:: #mythtv-users

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Wednesday, December 9th, 2009, 00:03 UTC
[00:03:47] test3 (test3! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:09:07] truxartis (truxartis! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:54] ** iamlindoro needs some Brit to explain why Karl PIlkington is meant to be funny **
[00:24:47] nighthawk_ (nighthawk_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:35:09] henrik__: are you in to his podcasts?
[00:35:15] dserban (dserban! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:36:18] henrik__: The Ricky Gervais Show
[00:39:50] jpabq_ (jpabq_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:29] dashcloud (dashcloud! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:45:30] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:46:23] MythBox1234 (MythBox1234! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:46:33] MythBox1234: Anyone connect to mythtv mythweb with lenny? Trying to connect to mythubuntu via http. Firefox can connect and pass the password in *** properly. I can see mythweb fine in browser. Problem is totem and vlc both show the password in text instead of ****** out what you type there. Any ideas ? Ubuntu's media players pass t he password in ***** and have no problem watching the asx streams.
[00:52:02] ExElNeT_ (ExElNeT_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:52:32] spinull (spinull!n=echosyp@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:57:35] gandalfcome_ (gandalfcome_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:03:05] Dagmar: MythBox1234: none of that is a MythTV problem
[01:03:58] Dagmar: MythTV is responsible for neither Totem, nor VLC, nor how you configured your browser to invoke them, nor how they display their information on the screen.
[01:04:30] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:11:12] npm (npm! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:11:29] hipitihop (hipitihop!n=denis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:11:43] MythBox1234: Dagmar, no not saying its myth's fault. I thought maybe someone here had used debian and knew the solution.
[01:12:34] mazda01 (mazda01! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:14:54] npm (npm! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:15:17] Dagmar: It's not a debian problem, it's a Totem/VLC problem
[01:15:19] truxartis (truxartis! has quit ()
[01:15:39] Dagmar: ...although if you didn't configure those pieces yourself, then it IS a debian problem
[01:16:01] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit ()
[01:16:33] Guest52721 (Guest52721! has quit ()
[01:18:07] KittyBoots (KittyBoots! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:19:05] czth_ (czth_!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-gobxuxvfljclqlpz) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:19:06] MythBox1234: I'm not going to argue with that , they are both debian repo packages. I've never seen this with ubuntu, suse , or puppy linux.
[01:20:30] Dagmar: So why have you not filled out a bug report with debian?
[01:21:50] MythBox1234: Visiting friend with laptop. I'm not a debian person...
[01:22:16] truxartis (truxartis! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:22:25] Dagmar: *sigh*
[01:22:30] _abbenormal: lol
[01:22:39] Dagmar: Yeah why bother to report bugs
[01:22:43] Dagmar: It's not like you want them fixed or anything
[01:24:18] jblack: I think hiding temporarily shown passwords with **** is silly. :)
[01:25:32] jblack: And I also think there's better indicators than ****, now that I think about it.
[01:26:28] jblack: Like showing a subset of the md5 of what characters the user has entered. Then, presuming he's learned the pattern of letters, can recognize whether or not he got his pass correctly without giving it away.
[01:28:15] npm (npm! has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:28:44] _abbenormal: its bad when you dont know your own password
[01:29:14] jblack: knowing your password, and knowing what you typed, are two different things
[01:29:19] _abbenormal: that would be like writing it down on the bottom of the keyboard
[01:29:35] wagnerrp: i take it as some sort of response that i actually AM typing
[01:29:40] wagnerrp: and dont have focus somewhere else
[01:30:06] wagnerrp: for instance... i dont have focus in IRC, and i havent just typed in my password and hit enter
[01:30:18] _abbenormal: im glad im a 2 finger typer use to making mistakes
[01:36:23] czth__ (czth__!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-souxkysxolkxvkpc) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:42:34] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
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[01:53:33] npm (npm! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:57:22] rushfan (rushfan!n=rushfan@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[02:10:41] javatexan (javatexan!n=mia@ has quit (No route to host)
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[02:15:02] Dubstar_04 (Dubstar_04! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[02:28:18] justdave_ (justdave_!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:31:13] map7_: How do I configure automatic login for my remote diskless clients in my client image?
[02:31:15] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:32:08] wagnerrp: depends on what its based off of
[02:33:06] map7_: I'm using mythbuntu
[02:33:07] ** sphery wonders why so many users think they need to do partial restores **
[02:33:48] wagnerrp: using mythbuntu's LTSP setup?
[02:33:59] wagnerrp: the built in utility for setting up diskless clients
[02:34:23] map7_: in 9.10 they took out all the diskless setup and you have to do it manually through the command line
[02:35:11] gandalfcome_ (gandalfcome_! has quit ()
[02:35:22] map7_: building the image I've done through the command line but I don't know how to setup automatic login manually
[02:35:56] wagnerrp: if it opens up to GDM, then use GDM to do so
[02:36:33] wagnerrp: otherwise, add an '--autologin' terminal to your inittab, and set up your ~/.bash_profile and ~/.xinitrc to start up mythtv on login
[02:37:22] map7_: cool thanks, I'll start looking at setting up GDM for automatic login
[02:37:24] wagnerrp:
[02:38:37] sphery: heh, show the hash of the password as it's typed... That's good security--rather than show a password, show a password equivalent. It's bad enough that the * in apps that don't care about security show the length of the password.
[02:38:53] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:39:15] sphery: Ah, Better Off Ted returns. Today's a good day.
[02:39:23] ** wagnerrp likes the indicator that he is typing **
[02:39:59] wagnerrp: youve seen kormoc type his password in here a couple times
[02:40:00] sphery: I like agetty--shows nothing as you type
[02:40:16] wagnerrp: he was probably trying to log in somewhere and didnt notice IRC had focus
[02:40:38] wagnerrp: and with no visual indicator, he had no way of knowing otherwise
[02:40:52] kormoc: you mean the focus doesn't follow my eyes?
[02:40:56] kormoc: all this time, so wrong
[02:41:00] sphery: In a GUI app, you could easily do like xscreensaver (though without the password-length indicator) and have a countdown bar that grows with each keypress (or just change/flip-flops)
[02:41:25] wagnerrp: id be perfectly fine with that
[02:41:30] sphery: kormoc: If you find a WM with focus-follows-eyes, please let me know... I've been wanting one for years
[02:41:38] kormoc: will do!
[02:42:22] sphery: though flip-flop would tell whether you have an odd or even number of characters...
[02:42:40] iamlindoro: I often tream my WM like focus follows eyes
[02:42:45] iamlindoro: and find myself sorely disappointed
[02:42:59] wagnerrp: blink to click
[02:43:18] sphery: I'd have a hard time double-clicking
[02:43:25] wagnerrp: just be careful of false positives
[02:43:37] sphery: (let alone those triple-clicks for para select)
[02:44:28] wagnerrp: just imagine the accessibility lawsuits for lazy-eyed creeps
[02:45:48] sphery: I'm still surprised that in today's world of "because I can" that someone hasn't made a mouse cursor that looks like an animated mouse that runs around on your screen.
[02:46:03] wagnerrp: you sure?
[02:46:13] wagnerrp: i bet comet cursor had one 'back in the day'
[02:46:29] sphery: I've never done an exhaustive search, but I assumed I'd have heard of it if there were one.
[02:47:23] wagnerrp: sphery: well i have seen the opposite...
[02:48:27] sphery: heh
[02:48:29] sphery: that's funny
[02:50:18] wagnerrp: here we go... ... bottom right corner
[02:53:01] Dagmar: Ddde
[02:53:02] Dagmar: WTF
[02:53:11] Dagmar: Why would you paste that link?
[02:53:26] Dagmar: M'fing MALWARE dude
[02:53:32] wagnerrp: well im not expecting anyone to actually click on the link and download it
[02:53:40] Dagmar: Those cursor people can't be trusted, ever
[02:53:40] wagnerrp: and if they do, they deserve whats coming to them
[02:54:13] Dagmar: Booze will undo the effects of LemonParty, but you don't see people posting that without a big warning
[02:54:24] Dagmar: Booze won't uninstall 4,289 malicious little pieces of malware
[02:55:32] sphery: I was thinking more 3-d animated
[02:56:40] Dagmar: Heck, while we're at it, why don't we let all the IE users find out what kind of goodies are at
[03:01:18] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:02:56] wagnerrp: i guess i still have to realize that most people who come in here are not very savvy about computers
[03:03:02] wagnerrp: or else they would have figured out myth on their own
[03:03:47] adante (adante!n=adante@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:03:51] adante (adante!n=adante@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:12:58] Brad-D (Brad-D! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:13:00] Brad-D: hey gang
[03:13:42] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:16:55] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit ()
[03:23:28] sphery: iamlindoro: did you see (of , short description . . . news;title;4 )
[03:23:53] sphery: the story does a good job of categorizing it
[03:24:46] iamlindoro: sphery, how convenient, since my mythbox just got a grabber script for that site today ;)
[03:24:52] sphery: nice
[03:25:15] sphery: it's a good 3 min video to test it with
[03:25:37] d00gster (d00gster!n=doughant@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:25:47] wagnerrp: 'we have a running on 1–4, and hes armed'.... is that some reference to Logans Run?
[03:27:43] sphery: based on the guy's blog, there's a very good chance
[03:28:04] sphery: he seems to be very much into all of sci-fi and SF
[03:28:15] wagnerrp: s/running/runner/
[03:28:22] Brad-D: if you guys were going to rip a dvd to put in mythvideo, how would you go about doing it? rip it with vobcopy, turn it into an iso? transcode it? leave it as a video_ts dir? Any suggestions would be awesome :)
[03:28:40] spinull (spinull!n=echosyp@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:42] sphery: ript it with MythDVD?
[03:29:05] hadees (hadees! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:29:26] wagnerrp: id either transcode it single pass to h264, or leave it in mpeg2, remuxed to mkv
[03:29:54] wagnerrp: could you just cat the VOBs directly?
[03:30:13] skd5aner (skd5aner! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:30:18] wagnerrp: i know the DVD itself is limited to 2GB files, and in practice they dont put anything larger than 1GB
[03:30:26] wagnerrp: but is there any real restriction on the VOB format?
[03:30:55] Brad-D: wagnerrp: remuxing to mkv means getting all the vobs into one file?
[03:31:23] wagnerrp: no, it means concatenating the mpeg2/ac3/dts streams together and remuxing it
[03:31:36] wagnerrp: thats effectively what the makemkv script that has been floating around the mailing list does
[03:31:52] Brad-D: thanks i will look that up
[03:32:09] Brad-D: if you were to transcode it single pass to h264, what program would you use? ffmpeg? memcoder? handbrake?
[03:32:32] wagnerrp: currently i use megui, under windows
[03:32:54] wagnerrp: but under linux, it would probably use ffmpeg or mencoder, or possibly just x264 directly
[03:33:17] Brad-D: okay, i will give those a try. thanks.
[03:33:19] elmojo: Brad-D: ripbot264 is an excellent tool under windows
[03:33:35] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[03:33:50] Brad-D: elmojo: do you have any linux tool suggestions? For the past 3 months i've been on a no-windows crusade.  :)
[03:33:55] wagnerrp: basically, unless youre pushing for a very specific filesize, theres no reason to do multi-pass
[03:34:08] elmojo: Brad-D: I think handbrake runs under linux
[03:34:17] wagnerrp: just do single pass with a decent quantizer like 20 or so
[03:34:19] Brad-D: that's good to know, i always wondered what multipass was for.
[03:34:36] Brad-D: elmojo: it does i have been playing around with it. seems like a good tool . wasn't sure if people were using something else
[03:34:53] wagnerrp: 20 will result in a final file between 800–2000MB, depending on film length and cleanness (lack of grain)
[03:36:20] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:37:05] Brad-D: excellent, you guys have me on the right path. now i have tons of googling to do. much appreciated as always.
[03:39:27] elmojo: Brad-D: most FOSS h.264 encoding tools are just x264 frontends anyways... so just find one you like using the best... I personally like simple GUIs.. but if you want to use scripts a command line tool will have to suffice
[03:40:11] mangus580 (mangus580! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:40:20] Brad-D: ahhh that makes sense, i think i read something about that with handbrake
[03:40:39] Brad-D: i guess it would be silly for me to seek out ffmpeg and memcoder, if they are all just frontends to the same tool :>
[03:40:41] Brad-D: good tip!
[03:43:11] mangus580 (mangus580! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:52:08] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit ("I am called onward")
[03:53:06] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v j-rod
[03:54:29] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:54:52] Brad-D: sphery: is MythDVD a seperate plugin? or functionality in mythvideo? I can't seem to find it
[03:55:04] wagnerrp: the latter
[03:55:13] wagnerrp: it used to be separate, but it got rolled into mythvideo
[03:56:18] Brad-D: is it in the menu system for mythvideo in the graphite theme?
[03:57:05] wagnerrp: as much as it is in every other theme
[03:58:03] wagnerrp: what menu are you looking for, specifically
[03:58:25] Brad-D: i'm trying to figure out how to activate this mythdvd ripper that sphery was talking about :)
[03:58:46] npm (npm! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:59:13] wagnerrp: that would be under 'optical disks' --> 'import dvd'
[04:03:18] spinull: i never asked a question, but i think just joining the channel helped me solve my problem
[04:03:24] spinull (spinull!n=echosyp@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:04:06] Brad-D: spinull: i totally agree.. i pick up tons of useful info listening to other people chat
[04:06:37] Brad-D: wow this ImportDVD function... I had no idea! so cool
[04:20:03] RyeBrye_ (RyeBrye_!n=ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:23:17] foobert (foobert! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:27:38] iamlindoro: You know, it seems like the dearth of TV in December is going to mean finally catchin up on FlashBoreward
[04:30:08] Dagmar: Just read the book.
