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Saturday, November 7th, 2009, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:12] Dibblah: Not if you're using XFS.
[00:00:27] Dagmar: Hot pipes... ALL THE TIME! W00!
[00:00:28] clever: i think it would depend on the mysql server
[00:00:30] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[00:00:35] Dagmar: Blocking calls for everybody!
[00:00:39] clever: does mysqld fsync when the query is over?
[00:00:53] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:00:54] Dibblah: If you're using XFS, it wipes (fills with 0s) the file if it's had an incomplete write logged.
[00:01:03] clever: ah
[00:01:14] Dibblah: It does it for "data protection".
[00:01:18] ** clever checks mythconverge **
[00:01:27] clever: :O, its xfs!
[00:01:53] justinh: ow. there's a good reason not to use xfs then?
[00:02:01] clever: so yeah, if i loose power, i'll get an extra 1/10th a second of video
[00:02:07] clever: and loose theentire seek table:P
[00:02:07] Dagmar: what the fuck
[00:02:26] Dagmar: If you make a query of the database, unless you're _writing_ who CARES if it flushes buffers
[00:02:57] Dagmar: ...and if you powerkill an active mysqld, or any sql daemon for that matter, you deserve what you get
[00:03:22] tyce (tyce! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:03:28] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:03:35] Dagmar: Now I know why the Orlando shooter reloaded
[00:03:41] Dagmar: heh
[00:03:45] tyce: was auto scanning for new videos taken out of .22?
[00:03:54] justinh: it was never in
[00:03:58] justinh: tada!
[00:04:03] clever: Dagmar: sqlite!!
[00:04:23] Dagmar: clever: Less crack rock!
[00:04:24] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:04:26] clever: though the BUQ would need to be re-writen a bit
[00:04:33] justinh: a bit. lol
[00:04:39] clever: and remove ALL remote access to the sql
[00:04:45] tyce: justin: it was in .21, why not .22?
[00:04:53] justinh: clever: have it on my desk by Monday
[00:05:03] justinh: tyce: umm, because
[00:05:06] clever: justinh: yeah, shure, i'll get right on it:P
[00:05:10] Dagmar: tyce: RIAA made them take it out.
[00:05:13] Dagmar: True story.
[00:05:19] justinh: tyce: it's been changed around. you should read the wiki or something
[00:05:36] Guest32685 (Guest32685!n=David@nat/ti/x-lgabyfitutbuxxwy) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:05:59] tyce: I have been searching for a reason
[00:06:02] justinh: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMenu. Select 'scan for changes'. Bada bing
[00:06:23] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:24] tyce: I don't want to have to do that
[00:06:37] justinh: is linked to from the 1st paragraph of
[00:06:43] tyce: made more sense to me to have it auto scan when I went into the videos section
[00:07:11] justinh: well now it doesn't, and you don't have to back out of mythvideo to do it
[00:07:15] justinh: win!
[00:07:44] justinh: two button presses as opposed to around 6
[00:07:54] justinh: works for me!
[00:07:54] tyce: if you have the buttons sure.
[00:08:09] justinh: oh quit your whining. that's the way it is now
[00:08:13] tyce: I use a mac remote
[00:08:20] tyce: no keyboard
[00:08:30] justinh: oops. get a proper remote then
[00:08:47] tyce: not whining, just saying for my setup it doesn'tmake as much sense
[00:08:50] justinh: 6 buttons does not a remote make
[00:09:03] justinh: oops. 12 buttons. 6 buttons pressed for longer :P
[00:09:07] tyce: it's worked fine up until this point
[00:09:20] justinh: no MENU button at all? whoops
[00:10:17] justinh: you could probably make a new menu entry to jump into the manage videos view, I dunno
[00:10:27] justinh: that is a *main* menu entry
[00:11:06] justinh: I seriously have no idea how people use those mac remotes regularly. they're uncommonly tiny
[00:11:57] tyce: I think I can get it going... just need to figure out how to edit my .lirc/mythtv conf to add buttons for when it's held down
[00:12:20] tyce: you wouldn't happen to know?
[00:13:47] justinh: prolly something about it in the wiki
[00:13:55] sebrock (sebrock! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:19:53] dougtopp (dougtopp! has quit ()
[00:21:45] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!n=gandalfc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:22:30] Dagmar: ...or in other lirc files, or as comments in the source
[00:22:40] Dagmar: i.e., perfectly accessible to anyone who cares to actually look.
[00:23:22] Dagmar: LIRC is not a driver. LIRC is a kit with which you generally create your own remote driver, or clone someone elses.
[00:25:53] Dibblah: Hmm. Funky.
[00:26:02] Dibblah: ... defragmenter in user-space.
[00:27:04] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!n=gandalfc@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:27:26] dan4dm: Dagmar: nothing wrong with asking if anyone happens to know, surely?
[00:27:30] Dagmar: Dibblah: If it turns out that it just forcibly rewrites each file, I will bust a gut laughing
[00:27:58] Dagmar: dan4dm: did I say that?
[00:28:07] dan4dm: no of course not
[00:28:38] Dibblah: Dagmar: Not quite, but it is close.
[00:29:11] Dibblah: Takes a lock, rewrites the file using a different name (and forcing no-fragmentation), deletes and moves.
[00:29:26] Dagmar: lol
[00:29:39] Dagmar: That'll certainly work
[00:29:44] Dibblah: Indeed.
[00:29:58] Dagmar: I'm not sure how he's making this claim about it moving all mp3s close together on the disk, but hehe
[00:30:52] Dibblah: "So it looks for fragmented files and read/write them again ("shake them") to help the filesystem to do its job."
[00:32:30] Dibblah: On a heavily appended filesystem, it'll probably do... Something. If there's enough freespace.
[00:32:36] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:32:39] sphery: anyone here getting the defunct mythfrontend processes?
[00:33:00] Dibblah: I only see it on one machine.
[00:33:06] sphery: wanna test a patch?
[00:33:07] Dibblah: Karmic – so new udev.
[00:33:20] Dibblah: Machine is not up at the moment :(
[00:33:36] sphery: OK... I'll post it to the ticket and see if someone else can test.
[00:33:42] Dibblah: :)
[00:34:12] dserban__ (dserban__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[00:37:38] tony_ (tony_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:10] tony_: anyone know anything about the panasonic tc-p46u1? sorry to ask here but there's a sale tomorrow and buying my first lcd
[00:38:43] awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:42:16] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:46:01] javatexan (javatexan! has quit ("Leaving.")
[00:51:44] Josh_ (Josh_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:53:12] clever: Dibblah: does XFS zero the blocks OR whole files?
[00:53:25] Dibblah: Whole file.
[00:53:41] clever: 'Where recently modified data has not been flushed to disk before a system crash, XFS ensures that any unwritten data blocks are zeroed on reboot, obviating any possible security issues arising from residual data'
[00:53:50] clever: wikipedia just says unwriten data blocks
[00:54:16] Dagmar: wp is correct
[00:54:19] Dagmar: afaik
[00:54:53] clever: so mysql would still shit itself from damaged tables, but wont loose the entire thing (depends on internal format and potential linked lists)
[00:55:14] Dagmar: In theory.
[00:55:15] clever: not as bad as i was thinking it might get
[00:55:30] Dagmar: I powerkilled my mysql many, many times to test and retest the recovery scripts
[00:55:41] Dagmar: It never resulted in a table full of nulls
[00:55:58] clever: ive gotten invalid date/time objects before
[00:56:17] clever: the column was datetime format, yet there where non-number characters within the entry
[00:56:56] AndrewNC (AndrewNC! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:24] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:16:21] defecatn (defecatn!i=myth@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:17:22] defecatn: hi. my computer crashed after many years. I had a hacked lirc to allow two serial blasters doing the same remote codes to two fo the same digital set top boxes. is there any way I coulddo this again even buying something new to transmit?
[01:17:59] Dagmar: Were you struck a severe blow to the head recently
[01:18:18] Dagmar: Perhaps a nerve tissue-damaging fever in your recent past?
[01:18:27] Dagmar: If the answer to both is "no", then you probably can do it again.
[01:18:31] Dagmar: LIRC doesn't change much
[01:19:20] defecatn: dagmar I had someone else edit the source so it would run two modules:(
[01:19:44] Dagmar: Well, it's gotten a little easier since then
[01:19:50] defecatn: really?
[01:20:11] defecatn: i wasn't aware it could run two serial drivers and send the same remote codes only to one box or the other
[01:20:51] Dagmar: Not out of the box it cant
[01:20:59] defecatn: if it sends the same commands to both then the channels will change on both:(
[01:21:17] Josh_Borke (Josh_Borke!n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:21:24] Dagmar: What you need is some sort of shielding
[01:21:33] Dagmar: Visually opaque, inexpensive...
[01:21:40] Dagmar: Perhaps even flexible
[01:21:48] defecatn: hmm. that's easy enough.
[01:22:08] defecatn: so it's easy now to have two fo the same remote codes and have them go to either com1 or 2?
[01:22:10] Dagmar: Maybe some vinyl sheeting that you could use a semi-removable adhesive with
[01:22:37] Dagmar: ...or you could just use electrical tape
[01:23:07] defecatn: yeah that's what i did before
[01:23:15] Dagmar: I wouldn't say "easy" but if you know what you're doing then going from one emitter to two separate ones is no big deal
[01:23:16] defecatn: i just thought the driver source had to be hacked.
[01:23:19] Dagmar: ...if you know what you're doing...
[01:23:42] Dagmar: Look at the man page for irsend. *ahem*
[01:24:36] Dagmar: There's an option there that didn't exist a few years back
[01:24:49] defecatn: okay i'll take a look.
[01:25:07] defecatn: kernel source seems missing from ubuntu 9.10 repositories:(
[01:27:00] defecatn: not my day today
[01:28:05] Josh_: Lots of options, really
[01:28:35] Josh_: If the two devices use different remote codes, it's EXTREMELY easy
[01:29:07] defecatn: josh yeah that's whree i get hosed. they use the same remote codes
[01:29:18] Josh_: still easy.
[01:29:35] Josh_: lirc can differentiate between devices now
[01:29:36] defecatn: josh please point me in the right direction?
[01:29:56] defecatn: okay cool. before if you had two of hte same you were kind of screwed
[01:30:04] defecatn: i have two serial port ir blasters
[01:30:09] Josh_: defecatn, easiest solution would be to buy an MCE_usb2 infrared reciever.
[01:30:20] Dagmar: Nope
[01:30:31] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:30:32] Josh_: it's got two built-in transmitters that you can swap between easily.
[01:30:46] Josh_: I havent done the serial blasters, not sure how lirc would parse those.
[01:31:07] defecatn: josh let me google that
[01:31:47] Josh_: defecatn, this is what I have: . . . p;CatId=1430
[01:31:57] Josh_: you can see the jacks for the two transmitters on the back
[01:31:58] defecatn: btw i had to orignal get it done lke this
[01:33:44] defecatn: . . . +ir+blasters
[01:34:19] defecatn: okay that's nt bad.
[01:34:59] defecatn: the two inputs also send?
[01:39:34] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:49:10] defecatn (defecatn!i=myth@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:50:08] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!n=Maverick@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:59:28] DjMadness_ (DjMadness_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:27:04] markl_ (markl_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:12] markl_: is anyone here familiar with how to use a .srt file?
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[02:36:12] BadSector (BadSector! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:36:35] nrpil (nrpil! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:37:01] BadSector: Could someone here direct me to a IRC that might help me with my Tuner card and Windows?
[02:37:32] Josh_: BadSector, this is _definately_ the wrong channel for that
[02:37:59] BadSector: I just CAN'T find a "free" software that will allow me to use my tv tuner properly in windows :(
[02:38:42] BadSector: I know i know... lol.. :( desperate here.. I just can't understand how every program (trial or freeware) that I try to run in windows won't see or work with this tuner!! lol
[02:39:15] BadSector: i'll try the windows fourm i guess.. <snicker>
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[02:43:00] markl_: BadSector: try a bootable mythtv cdrom, just for fun
[02:43:10] Josh_: hey, spherey
[02:43:12] Josh_: sphery,
[02:43:34] tony_ (tony_! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:44:52] oobe (oobe! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:45:49] sphery: Josh_: did you see the patch on the ticket?
[02:45:51] sphery: 7135
[02:46:03] Josh_: sphery, a new patch?
[02:46:08] Josh_: besides the one I tested?
[02:46:13] Josh_: because I have an idea
[02:46:16] sphery: yeah, one that needs testing and possibly changes
[02:46:29] sphery:
[02:46:33] Josh_: oh, just a second
[02:46:37] dan4dm (dan4dm! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:49:40] markl_ (markl_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:49:56] BadSector: markl_: mythtv works great for it... It's just that I'm trying to make this a Media/Game center and limited by Intel Wireless Gamepads, ect that I can't get driver for in Ubuntu
[02:50:11] BadSector: Look more like I'll have to go w/ the dual boot option..
[02:51:13] Josh_: sphery, that looks like the patch you had me download earlier, that didn't seem to have any effect..
[02:52:49] BadSector (BadSector! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:54:28] Josh_: sphery, I did notice one thing though – every time I exit mythfrontend, I get : Error in my_thread_global_end(): 2 threads didn't exit
[02:54:56] Josh_: which is funny, because that's exactly how many defunct processes I had
[02:55:27] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:56:15] njk (njk! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[03:07:09] adam_home (adam_home! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:07:46] adam_home: It has been soooo long since I've been here but I still see familiar names. Hi all!
[03:08:56] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:09:20] sphery: Josh_: it's a different patch
[03:09:34] sphery: . . . cesses.patch patch
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[03:19:26] Josh_: sphery, it works!
[03:19:33] Josh_: at least for the defunct processes
[03:20:21] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:20:55] sphery: Josh_: did you have to modify it for the waitForStarted() part, too?
[03:21:01] jpabq- (jpabq-! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:21:05] Josh_: sphery, Nope, I applied the patch as is
[03:21:22] sphery: cool
[03:21:39] defaultro: evening folks. Does 2 quad means eight cores?
[03:21:42] sphery: don't know why waitForStarted() is saying, false, though
[03:21:47] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit ("ZNC by prozac -")
[03:21:58] Josh_: defaultro, Are you referring to a "Core 2 quad"?
[03:22:01] defaultro: yep
[03:22:24] defaultro: Josh, I'm on new egg and building a machine
[03:22:36] Josh_: defaultro, no, its the quad-core implementation of the "Core 2" series processors
[03:22:48] defaultro: so it's just 4 cores
[03:23:02] defaultro: so if it says Core 2 Duo, it means dual core?
[03:23:22] Josh_: defaultro, correct.
[03:23:26] defaultro: k
[03:23:29] Josh_: defaultro, there's a core2 solo as wel.
[03:23:38] defaultro: that's single core then right?
[03:23:55] Josh_: Correct.
[03:24:08] defaultro: i'll decide between quad and duo then
[03:24:08] mangus580: woohoo... setting up my new frontend box now :-)
[03:24:30] defaultro: as long as it's able to play highbitrate x264, i'll be happy
[03:24:37] defaultro: so most likely, I'll get the quad
[03:25:05] defaultro: but i think, amd is cheaper. I haven't seen it yet on newegg. Do you know the amd counterpart of Core 2 Quad?
[03:25:07] ** adam_home listens to interesting talk about new frontends. **
[03:25:15] Josh_: I can play back blu-ray on my C2D T8100
[03:25:17] martinhex (martinhex!n=mjc@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:25:38] defaultro: what is T8100?
[03:25:46] Josh_: defaultro, Dunno, Not very familliar with AMD's proc's.
[03:25:50] defaultro: k
[03:26:08] defaultro: i've heard that intel cpus are better on those type of files.
[03:29:30] Josh_: defaultro, I'm not aware of any way to play Blu-Ray discs natively on linux
[03:29:56] clever: . . . -off-telcos/
[03:30:01] clever: this shit has to be illegal!
[03:30:02] defaultro: so how are you doing it?
[03:31:17] Josh_: defaultro, backup on a windows machine?
[03:31:33] defaultro: ah :)
[03:32:07] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:32:17] defaultro: wait, let me continue on newegg. I'm now at $439 with just the mobo and cpu. LOL. I still have to get memory, nvidia card, case and psu
[03:32:39] mangus580: defaultro: you building a frontend or backend?
[03:32:50] defaultro: backend
[03:33:01] defaultro: but this machine will be multiple use
[03:33:10] defaultro: i'll also use it for learning virtualization
[03:33:27] defaultro: and also dual boot it with Windows and mssql 2005
[03:34:06] defaultro: it will also run mythfrontend
[03:34:18] orificium (orificium!n=irchon@ has quit ()
[03:36:00] mangus580: I am seting up my new zotac board now for the frontend
[03:36:01] defaultro: how do I know which memory I need to choose for this mobo?
[03:36:10] defaultro: what is zotac?
[03:36:15] defaultro: is it a brand?
[03:36:24] mangus580:
[03:37:17] defaultro: nice
[03:37:40] defaultro: the board i found doesn't have onboard video
[03:37:51] defaultro: i still should look for other mobos
[03:38:46] Josh_: defaultro, some have reported good results with the Asus p5N7A-VM
[03:39:24] defaultro: on the memory field, it says DDR2 1366+/1066/800/667? Is that enough info that I can use to find what memory I need to add to the cart?
[03:39:31] defaultro: i'll check it out.
[03:39:57] defaultro: Josh, I've been so lucky with gigabyte. It never gave me any headache
[03:40:49] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!n=matt@Wikisource/Mattwj2002) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:41:01] Josh_: defaultro, same here, I had lots of problems with my P5N7A-VM, I replaced it with a Gigabyte G31M-ES2L
[03:41:02] mattwj2002: hi guys
[03:41:13] mattwj2002: I had a feature idea
[03:41:13] defaultro: k
[03:41:20] mattwj2002: maybe mythtv all ready has this
[03:41:43] mattwj2002: could mythtv produce a transcribe of a show using the CC?
[03:41:50] defaultro: hopefully, newegg will be able to identify the mismatch if I choose the incorrect memory
[03:42:10] Josh_: defaultro, what's the fastest speed memory the motherboard you have in mind supports?
[03:42:20] defaultro: it happened to me back in 2005. System was always crashing. Found out that speed was different
[03:42:40] defaultro: Josh, I'm so behind technology now so am not sure what I should be looking for
[03:42:44] defaultro: the faster the better
[03:43:03] Josh_: here's an example
[03:43:11] Josh_: that gigabyte board I said I have now
[03:43:29] Josh_: DDR2–1066 is the fastest it supports
[03:43:56] Josh_: I'm sure that's the fastest the C2D can handle in general, don't quote me on that though.
[03:44:06] mattwj2002: anyone know?
[03:44:20] martinhex (martinhex! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:44:43] defaultro: it says here DDR 1366
[03:45:00] Josh_: mattwj2002, I don't think Closed captioning is actual text. I think it's just a video feed layered on top of the first, and therefore, no transcriptiomn.
[03:45:01] J-e-f-f-A: mattwj2002: No, that doesn't exist AFAIK. Add an entry to the feature request wiki page.
[03:45:23] mattwj2002: okay
[03:45:24] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:45:25] mattwj2002: :)
[03:45:29] J-e-f-f-A: Josh_: In the US, it's digital text encoded in the vertical blanking interval...
[03:45:48] J-e-f-f-A: Josh_: In other contries/regions, I have no idea... hehehe
[03:45:57] defaultro: Josh, the issue I had with memory was about the nanosecond. It was different when I looked at CMOS
[03:46:15] defaultro: I found out it was mismatch. Glad I was able to return it and replaced it with Crucial
[03:46:29] defaultro: so I want to make sure this time, I won't get the incorrect ram
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[03:46:59] sphery: Josh_: wanna comment on the ticket that it worked
[03:47:04] grokky_ (grokky_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:47:10] mattwj2002: would that be a backend feature request?
[03:47:14] sphery: in case paul wants to test it out better than I could
[03:47:37] J-e-f-f-A: mattwj2002: yes, because the backend does the recording, and would be the one decoding the CC text.
[03:47:39] Josh_: sphery, NEVER
[03:47:57] mattwj2002: you know even if it is images.....
[03:48:24] mattwj2002: there are open source OCR programs that could do the converting
[03:48:25] mattwj2002: :)
[03:48:29] defaultro: so Josh, if I choose a DDR2 1366 ram, it should match the mobo right?
[03:49:11] Josh_: defaultro, I really dont know, but the motherboard manual should tell you...
[03:50:31] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[03:53:33] defaultro: other than crucial, what are other good brands excluding corsair?
[03:54:31] Josh_: defaultro, corsair.
[03:54:39] defaultro: lol :)
[03:55:01] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[03:57:13] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[03:57:43] defaultro: can't believe, the mobo I chose doesn't have serial
[03:58:23] Josh_: defaultro, get used to it
[03:58:39] defaultro: so that's how newer motherboards are built?
[03:58:47] defaultro: does LIRC support usb?
