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Friday, February 19th, 2010, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:41] Trav (Trav! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:27:44] Trav (Trav! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[00:29:29] quietman (quietman! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[00:30:06] Trav (Trav! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:04:18] RyeBrye (RyeBrye! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:04:29] d-tech (d-tech!~d-dtech@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:07:25] d-tech: what the consensus of the best capture card for the money?
[01:08:05] d-tech: on a tight budget
[01:08:26] kormoc: depends
[01:09:20] d-tech: surely
[01:09:47] vhann: d-tech: I personnaly love Hauppauge PVR cards because they're so cheap. On the other hand, they won't capture anything over 480i from what I know
[01:10:40] d-tech: so ... good if lo-res is acceptable?
[01:11:06] kormoc: they're the minimum imho
[01:11:24] vhann: d-tech: Well, I find 480i to be "acceptable", but that really is just me
[01:11:30] jamesd__: i like the kword 110 cards but aren't availble for sale anymore... digital and analog upto 1080i recording
[01:11:34] d-tech: pvr-150,250,350,500 ... you prefer a particular version?
[01:11:45] wagnerrp: 150 for single, 500 for dual
[01:12:02] d-tech: single/dual? tuner?
[01:12:56] vhann: wagnerrp: But you have to buy the extension A/V thing for the PVR-500 to be able to Rx 2 signals, right?
[01:12:58] Trav: has anyone had a problem with the EMP not populating?
[01:13:15] d-tech: does the dual tuner actually have dual mpg engines
[01:13:18] wagnerrp: vhann: the 500 can use both tuners as-is
[01:13:31] wagnerrp: however you need the daughter card to access the second encoder directly
[01:13:44] d-tech: ahh
[01:14:18] Trav: haugpouge 2500
[01:14:55] wagnerrp: 2500?
[01:15:40] d-tech: you mean hvr-2250
[01:15:54] wagnerrp: EMP?
[01:16:42] kormoc: Electro Magnetic Pulse!
[01:17:13] gbutters (gbutters! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[01:17:32] gunni_ (gunni_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:17:46] Trav: wintv-hvr-2250 yeah sorry
[01:17:58] wagnerrp: does not support analog.... do you need analog or digital?
[01:18:05] wagnerrp: that should have been the first thing to ask
[01:18:07] wagnerrp: that, and what country
[01:18:14] gunni (gunni! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[01:18:50] d-tech: need analog ... but a digital upgrade path would by desirable
[01:19:05] d-tech: ntsc us
[01:19:06] kormoc: don't bother with the dual cards
[01:19:19] Trav: why?
[01:19:39] kormoc: because they tend to have framegrabbers for the analog side and those are worthless
[01:19:44] syamajala (syamajala!~syamajala@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:19:45] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:19:49] syamajala (syamajala!~syamajala@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:20:30] Trav: we only have ntsc in us now broadcast what you need the atalog for?
[01:20:40] Trav: cable?
[01:20:45] wagnerrp: s/ntsc/atsc/
[01:20:51] d-tech: so it sound like the best over-all starter card would be a pvr-150, right?
[01:21:08] kormoc: Trav: given he's asking for a analog card...
[01:21:11] wagnerrp: if you need analog, yes
[01:21:13] vhann: kormoc: Isn't a framegrabber what you'd want if you wanted the fastest dislay time for example?
[01:21:23] wagnerrp: vhann: mythtv will always have some lag
[01:21:27] kormoc: vhann: sure, but you wouldn't use that with myth
[01:21:41] wagnerrp: due to the fact that its recording to hard drive, and then playing back over the network with a buffer
[01:21:56] vhann: Yeah
[01:21:58] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:22:06] wagnerrp: myth adds more lag on its own than any hardware encoder card
[01:22:44] vhann: I'm actually trying to do something pretty funny: use netcat to be able to watch "almost" live tv from my laptop
[01:22:49] d-tech: the dvr project is purely for time shifting ... so the lag will be several hours anyway!  :-)
[01:24:28] gbutters (gbutters! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:24:47] d-tech: thanks for the opinion people ... appreciated!
[01:26:45] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit (Quit: Slim-Kimbo)
[01:51:21] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[01:52:21] DjMadness_ (DjMadness_! has left #mythtv-users (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")
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[01:52:53] DjMadness (DjMadness!~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/DjMadness) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:56:07] RyeBrye (RyeBrye! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:56:23] gbutters is now known as gbutters_away
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[01:58:11] gbutters_away is now known as gbutters
[01:58:26] Beirdo2 (Beirdo2!~irchon@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:19] Beirdo2: having no Internet makes it hard to bugfix
[01:59:23] gbutters is now known as gbutters_away
[01:59:57] gbutters_away (gbutters_away! has quit (Quit: Coyote finally caught me)
[02:03:47] Beirdo2: /MSG nickserv help
[02:04:24] RyeBrye_ (RyeBrye_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:09:36] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:22:01] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:22:41] gbutters_away is now known as gbutters
[02:24:38] Beirdo2 (Beirdo2!~beirdo@unaffiliated/beirdo) has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:24:38] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Beirdo2
[02:26:33] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!Pintlezz@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[02:27:30] Some_Person (Some_Person!~SomePerso@2001:0:4137:9e76:1463:3a46:b90f:96fb) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:52] Some_Person: Do I have to pay Schedules Direct to get guide data?
[02:28:51] mag0o: Well, you don't have to pay starbucks for coffee, but free coffee just isn't always as good.
[02:29:45] Some_Person: What's the free alternative to Schedules Direct and why is it not as good?
[02:30:35] Beirdo2: !trout
[02:30:35] ** MythLogBot dumps a bucket of trout onto Beirdo2 **
[02:30:58] mag0o: if you're doing ota channels, they usually contain program info in the eit data, but it's normally for the next 2–24 hours from my experiences
[02:31:24] Beirdo2: And often can be nondescript
[02:32:06] mag0o: and at less than $2/month, Schedules Direct is more than a bargain
[02:34:26] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:34:43] Some_Person: I'm doing analog cable
[02:35:10] Some_Person: and clear QAM digital cable
[02:35:22] Some_Person: (neither transmits guide data as far as I know)
[02:38:18] k-man: what are the pros/cons of LCD vs plasma?
[02:38:34] dougl (dougl! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[02:38:47] fleers (fleers! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:39:12] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!Pintlezz@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[02:39:16] Beirdo2: Gooooogle
[02:40:40] Trav: plasma sucks electric but if u want to use it to heat your room its good
[02:42:00] k-man: hmm.. interesting
[02:42:06] Trav: has anyone had a prblem with the EPG using Schedule Direct
[02:42:29] Trav: Plasma used to have burn in problems too think that was fixed though
[02:43:01] Trav: Plus when I was look two years ago it had a shorter life span
[02:43:08] stoth (stoth! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[02:43:56] Trav: MY EPG works on some channels but not all I don't get it
[02:46:40] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:47:24] Trav (Trav! has quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
[02:52:33] fleers (fleers! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[02:54:02] dougl (dougl! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:07:27] gbutters (gbutters! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[03:09:00] sybolt (sybolt! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:10:31] Beirdo2 (Beirdo2!~beirdo@unaffiliated/beirdo) has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
[03:14:18] gbutters (gbutters! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:15:01] Nomexous (Nomexous!~michael@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:16:10] vhann: Is it theorically possible to record more than 1 channel using a single coax tuner?
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[03:23:00] Nomexous: I'm trying to run mythtv-setup to change the IP of the backend. But it hangs at "Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 1)", which is the old IP. How do I fix this?
[03:24:42] wagnerrp: you changed both IPs?
[03:25:03] Nomexous: Both?
[03:25:14] Nomexous: I see that it makes a connection to the database at the right IP.
[03:25:17] wagnerrp: both, local backend ip and master backend ip
[03:25:32] wagnerrp: in addition to the database ip/hostname
[03:25:48] Nomexous: I only remember changing one.
[03:26:11] Nomexous: Wait no. I only changed setting for the frontend on my laptop.
[03:26:23] Nomexous: I can't change anything in mythtv-setup because it won't let me in.
[03:32:11] vhann (vhann! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[03:32:49] BinaryMan (BinaryMan!~BinaryMan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:33:10] BinaryMan: is there something special that needs to be done to get the frontend to use a different external player over the internal player?
[03:34:00] BinaryMan: beyond setting what player to use in video settings
[03:40:02] Nomexous (Nomexous!~michael@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:40:40] BinaryMan: hello?
[03:45:21] wagnerrp: mythvideo will currently use an external player, however that is likely to be removed in the future
[03:45:31] wagnerrp: normal recordings all use the internal plater
[03:51:15] brad2: hey wagnerrp, is there a way i can just delete everything in mythvideo? I had a secondary mythbackend serving video content, and it died. Now mythvideo freezes on me all the time, because it's looking for that host that isn't there
[03:51:31] brad2: when i try to scan for changes, it refuses to delete all the missing videos, because the host isn't around
[03:51:58] mchou (mchou!~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:52:08] wagnerrp: open up mysql, 'delete from videometadata; delete from videometadatacast; delete from videometadatacountry; delete from videometadatagenre;'
[03:52:19] wagnerrp: and 'delete from filemarkup;'
[03:52:57] brad2: awesome, thanks
[03:54:10] BinaryMan: i'm not talking about recordings.
[03:54:48] BinaryMan: i'm talking mythvideo and it's still using the internal player, even though i have something else specified.
[03:55:24] BinaryMan: and why remove the option to use an external player with the internal one has playback issues that are only resolved by switching to an external player?
[03:55:52] BinaryMan: least keep the option until the problems with the internal player are fixed.
[03:58:44] brad2: wagnerrp: thanks that worked like a charm. doesn't look up anymore. But it still gives me this error: "MythVideo::ScanVideoDirectory Scanning Group (myth://Videos@Liv/var/drive1/Myth2/Videos/)" any idea where i would go to remove that?
