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Thursday, February 4th, 2010, 00:08 UTC
[00:08:08] high-rez: I'm trying to figure out whatthe keybinding is for "watch recordings"...
[00:13:19] high-rez: Foundher ;)
[00:14:04] jolaren: high-rez; you can change the keybindings
[00:15:56] awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:16:18] wagnerrp: the jumppoints have no default keybinding
[00:17:18] jolaren: oj
[00:17:18] jolaren: oh
[00:18:17] jolaren: I might use the trunk version of the backend just so I don't have to compile mythtv for windows again
[00:19:26] wagnerrp: that means you have to run the trunk version of the frontend
[00:19:40] wagnerrp: and you have to make sure to get the right revision so the protocol and schema match
[00:20:55] mattwynne (mattwynne! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:23:18] jolaren: there's no precompiled version of the trunk one
[00:23:45] wagnerrp: eh?
[00:27:30] mattwynne (mattwynne! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:32:48] wsuetholz (wsuetholz!~wsuetholz@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[00:35:24] cynicismic (cynicismic! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:36:17] jolaren: wagnerrp; eh?
[00:36:48] wagnerrp: the guy doing pre-compiled windows binaries has both 0.22-fixes and trunk versions of several revisions
[00:37:07] wsuetholz (wsuetholz!~wsuetholz@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[00:37:15] wagnerrp: im saying all your installs must be of the same protocol and schema version for them to work together
[00:37:32] wagnerrp: if you upgrade anything, you have to upgrade everything
[00:37:59] jolaren: wagnerrp;
[00:38:08] jolaren: oh the 0.22-fixes is the stable release
[00:38:10] jolaren: i didnt understand that
[00:40:23] shen-long (shen-long!~shenlong@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:50:08] Sedorox (Sedorox!brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox) has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:06:05] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:26] jolaren: Can a phoenix reader send the information needed from the CI card to several pci cards?
[01:06:44] wagnerrp: thats called card sharing, and not an allowed topic in this channel
[01:07:09] jolaren: why would it be cardsharing?
[01:07:11] jolaren: its within my household
[01:07:24] jolaren: i have several tvs and want all my family to be able to watch it
[01:07:35] wagnerrp: the CI modules are only designed to be used with one tuner at a time
[01:07:45] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:08:17] wagnerrp: basically... whatever legitimate use you may have for such a tool
[01:08:21] ip_goat_rodeo: wagnerrp: Its a valid question in context of japan
[01:08:37] wagnerrp: such tools are primarily used to access those channels without any CI module at all
[01:08:57] iamlindoro: ip_goat_rodeo, please read the channel faq in the topic-- whatever use case you might argue for it, it's against channel rules *here*
[01:09:05] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:09:14] ip_goat_rodeo: Japanese free OTA requires a BCAS module
[01:09:16] iamlindoro: second mention will result in a ban-- that includes arguing about the rules or explaining how it's legal for you
[01:10:05] frogonwheels: it's unfortunate that such rules have to exist, but they do for good reasons.
[01:10:06] mattwynne (mattwynne! has quit (Quit: Leaving...)
[01:10:40] ip_goat_rodeo: fine, ban me now
[01:10:42] toeb (toeb! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[01:10:44] ip_goat_rodeo (ip_goat_rodeo! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:10:50] kormoc: ha
[01:10:54] kormoc: convient
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[01:55:37] jolaren: Could someone tell me if my hauppage wintv nova-t 500 card is a One 5-V, 32-bit, 33-MHz, full-height, half-length?
[01:56:43] wagnerrp: sounds about right
[01:57:16] wagnerrp: theres a couple different forms
[01:57:20] wagnerrp: but if the pins match, it will work
[01:57:28] jolaren: i just came to think about it
[01:57:41] jolaren: i just dont know how a full one look
[01:58:18] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:58:37] jolaren: guess nothin I can do about it now anyways
[01:59:31] wagnerrp: basically, youve got keyings for 3.3V and 5V signalling
[01:59:58] wagnerrp: the nova-t 500 seems to have both keys
[02:00:03] wagnerrp: meaning its a universal card
[02:00:08] jolaren: oh so it will fit
[02:00:17] jolaren: i thought it was the size of the slot
[02:00:24] wagnerrp: it will work with any pci slot, 3.3v or 5v, and 32-bit or 64-bit
[02:00:42] jolaren: stupid me ^^
[02:00:54] wagnerrp: usually you can mix and match 32-bit or 64-bit hardware, and it will just function at reduced capacity
[02:02:22] MartinJT (MartinJT!~martin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:03:19] jolaren: great
[02:03:51] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:25:27] iamlindoro: Oh look, someone jumps out a window on Fringe a few weeks ago and as always, lands on a car.
[02:26:12] iamlindoro: further proving my point that if you fall out of a building in hollywood, you have a 100% chance of striking a vehivle
[02:26:16] wagnerrp: i dont remember that happening recently
[02:26:25] wagnerrp: not since the evil butterflies
[02:26:25] jolaren: yer, so many cars in hollywood
[02:26:41] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, quarantine building, secretary out a window
[02:26:47] iamlindoro: two weeks ago
[02:26:49] jolaren: seriously though.. Hollywood is the filthiest place I've ever visited..
[02:26:54] jolaren: worse than the slums in thailand
[02:27:12] jolaren: but there's fancy areas to ofcourse :P
[02:28:08] wagnerrp: youre right... there she is
[02:28:13] wagnerrp: forgot all about that one
[02:28:42] wagnerrp: except that wasnt hollywood, that was boston
[02:28:49] wagnerrp: as per the giant floating text
[02:28:58] wagnerrp: all hail the giant floating text
[02:29:05] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, I wasn't implying the setting was Hollywood
[02:29:09] ** wagnerrp has never liked the giant floating text **
[02:29:32] iamlindoro: rather hollywood as the source of our entertainment
[02:29:56] jolaren: yer atleast rather then bollywood ;)
[02:30:28] wagnerrp: well on a completely unrelated note... anyone not willing to dive into diskless booting, seems newegg has 80GB laptop drives for $20
[02:31:01] paul-h (paul-h! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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[02:31:30] jolaren: ooh sweet wagnerrp
[02:35:30] sphery: wagnerrp: the giant floating text is 90% of the reason I started watching Fringe
[02:36:37] jolaren: Fringe, i've never heard of it
[02:40:56] MartinJT (MartinJT!~martin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:41:42] jolaren: it worht watchin=
[02:42:38] sphery: I love it
[02:43:21] sphery: . . . ction=Search +
[02:46:34] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:49:00] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:53:01] jolaren: entourage, californication, south park, family guy and a few more
[02:53:05] jolaren: those are my all time favorites
[02:53:48] wagnerrp: never seen californication (dont get the channel)
[02:54:16] frogonwheels: sphery: my wife loves the giant floating text ;)
[02:54:19] wagnerrp: but the scene of him bashing the phone of someone talking in the theater almost makes me want to pick up the dvds
[02:55:10] arriflex (arriflex! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:55:10] jolaren: wagnerrp; it's really great
[02:55:15] jolaren: I love how he's really a sex addict in real life
[02:55:21] awalls (awalls! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:56:27] sphery: frogonwheels: yeah, and they do a great job working it into the scenery, with reflections (on the scenery, and perspective and ...
[02:57:12] frogonwheels: sphery: indeed, it's a very catchy style gimic thing
[02:57:20] shen-long (shen-long!~shenlong@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:58:13] sphery: It was cool when Heroes did the text, but Fringe's is so much more advanced looking
[02:58:51] frogonwheels: sphery: really? hereos had the text as well?
[02:59:02] frogonwheels: sphery: shows how much of an impact _that_made
[02:59:36] mc_shaky (mc_shaky! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:59:51] iamlindoro: about as memorable as the plot
[02:59:57] sphery: it was more cartoony and without the perspective and all
[03:00:12] teknopagan (teknopagan! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:00:20] sphery: but they would do things like drape it over the edge of the top of a building and stuff
[03:00:29] wagnerrp: yeah, i recently gave up and freed about 250GB
[03:00:48] frogonwheels: ah. yes.
[03:00:50] sphery: Free the gigabytes!
[03:00:59] sphery: At this point, I can't stop watching Heroes.
[03:01:03] iamlindoro: you can
[03:01:06] iamlindoro: it's easy
[03:01:09] iamlindoro: really, really easy
[03:01:10] jolaren: btw does mythtv automaticly detect what episode it's recording? like heroes s03e02 or whatever
[03:01:17] sphery: I'm one of those guys who always chases the bad investment hoping for payoff
[03:01:34] sphery: (With LOST it did--ref S5 & (it seems) S6)
[03:01:49] [R]: jolaren: it "detects" it from the listings... haha
[03:01:51] teknopagan: Evenin, folks
[03:02:26] jolaren: [R]; but is that in general provided by the listing+
[03:02:28] wagnerrp_ (wagnerrp_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:02:30] teknopagan: So, I'm thinking about one of these "book-size" barebones NVidia ION units for a frontend – anybody have experience or input on them?
[03:02:35] [R]: jolaren: well it depends on your listings
[03:02:39] sphery: jolaren: Meaning if your listings tell it, it knows... But it can look up info on them using to get fan art and stuff.
[03:02:42] kormoc: iamlindoro: but the cheerleader is a lesbian! So now sphery has to watch hoping for the kiss to end all kisses!
[03:02:55] iamlindoro: I have an internet for that sort of thing
[03:02:58] sphery: heh
[03:03:00] wagnerrp (wagnerrp! has quit (Disconnected by services)
[03:03:04] wagnerrp_ is now known as wagnerrp
[03:03:42] ahhughes (ahhughes! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:03:42] sphery: kormoc: so no more SMG & Selma Blair in that category?
[03:04:19] jolaren: [R]; sphery Aight .. I see, just wondering in general
[03:04:22] kormoc: It's only the best of the best until it happens
[03:04:36] sphery: isn't that always the case
[03:04:36] gandalfcome_ (gandalfcome_!~gandalfco@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:04:39] kormoc: indeed
[03:05:06] teknopagan: Trying to decide between this one:
[03:05:11] teknopagan: ...and this one: . . . E16856173001
[03:05:40] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[03:06:21] wagnerrp (wagnerrp! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[03:06:45] gandalfcome_ is now known as gandalfcome
[03:06:48] wagnerrp (wagnerrp! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:06:48] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v wagnerrp
[03:07:10] ** wagnerrp takes a hammer to his modem **
[03:07:37] kormoc: wagnerrp: well, there's your problem!
[03:07:37] teknopagan: Main difference being that one has a spot for an ODD and the other does not
[03:08:10] kormoc: odd? On Disk Diode?
[03:08:19] teknopagan: Optical Disc Drive
[03:08:22] kormoc: ahh
[03:08:35] teknopagan: As in, local DVD playback or not
[03:08:38] wagnerrp: is that really a problem?
[03:08:53] kormoc: So you're asking if we think you should be able to play dvd's or not on your front end?
[03:09:06] teknopagan: Not sure – haven't gotten DVD's working yet on my current frontend, so I don't know if it's a huge deal
[03:09:26] teknopagan: No, mainly asking what you think of the units from a hardware perspective
[03:10:16] teknopagan: Many reviews seem to be from people using them as myth FE's, so I know it'll work...just wanted to know if anybody in here has actually done this and had advice
[03:10:53] wagnerrp: it works when using VDPAU, yes
[03:11:10] wagnerrp: however theyre not much good for HD if you intend to use software decoding
[03:11:13] teknopagan: Still not sure exactly what VDPAU is for
[03:11:38] wagnerrp: do you remember any of those DVD or Divx decoding cards?
[03:11:52] wagnerrp: back when processors werent fast enough to handle it on their own?
[03:12:00] teknopagan: Yeah...
[03:12:05] wagnerrp: same thing
[03:12:14] teknopagan: OK, so this does the same thing, but uses the GPU?
[03:12:22] wagnerrp: it still takes a fairly beefy machine to do bluray decoding
[03:12:34] kormoc: The more things change, the more they stay the same
[03:12:36] wagnerrp: so VDPAU instead provides a hardware video decoder to use
[03:12:42] wagnerrp: it does not use the GPU
[03:12:43] teknopagan: Thought bluray wasn't supported yet?
[03:12:48] wagnerrp: it uses a dedicated VPU built into the chip
[03:12:53] wagnerrp: bluray directly... no
[03:13:06] wagnerrp: but that doesnt mean you cant decrypt it on windows, and play the m2ts files under mythtv
[03:13:19] teknopagan: Ahhh....gotcha
[03:14:01] teknopagan: OK, cool. Had one other issue I wanted to hit today – .srt subtitles.
[03:14:17] teknopagan: They look hideous since I upgraded to 0.22
[03:14:49] teknopagan: Very small and hard to see
[03:15:31] teknopagan: Did some hunting on the wiki and some mailing lists, but couldn't find anything useful
[03:16:25] kormoc: have them set to a font that you don't have installed?
[03:16:35] olejl1 (olejl1!~olejl@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:17:20] teknopagan: Not that I'm aware of – pretty sure all fonts are set to the same default font
[03:17:30] sphery: or did you change playback profiles (specifically renderers)
[03:18:35] teknopagan: Not unless some default thing changed with 0.22
[03:18:56] dashcloud (dashcloud!~quassel@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:19:35] sphery: that's what we're saying--nothing has changed in regard to subtitle rendering
[03:19:46] sphery: so the change is something on your system/configuration
[03:19:47] teknopagan: Thinking about changing from the Internal player to VLC or something that lets me easily adjust the look of subtitles
[03:19:54] olejl (olejl!~olejl@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[03:20:07] teknopagan: I think so – might also be due to the new monitor I hooked up
[03:20:13] kormoc: Ha, I was looking at this pet clinic site to take my parrots to for a checkup and was clicking around and came across this helpful tip, "Dust your chinchilla twice a week."
