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Sunday, March 7th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:37] iamlindoro: Your STB possesses a much cleaner electronic environment than your computer, and likely a much more sensitive tuner
[00:01:04] Tomas-: shouldn't szap stats show some errors if the signal is bad?
[00:01:05] iamlindoro: tuners in PCs are another beast entirely, concluding that all is well because a TV or STb works is a false conclusion
[00:01:25] metalac: so i've had this problem ever since i got hdpvr and no idea what might be the deal
[00:01:39] metalac: when i watch LiveTv the first show works fine
[00:01:54] metalac: but as soon as next show starts, then the video becomes choppy
[00:02:03] iamlindoro: Tomas-, performance of all the DVB Apps will vary wildly between drivers, hardware, etc.
[00:02:06] metalac: any idea what might be happening?
[00:02:10] Tomas-: iamlindoro: check
[00:02:18] iamlindoro: one tuner might report accurate numbers, one might report 0 across the board
[00:02:45] iamlindoro: for example, one particular ATSC tuner always reports 0% signal strength
[00:03:03] [R]: metalac: what errors are in the logs
[00:03:35] Tomas-: iamlindoro:
[00:03:51] Tomas-: iamlindoro: this one seems to report something atleast
[00:04:10] metalac: [R]: bunch of prebuffering pause
[00:04:23] messerting (messerting! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:04:26] [R]: metalac: which log is that?
[00:04:32] metalac: [R]: frontend
[00:04:36] [R]: what about the backend
[00:04:46] metalac: [R]: no errors on backend
[00:05:28] metalac: although last prebuffering pause was 2 minutes ago
[00:05:32] metalac: but it's still choppy
[00:05:36] [R]: weird
[00:05:38] metalac: it's not super bad though
[00:05:43] [R]: i dont watch livetv anymore
[00:05:46] [R]: but when i did, i enver had problems
[00:05:48] metalac: i'd say every 5 seconds there is a slight stutter
[00:06:00] metalac: audio works just fine
[00:07:24] [R]: and if you stop and go back to live tv its good?
[00:07:32] metalac: yep
[00:07:45] metalac: and it's good until the next show starts
[00:08:59] syamajala (syamajala! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:09:02] [R]: there are a few patches in trac
[00:09:05] [R]: i used all of them
[00:09:18] [R]: i've never had a problem in forever
[00:09:28] [R]: i think one of them has to do with livetv buffer switching
[00:10:05] [R]: HD-PVR (#6719, #6611, #6602)
[00:12:28] metalac: I'll look into it
[00:12:30] metalac: thanks
[00:14:09] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:05:01] LabMonkey (LabMonkey! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:08:27] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:13:49] dminogue (dminogue! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:13:55] dminogue: Evening
[01:14:13] dminogue is now known as tmkt
[01:14:33] hadees (hadees! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[01:31:50] tmkt (tmkt! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:31:54] tmkt: hey hey, anyone having any problems with their Videos(not recordings) only playing back at dolby 2.0 with Myth 0.23?
[01:31:57] tmkt: Seems the pass through options are gone in the General Settings
[01:33:58] iamlindoro: I'll let you know when .23 exists
[01:35:23] iamlindoro: anyway, audio settings have been reworked in trunk, but passthrough settings have *not* been removed, they just use different language. I suggest reading the audio options carefully.
[01:35:41] iamlindoro: and as you've chosen to run trunk the commit message for the new settings, which explains them in detail
[01:36:00] syamajala (syamajala! has quit (Quit: Leaving...)
[01:37:45] maddslacker (maddslacker! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:38:47] maddslacker: GreyFoxx, was it you yesterday who suggested I recompile myth with libfaad to get sound to work in videos with aac?
[01:41:27] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:48:22] maddslacker: anyway, I recompiled mythtv to include libfaad, and now mkv videos with aac work, but every other kind of video won't play
[01:49:55] tmkt: yeah..they say upmix stereo to 5.1..
[01:50:36] tmkt: i know.i'm using alsa:spdif..and getting nothing but dolby 2.0 from my 5.1 dvd rips
[01:51:33] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:53:00] tmkt: and btw...great job on Arclight
[01:53:08] tmkt: even more beautiful then the gallery on your site
[01:53:19] tmkt: just have to convince the wife about its greatness
[01:59:41] mag0o: that's easy – honey, they removed *all* of the other themes, guess we'll have to use this
[02:01:38] ThisOtherGuy: hi all
[02:02:04] fukdnscerd (fukdnscerd! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:03:32] ThisOtherGuy: I recently started seeing a bunch of errors when I start up the frontend – does anyone know if I should worry about this:
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[02:10:49] maddslacker (maddslacker! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:20:15] natanojl (natanojl! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:21:25] fukdnscerd: ThisOtherGuy: this happens only on startup?
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[02:28:55] Beirdo: !seen wseltzer
[02:28:55] MythLogBot: wseltzer was last seen 7 days 22 hours 5 minutes 5 seconds ago
[02:30:34] iamlindoro: !seen VanillaSeltzer
[02:30:34] MythLogBot: VanillaSeltzer has not been seen here
[02:30:39] iamlindoro: shame, it's delicious
[02:31:41] Beirdo: heh
[02:31:49] jamesd2: !seen someone_that_thinks_cable_is_cheap
[02:31:49] MythLogBot: someone_that_thinks_cable_is_cheap has not been seen here
[02:32:25] maddslacker (maddslacker! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:37:37] Prost (Prost! has quit (Quit: ZNC -
[02:37:56] Prost (Prost! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:42:37] wagnerrp: 'sorry about the top post. posting from a phone'
[02:42:51] wagnerrp: you mean on a phone, you cant just scroll to the bottom and start typing?
[02:42:57] wagnerrp: they dont let you do that?
[02:43:07] maddslacker: hi wagnerrp
[02:43:27] maddslacker: what kind of phone?
[02:44:08] wagnerrp: whatever this 'Brent Bolin' character on the mailing list is using
[02:44:18] maddslacker: ah
[02:44:23] maddslacker: hey, quick question?
[02:44:54] wagnerrp: doesnt seem to be that quick...
[02:44:58] [R]: wagnerrp: looks like that tcp keepalive patch works perfect for me
[02:44:59] maddslacker: sorry, kids
[02:45:19] maddslacker: anyway, mythvideo has been working perfectly, but i made an mkv with aac sound, and had no sound
[02:45:33] [R]: maddslacker: what does the log say
[02:45:33] maddslacker: got a suggestion here to recompile mythtv with libaad enabled, did that
[02:45:45] wagnerrp: yeah, there are known issues with aac and mythtv
[02:45:51] maddslacker: now the mkv's work great, but other videos won't play at all
[02:45:58] maddslacker: [R], one sec
[02:46:03] wagnerrp: you can use faad which doesnt work with some forms of aac
[02:46:08] [R]: maddslacker: so it used t owork and now it doesnt? sounds like you screwed it up when you refcompiled it
[02:46:14] wagnerrp: or you can use libavcodec, which doesnt work with other forms of aac
[02:46:18] maddslacker: wagnerrp, am I better off recompilig without libfaad and converting to avi's for now?
[02:46:35] maddslacker: [R], not exactfly
[02:46:39] wagnerrp: i dont know what the recommended solution is off hand
[02:46:43] wagnerrp: its nothing to do with mkvs
[02:46:45] maddslacker: it fixed what I was after, broke everythgin else
[02:46:50] wagnerrp: only the fact that its aac
[02:46:54] maddslacker: right
[02:46:57] [R]: so if the other files worked
[02:47:00] maddslacker: yeah, the video played, just no sound
[02:47:01] [R]: and you broke their playback
[02:47:06] [R]: then you screwed it up when recomilining
[02:47:14] maddslacker: very helpful, thanks
[02:47:20] iamlindoro: faad is actually the one that *does* support all the AAC formats-- it's ffmpeg's implementation that is missing HE-AAC and a couple others
[02:47:31] maddslacker: iamlindoro, makes sense
[02:47:46] maddslacker: iamlindoro, so should I take libfaad back out, or is there somethign simple I'm missing?
[02:47:47] wagnerrp: ok, they just wanted to get rid of the extra external dependency and found they couldnt?
[02:48:08] maddslacker: I literally added --enable-libfaad to the same build script I used ebfore
[02:48:19] maddslacker: *before
[02:48:37] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, libfaad is still required is one wants to play back HE-AAC, which is most people's encodes and LATM in NZ, norway, etc... FFmpeg working on implementing the rest and then we can drop it as a compile option
[02:48:56] maddslacker: iamlindoro, I happened to notice svn of ffmpeg has the rest of the codecs
[02:49:07] iamlindoro: maddslacker, Tehre is nothing about compiling against libfaad that would prevent other videos from playing, [R] is likely correct that you broke something else when recompiling
[02:49:14] maddslacker: ok
[02:49:30] maddslacker: with the exact same script o na stable system though? i.e. it's the same version as before
[02:49:39] iamlindoro: log output of a file that does not play would liekly be enlightening
[02:49:47] maddslacker: not like a -current or anything
[02:49:51] maddslacker: one sec
[02:51:53] maddslacker: gonna be a min, have to kick the kids off the tv...heh
[02:52:21] wagnerrp: just pull up the telnet interface, and run the file remotely
[02:52:24] maddslacker: wait,. I have it on this machine
[02:53:49] maddslacker: mythbackend.log?
[02:54:03] iamlindoro: no, frontend logs when attempting to play back a file you are having issues with
[02:54:04] wagnerrp: frontend
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[02:54:52] maddslacker: don't see it in /var/log
[02:54:58] maddslacker: where does to live?
