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Thursday, January 21st, 2010, 00:04 UTC
[00:04:55] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[00:10:37] cotski (cotski!n=cotski@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:12:20] olesalscheider_ (olesalscheider_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:03] afm: can't seem to find the right spdif pass thru settings for my hdpvr...recommended links?
[00:13:06] olesalscheider (olesalscheider! has quit (Operation timed out)
[00:13:15] Dagmar: Be more specific.
[00:13:43] Dagmar: If you've got something listening on the digital audio output, I'm not sure that actually works
[00:14:04] Dagmar: It doesn't seem to work here, but I've not had time to really poke at it
[00:14:26] Dagmar: I can't really think of any other reason there'd be an output there tho
[00:17:08] cynicismic (cynicismic! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:17:09] charmin (charmin!n=luis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:19:33] charmin: Help, I can not configure the audio of my saa7130
[00:20:12] charmin: only sound if I put the speakers out of the frame grabber ...
[00:22:39] afm: going from stb to hdpr and the out from hdpvr to pc via spdif...not sure how to be more specific
[00:24:37] abqjp: afm: why would you want to do that? The S/PDIF out from the HD-PVR is so you can pass it through to a TV. Why would you want to use it to hook it up to the PC?
[00:24:38] wagnerrp: the HDPVR does not have any outputs
[00:24:54] wagnerrp: youre not trying to capture the passthrough with some SPDIF in on your PC are you?
[00:26:38] afm: hdpvr says opt out?
[00:26:54] wagnerrp: it is a capture device, it does not do output
[00:27:16] wagnerrp: those are just passthrough ports, to let you install the HDPVR in-line with your tv
[00:29:46] charmin: I do not understand what they say ... So configured, but I work ...
[00:31:07] oobe: anyone know why when i add a movie to tmdb still cant find it for a while
[00:31:18] wagnerrp: because tmdb has cache servers
[00:31:19] oobe: i think im missing somthing i need to add to the database
[00:31:30] wagnerrp: your additions may not show up for several hours to a day or more
[00:31:36] oobe: has cache servers?
[00:31:52] charmin: does not work ... can not find the option via the GUI and console does not work
[00:32:02] oobe: somtimes it seems to be more than a few days
[00:32:03] wagnerrp: has cache servers, yes
[00:35:03] oobe: ok i guess i will wait more
[00:35:17] oobe: seems like it already has been 2 days
[00:35:20] wagnerrp: did you specify a imdb number for that movie?
[00:35:27] oobe: was thinking uses cache aswell
[00:35:32] wagnerrp: still works off the imdb numbers
[00:35:38] oobe: yes i did use the imdb number
[00:35:49] wagnerrp: so if an imdb number for that movie is not specified on the tmdb site, will fail
[00:35:49] oobe: but thought i might of missed somthing else that was important
[00:35:52] wagnerrp: what movie?
[00:36:01] oobe: tart 2001
[00:36:11] oobe: can u test this /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/ -M tart
[00:38:37] wagnerrp: yeah... i cant see why it wouldnt be accessible
[00:39:02] wagnerrp: im not picking it up, and everything seems to be in order on tmdb
[00:39:02] oobe: its ok same thing has happened in the past
[00:39:07] oobe: it will turn up eventually
[00:39:46] wagnerrp: unless the tmdb api/cache servers are down
[00:39:50] wagnerrp: thats entirely a possibility
[00:40:37] wagnerrp: here we go... . . . -title-here/
[00:40:40] iamlindoro: TMDB only recaches one or twice a week now
[00:40:50] iamlindoro: so two adys is within spec
[00:40:52] wagnerrp: i thought that was done automatically, seems not
[00:40:53] iamlindoro: er days
[00:40:56] peterpan13_ptl (peterpan13_ptl! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:41:46] oobe: yea no big deal
[00:41:58] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!n=Matt@wikisource/ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:42:06] oobe: half the point of adding stuff is to make the db more complete
[00:42:06] mattwj2002: hi everyone
[00:42:10] mattwj2002: have you seen this?
[00:42:10] mattwj2002:
[00:42:21] MartinJT (MartinJT!n=martin@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:42:26] kormoc: mattwj2002: yes, and no linux support
[00:42:51] mattwj2002: that is crap!
[00:43:10] kormoc: That is cable card licensing terms at work
[00:43:13] Dagmar: It's time to sell their stock short
[00:43:27] Dagmar: They've put a lot of money into a product that's going to go nowhere.
[00:43:28] Dagmar: They're done
[00:43:40] Dagmar: CableCard is dead, dead, dead.
[00:44:20] mattwj2002: what is going to replace CableCard?
[00:44:20] Dagmar: NOW that it's dead and the FCC has proclaimed it so, of _course_ it becomes comcast's new best tech
[00:44:29] Dagmar: mattwj2002: More monopoly fees
[00:45:26] mattwj2002: :(
[00:47:03] peterpan13_ptl: Hi. I have an hvr-1600, and have my cable split before going into the analog and digital inputs on the card.... my hdtv, without myth, is able to tune into channel 31, for example, without a problem... however, I can't get either the digital or analog tuners to receive this channel through myth.... with analog, I just get static instead of ESPN standard def, which is what it should be receiving... on digital QAM-256, it
[00:47:03] mattwj2002: tv is going to heck
[00:47:03] peterpan13_ptl: pick up the channel during the channel scan (but does receive channels like 11.1, 5.1, 5.2, etc fine).... any ideas on how I can receive this channel 31 (espn standard def) through myth?
[00:48:06] olesalscheider_ (olesalscheider_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:49:09] mchou: peterpan13_ptl: what's your zip code?
[00:49:27] peterpan13_ptl: 27607... Raleigh, NC – Time Warner Cable
[00:51:10] mchou: peterpan13_ptl: umm, I'm not seeing espn as a digital (SD) channel there
[00:51:32] Dagmar: peterpan13_ptl: You install an analog tuner like a PVR-150 or PVR-500
[00:51:57] Dagmar: Yes, I am quite serious about that.
[00:52:16] mchou: hvr1600 has analog
[00:52:23] mchou: as well as digital
[00:52:37] afm: pardon my ignorance....but i can't audio input: spdif in on my hdpvr, and then pass it thru to my pc which then passes thru to my stereo?
[00:52:44] peterpan13_ptl: I don't know whether channel 31 is digital or analog, actually... I just know that my tv, without myth, can pick it up.... and that the analog side of the hvr-1600 isn't tuning it, it's just static
[00:52:57] Dagmar: afm: What you need to do for that is documented on the wiki.
[00:53:03] kuroneko_ (kuroneko_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:53:08] afm: i'll check again
[00:53:09] afm: thanks
[00:53:22] Dagmar: afm: ...and if your dmesg is still saying you have 0xf firmware it won't work anyway
[00:53:38] mchou: peterpan13_ptl: according to silicondust web site espn is not in the clear on the digital side in your area
[00:54:08] peterpan13_ptl: hmmmm... how is my tv able to pick it up straight from the cable signal?
[00:54:12] mchou: peterpan13_ptl: which would imply that it's being broadcast analog
[00:54:30] kuroneko_ (kuroneko_! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:54:38] kormoc: you have a digital tuner in your tv?
[00:54:53] Dagmar: peterpan13_ptl: Because the channels in your lineup that you "see" through the fancy digital cable box that match exactly the older analog lineup are exactly that. They're the older analog lineup, in analog.
[00:54:53] peterpan13_ptl: I am able to get channels 2–13 fine through analog input.... but above 13 it's all showing static through the hvr-1600
[00:55:10] kormoc: peterpan13_ptl: change the frequency table?
[00:55:11] Dagmar: 1–82 are so are pretty much going to _not_ be digital .
[00:55:34] Dagmar: If you're only picking up 2 through 13 you need to set the proper frequency table.
[00:56:17] peterpan13_ptl: okay, I'll do some reading to find out what I should set the freq. table to.... thank you!
[00:56:32] Dagmar: How about "us-cable"
[00:56:43] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!n=Matt@wikisource/ has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:56:56] peterpan13_ptl: haha, I thought I had it set to that, but I must not have
[00:57:52] Dagmar: ...or there's more broken in that driver than we thought.
[00:58:09] peterpan13_ptl: thank you, I'll take a look! you all sound pretty sure that these channels will all be analog.... I'll definitely explore that...
[00:59:02] Dagmar: I'm very sure they're analog.
[00:59:10] Dagmar: I have Comcast here in Nashville, TN.
[00:59:32] peterpan13_ptl: great, thanks Dagmar and mchou
[01:00:15] peterpan13_ptl: let me try right now, and I'll let you know how it goes in a few minutes
[01:03:39] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:26] peterpan13_ptl: no dice
[01:08:02] peterpan13_ptl: when I added the channels last night, I did it using Fetch instead of Scan..... just now, I tried Scanning instead on the analog side.... it supposedly locked and updated the channels.... however, when I went to view them (31, for example, again), I got static
[01:08:08] abqjp (abqjp! has quit ()
[01:09:59] peterpan13_ptl: do I need to remove the analog card entry in myth, reconfigure it, then have it scan the channels again?
[01:10:56] Dagmar: First plug the coax into a television
[01:11:06] Dagmar: Make sure they're actually sending you the analog signal they're supposed to be
[01:11:31] Dagmar: Scanning analog in this case is two things
[01:11:35] Dagmar: 1. Pointless
[01:11:38] Dagmar: 2. Not going to help.
[01:12:06] wagnerrp: 3. Not working in mythtv
[01:12:18] Dagmar: The only rason you "scan" QAM is becasue the channel numbers (i.e. "5.1", "8.2") have eff-all to do with what frequency they're broadcast on
[01:12:44] Dagmar: They could be on any frequency the cable company feels like putting them on.
[01:12:53] Dagmar: The same is _not_ true of analog NTSC broadcast.
[01:13:04] Dagmar: Channel 21 is *always* going to be on one specific frequency
[01:13:31] Dagmar: The differences between the "us-cable" and the "us-cable-irc" and "us-cable-hrc" frequencies is only minor
[01:13:47] Dagmar: Setting the wrong one will mean bad reception, not _just static_
[01:14:22] peterpan13_ptl: where do I set the freq. table in analog on myth, if not on the "Scan" screen? did I miss that?
[01:15:09] Dagmar: The screen where you set the starting channel, right next to the freaking scan and fetch buttons
[01:15:37] peterpan13_ptl: crap, I must *have* missed it – sorry
[01:18:08] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:18:50] peterpan13_ptl: sweeeeeet!
[01:19:16] peterpan13_ptl: I didn't find that setting on that screen, but rather on the Input config. screen instead
[01:19:49] peterpan13_ptl: it works — awesome! thank you, Dagmar
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[01:41:48] oobe:
[01:47:39] baffle_ is now known as baffle
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[02:00:43] awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:03:46] Hilikus (Hilikus!n=ROCKERO@unaffiliated/hilikus) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:04:07] Hilikus: skip back is not working on live tv. has anyone experienced this?