[03:59:03] brad2: err doesn't lock up anymore
[03:59:25] dashcloud (dashcloud!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:01:05] wagnerrp: normally you would remove that in mythtv-setup on that backend
[04:01:29] wagnerrp: but failing to have that backend any longer, i guess youll have to remove it from the database manually
[04:01:46] brad2: any idea which table i should look in?
[04:01:56] wagnerrp: storagegroup
[04:02:07] brad2: thanks. stupid faulty equipment, causing me all these problems, haha
[04:03:34] brad2: perfect, totally fixed
[04:03:45] brad2: wagnerr you are my mythtv yoda as always ;)
[04:04:09] Some_Person: Is there a program that does what MythTV does that's easier to set up?
[04:04:30] wagnerrp: windows media center?
[04:04:31] Some_Person: Call me stupid, but its stumping the hell out of me, and I don't like that I have to pay for guide listings
[04:04:32] wagnerrp: tivo?
[04:04:37] Some_Person: Something for Linux
[04:05:07] wagnerrp: Some_Person: good luck with that
[04:05:17] wagnerrp: mythtv has access to the same guide data every other free service does
[04:05:40] wagnerrp: which means buggy and neglected XMLTV screen scrapers
[04:05:51] Some_Person: XMLTV? What is that?
[04:05:54] wagnerrp: when you have something like schedules direct, no one bothers to maintain them
[04:06:04] brad2: some_person: totally understand your concern, i thought the same thing when i first heard about schedulesdirect
[04:06:13] brad2: but it's so cheap, and it saves so much hassle and frustration
[04:06:17] brad2: now i gladly pay it
[04:07:31] Some_Person: Also, it seems that the analog cable I receive in MythTV somehow looks worse than what I get in Windows Media Center
[04:07:55] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:08:08] brad2: did you check your capture card settings to make sure you are capturing in the highest resolution?
[04:08:25] Some_Person: It's not just the resolution. It seems very snowy
[04:08:45] Some_Person: Comparitively, Media Center looks very clean
[04:09:07] brad2: hmmm. not sure i can help on the snow issue, i don't think i have encountered that before
[04:10:22] Some_Person: windows media center actually looks better than my 32" crt tv on analog
[04:10:27] Some_Person: MythTV looks worse
[04:11:06] wagnerrp: what capture card do you have?
[04:11:18] Some_Person: It's a Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1950
[04:11:32] wagnerrp: and you have it set up as a mpeg encoder?
[04:11:38] Some_Person: yes
[04:11:40] wagnerrp: and youre capturing at 720x480?
[04:11:43] Some_Person: yes
[04:12:01] wagnerrp: have you tried bumping up the bitrate? i was not happy with the default 4.4mbps
[04:12:16] wagnerrp: how is the TV connected to the computer?
[04:12:17] Some_Person: I tried messing with it but it didn't seem to help much
[04:12:30] Some_Person: The TV isn't connected to the computer. I'm using my laptop's built-in screen
[04:12:48] wagnerrp: what video card?
[04:13:09] Some_Person: Mobile Intel 965 Express
[04:14:02] wagnerrp: its possible windows has access to better hardware scalers than the X11 drivers provide
[04:14:51] gizmobay (gizmobay! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:15:00] Some_Person: I can't really explain it, but analog TV looks very sharp and clear in Media Center on Windows, but MythTV looks snowy
[04:15:59] Some_Person: Digital cable looks about the same, but all my non-local channels are analog only
[04:19:00] gizmobay: I have a problem with mythfilldb hanging and when it's time to run it the next day it won't run because it thinks it's already running.
[04:19:07] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:19:27] gizmobay: I added a pkill -9 mythfilldatabase to run everyday at 7 AM
[04:19:40] gizmobay: in the crontab
[04:19:54] gizmobay: but this doesn't work for some reason
[04:20:00] npm (npm! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:20:02] gizmobay: it's run as root
[04:22:30] clever: maybe its not cleaning up a flag in the db because you -9'd, so it still thinks its running
[04:24:10] gizmobay: the thing I noticed is it still shows the process running when I do a ps -A | grep mythfill
[04:24:59] gizmobay: maybe I'll try removing the -9 to see how it works
[04:25:10] clever: ah
[04:25:10] clever: paste the line that its showing
[04:25:46] gizmobay: actually I've rebooted since it happened
[04:26:08] clever: ah
[04:26:12] gizmobay: once I reboot it goes away for about a week
[04:26:46] gizmobay: or longer
[04:26:56] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[04:27:20] clever: it could also be failing right away, but has 2 weeks of data
[04:27:28] clever: so you dont notice any problem until that runs out
[04:28:05] gizmobay: that's how I usually tell when it happens. I look in mythweb and it said 8 days worth of data
[04:29:53] gizmobay: well no wonder I'm running from the command line and it's not working
[04:30:06] k_ross (k_ross!~47a40d7d@gateway/web/freenode/x-xixkhfykcwycgmmr) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:30:17] gizmobay: pkill mythfilldatabase
[04:30:23] gizmobay: is that the right command?
[04:31:02] gizmobay: well killall killed it
[04:31:24] clever: i havent really used pkill
[04:31:49] SirColin (SirColin! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:32:23] gizmobay: me neither someone said it was bad to use killall
[04:32:54] clever: on some distro's, 'killall' does just that, and kills every process on the system
[04:33:03] wagnerrp: really....
[04:33:09] wagnerrp: thats some pretty poor oversight
[04:33:14] clever: not sure which ones though
[04:34:21] gizmobay: I thought someone said Bsd?
[04:36:35] wagnerrp: nope
[04:36:51] wagnerrp: well... maybe if you ran it without arguments
[04:36:55] wagnerrp: i havent actually tried that
[04:37:30] clever: yeah, something like that
[04:37:57] gizmobay: I was running pkill from the command line without args
[04:38:10] wagnerrp: nope, it does nothing if you dont give an argument
[04:38:27] gizmobay: pkill mythfilldatabase
[04:38:39] gizmobay: wrong command?
[04:39:39] clever: might also be mythfilldatabase.real that you need
[04:39:47] clever: depends on what fudging around your distro does
[04:39:57] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[04:40:28] gizmobay: hmm I'm running from the CLI and mythfilldb is hung
[04:40:47] clever: mythfilldatabase might be a simple bash script
[04:40:51] clever: depends on the distro
[04:41:38] gizmobay: actually I'm compiling
[04:42:24] clever: ah, then it shouldnt have any of that extra junk
[04:43:37] gizmobay: it's hung at sourceid 1 has lineup type: LocalBroadcast
[04:45:11] inordkuo1 (inordkuo1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[04:49:06] gizmobay: hmm it won't complete
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[04:50:55] gizmobay: screw it, I'll mess with it in the morning. I'm going to bed
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[04:51:56] Jeffrey1: I can play my tv feed live in VLC media player using the card ...but can not watch or record tv in myth I have search about for configure myth to use dish network sattlelite feed .. I can view the feed from /dev/video0 and the signel is on 73 ..
[04:52:33] Jeffrey1: i am at a total loss .. would really love to have myth work
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[05:02:00] Jeffrey1: I guess I am not asking asking or people are tired of answering this ..  :)
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[05:16:25] oobe: Jeffrey1, have you setup tuners and video sources before
[05:16:31] oobe: in mythtv i mean
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[05:21:02] Jeffrey1: no ..
[05:21:59] Jeffrey1: well I have gone and tried to follow the instrushions for mythtv-setup for the pvr 1600
[05:23:12] Jeffrey1: but when I try and watch tv in myth it says please wait and back to the main menu
[05:24:11] [R]: what does tit say in the backend
[05:25:33] Jeffrey1: I ref this site and about 1/2 way down is where I started the first was about the make and install of drivers
[05:25:54] Jeffrey1: I do not rember that tilt command ... sorry
[05:26:04] [R]: you should use something like mythbuntu
[05:26:30] Jeffrey1: that is what they said last night and i have ..
[05:26:52] [R]: then there is nothign to make
[05:26:53] [R]: and install
[05:27:04] Jeffrey1: sorry .. very new here .. but I did get it all installed and been fighting to get the live tv to work or have it use the card
[05:27:49] Jeffrey1: I know I ment on the web site i was using for a reference is and about 1/2 way down is where I applyed the backend settings ...
[05:28:34] Jeffrey1: :-) ..
[05:29:14] Jeffrey1: been a few days trying to get this running not mean to sound frustrated but I am ... lol
[05:29:34] Jeffrey1: its ok .. its part of the learning curve
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[05:35:37] Jeffrey1: [R], do I send the whole log file ?
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[05:43:18] Jeffrey1: well I uploaded that file /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log
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[05:52:59] Jeffrey1: hope it sheds some light
[05:53:41] wagnerrp: sounds like you never set a starting channel
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[06:09:21] Jeffrey1: i do not think so wagnerrp ... could you assist
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[06:10:08] Jeffrey1: please .. :-)
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[06:14:16] wagnerrp: in mythtv-setup, you need to define a default channel
[06:14:21] wagnerrp: recordings will work without it
[06:14:28] wagnerrp: but livetv will not
[06:14:43] wagnerrp: also, the first recording you make will change the channel and set a new default
[06:16:26] Jeffrey1: hrmm .. k so I guess I will see if it will record
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[06:32:23] Jeffrey1: it failed .. or did not record ..
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[07:21:20] Jeffrey1: well is it possable to use sattlite like dish network on mythtv ? .. I do not get it how to make it work
[07:21:36] Jeffrey1: I guess Im ask, pleading , begging for help .. lol
[07:22:49] [R]: Jeffrey1: you can capture off the receiver with any analog card or an hdpvr to capture hd
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[07:23:19] Jeffrey1: yes I was able to cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg ..
