:: #mythtv-users

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Sunday, January 17th, 2010, 00:03 UTC
[00:03:24] RDV_Linux: mzb: Sorry I only know the python grabber scripts. I assume you have at least search working and some/all of the grabbers can be run in a terminal with the -v option. Remember that Netvision is early beta at this point.
[00:04:03] mzb: that's an error from the build, haven't got as far as testing
[00:05:33] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:05:42] RDV_Linux: mzb: Well that type of error is out of my humble depth.
[00:05:44] mzb: seems to build find on Ubuntu 9.10 but not on Lenny ... can't see why yet
[00:06:54] mzb: s/fine
[00:07:08] mzb: trying again
[00:07:25] mzb: nope, same
[00:09:47] FreezyFreaky (FreezyFreaky! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:11:14] mzb: I wonder if it's qt 4.4 vs qt4.5
[00:12:04] gbee: mzb: add "#include <QLocale>" to the list of includes at the top of parse.cpp
[00:12:12] mzb: k
[00:12:25] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!n=Matt@wikisource/ has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:12:43] gbee: iamlindoro: parse.cpp yours, or was it borrowed from somewhere?
[00:13:04] iamlindoro: mostly mine, with some parsing ideas copied
[00:13:10] iamlindoro: I'll add the include-- wonder why it builds here
[00:13:24] henrik__: Hello! When in live tv mode, and pressing "m" I get a list with different choices, compared to .21 I'm missing some vital choices, Like dvb texting or audio track or textv menu, all thous are just gone. I compared frontend to a friend also on the .22. He had the choices I was missing, how can I add these entries to the menu?
[00:14:03] wagnerrp: try in 'i'
[00:14:05] gbee: iamlindoro: I didn't quite appreciate just how busy you've been, nor how fast you've learnt for that matter :)
[00:14:13] wagnerrp: no... that just brings up the OSD
[00:14:33] iamlindoro: gbee, TBH I am a little ashamed of the probable-many ugly bits
[00:14:43] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:14:43] iamlindoro: gbee, proud of the result, but a bit sad I didn't/can't do better
[00:14:49] iamlindoro: gbee, Thank you for the compliment
[00:14:52] mzb: that's got it .. interesting that the MBE didn't like it ;)
[00:15:11] darkdrgn2k3 (darkdrgn2k3! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:15:36] henrik__: wagnerrp, I only gets me the osd with info on how long the movie has been going on, and next time i is pressed I get information about the program I'm watching
[00:16:21] henrik__: ohh I can se you wrote that..
[00:17:54] gbee: iamlindoro: some Anduinisms in there that I personally don't like, but that's not unexpected since you've spent so much time around mythvideo and it's inconsequential at the end of the day
[00:18:30] iamlindoro: gbee, I would be wildly appreciative of any advice or improvements you care to make
[00:18:42] iamlindoro: No pride here, I just want it to meet expectations
[00:21:39] gbee: well just one thing for now then, convention in myth is to indent public/private/protected by 2 spaces
[00:22:15] iamlindoro: will do
[00:22:30] iamlindoro: In my haste there are probably a fair number of formatting yucks
[00:22:33] gbee: I'm not wild about appending _ to everything in a struct, but there are no rules governing that in myth, it's just a personal preference
[00:23:24] sphery: elmojo: cool... glad you have that fixed. It will make a lot of people happy--especially with the no-seektable-playing fixes
[00:23:25] dan4dm (dan4dm! has quit ("leaving")
[00:23:38] iamlindoro: will look at that too, I think I was probably pretty inconsistent in the structs too
[00:23:59] gbee: and that's about all I can say having only looked briefly at parse.h
[00:25:45] henrik__: no one who can have an Idea about the problem with missing dvb-text and text-tv menu?
[00:26:16] sphery: henrik__: did you enable MHEG?
[00:28:02] henrik__: sphery, no I have not..
[00:28:20] henrik__: never done before either, but is that for people outside New Zeland?
[00:28:29] sphery: I don't know much about non-US stuff like that, but "dvb-text and text-tv" menu sounds a lot like MHEG
[00:28:51] sphery: I know they use it in the UK. Don't know more than that.
[00:29:25] FreezyFreaky (FreezyFreaky! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:30:16] henrik__: okej I think MHEG is only in England and NewZeland, but it should be something else..
[00:30:42] henrik__: MHEG seems from looking in the wiki to be more advanced stuff.
[00:31:21] gbee: we all have our own style and preferences, there is no wrong and no right, aside from what's written down in the Coding Standards, e.g. Anduin makes lots of use of namespaces which you won't find anywhere else in the code, and which are partially redundant with symbol visibility and small libs
[00:31:36] npm (npm! has quit ("Leaving.")
[00:36:00] npm (npm! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:36:39] henrik__: gbee, or iamlindoro do any of you have a solution to my problem?
[00:37:20] iamlindoro: henrik__, sorry, I'm literally hard at work in three other windows, I haven't even read it
[00:38:42] gbee: henrik__: tried scrolling down?
[00:38:55] gbee: those options still appear here
[00:38:56] henrik__: gbee, yes, the last part of my menu is sleep
[00:39:17] henrik__: and that needs scrolling.. they should be in the menu..
[00:40:18] gbee: options like audio track are only shown if there is more than one track available
[00:40:56] henrik__: okej, but it should be shoown in this case..
[00:40:59] mzb: updating site maps
[00:41:12] gbee: henrik__: there is a new feature in 0.22 which allows you to change which options are shown in that menu, I've never looked at it
[00:42:03] henrik__: okej, do you know where I can take a look at this, right now I'm not able to record shows with text or spoken language
[00:45:48] gbee: henrik__: nope, somewhere in the settings though
[00:46:09] iamlindoro: Utils/Setup->Setup->Tv Settings->OSd Menu Editor
[00:46:13] iamlindoro: (ISTR)
[00:51:34] henrik__: iamlindoro, thanks, but according to that list the text tv should be there.
[00:52:44] mzb: iamlindoro: mnv looking good so far, browse is quite extensive ;) ... but "no browser command set" ... errr?
[00:53:00] iamlindoro: mzb, need to set up MythBrowser
[00:53:18] iamlindoro: Utils/Setup->Setup->Info Center Settings->Web Settings
[00:53:22] mzb: um, ok
[00:53:24] mzb: thanks
[00:53:27] iamlindoro: make sure "Internal" is your browser
[00:53:34] mzb: righto
[00:53:35] iamlindoro: then "OK" even if it is
[00:54:01] mzb: it's blank
[00:54:18] iamlindoro: so change to Internal
[00:55:10] mzb: done
[00:55:16] iamlindoro: should be fine now
[00:55:29] mzb: "Loading"
[00:55:32] sphery: henrik__: I'd guess it's the "not in the stream you're playing or what's in there is not recognized by Myth" answer gbee alluded ot
[00:55:37] iamlindoro: (assuming you have flash installed and working)
[00:55:44] mzb: not sure if I've got flash installed...
[00:55:47] mzb: *cackle*
[00:56:53] mzb: flashplayer-mozilla (Lenny) or install from Adobe?
[00:57:20] iamlindoro: Either should be the same, theoretically
[00:58:05] iamlindoro: Sweet Jesus people on YouTube are weird
[00:58:05] mzb: :)
[00:58:06] mzb: k
[00:58:17] iamlindoro: MNV search for "Rocky IV Montage", first result
[00:58:50] gbee: teletext stopped broadcasting at the end of last year here in the UK, the option still appears in the menu however
[00:59:14] mzb: hmm, 64-bit lenny != repo flash
[01:00:13] henrik__: iamlindoro, I have tried to remove, saved, added the choices in that menu, but they refuse to be shown in live-tv or in recorded (changed in both)
[01:00:46] antgel (antgel! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:01:12] henrik__: gbee, did they stop with dvb- teletext 2?
[01:01:13] mzb: err... contrib and non-free
[01:01:53] mzb: that's got it
[01:02:47] gbee: henrik__: analogue and digital teletext, replaced with the much better MHEG
[01:03:06] gbee: and DVB subtitles
[01:03:34] mzb: still "loading" ... restarting FE with log
[01:04:14] iamlindoro: mzb, what's still loading?
[01:05:16] henrik__: gbee, well here teletext is a type of message board so I can follow the diffrent scores in sports, and dvb text is where I get the right text for a show, audio was mostly for kids movies, where you can choose between diffrent audio.. But all thouse menus are gone since .22. and they are marked to be visible in the listing.
[01:05:53] elprespufferfish (elprespufferfish! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:04] mzb: iamlindoro: selecting a video results in "loading" ... just trying it on this machine too (!=MBE/FE)
[01:07:03] mzb: do I need a specific -v switch?
[01:07:13] iamlindoro: There's nothing for Myth to log
[01:07:27] iamlindoro: once the browser is open, it's all up to you having the flash player, and it working
[01:07:37] iamlindoro: ie, out of our hands
[01:08:02] gbee: henrik__: file a bug, but they all appear here, I can't begin to explain why you don't see them
[01:08:42] mzb: iamlindoro: running on either FE (Lenny or Ubuntu 9.10) gives me "Loading". On Ubuntu I do get previews, however.
[01:09:10] iamlindoro: mzb, so your flash player isn't working on both
[01:09:32] mzb: flash works on this machine. ${WOMAN} uses it constantly
[01:09:42] iamlindoro: once you get as far as the browser opening, it's entirely out of MythNetvision's hands
[01:10:00] iamlindoro: and since this isn't release code, you're on your own to debug
[01:10:32] iamlindoro: but it's quite likely that QtWebKit's NSPlugin support and your browser's are looking in different places
[01:10:41] mzb: ok
[01:10:46] mzb: I'll play
[01:12:13] mzb: hmm ... can't even find mythbrowser on this machine ;)
[01:12:26] mzb: (not in the same location as the MBE)
[01:13:37] sphery: mzb: if you have a multilib machine you have to have the flash for the arch used by the browser using the plugin
[01:13:58] sphery: so if you had a 32-bit mozilla with 32-bit flash and a 64-bit myth/mythbrowser, it won't work
[01:14:20] sphery: unless you have some sort of translation layer thing
[01:14:20] mzb: yep
[01:14:24] sphery: (whatever they called that)
[01:14:55] sphery: and you do have Qt 4.5+ right?
[01:15:10] mzb: on this machine, yes ... on the MBE no
[01:15:16] mzb: MBE is Lenny == 4.4
[01:15:28] sphery: Qt 4.4 doesn't support NS plugins, TTBOMK
[01:15:38] mzb: great
[01:15:57] mzb: not sure I really want to do a dist upgrade
[01:16:30] sphery: well, you can upgrade when 0.23 is released an MNV is official :)
[01:16:57] mzb: hehe
[01:17:00] mzb: yeah, thanks!
[01:19:27] mzb: ok, got flash test running in mythbrowser (on this machine)
[01:20:55] mzb: taking it's time
[01:21:10] poodyp_ (poodyp_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:16] sphery: that sounds like Flash!
[01:21:52] mzb: hmm .. was black/blank ... now just dark grey
[01:22:16] mzb: trying something else
[01:22:22] mzb: yay!
[01:22:25] mzb: cool!
[01:23:19] EdWyse_Mobile (EdWyse_Mobile! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:23:26] mzb: is it possible to do fullscreen while playing?
[01:24:20] iamlindoro: EdWyse_Mobile, mythfrontend -O Theme=NameOfThemeDir
[01:24:32] EdWyse_Mobile: Case sensitive?
[01:24:50] mzb: hmm, some of them embed well ... others include the webpage (youtube)
[01:24:53] tom-davidson (tom-davidson! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:24:54] iamlindoro: mzb, for most sites, it should already occupy the full browser window, or you can click the fullscreen button in that site's flash player
[01:24:55] mzb: nice work iamlindoro
[01:24:58] sphery: mzb: ttbomk, no, because the flash would steal focus and you'd be trapped
[01:25:04] iamlindoro: mzb, *read the documentation please*
[01:25:08] iamlindoro: the wiki
[01:25:09] EdWyse_Mobile: Ah, yep. Case sensitive. That's why my guess didn't work. :D
[01:25:10] sphery: or, nvm
[01:25:17] mzb: yes, remember hearing/seeing that comment (now)
[01:25:26] tom-davidson: oiy! im trying to find an economical pci sound card that works with mythtv and than has internal 2-wire spdif. any suggestions? I purchased a tb riviara, but can not id the spdif pins
[01:25:58] sphery: EdWyse_Mobile: you should never have to do that
[01:26:07] sphery: EdWyse_Mobile: why do you need to? Is Myth failing to start
[01:26:21] sphery: if so, you need to upgrade to a released version of MythTV 0.22-fixes
[01:26:27] sphery: (i.e. you're on the broken pre-release)
[01:26:52] mzb: that's clever
[01:27:07] sid3windr: old hardware?
[01:27:28] EdWyse_Mobile: No, don't "need" to, just didn't want to go downstairs to re-scan the channels. Since I'm running over ssh I just wanted to use a 4:3 theme.