[02:55:24] wagnerrp: depends on where you told it to log
[02:55:26] iamlindoro: Just run the frontend from the terminal and capture the output
[02:56:56] maddslacker: waitng for pastebin
[02:57:22] maddslacker:
[02:58:05] iamlindoro: You have put "internal" as your video player
[02:58:08] iamlindoro: it's "Internal"
[02:58:11] maddslacker: hmm, issue with my storage dir?
[02:58:16] maddslacker: ah
[02:58:21] maddslacker: that will do it
[02:58:37] maddslacker: happened when I tried mplayer then switched back I wager
[02:58:40] maddslacker: nice catch
[02:58:40] iamlindoro: Also, you are running the wrong branch of myth
[02:58:47] maddslacker: oh?
[02:58:54] iamlindoro: you need to be running 0-22-fixes, not the release
[02:59:01] maddslacker: I downloaded it some months ago from
[02:59:04] iamlindoro: yuo are missing literally hundreds of bugfixes
[02:59:05] maddslacker: ah
[02:59:10] iamlindoro: many of them critical
[02:59:15] maddslacker: is the link on the homepage?
[02:59:26] iamlindoro: instructions at
[03:01:32] maddslacker: grr, the setting won't save
[03:04:32] maddslacker: worked on the prod sustem though so meh
[03:04:52] maddslacker: thanks iamlindoro, I'll grab the fixes branch and get it compiled
[03:16:19] dashcloud (dashcloud!~quassel@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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[03:56:31] btv (btv! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:57:08] btv: wondering if there is a cheat sheet on best motherboard to buy for linux based htpc
[03:57:47] maddslacker: pretty much anything should work these days
[03:57:49] btv: for 1080p to an LG 42", form-factor doesnt really matter to me
[03:57:54] fukdnscerd (fukdnscerd! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[03:57:54] maddslacker: go on preference and reviews
[03:58:09] btv: ok, thx
[03:59:23] maddslacker: np
[04:03:33] btv (btv! has quit (Quit: btv)
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[04:29:26] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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[04:33:19] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:33:40] greenwom: hvr-1950 any help? I extracted the firmware but can't open /dev/video0 in myth. remote doesn't work. Myth does see the card.
[04:33:47] greenwom: what info is needed?
[04:38:47] oobe: hi maddslacker how are you ?
[04:38:49] iamlindoro (iamlindoro!~iamlindor@unaffiliated/iamlindoro) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[04:38:58] maddslacker: oobe, doing well, you?
[04:39:07] oobe: not to bad
[04:39:07] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:39:09] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v iamlindoro
[04:39:12] oobe: havent seen you in a while
[04:39:32] maddslacker: yeah, I'm one of those who pops in when I have a problem...hehe
[04:39:32] [R]: greenwom: what does "can't open /dev/video0" mean?
[04:39:36] maddslacker: and I haven't hadmany
[04:39:51] oobe: cool
[04:41:19] squish102 (squish102! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[04:42:27] greenwom: what I try to watch tv I get "Error: myth is using all inputs but there are no recordings). And in the backend I can't scan for channels.
[04:42:44] wagnerrp: the backend cannot scan for channels
[04:42:48] greenwom: no
[04:42:51] wagnerrp: no
[04:42:56] greenwom: odd, it's greyed out
[04:43:06] wagnerrp: it doesnt exist, the backend has no GUI
[04:43:18] squish102 (squish102! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:43:35] wagnerrp: mythtv-setup != mythbackend
[04:43:49] greenwom: excuse me, the myth backend setup
[04:43:51] quigley (quigley! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[04:44:09] wagnerrp: what are you trying to scan?
[04:44:28] greenwom: astc
[04:45:19] wagnerrp: is there some other program open that may be using the tuner?
[04:45:28] wagnerrp: are you running mythbackend at the same time as mythtv-setup?
[04:45:45] maddslacker: yay, my compile of the fixes branch finished
[04:46:13] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[04:48:59] greenwom: no – when I run the setup it asks to shutdown the backend
[04:49:24] wagnerrp: it should warn you the backend is running, it wont shut it down for you
[04:49:37] wagnerrp: (unless youre using ubuntu)
[04:51:36] greenwom: I am using ubuntu – I killed the backend and reran the setup. Still can't select ASTC (not an option) and can't scan for channels
[04:52:00] wagnerrp: you are adding it as a DVB tuner, not an NTSC tuner?
[04:53:21] greenwom: sorry, don't unnderstand the question, This is an ASTC tuner
[04:53:29] greenwom: love to be educated
[04:53:51] wagnerrp: not quite, its an ATSC tuner, and all digital tuners in linux are handled by the DVB subsystem
[04:54:01] maddslacker: if settings and coverart don't save in the frontend, which directory should I check write permissions on?
[04:54:25] wagnerrp: when you added the card (or usb box in this case), you should have added it as a DVB tuner
[04:54:39] wagnerrp: maddslacker: local or storage group content?
[04:54:55] maddslacker: local
[04:55:06] greenwom: ok changed it to a DVB tuner in setup.. still can't scan (is a restart required?
[04:55:31] wagnerrp: then it will be in whatever directories you defined in the video setup in the frontend settings
[04:55:42] maddslacker: hmm
[04:55:43] ** maddslacker pokes around **
[04:55:50] wagnerrp: or if you have not defined such directories, it will fall back to the base video directory
[04:55:54] maddslacker: it's working fine on my real box, just not on my test laptop
[04:56:02] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, only for SG images
[04:56:14] wagnerrp: greenwom: and you linked your source to the new card input?
[04:56:39] greenwom: double checking my setup on that
[04:57:52] maddslacker: wagnerrp, looks like a mysql issue, and I can't be bothered to fix it on this machine
[04:57:59] greenwom: wagnerrp: I'm gonna restart, brb (thanks for the help)
[04:58:06] greenwom (greenwom! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[04:58:12] wagnerrp: restarting should be completely unnecessary...
[04:58:41] maddslacker: agreed
[04:58:59] maddslacker: when I played around with a usb tuner I bought, worst I had to do was unplug it and plug it back in
[04:59:07] wagnerrp: if its a mysql issue, mythfrontend should just outright not work
[04:59:23] maddslacker: I thought that too
[04:59:29] maddslacker: but it seems to be specific things
[05:00:15] maddslacker: ah
[05:00:21] maddslacker: it can read, but not execute
[05:00:40] ** kormoc raises an eyebrow **
[05:00:40] greenwom (greenwom! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:00:45] kormoc: you mean write?
[05:00:52] maddslacker: it says execute
[05:00:55] maddslacker: in the error
[05:00:59] maddslacker:
[05:01:08] maddslacker: unable to execute a statement
[05:01:17] wagnerrp: all statements are executed
[05:01:19] wagnerrp: even reads
[05:01:28] maddslacker: well this would be a erite then
[05:01:33] maddslacker: *write
[05:01:37] ** kormoc sighs **
[05:01:40] maddslacker: aka insert into
[05:01:45] [R]: there is a canned mythweb search for mvoies
[05:01:52] [R]: except it shows the same movie multiple times for differnet times
[05:02:00] [R]: is there a query to show a single instance of the movie?
[05:02:01] kormoc: myth or qt was compiled against different mysql libraries then the one you are using
[05:02:12] kormoc: [R]: no
[05:02:26] maddslacker: kormoc, it was compiled about 5 mins ago, mysql didn't change in that time
[05:02:28] ** [R] cries **
[05:02:49] kormoc: maddslacker: what about qt-mysql?
[05:03:14] kormoc: but hey, don't let reality get in the way of a great mystery!
[05:03:20] maddslacker: well, this is a -current slackware box whereas my production box is 13.0 (stable)
[05:03:29] maddslacker: I did herre there was some mysql weirdness recently
[05:03:40] maddslacker: which would fit the symptoms here
[05:03:42] maddslacker: like I said though
[05:03:46] maddslacker: don't really care on this box
[05:04:07] fukdnscerd (fukdnscerd! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[05:06:01] dashcloud_ is now known as dashcloud
[05:07:31] greenwom: wagnerrp: (my hauppage card is showing up as a samsung when I chenge the settings to DVB
[05:07:56] wagnerrp: greenwom: its telling you the tuner it found when it enumerated that interface
[05:08:18] iamlindoro: Hauppauge is a brand name, they don't manufacture the tuner chips themselves-- the tuner on your card *is* a Samsung
[05:09:09] greenwom: wagnerrp: OK forgive me I figured that would be the case, I'm just stuck
[05:10:33] wagnerrp: youve walked through all the steps?
[05:10:50] wagnerrp: added the tuner card, added a source for the tuner card, bound the source to the particular input you want?
[05:10:50] greenwom: as far as I can tell
[05:11:39] greenwom: bound the source? maybe I missed that part.
[05:11:58] fukdnscerd (fukdnscerd! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:12:23] greenwom: ok
[05:12:31] wagnerrp: a 'source' is an abstract concept of your content source
[05:12:40] wagnerrp: in your case, it would probably be 'broadcast channels'
[05:12:55] wagnerrp: the source contains the list of channels
[05:13:10] wagnerrp: and can be bound to multiple tuners, generally all tuners attached to that antenna
[05:13:15] greenwom: ok!!! now it's trying, thats a start. But the card isn't lighting up.....
[05:13:56] greenwom: MythBackend, Error: No valid capture cards are defined in the database.
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[05:18:22] greenwom: brb, reboot
[05:18:28] greenwom (greenwom! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[05:18:43] maddslacker: likes to reboot a lot, this one
[05:19:07] wagnerrp: familiar with the Windows he is
[05:19:26] brfransen (brfransen! has quit (Quit: brfransen)
[05:19:49] maddslacker: lol
[05:20:04] maddslacker: too old, too old to start the training
[05:29:00] wagnerrp:
[05:29:14] wagnerrp: this is why no one bothers making anything better than a cryptic error code
[05:29:36] greenwom (greenwom! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:29:38] wagnerrp: you try to make something that explains the problem, and even points right to an article on how to fix the problem
[05:29:43] wagnerrp: and the users still get confused
[05:29:57] wagnerrp: ...
