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Monday, May 3rd, 2010, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:12] Jester05 (Jester05! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:03:01] Jester05: just out of curiosity, is anyone in here running mythbuntu and if so have any of them attempted to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04?
[00:04:20] Shadow__X: Jester05: there might be people running mythbuntu here but this channel is for mythtv and should be kept to mythtv related questions. There is a channel dedicated to mythbuntu it is #ubuntu-mythtv
[00:04:31] Shadow__X: you should ask those type of questions there
[00:05:42] Casper0082 (Casper0082!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:05:54] Jester05: I know Shadow__X, but that channel is seemingly dead and there wasn't exactly any on going conversation in this channel
[00:06:07] Casper0082 (Casper0082!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:30] iamlindoro: heh, you joined and immediately asked, how would you know?
[00:06:56] Jester05: in the past I've used that channel and either gotten bad or no help
[00:07:07] axisys (axisys! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:07:17] iamlindoro: worth every penny then, I guess
[00:07:31] axisys: will this card work with linux ?
[00:07:33] Jester05: but at any rate, is there any reason why a FE running 23 couldn't connect to a MBE running 22?
[00:07:57] iamlindoro: Yes. All myth systems must be identical versions. You cannot mismatch protocol versions.
[00:08:23] Jester05: alright thanks iamlindoro guess I'm forced with one choice :-\ lol
[00:08:34] Jester05: push the upgrade down the pipeline lol
[00:08:58] flindet (flindet! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:08:58] iamlindoro: axisys,
[00:09:16] akv (akv! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[00:09:24] Jester05: iamlindoro, have you any experience of making an image of your mythtv installation?
[00:09:43] Jester05: I'd like to make a backup image but have only ever done it in windows using ghost
[00:09:51] axisys: iamlindoro: thanks
[00:09:59] iamlindoro: Jester05, No experience with that here, all I do if I need a backup or to move to a new install is get a DB backup
[00:10:02] iamlindoro: axisys, yw
[00:10:29] squish102: Jester05 let me know if u find something, i'm in the same boat
[00:10:43] iamlindoro: well, dd is easy
[00:10:53] iamlindoro: I've not imaged my myth install, I've still imaged systems :)
[00:10:58] Jester05: yeah prob not a bad idea.. I haven't done a dd in a LONGG time
[00:11:12] iamlindoro: boot from a live CD, dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/image.img
[00:11:26] Jester05: iamlindoro, whats the command to backup the db?
[00:11:37] axisys: iamlindoro: i am little confused .. As of 4/29/2010 does not work with cx231xx driver. it usb-live-2 wont work ?
[00:11:44] iamlindoro: axisys, correct
[00:11:55] iamlindoro: Jester05,
[00:12:10] Jester05: ha that was the page i was trying to find! thanks
[00:12:10] axisys: iamlindoro: hmm.. would you know a usb tuner that will work ?
[00:12:14] squish102: can u dd only a few filesystems. i dont have enough disk to dd all the recordings
[00:12:37] iamlindoro: squish102, if they're on different partitions, sure, you can choose just one
[00:12:52] Jester05: squidly, dont you keep your videos/recordings on a sep partition?
[00:12:52] squish102: thanks
[00:13:01] squish102: yes i do
[00:13:02] iamlindoro: axisys, The usb-live-2 isn't a tuner, so you'd need to be a lot more specific
[00:13:17] Jester05: alright I was going to say.. do we have to smack your fingers..
[00:13:17] Jester05: ;)
[00:13:34] iamlindoro: axisys, ie, where, what format, what do you hope to record, from what provider, etc.
[00:13:40] Jester05: I've got my videos/music on an entirely different hdd
[00:13:41] axisys: iamlindoro: sorry.. i want to convert the vhs tapes to digital format
[00:14:03] iamlindoro: axisys, If that's all you want to do, then don't use MythTV, but do buy something like an old Hauppauge PVR-150 or 500
[00:14:13] squish102: Jester05, i think i have a JBOD of all different disks and total about 2.5 tb :(
[00:14:19] iamlindoro: not USB, but still worth it for that purpose
[00:14:25] axisys: iamlindoro: need one with usb for my laptop..
[00:14:34] iamlindoro: if it must be USB, the Hauppauge PVR-USB2 should work
[00:14:41] squish102: i keep adding a disk and extending onto it
[00:14:42] iamlindoro: Failing that, the HVR-1950
[00:14:47] wagnerrp: squish102: JBOD?
[00:15:02] squish102: just a bunch of disks
[00:15:12] wagnerrp: you spanned multiple disks into a single volume?
[00:15:18] squish102: yip
[00:15:22] wagnerrp: why?
[00:15:27] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:27] Jester05: can you do a DB backup from mythweb?
[00:15:34] wagnerrp: no
[00:15:39] squish102: because i ran out of space, so i hooked up another disk
[00:15:47] squish102: and then another
[00:16:02] axisys: iamlindoro: this guys is expensive
[00:16:06] axisys: iamlindoro: . . . p/B0000AL8XX
[00:16:07] wagnerrp: squish102: so then you add their respective partitions independently as separate folders in the storage group
[00:16:17] wagnerrp: you dont use spanning
[00:16:20] wagnerrp: spanning is awful
[00:16:28] iamlindoro: axisys, ebay
[00:16:29] akv (akv! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:16:36] axisys: iamlindoro: k
[00:16:38] wagnerrp: all the reliability issues as with raid0, with none of the added performance
[00:16:40] squish102: wagnerrp legacy system, i think before storage groups
[00:17:02] iamlindoro: axisys, . . . em439eebdd68
[00:17:03] wagnerrp: i think storage groups came in with 0.20
[00:17:06] iamlindoro: $23, closes in an hour
[00:17:22] squish102: yip, been running for 4 or more years
[00:17:28] axisys: iamlindoro: thanks
[00:17:30] iamlindoro: np
[00:17:45] Casper0082: iamlindoro: don't forget to mention your finders fee
[00:17:57] wagnerrp: same cost as a mythtv license?
[00:18:04] squish102: maybe i should start fresh with a couple 1.5tb's.. oh the expense :(
[00:18:49] axisys: iamlindoro: hehe.. as soon as i bid it.. someone outbidded.. i guess some robot/script is setup
[00:19:03] wagnerrp: axisys: no, thats just how ebay works
[00:19:11] iamlindoro: ^^ what wagnerrp said
[00:19:14] wagnerrp: a user sets their highest allowable bid
[00:19:22] wagnerrp: and if someone else bids while they are away
[00:19:32] wagnerrp: it will bump them up to however high they allowed it to go
[00:19:44] axisys: wagnerrp: gotcha
[00:19:58] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit ()
[00:20:05] wagnerrp: so if you bid again, and outbid them, it will only go as high as their maximum bid
[00:20:48] axisys: wagnerrp: gotcha
[00:23:34] axisys: wagnerrp: this is too much fun.. i went to 37 .. still outbid'd
[00:24:35] Jester05: I'm having issues backing up my db
[00:24:54] Jester05: ERROR: DBBackupDirectory is not a directory or is not writable. .. etc..
[00:25:23] Jester05: I think its trying to write to /home/mythtv and i'm doing it as an ssh user.. could that be doing it?
[00:26:30] iamlindoro: Jester05, "Do so by running the following command from a shell (not in MySQL), replacing the directory, "/home/mythtv", with the desired backup directory path: "
[00:26:43] iamlindoro: Sounds like you didn't do the replace part
[00:27:07] Jester05: oh crap.. good call
[00:27:08] iamlindoro: you're supposed to replace the dir with the one you want the backup to end up in
[00:27:13] nwidger (nwidger! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:27:14] Jester05: yeah i got you
[00:27:48] jya (jya! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:27:49] Jester05: how long should it take?
[00:28:09] iamlindoro: depends on the size of the database, could be a few seconds, could be a few minutes
[00:28:23] Jester05: alright thanks man
[00:28:35] iamlindoro: np
[00:29:04] tgm4883: What does the backup script throw away? I noticed that a mysqldump is much larger than the one produced by the script
[00:29:47] iamlindoro: You'd have to ask sphery
[00:30:12] iamlindoro: but given the fact that he was the one who wrote it, I have 100% confidence that it's cleverer than anyone just running mysqldump
[00:31:20] tgm4883: i figured so as well
[00:31:47] iamlindoro: and you're comparing like-compressed dumps, right?
[00:32:19] iamlindoro: (ie, both gzipped with the same compression level)
[00:32:39] tgm4883: yes
[00:32:59] iamlindoro: did you read the script to check the compression level used?
[00:33:39] tgm4883: no, I just used the default. I really didn't care that much as the size difference is only about 20megs on a 100meg file
[00:33:56] iamlindoro: so without having done so, you can't be sure they're using the same
[00:34:09] iamlindoro: It may well just be that
[00:34:12] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:34:14] tgm4883: could be I suppose
[00:34:23] wagnerrp: tgm4883: the mythtv backup script uses gzip
[00:34:26] wagnerrp: mysqldump uses no compression
[00:35:26] iamlindoro: could also be a matter of the mysqldump commands used-- for an accurate comparison, they'd need to be the same
[00:35:36] klk (klk!~klk@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[00:36:21] Brad-D (Brad-D! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[00:36:21] GadgetWisdomGuru (GadgetWisdomGuru!~dshansk1@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:36:55] clever: tgm4883: run 'file' on the file, it will tell you the compression block size
[00:37:06] Brad-D (Brad-D!~brad@2002:461b:8026:0:222:15ff:fe7a:f43) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:37:27] GadgetWisdomGuru: Does anyone know anything about the network recorder portion of MythTV?
[00:38:10] flindet (flindet! has quit (Quit: flindet)
[00:38:19] wagnerrp: its designed for UDP and RTSP streaming from a specific IPTV provider in framce
[00:38:57] GadgetWisdomGuru: The question is if it could be used, with modification, for any streaming source.
[00:39:12] wagnerrp: sure... with modification
[00:39:21] wagnerrp: but that is so open ended a statement as to be completely meaningless
[00:39:39] GadgetWisdomGuru: Well, I was thinking of the various streaming sources online that have posted schedules
[00:39:42] GadgetWisdomGuru: CNN Live, for example.
[00:39:51] GadgetWisdomGuru: Twit Live
[00:39:58] wagnerrp: what do they use to stream?
[00:39:59] GadgetWisdomGuru: Russia Today does 24 hour online streaming in RTSP
[00:40:01] GadgetWisdomGuru: Which one?
[00:40:09] GadgetWisdomGuru: Twit uses H264
[00:40:26] GadgetWisdomGuru: And can be played with mplayer, and has a defined schedule.
[00:40:28] wagnerrp: h264 is a codec, not a streaming protocol
[00:40:32] GadgetWisdomGuru: Yes.
[00:40:53] wagnerrp: russia today's rtsp stream could probably be used with minimal or no modification
[00:41:04] wagnerrp: assuming those streams are published for public use
[00:41:08] GadgetWisdomGuru: They are
[00:41:11] GadgetWisdomGuru: They are on their website
[00:41:49] GadgetWisdomGuru: As for the TWIT thing, they agreed to let the Mythnetvision plugin use the prerecorded stuff, so logically the live stream should work.
[00:43:22] fugdnscerd (fugdnscerd! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:44:06] madLyfe (madLyfe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:44:21] GadgetWisdomGuru: I'm not 100% sure what TWIT is using. It seems to be FLV in a container, but I'm not sure what protocol if not http itself.
[00:44:52] wagnerrp: if its flv, it means they intend it to be consume through their flash player on their website only
[00:45:03] GadgetWisdomGuru: Actually, I checked that
[00:45:17] GadgetWisdomGuru: They permit people to watch it via other means
[00:45:27] GadgetWisdomGuru: And allow you to record it locally
[00:46:33] GadgetWisdomGuru: The question is, would an flv stream work with the network recorder, or would that have to use a different means
[00:53:58] hipitihop (hipitihop!~denis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:56:08] Jester05: anyone happen to have ever used a good partitioning backup program?
[00:58:28] Casper0082 (Casper0082!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:58:43] GadgetWisdomGuru: Not that I can think of, Jester05
[01:00:49] tank-man: I believe lilo makes a backup of the boot record when you write a new one
[01:03:33] Jester05: partimage and clonezilla seem to be what i want
[01:03:48] Jester05: I don't need a real complex one.. just something like Norten's Ghost
[01:03:57] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:04:08] tank-man: gparted is similar to ghost
[01:04:22] tank-man: err i mean partition magic, not ghost
[01:04:52] Jester05: yeah
[01:05:20] tank-man: simple is "/bin/dd" :) heh
[01:05:25] clever: the partition magic rescue floppies where nice
[01:05:35] clever: repartition any system with just 2 floppies
[01:05:53] clever: though a gparted livecd sounds like it would be just as good, and not so win 3.11 looking
[01:06:00] Jester05: i wonder if copy'n and paste'n file systems would work :-\ lol
[01:06:58] clever: Jester05: ive done that with ntfs before
[01:07:14] clever: cat /dev/sdxx | ssh user@foo 'cat > /dev/sdxx'
[01:07:48] clever: aslong as the destination was equal or larger then the source, it worked without a problem for linux access
[01:07:58] clever: with the proper id in fdisk, windows will even accept it
[01:08:03] Jester05: yeah.. only problem is i'm actively running that partition
[01:08:16] Jester05: think I'm going to have to go in with a live cd and do it that way
[01:08:18] clever: mount it read only and flush it with a call to /bin/sync
[01:08:41] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:08:45] Jester05: no its the partition my MBE is running off of
[01:08:48] clever: the tricky part is read-only, have to stop nearly every service to do that to root
[01:08:52] wagnerrp: although usually netcat is better for that purpose
[01:08:53] Jester05: going to have to take the MBE off line for a bit
[01:09:18] clever: wagnerrp: yeah, netcat in listening and connecting mode would probly be alot faster
[01:09:20] Jester05: yeah.. I think just booting into a live cd will be easier ;)
[01:09:48] clever: Jester05: last time i had to do that kind of thing, it was a semi-remote system with no monitor/keyboard/cdrom
[01:11:25] clever: livecd or usb would be alot simpler
[01:13:04] RDV_Linux_ (RDV_Linux_! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[01:13:59] Jester05: t-minus 4 min until i have clonezilla
[01:15:09] Jester05: i wonder how horrible it is to run mythtv off of a virtual?
[01:15:23] wagnerrp: not horrible, just slow and wasteful
[01:15:41] wagnerrp: and thats assuming you can get hardware passthrough
[01:15:43] Jester05: yeah.. I'm thinking for future testing b4 upgrading
[01:16:01] Jester05: virtualbox does pretty well with hardware..
