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Sunday, January 24th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:22] stuartm (stuartm! has left #mythtv-users ("Gone")
[00:00:22] Dagmar: bonelifer: Those interfaces are generally not "standard" like the console ports on say, some random ethernet switch or DSL unit
[00:00:38] Dagmar: If you don't have the same type of TV, the chances you'll be able to do much with that port are low
[00:01:23] wagnerrp: there is probably consistency across models of a certain brand
[00:01:30] bonelifer: I found an LG the same brand on sale usually 1900, but it was going 834. The Manual has the instructions, but they are a bit more than I'm ready for right now
[00:01:34] wagnerrp: but dont expect different manufacturers to use anything like the same codes
[00:02:13] Dagmar: can you tell someone _else_ where these instructions are?
[00:02:46] Dagmar: I mean, it's either going to _stay_ gnomic and weird, or we'll be telling you that you're overreacting
[00:04:10] grokky_ (grokky_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:08:45] bonelifer: I'll probably take that question to the forum as it would help more people there since I've only found it discussed on his site and the Linuxmce site.
[00:09:03] wagnerrp: mythtv has no forum
[00:09:24] bonelifer: But Ubuntu and MythBuntu forums exist
[00:10:04] wagnerrp: also, until recently in trunk, it doesnt have the ability to call external commands
[00:10:17] wagnerrp: you would have to program it in yourself using irexec
[00:10:18] jolaren (jolaren! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:23] jolaren: So annoying. I had this great chat with mkrufy about a dvb-t usb card that I was going to buy but I forgot which it was
[00:10:27] bonelifer: This thing uses irexec and lirc
[00:11:01] wagnerrp: well if it was with mkrufky, it was probably a hauppauge
[00:11:12] jolaren: wagnerrp; Yes, that It was..
[00:11:16] jolaren: HD one I believe
[00:11:41] faichele_ (faichele_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:11:49] jolaren: I will browse for it and paste the model name, could you affirmative it? I've e-mailed him.. I'd like to go out and buy it tomorrow ^^
[00:11:56] wagnerrp: which would mean a NOVA-T stick, or a HVR-900/1400/1900
[00:12:13] wagnerrp: no, just 900 and 1900
[00:12:16] Dagmar: Ack. Could someone wiht a PVR-500 run the following weird command for me? `udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/video1) | grep name`
[00:12:39] Dagmar: I didn't keep a note of the exact string the PVR-500 used last night and I'm trying to dockyment this
[00:13:00] Dagmar: Ah needs the ATTRS{name} value from either tuner basically
[00:13:39] wagnerrp: jolaren: if you had the chat in here, this channel is logged
[00:13:47] jolaren: wagnerrp; Yer, sure.. but on annother comp
[00:13:49] jolaren: And mostly in pm
[00:13:57] jolaren: I mailed him a few min ago
[00:14:45] bonelifer: I always having IRC logging on for my client. My memory is shot and I couldn't remember sometimes something I just did 30 minutes ago.
[00:14:45] Dagmar: I had to take my PVR-500 out of the box
[00:15:04] jolaren: Yer, I log everything to
[00:15:12] jolaren: Hauppauge WinTV NOVA-TD-HD .. I reckon this card but I can not remeber
[00:15:14] wagnerrp: anyway, the nova-t is digital only, the 900 is digital+framegrabber, the 1900 is digital+mpegencoder
[00:15:16] Dagmar: The thing has two PCI slots, and one PCI-E slot, and apparently the uppermost PCI slot shares resources with the PCI-E slot
[00:15:28] jolaren: He said he knew it worked bcz he programmed it
[00:16:04] bonelifer: I would but not only has my PVR-500 not got here yet, everything else is in boxes still.
[00:16:11] Dagmar: So... I can play back video on the 8500, I can have firewire control of the STB connected to the HD-PVR and I can have the PVR-500, but I can only have _two_ of those at any one time
[00:16:35] bonelifer: that sucks.
[00:16:43] wagnerrp: shares resources?
[00:16:58] Dagmar: Yeah, the PCI port doesn't work when there's a card in the PCI-E slot
[00:17:04] ** bonelifer looks around for some wood to knock so this doesnt happen to me. **
[00:17:06] wagnerrp: thats funky
[00:17:09] jolaren: Can anyone confirm that Hauppauge WinTV NOVA-TD-HD works or should I awaite mkrufy
[00:17:17] wagnerrp:
[00:17:21] Dagmar: by "shares" I mean the PCI-E port "doesn't share and says eff your puny little PCI card"
[00:17:59] wagnerrp:
[00:18:06] clever: bonelifer: reminds me of when mobo's had isa and pci, both ports where in the same slot and you couldnt psysicaly fit both
[00:18:39] wagnerrp: i figured thats actually what Dagmar was talking about
[00:18:52] bonelifer: The
[00:18:52] bonelifer: Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1250
[00:18:57] Dagmar: Yeah normally this would be pretty obvious just because the ports are close together, but the 8500 is actually just one card wide for a change, and the firewire card is about 2cm tall
[00:19:07] bonelifer: is so small I had to take double take as I thought it was some sort of modem
[00:19:32] wagnerrp: bonelifer: you have seen the tuners in a USB key, right?
[00:19:38] bonelifer: yes
[00:19:38] Dagmar: Yeah this firewire card is half the height of even a "low profile" PCI card
[00:20:09] bonelifer: but still wasn't expecting this card to be so small with both a HD and SD tuner
[00:20:16] wagnerrp: 8500? you upgraded from the onboard graphics?
[00:20:27] wagnerrp: bonelifer: it isnt, it only has one tuner
[00:20:51] Dagmar: wagnerrp: Yes. The 7050PV wasn't quite capable of the playback I needed
[00:21:06] bonelifer: Really it's listed as a Hybrid Tuner
[00:21:18] Dagmar: bonelifer: The SD tuner acually requires considerably more hardware than the ATSC/QAM tuner
[00:21:18] wagnerrp: correct... 'hybrid', not 'dual'
[00:21:19] wagnerrp: one tuner
[00:22:40] bonelifer: really just needed it for the HD as the 500 has plent NTSC for me
[00:22:53] wagnerrp: s/HD/digital/
[00:23:04] wagnerrp: and it doesnt really make a difference, since that card doesnt support NTSC
[00:23:24] bonelifer: It has a hybrid tuner supporting NTSC analog, ATSC and Clear QAM digital signals.
[00:23:26] croppa (croppa! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:30] bonelifer: from the Newegg site
[00:23:37] wagnerrp: under windows, yes... under linux, its just a digital tuner
[00:23:52] bonelifer: yes, didn't connect what you were talking about.
[00:23:55] wagnerrp: and under windows, its a garbage NTSC card
[00:24:01] Dagmar: hehe
[00:24:11] bonelifer: I read that when researching
[00:24:45] bonelifer: I didn't go to bed till like 4:30am the first night of scoping things out for the rig
[00:24:50] ** wagnerrp has nothing against that card and personally owns one **
[00:25:06] bonelifer: the 9am wake up to drive across town to walk the dogs was brutal
[00:25:22] wagnerrp: cant walk them on your street?
[00:26:19] bonelifer: They are my sisters/b-in-law's and they are at Arkansas Childrens Hospital with my nephew in the PICU
[00:26:27] Dagmar: Ah
[00:26:57] bonelifer: He had pneumonia and rsv. better but having been a premie things aren't easy, He turned 2 at ACH.
[00:27:01] bonelifer: on Jan 4th
[00:27:35] faichele (faichele! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:27:50] bonelifer: If they were mine there'd be a fence I'd open the door and get 8 hours later to let them in. :)
[00:32:09] bonelifer: is the EXT4 file system ok. I have heard it has file curruption issues with large files.
[00:32:27] wagnerrp: ubuntu has moved to it for their primary file system
[00:32:30] wagnerrp: so i assume its ok
[00:33:05] bonelifer: Just wanted to make sure since 9.10 uses it by default
[00:33:06] dmz (dmz! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:33:15] Dagmar: bonelifter: Do you have mutli-exabyte archives
[00:34:01] bonelifer: obviously not since I only have a 1TB drive LOL, but I get your point. you know some people online don't put enough context, so i wanted to make sure.
[00:34:51] Dagmar: yes, if you're trying to merge one complete contents of the Library of Congress with another on the same filesystem, you could potentially have an issue
[00:35:37] wagnerrp: in bitmap form
[00:36:08] bonelifer: I just hope to record the shows that come on when I'm watching other shows. I'm addicted to TV.
[00:36:50] bonelifer: That and to have something to watch on TV on the weekends. It seems Sat and Sun are full of infomercials and not much else
[00:37:46] wagnerrp: and fridays are full of telethons
[00:37:55] bonelifer: only on PBS!!!
[00:38:09] wagnerrp: so what did you watch last night?
[00:39:24] bonelifer: Not much, when I get to doing something like say get parts for computer I'm on the internet non-stop till it 1) bores me or b) I can't find anything else. I did watch the Mentalist
[00:40:52] bonelifer: I can get a little obsessive.
[00:40:56] wagnerrp: only pre-recorded
[00:41:07] wagnerrp: it wasnt on last night
[00:41:29] wagnerrp: everything got cancelled for a telethon
[00:41:31] bonelifer: Did I mention I've been walking these dogs. :(
[00:41:33] Dagmar: Well, you should get the hell out of this channel right now
[00:41:47] Dagmar: We have no obsessive-compulsives in here, no sir-e-e-ee.
[00:42:02] bonelifer: I can't remember my name lately. :)
[00:42:30] bonelifer: I mean staying up till like 6 in the morning, knowing you have to be somewhere at 8 or 9.
