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Friday, April 30th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:21] skd5aner: SPINAL_TAP.ISO?
[00:00:39] skd5aner: It's honestly no big deal, but I brought it up given that was the random sample I picked last time to report the bug
[00:01:16] sphery: skd5aner: only mentioned the MS because a lot of people I've talked to have mentioned the same issue with their MS mice
[00:01:32] sphery: seems it's a problem with the original wired MS optical mice
[00:01:33] iamlindoro: I've done 40, do I get to stop?
[00:01:33] skd5aner: sphery: yea, I was just ribbing you a bit there ;)
[00:01:35] RDV_Linux: I added the removal of leading "The" and "A" to get more matches. You will not find many like spinal tap so it should not be a big deal to use MythVideo or enter the reference number directly.
[00:01:47] sphery: yeah... just saying--I'm not crazy! It /was/ the mouse
[00:02:15] skd5aner: RDV_Linux: NP, that's what I'll do for the remaining one-offs left, just wasn't sure if you wanted a report
[00:02:49] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:02:56] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:03:34] skd5aner: I got some crazy names that are coming up succesful though, like the Harry Potter ones are like HP_Prisoner_of_Azkaban.iso – was surprised that worked
[00:04:07] RDV_Linux: skd5aner: MythVideo uses a more sophisticated matching algorithm than Jamu but to use the same one would mean another python library would need to be installed which I try to avoid.
[00:04:10] skd5aner: and LOTR_blah_blah_blah.iso since the full title would a really long name
[00:04:30] skd5aner: those worked fine...
[00:05:02] skd5aner: RDV_Linux: Hey, it looks like jamu is getting >95% of them, so no real complaints from me, just feedback (up to you if it's useful or not) :)
[00:05:10] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:05:15] skd5aner: I'm greatful it works as good as it does
[00:05:41] Casper0082 (Casper0082!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:21] skd5aner: sphery: My problem is that my KVM occasionally sticks a key or mouse click, and that's incredibly annoying
[00:07:12] skd5aner: and it's actually a really good, expensive KVM – that's what makes it even more annoying :P
[00:07:14] sphery: heh, yeah, that would be annoying
[00:07:31] sphery: my KVM is X forwarding
[00:07:34] sphery: or ssh
[00:08:16] skd5aner: I can't... I have to switch a good portion of the time to my work machine, which is locked into the VPN with no local access
[00:09:06] skd5aner: I do remote desktop, ssh, x forward to everything I have locally though on my primary desktop
[00:10:38] skd5aner: I've got dual monitors, so the KVM is dual monitor capable, but it would be nice if I was able to accomplish a similiar thing with this:
[00:11:31] iamlindoro: Why didn't the Arclight author put in the position? I have no idea how many more movies I need to do. Jerk.
[00:12:30] iamlindoro: But since I'm at "D" I'm guessing the answer is "a lot"
[00:12:31] skd5aner: It's there, you just didn't buy the right font so it doesn't show up for you... cheap skate!
[00:13:46] iamlindoro: Fonts (and movies, and TV, and food and beverage, and cable television services) want to be free
[00:16:19] Azelphur: I'm using mythtv on a touch screen device, it seems to nearly be perfect :P
[00:16:33] Azelphur: Wondering why everything seems to be needing a double click, though
[00:17:22] Azelphur: What on earth the use case could be for selecting a menu item but not actually clicking it I don't know xD
[00:17:26] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: you can always put in a request on
[00:17:27] iamlindoro: This is doing wonderful things for my "my movies" at TMDB
[00:17:33] wagnerrp: the video manager is setup, right?
[00:17:34] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, heh
[00:18:14] iamlindoro: It's shocking how many people think the video manager as a functional element (versus another view) still exists
[00:18:34] wagnerrp: well it formerly was
[00:18:42] wagnerrp: it just takes a while for their minds to adapt
[00:19:40] iamlindoro: 3, 4 releases, then they'll have it
[00:20:45] iamlindoro: Yay, "E"!!
[00:20:50] Casper0082 (Casper0082!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:21:02] fooboo (fooboo! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:22:14] sphery: iamlindoro: speaking of which, where is Manage Videos in the menu? I can't find it, anymore?
[00:22:20] iamlindoro: heh
[00:23:54] iamlindoro: Ha, Enter the Dragon was banned in Norway and Finland
[00:24:26] wagnerrp: why? the kung fu too much for them?
[00:24:43] wagnerrp: 'no man can move their legs like that!'
[00:25:49] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: i didnt know you removed mythvideo for 0.23...
[00:26:00] iamlindoro: yeah, I only recently learned that on the list
[00:26:08] iamlindoro: or a forum, or somewhere
[00:26:11] wagnerrp: s/list/forum/
[00:26:12] iamlindoro: but yeah
[00:27:47] iamlindoro: G!
[00:28:01] iamlindoro: Russel Crowe is Gladiator! And so is she!
[00:28:09] wagnerrp: she?
[00:28:29] iamlindoro: say it out loud
[00:28:36] wagnerrp: G?
[00:28:48] iamlindoro: ...
[00:28:55] ** wagnerrp is confused **
[00:29:23] iamlindoro: Say gladiator. Out loud. Slowly.
[00:29:52] wagnerrp: are you saying crowe is some sort of cannibal?
[00:30:14] ** iamlindoro sighs, goes back to work **
[00:30:34] wagnerrp: the innuendo does not work on me!
[00:31:16] sphery: hey, inuendo is the Fluxbox style I use
[00:31:36] wagnerrp: in other news, tmdb does not actually seem to have the movie gladiator
[00:31:43] iamlindoro: Sorry, for a moment I thought there were human beings here
[00:31:53] iamlindoro: #98
[00:31:57] sphery: And how does that make you feel?
[00:32:01] wagnerrp: whoops... nevermind
[00:32:05] wagnerrp: im on
[00:32:45] wagnerrp: ooh, Gladiator Eroticvs
[00:32:57] wagnerrp: 'v's instead of 'u's make it latin
[00:33:41] iamlindoro: H!
[00:33:46] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:34:20] wagnerrp: of course with masculine names like Eroticus and Orgasmus, one might think they were men if not for the movie cover
[00:34:58] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:35:28] ** wagnerrp prefers softcore from people who take more pride in their work **
[00:35:40] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!~gandalfco@ has quit (Quit: gandalfcome)
[00:36:06] TUplink (TUplink! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[00:36:48] KraMer (KraMer!~mark@2002:46f0:c2c9:0:215:f2ff:fef4:4288) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:49] jya (jya! has quit (Quit: jya)
[00:40:12] iamlindoro: Apparently the new API timeout at TMDB is supposed to be down to an hour or two
[00:40:14] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:40:33] rooaus (rooaus! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:45] Typosu (Typosu! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:35] iamlindoro: There, half the alphabet, I am taking a break
[00:57:52] guysoft22 (guysoft22! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:57:53] ** iamlindoro congratulates #8400 on being the first actual non-dupe real bug of consequence for a while **
[00:58:10] guysoft22 (guysoft22! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:59:19] wagnerrp: i see two separate 8400s
[00:59:27] iamlindoro: only one, with a new description
[00:59:52] wagnerrp: ah
[01:00:53] iamlindoro: Of course, then Captain_Murdoch goes fixing multiple bugs with single commits, showoff
[01:03:31] Captain_Murdoch: and I had to work extra hard because I couldn't just copy over my fix from my working checkout and then I had to hand-apply part of the new patch to -fixes because the API versions were already different.
[01:03:48] ** Captain_Murdoch deserves a raise. **
[01:04:00] iamlindoro: I'm going to double your salary... no... TRIPLE it!
[01:04:02] wagnerrp: hows 10% sound?
[01:04:27] iamlindoro: I hereby pledge to send 10% of all sales of Arclight to Captain_Murdoch
[01:05:07] Captain_Murdoch: I'm just glad I'm paid by the hour on this job, and not salary.
[01:19:46] jst_ (jst_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:20:24] Casper0082 (Casper0082!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:23:30] Azelphur: is there a setting to make mythtv enter the menu you click on when you click it once?
[01:23:36] Azelphur: instead of having to click to select, then click to enter?
[01:23:52] Azelphur: then my touch screen mythtv setup will be perfect, I'm using touch gestures ;)
[01:24:06] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:31:55] wagnerrp: walter toking it up? im surprised they could show that on tv
[01:37:45] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: tsk tsk... a top post?
[01:40:21] Captain_Murdoch: yeah, cause I figured most wouldn't read to the bottom toget my 1-line comment.
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[03:02:54] nutron: wow canonical and ubuntu suck big b___s, that is all.
[03:03:02] nutron: vive le debian!
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[03:43:54] markl_: i have an HDHR here that records very poorly, and it always stops recording within just a few minutes
[03:44:07] markl_: but i have another seemingly identical unit that works fine
[03:44:09] wagnerrp: what version of mythtv?
[03:44:26] markl_: latest mythubuntu debs
[03:44:34] markl_: mine works great, my friends craps out often
[03:44:35] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:44:41] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:44:55] markl_: is there anything serviceable on it, or should i expect it to be a paperweight?
[03:44:58] wagnerrp: on the same days? recording the same shows with the same simultaneous load?
[03:45:14] wagnerrp: again, what version of mythtv?
[03:45:21] wagnerrp: 'mythbackend --version'
[03:45:26] wagnerrp: i need the version and the revision
[03:46:03] k-man (k-man!~jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:49:07] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:49:12] wagnerrp: markl_: need information...
[03:49:15] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[03:51:03] wagnerrp: there are some quirks in the hdhomerun libraries in 0.23-fixes prior to revision 24024, which may cause the behavior youre seeing
[03:51:30] wagnerrp: if you are prior to that revision (or reversion if you prefer), update past it and see if the behavior persists
[03:55:16] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[04:00:21] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:27:05] symptom: I get 1080i ota on most network stations. But comcast IRC gives me 720p on the same stations. Is that normal?
[04:27:50] iamlindoro: Comcast gives you what the networks broadcast
[04:27:54] wagnerrp: is that what you get with a digital tuner? or what comes out of your cablebox?
[04:28:03] iamlindoro: Fox and ABC broadcast 720p nationwide, NBC and CBS in 1080i
[04:32:55] stoth (stoth! has quit (Quit: stoth)
[04:33:36] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[04:35:27] symptom: iamlindoro, really? I could have sworn I got abc at 1080i ota
[04:35:39] symptom: Ill have to hook it back up and rescan tomorrow
[04:35:45] iamlindoro: really
[04:36:30] iamlindoro: You may be under the mistaken impression that 1080i is better than 720p... it's not
[04:36:49] CapnKernel (CapnKernel! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[04:37:12] symptom: depends on what you consider better.
[04:37:24] symptom: If i were looking at a still picture 1080i would be better.
[04:37:34] symptom: or very slow moving picture.
[04:37:39] iamlindoro: 1080i has higher resolution, but lower framerate. It's good for drama. 720p is lower resolution, but twice the framerate, and thus is better for sports and anything with much motion
[04:37:53] squidly (squidly!~squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:38:06] symptom: I have noticed a difference in the quality of different 1080i pictures
[04:38:08] wagnerrp: of course most pre-recorded shows on 720p will really only be 24fps only
[04:38:15] iamlindoro: But the original point remains the same-- the national feeds of ABC and fox are 720p
[04:38:28] squidly (squidly!~squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Client Quit)
[04:38:44] iamlindoro: So even if (and it's doubtful) a local affiliate broadcast in 1080i, it would just be a stretched copy of the national feed
[04:39:01] symptom: iamlindoro, i have noticed that
[04:39:19] squidly (squidly!~squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:39:58] iamlindoro: Anyway, really doubt your local affiliate is doing that
[04:40:14] iamlindoro: as it's almost certainly a violation of their affiliate agreement
[04:40:39] [R]: mmm... it looks like my myth is behaving properly... /me ponders writing a patch
[04:41:19] cocoa117 (cocoa117!~cocoa117@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:42:33] symptom: so how long until TVs get a resolution equal to most 24" LCD monitors and a frame rate that exceeds most consumer camcorders?
