channels, but they're not in your "lineups" they still work (fetching listings from SD), right?
[18:01:11] wagnerrp: im guessing not
[18:01:20] Kazan: apparently it doesn't...
[18:01:27] Kazan: the channels i'm receiving are a hodge podge essentially
[18:01:42] wagnerrp: if theyre not in your lineup, file a ticket to SD to get they added
[18:02:09] Kazan: what i'm getting doesn't seem to be an actual "lineup" more of "channels we didn't bother to filter or encrypt".
[18:03:03] Kazan: my digital tuner is getting digital streams of some SD channels
[18:03:42] Kazan: can you have channels on one tuner coming from two "sources"?
[18:04:12] wagnerrp: no
[18:05:08] wagnerrp: if you can receive them, they should be listed in the lineup on SD
[18:06:24] Kazan: maybe i should use the digital cable source instead of the bcast source
[18:06:29] Kazan: i'll play with it later.. i gotta go for a while
[18:06:30] wagnerrp: yes
[18:07:01] wagnerrp: if your cable company is releasing 'digital transport adapters' for the purpose of shutting down analog cable
[18:07:26] wagnerrp: you may be able to receive all of the former analog cable channels digitally in standard definition
[18:08:00] wagnerrp: at least until such point as your local cable carrier receives their 'privacy mode' waiver from the FCC
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[18:41:06] mahr83: So other then viewing my netflix queue and movies on the server what else does mythflix do?
[18:41:26] wagnerrp: nothing, it doesnt exist, its defunct, deleted, gone, ...
[18:42:20] wagnerrp: (because it really didnt do much, and no one wanted to port it over to qt4 and the new UI)
[18:43:06] mahr83: lol, I can see, I was hoping to get streaming movies from netflix and that didn't do it
[18:43:45] wagnerrp: streaming movies will be available in mythbrowser/mythnetvision as soon as microsoft ports the DRM components of Silverlight over to Moonlight
[18:44:18] mahr83: ahh
[18:44:44] mahr83: thanks for the info.
[18:45:00] wagnerrp: which basically means... 'dont get your hopes up'
[18:45:09] mahr83: figured that
[18:46:21] wagnerrp: the other alternative would be netflix setting up their own conditional access API that mythtv could hook into
[18:46:41] wagnerrp: but companies dont like conditional access, because it lets customers get their grubby little hands on the content they paid for
[18:46:50] wagnerrp: and DRM and open source just dont mesh
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[19:21:11] mcl0vin: my scheduleDirect shows the correct channel but in mythtv, i only get up till channel 78 or something
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[19:27:10] agoodm: ive scanned sky for channels and can tune my channels, but when I plunk an XMLID into the related field I dont see any listenings in mythtv guide for the related channels :S
[19:27:28] agoodm: how do I assign an xmltvid to a channel so that those listings show?
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[19:47:45] piper69: hey guys
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[19:53:18] agoodm: hi
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[19:59:55] ver: mcl0vin, i'd login to the sd site and verify you don't have the rest disabled in your profile
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[20:02:42] agoodm: was that @me? im using tv_grab_rt... UK...
[20:03:34] ver: agoodm, nah i don't know anything about your thing.
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[20:29:33] highzeth: agoodm: they wont magically appear, after you have filled in the xmltv id's, you must fill the db with data, read up on mythfilldatabase
[20:30:39] MilkBoy (MilkBoy!~milkboy@2a00:16a0::a800:c1ff:fe40:f4b2) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:31:13] agoodm: ive ran mythfilldatabase
[20:31:40] agoodm: do i have to run it again after putting xmltvids into the box (iv got it running now)
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[20:34:05] agoodm: this ismy my first time settin up mythtv, or even working with xmltv, but its the first time ive tried to get xmltv working with a DTV card
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[20:35:02] agoodm: been using mythtv since 2007, but using a sky box... when i did that id add all the xmltv channels and theyd all show up in the channel editor and id plug in all the sky channel numbers for my sky channel changer script...
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[20:36:17] highzeth: I'll try one more time, *after* you have filled in all xmltv id's, run mythfill...
[20:37:57] agoodm: ive done... but no listings still
[20:38:22] agoodm: ive got bbc1 channel 101 on freeview and sky, i choose sky version which should use xmltv and theres no listings
[20:39:04] agoodm: ive set up 103 itv1 and thats got no listings
[20:39:54] agoodm: channel 6335 (not final channel number...) has its correct xmltvid set but no listings either
[20:42:12] highzeth: what xmltv id did you insert for bbc1?
