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Thursday, February 11th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:04] sphery: Zathraz: that we need to update our audio code in MythTV
[00:00:34] Zathraz: I do not follow? An "issue" in the code?
[00:00:49] wagnerrp: that shouldnt even be a possible error with spdif
[00:00:50] sphery: Zathraz: it's meaningless if you hear audio and can change volume as you expect--just means you're using a sound card without a Master mixer (you're using an Intel HDA sound card)
[00:01:01] dashcloud (dashcloud!~quassel@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[00:01:05] wagnerrp: unless thats part of jya's softvol/down/upmixer stuff
[00:01:21] Zathraz: it's actually a VIA 8235
[00:01:58] wagnerrp: i suppose it reports that if you specify a wrong mixer, even if mythtv isnt using any
[00:02:50] Zathraz: no idea of audio works as expected as the output is 100km away :-) I will phone tomorrow to find out
[00:03:13] wagnerrp: error on your parent's system or something?
[00:03:18] Zathraz: yup
[00:05:10] Zathraz: next thing is to get Lirc working again I suppose. I upgraded to kernel 2.6.32 but that one is not to friendly on lirc
[00:05:38] wagnerrp: so Warner Music is upset with legitimate free streaming sites like and Pandora
[00:05:58] wagnerrp: funny that ive purchased far more off a recommendation than i ever have after hearing it on the radio
[00:07:56] gregl (gregl! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:08:14] wseltzer: sphery: yes, former EFF lawyer, now teaching and researching software patents
[00:09:08] sphery: ah, didn't know about the former... but thanks for your work for them--and on the software patent stuff...
[00:09:26] ** sphery hopes you can help fix that whole mess for the world :) **
[00:10:08] wseltzer: they do seem to create a big mess for audio/video.
[00:10:20] wseltzer: Not sure I can fix it all, but I'm trying :)
[00:10:48] wagnerrp: yeah, itll be interesting to see how this whole HTML5 video thing plays out because of such patents
[00:10:48] sphery: Zathraz: Intel HDA is a specification for sound cards that's implemented by many different chips (from Intel, Via--and, believe it or not, even AMD).
[00:11:03] sphery: Zathraz: it's the "updated" specification that takes the place of AC'97
[00:11:39] Zathraz: ah. ty
[00:12:11] ** wagnerrp wonders why stuff like soundstorm never took off **
[00:12:13] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, though I still think HTML5 video wouldn't have worked even with a specified CODEC because then the content owners lose control (versus the flash-based garbage that allows them to "add security"--or at least the appearance of security)
[00:12:22] Zathraz: it's an old Epia MII12000 to be precise
[00:12:50] wseltzer: I'm trying to do a bit of case study on the HTML5 situation.
[00:13:34] nrpil (nrpil! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:57] sphery: Zathraz: ah, then it may actually be an older AC'97 one, but those almost all had Master controls... Still, if you can hear sound and control volume, it's unimportant
[00:14:24] sphery: Zathraz: unless it's giving that error because you're using PulseAudio--then you should fix it so you don't use Pulse (since Pulse doesn't work well will Myth)
[00:14:31] jya: wagnerrp: with 0.23 you can set the volume mixer to "software" in which case myth will adjust the volume itself by playing with the audio stream data...
[00:14:42] jya: that allows to change the volume on digital audio content
[00:15:11] wagnerrp: jya: now that i think about it, even in that case you still wouldnt be using the system mixer
[00:15:37] sark666 (sark666! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:15:47] Zathraz: something else: wouldn't it be better to move some config of "music player" (mainly the mixer setting) to the hw config section. I had to change it to get things working but it was a wild goose chaise to find that setting. Changing general audio setting kept generating errors
[00:16:00] Zathraz: I do not use pulse
[00:16:30] Zathraz: pulse will be the default in the next Debian stable though and already is in some other distro's as Ubuntu I understood
[00:16:41] wagnerrp: sphery: VIA stuff isnt AC97 or HDA, theyve got their own 'Vinyl Audio' format
[00:16:48] Zathraz: so it would be nice if it would be supported sometime in the future
[00:17:16] sphery: Zathraz: we're hoping to move all of MythVideo and MythMusic to become official parts of MythTV, so then its settings could be combined with mythfrontend settings
[00:17:30] Zathraz: cool
[00:17:34] Zathraz: hope so
[00:17:36] wagnerrp: although it seems they also include a 2-channel AC'97 for some reason
[00:17:42] sphery: as far as pulse, when it does what we need, we'll support its use
[00:17:55] sphery: until then, we've chosen to require a sound setup that actually works :)
[00:18:07] Zathraz: how strange.... :p
[00:18:43] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:20:31] Zathraz: I hope I will get video and dvd playback to get to work to sometime. Output now is through PVR350 TVout. Which requires a cable to go back into line-jack of the onboard soundcard. It would be nice if audio&video streams could be separated and controlled in an earlier stage. Yet that sounds far from trivial to create as there are so many codecs
[00:20:39] Zathraz: 8too
[00:21:56] wagnerrp: Zathraz: why are you using the 350? at least XvMC on the VIA is still supported
[00:22:24] wagnerrp: hardware accelerated playback on the 350 has been dropped from myth completely
[00:23:02] Zathraz: years ago when I bought the stuff I bought the PVR350 because it has hw mpeg2 and the main cpu @1.2Ghz is not so powerfull
[00:23:32] wagnerrp: Zathraz: right, but thats no longer supported with myth
[00:23:36] wagnerrp: input, yes... output, no
[00:24:38] Zathraz: Hmm. sounds like trouble. When it works I will get a stuttering system w/o hw acceleration I suppose :-(
[00:25:01] Zathraz: for video that is
[00:25:07] sphery: so upgrade your system or use a vdpau-capable sound card or both
[00:25:17] wagnerrp: s/sound/video/
[00:25:23] sphery: heh, yeha
[00:25:32] sphery: or don't upgrade myth
[00:25:32] sid3windr: decoding mp3 is hard work!
[00:25:42] wagnerrp: anyway, the onboard video on that EPIA board should be at least as capable as the 350
[00:26:17] Zathraz: that is not what I understood at the time I selected components
[00:27:28] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (Quit: abqjp)
[00:29:33] Zathraz: in a few weeks time I hope to visit and see for myself what the current system can do and how. Thanks for all the info. No doubt I will come for some advise if the system is not very usable due to video stuttering
[00:31:04] Zathraz: at the moment I do not consider upgrading stuff for some reasons. Mainly the fact the I suspect that TV will change from analog to DVD-C with CI+
[00:31:09] Zathraz: *dvb
[00:31:29] wagnerrp: at which point youll probably have to upgrade anyway
[00:31:37] Zathraz: exactly
[00:31:47] wagnerrp: because that system wont handle anything HD or h264
[00:32:29] nickware (nickware!~nickware@unaffiliated/nickware) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:32:29] nickware (nickware! has quit (Changing host)
[00:32:46] Zathraz: main problem will be the CI+ thing forced by the provider (a monopolist)
[00:33:49] nickware (nickware!~nickware@unaffiliated/nickware) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:34:03] nickware (nickware!~nickware@unaffiliated/nickware) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:34:22] Zathraz: they claim that contentproviders force them to encrypt and block hd-recording. Which is BS as providers abroad allow it
[00:35:17] Zathraz: even their own setupboxes with harddisks only allow recording in non-HD quality
[00:35:25] nickware (nickware!~nickware@unaffiliated/nickware) has quit (Client Quit)
[00:37:30] wagnerrp: enjoy your HDPVR riddled future
[00:39:39] Zathraz: lol
[00:39:41] Zathraz: ty
[00:39:56] wagnerrp: dont worry, weve been here for a while
[00:42:18] Metoer (Metoer!metoer@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[01:10:01] Zathraz: ttyl. thanks again
[01:10:05] Zathraz (Zathraz! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[01:11:48] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[01:31:21] venger: if I point hauppuage (grey) remote directly at usb-uirt reciever, irw will register the keypress (hauppauge_350 conf). i'd like to know if i can get it to register when pointing within a little more lenient vicinity of the receiver. the ir led on the usb-uirt lights up even if i point the remote behind me so it's picking up a signal. any ideas on what i could tweak?
[01:31:27] abqjp (abqjp! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:31:02] mattwj2002: hi guys
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[02:56:52] mag0o: whats the -O option to change the menu from ex DVR to default
[02:57:02] mag0o: (not the overall theme)
[02:57:36] danielk22 (danielk22!~danielk@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[02:57:46] wagnerrp: looks like 'MenuTheme'
[02:57:53] mag0o: ahh
[02:57:57] mag0o: lemme try that one
[02:58:13] wagnerrp: the -O options just directly override a database setting field
[02:59:12] mag0o: I thought so, but wasn't exactly sure
[03:04:26] jya (jya! has quit (Quit: jya)
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[03:05:47] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v MythLogBot
[03:05:47] Beirdo: crrrap
[03:05:48] Beirdo: hehe
[03:06:54] Beirdo: my apologies... trying to get perl scripting plugin written... that was my first attempt to load a script... kaboom
[03:06:57] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[03:06:57] gandalfcome_ is now known as gandalfcome
[03:07:44] wagnerrp: apologizing for leaving and coming back?
[03:07:55] Beirdo: no, it crashed...
[03:08:03] Beirdo: and now it's notifying buttloads of people :)
[03:08:05] wagnerrp: theres a guy who gets into a restart loop every couple days
[03:08:23] wagnerrp: oh
[03:08:29] ** wagnerrp hasnt gotten any form of notification **
[03:08:44] Beirdo: I really should develop on my development box :)
[03:08:45] Beirdo: hehe
[03:08:57] wagnerrp: but wheres the fun in that
[03:09:02] Beirdo: heh, true
[03:09:28] Beirdo: I'm gonna try ONCE more... as I didn't have the unload code in, and it may have caused issues
[03:09:31] Beirdo: heh
[03:10:21] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v MythLogBot
[03:10:22] Beirdo: OK, that was not it
[03:10:42] Beirdo: no more development of plugin_perl on this bot... on the devel box we go
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[04:27:05] antiPosix: I've been using an OTA antenna for my recordings->Hauppauge 150(which needs a digital converter box). Anyone using a digital tuner card that is well supported that do not require a Digital Converter Box? (I am in North America using NTSC)
[04:29:26] k_ross (k_ross!~47a40d7d@gateway/web/freenode/x-jtmlvilmcwrjqpxz) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:30:19] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:30:32] k_ross: hello. is this a good place to talk about a change markk made a couple hours ago that breaks h.264 vdpau playback?
[04:30:51] wagnerrp: antiPosix: any ATSC tuner listed on will do
[04:31:49] antiPosix: I realize that, but what I am looking for is the 'Hauppauge 150' of digital tuners.
[04:32:31] antiPosix: PVR-150 worked SO well for mythtv(for analog)
[04:32:50] k_ross: oops never mind, i see in mythtv-dev it's been fixed about 15 minutes ago.  :)
[04:33:04] antiPosix: is there something that mythtv users are finding comparable for digital tuners?
[04:33:45] wagnerrp: antiPosix: ALL digital tuners are the 'hauppauge 150' of digital tuners
[04:34:01] wagnerrp: you plug in the card, you get a nice pre-encoded mpeg video
[04:34:09] wagnerrp: its a function of being digital
[04:34:28] wagnerrp: its not like they transmit raw video at ~80MB/s over the airwaves
[04:34:44] antiPosix: translate that into what to buy?
[04:34:51] wagnerrp: all you have to worry about is driver stability, and tuner quality
[04:35:13] wagnerrp: beyond that, they all give you the same identical copy of the broadcast
[04:35:14] antiPosix: wagnerrp: for instance... what are you using?
[04:35:26] wagnerrp: ive got a HVR-1250 and a HDHomeRun
[04:35:38] antiPosix: nice
[04:36:10] antiPosix: I was reviewing them a while ago
[04:37:47] nickware (nickware!~nickware@unaffiliated/nickware) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:37:49] antiPosix: its like $50 from newegg, the 1250
[04:38:05] antiPosix: that tuner works decently for you wagnerrp ?
[04:39:38] wagnerrp: works for me
[04:39:54] antiPosix: the HDHomeRun is precey...
[04:39:57] antiPosix: Pricey
[04:40:30] antiPosix: I thank you much for you help wagnerrp
[04:40:32] venger (venger! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[05:03:03] Beirdo: la la la... fixed the perl plugin
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[05:03:28] Beirdo: it ain't done yet though, but no more crashing... on the devel box :)
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[05:47:21] bcgrown: what are people using instead of mythmusic these days?
[05:47:43] bcgrown: i'm looking for something that has a good fullscreen+remote control (lirc) interface
[05:47:55] [R]: instead?