[00:42:51] bonelifer: not matter how much you tell yourself you won't
[00:42:57] bonelifer: :(
[00:44:50] bonelifer: Luckily its only one of those rare feats of stupidity and doesn't strike me that much or I'd be dead.
[00:47:03] jolaren: I guess I'll wait for mkrufy wagnerrp, to hard to find cards here in Sweden whom match
[00:48:11] wagnerrp: why must it be USB?
[00:48:34] jolaren: It's a ion asrock 330, there's no pci port for it
[00:48:38] jolaren: And no firewire output
[00:49:02] wagnerrp: use an old PC in the closet as a backend?
[00:49:55] jolaren: My apartment is 27 sqm but I guess I could do taht thought
[00:51:27] jolaren: But easier thought with just a usb so I don't need to waste more space
[00:51:36] wagnerrp: fair enough
[00:51:40] Dagmar: Do you even need a remote control then?
[00:52:04] bonelifer: could always use a Dell Optiplex and put it under a bed.
[00:52:28] wagnerrp: or... any other normal PC
[00:52:54] bonelifer: Well just thinking about size since his apartment is small
[00:53:00] Dagmar: Jacked up as this sounds, has anyone ever seen a USB Firewire controller?
[00:53:14] Josh`` (Josh``! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:53:21] wagnerrp: is that even possible?
[00:53:25] Dagmar: in a USB device with a firewire port on it
[00:53:31] Dagmar: I don't see why it wouldn't be possible.
[00:53:44] bonelifer: Yes, had a External enclosure that had both
[00:53:58] Dagmar: There's got to be at least some people out there with laptops that only have USB ports on them that want to connect them to DV cameras that only have firewire
[00:54:03] wagnerrp: firewire expects DMA access, i suppose that could be emulated through USB...
[00:54:23] wagnerrp: Dagmar: they make those people get PCMCIA/expresscards
[00:54:23] bonelifer: but they had seperate controllers for both
[00:54:33] Dagmar: Technically, firewire expects that all your secrets are it's for the giving out
[00:54:36] Dagmar: F**K that
[00:54:46] jolaren: Dagmar; Haha, If I need a remote control? :-)
[00:54:59] jolaren: My bed is in the cealing and I have about 3–4 meters to the tv
[00:55:09] jolaren: I could walk over to it.. but I guess I'm just lazy
[00:55:17] Dagmar: Yeah I was thinking with 27 sqm to play with, is there even a place in the room where you can't reach the TV?
[00:55:26] jolaren: ^^
[00:55:33] bonelifer: if you have a bluetooth enabled smartphone, just find a tv control app for it.
[00:55:44] wagnerrp:
[00:55:53] jolaren: bonelifer; I do have a remote control thought..
[00:55:59] Dagmar: damn I'm just going to have to find a motherboard with more tha none usable PCI slot I think
[00:56:11] jolaren: I could use my phone but my bluetooth reciever isn't strong enough to reach my cell while in the sofa
[00:56:14] wagnerrp: Dagmar: meters, not ft
[00:56:33] wagnerrp: so a little over 16'x16'
[00:57:01] bonelifer: community bathroom facilities?
[00:57:15] jolaren: I do have my own bathroom and my own kitchen ^^
[00:57:17] jolaren: Haha
[00:57:43] jolaren: I'll just wait up for Mkrufy to refreshen my memory
[00:57:46] bonelifer: That's small. I commend you on your ability to live in that small a space. I don't have the will power.
[00:58:06] jolaren: It's not that small, honestly
[00:58:09] Dagmar: wagnerrp: That's about eight feet across.
[00:58:18] jolaren: Seein as how my bed is in the cealing It's like a big living room
[00:58:33] Dagmar: it's whatcha call an "efficiency" ain't it?
[00:58:35] wagnerrp: Dagmar: double that
[00:58:48] wagnerrp: 16.9' square
[00:58:51] jolaren: Yer, I guess you could put it that way
[00:59:11] Dagmar: wagnerrp: By whose math?
[00:59:17] Dagmar: MIne's wrong but not by as much as yours
[00:59:28] bonelifer: When I was in college I looked at this efficency APT. The shower was so close to the sink that I would of had to climb on the sink to get into the shower.
[00:59:52] sid3windr: Dagmar: – discontinued
[01:00:01] wagnerrp: 1sqm = 10.5sqft
[01:00:02] bonelifer: I'm not sure who designed that apt, but they were nuts
[01:00:14] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:00:19] Dagmar: wagnerrp: 27m is 88.5826772 ft. sqrt(88.5826772) = 9.41ft
[01:00:28] wagnerrp: so thats 285sqft, or just under 17ft square
[01:00:30] sid3windr: oh hmm
[01:00:34] sid3windr: that's only for dv cams
[01:00:52] Dagmar: sid3windr: Yeah I'm thinking I'm just looking at buying a new motherboard
[01:01:38] jolaren: It's Sunday tomorrow anyways so I won't b able to buy squad
[01:01:46] bonelifer: I have a micro atx and have a pci-e 1x, pci-e 16x and two pci slots. That Ion board must be beagle board small
[01:02:19] wagnerrp: bonelifer: ION boards are almost all mini-itx, so at most one PCI slot
[01:02:46] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:03:09] Dagmar: OKay. I've no idea how that calculation is going off the rails
[01:03:36] wagnerrp: Dagmar: its the conversion, squared
[01:03:56] wagnerrp: you just multiplied by 3.25, you need to do so by 3.25**2
[01:04:03] Dagmar: I didn't multiply anything
[01:04:17] Dagmar: I literally asked Google "How many feet is 27 meters?"
[01:04:21] Dagmar: It tells me 88.
[01:04:33] bonelifer: wishes that ASUS would make it easier to get s/pdif and com modules
[01:05:14] Dagmar: bonelifer: Easier solution, call ASRock, as they actually give a damn about individuals buying their stuff.
[01:05:20] wagnerrp:
[01:06:07] bonelifer: Found it on ebay, but still a part number would of been nice in the manual
[01:07:20] sid3windr: huh, if asrock cared why would they not make stuff that works ;/
[01:07:47] bonelifer: Are you sure you aren't talking about Foxconn?
[01:08:10] bonelifer: ;)
[01:13:29] Gremlin484 (Gremlin484! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:14:29] Dagmar: s1d3winder: Iv'e got a half-dozen ASRock boards over here that would disagree with you
[01:14:42] sid3windr: :)
[01:14:56] sid3windr: i've only had the pleasure of dealing with 2 ;/
[01:14:59] Dagmar: ASUS are the half of that split that made a bunch of stinkers
[01:16:46] bonelifer: was going to go with a lower GB at 5400, but Western Digital Caviar Green WD10EARS 1TB 5400 RPM 64MB is only like 90.00 with free shipping and most of the smallers drives are close to that much.
[01:17:00] wagnerrp: thats rather pricey
[01:17:06] bonelifer: really
[01:17:07] wagnerrp: you should be able to pick up a 1.5 for that much
[01:17:29] bonelifer: WD have 1.5? not to keen on Seagate
[01:17:58] Dagmar: Drat. It looks like all the new AMD board shave got freaking ATI video chipsets built in
[01:18:09] wagnerrp: seems theyre up to $110 now
[01:18:15] wagnerrp: not at sales at the moment
[01:18:23] bonelifer: what's that?
[01:18:24] Dagmar: I was hoping to find some $40–45 board
[01:18:36] wagnerrp: the 1.5s are for $110
[01:18:47] wagnerrp: 1s start at $80
[01:19:11] Dagmar: Meh. I'll put it off until next q
[01:19:12] wagnerrp: a month ago, they were $10-$15 lower
[01:19:16] sid3windr: was going to say "expensive over there" until I realized the conversion rate was not what I thought it was.. ;)
[01:19:32] Dagmar: wagnerrp: That was the desperation for winter sales
[01:19:59] wagnerrp: i mean my 2 was only $150
[01:20:26] jmkasunich: test
[01:20:29] wagnerrp: free shipping, no special marked sale, no rebate
[01:21:16] JoshBorke`gone is now known as joshborke
[01:21:59] bonelifer: 94.99 normally, 5 instant rebate for $89.99 and UPS 3 day free shipping
[01:22:05] bonelifer: not horribly bad.
[01:22:27] awalls (awalls! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:24:16] gregl (gregl! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:27:21] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
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[01:27:52] bonelifer (bonelifer! has quit (" HydraIRC -> <- Would you like to know more?")
[01:28:12] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:30:58] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:39:50] Gumby: hi all, I am trying to figure out if its possible to pull a specific svn version of .22 fixes. Not that familiar with SVN
[01:40:10] Dagmar: -r number
[01:40:47] wagnerrp: preferably 'svn up', assuming you already have a local copy of some revision
[01:41:25] Gumby: I have a local copy, what I want to do is download a previous version on another machine.
[01:41:27] Gumby: thanks Dagmar
[01:44:25] Defense (Defense! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:44:30] gregl (gregl! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:45:26] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:47:46] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:49:00] Gumby: Dagmar: can you give me sample syntax? I dont see -r in the options for svn
[01:50:01] [R]: Gumby: svn up --help
[01:50:10] [R]: svn co --help
[01:50:30] Gumby: thx [R]
[01:51:45] Dagmar: I was pretty sure either you were capable of figuring that out yourself, or that you probably shoudln't be messing with source code
[01:52:17] sid3windr: =)
[01:52:19] Dagmar: There are only so many ways one can interpret svn <subcommand> [options] [args]
[01:58:49] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has quit ("Failure is always an option! -Mythbusters")
[01:59:01] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:07:47] Josh`` (Josh``! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:13:38] dustybin: i have created a eggdrop / bmotion bot what logs into bitlbee and my msn account. :D
[02:13:46] dustybin: bmotion = nice AI
[02:21:06] SnakesAndStuff (SnakesAndStuff!n=bob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:21:33] SnakesAndStuff: an AMD 3700+ with 2gigs of RAM should be able to do 720p video playback shouldn't it?
