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Thursday, October 29th, 2009, 00:03 UTC
[00:03:58] jpabq_ (jpabq_! has quit ()
[00:06:12] henkpoley (henkpoley! has quit ()
[00:13:22] Josh__: I have all kinds of audio problems when I have "Extra audio buffering " unchecked. It only happens on my digital channels though..
[00:14:00] Dagmar: You realize this is going to come out like asking the doctor what to do about your elbow hurting when you bang it against things, right?
[00:14:19] Josh__: Dagmar, I know...
[00:15:07] sphery: Josh__: there's really no reason not to enable that setting
[00:15:12] sphery: (probably shouldn't be a setting)
[00:15:33] Josh__: sphery, gotcha.
[00:16:10] Josh__: thing is, it still get a small amount of audio cutouts (just like without the box checked, just less often), so I"m not sure if that box is really fixing the problem, only the symptom.
[00:16:25] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[00:16:54] sphery: sounds like the problem is prebuffering pauses--exacerbated by incorrect audio configuration
[00:17:13] sphery: so with that box checked, it's better, but you have another problem that's causing prebuffering pauses
[00:17:17] Josh__: sphery, I'd agree with that.
[00:17:39] sphery: that setting is meant to prevent crackly/static-y audio during very dark scenes in MPEG-2 video
[00:17:48] sphery: and really that's all it's meant to do
[00:17:52] Josh__: sphery, only being on 100mbit should not be an issue, should it/
[00:18:02] sphery: no, I use 100Mbit
[00:18:34] wagnerrp: the highest bitrate video you will ever see on mythtv is probably bluray at ~40mbps
[00:18:34] Josh__: my old mobo showed the prebuffering pauses, but was never able to iron those out.
[00:19:30] sphery: prebuffering pauses are the symptom with lots of possible causes
[00:19:36] sphery: thus, very hard to fix
[00:19:57] Josh__: sphery, I'm reading the troubleshooting page now.
[00:20:14] Josh__: I'm assuming it's directly related to the frontend box, as my laptop does not have any problems playing back the same video
[00:21:17] Rigor_M (Rigor_M! has quit ()
[00:22:42] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:25] bobgill_ (bobgill_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:25:28] sphery: Here's one for the numerologists... It seems #7315 may be a dup of #7135.
[00:25:39] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:26:30] android6011_: how does mythfilldatabase handle guide sources that provide various titles for a program, just in different lanugages?
[00:26:47] sphery: gizmobay: speaking of which, check out #7315 — likely the same issue as your mythfilldatabase issue
[00:27:25] sphery: android6011_: IIRC it uses the language specified by your Guide Language 1/2 settings
[00:27:46] sphery: and it only picks one (so 1 if exits, else 2, else ???)
[00:27:49] sphery: exists
[00:28:32] android6011_: so it defaults to the preferred language, then if thats not there goes with the next one?
[00:31:10] sphery: that's my hazy memory of it--but I didn't look at the code to verify
[00:32:12] android6011_: well it sounds like the logical thing to do
[00:33:57] sphery: it does--but that doesn't mean that's how we did it :)
[00:34:22] Loto is now known as Loto_
[00:37:28] gizmobay: Isn't the issue in 7315 have to do with mythtranscode?
[00:38:27] schwinn434 (schwinn434!n=schwinn4@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:50] rwat (rwat! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[00:40:29] android6011_: also, does mythfilldatabase store all the possible display name for a channel? and where in the database are they found
[00:41:29] iamlindoro: Dibblah, I remove five settings today-- happy?  :)
[00:41:32] iamlindoro: removed
[00:41:53] Dibblah: :)
[00:42:13] iamlindoro: (With four more hopefully this week)
[00:48:01] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:22] Wicked (Wicked!n=zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit ()
[00:48:33] usg990a (usg990a! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[00:51:00] Eviltwin: So whas does Myth do in terms of scheduling around constraints
[00:51:03] Eviltwin: Involving duplicates
[00:51:28] sphery: I don't understand the question
[00:51:34] Eviltwin: The Daily Show is listed twice this day, one of them conflicts with a show of lower priority and one has no conflicts
[00:51:51] Eviltwin: It's telling me it's not going to record the show of lower priority when there's an identical showing of the daily show it could grab later
[00:52:15] Eviltwin: Right now it appears its going to grab both Daily Shows...
[00:53:02] wagnerrp: it should only grab both daily shows if they are different episodes
[00:53:09] sphery: if you want myth to record lower-priority shows when it means delaying (and possibly missing) a higher priority show in a later airing, you need to enable, "Reschedule Higher Priorities"
[00:54:01] Wicked (Wicked!n=zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:53] Eviltwin: So MythWeb says it's going to record the same Daily Show four times one of which is going to block out another show of lower priority
[01:01:02] Eviltwin: Does this change after recording of the show has completed?
[01:01:04] sphery: anyone know what Key_Super_L/R and Key_Hyper_L/R would be on a keyboard?
[01:01:04] Eviltwin: Or is there some error
[01:01:17] wagnerrp: does render strange for anyone else?
[01:01:48] sphery: Eviltwin:
[01:02:06] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:11] sphery: wagnerrp: looks like a normal wiki to me
[01:02:13] Eviltwin:  ;?
[01:02:29] sphery: ah, wikipedia... I should have thought of that
[01:02:44] sphery: wondering if they're considered modifier keys
[01:02:55] sphery: In GNOME, the super key is a modifier key mapped to the windows key.[1]
[01:02:56] wagnerrp: the side and top text are all shrunk
[01:02:57] sphery: yep
[01:03:38] sphery: wagnerrp: ah, I see what you mean
[01:04:01] sphery: good eyes, btw
[01:04:28] wagnerrp: ive been going through on random for a couple minutes, the change stands out
[01:05:02] Wicked (Wicked!n=zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:06:27] sphery: iamlindoro might have a better idea how someone might have (accidentally?) change the font on the header and nav are of a specific wiki page...
[01:06:41] [yzf600] ([yzf600]! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:07:17] Eviltwin: So these five episodes have identical titles, subtitles, and descriptions and I believe my recording settings determine duplicates that way. Shouldn't they be marked specially in some way on MythWeb indicating they are duplicates?
[01:07:46] J-e-f-f-A: it almost looks normal in konqueror, but in firefox or IE, it is much smaller.
[01:08:04] Wicked (Wicked!n=zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:38] Eviltwin: It seems to have recognized the multitide of duplicate showings when searching for it
[01:09:52] Eviltwin: Yet still appears like it plans to record them all under Upcoming
[01:10:23] tjcarter: "Saving our world from environmental issues" What does that mean? Environmentalist or anti-environmentalist? =D
[01:12:00] dougl (dougl! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:12:16] [yzf600] ([yzf600]! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:12:18] wagnerrp: the 11.x page is the same
[01:13:52] sphery: Eviltwin: because all 5 episodes are generic, dup matching does /not/ apply. you have to follow the instructions from that post I linked.
[01:15:47] JJ2 (JJ2!n=jjensen@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:16:53] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: the html source (when viewed from the web browser's 'view source' function) has slightly different header/css definitions – generated by an earlier version of mediawiki apparently: content="MediaWiki 1.13.3"  – other pages are MediaWiki 1.15.1 ...
[01:17:23] wagnerrp: if you know how to fix, be my guest
[01:18:26] Dagmar: You email a qualified admin.
[01:18:27] Dagmar: ;)
[01:18:31] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: hehe... I'd have done it already if I knew what would do it. Perhaps just editing the page with something minor would re-generate it with the current/correct css... ;-)
[01:18:53] wagnerrp: (as you can already see, i have edited the page)
[01:19:35] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Ah, you did it after i looked at the history... ;-)
[01:19:42] Eviltwin: sphery: Dup matching doesn't apply even if the descriptions match?
[01:19:43] AndrewNC (AndrewNC! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[01:19:51] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:20:00] sphery: Eviltwin: not if they're generic episodes
[01:20:14] Eviltwin: Meaning no subtitle?
[01:20:29] sphery: Eviltwin: as is discussed in the post I linked...  :)
[01:20:35] Eviltwin: *sigh*
[01:20:36] sphery: read the post
[01:20:46] Eviltwin: I was hoping to avoid reading any more after graduation...
[01:20:52] sphery: 10.28 21:01:48 <+sphery> Eviltwin:
[01:22:46] JJ1 (JJ1!n=jjensen@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[01:22:56] Eviltwin: Yeah, I'm reading it
[01:23:04] Eviltwin: I was just hoping there was a better way
[01:23:35] Eviltwin: The other shows I have don't use unique identifiers or original air dates
[01:23:43] Eviltwin: They have titles, subtitles, and descriptions
[01:25:00] Eviltwin: The episodes of the daily show are unique
[01:25:06] Eviltwin: They contain the inverviewee
[01:25:16] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Ah-ha! Last 'good' revison is: 05:36, 29 August 2007 Moosylog (Talk | contribs) m (→Remote Control: formatting, wiki layout tags)
[01:27:41] gizmobay: sphery, I ended up just adding a killall mythfilldb to my crontab. I figure after three hours it must be hung so kill it
[01:33:15] sphery: gizmobay: I wouldn't mind your putting a comment on #7315--it would likely help whoever looks at it when they get around to it. Thanks.  :)
[01:33:47] sphery: saying it happens to another app that's started using myth_system() wouldn't be a "me too"--it's actually useful debugging info.
[01:34:14] sphery: and to make it easy for you:
[01:34:34] rwat (rwat! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:43:25] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:43:38] gizmobay: okay, I added just now
[01:49:18] leprechau (leprechau! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:54] sphery: gizmobay: thanks!
[01:58:41] wagnerrp: check that out, my printer is accessible over snmp
[01:59:49] wagnerrp: although the data is subject
[02:00:03] wagnerrp: i turned it on late last night, and uptime is reporting 74hrs
[02:03:45] Eviltwin: Is it possible to set different access levels for differen MythWeb accounts?
[02:04:02] wagnerrp: only as far as apache allows
[02:04:09] wagnerrp: mythweb itself has no access control
[02:04:19] Eviltwin: Hmm... That's too bad
[02:04:39] Josh__ (Josh__!n=fuxxy@ has quit ("Leaving")
[02:05:07] gizmobay: thought I saw some talk of them doing this but hasn't happened yet, mythweb control that is
[02:05:23] l3v0n_ (l3v0n_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:05:28] wagnerrp: there has been requests that people do it
[02:05:31] wagnerrp: but no one has
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[02:06:06] l3v0n (l3v0n! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:06:31] qupada (qupada!n=qupada@ has quit ("...")
[02:06:34] wagnerrp: there has even been work setting up mythtv to use user accounts with different access to different content
[02:06:41] wagnerrp: but nothing ever resulted from it
[02:07:31] qupada (qupada!n=qupada@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:11:38] gizmobay: Anyone here have three tuners?
[02:11:55] wagnerrp: i have five, does that count?
[02:11:58] iamlindoro: Nope, just six
[02:12:03] gizmobay: yeah that counts
[02:12:18] gizmobay: you have that many slots
[02:12:29] ** J-e-f-f-A has 5 **
[02:12:46] wagnerrp: one PCIe, two PCI, and a HDHR
[02:12:51] gizmobay: Should've said three or more LOL
[02:13:30] gizmobay: I'm having a problem with the OSD when recording on one
[02:14:04] gizmobay: Record on tuner 1 and then view the OSD only shows info for tuner 2; no tuner 3
[02:14:11] ** J-e-f-f-A has a PVR-250 (PCI, 1 SD tuner), a PVR-500 (PCI, 2 SD tuners) and a HDHR (Network, 2 HD tuners [ATSC for me]). **
[02:14:34] wagnerrp: if youre already on tuner 1, you cant very well change to tuner 1 can you...
[02:14:51] gizmobay: no but I can to three
[02:15:05] l3v0n (l3v0n! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:05] wagnerrp: these are all on the same machine?
[02:15:09] gizmobay: won't show the OSD info
[02:15:11] gizmobay: yes
[02:15:17] wagnerrp: and you can open up the status page, and the tuner lists as connected?
[02:15:26] gizmobay: yes
[02:15:28] wagnerrp: is the tuner already in use elsewhere?
[02:15:54] l3v0n_ (l3v0n_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:16:53] gizmobay: shows tuner 3 available
[02:17:23] felipe` (felipe`! has quit (Client Quit)
[02:17:26] gizmobay: I can tune to tuner 3 through the Program Guide
[02:17:41] gizmobay: but not through the OSD
[02:18:07] javatexan (javatexan! has quit ("Leaving.")
[02:19:44] jya_ (jya_!n=avenardj@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:20:05] gizmobay: submitted a bug a few days ago
[02:20:10] gizmobay: 7411
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[02:23:55] jya_ is now known as jya
[02:38:55] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has quit ()
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[02:49:16] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:52:00] android6011_: when i have the guide pulled up, is there a way to go to that channel and watch, or do i have to exit out out the full screen guide and do it that way. ive tried pressing "ok" and the play button but they just open recording dialog
[02:52:19] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=ryebrye@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:56:36] dmz (dmz! has quit ("Leaving")
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[02:57:28] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:00:22] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:04:28] gizmobay: android6011, there's a setting to make it go to a channel
[03:04:36] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit ("ZNC by prozac -")
[03:07:11] sphery: android6011_: in trunk and/or fixes?
[03:07:13] gizmobay: Setup -> Setup -> TV Settings -> Program Guide (2/2) use select to change the channel
[03:07:16] sphery: 0.22-fixes, that is
[03:07:31] sphery: if so, there's a bug such that you have to enable the setting gizmobay just mentioned
[03:07:48] sphery: as soon as 0.22 is released, though, I'll rip that setting out, so it won't be an issue
[03:07:58] sphery: (it will get ripped out of 0.22-fixes, also)
[03:08:05] iamlindoro: sphery is jealous because I'm ahead in the race to rip out more settings
[03:08:25] gizmobay: don't some people want to go to the record screen?
[03:08:27] iamlindoro: The winner gets a year's supply of bacon
[03:08:33] android6011_: sphery: in trunk
[03:08:36] iamlindoro: some people can suck it
[03:08:39] gizmobay: hey I love bacon
[03:08:43] sphery: gizmobay: that's what the EDIT keybinding is for
[03:08:49] android6011_: ok nvm i see where you guys said how
[03:08:52] sphery: android6011_: yeah, enable that setting
[03:08:57] android6011_: ok thanks
[03:09:35] sphery: iamlindoro: what you don't realize is that I'm falling behind on purpose so that I don't die of a heart attack
[03:09:56] sphery: I have 2 patches in my quilt series here that rip out 1 setting each
[03:10:08] iamlindoro: I ripped out five today
[03:10:10] iamlindoro: beat that
[03:10:11] iamlindoro: sucka
[03:10:13] sphery: and one partial patch
[03:10:23] sphery: well...
[03:10:29] sphery: I can't.
[03:10:31] iamlindoro: ;)
[03:10:38] iamlindoro: With four more on the way :)
[03:10:41] wagnerrp: i had chili with beans once, ripped out like twenty over the course of an hour
[03:10:59] sphery: so GDoaBIHA (go die of a bacon-induced heart attack)
[03:11:08] gizmobay: I ripped out 8
[03:11:37] gizmobay: oh, I thought you wre talking about something else
[03:11:46] sphery: actually, don't die--we need your setting-killing prowess
[03:11:56] sphery: heh
[03:12:09] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: I dunno – I'm stumped... I removed an extra "}}", but that didn't change a thing. If you look at the way the page is formatted, it's almost as if a table is goofed up there somewhere... (putting the whole frame in a table, for example), but I can't find any reason for it...
[03:12:16] iamlindoro: I think a friendly wager among us all to see who can remove the most acceptably sounds like the way to go :)
[03:12:39] gizmobay: have you seen the bacon explosion
[03:13:27] sphery: sounds like something this channel (especially kormoc) must see
[03:15:41] gizmobay: 2 lbs of bacon and 2 lbs of sausage
[03:17:49] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:20:52] dmz (dmz! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:00] Wicked (Wicked!n=zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit ()
[03:29:08] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Ok, I narrowed it down to the "Integrated LCD or VFD Panel" section – removing that whole section and previewing the changes fixes it. Working on it now... ;-)
[03:29:12] CoolAcid (CoolAcid!n=CoolAcid@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:32:05] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:36:59] poodyp: . . . u-want-this/
[03:37:04] poodyp: anyone seen this yet?
[03:37:25] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Found it!!!! It was a colon in front of a link... ie: :{{Download|software --- just had to remove the colon...
[03:37:50] wagnerrp: thats far more time than i was interested in spending to find out
[03:38:06] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: I enjoy a puzzle... ;-)
[03:39:14] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: There, both are fixed. ;-)
[03:39:51] CoolAcid: So – just to clarify – #mythtv or #mythtv-users for what seems to be unsupported C code on PPC CPU (Specificly the WII cpu)
[03:40:53] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: I would have found it *much* quicker if I was more familiar with the wiki formatting language – I had to learn that first... ;-)
[03:41:31] wagnerrp: an attempt to run mythtv on the wii can only end in tears
[03:41:34] sphery: CoolAcid: have you tried just running with a CIFS mount of a Samba share or NFS or something and using the media players on the Wii Linux distros?
[03:41:46] sphery: for exactly the reason wagnerrp mentioned :)
[03:41:56] wagnerrp: it just doesnt have the power to be worthwhile
[03:42:26] wagnerrp: you can manage standard definition mpeg2, maybe SD mpeg4, probably not SD h264
[03:42:29] sphery: seems that your best bet is mplayer/xine/vlc--assuming you're all SDTV and it can keep up with playback
[03:42:33] wagnerrp: but anything HD is pretty much out of the question
[03:43:04] CoolAcid: those work fine.. this is specific to an illegal instruction when say running "System Status" and an strace shows it happening after the XMLParse::LoadTheme functions (currently working my way back though code)
[03:43:39] sphery: CoolAcid: generally, re: #mythtv, if you're proposing code changes, that's the right place, but for all the "gathering info" stuff, here is a better place to start
[03:43:53] CoolAcid: ok – weird – but good to know
[03:44:00] sphery: CoolAcid: though, admittedly, your questions were borderline, which is why I didn't say anything
[03:44:05] CoolAcid: lol
[03:44:14] wagnerrp: borderline madness?
[03:44:26] CoolAcid: yeah.. i bet – a little to technical for "user" which is why I went to the other first..
[03:44:38] CoolAcid: oh.. there is no borderline madness here.. i'm mad.. completely ;)
[03:45:02] sphery: but once you came in here, I was happy to give you my ideas/recommendations (which weren't on-topic for #mythtv)  :)
[03:45:18] sphery: generally, though, most devs are also in here
[03:45:42] CoolAcid: good enough for me..
[03:45:45] sphery: (unless, of course, they're really focused on something)
[03:46:06] CoolAcid: Just figured it was way too low lvl for User chan.. my bad
[03:46:16] sphery: I sometimes wonder if #mythtv-users distraction is why we went 19mos between releases this time :)
[03:46:38] sphery: as I said, it was borderline, so it wasn't a problem
[03:47:03] iamlindoro: except the people who did 90% of the work were in both, and the people "focused" in #mythtv did next to nothing
[03:47:21] CoolAcid: ok – so i'm wondering what errors I can introduce without having to recomplie PPC.. i'm not setup for that yet..
[03:47:32] CoolAcid: (just to narrow down the search)
[03:48:24] iamlindoro: You're not going to be able to fix illegal instruction without compiling against the right processor
[03:48:55] CoolAcid: Oh – it's compiled against the correct process AFAIK – it's PPC proc and using PPC compiled..