[05:30:06] maddslacker: lol
[05:30:18] greenwom: back, hello again
[05:30:20] wagnerrp: sphery: you need to try better next time
[05:30:22] wagnerrp: :P
[05:30:34] maddslacker: yeah, that one's pretty clear
[05:30:40] wagnerrp: youve set the bar too high
[05:30:41] kormoc: ooh, users laughing at developer pain, that makes it all the better
[05:31:02] kormoc: wagnerrp: it's the timestamps, they confused and prevent reading anything after them
[05:31:15] greenwom: wagnerrp: I have the tuner & source set and now can get to the scan for channel screens.. The card is not being initialized (no red light)
[05:32:47] andreax: Thats weird, regarding the tumbnail issue in mythweb: When i do a touch "recording" with an added .64 i get back the thumbnail icon for that recording...
[05:32:48] wagnerrp: greenwom: does scanning with the external 'scan' or 'dvbscan' work?
[05:33:48] maddslacker: wagnerrp, would loading kaffeine for a sanity check help?
[05:34:44] wagnerrp: does kaffeine have a built in scanner? or does it rely on a channels.conf from the above scan utility?
[05:34:45] greenwom: wagnerrp: If I am using the commands right, then no
[05:35:03] greenwom: xawtv invokes the card
[05:35:39] maddslacker: wagnerrp, I *think* it's built-in
[05:35:55] maddslacker: it works great for plain watching on my lapotp with an ati usb tuner
[05:36:20] maddslacker: but polinty clicky either way which is nice
[05:38:00] greenwom: wagnerrp: I added firmware (from an extracted zip file). that was top get /dev/video-0. Do I need to remove this and reload pvdusb2 module and try this again without my added firmware?
[05:38:54] andreax: Shouldnt the line '/mnt/video1/17405_20080719132500.mpg.64' not be "...17405_20080719132500.mpg.64.png" ?
[05:39:00] gregl (gregl! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[05:39:03] wagnerrp: greenwom: i have no idea, and thats a pretty rare tuner due to its price
[05:39:14] wagnerrp: you might have better luck in #linuxtv
[05:39:26] maddslacker: greenwom, couldn't hurt at this point
[05:39:55] greenwom: thats what I was thinking..... I really just want to get the dang remote working..........
[05:40:18] maddslacker: wagnerrp, I have heard of that card working, actually
[05:40:57] wagnerrp: maddslacker: it does work, and is actually the recommended USB tuner by one of the linuxtv devs that frequents here
[05:41:14] wagnerrp: at least for people who need analog with mythtv
[05:41:21] gregl (gregl! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:42:02] maddslacker: yeah
[05:42:02] maddslacker: I almost bought onme recently
[05:42:02] maddslacker: the 'Q' model
[05:42:02] maddslacker: but I cheaped out
[05:42:02] maddslacker: heh
[05:42:03] maddslacker: I'm looking to score a used 1600
[05:42:03] maddslacker: I think that's the model
[05:42:13] maddslacker: yeah
[05:42:22] wagnerrp: you mean the 950Q?
[05:42:23] maddslacker: I just found out comcrap is killing analog in our area
[05:42:30] maddslacker: wagnerrp, yeah, 950Q
[05:42:32] maddslacker: nice card
[05:42:37] maddslacker: tuner I mean
[05:42:55] wagnerrp: greenwom has the 1950
[05:43:06] wagnerrp: completely different
[05:43:08] maddslacker: oh, isn't tha tPCI?
[05:43:15] greenwom: ya pain in the neck
[05:43:22] maddslacker: but yeah, I was looking at 950Q
[05:43:53] maddslacker: i'll end up with one like this
[05:43:54] maddslacker: . . . TRK:MEWAX:IT
[05:44:04] maddslacker: dual tuner, one digi, one analog
[05:44:15] maddslacker: PCI to match my old old (old) PC
[05:45:02] wagnerrp: werent there some old OEM versions of the 1600 that didnt do QAM?
[05:45:17] maddslacker: heh, speaking of, I can hear the fan across the room, compiling mythtv
[05:45:27] maddslacker: wagnerrp, I think so..HP IIRC
[05:45:52] maddslacker: heh, like that one
[05:46:19] maddslacker: well, that one says it's QAM, so mmaybe Sony?
[05:46:31] greenwom (greenwom! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:46:42] wagnerrp: i see only one reference to QAM
[05:47:35] wagnerrp: meh... id rather pay the extra $20 to get new anyway
[05:47:44] maddslacker: yeah
[05:47:51] maddslacker: my issue is connectivity
[05:48:01] maddslacker: I don't want to get a new pc for pci-e
[05:48:36] maddslacker: I guess that's where USB comes in
[05:48:37] maddslacker: heh
[05:50:13] maddslacker: wagnerrp, how is the hauppage 1800?
[05:50:33] wagnerrp: never used one
[05:50:42] wagnerrp: and its not sold anymore
[05:50:48] maddslacker: yeah, looking at used
[05:50:51] maddslacker: oh, pci-e
[05:50:52] maddslacker: lol
[05:50:55] wagnerrp: obsoleted by the 1850
[05:51:00] maddslacker: oh that's right
[05:51:01] wagnerrp: why? i dont know
[05:51:09] maddslacker: heh
[05:51:22] maddslacker: cuz hauppage likes to do that
[05:52:42] maddslacker: .me goes to test new compile of the fixes branch
[05:56:03] maddslacker: welp. all is working well
[05:56:07] maddslacker: so off to bed with me
[06:02:16] maddslacker (maddslacker! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[06:07:28] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, definitely
[06:07:36] sphery: wagnerrp: though in this case, it's actually a broken schema
[06:07:42] sphery: someone's been messing with his DB schema
[06:07:52] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[06:08:05] wagnerrp: since the LinHES stuff shouldnt have that problem?
[06:08:08] mattwynne (mattwynne! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:08:25] wagnerrp: or because theyre somehow missing a column?
[06:09:12] ** wagnerrp goes back to updating documentation **
[06:14:26] kormoc: because he's missing a column
[06:16:56] sphery: yeah, he's missing a column--that existed prior to 0.21-fixes
[06:17:11] sphery: no idea who's been messing with his DB, but they destroyed it to the point it shouldn't be trusted
[06:17:39] sphery: I sent him instructions for fixing it (which, funny enough, appear on the page referenced in the error message--even though he has a whole different issue)
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[07:53:36] [R]: victory
[07:53:44] [R]: my zotac rebate has FINALLY been accepted
[07:53:53] [R]: so much for their bs about it going faster if you submit it online
[08:04:52] dare (dare! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:09:34] oobe: why did they owe you a rebate?
[08:14:08] [R]: because i mailed them a form?
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[10:01:43] kabads: anyone here know why mythweb would still point to an old ip address? I've searched for config files and looked at sudo dpkg-reconfigure but nothing points it to the backend new ip address.
[10:03:49] oobe: kabads, setenv db_server "ip" in mythweb.conf
[10:04:15] kabads: oobe: thanks – just looking now
[10:05:03] kabads: oobe: does that also apply for a mythweb package install? This makes mythweb.conf harder to find if it does.
[10:06:25] oobe: the package manager should put in the correct values anyway but that is where the value is set
[10:06:33] oobe: /etc/httpd/extra/httpd-mythweb.conf
[10:06:40] oobe: woops
[10:07:04] oobe: one sec that path is for a different system
[10:07:08] kabads: oobe: I have mythweb.conf.apache
[10:07:14] oobe: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mythweb.conf
[10:07:31] oobe: or /etc/apache2/sites-available/mythweb.conf
[10:07:32] kabads: sudo dpkg -L mythweb |grep conf shows only this relevant file with conf
[10:08:32] kabads: oobe: mythweb.conf.apache has db_server set as localhost
[10:09:16] kabads: oobe: thanks – it's in /etc/apache2/sites-available/
[10:09:46] kabads: but it is also set as localhost
[10:12:03] oobe: changed it to the backend ip
[10:12:41] kabads: trying that but not getting any errors now, looks like http://mybackend/mythweb will time out
[10:13:11] oobe: you need to restart apache
[10:13:20] kabads: done that – and the mythbackend
[10:13:27] oobe: and also set the user and password fields correctly
[10:13:40] oobe: fyi u dont need to restart the backend
[10:14:04] kabads: ok
[10:14:28] kabads: hmm, I haven't touched the username and password fields – where do I set them?
[10:14:29] oobe: this is from an old config of mine
[10:14:35] kabads: oobe: thanks
[10:14:43] oobe: its just an example
[10:15:04] kabads: that's very similar to mine, apart from password
[10:15:08] kabads: and ip address
[10:15:29] oobe: these values should stay the same
[10:15:29] oobe: setenv db_name "mythconverg"
[10:15:30] oobe: setenv db_login "mythtv"
[10:16:10] kabads: yup – that's how they are
[10:16:25] kabads: it didn't time out, just gave database error
[10:16:43] oobe: you can verify your password with this assuming your frontend is configured correctly cat ~/.mythtv/config.xml | grep DBPass
[10:17:02] oobe: put the database error in pastebin
[10:18:08] kabads: there wasn't one – this was just on the browser – where would the log file be for that error?