[04:42:55] iamlindoro: I wouldn't expect televisions resolutions to change again for several decades
[04:43:00] Captain_Murdoch: how long did it take us to go from NTSC color to ATSC :)
[04:43:27] wagnerrp: that depends on whether youre talking about nice, proper 24" monitors? or 24" monitors catered to the masses
[04:43:42] Captain_Murdoch: too many constituents
[04:43:51] wagnerrp: the latter are only 1080p, and are becoming increasingly common
[04:46:04] symptom: well I suppose the studio is to blame for the frame rate and the electronic manufacturers for the resolution
[04:46:58] iamlindoro: Or the ATSC for both, since the manufacturers and studios are just complying with the spec laid out in the 90s
[04:47:02] symptom: 2560x1600 would be sick
[04:47:14] markl_: i have a 2560x1600 monitor
[04:47:18] symptom: why are we so stuck on 16x9?
[04:47:26] markl_: it is problematic because it exposes all of the mpeg artifacts
[04:47:37] symptom: markl_, how do 1080p movies look on it?
[04:47:39] wagnerrp: it was a good tradeoff between 4:3 and 2.4:1
[04:47:52] iamlindoro: 16:9 is the the optimal middle ground between all common aspect rations
[04:47:56] iamlindoro: ratios
[04:48:06] symptom: markl_, its not just the different aspect rations
[04:48:15] markl_: symptom: generally good, but i can see why people pay big $$ for the units that clean up compression artifacts
[04:48:40] markl_: WoW, on the other hand, is absolutely fkn sick!
[04:48:55] markl_: that is the main reason i got it
[04:49:22] symptom: nice
[04:49:51] wagnerrp: ive tried both, i prefer multiple monitors
[04:50:22] symptom: so is it the rendering engine that accomplishes the resolution? like in markl_ '
[04:50:25] symptom: s case
[04:50:47] wagnerrp: eh?
[04:51:11] symptom: well why do video games look good at any resolution and movies not so much
[04:51:34] iamlindoro: because video games are rendered in real time and movies are a fixed resolution
[04:51:47] symptom: i understand why movies would need their resolution, but how do video games over come that?
[04:51:48] wagnerrp: seems fairly obvious to me
[04:51:55] iamlindoro: by rendering in real time
[04:51:58] cocoa117 (cocoa117!~cocoa117@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[04:52:23] symptom: iamlindoro, exactly what i thought
[04:53:32] [R]: ffs
[04:53:40] [R]: this guy i work with keeps giving me crap cuz i can't do netflix
[04:56:05] markl_: why can't you do netflix?
[04:56:17] wagnerrp: he runs linux
[04:56:31] wagnerrp: he wants something better than poor quality netflix streaming
[04:56:37] markl_: wagnerrp: on that HDHR, my friend says that he gets the same problem in Win MCE and MythTV
[04:56:47] markl_: and it just started one day with no software changes
[04:56:51] markl_: so something must have melted inside
[04:58:59] Beirdo: blah.
[04:59:22] Loto (Loto!~ctrlproxy@xbmc/user/Loto) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:00:34] Beirdo: so IF I can stay awake long enough.. (hehe) I hope to do some work on the bot... even though I have no internet yet
[05:00:43] Loto (Loto!~ctrlproxy@xbmc/user/Loto) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:00:48] Beirdo: gonna try to work on the perl XS part
[05:01:02] wagnerrp: you have no internet?
[05:01:12] Beirdo: i.e. exposing an API from the bot as a perl module
[05:01:18] Beirdo: it will be hooked up on Monday
[05:01:24] wagnerrp: could have fooled me
[05:01:29] Beirdo: but I will be in Philly
[05:01:44] Beirdo: heh, I'm in the building's "business center"
[05:09:08] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:05:32] markl_: it's amazing how much of a difference it makes turning my antenna 30 degrees
[06:05:45] wagnerrp: well... yeah....
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[06:09:23] markl_: how painful is it to shop for a rooftop antenna
[06:09:32] markl_: i was looking at one called a DB4 i think
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[07:15:25] markl_: does mythtv work well with uvd2?
[07:16:06] wagnerrp: probably not
[07:16:15] markl_: how about any other player?
[07:16:20] wagnerrp: no idea
[07:17:27] wagnerrp: there is an mjpeg capture input you could try
[07:17:39] wagnerrp: but i dont know if it can be used with uvd2 devices
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[08:01:24] justinh: ahh uvd2. it's gonna be a while before that works in linux methinks
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[08:20:35] frojnd: Hello there :)
[08:20:40] frojnd: hi justinh :)
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[08:23:29] frojnd: So I have bt878 chipset, which is Analog framebuffer card under mythtv-setup for card type can't find analog framebufferm cards...
[08:23:33] frojnd: so wht do I choose?
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[08:24:09] frojnd: I tried to choose Analog V3L capture card but those are fanaloh Hardware-Encodings cards right?
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[08:33:19] frojnd: how can I test what TV card I have and if it even shows a decent picture?
[08:33:44] frojnd: I know I have bt878 chipses but under what section it falls...
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[08:52:10] edomeda: hey guys, does mythtv support xmltv episode-num system dd_progid ?
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[09:10:25] frojnd: Hey guys can you please help me scan for signals somehow?
[09:10:35] frojnd: I'm begginging to get desperate
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[09:33:53] frojnd: sphery: I'm readin the documentation right now but there is not all written so I'm a little lost
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[09:43:37] frojnd: Going further... 2010-04–30 11:42:15.450 Channel(/dev/video0)::Open(): Can't open video device, error "Permission denied"
[09:43:48] frojnd: MythBackend, Error: No valid capture cards are defined in the database.
[09:45:25] frojnd: any ideas?
[09:46:38] frojnd: I'm reading the but it seems to me that there isn't enough written :(
[09:47:58] gbee: "permission denied" doesn't give a clue?
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[09:50:31] gbee: frojnd: ls -alh /dev/video0
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[09:56:41] gbee: frojnd: sudo usermod -a -G video {{username}}
[09:57:24] gbee: not entirely sure on those args, might want to double check in case it wipes out the existing group list
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[10:47:46] justinh: ubuntu not putting users in the video group by default is a bit silly IMHO
[10:48:04] justinh: or $distro if not ubuntu
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[11:00:14] frojnd: gbee: crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 0 apr 30 11:21 /dev/video0
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[11:10:13] gbee: frojnd: ok, you need to add your user to the video group, the above line should do that for you
[11:10:54] gbee: with the same caveats ... as long as I've used linux, I still forget the magic incantations from time to time
[11:11:22] gbee: alternatively if your distro has a gui for managing users then use that instead
[11:12:22] gbee: you don't want to change your users primary group, just add them to the video group as well
[11:23:19] hadees (hadees!~hadees@2002:48b1:5ba0:0:21f:3cff:fe18:c5d6) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[11:29:37] frojnd: gbee: I've added it gpasswd -a frojnd video
[11:29:42] frojnd: so now no erros in the log
[11:30:13] frojnd: wrong
[11:30:15] frojnd: Channel(/dev/video0)::Open(): Can't open video device, error "Permission denied"
[11:30:25] frojnd: MythBackend, Error: No valid capture cards are defined in the database.
[11:31:45] frojnd: I've logout login
[11:31:58] frojnd: but now I get Channel(/dev/video0) Error: GetCurrentChannelNum(): Failed to find Channel
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[11:46:05] justinh: no valid capture cards defined generally means exactly what it says
[11:46:31] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[11:46:42] justinh: apparently you haven't ran mythtv-setup, added your card(s), set up video source(s) and scanned for channels (or otherwise added channels somehow)
[11:46:57] justinh: could be a good time to read the manual
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[13:05:38] frojnd: justinh: hm
[13:05:41] frojnd: interesting..
[13:06:51] frojnd: I have bt878 and at the capture cards
[13:06:55] wsuetholz (wsuetholz! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[13:06:56] frojnd: there is a fiels: Card type
[13:07:11] frojnd: I've add there ANalog V4l capture card and for Video device : /dev/video0
[13:07:25] frojnd: all the rest I left default and fiinish
[13:07:45] frojnd: For video sorucfe I named source antenna and finish
[13:08:17] frojnd: for input connections Ive edit Television and add Antenna for field Video source.
[13:08:34] frojnd: I've also add for Starting channel: 1
[13:08:49] frojnd: So far ok?
[13:08:52] frojnd: noone here
[13:10:29] frojnd: justinh: I've red the manual several times
[13:10:29] skd5aner: Did you actually input or scan for channels?
[13:10:42] frojnd: skd5aner: the CHannel Editor section
[13:10:49] frojnd: I've add New channel
[13:10:53] frojnd: Named it PrviKanal
[13:10:55] skd5aner: what country?
[13:10:58] frojnd: slovenia
[13:11:50] skd5aner: I think you can actually scan for analog channels now in .23, is that the version you're running?
[13:11:59] frojnd: skd5aner: let me check
[13:12:05] skd5aner: mythbackend --version
[13:12:51] frojnd: skd5aner: yep 23562–2
[13:13:13] jvs (jvs!~jvs@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[13:14:29] frojnd: skd5aner: under Input connections -> antenna ->I can actually press Scan for channels
[13:14:58] frojnd: skd5aner: I only can press the button: "Fetch channels from listenings source"
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[13:19:38] skd5aner: fronjnd: what do you have setup in video sources?
[13:21:43] skd5aner: frojnd: also, what do you have under 1. General, pg 2, "Channel Frequency Table"?
[13:22:08] frojnd: skd5aner: Antenna, Listings grabber: No grabber, channel frequency table default
[13:22:34] frojnd: skd5aner: channel frequency table: europe-west
[13:24:38] skd5aner: What tuner do you actually have?
[13:25:02] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit (Quit: Dedicated to all I ever was, and what I never will be...)
[13:27:04] frojnd: skd5aner: 02:07.0 Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture (rev 11)
[13:27:49] skd5aner: hmmm, I think that's a frame grabber
[13:28:39] frojnd: skd5aner: then what do I have to select under Card type under Capture card setup?
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[13:31:34] skd5aner: Truth be told, I'm not familiar with that card or how to configure it, but I would try first setting it up as V4L
[13:32:30] skd5aner: If V4L doesn't work, the only other option would be the MJPEG option
[13:33:15] skd5aner: Your video source sounds correct...
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[13:34:31] frojnd: skd5aner: can you take 3mins with me and walk me through?
[13:34:40] skd5aner: I'm not sure if Europe-West is correct or not, obviously I'm very unfamiliar if that lines up with Slovenia's broadcast frequencies or not
[13:34:44] frojnd: skd5aner: I am struggeling with this for quite long now :)
[13:34:53] skd5aner: frojnd: that's basically what I'm doing
[13:34:58] frojnd: skd5aner: :D
[13:35:01] frojnd: ok ok
[13:35:10] frojnd: let say those settigs so far are correct
[13:35:16] frojnd: how can I scan for a frequency?
[13:35:31] frojnd: Under channel editor
[13:35:40] skd5aner: What happens when you go to 4, Input Connections?
[13:35:47] skd5aner: What shows up under that first screen?
[13:36:07] frojnd: skd5aner: V4L: /dev/video0 Television -> Antenna
[13:36:16] skd5aner: and, I'm assuming your device actually registered properly at /dev/video0
[13:36:31] frojnd: skd5aner: yep if I go in vlc -> capturing device
[13:36:41] frojnd: and add for input /dev/video0 I can then see static
[13:36:49] frojnd: some sort of whie noise..
[13:36:50] skd5aner: k
[13:36:51] hipitihop (hipitihop!~denis@ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[13:36:53] frojnd: so this gotta be it
[13:37:05] skd5aner: So, "Television" is what the name of the input actually is?
[13:37:12] frojnd: skd5aner: I think so
[13:37:14] skd5aner: not something like "Tuner 1"?
[13:37:25] frojnd: skd5aner: I see 3 things tehre
[13:37:28] skd5aner: are there any other inputs listed?
[13:37:30] skd5aner: what are they?
[13:37:40] frojnd: Televison, composite1. s-video
[13:37:48] skd5aner: ok, then television it is
[13:38:16] skd5aner: btw, you are trying to caputure analog correct? and Slovenia still broadcasts in analog and hasn't moved over to Digital only yet?
[13:38:34] frojnd: skd5aner: not yet, it will to the end of this year
[13:38:43] frojnd: so yes, I'm trying to capture analog
[13:38:44] skd5aner: so this will be a short term solution
[13:39:21] skd5aner: also, another stupid question, but you can receive channels if the antenna was hooked up directly to your TV correct? In other words, you're close enough to receive a good signal
[13:40:02] frojnd: skd5aner: I'm pretty sure I am. While in this room was windows before brother recieved signal..
[13:40:02] skd5aner: I'm just trying to eliminate the obvious things
[13:40:19] frojnd: skd5aner: ofcaurse, no sill questions only odd answers :P
[13:40:23] frojnd: silly*
[13:40:26] skd5aner: :)
[13:40:29] skd5aner: ok, so...