[04:30:10] Dagmar: Much easier
[04:30:16] Dagmar: Less bullshit with kangaroos
[04:30:37] wagnerrp: all both of them
[04:30:46] Dagmar: The series is feeling like the "idiot-friendly" translation of the book
[04:31:19] Dagmar: wagnerrp: It's not that they only showed it twice--it's that it had no meaning whatsoever either time
[04:31:27] truxartis (truxartis! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:31:44] Dagmar: They were just throwing it in so someone could say "Oooo... MyStErIoUs CloOz" in a strategy meeting somewhere
[04:32:24] wagnerrp: i just took it as 'the whole world is going nuts, there are even kangaroos lose in LA'
[04:32:31] iamlindoro: ^^ likewise
[04:32:49] Dagmar: Yeah but one of the before-commercial-teasers they tried to make it out like it was important
[04:32:54] Dagmar: both times
[04:32:58] wagnerrp: ah, didnt see that
[04:33:17] Dagmar: I did. It reeked of "People liked the stuff the Lost writers made up for no reason--we should do that"
[04:33:34] Dagmar: They seem to have forgotten that the Lost authors were COMPLETELY making stuff up without any game plan at athta point
[04:34:12] Dagmar: A kangaroo loose in LA is the least of the wildlife worries
[04:34:41] wagnerrp: yeah, how did that happen... they just expect they would be canceled by the end of the first season?
[04:35:01] Dagmar: I dunno.
[04:35:14] Dagmar: I think it's a bloody work of art that the people they pulled in for the fourth season managed to untangle it
[04:35:31] Dagmar: That was a _feat_
[04:35:35] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=ryebrye@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[04:35:35] RyeBrye_ is now known as RyeBrye
[04:42:50] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[04:50:00] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit ("ZNC by prozac -")
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[04:54:00] hipitihop (hipitihop!n=denis@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[05:05:53] wagnerrp: FUSE will not mount with global file access unless done so as root... go figure
[05:06:04] wagnerrp: probably took me an hour and a half to figure that one out
[05:14:42] SlicerDicer (SlicerDicer! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[05:16:38] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[05:22:56] npm (npm! has quit ("Leaving.")
[05:23:54] wagnerrp: oh crap!
[05:24:27] wagnerrp: sphery... im runined
[05:24:47] wagnerrp: a couple hours ago, i accidentally ran '' instead of 'runmythrename'
[05:25:06] sphery: you can undo it with another mythrename
[05:25:14] wagnerrp: the latter is just a script which runs a couple instances of different synlinks
[05:25:35] sphery: yeah, I have that runs 5 instances for different views
[05:25:45] sphery: see "To reset"
[05:26:00] sphery: (soon, that's all that will be left of the rename code :)
[05:26:06] wagnerrp: thanks
[05:26:37] MythBox1234 (MythBox1234! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:27:13] Dagmar: So what hapepns when the third new episode of Chuck is named "`rm -rf / sez lol to u`"
[05:28:17] sphery: new rm will refuse to delete /
[05:28:49] wagnerrp: yeah, pretty much anything from the last couple years
[05:29:42] npm (npm! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:30:08] sphery: but, hey, Chuck in Jan!!!
[05:33:25] ** Dagmar sends a memo to ABC to rename "/" to ".?*" **
[05:33:51] sphery: maybe .??*
[05:34:04] Dagmar: No, trust me .?* will get it
[05:34:06] Dagmar: heh
[05:34:25] superm1: i thought chuck was on NBC
[05:34:41] Dagmar: Details, details
[05:34:59] sphery: It's on my Myth box--so I don't know which channel, because I've never changed channel to watch it :)
[05:35:59] Dagmar: same here
[05:38:46] KittyBoots (KittyBoots! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:38:56] wagnerrp: well the python/fuse/mythtv filesystem *appears* to be working
[05:39:12] wagnerrp: however im certain its broken
[05:39:36] wagnerrp: playback over the filesystem reveals produces some garbage at the beginning of one file
[05:39:57] wagnerrp: and more importantly, one lists the total video time as half that of the proper file
[05:40:56] sphery: this has sure been a long 20 minutes
[05:41:48] wagnerrp: ?
[05:43:31] iamlindoro: That's what she said?
[05:43:47] BjornR1989 (BjornR1989! has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.22 )")
[05:45:39] sphery: wagnerrp: @ 14:40:12
[05:46:32] wagnerrp: oh, heh
[05:46:33] wagnerrp: yeah
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[05:55:40] wagnerrp: looks like i have a couple orphaned recordings
[05:55:47] wagnerrp: and the cause horrible brokenness when i try to access them
[05:56:19] sphery: orphaned recording metadata
[05:56:23] wagnerrp: yeah
[05:56:31] christ_ (christ_! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:56:32] wagnerrp: im working entirely of the database at the moment
[05:56:49] sphery: doesn't the protocol give an error when the file doesn't exist?
[05:57:14] wagnerrp: at the moment, i just assume the file does exist
[05:57:18] wagnerrp: no checking when it doesnt
[05:57:28] sphery: ah, I see
[05:57:32] wagnerrp: hadnt even considered the case of orphaned metadata
[06:00:49] wagnerrp: well it comes up with the same filesize, but its a different md5
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[06:09:08] wagnerrp: seems im failing to read the last chunk of data in the bindings, but the fuse script is broken in other capacities
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[06:44:13] psm321_: my master backend seems to have lost touch with the slave backend, but the slave backend is still running (and recording what it was scheduled to, as far as i can tell). the slave does not seem to have notice that it''s disconnected (no messages in the log). is there any way to get them talking to each other without having to restart one?
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[07:50:18] wagnerrp: i cant understand why the file transfers themselves now arent working properly, they used to work great
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[07:55:03] sphery: psm321_: gotta restart the slave. Don't worry--if it did lose its connection to the master, it would stop recording when the shows it was recording at the time of the loss end.
[07:55:19] sphery: I.e. a remote /only/ records when told to do so by the master.
[07:57:25] justinh: are we done splitting yet?
[08:00:56] mchou (mchou!n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:02:47] iamlindoro: ah, not quite ;)
[08:02:53] iamlindoro: but that last one was worth the wait
[08:02:55] iamlindoro: ;)
[08:05:38] justinh: been trying to route a PCB for my cat5 audio stuff. It's harder than I remember
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[08:08:29] justinh: hmmm what BS is this... "intel may buy nvidia". twinned with "hell may freeze over" ?
[08:09:01] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:09:19] clever: justinh: i'll remember to pack my winter coat:P
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[08:13:16] justinh: ahh those words to make my heart sink "fanart is supported in the watch recordings screen"
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[08:22:27] justinh: aaand yet more shows have recorded in the graveyard slot where the ravey Davey bloke does his hand jive in the corner of the screen :-\
[08:22:50] justinh: ****ing signed crap
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[08:33:48] justinh: apparently the argument for using BSL in vision on TV is because deaf/hearing impaired people see written English (in the UK!) as a second language. W T F
[08:35:01] wagnerrp: theres been no worthwhile BSL since Richard Prior
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[08:38:12] wagnerrp: sadly, i cant seem to find any footage of it online
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[08:48:50] justinh: and now.. seriously.. can we just BAN everybody who top posts on the mailing lists. Pretty please?
[08:49:24] Dibblah: Hmm. I assume uk_rt doesn't populate the signed / etc tags?
[08:49:51] justinh: think it does now but 0.21 ignores it
[08:50:25] Dibblah: justinh:
[08:50:27] justinh: that or there's no rule defined for it
[08:50:45] Dibblah: (Yeah, the soldering sucks)
[08:51:21] justinh: one way to beef up a Vreg ;-)
[08:51:50] Dibblah: Actually, not beefed up at all – It's 750mA. But it's about 3x as efficient.
[08:52:06] Dibblah: Replaces two LDOs.
[08:52:28] ** Dibblah likes being able to print his own PCBs :) **
[08:52:42] justinh: wth are you gunning for that kind of efficiency for? battery powah?
[08:53:05] Dibblah: Cos I hate wasting electricity on things that are on constantly :(
[08:53:12] justinh: ah
[08:53:25] justinh: I'm thinking about ways to decrease the amount the house uses in standby mode
[08:53:43] justinh: might have to move sockets, fit new sockets.. get some remote switches etc
[08:54:00] waxhead_: how does that fit with a myth box that's always on?
[08:54:10] waxhead_: or do you power off your mythtv box?
[08:54:14] justinh: do I hell
[08:54:16] justinh: no plans to either
[08:54:22] ** Dibblah is considering a few Nordic chips to do wireless power switches properly. **
[08:54:33] justinh: there
[08:54:45] justinh: bleh. there's always a point in *reducing* consumption
[08:54:59] justinh: 150W always on is better then 155W
[08:55:18] ** waxhead_ wonders what his mythv box draws **
[08:55:31] justinh: but when it comes at the price of not having my internet connected box online all day...
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[08:55:48] wagnerrp: unless that extra 5W costs you an extra $20, and will only last two years
[08:55:49] justinh: might be worth powering it down for a few hours when I'm not awake though
[08:56:12] waxhead_: my box runs 24/7
[08:56:16] justinh: it's not 150W btw
[08:56:45] justinh: I'd pull the graphics card out but they're handy things to have for diagnostics
[08:57:07] waxhead_: what's the latest with myth front ends.... in terms of light weight quick power on...
[08:57:19] Dibblah: AppleTV.
[08:57:25] wagnerrp: an ion, or amd dual core in standby
[08:57:27] Dibblah: Heh. Only joking - :)
[08:57:30] justinh: quickest power on would be something in suspend mode
[08:57:51] justinh: also wasteful though
[08:57:53] waxhead_: I see that the ps3 can play recorded shows, but not live tv...
[08:58:04] wagnerrp: both are going to pull 30–50W in use, both are going to pull ~5W in standby
[08:58:09] wagnerrp: and will come out in a couple seconds
[08:58:18] justinh: dunno how quick to start a ps3 is
[08:58:28] justinh: I know I hate its menu system :)
[08:58:32] waxhead_: justinh, not fast.. but bearable
[08:58:45] wagnerrp: its a good 15s or so from power button to functional
[08:59:07] waxhead_: I'm just thinking about what to do for a front end... needs to have high WAF
[08:59:15] wagnerrp: usually i hit the power on the playstation, hit the power on the tv
[08:59:21] wagnerrp: and then end up waiting another 3–4 seconds
[08:59:26] wagnerrp: after the TV comes up
[08:59:57] justinh: how long do tvs take to start up these days?!
[09:00:11] wagnerrp: mine is 6–7s
[09:00:14] justinh: waxhead_: buy a standalone DVR
[09:01:05] waxhead_: justinh, needs to be able to play recorded shows on the mythbackend though
[09:01:32] justinh: my wife finds a real mythfrontend acceptable
[09:01:39] justinh: others do too
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[09:05:34] Dibblah:
[09:05:51] ** Dibblah has to admit to not having done much towards his baserate for some time :( **
[09:07:12] Dibblah: Latest change was replacing a large analogue integrated receiver / amp thing with a nice Class-D amp. Which saves 50–70w when the projector is on.
[09:07:35] justinh: well, I think the new xbmc skin engine rings the death knell for 'concept'
[09:07:38] ** Dibblah still can't believe that an amp draws 50w @ idle. **
[09:07:40] waxhead_: so does mine.. we use it all the time, however I'm looking at another setup for TV, but only need a frontend..
[09:07:54] justinh: Dibblah: class B eh
[09:07:59] Dibblah: AB.
[09:08:04] justinh: heh
[09:08:59] Dibblah: New amp draws ~8w at idle, 14 at "silly loud".
[09:09:15] Dibblah: Most of that is the PSU.
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[09:12:21] justinh: ffs. xbmc has done it again with the new skin engine
[09:12:40] Dibblah: ?
[09:12:48] justinh:
[09:13:31] justinh: absolutely shockingly good
[09:14:00] Dibblah: I don't see what can't be done in MythUI, apart from the transition stuff...
[09:14:33] waxhead_: what's xmbc?
[09:15:00] justinh: Dibblah: honestly there's always going to be reinventing the wheel in mythtv
[09:15:04] Dibblah: "We've raised $551.00"...
[09:15:16] Dibblah: Just for one theme.
[09:15:35] Dibblah: Now that's a motivator if ever I've seen one.
[09:16:11] justinh: you dunno how much I got in donations for my shite
[09:16:25] justinh: over $300
[09:16:49] justinh: and I still quit :)
[09:17:17] justinh: so in terms of people showing appreciation they're not doing that well considering there's more than one guy there
[09:17:19] waxhead_: justinh, which theme is yours?
[09:17:53] gandalfcome_ (gandalfcome_! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:17:53] Dibblah: Themes.
[09:17:59] justinh: waxhead_: blootube, blootube-wide blootubelite-wide, ProjectGrayhem, ProjectGrayhem-wide, neon-wide, glass-wide. All dead now
[09:18:05] gunni_ (gunni_! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:19:12] waxhead_: oh.. they're nice..
[09:19:37] waxhead_: I'm running the metalic one at the moment...
[09:19:51] justinh: they're DEAD. Not nice :)
[09:20:51] justinh: all those xbmc thingies though... not ONE suitable for use on SDTV
[09:22:09] Dibblah: Damn these people living in the dark ages of entertainment. Damn them all! ;)
[09:23:01] justinh: ring me back when 90% of broadcast content is HD
[09:23:18] justinh: or hell, even 25%
[09:23:28] justinh: 10%?