[10:19:24] oobe: did you recieve an error message in your browser
[10:19:33] kabads: no
[10:19:41] kabads: just "
[10:19:48] kabads: Database Error"
[10:19:57] oobe: and just to verify you ran dpkg-reconfigure mythweb aleady
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[10:20:42] kabads: I did, but that just asked me if I wanted to protect it (which I did) and then asked for username and password – will try again if necessary
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[10:20:59] oobe: and there is a symlink of /etc/apache2/sites-available/mythweb.conf to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mythweb.conf
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[10:22:00] Rigolo_ (Rigolo_! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:22:04] Rigolo_: good morning ...
[10:22:14] kabads: checking...
[10:22:39] oobe: ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
[10:22:39] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:22:46] kabads: there is
[10:22:57] Rigolo_: question ... what is the file format that mythtv is using for it's recordings of dvb broadcasts? is that standard mpeg2-ts or mpeg2-ps?
[10:23:08] kabads: mythweb.conf -> ../sites-available/mythweb.conf
[10:24:04] _tux (_tux! has quit (Client Quit)
[10:24:17] oobe: well now you made sure the login pass and ip and database fields are correct make sure you restart apache
[10:24:25] kabads: ok
[10:24:41] oobe: Rigolo_, yes ts
[10:25:06] oobe: well whatever the broadcaster use's
[10:25:17] oobe: usually mpeg2
[10:25:35] kabads: since running the dpkg-reconfigure, it's reverted back to the old ip address (
[10:25:42] kabads: Unable to connect to the master backend at
[10:25:46] oobe: Playing /mnt/mythtv/default/1001_20100218203000.mpg.
[10:25:46] oobe: TS file format detected.
[10:26:13] kabads: even though the mythweb.conf file now has new ip address in
[10:26:19] oobe: kabads, just change the credentials then restart apache
[10:26:23] kabads: setenv db_server ""
[10:26:35] kabads: that was after apache was restarted
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[10:27:02] oobe: does you backend have the correct ip address setup
[10:27:14] oobe: in section 1. page 1
[10:27:52] kabads: i think it has – I need to fire up vnc to have a look – hang on
[10:28:30] oobe: it needs to bet set correctly not just for mythweb but for remote frontends too
[10:30:20] kabads: hmm, I seem to recall that it worked perfectly well with, but then I only use mythweb on another machine as a potential client. I watch most of my recordings through ps3, so i am probably wrong there.
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[10:31:11] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:31:19] kabads: ah, it is asking for the correct ip – just trying to find it now.
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[10:33:31] Rigolo_: oobe: okee ... so if I have an other mpeg-ts file, I can run it through mythcommflag also?
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[10:34:08] oobe: Rigolo_, yea but u will need to add it to your recordings first i think
[10:34:25] oobe: there is a script in contrib that works well for that
[10:34:28] kabads: yay! thanks oobe
[10:34:43] oobe: kabads, it works?
[10:35:06] Rigolo_: oobe: well .. looking at the options you can probably output the cutlist somehwere else .. and you can specify ca file directly with the -f option
[10:35:34] oobe: oh ok cool
[10:35:54] oobe: was just about to show you the script in crontib that adds it in
[10:36:31] oobe: really handy if you have to restore a database backup that was made prior to certain recordings
[10:36:37] Rigolo_: I have seen that script .. (from the FAQ: can I add my own recordings..)
[10:37:07] Rigolo_: oobe: well ... I am trying to see if I can use mythcommflag on tvheadend recordings :-)
[10:37:18] oobe: cool well i used to just delete my recordings after restoring a database backup cause i didnt know how easy it was to re add them
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[10:38:34] kabads: oobe: yes – well, it's defintely an improvement. It's still reporting that the ip address needs fixing, so that setting doesn't seem to be sticking at the moment, but mythweb is working
[10:38:46] kabads: sorry – the frontend is reporting that the ip address is wrong
[10:39:20] oobe: kabads, its most likely not the backend you also need to specify the backend ip to mythfrontend
[10:39:40] oobe: once you set the ip *correctly* in the backend it should stick
[10:40:02] kabads: ah, ok
[10:40:15] kabads: although the frontend is just localhost
[10:40:20] kabads: but I can specify that too
[10:40:50] grokky_ (grokky_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:41:05] unixSnob: my "External Channel Change Command" works when run from the commandline, but when I'm in 'watch tv' mode, and I press the UP arrow, the channel does not change — ideas?
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[10:42:52] oobe: the frontend should be connecting using the same info as mythweb
[10:43:58] oobe: kabads, edit ~/.mythtv/config.xml
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[10:55:35] kabads: oobe: tis done – many thanks and karma to you
[10:57:20] oobe: np enjoy
[11:01:07] unixSnob: my channel change script is World executable.. why would the log show "permission denied" ?
[11:04:56] unixSnob: nevermind
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[11:08:16] faichele__: Hello! I'd need advice on pulseaudio and mythfrontend. I'm on Kubuntu 9.10 with mythtv trunk; Kubuntu 9.10 has pulseaudio as default sound system, and mythfrontend refuses to launch with an error message:AudioPulseUtil, Warning: Can not connect to sound server, can not suspend.
[11:08:40] faichele__: The actual error is "access denied".
[11:09:00] faichele__: Anyone else having problems with Pulseaudio + MythTV?
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[12:21:05] zetheroo (zetheroo!~zeth@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:21:50] zetheroo: after installing mythtv in Ubuntu Karmic I am asked to authenticate myself every time I want to shut down
[12:31:48] AndyCap: zetheroo: if they use policykit maybe you kan give yourself permission to shutdown unauthenticated
[12:32:06] zetheroo: yeah, I just had a look into that
[12:32:22] zetheroo: why does mythtv login as a user though?
[12:33:03] AndyCap: uh what?
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[12:36:02] zetheroo: well the authentication is requested because there are otehr users logged in
[12:36:11] zetheroo: in this case it's mythtv backend
[12:37:44] AndyCap: zetheroo: well, I guess that comes down to what the mythtv initscripts does, ask the ubuntu packagers?
[12:38:38] zetheroo: like why does mythtv make it's own home directory?
[12:38:42] mattwynne (mattwynne! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:41:25] AndyCap: zetheroo: again, ask the packagers.
[12:41:48] zetheroo: hmmm ... who will probably send me back here :P
[12:41:49] AndyCap: zetheroo: running daemons with least privilege is sensible though.
[12:42:24] zetheroo: AndyCap: and is that not the default setup?
[12:42:35] AndyCap: zetheroo: what?
[12:44:22] zetheroo: well .. the least privileges thing .. is that the default setup?
[12:44:36] AndyCap: hard to say. at least this mentions that . . . _mythtv_user
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[12:45:43] zetheroo: I just don't appreciate installing an application/service which messes up my well-running system ... not saying it's your fault ... just saying
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[12:47:37] zetheroo: is it up to the mythTV team to take care of informing the user of possible consequential changes and alterations to the users current setup? Or is it the Ubuntu team' responsibility?
[12:49:44] zetheroo: I would just like to know about this kind of thing in general as I deem this a pretty important issue with some software out there in the open source domain ... the need for proper and full (as possible) disclosure on the workings of the program
[12:49:45] Hoxzer: depends. If you use packages from ubuntu repostories then it's the ubuntu team is responsible. If you use the source then it's MythTV that's responsible. However there is no guarantee so actually you can't really sue anybody :)
[12:50:23] AndyCap: I'd say writing startup scripts, making sure it is well integrated in the distro and has a sane config to match the rest of the system falls squarely on the distros shoulders
[12:50:40] zetheroo: yeah ... I am not looking to sue anyone ;) ...
[12:51:08] zetheroo: AndyCap: but does mythtv have to have this running daemon or "user" in order to work?
[12:51:29] AndyCap: zetheroo: of course, but that's not related to your issue
[12:52:03] zetheroo: well .. how would anyone get around something like that?
[12:52:09] AndyCap: zetheroo: starting daemon/backgroud processes without registering them as logged in users in wtmp or whatever policykit checks is an excercise for the distro
[12:52:26] zetheroo: or are you saying that policykit needs tweaking by the Ubuntu team?
[12:52:58] AndyCap: Hehe
[12:53:03] AndyCap: you're not the only one with a problem
[12:53:32] zetheroo: I know
[12:53:33] zetheroo: :)
[12:53:48] AndyCap:
[12:54:20] zetheroo: so this is more about the way mythtv has been implemented in the Ubuntu environment
[12:55:42] AndyCap: s/more/just/
[12:56:06] zetheroo: I see
[12:58:01] AndyCap: it could be more complicated, but from what I can tell that's it. :P
[13:01:51] zetheroo: your probably dead right
[13:05:33] stefanj (stefanj! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[13:11:03] AndyCap: geez, this is full of fail. there's no way in upstart to start processes as other users? who said this was a good idea?
[13:11:24] wagnerrp: that cant be right
[13:12:08] AndyCap: wagnerrp: considering myth has accepted patches to "fix" that it must be right.
[13:12:32] wagnerrp: is that what that whole 'drop from root' crap is about?
[13:12:38] AndyCap: I could see having to drop permissions if you were using that for opening say capture devices then dropping root
[13:13:07] faichele__ is now known as faichele_
[13:13:21] AndyCap:
[13:15:04] wagnerrp: when do you EVER run servers as root?
[13:16:30] AndyCap: obviously all the time with upstart.