[20:42:48] agoodm: lets see
[20:43:11] agoodm:
[20:44:12] highzeth: ok, Im using the generic one(sans midlands.), that has epg data atleast. Did you try and run it manually and see that it pulls data?
[20:44:28] agoodm: no, how do I do that?
[20:45:03] highzeth: tv_grab_uk_rt --help
[20:45:39] agoodm: doesnt tell me how to grab a single channel i dont think
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[20:46:57] highzeth: you have configured it allready I presume? If so you got a config file, use that as a template, cp to a tmp file, set all but one channel with !, point to it via --config-file
[20:47:22] agoodm: I ran this tv_grab_uk_rt --config-file .mythtv/Sky.xmltv --debug and data relating to tv programs spewed past
[20:47:32] agoodm: ok
[20:47:51] highzeth: or > output that run and take a look at it all, either work
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[20:48:38] Cubber (Cubber! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:48:50] Cubber: what is the best filesystem to use for my recording drive? JFS or XFS?
[20:48:50] agoodm: encoding=utf-8
[20:48:50] agoodm: cachedir=/home/mythbox/.xmltv/cache
[20:48:50] agoodm: title-processing=disabled
[20:48:50] agoodm: postcode=LE10
[20:48:50] agoodm: platform=skydigital
[20:48:50] agoodm:
[20:48:57] agoodm: XFS :)
[20:49:24] Cubber: best to build that into the kernel or make it a module?
[20:49:27] Cubber: I usually build in ext3
[20:49:32] highzeth: agoodm: please dont paste more than 1 line in the channel, use pastebin in 'topic' for such
[20:49:41] agoodm: iv used ext3 for several years works fine
[20:49:47] agoodm: ok
[20:50:25] agoodm: well I made a config file with just what I pasted above in and pointed at it with tv_grab_rt and it spewed out program details for bbc1
[20:51:19] highzeth: > output.file is a good idea to add, makes it easier to actually look at the data
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[20:51:43] agoodm: well it overflowed my console, scrollig up shows details for programs id expect to see on bbc1
[20:53:22] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:53:38] highzeth: well, if you had > output'd you could have ran a manually mythfill and actually seen if it would pan out
[20:54:17] agoodm: ok so redirect output into a file, then how would I manually use that file with mythfill ?
[20:54:38] highzeth: mythfill.... --help
[20:56:28] agoodm: im guessing... mythfilldatabase --file 2 filename ?
[20:56:32] agoodm: 2 is my source id
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[20:57:03] highzeth: right
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[21:01:27] agoodm: bbc1 now has channel data
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[21:03:31] highzeth: ok, so all parts works, now to get it to play nice by itself. cant help you there, I run all my epg pull 'manually'(via cron). Look at the video source & be sure the right grabber is selected and go from there
[21:04:03] agoodm: ok, might go down the manual route
[21:05:42] squish102: after my upgrade from .21 to .23 i lost all my metadata, and i have no idea how to fetch new info
[21:05:58] wagnerrp: 'w'
[21:09:10] syamajala (syamajala! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:09:45] squish102: something is messed up. if i am in gallery view, scroll over to an icon that has a '?' and a little folder with a "1" (i have video_ts folders) and press 'w', it switches to a different view!
[21:11:04] sid3windr: hrm
[21:11:08] squish102: and if i select that icon '?' '1' and do video options, all i get is 'play folder'
[21:11:23] sid3windr: debian-multimedia includes JAMU in mythvideo package instead of mythtv-backend
[21:11:23] wagnerrp: are you using storage groups?
[21:11:30] sid3windr: yet when I read the wiki it's supposed to be run on the backend
[21:11:31] sid3windr: :|
[21:11:33] squish102: wagnerrp yes
[21:11:46] wagnerrp: VIDEO_TS folders do not work with storage groups
[21:11:48] squish102: should i not use storage groups?
[21:11:54] squish102: oh, ok
[21:12:18] squish102: so i will then figure out how to not use storage groups
[21:12:34] wagnerrp: just set up mythvideo like you did in 0.21
[21:13:20] NightMonkey: squish102: NFS ftw.