[09:28:48] wagnerrp: woo! fixed my file transfer problem
[09:29:00] wagnerrp: turns out its a result of my being a dumbass
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[09:36:30] justinh: oof. that isn't something you do when you make stuff to redistribute. Ship Agfa Monotype copyrighted fonts in the rar
[09:36:36] justinh: muhahahaha
[09:37:30] justinh: a hundred quid's worth of font. *naughty*
[09:37:54] wagnerrp: oh, but people paid for it with those donations!
[09:38:20] gandalfcome_ (gandalfcome_! has quit ()
[09:38:25] justinh: hucking fell, I've a moral objection to this. BIG STYLE. And the fact that the software project isn't actually kyboshing it
[09:38:36] justinh: THIEVERY
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[09:40:39] wagnerrp: well its working, but its robustness is questionable
[09:41:27] Dibblah: Who cares? The main point of XBMC is to allow access to copyrighted material outside of it's license.
[09:41:29] justinh: so, nice as you appear to be XBMC & fancy 'skins', FOAD with your stolen content
[09:41:41] justinh: and back to reinventing the wheel
[09:41:42] justinh: sigh
[09:41:53] waxhead_: is there a way to find out how much guide data you have?
[09:42:03] justinh: mythweb status page
[09:42:27] wagnerrp: rather, backend status page
[09:42:48] wagnerrp: mythweb just grabs and recolors the page mythbackend puts up on port 6544
[09:43:46] justinh: I've actually half a mind to shop people for shipping stolen fonts
[09:43:53] mangus580 (mangus580! has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:44:08] justinh: you could say it's my duty as a law abiding citizen
[09:44:37] waxhead_: wow.. something has happened to the mythweb layout... :(
[09:44:53] wagnerrp: hey sphery, that 20 minutes is finally up... almost
[09:45:07] wagnerrp: still have to get it to accept inputs to let you set the format
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[09:48:25] Dibblah: justinh: DMCA takedown notice.
[09:48:49] Dibblah: ... It's what it's designed for.
[09:49:25] justinh: I think it's up to monotype to do that. I'll get in touch with them
[09:49:51] justinh: if I thought I got hate mail by discontinuing support for themes I'm hella gonna end up with it now
[09:50:58] justinh: Merry Christmas, Team Blackbolt!
[09:54:02] Dibblah: Let's try notifying them first.
[09:54:23] justinh: sod that
[09:54:46] justinh: isn't it the copyright holder's responsibility to look after the content?
[09:55:23] henrik__: well they problebly baught the font
[09:55:36] Dibblah: Buying != right to distribute.
[09:56:27] henrik__: i think there are to many fonts not open for redistribution.. just a design... let it be free..
[09:57:10] Dibblah: "let it be free" does not make sense.
[09:57:25] justinh: henrik__: oh right. you spend hundreds of man hours designing a font.. and then give it away
[09:58:01] justinh: and then you can't pay the nice people who worked on your fonts for you, and they go find real paying work
[09:58:09] justinh: or they continue to work unpaid, and starve
[09:58:45] Dibblah: Which font?
[09:59:29] octavsly (octavsly! has quit ("Leaving.")
[09:59:50] justinh: Neo Sans Intel
[09:59:52] henrik__: Agfa corp. needed to lay of half there work force cause the font was distributed.
[10:00:31] justinh: ffs it's a free font. bastard
[10:00:39] Dibblah: Heh. Okay.
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[10:01:00] justinh: or maybe not
[10:01:44] justinh: nah all the sites I can find it on want money
[10:01:54] justinh: and it's on rapidshare. proof, if it were ever needed
[10:02:20] ** justinh goes back to composing his rat email **
[10:03:23] henrik__: if xbmc was talking money for there products I would think it's ok to "rat" them out
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[10:03:33] henrik__: but since it's a free prodject I think it sucks..
[10:03:49] justinh: not the project, the skin team
[10:03:57] henrik__: well same thing
[10:04:08] justinh: people need to learn that copyright theft is wrong
[10:04:13] henrik__: the engine is nothing without the skin
[10:04:47] Dibblah: Which skin is that in?
[10:04:47] justinh: stealing ****ing images & fonts like they're going out of fashion. That is NOT what free software is about
[10:04:59] henrik__: if they were making money..
[10:05:00] justinh: Ellipsis
[10:05:08] justinh: henrik__: NO. that isn't the point
[10:05:28] Dibblah: Doesn't look like it...
[10:05:36] henrik__: if you don't do it for comersial purpoces..
[10:05:44] justinh: that still doesn't make it right
[10:06:13] Dibblah: I'm looking at "Ellipsis Std" and it definitely looks like a different font from the one on
[10:06:22] henrik__: the copywrite laws are insaine today, the loby in eu and in the states from the copywrite industri needs to be taken down..
[10:06:34] henrik__: how can you patent a purpuse?
[10:06:45] Dibblah: You mean purpose.
[10:06:47] Dibblah: Maybe.
[10:06:56] henrik__: yes
[10:08:20] henrik__: I'm just waiting for msoft to pantent, the "the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation"
[10:08:41] henrik__: this is so new, have never been done before..
[10:09:09] justinh: Dibblah: the file Ellipsis_bold certainly looks a hell of a lot like Neo Sans Intel
[10:09:30] Dibblah: justinh: I see a similarity between the Intel font and the Ellipsis one, but look at the lower case e
[10:09:59] justinh: so at best it's a font based on a copyrighted one & they forgot to rip out the copyright info?
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[10:10:23] Dibblah: Ah, I don't have visibility of the copyright tag.
[10:11:22] justinh: Futura Std isn't GPL/OSS/Freeware either
[10:12:43] henrik__: I think it could be built on the latin signs. guess intel must have invented that
[10:13:13] justinh: no. it's the bloody whole font
[10:13:30] justinh: God only knows what else they stole
[10:14:11] Dibblah: Err... The only sign I see is that one of the font names is Intel.
[10:14:29] Dibblah: Which _could_ be legitimately used for font family matching....
[10:14:29] justinh: Dibblah: use a Windows font viewer :)
[10:14:35] henrik__: alot of fonts I have seen have been based on the latin alphabet, so I think it could be hard to patent that, since the patent on latin should not be valid anymore.
[10:15:04] justinh: I looked in the fonts dir & was intruiged by them having their 'own' fonts so clicked on them
[10:15:22] justinh: shocked to see a) a different name come up in the font preview and b) the copyright/license info
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[10:19:25] henrik__: back in the 7th centry bc was it intel or agfa who patented the font? cause back then it was top notch..
[10:19:37] AndyCap: Linotype Hell
[10:19:38] AndyCap: :P
[10:20:20] Dibblah: Right. I've reported it in #xbmc, which has transitioned onto a posting on their forum.
[10:20:26] Dibblah: So it should get sorted.
[10:20:41] justinh: aww. I want to see transgressors smacked
[10:21:02] AndyCap: justinh: who exactly? rapidshare? :P
[10:21:18] henrik__: Dibblah, good
[10:21:18] AndyCap: of course, rapidshare should be smacked on principle
[10:21:23] Dibblah: Sorry – But I prefer the "reasonable" approach :(
[10:21:23] justinh: true
[10:21:40] henrik__: it
[10:22:01] justinh: these people can hardly be acting in ignorance though :-\
[10:22:26] justinh: pees me off to see it so blatant
[10:24:07] Dibblah: Heh. The font is £102.
[10:24:27] Dibblah: IF you have an Intel license to use it.
[10:25:08] henrik__: that is someone you should bust..
[10:25:30] henrik__: they are charging for a product they ripped right off..
[10:25:51] justinh: oh shhhh
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[10:25:53] henrik__: When you steel and then take money for it, that is wrong
[10:26:08] justinh: when you can't spell STEAL, you end up on the list
[10:26:21] henrik__: sorry justinh..
[10:26:38] justinh: whinging freetard
[10:26:42] [Peter]: henrik__: are you 12 years old or something? You have to realize that a font is not a consumer producet, hence the target market is not that big, so they have to charge more for every copy they sell to cover their costs
[10:27:33] [Peter]: henrik__: Designing a font isn't exactly cheap, it takes a lot of time.
[10:27:33] justinh: muh, music used to be free, pix used to be free. yeah.. everything used to be free. before humans chose to make a living making things to amuse, inform & entertain other humans
[10:28:01] henrik__: but it buy it's not unique, you can
[10:28:14] henrik__: you can't pantent something that someone did before you..
[10:28:29] henrik__: or copywrite, thats called stealing
[10:28:33] [Peter]: Fonts are not patents. They are just copyrighted.
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[10:29:32] [Peter]: henrik__: so if all fonts are basically the same as you say, you should just stick to the free ones as there basically isn't any difference.
[10:30:54] justinh: when you get a job the importance of some of this kind of thing will become clear
[10:31:24] henrik__: well as long as someone is not coming up with anyting new just copying the latin alphabet it's hard to claim you did something new, unless you acctually made that alphabet.
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[10:32:13] [Peter]: henrik__: so why do you want their fonts then? just use the DejaVu fonts
[10:32:37] justinh: OSS fonts are pretty much all sucky compared to $$$ fonts
[10:32:58] [Peter]: justinh: well, duh, it's just the latin alphabet, it's all the same..
[10:33:13] henrik__: I'm happy using what I got. and I don't think it's right to charge for something you did not do..
[10:33:24] justinh: it's a pity because even 'free' fonts can be as good as $$$ fonts but we can't ship them
[10:33:44] henrik__: and it's a bald claim to copywrite somehting that has been around for a loooong time.
[10:34:08] justinh: you're obviously not on this planet today henrik__  :)
[10:34:14] [Peter]: henrik__: they're not copyrighting the alphabet, they're just copyrighting their own work.
[10:34:15] justinh: if all the fonts look so alike...
[10:34:25] [Peter]: henrik__: they don't say noone else is allowed to make a font.
[10:34:41] henrik__: well it can be diffrent weather outside to..
[10:34:47] justinh: they don't even say you're not allowed to make a font stylistically similar
[10:35:05] [Peter]: henrik__: noone put down 100s or 1000s of hours in the weather outside.
[10:35:58] henrik__: well they do.. do yo know how much it costs to have someone make predictions, and in texas they are using ag sulfate to make it rain on crops..
[10:36:56] justinh: anyway I agree that ideas & software shouldn't be patented
[10:37:02] justinh: exact methods, yes
[10:37:03] [Peter]: totally
[10:37:09] justinh: principles & concepts.. no
[10:37:47] henrik__: I can agree that you can patent something you have done and that is not a ripoff..
[10:37:54] henrik__: ripp*
[10:38:16] henrik__: and I don't think you should be able to patent a gene..
[10:38:22] henrik__: or a body function..
[10:38:23] justinh: I think the problem with patents today is that terms are too vague & too wide
[10:38:42] [Peter]: and a lot of stupid shit slips through
[10:39:03] henrik__: i would not be suppriced if apple got Isex registred.
[10:39:13] justinh: "an electric powered thing for boiling water"
[10:39:40] henrik__: and look.. that is only 100 years old.. the font is going more then 2600 years back
[10:39:44] [Peter]: henrik__: that would be a trademark, and not a patent though.. very differnt things
[10:40:01] henrik__: okej.. but have you seen they way they have patented there menu system
[10:40:18] henrik__: were talkin very vague
[10:40:23] henrik__: so it will cover everything..
[10:40:25] [Peter]: henrik__: I thought this discussion was about copyrighted fonts and not retarded patents?
[10:40:49] henrik__: well it's all the same..
[10:40:58] justinh: I don't think that font was around 2600 years ago somehow
[10:41:09] justinh: not the very same typeface anyhow
[10:41:13] [Peter]: no, it's not, it's very different
[10:41:40] henrik__: stupid rights.. the weel was invented along time ago..
[10:41:50] henrik__: I hope not someone get a pantent on it cuase the rim is black
[10:41:52] henrik__: or blue
[10:41:56] mzb: pointless argument
[10:42:07] [Peter]: With a patent you say that people are not allowed to make something like I did it, with a copyright you're saying that people are not allowed to just rip off your work, but they can create their own version if they want.
[10:43:50] justinh: anyway...
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[10:44:23] [Peter]: Yeah, I give up now
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[10:51:46] henrik__: . . . nt-absurdity
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[11:16:23] justinh: to heck with patent law. personal hygeine is way more important. Since you mention the bearded one
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[11:21:27] Dibblah: henrik__: Most of these arguments are made by people who make _nothing_, IMHO.
[11:21:59] Dibblah: ie if you are against all of these things, then it's very hard to justify selling anything.
[11:22:32] Dibblah: Making a good font, a good song, a good movie, etc all take time + money + effort.
[11:23:40] Dibblah: Most of the "I don't think patent law is right" apologists are just making internal justifications that make theft of someone else's work "right".
[11:24:01] xand: "theft".
[11:24:09] Dibblah: Yes. Theft.
[11:24:25] Dibblah: Stealing something (even if it is non-physical) is stealing.
[11:24:43] Dibblah: If I empty your bank account, it's OK. Because the cash doesn't really exist.
[11:25:16] Dibblah: You worked hard to "earn" that cash? Oh, what a shame.
[11:25:16] xand: it's not stealing
[11:25:25] xand: please read a dictionary
[11:25:33] Dibblah: Ah, an apologist.
[11:25:48] xand: there is a legal defintion of theft/stealing, and it's not what you think.
[11:26:06] justinh: so what is it then?