[01:27:51] sphery: EdWyse_Mobile: OK... For that it's fine. Make sure you also do -O ThemePainter=qt
[01:28:05] iamlindoro: mzb, clever is a dirty word in here ;)
[01:28:07] sphery: otherwise--if your system normally does OpenGL--it will be slow
[01:28:25] EdWyse_Mobile: It's just for mythtv-setup so it doesn't matter much.
[01:28:37] mzb: iamlindoro: hehe ... sounded better than "cute" ;)
[01:29:00] sphery: well, the Qt transitions in the menu (and the first appearance of the menu) can take 30+ seconds--even in mythtv-setup
[01:29:46] Toast (Toast!n=quassel@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:30:46] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=spacex@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:31:39] sid3windr: mzb: but myth is built on cutie... :p
[01:31:50] Tanthrix: I've got 4 random test recordings that I downloaded that are from an HD PVR. I tossed them into mythvideo to see how well the internal player could handle them. 3 (all from the same source) fail to play in 0.22-fixes even though they worked in 0.21, and the one that does play takes forever to seek.
[01:32:15] mzb: heh :)
[01:32:19] Tanthrix: I imagine that if I got a real HD-PVR the files generated would have seektables making seeking faster, but I am most concerned with the 3 files that refuse to play without error.
[01:32:24] mzb: can't select a search result
[01:32:57] mzb: menu only brings up "Search Options" (which I can't select either)
[01:33:12] iamlindoro: huh? Just hit enter
[01:33:12] mzb: thought I'd try "Avatar"
[01:33:14] Cardoe: anyone remember the ivtv channel off the top of their heads?
[01:33:22] mzb: nope, doesn't do anything
[01:33:23] mzb: I
[01:33:27] mzb: I'll try again
[01:33:38] iamlindoro: Select the buttonitem for the result, hit enter.
[01:33:41] iamlindoro: it works fine
[01:34:08] mzb: I'll try something else then
[01:34:18] iamlindoro: what you search doesn't matter at all
[01:35:03] mzb: it did say "Size: Web Only" (or some such)
[01:35:12] iamlindoro: which means it will open in a browser
[01:35:21] iamlindoro: which is exactly what it should do
[01:35:26] mzb: "Galactica" works fine
[01:35:33] iamlindoro: FFS
[01:35:40] iamlindoro: Avatar works fine
[01:35:58] Tanthrix: Here's a pastebin of what I get with --verbose playback turned on when attempting to play back one of these test HD-PVR files.
[01:36:03] Tanthrix: Anyone have any thoughts?
[01:36:05] iamlindoro: And even if it was hopelessly broken, which it's not, you are using development code
[01:36:58] ** iamlindoro is getting a little miffed **
[01:37:08] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:37:10] mzb: ah, tmdb avatar doesn't work for me
[01:37:20] mzb: iamlindoro: sorry ... it's really cool
[01:37:38] iamlindoro: Thanks, but that's not really the point
[01:37:41] mzb: just wondered if it was obvious things that I was missing, or something
[01:37:49] iamlindoro: You're in here trying to get support for something I commited three days ago
[01:37:50] mzb: really appreciate your work _and_ help
[01:38:03] iamlindoro: when we are still six weeks from a release
[01:38:03] mzb: ok ... I'll keep quiet
[01:38:05] mzb: thanks anyway
[01:38:14] iamlindoro: and the only people equipped to help you are the two people who should be working on the code
[01:38:25] mzb: sure, np
[01:38:44] iamlindoro: thanks, I appreciate the understanding
[01:39:05] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=spacex@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit ("Leaving")
[01:39:18] RDV_Linux: mzb: The tmdb trailer search ONLY searches for trailers listed on the TMDB site. If you want general trailers do a YouTube search instead
[01:39:30] mzb: ok, thanks
[01:39:49] mzb: just fyi, this means that ${WOMAN} can take me to the movies ;)
[01:41:04] RDV_Linux: mzb: The tmdb trailer search was the first grabber written and was more a learning tool then a real useful search grabber.
[01:41:30] iamlindoro: It is still a neat grabber, though
[01:42:49] mzb: all looks pretty good. I'm in the process of negotiations with ISP to get > 1500K, but I suspect a reduction in monthly allowance to 15GB might hurt a bit if I/we get addicted to mnv ;)
[01:43:58] sid3windr: anyone interested in a USB-HDMICEC bridge for a little bit lower price than the one on the rainbowtech site? :)
[01:44:18] Tanthrix: Does anyone have any HD PVR clips recorded from a working myth HD-PVR setup they could send me? 5 seconds would do.
[01:44:39] jst_home (jst_home! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:44:43] wagnerrp: depends on whats 'a little bit lower'
[01:44:53] sid3windr: that depends then again on where you live :]
[01:45:16] sid3windr: if you're in the US I'd have to ship it to you from .be again which would cost somewhat as well ;/
[01:45:52] sid3windr: hmm and if you're not in the US you should be long asleep ;)
[01:45:55] sid3windr: like me :)
[01:46:06] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[01:46:25] Tanthrix: Fuck it, I'm just going to order the HD-PVR and hope that it all works out in the end.
[01:46:36] iamlindoro: Tanthrix, watch language in here please
[01:46:48] sid3windr: chuff it!
[01:46:48] iamlindoro: This has always been a profanity free zone and you've been around to know it
[01:47:15] Puppster (Puppster! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:20] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: That's semi-news to me! (In all seriousness, I agree a full 75 percent. ;)
[01:47:51] iamlindoro: Tanthrix, ruels linked in the topic and always have been
[01:47:53] iamlindoro: er rules
[01:48:46] iamlindoro: But we have recently become quite serious about enforcing rules more closely, particularly those related to civility. Second offenses will include an escort out
[01:49:55] Tanthrix: Good to know – I've been away from myth for quite some time. A year or two ago when I was in here, it was indeed the rules but they were hardly enforced. But, I shall change my ways in the interest of promoting family friendly discourse!
[01:50:09] iamlindoro: thanks
[01:50:26] Tanthrix: And my HD-PVR is now ordered, from Amazon. At least that way I can return it easily if I end up not being able to get playback working smoothly.
[01:51:23] [R]: they have em in stock?
[01:51:35] Tanthrix: With any luck, there's just something weird about these 3 test files that I have, and my recordings will be more like the fourth test file I have, which does play.
[01:51:44] Tanthrix: Not exactly – ship date of 1–3 weeks.
[01:52:16] Tanthrix: But I'd rather wait, given their awesome return policy.
[01:52:38] [R]: ah... looks like new egg is expecting to get some real soon too
[01:52:41] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: Are you still using your HD-PVR these days? How's it working for you?
[01:52:58] iamlindoro: Yes, I use several, they work fine
[01:53:39] Tanthrix: I remember spending quite a bit of time in here talking with you before they came out, salivating all the way. But then I chickened out and decided I didn't want to be an early adopter.
[01:55:42] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: Am I correct in assuming you use vdpau? How fast is seeking for you in general? Same as mpeg2, faster, or slower?
[01:56:26] iamlindoro: I use VDPAU sometimes, seeking is adequate but slightly slower than MPEG-2
[01:58:06] Tanthrix: I'd settle for adequate! Hopefully it will all work out nicely in the end.
[01:59:51] [R]: works just fine here
[02:02:07] high-rez: How do I tell myth to use audio card 1 instead of audio card 0 ? I'm being hit by the genious idea of the alsa folks to make the PC speaker a sound card underalso :/
[02:02:10] high-rez: e/also/alsa
[02:02:35] [R]: high-rez: in the frontend you can seelct what audio device to use
[02:02:40] [R]: but you could just unload the alsa drivert for your speaker
[02:03:39] high-rez: R: HmmI didn't see an option to select the specific card :/
[02:03:51] [R]: you can type in the alsa device string
[02:05:01] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@unaffiliated/xlv) has quit (Excess Flood)
[02:05:10] high-rez: Something like this: surround50:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0  ?
[02:05:35] [R]: there is tons of documentation on how to figure out what device string to use
[02:05:47] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@unaffiliated/xlv) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:05:59] mzb: ok, mnv has shown me something new about the mountain outside my front door, thanks guys!
[02:06:02] mzb:
[02:06:45] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@unaffiliated/xlv) has quit (Excess Flood)
[02:06:51] mzb: (I've only ever walked those tracks;))
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[02:08:15] iamlindoro: nice ;)
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[02:09:48] sphery: heh, greg on the list thought of something I never would have thought of in Re: [mythtv-users] two problems – database related?
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[02:13:41] [R]: so i wnat to fix the channel ids for some of my channels
[02:13:45] [R]: i wonder how badly i'm gonna corrupt my db
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[02:25:18] sphery: [R]: channel id's aren't user editable data
[02:25:35] sphery: [R]: if you want to "fix" them, the right way is
[02:25:42] sphery: the video sources portion
[02:25:53] [R]: of cours they are... step 1, open the db... step 2, change them
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[02:36:42] oobe:
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[03:00:41] high-rez: Man I've been having the worst performance with schedules direct :/
[03:01:05] high-rez: It grabs 25k of data and then just sits there for minutes.
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[03:06:32] [R]: what do you mean "sits there"?
[03:07:13] Tanthrix: Man, some of these mythcenter theme changes were clearly change for the sake of change. Green instead of red for recordings, no more highlighting of selected recording, and my favorite, turquoise on blue for upcoming recordings. Plus all the crazy boxes on MythVideo.
[03:07:26] ** Tanthrix has some theme tweaking to do **
[03:08:03] Tanthrix: high-rez: How long have you been having issues with SD? I just did an update last night and it was speedy as always.
[03:08:09] iamlindoro: They weren't mythcenter changes at all
[03:08:16] iamlindoro: MythCenter as you knew it doesn't exist
[03:08:39] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: Oh? Is it because of other UI changes?
[03:08:39] iamlindoro: what you are using as "MythCenter" is a MythCenter menu and fallbacks to the default theme for every other screen
[03:08:54] iamlindoro: MythCenter never got ported (and likely never will)
[03:09:24] iamlindoro: It's there to give people a familiar name, and will likely get tossed once we have enough new themes
[03:10:23] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: By fallbacks do the default theme do you mean terra? Because none of it looks anything like terra.
[03:10:30] iamlindoro: No, I mean default
[03:10:50] iamlindoro: which is a set of fallback screens for maintained for themes that are incomplete or broken
[03:11:03] iamlindoro: meant to be functional and nothing more
[03:11:49] high-rez: Tanthrix: Honestly, for a very long time (months). It seems that it does a redirect after the first request, but that redirect takes /forever/.
[03:12:24] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: So should I see a "default" for my theme options on the apperance screen, or was it decided to just call "Mythcenter" default for the sake, as you said, of a familiar name?
[03:12:32] iamlindoro: neither
[03:12:38] Gremlin484 (Gremlin484! has quit (Excess Flood)
[03:12:39] iamlindoro: default is not a selectable theme
[03:12:44] Tanthrix: Gotcha,
[03:12:49] iamlindoro: and MythCenter != default
[03:13:06] iamlindoro: MythCenter is mythcenter, but the only part of it that actually exists is the menu. Everything else is a fallback to default
[03:13:42] Tanthrix: I'm surprised that it's not going to be ported...terra is just so different compared to previous themes, I'm surprised everyone was happy with switching to it.
[03:14:18] iamlindoro: None of the themers has any interest in maintaining the limited look of the old UI
[03:14:29] iamlindoro: like putting a taurus body on your lexus
[03:14:46] iamlindoro: The way out is forward, not back
[03:14:49] wagnerrp: well... except for the ones porting metallurgy and mepo
[03:15:14] iamlindoro: Note how many commits there have been to metallurgy lately
[03:15:19] Tanthrix: Hehe. I happen to think the old UI is pretty damned effective at what it does. I really don't like the horizontal-ness of terra at all, it seems to make things harder to use.
[03:15:33] iamlindoro: You are free to write a new theme
[03:15:35] Tanthrix: I suppose I could make it a project to port mythcenter, but not knowing anything about themes, it would probably take me a year or so.
[03:15:53] iamlindoro: Might take a year, and unlikely to remain a core theme regardless
[03:16:00] iamlindoro: ie, even if you did it, it's still not long for this project
[03:16:08] wagnerrp: well... how long did it take to do graphite? and basically write the documentation in the process?
[03:16:28] iamlindoro: Graphite took about seven months, Arclight was basically a four month project
[03:16:38] iamlindoro: and yeah, wrote the docs as I went
[03:18:31] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: There's actually only a few things I'm not thrilled about. (namely, the 3 things I mentioned above) Are the fallbacks hard coded, or is there some sort of xml file I could tweak for my personal use?
[03:18:43] Tanthrix: (Knowing full well that such changes would be annihilated if I upgraded later)
[03:19:11] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:19:22] iamlindoro: No, you cannot control the fallback, aside from properly theming the window in question in the theme falling back
[03:21:05] [R]: does myth not search in ~/.mythtv/themes?
[03:21:25] Tanthrix: Hrm, too bad. Well, I feel a bit better now knowing that some of this stuff is just because no one cares about it. I was starting to question humanity thinking that someone deliberately changed the upcoming recorded shows color to turquoise on a black background ;)
[03:21:39] Tanthrix: Er, turquoise on blue.