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[05:48:27] wagnerrp: i think people use mythmusic
[05:48:33] bcgrown: hrmm. what about streams?
[05:49:17] bcgrown: mythmusic has a lot of annoyances for me
[05:49:18] wagnerrp: mythnetvision?
[05:49:32] wagnerrp: dont know if the internal player would handle audio-only though
[05:50:08] bcgrown: hrmm
[05:52:57] bcgrown: also seems to be no mythnetvision in mythbuntu repos
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[06:48:31] k-man: what are currently good cheap boxes for use as front ends?
[06:48:41] k-man: with DVI or hdmi output
[06:48:56] [R]: i like my zotac
[06:49:02] [R]: oh... whole box?
[06:49:08] kormoc: I like my mac mini
[06:49:13] k-man: [R]: is it a prebuilt thing or you built it from mb and case?
[06:49:25] [R]: ii think zotac actually sells a whole case
[06:49:27] [R]: but i dont know
[06:49:38] [R]: i've seen a few whole ion systems on newegg though
[06:49:49] [R]: but its pointless to buy a prebuilt system
[06:49:54] [R]: cuz you're gojna be paying for an hd
[06:50:00] [R]: and you dont need an hd for a frontend
[06:50:16] kormoc: you do if you don't want to bother with netbooting
[06:50:25] [R]: "bother"?
[06:50:28] [R]: its freakin awesome
[06:50:31] kormoc: yes, bother :P
[06:50:39] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:50:46] kormoc: netbooting over wifi == the lose
[06:50:53] [R]: myth over wifi == the lose
[06:51:04] [R]: i used to do it though... worked fine for me
[06:51:15] kormoc: I do myth via wifi just fine
[06:51:22] kormoc: netbooting isn't so... forgiving
[06:51:25] k-man: a friend runs the fe on a mac mini over wifi
[06:51:31] k-man: he says it works fine for him
[06:51:38] kormoc: k-man: same here
[06:51:42] k-man: never tried net booting
[06:51:49] [R]: i was netbooting with wpa encrypted wifi even
[06:51:55] kormoc: 802.11N 5 ghz rocks
[06:52:02] k-man: [R]: so what components do you have in the zotac box?
[06:52:12] [R]: k-man: a motherboard and a dvd drive
[06:52:20] k-man: [R]: cool
[06:52:39] k-man: i must admit that getting a mac mini sounds a whole lot less bothersome
[06:52:45] k-man: plus you get to use itunes too
[06:53:09] [R]: a friend of mine uses some stupid osx tv tuner crap on his mac mini
[06:53:12] [R]: trying to convince him to put myth on it
[06:53:26] [R]: i think i heard once you can use the backend on osx with hdpvr... is this true?
[06:53:45] k-man: and if you can receive digital TV (DVB) then get an hd homerun
[06:53:49] k-man: they are awesome
[06:54:39] k-man: oh what about those acer revo devices? are they any good?
[06:54:55] [R]: i was going to get it
[06:54:58] [R]: until i saw it didnt have a dvd
[06:55:12] k-man: [R]: yeah, thats a good point
[06:55:27] kormoc: no, the hdpvr does not work with osx
[06:55:41] [R]: is it the hdhomerun that i was thinknig of?
[06:55:59] kormoc: yes, the hd home run is via ethernet, so there's no 'driver' to speak of
[06:56:07] [R]: ah
[06:56:09] [R]: wekll i gotta go
[06:56:12] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[07:01:33] k-man: yeah, hdhr rocks imho
[07:01:41] k-man: i used to always have problems with the usb tuners
[07:01:47] k-man: crashing the usb sub system
[07:01:58] k-man: and reception issues – all the problems went away with the hdhr
[07:02:50] k-man: kormoc: what speed mac mini do you have?
[07:03:12] wagnerrp: [R]: you were not netbooting over wifi
[07:03:20] kormoc: 2.0 ghz early 2009 model
[07:03:36] k-man: you think a 1.83ghz would be fast enough?
[07:03:48] kormoc: wagnerrp: I was assuming he ment over a wifi-ethernet bridge
[07:03:59] wagnerrp: at best you had a bootloader installed on a floppy or flash drive
[07:04:02] kormoc: k-man: likely, as long as it's new enough to have a nvidia card
[07:04:07] wagnerrp: oh... yeah... ethernet bridge could do it
[07:04:13] k-man: . . . em2a04b08e32
[07:04:23] k-man: interesting photo of the mac mini
[07:04:37] k-man: kormoc: oh, do you run your mac mini with linux or osx?
[07:04:41] kormoc: doubt that'd be new enough
[07:04:42] kormoc: linux
[07:04:52] k-man: my friend runs it under osx
[07:05:25] wagnerrp: k-man: are you referring to the bit on the right side of the picture?
[07:05:32] k-man: no, i was just posting it because i thought the image was funny
[07:05:37] k-man: wagnerrp: yeah
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[07:05:46] k-man: i wonder if that was a ploy to get more visits
[07:05:52] kormoc: isn't it always?
[07:05:59] kormoc: looks photoshopped in
[07:06:29] wagnerrp: bleh... core solo
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[07:06:54] wagnerrp: doubtful you could manage broadcast mpeg2 with that box
[07:07:06] k-man: no, i wouldn't get that box
[07:07:32] wagnerrp: and even $400 is a ripoff
[07:08:09] k-man: yeah
[07:08:14] k-man: i'm not buying it! ok
[07:08:21] k-man: not even with those boobs
[07:08:44] wagnerrp: i dont know... those a worth several grand at least
[07:10:39] kormoc: I only need 10 minutes worth of time with them
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[07:40:29] oobe: anyone know what the input on this card is called . . . -agp-dvi.jpg
[07:41:03] oobe: it looks like female dvi but its hard to tell
[07:41:25] wagnerrp: output?
[07:41:42] wagnerrp: its a special non-standard breakout connector
[07:41:43] vhann__: Looks like DVI-D
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[07:41:58] kormoc: too many pins for dvi-d
[07:42:04] vhann__: *DVI-I
[07:42:16] wagnerrp: and the cable itself is DVI-I
[07:42:24] wagnerrp: same thing you would normally see on the back of a card
[07:42:58] kormoc: . . . ce-cable.jpg
[07:43:00] oobe: ok so is it dvi-i on the card
[07:43:06] wagnerrp: no
[07:43:11] wagnerrp: its a non-standard port on the card
[07:43:20] wagnerrp: its DVI-I on the two outputs on the breakout cable
[07:44:13] oobe: cause i want to get a vga cable for it
[07:44:26] wagnerrp:
[07:44:37] wagnerrp: DVI-I can carry analog (VGA) signals
[07:44:39] vhann__: Can someone tell me if it is possible to receive something using a dvb card from the output of a Bell ExpressVu box?
[07:44:44] wagnerrp: thats what the 4 pin cluster is for
[07:44:55] oobe: like this . . . -agp-vga.jpg
[07:44:56] wagnerrp: vhann__: almost certainly not
[07:45:36] vhann__: wagnerrp: Damn, so that DviCO card do is useless to me :(
[07:46:30] wagnerrp: you can pick up an adapter that will go from DVI-I or DVI-A to VGA
[07:46:43] wagnerrp: however the card has to support analog output
[07:50:36] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit ()
[07:50:55] oobe: this is exactly what i need
[07:50:56] oobe: . . . hlink:top:en
[07:52:02] wagnerrp: except the seller is retarded
[07:52:16] oobe: oh wait it says dvi-d does that matter
[07:52:31] wagnerrp: yes... DVI-D does not carry analog signals
[07:53:01] oobe: but isnt vga analoug
[07:53:05] wagnerrp: it also doesnt have the '+5' that actually makes it DVI-I
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[10:27:36] oobe: in order to enable xv picture controls i need to add this option to my xorg.conf Option "Composite" "Disable" , which is fine i have done that before but i just noticed that it make's the osd text render grainy and unreadable if there is a lot of text
[10:27:46] oobe: anyone know a work around to this
[10:28:34] justinh: whu?
[10:28:40] justinh: never heard of such a thing
[10:28:59] justinh: unless you mean you're playing low res videos & the OSD is scaled to the video resolution instead
[10:29:12] justinh: in which case 'grainy' isn't the word you were looking for
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[10:35:29] maelstrom: anyone know anything about getting IR remotes with huludesktop? irw sees my remote, but huludesktop is still not responsive to it
[10:36:35] Dibblah: jya: I have 4 speakers – Is it as simple as it looks to add a downmix / upmix for the center channel?
[10:37:07] jya: pretty much
[10:37:36] jya: you tell the decoder what your speaker configuration is, and ffmpeg does the rest (for most codec)
[10:37:47] Dibblah: Okay. I should look at that then :)
[10:38:16] jya: in some case however, you have to provide the downmixer filter
[10:38:25] Dibblah: And yes, I know that downmixing the center channel is evil and will land me in purgatory.
[10:38:55] jya: why don't do you do this via ALSA?
[10:39:00] jya: would be simpler
[10:39:18] jya: with a .asoundrc
[10:39:46] jya: There's a regular on mythtv , he does just that
[10:39:55] jya: split the center channel on left and right
[10:40:04] jya: which is what you want
[10:40:25] Dibblah: ... If I was using analog out :(
[10:40:36] Dibblah: I need to use the reencoder.
[10:40:37] jya: ah you want digital?
[10:40:54] jya: doesn't your amplifier does that?
[10:41:22] Dibblah: My amplifier is an amplifier, my pre-amp is a pre-amp.
[10:41:27] jya: sure
[10:41:45] jya: but on your pre-amp, you've configured your speaker configuration
[10:41:48] oobe: justinh, it is exactly like the symptom of watching low res videos but the cause is disableing composite which i only just noticed
[10:41:55] Dibblah: And the pre-amp / receiver is cheap and does not understand that someone may not have a center channel :(
[10:42:03] jya: if you feed it 5.1 audio, it will downconvert...
[10:42:08] jya: really?
[10:42:15] Dibblah: Really.
[10:42:42] Dibblah: It does 2.1 or 5.1, switching back to 5.1 whenever it loses the stream.
[10:42:47] jya: all the pre-amp, even the cheapest unit i've ever seen had a menu to set the delay for each channel and weather there was no speaker, if it was small or large
[10:43:00] Dibblah: It does per-channel delays.
[10:43:14] Dibblah: It's a Mocha.
[10:43:27] Dibblah: So... Think the cheapest you've seen, then go cheaper.
[10:43:44] jya: ahah
[10:45:38] Dibblah: . . . 130365536732
[10:45:57] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[10:46:01] Dibblah: Don't ask me why it says mune on the front dial. I have no idea.
[10:47:10] Dibblah: I'm fairly sure the cs493263 is running in limited-firmware mode, which technically means I could (given enough effort) replace the uC.
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[10:47:44] Dibblah: But the commands to the firmware to switch DSP modes are not in the publicly available docs.
[10:49:30] justinh: Dibblah: your receiver can't do phantom centre? Eew :-)
[10:51:43] justinh: Hmmm. I think I might have to start writing a decent twitter client for Linux
[11:00:14] justinh: or just continue to put up with having to restart tweetdeck when it screws up. It's funny when you scroll a column & it doesn't refresh properly
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[11:07:44] justinh: oobe: can't say I've ever noticed that, but one of the 1st things I do is disable (stupid) desktop compositing
[11:08:20] justinh: maybe the change of mode needs a frontend restart to work properly, I wouldn't know :)
[11:11:59] oobe: justinh, i havent noticed before either i went thru all my options in xorg one by one till i found it
[11:12:28] oobe: anyhow i ended up fixing it and still having composite disabled
[11:12:43] oobe: i changed the osd render in tv playback settings
[11:14:15] justinh: that'd prolly be what does it, not the change in composting
[11:14:21] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[11:16:42] oobe: yea but as i said when i comment out disable composite the osd looked good in my previous settings then i uncommented and it went back
[11:16:49] oobe: anyhow im happy now
[11:16:59] oobe: maybe i didnt mention that
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[11:29:12] mattwj2002: hi guys
[11:33:32] mattwj2002: anyone here?
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[11:35:01] justinh: hi matt. Oh. LOL
[11:35:13] oobe: lol
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[11:37:39] zkab: I have Terra (widescreen) as UI, whenI try to play music I get: 'Could not locate music-play in theme music-
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[11:38:14] justinh: sounds like your themes are out of step with the version of myth you're running
[11:38:46] zkab: shell window says: 'playbackbox.o Couldn't find a music tree list in your theme ...
[11:39:07] zkab: When I take other theme it works OK
[11:39:10] justinh: yup. looks like the theme is too old for the version of myth you're running
[11:40:25] zkab: justinh: I have compiled from svn ... shouldn't I get the latesr stuff
[11:41:13] zkab: and the Terra theme is also default in 0.22
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[11:48:49] zkab: justinh: any ideas ?
