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Saturday, December 26th, 2009, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:12] bllz: uhh... let me check the log gabber. one sec
[00:02:34] bllz: [R]: I think I found an error... let me pastebin it
[00:03:01] bllz: [R]: here it is:
[00:04:54] bllz: not sure what to make of it...
[00:04:59] [R]: you have no /dev/dvd
[00:05:02] [R]: you need to figure out what /dev your dvd is
[00:05:03] bllz: clearly
[00:05:09] [R]: and properly configure the mythdvd
[00:05:58] bllz: hmm i have a /dev/cdrom and a dev/cdrom1
[00:06:02] [R]: then use that
[00:06:22] bllz: okay, where would I find the mythdvd configuration? I assume that's in the frontend?
[00:06:42] [R]: very good assumption
[00:07:47] bllz: Location of DVD device... that sounds like the one =)
[00:07:48] bllz: thanks
[00:08:15] bllz: now is it okay to make the DVD device and VCD device the same?
[00:08:27] bllz: i ask because I have 2 optical drives, one of which is purelya cdrom...
[00:09:10] [R]: are you going to be playing VCDs?
[00:09:17] bllz: this is a good point...
[00:09:33] bllz: [R]: either way it shouldn't interfere with audio cds, correct?
[00:09:39] bllz: which i will probably be ripping
[00:10:21] Defense (Defense! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:10:23] [R]: why would it interfere with anything
[00:10:51] bllz: I don't know... I just renamed a device
[00:11:05] bllz: well not exactly
[00:11:34] bllz: i pointed the default dvd path to another device... i don't know if that's the kind of thing that will mess up other plugins or not
[00:13:01] [R]: you changed a setting in mythdvde
[00:13:04] [R]: mythdvd*
[00:13:05] [R]: that's all
[00:13:59] bllz: hmm it's still nto working... it just takes me to the 8th page of general settings when i select "play dvd"
[00:14:21] bllz: back to the logs...
[00:16:55] bllz: hmm now i'm getting this: libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
[00:16:55] bllz: libdvdread: Could not open /dev/cdrom with libdvdcss.
[00:16:55] bllz: libdvdread: Can't open /dev/cdrom for reading
[00:16:55] bllz: libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version svnR1169
[00:16:55] bllz: libdvdnav: vm: failed to open/read the DVD
[00:16:55] bllz: libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
[00:16:57] bllz: libdvdread: Could not open /dev/cdrom with libdvdcss.
[00:16:59] bllz: libdvdread: Can't open /dev/cdrom for reading
[00:17:29] ctmjr: bllz: what distro are you using?
[00:17:40] bllz: ctmjr: mythbuntu
[00:17:51] bllz: sorry ab the flood, btw... didn't stop and think there
[00:18:28] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:18:39] bllz: ah wait I fixed it
[00:18:46] ctmjr: it should be /media/cdrom /media/cdrom0
[00:18:50] bllz: for whatever reason I got the devices mixed up
[00:19:14] bllz: ctmjr: i actually have /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdrom1 for whatever reason...
[00:19:21] bllz: oh. oh wait
[00:20:07] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:20:18] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:20:22] bllz: ctmjr: lol at my stupidity. yeah there's cdrom and cdrom0. by default it had /dev/dvd as the default dvd player in mythvideo. I canged it to /dev/cdrom1 and it works... any reason why I should change it to /media/cdrom?
[00:20:40] sid3windr: isn't /media/cdrom a mountpoint?
[00:20:43] sid3windr: instead of a device name?
[00:20:47] bllz: it is, yes
[00:20:58] sid3windr: I don't think you're supposed to put mountpoints there :)
[00:20:59] bllz: hmm now i have stuttery playback
[00:21:13] bllz: lol and double playback ... how weird
[00:22:12] bllz: sid3windr; so devices go there, not mountpoints
[00:23:12] sid3windr: afaik yes :)
[00:23:53] bllz: this is strange though... the frontend prompt lists the devices as /dev/scd0 and /dev/ sc1, respectively
[00:24:49] sid3windr: cdrom* are symlinks to scd* no doubt
[00:25:41] bllz: fair enough
[00:25:56] bllz: so why the stuttery playback inintially?
[00:26:05] bllz: this is weird... especially since it seems to resove itself
[00:26:23] bllz: and the split screen...
[00:28:43] sid3windr: no clue :)
[00:29:19] bllz: .22 seems to ahve a couple of rough edges lol
[00:29:34] bllz: but i guess that's to be expected when you have a lot of major changes in a release...
[00:30:14] bllz: I just tried with a different disk and there doesn't seem to be a problem, anyway... oh well. at least it resolves itself
[00:31:51] bllz: ooof... stuttery playback is stuttery at times. Is there any way to improve dvd playback performance?
[00:32:33] [R]: what kind of system do you have
[00:32:45] [R]: and what playbkac profile are you using
[00:32:46] rushfan73 (rushfan73! has quit ("...")
[00:32:48] [R]: and is the disc damaged?
[00:33:05] bllz: [R]: I don't think the disk is dammaged... it's a dual core processor... 2.1 ghz i think
[00:33:13] bllz: let me check the playback profile real quick
[00:33:56] bllz: [R]: remind me where the playback profiles are located?
[00:34:10] [R]: in the frontend settings...
[00:34:13] ** [R] thinks someone needs to read the docs **
[00:34:34] ** bllz meant more specifically **
[00:35:27] bllz: it's unfair to assume I didn't read the dox when I simply can't remember specifically where the playback profile settings were located and decided to ask on the offchance that somebody knew
[00:36:03] bllz: [R] I have the ones under TV settings... but those wouldn't apply to dvds would they?
[00:36:11] [R]: they do
[00:36:20] bllz: oh okay
[00:36:26] bllz: well i have the CPU ++ profile selected
[00:36:38] bllz: maybe this calls for a less hungry profile
[00:37:29] [R]: use slim
[00:37:52] bllz: okay
[00:37:57] bllz: why slim, btw?
[00:38:05] bllz: as opposed to some of the other ones?
[00:38:35] [R]: why is the sky blue?
[00:39:00] bllz: I (perhaps stupidly) assumed there was a reasoning behind the advice
[00:39:13] [R]: because hats the one i todl yo uto pick?
[00:39:40] bllz: I ask because I have an nvidia card and I thought that it was generally advisable to use the XvMC and VDPAU settings
[00:39:57] bllz: but let's see how slim does real quick
[00:40:14] [R]: if you need xvmc or vdpau to play a dvd
[00:40:17] [R]: you've got serious issues
[00:40:49] bllz: true
[00:41:05] bllz: although it would be nice to offload stuff to the GPU
[00:41:24] [R]: it would be nice for money to fall from the sky
[00:41:30] bllz: haha indeed it would
[00:41:35] [R]: but if you need xvmc or vdpau to play a dvd... you've got issues
[00:43:25] araldit (araldit! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[00:45:01] bllz: vdpau and xvmc essentially accomplish the same tihng, correct?
[00:45:07] [R]: no
[00:45:17] bllz: oh...
[00:45:20] ** bllz goes back to the wiki... **
[00:46:20] bllz: [R]: what exactly is the difference... is vdpau only for high def?
[00:46:43] bllz: I'm looking at the "what is it" heading under the wiki article and i'm afraid it's a bit over my head
[00:46:57] [R]: they are similar... both offload decoding to the gpu
[00:46:59] [R]: except in the case of nvidia
[00:47:04] [R]: xvmc is very much unsupported
[00:47:07] [R]: and only mpeg2
[00:47:31] bllz: ah okay, so vdpau is the preferable option for nvidia cards
[00:47:43] bllz: and it supports more formats
[00:48:09] [R]: well for >= geforce 8... there is no xvmc
[00:48:11] [R]: so...
[00:48:27] bllz: so by default, yes lol
[00:48:28] bllz: okay
[00:48:37] Finswimmer (Finswimmer! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[00:49:35] bllz: i have a dinosaur of a card anyway... GeForce 7300 SE
[00:49:54] [R]: then why would you even be talking about vdpau
[00:49:57] [R]: if you claimed to have read the wiki
[00:50:02] bllz: yeah i just noticed that
[00:50:08] bllz: jeez... cool it, man
[00:52:04] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit ("ZNC -")
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[00:52:52] bllz: hmm the playback is still stuttering a bit
[00:53:09] bllz: seems to stop when I pause it for a few seconds
[00:54:31] bllz: actually... it seems to be playing faster than it should...
[00:56:38] bllz: [R]: there's still a bit of stuttering on the dvd playback... anything I can try besides the playback profiles?
[00:56:53] [R]: what does the log say
[00:57:45] bllz: [R]: well not much... it just reports dvd title, serial number, and it says it can't find a map file (whatever that is)
[00:58:02] [R]: does it work if you use mplayer
[00:58:12] bllz: [R]: how would I test that/
[00:58:15] bllz: ?
[00:58:27] [R]: install mplayer and try to get it to play the dvd...
[01:00:22] bllz: [R]: this line is interesting... : 2009-12–25 19:52:29.361 AFD: Warning, video codec 0x6df1dc0 id(MPEG2VIDEO) type (Video) already ope$
[01:00:43] [R]: why is that interesting?
[01:01:05] bllz: i dunno... it just seems like it might be relevant
[01:01:08] bllz: what do you think?
[01:01:16] [R]: it syas its using mpeg2
[01:01:19] [R]: nothing shocking there
[01:01:39] bllz: yeah but it also says warning and already open... seems rather daunting lol
[01:01:51] bllz: but i don't know, which is why i thought i'd ask
[01:02:46] bllz: as far as mplayer is concerned, its already installed... what command parameters should I use to test it?
[01:03:18] [R]: if you dont know how to use a program
[01:03:23] [R]: you should read it's documentation
[01:03:49] bllz: obviously, but since you told me I should test it using mplayer I thought there might be a specific set of conditions under which I should test it
[01:03:59] bllz: [R]: i promise i'm not trying to play dumb or avoid documentation
[01:04:22] bllz: but please understand that it's very irritating to ask well-meaning questions for the purposes of informing myself and proceeding intelligently and being told to RTFM
[01:04:35] bllz: and i do appreciate the help
[01:06:24] sid3windr: [R]: if you don't know how to spell, don't ;)
[01:06:33] [R]: i can tell you a single command.. and you'll learn nothing
[01:06:33] [R]: or you can read the documentation
[01:06:33] [R]: and you'll know what you are doing
[01:06:36] sid3windr: to stay in the same line of attitude ;)
[01:06:44] [R]: sid3windr: huh?
[01:07:03] sid3windr: "you should read it is documentation" clearly isn't a correct sentence
[01:07:06] sid3windr: </nitpick>
[01:07:24] bllz: [R]: or you could just give an answer like "there are no specific parameters necessary. anythign will do" and that would be much more helpful than defaulting to a condescending RTFM
[01:07:43] [R]: bllz: except you do need paramters to tell mplayer to play advd
[01:07:51] [R]: typeing 'mplayer'
[01:07:54] [R]: isn't going to magically know what you want
[01:08:00] sid3windr: mplayer dvd:// works, as does gmplayer ;)
[01:08:47] bllz: sid3wind: thank you, and [R]: and that's all I really needed to know... that I had to specify a dvd. I can look it up from there
[01:09:00] [R]: if you had read the documentation
[01:09:04] [R]: it would have cdlearly told you how to play a dvd
[01:09:29] bllz: [R]: well I'm sorry I'm taxing your efforts...
[01:11:52] bllz: odd... mplayer not found in the logs... i could have sworn it was installed
[01:12:47] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:13:25] bllz: ah we have the same problem as before... mplayer is trying to open /dev/dvd I think...
[01:15:37] bllz: I have mplayer dvd:// -cdrom-device %d -fs -zoom -vo xv ... did I do something wrong?
[01:16:34] ctmjr: bllz: man mplayer then / then type dvd
[01:18:28] bllz: ctmjr: thanks. does the [dvd|dvdnav] mean one or the other or do I copy that verbatim?
[01:18:43] bllz: i'd imagine I pick one?
[01:18:51] ctmjr: one or the other
[01:18:56] bllz: ok thanks
[01:20:39] bllz: ctmjr: another question, do I have to have an entry for everything? the full line in the manpage is mplayer [dvd|dvdnav]://[title|[start_title]-end_title][/device] [options], but since I'm adding a line to the player settings in the frontend, can I skip the title and -end_title ?
[01:23:12] bllz: ee gads that looks horrible
[01:24:23] bllz: ok the line reads mplayer dvd:// /dev/cdrom1 -fs -zoom -vo xv
[01:24:52] bllz: the player starts fullscreen but doesn't start at the beginning and has all sorts of horrid artifacts
[01:26:14] ctmjr: yes the easiest way to get mplayer goin if you do not want to mess with cli is mplayer -gui
[01:26:21] [R]: [05:32:48] [R] and is the disc damaged?
