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Monday, March 29th, 2010, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:11] sphery: +1 for "This bug affects 3 people" (where generally those 3 have a crazy configuration/settings)
[00:03:18] iamlindoro: I am *very* thankful for the Myth distro's capacity to run interference for us, however
[00:04:01] iamlindoro: Triage would be a lot more painful without them
[00:04:55] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:05:18] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:28] sphery: definitely
[00:18:04] jolaren (jolaren! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[00:20:57] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!~gandalfco@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:22:34] wagnerrp: resolution-> closed, we are not lcdproc
[00:23:00] wagnerrp: of course you would probably want to lock those straight out
[00:23:09] wagnerrp: and block the IP from the -dev list
[00:24:03] wagnerrp: 'what do you mean you dont do support for other projects? dont you know what open source means???'
[00:25:01] awalls: Open source ==> whine until someone does it for free?
[00:25:13] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!~gandalfco@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:25:25] wagnerrp: exactly
[00:25:32] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:25:50] ** awalls has a bad attitude tonight **
[00:25:55] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:26:42] awalls (awalls! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:33:51] Coded1 (Coded1! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:35:28] Coded1: is anyone having issues with mythnetvision and no audio? can't seem to find out why but I was on youtube everything loads nicely and video plays but no sound. Made sure the controls on the flash player were set to max vol but no luck
[00:37:28] iamlindoro: Once the flash widget loads, its out of MNV's hands and squarely on the shoulders of Adobe
[00:37:53] iamlindoro: Have not seen that particular issue
[00:38:08] iamlindoro: (but there's little/nothing that Myth or MNV can do about it)
[00:39:00] RDV_Linux_: Coded1: Although I have not had the problem you described I have had my music player grab control of audio and not allow flash in access to the audio stream. I fix this by running "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" in a terminal session.
[00:39:22] Coded1: its fine in firefox .. not sure where to check. I ran the volume app (not sure the name) but it has a tab "Applications" usually has a listing there if a program but nothing is there
[00:39:39] Coded1: RDV_Linux_, thanks again, will give it a shot
[00:39:40] iamlindoro: Erm, sounds like you are using pulseaudio
[00:40:11] RDV_Linux_: Coded1: I am only using ALSA and pulseaudio in uninstalled.
[00:40:13] iamlindoro: which is basically not officially supported in myth at all
[00:40:36] Coded1: I've had problems with pulse for the past year now not sure why they keep on defaulting to it
[00:41:03] wagnerrp: because someone thinks its fancy to have an audio server
[00:41:15] iamlindoro: Video playback in myth now has some rudimentary (but still not officially supported) support for pulse, but no work whatsoever has been done in other audio-using portions of myth to use pulse
[00:41:30] Coded1: ahh but it would be even fancier to have an audio server that works :)
[00:41:31] dividehex-mobile (dividehex-mobile!~dividehex@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:41:35] iamlindoro: I strongly suspect yanking pulse will cause audio to "just work" in the browser
[00:41:37] iamlindoro: indeed it would!
[00:42:09] iamlindoro: I suspect the PA folks and the distro people figured by forcing all the application's hands by defaulting to pulse, they would compel everyone to support it
[00:42:27] Coded1: pulse would have to work first I would guess
[00:42:28] iamlindoro: a) they were wrong, and b) Pulse only supports a tiny fraction of the underlying ALSA API that is needed to keep video and audio in sync
[00:42:29] Coded1: ...
[00:43:10] Coded1: i had massive cpu usage and crackling on my audigy card last time I tried it almost blew my speakers
[00:43:27] iamlindoro: needless to say, we are not Pulse fans here ;)
[00:43:38] Coded1: ++
[00:43:49] Coded1: sounds great on paper though
[00:43:57] iamlindoro: and when prompted to improve our pulse support or expose the API needed, the pulse devs have responded with total indifference
[00:44:20] Beirdo: sfasfakslghqeo;gphqp9golk2~!#$@Q!#$
[00:44:21] wagnerrp: pulse doesnt sound great on paper
[00:44:26] Beirdo: so...
[00:44:34] wagnerrp: it sounds completely unneded on paper for 99% of users
[00:44:46] Beirdo: it seems that Ubuntu 9.10 don't work with my crappy Radeon.
[00:44:48] Beirdo: period
[00:44:56] Coded1: i thought it sounded cool anyway ... but never the less it doesn't work
[00:45:08] wagnerrp: what about it sounded cool?
[00:45:10] Beirdo: black screen, tons of stupid errors in the dmesg
[00:45:52] Coded1: wagnerrp, streaming / transcoding audio i guess
[00:46:14] wagnerrp: you can do audio resampling in ALSA
[00:46:25] Beirdo: you can do audio resampling in sox :)
[00:46:34] Beirdo: have been able to since 1990 or so
[00:46:34] wagnerrp: theres half a dozen other sound servers already in existance, why write yet another in pulse
[00:46:57] Coded1: true but I thought it would transcode to different codecs / formats .. aac / pcm / etc
[00:47:21] wagnerrp: well you dont 'transcode' to PCM, you simply decode
[00:47:25] Beirdo: wagnerrp: because it's "cool" to write yer own?
[00:47:26] iamlindoro: the audio is already decoded when it gets to the sound server
[00:47:46] wagnerrp: and does any hardware actually support AAC for it to be worthwhile to send that over the wire?
[00:47:56] iamlindoro: not a whole lot
[00:48:04] wagnerrp: Beirdo: didnt someone link an article in here about that a couple days ago?
[00:48:05] Coded1: my hdmi HD tv does
[00:48:06] Coded1: :)
[00:48:15] iamlindoro: Coded1, what TV is that?
[00:48:15] Beirdo: oh, probably
[00:48:22] wagnerrp: does it? i didnt think AAC was part of anyone's spec
[00:48:24] Beirdo: I'm so frigging mad right now
[00:48:29] Coded1: panasonic thpz750u
[00:48:51] wagnerrp: AC3, DTS, EAC3, DTSHD
[00:48:56] Beirdo: if I downgrade to 8.04, it should run
[00:49:10] Beirdo: but then I can't debug nuvexport with transcode
[00:49:18] Coded1: oops I might have meant ac3 ... my noob is showing
[00:49:21] Beirdo: at 9.10, and 10.04... no X
[00:49:38] iamlindoro: yeah, don't see any reference to AAC, that would be exceedingly unusual
[00:49:39] Coded1: Beirdo, what radeon do you have?
[00:49:46] Beirdo: and I'm not going to go buy a new card right now
[00:49:53] Beirdo: R300
[00:50:03] wagnerrp: here we go... Bluray does, not support AAC... HDDVD does, not support AAC
[00:50:07] Coded1: whats that the 9000 series
[00:50:10] Coded1: ?
[00:50:21] wagnerrp: neither DVDA nor SACD used AAC either
[00:50:24] Beirdo: I dunno. FireGL X1
[00:50:44] Beirdo: anyways, I have no replacement AGP cards right now, and this is the only working maching.
[00:50:48] Beirdo: machine rather
[00:50:56] wagnerrp: a 300? i think ive got one of those myself
[00:51:00] Beirdo: except my old myth box...
[00:51:11] Beirdo: and I'm not pulling it apart (Antec Aria)
[00:51:25] Coded1: Beirdo, your better off getting an old geforce 6200 in a bargin bin like I did for $20
[00:51:28] wagnerrp: yeah, ive got a 9800 Pro
[00:51:36] Beirdo: I'm NOT buying another card right now
[00:51:45] nwidger (nwidger! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:51:47] wagnerrp: or rather my friend has my 9800 Pro, about 5mi away
[00:51:51] Beirdo: I'm moving in like 2 weeks and this computer's not coming with me
[00:52:04] Beirdo: not gonna spend another penny on it
[00:52:05] wagnerrp: hes had that thing for like two years now
[00:52:30] Coded1: 2 years ? I had one of those in 2003/4 when it came out
[00:52:53] Coded1: little bastard costed like $600 CDN back then
[00:53:08] wagnerrp: wow, i think i paid like $150 for mine
[00:53:11] Coded1: lol
[00:53:14] nwidger (nwidger! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:53:25] Coded1: early adopters always get burned
[00:53:28] Coded1: its the law
[00:53:35] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:53:38] Beirdo: and there goes the local riceboy again
[00:53:50] Beirdo: I feel like putting a spike strip on this road
[00:54:04] Coded1: you can hear my honda from all the way over there?
[00:54:05] Coded1: lol
[00:54:16] Coded1: i kid I would never fit in a honda
[00:54:22] Beirdo: these idiots go through here like it's a drag strip
[00:54:29] Coded1: but damn do they *sound* fast!
[00:54:34] Beirdo: with their apple juice can exhaust
[00:54:46] Beirdo: noisy, annoying, slow pieces of crap
[00:55:07] Coded1: over here we just jab a hole in the catalytic ... its much cheaper and much more deserving for a honda
[00:55:16] Coded1: lol
[00:55:29] Beirdo: meh
[00:55:38] Beirdo: Honda makes nice cars
[00:55:54] Beirdo: it's just the boneheads who think they know better than Honda that annoy me
[00:56:05] Coded1: true true
[00:56:14] Beirdo: Honda tuned those engines already
[00:56:22] Beirdo: leave em alone!
[00:56:46] Beirdo: and stop driving 50mph in a 25mph zone, tards!
[00:56:50] Coded1: what do you guys think the damage will be if I just yank out pulse ? will there be a lot of triage ?
[00:56:57] ** Beirdo is feeling like a geezer **
[00:57:13] Coded1: are they on your lawn ... ?
[00:57:29] Beirdo: no, but they would be if I put out a spike strip :)
[00:57:37] Coded1: lmao
[00:58:00] Beirdo: hmmm
[00:58:03] Beirdo: I wonder
[00:58:11] Coded1: a bunch of old nails from the garadge will work wonders
[00:58:19] Beirdo: maybe X put it on the second port?!
[00:58:24] Beirdo: let me go look
[00:59:39] Coded1: gonna see if this works brb
[01:01:49] Coded1 (Coded1! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:04:06] Coded1 (Coded1! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:04:31] Coded1: gah no luck ... removed pulse but still no audio in mythnetvision
[01:05:35] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:46] RDV_Linux_: Coded1: After I removed pulseaudio I had to check and correct the master and pcm volume through the alsa mixer. I think the master volume was 0%.
[01:07:11] Beirdo: the weird thing is...
[01:07:24] Beirdo: I know this booted 10.04 before
[01:07:34] Coded1: RDV_Linux_, make sense ...
[01:07:39] Coded1: makes *
[01:07:41] JJ2 (JJ2! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[01:10:31] Beirdo: grrr. this video card is gonna get airborne soon
[01:11:11] Coded1: RDV_Linux_, checked it out all are maxed... restarted /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart
[01:12:55] RDV_Linux_: Coded1: You are making a lot of changes. Make sure audio works outside of MythTV. At least then you have a single issue to focus on.
[01:16:38] ** Beirdo waits for FC 12 to download **
[01:18:10] Coded1: RDV_Linux_, you mean process of elimination ... that will never work /s
[01:19:13] RDV_Linux_: Coded1: It is the only reliable process I know outside of divine intervention;)
[01:20:50] Coded1: WWJD?
[01:20:54] Coded1: :)
[01:21:43] Coded1: well ... checked recordings / video both work fine ...
[01:22:52] Coded1: Does seeing a Deity on my toast this morning count?
[01:23:30] Coded1: cause its not working
[01:23:37] Coded1: lol
[01:23:48] Coded1: knew i shoulda had cereal
[01:28:59] dewman (dewman! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:30:58] Coded1: craps I was wrong... sound doesn't work in firefox either
[01:31:39] dewman: I have a silly question...
[01:32:49] dewman: if the cable company is sending encrypted channels then I should "not" be able to recieve them on my tv correct? IE: I should need a cable box.
[01:37:18] Coded1: dewman, i think some of the channels may be encrypted and some not, do all of them show?
[01:39:05] dewman: well for instance, on the tv I can get comedy central without a box...But is that channel really encrypted?
[01:39:41] dewman: I am not trying to circumvent encryption. I am just trying to figure out why the channels that I am scanning are getting radio channels or not coming in at all.
[01:41:38] dewman: I just got a new tuner card today..Pinnacle pctv hd card...Which should be much better then the avertvhd card that I had...
[01:46:56] Coded1 (Coded1! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:03:56] oobe (oobe! has quit (Quit: me dont know what this means >>> 夠荒唐)
[02:04:23] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:04:23] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:06:38] dewman: silly me....I havent configured the analog side of the card....
[02:08:39] dewman: Sheesh....I feel like number one retard...
[02:13:37] Wicked: it possible to have jamu also download pictures for each tv show? when i manually hit "w" on a tv downloads a picture from that episode....but in jamu...its just using the tv show season pic for each file...look much better imo if each episode has its own unique picture
[02:14:46] wagnerrp: tv show (recording)? or video?
[02:14:56] Wicked: oh my bad. videos
[02:15:32] RDV_Linux_: Wicked: The only unique image for a TV show episode at TVDB is the screen shot and jamu does not download screen shots.
[02:15:53] Wicked: and id love to figure out why sometimes mythtv sets the picture for the folder...but other times it does not
[02:16:09] Wicked: thats what i download screenshots
[02:16:13] wagnerrp: mythtv does not set folder pictures
[02:16:24] wagnerrp: it only downloads content for the videos themselves
[02:16:26] Wicked: it did for some shows
[02:16:38] wagnerrp: however it will perform an image search when displaying those folders
[02:16:51] wagnerrp: and should pick up the first artwork it finds for content within that folder
[02:17:04] Wicked: hmm crap. even after i manually hit "w" on the show so it downloads the screenshot....mythtv is still using the season picture from jamu
[02:17:21] Wicked: hmm well..its only setting pictures for certain shows.
[02:17:58] wagnerrp: if jamu is inserting the season picture as a screenshot, you may have to dump your theme cache before it will be regenerated
[02:18:09] Wicked: i just tried to
[02:18:15] Wicked: i removed everything in the themecache folder
[02:18:20] Wicked: and it still did not fix it
[02:18:36] wagnerrp: then there may simply not be screenshots available for those episodes
[02:18:36] Wicked: lets see if changing theme has any effect
[02:18:43] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:18:45] Wicked: wagnerrp, there is.
[02:18:57] RDV_Linux_: wagnerrp: Jamu does not touch screenshots in any way shape or form
[02:19:03] Wicked: in started displaying a screen show picture...but not for the file picture
[02:19:19] iamlindoro: This is gibberish
[02:19:30] Wicked: ok. changing the theme worked.
[02:19:34] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:22:08] dewman: wagnerrp, you will be happy to know that I will no longer ask silly questions here since i read the directions. =)
[02:22:59] wagnerrp: eh?
[02:23:59] dewman: well....After a month of banging my head on the floor...It dawned on me...My card has 2 tuners in it...No wonder I wasnt getting any channels when all i was configuring was the digital side and not the analog side.
[02:24:10] dewman: doh!
[02:24:23] Wicked: so i guess the issue is not with myth/jamu not setting the folder picture..but rather mythtv not properly finding the 1st picture for the show?
[02:25:03] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[02:26:53] j-rod (j-rod! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:26:53] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v j-rod
[02:26:57] Wicked: here is a pic of what i mean:
[02:27:27] Wicked: i have never downloaded and made folder.jpg's for any of those. mythtv has done something to display the pictures for the folders
[02:28:00] wagnerrp: correct, it does a recursive image search into the content in that folder
[02:28:08] wagnerrp: and shows the first image it finds
[02:28:22] wagnerrp: folders themselves have no entry in the database to attach images to them
[02:28:27] iamlindoro: You use season folders under those folders
[02:28:31] iamlindoro: ask me how I know
[02:28:33] Wicked: how come it only does it on certain folders? every one of those folders has metainfo downloaded
[02:28:53] wagnerrp: oh, so its not recursive? only one level down?
[02:28:59] oobe: how do you know iamlindoro
[02:29:01] iamlindoro: it's fixed distance
[02:29:03] Wicked: i dont know?
[02:29:11] wagnerrp: oobe: he wrote it
[02:29:19] oobe: he asked me to ask him
[02:29:32] oobe: well not me specifically
[02:29:35] iamlindoro: it'll recurse twice and match IF grandchild title = grandparent folder name
[02:29:46] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[02:30:05] Wicked: iamlindoro, most of them yea...i do "TV/Show/Season/ShowS01E01.avi" or w/e
[02:30:18] iamlindoro: and once you download metadata for "" and it becomes "Curb your enthusiasm"...
[02:30:32] iamlindoro: Curb.Your.Enthusiasm != Curb Your Enthusiasm
[02:31:09] Wicked: oh hmm. I see.
[02:31:21] Wicked: i tend to avoid using spaces in files when archiving.
[02:31:22] oobe: i have never seen a video with a prefix
[02:31:32] iamlindoro: whereas Cops == Cops
[02:31:37] Wicked: i see
[02:31:39] wagnerrp: oobe: in that case, it would be a suffix
[02:31:46] Wicked: what about Family Guy?
[02:31:47] iamlindoro: and DEA == DEA
[02:31:53] Wicked: that has a poster for it
[02:31:54] oobe: yes i knew i stuffed that up thanks wagnerrp
[02:32:00] wagnerrp: :)
[02:32:13] oobe: i was trying to be clever but i looked dumb
[02:32:14] iamlindoro: Family guy either doesn't have season folders, has a folder.jpg, or has a video with metadata that you changed the title to "family.guy"
[02:32:26] oobe: first time for everything
[02:32:28] Wicked: hmm
[02:33:01] Wicked: Is there any easy way to change it so it matches?
[02:33:13] iamlindoro: change your folder names, rescan, download metadata
[02:33:18] Wicked: or well..i should it doesnt have to match
[02:33:21] iamlindoro: no
[02:33:37] Wicked: ok. Ill try to rename the folders.
[02:35:22] Wicked: is this something done intentionally? or a small bug?
[02:35:32] wagnerrp: intentionally
[02:35:56] Wicked: :o
[02:35:56] iamlindoro: Correct, intentional
[02:35:59] Wicked: why?
[02:37:53] Wicked: i dont really see how its effective for anything other then being a pita.
[02:38:07] iamlindoro: Sorry you feel that way, I'll arrange a full refund
[02:38:10] wagnerrp: works perfectly fine if you use an operating system that allows spaces in file names
[02:39:09] Wicked: well not just that. but for instance. "da ali g show"...when it gets its meta really "da ali g show (us)" which is super ugly in filenames.
[02:39:23] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:39:28] iamlindoro: Then don't use season folders
[02:39:50] wagnerrp: or use a mass sql replace after importing metadata
[02:40:13] wagnerrp: or tweak the grabber script to allow you to filter the returned titles
[02:40:17] Wicked: hmm. i just dont see why its intentionally done if it can be easily fixed.
[02:40:28] iamlindoro: There's nothing to fix
[02:40:41] iamlindoro: You not understanding why it is the way it is is not evidence of a bug
[02:40:49] wagnerrp: something broken means its not working as expected
[02:41:28] iamlindoro: and I had a whole explanation of the logic and why it is the way it is that I deleted a few minutes ago when the "PITA" remark came out
[02:41:58] Wicked: lol
[02:43:11] dividehex (dividehex! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:44:16] Wicked: i guess i can always use xbmc for videos...there grabber works great and gets all the artwork in a sensible manner
[02:44:32] iamlindoro: K, can't say we'll miss you
[02:47:32] Wicked: im not going anywhere hehe. just for getting video metadata...xbmc is easier :)
[02:48:01] wagnerrp: mythtv expects you to use sensible file names, that is all
[02:48:19] styelz: stoopid computers
[02:48:38] Wicked: yea. for me...these files names make sense...and is why i chose this format.
[02:50:27] wagnerrp: it would be a fairly trivial change to add coverart.jpg/fanart.jpg/whatever.jpg in place of the exsting folder.jpg capability
[02:50:34] Wicked: TV/Show/Season/ShowS00E00.ext makes alot of sense....but when shows like american dad get meta info....its actuall "american dad!" or pen and tellers bullXXXX is actually "pen & teller: bullXXXX!"
[02:50:47] wagnerrp: and then its a couple dozen lines of scripts to populate those files from the database information
[02:51:00] wagnerrp: could probably all be done in under an hour
[02:51:29] Wicked: i dont know python at all.
[02:51:39] matmatmat (matmatmat! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[02:51:39] wagnerrp: use perl then
[02:51:40] Wicked: and dont have time to learn :)
[02:51:45] Wicked: i dont know perl either
[02:51:47] Wicked: :|
[02:51:57] Rigor_M (Rigor_M! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:52:04] dewman: my wife knows pearls
[02:52:12] Wicked: hehe
[02:52:19] dewman: <grin>
[02:52:20] wagnerrp: *cough* *cough* everyone knows BASH is really the best language available for manipulating mysql databases
[02:52:27] Wicked: lol
[02:53:07] iamlindoro: In the time you've taken to argue and bitch, you could have a) eliminated the season folders, b) changed the titles (or even one title) to match the folder, c) changed the folder to match any title, d) added a folder.ext file, or any one of the multiple solutions to your complaint
[02:53:15] iamlindoro: none of which requires an ounce of coding on your part
[02:53:41] Wicked: anywho..i was merely trying to make a suggestion that imo..would benefit making the end users life easier
[02:53:47] Wicked: whoa whoa
[02:53:52] Wicked: such language
[02:54:01] iamlindoro: go ahead and kick me then
[02:54:02] wagnerrp: 'coding'?
[02:54:18] iamlindoro: s/coding/bash whacking/
[02:54:24] Wicked: you guys are sticklers for that kinda thing...and are you not a op yourself?
[02:54:31] ** iamlindoro sighs **
[02:54:42] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o iamlindoro
[02:54:45] iamlindoro has been kicked from #mythtv-users by iamlindoro!~iamlindor@unaffiliated/iamlindoro (iamlindoro)
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[02:54:45] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v iamlindoro
[02:54:48] Wicked: :)
[02:54:50] iamlindoro: there, got him
[02:54:54] iamlindoro: you next?
[02:54:56] Wicked: at least you still have a sense of humor
[02:54:59] Wicked: i hope not
[02:55:06] Wicked: :|
[02:55:14] iamlindoro: Because for the record, I *do* kick people because it feels good
[02:55:20] iamlindoro: and yes, it's malicious
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[02:55:26] Wicked: hehe
[02:56:05] iamlindoro: To be frank, I take the occasional liberty with the rules because I get to put up with having to enforce them the other 99% of the time
[02:56:27] iamlindoro: So yeah, it's a double standard, and I love it.
[02:56:29] Wicked: well. i was never trying to be a jerk or troll or anything. was just trying to voice my opinion....on what i thought was a good suggestion....
[02:56:55] iamlindoro: There are multiple good reasons that what you want would not work
[02:59:39] iamlindoro: But I lost my inclination to explain them when you decided it was stupid without any knowledge of the issues
[03:01:36] Wicked: yea. I dont know how mythtv works....but from a end users seems like a bad idea to make it perform like that...especially when its done intentionally
[03:01:53] iamlindoro: You are the one and only person ever to make an issue of it
[03:03:00] Wicked: :o
[03:03:35] iamlindoro: The folder image hunt is a luxury feature, if you want it to work, you get to make your data conform to the requirements
[03:03:46] iamlindoro: the requirements are not there because it's fun to make lists of requirements
[03:03:57] iamlindoro: they're there because there are practical code and efficiency reasons for them
[03:04:51] Wicked: hmm
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[03:20:02] j-rod: peoria is looking quite nice this time of year. some day, I'll make it down there for spring training.
[03:20:46] ** j-rod needs to send a thank you letter to verizon for being dumb || incompetent || whatever **
[03:21:25] ** j-rod has just the fios basic tv package now, and yet is watching the Mariners on MLB Network HD **
[03:22:07] j-rod: I've shaved $40/mo off my cable bill, and I think I actually get MORE channels now. Jokes.