[02:05:35] oobe: Hilikus, you mean you can reverse of ffwd
[02:06:07] oobe: if so the only thing i know of that causes this is using a remote frontend that is out of sync time wise with the backend
[02:07:30] awalls (awalls! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:08:17] Hilikus: if i pause (so i'm not at the end of the stream) and skip forward then skip back works
[02:08:41] Hilikus: if i skip forward but i'm at the end of the stream it doesnt fix it
[02:09:35] oobe: ok doesnt sound like what i suggested
[02:10:12] oobe: actually it still could be
[02:10:38] oobe: make sure your frontend is using the same ntp servers
[02:10:50] Hilikus: yes, its all in the same box
[02:10:57] paul-h (paul-h! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:11:07] oobe: ok well you didnt say that
[02:11:35] oobe: try looking at the frontend logs pastebin them here would be useful
[02:12:18] Dagmar: possibly seektable corruption
[02:13:24] oobe: Dagmar, if so would running optimise and repair scripts work
[02:13:35] Hilikus: Dagmar i thought that was only for recordings, not live tv
[02:13:35] oobe: actually easier in mythweb
[02:14:29] oobe: http://localhost/mythweb/settings/database check here anyway cause that sounds like a good suggestion dagmar made
[02:14:32] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[02:17:11] Dagmar: oobe: Maybe
[02:17:29] Dagmar: I've no idea what _optimizing_ would have to do ith it
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[02:18:18] oobe: well i forgot when i asked but using those scripts have fixed broken seektables for me before
[02:18:34] oobe: using the ones in mythweb that run when you click it
[02:21:43] Hilikus: is the name of the table seektable?
[02:21:49] Hilikus: i don't see that in mythweb
[02:22:02] wagnerrp: thats not the name of the table
[02:22:15] Dagmar: lol
[02:23:57] Hilikus: ok
[02:24:12] oobe: just click optimise and repair links
[02:24:28] oobe: should take you less than a minute and if it doesnt work
[02:24:34] oobe: yuo can look elsewhere
[02:25:08] Hilikus: ok, i can't reproduce it so that either fixed it or its an intermitent problem
[02:25:17] Hilikus: thanks guys
[02:28:06] kormoc: seek tables are used for live tv, we write them as we record
[02:29:41] QbY (QbY! has joined #Mythtv-users
[02:31:19] QbY: I need a solution. I have Comcast currently and often find that I've recorded on one DVR but need to watch on another for whatever reason--DVR won't do this. So I'm looking for something that will record series, and other "one-time" recordings using my PCTV 800i card so that I can play back on the xbox360 or PC... Is MythTV my answer?
[02:31:42] kormoc: It's an answer, yes
[02:32:21] shackles (shackles! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:32:34] QbY: is it a good answer? :) or the best? i want something fairly simple, records to the native mpeg2 or divx the card will capture in..
[02:32:53] QbY: and won't require 2 weeks of configuration..
[02:33:08] kormoc: As a myth dev, I feel it's the best and simple enough, but as always YMMV
[02:33:30] Hilikus: ok, the bug is back, i didn't do anything, just after some time of recording. i just reran repair, optimize and extended check and nothing
[02:33:56] kormoc: if it's a corrupt seek table, you won't get historic recordings working by fixing the table, just new ones
[02:34:23] Hilikus: ive never had the problem with scheduled recordings though
[02:34:33] Hilikus: and i can fix it with the workaround i mentioned
[02:34:43] Hilikus: pause and skip forward
[02:35:32] Hilikus: would a corrupt table somehow be fixed by this? i wouldnt think so but i dont know the internal details
[02:35:45] QbY: kormoc.. if i say, record "24"; will it automatically record every episode.. save it in the format (mpeg2/divx) and place them on a share?
[02:36:25] kormoc: QbY: yes, you can do that sort of recording schedule
[02:36:43] kormoc: Hilikus: you ran the repair task as oobe said, right?
[02:36:43] QbY: now i've read that it uses zap2it.. but aren't they out of biz?
[02:36:51] Hilikus: yes
[02:36:51] kormoc: QbY:
[02:36:59] kormoc: Hilikus: that would fix a corrupt table, yes
[02:37:45] kormoc: zap2it was just a free service of tribune, Schedules direct purchases the tribune data and resells it for a low yearly fee so you can still get listings data
[02:37:57] kormoc: and as a nonprofit, we make nothing from it
[02:38:06] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:39:00] QbY: cools
[02:39:21] QbY: i just want something simple.. the frontends look nice, but not necessary for me..
[02:41:37] Hilikus: brb
[02:41:39] Hilikus (Hilikus!n=ROCKERO@unaffiliated/hilikus) has quit ("Estoy usando el Ambar-Script v1.1, yo lo cree y me quedo muy bacano, bajatelo de | There are 10 ki)
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[03:09:52] oobe:
[03:13:10] syamajala (syamajala!n=syamajal@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:18:53] iamlindoro: oobe, Don't do that please
[03:19:21] oobe: ok its my little funny thing
[03:19:26] oobe: but ok
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[03:40:40] d00gster (d00gster!n=doughant@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:43:54] wagnerrp: looks like boxee is going to start allowing paid content
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[04:57:26] oobe: wagnerrp, e.g on paid content?
[04:57:32] elmojo: iamlindoro: how well does the EVO container playback for you?
[04:58:41] iamlindoro: elmojo, fairly decently last time I checked
[04:59:19] elmojo: do you build seek tables for them?
[05:00:02] wagnerrp: oobe: theyre going to start offering a paid content some time this summer
[05:00:44] oobe: like netflix etc.
[05:01:00] wagnerrp: like their own service
[05:01:04] iamlindoro: elmojo, yeah
[05:01:34] elmojo: ok... looks like native ffmpeg seeking isn't so great
[05:01:42] [R]: oh FFS... i wantd to set up a windows vm in virtualbox headless... totally forgot
[05:02:08] elmojo: iamlindoro: doubt it's going to be a high priority given the demise of HD-DVD
[05:02:17] oobe: wagnerrp, i dont like boxee at all
[05:03:00] oobe: from my perspective they took open source code modified and and made it hard to build in linux provided no support and force you to register to dload the code
[05:03:08] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:03:18] iamlindoro: elmojo, yeah, suspect you're right
[05:04:13] elmojo: looks like mythavtest doesn't work anymore
[05:05:10] oobe: anyone seen this
[05:06:03] iamlindoro: yes
[05:06:14] elmojo: no comment
[05:06:30] [R]: oobe: like 2 weeks ago
[05:06:56] oobe: i still dont possess any blu ray stuff
[05:07:17] oobe: but looks like by the time they charge what its worth linux should fully support it
[05:07:32] [R]: until bluray support works like dvd support
[05:07:35] [R]: i dont plan on it either
[05:10:55] wagnerrp: [R]: you currently play dvds through mythtv?
[05:11:00] [R]: yes
[05:11:09] oobe: also im not paying $300 for a blu ray burner or 10$ for a blank disc
[05:11:12] [R]: but i mean in general linux
[05:11:14] [R]: not myth specific
[05:11:18] EvilGuru (EvilGuru!n=freddie@warzone2100/developer/EvilGuru) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:11:54] wagnerrp: ah... ive just found its easier to spend the five minutes needed to set up a rip
[05:12:36] Dagmar: Bluray support is highly unlikely to work like DVD support anytime even remotely soon
[05:12:38] [R]: most of the time it "just works"
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[05:12:53] [R]: Dagmar: why not
[05:13:08] Dagmar: Too much patent stuff in the way, and as far as I know there's pretty much zero expectation that anyone's ever going to release an unencrypted mass-market blu-ray disc
[05:13:16] wagnerrp: no one wants to stick their neck out
[05:13:26] Dagmar: ...while there's just piles and piles of unencrypted DVDs
[05:13:31] [R]: that libbluray has some lofty goals
[05:18:00] Guest8028 (Guest8028! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[05:19:24] oobe: so if i installed a blu ray rom drive then install libbluray and played a blu ray disk bought from the shops it still wouldnt work?
[05:19:51] wagnerrp: libbluray is nowhere near functional
[05:20:17] wagnerrp: theres not yet enough to even begin setting up a player to link against it for playback
[05:21:44] oobe: ok
[05:22:34] oobe: i remember when dvd burners were new i didnt buy one till they were around 100$ down from $500 i will do the same with blu ray
[05:22:54] oobe: even if decryption still doesnt work will make a nice backup media
[05:23:05] rooaus (rooaus! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:23:17] wagnerrp: to be honest, i doubt there will ever be worth in backing up to bluray
[05:23:22] [R]: omg... i hate distributions and i hate packages... apt-get said i had to install a few dozen packages to install virtualbox... i got the .bin and it "just works" w/o stupid extra crap
[05:24:11] wagnerrp: right now, even SL-DVDs are only ~20% cheaper than just buying a 1.5TB disk
[05:24:35] rooaus (rooaus! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:24:35] wagnerrp: not to mention the time and hassle needed to swap out those ~350 disks
[05:24:41] jchance (jchance! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:24:47] [R]: does netflix require xp?
[05:24:56] oobe: yeah i mean when you can buy 50 spindles for 1$ or less per unit
[05:24:56] wagnerrp: s/xp/windows/
[05:24:57] wagnerrp: yes
[05:25:05] [R]: it'll work in 2k?
[05:25:10] wagnerrp: they require silverlight
[05:25:20] wagnerrp: any OS that can run silverlight can run netflix streaming
[05:25:24] [R]: hrm
[05:26:14] [R]: this website says you need to hack the user agent, but it works in 2k
[05:26:16] wagnerrp: DL-DVDs are hardly even to the $1 mark
[05:26:23] oobe: i dont come accross sites that use silverlight but there is a ff linux plugin called moonlight i think
[05:26:34] wagnerrp: moonlight wont cut it
[05:26:39] wagnerrp: has to be silverlight
[05:26:50] oobe: yeah last i tried it didnt work
[05:26:53] Dagmar: Moonlight has a ways to go yet
[05:27:40] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit ("I am called onward")
[05:27:51] [R]: i wonder what's "lighter"
[05:27:57] [R]: xp or 2k3
[05:28:14] wagnerrp: looks like newegg has SL-BR for $2/disk
[05:28:35] wagnerrp: which puts it currently slightly more expensive than hard drives
[05:29:14] oobe: yea i see what you mean
[05:29:29] wagnerrp: dual layer are still well over $10/disk
[05:30:34] wagnerrp: anyway... its going to be cheaper, lighter, and FAR FAR faster, to just buy up spare hard drives, and stuff them in a cabinet with some desiccant
[05:31:09] jchance: has anyone got rendering in MythTV 0.22 working properly with the amd hd 4600's and higher using fglrx? i am ready to scream from trying to
[05:31:14] wagnerrp: assuming youre not letting them sit for the decade or so necessary for the bearings to dry up, theyre probably more reliable too
[05:31:22] jchance: with opengl that is
[05:31:45] Dagmar: jchance: Smart people go get an nvidia card and use that one you have as an ice scraper in cold weather
[05:32:08] wagnerrp: the 4-series are supposed to be fairly well supported
[05:32:17] wagnerrp: apparently they even have hardware acceleration now too
[05:32:43] Dagmar: jchance: Have you tried seeing if glxgears "behaves"?
[05:32:48] Dagmar: It would be less complex than myth
[05:33:04] jchance: Dagmar: OUCH.. um then why is an amd at half the cost if not less now showing as good if not better bench marks then high proced
[05:33:21] Dagmar: jchance: because fast doesn't matter if you can't make it _stable_
[05:33:33] Dagmar: ...then you have to drop the price just to get people to buy your crap.