[11:26:14] justinh: if not "obtaining without paying for"
[11:26:20] Dibblah: "a criminal taking of the property or services of another without consent "
[11:26:40] xand: you don't take something, you make a copy. the original is still there.
[11:26:45] xand: so it's not the same at all.
[11:27:09] Dibblah: Which part of the "or services" did you miss?
[11:27:27] xand: they still have the services to offer
[11:27:30] justinh: bloody hell. this crappy DGM LCD TV has a limiter on its audio input
[11:27:41] Dibblah: Service is not just a blow job from a hooker.
[11:27:44] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:27:49] Dibblah: It's the act of creating something useful.
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[11:28:57] justinh: what would philistines who've never created anything know about it
[11:29:02] justinh: ;)
[11:29:08] xand: I have created things thanks.
[11:29:59] Dibblah: Have you had anything stolen from you before?
[11:30:19] Dibblah: Something you worked long and hard to create, but someone just ripped off?
[11:31:07] Dibblah: Feel free to steal, but justifying it with "the dictionary I have doesn't define it as theft" is wrong.
[11:31:27] Dibblah: Anyways. Apologies for the rant :(
[11:31:51] justinh: we rant because people don't ****ing get it
[11:31:57] xand: people have used photos I took without permission, but I don't consider it theft.
[11:32:40] justinh: jees what sort of TV has an ALC on its line level audio inputs ffs?
[11:33:45] Dibblah: The sort that makes you want to open it up and "fix" it :)
[11:33:51] justinh: lol
[11:35:01] justinh: hmm wonder if I can get away with generating -12v with a max232 chip here
[11:35:39] xand: Dibblah: I never said copyright infringement etc was right, just that it's not the same as theft so shouldn't be called that.
[11:35:59] Dibblah: justinh: Not for audio, no.
[11:36:39] justinh: meh. I'll just use a 6v regulator then
[11:36:47] justinh: 5V pk-pk should be enough headroom
[11:36:54] justinh: actually 10V
[11:37:05] justinh: +5 & -5V
[11:38:02] justinh: seems such a bloody waste to use a wall wart when a circuit is only pulling mA
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[11:55:38] justinh: Dibblah: happen to know of any better ways of powering things than stupid wall warts? PoE maybe? sick of all the mains adapters now. the router, DAB radios, switches... phone chargers, console charger... beh
[11:56:04] Dibblah: Consolidate mains adapters where possible.
[11:56:16] Dibblah: Usually, they're just 5v things.
[11:56:26] justinh: yeah phone chargers etc are
[11:56:49] justinh: router runs on Stupid Volts, as do both DAB radios
[11:57:12] justinh: might need an internal exam to find out what they can be run off ;-)
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[11:57:30] Dibblah: Usually, 12v is fine.
[11:57:55] justinh: yeah, replace as many warts as poss with a nice efficient 12V SMPSU
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[11:58:09] Dibblah: (The amp is generally the only thing that "suffers".
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[11:58:31] justinh: doing WHA we might be able to do away with the DAB radios
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[11:59:05] justinh: wouldn't care if these things actually had ****ing switches on the mains
[11:59:37] justinh: wonder why it is so many outfits don't bother putting internal PSUs in stuff
[11:59:45] justinh: might be for ease of approvals
[11:59:50] Dibblah: Exactly.
[12:00:04] justinh: it's never as if they don't have space in the bloody box!
[12:00:24] Dibblah: However, I do have a number of 5v / 12v PSUs that measure 0w with no load.
[12:00:34] justinh: well, they should get their nuts cut off. it's not environmentally friendly
[12:01:10] justinh: I think linear regulated PSUs are ok without a load – it's more that they're not as efficient in use
[12:06:24] justinh: gonna put the cable STB on a timer I think
[12:06:34] justinh: and the teevee
[12:07:10] justinh: pop to asda & see if they've got any multi packs of radio control switches left
[12:07:20] justinh: fiver for three allegedly
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[12:42:59] AndyCap: justinh: so how much do the radio switces suck down? :P
[12:43:41] justinh: AndyCap: dunno. not got my hands on one yet
[12:43:54] AndyCap: which reminds me that I need to find a router to run them from. I guess I should just splurge for a WRT610N and stick the tellstick and rf remote receiver in it
[12:44:08] justinh: but putting a few thirsty devices on the back of one will result in savings :)
[12:44:18] AndyCap: oh yeah.
[12:44:23] justinh: assuming that the switch sucks less ;-)
[12:44:34] AndyCap: I saw some mention 5VA or so.
[12:45:04] AndyCap: not sure what model it was. was on the tellstick forums.
[12:45:16] justinh: measured a friend's X10 switch module & it drew 8W
[12:46:27] AndyCap: ahh, reminds me I should grab my power stats for the year before december ends and they roll over to a new year
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[12:56:26] justinh: might just extend my electrical cabinet in the house & put a DMX switching pack in there
[13:00:11] ivor: hmm can't quite find a use for "tabbed email" yet.
[13:00:27] AndyCap: heh, wonder if DMX is more or less expensive than KNX/EIB
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[13:01:51] justinh: 4-way DMX dimmer packs can be had for about £50
[13:02:04] justinh: USB to DMX is a piece of pie
[13:02:31] justinh: and DMX is a wee bit faster than X10 ;-)
[13:02:55] AndyCap:
[13:02:58] justinh: not as easy to cable though
[13:03:10] justinh: oh and USB to DMX will work in loonix :)
[13:03:51] justinh: dunno how well DMX works on UTP wiring though
[13:05:18] justinh: I need to get into microcontrollers. bet it won't take much to build a serial/usb controlled mains switcher/dimmer
[13:06:34] ivor: justinh: you just got the electric bill or something? :)
[13:06:55] justinh: nah but looking at cheap ways to cut the bills
[13:07:08] justinh: has to be cheap or it'll take too long to pay for itself
[13:08:01] ivor: justinh: sure, always worth running a power meter of a few devices and working out whats worth bothering with and how much everything costs.
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[13:08:52] justinh: clock radio can be discounted. only 2W
[13:08:54] ivor: I found the most expensive device was having my father-in-law stay. so I got rid of him and the power went back down.
[13:09:01] justinh: lol
[13:09:26] ivor: justinh: yup 2W, power usage equivalent of running a car for 4 seconds.
[13:10:51] ivor: that's 2W for 24 hours.
[13:11:02] ivor: missing vital bit of information there. :)
[13:15:49] justinh:
[13:16:41] ivor: I want to automate my curtains.
[13:17:36] justinh: me too but... damn bay windows are tricky
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[13:17:40] ivor: lol scrolled down to comments.
[13:17:47] ivor: "Simon Hoscik"
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[13:34:53] justinh: technically, if I go down the dmx route all the controlled devices will be wired appliance style since I won't even be touching the ring mains
[13:34:56] justinh: heh
[13:35:46] justinh: part P doesn't cover that adequately methinks. Still plenty of scope for idiots to kill innocent people
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[13:42:36] gbee: did I miss a reshuffle on Freeview? BBC One no longer tunes
[13:52:00] justinh: on 2nd dec there was. doubt you could've missed that
[13:55:15] justinh: oo aria have a 1080p 22" monitor on for under a ton
[13:57:34] quicksilver: rly?
[13:58:37] quicksilver: 195 on aria's site?
[13:59:54] ** quicksilver can't see one for under a ton **
[14:00:22] justinh: 37241
[14:00:38] justinh: ah just over a ton inc vat
[14:00:49] justinh: web only? BAH
[14:01:33] gbee: what manufacturer?
[14:02:03] quicksilver: oh, you said monitor. I thought you said TV.
[14:02:04] quicksilver: ;)
[14:02:05] justinh: "arianet"
[14:02:18] justinh: probably not the best but it'd only be for a bathroom :)
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[14:05:26] rstory: howdy... i just added a 3rd tuner to my .21 mythtv system and i'm seeing something odd...
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[14:05:58] rstory: mythtv is scheduling to record the same program on the same channel at the same time using 2 different tuners...
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[14:06:42] gbee: BBC One did change, but strangely my production frontend is still working, I suspect they've been running with two serviceids for a while, so the rescan a few weeks ago on the production box used the new one but the dev box with the old data continued to work until yesterday
[14:06:47] quicksilver: maybe it has two copies of the channel in its database?
[14:07:43] gbee: or not ... damn, BBC One won't tune on either DVB-T card
[14:08:09] justinh: gbee: sounds like it's time for a scan
[14:08:24] rstory: all tuners have the same source, but 2 are digital and 1 is analog.. the program in question is on one of the channels that shows up in bot the digital and analog lineups..
[14:08:24] justinh: but I haven't heard anything about mux changes for now
[14:08:50] gbee: justinh: rescanned three times, including one where I deleted the channel first
[14:09:23] gbee: could be a mux change, I didn't delete the transports, maybe I should check other channels
[14:10:40] mag0o: woot off right now has 23" 1080p for $150
[14:10:50] mag0o: monitor with hdmi
[14:14:17] rstory: aha.. just noticed that this is always happening on the same channel..
[14:15:38] justinh: gbee: which tx are you using?
[14:16:02] justinh: if it's the whole mux they might be doing engineering works
[14:17:05] justinh: . . . eering_works
[14:17:32] justinh: and
[14:18:00] mag0o: justinh: you see the 23" 1080p on ?
[14:18:03] mag0o: $150usd
[14:18:12] gbee: Nottingham (Waltham) – no work, since the production frontend is working just fine
[14:18:32] justinh: mag0o: wth use is that to me?
[14:19:01] mag0o: just referring back to 08:55 < justinh> oo aria have a 1080p 22" monitor on for under a ton
[14:19:04] mag0o: thought you were looking
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[14:19:15] justinh: ton == 100 GBP
[14:19:29] justinh: :)
[14:19:36] mag0o: wouldnt that be a tonne? :)
[14:19:54] mag0o: ok, bad attempt at international humor
[14:20:08] rstory: aha.. the callsigns were different between common analog/digital channels... set them equal and now only one tuner is scheduled.
[14:23:08] ** gbee starts to suspect this is signal related, normally it's Five* that suffer with low signal strength so I dismissed that before, but I have just managed to briefly tune BBC Two **
[14:23:24] quicksilver: that's odd. I find BBC One to be the most reliable signal of them all.
[14:23:35] quicksilver: I struggle with ITV, ITV3, and sometimes five.
[14:24:16] Dibblah: Ahhh, efficiency. Council employs someone to walk around delivering "your paper recycling bin will be collected on x days". And employs a _different_ person to deliver the same leaflet for glass / plastic /etc.
[14:24:30] gbee: if they are doing maintenance then they could have reduced the power on that frequency
[14:24:43] gbee: Dibblah: heh
[14:25:50] gbee: I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't weight related, HSE now dictates the maximum load a leaflet, postman or paper boy can legally carry
[14:26:30] AndyCap: gbee: printing it all on one sheet of paper is obviously crazytalk.
[14:28:01] gbee: well obviously ;)
[14:28:54] gbee: bah, why isn't BBC One working, I'm missing my daily dose of Neighbours!
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[14:36:16] gbee: that was a joke btw, I don't watch soaps ;)
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[14:37:31] AndyCap: and off he ran.
[14:37:33] AndyCap: :)
[14:38:47] Dibblah: Heh. Someone at the design studio has been on the drugs again.
[14:39:32] Dibblah: gbee: That's fairly obvious, since Neighbours hasn't been on BBC one for a year or so.
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[14:47:29] justinh: Dibblah: saw that yesterday. what a crock
[14:48:28] justinh: and you get to see the stupid froggy logo staring at you all the time. nice
[14:50:01] justinh: btw FWIW it looks like there's no alpha effect on their button lists either. easily done with a gradient image on top
[14:52:42] ** justinh goes off in search of more copyright violations **
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[15:00:43] AndyCap: Out for Justice!
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[15:15:24] pak0: hello all people
[15:15:48] pak0: continue with problems with my card with chipset afatech using driver af9015 latest 4.95.0
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[15:16:15] pak0: only work one tuner, is a dvb-t on pci recognizes as usb
[15:16:34] pak0: with kaffeine and vdr works the two tunners, the problem is under mythtv
[15:20:01] justinh: heh the font co. got my name wrong
[15:21:59] justinh: FS Darling went ahead with the blimmin broadband tax? C***. Government back-handing private companies again?!
[15:22:42] justinh: who cares if people who live in the sticks can't get on the internet? That's what you get for living in the sticks
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[15:30:20] justinh: btw anybody know wth happened to FlashForward this week? i.e. where was it?
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[15:30:51] mag0o: the future ate it
[15:31:07] justinh: there might've been an announcement after the show but I generally just press stop at the end in absolute outrage
[15:31:38] mag0o: i think last week was it till march, unless im thinking of another show
[15:31:43] mag0o: don't quote me on that one
[15:32:12] justinh: six or so episodes in,then a break?
[15:32:40] justinh: sounds plausible
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[15:36:20] iamlindoro: The only thing that's not plausible is FlashForward becoming good
[15:36:46] iamlindoro: That would be like Heroes becoming a sensible, well written adventure
[15:37:20] justinh: lol
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[15:37:47] justinh: I'm angling for a part. Angry, short, short haired Brit
[15:37:59] justinh: verging on psychopathic
[15:38:08] gbee: so it turns out it's not pointed at Nottingham after all, but directly at Waltham which is apparently undergoing maintenance with lower than normal power levels
[15:38:25] justinh: only problem is I can kinda fool people that I can act
[15:38:50] mag0o: isn't that what acting is? fooling people?