[11:50:09] justinh: svn trunk?
[11:50:16] justinh: or the -fixes branch?
[11:51:14] justinh: anyway whichever it is, it seems obvious something went wrong when it installed the theme parts
[11:52:19] zkab: svn trunk ... so what do recommend
[11:54:59] justinh: first of all try running make install again
[11:55:12] justinh: on the 'mythtv' dir then on mythplugins
[11:55:16] zkab: justinh: sorry ... it was 0.22-fixes
[11:56:52] zkab: what about make install myththemes
[11:57:54] justinh: terra isn't part of myththemes
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[12:01:04] zkab: so it is hard-coded into mythtv ?
[12:01:18] oobe: no its in a different directory
[12:01:32] oobe: themes are in more than one dir in the source
[12:01:56] zkab: OK – so how do I solve my terra-music-play-problem
[12:02:30] oobe: well if justinh is right then changeing to another theme might help
[12:02:59] oobe: else you could try reinstalling the latest themes from 22-fixes then deleteing your theme cache
[12:03:42] justinh: delete or rename $prefix/mythtv/themes
[12:03:54] justinh: where $prefix is /usr/local/share or /usr/share/
[12:04:11] justinh: then run make install in the 'mythtv' dir you checked it out into
[12:04:21] zkab: I have reinstalled the latest themes from 22-fixes already ... how do I delete my theme cache ?
[12:04:47] justinh: themecache is just for fonts & images IIRC, not actual theme xml files
[12:05:13] justinh: zkab: point being, Terra is in 'mythtv' not 'myththemes'
[12:05:51] zkab: OK – I understand and with Terra I can not play music ... or
[12:06:18] zkab: is it a bug or am I doing something wrong
[12:08:49] justinh: it could only be a bug if you've somehow done your checkout at a bad time
[12:09:28] justinh: the problem is that for some reason the music-ui.xml file you've got with that version of the Terra theme is either damaged or it's missing vital area definitions
[12:09:49] justinh: go back into the directory you did the checkout into & svn up
[12:09:57] justinh: then build it & make install again
[12:10:46] justinh: btw are you using mythplugins from the same branch.. not trying anything silly like mixing versions... not that it should even be possible
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[12:13:23] zkab: Yes – mythtv, mythplugins, myththemes comes from the same 0.22-fixes ... I will follow your recommendation and see what happens
[12:14:04] zkab: loging out for a while ...
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[13:38:46] Beirdo: the crashiness yesterday should be over
[13:39:06] Beirdo: just in time... seems my devel box crashed this morning :)
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[14:41:21] Beirdo: so it seems ABC RN *does* read their email
[14:41:49] Beirdo: they hadn't updated a program schedule page... I emailed them, they fixed it in a couple days
[14:41:57] Beirdo: could be coincidence, of course
[14:44:46] iffi (iffi! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:45:10] iffi: hi
[14:45:18] iffi: Ich hab das Problem, das, seit ich meinen HTPC mit dem neuen Mythbuntu aufgesetzt habe, ich meine Videodateien nicht mehr über die Mediathek ansteuern kann
[14:45:47] justinh: #mythtv-de or #mythbuntu :-)
[14:45:56] iffi: k, thx
[14:46:02] Beirdo: or English :)
[14:46:08] iffi: k
[14:46:34] Beirdo: anyone else here looking forward to the Olympics?
[14:46:42] iffi: I've got the problem that after installing the new mythbuntu, my videos are no longer shown in the frontend
[14:46:45] Beirdo: kinda wanna watch more skiing for some reason
[14:47:39] janneg: Beirdo: yes, our public broadcasters start finally their hd broadcasts
[14:47:50] Beirdo: Niiice
[14:49:02] janneg: unfortunately mostly upscaled except olympics and sports
[14:49:14] Beirdo: I remember in 2001 (I think it was), I was in Vienna just before Christmas... when I got tired of watching CNN (didn't take long), I started watching the World Cup skiing... which of course is very popular in Austria
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[14:50:25] Beirdo: I was watching it here yesterday... one of the few OTA (ATSC) channels that wants to come in nicely... and the only one in English
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[14:51:31] bjd: I'm looking forward to the bob sleigh for some reason
[14:51:48] bjd: i always think of "cool runnings" =)
[14:54:40] Beirdo: yeah
[14:54:44] iffi: I'm very sorry to interrupt your conversation, but has no one an idea how to fix my video problem
[14:54:47] Beirdo: too bad Jamaica didn't qualify
[14:55:06] Beirdo: iffi: not sure, sorry. That may be a mythbuntu-specific issue
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[14:56:32] bjd: Heh, there was somethign in the newspaper about a guy from Ethopia training with roller skis
[14:56:48] Beirdo: heh, neat
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[15:00:31] Beirdo: I hate colds... I am in the tropics, so the virus is very poorly named in my case.
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[15:10:58] justinh: heh I was wondering when the viewing distance thing would crop up. and now it has
[15:17:09] Lt_Dan: to jump in to Olympics question--I always look forward to them, and always turn MythTV loose on them.
[15:18:17] justinh: I sooner watch winter Olympics than summertime ones :)
[15:19:22] oobe: i would watch summer ones if the had nude volley ball
[15:19:44] Lt_Dan: the summer olympics always strain one's storage space (if you record all the auxilliary channels that NBC uses here in the U.S.A.)
[15:20:12] ** Lt_Dan confesses he still has remnants from '08 ;) **
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[16:48:08] zkab: justinh: same sad story after build & make install of mythtv, mythplugins, myththemes ... can't play any music with Terra theme ... hmmm
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[16:50:43] clever: zkab: you need to build the plugins after installing mythtv itself
[16:51:16] zkab: Ok – anyone else ? got error msg in command window 'playbackbox.o: couldn't find a music tree list in your theme'
[16:51:39] clever: sounds like the theme is borked, try a differnet theme
[16:51:46] zkab: clever: I always do that
[16:52:39] zkab: clever: works for different theme ... why shoudln't it work for Terra (which is default)
[16:53:14] clever: sounds like something important is missing from the theme itself
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[16:54:44] zkab: the reason why i choose Terra is that it works very well with replacing built-in browser with Firefox ... other themes generate tons of error messages
[16:55:00] zkab: I agree ... but what is missing ?
[16:55:41] zkab: Have you tried to switch to Terra and play your music ?
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[17:04:36] unixSnob: is it possible to save the upcoming recordings, so that the server can be shut down and restarted without losing the schedule?
[17:05:24] jams: unixSnob- it's all stored in the database so that happens by default
[17:05:44] MavT (MavT!~MaverickT@ has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[17:06:14] wagnerrp: technically, the 'upcoming recordings' are only stored in memory
[17:06:20] wagnerrp: the guide data is all stored in the database
[17:06:29] wagnerrp: and the backend recomputes upcoming recordings on demand
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[17:07:33] jams: true but i don't think he cares
[17:07:34] unixSnob: I shutdown the machine that was running the server. Although it was a proper shutdown, all the upcoming recordings were lost
[17:07:36] wagnerrp: however this whole process generally takes under a second for decent processors and a sensible number of channels/rules
[17:08:17] wagnerrp: unixSnob: if your upcoming recordings were 'lost', its probably due to something preventing the scheduler from determining what can be recorded
[17:08:26] wagnerrp: for instance your backend did not properly pick up your tuners
[17:08:37] wagnerrp: no tuners, no way to record anything, no upcoming recordings
[17:08:45] unixSnob: ah, that could be it
[17:08:58] unixSnob: I only plug my tuner card in when it's needed
[17:09:04] wagnerrp: what???
[17:09:28] unixSnob: I don't keep the capture card powered on at all times
[17:09:47] unixSnob: i'll plug it in, and see if the upcoming list returns
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[17:10:02] wagnerrp: you probably have to restart the backend as well
[17:10:02] jams: well thats interesting
[17:10:41] unixSnob: yeah, when I plug in the capture card, i then do a /etc/init.d/mythbackend restart
[17:11:35] unixSnob: yeah, that was it.. the upcoming recording list came back
[17:11:58] wagnerrp: you should just leave it plugged in
[17:12:19] unixSnob: i never would have expected the list to only show when the card is plugged in
[17:12:42] wagnerrp: why would mythtv list something as 'to be recorded' if it has nothing to record it on
[17:13:03] wagnerrp: why would you remove a tuner anyway
[17:13:51] unixSnob: the tuner has bright leds that make my curtains light up different colors at nigh
[17:13:55] unixSnob: t
[17:14:04] wagnerrp: so get a black marker and color over them
[17:14:10] unixSnob: and it also gets warm, and has a lot of ventalation
[17:14:51] wagnerrp: its designed to run warm, or else its a very poor design
[17:15:03] wagnerrp: its USB
[17:15:12] wagnerrp: it CAN NOT consume more than 2.5W of power
[17:15:35] unixSnob: wagnerrp: USB is only for the data
[17:15:43] unixSnob: it has a separate power supply
[17:15:47] wagnerrp: you have one of the external box tuners?
[17:16:07] unixSnob: it has dedicated chips that encode
[17:16:12] unixSnob: yeah
[17:16:20] wagnerrp: PVRUSB or 1950?
[17:16:56] unixSnob: px-tv402u
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[17:17:06] wagnerrp: ah... convert-x
[17:17:14] wagnerrp: dont see many of those
[17:17:39] unixSnob: it can do divx compression onboard
[17:17:40] devinheitmueller: The box being warm probably has nothing to do with the LEDs. It's almost certainly the tuners not being powered down when not in use.
[17:18:09] unixSnob: but I'm not sure it's all that great for mythtv, because the mythtv s/w does its own encoding, which presumably means it's transcoding
[17:18:16] devinheitmueller: The driver support for power management in most of these devices tends to be abysmal.
[17:18:27] jams: my convertx sits on the shelf unused because of stupid drivers requiring ALSA
[17:18:42] wagnerrp: unixSnob: did you add it as a V4L tuner? or as a plextor tuner?
[17:18:47] unixSnob: (the convertX is actually not capable of streaming an uncompressed signal)
[17:18:54] wagnerrp: there is a specific input type for that device
[17:18:59] unixSnob: wagnerrp: i think plextor
[17:19:11] unixSnob: i had to hack some C code to get the driver working
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[17:21:19] unixSnob: yeah, for card type, there is an option for "usb mpeg-4 encoder box (plextor convertx, etc)"
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[17:21:42] devinheitmueller: Weird. I cannot think of any reason it should require its own device type.
[17:21:42] unixSnob: i don't actually use the tuner.. I don't think it would work in belgium
[17:22:04] unixSnob: since I have the north american version of the convertx
[17:22:13] devinheitmueller: We've got a driver in staging, but it's not stable yet.
[17:22:16] sender: hey.. mythweb question. When I do an advaced search and select a program to be recorded every day, this program does not show up in upcoming recordings althouh it is aired today. Is this correct behavior?
[17:22:51] wagnerrp: sender: it means the recording rule you have set up does not match the guide data for those shows
[17:23:08] unixSnob: devinheitmueller: what do you mean by that? you mean the plextor driver would be included with mythtv at some point?
[17:23:19] devinheitmueller: unixSnob: not MythTV, but the Linux kernel.
[17:23:23] unixSnob: ah
[17:23:36] jams: devinheitmueller- and it will no longer require alsa?
[17:23:41] devinheitmueller: There is a go7007 driver in the linux kernel staging tree (which is where preliminary drivers go before they are deemed stable)
[17:23:59] devinheitmueller: jams: the driver uses ALSA, like all the other raw capture devices.
[17:24:11] KraMer (KraMer!~mark@2002:46f0:bab3:0:215:f2ff:fef4:4288) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:24:39] jams: oh well then it's useless to me.
[17:24:41] devinheitmueller: jams: get used to it: if you have a raw capture device, ALSA is *the* way that audio is provided.
[17:24:48] unixSnob: devinheitmueller: the history on this go7007 driver is that it was working at one point, and stopped being maintained, and some folks removed code that the go7007 driver was needlessly using
[17:25:16] devinheitmueller: unixSnob: Yeah, I know. The reality is there are very few developers who actually care about that hardware (if any), which is why it isn't actively being worked.
[17:25:17] unixSnob: so the driver no longer compiles on later kernels, but it will compile with some trivial code changes
[17:25:48] devinheitmueller: You can enable staging drivers in the v4l-dvb tree, at which point you will get a version that compiles against current kernels.
