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Saturday, January 2nd, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:12] mzb: remote controlled brick?
[00:00:56] poodyp (poodyp! has quit ()
[00:01:03] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Excess Flood)
[00:01:27] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:01:43] martin__: i'm tempted to try "The IT Crowd" approach... but it's a server with 9 months uptime at the moment...
[00:02:05] martin__: i suppose restarting x might do it???
[00:02:20] Chicago: martin__, is VNC listening on xinetd?
[00:02:45] mzb: martin__, screen keyboard
[00:05:11] martin__: what the hell... did i send that???
[00:05:16] justinp_home: mythbackend seems to be ok – mythweb loads fine, shows mythbackend as running OK
[00:06:00] martin__: Chicago, not sure... it was started manually using x11vnc
[00:06:05] PatrickD` (PatrickD`! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:18] PatrickD`: hmm, is there something known about vdpau and pip not working right?
[00:06:27] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:32] mzb: fwiw, my latest attempt at realtime commflagging isn't working for me (I think sphery recommended the settings to use)
[00:06:53] PatrickD`: I did hd, then did a sd pip, and then when I quit both, and just play sd, the sd is tiny in the corner, like it is running in pip mode, but isn't
[00:06:59] mzb: my music videos stutter if too many simultaneous recordings (eg: >2?)
[00:07:17] sphery: using medium job queue?
[00:07:20] mzb: and the jobs pile up in the brackground
[00:07:20] sphery: or low?
[00:07:22] mzb: yes
[00:07:31] mzb: s/background
[00:07:49] martin__: aha... i've killed the vnc server and restarted it... working now.... thanks Chicago
[00:08:01] mzb: I'm going back to 2 simultaneous during off-peak
[00:08:03] sphery: I've never tried more than one--but my CPU's can't handle it
[00:08:13] sphery: (can't handle more than one, that is)
[00:08:18] mzb: yep
[00:08:33] sphery: one is stretch enough (as they're Athlon XP 2GHz or lower and it's all HDTV)
[00:08:37] mzb: it was a nice try, but the cost/benefit analysis makes it lose :)
[00:08:42] sphery: yeah
[00:08:43] mzb: hehe
[00:09:06] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:09:19] sphery: unless you have multicore systems, you're unlikely to benefit much from multiple simultaneous jobs) and may get a bunch of issues due to I/O
[00:09:21] mzb: now just to find the right time for a backend restart (need to replug a usb tuner anyway)
[00:09:39] mzb: it's a 4400+ X2 (s939)
[00:09:54] martin__: ok... need an additional tuner card to replace my HVR-1300 due to lack of support in myth... any ideas.. need something cheap, in the uk, and supported in Myth... half decent quality would be nice too....
[00:09:57] mzb: and 7x hdd (mostly in 2x raid5 arrays)
[00:11:11] mzb: ~3.75TB total, but spread reasonably well (I think)
[00:11:46] mzb: normal recordings go to 3x500GB array, movies go to 3x1TB array .... well, mostly ;)
[00:12:10] mzb: got to the point of having a power search for movies:
[00:12:32] mzb: Movies (except ABC and SBS):
[00:12:46] mzb: program.chanid = channel.chanid AND ( NOT LIKE 'ABC%' AND NOT LIKE 'SBS%') AND ((program.category_type = 'movie') OR ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,program.starttime,program.endtime)>=90) AND ((program.category_type NOT LIKE 'sports') AND (program.category_type NOT LIKE 'series') AND (program.category NOT LIKE 'sport') AND (program.category NOT LIKE 'series') AND (program.category NOT LIKE 'infotainment') AND (program.
[00:12:46] mzb: category NOT LIKE 'news') AND (program.category NOT LIKE 'current affairs') AND (program.category NOT LIKE 'entertainment') AND (program.category NOT LIKE 'variety') AND (program.category NOT LIKE 'lifestyle') AND (program.category NOT LIKE 'talk show'))))
[00:12:53] Dagmar: OMG
[00:12:58] mzb: still wip, but it's getting there
[00:13:08] sphery: "No. I have VDPAU capable systems, but am not using it because "High Quality" does better." <-- See the witch hunt begin on mythtv-users list (after all, who dare speak such heresy).
[00:14:06] justinp_home: I need to have storage groups set up for 0.22?
[00:14:28] martin__: mzb, what tuner cards you using.... and you using HD?
[00:14:40] mzb: 2. when possible
[00:14:49] martin__: justinp_home, read it on the wiki...
[00:14:57] justinp_home: Looking at it now
[00:15:04] ** Dagmar wails, "BLASPHEMER!!!" **
[00:15:12] PatrickD`: sphery, hehe
[00:15:32] mzb: 1. 3x DTV1000T, 1x Dvico dualdigital4 rev1? (currently resting), and 1x Kworld USB2
[00:16:24] mzb: I can recommend the first two, but suggest to avoid usb tuners
[00:17:02] mzb: I have had/got others ... all have varying issues (eventually)
[00:18:00] mzb: usually good for occasional use (ie: windows users;), not for a well-used mythtv "household appliance"
[00:18:14] Toast (Toast!n=quassel@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:18:43] mzb: time to replug this tuner
[00:19:23] mzb: (we had a power cut the other day, and the tuner was the only thing in the house that doesn't reset properly;))
[00:19:41] martin__: thanks mzb... trying to find the DTV on sale now...
[00:20:43] mzb: it's old, you'll be lucky
[00:21:06] mzb: the dualdigital4 rev2 is probably a better buy
[00:21:13] justinp_home: Hmm – looks like the default storage group was already set up from my 0.21 install
[00:21:15] martin__: £20... in stock... not bad...
[00:21:33] mzb: and *does* work ... just need to build the module(s) from source (iirc)
[00:22:47] justinp_home: Would blowing out my ~/.mythtv directory work for resetting mythfrontend to defaults?
[00:23:25] PatrickD`: justinp, not really
[00:23:35] PatrickD`: normally you need to blow away the db settings
[00:24:01] justinp_home: How would I go about that?
[00:27:22] Dagmar: blowing away the db generally works
[00:27:23] Dagmar: ;)
[00:27:48] justinp_home: Yeah, but I'd rather not lose the info for over 150 recordings...
[00:28:14] justinp_home: Like I said before, the backend is fine – it's the frontend that's borked
[00:28:42] Dagmar: There is magic in mythweb
[00:29:14] mzb: btw sphery, what's the logic involved in clearing the watched flag after a transcode?
[00:29:17] justinp_home: I'm looking for something useful there now
[00:29:39] justinp_home: I did the extended check on the database, and nothing came up wrong
[00:30:42] sphery: mzb: probably the thought is that if you took the time (and electricity) to transcode the recording, it shouldn't be left at high-priority for autoexpire
[00:31:29] mzb: hmm
[00:31:36] mzb: doesn't work for me
[00:31:37] sphery: mzb:
[00:31:56] sphery: mzb: you mean if you do an external transcode?
[00:31:59] Dagmar: justinp_home: You can change most of the frontend's settings that are stored in the database via mythweb
[00:32:05] sphery: or are you saying mythtranscode doesn't clear it
[00:32:11] Dagmar: Like, directly with no sanity checking
[00:32:53] justinp_home: Under MythTV | Settings Table ?
[00:33:14] Dagmar: Yes
[00:33:21] sphery: justinp_home: there's also always the partial restore if things get really trashed. Make sure you do a backup before doing too much tinkering, though.
[00:33:44] mzb: sphery, mythtranscode _does_ clear it, and that behaviour doesn't float my boat ;)
[00:33:46] justinp_home: OK...that looks like it would be useful if I knew what was busted in the frontend
[00:34:08] sphery: justinp_home: a backup is useful before making /any/ changes to data in the database
[00:34:28] sphery: i.e. before breaking it :) I highly recommend doing one now, before you start messing with things
[00:35:30] mzb: eg: show for ${WOMAN} is recorded and set for auto-transcode (medium) with commflag (after). ${WOMAN} watches show before transcode occurs, watched flag is set and then cleared after the transcode
[00:35:49] mzb: personally I'd prefer to see mythtranscode leave the flag alone
[00:37:11] mzb: rats ... forgot to set the job times
[00:37:25] martin__: hmmm.. what if ${MAN} watches said show... should there be multiple watched flags based on sex?
[00:38:05] martin__: ahh... ${MAN} would never watch that show...
[00:39:07] mzb: ${MAN} has no need to transcode the shows _he_ sets to record ;)
[00:40:10] mzb: and ${WOMAN} can't tell the difference between (my custom) medium & high settings
[00:40:27] mzb: my storage space *can* tell the difference ;)
[00:40:41] PatrickD`: heh, I just say screw it
[00:40:46] PatrickD`: record everything at high quality
[00:40:57] PatrickD`: set everything to transcode after a 14 day delay
[00:41:37] martin__: charge ${WOMAN} for either a) training on using the medium/high settings, or b) the extra HDD's needed...
[00:43:12] mzb: tried that ... I got 1x 500GB drive out of "our" money, I've paid for the 2x 500, 1x750 and 3x1TB
[00:43:20] user1_ (user1_!n=user1@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:43:49] mzb: PatrickD`, that doesn't work ... I don't want _everything_ transcoded
[00:43:58] martin__: yes... but "our" money normally refers to your money...
[00:44:08] PatrickD`: well, don't have your high/med auto-transcode, just the default profile
[00:44:23] mzb: ?
[00:44:41] mzb: I only auto-transcode her stuff
[00:44:57] mzb: movies & sports are "raw"
[00:45:03] PatrickD`: ya, and if she records something, it will auto-select default profile
[00:45:23] mzb: and how is this going to address the watched flag issue?
[00:47:41] mzb: she was setting her own shows for a while there, but seems to have lost interest now ... we've got more than enough recordings to go by ;)
[00:47:46] mzb: (power searches help)
[00:48:11] mzb: so it's just a matter of ensuring auto-expire is set for the rubbish (and at a lower priority)
[00:48:13] martin__: doctor who time... laterz guys...
[00:48:31] mzb: eg: Highway Patrol at high priority and no auto-expire! ... grrr
[00:50:12] sphery: PatrickD`: even better, record at high quality and don't transcode (since storage is cheap)
[00:51:15] PatrickD`: sphery, that is what I do
[00:51:27] sphery: same here
[00:51:39] PatrickD`: I do autotranscode and don't delete orig, so it can be quickly copied to cellphone/ipod/...
[00:51:57] sphery: yeah, transcoding for other devices is a different matter
[00:52:04] sphery: but those are typically not managed by myth
[00:52:14] sphery: so you can do them how you like :)
[00:53:43] mzb: $ du -sh /myth/video/videos/Music/
[00:53:44] mzb: 240G /myth/video/videos/Music/
[00:54:01] sphery: that's a lot of music videos
[00:55:41] ** PatrickD` is not impressed with vdpau, using 9800GT **
[00:55:58] mzb: sphery, getting there ;)
[00:56:27] Dagmar: PatrickD`: GOod job of trying to use a gaming card for video playback
[00:56:37] PatrickD`: heh?
[00:56:40] Dagmar: It's sarcasm, but it's basically the problem
[00:56:53] Dagmar: Look here
[00:56:59] PatrickD`: I did
[00:57:11] Dagmar: Notice a pattern... Until the 2xx line, the gaming cards are not gifted with the full feature-set
[00:57:30] Dagmar: Feature set B is all the middle-range stuff
[00:57:52] PatrickD`: actually, I was following
[00:57:59] PatrickD`: cause I would assume it to be *more* accurate
[00:58:00] Dagmar: The gaming cards like the 6/7/8/9800's (x800's) all have A, which is less
[00:58:11] okolsi: sphery: k, i'll see if it happens again (i suspect not)
[00:58:15] Dagmar: More accurate about whta
[00:58:35] sphery: okolsi: you may need to backport that change to -fixes if you're using -fixes
[00:58:47] Dagmar: The only thing that page says is that VDPAU actually works on the cards, and then there's a sample chart detailing deinterlacing
[00:59:01] Dagmar: It doesn't say a thing about how well they playback or what formats they can accellerate
[01:00:04] PatrickD`: so basically I need a C card
[01:00:30] Dagmar: Yeah pretty much
[01:00:32] okolsi: sphery: no, trunk currently in use. it's stable enough for me for our production
[01:00:46] PatrickD`: I was looking at getting a GT220 for my lp system
[01:00:51] PatrickD`: guess I need two of them
[01:01:05] Dagmar: Now that I'm seeing it I do find it pretty amusing that the gaming cards and the theater cards are not the same set
[01:01:30] Dagmar: "lp"?
[01:01:35] PatrickD`: low profile system
[01:01:43] mzb: sphery, been recording and cutting them since Nov 2007 ... almost up to 1600 I think (hard to get exact count;)
[01:01:50] Dagmar: Oh... a 210 will probably do
[01:02:07] PatrickD`: price difference between the 210/220 isn't much so :)
[01:02:13] mzb: either way, equates to >10GB of mp3's if stripped and converted to 44kHz
[01:02:18] Dagmar: Yes, it's definitely counter-intuitive that the damn thing is CHEAP
[01:02:19] PatrickD`: much more difference between 220 and 240
[01:02:39] PatrickD`: ya, the 220 is half the price of the 9800GT
[01:02:56] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[01:03:31] PatrickD`: it seems the 210 and 220 are missing the spdif audio though :(
[01:03:38] PatrickD`: atleast on the lp versions
[01:03:48] Dagmar: If I didn't have an 8800 in my gaming machine currently, I'd be buying a new 250 and taking the 8800 and putting it in my myth box
[01:04:09] PatrickD`: I don't do gaming
[01:04:24] Dagmar: I'm sorry... when did it become important for a _video card_ to do audio output independent of HDMI?
[01:04:44] PatrickD`: no, to get the audio from the sound card
[01:04:52] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit ("I am called onward")
[01:05:18] user1_ (user1_!n=user1@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:05:41] Dagmar: I'm not 100% but I think you just route that straight to the video card's HDMI output
[01:05:44] PatrickD`: and I never said output, I mean input :)
[01:06:27] PatrickD`: yes, normally there is a cable you connect from the sound card to the video card, and the video card connects it straight to the hdmi port
[01:06:32] PatrickD`: but those cards don't have it
[01:08:34] Dagmar: I don't think they need it
[01:08:37] PatrickD`: . . . Video%20Card
[01:08:54] PatrickD`: I can clearly see where the connection on that card is, but the connector was never installed
[01:09:33] PatrickD`: oh, they have a soundcard built on :)
[01:09:37] PatrickD`: that would explain it I guess
[01:09:44] Dagmar: You realize nVidia's been working hard at doing more than just video for awhile now
[01:09:49] Dagmar: hehe
[01:10:09] PatrickD`: ya, but nothing in the docs I have read said anything about audio :)
[01:10:15] Dagmar: Like, if you have doubts, look into the driver notes pertaining to the card
[01:10:39] Dagmar: That's because Windows users don't know any better, they just expect it to magically "just work"
[01:11:04] PatrickD`: ya, 220 specs are much higher than the 210
[01:11:10] PatrickD`: no point in the 210 for the price diff :)
[01:11:32] PatrickD`: 240 isn't much faster than the 220
[01:12:11] Dagmar: faster for what
[01:12:30] PatrickD`: 250 is much faster
[01:12:38] PatrickD`: just comparing specs
[01:12:57] Dagmar: Again, you may be erring if you're not looking to play video games on the card
[01:13:09] Chicago (Chicago! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:13:13] Dagmar: The stuff that renders triangles fast is *not* quite the same stuff that renders yer viddies
[01:13:14] PatrickD`: I'm not looking at gaming stats
[01:13:26] PatrickD`: ya, I assume video is probably going be the same across them
[01:14:46] PatrickD`: 220 is the best I can get in low profile anyways
[01:16:09] Dagmar: 220 is probably the best you can get for playback of video
[01:16:59] Dagmar: At least from a price vs. performance standpoint
[01:17:32] justinp_home: OK, got my kung pao chicken and my egg rolls, ready to get back to troubleshooting
[01:18:52] PatrickD`: I can't imaging 512mb vs 1gig is going make a difference at all?
[01:18:56] PatrickD`: $4 difference
[01:19:06] Dagmar: That would matter if you played video games.
[01:19:14] Dagmar: It will not matter for video playback.
[01:19:50] justinp_home: So, my other frontend works fine – only problem seems to be the frontend on my master backend
[01:20:10] Dagmar: What's the problem
[01:20:24] justinp_home: was saying before – it segfaults on load
[01:20:57] Dagmar: So lie to it. tell it that it's the _other_ frontend
[01:20:57] justinp_home: <-- error log
[01:21:38] Dagmar: If it works and doesn't omgcrash using hte settings of hte other frontend, then you know you have a broken libs problem or something
[01:21:57] justinp_home: would I do that?