[01:26:29] bllz: [R]: no
[01:26:34] bllz: the disk is fine
[01:26:41] [R]: well if mplayer isn't playing it...
[01:27:02] bllz: [R] The internal player was playing it, along with another one perfectly except for the stuttering issue
[01:27:13] bllz: and now with mplayer the stuttering is gone but there are artifacts
[01:27:22] bllz: pixellations and whatnot
[01:27:37] bllz: and I can't get mplayer to start the dvd properly... it starts from a special feature track or something
[01:30:01] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit ()
[01:30:59] bllz: is there any chance the issue with the internal player was a buffer problem? I suppose that might explain why the stuttering seems to disappear when I pause the video for a few seconds
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[01:33:00] bllz: or maybe my computer just has aids...
[01:41:56] purserj (purserj! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[01:42:31] antgel (antgel! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[01:53:16] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:53:32] clever: [R]: -dvd-device /dev/cdrom1 i think is what you wanted
[01:53:37] clever: [R]: along with dvd://
[01:53:57] [R]: clever: i didn't want anything
[01:54:14] bllz: clever, that was for me I beleive
[01:54:17] clever: ah
[01:54:20] bllz: *believe,even
[01:54:22] bllz: and thanks!
[01:54:37] clever: i often use -dvd-device to trick it into using .iso files
[01:54:41] ctmjr (ctmjr!n=chucky@unaffiliated/ctmjr) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:55:51] bllz: on a completely unrelated note, I have an onboard Intel 82801G (ICH7 Family) audio controller and I can't control my volume ... also, alsamixer doesn't start on the grounds that the arguments are invalid (what?!)... any idea what may be wrong?
[01:56:09] bllz: here's my error line for alsamixer, btw: alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument
[01:56:59] clever: bllz: cat /proc/asound/cards
[01:57:25] bllz: ~$ cat /proc/asound/cards
[01:57:25] bllz: 0 [Intel ]: HDA-Intel – HDA Intel
[01:57:25] bllz: HDA Intel at 0xfbffc000 irq 16
[01:57:47] clever: yeah the hda card gives alot of problems
[01:57:55] bllz: clever: yeah i've heard that =/
[01:58:13] clever: i got it on 1 laptop
[01:58:20] clever: this guide got mine working
[01:58:39] bllz: clever, I actually looked at that... does tihs apply to *all* HDA chipsets?
[01:59:11] bllz: I didn't try it yet because my rig doesn't have any of the symptoms described...
[01:59:16] clever: i think so
[01:59:27] poodyp (poodyp! has quit ()
[02:00:06] bllz: clever: okay, i'll give it a closer look. thanks a lot!
[02:00:26] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit ()
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[02:07:40] bllz: clever: I'm following that tutorial you linked.... when I open /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz, I get a bunch of random characters... do you know what's up with that/
[02:07:42] bllz: ?
[02:14:56] clever: its zipped, cat /usr/share/.... | gunzip|less
[02:21:53] bllz: clever, thanks
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[02:31:23] bllz: clever: I realize this is not an ALSA channel, but my chipset is not listed in that file... do you know of anything else I can try? or anywhere else I can look?
[02:31:47] clever: nope
[02:32:01] bllz: clever: ok well thanks for your help... I think i'm vaguely on the right track now
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[02:41:46] gizmobay: Does anyone know how recordings fanart works? It's not stored in the db like MythVideo fanart.
[02:42:37] gizmobay: I see a image in the fanart directory but it doesn't show up on the recrdings screen
[02:47:38] bllz: gizmobay: i think that's default behavior for most themes. what theme are you using?
[02:48:37] gizmobay: Mythbuntu
[02:48:51] gizmobay: some show up. Others don't
[02:49:30] bllz: gizmobay: um... in recordings? I *think* there's not supposed to be fanart, but let me check
[02:51:18] poodyp (poodyp! has quit ()
[02:52:47] gizmobay: or is it coverart?
[02:56:09] bllz: gizmobay; for recordings? neither
[02:56:19] bllz: are you referring to mythvideo?
[02:56:27] bllz: or recorded television?
[02:57:56] gizmobay: I'm referring about tv recordings.
[02:58:34] bllz: gizmobay; I'm by no means a power user, but afaik, neither fanart nor cover art should show up under recordings...
[02:58:41] bllz: but i've beed dead wrong about stuff before =)
[02:58:48] wagnerrp: no, mythtv has no specific support for fanart and banners in recordings
[02:59:03] wagnerrp: yes, some themes WILL pull images if they are available in the proper format
[02:59:09] gizmobay: I have a cron job set for for both videos and tv recordings
[02:59:15] bllz: wagnerrp: right, but he's on the mythtv theme
[02:59:23] wagnerrp: hes on the mythbuntu theme
[02:59:40] wagnerrp: which i dont know if does so off hand
[02:59:43] bllz: yes sorry. mythbuntu
[02:59:46] bllz: it doesn't
[02:59:48] gizmobay: I guess I'm trying to figure out how they pull them in
[02:59:58] gizmobay: since it's not in the db for tv
[03:00:01] wagnerrp: if the theme doesnt support it, you dont
[03:00:08] wagnerrp: there is no field for images in recordings
[03:00:15] wagnerrp: there is only the built in support for the screencap
[03:00:29] wagnerrp: themes have implemented this capacity entirely on their own
[03:00:39] wagnerrp: it has nothing to do with mythtv
[03:01:40] bllz: gizmobay; that's something I think you'd have to ask the theme develloper
[03:01:50] RDV_Linux: gizmobay: If jamu is finding coverart for your shows then it is also finding fanart and banners when they are in TVDB and TMDB. As wagnerrp suggested it may be that the theme you use does not display fanart.
[03:01:51] bllz: Is there anyway to disable automatic fill for all channels?
[03:02:38] gizmobay: I looked in the recordings-ui.xml and it has <imagetype name="fanart">
[03:03:21] RDV_Linux: gizmobay: Finding coverart and fanart once it is downloaded is done purely by the theme and matching of the show title as it appears in your EPG data.
[03:04:19] RDV_Linux: gizmobay: Which theme are you using?
[03:04:27] gizmobay: Ahh, I see. I'll change the title on the image to see if it pulls it in
[03:04:54] bllz: RDV_Linux: he's using the mythbuntu theme
[03:05:17] ctmjr (ctmjr!n=chucky@unaffiliated/ctmjr) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:05:20] RDV_Linux: gizmobay: The Mythbuntu theme supports fanart.
[03:05:36] bllz: RDV_Linux: for recorded programs?
[03:05:37] bllz: really?
[03:07:14] RDV_Linux: bllz: Well I am not as sure about the Watch Recordings screen but I think so.
[03:07:40] bllz: RDV_Linux: I'm using it right now and as far as I can tell, it's supported for mythvideo but not the watch recordings
[03:07:54] bllz: but i may be wrong
[03:08:15] RDV_Linux: bllz: I will take your word for that as I do not use that theme.
[03:10:41] gizmobay: yup changed the image name and it pulled it in
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[03:15:04] RDV_Linux: gizmobay: Jamu should be naming the images correctly, are you saying that jamu misnamed the fanart file?
[03:15:39] gizmobay: I think it renamed or pulled the wrong one
[03:16:06] gizmobay: The show was Law & Order it pulled Law & Order: Criminal Intent
[03:16:21] gizmobay: thus it didn't pull in
[03:17:46] RDV_Linux: gizmobay: You should add overrides to your jamu.conf file to try to fix those issues. Some shows like CSI hasve so many variations they cannot be fixed.
[03:19:52] gizmobay: I see. I'll have to add those to
[03:20:47] RDV_Linux: gizmobay: No to the "~/.mythtv/jamu.conf" file. See the Jamu wiki page
[03:22:42] RDV_Linux: gizmobay: Mythbuntu when installed adds a jamu,conf file to the mythtv user home directory "/home/mythtv/.mythtv/jamu.conf"
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[03:52:40] gizmobay: Is there a cache where it stores the fanart
[04:02:30] gizmobay: nevermind, I found it
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[04:26:38] k_ross: for you diskless network boot experts here... is it possible to have multiple clients share the same /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, etc. and just have seperate /home folders?
[04:27:07] [R]: k_ross: why not
[04:27:46] k_ross: in particular, i was wondering if it would be a problem when doing upgrades with apt-get upgrade, hoping there wouldn't be a problem
[04:28:08] k_ross: i guess i would need seperate /etc mount points
[04:28:41] k_ross: what about /var? should that be shared, or per-client?
[04:28:53] [R]: i have a read only root filesystem
[04:28:59] k_ross: never mind, that would have to be shared
[04:29:02] [R]: then each client mounts it and a read-write overlay ontop of it
[04:29:50] clever: k_ross: with my nfs rooted systems, i share EVERYTHING
[04:29:54] clever: including home and etc
[04:30:17] clever: for some programs, its not a problem, for others, i edited them to not mind
[04:30:23] k_ross: if you share everything, how do you specify different settings in /etc per client? such as host name, lirc settings, etc?
[04:30:36] clever: hostname is set by dhcp within the initrd
[04:30:40] clever: i deleted /etc/hostname
[04:31:01] k_ross: interesting
[04:31:08] clever: lirc settings, i have a script running at boottime, which loads config from something.$(hostname)
[04:31:19] clever: which tells the script what things it should(nt) start on that box
[04:31:53] k_ross: excellent
[04:32:01] clever: the dhcp server had to be specialy configured to send the hostname out
[04:32:17] k_ross: do you mount everything read-write like normal? or do you do as [R] suggests and mount everything read-only?
[04:32:27] clever: everything is read/write in my case
[04:32:40] clever: for the dhcp config, i have entries like this
[04:32:41] clever: host theP4 { hardware ethernet 00:05:5D:FF:F4:22; fixed-address; }
[04:33:02] k_ross: i already have a couple entries like that in my dhcpd.conf
[04:33:05] clever: somehow, the dhcp client within the initrd detects the 'theP4' in the dhcp server config, and sets its hostname automaticaly
[04:33:28] k_ross: so it shouldn't be a problem.
[04:33:41] clever: for the actual network booting, /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf
[04:33:49] k_ross: i'm on vacation for the next week, so i have a project :)
[04:33:49] clever: MODULES=netboot
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[04:33:54] clever: BOOT=nfs
[04:34:01] clever: NFSROOT=
[04:34:09] clever: and then rebuild the initrd with the scripts
[04:34:25] k_ross: i already have one netboot client
[04:34:41] clever: while an initrd isnt needed, it helps simplify things
[04:34:46] k_ross: i was just about to setup a second netboot client, and was wondering if i could share
[04:35:02] clever: some things like nfs server will get confused
[04:35:05] k_ross: and yes, i made similar changes to my initrd.conf ( i think that's what it's called)
[04:35:17] clever: for mysqld, only run the server on 1 client at once
[04:35:36] clever: for X, you might want a tmpfs on /tmp/ or atleast /tmp/.X11-unix/
[04:35:43] k_ross: i don't run mysqld on any clients, just on the server
[04:36:06] clever: when X shuts down it deletes its socket at /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
[04:36:17] clever: which then breaks :0 on every other client (if they are sharing)
[04:36:20] k_ross: ooh that would be bad
[04:36:21] bllz: Is there anyway to disable automatic fill settings for all channels?
[04:36:36] clever: the xauth cookies also get a tad tricky
[04:36:45] k_ross: bllz: there's a config option for it
[04:37:00] clever: export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority.`hostname`
[04:37:00] bllz: k_ross: where? I'll be damned if I can find it =)
[04:37:08] bllz: k_ross: is it in the frontend?