[03:20:20] QED__ (QED__! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:20:31] christ_ (christ_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:20:49] teknopagan: Picked up a 23" 16:10 monitor to replace the 19" 4:3, and the old beater laptop running my FE right now can't run it at native res
[03:20:58] sphery: heh, I thought people put chinchillas on sticks so they could dust the furniture
[03:21:12] teknopagan: hehe...where do they put the stick, sphery?
[03:21:29] sphery: didn't think that deeply about it...
[03:21:33] sphery: :)
[03:21:35] kormoc: I'm just imagining attempting to take a feather duster to a Chinchilla
[03:21:44] kormoc: Deeply...
[03:22:29] wagnerrp: i know someone with a chinchilla
[03:22:56] teknopagan: Yeah, I'm thinking I'll switch Internal to VLC
[03:22:57] kormoc: My brother has a Chinchilla, it's uber fun
[03:23:08] kormoc: teknopagan: g'luck with that...
[03:23:09] teknopagan: might take care of the sound issues on some of my movies also
[03:23:22] teknopagan: Think it's a bad idea, kormoc?
[03:23:45] kormoc: Didn't we remove that 'feature' ?
[03:23:58] wagnerrp: not quite yet
[03:24:55] teknopagan: The sound issue I'm referring to is that some of my videos are missing the voice track when played in the internal player, but play fine in MPlayer, VLC, etc
[03:25:24] sphery: have you tried hitting + to select a different audio track?
[03:25:43] teknopagan: Hmm...nope
[03:25:54] teknopagan: didn't know I could – can that be done from the menu?
[03:26:26] JJ1 (JJ1! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:26:30] sphery: yeah, MENU, then scroll to Select Audio Track
[03:26:35] JJ (JJ! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:26:50] teknopagan: OK, I'll check that out – but why is using an external player a problem?
[03:27:31] sphery: not so much a problem as we'd like the internal player to be able to do things right
[03:27:43] sphery: and if people have an easy out, they don't help fix the Internal player
[03:27:49] teknopagan: heh...
[03:28:06] teknopagan: True. Any reason to not just embed, say, MPlayer?
[03:28:40] sphery: because it doesn't do what we need a media player to do for TV recordings :)
[03:29:04] sphery: we have a lot of customizations in our player to handle TV that's broadcast in various areas of the world
[03:29:11] kormoc: teknopagan: cause we basically are? vlc, mplayer, etc all use libavcodec, which is the same as we use...
[03:29:21] sphery: plus a custom OSD and features like comm skip, timestretch, ...
[03:30:08] iamlindoro: and a whole host of features that no other player has, like frame-accurate seek
[03:30:18] sphery: exactly
[03:30:29] teknopagan: This is one of those times I wish I was a coder
[03:30:37] kormoc: so become one?
[03:30:54] sphery: coders are made, not born
[03:31:03] RyeBrye_ (RyeBrye_!~ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:31:04] teknopagan: I've tried multiple times – every time I get rolling on it, something comes up to devour my free time
[03:32:17] teknopagan: Heck, I'm sitting in my basement right now next to a stinky broken sump pump that's taken me >4 weeks to get working on
[03:32:31] teknopagan: Will be done tonight though!
[03:33:08] teknopagan: And sphery, I disagree – there's a certain kind of mind that's more suited to programming
[03:33:13] pyther (pyther!~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:33:45] kormoc: teknopagan: sure, but you can also learn to think that way as well
[03:33:48] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Quit: Terminated with extreme prejudice - dircproxy 1.0.5)
[03:34:10] teknopagan: Right, in the same way that you can learn to write left-handed
[03:34:26] teknopagan: but a righty will never do that as well as a natural lefty
[03:34:28] kormoc: sure, but a bit easier I'd say
[03:34:34] kormoc: I wouldn't say that
[03:34:46] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:34:46] RyeBrye_ is now known as RyeBrye
[03:34:47] kormoc: all it is is logic and problem understanding
[03:35:01] clever: breaking the problem up into smaller parts
[03:35:36] teknopagan: No, I get it – I can do a fair bit of bash scripting if the need arises, so I get what it's about
[03:35:59] teknopagan: Just saying that some people are more suited to coding than others. That's not a bad thing, it just is.
[03:36:22] alexvd_ (alexvd_! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[03:38:14] teknopagan: Regarding the subtitles, though – I'd prefer to fix it in the Internal player than to have to dig into my lircd file, so where should I start?
[03:39:54] kormoc: check the font that you have set and the size (playback settings somewhere), check the renderer information
[03:40:05] sphery: wow, a lot changed over the summer break on CSI: NY
[03:40:07] teknopagan: Where is the subtitle font set?
[03:40:17] teknopagan: Oh, missed that
[03:40:28] teknopagan: OK, I'll go check on those
[03:40:32] teknopagan: back in a few
[03:41:19] sphery: teknopagan: also note that if you're watching 160x120 videos, it will look terrible
[03:41:47] sphery: and it shouldn't look small because, ttbomk, we alway make it some 1:19 the height of the frame
[03:44:21] MartinJT (MartinJT!~martin@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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[03:52:50] sphery: hmm... LOST finale on a Sunday: . . . news;title;4
[03:53:12] iamlindoro: 4 8 15 16 *23* 42
[03:54:13] sphery: woah...
[03:54:49] sphery: I'd have been /really/ impressed if they aired it on the 42nd of the month, though
[03:55:11] iamlindoro: will probably be 42 minutes of it :)
[03:55:25] arriflex (arriflex! has quit (Quit: arriflex)
[03:55:47] iamlindoro: though 108 minutes would be better :)
[03:56:09] sphery: that would be sweet
[03:56:14] iamlindoro: See how nice it is to have a talkabout LOST without someone telling us he's too smart for it?
[03:56:22] sphery: heh
[03:57:00] sphery: he probably would have been able to tell us exactly where the groundhog was in last night's episode--without even watching it
[03:57:17] iamlindoro: Guess we'll have to soldier on without him
[03:58:02] sphery: I'll be so disappointed if I found out there was no groundhog
[03:58:17] sphery: Feb 2, redo, ... the stage was set
[03:58:19] iamlindoro: any carbon based lifeform should be able to
[04:00:18] sphery: this carbon based lifeform will have to wait for the pop up version
[04:00:38] sphery: (and hope the local station's animated news teasers don't cover them, again)
[04:02:25] iamlindoro: alas
[04:03:09] sphery: still gotta get you to send some of those TV execs out my way
[04:03:10] iamlindoro: Guess I'm extra lucky not to ever get any sort of local network teasers, etc.
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[04:04:20] ** iamlindoro hands kormoc one of these . . . a864fa05d6fd **
[04:04:38] iamlindoro: or, if you like,
[04:04:42] wagnerrp: that is amazing
[04:05:36] iamlindoro:
[04:05:37] kormoc: Yay@
[04:06:11] wagnerrp: i read the link as 'you had meat bacon', and was confused
[04:06:44] kormoc: Meat Bacon is sorta correct
[04:07:11] iamlindoro:
[04:07:22] iamlindoro: the hits just keep on coming!
[04:07:51] sphery: I thought there was only meat in bacon because they couldn't completely purify the fat...
[04:08:11] wagnerrp: dont forget, theres salt too
[04:08:38] wagnerrp: and magic
[04:08:40] kormoc: Mmm... Salty fat...
[04:08:41] wagnerrp: salt and magic
[04:08:49] kormoc: Mmm... Salty magical fat...
[04:09:03] sphery: kormoc: and you can always get "Don't forget to dust!" added to the back of this one
[04:09:22] kormoc: Haha
[04:10:55] iamlindoro:
[04:10:58] iamlindoro: That kind of rocks
[04:12:01] sphery:
[04:12:08] sphery: on sale this week!
[04:12:42] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!~gandalfco@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[04:12:52] iamlindoro:
[04:12:54] Tanthrix: Damn it, now I'm stuck in a t-shirt reading loop. Thanks a lot guys.
[04:12:55] iamlindoro: Classics...
[04:13:03] ** Tanthrix just recently got over his wikipedia tangent problem **
[04:13:16] wagnerrp: no Ash fan can ignore this one...
[04:13:21] iamlindoro: "Knowing is half the battle... the rest is violence"
[04:13:22] iamlindoro: haha
[04:13:47] Peacekeeper (Peacekeeper! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:16:10] Peacekeeper (Peacekeeper! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:17:13] Peacekeeper: I just got an hdhomerun and I am see very poor signal quality from it, but very good on my older air2pc card. They are both on the same antenna. The hdhomerun is running firmware 2010012.
[04:17:33] wagnerrp: Peacekeeper: are you using a splitter to connect both ports to the antenna?
[04:17:44] Peacekeeper: yes I am
[04:18:07] Peacekeeper: but that is the same splitter going to air2pc
[04:18:24] wagnerrp: why would you hook up a single device through a splitter?
[04:18:34] toeb (toeb! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:18:49] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:19:03] sphery: iamlindoro: Wait, this can't be right? Everyone knows it's a bear cat!
[04:19:05] Peacekeeper: Humm, I have one large antenna in attic. cable splits to both tuners in hdhr and one on air3pc
[04:19:24] Peacekeeper: air2pc*
[04:19:38] [R]: is it a balanced splitter?
[04:19:45] Peacekeeper: air2ps picture is great, hshr wont even lock most of the time
[04:19:54] Peacekeeper: balanced?
[04:20:09] [R]: is the db drop on each port the same?
[04:20:16] Peacekeeper: let me see
[04:20:31] Tanthrix: Peacekeeper: Swap the cables on the output of the splitter and see if the problem reverses.
[04:20:46] teknopagan (teknopagan! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:20:57] wagnerrp: hahah...
[04:21:30] Peacekeeper: says 3.5db 7db abd 7db
[04:21:34] Peacekeeper: and**
[04:21:43] Peacekeeper: that bad ?
[04:21:51] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:21:56] _abbenormal: ls
[04:22:05] [R]: well if the air2pc is plugged into the 3.5db port
[04:22:07] wagnerrp: are the two HDHR inputs connected to the -7db outputs?
[04:22:07] _abbenormal: wrong window sorry
[04:22:16] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:22:23] [R]: its gonna have a much stronger signal than the hdhr
[04:22:24] Peacekeeper: wagnerrp: yes I am swapping now
[04:22:41] wagnerrp: that basically means your HDHR is running at half power
[04:22:53] wagnerrp: well... technically quarter power
[04:23:06] teknopagan (teknopagan! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:23:06] wagnerrp: while the air2pc is running at just under half
[04:23:34] teknopagan: OK, no dice so far
[04:24:10] teknopagan: I'm at my FE right now – even tried modifying my xorg.conf with the DisplaySize variable
[04:24:31] brfransen (brfransen! has quit (Quit: brfransen)
[04:24:48] teknopagan: it's made all text outside of myth huge, but nothing useful inside
[04:25:41] teknopagan: I did note that Myth is using FreeMono.ttf for all fonts, but I don't see it installed on my box – where does myth look for fonts?
[04:26:18] Peacekeeper: wagnerrp: so what splitter should I use? or is that just the nature of a splitter?
[04:26:29] Peacekeeper: ok swapped ... checking now
[04:26:31] wagnerrp: thats the nature of a splitter
[04:26:38] wagnerrp: you only have so much signal
[04:26:44] wagnerrp: if you split it, you have less signal
[04:26:58] wagnerrp: if you need more signal, buy an amped splitter
[04:27:00] [R]: my 3 way has a 5.5 drop on all 3 ports
[04:27:18] wagnerrp: and/or buy a larger antenna
[04:27:42] Peacekeeper: It is pretty big hehe , at least for my attic
[04:28:19] Peacekeeper: Ok still have the problem :(
[04:28:36] wagnerrp: plug the cable directly into one port on the HDHR
[04:28:38] Peacekeeper: I removed splitter and when to tuner1 of hdhr and still same issue
[04:28:39] wagnerrp: no splitter
[04:28:41] wagnerrp: see what you get
[04:28:48] Peacekeeper: just did that :)
[04:28:53] Peacekeeper: same issue
[04:29:07] wagnerrp: you are seeing *some* signal from it?
[04:29:09] Peacekeeper: The lock only show La__
[04:29:21] Peacekeeper: says locked
[04:29:38] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:29:38] wagnerrp: do a scan on the command line tool and see what it comes up with
[04:29:40] teknopagan: Peacekeeper, what's the problem? not getting enough signal on your hdhr?
[04:29:51] Peacekeeper: but they locks up and myth errors with Error opoening jump program file
[04:30:00] wagnerrp: the HDHR comes with a matched firmware and driver
[04:30:04] Peacekeeper: ok trying that now
[04:30:08] teknopagan: have you tried adjusting where your antenna is pointed?
[04:30:08] Peacekeeper: tek: yes
[04:30:16] wagnerrp: however myth's internal driver libraries are for some version back in september
[04:30:20] Peacekeeper: Yes the air1pc has a great picture
[04:30:28] wagnerrp: maybe august, i dont remember exactly
[04:30:41] Peacekeeper: but hdhr not so much
[04:30:44] wagnerrp: there may be a significant difference in the API that the HDHR will not work with mythtv
[04:30:58] teknopagan: I just put in an hdhr – it did take a little fussing, but nothing major
[04:31:07] Peacekeeper: can I down grade hdhr?
[04:31:19] wagnerrp: if you can get a copy of it, you should be able to force it
[04:31:21] Peacekeeper: what firmware you on?
[04:31:40] Peacekeeper: If i can find a older firmware version I will try it :)
[04:31:42] teknopagan: that's not the issue – my hdhr is on latest firmware, working fine under 0.22
[04:32:14] ahhughes (ahhughes! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[04:32:41] teknopagan: you said you had your antenna hooked up to tuner1 – did you try tuner0?