[01:22:01] Dagmar: ...and you can override the frontend's name with a command-line argument to mythfrontend
[01:23:02] Dagmar: mythfrontend -O Hostname=blah I *think*
[01:24:40] Dagmar: Ah wait, specify the hostname in mysql.txt
[01:24:58] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit ("ZNC by prozac -")
[01:24:59] elmojo (elmojo! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:25:23] mark__: hey guys, when I use the opengl video renderer i get a purple hue on the video. This is using intel video if that makes a difference.
[01:25:34] elmojo (elmojo! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[01:25:53] PatrickD`: mark__, known issue if you have nvidia drivers on the system
[01:26:18] PatrickD`: ls -la /usr/lib/libGL*
[01:29:24] PatrickD`: I've used intel video for years, but just getting tired of dealing with it's little annoyances
[01:29:35] PatrickD`: atleast many people work on solving nvidia's annoyances :)
[01:32:10] justinp_home: Well, lying didn't work – I really don't think it's a database thing
[01:32:54] mark__: all i have there is and symlinks to this
[01:33:17] justinp_home: This would be so much easier if there was a useful error message
[01:33:24] PatrickD`: hhmm
[01:33:25] mark__: sorry and libglib-2.0.a
[01:33:56] Dagmar: libglib has nothing to do with it
[01:34:14] Dagmar: What you'd be looking for would be libGL*
[01:34:16] PatrickD`: ya, looks like it's not the nvidia issue
[01:34:48] mark__: i have never had any nvidia drivers on the machine
[01:37:25] mzb: sphery, make that 242GB ;) (includes album art where I've gone to the effort)
[01:38:29] mzb: I've also got a dynamically generated splash page that says "Playing <nnnn> music videos"
[01:38:35] mzb: (same background as the theme)
[01:38:35] Dagmar: you might want to look for newer drivers from Intel then
[01:38:49] Dagmar: It's not like anyone here can patch a bug with them
[01:38:58] mzb: so even when each song finishes there's still something to look at
[01:39:08] mzb: "display" gets killed at the end
[01:39:24] patdk-lap (patdk-lap! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:41:37] mzb: oh btw, the other occasion when the watched flag is cleared is when I've trimmed it and done a lossless transcode ... have to pad 10mins pre + 20mins post due to lax programming methods here
[01:41:46] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:45:10] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:49:41] justinp_home: OK, just for s&g's I'm going to reboot and see if that does anything – back in a few
[01:49:46] justinp_home (justinp_home! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:54:06] FredYerkes (FredYerkes! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:58:15] FredYerkes: Hello – I somehow broke my and even after reinstalling the myth python byinding, I still get this:
[01:58:18] FredYerkes: #CRITICAL – DB speaks schema version 1248, but we speak version 1247
[02:08:58] Dagmar: So look for a newer version
[02:11:16] Dagmar: ...or just remove and reinstall the mythtv packages you installed
[02:11:27] Essobi_ (Essobi_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:11:48] iamlindoro: Those are trunk revisions-- I hate to say it, but this kind of thing is to be expected using trunk
[02:12:02] iamlindoro: namely that someone incrementer the schema without bumping the bindings
[02:12:09] iamlindoro: er incremented
[02:12:17] iamlindoro: so it'll get fixed, but there's trunk for you
[02:16:31] cpg (cpg! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:17:00] cpg: hola
[02:17:34] cpg: i was wondering if using mythtv is now again easier with the hdhomerun
[02:18:26] defaultro (defaultro! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:19:46] cpg: it used to be a breeze, then i think it the fedora 10 timeframe that i tried, it was a major pain to use, at least with comcast digital
[02:20:08] cpg: i remember i had to run some scripts and it map some stuff, and i had had a fair bit of trouble
[02:20:32] cpg: unfortunately i don't recall what release of mythtv it was
[02:24:41] justinp_home (justinp_home! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:51] justinp_home: Well, this is getting exceptionally frustrating
[02:25:00] patdk-h3 (patdk-h3! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:25:02] AndyCap: rpmfusion had 0.21-fixes for fedora 10 iirc.
[02:28:24] cpg: AndyCap: rpmfusion has 0.22–2 now
[02:28:38] cpg: do you know if that will work better with the hdhomerun?
[02:28:48] FredYerkes: iamlindoro: no worries, I haven't seen any new downloads with jamu in a while, so I'll sleep in the bed I made, thanks for the explanation
[02:30:00] rushfan73 (rushfan73! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[02:30:23] justinp_home: We'll see if a backtrace helps at all, considering how completely worthless the errors are
[02:31:12] iamlindoro: FredYerkes, Fixed now in trunk
[02:31:30] R_ (R_!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:32:05] mangus580_ is now known as mangus580
[02:32:29] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[02:32:32] R is now known as [R]
[02:32:36] Dagmar: The world actually does still have unspoiled wilderness
[02:32:38] Dagmar: wrong chan
[02:34:50] PatrickD` (PatrickD`! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:40:14] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:48:05] darkdrgn2k3 (darkdrgn2k3! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:48:13] darkdrgn2k3: Hey guys, whats a good lite distro for a Front End?
[02:48:32] [R]: mythbuntu works
[02:48:57] darkdrgn2k3: what about Centos? or should i go Fedora?
[02:50:03] br14: I'm having a problem with mythbuntu & ivtv & pvr150, ivtv finds the card, then tries to load the firmware but crashes with an error "mailbox not found", anyone seen this?
[02:52:24] [R]: darkdrgn2k3: what about them? you asked a question... it was answered
[02:52:29] [R]: darkdrgn2k3: if you want to try something else, try something else
[02:52:30] br14: I'd paste dmesg but I've just destroyed the box trying to fix it :)
[02:52:32] justinp_home: OK, so how do I go about getting a backtrace for mythfrontend?
[02:52:51] [R]: justinp_home: do you have the core file?
[02:53:19] justinp_home: Don't even know what that is – I've done precisely nothing with backtraces before
[02:53:33] darkdrgn2k3: [r]: I know but i realized that i comple trunk and aa stock distro wont work :(
[02:54:00] justinp_home: I've installed the RPMFusion debuginfo stuff
[02:55:13] [R]: darkdrgn2k3: huh?
[02:55:24] [R]: justinp_home: run it with gdb
[02:55:25] [R]: when it crashes
[02:55:27] [R]: you can type bt
[02:56:11] justinp_home: hey, there we go!
[02:56:31] darkdrgn2k3: [r]: my server is complied.. so i cant use a mythbuntu since i need to compile my own myth from source
[02:56:40] justinp_home: I actually made a wee script for mythfrontend with the instructions for mythbackend from the wiki
[02:57:11] [R]: darkdrgn2k3: you dont have to use the precompile packages if you dont want to...
[02:57:36] justinp_home: <--there's my backtrace
[03:01:50] russk (russk! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:02:41] justinp_home: at least, I think it's a backtrace
[03:02:55] mangus580: rhpot1991: you awake?
[03:03:18] russk: I am finally upgrading from 0.21 to 0.22 ... the few pages I have read a while ago said there is a database upgrade to do ... but just now all I see is running mythtv-setup ... is there anything else I should watch out for ?
[03:08:23] cpg: hi, anyone have advice on running mythtv (0.22 with fedora) with an hdhomerun? i am seeing a lot of timeouts and a lot of encrypted channels ... my provider is comcast (digital)
[03:09:34] [R]: well theres nothing you can do about the encrypted channels
[03:10:09] cpg: i imagine [R]. any advice on the rest?
[03:10:29] [R]: theres stuff on the wiki and mls about settings and such
[03:10:49] FaceKopimi (FaceKopimi! has quit (Client Quit)
[03:19:47] jst_home (jst_home! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[03:53:43] cpg: hi, eventually i found a few channels (thank goodness). however, it also found a bunch of quam_256:5970000::9:0–0... channels found to be in conflict. any advice as to what they are and what to do with them? it's confusing
[03:57:01] foxbuntu: hey all, just wondering if anyone has seen issues with the rss feed in mythweb?
[03:57:38] foxbuntu: ...I am getting a file not found error when trying to get to /mythweb/rss/mythweb/tv/recorded
[03:57:55] foxbuntu: and the file is actually missing
[03:58:23] foxbuntu: running on build 23056
[03:59:06] justinp_home: Oh, crap...hafta undo all that storage group stuff
[03:59:15] justinp_home: Unless storage groups are working now with external players
[04:02:51] R_ (R_!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:03:19] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[04:03:25] R_ is now known as [R]
[04:03:55] darkdrgn2k3 (darkdrgn2k3! has quit ()
[04:07:08] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:07:27] iamlindoro: cpg, Is that a QAM scan with a totally clean database?
[04:07:42] dashcloud (dashcloud! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:07:52] Reid (Reid! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:07:58] iamlindoro: ie you hadn't scanned and inserted channels before that, and this is us cable?
[04:08:33] cpg: yes
[04:08:46] Reid: Hi, I'm having trouble running dvds with the Internal Player, it looks like it's loading then returns to the dvd menu screen.
[04:08:52] cpg: iamlindoro: yes
[04:09:05] iamlindoro: cpg, Can you do me a huge favor? I need you to open a bug for me, but I'd like you to clear the channels table and run the scan with particular logging options
[04:09:30] iamlindoro: cpg, We were discussing just this issue in the dev channel the other day, and it's clearly a bug, but I needed someone in your situation
[04:11:07] cpg: iamlindoro: great
[04:11:50] iamlindoro: cpg, what is your distro and the source of your myth packages?
[04:12:12] cpg: iamlindoro: it's slightly unusual. i use amahi – -
[04:12:28] cpg: but it's fedora 12 + rpmfusion
[04:12:33] iamlindoro: cpg, okay, just needed to make sure you weren't using a distro with a mythtv-setup wrapper
[04:12:39] iamlindoro: do the following for me please
[04:13:00] cpg: plus a pre-cooked database that is created by the amahi mythtv backend one-click app
[04:13:20] cpg: the pre-cooked db is 1214
[04:13:45] iamlindoro: I want you to remove your input sources in mythtv-setup so that you have no channel sources
[04:13:52] cpg: we ask users who install this app (myth backend) to then run mythtv-setup
[04:14:08] cpg: ok
[04:14:08] iamlindoro: then create a fresh one and basically get *just* to the point where you would start the channel scan
[04:14:20] iamlindoro: Then please exit and restart mythtv-setup with the following options:
[04:14:26] iamlindoro: mythtv-setup --verbose channelscan,siparser,channel,record,extra > mythtv-setup.log
[04:14:31] cpg: gimme a sec. i was following the instructions for the hdhomerun
[04:14:46] cpg: it says it found 153 off-air channels
[04:14:51] iamlindoro: basically I want you to perform a full channel scan with that fresh input source
[04:14:56] cpg: gives me three confusing options
[04:15:06] iamlindoro: I know, just follow along with me here
[04:15:12] cpg: not sure which one to pick to exit!
[04:15:22] cpg: delete all
[04:15:25] iamlindoro: just ctrl-c out of mythtv-setup if you're running from a terminal
[04:15:25] cpg: set all invisible
[04:15:28] cpg: or ignore all
[04:15:31] iamlindoro: ie alt-tab then ctrl-c
[04:15:40] cpg: k done
[04:15:55] iamlindoro: so do the above-- remove your current input sources, create a fresh one, and get to the point just before a channel scan
[04:16:06] iamlindoro: then start mythtv-setup again as follows:
[04:16:10] iamlindoro: mythtv-setup --verbose channelscan,siparser,channel,record,extra > mythtv-setup.log
[04:16:18] iamlindoro: Then do a full channel scan and let it complete
[04:16:41] iamlindoro: when it starts prompting you about all the duplicates, you can do whatever you like with it-- ignore all, delete all, whichever
[04:16:45] cpg: i started mythtv-setup setup plain
[04:17:06] iamlindoro: then I want you to open a bug with a topic of something like "QAM channel scan on fresh database find hundreds of duplicate channels"
[04:17:07] cpg: video sources or impot connections?
[04:17:07] [R]: omg... i love how the comm flagger knows to skip the crap before the show actually starts
[04:17:18] iamlindoro: cpg, video sources
[04:17:25] iamlindoro: cpg, clear them all out and create a fresh one
[04:17:48] iamlindoro: when you open the bug, attach the mythtv-setup.log the above command will create and mention that robertm on IRC asked you to open it
[04:18:02] cpg: k
[04:18:06] cpg: hold on
[04:18:12] cpg: i am running mythtv-setup plainly
[04:18:24] cpg: do i exit and run it with the options?
[04:18:38] iamlindoro: only once you've removed the existing video sources and created the fresh one
[04:18:47] iamlindoro: I only want you to run the above command for the channel scan portion
[04:18:52] cpg: k
[04:18:52] iamlindoro: so that the log is easier to parse
[04:18:57] cpg: so i create a new comcast
[04:19:04] cpg: user id, password
[04:19:04] iamlindoro: right
[04:19:08] cpg: retrieve lineups
[04:19:12] cpg: then finish
[04:19:18] iamlindoro: well, you don't retrieve lineups *and* channel scan
[04:19:23] iamlindoro: you do one or the other
[04:19:38] cpg: so i do not retrieve lineups now?
[04:19:48] iamlindoro: on digital, you never retrieve lineups
[04:19:48] cpg: no user or password for SD?
[04:19:54] iamlindoro: you put in the user anme and password, yes.
[04:19:58] cpg: well, i did not know that!
[04:20:04] cpg: ok
[04:20:06] iamlindoro: just don't channel scan, and with digital you never retrieve lineups
[04:20:13] iamlindoro: actually, I'm sorry
[04:20:17] iamlindoro: I got my wires crossed
[04:20:20] iamlindoro: yes, retrieve lineups
[04:20:28] iamlindoro: I meant you never "fetch channels from listings source"
[04:20:38] iamlindoro: I'm smarter than I sound, trust me ;)
[04:20:57] cpg: lol
[04:21:25] cpg: we've all run on low oxygen before
[04:21:42] Reid: I've also noticed, it's not trying to read the DVD, Eject media in the menu opens my drive, but Play DVD doesn't close my drive bay, it stays open. Not sure that it's trying to actually play the dvd.
[04:21:44] mangus580: some of us more often than others!
[04:21:46] iamlindoro: anyway, don't start the scan, just create the video source, get out of mythtv-setup, then go back in with the above command, connect it to the DVB input, and kick off the channel scan and let it finish
[04:22:08] cpg: it got the lineups
[04:22:17] cpg: and the new video source
[04:22:35] iamlindoro: k, so once you're done with that, leave and restart mythtv-setup with the above command and do the scan
[04:22:38] cpg: now quit?
[04:23:00] sphex_ (sphex_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:23:21] iamlindoro: if you haven't started mythtv-setup with the above command, yes
[04:23:31] cpg: no storage groups defined ...
[04:23:34] cpg: i have to do that
[04:23:36] iamlindoro: doesn't matter
[04:23:42] cpg: won't me t me quit
[04:23:52] iamlindoro: you don't have the "yes, I know what I'm doing" option?
[04:24:00] cpg: oh
[04:24:05] cpg: it was not readble
[04:24:46] iamlindoro: actually I think it's "No, I know what I'm doingm" come to think of it
[04:24:52] iamlindoro: I always hated the wording of that
[04:25:31] cpg: ok, there, logging
[04:25:50] cpg: i added a geometry option, since i am doing this over VNC
[04:26:03] iamlindoro: OK. So let that finish, and assuming it comes up about the hundreds of duplicate channels, please open a bug as descibed above, and be verbose
[04:26:05] Reid: Is anyone familiar with MythTV's Internal DVD player's commands..? I have it set to just "Internal" at the moment and it's no dice.
[04:26:12] cpg: input connections
[04:26:22] iamlindoro: Reid, the internal command takes no arguments
[04:27:06] cpg: iamlindoro: ok, i am at the point of scan channels
[04:27:14] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[04:27:15] iamlindoro: cpg, go ahead and kick it off
[04:27:32] iamlindoro: let it complete, and confirm that it reports however many duplicates
[04:27:33] Reid: Iamlindoro: is there a way to check what is happening in the background when I try "Play DVD" option?