[02:24:28] Dagmar: 1. The amount of RAM really isn't going to matter.
[02:24:45] Dagmar: 2. Depending on the video codec used, no.
[02:25:12] Dagmar: XviD or MPG video probably isn't going to be a problem.
[02:25:40] Dagmar: h.264 video or VC1 (bluray) on the other hand, is going to just kinda of scream "MOAR CPU"
[02:25:45] ogreinside (ogreinside! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:27:14] Dagmar: ...or more specifically "MOAR MEGAHURTS" as multi-core isn't really going to help a thing in most cases.
[02:27:29] Tanthrix: SnakesAndStuff: If you pick yourself up a $50 video card that supports VDPAU, you'd probably be fine with that system.
[02:27:58] SnakesAndStuff: Tanthrix: It's working on my slower machine... I'm betting that it has something to do with me not having sound setup appropriately?
[02:28:19] Tanthrix: SnakesAndStuff: MPEG2 video or x264?
[02:28:34] SnakesAndStuff: Tanthrix: How do I tell?
[02:28:54] Tanthrix: SnakesAndStuff: Well, where did you get this video from? Something you recorded yourself via an HD tuner?
[02:28:58] SnakesAndStuff: vid card is geforce GTS250
[02:29:19] SnakesAndStuff: it is 264
[02:29:23] Dagmar: Should be fine with VDPAU then
[02:29:50] Dagmar: Just go into playback profiles and delete all the profiles that don't say "vdpau" in them in some way
[02:29:51] SnakesAndStuff: I bet it is my sound setup... I haven't gotten sound working.
[02:29:56] SnakesAndStuff: it works and plays back on my slower machine.
[02:30:02] Dagmar: It makes really poor choices about which playback profile to use from the defaults
[02:30:17] Dagmar: Sounds is coming out choppy is it?
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[02:31:09] SnakesAndStuff: Eh, don't have speakers plugged in even.
[02:31:16] SnakesAndStuff: it is a new box, this mythtv is new to me.
[02:31:25] SnakesAndStuff: I think I'll attack the sound first, and then come back to video choppyness.
[02:31:34] SnakesAndStuff: was just going to make sure that playback with those specs is realistic.
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[02:31:42] SnakesAndStuff: and it is, as the same exact file playsback fine on my other, slower box
[02:32:08] Tanthrix: Then why did you come in here and ask us if it was, by curiosity?
[02:32:20] SnakesAndStuff: B/c I forgot to do basic trouble shooting first?
[02:32:25] SnakesAndStuff: I didn't think :D
[02:32:28] SnakesAndStuff: sorry
[02:32:32] Tanthrix: Hehe, fair enough. No worries.
[02:32:44] Tanthrix: Dagmar is right though, go set your playback profile to vdpau.
[02:33:25] SnakesAndStuff: Okay, thanks :D
[02:33:46] Dagmar: of the defaults it *will* pick a non-VDPAU playback method that will fail
[02:33:54] Dagmar: hence, just yank all the non-vdpau ones
[02:34:21] Dagmar: They were only supposed to be rough suggestions in the first place, and they're almost all equal parts right and messed up
[02:36:09] foxbuntu: Tanthrix, you cant say things like that about Dagmar, you will expand his ego ;)
[02:36:35] Dagmar: I'm usually right because I spend hours worrying about it
[02:36:44] foxbuntu: Dagmar, lol
[02:37:29] Tanthrix: foxbuntu: Dagmar's antisocial personality disorder is usually inversely proportional to his correctness.
[02:37:53] foxbuntu: Tanthrix, lmao, how right you are
[02:38:00] Tanthrix: Actually, that would not be inversely – just proportional.
[02:38:01] Dagmar: No, those are separate things because I hate people.
[02:38:16] foxbuntu: lol
[02:38:20] Tanthrix: So, when deciding between someone being nice and correct, I'll take the latter everytime.
[02:39:09] foxbuntu: Tanthrix, too bad a choice has to be made sometimes
[02:39:30] Dagmar: This is why you take a job with no customer-facing responsibilities
[02:40:13] foxbuntu: Dagmar, not really, I generally treat my clients like idiots and they keep paying me more to do it
[02:40:26] Tanthrix: Well, it's just like teachers/professors. They deal with lazy, self-entitled students all day. The first time they hear "My grandma died, so I couldn't turn in my paper" they are saddened and cut the person some slack. The second time they might still do so, but with more suspiciion.
[02:40:28] wagnerrp: im a people person
[02:40:34] Tanthrix: The third time they tell the person to go to hell.
[02:40:38] wagnerrp: i talk to the people, because the engineers cant talk to the people
[02:40:45] [R]: haha
[02:41:07] Dagmar: foxbuntu: See I used to do security consulting... I never treated them like idiots, but I had a hard time acting suprised when the time invariably came that it was obvious that was their essential problem
[02:41:31] foxbuntu: Dagmar, yeah.
[02:42:09] Tanthrix: So, being pissy with people who come in is really not right. I've seen some particularely egregious examples of some folks coming in who were genuinely interested in getting into myth, only to be treated like they are the scum of the earth.
[02:42:18] Tanthrix: It's not right, but I can understand why, because overtime it just starts to get old.
[02:42:25] Dagmar: I've definitely got a hard-and-fast rule about "if they can't be bothered to read documentation, anything I type will also be a waste of time" tho
[02:43:11] Tanthrix: Dagmar: That's true, but often they are so new to things they wouldn't even know where to begin to find the documentation. Regardless. the best option then is to keep your mouth shut, rather than venting on them as it is so often fun to do.
[02:43:14] Dagmar: Someone on IRC can say pretty much any insane-o thing.
[02:43:23] foxbuntu: Dagmar, sometimes though its that they dont know where to get the proper docs, although there are the users that fit directly into that subset
[02:43:39] Dagmar: People writing documentation on the web have a much greater chance that they'll have made an effort to be correct and complete in their answer
[02:43:40] foxbuntu: crap...too slow
[02:44:04] Dagmar: foxbuntu: Those that won't read and won't type two words into Google probably should watch less TV in the first place
[02:44:42] Dagmar: The ones that lie about how long they've been working on a problem, or what things they've tried previously are just a pet peeve of mine
[02:45:25] Dagmar: There was a dude in here a few nights ago I just had to put on ignore within minutes, because he got upset that we implied that his expensive hardware was of no help to him
[02:45:29] foxbuntu: Dagmar, yeah, but I am generally willing to tell people how to get started to give them a little hand holding because I think anytime we add more users (in my case with the Mythbuntu Project) its a good thing, however if they think its free tech support I generally refuse to help
[02:45:48] Tanthrix: Dagmar: Ooo oo, what was his name? I want to read the backlog!
[02:46:05] Dagmar: We mentioned that basically his ATI video driver was likely at fault, because ATI under Linux is just pain, and he took it personally and wanted to demand an apology
[02:46:13] Dagmar: I don't remember his name.
[02:46:22] Dagmar: If I remmebered his name it would be hard to take him seriously if he comes back
[02:46:33] foxbuntu: Dagmar, yeah, you will have that user no matter what
[02:46:39] Dagmar: Among other things he told us he'd made Myth play back using the _quartz_ interface.
[02:46:43] Dagmar: ...on an Ubuntu box.
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[02:46:46] Dagmar: A PC.
[02:46:59] foxbuntu: Dagmar, I am more concerned about going the extra mile for the user that is serious about learning MythTV and Linux
[02:47:25] Dagmar: Dude yeah, if someone says things that hint that they've actually been trying on their own to solve the problem, I'll sit here for hours working with them
[02:47:30] Dagmar: Those people we desperately need more of
[02:47:40] Dagmar: The internet as a whole desperately needs more of those people.
[02:47:49] foxbuntu: agreed.
[02:48:19] foxbuntu: Dagmar, but I generally stay out of the forums and mailing lists because they all too often just tick me off
[02:48:34] Dagmar: When they come in here and I can paste their question into Google and see hte answer in the first hit, and they say they've been working on this for "days", I have to wonder if there was a lot of lead paint in the house they grew up in
[02:48:49] foxbuntu: lol
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[02:49:36] foxbuntu: Dagmar, I think thats just a low level of user not necessarily someone being a jack-hole
[02:50:11] foxbuntu: Dagmar, I tend to point those people to the Wiki and so on and have them follow the guides and ask questions when they get stuck
[02:50:41] foxbuntu: Dagmar, but telling the general user to "google" IMHO is bad form
[02:51:10] Dagmar: Bad form or not, their first inclination should be to just throw a couple of words or their entire sentence at Google and see what sticks
[02:51:24] Dagmar: A lot of people come here before they do *anything* else
[02:51:28] foxbuntu: Dagmar, if they have basic google solvable questions, they are so inexperienced they will just be frustrated by that answer
[02:51:33] Dagmar: ...and they'll have painfully common problems
[02:51:42] foxbuntu: yeah
[02:52:08] Dagmar: It's mainly that they're lazy and they think someone else will Google it for them
[02:53:00] Dagmar: If you audited the channel logs your jaw would drop at how many times a week someone comes in here and says "What tuner card should I buy?"
[02:53:12] Dagmar: ...and from there it's like pulling teeth.
[02:53:14] EdWyse_Mobile: btw, I think it was my ATI you were poo-poohing, and the biggest problem with that conversation was that I was trying to ask "why" so I could understand better.