[04:33:08] Peacekeeper: yes
[04:33:16] teknopagan: with no splitter?
[04:33:29] Peacekeeper: yes
[04:33:30] JJ (JJ! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[04:33:31] Peacekeeper: SCANNING: 177000000 (us-bcast:7, us-cable:7, us-irc:7)
[04:33:32] Peacekeeper: LOCK: 8vsb (ss=100 snq=91 seq=100)
[04:33:47] Peacekeeper: that is an example of a scan from command line
[04:33:51] wagnerrp: looks like plenty os fignal to me
[04:34:01] teknopagan: yup
[04:34:13] teknopagan: is this a new myth system?
[04:34:18] Peacekeeper: yes
[04:34:27] ** wagnerrp turns on lisdexia filter **
[04:34:40] Peacekeeper: ?
[04:34:49] teknopagan: Have you been through the online docs on the hdhr site?
[04:34:59] Peacekeeper: Yes and the forum
[04:35:05] wagnerrp: 'os fignal'... dislexia...
[04:35:21] Peacekeeper: ahhh
[04:35:32] teknopagan: ok, have plenty of signal at cli, but not within myth...
[04:35:36] Peacekeeper: LA G and locked is on
[04:35:47] Peacekeeper: but then freezes
[04:36:36] teknopagan: I've got LAMGV, locked
[04:36:49] Peacekeeper: i have LaG__
[04:37:01] Peacekeeper: and Partial Lock rigth now
[04:37:25] teknopagan: have you rebooted the backend since installing?
[04:37:26] Peacekeeper: change to air2pc and get lock very fast
[04:37:35] Peacekeeper: oh yea :) like 100 times
[04:37:41] teknopagan: air2pc?
[04:37:50] Peacekeeper: I have an air2pc hd card too
[04:37:58] Peacekeeper: using same antenna
[04:38:07] elmojo (elmojo! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:38:08] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:38:12] Peacekeeper: it is awesome picture
[04:38:14] teknopagan: ok – have a win machine anywhere?
[04:38:20] Peacekeeper: yes
[04:38:36] teknopagan: tried talking to hdhr with that?
[04:38:40] Peacekeeper: Work laptop runs it
[04:38:44] Peacekeeper: no
[04:38:45] elmojo (elmojo! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:38:50] Peacekeeper: I can do that
[04:39:08] teknopagan: yeah, check that out – might be a bad box
[04:39:53] teknopagan: so, fonts – where does myth look for them?
[04:40:21] Peacekeeper: installing now
[04:42:01] teknopagan: only options i'm seeing for fonts are freemono, freesans, and freesansbold
[04:42:43] Peacekeeper: Sorry I cant help you. :(
[04:46:14] Peacekeeper: humm
[04:46:22] sphery: teknopagan: for the OSD and captions they're in the Myth share dir
[04:46:23] Peacekeeper: channels seem jerky
[04:46:32] sphery: teknopagan: and that's all we distribute
[04:46:56] Tanthrix: Peacekeeper: Are you sure the channel that you're getting a partial lock on is unencrypted?
[04:47:12] wagnerrp: its broadcast, no encryption
[04:47:18] Peacekeeper: tunes fine on other card
[04:47:20] teknopagan: sphery, so if i wanted something else, i could copy it there?
[04:47:27] Peacekeeper: I wish i could downgrade just to test
[04:47:34] Peacekeeper: but i cant find older firmware
[04:48:07] teknopagan: did you upgrade it to most current already?
[04:48:15] Peacekeeper: Yes
[04:48:19] sphery: teknopagan: yep
[04:48:22] teknopagan: hmm
[04:48:23] Peacekeeper: In windows it shows the latest
[04:48:41] sphery: teknopagan: but you have to specify that as the OSD or OSD caption font
[04:49:05] teknopagan: right
[04:49:11] sphery: once in the right dir, you can select it in settings
[04:49:27] sphery: (might have to restart settings--or even the frontend)
[04:49:36] sphery: before selecting
[04:49:37] Tanthrix: I can't recall, does the HDHR have a web interface that shows thumbnails of channels?
[04:49:45] EvilBob (EvilBob!~bobjensen@fedora/bobjensen) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[04:50:28] wagnerrp: no
[04:50:35] wagnerrp: silicondust does
[04:50:36] Peacekeeper: I dont think so
[04:50:50] Peacekeeper: right
[04:51:40] Peacekeeper: i just re-flashed the firmware
[04:51:51] Peacekeeper: trying anything at this point :D
[04:52:39] pyther (pyther!~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[04:53:08] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:55:36] Peacekeeper: I see someone on the mythtv userlist with a similar issue
[04:55:47] Peacekeeper: I am reading thread now
[04:56:31] frogonwheels_ (frogonwheels_!~michaelg@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:56:32] Peacekeeper: ah nevermind
[04:58:17] frogonwheels (frogonwheels!~michaelg@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[05:03:12] Peacekeeper: Is there an easy way to disable those tuners till i troubleshoot more?
[05:03:27] wagnerrp: disconnect their source
[05:03:31] teknopagan: delete them from...wait
[05:03:42] Peacekeeper: Ok thx
[05:03:50] wagnerrp: a capture device with no source cannot record
[05:03:56] teknopagan: just struck me, how long have you had the air2pc?
[05:04:07] Peacekeeper: A long time
[05:04:25] teknopagan: did you blow it out before installing the hdhr?
[05:04:27] Peacekeeper: since myth first supported it
[05:04:43] Peacekeeper: ?
[05:04:44] tim- (tim-! has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[05:04:58] Peacekeeper: blow it out?
[05:05:07] Peacekeeper: the hdhr box?
[05:05:07] teknopagan: delete it from myth-setup
[05:05:16] Peacekeeper: Yes
[05:05:25] Peacekeeper: I removed all channels and rescanned
[05:06:07] teknopagan: so you removed all devices, sources, etc (including the air2pc) before installing the hdhr?
[05:06:19] Peacekeeper: yes, it is a new install
[05:06:29] tim- (tim-! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:06:56] teknopagan: have you tried it without the air2pc installed?
[05:07:04] Peacekeeper: no
[05:07:36] teknopagan: try dumping all your inputs etc. and then installing hdhr
[05:07:44] teknopagan: see if it works alone
[05:08:07] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[05:08:07] frogonwheels_ is now known as frogonwheels
[05:08:12] teknopagan: that's all i had to do for mine
[05:09:29] teknopagan: anyway, i'm out for now. thanks for the help, folks.
[05:09:38] teknopagan (teknopagan! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[05:14:46] Peacekeeper: Ok thank you all for your help
[05:14:51] Peacekeeper: I will work more on this in morning
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[08:18:02] xaxes: hey there, is there a way to get the recorded videos renamed to there "name of the show + date"?
[08:19:13] wagnerrp: you dont want to rename the recordings
[08:19:58] xaxes: yeah, symlinking ;)
[08:19:58] wagnerrp: however you can symlink them into a new folder, using with the '--link' option
[08:20:31] xaxes: Id read that there is only a "better time_stamp format"? but whats with episode names?
[08:20:52] wagnerrp: eh?
[08:21:23] xaxes: mhh, sorry, I read the wrong source..
[08:21:29] xaxes: thanks ;)
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[09:33:02] lydgate: is there a way of doing a mysql join in a power search?
[09:33:45] lydgate: or maybe i'm thinking of this in the wrong way — basically i've got a separate mysql table which is a list of films i want to see
[09:34:22] xaxes (xaxes!~xaxes| has left #mythtv-users ()
[09:34:44] lydgate: a power search like this: program.category_type='movie' and program.title in (select title from film.list)
[09:34:47] lydgate: that works fine
[09:34:53] lydgate: but the annoying thing is that it matches remakes
[09:34:57] lydgate: in my filmlist I have the year
[09:35:09] lydgate: so I also want to match year(originalairdate) = list.year
[09:35:23] lydgate: but being a sql noob i don't know how to do that without doing a join
[09:35:28] lydgate: anyone else this nerdy?
[09:38:29] gbee: you could just set up a bunch of title rules instead?
[09:39:05] gbee: hmm, although I guess that wouldn't allow for the year ...
[09:39:14] lydgate: yeah.... plus there's 1001 films on it, hehe
[09:39:26] lydgate: and i track which ones i've seen and query for seen=0 on that list
[09:40:09] gbee: although if you've got a table of films, then it wouldn't be difficult to insert those directly into the record table as a series of Find One rules
[09:40:17] lydgate: actually i might have got it
[09:41:11] gbee: I don't see why you can't do a join in that query, but I've never used the custom/power search stuff
[09:42:29] lydgate: well, the only problem is that normally the join comes before the where clause
[09:42:35] lydgate: and i think the power search just lets you put in a where clause
[09:42:45] lydgate: anyway i got it
[09:43:06] lydgate: i just put filmlist.oto as an additional table
[09:43:46] lydgate: and the search phrase: program.category_type='movie' and program.title = oto.title and year(originalairdate) = oto.year and oto.seen = 0;
[09:43:57] lydgate: i didn't know that would work but it looks like it does
[09:44:14] lydgate: i thought you'd have to join it up to make it know which row to look at... like I said I'm kind of a sql noob
[09:44:47] gbee: that was going to be my first suggestion until I got sidetracked into inserting rules directly etc
[09:46:53] lydgate: anyway sweet, now it dynamically records films from this list that i haven't seen that match the year
[09:47:03] lydgate: although i don't fully trust the year
[09:47:19] lydgate: maybe if i get bored i will see if i can match it within + or – 2 years
[09:47:33] lydgate: but still, sweet
[09:47:48] lydgate: mythtv is the reason i started learning mysql
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[10:11:28] justinh: I think my desktop machine is broken. running a tftp server & the transfer rate seems to be topping out at 1k/sec
[10:11:45] justinh: prolly just needs a reboot :-\
[10:14:53] Tanthrix: Just a catastrophic hard drive failure, nothing to worry about.
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[10:17:03] justinh: I don't care that much, it's my work desktop
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[10:32:53] justinh: ahh these evil little eCos boxes. ANPR gadgets :-\
[10:38:26] gunni_ (gunni_! has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[10:44:45] gbee: evil indeed
[10:48:34] justinh: they take composite video in & serve out mpeg4/mjpeg live video & number plate data over a network connection. Oh they can record video to SD card too
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[11:41:55] Dibblah: justinh: Have you seen the Tricaster stuff?
[11:42:08] justinh: nope
[11:42:20] justinh: bet it wees all over the junk we make though
[11:42:32] Dibblah: Interesting idea. Essentially, it's a PC.
[11:42:45] Dibblah: Forget the hardware, do it all in software.
[11:43:02] justinh: we bought a fabless chip manufacturer who designs crap codecs
[11:43:16] justinh: consequently everything we make now has to have the junk inside
[11:43:20] justinh: it's *useless*
[11:48:03] gunni (gunni! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[11:51:50] justinh: heh bet that Tricaster thing isn't running Windows
[11:52:42] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[11:53:27] justinh: it seems pretty cheap too, considering what DVE & mixing gear used to cost
[11:54:03] justinh: why can't mythtv do page turns for the PiP/PaP stuff? :-P
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[11:57:40] justinh: heh. great stuff. there's only about 10 seconds lag between the box & the viewing software
[12:01:07] ivor: oh fr the love of ****
[12:01:49] ivor: one of the printers here has crashed and is displaying a stack dump in the status window.
[12:02:04] ivor: its running windows.
[12:02:23] justinh: a printer running windows? lol
[12:02:33] ivor: aaarrrrgggghhhh
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[12:02:50] ivor: oh the humanity
[12:04:00] justinh: I'm guessing that turning it off & back on again hasn't helped
[12:06:20] ivor: probably will. i'm just leaving it.
[12:06:26] ivor: support can fix it.
[12:10:34] justinh: makes me sad to see cash machines crashy, revealing which OS they run, too
[12:10:55] justinh: and PoS terminals...
[12:10:58] ivor: its the lazy option.
[12:11:12] justinh: if there was ever an application for a hardened secure OS...
[12:11:34] justinh: not necessarily cheaper I bet either
[12:12:59] justinh: remember the 1st time I went to wagamama. I thought "oooo cool! wireless payment things & stuff!". then pondered for a bit & started to worry about how secure it was
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[12:22:47] Dibblah: justinh: For the tricaster, it's 2–3 frames lag.
[12:23:12] Dibblah: (Not of course including encoding / decoding stages, that's just for dumb frame mixing and simple effects)
[12:30:49] justinh: that's not bad at all
[12:30:57] justinh: unlike say, our junk ;-)
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[12:34:16] justinh: hmm apparently the BBC are considering axing the DAB only radio stations
[12:35:16] gunni (gunni! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:35:43] Dibblah: Is it because they is black?
[12:37:45] justinh: no, itz coz them is not bein listind too innit
[12:40:36] Dibblah: u nd 2 hr mr yoof culture.
[12:41:34] gbee: do they have DAB-only stations? Or do they mean those also simulcast on DVB?
[12:41:52] justinh: they mean asian network, 1xtra, 6music ...
[12:42:04] justinh: ones not already cast on FM
[12:42:23] gbee: right, all of which are also on satellite and terrestrial DVB
[12:42:35] justinh: though I wish when ElReg say 'according to a report' they'd back it up with a source or a link
[12:42:53] Dibblah: There's very good reasons for them not to do that.
[12:43:10] gbee: not that I ever listen to it, but ditching 6 music might be a shame, afaik it's the only national station which any indie focus at all
[12:43:11] Dibblah: Primarily because you'd see it's cribbed word for word from a press release.