[04:37:11] clever: this line in my .bashrc will fix that up and stop sharing the cookies
[04:37:12] k_ross: yes
[04:37:53] k_ross: this will save me so much effort keeping my frontends synced
[04:37:56] bllz: k_ross: do you remember what it's called at all? I feel like I may have been looking for the worng set of words, if you see what I mean
[04:38:29] clever: k_ross: for keeping my myth versions sync'd, i just installed with --prefix set to a nfs share
[04:38:37] clever: so even if the OS drive isnt sync'd, the myth versions are
[04:38:44] k_ross: since i run debian testing, which i update fairly regularly, and i build mythtv from source, which i also update fairly regularly
[04:39:00] clever: which is where this like from my .bashrc comes in
[04:39:01] clever: export RELEASE=$(/scripts/getrelease)
[04:39:01] clever: export PATH=~/bin:/media/mainlv/root/$RELEASE/bin:$PATH
[04:39:33] clever: a script on / (which is linked with the distro/release) will tell me what distro/release i'm on (/home/ is shared between gentoo and several ubuntu's)
[04:40:00] clever: then it picks a secondary root (/media/mainlv/root/8.04/bin for ubuntu 8.04) and add's it to PATH
[04:40:20] clever: so the mythtv progs i compiled for 8.04 are shared for all 8.04 systems
[04:41:06] clever: and one of the somewhat backwards things here
[04:41:23] clever: my master backend with 2.5tb of disk space, isnt configured to boot from disk drives :P
[04:41:38] clever: it boots from the network
[04:42:01] k_ross: one of my frontends is also a slave backend, which i'm hoping to netboot
[04:42:23] clever: another thing i'm amazed has gone so well without any problems
[04:42:42] clever: i have everything from a P2 400mhz to a core2duo 1.8ghz sharing the same root over nfs
[04:43:00] k_ross: but i'm hoping to move the tuners on the slave backend to the master backend
[04:43:05] clever: the only problem i had in that area is when i installed VDPAU
[04:43:15] clever: the VDPAU libs demand sse on the CPU
[04:43:29] clever: mythbackend loads the VDPAU libs (but never even uses them)
[04:43:37] clever: the master backend doesnt have sse
[04:43:50] clever: so the libs exit(-1) right away and complain
[04:44:27] k_ross: right, i have two builds, one with vdpau enabled, and one without, for the backend and frontend. it would be nice if i could just have one build
[04:44:36] clever: you can get away with one also
[04:44:41] clever: LD_PRELOAD will help
[04:45:02] clever: basicaly, you find out what lib's are the problem, and rename them to something ending with .vdpau
[04:45:06] clever: and put the originals back
[04:45:20] clever: and then use LD_PRELOAD to force the .vdpau versions to load, when you need them
[04:45:28] k_ross: i tried it once, but it didn't work. it's probably because i didn't install any of the nvidia stuff on the backend, which doesn't have any nvidia hardware
[04:45:54] k_ross: ah gotcha
[04:46:24] clever: you could get away with making it use the non-vdpau libs for everything except mythfrontend and mplayer
[04:47:04] clever: or just set LD_PRELOAD in the script that sets up the X session so everything under X (for that host) has it
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[04:47:15] clever: 'man'
[04:48:53] k_ross: bllz: setup->tv settings->playback, page 2, "zoom"
[04:49:18] bllz: k_ross: zoom = fill? really? that explains why I didn't see it
[04:49:19] bllz: thank you!
[04:49:47] clever: k_ross: there are 3 basic types of linking
[04:50:16] clever: the 1st is by filename alone like
[04:50:37] clever: that lets the system find it somewhere and just work
[04:50:52] clever: the 2nd is by a full path (which must exist on every box it is expected to run on ) like /lib/
[04:51:07] clever: and the 3rd is staticly linking, where the lib is copied into the program at compile time
[04:51:35] clever: almost always, /lib/ will be linked by the full path, and then that lib will handle finding everything else
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[04:51:50] k_ross: hmm, i didn't know you could specify full path for libs. i thought it always searched the ld config path
[04:51:53] clever: /lib/ then manages /etc/
[04:52:11] clever: yeah, you usualy leave it up to to do that for you
[04:52:18] k_ross: but then again, i'm a windows software developer, not linux :P
[04:52:21] clever: but if you muck with the compile options you can bypass it
[04:52:59] clever: ive read the LFS book, which basicaly explains how to compile an entire linux system by hand
[04:53:05] clever: with nothing but 200 .tar files and a shell
[04:53:31] k_ross: because you never knwo when you're going to have to ! ;)
[04:53:41] clever: one of the tricky parts, is building half a working system, but editing the paths in every install to use /tools/ instead of /
[04:53:57] clever: so EVERYTHING is now based on /tools/
[04:54:33] clever: that lets you transplant the entire directory to a fresh fs (under chroot) without having to overwrite parts of the host os
[04:55:28] clever: something else ive done recently, is booting from ram
[04:56:03] clever: basicaly, the initrd will use a tmpfs as /, and unpack a .tar file to make it useable
[04:56:39] k_ross: that reminds me of the good ol' days of programming the commodore 64, copying the rom chips to ram and making modifications
[04:56:52] clever: yeah, thats similar:)
[04:57:00] clever: one of the few problems ive got left to solve
[04:57:16] clever: the init scripts are still insisting that they fsck the disk drive on bootup :P
[04:57:22] clever: and if its not there, it demands i reboot
[04:57:29] clever: if its not there, i CANT boot:P
[04:57:45] clever: so i have to keep the disk there until its fully done booting
[04:58:20] k_ross: you can't modify the script?
[04:58:32] clever: i havent gotten around to tracking down which script i need to edit
[04:58:55] k_ross: is this an init script under /etc/init.d?
[04:59:10] clever: yeah
[04:59:25] clever: but the gentoo system is a little weird
[04:59:31] clever: it doesnt use /etc/rcX.d
[04:59:39] k_ross: well if you don't want to track it down, couldn't you replace fsck with a dummy shell script that returns 0?
[04:59:46] clever: so i'm having trouble figuring out what things run at what run-level
[04:59:59] clever: i could do something even better
[05:00:31] clever: replace it with a dummy that runs ps -eH x
[05:00:31] clever: then i have the full process tree
[05:00:31] clever: telling me who started what
[05:00:32] wagnerrp: clever: rc-update will tell you what runs when
[05:00:40] wagnerrp: alternatively, you can just look in /etc/runlevels/
[05:00:56] clever: wagnerrp: yeah, i had deleted checkfs from there
[05:01:06] clever: then it spewed warnings saying checkfs was major and it was putting it back :P
[05:02:04] clever: like the initrd, some of those scripts are to large to make sense of
[05:02:20] clever: i just threw out the whole /init script from the rd and made mine from scratch
[05:02:45] wagnerrp: i know kormoc has been using the init-ng stuff for years
[05:02:50] wagnerrp: he says he likes it better
[05:03:36] clever: the whole idea in /etc/rcX.d/ is a little old
[05:03:43] k_ross: does init-ng do dependency-based booting?
[05:03:47] clever: all the services are numbered and run one at a time in order
[05:03:55] clever: dependency-based stuff is alot better in design
[05:04:33] clever: gentoo has an option to do it in parallel, but i havent gotten it to work 100% yet
[05:04:46] k_ross: yeah i hate that it's so serialized. one slow to boot service hangs up the boot process for many seconds
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[05:05:07] clever: having / on solid state helps
[05:05:13] clever: my usb stick boots in ~30 seconds
[05:05:28] clever: even faster (not counting the tar extraction) when its from ram
[05:05:44] k_ross: one of my frontends is on an SSD, but i'm hoping to convert it to netboot
[05:06:13] k_ross: and reclaim the SSD for other uses
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[05:08:28] wagnerrp: clever: you have multiple clients running X from the same home directory?
[05:08:34] clever: wagnerrp: yes
[05:09:00] wagnerrp: how do you get around overwriting .Xauthority
[05:09:09] clever: export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority.`hostname`
[05:09:14] clever: i tell it to use a different file
[05:09:30] wagnerrp: yeah, tried various different options, never seemed to make any difference
[05:09:39] wagnerrp: although i havent touched that in years
[05:09:41] clever: you have to run it before X also
[05:09:44] wagnerrp: not sure if i did that specifically
[05:09:51] wagnerrp: right... did that before 'startx'
[05:09:53] clever: or X itself may use the normal file and then nothing works
[05:10:16] clever: the only problems ive had with it is xdm
[05:10:31] clever: xdm itself isnt using that, so any xterm i start inside there is 'broke' by using the 'wrong' file
[05:10:40] [R]: so my HDPVR works on some channels and not on others... isn't that the weirdest thing?
[05:11:43] k_ross: [R]: different resolutions?
[05:12:02] wagnerrp: resolution changing mid-recording is supposed to work now
[05:12:18] [R]: no, its locked onto 720
[05:12:31] k_ross: SD channels too?
[05:12:41] [R]: well the only channels i've noticed it not working on were hd
[05:12:46] [R]: but like i can watch mtv hd
[05:12:48] [R]: but not discovery hd
[05:13:01] [R]: and sometimes it'll fail within the first minute... sometimes it takes 5 minutes
[05:13:22] wagnerrp: so it will record a bit of video, and then fail?
[05:13:35] [R]: yeah
[05:13:40] wagnerrp: funky
[05:13:53] [R]: i was wondering what would happen if i lower the bitrate
[05:13:57] [R]: i bumped them all up to max
[05:15:16] [R]: everything was woraking fine
[05:15:21] [R]: until i started screwing around with the hardware
[05:16:34] k_ross: i remember a few weeks ago a long thread on the users list about getting errors the the HD-PVR
[05:16:47] k_ross: here it is:
[05:17:20] [R]: yeah, i saw taht one
[05:17:22] [R]: tahts exactly what i'm seeing
[05:17:55] k_ross: unfortunately i don't think there was a resolution in that thread
[05:18:17] [R]: yeah, they just stopped talking about it
[05:18:24] [R]: i'm half tempted to switch my motherbaord back to the old one
[05:18:30] [R]: but it'd be such a pain
[05:18:34] k_ross: i could tell you my 2 HD-PVR's work fine, but that doesn't help you :)
[05:18:55] [R]: mine was working flawlessly for like 2 weeks
[05:19:15] k_ross: change anything besides the bitrate? add new cards? change USB ports?
[05:19:24] [R]: got a new cable box
[05:19:26] [R]: got a new motherboard
[05:19:40] k_ross: other than that, nothing new?  :P
[05:20:00] metalac (metalac! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:20:05] [R]: and i switched to firewire instead of blasting for channel changing
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[05:20:27] metalac: anyone knows why i get a small stutter at every half hour during live tv?
[05:20:45] k_ross: i think that's normal
[05:20:51] metalac: this has been happening with 0.20 trough 0.22 and I never figured it out, just lived with it
[05:20:59] wagnerrp: metalac: mythtv switching to a new file when the program changes
[05:21:13] metalac: wagnerrp: ahhhh, that makes sense
[05:21:14] [R]: one thing that really stood out was i switched to using the hdpvr provided by the kernel vs one i compiled... so i switched back to the one i compiled... but that dind't help
[05:21:20] wagnerrp: thats when livetv changed from the ringbuffer to just a standard recording
[05:21:41] k_ross: [R]: i'm using stock Debian kernel, 2.6.30
[05:22:14] metalac: oh and anyone using hd-pvr around here?
[05:22:46] k_ross: [R]: you could probably try out the old motherboard without too much hassle. put the motherboard on a piece of cardboard, plug the power supply from the new rig into the board, plug in the monitor and HD-PVR, and power it up
[05:22:57] ** wagnerrp points at [R] **
[05:23:05] clever: [R]: ive just upgraded to an HD STB recently and can change channels with firewire
[05:23:13] clever: but it seems like i cant record a single channel via firewire
[05:23:18] clever: not even the tv guide :P
[05:23:25] [R]: k_ross: yeah... i got a new case so the old one is in a case still and everyhting... but i've got all my wires arranged perfectly in my closet... and now i'm gonna have to ruin that
[05:23:37] k_ross: i change channels with FW, but haven't tried capturing via FW
[05:23:44] [R]: clever: the guide isn't a channel
[05:23:58] clever: [R]: yes it is, channel 5 i think, its even on analog cable
[05:23:59] [R]: i tried doing capture... it dindt owrk... i gave up
[05:24:00] [R]: no point really
[05:24:01] metalac: k_ross: can you change chanells via firewire and then record via hd-pvr?
[05:24:06] [R]: clever: oh... you mean the tv guide channel
[05:24:10] clever: yep
[05:24:11] k_ross: metalac: yes
[05:24:14] [R]: clever: most of the time, yo ucan only record the locals in hd over firewire
[05:24:16] wagnerrp: metalac: those are two completely independent things
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[05:24:31] metalac: k_ross: anything special you need to do?
[05:24:31] clever: and its signal seems to suck, half the HD channels arent even working when using it properly
[05:24:40] wagnerrp: [R]: no, in the US, there is no guarantee that any channels will be available over firewire
[05:24:48] clever: [R]: cant find the local rogers channel in HD
[05:24:52] wagnerrp: in canada, there is no guarantee that firewire will even work/exist
[05:24:54] [R]: wagnerrp: yeah, i guess that is a better statement to make
[05:25:01] k_ross: wagnerrp: well you're _supposed_ to be able to get locals at least
[05:25:06] metalac: k_ross: currently i capture via firewire but would like to get hd-pvr and use it for all the mc5 encryted stuff
[05:25:08] [R]: clever: ?