[17:25:55] unixSnob: some users have reported kernel panics with the patched version.. but it's been working fine for me
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[17:27:08] unixSnob: sounds like something that may have made my life easier
[17:28:25] unixSnob: devinheitmueller: so what happens when mythtv gets an already encoded stream? Does mythtv do some lossy transcoding, or does it have some smart way to convert to NUV files w/out transcoding?
[17:28:53] devinheitmueller: unixSnob: MythTV only encodes raw video to NUV. If it's MPEG2 or H.264, it just stores it as-is.
[17:28:58] wagnerrp: myth does not re-encode stuff thats already encoded
[17:29:21] unixSnob: that doesn't sound right.. I tried renaming a nuv file to avi, and totem could not handle it
[17:29:41] unixSnob: and this card was designed to make avi containers
[17:29:51] devinheitmueller: unixSnob: if you are ending up with an NUV, then you are not using a hardware encoder.
[17:30:30] unixSnob: devinheitmueller: i *must* use the hardware encoder – it's actually a limitation of the device. It's not capable of raw streams, oddly enough
[17:31:04] devinheitmueller: Yeah, I am not confident that is correct. If you are ending up with AVI, then you don't have an MPEG encoder.
[17:31:16] unixSnob: it was my main complaint about the plextor convertx, because as new compression schemes emerge, it will be useless
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[17:31:42] unixSnob: devinheitmueller: the stock driver is capable of making both AVI and MPG containers
[17:31:57] devinheitmueller: Well, then perhaps you have it configured to create AVI, which is an uncompressed format.
[17:32:04] unixSnob: and the encoding schemes supported are mp4, mp2, video disc, divx
[17:32:15] unixSnob: divx was the big selling point for this thing
[17:32:38] unixSnob: avi is just a container.. it can contain xvid, for example
[17:32:41] wagnerrp: it supports divx AND mp4?
[17:32:49] wagnerrp: what for? theyre the same thing
[17:32:49] unixSnob: wagnerrp: yeah
[17:33:13] unixSnob: are they? maybe just marketing
[17:33:33] wagnerrp: divx is just one company's implementation of mp4asp
[17:34:07] wagnerrp: for the most part, divx, xvid, mp4, and a couple of other formats are all cross compatible
[17:34:12] devinheitmueller: unixSnob: It's possible that the out-of-tree driver has some functionality not in the staging driver. Where did you get it from?
[17:34:18] unixSnob: in any case, I would like to stop creating NUV files, and get this thing to store native output from the device
[17:35:12] unixSnob: devinheitmueller: i downloaded the source code from some web site, which also had patches posted
[17:35:17] unixSnob: lemme check
[17:36:17] unixSnob: and are in my notes
[17:36:25] devinheitmueller: I'm looking at this now:
[17:36:39] devinheitmueller: Looks like the go7007 is a *REALLY* crappy hardware design.
[17:37:06] devinheitmueller: They do MPEG4 in an AVI container for video, and then provide raw audio in an unmultiplexed format.
[17:37:09] unixSnob: nevermind the debian link
[17:37:13] devinheitmueller: What a piece of crap.
[17:37:37] wagnerrp: that would explain why myth needs a special device type, and re-encodes it
[17:38:00] devinheitmueller: Yeah. Myth puts it into NUV because it has to manually multiplex in the audio stream.
[17:38:25] unixSnob: i think I recall the stock driver having a pulldown for MP3 or AACL audio
[17:38:32] devinheitmueller: ... whereas with pretty much *every* other product that delivers MPEG, the audio and video are multiplexed in hardware and a standard MPEG stream is delivered from the driver.
[17:38:37] unixSnob: but raw audio was not a choice iirc
[17:39:19] devinheitmueller: Yeah, I think you're on your own with this one. Buy a less crappy product next time.
[17:40:57] devinheitmueller: OTOH, it's now clear to me why none of the regular developers are willing to waste their time on this POC.
[17:42:12] wagnerrp: do you _need_ a USB tuner?
[17:42:37] sphery: devinheitmueller: have you done any further investigation into the leaking file descriptors issue with mythfrontend?
[17:42:48] sphery: it came up yesterday on #mythtv
[17:42:54] sphery: though just a mention
[17:43:03] wagnerrp: you can pick up old PVR-150s pretty cheaply
[17:43:24] unixSnob: wagnerrp: my laptop has usb, firewire, and pcmcia
[17:43:44] wagnerrp: so youre running mythtv on non-dedicated hardware
[17:44:05] unixSnob: wagnerrp: yeah, I'm just playing with mythtv on existing hardware
[17:44:22] unixSnob: and all i have out there in europe is a laptop
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[17:45:09] unixSnob: i have some USB cables back in the states, which are USB to RCA, and embed some rudimentary capture circuits
[17:45:34] unixSnob: i think they just get an uncompressed stream..
[17:45:42] wagnerrp: probably
[17:45:46] unixSnob: and iirc, the brand was pinnacle.
[17:45:55] wagnerrp: just some basic V4L framegrabber
[17:46:41] unixSnob: well the convertx works for me.. i'm just perhaps being too anal in considering trying to get out of transcoding. it's not a real issue
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[17:47:09] wagnerrp: well as devinheitmueller has indicated, you have no choice but to transcode if youre using mythtv
[17:47:35] wagnerrp: either that or youve got to hack a bit of code, and get stuck with 1.6Mbps PCM
[17:48:37] devinheitmueller: Well, not only that, but you'll end up with two separate files, one with the video and a second with the audio, and you would be responsible for syncing them yourself.
[17:48:54] devinheitmueller: sphery: no, I have done no investigation of the filehandle leak.
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[17:49:05] sphery: just curious
[17:49:07] sphery: thanks
[17:49:12] wagnerrp: yeah, i guess myth probably has no internal muxing support for anything but NUV
[17:49:29] devinheitmueller: sphery: yeah, sorry. I've been tied up in hardware support issues lately. Nothing specific to MythTV.
[17:50:10] wagnerrp: unixSnob: feel free to add mkv support to mythtv, people still using mythtranscode would probably be grateful
[17:50:20] unixSnob: if i decide to upgrade at some point, should I get a firewire device? I think i heard firewire is actually intended for digital video originally
[17:50:28] sphery: devinheitmueller: no need to apologize--you do plenty to support MythTV and MythTV users, even if it's not directly working on MythTV.  :)
[17:50:34] wagnerrp: firewire devices are rather rare
[17:50:47] sphery: I just wanted to make sure that we don't have someone wasting their time investigating a problem you'd already figured out
[17:50:52] wagnerrp: and generally intended for professional users, which generally means framegrabbers
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[17:52:00] wagnerrp: if you must continue with USB, pick up an old PVRUSB, or a new HVR-1950 (or whatever the DVB/PAL variant of that is)
[17:52:20] devinheitmueller: The DVB/PAL equivalent to the 1950 is the HVR-1900.
[17:52:23] iamlindoro: 1900 I think
[17:52:24] iamlindoro: heh
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[17:56:08] wagnerrp: unixSnob: if you just want to experiment, you would probably be better off dumpster diving for an old P3
[17:56:32] sid3windr: I'll sell you one for 20 eur, unixSnob ;)
[17:56:55] wagnerrp: a P3 is plenty fast for standard definition
[17:57:18] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: as long as you have a video card which supports XVideo.
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[17:57:59] wagnerrp: generally hardware that old is going to have a video card old enough to be picked up by the OSS drivers
[17:58:35] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: well, I got nailed a few years ago when I had an ATI video card (which had an OSS driver but no Xvideo support). So figured it was worth mentioning.
[17:58:51] wagnerrp: assuming its not too old for the card to not even have the hardware for video scaling
[17:59:30] wagnerrp: really? i was under the impression the Rage stuff was all pretty well supported
[17:59:35] wagnerrp: my Rage128 works fine
[18:00:20] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: well, it might be nowadays. This was two or three years ago.
[18:01:01] devinheitmueller: but yeah, I was *very* confused for a while as to why my 2.0 GHz P4 system couldn't play back standard def.
[18:01:19] wagnerrp: a P4 was probably one of the early radeons
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[18:02:51] devinheitmueller: perhaps
[18:03:13] devinheitmueller: MythTV didn't make it very easy to figure out why the performance was so crappy.
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[18:03:22] devinheitmueller: my hope is that has improved by now.
[18:03:42] wagnerrp: the frontend logs should have reported something about Xv failing, and dropping back to XSHM
[18:03:50] devinheitmueller: perhaps.
[18:03:57] wagnerrp: and failing that, straight X11
[18:04:09] wagnerrp: not to mention the video would have been unscaled with either of those
[18:04:27] devinheitmueller: I swear everytime I turn around I find out about something in the Mythfrontend log that really should have been bubbled up back to the user as an actual error message.
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[18:05:39] wagnerrp: yeah, but that tends to be a problem when your developer base has all been using the program for half a decade
[18:05:40] devinheitmueller: ... like that whole class of errors where the end user experience is "I clicked on 'Live TV' and all I saw was a delay for a few seconds and then I got kicked back to the main menu"
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[18:08:03] ** Beirdo awaits devinheitmueller's patches :) **
[18:08:24] Beirdo: oh, I love being a smartass sometimes
[18:08:37] devinheitmueller: Beirdo: what, just because I'm a developer, I'm not allowed to bitch like a regular user?
[18:08:39] Beirdo: it is a real issue, of course
[18:08:44] Beirdo: heheh
[18:09:00] Beirdo: no no, I'm just being a cynical twit, don't mind me
[18:09:13] wagnerrp: theres a lot of stuff where the solution is to 'check the logs'
[18:09:31] wagnerrp: but for better or worse, linux is becoming populated by users who actually dont want to touch the terminal
[18:09:44] Beirdo: I'd agree, more user notification of errors is a very laudable goal
[18:09:48] devinheitmueller: ;-)
[18:10:18] Beirdo: hopefully someone who can fix it is inspired to do so :)
[18:11:36] devinheitmueller: Cases where the problem is a setup/configuration problem, I can see that. Frankly, I'm way more bothered by the cases where stuff doesn't get recorded but I don't get any visual notifications.
[18:11:49] devinheitmueller: ... until I try to play back the recording and find out that it's zero length.
[18:11:53] Beirdo: yup.
[18:12:00] Beirdo: annoying as feck
[18:12:21] Beirdo: maybe not all avoidable
[18:12:22] devinheitmueller: I actually had an incident last week where the fiance wanted to know why two or three episodes of law and order wouldn't play back.
[18:12:30] Beirdo: but it would be nice.
[18:13:21] devinheitmueller: Well, the actual cause for failure isn't avoidable (I had rotated the antenna so it couldn't pickup the station), but at least would have been good to provide some feedback to the user that a failure had occured, and some sort of reason (like couldn't get a signal lock). At least then I could have taken noticed and told MythTV to record the next showing.
[18:13:42] Beirdo: but the real issue there...
[18:13:46] unixSnob: what can be done with these RJ-11 ports on the back of the cable boxes? Can the RSI port be used?
[18:13:49] Beirdo: the recording is in the backend
[18:13:59] Beirdo: and the notification.. the frontend
[18:14:09] Beirdo: and you can have multiple frontends...
[18:14:12] Beirdo: or none
[18:14:19] Beirdo: it gets complex :)
[18:14:27] devinheitmueller: Bierdo: yup, you would need some sort of notification mechanism or "mailbox" model
[18:15:08] devinheitmueller: ... and the multiple frontends issue, while true, shouldn't exclude the ability to achieve such functionality on boxes where both run on the same host.
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[18:15:30] Beirdo: yeah it's just a complexity thing
[18:15:35] devinheitmueller: anyway, I'll quit my bitching now.
[18:15:37] devinheitmueller: :-)
[18:18:06] Beirdo: not to worry
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[18:47:04] boludiko: hi
[18:47:27] boludiko: i'm trying to change the subs size of my videos, but i can't see the option
[18:47:41] boludiko: please anybody can helpme?
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[19:01:47] boludiko: hello
[19:01:49] boludiko: please
[19:01:52] boludiko: i need help
[19:02:06] Beirdo: be patient :)
[19:02:26] Beirdo: I'm sure someone can help. I have no clue what to suggest on that right now
[19:02:39] slickrick (slickrick! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:06:38] slickrick: anyone used upstart before? trying to make my frontends work and i can't my /etc/init/tty1.conf upstart to work which i want to modify for autologin.
[19:06:43] slickrick: pastebin is here:
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[19:09:27] unixSnob: does SCART also carry remote control signals?
[19:09:43] unixSnob: this device makes it look like it does
[19:10:52] unixSnob: ah, i get it.. nevermind. that box is a tuner
[19:11:00] slickrick_: anyone have experience with upstart scripts? i am trying to get my autologin to work through mingetty, so that my frontends login and startx but can't seem to make it work.