[02:53:36] foxbuntu: Dagmar, while that is the case for some users...sometimes its just someone wanting another person to give them help rather than google, and believe me I know its annoying to answer the same question over and over "Why Doesn't my PVR-150 Work?"
[02:53:39] Dagmar: yer 'nym looks nothing like that other person. I think it started with a j or somethng
[02:53:47] EdWyse_Mobile: ah, oh
[02:53:56] Dagmar: foxbuntu: I would jump on a question like that
[02:54:02] Dagmar: At least they gave you a model number up front
[02:54:21] jmkasunich: if I may interject a bit... I was very tempted to ask exactly that question (which tuner), even after reading the online docs and wiki – because the docs are outdated – for example talking about analog in the US, 6 months after the digital transition
[02:54:28] foxbuntu: Dagmar, well was just an example (and usually I have to ask what card it is)
[02:54:55] Dagmar: jmkasunich: Being able to answer the questions "Where are you in the world" and "what type of stuff are you trying to record" is the make-or-break point for that
[02:55:22] Dagmar: It's those two things that matter the most
[02:55:45] jmkasunich: USA, and over-the-air ;-)
[02:56:08] Dagmar: yeah that boils it down to a very small number of cards made by Hauppauge mainly
[02:57:08] jmkasunich: it seems like a LOT of the docs are written for people with cable, and set-top boxes, etc... which simply confuses the matter for people who want OTA
[02:57:09] foxbuntu: jmkasunich, If you are looking at hybrid cards I highly suggest using the HVR-1600
[02:57:13] Dagmar: Sometimes you'll ask those two questions of someone and they'll just say "Satellite" like asking where they are was just too personal
[02:57:49] foxbuntu: jmkasunich, or you could always wait for the big reveal here and pickup a ready to use boxen:
[02:58:00] foxbuntu: lol
[02:58:01] EdWyse_Mobile: I've seem bits and pieces about playing bluray disks under linux. Is support progressing such that bluray will be playable through the UI sometime before physical media retires? :)
[02:58:18] Dagmar: I've been kinda mulling over a set of wiki pages that work like a Choose Your Own Adventure book but I'm still undecided about a few of the mechanisms
[02:58:27] Dagmar: EdWyse_Mobile: Honestly, probably not
[02:58:41] jmkasunich: hybrid = analog and digital, aka NTSC and ATSC, right? I don't see any reason anymore to buy something that recieves analog in the US
[02:58:48] Dagmar: it's not the technical end of things that's the problem. It's the political layer that's broken, if you will
[02:59:16] Dagmar: The VC-1 codec so far looks like it's not a big problem
[02:59:25] Dagmar: Decrypting the blu-ray discs, major problem
[02:59:35] Dagmar: Major monstrously huge problem
[02:59:37] EdWyse_Mobile: The governmental politics, or development politics?
[02:59:52] Dagmar: The government and intellectual property problems
[03:00:03] foxbuntu: jmkasunich, there are still reasons to have both in the US, but nearly everything is digital now
[03:00:13] Dagmar: The licencing under which ALL blu-ray happens pretty much makes open source development impossible.
[03:00:34] Dagmar: Not "ruthlessly hard", not "insurmountably hard", just flat out "impossible"
[03:00:53] jmkasunich: the idea of open source "you control your computer and what it does", and the ideas behind HDCP "the content owner controls what your computer can do" are mutually incompatible
[03:01:01] Dagmar: So like, we can have a driver for bluray drives to read data discs just fine, but they're not handled like video
[03:01:10] EdWyse_Mobile: I just hate having to pirate movies because they won't sell me ones I can play on my hardware of choice.
[03:01:29] Dagmar: Being that there are no *unencrypted* blu-ray discs out there to speak of, any developement of playing unencrypted disks would also be immediately suspect
[03:01:56] Dagmar: Ther'es an easier solution. Say "eff you" to monopolies
[03:03:06] Heliwr (Heliwr!n=Heliwr@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:04:25] foxbuntu: Dagmar, not really, and I know I am one of few here, but having a hardware device that can handle the private decoding of things like blu-ray or Netflix Streaming (or anything else you want) for Linux would be a way to make people happy on both sides of the fence
[03:04:31] Dagmar: With the RIAA getting multi-million dollar judgements from people for leaving two cd's worth of songs accessible on their computer five years ago, there's no reason to believe the MPAA wouldn't be able to just come down on someone writing an unlicenced blu-ray player and have all their organs confiscated, and the remainder fed to rabid wolves
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[03:04:53] Dagmar: foxbuntu: That won't work
[03:04:57] Dagmar: I mean it really won't work
[03:05:04] foxbuntu: Dagmar, explain
[03:05:14] foxbuntu: Dagmar, why do you think it can't work
[03:05:31] jmkasunich: the content owners want things locked down all the way from the disk media to the pixels on the LCD screen
[03:05:36] tank-man: bandwidth is free, right :)
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[03:05:55] Dagmar: I think because the way things are set up, you're pretty much pushing your luck legally speaking even connecting a completely licenced bluray player like a PS3 up to an HD-PVR and dumping the media that way
[03:06:19] Dagmar: Even and especially if you paid full price for hte bluray disc to watch in the first place
[03:06:36] Dagmar: jmkasunich has the right of it
[03:06:57] Dagmar: This is literally a monopoly-lock situation, and the "other side" shows no sign whatsoever about budging even an millimeter
[03:08:40] Dagmar: Every time some gov't agency tries to question why there isn't a less onerous way to do it, the CEOs all scream "TEH PIRATES TEHY R KILLING US" and slips someone a bag of money
[03:08:54] foxbuntu: Dagmar, but what I am talking about is taking their requirements and building a streaming device that allows the DRM to stay intact so playback of the encrypted streams is at least possible, and if you dont like it dont buy it, that way it stays out of the kernel or other FOSS
[03:09:02] Dagmar: You can't.
[03:09:04] dashcloud: hi, where should I look if I would like to possibly change the streaming video settings ?
[03:09:08] Dagmar: Like, that's not even licenceable.
[03:09:22] Dagmar: dashcloud: in the configuration panes within MythWeb
[03:09:32] foxbuntu: Dagmar, sure it is. How do you think blu-ray players and so on work?
[03:09:54] Dagmar: foxbuntu: Seriously he was both not kidding and entirely correct when he said they want ccomplete and total control of all aspects of playback between the disc itself and the pixels on the screen
[03:10:35] Dagmar: I'm not 100% it's still the case, but last I checked half the blu-ray players out there won't even do 1080 over component cable because it's not copy-protected with HDCP
[03:10:49] Dagmar: If you even try it, they'll spitefully downsample to 720p
[03:11:24] Dagmar: foxbuntu: They *work* because every company involved has paid their money to become a part of the media cartel.
[03:11:33] foxbuntu: Dagmar, well reguardless... even if it werent blu-ray it would be nice for things like Netflix streaming
[03:11:39] Dagmar: It was a large sum of money.
[03:12:37] jolaren: If irw is not giving any outputs, is it doomed not to work?
[03:12:58] Dagmar: Are you sure you should be using irw to test?
[03:13:13] jolaren: what else? exv?
[03:13:18] Dagmar: Right.
[03:13:22] Dagmar: You've no idea what you're doing.
[03:13:23] Dagmar: One moment.
[03:13:25] jolaren: xev
[03:13:44] hipitihop (hipitihop!n=denis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:13:55] Dagmar:
[03:14:04] Dagmar: There's pictures even.
[03:14:22] Dagmar: Following from A to G, each step of where the information about "I pushed a button" is shown
[03:14:37] foxbuntu: jolaren, usually if irw doesnt provide output, your lirc configuration is wrong, it means the codes could not be received or if they are they dont match your lircd.conf
[03:14:43] Dagmar: irw can come into play at about step #
[03:14:46] Dagmar: er E
[03:15:13] Dagmar: A is kinda hard to mess up. Generally either ther'es batteries in the remote, or there aren't.
[03:15:21] Dagmar: B, well, what type of hardware you have matters.
[03:15:36] Dagmar: If you're talking about xev it makes me suspect you don't have an average IR reciever
[03:16:00] Dagmar: B pretty much dictates what C has to be
[03:16:36] Dagmar: Let's focus on B and C first
[03:16:43] Dagmar: (Yes, I did those illustrations)
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[03:16:56] Dagmar: (because this is a pain in the ass until you *already* know LIRC like the back of your hand)
[03:17:39] foxbuntu: Dagmar, its always a pita
[03:20:46] jolaren: Dagmar; It's a RF reciever and I've been through all of these steps based in the tutorial linked (except for the so-called finalsteps that is)
[03:21:06] jolaren: I' ran XEV now just to check if my first hince was correct
[03:21:16] jolaren: I believe my remote is half pid and half keystrokes
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[04:42:08] Josh``: What could be some potential causes for "Irrecoverable recorder error" ? I get them in many situations, the latest was when a program ended and it was switching to the new program on a single channel while watching livetv.
[04:43:59] [R]: what is your tuner?
[04:46:55] Josh``: [R], 1x PVR150, 1x HVR1600, 1x HDHomerun
[04:47:13] Josh``: the last time, I was watching a show on the PVR150
[04:47:16] [R]: which one were you using when you noticed it failed in livetv?
[04:47:23] [R]: what did the backend say in its log
[04:47:26] [R]: what did the frontend say in its log
[04:50:23] Josh``: [R], backend log –
[04:50:32] [R]: thats not your url...