[03:22:48] j-rod: I lost all the non-basic standard-def channels via my HD STB and a few HD channels (only notable one is NESN)
[03:23:03] j-rod: but gained a bunch of HD channels I never got before
[03:23:19] j-rod: and my dta boxes still get every stadard-def channel I got before
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[03:54:43] Some_Person (Some_Person!~sam@2001:0:53aa:64c:1cb7:ea3:b90f:9932) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:55:13] Some_Person: I get this when trying to press Live TV in the frontend:
[03:55:14] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:55:21] Some_Person: It just throws me back to the main screen
[03:55:25] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:56:02] wagnerrp: and in the backend?
[03:56:03] iamlindoro: That error says "Hey, why are you checking the frontend logs when your backend is complaining"
[03:56:23] iamlindoro: and the backend logs, I predict, will say "Hey, how come you haven't set me up right in mythtv-setup?"
[03:56:40] wagnerrp: still fired up from that email i see
[03:56:55] iamlindoro: Awww, I wasn't that bad in the e-mail :)
[03:56:58] matmatmat (matmatmat! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[03:57:24] Some_Person: Where's the backend log?
[03:57:53] wagnerrp: im just stoked up about the possibility of something like
[03:58:04] wagnerrp: to be honest, i agree completely
[03:58:09] iamlindoro: yup, I have something similar in mind for Arclight-osd
[03:58:23] iamlindoro: (or maybe Arclight2-osd)
[03:58:38] iamlindoro: where Arclight2 = the name of the theme I do next which I have the name for but am not revealing yet :)
[03:58:42] wagnerrp: especially when the 'low end' that we would be dropping support for was low end when i started using myth
[03:59:28] iamlindoro: Some_Person, I'm guess ubuntu, in which case probably /var/log/mythtv/
[03:59:31] iamlindoro: er guessing
[03:59:32] wagnerrp: although i was a bit surprised a couple days ago trying out the opengl renderer
[03:59:50] wagnerrp: it failed to start playing, and the frontend spat out something like 'you need to change renderers'
[03:59:57] Some_Person: 2010-03–28 22:59:27.196 Channel(/dev/video1)::Open(): Can't open video device, error "Operation not permitted"
[04:00:01] Some_Person: I think that's my problem
[04:00:06] wagnerrp: Some_Person: that it would be
[04:00:16] wagnerrp: what user are you running mythbackend as?
[04:00:16] iamlindoro: There may be a lot more of use in your log
[04:00:29] iamlindoro: a pastebin might be helpful
[04:00:34] Some_Person: wagnerrp: I don't know
[04:00:51] wagnerrp: are you just using the stock ubuntu init scripts?
[04:01:12] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, What I do know is that I trust Mark implicitly when it comes to this stuff, and if he says the GL render could be made better than what we've got, I have a hard time doubting him
[04:01:17] Metoer is now known as _Metoer
[04:01:18] Some_Person: wagnerrp: yes
[04:01:26] wagnerrp: then it should be running as mythtv
[04:01:31] Some_Person: my full log:
[04:01:36] iamlindoro: I sort of got the impression from talking to him that he meant for the "new" GL output to be a bottom-up rewrite
[04:01:56] iamlindoro: does /dev/video1 exist?
[04:01:58] wagnerrp: what tuner card are you using?
[04:02:00] iamlindoro: ls /dev/video*
[04:02:06] Some_Person: Hauppauge HVR-1950
[04:02:15] wagnerrp: and you have it set up as an mpeg encoder?
[04:02:26] Some_Person: I think so, let me check
[04:02:32] wagnerrp: looks like you have it set up as a framegrabber
[04:03:05] Some_Person: "IVTV MPEG-2 encoder card"
[04:03:07] wagnerrp: if thats video1, whats in video0?
[04:03:14] Some_Person: video0 = my webcam
[04:03:26] wagnerrp: youre positive about that?
[04:03:29] Some_Person: yes
[04:03:31] iamlindoro: bet it was last reboot :)
[04:03:35] iamlindoro: bet it's not any more :)
[04:03:35] wagnerrp: youve checked dmesg to make sure they havent swapped on you?
[04:03:50] Some_Person: I even just had mythtv scan for channels on video1 and it worked
[04:04:03] wagnerrp: well you shouldnt have
[04:04:06] wagnerrp: but anyway...
[04:04:07] iamlindoro: instruction read fail!
[04:04:28] Some_Person: It found 2–19, 21, 23–67, 99, and 116 just like it should have
[04:04:34] wagnerrp: if youre in the US, there should be no reason to scan analog
[04:04:35] Some_Person: Why shouldn't I have run the scan?
[04:04:42] Some_Person: Yes, I'm in the US
[04:04:47] wagnerrp: rather you should be pulling a lineup from your schedules direct account
[04:04:55] Some_Person: I don't have or want a paid account
[04:04:58] wagnerrp: we know youre at least in north america, or else you wouldnt be using a 1950
[04:05:07] wagnerrp: then mythtv is going to be of very little worth to you
[04:05:20] Some_Person: I haven't even decided if I'll be sticking with MythTV
[04:05:31] wagnerrp: get a trial account
[04:05:41] grokky (grokky! has quit (Quit: Leaving...)
[04:06:01] Some_Person: Just get this thing going for me please, without the account if possible
[04:07:02] Some_Person: To me it looks like a permissions problem
[04:07:16] wagnerrp: if the scanner works, recording should work as well
[04:07:40] wagnerrp: can you cat /dev/video1 to a file and get an mpeg out?
[04:08:00] Some_Person: cat: /dev/video1: Operation not permitted
[04:08:03] Some_Person: Should I try with sudo?
[04:08:20] wagnerrp: you can, but i dont think it will make a difference
[04:08:27] wagnerrp: pastebin dmesg
[04:08:28] Some_Person: nope, same error
[04:08:44] wagnerrp: you have the tuner set up improperly outside of mythtv
[04:08:50] wagnerrp: driver issue
[04:09:27] Some_Person: then how was it even able to scan?
[04:09:35] Some_Person:
[04:11:10] wagnerrp: invalid firmware?
[04:11:37] Some_Person: well what should I do?
[04:13:01] wagnerrp: no, seems thats not a problem to worry about
[04:13:37] wagnerrp: its some issue with flipping between digital and analog modes, and while it looks bad, no one has bothered fixing it because its not actually harming anything
[04:14:16] Some_Person: so how do I get this working?
[04:17:08] wagnerrp: cant say... dont use that distro, dont use that tuner, have never seen that error on any of my ivtv cards
[04:17:13] wagnerrp: maybe try in #linuxtv
[04:17:23] wagnerrp: or on their mailing list, or on the ivtv mailing list
[04:17:48] Some_Person: ivtv card?
[04:17:57] wagnerrp: whatever the cause, the encoder is not getting initialized properly
[04:18:11] wagnerrp: meaning it cannot give you the output you are trying to get, and returning that error
[04:18:20] wagnerrp: while the scanner is something lower level, and worked
[04:18:44] wagnerrp: ivtv is the project that originally developed the drivers for the hauppauge mpeg encoders
[04:22:35] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[04:23:43] Some_Person_ is now known as Some_Person
[04:23:49] Some_Person: that's werid
[04:24:02] Some_Person: I rebooted, and now there's no not permitted error when I use cat
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[04:24:24] wagnerrp: and you can generate an mpeg video?
[04:24:29] Some_Person: yes
[04:24:34] Some_Person: It outputs some spanish channel
[04:24:45] wagnerrp: then mythtv will probably be able to record off of it now
[04:24:52] Some_Person: eww, running an infomercial with some sex gel
[04:25:43] Some_Person: "Error: MythTV is using all inputs, but there are no active recordings?"
[04:25:52] wagnerrp: is your backend running?
[04:26:07] Some_Person: I don't know
[04:26:13] wagnerrp: have the device nodes for your tuners changed?
[04:26:24] Some_Person: the whats?
[04:26:30] wagnerrp: /dev/video*
[04:26:41] Some_Person: what's a device node?
[04:26:47] Some_Person: oh
[04:26:59] Some_Person: No, it's still /dev/video1
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[04:38:23] sphery: Fringe Thursday!
[04:39:08] iamlindoro: I have a little fringe every day
[04:39:13] iamlindoro: sometimes on my shirts
[04:39:17] iamlindoro: sometimes on my socks and pants
[04:39:53] sphery: Some_Person: Sounds like you need to restart mythbackend... Or your Input Connections configuration is broken.
[04:42:20] sphery: iamlindoro, world-renowned expert in Fringe Fashion  :)
[04:42:47] wagnerrp: crap... no wonder i was almost out of space on my laptop
[04:42:54] wagnerrp: i had 10GB of music in my home directory
[04:43:36] wagnerrp: horray for jfs and near instantaneous file deletes
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[06:30:32] jstenback_: this is on a system that was upgraded from 0.22
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[06:42:34] jstenback: wagnerrp: ?
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[06:47:51] wagnerrp: ?
[06:48:01] jstenback: wagnerrp: howdy
[06:48:16] jstenback: wagnerrp: question about mythtv's python bindings...
[06:48:22] jstenback: wagnerrp: you worked on them right?
[06:48:22] wagnerrp: shoot
[06:48:45] wagnerrp: largely wrote the ones in 0.23
[06:48:57] jstenback: wagnerrp: seems on a 64-bit system that they install into /usr/lib/python2.6 (in 0.23, yes)
[06:49:13] wagnerrp: they install where ever python tells them to
[06:49:24] jstenback: wagnerrp: but python libraries generally live in /usr/lib64/python2.6
[06:49:35] wagnerrp: which will usually be /usr/[local/]lib/python2.6/site-packages/MythTV
[06:49:44] wagnerrp: i dont set anything
[06:49:57] wagnerrp: i just tell the python setup module what files to install
[06:50:03] wagnerrp: and it does everything on its own
[06:50:12] jstenback: I see
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[06:50:42] jstenback: ok, I guess that's fair enough then, seemed odd, but I don't really see a problem with that myself either, just figured I'd ask.
[06:50:43] Jester05: hello friends
[06:50:43] wagnerrp:
[06:51:21] Jester05: changing brake calipers sucks btw lol
[06:51:54] jstenback: allright, time to head to bed here...
[06:52:07] Jester05 (Jester05! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:52:30] wagnerrp: anyway, the may redirect the bindings elsewhere
[06:52:45] wagnerrp: but my qmake-eese isnt sufficient enough to know better what to do
[06:53:57] wagnerrp: jstenback: in every distro ive seen, /usr/lib is a symlink to /usr/lib64, or visa versa
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[09:48:28] justinh: ruh roh. somebody hath tweeted they have a backend running on an atom system. Let the fail commence!
[09:51:16] bjd: lol
[09:58:18] xand: backends hardly use any cpu though
[10:00:55] justinh: unless they're commflagging or transcoding... or they're running the big ugly scheduler query
[10:01:46] oobe: i never noticed the scheduler query
[10:01:53] oobe: i dont know what it is
[10:02:14] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!~gandalfco@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:02:22] justinh: it's the big mysql query mythtv's scheduling code uses
[10:02:29] justinh: s/big/huge/
[10:03:25] oobe: oh ok
[10:03:37] oobe: so my system must do it on a daily basis
[10:03:42] oobe: well i dont notice it
[10:03:55] hashbang: mornin' all
[10:03:55] justinh: most people don't notice it
[10:04:02] oobe: occasionally i see mysql as my top process that must be it
[10:04:38] justinh: yup
[10:04:48] hashbang: justinh: thanks for the heads up on the 2k/8k thing; I built myself some 0.21-fixes/FC8 packages with a two-liner backport of the fix from 0.22 so I can do a proper upgrade at my leisure later on. :)
[10:05:46] justinh: cool :)
[10:10:51] justinh: maybe the HDHR code needs looking at too.. just seen a users list post about a post-switchover problem
[10:30:42] octavsly (octavsly! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:35:49] hashbang: FYI, Ubuntu is only packaging 0.22-fixes SVN 22594 at the moment, so expect UK Ubuntu/MythTV users to have problems shortly
[10:36:55] justinh: is it cruel of me not to care? ;-)
[10:37:32] grumpydevil: why do you expect problems?
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[10:38:01] hashbang: justinh: not really. I tend to have a bit of an elitist mindset these days "this stuff works for me, if it works for you too, great, but if not, submit a patch or GTFO" :-)
[10:38:05] justinh: grumpydevil: because the transmission mode of dvb-t has changed in the UK after areas switch over from analogue, and it's hard-coded in mythtv's scanning code
[10:38:31] hashbang: grumpydevil: and the fix for 0.22 only got backported from 0.23 in the last week or so.
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[10:42:19] grumpydevil: hmm... and 0.23 crashes on many systems (including mine)
[10:43:54] justinh: funny, not seen many reports of that
[10:44:37] grumpydevil: see for example 8228 and 8241
[10:44:59] grumpydevil: 0.23 is not usable for me, as it crashes 100% on any attempt to watch video
[10:45:15] justinh: well, whatever. I'm not in any shape to upgrade yet anyway
[10:45:53] GreyFoxx: Get a gdb dump of it and add it to the tickets
[10:46:01] grumpydevil: done that already
[10:46:14] GreyFoxx: I've yet to encounter it on a dozzen different machines
[10:46:47] grumpydevil: for me it crashes on both slackware32 and slackware64
[10:46:58] grumpydevil: also seen reports on ubuntu and debian
[10:46:59] GreyFoxx: All of mine are 32bit slackware
[10:47:10] GreyFoxx: some 12 some 13.0
[10:47:22] grumpydevil: slackware 13
[10:47:22] GreyFoxx: but in the end the backtrace should tell the tale
[10:47:46] ** GreyFoxx doesn't wanna go to work **
[10:48:57] grumpydevil: 0.23 backend runs OK.
[10:49:15] grumpydevil: as i have separate BE and FE, now compiling the FE without DVB support
[10:53:14] hashbang: grumpydevil: presumably a Qt bug or hardware problem
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[10:55:26] grumpydevil: on two different systems? (HW problem i mean... )
[10:55:44] grumpydevil: with one of them very recent, and high-end...
[10:56:11] grumpydevil: Qt bug i can believe though
[10:59:27] matmatmat (matmatmat! has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[11:00:06] hashbang: crap memory, dodgy PSU, overheating...
[11:00:29] grumpydevil: forget that... i would have other problems if that were the case
[11:00:31] hashbang: who's maintaining mytharchive these days?
[11:00:53] grumpydevil: this system is pretty much rock stable (this being one of the machines mythfrontend crashes on)
[11:00:57] hashbang: grumpydevil: you'd be surprised. Sometimes HW problems only show up in very particular circumstances.
[11:01:15] hashbang: grumpydevil: e.g. gcc Sig11'ing.
[11:01:28] grumpydevil: i know that.. have had systems for long time...
[11:02:46] klynn (klynn!~klynn@ has quit (Quit: That's it for today)
[11:02:46] benomatic (benomatic! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:04:36] hashbang: only I've got an important fix for I mailed Paul Harrison back in May 2009, but it still isn't in 0.23 yet
[11:05:03] justinh: is it on a ticket?
[11:05:06] grumpydevil: ok, FE without DVB support still crashes hard
[11:05:36] grumpydevil: also, other argument against HW problem is that 0.22 runs without issues
[11:05:37] justinh: least you can reproduce it readily :)
[11:06:43] justinh: only times I've seen mythfrontend crash are once in a blue moon, for no apparent reason
[11:06:49] justinh: like maybe once every 6 months or so
[11:09:38] hashbang: justinh: cosmic ray? ;-)
[11:09:41] 36DAAFICE: I had 0.21 crash this week while scrolling through the programs
[11:09:48] 36DAAFICE: for no reason
[11:09:53] 36DAAFICE: 36...? huh
[11:10:25] grumpydevil: 0.21 crash while scrolling programs is normal...
[11:10:57] justinh: not on my frontend it ain't :)
[11:11:29] 36DAAFICE: some goose made some theme called blootube-wide that I'm using
[11:11:37] 36DAAFICE: must be the themer's fault :)
[11:11:42] justinh: oh shut up
[11:12:12] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[11:13:08] justinh: this is precisely why I got out of the theming biz. stupid lame-ass comments
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[11:13:33] 36DAAFICE: heh, juski is touchy still
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[11:14:32] grumpydevil: try it with about 779 programs in recorded...
[11:14:57] 36DAAFICE: I dunno, about 12 months worth of backlog there
[11:15:14] [Peter]: 36DAAFICE: I bet it's just the wrong week of the month
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[11:15:39] 36DAAFICE: hmm, gotta do something about this nick. I'll have to have a look at znc
[11:15:40] justinh: OI! The channel rules say play nice
[11:16:21] 36DAAFICE: we love you juski (well my wife loves your theme anyway)
[11:16:30] justinh: go to hell
[11:17:44] 36DAAFICE (36DAAFICE! has quit (Quit: quit)
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[11:19:37] pat_: that still didn't turn out correctly, but it'll do
[11:25:24] oobe: wtf that 36daafice was delibratly being an arse
[11:28:44] pat_ is now known as zzpat
[11:28:51] zzpat: there we go
[11:28:54] zzpat: fixed forever
[11:29:03] RDV_Linux_ (RDV_Linux_! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:29:06] zzpat: oh yes, having a little dig at justinh
[11:34:31] hashbang:
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[11:36:51] ikkeT_: do you guys have idea if 23-fixes will still get all commits merged from trunk, or only fixes?
[11:36:58] ikkeT_ is now known as ikkeT
[11:37:10] AndyCap: the end of ps3 linux frontends. :P . . . 3-21-update/
[11:37:44] ikkeT: i'm working on translations, and wonder if I should do them against trunk or 23-fixes...
[11:38:53] oobe: .23 is in feature freeze so only fixes will get merged from trunk
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[11:39:03] oobe: so yes some commits will get merged but most wont
[11:41:01] ikkeT: ok, I don't want to get to trunk with my system, since if it gets db schema upgrade, I can't go back to fixes...
[11:41:44] ikkeT: maybe it's enough to test them against the same version as when 23-fixes got branched
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[11:43:48] mzb: I'm getting a weird situation were the backend crashes
[11:44:05] mzb: the last messages in the log look like:
[11:44:23] mzb: I can confirm that mysql is still running
[11:45:07] mzb: Is this a recent issue in trunk? How can I debug this problem?
[11:48:24] oobe: well ikkeT .23 fixes only just got branched and isnt even offically released yet so now would be a good time to start using it as your base for language
[11:48:43] oobe: im sure it wouldnt take much more work to update in future releases either
[11:50:12] oobe: mzb did you upgrade mysql recently is mysql running on the same machine as the backend
[11:50:22] mzb: yes and yes
[11:50:51] mzb: first error before all the problems in the log:
[11:51:00] mzb: Malformed packet?
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[11:53:20] mzb: I recently upgraded mysql from 5.0.51a-24+lenny1 to 5.1.44–3 during a dist-upgrade from lenny to squeeze
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[11:53:32] olejl1 (olejl1!~olejl@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:53:34] mzb: mythtv was completely rebuilt
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[11:54:59] mzb: ah ... libmysqlclient-dev replaces libmysqlclient15-dev
[11:55:02] mzb: hmm
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[11:58:28] chainsawbike_ (chainsawbike_! has quit (Quit: yep... i broke it good that time...)
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[11:59:58] ** mzb tries a another rebuild **
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[12:01:56] oobe: mzb, i had issues with 5.1.44 i had to downgrade to 5.1.39
[12:02:05] mzb: hmm
[12:02:11] mzb: hope I don't have to
[12:02:25] mzb: I assume you're running squeeze, then?
[12:02:26] oobe: it wont be that bad
[12:02:35] oobe: no slackware
[12:02:40] mzb: ok
[12:02:49] mzb: you didn't identify the issue?
[12:02:54] oobe: brb eating
[12:03:58] mzb: k
[12:04:28] GreyFoxx: Nice, my local cable co has started offering 100Mbps cable modem service
[12:05:05] GreyFoxx: not that I'd pay the extra $$ to get it, but I'd love to know just how many do
[12:08:29] oobe: sorry mzb if i were you i would use synaptic to downgrade to 5.0.51a and hopefully it wont insist on removing downgrading other packages
[12:09:00] mzb: if this rebuild doesn't work I'll do it manually
[12:09:07] mzb: never use synaptic ;)
[12:09:32] oobe: i remember messing around a bit with apt and it is a pain somtimes
[12:10:08] oobe: when it wants to upgrade somthing that will break the system then wont install things that depend on somthing that is going to break my system
[12:10:10] quicksilver: looking through the release notes for RC1, it seems that 0.23 is a relatively small change to 0.22?
[12:10:21] mzb: you can specify versions with apt, as long as it's in the repository. For a "long term" fix you pin it.
[12:10:36] mzb: for a quick fix just download the package and install with dpkg
[12:10:45] oobe: yes i was going to say once you have 5.0 installed you can lock it
[12:10:49] oobe: and it wont upgrade
[12:10:59] oobe: i dont remember how to do that either
[12:11:12] oobe: do you build your own myth packages
[12:11:38] mzb: just build/install from trunk, but with a script to automate the whole process
[12:12:05] mzb: what concerns me is that 5.1 has different dev packages to 5.0
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[12:13:23] mzb: the script is starting to become fairly slick ... got the same|similar script on all the mythboxen ... so when it's time to upgrade I just fire off the script and walk away (generally)
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[12:14:28] oobe: mzb, if they are all running debian you could just build packages at the end of the first build then update your other boxes
[12:14:38] oobe: thats what i used to do with ubuntu
[12:14:55] mzb: some are amd64, others i386
[12:15:06] squish102: where is the best place to find out if a video card with hdmi is supported (audio over hdmi)?
[12:15:10] oobe: ok i will shut up then :P
[12:15:14] mzb: not all running the same "flavour" ;)
[12:15:37] oobe: squish102, i wonder the same thing somtimes alsa is what supports the sound side
[12:15:49] oobe: but there changelogs are hard to search through somtimes
[12:16:00] oobe: but the info is there
[12:16:24] squish102: thanks oobe
[12:18:39] mzb: ok, plugins building ... time for a quick break
[12:19:29] oobe: did you downgrade mysql already?
[12:19:53] mzb: nope, installed the different dev libraries and went for a clean build
[12:20:19] oobe: oh maybe that is it
[12:20:23] mzb: something to put a smile on your face (in theory) :: . . . Cupboard.gif
[12:20:27] oobe: but you error looks similar to mine
[12:20:30] mzb: k
[12:20:57] mzb: only piece of MDF (or anything) I had to suit that space ;)
[12:21:51] oobe: nice pic
[12:21:59] oobe: did you make it
[12:22:06] mzb: time lapse? yes
[12:22:13] mzb: pic of girl? no
[12:22:13] oobe: cool
[12:22:18] oobe: yes
[12:22:20] mzb: pic was a gift
[12:22:23] oobe: at the end
[12:22:45] oobe: no i didnt mean making the pic of the girl
[12:22:49] mzb: :)
[12:22:53] oobe: i just mean the frame by frame
[12:22:58] mzb: yep yep
[12:23:05] oobe: would of take longer than painting that girl
[12:23:09] mzb: couldn't resist the temptation
[12:23:13] mzb: hehe
[12:23:15] mzb: possibly
[12:23:27] mzb: fairly simple really
[12:24:12] mzb: sat camera on filing cabinet, took pics of all positions, copied and numbered them and then loaded it up with The Gimp
[12:24:37] oobe: yea i still couldnt do it
[12:25:03] mzb: took a bit of doing, but I reckon I'd do it 3x faster next time
[12:26:10] mzb: I couldn't leave "upstairs" at the time (kids), so it kept me entertained while I couldn't go downstairs and actually work on the room ;)
[12:27:10] mzb: ok ... built and running
[12:27:59] mzb: hooray!
[12:28:28] mzb: well, before the rebuild it wouldn't let me watch tonight's recording of "Man vs Wild" ... now it does.