[05:25:11] wagnerrp: k_ross: no, not at all
[05:25:36] clever: [R]: the local channels for the area
[05:25:37] [R]: wagnerrp: i thought "must carry" was "supposed" to be avaible unencrypted via firewire
[05:25:38] wagnerrp: k_ross: you are supposed to get the 'must carry' channels over clear qam, you are supposed to be able to get a firewire enabled box upon request
[05:25:51] wagnerrp: there is nothing saying what channels can and cannot be encrypted using firewire
[05:26:05] [R]: really
[05:26:07] k_ross: metalac: just need to use a channel changer program that changes the channels with firewire. there's the 6200ch program in the contrib directory of mythtv
[05:26:07] [R]: stupid FCC
[05:26:14] clever: wagnerrp: i'm getting a range of 480i channels in clear qam, with just the bare HDTV by itself
[05:26:24] clever: but the STB cant even tune those:P
[05:26:28] wagnerrp: with the assumption that you will have purchased a firewire device by a paid member that is capable of decrypting firewire content
[05:26:31] metalac: k_ross: yeah i saw that one, that sounds like a good deal then, thanks
[05:26:47] clever: there are channnels only the TV can get, and channels only the STB can get
[05:27:03] k_ross: metalac: the 6200ch program works with certain boxes, not every box out there. what cable box do you have?
[05:27:22] [R]: what is the "intent" of the firewire output
[05:27:31] clever: k_ross: i had a minor problem with that prog, it punched in 3 digits but my box would wait for a 4th
[05:27:43] k_ross: clever: i modified it to use 4 digits
[05:27:45] wagnerrp: [R]: that you can hook up other devices to the STB, and use the STB effectively as a CAM
[05:27:47] clever: k_ross: same
[05:27:49] metalac: k_ross: motorola 6200, i'm assuming since my current setup with firewire capture works and changes channel properly, than that should script should work a swell
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[05:28:02] [R]: wagnerrp: what kind of other devices
[05:28:15] wagnerrp: and any device authorized to perform the 5c handshake and decryption can access your channels in full
[05:28:38] clever: wagnerrp: is there a way to even detect the 5c status over firewire?
[05:28:47] wagnerrp: apparently there are TVs that can connect over firewire
[05:28:48] [R]: clever: if you get nothing on the channel.. its encrypted
[05:29:13] npm (npm! has quit ("Leaving.")
[05:29:28] clever: [R]: so i just have to try tunning each and every one of the 200+ channels?
[05:29:29] metalac: clever: no way to tell, at least i haven't been able to figure out in the last 2 years i've used firewire
[05:29:38] [R]: clever: there is this program i found
[05:29:42] [R]: lemme see if i can remmber the name
[05:29:55] [R]: scanfw
[05:30:02] [R]: its supposed to figure out whats encrypted and not encrypted
[05:30:04] [R]: (i think)
[05:30:08] clever: there is a mpeg2-test program, my best guess is to run that and then randomly tune channels until it works
[05:30:23] [R]: although scanfw requires you know 1 channel taht works
[05:30:29] clever: ah
[05:30:35] clever: ive not even found that
[05:31:08] clever: do i have to restart mpeg2-test after tunning a valid channel?
[05:31:29] clever: or can i leave it running and things will come to life when 5c goes away
[05:32:34] npm (npm! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:33:13] clever: what about that DMA ive heard about over firewire, where you can read any part of the ram without asking for permision?
[05:33:20] clever: does it do anything on a 6200 box?
[05:35:19] And4713 (And4713! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:35:32] clever: [R]: can firewire ever capture analog channels that the 6200 is tunned to?
[05:36:05] metalac: clever: there are analog channels on the 6200? i thought they're all digital now
[05:36:50] [R]: clever: i think its only digital
[05:36:51] clever: metalac: thats half the problem, raw analog channels that work perfectly fine on normal tv are horidly broken up or even 'off air' thru the STB :P
[05:37:08] clever: on ocasion, it even claims i need to pay for those channels
[05:37:12] [R]: clever: your cable company might be simulcasting the analogs on digital
[05:37:16] clever: yeah
[05:37:24] [R]: sounds like you should call up and complain
[05:37:26] [R]: if your STB doesn't work
[05:37:30] [R]: and/or you aren't getting what you pay for
[05:37:38] clever: we are still on the 6 month free trial
[05:37:47] [R]: you get a free trial?
[05:37:50] metalac: yeah that's weird, mine has been working pretty good
[05:37:58] wagnerrp: long trial
[05:38:00] clever: seems like it
[05:38:17] clever: ive gone into the diag, and its completely loosing the signal on half the HD channels
[05:38:22] clever: for several minutes at a time
[05:38:31] [R]: is there a keybinding to do metadata grabbing in mythvideo? 'w' only seems to do the current file... i want like all the files in the dir
[05:38:39] [R]: or do i need to use jamu?
[05:38:43] wagnerrp: just the current file
[05:38:53] wagnerrp: if you want bulk, you have to do jamu in interactive mode
[05:39:04] ** [R] opens the jamu wiki page **
[05:39:10] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:40:18] clever: wagnerrp: does it make sense that i have a pile of clear QAM channels that the STB cant tune?
[05:40:38] wagnerrp: if theyre 480i, sure
[05:40:48] wagnerrp: comcast does the same thing now with DTAs
[05:40:51] clever: i cant even find HD versions of those channels on the STB
[05:41:00] wagnerrp: then no
[05:41:24] clever: at times, it feels like 93.8 is one of the 'on demand' feeds
[05:41:34] wagnerrp: very possible
[05:41:37] clever: like they are leaking the pay per view channels out
[05:41:52] [R]: clever: does silicondust have any information on your qam channels?
[05:41:56] wagnerrp: very possible
[05:41:58] [R]: is that only US or US and canada?
[05:41:59] clever: [R]: havent checked
[05:42:10] clever: reminds me of a story i read about a hotel where the dude hooked a usb capture card to the cable
[05:42:14] clever: and got ALL of the pay channels
[05:42:15] wagnerrp: last time i did an exhaustive scan, with screen caps
[05:42:24] clever: the box on the tv simply blocked tunning them until you pay
[05:42:36] wagnerrp: i got a couple channels with screen shots that i could only explain as PPV channels
[05:43:06] clever: 93.8 doesnt have any comercials, almost always movies, and is often off air (like nothing is scheduled for now)
[05:43:15] wagnerrp: dont know why the cableco cant issue a one-time key for each VOD instance
[05:43:43] [R]: theres lots of things they do that doesn't make sense
[05:43:47] clever: ive seen evidence that the 6200 is capable of being a full blown web browser in the diag's
[05:43:58] clever: i have a feeling the cableco is only using 10% of its features
[05:44:43] clever: for example, the a/v inputs on the older SD version where never enabled
[05:44:58] clever: this new one has USB and a/v, but ive yet to see if they are actualy good for anything
[05:45:55] clever: and all of the pay per view channels simply say to call them up
[05:46:03] clever: no button to push for instant viewing
[05:46:25] clever: its like the box never even sends signals back to the cableco
[05:47:23] [R]: the a/v inputs on my box i had a button i could push to switch to it
[05:47:28] [R]: the usb is for plugging in a usb keyboard
[05:47:46] clever: and what good does a usb keyboard do?
[05:48:28] clever: 'Disconnect power from the DCT* before connecting or changing
[05:48:29] clever: cable connections.
[05:48:29] clever: '
[05:48:31] [R]: i've never actually tried it
[05:48:33] [R]: so i don't know
[05:48:37] [R]: i would assume you can change channels with it
[05:48:39] metalac (metalac! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:48:47] clever: there is a very good reason for this, the whole bloody cable box is electricaly HOT when running
[05:48:52] [R]: someone on the ml was asking about that
[05:48:56] clever: if you grab the coax and STB at once, you get a zap
[05:49:08] clever: that doesnt sound very safe
[05:49:10] [R]: but you need a usb slave to plug into it... not a host (which is what a PC is)
[05:49:45] clever: ive glanced over usb slave drivers in a few places
[05:49:56] clever: the treo 650 will act as a usb slave when you run certain app's
[05:50:10] clever: and when those arent active, the cord is dead, like there isnt even a device attached
[05:50:22] clever: the device it emulates changes depending on what app your in
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[05:53:20] den0ts_ (den0ts_! has quit ("BitchX-1.1-final -- just do it.")
[05:56:19] clever: so far the 6200 manuals ive seen are useless
[05:56:25] clever: they dont even mention the diag screen
[06:08:52] clever: [R]: does the ethernet port on the 6200 do anything?
[06:09:21] [R]: probably not
[06:09:30] [R]: 'reserved for future use' probably
[06:09:30] [R]: haha
[06:10:51] [R]: renaming files with ! in them is pissing me off
[06:11:00] [R]: i had it working with using singel quotes
[06:11:02] [R]: but now its not working
[06:11:12] clever: i just use tab complete
[06:11:26] clever: almost always works, aslong as i can type the first few characters
[06:12:18] [R]: the destination has a !
[06:13:41] clever: . . . 902007036731
[06:13:52] clever: over here, the dude found his 6200 on
[06:14:08] clever: yay, now it will screw up half the LAN's out there, the instant you plug it in
[06:14:14] clever: ip colisions!
[06:14:41] [R]: that's pretty cool
[06:15:00] jarle (jarle! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:15:20] clever: there are also mentions that it internaly has a cable modem
[06:15:32] clever: so if the software was there, you could use the port to get on the internet
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[07:04:40] [R]: am i missing somethign
[07:04:47] [R]: i can't seem to find where the recording profile SETTINGS are in the database
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[07:09:49] clever: [R]: there own table
[07:09:55] clever: ive looked at it before
[07:10:09] [R]: yeah, i found the recordingprofiles table
[07:10:28] [R]: but i can't find where the actual settings are
[07:10:50] clever: its a chain of many tables
[07:12:24] [R]: ok i think i found it
[07:12:26] [R]: codecparams
[07:12:54] clever: [R]: codecparams
[07:12:56] clever: yeah
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[08:03:08] sphery: someone really out to make a GUI for editing the recording profiles so people don't have to figure out how the DB data is structured
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[08:07:27] wagnerrp: being facetious again?
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[08:16:48] sphery: heh, yeah
[08:19:27] wagnerrp: well after looking through the mythweather coded, i ended up finding this nice (not very) little README describing exactly how to write grabber scripts
[08:19:29] wagnerrp: who knew
[08:23:15] sphery: wow... I didn't know that was there.
[08:27:55] clever: sphery: there was one, atleast in the version of trunk i have
[08:28:32] [R]: my livetv used to start on my input #1... now it starts on input #2... where is that stored?
[08:32:57] [R]: i love the interactive mode on the remote control in mythweb
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[09:06:38] [R]: ARG @#$#@$#@$
[09:06:43] [R]: where the hell does myth store the last used input
[09:07:22] wagnerrp: nowhere
[09:07:50] [R]: then why is it picking input #3 all of a sudden
[09:07:55] [R]: when it used to always start with 1?
[09:08:25] wagnerrp: the other inputs are in use?
[09:08:30] [R]: they are all idle
[09:09:55] wagnerrp: you switched to 'avoid conflicts with livetv'
[09:11:18] [R]: yes... i did
[09:11:20] [R]: lol
[09:11:34] [R]: what does that do?
[09:12:03] clever: livetv wont pick a tuner that myth plans to record on soon-ish
[09:12:05] araldit (araldit! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[09:12:09] wagnerrp: tell mythtv to use the last tuner for livetv
[09:12:12] wagnerrp: instead of the first
[09:12:16] [R]: ah, makes sense
[09:12:44] [R]: ah... much better
[09:13:52] [R]: still no clue about my hdpvr... its working on nick hd, but not spike hd
[09:14:05] [R]: although whats on nick hd right now is just 480 crap... maybe thats relatede
[09:15:51] univate_ (univate_! has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
[09:15:54] [R]: wtf... that stupid new family guy special is STILL 4:3
[09:15:59] ** [R] stranges seth mcfarlane **
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[09:21:42] [R]: wagnerrp: is it possible i have bad performance on some of my usb ports?
[09:25:05] clever: [R]: you might have a mix of 1.0 and 2.0 ports
[09:25:24] [R]: well i used lsusb -t
[09:25:33] [R]: and it looked like it was plugged into the 2.0 host controller
[09:25:45] [R]: but my hdpvr seems like its more stable now
[09:25:51] [R]: this is the 3rd port i've tried
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[09:44:45] dubstar_04: should mythtv play arccos protected dvds?