[19:11:05] slickrick_: pastebin is here:
[19:11:23] Beirdo: slickrick_: sorry, no
[19:11:33] Beirdo: google?
[19:11:47] slickrick_: i miss system V style init.  :(
[19:11:55] Beirdo: so why change?
[19:12:07] slickrick_: Beirdo: i've been googling and reading the docs to no avail ... seems simple what i want to do.
[19:12:39] slickrick_: Beirdo: i use Ubuntu for my frontends and it is going transitioning away from system V init to upstart
[19:12:54] Beirdo: yeah, some people at ubuntu are retarded
[19:13:14] Beirdo: let's throw away what's worked for 30+ years for dubious gain
[19:13:22] slickrick_: Beirdo: i am starting to find the same thing unfortunately.
[19:13:44] Beirdo: I'm surprised they haven't replaced cron with something useless yet
[19:13:56] slickrick_: Beirdo: i like how in 9.10 it chooses not to honor .xsession ... total headache.
[19:14:00] kormoc: Not invented here syndrome for a distro is amazingly awesome
[19:14:05] [Peter]: I had a funny experience with upstart the other day, launching gdm through upstart failed for some mysterious reason, but starting it manually worked fine
[19:14:07] kormoc: Beirdo: upstart replaces cron as well iirc
[19:14:12] Beirdo: oh
[19:14:14] Beirdo: shit
[19:14:22] Beirdo: time to go back to Slackware
[19:14:41] slickrick_: kormoc: i think there is still a cron, but it's started by upstart.
[19:14:43] kormoc:
[19:14:51] kormoc: "Yes. A planned feature for Upstart is the ability to generate events at a particular scheduled time, regular scheduled time or particular timed intervals"
[19:14:55] slickrick_: kormoc: i retract my last statement. :)
[19:15:03] Beirdo: oh BLAH
[19:15:17] Beirdo: so cron and at are no longer "needed"?
[19:15:23] kormoc: that's the idea
[19:15:26] Beirdo: shortsighted and moronic
[19:15:39] slickrick_: been using ubuntu since 5.x but lately starting to think it's time to look for something else.
[19:15:41] Beirdo: now being an ubuntu admin != UNIX admin
[19:15:41] GreyFoxx: What is the supposed benefit of it ?
[19:15:57] Beirdo: GreyFoxx: to be ubuntu? :)
[19:16:08] Beirdo: I don't get it
[19:16:17] kormoc: GreyFoxx: never could get solid answers on that, just some random features that they could have extended existing tools to have
[19:16:20] Beirdo: at least it's well named
[19:16:28] Beirdo: it's a frigging upstart for sure
[19:16:38] GreyFoxx: normally one ha at least some reason for going through a huge project other than 'just cause' :)
[19:16:40] [Peter]: GreyFoxx: it's much harder to troubleshoot when it fails.. only "advantage" I've seen so far
[19:16:42] GreyFoxx: at least I hope so
[19:17:02] GreyFoxx: kormoc: sounds silly :/
[19:17:04] Beirdo: you'd think so, wouldn't ya?
[19:17:09] slickrick_: well back to reading the upstart docs i guess. sigh.
[19:17:20] kormoc: GreyFoxx:
[19:17:20] Beirdo: sorry, slickrick_
[19:17:47] slickrick_: Beirdo: np. most of the people in mythtv-users are super knowledgeable so i figured i would take a shot and ask in here.
[19:18:18] GreyFoxx: kormoc: Thanks ... those reasons seam... antiquated though
[19:18:26] GreyFoxx: since all of those items are doable now
[19:18:29] kormoc: GreyFoxx: yeah... I have all that now...
[19:18:34] Beirdo: they seem like the reasoning for udev
[19:18:42] Beirdo: or hal
[19:18:47] GreyFoxx: hell my slackware boxes auto detect my flash drives being plugged in
[19:18:49] GreyFoxx: Beirdo: yeah
[19:19:17] Beirdo: perfect backwards compatibility?
[19:19:23] kormoc: usb device detection is a kernel feature... as is on-demand firmware loading...
[19:19:24] GreyFoxx: as for the synchronous init scripts that's simple, a little flah somewhere saying "wait for me to finish" or "go ahead and background this and move on"
[19:19:25] Beirdo: how come I doubt that
[19:19:51] slickrick_: a good quote from the upstart docs: "Once you're up and running, you'll want to start writing your own jobs. Note that the job file format is not stable yet, so if you upgrade upstart later, you may need to fix existing files."
[19:19:54] Beirdo: oh jeez
[19:19:58] slickrick_:
[19:20:00] slickrick_: ghey.
[19:20:04] Beirdo: they wanna roll inetd into it?!@
[19:20:06] GreyFoxx: It seems like a solution looking for a problem :)
[19:20:09] Beirdo: jeez
[19:20:31] GreyFoxx: Beirdo: yeah. cause we need one megadaemonOMG process that takes out EVERYTHING when it crashes :)
[19:20:40] Beirdo: time to start porting mythtv and the drivers to opensolaris
[19:21:06] Beirdo: yeah, single point of failure FTW
[19:21:33] Beirdo: that crap may make sense for a desktop machine
[19:21:39] Beirdo: but certainly not for a server
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[19:22:13] GreyFoxx: I can even understand the logic of cron/atd/anacron merging.. Or atleast a single interface to the user which writes out the proper config files for the seperate daemons to handle. but I see no reason to actually replace them
[19:22:26] Beirdo: yeah
[19:22:33] Beirdo: put a layer over them if you want
[19:22:35] GreyFoxx: of course the vast majority of users have no idea what atd is :)
[19:22:37] GreyFoxx: yeah
[19:22:48] Beirdo: but for servers, I'm all for having STANDARD UNIX admin tools :)
[19:23:18] Beirdo: so joe blow UNIX admin can do Ubuntu as well as Solaris or AIX, etc
[19:23:22] Beirdo: with 90% in common
[19:23:28] GreyFoxx: no reason to invalidate all books/knowledge for no real gain
[19:23:29] GreyFoxx: yeah
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[19:23:57] Beirdo: but this is why we aren't Canonical employees, I guess
[19:24:09] mortini: eh, standard init scripts are a huge hack anyways, they're terrible.
[19:24:19] oobe: slickrick, upstart is shite i hate it
[19:24:22] Beirdo: so?
[19:24:26] Beirdo: they are standard
[19:24:29] GreyFoxx: I've been using Ubuntu 9.10 as my desktop for 2 months now, and I'll admin as a desktop it's not bad
[19:24:39] GreyFoxx: s/admin/admit/
[19:24:45] Beirdo: i.e. you can take init scripts from Solaris onto Linux and change like 5 lines
[19:25:02] Beirdo: as a desktop, all this stuff may be great
[19:25:07] slickrick_: oobe: hah ... so we're 2 for 2 then.
[19:25:10] Beirdo: but I want server grade OS too
[19:25:14] devinheitmueller: I think the fundamental goal is to overcome some of the *huge* deficiencies found in the traditional initscript model. It's 2010, so any effort in this area is a welcome change.
[19:25:19] oobe: i stoped using ubuntu cause of it
[19:25:32] oobe: was the last straw
[19:25:41] slickrick_: oobe: i could easily add all kinds of stuff my linux where needed and now upstart is making my life hell. i miss the old system V init.
[19:25:53] slickrick_: oobe: what did you switch to?
[19:25:58] oobe: slackware
[19:26:01] Beirdo: I miss using rc.local :)
[19:26:11] oobe: mainly cause thats what i used to use before
[19:26:15] devinheitmueller: Alot of the hesitation to such systems (the same applies to init-ng), is the users complete lack of knowledge and comfort level with the old systems.
[19:26:29] high-rez (high-rez! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:26:36] Beirdo: devinheitmueller: I disagree
[19:26:41] GreyFoxx: devinheitmueller: Maybe I've just missed it, but the only obvious issues with the current model to me seems to be 1, what order should scripts start in, and if the order doesn't matter then they an be backgrounded or simplified.
[19:26:45] devinheitmueller: pardon, I meant "complete lack of knowledge with the new systems" and comfort level with the old systems.
[19:26:59] oobe: but it is very rock solid and if yuor used to configuring things its more pleasant to have an OS that doesnt try and fail to auto configure things you dont need or want
[19:27:03] devinheitmueller: GreyFoxx: Well, also dependencies can be done properly, and alot more can be done in parallel.
[19:27:08] Beirdo: most of the hesitation is due to old fogies who know the *standard* tools and have them ripped from under their feet
[19:27:23] devinheitmueller: Look at all the cases where you couldn't get a system to startup because some init script blocked indefinitely.
[19:27:38] Beirdo: I've never had that happen
[19:27:46] Beirdo: in 16 years
[19:28:04] devinheitmueller: Beirdo: I agree that change doesn't come easy, but sometimes things cannot be done in a way that is unintrusive.
[19:28:23] devinheitmueller: Beirdo: Well, I've had it happen dozens of times in many different environments in the last fifteen years.
[19:28:52] mortini: plus return codes.
[19:28:54] kormoc: devinheitmueller: I know my init (gentoo) has timers built in to prevent that
[19:28:58] devinheitmueller: In many cases, it's a poorly written init script not gracefully handing some exception, but that doesn't change the fact that some userland application shouldn't cause a system to fully boot.
[19:29:03] mortini: upstart is supposed to do return codes
[19:29:16] mortini: with oldschool init, you just did `somedaemon`
[19:29:19] mortini: and hoped for the best
[19:29:21] devinheitmueller: s/to fully boot/to not fully boot/
[19:29:27] Beirdo: umm
[19:29:38] Beirdo: your "system" is a pile of userland applications
[19:29:48] Beirdo: of course they can make it not work
[19:29:54] Beirdo: the kernel is fully booted
[19:30:19] wagnerrp: seems a radio shack blew up in new york
[19:30:22] Beirdo: all they needed to do is to make Ctrl-C work during booting
[19:30:40] Beirdo: break the currently stuck script. All fixed
[19:30:45] devinheitmueller: Beirdo: you really want to argue semantics with me? My "system" is a computer. When I cannot get to a Gnome login page, nor can I get to a root login prompt because some initscript screwed up, that's a system fail.
[19:30:50] Beirdo: like OpenBSD does
[19:31:14] slickrick_: omg my tty1.conf upstart script works ... that took a friggin hour. glory day.
[19:31:21] Beirdo: right, and you think a failure in an upstart script won't break your "system"?
[19:31:27] grndslm (grndslm! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:31:30] Beirdo: of course it will... part of it will be busted
[19:31:33] devinheitmueller: Or when my "system" take seven minutes to give me a logon window because my networking is down – that's a fail.
[19:31:44] Beirdo: hehe
[19:31:49] Beirdo: yeah, that's sucky
[19:31:57] ** kormoc points out network manager **
[19:32:01] devinheitmueller: Beirdo: yes, I believe that an upstart script being screwed up should not result in the rest of the system operating properly.
[19:32:28] Beirdo: well, good luck with that :)
[19:32:33] kormoc: there's already solutions to all these problems, again, why create something entirely new and not backwards compatible rather then extend current tools?
[19:32:34] KaZeR (KaZeR! has quit (Quit: Allez Salut... ET BANZAII!)
[19:32:39] devinheitmueller: As much as I hate Windows, their "Services" model blows the initd model out of the water, and they built it in 1993.
[19:32:45] ** kormoc blinks **
[19:32:52] Beirdo: no it doesn't
[19:32:54] Beirdo: hehe
[19:33:01] devinheitmueller: Beirdo: yes, I figured you would say that.
[19:33:05] KaZeR (KaZeR! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:33:07] Beirdo: it's based on init.
[19:33:07] kormoc: I disagree as well
[19:33:14] Beirdo: with dependencies
[19:33:26] Beirdo: kinda the SAME as Solaris 10 services
[19:33:48] Beirdo: which is another lame attempt to make things "better" that causes no end of issues
[19:33:51] devinheitmueller: It has dependencies. It has the ability to show incremental progress. It has the ability to pause and restart services. It has the ability to continue on failure.
[19:34:04] kormoc: devinheitmueller: init-ng has all that as well...
[19:34:13] Beirdo: and Sol10
[19:34:14] Beirdo: :)
[19:34:21] devinheitmueller: kormoc: yes, init-ng does have most (if not all of that). Welcome to the 20th century.
[19:34:33] Beirdo: and any init I've seen recently has dependencies in the scripts
[19:34:36] devinheitmueller: Except I guess it's now the 21st century.
[19:34:39] kormoc: devinheitmueller: I've been using init-ng from around 2003, why bother re-creating a new one?
[19:35:01] Beirdo: because we need init-OMG-new
[19:35:08] Beirdo: apparently
[19:35:22] devinheitmueller: I'm not arguing that init-ng is not a good replacement for initd. But let's stop pretending that initd is just totally awesome and there was nothing incredibly dumb about it.