[01:16:52] clever: ive used virtualbox with windowsxp (as guest) before
[01:17:10] clever: vncserver (on linux) to the virtualbox to a game of pinball ran surprisingly well
[01:17:20] clever: better then vnc server on native windows right on the same hardware
[01:17:34] Jester05: if you get virtualbox (PUEL, or something like that) it does a LOT
[01:17:35] clever: but once i shutdown windows, it horibly breaks the linux kernel and nothing works right
[01:18:08] Jester05: ohh
[01:18:26] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:18:32] Jester05: I have windows xp pro 64 running on my main box via vBox
[01:18:40] Jester05: works well enough to work with my gps ;)
[01:18:47] dewman2 (dewman2! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:18:57] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:19:03] clever: might be an ubuntu bug, but even the kernel sleep() syscall would return instantly nomater what it was givien
[01:19:19] clever: causing all the semi-idle loops in every app to instantly become busy idle loops, 100% cpu usage
[01:21:01] Jester05: I think i may give LinHES a try once i build my new server
[01:21:21] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:37] Rebecca (Rebecca! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[01:22:21] Rebecca (Rebecca! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:25:51] dewman2: since this page is no longer in the wiki, is there a page that might be helpfull for myth?
[01:26:16] iamlindoro:
[01:26:46] GadgetWisdomGuru: Iamlindoro, you've been working on MythNetVision. TWIT gave permission for its inclusion in it, correct?
[01:27:02] wagnerrp: GadgetWisdomGuru: pretty sure twit wrote the grabber
[01:27:02] iamlindoro: Yes, Leo Laporte gave direct permission
[01:27:14] iamlindoro: no, auric (an Australian) did
[01:27:34] GadgetWisdomGuru: Iamlinodoro, I was wondering about incorporating their live feed into MythTV. It's like a TV channel in itself.
[01:28:07] dewman2: iamlindoro, thanks. I am trying to figure out why I am getting multiple events in irw...
[01:28:40] iamlindoro: GadgetWisdomGuru, The IPTV recorder is very purpose-built. It's really customizes for the service and anything beyond that is pure luck. It would probably take substantial (near-rewrite) work to make it play generic internet streams
[01:28:45] iamlindoro: er customized
[01:29:11] iamlindoro: Which is not to say that that work wouldn't be worthwhile, just that someone would need to do it
[01:29:18] GadgetWisdomGuru: What is the new import recorder then?
[01:30:06] wagnerrp: dewman: you need to set the repeat filter on the keypress
[01:30:17] wagnerrp: its one of the operators in lircrc
[01:30:29] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[01:30:30] iamlindoro: It's a development/testing tool... not much different that the import perl script we've had forever
[01:31:10] wagnerrp: FWIW, the old import tool was part of contrib, and was in no way official
[01:31:13] Jester05: so.. I'm an idiot and put my recordings on my OS's partition.. u think its worth trying to back up 500gs or say f it and just let the whole thing go?
[01:31:14] dewman2: wagnerrp, weird that every key press was set to 4 on the wiki....I will change them to 0 and see what happens;
[01:31:36] Jester05: I think i should just risk it and do the distro upgrade w/o backing up the OS.. I have the DB backed anyway :-\
[01:31:58] wagnerrp: dewman2: if youre still getting unwanted repeats, you need to set that value higher
[01:32:09] GadgetWisdomGuru: I'm just pondering the massive amount of free to use 24 hour streams online that have posted recording schedules and using them to supplement other recording streams. i'll continue to ponder, I suppose.
[01:33:03] wagnerrp: weve already got plenty of people for thinking and planning
[01:34:01] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[01:34:44] GadgetWisdomGuru: Wagnerrp, I'm guessing the implied second part of that is you need more people for doing? I honestly wish my skills were up to the task. I do a little scripting, but not the high level of programming.
[01:35:06] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:35:31] wagnerrp: s/high level/low level/
[01:36:10] GadgetWisdomGuru: Yes. A high level of skill need, to program at such a low level.
[01:36:19] wagnerrp: scripts and interpreted languages are 'high level'
[01:36:29] wagnerrp: compiled languages are 'low level'
[01:36:54] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:37:09] GadgetWisdomGuru: I accept your correction
[01:37:28] wagnerrp: it just means how far away it is from direct hardware programming
[01:38:29] GadgetWisdomGuru: Yes. I am not skilled enough to program at that level.
[01:39:18] wagnerrp: to be completely honest, the QT stuff makes programming in mythtv not significantly more complex than some of the more advances interpreted languages
[01:39:32] iamlindoro: GadgetWisdomGuru, There are a number of developments that we hope to make in the next few revisions that should hopefully make what you are looking to do supported. they're just going to take some coordineted work by a couple of us, and then at least one of us to tie it all together
[01:39:39] wagnerrp: the only difference being that you need to compile before you see the difference
[01:39:41] iamlindoro: er coordinated
[01:39:42] wagnerrp: and its harder to debug
[01:40:00] GadgetWisdomGuru: Iamlinodoro, if there is anything at my skill level I could do to help...
[01:40:43] iamlindoro: Right now a lot of our planned changes require large projects by a couple of us to slot together. Unfortunately it's really stuff that requires intimate knowledge of myth code (and at least some, if not much of it is beyond my own level too)
[01:41:32] wagnerrp: right, thats more where the difficulty lies in programming for mythtv
[01:41:42] wagnerrp: the language itself is pretty straight forward
[01:41:51] wagnerrp: its knowing how to interface it with the rest of mythtv
[01:42:07] iamlindoro: That said, I think I'll have a few surprises for .24 ;)
[01:42:10] iamlindoro: and no spoilers, wagnerrp ;)
[01:42:18] wagnerrp: which is sadly rather undocumented beyond doxygen
[01:42:36] wagnerrp: heh, well they can follow in #mythtv if they want to know these things
[01:43:13] GadgetWisdomGuru: If I ever have a good idea for a script for mythnetvision, that may be something I could tackle.
[01:43:39] dewman2: wagnerrp, ok so I changed the value of the up button to repeat=6 and now irw shows 8 events?
[01:44:14] wagnerrp: dewman2: irw does not read the lircrc, it just prints the raw data coming out of lircd
[01:44:31] wagnerrp: the repeat value will change how mythtv behaves according to that input
[01:45:13] dewman2: wagnerrp, ok....I think I follow what you are saying.
[01:55:39] GadgetWisdomGuru: be back later
[01:55:41] GadgetWisdomGuru (GadgetWisdomGuru!~dshansk1@ has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving.")
[01:58:02] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:56] iamlindoro: Heh, the people who post their questions (and their complaints) to EVERY myth forum are funny
[02:00:00] dewman2: wagnerrp, thanks..... Once I changed the lirc socket to to the correct location it started working....Thanks for pointing me in the correct location...
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[02:38:49] sphery: tgm4883: I'm guessing you're asking for a lot of extra stuff you don't need in the mysqldump. The backup script throws away nothing and gives you everything you need to create a complete database.
[02:39:21] sphery: though "a lot of extra stuff you don't need in the mysqldump" would probably amount to something like a few kilobytes difference when compressed
[02:39:51] sphery: unless, of course, your mysqldump has /all/ the databases in backs up mythconverg only.
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[02:58:21] orificium (orificium! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:00:01] orificium: Somewhere along the line MythVideo on MythWeb stopped working. How can I see what's going on? Is there a log similar to /var/log/mythtv/*.log
[03:00:21] wagnerrp: what version of mythtv are you using?
[03:00:25] orificium: Mythbuntu
[03:00:34] wagnerrp: version, not distro
[03:00:38] orificium: oh sorry.
[03:00:40] orificium: .22
[03:00:51] wagnerrp: are you using storage groups for mythvideo?
[03:00:56] gospch (gospch! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:01:09] orificium: Nope
[03:06:54] orificium: yeah, no "Videos" group under Storage Directories
[03:07:17] orificium: Basically I get a long timeout and this error "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/includes/translate.php on line 142"
[03:07:48] clever: something caused it to use too much time running, so php killed it after 30 seconds
[03:08:06] clever: either the hardware is too slow, too many files, or its a bug
[03:08:17] orificium: ahh too many files could be it
[03:08:21] orificium: I do have a ton of stuff in there
[03:08:30] orificium: I didn't always have the problem
[03:08:35] clever: the more files you have, the more cpu time it takes to process
[03:09:31] orificium: how would I adjust the timeout?
[03:09:48] clever: its in php.ini i beleive
[03:10:28] orificium: I see that under /etc/php5/apache2 and /etc/php5/cli
[03:10:35] clever: . . . ecution-time
[03:10:49] clever: the script is running under apache2, so edit the apache2 version
[03:10:59] orificium: not the cli I guess then
[03:11:06] clever: cli is for when running php scripts from the cli (shell, terminal)
[03:12:19] orificium: should I increase max_input_time?
[03:12:33] orificium: I'm gonna set execution time to 90 to see if it helps at all.
[03:12:48] clever: increasing it will allow it to run longer
[03:13:04] clever: it wont really fix the problem of it taking a while to load, but it will actualy finish and 'work ]'
[03:13:10] clever: in the end
[03:13:48] clever: after changing it, youll need to reload or restart apache
[03:13:55] clever: for me, its sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reloa
[03:13:56] clever: d
[03:14:03] orificium: what about the input time?
[03:14:25] clever: that shouldnt matter much
[03:14:27] orificium: ok
[03:14:56] clever: input time is more of a problem if your script is being abused i think
[03:15:09] Jester05: so if you guys were going to build a server machine.. would you use a typical mobo, single cpu server mobo, or 2–4 cpu server mobo
[03:15:33] Jester05: this server will be running mythtv MBE, some other clients.. not a whole lot lol
[03:15:34] wagnerrp: whats the server for?
[03:15:48] wagnerrp: what 'clients'?
[03:15:56] clever: Jester05: the backend alone doesnt need that much, but the mysql server and master backend do need a bit of power for rescheduling, dont think dual core would help it too much though
[03:16:00] Jester05: i'd like to make something future proof which makes me think 2 quad core cpu's may be the way to go ;)
[03:16:01] orificium: I suppose I could use top to see if the cpu is being pegged by the php/apache processes
[03:16:24] orificium: clever: sweet, it worked! Thanks so much.
[03:16:27] clever: orificium: if your using mod_php like you should, it will all be the apache process
[03:16:35] wagnerrp: unless you intend to do a lot of transcoding, mythtv doesnt really improve past dual core
[03:16:42] Jester05: the other clients are things i cant talk about on here
[03:16:54] Jester05: hmm
[03:17:27] Jester05: well i may also do xdcpm login into that box and use it to run Virt Machines also..
[03:17:33] orificium: wow, this page is huge. I need to clear out some crap I put into /videos
[03:17:48] clever: orificium: yeah, that would explain why it took so long to load
[03:18:48] Jester05: the main box I'm on currently has a quad core 2.66 (q9400).. I considered pushing this one toward server use.. idk
[03:19:03] orificium: Jester05: sounds like more than enough
[03:19:33] Jester05: do you think the q9400 would even be of any use or should I just get a dual core ?
[03:19:54] Jester05: if I push this pc toward server use then I get to build a new main work station ;)
[03:19:59] orificium: I'm running on a athlon x2 brisbane 45W 2.3Ghz
[03:20:22] orificium: my backend/combo is rather.
[03:20:33] Jester05: yeah
[03:20:49] Jester05: see thats my problem now.. I have my MBE/FE running on a p4 2.8ghz
[03:20:59] orificium: I wanted somethign wtih lower power draw since it would be running all the time.
[03:21:04] Jester05: and I tune ota w/ it.
[03:21:31] Jester05: how much do you think my 2.8 p4 is sucking down?
[03:23:05] wagnerrp: whats in it besides that chip?
[03:23:48] Jester05: 2 pvr 150s and 1 dvico hd tuner
[03:24:04] wagnerrp: drives?
[03:24:13] wagnerrp: video card?
[03:24:15] Jester05: 1 500g wd
[03:24:26] Jester05: fx5700le
[03:25:44] orificium: I also have a pcHDTV-5500 in there but it's not being used since my HdhomeRun is going. They didn't play nice together last time I tried to have all 3 tuners going. Might of had something mis-configured though.
[03:25:56] wagnerrp: maybe... 90 idle, 150 full load
[03:26:06] Jester05: hmm
[03:26:27] Jester05: this q9400 prob does better than that..
[03:27:07] orificium: I believe that P4 2.8 is about 68 watts
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[03:27:40] Jester05: I really dont think the P4 has the power to handle everything I have going on to be honest
[03:27:43] wagnerrp: northwood or prescott?
[03:27:44] orificium: Actually, maybe higher. Probably depends on how old it is.
[03:27:49] Jester05: I have it doing MBE/FE work
[03:27:52] Jester05: its the prescott
[03:28:00] wagnerrp: then its 89W
[03:28:01] Jester05: that box is.. 7 yrs old prob
[03:28:32] wagnerrp: do you have an aftermarket cooler?
[03:28:33] Jester05: but at any rate I have 2 analog tuners and 1 digital in it plus its running FE and a torrent client
[03:28:43] Jester05: nope, she's all stock from 78 yrs ago
[03:28:52] orificium: oh yeah that's 90nm
[03:28:53] Jester05: been thru 2 power supplies and 1 hdd lol
[03:28:59] wagnerrp: then amusingly enough, youre probably running LESS power as a result
[03:29:10] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:29:12] wagnerrp: that chip is likely overheating and downclocking itself
[03:29:43] Jester05: I dont think so, its been a while since she's run windows but i had speedfan on it and it was alway cool
[03:30:27] orificium: Yeah I think I had to do some tweak in linux because of the "power management" features of the chip
[03:30:32] orificium: had some playback problems
[03:30:47] orificium: saw it on the VDPAU page in the wiki opssibly
[03:31:15] orificium: using the VDPAU slim profile with nearly no issues
[03:31:42] Jester05: but anyways.. the reason why I want to build a new server box is I want more storage, this mobo only has 2 sata ports on it and I'd like to set up a 6–10T nfs
[03:32:09] Jester05: so.. I'll need a new mobo that can handle the sata's .. also I'd like to get better power consumption
[03:32:29] clever: Jester05: if you want to check if its underclocking, check cat /proc/cpuinfo
[03:32:39] Jester05: but on top of that, i'm trying to figure out what to do FE wise.. I don't mind having the MBE/FE combined but part of me would like them sep
[03:32:48] clever: when my laptop was overheating it got stuck at 600mhz and couldnt do a thing
[03:33:22] Jester05: cpu MHz : 2839.643
[03:33:22] clever: but if its setup right and idling, it will also be at 600mhz, so check while its under a load and not performing as it should
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[03:33:55] jst (jst! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:34:33] Jester05: yeah, i just dont know what to do computer wise
[03:34:53] Jester05: essentially I at least need a new frontend.. need something that can handle 1080i better
[03:34:58] Jester05: it barely does 720p
[03:35:01] jst: Where do I get support for problems compiling MythTV Win32?
[03:35:02] Jester05: most of the time it doesn't
[03:35:04] orificium:
[03:35:31] jst: Jester05, try this:
[03:35:42] gospch (gospch! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:35:56] Jester05: what jst ?