[04:27:42] iamlindoro: Reid, sure, read the terminal output
[04:27:49] iamlindoro: or if you're logging to a file, that
[04:27:55] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:28:02] cpg: before, i clicked on test for decryptability
[04:28:04] cpg: i did not do it this time
[04:28:06] cpg: otherwise takes too long
[04:28:11] cpg: let's see if that makes a difference
[04:28:28] iamlindoro: cpg, Should be more or less the same, but it's worth noting if that changes anything
[04:28:32] Reid: iamlindoror: in term should I start mythtv up with mythtv -debug ? or just normal
[04:29:11] iamlindoro: Reid, mythfrontend doesn't have a -debug option
[04:29:19] cpg is now known as cpg|brb
[04:29:27] iamlindoro: there are varying levels of verbosity, but unless you know what you are doing, you should leave them alone
[04:29:40] mark___ (mark___! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:30:17] Reid: iamlindoro: alright, I'm on the noobish levels of mythtv, how would I start it through term to see the output?
[04:30:34] iamlindoro: "mythfrontend"
[04:30:44] iamlindoro: at the terminal command line
[04:30:50] iamlindoro: (minus the quotes)
[04:31:54] Reid: alright, it's not seeing /dev/dvd
[04:32:16] iamlindoro: Reid, so sounds like you are set up to point at a node that is not your DVD drive
[04:32:24] iamlindoro: you need to figure out which is the right node and set up properly
[04:35:26] Reid: is there a term command to be able to view Ubuntu's drive paths?
[04:35:49] iamlindoro: you could just mount the disk, then run "mount" and see which dev mode it maps to
[04:35:55] iamlindoro: or read your fstab
[04:37:57] Reid: alright fstab says /media/cdrom0 is my mount dir.
[04:38:20] iamlindoro: that's the mountpoint, you only care about the dev node
[04:38:41] Reid: would that be /dev/scd0 ?
[04:38:54] iamlindoro: probably
[04:39:10] iamlindoro: you can do an ls -al /dev/dvd* to see if you have any logical dvd nodes too
[04:39:17] sphex (sphex! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:39:24] iamlindoro: possible ubuntu did something silly like call it "dvd0"
[04:39:38] Reid: iamlindoro: alright, i'll pop that in.
[04:39:39] iamlindoro: or 6, or 9, or whatever
[04:39:54] iamlindoro: do the above ls first, please
[04:40:18] russk (russk! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:40:51] cpg|brb is now known as cpg
[04:41:24] mark__ (mark__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:41:29] Reid: ls: cannot access /dev/dvd* no such file/dor
[04:41:30] LabMonkey (LabMonkey! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[04:41:49] iamlindoro: okay, then yeah, you can try using /dev/scd0 as your drive path
[04:42:20] iamlindoro: Utilities/Setup->Setup->Media Settings->Video Settings->General
[04:42:21] Reid: alright do I do that through myth frontend or someother manner..?
[04:42:27] Reid: oh beat me to it.
[04:42:39] iamlindoro: don't recall which page it's on in .22, I've since moved it
[04:42:46] iamlindoro: page 2 or 3 IIRC
[04:46:26] oobe (oobe! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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[04:46:51] Reid: hmm, still getting error.
[04:47:06] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:47:38] iamlindoro: pastebin logs
[04:48:45] wagnerrp: well that was a waste of several hours
[04:48:58] wagnerrp: was watching something that resembled football.... but im pretty sure it wasnt
[04:49:11] mag0o: fla /cin?
[04:49:17] mag0o: ohio / oregon
[04:49:24] wagnerrp: you mean florida playing keep-away?
[04:49:25] mag0o: all of the above + some
[04:49:30] mag0o: yeah
[04:49:33] Reid: ohio won barely. last 8mins decided the game.
[04:49:42] cpg: iamlindoro: it's done
[04:49:57] cpg: says found 35 non-conflicting atsc channels
[04:49:58] iamlindoro: cpg, still reports many dupes?
[04:49:59] wagnerrp: that was awful... more so since im about 5mi from UC
[04:50:10] cpg: iamlindoro: insert all?
[04:50:23] iamlindoro: cpg, you can insert the non-conflicting, sure, but I don't care about those
[04:50:29] iamlindoro: I only care if you get a bunch of dupes
[04:50:42] Reid: iamlindoro:
[04:51:12] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[04:51:18] iamlindoro: Reid, then that's either not your DVD device or you don't have permissions to it
[04:51:24] cpg: this is confusing as hell
[04:51:37] syamajala (syamajala! has quit ("Leaving...")
[04:51:37] cpg: atsc, scte, then mpeg
[04:51:44] iamlindoro: Reid, you can try leaving myth, mounting the disk in ubuntu itself, and running "mount" to see where it's mounting it from
[04:51:50] cpg: now, 4 new *conflicting* scte channels
[04:51:54] cpg: add too?
[04:52:02] iamlindoro: cpg, Yeah, I know, all I need to know about it the conflicting numbers
[04:52:12] iamlindoro: sure, add the conflicts
[04:52:32] iamlindoro: cpg, I think I'm not being clear or something-- I need to know if the large number of dupes is reported again with a fresh video source
[04:52:37] iamlindoro: four is not that big a deal
[04:52:39] cpg: iamlindoro: i am a developer, however, i know nothing of what's going on here, so bear with me
[04:52:58] cpg: it's not done yet, i feel
[04:53:03] cpg: these are scte
[04:53:07] cpg: whatever that is
[04:53:16] iamlindoro: Society of Cable Television Engineers
[04:53:22] cpg: k
[04:53:35] wagnerrp: basically means any digital cable tv channels
[04:53:39] mag0o: sorta like the league of extraordinary gentlemen
[04:53:41] cpg: here we go
[04:54:34] cpg:
[04:54:58] iamlindoro: cpg no report on the number of dupes in that fashion?
[04:55:06] cpg: nope
[04:55:12] iamlindoro: hit suggest a couple times
[04:55:25] cpg: first one says 9
[04:55:26] cpg: ok
[04:55:27] cpg: ?
[04:55:35] iamlindoro: yes, just go through the process for a couple channels
[04:55:43] iamlindoro: I want to see if it's just a half dozen, or if there are a ton
[04:55:49] cpg: then 10, then 5
[04:55:58] cpg: the log says
[04:56:52] cpg: i have a feeling it's these
[04:57:25] cpg: maybe not
[04:57:39] cpg: the one showing in the screen now is not in that list
[04:57:44] iamlindoro: Doesn't seem to be, yeah
[04:57:55] iamlindoro: Just go through maybe ten and see if it's still prompting you
[04:58:07] iamlindoro: if it is, you can stop the setup and file that bug
[04:58:12] cpg: ok it was 4, now says found 29 new conflicting mpeg channels
[04:58:21] iamlindoro: heh
[04:58:33] cpg: or 5 or 6
[04:58:34] iamlindoro: okay, let it insert a couple, then break out of setup and open the bug, please
[04:58:37] cpg: many less than before
[04:58:50] cpg: insert all?
[04:58:57] iamlindoro: critical points: Please note that it was with a fresh video source, scanning us cable/QAM
[04:59:08] iamlindoro: cpg, IT doesn't matter, I need the bug, not for you to have channels :)
[04:59:26] iamlindoro: if there was a right thing for you to do, I wouldn't be having you file a bug ;)
[04:59:45] iamlindoro: you can insert all if you like, just *please stop and file the bug*
[04:59:50] cpg: summary: >>
[04:59:50] cpg: ?
[05:00:01] iamlindoro: ??
[05:00:16] cpg: mythtv-setup barfs with a bunch of duplicate channels
[05:00:23] cpg: sounds good?
[05:00:35] iamlindoro: cpg, I don't *have* a right answer for you. You have the logs that would allow us to fix it, I need you to file a bug and include the logs
[05:01:25] kc: "mythtv-setup displays multiple conflicting channels on a fresh video source while scanning us cable/QAM"
[05:01:33] iamlindoro: ^^
[05:01:33] kc: or you can use barfs
[05:01:43] iamlindoro: also note that robertm requested you open it
[05:02:04] wagnerrp: barfs?
[05:02:17] wagnerrp: not sure how vomiting would aid mythtv
[05:02:17] kc: read his original suggestion :)
[05:02:36] cpg:
[05:03:13] iamlindoro: sigh, or don't use a desciptive topic or descibe the bug in any way, or note that I asked you to open it...
[05:03:14] iamlindoro: :(
[05:03:18] iamlindoro: I'll fix it
[05:03:26] iamlindoro: ugh, and didn't upload the log to us either
[05:03:33] cpg: i can
[05:03:39] cpg: i was in a hurry
[05:03:46] iamlindoro: never mind, please let me
[05:03:47] cpg: seemed important to get the logs to you
[05:03:50] cpg: just a url
[05:03:59] cpg: i was going to edit the subject
[05:04:00] kc: The log is there
[05:04:02] PeaceKeeper (PeaceKeeper! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:04:02] cpg: not sure i can
[05:04:57] cpg: it's 124kb compressed with bzip2!
[05:05:04] iamlindoro: I can do it
[05:05:06] PeaceKeeper: what is the recommended version of nvidia driver for vpdau?
[05:05:09] iamlindoro: kc, not uploaded to us it's not
[05:05:21] iamlindoro: we don't like files to be hosted elsewhere, they tend to go away
[05:05:26] cpg: i can upload it
[05:05:26] kc: oh yea my bad
[05:05:54] iamlindoro: cpg, I've got it
[05:05:58] cpg: k
[05:05:59] iamlindoro: cpg, thank you for the logs
[05:06:14] PeaceKeeper: looks like 185 or 180 for most on wiki page
[05:06:39] cpg: i am the main developer at amahi. if we asked 1/30th the things you asked me, we would have zero bugs filed :)
[05:06:57] cpg: let alone the uber-rush :)
[05:07:18] mag0o: a well filed bug is more likely to get attention
[05:07:28] iamlindoro: cpg, logs and a basic explanation is asking a lot?
[05:07:31] cpg: iamlindoro: whoa, more are showing up now
[05:08:04] cpg: after insert all on the 29 mpeg channels
[05:08:11] cpg: suggest again?
[05:08:24] iamlindoro: cpg, I'm not sure there is a right answer, but yes, you can try suggest/ok
[05:08:38] iamlindoro: when you are done, you can bzip and upload a complete log if you like
[05:08:40] Reid: iamlindoro: hey, i just did a lshw -C disk and I'm getting that I have a cd-rw burner not dvd, could that actually be my problem?
[05:08:40] cpg: so far i have entered like 10 more
[05:09:04] mag0o: Reid: /dev/sr0 maybe?
[05:09:22] iamlindoro: Reid, read the "capabilities" line
[05:09:31] Reid: iamlindoro: this DVR was a present from a friend, he said he put a dvd player in it, guess he was wrong...
[05:09:33] iamlindoro: if it doesn't report DVD there, then yes, you'll have no luck reading dvds
[05:09:44] Reid: iamlindoro: capabilities: audio cd-r cd-rw
[05:09:48] mag0o: Reid: try `eject -v`
[05:09:54] iamlindoro: Reid, not a DVD reader then
[05:10:28] Reid: well my old case has 2 brand new ones, so thats a simple enough fix, Thanks everyone for the time!
[05:10:32] mag0o: that will at least get you the device node
[05:10:35] Reid: happy new year .
[05:10:51] PeaceKeeper: happy new year :)
[05:11:58] gregL (gregL! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:12:00] cpg: i would be extremely appreciative if i could somehow get some help in getting my mythtv to view and record channels with this hdhomerun, though
[05:13:13] iamlindoro: cpg, aside from potentially having some bad/dupe channels, you should still have a functional setup after this scan
[05:14:02] iamlindoro: assuming you properly set up the rest
[05:15:06] cpg: k will try ... to set up the rest
[05:15:33] cpg: i would like to help with the usability aspect of this. is there a team for that ?
[05:15:49] wagnerrp: hehehe.... da'leks come from Veridian Dynamics
[05:16:12] iamlindoro: cpg, Not really, but patches to improve scanner usability would be heavily, heavily apprecaited
[05:16:35] iamlindoro: myth's usability issues aren't a lack of ideas or wrong ideas, they're lack of manpower
[05:18:32] cpg: i know the feeling, from amahi
[05:18:56] cpg: but this used to be much simpler in some ways a couple of years back
[05:19:05] cpg: now there are a ton more features
[05:19:21] cpg: some things are much nicer (like the icons, i just noticed, i had to get them myself before)
[05:19:36] cpg: but it's really really confusing
[05:19:47] cpg: i have used mythtv for a long time on and off
[05:21:15] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit ("I am called onward")
[05:21:44] cpg: check out this page
[05:22:00] cpg: been clicking on skip for like 15 times
[05:22:03] cpg: nothing changes
[05:22:17] cpg: i know it's cool to put more features
[05:22:18] iamlindoro: because you're likely skipping through all the unnamed channels you added
[05:23:32] cpg: we'd like to integrate mythtv as an app in amahi, however, all our apps are one-click and the backend is soemthing that could be integrated
[05:23:47] cpg: we prepopulate a lot of things for the user
[05:24:06] cpg: you mentioned somethings that have a wrapper for mythtv-setup
[05:24:11] cpg: that was VERY intriguing
[05:24:23] cpg: we already pre-populate the db
[05:24:35] iamlindoro: it's not what you think, it's just something that starts and stops the backend as necessary
[05:24:41] cpg: oh
[05:24:49] wagnerrp: and only exists in mythbuntu
[05:25:32] iamlindoro: Myth is unlikely to ever be a one click install
[05:25:33] oobe (oobe! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:25:38] iamlindoro: tehre are just way, way too many variables
[05:25:50] cpg: yes
[05:26:00] Dagmar: Most of which amount to "WTF hardware is being thrown at me"
[05:26:07] cpg: maybe we can create a base hardware platform
[05:26:20] cpg: a bunch of people ask us all the time for mythtv
[05:26:36] cpg: we have cut it down to just having to run mythtv-setup by hand
[05:26:46] cpg: for the rest, yeah, lots of variables
[05:26:47] iamlindoro: it's been tried, but you're never going to stop people trying to use one of hundreds of cards, processors, GPUs, etc.
[05:26:53] Dagmar: Yeah... Stick around and watch what we tell people about framegrabber cards--and they STILL insist on using them and not putting them in the car so they're handy when there's frost on the windows
[05:28:00] cpg: yeah. but this is too cool to let go
[05:28:02] cpg: at amahi we have a different approach
[05:28:04] cpg: it's basically managed
[05:28:18] cpg: so, we could create a DB of configurations and grow it
[05:28:31] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[05:28:36] cpg: then pump the data in from a menu
[05:28:49] cpg: then let people submit their configuration that they created by hand
[05:29:06] cpg: this would leverage and scale the effort of one for many
[05:29:15] Dagmar: Yes now imagine that when you ask the user "What hardware is that ya got there little guy" the answer is that they drool a little.
[05:29:31] cpg: you don't do that
[05:29:39] cpg: you lspci the hell out of it
[05:29:49] Dagmar: lol
[05:30:00] cpg: with --xx or whatever it was
[05:30:01] Dagmar: Man, that's more than a bit naieve when it comes to framegrabbers
[05:30:09] cpg: well
[05:30:19] Dagmar: They're like noname chinese webcams you get for six dollars
[05:30:33] cpg: i dont know the status of framegrabbers today, thoug i can say i wrote the very first driver for a framegrabber for linux
[05:30:41] cpg: back in the day
[05:30:56] Dagmar: God only knows what tuner chips are on them or how they're arranged half the time. It's the reason there's a table of like fifty different model numbers you have to pass to their kernel driver
[05:31:02] cpg: for robots at the university graduate program
[05:31:33] Dagmar: If you exclude framegrabbers from the configuration set, you *might* stand a chance
[05:32:19] Dagmar: The PVR cards and most of the ATSC/QAM cards (even the Kworld ones) appear to be in a "they work or they don't" state, with a few "mostly works" exceptions
[05:32:46] benc_ (benc_! has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[05:32:46] cpg: i see
[05:33:40] benc_ (benc_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:34:28] BobLfoot (BobLfoot!n=Bob@fedora/BobLfoot) has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:35:32] cpg: the new icon selection is nice
[05:36:51] PeaceKeeper (PeaceKeeper! has quit ()
[05:37:19] cpg: iamlindoro: do you want the full log with the other dups?