[09:46:55] [R]: dubstar_04: does it work with mplayer?
[09:47:31] dubstar_04: I cant get it to play in anything at the moment (except my mac)
[09:48:39] [R]: well then i guess you have your answer
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[10:08:59] waxhead_: hey everyone.. quick question... I upgraded myth, restored the DB etc, now myth is recording shows, but the files can't be found.. what have I missed?
[10:13:17] oobe: you restored a backup of an old db after upgrading to .22?
[10:13:33] oobe: that would probably break things
[10:13:48] waxhead_: oobe, really?
[10:14:11] waxhead_: the script doesn't make it that clear
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[10:14:31] waxhead_: the db upgraded fine...
[10:14:34] oobe: well if you had .21 backed up the database then installed .22 which upgrades the datebase schema then restored the .21 database
[10:14:40] oobe: then yes it would break things
[10:14:56] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:15:06] waxhead_: oobe, no, it was a complete upgrade, I upgraded mythbuntu to 9.10
[10:15:33] waxhead_: restored .21 db though
[10:15:35] oobe: ok and you didnt restore a backup
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[10:15:51] oobe: then yes that is your problem
[10:16:14] oobe: but starting mythfrontend should prompt you to upgrade the database schema i think
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[10:16:33] waxhead_: yeah, starting the front end asked me to upgrade the schema
[10:16:38] waxhead_: which it did...
[10:16:44] waxhead_: I've setup the storage groups...
[10:16:52] waxhead_: oo... I wonder if I've missed a config then...
[10:17:31] waxhead_: I'm sure I have.. the shows get 'recorded', but clearly the files aren't going into the right place...
[10:19:04] fhobia (fhobia! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[10:20:06] oobe: the there is most likely a problem with storage groups
[10:20:33] waxhead_: like the path stored in the db isn't the right one...
[10:20:39] waxhead_: how can I query that?
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[10:28:07] waxhead_: cool.. fixed the table up.. that I hope will do it...
[10:30:11] clever: SG paths are set in mythtv-setup
[10:30:59] waxhead_: clever, yeah, I did that, but my recordings weren't going tot he right path.. I checked the table and it had two references to Default and one was just plain wrong...
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[10:33:10] clever: it keeps a set of SG paths for each host
[10:33:47] clever: if the ones for the current host are missing, it gets the default ones with the host of '', which i think are set by the master
[10:35:18] waxhead_: 1 | Default | OLDHOSTNAME | /var/lib/mythtv/recordings
[10:35:25] waxhead_: that's not so good...
[10:36:45] clever: one of the tests it does, is to see if the directory itself exists
[10:37:02] clever: ive found that its not a good idea to make the SG path a mount point
[10:37:25] clever: for example, when i umount /media/redhat/ it still exists, and tries to record to it, so its better to use /media/redhat/recordings/
[10:38:43] waxhead_: the mount point is for the addtional hard drives.. they get mounted at boot time
[10:42:10] clever: yeah, but if for whatever reason it fails to boot later on, it helps with myth detects the problem and uses a diff dir
[10:43:00] clever: mount*
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[12:52:10] ahughes: hey, is there a playtv driver for myth yet?
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[13:19:45] Elwell: hey gang, anyone here using minimyth?
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[13:47:03] antgel: quite often, when pressing i for programme information, the description runs off the dialog. is there any way to see the "extra" text? we're not especially keen to reduce the font size but will if that's the only way
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[14:00:57] MartinJT: anyone know how to start a command (e.g. from a terminal, but not have it always running in that terminal (i.e. detach it)
[14:01:54] sid3windr: screen?
[14:01:55] sid3windr: nohup?
[14:02:01] sid3windr: dtach?
[14:02:54] MartinJT: i'm using screen at the moment... just wondering how to "properly" detach it...
[14:03:12] sid3windr: properly?
[14:03:17] MartinJT: i.e. in the same way as it's done when running through X
[14:03:56] sid3windr: uhh
[14:04:05] sid3windr: I don't understand what X has to do with detaching stuff =/
[14:04:37] MartinJT: when I run the mythfrontend from the menu in X... there is no terminal window...
[14:05:10] MartinJT: when I run it from SSH using display=:0.0 it's running and I have to switch it to a screen...
[14:05:17] sid3windr: uhuh
[14:05:24] sid3windr: there is no detaching being done
[14:05:28] sid3windr: there simply is no terminal window then :)
[14:05:49] AndyCap: MartinJT: ssh in. run it in screen, detach screen. (ctrl-a d)
[14:06:13] AndyCap: MartinJT: why are you not starting it automatically?
[14:06:14] MartinJT: <MartinJT> i'm using screen at the moment... just wondering how to "properly" detach it...
[14:06:45] MartinJT: i am... it's just falling over... and I don't want to vnc in to start it again...
[14:14:24] clever: what ive done, is i edited the X startup script
[14:16:04] clever: .xsession or .xinitrc in $HOME
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[15:32:25] _abbenormal: hello mkrufky
[15:32:36] mkrufky: hi. _abbenormal
[15:32:53] _abbenormal: hope you and your family have had a good Christmas so far have a safe new year
[15:33:06] mkrufky: thank you very much... merry xmas to you, too :-)
[15:33:50] _abbenormal: you get much of that snow over there
[15:34:05] mkrufky: tons... its all still here from last weekend
[15:34:35] _abbenormal: were glad everyone needs a white christmas once in awhile lol
[15:35:31] mkrufky: heh.. im not sure if this counted as a white xmas in nyc... ... kind of
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[15:36:06] _abbenormal: we had some snow but the heat wave took a bunch but were going to get slammed later today or tomorrow
[15:36:08] _abbenormal: lol
[15:36:53] mkrufky: where r u again?
[15:37:04] _abbenormal: michigan
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[15:37:29] _abbenormal: half way between detroit and chicago
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[15:38:34] mkrufky: ah, ok
[15:39:01] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[15:39:02] _abbenormal: use to be called winter wonderland
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[15:40:23] _abbenormal: anyway ill let ya back at it just wanted to say hi and wish you and the family a happy hoho
[15:41:36] mkrufky: thanks again.... same to you and your family :-)
[15:42:09] mkrufky: i finally upgraded my personal mythtv network to 0.22
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[16:29:33] AndyCap: MartinJT: did you figure it out?
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[16:49:31] syamajala: got a pinnacle pctv hd pro trying to setup the atsc tuner, i have analog working in myth
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[17:16:43] ianh99: Hiisty, I have a problem with DVB-S channel scan not populating the default_authority field. Can anyone help ?
[17:18:03] ianh99: It seems to be causing a problem with duplicate program detection because the programid field is blank from the EIT data
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[17:34:12] syamajala: so i kinda have it working
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[17:39:43] syamajala: i get about 7 channels
[17:39:44] syamajala: ota
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[17:55:48] eFfeM: hi, i'm looking for a pointer what to put in php.ini for mythweb (using php-cgi and lighttpd)
[17:55:57] eFfeM: when I access mythweb.php I get the error on
[17:56:07] eFfeM: figured this is most likely due to php.ini being wrong, but i am a n00b in that area
[17:59:20] jblack: Does steve use a bug tracker?
[17:59:43] jblack: found it
[18:05:29] ctmjr (ctmjr!n=chucky@unaffiliated/ctmjr) has quit ("Leaving")
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[18:11:07] sphery: ianh99: You can apply the patches you mentioned (though if they mess with the DB, you shouldn't) or just upgrade to trunk.
[18:11:34] sphery: ianh99: or you can post-process the XMLTV data to include the default authority
[18:12:49] sphery: ianh99: also, you'll need to do a full channel scan--if you just kept your previously-scanned channel info, it won't work (try that first)
[18:13:22] sphery: though I think only DVB-T was fixed in -fixes
[18:16:09] sphery: eFfeM: that looks like a problem with your mythweb.conf, not a problem with your php.ini
[18:17:25] ianh99: sphery, I applied the patches and deleted all cards and sources – but no luck
[18:17:42] ianh99: It worked fine in 0.21 so it must be some form of regression
[18:18:24] ianh99: sphery, Where can I find a list of default_authorities to populate channels
[18:34:59] syamajala: hmm
[18:37:56] syamajala: i'm having trouble with firewire
[18:39:38] eFfeM: sphery: thanks will look intot hat one
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[18:48:18] sphery: ianh99: actually in 0.21-fixes, it put nothing in for default_authority, so it's not a regression, but an unfinished implementation of a new feature
[18:50:35] sphery: ianh99: your best bet is to have a script that post-processes the XMLTV data before calling mythfilldatabase. You can use /any/ value for default_authority--the only purpose of the value is to distinguish between different listings "authorities" (i.e. so we know whether a programid from RT is expected to be the same as the programid from EIT--and it's not, so those would need different default_authorities)
[18:50:41] ianh99: sphery, Oh OK – But how come I had programid's in most (all?) channels. Since upgrading to 0.22 duplicate detection is very poor compared to 0.21
[18:51:48] ianh99: I see – I only use EIT data for listings, so could I just populate all channels with any value ?
[18:52:43] sphery: if all your listings come from the same source, the default authority just needs to be the same for everything
[18:52:54] sphery: (and empty is fine)
[18:53:22] ianh99: It is empty at the moment but I get no programids
[18:54:34] sphery: no programid's isn't bad
[18:55:00] sphery: it just means it will use title, subtitle, and/or description (i.e. what you select for the duplicate matching policy) to do dup matching
[18:55:18] sphery: if it has programid's, it uses programid's--and completely ignores subtitle and description in matching
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[18:57:37] eFfeM: sphery: found the problem in mythweb.conf, fixed that, now stuck at error 403, seems I still need to do something with authentication (commented that out for now)
[18:57:44] eFfeM: but that did not help
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[18:58:55] sphery: eFfeM: yeah, 403 is auth, so you'll need to fix that
[18:58:59] eFfeM: anyway making progress
[18:59:03] eFfeM: so thanks for your help
[18:59:14] sphery: remember to restart browser between major changes
[18:59:33] sphery: (makes it easier knowing that the browser isn't doing something behind your back)
[19:00:38] sphery: ianh99: BTW, IMHO, the auto-generated programid's used for EIT and XMLTV sources that don't report a programid should never be used. They cause more problems than benefits. So not having programid's is not a bad thing.
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[19:06:09] gbee: yeah, duplicate detection based on title/subtitle or description work very well in the UK etc
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[19:24:17] ianh99: I've been using dup detection as subtitle then description as a work-around for two weeks and as gbee says it does work OK
[19:25:24] ianh99: However, the default is subtitle AND description. Is there a way to change the default to sub THEN desc ?
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[19:35:20] syamajala: switching to broadcast from p2p seems to have fixed my problems
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[19:36:16] levander: By default, when you install mythtv, how does myth make sure mythfilldatabase is run daily?
[19:36:31] levander: I've got a problem where mythfilldatabase doesn't seem to be running to fill up the guide data.
[19:36:31] wagnerrp: levander: you dont worry about it
[19:36:44] wagnerrp: schedulesdirect will tell mythtv when to run mythfilldatabase next
[19:36:52] levander: wagnerrp: If there's a problem, why shouldn't I worry about it?
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[19:37:15] wagnerrp: you dont wrry about the timing, that gets taken care of automatically
[19:37:28] levander: wagnerrp: But, the automatic timing isn't working.
[19:37:31] wagnerrp: if youre using schedulesdirect (which you should be)
[19:37:33] wagnerrp: MFD is running
[19:37:36] wagnerrp: but is failing
[19:37:50] ctmjr (ctmjr!n=chucky@unaffiliated/ctmjr) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:37:53] wagnerrp: check your backend logs to try to find where it is failing
[19:37:53] levander: Does MFD log to mythbackend?
[19:38:01] wagnerrp: MFD logs to stdout
[19:38:11] wagnerrp: if it gets run by mythbackend, and mythbackend is set to log to a file
[19:38:14] wagnerrp: it will log to a file
[19:38:35] wagnerrp: alternatively, run MFD manually now, and see what the problem is
[19:38:48] levander: Neither "MFD" nor "mythfilldatabase" show up in mythbackend.log
[19:38:52] wagnerrp: has MFD filled guide data before?
[19:39:05] dserban_ (dserban_! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[19:39:26] wagnerrp: have you recently set up mythtv, scanned digital, and havent set you XMLTV IDs?
[19:39:33] levander: wagnerrp: Yes, it's happened before, but often (not all the time) after a couple of weeks, there's no more guid data.
[19:40:13] levander: wagnerrp: I used scte65scan to scan digital. I'm under the impression if you use scte65scan, the XMLTV IDs get set automatically somehow?