[19:35:54] kormoc: I'm just saying there's no reason for a new, incompatible init manager when there was things to already do it
[19:35:54] Beirdo: of course, you are generalizing
[19:36:03] devinheitmueller: Anyway, I've strayed *way* off topic for this channel.
[19:36:05] Beirdo: there are many implementations of "initd"
[19:36:27] kormoc: I consider init-ng as init, I don't consider upstart as init
[19:36:29] Beirdo: all are different in details, but nearly all can use the same scripts in a known way
[19:36:50] Beirdo: and upstart... is an upstart :)
[19:37:01] mizerydearia (mizerydearia! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:37:11] mizerydearia: When browsing "Watch Videos" section of mythtvfrontend, the font is so large I cannot see the titles of some of the videos. Even changing font size in Utilities / Setup -> Setup -> Appearance -> Font size: small and QT "Small," "Medium" and "Big" font sizes, the font size appears the same. How can I change the font size?
[19:37:30] Beirdo: oooh, my theme song for the week
[19:37:42] Beirdo: Queen/Bowie : Under Pressure
[19:37:43] Beirdo: heh
[19:37:47] kormoc: heh
[19:38:00] mizerydearia: I am using a pc with 1680x1050 resolution and am sitting ~1ft away from monitor.
[19:38:02] wagnerrp: they totally ripped that off Vanilla Ice
[19:38:28] Beirdo: hehe
[19:38:33] wagnerrp: mizerydearia: in 0.22 and later, those dont really do anything
[19:38:35] Beirdo: vice versa, my friend
[19:38:45] mizerydearia: wagnerrp, I see. How can I change font size then?
[19:38:50] wagnerrp: its up to the theme to set the font size
[19:39:04] mizerydearia: I am using mythtv 0.21_p20877
[19:39:41] wagnerrp: Beirdo: i dont understand why he didnt get hit for that, but The Rolling Stones won against Bittersweet Symphony
[19:39:43] Beirdo: devinheitmueller: not to worry, we can agree to disagree on the initialization crap :) Back to myth-related fun :)
[19:39:44] sphery: mizerydearia: the font size controls don't control those fonts
[19:40:01] Beirdo: wagnerrp: not sure. Maybe he paid royalties?
[19:40:22] wagnerrp: no, he didnt, he claimed it was different because there were one or two notes different in the melody
[19:40:23] kormoc: wagnerrp: what? really?
[19:40:24] Beirdo: Oh... Men At Work just got screwed for Down Under...
[19:40:30] mizerydearia: I have tried several themes and each theme appears to use the same font size.
[19:40:32] sphery: mizerydearia: you should really upgrade to current 0.22-fixes, but the problem you're having is almost definitely because you don't have the right fonts installed, so your system is choosing a "close match" replacement that's neither close nor a match to the desired font
[19:40:50] sphery: mizerydearia: install the MS core web fonts (often msttcorefonts or something like that)
[19:40:52] Beirdo: for ripping off Kookaburra (sp?) in the flute solo
[19:40:57] cdpuk (cdpuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:40:58] wagnerrp: while The Verve actually did negotiate and pay royalties, and were taken to court because they 'used it too much'
[19:41:06] Beirdo: heh
[19:41:17] Beirdo: silly record companies
[19:41:41] ** kormoc blinks at wagnerrp **
[19:41:41] sphery: wagnerrp: did you hear about Men at Work getting hit for stealing a riff from Cookaburra?
[19:41:44] kormoc: wagnerrp: what song?
[19:41:51] kormoc: (stones song)
[19:42:46] wagnerrp: The Last Time
[19:42:51] sphery: Men at Work, Africa --and it seems it's spelled Kookaburra ->
[19:43:17] sphery: Down Under, I guess
[19:43:24] sphery: got all the song names wrong, but you get the point
[19:43:38] wagnerrp: kormoc: the melody was taken almost directly, but the deal was set up for a 50/50 split on royalties
[19:43:51] kormoc: huh
[19:44:05] wagnerrp: then the song took off in popularity, and ABKCO sued for full rights
[19:44:08] Beirdo: sphery: I just said that
[19:44:09] Beirdo: hehe
[19:44:22] Beirdo: it's the flute solo
[19:45:13] Beirdo: I should dig out the CD... have it somewhere
[19:46:01] sphery: heh, sorry--didn't see all the backtrace
[19:46:06] sphery: er, scrollback
[19:46:54] Beirdo: hehe
[19:46:57] Beirdo: it happens :)
[19:48:03] slickrick_: anyone care to look at my hdparm -tT for my mdam raid 10 all tell me if the speeds look ... realistic?
[19:48:19] mizerydearia: slickrick, wrong chan?
[19:48:49] slickrick_: mizerydearia: well it's the raid 10 i use to store all my mythtv stuff ... thats why i am asking here .. ?
[19:49:08] mizerydearia: mm
[19:49:43] kothog (kothog!~kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[19:49:53] slickrick_: thought maybe others were using mdadm and myth and could provide some insight ... you know if it was "fast" . my first mdadm array and have nothing to compare it with.
[19:50:07] wagnerrp: slickrick_: try a larger size, youre still in the realm of memory cache
[19:50:28] slickrick_: wagnerrp: excused my ignorance, can you elaborate?
[19:50:39] kormoc: slickrick how many disks in what layout?
[19:50:47] wagnerrp: im guessing 4?
[19:50:51] slickrick_: kormoc: 10
[19:51:03] slickrick_: er... sorry. 8.
[19:51:03] wagnerrp: 5+5?
[19:51:06] wagnerrp: 4+4?
[19:51:06] slickrick_: 8x2TB.
[19:51:28] wagnerrp: 426MB/s is reasonable for a 4-drive stripe
[19:51:40] kormoc: especially for the 2tb blacks (if they are)
[19:51:44] boludiko: how can i change the subtitules size in mythtv 0.22?
[19:51:56] wagnerrp: those disks will range from 130–70MB/s sequential from the outer to inner track
[19:52:02] Hoxzer_ (Hoxzer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:52:05] Beirdo: Need loud music
[19:53:13] slickrick_: how do i get hdparm to use a larger size test so it bypasses the memory cache?
[19:53:25] wagnerrp: ignore that comment
[19:53:35] slickrick_: wagnerrp: ... ok?
[19:53:41] wagnerrp: the first number if the cached speed, second is the actual disk throughput
[19:54:18] slickrick_: do the speeds look acceptable?
[19:54:30] kormoc: <wagnerrp> 426MB/s is reasonable for a 4-drive stripe
[19:54:32] sphery: We need a large print header on the Trac pages that say, "This is not Ubuntu's bug tracker." (Not because we get a lot of *buntu-specific bug reports, but because people use it like they use the Ubuntu bug tracker--i.e. with votes and me toos and ... Ref: )
[19:54:44] slickrick_: the drives are just hitachi deskstars... Hitachi HDS72202
[19:54:58] wagnerrp: although for 8-disk, im wondering why you didnt go with raid5 or 6
[19:55:19] slickrick_: wagnerpp: was concerned the write speeds would be too slow with raid5?
[19:55:37] kormoc: too slow? What are you writing?
[19:56:09] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[19:56:11] slickrick_: kormoc: at peak my system records from 4 ATSC inputs (2xHDHR)'s and sometimes 1 of the 4 SD tuners at the same time.
[19:56:26] wagnerrp: at... ~16mbps each
[19:56:30] kormoc: so a single drive could handle it... :P
[19:56:39] wagnerrp: thats under 10MB/s
[19:56:44] boludiko: how can i change the subtitules size?
[19:56:46] wagnerrp: youve got 40x the performance you need
[19:56:48] slickrick_: tho i admit i'm not entirely sure the raid 10 is appropriate to that load.
[19:56:50] kormoc: and besides, why would a raid-5/6 be slower writing, there's more heads writing unique data that way...
[19:57:03] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:57:16] sphery: 4x19.4Mbps = 77.6Mbps = 9.25MiB/sec
[19:57:17] slickrick_: kormoc: i thought the parity calculation was killer without a hardware raid card.
[19:57:30] kormoc: modern cpu's are exceptionally over powered
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[19:57:44] sphery: and that's assuming full-bitrate, which you won't see in the wild for more than an instant at a time
[19:57:44] wagnerrp: the RAID5/6 'write whole' only exists when youre writing something below the total stripe size
[19:57:52] kormoc: exactly
[19:57:53] sphery: kormoc: +1
[19:58:05] slickrick_: who said anything about modern cpus ... i'm still using a athalong 64 X2 5200+ :-)
[19:58:11] sphery: that's modern
[19:58:11] oobe: that patch is an interesting idea in 6888 though
[19:58:13] wagnerrp: which on a 6+2, would probably be 1.5MB
[19:58:28] sphery: 5200+ is still overkill for 99.9% of home use
[19:58:36] wagnerrp: athalong? is that some chinese knockoff?
[19:58:39] slickrick_: ok i'm retarded then ... so i should redo my raid as 5? what do you suggest for block size?
[19:58:47] sphery: (not bad for software decode of MPEG-2 ATSC, but overkill for a lot of other stuff)
[19:58:58] petr_stk (petr_stk! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:59:01] kormoc: 8 drives? I'd shoot for a raid-6 to be honest
[19:59:26] petr_stk: hello guys
[19:59:33] slickrick_: kormoc: seriously. okay, well i don't mind rebuilding and trying it.
[19:59:52] slickrick_: my raid10 isin't being used, i just set it up last weekend so i can rebuild as raid 6.
[19:59:59] slickrick_: damn i'm glad i asked in here.
[20:00:16] wagnerrp: slickrick: basically, it would just get you an additional 4TB
[20:00:19] petr_stk: I'm looking into adding a frequency table for DVB-T for my country but I don't know what to fill into those offset1 and offset2 fields. Can someone advise, please?
[20:00:25] Hoxzer_ (Hoxzer_! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[20:00:34] wagnerrp: and if youre maxed out on one CPU, so what
[20:00:45] wagnerrp: youre still going to be far over spec on throughput
[20:01:11] slickrick_: wagnerrp: i like the sound of that. i researched software raid5 and got some really conflicting results.
[20:01:27] sphery: petr_stk: which country?
[20:01:28] slickrick_: what about chunk size?
[20:01:34] wagnerrp: 128 or 256
[20:01:36] petr_stk: sphery, Czech republic
[20:01:41] slickrick_: output of /proc/mdadm here in case it helps:
[20:01:42] sphery: petr_stk: got a reference to the published table?
[20:01:54] wagnerrp: larger chunk means less concurrency but better throughput
[20:01:56] petr_stk: sphery, what published table?
[20:02:08] sphery: the list of frequencies in use by your country?
[20:02:29] petr_stk: sphery, I see. I'll try to find one. Gimme a minute
[20:02:52] slickrick_: thanks you guys are awesome. i am going to rebuilt it as a raid5.
[20:03:16] wagnerrp: slickrick_: you should try 6, or maybe 50
[20:03:33] sphery: petr_stk: your changes would go into libs/libmythtv/frequencytables.cpp , which uses the FrequencyTable class, whose constructor takes FrequencyTable(QString _name_format, int _name_offset, uint64_t _frequencyStart, uint64_t _frequencyEnd, uint _frequencyStep, DTVModulation _modulation)
[20:03:35] slickrick_: one last question ... i am using jfs as the file system as some of the stuff about xfs scared me off. any opinions?
[20:04:13] petr_stk: sphery, I do have that done already
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[20:05:05] petr_stk: sphery, I was just wondering if Germany has the offset 0,0 and France 167000,-166000, what should I fill in for Czech. What kind of offset it is and where to find it.
[20:05:18] sphery: petr_stk: so we basically look for the pattern (i.e. 6MHz channels grouped into X contiguous sections across the spectrum that we use to create a list of all the valid frequencies)
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[20:07:28] petr_stk: sphery, I understand the pattern but was curious how to offsets fit in
[20:07:59] petr_stk: sphery, channel list is here: . . . 0640DB3.html
[20:08:53] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:09:46] sphery: which offset are you looking at? got a partial patch I can look at?