[03:36:20] clever: orificium: ah yes, forgot about that side-effect of the underclocking
[03:36:23] jst: Make a file, say,, and put this in it:
[03:36:24] jst: echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
[03:36:24] jst: if [ -f /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor ]
[03:36:24] jst: then
[03:36:24] jst: echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor
[03:36:24] jst: fi
[03:36:39] wagnerrp: please dont paste directly into here
[03:36:44] jst: Run sudo ./performance and see if that helps.
[03:36:54] jst: wagnerrp, sorry. :)
[03:37:21] Jester05: jst, i'm not having underclocking probs.. I know my cpu is underpowered for what I'm doing ;)
[03:37:28] jst: The other things on the VDPAU page such as disabling composite, adding tripplebuffer, etc. also seem to work.
[03:37:35] Jester05: i'm just trying to decide what I should do about upgrading
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[03:37:40] jst: Ohh.
[03:37:59] Jester05: I can't decide if i want to continue to use my MBE as a FE or not.. and if not then I need to decide what to do in terms of new MBE box and new FE box
[03:38:01] orificium: don't know if that would apply to XvMC though
[03:38:39] jst: Has anyone here tried compiling MythTV Win32?
[03:38:41] orificium: I would assume the cpu thing doesn't only apply to VDPAU
[03:38:42] Jester05: I have a really good looking HTPC box which I like.. its huge and is def build to be a server.. only problem is if I'm building a new FE i'd like to dual boot to play games in windows too so I couldn't make it be the MBE
[03:39:03] wagnerrp: orificium: the cpu clocking thing only applied to integrated chipsets
[03:39:12] wagnerrp: on systems where the GPU shared main system memory
[03:39:22] wagnerrp: when the bus speed dropped, the GPU would get starved for memory access
[03:39:24] orificium: ah yup, that's me
[03:39:27] Jester05: and the box I have now has an OLD P4.. noticed it acting weird so I'm considering building a new server box..
[03:39:27] wagnerrp: and VDPAU would fail
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[03:39:47] jst: Here's the problem I always get when compiling Win32, no matter if I set -r 24334 or -r HEAD.
[03:39:48] clever: wagnerrp: would that include laptops?
[03:39:48] jst:
[03:39:51] orificium: good old Nvidia 8300 equiv chip
[03:40:04] wagnerrp: clever: that would include all integrated chipsets
[03:40:05] orificium: actually nvidia 750a.
[03:40:06] gospch (gospch! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:40:17] wagnerrp: if your laptop has discrete graphics with dedicated memory, it would not be affected
[03:40:39] clever: not sure if its sharing the memory or not
[03:40:47] wagnerrp: and since yours is some form of quadro, rather than a basic nvidia, it almost certainly has dedicated memory
[03:40:57] wagnerrp: s/nvidia/geforce/
[03:41:03] clever: ive seen things like onboard video but dedicated (laptop style) memory on a desktop
[03:41:54] Jester05: hmm .. looking at a P4 2.8 ghz dell box for $71 lol comes w/ a keyboard, mouse, speakers, and 17" mon ..
[03:41:57] clever: where could i learn info on the quadro and stuff so i wont have to bother you as much?
[03:42:19] Jester05: .. my mom mentioned wanting a new pc.. may get it for her lol
[03:42:36] clever: Jester05: could buy a new powerfull one for yourself and give her the old one!
[03:42:48] clever: just swap the mobo's inside so she gets the new shiny case
[03:42:55] orificium: Jester05: There was a time when I dual-booted. Not any more. It's just annoying. I have a HTPC backend/frontend and a Windows (for gaming reasons) Desktop Replacement (never buy one of these again).
[03:43:02] Shadow__X: clever: here is a start
[03:43:02] Jester05: yeah, I have a P4 2.4ghz running as the FE in my bedroom currently.. considered giving that one to her lol
[03:43:04] Shadow__X:
[03:43:23] clever: Shadow__X: ah nice, didnt think it had its own page
[03:43:28] orificium: One day I'll have a lightweight laptop, and a desktop rig for gaming. :)
[03:43:40] Jester05: orificium, do you game on ur living room tv via pc? .. I'm not sure I'd like gaming on a lcd tv..
[03:43:45] Jester05: thats what I'm trying to figure out ;)
[03:43:46] Jester05: lol
[03:43:48] clever: orificium: my laptop outdoes the gaming desktop!
[03:43:51] orificium: Jester05: Nope. I usued to though
[03:44:02] clever: Jester05: ive tried it, but the text is too small to read
[03:44:05] orificium: clever: got one of those asus ones?
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[03:44:10] clever: only works well if you know the game by memory
[03:44:23] Jester05: well I mean in the quality of the picutre
[03:44:25] orificium: hah
[03:44:36] clever: orificium: dell, core2duo, 1.8ghz, quadro nvidia chip
[03:44:36] Jester05: ive seen them b4 but it seemed like the pictured sucked
[03:44:51] orificium: Jester05: used to play Counter-strike Source on my 46" LCD in WINE!
[03:44:57] Jester05: my laptop has a c2d 2.0 9600
[03:45:08] orificium: I loathe gaming in wine though
[03:45:12] orificium: never again
[03:45:13] Jester05: lol
[03:45:20] InfoAddict (InfoAddict! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:45:22] clever: orificium: ive got almost no problems with WOW in wine
[03:45:29] Jester05: well I'm looking toward the new ghost recon coming out this fall ;)
[03:45:59] Jester05: the thing is.. I like gaming w/ a mouse and keyboard. it'd be kind of hard to do in the living room
[03:46:15] orificium: clever: all the people that play that game, I'm sure there was lots of time spent getting it working just right :)
[03:46:19] Jester05: maybe I just need to replace my dual monitor configuration with (2) 24"ers
[03:46:20] wagnerrp: i loved the original GR... but never really got into GRAW
[03:46:31] clever: Jester05: usb keyboard, usb mouse, usb hub, usb extension cord
[03:46:37] Jester05: then I could give my mom my p4 2.4ghz box w/ a 15" mon lol
[03:46:52] orificium: I actually played Grand Theft Auto San Andreas in Wine, and it ran faster than on the same PC running Windows.
[03:46:59] Jester05: clever, you still have the problem of not having a desk in the living room ;)
[03:46:59] orificium: load times were amazing.
[03:47:11] clever: Jester05: i normaly play on the couch with a laptop and usb mouse
[03:47:22] Jester05: clever, where do you set the mouse?
[03:47:28] clever: on the couch beside me
[03:47:32] orificium: of course there was some nasty graphics glitches here and there.
[03:47:33] Jester05: ohh
[03:47:44] Jester05: haha orificium vbox? ;_)
[03:48:05] clever: orificium: the main problem i have is that sometimes it locks up and just uses 0% cpu ocasionaly when it loads 100%, some kind of timeout
[03:48:06] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, I know that I must be missing something stupid and obvious-- I have cleared out the existing python bindings as best I can, and I am still getting: ! Warning – MythTV python bindings could not be imported. error(name 'MythError' is not defined)
[03:48:07] orificium: Nah, in Wine.
[03:48:09] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, from a MNV script
[03:48:18] clever: orificium: and certain combinations of addons cause a segfault
[03:48:19] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, Now I know this is user error as the same script works on my other box
[03:48:26] gospch (gospch! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:48:29] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, But is there any chance you could talk me through where it's going wrong?
[03:48:52] orificium: I'm crossing my fingers HOPING for a native release of Steam and Source
[03:49:02] orificium: Where the heck is Postal 3.
[03:49:04] Beirdo: USAir fail today
[03:49:08] fugdnscerd (fugdnscerd! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:49:22] Beirdo: my flight to Philly.... left 2.5h late
[03:49:26] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: could you open up python, and try 'from MythTV import MythError'
[03:50:03] orificium: Beirdo: hey, that's where I live :)
[03:50:21] orificium: oh that bomb threat on the bathroom wall
[03:50:22] Beirdo: cool. I'm here for 2 weeks...
[03:50:24] orificium: I read about that
[03:50:27] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, Any chance the tiny fix you made earlier could fix this? I just made that one change up here (realizing I hadn't updated to that yet) and I think it's working
[03:50:36] Beirdo: no, actually, the delay was a busted plane for me
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[03:50:47] orificium: I missed that Mythtv get-together in Philly a little while back :(
[03:50:50] Beirdo: seal on the left emergency exit wasn't sealing
[03:51:11] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: shouldnt be, that was an error in MythLog
[03:51:15] wagnerrp: but theyre in the same file
[03:51:22] Beirdo: so we sat in comfort in Seatac Airport while they replaced it and did pressure tests
[03:51:28] wagnerrp: so if thats the only thing RDV is pulling in
[03:51:42] wagnerrp: it could be failing on the whole file and that just happens to be what gets reported
[03:51:46] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, OK, well whatever I did it seems to be okay now... ignore me
[03:51:49] Beirdo: at least I had no connecting flights :)
[03:51:51] orificium: wouldn't it take less time to fire up another plane in the 2.5 hours you waited?
[03:51:52] iamlindoro: I am pretty sure that's all I did though
[03:53:02] wagnerrp: CRRRAAAAAAPPPPP!
[03:53:04] orificium: Jester05: . . . hItemNumber=
[03:53:31] wagnerrp: my ~60pc bit set just fell off my shelf and spilled all over the floor
[03:53:40] Beirdo: orificium: you'd think so, wouldn't you?
[03:54:18] Jester05: nice.. orificium
[03:54:46] orificium: I get everything from newegg. Helps that their warehouse is in Edison, NJ, and standard shipping takes like 1–2 days :)
[03:54:56] iamlindoro: (a) warehouse
[03:55:03] iamlindoro: they have them all over the country
[03:55:10] orificium: yeah, I suppose it depend son the part.
[03:55:24] iamlindoro: mine is here in CA, never had it come from elsewhere
[03:56:58] Jester05: . . . 230468753588
[03:57:20] Jester05: not a horrible deal when you think about the fact you get a monitor, pc, keyboard/mouse lol
[03:58:04] Shadow__X: i have had packages ship from ca nj and tn
[03:58:18] Shadow__X: so newegg does indeed have afew warehouses
[03:59:42] orificium: I've been using MythTV Player for Windows with minimal issues (rebuffering a lot on certain recordings but I suspect my router is crapping out on me). I was just reading that it's no longer being worked on. I tried going through that long wiki on compiling the MythTV Windows Frontend to no avail. If I spent the time going through it again, is it possible to get it talking to .22 and working properly?
[04:00:56] Shadow__X: orificium: if you went into the forums you would see individual users have started work again and if you goto the download page you can download version .0.7 and it will work again also it needs to be noted mythtv player is not in relation to mythtv itself
[04:01:01] orificium: I had done the attempted compiling awhile back
[04:01:26] Jester05: haha I'm going to get a full desktop arrangement for $91 shipped..
[04:01:35] Jester05: I love how tech prices fall
[04:01:51] Jester05: I mean yeah its only a p4 2.8 but big deal.. running linux you don't need more ;)
[04:02:07] Shadow__X: orificium: it also should be noted mythtv frontend for windows is in a useable state and can be done off of the wiki page
[04:02:24] orificium: Jester05: We had a ton of those at my old job (at a telemarketing company). We had so many of those dell optiplex P4 refurbs fail on us, it was ridiculous. Fair warning. :)
[04:02:28] GrahamIRC1 (GrahamIRC1! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:02:50] orificium: Jester05: often times they ran great for a couple months and then we the mobos go bad.
[04:03:09] orificium: that sentence was a bit retarded, but you get the idea :)
[04:03:25] Jester05: orificium, I've got one (p4 2.4) I've been running as a mythtv MBE/FE for 3 yrs and now its been acting as a FE only for the past 2 and its fine.. i bought it as a refurb
[04:03:35] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[04:03:56] orificium: Shadow__X: Yeah, I was confused by that note in the wiki since I downloaded a recently compiled build — from last month I believe.
[04:04:07] orificium: Shadow__X: Maybe I'll get the Windows frontend a shot.
[04:04:13] Jester05: someone just outbid me..
[04:04:22] Jester05: i bet it was someone in here..
[04:04:29] orificium: *give not get.
[04:04:41] Jester05: can't trust anyone these days
[04:04:54] orificium: paranoia setting in a bit :)
[04:05:24] Shadow__X: orificium: i would say you have to options that personally work for me which are mythtv frontend which runs well and works well and t he other is mythtv player .0.7 which again also works. you just need to make sure you download the right version of mythtv frontend version and make sure you get .22 and not .22-trunk
[04:05:45] Jester05: eh, i'll let them have it.. I'll just give her one of my old boxes when I finally migrate to ITX boxes for my FEs
[04:06:14] orificium: Jester05: <- that's where we got all those refurbs from.
[04:06:50] orificium: great company to work with. they shipped out replacements within 90 days pretty much no questions asked.
[04:07:04] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:07:08] Jester05: you ship back the dead ones or they not even bother?
[04:07:14] orificium: they didn't even bother
[04:07:17] orificium: cost too much
[04:07:20] Jester05: haha awesome
[04:07:23] orificium: we used them for parts.
[04:07:28] Jester05: nicely done..
[04:08:42] orificium: It would be nice to have the full frontend experience in Windows, but I do like the simplicity of the Mythtv Player. And I can use MythWeb again to access MythVideo :)
[04:09:03] Jester05: . . . 28-_-Product
[04:09:12] Jester05: buy 4 of them and have a few FEs ? ;)
[04:09:30] Jester05: would that integrated graphix handle h264?
[04:09:52] madLyfe (madLyfe! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:10:05] orificium: I've thought about grabbing something like that before for a diskless, fanless frontend I could hide behind a small monitor.
[04:10:27] Jester05: I think I'll run off of a USB w/ it
[04:11:00] Jester05: you can get those little 4 gig usb sticks that pretty much fit inside the usb port..
[04:11:22] orificium: I want a touchscreen frontend in my kitchen :)
[04:11:28] Jester05: same here..
[04:11:44] Jester05: I'd also like one in my shower so I could play music, watch news
[04:12:50] orificium: I suspect it could do h264 using VDPAU since it's a geforce 9400
[04:13:22] Jester05: yeah.. that was my thought too
[04:13:24] orificium: might be a bottleneck somewhere with it being Atom? Shrug. No experience with that sorta thing.
[04:13:32] Jester05: plus its got optical digital audio =)
[04:13:35] wagnerrp: orificium: mythtv player (in windows) no longer works with mythtv
[04:14:00] Jester05: orificium, you can get a different cpu version also ;)
[04:14:01] orificium: wagnerrp: works for me. I'm not sure I understand?
[04:14:19] wagnerrp: it hasnt been updated past 0.21
[04:14:48] orificium: theres an option to allow it to connect to newer protocols
[04:15:01] wagnerrp: thats a _bad_thing_
[04:15:02] orificium: parses the backend database no problem
[04:15:07] orificium: plays recordings
[04:15:18] wagnerrp: you shouldnt connect to a protocol you havent been designed to understand
[04:15:27] orificium: I was trying to get it to use the samba share.