[19:40:31] wagnerrp: dont know much about scte65scan
[19:40:44] wagnerrp: and it doesnt exactly scan digital
[19:40:54] wagnerrp: it just pulls the in-band lineup broadcast by your cableco
[19:41:00] levander: Yeah.
[19:41:01] wagnerrp: such that you dont have to scan
[19:42:09] levander: wagnerrp: Did you say that mfd (mythfilldatabase) is supposed to be running as a daemon? There's no mfd or mythfilldatabse running on my system right now.
[19:42:35] levander: What daemon kicks off mythfilldatabase? Is it the mythbackend daemon? Cron?
[19:44:27] wagnerrp: mythbackend kicks off MFD, when recommended to by SD
[19:44:54] wagnerrp: you only run MFD manually if youre using an XMLTV scraper
[19:45:51] levander: no, i'm using schedules direct
[19:47:08] levander: When I run mythfilldabase from the command line, it works fine. So, I assume mfd is set up fine. With the SD user name and password and everything. I'm not specifying that on the command line.
[19:47:37] wagnerrp: and it fills out your schedule?
[19:48:09] levander: yes
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[19:54:03] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:54:22] [R]: 2009-12–26 12:49:00.241 Scheduled 513 items in 1.1 = 0.06 match + 1.02 place
[19:54:33] [R]: how does 0.06 + 1.02 = 1.1?
[19:55:43] gbee: it's rounded to one decimal place
[19:56:31] [R]: ah
[19:56:44] levander: What is the program "AFD"? I'm looking at that in mythbackend.log.
[19:57:13] gbee: actually it's also possible that the timer includes other code paths between the match/place algorithms
[19:57:33] gbee: it's not a program, it's a class in the code, AVFormatDecoder
[19:59:56] gbee: well the class is used by mythfrontend, mythbackend (preview gen), mythtranscode and mythcommflag
[20:00:44] levander: gbee: Thanks, I think you're right about that.
[20:02:18] sid3windr: you think? ;)
[20:03:37] syamajala: how do you delete a video source in mythtv-setup?
[20:03:50] syamajala: i don't want to delete all of them just 1
[20:04:08] syamajala: never mind
[20:04:09] sid3windr: d
[20:04:09] sid3windr: :p
[20:04:10] J-e-f-f-A: syamajala: Press "d"?
[20:04:21] sid3windr: nicely hidden away, there is more than esc, enter and arrows
[20:06:28] syamajala: i need to figure out how i'm going to redo my setup now that i have firewire working
[20:09:49] J-e-f-f-A: syamajala: Do you have 'overlapping' channels with the FireWire channels?
[20:11:41] syamajala: not really
[20:12:18] J-e-f-f-A: syamajala: Then just setup a seperate 'source' for those channels... that should take care of you.
[20:12:24] syamajala: what i have right now is a cable box hooked up through firewire, a dish box hooked up through an analog tuner, and i have 1 more analog tuner not being used
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[20:13:23] J-e-f-f-A: syamajala: If the channels have the same call signs, tnen tney do 'overlap' – doesn't matter if the channel # is different.
[20:14:07] HypNoMadic: Hi – Anyone else using this sound card "Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)" ?
[20:14:13] J-e-f-f-A: syamajala: I'm thinking that you'll want to give the firewire tuner a higher priority – but not sure if that will cause 'other' issues or not...
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[20:16:19] antgel: quite often, when pressing i for programme information, the description runs off the dialog. is there any way to see the "extra" text? we're not especially keen to reduce the font size but will if that's the only way
[20:16:32] syamajala: hmm
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[20:17:00] J-e-f-f-A: antgel: try a different OSD theme.
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[20:19:29] antgel: J-e-f-f-A: sledgehammer to crack a walnut?
[20:20:11] J-e-f-f-A: antgel: Or perhaps you're using a theme designed on a HD monitor on a 4:3 monitor?
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[20:22:17] justinh: antgel: perhaps you're using an OSD theme which only allows a paltry two lines for the description
[20:22:57] justinh: though to be fair, to fit all a uk_rt description onscreen at the same time you sometimes need a *very* small font :P
[20:23:28] justinh: or get cracking on automagical scrolling for text areas :D
[20:23:44] justinh: no sense making fonts smaller
[20:24:22] HypNoMadic: Before I waste the dev's time and submit a bug report for a bug that only I have, I'd like to see if anyone here has the same issue as I do
[20:24:54] HypNoMadic: The more recordings I play (from HDHR ATSC), the more entries I get for this --> lsof |grep -c /dev/snd/controlC0
[20:25:22] HypNoMadic: the more reults I get with that command the slower my frontend becomes, until I restart the frontend, then it goes back to zero
[20:25:30] antgel: J-e-f-f-A: no, 16:9
[20:25:50] antgel: justinh: no, i get several lines already but am using uk_rt
[20:26:05] HypNoMadic: I just rebuild my sysytem from scratch, going from Ubuntu to Debian and the issue exists on my new build too, I'm using trunk
[20:26:09] justinh: yeah but several lines is often not enough :P
[20:26:36] justinh: 1000 word essays spoiling plotlines (c)
[20:26:59] antgel: justinh: well, that's the issue. on my old topfield, you could press i an extra time, and you'd get a detailed OSD info box that would fill most of the screen
[20:27:06] ** antgel ponders a feature request **
[20:27:07] justinh: meh
[20:27:19] justinh: ponder this: code up automagical scrolling textareas
[20:27:29] HypNoMadic: Can I take an informal poll here and see if anyone else gets anything other than zero with this command plesae?
[20:27:29] antgel: you may very well meh, but you don't have my mum moaning that she can't read all the description
[20:27:33] HypNoMadic: lsof |grep -c /dev/snd/controlC0
[20:27:52] justinh: antgel: feature requests generall fall on deafer than deaf ears
[20:28:04] antgel: ooh, bitchy
[20:28:12] justinh: not bitchy at all. not a bit
[20:29:10] antgel: i wonder how difficult something like that would be to code up. my exposure to the source thus far has been more trying to understand small bits, but i've never considered coding a feature
[20:29:38] antgel: it can't be rocket science, it would be just like the existing OSD but bigger
[20:30:28] justinh: it's not rocket science & I'll guarantee it'll get you further than posting a feature request :)
[20:30:53] justinh: the OSD is undergoing a big revamp at the mo anyway IIRC
[20:30:53] ** antgel ventures into libs/libmythtv **
[20:31:17] antgel: FFS. does this mean if i write a patch against 0.22-fixes, it might be useless against trunk?
[20:31:24] justinh: totally
[20:31:34] wagnerrp: s/might/will/
[20:31:47] justinh: what you could do in the interim is edit the OSD to show much more info
[20:31:56] justinh: but that'll be a waste of space for the majority of the time
[20:32:04] justinh: which is why no themer has ever really gone that far
[20:33:47] justinh: pick an OSD theme you like, find the osd.xml area you need to change, make a pretty new bitmap PNG for the background & away you go :)
[20:33:52] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[20:33:55] justinh: easier than coding
[20:36:08] antgel: that's good, i don't need to write any code as such
[20:36:30] justinh: or make the font smaller.. the choice is yours
[20:36:57] justinh: pity there's no <longdesc> and <shortdesc> available from uk_rt
[20:37:49] antgel: where are these .xml files documented?
[20:37:54] justinh: they're not
[20:37:57] justinh: not osd.xml
[20:38:10] antgel: so i have to guess what the likes of descriptionfont and descriptionfontsmall are?
[20:38:13] justinh: but there's a friendly guy who's done one or 2 OSD themes around here somewhere
[20:38:20] ctmjr (ctmjr!n=chucky@unaffiliated/ctmjr) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:38:34] sid3windr: I remember this juski guy but I don't recall him being friendly!
[20:38:36] sid3windr: 0:)
[20:38:37] justinh: font names were defined by the themer
[20:38:59] justinh: so documenting them was up to the theme designer
[20:39:14] justinh: believe me though, making the fonts smaller won't get you far
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[20:39:29] justinh: it's a trade-off between readability & amount of info onscreen
[20:39:37] justinh: vs the actual screen area used
[20:40:23] justinh: antgel: which OSD theme are you looking at?
[20:40:35] antgel: so fine, i'm happy for the information display to fill the screen, one isn't watching the programme when reading the display anyway
[20:40:38] justinh: note: if you say mepo-wide, go to hell ;-)
[20:40:51] antgel: er, the default... BlackCurves
[20:40:58] k_ross (k_ross!i=47a40d7d@gateway/web/freenode/x-jiitmdadwcbcdvut) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:41:01] justinh: the container you need to edit is program_info
[20:41:23] antgel: sweet
[20:41:26] justinh: the textarea definitions are pretty self-explanatory
[20:41:42] justinh: <textarea name="title"> is for the title.. yada yada yada
[20:41:43] antgel: name="description"
[20:41:47] ctmjr (ctmjr!n=chucky@unaffiliated/ctmjr) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[20:42:09] antgel: what's the <area> syntax?
[20:42:42] justinh: what does it look like?
[20:42:42] antgel: ah, now i see where the likes of descriptionfont and descriptionfontsmall are used
[20:42:51] antgel: <area>272,474,874,178</area>
[20:43:06] justinh: means an area 874x178 starting at 272,474
[20:43:40] justinh: x,y,width,height
[20:43:54] antgel: hmm. is that somehow scaled to the resolution of the X display?
[20:44:22] justinh: yes, but take into account the base res of the OSD theme
[20:44:30] antgel: ah, right
[20:44:39] justinh: dunno what the base res of blackcurves is. I don't use 0.22
[20:44:58] justinh: I'm waiting for a fully ported mepo-wide to come out first (NOT)
[20:45:08] antgel: so it seems that i need to edit the y coordinate and the height, and also the y coordinate of "title" which is above it
[20:45:22] justinh: why?
[20:45:25] justinh: 0,0 is top left
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[20:45:44] antgel: well, title is <area>139,395,854,45</area>
[20:46:06] antgel: so if i don't move title up, the taller description will overwrite it, no?
[20:46:11] justinh: no
[20:46:27] justinh: oh wait yeah. duh
[20:47:01] justinh: so if you make the desc area 272,274,874,378 change the title area accordingly
[20:47:02] antgel: not to mention all the other textareas above description, still i can do basic maths
[20:47:23] justinh: anybody who'd complain at having to do that needs a slap ;)
[20:51:16] justinh: welcome to the wonderful world of theming :D
[20:53:11] antgel: this is very cool. i'd still like a bigger info box with another press of the i key :D
[20:53:59] antgel: you watch bbc hd, don't you? do your subtitles go off the right of the screen?
[20:54:14] justinh: I don't watch ANY HD
[20:54:28] justinh: HD is for people with bigger tellies than I have :)
[20:54:43] justinh: same crap, higher resolution
[20:55:19] justinh: antgel: anyway I like the idea of having 'extended info' areas or something like that
[20:55:51] justinh: similar way of working to the programme details screens in 'watch recordings'. I was skeptical of those at first but now I think they work well
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[20:55:57] antgel: oh that i had time to write a patch
[20:56:20] hein1908_: Hello, which info areas did you mean? The once you can see when you press up-/down-key during watching TV?
[20:56:28] justinh: antgel: like I said the OSD is being reworked anyhow, so maybe wait til after then
[20:56:36] antgel: hein1908_: the ones when you press 'i'
[20:56:38] justinh: whut?
[20:56:53] hein1908_: Let's try
[20:57:38] justinh: antgel: it could even be theme dependent too, so those who aren't arsed about mega verbose descriptions don't need to go to the trouble :)
[20:58:48] antgel: hein1908_: let's try?
[20:59:14] hein1908_: Didn't work
[20:59:44] hein1908_: Nothing happend if I press the i/Menu Button
[20:59:56] hein1908_: I've do rework my lirc.conf
[20:59:58] justinh: *I* is not the menu button
[21:00:07] justinh: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm M M M M menu
[21:00:17] justinh: the *I* key is for the INFO button
[21:00:33] justinh: which, if it's bound to your remote's menu button.. is erm.. kind of illogical
[21:00:44] antgel: <homer>mmmmmmmmmmmmm, menu.........</homer>
[21:00:56] hein1908_: Sorry, on my remote controll it's the i/menu Button
[21:01:03] justinh: whoops
[21:01:31] hein1908_: It's the one that was included with the DVB Card from Hauppauge
[21:01:46] justinh: they don't come with lircrc files
[21:02:06] hein1908_: But it's a good hint, to rework my lirc configuration
[21:02:26] justinh: you still need two buttons though, one for MENU & one for INFO
[21:02:32] Defense (Defense! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:02:35] antgel: hein1908_: i had that control on my old box, i could have given you my .lircrc. but the box is in storage somewhere
[21:02:58] hein1908_: No problem, I just bought last week an nice remote contrlo from logitech, fully programabel. :-)
[21:03:40] hein1908_: Beside this, is the some where a description with all posible functions?