[03:49:03] schwinn434 (schwinn434!n=schwinn4@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:49:08] CoolAcid: I just think there is something the Wii can't do somewhere
[03:49:08] sphery: in order to make it work, you'll need to recompile (can even do a cross compile using a real computer--with the right setup--so it doesn't take 212hrs to finish), and you'll likely need to modify the configure script to handle the CPU-specific compile stuff (i.e. fix --enable-proc-opts to work for the Wii CPU)
[03:49:11] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:49:26] sphery: PPC is generic
[03:49:33] iamlindoro: There's more than just one PPC to compile against
[03:49:37] iamlindoro: whichever you used is incorrect
[03:49:40] CoolAcid: Sorry – very used to x86
[03:49:54] iamlindoro: x86 is many processors too :)
[03:49:54] CoolAcid: sigh..
[03:50:14] CoolAcid: blah..
[03:50:32] CoolAcid: ok – next task – setup x-compile on desktop for ppc.. :(
[03:51:11] CoolAcid: (ok – and I wasn't refering to i386 vs i586 compile) it's been a while since I had to debug @ ASM/Object lvls..
[03:51:50] sphery: often you can download pre-build cross compile toolchains (basically an image of a system that you can chroot into)
[03:52:01] sphery: don't know if that's true for Wii Linux, though
[03:52:23] CoolAcid: yeah – for the most part all "normal" PPC code from deb repos have worked..
[03:52:46] CoolAcid: which is why I thought it was funny that this didn't..
[03:52:54] CoolAcid: know what happens when you assume.. :)
[03:53:32] sphery: yeah, I have a WD MyBook World Edition and for the most part the binaries for the NSLU work on it, but there are a few (like CUPS) that don't and you have to compile yourself--exact same reason, too: minor differences in supported instructions on the different CPU's
[03:54:20] CoolAcid: fair enough.. (sigh) and I was soo close too.. except my main backend server died so I'm running a temp on my desktop just to play with.. it's been a pain..
[03:54:40] sphery: :(
[03:55:22] sphery: I had a non-Myth system die a month ago, and I'm running that one on my secondary desktop until I buy some replacement parts, so I feel your pain.
[03:55:24] CoolAcid: yeah – nice beast with 1.5 Raid 5 with hot spare, DVB, TV and other tuners.. I had too much time on my hands ;)
[03:55:39] CoolAcid: s/1.5/1.5T
[03:55:46] sphery: (And really wish AMD would make some of those 240e's available to retailers, versus giving them all to Sony and HP.)
[03:56:50] CoolAcid: lol
[03:57:06] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:57:13] Dagmar: Those hoarding bastards!
[03:57:20] sphery: I'm thinking that buying . . . /300z_series to get the processor I want and then throwing away the "packaging" would do more damage to the environment than my using a 45W CPU versus a 65W CPU would prevent.
[03:57:48] Dagmar: You cuold always try to embarras them a little bit
[03:57:56] sphery: heh
[03:57:57] Dagmar: Buy one, video it's "unboxing" on YouTube.
[03:58:06] Dagmar: Complain tbout the incredibly wasteful packaging they used.
[03:59:49] sphery: I'm thinking spending $799 for a 235e or $819 for a 240e is a bit more than I care to pay, though.
[04:00:29] sphery: Especially when AMD is selling them for $77 in 10K lots
[04:00:44] CoolAcid: oh man – this could get bad.. it "look" easy to setup a toolchain.. and it's midnight
[04:01:00] Dagmar: Well, HP might also be a little mad at you
[04:01:14] Dagmar: youTube's google adwords might pay for the machine if enough people watch the video
[04:02:25] sphery: heh
[04:07:38] Dagmar: Of course, you probably won't ever be getting a job at HP.
[04:07:39] Dagmar: Ever.
[04:08:27] cheeseboy (cheeseboy! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:08:52] wagnerrp: oh? you get paid for google videos now?
[04:08:55] Loto_ is now known as Loto
[04:14:12] Dagmar: Youc an get paid for YouTube videos
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[04:59:13] android6011_: i wondered if the videos that had ads over them had any benefit to the poster
[04:59:23] android6011_: i assumed no since they are provided "free" hosting
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[05:16:19] wagnerrp: 32" phillips for $310 on woot
[05:16:34] wagnerrp: (refurb)
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[05:30:19] Eviltwin: So what happens if I scheduled two recordings back to back and set them both to begin recording a minute early and end recording a minute late?
[05:31:11] sphery: with only one tuner, you get a conflict and have to resolve it
[05:31:24] Eviltwin: Hmm... That's too bad
[05:31:43] Eviltwin: I'd like to have the programs start early and end late when it won't cause a conflict
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[05:34:38] sphery: the solution is more tuners :)
[05:34:44] sphery: (for real)
[05:35:13] Eviltwin: I have a single tuner in this box
[05:35:26] Eviltwin: That I bought after the dual tuner that doesn't fit in this box
[05:35:30] Eviltwin: Since this is a crap box
[05:35:54] sphery: ok, so in your case, more tuners--and more boxes :)
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[05:51:49] sphery: Why in the world did NBC show Monsters vs Aliens: Mutant Pumpkins From Outer Space twice tonight?
[05:52:22] sphery: it seems it was the exact same 30-min show 2 tmes back to back
[05:53:02] Eviltwin: And you recorded it? :P
[05:53:18] sphery: I like animated shows
[05:53:26] Eviltwin: I do too for the most part
[05:53:28] mchou: what is this?
[05:53:40] mchou: is it a pixar production?
[05:53:58] sphery: a Halloween special with characters from the movie
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[05:54:32] mchou: sphery: yeah, but you didnt answer the question
[05:54:42] mchou: is this a pixar production?
[05:54:45] sphery:
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[05:54:53] sphery: whoever made the movie.
[05:55:14] sphery: . . . summary.html
[05:55:29] mchou: dreamworks??
[05:55:39] wagnerrp: wouldnt a mutant pumpkin be a monster, not an alien?
[05:55:46] mchou: I thought Monsters Inc came from Pixar
[05:55:53] Eviltwin: Different thing
[05:56:11] sphery: . . . _Outer_Space
[05:56:21] sphery: yeah, DreamWorks
[05:57:02] mchou: lol
[05:57:13] mchou: damn animation studios
[05:57:18] sphery: I'm just glad it wasn't in anaglyph 3D, like the superbowl commercial
[05:57:27] mchou: come out with movies with similar names
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[07:47:19] eFfeM: hi, i am trying to connect to my backend using mythweb, but as soon as I go to the web page the backend says:
[07:47:20] eFfeM: 2009-10–29 07:45:44.431 MainServer::HandleVersion – Client speaks protocol version 40 but we speak 50!
[07:47:21] eFfeM: 2009-10–29 07:45:44.431 MainServer, Warning: Unknown socket closing MythSocket(0x1d6908)
[07:47:48] eFfeM: and the web page also gives this error followed by unable to connect to mythbackend
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[07:48:35] eFfeM: anyone a clue on how to fix this? mythtv=0.22rc1, mythweb is from the ubuntu feed (or should I get a newer one for 0.22rc1 ? )
[07:53:39] oobe: eFfeM, move your old mythweb folder out and replace it with .22 mythweb
[07:53:55] oobe: for some reason you are using old mythweb
[07:54:16] oobe: im sure theres an easy way with apt but im not sure
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[07:58:20] eFfeM: oobe, thanks!
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[08:01:23] oobe: you will have to keep your old mythweb.conf and put it back in the new .22 mythweb
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[08:01:54] ]Oscar (]Oscar! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:03:25] eFfeM: oobe: understood! working on it
[08:04:43] oobe: an easy way to get mythweb .22 is svn co . . . gins/mythweb
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[08:12:42] eFfeM: oobe, got all of the plugins, decided to go for the full thing, was searching what I need for visual and SDL
[08:12:57] eFfeM: I'm considering this as a learning experiment :-)
[08:13:51] oobe: um you dont want to bother cause the mythbuntu repo updates daily
[08:14:07] oobe:
[08:14:23] Anduin_ (Anduin_!n=awithers@pdpc/supporter/professional/anduin) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:14:25] oobe: install the deb select .22
[08:14:33] oobe: then sudo apt-get update
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[08:15:11] oobe: you will beable to install the .22 mythweb that way too
[08:15:21] eFfeM: ah ok, do they also update for arm ?
[08:15:39] oobe: i should of said to do it that way at first my apoligies
[08:15:58] oobe: i dont know what arm is
[08:16:05] eFfeM: oobe: no problem, i'd like to know how things work
[08:16:35] oobe: well by all means compile fron source
[08:16:39] eFfeM: my system is a system with an ARM cpu (I'm installing this on a nas-like device)
[08:17:11] android6011 (android6011!n=chatzill@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:17:19] oobe: if you want to build the mythplugins dir it wont build till you have built mythtv dir
[08:17:29] oobe: it will be time consuming
[08:17:37] oobe: and i cant walk you through each step
[08:17:43] eFfeM: i have already built mythtv yesterday, took something like 4 hrs
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[08:18:00] eFfeM: seems to work :-)
[08:18:23] eFfeM: but i'm still learning and checking what is possible
[08:18:32] eFfeM: just discovered a whole new world :-)
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[08:24:10] Captain_Murdoch: eFfeM, what make/model of device?
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[08:24:56] eFfeM: Captain_Murdoch: first attempt is openrd client, which has a kirkwood cpu; eventually I can move to sheevaplug ('m using an USB tuner card)
[08:26:33] eFfeM: dang, the dreaded plugin configure or build apparently keeps on including /usr/include/qt3 iso qt4
[08:26:42] wagnerrp: yes... the move from a small box on a shelf in the basement, to a small box covering several outlets
[08:27:46] ** wagnerrp hates wall warts, and finds the concept of embedding a computer in one baffling **
[08:28:03] Captain_Murdoch: eFfeM, ./configue --qmake=/usr/lib/qt44/bin/qmake
[08:28:41] eFfeM: wagnerrp: check out openrd client; $ 249, 7x usb, internal sata (need to add your own 2.5" disk) 2x ethernet, vga, esata, audio in/out and a few more things
[08:28:50] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, makes it easy to stick machines at all your relative's houses. ;)
[08:29:49] eFfeM: Captain_Murdoch: I have no /usr/lib/qt44, I do have /usr/lib/qt4 but that does not have a bin dir, I already tried: ./configure --qmake=qmake-qt4
[08:29:57] olesalscheider (olesalscheider! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:30:13] wagnerrp: ive got something about half that size running my network
[08:30:36] Captain_Murdoch: eFfeM, subsitute the path to your Qt4 qmake
[08:30:51] wagnerrp: but i dont think i could bring myself to run a file server, web server, and database from something like that, no matter how low the load actually is
[08:31:18] eFfeM: Captain_Murdoch: even with configure with the full qmake path (/usr/bin/qmake-qt4
[08:31:18] eFfeM: for me) i get includes for qt3, should I symlink /usr/bin/qmake to qmake-qt4 ?
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[08:31:38] wagnerrp: so 'f-myth-users' is back with another complaint on the mailing list
[08:31:44] mindoms (mindoms!n=stefan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:31:56] wagnerrp: this time hes complaining about getting screwed over by the DST time change stuff
[08:32:00] Captain_Murdoch: no, you need to tell it where the qt4 qmake is. sounds like it's running the qt3 version.
[08:32:17] wagnerrp: missing the only showing of something that was never on again
[08:32:28] wagnerrp: what could you possibly miss at 2am?
[08:33:05] wagnerrp: the only thing ive ever recorded that late is cable shows, that play a dozen times a week, or old shows in syndication that will be played half a dozen times by the end of the year
[08:33:33] eFfeM: Captain_Murdoch: I tried this: ./configure --qmake=/usr/bin/qmake-qt4
[08:33:33] eFfeM: with no success, but i noticed that /usr/bin/qmake points to /etc/alternatives/qmake which in turn points to the qmake-qt3 bin
[08:33:42] wagnerrp: youve got infomercials, reruns, and a whole bunch of garbage tv
[08:34:38] Captain_Murdoch: eFfeM, somewhere you have to have a v4 qmake, you need to find that and tell configure where it is.
[08:34:53] Captain_Murdoch: maybe he's a Billy Mayes fan
[08:35:15] wagnerrp: but wait! theres no more!
[08:35:17] eFfeM: Captain_Murdoch: i do that, /usr/bin/qmake-qt4 *is* a qt4 version
[08:35:33] eFfeM: qmake-qt4 --version
[08:35:33] eFfeM: QMake version 2.01a
[08:35:33] eFfeM: Using Qt version 4.5.0 in /usr/lib
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[08:37:15] Captain_Murdoch: so try ./configure --qmake=/usr/bin/qmake-qt4 it should have autodetected qmake-qt4 though I thought,
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[08:38:02] eFfeM: Captain_Murdoch: thought so too, just retried that after doing a make distclean, still no good :-(
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[08:43:46] eFfeM: not sure where it comes from but this: ./mytharchive/mytharchive/Makefile still has the refs to qt3
[08:43:54] eFfeM: guess I'll have a coffee first :-)
[08:44:36] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:46:44] clever: eFfeM: the Makefile's are auto generated when your building
[08:46:55] clever: eFfeM: and if you change the qt version, they usualy dont get redone
[08:47:04] clever: delete that dead file, and then rerun make
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[09:08:17] eFfeM: clever, that is why i did a make distclean, hoped that would resolve it
[09:08:27] Anduin (Anduin!n=awithers@pdpc/supporter/professional/anduin) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[09:08:31] clever: distclean doesnt remove Makefile's
[09:09:10] clever: its a relatively common problem
[09:10:05] eFfeM: clever, ah, expected distclean to remove all what is not needed; what I did was remove the complete plugins dir and refetch, now it is building fine
[09:10:35] Anduin (Anduin! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:10:37] eFfeM: clever: Captain_Murdoch thanks alot for your help !
[09:10:37] clever: the common solution, is just 'find -name Makefile -delete;svn update'
[09:10:38] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Anduin
[09:10:53] clever: which basicaly nukes every makefile, and then refetches any that are actualy part of the repo
[09:11:22] eFfeM: i didn't use the svn version did not want mismatches to did get 0.22rc1 as tar.gz file from the server (same version as my mythtv)
[09:11:46] clever: ahh
[09:13:22] eFfeM: well, anyway, it seems to start working, and I don't mind hitting my nose every once in a while; i've learned a lot from it, and you guys are a great help and a very nice bunch :-)
[09:14:10] clever: what i basicaly did the first time i hit the problem
[09:14:31] clever: i uninstalled the qt3 dev stuff, so the bad makefiles would fail instead of producing useless files
[09:14:42] clever: then i manualy deleted each useless makefile as it failed
[09:16:28] Anduin__ (Anduin__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[09:40:48] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:43:17] justinh: oh ffs kdewallet still wants a password. I give up on it
[09:47:29] cynicismic (cynicismic!n=rclark@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:55:31] mindoms (mindoms!n=stefan@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[10:07:11] abqjp (abqjp! has quit ()
[10:07:16] oobe: i hate kde wallet
[10:07:40] Huijari: i hate gnome keyring
[10:07:51] Huijari: kde wallet actually somewhat works
[10:07:56] oobe: i hate everything
[10:08:29] justinh: gnome keyring is as bad
[10:09:12] justinh: the really annoying thing is that contrary to what I've found on the net, kwallet actually *lets* me set a blank password, warns me it's not secure etc but seems to do as I want. Until I log in again
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[10:18:55] psicobra (psicobra! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:18:58] psicobra: hi all i am trying to set up my myth box to access a samba share i have managed to get the samba share to auto mount on start up but it has the wrong privileges can any one help
[10:21:02] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!n=Maverick@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:21:13] justinh: try #samba
[10:21:29] justinh: the fact it's a mythtv system is irrelevant here
[10:21:46] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!n=Maverick@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:21:53] psicobra: it's not samba i have it mounted but i think i have used the wrong group id
[10:22:10] justinh: still FA to do with mythtv
[10:22:13] eFfeM: clever, Captain_Murdoch, wanted to let you know plugins now build fine for me, installed mythweb and that is fine too now
[10:22:28] eFfeM: still some minor tweaking needed, but making good progress :-)
[10:22:28] psicobra: i dont know what the group id should be i have looked at the group id's and mythtv seems to be group 0 but when i change the gid to 0 in fstab it comes up as rooot
[10:22:56] justinh: I think that relies on the GIDs being the same on all the boxes, doesn't it?
[10:23:20] psicobra: to be honest i aqm new to mythtv and linux so i am not sure could use a little help
[10:23:35] psicobra: i have mounted it in fstab like so
[10:23:37] psicobra: /PSICOBRA-PC/F /media/movies smbfs uid=1000,gid=1000,mode=0666 0 0
[10:23:40] justinh: which is really why you need to ask in a more general place
[10:24:02] psicobra: k thanks
[10:24:22] psicobra: can you at least tell me if group 0 is right for mythtv
[10:24:59] justinh: it totally depends on the host machine I'd think
[10:25:13] psicobra: ok thanks
[10:25:17] psicobra (psicobra! has quit (Client Quit)
[10:26:13] rwat: has anyone found sshfs to be fast enough for music sharing?
[10:26:22] rwat: seems to solve all the permissions issues
[10:27:22] rwat: or maybe davfs
[10:27:50] justinh: nfs seems fine to me
[10:28:20] clever: i find sshfs causes more perm problems
[10:28:30] clever: by default, only root can see the files
[10:28:43] clever: non-root cant even do normal things like stat the directory its mounted on
[10:28:48] justinh: why add a whole load of complexity overhead when there's no need?
[10:28:50] clever: so ls /media/ would half fail
[10:29:04] rwat: sshfs just uses whatever permissions the user has on the filesystem
[10:29:12] justinh: if it's shared from linux, just use nfs
[10:29:17] clever: rwat: at the server end, yes
[10:29:26] clever: at the client end (mounting it) no
[10:29:38] rwat: ahh right, just mount it as the user who will run mythtv
[10:29:39] clever: nfs solves everything, when setup properly
[10:30:06] rwat: I was using sshfs fine with 0.21 but with 0.22 mythmusic seems to stall
[10:30:37] rwat: so I guess I will use nfs
[10:30:37] clever: ssh uses alot more cpu power because it has to encrypt everything
[10:30:48] clever: which may make things take an abnormal ammount of time
[10:31:01] justinh: it's not as if you need rw access on remote files anyway
[10:31:20] rwat: no this is true, it's just that all my machines have a ssh server already
[10:31:49] rwat: although I do tend to have write access so I can rip from a front end
[10:32:13] justinh: ripping stuff with a kiosk style interface bites
[10:32:41] rwat: justinh: explain?
[10:34:52] justinh: I prefer to rip media on a real computer
[10:35:21] justinh: then check all the metadata tags, add albumart.. THEN xfer it to the share
[10:36:13] justinh: find I can't rely on freedb, what with all the typos, genre miscategorisation ...
[10:37:19] justinh: that's *if* my music is even on freedb :)
[10:53:15] eFfeM: stupid n00b q, but could not find the answer right away, what units does mythtv require a freq to be in ? khz? mhz? apparently it is not hz as I had assumed
[10:53:36] justinh: khz
[10:54:00] eFfeM: ah thanks
[10:54:24] wombo (wombo! has quit ("Leaving")
[10:54:28] justinh: I think it accepts channel numbers too, e.g. E43 – but can't be sure since I've never used analogue
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[10:55:43] eFfeM: justinh: i am used to freqs, not to channels
[10:55:51] eFfeM: my cable is analogue
[10:56:54] eFfeM: the other issue I have is with time; date on the system reports the proper time, timezone is ok, still the time is 1 hr off (too early), I am at GMT+1 guess I still get GMT time
[10:57:39] justinh: just use ntp, set your locale up properly & never need to worry :)
[10:58:04] eFfeM: yeah, guess i need to do that
[11:03:07] oobe: ubuntu 9.10 isnt out yet ubuntu 9.10 isnt out yet ubuntu 9.10 isnt out yet
[11:03:17] oobe: just an update
[11:07:41] justinh: is it out yet?