[21:13:27] squish102: ok, i have no idea how i did that before, but that is why there is a wiki
[21:14:04] squish102: NightMonkey storage groups sound like a good isea, but all my stuff is video_ts
[21:15:19] NightMonkey: squish102: Yah, storage groups are a *relatively* newish Myth feature. Since I've been using NFS/CIFS since 0.18, I just keep going. ;)
[21:15:35] wagnerrp: no, SGs have been around since 0.20
[21:16:02] wagnerrp: SGs for mythvideo are a relatively new feature, maybe a year since they went into trunk
[21:16:43] squish102: are there plans to support video_ts?
[21:16:45] iamlindoro (iamlindoro!~iamlindor@unaffiliated/iamlindoro) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[21:17:03] wagnerrp: plans, yes
[21:17:19] wagnerrp: but i cant claim to know if anyone is actively working on it
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[21:19:22] NightMonkey: wagnerrp: No argument here. Just that, from a user perspective, if a low-level feature isn't transparently supported in all core plugins, it might as well be considered "new".
[21:19:51] NightMonkey: Unless mythvideo isn't a "core plugin"?
[21:20:11] wagnerrp: it just got little loving for several years
[21:20:17] dougl (dougl! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[21:21:20] NightMonkey: wagnerrp: Now I am sad for it. Where is the love? ;)
[21:21:58] agoodm: thx all cya
[21:22:01] agoodm (agoodm! has quit ()
[21:23:41] squish102 (squish102! has quit (Quit: = oops wrong button)
[21:30:39] wagnerrp: mythvideo has gotten its love, apparently its mythmusic's turn
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[21:46:07] squish102: would i need to remove all storage groups or only video? to get back to 0.21
[21:46:18] wagnerrp: just the 'Video' group
[21:47:34] squish102: wierd, i did that in backend and rebooted, and i still have storage groups when browsing my videos
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[21:51:24] squish102: maybe i need to rescan
[21:52:08] squish102: that seemed to fix it!
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[22:06:46] macavity (macavity! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:06:49] macavity: i have been looking at Dreambox (yet another linux based DVR), and i see that there are quite a few "card emulators" available for it. However, the wikipedia article says that Myth only works with unencrypted signals, so i was wondering if you guys has any insights about using DVB-S cards and emus with Myth?
[22:06:54] macavity: ... or am i (as usual) barking up the wrong tree/getting something wrong?
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[22:09:01] wagnerrp: and dont ask the same question in multiple channels at the same time, thats considered poor IRC etiquette
[22:09:33] macavity: my bad.. i didnt see the topic before after i fired
[22:09:38] sphery: I'm guessing he noticed the PM/topic after asking
[22:09:53] sphery: anyway, wagnerrp pretty much summed it up for you
[22:10:01] macavity: yup
[22:10:46] macavity: i didnt even know that hardware CAMs were available for normal PCs
[22:10:48] sphery: basically, even if it's not a violation of laws where you live, soft cam is almost definitely a violation of the service providers terms of service, so we don't support it
[22:11:01] sphery: you can only get hardware CAMs in some countries
[22:11:04] sphery: the US is not one of them
[22:11:13] wagnerrp: macavity: they usually come with the DVB-C/S card
[22:11:19] sphery: but in the US, any use of softcam is a felony offense--as well as a violation of ToS
[22:11:58] macavity: i gather that it is a hot potatoe... i just want to be sure that i dont blow a hole in my foot with a 6 month contract for a card only to find out it doesnt work
[22:12:14] wagnerrp: a contract for a tuner card?
[22:12:47] AndyCap: macavity: if the provider uses conax or viaccess you can buy a cam for the tuner card, if they use videoguard you're out of luck
[22:12:58] macavity: no, a content provider contract is 6 months minimum here in DK
[22:13:13] macavity: i have cable now, but we are moving soon, and were we are going we want satelite
[22:13:31] macavity: AndyCap: i gathered as much
[22:13:51] sphery: wagnerrp: out of curiosity, if you go to and click on 4.4.0 (specifically that one), does it load the page, then redirect you to some image/ad that eventually (after a long time) gives a blank page?