[13:40:57] skd5aner: go into your input connection, and make sure your video source is setup correctly
[13:41:24] skd5aner: keep external channel change command empty, and preset tuner to channel empty
[13:41:48] frojnd: skd5aner: Capture dvice: V4l: /dev/video0, intput: Television, Display name optional: empty, Video source: Antenna, External channel change command: empty, preset tuner to channel: empty, startig channel: 1
[13:42:38] skd5aner: Do you see a "Scan for Channels" button?
[13:42:49] frojnd: skd5aner: I see it but I can't press it
[13:43:00] frojnd: I can only press Fetch channels from listenings source
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[13:44:37] skd5aner: frojnd: I'm unfamiliar with what would cause that button to be unavailable...
[13:45:02] frojnd: skd5aner: ok
[13:45:11] frojnd: maybe someone else will know
[13:45:18] skd5aner: Can you humor me for a second... go back to the 1. General setup and change channel frequency table to :try-all
[13:45:39] skd5aner: I have no idea if this will help, but it shouldn't necessarily hurt either (at least for now)
[13:45:48] frojnd: ok
[13:46:32] skd5aner: once you changed that, and saved it... go back into where we were and see if that button is still disabled
[13:47:05] frojnd: still can't press Scan for channels
[13:47:57] frojnd: skd5aner: I'm curious
[13:48:07] iamlindoro: He's on .22...
[13:48:20] skd5aner: there's your scanning problem then
[13:49:19] frojnd: .23 is how long outside?
[13:49:24] frojnd:
[13:50:12] skd5aner: fronjd: 23562 is pre.23, the earliest .23 r would have been 23778, at worst
[13:50:32] Wicked (Wicked!~zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[13:50:52] iamlindoro: or just look at his version string
[13:50:55] iamlindoro: he's on .22
[13:50:57] skd5aner: I don't know who packaged for arch linux
[13:51:27] skd5aner: iamlindoro: [09:12] <frojnd> skd5aner: yep 23562–2 ?
[13:51:42] iamlindoro: And that's when you should have said to him "That's revision, not version"
[13:51:49] skd5aner: yes, true :)
[13:52:06] skd5aner: wasted a bunch of my time
[13:52:10] skd5aner: oh well
[13:52:13] frojnd: great :|
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[13:53:20] skd5aner: frojnd: you can always remove the packages and build from source, in my opinion it's not that hard if you have all the pre-reqs installed
[13:53:43] frojnd: skd5aner: if you have it..
[13:54:03] skd5aner:
[13:54:18] skd5aner: svn co mythtv-0–23
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[13:56:12] Kunalagon (Kunalagon!~Kunalagon@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[13:56:14] skd5aner: frojnd: if you get that built and installed, analog scanning is re-enabled, and the button should work again.
[13:56:48] frojnd: haven't really used svn before :D
[13:57:33] skd5aner: It's not hard... just have to make sure you have subversion installed to use the command
[13:58:11] skd5aner: find a place you want to dump the source (I use /usr/src/mythtv), and run that command I gave you there
[13:58:28] skd5aner: it'll pull down all core mythtv, mythplugins, themes, etc
[13:58:29] frojnd: skd5aner: as root I'm assuming
[13:58:59] skd5aner: well, you can pull it into your home dir if you don't want to run as root/sudo and do it there too, really personal preference
[13:59:25] skd5aner: you only need root when doing make install (as long as you have rights to wherever you're doing it)
[14:00:09] skd5aner: I do typically download, compile, and install as root in my /usr/src/mythtv dir – but that's again, just the way I do it
[14:00:44] skd5aner: obviously, best practice is to only root/sudo only when needed
[14:01:11] frojnd: skd5aner: Now I'm dling: svn co mythtv-0–23
[14:02:36] skd5aner: k, compile in this order: mythtv, mythplugins – then myththemes, then anything else you might want, but everything else is optional
[14:03:51] wagnerrp: my neighbors are building an addition right outside my bedroom window
[14:03:57] skd5aner: you're basically going into each directory, in that order and type ./configure --help, look through the options and specify if there's anything you specifically need to enable, disable. Many times, you can keep the defaults and just run ./configre --enable-proc-opt
[14:04:22] frojnd: skd5aner: what does --enable-proc-opt?
[14:04:42] skd5aner: it basically will detect your CPU architecture and compile with any optimizations it has for that arch
[14:05:24] frojnd: cool
[14:05:45] skd5aner: then, once confiure has run, make, then when that's finished make install
[14:05:59] frojnd: skd5aner: what about when u decide to update? ANd what if I decide to remove it when there will be a package of this version?
[14:06:23] skd5aner: I always keep my source around, so that I can do a make uninstall when doing upgrades to ensure that previous libraries and files get erased before upgrading
[14:06:54] skd5aner: make uninstall in the reverse order you did the installs
[14:07:03] skd5aner: probably not necessary, but it's what I do
[14:07:12] frojnd: ok thanx for detailed explanation
[14:07:26] frojnd: just waiting that it download all those images
[14:07:31] wsuetholz (wsuetholz!~wsuetholz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:07:40] skd5aner: also, when you run .configure... make sure you go through the list...
[14:07:45] frojnd: ah it's themes :)
[14:07:56] frojnd: skd5aner: so there will be no errors? or if any I report here? :P
[14:08:17] skd5aner: if you are expecting something to be enabled, and it's disabled, then you likely don't have the pre-requisite packages installed
[14:08:48] frojnd: is ther a list what pre-requsite packages I need?
[14:09:01] frojnd: so during dlint source I could instsall those packages
[14:09:02] skd5aner: also, configure will often times bomb out if there are required packages not installed. Optional packages – it'll just disable
[14:09:42] skd5aner: Well, my guess if you deployed your distro's packaged version – then you already have probably most if not all of them already installed
[14:09:58] skd5aner: btw – did you uninstall that distro package of myth?
[14:10:30] iamlindoro: He'll have runtime deps, he'll be missing most of the build deps
[14:10:48] frojnd: skd5aner: yeah yaourt -Rds mythtv
[14:11:11] frojnd: ok done
[14:11:47] skd5aner: frojnd: before you proceed...
[14:11:54] skd5aner: run this: ls -l /usr/{,local/}lib/{mythtv,libmyth*} /usr/{,local/}include/mythtv
[14:12:01] wagnerrp: markl_: what has nvidia done to deserve your ire?
[14:12:02] frojnd: now configurin.. skd5aner so cd mythtv; ./configure; make; make install; cd ../mythplugins; ./configure; make; make install
[14:12:06] skd5aner: and pastebin if anything comes back
[14:12:25] frojnd: or cd mythtv, ./configure cd ../mythplugins ./configure?
[14:12:27] skd5aner: frojnd: do the ls command I sent first...
[14:12:36] markl_: wagnerrp: nothing, they did a great job with vdpau and i'm happy to buy their cards. but I absolutely hate proprietary closed source drivers
[14:12:44] wagnerrp: why?
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[14:12:53] frojnd: skd5aner: I get for all directories: ls: dostop do /usr/lib/mythtv ni mogoč: No such file or directory
[14:13:04] skd5aner: ok, that's a good thing
[14:13:11] wagnerrp: would you otherwise go in and start tinkering with the drivers were they open source?
[14:13:14] wsuetholz (wsuetholz!~wsuetholz@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[14:13:14] markl_: seriously? i guess i have just been in the linux world too long, people don't follow the RMS/ESR debates or anything
[14:13:21] markl_: as much these days
[14:13:36] markl_: RMS personally is a tool, but his philosophy is important to understand
[14:13:37] skd5aner: frojnd: give me a second before you proceed
[14:13:47] wagnerrp: ATI has no intentions to make their video decoders available for open source use
[14:13:51] markl_: even if most people aren't as dedicated as he is (like ESR and most people)
[14:13:59] markl_: oh in that case, screw ATI
[14:14:03] wagnerrp: VAAPI is only available in the closed source drivers
[14:14:12] wagnerrp: its exactly no different from nvidia
[14:14:30] revilootneg (revilootneg!~oliver@ has quit (Quit: leaving)
[14:14:31] wagnerrp: other than theyre a year late to the game
[14:14:33] markl_: ok maybe intel will step it up then
[14:14:40] wagnerrp: and a decade late on decent video drivers
[14:14:46] iamlindoro: Don't count on it
[14:14:48] markl_: yeah that is true
[14:15:09] markl_: and yes i tinker with drivers and code
[14:15:25] iamlindoro: The companies aren't preventing the FOSS drivers from using the decoders out of spite-- the decoders are heavily patent protected by patents not owned by ATI or nVidia
[14:15:27] skd5aner: frojnd: change it to this, cd mythtv; ./configure --enable-proc-opt; make; make install; cd ../mythplugins; ./configure; make; make install; cd ../myththemes; ./configure; make; make install
[14:15:31] markl_: i am an old timer, from the days when you had to go into the driver source code to set up IRQ's and such :)
[14:15:33] iamlindoro: So neither could open source the decoder code, even if they wanted to
[14:15:53] duerF (duerF! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[14:15:58] markl_: iamlindoro: yeah that is a travesty
[14:16:30] markl_: but whichever company does it first will automatically have better support from the distros (linux mint excepted of course)
[14:16:44] frojnd: skd5aner: for make and make install I might do this as root
[14:16:53] markl_: so i would think they would at least do it with the older generations or something
[14:17:28] iamlindoro: markl_, It has nothing to do with generations of the card-- ATI and nVidia don't have the legal *right* to expose the decoder code
[14:17:36] frojnd: skd5aner: ./configure hot me some warning shouldI be worried?
[14:17:42] frojnd: skd5aner: got
[14:17:43] iamlindoro: Neither on ancient, nor on modern versions of their cards
[14:17:55] skd5aner: frojnd: looking
[14:18:08] iamlindoro: and their agreements with the licensing bodies for the codecs will *never* allow them to provide that information
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[14:18:24] frojnd: skd5aner: I configured it with stdout: ./configure > konfig.txt 2>&1
[14:18:39] skd5aner: frojnd: looks pretty good!
[14:18:49] frojnd: ok moving ot..
[14:18:51] frojnd: on
[14:19:00] skd5aner: don't worry about libfftw3, it's not required
[14:19:15] skd5aner: if you are worried about it, you could add --enable-libfftw3 to the configure line
[14:19:34] markl_: iamlindoro: i know, they are chickenshit for not requiring the legal ability to do an open source driver
[14:19:36] skd5aner: beyond that, the other "no"s aren't important
[14:19:50] markl_: especially after ATI made their big open source push a couple of years ago
[14:19:50] iamlindoro: markl_, no profanity in the channel please
[14:19:54] markl_: now i feel betrayed
[14:20:18] markl_: iamlindoro: but people say microsoft in here all the time (ha ha but i get your point, sorry)
[14:20:21] janneg: iamlindoro: huh, you know there agreements?
[14:20:48] iamlindoro: janneg, This is per phoronix discussions with ATI engineers that state that
[14:22:16] markl_: janneg: that is the typical practice. every time i have tried to work on an open source driver i run into it
[14:22:25] markl_: e.g. hauppauge with their first hdtv tuner
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[14:22:47] markl_: they wanted ME to pay THEM like $30k just to allow me to work on it
[14:22:57] markl_: they just don't get it
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[14:23:11] iamlindoro: Hauppauge is one of the manufacturers that *does* get it
[14:23:14] markl_: people should be studying RMS and the GPL in high school!
[14:23:21] markl_: iamlindoro: maybe now since their CEO died
[14:23:35] markl_: or maybe he got it but the rest of the company didn't
[14:23:43] markl_: or else i just got an asshat to work with
[14:23:57] markl_: this was like 9 years ago
[14:24:08] markl_: right around when he had that car accident or whatever it was
[14:24:49] markl_: and to this day i still haven't seen a hauppauge wintv-hd driver, even though it would still be a great card
[14:25:18] wagnerrp: watch the language, you were already warned once
[14:25:24] wagnerrp: and you mean cards like the HVR line?
[14:25:29] wagnerrp: or Nova line?
[14:25:57] markl_: wagnerrp: ok where is the list of approved words; i thought a%% was allowed these days
[14:25:57] wagnerrp: i currently own a WinTV-HVR-1250 for ATSC
[14:26:35] markl_: maybe irssi can automagically filter my anti-closed-source tourette's syndrome
[14:27:05] skd5aner: markl_: no approved list, it's arbitrary – just don't say anything you wouldn't expect a 6 year old child to say in church
[14:29:01] pheld (pheld! has joined #mythtv-users
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[14:29:27] skd5aner: there's also 5 secret words, that if triggered, will result in your public humiliation ceremony and a strike on your permanent record... they are the words which must never be spoken!