[03:23:04] Tanthrix: high-rez: You should contact SD, maybe they could be of some assistance. They were great at dealing with some issues I had with bad data. Then again, they might consider the problems you're having a mythTV issue, and not be able to help.
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[03:41:19] fastie81: Hi guy
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[03:42:11] fastie81: I have a problem with my HDhomerun DVB-T that it is killing myth-setup when I am scanning for channels..
[03:42:27] fastie81: it was working fine before
[03:43:03] fastie81: I found this ticket where there was a patch applied that created this fault and then someone attached a new patch
[03:43:30] fastie81: the status has been change from mile stone 0.22 to 0.23
[03:43:56] fastie81: if there is a known problem and a fix for it why would it not be added to the myth fixes?
[03:44:40] fastie81: here is the ticket
[03:44:40] fastie81:
[03:45:48] chormi (chormi!n=luis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:48:36] chormi: "Error: Myhtv is using all inputs, but there are no active recordings?"
[03:48:45] chormi: please help
[03:49:50] chormi: know someone by saying this by clicking on Watch TV?
[03:52:58] mzb: chormi: try google, then try pastebin of your logs
[03:54:09] chormi: mzb thanks for answering, which is the log directory?
[03:54:33] chormi: excuse my bad English: S
[03:54:38] mzb: depends on how mythtv has been installed, google helps there too
[03:55:00] chormi: ok :)
[03:59:26] egghead (egghead!n=egghead@ has quit ()
[04:01:30] fastie81: any one who how I can get scan to work in myth
[04:01:38] fastie81: myth-setup?
[04:02:46] chormi: fastie81 me?
[04:03:22] fastie81: ok can anyone help me to fix mine?
[04:03:43] fastie81: I tried to patch it but it went bad..
[04:09:03] chormi: mzb meeting only log mythbackend.log
[04:09:59] chormi: as to generate mythfrontend.log making?
[04:10:41] mzb: both the frontend and backend have -v *something* settings for loggin (and -l *file*)
[04:11:31] mzb: depending on your distro _or_ method of installation the log dir will be in different places (I think) AND the settings for the verbosity of the logs will be in different locations
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[04:21:10] tmkt (tmkt! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:22:09] tmkt: v0.23 in march, that is quite the speed up in releases why's that?
[04:23:02] mzb: militarism?
[04:23:37] tmkt: just when i was getting ready to sit back and enjoy v0.22 until at least august or september, i read that 23 is due in march
[04:23:48] tmkt: thought it was the wine, and had to re-read the article
[04:24:18] iamlindoro: because we've decided the four month release windows are more conducive to getting things done, keeping things clean, and keeping people engaged
[04:24:26] iamlindoro: and thus far, it has proven to be true
[04:25:07] tmkt: yup...that is true
[04:25:30] tmkt: my new role..had to do similar type things with my reports
[04:25:34] iamlindoro: besides, there's nothing forcing people to upgrade, but if there's nothing for them to upgrade to, they don't have any options
[04:25:42] tmkt: nah its great
[04:26:19] tmkt: guess with 21 being my first verison, and waiting forever for the amazingness of 22, i didn't expect 23 for a while
[04:27:46] iamlindoro: Of course, you could just blame the new devs for being uppity and full of ideas
[04:28:27] tmkt: :D
[04:28:34] tmkt: and that contest for themes
[04:28:39] tmkt: thats even better
[04:28:54] tmkt: you guys are going to end up with too many users you keep that up
[04:29:18] iamlindoro: We should double the pay of whoever came up with the theme contest
[04:29:45] tmkt: triple it
[04:30:00] tmkt: getting lots of entries?
[04:30:16] iamlindoro: we won't know until the themes are due, but I'm expecting a half dozen or so
[04:30:33] iamlindoro: and at least one non-competition theme for .23
[04:30:43] tmkt: saw a theme yesterday that looked great... Videos and Recordings looked the same
[04:30:46] tmkt: which was nice
[04:31:14] iamlindoro: which was that?
[04:31:37] tmkt: trying to find it, it was on the theme page..which i'm trying to find also
[04:31:43] tmkt: got one
[04:31:56] tmkt: Arclight
[04:32:02] tmkt:
[04:32:03] iamlindoro: Yeah, that one's ok
[04:32:40] tmkt: yeah...i like tera
[04:32:56] tmkt: just the small issues
[04:33:28] tmkt: like Delete Video choice....when its the same, as video gallery...and how recording and video layout are completely different
[04:33:45] tmkt: other then that..terra is nice
[04:33:50] iamlindoro: Arclight should turn out pretty niec
[04:33:53] iamlindoro: nice
[04:33:59] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit ("I am called onward")
[04:34:04] iamlindoro: it looks a bit different than that page now, as I understand it
[04:34:09] tmkt: Terra could be so much more compact
[04:34:13] tmkt: anxious to try it out
[04:34:28] tmkt: graphite is nice but a little too busy on some pages
[04:34:40] iamlindoro:
[04:34:52] iamlindoro:
[04:35:11] tmkt: glad to see the lirc stuff is fixed recently also
[04:36:02] mzb: I'm quite happy with blue-abstract
[04:36:27] mzb: or more to the point ... she doesn't like some of my other choices ;)
[04:36:38] iamlindoro: Arclight better ;)
[04:36:47] tmkt: yeah...arclight is better
[04:37:00] Jasonrj (Jasonrj! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:37:07] tmkt: blue-abstract could be better if you could change that ugly blue wallpaper it has
[04:37:17] fastie81 (fastie81! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:37:39] tmkt: haven't tried it..just the screenshot on the gallery isn't very appealing
[04:39:08] Josh_ (Josh_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:39:14] high-rez: Wow. Finally got projectm plugin working with mythmusic. Trippy.
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[04:40:39] Josh_: Stupid question – every so often (I've seen it happen within 3 minuites), the mythbackend log throws out the version and simple configuration info. Is it crashing and restarting, or is this a log feature?
[04:41:11] high-rez: Does the PID change each time? ;)
[04:41:25] Josh_: high-rez, I havent been watching.
[04:41:39] Josh_: that is a good thing to look for though.
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[04:45:38] elmojo: ArcLight is the best theme out right now
[04:46:23] tmkt: is it out?
[04:46:24] iamlindoro: s/out/not out/  ;)
[04:46:41] tmkt: but then again..even if it was out..i'm on no matter
[04:46:52] iamlindoro: Nah, it's not out... In fact, I heard the guy was going to charge for it or something
[04:47:01] tmkt: hahahaha
[04:47:05] tmkt: that is funny
[04:47:16] elmojo: tmkt: I use ArcLight on 0.22 ;)
[04:47:29] tmkt: elmojo: interesting
[04:47:52] tmkt: everything i've seen on the web site was that it was 23 only, and never saw any download links
[04:47:57] elmojo: I heard it's on RapidShare
[04:48:10] mzb: . . . /000101.html
[04:48:30] mzb: have to buy the fonts
[04:49:11] iamlindoro: what a dick
[04:49:20] iamlindoro: everything should be free
[04:49:22] iamlindoro: always
[04:49:22] tmkt: gotta think there are similar fonts available for free
[04:50:57] iamlindoro: Yeah, just slap some Times New Roman in there or something
[04:50:59] iamlindoro: all the same
[04:51:09] iamlindoro: If I can read it, good enough
[04:51:15] tmkt: yeah
[04:51:19] Puppster (Puppster! has quit (Client Quit)
[04:51:20] tmkt: or make it use the System font
[04:53:06] tmkt: MythNetvision looks like a great plugin also
[04:53:26] iamlindoro: I hope it doesn't suck
[04:54:05] tmkt: yeah..
[04:54:23] tmkt: would rather have arclight though
[04:54:56] ** iamlindoro wonders if this is the right time to mention that he wrote both Arclight and MythNetvision **
[04:54:58] tmkt: Mirobridge was nice, until i realized a symlink from .miro/Movies to my videos directory worked better
[04:56:19] tmkt: nah
[04:56:22] tmkt: wait until later
[04:56:50] squidly: lol iamlindoro
[04:56:51] ** iamlindoro waits until later **
[04:56:55] tmkt: still anxious to try both of em
[04:57:22] iamlindoro: Anyway, I still have some Arclight surprises up my sleeve, and it will be out in the next few weeks, so stay tuned
[04:57:37] iamlindoro: and MNV is in trunk now so people are beginning to play with that-- not perfect, but it's a good start
[04:57:44] tmkt: cool
[04:57:49] squidly: what is mythnetvision?
[04:58:03] squidly: sorry been out of it for a little while with fianee in the hospital
[04:58:07] tmkt:
[04:58:20] squidly: tmkt: ty
[04:58:21] iamlindoro: beat me to it
[04:58:28] tmkt: my first goal is to get myth to power off and power up by itself first
[04:58:33] benc_ (benc_! has quit (Client Quit)
[04:58:38] squidly: ahh okies
[04:58:46] tmkt: then look into the nice stuff like arclight and mythnetvision
[04:59:41] ** squidly would like archlight too i think **
[05:00:17] [R]: tmkt: its glorious once its working
[05:00:39] tmkt: the auto power down/up?
[05:01:08] squidly: i would like to get that working for my frontend but I'm not to concerned about it right now
[05:01:33] tmkt: the one thing that i think arclight could do better is the main menu..its too graphite like..other then is stunning
[05:01:38] [R]: tmkt: yeah
[05:01:52] iamlindoro: Heh, Arclight's menu isn't even remotely like Graphite's
[05:02:00] iamlindoro: not even a teensy bit
[05:02:06] iamlindoro: it's about as opposite as can be, in fact
[05:02:16] squidly: lol iamlindoro
[05:02:18] tmkt: let me find the screenshot i'm thinking of
[05:03:23] tmkt:
[05:03:25] tmkt: that one
[05:03:26] iamlindoro: tmkt, everything on that web site is several months out of date, including the main menu pics
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[05:03:33] iamlindoro: It's been re-done since
[05:03:41] tmkt: ah
[05:03:52] tmkt: can't say that isn't graphitish
[05:04:05] iamlindoro: Other than it being horizontal, even that is pretty different
[05:04:07] [R]: the song in the lower right corner is so trippy
[05:04:13] tmkt: yeah
[05:04:25] elmojo: yes, the ArcLight menu is sweet... my entire family enjoys all aspects of ArcLight
[05:04:37] iamlindoro: elmojo, heh, hush, don't give away my secrets ;)
[05:04:39] tmkt: [R]: i have the hardware alll setup
[05:04:48] tmkt: now just have to do the rest of the config i guess
[05:05:06] [R]: tmkt: as in you can manually set the alarm?
[05:05:45] tmkt: the UTC stuff of the bios
[05:05:50] tmkt: and I've set the alarm
[05:05:56] tmkt: but didn't come up last time
[05:06:21] tmkt: didn't spend much time debugging it, since time is a very rare commodidity lately
[05:06:56] tmkt: but anxious to see the day where my myth system auto shuts off at 12:30, and wakes up at 7
[05:07:18] chormi: no encuentro "mythfrontend.log" por ningun lugar...
[05:07:19] chormi: que debo hacer?
[05:08:26] tmkt: Je ne parle pas l'espanol.
[05:08:47] tmkt: or portuguese perhaps due to that por
[05:08:58] chormi: sorry
[05:09:06] chormi: I find "mythfrontend.log" with no place ...
[05:09:07] chormi: I should do?
[05:09:59] [R]: chormi: when you run the frontend, you tell it where to log to
[05:10:10] tmkt: cd /
[05:10:19] tmkt: find .|grep mythfrontend.log
[05:13:08] chormi: tmkt nothing should be in "/ var / log / mythtv /" according to the wiki, only this mythbackend.log
[05:19:09] chormi: tmkt nothing should be in "/ var / log / mythtv /" according to the wiki, only this mythbackend.log
[05:19:24] chormi: aff sorry
[05:19:33] grokky (grokky! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:19:42] chormi: I have weeks trying to boot my saa7130 with mythtv, you think you succeed tonight?
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[05:26:15] chormi: [R] ago as that? in any place and indicated nothing
[05:26:34] chormi: how to do that? in any place and indicated nothing
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[05:29:40] ghoti (ghoti!n=paul@ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[05:44:20] chormi: tmkt [R]
[05:44:58] [R]: a) yopu shodu'nt be running mythfrontedn as root
[05:45:02] [R]: b) you need to start mythbackend
[05:46:28] chormi: ok mythbackend not want to use, what should I do?
[05:46:45] [R]: what?
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[05:49:41] chormi: wait a minute
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[06:00:36] chormi: [R] I start as root, which parameters I write in "Configuration Database" I have no idea that writing
[06:02:58] SirDerigo: [R], chormi wanted to say, i dont wanna use the backend, what should i do?
[06:03:18] [R]: if you dont want to use mythbackend, then you dont want to use mythtv
[06:04:40] SirDerigo: [R], chormi´s problem is that he cant find the frontend log
[06:04:58] [R]: he found it long time ago
[06:05:00] [R]: and pastebin'd it
[06:05:36] SirDerigo: [R], sorry, i feel asleep,
[06:06:19] SirDerigo: i already read it, i am not and expert on mythtv, actually i am here just being an translator for chormi, but it seems like a service is down
[06:07:22] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has quit ("Leaving")
[06:07:36] chormi: SirDerigo solo dile que quiero configurarlo, que debo poner en "Configuracion base de datos"
[06:09:22] SirDerigo: [R], chormi said, just say him that i just want to set it up, what should i put in "database configuration
[06:09:23] SirDerigo: "
[06:09:39] [R]: huh?