[04:15:40] wagnerrp: it fakes it, and just so happens that nothing has sufficiently changed to break it
[04:15:49] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: there is a beta updated one that has been updated and works
[04:15:55] orificium: well, the world hasn't exploded yet. I think I'll be ok :)
[04:16:11] orificium: I'm using that latest version as well I grabbed off sourceforge.
[04:16:12] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: something updated in the last two years?
[04:16:17] orificium: oh yeah
[04:16:23] orificium: it was released last month
[04:16:26] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: unless of course i am mistaken but there is a version that is .7
[04:16:45] orificium: wagnerrp:
[04:16:48] Beirdo: Dang Phillies. Why did they have to clobber the Mets THAT bad?! Especially when MY pitcher in my fantasy league blew out the game?!
[04:16:52] wagnerrp: ah, last i saw was some hacked up 0.4 that spoofed itself as a modern protocol
[04:16:53] orificium: sorry, two months ago
[04:16:56] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit ()
[04:17:06] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: look at 0.7.0r247
[04:17:07] orificium: 3/23/2010
[04:17:19] Beirdo: !trout JohanSantana choke artist
[04:17:19] ** MythLogBot slaps JohanSantana with a choke artist trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[04:17:19] madLyfe (madLyfe! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:18:31] Beirdo: he single-handedly lost me the weekly match. :)
[04:18:33] wagnerrp: no source available?
[04:18:38] orificium: I had been using 0.6.0 on .22 with minimal issues
[04:19:10] wagnerrp: nevermind, i found it
[04:19:19] orificium: mythtvplayer
[04:19:25] orificium: says last committ 3/26/2010
[04:20:28] orificium: I sometimes get an error indicating I can't seek in the recording, but not on my frontend.
[04:24:02] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:24:24] Jester05 (Jester05! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:26:45] orificium: I hope the automation plugin gets more fleshed out. Definitely some cool potential there. I was intrigued by LinuxMCE but quickly found out how bloated it is.
[04:27:03] wagnerrp: automation plugin?
[04:27:42] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:27:49] orificium: wow, that page in the wiki is ancient. nevermind :)
[04:28:02] wagnerrp: which one is that?
[04:28:16] orificium: well, last update from 2006 apparently –
[04:28:50] wagnerrp: never heard of it... probably because its not linked to anywhere
[04:29:11] wagnerrp:
[04:31:05] orificium: wish I had some decent knowledge of C so I could help out with any related to the project since I've benefited from it so much. I don't think my experience with asp and sql server would help at all. :)
[04:31:12] wagnerrp: orificium: it doesnt seem to access the database any longer
[04:31:14] orificium: *anything
[04:31:17] wagnerrp: backend protocol only
[04:31:22] wagnerrp: (mythtv player that is)
[04:31:47] wagnerrp: im not so sure i like how it is accessing the backend
[04:32:00] wagnerrp: but at least it is only allowing connection between a range of versions
[04:32:11] wagnerrp: as opposed to arbitrarily connecting to anything it finds
[04:32:19] wagnerrp: that puts it heads above xbmc in that regard
[04:33:23] orificium: I didn't much like the interface for XBMC. There is such a thing as too flashy :)
[04:34:58] orificium: wagnerrp: How does it list out the recordings?
[04:35:09] wagnerrp: pulls a list from the backend
[04:35:29] orificium: I like that I can delete recordings right from the interface.
[04:36:05] orificium: I suppose it's using those system events you reference to make these requests.
[04:36:28] orificium: (me pretending I understand this stuff to some degree)
[04:38:02] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit ()
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[04:46:37] stoth_ (stoth_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:47:22] orificium: Any chance there might be a sort by date modified (descending) MythVideo browse mode? :)
[04:48:01] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[04:48:12] orificium: Oh the improvements to the Channel Scanner / Editor are much appreciated. So nice to add/remove channels now.
[04:48:38] jst: orificium, agreed, but I still thing MythWeb is the easiest way of doing that.
[04:49:36] orificium: jst: ah yeah, I go into afterwards and add my xmlids from schedulesdirect
[04:50:00] stoth (stoth! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[04:50:00] stoth_ is now known as stoth
[04:50:25] orificium: And change some of the channel numbers and names
[04:50:40] jst: orificium, and, if you're like me, delete all the ChristoBabble (no offense) and foreign-language channels while you're at it. :)
[04:50:42] orificium: actually I delete th eunwanted ones from there too
[04:50:56] orificium: you're right, the mythweb interface is quite useful
[04:51:14] jst: UGH, still can't compile MythTV Win32.
[04:51:29] orificium: <- atheist. offend away. heh.
[04:52:17] wagnerrp: you usually shouldnt delete channels unless they no longer exist
[04:52:17] jst: It'd be great if someone could update the wiki page for the Windows frontend. :)
[04:52:21] jst: orificium, same.
[04:52:22] wagnerrp: just mark them as not visible
[04:52:31] wagnerrp: otherwise, your next scan will simply add them right back in
[04:52:58] orificium: That's a good point. Some of them I mark not visible, but I should probably do that for all of the unwanted ones.
[04:53:46] orificium: and Comcast likes to change up frequencies every now and then for the HD locals.
[04:53:57] jst: Does anyone know what could be cause this error: EFFECT FAILED (newer -> shell): mtime of file (C:/mythtv/mythtv/programs/mythbac
[04:53:57] jst: kend/mythbackend.exe) should be greater than file (C:/mythtv/mythtv/last_build.t
[04:53:57] jst: xt). ?
[04:54:16] orificium: You put a line into my apartment, I'll take advantage and not pay a dime :)
[04:54:18] jst: Do I need to make clean or something?
[04:55:07] orificium: And no need to worry about OTA antennas and rotors and all that crap.
[04:55:22] wagnerrp: orificium: mythvideo only includes an insertion date, not a modification date
[04:55:28] jst: orificium, nice.
[04:55:35] wagnerrp: adding a 'date modified' field would require a schema update
[04:55:53] orificium: Get some freebies too like Food, SyFy, History and TLC
[04:56:04] orificium: SyFy has been a pleasant surprise
[04:56:16] wagnerrp: besides that, actually sorting would be little more than duplicating the existing 'sort by date added' option
[04:56:51] orificium: Date Added is generated when JAMU runs, I assume?
[04:57:08] orificium: Maybe I can modify the jamu script somehow?
[04:57:19] wagnerrp: what good would that do?
[04:57:58] orificium: I want to see the latest videos I have in MythVideo in their exact date/time stamp order.
[04:58:12] wagnerrp: so sort by date added
[04:58:44] orificium: how often does Jamu run?
[04:58:56] wagnerrp: that depends, how often do you run it?
[04:59:02] orificium: I remmeber not liking the interface. I haven't been in MythVIDEO in awhile though
[04:59:26] orificium: of the Sort by Date Added view
[04:59:58] wagnerrp: what version are you running?
[05:00:01] grndslm (grndslm! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[05:00:08] orificium: .22
[05:00:36] wagnerrp: i dont remember when the sorting stuff went in, that may not be in there until 0.23
[05:00:41] orificium: it'll always list the folders first in MythVideo too I think.
[05:01:18] orificium: I have "Browse by Date Added" in there. I remember it used to group them into a tree view though
[05:01:25] orificium: that's what I didn't like about it.
[05:02:33] orificium: I also have file browse mode enabled
[05:02:57] wagnerrp: file browse mode works off the file system, rather than the database
[05:03:07] wagnerrp: you almost certainly dont want that
[05:03:58] orificium: ah yeah the file browse mode enabled leaves it looking like folder view still.
[05:07:35] orificium: Ok so now it breaks it down into a dates which look like they're few and far between so JAMU probably not running that often.
[05:07:55] wagnerrp: jamu runs whenever you tell it to run
[05:07:59] orificium: And the inside each date listing, the videos are sorted alphabetically
[05:08:05] wagnerrp: mythtv will not call it on its own
[05:08:22] orificium: I think I setup a cron job
[05:08:37] wagnerrp: then it will run however often cron tells it to
[05:09:16] orificium: So how can I get it to sort by time within eahc date? :)
[05:09:42] orificium: might be more useable if I bump up my cron job frequency
[05:10:04] orificium: Of course I need to clear out some crap so it doesn't have to parse so many files.
[05:10:06] wagnerrp: does it not sort by time already?
[05:10:18] orificium: looks alphabetical
[05:10:40] orificium: maybe not, let me take a closer look
[05:11:26] orificium: well it certainly wouldn't be by the date modified time
[05:11:43] orificium: maybe by the jamu date/time added
[05:12:51] wagnerrp: jamu doesnt touch that value
[05:12:54] wagnerrp: nor should it
[05:13:38] orificium: I'm sorry, what updates the metabase with date added values?
[05:13:46] wagnerrp: the database
[05:14:05] jst: Do the developers have any plans on releasing Win32 binaries? I don't understand why they have a (largely) broken perl script that never seems to compile correctly instead of just releasing the binaries themselves?
[05:14:26] wagnerrp: jst: the mythtv developers have never released binaries for any system, ever
[05:14:35] gospch (gospch! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:14:36] wagnerrp: windows is no exception
[05:14:41] orificium: and how often does that run? Is there somewhere I can modify the frequency a twhich it runs?
[05:14:51] wagnerrp: orificium: what runs?
[05:14:56] symptom (symptom! has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[05:15:02] orificium: the metabase updates
[05:15:10] orificium: for mythvideo listings
[05:15:20] wagnerrp: the database is always running
[05:15:58] orificium: there isn't some frequency at which it updates the "date added" value?
[05:16:15] wagnerrp: no, it only sets it the one time
[05:16:23] orificium: or is it as soon as I add a file to /lib/mythtv/videos...or whatever the heck it is.
[05:16:24] wagnerrp: as soon as the entry is added
[05:16:44] wagnerrp: no, the file is not added to the database until you perform a scan
[05:16:53] wagnerrp: either by mythvideo internally, or with jamu
[05:17:04] wagnerrp: there is no automated scan
[05:18:01] orificium: Is there any script or parameter I can possibly tweak a bit (outside of compiled code) that would let me achieve the result I'm looking for?
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[05:18:24] wagnerrp: i dont understand what youre looking for?
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[05:21:50] orificium: heh. maybe I'm not explaining it right. If say I copy 1 video to /var/lib/mythtv/videos and I go into MythVideo. I won't see that video until I hit W, correct?
[05:22:07] wagnerrp: no, you wont see that video until you tell mythvideo to scan
[05:22:19] orificium: Isn't that what W does?
[05:22:19] wagnerrp: you wont have metadata for that video until you have selected that video and hit 'w'
[05:22:25] orificium: Or M -> Scan for Changes
[05:22:37] orificium: ah right
[05:22:38] orificium: ok
[05:22:45] orificium: confusing the two things again :)
[05:23:33] orificium: So MythVideo doesn't "Scan for Changes" when I go into it?
[05:23:43] wagnerrp: no
[05:24:03] orificium: Is there some limitation or reason for not doing that?
[05:24:07] orificium: or providing an option
[05:24:13] clever: scanning takes a long time
[05:24:16] wagnerrp: scanning is something that can take some time
[05:24:33] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:24:47] wagnerrp: better leave it user initiated, or else people are going to complain about mythvideo taking so long to load
[05:24:50] orificium: I suppose it depend son how powerful of a machine it is, and how clean your folders are. But a frontend option would be nice.
[05:25:04] clever: its more of hdd speed i think
[05:25:07] wagnerrp: there is no frontend option, nor will there ever be a frontend option
[05:25:29] orificium: aww :)
[05:25:38] gozpch (gozpch! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[05:25:44] wagnerrp: the current plan is to move mythvideo completely to storage groups, removing direct file access
[05:25:58] wagnerrp: at which point the backend can maintain a file list that mythvideo will simply grab when it enter
[05:26:07] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:26:40] orificium: Ok, so there will be a automated operation on the backend that'll update the date added field?
[05:26:55] wagnerrp: mythtv will never set the date added field
[05:27:16] wagnerrp: nor will jamu, nor will any of the official bindings
[05:27:35] orificium: Alright now you've confused me. So how is it I can sort by Date Added?
[05:27:48] wagnerrp: as i said way way back, the database sets that field
[05:28:02] wagnerrp: or 'metabase' as you prefer to call it
[05:29:21] orificium: sorry. using the wrong terms. I was confusing what JAMU does with updating the meta info on the videos with the database of files
[05:29:29] [R]: encore and friends don't have commericals right?
[05:29:45] wagnerrp: [R]: not mid-show, i dont think
[05:30:31] [R]: i need to set my commerical free flags
[05:33:28] orificium: So following along my scenario, if I add a second file to /var/lib/mythtv/videos on the same day, you're saying the "date added" view sub-tree for let's say Mon May 3 should show that second file higher on the list?
[05:33:50] wagnerrp: i have no idea, i havent looked at the code
[05:33:55] wagnerrp: but that would make sense to me
[05:33:56] orificium: provided I "Scan for Changes"
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[05:37:18] beav_35: can i use the fedora init.d scripts on ubuntu?
[05:37:24] wagnerrp: im gonna say no...
[05:37:43] wagnerrp: but having not used either systems, i cant say for certain
[05:37:49] [R]: i've read about this before... i have some "mythbackend --generate-preview" processes and my http status page isn't working... can it be fixed?
[05:37:55] wagnerrp: however thats really a question for their respective channels
[05:38:12] wagnerrp: #ubuntu or #fedora
[05:38:31] beav_35: ok thanks
[05:41:52] jvs (jvs!~jvs@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:44:34] orificium: I just added a file to /var/lib/mythtv/videos, did scan for changes, viewing in browse by date added. But the first date in my list is Fri Dec 11. I'm a bit confused.
[05:47:06] beav_35 (beav_35!~8ea17344@gateway/web/freenode/x-inxjrieqxsijvvms) has quit (Quit: Page closed)
[05:49:16] orificium: Oh hm, under M->Filter Display there is a "Sort by" selection. Title, Season/Ep, Year, User Rating, Runtime, Filename, and Video ID are the options. That's probably where I'd want the Date Added option for each grouped date in the tree view listing.
[05:49:41] orificium: So it's definitely grouping by date and then by Title
[05:50:52] orificium: curious about that recently added file not spawning a new grouped date of Mon May 3
[05:52:06] orificium: Must get some rest though. wagnerrp: thanks for taking the time to explain some of this stuff to me.
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[06:06:47] jstenback_ is now known as jstenback
[06:07:23] jstenback: is it common for messages sent to the mythtv-users mailing list to take a while to come through?
[06:07:36] jstenback: like 30 minutes+?