[11:09:16] justinh: what about now?
[11:13:20] psicobra (psicobra! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:14:17] psicobra: hi all i have pointed mythtv front end at the location of my videos but it won't see them does the video folder have to have read and write access?
[11:14:40] justinh: only read access
[11:14:42] honk (honk!n=honk@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:14:46] psicobra: weird
[11:14:52] honk (honk!n=honk@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[11:15:00] justinh: which version are you talking about?
[11:15:00] psicobra: if i open the folder i can see all the videos in it
[11:15:13] psicobra: version of myth tv?
[11:15:16] justinh: is the path the same as on the backend?
[11:15:23] justinh: no, version of internet explorer
[11:15:31] psicobra: i havent set a path on the backend do i need to?
[11:15:47] justinh: which version of mythtv are you running?!
[11:16:15] psicobra: how do i find out?
[11:16:19] justinh: here's a tip. when you're asking for help provide as much information as possible to save time doing this ridiculous dance where you have to be pressed for details
[11:16:37] justinh: mythfrontend --version
[11:17:04] oobe: psicobra, hit the M key in mythvideo then select scan for changes assuming you are running .22 and dont even know
[11:17:19] justinh: there's no 0.22 either
[11:17:30] justinh: it's still only RC1
[11:17:34] justinh: i.e. 0.22RC1
[11:17:53] oobe: thats just a technicality that doesnt actually serve any purpose for this convo
[11:18:02] justinh: no it's not
[11:18:19] wombo (wombo!n=wombo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:18:23] justinh: not if he's using one of the silly 0.22 named packages which is actually a trunk build from a few weeks ago
[11:18:29] psicobra: MythTV Branch  : tags/release-0-22-rc1
[11:18:37] eFfeM: hm, recording now starts but i get codec errors:
[11:18:49] justinh: why the hell don't people RTFM? I mean WHY?!
[11:18:53] eFfeM: not sure how to fix it, only have mythweb to control things
[11:19:11] eFfeM: and i do not need codecs, this isn analog card wihich generates an mpeg stream
[11:19:18] justinh: eFfeM: you need to look in the backend log
[11:19:36] eFfeM: justinh: the pastebin is from the backend log
[11:19:59] justinh: FROM the backend log
[11:20:09] justinh: i.e. you've cherry-picked what you THOUGHT was relevant
[11:20:45] justinh: looks like it's failing to find/load libraries – bad news
[11:21:13] justinh: let's see the log from when mythbackend was last started up
[11:21:40] eFfeM: justinh: the part before it did not seem relevant but teh full thing is at
[11:21:52] justinh: let US be the judge of what's relevant
[11:22:07] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[11:22:16] eFfeM: ok :-)
[11:22:19] justinh: you lot are always missing the plain english errors which tell you what you need to know :P
[11:22:57] justinh: ok, in this case you've got a serious problem. did you compile mythtv yourself?
[11:23:02] sphery: eFfeM: besides the compile problem: 2009-10–29 12:16:45.773 NVR(/dev/video0): Unknown video codec. Please go into the TV Settings, Recording Profiles and setup the four 'Software Encoders' profiles. Assuming RTjpeg for now.
[11:23:02] eFfeM: yes
[11:23:21] justinh: you need to rebuild it properly
[11:23:27] eFfeM: sphery: i saw that but I only have a backend and mythweb running
[11:23:31] sphery: eFfeM: are you using an ivtv device?
[11:23:45] eFfeM: sphery: hauppauge wintv pvr usb2
[11:23:49] justinh: could be that you used illegal parameters in ./configure
[11:23:53] eFfeM: this one has a hw mpeg encoder
[11:24:04] eFfeM: justinh: ah
[11:24:13] justinh: yes and you've selected the wrong type of tuner in mythtv-setup
[11:24:24] sphery: eFfeM: so, you configured your backend with a "Analog V4L capture card" instead of "MPEG-2 encoder card (PVR-x50, PVR-500)"
[11:24:25] justinh: it defaults to V4L framegrabber cards
[11:24:42] sphery: eFfeM: but it still won't work when you're done because your compile is broken
[11:24:44] justinh: if I had a quid for every time I've seen this....
[11:24:47] eFfeM: sphery, justinhah ok, i see
[11:25:10] justinh: eFfeM: what was the ./configure line you used, and have you messed with the files?
[11:25:28] tjcarter: Intelligence is alive and well on the Internet:
[11:25:30] tjcarter: markleggett @tjosephcarter I don't think it's racist to be creeped out by albinos. They are not a race, unless you count "carnival freak" as a race.
[11:25:42] eFfeM: what is missing in my configure ? I just ran ./configure if I recall correctly (this was yesterday); i did not mess with the files
[11:25:46] justinh: psicobra: so these videos.. are they hosted on the backend machine?
[11:26:28] sphery: eFfeM: what's in config.log ?
[11:26:30] eFfeM: but config.log is pretty empty just says .configure
[11:26:56] eFfeM: from yesterday 0–548
[11:27:12] eFfeM: rerunning configure
[11:27:29] sphery: eFfeM: you need to use --enable-proc-opt at minimum, you probably want to explicitly say --compile-type=release .
[11:27:48] sphery: eFfeM: however, I'm guessing the real problem is a collision between 2 installed versions--one in /usr/ and one in /usr/local/
[11:28:02] justinh: I was about to say
[11:28:09] sphery: i.e. you had packages installed and didn't properly uninstall them before installing the compiled version
[11:28:16] justinh: so you compiled it without first uninstalling packages
[11:28:28] justinh: or maybe you missed the --purge option
[11:28:58] eFfeM: --purge?
[11:29:14] eFfeM: apt cannot remove mythtv says it is not installed
[11:29:15] justinh: some package managers have a --purge type option
[11:29:54] sphery: eFfeM: also, if you're compiling yourself, you should /never/ use a checkout from tags/<anything> , it should /always/ be from branches/release-0-XX-fixes
[11:29:56] justinh: so manually remove /usr/lib/mythtv/filters/ if it's there
[11:30:39] eFfeM: sphery: I never did an svn checkout, i just grabbed the 0.22rc1 tarball
[11:30:44] justinh: I'm so not installing 0.22 when it's released. Maybe trunk
[11:30:47] justinh: oh ffs
[11:30:53] psicobra (psicobra! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:30:55] eFfeM: justinh: will look at the file
[11:30:59] eFfeM: need to go for lunch now
[11:31:03] justinh: those tarballs should be removed from the site for good
[11:31:06] eFfeM is now known as eFfeM-lunch
[11:31:27] sphery: eFfeM: in that case, rm the tar file and do the "0.22 Release Candidate: If you'd like to get the 0.22 release candidate branch, do this: " at
[11:31:28] justinh: who gives a damn if the user doesn't have or want to install SVN. they HAVE to have it to get a current up to date version
[11:31:41] sphery: eFfeM-lunch: there are a lot of bugs that have been fixed since rc1
[11:31:56] sphery: and, were it not for server issues, there's be an rc2 out
[11:32:00] eFfeM-lunch: ok hoping rc2 comes, now really need to leave or i get killed :-)
[11:32:15] justinh: unless there's a way to roll up a new tarball every time -fixes is updated :P
[11:32:25] sphery: yeah, I'm hoping we do exactly that
[11:32:39] sphery: having an old tarball is more trouble than benefit
[11:33:01] justinh: we see a worrying amount of folks in here building the tarballs from the site :-\
[11:33:53] sphery: yeah
[11:34:05] sphery: we need a 0.22-fixes-latest.tar.gz
[11:39:54] justinh: FWIW just do away with the tarballs. other projects expect users to checkout from svn
[11:40:17] justinh: at least that way you'll guarantee a user is getting the freshest :)
[11:40:28] dmz (dmz! has quit ("Leaving")
[11:40:51] justinh: wonder how many tarballs are downloaded anyway
[11:43:46] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!n=Maverick@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[11:57:59] psicobra: hi all in the old version of mythtv in the video manager i could retrieve imdb info can seem to find that option now
[11:58:41] psicobra: can any one tell me where it is?
[11:59:04] tjcircusfreak is now known as tjcarter
[12:00:18] justinh: imdb isn't used anymore
[12:00:47] eFfeM-lunch is now known as eFfeM
[12:00:48] psicobra: ahh ok so how do i retriev the pictures and film info?
[12:00:59] justinh: sigh
[12:01:03] eFfeM: sphery: will take the svn version; gettitng it now
[12:01:37] psicobra: i am very sorry for asking questions
[12:02:19] psicobra: who ever would have expected people to ask questions in a room specifically designed for people to ask questions in
[12:03:26] justinh: the kind of people who don't want to answer questions asked by people who can't be bothered to read the docs
[12:03:45] mindoms (mindoms! has quit ("Leaving.")
[12:04:34] justinh: #mythtv-users was never intended to replace the documentation
[12:06:07] psicobra: right so now you have spent all that time typing that stuff when surely you could have just given me the answer?
[12:06:32] psicobra: or at least pointed me to thwe relevant documentation telling me how i get the video info
[12:06:35] justinh: see
[12:06:48] justinh: look in the wiki you lazy LAZY arse
[12:06:57] psicobra: how hard was that?
[12:07:09] justinh: how hard is it to look for yourself?
[12:07:10] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:07:24] psicobra: and i wasn't even aware the wiki existed
[12:07:35] sulx (sulx!n=sulx@ has quit (Client Quit)
[12:07:37] justinh: yeah cos it's not linked to from the main site or anything
[12:07:47] justinh: and it's invisible to google
[12:09:39] psicobra: what makes you think i have been on the mythtv main site
[12:09:45] psicobra: and i have tried searching on google
[12:09:50] psicobra: you presume a lot
[12:10:13] justinh: you annoy me a lot
[12:10:35] sphery: psicobra: also
[12:10:47] justinh: sphery: that page is linked to from the original link I provided
[12:11:02] justinh: though I expect stating the obvious is necessary in this case
[12:11:21] sphery: well, just thought it warranted specific mention, too
[12:14:10] Pwen (Pwen! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:14:16] Pwen: hi all
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[12:16:38] justinh: not that the mythvideo wiki page is even up to date. it's not even worth bothering
[12:17:15] Pwen: have a question regarding mythtv 0.22 (two actually). 1: when watching channels with ac3 audio codec the audio is crackly/static, but only if I start LiveTV on a non-AC3 channel. if I start LiveTV on an ac3 channel it seems to work. any ideas? and a question regarding mythvideo: how do I make it update? it tells me there are no files but I copied many in the folder.
[12:17:57] justinh: Pwen: you need to scan for changes
[12:19:03] justinh: as it says in . . . r_Deprecated
[12:19:21] Pwen: I just read that on the wiki
[12:19:23] Pwen: thanks
[12:20:58] GreyFoxx: Anyone here used one of the Zotac ION boards with onboard wireless ?
[12:28:45] psicobra (psicobra! has quit ("Leaving")
[12:30:31] justinh: next question will be "muh, how do me grab metadater for all my viddees in one go?". Place bets now
[12:30:54] oobe is now known as menotoobe
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[12:59:31] mzb: "A patronising disposition always has its meaner side"
[12:59:52] justinh: whatever
[13:01:29] mzb: I'm pleased to see that you understand the direction of my comment
[13:02:27] justinh: I see ignorance everywhere I look, but none more so than in this channel with people who flatly just aren't bright enough to find things out for themselves
[13:03:21] mzb: and we should be honoured that you are the one to explain this for everyone's benefit?
[13:03:35] justinh: do what you like
[13:03:37] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:04:38] bobgill (bobgill!n=smileyfa@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:05:54] justinh: I can only imagine how bad things are going to be when 0.22 is actually released – when hundreds of users have failed to catch up on everything which changed
[13:06:12] mzb: I do what I think is right. I'm not gratified by downgrading others.
[13:06:55] justinh: who said I find it gratifying? frankly I'm appalled that these buggers haven't got the first clue how to look stuff up
[13:07:29] justinh: how can the existence of the mythtv wiki escape anybody's attention, for example
[13:08:43] mzb: so learn tolerance and manners ... or if providing helpful advice isn't your thing for the day (not enough sleep/caffeine/etc) then just give it a rest!
[13:09:00] justinh: sod that
[13:09:20] justinh: users have to learn how to go & dig *basic* information out themselves
[13:09:32] mzb: so teach them
[13:09:52] justinh: if I got a permanent ban from here it'd help
[13:09:53] mzb: instead of beating them to death with insults
[13:10:22] justinh: but seems no matter how obnoxious you are it's never bad enough. I mean look at the resident trolls here
[13:11:01] mzb: So getting banned is that what you're attempting to do? ... easy enough to achieve, I guess.
[13:11:04] justinh: teach them. PFFT. teach them to find and read the links at the right hand side
[13:13:20] mzb: look, I don't doubt your intelligence, your contributions and knowledge of mythtv ... but to be honest, as one of the most vocal (and abusive) members of this channel you must realise the effect you have on newbies
[13:13:21] justinh: sorry I can't be all "oh I'm sorry you're too thick for this, let me hold your hand" like Ubuntu et al
[13:14:10] justinh: it's easy to get tired of hand-holding
[13:14:14] olejl: GreyFoxx: I use a Zotac ION board with onboard wireless, but I don't use the wireless
[13:14:56] test3 (test3! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:14:58] mzb: I'd suggest you stop using this as your personal channel to vent on people you consider to be inferior
[13:15:07] justinh: suggest to somebody like that they need to read the docs or look in the wiki & it's generally met with hostility no matter how you put it to them
[13:15:16] ** mzb finds something more interesting to do **
[13:15:18] oobe: mzb makes a good point some people who could possibly contribute good things to myth in the future wont put up with shit from ppl everytime they have a question
[13:15:26] justinh: bullshit
[13:15:44] justinh: nobody who can't be bothered to RTFM will ever contribute anything
[13:16:21] quicksilver: it's entirely possible to read the wrong manual or look in the wrong place
[13:16:22] oobe: but ppl who do read the RTFM still get put in the same catagory in your eyes
[13:16:34] quicksilver: it's not as if the myth documentation is particularly well structured
[13:16:40] justinh: or the wiki
[13:16:45] justinh: but it's all we've got :-\
[13:17:38] justinh: look at all the folks who have problems understanding the plain English error messages in logs ffs
[13:20:44] mzb: I've made my point ... I'll guess you'll ignore it rather than accept it, to the detriment of mythtv. Let you be judged by your words&actions.
[13:20:51] bobgill_ (bobgill_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:21:04] oobe: and god
[13:21:13] justinh: anyway I never see anybody else jumping in to help
[13:21:16] mzb: yes, him too ;)
[13:21:17] justinh: so you're stuck
[13:21:20] justinh: and screw God
[13:21:48] mzb: you could probably shutup for a few days a find out who else jumps in to answer questions instead
[13:22:12] mzb: (or try typing with one finger and see if anyone else beats you to an answer;p)
[13:22:25] oobe: he does type with one finger
[13:22:40] mzb: other one in his nose?
[13:22:45] justinh: yes well, you won't be annoying me any more
[13:22:58] justinh: fucking arseholes
[13:23:08] oobe: gee wilikers
[13:23:16] quicksilver: ah, /ignore, the rational man's first response to constructive criticism?
[13:23:20] mzb: so problem fixed then?
[13:23:55] justinh: out of sight, out of mind
[13:24:24] tjcarter: quicksilver: I thought that was to call someone a circus freak
[13:24:32] mzb: quicksilver, are you accusing me of being rational AND contructive? Or were you talking to/about someone else? :))
[13:26:35] oobe: i dont think i have ever used ignore on anyone
[13:26:43] oobe: i cant see the point
[13:26:52] mzb: I'd have to google the command
[13:27:02] tjcarter: oobe: so you don't have to look at them
[13:27:23] oobe: no i get it i just dont care enough to bother
[13:27:29] mzb: but before I got that far I'd probably disable the # ;)
[13:27:59] mzb: oh ... hang on ... I've got a technique BEFORE that ... get THEM to ignore me first!
[13:28:17] mzb: oops
[13:28:18] tjcarter: oobe: it's a self-censorship. You silence them before you say something in response you'd rather not.
[13:28:36] oobe: yea exactly
[13:28:51] oobe: but i usually dont even respond if ppl on irc talk trash
[13:29:29] mzb: eg: so now I can honestly say that justinh's britches are too tight and he won't care, right? (except from logland;P)
[13:29:52] mzb: oobe, I'm just sick of it
[13:30:05] justinh: you don't have to stick around
[13:30:08] tjcarter: oobe: you learn to walk away and laugh at the idiots
[13:30:12] mzb: hehe
[13:30:13] tjcarter: you have to
[13:31:01] tjcarter: I was called a circus freak this morning. I mean, how offensive is that? But it came from some dumbass on the Internet, so why should I get particularly worked up about it?
[13:31:15] justinh: come on – is it so much to expect a user to have done even just a little bit of research first? I think not
[13:31:18] oobe: tjcarter, or keep up to date with security mailing lists then rm -rf / there boxes after u get root
[13:31:37] oobe: but i have never done that
[13:31:44] tjcarter: oobe: it was a moron on twitter. Probably a windows user.
[13:31:55] tjcarter: who needs to keep up on security?  ;)
[13:32:02] oobe: who was
[13:32:04] mzb: justinh, I'll probably get sick of dealing with you by the time I have grandchildren ... bring it on, but be aware you don't have *that* long ;)
[13:32:12] oobe: i wasnt being specific
[13:32:17] tjcarter: oh lemme find it
[13:32:30] justinh: I'm not some bloody elitist who still thinks mythtv is for developers by developers – I'd just like to see more people going to a bit of effort
[13:32:39] tjcarter: markleggett @tjosephcarter I don't think it's racist to be creeped out by albinos. They are not a race, unless you count "carnival freak" as a race.
[13:32:51] justinh: that it's such a pet hate is probably something I could deal with better but hey..
[13:32:56] tjcarter: I commented that there was a word for people who have problems with other people's skin color.
[13:33:01] tjcarter: That was the reply I got.
[13:33:08] mzb: justinh, so tell them so ... without beating them to death with their own ignorance.
[13:33:35] mzb: OR
[13:33:38] justinh: I got a "Wow, muslim lover. If you like them so much why don't you go live with them" comment the other day
[13:33:42] mzb: just keep quiet
[13:34:04] tjcarter: See the man who uses an umbrella in the sun! Right next to the man with his head permanently shoved up his ass!
[13:34:05] justinh: why are you on this bloody crusade?
[13:34:44] mzb: advice I got as a child (and find hard to follow): "If you've got nothing nice to say, don't say it."
[13:34:45] oobe: justinh, theres nothing wrong with what yuo are saying i understand your frustration all i am saying is treating someone like an idiot is futile
[13:34:46] justinh: by your own rationale you should be sitting idly by
[13:34:51] tjcarter: justinh: that's pretty crass too =D
[13:35:27] tjcarter: mzb: Damn, I might as well quit irc after ... how long has it been?
[13:35:27] mzb: I can't sit and watch you attack people for what you think is "inferiority"
[13:35:35] justinh: it's like the old arguments we used to have about how I thought feature requests aren't contributions
[13:35:37] tjcarter: 14 years?
[13:35:53] tjcarter: 14 years.
[13:36:03] tjcarter: I so need a life. =)
[13:36:10] mzb: hehe
[13:36:24] justinh: I so need to give up IRC for the rest of my life. God knows I've tried
[13:36:47] mzb: just find a MIX!