[14:30:50] skd5aner: frojnd: still compiling ok?
[14:30:52] quicksilver: asshat : . . . key-Head.jpg
[14:31:02] ** quicksilver doesn't think that's rude at all. **
[14:31:14] quicksilver: in fact, I might just buy one.
[14:31:26] frojnd: skd5aner: yep mythtv make
[14:31:34] markl_: heh
[14:38:18] wagnerrp: hitachi 2TB drive for $120 on newegg
[14:39:33] wagnerrp: nevermind, seems the coupon ended yesterday
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[14:46:08] skd5aner: darn, could have used a couple more of those
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[14:46:27] wagnerrp: you and me both
[14:46:44] wagnerrp: seems there was also a WD green 2TB for $110
[14:46:54] skd5aner: actually, I need a decent external one for backup of my desktop
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[14:47:32] frojnd: skd5aner: is it normal to take so long?
[14:47:40] skd5aner: frojnd: yup
[14:47:47] frojnd: skd5aner: it stopped at this stage: emedia/UsageEnvironment -I../libmythdb -I../libmythui -I/usr/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I. -o iso639.o iso639.cpp
[14:47:49] wagnerrp: what is your cpu?
[14:47:51] frojnd: for few mins now
[14:48:04] skd5aner: AMD XP 3000 if I remember correctly what he had
[14:48:06] frojnd: wagnerrp: cpu is up to 98%
[14:48:22] frojnd: wagnerrp: amd 3000+ athlon
[14:48:27] frojnd: 64bit
[14:48:29] skd5aner: CPU x86 x86_64 (AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+)
[14:48:47] justinh (justinh! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[14:49:09] skd5aner: frojnd, past the last couple of dozen lines in pastebin where it stopped
[14:49:11] wagnerrp: should take about 45min for a myth build
[14:49:12] skd5aner: paste
[14:50:07] skd5aner: frojnd: did it error out, or is it just standing still a bit on an item?
[14:50:50] frojnd: skd5aner: standing still
[14:51:00] frojnd: skd5aner:
[14:51:17] skd5aner: well, let's not worry yet – unless it's been on that item for several minutes
[14:51:30] skd5aner: also, the CPU should be maxed out, that's how you know it's working ;)
[14:51:31] frojnd: em it has been I think :p
[14:51:53] frojnd: no
[14:51:56] frojnd: yes it moved on :D
[14:52:00] frojnd: after more than 5 mins
[14:52:12] skd5aner: yup, that's ok... just let me know when it either completes or errors out
[14:52:23] frojnd: now I get warnings: mpeg/tspacket.h:172:73: warning: array subscript is above array bounds
[14:52:30] frojnd: but still no errors
[14:52:32] skd5aner: yea, warnings are ok
[14:52:44] skd5aner: generally
[14:55:00] skd5aner: If you ever get a new multi-core processor, you can thread the compiling across the cores by using "make -j#" where # is the number of threads. I've always read that it's recommended that # = number of cores x 2
[14:55:33] skd5aner: For me, a compile takes like 15 minutes or something now
[14:55:36] frojnd: skd5aner: I have dual core on my laptop
[14:55:39] skd5aner: don't really time it
[14:55:48] wagnerrp: the 'x2' is going to change depending on the specific code you are compiling
[14:55:54] frojnd: so when I'll compile something I'll knew
[14:56:03] wagnerrp: but it will almost always be beneficial to have more compile threads than cores
[14:56:41] quicksilver: want the CPU to have something to do whilst other threads are blocked on IO.
[14:56:52] quicksilver: make -j2 is often faster than make even on a 1-core machine.
[14:56:59] skd5aner: yea, even on a single core you could do a -j2
[14:57:14] wagnerrp: quicksilver: unless you run out of ram
[14:57:17] quicksilver: although, you may not want it if you want ot use the computer interactively at the same time.
[14:57:20] quicksilver: wagnerrp: right.
[14:57:25] wagnerrp: -j2 will swap on a machine with 1GB of memory
[14:57:30] wagnerrp: compiling MythTV
[14:57:35] quicksilver: wagnerrp: that doesn't happen much except with *cough* C++ ;)
[14:57:36] skd5aner: but, also... if you've never compiled a piece of software before, and you're not sure if you have all the pre-reqs, sometimes it's a little harder to see where there error comes from when you have too many threads completing at the same time
[14:57:50] frojnd: wagnerrp: I have 1,5gb of ram where mythtv will be
[14:57:59] wagnerrp: (unless you have no swap, in which case you will fail with spurious compile errors)
[14:58:31] skd5aner: frojnd: for now, not using -j at all is ok... it's not like you're in a hurry anyway ;)
[14:58:52] skd5aner: just advice for the future if you build with multi-core
[15:00:11] cocoa117 (cocoa117!~cocoa117@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[15:02:15] wagnerrp: s/with multi-core//
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[15:27:25] jarle: I quite often end up with 0-byte recordings, without any indication in the backend log that anything failed. I have default logging level, which extra logging should I turn on?
[15:30:11] skd5aner: jarle: for me, it's generally tuning issues, so in my case, it might be mythbackend -v record
[15:31:00] skd5aner: for example, I was getting 0 byte recordings because my cable co decided to switch up the ClearQAM broadcast of my NBC channel
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[15:33:19] jarle: skd5aner: will give it a try...
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[15:54:39] skd5aner: frojnd: what's the status?
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[16:00:52] Azelphur: might be of interest to some people, my little £50 touch screen mythfrontend with gesture support :P
[16:01:29] Azelphur: gonna put it in my kitchen.
[16:05:09] skd5aner: Azelphur: looks nice
[16:05:14] Azelphur: ty :)
[16:05:18] jst_ (jst_! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[16:05:54] skd5aner: Did you write the gesture support?
[16:06:07] Azelphur: nope, I'm using EasyStroke
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[16:06:29] Azelphur: I draw the gesture it sends the keystroke/executes the command
[16:06:31] skd5aner: do you have to train EasyStroke?
[16:06:43] Azelphur: no, it works really well
[16:06:59] Azelphur: you just add a gesture, select the type (command, keystroke, whatever), and then hit record, draw the shape and your done
[16:07:05] skd5aner: that's what I meant
[16:07:18] skd5aner: and it interprets it as direct keyboard input?
[16:07:35] Azelphur: I assume it uses xlib or something to send the keystrokes
[16:07:48] skd5aner: Azelphur: would be a nice thing to add to the wiki
[16:08:08] Azelphur: could do :)
[16:08:27] skd5aner: not familiar with that device, is it a mobile device?
[16:08:48] Azelphur: nah it's an O2 Joggler, it's marketed as a photo frame / calendar
[16:09:03] Azelphur: needs to be plugged into a wall socket, and has a stand which isn't removable
[16:09:21] skd5aner: I see, what kind of processor does it have?
[16:09:53] Azelphur: 1m3ghz atom, Intel GMA500 graphics, 512MB ram
[16:09:58] Azelphur: 1.3ghz*
[16:10:15] Azelphur: only 1GB on board storage though, hense the protruding USB memory stick :)
[16:10:26] skd5aner: have you tried to decode any HD or h.264 content on it?
[16:10:40] Azelphur: nope
[16:10:54] skd5aner: is it wireless?
[16:11:13] Azelphur: yup
[16:11:29] skd5aner: hmmm, interesting... well, I'm still waiting for my kitchen touchscreen frontend :)
[16:11:55] Azelphur: haha
[16:12:14] Azelphur: I got a 720p mkv file here
[16:12:16] skd5aner: and someone to eventually step back up to the mythrecipe plate
[16:12:19] Azelphur: I'll stick that on the backend and try to play it
[16:12:27] Azelphur: I also wanna put mythrecipe on there :)
[16:12:56] sid3windr: ooh, gma500 =)
[16:13:09] sid3windr: is the gallium3d driver out in the meanwhile?
[16:13:33] Azelphur: not sure, in the wiki it says it has various hardware video acceleration capabilities
[16:13:35] Azelphur: so probably
[16:13:54] sid3windr: very nice btw
[16:13:58] sid3windr: if you want to get rid of the usb stick
[16:14:05] sid3windr: there are some micro-sd readers which fit inside your usb port
[16:14:18] Azelphur: yea I saw them, may well pick one up
[16:14:41] Azelphur: either that or internally it has a usb socket, with a USB Wifi adapter plugged into it
[16:14:52] Azelphur: so maybe I could squeeze a hub in there and get some storage.
[16:15:14] sid3windr: :)
[16:15:36] sid3windr: sweet though
[16:15:38] sid3windr: what does it cost :p
[16:16:37] Azelphur: £50
[16:17:17] Azelphur: skd5aner: got it playing a 720p brrip right now, seems to be fine :)
[16:17:31] skd5aner: nice
[16:17:32] sid3windr: neato
[16:17:33] sid3windr: :))
[16:17:35] Azelphur: that said, does the backend scale the video before sending it?
[16:17:40] skd5aner: no
[16:17:42] sid3windr: no
[16:17:44] Azelphur: cool
[16:17:49] GreyFoxx: ls
[16:18:00] sid3windr: rm
[16:18:03] GreyFoxx: oops
[16:18:10] skd5aner: 0 files found
[16:18:29] Azelphur: 1280x720 h264 24fps seems fine
[16:18:59] skd5aner: at least at whatever bitrate it's at
[16:19:01] Azelphur: a little jittering, but I think that's down to wifi not quite being fast enough
[16:19:15] skd5aner: b,g,n?
[16:19:15] gbee: bash: oops: command not found
[16:19:19] Azelphur: g
[16:19:34] frojnd: skd5aner: everything went fine :D ./configure --enable-proc-opt, make and make install for all 3 dirs
[16:19:41] gbee: yeah, g isn't really fast enough for HD
[16:19:48] skd5aner: frojnd: great to hear
[16:20:01] gbee: even SD can be a problem sometimes
[16:20:02] frojnd: skd5aner: it took quite some time but I was doing it ssh so..
[16:20:12] skd5aner: frojnd: have you started mythtv-setup yet?
[16:20:27] skd5aner: it will most likely update your schema when you do so
[16:20:40] frojnd: skd5aner: I have to go into the directory
[16:20:48] frojnd: where I build it and there run it right
[16:20:54] skd5aner: you shouldn't have to
[16:21:14] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:21:15] skd5aner: run whereis mythtv-setup
[16:21:50] frojnd: /usr/local/bin/mythtv-setup
[16:21:56] skd5aner: also, at this point, you should not be running as root
[16:22:02] frojnd: I'm not
[16:22:07] skd5aner: run as the user you will run mythtfrontend as
[16:22:12] skd5aner: k
[16:22:24] skd5aner: so, from anywhere you should be able to run mythtv-setup
[16:22:45] frojnd: hm
[16:22:55] frojnd: I've installed it as user frojnd
[16:23:23] skd5aner: what user context where you running it all before as?
[16:23:44] frojnd: when I go to the /usr/local/bin/ and run mythtv-setup I get: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory
[16:23:49] frojnd: skd5aner: as vida
[16:24:06] skd5aner: probably ought to stick to that user
[16:24:21] frojnd: even though I've installed in in frojnd's home dir?
[16:24:42] skd5aner: frojnd: run "echo "/usr/local/lib" >> /etc/
[16:24:46] skd5aner: ignore the first "
[16:24:58] skd5aner: then run /sbin/ldconfig
[16:25:07] skd5aner: you hav to do both of those are sroot
[16:25:17] skd5aner: you hae to do both of those as root
[16:25:25] skd5aner: ugh, stupid keyboard
[16:25:44] frojnd: ok done it
[16:26:09] skd5aner: now, as whatever user is going to be the user context you'll use to run mythtv, su to that user
[16:26:38] frojnd: skd5aner: ok gotta jump to my grandpa
[16:26:45] skd5aner: I'm guessing, "vida" based on what you said
[16:26:55] frojnd: will be back in 30mins if you'll be around then I'll ask for your help then
[16:27:06] skd5aner: ok, I may or may not be around
[16:27:11] frojnd: k
[16:27:35] frojnd: well I can at least do the basci thing
[16:27:36] frojnd: :)
[16:27:42] skd5aner: you got 30 more seconds?