[12:43:30] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[12:43:34] gbee: s/which/with/
[12:48:06] justinh: they should've got into loads of bother for calling 1Xtra a 'black' music station anyway IMHO.. as well as duplicating so much output these days
[12:48:57] dkeith__ (dkeith__! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:49:01] justinh: on the plus side maybe they'll be able to bump the bitrates of whatever's left :)
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[12:49:57] Dibblah: You believe in the tooth fairy too?
[12:49:58] gunni_ (gunni_! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[12:50:33] justinh: they own the mux space IIRC, so why not?
[12:51:11] justinh: IMHO the whole problem with DAB is that there are too many stations already, but ironically not very much choice
[12:51:20] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:51:21] gbee: why bump the bitrate when they can lease the space or cram in another HD channel somewhere
[12:51:29] gunni (gunni! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:51:30] gbee: oh, you mean on DAB
[12:51:33] gbee: hmm
[12:51:34] justinh: gbee: on DAB I meant ;)
[12:52:00] justinh: then again the FM band is stuffed full of 'best music' proclaiming commercial dirge
[12:53:20] Dibblah: Plus side – James Blunt is currently not on every single playlist.
[12:53:52] gbee: the problem with radio generally is the lack of choice, you can swap between them and not even notice a difference in the music, I grew sick of the tiny playlists and constant interuption by banal dialogue and/or adverts
[12:54:24] justinh: Dibblah: I'm afraid if I tell you my current annoying tune it'll get stuck in my head again
[12:54:27] Dibblah: I just cheat and listen to
[12:56:22] gbee: biggest joke is something like Virgin with their 'no repeat guarantee' which only means they don't play the same track twice in a day, but the following day it's the exact same list just shuffled a little, way too much top ten stuff from the eighties too (as if no-one is bored of hearing it constantly for the last 20–30 years)
[12:56:51] justinh: planet rock are almost as bad
[12:57:03] justinh: Planet frickin Meatloaf more like
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[13:11:36] [Peter]: wow, new level of annoynace, people requesting DCC chats instead of sending private messages
[13:12:42] justinh: in here?
[13:12:45] [Peter]: yeah
[13:12:46] Dassu: :D
[13:13:02] justinh: channel policy should be immediate ban IMHO ;-)
[13:13:04] Dassu: juski would love that
[13:13:30] justinh: Dassu: I wouldn't even see a DCC request
[13:13:38] [Peter]: Macka: hint: I don't like private messages either
[13:14:50] afm (afm! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:16:07] TauPan: Macka: I suggest you read this
[13:16:21] [Peter]: oh, he needs to register his nickname.
[13:16:27] [Peter]: Macka: /msg nickserv help
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[13:16:34] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stoffel
[13:17:10] TauPan: hm, does the frenode motd mention this?
[13:17:25] justinh: asking for help in PMs is rude but above all selfish
[13:17:38] justinh: not in all cases.. but generally
[13:18:08] [Peter]: justinh: yeah, problem was that he hasn't registered his nick, and you're not allowed to talk in here without doing that
[13:18:32] TauPan: maybe the channel join notice should mention this, I don't know if it does
[13:18:55] jokajak: there should just be a redirect channel imo then
[13:19:24] justinh: nobody ever reads those anyway
[13:19:34] [Peter]: nobody ever reads anything
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[13:21:48] Dibblah: gbee, GreyFoxx, etc – Maybe it's time to remove the +R?
[13:22:12] ** Dibblah is not sure who is +o here. **
[13:23:37] Macka: test
[13:23:42] Macka: At long last
[13:23:51] Macka: Thank you Peter
[13:23:52] ivor: yaaaay! :)
[13:24:10] justinh: if anyone can.. Macka can?
[13:24:16] Macka: someone really needs to put a message up when you join the channel
[13:24:41] justinh: someone really needs to force people to read the join message if we had one ;_)
[13:25:40] Macka: *facepalm* I just found it sorry guys, I thought I had read it all
[13:26:24] gunni (gunni! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[13:26:27] [Peter]: Macka: there has been a lot of spamming going on lately, that's the reason for the registered nick requirement
[13:26:29] afm (afm! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:26:41] Macka: The green text wasn't on the screen, when I logged on and I only saw the brown text
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[13:26:55] xand: mmm
[13:27:10] xand: tomorrow I will finally have a TV worthy of a mythtv frontend
[13:28:53] Macka: first build xand?
[13:29:36] xand: no, first LCD TV instead of a crappy 10 year old 4:3 CRT
[13:29:53] xand: so I've only used mythtv as a backend till now
[13:29:55] xand: to record
[13:29:57] Macka: nice
[13:31:29] hipitihop (hipitihop!~denis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:31:45] Macka: ok, I hope this is a quick question, I have googled it and checked the wiki and the mailing list archives. Even a prod in the right direction would be helpful.
[13:32:36] Macka: I've had MythTV (Mythbuntu) running fairly smoothly for about a fortnight, and came across a problem today that I was not previously experiencing
[13:33:07] Macka: I have a combined frontend backend, dedicated machine.
[13:33:52] Macka: I am using MythWelcome to shutdown the system when it is idle; this was working well until today.
[13:34:04] Macka: it shuts down and immidiately starts up again
[13:34:35] Macka: the idle time times out and the process repeats
[13:35:17] Macka: I'm not sure where to begin looking for the problem, I hadn't changed any settings between this working and the problem beginning
[13:37:48] justinh: hmm. no automagical system updates in the meantime?
[13:38:03] Macka: nope, no internet connection at the moment
[13:38:19] Macka: haven't had a chance to buy more connectors and make up a cable
[13:39:09] Macka: I broke the cycle last time by holding the power off before GRUB kicked in, however in doing so it didn't start up as per the schedule
[13:40:47] Dibblah: Macka: Something resting on the keyboard / mouse moving slightly / ...?
[13:41:01] Dibblah: Some new USB device attached?
[13:42:08] Macka: well, it's not setup to wakeup when the mouse moves, but to be on the safeside I'll turn it upside down
[13:42:42] Macka: nothing resting on the KB, though it is conceivable that there is a faulty key, though again, it isn't set for startup on KB
[13:43:00] Macka: no, no new USB devices attached
[13:44:14] Macka: oh, something else, this isn't restricted to auto shutdown, it happens if I select Shutdown from the Welcome menu
[13:44:52] Macka: I'll try exiting MythWelcome and using the systems shutdown button
[13:45:36] gbee: refering to the earlier discussion of +R, every time you try to send a message to a channel with +R it tells you to register, not freenode's fault if you either ignore or your IRC client ignores those messages from chanserv/nickserv
[13:46:04] alexvd_ (alexvd_! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:46:10] sid3windr: it's nice that there's no way to see it's +R too
[13:47:51] Dibblah: gbee: That's actually quite a common default IRC configuration, I think.
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[13:48:24] Dibblah: And the storm of spam appears to have stopped in the other non-+R channels I'm in.
[13:48:35] Macka: @+gbee: I never got a message to register, I'm not sure on the inner workings of IRC, but I would have thought that would be a plain text message and would be Client independent, though I could be wrong
[13:49:14] Dibblah: Hmm. Who knew?
[13:49:51] gbee: I'll remove +R but not without reluctance
[13:50:19] sid3windr: [03|14:57:15] < sid3windr> anyone know of something like the samsung U70 7" USB displaylink thingy, but a bit larger? 10–12"
[13:50:23] sid3windr: [03|14:57:15] [-] #mythtv-users Cannot send to channel
[13:50:24] justinh: is the bot threat mostly over now?
[13:50:25] sid3windr: [03|14:57:20] -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- You are now identified for SiD3WiNDR.
[13:50:28] sid3windr: this is how it's shown that you can't talk :)
[13:50:49] sid3windr: imo not too easy to not-see
[13:50:57] Macka: I use mIRC, I received this:
[13:50:58] sid3windr: but maybe it depends on the client in what window it's shown
[13:50:59] Macka: <Macka> Hello?
[13:51:00] Macka: #mythtv-users Cannot send to channel
[13:51:02] justinh: sid3windr: might depend on the client
[13:51:06] gbee: justinh: they think it's easier to prevent since they switched to the new ircd
[13:51:19] sid3windr: thing is, it's not +R anymore
[13:51:23] [Peter]: "Cannot send to channel" is not really saying what you need to do though
[13:51:25] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o gbee
[13:51:34] sid3windr: it's +q #!please/@not|unR3gis1terd3c!##//#!/
[13:51:40] sid3windr: (or whatever)
[13:51:56] sid3windr: you can't even see with /mode #mythtv-users that it's set
[13:52:26] sid3windr: (at least I just have +cnt here, perhaps when you're opped you have more?)
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[13:55:02] Macka: Shutting down by exiting MythWelcome and using the (system menu?)>logout>shutdown seems to have partially solved the problem
[13:55:29] Macka: it didn't start up again, so I guess that's progress.
[13:56:11] Macka: I'll have too look in to it more tomorrow, it's 12:25am
[13:56:17] justinh: it
[13:56:23] justinh: that's already tomorrow then :D
[13:56:32] Macka: lol, yes, yes it is
[13:56:35] sid3windr: just means tomorrow is 47 hours away!
[13:56:49] sid3windr: err 25
[13:56:51] sid3windr: whatever =)
[13:56:55] sid3windr: 23.5 :D
[13:57:02] sid3windr: it's time for weekend :(
[13:57:28] Macka: ok, I'll rephase :P I'll look into it further later today :)
[13:57:44] Macka: thanks for the help
[13:57:50] Macka (Macka! has quit (Quit: bye!)
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[13:59:19] Mode for #mythtv-users by gbee! : -q $~a
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[13:59:42] Mode for #mythtv-users by gbee! : -o gbee
[14:00:24] gbee: dunno if I succeeded in removing the flag, they changed it with the new ircd and I can't find documentation
[14:00:47] sid3windr: looks like it at least did something
[14:00:59] sid3windr: I don't think freenode lets you remove modes that were not set
[14:01:02] sid3windr: (ala ircnet)
[14:01:20] sid3windr (sid3windr! has quit (Quit: Reconnecting)
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[14:01:31] sid3windr: test 1 2 3
[14:01:36] sid3windr: :)
[14:01:49] sid3windr: seems to work
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[14:29:21] mzb: sid3windr: iirc there was a notice recently about some mode(s) not working (yet)
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[14:38:36] xand: gbee: you were.
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[15:09:07] daum: hey guys – anyone here using comcast DTA with an ir blaster? I can't seem to figure out the code to have myblaster send it to the cable box
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[16:03:39] devinheitmueller: "If you are using standard Ubuntu 9.10, and have got mythtv running, it is very simple to get LIRC to work with your remote." – delusional user who updated the MythTV wiki this morning.
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[16:14:11] justinh: lol
[16:14:36] justinh: "Assuming you have got the actual remote working"
[16:15:13] justinh: yeah, because the hardest thing about making lirc work isn't getting irw to verify button presses...
[16:15:27] newbie005 (newbie005! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:15:29] justinh: or compiling drivers, or mucking about with setserial & junk...
[16:16:15] newbie005: hi, this is probablly an old question. Can I shrink my movies somehow? I was thinking of xvid. I'd like them still avaialbe in the frontend if that's possible
[16:16:49] gbee: if you don't mind a drop in picture quality
[16:17:08] newbie005: I wouldn't mind that
[16:17:49] newbie005: but if the format was just changed that wouldn't do it alone?
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[16:18:06] justinh: you can change codecs, or change resolution. or both
[16:18:16] justinh: or just lower the bitrate...
[16:18:18] hackman: if the CPU is fast enough, is software decoding better than VDPAU?
[16:18:19] gbee: Whilst a recording is selected, Menu > Job Options > Begin Transcoding
[16:18:31] justinh: hackman: generally can be. but not deinterlacing
[16:18:34] iamlindoro: dangerous question
[16:18:57] iamlindoro: ugh, justinh has been swallowed up by the VDPAU masses
[16:19:02] gbee: hackman: yes, although some people still prefer the deinterlacing offered by VDPAU, however you can use software decoder with vdpau rendering
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[16:19:13] newbie005: I have it set to transcode after recording,, does this mean that the size has already been optmizedd?
[16:19:20] gbee: note "some people", not everyone
[16:19:32] iamlindoro: There are those that think VDPAU offers better deinterlacing, and those that think those people are delusional and protective of their purposes
[16:19:32] justinh: newbie005: depends entirely on the transcoder profile & how its set
[16:19:40] iamlindoro: er their purchases
[16:20:05] newbie005: justinh: ah, well I didn't set it at all, where can I look into that?
[16:20:09] justinh: iamlindoro: and there are those who have enough CPU grunt to decode HD playback but not deinterlace it well ;-)
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[16:20:38] newbie005: would it be possible to get the "transcoder" to convert it to xvid and still be usable in the frontend ?
[16:20:48] streeter: I have to use vdpau on my mac mini. software decoding of HD recordings hits 100% cpu easy
[16:20:50] justinh: no you need to use a user job to convert to crappy xvid
[16:21:28] newbie005: I thought xvid was considered pretty good?
[16:21:32] gbee: newbie005: you don't want xvid, there are better codecs, mythtranscode currently offers mpeg4 part 4, in future it may offer H.264 too
[16:21:39] justinh: gbee: are the transcoding profiles sensible defaults now? i.e. will just selecting a recording & telling it to go off & transcode just work?
[16:22:14] streeter: could I transcode to something software decoding can handle without losing quality?
[16:22:24] justinh: streeter: no
[16:22:32] justinh: all transcoding involves quality loss
[16:22:40] gbee: justinh: dunno, I thought we had sorted sane defaults but it's been years since I had an unmodified install
[16:23:07] justinh: the question is whether or not you *notice* the quality loss
[16:23:53] newbie005: how can I tell what the current encoding is? In windows I'd use gspot. avidemux just reports "mpeg"
[16:24:06] hackman: justinh: in 0.22, you still can't transcode out of the box. Have to configure various profiles first.