[06:08:38] wagnerrp: it happens sometimes
[06:08:43] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[06:08:47] jstenback: k
[06:09:07] wagnerrp: although i havent received it yet either
[06:09:15] wagnerrp: if nothing else, you can always check the mail archives
[06:09:21] wagnerrp: it will show up there as soon as it was received
[06:09:36] jstenback: ok. I just checked the archives, and nothing there either
[06:09:57] jstenback: I guess I'll give it to tomorrow and resend if it doesn't make it through
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[06:13:35] jstenback: wagnerrp: out of curiosity, when did you send the message about
[06:13:43] wagnerrp: 30 seconds ago
[06:13:54] jstenback: huh, so that came right through then
[06:14:05] jstenback: I wonder if I got stuck in some moderator queue or something...
[06:14:33] wagnerrp: there is no moderation on the mailing list
[06:15:24] jstenback: hmm...
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[08:25:36] oobe: i just found a legal website that streams HD tv eps and its TOS allow people from all over the world to use it with any 3rd party application they like including such things as dloading and viewing later
[08:28:27] jya (jya! has quit (Quit: jya)
[08:28:28] [R]: what website
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[09:03:50] zzpat: am I correct in assuming that 0.23 will be ready when all of the active tickets against milestone 0.23 are closed?
[09:04:14] zzpat: (just for those of us playing along at home who want to check in on the progress can follow what is happening)
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[09:49:40] Dibblah: oobe: That sounds... Unlikely.
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[10:14:21] oobe: zzpat, if you want to check in on progress just install the 23 fixes branch
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[10:23:45] stuarticus: Does anyone knoe why my wintv Nova T stick isn't working in Myth-TV, it doesn't seem to be recognised, when trying with most software i get "no /dev/video0" it does work in Kaffeine however, so it must be functional, all dmesg looks fine...
[10:26:33] stuarticus: Do I need to use /dev/dvb/adapter0/something as the device instead?
[10:33:04] pak0: i have tested nova-td and nova-td-hd on mythtv 0.23 with mythbuntu 10.04 and works like a charm
[10:33:17] pak0: my personal fight stills continues with the infamous af9015
[10:33:23] stuarticus: Out of the box?
[10:33:31] pak0: just upgraded
[10:33:47] pak0: and working very well continuosly in about 4–5 days w/o restart pc
[10:34:15] pak0: but the stupid af9015 when you stills w/o watch tv for about 4–5hours, when you return only can watch a black screen
[10:34:25] stuarticus: Did mythtv find the device with no fiddling?
[10:35:19] stuarticus: Did you have to create udev rules?
[10:37:26] pak0: this is for me? what rules? mythtv can set the captured devices, but now cant find channels
[10:38:17] stuarticus: Hmm, in Kaffeine I could find channels and watch tv, but no program guide, maybe I'll try with the live cd of 10.04 and see if it works
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[11:27:56] emanuelez: hello... anybody using MythTV with a dvb-s2 card here?
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[12:23:23] pak0: nice
[12:23:24] pak0:
[12:23:31] pak0: and now my card dont work
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[12:45:53] highzeth: emanuelez: sure
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[13:33:00] emanuelez: highzeth: I'm looking for info about mythtv + cccam but I had no luck so far... do you know anything about it?
[13:33:07] jarle: I suspect there might be a problem with unstable diseqc switching in my setup, is there a debug level I could use for the backend to monitor diseqc switches?
[13:34:23] highzeth: emanuelez: first off, thats not dvb-s2 spesific, second, its a big nono to discuss such here
[13:37:17] emanuelez: I guessed so... I actually use the original card from my provider (Sky Italy)... it's just not legal to bring the decoder they provide you outside of Italy and I live abroad so I have to setup something alternative
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[13:43:13] highzeth: jarle: I dont know about debug logging with DiSEqC's, but have you tried to increase the repeat count? I had to set that to 2 or 3 on some DiSEqC's in the past.
[13:45:13] jarle: highzeth: I have tried setting it to 2, and it seemed to add a bit of stability. But I still experience that live tv is unable tune to a channel, and I have to change input back and forth to be able to tune to a channel.
[13:45:46] jarle: highzeth: I was thinking this was maybe related to a diseqc bug/problem..
[13:46:37] highzeth: Right, same issues I got with some Biltema switches I had. Some of my STB had similar issues, so I filed it under cheap-switch-go-die, but I might be wrong
[13:46:49] jarle: highzeth: so I wanted to confirm that the backend actually sends the diseqc signal when supposed to..
[13:46:58] stuartm: iamlindoro: interesting issue with relying on the release date for a given locale to indicate the age/production year, Chinatown (1974) wasn't released until 2004 in the UK :)
[13:47:31] iamlindoro: stuartm, heh, yeah, I am sure that's one of several locale-aware bugs that are likely to crop up
[13:47:51] jarle: highzeth: I'm having problems desciding if it is a problem with the card(s) or the switches..
[13:48:18] iamlindoro: stuartm, speaking of which, don't know if you saw but I started working on the <mythtv:> tags for MNV last night-- first one I did was supported countries
[13:48:24] iamlindoro: it's parsed but nothing is done with it yet
[13:48:42] iamlindoro: once the FE supports locale setting I'll build the tree/search results based on allowed countries
[13:48:58] highzeth: jarle well, some tuners are *very* picky I have found, even tho DiSEqC 2.0 should be backwards compat, they tend to fail alot with tuners that only support 1.0
[13:49:55] highzeth: jarle do keep me posted if you find any relevant info on this, Id love to go through my stash of "dead" DiSEqC's. Dinner here, bbl =)
[13:50:22] gkeen316 (gkeen316!~gkeen316@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:50:23] jarle: highzeth: oki.
[13:50:46] stuartm: iamlindoro: nice
[13:51:06] iamlindoro: stuartm, and season and episode, which RDV's current projects should be able to make use of
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[13:54:21] stuartm: yeah I noticed that bit as I glanced over the commit emails this morning
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[13:55:16] jarle: highzeth: definately seems to be a problem with diseqc switching. I start out at the first card, tune to a channel LNB1 -> OK, then try to tune to a channel on LNB4 -> No lock. Switch input to second card, then switch back to the first card, try the channel on LNB4 again, and suddenly I have no problem tuning...
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[14:37:24] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, RDV_Linux, so I'm still seeing the hung python processes, had two this morning-- seems to be variable when they will hit but they seem to invariably peg a core each
[14:37:54] iamlindoro: There's one going right now, if there's any way to attach to the process and see what it's doing
[14:38:57] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, useless backtrace:
[14:39:39] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: A thought would be to pipe the command line to a log file and add the "V" (verbose) option. When you kill the hung process the piped log could be used as a kind of trace,
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[14:40:01] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, I have done so, all it shows is the end of what appears to be a successful run
[14:41:17] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: Well at least do one for me please maybe I can see something. I am grasping at straws to be honest.
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[14:41:52] iamlindoro: K, will need to kill the current hung process and wait for the next, then
[14:42:23] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: Please do something like " > bug.log 2>&1" maybe will give more data.
[14:42:36] iamlindoro: yep, did so
[14:42:43] RDV_Linux: thanks
[14:43:50] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: I will also resync here and see if I am having issues. I have not resynced since last Friday.
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[15:46:40] DQn3ts: hey anyone know about mythweb?
[15:46:55] DQn3ts: when i go to http://mydomain , it directs me directly to http://mydomain/mythweb
[15:47:01] DQn3ts: instead of my index.html
[15:47:09] DQn3ts: any idea why this is and how i change that?
[15:47:27] wagnerrp: sounds like something your distro did when you installed mythweb
[15:47:28] DQn3ts: I want to make a secure home page with links to all my web based stuff (vnc, ssh, mythweb, file browser)
[15:47:35] bjd: using ubuntu?
[15:47:38] DQn3ts: yea
[15:47:40] DQn3ts: 10.04
[15:47:43] DQn3ts: it did the same thing with 9.10
[15:47:55] wagnerrp: by default, mythweb lives on /mythweb, and will not do anything above that directory
[15:48:02] bjd: check the files in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
[15:48:05] DQn3ts: right, it is in /var/www/mythweb
[15:48:07] sphery: DQn3ts: need to fix the alias, likely
[15:48:17] bjd: there's some redirects iirc
[15:48:31] wagnerrp: DQn3ts: mythweb will not add such a redirect on its own
[15:48:38] wagnerrp: thats something your distro did for you
[15:48:43] sphery: DQn3ts:
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[15:50:55] DQn3ts: ok it says modify the conf for apache
[15:51:00] DQn3ts: lemme google where thats located
[15:51:08] Dibblah: Josu Lazkano – "I know that x is usually never discussed because it's usually used for service theft. I only want to use it to (steal service), so I'll talk about it."
[15:51:24] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: python has recursion limiters, so if you were caught in some DictData snafu, it would crash on its own
[15:51:32] wagnerrp: Dibblah: ... :)
[15:52:45] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: right now, the only thing i can think somewhere there is a 'while True' statement, that never turns false and so never exits
[15:54:02] wagnerrp: the only one of those that exists in the bindings is in the socket code
[15:54:22] wagnerrp: but it will only stay in the loop if the backend keeps sending new event messages
[15:54:55] wagnerrp: or, if it sitting there waiting for data that backend has told it will be sent
[15:55:12] DQn3ts: i dont see anything in the apache.conf
[15:55:14] DQn3ts: lemme look elsewhere
[15:55:19] wagnerrp: the latter scenario has the possibility for failure, and is something i should fix
[15:57:30] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: also, RDV had me add a couple classes for access to the MNV tables, so the schema in the bindings has to be bumped whenever you bump the MNV schema
[15:58:14] wagnerrp: theyre very basic and read only
[15:58:47] wagnerrp: all they care about is the table name (_table variable) and some unique key (_where variable)
[15:59:05] wagnerrp: so long as neither of those change, feel free to bump on your own
[16:00:08] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, I'll keep that in mind, thanks, I'm sure to add a few more columns in the next few months
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[16:24:56] pak0: hi there
[16:25:13] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: this patch adds an alarm signal to socket code, to break out of the loop if it tries to run too long
[16:25:30] wagnerrp:
[16:25:42] pak0: the new adapter af9015 have two leds, orange and green, i think it shows the status of the device
[16:26:19] wagnerrp: i dont see how that code could get caught in an endless loop AND consume a full core
[16:26:21] wagnerrp: but just in case
[16:26:40] markl_: what's up?
[16:26:58] markl_: mythtv 0.23 is working pretty much perfectly for me now, thanks all for your help!
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[16:28:47] DQn3ts: k wagnerrp
[16:28:51] DQn3ts: it is a mythweb setting
[16:29:04] DQn3ts: it asks if you want to use apache for mythweb exclusively
[16:29:15] wagnerrp: where is that setting?
[16:29:16] DQn3ts: but it doesnt ask when you enable it with mythbuntu control centre
[16:29:27] stuartm (stuartm! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[16:29:31] bjd: thats teh package handling the apache config tho?
[16:29:33] DQn3ts: i did dpkg-reconfigure
[16:29:36] bjd: yeah
[16:29:40] DQn3ts: and it asked yes or no
[16:29:43] bjd: so not really a myth thing
[16:29:44] DQn3ts: selected no and all is well
[16:29:44] wagnerrp: so thats something your distro does
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[16:29:49] wagnerrp: nothing to do with mythweb
[16:30:00] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, thanks, I'll apply that and try to trigger it again
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[17:29:58] wagnerrp: gbee: if cards are actually hybrid cards, but analog isnt supported until linux.... would they go in the hybrid category? or the digital category?
[17:30:12] wagnerrp: (or both)
[17:30:55] liminal: Hauppauge WinTV Nova-T 500 PCI will this card work out of the box in lucid?
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[17:31:16] bjd: in short, yes – check the wiki
[17:31:38] wagnerrp: that would be the
[17:32:12] wagnerrp: working 'out of the box' implies that the kernel in lucid includes the drivers for that card
[17:32:41] wagnerrp: would have to ask the linuxtv people what release saw those drivers get added, and the ubuntu people what kernel theyre using
[17:33:22] wagnerrp: here, we just use the dvb api, we dont know what makes it work
[17:34:38] liminal: :s im a noob, when I go to watch TV it says no active recordings
[17:34:42] liminal: what do i need to setup?
[17:34:49] wagnerrp: mythtv
[17:34:54] wagnerrp: and/or your tuner card
[17:35:06] liminal: ive installed mythtv front and backend
[17:35:14] wagnerrp: please follow one of the many available setup guides
[17:35:28] wagnerrp: installation isnt enough, mythtv will not autodetect and autoconfigure your hardware for you
[17:35:31] gizmobay (gizmobay! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:36:54] liminal: . . . va-T_500_PCI
[17:36:55] liminal: ?
[17:37:29] bjd: check teh link wagnerrp gave you
[17:37:43] wagnerrp:
[17:38:58] wagnerrp:
[17:40:20] wagnerrp:
[17:40:52] wagnerrp: that even seems to have special instructions for your specific card
[17:40:58] Guest74093 (Guest74093! has quit (Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: ))
[17:44:17] liminal: They suggest i dont need to update the firmware
[17:44:19] liminal: great
[17:44:35] liminal: but what do i need to do
[17:45:23] iamlindoro: liminal, You need to read the manual and set up mythtv-- installing packages is not enough, there is a substantial setup process
[17:45:45] iamlindoro: When you do that, if you have trouble with specific steps, you can ask questions here
[17:46:05] gpd_ (gpd_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:46:24] wagnerrp: liminal: see any of those links i sent you do
[17:46:28] wagnerrp: they all provide install guides
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[17:47:32] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:49:33] liminal: thanks ill give it a whirl
[17:49:33] dfletcher: hmm is there money to be made being doing Myth installs? it would be quite fun to work on Myth all day and send college kids out to install customer systems. I could drop these silly website clients and do something interesting for a change ;)
[17:49:38] liminal: and sure ill be back
[17:50:00] liminal: cos im not the brightest sandwich in the barsket
[17:50:09] wagnerrp: dfletcher: many people have tried in the past, dont know if any are currently operating
[17:50:19] wagnerrp: one of the mythbuntu devs is trying to set something like that up
[17:50:30] dfletcher: heh I like dreaming of my hobby being my job too :)
[17:50:44] natanojl (natanojl! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:50:48] ** mag0o wishes he could get paid to drink **
[17:51:53] dfletcher: heh I should be like those late night TV assholes and sell a system for setting up Myth based businesses :P
[17:52:17] wagnerrp: dfletcher: watch the language
[17:52:26] dfletcher: oh heh sry
[17:52:48] dfletcher: I'm used to channels (##electronics I'm looking at you!) that don't much care ;)
[17:55:49] wagnerrp: the rules are intended to make this channel more friendly to people who dont know what theyre doing, and shouldnt be frightened or offended away by abusive users
[17:56:22] wagnerrp: in contrast, everyone in ##electronics should already have a good idea what theyre doing, and if they dont, they need to be frightened or offended away
[17:56:34] wagnerrp: lest they damage whatever theyre working on, or themselves
[17:56:40] johnnyj (johnnyj! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:58:45] dfletcher: heh so in other words, this channel is PG-13 :P
[17:59:36] Jay2k1 (Jay2k1! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:59:42] wagnerrp: just no swearing, or discussion of banned topics
[18:01:00] Jay2k1: i bought a spdif extension for my asus m2npv-vm today, now i have trouble getting it to work
[18:01:19] mirak_ (mirak_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:01:28] Jay2k1: it just doesn't light up and I don't know where to change settings
[18:03:04] liminal: okay im going through the setup
[18:03:13] johd (johd!~johd@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:03:23] liminal: and im at the Input Connections
[18:03:24] liminal: This associates our DVB card with the video source.