[12:28:39] mzb: so, I'll wait and see how it goes
[12:29:03] mzb: if I get that error again I might consider downgrading mysql (and possibly rebuilding again)
[12:30:37] mzb: ok ... now time to take it for a test run ;)
[12:30:44] mzb: thanks for the advice oobe
[12:31:04] oobe: np hope you sort it out the easiest possible way
[12:31:12] oobe: oh you did
[12:31:16] oobe: cool
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[13:11:01] gbee: should upset a few people trying to use the PS3 as a frontend – . . . nux_support/
[13:13:01] justinh: I think the platform lacking any sort of vid acceleration did that already :)
[13:13:31] [Peter]: well, someone managed to hack it and got full access to the hw. I guess sony didn't like that
[13:14:09] justinh: Sony's prerogative. Evil Sony :-)
[13:16:56] gbee: on the upside, Casio haven't made any similar moves to prevent their calculators running mythtv, so there's still hope
[13:19:07] sid3windr: lol
[13:19:56] Beirdo: sony's retarded
[13:20:04] Beirdo: always has been, always will be ;)
[13:20:11] Beirdo: no big surprises there
[13:21:02] sid3windr: heh
[13:21:02] justinh: if it was my company I'd probably be even more draconian. More money please
[13:21:15] sid3windr: so they were bothered with someone hacking their box, but were happy to install a rootkit on their customers' windows boxes ;)
[13:21:35] Beirdo: if they'd sell proper linux support for an extra $200, it might even be worth it
[13:23:18] Beirdo: Jeez. I work from home for ONE day, and stupid coworkers completely mess up the settings on my chair
[13:24:57] Beirdo: idiots
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[13:28:04] justinh: they must pay for their misdeeds. fire cleanses all
[13:28:20] justinh: so the voices in my head tell me
[13:32:09] Beirdo: nah, I quit, that's good enough
[13:32:24] Beirdo: they can fight over my friggin chair once I'm gone
[13:32:27] Beirdo: vultures
[13:33:25] justinh: yay this unit hangs when it goes for the optical drive
[13:33:31] justinh: stupid junk
[13:33:44] Beirdo: good. Install Windows 7 and ship it
[13:34:23] Beirdo: it will likely be right on par with most Windows setups :)
[13:34:45] justinh: can you get windows 7 to ruin on an SH4 ?
[13:34:50] justinh: s/ruin/run/
[13:35:00] Beirdo: can you get it to run on an x86? :)
[13:35:12] Beirdo: ooooh, I'm feeling SO mean today
[13:35:26] Beirdo: bring on the lusers
[13:35:26] Beirdo: :)
[13:35:48] justinh: I added another country to my ignore list today
[13:35:59] Beirdo: oh? USA?
[13:36:05] justinh: lol no
[13:36:08] justinh: gimme time
[13:36:19] Beirdo: hehe
[13:36:52] justinh: grrr. stupid bit-bashed IDE interface junk
[13:36:54] Beirdo: who's the latest victim?
[13:37:12] Beirdo: oh, I've done that before (from an AVR).
[13:37:16] Beirdo: it's not easy to do :)
[13:37:56] justinh: we manage to get PIO mode 4 out of it
[13:38:00] justinh: at a push
[13:38:18] Beirdo: impressive. When it works :)
[13:38:48] Beirdo: ummm
[13:39:10] Beirdo: how to burn a CD from Windows... with no admin priv, and no CD burning SW installed.
[13:39:40] justinh: rootkit cd?
[13:39:56] Beirdo: FC12 CD ;)
[13:40:41] Beirdo: let's see if I installed ccdrecord in cygwin :)
[13:40:51] justinh: I should really file a bug about this software crashing when there's a pata device on the bus
[13:41:04] justinh: aww I can't. I don't have a login
[13:41:22] Beirdo: no bugs from you!
[13:42:18] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[13:44:30] adante (adante!~adante@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:44:32] Beirdo: OK, upgradign cygwin so I can install cdrecord.
[13:44:36] Beirdo: fun times
[13:45:05] psipsi__ is now known as psipsi
[13:45:10] justinh: rofl. 2037 tickets
[13:45:13] justinh: all open
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[13:48:39] Beirdo: justinh: wow, that's nasty
[13:49:03] Beirdo: you should make a cacti graph of open tickets so you can mock people
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[13:51:58] justinh: "pbus0' PATA_BUS: bus 0 drive 0, ATAPI drive detected" and then it just hangs. oops
[13:52:49] gbee: if you did that for myth it would look like the alps, every time we make a combined effort to reduce the number of tickets, say by 200, in 6 months it's back up where it used to be and normally even higher
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[13:57:27] Beirdo: gbee: yeah, it would be interesting to see though :)
[14:00:55] matmatmat (matmatmat! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:08:28] Beirdo: crrrrap
[14:08:35] Beirdo: cdrecord no workee
[14:08:57] Beirdo: can't find the device. curse you, windows
[14:10:31] justinh: any portable apps for cd burning?
[14:10:32] markl__ is now known as markl_
[14:10:44] Beirdo: I'm looking ;)
[14:11:03] justinh: infrarecorder :)
[14:11:26] justinh:
[14:13:48] Beirdo: requires admin to be able to see the drive
[14:15:18] Beirdo: ah forget it
[14:15:26] Beirdo: I hate Windows.
[14:15:43] Beirdo: I shoulda brought in the ubuntu boot CD
[14:16:03] Beirdo: or the USB stick
[14:16:26] Beirdo: then I could boot of USB into liveCD mode... burn the flippin ISO and reboot back to 'blows
[14:18:00] Beirdo: I think this laptop will be coming home for some surgery tonight.
[14:18:08] Beirdo: surgically remove my files from it :)
[14:28:22] streeter (streeter!~streeter@nat/redhat/x-pzuznhlmuffmdsui) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:32:10] Beirdo: windows can bite me
[14:48:29] ** Beirdo waits for feature freeze to end... **
[14:48:47] Beirdo: hopefully I'll have a working mythtv again tonight (stupid borked X).
[14:48:58] Beirdo: hmmm, maybe I'll just use xvnc for a bit
[14:49:08] Beirdo: the system works fine other than X
[14:49:39] Beirdo: that will get it good enough to debug and stuff
[14:52:12] Beirdo: then I can debug the crap outta my mythweather scrapers, etc...
[14:52:23] Beirdo: and be ready for committal post-release
[14:52:37] Beirdo: and ready for others to read em over too
[14:52:40] Beirdo: :)
[14:58:51] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
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[15:06:48] Jay2k1: hi
[15:07:19] Beirdo: no, I'm not high
[15:07:26] Beirdo: :)
[15:07:31] Jay2k1: is it possible to have a custom job appear in the contextual menu of a recording (or in mythweb in the recording details page)?
[15:07:45] Jay2k1: currently there are just flag commercials and transcode
[15:08:02] Jay2k1: even if a commflag and/or transcoding job has already been done for that recording
[15:08:36] gbee: Jay2k1: if you assign a name to that job and enable it, yes
[15:08:59] gbee: mythtv-setup > General > User Jobs
[15:09:29] gbee: well strictly speaking you don't have to give it a name, but it's prettier that way
[15:09:47] Jay2k1: i added job and name in the db
[15:10:01] gbee: e.g. my 'Export to mp3' job, appears in that menu as 'Begin Export to mp3'
[15:10:45] Jay2k1: so i have to enable it somewhere first? because it's not my purpose to have it run automatically when a recording takes place
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[15:13:07] Jay2k1: actually its about moving or copying a recording to the videos folder, for when i record a good movie that i want to keep... in that case i fine-tune the cutlist first, then transcode and finally i want to move the .nuv file (or copy, incase moving would confuse mythtv) to the videos (and optimally have it scan for changes automatically after)
[15:13:25] gbee: there is a checkbox for each user job, on the preceding page to where you assign the name/script, 'Allow ******* jobs'
[15:13:55] gbee: well two pages before that
[15:14:13] gbee: it's actually a little dumb to have that setting there ... I'll see if we can't get rid of it
[15:14:23] Jay2k1: aaah
[15:14:33] Jay2k1: "JobAllowUserJobN" in the db
[15:14:49] Jay2k1: and also there is "AutoRunUserJobN" which i wouldn't want to set
[15:15:34] Jay2k1: ok, in that case i wonder what the "allow" one is for heh
[15:17:27] Jay2k1: great, thank you!
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[15:19:40] gbee: or you could just run mythtv-setup, we don't advise people to manually edit the database, that's where screwups occur and this is where everyone comes to complain
[15:20:53] justinh: wonder if the wiki page I edited to remove DB hacks for user jobs remains
[15:22:13] Jay2k1: well, usually i don't... i'ts just... my gf is just watching a recording, you know ;)
[15:22:27] justinh: so? let stuff, or her, wait
[15:22:41] justinh: some changes don't take effect til the backend is restarted anyhow
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[15:54:10] Jay2k1: so... is it possible to have that "scan for changes" in mythvideo run via commandline?
[15:55:04] justinh: no
[15:57:04] Jay2k1: also, would it be ok to delete a recording file from /var/lib/mythtv/recordings or would that provoke errors later, for example when mythtv tries to auto expire it?
[15:57:13] justinh: no it wouldn't be ok
[15:57:48] justinh: use the GUI or mythweb to delete recordings
[15:57:53] wagnerrp: Jay2k1: if you want an external scanner, you can run jamu, or you can check out the scanner in the python bindings
[15:58:05] Beirdo: do we know off hand where the mythweather icons came from?
[15:58:12] justinh: wagnerrp: sshhhh. The answer is still always NO ;-)
[15:58:26] wagnerrp: fair enough
[15:58:38] wagnerrp: Jay2k1: its expected to be moot in a couple months anyway
[15:58:46] justinh: the only people who'd want to scan for changes from a script are naughty downloaders anyway IMHO
[15:59:00] wagnerrp: planned changes for next dev cycle will put scanning into the backend
[15:59:00] Jay2k1: and me
[15:59:13] Beirdo: seems Tango?
[15:59:16] Jay2k1: so it does that automatically?
[15:59:17] wagnerrp: after which mythvideo will basically pull a file list on every startup
[15:59:22] Jay2k1: ah
[15:59:32] Beirdo: hmm. I think I'll go look at their icons :)
[15:59:35] Jay2k1: sounds good
[15:59:45] wagnerrp: Beirdo: oobe is looking to add some sort of faq-bot to the channel, i pointed him to you
[16:00:22] ** wagnerrp goes to lunch **
[16:00:35] Jay2k1: enjoy
[16:01:00] Beirdo: faqs?
[16:01:11] Jay2k1: but i guess it's not planned to have a built-in function to move recordings to the videos folder
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[16:04:31] Beirdo: oobe: what precisely were you looking for for FAQs?
[16:08:18] gbee: Beirdo: "Why does the background in Arclight look blocky?"
[16:08:19] oobe: hi Beirdo
[16:08:35] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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[16:08:53] Beirdo: oobe: if you could go to and create an issue, I can get to adding it to the bot here :)
[16:08:55] oobe: i was thinking about using an info bot that you guys can edit and add new triggers
[16:09:10] oobe: oh cool
[16:09:40] Beirdo: I don't have the functionality there yet, but it's certainly a worthy thing to have
[16:10:28] Beirdo: not sure how to get it to match the question to a FAQ without human intelligence, but that's the fun of it
[16:10:31] oobe: ok well i was looking at infobot it has learning capablity plus it already has that funcionality
[16:10:49] abqjp (abqjp! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:11:01] Beirdo: I dunno that we really need or want a second bot though
[16:11:17] oobe: oh ok that is why i asked in first place
[16:11:41] Beirdo: but for sure, add an issue there, and I can look at how infobot does it too
[16:12:00] Beirdo: there's already an issue there to add pisg-like stats (like jams has)
[16:12:28] oobe: yes once thats done the biggest effort is adding triggers with meaninful responses
[16:12:33] Beirdo: and perl scripting plugin (almost half done... need to get the API ready)
[16:12:38] oobe: that can be tedious
[16:12:44] Beirdo: well, it would be via a command
[16:12:53] Beirdo: like !faq blah
[16:13:01] oobe: chat to dpkg in debian
[16:13:07] oobe: he is quite clever
[16:13:10] oobe: its there bot
[16:13:16] Beirdo: unless you can think of a good way to make it regexp cleanly
[16:13:27] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:13:38] Beirdo: the bot's main purpose is to log :)
[16:13:47] Beirdo: but it can do other things when asked
[16:13:49] christ_ (christ_! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:13:52] Beirdo: like...
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[16:13:58] Beirdo: !trout kormoc just cuz
[16:13:58] ** MythLogBot slaps kormoc with a just cuz trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[16:14:03] oobe: yes that is why a second one would come in hand possibly preventing overloads
[16:14:03] Beirdo: heh
[16:14:23] oobe: i was about to go to bed anyway
[16:14:37] Beirdo: oh, load isn't much of an issue at this point, but it's worth thinking about
[16:14:41] Beirdo: you have a good sleep
[16:14:42] oobe: was thinking about it for a while will talk more about it tommorow
[16:14:55] oobe: laters
[16:14:56] Beirdo: sure thing
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[16:33:12] Beirdo: illux? a UNIX that's illin'?
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[16:36:33] iamlindoro: Illuminatix! If you want to know what it is, you can't join.
[16:37:01] Beirdo: hehe
[16:37:22] Beirdo: now I feel like listening to Beastie Boys again
[16:37:48] Beirdo: but the music's on the laptop at home. Oh well. I can be illin' tonight
[16:38:21] Beirdo: hopefully get that box running xvnc so I can finish the mythweather stuff with some good debugging
[16:38:35] Beirdo: as the actual X is borked
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[16:53:14] skd5aner: good {morning,afternoon,evening}
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[16:55:54] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
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[17:00:55] wagnerrp: !trout skd5aner wiki
[17:00:55] ** MythLogBot slaps skd5aner with a wiki trout on behalf of wagnerrp... **
[17:01:07] wagnerrp: why do you think i created the page for you had the chance to... :P
[17:01:10] Beirdo: hehe
[17:01:16] dan4dm (dan4dm!~dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:03:00] wagnerrp: s/for/before/
[17:03:34] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:05:44] wagnerrp: (Trying to avoid why one might want to do this question here, which it would probably be hard to find a new perspective to present in the present company)
[17:05:49] wagnerrp: WTF is that supposed to mean?
[17:06:08] Beirdo: ?!?
[17:06:09] wagnerrp: from: [mythtv-users] What happened to the standalone player?
[17:06:25] Beirdo: let them eat cake
[17:07:14] wagnerrp: hes asking all sorts of questions about using mythavtest as a network player
[17:07:21] Beirdo: or in some cases... caca
[17:07:32] wagnerrp: you *can* give it a myth URI, and it will stream from a remote backend just fine
[17:07:56] wagnerrp: but then he wants to know if it can access generic UDP streams, or stuff like a HDHR
[17:08:27] wagnerrp: NO! its a playback test program, its not there to do recordings, it didnt consume half the backend code to do so
[17:08:41] Beirdo: hehe
[17:08:51] wagnerrp: but what does he not want to bring up?
[17:09:12] Beirdo: I think his parrot is trying to squawk
[17:09:28] wagnerrp: i cant imagine what he could intend to do with the program that would be inappropriate to bring up on the mailing list
[17:09:49] wagnerrp: everything hes looking to do could easily be handled by the likes of VLC
[17:09:57] Beirdo: I'm sure he has some illegal function in mind
[17:10:05] wagnerrp: but what?
[17:10:20] wagnerrp: its not like you can do anything with it that you couldnt otherwise do with the frontend
[17:10:23] Beirdo: iptv perhaps?
[17:10:48] pete27 (pete27!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:10:52] wagnerrp: iptv is an off limits topic?
[17:11:00] Beirdo: not really
[17:11:03] wagnerrp: backend seems to do it just fine
[17:11:18] Beirdo: but maybe he's trying to capture from a source he's not allowed to and doesn't wanna say :)
[17:11:40] wagnerrp: then he should be asking about how to do that in the backend
[17:11:45] Beirdo: or maybe he's just a tard
[17:11:50] wagnerrp: ding ding!
[17:12:22] Beirdo: soo.
[17:12:39] Beirdo: Seattle Public Library book sale...
[17:12:56] Beirdo: the first weekend I'm in Seattle, but I have plans to be elsewhere :)
[17:13:00] Beirdo: fugh
[17:13:18] Beirdo: so I guess I'll go to the one in September AFTER I'm all settled in :)
[17:13:30] Beirdo: and like I need more books, I have 13 boxes of them packed
[17:13:35] Beirdo: !trout
[17:13:35] ** MythLogBot dumps a bucket of trout onto Beirdo **
[17:14:45] Beirdo: I should get an apt with a fireplace.
[17:15:03] Beirdo: that way if I have crappy books that I can't donate/give away, I can burn em
[17:15:06] Beirdo: hehe
[17:15:15] unixSnob_ (unixSnob_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:16:19] wagnerrp: now now... you start talking like that and Godwin is gonna get you
[17:16:41] kormoc: You can always donate a book, no matter how horrible it is
[17:16:51] Beirdo: kormoc: stop making sense :)
[17:16:56] Beirdo: and good morning
[17:17:11] kormoc: hehe
[17:17:14] Beirdo: friends of SPL sale... same weekend I intend to be in the bush
[17:17:19] Beirdo: go figure :)
[17:17:19] wagnerrp: yeah, the local childrens bookstore around here always has a bargin bin around
[17:17:33] wagnerrp: take in any books you no longer want, or are in too bad condition to sell
[17:17:37] Beirdo: well, some of the books may have some mildew on em
[17:17:46] wagnerrp: theyll put it in a big tub, and people can buy them for a quarter
[17:17:55] Beirdo: frigging always wet tropics :)
[17:18:26] Beirdo: mildewed books need to be soaked in wax and used as fire logs.
[17:18:38] Beirdo: but if others want em, great :)
[17:18:59] tgm4883` is now known as tgm4883
[17:19:04] skd5aner: wagnerrp: sorry, I'm guessing you'd like to keep the naming scheme for the -fixes changelog wiki pages to .xx.1 then?
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[17:19:30] wagnerrp: skd5aner: basically, release notes have to be against a release, which means a release number
[17:19:35] wagnerrp: -fixes is not one
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[17:19:52] wagnerrp: if those pages were just a change log, -fixes would be a perfectly fine name
[17:20:19] skd5aner: I know in either .22 or .21, they deleted the .xx.1 tag, so I thought that release number wasn't really being utilized anymore, is that not the case?
[17:20:41] iamlindoro: kormoc: Hey, can you kill voting at your convenience?
[17:20:48] skd5aner: unfortunately, with trac being down, can't go check... but, if you feel that's the "beter" way of doing it, no worries
[17:20:50] wagnerrp: its more that those branches never needed a mid-release-release
[17:21:13] wagnerrp: since there were no pressing bugs before the next full version came out
[17:22:03] Beirdo: dangit
[17:22:19] Beirdo: hungry but don't wanna eat the swill they sell at the cafeteria
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[17:22:52] kormoc: iamlindoro: negative, have to get xris to push, but can do likely tonight
[17:23:15] iamlindoro: kormoc: K, assume it's not possible to just stop counting new votes?
[17:23:20] iamlindoro: no worries if it's not
[17:23:22] skd5aner: wagnerrp: ok, so I guess I was misunderstanding... is there a place where we could track changes that go in post major release into the -fixes branch?
[17:23:32] kormoc: not without access to that vhost, which I don't have
[17:23:41] wagnerrp: skd5aner: trac... once it comes back online
[17:23:42] iamlindoro: kormoc: ok, tonight would be great if you wouldn't mind, then
[17:23:50] Beirdo: beer?
[17:23:50] kormoc: rgr, I'll see what I can do
[17:23:58] pak0 (pak0! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:24:05] pak0: good evening
[17:24:15] kormoc: Beirdo: Alcoholic? ;)
[17:24:16] wagnerrp: skd5aner:
[17:24:19] skd5aner: well, I meant a changelog format for the fixes branch... so people could see a breakdown of the additional items that have gone into fixes
[17:24:37] Beirdo: kormoc: not yet... but we'll fix that
[17:24:42] ** kormoc laughs **
[17:24:44] wagnerrp: the 0.23.1 page will exist as a changelog for the 0.23-fixes branch
[17:24:53] Beirdo: it's after noon here, ya know
[17:24:54] wagnerrp: up until the point where 0.23.1 gets an official release
[17:24:55] unixSnob_ (unixSnob_! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[17:25:04] wagnerrp: at which point a 0.23.2 page will now trac the -fixes branch
[17:25:05] skd5aner: wagnerrp: right, I'm aware of the trac report – which provide great detail, just curious if we use a changelog for -fixes... OK...
[17:25:06] pak0: i have a problem with mythtv and my cards, i have tested under vdr and work fine, but with mythtv only work a few hours, later dissappears or something
[17:25:10] kormoc: Beirdo: ooh, right
[17:26:21] skd5aner: wagnerrp: fair enough, that makes sense... .23.1 will reflect current -fixes branch until it's officially cut, then .23.2 will continue to reflect -fixes branch from that point forward, and so on...
[17:26:25] unixSnob (unixSnob! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:26:32] pak0: what can i do? or what log can i watch, because the card work fine under another programs
[17:27:24] wagnerrp: pak0: recording logs are all done on the backend
[17:27:40] skd5aner: wagnerrp: correcT?
[17:28:03] wagnerrp: correct
[17:28:25] skd5aner: cool – in that case, sorry for changing – wrong assumption on my part
[17:29:01] wagnerrp: no harm done
[17:29:34] pete27 (pete27!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:30:29] skd5aner: Honestly, I just wanted to try and start helping in a small way by maybe keeping the changelogs up-to-date. Figured I'd give it a shot at least
[17:31:11] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:31:41] skd5aner: that way the devs don't feel like they have to go through months of commit logs to try and figure out what they did when an RC comes ready :)
[17:32:14] Beirdo: that does sound kinda useful if done in the right place
[17:33:07] pak0: yes wagnerrp
[17:33:18] pak0: the problem, i think, is because the card are using usb port
[17:33:38] wagnerrp: yes what?
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[17:35:47] wagnerrp: pak0: you asked what log to watch, i merely stated that anything of relation to mythtv would be in the backend log, where ever you have that
[17:35:55] wagnerrp: probably in /var/log/mythtv/
[17:35:58] unixSnob (unixSnob! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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[17:37:29] pak0: i just restarted the cpu
[17:37:44] pak0: myth-setup recognizes my card but the led still off
[17:38:04] pak0: when i do a channels scan cant find nothign
[17:38:17] pak0: if i use vdr or kaffeine i can find 46 services
[17:38:24] wagnerrp: pak0: that sounds like some sort of driver issue, with the driver just not informing the device to turn on the LED
[17:38:26] pak0: with w-scan too
[17:38:28] wagnerrp: i have a wireless card like that
[17:38:34] pak0: af9015
[17:38:37] wagnerrp: pak0: analog or digital? what version of mythtv?
[17:38:38] pak0: i hate it
[17:38:38] pak0: xD
[17:38:52] pak0: tested under myth 0.22 and 023+fixes
[17:39:10] pak0: now trying mythbuntu 10.04 with mythtv 0.23
[17:39:31] pak0: the first time i configure mythtv work very fine the two cards in 12 hours or more
[17:40:28] pak0: but when i remove one card (the two uses usb port) and later i pluged in, myth-backend assing another id for the same card, and start to work bad, and using firmware 4.95 too
[17:42:07] pak0: are you sure the problem is under the drivers? or the firmware? i have tested vdr during 2 or 3 days, and 0 problems, and all recordings working fine, but i like more mythtv, but allways have the same problem with this card
[17:42:30] matmatmat (matmatmat! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:42:51] wagnerrp: im saying the lack of the LED lighting up is probably one of drivers
[17:42:56] wagnerrp: and probably isnt harming anything
[17:43:02] pak0: aham
[17:43:04] javatexan (javatexan!~mia@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:43:50] pak0: and another thing curious, i have two adapters, the two uses the same chipset, the infamous af9015, with one can find 32 services, and with the other 42 (with the two adapters can find 46 under windows)
[17:44:07] pak0: let me try to unplugged the two devices another time :P
[17:45:24] unixSnob (unixSnob! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[17:46:03] pak0: nothing work... i remember onething
[17:47:45] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:49:35] pak0: nothing... stills dead :S
[17:50:23] pak0: no sorry, now work, if i do a shutdown, remove the cards and wait 5 secs, later mythtv can tune channels and the leds turns on
[17:50:44] ** wagnerrp gets the feeling hes going to end up supporting mytharchive **
[17:51:07] Beirdo: why's that?