[16:24:43] gbee: newbie005: ffmpeg -i <filename>
[16:24:43] justinh: thought as much
[16:25:10] newbie005: so my out of the box install of mythtv is set to transcode new recordings, but it's actually doing nothing?
[16:25:14] newbie005: +gbee: thanks
[16:25:23] justinh: newbie005: probably failing to transcode anything
[16:25:36] newbie005: I'll check the logs...
[16:25:37] hackman: newbie005: that's been my experience.
[16:25:40] ** justinh rants about everybody keeping everything forever. Again **
[16:26:12] streeter: I have the HD PVR, I think it's H.264
[16:26:17] justinh: one day you'll regret turning that movie into low quality mush ;-)
[16:26:21] hackman: newbie005: also, the "begin transcoding" item in the OSD menu does nothing, until profiles are set up.
[16:26:41] gbee: 10:1 most people never actually rewatch 90% of their stored recordings
[16:26:45] newbie005: hackman: yeah I think that's what I've got
[16:27:06] justinh: gbee: my wife doesn't. I plan to have a big disk failure soon :D
[16:27:15] newbie005: my use of mythtv isn't so much to watch tv (I know this sounds crazy) but to stop watching tv
[16:27:24] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!~ryebrye@ has quit (Quit: RyeBrye)
[16:27:28] justinh: well I say 'disk failure'.. I mean I'll delete the recordings & blame it on the hardware
[16:27:49] newbie005: now that I know that the last week of the simpsons were all repeats, I don't really care to watch it
[16:27:59] gbee: newbie005: that's not crazy at all, most people watch less TV once they have mythtv than they did before
[16:28:03] streeter: all I ever do with it is time-shift. I never keep the stuff after I watch it
[16:28:06] justinh: they're crap anyway, since the last few series
[16:28:20] justinh: I watch about an hour a day at most, maybe 2
[16:28:34] justinh: as opposed to wasting all night every night in front of the box
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[16:28:54] gbee: it's 7pm, you're bored and you'd normally watch whatever junk is on the TV, only you don't have to anymore because you've got recordings to watch instead
[16:29:05] newbie005: exactly
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[16:29:15] justinh: I'm still trying to get the urge to watch all four seasons of The Wire
[16:29:17] justinh: I just CBA
[16:29:30] gbee: justinh: there were five
[16:29:41] justinh: lol. all five then
[16:29:59] justinh: however many BBC4 have shown. I've got them all
[16:30:32] gbee: or it's 11pm, you're tired and would rather be in bed, but you've got to stay up to watch something that's shown in another 20 minutes – MythTV, the solution to a good nights sleep
[16:31:09] gbee: justinh: ditto and those I have bothered to archive, even though I watched the lot, because IMHO it was that good
[16:31:15] justinh: or you rig up mythtv so your wife can watch all her soaps in much less time, to make more YOU time for you.. so she watches more soaps
[16:31:55] gbee: well, maybe dropped off a little in the last series, but by the time you get there they've earnt your loyalty
[16:32:29] justinh: be weird when this kid comes along.. having to be careful what we watch & when
[16:32:51] justinh: might have to get off my arse & do something with the parental controls a bit
[16:32:55] newbie005: I'm at a Gig per 30min show, does that sound too large?
[16:33:07] justinh: newbie005: nope
[16:33:10] gbee: that's pretty normal
[16:33:41] gbee: HD can be 8GB/hour
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[16:33:57] newbie005: wow, I thought I was wasting a lot of space
[16:34:04] justinh: SD can be 4GB/hour
[16:34:11] gbee: indeed
[16:34:13] justinh: <3 BBC
[16:34:45] gbee: mpeg2 vs H.264
[16:35:16] justinh: newbie005: IMHO it's only a waste of space if it's not worth watching
[16:35:26] justinh: and if it's not worth watching, why even record it? ;-)
[16:35:59] justinh: people trying to decide if something's worth keeping by the amount of space it takes up. Meh. it's either worth keeping or it ain't
[16:36:00] newbie005: totally, well I do have another project I'm kicking around..
[16:36:36] newbie005: I want to record the news and commericals, then allow users to super-impose commentary over it
[16:36:45] jamesd_: newbie005, just be glad that 1.5 TB harddrives are getting so cheap
[16:36:49] newbie005: like mst3k
[16:37:09] newbie005: perhaps if the news is lying to us, they could expose what they feel was misleading
[16:37:19] justinh: the inescapable truth is that storage has never been cheaper, and it'll continue to get cheaper
[16:37:45] devinheitmueller: I don't even want to think about what the copyright implications of what newbie005 is suggesting are...
[16:37:46] justinh: 640K?! I'll never fill all that!
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[16:40:19] justinh: well, I'm off to the local car shop to see how much I have to bend over come MOT time
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[16:40:26] ** jamesd_ remembers thinking wow 110k floppy, it will take me months to fill just one... **
[16:40:53] newbie005: what was the key to edit commericals ?
[16:40:57] justinh: E
[16:41:02] newbie005: thanks
[16:41:17] justinh: because 'commercials' starts with the letter 'e'
[16:41:24] justinh: oh wait, that's wrong
[16:41:43] justinh: the word EDIT starts with the letter E
[16:43:55] newbie005: in the edit mode, I can only jump fowards and back a few seconds.. is there a faster way?
[16:44:40] gbee: newbie005: press up/down in edit mode
[16:44:44] gbee: changes the unit
[16:45:12] gbee: anywhere from 10 minutes to a single frame
[16:45:27] newbie005: ah, ok another question, how can I delete a marker that was incorrectly placed?
[16:46:24] gbee: before frame in the list of units, is cutpoint, lets you move from cutpoint to cutpoint, select the cutpoint and you'll have an option to remove it
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[16:48:05] newbie005: got it thanks!
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[17:09:02] sphery: where's a newbie005 when you want to add: under "In edit mode"
[17:09:11] sphery: oh well, guess he won't learn about > and <...
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[17:30:02] Der-Tim: hi there
[17:30:28] Der-Tim: is there a chance setting the video scan to fixed progressive?
[17:30:44] Der-Tim: so i don't have to set it manually
[17:31:13] wagnerrp: why would you want to force it?
[17:31:30] sphery: Der-Tim: sounds like you need to upgrade
[17:31:56] Der-Tim: wagnerrp: because all menues ar flickering while watching over my projector... ;-) and setting it to progressive solves the problem
[17:32:16] sphery: ah, then you need to fix your playback profile
[17:32:18] iamlindoro: all setting it to progressive does is disable myth's deinterlacer
[17:32:19] wagnerrp: choose a different deint filter
[17:32:22] iamlindoro: so yeah, as sphery said
[17:32:23] sphery: you do /not/ want to use CPU+
[17:32:47] sphery: Utilities/Setup|Setup|TV Settings|Playback, 3rd screen
[17:32:54] sphery: change the playback profile group to Slim
[17:32:58] sphery: then enjoy
[17:33:11] Der-Tim: sphery: kay, will give it a try
[17:33:15] Der-Tim: just a second
[17:33:21] sphery: or if you're a VDPAU user, use VDPAU Slim
[17:33:39] wagnerrp: aww crap...
[17:34:12] wagnerrp: my IPs all changed last night
[17:34:18] wagnerrp: including my mail server
[17:34:20] Der-Tim: sphery: wonderfil, thanks
[17:34:35] Der-Tim: -i+u
[17:34:35] sphery: heh, wonderfil... Sounds like a new zoom mode for Myth
[17:34:41] Der-Tim: *gg*
[17:34:44] Der-Tim: :-p
[17:34:52] sphery: I take it that worked?
[17:35:05] sphery: if so, the culprit was the use of Bob deinterlacing
[17:35:33] sphery: (but CPU+ is a terrible choice--and is only the default because of a bug that's not worth fixing because we're going to throw away the buggy code)
[17:37:01] Der-Tim: sphery: well, that fixed the issue, thanks for that...
[17:38:11] Der-Tim: 0.22 is still capable of using analogue cable tv while it's not capable of scanning for channels with it, correct?
[17:38:18] Gremlin484 (Gremlin484! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[17:38:23] mishehu: VDPAU Slim Shady
[17:39:06] mishehu: man too bad VDPAU is only good for decoding
[17:39:19] mishehu: it'd be nice if it could do encoding as well.
[17:39:46] wagnerrp: GPU-based implementations of libav* are probably accepted upstream
[17:41:57] Der-Tim: sphery: am i right in my statement about 0.22?
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[17:42:05] sphery: Der-Tim: exactly--ideally you can use Fetch channels from listings provider (but may not be able to depending on listings source--in the US you can (and should))
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[17:43:07] Der-Tim: sphery: well, i've found all channels i need (and i'm in germany) with 0.21 ... can i upgrade savely to 0.22?
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[18:00:02] mishehu: wagnerrp: donno, from what I read of VDPAU, it can only do decoding. there is CUDA from nvidia, but my atom ion wouldn't likely support that.
[18:00:29] wagnerrp: mishehu: if you have a system that supports VDPAU, you have a system that supports CUDA
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[18:02:07] mishehu: wagnerrp: interesting. you say it does, I've been talking with some ffmpeg and x264 devs who claim it's not all vdpau-sporting nvidia chipsets. in fact, Dark-Shikari said he didn't see GPU as really being a big boon to transcoding (unless I misunderstood him)
[18:02:34] mishehu: wish I knew who was more correct than the other :-)
[18:03:07] wagnerrp: all 8-series chips support CUDA, including a couple that dont support VDPAU
[18:03:29] wagnerrp: however the lower end chipsets will not be of much use
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[18:03:40] wagnerrp: due to lack of onboard memory and shader power
[18:04:26] mishehu: and I imagine that the ion is pretty low end in that regard
[18:04:47] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:05:03] wagnerrp: the problem with ffmpeg and x264 is that you would have to scrap several years of hand-coded optimization for the x86 platform
[18:05:16] mishehu: wish there was something that could use ATI Avivo for ffmpeg and mythtranscode. I've got a hd 48xx series card
[18:05:18] wagnerrp: and rewrite it from scratch to run on what is effectively a giant vector unit
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[18:06:04] mishehu: wagnerrp: I think they might be implementing that modularly so that if CUDA et al (vaapi for intel, etc) are used that it doesn't necessitate the need to actually remove the years of hand-optimized code
[18:06:41] wagnerrp: they would have to modularize the entire code base
[18:06:41] simcop2387 (simcop2387!~simcop238@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:06:51] wagnerrp: because almost none of it would be usable on a GPU
[18:07:46] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
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[18:11:20] jolaren: wagnerrp; I had some problems gettin the PCI card into my 1u rack.. but I think it's in place now
[18:11:51] mishehu: wagnerrp: well no idea, but I have see options in the code for using vaapi
[18:11:59] mishehu: which I believe is intel's congruent to CUDA
[18:14:02] mishehu: but in the meantime, on my atom ion doing mpeg2ps to mkv-h264 video transcoding (audio is straight copied a52), I'm getting 2fps encoding. on my athlon64 x2 6000+, I get... 3fps with the same files!
[18:14:27] mishehu: that's some damn speedy high quality encoding
[18:15:15] mishehu: (I'm sure the ultrafast option instead of high quality would be somewhat faster, but crappy quality)
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[18:32:15] guest23423 (guest23423!~matt@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:34:55] guest23423: Hi all, I have upgraded my mythtv through various versions in the past and have also run a version compiled from source which is when i hit a problem with my install (I suspect database related) I am now back running the 0.22.0+fixes22594–0ubuntu1 from ubuntu repo and still have the issue. When watching livetv some channels loop repeatedly, seems to be when they are going to commercial break or when coming back from commercial break. I think it must b
[18:36:15] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:36:27] guest23423: It took me quite some time to get all the channels setup properly in the database along with the schedule info scrapped from internet so didn't really want to wipe the database if possible
[18:42:40] Gremlin484 (Gremlin484! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[18:42:51] wagnerrp: mishehu: a 6000+ should be much faster than a Atom
[18:43:00] wagnerrp: assuming you have the same settings on both
[18:43:23] mishehu: well that's a 50% speed diff :-)
[18:43:30] mishehu: 2->3fps
[18:43:52] wagnerrp: yeah, it should be like 2->6fps
[18:44:04] mishehu: however... [libx264 @ 0x1013630]using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 Cache64 on the atom
[18:44:18] mishehu: MMX2 and SSE2Slow on the athlon64 x2
[18:44:51] wagnerrp: that shouldnt make THAT much difference
[18:45:01] mishehu: it's the only guess I can make.
[18:45:24] mishehu: because though it should be more around 6fps it's not... both using the same builds
[18:45:38] mishehu: in fact it was the athlon64 x2 that built the packages.
[18:46:00] wagnerrp: print out your x264 command line
[18:46:22] mishehu: actually calling it up from ffmpeg. hang on.
[18:47:01] mishehu: nice -n 15 ffmpeg -i $1 -acodec copy -pass 2 -vcodec libx264 -vpre hq -b 5500k -bt 5500k -threads 0 $TEMP-h264.mkv
[18:47:35] mishehu: it's the second pass taht has no real diff. the first pass the athlon64 x2 screams past it at around 15–20fps
[18:47:36] MartinJT (MartinJT!~martin@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[18:47:57] mishehu: while the atom gets around 4–6fps on teh first pass.
[18:48:27] mishehu: oh sorry, I changed the bitrate from that paste. it's 4500k not 5500k
[18:48:35] wagnerrp: the first pass is often run at low quality since its just an analysis pass
[18:48:52] mishehu: wagnerrp: -vpre fastfirstpass yes
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[18:49:21] mishehu: but the performance difference between two machines for the first pass is much more significant
[18:49:35] mishehu: around 4x the speed on the athlon64.