[21:03:40] antgel: i'm using the one that comes with the antec fusion black case, it's not bad for a "freebie"
[21:03:51] justinh: hein1908_: see keys.txt
[21:04:05] antgel:
[21:04:08] justinh: logitech remotes suck IMHO. I *hate* mine
[21:04:15] antgel: justinh: give it to me!
[21:04:19] hein1908_: Thanks, for that info
[21:04:21] sid3windr: =)
[21:04:30] justinh: no way. putting it on ebay as soon as I find a decent replacement
[21:05:41] antgel: i firmly believe that the ultimate is one of these
[21:06:04] antgel: got one for this box for my parents, just "for emergencies" when it might need to be used
[21:06:06] justinh: I like the bumber of buttons it has. everything else, I can't stand. stupid retarted 'activities'. Oh and it's inter-key delay is awful
[21:06:09] hein1908_: Great, there are some functions I missed
[21:06:19] antgel: but if it was my box, i'd live with that over arsing about with a remote
[21:07:04] justinh: I think a lot of my parents, so I'd never lumber them with a mythtv system ;-)
[21:07:30] justinh: my dad has ways of breaking the unbreakable
[21:07:48] antgel: so do i just copy my (barely) hacked new theme to /usr/local/share/mythtv/themes/, or do i need to do anything else to get it picked up?
[21:08:06] justinh: just copy it
[21:08:19] justinh: shouldn't need to restart mythfrontend
[21:08:22] antgel: justinh: you speak da truth. but having "invested" their money and my time, i ain't going back now
[21:09:26] justinh: antgel: he managed to break my frontend ffs. god only knows how
[21:09:36] justinh: using only a remote
[21:09:54] hein1908_: Cool, he should work as hacker
[21:10:01] antgel: my mum was complaining that the tv sound wasn't matching the picture last night. she had started two frontends on the same box
[21:10:02] hein1908_: :-)
[21:14:54] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:15:09] k_ross: regarding logitech remotes. the "activities" are marginally useful for me, but others in the family like them. they are great for the people who see a coffee table full of remotes and whose eyes gloss over
[21:15:23] k_ross: the remotes are a tad on the slow side, though
[21:15:27] araldit (araldit! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:15:49] k_ross: but until i find something better, i'm sticking with them
[21:16:49] antgel: okay, that worked pretty well. another 200 pixels height and it's filling most of the screen. of course, the description is still too long. :-D
[21:16:57] k_ross: i just recently discovered you can program them from linux, don't need windows :)
[21:16:57] antgel: and i need to edit the bitmap
[21:18:06] ** antgel attacks the font sizes **
[21:19:13] hein1908_: K_ross: It didn't really work to program them from Linux
[21:19:43] hein1908_: I boot my MacBook only for that with Mac OS
[21:19:55] hein1908_: .. otherwise I use Ubuntu on my MacBook
[21:20:26] sircolin (sircolin! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:21:02] k_ross: hein1908: really? bummer. i'm referring to
[21:21:49] fhobia (fhobia! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:21:54] vallor: I have a new Twinhan DVB-S card — running mythtvsetup, I see the card when I select card type "DVB DTV" — Frontend ID: DST DVB-S
[21:22:15] vallor: but when I hit "DiSEqC" in the card setup, it says: (Unconnected)
[21:22:21] hein1908_: I'll tried it last week, it didn't run under ubuntu, or better to say, I could get concordance to work
[21:22:47] vallor: any dvb-s gurus around? :)
[21:22:54] hein1908_: vallor, you must select the LNB
[21:23:05] hein1908_: It's a little bit tricky
[21:23:39] vallor: hein1908_: that makes sense, I have three lnb's — where do I go to select? :)
[21:23:47] k_ross: hein1908_: i guess i'll keep using my windows laptop for programming the harmony. i dhate their software, though
[21:23:52] hein1908_: No guru, I'll know it just while I had teh same problm last month
[21:25:46] hein1908_: In think it was in the same window where you have to select the disque, The problem is, that there's no default selectet. Press the up down keys an the the entry ist selected othrwise nothing happend if you press enter
[21:26:12] antgel: i had that too
[21:26:53] hein1908_: I spend hours with this problem (and now I have a lod more grey hairs)
[21:26:55] vallor: hein1908_: hmm, I don't see a spot for it — will poke around a bit more
[21:28:20] vallor: oh!!!!!
[21:29:04] hein1908_: vallor: if you already have selected an LNB then this is not your problem.
[21:29:28] vallor: hein1908_: no, I didn't realize you had to hit >enter< on the "(unconnected)" entry
[21:30:08] antgel: hmm, how are these osd png images created? i loaded osd_program_info.png into gimp, but i can't quite see *how* the transparency works
[21:30:29] antgel: ah, it's an alpha channel, whatever that is
[21:30:38] hein1908_: Oh, maybe it works alos with space, but I couldn't try it at the moment, my wife is looking TV
[21:30:43] hein1908_: :-)
[21:30:50] justinh: antgel: create a temporary background layer & put it below the image
[21:31:12] justinh: or just don't use GIMP
[21:32:17] hein1908_: Did anyone runuíng Mythtv with HD?
[21:32:25] antgel: why would i need a temporary layer?
[21:32:38] antgel: hein1908_: yes, me and lots of people but not justinh whose tv is too pikey
[21:32:41] antgel: er, :)
[21:33:03] justinh: antgel: so you can see wth you're doing
[21:33:14] hein1908_: My TV is also too pikey, but I'll want to buy a new one.
[21:33:26] gregL (gregL! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:33:28] justinh: antgel: ironic, the more pikey you are, the bigger the TV :P
[21:33:41] justinh: SDTV looks gash on > 32" LCDTV
[21:33:50] hein1908_: What Hardware did I need for my Mythtv box then?
[21:34:01] antgel: hein1908_: look up VDPAU on the wiki
[21:34:06] justinh: saw enough LCD TV at the inlaws' & my parents' places
[21:34:10] hein1908_: Currently I'll have a AMD 5200 X2
[21:35:12] hein1908_: I'll haca an Onboard ATI graphc. That didn't work?
[21:35:12] justinh: hein1908_: may not be enough to cope with h.264 broadcast HD
[21:35:20] antgel: justinh: i'll explain. i want to take the existing image, increase the canvas size by 200px vertically, then copy and paste the existing "bit" lower down
[21:35:27] justinh: depends on the bitrate & complexity
[21:35:57] antgel: hein1908_: the standard answer is "go for nvidia", but go for it if you want to be a pioneer :)
[21:36:04] justinh: hein1908_: you at least need Xv working – and with ATI hardware that's where you're at the mercy of their drivers
[21:36:36] antgel: justinh: but when i paste the existing image, where it overlaps in the middle, it's even darker
[21:36:38] justinh: support seems patchy, and if stuff works now it may not in future drivers
[21:36:43] hein1908_: It mainly geman broadcast, it'S – as far as I know – only 720p. So hopefuly it may work
[21:36:46] antgel: my graphics-fu is non-existent
[21:36:57] justinh: antgel: gimme a while
[21:37:18] ** wagnerrp doesnt understand how a tv can be 'pikey' **
[21:37:26] hein1908_: Okay, then I'll buy a nvidi card
[21:37:27] gbee: ATi isn't so bad, but it greatly depends on how old/new the hardware is
[21:37:35] ** wagnerrp 's understanding of 'pikey' comes from Snatch **
[21:38:23] hein1908_: It's approx. one year.
[21:38:57] gbee: wagnerrp: in this case it's close to 'cheap'
[21:41:11] gbee: hein1908_: the chipset design, or is that when you purchased it? Not that I'm an authority on which cards to get with ATi ... but the relevant figure is the age of the design, the 'official' driver only works with their newer hardware (the OSS drivers are decent enough if not)
[21:41:16] antgel: hein1908_: nothing to stop you trying. the nice thing about VDPAU is that it takes load off the CPU
[21:41:58] gbee: and places it on the GPU ... which doesn't really gain you much unless you want to use the CPU for other things
[21:42:16] gbee: or it's a crappy CPU, which isn't the case here
[21:42:18] k_ross: yeah with VDPAU you could use a commodore 64 for HD (well, if the bus were fast enough, which it isn't. but you know what i mean)
[21:42:53] justinh: hey when I think it's worth splurging on a new TV of comparable quality to my existing CRT, one that doesn't look washed out, over-cooked or blurry on moving images.. ;-)
[21:42:55] hein1908_: gbee: That's the time when I bought it. When i mentionright, its an ATI 3400 graphic chip
[21:42:58] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:43:14] justinh: it's not cheapness. That doesn't come into it
[21:43:33] wagnerrp: k_ross: except a C64 wouldnt be capable of decoding the audio that comes along with the video
[21:43:47] k_ross: passthrough! :)
[21:43:55] wagnerrp: nor running the OSD
[21:44:01] hein1908_: k_ross: vdpau is the smoother solution, but then I'll have put in an andditional graphic card or I'll m ust replace the board.
[21:44:12] justinh: antgel: . . . ram_info.png
[21:44:13] dustybin (dustybin! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:44:43] wagnerrp: additional graphics card? you already have one in there/
[21:44:58] antgel: justinh: cool! how did you do it?
[21:45:03] gbee: a little too much hype around VDPAU, most people who got excited about it already had systems that were more than capable of decoding h.264 HD – for whatever reason hardware decoding sounds very cool – it has it's uses, mostly on very old or intentionally low-clock devices like an Atom based machine
[21:45:16] justinh: antgel: PSP
[21:45:28] hein1908_: I'll have an onboard ATI card (I mean an 3400 or so ...) with HDMI output ....
[21:45:58] wagnerrp: gbee: yeah, i just use it because i have systems not otherwise capable of decoding BD/HDDVD
[21:45:59] justinh: though FWIW I could've just spun a new image in inkscape. rounded corner rectangle, 50% opaque black of approx 30 pixels radius...
[21:46:13] antgel: gbee: i never thought about the GPU load. assumed that it would help the system run cooler due to less CPU load
[21:46:15] gbee: hein1908_: not going to hurt to try that first, if it doesn't work out then you can think about grabbing an nvidia card
[21:46:16] wagnerrp: i *might* be able to overclock the one to get enough power out of it
[21:46:19] hein1908_: ... but currently I'll have only an 32" normal TV, for wich I'll have to use an S-VHS plug
[21:46:20] wagnerrp: the older one, not a chance
[21:46:25] k_ross: gbee: i have two systems, an Athlon 2.6 GHz dual core, and a Phenom 2.3 GHz quad-core, neither of which can do h.264 HD without VDPAU
[21:46:45] hein1908_: And for this I'll have an cheap graphic card inserted.
[21:47:27] gbee: antgel: just means that the GPU is producing the heat instead, granted the GPU/Chipset may produce less heat than your CPU, depends on the models of both
[21:47:59] hein1908_: That's the logical way, first try the – not to bad – ATI graphic, if it didn't work spend some bucks for an nice fan-less nvidia card
[21:48:17] gbee: k_ross: my X2 2.5Ghz can do 1080i H.264 standing on it's head
[21:48:35] hein1908_: The reality is (if you have a wife an two childs), it must work out of the bo. :-)
[21:48:38] hein1908_: The reality is (if you have a wife an two childs), it must work out of the box. :-)
[21:48:39] gbee: and so could the x2 2.0Ghz I had before that
[21:48:45] antgel: gbee: yes, i now realise. hmm. my not-very-scientific survey suggests that the system as a whole runs much cooler with the load on the GPU, even though it's the CPU that has a trick cooler
[21:48:57] k_ross: gbee: hmm, must be a configuration issue on my end, then. i never put a lot of effort into getting it working, since I had nvidia graphics from the beginning
[21:49:17] gbee: k_ross: HD-PVR?
[21:49:36] squish102: i have added an hdhomerun to an existing BE, but i don't think they working, what is the easiest way to know?
[21:49:41] k_ross: gbee: yes. plus MPEG2 ATSC, and x264 mkv's
[21:50:06] gbee: that outputs some especially difficult to decode video, but iirc the samples I saw still played just fine with the 2.5Ghz
[21:50:19] squish102: i can add them, and scann, but i dunno if they will record (seems the other tuners pick up the recordings)
[21:50:20] gbee: a toaster should be able to do Mpeg2 HD
[21:50:46] gbee: x264 is not a codec (common mistake)
[21:51:02] gbee: x264 is an application that encodes in H.264
[21:51:22] k_ross: yes i'm aware of the difference. i meant to say "h.264 mkv's encoded with x264"
[21:52:06] hein1908_: Sounds like that's a good idea to buy a nvidia graphic card.