[17:51:09] pak0: i hate the af9015 chipset xD last time buy another dvb-t and when i plugged... surprises, uses af9015 too xD
[17:51:17] wagnerrp: its written in python
[17:51:22] Beirdo: oh.
[17:51:29] Beirdo: you poor guy :)
[17:51:46] Beirdo: that python's gonna kill ya yet :)
[17:51:52] wagnerrp: four years and ive never touched the thing once
[17:51:59] skd5aner: I'd love to see mytharchive get some love, but sorry if it ends up falling on your shoulders wagnerrp
[17:52:19] Beirdo: nothing a little C4 can't fix
[17:52:26] wagnerrp: at the very least, i want to rewrite the database access so it uses the bindings
[17:52:31] Beirdo: kaBLAM.
[17:52:32] gbee: might end up dropping mytharchive, even paul-h who wrote it no longer uses it
[17:52:34] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:52:35] Beirdo: now reimplement :)
[17:53:02] gbee: and no-one really likes theming it, too many screens
[17:53:02] Beirdo: well, if someone steps up, no need to remove it, I guess
[17:53:10] wagnerrp: i dont know... just feels wrong to not be able to burn to DVDs
[17:53:11] Beirdo: just redo it :)
[17:53:23] wagnerrp: even if personally id rather just buy more hard drives than DVDRs
[17:53:58] Beirdo: skd5aner seems to be volunteering (hehehe)
[17:54:06] Beirdo: Oh, I'm having an evil day today
[17:54:21] sphery: Beirdo: you're right
[17:54:39] sphery: #8246 is a dup of #8245 (but both are dups of #7714 :)
[17:55:07] wagnerrp: im still distraught over coming across a user with an IPv6 tag, and yet no linux or even common troubleshooting sense
[17:56:19] sphery: funny, #8245 and #7714 are both from *buntu packagers forwarding downstream bugs :)
[17:56:41] Beirdo: heh
[17:58:57] sphery: bt on #8245 is prettier, though, because it doesn't have irrelevant DWARF-2 errors in it
[17:59:49] Beirdo: heh
[18:00:03] Beirdo: DWARF, ELF... what's next?
[18:00:09] Beirdo: GOBLIN?
[18:00:31] sphery: DWARF is the debugging data format for ELF
[18:00:49] sphery: it's actually named to further the fantasy, so to speak
[18:01:58] Beirdo: yeah, I know :) just wondering what they'll use next
[18:01:59] Beirdo: ORC?
[18:02:10] Beirdo: NAZGUL?
[18:02:17] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:02:18] skd5aner: Beirdo: I'd love to offer my services and step up and maintain mytharchive – but you'd be no better off than you are now ;)
[18:02:21] Beirdo: heh, have fun making THAT mean something
[18:03:09] Beirdo: well, skd5aner... nobody's maintaining it. wagnerrp may end up taking up the slack, but if others are able and willing, I'm sure he'd appreciate the help
[18:03:14] wagnerrp: north american zealot gluttons under larry
[18:03:35] Beirdo: so NAZGUL would be Perl-related?
[18:03:36] Beirdo: L(
[18:03:39] skd5aner: I didn't use mytharchive for a LONG time, recently I have found that I do need to burn a few DVDs – and there are a few recordings that fail to work either via mythtranscode OR projectx :(
[18:03:42] Beirdo: :) even
[18:04:02] sphery: yeah, originally the name was just the name, but they've retroactively turned it into an initialism meaning, "Debugging With Attributed Record Formats" (which, as you can see is a bit of a stretch). I'm sure they'd have equal difficulties coming up with ones for GOBLIN or NAZGUL (though ORC could be easier :)
[18:04:36] devinheitmueller: ooh, a backronym.
[18:04:43] sphery: that's the word...
[18:04:54] wagnerrp: i thought mum was
[18:05:02] sphery: Bird?
[18:05:25] wagnerrp: no, thats the werd
[18:05:29] ** sphery imagines Peter Griffin singing the song **
[18:05:52] gbee: stop
[18:06:11] sphery: Hammertime!
[18:06:35] ** wagnerrp puts on the knee-crotch pants **
[18:07:24] Beirdo: gah
[18:07:33] Beirdo: anyways...
[18:09:14] Beirdo: *crickets*
[18:09:56] j-rod: "Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em" ranks right up there alongside Vanilla Ice's "To The Extreme" as Best Albums Evar.
[18:10:27] j-rod: if you're at a middle school party circa '92, anyway
[18:10:31] skd5aner: word to ya motha
[18:11:11] j-rod: light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle
[18:11:21] pak0: just created a log for watch the problem:
[18:11:23] pak0:
[18:13:09] pak0: where is the error? MMUnix::AddDevice() Error: failed to stat /dev/bdi <-- ??
[18:14:17] rockhound (rockhound! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:24:55] Beirdo: tell me. how is #8247 possibly "high" severity?
[18:25:33] wagnerrp: because its causing a lot of heartache to Alex Butcher
[18:25:43] Beirdo: seems that way
[18:25:52] iamlindoro: Heh, yeah, exactly... wish we could prevent certain options from being exposed...
[18:25:55] Beirdo: I'd class it "whocares", but...
[18:27:01] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller!~dheitmuel@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[18:32:57] wagnerrp: has google started doing some sort of 3D mapping in their street imagers?
[18:33:11] kormoc: they have for awhile
[18:33:23] Beirdo: Seattle's maps are 3D :)
[18:33:30] Beirdo: I noticed it a while back
[18:33:31] wagnerrp: that explains things
[18:33:47] wagnerrp: because otherwise, someone in my city has FAR FAR too much time on their hands
[18:33:55] kormoc: just wait till they start mapping shop interiors
[18:34:09] Beirdo: hehe
[18:34:12] skd5aner: I saw they're already working on it
[18:34:20] kormoc: "Directions to nearest levi jeans in 34W 48h"
[18:34:35] sphery: kormoc: +1 on switching to MySQL versus SQLite
[18:34:37] wagnerrp: several whole neighborhoods mapped and skinned
[18:34:38] skd5aner: not necessarily shop interiors, but major buidings like conference centers, shopping malls, etc
[18:35:01] sphery: kormoc: though mentioning it again in #mythtv might be good since Chutt is there, now :)
[18:35:08] Beirdo: hehe
[18:35:15] kormoc: well, let's see if the max clients helps
[18:35:16] wagnerrp: no, this has to be someone with too much time on their hands
[18:35:20] Beirdo: +1 from me too
[18:35:27] wagnerrp: since theyve got the backs of houses, not visible from the street
[18:35:42] Beirdo: sqlite, if the cause of the problem... needs to die
[18:35:53] skd5aner: I believe a lot of the 3D stuff can be user submitted via sketchup
[18:35:57] Beirdo: wagnerrp: do they have any nude sunbathers in the back yard?
[18:36:27] wagnerrp: no, they scatter when a google truck starts driving through people's fences
[18:36:31] Beirdo: that would be funny on the sat images
[18:36:47] wagnerrp: oh, it has happened
[18:37:01] Beirdo: not too surprising
[18:37:21] kormoc: . . . iew-car.aspx
[18:37:27] wagnerrp: i recall some contest a couple years back on who could post the most when google acquired some aerial photography of a summer day in Sidney
[18:37:43] sphery: Beirdo: I don't know that it's causing all of the problems, but it causes the "Database is locked" problem a lot
[18:38:01] Beirdo: sphery: yeah, it's a contributor to be sure
[18:38:54] Beirdo: jeez.
[18:39:00] Beirdo: #4954
[18:39:24] Beirdo: I may steal that once we are outta freeze and fix it properly
[18:39:32] Beirdo: it can wait
[18:39:45] Beirdo: heck, it waited for 2yrs so far :)
[18:39:57] wagnerrp: well you havent used mythtv in over 3
[18:40:09] Beirdo: true
[18:40:22] Beirdo: Well, I've USED it now, just not recorded heheh
[18:40:32] Beirdo: and I'll have it running tonight.
[18:40:41] Beirdo: xvnc should work fine
[18:40:49] Beirdo: thanks for the inspiration on that count
[18:40:54] sphery: Beirdo: proper fix being to have a .in file and write it with a use lib '$PREFIX/mythweather/scripts/us_nws' or whatever?
[18:41:06] unixSnob (unixSnob! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:41:35] Beirdo: sphery: possibly :)
[18:41:42] Beirdo: or just use -I./
[18:41:52] Beirdo: but certainly NOT hardcode paths
[18:42:05] sphery: but that would only work if you CD to the dir before executing
[18:42:08] Beirdo: hardcoding is evil
[18:42:17] Beirdo: hmm, true
[18:42:22] sphery: and if you're in the wrong dir when executing, you could easily do bad things (if someone dropped some malicious perl libs in there)
[18:42:22] Beirdo: I'll figure it out...
[18:42:28] Beirdo: AFTER freeze
[18:42:31] Beirdo: hehe
[18:42:32] sphery: yeah...
[18:42:46] ** wagnerrp waits impatiently for a thaw **
[18:43:11] sphery: wagnerrp: we should unfreeze for 0.24 development about the time 0.24 is due.  :)
[18:43:15] Beirdo: I have two new scripts (also perl) that will likely exhibit the same behavior
[18:43:31] sphery: Beirdo: in, I did the evil "untaint"
[18:43:38] iamlindoro: Best way to thaw trunk is to help get the release out
[18:43:55] iamlindoro: (not that you guys haven't)
[18:44:07] Beirdo: we try
[18:44:26] sphery: Beirdo: . . . and L1138 and L1169
[18:44:31] iamlindoro: skd5aner: Not every change needs to go in the release notes
[18:44:50] iamlindoro: skd5aner: It's meant to be a summary of important fixes, if you put cppcheck fixes and the like in, nobody will read it and it's just a copy of the commit log
[18:45:12] iamlindoro: new features, major bugfixes, major changes in functionality
[18:45:12] ** wagnerrp eyes the lack of any python tickets to fix... as an indication of lack of use **
[18:45:17] skd5aner: iamlindoro: yea – I was debating, I was going to get af ew in and ask for your opinions
[18:45:36] iamlindoro: Well that's mine, FWIW ;)
[18:45:37] sphery: Beirdo: Since some distros run the backend as root, I needed a way to make the backup script work even in taint mode. That defeats the taint-mode security, but only in places where I've explicitly thought about the effects of doing the bad things that taint mode is supposed to prevent, and done my best to minimize the possible effects.
[18:46:19] skd5aner: on that one, for example, I understand that right now it's granular – but I figured that as time goes by, that one line item can reflect a number of tickets related to compilation fixes/improvements
[18:46:21] sphery: don't know what the best approach is for mythweather, though
[18:46:49] iamlindoro: skd5aner: Not necessary
[18:47:18] skd5aner: iamlindoro: np – wanted to take the "too much" rather than too little approach while I started off
[18:47:22] iamlindoro: warning fixes, tiny memleak fixes, aesthetic stuff-- none of it needs to be in there
[18:47:31] skd5aner: I'll trim the fat here in a few to just the bigger items
[18:47:46] wagnerrp: sphery: when running as root, just error with the line, 'stop running as root – bork bork bork'
[18:48:04] skd5aner: You picked the one that I knew probably didn't belong in there, but went back and added it anyway :)
[18:48:09] iamlindoro: I also don't agree with removing new features
[18:48:18] skd5aner: oh... me either...
[18:48:36] iamlindoro: i mean the heading new features
[18:48:49] skd5aner: I was experiminting, but didn't like an alternative – which was putting "new features" in each category
[18:49:25] skd5aner: iamlindoro: yes, I know – you just caught me mid-stream of trying to better reflect – I'll add it back for now unless a better idea comes along we can agree on
[18:50:22] skd5aner: That "major changes" section is great, I like it – but the "New Features" section, how does that differ from when features would be added under a sub-category, you know?
[18:50:24] wagnerrp: skd5aner: dont worry, ive done my fair share of 'finding the best way to handle something'
[18:50:46] wagnerrp: see the mix-mash that is the backend protocol documentation as an example
[18:50:51] skd5aner: It seems like it could be a bit redundant, you know?
[18:50:54] iamlindoro: skd5aner: new features would go in both
[18:50:56] skd5aner: :)
[18:51:16] iamlindoro: the idea is to have a heading where you can quickly see the major changes and major new features, and read further if you want to see them in context
[18:51:37] Beirdo: yeah, something will be figured out for the mythweather scripts :)
[18:51:40] skd5aner: OK – so, perhaps bringing "New Features" to the top, below "Major Changes" is is better – rather than it being a sub-category at the same level as everything else?
[18:51:43] unixSnob (unixSnob! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[18:51:46] Beirdo: for now, I'll just wait
[18:51:47] Beirdo: heh
[18:52:30] matmatmat: i have a question on a new feature
[18:52:59] Beirdo: oh oh
[18:53:55] matmatmat: actually its not a new feature, more like minor change. is the improvement of the h264 decoding in 0.23 solely an improvement in terms of speed, or does it fix other minor issues too?
[18:54:22] wagnerrp: matmatmat: its a resync to a new version of ffmpeg, and everything that entails
[18:54:23] matmatmat: i got some problems with not getting key frames, and not having 16:9 format being autodetected
[18:54:46] wagnerrp: all the improvements and regressions that go along with the new revision
[18:55:25] gbee: confused by packaging errors and users who don't know how to build properly
[18:55:26] wagnerrp: the h264 improvements were just one happy improvement
[19:04:20] moodboom (moodboom!~moodboom@pdpc/supporter/active/moodboom) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[19:05:22] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, yeah, I now have the backup code fall back to the "internal" backup code if the script fails
[19:06:01] sphery: but it was annoying trying to figure out why backups were failing for so many people until someone (jams?) mentioned that a lot of users ran the backend as root
[19:06:29] sphery: unfortunately, some distros are designed such that things don't work if mythbackend isn't run as root.
[19:07:34] wagnerrp: i dont see how that can be
[19:07:38] wagnerrp: just change a couple permissions
[19:08:28] wagnerrp: users arent to be trusted with root and we need to move everything to sudo... but user controlled programs are perfectly fine?
[19:09:09] aormond (aormond!~aormond@ has quit (Quit: aormond)
[19:11:46] Beirdo: wagnerrp: you trying to make sense of things?!
[19:11:50] jams: wagnerrp- perl and root donit 'like each other thats why it failed
[19:12:33] wagnerrp: perl just doesnt like running as root, as correctly most things dont need to be run as root
[19:12:53] ** Beirdo runs wagnerrp as root **
[19:13:44] Beirdo: as long as the perms on the capture devices is right, why would you wanna run as root, other than pure laziness?
[19:14:06] Beirdo: at least for the backend.
[19:14:24] Beirdo: it's the frontend with realtime enabled that can be a PITA
[19:14:27] wagnerrp: Beirdo++
[19:14:56] wagnerrp: what do we need realtime support for?
[19:15:07] Beirdo: We used to... dunno if we do now :)
[19:15:10] syamajala (syamajala!~syamajala@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:15:15] wagnerrp: if you need realtime priority to run something, you really just need new hardware
[19:15:22] Beirdo: with vdpau and all, I doubt it's of much use at all anymore
[19:15:27] jams: it was used to help smooth out playback
[19:15:31] jams: and it's not used anymore
[19:15:33] Beirdo: unless you're on an ancient box
[19:15:34] wagnerrp: that little 5% of extra performance isnt worth running as root
[19:15:49] jams: mostly because most distros disabled it for you
[19:15:54] Beirdo: yeah
[19:16:04] wagnerrp: or better yet, just go into the BIOS and bump the clock by that amount
[19:16:07] Beirdo: I'd be happy enough if that went the way of the dodo bird
[19:16:30] wagnerrp: its trivial anymore to nudge on an extra 10–20MHz to the bus
[19:16:46] Beirdo: then you just need X setup right to allow advanced hardware access, etc.
[19:17:05] Beirdo: which you already need for opengl and vdpau, etc.
[19:17:08] Beirdo: so.. Meh
[19:17:12] wagnerrp: any standard desktop hardware wont even blink at that little overclock
[19:18:32] Beirdo: I guess the only question is... how many people are relying on realtime anymore?
[19:18:40] iamlindoro (iamlindoro!~iamlindor@unaffiliated/iamlindoro) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[19:18:44] jams: Beirdo- i'm guessing close to zero
[19:18:51] wagnerrp: the same people were going to lose if we go opengl only
[19:18:54] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:18:58] skd5aner: knowingly? probably old fogies who haven't re-read the docs in the last 4 years
[19:18:59] Beirdo: I'd be guessing you are both right
[19:18:59] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has quit (Changing host)
[19:19:00] iamlindoro (iamlindoro!~iamlindor@unaffiliated/iamlindoro) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:19:00] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v iamlindoro
[19:19:19] Beirdo: wagnerrp: although we already know we ain't doing opengl only
[19:19:40] Beirdo: Isaac has spoken. must preserve Xv support
[19:19:51] wagnerrp: i thought that was only through 0.24
[19:19:58] wagnerrp: after which it would be re-examined
[19:20:08] Beirdo: well, he didn't say that :)
[19:20:17] Beirdo: but I think that's probably a good plan
[19:20:29] Beirdo: he said "we can't drop xv"
[19:20:37] Beirdo: or something similar
[19:20:45] Beirdo: then went back into the woodwork
[19:21:05] Beirdo: so yeah, after 0.24, maybe ask again and that will change. who knowsd
[19:21:33] Beirdo: anyone ready for the XvMC burning party? :)
[19:21:39] skd5aner: me
[19:22:21] Beirdo: heh, watch all the remaining XvMC users drop into IRC shortly after
[19:22:33] Beirdo: with no stats, it's impossible to know :)
[19:23:02] skd5aner: I just can't imagine it's extremely popular anymore
[19:23:19] Beirdo: me neither. but there will be complaints, I bet
[19:23:37] Beirdo: something that would take.. $40? to fix
[19:23:37] wagnerrp: skd5aner: we said the same thing about the PVR-350 outputs prior to dropping those
[19:23:53] skd5aner: I was never a fan, but it just got increasingly less useful... it'll probably be those XvMC-VLD guys
[19:24:02] wagnerrp: Beirdo: $40 if youre considering you have to buy a more expensive PCI card, since there are no AGP cards
[19:24:04] Beirdo: it will be
[19:24:22] Beirdo: wagnerrp: yeah...
[19:24:55] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller!~dheitmuel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:25:23] skd5aner: I suppose we'll just send all the complaints to devinheitmueller and let him worry about it
[19:25:40] devinheitmueller: uh oh. what did I get myself into?
[19:25:46] ** devinheitmueller looks at log... **
[19:25:47] wagnerrp: he would have to put up an autoresponder
[19:25:53] wagnerrp: 'im not a mythtv dev you fools!!!'
[19:26:30] devinheitmueller: I don't think anyone would argue that I'm a mythtv developer (with my total of one patch)
[19:26:34] unixSnob (unixSnob! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:26:47] wagnerrp: devinheitmueller: apparently youre fielding our complaints when xvmc support gets dropped
[19:26:55] devinheitmueller: Lord.
[19:27:01] devinheitmueller: That's a tough one.
[19:27:24] devinheitmueller: I kind of like the idea of Xvmc. It's the edge cases that bug everybody.
[19:27:42] wagnerrp: the problem is the UI
[19:27:43] devinheitmueller: Maybe if the dropping of Xvmc was accompanied by the introduction of VA-API support.
[19:27:51] wagnerrp: and XvMC makes it difficult to have one
[19:28:09] devinheitmueller: Yeah, I hear you.
[19:28:10] wagnerrp: aside from not being useful for anything but partial offload of mpeg2
[19:28:24] wagnerrp: which any CPU more recent than 5yrs ago can handle in software
[19:28:31] Beirdo: devinheitmueller: va-api is going to happen, hopefully soon. I'm not the only person with it on their radar
[19:28:50] devinheitmueller: It's less of an issue for the Nvidia cards (given they dropped Xvmc support and moved to vdpau), and the Intel Xvmc support was never mature enough to use from a practical standpoint.
[19:28:50] wagnerrp: but hell hath no fury like a VIA user scorned
[19:29:17] Beirdo: VIA can... oh never mind, let's be polite.
[19:29:20] devinheitmueller: Yeah, VIA is probably going to be the problem with dropping Xvmc.
[19:29:23] wagnerrp: did nvidia drop it for the 8 or 7 series?
[19:29:24] jams: they are already in a bad mood jusb from having to use via
[19:29:29] jams: 7
[19:29:34] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: I'm pretty sure it was the 7 series.
[19:29:39] skd5aner: I just don't see where XvMC really delivers, given the variety of cavieats and limitations it has – I tried it several different times on several different cards between 05–08, and never got glitch free playback
[19:29:50] skd5aner: and that's when it "worked"
[19:29:57] wagnerrp: devinheitmueller: thats what i was thinking, that they dropped it a generation before releasing VDPAU
[19:30:09] Beirdo: I think it was always the VIA part
[19:30:10] amphibian (amphibian!~toad@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:30:25] ** Beirdo dislikes VIA **
[19:30:35] Beirdo: they make crap
[19:30:35] jams: xvmc and RT same reason, same time period, same amount of usefullness,
[19:31:10] wagnerrp: VIA makes perfectly decent hardware... for a specific purpose
[19:31:15] wagnerrp: and that purpose is not multimedia
[19:31:22] amphibian: myth question: my server is running 0-21-fixes compiled from SVN; my client was running 0.21 from debian, but has just upgraded, i am most interested in stability; should i upgrade the server to the latest debian 0.22 package?
[19:31:28] Beirdo: or DMA (on older stuff)
[19:31:38] wagnerrp: amphibian: if youre looking to upgrade
[19:31:43] wagnerrp: better to wait a couple days
[19:31:48] wagnerrp: and just leapfrog to 0.23
[19:31:51] Beirdo: they've had a series of craptacular stuff :)
[19:32:02] iamlindoro: har har, leapfrog
[19:32:09] iamlindoro: puntacular
[19:32:11] amphibian: well, is 0.22-fixes more stable than 0.21-fixes at this point?
[19:32:17] wagnerrp: yes
[19:32:18] Beirdo: don't play leapfrog with a unicorn
[19:32:47] skd5aner: amphibian – what distro are you running – debian proper?
[19:32:51] amphibian: okay, and how much trouble will it be to move from a hand-compiled 0.21-fixes to 0.22 whle preserving data?
[19:32:52] wagnerrp: note that you MUST run the same version of mythtv, on all connected machines
[19:32:53] amphibian: lenny
[19:33:06] amphibian: wagnerrp: right, that's why i have this problem now
[19:33:08] wagnerrp: amphibian: depends on if you have any sort of corrupt data in your database
[19:33:24] wagnerrp: if you have none, then you start up the backend, and it will automatically upgrade everything for you
[19:33:24] amphibian: it's possible, i have a fair number of segfaults
[19:33:30] skd5aner: well, like wagnerrp stated. 0.23 is days away, why not wait until then? However, I do not know when debian will package .23
[19:33:37] amphibian: it will be installed in /usr/bin not /usr/local/bin
[19:33:45] markl_: 0.23 has a new bug, it is cutting recordings short, like the backend loses the show after 5 minutes
[19:33:46] iamlindoro: They already have the rc1 out as a package, so it can't be long
[19:33:57] wagnerrp: markl_: are you using an HDHR?
[19:34:05] markl_: yes
[19:34:18] amphibian: but the database config should be the same – so i just backup the database, uninstall mythtv, install the debian packages?
[19:34:22] skd5aner: iamlindoro: does superm1 package for both ubuntu and debian? or does debian have their own packagers?