[06:10:22] SirDerigo: chormi, ah?
[06:10:23] [R]: [10:44:57] [R] a) yopu shodu'nt be running mythfrontedn as root
[06:10:23] [R]: [10:45:01] [R] b) you need to start mythbackend
[06:10:48] SirDerigo: chormi, a) tu no deberias estar corriendo myfrontend como root
[06:11:01] SirDerigo: b) debes iniciar mybackend
[06:11:12] SirDerigo: [R], what is the command he should use?
[06:11:21] [R]: command?
[06:11:33] SirDerigo: yes man, how he starts the backend
[06:11:43] [R]: what he needs to do is read the documentation
[06:11:54] SirDerigo: maybe something like /etc/init.d/<> start
[06:11:55] chormi: ok
[06:12:34] SirDerigo: [R], yes he should, and i am pretty sure he will, but you can send everyone to sleep just telling him ;)
[06:12:43] chormi: SirDerigo yo configure como decia la wiki
[06:13:10] SirDerigo: he set his mythtv just like the wiki said
[06:13:41] ** SirDerigo needs another sandwich and more tea **
[06:13:53] chormi: SirDerigo hare algo, buscare documentacion para configurar el blackend
[06:14:13] chormi: SirDerigo ya esta, gracias
[06:14:34] elprespufferfish: can somebody help me with japanese characters not displaying in mythvideo ?
[06:14:41] SirDerigo: chormi, /usr/bin/mythbackend
[06:14:44] SirDerigo: corre ese comando
[06:15:02] SirDerigo: y luego invoca el mythfrontend
[06:15:08] SirDerigo: me imagino que con eso funciona
[06:15:44] chormi: me pregunta que si e configurado la data base...
[06:15:50] ** SirDerigo runed out of tea :'( **
[06:16:04] chormi: jajaja no es para tanto man
[06:16:05] SirDerigo: and is 1:16 in the morning...
[06:16:16] chormi: aqui es mas tarde...
[06:16:25] mzb: hmm
[06:16:28] SirDerigo: chormi, que hora?
[06:16:35] chormi: 1:45
[06:16:50] ** SirDerigo is going to have to use orange juice for the not sleeping thing.... **
[06:17:09] chormi: jaja
[06:17:22] SirDerigo: chormi, locate mc.sql
[06:17:47] SirDerigo: chormi, de casualidad tienes mysql instalado?
[06:17:51] chormi: si esta
[06:18:15] chormi: "/usr/share/mythtv/sql/mc.sql"
[06:18:27] SirDerigo: ok
[06:18:33] SirDerigo: apt-get install mysql-server
[06:19:37] chormi: ya esta instalado
[06:20:23] SirDerigo: entonces
[06:20:31] chormi: SirDerigo si corro /usr/bin/mythbackend lo que me pide es los datos
[06:20:34] chormi: pero no se que poner
[06:20:39] chormi: host:
[06:20:44] chormi: port:
[06:21:03] SirDerigo: chormi, apt-get install phpmyadmin
[06:22:03] SirDerigo: ese programita es una maravilla para manejar bases de datos
[06:22:13] chormi: ok instalando
[06:22:19] SirDerigo: chormi, prueba con
[06:22:20] SirDerigo: localhost
[06:22:26] SirDerigo: 3306
[06:22:48] chormi: me pide servidor web...apache...
[06:23:09] chormi: todos?
[06:23:11] SirDerigo: lo instalaste???
[06:23:22] SirDerigo: que te dice exactamente
[06:23:38] chormi: web server to reconfigure autmatically:
[06:23:44] ** SirDerigo thinks we should take our spanish chat to another channel, have a nice night everybody **
[06:23:47] SirDerigo: chormi, dejamos todos
[06:23:49] chormi: apache2, apache, apache-ssl
[06:23:53] SirDerigo: sin problema
[06:24:06] chormi: marco todos?
[06:24:16] SirDerigo: marca apache2
[06:24:22] SirDerigo: no creo que tengas ninguno de los otros
[06:24:27] chormi: ok
[06:24:58] chormi: listo
[06:25:00] chormi: instalado
[06:25:18] SirDerigo: ahhhhh eso era phpmyadmin??
[06:25:25] SirDerigo: estoy dormido y sin te
[06:25:39] chormi: jajaja
[06:25:46] chormi: te? yo no tomo eso xD
[06:25:55] chormi: yo me tomo un tarro de cafe cerrero
[06:26:34] SirDerigo: chormi, si me tomo un cafe no vuelvo a dormir en mi vida, ademas el cafe me repugna
[06:26:43] SirDerigo: ahora estoy jugando con el efecto placebo
[06:26:49] SirDerigo: tomando te de frutas sin cafeina
[06:26:51] chormi: ok eso lo explica xD
[06:27:13] chormi: ta bien
[06:27:37] chormi: yo soy fanatico del cafe ma, ya ni me hace efecto, y ve la edad que tengo
[06:28:16] SirDerigo: no te hagas el joven, yo tengo 19 casi 20
[06:28:41] chormi: si!! jajaja yo pensaba que eras un viejo chivuo
[06:29:38] chormi: xD, no tanto...
[06:30:00] SirDerigo: chormi, por que pensaste eso?
[06:30:11] chormi: nah, simple broma
[06:30:19] SirDerigo: :)
[06:30:24] chormi: te imagine de 20 y dele
[06:31:45] chormi: SirDerigo me dijistes que pusiera 3306 en localhost?
[06:31:57] SirDerigo: aja
[06:33:00] chormi: mira sale hostname:
[06:33:08] chormi: luego Port:
[06:33:13] SirDerigo: localhost
[06:33:14] SirDerigo: port
[06:33:16] chormi: Database name:
[06:33:18] SirDerigo: 3306
[06:33:26] SirDerigo: mythtv
[06:33:59] chormi: ok
[06:34:07] chormi: hostname: mythtv
[06:34:11] chormi: port:3306
[06:34:19] SirDerigo: no
[06:34:25] SirDerigo: hostname localhost
[06:34:29] SirDerigo: port: 3306
[06:34:34] SirDerigo: database: mythtv
[06:34:53] chormi: usuario:
[06:35:01] chormi: contraseña:
[06:35:09] chormi: mi nombre?
[06:35:17] chormi: mi cuenta de usuario?
[06:35:42] SirDerigo: el usuario de mysql
[06:35:46] chormi: por defecto sale mythtv
[06:35:51] SirDerigo: debe ser root
[06:36:15] chormi: como se cual es el usuario de lo e creado
[06:36:39] SirDerigo: entences root
[06:37:30] chormi: mira me dice que si pongo identificador personalisado, eso es para acceder por nombre y no por ip no?
[06:38:03] SirDerigo: no idea
[06:38:03] chormi: si es eso
[06:38:13] SirDerigo: no se
[06:38:17] chormi: la otra opcion es "Enable database server wakeup
[06:38:46] SirDerigo: si
[06:39:04] chormi: tiempo de conexion...
[06:39:07] chormi: intentos.
[06:39:11] chormi: comando despertador
[06:39:17] chormi: eso es para prenderla remotamente?
[06:39:38] chormi: *tiempo de reconexion
[06:41:02] chormi: me sale un ejemplo de despertador "etc/init.d/mysql restart
[06:41:36] chormi: listo segire
[06:43:15] chormi: SirDerigo estas despierto?
[06:43:40] SirDerigo: casi
[06:43:56] SirDerigo: dejalo en dafaults
[06:43:57] chormi: me salio todo permiso denegado, estaba como usuario...
[06:44:17] SirDerigo: correlo como root entonces
[06:45:26] chormi: si corro como root no me sale lo mismo
[06:45:32] chormi: abre el programa normal
[06:45:38] chormi: que vaina tan jodida
[06:46:16] chormi: espera
[06:46:22] chormi: ya encontre donde
[06:46:41] xris: wow. quando cambiamos este canal a espanol?
[06:47:45] Hoxzer: Minäkin taidan puhua sitten suomea kun te puhutte Espaniaa
[06:47:50] xris: guess there's no #mythtv-es like there is #mythtv-de
[06:48:04] xris: Hoxzer: lost me with that one. I don't even recognize the language
[06:48:12] Hoxzer: xris: heh :)
[06:48:32] Hoxzer: xris: where are you from?
[06:48:38] xris: me? Seattle
[06:48:42] xris: but I grew up in peru
[06:48:57] Hoxzer: :o ok
[06:48:59] xris: studied a tiny bit of sanskrit in college
[06:49:04] xris: german before/after college
[06:49:11] xris: italy/french for trip to europe a couple years ago...
[06:49:33] xris: but really can only converse in english/spanish
[06:49:45] chormi: va a ver que empesar a conectarse en el canal es
[06:49:45] Hoxzer: xris: :( I would never study any other language than english or esperanto. However unfortunately I'm forced to study swedish too
[06:50:12] chormi: SirDerigo "ejecutar automaticamente mythfilldatabase
[06:50:58] xris: chormi: no es la primera vez que hay gente aqui con problemas en espanol
[06:51:03] xris: hmm.. my compose key isn't working
[06:51:19] chormi: xris entiendo
[06:51:38] chormi: xris activo "ejecutar automaticamente mythfilldatabase"
[06:51:50] chormi: ?
[06:52:53] xris: sí, si quieres llenar la (el?) db con info programatico cada dia
[06:53:08] chormi: huy no xD
[06:53:38] mchou: yo quero taco bell
[06:53:54] k_ross (k_ross!i=47a40d7d@gateway/web/freenode/x-lsnpgiercjvplfdh) has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[06:53:57] chormi: xris tengo problemas para configurar el backend
[06:54:16] xris: chormi: que esta pasando?
[06:54:22] xris: o no pasando
[06:54:37] xris: Hoxzer: swedish would be nice.... or danish. or norwegian. then I could move there.  :)
[06:54:50] Hoxzer: swedish is horrible
[06:54:52] chormi: bueno, lo primero es que me sale el error de que no esta configurado el servidor backend
[06:55:08] Hoxzer: they have awfully long words and the order of words is complicated
[06:55:12] xris: chormi: has tratado mythtv-setup ?
[06:55:26] chormi: si hay configure mi saa7134
[06:55:37] chormi: para nada porque cuando le doy en ver tv, me sale un error
[06:55:50] xris: Hoxzer: can't be much worse than german
[06:55:52] chormi: e escaniado los 82 canales y todo
[06:56:45] xris: configuración del backend es parte de mythtv-setup... o quando usas mythfrontend la primera vez
[06:56:50] mchou: no that's interesting
[06:56:55] mchou: now*
[06:56:59] xris: mchou: ?
[06:57:22] mchou: local comcast decided to put syfyhd in the clear
[06:57:25] chormi: si lo ejecuto como root, no me sale para configurar el blackend, y cuando lo ago como usuario si
[06:57:31] xris: mchou: damn you!
[06:57:35] mchou: wonder how long that's gonna last
[06:57:55] chormi: xris asi que me meto en configuracion y too eso, hay puedo hacer como root, pero no se que poner
[06:58:03] mchou: xris: nah, dont be too envious
[06:58:11] xris: chormi:
[06:58:18] mchou: xris: lineup changes virtue=ally every day
[06:58:22] xris: mchou: ouch
[06:58:25] mchou: virtually*
[06:59:15] chormi: xris yo lo tenia asi
[06:59:20] xris: hmm
[06:59:23] chormi: lo tengo asi
[07:00:04] xris: chormi: qual distro de linux?
[07:00:16] chormi: xris ahora lo ejecuto y me sale para configurar la base de datos, que debo poner
[07:00:19] chormi: debian base
[07:00:41] chormi: debian lenny base
[07:01:01] chormi: solo utilizare el mythtv
[07:01:02] xris: ok. a veces hay problemas con selinux y fedora
[07:01:19] xris: no creo que debian lo usa
[07:01:41] chormi: como que no lo usa?
[07:01:58] xris: no conozco mucho de debian.
[07:02:11] chormi: xris que distro usas
[07:02:12] xris: pero errores con el base de datos no es selinux... autenticacion? o
[07:02:22] xris: fedora
[07:02:33] xris: o ... IP?
[07:02:52] chormi: xris
[07:02:53] xris: todo frontend/backend en una computadora?
[07:03:09] chormi: eso se puede?
[07:03:20] xris: ah, se.. posiblemente selinux
[07:03:36] xris: o firewall (no se la palabra en español
[07:04:01] xris: afk, food (comida)
[07:04:20] chormi: xris como funciona esto exactamente? servidor-cliente?
[07:04:40] chormi: un pc manejara la base de datos de la que tiene mytyhtv?
[07:04:48] chormi: *mythtv
[07:08:49] chormi: xris "Error: Mythtv is using all inputs, but there are no active recordings?"
[07:08:54] chormi: conoces ese error?