[03:59:00] rooaus (rooaus! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:59:18] Josh_: defaultro, LIRC supports the device, Sometimes, the device is also USB
[03:59:36] Josh_: defaultro, and those motherboards are called "legacy-free"
[03:59:41] defaultro: k
[03:59:52] defaultro: i guess, I'll have to find an ir that is supported
[03:59:57] defaultro: ir usb based
[04:00:07] defaultro: i built my irblaster from scratch
[04:00:45] Josh_: defaultro, mceusb2
[04:00:50] defaultro: cool
[04:03:17] defaultro: Josh, hows the bd playback on your machine? Is it very smooth? What video card are you using?
[04:03:34] Josh_: defaultro, video card doesnt matter unless it's nvidia
[04:04:03] defaultro: i thought that ati had so many problems with linux? Did it change?
[04:04:20] defaultro: i still would like to stick with nvidia
[04:04:39] Josh_: defaultro, I do full software decoding on my livingroom frontend, I use a C2Q Q6600 for a CPU on that box.
[04:04:45] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!n=matt@Wikisource/Mattwj2002) has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:05:03] Josh_: They all work, the only card that can do hardware decoding are recent nvidia cards.
[04:05:15] defaultro: ah, those vdpau equiped boards
[04:05:30] Josh_: However, with a strong enough CPU, ffmpeg software decoding will outrun VDPAU
[04:05:40] wagnerrp: and ATI cards, 4000 series or better, but there is no mythtv support for those yet
[04:05:47] defaultro: so as long as c2d or c2q, even software decoding will be fine, correct?
[04:05:55] Josh_: defaultro, yep.
[04:06:01] wagnerrp: Josh_: there is currently no CPU which can outrun VDPAU
[04:06:23] defaultro: I wish ATI will be supported because my friend has so many extras of his high end ati cards
[04:06:34] defaultro: he is willing to give me for free
[04:06:36] Josh_: Meh I was listening in on a coversation in this channel saying exactly that.
[04:06:53] wagnerrp: BBC had some very high bitrate, single sliced h264 stuff
[04:06:58] wagnerrp: like 20–25mbps
[04:07:04] defaultro: ok, then
[04:07:23] wagnerrp: no stock processor, not even the i7s with the built in overclock, can decode that with ffmpeg
[04:07:33] defaultro: k
[04:07:35] wagnerrp: ffmpeg-mt, surely
[04:07:44] Josh_: defaultro, I'm running an onboard intel card.
[04:07:47] wagnerrp: but myth is not using the multi-threaded stuff yet
[04:07:53] defaultro: got it
[04:08:09] wagnerrp: that said, HDDVD and Bluray can be handled by any midrange quadcore
[04:08:18] wagnerrp: and HDPVR stuff can be handled by a high end dual core
[04:08:28] defaultro: wagnerp, what model you recommend if I'll get nvidia? Most likely i'll get nvidia since it's very well supported in linux
[04:08:36] wagnerrp: which are the most intensive stuff almost anyone will see
[04:08:36] defaultro: that's good news
[04:09:01] defaultro: i definitely should assemble a machine that should handle those tasks
[04:09:03] wagnerrp: for VDPAU, seems a 9500gt and a 220 are the recommended cards
[04:09:12] defaultro: what's 220?
[04:09:14] wagnerrp: enough power to manage all the deinterlace features
[04:09:21] wagnerrp: the 220 gets you some improved scalers as well
[04:09:25] wagnerrp: GT220
[04:09:27] defaultro: ah
[04:09:34] defaultro: let me write that down now
[04:09:42] oobe (oobe! has quit ("me dont know what this means >>> 夠荒唐")
[04:09:58] defaultro: so GT220 is better than the 9500GT
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[04:10:37] defaultro: wagnerp, does it matter if I choose intel or amd?
[04:10:53] defaultro: looks like amd prices are much lower and I can save more
[04:11:16] wagnerrp: the 220 is better, but its a bit more expensive too
[04:11:21] defaultro: k
[04:11:24] wagnerrp: i dont know if you can get either in a low profile or fanless
[04:11:28] wagnerrp: (havent looked)
[04:11:38] wagnerrp: amd processors are cheaper on the low end
[04:11:44] wagnerrp: and the boards tend to be considerably cheaper
[04:11:47] defaultro: it's ok if it's not low profile. It will be hidden
[04:11:53] defaultro: k
[04:12:01] defaultro: what cpu are you curently using right now?
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[04:14:53] rooaus1 (rooaus1! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:15:12] defaultro: ah, I found the quad core of amd. It's called Phenom II
[04:16:55] adam_home: That Acer Aspire Revo is intriguing. Anyone here have experience with it?
[04:17:25] wagnerrp: two amd dual-cores, and one single-core
[04:19:33] defaultro: it says Phenom II X4
[04:20:05] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:21:21] defaultro: oh, the cpu I added says Socket AM3. I should find a mobo that uses Socket AM3 then.
[04:21:52] oobe: 50 octi cores @ 800 Ghz and 800 TB of ram
[04:22:20] ** Captain_Murdoch schedules a recording of a in-progress show and hears the nice sound of one of his WOL slaves being awakened to record show. **
[04:22:38] Josh_: Captain_Murdoch, that's a good sound, isnt it :)
[04:23:01] defaultro: which section should I choose from, AM2+/AM3 or just AM3 in newegg?
[04:23:23] mchou: defaultro: you, buying new HW again?
[04:23:36] defaultro: mchou, it's 4 yrs old man
[04:23:39] defaultro: nice to see you again
[04:23:41] mchou: haha
[04:23:42] Captain_Murdoch: Josh_, yep, first time I've used that in production. I did test it when writing the code, but haven't actually had a chance to use it till now.
[04:23:58] mchou: defaultro: yeah, same here
[04:24:04] defaultro: we should upgrade now :D
[04:24:22] mchou: nono, I meant nice to see ya
[04:24:30] defaultro: i had the latest back in 2005. Now i've got the oldest in the group
[04:24:38] defaultro: oh :D
[04:24:39] mchou: I have a core2 form Jan this year
[04:24:45] defaultro: very nice!!!
[04:24:59] mchou: back when wer were still in deep recession
[04:25:03] defaultro: man, there is so new technology on mobos
[04:25:09] mchou: got it for a steal
[04:25:14] defaultro: i'm going to lose my job this year
[04:25:16] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:25:25] mchou: defaultro: what?
[04:25:26] defaultro: last day is 12/31
[04:25:34] defaultro: but severance will be good :)
[04:25:35] mchou: you serious?
[04:25:39] defaultro: i am serious
[04:25:44] mchou: wtf?
[04:25:47] defaultro: but I will be looking for job very soon
[04:25:52] mangus580: I lost mine in Jan.... havent found one since
[04:25:58] defaultro: ouch
[04:26:24] defaultro: mangus, that's been a long time
[04:26:32] mchou: mangus580: haha, that's cause you live in rochester :)
[04:26:53] mchou: mangus580: cone in from the cold
[04:27:03] mchou: come*
[04:27:04] defaultro: my officemate got so lucky. His last day was aug 31. He landed on a new job after a week
[04:27:19] mchou: nice
[04:27:42] mchou: defaultro: so what's the deal? bank closing?
[04:27:45] defaultro: so hopefully, job openings here in IL is not bad. But friends told me that companies usuually don't hire in January
[04:28:01] defaultro: our bank got bought
[04:28:08] defaultro: so i'm transitioning
[04:28:10] mchou: by which bank?
[04:28:14] mangus580: how do you know that mchou?
[04:28:58] gizmobay: Is there a way to extend a program based on the title
[04:29:04] defaultro: we know each other since 2004 or 2005
[04:29:29] defaultro: mangus, he helped me build a machine back then
[04:29:46] mchou: mangus580: I work for NSA
[04:29:53] mchou: :)
[04:29:55] mangus580: mchou: funny!
[04:30:17] Shadow__X (Shadow__X!n=jose@unaffiliated/shadowx/x-411846) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[04:30:18] mchou: mangus580: it's easy to tell from your ip address
[04:30:36] mangus580: agreed.... just wasnt sure how you knew... or if maybe I knew you!
[04:31:41] gizmobay: MTV clips programs and moves them into the next half hour
[04:36:53] mangus580: gizmobay: cant you just set them to start/stop with an offset time?
[04:42:00] clever: ive just noticed something
[04:42:10] clever: it seems i can use XV while VDPAU is active
[04:42:30] clever: i can even have both playing at once
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[04:47:40] Josh_ (Josh_! has quit ("Leaving")
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[05:02:44] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit ("I am called onward")
[05:07:28] gizmobay: thanks mangus580, I was thinking something more automated incase I forget
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[05:30:03] xris:
[05:32:24] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:46:07] Pumpernick (Pumpernick!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:47:31] oobe: clever, what does that mean?
[05:48:05] clever: oobe: you could use XV to play an sd feed while using vdpau for an hd feed, for PiP
[05:48:16] oobe: oh ok
[05:48:23] oobe: in PIP
[05:48:32] clever: i just have 2 mplayer windows open, and both are working fine
[05:48:38] clever: one claimed vdpau and the other claimed xv
[05:48:57] oobe: yeah i believe that
[05:49:18] clever: my wifi wasnt able to handle the hd stuff, so the cache in mplayer kept running out
[05:49:25] clever: and i started a 2nd file without thinking, and it just worked
[05:53:03] oobe: yeah i dont see what the big deal is
[05:53:13] oobe: i mean i would expect that to work
[05:53:21] oobe: not that i run multiple mplayers
[05:54:35] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:54:42] clever: i just thought that xv and vdpau might have been trying to internaly share things and cause conflicts
[05:54:44] mangus580: now this is odd
[05:54:50] clever: didnt think it would simply work with both at once
[05:54:55] mangus580: just installed a new setup of fedora 11... with mythtv
[05:55:06] mangus580: when I try to run the front end, screen blinks... and nothing happens
[05:55:11] clever: didnt even get artifacts from the color keys fighting with eachother
[05:55:52] clever: oobe: does vdpau even use color keys for the overlay?
[06:08:05] defecatn (defecatn!i=myth@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:12:13] defecatn: man mythtv is kicking my ass:(. a new install won't record anything
[06:15:38] defecatn: cool. got something
[06:15:42] defecatn: :)
[06:15:51] defecatn: no idea why my channel changing script isn't working
[06:16:33] artus35 (artus35! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:17:59] gizmobay: All my recrodings are ending a few minutes early and starting a few minutes early
[06:18:14] [R]: is your clock wrong?
[06:18:18] gizmobay: no
[06:18:24] gizmobay: clock is sync'd up
[06:18:39] gizmobay: 23:18:30
[06:18:45] Tomasu (Tomasu! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:19:32] gizmobay: I'm in the US
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[06:20:16] defecatn: does anyone know how to test a channel changing script like in this page with a command line? . . . hange_Script
[06:23:39] gizmobay: hmm, checked the backend log and the show recorded at the proper time
[06:26:01] Typosu (Typosu! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:26:27] [R]: defaultro: you could... try running it
[06:26:57] defecatn: yeah always gives errors
[06:27:05] defecatn: i've been at this all day without much luck
[06:27:27] defaultro: [R], I forgot what I asked earlier.
[06:27:52] defecatn: ./channelchange2: line 8: import: command not found ./channelchange2: line 10: syntax error near unexpected token `(' ./channelchange2: line 10: `def changeChannel(channel):'
[06:28:06] wagnerrp: defaultro: he used some overzealous tab completion
[06:28:49] defaultro: wagnerrp, I'm a bit lost. :D I'm not sure what he's talking about. I'm on many irc channels
[06:28:57] [R]: defaultro: err... that was for defecatn
[06:29:03] wagnerrp: he typed 'def' and hit tab
[06:29:05] wagnerrp: wrong person
[06:29:07] defaultro: ah :D
[06:29:53] [R]: defecatn: looks like whomever wrote that page has no clue what they are doing
[06:30:00] [R]: defecatn: put '#!/usr/bin/python' as the first line
[06:30:04] [R]: defecatn: w/o the quotes
[06:30:08] defecatn: okay thanks
[06:30:59] wagnerrp: but... thats... not python
[06:31:32] defecatn: i'm going in circles
[06:31:48] wagnerrp: you have some perl, and you have some lirc code
[06:31:55] [R]: wagnerrp: there are 2 scripts there
[06:32:04] defecatn: i've tried both without luck
[06:32:05] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:32:10] defecatn: mythtv just bails and records nothing
[06:32:11] mangus580: can a myth 0.22 front end work ok with a 0.21 backend?
[06:32:14] [R]: mangus580: no
[06:32:16] wagnerrp: ah, nevermind, you are correct
[06:32:20] mangus580: k
[06:32:23] [R]: defecatn: i told you how to fix it
[06:32:56] wagnerrp: RDA is really showing his age in SGUniverse
[06:33:01] defecatn: yeah about to try it
[06:33:06] [R]: wagnerrp: i noticed the same thing
[06:33:12] defecatn: thanks R:
[06:36:04] mangus580: the frontend and backend dont need to be on the same OS platform though, right? (ie frontend can be mythbuntu and backend fedora?)
[06:36:15] [R]: mangus580: that IS the same os
[06:37:53] mangus580: isnt mythbuntu mythtv on ubuntu?
[06:37:58] mangus580: ubuntu and fedora are different...
[06:38:06] mangus580: or are you implying the same because both are linux?
[06:38:15] defecatn: [r] attempting a test now.
[06:38:21] [R]: mangus580: linux is linux
[06:38:27] mangus580: k
[06:38:51] Randune (Randune! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[06:39:32] waxhead (waxhead! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:40:09] defecatn: [r] I can kiss you. i'd never have gotten taht
[06:40:12] defecatn: works good
[06:40:34] [R]: are you a chick?
[06:40:43] mangus580: LOL
[06:40:53] defecatn: haha no. shows you how agravated i was over this
[06:41:02] [R]: then please to back away from me
[06:41:12] defecatn: i gave up having two serial blasters control two of the same cable boxes
[06:41:17] defecatn: i use to have it going until a hd died
[06:41:21] hednod (hednod! has left #mythtv-users ()
[06:42:10] defecatn: crap so many small things to do when a system crashes
[06:44:13] mangus580: hmmm wonder if I would be smarter to upgrade to 0.22 now... while I am not really using it yet... or later after we are going full steam ahead
[06:44:55] wagnerrp: do you use vdpau?
[06:45:03] mangus580: whats that?
[06:45:15] wagnerrp: then youre probably fine for upgrading now
[06:45:22] mangus580: k
[06:45:28] mangus580: is there an upgrade guide?
[06:45:42] wagnerrp: if you use mythvideo, make sure to read the transition guide on the wiki
[06:45:58] wagnerrp: besides that, you just have the 'm' and the 'i' menus for everything
[06:46:01] mangus580: although... in reality I could wipe out what I have and start over
[06:46:11] wagnerrp: and you should be able to work your way through everything else
[06:46:45] mchou: this upgrade was a bitch
[06:47:04] mchou: the db encoding was seriously braindead
[06:47:35] mchou: messed up all my music titles
[06:47:37] mangus580: well mebbe I will give 0.22 a whirl tomorrow
[06:47:41] mangus580: tonight... I am going to bed
[06:47:41] mangus580: cya
[06:48:39] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:48:45] mchou: wish people would stop with all the perl silliness
[06:49:22] rushfan (rushfan!n=rushfan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:49:29] mchou: especially when they can't write correct perl scripts
[06:49:34] defecatn: just to be sure is it easy to have a serial ir blaster and a usb ir one both controlling the same type of set top box?
[06:49:39] defecatn: same remote codes
[06:49:53] defecatn: without sending teh same commands to both at the same time
[06:50:14] mchou: depends what you mean by same remote codes
[06:50:21] defecatn: exact same ones
[06:50:31] Tomasu (Tomasu! has quit (Connection timed out)
[06:50:33] mchou: no, that's not specific
[06:50:51] defecatn: hmm.
[06:51:29] mchou: if the remote (keypads) generated the same ir codes you're probably screwed
[06:51:35] defecatn: two motolla #!/usr/bin/python
[06:51:37] defecatn: sorry
[06:51:41] defecatn: yeah
[06:51:44] defecatn: they are
[06:52:12] defecatn: i had some source hacked nad used two ir blasters with two modules etc but kernels changed etc
[06:59:12] TM1111a (TM1111a! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:59:16] sphery: defecatn: like . . . R-HOWTO.html ?
[07:03:06] defecatn: hmm
[07:03:38] defecatn: like this . . . +ir+blasters
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[07:10:26] sphery: mchou: The DB encoding is fine if everything was set up properly. And, out of curiosity, what broken perl scripts?
[07:11:22] mchou: what do you mean if everything was set up properly?
[07:11:38] mchou: utf8->latin1
[07:12:02] mchou: that's part of the "upgrade"
[07:12:31] wagnerrp: sphery: want to bump the topic?
[07:15:16] sphery: mchou: I mean that unless your data was already corrupt, you end up with the exact same data you started with.
[07:15:41] mchou: sphery: that's patently false
[07:16:08] sphery: exact same data, different representation
[07:16:10] sphery: not false
[07:16:22] mchou: I have music in directories names
[07:16:26] sphery: still wondering which perl silliness
[07:16:36] wagnerrp: some IR blaster script
[07:16:36] sphery: wagnerrp: which topic?
[07:16:38] mchou: how the hell do those get switched over?
[07:16:49] wagnerrp: sphery: channel topic
[07:17:19] sphery: I don't have op in here--but good idea.
[07:17:37] mchou: the directory/file names have (foreign) characters that don't transform
[07:17:42] sphery: mchou: not sure what you mean. MythMusic DB upgrade will convert MythMusic data.
[07:18:21] sphery: if they were correct to start with (i.e. UTF-8 data) they would convert to, er, UTF-8, just fine
[07:18:30] mchou: basic stuff that dont even get a sanity check
[07:18:48] mchou: lol
[07:18:51] sphery: we always used UTF-8--the only thing was we told MySQL it was latin1 so it didn't know how to read non-ascii chars properly
[07:19:21] mchou: a db is gonna convert my utf8 directory names to latin1?
[07:19:42] sphery: no, we never stored data in latin1
[07:19:49] sphery: it was always utf-8
[07:20:39] Dagmar: This is why we should have just put into every RFC that all communications on the internet will be done in ASCII
[07:20:42] mchou: so tell me how I ended up with different directory names between the DB and the filesystem
[07:21:06] mchou: for chracters that had umlauts and stuff
[07:21:11] sphery: I could only tell you that if I could see a backup of your pre-upgrade data
[07:21:18] Dagmar: I fully expect that the requirement for the new i18n registrars to not allow "bastardized" or "hybrid" hostnames which use more than one charset to be completely ignored rather quickly
[07:21:19] mchou: lol
[07:22:04] Dagmar: i18n domain names are a bad idea, just because of hte people who will register them
[07:22:27] mchou: sphery: the 'data' was correct and synced before utf-8->latin1
[07:23:01] sphery: then maybe there was a bug in 0.21-fixes and below MythMusic and it wrote bad data
[07:23:31] mchou: sphery: after db encoding change, the data (i.e. directory name ) were no longer in sync
[07:24:36] sphery: on the bright side, all the mythmusic data can be easily recreated
[07:24:57] mchou: so supposed I had a recording by some Thai artist.....
[07:25:30] mchou: the artist doesnt latinized name
[07:25:52] mchou: the dir name was in utf-8 befor....
[07:26:12] mchou: how does that get transfored into latin1?
[07:26:19] mchou: transformed*
[07:26:21] sphery: we don't use latin1
[07:26:27] sphery: we didn't before
[07:26:33] sphery: we used utf-8
[07:26:59] mchou: sphery: I KNOW we used utf-8
[07:27:01] sphery: mysql thought it was latin1, so mysql saw a 3-byte utf-8 char as 3 latin1 chars or a 2-byte utf-8 char as 2 latin1 chars
[07:27:13] sphery: you're saying it's now latin1-like?
[07:27:52] mchou: no, it's in some other encodings now in the DB
[07:28:00] mchou: I have no idea what
[07:28:18] sphery: so the non-latin characters show as a couple of characters?
[07:28:36] mchou: yes, still non latin
[07:28:58] mchou: but what was one char is now 2 (or vice versa)
[07:29:29] mchou: totally messed up
[07:29:33] sphery: so that means the data was corrupted in the 0.21-fixes DB and something did conversion
[07:29:51] sphery: which is exactly what would happen if someone made a utf-8 connection to the DB and sent data
[07:29:57] sphery: someone being a script or app or ...
[07:30:01] mchou: lol
[07:30:04] sphery: and that someone may be MythMusic
[07:30:10] mchou: that's what I said
[07:30:25] mchou: nobody knows how to write correct perl
[07:30:26] sphery: (though for MythMusic, it would have been forgotten toUTF8() calls)
[07:30:41] sphery: so which perl changed it?
[07:31:19] sphery: was it some perl-based network music management thing?
[07:31:20] mchou: I forget which
[07:31:31] mchou: but it was asinine
[07:31:46] sphery: I'm really just curious--curious what other apps people may have used that might have caused issues
[07:31:55] mchou: apps??
[07:31:58] Dagmar: No, people just mainly don't bother to _research_ before they write perl
[07:32:03] sphery: the perl...