[13:17:29] Jay2k1 (Jay2k1! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:18:08] AndyCap: can't find any mention of it in the upstart docs either
[13:19:07] wagnerrp: so samba, cron, nfs, ntp, and ssh are the only things ive got as root
[13:19:16] wagnerrp: (which admittedly consumes most of my open processes)
[13:23:49] tmkt: any ideas on what i can do to fix ac3 playback in mythtv 0.23? mplayer of the media gives me 5.1.. playback through myth i get dd2.0
[13:26:00] frogonwheels (frogonwheels!~michaelg@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[13:26:36] tmkt: using spdif
[13:27:36] wagnerrp: fix your passthrough settings
[13:30:01] frogonwheels (frogonwheels!~michaelg@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:32:14] Jay2k1: hi there
[13:32:56] Jay2k1: i am using DefaultStartOffset and DefaultEndOffset and found a bug, I think, or perhaps I am doing something wrong
[13:33:12] tmkt: yeah...they are set for DTS and 5.1
[13:33:17] Jay2k1: I have set it to start recording 2 minutes early and end recordings 5 minutes late
[13:33:53] tmkt: worked fine with 0.22...0.23 passthrough doesn't seem to be passthroughing
[13:34:06] Jay2k1: now when scheduling a recording from mythweb, these values are in the appropriate fields, everything's cool
[13:34:43] Jay2k1: but when I schedule a recording from within the frontend on my tv, it takes the DefaultStartOffset value for both start early and finish late
[13:35:22] Jay2k1: meaning it would start 2 minutes early and end 2 minutes late, although I set it to start 2 minutes early and end 5 mins late in the preferences
[13:35:23] wagnerrp: tmkt: you have to set your speaker configuration to 5.1, turn off upconvert, and check both DD and DTS under 'audio processing capabilities'
[13:36:00] Jay2k1: to be sure i changed the start offset from 2 to 3 in the prefs and voila, in the frontend, when scheduling a record, it had "3" in both fields
[13:36:11] tmkt: yeah..those are my exact settings
[13:36:27] Jay2k1: anyone experienced this problem too? using mythtv 0.22 (mythbuntu)
[13:36:37] wagnerrp: are you sure the source is actually 5.1?
[13:36:45] tmkt: live tv passes through fine
[13:36:55] wagnerrp: maybe you have multiple audio tracks and youre pulling the wrong one?
[13:37:02] tmkt: 22 played it 5.1.. mplayer plays it 5.1
[13:37:18] tmkt: all my Handbrake DVD rips using ac3/5.1 passthrough audio
[13:41:07] wagnerrp: Jay2k1: update your mythtv...
[13:43:12] Jay2k1: wow, thank you
[13:45:44] tmkt: [0x33ad468] a52 decoder: A/52 channels:6 samplerate:48000 bitrate:448000
[13:47:06] sphery: wagnerrp: though he finally figured it out (and sent a message saying so in yet another new thread, so I didn't see it until after responding), the guy who didn't read the instructions in the error message also failed to read the instructions for fixing the issue after being told how to fix it.
[13:47:34] sphery: just thought you'd appreciate the consistency of behavior :)
[13:48:02] Jay2k1: is there some howto or so that tells me how to apply this code change to my existing installation?
[13:48:14] sphery: Jay2k1: upgrade
[13:48:18] sphery: that's not the only bug fixed
[13:48:44] sphery: and if you're not using the current 0.22-fixes, then when you find the next already-fixed bug, you'll just be wasting wagnerrp's time when you ask about it, too :)
[13:50:10] sphery: upgrading should be as easy as telling your package manager to do it for you
[13:51:13] Jay2k1: yeah i understand
[13:51:25] Jay2k1: its just not in the repos yet i guess
[13:52:03] bjd (bjd! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[13:53:04] Jay2k1: i had the hope that it'd just be a file i could replace heh
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[13:56:31] sphery: Jay2k1: what distro? what repos? what SVN revision are you running, now (use mythbackend --version to find out)?
[13:57:25] sphery: Jay2k1: that particular fix is 8 weeks old, so if your repo is lacking that fix, then the packager isn't keeping up at all
[13:58:11] sphery: to the point that in our 4-month release cycle, you'd see at most one update per release (meaning you'll always have a broken Myth)
[13:58:40] sphery: and if that's the case, you might want to consider switching to a more Myth-friendly distro (like Mythbuntu) that keeps up with the fixes
[13:58:41] Jay2k1: using mythbuntu 9.10 karmic, default karmic repos, rev 22594, branches/release-0-22-fixes
[13:59:11] sphery: you're using the pre-release, not 0.22 version they put in just so they could get 0.22-fixes into Karmic
[13:59:36] sphery: You need to enable the repo that has the current 0.22-fixes branch. I don't know how. Someone using *buntu could tell you.
[14:00:23] sphery: #mythbuntu likely has someone who could help you enable the repo to get it. Just make sure you don't enable the trunk repo if you don't want to upgrade to trunk (it's a one-way path, so once you do, you're stuck on trunk until 0.23).
[14:01:33] Jay2k1: yeah, I wouldn't want to do that, I've just spent three weeks or so until it was running fine ;)
[14:01:46] tmkt: wagnerrp: should i be able to see useful info in the logs?
[14:02:01] Jay2k1: but thank you very much for this advice, it's a huge point forward
[14:03:22] sphery: Jay2k1: upgrading from broken-0.21-plus-some-changes to 0.22-fixes will not break anything, so you should still do that
[14:03:32] sphery: just don't do a trunk upgrade and things will work great.
[14:03:39] sphery: (much better than they do now)
[14:04:09] sphery: (where broken-0.21-plus-some-changes is the pre 0.22 version that's in the default *buntu install)
[14:04:22] tmkt: Another nice fix would me to add m4v as a video extension for jamu
[14:05:01] Jay2k1: hmm, not the smartest thing to do
[14:05:16] RDV_Linux: tmkt: That should be possible now. What issue are you having now?
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[14:05:24] Jay2k1: thanks again for your help, it's appreciated
[14:05:44] tmkt: just checked my logs
[14:05:55] tmkt: jamu.log:! Warning: Skipping non-video file name: (/hdd2/Videos/Movies/Family/Animated/Cars.m4v)
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[14:06:56] tmkt: just added it to my
[14:07:44] RDV_Linux: tmkt: Jamu gets valid video file extension from two places. An internal list and then from the MythTV data base video extension table. So if you want to add it then do so through the MythTV interface.
[14:08:20] sid3windr (sid3windr! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[14:09:05] RDV_Linux: tmkt: You can also use the MythTV file extension interface to disable specific extension and jamu will remove those extensions from its own list.
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[14:09:13] tmkt: ah
[14:09:27] tmkt: will do next time i'm in the settings
[14:09:29] tmkt: thanks
[14:09:54] RDV_Linux: tmkt: Saves you from altering code that I cannot support if there is an issue.
[14:10:09] tmkt: now going to surf through my logs and see if I can find my ac3/5.1/passthrough issue
[14:10:24] tmkt: RDV_Linux: yup...definitely on board with you about having different versions of your code out there
[14:11:12] RDV_Linux: tmkt:Twice now I have been trying to support some one with issues I could not understand only to find they had changed the code.
[14:12:36] tmkt: sure makes debugging fun
[14:13:07] tmkt: and of course...they don't mention they've customized stuff until hours of debugging on your side
[14:13:19] tmkt: couldn't possibly be related to the changes they've made
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[14:23:38] tmkt: 2010-03–07 09:23:00.262 AFD: Opened codec 0x7ff648785ca0, id(H264) type(Video)
[14:23:41] tmkt: 2010-03–07 09:23:00.262 AFD: codec AC3 has 2 channels
[14:23:43] tmkt: 2010-03–07 09:23:00.263 AFD: Opened codec 0x7ff649303070, id(AC3) type(Audio)
[14:23:46] tmkt: 2010-03–07 09:23:00.271 AFD Error: Could not find decoder for codec (Unknown Codec ID), ignoring.
[14:23:49] tmkt: guess that might be the reason
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[15:08:35] wagnerrp: sphery: what more would you expect... he couldnt be bothered to maintain proper threading
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[16:08:36] jolaren: I don't know where to turn to.. for asking this question so I'll give it a go here. I just wiped my mythbuntu installation and installed mythdora (gotta love some changes, heh.) When trying to scan for channels I get nothing.. I get signal a few times during scan but not all the way and I can't find any channels
[16:08:43] jolaren: I'm trying to update my packages etc but I can't find out where
[16:13:43] jolaren: And I really don't understand mythdora
[16:13:57] jolaren: I've chosen a root password but it wont work
[16:14:41] jolaren: nvm
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[16:50:29] wagnerrp: Beirdo: so what ever happened to 'gputrans'?
[16:55:28] wagnerrp: just came across it while cleaning up the wiki
[16:57:41] jolaren: In mythbuntu u had to make some changes on the hauppage wintv nova-t 500 pci card but i cant find anything on the wiki about it for fedora
[16:57:54] jolaren: signal strenghts claims to be 0 or sometimes for a few sec 11–15 %
[17:02:19] JohnQP (JohnQP! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:03:55] dmb: so abc is gone from cablevision right now
[17:04:01] JohnQP: How often are the tarballs regenerated from the svn release-0-22-fixes branch? (I.e., is it worth building from svn, as opposed to downloading the tarballs?)
[17:04:14] wagnerrp: JohnQP: never
[17:04:22] JohnQP: Ah... so "Yes" :-)
[17:04:33] wagnerrp: tarballs are only generated on a release
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[17:05:01] JohnQP: I assume things are integrates into the -fixes branch more often than that.. yes?
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[17:05:27] JohnQP: making that the "most stable", if such a thing can be said to exist.
[17:05:29] wagnerrp: yes, the -fixes branch gets fixes backported from trunk when appropriate
[17:05:52] JohnQP: Excellent. thats what I needed. thnks.
[17:07:41] jolaren: I get the Floating Point exception when tryin to run mythfrontend
[17:08:01] JohnQP: Is there a handy guide anywhere which can help me to decide which flags to use for the configure script ... or is that still a trial and error thing?