[05:33:50] jchance: Dagmar: everything is working otherwise it runs beautifully... it is drawing the UI with mythtv it isn't ok
[05:34:01] Dagmar: So stop being thick about it
[05:34:06] Dagmar: Use glxgears to test.
[05:34:19] wagnerrp: if glxgears is smooth, then the problem is with myth
[05:34:32] wagnerrp: if glxgears is jerky, or crashes, the problem is your driver
[05:34:32] Dagmar: Either glxgears will render correctly in full screen and give you five digit frame rates, or you don't actually have a mythtv problem
[05:35:08] jchance: Dagmar i have.. everything is working.. i can even use the accelerated mac interface because even though linux it is still what an mac uses.. have used glx and fgl_glxgears to test everything it all works
[05:35:11] Dagmar: You can try being snarky about nvidia all you like but the fact of the matter is that their cards have been comparatively trouble free under Linux for a long time now.
[05:35:22] Dagmar: Which one gets higher frame rates in some FPS shooter doesn't mean a damn thing
[05:35:34] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[05:35:38] wagnerrp: 'accelerated mac interface'?
[05:36:05] Dagmar: Sounds like an unsupported and likely not-going-to-work hardware combination to me
[05:36:22] jchance: wagnerrp: yep i can set all my settings on renderers to the mac accelerated quartz interface and it works.. pretty good actually
[05:36:42] wagnerrp: thats because it falls through to Xv
[05:36:49] wagnerrp: because youre on linux, there is no quartz
[05:37:05] jchance: Dagmar this is a PC with Ubuntu.. messing around i tried the mac accelerated interface for laughs and giggles and it works
[05:37:13] wagnerrp: no, it doesnt
[05:37:18] wagnerrp: it doesnt exist
[05:37:22] Dagmar: great! then you don't have a problem anymore. glad we could help with that
[05:37:22] wagnerrp: because youre not running OSX
[05:38:16] jchance: wagnerrrp: why didn't the render fail then? having no other option but that is a side note.. i am trying to get everything in mythtv set to opengl with no luck.. rendering menus has major issues
[05:38:33] Dagmar: So use the Qt renderer
[05:38:42] wagnerrp: jchance: because apparently it fell through to Xv as the backup option
[05:38:51] jchance: Dagmar that was not the issue and no reason to start with me like you did from second one getting on me for having AMD.. so what?
[05:39:07] Dagmar: So use the Qt renderer and stop trying to act indignant
[05:39:12] jchance: i cam here for help
[05:39:30] Dagmar: Problems with ATI's driver are _well known_
[05:39:47] Dagmar: The most merciful thing we can do for most people is suggest finding a $35 nVidia card
[05:39:50] wagnerrp: jchance: for the last several years ive been using mythtv, there have been nothing but complaints from ATI users in here
[05:39:53] jchance: Dagmar: i am and trying to get this working with opengl even if it is the renderer for video and the menus are in qt
[05:40:08] Dagmar: So if all you're going to do is bitch and complain, you have fun with that
[05:40:33] Dagmar: jchance: And wagnerrp is telling you that GL rendering likely does not work
[05:40:47] Dagmar: I'm noticing that you said nothing about five-digit frame rates
[05:41:09] Dagmar: If OpenGL is working, glxgears is so simple the frame rates it reports are insanely high.
[05:41:13] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has quit ()
[05:41:14] jchance: Dagmar: get off your holier then though high horse.. i have not complained, whined, or bitched once.. i came here for help and you started on me for owning amd
[05:41:23] Dagmar: Simply because it doesn't explode and take your desk with it doesn't mean anything
[05:41:32] wagnerrp: the ATI drivers are getting better, but they have a long history of being glitchy under linux
[05:41:35] Dagmar: Welcome to the ignore list, guy
[05:41:57] wagnerrp: and when youre using mythtv, price is irrelevant, because anything over $50 is far more than you need
[05:42:09] jchance: Dagmar it does work.. what is wrong is how mythtv renders stuff.. you know drawing.. it draws a new gl window and the other one it had there does not move or anything it stays as the one of focus
[05:42:41] Dagmar: You wanna gibber about how much cheaper your _not acutally working_ solution is when we try to suggest that there's an entirely easier way to go about it, and then obsess over complaining instead of working on the problem? I'm not here for that. Focus on the problem, not whether or not I might have implied that your expensive little mac isn't doing you any good
[05:42:48] wagnerrp: mythtv renders just fine with opengl
[05:42:59] wagnerrp: no one has had any problems with nvidia or intel hardware
[05:43:05] jchance: Dagmar if me being on your iggy gets me someone who is willing to look and help someone with amd i am glad
[05:43:10] wagnerrp: and aside from being slow, no one has had problems running MESA either
[05:43:21] wagnerrp: but ATI users are always in here with some display problem or another
[05:43:27] Dagmar: Just about daily
[05:44:35] jchance: wagnerrp: it renders great in xv and i have it running 99.9 percent tear free.. i also have xvmc which is now supported in fglrx working nicely
[05:44:51] wagnerrp: jchance: and also worthless
[05:45:08] wagnerrp: because any machine running a 4600 is going to have plenty of CPU to otherwise decode mpeg2 in software
[05:46:12] jchance: wagnerrp: i know i am looking to see what it was working with.. i would like to get the va-api supported under mythtv it works so nicely with the xvba interface and mplayer at the moment
[05:47:43] wagnerrp: as far as i know, anyone who would be interested in doing such work is already happy with their VDPAU card, or are looking to implement CrystalHD
[05:47:58] jchance: wagnerrp: oh this machine definitely does have enough power to handle mpeg2 or mpeg 4 like avc with any other application and opengl with everything maxed to play beautifully
[05:48:19] wagnerrp: so why bother with VA-API?
[05:48:52] jchance: wagnerrp.. i found a supposed patch to the code online.. i haven't touched c or c++ in a decade.. was thinking of trying to patch the source if it is a legit one
[05:49:32] Dagmar: I'm having problems believing that bit about the mac interface
[05:49:44] jchance: wagnerrp: because instead of using a hell of a lot of processor when I am multitasking on the machine I want to be able to have it not running slow
[05:50:04] Dagmar: ...and I suspect glxgears is likely showing a suspiciously low frame rate.
[05:50:05] cotski (cotski!n=cotski@ has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[05:50:20] wagnerrp: the only thing vaapi would really help for would be bluray playback
[05:50:35] wagnerrp: even something like the HDPVR isnt going to be using more than one processor
[05:51:15] Dagmar: wagnerrp: That reminds me that I need to benchmark transcode a few times on that front
[05:51:26] jchance: Dagmar: don't believe me if i choose xv-blit as standard or under the mac accelerated profiles it plays.. i don't care if you do and food for thought.. osx is unix and the foundation for coco and the rest of mac gui is probably based on xwindows
[05:51:55] Dagmar: I had someone trying to sell me a bill of goods about hd-pvr playback benefiting more than a smidge from multiple cores
[05:52:03] wagnerrp: jchance: but quartz does not exist under linux, period
[05:52:12] Dagmar: ...and that there was a difference enough for someone to give a damn about for compiling it as a static lib.
[05:52:19] wagnerrp: as you said, xv-blit was under quartz in your playback profile
[05:52:27] wagnerrp: meaning mythtv tried quartz
[05:52:36] wagnerrp: realized it was running linux, and quartz was not available
[05:52:42] Dagmar: ...and could not *possibly* have used the quartz interface.
[05:52:43] wagnerrp: and fell through to the next option... xv-blit
[05:53:09] jchance: wagnerrp: i get that but it rendering he is saying i am full of.. whether it defaulted to xv or not i can not verify just saying what happened when i tried it
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[05:56:15] jchance: wagnerrp: accelerated quartz from what i understand access hardware directly from the application no middle layer like quartz so to speak.. i had it explained to me on how vesa directly accesses the hardware but with a lot larger extension set.. that is what had me thinking it might actually be to some extent
[05:56:38] wagnerrp: it accesses a middle layer... called a driver
[05:56:58] wagnerrp: the drivers have to provide support for such an interface
[05:57:02] jchance: wagnerrp: ok which amd consolidated all 3 os drivers into one
[05:57:33] jchance: wagnerrp: they just compile a version on each platform now
[05:59:24] jchance: wagnerrp: so in theory could the interface be there and accessible if fglrx had it compiled in being one driver for 3 platforms and where mythtv would have the code to access it, it wouldn't know the difference of the hardware being on bsd based mac osx or linux i would think
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[06:01:39] jchance: wagnerrp: would or would not mythtv being the means of direct interface say wait the driver reports the capability and then go for direct access.. it would seem to me where amd makes mac's gpu's pretty much exclusively and amd makes one driver for all 3 that it could be possible
[06:03:16] toeb (toeb! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:03:31] toeb: hi, does anyone know who is responsible for the minimyth website/forum? I tried to register a new account but never got the confirmation email. I have tried 2 times..
[06:04:10] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit (Client Quit)
[06:04:15] wagnerrp: you can try the email at the bottom of the front page
[06:04:52] wagnerrp: you could pull up the source of the front page, to see the author's name written in the header
[06:05:52] wagnerrp: i have no idea whether or not that email is checked
[06:06:27] toeb: good idea :-) i will try this
[06:06:28] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:07:39] wagnerrp: looks like his name shows up on the mailing list archives, so you can get a direct email from there
[06:09:23] jchance (jchance! has quit ("Leaving")
[06:09:39] wagnerrp: ugh...
[06:11:57] ** wagnerrp considers just no longer talking to people attempting to use ATI hardware **
[06:12:19] [R]: lol
[06:12:32] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:12:33] Dagmar: This is part of the reason I don't ever bother to argue with them anymore
[06:12:54] Dagmar: When they come back with some jibber about the _cost_ of the card, I know they're a zealot and they'r enot going to listen
[06:13:33] wagnerrp: 'look at all this money i saved by buying a card 10x more powerful than myth needs'
[06:14:52] Dagmar: ....and seriously if hte video card can't do fourteen-thousand frames per second of glxgears at full screen, your GL isn't working right.
[06:15:04] Dagmar: The 5200 I have will do about 14,000fps at 1024x768
[06:15:13] Dagmar: ...and it won't help with much of anything but MPEG
[06:15:41] wagnerrp: that sounds awfully high
[06:15:46] Dagmar: That little check has been excellent as a quick litmus test on whether or not GL is working or just faking it
[06:16:05] Dagmar: wagnerrp: I know it does, but glxgears is only like 120 triangles
[06:16:10] superdump (superdump!n=rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:16:14] Dagmar: It's _really_ not asking much of the video card
[06:16:21] wagnerrp: granted, the last thing i ran glxgears on was a r128
[06:17:45] k_ross (k_ross!i=47a40d7d@gateway/web/freenode/x-gpvingyaocjqxqen) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:18:06] wagnerrp: yeah, im only getting 800fps on my 8200 using whatever the default resolution it opens as
[06:18:56] wagnerrp: although the 8400 is getting 3400fps
[06:19:11] wagnerrp: didnt realize there was that much difference between those two chips
[06:19:11] [R]: hell i'm getting 3500
[06:19:14] [R]: on my intel laptop
[06:20:08] Dagmar: Interesting.