[04:52:42] Josh``: Oh, sorry, just a second
[04:52:54] Josh``: backend log –
[04:53:06] Josh``: it dropped at 10:00 CST
[04:53:14] Josh``: right after dirty jobs ended
[04:53:22] banyan (banyan! has quit (Client Quit)
[04:56:18] [R]: #
[04:56:18] [R]: 2010-01–23 22:00:14.894 TVRec(6): Changing from Watching WatchingLiveTV to None
[04:56:21] [R]: now whats in the frontend
[04:57:36] Josh``: frontend log:
[04:58:36] Josh``: sorry for the extreme loglevel
[04:59:00] [R]: its cuz of those prebuffer fails
[05:00:13] Josh``: ?
[05:00:47] Josh``: What would cause the prebuffer failure?
[05:01:23] Josh``: I figure network issue is most obvious, but if I just hit "OK" and go back into livetv it loads fine
[05:01:37] [R]: there are tons of bug reports and discussions on the mls about prebuffer failures
[05:01:55] Josh``: Okay, i'll sift through them.
[05:02:06] Josh``: thanks for the help
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[05:14:38] Gumby: When try to connect a slave backend to a master I get the following even though the svn versions I used were the same "Protocol version check failure. The response to MYTH_PROTO_VERSION was empty" Anyone know how to fix tihs?
[05:15:39] wagnerrp: it means youve connected to something other than a mythbackend
[05:16:01] wagnerrp: something else is bound to that socket
[05:16:07] Gumby: I get that on both the front and backend logs
[05:16:21] Gumby: or should I say master and slave backend logs
[05:17:37] Gumby: hrm, let me verify that
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[05:21:44] Dagmar: Then they're not the same versions that you think they are
[05:22:16] wagnerrp: well it should still complain that theyre the wrong version
[05:22:22] wagnerrp: no that theyre no version
[05:22:33] Josh`` (Josh``! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[05:24:11] Dagmar: Well, MySQL is definitely not the version of mythtv I bet his other backend was expecting.
[05:25:08] wagnerrp: well anyway, there is something listening on that TCP socket, and its not any version of mythtv
[05:28:15] dashcloud (dashcloud!n=quassel@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[05:28:24] Dagmar: I think it's a tumor.
[05:29:02] wagnerrp: its not a tumah
[05:34:38] gunni (gunni! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:35:35] Gumby: I'm not sure why, but the master thought it was a slave
[05:35:56] wagnerrp: because the backend IP was not its own IP
[05:36:01] Gumby: and its IP in myth was set to 127...
[05:36:18] Gumby: but I had set the backend IP to its IP
[05:36:27] ** Gumby shrugs **
[05:36:38] wagnerrp: the backendip was set to the master backendip?
[05:36:53] Gumby: yes, which was its LAN IP
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[05:45:05] ** Tanthrix wonders if he should finally give mythweb a try after 5 years without ever even installing it **
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[05:46:02] [R]: mythweb rocks my socks off
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[05:56:02] Gumby: hehe, mythweb is great
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[07:57:20] Gumby: hi all. trying to setup jamu here and I am browsing the wiki page and it mentions the following command... "./ -l en -C "/home/user/.jamu/jamu-maintenance.conf" -MVf | less"
[07:57:39] Gumby: in this example, what exactly is the maintenance.conf file for/from?
[07:57:51] Gumby: sorry, jamu-maintenance.conf
[08:03:23] wagnerrp: youre asking where you get that file from?
[08:05:01] wagnerrp: Gumby: ^^^^^
[08:05:35] Gumby: wagnerrp: no, just what file that is supposed to be.
[08:05:51] Gumby: is it an alternate name for jamu.conf ?
[08:05:58] wagnerrp: the jamu configuration file
[08:06:49] Gumby: just trying to figure out why the examples tell you first to use ie: ~/.mythtv/jamu.conf and then in their syntax examples totally deviate from that without telling you whats going on
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[08:56:03] Speedy2: In VDPAU speak, what is the "proper" name for the Advanced 2x de-interlacer? MIXER TEMPORAL_SPATIAL + HQSCALING? I'm using this thread as a guide: . . . &page=19
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[09:02:08] Speedy2: Does anyone here use ION with Advanced-2x de-interlacer?
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[10:29:50] oobe: anyone know how i can change the default nice level of mythcommflag and mythtranscode to nice 19
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[10:40:35] Tanthrix: Hrm. Just installed my manually compiled myth in order to install the Ubuntu packages, but I'm getting an unresolvable dependencies error "mythtv: depends: mythtv-frontend but itis not going to be installed"
[10:40:40] Tanthrix: Also "mythtv-backend"
[10:40:50] Tanthrix: (Er, uninstalled my manually compiled version of myth)
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[11:18:54] Tanthrix: Looks like the problem was the vdpau libs from a non-standard repository. Got rid of all that, dropped down to the 185 driver and now all is well.
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[12:09:18] TauPan: ugh
[12:09:50] TauPan: because a frontend has disconnected (problems with the wifi firmware), my backend has recorded a whole night of live tv
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[12:27:51] xand: lol
[12:28:52] TauPan: now I know what the setting "live tv timeout" is for
[12:29:42] TauPan: but wouldn't it be better if there was some kind of keepalive between frontend and backend?
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[12:39:21] FR^2: TauPan: Hehe, I regularly have a full partition that holds my home directory because of kaffeine always forgetting the setting where to store timeshift files, so it stores them in /home/user ;)
[12:40:16] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:41:53] TauPan: well /home is the largest partition on my workstations
[12:45:52] justinh: Dibblah: you know that BIOS update for the AOpen c2d mobile motherboard – did it change anything to do with power management too? I've added a standby saver to my TV & would like the frontend to power up on the mains returning
[12:45:52] Malard (Malard!n=Malard@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[13:11:48] ** stuarta yawns **
[13:12:01] jduggan: mouth rape
[13:12:12] ** stuarta hurts jduggan **
[13:12:13] jduggan: sorry, russell howard joke :p
[13:18:59] ** justinh updates the frontend's BIOS.. **
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[13:22:19] justinh: oo that seemed to go ok
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[13:25:22] justinh: and now my frontend powers up when I switch the telly on, and off when I switch the telly off :)
[13:25:45] justinh: well, frontend, AV receiver, subwoofer...
[13:25:59] jduggan: how do you manage that?
[13:28:06] justinh: got a freebie 'standby saver' from EON
[13:28:25] justinh: it learns the telly remote :)
[13:28:33] jduggan: ah cool
[13:28:42] justinh: it's like a regular multiplug thingy but with a captive IR receiver
[13:29:12] jduggan: ah so as long as your bios has power up on ac
[13:29:16] jduggan: it boots up
[13:29:21] justinh: three sockets on it, one always on, one 'master' socket for the teevee or whatever & a peripherals socket
[13:29:24] justinh: yup
[13:29:34] justinh: took ages to find that option in the stupid BIOS
[13:33:00] justinh: the cable for the captive IR receiver is a bit on the hefty side though. Sheesh
[13:33:31] justinh: guess it has to be mains rated if they're using a simple (nasty) capacitive PSU for the electronics
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[13:46:13] sid3windr: so if you turn off the tv, your frontend power just disappears?
[13:48:19] justinh: yeah why not?
[13:50:02] justinh: it's diskless so I don't expect much harm can come of it
[13:52:02] clever: justinh: NFS sockets not properly disconnecting, file locks over NFS being stuck until you restart the nfs server, may i go on? :P
[13:52:27] AndyCap: clever: don't let it use locking? :P
[13:54:16] clever: AndyCap: but then it will be horidly broken like everybody expects from nfs:P
[13:54:40] AndyCap: clever: and?
[13:55:26] clever: if the root is shared at all, it could wreak havoc and scramble files
[13:55:27] AndyCap: do people run their diskless mythfrontends from ramdisk or some nfs writable disk?
[13:55:40] clever: writable nfs for mine
[13:55:48] AndyCap: eew. :P
[13:56:17] clever: its more flexibly, ive got a full gnome installed on it and can use any system as a desktop pc
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[13:56:40] clever: and because of the sharing, they are all identical
[13:56:59] sid3windr: justinh: yea I figured the diskless, have the same setup, I was wondering if anything could indeed go wrong:)
[13:57:16] sid3windr: witable nfs for mine too
[13:57:18] sid3windr: +r
[13:57:49] AndyCap: anyhow, I'm sure murphy will find an unexpected hole to rear his head from.
[13:57:57] justinh: not sure anything ever changes even if it's writable
[13:58:13] justinh: not even any swap, see
[14:01:57] clever: AndyCap: ive also got a usb stick that boots into ram, it just uses a tmpfs for /
[14:02:27] sid3windr: yea well swapping over nfs would be.... interesting =)
[14:02:43] clever: sid3windr: better to use nbd
[14:03:33] sid3windr: =)
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[15:08:53] RedCom: greetings, can someone please help? I searched the internet, including the mailing list archive, but couldn't find an answer. How do I change the subtitle font size in Mythvideo? (.srt file) It's way too small.
[15:11:54] RedCom: I found a mail from april 2008, but no reply was given
[15:12:47] justinh: utils/setup>setup>tv settings>playback OSD IIRC
[15:14:17] RedCom: tried it, but that doesn't seem to affect it, I tried changing 'default' to 'big'
[15:14:49] justinh: oh well. I never need to use subs so don't need to mess with them
[15:16:36] RedCom: at first I couldn't get subtitles at all, but I found the bug report about the extra dots, now it's the font size, I'll try again in the tv settings, just to make sure
[15:18:30] RedCom: nope, doesn't change anything
[15:18:38] justinh: maybe the subtitle font size is somewhere else
[15:19:29] RedCom: I read something about a configuration file for the theme, perhaps somewhere in there?