[22:13:56] macavity: that only rules out Viasat if i read the docs right
[22:14:17] AndyCap: macavity: and sky, depending on where you plan on moving
[22:14:25] sphery: macavity: the approved solution when CAM isn't an option is analog capture--using Hauppauge PVR-150 for standard definition or Hauppauge HD-PVR for high definition
[22:14:47] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:15:04] sphery: so, with analog as a fallback, you won't have to worry about being out of luck
[22:15:46] highzeth: macavity: your best bet would be Canal+, and as AndyCap said, Sky/FreeSat(depending on where in .dk you are moving)
[22:15:47] sphery: you will, however, need to buy/rent enough set-top-boxes to have one per channel you want to record/watch LiveTV at a time (and one analog capture card per channel...)
[22:15:51] macavity: i am still looking at tuner cards
[22:16:34] macavity: highzeth: why would it matter where in .dk i moved to?
[22:17:03] highzeth: for the sky/freesat reception mainly, size of dish/positioning/neighbours etc
[22:17:03] macavity: highzeth: i can get the dish to point at anything.. the sky is clear from east to west on that wall
[22:17:09] AndyCap: macavity: pick up free to air british transmission from Astra 2d with a reasonably sized dish
[22:17:33] macavity: AndyCap: i was thinking a 108cm triax?
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[22:18:16] macavity: with a dual head i should be able to pick up quite a range then, right?
[22:18:17] AndyCap: macavity:
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[22:19:10] highzeth: macavity: you will struggle if you are thinking of combining 28.2E & 1W/5E on the same dish
[22:19:35] AndyCap: highzeth: heh, unless you're close enought that a t90 can do the job
[22:19:59] highzeth: AndyCap: well, a t90 is borderline as-is, so yeah, gotta be helluva ideal conditions then ;)
[22:20:08] macavity: AndyCap: nice.. and yes, the 108cm should do just nicely
[22:20:49] AndyCap: macavity: planning on using a motor then?
[22:21:37] macavity: i hope not
[22:21:40] AndyCap: highzeth: heh, only for 2d though, worked fine for the more eurocentric beams on 28.2E
[22:21:44] macavity: better use two dishes then
[22:22:12] macavity: its not like the dishes and the heads are going to be a signifigant part of the total cost anyhow
[22:22:12] highzeth: AndyCap: sure, even the northern beam on astra might be a go, its the southern goodies that might be a stretch
[22:22:35] AndyCap: highzeth: yeah, no 2D for me.
[22:23:35] highzeth: I did get the northern beam with our 1.5m motorized dish, but had to jump up a size to get a stable lock on the southern
[22:24:31] highzeth: and mark my words, I will never, ever setup another prime focus dish. ohhh my
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[22:33:42] wagnerrp: sphery: seems to work fine for me
[22:34:08] sphery: wagnerrp: strange... must be something weird on my system or network
[22:34:36] sphery: I was able to get it with wget, but it was rather annoying that it showed me the page for 1/2s, then cleared it
[22:35:11] wagnerrp: something new googleadservices is doing maybe? ive got that disabled
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[22:36:24] sphery: that's possible
[22:36:26] sphery: it is a google ad
[22:36:32] sphery: nice service, if so
[22:36:47] sphery: "You can't see the page you want, but we'll take you to a blank page, instead."
[22:36:51] wagnerrp: so much for doing no evil
[22:36:55] sphery: heh
[22:37:13] sphery: Google's greatest triumph was getting man to believe in their motto.
[22:40:36] macavity: hmm.. i just found an article that says it is intirely possible to get Videoguard working with a combination of a hardware CAM and some funky kernel module
[22:41:25] macavity: this one: . . . V.102.0.html
[22:41:49] macavity: or is that guy out on a limb wrt the legal matters?
[22:42:12] sphery: best bet would be to ask your service provider :)
[22:42:18] sphery: (or your lawyer :)
[22:43:14] macavity: meh.. i think i will take the chance that if i use their card as the reciving end, and my TV as the displaying end.. then what happens in between is none of their concern
[22:43:41] sphery: I'm thinking--based on some of the words in there--that's basically softcam/card sharing stuff, but with the "providing [sic] you have a subscription" so he can claim otherwise :)
[22:44:07] sphery: if you take that standpoint, though, please don't discuss it here
[22:44:28] macavity: i am new to all this.. but the way i read it i still need the card to be in some kind of reader hooked to the machine, right?