[07:15:06] chormi: xris eres el unico que me puede ilistrar :S, temgo habre y sueño, me voy, luego vengo
[07:15:11] chormi: saludos!!
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[09:32:48] styelz: hello, can someone tell me if there is a source package somewhere
[09:32:56] styelz: i wanna recompile mythstream
[09:33:05] styelz: for my 0.23 install
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[09:33:47] styelz: i cant find it
[09:36:16] gunni (gunni! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:36:18] styelz: i will try svn co mythtv-trunk
[09:37:35] mzb: styelz, there's no such thing as 0.23, it hasn't been released yet
[09:37:49] styelz: im using PPA
[09:37:54] styelz: i think
[09:37:55] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:38:13] styelz: was an option in mythbuntu settngs
[09:38:21] Maliuta (Maliuta! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:39:17] styelz: ii mythtv-common 0.23.0~trunk23168–0ubuntu0~mythbuntu1
[09:39:18] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has left #mythtv-users ("I'm a happy Miranda IM user! Get it here:")
[09:39:22] styelz: see
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[09:39:38] mzb: that's not a mythtv release
[09:39:46] styelz: i got no idea
[09:39:49] styelz: whats that
[09:40:02] styelz: a branch ?
[09:40:11] mzb: I wasn't asking a question
[09:40:26] styelz: i am
[09:40:32] mzb: 0.23 isn't due for release until March
[09:40:33] styelz: what am i using
[09:40:45] mzb: your package maintainer has called it that
[09:40:47] styelz: i think im using pre release
[09:40:58] styelz: alpha
[09:41:01] styelz: ?
[09:41:06] mzb: no such thing
[09:41:06] styelz: or whatever
[09:41:10] styelz: hm
[09:41:11] styelz: ok
[09:41:20] mzb: by the name alone it's probably trunk svn ver 23168
[09:41:33] styelz: i see
[09:41:41] styelz: and they just called it 0.23
[09:42:08] mzb: which is like a mark on a tree trunk somewhere between the 0.22 and 0.23 branches (even though the 0.23 branch hasn't grown yet!)
[09:42:12] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:42:38] styelz: i got it from here
[09:43:13] styelz: hmmz
[09:43:20] mzb: ok, so if you want to update/add to what you've got (and stick with mythbuntu) then you need to talk to the mythbuntu folks
[09:43:31] styelz: righty o, cheers
[09:44:00] mzb: it's *not* a mythtv release, and you'll probably find that installing stuff from trunk over what you've got will be asking for trouble (and hard to reverse)
[09:44:15] styelz: cool
[09:44:16] bobc (bobc! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:44:20] styelz: yay for backups
[09:44:25] mzb: :)
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[10:11:24] Tanthrix: Is it possible to patch and compile 0.21 with vdpau and hd-pvr support?
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[10:18:13] tank-man: never know if you don't try :)
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[10:26:27] gbee: just consider whether it's really worth the effort vs upgrading
[10:26:43] Tanthrix: I'm sure your right. I just don't like change – 0.21 has been working so well for me for so long, and I kinda feel like now I took 5 steps forward and 3 steps back upgrading.
[10:27:47] Tanthrix: There's so many things I'm used to not behaving quite correctly, yet I really am getting sick of not having any of my cable HD stations, making the HD-PVR a necessary upgrade.
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[10:33:07] marco: Hi, since a few days Mythweb listings and update of listings are not working anymore.
[10:33:47] marco: I guess it was caused by an Opensuse update effecting perl libs.
[10:34:54] marco: In the listing view of mythweb I see error messages like this:
[10:34:56] marco: Error at /srv/www/htdocs/mythweb/modules/tv/tmpl/default/list_data.php, line 23:
[10:34:57] marco: strftime(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function.
[10:35:32] marco: Any help is very appreciated.
[10:37:27] Tanthrix: marco: You might want to post on the mailing list, I imagine you'd get an answer there better than here right now.
[10:40:40] marco: ok, will try, thx
[10:41:15] Tanthrix: Sorry I can't be of any real help. Best of luck.
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[10:57:13] styelz: marco: try disabling E_STRICT error reporting in php.ini
[10:57:22] styelz: maybe ^E_STRICT
[10:57:28] styelz: on error reporting
[10:58:01] styelz: doubt thats your problem though
[10:58:54] styelz: from what i can see on mine, mythweb doesnt seem to find the cover art filename that i have set via mythfrontend
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[12:29:57] marco: styelz: thx for the hint, but ~E_STRICT did not help.
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[12:51:32] styelz: same here
[12:52:56] styelz: i even checked my /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/data/video_covers symlink was correct
[12:54:14] TauPan: grmpf
[12:54:32] TauPan: it seems both of my messages to linux-media were too large and have been silently discarded
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[13:34:38] gtrfdewsaq:
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[13:52:52] stuartm: do NOT click that link
[13:53:09] stuartm is now known as gbee
[13:56:42] sphery: gbee: I guess the +R that freenode recommended for that would prevent people from talking until given permission?
[13:57:10] gbee: aye
[13:57:12] sphery: :(
[13:57:25] gbee: actually, until they register, which is different
[13:57:34] sphery: Oh... That's not too bad
[13:57:42] gbee: they would be granting themselves permission
[13:58:04] TauPan: I just curled it and viewed the sourcecode. It's unlikely that the spammer got any revenue from that, banners usually require javascript to work.
[13:58:05] sphery: Wonder how many people come here without registering
[13:58:10] gbee: and it warns them that they need to register every time they attempt to send a message
[13:58:49] gbee: TauPan: it launches a javascript IRC client which joins the network and spams some more
[13:59:23] gbee: but using your IP, so freenode have warned that clicking the link is liable to get you banned from the network
[13:59:33] TauPan: yeah, I wanted to look at the javascript code... didn't see any stuff pertaining to an irc client
[13:59:46] TauPan: looks like it was just a regular spammer
[13:59:49] sid3windr: yea
[14:00:13] sid3windr: was just a referral spam afaics
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[14:03:12] TauPan: would be neat if there was a quick way to report and ban spammers... at least a quick google didn't come up with a result for me
[14:03:54] TauPan: in eve online they have a context menu entry "report spammer" which is pure bliss ;)
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[14:21:54] gbee: pure bliss would be a menu entry called "euthanise spammer"
[14:22:04] sid3windr: :D
[14:26:06] TauPan: oops... I just switched to pulseaudio and mythtv automatically detected that I'm using pulseaudio! \o/ ... a bit spooky though, since I still have /dev/dsp as default output device.
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[14:45:20] trumee: How can i convert recorded shows into xvids? i tried nuvexport, but ffmpeg doesnt like -acodec mp3, returns something about mp3 encoding not available.
[14:46:52] th1_: trumee, which linux distro do you have?
[14:46:59] trumee: opensuse.
[14:47:12] trumee: i have built ffmpeg from source
[14:47:14] th1_: you need to enable the corresponding multimedia repository if one exists. many distros come with a crippled mplayer/mencoder for patent/legal reasons
[14:47:22] th1_: have you built mplayer from source too?
[14:47:30] trumee: no, only ffmpeg
[14:47:35] th1_: you probably should
[14:47:45] trumee: does nuvexport depend on mplayer?
[14:47:54] th1_: hmm
[14:47:59] th1_: I don't think it does
[14:48:03] TauPan: gbee: well, in-game it's very close to that... all posts are deleted, the account is suspended and the spammer is logged out immediately. What's missing is the actual syringe putting poison into the spammer's vein...
[14:48:11] th1_: but if you google there is a job for transcoding to xvid using mencoder
[14:48:18] th1_: it's what I use and easier to get to work..
[14:48:23] trumee: th1_: then i dont need to build mplayer i guess
[14:48:41] th1_: either way you need to make sure that ffmpeg found your "lame" library and you enabled mp3 when you configured it
[14:49:03] gbee: eww, xvid
[14:49:29] trumee: th1_: mencoder will be good as well. i do have lame built into ffmpeg
[14:49:33] th1_: trumee, like gbee said there are better options than xvid.. h.264 is a good one
[14:49:38] gbee: trumee: you need to build ffmpeg with liblame installed
[14:50:05] trumee: the content is SDTV. is h.264 good for it?
[14:50:25] th1_: yes its absolutely fine
[14:50:52] trumee: i can manually run ffmpeg using -acodec libmp3lame, but nuvexport calls ffmpeg with -acodec mp3 which fails
[14:51:35] trumee: what tool do i need to convert to h.264
[14:51:43] th1_: write a wrapper script for ffmpeg that does something like " args="echo $* | sed 's/acodec mp3/acodec libmp3lame/'; ffmpeg.real $args
[14:52:01] trumee: th1_: thanks
[14:52:02] th1_: mencoder is good
[14:52:30] th1_: it comes as part of mplayer
[14:53:00] trumee: th1_: is this the script,
[14:54:39] Brad-D (Brad-D! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:54:57] Brad-D: morning guys
[14:57:44] th1_: trumee also check this pag e.. . . . o-h264-howto
[14:57:48] trumee: th1_: i see nuvexport can call mencoder
[15:00:13] th1_: trumee, I think mencoder can read the nuv file natively without using nuvexport..
[15:00:34] th1_: but I'm not sure because all my tuners are digital and all my recordings are stored as mpg files
[15:01:47] trumee: th1_: i am building mplayer.
[15:08:18] KC0WYC (KC0WYC!n=heywood@fedora/bobjensen) has joined #MythTV-Users
[15:10:33] trumee: th1_: i also have mpg files in recordings directory since i use PVR-250
[15:11:58] trumee: my goal is to reduce the file size. i can live with low quality video.
[15:15:34] ** gbee would sooner spend a few quid on a new HDD **
[15:18:30] KC0WYC is now known as EvilBob
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[15:55:31] unixSnob: does the "watch TV" feature only work on the tuner?
[15:55:52] unixSnob: i want to watch what is coming over the composite connection
[15:56:09] wagnerrp: it works on any defined capture input
[15:56:23] wagnerrp: mythtv does not distinguish between types of inputs
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[15:57:55] unixSnob: wagnerrp: in mythtv-setup for the capture card, I'm given a choice of 'inputs', which are: composite, tuner, s-video
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[15:59:41] unixSnob: what's a "video source" in the configuration? I get the impression this is a channel guide, no?
[16:00:57] unixSnob: then I also see an "input connections" menu, which wants to tie the composite signal to a region of the world
[16:01:24] unixSnob: when i tell it the composite input is in belgium, it screws up
[16:02:19] charmin: good morning
[16:02:34] unixSnob: anyone here have a capture card with a COMPOSITE input?
[16:03:00] unixSnob: perhaps it's a rare feature
[16:03:23] unixSnob: plextor devices have it
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[16:04:54] wagnerrp: you have three different things in mythtv, capture card, video source, and card input
[16:05:00] wagnerrp: the first and third of obvious
[16:05:11] wagnerrp: the second is an abstract 'source' of content
[16:05:23] wagnerrp: be that your cable lineup, antenna lineup, whatever
[16:05:25] charmin: saludos xris
[16:05:34] wagnerrp: its just a list of channels available under one 'source'
[16:05:43] th1_: unixSnob, I think the pvr-350 has composite input
[16:05:46] wagnerrp: you bind your source to one or more card inputs
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[16:06:07] th1_: it has a s-vhs connector but I think one of the pins is composite and if I don't rememberwrong it even came with an adapter
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[16:07:44] gbee: PVR-150 in the UK (at least) has composite input
[16:07:44] th1_: unixSnob, yes: Video outputs: S-Video and composite. SCART in Europe
[16:07:54] unixSnob: wagnerrp: so does it ever make sense to have "none" as an input (essentially, unbound)?
[16:07:55] th1_:
[16:08:11] wagnerrp: if you have 'none' for an input, mythtv just wont use it
[16:08:36] wagnerrp: you have defined the card, but mythtv cannot do anything with it because it has no defined inputs
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[16:09:15] unixSnob: wagnerrp: okay, so that explains why "watch tv" does nothing. But then when I defined a source, and bound it to the composite input, i got garbage.. a green screen under watchtv
[16:09:42] wagnerrp: should work fine assuming you have something plugged into the composite input
[16:10:16] unixSnob: yeah, it's plugged in, and I tested the driver outside of mythtv
[16:12:55] unixSnob: i've had troubles downloading channels, and i get warnings about having the composite input pre-set to a nonexistent channel
[16:13:22] unixSnob: but I don't see why that matters. I don't care that mythtv doesn't know what channel it is on.. I just want it to display it anyway
[16:13:36] wagnerrp: yes, you set the input up as if it were a tuner, that captured on channel 3
[16:13:41] wagnerrp: leave that field blank in mythtv-setup
[16:14:04] wagnerrp: theres two options, the initial channel, and the preset tuner channel
[16:14:09] wagnerrp: i forget the exact names
[16:14:25] wagnerrp: basically, you want to set the top one to something, and leave the bottom one empty
[16:16:33] unixSnob: i see "external channel change command" and "preset tuner to channel"... are those the fields you're talking about?