[13:36:59] justinh: no, I want to quit it for good. A proper cure
[13:37:19] tjcarter: justinh: but then we'd have to look to mchou for all of our hate and rage supplements
[13:37:34] mzb: roflmao
[13:37:38] justinh: well, as hate & rage go he puts even me in the shade
[13:37:56] ** mzb gives tjcarter a high five and a trout **
[13:38:25] mzb: see justinh ... some balance is required :)
[13:38:40] justinh: duh
[13:38:55] justinh: look – if you honestly thought I could bite my lip all the time that I wouldn't?
[13:39:04] tjcarter: mzb: I don't think that creates balance necessarily =D
[13:39:47] mzb: justinh, huh?
[13:40:01] justinh: you think if I could hold back that I'd choose not to?
[13:40:14] mzb: tjcarter, yeah ... well ... if each of them concentrated their venom on the other it might ;)
[13:40:34] CyberKnet (CyberKnet!n=cyberkne@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:40:42] justinh: mzb: there's no point me & that one getting into a conversation. Been there.
[13:40:42] tjcarter: mzb: if you believe that, you haven't seen them get into it before.
[13:41:01] tjcarter: mzb: balance it ain't
[13:41:04] mzb: *cackle*
[13:41:12] tjcarter: mzb: although you could sell PPV tickets and popcorn.
[13:41:15] justinh: I know enough not to even bother. No matter how short my ignore list ever gets it'll always have that one on it
[13:41:19] test3 (test3! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:41:33] mzb: ok ... so each of them need to find another outlet ... picking on newbies in this channel is just not on.
[13:41:50] mzb: tjcarter, that's an idea ... what would you pay?
[13:42:09] justinh: look, first I drop a hint.. like "sigh. have a look in the docs"
[13:42:13] tjcarter: depends, cage match?
[13:42:21] cocoa117 (cocoa117! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:42:24] mzb: ok ... so wait AN HOUR !
[13:42:33] justinh: that's generally met with "oh wow, in the time it took for you to think to type that you could've told me exactly what I wanted to know"
[13:42:50] justinh: and that's what sets it off
[13:42:55] tjcarter: justinh: that's when you casually remove their spleen
[13:42:59] justinh: bloody entitlement culture
[13:43:29] ** tjcarter never thought he'd see someone in .uk say that **
[13:43:43] justinh: huh?
[13:43:45] mzb: your irc skills (typing speed) are going to shoot most newbies to hell in the first 30 seconds ... your abuse is going to either a) stop them from using irc ever, or b) stop them from coming to (or using) mythtv
[13:44:21] justinh: and few people really care much about either around here, so who loses?
[13:44:21] mzb: *cackle*
[13:44:31] tjcarter: justinh: oh nevermind. My political beliefs aren't compatible with large segments of the Internet or this channel  ;)
[13:44:54] oobe: so if someone asks a question that is already documented then no one should respond?
[13:45:03] justinh: I think not
[13:45:15] oobe: and people can only ask questions that are undocumented
[13:45:17] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:45:17] mzb: oobe, so get an ibot
[13:45:49] justinh: generally it's stuff people could find in the blink of an eye whether or not they know the wiki/docs back to front
[13:46:03] mzb: automated response (even if triggered) is better than being downgraded
[13:46:27] mzb: don't you guys have experience with any other channels or networks?
[13:46:28] oobe: or maybe the ibot should be used to hurl abuse
[13:46:38] justinh: mzb: don't go anywhere else
[13:46:45] mzb: ~ibot trout oobe
[13:46:45] tjcarter: mzb: I asked about FW and mchou growled about reading the docs. I said I had read them. He said I hadn't. I eventually pointed him at the wiki. He declared it wrong and told me to google for various bits of scattered knowledge not actually collected in docs.
[13:46:49] justinh: least not since the olden days
[13:47:00] tjcarter: mzb: Eventually GreyFoxx saw it had gotten silly
[13:47:00] mzb: justinh, it shows (in your whois)
[13:47:08] oobe: !ibot mythvideo user
[13:47:13] justinh: mzb: meaning?
[13:47:28] Ryushin: Is current SVN still pre .22?
[13:47:29] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:47:37] justinh: Ryushin: nope
[13:48:02] justinh: Ryushin: trunk was branched into 0.22-fixes (which is RC1). so trunk is now what will be 0.23
[13:48:20] tjcarter: .22 is that close?
[13:48:27] Ryushin: Now since .22 has everything that I want in it, I want to switch from SVN to .22 plus fixes.
[13:48:30] justinh: yup. RC2 is coming very soon
[13:48:34] ** tjcarter does the happy happy Qt3 is dead dance of joy **
[13:48:46] justinh: and literally days after that, the 0.22 release proper apparently
[13:49:13] mzb: justinh, meaning that a) I can tell you only visit #mythtv (your typing speed & attention span isn't good enough to cover >1 #), and b) "/whois justinh" proves it
[13:49:13] ** tjcarter wonders if the Mac port builds presently **
[13:49:26] ** tjcarter wonders if the Mac port maybe even doesn't suck  ;) **
[13:49:50] mzb: (consistently)
[13:49:54] justinh: mzb: am I supposed to feel inferior somehow?
[13:50:03] mzb: you decide
[13:50:12] oobe: i dont see how
[13:50:47] ** tjcarter wishes upon a Qt4 for ... aspect ratio control **
[13:51:11] justinh: tjcarter: there's no real big deal about the qt change. setup menus & some plugins still use old widgets
[13:51:28] tjcarter: justinh: On the Mac, Qt4 is a big deal.
[13:51:39] justinh: so anything that used qt widgets before (mythtv-setup) etc, still look like ass in 0.22RC1
[13:52:14] tjcarter: justinh: Qt3 hasn't properly built on a Mac without significant patching since 10.3
[13:52:20] tjcarter: We have 10.6
[13:52:53] Ryushin: A saw a message that maybe the svn server was down? Is that the case right now as I can't talk to it.
[13:53:10] Ryushin: Guess not, it finally came up.
[13:53:28] tjcarter: Behold! The problem-solving power of #MythTV-users!
[13:53:32] justinh: mzb: I used to hang out in other channels, but got bored of that. no longer involved in any dev work. can't even find motivation to improve mythtv for myself let alone anybody else
[13:53:56] justinh: Ryushin: the whole domain has been up & down like a yoyo for a while
[13:54:43] hadees (hadees! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:55:47] beatbreaker (beatbreaker! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:56:34] Dibblah: It's known and it's being Looked At.
[13:57:14] justinh: not looking fwd to the outcries about settings being ripped out. Help! We want miffyteevee to be easier to use! Oh noes! You took out my favourite settings!
[13:57:48] Dibblah: Actually, I've already done that to sphery re sticky ffwd :(
[13:58:15] justinh: so is that in or out now?
[13:58:19] Dibblah: Out.
[13:58:31] Dibblah: However, you can just remap the keybindings.
[13:58:34] justinh: so now we have to hold the button down?
[13:58:48] Dibblah: There's a dedicated sticky ffwd button.
[13:58:53] Dibblah: No, default is skip.
[13:59:00] Dibblah: ISTR.
[13:59:00] tjcarter: Dibblah: no no no, the thing to not look forward to is, "You removed this feature! How could you?! If you don't put it back, I'll have to buy a TiVo! How could you guys!?"
[13:59:10] Dibblah: Yes, we know :(
[13:59:30] justinh: well, it's not like anybody will get paid less money if users 'leave;
[13:59:50] ** tjcarter cuts justinh's pay half a percent **
[13:59:59] ** mzb trouts justinh **
[14:00:01] justinh: heh turns out I use the keybindings anyway
[14:00:02] Dibblah: More users (theoretically) == more devs.
[14:00:20] justinh: well not more devs. more contributors
[14:00:27] Dibblah: iamlindor(o), jya, ...
[14:00:32] justinh: becoming a dev requires a lot of contributions
[14:00:48] tjcarter: Dibblah: I seem to recall that didn't pan out when it came to themes. Most people just expected justinh to do everything and be grateful to cater to their individual whims
[14:01:01] mzb: s/happy users that give feedback
[14:01:08] grokky (grokky! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:01:29] mzb: (hence my point about elitism in this #)
[14:01:31] justinh: happy users never bloody say anything
[14:02:07] tjcarter: justinh: If I have never said so, thank you for saving me from GANT  ;)
[14:02:07] ** mzb pokes justinh in the eye **
[14:02:31] jduggan_: im happy
[14:02:32] jduggan_: ;]
[14:02:57] justinh: come on, honestly now – how many times have you personally seen a 'wow, thanks' message compared to the sheer volume of "wah, sucks!" rubbish?
[14:02:58] ** mzb gives jduggan_ another glass of HAPPY juice **
[14:03:02] sphery (sphery! has quit (
[14:03:02] dknowles (dknowles!n=dknowles@ has quit (
[14:03:19] jduggan_: mzb: it was the cookie monster, big brother 9, IIRC ;]
[14:03:25] tjcarter: justinh: I get it--I left the industry for that reason
[14:03:33] mzb: justinh, how often do you shutup long enough to listen to it?
[14:03:35] jduggan_: mzb: although youre probably looking at me strange if youre not a brit :)
[14:03:52] justinh: maybe seeing a bit more positivity in the 'community' would help
[14:04:05] jduggan_ is now known as jduggan
[14:04:08] d00gster (d00gster!n=doughant@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:04:22] justinh: somebody do a word count on "thanks" in the logs, quick!
[14:04:42] mzb: jduggan_, meh we invented all that stuff ;P ...
[14:04:47] ** mzb hands jduggan a homebrew HAPPY juice ;) **
[14:04:51] jduggan: heh
[14:05:06] justinh: getting drunk.. aussies answer to everything :P
[14:05:06] jduggan: justinh: -10
[14:05:14] dknowles (dknowles!n=dknowles@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:05:14] sphery (sphery! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:05:14] Mode for #mythtv-users by : +v sphery
[14:05:21] tjcarter: justinh: I thought it was bacon and eggs?
[14:05:31] tjcarter: (and booze maybe?)
[14:05:40] mzb: justinh, that's because we make real beer
[14:06:03] justinh: it's a reciprocal problem anyway. somebody has to break the cycle
[14:06:03] tjcarter: Fosters. Australian for dingo piss.
[14:06:03] jduggan: mzb: fosters isnt real
[14:06:03] jduggan: :(
[14:06:07] jduggan: hahaha
[14:06:15] mzb: why do you think we EXPORT it?
[14:06:26] mzb: nobody here drinks it!
[14:06:32] justinh: which was the completely made up 'Aussie' beer again?
[14:06:45] justinh: it was marketed as Australian but was actually invented/brewed over here
[14:06:58] tjcarter: Fosters I thought
[14:07:05] justinh: that's what I thought
[14:07:05] mzb: hehe
[14:07:35] _ben: heh
[14:07:38] justinh: not that it was ever really beer. Lager != beer IMHO
[14:07:49] mzb: *sigh*
[14:08:00] mzb: I agree that Fosters is not beer
[14:08:01] _ben: i saw some documentary on aussies getting drunk, makes our binge drinking culture look non-existent :p
[14:08:13] justinh: well when people say 'beer' they generally mean !lager over here
[14:08:28] mzb: however, please realise that it's EXPORTED for a reason ... ie: aussies don't drink it !
[14:08:48] justinh: not true! I saw Paul Hogan drinking it on the adverts
[14:08:59] mzb: *cackle*
[14:09:20] ** mzb get's another bottle of homebrew **
[14:09:26] mzb: s/gets
[14:09:31] mzb: *hic*
[14:10:08] justinh: good job I waited a couple of secs there. rogue apostrophes piss me off more than non RTFMing users :P
[14:10:25] tjcarter: justinh: you know how they put motor oil on pancakes in commercials to look like syrup?
[14:10:44] justinh: nope, but I could believe it
[14:10:53] tjcarter: justinh: They put real beer in a can to make it look like Paul Hogan was drinking it.
[14:11:04] justinh: though syrup prolly looks like syrup even on teevee
[14:11:14] tjcarter: real syrup soaks into the pancakes
[14:11:31] justinh: or maybe, Paul Hogan isn't really an Australian!
[14:11:35] tjcarter: and really doesn't look appetizing under hot film lights
[14:11:58] tjcarter: motor oil, while inedible, looks like syrup on film under hot lights
[14:12:12] justinh: you mean stuff I see on teevee may not be real?!
[14:12:17] justinh: :-O
[14:12:40] tjcarter: Not even if it's on MSNBC.
[14:13:10] tjcarter: s/Not even/Especially not/
[14:13:19] justinh: I heard Barbara Windsor is leaving Eastenders yesterday "to spend more time with her 'old man' ". Hadn't realised she was a pre-op
[14:13:37] jduggan: lol
[14:14:27] tjcarter: heh
[14:17:57] ** mzb thanks justinh for apostrophe tolerance **
[14:18:08] Essobi: WEEE!
[14:18:34] justinh: fixed the library error then?
[14:19:12] ** mzb readjusts his fingers **
[14:20:01] mindoms (mindoms!n=stefan@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:20:43] mzb: afair Fosters (used to be?)/is brewed by CUB (Melbourne)
[14:21:17] justinh: remember hearing one of the UK's favourite 'Oz' boozes was actually a fabrication
[14:21:28] justinh: can't remember which one it was, never been a fan of any of em
[14:22:27] mzb: Cascade Pale Ale used be available on tap in London ... but they've changed the recipe locally, not sure what's happened for export
[14:22:34] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:23:06] ** mzb 's beer export knowledge is 20 years old ;) **
[14:24:00] justinh: might've just been urban myth. never cared really :)
[14:24:44] mzb: that being said, please remember two things: 1) Paul Hogan has been exiled, and 2) he got paid money to *look* like he was drinking Fosters ;)
[14:25:00] justinh: the two can't possibly be unrelated :P
[14:25:13] mzb: :)
[14:25:30] justinh: you have more chance of people like me seeing Les Patterson as representative
[14:25:37] mzb: hehe
[14:26:10] mzb: can't imagine Dame Edna drinking Fosters ;)
[14:26:57] justinh: come to think.. it's easy to imagine Barry Humphries being sent into exile too
[14:26:57] mzb: (threat of exile?)
[14:27:43] mzb: for beer choice?
[14:28:00] justinh: no, for crimes against country
[14:28:18] justinh: hardly good ambassadors ;)
[14:28:26] mzb: possibly ... beyond "beer scope"
[14:28:59] justinh: it's like Ricky Gervais & people assuming lots of English people must be like him. Shudder
[14:29:44] mzb: s/English/British ?
[14:30:19] justinh: prefer English, since a lot of vocal Scottish politicians want to break from the UK
[14:30:29] mzb: yay!
[14:30:37] mzb: heh
[14:30:49] justinh: I agree, so long as the UK taxpayer no longer has to subsidise them
[14:32:35] mzb: meh ... I reckon the UK taxpayer should pay all the legal & advertising costs to support their cause ;P
[14:33:17] mzb: (Scots have paid taxes, right?)
[14:34:15] justinh: well, they get plenty of benefits funded by our taxes already. benefits which their own ministers voted against *us* getting
[14:34:20] mzb: might save them from having Brits looking up their kilts ;)
[14:34:33] mindoms (mindoms!n=stefan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:35:14] justinh: e.g. in Scotland, native scots don't pay tuition fees. voted for by the same politicians who voted *for* implementing them in England :(
[14:35:41] mzb: sounds fair ;)
[14:36:07] justinh: serves us right for ever voting Labour
[14:36:19] CyberKnet: Late, but as an Australian expat also jumping on the Fosters isn't beer bandwagon.
[14:36:20] mzb: yep, same issue here
[14:36:36] ** mzb thanks CyberKnet **
[14:36:51] CyberKnet: Can't hardly get a Victoria Bitter over here state-side
[14:36:55] CyberKnet: there's a reason for that.
[14:37:09] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:37:12] CyberKnet: Or a Four X
[14:37:14] mzb: they don't like the competition?
[14:37:24] justinh: it's not full on chemicals to kill the stuff that makes beer taste good?
[14:37:28] CyberKnet: The good stuff is kept in Australia
[14:37:36] mzb: *bingo*
[14:38:04] mzb: (colder climate being better ... aka: TAS WINS!;))
[14:38:05] CyberKnet: Once in a while you'll run across a person who imports case-at-a-time over here that will sell one or two
[14:38:25] mzb: ooh ... sounds like hard work
[14:38:49] ** mzb imagines a few decades of VB ads **
[14:38:57] mzb: ;)
[14:39:55] CyberKnet: Hard yakka, eh? :P
[14:40:03] mzb: :)
[14:40:19] ** CyberKnet purports that the crocodile hunter's death wasn't an accident. **
[14:40:34] CyberKnet: It was an assassination for the sake of national pride.
[14:40:36] ** mzb gets the last bottle of "the weak stuff" out of the fridge **
[14:42:49] mzb: CyberKnet, so what have you had to supplement with?
[14:43:41] CyberKnet: mzb: When presented with many kinds of urine, or water ... what would you chose?
[14:43:45] CyberKnet: ;)
[14:44:21] ** mzb feels great pity for CyberKnet **
[14:44:35] justinh: oh jees
[14:44:37] justinh:
[14:44:55] CyberKnet: NSFW
[14:45:08] beatbreaker (beatbreaker! has quit ("Leaving")
[14:45:10] CyberKnet: thanks for that.
[14:45:25] mzb: that's not "mother's milk" ... it's not alcoholic!
[14:46:27] CyberKnet: The eyes – they burn.
[14:47:37] mzb: I'd have preferred a side angle
[14:47:56] mzb: (and the cat out of the way;)
[14:49:30] ** mzb beers CyberKnet with a Coopers Draught **
[14:49:54] mzb: (but holds back a 7% Coopers Lager for the next round;)
[14:50:06] justinh: those mags should all be banned. the humanity!
[14:50:34] mzb: poor cat
[14:50:59] kjetil (kjetil! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:51:00] CyberKnet: So I've been dispairing lately at the number of "I'm a MythTV developer, and I'm bummed out about the state of our users" messages I've seen.
[14:51:18] Dibblah: Who from?
[14:51:27] CyberKnet: I'm a genuinely appreciative user .. and I wonder what users like me can do to make it better for the developer folks who are not happy.
[14:51:30] Dibblah: I have only seen one, really.
[14:51:50] CyberKnet: I can't recall names, sorry.
[14:52:01] Dibblah: Heh :)
[14:52:12] Dibblah: Realistically? Documentation.
[14:52:35] CyberKnet: For people to not read?
[14:52:38] CyberKnet: ;)
[14:52:59] justinh: and think of ways to get users of packages to read the docs too :)
[14:53:08] CyberKnet: heh.
[14:53:38] justinh: I think a lot of users' problems come out of the fact that *installing* mythtv is so easy now
[14:53:47] mzb: "press OK to accept the MUST READ terms of this application"
[14:53:51] CyberKnet: I propose removing all references to the mailing lists, irc channels and put up an Eliza copy.
[14:53:56] Dibblah: Configuring – Not so much.
[14:54:02] justinh: like they click a few times & whoosh it's there
[14:54:17] justinh: but they're missing all the info they need to help them understand configuring it
[14:54:51] Dibblah: Oh, damn. I forgot my patch to change the name of Video Sources.
[14:55:01] CyberKnet: What is Video Sources being called now?
[14:55:02] justinh: it's unrealistic to expect myth to reach the point where it's wizard driven enough to work out of the box
[14:55:09] justinh: Video Sources. still
[14:55:18] CyberKnet: Oh. Nice change :)
[14:55:37] justinh: Confusing$RandomName
[14:56:00] Dibblah: No, it's not.
[14:56:10] Dibblah: For OTA, it's mostly possible.