[18:03:35] liminal: but i cant scan for any channels
[18:03:39] liminal: its greyed out?
[18:04:44] wagnerrp: liminal: sounds like you added the card as a V4L card
[18:04:52] wagnerrp: and are using 0.22
[18:04:58] gbee: wagnerrp: I guess in hybrid, but maybe we need three different states 'supported', 'partially supported' and 'unsupported'? And if we do that, maybe I need to learn how we might use #if e.g. {{hardware|supported|hybrid card|0.22}} where that second arg would govern the colour with the #if
[18:05:33] wagnerrp: maybe yellow for partially supported?
[18:05:37] gbee: I should have planned this out from the beginning
[18:05:42] liminal: nope dvb
[18:06:07] wagnerrp: liminal: then you probably havent yet associated a source with your card input
[18:06:20] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[18:06:44] gbee: wagnerrp: aye, that would be my suggestion too, a traffic light system – which is what this all started out to be initially, a way of indicating at a glance whether hardware would work without having to read through each page
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[18:11:00] liminal: thanks wagnerrp yuour right
[18:15:59] Chiwauwa (Chiwauwa!~Chiwauwa@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:17:29] pheld (pheld! has joined #mythtv-users
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[18:23:28] ** wagnerrp loves trashing the hopes and dreams of future mythtv users **
[18:23:56] wagnerrp: 'I have these great 1U P4 Xeon servers i want to use as my backends'
[18:25:28] dfletcher: heh I actually love this Dell I'm using from some old project. at least it's a P5 ;) but the main thing thats so good is this huge tower case. this can hold a *ton* of 3.5" disks :)
[18:26:03] wagnerrp: P5? that was the codename for the original pre-mmx pentium
[18:26:22] dfletcher: err. P6 sorry. /me wanders off to find more coffee
[18:27:19] wagnerrp: so the pentium pro... pentium + mmx
[18:27:51] AndyCap: wagnerrp: uh, no.
[18:28:34] AndyCap: I think that only came with PII
[18:28:36] wagnerrp:
[18:28:39] wagnerrp:
[18:30:07] AndyCap: Pentium MMX and PII had MMX iirc. Pentium and Pentium Pro did not
[18:31:34] wagnerrp: ah, so that was indepedent, and done afterwards
[18:31:43] wagnerrp: either way... its an /old/ chip
[18:31:56] AndyCap: oh yeah.
[18:32:10] iamlindoro:
[18:32:11] iamlindoro: heh
[18:32:46] wagnerrp: why isnt the 'Instarnal' player working? it keeps trying to call some external program named 'Instarnal'
[18:33:17] dfletcher: lol oopsie
[18:33:18] AndyCap: at least he didn't say Infernal
[18:33:54] wagnerrp: AndyCap: no... that would have been witty instead of just retarded
[18:34:22] mirak_ (mirak_! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
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[18:34:51] ** wagnerrp thinks someone should hand kenni another cup **
[18:35:07] iamlindoro: s/cup/pint/
[18:35:32] wagnerrp: this is ubuntu, they drink coffee over there
[18:35:38] wagnerrp: i guess we could make it irish
[18:35:51] AndyCap: They smoke coffee
[18:38:25] johd (johd!~johd@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:39:04] wagnerrp: i like the suggestion to use VLC as an external player instead, since mythvideo doesnt support ISOs over storage groups...
[18:39:33] wagnerrp: oh, no... hes recommending using VLC to play the physical disk
[18:39:41] wagnerrp: as opposed to the ISO stored on the backend
[18:39:53] wagnerrp: thats worthless AND offtopic
[18:39:56] johd (johd!~johd@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:41:29] dfletcher: hmm wagnerrp do you recommend vlc + storage groups over frontend-local/NFS? I want the storage groups for jamu but also want ISO support. so VLC is a good hack for now until the full streaming solution works?
[18:41:56] wagnerrp: dfletcher: im not recommending VLC, im mocking the recommendation of VLC
[18:42:01] dfletcher: oh heh
[18:42:15] dfletcher: well the iso is an issue, though I can see it's only temporarly
[18:42:40] wagnerrp: when you use external players with storage groups, it gives the external player a full 'myth://Videos@my-backend/path/to/file.mpg' uri
[18:42:54] wagnerrp: currently mythavtest is the only player i know of that can actually handle that link
[18:42:57] dfletcher: oh right I remember seeing that when I pointed it to a script
[18:43:09] wagnerrp: at which point you may as well use the internal player directly
[18:43:13] dfletcher: heh I though of using a bit of `sed` and making it local
[18:43:23] dfletcher: right but jamu doesn't like it local
[18:43:26] RDV_Linux: dfletcher: Could you use a FE setting to just your iso directory and have SG's for the rest? Jamu supports mixing,
[18:43:27] wagnerrp: dfletcher: that only works if its local
[18:43:45] wagnerrp: dfletcher: and then it only works if you have a single path defined for the Videos group
[18:43:55] wagnerrp: if you have multiple paths, you would have to search through each of them to find the file
[18:43:59] dfletcher: sed + find :P
[18:44:02] dfletcher: well
[18:44:15] dfletcher: really just append the path to some predefined paths and check they exist
[18:44:26] dfletcher: but anyway, it's a hack
[18:44:33] wagnerrp: s/hack/ugly hack/
[18:44:36] dfletcher: hehe
[18:45:13] dfletcher: RDV_Linux, thought about that. but then I have a folder full of movies without metadata. I suppose I could do a manual lookup on them all
[18:45:27] wagnerrp: at least my version of the ugly hack was provided a fusefs mount with the single file, regardless of whether it was local or remote
[18:45:27] dfletcher: and it's rather arbitrary
[18:45:31] wagnerrp: but i even consider that an ugly hack
[18:46:15] dfletcher: well I don't really care how ugly the hack is because I'm assuming this will just work right in 0.24 ;)
[18:46:19] dfletcher: so it's completely temporary
[18:46:28] dfletcher: I just want it to work :P
[18:46:34] dfletcher: I guess I'll do what RDV_Linux suggests
[18:47:30] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:48:50] RDV_Linux: dfletcher: If you isolated the ISO files on the NFS and made sure they were not part of the SG dirs no duplicates. I use mhddfs and I can do some interesting tricks with virtual drives.
[18:49:00] wagnerrp: well someone needs to actually sit down and write up the code to override the normal block access for those libraries with myth's own SG routines
[18:49:10] wagnerrp: im not aware if anyone has actually started into doing that
[18:51:51] Chiwauwa (Chiwauwa!~Chiwauwa@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[18:55:21] dfletcher: heh thanks RDV_Linux that answers another question I've been wondering about. combining disks without a super expensive raid setup. what happens if one of the mhddfs disks dies?
[18:57:01] eNeRGi (eNeRGi! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[18:57:11] RDV_Linux: dfletcher: I swear by mhddfs as it has never failed me even once. I love that you can set a limit where it will leave a specific amount of free space before moving to the next drive.
[18:57:51] dfletcher: I mean though – say hardware failure. are both disks toast?
[18:58:15] dfletcher: or are the files on the disk that's ok recoverable?
[18:58:38] dfletcher: seems like an ok setup for recorded TV. not sure sure about my movie collection :P
[18:58:44] RDV_Linux: dfletcher: The whole mhddfs drive does not come up but you get a warning during the boot process.
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[19:02:32] RDV_Linux: dfletcher: At least from your question I do not see any difference than with any JBOD set up. I use rsync to backup my video collection to a separate large drive. As I can be specific to recordings and skip transcoded DVDs videos thus maximizing my need for backup hard drive space.
[19:02:42] wagnerrp: RDV_Linux: does that run off an existing filesystem? or off the raw disk node?
[19:03:11] dfletcher: heh yeah I should get a big external USB for backup, sounds smart
[19:03:17] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: existing. You can mix and match drives into virtual disks
[19:03:23] wagnerrp: cool
[19:04:03] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: I really do swear by it. When I add a new drive it makes moving things around and inclusion very easy.
[19:04:39] wagnerrp: i tried to do something like that years ago with unionfs, but it just didnt work as desired
[19:04:51] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: Of course Raid is the best but I do not want to buy all the extra drives. I only really want to backup only some of my media.
[19:05:21] dfletcher: yeah it's hard to justify 1+0.. but it's pretty much what i want
[19:05:41] wagnerrp: dfletcher: for backups, i find it easier to just use bare drives and an esata dock like this...
[19:05:41] dfletcher: I guess nightly rsyncs are good enough
[19:06:09] wagnerrp: 'the following is a two question political survey'...
[19:06:14] wagnerrp: gah!
[19:06:14] dfletcher: oh hey neat. I'll pickup a controller with some external ports
[19:06:23] johd (johd!~johd@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:06:38] wagnerrp: you would think after me hanging up on them the last five times straight, they would understand i dont want to take the survey
[19:07:19] wagnerrp: dfletcher: ive got a desk drawer next to me filled with old SATA hard drives and some silica packets
[19:08:05] dfletcher: heh I have a similar box but it goes all the way back to ata-33 :P
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[19:08:28] wagnerrp: yeah, ive still got a couple of those laying around, but i dont use them anymore
[19:08:47] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: Here is the relevant fstab mhddfs settings I use to create my virtual dives.
[19:08:49] dfletcher: hmm and if my mom hadn't thrown it away I'd still have this awesome "hard card" from like 1983. an ISA card with a disk and controller built in :P
[19:08:55] wagnerrp: my laptop is the only computer i have still running an ATA drive
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[19:10:57] wagnerrp: RDV_Linux: im content with my raid6 card, and ill probably swtich to raidz2 with my next install... just thought that was a neat little program
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[19:48:48] johnnyj: is danielk still around ?
[19:49:56] ldam (ldam! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:49:57] wagnerrp: not in here, hes not
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[19:52:12] johnnyj: i'm reading the commit logs on libs/libmythtv/videosource.cpp in an attempt to wrap my brain around configuration objects and how they store and retrieve
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[19:58:08] jst (jst! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:58:32] jst: Where do I go again to get support for MythTV for Windows? I'm getting compiling errors when making mythbackend.exe.
[19:59:13] wagnerrp: probably best to try on the mailing list
[19:59:25] wagnerrp: few people run the frontend on windows
[19:59:44] jst: ?
[19:59:52] wagnerrp: close enough
[20:00:10] jst: Should I post in users or devs?
[20:00:17] wagnerrp: gossamer-threads is just a 3rd party that provides a mailing list archive, they do not run the mailing list
[20:00:18] wagnerrp: -users
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[20:15:05] johnnyj: is there a -O overriade possible for backend server name?
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[20:20:44] liminal: how do i control myth tv menus with my mouse?
[20:20:57] liminal: i can scroll up and down, but not click activate any of the menus
[20:21:47] stuartm is now known as gbee
[20:21:59] gbee: liminal: which version?
[20:22:20] gbee: oh wait, the OSD menu? You can't, it's not been ported to the new code yet
[20:24:22] iamlindoro (iamlindoro!~iamlindor@unaffiliated/iamlindoro) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[20:28:21] liminal: er.. the lastest i guess
[20:28:27] liminal: latest stable
[20:29:12] wagnerrp: liminal: right, the new OSD code has not yet been merged into the main tree
[20:29:15] wagnerrp: stable or developemtn
[20:29:30] wagnerrp: its being developed off on its own branck
[20:29:44] mirak_ (mirak_! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:29:46] liminal: and how to i turn off fullscreen
[20:30:02] wagnerrp: frontend settings
[20:30:18] wagnerrp: set the screen size to something other than full screen, and turn on 'windowed'
[20:31:24] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:32:23] jst: wagnerrp, thanks. Just sent an email.
[20:33:30] ** wagnerrp doesnt understand the fascination with bluetooth headsets **
[20:33:48] sdog (sdog!~sdog@unaffiliated/sdog) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:34:01] jst: wagnerrp, they make you look important.
[20:34:07] sdog: how do I start debugging "Error in 100335:84: error occurred while parsing element" ?
[20:34:12] wagnerrp: i mean for use with mythtv
[20:34:24] wagnerrp: sdog: need some more information than that
[20:34:33] sdog: put mythfilldatabase in -v all but it doesn't really tell me more detail ..
[20:34:40] liminal: release 023
[20:34:46] wagnerrp: im sure it gives a LOT more than just that
[20:34:49] bjd (bjd! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:34:58] liminal: osd?
[20:35:00] wagnerrp: but just a guess, im going to say thats an 'xml element'
[20:35:12] sdog: wagnerrp: yeah but which one :)
[20:35:17] wagnerrp: which means youre feeding it bad xml code from your xmltv grabber
[20:36:04] sdog: wagnerrp: that's what I assumed .. but how to figure out which part ..
[20:36:24] sdog: wagnerrp: grabber hasn't changed since 2008 ...
[20:36:44] wagnerrp: sdog: but the source may very well have
[20:36:54] sdog: wagnerrp: sure it might have changed over the past couple of days ..
[20:36:57] sdog: but I still get data ..
[20:37:04] sdog: and the xml file indicate data for 15 days ..
[20:37:13] sdog: so how do I figure out where the parsing barfs ? :)
[20:37:31] wagnerrp: an xml parser?
[20:37:40] liminal: the theme osd wont let me?
[20:38:07] wagnerrp: liminal: the old OSD code is being scrapped and rewritten
[20:38:15] wagnerrp: the new code supports mouse inputs, the old code did not
[20:38:46] sdog: wagnerrp: you got an example ? or a pointer to an example on how to debug an xmltv.xml file ?
[20:38:59] liminal: does the mythoutput have to be fullscreen?
[20:39:12] wagnerrp: no, you set that in the frontend settings
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[20:40:46] liminal: i want a shortcut key to switch between full and nonfull
[20:40:52] liminal: can i setup that?
[20:40:56] wagnerrp: no
[20:41:08] liminal: :(
[20:41:09] wagnerrp: mythfrontend cannot dynamically switch between multiple resolutions
[20:41:30] liminal: when is the new code due for release?
[20:41:38] johnnyj: well -
[20:41:40] liminal: i really need to be able to use my mouse
[20:41:46] wagnerrp: the new code will not be able to dynamically switch between multiple resolutions
[20:41:49] liminal: otherwise i have to setup my remote IR
[20:41:51] gbee: it's not a desktop video player, it's a media centre, the only reason we're adding mouse support is for touchscreens
[20:42:00] revilootneg (revilootneg! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[20:42:08] liminal: i can live with it if i can have my mouse
[20:42:19] johnnyj: you COULD do that with an outside script that ended and restarted myth in another resolution – but for all purposes it's not happening on the fly
[20:42:47] wagnerrp: johnnyj: with 'on the fly' meaning you lose your current place in the menu, and take several seconds to close and restart the frontend
[20:42:59] liminal: gbee – i thought it was trying to do both
[20:43:03] johnnyj: right – it's not really practical
[20:43:18] liminal: do you know of a program that might better suit my needs?