[07:32:13] mchou: I dont use apps unless you consider mythmusic it's own app
[07:32:25] sphery: I consider MythMusic C++
[07:32:30] Dagmar: mchou: I consider it worthy of being replaced.
[07:32:32] sphery: so I'm wonder what perl
[07:32:45] mchou: Dagmar: be my guest
[07:33:21] Dagmar: mchou: I can't do UI graphics for crap tho
[07:33:22] KraMer (KraMer! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[07:33:30] mchou: Dagmar: lol
[07:33:42] Dagmar: I could make something that's functional.
[07:33:56] Dagmar: ...but it would have all the visual flair of an Ikea bookcase.
[07:34:10] mchou: the issue here is not how badly mythmusic sucks
[07:34:10] defecatn (defecatn!i=myth@ has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[07:34:41] mchou: the issue here is nobody gives a shit about quality
[07:34:49] Dagmar: It works "well enough"
[07:34:58] mchou: quality meaning quaklity of code
[07:35:06] Dagmar: It's not breaking anyone's pain thresholds
[07:35:59] Dagmar: Has anyone done any work at all on stuffing _tags_ into id3 info?
[07:36:39] Dagmar: I have a whole lot of really weird audio here, so I'm acutely aware of how craptacular the current fields in id3 are
[07:37:20] Dagmar: The thing I'd absolutely do if I started recoding it would be to make the randomizer use tags
[07:38:14] Dagmar: Give it the half a teaspon of brain necessary to stop picking things at random and instead meander through a tag map
[07:39:24] meshe: nobody knows how to write correct perl?
[07:39:43] mchou: meshe: exactly
[07:39:54] meshe: oh
[07:40:16] meshe: i just came in to the discussion late, is there a problem with the perl code in myth?
[07:40:17] Dagmar: meshe: One of the few things i will agree with mchou on
[07:40:51] meshe: well, actually if nobody knows how to write it correctly then technically there is no right way
[07:41:00] Dagmar: meshe: but there is
[07:41:15] mchou: meshe: your are correct
[07:41:27] meshe: huh
[07:41:41] Dagmar: There are many "right" ways in perl.
[07:41:53] Dagmar: ...but there's so many abysmally wrong ways.
[07:42:02] meshe: true
[07:42:03] mchou: meshe: Larry Wall himself could write perl that isnt full of bugs and side effects
[07:42:21] mchou: couldn't*
[07:42:31] Dagmar: Seeing people do my $scalar, $scalar = shift @_, shift @_; type stuff makes my eyes burn
[07:43:21] meshe: after 8 years of being a fulltime perl programmer i can write perl without bugs and side effects, but it requires a good test suite
[07:43:28] mchou: lol
[07:43:38] mchou: then what's the point?
[07:43:40] Dagmar: I simply check every function I write before I move on
[07:43:58] meshe: Dagmar: i do the same, my checks are unit tests
[07:44:15] meshe: then if i break something later i know about it right away
[07:44:18] Dagmar: If there's a bug, it's generally because I did something stupid, not because a function didn't behave or exhibited a weird side effect
[07:44:35] meshe: yup
[07:44:46] Dagmar: The last weird side effect I hit was because someone was bitching at me to use -Tw or something
[07:45:00] mchou: the purpose of a decent language is to prevent folks from making mistakes
[07:45:03] meshe: mchou: TDD is a very good practice to have in any language
[07:45:07] Dagmar: I wound up with a bug that someone in #perl summed up as "They're both fred"
[07:45:14] mchou: with perl it's just to easy to fsck up
[07:45:25] mchou: too*
[07:45:59] mchou: ohh, you wanted over easy?
[07:46:02] Dagmar: I'd created two hashes in an explicit way instead of the "lazy" way, and got burned for it because they wound up being the same hash
[07:46:17] mchou: we gave you scrambled eggs instead
[07:46:17] meshe: perl has it's place, i wouldn't trust a mission critical system to a junior perl programmer unless i had a lot of standards and reviews in place
[07:46:23] mchou: it's still egg
[07:47:03] Dagmar: eggs are delicious
[07:47:06] mchou: (therefore not a bug)
[07:47:35] meshe: we just ran into a case at work where one of our senior devs was afraid to touch some java code because there were no unit tests and the only way to test his changes was against a live system
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[07:47:49] Dagmar: meshe: Yes that would terrify me a bit
[07:47:50] meshe: he took a few days and wrote the unit tests first
[07:48:09] meshe: same
[07:48:18] Dagmar: I tell managers "You do not work on a car's engine while you're going down the highway at 85 mph"
[07:48:38] meshe: our dev servers bit it on our last power outage, so we were running blind for a while
[07:48:44] meshe: and it sucked
[07:49:37] Dagmar: go go gadget kickstart
[07:49:41] meshe: funny thing was, i told them last time the dev servers bit it that they needed to buy real raid cards for the dev and staging servers...
[07:50:14] meshe: good idea, we have kickstart files...
[07:50:38] meshe: oh, but they cut the team by 75% with the same workload...
[07:50:52] Dagmar: You _really_ need some automation then
[07:51:15] meshe: i even had a slightly out of date image of the dev servers that would have taken some time to update, but no, too much work to do
[07:51:33] meshe: yeah, been saying that for years Dagmar
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[07:56:11] meshe: anyway, for perl use Moose, use DBIX::Class and the Test::* modules along with Devel::Cover to make sure you're testing everything
[07:56:58] mchou: What good is a house if I have to make scaffolding the size of a mansion?
[07:57:07] mchou: meshe: ^^^
[07:57:53] mchou: apparently the concept of point of diminshing return is a foreign one for people who write perl
[07:58:07] meshe: i beleive that you should have unit testing for everything, if you do you can write any kind of code in any language you want and know that it works as expected
[07:58:28] mchou: I didnt say skip unit testing
[07:59:13] meshe: then what's your point? Moose is just the backport of perl 6's meta-objects
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[07:59:36] mchou: the point is you have to test for all sorts of unanticipated bullshit
[07:59:57] meshe: not so much if you use the frameworks
[08:00:10] mchou: "frameworks"
[08:00:37] meshe: the other languages all have them, they are just more hidden
[08:00:39] mchou: why dont you really THINK about the vocabulary here and what I said earlier
[08:00:49] mchou: [23:56:58] <mchou> What good is a house if I have to make scaffolding the size of a mansion?
[08:01:16] meshe: you're doing the same thing, it's just a level deeper in other languages
[08:02:00] mchou: a level deeper, that's rich
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[08:02:33] meshe: i really don't care about language, i code perl because i'm good at it, and our systems are written in it, use python, use java, use php whatever works for you
[08:02:52] mchou: and that's fine
[08:03:55] meshe: oh no, don't use C, you'll have to build even larger scafolding
[08:04:44] mchou: every language has weakness, but perl more so because it's no-compact
[08:04:48] mchou: non*
[08:04:59] Dagmar: Have calculators surgically implanted into your coders forearms so that maybe they'll learn to count.
[08:05:12] mchou: and because of that, more shit to go wrong
[08:05:26] Dagmar: No "good" code is all that compact
[08:05:33] Dagmar: It's what it makes the computer do that needs to be compact.
[08:05:40] mchou: and more corner cases to test for
[08:06:44] mchou: I just make it a policy to discurage perl in the organization for these reasons
[08:06:46] meshe: imo, you must be doing it wrong if you have all these extra cases to worry about, test for good, bad and bounds and move on
[08:07:41] mchou: it's a frigging scam
[08:07:51] mchou: full employment act
[08:07:55] Dagmar: I agree with meshe
[08:08:20] Dagmar: ...although I pretty much don't ever do anything with any data unless it's of _completely known_ content
[08:08:21] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:08:38] meshe: i don't trust any data :)
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[08:09:00] meshe: even from my own database
[08:09:06] Dagmar: Any data that leaves my program's memory at all gets detainted before being allowed back in.
[08:09:20] meshe: but that's because i've been bitten by other programmers before
[08:09:24] Dagmar: I've had jackholes putting prescription information into cc processing info tables before
[08:09:37] meshe: yeah
[08:09:39] meshe: exactly
[08:09:46] Dagmar: I have learned to eliminate possible corners and edges by being freaking anal retentive about input
[08:10:56] meshe: i have a great validation system that validated on every attribute set whether it came from the db or from the user, i should really port it to moose
[08:12:15] meshe: . . . te_perl.html
[08:12:38] meshe: ^^ good article btw
[08:13:34] mchou: sphery: anyway, to get back on point, mythmusic is all i've ever used to rip music (for myth)
[08:13:46] Dagmar: Sadly, it doesn't follow the argument to it's logical conclusion
[08:14:04] Dagmar: It doesn't matter that management wants the "shiny" or not, because it won't fix their problem.
[08:14:29] Dagmar: Their fundamental problem is that they beat their coders with whips to make them solve problems quickly and without planning.
[08:14:32] mchou: sphery: it's not like I used some external app to import them and somehow they used manged directory names
[08:14:35] Dagmar: Doesn't matter what language, that's always bad.
[08:14:38] mchou: mangled*
[08:15:04] Dagmar: This sensless push to java and PHP will just yield shiny crap.
[08:15:35] meshe: Dagmar: yeah, and then when things break it's not their fault even though they made you producxe crap fast
[08:15:46] mchou: meshe: the article is wrong about the reasons
[08:16:10] mchou: meshe: it's all about maintainability (hence compactness)
[08:16:41] Dagmar: Like, at that medical place, two of us redid the work of four years of about 20 people's code in less than one year, in perl, because we weren't stupid about how we coded
[08:16:57] mchou: meshe: someone leaves it's not easy for someone else to maintain it
[08:17:09] Dagmar: We did NOT let management rush us, and we murdered each little piece to replicate by making tools to do it faster the whole way through
[08:17:15] mchou: that's the reason for code turn-over
[08:17:29] meshe: mchou: heh, you should see some of my code
[08:17:34] mchou: not because someone wants something new an shiny
[08:18:20] mchou: and that's why I call it the full employment act
[08:18:29] superdump (superdump!n=rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit ("WeeChat 0.3.1-dev")
[08:18:40] meshe: we are on track to revamp a number of our systems and scrapping a lot of old code, some of my earliest perl modules are going to be kept around in the revamp
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[08:19:00] meshe: they are still good and they are bulletproof
[08:19:14] mchou: dude, that's not the point
[08:19:35] meshe: oh, and i forget, very maintainable
[08:19:47] mchou: so says you
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[08:20:02] meshe: and the other coders that have had to modify it
[08:20:52] meshe: Dagmar: good on not letting management push you :) ours has finally realized that we lose buckets of money if they don't let us plan and code properly
[08:21:33] meshe: side note, we are probably switching to python for the revamp anyway
[08:21:39] Dagmar: That was part of our arguments to management.
[08:21:58] mchou: meshe: yeah, think about why that is
[08:22:01] defaultro: morning folks, I'm back. Is Antec a good ps?
[08:22:06] Dagmar: defaultro: Yes
[08:22:09] defaultro: cool
[08:22:28] mchou: meshe: it couldnt be because python happents to be umm, more compact than perl?
[08:22:33] Dagmar: You can actually generally rely on getting 450w out of a PSU they rate at 450W
[08:22:36] meshe: because management likes a stricter language
[08:22:50] defaultro: k
[08:23:01] defaultro: i think I should find a case with ps
[08:23:13] DarK`` (DarK``!n=d4rk@ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[08:23:29] meshe: actually, we are hoping that parrot will help us tie our different language libararies together
[08:23:33] mchou: defaultro: just use your old case and PS
[08:23:40] meshe: need to do more research on that
[08:23:46] defaultro: it's very old. The mobo is not compatible
[08:23:56] mchou: what??
[08:24:02] mchou: atx?
[08:24:06] defaultro: nope
[08:24:09] Dagmar: At?
[08:24:11] defaultro: yes
[08:24:14] Dagmar: As in P8 and P9?
[08:24:16] Dagmar: OUCH.
[08:24:26] defaultro: i forgot, it's from year 2004
[08:24:26] meshe: that's old
[08:24:29] Dagmar: Yes. Buy something new. look for "80plus" in it's description
[08:24:30] defaultro: :)
[08:24:36] defaultro: k
[08:24:36] mchou: 2004 is not OLD
[08:24:37] meshe: that should be an ATX
[08:24:46] mchou: 2004 is well into ATX era
[08:24:56] meshe: i didn't think they sold AT's this century
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[08:25:05] defaultro: you know, I think I should check. But i think i really need one so I can still use the existing machine :)
[08:25:11] mchou: in 2004 you would have been hard pressed to FIND AT if you wanted one
[08:25:25] defaultro: k. This way, I'll have 2 machines
[08:25:45] meshe: you may just have to move mounts, it's either an atx or matx
[08:25:52] defaultro: k
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[08:26:42] Dagmar: If it has two nine-pin power connectors tho', burn it.
[08:27:15] meshe: or for more fun, office space it :)
[08:28:18] mchou: sheevaplug!
[08:28:33] mchou: who needs a case or PSU
[08:28:40] mchou: total waste
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[08:30:24] mchou: defaultro: before you go buy anthing try to find a kill-a-watt from a local library
[08:30:47] waxhead (waxhead! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:30:48] mchou: defaultro: you may be pleasantly surprised
[08:31:30] mchou: the days of the big honking atx power supplies are soon going to be over
[08:32:17] meshe: hehe, tell that to my husband's Nvidia GTX 275, it pulls 400W under load
[08:33:20] mchou: meshe: how did you determine that?
[08:34:05] meshe: well, that's their specs, i think that the reviews pinned it closer to 300
[08:34:10] mchou: lol
[08:34:20] mchou: come on
[08:35:01] defaultro: k
[08:35:36] mchou: let me put it this way, when was the last time nvidia recommended that you use a 300W PSU?
[08:36:23] meshe: they don't, they say the card can draw up to 400, so you need a 650W or higher
[08:36:28] mchou: even my old P4 justs only 130W from the wall
[08:36:36] mchou: draws*
[08:37:09] mchou: with a nvidia 8400gs
[08:37:27] mchou: all those specs are full of crap
[08:37:27] meshe: the card takes 2 dedicated 12V lines
[08:37:37] defaultro: good night folks. I didn't noticed, it's close to 3am, LOL :)
[08:37:52] mchou: meshe: no doubt
[08:38:10] meshe: my netbook is about to die, when it does i'm calling it a night
[08:38:23] mchou: but my point is you can't go by the specs because they are always overinflated
[08:40:00] meshe: i'd look up the reviews for you that did check the draw, but i'm reading something else right now and i'm too tired to go looking for my charging cable
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[10:30:57] justinh: when will 0.23 be released?
[10:34:46] dustybin: 2023
[10:35:17] dustybin: MY GOD
[10:35:28] dustybin: Stable: If you'd like to get the 0.22 stable branch, do this:
[10:35:37] dustybin: svn co mythtv-0–22
[10:35:40] dustybin: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
[10:35:44] ** dustybin falls off chair **
[10:36:29] dustybin: .22 has been released however this still exists: #5949 Cannot tune some DVB-Tchannels
[10:36:43] justinh: so?
[10:36:54] dustybin: that means i wont be able to use it in UK
[10:37:27] dustybin:
[10:37:32] dustybin: WOW
[10:38:45] dustybin: this has made my morning!!
[10:39:07] dustybin: i have not taken a look at .22 at all
[10:39:23] dustybin: i think i will clear everything
[10:39:27] dustybin: a fresh new db
[10:40:25] justinh: dustybin: I got it to work. just needed to increase the scanning timeouts to something ludicrous. alternatively, define a new transport, enter a frequency for it, then scan known transports & tick the 'add new transports' button
[10:40:41] dustybin: ok thanks
[10:41:33] dustybin: maybe its possible to migrate my existing mythcoverg over to .22, then i wont need to do a re-scan
[10:41:50] dustybin: or all hell might break lose
[10:41:53] justinh: just back up the db first, then run mythtv-setup
[10:41:58] dustybin: ok
[10:42:07] dustybin: here we go, .22 :D
[10:42:14] justinh: same as with any mythtv update
[10:42:49] ** dustybin says goodbye to mepo **
[10:43:21] dustybin: Stopping MythTV Backend: mythbackend .
[10:43:27] dustybin: goodbye .21
[10:44:33] justinh: ooo there are SD subscriptions up for grabs in the theming/mythui patch competition
[10:44:57] dustybin: my mood has changed from being bored and crap to ecstatic :D
[10:45:56] justinh: who could feel crap on a Saturday morning? lol
[10:46:18] justinh: even when I wake up with a hangover I get the "yay it's saturday" feeling :D
[10:48:00] dustybin: its time to remove all evidence of mythtv on my hard disk, apart from the database
[10:48:17] justinh: and the recordings, if you're keeping the database
[10:48:35] dustybin: yep
[10:48:36] justinh: and videos/music/pictures, if you're keeping the database
[10:48:39] justinh: numpty
[10:48:54] dustybin: i wont touch those, those are on other disks
[10:49:02] justinh: plan
[10:49:05] dustybin: just everything in my system
[10:49:20] dustybin: updatedb
[10:49:25] dustybin: locate myth*
[10:50:06] dustybin: updatedb --prunepaths='/mnt' <-- this makes it quicker
[10:51:48] justinh: well, time to clone my notebook HDD onto a larger one
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[11:05:43] GlemSom: I was reading . . . ase-problem/ and I'm wondering of MythTV now support UTF8 databases? (Or will we still force UTF8 data in a latin1 database?)
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[11:17:50] sebrock: does anyone have the new Blue Abstract Theme (wide) theme? Links are dead in wiki
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[11:22:25] justinh: yes I do
[11:23:34] justinh: oh dear he hosted them at home by the look of it
[11:24:04] justinh: but the server is returning file not found. whoops
[11:25:01] justinh: I'll be powering up the box which has the theme on it in a couple of minutes
[11:26:18] DjMadness (DjMadness!n=DjMadnes@pdpc/supporter/student/DjMadness) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:29:46] dustybin: shes now compiling :D
[11:29:54] dustybin: or is mythtv a he? :P
[11:30:22] dustybin: is there a such thing as a QT5 toolkit?
[11:33:04] justinh: sebrock: . . . wide.tar.bz2
[11:33:56] justinh: oops make that
[11:33:59] justinh: sebrock: . . . act-wide.tar
[11:36:37] DjMadness_ (DjMadness_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:55:42] justinh: bah I'll just dd the damn disks then pick up the resize later with gparted
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[12:19:49] Hadaka: can I listen to DVB-C radio with mythtv?
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[12:21:03] Makere: Hadaka: I'd like to say yes
[12:21:08] laga: you can
[12:21:09] Makere: but can't say for sure
[12:21:22] laga: unless you're deaf or somesuch
[12:21:37] Makere: I never used the dvb-c radio
[12:22:25] Hadaka: Makere: okay, next question – how :-) it's not under "Watch TV" is it? :-)
[12:25:01] laga: it is.. assuming you did scan for the radiochannels as well
[12:25:13] Makere: Hadaka: the radiochannels show up as normal TV channels
[12:26:12] Hadaka: Makere: hmmh, okay, for some reason, they don't for me
[12:26:19] Hadaka: I'll investigate later, I'll use a net stream for now
[12:26:23] Makere: you need to scan for them
[12:26:40] Hadaka: I did the channel scan way back, and I think I didn't exclude audio only channels then
[12:34:08] GreyFoxx (GreyFoxx! has quit (Excess Flood)
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[12:36:03] dustybin: my god, everything has gone horizontal
[12:36:18] dustybin: the colours on mythtv-setup look excellent on a crt
[12:36:29] dustybin: no flicker at all
[12:37:05] dustybin: the only problem, a lot of stuff is bleeding off the edge
[12:38:18] justinh: wonder how long it'll take to dd 120GB
[12:45:02] paperclip (paperclip! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:47:04] dustybin: there is a horrible light grey coloured text what is really difficult to read
[12:47:15] dustybin: against the light background
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[13:01:37] GrapeApe69ca: Anyone else getting a floating point exception crash out of frontend startup after upgrading to 0.22–0.6.rc1.fc10?
[13:03:11] GrapeApe69ca: 0.22–0.5.rc1.fc10
[13:03:50] GrapeApe69ca: Anyone else getting a floating point exception crash out of frontend startup after upgrading to 0.22–0.5.rc1.fc10?
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[13:10:39] ExElNeT: i have 1 card and 2 satellites (2 inputs). but the card still has only one encoder? how can i tell mythtv to use 1 and not 2 encoders?
[13:12:01] justinh: dustybin: but if you move area & select it, it's readable :)
[13:14:59] grokky (grokky! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:15:12] dustybin: im missing the graphite theme, i could of sworn i saw that get downloaded
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[13:21:22] mag0o: /topic ...Latest stable release: 0.22...
[13:21:37] mag0o: :)
[13:21:44] GrapeApe69ca: Anyone else getting a floating point exception crash out of frontend startup after upgrading to 0.22–0.5.rc1.fc10?