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[07:24:03] Jeffrey1: and that played in VLC and then I did get VLC configured to use the card with the pvr:// option
[07:25:31] Jeffrey1: all only when I set the dish network DVR box for output channell 73 for tv2 .. then had to set the card with "ivtv-tune -c 73"
[07:27:41] Jeffrey1: [R], was that my answer to my problem ? I can capture off the reciever with any card ?
[07:28:16] [R]: well sounds like the card is arleady working
[07:28:31] [R]: if the card is working, and myth supports it... then its psosible
[07:28:43] Jeffrey1: ya or I seems to me .. k ..
[07:30:19] Jeffrey1: well it says it will or I believe it did .. I have a pvr 1600 Hauppauge
[07:30:28] Jeffrey1: I guess is .. damit
[07:31:41] Jeffrey1: Im on a merry go round it feels like keeps taking me back to no where the help files get me no where ..
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[09:03:53] tyldis: With 0.22 I have an issue with EIT not returning any events: I noticed bug #7701 and have added the correct nids and tids, but still no luck.
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[09:29:26] vanksi: Beirdo, did you get around fixing the nuvexport?
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[10:18:28] blarney: hi, I'm having problems with myth 0.22-fixes and LiveTV when recording another program. my tuner is a Hauppauge HD-2250 with 2 on-board tuners and it can successfully record two scheduled programs simultaneously, however I've noticed that if I start a recording from LiveTV, then exit, go back into LiveTV, select a new channel, it successfully changes the channel, but then gets "stuck", it can't change to another channel ev
[10:19:16] blarney: looking in mythbackend log I get things like: "ChannelBase(2): IsTunable(DVBInput,7_1) Channel is valid, but tuner is busy on different multiplex (55 != 52)"
[10:20:04] blarney: the weird thing is that under some conditions this works as expected, but most of the time I can't switch channels in LiveTV if I'm already recording on one of the 2 tuner cards
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[10:58:15] oobe: RDV_Linux, i just switch to storage groups from shares and as a result lost my metadata so i ran jamu -MV and this is the result early in to the scan
[10:59:34] oobe: just thought you might know where i went wrong
[10:59:59] oobe: anyhow the directorys where it begins to mess up are symlinks perhaps that could be it
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[11:31:58] zkab: mythbackend tells me: "MediaServer:: Loopback address specified – Disabling UPnP" and therefore my UPnP media clients cannot detect MythTVMediaServer
[11:34:59] jolaren: What do you think about my new backend? (might act a lil bit as frontend – i dont know yet)
[11:35:03] jolaren:
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[12:48:05] Beirdo: vanksi: no such luck. I had no internet last night at home
[12:49:30] Beirdo: I don't see a ticket for it yet either :)
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[13:15:56] Beirdo: vanksi: are you here?
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[13:34:19] vanksi: Beirdo, on/off, at work, i decided to go with xvidenc
[13:34:50] vanksi: i can open the ticket if you want, could you give me the bugtrackker url
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[13:41:42] Beirdo: vanksi: OK
[13:41:59] Beirdo: it's at
[13:42:29] Beirdo: please include the version number of transcode if you are running in transcode mode
[13:42:41] BjornR1989: Are BNC's allowed on this channel?
[13:43:01] Beirdo: What the other person mentioned was a change in transcode command line args
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[13:45:21] vanksi: Beirdo, any way to get the nuvexport version?
[13:45:34] vanksi: oh --version worked
[13:45:37] vanksi: nevermind
[13:46:39] Beirdo: I think for transcode, it's transcode -v, but I'm not sure
[13:48:50] vanksi:
[13:48:51] vanksi: there yo go
[13:48:56] vanksi: *you
[13:49:05] Beirdo: gracias
[13:58:50] Beirdo: as I go look into it, I may need more info, but we'll see
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[14:20:31] RDV_Linux: oobe: I tried the example video name from your pastebin and it worked for me so I think the issues/solution is #5 from this link . . . _not_work.21
[14:23:22] oobe: damn you might be right i read that when you first made that page or that page was first made but i dont think about what locale i am using
[14:23:27] oobe: i am using LANG=en_US
[14:24:24] oobe: i will change it to en_AU.utf8 and try again thanks RDV_Linux
[14:24:45] RDV_Linux: oobe: np
[14:24:55] oobe: i used your nick when i asked my question since you have auto alerts on for jamu anyway :)
[14:25:18] oobe: i dont recall being asked what locale to use in setup
[14:25:29] oobe: utf8 seems to be the standard
[14:26:07] Beirdo: does Australia use accents in English I'm not aware of, or why would you need utf8? :)
[14:26:22] RDV_Linux: oobe: Even if you were asked the cron environment is not always the same so for my set up I also have to add the utf8 statements to my cron tab.
[14:27:11] oobe: how do i change my locale
[14:27:21] RDV_Linux: Beirdo: This is more of an issue with the metadata on TVDB and TMDB. So do you have foriegn movies?
[14:27:23] gbee: Beirdo: foreign actors/actresses, foreign films
[14:27:54] Beirdo: ahhh, good point
[14:27:59] Beirdo: :)
[14:29:43] RDV_Linux: Beirdo: Jamu and several other metadata scripts are written in python and until python v3.x is in general these scripts have a lot of trouble with UTF8 strings.
[14:30:05] Beirdo: ahh. python for the loss :)
[14:30:07] Beirdo: heh
[14:30:12] RDV_Linux: s.general/general use/
[14:30:24] Beirdo: yeah, UTF8 wreaks havok with many languages for sure
[14:30:51] Beirdo: was just curious anyways :)
[14:31:22] RDV_Linux: Beirdo: Prior to python v3 all strings are naively ascii unless declared otherwise.
[14:31:27] JJ (JJ! has left #mythtv-users ()
[14:31:36] Beirdo: yeah, ruby does the same to some extent
[14:31:45] Beirdo: it's a common issue :)
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[15:07:05] gr0undh0g (gr0undh0g!~gr0undh0g@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:07:11] gr0undh0g: hola
[15:07:30] gr0undh0g: I just bought a Hauppauge HD PVR 1212
[15:07:36] gr0undh0g: so far I'm really happy with it
[15:07:53] gr0undh0g: but I am wondering if mythtv will help me stream as in beyondtv with it
[15:09:58] wagnerrp: stream to where?
[15:10:32] sid3windr: there!
[15:10:57] gr0undh0g: my laptop or other client
[15:11:11] wagnerrp: where is this laptop or other client?
[15:11:21] gr0undh0g: at starbucks or panera bread :)
[15:11:38] gr0undh0g: HD PVR is in home office
[15:11:43] wagnerrp: mythweb has a built in flash steaming program
[15:12:00] wagnerrp: however it is experimental, and not all that capable
[15:12:01] gr0undh0g: cool
[15:12:20] gr0undh0g: well, all i want to do is see what is currently on
[15:12:21] wagnerrp: you cant seek beyond the data youve already downloaded
[15:12:32] wagnerrp: there is no streaming of livetv
[15:12:54] gr0undh0g: only already recorded shows?
[15:12:59] wagnerrp: correct
[15:13:04] gr0undh0g: beyondtv is too expensive
[15:13:54] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:14:10] j-rod: well, actually, you *can* stream live(ish) tv...
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[15:14:18] wagnerrp: kinda sorta
[15:14:22] j-rod: yeah
[15:14:24] wagnerrp: you start a recording, and watch it in progress
[15:14:35] j-rod: you need a box just slow enough that it transcodes in real-time
[15:14:50] wagnerrp: fast?
[15:14:50] gr0undh0g: that would not be bad
[15:14:54] j-rod: lest you catch up to the end of the file
[15:15:05] wagnerrp: oh
[15:15:07] wagnerrp: right
[15:15:25] gr0undh0g: so just a normal client can sort of stream recording shows
[15:15:53] j-rod: my solution is going to be a vpn setup paired with my new 25Mbps uplink
[15:16:09] j-rod: so i can just connect directly using mythfrontend and stream that way
[15:16:11] wagnerrp: a normal mythfrontend can stream both recordings and livetv, from any location with proper network access
[15:16:24] wagnerrp: that means it needs both backend and mysql access
[15:16:37] wagnerrp: you can set up a VPN, along with a massive amount of upstream, like j-rod
[15:17:00] wagnerrp: but besides that, theres a lot of code that would have to go in for external streaming
[15:17:22] j-rod: could also have a livetv profile that uses a much lower bitrate
[15:17:31] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:17:35] wagnerrp: the backend protocol would have to support authentication, and possibly encryption
[15:17:40] j-rod: to mitigate the need for gobs of bandwidth
[15:17:45] wagnerrp: mysql access would have to be routed through the backend protocol
[15:17:54] wagnerrp: which in itself would cause a whole slew of problems
[15:18:01] wagnerrp: since mysql is used to find the backend in the first place
[15:18:17] wagnerrp: and the transcoder would have to be significantly updated, and hooked into the backend protocol
[15:18:53] wagnerrp: or some of the proposed changes for 0.24 would need to go in, specifically those allowing multiple versions of a single recording, for varying quality levels
[15:19:17] DjMadness (DjMadness!~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/DjMadness) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[15:19:33] wagnerrp: all told, its a huge chunk of code to make that possible
[15:19:42] wagnerrp: and none of the current devs have felt the itch to do so
[15:20:14] gr0undh0g: well, it seems to me to make mythtv popular you'd have to get it to stream
[15:20:21] gr0undh0g: to cell phones
[15:20:41] gr0undh0g: because most pvrs come with dvr software
[15:20:42] wagnerrp: mythtv has never existed to 'be popular'
[15:20:52] gr0undh0g: popular with me :)
[15:20:54] gr0undh0g: j/k
[15:21:03] wagnerrp: it has always been designed to behave as per the developer's whims
[15:21:23] wagnerrp: so popularity really doesnt serve anything more than bring new prospective developers into the fold
[15:21:31] gr0undh0g: and you are probably the type, as I am, to resist trendy things like iphones
[15:21:40] gr0undh0g: because they're not techy enough
[15:21:47] wagnerrp: i just want a tactile input
[15:21:56] Lt_Dan: if i may, myth is "scratched itches" of a group of talented developers
[15:22:07] wagnerrp: however there is iphone support in mythweb
[15:22:09] j-rod: "iphone not techy enough" ?