[20:09:46] petr_stk: sphery, so I entered new FrequencyTable(474000000, 858000000, 8000000, "Channel %1", 21,...) but don't know about the offsets so I've come here to ask about that
[20:10:09] petr_stk: sphery, the last two numbers in the FrequencyTable c'tor
[20:10:23] sphery: petr_stk: though looking at it, that list looks exactly like the one we have for Germany
[20:10:41] petr_stk: I know, it's probably identical
[20:10:42] sphery: libs/libmythtv/frequencytables.cpp +337
[20:10:48] petr_stk: I copied it from there
[20:10:58] sphery: if that's the case, you should simply change the displayed string for it
[20:11:08] sphery: possibly even just in the translation for your area
[20:11:11] petr_stk: but I am wondering why some countries have the offsets, like France
[20:11:21] petr_stk: so I'll keep the offsets at 0 for now
[20:14:25] mizerydearia (mizerydearia! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:14:51] sphery: petr_stk: those seem to just be offsets in kHz from the specified frequency... we try +offset and -offset for each one... That allows simplifying the code to create the table when channels aren't perfectly aligned throughout the range
[20:15:34] sphery: or perhaps just because of offsets due to regulations (such as the aeronatical and navigation offsets the US FCC requires cable co's to apply to some channels)
[20:16:00] sphery: petr_stk: but really, rather than having an identical frequency table, you should just fix the name of the table so it's clear to users when to choose that one
[20:23:08] petr_stk: sphery, Czech uses more channels (21–69 compared to Germany's 25–64) so it makes sense to provide its own entry.
[20:23:17] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:25:02] janneg: petr_stk: germany has no offsets since we have single frequency networks
[20:25:19] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:26:06] petr_stk: janneg, ah, thanks. The same applies here as well.
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[20:29:20] jeffjeffdejeff (jeffjeffdejeff! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:29:45] jeffjeffdejeff: wagnerrp: thanks for your help yesterday. after a cold boot. all works as planned.
[20:30:04] jeffjeffdejeff: question to anyone: how do i change the input used on a remote frontend using a keyboard?
[20:30:27] mizerydearia (mizerydearia! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:31:01] sphery: can do so through the menu
[20:31:05] sphery: M
[20:31:42] jeffjeffdejeff: cheers. :) seems my reception on live tv is not as good as watching a recording or live tv that's a few seconds behind. that make sense?
[20:33:19] sphery: more likely your playback isn't as good
[20:33:32] sphery: but that's a common issue
[20:33:36] sphery: with no real fix
[20:33:54] sphery: (other than staying a few seconds behind)
[20:34:47] jeffjeffdejeff: what would cause that do you think? lack of processing power?
[20:35:06] [Peter]: sphery: why not just add a bit more pre-buffering?
[20:35:51] jeffjeffdejeff: willing to give anything a go. how would i go about it?
[20:36:31] sphery: that would be staying a few seconds farther behind
[20:36:37] sphery: but it requires changing the code
[20:36:45] sphery: and he's welcome to do so
[20:37:04] jeffjeffdejeff: haha. you're talking to a guy who didn't know how to change input without the remote!
[20:42:29] petr_stk: janneg, may I ask something related
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[20:45:46] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[20:47:42] janneg: petr_stk: sure
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[20:53:58] dustybin: i keep on dreaming about one of these:
[20:54:00] dustybin: Zotac IONITX-C-U Atom N230 Single Core 90-Watt PSU ITX Intel Motherboard
[20:54:20] dustybin: should i or shouldn't i?
[20:54:23] wagnerrp: so buy one
[20:54:44] dustybin: wagnerrp: i need to research a nice case for it first
[20:55:06] wagnerrp: why bother with a case?
[20:55:10] dustybin: o_0
[20:55:25] dustybin: if one was to do a backend/frontend combo, then maybe one of these:
[20:55:28] dustybin: Zotac IONITX-A-U Atom N330 1.6GHz Dual-Core Mini ITX Intel Motherboard
[20:55:47] wagnerrp: if one was to do a backend/frontend combo, you should probably avoid Atom/ION
[20:55:51] petr_stk: guys, I have a DVB-S2 recording that I cannot replay properly using 0.22-fixes and VDPAU. Would someone be willing to download and test it?
[20:56:02] dustybin: wagnerrp: even the dual core version?
[20:56:10] wagnerrp: even the dual core version
[20:56:14] dustybin: eeek
[20:56:29] wagnerrp: its a mini-itx board
[20:56:41] wagnerrp: its tiny, and lacks expansion slots
[20:56:51] dustybin: wagnerrp: i would use USB TV cards
[20:56:58] fleers (fleers! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[20:57:01] wagnerrp: most people dont want to be limited to a couple hard drives and USB tuners
[20:57:06] dustybin: aye ok
[20:57:28] mizerydearia (mizerydearia! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:57:44] wagnerrp: besides why bother with such a small system if youre just going to clutter it up with things hanging off of it
[20:57:45] dustybin: frontend only makes sense, i will go for the first option
[20:57:52] mizerydearia (mizerydearia!~mizerydea@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:58:28] dustybin: ive already got a nice blue print for a low powered tower box
[20:58:55] wagnerrp: blueprint?
[20:59:03] dustybin: i mean, plan
[20:59:23] dustybin: PSU: Seasonic X-650
[20:59:31] dustybin: CPU: ATHLON II 605e X4 QUAD CORE 45W TDP
[20:59:42] wagnerrp: you want something low powered, so you toss in a 650W PSU?
[20:59:49] mattwynne (mattwynne! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:00:06] dustybin: wagnerrp: that PSU has excellent efficiency
[21:00:12] wagnerrp: so what
[21:00:32] wagnerrp: youre going to be running it at like 30W
[21:00:38] dustybin: aye true
[21:00:40] wagnerrp: its going to be running at like 50% efficiency
[21:00:48] dustybin: i didnt think of that
[21:01:03] dustybin: HD: Western Digital Green 7200.12 1.5TB x3
[21:01:09] mizerydearia: sphery, I installed practically every font available that wasn't masked in portage. I added all directories to xorg.conf (and `mkfontdir`ed as necessary). Loading mythfrontend again and trying various themes and font sizes, still I cannot figure out how to reduce the font size used.
[21:01:46] sphery: mizerydearia: you can't reduce the font size except by changing the theme's definition
[21:01:56] czth_ (czth_!~dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-cuyscmfdrtmvdgyh) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:02:06] sphery: mizerydearia: i.e. edit the theme
[21:02:09] dustybin: wagnerrp: would it make sense to hunt around for a 200–300W PSU?
[21:02:29] sphery: but most should be pretty much right in 0.21 and trunk (0.22 has all the "default" themes that are not very right).
[21:02:50] wagnerrp: dustybin: it makes absolutely no sense, because the board you listed way up there comes with a power supply
[21:03:05] dustybin: wagnerrp: not for that board, this is for another box
[21:03:33] dustybin: wagnerrp: i will build a low powered tower, and use that zotac for a frontend only box
[21:04:50] inordkuo (inordkuo!~inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:05:15] wagnerrp: silverstone and antec make nice power supplies
[21:05:18] czth (czth!~dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-zpsgcccwkgrhgizd) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[21:05:26] wagnerrp: both have high efficiency ones in the 300–400W range
[21:05:32] dustybin: ace :D
[21:05:39] wagnerrp: youre hard pressed to find high efficiency ones below that
[21:05:48] wagnerrp: you might find one or two SFX ones
[21:05:53] sphery: 80 PLUS ftw!
[21:06:07] wagnerrp: but SFX supplies are generally cheap garbage
[21:08:01] cynicismic (cynicismic! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:10:50] mattwynne (mattwynne! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:12:55] dustybin: i like the idea of building a mini low powered server box using 2.5" HDs
[21:13:35] mizerydearia (mizerydearia!~mizerydea@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[21:14:22] wagnerrp: you do realize you will never recoup the additional costs of using 2.5" hard drives, right?
[21:14:41] dustybin: eek no
[21:14:54] dustybin: imagine one of these under your TV: . . . ac-mag_1.jpg
[21:15:22] petr_stk (petr_stk! has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:17:51] skd5aner: wagnerrp: maybe so, but they typically run cooler and quieter (well, they used to a 2–3 years ago before the "green" 3.5HDs started coming out)
[21:18:35] wagnerrp: 2.5" drives are 2–3x the price for the same capacity, and even under constant full load, they will only save you maybe $6-$8/yr
[21:18:59] skd5aner: yea – for cost savings, it doesn't make any sense – payback period will always be too great
[21:19:08] skd5aner: but, for other reasons 2.5" can make sense
[21:19:23] dustybin: i am really really really really _tempted_ to buy this
[21:19:25] dustybin: . . . &lang=en
[21:19:46] wagnerrp: when you consider that youre also going to need 2–3x the number of drives to reach the same capacity, the heat/power argument is moot
[21:20:18] skd5aner: not if capacity isn't a primary concern
[21:20:31] dustybin: i just hope windows media centre will install ok on it :D
[21:20:41] wagnerrp: the only time theyre useful is if you are absolutely limited on power consumption, outside of price
[21:21:02] wagnerrp: or if you want additional concurrency, for database and similar operations
[21:21:16] skd5aner: form factor, heat, space also can be good reasons for 2.5"
[21:21:34] skd5aner: and noise, although I'm not sure how much that matters anymore
[21:21:56] skd5aner: newer 3.5" drivers tend to be much quieter than their previous generation counterparts
[21:22:06] dustybin: even apple have released a macmini server
[21:22:54] skd5aner: for example, 3 years ago I put a 2.5" 80GB drive in one of my frontends for some of those reason – silence and cooling were to primary factors
[21:23:05] skd5aner: capacity, was definitely not
[21:23:42] skd5aner: Now – my backend currently has 6 3.5s in there... capacity is primary concern there
[21:24:13] skd5aner: s/to/two
[21:24:33] syamajala (syamajala!~syamajala@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:25:38] skd5aner: but, you're right – there's a price to pay for 2.5" HDs, and you aren't going to win that back in energy savings
[21:26:09] skd5aner: not by much anyway
[21:28:03] skd5aner: so... what else is new? I've got to take a break from the world, figured this place is always a good distraction
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[21:32:24] jamesd2: is there a way to get more advanced features out of the web interface, i want to change the retension policy for a recorded show? do i have to do this from the front end?
[21:33:56] kormoc: click on the recorded show to get the detailed view and change it as you want
[21:33:59] skd5aner: jamesd2: you mean, you want to change if a show auto-expires, or how many episodes are kept?
[21:34:07] skd5aner: you can do that all from within mythweb too
[21:36:36] jamesd2: kormoc, this is .22 i don't see any options besides forget old, delete, delete record, and streaming options
[21:36:54] kormoc: hrm
[21:36:57] kormoc: I might have broken something
[21:37:22] jamesd2: skd5aner, yes that is what i want to do, can't find options
[21:37:48] kormoc: ooh
[21:38:05] kormoc: changing the auto-expire is via clicking the auto-expire icon in the recorded show listings
[21:38:17] kormoc: changing how many to keep is via the recording schedule
[21:38:31] jamesd2: okay i see it..
[21:41:13] skd5aner: kormoc: good find, I don't think I've ever disabled autoexpire on individual recordings via mythweb, just for the recording rule itself
[21:43:06] jamesd2: i was so excited that i forgot to enable no auto-expire when i setup the rule, now the frontend is busy and i wanted to be sure to keep the existiing recordings... and update the recording schedule which is now done :-) thx
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[22:02:58] jeffjeffdejeff: hello again all. seems my reception is not so good when both tuners are in use – ie one tuner watching live tv, and a remote frontend watching another channel, or watching live tv whilst another one is recording. any suggestions? i'm running 9.04. not sure about lna options – could this be it? using hauppauge td500
[22:03:31] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[22:04:14] wagnerrp: but it works fine with only one tuner in use?
[22:04:48] jeffjeffdejeff: seems to, yeah.
[22:05:10] wagnerrp: the internal splitter might cut off tuners when theyre not in use
[22:06:20] jeffjeffdejeff: hmm. how can i tell if lna is switched on?
[22:07:18] mattwynne (mattwynne! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:08:10] devinheitmueller: jeffjeffdejeff: make sure you running the latest v4l-dvb code. I fixed a problem with the dib0700 recently where you could have issues if the bandwidth usage is high enough (such as might be the case with two streams)
[22:09:09] jeffjeffdejeff: thanks. how do i find out if i'm running the latest v4l-dvb code?
[22:09:20] devinheitmueller: If you didn't install it from source, then you're not.
[22:09:29] devinheitmueller: Installation instructions here:
[22:10:12] devinheitmueller: The fix only went in last month: . . . 94d31347e352
[22:13:07] cdpuk (cdpuk! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:13:09] dustybin: i really do not see any point in having a cd/dvd player in a frontend box, do you agree?
[22:14:42] ivor: depends how accessible your backend.
[22:14:59] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:17:12] sid3windr: dustybin: it's there so you can play dvds.