[06:20:19] Dagmar: I wonder if they've done somehting to clamp it down
[06:20:32] Dagmar: Xorg might take a different approach than Xfree86
[06:20:34] wagnerrp: i always thought the fps was fairly irrelevant
[06:20:45] wagnerrp: it was just whether the render was smooth or not
[06:20:46] Dagmar: That was how we determined whether or not the thing was working right back in 2001–2002
[06:21:09] Dagmar: You either got a number that screamed "MESA IS DOING IT" or you got some insanely high number
[06:21:24] wagnerrp: i get a couple hundred fps on my laptop whether hardware rendering is working or not
[06:21:40] Dagmar: yeah but is the hardware accel giving you a factor of ten or so more?
[06:21:44] wagnerrp: but the r128 display smoothly, while MESA is all jerky
[06:21:44] Dagmar: It's a huge difference
[06:22:01] wagnerrp: no, its like 300 (CPU) vs. 700 (r128)
[06:22:08] madLyfe (madLyfe! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:22:18] Dagmar: Probably there may be some throttling going on now
[06:23:07] Dagmar: Shift is almost over, I can finally flee the building
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[07:30:18] justinh: hmmm. new IT guy seems to know what he's doing. this could mean trouble
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[07:31:14] Tanthrix: Time to setup an encrypted VPN to your home system in order to irc in peace
[07:31:50] justinh: using ssh on a port normally used by our DVRs
[07:32:09] Tanthrix: Clever!
[07:33:45] justinh: already had a word with me about using nmap to find a machine on the network here – I asked how else I'm supposed to find out when I don't have physical access to it & the powers that be insist on DHCP for everything
[07:35:36] olesalscheider (olesalscheider! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:36:18] superdump: hehehe
[07:37:25] Tanthrix: Sounds like your days of IT abuse may be over, I'm afraid
[07:37:33] Dagmar: Nope.
[07:37:41] Dagmar: Not unless you go out of your way to attract attention.
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[07:38:01] Dagmar: From being on both sides of the fence, the ONLY way those jobs are livable is if you follow the Rule of Paperwork
[07:38:17] Dagmar: If it doesn't make more paperwork for you, you've got better things to do with your time.
[07:38:24] justinh: yeah I figure a trickle of text over ssh isn't much of a threat to network integrity
[07:38:40] Dagmar: It's also relatively unlikely to be noticed under most conditions.
[07:38:53] Dagmar: The only thing that makes them really stick out is the length of the session
[07:39:00] Tanthrix: That depends on whether or not you work for a BOFH
[07:39:13] justinh: nah he's an ok guy
[07:39:19] justinh: for an IT bloke anyway ;)
[07:39:26] Tanthrix: Well, if that's the case, you're probably fine.
[07:39:28] Dagmar: In real life, I used to *be* a BOFH.
[07:39:35] Tanthrix: You don't say!
[07:39:51] Tanthrix: With your ever cheery demeanor, it's hard to fathom..;)
[07:40:04] Dagmar: On a network of any size, as perverse as this sounds, there are ALWAYS things you can be doing to it that result in overall *less* work for you.
[07:40:10] Dagmar: ...and those are the things you're doing.
[07:40:25] Dagmar: Anything you do to users is the means to that end or you're wasting both your own time and theirs.
[07:40:31] Dagmar: ...and your own time is always more valuable.
[07:40:54] Dagmar: I had to implement password policy adherence auditing once.
[07:41:07] justinh: the company whittled four guys down to 2 over 2 years then recruited somebody who knows what he's doing & made the last 2 redundant
[07:41:10] Dagmar: I didn't just set up a _few_ rules to check for it.
[07:41:18] Dagmar: I wanted to never have to deal with the problem again.
[07:41:29] faichele (faichele! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:41:51] Dagmar: So I gave the task over to a script running JtR with about 300 or so permutational rules and a 78Mb database of words in the native languages of everyone in the office.
[07:42:08] Dagmar: Yeah that last bit resulted in a 92% failure rate
[07:42:51] justinh: heh. our IT guy must be the complete opposite of a BoFH then. You want stupid password rules turned off.. bingo :)
[07:43:04] Dagmar: Result: They changed the policy a bit so I could drop out the more complex parts of that, and I never had to deal with the problem again
[07:43:28] Dagmar: At any time, a member of management with the proper creds could literally flip one switch and it would come back _if they wanted it_.
[07:43:33] Dagmar: More work, to do _less_ work
[07:43:45] Tanthrix: Password rules are so bloody irrational...I'm certain there is a direct correlation between them and post-it password notes tacked to monitors.
[07:43:47] Dagmar: Otherwise the network _eats_ you
[07:44:10] Dagmar: Tanthrix: There is, but more tightly bound to that is the number of times a user may try to type in their password before they're locked out.
[07:44:16] justinh: Tanthrix: yeah, not to mention support calls from people who can't remember passwords cos they change every week
[07:44:22] Dagmar: When it's below five, postit notes are EVERYWHERE
[07:44:58] Dagmar: Set that to something reasonable that brute-force attempts will still trigger on, like twenty or fifty and the users don't freak out so much.
[07:45:17] Dagmar: They'll try "harder" passwords just because they know they'll get it right after nine or ten tries at the worst
[07:45:45] justinh: I think when you know you only have 3 tries it makes things worse
[07:45:51] Dagmar: There's a balancing act there
[07:45:54] justinh: esp. when you have to make *the* *call*
[07:46:13] Dagmar: You have to *not* make users feel like the easier route is to simply try to defeat or ignore security policies
[07:46:45] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:47:38] justinh: reminds me I need to email our guy about getting a new monitor for the lab. that red vertical line has become annoying
[07:48:05] justinh: could prolly do with a new keyboard too, since someone used it to hit a non-worky machine with last year
[07:48:14] Dagmar: Wonder who that might have been
[07:48:27] Tanthrix: justinh: By the way, I side-stepped my MythVideo / samba problem a bit. Switching to a gigabit hub dropped my load time down to about 1 full second. Not instant like 0.21 and the older CIFS client, but I can live with it.
[07:48:48] justinh: Tanthrix: FWIW I'd just have sacked the distro
[07:48:49] Tanthrix: justinh: And it dropped my 8,000 file test share from 18 seconds to 5
[07:49:36] Tanthrix: justinh: Well, I have no reason to believe that it is's probably the newer version of the CIFS client. But, it might be interesting to find a live cd from another distro with the same kernel and test it out.
[07:51:06] justinh: I'm just looking for any excuse to drop buntu like a hot rock now
[07:51:36] Tanthrix: I must admit, there is something unsettling about it to me after coming from Arch, but I'm learning to deal with it
[07:51:42] justinh: there's lots I like, but what I don't like about it is a daily pain in the ass
[07:51:54] Tanthrix: I'm still impressed at how easy everything was to setup – basically everything worked perfectly out of the box, including lirc and my two tuner cards
[07:51:54] Dagmar: Just compare the two configurations
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[07:53:37] Tanthrix: Dagmar: Hrm?
[07:54:05] Dagmar: If you're seeing a distinct performance difference between samba on one installation or another, look carefully at how each one was built
[07:55:05] Tanthrix: Dagmar: Well, unfortunately I'm comparing a 3 year old Arch system with 0.21 to a fresh Ubuntu system with 0.22. There's a lot of change in here.
[07:55:42] Dagmar: Yeah but it's highly likely the answer is going to leap out at you as a set of weird variables being set in smb.conf on one or the other of them
[07:56:18] Tanthrix: Dagmar: Well, it's certainly not going to do that, since the smb.conf has nothing to do with the CIFS client mounting a windows share. But, I get your point.
[07:56:25] Dagmar: Oh.
[07:56:33] Dagmar: I'd just blame that on Windows sucking at it and call it a day.
[07:57:01] Tanthrix: Hehe. Well, it's been working fine for years now, so it's not quite as simple as that.
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[07:58:00] Tanthrix: Dagmar: . . . /005517.html <--It's an interesting issue, but now that I've got it down to 1 second with my new gigabit switch, I'll probably quite wasting my time on it.
[07:58:40] Tanthrix: And the next time I see a good deal on a 2TB drive, I'll probably just pick it up and move everything to my BE anyway. Now that I've got gigabit and can easily do 60 MB/s from my windows machine to it, the reason for having all my stuff on the win box disappears.
[07:59:01] Dagmar: Here I can take a directory with several thousand files in it, and copy them over to an empty share at almost wire speed.
[07:59:29] Dagmar: If I then take those same files and repeat this operation, replacing the existing ones makes Windows' performance go to the toilet.
[07:59:51] Tanthrix: Fun.
[08:00:06] Dagmar: Another fun thing from a Windows machine that knows it's a workstation is to start a big filecopy and then start some very CPU intensive operation
[08:00:25] Dagmar: It'll kick QoS onto your filecopy, and performance will suck until it's done
[08:01:36] hpeter (hpeter! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:03:38] Tanthrix: justinh: Have you spent any time de-gnomifying Ubuntu in any way? That's the one thing that is killing me..such a waste of resources.
[08:04:58] justinh: not really
[08:05:15] justinh: but if I'm gonna have to go to that kind of length why not just use $somethingelseentirely ?
[08:05:29] justinh: I'm no gnome fan, but I detest KDE
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[08:06:51] oobe: Tanthrix, just use a lighwieght xsession like fluxbox or xfce
[08:07:11] justinh: can't remember what I used for my frontend
[08:07:13] oobe: you dont need to remove any of the gnome stuff and it wont use resources or mess with mythtv
[08:07:42] Tanthrix: Well, that's more what I meant – switching window managers, and disabling any unnecessary gnome stuff but not getting rid of it, which would probably break all sorts of stuff
[08:07:53] oobe: my choice is fluxbox its not very popular but i like it so tiny and all you need to just run a FE
[08:07:59] justinh: disabling stuff can break things too
[08:08:10] Tanthrix: Hehe, I've used fluxbox on all my myth systems for years, and blackbox before that
[08:08:14] Tanthrix: Great wm.
[08:09:21] justinh: I need to find all the tickboxes for "make this program suck"
[08:09:50] justinh: the ****ing keyring manager not being optional is a PITA
[08:10:59] justinh: uninstalling email & office apps removes ubuntu-desktop.. which on the face of it shouldn't cause any issues cos it's only a meta packages. YEAH RIGHT
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[08:24:47] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:25:52] trumee: i have a show which repeats 4 times in a day on a channel. i setup to record one show daily on the channel, however myth is trying to record 2 shows out of 4 shows.
[08:26:17] justinh: using xmltv?
[08:26:21] trumee: any idea what could be the problem.
[08:26:24] trumee: yes
[08:26:39] justinh: the show title/subtitle is different
[08:27:05] justinh: that or you already have a rule setup to record the same show
[08:27:30] trumee: the show title is the same. where do i find the subtitle
[08:28:05] justinh: when are you ever going to get a blimmin clue man?
[08:29:05] justinh: the show subtitle is the line under the main title usually
[08:29:26] justinh: e.g. Title: Top Gear subtitle: Winter Special
[08:29:34] justinh: derrrrrrrrrrrr
[08:30:24] trumee: are the details of the two shows
[08:30:54] trumee: it is a dump from mythweb
[08:31:59] justinh: so look in the recording schedules page in mythweb
[08:32:02] trumee: i guess "Thu, Jan 21, 15:00 to 15:30 (30 mins)" is the subtitle. is there any way to ignore the subtitle?