[05:37:44] iamlindoro: cpg, you can upload it to the ticket, no need to comment, just upload
[05:37:59] iamlindoro: comment on the ticket, that is
[05:39:31] mazda01 (mazda01! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:40:42] wagnerrp: heheh.... in response to Fox going off TimeWarner, TW has put out a 'howto video' for hooking up your computer to the TV and playing Fox content off the internet
[05:40:44] cpg: done iamlindoro. keep up the good work. mythtv is awesome
[05:40:57] iamlindoro: cpg, thank you for the logs
[05:41:28] [R]: wagnerrp: rofl
[05:41:31] cpg: sure thing. the heavy opinions came for free with them. sorry you had to sustain that :)
[05:45:10] LabMonkey (LabMonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:08:40] sphing: wagnerrp, got a sec, trying to setup my tuner priority and it doesn't seem to be working
[06:09:38] wagnerrp: dont ask to ask, just ask
[06:10:00] wagnerrp: dont risk going without an answer because one specific person isnt around, or does not know the answer
[06:11:38] sphing: fair enough, so I'm reading through the HOWTO doc here: and it seems input priority can have a pretty nasty side effect of recording later showings
[06:11:53] Anduin_ (Anduin_!n=awithers@pdpc/supporter/professional/anduin) has quit ("leaving")
[06:12:17] sphing: is there something I'm missing or is this the only way to try to use one input before another?
[06:12:58] wagnerrp: assuming equal priority, mythtv will always choose the first available tuner that carries the show you want to record
[06:13:18] wagnerrp: if you want to prioritize your tuners, deleting them all and reordering them is the suggested method
[06:13:46] sphing: i created my tuners in the correct order
[06:14:03] sphing: (either way, using creation order as a mechanism of scheduling is definitely subpar)
[06:14:27] cpg: can someone help me with these (seeminly old) instructions for the hd homerun ?
[06:14:32] wagnerrp: certainly, it would be nice to have the ability to reorder the list in mythtv-setup
[06:15:09] cpg: these are from in the north america digital cable ...
[06:15:25] cpg: the mythtv i have does not seem to give these options
[06:15:28] wagnerrp: but last time someone tried to rework that program (and had it pretty much finished), it got rejected in favor of a web-based setup that no one has showed any initiative to work on
[06:15:31] cpg: i am not sure what to do
[06:16:32] wagnerrp: cpg: what exactly is the problem you are having
[06:16:45] sphing: wagnerrp, so I created my tuners in the right order (by coincidence actually) and it's still scheduling the wrong tuner
[06:16:49] wagnerrp: the HDHR should be almost as easy to set up as a dvb/qam/atsc tuner
[06:17:08] sphing: (and have my channels with the same number, same callsign, and same name)
[06:17:38] wagnerrp: sphing: it would only be doing that if the desired tuner were already in use, or if for whatever reason, mythtv does not think that show is available on that tuner
[06:18:09] cpg: wagnerrp: in the Channel Editor ... says to make your lineup at SD to match what you tuned
[06:18:21] sphing: i have no other recordings in the next two weeks, so it must be the latter
[06:18:31] wagnerrp: cpg: you let DHCP give your HDHR an address, add a HDHR in mythtv-setup selecting the ID from the dropdown, bind the tuner to a source, and scan
[06:18:32] cpg: in the Channel Editor *section* of the wiki page
[06:18:50] cpg: wagnerrp: i did that
[06:19:02] wagnerrp: as with all digital channels, you will probably have to manually specify the xmltvids
[06:19:02] cpg: how do i connect that to SD?
[06:19:09] wagnerrp: its the same way for all digital tuners
[06:19:13] Anduin (Anduin!n=awithers@pdpc/supporter/professional/anduin) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:19:13] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Anduin
[06:19:13] wagnerrp: nothing specific to the HDHR
[06:19:26] cpg: i have no idea how to do that
[06:19:35] kc: cpg: use the web interface
[06:19:48] cpg: (or why – there are a TON of channels and i already have been at this for hours)
[06:20:02] cpg: mythweb?
[06:20:09] wagnerrp:
[06:20:26] kc: cpg: http://<ip of backend>
[06:20:44] kc: then configuration -> TV -> Channel Info
[06:20:48] cpg: ah
[06:20:56] wagnerrp: kc: mythtv has no web interface, until you set up mythweb
[06:20:57] cpg: amahi sets this url up for me : http://mythtv
[06:20:58] kc: or you could use mythtv-setup
[06:21:12] cpg: Unable to connect to the master backend at
[06:21:12] cpg: Is it running?
[06:21:20] cpg: i did not start the backend yet
[06:21:28] cpg: i was not sure about this whole thing
[06:21:30] wagnerrp: mythweb requires that the backend be running
[06:21:36] wagnerrp: mythtv-setup requires that the backend not be running
[06:21:38] kc: start the backend :D
[06:21:45] sphing: wagnerrp: you (or maybe sphery) mentioned yesterday that if I created the tuners in the order I wanted them prioritized and setup the channels for each input as identical channel numbers and callsign myth would choose the lowest input, but that doesn't seem to be the case for as far as I can tell
[06:21:50] wagnerrp: you can manually insert the xmltvids either way
[06:22:56] cpg: k. mythweb is running
[06:23:00] wagnerrp: sphing: all i can think of is that for whatever reason, the show on the tuner you want to record from does not match the actual show information you told mythtv to record
[06:23:30] wagnerrp: if youve not touched the priorities, and the tuners are in proper order, that should not be happening
[06:23:40] cpg: in listings i see no data everywhere kc
[06:23:41] kc: cpg: click on the key/wrench
[06:23:50] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:23:58] kc: then tv on the side
[06:24:06] wagnerrp: there is an option somewhere to prioritize 'HD' recordings, which bumps priority on those up by 10
[06:24:07] kc: then the channel info tab
[06:24:19] wagnerrp: perhaps the show on the tuner you dont want to record on is listed as HD
[06:24:29] cpg: k
[06:24:46] ** wagnerrp goes back to adding logging code **
[06:25:05] cpg: kc: i see a lot of channels there
[06:25:13] sphing: wagnerrp, hmmm, just double checked and seems like the listings on the tuner 1,2 aren't populated but they are for tuner 3
[06:25:16] kc: And this is the part that is a pain. You might need to watch each channel until you see what station it is. Once you figure it out, look on the SD website for the xmltvid for that channel
[06:25:18] cpg: what do i do to get their SD info?
[06:25:24] k_ross (k_ross!i=47a40d7d@gateway/web/freenode/x-reesajttfvkkjgvg) has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[06:26:00] cpg: holy shit
[06:26:07] wagnerrp: watch the language
[06:26:22] cpg: should be called the manual channels, not digital
[06:27:07] wagnerrp: mythtv will attempt to fill in data for named channels as best it can
[06:27:09] kc: cpg: do you use comcast by any chance?
[06:27:19] cpg: yes cc
[06:27:22] wagnerrp: however if youre scanning digital cable, those channels will ALL be unnamed
[06:27:32] cpg: some have a name
[06:27:38] cpg: from the scan
[06:27:55] wagnerrp: the only ones that do will be the local rebroadcasts
[06:28:07] wagnerrp: any local channels will not be
[06:28:15] wagnerrp: erm... any cable-only channels will not be named
[06:28:18] kc: did they roll out the DTAs to your area (the little boxes so your regular analog tv's can get the new digital singal)?
[06:28:20] sphing: cpg: you should also verify the mythtv scan with the silicon dust GUI util
[06:28:35] cpg: the ones with namesl look local
[06:28:38] cpg: yes
[06:28:46] wagnerrp: kc: that doesnt matter
[06:28:49] sphing: cpg: my hdhr scan missed channels that the gui found
[06:29:06] kc: If that was a yes to me I would look at this:
[06:29:07] cpg: the DTAs are just for over the air, no?
[06:29:21] wagnerrp: kc: that script largely doesnt work any longer
[06:29:37] kc: wagnerrp: did something change in the last two months?
[06:29:43] cpg: sphing: the gui for windows, i assume? yeah, it's good, though i do not use windows
[06:29:45] kc: I used that to set mine up
[06:29:57] wagnerrp: kc: yes, comcast got their waiver to enable privacy mode on those DTAs
[06:29:58] sphing: cpg: no the gui for linux
[06:30:05] kc: Ahh, well, that sucks
[06:30:21] wagnerrp: meaning even if they arent encrypting the in-band guide data (which scte65scan uses)
[06:30:31] wagnerrp: the channels are not encrypted, or will be soon
[06:30:36] wagnerrp: s/not//
[06:30:39] kc: so can you no longer get the VCT_ID?
[06:30:44] sphing: cpg: there are issues with scanning, the silicon dust command line util returned different scans the silicon dust gui did
[06:30:54] wagnerrp: even if you can, those channels will be encrypted and unusable by mythtv
[06:31:13] sphing: I can confirm that, comcast encrypted them within the lsat 6 weeks for me (which is why I bought an hdpvr)
[06:31:19] kc: Well, I will soon be SOL :)
[06:31:44] wagnerrp: sorry to disappoint
[06:31:44] kc: Still unencrypted for me for the time being :\
[06:32:05] cpg: i'm not following (not familiar with the lingo) .... i am not sure what i can do ...
[06:32:14] wagnerrp: also, some users have reported comcast dropping analog cable entirely in their area
[06:32:38] wagnerrp: cpg: the DTAs are little more than standard definition QAM tuners
[06:32:46] Dagmar: Yeah they're planning on doing it here too I was told
[06:32:49] kc: I thought they were required to broadcast the locals in analog still
[06:32:52] cpg: i don't have a dta
[06:33:00] wagnerrp: they exist to provide a cheap box comcast can roll out to subscribers and allow them to disable their analog lineups
[06:33:13] sphing: kc: no they have to broadast local QAM i thought
[06:33:34] cpg: i think i am in a digital rollout area – they did it last summer
[06:33:40] kc: ahh yea, unencrypted digital would still "work" for them I guess
[06:33:46] wagnerrp: they formerly used no encryption, now they use a simple DES based encryption, and they use completely different channels from those used by full cable boxes
[06:34:04] wagnerrp: typically they only provide the channels formerly available over extended analog cable
[06:34:13] wagnerrp: the bottom 70 channels
[06:34:22] kc: Well, I still get all the basic cable for now.
[06:34:34] sphing: wagnerrp, not in my case, everything but local and PBS went out
[06:34:40] sphing: even SD
[06:34:40] kc: Once they lock it down, I'm going to FIOS
[06:35:06] wagnerrp: sphery: still there, its just encrypted now
[06:35:17] cpg: sphing: can you help me with this ? been at this for hours and i am not sure how to connect the channels with the SD lineup ;(
[06:35:19] wagnerrp: or do you mean analog?
[06:35:33] wagnerrp: cpg: go to that page i linked to way back
[06:35:40] kc: cpg: sorry, forget about the scte65scan
[06:35:41] wagnerrp: it explains how to get the xmltv ids off SD
[06:36:09] wagnerrp: then go into the channel editor, in mythtv-setup or mythweb, and manually add the xmltvids to the channels that dont have one
[06:36:13] sphing: wagnerrp, right, it's there... but useless to an hdhr
[06:36:28] kc: For each channel that was not automatically populated, you will need to find out what channel it is... then use the SD website to fill in the xmltvid
[06:36:37] wagnerrp: you may have to start up the backend and watch livetv in order to figure out what those channels are
[06:36:46] wagnerrp: which is why it is often easier to use mythweb
[06:36:49] kc: You can log into their website and click report next to the lineup you created
[06:37:33] kc: wagnerrp: I was watching live tv and using mythweb via a laptop. That's why I found it easier. I see where you are coming from though
[06:37:39] sphing: cpg: they way I configured my hdhr (before they encrypted everything) was using the gui, I found the major channel numbers that had unencrypted programs. Then I use channel scanning in mythtv and narrowed the scan to just that channel, then watched the channel and used the web UI to fix the channel name/number
[06:38:02] wagnerrp: what webui?
[06:38:08] sphing: mythweb
[06:38:14] wagnerrp: AFAIK, myth still has no livetv in mythweb
[06:38:38] sphing: no watched using the silicon dust util/vlc then updated the channel using mythweb
[06:38:41] kc: I think sphing did what I did. Watch live tv and use mythweb via another comp
[06:38:53] kc: or that
[06:38:56] sphing: kc: yup. took a few days
[06:39:16] sphing: best part is... it only worked for 2 weeks, then comcast encrypted everything
[06:39:30] wagnerrp: life sucks, then you get an antenna
[06:39:36] cpg: wow
[06:39:38] sphing: wagnerrp, or an hdpvr :)
[06:39:43] cpg: or a tivo
[06:39:44] kc: I hear ya. I did it that way the first time around. Then I used scte65scan when I upgraded and messed up my database
[06:39:54] cpg: omg
[06:40:05] wagnerrp: how locked down our those TiVo Series 3 boxes?
[06:40:07] cpg: this is going backwards
[06:40:13] wagnerrp: s/our/are/
[06:40:15] sphing: cpg, you should also know, there's a bug in the scanning. Make sure you use the GUI to find the channels, then scan only that one channel in myth
[06:40:18] sphing: or you'll miss channels
[06:40:44] sphing: cpg: honestly... it's not that bad.
[06:40:48] wagnerrp: sphing: nothing to do with mythtv, its a bug in the SD command line utility
[06:40:54] cpg: i think we cannot offier mythtv to our users in amahi
[06:41:01] sphing: wagnerrp, never said it was a bug in myth.
[06:41:08] cpg: this industry is screwed up :(
[06:41:09] wagnerrp: myth's HDHR code is near copy-paste from SD's code
[06:41:15] sphing: it is in fact a bug in scanning code in the silicon dust libraries
[06:41:28] wagnerrp: what it is? i dont know
[06:41:29] sphing: i verified using the scanning output from the CLI and the GUI and compared
[06:41:34] kc: cpg: the setup might be a little rough... but it's the freedom compared to the provider's service and or tivo
[06:41:42] wagnerrp: but you are correct, the CLI and GUI get different channel lists for some reason
[06:41:57] wagnerrp: what is amahi?
[06:42:14] sphing: wagnerrp, what's truly baffling... I looked at the GUI code and the scanning code is a library call to the same one the CLI is using.
[06:42:21] cpg: a home server with hundreds of apps that install with one click
[06:42:21] wagnerrp: hmm... looks like some Pluto-type thing
[06:42:35] cpg: aims to be more modern
[06:42:46] cpg: media server/etc.
[06:42:51] kc: cpg: as imlin doro said... mythtv will never be one click :)
[06:42:54] cpg: many people ask us to bring mythtv to amahi
[06:43:04] cpg: well
[06:43:18] cpg: so far we have the backend + mythweb as one click
[06:43:24] cpg: that saves a whole lot already
[06:43:25] wagnerrp: mythtv is actually rather simple to set up if you know what things do
[06:43:44] cpg: not all MUST be one click. we have a handful that are not one click
[06:43:46] wagnerrp: especially if you already control the system and can control storage locations
[06:43:55] cpg: yeaexactly
[06:44:08] cpg: we can add shares and automatically make them available to samba
[06:44:09] wagnerrp: but channel scanning will likely never be a trivial function
[06:44:15] kc: cpg: backend as oneclick? What about users with different types of tuners (or are you just using hdhr)?
[06:44:27] wagnerrp: not with digital cable anyway
[06:44:38] cpg: and if we could make the recordings available as files that are human readable, it would be a giant step
[06:44:56] kc: wagnerrp: simple when it's not your first time doing the setup maybe :). There is room for improvement though :\
[06:45:00] cpg: kc: the users still need to run mythtv-setup
[06:45:11] wagnerrp: cpg: you mean human readable file names? rather than the semi-cryptic chanid_starttime.ext names?