[20:43:42] wagnerrp: liminal: the new UI code was added in 0.22, and is a work in progress
[20:43:49] jst: wagnerrp, I'm really missing mythrename. Symlinks don't play very well in VLC for some reason. Lots of skipping. Any ideas? (I'm trying to watch some shows from a Windows box)
[20:43:52] wagnerrp: the new OSD code has not yet been committed
[20:44:04] wagnerrp: the UI is what you see when in the menu, the OSD is what you see during playback
[20:44:20] jst: Ohh, I'm using mythlink --link /var/lib/mythtv/recordings and sharing that directory with Samba.
[20:44:24] johnnyj: liminal: can you explain your use case for needing to switch resolutions?
[20:45:10] wagnerrp: jst: symlinks and direct files make no difference over samba
[20:45:15] liminal: do any of the themes allow for mouse?
[20:45:22] liminal: or are they all like osd
[20:45:26] wagnerrp: the look exactly the same to the client
[20:45:29] jst: Good point. None of the files are playing correctly with VLC right now.
[20:45:41] PeaceKeeper: wagnerrp: Can the new OSD be interactive? Write a chat client (irc / twitter) to use it during tv/recording play back.
[20:45:57] wagnerrp: liminal: the new UI themes all support mouse input, as per the new code
[20:46:03] jst: Ugh, I think Windows 7 is trying to make thumbnails of 7 GB HD recordings across my network. :(
[20:46:09] eNeRGi (eNeRGi! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[20:46:12] wagnerrp: the old OSD does not support mouse input, so neither do any other old OSD themes
[20:46:22] wagnerrp: its simply not something that is up to the theme
[20:46:55] wagnerrp: PeaceKeeper: possibly, dont know much about the new OSD code
[20:47:05] PeaceKeeper: ok thx :)
[20:47:35] PeaceKeeper: If it can I may have to try writting something :)
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[20:52:39] liminal: test
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[21:02:27] johnnyj: the old libs like to hang out at /usr/local/include/mythtv and where else?
[21:02:45] wagnerrp: libs should never go there
[21:03:23] johnnyj: im getting a segfauilt and im trying to clear out my old libs for svn compiled install
[21:03:43] wagnerrp: headers live in $(PREFIX)/include
[21:03:55] wagnerrp: libs are in.... wait for it...
[21:03:58] wagnerrp: $(PREFIX)/libs
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[21:12:45] gbee: e.g. /usr/local/lib/libmyth* + the mythtv directory
[21:13:18] iamlindoro: yay, now we even have bugs open for the web site
[21:13:19] iamlindoro: sigh
[21:13:38] skd5aner: hey, at least I submitted the actual fix
[21:13:40] skd5aner: ;)
[21:13:47] iamlindoro: skd5aner, You couldn'
[21:13:53] wagnerrp: hey, youre using IE
[21:13:56] iamlindoro: couldn't just ping xris?
[21:14:10] ** wagnerrp slaps skd5aner **
[21:14:18] skd5aner: I use lots of browsers
[21:14:34] skd5aner: mainly IE and firefox, but yea – if it's broke, figured I'd figure out why
[21:15:01] ** wagnerrp suggests a bit of javascript to change the frontpage to ponies when IE is detected **
[21:15:04] iamlindoro: Figuring out is fine, just wish we didn't have to track tickets for it
[21:15:09] skd5aner: iamlindoro: sorry, I didn't think a bug report was the wrong thing...
[21:17:36] iamlindoro: skd5aner, It's just not something I'd prefer to see us have to deal with yet more tickets for, we're barely keeping our heads above water with just the code itself
[21:17:53] skd5aner: wagnerrp: I understand why people don't like IE, but I don't get the extreme anti-IE sentiments... people are going to use it, it's an extremely popular browser, and it ain't going away. Thank God IE6 is fading fast, but...
[21:18:04] skd5aner: iamlindoro: sorry :(
[21:18:09] iamlindoro: Handling it in trac sets a bad precedent, that's all, because we could easily get 100 more tickets is people figure we're accepting tickets for that too
[21:18:18] iamlindoro: er if people
[21:18:41] wagnerrp: skd5aner: its more just that it gets a bad history
[21:18:42] skd5aner: try to help out, and I guess I did that wrong too
[21:18:52] skd5aner: wagnerrp: yup, definitely true
[21:19:07] wagnerrp: i imagine 8 is a pretty decent browser
[21:19:12] wagnerrp: but 5 and 6 were awful
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[21:19:15] iamlindoro: skd5aner, I'm not trying to make you feel bad about helping, I'm glad you did, I just see a ticket for something that literally one of us is allowed to change and I take a huge gulp
[21:19:28] skd5aner: iamlindoro: Close it as invalid I guess if you want to send a message to others not to submit similiar tickets to trac
[21:19:33] wagnerrp: and they were awful with huge market shares
[21:19:56] iamlindoro: skd5aner, because the gating factor for web site fixes is a single person who is seldom if ever around. I'm not going to close it invalid, I'm just crossing my fingers that it won't become a trend
[21:20:17] iamlindoro: skd5aner, I *do* apprecaite your finding the fix, I'm just expressing that the dev list might be a better place next time
[21:20:23] skd5aner: NP – I think I might have seen 1–2 others over the years on there...
[21:20:39] skd5aner: yea, the list makes more sense... will keep that in mind next time
[21:21:03] johnnyj: round of applause for submitting the fix with the problem
[21:21:27] skd5aner: wagnerrp: I saw an awesome infographic a year or so ago about the evolution of the browser marketshare
[21:21:38] johnnyj: i'm still not using IE
[21:21:45] skd5aner: wagnerrp: I'll try to dig it up, it's awesome
[21:22:31] skd5aner: wagnerrp:
[21:22:34] InfoAddict (InfoAddict! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[21:23:07] wagnerrp: wait, this is the firefox logo
[21:23:14] Shadow__X (Shadow__X!~jose@unaffiliated/shadowx/x-411846) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[21:23:17] skd5aner: looks a heck of a lot like it ;)
[21:23:47] skd5aner: if you mouseover, from the center to the outside is a month by month view of the browser stats for
[21:24:07] wagnerrp: yeah...
[21:24:37] wagnerrp: i wonder what these 'other' browsers are in 06
[21:24:49] iamlindoro: NCSA mosaic FTW?
[21:24:58] wagnerrp: some sort of smartphone browser?
[21:25:07] sid3windr: konqueror?
[21:25:38] sid3windr: wget :>
[21:25:52] skd5aner: wagnerrp: which color?
[21:25:59] skd5aner: oh, the missing bit
[21:26:10] johnnyj: later guys
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[21:26:43] wagnerrp: mozilla died soo.... quickly...
[21:27:30] skd5aner: within 2 months, 16.5% to 3.4%
[21:29:05] markl_: 3.4% of what?
[21:29:06] PeaceKeeper: IE 5 still in June 2008!
[21:29:09] markl_: the browser market?
[21:29:24] markl_: i guess i'm not the only one who switched to chromium
[21:31:22] wagnerrp: within 2 months of the 1.0 release, nearly the entire mozilla market moved to firefox
[21:31:51] wagnerrp: i wonder what percentage were using mozilla, and what percentage were actually using firebird
[21:31:54] skd5aner: It is interesting to look at something like this: . . . -decline.ars and see the difference between the "masses" and the technically oriented crowds
[21:32:56] skd5aner: Worldwide marketshare: 66.97% used a varient of IE, 22.98% used Firefox
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[21:33:20] skd5aner: Ars Technia readers: 18.95% used a varient of IE, 45.47% used firefox
[21:33:42] skd5aner: and no surprise, the apple fanbois who go there are 22.94%
[21:33:46] skd5aner: (safari)
[21:34:25] wagnerrp: 'i apologize for being brief with my comment, i am reading ars on my iphone'
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[21:34:44] wagnerrp: do they say if thats from a survey? or from their server logs?
[21:35:09] skd5aner: doesn't say
[21:35:25] skd5aner: I'm guessing logs: "With Safari 4's release, the browser has managed to finally surpass Internet Explorer on our site, despite having one sixteenth of IE's share worldwide."
[21:35:59] wagnerrp: i have no problem with people using apple because they want to
[21:36:25] wagnerrp: i have problems with people using apple because they 'want to be different than the idiot pc users', or because they want to be trendy
[21:36:25] skd5aner: I have a problem with apple, not necessarily the users, but that's just me
[21:37:17] dustybin: one can build a low powered NAS backup server for under £50
[21:37:19] dustybin:
[21:37:23] skd5aner: I don't hate their products, I really just don't like their company
[21:38:22] gbee: Apple is increasingly attempting to be more like Microsoft than Microsoft
[21:39:02] wagnerrp: gbee: it doesnt help that Jobs is increasingly becoming an arrogant tool
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[21:39:41] wagnerrp: dustybin: if youve already got a server on hand, why do you need a backup server?
[21:40:43] skd5aner: heh- #8414 – full US english translations: "There might be others but as English is not my mother tongue I might have missed them."
[21:40:55] wagnerrp: dustybin: its not like you can run much in the way of services on that thing
[21:41:02] iamlindoro: Yep, sad that our american users are so useless that a frenchman had to make ours
[21:41:08] skd5aner: I guess we have to outsource US translations too! ;)
[21:41:16] wagnerrp: so youre still going to have to get your main server back up and running before you can actually use that backed up data again
[21:41:18] gbee: skd5aner: yeah, that one tickled iamlindoro
[21:42:06] iamlindoro: On the plus side, our american users are happy to help provide project management advice, so you know, that's good.
[21:42:41] skd5aner: iamlindoro: I had considered looking at it prior to .24, but really – never done translations before, and sphery had just made the comment a few weeks ago that they would be useful
[21:42:56] skd5aner: I never even realized that en_us would be useful
[21:43:09] iamlindoro: Took < a week for the UK users to provide a full translation when asked ;)
[21:43:48] skd5aner: well, apparently they have nothing to do in the UK? (just kidding, obviously)
[21:43:54] wagnerrp: why do we need a translation?
[21:44:11] iamlindoro: to localize plurals for one
[21:44:13] gbee: yeah, made me feel lazy, I've been gradually adding to the en_gb translation for the best part of 3 years
[21:44:23] gbee: and then Nick completes it in under a week
[21:45:10] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: but the code is going to be either US english or UK english
[21:45:18] wagnerrp: shouldnt only one of those need a translation?
[21:45:25] iamlindoro: nope
[21:45:35] iamlindoro: because the plurals are done in code that relies on translation
[21:45:47] skd5aner: Well, we get an error message stating no "en_us" translation, so we need them to shut that up ;)
[21:46:21] iamlindoro: Heck, Nick Morott's translation even corrects grammar and punctuation mistakes, so the en_gb translation is *more* correct than the code
[21:46:31] skd5aner: yea, I noticed that
[21:46:48] skd5aner: question is, who's going to go correct the code? And when they do, won't that break existing translations?
[21:46:58] iamlindoro: if by "noticed" you mean "iamlindoro said it in the commit message" ;)
[21:47:18] iamlindoro: anyone is welcome to correct the code, and the "breaks translations" thing is a BS cop out
[21:47:19] gbee: wagnerrp: 1 message, 3 messages – using the neat QT plural translation support we only need a single string in the code, the translators provide the variations
[21:47:23] skd5aner: that's exactly what I meant, prior to me then going and looking at the commit itself to see examples :D
[21:47:52] skd5aner: I'm not saying "cop out" – just curious if that's a true statement?
[21:48:08] iamlindoro: Yes, it would render the translations of those strings out of date
[21:48:24] iamlindoro: it is not, however, a valid excuse for the untranslated strings being wrong :)
[21:48:42] iamlindoro: And now is the *perfect* time to fix them, months and months before the next release
[21:48:59] gbee: wagnerrp: and since some languages pluralise things differently, e.g. they might need 3 or more different strings, hardcoding exactly two possible strings is a Bad Thing™
[21:49:10] wagnerrp: ah, i understand now
[21:49:15] gbee: this is all explained much better in the QT docs
[21:49:53] wagnerrp: you just specify a 'key', and then QT decides whether or not it should be pluralized, and requires the language file to do so
[21:50:24] gbee:
[21:51:00] gbee: the bit starting "If n >= 0, all occurrences of %n" through to the end of that section
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[21:54:24] iamlindoro: mysql> select title from videometadata where season = 0 AND episode = 0 and rating = "NR";
[21:54:24] iamlindoro: Empty set (0.00 sec)
[21:54:26] iamlindoro: woo hoo, at last
[21:54:43] iamlindoro: You are welcome, future (US) users of TMDB
[21:55:08] gbee: I'm only through to the end of the Ds
[21:55:59] gbee: iamlindoro: you have no unrated videos? (yes, I've been reading up on the US rating system)
[21:56:31] iamlindoro: gbee, I think I have two that are honest to goodness "NR," being documentaries-- I set them to "G" locally
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[21:56:41] gbee: ah
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[21:57:54] gbee: I've had a couple of unrated films, apparently those where they didn't want to submit to the rating system and risk NC-17
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[21:59:44] toxster: hi there, sup? i have a issue with "video fram buffering failed too many times" in om .22 and dvb-s2 using vdpau ive read some bugreports but none seem to fix it, is anyone else more updaed on this matter than me?
[22:00:08] gbee: in some ways the US system is more lenient than the UK, i.e. many, many films in the UK are rated 18 (must be 18 or older) whereas the MPAA system picks R which allows anyone to watch it (with parent consent) – that genuinely surprised me
[22:01:16] iamlindoro: gbee, It's the content that gets things rated R here that's a bit unfortunate-- you can get away with a LOT of violence and not get an adult rating-- but absolutely NO nudity of any kind
[22:01:22] gbee: but on the other hand, an Attenborough film which features about 10 seconds of nudity is rated 12 in the UK, and between 11/12/13 in every other country except the US where it's R
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[22:01:36] iamlindoro: exactly
[22:01:59] AndyCap: Heh, they just aired "This film is not yet rated recently" here.