[16:27:55] frojnd: I've ran mythtv-setup as /usr/local/bin/mythtv-setup
[16:28:03] skd5aner: and it worked this time?
[16:28:14] skd5aner: after running the two commands I sent you?
[16:28:16] frojnd: and I recieved warning: Mythtv wants to upgrade your database for the tv schenam from 1244 to 1254
[16:28:22] frojnd: yes it works now for user vida
[16:28:26] frojnd: database host: localhost
[16:28:28] skd5aner: and you'll want it to upgrade
[16:28:31] frojnd: database name: mythconverg
[16:28:32] frojnd: ok
[16:28:42] skd5aner: it should create a backup of the database for you
[16:28:49] frojnd: ok
[16:28:54] frojnd: I now see general
[16:28:55] frojnd: and all that
[16:29:11] skd5aner: ok, so... now all you old info should still be there...
[16:29:20] skd5aner: do you need to leave or are you staying?
[16:29:31] skd5aner: I don't want to jump into this part if you've got to go
[16:30:56] frojnd: skd5aner: I can stay a few more mins
[16:31:18] frojnd: yep the settings are the same
[16:31:24] frojnd: at least under general
[16:31:25] skd5aner: ok, good
[16:31:58] frojnd: skd5aner: so I press Scan for channels now? :)
[16:32:06] frojnd: under general I have try-all
[16:32:07] skd5aner: in just a second...
[16:32:12] frojnd: for frequency table
[16:32:12] skd5aner: ok, that's what I was going to ask
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[16:32:51] skd5aner: frojnd: go to input connections
[16:33:01] skd5aner: pick your television input
[16:33:01] frojnd: ok
[16:33:16] frojnd: skd5aner: ok
[16:33:16] skd5aner: actually
[16:33:21] skd5aner: no, let's do something else...
[16:33:29] frojnd: I'm all yours :P
[16:33:32] skd5aner: go into the video sources...
[16:33:39] skd5aner: "Delete All Video Sources"
[16:33:53] frojnd: ok
[16:33:53] skd5aner: Then, let's recreate your "Antenna" source
[16:34:12] frojnd: skd5aner: for listenings grabber I select nothing?
[16:34:16] skd5aner: correct
[16:34:18] frojnd: k
[16:34:20] frojnd: and finish
[16:34:27] skd5aner: make sure you selected "Delete all video sources" correct?
[16:34:32] skd5aner: not just deleting the one
[16:34:32] frojnd: yep
[16:34:34] skd5aner: cool
[16:34:54] skd5aner: you left the channel freq setting as "Default" in there right?
[16:35:09] frojnd: yes
[16:35:29] skd5aner: OK, now in input connections, select Television, and assign the source
[16:35:43] frojnd: ok
[16:35:53] skd5aner: Then, when you pick the source, it should say something like "Please add channels to this source or something"
[16:36:03] frojnd: yes
[16:36:06] skd5aner: you can then try the "scan for channels button there"
[16:36:18] skd5aner: this might take a REALLY long time, since we did a "try-all"
[16:36:50] frojnd: skd5aner: Desired Services: Tv, I have ticked Only free but unticked Test Decryptability
[16:37:00] frojnd: do I have to tick Test Decryptability or I select next
[16:37:21] skd5aner: not for analog, keep it unchecked
[16:37:26] frojnd: ok
[16:37:31] frojnd: now I'll go to grandma
[16:37:38] frojnd: bbl and thanx for now skd5aner
[16:37:40] skd5aner: np, let this run and see what happens when you come back
[16:37:44] frojnd: ok
[16:37:56] skd5aner: btw – you did plug in the antenna, right?
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[16:52:52] simonckenyon: Azelphur: i was going to buy one and have a play. glad to see that it can run myth. how hot does the plastic CPU heatsink get?
[16:55:09] simonckenyon (simonckenyon!~kvirc@ has quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.2 Shiny
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[17:01:49] frojnd: skd5aner: I'm back but with bitter news (at least for me) "Failed to find any channels."
[17:02:35] frojnd: skd5aner: yeah antenna is plugged in
[17:02:35] skd5aner: frojnd: sorry to hear that...
[17:02:56] frojnd: skd5aner: so.. what does this mean. That I don't have drivers for bt878?
[17:03:04] skd5aner: frojnd: unfortunately, I'm not sure how much more I can help you. I just don't know much about the bt878
[17:03:15] frojnd: hm
[17:03:22] skd5aner: nor do I know much about the broadcast standards in slovenia ;)
[17:03:35] skd5aner: PAL, I'm sure
[17:03:35] frojnd: skd5aner: u've already done incredible work and tought me a lot of things today :)
[17:03:42] frojnd: PAL?
[17:03:49] frojnd: I got it !PAL
[17:04:02] frojnd: NTSC
[17:04:03] skd5aner: well... PAL is a broadcast format for analog
[17:04:04] frojnd: hm
[17:04:05] skd5aner: yes
[17:04:11] frojnd: maybe that's the issue
[17:04:20] Casper0082 (Casper0082!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[17:05:01] skd5aner: well, if you could swing to get a card that isn't a frame grabber and uses the IVTV drivers, I could help a little more
[17:05:11] skd5aner: not much, but a little
[17:05:48] frojnd: I've rescanned and saw that signal strenght was 0
[17:07:25] skd5aner: yea, not a great sign
[17:07:37] skd5aner: does it flutter at all, or stay near 0 all the time?
[17:10:13] frojnd: 0 all the time
[17:10:41] skd5aner: at this point, the only thing I can recommend is trying to get it to work outside of mythtv first
[17:10:58] frojnd: skd5aner: hm
[17:11:27] frojnd: I've ditched the option if antenna is not working. lol I brought tv to the room to test it :D
[17:11:30] frojnd: haha
[17:11:58] johnnyj (johnnyj! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[17:12:02] skd5aner: yea?
[17:12:06] skd5aner: that's a good test
[17:12:11] frojnd: it's wokring on the tv :D
[17:13:38] skd5aner: frojnd:
[17:14:11] frojnd: let me see
[17:14:51] skd5aner:
[17:15:35] skd5aner: . . . t848,_bt878)
[17:18:27] Casper0082 (Casper0082!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:19:15] frojnd: bttv module is loaded..
[17:20:37] skd5aner: I can't imagine it does, but does it show up as a dvb device? ls /dev/dvb/
[17:20:57] frojnd: nope
[17:21:08] skd5aner: k, good
[17:22:12] ciphergoth (ciphergoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:22:12] skd5aner: do you know the make and model of your card, not just what chipset it is?
[17:22:32] frojnd: skd5aner: I only know what's on the output of lspci :|
[17:23:24] ciphergoth: tv_grab_uk_rt is dying with "Cannot decode string with wide characters" but .xmltv/tv_grab_uk_rt.conf starts with "encoding=utf-8" – any ideas?
[17:23:47] skd5aner: fronjnd: dmesg | grep bttv0
[17:23:52] skd5aner: put that in a pastebin
[17:24:50] skd5aner: actually, just do me a favor and do dmesg | grep bttv
[17:24:52] skd5aner: leave off the 0
[17:25:39] frojnd: skd5aner:
[17:25:40] skd5aner: or, even better, just do a dmesg and output everything
[17:26:13] frojnd: skd5aner: everything:
[17:26:20] skd5aner: thanks, give me a few
[17:27:14] cocoa117 (cocoa117! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[17:28:10] skd5aner: Setting up libpostproc51 (4:0.5+svn
[17:28:16] skd5aner: oops
[17:28:25] skd5aner: detected: Leadtek TV 2000 XP
[17:28:30] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:28:31] skd5aner: using: AVerMedia TVCapture 98
[17:28:43] skd5aner: why would it detect one model, then use another? :P
[17:28:54] frojnd: skd5aner: funny thing for sure :)
[17:29:36] skd5aner: lines 556–558 look suspicious too
[17:30:01] frojnd: bttv0: Avermedia eeprom[0xffff]: tuner=Unknown type radio:yes remote control:yes
[17:30:07] frojnd: I remember it had a remote control yeah
[17:30:10] frojnd: some white
[17:30:13] skd5aner: tuner= unknown
[17:30:20] frojnd: hehe
[17:30:28] skd5aner:
[17:30:37] skd5aner:
[17:30:59] skd5aner: lspci -vn, in a pastebin please
[17:31:26] frojnd: skd5aner:
[17:31:56] skd5aner: I'm officially going to say that this is beyond my expertise, and I'm reaching here... you'd probably get more help at something like #linuxtv
[17:32:57] frojnd: skd5aner: jeah thanx this is a good thing..
[17:33:15] frojnd: I mean you found out that I'm not actually having the TV card I thought Iam...
[17:33:35] skd5aner: frojnd: sorry, can you do a sudo lspci -vn and resend?
[17:33:45] frojnd: skd5aner: yeah sure
[17:34:14] frojnd:
[17:34:22] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[17:34:34] skd5aner: Yea, I can't say the card won't work, but there are definitely other cards that are better supported, easier to get to work, and basically plug-and-play compared to this
[17:34:47] frojnd: :)
[17:34:57] frojnd: I was afraid u's say so :P
[17:35:08] frojnd: I remembered that this card wasn't doing ok even under windows :p
[17:35:24] frojnd: but didn't know that this is actually Leadtek TV 2000 X?
[17:35:25] frojnd: XP
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[17:36:11] skd5aner: Well, it may not be?
[17:36:17] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[17:36:35] skd5aner: honestly, #linuxtv is the place to go from here
[17:36:45] skd5aner: or the store and buy a better card ;)
[17:36:53] frojnd: hehe ok:)
[17:36:57] frojnd: thax really for your time
[17:37:03] frojnd: thank you*
[17:37:08] skd5aner: tuner type =2, on some cards that's a NTSC type
[17:37:10] skd5aner: so...
[17:37:18] skd5aner: that wouldn't do you any good, I'm guessing, in Slovenia
[17:37:23] frojnd: nope
[17:37:35] frojnd: at least not untill 2011 :P
[17:37:45] skd5aner: even then, it would most likely be DVB
[17:38:16] skd5aner: not NTSC ( or ATSC)
[17:38:45] skd5aner: that full dmesg output is a good place to start with the folks in #linuxtv
[17:39:04] frojnd: I'll jump there
[17:39:34] skd5aner: get it working outside of myth first, then come back and we'll go from there
[17:41:30] skd5aner: tuner-simple 2–0061: type set to 2 (Philips NTSC (FI1236,FM1236 and compatibles))
[17:41:34] skd5aner: see, you're hosed right there
[17:43:27] ver: well, it's a versatile tuner type.
[17:43:35] ver: it can be set for NTSC, PAL, or SECAM
[17:43:41] ver: that identifier is a misnomer
[17:43:43] skd5aner: true
[17:44:05] ver: miss gnomer.
[17:44:57] dansushi (dansushi!~dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:45:03] skd5aner: frojnd: you could try editing /etc/modules.conf and added options bttv tuner=24 card=34 lumafilter=1 combfilter=1 chroma_agc=1
[17:45:09] skd5aner: oops, don't add that
[17:45:10] johnnyj (johnnyj! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[17:45:35] frojnd: skd5aner: in /etc/modules.conf I already have: options bttv radio=0 tuner=2 card=13 gbuffers=4 i2c_udelay=128
[17:45:39] GNU\colossus: what do I lose or gain from running myth on a 64bit system rather than a 32bit system (speaking software only, the CPU would support Long Mode anyway)? is there anything that strongly suggests sticking to i686 builds?
[17:45:49] frojnd: skd5aner: in /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf
[17:45:51] skd5aner: Did you add that?
[17:45:56] frojnd: skd5aner: jeah
[17:46:04] frojnd: skd5aner: I thought I have bt878
[17:46:13] skd5aner: well, change tuner from 2 to 5
[17:46:24] sphery: GNU\colossus: you could always go with multilib, then have your cake and eat it, too
[17:46:25] skd5aner: and card from...
[17:46:40] sphery: though, there's not that much that's not usable on pure 64-bit, anymore
[17:47:02] sphery: mainly, no running a Windows VM
[17:47:04] ver: GNU\colossus, i've had poor luck with older framegrabber cards on 64-bit arch, and i think running it in long mode would only make it worse.
[17:47:06] skd5aner: and card from 13 to 34
[17:47:15] skd5aner: got it frojnd?
[17:47:20] frojnd: skd5aner: yep
[17:47:21] skd5aner: that's why the mismatch
[17:47:26] ver: GNU\colossus, newer mpeg cards (particularly KWorld ones) i haven't had issues with, though.