[17:08:52] wagnerrp: JohnQP: unless you have good reason to stray from the defaults, dont
[17:08:58] wagnerrp: they should be fine for most setups
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[17:09:27] JohnQP: At some point I had to in order to get xvmc working. Or is that on by default now?
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[17:09:49] wagnerrp: you shouldnt be using xvmc
[17:10:57] JohnQP: Oh. I thought all the cool kids did that. (For 1080p shows I had to in order to keep up during playback... or is my experience so far out of date that I should just forget all that stuff)
[17:11:05] wagnerrp: it only gives modest improvement on content that any decent CPU from the last 5 years can decode in software anyway
[17:11:35] wagnerrp: not to mention its generally buggy, puts on some nasty UI limitations, and isnt even supported on nvidia hardware from the past several years
[17:11:36] JohnQP: I've got a "AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+"
[17:11:52] JohnQP: Sufficient for 1080p these days? (It didnt used to be)
[17:11:53] wagnerrp: yeah, you dont need/want xvmc
[17:12:03] wagnerrp: where would you get 1080p?
[17:12:28] JohnQP: Shows like greys anaotmy and house and such in my area are 1080p.
[17:12:38] wagnerrp: nope
[17:12:42] JohnQP: Or maybe 1080i... but theyre definitely 1080
[17:12:45] wagnerrp: theyre only 1080i
[17:13:01] wagnerrp: and actually, FOX and ABC are both 720p
[17:13:12] wagnerrp: not that it really matters, because the real question is bitrate
[17:13:18] JohnQP: Ya most of my hd is 720... but those two shows are 1080
[17:13:25] wagnerrp: and that processor will be able to manage full bitrate ATSC just fine
[17:13:26] tzanger: so what do the cool kids now use to take recordings and put them on to DVDs for the technophobe relatives we know and love?
[17:13:41] JohnQP: I haven't measured the bitrate.
[17:13:54] wagnerrp: full bitrate is 19mbps
[17:14:04] wagnerrp: youre probably getting closer to 12–14 on your recordings
[17:14:19] tzanger: all my TV is 19Mbps ATSC, it's... silly... to have 3GB recordings of the Simpsons
[17:14:25] JohnQP: Okay.. no xvmc then. But if it doesn't play house.. I might tear up a tiny bit.
[17:14:43] jolaren: If I want fedora specific help with mythtv, where should I turn?
[17:15:05] wagnerrp: ive got a crummy Ath64 3000+ that handles any of my digital recordings just fine
[17:15:09] wagnerrp: you shouldnt have to worry
[17:15:35] JohnQP: Don't worry. You wont be able to see the tears.
[17:19:07] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:20:47] jolaren: Will try knoppmyth now :p so tired of mythdora
[17:21:21] JohnQP: I'm reasonably happy with knoppmyth. Although it was pretty out of date last time I checked.
[17:22:23] jolaren: Yer, seems last update was out 2008
[17:22:52] jolaren: mythbuntu just works but there's some other problems there (kerenl wise)
[17:27:30] JohnQP: Ya.. I had installed that knoppmyth long ago, and have just been updating it periodically with new versions of the kernel, X, video drivers, and mythtv. Seems to be happy after all these years.
[17:27:56] JohnQP: But if I were starting from scratch, I would probably start with something more current.
[17:33:51] JohnQP: Looking at the directories from svn... there is "myththemes", "oldthemes", and "themes"... which one(s) should I bother with?
[17:38:31] wagnerrp: myththemes and themes
[17:38:40] wagnerrp: oldthemes are the old pre-0.22 themes that no longer work
[17:38:54] wagnerrp: simply kept in the tree in case one wanted to update them
[17:39:13] JohnQP: Ah
[17:39:25] oobe: knoppmyth is now linhes isnt it
[17:39:54] jams: oobe- yes
[17:40:21] JohnQP: I also do not recognize mythextras, themestringstool, or packaging. Are any of those things that I want?
[17:40:34] JohnQP: Assuming I am a Joe-average-user?
[17:40:56] wagnerrp: probably not
[17:41:03] JohnQP: Excellent.
[17:42:20] wagnerrp: you may want nuvexport if you intend to transcode
[17:42:30] wagnerrp: i dont know why thats in extras, rather than contrib
[17:42:44] JohnQP: I havent been bothering to transcode, really
[17:43:41] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:44:08] JohnQP: But I did apparently have it installed before. I'll do it just to make sure I dot have stale cruft.
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[17:47:43] JohnQP: Hmm mythplugins isn't making for me. Do I need to have installed mythtv first?
[17:48:18] mag0o: i do believe so
[17:48:23] jams: yes
[17:48:36] JohnQP: I'm not patient enough :-)
[17:48:37] FR^2 (FR^2!~fr@2001:41d0:1:ed2f::cafe) has left #mythtv-users ("und weg...")
[17:48:54] JohnQP: Silly me trying to do both at once.
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[18:17:58] JohnQP: when making mytharvhivehelper in mythplugins, I get: make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/include/mythtv/libavutil/internal.h', needed by `main.o'. Stop
[18:19:51] JohnQP: Copying that file from ../mythtv/libs/libavutil/internal.h into that location fixed it... but... that should have probably been installed when I installed the mythtv package.
[18:20:08] danbri (danbri!~danbri@unaffiliated/danbri) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:20:09] JohnQP: Just FYI, in case anyone care to fix that in svn
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[18:44:55] tzanger: so what do the cool kids now use to take recordings and put them on to DVDs for the technophobe relatives we know and love?
[18:45:34] JohnQP: I didnt know when you asked that identical question a few minutes ago. I still dont.
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[19:09:45] tzanger: JohnQP: ok, it wasn't specifically directed at you. :-) And it was almost 2h ago
[19:10:14] JohnQP: Indeed. And it was a copy/paste.
[19:10:19] tzanger: yep it was
[19:10:35] gregl (gregl! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:10:43] tzanger: I gotta take another look at mytharchive, it's probably what will be recommended
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[19:14:45] mag0o: tzanger: fyi, mytharchive is touch and go right now for some. check out trac ticket 8115 for a patch that allows you to successfully archive videos (recordings are fine)
[19:16:59] tzanger: hmm okay, thanks mag0o
[19:18:42] JohnQP: The new themes are pretty nice. I also like the way it tells you the resolution now if it is HD. This upgrade, (Assuming everything ends up working in the end) was way worth it.
[19:23:03] JohnQP: Oooh.. Zoom: Auto thats new. I hope it works well :-)
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[19:31:39] JohnQP: Wow... CPU utilization is *way* down from my old install
[19:31:41] JohnQP: Awesome
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[19:43:16] tzanger: JohnQP: I'm still running svn r18228 from october 2008
[19:43:26] tzanger: JohnQP: 0.21-fixes I think
[19:45:17] JohnQP: 0.22 is totally worth the upgrade pain... (for me anyway)
[19:46:56] tzanger: I need to check it out
[19:47:04] tzanger: my whole backend needs an update, it's horribly hacked up
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[19:58:43] cesman: tzanger: MythArchive
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[20:18:26] highzeth: mythtranscode cant handle h264 in 0.22-fixes?
[20:18:33] major42: I have not yet been able to get mythtv running. I think the root cause is a mysql problem. I'm getting "mythtv-backend main process (20408) terminated with status 254", and I've tried a number of fixes without any change. Can anyone help?
[20:18:49] wagnerrp: mythtranscode should be able to handle it just fine
[20:19:00] wagnerrp: mythtranscode cannot transcode to h.264
[20:19:06] highzeth:
[20:19:07] wagnerrp: either lossily or losslessly
[20:19:36] bjd: major42: can you connect to mysql ok?
[20:19:53] major42: I don't know. How can I check?
[20:19:54] wagnerrp: highzeth: are you trying to do a lossless transcode?
[20:20:05] highzeth: yep
[20:20:12] wagnerrp: see above
[20:20:13] bjd: major42: man mysql
[20:20:33] major42: bjd: OK, but connect as myself or as mythtv
[20:20:39] bjd: major42: basically you need to find the mythtv user/pass that mythtv connects as
[20:20:47] highzeth: wagnerrp: hmm not sure I follow
[20:20:50] bjd: check it can access teh db ok
[20:20:55] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:21:17] wagnerrp: highzeth: it not gonna work
[20:21:25] major42: bjd: that's from the initial setup and put into mythtv.txt, right? So you're saying do a manual check with that info?
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[20:21:36] bjd: exactly
[20:21:44] wagnerrp: mythtranscode can decode h264 just fine, just like any other bit of mythtv
[20:22:00] beata- (beata-! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[20:22:04] wagnerrp: mythtranscode can only do lossless transcoding of mpeg2 video in an mpeg2 container
[20:22:14] bjd: mysql -u user -p -> enter password then you should get a mysql prompt
[20:22:35] wagnerrp: its a limitation of replex, which is used to reprocess the mpeg2 at the cutpoints
[20:22:59] highzeth: ok, so to edit out h264 recordings I'll have to use "external" tools?
[20:23:07] wagnerrp: correct
[20:23:14] highzeth: roger
[20:23:25] wagnerrp: i believe there are some scripts floating around to produce cutlists for avidemux
[20:24:14] major42: bjd: it worked
[20:25:01] JohnQP: Hm. My secondary backend seems to be locking up periodically
[20:25:35] JohnQP: In fact... crashing the host. That's not happy
[20:26:40] JohnQP: Just before it died, it had several prebuffering pauses.
[20:26:48] major42: bjd: so if the database lets mythtv log in, then the mysql username/password is OK.