[14:56:17] kjetil: I'm hoping that one day, Myth boxes will be sold with a finished configuration for the market it is sold in
[14:56:27] justinh: who by?!
[14:56:31] Dibblah: I'm hoping for a pony.
[14:56:42] kjetil: when I installed my myth box, I first asked a lot of people to sell it to me
[14:56:49] mzb: so many countery-specific laws involved!
[14:56:58] justinh: mzb: mostly patent related
[14:56:58] kjetil: justinh, by those who are selling the hardware
[14:56:59] mzb: s/country
[14:57:00] Dibblah: The problem there is sales == support.
[14:57:14] kjetil: right, so it wouldn't be cheap
[14:57:15] mzb: justinh, yes, I can believe that
[14:57:18] Dibblah: And Myth is damn hard to support.
[14:57:21] justinh: ask or whatever about that ;-)
[14:57:30] mzb: have done
[14:57:30] kjetil: Myth is far superior to Windows Media Center, still people sell that
[14:57:56] justinh: kjetil: MCE is still pretty much power it on, answer some dumb questions & off it goes
[14:58:03] justinh: everything is a known quantity
[14:58:15] mzb: had a very interesting conversation with him about just that issue in Lygon Street a couple of years ago
[14:58:21] kjetil: right
[14:58:34] CyberKnet: Nouveau had a thing for a while called the TiNDC that was a pretty comprehensive overview of development harvested from commit logs, and the IRC chat room. They also interviewed a developer now and then and it promoted awareness to the human side of the project imho. But I couldnt comment as to how many users read it – and that particular project has a much different user.
[14:58:52] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:58:57] justinh: if mythtv was as restrictive as MCE is in terms of hardware which is allowed to work with it, I'm sure life would be a whole load simpler for everybody
[14:59:00] CyberKnet: I also haven't seen a TiNDC since early this year.
[14:59:25] kjetil: here in Norway, there would be three different configs depending on the user's TV provider
[14:59:45] kjetil: that stuff would be complex, but most of the configuration otherwise could be scripted
[14:59:54] kjetil: making it a one-off investment
[15:00:17] mzb: still doesn't take into account laws involving codecs/patents/etc
[15:00:17] justinh: not at all
[15:00:36] CyberKnet: Well, I wish I could help. Start writing MythTV in C# and I'll contribute code :D
[15:00:46] justinh: pay mpeg, dolby, frauhoffer (or whoever own mp3)
[15:00:51] kjetil: right, it would be risky, but no software patents have been tested in court in Norway
[15:01:14] justinh: ace, you be the test case!
[15:01:22] kjetil: yeah... :-(
[15:01:23] mzb: so release a fork called "mythtv-no" ?? ;)
[15:01:29] sid3windr: hehe
[15:01:38] justinh: demoing mythtv at linuxworld we had a plethora of goons interested in it as a product
[15:01:40] sid3windr: wouldn't it be easier if myth didn't have to fork its own ffmpeg ?
[15:01:55] sid3windr: I assume if myth does not do all that codec stuff by itself, it in itself would not have patent problems
[15:01:59] ** mzb moves to spoons **
[15:02:02] sid3windr: but you would lay it at the ffmpeg devs?
[15:02:02] justinh: as soon as you mentioned the *facts* of the matter to them about patents & licencing..
[15:02:07] sid3windr: or am I wrong there
[15:02:16] GreyFoxx: sid3windr: No, much harder to support otherwise
[15:02:18] sid3windr: (still the problem of the person selling the box with myth -and- ffmpeg installed then of course)
[15:02:32] sid3windr: GreyFoxx: no no, I don't mean it should, just wondering if that changes the legal/patent stuff
[15:02:37] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Client Quit)
[15:02:42] justinh: sid3windr: same issues apply to mythtv
[15:02:43] GreyFoxx: A: we do in some of our own patches, and B: you try supporting a user who has god knows what instance of ffmpeg on their box
[15:03:12] GreyFoxx: frankly patents and all that are not even a slightest thought to me :)
[15:03:29] justinh: they needn't be to any of us – til they affect us in real terms
[15:03:33] sid3windr: :)
[15:03:37] justinh: right now they're but a distant threat
[15:03:46] justinh: a risk
[15:04:09] mzb: but they would be from the point of view of the person selling the "RTG mythtv box" (ready-to-go)
[15:04:59] justinh: then there's the other part of it – consumers just don't *want* what mythtv can do – or they simply don't know they do
[15:05:16] justinh: WE do, sure. But we're weird
[15:05:25] justinh: we have higher expectations
[15:05:31] CyberKnet: Personally (not being the average consumer) I don't want a commercial box because it can't do what MythTV can do.
[15:05:37] kjetil: yeah, it would be very risky for someone who tried to sell it, but I think Norway would be a good place to start
[15:05:39] CyberKnet: but that plays right to what justinh just said :)
[15:05:52] justinh: most of us have wanted the mythical convergence box for *many* years
[15:06:08] CyberKnet: timestretch + commercial skip == killer feature combo for me
[15:06:16] kjetil: my friends are very impressed with the box when I show them, even non-geek friends
[15:06:26] CyberKnet: being able to watch a one hour show in 20 minutes ... priceless.
[15:06:33] justinh: timestretch, arbitrary skip, recording profiles, playback groups..
[15:06:48] kjetil: they: "where do you get one of those" me: "I'm sure you don't want to know"
[15:06:48] justinh: stick that in your hardware mpeg decoder chipset
[15:07:54] mzb: hmm ... I hate to admit that power searches are probably the single most important feature to me (or my WAF+)
[15:08:31] CyberKnet: WAF here is driven by time stretch, interestingly enough. And she can't believe commercial boxes don't do comm skip
[15:08:41] CyberKnet: or even 30 second skip
[15:08:45] CyberKnet: have to FF
[15:08:53] justinh: some commercial boxes have power search recording rules
[15:09:19] justinh: my inlaws' sony box has a one-button commercial skip AFAICT
[15:09:27] CyberKnet: justinh: interesting.
[15:09:37] justinh: it can transcode too
[15:09:39] ** Dibblah only just realised that you can sort watch recordings by recording priority :( **
[15:09:46] CyberKnet: justinh: I thought ReplayTV was both the first and last commercial offering to do comm skip
[15:10:02] justinh: CyberKnet: probably not illegal to offer it in the UK :D
[15:10:12] mzb: "most important" doesn't include: wii-remote, X10 RF remote, commskip, light-dimming, mythweb ....
[15:10:18] Shady (Shady!n=shady@ has quit ()
[15:10:33] CyberKnet: justinh: We get hosed over in the USA with too much being "illegal" to do with TV, I think.
[15:10:36] justinh: Dibblah: I removed that help text on the PBB screen a long time ago in the junk I did
[15:10:51] justinh: (1) and (2) :)
[15:11:02] mzb: nm, in SA you need a LICENCE to watch TV!
[15:11:15] kjetil: Myth has had an unexpected impact on my wife, she almost only watches the public non-encrypted channel, since it has much better quality than the encrypted channels (since I take them in by dumbing the signal down to analog) and it has the best programme guide
[15:11:15] justinh: Uk too
[15:11:23] jhulst (jhulst! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:11:42] justinh: we don't miss our pay TV
[15:11:57] justinh: most people wouldn't unless they really want sports
[15:12:01] mzb: pay for a licence to watch FTA?
[15:12:08] justinh: sure
[15:12:09] CyberKnet: I heard in the UK you have to pay if you so much as have a TV set in your house, let alone if it receives a TV signal
[15:12:19] justinh: mzb: how else do you think the BBC is funded?
[15:12:22] justinh: fairies?! ;-)
[15:12:25] mzb: heh
[15:12:26] Dibblah: Computer.
[15:12:30] Dibblah: Not just TV.
[15:12:38] kjetil: same think in .no
[15:12:39] justinh: yeah you need a TV licence to watch live tv on a computer
[15:12:46] CyberKnet: whoa. Per set/computer, or flat rate?
[15:12:50] Dibblah: "a device capable of receiving BBC programming".
[15:12:52] justinh: per household
[15:13:01] justinh: Dibblah: no, all TV they say I think
[15:13:04] cocoa117 (cocoa117! has quit ("Leaving")
[15:13:05] CyberKnet: so you have a PC, and no internet – you still pay?
[15:13:05] justinh: anything live
[15:13:20] mzb: redefines the meaning of "free" to air?
[15:13:35] justinh: e.g. watching 'live' through the iPlayer, no tuner – TV License required
[15:13:40] kjetil: I hope some day it will be tax-financed instead, but I support the idea of non-commercial TV
[15:13:54] justinh: watching 'live' through a tuner, TV License required
[15:14:03] CyberKnet: justinh: So ... is it being expanded to include phones too? Cause they can watch that stuff nowadays too
[15:14:14] justinh: recording through a satellite/terrestrial/cable tuner – TVL required
[15:14:26] justinh: CyberKnet: nobody is offerring livetv on phones here
[15:14:43] justinh: dvb-h is dead in the water
[15:14:51] CyberKnet: justinh: no iPlayer for iPhone yet?
[15:15:03] justinh: they trialled it, people said YAY, it's great! Oh you want us to pay? NAFF OFF
[15:15:08] CyberKnet: hah
[15:15:18] justinh: CyberKnet: only for timeshifting AFAIK
[15:15:22] Dibblah:  (1) In Part 4 of the Act (licensing of TV reception), "television receiver" means any apparatus installed or used for the purpose of receiving (whether by means of wireless telegraphy or otherwise) any television programme service, whether or not it is installed or used for any other purpose.
[15:15:28] benklop (benklop!n=ben@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:15:31] mzb: so they rely on the consumer to inform that they're receiving/recording it?
[15:15:41] Dibblah: So yes, PCs count for TV licenses.
[15:15:55] justinh: no they rely on the retailer telling them
[15:16:02] Dibblah: Not only.
[15:16:09] Dibblah: There are TV detector vans.
[15:16:10] justinh: the retailers have to tell the TVL authority by law
[15:16:10] olesalscheider (olesalscheider!n=desktop@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:16:20] CyberKnet: TV detector vans. priceless.
[15:16:22] justinh: the vans are probably urban myth
[15:16:30] Dibblah: Which are equipped with a guy, his thermos and his lunchbox.
[15:16:40] benklop: hello! I've just upgraded my system to mythtv .22 and when running mythtv-setup I'm told "Your database seems to be partially corrupted"
[15:16:49] justinh: they exist of course but the fact they can detect a working TV is questionable
[15:17:03] CyberKnet: High tech stuff ... he knocks on doors, and asks to use the bathroom. If he sees a Tv, you're done for!
[15:17:04] ** mzb imagines masked TV-geeks in a van patrolling for unlicensed TVs **
[15:17:08] benklop: I'm having trouble really grokking the wiki page that supposedly deals with this,
[15:17:12] Dibblah: It's theoretically very possible. They detect the IF.
[15:17:17] justinh: benklop: hope you're not a gentoo user who 'fixed' their database by changing character encoding
[15:17:18] Dibblah: benklop: Gentoo?
[15:17:21] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:17:32] CyberKnet: hi stoth
[15:17:36] CyberKnet: nice to see you again.
[15:17:45] justinh: Dibblah: yeah theoretically but to pinpoint accuracy with a handheld device.. prolly BS
[15:17:46] benklop: yep, gentoo. but i'm not sure what you're talkng about. I didnt change any encodings
[15:18:00] justinh: sigh
[15:18:02] Dibblah: No, your distro did it for you :(
[15:18:14] benklop: ..... ah.
[15:18:24] Dibblah: Please see the recent acerbic post by Cardoe to his blog.
[15:18:45] benklop: where's htat at
[15:19:05] ** CyberKnet wonders if MythLogBot has an !subject functionality to remember urls **
[15:19:20] Dibblah: . . . ase-problem/
[15:19:21] ** mzb thanks the gods for lack of licensing **
[15:19:30] benklop: I've had this same DB for about 5 years
[15:19:41] justinh: mzb: do you have any good channels that don't show commercials?
[15:19:54] justinh: I mean that aren't full of 'worthy' arty programming? ;-)
[15:19:56] mzb: err ... ABC?
[15:19:59] benklop: Dibblah: thanks.
[15:20:05] Dibblah: And after reading that, ask yourself how much we feel like supporting people on Gentoo. :(
[15:20:08] justinh: I dunno, never been to Aus ;-)
[15:20:30] benklop: Dibblah: this is gonna take a while, huh
[15:20:37] Dibblah: (At least for me, it's seriously demotivational)
[15:21:05] CyberKnet: Dibblah: I didn't read it as hostile – I saw frustration, but I respect your position.
[15:21:07] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe!n=chris@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:21:15] clever: id run a frontend on gentoo, but my backend is already working fine the way it is
[15:21:27] kjetil: Anyway, I have a problem. Mythmusic seems to cause reproducible crashes for me: This is with Ubuntu packages, version 0.21.0+fixes20468–0ubuntu
[15:21:39] kjetil: is this a known problem?
[15:21:48] mzb: justinh,
[15:21:53] Dibblah: kjetil: Do you have visualisations enabled? Goom specifically?
[15:22:09] CyberKnet: mzb: But when was there ever *anything* good on ABC?
[15:22:10] kjetil: Dibblah, yeah, Goom is cool :-)
[15:22:20] tmkt: CyberKnet: seems all the time now
[15:22:29] mzb: CyberKnet, since they went to digital ...
[15:22:30] justinh: that and the ML postings about the website, 'estetics'.. grrr
[15:22:44] justinh: goom sucks donkeys
[15:22:44] mzb: oh ... and you're forgetting Doctor Who! ;)
[15:22:49] CyberKnet: Aaah, back when I was in Sydney up until 2000, ABC rarely had anything decent.
[15:22:58] CyberKnet: I don't think I forgot Doctor Who.
[15:22:59] mzb: ... and RAGE !!!
[15:22:59] CyberKnet: :D
[15:23:02] kjetil: ok, so I should turn off goom...
[15:23:04] Dibblah: From the backtrace, it seems to be Synaesthesia.
[15:23:06] justinh: DR who is arse IMHO
[15:23:20] mzb: (up to about 1500 music videos in my collection and counting ;P )
[15:23:26] CyberKnet: In Sydney, all I ever watched were Seven, Nine and Ten
[15:23:27] justinh: hope it'll get better next year when RTD is gone for good
[15:23:44] kjetil: ok, so perhaps I just turn off visualisations, then...
[15:24:14] mzb: CyberKnet, and never watched RAGE? ;)
[15:24:38] CyberKnet: mzb: nope. Not that I recall.
[15:24:46] CyberKnet: mzb: That's a music video show?
[15:24:46] mzb: they publish the playlists, you know? :)
[15:25:00] justinh: last contact I had with Oz 'culture; was watching Neighbours. Shudder. Snigger at people with silly names. Toadfeesh
[15:25:06] mzb:
[15:25:18] mzb: another export ;P
[15:25:24] Cougar (Cougar! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[15:25:27] CyberKnet: justinh: Never liked Neighbours. Didn't mind Home & Away when it was on.
[15:25:38] CyberKnet: And I actively miss Hey Dad!
[15:25:38] justinh: hated both equally as much
[15:26:05] justinh: don't even get me started on Lesbian Cell Block
[15:26:23] CyberKnet: what?
[15:26:30] justinh: Cell Block 'H'
[15:26:38] CyberKnet: Not familiar.
[15:26:40] CyberKnet: Post 2000?
[15:26:43] mzb: I'll take anything with Isla Fisher in it ;)
[15:26:45] justinh: hahaha no
[15:26:48] Cougar (Cougar! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:27:03] CyberKnet: mzb: She was prettier in Home & Away, I thought.
[15:27:24] mzb: prob. too young to be legal at that point ;)
[15:27:37] CyberKnet: I also was, so ... *shrug*
[15:27:48] mzb: heh ...
[15:27:49] justinh: ah. in Aus it was just called 'Prisoner'
[15:27:58] CyberKnet: Aaah
[15:28:02] justinh:
[15:28:05] CyberKnet: now I know what you are talking about.
[15:28:16] justinh: ffs they made 692 episodes?!
[15:28:16] CyberKnet: She used to bring me roses...
[15:28:17] CyberKnet: heh
[15:28:44] justinh: hope they don't drag flash forward out that long
[15:28:47] CyberKnet: Flying Frankfurt Sandwiches.
[15:29:00] CyberKnet: I can't see Flash Forward lasting more than one season.
[15:29:07] CyberKnet: I like it, but I don't want it to go on, and on and on...
[15:29:18] tmkt: CyberKnet: it's is Modern Family
[15:29:26] justinh: maybe 2 or 3 seasons would be ok
[15:29:32] justinh: but not as many as Lost
[15:29:33] CyberKnet: tmkt: I haven't watched Modern Family. I do watch Flash Forward.
[15:29:39] tmkt: modern family is funny
[15:30:06] olejl (olejl!n=olejl@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:30:08] CyberKnet: At some point in time you're going to look at hte FBI agent and say ... dude ... it's been XYZ years, get on with your life, and over mosaic
[15:30:25] CyberKnet: but it's a decent show for at least a season.
[15:30:28] justinh: at some point i might begin to care a damn about a character
[15:30:45] CyberKnet: I dunno. I haven't yet.
[15:30:49] tmkt: and at some point
[15:30:52] CyberKnet: I like Mercy, personally.
[15:30:54] tmkt: it will be april 29th of next year
[15:30:58] justinh: who's mercy?
[15:31:04] CyberKnet: another show ;)
[15:31:13] tmkt: flash backwards
[15:31:15] meek (meek! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:31:24] justinh: I can't even *name* any of the blimmin characters
[15:31:42] CyberKnet: All I'm saying is ... if Flash Forward had been on Cinemax when it first aired, we'd all have been expecting a completely different show.
[15:31:50] CyberKnet: justinh: I'm with you there.
[15:32:12] justinh: there's annoying smiley Janet Jackson lookeylikey.. chinesy bloke.. dull Englishman, dull FBI guy, annoyingly patronising doc...
[15:32:30] CyberKnet: I know Agent I'm Gonna Die, Agent I'm gonna drink, Doctor I Cheat On My Husband, Resident I Want To Kill Myself...
[15:32:35] meek (meek! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:32:39] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:32:45] CyberKnet: and Mr My Girl Is Alive.
[15:32:52] justinh: maybe that's not entirely unintentional
[15:32:59] justinh: I live in hope
[15:33:05] CyberKnet: Wait ... I tell a lie.
[15:33:16] CyberKnet: The only name I know is of a character we've never seen!
[15:33:24] iamlindoro (iamlindoro!n=iamlindo@unaffiliated/iamlindoro) has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:33:24] justinh: Simon!
[15:33:30] CyberKnet: D Gibbons, I was thinking.
[15:33:39] tmkt: dexter has been great'
[15:34:07] kjetil: BTW, should I report my problem as a bug?
[15:34:25] iamlindoro (iamlindoro!n=iamlindo@unaffiliated/iamlindoro) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:34:26] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v iamlindoro
[15:34:40] justinh: I thought only the silly libvisual visualisers were the crashy load anyhow
[15:36:21] kjetil: and Synaesthesia is one of them?
[15:36:26] justinh: nope
[15:36:41] justinh: attach the backtrace to a new ticket, shouldn't harm
[15:36:49] justinh: include as much info as possible, yada yada
[15:36:55] meek (meek! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[15:38:35] kjetil: right
[15:39:52] kjetil: there seems to be a related bug: , perhaps I should just add a comment to it?
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[15:41:52] kjetil: hmmm, no it may be a different problem, since in my case, it takes mythfrontend down with it
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[16:02:48] benklop: Dibblah, justinh: so, if i'm understanding this right, the issue is that part of my DB is encoded in latin1, part in utf8?