[08:32:05] justinh: see if that show is listed more than one
[08:32:13] justinh: no that isn't the subtitle
[08:32:26] justinh: looks like there's no subtitle
[08:33:28] trumee: so what might be the problem?
[08:33:39] justinh: I've already said!
[08:33:46] justinh: there might be more than one recording rule for it
[08:33:47] justinh: FFS
[08:34:17] justinh: click the 'recording schedules' page in mythweb & see how many times that show is named on that page
[08:34:23] justinh: if more than once, there's your problem
[08:34:39] justinh: if not more than once.. it's something else
[08:35:08] trumee: there is just one schedule for this program
[08:36:32] justinh: I dunno then. be glad it's not recording too few
[08:37:32] justinh: or delete the schedule & make a new one to record in a given timeslot
[08:37:52] justinh: nothing else I can think of could cause this
[08:38:29] justinh: possibly trying to mix EIT & xmltv data but that doesn't look like a terrestrially aired show
[08:39:39] trumee: is it possible to purge the data in the listings
[08:40:03] trumee: the data is only from an xml file from the provider
[08:41:14] trumee: what should i pass to mythfilldatabase to delete all the previous data and import xml file again
[08:41:25] justinh: that probably won't solve anything
[08:41:46] justinh: it rarely does
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[08:43:44] justinh: if the show title & programid are the same, record ONCE per day should only record just that
[08:46:30] trumee: ok, i did a custom schedule wih the titlename and now it is working as expected
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[08:47:15] justinh: how do you know so soon?!
[08:48:02] trumee: i checked the upcomng recordings, it is listing only a single entry for the day instead of two entries
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[08:48:44] justinh: I think you should check your database integrity
[08:48:59] trumee: how do i do that?
[08:49:02] justinh: also I'd question the validity of the xmltv data
[08:49:05] trumee: in mythweb>
[08:49:13] justinh: no not in mythweb
[08:49:44] justinh: if you stuck around here instead of just popping in & out whenever you have a problem maybe you'd learn something
[08:50:13] trumee: well, usually i am here whenever i find time.
[08:50:21] justinh: mysqlcheck et al
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[08:53:14] trumee: there is something about database checks in mythweb as well.
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[08:54:32] trumee: btw, how can i purge all the listings?
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[09:10:50] justinh: so tempted to tell people rm -rf / when they ask how to purge listings
[09:12:10] Hoxzer: ;_____; Why do you always have to be so mean?
[09:12:25] justinh: I'm not *always* so mean
[09:12:54] justinh: but some people keep coming back for really simple issues they can solve by reading, or just sticking around for a while
[09:13:07] justinh: and it's annoying
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[09:24:21] justinh: maybe I'm in a bit of a bad mood because I've just had to wait over an hour for an application to start. Our own CCTV viewing app. The one which allows you to resize the window but can't lock the aspect ratio of the displayed video. Useless crap
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[09:39:04] justinh: stupid java rubbish. they did it in java so it could be cross-platform – except it'll only work on Windows boxes. So we're stuck with the stupid lame java VM junk rather than a nifty native app. Pah
[09:41:26] rhpot1991 (rhpot1991!n=rhpot199@ubuntu/member/rhpot1991) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[10:02:42] ivor: justinh: yuck sounds like junk.
[10:03:14] justinh: I don't think it's java that's the junk part
[10:03:38] justinh: I've seen much more complex java apps suck much, much less :)
[10:08:58] Dibblah: They should have written it in Flash. ;)
[10:09:22] justinh: don't give them any ideas.. or rather HIM any ideas
[10:10:36] justinh: he's one of those guys who yells at a designer that the designer's idea is crap & he should be doing it *this* way. Then months later comes over, sees what designer has done (on his say so) & starts shouting the odds that it's stupid & should be done differently – which turns out to be how the designer wanted to do it in the 1st place
[10:16:08] Dibblah: Ahhh... Management. I'm sure they clone them.
[10:16:26] Dibblah: ... Since they obviously can't breed on their own.
[10:16:31] justinh: lol
[10:16:38] justinh: that's the man at the top
[10:16:49] justinh: the managers are strangely pretty clued up
[10:19:09] justinh: take the stupid 5 disk JBOD box.. 2U high & about 28 inches deep
[10:19:46] justinh: he wanted a fan per disk, and the all disks to be on a horizontal tray with airflow ducted from below (or else)
[10:20:07] justinh: this tray incidentally, can be pulled out when all the HDDs are powered up
[10:20:36] justinh: cos you know what a great idea moving spinning HDDs is :)
[10:21:48] justinh: it weighs 30 kilos. Yes that's right. a 5-disk sata enclosure weighs 30 kilos
[10:23:03] justinh: tempted to go round putting 'Suggestion Box' labels on all the bins again
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[10:35:56] justinh: oh no. java app crashed. have to kill it & wait for it to load again
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[10:43:28] johnbergqvist: hi guys. is it possible (im assuming in the jamu.conf) to force jamu to recognise a recording as a tv show not a movie?
[10:43:32] johnbergqvist: because theres one show that it tries to find as a movie on the moviedb, (its actually tvshow), but i want it to try and find it on
[10:44:06] justinh: have you looked in the wiki?
[10:45:02] johnbergqvist: yes, but i cant find anything in there
[10:45:47] johnbergqvist: its weird, ive just checked and its checking the tvdb (which is good), and it gives me the correct tvdb id for the program, but its telling me its a movie and it cant find any artwork for it?
[10:45:48] johnbergqvist: wierd
[10:50:05] johnbergqvist: it gets everything else thats on the ok (the program i want is Mock the week)
[10:54:09] johnbergqvist: ive tried manually putting it into the jamu conf as well but that hasnt done anything
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[10:58:55] johnbergqvist: right well it appears that i can only manually specify themoviedb ids, not thetvdb ids
[11:01:40] justinh: you seriously want data for 'mock the week'? LOL. Frankie Boyle rants about more stereotypes using off-colour humour
[11:01:44] justinh: there you go
[11:02:28] johnbergqvist: i never said it was because of him.
[11:02:37] johnbergqvist: i prefer Hugh Dennis
[11:02:52] justinh: less offensive but sadly not actually funny IMHO :)
[11:03:04] johnbergqvist: meh
[11:03:47] justinh: btw nothing against your taste in teevees – but this is the kind of thing where I go 'hmmm, fanart etc in 'watch recordings'.. nice idea if it works without very much effort at all in the majority of cases'
[11:04:10] johnbergqvist: well its the only program that it wont pick up.
[11:04:34] justinh: IIRC jamu looks for movies first, then teevees
[11:04:39] johnbergqvist: ive tried manually adding it in the jamu.conf file but it still doesnt work. Thinks its a movie and checks but ignores tv
[11:05:25] justinh: wonder what the fanart for MTW is actually like...
[11:05:38] johnbergqvist:
[11:05:41] mtrax (mtrax! has quit (Client Quit)
[11:05:52] justinh: hahaha
[11:05:56] justinh: what a bunch of lookers they are
[11:06:06] johnbergqvist: meh
[11:06:31] johnbergqvist: so do u have anyway of telling jamu to look for specific programs in the instead of themoviedb?
[11:07:04] justinh: I dunno. I've not even upgraded to 0.22 yet
[11:07:13] justinh: least not in production anyway
[11:07:26] johnbergqvist: ok
[11:07:30] johnbergqvist: im on 0.23
[11:07:38] justinh: it's not 0.23 btw
[11:07:38] johnbergqvist: works a treat
[11:08:02] johnbergqvist: im using mythbuntu karmic with the 0.23 option selected in the autobuilds page of the control centre
[11:08:02] justinh: I still need to make my new theme usable before I even contemplate upgrading
[11:08:10] johnbergqvist: is it arclight?
[11:08:16] justinh: no
[11:08:19] johnbergqvist: oh :(
[11:08:22] johnbergqvist: what is it?
[11:08:29] justinh: it's one nobody will ever see :)
[11:08:34] johnbergqvist: ok
[11:08:59] justinh: well, I could release it but I doubt anybody'd want it since it won't make use of fanart etc
[11:09:04] johnbergqvist: ok
[11:09:05] justinh: well not *much* use of it
[11:09:07] johnbergqvist: yh
[11:09:14] johnbergqvist: im waiting for a decent theme to use banenrs
[11:09:16] johnbergqvist: *banners
[11:09:47] justinh: as far as I'm concerned for an SDTV theme, all the space should be devoted to information within reason
[11:09:55] johnbergqvist: ah well im hdtv
[11:10:19] justinh: putting pretty pics behind text is pointless when you're *covering* the picture
[11:10:30] johnbergqvist: not always
[11:10:47] justinh: no I mean when you plaster text virtually all over the picture
[11:10:55] johnbergqvist: depends
[11:10:56] justinh: like in the watch recordings screen
[11:10:57] johnbergqvist: yh
[11:11:16] justinh: sure have a panel or two but christ
[11:11:45] justinh: if more than 50% of the screen is text it really defeats the object IMHO
[11:12:42] justinh: like you say it depends. from the screenshots of arclight I've seen, there's a great example of context :)
[11:12:43] johnbergqvist: do you think upgrading to a dual core CPU will let me be able to watch 1080HD better?
[11:13:02] justinh: depends if the 'HD' is sliced or not
[11:13:03] johnbergqvist: im on a amd64 4200 atm
[11:13:13] johnbergqvist: ok
[11:13:27] justinh: if it's not sliced encoding you can only use one core for decoding it
[11:13:44] justinh: til ffmpeg-mt makes some serious progress ;)
[11:14:47] justinh: FWIW I'm dubious of all these HD themes & how usable they'll be at realistic viewing distances for me personally
[11:15:14] justinh: getting on a bit now :)
[11:15:43] justinh: yeah so your 1080 TV can display 2 point high text & it looks fine when you're close enough but...
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[11:16:53] johnbergqvist: the problem i have is that half my themes are out of proportion in some way or another, i.e. text overflows the box etc.
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[11:17:08] justinh: that shouldn't be happening
[11:17:09] johnbergqvist: im hoping that if a theme has been designed for the resolution im using, that will be less of a problem
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[11:17:25] justinh: all the new ones should be fine for 16:9
[11:18:01] justinh: even 16:10 at a push I'd have thought
[11:18:19] johnbergqvist: its only in minor cases, but it ruins the experience
[11:18:29] justinh: it always did
[11:18:46] justinh: like selection boxes being 5 pixels off
[11:19:00] justinh: like drop shadows looking aliased
[11:19:14] johnbergqvist: kk
[11:19:34] justinh: which theme are you using btw?
[11:20:01] justinh: haven't seen any alignment issues in terra or mythbuntu
[11:20:56] johnbergqvist: blue abstract
[11:20:59] justinh: anyhow my real beef with the fanart is actually that you've pretty much got to have it for *everything* or it defeats the whole object
[11:21:00] johnbergqvist: i used to use graphite
[11:21:05] johnbergqvist: thats true
[11:21:15] justinh: johnbergqvist: ah I've seen alignment problems in that. It's shoddy IMHO
[11:21:29] johnbergqvist: graphite?