[13:28:37] dustybin: i like graphites minimal look :D
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[13:41:09] dustybin: oh no its hung whilst loading videos
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[13:44:16] justinh: graphite minimal? lol maybe on the menus
[13:44:49] justinh: bah that dd is still going
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[13:49:45] justinh:
[13:49:57] justinh: arghh etoomanywindows
[13:50:08] Hoxzer_ is now known as Hoxzer
[13:54:33] mag0o: hehe
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[14:05:17] ** lyricnz wonders why his mythbox doesn't record one channel anymore. Rescanning doesn't help. Suspect an AU firmware issue, ugh **
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[14:29:23] squish102: btw how well does an xbox 360 view videos off mythtv?
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[14:29:51] dustybin: its hellish trying to navigate around terra
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[14:30:22] dustybin: the time has come for some new themes
[14:30:46] dustybin: i can pick out lots of good bits from all the themes
[14:30:52] dustybin: but none of them are complete IMO
[14:32:04] dustybin: i really do like the clear OSD
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[14:44:14] cba123: How can I get "folder view" to sort files by release date? As in to list a movie before it's sequel, or a TV Episodes in order? I don't like the browse "TV/Movie" style though. Running .22
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[14:45:40] GreyFoxx: I don't think I've ever noticed such a sort option
[14:46:42] GreyFoxx: Mine just sorts by filename so house.s01e02.avi will appear before house.s01e03.mkv
[14:46:45] GreyFoxx: and so on
[14:47:00] cba123: Any reason why? I mean my TV Episodes are out of order, as are my Movies. Are you running .22?
[14:47:22] GreyFoxx: I run trunk which is pretty much identical to the release from last night
[14:50:40] mag0o: cba123: in mythvide m > browse by
[14:51:05] dustybin: for some reason mythvideo will not find any of my video files, i keep on getting 'No files found' with the correct path to my mount in the settings
[14:51:56] cba123: mag0o, I did that, but I can't find a way to sort it by release date, while keeping folder view
[14:52:14] GreyFoxx: I'm pretty sure there is no such sort option in there
[14:52:26] iamlindoro: cba123: Browse modes are not sort options
[14:52:42] iamlindoro: M->Filters->Sort By->Season/Episode
[14:52:55] mag0o: yeah, what iamlindoro said, that's what i meant...yeah
[14:54:11] brad3: hey guys, congratulations on the release
[14:58:11] cba123: iamlindoro, Ok, I sorted by year, but is there any way to sort by year, inverted, as in 2001 before 2004 not 2004 before 2001?
[14:58:47] iamlindoro: cba123: I didn't say to sort by year-- but no
[14:59:29] cba123: iamlindoro, I'm sorting my movies, so that would be year, TV episodes would be by season/episode
[14:59:40] cba123: I'll look at the TV now
[14:59:55] iamlindoro: cba123: You can't have two different sort types-- Season/Episode does that, then title as a second criterion
[15:00:23] iamlindoro: which should sort movies alphabetically and presuming your sequeals are $title 2, $title 3, etc., it should work fine
[15:00:52] iamlindoro: won't necessarily work if your sequels don't have numbers, but there's nothing stopping you from inserting them so that it works
[15:00:54] cba123: I added 1 and 2 and so on, but when I did that, the cover fetcher thing didn't find them
[15:01:09] iamlindoro: Don't add the numbers until you have metadata already
[15:01:34] iamlindoro: ie, only add it in the metadata, not to the filename
[15:02:08] bluey- (bluey-! has quit ("Leaving")
[15:05:50] cba123: iamlindoro, How would I do that?
[15:06:06] iamlindoro: do what?
[15:06:24] ** GreyFoxx happily watches trunk compile on yet another upgrade saturday morning **
[15:06:35] iamlindoro: download the metadata for your movie, then edit in the number on the edit metadata screen
[15:07:17] dustybin: ive changed my video dirs to chmod 777, and all the content, everything is owned by mythtv, but still mythvideo says 'no files found' odd
[15:07:29] cba123: What metadata screen?
[15:07:53] GreyFoxx: dustybin: first thing to do is watch the FE output and see what it says when you do a "Scan for Changes"
[15:08:14] dustybin: i didnt even know there was a 'scan for changes' eek
[15:08:28] GreyFoxx: That's how it works now
[15:08:32] cba123: iamlindoro, You mean when I press enter to select a file?
[15:08:34] GreyFoxx: Go into the list/gallery/whatever
[15:08:40] GreyFoxx: hit Menu, then Scan for changes
[15:08:49] GreyFoxx: there is no auto scan in video manager anymore
[15:08:53] iamlindoro: cba123: no, I mean the edit metadata screen-- read the context menus when you have an item selected
[15:08:59] cba123: iamlindoro, I got it, press e
[15:09:08] iamlindoro: yes, or that
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[15:10:43] dustybin: GreyFoxx: oh its found them now! thanks
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[15:16:58] cba123: iamlindoro, Ok, I think I got this working. Thanks.
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[15:24:53] ExElNeT: what are the system requirements for commflagging while recording? non-hd and hd. my system is backend only pentium m 1,5gb ram, will it work?
[15:25:55] wagnerrp: it all depends on the content
[15:26:31] wagnerrp: how fast is this pentium-m? what generation? core? cache?
[15:28:13] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[15:28:34] ExElNeT: wagnerrp:
[15:28:49] ExElNeT: the flagging runs normally with around 50 to 60 fps
[15:30:26] wagnerrp: so a 740...
[15:30:49] rmeden (rmeden!n=edenr@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:30:54] wagnerrp: you should be able to manage anything SD, in real time, with commflagging
[15:31:24] wagnerrp: but youre probably about your limit for decoding ATSC, maybe a bit under
[15:31:32] wagnerrp: youre definately not going to be doing commflagging on it at real time
[15:32:03] wagnerrp: and anything HD h264 (DVB, HDPVR) is out of the question
[15:32:06] ExElNeT: wagnerrp: cool. hmm is there a way to enable it on sd and disable on hd content?
[15:32:15] wagnerrp: no
[15:32:40] ExElNeT: ok, so i better turn it off...
[15:32:48] ExElNeT: thanks wagnerrp
[15:33:33] wagnerrp: digital tuners require next to no processor
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[15:33:46] wagnerrp: so you can run the commflagger at full load without interrupting recording
[15:33:52] wagnerrp: why does it matter?
[15:35:06] ExElNeT: so you mean just queing them should be fine? even while recording?
[15:35:13] mchou (mchou! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:35:14] ExElNeT: yeah its dvb-s2
[15:35:32] wagnerrp: dvb-s2... h264 is probably fairly common
[15:35:55] wagnerrp: your commflags are going to be slow, but as i said, it doesnt matter
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[15:37:42] ExElNeT: sure it doesnt ... nice :=)
[15:38:12] bluey- (bluey-! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:38:22] Jester86: is anyone here having problems with the new mythtv's video manager?
[15:38:28] Jester86: mine has dumped the poster/background index twice now and it has never allowed me to manually enter the imdb number for movies
[15:38:35] Jester86: i enter it and nothing happens
[15:38:43] wagnerrp: index?
[15:38:52] Jester86: well part of the db i guess really
[15:39:06] wagnerrp: its very possible the movie just doesnt exist
[15:39:25] Jester86: like i go thru and have it find every movie then a couple days later i came back and everything was disassociated
[15:39:26] wagnerrp: and beyond that, the video manager is fairly redundant and may be removed in the future
[15:39:47] wagnerrp: did you accidentally turn on 'browse mode'?
[15:40:07] Jester86: i dont think so, why would that effect it?
[15:40:08] wagnerrp: 'browse mode' simply runs straight off the file system, not using the database metadata
[15:40:20] Jester86: ohh, no thats not it
[15:40:35] wagnerrp: theres no other reason why you would suddenly have no metadata
[15:40:35] Jester86: i mean even in the video manager it doesnt have any of the movie data
[15:40:49] Jester86: i know, nothing logical at least
[15:40:58] wagnerrp: are you running mythbuntu?
[15:41:24] Jester86: yup sir
[15:41:44] wagnerrp: mythbuntu has JAMU set up as a cronjob
[15:41:55] wagnerrp: if it is misconfigured, or otherwise somehow broken
[15:42:02] wagnerrp: it could be wiping your metadata when it runs
[15:42:18] wagnerrp: thats all i can think of
[15:42:28] Jester86: hmm
[15:42:42] Jester86: well this is currently just a proof on concept box for me anyways
[15:42:56] justinh: how come it seems to take UK users 3 weeks to notice that freeview has been messed around with?
[15:43:04] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: That does not seem likely.
[15:43:07] Jester86: i'm in the midst of getting everything set up but i'm trying to figure out what i'm going to do for digital cable tuning..
[15:43:19] justinh: well ok not 3 weeks, but in this region news of the raft of rescans has been plastered all over
[15:43:43] wagnerrp: well mythvideo wont be deleting the data, unless you tell it to re-grab the data
[15:43:48] Jester86: i have 2 digital/analog cards i'm going to use for unencrypted digital but idk what i'm doing for encrypted digital .. i need t find a converter box that allows firewire streaming
[15:43:57] wagnerrp: and it wont delete any entries unless you tell it to scan
[15:44:15] wagnerrp: so i have no idea what could be going on
[15:44:26] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: Jamu does not remove or rescan
[15:44:45] wagnerrp: if it gets an error on a grab, it just errors out?
[15:44:46] justinh: ddamnit that dd is still ongoing
[15:44:51] wagnerrp: i know mythvideo will wipe the existing data
[15:44:55] wagnerrp: or at least it has in the past
[15:45:19] bluey- (bluey-! has quit ("Leaving")
[15:45:27] justinh: wait – so if you scan for changes to add more files it'll wipe existing metadata?
[15:45:36] mchou: Jester86: unless you happen to be fortunate to live in an area where they havent rolled out 5C, I say forget about it
[15:45:37] wagnerrp: no
[15:45:50] justinh: I was gonna say. lol
[15:45:51] wagnerrp: but if you run a metadata grab, and it fails, it will wipe existing metadata
[15:46:08] justinh: oh metadata on the file you select to grab data for you mean?
[15:46:15] wagnerrp: yes
[15:46:20] justinh: that's ok then
[15:46:45] justinh: or rather, it'll do for now :)
[15:46:53] Jester86: mchou, how can i find out whether or not they have 5c here?
[15:47:19] mchou: Jester86: cable box diag screen
[15:47:42] mchou: Jester86: go over to a friend's place who has STB
[15:48:14] Jester86: mchou, i have a STB but its a cheapo and doesnt have firewire
[15:48:14] mchou: Jester86: will tell you quickly which channels have 5C
[15:48:17] Jester86: just a usb port
[15:48:30] mchou: no, that clearly wont do
[15:48:47] Jester86: yeah, i was going to request a different box
[15:48:58] mchou: you need a stb with firewire out to be able to find out
[15:49:06] Jester86: my moms digital box has ethernet, firewire, and usb
[15:49:20] MythBork (MythBork! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:49:43] mchou: if your mom is supplied by the same headend then you can check it out over a her place
[15:49:47] justinh: ahh if only they'd open up those ports to do something. Anything!
[15:49:48] Jester86: mchou, do you know if the ones with ethernet can fucntion as an network recorder?
[15:49:49] mchou: at*
[15:50:02] mchou: no idea
[15:50:02] justinh: not very likely though
[15:50:08] Jester86: she's not she lives 1.5 hrs away
[15:50:15] Jester86: tho i may trade her boxes ;) lol
[15:50:27] mchou: Jester86: that wont work
[15:50:31] justinh: if they did they'd have to ensure they made them hack resistant
[15:50:33] zmd (zmd!n=dmz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:50:42] mchou: Jester86: stb have to be "activated"
[15:50:52] Jester86: both of them are activated tho ..
[15:51:01] justinh: firewire is, no doubt
[15:51:02] mchou: no, by the local headend
[15:51:17] Jester86: yeah.. thats just what i was gonna ask
[15:51:18] mchou: they key off mac address
[15:51:18] wagnerrp: the box has to be ID'd to your specific account
[15:51:28] Jester86: yeah thats what i figured
[15:51:39] justinh: my STB has ethernet, USB, serial.. only port active is ethernet – and then that's only for the builtin cable modem
[15:51:43] Jester86: i def need a different box tho
[15:51:59] MythBork: Hey guys, I have a problem with recording playback in .022 and It's finally hit the WAF pretty hard. During playback I will get 1–3 minute periods in some recordings where there is heavy pixelization and a digital buzzing from my sound system. I thought it was a firewire bus speed setting issue at first. But I just saw it in the playback of a recording performed with my PVR250 that's only recording analog SD. Has anyone seen this befo
[15:52:00] MythBork: re and can anyone help?
[15:52:09] MythBork: oops, sorry for the multi-line post
[15:52:19] Jester86: justinh, so u cant stream via firewire?
[15:52:23] clever: justinh: sounds like a neat box
[15:52:34] mchou: MythBork: yeah
[15:52:51] MythBork: mchou, you've encountered this?
[15:52:53] mchou: MythBork: bad cable connection or too many splitters
[15:52:55] justinh: it doesn't have firewire. nor do we get HD on that platform here
[15:53:25] mchou: MythBork: or all that stuff could be going on at the headend
[15:53:30] MythBork: ah, I do have a splitter in place, but it's a super high quality one the cable guy installed. It's even powered.
[15:53:35] Jester86: MythBork, you have a firewire box?
[15:53:46] MythBork: Jester86, I have two
[15:53:47] justinh: I think the point is the cable co would have to make extra investment in using handy ports like ethernet (e.g. web scheduling or streaming) but they don't see any RoI there
[15:53:59] MythBork: and for the record, I never had this issue until I upgraded to 0.22
[15:54:07] MythBork: so I doubt it's the splitter
[15:54:09] mchou: MythBork: you can check out the diagnostics on your STB
[15:54:16] Jester86: MythBork, mind telling me who your provider is and what model the boxes are.. I have twc and I need to get a box that'll stream over firewire
[15:54:22] mchou: they will give info like BER and stuff
[15:54:29] Jester86: or a box that'll function as a network recorder if possible
[15:54:44] pete_^ (pete_^! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[15:54:48] mchou: Jester86: keep smoking dope man
[15:54:49] MythBork: mchou, I would agree with you, except it happens on recordings that are not made through the STB's. I am seeing it on recordings made with a PVR250 that's strictly analog
[15:55:01] mchou: MythBork: dont be daft
[15:55:03] MythBork: Jester86, see my last post
[15:55:07] Jester86: mchou, why do yo say that lol
[15:55:16] mchou: MythBork: I didnt say the recordings were made off stbs
[15:55:28] MythBork: ok, sorry, can you clarify?
[15:55:41] mchou: MythBork: I said you could use you STB to check out diagnostics
[15:55:49] MythBork: mchou, aha
[15:56:00] Jester86: MythBork, i didnt get a post that listed any of that
[15:56:02] Josh_Borke (Josh_Borke! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:56:25] MythBork: Jester86, sorry, it was in my initial post
[15:57:25] MythBork: mchou, I will check the diagnostics on the STB, but since the only variable is that I upgraded to 0.22 is there anything I can look at in software settings etc that could also be responsible?
[15:57:53] zmd (zmd!n=dmz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:57:54] Jester86: MythBork, do you mind reposting pls.. i just need model of boxes
[15:57:54] mchou: MythBork: you could but you wouldnt know where to look
[15:58:09] zmd (zmd!n=dmz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:58:21] mchou: MythBork: you can also see if pixelation occurs using say mplayer
[15:58:39] MythBork: Jester86, they are both Motorola DC6416's
[15:58:44] Josh_Borke (Josh_Borke!n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke) has quit (Client Quit)
[15:58:52] mchou: MythBork: that would give you a quick sanity check
[15:59:32] MythBork: mchou, I use mplayer as my movie player for videos etc. I haven't seen any of this in playback even of ripped Bue Ray at 1080p
[15:59:34] Jester86: thank you MythBork .. I'm going to have to see if twc will get me one of those instead. do they allow for firewire control too or do you have to ir blast them?
[15:59:53] mchou: MythBork: ???
[15:59:53] MythBork: Jester86, I use strictly firewire control
[16:00:06] mchou: MythBork: you're making zip sense
[16:00:16] MythBork: sorry mchou
[16:00:31] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:00:36] mchou: wish folks would lay off crack early in the morning
[16:00:36] mgisbers is now known as mgisbers_away
[16:00:50] Jester86: very nice MythBork thanks for the intel, im going to have to pursue getting a different box
[16:00:50] MythBork: mchou, are you saying I should try playing back an affected recording using mplayer?
[16:01:03] mchou: MythBork: sigh
[16:01:18] mchou: no, you can use mplayer to watch a live stream
[16:02:12] mchou: or heck, just watch TV
[16:02:29] MythBork: I see
[16:02:39] mchou: if pixelation occurs there you KNOW it's a probably with the signal
[16:03:05] MythBork: OK, so let's say I do that and there is no problem... Where would I look next?
[16:03:20] mchou: revert back to 0.21
[16:03:27] MythBork: ouch
[16:03:27] mchou: end of story
[16:03:47] MythBork: was hoping this was just a driver issue of some sort
[16:04:11] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:04:23] mchou: unless it's a hvr-1600 I doubt it's a driver issue
[16:05:33] MythBork: is it possible that this could be caused by a hard drive being unable to accept the data stream fast enough. I to have recordings going to the same drive that hosts the OS, and it's not a very fast one.
[16:05:46] mchou: no
[16:05:49] MythBork: bummer
[16:07:15] MythBork: OK, I'm going to do a signal check with the STB and also do a live tv check today. Thanks for the pointers.
[16:07:31] MythBork: the help is greatly appreciated
[16:07:35] MythBork (MythBork! has quit ("Leaving")
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[16:15:23] dustybin: mmmm graphite is growing on me :D
[16:15:30] defaultro: good morning folks, is there a huge difference between ddr2 800 and ddr2 1066?
[16:15:55] laga: approximately 266
[16:16:17] defaultro: i'm sorry :), I mean in terms of performance
[16:16:21] Makere: defaultro: not really
[16:16:24] Makere: only if you overclock
[16:16:37] defaultro: k
[16:16:38] laga: depends what CPU you're using. and what chipset
[16:16:39] Makere: you can overclock more with 1066 memory
[16:16:55] rushfan (rushfan!n=rushfan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:16:58] defaultro: laga, i thinking of buying phenom II x4
[16:16:58] Makere: but you need a good mobo and cpu to take advantage of the 1066 memory even then
[16:17:18] defaultro: the mobo i chose is a gigabyte
[16:17:36] Makere: I'd rather get i5 or i7
[16:17:48] defaultro: that's intel right?
[16:17:51] Makere: yea
[16:17:54] defaultro: tell me why please
[16:18:06] Makere: the cheapest i5 beats the most expensive phenom II
[16:18:08] defaultro: i know, it's personal preference but I want to hear
[16:18:46] defaultro: beats in what way?
[16:18:53] Makere: performance
[16:18:56] defaultro: k
[16:18:57] Makere: overclocking
[16:18:58] Makere: everything
[16:19:00] Makere: :)
[16:19:07] defaultro: is that proven? tested?
[16:19:10] Makere: yes
[16:19:14] defaultro: k
[16:19:16] Makere: the i5 also have this turbo mode
[16:19:23] Makere: which performs automatic overclocking
[16:19:26] defaultro: k
[16:19:41] defaultro: back in 1993, i have an 80286 with turbo button :)
[16:20:01] laga: yeah, overclocking is all i'm looking for in a CPU these days
[16:20:17] defaultro: so looks like I should get back to newegg and try intel
[16:20:49] Makere: the turbo mode nowadays works like if the program you're running it's badly threaded it overclocks one of the cores and disables others, and if it's threaded nicely, it enables all the cores
[16:21:00] defaultro: k
[16:21:04] Makere: or something like that
[16:21:09] defaultro: and it's well supported in linux right?
[16:21:10] dustybin: jeeeze the watching recordings menu looks awesome
[16:21:13] Makere: I haven't looked too much into it
[16:21:19] ** dustybin is shocked **
[16:21:29] Makere: defaultro: it's in the motherboard and cpu I think
[16:21:32] defaultro: why dustybin, what are you looking at?
[16:21:37] Makere: OS doesn't matter
[16:21:42] dustybin: defaultro: graphite theme .22
[16:21:51] dustybin: the colours are excellent
[16:21:52] defaultro: Makeere, which mobo do you suggest? I've used gigabyte without any issue
[16:21:57] dustybin: even on my crt
[16:22:13] cba123 (cba123! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:22:29] Makere: defaultro: I prefer Asus myself, but just stick away from MSI and AsRock
[16:22:36] defaultro: k
[16:22:47] defaultro: i'll stick with gigabyte for intel then
[16:22:54] Jester86: is there a way to get video manager to search for meta data on all of your videos at once?
[16:22:58] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:23:09] defaultro: i'll look for i5 or i7, hopefully it doesn't raise the cost abruptly :)
[16:23:30] shackles (shackles! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:23:37] Makere: defaultro: note that there's 2 different sockets, depending on which one you get
[16:23:55] Makere: i5 and i7 850 is 1136, and i7 920< is 1366
[16:24:04] Makere: the 1366 motherboards are expensive
[16:24:23] defaultro: oh ok
[16:24:57] defaultro: but the former should be able to easily play highbit h264 files right?