[06:45:17] cpg: but after that is available
[06:45:19] wagnerrp: see
[06:45:26] cpg: onice
[06:45:35] cpg: someone did that – fantastic
[06:45:37] wagnerrp: use the --link option
[06:45:50] wagnerrp: its is advised not to ever change the names of recordings
[06:45:55] cpg: last i checked mythtv was like a year ago ... just catching up here today
[06:46:13] wagnerrp: and one of the devs intends to remove the non-symlink operation anyway
[06:46:24] wagnerrp: has been around for several years
[06:46:40] wagnerrp: i remember using it way back in 2006 when i first started on myth
[06:46:47] cpg: it'd be great to let the users remove the files and deal with that
[06:46:56] cpg: maybe i was not aware of it
[06:47:11] wagnerrp: if you want to *delete* files with that, you want something more complex
[06:47:11] cpg: or it was not publized enough
[06:47:12] kc: wagnerrp: I like what one dev did as a walkthrough setup (only listing the possible cards etc). Too bad it was not accepted as others are looking for a web based setup
[06:47:32] wagnerrp: you should never delete recordings from the file system
[06:47:36] cpg: no, we'd like to make the recordings in a structure that users see as a samba share
[06:47:49] wagnerrp: cpg: its generally only used for people accessing recordings from detached systems, like windows
[06:48:00] cpg: called TV Recordings
[06:48:02] cpg: exactly
[06:48:04] cpg: or XBMC
[06:48:09] cpg: or my WD TV live
[06:48:11] cpg: or xbox
[06:48:14] wagnerrp: if you want delete capacity, you should probably implement something like a fusefs program
[06:48:15] cpg: or PS3
[06:48:30] wagnerrp: where deleting the file issues a command to mythbackend to delete the file
[06:48:38] cpg: we already have a DLNA server and a UPnP server as one-click in amahi
[06:48:40] wagnerrp: thus removing it both from the filesystem and the database
[06:49:05] wagnerrp: i do have such a program, but it is currently set up as read only... no deletion
[06:49:08] wagnerrp: and its rather buggy
[06:49:28] wagnerrp: works well enough for one file, but it breaks down quickly on multiple
[06:49:32] cpg: i got it (we have implemented a unionfs for one of the media servers)
[06:50:00] wagnerrp: unionfs has nothing to do with it
[06:50:06] cpg: if the myth system assumed the file can be gone and deal wth that gently, it could work
[06:50:18] cpg: meaning we did a similar thing, wagnerrp
[06:50:21] wagnerrp: mythtv assumes no such thing
[06:50:22] cpg: not the same, i know well
[06:50:29] wagnerrp: it assumed you are never touching the files directly
[06:50:30] cpg: i said *if*
[06:50:59] cpg: makein custom front ends is a losing battle
[06:51:15] cpg: there are $100 front ends that can do 1080p brilliantly
[06:51:27] cpg: not worth making all these front ends
[06:51:34] cpg: (my opinion)
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[06:51:50] cpg: people want to move their stuff to ipods and stuff
[06:52:06] cpg: i don;t own one, but our users tell us
[06:52:07] wagnerrp: for shifting content, see mythexport from the mythubuntu guys
[06:52:13] cpg: yup
[06:52:17] cpg: saw taht
[06:52:18] sphing: wagnerrp, it seems the problem I'm having is that only one source is getting program data:
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[06:53:43] sphing: so I ran 'mythfilldatabase --refresh-today --sourceid 1 --max-days 1' to force an update, but same thing. No program info for chanid 1111
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[06:59:36] kc: sphing: does that channel have a callsign that matches the data from SD (or the xmltvid set)?
[07:00:12] sphing: kc: I think i figured it out. I configured the source 1 a while ago and I've since changed schedulesdirect.
[07:00:53] sphing: in other words, select count(1) from program where chanid < 2000; returns only one show
[07:01:21] kc: count(1) or count(*)?
[07:01:32] sphing: it's the same thing
[07:01:42] kc: k, never used (1)
[07:01:55] wagnerrp: what you put in there doesnt matter
[07:01:58] wagnerrp: it just counts lines
[07:02:13] wagnerrp: you can 'select 1', and it will return a '1' for every matching line
[07:02:15] sphing: well, not technically, I think there's a slight difference if you're doing an outer join in some cases, but I'm not 100% sure
[07:02:16] kc: normally it's count(*) or count(column)
[07:02:31] wagnerrp: arguably useless, but nevertheless how it works
[07:02:40] sphing: kc: normally for you, I always use count(1)
[07:02:50] kc: must be a mysql thing?
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[07:02:58] wagnerrp: s/it/mysql/
[07:03:00] sphing: nope, I'm an oracle guy
[07:03:07] wagnerrp: no experience tinkering with other databases
[07:03:14] kc: so am I. I've never used (1) :)
[07:03:34] wagnerrp: depending on the size of the database, it may be some simple form of optimization
[07:03:52] k_ross (k_ross!i=47a40d7d@gateway/web/freenode/x-erpkedbrzmpjhjhv) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:03:53] wagnerrp: preventing having to lookup the full data on each of the matching rows
[07:04:37] kc: might be. If anything I'd do (column) where column is the pk
[07:04:56] kc: could be a simple shortcut I have never used
[07:05:14] sphing: wagnerrp, SUCCESS!
[07:05:21] kc: sphing: did you do another --refresh-today
[07:05:22] sphing: encoder 1 is scheduled before encoder 3
[07:05:24] kc: oh, I guess so
[07:05:32] sphing: yea, it finished a few mins ago
[07:06:27] sphing: kc: if nothing else, count(1) is less characters to type that count(pk)
[07:06:41] sphing: s/that/than/
[07:06:51] kc: ya, like I said, must be a shortcut I have not used :)
[07:08:05] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit ("Leaving")
[07:12:34] kc: So I had to look it up. count(*) is 100% identical to count(1) and count(pk) past oracle 7
[07:16:35] sphing: does the code do an explicit 'order by' to select the lower numbered encoder?
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[07:17:15] sphing: or are we getting lucky with the way the rows are being returned?
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[07:19:25] sphing: also, why would anyone use priorities on inputs? What's a use-case for wanting to record a show later on tuner foo if tuner bar is available earlier?
[07:19:48] wagnerrp: you have a digital tuner and an analog tuner
[07:20:08] wagnerrp: two shows are playing at the same time, one of them one analog, and one of them repeated on digital at a later time
[07:20:29] wagnerrp: you bump up the priority for the digital tuner, so both get recorded on the digital tuner
[07:20:35] wagnerrp: rather than one on digital and one on analog
[07:20:58] sphing: ah, it's the case where the two tuners do not result in the same output?
[07:21:18] wagnerrp: for any reason one tuner is preferred over another
[07:21:19] sphing: digital tuner would be a 'better' recording
[07:21:30] wagnerrp: better quality, more reliable, ...
[07:21:46] sphing: gotcha, I guess that makes sense
[07:22:18] kc: But then I would ask, why wouldn't you set digital first, then analog second :)
[07:22:46] sphing: because then it would be recorded on the analog instead of the digital
[07:22:53] wagnerrp: because then mythtv will simply record both shows at the same time, one on the digital, one on the analog
[07:23:53] kc: ahh yea, I get your point. Never had a case where I was low on tuners
[07:24:12] sphing: so we need two priorities, one for it's current definition and the other for the creation ordering
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[07:25:49] cpg: incidentally, is there a front end for the mac also?
[07:25:49] wagnerrp: there was someone in here contemplating rewriting the scheduler as a finite state machine, i dont know if anything ever came of it
[07:25:59] wagnerrp: cpg: yes, of some sort
[07:26:02] wagnerrp: its usually working
[07:26:52] [R]: state machines make my head heart
[07:26:58] sphing: I'm sure that was an AI guy
[07:27:08] [R]: hurt*
[07:28:00] cpg: whoa. i developer a finite state machine generator (like yacc/lex, but for FSMs). know who that is wagnerrp  ?
[07:28:19] cpg: i developed it at transmeta, but they let me take it with me
[07:28:20] wagnerrp: i dont remember who it was off hand
[07:28:24] cpg: needs to be cleaned up
[07:28:31] cpg: but it was production ready
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[08:04:02] cpg: ok, i have a front end for the mac. i set up the database access in the server. however, it cannot see the backend ... i cannot find the setting for that in the setup. am i missing something?
[08:04:23] wagnerrp: the backend must be set with a routeable ip to be seen remotely
[08:04:30] wagnerrp: the default is to use
[08:04:47] wagnerrp: additionally, the database must be set up to allow remote access, and proper permissions granted for the remote frontend
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[08:06:21] cpg: the db is setup
[08:06:37] cpg: i age access from any host and now it seems to be better
[08:06:48] cpg: is the Database and the master backend the same thing?
[08:07:05] wagnerrp: the database is where ever the database is being run
[08:07:11] cpg: yup
[08:07:17] wagnerrp: the master backend and local backend will be the same if there is a single backend
[08:07:18] cpg: i think i have that
[08:07:28] cpg: where do i set it?
[08:07:37] cpg: not in the front end?
[08:07:45] wagnerrp: mythtv-setup, first section, first page
[08:07:53] wagnerrp: it must be run on the master backend
[08:08:01] cpg: ok i see
[08:08:19] cpg: i thought it was a setting of the front end to point to the backend
[08:09:07] wagnerrp: all the frontend cares about is where the database is
[08:09:32] Dagmar: It's very insensitive to the backend's needs
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[08:18:16] cpg: it took a crash or two, but it's working ... the new ronded corner translucent indicators on screen are very nice
[08:18:19] cpg: rounded
[08:20:07] Finswimm1r (Finswimm1r! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:20:15] cpg: do you guys by any chance know how to start the mac os front end in a separate screen?
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[08:21:36] Finswimm1r: Hello, MythTV gives me this: Failed to connect to Unix socket '/var/run/lirc/lircd'. My remote is working according to irw and I have a .mythtv/lircrc that matchs the button to mythtv commands. (this file is from 0.21)
[08:22:18] wagnerrp: Finswimm1r: then for some reason, your system's lirc sets up a socket in a place that mythtv is not expecting
[08:22:24] superdump (superdump!n=rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit ("Leaving")
[08:22:38] wagnerrp: either symlink that path to its proper position
[08:22:48] wagnerrp: or seek help from your distro as to what the problem is
[08:22:58] Dagmar: cpg: Not a clue man
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[08:26:45] Finswimm1r: wagnerrp: Yeah. This works.
[08:26:58] Finswimm1r: Adjusting the path in mythtv is not possible, right?
[08:27:11] wagnerrp: no idea, ive never need to and never looked into it
[08:27:29] Finswimm1r: :) Ok. Thanks. I will try to modify it in Gentoo.
[08:31:20] wagnerrp: i know for a fact it works just fine in gentoo
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[08:32:14] wagnerrp: looks like im connecting to /dev/lircd
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[08:35:05] wagnerrp: sphery: any suggest as to what to log mythxml queries as?
[08:35:14] wagnerrp: 'network' seems to be specifically for mythproto functions
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[08:41:56] linagee6: ack. that sucks. no more david tenant? :(
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[08:46:06] justinp_home: OK, easy question – how do I tell mythvideo in 0.22 to only display actual video files?
[08:46:34] wagnerrp: as opposed to what?
[08:46:35] justinp_home: Right now it's showing subtitle files and other unnecessary stuff
[08:46:57] wagnerrp: its only going to show video files
[08:47:12] wagnerrp: specifically, it will only display any defined file types that you have told it to display
[08:47:22] justinp_home: Also, some of my movies are split into 2 video files – in 0.21 it was easy to tell the system "this file plays after that file, don't show it" – not so much in 0.22
[08:47:28] wagnerrp: 'browse' mode may behave differently
[08:47:47] wagnerrp: also, that 'child video' capability still works exactly the same
[08:48:00] justinp_home: Hmm
[08:48:14] justinp_home: maybe my frontend is in browse mode, I'll go check
[08:48:14] wagnerrp: mark one as the child of the other, and mark it as not visible
[08:49:23] linagee6: did anyone see parts one and two of doctah who?
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[08:55:10] [R]: wtf
[08:55:19] [R]: my hostname change screwed up my coverart
[08:55:25] [R]: the stupid script was supposed to fix everyhting
[08:55:28] wagnerrp: yep, that will happen
[08:55:33] wagnerrp: what script?
[08:55:40] [R]: mythconverg_restore
[08:55:48] wagnerrp: the official one?
[08:55:54] [R]: yeah
[08:56:00] [R]: i did it from the docs
[08:56:07] wagnerrp: hold on...
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[08:59:28] Reid: i know I'm in the wrong channel, but I just put a dvd drive into my mythbuntu system and now I'm getting Error 21 from Grub, someone doesn't happen to know how to resolve by chance..?
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[09:00:20] wagnerrp: [R]: confirmed
[09:00:36] [R]: wagnerrp: but the storage group is correct... and everyhting looks fine
[09:00:41] [R]: wagnerrp: but the frontend log looks weird
[09:00:48] wagnerrp: the restore script does a blanket update of all fields in the entire database with the name 'hostname'
[09:01:01] wagnerrp: videometadata uses the field name 'host'
[09:01:15] wagnerrp: sphery or iamlindoro ^^^^
[09:01:29] [R]: ah...
[09:01:41] wagnerrp: looks like one or the other needs to be updated for compatibility
[09:01:47] Reid: nvm, cable for 2nd HD was loose.
[09:02:04] [R]: so can i just UPDATE host where host=oldhost type of thing?
[09:03:16] wagnerrp: as far as i can tell, videometadata is the only mythvideo table using a hostname field
[09:03:26] [R]: well i'm gonna grep for the hostname
[09:03:29] [R]: to see if it appears anytwhere else
[09:04:27] [R]: yeah, thats it i think
[09:04:55] linagee6: what happens when the doctah gets too young?
[09:05:15] Dagmar: It doesn't really work like that
[09:05:18] Dagmar: Thankfully.
[09:05:24] justinp_home: arrrgh
[09:05:37] Dagmar: There used to be a limit to the number of times they could regenerate, and that number was 13, but they haven't mentioned it in years
[09:05:50] linagee6: Dagmar: lol. :)
[09:05:58] Dagmar: One of the plot things about The Master was that he had gone beyond his 13th regeneration through evil agency
[09:05:59] justinp_home: well, my frontend is in Gallery mode, but is still paying no mind to the child video setting
[09:06:13] Dagmar: Yes I've been watching Dr. Who since I was a little kid
[09:06:17] linagee6: Dagmar: I think they should force David Tennant to act. that sucks that they've changed the doctah. :(
[09:06:46] Dagmar: WHy force him to do it?
[09:06:58] linagee6: Dagmar: lol. because he was awesome at it. :)
[09:07:02] Dagmar: One of the more useful things in the series is that they _can_ change The Doctor from time to time
[09:07:07] [R]: wagnerrp: ah... much better
[09:07:13] Dagmar: Tom Baker was WILDLY popular, and that's why he stayed a long time
[09:07:32] Dagmar: He's the curly-haired one with the scarf.
[09:07:45] linagee6: Dagmar: if you've seen any of the season 5 trailers, you can tell they're going after a different audience with the younger doctor. :(
[09:07:50] Dagmar: Understand that the British don't view Dr. Who as a TV series as much as they view it as an institution
[09:08:02] linagee6: Dagmar: ???
[09:08:03] linagee6: lol
[09:08:10] linagee6: Dagmar: I don't get it
[09:08:14] Dagmar: Dude the series has been going on since before color TV.
[09:08:19] linagee6: lol. :)
[09:08:31] Dagmar: *We* invented James Bond.
[09:08:32] [R]: wagnerrp: should i file a bug?
[09:08:39] Dagmar: The British invented The Doctor
[09:08:41] cpg: quick question – when i start recording on a front end (separate from the backend), is that being recorded only on the backend? i somehow got the impression from one of the options that perhaps the FE was doing something?
[09:08:47] linagee6: Dagmar: I'm american. I have to get my doctor who fix the hard way.
[09:08:54] Dagmar: You and me both man
[09:08:56] [R]: cpg: its being recorded on whatever has the tuner
[09:08:57] linagee6: lol
[09:09:22] wagnerrp: [R]: if you want
[09:09:26] Dagmar: Thankfully the BBC are not complete a**holes about DVD sales tho
[09:09:30] cpg: [R]: i see. hwoever the tuner is an hdhr ... on the net, in my case
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[09:09:49] linagee6: Dagmar: wouldn't it be funny if they charged a different price to non UK people or disallowed sales. lol. (iplayer UK only)
[09:09:50] Dagmar: Since they started the series back up you can pretty much order the DVDs for three episodes at a time for a still not unreasonable price
[09:10:00] [R]: cpg: that is irrelvent... the hdhr doesnt do recording
[09:10:03] Dagmar: ...and they don't make you wait until the season is over
[09:10:05] [R]: cpg: mythtv does recording
[09:10:12] linagee6: Dagmar: ???
[09:10:15] [R]: cpg: so as i already stated... whatever has the tuner
[09:10:23] linagee6: Dagmar: you can buy the DVD and watch shows that haven't even aired yet??
[09:10:27] Dagmar: Like here you have to wait until a season is over, and then you can buy the entire season on DVD
[09:10:38] Dagmar: There they start selling single episodes the week after they're aired
[09:10:48] linagee6: ah, the week after
[09:10:59] linagee6: Dagmar: it would be interesting if they sold the DVD before it even aired. lol
[09:11:01] Dagmar: Yeah and I think that's just partly out of security and partly production time
[09:11:13] linagee6: Dagmar: if they sold the DVD before it aired, they would sell like crack. lol
[09:11:20] Dagmar: I've got a pile of them
[09:11:30] Dagmar: Half of them are UK region
[09:11:38] linagee6: Dagmar: weird
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[09:11:45] Dagmar: Well, I ordered them early
[09:11:58] Dagmar: ...depending on their relative awesomeness
[09:12:06] linagee6: Dagmar: it sucks all the showings in the US are delayed by like a year or so
[09:12:25] Dagmar: They're not really. If you have BBCA it's a day later now
[09:12:28] justinp_home: WTF now?