[15:19:47] justinh: nope
[15:20:13] justinh: themes don't define anything to do with subtitles
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[15:21:39] RedCom: I also tried changing the default player for videos to mplayer, with an extra parameter set to '3' (--subfont-something-something), but then the file doesn't even play
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[15:23:07] RedCom: --subfont-text-scale 3 <<--- that was the parameter I tried
[15:26:55] RedCom: anyone else having an idea? (running 0.22)
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[15:35:36] karl_k: hi all ! when i watch a dvd in myth (from a iso-file) it seems to use xine, however, everytime it starts xine it sets the PCM volume to 50%
[15:35:47] karl_k: my master sound regulator is called "Master" so when pcm is set to 50 it makes the sound very silent
[15:35:55] karl_k: is there any way to prevent xine from changing the PCM channel volume ?
[15:36:16] karl_k: @RedCom: i havent seen your question, can you repost it ?
[15:37:01] RedCom: sure
[15:37:21] RedCom: it's about the subtitles in mythvideo (.srt file)
[15:37:36] RedCom: they are too small, any idea to increase the size?
[15:37:50] karl_k: hmm, srt is text-based is it ?
[15:37:57] RedCom: yes
[15:38:29] RedCom: I tries in TV-settings – OSD, but that doesn't affect it
[15:39:10] RedCom: I also tried changing the player from internal to mplayer with the --subfont-text-scale 3 parameter, but to no avail
[15:39:17] karl_k: actually our questions are related :)
[15:39:36] karl_k: have a look into the file /home/user/.xine/config
[15:40:13] RedCom: that directory doesn't seem to exist
[15:40:27] RedCom: ~/.mplayer didn't exist either
[15:41:17] karl_k: hmm, .xine does exist in my config
[15:41:23] karl_k: maybe look into /etc ?
[15:42:24] RedCom: no xine, no mplayer and no hidden directories in /etc
[15:43:56] karl_k: hmm, then i am out of ideas
[15:45:08] RedCom: so am I
[15:45:45] clever: if they dont exist, then make them
[15:45:52] clever: mplayer config is at ~/.mplayer/config
[15:47:17] RedCom: I tried crating that one as well for setting the subfont-text-scale parameter, but no effect, so you say xine is the internal player? perhaps I should create the xine config and look up the parameter for subtitles there?
[15:48:00] karl_k: well i am not sure, i try to prevent xine from changing the PCM volume on start, and although its set in .xine/config it still does it
[15:48:06] karl_k: so i am not sure if its really xine
[15:48:32] RedCom: or did you configure it to use xine instead of the internal (sorry, I don't know all the internals of myth all that well, I'm fairly new to using it)
[15:49:14] karl_k: nope i think i read that somewhere, matter of fact, i am just watching a dvd, no xine thread in ps-ef ....
[15:49:29] RedCom: what does the settings say? in Utilities/Setup – Setup – General, page 6 (Audio mixer)
[15:50:36] RedCom: (Increased my master to 90 and PCM to 79 there, so it matches the volume of live tv without myth)
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[15:50:50] rooter7: For some reason in the transition to 0.22, the day of the schedule went away in the schedule program guide. Anyone know why/ how to fix?
[15:50:53] RedCom: DVD's play fine, both regular and from iso
[15:51:07] karl_k: will have a look, thanks
[15:51:14] clever: RedCom: the internal player is internal to myth, its not xine or mplayer
[15:51:42] karl_k: ah
[15:52:54] rooter7: ne1 know theming?
[15:53:23] RedCom: that certainly does explain him not seeing a xine process, so if I understand it right, he should adjust the volume as I said
[15:53:48] karl_k: cant try it now, gf is watching dvd ... :)
[15:54:48] RedCom: rooter7, not me in any case, but it's my understanding that there is a separate channel for theming
[15:55:00] rooter7: Ya, butt's dead.
[15:55:10] rooter7: it's
[15:56:35] RedCom: you don't happen to know anything about subtitles? I'm having a problem with srt files.
[15:57:01] rooter7: No idea.
[15:57:47] karl_k: hey RedCom ! That was it, my PCM was set to 60 ! works super now !
[15:58:02] RedCom: no problem
[15:58:46] karl_k: your srt problem only is with mythtv, if you use standalone mplayer it works fine right ?
[15:59:36] RedCom: both mplayer and vlc have no problem on my debian lenny machine (but you can easily adjust the size in vlc)
[16:00:03] karl_k: yep, thats what i wanted to suggest
[16:00:03] RedCom: it just seems to be mythtv, (mythbuntu 9.10 actually)
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[16:00:36] karl_k: well, if it is a internal player it might just not be able to do it.
[16:00:36] RedCom: but I'll see what it does on mythbuntu using mplayer
[16:01:55] RedCom: great, doesn't seem to be installed
[16:03:01] RedCom: of course that explains why it didn't play the file after changing the internal to mplayer... stupid me
[16:07:52] RedCom: alright this does the job :)
[16:08:21] RedCom: and as a plus, the subs are now in sync as well
[16:09:05] ablyss (ablyss!n=krisbeaz@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[16:09:55] RedCom: I changed it in Utilities/Setup – Setup – Media Settings – Videos Settings – player settings, changed Default video from internal to: mplayer -fs -zoom -quiet -vo xv -subfont-text-scale 3 -af volnorm -cache 8912 -cache-min 4 -lavdopts threads=2:fast:skiploopfilter=all -sws 0 %s
[16:10:39] RedCom: thanks for the pointers, made me realize mplayer wasn't installed, too bad it doesn't work that well with the internal player
[16:14:37] RedCom (RedCom! has quit ("all seems to be solved for now :)")
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[16:29:35] Viper550: anyone here use sasktel max?
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[17:09:58] superm1: Tanthrix, once you have autobuilds enabled you can grab -190 from the autobuilds repo instead too
[17:10:19] superm1: what was the third party repo causing a conflict? we can try to have them put a conflicts (or we can)
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[18:16:55] mag0o: what is supposed to happen @ Utilities/Setup > Setup > Info Center Settings > News Settings? I have a buttontree there, but no context menus for it (menu, info)
[18:17:15] mag0o: it just lists categories and news feeds associated with it
[18:25:37] Malard (Malard!n=Malard@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:30:08] Dagmar: That's pretty much it.
[18:30:20] Dagmar: It's an info center.
[18:30:26] Dagmar: Not a setup menu.
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[18:40:46] JoshBorke`gone is now known as joshborke
[18:41:08] mag0o: i somehow added one of the sites listed to my news feeds page, not sure how though
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[18:41:31] mag0o: i need to know where that page gets it's theme from b/c it's jacked up on the theme im building
[18:41:37] mag0o: gotta wait for iamlindoro
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[18:43:17] Malard1 (Malard1! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:44:39] Dagmar: You could always look at other themes
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[18:52:28] mag0o: true
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[20:39:11] Dagmar: Anyone around with a PVR-500 or PVR-150 at the moment? I need some udev information pastied
[20:41:55] wagnerrp: sure
[20:42:17] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:42:27] wagnerrp: Dagmar: ping
[20:43:15] Dagmar: Yep. I'm here. I basically need the output from udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/video0) and video1 if it's a PVR-500
[20:43:44] wagnerrp: any idea what package that might be in?
[20:43:45] Dagmar: I'm down to the point in . . . e_conditions where it's time to give real-world examples for the people who'll just skim to the end and then blindly copypaste
[20:43:58] Dagmar: Which what?
[20:44:02] wagnerrp: udevinfo
[20:44:04] Dagmar: udevinfo should be there.
[20:44:09] wagnerrp: seems its not with stock gentoo
[20:44:15] Dagmar: That's pretty messed up
[20:44:32] Dagmar: It doesn't particularly require root privs even since afaict it just reads /sys
[20:44:35] wagnerrp: oh
[20:44:48] wagnerrp: looks like they name it udevadm for some reason
[20:45:06] Dagmar: I suppose they hate consistency
[20:46:53] cesman: udevinfo got axed a while ago
[20:47:03] cesman: got replaced w/ udevadm
[20:47:09] wagnerrp: kinda
[20:47:24] JJ1 (JJ1! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:49:34] wagnerrp: Dagmar:
[20:49:44] wagnerrp: thats a pair of 150s on video1 and video2
[20:52:43] Dagmar: That'll help
[20:52:58] Dagmar: I noticed the day before yesterday that the PVR-500's names appear a little differently
[20:53:17] Dagmar: They actually say something like "ivtv encoder #1" and "ivtv encoder #2"
[20:53:24] Dagmar: Thanks
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[20:59:28] cesman: Dagmar: might I suggest you change udevinfo to udevadm info?
[20:59:32] Faithful1 (Faithful1! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[20:59:45] cesman: udevinfo getting axed was upstream and not Gentoo related
[21:00:02] cesman: there are other distro don't included it
[21:00:15] Dagmar: I'll worry about the name change after two things have happened:
[21:00:17] Malard1 (Malard1!n=Malard@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:00:24] k2s: hi, i am newbie, want to record Sat HD programs with ION-ITX N33. Will that work ? In wiki I see "at least a 2800MHz CPU (for HTDV recording playback)".
[21:00:28] Dagmar: 1. I'm finished writing the actual documentation
[21:00:41] Dagmar: 2. I've looked at the newest udev package to make sure it's _just_ a name change.
[21:01:11] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:01:42] Dagmar: I see from wagnerrp's post that #2 is not entirely true either
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[21:02:30] cesman: k2s: recording doesn't take much, playback does
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[21:02:49] cesman: k2s: using the nvidia drivers and VDPAU, the ION does have the horsepower to playback
[21:03:27] k2s: cesman: thank you
[21:03:27] Dagmar: Wow. Suck. The PVR-150's don't seem to have any serial number to match against.