[16:25:08] Makere: all of them will easily play
[16:25:31] Makere: especially if you overclock
[16:25:40] defaultro: plus an an nvidia 9500gtx card
[16:25:42] laga: hum
[16:25:53] Makere: 9500GT allows you to use VDPAU
[16:26:04] Makere: which takes some load off from cpu
[16:26:05] laga: do not overclock unless you know what you're doing and unless you know how a chip actually works
[16:26:25] defaultro: i usually don't overclock
[16:26:54] Makere: defaultro: if you buy the i5, you can enable the turbo mode and it will automatically overclock
[16:27:01] laga: and anyone who recommends other people should overclock is a big dolt. assume someone needs their boxen for work. it crashes, half an hour worth of work is lot. oops.
[16:27:15] Makere: :)
[16:27:34] Makere: overclocking is a breeze nowadays
[16:27:43] Makere: you just select "I want to overclock 20%"
[16:27:59] laga: and the CPU will run out of spec
[16:28:06] dustybin: im not sure if its just a illusion, but im sure the video looks smoother, i can watch a game of football and everything is really smooth
[16:28:15] dustybin: no jitter at all
[16:33:30] rmeden (rmeden!n=edenr@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[16:34:21] defaultro: sorry, someone called. I'm back
[16:34:45] defaultro: dustybin, which video card are you using?
[16:34:45] zmd (zmd!n=dmz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:34:50] dustybin: my lord, the mythtv channel icons are MASSIVE
[16:34:56] dustybin: *mythweb
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[16:36:05] dustybin: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)
[16:36:17] defaultro: k
[16:36:17] zmd (zmd!n=dmz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[16:36:58] defaultro: wow, found an intel mobo 775 and supports c2q
[16:38:15] defaultro: is Intel Core 2 Duo the same as i5?
[16:38:50] zmd (zmd!n=dmz@ has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:39:03] Makere: no
[16:39:11] zmd (zmd!n=dmz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:39:17] defaultro: oh
[16:39:19] Makere: 1156 socket is what you want
[16:39:36] defaultro: is core2duo lower than i5?
[16:40:14] Makere: yes
[16:40:20] Makere: and older
[16:40:24] defaultro: oh, thanks for letting me know.
[16:40:41] defaultro: i'll remove the gigabyte mobo i added
[16:40:41] zmd (zmd!n=dmz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[16:47:30] justinh: good grief man, how much longer can one 120GB dd take, even over USB2 ?
[16:49:09] thefRont (thefRont! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:50:09] GrapeApe69ca: fc10 x86_64 upgrade to 0.22, floating point exception, any help?
[16:50:10] AndyCap: justinh: killall -USR1 dd ?
[16:50:40] justinh: what'll that do?
[16:50:56] AndyCap: print out a progress statement to stderr
[16:51:07] Makere: it will kill your dd?
[16:51:10] justinh: killall not found. lol
[16:51:25] Makere: killall is the program to kill processes
[16:51:27] AndyCap: justinh: well, you know how to use normal kill... Oooh, this is a linux box?
[16:51:56] justinh: yeah
[16:51:58] AndyCap: freebsd has ctrl-t in the terminal mapped to SIGINFO, dunno about other unixes
[16:52:41] iamlindoro: GrapeApe69ca: You are almost certainly trying to start against invalid/old themes
[16:52:50] iamlindoro: mythfrontend -O Theme=Terra
[16:52:55] iamlindoro: try that, case sensitive
[16:53:19] AndyCap: justinh: did it work?
[16:53:53] GrapeApe69ca: Same FP error
[16:54:20] GrapeApe69ca: i think i was using glass before the upgrade
[16:54:25] defaultro: justin, ps it, then kill -9 it
[16:54:51] justinh: nuts
[16:54:52] iamlindoro: GrapeApe69ca: You need to remove your entire theme directory, including any overrides in your .mythtv dir, and reinstall only .22 compatible themes
[16:55:01] justinh: got the -USR1 in the wrong place & killed it
[16:55:03] defaultro: so you got it?
[16:55:29] justinh: there has to be a better way to clone disks in linux these days
[16:55:52] defaultro: latest norton ghost I guess
[16:56:01] defaultro: but dd is still good
[16:56:09] AndyCap: justinh: ah, sorry.
[16:56:46] defaultro: Makere, are i5s dual too?
[16:57:04] defaultro: can't find a good review on gigabyte 1156 mobos
[16:57:39] AndyCap: justinh: there's a ghost4unix. but not sure if that does dump->restore or something clever like that
[16:58:00] AndyCap: most I've seen use ntfsclone, but aren't always as clever with linux disks
[16:58:17] Makere: defaultro:
[16:58:19] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:58:24] Makere: i5 7xx is quad
[16:58:31] defaultro: oh :)
[16:58:55] Makere: don't have an i5 myself
[16:59:04] zmd (zmd!n=dmz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:59:10] defaultro: :) maybe, I should look at Asus mobos too
[17:00:52] thefRont (thefRont! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:01:19] dustybin: do you think it would be a good idea having mythtv-setup combined into the frontend?
[17:01:41] defaultro: maybe not combining but calling it
[17:02:02] dustybin: its always a fiddly process activating mythtv-setup
[17:02:49] defaultro: that's why I assigned it to button 0
[17:03:15] defaultro: i mean,in lirc
[17:03:20] dustybin: ok
[17:04:41] yfaykya: iamlindoro : ping
[17:05:03] iamlindoro: yfaykya: Not really available for discussion right now, so it needs to be quick
[17:05:39] justinh: got a g4l cd here somewhere
[17:05:51] yfaykya: I just wanted to point out about the regexp in metadata.cpp and not matching filenames like SeriesName S01E01 – Episode 1.avi
[17:06:03] tyce (tyce! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:06:12] yfaykya: Having Episode in the subtitle seems to break it
[17:07:04] iamlindoro: yfaykya: There will always be corner cases, I don't consider it a bug, it just means it's not currently a supported naming format
[17:07:21] iamlindoro: In those cases it's trivial to just manually correct the metadata before running a grab
[17:07:47] yfaykya: ok – Just a lot of naming scripts (jamu included I think) have some series named like that. No biggie. Just thought I would mention it
[17:09:15] iamlindoro: yfaykya: If someone submits a patch that expands the supported naming schemes, without breaking any of the existing ones, I would consider it, but otherwise I think it's fair just to say that filename parsing is on a best-effort basis
[17:10:57] yfaykya: iamlindoro: Of course. Very hard regexp to fit even 95% of supported cases. I looked for a good bit but anything I came up with seemed to break something else. Anyways did not mean to take up your time. Just wanted to let ya know
[17:11:22] iamlindoro: yfaykya: No, it's a valid concern, and it walks a tough line
[17:11:39] iamlindoro: as I'd love to support it, but the existing supported stuff is tough to maintain/add to without breaking something else
[17:11:42] iamlindoro: (as you say)
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[17:12:15] iamlindoro: I see the validity of arguments both as a "bug" and as a feature request-- but unless it can be fixed without breaking something I don't see myself changing the status quo
[17:12:49] yfaykya: Yup – no worries. Thanks for time
[17:13:28] iamlindoro: np
[17:13:34] justinh: bah all that way into the dd & it still hadn't even done the partition tables
[17:13:44] laga: justinh: did you set block size?
[17:13:55] justinh: oops
[17:14:13] justinh: going with g4l now. see if they improved usb support
[17:14:22] skd5aner (skd5aner! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:14:36] GrapeApe69ca: iamlindoro: cleaned out my .mythtv/themecache and the themes folder then uninstalled mythtv-themes and reinstalled, no joy, and the Terra theme isn't there now...
[17:15:13] iamlindoro: GrapeApe69ca: If you don't have terra, then your themes didn't get reinstalled
[17:15:36] iamlindoro: (Terra and mythcenter are part of the core mythtv package for you, probably)
[17:17:06] GrapeApe69ca: ahh, thx, one sec
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[17:20:04] justinh: whee G4L is doing around 27MB/sec :)
[17:20:34] justinh: should be done in just over an hour, then :)
[17:20:38] AndyCap: justinh: of course, if you didn't increase dd's block size as laga mentioned you'd sit there until the cows come home
[17:20:58] justinh: the default is like 1B or something??
[17:21:31] AndyCap: not sure if the block is 512 or 1024 bytes
[17:21:44] justinh: anyway I'll clone the drive, then fettle the partitions later :)
[17:22:15] AndyCap: 512
[17:22:19] justinh: ouch
[17:22:38] AndyCap: so a lot of shuffling back and forth between reads and writes
[17:23:20] AndyCap: dunno what is optimal, but I use a few megs. for bs
[17:24:43] GrapeApe69ca: iamlindoro: Thanks, you rock!
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[17:31:17] flindet (flindet! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:32:55] justinh: heh 210Mbit/sec isn't bad over a USB sata converter
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[17:33:27] gregL_ (gregL_! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:33:37] justinh: £15 from ebuyer, paid for itself many times over. might buy some more
[17:34:23] ** AndyCap just gutted a broken usb drive. **
[17:34:34] justinh: ooo dear. the three website is broken
[17:34:42] AndyCap: go to four then.
[17:36:12] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:36:17] justinh: persuaded the outlaws to get mobile broadband & need to get them a dongle
[17:36:29] justinh: they didn't want to change telephone provider
[17:37:15] justinh: so pay as you go mobile broadband'll do for them
[17:37:24] flindet (flindet! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:37:35] AndyCap: justinh: isn't that expensive?
[17:37:43] justinh: not really
[17:38:00] justinh: not compared to £15 a month when they hardly ever use the internet
[17:38:09] AndyCap: hehe, true.
[17:38:10] flindet (flindet! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:38:22] justinh: and they won't be downloading anything really
[17:39:28] justinh: reminds me I need to make them a non-admin rights user on the machine
[17:40:08] AndyCap: but then you can't get bonzi buddy
[17:40:17] justinh: lol
[17:41:47] justinh: if I had my way the laptop would get linuxed
[17:41:55] justinh: they don't need windows at all
[17:42:11] justinh: just a bit of browsing is all they'll be doing
[17:43:08] justinh: and of course it'll be getting imaged when I'm done installing it
[17:43:25] AndyCap: comes in handy from time to time
[17:43:56] justinh: hidden IE & outlook. that should keep them pretty safe
[17:44:33] AndyCap: safer. :)
[17:44:42] sebrock_: does anyone have the new Blue Abstract Theme (wide) theme? Links are dead in wiki
[17:44:50] justinh: sebrock_: I posted a link earlier
[17:44:56] justinh: I tarred up my own copy
[17:45:20] justinh: . . . act-wide.tar
[17:45:54] sebrock_: oh sorry did not see that
[17:45:56] sebrock_: thank you
[17:46:00] justinh: dunno what I did with the original tar file
[17:46:08] sebrock_: got it :D
[17:46:20] justinh: prolly deleted it as I intend to do with the theme itself
[17:46:33] gunni (gunni! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:50:02] skd5aner (skd5aner! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:50:31] skd5aner: Does MythTV typically select the last added tuner for live TV if all are available?
[17:51:05] [R]: it selects the first
[17:51:11] [R]: just like ever5yhting else
[17:51:40] skd5aner: ok – going to be readding some of my tuners, and wanted to know how to order them
[17:52:00] skd5aner: I'm going to add an HD-PVR, and wanted to do it last, but wasn't sure of the impact of that
[17:52:20] [R]: yeah... i put my qam tuner first so recordings will pick it first
[17:52:54] skd5aner: I do not want it to select that tuner for live tv as the default, cause I don't want it to default to that tuner unless I manuall enter a chanel that only the HD-PVR is set to record
[17:52:57] pyther (pyther!n=pyther@unaffiliated/pyther) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:52:58] pyther: ls
[17:53:00] pyther: woops :P
[17:53:18] pyther: Has there been any changes from 0.22rc2 to final?
[17:53:39] [R]: pyther: check the trac log
[17:53:41] skd5aner: Thanks R, I'll put my QAM tuners first (HD5000s, and HDHR), then my Analog tuners (250s and 500), then my HD-PVR
[17:53:49] ExElNeT_ (ExElNeT_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:54:13] skd5aner: pyther: yes – but fairly minimal, in addition, so changes were checked in to -fixes overnight too post-release
[17:54:21] skd5aner: so=some
[17:54:38] [R]: when i get my myth system back up and running
[17:54:44] [R]: i think i'm just gonna go to trunk
[17:54:46] [R]: live on the wild side
[17:54:55] skd5aner: I used to do that, I've done the opposite
[17:55:00] pyther: ok cool
[17:55:07] skd5aner: if they are going to release .23 in ~6 months, I can wait
[17:55:08] pyther: Is there a way to disable epg data grabbing
[17:55:17] [R]: but all the cool stuff i'v eseen go into trunk
[17:55:26] [R]: pyther: don't run filldatabase
[17:55:34] pyther: sometimes myth will be grapping epg data forever, but my card doesn't support epg data
[17:55:34] skd5aner: pyther: do not enable EIT or have any data sources or run mythfilldatabase
[17:55:45] skd5aner: in that case – turn off EIT
[17:56:07] skd5aner: alright – back to work for me, thanks R
[17:56:40] pyther: I think I have it turn off, I'll double check, but if myth reports its grabbing EPG data, would it be safe to assume wget hung downloading from schedules direct?
[17:57:12] skd5aner: run mythfilldatabase from the cli and see what it says
[17:57:22] skd5aner: run it as the same user who run's myth
[17:57:57] [R]: pyther: well check ps... is filldatabase running?
[17:58:08] pyther: [R], I'll check the next time
[17:58:14] pyther: as it doesn't happen all the time
[17:58:30] skd5aner: R, looking at my tuner list, I have all my analog tuners 1–4, then my 2 QAM tuners 5–6 (with virtual tuners)
[17:58:46] pyther: I was just really trying to figure out what to trouble shoot and now I know
[17:58:49] skd5aner: so – when I start livetv on my frontend, a lot of time it'll start by tuning one of the qam tuners, why woudl that be?
[18:00:14] sebrock_: How is mythvideo setup to use "fanart" backgrounds?
[18:00:15] [R]: i think it remember the last channel you were on maybe?
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[18:08:47] Jester86: in video manager for manual # entry.. what database do they use.. imdb or tmdb and where is the number located, i've tried both URL endings and neither works?
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[18:42:16] justinh: imdb number for # entry
[18:43:02] justinh: if it's not working look at the output from mythfrontend for clues
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[18:47:37] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: are you around to give an opinion on the Qt bug related to #7467
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[18:54:03] skd5aner: I haven't had to mess with adding tuners in a LONG time
[18:54:30] skd5aner: I've deleted my tuners, and am re-adding my PVR-250, and PVR-500 back
[18:55:13] skd5aner: should I add them as a V4L card or an IVTV card? they show up under either option – why chose one over the other?
[18:57:32] unimaginative: Use the IVTV driver.
[18:58:44] skd5aner: that was my guess – that's what I've always used, thx
[19:05:40] ** wagnerrp comments about the topic **
[19:11:28] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:12:19] justinh: wheee doing ma partitioning. la la la la lla
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[19:27:01] unimaginative: I just stumbled entirely by hapenstance on a bug I'm experiencing on my PVR-150
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[19:36:24] J-e-f-f-A: Gee... he's gone or I might have tried to help him...
[19:38:12] cynicismic (cynicismic! has quit ("leaving")
[19:39:53] justinh: oh well :)
[19:39:53] zmd (zmd!n=dmz@ has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
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[19:40:18] J-e-f-f-A: justinh: Working on a theme?  ;-)
[19:41:20] justinh: not right now – I'm sorting out my dev environment
[19:41:29] justinh: but I do have a work in progress
[19:41:49] J-e-f-f-A: justinh: Cool. I like your themes... ;-)
[19:42:02] justinh: it won't be for everyone, of that you can be sure. relying on Gill Sans will put a lot off
[19:42:11] Memphisau (Memphisau! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:42:33] justinh: though if I find a good enough GPL font (Ha!) I might use that
[19:42:57] justinh: and it might only be for trunk/0.23
[19:43:01] J-e-f-f-A: justinh: Yeah, I hear ya. iam... has the same perspective. and $15 isn't all that much for a font anyways.  ;-)
[19:43:22] MilkBoy (MilkBoy! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:43:29] justinh: and if I do release it I WON'T be doing ANY support for it
[19:44:00] justinh: so no, not arsed whether or not it ever gets included in mythtv or shipped with any distros
[19:44:23] justinh: users just bring needs & my own come first :)
[19:44:28] J-e-f-f-A: justinh: Hehe... ;-) Yeah, it's amazing how many people seem to complain about different stuff... jeepers, it's open source – you have the power to make your own theme,etc, so shut up already!!!  ;-)
[19:45:11] justinh: none of the current themes tick enough boxes for me. I'm not doing this for any other reason
[19:45:18] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:45:37] trumee: guys, which changeset is the final version of 0.22?
[19:45:47] laga: look in trac?
[19:45:48] trumee: doesnt say that
[19:45:52] justinh: just grab the latest -fixes
[19:46:11] justinh: oops. kinda goes against packages. heh
[19:46:15] wagnerrp: 22754
[19:46:19] trumee: i have gentoo ebuild which need the changeset number
[19:46:37] trumee: wagnerrp, cheers
[19:46:45] justinh: reminds me I need to svn up on this box
[19:46:50] J-e-f-f-A: ooh, didn't see the 'official' release... humm...
[19:46:59] trumee: i see that 22764 is the latest one. is it better to get that one?
[19:47:11] wagnerrp: one of those, 22751–22755 is a bunch of moving stuff around for the release
[19:47:16] justinh: always better to get the latest -fixes one way or another
[19:47:26] wagnerrp: trumee: it doesnt matter what release you get
[19:47:38] wagnerrp: release will always be the same thing regardless of revisions
[19:47:54] trumee: ok.
[19:48:00] justinh: one hour to go & my partioning will be completed :)
[19:48:02] wagnerrp: but you should really be tracking 0.22-fixes unless you have good reason otherwise
[19:48:14] wagnerrp: one hour for partitioning?
[19:48:22] justinh: yeah. resizing & moving
[19:48:28] wagnerrp: you mean some sort of raid initialization?
[19:49:02] justinh: no I cloned the original HDD which had a 10GB loonix partition. I'm getting rid of the loonix partition
[19:49:13] justinh: and making the whole of the disk windowsy
[19:49:29] justinh: when I go back to linux I'll use an external USB disk
[19:49:33] J-e-f-f-A: justinh: Aren't you going about that backwards??? hehe
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[19:52:50] trumee: guys, i installed mythplugins from svn, any idea where mythweb got installed?
[19:52:57] laga: nowhere
[19:53:04] justinh: you have to do it yourself
[19:53:07] justinh: see INSTALL
[19:53:13] wagnerrp: since all distros handle apache differently, there is no one place to install it to
[19:53:31] justinh: a pox on distros doing apache 'better'
[19:53:32] wagnerrp: mythweb is not a server, its just a web directory that you have to set up yourlsef
[19:54:40] trumee: is the flash version of streaming been updated in this version?
[19:54:51] wagnerrp: updated to what?
[19:54:52] trumee: i do have 0.21 mythweb installed on my box.
[19:55:11] wagnerrp: the player has been changed, yes
[19:55:13] trumee: wasnt it considered sort of beta version in 0.21?
[19:55:15] J-e-f-f-A: trumee: It's a flash "Flow Player" now, so yeah.
[19:55:23] wagnerrp: but i believe the scripts behind it are all the same
[19:55:27] justinh: still is kinda beta
[19:55:54] J-e-f-f-A: trumee: Yeah, it's not perfect, but improved anyways. ;-)
[19:56:00] wagnerrp: it will probably be considered beta all the way up to the point where you can use it without file access, and can arbitrarily seek
[19:56:16] ** J-e-f-f-A just kicked off an update of his 0.22-fixes box, compiling now... hehehe **
[19:57:29] ** J-e-f-f-A wonders if the flash streaming will work on the Verizon Droid... humm... **
[19:58:13] wagnerrp: does the droid support flash?
[19:58:25] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: I dunno, trying to find that... ;-)
[19:58:36] wagnerrp: see comment about arbitrary seeking
[19:58:50] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: yeah.  ;-) I know.
[19:59:41] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #MythTV-users
[20:00:00] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: ooh... "Yes, the Droid does support Adobe Flash Player"... oooh... I think I'm gonna have an accident...
[20:01:11] wagnerrp: so why would someone ask who is donating the stuff for the mythtv theming contest?
[20:01:34] wagnerrp: i mean the prizes are various hauppauge parts, a SD t-shirt and year of service
[20:01:53] laga: it might be the northpole nazis!
[20:02:41] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: eh? I think I missed some context here... Actually the page I'm reading now says Adobe is releasing it for Android, Windows Mobile and Palm in "early 2010"... so it seems it's not quite there yet... Sign...
[20:02:48] J-e-f-f-A: "sigh" I mean...
[20:03:03] dserban__: where's the contest?
[20:03:09] wagnerrp: along with the 0.22 release, there was a theming contest announced
[20:03:27] wagnerrp: the three prizes are a HDPVR, HVR-2250, and HVR-1250
[20:03:34] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... maybe I should make some time... But I'll bet there's some very stiff competition...