[16:03:05] Dibblah: Not quite.
[16:03:34] Dibblah: The data is actually effectively encapsulated.
[16:03:45] Dibblah: It's not really valid latin1 or UTF8.
[16:04:26] benklop: okay, then what is it?
[16:04:55] Dibblah: Read the wiki page. ISTR it gives a fix method.
[16:05:20] benklop: ok, I was having trouble following that, i'll try again
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[16:06:48] Dubstar_04 (Dubstar_04! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:07:47] Dubstar_04: does anyone use an windows mce remote?
[16:07:53] wagnerrp: yes
[16:08:24] Dubstar_04: what have you done with the keybininds for M and I?
[16:08:26] justinh: I thought the wiki page on how to fix it was misleading somehow, somebody said
[16:08:45] Dibblah: I == info, M == DVD Menu
[16:08:50] wagnerrp: yep
[16:08:52] justinh: need to get my motivation back to stop this M & I nonsense
[16:08:55] Dubstar_04: Ahh Nice
[16:08:59] Dubstar_04: Thanks
[16:09:23] justinh: one MENU key and an INFO key :)
[16:09:53] justinh: where the INFO key (guess what) brings up INFO
[16:10:13] justinh: that'll be unpopular as hell too I'll bet
[16:10:17] justinh: the price of progress
[16:10:29] CyberKnet: I mapped Menu to #, given that I rarely use Menu
[16:11:01] Dubstar_04: I have sorted it now and it works quite nicely
[16:11:08] justinh: it's handy to have both if you do a lot of deleting
[16:11:39] justinh: whose bright idea it was to have programme details in 'recording options'.. sheesh
[16:11:46] justinh: glad that's moved for 0.22RC1
[16:12:04] iamlindoro: 4 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 523 deletions(-)
[16:12:07] iamlindoro: Yeeehaaaa
[16:12:14] Dibblah: Ah, Cardoe.
[16:12:16] Dibblah: . . . omment-66494
[16:12:24] iamlindoro: take that, stupid settings and unnecessary code
[16:12:26] Dibblah: Someone should promote him to Chief Motivator.
[16:12:59] benklop: shoot, there's no way I can keep my whole database??
[16:13:31] Dibblah: You can, but things like duplicate matching will be inconsistent.
[16:13:34] justinh: them? anybody with a clue knows it was mostly one guy
[16:13:40] justinh: let them eat fork :)
[16:14:05] iamlindoro: s/fork/fire/
[16:14:35] justinh: if they were talking about resistance to change because of personality differences & disagreements.. there might be something in it
[16:14:41] justinh: but not this
[16:14:47] benklop: i'm pretty sure there shouldn't be any non-latin (at least non-ascii) chars, unless i'm missing something...
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[16:16:49] Dubstar_04: Is there any way to get fanart for weird and one off shows? I read somewhere that screenshots would be used?
[16:16:51] Dibblah: ' with some listing sources are non-ascii.
[16:17:05] Dibblah: Any names containing non-ascii characters,...
[16:17:21] benklop: Dibblah: my only listings source has been zap2it then schedulesdirect
[16:17:26] justinh: Dubstar_04: tried looking in the wiki on that subject yet? If not, I gently suggest you do :)
[16:18:27] Dibblah: In which case, you're likely to have at least some non-ascii.
[16:19:06] iamlindoro: Dubstar_04: Screenshots will never be used as fanart
[16:19:29] iamlindoro: at least, not without you taking a screenshot, naming it appropriately, and putting it in the fanart dir :)
[16:19:45] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit ("Client exiting")
[16:20:56] benklop: Dibblah: i didn't see anythngi in the article about actually fixing the database, only about dropping everything except current content
[16:21:04] justinh: need to fit that 500GB drive in my laptop & migrate it over so I can get back on the dev wagon
[16:21:06] Dibblah: ... Yes...?
[16:21:07] hatlevip (hatlevip! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:21:20] Dibblah: It's not talking about dropping it only. Read on...
[16:21:27] ** CyberKnet encourages justinh **
[16:21:28] Dubstar_04: Ive been playng with the mythbuntu theme which shows the corresponding backdrop for the show, it only works for the regular/popular shows and I was wondering if its possible to get art work for the weird and one offs?
[16:21:51] justinh: Dubstar_04: if it's on the you can get it
[16:21:54] iamlindoro: Dubstar_04: only if those weird/one off shows have fanart/etc. at
[16:21:59] justinh: if not, you have to sort it yourself
[16:22:06] Dubstar_04: thats no then
[16:22:11] iamlindoro: pretty much
[16:22:16] justinh: no it's not a no
[16:22:26] benklop: Dibblah: it says it will do a partial restore, which only restores data about existing recordings and rules
[16:22:34] iamlindoro: It's more of a "go there and add the shows and create fanart"
[16:22:34] justinh: just said that if it's not on the you've got to get it yourself somehow
[16:22:43] Dibblah: Yes.
[16:22:43] justinh: DIY :)
[16:22:50] iamlindoro: No, for serious, go to
[16:22:51] Dibblah: It's that, or fix the data yourself.
[16:22:54] iamlindoro: and crearte the stuff
[16:22:54] justinh: that old egg they call user generated content!
[16:23:00] iamlindoro: so that everyone can benefit
[16:23:41] justinh: photoshop out the copyright notices on any images you use though :P
[16:24:18] CyberKnet: Trying to understand why only gentoo is affected by the database corruption thing – is it because other distros still make latin1 the default?
[16:24:28] Dubstar_04: I am loving the new mythtv. As soon as I have more time I am going to continue my Roku theme.
[16:24:29] benklop: CyberKnet: that
[16:24:36] benklop: CyberKnet: seems to be it, yeah
[16:24:40] justinh: roku theme?
[16:26:13] Dibblah: CyberKnet: Yes.
[16:26:23] Dubstar_04: . . . 800/roku.png
[16:26:33] Dibblah: This won't be an issue for anyone that creates their database with 0.22.
[16:26:58] Dibblah: It's *only* an issue for people who have at some point changed their encoding in their database – and run with it for a while.
[16:27:17] Dibblah: The other cases are all auto-repaired by the schema update.
[16:27:32] justinh: hmmm grey on grey on grey
[16:27:42] Dibblah: As far as I understand it, anyway.
[16:27:48] benklop: Dibblah: would something like this . . . -utf8-issues work?
[16:28:11] Dibblah: No.
[16:28:14] Dubstar_04: justinh: well i like it
[16:28:31] Dibblah: Whatever you do, you are going to lose data if you do it manually.
[16:29:25] justinh: god help me nothing I have seen in any of these new themes is enough to stop me doing something of my own again
[16:29:44] justinh: assuming I ever upgrade :)
[16:35:49] Dubstar_04: what happened to the 'move recordings to mythvideo' feature by iamlindoro
[16:36:03] dserban (dserban!n=dserban@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:36:11] iamlindoro: Dubstar_04: I closed the ticket, we're going to accomplish it in a different (better) way
[16:36:25] iamlindoro: Hopefully by .23
[16:36:35] justinh: using SGs ?
[16:36:56] Dubstar_04: ooh sounds interesting? I am looking forward to that feature
[16:37:00] iamlindoro: using a unified set of DB tables for MV and the PBB
[16:37:25] iamlindoro: thus a "move" would be changing the DB record and optionally, a background move to the SG
[16:37:35] wagnerrp: Dubstar_04: until then, theres a user job up on trac that does what you need
[16:37:43] wagnerrp: referenced by iamlindoro's closed ticket
[16:37:59] Dubstar_04: do you know what number the ticket is?
[16:38:39] justinh: trac does :P
[16:38:50] wagnerrp: looks like 6680
[16:39:01] wagnerrp: of course is down again
[16:39:18] justinh:
[16:39:25] wagnerrp: nope, its up
[16:39:34] wagnerrp: i dont know why it came up 'could not connect' for me...
[16:39:43] CyberKnet: We can make it down with three little words....
[16:39:56] CyberKnet: and one email post to mythtv-users. heh.
[16:40:13] wagnerrp: 'is down'?
[16:40:22] wagnerrp: nah, that wouldnt have enough simultaneous hits
[16:40:28] CyberKnet: I was thinking '0.22 is out!'
[16:41:02] justinh: Dubstar_04: it's not so much the grey – it's more the lack of contrast ;-)
[16:41:31] justinh: looks too marked an issue to be the difference in gamma between LCD & CRT
[16:42:01] Dubstar_04: it actually looks better when in use. I know what you mean, its abit flat
[16:42:28] justinh: I was thinking about going more monochrome in future too
[16:42:40] justinh: certainly no fscking shiny graphics
[16:42:43] justinh: shiny is over
[16:45:03] mgisbers is now known as mgisbers_away
[16:45:38] wagnerrp: drab for the win
[16:46:15] CyberKnet: not mythtv-related ... storing hard drives – what storage systems have people seen built for that?
[16:46:23] CyberKnet: as in ... not-in-use hard drives
[16:46:43] justinh: what's wrong with using the packing they come in?
[16:47:00] justinh: antistatic bag, then put them in the nice foam lined box
[16:47:14] iamlindoro: I invented this thing-- it's cube made entirely of cardboard, which can be closed on one side
[16:47:18] CyberKnet: hah
[16:47:53] CyberKnet: okay, okay. This wasn't for personal use – just looking to see if anyone had used something COTS purpose-built storage system/enclosure/case etc
[16:48:01] CyberKnet: thansk for the thought though.
[16:48:03] CyberKnet: :D
[16:48:24] dserban: hmm is an asus falcon2 somewhat equivalent to a pvr 150?
[16:48:34] dserban: seems to have the same or similar chipset
[16:49:27] justinh: here's a hint.. if it doesn't say "Hauppauge PVR150", it ain't a PVR150 from Hauppauge
[16:49:39] justinh: the clones are even harder to come by
[16:49:55] wagnerrp: if its not on the supported list at, you dont want it
[16:50:14] Dubstar_04: How can I turn off the category in the Guide?
[16:50:25] justinh: Dubstar_04: category colours you mean?
[16:50:31] justinh: there's a setting for that
[16:50:33] Dubstar_04: no the text
[16:50:34] wagnerrp: the 'm' menu
[16:50:39] wagnerrp: the text?
[16:50:45] justinh: what? category text?!
[16:50:45] wagnerrp: meaning the second list?
[16:50:47] wagnerrp: cant do it
[16:50:54] wagnerrp: not without editing the theme anyway
[16:50:56] justinh: eh?
[16:51:02] Dubstar_04: the option is missing from setup
[16:51:05] justinh: me no understandey
[16:51:26] wagnerrp: the option doesnt exist to be missing
[16:51:57] justinh: I thought only genres had colours & that was it
[16:52:00] justinh: no silly genre text
[16:52:10] Dubstar_04: there used to be an option to turn off category text
[16:52:26] justinh: always the most wrong of all EPG data
[16:53:54] justinh: when I say wrong, I mean subjective. I mean, I'm not the only person who wouldn't classify XFactor as entertainment
[16:54:47] iamlindoro: The setting went aay because it's controlled by theme
[16:54:50] iamlindoro: er away
[16:55:07] justinh: another box for my next scribbling to tick
[16:55:26] iamlindoro: <showcategories>no</showcategories>
[16:55:33] justinh: sigh
[16:56:11] justinh: genre colours another one?
[16:56:22] iamlindoro: <showcategories>no</showcategories>
[16:56:22] justinh: category colours I mean
[16:56:36] iamlindoro: damn, stupid keypress
[16:57:08] justinh: filltypes could go the journey too IMHO :)
[16:57:41] iamlindoro: AFAIK the whole widget is getting a redo in short order, though the categorytext thing will stay
[16:57:52] justinh: it's nice to have the category colours but there are way too many categories
[16:58:01] iamlindoro: They're becoming statetypes
[16:58:09] iamlindoro: so you can do icons, text, colors, whatever
[16:58:11] justinh: nightmare
[16:58:24] justinh: for the number of categories there are? yikes
[16:58:29] iamlindoro: I'll be quite happy to have them statetypes, especially as optional
[16:58:42] justinh: yeah well it'll never affect me :)
[16:58:54] justinh: if it's hard I won't bother :)
[16:59:02] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:59:20] justinh: can't be any worse than it is now. sheesh
[16:59:20] iamlindoro: I themed the On Screen Keyboard the other day-- worth doing for the completeness factor, but by no means fun
[16:59:42] justinh: four states per key
[16:59:49] FR^2 (FR^2! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:00:07] iamlindoro:
[17:00:09] iamlindoro: shiny!
[17:00:13] justinh: off, pressed, selected, selected & pressed
[17:01:15] justinh: if I ever theme the keyboard it'll be to make it bigger
[17:01:18] Dubstar_04: Iamlindoro: where does the <showcategories>no</showcategories> go? in the guidegrid container?
[17:01:34] FR^2 (FR^2! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:01:34] iamlindoro: s/container/widget/ and yes
[17:02:00] justinh: so is category colours still a setting?
[17:02:05] wagnerrp: keyboard positioning is automated?
[17:02:24] wagnerrp: or is it themable?
[17:02:36] justinh: better not be automated
[17:02:41] iamlindoro: positioning of the whole keyboard is automated
[17:02:47] iamlindoro: positioning of the items on the keyboard is themable
[17:03:03] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:03:11] iamlindoro: and yes, colors is still a setting (though that should be gone shortly too)
[17:03:46] justinh: just need to theme the menu, PBB, and a couple of other screens & I'm done
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[17:04:08] justinh: no point doing mythmusic yet. don't use anything other than mythvideo
[17:04:43] justinh: though I might be more suited to sorting out these damn menu keys out properly. they really piss me off these days
[17:04:48] Dubstar_04: so this should work?
[17:05:13] justinh: I was sick to the back teeth when I submitted the patch but obviously now I need to look at it again with the improvements in mythvideo
[17:08:38] justinh: I could live without any more UI improvements if I can pull the menu revamp of the decade off
[17:09:42] justinh: never sat there thinking "damn, if only this spun off the screen", it's always "FFS, this damn silly menu system.. is it on I or is it on M?"
[17:10:19] wombo: ati drivers
[17:10:33] wombo: sorry wrong keyboard
[17:10:46] benklop (benklop!n=ben@ has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:10:55] justinh: lol. heard wrong window before, never wrong keyboard
[17:11:20] CyberKnet: Fatally Flawed System. Flying Frankfurt Sandwich.
[17:11:38] wombo: rebuilding new system and havent installed Synergy yet so im battling 2 sets of KM
[17:12:48] CyberKnet: never heard of Synergy, but that sounds interesting. Off to Google I go :)
[17:13:38] wombo: its very very cool and useful if you have more than 1 PC
[17:13:50] wombo: basically you can share a single KM across multiple computers
[17:13:57] justinh: well, hometime
[17:14:00] justinh (justinh! has quit ("leaving")
[17:14:06] CyberKnet: quick exit
[17:16:37] CyberKnet: Look interesting if each PC has its own monitor
[17:16:50] CyberKnet: if they didn't I suppose you'd just TightVNC or something
[17:17:01] wombo: yeah
[17:17:12] wombo: I have my Ubuntu machine on my left
[17:17:45] sebrock (sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:17:45] wombo: then I have a windows dev box on the right so it makes it really easy to switch between both and saves desk space
[17:21:29] CyberKnet: yeah, very nice.
[17:22:02] CyberKnet: I ordered an HDMI extender and USB extender (over Cat-5) this week to move my myth box out of the living room.
[17:22:06] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:22:12] CyberKnet: hi mchou
[17:22:41] CyberKnet: Someone mentioned you and growling earlier, and oddly enough I could picture it :P
[17:24:48] Dubstar_04: does anyone know why the <showcategories>no</showcategories> option wouldn't work for the guide grid?
[17:25:50] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:28:04] iamlindoro: because you edited the wrong copy of the guidegrid?
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[17:29:51] Dubstar_04: I have done both in the ui.xml file
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[17:31:08] iamlindoro: ui.xml is not a MythUI file
[17:31:30] iamlindoro: the guide grid is themed in schedule-ui.xml
[17:32:13] Dubstar_04: that might be why then
[17:35:31] Dubstar_04: it works now
[17:35:43] Dubstar_04: Thank you.
[17:35:55] iamlindoro: np
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[17:49:54] youknowme: I'm having trouble here, I loaded the schedules direct thing and all the channel names are there, but I can't get any program information
[17:51:25] benklop: i'm having trouble trying to do a partial restore of my old database – I no longer have the older version of myth installed, so it's trying to restore to the new schema.
[17:51:53] wagnerrp: you can only do a partial restore to the same version of myth
[17:52:01] jroysdon (jroysdon! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:52:07] wagnerrp: since you no longer have the same version of myth
[17:52:13] wagnerrp: you need to do a full restore
[17:52:17] wagnerrp: do another backup
[17:52:20] wagnerrp: wipe the database
[17:52:29] wagnerrp: let myth regenerate what it wants
[17:52:33] wagnerrp: and then do a partial restore
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[17:53:33] benklop: wagnerrp: ok, so a full restore, then back it up again?
[17:53:44] wagnerrp: then wipe and partial restore
[17:54:02] benklop: ok
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[18:02:04] benklop: wagnerrp: i can't do that, it won't work. it says Unknown column 'offset' in 'field list' still...
[18:02:40] benklop: is there a way to force mythtv-setup to upgrade the database despite potential corruption?
[18:02:48] wagnerrp: no
[18:02:53] Shadow__X (Shadow__X! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:03:08] benklop: is there a way to trick it?
[18:03:14] iamlindoro: no
[18:03:34] wagnerrp: not unless you absolutely know what youre doing with sql
[18:03:42] benklop: ok, so what i'm looking at then is losing my entire database, including current recordings
[18:03:42] wagnerrp: at which point you both dont need, and wont get our help
[18:04:09] wagnerrp: if youre missing a column, somehow you bumped revisions without actually updating
[18:04:14] wagnerrp: do you still have the original backup?
[18:04:39] sphery: benklop: there's really no reason to ever do a partial restore, either
[18:05:29] sphery: benklop: unless you have real corruption--but then you have to fix the other parts, too
[18:06:37] sphery: likely if you tell me what you're trying to do, I can help you do it
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[18:14:43] gizmobay: With multiple tuners, what do people set their input priority to?
[18:14:51] gizmobay: for each tuner
[18:15:10] wagnerrp: 0
[18:15:19] gizmobay: for all three
[18:15:24] gizmobay: for all tuners
[18:15:25] wagnerrp: uh huh
[18:15:30] gizmobay: okay
[18:16:05] jroysdon2 (jroysdon2! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:16:16] wagnerrp: unless you have very good reason to change tuner priority, you shouldnt
[18:16:44] wagnerrp: if you dont understand the code behind it, you can very easily have unintended consequences
[18:16:54] gizmobay: I think that is what is causing my problem on a bug I reported
[18:19:49] sphery: gizmobay: can you delete all capture cards, then re-create the capture cards, then connect the inputs in the preferred order of usage--and leave all input priorities at 0--and re-test. Then, if it solves your issue, please comment on the ticket. Thanks.
[18:20:00] sphery: You won't lose channels or xmltvid's by doing that
[18:20:13] sphery: only capture card info (i.e. device names and HDHR UUID's or whatever)
[18:20:15] benklop: wagnerrp: yes, i do still have the original backup
[18:20:22] sphery: so it's easy to recreate
[18:20:30] sphery: benklop: what are you trying to do?
[18:21:11] benklop: i'm trying to update to .22-fixes, last night I uninstalled my .21-fixes mythtv.
[18:21:19] kjetil (kjetil! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[18:21:43] sphery: when you originally tried updating to 0.22-fixes, what error did you get that made you want to do a partial backup?
[18:21:49] sphery: was it a DB corruption issue?