[09:12:32] cpg: "has"? sorry to be thick ... i see the backend using 4% cpu ... and the front end 20% (while displaying HD) ...
[09:12:33] Dagmar: Last year it was only like a week later
[09:12:36] linagee6: Dagmar: I meant for the sci-fi channel
[09:12:46] Dagmar: Oh well that's the SciFi channel for you
[09:12:47] justinp_home: OK, Mythweb doesn't appear to have any idea what's going on with the rest of the system
[09:12:53] linagee6: Dagmar: or "syfy" or whatever the heck they want to call themselves now. :(
[09:12:54] cpg: so i guess the backend is recording?
[09:12:56] Dagmar: Someone in bizdev there smokes a lot of crack
[09:13:12] Dagmar: Hence, they're still airing WWE, like we're expected to watch it to 'man up' or something
[09:13:19] linagee6: Dagmar: did you see part 2 of end of time yet? :)
[09:13:28] Dagmar: Not yet.
[09:13:35] linagee6: Dagmar: ah. then I won't spoil it. :)
[09:13:58] justinp_home: The entirety of my video collection is missing covers, according to mythweb – regardless of the 2 hours I just spent with jamu
[09:14:26] linagee6: Dagmar: did you see part 1?
[09:14:33] justinp_home: Also regardless of my frontend showing all the covers
[09:14:51] wagnerrp: justinp_home: are you using storage groups for your mythvideo content?
[09:15:08] justinp_home: Yes – does mythweb not work with storage groups either?
[09:15:27] wagnerrp: not sure what 'either' is in reference to, but no it does not
[09:15:33] justinp_home: Brilliant
[09:15:52] justinp_home: Either is in reference to external players not working with storage groups
[09:16:24] wagnerrp: well whether that is a problem or not is subject to debate
[09:16:26] justinp_home: I'm so effing frustrated right now – I can see how 0.22 could have been awesome with another maybe month or two of dev time
[09:17:30] wagnerrp: the lack of ISO support is definately a problem, and work is progressing to resolve that for 0.23
[09:17:50] wagnerrp: but i dont know if anything is being done about the lack of external video playback with storage groups
[09:17:56] justinp_home: Frontend on my main backend box is completely borked, storage groups not working properly, mythvideo acting up...grrrr
[09:18:20] [R]: wagnerrp: isn't that pretty much impossible w/o some kind of virutal filesystem?
[09:18:27] justinp_home: I just want so bad for all this to just work right, and I'm getting nowhere
[09:19:06] wagnerrp: [R]: one of the devs is working on some drivers to replace the standard system file access routines
[09:19:12] wagnerrp: so it can feed blocks to the DVD code
[09:19:17] wagnerrp: completely internally
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[09:19:32] justinp_home: Oh, yeah, DVD's not playing at all either
[09:19:32] wagnerrp: but yes, external videos will only be functional with a virtual file system
[09:19:47] wagnerrp: justinp_home: real DVDs play just fine
[09:19:52] wagnerrp: the only problem is with DVD ISOs
[09:19:57] justinp_home: Yeah, tell my frontend that
[09:20:24] [R]: "that's a lovely accent... austia... well then, g'day mate."
[09:20:28] [R]: austria*
[09:20:33] justinp_home: I get some ridiculous permissions error when I try to play a DVD through myth
[09:20:34] [R]: this movie is so ridiculous
[09:20:49] justinp_home: But if I start it from the CLI in MPlayer it works fine
[09:21:15] justinp_home: Argh. I'll be back in a sec, need a smoke break.
[09:21:17] wagnerrp: does the user mythfrontend run as not have proper permissions to access the DVD?
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[09:31:16] justinp_home: permissions are fine, as far as i can tell
[09:31:34] justinp_home: I ran mplayer as the normal user
[09:31:50] justinp_home: plus, I'm pretty sure I have mythfrontend setuid root on the frontend
[09:32:19] justinp_home: so permissions should never be a problem for local functions
[09:34:55] [R]: well what does "ridiculous permissions error" mean?
[09:36:15] Dagmar: If you're root it generally means 'any'
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[09:41:41] justinp_home: OK, rechecked DVD function – /var/log/messages says something about mythfrontend calling udevinfo instead of udevadm info
[09:42:16] [R]: there is a bug report for that
[09:42:40] [R]: but what does the frontend log say
[09:42:55] justinp_home: I'll go check
[09:47:34] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit ("Leaving")
[09:48:27] justinp_home: bah – I can't even find the frontend log
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[09:58:21] justinp_home: I'm not finding the bug for udevinfo/udevadm info
[10:00:29] justinp_home: OK, I found it – says nothing about it completely blocking dvd playback though
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[10:19:28] justinp_home: Looks like I'm headed back to jamu – apparently mythweb will completely destroy metadata if you're using storage groups
[10:19:36] justinp_home: Just found that out the hard way
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[10:27:46] justinp_home: How do I get rid of storage groups?
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[10:30:58] mzb: justinp_home, sounds odd. I've got both, and I don't see how mythweb affects metadata
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[10:33:14] justinp_home: Well, that's all I can figure – tweaked some of my videos' metadata in Mythweb, then did scan for changes in mythvideo and all metadata was gone
[10:34:44] mzb: might be an idea to start keeping an eye on the (verbose) logs
[10:35:29] mzb: gee, that's what that button does in mythweb ;) ... never used it
[10:35:40] mzb: (never intend to)
[10:36:37] justinp_home: I have to at this point, unless I feel like running from my basement to my bedroom over and over while configuring things – backend is downstairs, frontend is upstairs, and mythfrontend is completely borked on my backend box
[10:37:09] mzb: so if it's so broken why are you wasting time with metadata?
[10:37:24] mzb: fix the problems and work on the pretty stuff later!
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[10:39:16] justinp_home: I got nowhere with mythfrontend down here – multiple segfaults, nothing useful in logs, and no help in here
[10:39:32] mzb: even with -v all?
[10:40:04] mzb: you probably won't get much help if you allow you frustration (and language) to overflow into #
[10:40:11] mzb: s/your
[10:41:55] mzb: ps: suid root is just plain wrong
[10:41:59] justinp_home: Wasn't so frustrated before – been working on this for over 8 hours now
[10:42:05] mzb: aw
[10:42:17] mzb: makes the years I've put into mine seem ... oh wait
[10:42:56] justinp_home: hehehe, mzb, don't tell me you've never been tempted to throw something out the window and set it on fire
[10:43:12] mzb: tempted ... maybe
[10:43:36] mzb: I threw a bottle against a wall once ... about 20 years ago
[10:43:46] mzb: and then swept it up
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[10:44:32] mzb: I try to channel my frustration into the solution
[10:44:42] mzb: (and take breaks)
[10:46:02] justinp_home: Break sounds good – not as much fun when I don't smoke in the house and it's 0F outside
[10:46:47] mzb: ditto
[10:47:11] mzb: try looking after a 4yo and a 4mo at the same time
[10:47:22] justinp_home: OK, why is complaining that the fanart and banner dirs are missing? double and triple checked, and they're correct
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[10:47:52] justinp_home: Silver lining on that, mzb – in about 2 years they'll mostly look after each other
[10:48:09] mzb: check the settings in you conf file and re-read the jamu wiki
[10:48:16] mzb: you reckon?
[10:48:46] mzb: one will need to be walked to/from school (I don't drive)
[10:49:14] mzb: and I doubt #2 will be able to walk that far by then
[10:49:44] justinp_home: Forget school – homeschool is where it be at
[10:50:17] mzb: had dreams of such things, but I doubt it
[10:50:41] mzb: they both will need to meet better ppl than me ;)
[10:50:52] justinp_home: So worth it – my 7 year old is reading at a 6th grade level and is moving through math as quickly as I can throw it at her
[10:51:29] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[10:51:56] mzb: I explained "s/amimal/animal" by spelling it to the 4yo ... "ok Dad, so now tell me about square roots"
[10:52:45] mzb: on that note, time for a quick walk (*cough*;) before a movie w/ missus ;)
[10:52:50] mzb: goodnight & good luck
[10:53:03] justinp_home: night
[10:53:06] justinp_home: and thanks
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[11:08:11] justinp_home: Well, that's upsetting – I find an IRC log of somebody having the same problem as me, only to have it turn out that the solution got worked out in PM
[11:09:46] justinp_home: jamu is failing, saying fanartdir and bannerdir are missing...meanwhile they are both defined in the config file and both exist
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[11:16:33] justinp_home: Here's a paste of jamu making no sense:
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[11:56:25] justinp_home: I'm so lost right now – it looks like jamu is failing because I dumped storage groups, but I'm not getting any further error messages than what I pasted. Google isn't helping me yet either.
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[12:01:50] justinp_home: Hmm – even specifying --selected_data=PIE complains about missing fanart and banner dirs
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[12:48:36] justinp_home: RDV_Linux, any chance you're around?
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[13:09:52] justinp_home: interesting – tried mythfrontend as root, and got a somewhat more useful error. This time it told me there was a "floating point exception".
[13:10:41] justinp_home: as mythtv user I get: "/usr/libexec/<unknown>: No such file or directory."
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[13:13:07] Nidhoegger: ?
[13:13:25] Nidhoegger: there is really written <unknown>???
[13:14:07] justinp_home: Yep
[13:15:06] justinp_home: If it wasn't for the nearly 200 recordings I'd risk losing, I'm almost at the point of just blowing everything away and starting from scratch
[13:16:59] Nidhoegger: what distro do u use?
[13:17:53] Nidhoegger: but what about a backup for you recs?
[13:18:32] DartmanX: does mythtv have a skype module?
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[13:27:06] justinp_home: Nidhoegger, my backend is running Mythdora
[13:27:46] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: I am around now.
[13:28:03] justinp_home: Hi, RDV_Linux – having some issues with jamu
[13:28:26] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: What are those issues
[13:28:40] justinp_home:
[13:29:23] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Looking new be back in a few
[13:29:32] justinp_home: OK, thanks
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[13:32:45] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: When you use any -M option Jamu does not use the jamu.conf file to get video and image directories. It reads the MythTV db looking for storage groups and or FE settings specific to the BE you are running Jamu, Specidiv means matching your BEs hostname.
[13:33:58] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Are you running a separate BE from your FE? Are you running Mythbuntu?
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[13:34:58] justinp_home: RDV_Linux, my backend has no working frontend at the moment, is running mythdora
[13:35:29] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Are you using storage groups?
[13:35:33] justinp_home: Also, I get that result even if I just do -I
[13:35:38] justinp_home: No, no storage groups
[13:38:20] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: OK then you must have the BE's FE video and image file directories set up. Preferably you do that by running a FE on that BE just to set the directories or you can add them to the database directory. Please just use a FE on the BE.
[13:39:06] justinp_home: Would love to, RDV_Linux – fe segfaults when I try to run it.
[13:39:25] justinp_home: 0.22 has been all kinds of fun getting set up so far, but I think it'll be worth it
[13:39:46] justinp_home: How would I add to the DB manually?
[13:40:04] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Are you adept enough to touch the db directly? No matter what back up your data base first.
[13:40:14] justinp_home: DB is backed up
[13:40:29] justinp_home: I'm willing to stick my fingers in the db with a little direction.
[13:41:30] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Do you have a tool like phpMyAdmin installed? It is very easy to use and is browser based.
[13:42:34] justinp_home: yep
[13:43:04] justinp_home: Which db do I need to modify? mythconverg?
[13:43:06] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Do you have a working 0.22 FE on any machine. I am wondering if it would be better to solve that problem first.
[13:43:30] justinp_home: Yes, my normal FE is working fine
[13:44:03] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Yes mythconverg. Is the "normal" FE at v0.22?
[13:44:20] justinp_home: yes, myth 0.22 on opensuse 11.1
[13:45:44] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Just to start lets see if you can find the working FE video and image directories. As you really want to copy them and change their hostname to the hostname of your BE.
[13:46:00] justinp_home: OK
[13:47:45] justinp_home: Looks like that's already there
[13:48:53] justinp_home: settings | VideoStartupDir and VideoArtworkDir are the same for both my fe and be
[13:50:06] justinp_home: There's no mythvideo.fanartDir or mythvideo.bannerDir setting for my BE, though
[13:50:13] justinp_home: is that what I want to add?
[13:50:14] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Well The pastebin error specifically mentioned fanart and banners
[13:50:47] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Yes add those for the backends hostname
[13:52:33] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Just for my curiosity was Jamu just included with Mythdora or does jamu cronjobs also get set up like in Mythbuntu?
[13:53:52] justinp_home: I got jamu when I upgraded to myth 0.22 – wasn't in the version of mythdora I installed originally with 0.21
[13:54:30] justinp_home: Yay! Jamu seems to be working fine now – let's see how it goes
[13:54:46] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Assuming you are running Jamu v0.6.0 you can see which directories Jamu will use by running the -MVf option. There is a lot of info displayed but right at the top is a little report which has directory information.
[13:54:58] justinp_home: I've got 0.59
[13:55:52] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: There were a few bug fixes and the little report I just mentioned added in version 0.6.0
[13:56:02] justinp_home: So, got a moment to take a look at my frontend issue while jamu runs?
[13:56:21] RDV_Linux: THat is up to you;)
[13:56:47] justinp_home: I'd be really glad for the help
[13:57:11] justinp_home: I'm completely stumped on this one, been working on it for over 12 hours
[13:57:38] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: I am probably of no help with a seg fault as I just contribute python scripts.
[13:58:07] justinp_home: Well, you certainly know more than I do – maybe you'll see something I'm missing
[13:58:50] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Did you create a log with verbose output to possible id the error?
[13:59:35] justinp_home: I've been running mythfrontend -v all, but haven't actually created a log
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[14:00:53] RDV_Linux: All I mean by log is to run the FE with those options in a terminal and pipe the output to a file.
[14:01:17] mzb: -l
[14:01:34] justinp_home: Right
[14:02:02] justinp_home: OK, here's the output with mythfrontend -v all run as root:
[14:02:13] patdk-lap_ (patdk-lap_! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:02:32] RDV_Linux: Then pastebin the resulting file contents and ask for help in here. Or do as mzb indicated. One way or another people in this channel can only help if they see what is going on when your FE aborts.
[14:04:27] justinp_home: and here's the output of mythfrontend -v all run as mythtv user:
[14:06:07] justinp_home: not in the paste, but at the CLI I also get: /usr/libexec/<unknown>: No such file or directory.
[14:06:32] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: I looked at it but honestly am out of my depth and would only be speculating on what might be wrong. I guy like iamlindoro would probably know. He is on the US west coast so is not around yet.
[14:07:08] justinp_home: Well, I appreciate your looking anyway, RDV_Linux
[14:07:20] justinp_home: And thanks again for the assistance with jamu
[14:07:49] RDV_Linux: np, I hope you find the issues. 0.22 is fantastic
[14:08:10] justinp_home: It looks like it will be once I get the quirks ironed out
[14:09:44] justinp_home: jamu's a brilliant tool, by the way – I've been waiting for something that would help me get all my TV shows metadata-fied
[14:09:45] mzb: J-e-f-f-A, you've toyed with an Arduino-based IR blaster?
[14:11:25] RDV_Linux: justinp_home: Thanks, I hope your TV show file names are well formed enough that they can be parsed by Jamu so things work for you, Please follow the steps in the wiki.
[14:12:28] justinp_home: Yep, that's all done.
[14:12:43] justinp_home: I have a few items that don't play too well, but they're not even in IMDB
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[14:40:04] justinp_home: So, I occasionally have an issue with the dialog part of the audio in a movie not playing – all the rest of the audio is fine
[14:40:29] justinp_home: I'm guessing that has something to do with the encoding, but I'm not sure what to look for
[14:43:20] martin__: anyone know of any high definition screensavers for linux? like a fire, or Aquarium, etc....
[14:46:37] martin__: noone?
[14:48:38] justinp_home: There are some good OpenGL screensavers out there
[14:48:48] justinp_home: what wm are you using?
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[15:02:32] martin__: xfce
[15:02:52] martin__: what i'm looking for is an aquarium style one....
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[15:07:50] justinp_home: I've seen some things about getting Dream Aquarium running under Wine
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[15:10:44] justinp_home: There's also this: if you can run KDE screensavers
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[15:34:42] martin__: hmmm.... hmmm...
[15:35:04] martin__: thought this would be easy... really thought someone would have already done it...
[15:35:51] AndyCap: martin__: you could run the fireworks one from rss-glx
[15:36:27] AndyCap: not exactly the aquarium or fireplace you want though, but you can get that on blu-ray. :P
[15:37:16] AndyCap: or hd-dvd even which should be cheaper.