[20:03:40] wagnerrp: each comes with a schedules direct t-shirt, and a year of service
[20:03:49] J-e-f-f-A: Nice.
[20:03:59] skd5aner: yea – it's on the main mythtv website page
[20:04:05] justinh: don't all European users rush in to enter though eh ;-)
[20:04:08] wagnerrp: so its fairly easy to guess who is funding it
[20:04:10] trumee: ok, installed mythweb. everything works except Flow Player. It is giving an error stream not found
[20:04:22] wagnerrp: justinh: well you get 2200s and 1200s
[20:04:26] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: duh, yeah, there it is. I see it now. ;-)
[20:04:46] ** justinh already has an SD t-shirt anyway **
[20:05:02] skd5aner: Yea – the tuner's will be determined based on user location
[20:05:37] skd5aner: yay – just setup my HDHR for the first time – been collecting dust waiting for .22 (and my move) before I plugged it in
[20:05:43] skd5aner: think I had it for nearly a year or so
[20:05:47] skd5aner: works like a champ
[20:05:49] wagnerrp: i assume the HDPVR is universally usable?
[20:06:08] justinh: guess it is
[20:06:30] justinh: apart from the fact component out will be disabled on every UK STB before long if not already
[20:06:35] wagnerrp: i mean component is component? there is no NTSC/PAL variant?
[20:07:02] wagnerrp: i guess theres still the 50Hz/60Hz issue
[20:07:20] justinh: it should be fine I bet
[20:07:23] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... will be judged based on "standards of Usability, Consistency, Originality, Visual Appeal, and Cleanliness of Code."  — I'd probably do well on all but the last one... doh!  ;-)
[20:07:47] justinh: 0 points for originality for my work. ever :P
[20:08:07] J-e-f-f-A: justinh: eh? I think only you have that opinion!!! hehehe
[20:08:11] wagnerrp: youre disqualified arent you?
[20:08:16] justinh: aye
[20:08:32] trumee: ok, i can download the direct file and also play the asx stream
[20:08:35] justinh: cos I have teh commitz
[20:08:37] wagnerrp: the whole pesky commit access thing
[20:08:50] trumee: However i need to pass the username and password when playing the asx stream using mplayer
[20:08:56] justinh: I asked to be taken off a couple of years ago, that should count :P
[20:09:02] trumee: is that the reason flow player cannot find the file to play?
[20:09:15] J-e-f-f-A: ah, so iam... is also disqualified? Humm... maybe us 'lay people' have a chance after all... hehehe
[20:09:21] wagnerrp: flowplayer does not use the asx stream
[20:09:28] justinh: trumee: prolly won't work through secured connections. read README etc
[20:09:58] trumee: hmm, it used to work fine with 0.21
[20:10:21] justinh: wonder what's going on in the minds of people putting detailed backgrounds into themes
[20:10:25] J-e-f-f-A: trumee: But this is 0.22 – things have changed...
[20:10:47] justinh: busy backgrounds on busy screens.. meh
[20:10:49] trumee: Nothing about flash player in mythweb README
[20:10:58] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: but apache is apache, regardless of mythtv release version
[20:11:02] ** J-e-f-f-A looks at his 0.22-fixes test box to see it's done compiling... now on to mythplugins, etc... ;-) **
[20:11:20] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Yeah, but he's talking about specifically the Flash player.
[20:11:33] wagnerrp: mythtv isnt going to change the behavior of basic apache passworded access
[20:11:43] zmd (zmd!n=dmz@ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:12:07] J-e-f-f-A: Is the flowplayer limited to non-storagegroup videos?
[20:12:21] justinh: videos now too?
[20:12:21] wagnerrp: how could it be?
[20:12:30] wagnerrp: it only exists for recordings
[20:12:37] justinh: was always about teevees before
[20:12:39] wagnerrp: and ALL recordings are done in storagegroups
[20:12:39] J-e-f-f-A: er... recordings... duh. (oops, brain fart)
[20:12:49] wagnerrp: however it does still require direct file access
[20:13:03] wagnerrp: no backend file transfer (see other comment above)
[20:13:23] J-e-f-f-A: Yeah, you guys are right. Sorry, had a LONG day at work yesterday (and overnight), so I guess my brain is a little beat. I'll shut up now...
[20:13:33] wagnerrp: someone needs to write a bit of perl socket code, and pipe it into the ffmpeg instance
[20:15:23] wagnerrp: actually, i could probably get it working in about 10 minutes with the python bindings
[20:16:17] trumee: The error i get in flow player is "200, Stream not found, NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound, clip: '[Clip] 'http://srv:80//mythweb/pl/stream/3109/1257280791.flv'
[20:16:37] wagnerrp: trumee: does the web server have file access?
[20:16:57] trumee: how do i check that?
[20:17:14] wagnerrp: is it on the same machine as the backend with the recording disks?
[20:17:18] wagnerrp: does it have file permission?
[20:17:23] wagnerrp: is apache chrooted?
[20:17:33] Dagmar: wagneerp: Perl socket code for what>
[20:17:37] trumee: yes it is on the same machine.
[20:17:47] wagnerrp: Dagmar: pulling recordings over the backend socket
[20:18:48] dserban__: does .22 have 4:3 themes included?
[20:18:58] Dagmar: I like how he completely blew off the chrooted question
[20:18:58] wagnerrp: it has a 4:3 theme
[20:19:08] dserban__: wagnerrp, terra?
[20:19:13] wagnerrp: is 16:9
[20:19:57] dserban__: so which theme is 4:3?
[20:20:01] wagnerrp: mythcenter
[20:20:09] wagnerrp: one of the old ones
[20:20:13] dserban__: Ok thanks.
[20:20:15] wagnerrp: with minimal conversion to the new ui
[20:20:23] trumee: ok, it might be a file permissions problem.
[20:20:24] wagnerrp: there are no 'new' themes that are 4:3
[20:20:45] trumee: how do i specify the user:group for mythbackend?
[20:20:55] dserban__: k what's missing when you say "minimal conversion"?
[20:20:58] wagnerrp: trumee: check your apache error logs, it may if you some answers
[20:21:13] wagnerrp: nothing is missing, it just doesnt use any of the fancy new capability of the new ui
[20:21:53] dserban__: wagnerrp, k gotcha, that's fine... I still live in SD land. Wonder if some of the new ones can be converted to 4:3...
[20:22:27] J-e-f-f-A: dserban__: They'll 'work', but may not look right...
[20:22:58] trumee: previously i was using gentoo ebuilds which used to use user mythtv and group video. Now i compiled svn and started mythbackend myself, i guess it will write files as root:root?
[20:23:05] dserban__: ahh I see what you mean, no... I mean, can say graphite be "chopped" somehow to make it fit right in 4:3?
[20:23:15] wagnerrp: trumee: only if you run as root
[20:23:23] trumee: which i am.
[20:23:40] wagnerrp: dserban__: graphite *can* be run 4:3, but stuff will look stretched vertically
[20:23:55] trumee: so i need to run it as a mythtv user i guess. are there any parameters i can pass to mythbackend?
[20:24:00] dserban__: right I know :)
[20:24:03] wagnerrp: but it will need a significant rewrite to properly run 4:3
[20:24:12] Wicked (Wicked!n=zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit ()
[20:24:34] dserban__: oh really? wow sounds like theming's a #$%!%...
[20:25:09] wagnerrp: why was someone trying to hit something bittorrent from my webserver...
[20:25:38] wagnerrp: looks like someone in china
[20:29:55] wagnerrp: looks like my 1.8GHz opteron is woefully insufficient for ATSC over flash
[20:30:13] defaultro: quick question folks, when will myth support ati since AMD released the hardware specs?
[20:30:23] trumee: wagnerrp, this is the error log of apache
[20:31:16] wagnerrp: defaultro: it will take someone with the motivation to make it work
[20:31:39] wagnerrp: and considering VDPAU is already available, and more capable, i wouldnt hold my breath for it
[20:31:54] wagnerrp: maybe sometime during 0.23, if someone gets the urge
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[20:32:28] wagnerrp: i wouldnt expect it before early next year
[20:33:01] wagnerrp: trumee: well you see the error, fix the error
[20:33:10] wagnerrp: its pretty obvious what it wants you to do
[20:33:54] trumee: yup, sorted :)
[20:34:02] trumee: working now.
[20:34:10] defaultro: k
[20:34:31] trumee: ok, back the previous question, how do i run mythbackend as user mythtv and group video?
[20:35:03] wagnerrp: su, or write a init script, or grab the official one out of portage
[20:36:11] wagnerrp: why are you building from source anyway?
[20:36:45] trumee: because the one in portage doesnt build :(
[20:36:56] wagnerrp: are you running 32-bit?
[20:37:05] trumee: it gives some error of PIC, which nobody has managed to sort out yet
[20:37:07] trumee: yes, i am
[20:37:23] wagnerrp: ah, yeah... someone in here yesterday working on fixing that
[20:37:42] wagnerrp: its got to do with the ebuild adding extra flags that it shouldnt
[20:39:00] trumee: will it be straightforward to remove the svn installation and replace with the portage one, once the error is resolved?
[20:39:45] wagnerrp: hopefully, the portage will overwrite everything of the manual install
[20:39:59] wagnerrp: however you may want to run 'make uninstall' just to be sure
[20:40:35] trumee: k
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[20:46:57] FR^2 (FR^2! has quit ("Der Worte sind genug gewechselt, lasst mich auch endlich Taten sehn!")
[20:47:31] trumee: is there any advantage of using storage groups for mythvideo over nfs/samba?
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[20:48:32] trumee: files over nfs dont play very well on my box, but myth recordings in 0.21 worked very well. maybe mythvideo will work better for me in streaming mode
[20:48:54] shackles (shackles! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:49:04] trumee: i use ethernet over power, which guess is not that good for nfs
[20:50:17] _ben: why would PoE affect it?
[20:51:08] trumee: dont had read somewhere nfs doesnt work well with PoE
[20:51:41] _ben: Well I don't think thats your issue ;)
[20:52:11] _ben: and what do you mean by "don't play very well"?
[20:55:02] trumee: the files take a long time to load
[20:55:30] trumee: seeks are not very good either. on the other hand recordings dont have any of these problem.
[20:56:23] _ben: OK, did you try and rebuild your seek table?
[20:56:36] ** _ben logs into mythbox **
[20:57:26] _ben: mythcommflag --rebuild --video <full path to file>
[20:57:27] trumee: i have dumped my dvd as vob. how can i rebuild a seek table?
[20:58:11] _ben: ah, hm it's a dvd
[20:59:18] J-e-f-f-A: ... it might work for a vob file, no?
[20:59:27] _ben: should do
[20:59:41] _ben: suck it & see
[20:59:43] J-e-f-f-A: it won't work for an ISO, but I would think it would work for a VOB.
[21:03:51] laga: _ben, trumee: "ethernet over power" != PoE ;)
[21:03:51] wagnerrp: _ben: not PoE, EoP.... EoP is unreliable crap, marginally better than wireless
[21:03:58] laga: jinx
[21:04:20] ** wagnerrp mumbles something at laga while keeping his mouth closed **
[21:04:33] laga: why yes, she is a fine lady!
[21:04:41] _ben: ah, heh
[21:05:03] _ben: that'll teach me to read IRC and watch tv at the same time
[21:05:29] wagnerrp: trumee: if youre having problems with seeks, try building seektables for your videos
[21:05:31] _ben: Altho if his recordings are OK ...
[21:06:18] wagnerrp: in general, storage groups are better because they offer more flexibility and are one less thing you have to manage
[21:06:52] wagnerrp: but if youre using mythmusic, you have to set up the shares anyway and it doesnt make much difference
[21:07:55] wagnerrp: also, anything requiring a block device (anything using a DVD file structure) requires direct file access at this point
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[21:18:21] ve9gfi: .
[21:18:38] _ben: I agree.
[21:22:52] ve9gfi: My Mythtv 0.22 backend and frontend is working well. All except for the CommandIR blaster on the backend. I have lirc configured on the backend, and the frontend is listening to it's commands (i.e. I can control the GUI and watch TV, etc). I cannot get the IRSEND to do anything, At this point, I'd like to get the CommandIR "B" light to acknowledge a command was sent to it. I think the issue is my misunderstand
[21:22:52] ve9gfi: ing of the devices, sockets, or modules ... a lot of info on the net is contradictory. I'm using Mythbuntu 9.10 and lirc 0.8.6, and the new CommandIR.
[21:23:36] purserj (purserj! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:28:02] defaultro: hey folks, quick question again. Which fan should I buy for i5? Thermaltake, Cool Master, etc? I'm looking for something reliable but not that expensive
[21:32:47] purserj (purserj! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:36:32] trumee: guys, is it possible to hide TV shows in mythvideo. I dont want 10 episodes to come up in mythvideo and make browsing difficult. in a previous instance i had them imported in recording to circumvent this problem.
[21:37:37] wagnerrp: why wouldnt you want them to show up?
[21:38:35] trumee: i want only dvds to come up in mythvideo. Recordings are better since the episodes can be grouped
[21:39:04] jonk: I'd like some advice on HD configuration for pinnacle 800i
[21:39:04] brad3: the episodes can be grouped in mythvideo with directories
[21:39:06] jonk: was able to find a number of ATSC channels using the scanner as well as some MPEG (some conflicting) and even 1 SCTE channel. But, I get no guide data for any of the channels. I can record manually and do get a recording --
[21:39:08] trumee: if there was a way to group episodes in mythvideo, that would be good
[21:39:13] wagnerrp: so make groups and/or folders in mythvideo
[21:39:28] wagnerrp: you use the folder structure to keep videos separate
[21:39:31] wagnerrp: or you define groups and filter
[21:39:59] trumee: so i need to define groups in mythtv-setup?
[21:40:07] wagnerrp: no
[21:40:17] wagnerrp: the 'group' is one of the fields in the database
[21:40:26] wagnerrp: something particular to mythvideo
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[21:40:32] wagnerrp: you can edit them in the metadata
[21:41:05] GreyFoxx: or as he first suggested organize in them in subdiretories
[21:41:48] trumee: i guess folders would be easier, and it is possible to get metadata for these episodes of a tv show?
[21:41:59] GreyFoxx: yes
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[21:42:13] defaultro: hey folks, is fluid dynamic type of fan good? Someone told me to get ball bearing type
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[21:43:09] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v gbee
[21:43:21] jonk: any suggestions for configuring HD?
[21:43:33] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o gbee
[21:43:34] jonk: And I'm going to SSH in two weeks. woot.
[21:43:40] wagnerrp: configuring what exactly?
[21:43:44] gbee! changes topic to .:. Welcome to the official user-to-user support channel. .:. .:. Latest stable release: 0.22 .:. Channel FAQ at .:. MythTV Wiki .:. Use .:. US/Canada Listings: .:.
[21:43:46] jonk: channels
[21:43:55] Mode for #mythtv-users by gbee! : -o gbee
[21:43:56] jonk: I used the scanner
[21:43:58] wagnerrp: you have to scan
[21:43:59] jonk: found ATSC --
[21:44:09] jonk: but not getting any guide data for them
[21:44:12] wagnerrp: then you have to map the channels to an XMLTV ID on your listings service
[21:44:29] jonk: I noticed that the channels had no XMLTVID in the channels table
[21:44:45] jonk: is that all i need to to is manually enter a value for the channels i care about?
[21:45:00] jonk: (note, I can manually record the ATSC channels found by the scanner and it does work)
[21:45:07] gbee:
[21:45:26] jonk: didn't see XMLTVID values in the lineups I have there
[21:45:38] wagnerrp: mouseover the channel to get the ID
[21:45:44] jonk: ah...
[21:45:56] jonk: i'll try entering these in the table and see what happens
[21:46:17] jonk: hopefully that will fix the ATSC channels, next question will be about the analog cable channels
[21:46:21] gbee: I thought the SD code did some magic automatic mapping
[21:47:29] jonk: would like to have this all done before I go to SSH
[21:47:53] wagnerrp: what is ssh?
[21:48:01] iamlindoro: a sound you hear at the library
[21:48:11] _ben: no, thats "shush"
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[21:48:25] gbee: gas leak
[21:48:36] trumee: while defining storage group for Videos in mythtv-setup, do i list all the folders with videos in them separated by colon?
[21:48:46] gbee: no
[21:48:49] wagnerrp: no, just the root paths
[21:49:07] jonk: finally — airport code for Sharm el Sheikh — figure this is one of the groups I interact with that might find that even remotely funny
[21:49:36] gbee: if the videos are split over multiple locations/drives with no common root then add each directory seperately to the storage group
[21:50:09] trumee: i have videos in /mnt/video1 and /mnt/video2, so it should be /mnt/video1:/mnt/video2 ?
[21:50:23] jonk: I'm going to see the pyramids then go diving in the Red Sea while staying at a beach resort in SSH
[21:50:34] jonk: or just /mnt — if you have nothing else in there
[21:51:03] gbee: trumee: no, you don't enter any directories with :
[21:51:20] sphery: the colon is only for local directories
[21:51:24] Malard (Malard!n=me@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:51:26] sphery: the non-SG code
[21:51:26] wagnerrp: if you need multiple directories, you add then individually
[21:51:35] wagnerrp: you can add multiple entries for one storage group
[21:51:36] trumee: gbee, i see. i can add multiple directories.
[21:51:41] gbee: you'd enter using the 'add directory' option twice
[21:51:54] sphery: (actually SG's would be local dirs, too, but I mean "managed by frontend" when I say "local")
[21:52:29] gbee: shame the old code was left in, I can see that causing confusion
[21:53:02] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit ("Leaving.")
[21:53:17] iamlindoro: Nobody would love to rip out the local stuff more than I
[21:53:36] trumee: and coverart is the folder where the images will be downloaded?
[21:53:44] iamlindoro: the cover images
[21:53:51] trumee: what about fanart?
[21:53:58] iamlindoro: That goes in Fanart...
[21:53:58] FR^2 (FR^2! has quit ("Der Worte sind genug gewechselt, lasst mich auch endlich Taten sehn!")
[21:53:58] trumee: and screenshots.
[21:54:03] iamlindoro: that goes in Screenshots...
[21:54:09] trumee: no, i mean what does fanart mean?
[21:54:33] iamlindoro: Large, usually used as artsy backdrops... like a wallpaper
[21:54:34] trumee: is it something different to coverimage?
[21:54:37] iamlindoro: yes
[21:54:52] iamlindoro:
[21:54:56] iamlindoro: Fanart is the background
[21:55:02] trumee: this is not something which comes through metadata pullup?
[21:55:04] iamlindoro: banner is the wide image on the left
[21:55:08] laga: the room full of scully pictures. that's fan-art
[21:55:12] iamlindoro: coverart is the poster
[21:55:30] iamlindoro: trumee: Yes, with compatible grabbers and proper configuration, all are downloaded
[21:55:38] gbee: trumee:
[21:56:38] ve9gfi: irsend makes my commandir "B" light flash red then green, but the emitters don't flash. ANy ideas?
[21:58:03] gbee: no idea what device you are talking about, but irsend implies IR and IR in invisible light so ...
[21:58:13] ve9gfi: CommandIR II
[21:58:40] ve9gfi: I'm using a camera to look at the invisible light
[21:59:33] ve9gfi: The end device is a Dish receiver ... but since the LEDs don't flash ... the issue is in the hardware setup .. but I'm going in circles
[22:02:56] FraCast (FraCast!n=FraCast@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:03:39] trumee: these storage groups need to be writable by backend or need to be writable by mythfrontend?
[22:03:59] trumee: i mean what folder permissions do i need to give?
[22:04:04] justinh: mythbackend is the SG server
[22:04:17] justinh: so whichever user mythbackend runs as needs write access
[22:04:46] trumee: cool. i have added the storage groups. now i simply fire a remote frontend and scan for changes?
[22:04:52] justinh: which is *usually* mythtv
[22:04:58] justinh: probably
[22:05:05] trumee: i guess i need mass metadata-lookup now.
[22:05:23] wagnerrp: you can do individual quick lookup with 'w'
[22:05:48] wagnerrp: or you can set up and run JAMU to fill all videos currently in the database
[22:06:13] Malard: has anyone used mythtv to create a VoD cluster?
[22:06:23] wagnerrp: VoD cluster?
[22:06:30] Malard: video on demand
[22:06:41] Malard: basically, i am assembling an internal iptv broadcast system for my office at work
[22:06:48] wagnerrp: i know what it means, i just dont understand what those two mean together
[22:07:23] Malard: we have about 3000 channels all being multicast around our LAN and i want to setup a system to record some of those channels
[22:07:23] wagnerrp: mythtv natively supports a virtually unlimited amount of tuners, slave BE, and frontends
[22:07:37] Malard: yeah i was sort of wondering how far people have stretched the slave BE's
[22:07:45] wagnerrp: restricted by the network bandwidth, disk capacity, and power to run the scheduler
[22:07:52] Malard: and what sort of redundancy can be setup for the Master BE
[22:08:00] wagnerrp: exactly zero
[22:08:20] Malard: so i guess cold backup only
[22:08:27] Malard: with a remote mysql db?