[15:22:10] Lt_Dan: (NOT including me)
[15:22:15] j-rod: "trendy" ?
[15:22:30] gr0undh0g: iphone is trendy, but doesn't run multiple apps
[15:22:37] wagnerrp: and there is more than one 3rd party program for streaming content to the iphone
[15:22:46] gr0undh0g: I'd rather have a ppc phone
[15:22:49] gr0undh0g: htc
[15:22:59] j-rod: its possibly "trendy", but its also a fucking fantastic phone
[15:23:09] gr0undh0g: sure
[15:23:11] gr0undh0g: I know it
[15:23:25] XLV: i'd wait for something less drm ridden and closed to specific providers
[15:23:27] gr0undh0g: but it doesn't do what I need it to do, which is run my own programs
[15:23:29] j-rod: and I know plenty of very "techy" people that have one
[15:23:48] gr0undh0g: techie
[15:23:52] gr0undh0g: ?
[15:24:01] gr0undh0g: early adopters
[15:24:05] j-rod: yes, that's the more correct spelling of it
[15:24:08] XLV: eg some android or with the new intel/nokia OS, meego
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[15:24:22] gr0undh0g: i find it very telling that most of the early adopters I know do not have or want an iphone
[15:24:24] j-rod: and, um, you *can* write and run your own programs
[15:24:37] XLV: and with them using something like the new nvidia tegra2 or the new ti cortex a9 SOCs
[15:24:57] wagnerrp: j-rod: sure, but you cant use them unless you hack the thing, or get it on the app store
[15:25:04] j-rod: bull
[15:25:11] gr0undh0g: right wagner, have to do it apples way
[15:25:13] j-rod: you can too
[15:25:16] gr0undh0g: screw that
[15:25:30] j-rod: how do you think app developers develop apps?
[15:25:45] XLV: j-rod, the sdk has emulator
[15:25:56] gr0undh0g: I am a developer
[15:25:58] j-rod: yes. and the ability to install the app on an actual device
[15:26:00] gr0undh0g: application architect
[15:26:27] XLV: j-rod, and if you want to send it to some friend to install it on his device?
[15:26:28] gr0undh0g: and it is a mystery to me why most developers I know do not have or want an iphone
[15:26:37] gr0undh0g: except it's not a mystery
[15:26:40] j-rod: XLV: you can do that too
[15:26:47] wagnerrp: its the lack of keyboard
[15:27:01] gr0undh0g: it's not really a computer in the traditional sense
[15:27:10] j-rod: iirc, development apps can be provisioned onto 10 or so distinct devices
[15:27:18] gr0undh0g: and most developers don't feel like feeding apple
[15:27:26] XLV: ok, so 10 friends
[15:27:31] XLV: what about the 11th?
[15:27:51] Beirdo: I like my iPhone :) If I had a Mac, I'd develop for it
[15:28:03] XLV: i want to write an app for iphone and not go through apple store? can i do that?
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[15:28:05] j-rod: you have that many friends that want to run some piece of junk you wrote that isn't good enough to submit to the app store as a free app? fine.
[15:28:51] ** j-rod works for a very technical company, and quite happily uses an iphone **
[15:29:04] bonelifer: free app==apple controlled app(that's if they LET it in the app store).
[15:29:05] gr0undh0g: you're an outlayer
[15:29:10] j-rod: no. I'm not.
[15:29:14] gr0undh0g: yes, you are
[15:29:22] gr0undh0g: not many developers have iphones, sorry, but true
[15:29:23] streeter (streeter!~streeter@nat/redhat/x-iwdqtwyvitsvttfb) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:29:43] j-rod: there are TONS of iphone owners here at Red Hat
[15:29:56] gr0undh0g: as a percentage they are not large
[15:29:57] j-rod: so perhaps the whole company is outlayers
[15:31:02] gr0undh0g: most iphone owners are what I'd call second tier users
[15:31:15] Beirdo: in my experience MOST of the iphone users I know are techie types
[15:31:16] gr0undh0g: not saying that as an insult
[15:31:47] gr0undh0g: yes, but not core creators
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[15:31:57] Beirdo: heh
[15:32:02] gr0undh0g: I think there is still a resentment for apple in the dev community
[15:32:14] bonelifer: most of the iPhone users I know are non-techies
[15:32:25] Beirdo: well, if we could develop on non-Macs, I guarantee you that there would be more devlopers
[15:32:35] gr0undh0g: probably
[15:32:42] Beirdo: not probably
[15:32:46] Beirdo: guaranteed
[15:32:55] gr0undh0g: that still fits within the domain of probably
[15:32:57] Beirdo: I can promise at least one more. :)
[15:33:00] Beirdo: ME
[15:33:01] wagnerrp: bonelifer: thats because all your local techies left for more broadband friendly locations
[15:33:10] Beirdo: if I had a mac, I'd be doing it already
[15:33:38] Beirdo: and I can't be the only one
[15:33:40] bonelifer: Many of them are academic types, but non -techie
[15:34:15] bonelifer: wagnerrp, you have a good memory. :(
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[15:34:47] gr0undh0g: you can't hack an iphone like you can a ppc
[15:35:10] j-rod: I don't want to hack my phone. I want my phone to just work.
[15:35:19] gr0undh0g: not that that makes the difference, but I think for many just running software isn't enough
[15:35:52] gr0undh0g: unfortunately, many ppc phones don't "just work" out of the box
[15:35:54] gr0undh0g: heh
[15:36:01] gr0undh0g: idiots at microsoft
[15:36:12] j-rod: I have a wife and three kids. Having a phone that Just Works and does so very well with plenty of features is rather nice.
[15:36:29] gr0undh0g: unfortunately I'm tied to their idiocy, I'm an MS whore, MCSD yadda yadda
[15:36:50] j-rod: a single buddy of mine did dump his iphone for a Nokia N900 when it finally came out, but had been planning to do so for ages
[15:37:06] j-rod: he's actually got time and interest in hacking on the phone
[15:37:31] bonelifer: wishes I had an iPod so I could install Rockbox on it. :)
[15:38:05] j-rod: my ipod collection is close to a dozen right now. don't ask... :)
[15:38:47] j-rod: actually, I think I've returned most of them now — contributions to test linux firewire support, had to do some quirking for a few of them
[15:38:51] bonelifer: I have an old Creative and a Sansa c240 V2, :( Wishes it was a V1
[15:39:18] dagar (dagar! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[15:39:37] gr0undh0g: well, it looks like I have to go home to take back control of my server
[15:40:04] gr0undh0g: I accidently put the pvr software into full screen video on the RD client, and lost control
[15:40:15] gr0undh0g: cant seem to minimize
[15:40:20] Beirdo: and smashe into a tree
[15:40:32] bonelifer: take back. Did some kids skip school and break into your house?
[15:40:47] gr0undh0g: nice project here, I might give it a try
[15:40:50] Beirdo: underwear gnomes, I bet
[15:41:08] gr0undh0g: hey don't hack them, they make profits!
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[15:42:05] gr0undh0g: btw, most people do what I say eventually
[15:42:37] gr0undh0g: bbl
[15:42:52] j-rod: riiiight
[15:45:28] bonelifer: except of course those that are extremely defiant.
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[15:46:26] GreyFoxx: "
[15:46:33] GreyFoxx: "[11:42am]<gr0undh0g> btw, most people do what I say eventually" wtf did I miss
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[15:56:36] j-rod: GreyFoxx: still trying to figure that out myself :)
[15:56:54] j-rod: darn, no devin
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[16:29:29] gr0undh0g: ok, home now
[16:30:12] gr0undh0g: and actually I mostly want to be able to stream just at home
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[16:30:27] gr0undh0g: so this might be great for that, eh?
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[16:32:22] gr0undh0g: so all that stuff about streaming to phones, resist listening to that
[16:33:04] gr0undh0g: crap, I really don't want to compile this :(
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[16:39:22] zkab: anyone about MediaServer-problem
[16:40:22] wagnerrp: gr0undh0g: myth is designed from the start to be network transparent
[16:41:00] wagnerrp: assuming you have sufficient bandwidth and no firewalls blocking anything, any network connected machine can play back content
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[16:42:38] brad2: hey wagnerrp, i'm creating a new mythbackend box, i normally use ext3 as a file system. Would you recommend something else?
[16:43:17] wagnerrp: jfs and xfs are the normal recommendations
[16:43:24] wagnerrp: if you use ext3, make sure to turn on slow deletes
[16:43:56] gbee: go with xfs, save yourself a headache later on
[16:44:55] gbee: as wagnerrp said, with ext3 etc you need to enable the slow delete mode since ext3 can take several seconds to delete multi-GB files
[16:45:08] gbee: xfs is instant
[16:45:25] brad2: thanks i will give that a shot
[16:45:40] dagar: what about ext4?
[16:45:43] brad2: i think i picked ext3 when i initially started using myth, as i had no idea what i was doing. and it always worked, so i never looked into it
[16:46:14] gr0undh0g: can I configure to use mssql?
[16:46:27] dagar: gross
[16:47:04] brad2: gbee: would you use xfs on every partition (os and boot) or just the video data partitions?
[16:47:20] wagnerrp: brad2: thats up to you and your preference
[16:48:04] wagnerrp: personally, i use jfs for no particular reason
[16:48:07] gbee: brad2: only needed on the media partitions, personally I use ext3 (lately ext4) elsewhere
[16:48:39] wagnerrp: i think i read somewhere that it was very fast dealing with small files
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[16:59:57] Beirdo: checking out mythtv onto mmy linode
[17:00:20] Beirdo: muhahah
[17:00:30] zkab: problem solved !!!