[18:21:53] benklop: yes
[18:22:01] sphery: and it said /partial/ corruption?
[18:22:35] benklop: exact error is "DB charset pre-conversion test failed! Your database seems to be partially corrupted."
[18:23:02] lydgate (lydgate!n=lydgate@unaffiliated/lydgate) has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:23:25] sphery: benklop: are you on Gentoo?
[18:23:27] lydgate (lydgate!n=lydgate@unaffiliated/lydgate) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:23:46] benklop: sphery: yes I am
[18:24:23] sphery: have you followed the instructions to reconfigure your database server at (specifically . . . onfiguration )?
[18:25:42] benklop: sphery: I've done that, yes.
[18:26:07] sphery: benklop: can you pastebin the output of: echo 'status;' | mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg
[18:26:31] benklop: sphery: with my original DB?
[18:27:09] Dibblah: You have some religious belief that requires frequent use of pipes?
[18:27:13] Dibblah: ;)
[18:27:32] Dibblah: mysql mythconverg -e "echo 'status';"
[18:27:36] sphery: no, just frequent use of copy paste
[18:27:48] sphery: I was actually changing the wiki before you said anything
[18:27:53] Dibblah: :)
[18:28:48] jroysdon2 (jroysdon2! has quit (Client Quit)
[18:29:24] sphery: benklop: doesn't matter which db
[18:29:34] jroysdon (jroysdon! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:29:59] eFfeM-away is now known as eFfeM
[18:32:03] Dibblah: sphery: Was it you that was doing some sort of recovery script for this issue?
[18:32:17] Dibblah: ... Shortly, we're probably going to get many more of these :(
[18:32:26] benklop: sphery: okay,
[18:32:37] sphery: well, no one else is doing one
[18:32:55] sphery: so--though my data is fine and I've already wasted many 10's of hours on the issue--I'll probably have to
[18:33:07] sphery: (guessing > 100hrs so far)
[18:33:15] Dibblah: Sorry – I thought it was something you already had working :(
[18:33:52] sphery: I gave a generic approach for it in the wiki and hoped that someone who was affected or supported users who were affected would automate it
[18:33:57] sphery: doesn't seem that will happen
[18:34:04] benklop: sphery: um.. somehow it worked this time
[18:34:25] sphery: benklop: it almost definitely corrupted data in the process
[18:34:33] sphery: I wouldn't trust it
[18:34:38] sphery: your DB server is still misconfigured
[18:34:42] sphery: (for 0.21-fixes)
[18:34:52] benklop: not sure what I did differently, I re-checkedthe my.cnf settings, restarted mysql, restored the original database, then ran mythtv-setup and it worked
[18:35:32] sphery: *** Note that the misconfiguration is not the fault of Gentoo or any Gentoo packager. No one realized the requirement that was imposed upon the MySQL server configuration by the Qt3 Qt-MySQL drivers until very recently. There's nothing that Gentoo nor Gentoo's packagers could have done.
[18:35:41] AriX_ (AriX_!n=AriX@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:35:45] benklop: sphery: why would there be data I care about that wouldn't be the same between UTF8 and latin1?
[18:36:01] benklop: since latin1 (or ascii anyway) is a subset of utf8?
[18:36:01] sphery: Please excuse my use of the word "misconfiguration" to mean "configured in such a way that the MythTV program won't work"
[18:36:16] iamlindoro: sphery: the nerve!
[18:36:48] sphery: benklop: long story--read the whole section 1 of for more
[18:36:57] iamlindoro: sphery: Where do you live? What distro do you use? Does your distro set up myssql for the whole world???"
[18:36:57] sphery: but, basically, your data is likely corrupt
[18:36:58] benklop: sphery: even though i'm using .22-fixes, i need to first have it set up correctly for .21-fixes?
[18:37:09] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:37:16] benklop: sphery: i've read it more than once, and it's very much less than clear
[18:37:27] sphery: if you continue using it, the only expected result is "garbage in/garbage out"
[18:37:52] sphery: benklop: you need it set up correctly for 0.21-fixes to get your 0.21-fixes data into MySQL in the proper format so that it can properly upgrade
[18:38:34] Lunar_Lamp (Lunar_Lamp!n=Lunar_La@unaffiliated/lunarlamp/x-038437) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[18:39:42] benklop: okay, well what's the proper configuration for .21-fixes? defaulting to latin1?
[18:40:10] sphery: benklop: basically, if the original upgrade attempt said partial corruption, your best bet is to drop the DB, configure the mysql server for 0.21-fixes, create an empty (but complete) 0.21-fixes database schema, do a partial restore of your data, back up the "partial" database, then upgrade to 0.22-fixes, then let it upgrade your DB, then reconfigure Myth
[18:40:26] sphery: benklop: yep, . . . onfiguration should fix it
[18:40:35] sphery: make sure you restart mysqld too
[18:40:49] sphery: benklop: I can make the process easier for you--I can give you an empty 0.21-fixes DB
[18:40:57] benklop: how do I create a correct .21-fixes schema when I havn't got .21-fixes installed anywhere anymore?
[18:41:10] sphery: then you just restore that (full restore) and do a partial restore of your db backup
[18:41:14] benklop: i havn't even got qt-3 anymore and since this is gentoo that'll take forever
[18:41:27] benklop: sphery: aha! thank you
[18:41:47] benklop: ok, that will help tremendously.
[18:44:23] sphery: benklop: . . . blank.sql.gz . You'll restore it with using: --directory ${HOME} --filename mythconverg-1214-blank.sql.gz
[18:44:34] sphery: assuming that you save it to your home dir
[18:44:58] sphery: benklop: just make sure that your DB server is properly configured for 0.21-fixes before the restore
[18:45:40] benklop: sphery: I honestly can't make heads or tails of some of what that article says
[18:46:13] gizmobay: crap made it worse, says all my tuners are asleep
[18:46:13] benklop: ok, and properly configure is.. all encodings set to latin1?
[18:46:43] MTughan (MTughan!n=nnnnMTug@synecdoche/developer/ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:47:03] sphery: Basically, do sections 3.3, then 3.4, 3.5, and then a partial restore of your DB. You /might/ have to do 3.2 on your backup (not on the one I gave you), but you might have to /not/ do 3.2. You'll have to pick one and try it and if you get issues, try it the other way.
[18:47:07] sphery:
[18:47:16] Dibblah: benklop: Myth should have made a backup of the database at the point you upgraded to 0.22...
[18:47:49] benklop: Dibblah: I've got that backup saved in a few places
[18:47:53] sphery: benklop: yeah, all encodings should say latin1. Once you get your DB and MythTV upgraded to 0.22, you can then change the MySQL server configuration back
[18:47:55] Dibblah: :)
[18:48:02] sphery: benklop: /very/ good idea ;)
[18:48:32] MTughan: I'm trying to configure video out on a frontend. Recording output is working, but there are black bars on each side of the screen even though the aspect ratios of the original recording and the output match. I suspect the video's being recorded and played back at 640x480, while the original source and output are NTSC. Is there any way to fix this?
[18:48:39] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:48:47] sphery: btw, the issues due to doing or not doing 3.2 could occur either when doing the partial restore of your backup or when upgrading the DB by running mythtv-setup
[18:48:55] jroysdon (jroysdon! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[18:49:35] sphery: so, after the partial restore, attempt to upgrade the DB by running mythtv-setup. If it works, great. If not, go back and do/don't do 3.2 (the opposite of what you did before)
[18:49:53] highzeth (highzeth! has quit ("Leaving")
[18:49:54] Dibblah: MTughan: Make sure your display size is correct in X
[18:49:58] sphery: if that doesn't work, you should wait to upgrade until after I get the script done
[18:50:16] MTughan: Dibblah: How would I check that? Look at xorg.conf?
[18:50:19] Dibblah: Or at least that the aspect ratio is correct.
[18:50:41] sphery: MTughan: and if you have multiple physical displays, you may need to set the "Monitor aspect ratio" (basically, if you see it in the Appearance section of setup, you /have/ to set it)
[18:50:52] Dibblah:
[18:51:03] MTughan: No, I've been through the Appearance section already. Nothing about aspect ratios.
[18:51:45] sphery: MTughan: xdpyinfo | grep -A 1 dimensions
[18:52:19] meshe: sounds like analog source material
[18:52:43] MTughan: sphery: I can't do that command over SSH?
[18:53:11] sphery: MTughan: if you're ssh'ed in as the user running X: DISPLAY=:0 xdpyinfo | grep -A 1 dimensions
[18:53:35] benklop: which specific latin1 encoding?
[18:53:38] sphery: if you're a different user, you'll have to grab the Xauthority token
[18:53:44] sphery: benklop: ???
[18:53:46] MTughan: Thanks, that one worked.
[18:54:20] benklop: phpmyadmin has a list of latin1 settings
[18:54:25] benklop: various languages
[18:54:39] Ryushin: Is MFD used anymore? I haven't updated it in a long time?
[18:54:49] wagnerrp: yes
[18:55:33] MTughan: sphery: Output is 720x480, so standard NTSC.
[18:55:34] Dibblah: mythfilldatabase, yes.
[18:55:41] Dibblah: Myth frontend daemon, no.
[18:55:46] sphery: benklop: don't use phpmyadmin--only approach I can guarantee works is the one in that page: . . . onfiguration
[18:55:47] benklop: coallation, sorry, not encoding
[18:55:51] decke (decke! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:56:05] sphery: MTughan: I need both of the lines
[18:56:09] sphery: all the info
[18:56:10] Dibblah: Don't change the collation order.
[18:56:12] MTughan: sphery: 96DPI.
[18:56:21] sphery: the exact output
[18:56:28] MTughan: Okay, give a sec then.
[18:56:34] sphery: but having 720x480 with 96DPI is /definitely/ going to cause problems
[18:56:55] MTughan: sphery:
[18:56:55] sphery: because you don't have a 1.5:1 physical screen
[18:57:20] Memphisau (Memphisau! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:57:24] sphery: MTughan: and I'm assuming it's a 4:3 physical aspect ratio?
[18:57:42] MTughan: sphery: Sort of. It's a 16:9 display with the TV displaying 4:3.
[18:58:05] MTughan: We have an NTSC/4:3 feed in though, so that's the best we're going to get for now.
[18:58:06] sphery: any reason you're running it at 720x480?
[18:58:21] MTughan: I don't know. I suspect that's what it was automatically set up as.
[18:58:25] sphery: Is it a digital TV or CRT?
[18:58:36] MTughan: Digital TV, but we're using S-Video out.
[18:58:51] AriX_ (AriX_!n=AriX@ has quit ("Leaving...")
[18:58:54] sphery: from a graphics card (like NVIDIA)?
[18:59:06] olesalscheider (olesalscheider!n=desktop@ has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:59:06] MTughan: Hauppauge PVR-350.
[18:59:25] olesalscheider (olesalscheider! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:59:27] sphery: well, first suggestion is don't use the PVR-350 TV out
[18:59:31] meshe: hehe
[18:59:34] AriX_ (AriX_!n=AriX@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:59:38] sphery: it's garbage (and it's no longer 1999, so it's not required, anymore)
[19:00:05] MTughan: sphery: Are you saying VGA is better? Because that's the only other output we have, and the motherboard only has AGP.
[19:00:10] sphery: if you /must/ use it, you'll have to specify an appropriate DisplaySize that sets your logical aspect ratio to be the same as your physical aspect ratio
[19:00:40] sphery: S-Video is fine--I'd just get it from a nice video card, not from a dumb PVR-350 frame buffer
[19:01:09] MTughan: I don't even know what the integrated GPU is... Should be able to get it.
[19:01:13] Ryushin: Has there been any movement on mepo-wide for .22?
[19:02:36] iamlindoro: No
[19:02:38] Cyber-Dogg (Cyber-Dogg! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:02:51] Cyber-Dogg: howdy
[19:02:52] iamlindoro: Don't think you will ever see a MythUI compatible version
[19:02:56] Cyber-Dogg: I'm running ubuntu 9.10
[19:03:00] iamlindoro: which is fine, out with the old, in with the new
[19:03:04] Cyber-Dogg: mythtv .022 fixes
[19:03:12] Cyber-Dogg: I have set it up and it works great
[19:03:20] Cyber-Dogg: I'd like to switch over to VDPAU though
[19:03:40] Cyber-Dogg: I've changed the playback options in mythtv and then it fails, I checked the log and it says that VDPAU isn't found
[19:03:48] Cyber-Dogg: is there something else I need to install first?
[19:04:20] AriX_ (AriX_!n=AriX@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[19:06:30] sphery: MTughan: so, if you /must/ use 720x480, and if your TV is stretching the S-Video output to fill the whole screen, you have to set your: DisplaySize 182 102
[19:07:18] sphery: MTughan: if you use 720x480 but your TV puts a 4:3 image in the center of your display, you need to set: DisplaySize 182 136
[19:07:29] MTughan: sphery: And where do I set that?
[19:07:46] sphery: in your X config, see
[19:07:48] MTughan: Also, it's an "Intel Extreme Graphics 2" integrated graphics chipset. 865G northbridge.
[19:08:43] sphery: MTughan: you may be better off (I don't know the Intel GPU's) using that Intel GPU and using a resolution of 1024x768 and letting it sample the S-Video out off that
[19:09:00] MTughan: If we're going to use the graphics there, we'd use VGA.
[19:09:16] sphery: your TV has a VGA input?
[19:09:26] sphery: if so, that's great, you could use the TV's native resolution
[19:09:27] MTughan: Probably. Haven't checked.
[19:09:36] sphery: and you'll get 10,000 times (approx) better quality
[19:09:42] benklop: sphery: whooo, looks like it worked.
[19:09:51] sphery: benklop: did you have to do 3.2 or not?
[19:10:54] sphery: MTughan: if you can use your TV's native resolution, the Display Size wiki page has all the info you need
[19:11:32] benklop: sphery: no, didn't do that
[19:12:03] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, do you know if the defunct process from myth_system is happening quite a bit or is that infrequent? are you seeing that? /me hasn't tested yet, but wonders about the jobqueue using myth_system quite a bit.
[19:12:22] MTughan: sphery: Thanks, I should be able to take it from here.
[19:12:29] sphery: benklop: cool. can you output the results of: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e "SELECT * FROM recorded;"
[19:13:11] Gumby` (Gumby`!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:14:00] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: I'm not seeing it, but I don't run mythfilldatabase or mythtranscode or xscreensaver-command or gnome-screensaver-command or anything else very often on my dev box. Really, I only run the backup script (I do like you and have a backup of a 0.21-fixes DB into which I stick updated listings info, etc, from my production box).
[19:14:26] benklop: sphery: what should I do with it?
[19:14:29] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: It /sounds/ like it's quite common for some users, though. I don't know if they just all happen to run screensavers
[19:14:33] sphery: benklop: can you pastebin it?
[19:15:02] benklop: i've gotta put it in a text file, it's way too wide for my console
[19:15:09] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: or mythwelcome or if it's just random collisions when running mythtranscode and mythfilldatabase concurrently or anything
[19:15:37] sphery: benklop: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e "SELECT * FROM recorded;" 2>&1 | tee recorded_data.txt
[19:16:57] benklop: why so complicated? why not just >recorded.txt?
[19:18:33] benklop: sphery: opening it with kate, kate claims it contains broken UTF8
[19:18:52] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: if there is a myth_system() issue (I haven't looked at any code), I think #7135 and #7315 are both related (likely dups): . . . 01919#401919 and . . . 98800#398800 + . . . 04256#404256 + . . . 04288#404288
[19:19:05] sphery: (since trac seems to be down)
[19:19:20] sphery: benklop: wanna paste it and I'll give you recommendation
[19:19:25] sphery: benklop: or better,
[19:19:34] benklop:
[19:20:59] benklop:
[19:23:23] sphery: benklop: it looks like the data is good. I think you'll be OK if you use that.
[19:23:41] gizmobay: Changing the input priorities didn't fix my problem in 7411
[19:23:41] sphery: you may see an occasional broken character in some of your old recordings, but all your new stuff will be perfect on 0.22
[19:23:57] sphery: gizmobay: did you just change them or do a Delete all capture cards?
[19:24:00] benklop: sphery: great!
[19:24:15] benklop: now, i won't be getting dupe detection from stuff before this then
[19:24:19] gizmobay: deleted all cards and re-setup
[19:24:21] sphery: benklop: and now that you're on 0.22, you can put your mysql server config back
[19:24:35] sphery: benklop: no, dup detection will continue to work as before
[19:24:59] sphery: benklop: you just lost all your settings, so need to do mythtv-setup configuration, then mythfrontend (and plugin) configuration as if you're starting over
[19:25:19] sphery: all the "important" (not recreatable) data is intact
[19:25:44] benklop: okay.. good
[19:26:05] kjetil (kjetil! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:26:12] gizmobay: If I record from tuner 3, I can see OSD listings for 1 and 2. If I record with 1, can only see OSD listings for 2
[19:26:23] benklop: my scheduled recordings?
[19:26:29] sphery: benklop: btw, that was a query /after/ doing the mythtv-setup that upgraded the DB to 0.22 schema, right?
[19:26:38] benklop: correct
[19:27:05] sphery: benklop: they're also there, but if you had any "this channel" rules, they may be broken. You'll need to check them after reconfiguring.
[19:27:36] sphery: Basically, if your channel callsigns change from what they were, you'll need to delete and re-create the "this channel" rules or edit the rule and change it to "any channel"
[19:27:42] benklop: i don't have any of those
[19:27:53] sphery: perfect... then you lost nothing of importance
[19:28:16] sphery: and, with this approach, you get to look through all the settings to configure how you want (versus how you wanted back in 0.12 :)
[19:29:12] benklop: lol.. i started on .17 i think, so maybe 5 versions less than that :P
[19:29:35] benklop: cool, so my hdhomerun tuners won't be numbered 6 and 7 for some inexplicable reason too
[19:29:46] eFfeM: hi, my mythweb interface shows the time in gmt (and is one hour off) backend log shows the right time (and recordings start at the right time) what is wrong here ?
[19:29:49] sphery: benklop: nope, they'll be in order :)
[19:30:05] sphery: benklop: just make sure you connect inputs in the order you want them used (and don't use input priorities)
[19:30:24] Dibblah: Just don't do the mission impossible thing and attempt to switch over to VDPAU / Ubuntu Karmic / ... all at once in the two hours before the SO comes back and wants to watch TV :)
[19:30:37] benklop: unless mythtv-setup has changed ignificantly, I'll have it se tup soon
[19:30:50] Kernel is now known as Wicked
[19:30:56] benklop: Dibblah: lol
[19:31:07] Dibblah: Surprisingly, I managed it.
[19:31:17] eFfeM: ls
[19:31:29] Dibblah: I missed out the potatoes in the sausage casserole, though :(
[19:32:22] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:36:41] benklop: shouldn't ATSC be a choice for TV format in mythtv-setup?
[19:36:50] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[19:39:01] Dibblah: No.
[19:39:25] Dibblah: Since ATSC isn't a TV format. PAL / SECAM / NTSC are.
[19:39:27] benklop: why? it is a TV format, and ntsc is being phased out..
[19:39:37] benklop: ok, a broadcast format
[19:40:12] Dibblah: It's not required.
[19:40:20] Dibblah: You can leave that to whatever you like.
[19:40:34] Dibblah: It's only used to set the input format on analogue tuners.
[19:40:56] Dibblah: ... Unless, of course, you have NTSC analogue tuners ;)
[19:41:26] sphery: actually, IIRC, you have to set it to NTSC if you want to use EIA-608 captions
[19:41:50] sphery: (the global default one, not the per-capture card ones--which should all be at their default value, "default")
[19:41:50] benklop: ah, ok.