[15:38:54] gbee: to be fair, there is only a 35 degree difference between the two (although polarisation should have been the big clue)
[15:38:57] justinh: gbee: so that explains that. when's it back ?
[15:39:11] justinh: on high power I mean
[15:40:01] gbee: doesn't say exactly, just a vague 'during the week starting 7th'
[15:40:01] justinh: mag0o: so why isn't anybody in FF very good at fooling people? ;-)
[15:40:20] mag0o: hehe
[15:40:28] gbee: I think I'll bump the priority of the DVB-S card
[15:40:38] justinh: Jack Davenport's face when he realised he was being 'napped was hilarious
[15:42:02] justinh: if it doesn't pick up soon I'm gonna have to start watching Spooks
[15:42:08] justinh: or give up telly
[15:42:13] mag0o: if i knew their names or could remember what i saw when i watched it, i would probably agree; but, I'm horrible with remembering things I watch
[15:42:28] justinh: that was the actor's name :)
[15:42:38] justinh: I can't remember the character names
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[15:42:54] mag0o: I don't even know those names
[15:43:01] justinh: same with Defying Gravity
[15:43:27] mag0o: I'm the one always left out of the conversation when it comes to movie/tv talk around the water cooler
[15:43:29] justinh: Whiny Hispanic bitch who makes home movies
[15:43:35] justinh: hate her
[15:44:08] justinh: mag0o: I dunno.If the plot & characters are engaging I can remember lots
[15:44:38] justinh: at least this stuff will look nice in HD. Then 3D
[15:44:45] justinh: if nothing else
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[16:01:49] GreyFoxx: Is it just me... or is that boxee box incredibly ugly?
[16:02:01] GreyFoxx: Maybe I just don't appreciate the artistic aspect to it ?
[16:02:25] GreyFoxx: I just don't want what appear to be cut up rubics cubes in my entertainment cabinet :)
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[16:06:41] jams: GreyFoxx- i'm with you on that one. Might be ok sitting on a shelf someplace, but not in the cabinet
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[16:24:34] wagnerrp: so i went to gamestop and was informed i could buy Uncharted used for $55, or after some prodding that new copies were available for $60 behind the counter
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[16:44:47] CShadowRun: i've put a bunch of videos in /var/lib/mythtv/videos, how do i make them show up in the media library?
[16:46:28] at0m: CShadowRun: 2 ways: in Setup, let the library either show all, or scan for new video's. and make sure the setup page has that directory set, plus that it's accessible (esp. if it's on the network)
[16:46:53] CShadowRun: at0m: thanks :)
[16:51:33] CShadowRun: at0m this is Utilities/Setup > Setup > Media Settings > Video Settings, somewhere in there?
[16:51:35] CShadowRun: i can't seem to find it
[16:53:01] wagnerrp: is this in 0.22?
[16:53:21] wagnerrp: if yes, do you have an ISO files?
[16:53:42] CShadowRun: yea, 0.22
[16:53:46] CShadowRun: and no they are just avi's
[16:54:04] wagnerrp: open mythtv-setup, final entry (storage groups)
[16:54:10] wagnerrp: youll find a number of new entries
[16:54:17] wagnerrp: Videos, Trailers, and a bunch of image types
[16:54:23] wagnerrp: populate those groups
[16:54:50] CShadowRun: yea, i see videos in there, videos is set to /var/lib/mythtv/videos
[16:54:54] CShadowRun: and there are files in there
[16:55:01] CShadowRun: i assume you mean storage directories, there is no storage groups
[16:55:35] wagnerrp: then in mythfrontend, media library, watch videos, hit 'm' and scan
[16:55:54] wagnerrp: formerly, there was a video manager, in frontend setup, and it scanned when you first opened it
[16:56:03] CShadowRun: yea, that's how i used to do it :)
[16:56:12] wagnerrp: that has been obsoleted and you now scan through the menu in the main view
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[16:57:17] CShadowRun: ah, file browse mode is nice :D
[16:57:25] wagnerrp: no, its not
[16:57:28] wagnerrp: you get no metadata
[16:57:39] wagnerrp: its only worthwhile for transient data
[16:57:44] CShadowRun: don't really need it, file names are enough for me
[16:57:47] wagnerrp: like automounted removable media
[16:58:32] CShadowRun: unless there's any automagical way for it to find all the relevant information based on the file name
[16:58:39] CShadowRun: that'd be cool.
[16:58:52] wagnerrp: if you have compliant file names, just hit 'w'
[16:59:15] CShadowRun: nice
[16:59:26] CShadowRun: that's sweet :D
[17:00:02] CShadowRun: what defines a compliant filename?
[17:00:34] wagnerrp:
[17:00:42] CShadowRun: ty :)
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[17:14:51] Brad-D: wagnerrp: i have been some encoding that we chatting about last night. For the most part the video look good, but they seem to have a bit of jaggedness (or studdering). This also happens in all players (mplayer, mythavtest, xine). Any ideas what it might be?
[17:15:17] wagnerrp: paste in your x264 command line
[17:16:18] wagnerrp: brb
[17:17:17] Brad-D: /usr/local/HandBrake-0.9.4/build/HandBrakeCLI --input ./movie.vob --output /var/drive3/ripper/mov.mp4 --title 1 --encoder x264 -q 0.589999973773956 -a 1,1 -E faac,ac3 -B 160,auto -R 48,Auto -6 dpl2,auto -f mp4 -X 720 -x level=30:cabac=0:ref=3:mixed-refs=1:analyse=all:me=umh:no-fast-pskip=1
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[17:17:41] Brad-D: and i got that from the Handbrake common profiles
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[17:19:59] wagnerrp: ok... not so sure about that
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[17:20:28] Brad-D: perhaps i will try with straight x264
[17:20:30] Brad-D: see what happens
[17:20:41] wagnerrp: level 3.0 should be fine
[17:20:48] wagnerrp: but most dvd profiles ive seen use 3.2
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[17:21:16] wagnerrp: also, unless youre encoding for some embedded/low-power device, cabac should be enabled
[17:22:08] Brad-D: and you mentioned last night that q should be over 20?
[17:22:14] wagnerrp: no idea what this '-q' setting means
[17:22:25] wagnerrp: the handbrakecli docs indicate its a value from 0–1
[17:22:46] wagnerrp: x264 uses some arbitrary quantizer scale
[17:23:07] wagnerrp: and it works out that a quantizer of 18 is effectively lossless
[17:23:40] wagnerrp: still lossy, but imperceivably different from the source
[17:23:49] superdump (superdump!n=rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:24:31] wagnerrp: i dont know what other defaults it has set to know what other encoding options you might want to adjust
[17:25:46] elmojo: Brad-D: are you enabling any type of deinterlacing?
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[17:27:04] elmojo: you mentioned "jaggedness" which sounds like you aren't deinterlacing the source before encoding with x264
[17:27:52] Brad-D: hmmm to be honest i'm not sure.. i just use mplayer --dumpstream movie.vob
[17:28:32] Brad-D: the one thing is, my jaggedness lookes like one line near the top of the screen that seems behind the frame, not tons of little horizontal lines on the screen
[17:28:38] Brad-D: could that still be deinterlacing?
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[17:36:02] Brad-D: hmm i think it might be that i am going to mp4 instead of mkv
[17:36:05] Brad-D: i will give that a go
[17:36:35] CShadowRun: wagnerrp: any way to have it sort by episode?
[17:36:39] CShadowRun: atm it seems in a bit of a random order
[17:37:46] trumee: anybody using this remote
[17:41:24] elmojo: Brad-D: unless you plan on needing the mp4 container for portable devices I'd stick to mkv
[17:41:55] Brad-D: yeah i was thinking the same thing. so the mp4 might be the source of my problems?
[17:42:09] elmojo: wouldn't think so
[17:42:35] Brad-D: ahh too bad, that would be too simple :)
[17:43:15] elmojo: so it's just a single horizontal line near the top that you are having an issue with?
[17:43:37] Brad-D: i would say near the top half, that seems to pop up during fast movement on the screen
[17:43:55] Brad-D: almost like it's jerking, or behind the frame
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[17:47:59] elmojo: you aren't using VDPAU are you?
[17:48:18] Brad-D: i am within mythtv
[17:48:23] Brad-D: i'm not sure if it gets applied to these files
[17:48:35] Brad-D: it also does the same thing on mplayer, which i don't think i have enabled to do vdpau
[17:50:48] elmojo: k, just making sure
[17:51:15] elmojo: pulling up handbrake now to see if I can help you out more
[17:51:50] Brad-D: thanks i appreciate the help
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[17:52:50] Brad-D: perhaps my quality of (-q 0.589) isn't high enough? some forums seem to suggest .73ish
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[17:53:42] Brad-D: elmojo: on a side note, what programs do you use to rip dvds? vobcopy and handbrake?
[17:53:47] elmojo: Brad-D: it doesn't sound like a quality issue
[17:54:17] elmojo: Brad-D: no comment on the last question
[17:54:42] elmojo: let's work on getting the proper deinterlacing/inverse telecine set
[17:54:55] Brad-D: okay, sounds good to me :)
[17:56:09] elmojo: Brad-D: I'm not sure if you have telecined content for you vob or not so we'll skip detelecine for now
[17:56:33] elmojo: select the "Video Filters" tab and set Deinterlace to Fast
[17:57:15] Brad-D: okay
[17:57:16] elmojo: then re-run your encoding and see if it makes a difference or not
[17:57:24] Brad-D: thanks, giving it a shot now
[17:58:57] Brad-D: i should know in about 2 hours, lol
[17:59:00] elmojo: Brad-D: another piece of advice when trying to determine the best settings is to work with a small sample of your original video
[17:59:43] Brad-D: good idea.. how would i split up this vob file? avide_mux?
[17:59:55] elmojo: Brad-D: you can use dd from the command line
[17:59:56] wagnerrp: dd
[18:00:04] elmojo: avidemux might work also
[18:01:12] elmojo: dd if=video.vob of=video_small.vob bs=1024 count=50000 would create a 50MB sample from the start of the video
[18:01:21] Brad-D: thanks
[18:01:40] elmojo: you can use the skip argument if you want to get a sample from somewhere in the middle
[18:04:51] madLyfe (madLyfe! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:12:33] elmojo: wagnerrp: you aware of any linux tool that will analyze a video and provide type of interlacing information (TFF, BFF, telecine, etc)
[18:18:57] Brad-D: wow that dd command is cool
[18:19:04] Brad-D: very helpful
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[18:23:46] Brad-D: okay i just noticed the same thing in the source i'm trying to transcode
[18:23:49] Brad-D: guess it's not the transcoding :)
[18:25:06] wagnerrp: elmojo: not off hand, no
[18:28:32] Guest96068 (Guest96068!n=bbee@2001:888:155c:0:0:0:0:13) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:35:58] justinh: not ffmpeg?
[18:36:29] wagnerrp: dont know
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[18:39:02] Brad-D: elmojo: i think you may have been right about the deinterlacing. I was getting the same problem just playing my dvd in mplayer. I added -vf kerndeint and it seemed to go away
[18:39:11] Brad-D: hoping it does the same on dumpstream
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[18:41:27] elmojo: Brad-D: cool, you might want to also enable detelecine for VOBs that are telecined... most movies are recorded as Film (23.976 fps) and then telecined to Video (29.97 fps) to be compatible with DVD and broadcast
[18:41:58] Brad-D: i will check that out
[18:42:18] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit ()
[18:42:18] justinh: s'ok for us PAL-ers :)
[18:42:31] elmojo: Brad-D: telecine is just a simple process that repeat frames in a certain pattern
[18:42:42] justinh: or not
[18:42:53] justinh: advanced forms of it use interpolation
[18:43:24] elmojo: it's advantageous when re-encoding to remove the repeated frames since they add no value and will only increase filesize or decrease quality
[18:43:31] justinh: I can't figure out why they didn't just increase movie framerates
[18:43:50] justinh: 24fps looks like ass til my eyes adjust to it
[18:43:57] elmojo: justinh: true
[18:44:27] elmojo: you're right that Film gives a different and very subjective 'feel' for some reason
[18:44:44] psm321 (psm321! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:44:50] Brad-D: elmojo: how do you normally tell if a vob is telecined?
[18:45:10] elmojo: I use dgdecode/dgindex under windows :)
[18:45:16] Brad-D: doh!
[18:45:16] Brad-D: haha
[18:45:37] elmojo: It has a preview option that gives statistics for the frames
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[18:46:26] elmojo: and will tell you if it's Video or Film, the the interlace ordering (TFF or BFF), number of repeated frames
[18:46:47] elmojo: I just haven't found a tool under linux that does the same
[18:49:26] elmojo: one option is to get very familiar with the FFmpeg code, add traces and playback under MythTV which I've done on in the past
[18:55:05] olesalscheider (olesalscheider! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:55:24] Dubstar_04: is there an option to disable bookmark support for videos? myth loses focus when it is enabled and starts to play
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[18:56:23] elmojo: Dubstar_04: I believe your only option is to modify the code
[18:57:13] justinh: or just clear all your bookmarks & disable bookmark setting
[18:57:34] elmojo: of course then you don't get to use bookmarks :)
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[19:00:30] justinh: they break focus at the moment for reasons unknown so you've really no choice :)
[19:00:59] justinh: so.. trying that (cough) other media centre. still doesn't play a sodding video
[19:01:13] elmojo: Dubstar_04: if you want to keep using bookmarks but avoid the Qt popup then apply the following patch ->
[19:01:49] [n0b0dy] ([n0b0dy]! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:04:57] elmojo: justinh: are you going to enter the theming competition?