[17:00:37] zkab: quit
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[17:06:18] Beirdo: gah, why didn't I check out trunk? :)
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[17:46:32] Beirdo: vanski: you are using nuvexport from a release version, right?
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[17:56:02] mishehu: oh it's Beirdo the Weirdo :-)
[17:57:07] mishehu: man transcoding hd recordings from mpeg2ts to mkv-h264 takes forever and a year
[17:58:13] Beirdo: not too surprising
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[18:11:09] brad2: mishehu: what do you use to do the transcoding?
[18:11:44] mag0o: gophers
[18:12:04] Beirdo: beer
[18:12:11] brad2: gophers? haha
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[18:12:38] Beirdo: Aloha, kormoc
[18:12:47] kormoc: Mornin' Mr. Beirdo
[18:13:11] cipher42 (cipher42! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:13:14] Beirdo: turns out that at least ONE of the reported nuvexport bugs I took is a "worksforme"... it's already fixed in SVN
[18:13:29] Beirdo: and I'd be willing to bet the other is as well
[18:13:40] cipher42: Anyone know the difference between the hauppauge 1212 rev e1 and e2?
[18:13:52] gbee: a digit
[18:13:54] Beirdo: I bet Hauppauge does
[18:14:05] cipher42: is there a hauppauge channel?
[18:14:16] cipher42: negative...
[18:14:18] Beirdo: no clue
[18:14:34] cipher42: jus thought someone here may know
[18:14:46] Beirdo: there's bound to be some difference, but doubt anybody will know
[18:14:54] gbee: #linuxtv is probably close, especially if one of the hauppauge linux devs is there
[18:14:55] Beirdo: worth asking, of course :)
[18:14:56] Beirdo: heh
[18:15:09] cipher42: thanks
[18:15:09] gbee: oh, stoth is here
[18:15:14] Beirdo: I bet the FCC knows too
[18:15:24] gbee: so he's probably in the other channel too
[18:17:37] jolaren: What do you think about this as a backend and perhaps even combined frontend?
[18:18:30] mishehu: brad2: I use mythtranscode just to strip out the commercials entirely, then I batch up thefiles for transcoding with ffmpeg+x264
[18:19:16] brad2: mish: thanks for the info. Would you be willing to share the script/command you use for transcoding with ffmpeg+x264?
[18:19:39] mishehu: brad2: sec. it's nothing really fancy. let me pastebin it
[18:19:45] brad2: mish: thanks!
[18:20:10] Beirdo: would be good to see for nuvexport use too :)
[18:20:14] mishehu: I warn you, bash scripting isn't my forte, so there might be better ways to do things here :-)
[18:20:17] Beirdo: in case we need to update it :)
[18:21:56] mishehu:
[18:22:15] mishehu: I'm doing 2-pass in this because I try to keep the file sizes to a specific size
[18:22:30] jamesd__: jolaren, a bit light on memory and disk but if you are recording SD tv, instead of HD, its a good starting point.
[18:22:41] Beirdo: thanks, mishehu
[18:23:06] mishehu: I've been using matroska nowadays after discussions with folks on #ffmpeg and #x264
[18:23:26] brad2: thanks mish, i will definitely give this a whirl.
[18:23:49] jolaren: jamesd__, I see.. 1tb will be a good starting point.. Dont really record that much! But should I get 4gb memory instead? Will have like 4–5 frontends
[18:25:10] jamesd__: jolaren, yeah more memory is better... its a small cost usually and makes the system perform beter... especially with that many front ends attached, if its not in memory data has to be retrived from disk just making your system feel sluggish.
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[18:25:48] jolaren: aight.. i'll get 4gb ram
[18:26:01] jolaren: Is it stupid to run it as a frontend/backend? Thinkin i'd save some cash that way
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[18:27:53] jamesd__: jolaren, all but the really hard core people do... extra ponts if you can convince your family to exit out of live-tv when they are done... having the server act as front end 24/7 while everyone is sleep sucks lots of compute power.
[18:28:16] jolaren: yer we have a timer in the living room
[18:28:30] jolaren: ill just check the size of the chassi and ill need to see if i can fit it nicely
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[18:30:26] jamesd__: jolaren, you can probably get a slower cpu, even 1.9ghz (quad core is nice, i heard they are getting cheap for quad core slow cpus), does that mother board have nvidia video on board?
[18:31:00] Beirdo: vanksi: ping me when you're back
[18:31:09] bonelifer|away: ponders whether I should of got the Antec Fusion Remote Max instead of the Fusion Remote Black. I could of gotten the MB I wanted since the Max can fit an ATX board and SEVEN PCI slots. As it stands there's going to be some Dremel action going on to mount the COM port and the FAN Controllers
[18:31:38] bonelifer|away: Though the MAX also comes with increased size over the already large Fusion Remote
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[18:31:58] bonelifer|away: Decisions past and present, once they're made you have to live with them.
[18:32:43] bonelifer|away: Never thought of myself as a Case modders, but it shall be.
[18:33:00] jolaren: jamesd__, something is integrated i will try to take alook
[18:33:20] ** jamesd__ my backend is a sligthly dated sun ultra 20, opteron dual core 2.4ghz 4GB of ram, 2x 256GB sata drives, that need to get upgraded... nvidia fx1400 yes its a front end as well **
[18:34:20] cipher42: any idea why my ps3 can't see my mythtv-backend?
[18:34:22] jamesd__: jolaren, the video card is the number one part of the frontend.. nvidia are nice, cheap and well supported, even if you just get a low end knockoff card, just be sure it has 64MB or more of video memory and it will be fine.. i think most of the knockoff cards come with 256MB these days.
[18:34:46] jamesd__: cipher42, because ps3 doesn't suport mythtv backends...
[18:34:57] bonelifer|away: I haven't seen much with less than 512mb
[18:35:01] jolaren: jamesd__, I thought i'd just use the intregrated one.. i will take a look
[18:35:16] cipher42: sure it does
[18:35:33] cipher42: i've seen it before at my friends house
[18:35:56] jamesd__: not from what i read unless you install linux on the ps3... and that disables all the fancy parts of the ps3
[18:35:57] cipher42: you can scan for video servers
[18:35:58] gbee: these days, with vdpau etc you want 512MB of video ram
[18:36:01] brad2: jolaren: i use a evga 730i motherboard with integrated 9300 nvidia vid card seem to work for me
[18:36:10] brad2: i think it only has 256mb of ram though
[18:36:17] jolaren: brad2, Radeon HD 4200
[18:36:25] jolaren: jamesd__, Radeon HD 4200 is the integrated card on that motherboard which is on my list
[18:36:34] bonelifer|away: cipher it should via UPnP
[18:36:36] gbee: brad2: IGPs use system ram, normally upto 512MB
[18:37:06] jamesd__: jolaren, i may be wrong.. but ati radeons don't have very good support in linux, so you probably have to replace it with an nvidia card....
[18:37:22] gbee: jamesd__: they do have good support, depending on the age
[18:37:39] bonelifer|away: I think ATI uses I think XvMC(sp?)
[18:37:44] gbee: but they lack features such as hardware acceleration
[18:37:47] gbee: bonelifer|away: it doesn't
[18:38:05] bonelifer|away is now known as bonelifer
[18:38:47] bonelifer: hrmmm. Well cursory knowledge leads me astray again.  :|
[18:38:47] gbee: there is absolutely nothing wrong with an ATI GPU, assuming you've got a powerful enough CPU to handle decoding
[18:39:27] jolaren: jamesd__, your rite.. i googled the Radeon HD 4200 and it seems to work but with problems
[18:39:52] stoth: gbee: Busy day but I'm around
[18:40:40] jolaren: gbee, seems to be problems with it and ubuntu (causing some of the users ive seen online) to only be able to run in low graphics mode
[18:40:45] jolaren: Which kinda kills my whole idea
[18:40:45] jamesd__: gbee, if you dont own it yet, its best to buy a better supported card that can decode without the cpu, if you have a choice correct?
[18:41:00] squish102: jolaren i have a Radeon HD 3200 integrated, and it works fine (even have it working with HDMI)
[18:41:35] jolaren: does it handle 1080p squish102 ?
[18:41:43] gbee: jamesd__: tough call, but I'd say go with an nvidia card if future proofing and H.264 HD are important to you
[18:41:57] squish102: don't play back much h.265, but normal HD 720p (cable HD) is just fine
[18:42:08] gbee: stoth: sorry, didn't mean to drag you in here, someone was just asking about the difference between two hardware revisions of the HD-PVR, I sent them over to #linuxtv
[18:42:10] jolaren: squish102, I see :-)
[18:42:23] bonelifer: I recently got an ASUS GT-220 with 1GB for 69.99(49.99 with the rebate) at newegg
[18:42:40] bonelifer: I'd say go for a Nvidia card
[18:42:51] gbee: jolaren: I blame ubuntu, but on balance nvidia cards are a safer option
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[18:43:24] squish102: i wanted integrated video and hdmi and ended up with the radeon
[18:43:52] squish102: do they have cheap mobo's with integrated nvidia and hdmi?
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[18:44:20] gbee: I had an integrated Radeon x1250 in my main frontend, worked perfectly, but I ended upgrading the motherboard and opting for an integrated nvidia GPU instead
[18:44:59] gbee: the latter because it supported vdpau which saved me upgrading the CPU at the same time
[18:45:23] stoth: gbee: ok
[18:45:27] jolaren: I can't decide.. such a hassle
[18:45:29] jolaren: Was gonna order now
[18:45:30] gbee: squish102: they seem to be harder to come by, a touch more expensive if you want an AMD proc anyway
[18:45:33] jolaren: but you lot made me think again
[18:46:51] gbee: when I bought my radeon based board, NVidia didn't support audio over hdmi so there was never any question
[18:47:13] fleers (fleers!~fleers@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:47:23] jolaren: I really can't decide now
[18:47:23] jolaren: Darn
[18:48:54] XLV: jolaren, if you care about h264/vc1 and from mythtv reproduction, get a nvidia, preferably a gt 220/240 to have lpcm 7.1 too and no need for spdif header cable
[18:49:08] XLV: a fanless gt 220 seems the best atm
[18:49:26] gbee: nah, go onboard cheaper
[18:49:55] jolaren: Could ya tip me on a motherboard which is cheap..