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[15:46:00] martin__: yeah... i'm thinking that's the best bet...
[15:46:59] martin__: if I change/add a mapping into the lirc config in ~/.lirc/mythtv .... do I need to restart my frontend?
[15:48:03] AndyCap: heh, i see people run dreamaquarium under wine, but that's 20$ for windows software. :/
[15:48:03] martin__: I've just added "Blue" as a config for "T"... and it's not picking it up...
[15:48:24] AndyCap: martin__: dunno, but I think that is read at startup
[15:48:40] AndyCap:
[15:48:42] martin__: i've restart lirc
[15:49:05] martin__: *restarted
[15:50:57] AndyCap: startup of mythfrontend.
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[16:30:00] martin__: AndyCap, you are correct...
[16:30:08] martin__: it's mythstartup...
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[16:49:40] martin__: anyone know how to increase the size of the subtitle text when using .srt with the internal player?
[16:50:58] noaXess_kubuntu: have enabled autobuilds from mythbuntu, since i have upgraded to the newest 0.22 version, forward jumping while watching a recorded show is very slow..
[16:51:29] noaXess_kubuntu: ok i know its mythbuntu, but mythtv i think is the same version :)
[16:52:56] martin__: i've tried what I can find... googled... and nothing...
[17:01:59] Cubber (Cubber! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:02:48] Cubber: I installed mythtv on gentoo, I have the backend up and running, but when I run the frontend to watch tv I seem to get 2 streams of audio, they are the same but one seems ahead of the other. How can I fix this?
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[17:05:31] Cubber: Its almost like I am watching an old godzilla movie or something
[17:05:49] Cubber: If I just use tv time to watch tv with the card all is fine
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[17:25:15] oobe: Cubber, are you using 5.1 sound settings try switching to stereo
[17:25:53] Cubber: oobe most all of the settings are default, I am using stereo output on my soundcard
[17:26:52] vallor (vallor!i=scott@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:27:01] Cubber: oobe gotta log out fast just tried using jack for audio and that really hosed up my system
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[17:29:55] Cubber: oobe back, where should I check for that setting in mythtv?
[17:30:31] AndyCap: Cubber: um, if you have two streams of audio and a framegrabber you need to mute the line in for playback, (not recording)
[17:31:30] AndyCap: or see if you have a sound-device in the framegrabber-driver and ditch the loopback cable. But that depends on what card you have.
[17:32:02] Cubber: I have a hauppauge wintv card, its older bt878
[17:32:19] Cubber: I have a cable going from that to my soundcard to get audio passed over for tvtime viewing
[17:32:29] Cubber: so that may be my issue I just need to mute the output of the card in alsamixer?
[17:32:47] AndyCap: no the input on your soundcard.
[17:33:31] Cubber: I will give that a shot
[17:33:59] Cubber: is there a guide to all the settings in mythbackend and frontend?
[17:34:31] Cubber: muting the capture for the aux in on the audigy2 just gave me no sound at all
[17:34:55] AndyCap: Cubber: heh, wrong guy to ask, I'm not that familiar with the documentation, but there's the wiki and the helptext in the setupscreens
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[17:35:11] Cubber: Best i can say is the audio and video are not in sync like godzilla
[17:35:22] wagnerrp: Cubber: youre not going to find many people on here who are still using framegrabbers
[17:35:31] wagnerrp: theyve all moved onto mpeg encoders and digital tuners
[17:35:41] Cubber: wagnerrp framegrabber meaning my tv card?
[17:35:52] wagnerrp: for the exact reasons youre describing, framegrabbers are a PITA
[17:36:07] Cubber: wagnerrp what is a good linux compatable card to use these days?
[17:36:15] Cubber: wagnerrp that just works with mythv out of the box
[17:36:27] AndyCap: where in the world are you and what kind of signal?
[17:36:33] Cubber: wagnerrp this card I am using has to be almost 12 years old or more
[17:36:40] Cubber: AndyCap New York
[17:36:44] Cubber: AndyCap Cable
[17:36:44] wagnerrp: for analog tuning/capture, the IVTV cards (pvr-150/500) are the only kind that has been recommended around here for years
[17:36:59] Cubber: hauppauge pvr500?
[17:37:21] wagnerrp: theyre also no longer in production, so youve got to go to ebay or craigslist to find them
[17:37:41] wagnerrp: 150s are usually ~$20, 500s are $40-$50
[17:37:58] wagnerrp: and those are single and dual tuner/capture respectively
[17:38:28] ** AndyCap wonders how atsc reception would be in New York. **
[17:38:30] Cubber: wagnerrp so best bet is try to find a 500 if I can
[17:39:11] AndyCap: Cubber: unless your cable company has a lot of unencrypted digital channels
[17:39:39] Cubber: AndyCap they have a few digital channels I can hit with a regular tv, some HD as well
[17:39:44] Cubber: AndyCap without a box
[17:40:31] antgel (antgel! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:40:52] AndyCap: Cubber: not sure what is a good card for qam, (cable) but I'm guess one of them starts with H. :P
[17:41:24] wagnerrp: im happy with my HVR-1250 and HDHomeRun
[17:41:27] Cubber: well thanks for the input guys, so I am fighting a loosing battle with this card I take it and should just give up till I get a better one.
[17:41:33] wagnerrp: cant really make recommendations outside those cards
[17:42:58] antgel: frontend has been acting strangely, checked with top and it was using 80% of total memory (2GB)!
[17:43:22] antgel: so restarted frontend, tried to go back to same channel, and it's saying "error opening jump programme file"
[17:43:30] antgel: any advice appreciated
[17:43:53] AndyCap: HVR-1600 is supposed to do it "all" isn't it.
[17:44:43] antgel: log says playCtx, Error: Attempting to setup a player, but it already exists
[17:45:12] AndyCap: Cubber:
[17:46:34] Cubber: AndyCap thanks
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[17:54:49] antgel: okay, i've got a pastebin with -v playback
[17:55:02] antgel: why is it looking for a file that doesn't exist (last line)
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[18:23:10] wagnerrp: antgel: because thats where the backend told the frontend livetv would be recording to
[18:23:30] wagnerrp: if your backend is not properly recording on livetv, you need to check the backend logs to figure out why
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[18:56:54] Keli (Keli! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:57:16] Keli: hi
[18:58:28] Keli: experiencing a problem with recording playback in mythtv 0.22, when the recording has a manually created cutlist, playback will end prematurely, that is well before the manually inserted cutpoint
[18:59:36] wagnerrp: playback with a cutlist will automatically follow the areas defined by the cutlist
[18:59:53] wagnerrp: if you are missing segments, you need to go back into edit mode and fix the cutlist
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[19:05:45] Keli: wagnerrp: I'm creatng the cutlist with the mythtv cutlist editor (press E during playback) and I am only creating when to start playback and when to end, not cutting anything from "the middle"
[19:06:21] Keli: the start/end points are correct according to the mythtv cutlist editor, but playback will not end at the endpoint, but prematurely
[19:06:48] wagnerrp: only thing i can think of is an invalid seektable
[19:07:01] martin__: anyone know how to increase the size of the subtitle text when using .srt with the internal player?
[19:07:51] Keli: wagnerrp: what is a seektable?
[19:08:20] wagnerrp: mythtv does not seek using trial and error as most other programs do
[19:08:36] wagnerrp: when it records, it builds a table indicating exact byte locations of keyframes
[19:09:03] wagnerrp: if this is wrong, it may also be indexing your cutpoints incorrectly as well
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[19:14:48] Keli: wagnerrp: mythtranscode will cut the recording correctly when manually exporting to mpeg file
[19:15:08] Keli: so I would think the information used to decide when to cut is correct
[19:15:35] wagnerrp: dont know then... ive never noticed that issue, but then ive never played an entire file through post-cutting
[19:15:53] wagnerrp: usually the only time i create a cutlist is just prior to transcoding and export to mythvideo
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[20:21:23] sphing: anyone have an rng110 and changing channels via firewire? Wiki says I should use 6200ch but it's not finding the device. Hoping someone can verify it works before going into the code
[20:27:05] sphery: Your cable co gave you a Random Number Generator for a set-top box? Probably like watching analog static, right?
[20:27:13] sphery: (though high-res static)
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[20:27:52] sphery: (sorry, I can't help--I was just thinking of a whole other "RNG" when you mentioned that)
[20:28:02] sphing: haha
[20:28:02] wagnerrp: sphery: you see the remark about hostname updates in the restore script last night?
[20:28:13] sphery: Yeah, I did.
[20:28:27] sphery: I might look at it next week while traveling (scripts are great for remote work)
[20:28:30] wagnerrp: i dont know if it would be better to update the restore script to change those, or update mythvideo to use a 'hostname' field
[20:28:46] sphery: I need to know iamlindoro's preference--changing MythVideo would make things more consistent.
[20:29:34] iamlindoro: if you do the work, feel free
[20:29:45] sphery: then again, it's likely to get completely dumped when we go to integrated ProgramInfo...
[20:30:09] sphery: changing the script, though, has the benefit of working with "any version of Myth" (which is one of the design goals of the script.
[20:30:46] sphery: I think I'll just special case that one field in the script (as I don't know if other plugins, like MythStream or whatever) might use host to mean something else (like the host serving a stream)
[20:30:57] sphery: though, in theory, if the value == the oldhostname...
[20:31:33] sphery: so, anyway, I'll change the script and let the field die a silent death with the programinfo integration
[20:32:08] sphery: wagnerrp: oh, and thanks for catching and reporting that. I don't do much with plugins, so...
[20:32:25] wagnerrp: well thank [R], hes the one who actually had a problem
[20:32:30] sphery: ahhh
[20:32:32] wagnerrp: i just knew who to point it to
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[20:33:14] wagnerrp: he doesnt seem to be in channel at the moment
[20:33:53] sphery: yeah, noticed
[20:34:00] sphery: glad someone caught it, though
[20:34:38] ** sphery may do the updated channel-fixing for the scripts next week, too **
[20:35:18] sphery: (will use a full backup/get rid of the --backup_xmltvid) and will use several fuzzy matching approaches to link old channels with new and will be interactive
[20:39:09] noaXess_kubuntu: since i have upgraded to the newest 0.22 version, forward jumping while watching a recorded show is very slow.. any idea why?
[20:39:26] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:39:35] wagnerrp: forward jumping will be slow if you do not have a proper seektable in the database
[20:40:34] noaXess_kubuntu: wagnerrp: aha, yes i saw an error that the seek table is corupt on upgrading to the newest 0.22, how can i repair it?
[20:40:34] sphery: noaXess_kubuntu: in other words, see
[20:40:43] sphery: and note that seektables are on a per-recording basis
[20:40:49] sphery: (so you might have to fix them all)
[20:40:57] noaXess_kubuntu: aha
[20:41:01] noaXess_kubuntu: thanks....
[20:41:02] sphery: noaXess_kubuntu: did you do an upgrade in place?
[20:41:09] sphery: or did you restore a DB?
[20:41:24] noaXess_kubuntu: just upgrading...
[20:41:48] sphery: things may have gotten broken by the MySQL upgrade, then
[20:41:59] sphery: that page should help
[20:42:06] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:42:09] noaXess_kubuntu: so i need to repair the seek table, thanks...
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[20:45:12] GreyFoxx:
[20:45:32] GreyFoxx: That shows right there why Game makers hate modders :)
[20:45:56] GreyFoxx: No wonder copyright holders fear movie and tv rippers so much
[20:46:33] GreyFoxx: When it'
[20:46:42] GreyFoxx: s so simple to just copy the stuff
[20:47:14] wagnerrp: yeah... for all the homebrew market it *could* facilitate, modding ends up doing nothing more than allowing piracy
[20:47:31] sphery: and feeding the lawyers
[20:47:48] GreyFoxx: I modded mine and have been playing with the homebrew channel stuff. It's awesome how much stuff they have in there
[20:48:07] gunni_ (gunni_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:48:08] GreyFoxx: but yeah, the ability to pirate is so simple I can see why they fear it
[20:48:25] sid3windr: Wii system software 4.2 wipes your hbc ;)
[20:48:31] gunni (gunni! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:48:35] sid3windr: (if you upgrade through the nintendo tool anyway)
[20:48:42] sid3windr: usb loader is simply awesome
[20:48:49] sid3windr: I hate discjockeying
[20:48:54] sid3windr: so I ripped ally
[20:48:58] sid3windr: *all my games to disk
[20:48:59] sid3windr: :)
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[20:50:39] sphery: MS allows you to rip your game discs to hard drive, but then MS charges $130+ for a 120GB HDD, so...
[20:51:08] [R]: so i've been tracking this idle bug in the backend... and i think its related to that 'if the frontend crashes livetv is still going' bug
[20:51:15] sphery: (I still haven't done the HD upgrade hack to replace my 20GB HDD because I don't want to get banned from XBox Live)
[20:51:28] sphery: "idle bug"
[20:52:05] [R]: sphery: i've mentioend it before... when the backend thinks its idle its supposed to shut down... well in some instances it doesnt think its idle
[20:52:16] sid3windr: sphery: dell also charges $499 for a 1TB SATA 7200rpm drive.. ;>
[20:52:19] sphery: ah, that one
[20:52:31] [R]: it looks like it still thinks there is an active file transfer
[20:52:39] sphery: sid3windr: but at least with that one, you get enterprise support :)
[20:52:54] [R]: but i dont know how to trigger it... i usually just notice it when i'm shutting my frontend off at night
[20:53:01] sphery: [R]: that would definitely make it think it's not idle
[20:53:27] [R]: i wonder if there is a way i can make it check to see if all the connections are actually active
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[20:54:35] GreyFoxx: sid3windr: yeah I ripped my own 2 games to usb for the convenience of it
[20:56:12] sid3windr: 2 games!
[20:56:15] sid3windr: wii play and wii sports? :P
[20:57:42] GreyFoxx: wii sports and super mario bros
[20:57:51] GreyFoxx: got them with the wii for xmas :)
[20:58:47] sphing: I'm getting a tune error about unable to set frequency on a tuner that is setup to use an external channel changer. Is something setup wrong on my input?
[20:59:35] wagnerrp: did your external script not return a code of zero? (no error)
[20:59:48] KaZeR (KaZeR! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:59:57] sid3windr: new smb is really awesome :)
[21:00:03] sid3windr: with real multiplayer
[21:00:34] sphing:
[21:00:48] sphing: is the output a problem, should I go in a comment out those lines?
[21:01:50] wagnerrp: basically, on success, you want the same output as '/bin/true/
[21:02:28] sphing: on stdout or stderr?
[21:02:33] sphing: (or both I guess)
[21:02:41] wagnerrp: the whole thing, out, err, and exit code
[21:04:30] jst_home (jst_home! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:06:01] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: How do you shut off your frontend? Do you exit with "Exit and power off" from the menu, or just power it off?
[21:07:01] [R]: J-e-f-f-A: exit and power off
[21:07:19] [R]: J-e-f-f-A: i've tried all differnet combinatinos of uncleanly shutting down my frontend... even kill -9... i can't just trigger it at will
[21:07:33] [R]: J-e-f-f-A: does mythcommflag use a FileTransfer?
[21:08:05] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: Humm... strange. re: mythcommflag – I don't know – are you running it on your frontend?
[21:08:10] [R]: no
[21:08:12] [R]: its on the backend
[21:08:27] sphing: nope, same problem. I commented out the fprintf and I verified it's returning 0. same error
[21:09:29] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: Humm... Well, I don't shut down my backend, it's on 24x7 ... but perhaps if mythcommflag is running, then the backend wouldn't consider itself 'idle' until it's complete. (makes sense to me)
[21:09:42] [R]: its competly idle
[21:09:59] [R]: but i have lots of times where commflag segfaults
[21:10:11] [R]: so if IT uses a file transfer and doens't get closed properly
[21:11:17] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: Does the 'status' page show that it's still commflagging when that happens?
[21:11:23] [R]: no
[21:11:28] [R]: ok, scratch that ide
[21:11:30] [R]: idea*
[21:11:40] [R]: its only the frontend that initiates filetransfers
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[21:11:56] [R]: but sometimes my frontend will segfault while its playing
[21:12:04] [R]: i'm sure its the exact same problem was the livetv still active thing
[21:12:19] wagnerrp: are you sure the commflagger doesnt?
[21:12:25] [R]: wagnerrp: i just checked the log
[21:12:31] wagnerrp: i know the transcoder doesnt, but i thought the commflagger had been transitioned
[21:12:37] [R]: everytime there is a filetransfer, it says who initated it
[21:13:07] sphery: [R]: You're using exit from inside MythTV, not the system/desktop environment menu, right?