[21:03:40] cesman: k2s: you're welcome
[21:03:43] clever: Dagmar: pciid i think should work still
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[21:03:54] clever: the busid i mean
[21:04:02] wagnerrp: Dagmar: right, it seems theyve combined udevinfo, udevtrigger, udevmonitor, and a handful of other things
[21:04:25] Dagmar: clever: Not really
[21:04:31] wagnerrp: i presume its set up in busybox function
[21:04:46] wagnerrp:
[21:05:35] wagnerrp: in that you can do 'udevadm <function>', or you can just link it to the old name
[21:06:16] k2s: i have NAS (QNAP-409) in one room and connected to my TV room by Will my ION based mythtv be able to store Sat HD program in real time ?
[21:06:24] Dagmar: clever: Doing that ties the rule to the PCI socket and not the card itself, the latter of which is the better way to go about it
[21:06:43] Dagmar: If you then moved the card to another socket, it might not match any rule at all
[21:06:58] clever: yeah
[21:07:06] wagnerrp: k2s: the only way to record HD is either through direct capture through a digital tuner, or firewire... or analog capture through an HDPVR
[21:07:07] Dagmar: k2s: Recording digitial television is not CPU-intensive.
[21:07:17] wagnerrp: either requires nearly no CPU capability
[21:07:29] wagnerrp: and merely the ability to shuffle around a couple MB/s of IO
[21:08:16] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:08:42] clever: wagnerrp: i never included udev in my initrd, i just made a tiny wrapper script that just bearly handles firmware
[21:08:47] k2s: so important is to buy a good digital SAT tuner card which I will add to ION, right ?
[21:09:16] wagnerrp: k2s: what for of 'satellite tv'?
[21:09:18] wagnerrp: form
[21:10:19] k2s: wagnerrp: I am not sure if I understood. but to be able to record HD SAT programs
[21:10:40] wagnerrp: what satellite service?
[21:10:45] wagnerrp: theres all different kinds
[21:11:33] wagnerrp: being from slovakia, you can *probably* grab a DVB-S card, and go
[21:11:41] wagnerrp: although i have no experience with that
[21:12:02] wagnerrp: there is also some form of DVB-S2 support in mythtv, but i dont know how functional that is
[21:12:10] Dagmar: wagnerrp: Weird. Looking at your pastebin it looks like the PCI sockets you have those cards in are on their own bridge
[21:12:15] k2s: per my investigation I will need DVB-S2, but have to check once again
[21:12:31] wagnerrp: i ask because over on our side of the ocean, there is no way to use a tuner card with satellite
[21:13:12] wagnerrp: Dagmar: its on a NF8200 board, so the two PCI slots probably are on their own bridge
[21:13:56] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:14:10] Dagmar: They are
[21:14:54] k2s: is there an alternative to ION ? my aim is to store all data on my QNAP-409, but need playback and recording in one box next to the TV, because there are all my cables
[21:15:32] wagnerrp: k2s: the alternative would be a 'normal' PC with a decent processor
[21:15:47] Malard (Malard!n=Malard@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:15:55] wagnerrp: why do you have to use the dlink for storage?
[21:16:14] wagnerrp: why not just shove all the hard drives into your backend, and sell the NAS box?
[21:19:27] k2s: wagnerrp: I am newbie, I never build such system, but my feeling is that hdd=heat=cooling=noise
[21:20:00] wagnerrp: youre right right up to the 'noise' point
[21:20:28] wagnerrp: you either have a small box, or a quiet box
[21:20:36] dashcloud_ (dashcloud_!n=quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:20:45] wagnerrp: large boxes, can use large quiet fans
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[21:22:14] k2s: wagnerrp: no problem to have big case with big fans, but without the HDDs it will has much less to cool
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[21:22:49] wagnerrp: youre looking at 5W for a 5400/5900rpm drive, or 10W for a 7200rpm drive
[21:22:55] wagnerrp: and thats assuming you dont let them spin down
[21:23:05] wagnerrp: at which point they will be consuming <<1W total
[21:28:38] k2s: would normal PC with "decent processor" have some advance over ION based PC ?
[21:29:06] wagnerrp: you can do commercial flagging and transcoding
[21:29:20] wagnerrp: or any other CPU intensive jobs besides playback
[21:29:34] wagnerrp: the Atom CPU is rather underpowered by today's standards
[21:30:19] k2s: what processor would you suggest as "decent" ? ... and thank you for your time
[21:30:59] Dagmar: Right... now I need to look up how to do an "FYI box" of some kind
[21:31:01] wagnerrp: me personally? i would be content with an ION for a frontend-only box that i intend to have turned off or in standby most of the time
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[21:31:40] wagnerrp: but for a backend? i would grab a cheap AMD dual core, or something rather beefier if i had an HDPVR
[21:32:01] wagnerrp: Dagmar: ?
[21:32:08] wagnerrp: you mean for those pages?
[21:32:16] wagnerrp: just add a couple categories to the bottom
[21:32:41] k2s: wagnerrp: the AMD backend should contain the grabbing cards, right ?
[21:33:02] wagnerrp: yes, the backend contains all devices needed for recording
[21:33:18] wagnerrp: as well as handles any userjobs you may want to run on the recordings
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[21:35:58] Dagmar: wagnerrp: What I needed was actually {{Note box|Freetext}}
[21:37:02] k2s: I undersood mythtv as puzzle system. is it possible to grab on "PC A" and transcode/flag on "PC B" ?
[21:37:25] Dagmar: Yes.
[21:37:36] wagnerrp: mythtv cares little who recorded what content, and where it is stored
[21:38:12] wagnerrp: you can have multiple linked backends serving content to multiple linked frontends, as well as sharing recordings amongst themselves to trasncode/flag
[21:38:24] wagnerrp: currently, transcoding requires direct file access
[21:38:39] wagnerrp: however commflagging, and playback can be done remotely without the aid of a network file system
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[21:39:17] k2s: "ION+grab cards" will store on NAS, my strong desktop PC will transcode/flag :-)
[21:39:56] k2s: I dont believe that the AMD could be quite and if I would move it to other room, it would be very complicated to move the cables to the other room
[21:40:34] sid3windr: wagnerrp: ooh, one thing can commflag remotely through the backend without needing an nfs mount? is that new in .22?
[21:40:48] wagnerrp: an Atom is a very low power processor, however the paired 9400M is in no way 'low power'
[21:41:23] wagnerrp: generally those ION systems will idle around 30–40W, while a 'e' AMD system might be another 10W above that
[21:41:25] k2s: I have no problem with power, but with noise
[21:41:40] sid3windr: power implies cooling implies noise ;)
[21:41:45] wagnerrp: so power levels being not all that much lower
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[21:41:56] wagnerrp: it all ends up being how quietly you can cycle air through the case
[21:42:02] wagnerrp: that means large slow fans
[21:42:10] wagnerrp: and a case designed for damping
[21:42:32] wagnerrp: you can run a 'gaming' machine quietly if you set it up properly
[21:42:49] wagnerrp: check out the guides at
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[21:43:54] Josh``: My mythfrontend keeps crashing. mythfrontend[1855] general protection ip:7fa3d19f861c sp:7fa3c94e4970 error:0 in[7fa3d19db000+3c000] – Are there any suggested gdb options besides the generic ones in the debugging howto?
[21:44:07] Dagmar: As to the categories thing, until I've written a third one of these kinds of pages I'm not really certain a category would be that useful
[21:44:41] wagnerrp: sid3windr: dont quote me on that, but im fairly certain you can commflag without file access
[21:44:45] wagnerrp: and i dont think thats anything new
[21:45:06] Dagmar: josh: You wish to debug Qt? Good luck with that
[21:45:24] wagnerrp: basically the only thing preventing remote transcoding is the lack of a 'rename' function in the backend proto
[21:45:30] sid3windr: wagnerrp: oh, I hadn't tried or anything, but I think that's cool and I thank you for bringing it to my attention ;)
[21:45:33] sid3windr: hehe
[21:46:11] Josh``: Dagmar, Oh I hadnt made that connection yet. How would I go about figuring out the cause of the GPF?
[21:49:08] Dagmar: FINALLY found
[21:49:10] Dagmar: Deceptively easy
[21:49:33] Dagmar: josh: Most of the time I'd say "run memetest86"
[21:49:53] dserban (dserban! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:49:58] Josh``: That's a good place to start, I suppose.
[21:49:59] Dagmar: Unless you can make that same crash happen on a regular basis that type of error is notoriously caused by hardware issues
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[21:50:59] Josh``: Dagmar, Most of the crashes happen when trying to start/stop TV playback.
[21:51:29] Dagmar: "most" is not the same thing as "crashes like X when I do Y, every time"
[21:51:32] Josh``: I'll record this particular error and pay attention when it happens again.
[21:51:55] Josh``: Dagmar, I know. It's gonna take more troubleshooting. I'll come back when I have better info.
[21:51:59] Dagmar: A GP fault is almost never going to be the result of a "bug" in written code
[21:52:30] Dagmar: At least I've never seen a case where someone coded something so badly that made that happen
[21:52:46] Dagmar: no I don't give a rat's ass if someone else thinks they have.
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[22:05:45] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:06:32] Gumby: when using jamu and having movies on multiple backends, do you have to run jamu on each backend? (my experience thus far tells me yes but I am just verifying)
[22:06:45] wagnerrp: yes
[22:06:51] wagnerrp: jamu only works on local files
[22:07:03] wagnerrp: even when those files are using mythvideo's storage group mode
[22:07:37] wagnerrp: anything with a hostname set to anything other than the local hostname get ignored
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[22:10:18] Gumby: cool. thanks
[22:10:36] Gumby: It seemed to be thay way after running it on the MBE
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[22:31:43] Gumby: hrm, next question... When running "/usr/local/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/ -l en -C "/home/terry/.mythtv/jamu.conf" -MIV" I get the following... "! Error: To search for movies movies the IMDbPy library must be installed."