[18:49:56] gbee: and free up a slot, and no fan
[18:50:40] XLV: jolaren, i'd say if you want onboard something with 9300/9400 nvidia igp
[18:50:40] brad2: i do like my onboard 9300 in my evga730i
[18:50:54] jolaren: prob with that XLV are the pci slots
[18:50:54] brad2: it may be a little underpowered, but the case is so empty, which is nice :)
[18:51:17] gbee: can't say if they are cheap where you are, but the M3N78-?? series were very popular, but they've been succeeded by something else now M4N78?
[18:51:17] XLV: brad2, does it do hdmi audio from igp?
[18:51:40] gbee: XLV: yes
[18:52:04] XLV: jolaren, well, then get a full atx and a fanless gt 220
[18:52:07] wagnerrp: yeah, the power of the IGPs is the only drawback
[18:52:20] wagnerrp: youre not going to be running the higher end deinterlacers at 1080i
[18:52:24] gbee: 8200, 8300, 9300 and 9400 IGPs all support vdpau and audio over hdmi
[18:52:35] jolaren: sigh..
[18:52:59] wagnerrp: but to be honest, my 8200 looks just fine as it is
[18:53:03] XLV: gbee, the chipsets support it, the mb makers made the neccesary connections? or do those transfer audio through pci-e bus like the gt210/220/240?
[18:53:33] gbee: XLV: it's all integrated in the chipset
[18:53:55] gbee: it doesn't use the onboard sound chipset, the nvidia chip has it's own
[18:54:33] gbee: in effect boards with an IGP have two soundcards
[18:54:50] gbee: and that's true for both nvidia and ATI
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[18:56:13] wagnerrp: except the second sound card is in name only
[18:56:24] wagnerrp: its all digital, so theres almost no hardware to go along with it
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[18:58:55] wagnerrp: i forget, did the HDHR multirec stuff go into 0.22?
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[18:59:43] iamlindoro: yep
[19:00:09] wagnerrp: very well... hitting 'save page'
[19:01:02] jolaren: time to redo the order list then
[19:01:03] jolaren: Gah:D
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[19:09:22] brad2: iamlindoro: thanks for the lianli case recommendation. I was a little skeptical spending so much on a case (normally i get the $80 craptacular special), but wow this is the nicest case i've ever had, haha
[19:09:57] bonelifer: What would be the advantage of MKV over MPEG2?
[19:10:12] brad2: xlv: sorry for the slow response, didn't see the question. I'm not sure, i haven't had a chance to play with the hdmi stuff yet.
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[19:11:14] iamlindoro: bonelifer: MKV is a container, MPEG-2 is a codec, they have nothing to do with one another
[19:11:30] iamlindoro: brad2: You are welcome, I've always been happy with the build quality
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[19:12:29] XLV: brad2, they are overpriced, but you rarely have gripes with lianli cases. they are a extensively thought-out design
[19:12:34] wagnerrp: $80 is usually a halfway decent case
[19:12:46] wagnerrp: if you bought a craptacular case at that price, you got ripped off
[19:12:55] XLV: i am happy with cm stacker stc-01.. 70 euro used
[19:13:34] XLV: well not used, never used in a build, but bought 2nd hand from a private individual
[19:13:38] bonelifer: got a Antec Fusion Remote Black for $139.00 with free shipping, it went down to $129 a week later.
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[19:34:19] brad2: have you guys ever heard on a motherboard in the bios, having an "AHCI mode" vs a "Linux AHCI mode"?
[19:34:49] kormoc: nope... have you?
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[19:35:19] wagnerrp: nope, AHCI is AHCI, should be no difference
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[19:35:47] j-rod: otherwise, -> bonghits
[19:36:00] j-rod: not that I wouldn't put it past bios vendors to do something cracked out like that
[19:36:11] kormoc: well, it might just be a horrible way of saying AHCI for sata and legacy for pata?
[19:36:29] brad2: yeah having trouble with the extra sata ports (past 4) on my motherboard, so i switched from IDE to AHCI
[19:36:41] brad2: and it still isn't working perfectly.. i saw a Linux AHCI, and wondered about it
[19:36:41] brad2: :)
[19:36:57] kormoc: give it a go and see?
[19:37:00] j-rod: saw it where?
[19:37:00] OnOffPT: hi
[19:37:06] bonelifer: I saw somewhere talking using ACHI + SATA in IDE mode. maybe that's what it's talking about.
[19:37:07] wagnerrp: did you reconfigure your kernel first to enable AHCI?
[19:37:29] brad2: j-rod: in the motherboard bios, as an option
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[19:37:42] j-rod: what motherboard? (so I know not to buy it... :)
[19:37:47] brad2: wagnerrp: no i didn't realize i had to do that, never used AHCI before.. time to go google search!
[19:37:50] brad2: evga 730i
[19:38:12] wagnerrp: brad2: depends on your distro
[19:38:23] j-rod: yeah, I'm with wagnerrp on this one, AHCI is AHCI. In theory.
[19:38:52] wagnerrp: on the SuSe machines at work, i had to alter the initrd to include the ahci driver
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[19:39:06] wagnerrp: simple fix, took a couple minutes
[19:39:33] wagnerrp: at home on gentoo, i had to recompile the kernel, but given i already had a kernel config, and most of the objects
[19:39:34] j-rod: in Fedora, AHCI is built-in now, since the vast majority of new machines will always need it
[19:39:38] wagnerrp: it ended up taking about as long
[19:39:55] brad2: j-rod: do you know when it was included on fedora? I'm trying fedora 11
[19:40:22] j-rod: not certain exactly when it was changed
[19:40:40] j-rod: try a 'modinfo ahci'
[19:40:48] j-rod: if it returns something, its not built in
[19:40:54] j-rod: er, if it returns module info.
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[19:41:08] j-rod: if it says no module found or something along those lines, its built-in
[19:41:28] brad2: thanks, looks like it's built in
[19:41:35] brad2: must just be my motherboard having a fit
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[20:40:40] hansaplast: Someone got the remote power button working together with mythwelcome?
[20:40:53] wagnerrp: remote power button?
[20:41:10] hansaplast: IR powerbutton on remote controol
[20:41:22] wagnerrp: has nothing to do with mythwelcome
[20:42:25] wagnerrp: mythwelcome exists so you can exit the frontend, and let mythbackend decide to shut down on its own
[20:42:43] wagnerrp: if you are running a backend on the machine, you should never turn the machine off manually
[20:43:07] wagnerrp: booting or resuming the machine with an IR button is entirely up to the device and your BIOS
[20:43:31] wagnerrp: and possibly some options in linux to enable wakeup on that USB port, and reset the port when you resume
[20:43:32] hansaplast: I know. But normally when you use mythwelcome it writes next scheduling times to BIOS. I know how to program the remote via lirc and irexecd, But I dont know how what the propper shutdown sequence is.
[20:44:17] wagnerrp: the proper shutdown sequence is you exit mythfrontend, and then dont touch anything
[20:44:17] hansaplast: Sorry I do know the propper sequence.
[20:44:27] wagnerrp: mythbackend then decides when its good and ready to shut down
[20:44:30] hansaplast: Thing Is...
[20:44:36] [R]: wagnerrp: is it evil i use mythshutdown w/o mythwelcome?
[20:45:13] hansaplast: When I shutdown the frontend I see it signals mythwelcome with a reschedule evend. Is there a way I can do this mannually?
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[20:45:28] wagnerrp: [R]: any active frontends will prevent mythbackend from shutting down
[20:45:39] [R]: i dont run a frontend on it
[20:45:54] wagnerrp: if you dont run a frontend, you dont need mythwelcome
[20:46:04] wagnerrp: hansaplast: it does that through a backend protocol command
[20:46:40] hansaplast: How does it work?
[20:46:48] wagnerrp: what?
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[20:46:53] hansaplast: And can I hook my events in it?
[20:47:10] hansaplast: I can connect to the backend via telnet
[20:47:22] wagnerrp: you can, but you shouldnt
[20:47:31] hansaplast: Why not?
[20:47:49] [R]: hansaplast: what are you trying to do?
[20:47:54] hansaplast: open source :D
[20:48:11] ** wagnerrp /facepalm **
[20:48:18] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:48:27] hansaplast: signal mythwelcome to schedule the next recording and then shutdown the pc
[20:48:28] wagnerrp: if you want to use the backend protocol
[20:48:37] wagnerrp: you should use it through the official perl or python bindings
[20:48:48] wagnerrp: or hook into the libmyth C++ libraries
[20:48:50] hansaplast: any docs on that ?
[20:48:57] [R]: hansaplast: if no frontend is running and the backend is idle... its going to do taht automatically...
[20:49:00] wagnerrp: or use one of a handful of other 3rd party implementations
[20:49:03] hansaplast: via perl/python I mean
[20:49:14] wagnerrp: python, yes... perl, i dont know
[20:49:31] tyldis (tyldis!~vidar@2001:470:d25a:0:224:8cff:fe60:382b) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[20:49:44] hansaplast: nope.. It doesn't execute the $time
[20:49:53] wagnerrp: mythwelcome doesnt, no
[20:50:04] wagnerrp: why would it? its not shutting anything down
[20:50:19] [R]: hansaplast: mythshutdown does that
[20:50:23] wagnerrp: it just exits the frontend, to allow the backend to shutdown
[20:50:29] hansaplast: another way would be to read the next schedule from mysql, reformate datetime and execute $time myself
[20:50:36] wagnerrp: and then the backend handls all that stuff
[20:50:48] [R]: hansaplast: when you setup mythwelcome/mythshutdown/mythbackend properly... it all "just works"
[20:50:54] wagnerrp: no, there is no upcoming schedule information in the database
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[20:51:15] hansaplast: Waite a minute...