[19:34:32] markl_: 0.22 didn't seem to do this, and the entire distro is the same on 0.23 except for the mythtv debs
[19:34:36] iamlindoro: debain has their own bass-ackwards packager
[19:34:49] wagnerrp: theres an issue ive seen with the HDHR, where it fails if you try to pull multiple recordings
[19:35:03] wagnerrp: dont know if its when using both tuners, or using multirec
[19:35:13] markl_: wagnerrp: interesting, it does seem to happen most during the late night talk shows, i try to record all of them
[19:35:26] wagnerrp: but it has something to do with the latest sync with the silicondust libraries
[19:35:26] Beirdo: hehe
[19:35:34] amphibian: iamlindoro: well the other option is to compile it manually for both
[19:35:36] skd5aner: well, both use apt, but I guess you're saying someone else packages myth for debian rather than leveraging the same process for both ubuntu and debian, correct?
[19:35:37] markl_: should i look in the /var/log/mythtv logs?
[19:35:41] Beirdo: it's got a "good program" filter? :)
[19:35:47] markl_: i guess, how can i help debug it
[19:35:47] Beirdo: (just kidding)
[19:35:57] wagnerrp: i believe someone already opened a ticket against it
[19:36:13] skd5aner: At least it sounds like *someone* is packaging relatively quickly for debian – so, that would be the route to go I would guess
[19:36:26] markl_: Beirdo: heh, yes the signal to noise ratio on those shows is quite low sometimes
[19:36:49] markl_: but it's great when a band shows up that i like
[19:36:51] amphibian: in general the debian packages are of reasonable quality, and they only package the official released builds?
[19:37:00] Beirdo: it's going "Oh crap, that was a bad joke... aborting recording"
[19:37:04] amphibian: errr i mean
[19:37:30] amphibian: i switched to manual build because of stability issues in the first place, it hasn't helped much :|
[19:37:48] amphibian: it's been really really unstable in the last week, i think maybe because of system load or something, much less than it was a month ago
[19:37:48] ernstp (ernstp! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:38:06] skd5aner: amphibian: I build from source, but... sometimes you have to be careful to uninstall first so you don't have old myth libraries lingering around
[19:38:13] skd5aner: packaging should help with that
[19:38:29] amphibian: oh one other question: does transcoding start automatically now? there was always a bug that if the backend crashed the transcoding would never happen
[19:38:36] amphibian: i ended up adding a cron job to force it to start transcoding
[19:38:50] amphibian: can i get rid of that now?
[19:39:06] skd5aner: amphibian: I've never had that problem
[19:39:10] wagnerrp: if you have it set to on that recording rule, yes, transcoding will start automatically
[19:39:13] wagnerrp: why would you want it to?
[19:39:44] amphibian: yes, all my rules have transcoding set
[19:40:18] amphibian: but with 0.21-fixes it still starts a load of transcoding at midnight, with the cron job telling it to, implying that it hasn't already done that transcoding...?
[19:40:21] wagnerrp: if youre doing it for long term storage, take the time to check the sliplist first
[19:40:27] wagnerrp: skiplist
[19:41:14] amphibian: hmmm, you think the reason might be that it has stuff that it's not been told to transcode?
[19:41:40] wagnerrp: if your recording rule has set to autotranscode, and you have a backend that is allowed to transcode
[19:41:45] amphibian: and the cron job forces it to transcode it
[19:41:45] wagnerrp: it should be transcoding everything
[19:42:02] skd5aner: Is h.264 cuting/transcoding still basically non-existant right now with mythtranscode and/or nuvexport?
[19:42:15] Beirdo: skd5aner: I believe so.
[19:42:27] wagnerrp: i thought nuvexport did h264
[19:42:32] Beirdo: you can transcode, but via raw (at least using nuvexport)
[19:42:37] wagnerrp: but yes, neither of them will cut h264 without transcoding
[19:42:37] Beirdo: it's not lossless at all
[19:42:38] markl_: wagnerrp: hmm i'm trying to find the HDHR bug in the trac interface ( – is this the right place to search?
[19:42:47] skd5aner: I know it'll transcode to h264, but yes, lossless is what I meant
[19:42:56] amphibian: hmmm
[19:42:58] wagnerrp: markl_: i thought someone filed one, but i cant find it
[19:42:58] Beirdo: yeah, that's not there
[19:43:30] skd5aner: more and more of my recordings are coming from the HDPVR – would love to cut and losslessly transcode it over into mythvideo :)
[19:43:34] amphibian:
[19:43:40] amphibian: this is the script that runs at midnight
[19:43:52] amphibian: it seems to do something in that i always have a pile of mythtranscode's running shortly after
[19:43:55] Beirdo: skd5aner: you find a way to do it with external tools, and get back to me :)
[19:44:07] amphibian: although it's more common lately that i have transcodes running in the daytime as well
[19:44:09] markl_: skd5aner: can you just mv the video files?
[19:44:15] markl_: that's what I do
[19:44:15] Beirdo: we had mpeg2 lossless in nuvexport until mythtranscode could do it
[19:44:21] markl_: big files though
[19:44:24] wagnerrp: thats quite a one-liner
[19:44:33] skd5aner: I know iamlindoro has shared some hacks via the wiki discussion pages, but I'd prefer to buy a bigger hard disk and wait it out for now :)
[19:44:37] amphibian: yeah, i'm hoping i can get rid of it?
[19:44:54] skd5aner: I know it's got to be jumping up one of the dev's personal priority lists eventually ;)
[19:45:04] j-rod: jams: box has arrived
[19:45:10] jams: good
[19:45:22] skd5aner: mark1_: yes, and I've done that, but I do a lot of clips and editing out commercials
[19:45:26] Beirdo: skd5aner: if there's a way to do it lossless using external scripts, I can find a way to hack it into a transcoder script for nuvexport until there's a "real" way :)
[19:45:29] wagnerrp: skd5aner: we only have the lossless mpeg2 cutting because of a program called replex
[19:45:35] skd5aner: I can keep the recording as-is, but prefer to have the ability to cut
[19:45:37] j-rod: along with an 0xffdc imon vfd/ir device
[19:45:43] skd5aner: using the recording editor
[19:46:00] jams: j-rod- in the box?
[19:46:16] j-rod: ha, no, just delivered to my desk at the same time, separate package :)
[19:46:19] Beirdo: skd5aner: any new nuvexport stuff will be after 0.23 is released, of course.
[19:46:19] jams: hehe
[19:46:20] wagnerrp: that capacity would have to be rewritten if mythtv were to handle h264
[19:46:40] skd5aner: Beirdo – I've done some editing on the MP4 ffmpeg nuvexport script
[19:46:42] Beirdo: wagnerrp: yeah. not sure that there's a clean way for it
[19:46:44] jams: thought the postoffice might have slipped in something good
[19:46:46] sphery: So, turns out users don't like it when you tell them that something they've been doing for years isn't right...
[19:47:05] wagnerrp: although to be honest, such capacity could probably be taken care of if myth started using more of the ffmpeg encoder stuff
[19:47:08] sphery: I should really stop saying those things and let people keep abusing their Myth boxes.
[19:47:21] wagnerrp: as right now it only supports mjpeg and mpeg4
[19:47:22] kormoc: End the hardware abuse!
[19:47:23] Beirdo: skd5aner: cool. we have some patches lined up to consider already, but no harm in having more :)
[19:47:25] skd5aner: it's a bit messy right now, but it's based on a lot of best practices for 2 pass encoding... maybe I'll send it your way sometime for review for inclusing to update the script in trunk
[19:47:27] amphibian: opinions on my crazy one liner? is it possible that it works because my server never has a low enough load for mythtv to start transcoding on its own accord?
[19:47:37] wagnerrp: sphery: which one is that?
[19:47:42] Beirdo: skd5aner: cool.
[19:47:50] jams: j-rod- no need to send the packing peanuts back..those are yours to keep
[19:48:13] PeaceKeeper (PeaceKeeper!~PeaceKeep@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:48:19] Beirdo: j-rod: I am THIS close to installing FC12, Ubuntu has pissed me off so much :)
[19:48:25] ernstp: how do I reset the program guide database only?
[19:48:33] Beirdo: but I'll go with xvnc first
[19:49:18] amphibian: if it is a load problem, then i should just tell mythtv to either start immediately or start at a lower load level, i think there are setting for that ...
[19:49:23] amphibian: i mean a higher load threshold
[19:49:45] skd5aner: wagnerrp: yea, it'd be cool if myth leveraged the encoders in addition to the decoders from ffmpeg, wonder why that wasn't considered originally instead of things like replex/mplex?
[19:49:49] amphibian: all the stuff that shouild be transcoded goes into a database table, it's not possible for mythtv to "lose" the fact that it needs to transcode something by crashing?
[19:49:58] markl_: wagnerrp: hmm i'm not sure how to proceed here; should I just file a new bug or try to ask in the dev channel if they have heard about this problem?
[19:50:27] amphibian: (when i originally added that workaround i was pretty confident that mythtv was losing the fact that it needed to transcode some recordings)
[19:50:41] kormoc: amphibian: unless you manipulate the job queue table by hand, yes
[19:50:43] wagnerrp: skd5aner: its on the 'todo' list for one of the devs
[19:51:24] Beirdo: wagnerrp: will that allow for *lossless* though? not so sure it will
[19:51:26] skd5aner: sphery: so what exactly was the enlightenment that you had to give to a user this time?
[19:51:45] wagnerrp: Beirdo: lossless isnt lossless at all
[19:51:50] Beirdo: I think ffmpeg (unless they've changed) makes it so you have to decode then re-encode
[19:52:01] Beirdo: umm, the lossless *I* did was lossless
[19:52:09] ernstp: anyone else had problems with daylight saving time this weekend?
[19:52:11] Beirdo: heh
[19:52:15] kormoc: there's a lossy lossless?
[19:52:26] amphibian: kormoc: well i do! but i'm hoping i don't need to?
[19:52:27] kormoc: ernstp: are you in Russia?
[19:52:27] wagnerrp: it still has to reform anything before the first keyframe after a cut
[19:52:28] skd5aner: ernstp: nope, because my DST was like 3 weeks ago ;)
[19:52:31] Beirdo: the only issue is if you don't cut right on key frames
[19:52:46] kormoc: amphibian: in a properly working mythsetup, it won't lose trac of the queue
[19:52:51] wagnerrp: which means it needs to go back and build a new keyframe right at the cut
[19:52:58] wagnerrp: which is what replex is there for
[19:53:00] Beirdo: yeah, you just recreate a few frames, so not 100% lossless, true
[19:53:02] Beirdo: OK
[19:53:03] Beirdo: :)
[19:53:18] kormoc: Russia just had a issue recently due to a last minute change to both ends of their timezones
[19:53:18] Beirdo: and then the renumbering of time sequences
[19:53:23] amphibian: so i guess all i have to do is set cpu usage to medium?
[19:53:46] kormoc: amphibian: depends on how much load you are under
[19:53:49] Beirdo: wagnerrp: OK, I concede :)
[19:53:51] wagnerrp: why the original author choose replex instead of the ffmpeg stuff already available, i dont know
[19:53:54] ernstp: kormoc, nope, but most of Europe has the same date I think?
[19:54:06] ernstp: skd5aner, did you have problems then?
[19:54:06] Beirdo: but even then, I don't think that ffmpeg lets you do it, does it?
[19:54:17] amphibian: well, i have some stuff that uses 20–150% of cpu most of the time
[19:54:19] wagnerrp: i dont see why not
[19:54:19] amphibian: but i have 4 cores
[19:54:22] ernstp: I ran a mythfilldatabase just before the switch
[19:54:28] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: I got the impression that replex was a lot more mature for TS/PS muxing at that time
[19:54:28] amphibian: there is some disk i/o associated with that
[19:54:30] Beirdo: hmm, I guess it could..
[19:54:36] ernstp: and now I have 2 weeks of program guide data that's 1 hour off
[19:54:39] wagnerrp: i mean youre decoding forward from the previous keyframe
[19:54:46] ernstp: how do I clear the program guide?
[19:54:47] wagnerrp: and then just building a new one
[19:54:54] Beirdo: the other thing with replex is it will do the timestamp renumbering, IIRC
[19:55:02] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: you could be correct, im completely ignorant of any of the considerations that when in at that point
[19:55:30] Beirdo: it can all get revisited :)
[19:56:00] skd5aner: ernstp: no problems for me, all went well
[19:56:19] Beirdo: I'd personally like to eventually see ALL of the nuvexport functionality sucked right into mythtranscode (mainly using ffmpeg libs)
[19:56:29] sphery: skd5aner / wagnerrp : just the whole, "don't set card input priorities" thing
[19:56:33] Beirdo: that will take time, of course
[19:56:42] iamlindoro: Lossless transcode is a black box, I had hope that the ffmpeg concat API would allow us to do it easier/cleaner/across more formats, but it doesn't seem quite as full featured
[19:57:02] ernstp: skd5aner, oh, nice...
[19:57:22] Beirdo: DST.. pah! :)
[19:57:23] ernstp: skd5aner, you use some xmltv source also?
[19:57:23] wagnerrp: Beirdo: heres the one im looking for... #2972
[19:57:30] skd5aner: sphery: except in my fringe case example, which I convienced you of at the time ;)
[19:57:34] Beirdo: I guess I have to worry about that crap again soon :)
[19:58:04] skd5aner: ernstp: sorry, I use schedulesdirect
[19:58:27] wagnerrp: part of a long list of things that hes worked on, and put off until later to go work on an even longer list of things hes committed
[19:58:45] Beirdo: hehe, cool
[19:58:53] amphibian: kormoc: there is no risk of data loss or other serious trouble from removing that cronjob then?
[19:58:54] Beirdo: his todo list is more insane than mine
[19:59:31] skd5aner: Beirdo: yes, I'd love to see the nuvexport stuff just make it's way into mythtranscode...
[19:59:44] Beirdo: skd5aner: it's a long-term goal
[19:59:50] skd5aner: I can think of so many reasons why that would make myth so much more enjoyable for me :)
[20:00:21] wagnerrp: skd5aner: the biggest advantage wouldnt even have anything to do with an external user job
[20:00:23] Beirdo: although some of the parameters used in nuvexport, not sure how to shoehorn into mythtranscode :)
[20:00:53] Beirdo: OMG, it would be nice to not have to deal with ffpmeg's constantly changing commandline
[20:00:57] wagnerrp: the biggest advantage of them being in mythtranscode is that they would also now be in the internal transcoder in mythbackend
[20:01:07] skd5aner: or, more precisely, the possibilities that would open up for myth (direct ipod video export, move to mythvideo after transcode, etc)
[20:01:07] Beirdo: aye
[20:01:29] wagnerrp: allowing for things like transcoding on-the-fly, when streaming to something
[20:01:46] skd5aner: yea – like the mythweb stream POC does
[20:02:04] Beirdo: heh. That POC is better than nothing
[20:03:10] ** wagnerrp puts on his wiki wishlist hat **
[20:03:25] wagnerrp: we should just migrate the backend to VLC and/or gstreamer and be done with it
[20:03:31] dougt (dougt!~dougt@nat/mozilla/x-rdeqsxrdvsgftici) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[20:03:38] j-rod: Beirdo: you know you want to...
[20:03:44] Beirdo: !trout wagnerrp :)
[20:03:44] ** MythLogBot slaps wagnerrp with a :) trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[20:03:55] dougt (dougt!~dougt@nat/mozilla/x-rechpczupebvtcwo) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:03:56] Beirdo: j-rod: yeah, I kinda do...
[20:04:00] j-rod: of course, its pissed me off enough times on my laptop that I bought a new laptop running a different unix derivative...
[20:04:09] sphery: skd5aner: I don't remember the fringe case, but nearly everyone who's using input priority thinks it does something different from what it does
[20:04:13] Beirdo: but right now I just want it WORKING
[20:04:26] Beirdo: after I move, I'll think about re-implementation
[20:04:57] j-rod: jams: heh, two remotes too?
[20:04:58] Beirdo: I may well end up with FC12 as a host, and ubuntu VMs under it
[20:04:58] j-rod: I actually rather like the keyboard at first glance
[20:05:03] ** sphery prefers nothing to streaming Flash garbage **
[20:05:10] Beirdo: as all my VM images are still ubuntu
[20:05:15] jams: j-rod- one came with the keyboard and one I just had. I dont' recall which one came iwth it..but i assume it's the black one
[20:05:20] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:05:27] jams: you really don't need the extra stuff but i sent it anyhow
[20:05:28] sphery: I'll just wait 'til I get home and watch a pretty version of the show (or copy it to my laptop hard drive to watch on the road)
[20:05:42] Beirdo: sphery: yeah, I know...
[20:05:53] j-rod: jams: I'd wager it came w/the silver one, since its Microsoft-branded like the receiver and keyboard :)
[20:06:44] jams: could be, really i only said black cause the keyboard and reciever are black
[20:06:57] skd5aner: sphery: haha, agreed – mine has to do with overlaping sources – and come to think of it, it's channel priorities I think I have, not tuner priorities. Can't remember off the top of my head
[20:06:58] Beirdo: ah, what the heck?
[20:07:10] jams: i really don't recall..just know all my remotes are in a big box unsorted and unlabled :)
[20:07:11] Beirdo: where did cygwin hide strdup()?
[20:07:15] nixblicker (nixblicker!~nixblicke@unaffiliated/nixblicker) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:07:51] j-rod: jams: it amuses me that the Microsoft-branded transceiver has a Philips device ID, while the HP-branded (1st-gen) transceiver I have has a Microsoft device ID
[20:08:07] j-rod: identity crisis!
[20:08:16] skd5aner: sphery would prefer we implement Moonlight instead of flash for mythweb
[20:08:49] jams: yeah got that right
[20:08:52] tralph (tralph! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:08:57] jams: the mce reciever is all over the place
[20:09:34] wagnerrp: skd5aner: youre just saying that because youre on that vampire craze
[20:10:22] tralph: sphery: thought this was interesting ->,2551.html
[20:10:25] skd5aner: normally, I could play along, but I'm strongly going to have to say that's pretty far from the truth
[20:10:26] ** wagnerrp empties a can of air on his keyboard **
[20:10:35] tralph: hard to not be a fan of the core i series platform
[20:10:37] sphery: skd5aner: yeah, Channel priorities are OK if used properly.
[20:10:42] wagnerrp: oh, youve been a dirty, dirty keyboard havent you...
[20:10:58] ** Beirdo slaps cygwin to the ground **
[20:11:17] markl_: my x2 4400 is getting a little long in the tooth, hmm
[20:11:28] markl_: though the vdpau in 0.23 has breathed a lot of new life into it
[20:11:29] sphery: skd5aner: about the only time I could see using input priorities is if you actually have a card you /never/ want to use (i.e. you'd rather miss shows than use that input to record them)--in which case you really shouldn't define the card in MythTV.
[20:11:55] sphery: tralph: 25W... /me drools
[20:12:21] skd5aner: sphery: honestly – don't remember how it's configured now, but I basically have an HD-PVR that can record the same channels as my Analog source, and my Digital source, so I want my Analog and Digital tuners to always record first, but have the HD-PVR still be able to record if needed
[20:12:21] gbee: I find a 1/2" paint brush to be more effective, and cheaper than air
[20:12:30] Beirdo: sphery: I used to use it to convince myth not to use my lamegrabber unless all 3 PVR-250s were in use
[20:12:41] wagnerrp: paint brush would require me to pop off the keys first
[20:12:42] skd5aner: and then, of course, record anything that's not tunable by the analog or digital tuners with the HD-PVR
[20:12:42] sphery: tralph: and I /love/ how it says to use Core* instead of Atom (and gets similar power usage)
[20:12:46] gbee: at least for cleaning keyboards and a few other things
[20:12:59] wagnerrp: the canned air just requires 5 minutes to pop off the cover
[20:13:01] gbee: wagnerrp: I don't find that to be the case
[20:13:30] sphery: skd5aner / Beirdo : the best way to specify the order to use capture cards is to connect their inputs in the desired order and leave all input priorities at 0
[20:13:31] gbee: I don't need to do any disassembly, but maybe that depends on the design of the keyboard
[20:13:48] sphery: which does require Delete all Capture Cards (but that takes all of 29sec to recreate)
[20:13:54] skd5aner: yup, I have that too, but the problem has to do with LiveTV ordering with the settings in the frontend
[20:13:58] Beirdo: sphery: not always an option, nor is it really the best option :)
[20:14:04] tralph: sphery: yes – the big question mark is how the open source Intel drivers will mature with time
[20:14:12] skd5aner: I DON'T want my HD-PVR to ever be the primary tuner for livetv, and it's a local tuner on my FE/SBE
[20:14:17] Beirdo: the lamegrabber was on a slave.
[20:14:30] Beirdo: but yeah, it should work OK
[20:14:40] tralph: sphery: it seems the Intel driver already supports vaapi
[20:15:03] gbee: at a 45 degree angle and with light pressure you get bristles going between and underneath the keys, pretty effective, when you get to the edges the dust/dirt pops right out
[20:15:16] wagnerrp: so put it at the top of the list, and tell mythtv to avoid livetv conflicts
[20:15:16] Beirdo: tralph: vaapi was written for the GMA500 binary drivers as the first intended use, IIRC
[20:15:19] sphery: yeah, I probably wouldn't go with an Intel video approach, but I'll bet you could do well (if not 25W, close) with other systems
[20:15:53] Beirdo: anyways... cygwin + strdup... hmmm
[20:16:25] sphery: skd5aner: well, if you don't want the last card to be the default for LiveTV, don't mark "Avoid conflicts"
[20:16:47] wagnerrp: now if only they made PSUs that ran well that low
[20:16:47] skd5aner: sphery: encoder 1 is my HD-PVR, on my SBE/FE, then 2–5 is my physical digital tuners (and some logical tuners beyond that), then the last 4 tuners are my analog tuners.
[20:16:55] tralph: Beirdo: according to the Intel open source driver website vaapi is available and didn't specify what chips it supported
[20:17:06] wagnerrp: youre looking at 10% load for anything the 80plus scale
[20:17:06] skd5aner: sphery: yes, but I want it to avoid conflicts – ha
[20:17:08] Beirdo: tralph: nice :)
[20:17:24] ernstp (ernstp! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[20:18:07] skd5aner: so, in livetv, I want my HD-PVR to basically never be used, and I always want it to be used on any channel my digital and analog tuners can't tune, so I put it first in order...
[20:18:36] tralph: Beirdo: err, "supported on G45/GM45 platforms or later"
[20:19:36] sphery: skd5aner: but basically: It all comes down to the fact that in the end--regardless of the fact that you can specify priority for recording rules, channels, and card inputs--there's only one priority when it comes time to record, and its entire purpose is to say how much you want to record a show. So card input priority does /not/ say, "now that you're going to record it, I'd prefer you record it here." Likewise (and more ...
[20:19:42] sphery: ... generally), it does not say, "Record it here, if possible, or elsewhere, if not."
[20:19:55] wagnerrp: sphery: the second comment on that article is amazing
[20:19:58] sphery: from my post, which for some reason isn't showing up on the mailman mailing list archive...
[20:20:00] tralph: Beirdo: very bottom of this page ->
[20:20:17] Beirdo: nice
[20:20:36] skd5aner: sphery: since it's local on my mythfrontend, I have to select "Avoid Conflict" so that it ignores the hostname and selects the highest number card (my analog cards)
[20:20:45] skd5aner: sphery: per BJM's comments here – . . . 0bjm;#166588
[20:20:54] sphery: right, it will always go local first
[20:21:04] sphery: without avoid
[20:21:14] sphery: but the problem here is that you're using LiveTV
[20:21:21] sphery: :)
[20:21:22] ** wagnerrp gets back to coding, now with a clean keyboard **
[20:21:43] unixSnob (unixSnob! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[20:21:50] skd5aner: so, since I want my recordings to always use my digital and analog tuners first, I can't simply put the HD-PVR last in order... I put it first in the list, so that it'll be rare that I would ever need it for LiveTV
[20:22:30] skd5aner: However – if it's first in the list, since it has EVERY channel both my analog and digital tuners can tune, I only want it to tune the ones it can't tune
[20:22:59] sphery: but, regardless, if you can live with the fact that you may well record stuff that's less important to you than other stuff that doesn't record, feel free to use input priorities
[20:23:33] sphery: but if anyone /ever/ uses them without completely reading--and understanding--section 12 of the howto, they're asking for trouble
[20:23:35] skd5aner: sphery: yes, LiveTV is the problem, but I've realized that I actually miss live TV believe it or not. When I travel, I find a ton of interesting stuff I never record or even know exists...