[22:17:18] sid3windr: I don't see how you could do without
[22:17:29] dustybin: sid3windr: rip my friend, rip
[22:17:32] sid3windr: yeah
[22:17:35] sid3windr: my friend brings over a dvd
[22:17:42] dustybin: and you let rip :D
[22:17:45] sid3windr: "just a second my dear. I'll have to rip it first, let's watch another movie"
[22:17:46] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:17:51] dustybin: :D
[22:17:57] sid3windr: that's just f'd up
[22:17:58] sid3windr: :)
[22:18:03] dustybin: a rip doesnt take long
[22:19:08] skd5aner: hey – I just know someone is going to mention that being a "gray" area , so it might as well be me – let's not talk about "someone bringing over a DVD" and ripping it, thx
[22:19:09] devinheitmueller: Doing a rip takes *way* longer than just playing it back.
[22:19:41] syamajala (syamajala!~syamajala@ has quit (Quit: Leaving...)
[22:19:47] jeffjeffdejeff: devinheitmueller: looks far too complex for me :s
[22:20:02] skd5aner: and either way – less than ideal anyway, you'll want to just have a drive there to play it on-demand
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[22:24:24] sid3windr: yup
[22:24:27] sid3windr: obviously :)
[22:25:28] jeffjeffdejeff: saying that....making progress.... :?
[22:26:49] jeffjeffdejeff: you lot are insanely clever.
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[22:33:39] jams: if anybody wants them here is the lastest set of menugraphs. Still adding stuff but mostly complete
[22:35:14] ThisOtherGuy: Hi all – I just svn up'd an I saw a new requirement for VDPAU – does anyone know if there is an ubuntu package to resolve this error: "Please upgrade to libvdpau >= 0.2 if you would like vdpau support."
[22:37:20] faichele (faichele! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:41:43] sid3windr: jams: you make this with software or manually? I presume the former :)
[22:41:54] jya (jya! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:41:57] jams: program i wrote
[22:42:11] sid3windr: nice
[22:42:40] jams: manually i would probably pick a little better layout to avoid some lines crossing. But as it stands it's good enough
[22:43:18] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:43:27] jams: sid3windr- the first version was by hand. That took forever
[22:45:32] devinheitmueller: jeffjeffdejeff: I'm sorry, were you talking to me?
[22:46:14] jeffjeffdejeff: yup
[22:46:24] devinheitmueller: jeffjeffdejeff: what was your question?
[22:46:33] sid3windr: :)
[22:47:30] devinheitmueller: sid3windr: I'm about to throw Some_Person out the window. It's a good thing I don't have moderator rights, or else I would exercise them against people too dumb to be on irc.
[22:47:53] jeffjeffdejeff: too many to ask i think. hope it's not me you're going to defenestrate :(
[22:48:05] devinheitmueller: jeffjeffdejeff: No, not you.
[22:48:13] devinheitmueller: jeffjeffdejeff: were you able to get the current v4l-dvb tree installed
[22:48:14] devinheitmueller: ?
[22:48:20] sid3windr: devinheitmueller: haha, i've been amazed time and time again by your (and other people in #linuxtv) patience.. :)
[22:48:46] devinheitmueller: sid3windr: It's because I'm a masochist.
[22:49:09] sid3windr: I can tell
[22:49:15] sid3windr: driver writing and everything
[22:49:17] sid3windr: :p
[22:49:19] devinheitmueller: ... which I would think was obvious based on my willingness to write LinuxTV code.
[22:49:24] devinheitmueller: indeed.
[22:49:25] jeffjeffdejeff: devinheitmueller: to be honest with you, i'm not really sure what i'm doing. (just to add to your masochistic tendencies)
[22:49:39] devinheitmueller: jeffjeffdejeff: what distro are you on?
[22:49:42] jeffjeffdejeff: 9.04
[22:49:52] jeffjeffdejeff: mythbuntu
[22:49:52] devinheitmueller: Great, do the following:
[22:49:59] devinheitmueller: hg clone
[22:50:06] devinheitmueller: oh, wait.
[22:50:13] devinheitmueller: hg clone
[22:50:17] devinheitmueller: Run ^ instead
[22:50:20] devinheitmueller: cd v4l-dvb
[22:50:22] devinheitmueller: make
[22:50:30] devinheitmueller: ... and then wait two second, whack ctrl-c
[22:50:34] devinheitmueller: open v4l/.config
[22:50:49] devinheitmueller: find the line that says firedtv=m and change it to say firedtv=n
[22:50:54] devinheitmueller: Then run:
[22:50:55] jeffjeffdejeff: it's in the process of going through a HUGE list beginning with CC [M]
[22:51:05] devinheitmueller: that's fine, whack ctrl-c anyway
[22:51:13] devinheitmueller: (the build will fail if you wait long enough)
[22:51:13] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:51:20] devinheitmueller: make && make install
[22:51:22] devinheitmueller: then reboot
[22:51:24] jeffjeffdejeff: yeah, gave me some errors last time.
[22:51:31] jeffjeffdejeff: ok. so i've ctrl c'd.
[22:51:46] jeffjeffdejeff: so now, sudo make
[22:51:47] devinheitmueller: Now open v4l/.config in emacs (or whatever your preferred editor is)
[22:51:47] jeffjeffdejeff: ?
[22:52:14] devinheitmueller: Did you find it?
[22:52:37] jeffjeffdejeff: i did sudo gedit v4l/.config and it's brought up a file
[22:52:41] grokky (grokky! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:52:49] devinheitmueller: Ok, now find the line that says firedtv=m
[22:53:04] jeffjeffdejeff: got it
[22:53:09] devinheitmueller: Change that to firedtv=n
[22:53:13] devinheitmueller: Then save, exit, and run mkae
[22:53:16] devinheitmueller: make
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[22:53:41] jeffjeffdejeff: it's off and away again
[22:53:45] devinheitmueller: ok.
[22:53:53] devinheitmueller: When that is done, run "sudo make install" and then reboot
[22:54:05] devinheitmueller: When the system comes back up, you will be running the latest driver.
[22:54:35] jeffjeffdejeff: 2.6.28-15-generic. is that a problem? i turned off updates ages ago after the last kernel upgrade stopped my remote from working :s
[22:54:42] devinheitmueller: no, that should be fine.
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[22:57:31] jeffjeffdejeff: (it's still going) appears that it sometimes struggles to get good reception on some channels even when it's only viewing one channel too. it's funny – the guides i've managed to find talk about enabling LNA in an /etc/modprobe.d file that doesn't exist. some talk about re-naming the file to db700 or some such. i really dunno where i'm going wrong with this thing.
[22:57:42] inordkuo (inordkuo!~inorkuo@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:58:06] jeffjeffdejeff: maybe i should go back to using a speak and spell.
[22:58:33] jeffjeffdejeff: saying that, i'd still be able to crash that one way or another.
[22:59:55] jeffjeffdejeff: devinheitmueller: just out of interest – why did i have to change the "m" to "n"?
[23:00:16] devinheitmueller: Because the firedtv module does not build properly on Ubuntu because they did not package their kernel headers properly.
[23:01:05] devinheitmueller: So, basically I had you disable that one module – which only would have been relevant if you were planning on connecting your system to a cable box that has a firewire port.
[23:02:21] streeter (streeter!~streeter@nat/redhat/x-smmqfxtmlmtokicz) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:02:23] jeffjeffdejeff: of course. how silly of me. I'll have a word with those Ubuntu buggers on your behalf. :)
[23:02:57] devinheitmueller: jeffjeffdejeff: Don't sweat it. Every user who build v4l-dvb on Karmic runs into that issue.
[23:03:05] devinheitmueller: Oh, it's on Jaunty too.
[23:03:34] jeffjeffdejeff: devinheitmeuller: ok. it's finished and given me some make errors that i dont understand. continue with the make install anyway?
[23:03:42] devinheitmueller: Look at the bright side – you could have just fed the error message into Google and gotten the answer. I actually had to debug it in the first place.
[23:03:48] faichele (faichele! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:03:49] jeffjeffdejeff: hahaha
[23:03:50] devinheitmueller: pastebin the make errors.
[23:04:24] jeffjeffdejeff: ahhh, that could be difficult – i'm connected by vnc and can't copy paste....hang on
[23:05:25] hpeter (hpeter! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:05:41] jeffjeffdejeff: ok: that work?
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[23:07:22] ** devinheitmueller looks **
[23:07:56] devinheitmueller: wtf.
[23:07:58] devinheitmueller: hmmm.....
[23:08:00] ** jeffjeffdejeff wonders what goes through devin's head **
[23:08:28] ** jeffjeffdejeff is not overconfident by devin's response :) **
[23:08:30] devinheitmueller: Frankly, I don't know what that is. Let me look at last night's build report. One sec.
[23:09:32] devinheitmueller: rut roh reorge.
[23:09:33] devinheitmueller:
[23:09:43] devinheitmueller: Seems like somebody fubar'd the build.
[23:09:59] jeffjeffdejeff: looks like a load of gibberish to me :)
[23:10:09] devinheitmueller: ... in the last 24 hours, in fact...
[23:10:23] devinheitmueller: basically the nightly build is showing the same errors you reported.
[23:10:24] jeffjeffdejeff: more gibberish. :)
[23:11:11] danielk22 (danielk22!~danielk@ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[23:11:35] devinheitmueller: ok. let's do this.
[23:11:41] jeffjeffdejeff: well in a way it's almost satisfying to see those errors printed elsewhere. but more satisfying to have someone look at them who knows what they're doing.
[23:12:31] ** jeffjeffdejeff pours himself a glass of wine in preparation **
[23:12:34] devinheitmueller: hg update -r 14164
[23:12:35] trumee (trumee! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:12:52] devinheitmueller: Well, it's good because it means that at least it's not specific to your environment. It's bad because it means it's broken *everywhere*.
[23:13:19] devinheitmueller: Then run make
[23:13:29] jeffjeffdejeff: 29 updated, 0 merged, 10 removed, 0 unresolved
[23:13:53] jeffjeffdejeff: diff error – hang on whilst i pastebin
[23:14:45] devinheitmueller:
[23:14:50] devinheitmueller: sorry, wrong window
[23:15:01] jeffjeffdejeff:
[23:15:19] devinheitmueller: crap.
[23:15:21] devinheitmueller: Ok, do this
[23:15:22] devinheitmueller: cd ..
[23:15:24] devinheitmueller: rm -rf v4l-dvb
[23:15:39] devinheitmueller: hg clone -r 14164
[23:15:43] devinheitmueller: Then do what you did before
[23:17:00] jeffjeffdejeff: (23:15:41) devinheitmueller: hg clone -r 14164 done that. can you clarify "then do what you did before"?
[23:17:16] devinheitmueller: cd v4l-dvb
[23:17:16] devinheitmueller: make
[23:17:19] devinheitmueller: ctrl-c
[23:17:25] devinheitmueller: edit v4l/.config
[23:17:26] devinheitmueller: make
[23:17:30] devinheitmueller: sudo make install
[23:17:33] dustybin: compile error: blah lib missing
[23:17:46] jeffjeffdejeff: how long shall i leave before ctrl c?
[23:17:51] devinheitmueller: two seconds.
[23:18:10] devinheitmueller: You just need to run it long enough for it to generate the .config file, which is among the first things it does.
[23:18:22] jeffjeffdejeff: ok, which line am i looking for in edit?
[23:18:37] devinheitmueller: jeffjeffdejeff: the one that says firedtv=m
[23:18:41] hpeter (hpeter! has quit (Quit: hpeter)
[23:19:55] sid3windr: (again)
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[23:23:41] fleers (fleers! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:24:09] cyberanus (cyberanus! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:25:59] cyberanus: problem with mythtv-autobuilds...enabled repositories, updated, lost any tv recording ability...sees the ATI Wonder tv card but gives a framerate failed too many times
[23:26:00] dashcloud (dashcloud!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:26:05] cyberanus: any help?
[23:26:29] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:26:30] cyberanus: am i the only one?
[23:26:35] jeffjeffdejeff: i haven't no.
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[23:27:02] cyberanus: thought i switched user group settings...reinstalled from ground
[23:27:05] jeffjeffdejeff (jeffjeffdejeff! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:27:14] cyberanus: worked...then did upgrade...failed
[23:29:48] sunny (sunny! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:30:07] cyberanus: seems silly, but Im just going to reinstall and avoid the autobuilds
[23:30:20] danielk22 (danielk22!~danielk@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[23:30:25] cyberanus: see no other solution
[23:33:49] hpeter (hpeter! has quit (Quit: hpeter)
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[23:39:13] cyberanus (cyberanus! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[23:40:53] jeffjeffdejeff: devinheitmeuller: in case you look at a log of the room. finished make install. seems to have gone ok. reboot. will let you know.
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[23:57:35] jeffjeffdejeff: amazin'. good stuff!
[23:59:59] jeffjeffdejeff (jeffjeffdejeff! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)

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