[22:31:53] sid3windr: I think
[22:31:57] sid3windr: but I'm not sure so don't quote me on that
[22:32:05] sid3windr: but I think you need the imdbpy library installed to run jamu
[22:32:14] sid3windr: if you want to search for movies movies
[22:33:13] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (No route to host)
[22:34:43] Gumby: hrmm... I thought these were installed when installing mythvideo
[22:35:31] Gumby: ah, I think I understand now
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[22:38:12] TauPan: is there a trick I can use so that mythtv tunes the same channel on both inputs of my hybrid card automatically?
[22:38:34] [R]: TauPan: huh?
[22:38:51] TauPan: let me describe this in more detail
[22:39:10] TauPan: video0 is analog capture and video1 is mpeg (hardware encoded) from hvr-1300
[22:39:47] TauPan: due to unknown reasons I can't tune while watching on video1... so for zapping I use video0
[22:39:50] superdump (superdump!n=rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit ("WeeChat 0.3.2-dev")
[22:40:30] TauPan: now it would be a viable workaround for me to change to video1 on the same channel, when I decide I want to watch the show for a while, and switch back to video0 when I want to zap around
[22:41:13] [R]: you can make an external cahnne lcahnenl command...
[22:42:41] TauPan: which problem would that solve? mythtv apparently stores the last channel separately for each input.
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[22:43:40] [R]: i have no clue what you are saying really
[22:43:44] [R]: cuz it makes no sense
[22:43:47] [R]: but if you can't change channels
[22:43:51] [R]: you can use an external command
[22:45:24] TauPan: when I watch program 1 on video0 and the last program I watched on video1 was program 2, then switching from video0 to video1 will also switch from program 1 to program 2
[22:46:03] TauPan: by "can't tune" I meant that the frontend hangs when I tune while watching video1
[22:47:37] [R]: by program i assume you mean channel... and what you just said makes perfect sense
[22:47:39] [R]: so wheres the rpbolem
[22:50:34] TauPan: I'd like it better if switching between video0 and video1 would always tune the same channel I was watching previously (on the other input) (since it's the same tuner anyways).
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[22:53:42] [R]: its a completely diffenret input
[22:53:46] [R]: with a computely differnet lineup
[22:53:50] [R]: inputs are independent in myth
[22:54:01] TauPan: lineup?
[22:54:13] [R]: you get the exact same channels on both?
[22:54:32] TauPan: yup... the use the same tuner and the same antenna input
[22:54:40] TauPan: *they
[22:54:48] [R]: you said it was hybrid
[22:54:58] TauPan: one uses a hardware encoder, one is just analog capture
[22:55:07] [R]: is it hybrd or dual
[22:55:08] TauPan: yes, the card also does dvb-t, on the same input
[22:56:09] TauPan: and I think it also uses the same tuner for that, since you can't use dvb-t and analog at the same time
[22:57:04] TauPan: I already put the inputs into the same recording group, which tells myth not to schedule simultaneous recordings on both inputs.
[22:58:20] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:58:58] [R]: right
[22:58:59] [R]: the point is
[22:59:02] [R]: inputs are indepdent
[22:59:13] [R]: if its hybird
[22:59:19] [R]: and the same channels are on both
[22:59:22] [R]: why are you even using two inputs?
[22:59:44] TauPan: because tuning is broken on the mpeg encoder so I need to use the analog for zapping
[23:00:32] [R]: so like i said
[23:00:39] [R]: use a channel changing script
[23:00:57] TauPan: I tried to do that, it didn't help.
[23:01:30] TauPan: the problem is not that mythtv can't change the channel... it successfully changes the channel but then it hangs
[23:02:01] [R]: so stop using a broken card
[23:02:11] TauPan: the card is ok
[23:02:45] TauPan: I can watch the encoded output with mplayer and tune while watching.
[23:03:48] TauPan: oh... not really
[23:04:12] TauPan: I can tune, then mplayer terminates, and when I restart it, the channel has changed.
[23:06:23] TauPan: the log looks like myth tries to keep the device open the whole time, see
[23:07:06] TauPan: (along with amazing amounts of i/o errors in the mythbackend log)
[23:07:18] [R]: that looks like a frontend log
[23:07:23] [R]: a frontend log isn't going to tell you anything about tuning
[23:07:33] TauPan: yup... I can paste the backend log as well, if it helps
[23:08:19] TauPan: probably only the first few of those thousands of i/o errors
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[23:13:12] TauPan: this is the backend log
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[23:18:21] [R]: that doens't look good
[23:21:44] TauPan: this is conjecture on my part, but it looks to me like the card stops the mpeg stream to change the channel, then restarts it... mplayer just terminates with end of file, while mythtv (conjecture!) is still trying to read from the device
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[23:23:19] bonelifer: Just trying to get some context. In the past while I was researching MythTV, I read that the database will slow down when run on the same disk. Are the talking about the media disk(ie the disk the recordings are being made too) or are they saying the database should have it's own disk apart from media and system.
[23:23:32] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[23:24:18] [R]: TauPan: so file a bug report
[23:24:38] [R]: bonelifer: it probably meant the same as the recordings
[23:27:22] bonelifer is now known as bonelifer|BBL|Fo
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[23:30:16] EastDallas: can anyone suggest HD tuner card that has component connections? Everything I'm finding in stores has coax.
[23:31:02] EastDallas: I looked at the wiki, but was really quite confused as to what would work. I'm in the US.
[23:31:18] [R]: the only device with component input
[23:31:20] [R]: is the hdpvr
[23:31:35] wagnerrp: (supported by mythtv)
[23:32:19] wagnerrp: EastDallas: furthermore, (for nearly all circumstances) there is no such thing as an 'HD' tuner
[23:32:37] EastDallas: wagnerrp: ok, capture card
[23:33:07] wagnerrp: right, you can have a digital tuner, or an hd capture card
[23:33:08] EastDallas: [R]: hdpvr is Hauppauge?
[23:33:17] [R]: yup
[23:33:26] EastDallas: thanx all
[23:33:59] wagnerrp: but except for some very old DVB tuners that didnt actually support the necessary throughput, digital is digital, and there is no special procedure for things 'HD'
[23:34:06] EastDallas: wagnerrp: That's why I was confused with the 'HD' cards I was finding with Coax connectors. I assume those only work with an antenna?
[23:34:21] wagnerrp: antenna, or unencrypted QAM from your cableco
[23:34:27] sid3windr: how do you expect to "tune" component? :/
[23:34:51] EastDallas: sid3windr: why beat a dead horse? It's semantics. Jesus.
[23:35:20] sid3windr: no, not really
[23:35:25] sid3windr: because tuner cards tune to something
[23:35:39] sid3windr: which is why tuner cards have coax input
[23:35:44] EastDallas: wagnerrp: really? This is somehow constructive?
[23:35:50] EastDallas: worry wagnerrp
[23:35:54] EastDallas: sorry*
[23:36:00] EastDallas: I meant sid3windr
[23:36:32] wagnerrp: anyway, there are a couple of component capture devices
[23:36:49] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
[23:36:57] EastDallas: wagnerrp: Thank you so much. You've been a lot of help.
[23:37:00] wagnerrp: theres some network attached box that shows up on woot occasionally, but that only supports 480p, and i dont know if it works with mythtv anyway
[23:37:34] wagnerrp: avermedia recently announced a card at this years CES, but i dont think its released yet... and the driver support is again a problem
[23:38:06] wagnerrp: then theres an assortment of professional hardware that is probably outside the price range of a mythtv setup
[23:38:45] EastDallas: wagnerrp: Yeah, I found a few of those.... way too much for me
[23:39:59] wagnerrp: note that capture is only necessary for digital cable or satellite
[23:40:30] wagnerrp: for local channels, and possibly some more depending on how lenient your cableco is, you can just use a digital tuner
[23:40:38] wagnerrp: you may be able to pull others over firewire
[23:41:11] EastDallas: Can MythTV know where to get each channel?
[23:41:20] wagnerrp: you have to tell it that
[23:41:32] EastDallas: wagnerrp: but once you do, it knows.
[23:41:57] wagnerrp: basically, you give it a channel lineup for each 'source'
[23:42:21] wagnerrp: a 'source' would be local broadcast channels, or unencrypted digital cable, or all cable channels available through your STB
[23:42:32] EastDallas: I have Time Warner cable, and as far as I can tell anything over the coax is standard def. at least it looks like crap on an hdtv.
[23:43:01] wagnerrp: mythtv will record the first instance of a show, on the first input it shows up on
[23:43:17] wagnerrp: unless you override to do otherwise
[23:43:46] EastDallas: Can I tell it to always record a certain channel using a certain device?
[23:43:55] wagnerrp: yes
[23:44:05] wagnerrp: channel, yes... certain device, no
[23:44:32] wagnerrp: but since the channel will be bound to a source, you can get what youre looking for if you only have one device per source
[23:46:09] EastDallas: So, could I make it where it never tries to use the hd capture device to record standard def channels unless all other devices were being used?
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[23:48:46] EastDallas: Just to clear this up, from what I understand capture devices for PC that support Cablecards basically don't exist?
[23:54:18] [R]: no they exist, but require winodws
[23:54:21] [R]: and microsoft's stupid drm
[23:56:12] user_ (user_! has quit (Client Quit)
[23:59:33] Dagmar: See mah leet mediawiki skills in action, before I manage to somehow break all text with a typo in the wrong place
[23:59:34] Dagmar:

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