[20:24:56] skd5aner: yes... hang on a sec... now I'm curious what my tuner priorities vs channel priorities are...
[20:25:51] skd5aner: ok – so my HD-PVR does have -1 priority, and is tuner 1
[20:28:53] skd5aner: so – it'll skip that tuner, and use tuner 2 and up
[20:29:31] skd5aner: I do understand, however – that there is a single priority, so it's at a recording level, not necessarily a tuner level
[20:30:06] streeter (streeter!~streeter@nat/redhat/x-pzuznhlmuffmdsui) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:30:20] streeter (streeter!~streeter@nat/redhat/x-ilarrqdosrnsbmzu) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:30:35] skd5aner: however – if I have a recording on channel 200, and my digital tuner can tuner it OR my HD-PVR can tuner it, the scheduler will see that the priority for the show on tuner 1 will be -1, and on tuner 2, it'll be 0 – so it'll record it on tuner 2
[20:31:14] skd5aner: if I have a recoding on channel 201, and only my HD-PVR can record it, then of course it'll record on tuner 1 with -1 priority, correct?
[20:31:28] sphery: yes, and if using the evil priority or the channel priority, using negatives is the best way to minimize issues caused by it
[20:33:45] skd5aner: looking at my priorities, it looks like all the channels that I have that overlap between my analog/digital tuners and my HD-PVR have received a -1 priority – I'm not sure why I did both that way
[20:34:06] skd5aner: -1 priority for my HD-PVR source
[20:34:23] skd5aner: 0 for the analog or digitl source
[20:34:48] sphery: wagnerrp: second comment in the article? The pico PSU one? Or do you mean the 2nd paragraph (about how even a normal modern PC and integrated graphics is pretty good power usage)?
[20:35:19] wagnerrp: sphery: im talking about the picture of the Office Space characters beating a dead horse in a field
[20:35:26] sphery: ah, yeah, that's nice
[20:35:41] sphery: though I do think the article is a worthwhile update (so I disagree with the commenter :)
[20:35:44] wagnerrp: great...
[20:36:14] wagnerrp: well the comment is that theyve already done a half dozen other articles on the power efficiency of i5 chips
[20:36:22] sphery: skd5aner: yeah, and that setup isn't too bad since your analog and digital sources have 0 prio
[20:37:05] wagnerrp: if only the i5s werent so expensive
[20:37:19] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, if they are all the same, then no need for the new article, but I was under the impression some were CPU efficiency, some (like this) were system efficiency (including a 45W version and a 25W version)
[20:37:35] pak0 (pak0! has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[20:37:45] sphery: Yeah, I think you could do very well with a nice low-TDP AMD CPU and ATI chipset
[20:37:57] sphery: not necessarily good for MythTV, though, but a good system
[20:38:35] nixblicker (nixblicker!~nixblicke@unaffiliated/nixblicker) has quit (Quit: leaving)
[20:38:52] sphery: I /just/ closed a ticket and 8 minutes later, we get a dup
[20:39:40] wagnerrp: 'dear all'?
[20:40:00] kormoc: 'Dear some'
[20:40:15] wagnerrp: 'this is no love letter, this is TRAACCCCC'
[20:40:19] sphery: kormoc: btw, I closed one of your tickets
[20:40:25] kormoc: sphery: yeah?
[20:40:26] sphery:
[20:40:29] ** j-rod cracks open a wasabi kit-kat **
[20:40:43] kormoc: snaz
[20:40:57] kormoc: j-rod: sickening!
[20:41:04] sphery: that's the one we got the dup of 8 minutes after :)
[20:41:27] j-rod: very very mild wasabi flavor, no heat at all. its more like a white chocolate kit-kat with green food coloring
[20:41:33] j-rod: kinda disappointed
[20:41:33] Beirdo: wasabi kit-kat?!
[20:41:35] Beirdo: hehe
[20:41:56] kormoc: you know
[20:42:00] kormoc: I have wasabi vodka
[20:42:04] kormoc: it's pretty horrible
[20:42:05] Beirdo: mmm
[20:42:15] Beirdo: that sounds promising though
[20:42:17] j-rod: japanese friend of mine brought them back from japan
[20:42:28] kormoc: Beirdo: I thought so too, but was sadly mistaken
[20:42:37] Beirdo: dang
[20:42:38] wagnerrp: yeah... youre looking at $350+case before youve got an i5 machine capable as a frontend
[20:42:43] kormoc: but after that, I've decided Wasabi is for raw fish and that's it
[20:42:47] wagnerrp: versus <$200 for an AMD
[20:42:51] Beirdo: hehe
[20:42:55] Beirdo: mmm, sushi
[20:43:00] skd5aner: hmmm, I'm highly considering getting an i5–750 for my next desktop :)
[20:43:06] jamesd__: i like wasabi, not wasabi vodka, its funny to watch all my friends that think nothing of hot chili pepers, yet are taken totally to there knees by a nice bit of wasabi
[20:43:07] kormoc: ooh, and dried peas
[20:43:20] kormoc: wasabi peas is pretty awesome
[20:43:24] Beirdo: aye
[20:43:29] skd5aner: this is a realy good writeup and comparison against certain i5/i7 architectures and some of the amd offerings:
[20:43:36] jamesd__: kormoc, yeap
[20:43:57] Beirdo: I like normal horseradish too
[20:44:01] gbee: I had wasabi peas once, never again
[20:44:02] Beirdo: great on roast beef :)
[20:44:03] j-rod: kormoc: there's no way in hell it could be worse than Cynar though
[20:44:15] j-rod:
[20:44:34] j-rod: we got a bottle of that from the LCBO up in Toronto during last fall's FUDCon.
[20:44:43] ** Beirdo is trying to get beirdobot to be able to compile on cygwin. no idea why **
[20:44:49] j-rod: holy SHIT was it terrible tasting stuff
[20:44:52] kormoc: j-rod: worse then cobra liqueur?
[20:45:01] j-rod: (even after being several scotches deep)
[20:45:07] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[20:45:12] Beirdo: !trout j-rod language :)
[20:45:12] ** MythLogBot slaps j-rod with a language :) trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[20:45:14] Beirdo: heh
[20:45:37] Beirdo: artichoke liquor!?
[20:45:58] jamesd__: i think i would prefer a slow dual/quad core amd and a good video card than an intel chip
[20:46:00] Beirdo: I think I'll pass just on principle
[20:46:02] ** j-rod has small children at home, can only swear in text or under his breath **
[20:46:11] Beirdo: heh
[20:46:49] j-rod: yeah, I don't think anyone of the ~8 or so of us came close to actually finishing it
[20:46:53] Beirdo: Cynar sounds horrific
[20:46:59] Beirdo: which LCBO? :)
[20:47:12] skd5aner: Beirdo: why do you always slap people with a smiley face trout?
[20:47:13] Beirdo: right down on Queens Quay? :)
[20:47:14] skd5aner: ;)
[20:47:14] sphery: skd5aner: would be a great article if it compared some of the low-TDP CPU's
[20:47:23] ** wagnerrp wonders how these pasty faced 12-yr olds get on online games and swear very loudly into the mic **
[20:47:23] Beirdo: !trout skd5aner
[20:47:23] ** MythLogBot slaps skd5aner with a trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[20:47:28] skd5aner: that's better
[20:47:51] Beirdo: !salmon skd5aner
[20:47:51] ** MythLogBot plants a salmon upside the head of skd5aner on behalf of Beirdo... **
[20:48:20] wagnerrp: i mean seriously, my parents never hit me, but im sure they would if they heard me yelling what these kids do
[20:48:26] skd5aner: sphery: true, but very educational (to me) none-the-less
[20:48:41] Beirdo: wagnerrp: I'd be eating soap, I'm sure
[20:49:15] skd5aner: Really interesting to see the architecture differences between the Nehalems and Lynnfield chips
[20:49:37] skd5aner: !bass Beirdo
[20:49:41] skd5aner: ahh, too bad
[20:49:53] sphery: kormoc: I don't know if it's worth including the #7536 fix in 0.23-fixes and putting #8075 into trunk or just putting #8075 into trunk and backporting it as the "fix" for MythWeb's still using the favorites table/not having been updated for channel groups. I'm happy to do one or the other if you like.
[20:50:03] ** Beirdo hits skd5aner with an Ibanez GSR200JB **
[20:50:18] j-rod: Beirdo: truth be told, 'FUDCon Toronto' was more like 'FUDCon 30 minutes outside of Toronto in some concrete wasteland'
[20:50:26] skd5aner: ouch – that's heavy
[20:50:28] kormoc: sphery: I try to do trunk and then port to a branch
[20:50:40] Beirdo: oooh, you were up in Mississauga near the airport, I guess
[20:50:47] Beirdo: skd5aner: I know, I own one :)
[20:50:55] j-rod: Beirdo: there was a ufo museum nearby, iirc. and a bar with a big sign outside it that said "Irish Pub"
[20:51:04] Beirdo: hehe
[20:51:05] sphery: skd5aner: yeah, I learned a lot about Intel's chips--I haven't paid much attention to them since processing power is no longer a concern and AMD's are much cheaper.
[20:51:28] dougt (dougt!~dougt@nat/mozilla/x-rechpczupebvtcwo) has quit (Quit: dougt)
[20:51:31] j-rod: we went to the Irish Pub just about every night
[20:51:50] Beirdo: got suitably Irish-drunk? :)
[20:51:55] j-rod: ah, the event was at Seneca College
[20:51:56] wagnerrp: sphery: plus youre more concerned about consumption under load, rather than idle
[20:52:09] wagnerrp: and all the gating improvements in the world wont change that
[20:52:11] Beirdo: no offense to real Irish, just goin by the stereotype
[20:52:16] skd5aner: That's where I think the Intel i5–750 shines, still a bit pricey around $190, but you can't get a better performing Intel chip for under $500
[20:52:31] sphery: wagnerrp: for me, yeah, definitely since I run BOINC
[20:52:37] dougt (dougt!~dougt@nat/mozilla/x-kvroinrmbsldevza) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:52:47] j-rod: Beirdo: we were actually staying out in Vaughan, was an LCBO near there
[20:53:04] Beirdo: ahhh
[20:53:47] j-rod: we went into toronto one night, had to hop a bus and the subway, took 45min+ to get there
[20:53:53] wagnerrp: skd5aner: it will be interesting to see what happens when the i7s get a die shrink
[20:54:07] tralph: one big advantage of the core i 1156 platform is the P55/H55/H57 chipset is that it doesn't have a northbridge chip
[20:54:08] Beirdo: j-rod: sounds about right.
[20:54:09] syamajala (syamajala!~syamajala@ has quit (Quit: Leaving...)
[20:54:15] wagnerrp: since theyre 45nm, vs the i5's 32nm
[20:55:04] gbee: ugh, from bad to worse, Claudia Winkleman is replacing Ross as the reviewer on Film 20** .... should have been someone who actually knows what they are talking about, e.g. Mark Kermode
[20:55:11] ** Beirdo waits for the latest failure on his buildbot... **
[20:55:24] ** gbee cancels that schedule **
[20:55:30] Beirdo: gbee: is she at least cute?
[20:56:07] skd5aner: tralph: yea, like I said – I learned a lot from that anadtech article, good basis for "catching up" on the architectures – I've been fairly hands-off with CPUs for a few years since the core2's came out
[20:56:33] ** j-rod hugs his hexacores **
[20:56:46] skd5aner: wagnerrp: current gen i7/i5/i3s are all 45nm...
[20:56:49] wagnerrp: j-rod: xeons or opterons?
[20:56:53] j-rod: very un-power-friendly, if you're talking about electrical consumption
[20:56:56] j-rod: xeons
[20:57:04] ** kormoc loves his dual quad cores **
[20:57:05] Beirdo: nice space heater :)
[20:57:16] j-rod: I don't think AMD has given us and hexacore opterons just yet
[20:57:20] wagnerrp: skd5aner: no, the i3s and i5s are all 32nm
[20:57:22] j-rod: any
[20:57:23] skd5aner:  – explains the next-gen 32nm intel offerings
[20:57:33] skd5aner: wagnerrp: that's not correct...
[20:57:36] kormoc: Beirdo: it's really not /that/ bad
[20:57:47] Beirdo: it just sounds that way :)
[20:57:53] tralph: sk5aner: the new i3 and i5 CPUs are 32nm
[20:57:58] skd5aner: wagnerrp: the i5–750, for example is 45nm
[20:58:10] Beirdo: mount frying pans as heat sinks, and make breakfast while transcoding
[20:58:21] j-rod: actually, by that, the hexacore procs here might be 32nm
[20:58:26] wagnerrp: oh, your right...
[20:58:40] tralph: the integrated Intel GPU is 45nm
[20:58:41] wagnerrp: the older Lynnfields are 45nm, the new Clarkdale stuff is 32nm
[20:58:53] wagnerrp: (and already available for purchase)
[20:58:55] j-rod: these are westmeres, so far as I know
[20:59:19] wagnerrp: although it seems theyre all dual cores
[20:59:33] skd5aner: now – that being said, you might be correct that the next gen of "clarkdale, gulftown, and arrandale" 32nm procs might have an i3/i5/i7 brand, because Lord knows Intel can't give understandable product numbers
[21:00:06] j-rod: yeah, these are 32nm
[21:00:15] j-rod:
[21:00:17] gbee: Beirdo: not in my opinion at least
[21:00:22] skd5aner: Did the new 32nm stuff just come out? I knew it was imminate
[21:00:34] Beirdo: gbee: OK then, definitely cancel it :)
[21:00:41] Beirdo: no redeeming value
[21:00:42] wagnerrp: skd5aner: the majority of their iN stuff on newegg is 32nm
[21:01:11] skd5aner: wagnerrp: got a iN prod number?
[21:01:19] j-rod: huh, only 95W tdp on these hexacores, not bad...
[21:01:21] Beirdo: my poor aton-based laptop
[21:01:24] wagnerrp: iN = i3/i5/i7
[21:01:31] skd5aner: right i5-xxx?
[21:01:32] Beirdo: I keep making it build beirdobot. :)
[21:01:40] wagnerrp: all of their 6xx series
[21:01:43] wagnerrp: the dual core stuff
[21:01:48] skd5aner: cool, I'll check some of it out
[21:01:49] wagnerrp: and the new hex core stuff
[21:01:53] sphery: So, it's dual-core and tri-core and quad-core, where tri- can be either a Greek or Latin prefix for 3. Dual comes from the Latin prefix du, where the Greek version would be di or dy. Quad is from the Latin prefix quadri or quadru. So, if 2 and 3 and 4 core uses Latin base, shouldn't 6-core?
[21:01:59] sphery: That would make them sexacores
[21:02:06] skd5aner: when I read that anadtech article was about a month ago, the 32nm didn't appear release yet
[21:02:10] gbee: j-rod: I'll trade a 95W six-core for a 45W four-core any day
[21:02:28] j-rod: not for what I use it for :)
[21:02:29] sphery: (Oh, and Greek prefix for 4 would be tetra)
[21:02:37] wagnerrp: sphery: technically they would be quat-cores
[21:02:45] skd5aner: wagnerrp:
[21:03:07] sphery: wagnerrp: quat?
[21:03:09] skd5aner: if you're interested
[21:03:15] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:25] skd5aner: sphery: that sounds pretty dirty
[21:03:32] strungmind (strungmind! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:44] wagnerrp: yeah
[21:03:54] Beirdo: squat-cores
[21:03:56] Beirdo: heh
[21:04:06] sphery: skd5aner: and, really, since we drop the "ri" or "ru" from "quadri"/"quadru", maybe we should drop the "a" from "sexa"
[21:04:19] ** wagnerrp tries to recall his latin classes from a decade ago **
[21:04:32] skd5aner: sexquatcores
[21:04:39] skd5aner: I think I need to wash my mouth out now
[21:04:59] wagnerrp: would that be six individual quad-core dies on one package?
[21:04:59] skd5aner: put a .com on the end of that and it becomes a porn site
[21:05:58] ** wagnerrp tries to imagine how you would even power such a thing, much less cool it **
[21:06:20] gbee: wind
[21:06:28] wagnerrp: gale force?
[21:06:45] gbee: isn't that the solution to all our power problems these days? At least that's what the environmentalists tell us
[21:07:46] Beirdo: just blow harder?>
[21:07:48] Beirdo: hehe
[21:08:00] sphery: wagnerrp: Were you thinking of "quater", the Latin "multiple" prefix? The others seem to be based on the cardinal prefixes.
[21:08:16] sphery: i.e. it's not a bicore or a tercore
[21:08:56] wagnerrp: uno, duo, tres, quator, quinqe, sex, septem, octo, novem, decem
[21:09:11] sphery: ah, you're doing the actual numbers
[21:10:03] wagnerrp: i dont think i ever knew the adjective versions, if they even exist
[21:10:50] sphery: Of course, this whole latin-based cardinal prefix is going to become difficult to extend once we pass 20-core--and impossible past 1000-core--processors
[21:10:51] cdpuk (cdpuk! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:11:47] gbee: M-Core, MI-Core, MX-Core ... much more concise
[21:12:01] sphery: heh
[21:12:29] j-rod: MMX-Core
[21:12:33] rockhound (rockhound! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:12:36] j-rod: recycle names from the past
[21:13:13] skd5aner: Pentinum Uno
[21:13:20] gbee: MCMXCVIII-Core, less so
[21:14:04] sphery: good thing we're not using Sanskrit.
[21:14:10] Beirdo: yet
[21:15:10] sphery: While 1 core eka-core would be good. And dvi-core could work for 2, tri-core works fine for 3, chatur-core isn't bad for 4, using shat-core for 6 would probably confuse some people.
[21:15:33] Beirdo: hehe
[21:15:41] Beirdo: but would likely be well named for many
[21:16:02] gbee: shat-core ... another crappy product dumped on us by Intel
[21:16:09] Beirdo: hehe
[21:16:21] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[21:16:35] skd5aner: I bet the shat-core runs hot... probably steamy even
[21:16:51] Beirdo: OK, I think we are far enough down THAT rathole :)
[21:16:53] Beirdo: hehe
[21:18:30] tortho (tortho! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:18:44] tralph (tralph! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[21:18:51] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:18:55] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has quit (Client Quit)
[21:19:03] tortho: Good Day All, Anyone with Hauppauge HD PVR working?
[21:20:17] kormoc: plenty of folks
[21:20:31] ** skd5aner raises hand in the back of the crowd **
[21:21:42] tortho: Or to ask differently, have tried to set it up, but when trying to watch video it flickers back and forth between the "countdown" screen and what I guess is the menu to watch recording, schedule etc... this goes on for quite some time before I'm asked if I want to restart the backend..
[21:21:55] i_is_cat (i_is_cat! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:22:14] skd5aner: what is it connected to?
[21:22:19] skd5aner: Cable STB?
[21:22:56] ** Beirdo yawns **
[21:23:05] i_is_cat: i just installed the 0.23 rc which works fine so far on my backend but when i open mythfrontend on my frontend machine it goes to the terra theme and all the text is super tiny so i cant read anything after pressing enter a few times it just exits
[21:23:28] tortho: sat box through composite and rca audio on the front
[21:23:35] i_is_cat: i tried the qtconfig and turned the font size up but it didnt seem to help with myth
[21:23:40] i_is_cat: any suggestions?
[21:23:59] skd5aner: tortho: did you setup a channel changing script in mythtv-setup for the device?
[21:24:24] tortho: just used /bin/true as the web page said
[21:25:00] gbee: i_is_cat: grab a screenshot
[21:25:16] i_is_cat: mmmkay
[21:25:23] skd5aner: tortho: yup, at least something has to be there...
[21:25:38] skd5aner: tortho: are you trying to record something, then watch – or use LiveTV?
[21:25:42] tortho: this is a part of the LMCE install btw..
[21:25:46] tortho: live tv
[21:25:56] skd5aner: Try recording something using that tuner first...
[21:26:09] tortho: assume that is what should happen when selecting "TV" in lmce
[21:26:11] skd5aner: make sure the STB is on and tuned to whatever it is you want to record
[21:26:24] tortho: it is
[21:26:24] skd5aner: tortho: no idea,never used LMCE
[21:26:27] i_is_cat: screenshot:
[21:26:50] justinh: heheh
[21:26:59] i_is_cat: i just went into the system-settings and set all the fonts to be size 15 still no luck
[21:27:09] [Peter]: looks very readable to me :)
[21:27:19] skd5aner: i_is_cat: looks fine to me, get some glasses
[21:27:27] skd5aner: ;)
[21:27:36] i_is_cat: hehe
[21:27:42] justinh: tortho: LMCE use a much older version of mythtv IIRC, one we no longer support here anyway. maybe try in their own IRC channel
[21:28:44] i_is_cat: its weird because on 0.21 my frontend worked very well then i went to 0.22-fixes and my frontend suddenly couldnt do the video during the guide and now with the 0.23rc i cant even read anything :S
[21:29:19] i_is_cat: video during the guide would be nice to have back but its not a big deal to me..
[21:30:03] i_is_cat: in fact i wouldnt have even checked if there was a newer version if it wasnt for the fact that 0.22-fixes stopped working with my remote :S
[21:30:13] justinh: eh?
[21:30:20] justinh: mythtv doesn't care about your remote
[21:30:45] justinh: if lirc works & irw spits out every button press you're golden
[21:30:52] i_is_cat: well my remote tested fine for everything else still.. it was just mythtv that wasnt doing anything
[21:30:56] tortho: justinh: been there, and need to look for further info as they have some issues at the moment with their myth plugin
[21:31:00] i_is_cat: im quite familiar with how lirc works
[21:31:09] justinh: pfft
[21:31:34] ** Beirdo pffts into his chair **
[21:31:40] Beirdo: heh
[21:31:55] justinh: don't remember seeing any lirc related tickets on 0.22
[21:32:07] i_is_cat: but anyways.. the remote is not my concern right now because if i cant see the settings then a remote is useless
[21:39:15] kormoc_ (kormoc_!~kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:39:15] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc_
[21:43:38] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[21:44:41] i_is_cat: so no suggestions? :S
[21:45:52] LedHed (LedHed! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:48:14] i_is_cat: just for the hell of it i moved the /usr/share/mythtv/themes/Terra to Terra1 and changed blootube to Terra and restarted and its the same thing only blue now
[21:49:50] kormoc_: i_is_cat: Language strike one
[21:50:15] i_is_cat: ooh didnt realize that was a bad word sorry
[21:50:40] kormoc_ is now known as kormoc
[21:51:19] DarkMage (DarkMage!~blah@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:51:30] gbee: methinks this language thing is going a little far, what's next, darn? sugar? crap?
[21:51:45] justinh: blootube won't work in 0.22 or 0.23 FYI
[21:51:52] i_is_cat: meh its not my channel
[21:52:07] i_is_cat: justinh, good to know thanks
[21:52:24] justinh: oh bother. this is really getting on my flipping nerves now. it's really becoming an aunt
[21:52:45] ** Beirdo chuckles at justinh **
[21:52:45] justinh: gbee: we'll just have to start using T9 swearing
[21:53:08] kormoc: gbee: well... We don't really have a agreed upon list and in the us, it's considered a bad word. Basically I warn when a word would have gotten me suspended in grade school
[21:53:39] justinh: kormoc: so what do they use in bible class? :-O
[21:53:51] [Peter]: the warm place
[21:53:52] kormoc: justinh: context matters
[21:54:53] dlblog (dlblog! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[21:56:10] i_is_cat: just for the record, im using an old ati videocard if that matters at all.. the backend has an onboard nvidia gpu & i havent had any issues with it at all
[21:56:11] skd5aner: my suggestion... it is Myth*TV* – why don't we just say if it'll pass the FCC's decency rules for broadcast before 10PM, then it's good here?