[16:18:12] unixSnob: i also see: "starting channel: please add channels to this source".. but I cannot change that field
[16:18:23] wagnerrp: theres a spinbox that lists all available channels in the source
[16:18:40] wagnerrp: its the 'preset tuner to channel' that needs to be blank on video capture
[16:18:58] wagnerrp: you only set that when youre capturing the RF output of something with a tuner card
[16:19:06] wagnerrp: which really should never be done anyway
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[16:19:45] unixSnob: well this is the problem.. there are no available channels, because they're unable to download
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[16:19:59] wagnerrp: youre in the US?
[16:20:01] unixSnob: so does this mean I can't watch tv on the composite input?
[16:20:06] unixSnob: wagnerrp: belgium
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[16:20:19] unixSnob: there is a source for belgium, but it's not working out
[16:20:21] wagnerrp: there is currently no analog channel scanner in 0.22
[16:20:46] wagnerrp: and SchedulesDirect is the only listings provider that mythtv supports for downloading a channel lineup
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[16:20:54] wagnerrp: which is only available in the US and Canada
[16:21:14] wagnerrp: so outside those areas, when using analog video, you have to manually enter your channels
[16:21:20] wagnerrp: using the channel manager
[16:22:08] unixSnob: okay, i'll try that.. seems odd that i need to do that just to watch tv, since i'll be using the cable box to change channels anyway
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[16:22:21] wagnerrp: mythtv needs to know what channels are available
[16:22:24] wagnerrp: so it can tune them
[16:23:03] unixSnob: but it shouldn't be tuning anything if i'm only using the composite input, right?
[16:23:23] unixSnob: the cable box is the tuner.. if I have to use my ntsc tuner out here in europe, i'm screwed
[16:23:30] unixSnob: because it's pal out here
[16:23:33] wagnerrp: you use that external channel changer script to control the cable box
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[16:23:59] wagnerrp: elsewise, mythtv only only ever capture the channel the STB is currently on
[16:23:59] unixSnob: that's a bit ambitious.. I was hoping to manually tune the channels
[16:24:07] wagnerrp: making it impossible to schedule recordings
[16:24:22] wagnerrp: and making it so that you can only really use livetv
[16:24:27] wagnerrp: which is really a waste
[16:24:34] unixSnob: okay, but first thing first.. I just want to get lifetv going right now
[16:24:54] wagnerrp: ok, set that channel changer script to '/bin/true'
[16:24:59] wagnerrp: and add a single channel
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[16:25:42] unixSnob: okay, ty.. i'll try that
[16:25:55] wagnerrp: myth always expects that it will have control over tuning, so you have to have something return a successful return code, or it will fail to run
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[16:33:47] unixSnob: hmm.. watch tv still just shows a green screen, with some static
[16:35:34] [R]: this show is so ridiculous... its one thing when there is a reality show that might be true might be fake... its SOOOO obvious this is fake
[16:37:24] wagnerrp: do you have an example of a reality tv show that has any semblance to reality?
[16:37:34] wagnerrp: reality is boring, thats why you watch tv
[16:37:48] dustybin: *irc
[16:38:12] [R]: wagnerrp: lol
[16:38:21] [R]: cops
[16:38:31] [R]: i have a friend who is a caplain for the police
[16:38:35] [R]: she says cops is nothing compared to real life
[16:38:49] [R]: chaplain*
[16:39:10] wagnerrp: well sure, even cops pick and choose the video clips they air
[16:39:20] wagnerrp: and behavior on camera is always going to be different than how they would normally act
[16:39:56] [R]: i saw this one last night
[16:39:59] [R]: they arrested this guy
[16:40:03] [R]: he was 18... and his "gf" was 14
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[16:41:16] unixSnob: is it possible to simply show what's on '/dev/video0', straight, a commandline tool, no gui / config bs?
[16:41:30] unixSnob: i want to make sure that's the right device
[16:41:30] wagnerrp: depends on your card
[16:41:46] unixSnob: the card is a plextor covertX
[16:41:49] wagnerrp: an mpeg encode, you can simply 'cat' that to a file, and view it
[16:41:57] wagnerrp: dont know about the plextor boxes
[16:42:24] unixSnob: i'll try that. I normally would use the driver, but the driver doesn't tell me what device is being used for it
[16:42:32] [R]: it does in dmesg
[16:43:25] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[16:44:22] dan4dm: just noticed the new MythNetvision plugin is in svn. anyone tried it in 0.22 ?
[16:44:37] TauPan: Ah, this time my mail came through
[16:45:19] wagnerrp: dan4dm: doesnt work in its current state, and if you saw the mailing list post, you were asked nicely not to try
[16:46:20] dan4dm: wagnerrp: yes, very nicely. also with the tantalising "I can't think of a good reason it *wouldn't* install properly" – but I'll not dive in then, thanks
[16:46:41] iamlindoro: we have since discovered that it won't compile
[16:46:43] iamlindoro: against .22
[16:46:53] wagnerrp: well then someone tried, and complained in here
[16:46:56] iamlindoro: ie, we can now think of good reasons
[16:47:00] wagnerrp: turns out its using some UI code that does not exist in 0.22
[16:48:21] dan4dm: ok thanks – i'll mention that on the mailing list just so others know not to attempt it
[16:50:50] wagnerrp: basically, the reason for asking people not to do it is that they dont understand that when they do so, theyre completely on their own
[16:51:11] wagnerrp: and that includes any complications that may happen during running, as well as any issues that come about when upgrading
[16:51:52] wagnerrp: so they end up causing noise in here, on the mailing list, and in trac for bugs that dont actually exist in the official version
[16:55:37] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: QUERY_SG_GETFILELIST takes a 'host' argument, does that mean it will work from any backend and automatically proxy to the proper one?
[16:59:24] dan4dm: wagnerrp: yes that's sensible. robert's message was a little tempting though – better to extinguish all hope, so that you don't get more ppl asking the question i did
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[17:11:13] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, I don't believe so, but I would need to reread that code
[17:13:27] wagnerrp: well the way im using it currently, i log into each machine independently
[17:13:33] wagnerrp: was just wondering if that was really necessary
[17:14:50] iamlindoro: That's pretty much the way MythVideo has to do it, too
[17:15:01] iamlindoro: which has always been one of those things I wasn't wild about
[17:15:40] Brad-D: hey guys, i've been playing around with themes, and hoping to get some advice. Right now my main menu text (e.g. watch recordings, watch videos, etc.) doesn't disappear when I go into specific plugins. so as an example if i go into "schedule recordings" i still see the menu text behind the popups. Any idea how i can get rid of that?
[17:16:01] stuartm: having everything route through the master would be nice, though possibly too slow on some networks
[17:16:43] stuartm: Brad-D: you need to define a background for those windows if you are going to make them popups and not full size
[17:17:45] wagnerrp: stuartm: were talking a couple hundred KB at the most here
[17:17:49] wagnerrp: just text data, not video
[17:19:14] Brad-D: stuartm: thanks i will look into that.
[17:20:01] stuartm: wagnerrp: images, no?
[17:20:18] iamlindoro: Brad-D, also remember that we have #mythtv-theming for in-depth theming questions, and with a better SNR
[17:20:19] stuartm: oh, GETFILELIST specifically?
[17:20:32] gbee (gbee! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:20:40] Brad-D: iamlindoro: thanks i didn't realize that, i will go there
[17:20:47] stuartm is now known as gbee
[17:25:23] [R]: how long do old jobs stay in the jobqueue table once they've finnished?
[17:26:04] gbee: wagnerrp: I think Captain_Murdoch was talking about the master holding a master copy of the list, but for that to be updated correctly we need to implement the file system watcher
[17:27:01] gbee: [R]: until the next run of the housekeeper iirc
[17:27:12] [R]: i've got stuff in there from the 15th
[17:27:13] [R]: its weird
[17:27:36] [R]: i got like 8 from the 15th... one from the 14th... and one from the 17th... but i know there were jobs on the 16th
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[17:40:25] [R]: they are gonna reposes his car... so he pours gasoline in it
[17:40:30] [R]: seriously... this show is so stupid
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[17:52:16] unixSnob: i managed to get live tv working (the video part of the equation)
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[17:53:18] unixSnob: the audio device is supposed to be /dev/dst, but the frontend is trying to get the audio from /dev/mixer
[17:54:07] unixSnob: is that in the users frontend setup, or the backend setup?
[17:55:04] unixSnob: actually, my backend has the correct audio device
[17:56:35] [R]: /dev/dst?
[17:56:44] [R]: the frontend isn't going to be "getting audio" from /dev/mixer
[17:56:49] [R]: its going to use /dev/mixer to adjust the volume
[17:58:05] Gremlin484 (Gremlin484! has quit ()
[17:58:26] unixSnob: ah, seems to be an output setting
[18:00:49] unixSnob: found the option in general settings
[18:01:04] unixSnob: general frontend settings, that is
[18:06:33] unixSnob: changing the mixer to => ALSA:default got rid of the error.. but still no sound from livetv
[18:08:06] unixSnob: "Mixer unable to find control Master 1"
[18:08:44] [R]: are you sure the frontend is set up right?
[18:08:46] [R]: backend*
[18:08:57] [R]: a mixer error issn't going to prevent sound
[18:09:48] gbee: just prevent changing volume
[18:10:50] superdump (superdump!n=rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit ("WeeChat 0.3.1-dev")
[18:11:10] unixSnob: i guess i'm not sure. I know the driver will create a good AVI file w/ audio and video
[18:12:08] Captain_Murdoch: yeah, it would be nice if the master maintained a cache of all files found on all backends and SG's. I'd also like to have the FE be able to serve up files as well at some point in the future via the same protocol as the backend does currently. or officially supporting a non-tuner slave could be the best way to accomplish that.
[18:12:10] unixSnob: i might try setting the audio device to /dev/dst1 (instead of /dev/dst)
[18:13:47] unixSnob: nice.. that was the problem [R].. the backend was using the wrong audio device to record
[18:14:07] unixSnob: now have sound.. very low sound
[18:15:28] unixSnob: and i wonder if i'll be able to fix it. Other apps on my system seem to have mixer issues
[18:17:27] [R]: VICTORY IS MINE... now my channel ids are all correct
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[18:43:45] unixSnob: the wiki is saying to increase the volume of live tv, press "Vol+". My keyboard is not a multimedia keyboard.
[18:43:57] unixSnob: are there any mappings for folks with ordinary keyboards?
[18:44:07] [R]: i think [] is mapped to vlume
[18:44:13] [R]: goto "edit keys"
[18:44:16] [R]: and see what the mappings are
[18:45:37] unixSnob: thanks, that was it
[18:45:58] unixSnob: i'm not sure where the edit keys menu is.. just found one setting, for the exit function (esc)
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[19:16:33] SnakesAndStuff (SnakesAndStuff!n=bob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:16:50] SnakesAndStuff: anyone here using serial IR receiver with lirc in linux mint?
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[19:21:22] [R]: SnakesAndStuff: do you have an actual question?
[19:21:36] SnakesAndStuff: Yes
[19:21:48] SnakesAndStuff: sudo modprobe lirc_serial
[19:21:48] SnakesAndStuff: FATAL: Error inserting lirc_serial (/lib/modules/2.6.31-14-generic/updates/lirc/lirc_serial.ko): Device or resource busy
[19:22:14] [R]: lsmod
[19:22:17] SnakesAndStuff: Trying to figure out what is causing that
[19:22:19] SnakesAndStuff: lsmod doesn't show it
[19:22:23] SnakesAndStuff: but I can load lirc_dev
[19:22:37] SnakesAndStuff: lsmod |grep lirc
[19:22:37] SnakesAndStuff: lirc_dev 10804 0
[19:22:52] [R]: when did i tell you to grep for lirc?
[19:23:03] SnakesAndStuff: ?
[19:23:11] SnakesAndStuff: do you want the whole output of lsmod?
[19:23:29] [R]: well did i ask for 1 line from it?
[19:23:31] [R]: or did i tell you to run lsmod
[19:23:38] SnakesAndStuff: You didn't ask for anything, geeze,
[19:23:56] [R]: [12:22:14] [R] lsmod
[19:24:01] SnakesAndStuff: Yes
[19:24:07] SnakesAndStuff: I didn't know that was a question
[19:24:20] SnakesAndStuff:
[19:24:22] [R]: yet you ran lsmod and showed me the output
[19:25:12] [R]: dmesg
[19:25:34] iamlindoro: [R], please increase the civility and decrease the snark
[19:25:48] iamlindoro: If you don't want to help, don't
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[19:26:30] SnakesAndStuff:
[19:26:34] [R]: SnakesAndStuff: i know the millions of guides on the internet about using lirc_serial ssay you need to run setserial... have you done that?
[19:26:40] SnakesAndStuff: Yes
[19:26:45] SnakesAndStuff: setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart none
[19:26:45] sphery: SnakesAndStuff: that almost definitely means that you have the normal serial port driver installed in the kernel, so you can't load the lirc_serial (hack) driver
[19:26:51] ** [R] just shakes his head **
[19:26:59] SnakesAndStuff: ?
[19:27:00] sphery: SnakesAndStuff: you may well have a kernel with compiled in serial support
[19:27:11] sphery: i.e. because your kernel allows serial console or something
[19:27:25] SnakesAndStuff: I thought that with compiled in support you could use the setserial command and then load the module?