[18:50:02] mishehu: whereas 2nd pass shows only a difference of about 150%
[18:50:02] wagnerrp: im trying to find a list of the preset settings
[18:50:55] mishehu: wagnerrp: I'm following examples off of , from the #ffmpeg topic
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[18:58:34] wagnerrp: i dont see anything particularly excessive with that profile
[18:58:51] wagnerrp: i might drop the subpixel refinement down one
[18:59:45] sphex_ (sphex_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:00:17] wagnerrp: also, you should define a level
[19:00:43] wagnerrp: and unless you want a tightly defined file size, you should only run single pass
[19:01:17] sphex (sphex! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[19:01:25] wagnerrp: drop the bitrate settings all together, set a quantizer of ~20 (lower is higher quality), and let x264 do as it pleases
[19:03:25] yfwork (yfwork! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:03:27] mishehu: that's the crf mode
[19:03:38] mishehu: I did that, the results are basically the same
[19:03:53] wagnerrp: exactly... and you can skip the first pass
[19:05:30] MartinJT (MartinJT!~martin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:07:03] mishehu: well the diff here is the 2pass is if you're trying to keep the resulting file to a certain size
[19:07:11] mishehu: which is what I'm working at.
[19:07:13] wagnerrp: right, why do you care?
[19:07:49] mishehu: I'm being ocd about fitting things into a certain size
[19:08:07] wagnerrp: are you trying to burn them to DVD or something?
[19:08:13] mishehu: but like I said, the first pass is pretty fast.
[19:08:17] mishehu: wagnerrp: *nod*
[19:08:21] wagnerrp: why?
[19:08:37] mishehu: so I got them backed up
[19:08:46] wagnerrp: why not just back them up to a hard drive?
[19:09:22] mishehu: dvd's are smaller. in this case, I'm filling up blurays.
[19:09:35] wagnerrp: s/smaller/larger/
[19:09:37] mishehu: they're also lighter weight and more portable than haddrives.
[19:09:47] wagnerrp: s/lighter/heavier/
[19:09:50] iamlindoro: 1000 DVDs is much bigger than 5 TB worth of HD
[19:10:03] mishehu: yeah thank you.
[19:10:14] mishehu: but I'm not carrying around 1000 dvds with me
[19:11:12] mishehu: in general a single bluray is lighter and less fragile than a mechanical harddrive. and if properly handled and stored, more reliable than ssd.
[19:11:35] iamlindoro: Both of those things are categorically false
[19:11:44] mishehu: I beg to disagree with you.
[19:11:59] mishehu: since I'm not letting a 3 year old child handle any of these items.
[19:12:33] wagnerrp: basically, DVDs start around $0.05/GB, hard drives start around $0.065/GB, and BRs start at $0.25/GB in bulk
[19:12:54] mishehu: I've had far more hd's go kahpluey over the past 15 years than I've had cdr's, dvdr's, and now blurays.
[19:13:05] wagnerrp: if my experience with DVDs is anything like BRs, burnable BRs are not at all reliable
[19:13:20] mishehu: actually come to think of it, the only bad cdr's, dvdr's, and blurays that I burnt were bad at the time of burning.
[19:13:34] wagnerrp: have you tried accessing those again, several years later?
[19:13:43] mishehu: I have just within the past 3 weeks
[19:13:52] wagnerrp: chances are a good 20% have errors
[19:13:55] mishehu: discs I burnt circa 1997.
[19:13:57] wagnerrp: unrecoverable errors
[19:14:29] wagnerrp: these are CDs and DVDs i burnt, tested, and sat in a case on a shelf for the next several years
[19:14:35] mishehu: as I said, with proper storage they can last a good long time. it also depends on the quality of the media of course.
[19:15:06] MartinJT (MartinJT!~martin@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[19:15:11] mishehu: I did have one disc that wouldn't read in my lg bluray drive, but I popped it in another machine here and it read just fine.
[19:15:14] wagnerrp: with proper storage, hard drives can last indefinately
[19:15:30] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[19:15:34] wagnerrp: stick them in a box with some desiccant, and just dont drop them on the floor
[19:15:34] mishehu: wagnerrp: nothing is indefinite. we're talking about mechanical devices.
[19:15:51] wagnerrp: yes, but theyre not in use
[19:16:00] mishehu: if you don't drive your car for 2 years there's still going to be wear on teh car.
[19:16:01] wagnerrp: the only thing you would have to worry about is the bearings wearing out
[19:16:15] wagnerrp: not wearing, but drying
[19:16:29] mishehu: yes, and I ahve had two drives that had that exact problem.
[19:17:21] mishehu: thankfully they were a client's and not my personal disks, and I was no longer responsible for the data that was on them anyway.
[19:17:21] wagnerrp: with dozens of hard drives ive owned, ive never once had a bearing fail
[19:17:53] mishehu: *shrug* I've been working in the field a number of years for a number of clients.
[19:18:30] mishehu: the some total of harddrives that I've dealt with likely exceeds the number you have owned. now you might have owned more than I personally owned, but my overall experience is different.
[19:18:42] wagnerrp: anyway, bluray arent quite as bad, since you only have 1/6th the disks as with DVDs
[19:19:02] wagnerrp: ive just discovered its not worth my time to try to recover any significant volume of data from DVDs
[19:19:06] mishehu: I found a worse survival rate with optical media when handled by my clients and not stored by me (even if at their location)
[19:19:15] mishehu: but the stuff I have is still good.
[19:19:52] wagnerrp: but youre also at several times the cost for that higher density
[19:20:17] wagnerrp: you may as well just spend that money on cycling your backup disks every couple year
[19:20:18] wagnerrp: s
[19:20:21] mishehu: wagnerrp: there's also the density issue... one single 1TB drive fails, that whole 1TB of data can be gone. otoh, 1TB worth of bluray is not as likely to all fail at once.
[19:20:23] syamajala (syamajala!~syamajala@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:21:01] mishehu: it's like why telephone switching equipment found it so easy to boast 5 9's of uptime.
[19:21:13] mishehu: nowadays one system goes down there's faaaaar more people affected.
[19:22:12] danielk22 (danielk22!~danielk@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[19:22:38] mishehu: now for some of my clients' nightly backup procedures we have both removable media (usually tape but sometimes other rw magnetic media) backup and external hd backup.
[19:23:03] devinheitmueller: I love it when people think they can build a better solution than MythTV, and then start out by asking how to write an analog channel scanner.
[19:23:24] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: wow, where's that?
[19:23:30] devinheitmueller: on #v4l
[19:23:45] iamlindoro: uhhhmazing
[19:23:47] mishehu: devinheitmueller: did they actually say "better than mythtv" ?
[19:23:55] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: is the channel logged?
[19:24:04] devinheitmueller: yeah,
[19:24:05] mishehu: I donno why some people complain about mythtv. I like myth a lot.
[19:24:09] wagnerrp: devinheitmueller: someone already did so, a couple years ago using nothing more than perl
[19:24:18] mishehu: I've seen other systems. didn't seem to be as functional overall.
[19:24:59] xand: those logs are broken
[19:25:00] fleers (fleers! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[19:25:01] devinheitmueller: (1:45:39 PM) devinheitmueller: Is this for a GPL project?
[19:25:01] devinheitmueller: (1:46:02 PM) markg85: devinheitmueller, it certainly is :)
[19:25:01] devinheitmueller: (1:46:08 PM) devinheitmueller: Oh? Which one?
[19:25:01] devinheitmueller: (1:46:12 PM) markg85: devinheitmueller, but i just started.. today :)
[19:25:01] devinheitmueller: (1:46:46 PM) markg85: devinheitmueller, it doesn't have a site yet, but my intention is to make a real decent windows media center alternative
[19:25:01] devinheitmueller: (1:47:03 PM) devinheitmueller: Um, ok.
[19:25:01] devinheitmueller: (1:47:13 PM) devinheitmueller: I assume you have significant problems with MythTV?
[19:25:02] devinheitmueller: (1:47:53 PM) markg85: I already have made the code to handle a remote control by using a socket connection to LIRCD.
[19:25:02] devinheitmueller: (1:48:06 PM) markg85: devinheitmueller, i have a problem with all of them to be honest
[19:25:07] devinheitmueller: sorry for pasting direct.
[19:25:14] xand: timestamps are not in GMT/BST
[19:25:55] mishehu: This channelflood brought to you by the letters C, R, A, and P, and the color brown.
[19:26:13] devinheitmueller: mishehu: yeah, my bad. sorry about that.
[19:26:17] mishehu: hehehe
[19:26:23] mishehu: devinheitmueller: at least I got to have fun with it
[19:26:29] iamlindoro: logs working okay here
[19:26:36] mishehu: anyway, runchtime!
[19:27:00] xand: just saying the timestamps are wrong
[19:27:25] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: Everyone knows writing a "real" VMCE alternative is just a matter of finding the right code to steal and podge together, right?
[19:27:27] wagnerrp: devinheitmueller: according to, youre off by almost 400%
[19:27:30] devinheitmueller: xand: Oh, the channel logs are in GMT, but what I pasted was from my irc windows, which was localtime.
[19:27:42] xand: devinheitmueller: no, the channel logs are not in GMT
[19:27:48] devinheitmueller: hmmm... really?
[19:27:53] ** devinheitmueller looks again. **
[19:27:55] xand: yes, unless they're from the future
[19:28:02] xand: it says they are though
[19:28:19] xand: Thu Feb 4 19:28:18 GMT 2010
[19:28:29] wagnerrp: although as far as i know, they could be tracking each branch as separate code
[19:28:45] wagnerrp: that would certainly bump up the size
[19:29:22] wagnerrp: and would explain the couple large spikes
[19:29:45] devinheitmueller: They look fine to me. It's 14:30 now, and I'm in -0500.
[19:30:00] xand: devinheitmueller: it is currently 19:30 GMT
[19:30:15] devinheitmueller: Oh, crap. That says 20:30, doesn't it.
[19:30:17] devinheitmueller: :-/
[19:31:00] xand: CST
[19:31:02] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: Not to mention the inherent illogic of writing your own kick-ass media center but only appearing to care about analog programming
[19:31:12] devinheitmueller: true.
[19:31:21] devinheitmueller: Well, he appears to have gotten remote control support working too.
[19:31:22] devinheitmueller: :-)
[19:31:55] devinheitmueller: Don't get me wrong, I am all in favor of people venturing out to learn something new. But suggesting you are going to create a solution better than a huge existing codebase is a bit of a sretch.
[19:32:00] devinheitmueller: stretch.
[19:32:12] ivor: whatever happened to perl guy....
[19:32:22] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: yeah, sorry about the incorrect line count. I just took a wild guess – not based off of any actual stats.
[19:32:46] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:32:54] ivor: after all 95% of all statistics are made up..
[19:32:57] wagnerrp: TBH, im not so sure i really believe that lien count
[19:33:08] devinheitmueller: ivor: I thought it was 42%
[19:33:17] ivor: :)
[19:34:23] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: Ohloh is a neat system, but I'm not sure I would trust it as an authoritative source for any actual statistics.
[19:34:45] iamlindoro: svnsearch is much cooler
[19:34:50] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: I do like the pretty graph though that shows my commits.  :-)
[19:34:54] iamlindoro:
[19:35:24] iamlindoro: See who is most prolific by month, week, who commits most at what time of day, eyv.
[19:35:26] iamlindoro: er etc.
[19:35:55] TauPan: 95.13423% of all statistics are completely made up and try to feign an accuracy that's completely unrealistic.
[19:38:34] devinheitmueller: iamlindoro: Yeah, but svnsearch apparently stopped carrying stats on the kernel in March of 2008.
[19:38:55] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: interesting. It's current for Myth, probably easier to manage, though
[19:39:03] devinheitmueller: probably.
[19:39:18] devinheitmueller: Despite the size of mythtv, it pales in comparison to the kernel.
[19:39:59] inordkuo (inordkuo!~inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:40:24] wagnerrp: crap
[19:40:44] wagnerrp: at some point, my CC decided to shift my due date from the 4th to the 2nd
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[19:51:55] jamesd_: wagnerrp, call and bitch or you will get hit with late fees...
[19:53:09] devinheitmueller: gbee: thank you kind sir.
[19:54:02] gbee: you're welcome ;)
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[20:19:02] Py-Ro_V: Hello
[20:19:07] hadees (hadees! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:21:01] Py-Ro_V: i have problems with importing my channels.conf "Failed to Parse %1", also i can't scan for channels
[20:21:12] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:21:28] sphery: Py-Ro_V: analog channels?
[20:21:39] Py-Ro_V: dvb-s(2)
[20:21:50] dustybin: who won the theme competition?
[20:21:50] sphery: if digital, the scanner in mythtv-setup should work fine
[20:22:03] sphery: dustybin: been extended because they weren't really done
[20:22:10] sphery: see the list
[20:22:14] dustybin: aye ok
[20:22:43] iamlindoro: You did, dustybin
[20:22:51] Py-Ro_V: sphery: no, Error tuning to transport
[20:22:57] iamlindoro: just paste your home address and phone number into the channel and we'll get your prizes off to you right away
[20:23:05] dustybin: :o
[20:23:18] ** dustybin scrambles **
[20:24:18] ogreinside (ogreinside! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:25:00] sphery: Py-Ro_V: sounds like you need to fix whatever's causing the error
[20:25:26] sphery: the channels.conf import isn't well supported--people /should/ be reporting problems with the internal scanner so Myth doesn't have to rely on external tools
[20:25:46] Py-Ro_V: sphery: i think you are right, but the card works in other application and i have no idea
[20:27:14] syamajala (syamajala!~syamajala@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:27:23] sphery: well, either way, you likely have an uphill battle--make the channels.conf import work or make your capture card work with the scanner... I can't really help with either, but will let you choose your patch.