[17:47:33] frojnd: skd5aner: rmmod bt878 and modprobe bt878 right?
[17:47:34] sphery: ver: the best solution for that is to not use framegrabbers--ever :)
[17:47:37] skd5aner: yes
[17:47:38] GNU\colossus: sphery: so there's no practical downside, maybe barring some obscure video codecs?
[17:47:38] frojnd: skd5aner: or bttv
[17:47:45] skd5aner: ummm, not sure
[17:47:50] ver: sphery, i like having various hardware to test with.
[17:47:53] skd5aner: try both, or use a big hammer and reboot ;)
[17:47:55] GNU\colossus: ver: my hardware should be supported A-OK under x86_64 :)
[17:47:59] sphery: GNU\colossus: as far as MythTV video CODECs, there won't be any problems
[17:48:01] ver: sphery, when myth drops support for them, so will i.
[17:48:03] skd5aner: after you do it, I want a new full dmesg
[17:48:03] frojnd: skd5aner: I'll try that first
[17:48:07] frojnd: skd5aner: ok
[17:48:09] sphery: even Flash is kind-of available in 64-bit
[17:48:11] frojnd: after reboot?
[17:48:17] frojnd: skd5aner: or after rmmod, modprobe?
[17:48:28] ver: GNU\colossus, then i can't imagine many issues. the git trunk often times introduces minor 64-bit only bugs, but they don't kick around long.
[17:48:39] skd5aner: sphery: some of the game console emulators don't work on the 64-bit distros :P
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[17:48:52] ver: sphery, flash on linux is in general just a bad joke
[17:48:58] GNU\colossus: ver: I won't be using development (non-)releases of myth anyway
[17:49:01] sphery: GNU\colossus: Only other things I know of you can't do are proprietary stuff--ATI Catalyst drivers, Windows in a hosted VM, etc.
[17:49:03] ver: adobe doesn't even try. they're like 'well it compiles.'
[17:49:05] skd5aner: frurstrating if you want to try out mythgame
[17:49:15] GNU\colossus: ver, sphery: thanks very much for the info! :)
[17:49:18] skd5aner: after rmmod modprob
[17:49:21] ver: i hope it helps, good luck
[17:49:31] frojnd: skd5aner:
[17:49:54] sphery: skd5aner: I have no legal access to ROMs, so no probs for me :) My MythGame is pysolfc.
[17:50:07] sphery: and I would /never/ play it on my TV screen, so...
[17:50:27] sphery: ver: agreed about Flash... Your best bet is not to use it.
[17:50:49] skd5aner: frojnd: I know it's due to my stupidity, but if possible do you mind doing a reboot?
[17:50:53] sphery: (I have a whole separate Firefox profile for starting up a window for a one-off view of some site that uses flash)
[17:51:06] frojnd: skd5aner: jeah sure :)
[17:51:12] skd5aner: not seeing what I would have hoped to see in the dmesg and I'd prefer to see what happens with a clean slate
[17:51:26] dfletcher: heh the whole freaking web this week has been Adobe vs Apple smackdown :P I hope they both die ;)
[17:51:43] frojnd: skd5aner: it might take a few secs
[17:51:49] skd5aner: no rush
[17:52:14] skd5aner: I'm going to be a bit pre-occupied here in 10 mins, so I might be slow in replying then
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[17:53:15] frojnd: skd5aner:
[17:53:25] skd5aner: sphery: yea, but it would be nice if people would quit using the excuse "don't use 64-bit if you want to use x" – at this point, they're just burrying their head in the sand instead of fixing their stupid programs
[17:53:47] frojnd: heh 64-bit system rules :)
[17:54:04] sphery: GNU\colossus: Oh, yeah, one more, Skype
[17:54:09] skd5aner: frojnd: that looks MUCH better
[17:54:15] sphery: also proprietary... see how this works...
[17:54:18] frojnd: jej jej :)
[17:54:31] skd5aner: go launch mythtv-setup again
[17:54:46] skd5aner: this time, we'll clean up again
[17:54:53] skd5aner: go in, delete all tuners
[17:54:59] skd5aner: go in delete all video sources
[17:55:20] skd5aner: make sure to use delete all for both
[17:56:11] frojnd: skd5aner: delete all capture cards?
[17:56:17] skd5aner: yes
[17:56:26] frojnd: ok
[17:56:27] skd5aner: we're going to re-add it from scratch
[17:56:35] skd5aner: and then go in and delete all video sources
[17:56:37] frojnd: also under video sources
[17:56:41] skd5aner: yup
[17:56:44] frojnd: ok
[17:56:45] frojnd: done
[17:56:56] skd5aner: ok, no go back, and add your capture card, as a v4l card
[17:57:01] skd5aner: no = now
[17:57:15] frojnd: oh jeah
[17:57:41] frojnd: it recognizes it now as Probed info: BT878 videoe (Leadtek WInFAst 20 [bttv]
[17:57:49] frojnd: skd5aner: everythign default
[17:57:53] frojnd: VBI AUDIO?
[17:58:02] skd5aner: when you add it, what does it say for "probed info"?
[17:58:26] frojnd: skd5aner: It was there at the beginning
[17:58:41] skd5aner: oh, didn't see you message
[17:58:42] skd5aner: sorry
[17:58:42] frojnd: Card type is bx deafault analog v4l so I didn't make anything just finish
[17:58:47] frojnd: no worries
[17:59:01] skd5aner: leave vbi and audio as defaults for now, anything in them?
[17:59:08] frojnd: yeah
[17:59:20] skd5aner: k, what about Default Input?
[17:59:20] frojnd: VBI device: /dev/vbi
[17:59:27] skd5aner: and audio device?
[17:59:27] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:59:31] frojnd: Audio device: /dev/dsp
[17:59:40] frojnd: an for audio sampling rate limit: none
[17:59:46] frojnd: default input, SORRY, Television
[17:59:48] skd5aner: k, good for now on those two... we can change if needed laer
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[17:59:56] skd5aner: click finish
[18:00:01] frojnd: k
[18:00:05] skd5aner: now go recreate your antenna source as before
[18:00:13] frojnd: doe
[18:00:15] frojnd: done
[18:00:40] skd5aner: ok, now edit your inputs
[18:00:52] frojnd: done
[18:00:56] skd5aner: and add the source to your input
[18:00:57] frojnd: I've select Antenna as before
[18:00:59] skd5aner: yup
[18:01:09] skd5aner: should say "add channels or something like that"
[18:01:39] frojnd: first scan
[18:01:39] skd5aner: "please add channels to your source" or something...
[18:01:43] skd5aner: this is where we want to scan again
[18:01:47] frojnd: aha
[18:01:47] frojnd: ok
[18:02:03] skd5aner: so, pick the "scan for channels"
[18:02:09] skd5aner: (doing this from memory)
[18:02:15] skd5aner: might not get the exact wording
[18:02:18] frojnd: yeah nothing found
[18:02:20] frojnd: :|
[18:02:21] skd5aner: and pick the same settings as last time
[18:02:23] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:02:25] frojnd: gotta take a toilet
[18:02:26] frojnd: brb
[18:02:29] skd5aner: there's no way it did a full scan
[18:05:13] gbee (gbee! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[18:06:28] frojnd: skd5aner: jeah..
[18:06:37] superdump (superdump!~rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.3-dev)
[18:06:40] frojnd: it did not it finished in less than a minute
[18:06:59] Nidhoegger (Nidhoegger! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:08:04] skd5aner: what options do you have setup for the scan?
[18:08:07] johnnyj (johnnyj! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:08:19] skd5aner: and you got the antenna hooked back up, correct?
[18:08:33] frojnd: skd5aner: correct
[18:08:34] ikevin (ikevin! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[18:08:35] sircolin (sircolin! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[18:09:10] frojnd: skd5aner: VideoSource: Antenna, Input: V4L: /dev/video0 (Television), Desired Services: TV, only free, scan type: Full scan, Channel frequency table: try-all
[18:09:27] skd5aner: hmmmm
[18:10:07] skd5aner: can you paste the output from the console where you launched mythtv-setup?
[18:10:20] skd5aner: it may be long... would like to see the last several hundred lines in a pastebine please
[18:10:33] unixSnob (unixSnob! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:12:18] sircolin (sircolin! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:12:55] frojnd: skd5aner: sure
[18:12:57] frojnd: just a sec
[18:13:20] frojnd: skd5aner: while it's loading.. do I have to try to scan?
[18:14:38] frojnd: while it scanns there is Scanning [numbers] No Lock
[18:15:16] frojnd: skd5aner:
[18:16:34] xand (xand!xand@pdpc/supporter/active/xand) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[18:18:47] frojnd: now I'm confused, u said it might be long.. I only got 36lines. do I have to run it with flags?
[18:19:55] KraMer (KraMer!~mark@2002:46f0:c2c9:0:215:f2ff:fef4:4288) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:19:56] johnnyj: hmm – what got put into mythbuntu 10.04 ?
[18:20:07] skd5aner: frojnd: yes, try mythtv-setup -v channelscan
[18:21:00] gbee (gbee! has quit (Disconnected by services)
[18:21:03] stuartm is now known as gbee
[18:21:17] skd5aner: also, before you start the scan again, I want to try and look at some of the options
[18:21:26] frojnd: skd5aner: ok
[18:22:15] skd5aner: frojnd: also, there are a few different tuner types for your card related to PAL. We tried "5", but you might also need to try "38" and "56" – . . . #Tuner_Types
[18:22:28] skd5aner: let's exhaust "5" first
[18:22:38] frojnd: ok
[18:22:48] skd5aner: there's also "3" and "24"
[18:24:42] skd5aner: let me know when you've launched with the verbose options
[18:24:56] frojnd: now
[18:24:57] frojnd: :P
[18:25:17] frojnd: mythtv-setup -v channelscan > output.txt 2>&1 is running
[18:25:32] skd5aner: ok, let's go back to your inputs, edit the input to add antenna to it, and go back into the channel scanner
[18:26:22] frojnd: Ok it stopped scanning with no channels
[18:26:41] skd5aner: you said "try-all" was selected?
[18:26:45] frojnd: do you wanna url?
[18:26:46] skd5aner: in the channel scanner?
[18:26:47] frojnd: skd5aner: yep
[18:26:48] skd5aner: yes please
[18:27:31] frojnd: skd5aner:
[18:28:46] skd5aner: interesting, it's supposed to try 914 frequencies, with 1000ms timeout
[18:28:59] skd5aner: so it should be taking at least 914 seconds at least
[18:29:31] frojnd: the frequency was like 1/100 second
[18:29:54] frojnd: ok more like 20/100 but still
[18:30:49] skd5aner: well...
[18:31:02] frojnd: we try now 38 :)
[18:31:18] skd5aner: just a sec... what are some of the channels that you can tune successfully on the TV?
[18:31:39] frojnd: PopTV
[18:31:41] frojnd: kanalA
[18:31:44] frojnd: tvslo1
[18:31:45] frojnd: tvslo2
[18:31:46] skd5aner: what is the channel numbers for those?
[18:31:51] frojnd: erm
[18:32:00] frojnd: the frequency?
[18:32:11] skd5aner: yea, like channel 2? 5? 20?
[18:32:21] frojnd: skd5aner: gotta take a look
[18:32:25] skd5aner: k
[18:32:27] frojnd: I'm going upstairs and check
[18:33:35] skd5aner: k
[18:38:56] frojnd: sorry it took me so long skd5aner
[18:39:06] frojnd: tvslo1: 196 Mhz
[18:39:37] frojnd: TV3: 847 Mhz
[18:39:49] frojnd: TVSLO2: 217 Mhz
[18:39:56] skd5aner: is there a concept of channel numbers associated to frequencies?
[18:39:57] javatexan (javatexan!~mia@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:40:00] frojnd: Akanal: 575 Mhz
[18:40:08] frojnd: skd5aner: nope
[18:40:11] skd5aner: like, on the remote – do you change channels by enterng a 2 or 3 digit number?
[18:40:24] frojnd: I only have like 5 channes
[18:40:26] frojnd: so
[18:40:27] frojnd: :)
[18:40:28] frojnd: 1
[18:40:32] frojnd: 2,3,4,5
[18:40:32] skd5aner: ok, np... that's foreign to us
[18:40:37] frojnd: hehe
[18:41:20] skd5aner: ok, well... I think we're probably doing this "the hard way", truth be told, because I've never ever troubleshooted this before...
[18:42:13] skd5aner: but, if you want to try and switch the tuner number based on that wiki article, reboot, then come back into mythtv and delete all tuners and all sources, then re-add all tuners and sources, then assign the source to the input and scan again...