[20:27:04] JohnQP: Sigh. I was so happy with 0.22 too... ugh
[20:27:44] highzeth: no worries
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[20:31:55] major42: bjd: Mythtv is still not working; any other suggestions
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[20:52:11] iamlindoro: I like this guy on the wiki who writes a script to import metadata from a windows tool, berates MythTV in his wiki page for it, then plasters ads for it into every other mythvideo script page
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[20:53:46] dorgan: maybe someone in here can help I have gotten no help on the mythtv mailing list
[20:53:46] dorgan: i am trying to get sound working via HDMI with my GT 220 card
[20:53:46] dorgan: i have followed: . . . egin.2FNotes
[20:53:55] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
[20:53:58] dorgan: and in alsamixer I have unmuted S/PDIF but still i have no sound
[20:54:19] iamlindoro: kormoc, I'm running out in a few, but ping re: voting page
[20:56:24] dorgan: anyone around?
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[21:03:19] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: was thinking the same thing
[21:04:17] major42 (major42! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[21:04:32] wagnerrp: it put me off a bit when i saw that... but i was already halfway through documenting how he should rewrite it with the bindings, so i went ahead and finished
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[21:23:05] gbee: any ideas why after upgrading to the latest fixes (from the pre-0.22 in stock mythbuntu) the remote no longer works? mythfrontend connects to lircd and irw shows that it's all configured correctly, but the frontend stubbornly ignores remote presses
[21:24:24] ** wagnerrp comments about there being no hope for the rest of us when a mythtv veteran and developer cant get LIRC working **
[21:25:23] jams: maybe there was an lirc update and the socket moved to /var but not everything updated ?
[21:25:52] NightMonkey: Holy cow. Did gbee leave his workstation unlocked? ;)
[21:27:34] NightMonkey: gbee: What revision are you running?
[21:28:30] gbee: jams: it's connecting to /dev/lircd without apparent error, and there was no lirc update between it working and not
[21:28:56] jams: k..just throwing it out there. I know others have had that problem.
[21:29:01] wagnerrp: do their wrappers have some special home set? and you just dont have the lircrc in the right place
[21:29:34] gbee: mythfrontend logs that it's reading the correct lircrc
[21:30:19] gbee: I've been through all the obvious stuff, (obviously), but keep throwing out the ideas because it's been years since I last had to deal with lirc :)
[21:30:50] NightMonkey: gbee: What revision of 0.22 branch are you running?
[21:31:15] libby (libby! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:31:59] gbee: it's less than a week old (from the weekly builds), i.e. newer than any backported fixes
[21:32:39] gbee: and there have been no lirc related changes in -fixes (or trunk) that I can recall in the last year
[21:32:41] NightMonkey: gbee: Ah, ok. Not 0.22-fixes.
[21:32:59] sid3windr: lirc is such a yucky thing, but alas, guess there's nothing beter for now :[
[21:33:03] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Quit: Terminated with extreme prejudice - dircproxy 1.0.5)
[21:33:43] gbee: NightMonkey: 0.22-fixes
[21:33:49] gbee: 23604 fwiw
[21:34:32] NightMonkey: gbee: Ah, I'm running 23069.
[21:35:33] gbee: last changes to the lirc code were over 2 years ago, so it's an ubuntu anomaly (no surprise)
[21:36:33] NightMonkey: Did you change any other software versions during your update?
[21:36:36] gbee: I'll take it over to #ubuntu-mythtv, I notice superm1 and laga aren't here anyway
[21:36:50] gbee: just the ubuntu packages, nothing else
[21:36:51] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:36:57] gbee: err, mythbuntu packages
[21:37:06] NightMonkey: I noticed that 2.3.31+ kernel and LIRC don't play too nicely.
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[21:37:49] NightMonkey: gbee: So my myth box is stuck at 2.6.30 (with -r8 gentoo patchset).
[21:37:53] gbee: since irw is working I have to assume that it's not a kernel problem exactly
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[21:40:20] NightMonkey: gbee: Well, I wouldn't make that assumption, I'd test it. ;)
[21:40:53] gbee: it was also working with that same kernel 4 hours ago
[21:41:06] NightMonkey: gbee: But, if you haven't updated anything beyond MythTV...
[21:44:05] gbee: if it were MythTV we'd have a dozen bug reports by now, and there would also have to be a code change to explain it, the last person to touch the lirc code was me, a month before the 0.22 release
[21:44:33] gbee: well three weeks before
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[21:48:11] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!~Matt@wikisource/ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:48:18] mattwj2002: hi guys
[21:48:42] mattwj2002: I am playing with scte65scan
[21:48:56] mattwj2002: but I think it is missing some channels :(
[21:49:07] wagnerrp: what do you think its missing?
[21:49:25] mattwj2002: CNN for one
[21:49:35] mattwj2002: last time I checked that was in the clear
[21:49:41] mattwj2002: let me check again
[21:49:44] wagnerrp: it should only pick up those channels that are available on a DTA
[21:50:06] mattwj2002: what is a DTA?
[21:50:14] wagnerrp: digital transport adapter
[21:50:23] wagnerrp: those little $1 boxes comcast is pushing out
[21:50:29] wagnerrp: that make scte65scan possible
[21:50:38] mattwj2002: oh okay
[21:50:50] wagnerrp: those run off a cheap tuner
[21:51:09] wagnerrp: that does not have access to the OOB data the the big boxes use
[21:51:37] mattwj2002: got ya
[21:51:41] hipitihop (hipitihop!~denis@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[21:51:42] wagnerrp: so instead, they broadcast the info for the SD streams those can receive and decode in-band
[21:51:47] wagnerrp: which is what youre picking up
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[21:52:39] mattwj2002: got ya
[21:53:56] NightMonkey: gbee: Well, good luck.
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[22:19:42] dorgan: EUREEKA….apparently i needed to create /etc/asound.conf and add the following:pcm.!default hdmi:NVidia
[22:19:42] dorgan: pcm:iec958 hdmi:NVidia
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[22:28:30] klk: where can i get some test files to see if i have vdpau workiing and what my machine can handle?
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[22:31:54] davisc: I've just installed Mythbuntu karmic clean on my system. The internal video player is stretching videos to fill the screen instead of letterboxing in them. Everything else is OK – 19" LCD attached by DVI. Any suggestions?
[22:36:23] Daviey: davisc: it's a playback option :)
[22:36:56] davisc: Daviey: Where do I do set it?
[22:38:21] wagnerrp: klk: do you have a tuner card?
[22:38:43] klk: wagnerrp: yes, a few different ones
[22:38:51] wagnerrp: any plugged in?
[22:39:09] wagnerrp: what kind?
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[22:39:28] klk: the only tuners i have currently plugged in are ancient avermedia 179s (like pvr250's) and an HDhomerun
[22:39:29] Daviey: davisc: you can change it per playback by pressing menu and "Adjust Fill"
[22:39:36] frogonwheels_ is now known as frogonwheels
[22:39:44] wagnerrp: try to watch livetv on the HDHR
[22:39:54] wagnerrp: if your CPU usage is under a couple percent, VDPAU is working
[22:39:59] Daviey: davisc: or a global change in one of the playback settings, not sure where without checking – but it's there somewhere
[22:40:17] oobe: you dont even need to watch hdtv any file will do using mplayer -vo vdpau
[22:40:33] oobe: it will let you know if its not working
[22:40:40] wagnerrp: oobe: he said he didnt know of any files that would work
[22:40:58] wagnerrp: basically, just take any digital recording off the HDHR
[22:41:01] klk: i want to see the max this card can handle is
[22:41:25] wagnerrp: klk: if you want to know that, then you dont know what VDPAU is
[22:41:31] oobe: ok well vdpau works with a large amount of media
[22:41:42] klk: right now my FE is still running version .20
[22:41:52] wagnerrp: then you cannot use VDPAU
[22:41:57] klk: i know
[22:41:57] wagnerrp: its not supported until 0.22 or later
[22:42:08] wagnerrp: are you at least running 0.20.2?
[22:42:15] klk: the graphics card i want to play with is in another machine
[22:42:19] klk: yes .20.2
[22:42:26] wagnerrp: what card?
[22:42:29] Beirdo: wagnerrp: OMG.. :)
[22:42:38] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:42:46] klk: 8400 GS pci
[22:42:46] oobe: klk i suggest testing the grapics card with mplayer then its simple
[22:42:59] Beirdo: I was going to move taht to github, but I haven't got to it yet, after I get back from Seattle, we'll see if I have time
[22:43:00] wagnerrp: G86 or G98?
[22:43:10] Beirdo: I want to get that up to speed again
[22:43:18] klk: im pretty sure it's new enough that its a G98
[22:43:19] wagnerrp: Beirdo: you had it working?
[22:43:30] wagnerrp: i hadnt seen anything on it since like 2004
[22:43:37] wagnerrp: klk: what clock speed is it?
[22:43:57] klk: wagnerrp: gpu clock is 567 repored by nvidia-settings
[22:44:09] wagnerrp: then you have a G98
[22:44:10] sphex (sphex! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:44:25] wagnerrp: under 0.22, you want to use the VDPAU Normal profile
[22:44:54] wagnerrp: which means, you will be able to play mpeg2, h264, or vc1 fully accelerated
[22:45:06] klk: I guess what I really want to figure out is whether or not i'll need a new cpu also
[22:45:14] wagnerrp: and you can use all but the advanced 2x deint at 1080i
[22:45:27] wagnerrp: the card isnt powerful enough to use that deint at that resolution
[22:45:43] wagnerrp: also.... you cannot play any HD content outside of VDPAU
[22:45:50] wagnerrp: regardless of what CPU you are using
[22:46:02] klk: i understand that
[22:46:19] klk: my FE has a Turion 64 that maxes out at 1.4 GHz or so
[22:46:30] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[22:46:46] klk: and the machine i have the card in right now is an AMD Athlon XP 2500+
[22:46:53] wagnerrp: doesnt matter, that card has a PCI bus, meaning youre going to strain it just to pump 720p60 across it
[22:46:54] Beirdo: wagnerrp: I had it pumping frames in and out of the GPU
[22:47:08] Beirdo: but hadn't got the denoising/transcoding in yet
[22:47:09] sphex_ (sphex_! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[22:47:33] Beirdo: when I rebuild, I will go back to it, and likely redo it with cuda and/or vdpau/vaapi
[22:48:17] klk: wagnerrp: but if it can handle that, that's all i need, right?