[20:28:06] sphery: it may just be that we are lacking some support required for DVB-S2, and getting a DVB-S card would make it all work for you
[20:28:18] sphery: as I don't think much has been done on DVB-S2 since it's not really in use, yet
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[20:43:41] ivor: i thought dvb-s2 'just worked'.
[20:44:54] sphery: that may be
[20:45:06] sphery: I thought we had a bunch of DVB-S2 patches/tickets, but it seems we don't
[20:45:14] sphery: so if your card works, it should work
[20:45:43] iamlindoro: I am more inclined to blame the channel scanner
[20:45:49] mishehu: I always figured that if my card works, it works.
[20:45:54] mishehu: and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.
[20:46:13] mishehu: but just call me unnecessarily pedantic at the moment if you like :-)
[20:46:30] high-rez: se noai
[20:46:30] high-rez: ase ai
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[20:57:21] sphery: high-rez: the lineup usage thing is a settings UI issue
[20:57:57] sphery:
[20:58:20] rabotnik (rabotnik!~rabotnik@unaffiliated/rabotnik) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:58:26] sphery: which I started to look at, but got quickly demotivated since all the broken code should be replaced by the settings rewrite
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[21:01:08] high-rez: sphery: Is that in reference to my comments in !#-users. What I meant by that is its better to setup your account once, and the reference lineups from that account. Each time I set a new input source, I have to setup my DD account which seems silly.
[21:01:59] sphery: oh, I see what you mean... I thought you meant that once you specify the lineup, it changes to the first lineup (regardless of what you set) when you next enter the screen
[21:02:20] high-rez: Nope, I haven't actually run into that bug yet.
[21:03:09] high-rez: Actually, once setup, 0.23 has been rock solid – but as is being mentioned, the whole UI around channel scanner (and missing options) are tough to deal with.
[21:03:54] high-rez: I suspect that when 0.23 is released, it'll get a very favorable reception. It's gotten the stamp of approval from my wife already.  :)
[21:04:27] high-rez: One thing that would be nice is a future release is a better default keymap to work with the more popular remotes. I spent some time on it yesterday, and I now have every key on my MCE remote mapped properly.
[21:04:40] high-rez: s/is a future release/in a future release
[21:04:55] sphery: keymaps are done at the system level
[21:05:02] sphery: Myth has key bindings which bind keys to ACTIONS
[21:05:26] high-rez: Totally understood – but to supply a default.. And some bindings aren't even set.
[21:05:26] sphery: your distro can easily configure which buttons on your remote send which keys using LIRC
[21:05:40] sphery: we don't add new default bindings unless they're critical
[21:05:54] high-rez: Well and maybe some do that, and I'm totally wrong about it (i don't know, i've been building from source)
[21:05:55] sphery: because doing so will break every single configuration where a user previously defined a meaning for said key
[21:06:15] sphery: and since there are /very/ few keys not already bound, likely anything we chose as a default is used by someone
[21:06:30] high-rez: I guess the ability to easily apply some defaults would be nice. AND to be able to edit/set key maps in the GUI would be awesome.
[21:06:58] sphery: but, yeah, Mythbuntu has a whole interface for setting up the remote and they handle it all by putting the appropriate entries into the .lircrc
[21:07:22] high-rez: Interesting. Do they edit the key bindings table though?
[21:07:23] sphery: I doubt we'll ever support multiple default bindings
[21:07:33] sphery: MythControls is for editing the key bindings
[21:07:34] high-rez: Or just lircrc ?
[21:07:41] sphery: Utilities/Setup|Edit Keys
[21:07:47] sphery: they edit just .lircrc
[21:08:23] sphery: all of the "must have" actions have default key bindings
[21:08:40] high-rez: I see. There were bindings that were not set on my machine at all. Like to jump to livetv, to jump to recordings, to jump to dvd. Theres are the types of things I set that I think really complete the package.
[21:08:44] sphery: and we have default bindings for far more useful actions than any remote in existence has buttons
[21:08:59] sphery: jump points never have default bindings
[21:09:43] high-rez: Absolutely, I agree 100% – the default bindings do the job 100%. It's just that I suspect (and probably am wrong) that a large # of users use mce remotes – and some of the buttons would be very well served as working by default That's my $0.02
[21:10:27] sphery: we leave that to users who want to use them because jump points are not at all intuitive (i.e. while you can figure out the menu structure to get to DVD playback, you'll never just guess "I should hit Ctrl+Mod4+D to go to DVD playback--unless my window manager traps that key, in which case it will do whatever my WM does..."
[21:10:46] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:11:25] high-rez: Yeah I agree. I don't even run a WM, my .xinitrc just has mythfrontend in it.  :) I have no keyboard, no mouse, just my mce remote
[21:11:33] sphery: but all of that user-specific configuration is left to the user (if using source installs) or the distro (for everyone else--and all the distros have stuff for managing it)
[21:11:50] sphery: don't tell me about the no WM thing... I don't want to know.
[21:12:41] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[21:14:18] high-rez: Is it considered bad form?
[21:15:13] sphery: well, even mythfrontend uses multiple windows and since window focus in X is dependent on things you can't control without a window manager, running without a window manager is unsupported
[21:15:15] high-rez: I just don't see the point of having something in the background consuming resources, when all I need running is mythfrontend. I use myth as a dedicated media serer.
[21:15:27] sphery: "consuming resources" = 300kB of RAM
[21:15:33] sphery: in the case of RatPoison
[21:15:40] high-rez: Interesting.
[21:15:41] sphery: and like I said, even mythfrontend uses multiple windows
[21:15:56] sphery: Fluxbox is about 1.1MiB of RAM
[21:16:00] high-rez: You mean for thigns like the pop-up menus ?
[21:16:07] high-rez: E.g. like the exit menu ?
[21:16:17] sphery: using GNOME or KDE is crazy--just like you thought--but WM's are /not/ desktop environments
[21:16:24] high-rez: Sure.
[21:16:30] sphery: even for the EPG
[21:16:34] high-rez: No kidding?
[21:16:41] high-rez: I had never realized.
[21:16:42] gbee: no, since popups in myth are not actually new windows, just layers rendered into the one window
[21:16:52] anykey_: high-rez: even TWM works
[21:16:59] high-rez: I've not actually run into a problem with this
[21:17:00] sphery: and twm is small, too
[21:17:19] sphery: "I've not actually run into a problem with this" != "there are no problems with this"
[21:17:26] high-rez: i'm sure its beahvior is configurable, but the whole having to click the mouse to drop a window when you start an application in twm annoyss me.  :)
[21:17:43] high-rez: sphery: I agree 100% – i'm sure I don't run through ever code path/test case.
[21:17:54] sphery: RatPoison is the easiest for the use case you describe
[21:18:02] sphery: default config and everything works exactly as it should
[21:18:51] high-rez: I always figured mtyh was just a window with different surfaces being drawn.
[21:19:06] gbee: it is
[21:19:45] high-rez: gbee: Doesn't that contradict with: "<sphery> well, even mythfrontend uses multiple windows"
[21:20:01] gbee: no comment
[21:20:26] sphery: well, we definitely had multiple windows before mythui
[21:20:39] sphery: and since we haven't converted everything, I'm assuming there are still places
[21:21:03] sphery: but regardless, if you use windows, you should use a window manager
[21:21:44] high-rez: So, once everything is converted to use the new mythui api (i assume thats what mythui is?) – it'll be a single window? At that point will running without a wm work fine?
[21:21:55] high-rez: s/work fine/be supported
[21:22:20] sphery: IMHO, it shouldn't be
[21:22:27] sphery: (supported)
[21:23:13] sphery: even with the current config we're getting a ton of reports of focus issues where I'd bet a large majority of them are due to invalid system configurations
[21:23:24] gbee: probably won't be supported, even if one isn't necessary, because the arguments against running a WM have no merit
[21:23:26] iamlindoro: high-rez: even if it was, it would always still be with huge caveats like "as long as you don't use any external players, don't use MythGame, don't have an automatic update application, etc.
[21:23:47] sphery: after all, if you can run a multi-hundred-megabyte X Window System, you can run a 300kB window manager
[21:24:04] high-rez: Oh righ, that makes sense- mythgame would call external apps.
[21:24:36] wagnerrp: sphery+++
[21:24:39] sphery: "multi-hundred-megabyte" being a bit of an exaggeration
[21:24:53] wagnerrp: but mah resources, its using them
[21:24:55] sphery: it's really about 31MiB mapped on my system
[21:24:56] high-rez: Not so much if you consider all of hte video ram it maps :)
[21:25:27] sphery: and after running X, fluxbox is another 1.1MiB of RAM
[21:25:56] sphery: yeah, and mythfrontend generally uses a /lot/ of RAM
[21:26:04] sphery: so 300kB is nothing in comparison
[21:26:11] sphery: (images in themes take up a lot of RAM)
[21:26:15] gbee: and you regularly run out of video ram?
[21:26:37] sphery: if all you need is that extra 300kB...
[21:26:52] rabotnik: not sure if it's normal, but my swap is always maxed out
[21:26:56] high-rez: No I was just pointing out that a lot of the 'memory' that it appears X is taking up is actually mapped address space on the video card itself (as I understand it)
[21:27:45] sphery: high-rez: not on my test (blank X with xsetroot --bg black )
[21:27:54] sphery: nothing else running on X
[21:28:06] sphery: I can show you the pmap -d output
[21:28:06] J-e-f-f-A: rabotnik: Not normal IMHO... I have 120kB swap in use on my backend... of 4GB
[21:28:47] gbee: rabotnik: even going into swap in the first place is a cause for concern on a modern system
[21:29:03] gbee: unless you run windows, where it's the norm
[21:29:15] ** J-e-f-f-A laughs uncontrollably! **
[21:29:43] high-rez: All of that said, I'll give rat poison a try today, but even without a WM it's been fantastic (since an svn release I pulled a few days ago)
[21:30:07] rabotnik: J-e-f-f-A, gbee, that's what I thought, I've only set the machine up recently, and I'm new to myth but the box has 2 gig in there.
[21:30:29] Dibblah (Dibblah! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving.")
[21:30:47] wagnerrp: 2GB should be plenty for anything myth does
[21:30:55] high-rez: I'm using 0kb of swap on my frontend/backend (its' got 2GB)
[21:31:13] high-rez: And that's with over 1gig of disk cache
[21:31:31] J-e-f-f-A: rabotnik: I've got 4GB in my backend, and it's currently only using 857MB... 4 is overkill, but I'm an 'overkill' kinda guy... ;-)
[21:32:23] rabotnik: I'm getting this from the status page in mythfrontend rather than linux itself, maybe myth could be reporting it incorrectly. My swap on my desktop barely gets touched.
[21:32:26] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: I guess that means you got one of those /dual/-core atoms, then
[21:32:29] sphery: :)
[21:33:00] wagnerrp: s/-core//
[21:33:17] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: Hehehe... ;-) it's a power-efficient (*cough*) Athlon 64 X2 6000+ ...  ;-)
[21:33:41] wagnerrp: those arent dual core, its two completely independent chips on one socket
[21:34:04] high-rez: Hey man, I love my atom frontend. Does 720,1080i,1080p h264 all while eating only 25 watts.  :D
[21:34:46] high-rez: The whole machine consumed less power than the core 2 extreme qx6850 processor alone that it replaced.
[21:35:02] J-e-f-f-A: rabotnik: from a shell, type "cat /proc/meminfo"
[21:35:36] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:35:48] wagnerrp: yeah, but your old machine was extreme
[21:35:55] wagnerrp: how can the atom compete with that
[21:35:56] J-e-f-f-A: rabotnik: Look at SwapTotal and SwapFree
[21:36:13] high-rez: wagnerrp: It's not about how many cache you have, its how you use it.
[21:38:54] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: yeah, IMHO, overkill is better than underkill
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[21:40:08] high-rez: you guys are considering mamma bear and daddy bear – but baby bear is just right.
[21:40:24] high-rez: ionitx is the baby bear of myth hardware configs.  :)
[21:40:25] gbee: my production fe/be has just 1GB
[21:40:35] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: Hehehe...
[21:41:08] wagnerrp: sphery: would there be much of a problem getting a new option into configure?
[21:41:09] J-e-f-f-A: My 0.18 and 0.19 backend was a Dual PIII 866Mhz with just 512MB ram. Ran fine...
[21:41:34] gbee: for a dedicated backend 512MB would be more than enough
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[21:41:46] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: thats rather slim for a server board
[21:41:51] rabotnik: J-e-f-f-A, SwapFree: 5229364 kB (although my girlfriend just switched it off before so maybe the swap creeps up) I'll keep an eye on meminfo and see what happens, thanks!
[21:42:17] gbee: iirc the machine justinh took to Linuxworld etc as a demonstration backend was just 256MB
[21:42:28] wagnerrp: ive got a dual 1GHz with 2GB... but i cant really use it due to the failed disk controller
[21:42:31] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: it was a Compaq "Professional Workstation" – and had Rambus ram... I looked into increasing it, but it was cheaper to buy new hardware based on DDR2... ;-)
[21:42:44] wagnerrp: rambus on a P3?
[21:43:02] high-rez: rambus, because vendor lock means we make more money.
[21:43:05] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: yep. It was a high-end 'workstation'...