[11:21:32] justinh: no
[11:21:34] johnbergqvist: oh
[11:21:39] johnbergqvist: blue-abstract?
[11:21:41] justinh: yes
[11:21:50] johnbergqvist: oh
[11:21:55] johnbergqvist: thats better than graphite for me
[11:22:13] johnbergqvist: with graphite the no.5 option in the menus is always 1 line above where it should be
[11:22:17] justinh: the only thing I didn't like about graphite was the grid based watch recordings screen really
[11:22:39] johnbergqvist: yh
[11:22:54] justinh: that & it used alphapulse. I hate flashing/cycling stuff..
[11:23:32] justinh: there's a lot of great work going on, and a lot already done :)
[11:23:52] justinh: really bugs me how people are clinging on to the ancient junk though :(
[11:24:22] justinh: wtf it is about mythcenter that's so appealing I just don't know. Maybe it's the default text size
[11:24:51] johnbergqvist: lol
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[11:25:28] justinh: I could be right. look at any STB UI. Do they cram as much info as some mythtv themes do onscreen? No.. and there's a reason for that :)
[11:27:12] justinh: but choice is good. At least now we're not limited to one layout style :)
[11:28:21] johnbergqvist: well ive temporarily got round my problem by downlaoding the metadata images manually. grrr
[11:28:52] justinh: I dunno how all that works.
[11:29:22] justinh: do you have to put in the metadata per individual show or does it go in on a programme series basis?
[11:31:00] johnbergqvist: what, doing it manually?
[11:31:08] justinh: either
[11:32:15] johnbergqvist: well manually, i just downloaded the individual images, placed them with the other (if we use banners as an example) banners, and named it like the rest: [Program Name]_banner.jpg
[11:32:18] johnbergqvist: seems to have worked
[11:32:28] johnbergqvist: i thought i would have to link it with the database but no
[11:32:42] justinh: maybe just the image grabbing failed then
[11:32:47] johnbergqvist: still it would be nice if it did it automatically though like the other programs
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[11:33:04] justinh: the (cough) other programs.. Meh
[11:33:26] johnbergqvist: no, it seems to think its a movie (yet i have more than one episode), so it checks the moviedb, doesnt find it and moves on to the next program, without checking the tvdb
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[11:34:40] johnbergqvist: it would be nice if, if it didnt find the info on themoviedb, to then check the tvdb and vice versa
[11:35:01] johnbergqvist: instead of just guessing whether its a movie or tv show and just going on its own intuition
[11:35:08] justinh: I thought it did, given the right incantation
[11:36:13] johnbergqvist: did what?
[11:36:18] johnbergqvist: checked one then the other, regardless
[11:36:20] johnbergqvist: ?
[11:36:36] justinh: yeah with the right option. I thought it did
[11:36:44] johnbergqvist: well its not doing it for me
[11:36:49] johnbergqvist: whats the option?
[11:37:16] johnbergqvist: the option im using is -MWV
[11:47:43] johnbergqvist: oh well, thanks for your help anyway
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[12:52:56] justinh: heh seeing that 'kill frontend when tv is off' thread reminds me I should try out the standby killer my power company sent me for 'free'
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[14:36:46] tmkt: Before I file this bug, anyone here of it before? ripping my dvds... creating a bunch of m4vs of them
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[14:36:55] tmkt: trying to play them fails sometimes
[14:37:05] tmkt: until i restart mythfrontend
[14:37:31] justinh: before you file this as a bug you better get some debug output
[14:37:51] justinh: mythfrontend -v
[14:37:59] justinh: prolly mythfrontend -v playback
[14:38:19] justinh: depending on the failure mode. does the screen say "please wait..." but then just drop you back to the menu?
[14:38:31] tmkt: it says please wait
[14:38:36] tmkt: then complains about frame rate
[14:38:48] tmkt: yeah..i'll provide more info when I file the bug
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[14:38:56] justinh: complains about framerate. That's very descriptive
[14:39:03] justinh: like "help, it no worky"
[14:39:26] justinh: but if it's intermittent it's more likely to be a bug than something silly
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[14:39:49] justinh: .. in theory at least
[14:41:12] justinh: ow. gawd only knows how this IP camera is still working at an ambient of 50 deg C
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[14:41:50] justinh: when the codec onboard reaches 50 deg C at room temp & the PoE converter 90 deg C at room temp. heh
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[14:45:25] mrand: 90 deg C room temp? Where's that exactly?!
[14:45:43] justinh: no the chip casing is 90 deg C at room temp
[14:45:49] justinh: silly :)
[14:46:18] justinh: wouldn't wanna be in any room at 90 deg celcius.. well not for a while yet ;)
[14:46:20] mrand: ahhh... makes much more sense. NEBS / telco is 55 deg C max room temp. Outside plant is 65 deg C "air" temp inside an uncooled cabinet
[14:46:47] justinh: this dome camera has been sold specced to 50 but reports have come in about failures in the field
[14:46:51] justinh: in Australia
[14:47:09] justinh: turned out it was never actually tested to verify the spec
[14:47:54] mrand: They probably didn't want to pay for a temp chamber. Although there are surely compliance shops that they could go rent one for a while.
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[14:49:44] justinh: they being us, and we have two such chambers
[14:50:15] mrand: hahah gotcha
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[14:58:04] tmkt: complains about bad when i tune into a channel and it can't quite lock onto it.
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[15:00:05] justinh: weird
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[16:14:57] stuartm: iamlindoro:, some (all) of the feeds like to quicktime only vids, is that correct or am I doing something wrong?
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[16:47:16] iamlindoro: stuartm: You're not doing something wrong-- It's mostly useful as a download-only script (or if I can ever figure out a NSPlugin that works with quicktime)
[16:57:13] stuartm: ok, so tune in later?
[16:57:58] wagnerrp: same bat time, same bat channel
[17:00:41] hashbang (hashbang! has quit (Client Quit)
[17:02:47] iamlindoro: stuartm: Well, you can download/watch all those shows
[17:02:58] iamlindoro: MENU->Save This Video
[17:03:01] iamlindoro: or whatever I called it
[17:03:13] iamlindoro: you'll just need to wait for the download to complete
[17:03:30] iamlindoro: it'll go to ~/.mythtv/download_####_####.ext
[17:03:58] iamlindoro: which is a total stopgap solution until we can get the backend to do the downloading+ watch while the download is in progress
[17:05:10] stuartm: iamlindoro: ah
[17:05:48] stuartm: maybe select should initiate the download for download-only sources when that happens?
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[17:06:37] stuartm: I'm making a nuisance of myself, I'll shut up
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[17:09:25] iamlindoro: stuartm: Nope, you're exactly right
[17:09:33] Captain_Murdoch: since stuartm shut up, /me decides to be the nuisance and says "iamlindoro, have you thought about creating a MNV storage group and having the FE download the video to the MNV group on the master BE? then you could list items in the MNV SG in your tree."
[17:09:47] iamlindoro: in fact, I wrote that same thing to you and then deleted it, thinking it did you know good for me to explain what it should do
[17:10:16] Captain_Murdoch: once we have backend downloading will these go into a MNV SG anyway?
[17:10:25] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch: Yeah, I had thought of it-- in fact, I think there's still commented out code that puts the download in the default storage group-- but I caught hell last release by adding new storage groups and wasn't eager to repeat it
[17:10:48] iamlindoro: That said, it would be trivial to add/enable since it's mostly all already there
[17:11:09] wagnerrp: whats the problem with additional storage groups
[17:11:25] wagnerrp: theyre kinda mandatory if you want to keep stuff separate
[17:11:26] iamlindoro: oh, and correcting myself a few lines ago, s/did you know/did you no/
[17:11:50] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Because I hear things like "Meh, it should just go in the video/recording/default/whatever SG instead"
[17:12:09] Captain_Murdoch: I vote for it having a new SG, then it's accessible to all FE's if you can browse that FE in your tree.
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[17:12:46] Captain_Murdoch: s/browse that FE/browse that SG/
[17:12:59] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch: I'll try to take a look at it this weekend
[17:13:30] iamlindoro: I really want the downloading to work well, particularly in-progress-playback, but I sort of gave up on what I've got considering it all a wasted effort
[17:13:30] wagnerrp: already thursday... this week went by fast
[17:13:57] Captain_Murdoch: and when we have backend downloading that will just drop into place since you'll be able to tell the BE to "download file from URL X and drop into SG Y" and it can/will send out an event when it's done.
[17:14:38] iamlindoro: s/done/buffered enough to start playback/  ?
[17:14:43] iamlindoro: (hopefully)
[17:14:54] Captain_Murdoch: that will also mean you can clean up after yourself if you want. user downloads video, watches video, picks 'delete' off the menu and MNV uses the remotefile delete capability to delete the temp video.
[17:15:11] Captain_Murdoch: well, I was thinking that it could/would send out events about % downloaded as well.
[17:15:25] iamlindoro: yeah, that'd be great
[17:15:27] Captain_Murdoch: and support querying status of a download.
[17:16:07] Captain_Murdoch: and I've been wondering if this just makes sense to drop into the JobQueue somehow, since we can now run jobs that aren't associated with a chanid/starttime.
[17:16:42] iamlindoro: most of what you describe above in terms of UI is actually already there (remotefile::delete, etc.) just not hooked up right now
[17:16:57] Captain_Murdoch: queuing a download would wakeup sleeping jobqueues to pick up the job.
[17:17:16] Captain_Murdoch: yeah,
[17:17:29] iamlindoro: in MNV, I mean
[17:17:44] Captain_Murdoch: cool. thought you meant the lib code.
[17:18:21] iamlindoro: yeah, I mean MNV... actually had it downloading to default, playing when it had 20 MB downloaded, deleting, etc. but tore most of it out because I thought it was pretty awful/hacky
[17:18:47] iamlindoro: I might take another run at it before the release just to try to have *something* usable there, will depend a lot on time
[17:19:39] iamlindoro: the other problem was that the download thread would freeze up when the player started, but I think I've got that solved now
[17:22:25] iamlindoro: Also need to go look up how to let a QThread yield to the main UI thread, as the download/parsing of trees can interfere with TV playback when the two are going on at the same time... setPriority I assume
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[17:42:28] iamlindoro: Hahaha, Conan O'Brien bought a 1.5 Million dollar Bugatti Veyron to dress up as a mouse and use in a sketch just to cost NBC money
[17:43:17] iamlindoro: And then displayed it with the Rolling Stones playing in the background to cost them royalty money, hahahaha
[17:43:22] gbee_: at least he didn't crash it, as several Veyron owners have done
[17:44:20] iamlindoro: . . . veyron-mouse
[17:44:28] iamlindoro: That is awesome
[17:44:38] gbee_: a car with a price tag of 1.5 Million but which is sold at a loss
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[18:00:25] Chicago: I noticed the last file posted on sourceforge for the mythcontrol (windows mobile) application is dated -> 2007-04–26 . I recently have been looking at windows mobile development in c# (fairly simple if you know some of the MSBS IDE innards).
[18:01:00] Chicago: Anybody care to shed light on which direction development is going in currently for windows mobile phones performing remote control?