[19:27:40] SnakesAndStuff: If this is not the case I'll recompile the kernel
[19:27:55] sphery: I don't know for sure.
[19:28:05] sphery: It's been a while since I've done lirc_serial
[19:28:17] sphery: I always compiled mine with serial as a module
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[19:30:54] sphery: SnakesAndStuff: others seem to say that you can do setserial to none
[19:31:07] sphery: though for some reason it's not working for you
[19:31:39] sphery: perhaps you have multiple serial ports (even if only one physical port) and you only did one setserial
[19:32:09] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:33:58] SnakesAndStuff: Hmmm, I'll try a kernel recompile.
[19:34:19] SnakesAndStuff: It is the port that I've been using for other things...
[19:35:56] sphery: did you try a setserial /dev/ttyS1 uart none
[19:36:09] sphery: (or at least look to see what all /dev/ttyS* you have)
[19:36:58] sphery: if there are none, I don't know why the setserial isn't working.
[19:37:26] sphery: but for me, having a serial module--and not loading it--was the easiest approach  :)
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[19:38:07] SnakesAndStuff: brb.
[19:38:42] SnakesAndStuff: I did it for both ttyS0 and ttyS1 (only 2 listed in dmesg) and still no luck.
[19:39:17] waterfoul (waterfoul!n=1889764@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:39:38] waterfoul: I have a Hauppauge HVR-1800 and there doesn't seem to be an error in dmesg but myth tv cannot access the digital tuner
[19:39:38] waterfoul: Can't open DVB frontend (/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0) for /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0.
[19:39:38] waterfoul: here is the relevant part of dmesg
[19:39:41] unixSnob (unixSnob! has quit ("leaving")
[19:42:47] [R]: waterfoul: what is the full backend log
[19:42:51] [R]: not 1 line
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[19:45:03] waterfoul:
[19:45:23] waterfoul: that is from mythtvsetup
[19:46:19] [R]: and does that file eixst?
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[20:08:50] SnakesAndStuff: Okay, I have it loading now
[20:09:03] SnakesAndStuff: will mode2 show output even if the config files aren't setup of for a certain remote etc?
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[20:18:30] sphery: SnakesAndStuff: what was causing the problems? I think mode2 shows raw data, irw shows button presses as defined by /etc/lircd.conf.
[20:18:48] SnakesAndStuff: I'm not getting any info out
[20:18:58] charmin:
[20:19:07] SnakesAndStuff: I double checked the schematic, the only difference is the capacitor that I used isn't electrolytic
[20:19:15] sphery: at0m: the problem is that you went into the DiSEqC options in mythtv-setup and you don't have Digital Satellite Equipment (to) Control.
[20:19:18] SnakesAndStuff: Does the design require an electrolytic cap?
[20:19:33] sphery: waterfoul: the problem is that you went into the DiSEqC options in mythtv-setup and you don't have Digital Satellite Equipment (to) Control.
[20:20:00] sphery: sorry, at 0m ... got don't know how I didn't see that typo w/ autocomplete
[20:20:07] charmin: to start the mythtv says this
[20:20:51] sphery: charmin: you need to run mythtv-setup for 0.22-fixes before running mythfrontend for 0.22-fixes
[20:21:06] sphery: it will just update things for you
[20:21:37] sphery: also, generally, you need to run mythbackend before mythfrontend (I think it's now--though not intentionally--a requirement that you have a functional master backend)
[20:21:46] JJ1 (JJ1! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:22:48] sphery: waterfoul: to fix your issue, do the capture card portion of and when reconfiguring do not go into the DiSEqC options
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[20:41:01] high-rez: So, schedules direct is missing some channels from my lineup...
[20:41:35] GreyFoxx: You should submit that to them with as much detail as you can. they can get Tribune to fix up the data :)
[20:44:05] sphery: high-rez: also make sure you don't have hidden/deleted channels in MythTV and note that mythfilldatabase (and Fetch channels from listings source) will never add ATSC channels to Myth unless you force them to (if you're using a PVR-x50 with a high-def converter box).
[20:44:11] high-rez: GreyFoxx: Its actually weird because its a scenario where you have the same channel with like three different channel numbers. Sothe data is there, it's just not there for all of the channel numbers (e.g. HD vs SD channel).
[20:44:22] Redhammer_the_O2 (Redhammer_the_O2! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:44:39] sphery: high-rez: and if it's a recent change, you may have to do a mythfilldatabase --refresh-all
[20:44:58] high-rez: sphery: I've validated that the data is missing in the lineup itself, e.g. http://scheddirect/lineups/report/(mylineup)
[20:45:02] sphery: and if they moved channels around, you may have to do the video sources portion of
[20:45:09] sphery: ah, ok... just making sure
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[20:46:32] sphery: high-rez: though if it's there but for a different channel and you're sure it has identical data, you can just use the same Schedules Direct ID from the channel that /is/ there for the MythTV xmltvid.
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[20:54:37] high-rez: sphery: Oh really???
[20:55:04] high-rez: Oh interesting xmltvid
[20:55:04] high-rez: huh
[20:57:07] high-rez: Hmm they have the same xmltvid :/
[21:00:30] Redhammer_the_Ol (Redhammer_the_Ol! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:01:21] waterfoul: if I know a channel which should be there is there an easy way to test all of the freqency table/modulation/scanning range combos
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[21:01:41] sphery: waterfoul: what type of TV?
[21:02:23] waterfoul: a westinghouse dtv picks up 90
[21:02:37] sphery: ATSC?
[21:02:43] waterfoul: yea
[21:02:44] sphery: with an ATSC capture card?
[21:03:06] waterfoul: yea
[21:03:11] sphery: or firewire or QAM (cable) with a digital capture card?
[21:03:15] waterfoul: and th capture card works with ota
[21:03:17] sphery: OTA ATSC, then
[21:03:19] sphery: ok
[21:03:26] waterfoul: no i am trying to pick up cable
[21:03:44] waterfoul: the tv picks up 90 on the cable and i confirmed the card works by going ota
[21:03:53] waterfoul: i want to get the tv card on the cable
[21:04:00] sphery: you have to do a scan--you want a full scan
[21:04:01] wagnerrp: you have... comcast?
[21:04:13] waterfoul: knology
[21:04:14] sphery: you would have one of 3 freq tables
[21:04:33] sphery: either US Cable, US Cable (HRC), or US Cable (IRC)
[21:04:42] sphery: listed in order of most-common to least common
[21:05:09] wagnerrp: so you have a small cable provide who has decided not to be dicks
[21:05:13] sphery: and, if your cable co uses SCTE65, using scte65scan would be easier
[21:05:14] poodyp1 (poodyp1! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:05:27] waterfoul: ok then what about the highs or the modulations/scanning ranges
[21:05:37] wagnerrp: just do 'us-cable'
[21:05:39] wagnerrp: the full band
[21:05:41] waterfoul: well the tv picks up the digital
[21:05:45] sphery: and remember that the channel number is just a logical name in digital TV--has nothing to do with frequency--which means that MythTV may also get channel 90, but calls it something different
[21:05:46] waterfoul: ok
[21:05:54] waterfoul: ok
[21:06:23] sphery: and, yeah, wagnerrp's advice is the best place to go from here
[21:06:27] waterfoul: so do cable and then try all of the modulations
[21:06:52] sphery: do cable and it will likely work
[21:06:52] wagnerrp: just qam-256
[21:06:59] wagnerrp: very likely youll have anything else on there
[21:07:09] waterfoul: scanning......
[21:07:21] wagnerrp: s/likely/unlikely/
[21:09:41] waterfoul: found none
[21:11:01] sphery: did you let it completely finish
[21:11:05] sphery: that seemed a bit too quick
[21:11:27] waterfoul: yea
[21:11:29] sphery: it can pass all the channel numbers you know and still have found nothing--because of the logical naming thing
[21:11:32] sphery: hmmm
[21:11:56] waterfoul: I know
[21:12:01] EvilBob (EvilBob!n=heywood@fedora/bobjensen) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:12:29] sphery: you have us cable set as freq table?
[21:12:51] waterfoul: yea
[21:12:55] sphery: though--since most cable co's put digital TV on high channels--it shouldn't matter at all
[21:13:06] waterfoul: rescanning with test decryptability on and only free off
[21:13:28] charmin is now known as rockcabilla
[21:16:06] waterfoul: nothing on 256
[21:17:27] sphery: it may be possible that a small cable co is using QAM64 or something
[21:19:26] waterfoul: nothing on 128
[21:20:14] Lexridge (Lexridge!n=lexridge@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:21:16] Lexridge: Hey guys. I am assuming it is not possible to stream HD video via wireless G. Is this a correct assumption? What about wireless N? Would that work?
[21:21:38] wagnerrp: the former... youre pushing your luck
[21:21:52] wagnerrp: the latter... youre still going to have network dropouts causing pauses in playback
[21:22:22] Lexridge: humm, okay. I guessed N would have enough bandwidth to run a few HD streams. Perhaps not./
[21:22:38] wagnerrp: bandwidth, sure... wireless just doesnt have the stability
[21:22:39] sphery: it's the reliability that's an issue
[21:22:49] Lexridge: Oh, okay.. I see.
[21:23:00] sphery: wired for good results!  :)
[21:23:07] Lexridge: I have been trying it with G, but lots of pausing.
[21:23:19] waterfoul: no dice on 64 either
[21:23:42] wagnerrp: you dont happen to have a cablecard in this tv do you?
[21:24:15] waterfoul: nope
[21:24:44] iamlindoro: signal timeout ++
[21:24:56] wagnerrp: awesome... free SSMEs for the cost of shipping and handling
[21:24:56] Lexridge: BTW, the windows version of MythFrontEnd works very well on my Asus netbook. SD wireless is perfect.
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[21:26:52] gbee: wireless and streamed video don't really go well together, packet loss and latency are too high
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[21:28:00] sphery: unless, of course, you're talking about the low-quality Trash with low-bandwidth and huge buffers they use for Internet video  :)
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[21:28:36] sphery: (even then, though, you tend to have the occasional issue)
[21:29:15] Lexridge: I get an occasional pause with SD, but very usable indeed.
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[21:29:31] gbee: yeah, for internet video etc latency isn't a problem, they have massive buffers which is why you have to wait a while for the video to start, and even then it may pause while it has to rebuffer
[21:30:03] Lexridge: even with low signal, the stream is mostly perfect. It might pause once every 10 minutes or so.
[21:30:22] Lexridge: and on a 12.1" screen, artifacts are mostly unnoticed.
[21:30:25] sphery: but if you can prevent that once/10min pause...  :)
[21:30:44] Lexridge: with good signal, it rarely pauses.
[21:31:05] sphery: (granted, wiring the place may not be as palatable to some and if it's not your main mythfrontend)
[21:32:14] Lexridge: It's not my main frontned by any means. It's just a portable battery operated TV essentially, that I use in the kitchen while cooking, or the bathroom while showering.
[21:32:36] Lexridge: it serves that function perfectly.
[21:32:41] sphery: waterfoul: don't know if you caught iamlindoro's comment, but you may need to increase the signal timeout (and, likely want to go back to QAM256)
[21:32:53] sphery: I recommend maxing it out to see if it helps
[21:33:24] sphery: did you ever see the pic of the guy's bathroom with the mythtv built in?
[21:33:53] Lexridge: cant say I have. Neat idea.
[21:33:59] wagnerrp: sphery: that would be the first thing i would do if someone built an ION with svideo out
[21:34:21] sphery: hard part is remember which year it was for checking logs
[21:34:48] darkdrgn2k3 (darkdrgn2k3! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:35:37] wagnerrp: ive already got the tv there
[21:35:48] wagnerrp: i wouldnt bother with a case, i would just mount it directly to the wall behind the tv
[21:35:58] sphery: heh, google was better than me at remembering:
[21:36:05] wagnerrp: and with no case, i could probably manage a big enough heatsink to run fanless
[21:36:09] sphery: note the splash shield
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[21:37:39] _ben: i'd probably have bought a waterproof tv
[21:37:42] Lexridge: awesome setup!
[21:37:51] [R]: if i had a hot tub like that... i'd probably have a wife
[21:37:59] [R]: and if i had a hot tub and a wife... i'd be too busy to watch tv
[21:38:00] Lexridge: lol
[21:38:01] [R]: :)
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[21:45:28] ThisOneGuy: Hi all – can anyone help me install the flash plugin for MythBrowser? I'm running trunk on ubuntu 9.10
[21:48:56] wagnerrp: just install the generic flash player
[21:50:27] ThisOneGuy: i tried that and it works in firefox, but not ,ythbrowser
[21:51:19] gbee: 32 or 64bit?
[21:51:29] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[21:51:39] Shadow__X: would restarting mythtv frontend do the trick?
[21:51:49] Shadow__X: idea behind that is restarting the browser?
[21:52:08] ThisOneGuy: 64 bit
[21:52:21] ThisOneGuy: I tried restarting mythfrontend several times but no love
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[21:52:35] gbee: and you are using the 64bit flash plugin?
[21:53:06] ThisOneGuy: hmmm – I assume so – but maybe not – do you know how i can check?