[20:51:20] wagnerrp: that information is only stored in memory in the MBE
[20:51:22] hansaplast: please ;)
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[20:52:06] wagnerrp: were saying the backend will manage the wakeup time on its own when it shuts down
[20:52:07] hansaplast: Is there a command to quit mythwelcome without using its menu??
[20:52:21] wagnerrp: 'killall mythwelcome'?
[20:52:34] hansaplast: I know but if I just kill mythwelcome it doesn't write the wakeuptime
[20:52:42] wagnerrp: neither does mythwelcome
[20:52:58] wagnerrp: only the backend does that when it decides to shutdown
[20:53:59] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:54:02] hansaplast: Then, is there a command to shutdown the backend so that it write/executes wakeuptimes?
[20:54:11] SirColin: mythbuntu 9.10 can it play and rip dvd's ?
[20:54:14] [R]: why would you shutdown the backend
[20:54:15] wagnerrp: thats configured in mythtv-setup
[20:54:33] wagnerrp: you dont shut down the backend, the backend decides when it can shut down on its own
[20:54:58] hansaplast: I know that.
[20:55:20] hansaplast: But...
[20:55:53] hansaplast: If I kill mythwelcome.... It, or the backend doesn't write wakeuptimes to BIOS
[20:56:14] [R]: hansaplast: then your backend isn't configured propelry
[20:56:16] hansaplast: *or=nor
[20:56:31] [R]: hansaplast: its only going to write the wakup time whne it goes to shtudown
[20:56:40] wagnerrp: mythwelcome does exactly nothing
[20:57:00] wagnerrp: it just sits there, in a mode that will not prevent the backend from shutting down
[20:57:09] wagnerrp: and allows you to use a remote to start the frontend
[20:57:22] wagnerrp: it does not manage shutdown
[20:57:25] hansaplast: Then you say the backen knows how to execute the mythwelcome "Command to Set Wakeup Time:" menu option?
[20:57:27] wagnerrp: it does not manage the wakeup timer
[20:57:41] wagnerrp: the backend knows nothing about mythwelcome
[20:57:43] [R]: hansaplast: mythshutodwn executes that command
[20:57:46] wagnerrp: there are no options for mythwelcome
[20:57:57] [R]: hansaplast: thoes are all options for mythshutdown
[20:58:12] hansaplast: sorry: option => setting
[20:58:26] wagnerrp: those are all settings for mythshutdown
[20:59:40] hansaplast: oke.. So you say if everything is configured properly. I can kill the frontend and mythwelcome. Mythbackend then writes wakeuptime to bios??
[21:00:10] [R]: the backend will do that when it goes to shutdown
[21:00:10] wagnerrp: were saying you kill the frontend, and then the backend does whatever it needs to do to manage shutdown
[21:00:31] wagnerrp: mythwelcome is completely irrelevant
[21:01:47] SirColin: mythbuntu 9.10 can it play,rip dvd's ? anyone !
[21:02:14] wagnerrp: SirColin: yes
[21:02:22] jolaren: SirColin, It can do anythin ubuntu can
[21:02:39] wagnerrp: s/ubuntu/mythtv/
[21:03:13] SirColin: hmm i having a hell of a job trying to do just that guess il keep on reading then , thanks
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[21:03:25] hansaplast: hmm... Then something is wrong with my settings.. Thanks for now wagnerrp and [R]
[21:03:30] [R]: lol
[21:04:07] jolaren: SirColin, I'd advise you to join #ubuntu or #ubuntu-(plus-language code) for further help with ubuntu
[21:05:40] SirColin: ok i thought this would have been a mythtv problem  ? you think it mayby a ubuntu problem ubuntu mounts dvd's myth does not
[21:06:04] wagnerrp: are you trying to rip/play with mythvideo?
[21:06:16] SirColin: yes
[21:06:23] wagnerrp: if so, then it is a mythtv question
[21:06:34] jolaren: Is the DVD mounted on your desktop SirColin ?
[21:06:39] wagnerrp: if youre trying to burn, thats mytharchive
[21:06:53] SirColin: i have cd ripping ok and have checked my paths and permissions
[21:06:54] [R]: you said ubuntu can mount it... moutning a dvd... and trying to use it... are 2 totally dfifernet things
[21:06:58] wagnerrp: AFAIK, the DVD does not have to be mounted
[21:06:58] SirColin: yes it is mounted
[21:07:42] [R]: SirColin: what does it say in the frontend log when you play it
[21:08:09] SirColin: cannot connect to myth trancoding daemon
[21:08:16] SirColin: i have checked it's running
[21:08:22] [R]: i said play... not rip
[21:08:33] SirColin: not can't play either
[21:08:33] jvs (jvs!~jvs@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:08:35] [R]: yes
[21:08:39] [R]: and what does it say in the log
[21:09:12] SirColin: mtd.log ?
[21:09:17] SirColin: nano mtd.log
[21:09:32] wagnerrp: less mtd.log
[21:09:38] wagnerrp: dont use nano for reading files
[21:09:46] wagnerrp: especially not log files
[21:10:00] SirColin: oh ok
[21:10:17] wagnerrp: or 'more mtd.log', if thats your preference
[21:10:46] SirColin:
[21:10:58] leprechau (leprechau! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:11:02] SirColin: ok i will remeber that
[21:13:28] SirColin: frontend out put is "No Jobs Checking/and or waiting for dvd
[21:14:14] jolaren: SirColin, Can you play the DVD with an external player? Like VLC or Mplayer?
[21:14:30] SirColin: when i try to play a dvd is just returns me to the menu after a few seconds
[21:14:36] SirColin: i will try now
[21:18:46] jolaren: Two quick questions thought..
[21:19:05] gbee: SirColin: have you installed libdvdcss?
[21:19:07] jolaren: 1. Are you sure the player is correctly inputed into the computer? 2. Are you sure It's a DVD drive and not a regular cd-drive?
[21:19:15] AndyCap: Hmm, are they going to try closing the a-hole again now. . . . mponent-2010
[21:19:18] SirColin: yes
[21:19:35] jolaren: yes to both my questions?
[21:19:51] wagnerrp: AndyCap: the ICT has always been a part of HDCP
[21:20:01] wagnerrp: they just promised not to use it for several years
[21:21:19] SirColin: yes im sure it's a dvd player lol
[21:22:04] SirColin: ok mplayer is tell me No Uri Handler implemented for dvd
[21:22:19] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:24:38] Essobi_ is now known as Essobi
[21:25:04] SirColin: Vlc was not installed so i installed its now i playing a dvds
[21:25:36] AndyCap: wagnerrp: but this was aacs equipment afaict. if hdcp licensing is also affected by this that would kill the hdfury I guess.
[21:26:31] jolaren: SirColin, if mplayer can't play it then vlc wont either
[21:27:15] jolaren: SirColin, try this:
[21:27:16] jolaren: sudo apt-get install libdvdnav4 libdvdplay0 libdvdread3
[21:27:16] jolaren: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/
[21:28:20] SirColin: libdvdnav4 is already the newest version.
[21:28:20] SirColin: libdvdnav4 set to manually installed.
[21:28:20] SirColin: Package libdvdplay0 is not available, but is referred to by another package
[21:28:53] jolaren: hm
[21:29:04] jolaren: sudo apt-get remove --purge totem totem-gstreamer
[21:29:05] jolaren: sudo apt-get install totem-xine
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[21:30:15] SirColin: ok those have been run
[21:30:21] mattwynne (mattwynne! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:30:57] gbee: SirColin: mandriva?
[21:31:10] jolaren: so SirColin what happends now?
[21:31:34] jolaren: Run mplayer from terminal
[21:31:44] SirColin: i play a dvd and it looks perfect but im no good at lip reading
[21:31:47] SirColin: lol
[21:31:59] jolaren: Okay
[21:32:01] jolaren: try
[21:32:05] jolaren: alsaconfig
[21:32:08] jolaren: and see if somethings muted
[21:32:24] SirColin: tv is playing sound !
[21:32:29] SirColin: i will try
[21:32:41] jolaren: tv is playing sound? hum
[21:32:55] jolaren: Try to send sound over annother format? might be sending sound digitally or via spdif or smth
[21:34:09] iamlindoro: The ICT has *never* been a part of HDCP
[21:34:12] iamlindoro: never ever ever
[21:34:17] iamlindoro: ICT is part of *AACS*
[21:34:23] iamlindoro: and AACS alone
[21:34:43] iamlindoro: The HDFury will go on being perfectly effective
[21:35:42] jolaren: iamlindoro, who are you writin this to?
[21:36:04] iamlindoro: not to you
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[21:36:37] jolaren: iamlindoro, I see, thought it was quite an odd add to the conversation ;P
[21:36:40] SirColin: "Try to send sound over annother format?"  – sorry im not understanding you
[21:36:47] iamlindoro: jolaren: Yours is not the only conversation in progress
[21:36:59] jolaren: SirColin, The sound output, stereo, dts or whatever
[21:37:03] iamlindoro: and conversations in IRC take place over time
[21:37:59] gbee: yeah, that's right, fluffy bunnies
[21:38:04] jolaren: iamlindoro, I am quite aware of that. I know we've had our disagreements in here but there's no need to be condescending
[21:38:19] jolaren: SirColin, Do you catch my drift?
[21:39:16] iamlindoro: jolaren: You addressed me, and I wasn't speaking to you-- I was adding something to a conversation within the last ten minutes-- so I don't need commentary on whether it was appropriate
[21:39:52] SirColin: yes kind but im not up to speed on all these mixers do you want me to check the backend settings or from within alsa ?