[18:42:38] skd5aner: frojnd: I think you're way better off than you were a few hours ago
[18:42:55] frojnd: skd5aner: jeah :D now I even have a feeling there will be a picture :P
[18:42:58] skd5aner: just need to find the magic combination
[18:43:01] frojnd: tkanx to you
[18:43:38] skd5aner: so, we tried "tuner=5", lets try them top to bottom...
[18:43:44] xand (xand!xand@pdpc/supporter/active/xand) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:43:45] skd5aner: try "tuner=3"
[18:44:27] skd5aner: frojnd: let me know when you get that changed, reboot, and relaunch mythtv-setup
[18:44:46] skd5aner: man I'm glad it's a quiet room here today...
[18:44:58] skd5aner: probably boring everyone to death, I'm sure
[18:45:04] frojnd: hehehe
[18:45:05] frojnd: lol
[18:45:18] frojnd: do you think they have live cams and stream our little chat :P
[18:45:19] johnnyj: nobody here but us bored to death types
[18:45:34] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:45:35] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v gbee
[18:46:25] skd5aner: if I were them, I'd probably be laughing at my obtuse troubleshooting skills when it comes to a bt878 card
[18:46:49] frojnd: heh
[18:47:03] skd5aner: hey, does it really matter if it works in the end?*
[18:47:08] frojnd: this is my first card TV at all
[18:47:11] frojnd: skd5aner: nah..
[18:47:20] frojnd: we are doing this just becoause of fun
[18:47:34] skd5aner: * skd5aner does not guarentee ANYTHING will work in the end, and in fact makes no warranty that your system might not impload as part of this effort
[18:47:37] johnnyj: 'obtuse' – i'm gonna see how many times I can employ that word today
[18:47:42] frojnd: and to boost english language skills
[18:47:51] peterpops (peterpops! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:48:08] frojnd: I told you skd5aner "they are watchig us"
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[18:49:16] frojnd: ok so 3 does not work also
[18:49:31] skd5aner: OK, same symptoms and results?
[18:49:46] frojnd: yep
[18:49:54] skd5aner: ok, let's try 24, even though the wiki classifys it as South Africa :P
[18:50:05] GNU\colossus (GNU\colossus! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[18:50:18] skd5aner: btw, your English is pretty good frojnd
[18:50:27] skd5aner: I only laughed once ;)
[18:50:54] frojnd: lolol
[18:51:07] frojnd: <- this one is with 2
[18:51:13] frojnd: 2=3
[18:51:37] skd5aner: doh...
[18:51:45] skd5aner: before you reboot, can you check something for me?
[18:52:20] skd5aner: ls -la /dev/video0
[18:52:44] frojnd: skd5aner: already reboot it :S
[18:52:51] skd5aner: no worries, when it comes back up
[18:52:52] frojnd: it's already up
[18:53:19] frojnd: skd5aner: crw-rw---- 1 root video 81, 0 apr 30 20:52 /dev/video0
[18:53:26] skd5aner: ok
[18:53:33] skd5aner: what use are you running mythtv-setup with?
[18:53:36] skd5aner: user
[18:53:42] frojnd: vida
[18:53:57] unixSnob (unixSnob! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[18:54:04] skd5aner: more /etc/group | grep video
[18:54:32] frojnd: video:x:91:vida,frojnd
[18:54:37] skd5aner: ok, good deal :)
[18:54:44] skd5aner: that would have been embarrassing :)
[18:54:51] frojnd: haha
[18:54:55] frojnd: too eazy :P
[18:55:08] skd5aner: yea, sometimes it's easy to assume the easy stuff was already taken care of
[18:55:14] frojnd: yep
[18:55:17] skd5aner: ok, try again, you trying with 24 now?
[18:55:22] frojnd: yep
[18:55:47] hadees (hadees!~hadees@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:56:09] frojnd: nope
[18:56:18] skd5aner: well, 2 more left
[18:56:23] skd5aner: 28 and 56
[18:56:25] skd5aner: oops
[18:56:29] skd5aner: 38 and 56
[18:57:21] frojnd: here is the output though:
[18:58:37] skd5aner: next time, after putting 38 in, can you send me the dmesg output too?
[18:58:50] frojnd: skd5aner: you mean 56?
[18:58:53] frojnd: oh ok
[18:58:57] frojnd: now that will come in
[18:58:57] frojnd: ok
[18:59:17] skd5aner: try 38 first
[18:59:47] skd5aner: wait, step back a second...
[18:59:50] skd5aner: you tried 24 right?
[18:59:59] skd5aner: changed it to 24, rebooted, and tried scanning
[19:00:17] frojnd:
[19:00:30] frojnd: skd5aner: 24 yeah
[19:01:23] skd5aner: k, have you tried with 38 yet?
[19:01:31] frojnd: yes
[19:01:39] frojnd: no
[19:01:44] frojnd: dmesg I gave you is after reboot
[19:01:46] bjd (bjd! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[19:01:47] skd5aner: yes no?
[19:01:49] frojnd: now I'll try 38
[19:01:51] skd5aner: k
[19:01:51] frojnd: with*
[19:03:21] frojnd: nah
[19:03:24] frojnd: won't do it
[19:04:52] frojnd: the mythtv-setup with 38
[19:04:57] frojnd: going on the last one
[19:05:05] skd5aner: yea, 56
[19:05:08] skd5aner: last hurrah
[19:05:36] frojnd: tuner=56 right?
[19:05:41] skd5aner: yes
[19:05:48] frojnd: card is always the same card=34
[19:06:03] skd5aner: yes
[19:06:07] frojnd: options bttv radio=0 tuner=56 card=34 gbuffers=4 i2c_udelay=128
[19:06:11] skd5aner: now your card matches what is loaded
[19:06:35] gkeen316 (gkeen316!~gkeen316@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:07:01] skd5aner: You know, I don't know what those last 2 are, gbuffers and i2c, but I'm thinking they don't have to do with the tuning
[19:07:18] skd5aner: i2c, I believe, is related to the IR
[19:07:24] skd5aner: or is used for it anyway
[19:08:08] frojnd: ok crossed fingers... going to scan the last time this minute :P
[19:08:34] skd5aner: wouldn't that be something if it actually workd :P
[19:09:01] frojnd: haha
[19:09:06] frojnd: will see in one second
[19:09:19] frojnd: nope it own't scan it :P
[19:09:26] frojnd: I have a feeling it's modules
[19:09:49] skd5aner: Well, I'm officially going to throw in the towell
[19:09:52] skd5aner: towel
[19:10:08] skd5aner: I think we solved one big problem, which was your card=34
[19:10:16] skd5aner: the other is that you were running pre.23
[19:10:35] skd5aner: so now, you just got to figure out how to get that tuner to tune
[19:10:46] skd5aner: One piece of advice – if it won't work outside of myth, it won't work in myth
[19:11:00] skd5aner: #linuxtv is still your best hope for good advice/help
[19:11:17] frojnd: it's silent there from the time u suggested me to go there :P
[19:11:31] skd5aner: beyond that, I did see on wikipedia where Slovenia is shutting off analog end of 2010, so even if you do get it to work, it's basically a 7 month solution
[19:11:46] frojnd: skd5aner: I know..
[19:11:58] skd5aner: frojnd: I can't make people speak up, haha... in fact, we're the only 2 talking here and usually there's plenty of conversation in here
[19:12:10] frojnd: hehe
[19:12:30] skd5aner: my real suggestion to you, is to spend some money, and buy a good card that could do both analog now, and DVB-T after the switch
[19:12:31] frojnd: they are astonished how willing we are to determine the cause of the problem :)
[19:12:43] frojnd: skd5aner: what do you suggest?
[19:12:50] frojnd: I jsut created ebay account :P
[19:12:53] frojnd: just*
[19:13:11] skd5aner: Something from Hauppauge, but I don't have a specific recommendation for your needs
[19:13:19] skd5aner: I don't know what does PAL/DVB-T at the same time
[19:13:30] skd5aner: a good person to ask in here or in linuxtv is devinheitmueller
[19:14:02] frojnd: ok
[19:14:04] skd5aner: basically, you want a hybrid tuner
[19:14:18] skd5aner: Hayppauge makes good ones, with good support for linux, and is generally recommended around here
[19:14:22] skd5aner: Hauppauge
[19:14:36] skd5aner: please note though, that some of their models have issues with the analog portion...
[19:14:55] frojnd: skd5aner: will keep in mind
[19:14:59] skd5aner: I can't tell you which ones are good, and which ones don't have full analog support in the linux drivers
[19:15:04] skd5aner: devinheitmueller can tell you
[19:15:17] frojnd: skd5aner: I'll ask him then
[19:15:19] skd5aner: if you lived in the US, then I could throw some at you
[19:15:49] frojnd: skd5aner: again. Thank you so much..
[19:15:53] frojnd: can I buy u a beer?
[19:16:02] frojnd: do you have a paypal account?
[19:16:05] skd5aner: anytime, I'll let you know when I'm in Slovenia
[19:16:25] frojnd: skd5aner: or that but that I'm afraid won't be so quick :)
[19:16:26] skd5aner: I do, but it's not necessary, a promised beer is good enough ;)
[19:16:32] frojnd: :)
[19:16:58] skd5aner:
[19:17:06] bjd (bjd! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:18:37] skd5aner: frojnd: maybe the HVR-4000?
[19:18:53] skd5aner: I don't know how well that's truely supported though, but it mentiones DVB-T and PAL
[19:19:14] skd5aner: so you'd be set now, and after the digital transition
[19:19:24] wagnerrp: skd5aner, frojnd: expensive card that you only want to bother with if you intend to do satellite
[19:19:26] skd5aner: also, it's not a frame grabber, which is what you have now
[19:19:52] wagnerrp: there are plenty in the 1000/2000 lines that offer mpeg encoders and DVB-T
[19:19:53] skd5aner: wagnerrp: I figured it probably wasn't cheap... are you aware of any hybrid PAL/DVB-T cards?
[19:20:08] skd5aner: is the HVR-1600 compatible, or is it only NTSC/ATSC?
[19:20:16] wagnerrp: or you can pick up any supported DVB-T card, and an old PVR-150/500
[19:20:31] wagnerrp: the 1600 is ATSC/NTSC, but it does have DVB/PAL counterparts
[19:20:35] wagnerrp: i dont know the numbers off hand
[19:20:43] skd5aner: maybe something like 1650 or something?
[19:20:50] wagnerrp: 1150, 1300, and 1700 come to mind
[19:21:13] skd5aner: yea, you can do that too... get a DVB-T card, and an older PVR-X50/500
[19:21:56] skd5aner: PVR-X50/500 will be next to worthless to you in 7 months unless you want to use the other inputs or can somehow still tune an analog frequency after the transition
[19:22:35] GreyFoxx: What's happenning in 7 months?
[19:22:56] skd5aner: Well, in Slovenia, they are shutting off analog broadcast
[19:23:09] skd5aner: here... I don't know, New Years Eve parties?
[19:23:17] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:23:20] GreyFoxx: ahh
[19:23:47] skd5aner: :)
[19:24:15] ** skd5aner brushes the bt878 dust off his sholder, moving on **
[19:24:27] skd5aner: er, shoulder
[19:24:41] wagnerrp: frojnd: by 'other inputs', he means recording off a set-top-box or something similar
[19:25:50] frojnd: wagnerrp: set-top-box as mythbuntu?
[19:26:08] wagnerrp: as in a cable or satellite receiver
[19:26:18] wagnerrp: some form of external tuner
[19:26:43] wagnerrp: using analog capture, rather than tuning
[19:28:34] skd5aner: yes, like the s-video or composite ports (if they are on the card, I think they are) – you'd have to hook that up to something that actually tunes and displays the video and can send it to your card via those ports
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[19:32:43] pak0: hi all people
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[19:36:23] the-FoX (the-FoX! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:36:27] the-FoX: hi
[19:36:50] pak0: i have a serious problem with the af9015 chipset xD, i know a lot of people here now my continuos problem, its all time the same, af9015+mythtv = disconnect or something, because i can see my adapter if i do dmesg dvb or /dev/dvb/adapter0 and 1, but, when you use it, works like a charm, but when you dont use it in 4–5 hours, then disconnects or something
[19:37:10] pak0: its a problem on driver, because i have another hauppauge over usb port and never have this problem
[19:37:25] the-FoX: is it possible to start the internal video frontend player with a given video file as input out of the menu by insert an new menu-entriy?