[21:56:32] kormoc: skd5aner: we're also international
[21:56:38] skd5aner: I mean, I know even the FCC doesn't publish a list, but hey – it's kinda obvious what is allowed and not
[21:57:14] skd5aner: kormoc: obviously, but I'm just saying – it's at least *something* that has established a guideline in this space
[21:57:55] dlblog (dlblog! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:58:04] [Peter]: warning someone for saying "hell" in a IRC channel might be one of the most retarded things I've ever seen on IRC, and I've been using it for 15 years :)
[21:58:12] skd5aner: it's not like I'm saying that all US users follow the FCC and everyone else follow their jursidictional rules :D
[21:58:55] kormoc: skd5aner: well, I don't know the rules or what would be acceptable and I'm a US citizen, so how would others?
[21:58:56] skd5aner: <[Peter]> Be careful, next you'll be warned for saying "retarded" ;)
[21:59:26] kormoc: won't someone think of the children?
[21:59:46] [Peter]: I doubt there are a lot of children in here
[21:59:49] skd5aner: kormoc: well, I guess I would think you'd know "hell" is something the fcc has never fined anyone for saying over the airwaves – as an example
[22:00:29] kormoc: skd5aner: where I grew up, heck and darn got dirty looks so...
[22:00:31] ** kormoc shrugs **
[22:00:34] skd5aner: kinda like the supreme court justice that said: "I may not be able to define something that is pornographic, but I know it when I see it"
[22:01:27] DarkMage: i wasn't allowed to say 'fart', growing up, i thought it was stupid then, i think it was really stupid, now
[22:01:32] skd5aner: kormoc: same in my household, but... I would imagine the # of children vising #mythtv-users who would have their mouth washed out with soap for saying such a thing is probably close to non-existant
[22:01:51] kormoc: skd5aner: we've had quite a few folks get offended in here
[22:01:57] ** kormoc shrugs **
[22:02:08] PeaceKeeper (PeaceKeeper!~PeaceKeep@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:02:08] skd5aner: DarkMage: My wife *still* won't say fart – she calls it the "other f word" :P
[22:02:45] DarkMage: ha, we had to say 'gas'
[22:02:52] DarkMage: and 'bottom' instead of butt
[22:02:57] DarkMage: ahh that southern baptist upbringing
[22:03:00] skd5aner: kormoc: well, I'm sure I've been offended too, and I'm not arguing against the rules... I like the friendlier #mythtv-users, but...
[22:03:19] kormoc: I'm a swearer, I love swearing, I swear hourly if not more. I hate having to watch my language in here, but the language isn't a requirement to talk and if it offends someone, I'll deal with not saying it
[22:03:22] ** kormoc shrugs **
[22:03:26] skd5aner: I live in the "south" now – in the heart of the bible belt, so I "get it" – but...
[22:03:50] skd5aner: I guess #mythtv-users is just getting consumed by PC
[22:03:59] javatexan (javatexan!~mia@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:04:07] DarkMage: i blame the mac users...
[22:04:08] ** DarkMage runs **
[22:04:17] kormoc: friendlier to who's standards? Yours? Mine? others?
[22:04:35] dserban__ (dserban__! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:04:35] kormoc: it's a target that there will be no consensus on
[22:04:50] skd5aner: kormoc: needless to say, I run a few online forums, one is for a college organization, and I use filters there for quite a bit of bad language – so, again... I think encouraging clean dialog is good, just wandering where the line is?
[22:05:29] skd5aner: well, in my context – friendlier meaning "Not the free-for-all" it once was
[22:05:42] skd5aner: moderation, in moderation ;)
[22:05:44] kormoc: there's no official policy, which is the problem
[22:05:55] skd5aner: yup – I think we're both agreeing the same thing
[22:06:16] [Peter]: I'm pretty sure some people would be offended by someone playing language-gestapo as well :)
[22:06:36] Beirdo: [Peter]: well BLEEP them :)
[22:06:41] DarkMage: true enough
[22:06:48] skd5aner: well – I know from personal experience I've been disagreed with for implemeting filters on forums
[22:07:08] skd5aner: but the word censors bleeped out all the bad words they called me ;)
[22:07:12] Beirdo: yeah...
[22:07:14] Beirdo: hehe
[22:07:28] DarkMage: honestly, i'm an adult and should don't like being told how to speak, i should be mature enough to know when to use what words, but not everyone has their own verbal filters in place
[22:07:58] Beirdo: DarkMage: yes, but many adults and non-adults don't care one bit about what offends others
[22:08:09] dserban_ (dserban_! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[22:08:10] skd5aner: but, I didn't censor d*mn or h*ll or anything I would expect to hear come out in a G/PG rated movie
[22:08:17] Beirdo: and that's a serious problem when trying to be friendly
[22:08:26] skd5aner: heck, I've heard some pretty downright bad language come out of G/PG movies in the last couple of years
[22:08:32] DarkMage: true, which is a combination of some people need to be more respectful, and others need to grow a thicker skin
[22:08:43] [Peter]: Beirdo: I'm not sure someone saying "just for the hell of it" is a problem though
[22:08:55] Beirdo: DarkMage: trust me. the skin is quite thick for most :)
[22:09:09] kormoc: DarkMage: it's more there's no technical reason that those words are required in here and if they offend someone, is it really worth it?
[22:09:11] skd5aner: Peter: strike one, you didnt self censor
[22:09:13] Beirdo: [Peter]: yeah well. just relax :)
[22:09:14] skd5aner: :O
[22:09:40] DarkMage: is it really worth it to get upset about a borderline offensive word that is in common usage these days?
[22:09:47] stoth (stoth! has quit (Quit: stoth)
[22:09:50] DarkMage: it goes both ways
[22:09:50] kormoc: the fact is people do
[22:10:00] kormoc: you're not going to change the fact they get offended
[22:10:02] DarkMage: people get upset about being told NOT to say things, too, obviously :P
[22:10:08] ** kormoc shrugs **
[22:10:17] streeter (streeter!~streeter@nat/redhat/x-ilarrqdosrnsbmzu) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:10:24] Beirdo: anyways....
[22:10:25] skd5aner: "People who push DRM standards are going to hell" – does that count as a valid use of "offensive language"?
[22:10:31] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[22:10:41] [Peter]: skd5aner: I think you're on strike two now
[22:10:45] DarkMage: that's nto even using it in a 'curse' perspective
[22:11:02] Beirdo: !trout skd5aner pushing the line to be like a teenager
[22:11:02] ** MythLogBot slaps skd5aner with a pushing the line to be like a teenager trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[22:11:04] Beirdo: hehe
[22:11:08] skd5aner: hey – I know I'm only on strike 1 you stupid piece of <carrier disconnect>
[22:11:15] ** kormoc sighs **
[22:11:55] Beirdo: just pretend you are in school (back in the day before metal detectors at the doors)...
[22:12:13] kormoc: With the nuns and the knuckle rulers...
[22:12:15] DarkMage: we cussed more at school than I do now :P
[22:12:29] skd5aner: Well, I've got to admit – I'm very self-concious about trying to not make people feel uncomfortable, but at the same time – I'm sick of feeling like I have to coddle the world's every little insecurity
[22:12:38] Beirdo: hehe, we didn't have the nuns, but we did have the knuckle rulers
[22:13:15] sphex_ (sphex_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:13:19] Beirdo: and the one teacher that'd make you stand in the corner with a ruler in your mouth.
[22:13:22] Beirdo: he was odd
[22:13:36] DarkMage: thats kind of creepy
[22:13:47] skd5aner: Beirdo: can't say I had the one, did you tell the authorities... I think he might be on a "watch list"
[22:14:02] Beirdo: meh
[22:14:06] skd5aner: ;)
[22:14:09] Beirdo: this was a LONG time ago
[22:14:12] kormoc: How can you have any pudding when you won't eat your meat?
[22:14:23] skd5aner: kormoc: lol, nice
[22:14:25] Beirdo: and he was OK, just odd
[22:14:46] Beirdo: hahah
[22:14:53] kormoc: skd5aner: ooh, folks got spanked bare buttom at my grade school
[22:14:58] Beirdo: he confiscated some playboys... (grade 3).
[22:15:10] Beirdo: and then he kept them to take home...
[22:15:12] Beirdo: heh
[22:15:24] skd5aner: well, he might have been weird, not dumb
[22:15:24] kormoc: Beirdo: do dispose of properly of course
[22:15:40] Beirdo: why some kid HAD playboys in Grade 3... I'll never know
[22:15:44] Beirdo: but of course
[22:15:55] Beirdo: his poor wife.
[22:16:01] DarkMage: think that was the first time i saw a porn, but it was a 'Club' or something
[22:16:30] skd5aner: ok – where is this conversation going?
[22:16:42] DarkMage: good places
[22:16:47] sphex (sphex! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[22:16:51] skd5aner: oh, ok then... proceed
[22:17:07] Beirdo: anyways.
[22:17:15] Beirdo: why am I still here?
[22:17:30] Beirdo: seeya on the flip side. screw this job anyways. :)
[22:17:37] Beirdo: 5 more working days... :)
[22:17:46] Beirdo: err. "working" days :)
[22:18:01] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[22:18:15] kormoc: Beirdo: existence is defined by being aware of self. So go get plastered until self is gone and you won't exist anymore! (Until the morning)
[22:18:17] pak0 (pak0! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:18:25] Beirdo: hehe
[22:18:30] Beirdo: and then will you EVER exist!
[22:18:45] kormoc: perhaps, perhaps not!
[22:18:49] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:18:50] kormoc: only one way to find out
[22:18:53] Beirdo: hehe
[22:18:58] Beirdo: maybe later.
[22:19:19] Beirdo: anyways, "home" time
[22:19:25] skd5aner: kormoc: I'm drunk, therefore I sort of am?
[22:19:43] kormoc: if you're sober enough to say "I'm", you still exist
[22:19:53] inordkuo (inordkuo!~inorkuo@ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[22:19:54] kormoc: it's when you're too drunk to be self aware that the puzzle starts
[22:22:11] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:22:12] tortho: another HD PVR question.. On input channels under the HDPVR composite it says "please add channels to this source". When exiting the setup it claims that the hdpvr uses channel 1 which does not exist..
[22:22:25] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:22:27] ComradeHaz`: Hi all, how much RAM would you recommend for a box to run MythTV frontend?
[22:22:40] pak0 (pak0! has quit (Client Quit)
[22:23:25] matmatmat (matmatmat! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[22:23:27] skd5aner: 1GB+ – but that's just what I'd do, you can get by with less
[22:23:33] kormoc: ComradeHaz`: HD?
[22:24:08] sphery: "So they are promising open source support for drivers. Until I see open source drivers written by the community (ATI has proven to be incompetent at it after all), I still won't care." Ummm...
[22:24:18] ComradeHaz`: Yes, I think I'll get one of the Hauppauge HD PVR's
[22:24:32] kormoc: ComradeHaz`: 2gb+ imho
[22:24:39] ComradeHaz`: ok
[22:24:41] sphery: obviously the last time that guy used a FOSS ATI driver was 6yrs ago when he stopped using ATI
[22:24:42] ComradeHaz`: 2 makes me happy
[22:24:48] ComradeHaz`: I was toying with 4
[22:24:51] skd5aner: agreed – I have 2GB
[22:24:55] abqjp: tortho: it basically means that it want you to download your guide data (from schedules direct, for example). That error indicates your guide data does not include a channel 1.
[22:25:11] kormoc: I have 4 myself, but mine is a BE, FE, and web server (mythweb)
[22:25:20] ** ComradeHaz` reduces his bill by 40 quid :) **
[22:25:20] skd5aner: Well, my MFE has 2GB
[22:25:35] ComradeHaz`: thanks guys
[22:25:37] skd5aner: backend has 4GB – but it serves more than just a MBE
[22:25:38] skd5aner: np
[22:25:58] amphibian (amphibian!~toad@ has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[22:26:08] ComradeHaz`: thinking Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 2.93GHz Socket 775 1066FSB 3MB L2 Cache for CPU
[22:26:19] ComradeHaz`: thoughts?
[22:26:35] tortho: abqjp: okay.. because it did not work and playing live tv just throwed me back and forth between the startup screen and a menu. When selecting 1 and creating a channel 1 it shows at least a screenshot from the sat box I have connected....
[22:26:40] ComradeHaz`: that got enough for hd?
[22:27:12] skd5aner: how much is that Core 2 Duo? It's not exactly leading edge – I cant tell you it'll be more than you need though
[22:27:28] ComradeHaz`: 96 pounds
[22:27:37] ComradeHaz`: I know, but if I go more modern I need DDR3
[22:27:41] skd5aner: what video card?
[22:27:45] ComradeHaz`: dunno yet
[22:27:49] abqjp: tortho: downloading the guide data did not work? Are you using schedule direct?
[22:27:54] skd5aner: I'd recommend a GT220
[22:27:54] ComradeHaz`: was going to ask you guys about that too
[22:28:20] ComradeHaz`: roger that
[22:28:23] skd5aner: I actually have a GT240, but... the GT 220 works just fine for VDPAU and contains feature set C, which is the latest gen
[22:28:27] ComradeHaz`: any particular brand to avoid / go for?
[22:28:43] ComradeHaz`:
[22:28:45] skd5aner: Ummmm, look at reviews on sites like newegg, etc...
[22:28:51] kc (kc!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[22:28:56] tortho: abqjp: this is just a sat box connected to a hd pvr through composite... i just want to show and record the composite input.. not get any guide data etc..
[22:29:17] skd5aner: Also, get at least 512MB of Video RAM on the card, 1GB if you can easily afford it
[22:29:18] kormoc: ComradeHaz`: skip evga, I like MSI, XFX, Gainsward
[22:29:21] ComradeHaz`: do you think I might be better going for a Core i3–530 or somesuch?
[22:29:28] kormoc: skd5aner: 1 gb is so overkill
[22:29:47] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller!~dheitmuel@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:30:00] abqjp: tortho: composite? We aren't you using the component input? You don't want myth to change channels on your sat box for you?
[22:30:01] skd5aner: yea, maybe – but cheap overkill in a lot of cases
[22:30:02] ComradeHaz`: pff, adds a few pence to price on that gpu
[22:30:33] skd5aner: VPDAU is video memory dependant, as shown in the first couple of gens where people had issues when allocated 256 and less
[22:30:33] abqjp: tortho: s/We/Why/
[22:30:49] skd5aner: and, for the price, 1GB isn't gonna add much in a lot of cases
[22:31:10] ComradeHaz`: in basket
[22:31:14] skd5aner: I have had a bad MSI and Gainsward board before
[22:31:30] ComradeHaz`: ok, cpu's guys, do you think going for something a bit newer and ddr3 would be sensible?
[22:31:33] tortho: yes, but that is further up the road.. awaiting a new hd sat box, and then only need to get what composite can deliver at the moment (Will also record a few old vhs's before I throw them in the garbage)
[22:31:35] skd5aner: wouldn't recommend against them, per say... but sometimes it's a crap shoot
[22:31:41] tortho: abqjp: see above
[22:32:13] skd5aner: ComradeHaz: that has a fan on it
[22:32:19] skd5aner: if that matters to you
[22:32:23] ComradeHaz`: hmm
[22:32:24] abqjp: tortho: okay. I can't help you with getting it working without a downloaded guide, though. I have never done that.
[22:32:26] skd5aner: my GT240 has a fan on it, but I can't hear it
[22:32:26] ComradeHaz`: valid point...
[22:32:31] DarkMage: .23 upconverting audio to 5.1 is pretty awesome
[22:32:34] ComradeHaz`: nvclock FTW ;)
[22:32:52] ComradeHaz`: nvclock -fF 20
[22:32:55] ComradeHaz`: problem solved
[22:32:57] skd5aner: yea, the driver should be able to control fan speed
[22:33:05] skd5aner: dynamically
[22:33:06] tortho: abqjp: okay, thanks anyway, will see what I can figure out..
[22:33:08] ComradeHaz`: aye
[22:33:13] ComradeHaz`: nvclock overrides it
[22:33:50] skd5aner: I've had the same case since 2004, and had maybe 4–5 different cards, 2–3 of them with fans... I just went back to one with a fan because they didn't have a good fanless option for what I wanted
[22:33:56] ComradeHaz`: all the 220's on there have fans
[22:34:12] ComradeHaz`: aye
[22:34:15] skd5aner: I've never heard any noise coming from it, and I turn on the full VDPAU profile...
[22:34:26] skd5aner: never manually messed with the nv settings for the fan
[22:34:35] ComradeHaz`: to be honest, if we're in the living room, we're probably watching something, so meh
[22:34:39] ComradeHaz`: also
[22:34:42] gbee (gbee! has left #mythtv-users ("Gone")
[22:34:45] ComradeHaz`: the study is next door
[22:34:49] ComradeHaz`: and we have long drills :D
[22:35:04] skd5aner: yea, for me it was more of a bother when the TV was off – just didn't like hearing like a computer was in the room
[22:35:12] skd5aner: I mean, back in the day
[22:35:23] ComradeHaz`: pff, our skybox sounds like a vacuum cleaner
[22:35:32] skd5aner: right now – TV is off, and I can't hear the mythfrontend until I'm about 1–2 ft away
[22:35:53] skd5aner: and even that is likely the PSU fan
[22:35:57] ComradeHaz`: yer, power usage is actually something I am conscious of
[22:36:06] ComradeHaz`: any advice on that front?
[22:36:16] skd5aner: High efficient PSU
[22:36:19] ComradeHaz`: well, check out nvclock
[22:36:36] ComradeHaz`: it keeps my main Debian box silent
[22:36:46] ComradeHaz`: and that's my main server
[22:36:56] ComradeHaz`: as well as linux desktop
[22:37:19] skd5aner: They have 80 plus and 85+ ratings
[22:37:37] skd5aner: maybe even higher than that now
[22:37:44] ComradeHaz`: ok, CPU, let's get this thrashed through!
[22:37:55] ComradeHaz`: Do I go for something like an i3 and DDR3
[22:38:05] XChatMav (XChatMav! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:38:08] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:38:22] skd5aner: well, I'm honestly not the best person to ask – because it's been about 20 months since I've done a PC build, so I haven't shopped or kept up-to-date with the market...
[22:38:35] grumpydevil: hrm... if i have to remove all installation libraries of 0.22 to get 0.23 to build correctly, i feel that something in 0.23 build script is not correct...
[22:38:44] skd5aner: I'm JUST now looking at CPUs for my next desktop, but those would probably be overkill for a mythbuild
[22:38:55] sphery: grumpydevil: Qt/qmake
[22:38:57] ComradeHaz`: yer, same here
[22:38:59] sphery: (is broken)
[22:39:16] ComradeHaz`: I have a pretty good idea of the kind of things I'll be putting in my main rig next
[22:39:22] sphery: patches to nokia, please
[22:39:30] ComradeHaz`: which is a win 7 box I do everything including game on
[22:39:31] skd5aner: ComradeHaz: search gossamer-threads, there have been a TON of threads in the last 3 months on "what to build for a mythbox"
[22:39:41] skd5aner: probably lots of current recommendations out there
[22:39:42] ComradeHaz`: but for value for money mid range boxes I have no idea
[22:39:58] ComradeHaz`: righty ho!
[22:40:00] dashcloud (dashcloud! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:40:07] grumpydevil: this needs to be documented somewhere... as this is going to bite lots of people who build from source
[22:40:11] skd5aner:
[22:40:15] skd5aner: sort by date posted
[22:40:38] skd5aner: the question about what to build gets asked about every 2–6 days
[22:40:54] skd5aner: and usually the threads actually get a lot of attention
[22:40:55] Whyvas (Whyvas! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:41:02] grumpydevil: Sigh.. i stopped reading users as i can barely keep up with -dev...
[22:41:28] skd5aner: grumpydevil: you building from source?
[22:41:32] grumpydevil: yep
[22:41:46] skd5aner: make uninstall before you do anything else
[22:41:56] grumpydevil: had to delete /usr/local/*/mythtv to get it to build correctly
[22:42:12] grumpydevil: and first time i had to do that.. ever... after more then 6 years of Myth
[22:42:19] skd5aner: I agree, it probably could be documented better
[22:42:38] skd5aner: and yes, I used to not do it either, but it bit me a similiar way a few years ago
[22:42:46] sphery: grumpydevil: all depends on how far separated your system-installed libs/headers and the version you're compiling are
[22:43:03] sphery: "far" referring to code changes, not revisions or versions
[22:43:56] grumpydevil: hmm.. does "make uninstall" done in 0.23 also remove all 0.22 parts?
[22:44:10] sphery: it only removes what 0.23 would install
[22:44:11] sphery: so, no
[22:44:15] kc (kc!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:44:22] grumpydevil: Grrr.... that makes it more complicated
[22:44:35] sphery: ideally you'd make uninstall 0.22, then configure/make/make install 0.23
[22:44:38] tortho (tortho! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving.")
[22:44:49] sphery: meaning you'd need the 0.22 build you installed
[22:44:53] grumpydevil: on production, yes
[22:44:57] grumpydevil: on test system....
[22:45:44] grumpydevil: on test system in situations like current i sometimes go back and forth between -fixes and -trunk
[22:47:23] grumpydevil: and my buildscript does a make distclean
[22:47:52] Whyvas: what kind of a machine do you need to run a 1080p bdrip?
[22:48:03] Whyvas: I have a 3.2ghz p4 and it's not even close
[22:48:04] sphery: I switch on my dev box, too. I'm just careful to remove all libs/headers before the switch.
[22:48:05] grumpydevil: think i am going to do it the blunt way, and simply delete some directories.
[22:48:16] sphery: that's the approach I use
[22:49:22] skd5aner: grumpydevil: when I said do a "make uninstall" the process would go like this: Get .22 source, ./configure, make, make install... ready for upgrade... make uninstall, svn up (or grab latest source), make clean, make distlcean, ./configure, make, make install... repeat
[22:49:39] skd5aner: the make clean/make distclean may/may not be necessary, but I do it everytime just to be on the safe side
[22:50:28] grumpydevil: my buildscript does: svn up; make distclean, ,/configure; qmake, make, make install
[22:50:29] skd5aner: you can only do a "make uninstall" on the original source that you did the "make" and "make install" on...
[22:50:46] skd5aner: you will want to add "make uninstall" before svn up
[22:50:56] grumpydevil: now i am going to add a delete of "/usr/local/*/mythtv"
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[22:51:10] sphery: grumpydevil: I use: rm -r /usr/{,local/}{include/mythtv,lib/{libmyth*,mythtv}}
[22:51:14] i_is_cat: ok so i changed the mysql.txt file and my frontend started up normally and works better than before except i cant seem to find where to set it to stay on progressive video scan
[22:51:14] skd5aner: you can, but make uninstall should take care of that for you...
[22:51:35] grumpydevil: yes, but i am not guaranteed to switch between the same version...
[22:51:40] kormoc_ (kormoc_!~kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:51:51] skd5aner: but it's only capable of uninstalling what it was told to install, that's why you can't do it after you run make/make install on a new version of the source... it's lost context of the original make install
[22:52:00] skd5aner: that's my point
[22:52:04] grumpydevil: and if i simply delete those dirs, the script also works when i switch between versions
[22:52:04] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit (Disconnected by services)
[22:52:07] kormoc_ is now known as kormoc
[22:52:27] skd5aner: example: version 1, you do a make and make install...
[22:52:42] sphery: I think you 2 are saying the same thing
[22:52:48] skd5aner: now you want to upgrade to version to, simply go into your source directory where you did the make install, then type "make uninstall"
[22:52:53] grumpydevil: i do not care about any remaining binaries, as those either get overwriten by new version, and do not matter anymore
[22:52:53] sphery: he's just saying that he doesn't necessarily have the source from whatever's installed
[22:53:25] skd5aner: well, yes – if you do not have the original source and make files laying around, then you have to do it your way (manual)
[22:54:31] skd5aner: if not, make install does all the work for you, just don't upgrade your source until you've ran make uninstall
[22:54:41] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:54:51] skd5aner: s/make install/make uninstall
[22:55:22] skd5aner: sphery: do you manually delete?
[22:55:40] sphery: only on my dev box
[22:55:46] sphery: where I do bad things
[22:55:51] sphery: often on purpose--for testing
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[22:58:51] ostbernd (ostbernd! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:59:01] ostbernd: is it possible to extract EIT-data from an IPTV-stream? resp. can the freebox capture device do this job?