[22:48:34] klk: i don't plan to be playing back ripped blu-rays or anything like that
[22:48:39] wagnerrp: for any mpeg2, h264, or vc1 content, it will work fine
[22:48:45] wagnerrp: that includes ripped blurays
[22:49:06] klk: but you made a comment about straining to push 720p60
[22:49:14] ** Beirdo rips a blueray in half **
[22:49:23] klk: ouch
[22:49:24] wagnerrp: that does not include video encoded poorly, with every option turned on just because the transcoder thought it was cool to do so
[22:49:54] klk: i'll mainly be using it to playback recordings from my HDhomerun and one or two HD-PVR's once I get them set up
[22:50:00] wagnerrp: uncompressed 720p60 is going to be nearing the practical limits of the PCI bus
[22:50:13] wagnerrp: that means you cannot do software decoding, and pass the uncompressed video onto the card
[22:50:34] wagnerrp: you can send the compressed video onto the card, because the highest bitrate content you will ever see would be bluray at ~5MB/s
[22:50:35] klk: yeah, but the whole idea is to have the card do the decoding, right?
[22:51:10] klk: so it sounds like my old FE shouldn't really have problems with the way I plan to use it
[22:51:32] wagnerrp: again, if you have compliant video, it will all work fine
[22:51:49] slickrick (slickrick! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:52:16] wagnerrp: if you have ignorantly encoded video, or video of a format the card doesnt support, you will be severely limited by the PCI bus
[22:52:24] klk: understood.
[22:53:09] klk: and most of my video will be either mpeg2 from the hdhomerun or h264 from the HD-PVR
[22:53:35] klk: wagnerrp: thanks for your help
[22:54:47] slickrick: hi. i'm having some weirdness with jamu. when i run it with -MIV it never goes interactive, it just skips through my collection without prompting.
[22:54:48] slickrick: all my videos are named according to the imdb 'tt' id (ie tt0000000.iso) but jamu always says " does not recognize the movie (tt0000000) – Cannot update metadata – skipping"
[22:54:52] slickrick: any ideas?
[22:55:09] slickrick: it was going interactive previously but not anymore.
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[22:55:52] slickrick: btw, searching with the tt id yields the correct results.
[22:55:53] oobe: slickrick, there is no need to name movies by there imdb number
[22:56:04] oobe: infact you should expect it to not work
[22:56:34] RDV_Linux: slickrick: Your naming convention is not supported by MythVideo so when jamu searches for a movie to list is does not find anything and therefore skips it.
[22:57:07] slickrick: oobe: okay ... so if i have a huge collection i have imported is there any work around. this is what i was using with the old metadata program.
[22:57:19] slickrick: dang ... okay will need to go back and rework this.
[22:57:56] oobe: you need to rename the files to the proper names if you can think of an easy way to do it then thats your best bet
[22:58:04] slickrick: can i insert the inetref manually and expect it to work? instead of renaming all the file names, which means I would need to get my dvds out of storage.
[22:58:20] RDV_Linux: slickrick: A IMDB search on TMDB works but Jamu is using a name search when the Video's videmetadata record does not have a TMDB or IMDB number.
[22:58:59] slickrick: RDV_Linux: okay that makes sense. my old naming scheme seemed to work great for the old metadata tool but not jamu.
[22:59:32] RDV_Linux: slickrick: Yes Jamu looks for the inetref first and only parses the filename when one does not exist.
[22:59:54] slickrick: where does the inetref field in the videometadata table come from? Will populating this field manually/programatically help jamu?
[23:00:52] slickrick: and if choose to leave it as is, any ideas why jamu doesn't go interactive despite the -I command? it did before, but then I cleaned out all my mythvideo tables to start fresh and it has not worked since.
[23:02:03] RDV_Linux: slickrick: Yes once populated jamu can do the rest of the work with the "-M ". As far as changed behaviour of Jamu I cannot remember when it reacted differently but I did revamp interactive mode in trunk.
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[23:02:48] oobe: renaming the files would make more sense in the long run
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[23:03:20] slickrick: RDV_Linux: thanks, thats really helped to clarify things for me.
[23:03:25] RDV_Linux: slickrick: If you are able you could write a simple python app to read in your files and populate the inetref field with the python MythTV bindings.
[23:03:55] slickrick: RDV_Linux: Are you a minder reader in your spare time? That's just what I was thinking of doing! :)
[23:04:58] slickrick: RDV_Linux: Where can I get the inetref from? is the number in the url when you look up a movie from themoviedb?
[23:06:11] RDV_Linux: slickrick: spare time? The inetref is the field in the videometadata table that stored an IMDB/TMDB or TVDB number. In your case a IMDB number.
[23:07:13] RDV_Linux: slickrick: Male sure you use MythVideo to scan in your collection so that each of your videos already have a videometadata record,
[23:07:26] RDV_Linux: s/Male/Make/
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[23:07:52] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[23:08:49] slickrick: RDV_Linux: Yeah, I got that far. All videos are in the database,. I will try putting the imdb in the inetref field and giving it a go and if it works I'll make a little tool to do the rest of the leg work. Does it need to be zero padded?
[23:08:57] RDV_Linux: slickrick: I figure your script would read in your file names, then look up the videometadata record, and populate that record with the IMDB number less the "tt"
[23:09:50] RDV_Linux: slickrick: IMDB numbers must be zero padded
[23:10:15] RDV_Linux: slickrick: Back up your db first;)
[23:10:25] slickrick: RDV_Linux: Awesome. Thanks so much for your help.
[23:10:31] RDV_Linux: np
[23:10:36] slickrick: RDV_Linux: I always do before i begin fiddling with it.
[23:11:27] davisc: Daviey: Tweaking adjust fill didn't do it
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[23:25:02] jolaren: Which is the dedicated mythtv ubuntu channel?
[23:25:06] jolaren: I thought there was one
[23:27:31] gbee: #mythbuntu
[23:27:49] gbee: well it's a redirect to #ubuntu-mythtv but I think the former is easier to remember
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[23:41:39] wagnerrp: slickrick: you could do some sql magic
[23:42:10] wagnerrp: something that strips the imdbid out of the filename, and inserts it into the inetref field in the database
[23:42:30] Beirdo: ugh.
[23:42:54] Beirdo: filling in application forms for employment is always nerve-wracking :)
[23:43:33] Beirdo: now to go get my transcript so I don't forget to bring it :)
[23:44:48] wagnerrp: 12 years past graduation and you still need a transcript?
[23:46:27] Beirdo: 13 years :)
[23:46:28] Beirdo: and yes
[23:46:33] motd2k_ (motd2k_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:46:42] wagnerrp: i could understand needing a diploma
[23:46:44] Beirdo: it's on the stupid form to give GPA or bring the transcript
[23:46:51] wagnerrp: but a transcript just seems pointless
[23:47:00] Beirdo: and Canadian universities by and large don't do GPA :)
[23:47:03] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:47:04] Beirdo: they do %
[23:47:15] Beirdo: and there are so many ways to map it
[23:47:18] wagnerrp: by this point, who cares what your grade is
[23:47:22] Beirdo: hehe
[23:47:25] Beirdo: apparently, Google
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[23:47:32] wagnerrp: anything you learned is long forgotten
[23:47:52] Beirdo: I don't know that they really care though, or if it's just on the form as they use the same form for recent grads
[23:47:53] wagnerrp: either youve used it, and know far more about it than any school could ever teach
[23:47:59] wagnerrp: or its gone
[23:48:03] Beirdo: pretty much
[23:48:05] Beirdo: heh
[23:48:10] Beirdo: but what the heck
[23:48:57] Beirdo: It's good to have nearby anyways should I get the job as I wouldn't mind taking a masters while working
[23:48:59] Beirdo: hehe
[23:49:13] Beirdo: IF they let me into a masters program, of course
[23:49:14] Beirdo: heh
[23:49:43] Beirdo: haven't QUITE started bouncing around yet, but I'm starting to get close
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[23:53:02] Beirdo: Some analog design will slow my brain down a bit.... I need to install a schematic capture tool, but I don't have Linux on this netbook, so I can't use geda
[23:53:36] gregl (gregl! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:53:48] Beirdo: maybe I'll break down and put some vmware on here finally
[23:53:52] Beirdo: :)
[23:56:11] hachi (hachi! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:56:15] hachi: heyo all
[23:56:19] hachi: I'm getting an error
[23:56:20] hachi: 2010-03–07 15:56:02.417 MainServer::HandleRecorderQuery() Unknown encoder: 9
[23:56:20] Beirdo: or virtualbox
[23:56:43] hachi: however, encoder 9 is up and working, I don't know why mythtv is telling me that it's not there...
[23:58:10] hachi: I can playback off of encoders 1 and 8 (my other two, just fine)
[23:58:22] hachi: 'watch tv' rather
[23:58:27] Beirdo: now who was it that was offering me a video card for gputrans once I start up again? :)
[23:58:56] gbee: *mmm* free hardware
[23:59:38] Beirdo: I remember it perhaps being one of the stuarts...but it was a while back...
[23:59:41] Beirdo: hehe
[23:59:52] Beirdo: I'll likely be getting to it in a month or so.
[23:59:57] Beirdo: we shall see :)

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