[19:05:04] wagnerrp: cant, hes a dev
[19:05:44] wagnerrp: are non-SG videos in the database listed has having a NULL hostname? or an empty string?
[19:07:33] brad2 (brad2! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:07:44] elmojo: was hoping at least one person would enter the competition
[19:08:09] wagnerrp: there are several non-devs working on themes, presumably to enter in the competition
[19:08:38] wagnerrp: at least two regularly asking questions in the theming channel
[19:08:56] wagnerrp: plus another posted up on the mailing list
[19:09:28] wagnerrp: and then theres several ports of old themes, but those are likely disqualified
[19:09:43] Dubstar_04: ive been working on a theme . . . eenshot2.png
[19:09:43] Brad-D (Brad-D! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:09:56] Dubstar_04: im stuggling for time at the moment
[19:10:02] wagnerrp: well there you go, a fourth
[19:10:06] brad2 (brad2! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:10:12] wagnerrp: and theres still two months to go
[19:10:14] elmojo: awesome
[19:10:41] justinh: elmojo: wouldn't enter anyway. I already have a SD t-shirt :)
[19:10:58] Dubstar_04: . . . eenshot4.png
[19:11:03] chainsawbike_ (chainsawbike_! has quit ("yep... i broke it good that time...")
[19:11:25] justinh: elmojo: I'm kind of working on something though. conservative but something I really like, not going mad with fanart etc
[19:11:40] mag0o: Dubstar_04: i like that, looks nice and clean
[19:11:54] justinh:
[19:12:21] chainsawbike (chainsawbike! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:12:39] justinh: Dubstar_04: think the description area needs a whack more contrast though
[19:13:35] justinh: and I *still* fail to see what the point of fanart is when you're covering it all up, but hey
[19:14:14] Dubstar_04: . . . reenshot.png
[19:14:31] Dubstar_04: . . . enshot-1.png
[19:14:52] elmojo: justinh: nice, clean and simple... I really like the PBB screeen
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[19:15:13] Dubstar_04: justinh: ive not really messed with colours too much yet, just getting the layout sorted
[19:15:35] justinh: I like all the screens I've done. played with fanart & it only really works when there's not much else onscreen
[19:16:03] justinh: or else you devote screen real estate to it – which is fine when the majority of stuff *has* artwork
[19:16:21] sphery: Dubstar_04: Nice. Oh, and FWIW, the ScreenShot jumppoint in MythTV creates uncompressed PNG's, so by re-saving them with ImageMagick or whatever, you get a /much/ smaller file.
[19:16:28] sphery: wagnerrp: congrats on your progress
[19:16:46] sphery: I definitely like the clean/simpleness
[19:17:08] dserban_: is justin hunt a regular devel? (justinh is that you)?
[19:17:08] sphery: (It also reminds me of RedBox :)
[19:17:12] justinh: hunt?
[19:17:21] justinh: k hunt more like
[19:17:24] Dubstar_04: thats mike hunt?
[19:17:28] dserban_: yeah, hahaha!
[19:17:37] justinh: dserban_: why do you ask?
[19:17:37] sphery: justinh is a dev, but different last name :)
[19:17:47] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Read error: 148 (No route to host))
[19:18:01] justinh: it's been a while since I committed anything, theme-wise or not
[19:18:17] dserban_: found a post on mythtv users mailing list from 2005 where a justin hunt started writing a curses interface to the myth backend setup.
[19:18:22] sphery: heh:
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[19:18:36] sphery: dserban_: different guy
[19:18:51] sphery: we'll eventually have a non-GUI interface, but it's unlikely to be curses
[19:18:52] dserban_: aye, figured that, just explained why I was interrogating him heh.
[19:18:53] justinh: very different
[19:18:54] sphery: (probably web)
[19:19:24] dserban_: sphery: hmm, well I was looking for something simple to work on, so that was an idea I had, just doin' some research.
[19:19:32] justinh: and if mr hunt isn't finished doing the ncurses interface for the version of myth which we had in 2005, God help the guy
[19:19:55] justinh: dserban_: as sphery said the grand plan is a web interface to configure mythtv
[19:20:06] dserban_: hah, yeah no kiddin'.
[19:20:12] sphery: maybe he realized that it's a /lot/ easier to just do: ssh -Y backendhostname
[19:20:16] dserban_: Fun, is there a spec?
[19:20:24] sphery: nope
[19:20:28] justinh: no, just some guy said to do it
[19:20:30] sphery: basically, all part of the settings rewrite
[19:20:49] ** justinh uninstalls **** again. Stinking piece of crap **
[19:20:52] dserban_: lol yeah no kiddin', I can port forward as well :)
[19:21:23] dserban_: sphery: there's a settings rewrite? meh
[19:21:35] justinh: how the hell is *anybody* using that as a frickin frontend?! eet serks
[19:21:45] dserban_: I can do web stuff, but I'm a perl zealot
[19:21:46] justinh: dserban_: you miss the memo?
[19:22:00] dserban_: what memo?  :)
[19:22:11] justinh: extraneous settings are being yarked out, for one thing
[19:22:21] justinh: yoink!
[19:22:24] ** dserban_ imagines justinh sippin' coffee and pumpin.. **
[19:22:41] sphery: "All employees must NOW use offensive language at the workplace."
[19:22:46] Dagmar: Yay!
[19:22:48] justinh: no coffee, this time of night
[19:22:48] sphery: (for you Better Off Ted fans)
[19:23:05] Dagmar: I was a fan of the blonde on that show. Does that count?
[19:23:09] dserban_: NO NO NO! settings are sexy, if there wasn't a way to confuse people... what kinda *nix program would myth be?
[19:23:26] sphery: Dagmar: was? It's back--new episode last night!
[19:23:46] dserban_: I haven't seen that show. What network?
[19:23:52] justinh: dserban_: one stuck in the dark ages where people forsake it for XBMC
[19:24:07] justinh: despite it not doing what it says on the tin
[19:24:10] sphery: justinh: my next trick will be to sell the idea of removing "Deleted Max Age"
[19:24:29] sphery: by putting more/better information into all the storage-reporting functions, it becomes useless.
[19:24:36] justinh: heh
[19:24:47] sphery: and if a user really wants, they can run
[19:24:52] sphery: (can even do it on a cron)
[19:25:28] dserban_: myth vs xbmc? whoodathunkit? I think it's lame. Only because the x stands for x-box, and thus they have donkey-s**ks with microsoft. Icky.
[19:25:51] dorgan (dorgan! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:25:55] dorgan: is anyone using this board on a frontend??
[19:26:25] justinh: board?
[19:26:31] dorgan: mobo
[19:26:33] dserban_: that's a computer...
[19:26:40] dorgan: wait wrong link
[19:26:41] dorgan: lol
[19:26:42] dorgan: 1 sec
[19:26:45] justinh: that link is a teevee with build in conscooter
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[19:26:57] AndyCap: justinh: a key_board_ ?
[19:27:05] dorgan:
[19:27:07] dorgan: there we go
[19:27:14] AndyCap: or maybe just planks of wood
[19:27:34] dserban_: dorgan: you plannin' on gaming?
[19:27:48] AndyCap: true 3way sli? who needs that crap
[19:27:55] justinh: no mortal
[19:28:08] dorgan: no but I want HDMI output
[19:28:19] AndyCap: what part is hdmi if it doesn't actually have a card on it?
[19:28:29] dorgan: it does have a card on it
[19:28:30] AndyCap: or am I missing something
[19:28:31] Dubstar_04: does anyone know anything about the video on demand / streaming plugin iamlindoro is working on?
[19:28:31] justinh: AndyCap: it has a geforce 8 GPU
[19:28:48] justinh: eight ! :-O
[19:29:04] dorgan: i want something thats is going to beable to output 1080i/p without an issue
[19:29:07] AndyCap: is that a 8400 with it legs shot of?
[19:29:22] justinh: dorgan: smells like Nvidia ION platform
[19:29:25] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:30:04] dorgan: my frontend is also going to be the backend
[19:30:11] dserban_: msi is startin' to feel icky imho, I've had 3 boards die on me. I miss soltek :(
[19:30:11] dorgan: sorry should have mentioned that
[19:30:52] justinh: Dubstar_04: only what I've seen in the videos
[19:30:59] justinh: looks ferkin neato
[19:31:05] dorgan: he's what I want to do build a myth box that is both front/back end has at least one dual Hauppauge HD card, for as cheap as possible
[19:31:10] Dubstar_04: videos?
[19:31:20] justinh: Dubstar_04: yeah. oggy screen caps
[19:31:31] ** dserban_ wants to see 'em **
[19:32:23] Dubstar_04: me too!
[19:32:30] dorgan: how cheap do you think its possible to do that work..I would also like to build it in an HTPC case
[19:32:49] justinh: dorgan: cheaper to put it in a big fugly box & hide it away
[19:32:56] dserban_: I've looked at the bugs in trac, and everything seems... too hardcore (as I don't understand the ins-and-outs of half of the stuff), so if curses settings for the backend is a no-go, is there something else that's sorta not important/but cool/and not killer to code that's outstanding?
[19:33:01] justinh: dorgan: considering hdmi cables can be long with no loss of quality
[19:34:28] AndyCap: assuming they work
[19:34:29] Dubstar_04: justinh: do you happen to have a link to any videos?
[19:34:46] justinh: Dubstar_04: he's posted links in mythtv-theming I dunno how many times. pays to hang there
[19:34:50] justinh: no I don't
[19:34:57] justinh: they're on my dev box which is currently in bits
[19:36:23] dorgan: justinh: yes but thats the one thing I willing to spend just a little extra on
[19:37:09] justinh: dorgan: just a little? ROFLMAO
[19:37:11] Dubstar_04: ah, I am hoping it will be something that can incorporate an iplayer and 4Od
[19:37:25] justinh: Dubstar_04: AFAIK it's extensible with user contributed scripts
[19:37:27] dorgan: *extra on
[19:37:41] dorgan: justinh: i know the HTPC cases are a little pricey
[19:37:47] justinh: a little? HAHAHAHA
[19:38:05] justinh: $300 little
[19:38:18] justinh: ones worthy of the title, at any rate
[19:39:42] wagnerrp: the only ones in the $300 range are ones with large VFDs or LCDs
[19:40:04] wagnerrp: you can get a more sensible one even with VFD for ~$150
[19:40:25] justinh: well, $150 plus PSU..
[19:40:37] dorgan:
[19:40:41] justinh: or £300 of our Earth GBP :-(
[19:40:42] dorgan: $80 bucks
[19:41:21] justinh: my LC02 case *sucks* & it cost me over £100
[19:41:39] dorgan: so I am willing to spend around $100 USD for a case
[19:41:45] wagnerrp: oh? ive always heard good things about silverstone
[19:42:35] justinh: wagnerrp: anything but a mobile CPU in it, nothing but solid state storage...
[19:42:54] justinh: airflow is non-existent
[19:43:04] wagnerrp: WTF is a 'golf bladed fan'?
[19:43:13] dorgan: so since that board is overkill what would you guys recommend for a board for a front/back end?
[19:44:25] justinh: lots of real PCI slots since PCIe tuners are like hen's teeth
[19:44:38] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:45:15] Dubstar_04 (Dubstar_04! has quit ("Leaving.")
[19:45:39] sphery: mag0o: Remember the conversation about an irssi script that changes autocomplete to prefer the last guy you were talking to? I found (download ) , which is close (seems to work--though it took several minutes to start working). I'll be testing to see if it's close enough or may modify if not.
[19:46:01] sphery: I hope I've now autocompleted the wrong name for the last time...
[19:46:23] mag0o: ah, yes
[19:46:28] dserban_: sphery: so do you think a curses backend setup would be rejected for inclusion?
[19:46:29] mag0o: no more waking the captain
[19:46:38] justinh: isn't too bad. Apart from the fact it's the size of a wardrobe
[19:46:47] sphery: dserban_: likely would--at least if done before the settings rework
[19:46:55] sphery: after the settings rework, it may be accepted
[19:46:59] Dagmar: dserban: if you use dialog for it it might not be
[19:47:04] sphery: mainly because the classes will likely change
[19:47:35] sphery: mag0o: nice memory--even remember the guy we kept pinging by accident :)
[19:47:37] sphery: I had to check logs
[19:47:37] Dagmar: If you hard-code the escape sequences in a bunch of variables, expect that someone will be along to set you on fire presently.
[19:47:41] mag0o: hehe
[19:47:44] dserban_: fair enough, though the settings change is coming soon? (tm)?
[19:47:50] AndyCap: dialog? isn't that a stand alone utility for prettying up shellscripts?
[19:47:55] dserban_: Dagmar: hah!
[19:48:04] sphery: dserban_: "soon" as somone makes time to do it :)
[19:48:13] Dagmar: AndyCap: More importantly, it gives you actual widgets and input boxes
[19:48:21] Dubstar_04 (Dubstar_04! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:48:29] dserban_: Dagmar: yeah, well ncurses... like coded-for-real
[19:48:33] Dagmar: That and tput should be involved any time you're doing CLI stuff
[19:48:51] Dagmar: For some weird reason people like to code the escape sequences right into variables. It makes me want to scream.