[22:09:05] trumee: ok, i tried to run a dvd (VOB) from a remote front end. it still picked up from the non-storage group.
[22:09:36] _ben: You could have two backends with mysql multi-master and nfs? :)
[22:09:40] wagnerrp: trumee: do you still have the directory listed in the frontend for mythvideo to scan?
[22:09:48] FraCast: hi every1
[22:09:54] _ben: and a floating IP for the frontends to connect to :P
[22:09:57] _ben: bit overkill tho
[22:10:03] wagnerrp: mysql has some failover capacity
[22:10:07] wagnerrp: but mythtv does not
[22:10:35] trumee: yes i do
[22:10:38] _ben: don't see why it wouldn't work tho
[22:10:38] wagnerrp: the best you can do is have some monitoring capacity to watch for failed backends, and swap IPs and restart the backends if necessary
[22:10:46] wagnerrp: you can drop slaves all you want
[22:11:00] wagnerrp: and assuming you are not mid-recording, mythtv will adjust
[22:11:09] trumee: wagnerrp, i have "Directories that hold videos" defined as the nfs mounted video folder
[22:11:11] wagnerrp: but if the master fails, youre toast
[22:11:28] wagnerrp: trumee: if you are using storage groups, you shouldnt have any local directory
[22:11:35] wagnerrp: nor do you need anything mounted over nfs
[22:11:47] trumee: what about non-storage group, for ISO's?
[22:12:08] iamlindoro: it should be mounted to a different path
[22:12:13] wagnerrp: then have those in a separate directory, one not scanned in the storage group
[22:12:27] wagnerrp: however if you do have ISOs, just use local paths
[22:12:38] wagnerrp: no sense using both and just complicating things
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[22:13:01] trumee: maybe i should simply dump those ISOs
[22:13:26] wagnerrp: there has been talk on the mailing lists of automated conversion tools
[22:13:28] Malard: wagnerrp: when you say toast, if i had mirrored hard disks on the MBE and a cold mirror system for a failure, do you think that would work?
[22:13:53] wagnerrp: Malard: mythtv has no failover capacity for the master backend
[22:14:05] wagnerrp: you WILL have to change the IP in the database, and restart all the slaves
[22:14:23] wagnerrp: so however long it takes to make that happen will be your downtime
[22:14:39] Malard: wagnerrp if the ip is static, then when i boot up a cold, if it has the same ip
[22:14:42] Malard: then no reconfig?
[22:14:49] iamlindoro: Bah, did we really need " . . . ransgl" as a pagE?
[22:14:53] justinh: oh YES. I so totally know what I want for Christmas now
[22:15:04] wagnerrp: reconfig of what?
[22:15:31] laga: justinh: fsck yeah!
[22:15:41] wagnerrp: Malard: the ONLY thing that defines the master backend from a slave is the one IP definition in mythconverg.settings
[22:15:53] justinh: laga: I almost crash getting the last wing out of the bucket on the passenger seat man
[22:16:05] wagnerrp: if you change that, and restart the slaves, whichever ip you have chosen will make itself the new master
[22:16:33] Malard: oh i see
[22:16:37] wagnerrp: you *may* be able to cycle one of the slaves into the IP of the old master, and start it up as a new master
[22:16:56] wagnerrp: but then youre going to run into issues waiting for all the slaves to update their ARP tables
[22:17:10] wagnerrp: and i dont know if they will reconnect cleanly to a fresh master
[22:17:29] wagnerrp: i dont recall trying it
[22:17:40] _ben: you assume they are on the same subnet tho
[22:17:43] wagnerrp: every time i restart my master, ive restarted my slaves as well
[22:17:46] Malard: forcing a restart on the SBE's wont be an issue
[22:17:51] Beercoder (Beercoder! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:18:20] wagnerrp: so if you kill them all, change that setting, boot the master, and boot the slaves
[22:18:33] wagnerrp: you could probably have everything back up within 15 seconds of detecting the failure
[22:18:39] Malard: awesome
[22:18:47] justinh: wish I'd just manually bummed my partitions over onto the new HDD now. gparted enlarging takes ages
[22:18:57] wagnerrp: now the frontend... i dont know
[22:19:03] Malard: i wont be using any frontends
[22:19:08] wagnerrp: i dont know what it would do if the backend switched IPs
[22:19:17] Malard: if a MBE went down
[22:19:21] Malard: i would make a slave assume the MBE's ip
[22:19:33] Malard: then make the old MBE a SBE on a new ip
[22:20:17] Malard: wagnerrp can i PM u?
[22:20:29] Beercoder (Beercoder! has quit (Client Quit)
[22:21:14] wagnerrp: well generally the MBE would be down because it died
[22:21:24] wagnerrp: you probably wouldnt want to reconnect it to the pool of slaves
[22:21:32] wagnerrp: even if you could bring it back online
[22:21:54] Malard: no i appreciate that, i would find the fault fix the broken hardware/rebuild the OS and then put it up
[22:22:18] wagnerrp: then yes, it would just pop up as a slave, with whatever tuner hardware it had installed
[22:22:29] Gumby: would anyone possibly be able to help with a custom power search. I am trying to figure out how to specific specific channels I currently have the following... subtitle like '%canucks%' and category = 'Sports event' and hdtv = '0' and chanid =
[22:22:33] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:22:33] Malard: well, none of these will have 'tuners'
[22:22:51] Malard: i guess they will have IPTV tuners, but they are just recording mpeg2ts
[22:22:53] Gumby: I could technically get rid of hdtv = 0 if I have the chanids that i need
[22:22:55] wagnerrp: then whats the point of having several?
[22:22:58] Malard: from a udp port
[22:23:02] wagnerrp: just have one primary, and one failover
[22:23:03] Malard: well, performance
[22:23:13] Malard: if i want to simultaniously record 50 channels
[22:23:23] Malard: i doubt one machine could do it, the I/O would just crash
[22:23:30] wagnerrp: then ideally you have this hooked into some high end SAN
[22:23:43] Malard: cost, and also reliability is a concern
[22:23:50] Malard: eggs all in one basket, issue
[22:24:08] wagnerrp: even 50 recordings will only be some 150MB/s at the most
[22:24:22] Malard: they are 4mb/s broadcast streams
[22:24:22] GreyFoxx: Malard, I haven't tried to see how far I could push it but I have done 15 IPTV recordings at once without the system even noticing
[22:24:31] Malard: interesting
[22:24:31] wagnerrp: your only real concern is fragmentation
[22:24:40] poodyp (poodyp! has quit ()
[22:24:42] wagnerrp: so its only 25MB/s
[22:24:59] wagnerrp: with sufficient memory caching, you could feasibly do this all on a single disk
[22:25:08] Malard: 25MB/s? more like 200 ?
[22:25:16] Malard:
[22:25:17] wagnerrp: you said 4mbps per stream
[22:25:18] Malard: for hardware
[22:25:26] Malard: yes
[22:25:32] Malard: 4x50?
[22:25:35] wagnerrp: so 25MBps for 50 streams
[22:25:36] justinh: 4megabits vs 25MegaBYTES
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[22:25:56] Malard: no sorry i mean MB not mb
[22:26:02] mzb: Gumby, you mean: program.chanid = channel.chanid AND LIKE 'ABC' AND program.category_type = 'movie'
[22:26:05] justinh: 4MB/sec – wtf?
[22:26:08] Malard: HD
[22:26:09] wagnerrp: 4MBps is one hell of a stream
[22:26:16] wagnerrp: thats blu-ray grade
[22:26:18] justinh: no HD is even 4MB/sec
[22:26:27] wagnerrp: i dont know of anyone who broadcasts at that
[22:26:31] justinh: no broadcast HD anyway
[22:26:35] mzb: (not sure if the first stanza is required, tbh, but doesn't hurt)
[22:26:39] justinh: if there really is, sign me up!
[22:26:48] Malard: i think i've done my math wrong
[22:26:49] FraCast (FraCast!n=FraCast@ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[22:26:57] Malard: well obv have
[22:27:12] Malard: but when i tested our LAN, we had to have a 32gb backbone to handle all the pictures
[22:27:15] justinh: broadcast HD in the wild is like 18Mbits/sec max
[22:27:17] wagnerrp: standard definition will likely be around 4mbps
[22:27:19] Gumby: mzb: no. I can get program.chanid from the program table.. that should work fine. What I need is multiple chanids though as I want the search to unclude multiple channels but exclude all others
[22:27:48] justinh: Malard: are you talking about consumer end TV?
[22:27:51] Malard: wagnerrp okay, i think your right, the bulk is SD content
[22:27:55] Malard: with a few channels that run HD
[22:27:56] Gumby: mzb: I've figured it out though  :)
[22:28:08] justinh: Malard: or something specialised like in the tv network structure?
[22:28:17] mzb: Gumby, I've got one of those too :
[22:28:29] Gumby: AND (chanid = 1022 OR chanid = 1003)
[22:28:33] mzb: program.chanid = channel.chanid AND ( NOT LIKE 'ABC%' AND NOT LIKE 'SBS%') AND program.category_type = 'movie'
[22:28:40] Malard: well, we have 15 dishes with a load of IRDs that are essentially rebroadcasting entire transponders of content into our network
[22:28:58] wagnerrp: so two machines, running clustered mysql with a boatload of memory
[22:28:58] justinh: mzb: something else I want to improve. having to enter sql queries to do power rules sucks
[22:29:02] wagnerrp: and a third for network storage
[22:29:09] mzb: agreed
[22:29:12] Malard: and we want to have a VoD system whereby for each channel we watch, we record that content and store it for upto 3 months
[22:29:22] wagnerrp: ideally the network storage will be redundant and reliable
[22:29:23] Malard: so something like 1200 recordings per month
[22:29:28] Malard: of around 2 hours a recording
[22:30:05] Gumby: mzb: this worked without having to use other tables "program.subtitle like '%canucks%' and program.hdtv = 0 and program.category = 'Sports event' AND (program.chanid = 1022 OR program.chanid = 1003)"
[22:30:06] mzb: however, I'd imagine coming up with a user interface for an equivalent would be a nightmare
[22:30:24] Gumby: I can get rid of the program.hdtv = now as well
[22:30:29] Malard: my inital idea of a setup was to get about 10, 1U rack servers that each had only a few virtual tuners each to split the load
[22:30:33] jpabq: What NVIDIA *driver* is currently considered the best for VDPAU? The driver I am currently using is working great for MPEG2 and HD-PVR H.264, but macro-blocks badly with MKVs.
[22:30:43] Malard: but i take it your saying a couple of super kick ass machines will do it np?
[22:30:55] mzb: Gumby, yes, but that assumes that a) your chanid's never change and the b) you don't have ABC1, ABC2, ABC3 ... :)
[22:31:19] wagnerrp: thats one hell of a downlink to do 25MBps reliably
[22:32:02] Malard: and as these are raw mpeg2 streams ideally storing them as h264 would make more sense
[22:32:07] wagnerrp: i mean youre talking a fractal OC12
[22:32:09] Gumby: mzb: why would my chanids change? And I dont understand the ABC1, ABC2 etc.
[22:32:12] justinh: ffs when did ITV reduce the resolution to 704x576? lol
[22:32:14] Malard: so they need to transcode
[22:32:21] Malard: wagnerrp its all local
[22:32:25] justinh: Gumby: rescanning makes chanids change
[22:32:29] wagnerrp: your IPTV provider
[22:32:32] Malard: the dishes are on the roof, then 2 racks of IRD next door
[22:32:43] mzb: Gumby,
[22:32:48] Malard: i mean in the room next door but nm
[22:33:04] Malard: its all local, the content doesnt go over the wire
[22:33:26] justinh: if anybody's paying I'd want superb quality transcodes
[22:33:26] Gumby: I only have analog
[22:33:27] Gumby: hehe
[22:33:30] wagnerrp: why not grab a bunch of satellite cards and use them directly in mythtv?
[22:33:39] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:33:47] Malard: because the content is used live on our analysts pc's
[22:34:09] Malard: we have upto 5 machines watching any one stream at a time then the VoD's ontop of that
[22:34:20] Malard: also the fact that we use 1 card to watch an entire transponder worth of content
[22:34:22] mzb: Malard, my poor old AMD X2 4400+ handles 4–5 (25 virtual) tuners without breaking a sweat
[22:34:24] Malard: instead of just a single channel
[22:34:35] wagnerrp: mythtv handles multirec just fine
[22:34:50] wagnerrp: although its limited in software to 5 recordings per tuner
[22:35:10] wagnerrp: but if youre got an existing system you just want to interface with...
[22:35:14] mzb: (and defaults to 2)
[22:35:31] Malard: well its not quite
[22:35:35] Malard: the work is underway to build all this
[22:35:46] justinh: grrr bloody yahoo & flickr
[22:36:32] Essobi (Essobi! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:36:46] Malard: i doubt i can get mythtv to do everything i need, and not to the redundancy level i need
[22:37:24] Malard: basically i need as little latency as possible to get the pictures from the antenna to the screen
[22:37:25] wagnerrp: well thats the thing... mythtv was intended for consumer installations
[22:37:36] wagnerrp: so redundancy and failover has never been a design consideration
[22:37:37] Malard: so the IRDs have high speed decoders in them
[22:37:53] wagnerrp: and with mythtv, you WILL have several seconds latency on 'livetv'
[22:37:58] Malard: yeah i appreciate that, mythtv however does seem to be the best quality VoD platform i can find
[22:38:19] mzb: 1 master (single tuner?), a couple of slaves, fast SAN ... what else do you need?
[22:38:24] Malard: yeah, i cant live with that, especially when we have/will have the majority of the worlds bookmakers using our data to do inrunning betting trading
[22:38:28] wagnerrp: at a consumer level, sure
[22:38:36] wagnerrp: im sure theres much better custom solutions out there
[22:38:45] wagnerrp: but at a price >>> $7k
[22:38:58] Malard: well, even on a pro level, the solutions are way over spec'd and designed for a broadcasters and hotel owners etc
[22:39:11] Malard: we only need it for internal issue tracking
[22:39:28] mzb: sounds like you need a hardware solution
[22:39:32] Malard: i.e if we think a goal was scored and then its disputed, we can quickly timeshift and/or go back after the game to reconfirm
[22:39:35] wagnerrp: well theyre generally the only businesses wanting such a thing
[22:39:56] _ben: dunno, i wonder if mythtv could handle a carp setup
[22:40:10] mzb: heh, by the time a dispute was raised you'd have the video available ... got a better example?
[22:40:15] _ben: two backends should sit quite happily then
[22:40:16] wagnerrp: you know, you may be better off just duplicating everything
[22:40:26] USER_ (USER_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:40:37] wagnerrp: run two separate systems, complete with independent sql servers and storage arrays
[22:40:47] wagnerrp: if one goes down ever, youve got the other
[22:40:51] Malard: just to jog the topic along slightly, i have a custom app i am building which i intend to send recording requests to
[22:40:52] _ben: Yeah
[22:41:05] wagnerrp: and you could probably put them together for ~$3K apice
[22:41:07] Malard: i presume i am going to be hitting the MBE to send the requests to for recordings
[22:41:07] USER_ is now known as jon230873
[22:41:21] Malard: its GBP so times it by 1.6 :)
[22:41:24] wagnerrp: for playback or recording?
[22:41:29] Malard: recording
[22:41:37] wagnerrp: for recording, you dont do anything
[22:41:42] Malard: i was thinking of using XBMC or a VLC plugin for playback on windows machines
[22:41:47] wagnerrp: you make a schedule, and let the internal scheduler handle everything
[22:41:59] Malard: yes but i need a way to send requests to that schedule
[22:42:04] Malard: or define that schedule dynamically
[22:42:12] wagnerrp: there is always mythweb
[22:42:19] Malard: if we decide to start doing a game now, i need to tell mythtv to start recording it now.
[22:42:24] _ben: Malard: a bettering company eh? :)
[22:42:26] justinh: or hack mythweb up to do your bidding
[22:42:28] _ben: sound interesting
[22:42:34] wagnerrp: beyond that, youll have to use mythfrontend, or write your own program
[22:42:43] Malard: bookmaker trading solutions provider :)
[22:42:55] wagnerrp: i dont believe any of the third party stuff interfaces with the scheduler
[22:43:01] justinh: nope
[22:43:06] Malard: well mythweb is my plan, i was going to just bolt on a REST plugin of some descript to send the requests to
[22:43:10] justinh: XBMC haven't got a guide grid yet
[22:43:12] Malard: unless there is already an api
[22:43:29] justinh: the mythtv protocol is (kinda) documented
[22:43:33] wagnerrp: sort-of
[22:43:35] Anduin: Malard: MythWeb did or probably does, insert a record in the record table and send a message to the backend to reschedule
[22:43:44] Malard: i was hoping to just name each recording, Manchester United vs Arsenal 2009-11–01 15:00GMT etc
[22:43:49] Malard: and we can just find it that way
[22:43:50] wagnerrp: like justinh said, the protocol is (kinda) documented, and the database is (kinda) documented
[22:44:08] Makere (Makere! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:44:12] justinh: you can peer into mythweb to find out what it does easily enough
[22:44:17] Malard: yeah, i am sure i will find a way to send a recording request
[22:44:35] Malard: i know my way round c++ so should'nt have a problem if i need to build something
[22:44:39] wagnerrp: there are 'advanced recordings', where you feed some custom sql to the scheduler
[22:44:43] sebrock_: I'm trying to setup jamu using Mythbuntu 9.10. It complains about mythtv bindings... exactly what do I need here?
[22:44:50] justinh: anyway, remind me why we're helping a company make money when we don't get a cut ..
[22:45:08] wagnerrp: sebrock_: for some reason, mythbuntu seems to have no installed the python bindings
[22:45:15] wagnerrp: what is your exact error?
[22:45:15] Malard: well, if you live in the EU, i probably have a contract position open to set it up for me :)
[22:45:15] ** mzb puts his bets on another horse ;) **
[22:45:19] _ben: cos it's some poor guy who has no budget and a boss breathing down his back :p
[22:45:32] Malard:
[22:45:40] Malard: then i've gotta do the same again in manilla and mexico
[22:46:03] sebrock_: wagnerrp, right I came to the same conclutins.. I dont even have the /mythtv/bindings dir
[22:46:05] wagnerrp: hell... for that much im sure one of the british devs would have it set up tomorrow
[22:46:12] wagnerrp: (and a large portion of it)
[22:46:14] mzb: Malard, you can fly me over from .au and have change left over from that ;)
[22:46:19] Malard: well, its not just for mythtv :P
[22:46:20] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: It is most likely that you do not have a properly configured "~/.mythtv/config.xml" file
[22:46:28] Malard: the vod stuff i had at most 10% of that allocated for
[22:46:34] jon230873: I'm live in NZ and tryinf Mythtv 0.22 on ubuntu 9.10, the DVBT card I am using is the Nova T500 but when trying to scan channels, it scans the range but reports no channels found any ideas, most the time is say timed out no singal. New to linux hence not a lot of knowledge in this area
[22:46:35] Malard: including a donation
[22:46:40] wagnerrp: sebrock_: we nee the *exact* error
[22:47:22] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: See #1 og this link . . . _not_work.21
[22:47:55] sebrock_: RDV_Linux, I dont have he bindings thats for sure... here the error:
[22:48:21] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: Looking now
[22:48:32] trumee: wagnerrp, ok the storage-group i defined are showing up now. However, mythvideo is showing up VIDEO_TS as a folder.
[22:48:40] wagnerrp: sebrock_: or it could mean you cannot connect to the backend, because you cannot connect to the database, because you do not have a config.xml
[22:48:45] luis_ (luis_!n=quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:49:00] wagnerrp: trumee: VIDEO_TS folders have the same problem as ISOs
[22:49:01] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: Check the link I sent above ^^^
[22:49:06] trumee: wagnerrp, ugghhhh!
[22:49:15] wagnerrp: as mentioned, anything that uses the DVD structure needs local file access
[22:49:20] jherm (jherm! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:49:21] sebrock_: is jamu using the same info as eg. mythweb to connect? I have no problems connecting to DB from frontends/mythweb etc.
[22:49:26] wagnerrp: its a limitation of the decss libraries mythvideo uses
[22:49:27] jherm: My mistake, I came in this channel last time...
[22:49:30] luis_: What PC would be the ideal to install Mythbuntu so i can connect my HDTV bravia 47 to it and use all myth features?
[22:49:53] wagnerrp: sebrock_: jamu uses ~/.mythtv/config.xml to connect, the same thing as the rest of mythtv uses
[22:49:58] trumee: wagnerrp, so what is Storage Group for? Damn, i shoudnt have done a rescan, lost all the video information
[22:50:05] tank-man (tank-man! has quit ("Got some milk stuck in my teeth")
[22:50:08] wagnerrp: however if the rest of mythtv runs under a different user name, you may not have that file
[22:50:15] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: The python bindings require a properly configured config.xml
[22:50:32] wagnerrp: trumee: storage groups are for handling standard video content
[22:50:47] wagnerrp: they were as expected, except for the limitation they cannot handle DVD content
[22:50:49] trumee: wagnerrp, you mean dvdrips?