[19:38:22] wagnerrp: you could add an external EXEC to mythavtest, but thats not really a proper way to do it
[19:38:55] wagnerrp: you could also write up a wrapper script run with EXEC that connects to the telnet socket and sends 'play file <file>'
[19:40:31] the-FoX: sounds good. so telnet to frontend, and send play file <filename> ? any example for that? cause i don't know how to connect to telnet with shells cript
[19:40:45] wagnerrp: do you know python?
[19:41:13] psipsi_ (psipsi_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:41:13] the-FoX: no
[19:41:15] the-FoX: not yet
[19:41:48] wagnerrp: well anyway... . . . t.2C_port.29
[19:42:23] the-FoX: oh wow, cool. thanks
[19:42:31] the-FoX: i'll check that out :)
[19:44:18] psipsi (psipsi! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[19:44:41] Wicked (Wicked!~zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:44:44] the-FoX (the-FoX! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:45:06] wagnerrp: aww... he left
[19:45:22] wagnerrp: and i just finished
[19:46:06] pak0 (pak0! has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[19:46:09] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[19:46:19] wagnerrp: and hes using one of those funky clients that leaves the channel prior to quitting IRC completely
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[20:11:59] Azelphur: wagnerrp: I was interested but the pastebin link appears not to work :(
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[20:39:57] justinh: here's a blast from the past for yer: . . . Frontend.png
[20:40:22] justinh: when opengl goes bad. muhahaha
[20:40:26] hatred (hatred! has quit (Quit: ...)
[20:41:19] ciphergoth (ciphergoth! has quit (Disconnected by services)
[20:41:41] tgm4883: justinh, that is a sweet theme
[20:42:29] tgm4883: looks difficult to navigate though
[20:42:32] justinh: call it 'Dali'
[20:42:50] psipsi_ (psipsi_! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[20:43:01] justinh: yeah the best thing about it was the way everything rotated on 3 axes on every redraw
[20:43:11] ciphergoth (ciphergoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:44:04] ciphergoth: Ubuntu Karmic, amd64. Mythvideo can't seem to see my video files – I rescan but nothing happens. I've checked permissions as the mythtv user
[20:44:10] justinh: anyway, I found the work I was doing on the painters again, that's the main thing :)
[20:44:25] psipsi__ is now known as psipsi
[20:44:29] ciphergoth: and even put the files in the mythtv user's home directory, owned by that user, to no avail. Any ideas?
[20:44:33] justinh: ciphergoth: and you've pointed mythvideo at the right directory?
[20:44:42] ciphergoth: Yes I think so
[20:44:49] justinh: I have my doubts ;-)
[20:44:55] ciphergoth: That's the colon separated list at the start of the dialog?
[20:45:07] ciphergoth: I've even tried re-typing that from scratch in case there's a typo I can't see
[20:45:10] ciphergoth: And I see this log message
[20:45:28] ciphergoth: UPnpMedia: BuildMediaMap VIDEO scan starting in :/home/mythtv/Videos:
[20:45:36] ciphergoth: which is the right directory
[20:45:59] ciphergoth: checked by cutting and pasting text above into "ls -l"
[20:46:19] ciphergoth: It says "UPnpMedia: BuildMediaMap Done. Found 3 objects"
[20:46:25] ciphergoth: but I can't see any objects
[20:46:39] ciphergoth: Also I see that log message only every half hour, not when I trigger a scan
[20:47:14] justinh: ciphergoth: that's nothing to do with mythvideo
[20:47:31] ciphergoth: where do I set the address for mythvideo to do the scan?
[20:48:24] ciphergoth: cos UPnpMedia is getting that path from the dialog I filled in
[20:50:18] ciphergoth: It's a real head-scratcher for me this one, have been trying quite a few different things!
[20:50:41] ciphergoth: I even tried stracing the entire mythfrontend with the -f flag and grepping the logs for /home/mythtv/Videos but no joy
[20:51:15] ciphergoth: and of course stopping and restarting frontend and backend.
[20:53:35] ciphergoth: arg, it's in mythtv-setup.
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[20:58:32] johnnyj: is sphery away or idle?
[20:59:58] ruskie (ruskie!ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:00:00] johnnyj: eh nm
[21:00:06] johnnyj: i gotta run anyway
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[21:12:25] jarle: My backend log filles up with "DVBRec(1:/dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend0): PID 0x258 discontinuity detected" when recording, is this something I should look into?
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[21:29:45] markl_: is it possible to get mythfrontend not to try to connect to the backend?
[21:30:06] [R]: you want it to sit there and look pretty thne?
[21:31:19] markl_: videos & music only
[21:31:25] markl_: what i really want
[21:31:29] Azelphur: markl_: the videos come from the backend
[21:31:31] markl_: is just a command line replacement for mplayer
[21:31:34] Azelphur: so does the music
[21:31:34] [R]: sounds like you dont want mythtv then
[21:31:44] markl_: i want the mythfrontend internal player
[21:31:49] [R]: markl_: mplayer is command line...
[21:31:49] markl_: it is 100x better than mplayer or vlc
[21:31:53] markl_: exactly
[21:32:02] Azelphur: markl_: why not run the backend and frontend on the same machine?
[21:32:12] markl_: ok i just played videos without setting up the backend
[21:32:18] markl_: i just need a local db
[21:32:44] markl_: Azelphur: sometimes i just want to quickly play a video from the command line
[21:32:53] markl_: on any machine other than my HTPC
[21:32:59] Azelphur: then you want mplayer?
[21:33:02] Azelphur: and not mythtv?
[21:33:07] markl_: except that mplayer is a piece of crap
[21:33:23] markl_: when it comes to deinterlacing, vdpau
[21:33:24] Azelphur: isn't mythtv based on mplayer?
[21:33:33] markl_: maybe 10 years ago
[21:33:47] grumpydevil (grumpydevil!~rudy@2001:610:73e:0:225:64ff:fea4:928e) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[21:33:52] Captain_Murdoch: for all cases where 'based on' means they start with the same letter then yeah.
[21:34:03] PeaceKeeper: I wish there was a QWERTY remote / keyboard like Boxee's Remote but for mythtv.
[21:34:12] Captain_Murdoch: Azelphur, they both use libavcodec and libavformat if that's what you mean.
[21:34:30] markl_: Captain_Murdoch: heh
[21:34:33] Azelphur: lol
[21:34:35] Captain_Murdoch: and MythVideo can shell out to run mplayer if you have a video that won't play in he internal player, but those are becoming rarer and rarer.
[21:34:42] markl_: PeaceKeeper: there is a tiny logitech keyboard i have seen
[21:34:47] gbee: markl_: we're moving towards all media being served by the backend, so like it or not, by 0.24 you'll need the backend for everything (but on the upside it will allow for some cool features, zero-config frontends etc)
[21:34:55] markl_: Captain_Murdoch: dude it is actually the complete opposite
[21:35:06] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[21:35:16] markl_: mythtv plays everything
[21:35:21] gbee: Azelphur: mythtv is not and never has been based on mplayer
[21:35:24] markl_: mplayer & vlc suck
[21:35:31] Azelphur: ok, guess I got that one wrong :)
[21:35:32] markl_: i guess suck is too strong a word
[21:35:43] markl_: they are stuck in the 20th century
[21:35:54] Captain_Murdoch: markl_, I know, hence why I said it's becoming rarer and rarer that you have to shell out to mplayer or something else since the internal player supoprts more formats now.
[21:36:16] markl_: Captain_Murdoch: yeah my point is that mplayer needs an option to shell out to mythfrontend
[21:36:27] gbee: or vlc, or xine or any other media player – it does use ffmpeg libs for decoding like all those projects but that's where the similarities end
[21:36:45] markl_: hopefully with hardware decoding, they can all converge some day
[21:36:52] markl_: as far as playback ability
[21:37:26] markl_: so is it easy to disable the communication to the backend, or should i just set up a dummy backend service
[21:37:35] markl_: seems like such a waste
[21:37:49] trumee (trumee! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:37:58] markl_: also, is it possible for mythtv to let the window manager manage it?
[21:38:14] markl_: and let me force a resolution?
[21:38:35] PeaceKeeper: tiny logitech keyboard? I need to google for it
[21:38:53] highzeth: my brother got one of those, not bad, bluetooth
[21:39:32] highzeth: inovo? something along those lines
[21:39:33] Captain_Murdoch: markl_, the backend is going towards more like a media server, we may even split the recording part off into a separate application.
[21:39:58] highzeth: diNovo Mini =)
[21:40:04] PeaceKeeper: diNovo is what I have found
[21:41:03] markl_: Captain_Murdoch: cool that's a good idea
[21:41:20] markl_: but this may be an opportunity to put vlc & mplayer out to pasture
[21:41:40] markl_: just need the ability to specify the video options on the cmd line instead of from the db
[21:41:43] Captain_Murdoch: could end up being something like this: master backend just does scheduling of jobs, storage, recordings, etc.. slave backends record, serve files from local storage, run jobs, etc..
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[21:42:14] hadeees (hadeees!~hadees@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:42:19] markl_: Captain_Murdoch: yeah that will rock for my htpc. but when someone hands me a usb flash disk with a 1080i video to watch, i want something easy
[21:42:31] markl_: e.g. a totem-mythfrontend plugin
[21:42:39] markl_: or cmd line myth internal player
[21:42:41] Captain_Murdoch: the current option to spawn an external player is going to change sometime probably. could end up just being a single option "run external player", then it's up to the external script to run the right app to display that file or provide the right cmd line options to scale correctly, etc..
[21:42:47] markl_: guess i should just hack it up
[21:42:59] markl_: Captain_Murdoch: i think you're missing what i want to do
[21:44:31] Captain_Murdoch: setup a Jump point into MythVideo and just browse to the USB key that was automounted when you plugged it in.
[21:45:56] Captain_Murdoch: eventually you'll even be able to copy a mythtv recording and it's corresponding xml metadata file to a usb key or CD and pop it into a frontend and have that file w/ metadata show up in Watch Recordings and/or MythVideo.
[21:46:57] Captain_Murdoch: archive off your videos by copying onto an external HD and remove/delete them from Myth. attach that external HD back to Myth and if your Stroage Groups are setup correctly, you'd be able to browse the recordings on the disk.
[21:47:04] Captain_Murdoch: that's where we're headed.
[21:47:23] Captain_Murdoch: mean to start with 'archive off your recordings' there.
[21:47:42] Captain_Murdoch: anyway, /me has to run, bbl
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[22:07:33] wagnerrp: Azelphur: if youre still around, the proper link was
[22:08:08] Azelphur: cool, seems simple :)
[22:08:10] [R]: wtf... who are the mythbuntu devs to decide what is "proper" for how i shutdown my frontend
[22:08:13] Azelphur: can you add menu items and stuff with it?
[22:08:30] wagnerrp: thats up to you
[22:08:41] wagnerrp: you have to edit the menu xml and add an EXEC element
[22:08:48] wagnerrp: ive never done it personally, but i know it can be done
[22:08:49] Azelphur: I see
[22:09:08] wagnerrp: ciphergoth: still around?
[22:09:57] wagnerrp: justinh: that image looks like something from Saved by the Bell
[22:10:01] wagnerrp: ... only with less neon
[22:10:57] wagnerrp: ciphergoth: anyway.... mythvideo is moving over to storage groups, starting with 0.22
[22:11:19] wagnerrp: the old path settings for direct access were set in the frontend
[22:11:38] wagnerrp: the UPNP server is independent of mythvideo, and still uses those old style settings
[22:12:04] wagnerrp: the new storage groups are set in mythtv-setup like you found, and allow the backend to stream the content
[22:12:14] wagnerrp: rather than require every frontend have direct access to those files
[22:12:38] gbee: and every frontend needing to be configured from scratch
[22:12:39] wagnerrp: the intent is to move all plugins toward this form of access
[22:12:55] wagnerrp: yeah, that too
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[22:34:24] ciphergoth: wagnerrp: Yep, found it in mythtv-setup.
[22:34:31] ciphergoth: wagnerrp: Thanks.
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[23:09:55] mag0o: ok, so, with a revo and digital audio, the audio makes it from the revo to the tv, but from the tv optical out to the receiver i get nothing. any ideas?
[23:10:16] mag0o: tv optical out to receiver works, as the self test on the tv produces sound
[23:11:51] mag0o: grr
[23:11:52] mag0o: nm
[23:11:53] mag0o: :)
[23:12:11] mag0o: change from 5.1 to stereo did the trick
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