[22:02:16] AndyCap: oops. quote misplaced there. recently isn't part of the title
[22:02:33] TheAsp: Is there a global prefered card that gets a priority boost? I have a few channels I want to record off of a different source, and the priority is higher for the channel on the other source, but the shows are still being scheduled on the other card
[22:02:39] gbee: and the US system is voluntary, which is pretty unique
[22:03:10] AndyCap: gbee: paying the mafia is voluntary too. :P
[22:04:39] gbee: AndyCap: heh, well the article I was reading suggests that producers would rather opt out than risk an NC-17 rating because that's guaranteed to be a failure (puritans will boycott it), but if it's unrated they are happy to watch it
[22:04:53] gbee: the US is a strange nation ;)
[22:05:17] iamlindoro: gbee, Make it really inconvenient for us not to have a translation-- we'll get one right quick ;)
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[22:05:37] iamlindoro: ie, replace all characters with some unicode character shifted up a few positions
[22:05:53] AndyCap: gbee: that's what you get when all the weirdos flee to another country. :P
[22:06:40] skd5aner: NC-17 is like a kiss of death for a theater release... unless they really really want one
[22:06:47] iamlindoro: Right, because th UK doesn't have its own cultural shortcomings
[22:07:59] gbee: iamlindoro: of course we do, though I don't know whether we're so sensitive about them ;)
[22:08:05] skd5aner: The South Park movie originally came back with an NC-17 rating a the time, and they knew they had to get that down to a R...
[22:08:27] skd5aner: however, they didn't change much, as I recall, and that's why they titled it "South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut"
[22:08:44] skd5aner: yet they still changed just barely enough in the MPAA's eyes to go from NC-17 to R
[22:08:53] AndyCap: Hairy Arm
[22:09:48] gbee: skd5aner: and bizarrely, the film was tame compared to many of the TV episodes, as least as far as I remember it
[22:10:19] skd5aner: yea, well... things that were rated R 15 years ago, would get a PG-13 at best today...
[22:10:37] flindet (flindet! has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[22:11:32] xris: skd5aner: and things that were R in the 70s would get NC17 now
[22:11:35] iamlindoro: gbee, well, understand that history, as taught in the US, is very heavily biases towards our involvement in war-- and that a lot of our patriotic nature is founded in a "heroic" self-image... there are times that that's a good thing, and times that it's a bad thing-- I do think that Americans are on the whole undereducated, underexposed to world cultures, and generally ignorant to others' views... but I also think that there are few c
[22:11:36] iamlindoro: ountries more willing to spill blood (their own and others) to try to do what they think is right
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[22:11:50] iamlindoro: gbee, disregarding whether they might be wrong or right about what is right :)
[22:11:51] skd5aner: that scale is starting to tilt, lots of stuff even in G movies today, that ~20 years ago would have been PG-PG13... you can go a lot farther today, TV is even a better example
[22:12:22] xris: skd5aner: check out a documentary called This Film Not Yet Rated (or something like that)
[22:12:29] iamlindoro: gbee, The US may be a mutt to the rest of the world's purebred-- but I'll take the mutt for character and faithfulness most days :)
[22:12:32] xris: tries to expose how messed up the MPAA rating system really is.
[22:12:36] skd5aner: There was so much controversy over random things in the 90's that they do on a nightly basis today on TV. Like when Roseanne kissed a woman, or murphy brown talking about smoking a joint
[22:13:24] skd5aner: Yea, you'd have to go a long way, in today's world to get an NC-17, you'd almost have to try to do it
[22:13:49] gbee: iamlindoro: in that respect you could describe the US as an eager Boy Scout helping every old lady to cross the street (even if they never wanted to go there or asked for assistance)
[22:14:01] xris: skd5aner: you'd be surprised....
[22:14:02] iamlindoro: gbee, I'll completely concede that
[22:14:14] skd5aner: xris: that doucmentary pretty good?
[22:14:16] xris: and there's no scale
[22:14:21] xris: skd5aner: surprisingly enlightening
[22:14:38] skd5aner: hmmm, I'll put it in the queue and maybe it'll raise to the top in a year ;)
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[22:15:07] xris: it's on netflix streaming now. which is how I watched it.. started it thinking I'd watch 5 minutes and find it boring.. and then couldn't turn it off.
[22:15:43] xris: there is no "scale" or set of rules or anything for ratings. and no movie can ever be compared to another (e.g. why'd you give me an R for this when that other movie had the same and got pg13)
[22:15:49] toxster: so nooone uses dvb-s2 here?
[22:16:10] xris: toxster: might try back when it's daytime in parts of the world that use it?
[22:16:16] toxster: hehe
[22:16:26] toxster: its only past 12 am
[22:16:33] gbee: toxster: not yet, no-one has made the transition from DVB-S here yet
[22:16:44] toxster: lesbo porn is on in eu so ppl should be up here :D
[22:17:10] gbee: broadcasters I mean, I'm sure a few people are using DVB-S2 cards, but the FTA satellite is all DVB-S
[22:17:11] xris: could check #mythtv-de, too... might be some english speakers in there.  :)
[22:17:11] toxster: still, no issued with dvb amnd vdpau in the us ?
[22:17:13] AndyCap: toxster: the eu has the internet now
[22:17:23] skd5aner: xris: btw, ticket #8416, probably the wrong place to put it, but it's a fix for the website...
[22:17:24] toxster: andy; finally! :D
[22:17:47] gbee: toxster: I've not heard of any issues, but I'm in the UK
[22:17:49] And4713: what
[22:17:51] toxster: xris: will try it in the morning, thanks for the hint
[22:17:51] And4713: oh
[22:17:54] ** iamlindoro just passed thor for # of commits **
[22:17:56] iamlindoro: go me
[22:18:07] skd5aner: too bad thor isn't around to defend his title
[22:18:13] skd5aner: but congrats!
[22:18:20] iamlindoro: #9 of all time
[22:18:27] skd5aner: no stopping you now
[22:18:35] iamlindoro: It's a long way to the next target
[22:18:46] toxster: i suppose dvb-s2 is only used for hd right=
[22:18:52] skd5aner: yea, but you're most active for 2009 and current if I recall
[22:18:56] toxster: then my issue is with svb-s
[22:18:59] toxster: dvb-s
[22:19:07] iamlindoro: dvb-s2 is a transmission method, it's resolution agnostic
[22:19:09] sid3windr: are there svn committer awards? ;)
[22:19:12] xris: skd5aner: why are you using IE?!
[22:19:15] iamlindoro: has nothing to do with SD versus HD
[22:19:24] skd5aner: here we go again... <eyeroll>
[22:19:25] gbee: toxster: no and yes, you can have HD without DVB-S2, DVB-S2 just provides greater bandwidth
[22:20:42] skd5aner: xris: heh, because I can and it works? ;) But beyond that, a large percentage of the world still does, and it's one of 2 that I primarily use
[22:20:49] gbee: so some broadcasters might choose DVB-S2 to increase the number of HD channels they can cram into a frequency, but DVB-S2 does not mean HD
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[22:21:13] xris: skd5aner: better question: why are you using Windows?!  ;)
[22:21:53] skd5aner: xris: beyond that, I thought it would be good if didn't looking muffed up in *any* browser, especially a popular one ;)
[22:21:58] toxster: well my channels are most non hd
[22:22:04] toxster: and i get the problem
[22:22:20] gbee: Freesat in the UK carries HD (H.264) using DVB-S
[22:22:26] toxster: perhaps i should redirect the matters to my manufacturer (tevii s660)
[22:22:32] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:22:48] gbee: skd5aner: broken in Opera unfortunately, best I can tell it's an Opera bug :/
[22:23:00] inordkuo (inordkuo!~inorkuo@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:23:10] skd5aner: xris: to complete the collection. 4 Linux boxes, 1 FreeBSD box, 1 OS X, 3 Windows ;)
[22:23:28] xris: too many windows. those can all live on the OSX box.  ;)
[22:23:37] xris: anyway, it's fixed
[22:23:47] xris: I don't have any IE to test things with....
[22:24:02] skd5aner: Well, the OS X is an older Powerbook G4, it's struggling to make it in a non-PPC based world today :(
[22:24:03] javatexan (javatexan!~mia@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[22:24:07] xris: though that'll change soon (just have to wait for a MS friend to get me a copy of windows 7 to put into vmware)
[22:24:30] xris: ah, yeah, lame.
[22:24:33] skd5aner: xris: as far as I can tell, that's the only obvious issue I could find, but it's been there for about a year
[22:24:45] xris: I finally broke down and bought a quad core imac for my primary machine.
[22:25:03] skd5aner: highest I can go is 10.5, no flash, lots of google-based stuff is intel only on Mac, etc
[22:25:08] xris: I think it has some ie7 issues. but at least ie7 seems to be dying much faster than 6
[22:25:27] gbee: hey, if anyone is using the latest Opera on Windows, I'd love to know if they've fixed the bug which messed up (have to wait a while for them to release the linux version)
[22:25:28] skd5aner: not "no" flash, but there isn't a flash release that is optimized for ppc, so it performs even worse than normal
[22:25:32] xris: I need to update the site to use sprites, too... and probably some form of caching
[22:25:48] xris: sort of like flash under linux.  :)
[22:25:55] skd5aner: xris: I have IE7 on the work machine, so I can always take that
[22:25:59] skd5aner: xris: EXACTLY like that
[22:26:07] skd5aner: s/take/test
[22:26:10] gbee: xris: funny, I was reading the opposite just yesterday, IE8 uptake is slower than IE7 was
[22:26:54] skd5aner: once again, this graphic may come in handy for this discussion:
[22:27:02] skd5aner: of course, it's only up to Aug 2009
[22:27:25] skd5aner: I'd really be curious what's happened since then
[22:27:41] toxster: and about that video frame buffering error.. :D noone using dvb-s is seeing it?
[22:28:08] ** iamlindoro commits a trac-grenade **
[22:28:23] gbee: skd5aner: surely no coincidence that it looks like the Firefox logo?
[22:28:25] skd5aner: fire in the hole!
[22:28:52] skd5aner: gbee: wagnerrp said the same thing, and I thought so too... just squint you can't tell a difference
[22:28:56] iamlindoro: It's worth doing all this work just to come up with pithy commit remarks
[22:29:20] gbee: . . . ogo-only.png
[22:30:50] iamlindoro: skd5aner, for reference, gbee has me beat by 200 commits last year :)
[22:31:02] skd5aner: all hail gbee!
[22:31:08] ** iamlindoro is out ahead for 2010 so far though ;) **
[22:31:32] gbee: just 200?
[22:31:39] ** gbee must try harder **
[22:31:56] iamlindoro: I was 414 last year, you were 623
[22:32:14] iamlindoro: This year I'm at 290 so far, with Mark at 189
[22:32:29] iamlindoro: In fairness, lots and lots of my commits have been trivial stuff-- translations, theme fixes, etc.
[22:32:40] iamlindoro: lots of other people doing the real work
[22:32:40] skd5aner: Mark is kicking ___, can't wait to see the fruit of his work eventually
[22:33:05] toxster: its not the quntity that counts, but the QUALITY ;)
[22:33:31] iamlindoro: Yes, if only I could make some quality commits one of these days. And you are?
[22:33:38] toxster: not in any way saying that your not . . . only.pndoing a great work guys
[22:33:39] skd5aner: btw, where did he come from, I know he's relatively "new", but man he can dive into some of that stuff as if he has been around for years
[22:33:47] adante (adante!~adante@ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[22:33:47] toxster: damn paste
[22:33:50] toxster: great work
[22:34:10] iamlindoro: skd5aner, He had been submitting patches for OpenGL video out for a long time that were always at a very high level
[22:34:16] adante (adante!~adante@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:34:49] skd5aner: I'm just glad to see him chomping at the bit on the OSD branch
[22:35:34] wagnerrp: skd5aner: i want to say that seems like an awful lot.... but i cant because i have at least that many
[22:35:39] skd5aner: love to see when folks like Janne, Daniel, Mark, etc (not leaving anyone out intentionally) dive in like that at the core
[22:36:02] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:36:03] toxster: as a c# coder im failty interested in paying my tribute, too bad there not enought time :/
[22:36:14] skd5aner: wagnerrp: sorry, what are you referring to?
[22:36:24] wagnerrp: (assorted list of computers)
[22:36:33] skd5aner: wagnerrp: oh, I know it's not a lot... definitely
[22:37:12] wagnerrp: 6 windows, 3 linux, 2 bsd, plus another 4 spares ready for whatever
[22:37:27] skd5aner: Those are the ones I have on... not counting the ones just sitting there
[22:37:44] skd5aner: or the Tandy 128k computer I just got at an auction for nostalgia
[22:38:11] dmfrey (dmfrey! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:38:30] wagnerrp: and people think its ridiculous when you have more than one computer in a home
[22:38:31] gbee: I'd say that as with anything, you need people who are genuinely interested in those areas, personally the minutae of mheg parsing or xvideo rendering methods bores me to death, which is why I'm glad we've guys like janneg, markk_ etc who like that stuff
[22:38:35] skd5aner: $5, heh :D
[22:38:41] dmfrey: Hey everyone, got a storage group question
[22:38:59] skd5aner: wagnerrp: You should see my "wiring closet" ;)
[22:39:14] wagnerrp: dmfrey: yes, the squirrel did eat the walnut
[22:39:30] dmfrey: wagnerrp: :)
[22:39:30] skd5aner: We built our house last year – spent 2–3 weeks wiring for EVERYTHING
[22:39:38] skd5aner: ourselves
[22:39:57] wagnerrp: that was a subtle hint... we cant answer your actual question unless you give it
[22:39:58] dmfrey: i want to setup a storage group on a secondary backend over nfs to my server
[22:40:19] wagnerrp: is there a backend running on this nfs server?
[22:40:24] dmfrey: yes
[22:40:37] wagnerrp: then just set up the storage group locally on the nfs server
[22:40:46] dmfrey: ok
[22:40:49] wagnerrp: the remote backend will use it if its available
[22:40:49] jeffery_ (jeffery_!~jeffery@opensuse/member/jefferyfernandez) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:40:55] dmfrey: i got that part
[22:41:02] skd5aner: alright, time to start cooking, later
[22:41:25] jeffery (jeffery!~jeffery@opensuse/member/jefferyfernandez) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[22:41:25] jeffery_ is now known as jeffery
[22:41:28] dmfrey: can i add the same directory on the server to the storage group running on locally on the server?
[22:41:41] dmfrey: would i be degrading anything by doing that?
[22:41:56] wagnerrp: you shouldnt have duplicate paths on multiple backends
[22:42:03] wagnerrp: even if you have them mounted over nfs
[22:42:36] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:42:39] dmfrey: really? I have been setting up the same local path on each machine
[22:43:44] dmfrey: is that gonna cause me some issues?
[22:44:15] dmfrey: i haven't noticed any running in that config for quite some time
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[22:46:29] PeaceKeeper: Anyone know if there are any deals on hd-pvr right now?
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[23:17:33] ** iamlindoro will miss you all when the Blu-ray disc alliance comes for him. **
[23:26:22] Ian_Zeplin (Ian_Zeplin! has quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.2 Shiny
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[23:45:25] iamlindoro: Yay, I finally have a commit tree free of patches. I feel so liberated!
[23:52:32] Greek-Boy: lol @ "iamlindoro will miss you all when the Blu-ray disc alliance comes for him."
[23:53:08] Greek-Boy: so we're going to see some new features and existing features that are much more stable?
[23:53:10] Greek-Boy: yippppeeeeeeee
[23:53:11] Greek-Boy: :P
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