[21:43:14] superdump (superdump!~rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:43:28] wagnerrp: that chip didnt have the interconnect to make use of anything more than SDR memory
[21:44:22] ogreinside (ogreinside! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:44:30] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp:
[21:44:37] sphery: wagnerrp: what option? janneg is the configure guy, so might want to ask him
[21:44:56] wagnerrp: just want to add an option to force a specific python binary
[21:45:24] wagnerrp: since the binding installer is handled by python, setting the binary defines where the files get installed
[21:45:40] wagnerrp: and then ill just ditch the whole $PREFIX issue all together
[21:45:48] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: "128 or 256MB ECC PC600 or PC800 RDRAM depending on model (expandable to 2GB)" – I had 2x 256MB rd-dimms, was looking into expanding it, but wasn't worth it $$-wise.
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[21:46:12] sphery: yeah, that makes sense... shouldn't be a problem (as it shouldn't really affect the inherited-from-ffmpeg parts)
[21:46:44] wagnerrp: PC800 is just normal 100MHz SDR
[21:47:23] wagnerrp: which doesnt even make sense because at that speed, you would be using faster 133MHz PC1066
[21:47:43] wagnerrp: that chip had a 133 bus with a 6.5 multiplier
[21:48:03] Gremlin484 (Gremlin484!~Gremlin48@ has quit (Quit: Gremlin484)
[21:49:49] J-e-f-f-A: It ran pretty respectably... with PC800 DDR (2x256MB)... but I wanted Moar Memory and Moar MHZ, so I built a whole new system based on an Athlon with DDR2 memory...
[21:50:58] J-e-f-f-A: The on-board SCSI3 and the 10K RPM drive helped it too... ;-)
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[22:29:27] jokehead (jokehead! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:30:35] jokehead: can anyone tell me about a good device to stream internet tv to your television?
[22:31:13] MartinJT (MartinJT!~martin@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[22:31:47] wagnerrp: jokehead: what form of 'internet tv'?
[22:32:02] jokehead: wagnerrp, streaming tv
[22:32:09] wagnerrp: from where
[22:32:30] jokehead: what do you mean from where?
[22:32:35] Agrajag- (Agrajag-! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:32:37] wagnerrp: i mean from where
[22:32:39] jokehead: from the internet
[22:32:53] wagnerrp: ...
[22:33:07] jokehead: please be more specific
[22:33:28] wagnerrp: thats what im asking you to do
[22:33:48] jokehead: specific about what?
[22:34:04] wagnerrp: where you want to stream from
[22:34:15] jokehead: ok
[22:34:34] jokehead: i want to stream from a website
[22:35:14] jokehead: can you help me out here?
[22:35:19] iamlindoro: This is about as enjoyable as a root canal
[22:35:34] iamlindoro: jokehead: Use your head-- what sites, what sources, be *specific* and informative
[22:35:50] wagnerrp: 0.23 will include MythNetVision
[22:35:52] iamlindoro: "a website" is vague. " and netflix" is specific. Do better.
[22:35:57] jokehead: ok
[22:36:01] wagnerrp: which comes with several grabbers for several different sites
[22:36:05] jokehead: wwii
[22:36:33] jokehead:
[22:36:46] jokehead: thats an example
[22:36:56] jokehead: i want to be able to stream tv from any site
[22:37:13] wagnerrp: if you can get a download link or a direct link to the video player on the website, you can write a grabber for MNV
[22:37:16] iamlindoro: no device will be able to stream from any site
[22:37:23] iamlindoro: aside from "a computer"
[22:37:46] iamlindoro: if you want an appliance, you will be limited to certain content, per device
[22:37:52] wagnerrp: it can use anything that plays through flash
[22:38:04] wagnerrp: as well as anything that will play through moonlight (i assume)
[22:38:24] wagnerrp: that excludes things like netflix which use some encryption capacity in silverlight that is not supported by moonlight
[22:38:43] jokehead: no i just want to watch the free tv sites
[22:39:02] wagnerrp: write a grabber, and use MNV
[22:39:05] jokehead: there's no way these can all be streamed to a tv?
[22:39:10] wagnerrp: or find an RSS feed and use MNV
[22:39:14] jokehead: what is a grabber?
[22:39:22] wagnerrp: or just open the page in mythbrowser
[22:39:30] jokehead: and mnv?
[22:39:31] wagnerrp: something that grabs a list of content from the site
[22:39:50] wagnerrp: MNV = MythNetVision, an official internet video plugin in trunk
[22:40:13] jokehead: you're talking about having me do this with my computer?
[22:40:29] jokehead: i want a device that I can control with a remote control
[22:40:33] wagnerrp: im talking about having you do this with mythtv
[22:40:39] wagnerrp: this IS a mythtv support channel
[22:40:47] jokehead: mythtv on what hardware?
[22:40:56] jokehead: sorry brb
[22:41:06] wagnerrp: mythtv on a PC
[22:41:39] wagnerrp: if you have no idea what mythtv is, how did you ever manage to stumble in here?
[22:43:56] ** J-e-f-f-A thought he was listening to a new rendition of "Who's on First?" for a bit there... **
[22:44:41] jokehead: you cant use mythtv on devices other than a pc? i thought you could.
[22:45:27] wagnerrp: what kind of device were you thinking of?
[22:46:16] jokehead: wagnerrp, something independent, that I could hook up to my tv and control with a remote
[22:46:40] jokehead: here ill give you a link
[22:48:11] jokehead: . . . 2967133.html
[22:48:22] sphery: wagnerrp: thanks for fixing #4932 and #7535 for me.  :)
[22:48:40] jokehead: something like that but that hooks up to the internet
[22:48:42] ** J-e-f-f-A has mythtv connected to TVs and controlled by a remote... **
[22:48:45] PeaceKeeper (PeaceKeeper!peacekeepe@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:48:58] ** wagnerrp does too **
[22:49:32] iamlindoro: Myth does not run on embedded media players (aside from people writing myth-compatible playback interfaces and uPnP)
[22:49:43] iamlindoro: Myth is unlikely to ever run on anything like the above
[22:49:57] iamlindoro: as I said before, if you want an appliance you will be limited to the sites and services that appliance supports
[22:50:47] jokehead: mythtv is too complicated though, I tried to set it up to work with a tv tuner on my pc and spent a week on it and it never worked
[22:51:16] iamlindoro: suggest taking your request to
[22:51:22] wagnerrp: mythtv has a very steep learning curve
[22:51:33] iamlindoro: as this (and the other channel you were in) only provide support for and discussion related to MythTV
[22:51:47] wagnerrp: its partially a function of myth being able to work with a wide range of hardware
[22:52:05] wagnerrp: and partially a function of all the people who would otherwise program mythtv already know it like the back of their hand
[22:52:21] ** mzb uses various remotes to control his mythboxen ... including a wii-remote **
[22:52:54] jokehead: so mythtv isnt designed for the average user?
[22:53:04] Some_Person (Some_Person! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:53:08] iamlindoro: MythTV is designed for above-average users
[22:53:10] wagnerrp: mythtv is designed for the hobbiest
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[22:53:17] J-e-f-f-A: The average Windoze user? No.  ;-)
[22:53:44] MartinJT (MartinJT!~martin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:53:48] wagnerrp: its not something you just drop in and run
[22:54:03] wagnerrp: its something you work on, tweak heavily, tune it to however you like
[22:54:06] Some_Person: I'm still trying to decide which TV tuner to get. Are there any with an encoder that use USB and do not require an external power supply?
[22:54:13] wagnerrp: there is an expected time investment
[22:54:30] J-e-f-f-A: But it is WELL worth the investment IMHO...
[22:54:33] wagnerrp: and well as the assumption that you have read the documentation
[22:54:35] elg (elg! has quit (Quit: elg)
[22:54:53] wagnerrp: as even a cursory scan of them would have indicated that mythtv is something you could only run on a full PC
[22:55:25] fleers (fleers!~fleers@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:55:36] J-e-f-f-A: Some_Person: 'with an encoder' implies you're going to capture Standard-Definition?
[22:55:38] jokehead: my friend has it running on his xbox ;)
[22:55:38] wagnerrp: even the basic Executive Overview on the wiki would have shown that
[22:55:53] iamlindoro: an xbox is a Celeron PC
[22:55:55] wagnerrp: your friend is a fool and/or running a very old version of mythtv
[22:56:02] Some_Person: J-e-f-f-A: Well, I still use analog cable TV at home, so I'd likely still use it for that
[22:56:04] iamlindoro: and it's a horrible piece of hardware for Myth
[22:56:47] J-e-f-f-A: jokehead: I had it running on an X-box too (only the Frontend), and it worked but was quite slow.  – I haven't had that box 'online' in about 2–1/2 years now.
[22:57:19] J-e-f-f-A: Some_Person: Do you have PCI or PCIe slots available?
[22:57:28] Some_Person: J-e-f-f-A: Not on my laptop
[22:58:04] J-e-f-f-A: Some_Person: Is your laptop what you intend to use as a Backend?
[22:58:14] Some_Person: J-e-f-f-A: backend?
[22:58:14] jokehead (jokehead! has quit (Quit: jokehead)
[22:58:19] PeaceKeeper (PeaceKeeper!peacekeepe@ has quit (Quit: Java user signed off)
[22:59:23] Some_Person: J-e-f-f-A: I haven't actually chosen what software I'm going to use; I mainly came here because I expect people will be familiar with tuner cards. I'm actually leaning against MythTV because I don't have much hard drive space
[22:59:40] J-e-f-f-A: Some_Person: Myth has a Backend – that does all the recording and scheduling, and a frontend that does the playback. They can both be on the same machine too, or have one-to-many frontends over a network.
[23:00:08] wagnerrp: Some_Person: #linuxtv is actually the place you want to go for tuner talk
[23:00:10] J-e-f-f-A: Some_Person: Well, #linuxtv is probably a better place for that question.
[23:00:17] Some_Person: ok, thanks
[23:00:18] ** wagnerrp wins **
[23:00:19] Some_Person: I'll go there
[23:00:23] ** J-e-f-f-A laughs. ;-) **
[23:00:28] wagnerrp: take that J-e-f-f-A
[23:00:36] J-e-f-f-A: Hehe... ;-)
[23:00:40] Some_Person: wagnerrp did win
[23:00:59] mzb: could almost have been a photo-finish ;)
[23:01:26] wagnerrp: Some_Person: basically, the people in here will give advice for recording from tuner cards
[23:01:39] wagnerrp: which in some cases will be different advice from just watching from tuner cards
[23:01:42] Some_Person: ok
[23:01:56] jolaren (jolaren! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:01:58] Some_Person: I haven't even really thought about recording from a tuner card
[23:02:13] wagnerrp: basically, framegrabbers are terrible for recording
[23:02:14] ogreinside (ogreinside! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[23:02:26] wagnerrp: but theyre fine, and possibly better, for just viewing
[23:02:41] Some_Person: How would they be better for viewing?
[23:02:55] wagnerrp: theres no encoding or decoding
[23:03:05] wagnerrp: the video just gets pumped straight from tuner card to video card
[23:03:30] wagnerrp: theres very little latency, while encoder cards will have a 1–2s lag
[23:03:38] Some_Person: One other issue, my laptop (despite being only a year old) has only USB 1.1 ports. Will this hurt me in any way?
[23:03:46] wagnerrp: absolutely
[23:03:51] rabotnik (rabotnik!~rabotnik@unaffiliated/rabotnik) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:04:15] Some_Person: Am I SOL with USB 1.1?
[23:04:20] wagnerrp: probably
[23:04:21] ** J-e-f-f-A laughs. **
[23:05:38] sphery: USB 3.0 ftw!
[23:05:48] Some_Person: It's annoying. If I'm using Windows (not my main OS, but I still sometimes use it), it claims the device can perform faster if I plug it into another port
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[23:06:05] sphery: er, wait, I'm not allowed to use numbers... SuperSpeed USB ftw!!!
[23:06:13] wagnerrp: because the devices registers as USB2.0
[23:06:19] wagnerrp: and windows warns you that its on a 1.1 bus
[23:06:52] sphery: and we all know that when you get on the wrong bus, you don't go where you want to go...
[23:08:08] streeter (streeter!~streeter@nat/redhat/x-cpubynjuxlxgjvrh) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:09:05] ** J-e-f-f-A laughs and bangs his fists on his desk... ;-) ^^^ that was good. **
[23:09:24] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[23:10:47] devinheitmueller: Also, I have to wonder if your PC is so old that it only has USB 1.1 then how does the user expect to be able to watch video with itl.
[23:10:59] devinheitmueller: There is no frigging way that a one year old PC has USB 1.1 only.
[23:11:45] frogonwheels: wagnerrp: is there something else plugged in?
[23:12:01] tulbreak (tulbreak! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:12:01] wagnerrp: frogonwheels: ?
[23:12:18] tulbreak (tulbreak! has quit (Client Quit)
[23:12:42] MartinJT (MartinJT!~martin@ has quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
[23:12:58] frogonwheels: wagnerrp: I've encountered some badly designed hardward that (on windows at least) once you plug in a usb 1.1 device, you can't have a usb 2 device function properly in a neeighbouring socket
[23:13:27] devinheitmueller: frogonwheels: that's not necessarily a bad design – it's a design constraint related to certain USB hubs.
[23:13:30] wagnerrp: frogonwheels: im having no such problem
[23:13:46] wagnerrp: frogonwheels: read back a little further
[23:14:11] devinheitmueller: There are some hub designs where the port speeds cannot be independently controlled, so plugging in a 1.1 device drops the speed of the paired ports.
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[23:26:36] zephead: hello. I just purchased a USB-UIRT for channel changing my comcast DCT2224 box. I'm able to successfully change channels with the "irsend --device /dev/lircd1 SEND_ONCE DCT2000 6 1 OK" command (example = channel 61) but cannot get this to work in a script. Does anybody have any suggestions? I did have to modify /etc/init.d/lirc as documented here: . . . &p=85570
[23:26:36] zephead: 53&postcount=12
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