[21:40:15] AndyCap: iamlindoro: Ok, that is good. :)
[21:40:20] jolaren: Whatever lad
[21:41:20] iamlindoro: AndyCap: HDFury is seen as a HDCP-compliant peer anyway, so even on AACS equipment it'll still work
[21:41:57] AndyCap: iamlindoro: yeah, I understand that it's not aacs, which is why I wondered if they would try to enforce this through hdcp licensing as well.
[21:42:12] hansaplast: wagnerrp and [R]: I've scheduled a recording for tomorrow. If ik kill the frontend (and mythwelcome) nothing gets scheduled. If I exit frontend via the menu and let mythwelcome do it's job. The program is scheduled without any problem.
[21:42:18] jolaren: SirColin, Just stick to mplayer now..
[21:42:21] jolaren: SirColin, for now that is
[21:43:16] iamlindoro: AndyCap: They could theoretically revoke the HDCP key of the HDFury on new equipment and firmwares-- but the HDFury folks are playing their cards close to the chest, as they should-- the consensus is that they are probably not using an easily revokable key
[21:43:47] iamlindoro: ie that they are not using the key issued to them, or that they are cloning a big manufacturer's key
[21:44:18] SirColin: well i have dvd's playing now so guys, i will try to find the audio problem on my own, many thanks for you help and sorry to take up so much of your time :-)
[21:44:31] iamlindoro: and when revoking the key for the HDFury were to break, for example... Sony HDTVs... that might make them think twice. That's not to argue that their approach is ethical or legal, just the hypothesis of some on the internet
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[21:57:51] jolaren: SirColin, your welcome
[21:58:26] hansaplast: wagnerrp and [R]: Nope.. Disregard my previous note. mythbackend does take care of setting wakeuptimes to BIOS
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[22:13:24] stevieman: Is there another way to convert my recorded videos to xvid other than using nuvexport?
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[22:15:00] andrewe: How can I use Diseqc with Mythtv? It works with scan, but MythTV does not seem to switch to the correct LNB.
[22:15:56] mzb: stevieman: (myth)transcode ?
[22:16:42] wagnerrp: mzb: mythtranscode will not do xvid
[22:16:57] mzb: hmm
[22:18:00] stevieman: with mythtranscode do divx?
[22:18:06] wagnerrp: no
[22:18:22] wagnerrp: mythtranscode will do mpeg4asp
[22:18:31] wagnerrp: of which xvid and divx are to independent implentations
[22:18:52] stevieman: is mpeg4asp file size similar to divx/xvid?
[22:19:03] wagnerrp: theyre the same exact thing
[22:19:12] wagnerrp: just different implementations
[22:19:24] stevieman: is there a how-to on setting up mythtranscode?
[22:19:39] stevieman: I only care about the file size honestly
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[22:20:15] andrewe: Is anyone using diseqc here?
[22:20:45] stevieman: andrewe: a long time ago, the problem I had was powering the LNB's
[22:21:26] andrewe: stevieman: I have a multi switch which should power the LNBs, shouldn't it?
[22:21:47] andrewe: My hardware setup works with a set top box.
[22:22:04] andrewe: I can scan on one LNB, but not the other.
[22:22:31] andrewe: With scan I can specify the port of the multi switch with the -s parameter.
[22:22:45] andrewe: It seems that mythtv does not do this right.
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[22:23:14] stevieman: change the channel on your STB to one on the other LNB, I bet you'll be able to scan the 2nd LNB now and not the first. Unless I am miss-understanding your setup
[22:23:26] gbee: ahh, that great assumption – it doesn't work for me, so it must be the software and not my failure to configure it correctly
[22:24:21] andrewe: What does STB stand for?
[22:24:22] brad2: gbee: that's always my goto assumption!  ;)
[22:24:27] andrewe: oh, got it
[22:24:28] stevieman: Set top box
[22:24:29] andrewe: :-)
[22:26:01] andrewe: stevieman: Do you think I have to start mythtv-setup and scan on the first LNB, then change the active LNB with the STB and scan again???
[22:26:46] stevieman: andrewe>: If what I said happens then it is a power issue. Are you using a DVB-S card?
[22:27:07] gbee: andrewe: did you configure the switch details in mythtv-setup?
[22:27:57] gbee: clicking on the diseqc button when you configured the card?
[22:27:58] andrewe: gbee: I'm not sure which details you mean, I configured the switch and could then add two LNBs, one for each port.
[22:28:05] andrewe: Yes, I did that.
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[22:29:16] andrewe: stevieman: Yes, I am using a DVB-S2 card.
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[22:30:00] stevieman: andrewe: well if you change the channel on the STB to one on LNB 2 and you can scan LNB but not LNB 1 then you will need a power inserter.
[22:30:39] stevieman: andrewe: I have to run, good luck
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[22:32:48] andrewe: Thanks, stevieman, I will try.
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[22:49:29] hansaplast: Toggle a recording in the guide doesn't work
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[22:51:22] hansaplast: Need help with (un)setting a recording in the EPG. For some reason the TOGGLERECORD in TV Frontend doesn;t work
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[23:00:31] hansaplast: sometimes I hate this buggy program :'(
[23:01:10] hansaplast: Failed to load recording rule....
[23:01:25] hansaplast: why??
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[23:23:29] brad2: does anyone know if it is possible to have a mythbackend on another machine with no tuners, and just use it as extra storage for your recordings?
[23:24:27] Hiisty: if just want more space then i think setting up samba would be the case
[23:24:58] brad2: hmmm i guess your right
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[23:25:59] Hiisty: if that was good answer to your question
[23:26:17] Hiisty: i don't know the right answer :)
[23:26:35] brad2: me either :)
[23:26:46] brad2: i think it's a solution that would work for sure, just thought mythbackend might do that for me?
[23:27:15] jolaren: well i guess thats what Hiisty is trying to say.. just set samba up to dump the files elsewhere
[23:27:17] jolaren: should work
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[23:29:38] hansaplast: Have a problem with recording toggle and need some help
[23:31:31] Beirdo: samba?!
[23:31:40] Beirdo: NFS3 or NFS4 :)
[23:32:10] wagnerrp: yes... some people around here are nuts
[23:32:19] superdump (superdump!~rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2-dev)
[23:32:22] ** dustybin drinks water **
[23:32:33] Beirdo: samba is for talking to WINDOWS machines, not between Linux boxes :)
[23:33:42] Hiisty: someone should then fix instructions in the wiki :)
[23:33:54] brad2: if i go the nfs mount route, will mythbackend be able to tell that those dirs are not local, and record to local dirs first?
[23:34:05] kormoc: yes
[23:34:27] brad2: sweet, i guess nfs mounts are the way to go
[23:34:36] brad2: and i don't even need mythbackend on this second machine (for the time being)
[23:34:52] Beirdo: make sure you use v3 or v4 (>2G file support)
[23:34:57] wagnerrp: brad2: mythbackend will 'inherit' other folders
[23:35:04] wagnerrp: and will record to them if available
[23:35:14] wagnerrp: preferring the locally defined ones first
[23:35:15] Beirdo: and there are tweaks to make em more performant
[23:35:48] Beirdo: nothing Google can't find ya... my box with NFS is off right now, so I can't give you my settings
[23:36:00] brad2: thanks beirdo, i will take a look
[23:36:08] Beirdo: no problem :)
[23:36:17] Beirdo: oh... and don't use a hub :)
[23:36:20] Beirdo: use a switch
[23:36:23] brad2: wagnerrp: can you explain the inherit comment? I'm afraid i don't follow
[23:36:31] Beirdo: otherwise it's collision-city :)
[23:36:39] brad2: beirdo: hmmm i just have my linksys wireless router, it's probably a hub?
[23:36:48] Beirdo: it's a switch AFAIK
[23:36:50] wagnerrp: brad2: if you have multiple backends, each with their own local storage, each shared to eachother over nfs
[23:37:02] wagnerrp: the backends will 'inherit' these SGs from the other backends
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[23:37:08] wagnerrp: they do not have to be specified on each
[23:37:13] brad2: ahh i see
[23:37:38] ** Beirdo installs ubuntu 9.10 on his one remaining working machine :) **
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[23:39:21] Beirdo: and it's all because your momma don't dance, and your daddy don't rock and roll....
[23:39:43] Beirdo: why the hell do I have that song in my head?!
[23:40:11] MavT (MavT! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[23:40:20] Beirdo: outta the car, long hair!?
[23:40:23] Beirdo: heh
[23:40:28] kormoc: but perhaps your daddy rick rolls?
[23:42:26] Beirdo: Let's see if I can't squash me some nuvexport bugs.
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[23:42:56] Beirdo: WTF?
[23:43:06] Beirdo: strike F1 to retry boot?!
[23:43:11] Beirdo: stupid-ass Dell
[23:44:12] RobertLaptop (RobertLaptop!~RobertLap@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:44:43] Beirdo: I'll strike YOU, you POS
[23:44:53] cdpuk (cdpuk! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:45:28] Beirdo: there
[23:45:40] Beirdo: heh. frigging retarded computers :)
[23:48:25] SirColin (SirColin! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[23:50:25] hansaplast: Hmm...
[23:50:48] hansaplast: rescheduling of some programs fail
[23:51:28] hansaplast: noone here?
[23:52:20] gregl (gregl! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[23:52:23] kormoc: nope, all 216 of us are afk
[23:52:46] hansaplast: seems like it :)
[23:56:43] high-rez: To be clear, I'm definately not here.
[23:57:05] hansaplast: :-X
[23:58:06] hansaplast: Do you know of this problem. When you schedule a recording via the EPG which is currently on the air.
[23:58:06] hansaplast: If you cancel this recording, you can't record it again.
[23:58:19] hansaplast: at least I can't

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