[21:52:59] squish102 (squish102! has quit ("= oops wrong button")
[21:53:14] rushfan (rushfan! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[21:54:06] k_ross: i just changed my playback profile to "Slim", and changed the "Max CPU's" to 4 (i have quad-core), and i get pauses every second watching hd-pvr. let me try OTA mpeg2
[21:54:14] justinh: gbee: heh my old m10k epia was less than a toaster ;-)
[21:54:34] gbee: any discrete nvidia cards with onboard sound? Avoiding the nasty spdif passthrough?
[21:55:10] squish102 (squish102! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:55:13] justinh: k_ross: snag there is that multiple cores can only be used when the encoding is sliced. which with the hdpvr it ain't
[21:55:48] hein1908_: I use the onboard 5.1 sound, works fine for me
[21:56:08] justinh: multiple threading of single sliced encoding is coming to ffmpeg at some point & will make it to mythtv soon afterwards, inevitably
[21:56:53] k_ross: ghee: mpeg2 ATSC is working fine now, it's been so long since i tried using software decoding i don't remember how i had it configured back then
[21:56:54] gbee: at least one reason why I prefer IGPs for this application, audio over HDMI is less of a hack than it is with discrete graphics
[21:57:02] k_ross: but i don't care for one-field deint
[21:57:53] antgel: i have to say my onboard geforce 8300 with hdmi has been mostly great for the application. apart from tearing on one of my TVs
[21:58:18] antgel: would be nice to try more than VDPAU Slim, but it's good enough for me
[21:59:29] AndyCap: heh, with just a tad more software support the intel DG45FC would have been perfect.
[22:00:02] antgel: justinh: looks great, thanks for the assistance
[22:00:19] ** antgel resolves to give something back to the community with more wiki edits **
[22:03:04] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:03:16] gbee: wagnerrp: definitely not saying that VDPAU is a bad thing or that it's not useful for a lot of people, just observing that there is a myth that it's somehow automatically better than software decoding
[22:03:34] gbee: oops, scroll up and was replying to something from 10 minutes ago
[22:04:55] k_ross: gbee: are there software deinterlacers as good as vdpau's advanced 2x?
[22:06:20] [R]: gbee: well when your hardware can't handle what vdpau is doing... it IS automatically better
[22:07:56] gbee: k_ross: that's a matter of taste, verging on the realm of fanaticism of true videophiles, if you can distinguish between the various deinterlacers on offer and believe VDPAU's to be the best, then that's all that matters for you
[22:08:27] gbee: [R]: better than buying faster hardware?
[22:08:47] [R]: why spend $200+ for a noisy cpu and powerful system
[22:08:54] [R]: when i can buy an ion for less tahn $100
[22:08:56] [R]: and its silent
[22:09:04] justinh: most of the software deinterlacers are better than the majority of hardware deinterlacers in a hell of a lot of LCD TVs
[22:09:19] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:09:21] gbee: I use it on this machine, because it doubles as a desktop and it's more important that I'm able to keep using it when video is playing on the other screen – but it's far from perfect, it can't handle discontinuities like software can etc
[22:09:51] justinh: there are positives and negatives with everything. It's not all a bed of roses
[22:09:52] gbee: [R]: because VDPAU, as I just mentioned, isn't as good as software in some respects :)
[22:10:03] [R]: i dint say it was perfect
[22:10:05] gbee: justinh: which is exactly what I was saying
[22:10:26] justinh: gbee: yeah, I thought somebody else saying it might help people take note
[22:10:47] justinh: vdpau is pretty nifty if you don't have or want the grunt, but you've got to take the rough with the smooth
[22:11:02] justinh: VDPAU is *not* the answer to all our prayers
[22:11:05] ivor_ (ivor_!n=ivor@kde/developer/ivor) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:11:13] ivor_ is now known as ivor
[22:11:36] gbee: and you don't need to spend $200 and endure additional noise to get a machine capable of HD playback, but I'm getting off-track here
[22:12:02] ** gbee has nothing more to say on the subject **
[22:12:03] clever: ive noticed that if i use -vo vdpau in mplayer, with a codec that vdpau cant fully handle
[22:12:08] justinh: there are 2 camps here. those who hold vdpau very dear & those who don't. end of story :)
[22:12:10] clever: it decodes in software and uses MORE cpu then -vo xv
[22:12:29] justinh: in other news I hope everybody had a marvellous festive time :)
[22:12:37] clever: yep
[22:12:48] gbee: justinh: I didn't, but thanks for asking, I hope you did :)
[22:12:55] justinh: no? shame :-(
[22:13:10] justinh: yeah once I got away from the inlaws' it was smashing ta
[22:13:15] gbee: family eh ;)
[22:13:51] justinh: not so much that. more the mother in-law's love of 'music'. aka singalonga Slade from no less than 3 TOTP2 reruns
[22:14:48] ForsGump (ForsGump! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:17:54] justinh: aanyway don't go back to work til the 8th, so finally have some time to get back to my inane hackery :)
[22:18:52] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[22:20:16] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit ("Leaving")
[22:20:22] antgel: when i came here a few months ago, and opened the can of worms, everyone said getVDPAUgetVDPAUgetVDPAU etc :)
[22:21:08] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit ()
[22:21:40] justinh: I wouldn't have said it :)
[22:22:33] iamlindoro: anyone who has seen the previous several fads that were greeted as the perfect solution come and go wouldn't say it
[22:23:24] justinh: if you want a teeny tiny quiet cheapish box, it's gonna be a necessary evil
[22:23:31] antgel: i have logs, but i also have a life :)
[22:23:51] antgel: hence guitar practice, followed by match of the day, laters all
[22:24:02] justinh: people have lives coming into irc? hmmmm
[22:25:23] justinh: that didn't make sense. I need some more alcohol
[22:25:49] _tux (_tux! has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:26:12] poodyp: justinh: I'll drink to that
[22:36:57] hein1908_: Nice, drinking some nice things is a very good idea :-)
[22:40:27] _tux (_tux! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:43:33] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:49:21] HypNoMadic (HypNoMadic! has quit ("leaving")
[22:50:28] Greek-Boy (Greek-Boy!n=email@ has joined #MythTV-Users
[22:51:03] Greek-Boy: Hello All
[22:51:07] Greek-Boy: Merry Christmas
[22:52:57] hein1908_: Greek-Boy: Thanks, same for you an all others.
[22:53:44] Greek-Boy: :-)
[22:54:37] hein1908_: Oh, I forgot, we're drinking something. for chrismas and all other things on the earth. :-)
[22:54:38] k_ross: clever: do you have an elegent solution to starting services on one host but not another when booting from shared nfs?
[22:54:49] k_ross: i could modify the init scripts to check hostname
[22:54:56] clever: k_ross: i run those manualy from rc.local
[22:55:05] clever: which does my own per-host detection
[22:55:25] k_ross: hmm, that's better than scattering init.d scripts with hostname checks
[22:55:26] clever: [ -r /scripts/startup.$HOSTNAME ] && . /scripts/startup.$HOSTNAME
[22:55:40] clever: for example, this one will source /scripts/startup.$HOSTNAME if its readable
[22:56:11] clever: then i can give each host its own private part of rc.local
[22:57:21] k_ross: cool
[22:58:45] hein1908_: So, it's time to take taste the bed.
[22:58:48] hein1908_: Bye
[22:59:21] hein1908_ (hein1908_! has left #mythtv-users ("Ex-Chat")
[23:00:13] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit ("Leaving")
[23:02:14] k_ross: clever: one last thing (i think). i need a different xorg.conf on each host. currently i use gdm with autologin, but i could get rid of that and just do startx if it would make per-host xorg.conf eaiser
[23:02:43] clever: for my setup, i just totaly replaced xdm/gdm/startx
[23:03:03] clever: let me find it
[23:03:27] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:03:40] Wicked (Wicked!n=zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:06:15] clever: k_ross:
[23:06:30] clever: run this as root and fix the paths up some
[23:06:54] clever: the only problem is nvidia drivers, they insist on checking xorg.conf directly to see which nvidia you want
[23:07:13] clever: so a 'simple' modprobe nvidia can screw up horidly because of the 'helper' scritps
[23:07:31] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:07:31] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[23:07:39] k_ross: cool, i was looking for a way to start X with a specific config file, like you've done
[23:08:11] clever: alias fixxorg='sudo ln -svf xorg.conf.`hostname` /etc/X11/xorg.conf'
[23:08:16] clever: i use this more, but it has its problems
[23:08:48] clever: with you can just run it on boot (or after suspend)
[23:09:00] clever: ive modified things a while ago for a test, where X shuts down for suspend
[23:09:04] clever: and then X comes back up on resume
[23:09:17] mike_hurley_1 (mike_hurley_1!n=mike_hur@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:09:24] clever: and the crazy thing, is that i was testing that with NFS ROOT!
[23:09:35] k_ross: your script doesn't do all the session stuff, hence no gnome desktop, etc. i'd like to keep the gnome desktop
[23:10:05] mike_hurley_1: anybody have thoughts as to why my metadata in mythvideo keeps reverting after i manually edit the video title?
[23:10:15] kormoc: Are you running JAMU?
[23:10:55] mike_hurley_1: kormoc: asking me? if so, no i'm not running JAMU, at least not on purpose
[23:10:57] clever: k_ross: then run gnome-session instead of ratpoison&mythfe
[23:11:00] mike_hurley_1: is there a way to check?
[23:11:13] clever: k_ross: gnome-session starts EVERYTHING (desktop, panel, WM)
[23:11:25] kormoc: you should know if you are, but you could check cron
[23:11:27] k_ross: ahh, excellent, thanks
[23:11:46] clever: k_ross: ive ran 'DISPLAY=remote:0 gnome-session' before, with just a BARE X on the remote end
[23:11:50] clever: and it worked perfectly
[23:11:56] RDV_Linux: mike_hurley_1: If you are running Mythbuntu then you are also running Jamu. There is also a gentoo package that installs jamu cron jobs.
[23:11:58] clever: really thin client
[23:12:23] k_ross: but i suspect there might be problems with a shared home folder with a full gnome desktop. like firefox might not like being run more than once from different clients
[23:12:40] k_ross: if that's a limitation, i can live with it
[23:12:59] clever: k_ross: if locking works right, firefox will complain that its alreayd running and not responding
[23:13:02] mike_hurley_1: RDV_Linux: yeah it's mythbuntu
[23:13:07] clever: then you walk to the other pc, and kill it
[23:13:23] mike_hurley_1: why would JAMU update metadata after i manually edit a video title?
[23:13:26] clever: most other stuff seems to not mind
[23:14:48] k_ross: brb
[23:15:07] RDV_Linux: mike_hurley_1: If you want to protect specific video meta data then you have two choices. (1) Stop running the Jamu -M daily corn job (2) Change the vidoe's reference number to 99999999 eight nines and the video will be skipped.
[23:15:59] mike_hurley_1: RDV_Linux: why is it updating existing records that have something filled in? is it common for metadata to change?
[23:16:24] RDV_Linux: mike_hurley_1: The title is derived initially from the video file name which may have a crap name. Jamu cannot tell if the video title has been altered.
[23:16:35] kormoc: mike_hurley_1: aye, we use a community edited site for the metadata, as it changes, gets filled in, corrected, etc, it's really nice to keep it updated
[23:17:12] kormoc: mike_hurley_1: if it's really just incorrect data, updating it on tmdb would fix it for everyone
[23:18:13] RDV_Linux: mike_hurley_1: Kormac just answered your question. It may be that you do not want to use Jamu's -M function. It says in the wiki that if you edit your meta data manually then Jamu is not for you.
[23:18:31] mike_hurley_1: ok
[23:18:41] mike_hurley_1: now anybody know why the app crontab is taking a while to start?
[23:18:53] ForsGump (ForsGump! has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:20:03] ** gbee considers trotting out the hamster joke but it's probably a little stale **
[23:21:27] ** gbee makes a new years resolution to stop the stream of conciousness crap **
[23:22:07] ctmjr (ctmjr!n=chucky@unaffiliated/ctmjr) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:22:18] RDV_Linux: gbee's voice keeps echoing in my head. Is their a Myth setting to turn that off?
[23:22:44] kormoc: app crontab?
[23:23:01] sid3windr: "write n" ;)
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[23:54:28] k_ross: clever: thanks for your help. i'll probably take a crack at getting this going tonight.
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