[21:13:14] [R]: sphery: yes
[21:13:26] whiteley_: having trouble setting up my remote with a hdhomerun. irw shows the buttons as I press them, but the FE doesn't seem to be getting the commands. What am I missing?
[21:13:43] sphery: a ~/.lircrc or ~/.mythtv/lircrc ?
[21:14:03] sphery: or missing the "config = mythtv" clauses inside it?
[21:14:14] J-e-f-f-A: ^^ I was just about to type that... hehehe
[21:14:45] sphery: I'm not usually faster than anyone, so this is a win for me :)
[21:16:07] [R]: even if i kill -9 while a file transfer is active
[21:16:14] [R]: it still closes the socket
[21:16:22] [R]: what situation would the socket stay open?
[21:17:34] sphery: can't say anything more than recent kernels/system configs have caused all sorts of problems with our socket code
[21:18:26] whiteley_: sphery: I put "config = mythtv" in ~/.lircrc. still not good. (this is mythbuntu 9.10)
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[21:19:08] [R]: well atleast now i have something to focus on... monitor the filetransfer list when i notice something funky going on with my frontend
[21:19:16] sphing: some more output: I don't see it trying to call the 6200ch binary
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[21:20:01] sphery: whiteley_: like
[21:21:48] jst (jst! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:22:24] jst: Is there a way to run against an entire directory of videos? Right now, I am selecting each individual file and manually pulling the IMDB Metadata.
[21:22:34] [R]: thats what JAMU is for
[21:23:18] jst: Cool, thanks, [R].
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[21:35:48] whiteley_: sphery: now my .lircrc looks like this: . . . /044806.html
[21:35:53] whiteley_: sphery: still no good.
[21:36:57] [R]: whiteley_: does the socket listed in the command match up with the actual socket lirc is using?
[21:37:01] [R]: in the settings*
[21:38:07] jst (jst! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:39:00] whiteley_: [R]: yes. I changed that to match.
[21:40:32] whiteley_: I grabbed a lircd.conf for the tivo remote. I set up the hdhomerun to send to lircd, and started lircd.
[21:40:43] [R]: so now errors when the frontend starts?
[21:41:28] wagnerrp: whiteley_: you dont set up lircd.conf for a remote
[21:41:34] wagnerrp: you do so for a receiver
[21:41:47] [R]: no, lircd.conf is for remote
[21:41:48] [R]: also
[21:41:56] wagnerrp: you set up lircrc for the remote
[21:42:14] wagnerrp: lircd.conf just exists to map codes the receiver sees to sensible names
[21:42:27] [R]: ok, i guess
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[21:46:01] whiteley_: ah. I figured it out. Thanks guys.
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[21:47:37] sphing: I'm out of ideas, why is it trying to tune and not call my external app?
[21:48:08] hadeees (hadeees! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:48:26] ** J-e-f-f-A curses WD 500GB drives... another one is failing and/or has failed... ugh... **
[21:48:31] iamlindoro: Because you told it to preset it to a channel
[21:48:55] iamlindoro: whose tooltip specifically says not to use it unless you are using the tuner of your capture card
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[21:49:30] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: just how old are those drives?
[21:49:32] ** J-e-f-f-A mutters under his breath at the message: "Filesystem "sdc1": Corruption of in-memory data detected. Shutting down filesystem: sdc1" **
[21:49:43] wagnerrp: i recall them dropping below $200 somewhere in 2005
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[21:49:50] wagnerrp: or maybe it was $100
[21:49:55] sphing: iamlindoro, I think that was it
[21:52:19] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: probably 18–24 months old now... In the past I'd already had 4 die, and 3 RMA'd before the warranties expired.
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[22:08:12] noaXess: i need to rebuild the seektable... is it possible to rebuild more then one mpg file? maybe with mythcommflag --file ~/mythtv/Default/*.mpg --rebuild
[22:08:40] wagnerrp: are you doing this for recordings or videos?
[22:09:03] wagnerrp: '--file' inserts the data into filemarkup, while you probably want it in recordedseek
[22:09:12] noaXess: recordings..
[22:09:24] wagnerrp: in which case you would want to feed it chanid and starttime
[22:09:33] mazda01 (mazda01! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:09:47] wagnerrp: anyway, there is currently no tool i know of to loop over your recordings and rebuild that
[22:09:54] noaXess: need to rebuild my seek table cause can't jump forward.. i asked that before.. and was pointing to
[22:10:05] noaXess: hm.. so write a script to do that..
[22:10:23] noaXess: my recordedseek is corrupt..
[22:10:35] wagnerrp: just pull a list of chanids and starttimes from the database, and loop through them
[22:11:09] wagnerrp: i may be wrong
[22:11:23] wagnerrp: seems they tell you to use --file for recordings
[22:12:11] noaXess: wagnerrp: ok.. so --rebuild each one will need time.. i need to write a little sh script
[22:12:29] noaXess: not the best in it, but will find a way :)
[22:12:44] wagnerrp: the other option is to set up mythcommflag as a user job
[22:12:51] wagnerrp: and issue that user job for each file
[22:13:09] wagnerrp: then let the jobqueue chunk through all of them
[22:13:11] noaXess: by the way... if you can, change the wiki cause is not in /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/... it's in /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/maintenance
[22:13:39] noaXess: wagnerrp: hm.. in mythtv-setup?
[22:13:43] wagnerrp: yes
[22:13:44] noaXess: never uses userjobs-
[22:13:48] noaXess: ok.. will try that..
[22:13:56] wagnerrp: you know... you can create an account and edit the wiki yourself
[22:14:14] iamlindoro: not to mention where contrib is put will vary by distro/package
[22:14:22] noaXess: wagnerrp: yes.. but i think you have one :).. i'm just a mythtv beginner..
[22:14:26] noaXess: ok
[22:14:27] iamlindoro: so by making it right for you, you'll make it wrong for someone else
[22:14:54] noaXess: ok.. but it's not the place of contrib.. it's cause the pl script i in a maintenance subfolder
[22:15:05] Chipdancer (Chipdancer! has quit ("ZNC -")
[22:15:14] wagnerrp: the wiki just says its in contrib, it doesnt say where
[22:15:22] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:16:07] wagnerrp: it should be easy enough for someone to run 'find contrib -name'
[22:16:30] wagnerrp: or even 'locate' might work on some systems
[22:16:34] patdk-h3: or just click on it in mythweb :)
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[22:25:07] metalac (metalac! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:25:23] metalac: anyone knows if there will be a new version of hd-pvr coming out soon? it seems to be out of stock in most places
[22:28:43] k_ross (k_ross!i=47a40d7d@gateway/web/freenode/x-imjfdwvknwcuounb) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:28:56] iamlindoro: There is nothing to lead one to believe there will be a new model soon
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[22:39:56] ProgressivPirate (ProgressivPirate!n=Progress@unaffiliated/progressivpirate) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:40:47] ProgressivPirate: Can anyone suggest an app for my media center? basically what I want is just a fullscreen menu that launches other apps: XBMC, firefox, hulu desktop, etc
[22:41:26] ProgressivPirate: I'm not familiar with too much linux software. I know it's not myth tv related but t his is a good media center channel
[22:43:01] [R]: well myth can do it
[22:45:14] ProgressivPirate: what do you think I should google? "desktop launcher" "desktop panel"
[22:45:23] ProgressivPirate: "desktop app launcher"?
[22:45:50] jeffery (jeffery!n=jeffery@opensuse/member/jefferyfernandez) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:46:55] [R]: you should probably google another irc channel
[22:48:22] ProgressivPirate: true
[22:50:06] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[22:50:19] k_ross: since you want to use XBMC, then just use that, and look for ways to add firefox, hulu, etc. to the XBMC menus
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[22:53:38] syamajala: so i have lirc working
[22:54:19] syamajala: i guess the next step is to find a script for changing channels
[22:55:12] wagnerrp: ProgressivPirate: mythtv is first and foremost a PVR application
[22:55:22] wagnerrp: if you do not want to record TV, youre in the wrong channel
[22:56:17] ProgressivPirate: yup yup. No worries. This channel is full of a lot of smart htpc guys and was just hoping to tap their brains.
[22:56:22] ProgressivPirate: no biggie
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[23:02:53] metalac: ProgressivPirate: Try looking into GnomeDo see if they have any plugins for something like that
[23:04:27] ProgressivPirate: thanks
[23:06:41] devicenull: any ideas as to why mythfrontend would use around 15% cpu, even when sitting idle at the menu?
[23:07:27] wagnerrp: devicenull: what processor? 0.21 or 0.22?
[23:07:54] devicenull: 0.22, it's an old p4 2.26ghz
[23:08:10] devicenull: it's not really a huge problem, it just seems it shouldn't be doing that
[23:08:21] PatrickD`: it's really normal, it's the theme
[23:08:32] wagnerrp: a 2.26P4 is fairly underpowered, but it shouldnt be 15%
[23:08:38] syamajala: hmm
[23:08:44] wagnerrp: under 0.21, 15% might be reasonable, but not 0.22
[23:08:49] PatrickD`: my dualcore 3.0ghz uses 15% when at the menu
[23:08:49] syamajala: actually it looks like the serial port my cable box works
[23:08:54] PatrickD`: on .22
[23:08:59] devicenull: well, it plays video's fine and seem to run fine
[23:09:05] devicenull: so I wouldn't really call it underpowered :p
[23:09:36] wagnerrp: it plays standard definition fine, and thats about it
[23:09:39] wagnerrp: i would call it underpowered
[23:09:54] devicenull: I don't actually have any HD content, so that largely doesnt matter
[23:10:02] devicenull: but yea, I know it wont play HD
[23:11:21] wagnerrp: actually... seems im at 7% just sitting on the main menu
[23:11:36] wagnerrp: maybe it was the backend that dropped idle usage significantly
[23:11:44] devicenull: that's strange.. down to 0% cpu when sitting in mythvideo
[23:11:48] wagnerrp: i know one of them went from always using a couple percent, to using nothing
[23:12:24] wagnerrp: it might be some alpha transition the main menu uses that mythvideo doesnt
[23:14:41] k_ross: i'm also getting between 10% and 15%, quad-core Phenom 2.3 GHz
[23:14:53] k_ross: with .22
[23:15:02] wagnerrp: yeah, it was the backend that dropped to no idle usage
[23:15:05] martin__: What method would you guys use to connect to a remote machine to view the windows it has open... e.g. there is a remote machine that's constantly running Xchat, and you want to be able to view that XChat session from another machine... is VNC the best way?
[23:15:08] k_ross: i've never worried about it though
[23:15:19] wagnerrp: it used to sit around 5–10% on 0.21
[23:15:41] wagnerrp: martin__: VNC or NX
[23:16:37] sid3windr: easiest way to fix that is use irssi+screen+ssh ;)
[23:16:44] sid3windr: but I guess that's not generic enough =)
[23:17:06] martin__: are there any ways that are less bandwidth intensive...
[23:17:17] sid3windr: yeh, what I just said :>
[23:17:25] wagnerrp: martin__: all three of those solutions are low bandwidth
[23:17:45] wagnerrp: but the irssi far exceeds the other two
[23:18:08] wagnerrp: anyway, VNC and NX should be plenty fine on a low-end broadband connection
[23:18:26] wagnerrp: and if youre on dialup, you should reconsider hosting an application server on your home connection
[23:19:03] martin__: sid3windr, appreciate the solution... but xchat was just an example... it's generically X based applications
[23:19:47] PatrickD`: cause always use bip
[23:19:50] PatrickD`: could
[23:19:53] martin__: i'm using vnc at the moment... it's just a tad slow...
[23:20:15] wagnerrp: martin__: turn up the compression, drop the color bits
[23:22:21] martin__: k... will google and try...
[23:23:50] martin__: i was thinking that something like X11 forwarding would be better...
[23:24:02] wagnerrp: for low bandwidth?
[23:24:07] k_ross: vnc is faster than x11 forwarding
[23:24:16] martin__: but it seems I've misunderstood what it was...
[23:24:16] wagnerrp: X11 forwarding != low bandwidth
[23:24:29] wagnerrp: however NX is very similar, and designed for that purpose
[23:24:34] PatrickD`: hmm, I still say use bip :)
[23:24:42] PatrickD`: it will be faster than anything else
[23:24:57] martin__: yeah that's what i've been finding
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[23:25:16] PatrickD`: why forward the whole screen if you just want irc?
[23:25:20] univate (univate! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:25:22] syamajala: there is something wrong with my cable box
[23:25:46] wagnerrp: PatrickD`: with NX you dont, its rootless
[23:26:03] syamajala: i have comcast and i'm getting a bunch of not authorized messages on channels that work fine on another box
[23:26:37] wagnerrp: syamajala: likely something you should be calling comcast about
[23:26:42] syamajala: yeah
[23:26:48] syamajala: the box was working earlier
[23:27:11] syamajala: and it looks like i can get the local channels
[23:27:35] Dagmar: Yep. Call Comcast. Something's wrong with the box or it's coax connection
[23:27:49] Dagmar: Is it a Terayon unit?
[23:27:54] wagnerrp: did you recently put in an amp?
[23:28:16] PatrickD`: heh, amps are funny
[23:28:24] martin__: PatrickD`, it's not just irc... it's all x applications...
[23:28:25] PatrickD`: sd channels look crappy without my amp
[23:28:37] wagnerrp: s/sd/analog/
[23:28:37] PatrickD`: but I can't receive hd after the amp, cause too much signal
[23:28:48] PatrickD`: martin, heh, you only said irc above
[23:28:54] wagnerrp: s/too much signal/too little uplink/
[23:29:05] Dagmar: So use your brain and install an amp that targets ONLY the frequencies you want
[23:29:09] metalac (metalac! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:29:16] syamajala: wagnerrp: i did
[23:29:17] PatrickD`: hd channels don't use an uplink
[23:29:19] martin__: it was an example... hence prefixed with "e.g."2
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[23:29:26] Dagmar: PatrickD`: The BOX however, DOES
[23:29:28] wagnerrp: PatrickD`: cable channels?
[23:29:31] PatrickD`: what box?
[23:29:33] PatrickD`: I have no *box*
[23:29:42] univate (univate! has left #mythtv-users ("Ex-Chat")
[23:29:43] Dagmar: The STB that's telling him it's not authorized to show him certain channels.
[23:29:55] PatrickD`: cable channels yes, and local channels over cable
[23:30:00] Dagmar: We're not talking about you.
[23:30:04] Dagmar: You're clearly terminally confused.
[23:30:12] Dagmar: We're telling syam what he needs to do
[23:30:19] syamajala: let me try without it and see what happens
[23:30:22] PatrickD`: luckly my hd local channels aren't encrypted so I'm good without a box
[23:30:35] syamajala: i put in a 3 way splitter
[23:30:45] syamajala: so i could hook up 2 cable boxes and my modem
[23:30:59] syamajala: my sd box, and modem work fine, but the hd box isn't working
[23:31:18] syamajala: or its only working on local channels
[23:32:00] syamajala: let me try going back to what i had before
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[23:36:50] wagnerrp: s/aren't/aren't allow to be/
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[23:37:09] wagnerrp: s/hd/digital/
[23:37:42] syamajala: something is wrong with the box
[23:38:00] syamajala: i tried the setup i had working before with just the hd box and my cable modem
[23:38:05] syamajala: doesn't work.
[23:38:06] sphing: syamajala, it's comcast
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[23:38:16] sphing: i'm having the same issue with a new box I just picked up today
[23:38:47] wagnerrp: well a new box, they probably just havent activated its CAM yet
[23:39:31] sphing: spent 20 minutes with a rep who said she activated and I should wait 45 minutes (that was 40 minutes ago)
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[23:43:03] jblack: That's the one consistent thing with comcast. Complaint.
[23:43:22] wagnerrp: but hey, at least you can watch Fox
[23:43:49] ** J-e-f-f-A hates cumcast... 7 years of HORRIBLE service, both physical service and customer service... **
[23:45:17] Dassu: ..."physical service"...hmmm
[23:46:17] J-e-f-f-A: Dassu: Hehehe... Not THAT type of service... hehehehe... try 7Mbps service that didn't perform at DSL speeds... horrible...
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[23:52:30] [R]: my stupid hdpvr hates me
[23:52:58] J-e-f-f-A: [R]: Send it to me. ;-) hehehehe
[23:53:04] [R]: lol
[23:54:51] [R]: i want watch 1080i from QAM just fine... but 1080i from the hdpvr... just craps itself
[23:54:54] [R]: i can watch*
[23:56:31] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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