[19:48:55] AndyCap: or the library from pidgin's finch
[19:49:44] sphery: dserban_: ideally it would be done before 0.23, but in the real world (with all the holidays, etc. before then) I wouldn't be surprised if it's a 0.24 thing
[19:49:49] dserban_: :o... hard-coding the escape sequences... that's so like 1995
[19:49:51] sphery: (but remember the proposed 4 month cycles)
[19:49:57] ** dserban_ remembers using thedraw for his bbs **
[19:50:03] Dagmar: What the world needs is an XML parser for bash. ;)
[19:50:30] sphery: mag0o: just found that it's hard to get the right nick when 2 people whose nicks start with d are talking :)
[19:50:57] sphery: I may modify it to get my last mentioned nick and then last spoke
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[19:54:19] dserban_: right... well the stuff in trac is over my head, as I can optimize code, but not when I'm not familiar with it... otherwise I can't write a new protocol as I have no idea what the proposed needs are etc... So I guess I'm whining now :P
[19:55:56] sphery: dserban_: what else (besides the non-GUI setup) would you like to see in Myth?
[19:57:27] dserban_: tough question, ... the mythgame stuff would be good, but iamlindoro said he was looking at restructuring the metadata for them... so I have no other real ideas... mythmusic needs some work, maybe I can look at that
[19:57:56] justinh: dserban_: opengl effects! :D
[19:58:23] sphery: for mythmusic, gbee has a plan for how it should be done
[19:58:36] dserban_: oh? on the wiki?
[19:58:36] sphery: it's a bit of a project--requires separating the GUI from playlist management
[19:58:42] sphery: no, in his mind
[19:58:55] primary: Hello, I am new to mythtv, and I am having lots of troubles. One thing I want to know about is remotes. I have installed the pchdtv 5500, it didn't come with a remote, but it has a ir reciever. What remotes will work with it?
[19:59:13] justinh: primary: whatever transmits compatible codes
[19:59:14] sphery: but I'm sure if you're serious about doing the work and are a self-starter (who doesn't need too much handholding), he'd be /very/ happy to give you the overview so he doesn't have to do the work
[19:59:26] mattwynne (mattwynne! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:59:48] primary: justinh: how do I know what works?
[20:00:13] sphery: dserban_: "< gbee> if anyone is interested in helping with mythmusic, then it breaks down into two major tasks – the UI design and the new playlist code – the latter is required because the existing plugin made no effort to separate the UI from the data and I don't really see it being a simple task to surgically remove one from the other"
[20:02:11] justinh: primary: I don't get how the card comes with receiver but no actual remote
[20:04:53] justinh: primary: aaaaaaaaaaaaand.. there's not really any way to know which remote would have compatible codes & which work with what
[20:09:06] primary: justinh: Do you know of any usb remotes that would be compatible?
[20:10:17] AndyCap: primary: forget about the receiver and get a working separate receiver+remote package?
[20:10:54] justinh: MCE remotes ftw apparently
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[20:14:11] primary: AndyCap: do you have any hardware suggestions?
[20:14:23] justinh: M C E remote packages
[20:15:00] justinh: that's M, the C and the E. And yeah we know it's Microsoft branded but hey.. if it works virtually out of the box...
[20:15:45] AndyCap: primary: I don't like IR so I would go for the gyration mce remote, but other people here swear by IR remotes.
[20:17:12] sphery: yeah, and the gyration gives you an excuse for hitting the annoying person sitting next to you
[20:17:34] primary: what is this hitting all about?
[20:17:48] Dagmar: Ensuring you win
[20:18:31] sphery: the gyration has acceleromers so you can wave it around and move the mouse cursor
[20:18:58] justinh: and hey why lose a $30 remote behind the sofa when you can lose a $100 one?
[20:19:23] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:19:45] justinh: whoah. not as expensive as I thought
[20:19:54] justinh: and they do universal bits as well. wth?
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[20:20:16] justinh: might yet be able to dump the harmony!
[20:21:03] skd5aner: my 2 harmony remotes have gone bust
[20:21:14] justinh: rubbish website though :-\
[20:21:14] skd5aner: I'm currently using a mini bluetooth keyboard
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[20:22:09] justinh: hmmm does up to 4 devices. plenty buttons too
[20:22:15] sphery: "You will also need to mount the RF receiver in clear LOS of the remote." –
[20:22:20] sphery: strange for RF...
[20:22:34] justinh: more expensive than the harmony 515 but no *stupid* fricking activities
[20:23:03] sphery: is it another of the RF remotes with an RF receiver that repeats commands as IR?
[20:23:04] justinh: doesn't look very ergonomic either
[20:23:15] sphery: or does it send the commands/signals direct to the PC?
[20:23:29] justinh: looks like it has an RF receiver
[20:24:01] justinh: I doubt 2.4Ghz has to be line of sight unless there's something else in-band in close proximitae.. like uhhh... wireless
[20:24:56] justinh: looks like it comes with a USB extension cable, so maybe behind a metal box isn't ideal for it
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[20:27:25] justinh: prolly looks like a keyboard & mouse to the machine
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[20:48:25] AndyCap: justinh: the gyration? yes.
[20:48:49] AndyCap: clear los isn't necessary, but a metal box might be problematic
[20:49:11] AndyCap: the receiver is in a wooden box behind the sofa.
[20:53:57] AndyCap: but it has a couple of braindamaged things so a slightly hacked firmware would have been even nicer. :)
[20:54:58] justinh: the whole concept of the harmony remotes is braindamaged IMHO
[20:56:04] Dagmar: How so?
[20:56:24] Dagmar: It helps relieve the terrible pressure buildup of all that money in stupid people's pockets
[20:56:33] justinh: activities. Pfft
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[20:57:11] AndyCap: justinh: normal people love it. :)
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[21:04:49] justinh: well after looking at **** again with logging enabled, I'm still stumped as to why nothing ever plays. teh suk. still :)
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[21:12:19] sphery: justinh: perhaps it's because you're trying to play legitimately-acquired video?
[21:13:36] justinh: yeah maybe
[21:14:07] justinh: plays all my illegal downloads fine
[21:14:13] justinh: I expect. if I had any
[21:15:21] AndyCap: hmm, now who ate my EIT data
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[21:23:12] sphery: skd5aner: Any chance I could get you to test out the patch mentioned at , please? Do you by any chance have multiple sources and/or multiple inputs on a single card so you can fully test it? Thanks.
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[21:34:42] justinh: aha. who'd have thunk it. apparently it needs hostnames not IP addresses. still meh though
[21:36:56] Dagmar: What?
[21:37:09] Dagmar: How do people code things that fail that hard?
[21:37:16] Essobi: Hahaha
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[21:37:31] Essobi: Dagmar: Seriously... do they try to screw it up?
[21:37:49] Dagmar: That's the only thing I can think of. Deliberate obstinacy
[21:38:15] Essobi: Dagmar: We prefer to think of it as job security
[21:38:18] Essobi: hehe
[21:38:43] Dagmar: I and those like me think of it as "grounds for termination"
[21:39:14] dorgan: Dagmar: wow i read that as deliberate obesity....LMAO
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[21:42:44] iankellogg: hello everyone, I am having issues with my ati 600 usb tuner ONLY in mythtv, looking for anyone with some insight to help me.
[21:43:47] mauijoe: need help restoring database
[21:44:25] mauijoe: i get a database does not exist error when i run restore script
[21:44:53] iankellogg: that is because it is expecting it to already be there
[21:44:54] gunni_ (gunni_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:45:22] mauijoe: I have a new distro install, set up mysql with mythconverg and mythtv user
[21:45:22] iankellogg: can you still log into the mysql server with the user mythtv
[21:45:31] mauijoe: yes
[21:45:37] iankellogg: log in with mythtv
[21:45:38] iankellogg: then
[21:45:42] iankellogg: use mythconverg;
[21:45:45] iankellogg: source database.sql
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[21:47:32] mauijoe: Failed to open file 'database.sql', error: 2
[21:48:15] iankellogg: well the "database.sql" i listed was just a filename
[21:48:26] iankellogg: do you know the file name of the backed up database?
[21:48:29] iankellogg: and where it is
[21:48:58] mauijoe: yes. it was generearted by the backup script prior to the rebuild
[21:49:14] iankellogg: so you know the filepath?
[21:50:00] mauijoe: yes but it is a .gz file. do I need to uncompress it first?
[21:50:05] iankellogg: yes
[21:50:16] mauijoe: then use the path to that file
[21:50:28] iankellogg: yes
[21:50:32] iankellogg: source /path/to/file.sql
[21:50:37] mauijoe: lemme try
[21:50:40] wagnerrp: no, the restore script should be doing that automatically
[21:50:58] mauijoe: does not, returns a database not found error
[21:52:08] iankellogg (iankellogg!i=473a37f3@gateway/web/freenode/x-tzizafndsmjrjwrv) has quit ("Page closed")
[21:52:18] wagnerrp:
[21:52:39] mauijoe: did that. that's why I am here
[21:54:10] mauijoe: ooops, i don not need to have the mythconverg database already in mysql?
[21:55:59] mauijoe: ERROR: The database does not exist.
[21:56:37] sphery: mauijoe: . . . base_Restore (read the intro to the restore section)
[21:57:33] justinh: sneaky buggers. they made the fonts un-openable
[21:57:45] Dagmar: Whose fonts?
[21:57:46] mauijoe: well, either way I get the same error
[21:58:01] AndyCap: justinh: still playing Steven Seagal?
[21:58:01] justinh: Dagmar: see today's logs. naughty redistributor
[21:58:07] sphery: mauijoe: and you have a valid config.xml or mysql.txt in place?
[21:58:15] Dagmar: Today's logs for the channel?
[21:58:19] justinh: yeah
[21:58:42] sphery: mauijoe: do: --verbose (and any other arguments you need followed by) 2>&1 | restore.log
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[21:58:59] sphery: mauijoe: and then the output (that's in restore.log)
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[22:00:54] mauijoe: hmm, where is restore.log? don't seem to have one
[22:01:04] sphery: 2>&1 | restore.log
[22:01:06] ** Dagmar goes to look **
[22:01:31] sphery: mauijoe: re-read what I typed--basically run the same restore command you did before, but append: --verbose 2>&1 | restore.log
[22:02:12] justinh: AndyCap: thing is, they're still the same fonts. they look the same, but apparently unloadable with the tools I used earlier
[22:02:50] mauijoe: sorry but I am not following you. here is the command that i ran: /usr/share/mythtv/ --filename /data/Documents/mythDBback/mythconverg-20091207150653.sql.gz
[22:03:47] sphery: so change it to: /usr/share/mythtv/ --filename /data/Documents/mythDBback/mythconverg-20091207150653.sql.gz --verbose 2>&1 | restore.log
[22:04:27] sphery: or do it right with: /usr/share/mythtv/ --directory /data/Documents/mythDBback/ --filename mythconverg-20091207150653.sql.gz --verbose 2>&1 | restore.log
[22:04:34] sphery: though either will work once properly configured
[22:04:54] sphery: (actually, the first won't work if you specify a DBBackupDir in a backuprc file)
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[22:09:11] mauijoe: [joev@localhost ~]$ /usr/share/mythtv/ --directory /data/Documents/mythDBback/ --filename mythconverg-20091207150653.sql.gz --verbose 2>&1 | restore.log
[22:09:11] mauijoe: bash: restore.log: command not found
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[22:09:20] sphery: oops... forgot my tee
[22:09:34] sphery: /usr/share/mythtv/ --directory /data/Documents/mythDBback/ --filename mythconverg-20091207150653.sql.gz --verbose 2>&1 | tee restore.log
[22:09:48] Dagmar: Wow henrik really doesn't understand IP
[22:10:05] justinh: heh
[22:10:15] cdpuk (cdpuk! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:10:17] Dagmar:, not even the first little thing.
[22:10:43] justinh: well, just confirmed it's still the same copyrighted font. obsfurcated so it can't be opened easily, but the same
[22:10:48] mauijoe:
[22:11:14] Dagmar: I dont' get how it's unopenable
[22:11:26] Dagmar: Slap it with Fontographer.
[22:11:43] Dagmar: Sure it's the ugliest font tool like, ever, and it's stuck back in 1994, but TTF hasn't changed much
[22:12:19] Dagmar: It should be interesting to see if their replacement font is simply a TTF with the copyright info completely purged.
[22:12:45] Dagmar: ...which is another thing Fontographer is handy for... exporting glyphs as SVG so you can pull them into a non-suck tool to compare them
[22:13:07] justinh: hrm. no freebie version
[22:13:28] Dagmar: With as much time as I've spent rebuilding Swiss 911 from scratch, I'm a little pissed they've pulled that stunt
[22:13:47] sphery: mauijoe: you don't have a config.xml or a mysql.txt, so it's using defaults for DB name, DB hostname, DB username, and DB password. It can't connect to the DB (because it's missing all the connection info).
[22:14:10] sphery: mauijoe: you can specify all of it except the password as command line arguments, but really you want to just make a config.xml or mysql.txt that has the right info
[22:14:27] mauijoe: just saw that
[22:15:05] sphery: the only supported way for specifying the password for a restore is using the mysql.txt or config.xml
[22:15:08] Dagmar: You can put the password in ~/.my.cnf
[22:15:30] mauijoe: fixed that. now I get a cannot connect to database error
[22:15:34] Dagmar: Anthing that uses libmysql should pick it up by side-effect
[22:15:35] sphery: well, if you do that it will affect all sorts of things--possibly breaking other stuff
[22:17:10] Dagmar: If you follow a 1:1 relationship between unix usernames and mysql usernames, I fail to see how that will break anything
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[22:17:22] sphery: but, yeah, you can specify the script will then tell you, "WARNING: DBPassword not specified Assuming it is specified in the MySQL options file."