[22:44:36] sphery: ok, after scrolling down, it's definite--what he's doing is not allowed for discussion here
[22:46:03] sphery: the fact that he's using a card reader and programmer should make it pretty obvious that it's not one of the things your provider wants you to do
[22:47:03] macavity: since i havent picked a provider yet, i am still in the clear
[22:48:31] macavity: that is, short of the fact that i already have to bruteforce DVD keys (which is not legal in the EU) to watch the film i buy...
[22:51:01] macavity: but anyway, just to be clear on the terminology here
[22:51:31] macavity: a "hardware CAM" is the legal version of a "card reader"?
[22:52:51] sphery: it's a conditional access module--it's the whole package and does everything including the decryption
[22:53:21] sphery: if decryption is done anywhere else (other than in a set-top-box or a hardware CAM), we don't support it
[22:53:22] macavity: that is, the kind of stuff that haupage gets to ship with their decoders, because they have a deal with whomever appropriate?
[22:53:22] AndyCap: macavity: no.
[22:53:22] AndyCap: macavity: a hardware cam takes in the stream and hands out decrypted data.
[22:53:22] macavity: as opposed to some DIY/shady stuff to fool cards into thinking they are in a hardware box
[22:53:23] AndyCap: macavity: so the hardware cam makes sure you don't get your hands on the encryption keys, which the software doesn't
[22:53:47] sphery: much better explanation than mine--thanks
[22:54:53] macavity: ok, i think i understand the difference now
[22:55:39] AndyCap: the long version:
[22:56:23] ** AndyCap wouldn't complain if the pcmcia and CI stacks merged completely. :P **
[22:57:07] macavity: in the above article the keys are extracted from the card somehow, then the CPU does the decoding, and that kernel module thingie makes a fake DVB-S card node entry in /dev/ that makes it all look like the signal wasnt even encrypted in the first place?
[22:57:29] macavity: ... i can see why that is clearly not legal under any circomstances
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[23:02:51] ekristen (ekristen! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:03:41] ekristen: evening, I am seeing an issue on my mythtv box I haven't seen before — I just rebuilt and reinstalled and I am getting errors when it trys to record
[23:04:21] ctmjr: speaking of encryption comcast in Baltimore just scrambled 90% of the channels so again i am screwed without a set top box
[23:05:18] ekristen:
[23:06:35] sphery: ctmjr: I heard they just did that in almost all the places across the country that hadn't already been switched to encrypted
[23:06:40] macavity: AndyCap: Canal Digital (AKA Canal+ i belive) works with the off-the-shelf offerings from Haupage, right?
[23:06:44] sphery: I guess the HD-PVR is the way to do Comcast, now
[23:07:19] sphery: ekristen: which errors... the preview ones?
[23:07:26] AndyCap: macavity: I'm not sure what hauppauge has in the way of cards with CI slots.
[23:07:33] ekristen: sphery: no the MPEGRec(/dev/video0) Error: Error setting format
[23:07:48] ekristen: because after that it jumps back to saying that it is not recording
[23:07:56] ekristen: the mpg file gets created but with zero data
[23:08:08] ekristen: I've never seen this error before
[23:08:27] sphery: ekristen: however, you /really/ should upgrade to either a) a -fixes version (0.22-fixes, not the broken pre-release 0.22 version that ships with your distro) or b) the /current/ version's -fixes branch (0.23-fixes)
[23:08:36] sphery: ekristen:
[23:08:56] sphery: ideally you'd go to 0.23-fixes, but even if you just go to 0.22-fixes, there's a much better chance that things will work
[23:09:12] ekristen: I am running 22-fixes as far I know
[23:09:20] ekristen: sphery — I would love to use mythbuntu — put 10.04 doesn't see my hard drives for some reason
[23:09:29] sphery: no, you're running the pre-release version of 0.22-fixes that shipped with 9.10
[23:09:30] ekristen: so I am stuck on 9.10 of ubuntu right now
[23:09:38] ekristen: ah gotcha
[23:09:38] sphery: it's before 0.22 was even released
[23:10:01] sphery: from the auto-builds, though, you can select 0.22-fixes /or/ 0.23-fixes (even for 9.10)
[23:10:08] sphery: (I'm pretty sure)
[23:10:12] ekristen: let me look
[23:10:44] macavity: AndyCap: ok.. ill have to look a bit more into all of this then
[23:10:49] AndyCap: macavity: a card like this sounds promising, but it's expensive and hard to find from what I've heard.