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[18:59:58] tank-man: Chicago, never heard of that app before while lurking in this channel
[19:00:36] Chicago: tank-man, mythcontrol is hosted on sourceforge and I've never heard of it here either
[19:00:48] Elwell (Elwell!i=elwell@freenode/staff/elwell) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:01:02] Chicago: I just installed it and am looking for the 'options'... I suspect there is some config file where I point it to a server listening on 6546.
[19:01:22] Elwell: Evening all – anyone here who can explain some workings of the uPNP stuff?
[19:01:24] Chicago: tank-man, do you have a WM phone?
[19:01:45] tank-man: no i do not have a wm phone
[19:01:54] tank-man: 6546 sounds like its using the telnet interface
[19:02:00] kormoc: Chicago: my direction is to write a skin for mythweb for your phone and use it's remote interface
[19:02:26] ** Elwell has a samsung DLNA tv and would like the 'pause' button to work – is such a hack/patch going to need me learning C? **
[19:03:08] Chicago: kormoc, has there been talk of using the recording groups as rss feeds, such that a phone with a feed reader could subscribe to the 'jay leno' video podcast.... and then download OTA the episodes as they come in...
[19:03:47] kormoc: Chicago: would be simplish to add to mythweb, other then the dynamic transcoding to a format the phone would support
[19:04:24] Chicago: those are already probably existing for most users as their job{1,2,3,4} user-defined jobs.
[19:04:49] Chicago: I'm thinking crunch 1920x1080 into 320x240 about 300–400kbit....
[19:04:50] kormoc: then yes, it'd be simplish to add
[19:05:04] kormoc: but the job would have to happen before you could stream
[19:05:11] Chicago: yeah
[19:05:49] Chicago: there are ruby frameworks for making feeds, I haven't looked into it in a greater extent than figuring out I couldn't decide on a defacto PHP feeder script.
[19:08:16] Chicago: I'm hoping to have the touchscreen interface on the phone, to have it start tv on a specified channel on severl frontends and screen at the same time... so that DISPLAY=:0.0 on host1 is one frontend and DISPLAY=:0.0 DISPLAY=:0.1 and DISPLAY=0.2 on another machine with three seperate screens....
[19:08:36] Chicago: I'd like the touch interface be able to masterfully mute them together or start them on a program set together.
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[19:31:24] rhpot1991: anyone have experience with how long comcast leaves the analog channels in clear qam after you get the letter?
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[19:37:13] superm1: what is this so called letter?
[19:39:53] kormoc: "Dear John, I've found another cable customer, one who loves sitting alone on the couch for days. Sorry. Love Comcast"
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[19:44:51] ** iamlindoro really, eally wants Mass Effect 2 to be out already **
[19:45:09] at0m|c (at0m|c! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[19:48:36] kormoc: Ooh? I didn't really care for Mass Effect 1
[19:50:08] dustybin: GreyFoxx: that asterisk script works ace :D
[19:51:13] iamlindoro: kormoc: I loved ME1, personally
[19:51:23] iamlindoro: kormoc: Trailer! . . . r-has-it-all
[19:52:12] Lt_Dan_: iamlindoro – i hope amazon's "free release date shipping w/ amazon prime" comes through for ME2
[19:52:41] iamlindoro: Lt_Dan_: Much as I despise them, I know that Best Buy will always have truckloads of copies, so I'll probably just pick one up on the way home
[19:52:49] Lt_Dan_: i was debating that too
[19:53:02] Lt_Dan_: i think i got some sort of code for armor or something for pre-ordering
[19:53:27] iamlindoro: *would* prefer to get it on PS3, but I played ME1 on 360 and I want to import my character too
[19:53:36] Lt_Dan_: i was gonna ask PC or X360.
[19:53:36] iamlindoro: (and yeah, I know it's not available on PS3)
[19:53:52] iamlindoro: Don't have a windows PC so 360 is my only option
[19:54:04] Lt_Dan_: i only have a beta win 7 until that expires :)
[19:54:10] kormoc: iamlindoro: it looks awesome, for sure, but I really didn't care for the squad micromanagement of ME1 :(
[19:54:10] Lt_Dan_: so i went x360
[19:54:31] iamlindoro: kormoc: I get the sense (from all the reviews) that they took the major complaints very seriously in designing the second
[19:54:47] Lt_Dan_: MUCH LESS MAKO, please
[19:54:50] Lt_Dan_: ?
[19:54:52] iamlindoro: kormoc: And the ones they always mention are squad management, inventory, and level up mechanic
[19:54:55] iamlindoro: and yeah, the Mako
[19:55:01] kormoc: iamlindoro: Well, I'll buy it when it's on sale on steam cheap, so we'll see :)
[19:55:21] iamlindoro: heh
[19:55:21] kormoc: I half wonder if I'm in the top 10% of steam customers yet
[19:55:43] Lt_Dan_: you fans of other bioware--ie Dragon Age?
[19:55:49] Lt_Dan_: KoTOR
[19:55:57] iamlindoro: I love Bioware, but thought Dragon Age was wicked ugly
[19:56:05] kormoc: Lt_Dan_: Dragon Age isn't on sale yet, and KOTOR was monthly fee, no?
[19:56:16] iamlindoro: Kotor games were super fun
[19:56:35] iamlindoro: Think you're thinking of SW:TOR
[19:56:36] Lt_Dan_: oh. i got dragon age on ps3 and standard PC DVD--not steam.. i wasn't aware they weren't on steam yet
[19:56:47] Lt_Dan_: i thought i saw mention of it in the forums
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[19:57:02] iamlindoro: I even enjoyed Jade Empire
[19:57:04] Lt_Dan_: KoTOR=Knights of the Old Republic (the old, non-online one from xbox days)
[19:57:15] kormoc: Lt_Dan_: They were on steam for pre-order like three months ahead and preload for at least a week
[19:57:36] kormoc: Lt_Dan_: no consoles, so unless it's a pc title (and on steam), doubtful I've ever played it
[19:57:59] iamlindoro: ME2 also has an insane voice cast
[19:58:10] iamlindoro: and the closest thing to an Agent Sarah Walker sex sim I'll ever get
[19:58:16] gbee_: I played KoTOR right through until just short of the end I dumped Windows for good and never finished
[19:58:29] Lt_Dan_: lol
[19:58:38] Lt_Dan_: who's on for ME2?
[19:58:55] Lt_Dan_: some of the surviving characters from ME1+who?
[19:59:05] Lt_Dan_: (actors)
[19:59:12] iamlindoro: Martin Sheen, Yvonne Strahovski, Seth Green, Tricia Helfer
[19:59:13] iamlindoro: etc.
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[19:59:17] Lt_Dan_: really!
[19:59:19] Lt_Dan_: nice
[19:59:27] iamlindoro: Michael Dorn, Alec Baldwin
[19:59:35] iamlindoro: s/Alec/Adam./
[19:59:50] iamlindoro: Carrie Ann Moss, Michael Hogan
[19:59:54] iamlindoro: and so on
[20:00:12] Lt_Dan_: wow. even more reason for the 26th to get here already....
[20:00:31] gbee_: one short of a Chuck reunion then
[20:00:38] iamlindoro: heh, true
[20:00:42] Lt_Dan_: i've been distracting myself with dragon age so i haven't been following the m.e.2 news
[20:01:53] iamlindoro: Anyway, the folks at Bioware do "epic" right, and that's the kind of game I really enjoy
[20:02:17] Lt_Dan_: agreed about Bioware.
[20:02:53] iamlindoro: Bioware, Valve, Naughty Dog... all tend to take their time and get things right, and it shows
[20:04:56] Lt_Dan_: i'll add at least fallout3 from bethesda.. never really tried much of their others (oblivion)
[20:05:33] iamlindoro: FAllout 3 was a lot of fun-- I didn't get into Oblivion very much
[20:06:25] iamlindoro: Maybe I'm just naturally biased towards SciFi over Sword and Sorcery
[20:07:55] iamlindoro: Bioshock 2 should be fun times too
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[20:08:37] elmojo: sphery: r23225 broke mythavtest playback
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[20:17:21] J-e-f-f-A: (Ot) Awesome... IRC on my Droid.... hehehehe...
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[20:19:52] elmojo: sphery: reverting line 129 in mythcommandlineparser.cpp back to 'return true' fixes the issue here
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[20:38:03] xaxes: hey there.. I have problem fastforwarding/backwarding while wathcing live-tv .. it only jumps 1 second forwards/backwards .. Somebody told me, that Iam able to press 2 + rightarrow to get a 2 minute-forward-jump.. sometimes it works, but not often.. when it isnt working it only jumps 1 second.. any tips?
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[20:58:08] mag0o: xaxes: maybe you're caught up with the live stream and can't go ahead any further?
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[21:01:47] dustybin: mythtvosd caller id has no space for the %TIME variable
[21:02:00] dustybin: the %TIME variable has shifted next to date
[21:02:39] dustybin: could this be a bug inside the inner workings of mythtv?
[21:03:21] ** dustybin awaits death **
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[21:04:13] TauPan: Hi again... I've made some progress with the hvr-1300, but I still can't change the channel when viewing live tv. When I try, I get the following output on the console:
[21:04:36] TauPan: and then mythtv tells me that "Video frame buffering failed too many times"
[21:05:51] xaxes: mag0o: no, I also cant go backwards..
[21:06:04] wagnerrp: any SQL gurus around?
[21:06:36] wagnerrp: i have a query set up that will join a bunch of tables and let me search for a video with one specific cast member
[21:06:48] xaxes: mag0o: restarting live-tv gives me normal behaviour back
[21:07:03] wagnerrp: i would like to change it so you could search for one video that contains multiple cast members
[21:07:09] wagnerrp: but im thinking thats not possible
[21:07:30] wagnerrp: since when you join them, you end up with multiple lines, each with only one cast member listed
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[21:11:32] dustybin: im using the blootube OSD, i think there is a bug
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[21:23:37] TauPan: ÿ
[21:23:42] TauPan: oops
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[21:29:04] TauPan: the reason why I think it may be (partially at least) mythtv's fault is that I can watch the stream with mplayer and just switch the channel with itvt-tune and there will be a slight glitch, but then I can just go on watching
[21:29:41] TauPan: also mythtv won't notice anything if I just switch the channel with ivtv-tune
[21:31:29] kormoc: wagnerrp: I'd take a gander at it
[21:31:32] gbee_: bloody bank cancelled my debit card causing it to be rejected, twice, the cancellation in turn prevented me accessing my account online, the bloke on the phone (after waiting 10 minutes) told me my account didn't exist – by now I'm angry and a little worried
[21:32:10] ** kormoc blinks **
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[21:32:19] kormoc: gbee_: Fire should be set!
[21:32:24] gbee_: managed to get through to someone different on the phone who figured out it was all a screwup on their end and immediately re-instated the card etc
[21:32:59] ** gbee_ has aged a couple of years in under an hour **
[21:33:39] JoshBorke: gbee_: could be worse, they could have said all your money was gone
[21:34:29] gbee_: if they hadn't reinstated the card it would have been messy, 5–10 days for a new card in which time I'd have no access to money and several re-occuring payments failing
[21:34:37] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A!n=J-e-f-f-@unaffiliated/j-e-f-f-a) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[21:35:10] TauPan: hm, apparently myth tries to switch to the v4l input in the end
[21:35:21] JoshBorke: gbee_: glad you were able to get it resolved
[21:35:54] gbee_: JoshBorke: had that been the case it wouldn't have been too bad (relatively), it's a current account which never has _large_ sums in it
[21:36:55] gbee_: just happens to be the only immediate access account I have
[21:37:40] gbee_: lesson learnt
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[21:38:57] wagnerrp: kormoc:
[21:40:34] wagnerrp: kormoc: would i have to roll that into a temporary table, which i could then search against?