[22:17:42] sphery: specify the password in your mysql options file, /then/ the script
[22:18:14] sphery: preferred/supported approach is using mysql.txt or config.xml (as you /must/ have them, anyway, for Myth to work)
[22:19:20] Dagmar: Yuck
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[22:23:20] justinh: well, dunno what they did to the files but a freeware viewer tool I got loads them just fine. and they look the same. still. so a slap is still in order
[22:24:05] Dagmar: Oh yes
[22:25:21] justinh: this tool can't display any metadata like copyright details but there's no way these are freeware
[22:25:25] mauijoe:, still no luck.
[22:25:49] mauijoe: i ran mythtvsetup and mythfilldatabase without any problem
[22:26:03] sphery: mauijoe: you don't have a config.xml or mysql.txt
[22:26:30] mauijoe: how are those created? never had to create one before.
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[22:26:44] sphery: I'm guessing your distro provides a shell script for mythtv-setup that uses some other user (so you need to copy the config.xml from /home/mythtv/.mythtv/config.xml to your home dir)
[22:27:19] sphery: or, you're using mysql.txt and you have multiple and you're editing the wrong one
[22:29:15] mauijoe: there is no /home/mythtv or any other user in /home and there is no mysql.txt file
[22:29:44] sphery: find / -name 'mysql.txt'
[22:29:51] mauijoe: I am on mandriva 2010, installed from their repository, and ran mythtv-setup like normal
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[22:30:28] sphery: actually: find / -regex '.*\(mysql.txt\|config.xml\)$' -print
[22:30:35] sphery: then find all of both
[22:30:39] sphery: with one command
[22:31:26] justinh: Dagmar: ach well, the lawyers of the company I emailed today will get em. Really peed me off finding that today
[22:31:52] mauijoe: /usr/share/gnome/help/system-admin-guide/C/fontconfig.xml
[22:31:52] mauijoe: /usr/share/compiz/kconfig.xml
[22:31:52] mauijoe: /etc/bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation-config.xml
[22:31:52] mauijoe: /etc/mono/mconfig/config.xml
[22:32:27] eNeRGi (eNeRGi! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:33:12] sphery: heh, guess I should have done: find / -regex '.*/\(mysql.txt\|config.xml\)$' -print
[22:33:23] sphery: though if that's all you got, then you definitely do not have any config.xml or mysql.txt
[22:33:32] Dagmar: I was about to question thta
[22:33:53] mauijoe: [root@localhost joev]# find / -regex '.*/\(mysql.txt\|config.xml\)$' -print
[22:33:53] mauijoe: /etc/mono/mconfig/config.xml
[22:34:02] sphery: really, there should /always/ be a /usr{,/local}/share/mythtv/mysql.txt
[22:34:07] skd5aner: sphery: re: #6472, can I apply that patch .22-fixes without modification?
[22:34:09] sphery: so I don't kow why your packages don't install that
[22:34:25] sphery: skd5aner: yeah, should be able to--might have offsets, but probably won't have fuzz
[22:34:33] mauijoe: well is there an example I can follow and write my own?
[22:34:36] sphery: skd5aner: and thanks for testing
[22:34:53] justinh: the config.xml file should be written on a first successful run
[22:35:01] skd5aner: sphery: I should be able to test tomorrow, not sure if I'll have time tonight
[22:35:49] mauijoe: i know I have seen the mysql.txt file on other distros
[22:35:55] sphery: mauijoe: . . . l?format=txt and put it in ~/.mythtv/config.xml and edit
[22:36:14] sphery: config.xml is more current/better, anyway
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[22:36:53] sphery: mauijoe: comment out <LocalHostName>, though--make it: <!-- <LocalHostName>my-unique-identifier-goes-here</LocalHostName> -->
[22:36:58] sphery: or just delete that line
[22:37:25] sphery: skd5aner: That's fine--no hurry. I just didn't want to commit without at least some positive feedback.
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[22:37:37] mauijoe: use html style comment and not php or perl style?
[22:38:03] sphery: right, it's an XML file
[22:38:16] ** sphery needs to fix the contrib example **
[22:38:22] mauijoe: also didn't quite understand " and put it in ~/.mythtv/config.xml and edit"
[22:38:56] sphery: guess there is no longer a default mysql.txt in /usr{,/local}/share/mythtv/mysql.txt . That's a good thing
[22:39:06] mauijoe: never mind. save it to .mythtv
[22:39:12] sphery: basically download that file, edit it, then ... yeah
[22:39:56] Defense|User: Hi, is it possible to fast-forward in mythmusic?
[22:42:16] mauijoe: still cannot connect to database,
[22:42:33] justinh: Defense|User: the . key last time I looked
[22:42:44] mauijoe: i put the xml file in my home .mythtv directory
[22:43:35] justinh: Defense|User: or pgup & pgdn. not a big user of mythmusic these days
[22:43:35] Defense|User: justinh: for me . is next :/
[22:44:05] skd5aner: ,= previous and .=next I think
[22:44:06] Defense|User: cool thx :) :)
[22:44:13] sphery: mauijoe: can you pastebin: ls -l ~/.mythtv
[22:45:31] justinh: why the heck aren't plugin key mappings in the docs?
[22:45:40] mauijoe:
[22:45:42] sphery: justinh: because they change too much
[22:45:46] sphery: even the mythtv ones are wrong
[22:45:53] sphery: I'm planning to clean up the mythtv ones
[22:46:01] justinh: yeah I just noticed stickykeys are still mentioned
[22:46:07] sphery: and will likely allow others to fix the others
[22:46:19] sphery: I haven't removed stickykeys, yet :(
[22:46:34] sphery: (I have the patch, but haven't been in the mood to get yelled at for a couple months)
[22:46:40] justinh: heh
[22:46:51] justinh: don't blame you. I'm putting off doing the menu rejigs
[22:46:57] sphery: heh, yeah
[22:47:04] sphery: that will be equally fun
[22:47:13] sphery: with everyone and their dog's opinion
[22:47:29] justinh: screw that, I'm more concerned about what the inner sanctum will think
[22:48:02] justinh: it's ultimately their call. I know some people are behind the idea at least so I've not given up the ghost
[22:48:29] justinh: as for users, if they can't see improvements for what they are they can ... <expletives deleted>
[22:49:15] sphery: mauijoe: wanna pastebin your config.xml--edit out the password before doing so, please
[22:50:13] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:50:14] sphery: actually, it's not seeing config.xml
[22:50:25] sphery: mauijoe: nvm on the pastebin of config.xml--we're not there, yet
[22:50:57] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit (Client Quit)
[22:52:06] sphery: it should say something like: once you have a working config.xml
[22:52:06] Defense|User (Defense|User! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:53:16] sphery: mauijoe: it's failing at: return 0 unless ($file && -e $file);
[22:53:26] sphery: meaning that perl is telling me the faile does not exists
[22:53:50] sphery: file does not exist
[22:53:54] sphery: wow, I have a typing problem
[22:54:26] mauijoe: [joev@localhost ~]$ ls /data/Documents/mythDBback/mythconverg-20091207150653.sql.gz
[22:54:36] justinh: ENOTENOUGHBOOZE – you can still type at all
[22:55:03] sphery: mauijoe: I meant the config.xml file doesn't exist according to perl
[22:55:11] mauijoe: would it help if I move the file to /usr/share/mythtv?
[22:55:15] sphery: ls -l /home/joev/.mythtv/config.xml
[22:55:24] programmerq (programmerq! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:55:25] sphery: config.xml /has/ to exist at $HOME/.mythtv/config.xml
[22:55:32] sphery: mysql.txt can be in any of a bunch of places
[22:55:43] dserban_ (dserban_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:56:06] mauijoe: -rw-r--r-- 1 joev joev 497 2009-12–09 12:52 config.xml
[22:56:36] mauijoe: does it need to be executable?
[22:56:44] sphery: no, just exist and readable
[22:57:04] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[22:57:06] sphery: mauijoe: are you running in perl taint mode?
[22:57:17] mauijoe: dunno
[22:57:19] sphery: that's not supported for restore script
[22:57:25] mauijoe: this is a fresh install
[22:57:25] sphery: SELinux?
[22:57:32] programmerq: looking to build a new myth system. I'm getting an hdhomerun for broadcast HD content. Will myth store recordings from the hd homerun in h.264? I ask because I want to know if I'll need to go for either a really powerful CPU, or hardware-assisted h264 decode (nvidia vdpau)
[22:57:33] mauijoe: whatever the default of the install was
[22:57:47] mauijoe: how can I check?
[22:58:04] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:59:18] ** sphery drops his database **
[22:59:53] justinh: programmerq: you get recordings in the format they arrive in
[23:00:23] sphery: OK, it's not taint mode--I got farther than the config.xml parsing with taint mode on
[23:00:35] justinh: programmerq: so if broadcast in mpeg2, they'll be mpeg2. if h.264 they'll be h.264
[23:00:42] programmerq: justinh: that's what I thought. My experience is only with a single type of tuner, so I figured I'd check.
[23:01:38] ** wagnerrp foolishly mounts 'Videos', and watches his database get hammered for several minutes **
[23:02:41] sphery: mauijoe: You're executing the restore script as the joev user, right?
[23:02:54] mauijoe: yes
[23:03:19] sphery: Does your system use ACL's or other "advanced" file system permissions?
[23:03:38] mauijoe: dunno
[23:03:44] mauijoe: how to check?
[23:03:54] sphery: dunno :)
[23:04:12] mauijoe: could try running as root?
[23:05:33] sphery: OK, can you pastebin the output of: ls -ld {/home{,/joev{,/.mythtv{,/config.xml}}}}
[23:05:35] mauijoe: root works. now I get Found 58 tables in the database.
[23:05:35] mauijoe: WARNING: Database not empty.
[23:05:56] sphery: running as root means that you're using the config.xml specified for root
[23:06:11] sphery: so if that works, just use that
[23:06:22] sphery: the database isn't empty because you ran mythtv-setup to try to get a config.xml
[23:06:42] sphery: so now just do: . . . ing_database
[23:06:49] mauijoe: does that mean that I will always need to run frontend and backend as root?
[23:06:55] sphery: followed by: . . . ial_database
[23:06:57] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:07:11] sphery: until you get your user's config.xml working
[23:07:20] sphery: though some distros require that you run some things as root
[23:07:31] sphery: you'd have to ask other Slack'ers
[23:07:39] mauijoe: gotcha
[23:07:43] sphery: (or was it Mandriva?)
[23:07:51] mauijoe: mandriva but understood
[23:08:17] mauijoe: thx. that was a weird thing
[23:08:33] sphery: thank you for going through that with me... I would still like to know what's causing the failure (so if you find it, please post a message for me here--I'll see it if you mention my nick even if I'm not around)
[23:09:19] sphery: But you got me to a) test a few things, b) improve the page (couple final edits to go) and c) modify the example config.xml to comment LocalHostName
[23:09:33] mauijoe: will do. I'll follow up in the mandriva world
[23:09:37] sphery: so your issue was actually very productive for the project
[23:09:42] sphery: good luck
[23:09:51] mauijoe: :) glad I could be of some help instead of a total drain
[23:10:27] sphery: The restore script is definitely not seeing your /home/joev/.mythtv/config.xml file. Once it does, it will look like: (with a parsing line)
[23:11:26] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:22:13] oobe is now known as blowme
[23:22:24] blowme is now known as oobe
[23:25:04] tarbo (tarbo!n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) has quit (Connection timed out)
[23:25:15] mauijoe: sphery: after I restored the database as root, I still gt my information when I ran the backend and frontend as regular user
[23:25:58] sphery: can you do a: file /usr/bin/mythfrontend
[23:26:03] sphery: is it a script?
[23:26:58] oobe: i use slackware
[23:27:11] mauijoe: /usr/bin/mythfrontend: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, stripped
[23:27:13] sphery: he's on Mandriva... I mixed them up.  :)
[23:27:36] mauijoe: that was as a regular user
[23:27:40] oobe: oh
[23:27:54] sphery: hmmm....
[23:27:59] oobe: lucky i dont use mandriva
[23:28:31] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller!n=devinhei@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:34:18] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:37:00] mauijoe (mauijoe! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[23:38:52] oobe is now known as someoneelse
[23:39:16] justinp_home (justinp_home! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:39:22] someoneelse is now known as oobe
[23:39:22] justinp_home: Evenin', folks
[23:39:38] justinp_home: Anybody know how to get the Internal player in MythVideo to play AC3 sound?
[23:39:39] oobe: Hallo justinp_home
[23:39:52] oobe: it should already
[23:40:02] justinp_home: Nope
[23:40:09] oobe: you can try ac3 passthough in general settings
[23:40:49] justinp_home: trying...
[23:42:06] truxartis (truxartis! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:44:34] programmerq: Is there any way to "inject" something into myth's recordings? Say I have tv on dvd, rip that, and I want myth to know that a particular show/episode has already been "recorded". To me, mythvideo makes sense for movies ripped like this, but I'd like to be able to import tv shows into the "recordings" interface as well.
[23:47:39] yalu_ (yalu_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:50:27] yalu (yalu! has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[23:52:01] justinp_home: oobe, no dice on AC3 passthrough. Enabling that gives me a sound kinda like a machine gun.
[23:53:51] gandalfcome_ (gandalfcome_! has quit ()
[23:57:25] cba123 (cba123! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:59:37] oobe: oh ok i had a similar problem with one particular video on a machine that had built in speakers
[23:59:45] oobe: is it only one video
[23:59:58] cba123: Anyone get UVerse working on MythTV? Looking for a project. I currently have Myth on an Acer Revo (basically the size of an appletv, no PCI slots), and I was wondering if I'd need a component to USB or something to get this working.

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