[23:12:40] highzeth: expensive yeah, and they made a very small amount of their first batch
[23:12:42] macavity: ok, that looks nice
[23:12:57] macavity: the dual part is not critical
[23:13:39] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[23:14:55] AndyCap: macavity: this should be decent, but only DVB-S (or DVB-C for C-1500) and not DVB-S2
[23:16:13] AndyCap: macavity: and usb CI slot solutions like this won't work on linux.
[23:18:44] macavity: hmmm...
[23:19:04] macavity: i should rather like DVB-S2 from what i am reading now...
[23:19:31] macavity: no idea in having a big a** TV and no HD content :P
[23:19:50] AndyCap: if you're allowed HD content with a CAM that is.
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[23:23:33] macavity: all them limitations if you refuse to use their crappy set top box :-/
[23:24:17] macavity: lol.. and now their server 503'ed on me :P
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[23:32:44] ekristen: sphery: I am updating to .23 right now
[23:33:30] sphery: great... hope that solves the issues
[23:35:02] grumpydevil (grumpydevil!~rudy@2001:610:73e:0:225:64ff:fea4:928e) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[23:35:29] ekristen: me too ;)
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[23:36:11] ekristen: are there any good hd capture cards that support the encryption cards from cable companies that work on linux with mythtv these days?
[23:37:23] Beirdo: !url tuners
[23:37:23] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[23:37:24] highzeth: AndyCap: they made 200pcs of that netup card, not sure if they made more than one batch =)
[23:39:59] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:42:48] Beirdo: holy crap
[23:43:02] Beirdo: Miguel Cabrera had *3* home runs yesterday!?
[23:43:19] Beirdo: and to top it off... Detroit lost anyways
[23:43:20] Beirdo: hehe
[23:43:42] pak0 (pak0! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:45:09] ekristen: Beirdo: that is a nice list — I am unfamiliar with many of the abbreviations — any one mean that use a cablecard?
[23:46:42] jya (jya! has quit (Quit: jya)
[23:47:11] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Quit: Quit)
[23:47:18] Beirdo: not sure, you'd have to read and find out
[23:47:26] ekristen: understood
[23:47:42] Beirdo: but that's basically the canonical list of what works well with Linux
[23:47:55] Beirdo: so, if it's not there, there's little chance that it will work
[23:48:33] Beirdo: unless of course, the card is basically the same as another card, close enough that the same drivers will work
[23:48:48] Beirdo: there's likely some cablecard tuners there, I dunno though
[23:49:28] ekristen: makes sense — I've been away from myth for several months — trying to get caught back up — my mythbackend hardware died, finally got it replaced and trying to get it back up and running now
[23:49:50] Beirdo: cool :)
[23:50:05] Beirdo: welcome back... I'll be gearing up myself again pretty soon
[23:50:21] Bigshot (Bigshot!~i@unaffiliated/bigshot) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:50:38] Bigshot: i get >> ERROR: Sorry i couldn't get any working frequency/transponder nothing to scan!!
[23:50:49] ekristen: Beirdo: thanks — you getting new gear?
[23:50:50] Bigshot: using w_scan
[23:51:00] pyther (pyther!~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther) has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
[23:51:03] Bigshot: i have Aver Media Volar Max
[23:51:07] iamlindoro: Bigshot, Is that when scanning with Myth?
[23:51:32] iamlindoro: ah, w_scan
[23:51:35] Bigshot: whyy indeed aaa ahmm.. aha aha
[23:51:52] iamlindoro: in that case you probably want to ask in #linuxtv since we don't generally do troubleshooting for third party software here
[23:52:08] iamlindoro: We really only have the expertise to support MythTV
[23:56:54] Beirdo: ekristen: yeah, rebuilding from scratch
[23:57:03] ekristen: nice
[23:57:04] saftsack (saftsack! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:57:06] ekristen: using what distro?
[23:57:21] Beirdo: irrelevant, but ubuntu
[23:57:21] saftsack: hey, are the marct layman repos for mythtv broken?
[23:58:09] saftsack: there is no ip in it
[23:58:37] Beirdo: maybe you should ask him?
[23:58:53] iamlindoro: why would it need an IP?
[23:58:57] iamlindoro: it has a git URL

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