[22:59:51] iamlindoro: There is almost certainly not support for EIT data in the freebox recorder, you will likely need to use XMLtv for your listsings
[23:00:25] ostbernd: okay, thanks
[23:02:09] ostbernd: the problem is to setup two routes, one for IPTV an d another for usual tcp connections
[23:02:47] ostbernd: only one default route is possible, right? or is there another way to solve?
[23:04:36] ostbernd: i'm not using a freebox. try get a working setup for alice (ISP in germany)
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[23:08:05] ComradeHaz`: any thoughts on nice quiet psu's guys?
[23:08:33] ComradeHaz`: I'm running seasonic psu's in a few of my other boxes and very happy with them, but the good reviews seem to have dried up
[23:08:52] wagnerrp: im happy with the one seasonic i have
[23:09:12] wagnerrp: ive got a handful of antecs that are all fairly quiet
[23:09:42] wagnerrp: the 'true' less so than the 'neo'
[23:10:22] wagnerrp: but considering the former lives in a case with 14 fans, 15 hard drives, and a DVDROM, it doesnt really matter
[23:11:21] ComradeHaz`: :DDDDDDDDDDD
[23:11:29] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
[23:11:47] wagnerrp: piece of crap
[23:11:50] dashcloud (dashcloud! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:12:11] ComradeHaz`: I want to buy that just to see how many components I can connect to it before it catches fire :D]
[23:12:54] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:13:18] wagnerrp: 'The systems I build usually have an Athlon 2000+, fdd, hdd, 2 ATAPI devices and a case fan, so its not as if they dont get a good workout'
[23:13:41] Outlier (Outlier!~tom@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:13:57] wagnerrp: so all those parts together, and full capacity, couldnt hit even half the rated output of that supply
[23:14:01] ComradeHaz`: ewww Athlon :/
[23:14:10] wagnerrp: so i guess he was pretty close to the grinder on those systems
[23:15:30] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:16:16] wagnerrp: 100 +5, 66 +3.3, 120 +12, and 10 +5SB
[23:16:22] wagnerrp: so almost exactly 300W
[23:16:38] wagnerrp: most reputable supplies undersell their rated capacity
[23:16:48] ComradeHaz`: aye
[23:16:58] ComradeHaz`: hmm
[23:17:04] wagnerrp: not to mention 120W of 12V wont even run most modern systems under load
[23:17:16] ComradeHaz`: wonder what the antec 'Earth Watts' supplies are like
[23:17:29] ComradeHaz`: I'm hardly gonna be stressing it
[23:17:37] ComradeHaz`: but I do want good efficiency
[23:17:45] ComradeHaz`: electricity bill bad enough as it is
[23:17:52] wagnerrp: theyre 80+bronze i believe, so theyre not the most efficient you can get
[23:17:56] wagnerrp: but you cant go wrong with antec
[23:18:18] ComradeHaz`: wanna bet?!
[23:18:32] wagnerrp: ive put one in just about ever machine ive built in the last 8 years
[23:18:51] ComradeHaz`: hmm
[23:18:51] skd5aner: camradehaz: I typically see what silentpcreview has to say on PSU
[23:18:58] ComradeHaz`: oh?
[23:19:00] wagnerrp: the only 'failure' ive had was solved by splicing in a new replacement fan
[23:19:07] kormoc: Whatever apple purchases
[23:19:14] ** kormoc shifty eyes **
[23:20:18] ostbernd (ostbernd! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:21:49] skd5aner: actually, I've got a question regarding HDs... my MBE is starting to fill up with HDs (7), I think I've got one more SATA port AND spot left for an HD, but I'm not sure what I want to do to expand... port expanders, replicators, another server, NAS, etc – thoughts?
[23:22:19] kormoc: NAS are fine if you don't care about the data
[23:22:21] ComradeHaz`: well, NAS's are noisy
[23:22:26] wagnerrp: what size are the hard drives?
[23:22:31] skd5aner: I just have barely started to think about it, but space is starting to dwindle and I'm going to have to start researching fairly quickly
[23:22:55] ComradeHaz`: well, my plan is to go RAID5 on 5 1.5TB drives
[23:23:09] wagnerrp: think bigger
[23:23:18] ComradeHaz`: can't afford to atm
[23:24:02] wagnerrp: skd5aner: if youve got additional pcie slots, its generally better to just get another controller card
[23:24:04] ComradeHaz`: but I have a friend with a NAS and he's had loads of port multiplier problems under linux
[23:24:07] wagnerrp: than to use port expanders
[23:24:12] skd5aner: wagnerrp: well, OS drive is like ~300GB, then 4 1TB drives, and 1 750GB
[23:24:24] kormoc: skd5aner: software raid?
[23:24:31] wagnerrp: skd5aner: it may be cheaper to just start buying larger drives
[23:24:36] kormoc: (linux software raid?) or no raid?
[23:24:39] skd5aner: kormoc: no, no raid right now...
[23:24:41] strungmind (strungmind! has quit ()
[23:24:48] wagnerrp: swap the 750 for a 2tb
[23:24:48] kormoc: skd5aner: yeah, just get bigger drives
[23:24:50] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit (Quit: Slim-Kimbo)
[23:24:52] kormoc: exactly
[23:24:57] wagnerrp: later, start swapping the 1s for 2.5 or 3.0s
[23:25:00] ComradeHaz`: certainly if yo go NAS look on for what card to buy
[23:25:13] ** kormoc blinks **
[23:25:16] skd5aner: well, I was hoping to "add" and not replace, per say...
[23:25:18] kormoc: NAS card?
[23:25:48] ComradeHaz`: no, conttoller card
[23:25:49] skd5aner: which is why I was wondering about maybe the port expanders and getting an external case/psu to house the hard drives...
[23:25:58] ComradeHaz`: the NAS's need a card that supports port multiplier
[23:26:03] skd5aner: but, that is completely new to me, never seen or touched one
[23:26:06] ComradeHaz`: often under windows this is done with drivers
[23:26:11] wagnerrp: ComradeHaz`: if youre going NAS, you dont use controllers
[23:26:12] kormoc: ComradeHaz`: no... NAS is 'Network Attached Storage',
[23:26:14] ComradeHaz`: for linux you need native support
[23:26:17] wagnerrp: by definition, it is network attached
[23:26:20] ComradeHaz`: uh
[23:26:21] kormoc: ComradeHaz`: you're thinking something else entirely
[23:26:22] wagnerrp: you connect to it over NFS or iSCSI
[23:26:25] ComradeHaz`: fuck
[23:26:26] ComradeHaz`: I am
[23:26:31] kormoc: Language...
[23:26:32] wagnerrp: there is no hardware support neede
[23:26:33] wagnerrp: d
[23:26:34] ComradeHaz`: sorry, tried
[23:26:41] ComradeHaz`: *tired
[23:26:52] skd5aner: yea, NAS is different... and that was really last choice for me, but I am considering NAS for other purporses (backup, etc)
[23:26:57] ComradeHaz`: thinking SATA enclosures
[23:27:17] skd5aner: CamradeHaz: yes, that's one thing I was curious to learn about...
[23:27:18] wagnerrp: single port enclosures are generally well supported
[23:27:27] wagnerrp: but you do have to be careful about port expanders
[23:27:34] ComradeHaz`: indeed
[23:27:52] ComradeHaz`: they are noisy though skd5aner
[23:27:57] wagnerrp: but youre probably better off just buying a new case and a controller at that point
[23:28:00] ComradeHaz`: well, the 3 I've experience of
[23:28:04] ComradeHaz`: like, REALLY noisy
[23:28:06] wagnerrp: it will probably be cheaper as well
[23:28:18] wagnerrp: since those external enclosures go for several hundred dollars
[23:28:20] skd5aner: noise is not a concern, I've basically got a server closet in the basement
[23:28:22] ComradeHaz`: far noisier than my mates pretty monstorus gaming machine
[23:28:30] ComradeHaz`: ahh, nice
[23:28:32] kormoc: external enclosures are designed for racks
[23:28:37] kormoc: so noise isn't an issue
[23:28:59] kormoc: skd5aner: they're not the speediest things, but they work well enough
[23:29:00] wagnerrp: kormoc: rackmount external enclosures are designed for racks
[23:29:03] skd5aner: wagnerrp: so, why are port expanders generally not recommended?
[23:29:08] skd5aner: speed?
[23:29:12] ComradeHaz`: oh, they're fine
[23:29:22] ComradeHaz`: just you need to make sure you get linux support
[23:29:28] wagnerrp: skd5aner: aside from speed, you need to make sure you have a controller that supports expanders
[23:29:37] ComradeHaz`: that's teh list I posted
[23:29:43] ComradeHaz`:
[23:29:44] skd5aner: gotcha – so it's currently a kernel support issue
[23:29:49] kormoc: wagnerrp: I haven't found a single one that didn't have mounting hardware available for it
[23:29:50] ComradeHaz`: well
[23:29:51] ComradeHaz`: no
[23:29:54] skd5aner: thx comradehaz, i'll look at that later
[23:29:59] wagnerrp: older SATA controllers, and consumer ones in general, did not support expanders
[23:29:59] ComradeHaz`: some cards support it, some don't
[23:30:07] ComradeHaz`: some use windows drivers to achieve it
[23:30:22] ComradeHaz`: 'port multiplier' is the buzz word
[23:30:31] highzeth: wagnerrp: and the few that did, where rather shady in performance
[23:30:35] ComradeHaz`: speed isn't an isse, think about it
[23:30:38] kormoc: %s/buzz/official term/
[23:30:45] ComradeHaz`: 3GB/s is it? over SATA
[23:30:46] wagnerrp: kormoc: the ones ive seen generally arent wide/tall enough to properly fit in a rack
[23:30:55] wagnerrp: not without large brackets to fill the gap anyway
[23:30:57] ComradeHaz`: lucky if you get 40MB/s out of a HDD
[23:31:06] wagnerrp: s/40/120
[23:31:06] skd5aner: so – I guess, if I put it this way, would would be the pro/con of going with a port expander vs deploying a whole new server? It sounds like from a cost perspective, in some cases it's about a tie
[23:31:12] kormoc: wagnerrp: I've seem mounting hardware that works on devices smaller then linksys routers
[23:31:14] ** kormoc shrugs **
[23:31:15] wagnerrp: or do you mean on the far side of an expander?
[23:31:57] wagnerrp: kormoc: at that point, its basically whatever you want sitting on a tray attached to the rack
[23:32:20] kormoc: skd5aner: typically you lose SMART, speed is an issue as you have to flush the lane, so it's not like you have 3gb/s to share, you have 3gb/s – flush time to split
[23:32:39] kormoc: skd5aner: and cost
[23:32:48] kormoc: skd5aner: but a pro is having a metric ton of drives
[23:32:58] highzeth: skd5aner: personally I've gone with chieftec backplanes & regular sata controllers set up in sw raid at home. I did look at PMP a few years ago, but non of the solutions where price friendly/good enough at the time
[23:33:11] skd5aner: cool guys – well, like I said, definitely not something I'm familiar with, appreicate the background and head start on the research
[23:33:14] wagnerrp: yeah, that 'guide' a several months back to building a 67TB server on the cheap
[23:33:17] kormoc: wagnerrp: meh, it's the mounting holes on the sides that make them rack mount designed imho
[23:33:18] ** kormoc shrugs **
[23:33:26] wagnerrp: used a pair of controller cards, and a bunch of port multipliers
[23:34:01] ComradeHaz`: gah, I really don't think you'd notice the speed
[23:34:15] wagnerrp: this one...
[23:34:18] ComradeHaz`: it's not like you're running an OS off the split drives
[23:34:24] ComradeHaz`: it's purely for data-store
[23:34:32] wagnerrp: if you like doing bulk data transfers between the drives, youll notice
[23:34:39] skd5aner: I guess my thought was, if I could just "expand" what I had without sacrificing quality/capability, I'd rather just do that than build an additional server, you know?
[23:34:48] wagnerrp: if its intended to be archival storage for your recorded and ripped videos, you wont
[23:35:13] wagnerrp: skd5aner: you have a rack in your basement?
[23:35:27] ComradeHaz`: well, you just position your data so anything you stick on what you percieve to be the slower drives is data that doesn't suffer
[23:35:35] skd5aner: wagnerrp: the answer is "not today" – but, yes – in the future
[23:35:39] ComradeHaz`: run speed tests and place data in the most appropriate place
[23:36:12] skd5aner: half of my equipment down there is rackmount, just sitting on temporary shelving for now
[23:36:38] skd5aner: servers are standard cases (not rackmount)
[23:36:58] ComradeHaz`: aye
[23:37:07] ComradeHaz`: rackmount servers are a pain in the clunge
[23:37:17] ComradeHaz`: (when it comes to maintenance)
[23:37:18] skd5aner: if anyone has a spare DL585s laying around, I'll take them off your hands ;)
[23:37:33] Whyvas: argh
[23:38:08] highzeth: only HP's I got are the procurve switches =)
[23:38:13] skd5aner: CamradeHaz: actually, rackmount servers can be VERY easy to maintain, they're designed for hot-swap and also for low downtime when you do have to pull them out of the rack
[23:38:15] ComradeHaz`: anyone got an antec Three Hundred?
[23:38:20] Whyvas: ok I need some help from you gentlemen... I can't get livetv going, cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg works just fine but mythtv says please wait and then cuts back to the watchtv menu
[23:38:28] skd5aner: very modulare
[23:38:28] wagnerrp: skd5aner: grab one of these...
[23:38:46] skd5aner: looks pretty :)
[23:38:48] ComradeHaz`: guess it depends on wat you're doing
[23:38:50] wagnerrp: and a couple of these...
[23:38:52] Whyvas: ideas? I have a happauge 250, setup as ivtv mpeg card
[23:39:06] ComradeHaz`: I remember trying to replace a cpu on some dell rack server or other
[23:39:20] ComradeHaz`: wasn't fun
[23:39:26] wagnerrp: Whyvas: likely you either dont have permission to either read from the card, or write to the disk
[23:39:33] ComradeHaz`: though was the first (and last) server case I ever worked on
[23:39:33] wagnerrp: or you have no set up mythtv properly
[23:39:50] Whyvas: I am using mythbuntu
[23:39:52] skd5aner: see if you can record first... sometimes you'll have problems with livetv but not recordings
[23:40:03] skd5aner: also, what does mythfrontend -v playback say?
[23:40:08] wagnerrp: mythbuntu *should* have all the permissions set up
[23:40:41] wagnerrp: have you gone through all the steps in mythtv-setup to set up the card with mythtv?
[23:40:46] ComradeHaz`: hmm, guys, will I regret going low form-factor?
[23:40:57] wagnerrp: ComradeHaz`: for?
[23:40:59] ComradeHaz`: never built a low form factor box before
[23:41:04] skd5aner: wagnerrp, kormoc, ComradeHaz: again, thanks for the advice – going to look in the next month or so for a solution
[23:41:05] dougt (dougt!~dougt@nat/mozilla/x-kvroinrmbsldevza) has quit (Quit: dougt)
[23:41:06] ComradeHaz`: MFE box
[23:41:12] skd5aner: ComradeHaz: doubtful?
[23:41:15] wagnerrp: not if you do it right
[23:41:27] Whyvas: failed to get pginfo
[23:41:35] ComradeHaz`: hmm, not seen a Satelite tunor in LFF though
[23:41:44] wagnerrp: Whyvas: have you gone through all the steps in mythtv-setup?
[23:41:49] Whyvas: yeah
[23:41:57] Whyvas: I had snow at one point, now it's gone
[23:42:07] ComradeHaz`: Global warming
[23:42:12] ComradeHaz`: :/
[23:42:17] Whyvas: hahaha
[23:42:23] Whyvas: I am in Canada...
[23:42:27] ComradeHaz`: (sorry ;) )
[23:42:28] skd5aner: Whyvas: did you see if you could record something first versus going directly into mythtv?
[23:42:30] wagnerrp: created tuner, created a source lineup, mapped the source to one of the inputs on the tuner, added channels to your lineup, added storage folders, started the backend?
[23:42:35] skd5aner: I mean, directly into live tv
[23:42:52] skd5aner: anyway – dinner's ready – g'night :)
[23:42:53] tbone0 (tbone0! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:43:01] highzeth: ComradeHaz`: dvb-s(2)?
[23:43:02] tbone0: yu
[23:43:08] Whyvas: I'll try recording just a sec
[23:43:14] ComradeHaz`: highzeth, ?
[23:43:41] highzeth: you said you had not seen much Low profile sat tuners, did you ref to dvb-s(2)?
[23:43:50] wagnerrp: ComradeHaz`: you generally wont have problems with low profile FRONTENDS
[23:44:08] wagnerrp: if you intend to have your backend, with hard drives and tuner cards in a slim box that like as well
[23:44:15] ComradeHaz`: ooh
[23:44:15] wagnerrp: you may run into difficulty
[23:44:18] ComradeHaz`: crap
[23:44:22] Whyvas: yeah, recordings work...
[23:44:26] Whyvas: weird...
[23:44:28] ComradeHaz`: no
[23:44:29] tbone0: got a quicky, been using myth a while, and program guide only updates if I manuelly go into backend, anyway of making this autorefresh?
[23:44:37] highzeth: ok
[23:44:41] ComradeHaz`: I may have missunderstood
[23:44:51] ComradeHaz`: highzeth, I dunno
[23:44:56] ComradeHaz`: UK freesat
[23:45:01] ComradeHaz`: whatever that is
[23:45:03] highzeth: ok, dvb-s(2) then =)
[23:45:05] ComradeHaz`: however, I am worried
[23:45:12] Whyvas: the recording looks horrible though...
[23:45:21] Whyvas: only analog cable...
[23:45:23] Whyvas: ugh
[23:45:39] highzeth: Media-Pointer got a CineS2 low-profile, as do TBS
[23:45:40] Whyvas: so what do I need to do to fix this?
[23:45:49] ComradeHaz`: I have been thinking all along to have a machine in the living room that gets all it's data from my existing home server
[23:45:52] wagnerrp: bump up the bitrate in the recording profile
[23:46:07] ComradeHaz`: but do I need the the backend on the machine that does all the capturing?
[23:46:22] wagnerrp: yes, the backend handles all recording and scheduling
[23:46:26] highzeth: you need a backend, if its MBE of SBE depends on your setup
[23:46:26] wagnerrp: the frontend does nothing but playback
[23:46:40] ComradeHaz`: Feck.
[23:46:58] wagnerrp: which means you put your tuner cards, hard drives, and backend in your existing home server
[23:47:14] ComradeHaz`: which is 20 meters from the living room
[23:47:14] wagnerrp: and run a small, quiet, diskless frontend next to your tv
[23:47:36] ComradeHaz`: hmm, diskless?
[23:47:41] ComradeHaz`: network boot?
[23:47:54] wagnerrp: yeah, saves a bit of size, heat, and noise
[23:48:05] ComradeHaz`: not done network boot before
[23:48:24] ComradeHaz`: do I need to be careful what mother board I buy for that?
[23:48:33] wagnerrp: just one that supports PXE
[23:48:37] wagnerrp: which is basically everything
[23:48:50] ComradeHaz`: hmm, crap, I need to think carefully now.
[23:48:53] highzeth: of not, you'll have to do the initial boot from cd/floppy/usb
[23:48:57] tbone0: Automatic use of mythfilldatabase
[23:48:58] tbone0: Normally mythfilldatabase is run automatically by mythbackend every 24 hours. For most people allowing mythfilldatabase to run automatically will be sufficient, however in areas with no XMLTV grabber or an unusual channel setup it may be run manually.
[23:48:59] highzeth: s/of/if/
[23:49:17] ComradeHaz`: Right, so, here's the situation, maybe you guys have a plan:
[23:49:20] kormoc: tbone0: congrats, you found the paste button?
[23:49:31] wagnerrp: tbone0: in your case, you create a schedules direct account
[23:49:40] bep_ (bep_!~b3pp0@unaffiliated/bep/x-392433) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:49:49] wagnerrp: and schedules direct tells mythtv when to perform the next mfd run
[23:49:58] ComradeHaz`: Living room a good 20 meter cable run from file -server which I also use as my linux desktop so it can't be moved
[23:50:29] wagnerrp: distance is no issue, so long as you can run ethernet
[23:50:45] ComradeHaz`: I can get a satelite feed into here, but I also want to capture off my sky box with a hd pvr
[23:50:48] wagnerrp: thats wired.... mythtv doesnt like to, and PXE cannot be, run over wireless
[23:50:49] ComradeHaz`: there's the catch
[23:51:11] wagnerrp: so put the Sky box, and HDPVR in with the home server
[23:51:13] grumpydevil (grumpydevil! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[23:51:16] wagnerrp: problem solved
[23:51:34] ComradeHaz`: hmm, not sure I can
[23:52:35] sphery: OK, so the new is actually quite usable. Much better than the old one.
[23:52:36] ComradeHaz`: what about if I run a buffered USB cable
[23:52:40] ComradeHaz`: that could work
[23:52:54] ComradeHaz`: (obviously want to keep component cables as short as possible)
[23:53:17] wagnerrp: eh?
[23:53:36] wagnerrp: the Sky box, HDPVR, and existing server will all be right next to each other
[23:53:44] wagnerrp: in a room 20m away from your TV and frontend
[23:54:01] ComradeHaz`: no
[23:54:32] ComradeHaz`: the frontend, sky box (and thus PVR) will be 20 meters from my server and backend
[23:54:44] sybolt (sybolt! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[23:54:52] wagnerrp: why not with the backend?
[23:55:16] ComradeHaz`: because that would mean running an HDMI cable all the way from the sky box
[23:55:24] ComradeHaz`: to the projector
[23:55:29] wagnerrp: why would you have to do that?
[23:55:33] ComradeHaz`: and remote controls will be an issue
[23:55:44] ComradeHaz`: because otherwise everything has to go through the pvr
[23:55:49] wagnerrp: thats the point
[23:55:52] ComradeHaz`: that's bound to drop the qualiy a bit
[23:56:16] Outlier (Outlier!~tom@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:56:19] wagnerrp: from what i hear, not noticeably
[23:56:30] kormoc: so you only want to timeshift things that you don't like?
[23:56:31] ComradeHaz`: if I'm gonna watch something off that box, it might as well be perfect
[23:56:33] wagnerrp: understand that if you are using the STB manually, mythtv cannot be using it
[23:56:45] ComradeHaz`: the sky box does all that
[23:56:51] wagnerrp: and myth has no way of knowing it cannot use the Sky box
[23:56:58] kormoc: ComradeHaz`: so mythtv isn't involved with your setup?
[23:57:02] wagnerrp: but then its in the Sky box, and not in myth
[23:57:14] ComradeHaz`: yer, understood
[23:57:18] wagnerrp: if youre going to use the Sky box as your DVR, then theres no reason to run myth
[23:57:28] ComradeHaz`: well, there's plenty
[23:57:35] ** kormoc shrugs **
[23:57:59] wagnerrp: if you really must retain the ability to use your Sky box manually, run a slave backend on your frontend
[23:58:06] ComradeHaz`: one of which is discless dvd's, but also we do want to be able to copy off the sky box
[23:58:09] wagnerrp: and have it record to the drives on your home server
[23:58:22] kormoc: ComradeHaz`: myth won't copy off of the skybox
[23:58:23] wagnerrp: mythtv doesnt 'copy off of' STBs
[23:58:25] wagnerrp: it records
[23:58:30] ComradeHaz`: sure
[23:58:33] ComradeHaz`: I understand that
[23:58:44] kormoc: then why did you say you wanted to use myth to copy it?
[23:58:51] wagnerrp: you can set up manually recordings, which you then manually start playback on your Sky box
[23:58:55] kormoc: yeech
[23:58:58] wagnerrp: but then its a whole mess to get things set up
[23:59:04] wagnerrp: and you dont have listings data
[23:59:21] ComradeHaz`: o.O
[23:59:22] wagnerrp: its SO much easier to just ignore the DVR capabilities of your Sky box, and use myth
[23:59:23] kormoc: "Let's watch unknown program #252 tonight!" "Yay!"
[23:59:57] ComradeHaz`: is there a Myth listings thingy for Sky then/

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