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[21:58:53] waterfoul: so what else can i use to scan for dtv channels since myth can't find anything
[22:00:23] [R]: are you sure there is soemthing there?
[22:00:27] [R]: are you sure your card works?
[22:01:01] waterfoul: the card works on ota and a dtv picks up digital channels on the cable
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[22:01:29] jgoulah: when I go to select music, the screen comes up for a second then goes to a black screen with a cursor... nothing really in the logs.. any idea where to look?
[22:01:30] [R]: are you sure the card supports QAM?
[22:02:13] waterfoul: its a Hauppauge_HVR-1800 and the mythtv wiki says it does
[22:02:41] [R]: what does silicon dust's website say about your area's cable provider
[22:03:29] waterfoul: No channel information
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[22:19:29] waterfoul: any 1 know what 2010-01–17 14:18:34.454 DVBChan(4:/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0) Error: Tune(): Setting Frontend tuning parameters failed. means
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[22:23:05] Fleck: hey, best card for mythtv vdpau?
[22:23:27] _ben: nvidia
[22:23:41] Fleck: vdpau is nvidia yeah i know, thanks _ben :)
[22:23:45] Fleck: but model :)
[22:23:54] _ben: (read the wiki – quite a few users have written about their experiences)
[22:24:17] Fleck: wiki has GF220 latest card
[22:25:17] gbee: Fleck: you want at least 512MB of video memory
[22:25:29] Fleck: ok
[22:26:07] Fleck: so GF GT220 will be fine?
[22:26:36] gbee: don't get hung up on features like xvid decoding, that's meaningless, you are probably most interested in the ability to decode h.264 and maybe mpeg2, that's included in all models supporting vdpau
[22:27:42] gbee: since the 220 is only a few months old, it's probably fine
[22:28:09] _ben: i kinda need to check this stuff out – would prefer a board with gfx built in i think
[22:30:29] gbee: _ben: IMHO that's the best approach, then you don't have to mess around with spdif patch cables for hdmi audio, or waste a slot on the card, IGPs tend to use less power and produce less heat too
[22:31:16] _ben: audio has been my bugbear
[22:31:27] _ben: just figured i'd get a board with hdmi out
[22:31:49] gbee: unless you are a gamer, a discrete graphics card is pointless – especially when you can get a mobo complete with IGP for the same price (or just a little more) as it would cost to buy the graphics card
[22:31:57] nic| (nic|!n=nlc| has joined #mythtv-users
[22:32:12] _ben: altho last time i looked at this there weren't a great deal of intel based motherboards with nvidia chips
[22:32:31] gbee: I've two motherboards with IGPs and hdmi-out
[22:32:38] Fleck: well i'm not gamer :) i need only smooth HD video
[22:32:50] Fleck: have 8400 GS and not satisfied
[22:32:55] _ben: what do you have gbee ?
[22:32:55] gbee: _ben: so go with AMD? Cheaper and does the same job
[22:33:44] gbee: two Asus M3N78 variants, 8200 onboard
[22:33:55] _ben: ah
[22:34:12] gbee: one's matx, the other's full atx
[22:34:23] [R]: Fleck: if you're not satisified with hd on 8400, then you're not using vdpau
[22:34:45] Fleck: yes i am :)
[22:34:51] [R]: then its not set up right
[22:34:51] _ben: i was thinking about switchign from matx to full atx just so i can have lots of disks :p
[22:34:55] [R]: cuz i had an 8400 and it was perfect
[22:35:12] GreyFoxx: Fleck: What do you mean by not satisfied? It doesn't look good visually or is using a high amount of cpu?
[22:35:48] gbee: IMHO the M3N78 was a _very_ nice board, great spec, but it's been superseded with 9300 based models
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[22:36:18] Fleck: no it works perfect and sudenly starts to shutter etc... then it goes ok again... etc etc... feels like lack of horsepower
[22:37:06] [R]: if vpdau is properly being used, there is no "lack of horesepower"
[22:37:09] gbee: _ben: well full atx case will give you more room for disks, but no need to put a full size board in there, although it will give you more slots for more tuner cards
[22:37:10] [R]: aside from deinterlacers
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[22:37:17] [R]: all the vdpau boards are essentially identical
[22:37:22] [R]: except for some can do extra codecs
[22:37:35] gbee: pointless codecs
[22:37:46] _ben: thats true
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[22:38:34] _ben: my aim really is to reduce 'leccy usage, was pondering OS on a ssd, and extra drives for recordings
[22:38:47] Fleck: [R] well i need best deinterlacer too
[22:39:01] gbee: pretty much all vdpau boards can handle the three important codecs (H.264, MPEG2, VC1), things like xvid support don't mean much since xvid is piss easy to decode
[22:40:15] [R]: Fleck: you NEED?
[22:40:29] [R]: i dont understand why peopel make such a big stink out of this deinterlacer nonsense
[22:40:32] [R]: it looks fine to me
[22:40:39] [R]: i had it off and i ahd it on
[22:40:41] [R]: and it looked perfect with it on
[22:40:44] [R]: and i wasn't using the "best"
[22:41:12] gbee: it's like people NEED £3000 B&O speakers and solid gold hdmi cables
[22:41:16] Fleck: well i need smooth video :D and i can't get it no matter what i do, spent several weeks on testing etc...
[22:41:37] gbee: Fleck: how much memory does your 8400 have?
[22:41:47] Fleck: 512MB
[22:41:53] Fleck: try out that crazy bird video...
[22:41:56] gbee: should be fine then
[22:42:06] [R]: crazy bird video?
[22:42:19] Fleck: yeah from planet earth :)
[22:42:47] [R]: huh?
[22:43:27] ** gbee guesses he is talking about the BBC nature series **
[22:44:11] ** gbee has all of those recorded from BBC HD in 22mbit/s H.264, plays just fine on a 8200 **
[22:44:56] Fleck: gbee even that scene where are full screen of birds – and all moving smooth?
[22:45:22] gbee: perfectly
[22:45:39] Fleck: pc specs please :)
[22:45:42] sid3windr: bird bird bird
[22:45:44] sid3windr: bird is the word
[22:45:59] gbee: assume you mean the goose scene
[22:46:07] faichele (faichele! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:46:19] _ben: Fleck: where are you sourcing this content from?
[22:46:21] gbee: but I've never had any problem with any scene in any BBC HD content
[22:46:48] [R]: Fleck: when using vdpau... the specs are irrelevent
[22:47:14] Fleck: i have AMD X2 5000+, 2GB RAM
[22:47:14] gbee: Fleck: 2.0 Ghz, 1GB RAM, onboard 8200 w/ 512MB (system ram)
[22:48:21] gbee: or alternately, a 2.5Ghz, 4GB RAM (shared between a bucket load of apps), onboard 8200 w/ 512MB (system RAM)
[22:48:45] gbee: both X2 – not that it really matters for vdpau
[22:50:28] gbee: Fleck: how does software decoding fare?
[22:50:42] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[22:50:55] Fleck: gbee software decoding – not smooth
[22:50:55] gbee: with those specs it should have no trouble
[22:51:12] gbee: then something is screwy
[22:51:52] gbee: even my 2.0Ghz X2 can do 1080i h.264 HD
[22:52:59] JJ2 (JJ2! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:53:27] gbee: more likely to be the output refresh rate, or incorrect resolution for your TV etc
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[22:54:53] gbee: I'm not trying to talk you out of buying a new card, it's your money so why should I care? However your experiences seem to suggest a problem unrelated to the card to me
[22:56:18] Anduin (Anduin!n=awithers@pdpc/supporter/professional/anduin) has quit ("leaving")
[22:56:53] Fleck: gbee tv is full hd, tried 50 and 60 Hz
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[23:00:19] gbee: Fleck: checked the TV manual to see what res (native) and refresh rate it accepts on the input you are using? I'm assuming HDMI?
[23:00:42] antgel: FWIW, my geforce 8300 with vdpau was stuttering on HD content, more on ITV than BBC. however, a change of hard drive appears to have sorted it (despite it passing the manufacturer's diagnostic)
[23:01:07] antgel: although, still waiting to see if ITV HD content is okay, for some reason that always seemed to stutter more than BBC HD
[23:01:08] Fleck: i have info button and there i can read what resolution i use
[23:01:28] gbee: antgel: ITV HD is perfect here, again with the 8200
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[23:01:46] th1_: Fleck, it could be something as simple as io bandwidth.. if say you copy a 1GB file from one directory to another how long does that take?
[23:01:50] antgel: Fleck: what i'm saying is, don't assume it's the video card that's causing the problem
[23:01:54] _ben: Corrie in HD
[23:01:56] ** _ben shudders **
[23:01:58] gbee: just finished watching Day of the Jackel, recorded from ITV HD the other night
[23:02:29] gbee: currently recording Children of Man from ITV HD
[23:02:45] th1_: has ITV HD got ads in the middle of the shows?
[23:02:49] antgel: gbee: i recorded that as well :) haven't watched it yet. parents currently watching lark rise to candleford (puke), and hasn't stuttered at all. plus mytharchive is running ffmpeg in the background
[23:03:01] Fleck: th1 not long, up to 60MB/sec
[23:03:27] th1_: Fleck, and while it's copying what's the CPU load?
[23:03:47] Fleck: minimal
[23:03:48] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:03:56] th1_: ok..
[23:04:16] th1_: I had stuttering problems with HD content streamed from my server running hardware raid5 with ext3 file system
[23:04:23] th1_: even if it's gigabit network
[23:04:31] th1_: once I upgraded to ext4 it all went away
[23:04:36] Fleck: :)
[23:06:19] antgel: Fleck: is there anything interesting in the system log or myth logs, when it stutters?
[23:07:25] gbee: stuttering can be caused by audio configuration/hardware (keep in mind that video and audio have to be kept in sync)
[23:08:53] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:09:28] antgel: hmm. could somebody locate then ls -l ENVCAN-Maps.xml ? on my system it's 0755, which is why mythweather thinks it's to be executed (yes, mythweather could be a bit more sensible about the extension but i want to know if it's a bug with just my install)
[23:10:08] antgel: gbee: interesting that we have the same chipset. do you get any tearing? i have two identical frontends except for the display device being different, one tears, the other doesn't
[23:10:32] iamlindoro: antgel, it's just you
[23:10:44] iamlindoro: antgel, it's non-executable in the source
[23:11:02] iamlindoro: and making MythWeather care about extensions would be less smart, not smarter
[23:11:50] iamlindoro: suspect you/your packager/whoever did a chmod on the directory, but neither myth's source nor install process ever makes it execuatble
[23:11:57] gbee: antgel: no tearing, at least not anymore, some driver versions produced tearing
[23:12:32] [R]: for as long as i've had this core2 duo... i've gotten these "machine check events logged" messages in dmesg
[23:12:38] [R]: have yet to figure out what it means
[23:13:12] gbee: sounds sinister
[23:14:09] [R]: i checked the log once
[23:14:11] [R]: it was useless
[23:14:19] antgel: iamlindoro: looks like i've done something bad with chmod -R. almost every file within my svn is chmodded with a+x :(
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[23:14:34] iamlindoro: that's bad all right
[23:14:46] antgel: how bizarre
[23:15:21] antgel: is there a way within svn to restore the correct permissions or am i going to have to delete the whole tree and start again?
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[23:15:46] antgel: "almost every file" – not true, i'll pastebin
[23:15:56] iamlindoro: not aware of a way to restore permissions
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[23:16:38] _ben: don't think there is :/
[23:17:36] antgel:
[23:18:42] antgel: oh, and
[23:19:09] antgel: i think i'll do something like find -name '*cpp' -exec chmod a-x {} \;
[23:19:14] hipitihop: what is the recommended cpu setting ? I have an ion 330 setup
[23:19:24] antgel: and repeat for other relevant extensions. not going to delete my source tree
[23:19:28] iamlindoro: I would not bother trying to fix whatever happened to that source
[23:19:40] iamlindoro: you will never be able to trust it at this point
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[23:20:14] hipitihop: one of my updates is mythtv-database, is it generaly safe to do this or can I end up with a broken db and lose my recordings ?
[23:20:16] _ben: svn diff so you know your changes and checkout again?
[23:21:13] antgel: i suppose i could rm it and checkout again, i have my configure line somewhere and i use ccache anyway
[23:21:32] _ben: yup
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[23:22:42] th1_: hipitihop, if you are upgrading the database schema it will make a backup first and ask you if you are ready to do the upgrade
[23:23:37] hipitihop: th1_,: excellent,even if I have autobuild enabled ?
[23:24:21] th1_: it won't touch the actual database during build only when you run it after upgrading
[23:25:02] Fleck: should i enable HPET in bios? What is the best value for PCI Latency Timer ?
[23:25:24] hipitihop: th1_, sorry, afaik, autobuild is nightly build repository , I'm using mythbuntu
[23:25:53] th1_: during install it will ask you if you want to upgrade.
[23:26:10] th1_: then it creates a backup and tells you where it put it and then it upgrades the tables
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[23:26:14] hipitihop: thanks
[23:26:20] th1_: if it goes wrong and you go back to the old version you can reinstall the backup
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