[22:50:51] luis_: What PC would be the ideal to install Mythbuntu so i can connect my HDTV bravia 47 to it and use all myth features?
[22:51:01] luis_: i can use a laptop?
[22:51:12] trumee: wagnerrp, mpg/avi/mkv?
[22:51:13] wagnerrp: trumee: i mean full DVDs
[22:51:15] sebrock_: hold on... I dont have a confix.xml there... just a mysql.txt
[22:51:21] wagnerrp: ISO or VIDEO_TS
[22:51:24] sebrock_: using mythbuntu 9.10
[22:51:29] wagnerrp: those dont work, everything else behaves as expected
[22:51:47] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: See if there is one in "/home/mythtv/.mythtv/config.xml" that one may need to be copied to your user account "~/.mythtv" directory
[22:51:59] wagnerrp: and DVD content not working is one of the planned fixes in 0.23
[22:51:59] sebrock_: RDV_Linux, nope there is not
[22:52:02] justinh: luis_: if said laptop has enough oomph to play the content, then yes of course
[22:52:14] sebrock_: btw, this is looking at my backend only... this is a backend process right?
[22:52:30] _ben: ooooomph
[22:52:37] trumee: wagnerrp, i messed up everything. most of the video i have are either VIDEO_TS or ISOs. and by rescanning i lost all the metadata i had.
[22:52:37] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: See the link ^^^ as it tells you how a config.xml can be created.
[22:52:52] wagnerrp: trumee: you recently updated, right?
[22:52:59] wagnerrp: then you should have a database backup available
[22:53:01] luis_: justinh: i am new to this, i dont know from where to start =/ i am triying mythbuntu because i have read than the final producto (HTPC) its awesome
[22:53:01] trumee: yes
[22:53:09] trumee: yes, i do have a backup.
[22:53:12] Malard: if a MBE and SBE has a common storage i.e NAS box, is the system smart enough to know when its ran out of disk space on all slaves and needs to start pruning?
[22:53:15] sebrock_: I will, strangly other parts of my MythTV system works fine without this file :P?
[22:53:17] wagnerrp: however you *should* rescan any TV content you have anyway
[22:53:26] wagnerrp: to take advantage of the better handling of season and episode numbers
[22:53:51] wagnerrp: sebrock_: because those other parts of mythtv are looking elsewhere for that file
[22:53:58] wagnerrp: either because they are run under a different username
[22:54:08] wagnerrp: or because they have wrapper scripts telling them where to look
[22:54:11] jon230873 (jon230873! has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.5/20091102152451]")
[22:54:44] sebrock_: I guess the latter is true then
[22:54:52] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: You are correct that other parts of MythTV can use alternate ways to access the DB.
[22:55:23] trumee: wagnerrp, can i drop the 0.22 database and import my 0.21 database.
[22:55:39] wagnerrp: trumee: if you do the whole thing, yes
[22:55:46] trumee: wagnerrp, that way all the meta information will remain intact.
[22:55:57] wagnerrp: if you are only trying to revert the mythvideo data, then its a bit more complex
[22:56:02] trumee: wagnerrp, what about the recording which happened after 0.22 upgrade?
[22:56:11] wagnerrp: those will be orphaned
[22:56:24] trumee: wagnerrp, will i be able to import them?
[22:56:38] wagnerrp: you can import them to mythvideo
[22:56:45] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: sebrock_ may have an old mythdb.txt (I may be wrong about the extension) file. I can remember that someone else had that problem.
[22:56:49] wagnerrp: however there is no automated manner of importing content to recordings
[22:56:53] justinh: luis_: if you're not planning to record TV IMHO you should consider something else
[22:57:01] sebrock_: hmm... the config.xml file is in place on my frontend... I would like to run this from the backend
[22:57:09] luis_: justinh: i am planing that
[22:57:15] wagnerrp: RDV_Linux: sure, but on the first run of any of the mythtv binaries, it will write out a config.xml for him to use
[22:57:18] Anduin: RDV_Linux: mysql.txt nice and generic
[22:57:26] sebrock_: so should I follow the guide on how to create a new config.xml but instead restart the backend?
[22:57:43] luis_: justinh: like... pause, record, watch again, play ps3 games, hear music, have full control of the HTPC, etc...
[22:57:47] ve9gfi (ve9gfi! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:57:58] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: the wiki instructions need to be run on the backend.
[22:58:12] wagnerrp: sebrock_: you should find the copy of config.xml that is guaranteed to be somewhere on your system if you have run any of the mythtv binaries
[22:58:20] RDV_Linux: Anduin: thanks for the name correction
[22:58:22] Anduin: trumee: You can restore only the mythvideo tables and set the mythvideo schema back as well
[22:58:36] sebrock_: wagnerrp, I just watched a movie :)
[22:58:58] wagnerrp: then mythfrontend will have generated a copy
[22:59:11] wagnerrp: if one did not already exist
[22:59:18] trumee: Anduin, oh really, how can i do that
[22:59:18] sebrock_: so I removed mysql.txt on the backend, now I start the frontend and it will generate this on the backend (which is another maschine?
[22:59:46] Anduin: trumee: That is that part no one wants to help with :)
[22:59:59] DjMadness (DjMadness!n=DjMadnes@pdpc/supporter/student/DjMadness) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:00:14] wagnerrp: trumee: grab the 'videometadata', 'videocast/genre/country', 'videometadatacast/genre/country', and 'filemarkup' tables out of the backup and restore them
[23:00:35] wagnerrp: then roll back schema.MythVideo (i believe) to correspond to the 0.21 value
[23:00:41] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: Can sebrock_ copy the config.xml that was generated on his FE?
[23:00:56] Anduin: mythvide.DBSchemaVer
[23:00:58] sebrock_: and change the IP to localhost
[23:00:59] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: and move it to his back end?
[23:01:00] Anduin: mythvideo*
[23:01:13] wagnerrp: RDV_Linux: assuming he uses the same password throughout, it should be fine
[23:01:22] sebrock_: I'll try
[23:01:26] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: sounds like a plan
[23:01:30] wagnerrp: however his backend will have generated one of those already
[23:01:46] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit ("ZNC by prozac -")
[23:02:03] Malard: roughly speaking how much disk space would a 2hour recording consume?
[23:02:08] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: even if he had a mysql.txt file?
[23:02:18] trumee: wagnerrp, This page only talks about importing the whole database
[23:02:34] sebrock_: wagnerrp, there is none on my backend. Only frontend. mysql.txt was on the backend
[23:02:42] wagnerrp: Malard: at 4mbps... 3.5GB
[23:02:58] Malard: no way to transcode that?
[23:03:00] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:03:07] Malard: to lower the size?
[23:03:09] wagnerrp: trumee: we do not provide help for hacking up your database
[23:03:09] sebrock_: what is the MediaRenderer tag?
[23:03:23] wagnerrp: if you dont know enough SQL to figure it out yourself, you shouldnt be doing it in the first place
[23:03:33] trumee: wagnerrp, no worries. i will stick with 0.22 database then.
[23:03:43] sebrock_: The config.xml is customized to the frontend it seems
[23:03:50] wagnerrp: RDV_Linux: the backend should read in the mysql.txt, and write out a new config.xml (i believe)
[23:04:29] wagnerrp: the config.xml just has a UUID for the UPnP stuff
[23:04:33] wagnerrp: the bindings dont use that
[23:04:36] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: ok I defer to your knowledge
[23:04:57] wagnerrp: im just assuming at this point
[23:05:07] DjMadness (DjMadness!n=DjMadnes@pdpc/supporter/student/DjMadness) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:06:03] defecatn (defecatn!i=myth@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:06:18] defecatn: hi, does anyone know what 'database' object has no attribute 'conn' could be?
[23:06:30] defecatn: trying to connect to mqsql from a remote frontend
[23:06:47] wagnerrp: defecatn: need some more context
[23:06:55] sebrock_: I get no config.xml
[23:07:10] defecatn: wagnerrp. hmm. how do i get that?:)
[23:07:26] wagnerrp: let me clarify... *we* need some more context
[23:07:29] wagnerrp: what are you trying to do?
[23:07:43] wagnerrp: do you have the exact error you can paste somewhere?
[23:07:52] defecatn: ohh connect to the backend from a xbmc script
[23:07:57] defecatn: it use to work until i crashed
[23:08:04] wagnerrp: yeah, thats not us
[23:08:08] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: Did you check that there is a config.xml on the BE for other accounts like mythtv or root?
[23:08:11] wagnerrp: go ask xbmc people for help
[23:08:17] sebrock_: RDV_Linux, yes
[23:08:53] defecatn: wagnerrp it's kind of a fringe script. always worked so i figure it something i'm doing wrong with teh mysql setup
[23:08:56] mzb: Malard, it's one of those cost/benefit situations. You can compress, but that takes time. The simplest solution is auto-expire everything, and archive important events elsewhere.
[23:09:07] justinh: bah. blimmin avg free now installs yahoo junk too
[23:09:17] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: I would try copying the config.xml from your front end and customizing any parts that do not match your BE
[23:09:28] justinh: bad enough that java & openoffice try to shoehorn that crap in
[23:09:52] sebrock_: Im on it
[23:10:06] wagnerrp: Malard: specifically, with that many recordings, and that short storage time, it will cost you more in the long run to transcode than to just buy more hard drives
[23:10:26] wagnerrp: in terms of hardware, and power consumption
[23:11:10] inordkuo1 (inordkuo1!n=inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:11:20] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: wagnerrp was correct when he said the config.txt file is automatically created. That is what happened on my installation. I do not know what is going on with your setup.
[23:14:40] trumee: how can i use jamu to get metadata for all the videos in mythvideo?
[23:15:05] trumee: ./ --examples only talks about TV
[23:15:07] RDV_Linux: trumee: Did you follow the jamu wiki?
[23:15:38] RDV_Linux: trumee:
[23:17:34] trumee: it seems from the wiki, jamu will not download metadata for my ISO's and VIDEO_TS folders
[23:18:05] trumee: "Cool, but I wish I could add my DVD collection", indicates that if i am interpreting it correctly.
[23:18:29] cdpuk (cdpuk! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:19:15] RDV_Linux: trumee: Jamu will support MythTVs video file extensions which include TS and ISOs. I probably need to clarify that in the wiki.
[23:21:00] RDV_Linux: trumee: The DVD collection is a comment about how to add video files that are really still on DVD and not copied to your hard drive.
[23:21:31] Makere (Makere!i=makere@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:21:38] RDV_Linux: trumee: Do not get distracted by the DVD collection comment.
[23:21:55] trumee: RDV_Linux, i see :)
[23:25:05] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:25:29] waxhead_ (waxhead_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:26:49] mchou: Malard: have you looked into ucarp?
[23:27:26] mchou: Malard: set up MBE on a virtual ip
[23:27:31] sebrock_: RDV_Linux, wagnerrp ok I now have a correct config.xml. Still get that message. Note I have no bindings dir in my mythtv dir at all
[23:28:04] Malard: intresting, thanks mchou
[23:28:09] mchou: Malard: I haven tried it but that failover should work in theory
[23:28:13] _ben: I did mention carp earlier
[23:28:41] a8s0lut0 (a8s0lut0! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:28:46] _ben: should work fine as the backend will be able to bind to it
[23:28:57] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: I just want to check, please confirm that you are using a Mythbuntu 9.10 install?
[23:28:59] _ben: altho mysql should bind to all IPs
[23:29:02] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit ()
[23:29:16] trumee: RDV_Linux, can i force jamu to update only mythvideo and not the recordings?
[23:29:17] mchou: Malard: not only that by you can make sure the arp cache gets updated with ucarp with some clever scripting
[23:29:19] sebrock_: RDV_Linux, yes, however my backend is an ugrade from 9.04 whilst my frontend is fresh
[23:29:32] Malard: sounds like i could run this through a loadbalancer also
[23:29:54] _ben: interesting idea :p
[23:30:11] sebrock_: anyway. I found the config.xml and all is well. But judging from this thread: I should have bindings which I have not.
[23:30:17] _ben: something like relayd would be fun to play with
[23:30:29] sebrock_: also: [23:45] <wagnerrp> sebrock_: for some reason, mythbuntu seems to have no installed the python bindings
[23:30:29] mchou: Malard: I wouldnt go too overboard
[23:30:44] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: I will check my Mythbuntu test environment for the location of the bindings so you can double check. give me 5 minutes.
[23:30:47] Malard: well i already have a lb from kicking around so i could just setup a new vip
[23:30:52] mchou: Malard: what happens if the BE is in the middle of a recording?
[23:30:53] sebrock_: thanks RDV_Linux
[23:31:15] _ben: Malard: where do you capture your stuff from?
[23:31:20] mchou: Malard: you dont want failover to happen while a recording is going on
[23:31:25] Malard: i was thinking the MBE would'nt have any tuners and would just handle the delegation
[23:31:36] sphery: Malard: thanks for the xhtml fix (to my bad html :)--was that one the only compliance issue in there?
[23:31:44] Malard: in that one file yes
[23:31:53] Malard: but i am still building a dev instance
[23:31:55] sphery: great... I'll get it in in about half an hour
[23:31:56] Malard: to look at other things
[23:32:18] sphery: yeah, lots of web stuff in mythweb (since you said you're a web dev)
[23:32:29] Malard: this is the site i run,
[23:32:54] sphery: there are actually quite a few tickets on Trac showing tasks (for which we need patches) for mythWeb
[23:33:32] Malard: yeah i noticed, i have never done dev on linux, i am a windows boy, so will take a while for me to get myself sorted, unless you fancy helping me get setup
[23:33:44] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: In my Mythbuntu test environment the python bindings are in "usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/MythTV"
[23:34:03] sphery: well, I"m sure someone in here could help answer any question you come across
[23:34:12] trumee: uggh, jamu is seach for dvd subfile names, " Now processing video file (VTS_02_2)(0)(0), Entry does not exist in MythDB. Adding (VTS_02_2)."
[23:34:21] sphery: Malard: since the search is disabled, finding MythWeb tickets is easiest with
[23:34:31] trumee: s/seach/searching
[23:34:41] luis_ (luis_!n=quassel@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:34:49] Malard: yeah will look at it tommorrow :) i used to contrib to prototype so can probably help you out with the related tickets to that, although i'd suggest moving to a more 'modern' library like jQuery which is still actively developed
[23:35:29] sphery: oh, wow... lots of prototip/prototype things to do
[23:35:46] sphery: kormoc would be the best person to talk to. When he's not busy actually having a life, he hangs out in here.
[23:35:54] sebrock_: RDV_Linux, right I have mine there too
[23:36:06] wagnerrp: sebrock_: you said that because you said it complained about having no bindings
[23:36:17] trumee: do we have any expert of jamu here?
[23:36:19] Malard: well as i say, would suggest ditching both and moving to jQuery ;)
[23:36:20] RDV_Linux: trumee: To jamu those are individual video files.
[23:36:33] wagnerrp: but what it really said is that it could not create a database object
[23:36:44] wagnerrp: either because there were no bindings, or because the connection info was incorrect
[23:36:48] sebrock_: wagnerrp, it still does... howver I seem to have the bindings in place according to RDV_Linux
[23:36:53] a8s0lut0: how goes it room :)
[23:36:56] sebrock_: and the config.xml is also in place...
[23:37:00] RDV_Linux: trumee: A jamu expert does not exist, but I wrote Jamu ;)\
[23:37:03] wagnerrp: you had the bindings in place according to that error code you posted
[23:37:11] trumee: RDV_Linux, so how do i make jamu ignore it. is it possible for jamu not to check for files in VIDEO_TS
[23:37:23] trumee: RDV_Linux, that is even better :)
[23:37:57] a8s0lut0: i have concise q's to ask, as a non-linux guru... which is why i was hoping to run Mythbuntu in a VMware Workstation VM
[23:38:27] a8s0lut0: didn't see many examples of success with this, though people say they tried
[23:38:40] sebrock_: god dammit I dont get this
[23:38:42] wagnerrp: a8s0lut0: there is almost no reason to ever do that
[23:38:44] justinh: why do non-gurus seek to run stuff in VMs?
[23:38:50] wagnerrp: the first reason is for testing...
[23:38:51] RDV_Linux: trumee: Lets continue the discussion in a private IRC. At this moment I am caught trying to also help sebrock_
[23:38:54] wagnerrp: and there is no second reason
[23:39:17] a8s0lut0: well i was hoping to make my DVR a karaoke machine too
[23:39:22] justinh: so?
[23:39:28] justinh: get pykaraoke
[23:39:38] a8s0lut0: hmm, i was used to karafun
[23:40:00] sphery: Malard: I wouldn't be surprised if convincing kormoc to switch is an easy task
[23:40:15] a8s0lut0: yeah there was a question as to whether i should do linux on metal and run win in VM, but i opted for opposite
[23:40:33] a8s0lut0: since i can get win running fine for common tasks
[23:40:34] justinh: karafun is free but not open source. meh
[23:40:45] a8s0lut0: pykaraoke uses OPM files?
[23:40:50] a8s0lut0: or whatever they are
[23:40:54] a8s0lut0: cause i have a bunch of those
[23:41:00] wagnerrp: a8s0lut0: if you run mythtv in a VM, you are limited to the HDHR
[23:41:06] wagnerrp: you *may* get USB tuners to work
[23:41:16] wagnerrp: it is very unlikely you will have any other hardware support
[23:41:26] a8s0lut0: ah, figured as much :(
[23:41:46] a8s0lut0: that's fine, i can just switch it and make linux the host OS
[23:41:58] wagnerrp: if you want to run it in a container (chroot or jail), for easier maintenance, thats one thing
[23:41:58] sebrock_: RDV_Linux, thank you for all the help... I ran the stuff suing to the mythtv user and now it only complains about missing fanart dir etc.
[23:42:08] wagnerrp: but a full VM is almost never the correct solution for mythtv
[23:42:20] wagnerrp: its almost never the correct solution for most things
[23:42:31] wagnerrp: its just the current fad
[23:42:31] a8s0lut0: but where in the process of mythbuntu install do I have the opportunity to format my storage drives as XFS
[23:42:41] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: Then you are on the road. Great!
[23:43:13] sebrock_: RDV_Linux, yeah I guess thanks man... so this dir, also specified in jamu.conf?
[23:43:34] a8s0lut0: i figured since i had a "ubiquitous" hauppage pvr-150 everything would work out fine
[23:43:39] justinh: a8s0lut0: ah so you steal all the content? neat
[23:44:04] trumee: why does mythweb return a standard IMDB response
[23:44:35] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: The directories for graphics are either specified as storage groups (mythsetup) or in your FE settings.
[23:44:37] trumee: all the videos are returning the same 4 response.
[23:44:54] Malard: i'm trying to build mythtv trunk and my clean install of ubuntu is reporting that the c++ compiler test failed, anyone know which packages i need to install?
[23:45:02] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: They do not come from the jamu.conf file when used with MythTV
[23:45:13] sebrock_: RDV_Linux, I'm not going to use storage-groups right now because of the issues related to ISOs and whatnot
[23:45:23] sebrock_: is that a problem?
[23:45:51] trumee: is that a bug in mythweb?
[23:46:00] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: No not a problem. Fill out all the directories Video and graphics in your FE settings
[23:46:16] _ben: Malard: start with installing: build-essential
[23:46:49] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:46:58] trumee: anybody else facing this issue? is the imdb script broken in mythweb?
[23:47:13] Malard: ty
[23:47:17] sebrock_: RDV_Linux, where exactly are they?
[23:47:30] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: When did you last sync up with 0.22+fixes? I ask as there was two jamu related fixes commited today.
[23:48:41] Malard: _ben thanks, although it seems to be missing qmake still
[23:49:02] Malard: what package is that found it, its not a standalone item it seems
[23:49:12] Malard: *found in
[23:49:12] sebrock_: RDV_Linux, I dont think mythbuntu has gotten them fixes in yet... did update today though
[23:49:21] _ben: probably some qt4-dev-tools thing
[23:49:26] _ben: let me look at my box
[23:49:52] sebrock_: anyway. I'm still confused here. There is actually a dir for fanart set in my frontend, but that is local on the frontend... the script will be running on the backend...
[23:50:16] justinh: ruh? OPM file format isn't even mentioned on the karafun website
[23:50:44] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: in the FE Utilities/Settings->Setup->Media Settings->Video Settings->General
[23:52:22] sebrock_: yeah found it but I dont get the connection frontend-> backend... As my backend runs 24/7 it should be the one downloading fanart and distributing it to frontends no?
[23:53:06] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: First you are correct Mythbuntu has not included today's 0.22 commits. The graphics directories will need to be accessible to both the FE and the backend for this to work. That is just one advantage of using Storage Groups/ Except for your iso comment
[23:54:47] sebrock_: RDV_Linux, for me it seems natural that the backend should have a dir specified, download on cron-jobs and then whenever the frontend is on it could look into this dir via NFS?
[23:55:07] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: correct
[23:57:08] sebrock_: so the dir the dir I specify on the frontend should infact reside on the backend?
[23:57:20] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:58:06] RDV_Linux: sebrock_: we can discuss this in a pm I already sent you a message.
[23:58:12] sebrock_: ok

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