[21:40:41] kormoc: nopers!
[21:42:43] ** gbee_ opens the JD **
[21:43:20] iamlindoro: s/Thursday/Friday/
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[21:45:45] cidtrips: anyone here familiar with the saa7134 driver?
[21:47:32] devinheitmueller: cidtrips: a question like that is probably better asked on #linuxtv.
[21:48:03] kormoc: wagnerrp:
[21:48:14] kormoc: wagnerrp: whoops, one sec
[21:48:25] kormoc: wagnerrp:
[21:48:28] ** wagnerrp is afraid of the how long that thing will be if kormoc has been typing the last several minutes **
[21:48:48] kormoc: wagnerrp: change the = 2; to whatever the count of matching cast you want to match
[21:49:00] kormoc: wagnerrp: nah, more testing it to make sure it works as expected
[21:49:01] wagnerrp: kormoc: that will search for any movie with either of those two actors
[21:49:06] wagnerrp: i mean one movie with both actors
[21:49:08] kormoc: negative
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[21:49:30] kormoc: wagnerrp: as it requires a count of the subselect to be two
[21:49:37] cidtrips: alright, trying to get mythtv to work with a weird sbt-tvfm card, so thanks, I'll ask there
[21:49:42] kormoc: wagnerrp: if it was a count = 1, sure, but we're restricting it to require a count of two
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[21:50:42] kormoc: wagnerrp: we run the subquery on each row of the videometadata, so basically one subquery pre video, getting the count of actors matching the search and only saying true if the count is two, if you wanted for three actors, you'd add another or and make the = to be 3
[21:51:45] ** J-e-f-f-A takes notes to improve his SQL knowledge... ;-) . **
[21:52:06] wagnerrp: ... now i just have to figure out how to autogenerate that in a program
[21:52:07] wagnerrp: thanks!
[21:52:14] poodyp_ (poodyp_! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:52:45] kormoc: You're welcome :)
[21:54:31] kormoc: wagnerrp: you can do it in a join, it'd just be *Really* messy compared
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[22:04:54] wagnerrp: kormocL would you expect this to take a long time to run?
[22:05:34] TauPan: in the backend log I see a crapload of 'DevRdB(/dev/video1) Error: Problem reading fd(40)'
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[22:06:27] kormoc: wagnerrp: define long time?
[22:06:43] wagnerrp: full CPU for about 4 minutes now
[22:06:51] kormoc: wagnerrp: how many videos?
[22:06:59] wagnerrp: 3k
[22:07:50] wagnerrp: 10k in videocast, 33k in videometadatacast
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[22:09:04] kormoc: hrm
[22:09:21] JoshBorke is now known as JoshBorke`gone
[22:09:23] kormoc: could reverse the query a bit...
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[22:10:03] dustybin: ive got the blootube cid osd looking mega :D
[22:10:21] dustybin: if somebody rings me, i can see who exactly it is without even moving
[22:10:25] dustybin: this is _serious_ stuff :D
[22:10:40] iamlindoro: Because that's just what you need, less physical exertion
[22:10:57] iamlindoro: now you just need someone to actually want to call you
[22:11:05] dustybin: aye indeed
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[22:15:23] _abbenormal (_abbenormal!n=abbenorm@ has quit ("Yup Im Leaving")
[22:17:39] kormoc: wagnerrp: we're missing indexes
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[22:19:03] kormoc: wagnerrp: ALTER TABLE videometadatacast ADD UNIQUE INDEX (`idvideo`, `idcast`);
[22:19:12] kormoc: wagnerrp: and then give it a go
[22:20:38] wagnerrp: oh yeah, much better! 1.33 seconds
[22:22:23] kormoc: wagnerrp: might want to poke sphery and get that added in, it really should be a primary key
[22:22:52] wagnerrp: s/sphery/iamlindoro/ ?
[22:22:59] kormoc: that works as well
[22:23:11] kormoc: I just know sphery was doing index fixups recently
[22:23:37] wagnerrp: should then be similar fixups in videometadatagenre and videometadatacategory
[22:23:45] kormoc: likely
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[22:57:02] high-rez: This may be semi off-topic – but I notcied there are a ton of emulators supproted by mythgame – however, i'm not surewhat is best/current.. Any suggestions?
[22:57:42] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:59:18] Dagmar: Honestly it depends on what you legally have
[22:59:32] high-rez: Dagmar: I have nothing at all. :)
[22:59:41] Dagmar: Then it's not really much of a problem
[22:59:55] Dagmar: Most of the emulators for older consoles run/do everything
[23:00:08] Dagmar: Mame in particular can be expected to run whatever you throw at it
[23:00:12] high-rez: I intend to get something to play – would just like something to putz around with every once in a while.
[23:00:30] Dagmar: You will however find that it's mainly a waste of your time unless you were already playing that game on an older console
[23:01:06] high-rez: I'll look into mame then.  :)
[23:01:23] Dagmar: I went through the trouble of setting up mame and getting a bunch of pirated roms once
[23:01:32] Dagmar: Then I realized why I stopped putting quarters into machines in the first place
[23:02:30] high-rez: Dagmar: honestly? i hate to admit it: but this is more like "look what my media center can do besides photos, tv, music etc" ;)
[23:02:58] Dagmar: Heck part of the issue is that most of them somewhat expect you to be able to change the display resolution to that of the hardware in question
[23:02:58] high-rez: I keep getting yelled at everytime I have people over and don't have a wii. Need soemthing to satisfy the masses.
[23:03:11] high-rez: Yikes
[23:03:18] Dagmar: If you have a 32" LCD screen, 640x480 stuff just winds up looking like ass
[23:03:43] Dagmar: So like, go hit up a pawn shop or ebay for a Wii then
[23:03:58] Dagmar: THey're not that expensive, and Mario Party does a good job of keeping people occupied
[23:04:11] MNichie (MNichie!n=jonathan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:04:32] Dagmar: Actually, heck if you want to impress them, keep an eye on iamlindoro's hack, MythNetVision
[23:04:56] Dagmar: Just about every possible place you can get streaming video from that won't involve lawyers getting the vapors plugs into it
[23:05:06] Dagmar: PIles and piles and piles of video might well impress them
[23:05:38] high-rez: Dagmar: Funny you should mention that, I just pulled trunk this morning and have it installed.  :)
[23:05:42] high-rez: Was trying to play with it.
[23:05:44] Dagmar: It's nifty
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[23:06:10] Dagmar: It's giving me fits trying to figure out how I should theme it, but that's just because I'm a bit rusty from all the working diagrams I was doing about a year ago
[23:06:13] high-rez: But I goto manage site subscriptions and just get a blank page.
[23:06:22] Dagmar: Oh, check the dependencies
[23:06:28] high-rez: Ahh
[23:06:30] Dagmar: That's actually an item in it's faq IIRC
[23:08:09] superdump (superdump!n=rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit ("WeeChat 0.3.1-dev")
[23:09:08] high-rez: Is the faq on the wiki? I don't seeit in the mythplugins directory
[23:09:16] Dagmar: Yep
[23:10:18] high-rez: Hmm so i'm probably missing all the python bindings
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[23:10:37] Dagmar: Very likely
[23:11:10] Dagmar: Python kinda needs something like 'use CPAN;' from perl
[23:11:18] Dagmar: Not sure if that particular aspect of it still works tho
[23:11:30] high-rez: Yeah
[23:11:46] Dagmar: If you'd put it at the start of a perl program and CPAN was correctly configured, when you ran a perl script that had missing deps, it would go grab them and put them in your home directory on it's own
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[23:20:24] gbee_: became messy when everything is packaged and installing from CPAN etc conflicted with package version
[23:20:53] gbee_: but I was thinking exactly the same last night, python and perl dependencies are a pain
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[23:25:12] hipitihop (hipitihop!n=denis@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[23:26:11] Dagmar: gbee: Yeah but i'll only grab things you don't have
[23:26:23] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller!n=dheitmue@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:27:21] gbee_: Dagmar: aye, I just meant if you later install the package version
[23:27:56] gbee_: it's far better than nothing, don't get me wrong
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[23:28:14] high-rez: Hmmf. Installed the pre-reqs and still get a blank screen :(
[23:28:53] Dagmar: NOthing coming from stdout?
[23:29:11] Dagmar: Yer starting the frontend with a way to catch the console output, right?
[23:29:23] gbee_: it would have been neater if perl/python modules weren't packaged at all, but instead they were covered by meta packages which simply invoked CPAN or it's python equivalent
[23:29:53] Dagmar: Well, there's still the matter of preserving the system's software inventory
[23:30:17] gbee_: heh, yeah :/
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[23:33:12] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:33:47] Dagmar: Bleh. I need to find someone whose used up their ICC instance so I can go do some measurements
[23:34:15] inordkuo1 (inordkuo1!n=inorkuo@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:34:28] high-rez: Dagmar: Yeah nothing spewing from stdout
[23:34:32] Dagmar: Drat
[23:34:49] Dagmar: iamlindoro will probably know something when he comes on
[23:35:23] high-rez: The first time I use it I should do browse internet video/manage site subscriptions right?
[23:35:45] Dagmar: I think so. NOt entirely sure
[23:38:37] high-rez: Hmm
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[23:42:30] antgel (antgel! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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[23:45:12] high-rez: It looks like the python scripts aren't executing
[23:45:50] high-rez: Failinmg to import the api script – but not sure why
[23:46:38] Dagmar: That's odd
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[23:49:14] iamlindoro: run the api script
[23:49:41] iamlindoro: python /usr/share/mythtv/mythnetvision/scripts/nv_python_libs/youtube/
[23:49:49] iamlindoro: change path as appropriate
[23:51:26] iamlindoro: hopefully you're not running some ancient distro with old python
[23:52:01] peterpan13_ptl: any idea why on my mac frontend, I keep getting the "spinning pinwheel of death" whenever I try to either Watch TV or watch a recorded show, even if it's in standard def? Everything else in the frontend is accessible to me, including scheduling and so forth... I've tried using both precompiled binaries and have compiled using the automated perl script from the command line... both versions are having the same problem...
[23:52:55] Dagmar: Not a clue. Zero idea about the inner lives of macs
[23:53:27] kormoc: peterpan13_ptl: check the logs?
[23:53:41] Dagmar: Sounds like maybe the player is just not working. HOpefully it'll be saying something to the console about it
[23:53:54] Dagmar: Something *obvious* (crosses fingers)
[23:54:03] Dagmar: LIke "AHh! Can't find quartz!"
[23:55:31] peterpan13_ptl: ugggg
[23:56:02] Dagmar: Pretty sure it's not saying "ugggg"
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[23:58:41] peterpan13_ptl: haha, nope, that's just me sighing.... Dagmar, you saved me last night... maybe I'm pushing my luck, trying to get this thing working on the mac tonight.... I've got the logs, but, well.... it might as well be saying "uggg"!

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