[19:42:48] decke (decke! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:43:45] Dibblah: Uhm... Again, which are only valid for analogue tuners.
[19:46:00] dustybin (dustybin! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:46:06] flexy (flexy! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:46:10] flexy: Dibblah: yes?
[19:46:10] decke (decke! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:46:26] benklop: oh shoot, I no longer remember my wakeup/shutdown commands
[19:46:35] Dibblah: #mythtv is only really for development work.
[19:46:47] flexy: Dibblah: ah, ok
[19:46:47] Dibblah: Troubleshooting should really be in here.
[19:46:59] Dibblah: As the join message told you ;)
[19:47:14] Dibblah: And iamlindoro.
[19:47:31] flexy: it goes by so fast with the full channel... :)
[19:47:57] Dibblah: Where's the ticket?
[19:48:13] flexy: I've got a few. one moment
[19:48:54] flexy: 7039, 7428, 7413, 7414
[19:49:24] Dibblah: 4 for one issue?
[19:49:32] flexy: there are a couple of fixed ones too
[19:49:37] flexy: no, all are separate
[19:49:53] sphery: benklop: create a new database in your mysql server (call it oldbrokenmythconvergdb ), then restore the old broken 0.21-fixes database backup to it: zcat /path/to/mythconverg-1214-<datetime>.sql.gz | mysql -umythtv -p oldbrokenmythconvergdb
[19:49:56] flexy: with one that is reproducible with segfault as reslut
[19:50:03] Cyber-Dogg (Cyber-Dogg! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:50:20] Dibblah: What's the difference you have from SVN?
[19:50:28] flexy: but there are several backtraces in one ticket, did not know if it helps
[19:50:45] flexy: none really
[19:51:20] flexy: I've been using trunk until a couple of days when I took 0.22-fixes from svn
[19:51:48] dougl (dougl! has quit ("Leaving")
[19:51:53] Dibblah: Your version number has M in it.
[19:52:03] flexy: 7039 has happened just once
[19:52:08] flexy: what does that mean?
[19:52:16] iamlindoro: It means you've modified the code
[19:53:13] flexy: the code? no, I don't think so. I've just modified one line on the theme Graphite, after installing it
[19:53:57] flexy: what might cause it to be detected as modified, if that theme modification is not the culprit for that?
[19:55:04] Dibblah: 7039 looks to me like the player is not in fact started up when the guidegrid appeared.
[19:55:14] flexy: that 7039 ticket might have the patch made by one dev to fix another bug
[19:55:35] flexy: and that patch did fix it...
[19:56:18] flexy: I totally forgot it, noticed it because the ticket is 7 weeks old, according to trac
[19:56:42] benklop: sphery: alright now what.. where in the DB do I look?
[19:56:52] flexy: 7039, that I have seen just once
[19:57:06] flexy: 7428, only once
[19:57:10] sphery: flexy: yeah, your new back traces look more sensible--guess the strange ones have been closed
[19:57:16] sphery: benklop: settings table
[19:57:32] flexy: 7414 and 7413 are reproducible
[19:57:37] Dibblah: 7039 looks like it could have been fixed, I think.
[19:57:43] sphery: benklop: can shorten it to like 400 results by using a WHERE hostname = 'whatever'
[19:57:51] benklop: heh
[19:57:54] flexy: sphery: ok. good.
[19:57:55] Dibblah: There was some rework on player locking not far after that checkout.
[19:58:41] flexy: Dibblah: ok, then I should test it. and report, so that the ticket can be closed
[19:58:55] tyce (tyce!n=tyce@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[19:59:37] flexy: Dibblah: I've been trying to check the timeline at trac, to see if something related to my tickets could be fixed...
[19:59:57] flexy: no could, but if they are/were fixed
[20:01:02] flexy: Dibblah: aaah, 7039, ok... that's the one I've seen just once. can't really check it...
[20:01:32] GreyFoxx: now that looks useful
[20:01:33] CoreDump|home is now known as CoreDump
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[20:02:35] Dibblah: flexy: If you see it again, you can comment on the ticket. Otherwise, it'll be closed in somewhere between 4 and 16 weeks.
[20:03:04] flexy: Dibblah: ok, I'll do that.
[20:05:10] Dibblah: flexy: Do you run with -v all as standard?
[20:06:46] flexy: Dibblah: no. I have had one crash of FE with not enough verbosity in logs, dev wanted to get more info. I'm waiting for the crash, so that is the reason for that...
[20:07:18] Dibblah: This _may_ exacerbate your issues.
[20:07:23] MTughan: Okay, I seem to have messed something up... Was editing xorg.conf, but had a syntax error in it. Attempted to start X after fixing error, but ended up doing a restart instead. Now MythTV won't load at all.
[20:07:42] MTughan: Actually, Linux won't load at all. It's a KnoppMyth distro.
[20:07:58] Dibblah: By "won't load", you mean...?
[20:08:02] MTughan: Have the loading splash screen, and it stops there.
[20:08:07] flexy: Dibblah: ok. what would be proper -v options for getting meaningful bug reports?
[20:08:18] MTughan: I've restored the original xorg.conf, but to no avail.
[20:08:43] Dibblah: Add nosplash remove quiet from your grub command line.
[20:08:48] elmojo: going to install the new Ubuntu on my laptop and trying to decide going 32-bit or 64-bit... planning on using it for MythTV and code development.... also curious how ffmpeg performs on 64-bit
[20:08:59] Dibblah: elmojo: Just fine.
[20:09:16] Dibblah: There's no real performance difference, though.
[20:09:16] MTughan: Dibblah: Well, that's the problem... It's LILO. I have no experience with LILO.
[20:09:33] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: looks like you just broke my export script
[20:09:43] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: ?
[20:09:52] wagnerrp: (took out the image download command settings)
[20:09:53] elmojo: Dibblah: I was guessing it was marginal performance gain for most apps
[20:09:54] eFfeM: hi, anyone an idea on how to fix the clock in mythweb, it is in am/pm format and 1 hr off, in my own php test script, the time is in 24hr format and correct
[20:10:02] wagnerrp: ill have to update it to the new format
[20:10:19] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Ah--- you *may* want to hang on a day
[20:10:29] wagnerrp: i assume its broken, i dont actually know what it will do if those settings dont exist
[20:10:30] iamlindoro: I have another couple big stonking changes coming
[20:10:43] Dibblah: flexy: Usually, the -v options as specified by the dev.
[20:10:52] Dibblah: Did I ask for -v all? Oh dear :(
[20:10:59] elmojo: Dibblah: just afraid I might run into a rare incompatibility down the road with some commercial type software like Skype
[20:11:00] iamlindoro: namely, all Grabber commands are getting consolidated to a single DB entry for TV, and a single for Movie
[20:11:19] Dibblah: Why would you run Skype on a myth box? ;)
[20:11:23] wagnerrp: not sure how you would have less than two
[20:11:31] Dibblah: Anyway – Most stuff works fine on x64.
[20:11:43] elmojo: Dibblah: I use skype for work conferences
[20:12:14] elmojo: iamlindoro: you sporting 64-bit on your Ubuntu machines?
[20:12:15] wagnerrp: unless you make the script interactive or something
[20:12:22] iamlindoro: elmojo: Yes, both 64 bit
[20:12:45] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Still take the -D and -M arguments, but I am enforcing those as required arguments
[20:12:54] elmojo: iamlindoro: any noteworthy issues?
[20:12:55] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: so all I really need in the DB is the command name/path
[20:12:57] flexy: Dibblah: I'm not absolutely sure, might have been little less than that. Can't remember it anymore. And I don't have logs for the conversation...
[20:12:57] Dibblah: flexy: Which distribution is this?
[20:13:04] flexy: Dibblah: debian
[20:13:07] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: and add the -D and -P at runtime
[20:13:19] iamlindoro: elmojo: Nope, I've been on 64 bit only for a few years with no issues of note
[20:13:25] mindoms (mindoms!n=stefan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:13:41] elmojo: cool
[20:15:36] beavis (beavis! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:15:55] Dibblah: flexy: Which nvidia driver version?
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[20:16:14] flexy: Dibblah: have to check, one moment
[20:17:01] jan2600_ (jan2600_!n=jan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:17:21] Dibblah: And do you have anything in dmesg / /var/log/syslog at the time of the issue?
[20:17:25] flexy: Dibblah: 190.36
[20:17:34] Dibblah: I can't get much out of the backtraces :(
[20:17:51] flexy: Dibblah: which ticket are you referring to?
[20:18:01] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: ok, so youre just having a single option to reference the program itself, rather than referencing the full command line?
[20:18:05] Dibblah:
[20:18:17] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: exactly-- no more syntax changes
[20:18:19] eFfeM: hm found how to go to 24hr format but still no luck on getting the proper time, still off by one (backend is ok, recordings start when specified etc)
[20:18:43] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Instead of all the hostlineedits, just one dropdown for TV, and one for Movies, and you can select the script you want from a list
[20:18:47] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: much friendlier
[20:19:45] Dibblah: flexy: Aha. You killed mythfrontend in that instance?
[20:19:51] flexy: Dibblah: right. no, did not see anything odd in logs. This has happened just once. If it does happen again, I'll check more
[20:19:52] Dibblah: And it was left on overnight?
[20:19:56] flexy: no
[20:20:22] Dibblah: To get the GDB, you must have ctrl-ced it.
[20:20:30] flexy: I left it showing livetv, went on an hour or so, came back to see it was not showing livetv anymore
[20:20:37] flexy: it was on gdb, when I left it
[20:20:46] tmkt: anyone have issues of original shows time settings being messed up after transcoding
[20:20:49] tmkt: ?
[20:21:22] flexy: Dibblah: hmmm... I'm pretty sure it did happen like I said.
[20:21:48] tmkt: recorded at 30 minutes, when watched later says its 21
[20:21:54] flexy: Dibblah: left the tv on, went on to entertain the wife, came back to see this..
[20:22:39] tmkt: lesson...never entertyain wife
[20:23:31] flexy: aah..
[20:24:19] flexy: but I like it:P
[20:26:29] Dibblah: Can you possibly go back through your system logs and see if anything else happens regularly?
[20:26:37] Dibblah: X11 and syslog, I'd look at.
[20:26:55] Dibblah: Specifically for mentions of issues by the nvidia driver.
[20:27:06] jan2600 (jan2600!n=jan@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:28:25] flexy: Dibblah: sure
[20:30:37] flexy: Xorg logs, they I have just the latest and one before that. They get rotated or something
[20:30:58] flexy: syslogs I have 7 days worth
[20:35:11] Dibblah:
[20:35:33] decke (decke! has quit ("Leaving.")
[20:36:19] Dibblah: . . . ol=component
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[20:37:15] gizmobay: The search is gone on
[20:37:16] flexy: oh, sweet :)
[20:37:43] gizmobay: use to be upper right
[20:38:02] flexy: yeah, it was apparently killing the box
[20:38:13] sphery: they're testing to see if it's where the bug that's eating memory is
[20:38:18] sphery: trying to keep the server running
[20:38:29] sphery: Wicked: re: "i cant seem to rewind live tv...i hit the rewind button and it kinda makes the video skip..but it doesnt actually rewind", see . Does it describe what you see?
[20:39:35] Dibblah: flexy: Something is going very wrong on your machine.
[20:39:54] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:39:57] flexy: Dibblah: how so?
[20:40:05] Dibblah: It's going from internal QT string functions into the nvidia-tls lib.
[20:40:12] sphery: flexy / gizmobay : if you go into View Tickets, can you see a list of a bunch of tickets, including "{1} Active Tickets" and "{14} Tickets closed in the last week (or so) (dates in UTC)"?
[20:40:26] sphery: Dibblah: which one is that?
[20:40:38] sphery: that's the one I was remembering (and I thought I had seen it on a couple of his)
[20:40:50] Dibblah: Which indicates that the stack has been corrupted.
[20:40:50] sphery: but I couldn't find it when I looked through soem
[20:40:56] Dibblah: 6836
[20:41:02] flexy: sphery: yes
[20:41:17] oobe (oobe! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:41:32] sphery: flexy: thx... just wondered if reports were still available when not logged in
[20:41:34] flexy: Dibblah: that I can reproduce with perhaps 1 crash in 30 tries
[20:42:40] flexy: so, pretty rare
[20:43:11] benklop: do I need tp create a coverart, fanart, screenshots, or banners group?
[20:43:32] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, re: myth_system(). thanks. I wasn't able to reproduce it here with the JobQueue on my dev system but wanted to ask about it since you migth know.
[20:43:35] Dibblah: You don't need to, no.
[20:43:46] sphery: benklop: depends on whether you're using MythVideo storage groups ( ) or not.
[20:43:49] flexy: but, it has happened thru long period of time, with different nvidia versions
[20:43:54] benklop: ok, the question should have been ,what are they for?
[20:44:04] Dibblah: See the above link.
[20:44:45] benklop: thanks, I was looking for that earlier
[20:45:07] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: since during playback we run xscreensaver-command or gnome-screensaver-command once/min, you could try just enabling a screensaver and playing back stuff while doing other myth_system() stuff. Or just stick another myth_system() in the housekeeper or something.
[20:45:24] flexy: Dibblah: in that ticket, there is a report of system test I did. I don't know how to try the system more...
[20:45:35] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:45:37] iamlindoro: "running myth" seems to do it
[20:45:38] iamlindoro: ;)
[20:45:39] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, yeah, I"ll try to reproduce tonight at home.
[20:45:43] Dibblah: What is the age of the distribution?
[20:45:52] sphery: benklop: you'll need to read for more info--for now, don't configure Videos or any of the image SG's
[20:46:05] sphery: benklop: then when you finish reconfiguring your system, look at
[20:46:19] flexy: Dibblah: hmmm... good question. minimum one year.
[20:46:35] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: cool... I'm distracted on trying to finish a check/fix DB corruption script
[20:46:51] Dibblah: My brain is leaking out through my ears with those backtraces.
[20:46:53] sphery: (code you don't want to write is the hardest to write)
[20:47:13] Dibblah: I'm going to have to come back to it – Sorry :(
[20:47:48] flexy: Dibblah: no problems. that is not a bug that happens often.
[20:48:40] flexy: 7413 and 7414, they are reproducible. every time :)
[20:49:32] flexy: I don't actually use myth like that normally. I just was testing it and stumbled upon those.
[20:49:59] sphery: flexy: I still think it's system install issues. You have that strange QList-calling-libnvidia-tls functions one, and at least one or 2 aborts in system libs...
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[20:50:24] Cyber-Dogg (Cyber-Dogg! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:50:35] sphery: have you ever thought of doing a backup ( ), then a complete reinstall of Mythbuntu or something?
[20:50:43] Cyber-Dogg:
[20:51:06] flexy: sphery: so, do you suggest a reinstall? I can do it, but I haven't really gotten used with windows cure like that :)
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[20:51:32] Cyber-Dogg: I'm trying to get my VDPAU to work
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[20:52:44] flexy: sphery: I did try mythbuntu a year ago. came back to debian within a week.. oh, yes, then I reinstalled debian. this is about 9months old installation
[20:54:16] flexy: the database is much older. I've kept it quite some time. can't remember how long.
[20:55:11] simonckenyon: anybody thought about getting myth to work with XvBA? seems there are drivers now for ATI, NVidia and Intel
[20:55:18] sphery: flexy: I wouldn't consider it a Windows cure. I would consider it a, "When it takes longer to find the brokenness /before/ you can even start to fix it than it takes to reinstall the system from scratch, it's just good sense."  :)
[20:56:03] sphery: simonckenyon: likely VA-API as XvBA is an undocumented ATI proprietary API
[20:56:12] sphery: (for which a VA-API backend was created)
[20:56:41] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #MythTV-users
[20:56:41] sphery: and VA-API is an open standard that allows hooking backends for various API's (such as XvBA for ATI and VDPAU for NVIDIA)
[20:56:47] flexy: sphery: right. :) as I said earlier, I can do it. But I'll have to wait for my laptop to arrive from warranty. this mythbox is the only computer in the house right now....
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[20:58:28] Wicked: sphery, checking now...but site is lagging..
[20:58:46] simonckenyon: just wondering if it was route to getting accelerated video on ATI and intel as well as NVidia (for which we use VDPAU)
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[20:59:15] flexy: sphery: But I would like to stay with debian. There is no reason to not use debian, is there?
[20:59:19] Wicked: sphery, ill have to test it out next time im watching tv. i cant recall if a new show had started when i ran into the issue
[20:59:22] simonckenyon: i came across today, which is why i asked
[20:59:51] iamlindoro: Until the ATI VA-API backend code gets published and merged upstream in ffmpeg, no. Gwenole Beauchesne has not released portions of it necessary to make it actually work
[21:00:18] iamlindoro: The only things that actually work with VA-API right now are the Intel poulsbo driver and nVidia via the VDPAU backend
[21:00:25] iamlindoro: which is not as capable as directly using VDPAU
[21:00:41] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:00:58] sphery: flexy: If it were me, I would do it. I can't guarantee that it would work, but if it were my time, I would feel it's worth the investment based on the number/frequency/and craziness of the issues found on the system. So, it's up to you, and I'm not telling you to do it, nor that it will help. (And to tell you the truth, there are, er, "rumored" to be build issues with the Debian packages and since after adding all the ...
[21:01:04] sphery: ... proprietary/patent-encumbered stuff you have to add to Debian to make Myth work, you're completely breaking all the ideals that make Debian Debian (which means you're basically running Ubuntu), and since Debian is /very/ hard to make work properly with Myth because of all the stuff it stripts out, it probably makes more sense to run Ubuntu.)
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[21:01:39] sphery: Wicked: ok, just thought it might be nice for you to have a ticket to follow (and not wonder if you need to submit a ticket :)
[21:01:50] Wicked: hehe yea. it is :)
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[21:02:02] Wicked: though. it does sound like the issue i am having
[21:02:04] simonckenyon: ok – looks like you know about this stuff – just checking
[21:02:09] flexy: sphery: good selling pitch. I will consider it... :)
[21:02:15] Wicked: and i did not experience this on 0.21-fixes
[21:02:27] sphery: flexy: ultimately your decision, but those are my opinions
[21:04:18] flexy: sphery: well, I recall that the mythbuntu try out ended because mysql died a couple of times... which has never happened to me in debian. Don't know why it happened...
[21:06:57] kjetil__ (kjetil__! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:07:11] sphery: Well, I admit that learning a new distro is a /ton/ of work (after all, Debian is Debian and Ubuntu is Ubuntu and Fedora is Fedora and there's no really no such thing as learning GNU/Linux), but I know a lot of Mythbuntu users who have very stable installs. So, it comes down to deciding where to invest your time--in trying to figure out how to force Debian to work for Myth or trying to learn a new myth-based distro.
[21:07:34] flexy: but I'll try with mythbuntu once again, after I get my laptop (and can burn installation media, do backups and stuff)
[21:07:47] sphery: flexy: oh, and I should probably clarify--the rumors of build issues are in packages related to Myth, not Debian in general (and not Debian "approved" stuff)
[21:08:27] flexy: in debian-multimedia?
[21:08:28] sphery: flexy: and you can continue to run Debian on your laptop so you still feel at home :)
[21:08:59] sphery: I don't know details--so I'm just passing on rumors I've heard.
[21:09:27] flexy: right. I'm using debian sid + debian-multimedia repository
[21:10:27] flexy: and I have not seen problems related to debian, with this myth box. then again, I'm a little biased, after 10y using debian :)
[21:11:05] kjetil__ (kjetil__! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:11:16] sphery: kjetil__: The best thing you can do is disable that (and/or all) MythMusic visualizers. Since their use is optional, the issue is low-priority
[21:11:21] sphery: and he left too soon
[21:11:25] sphery: kjetil_: ^^^
[21:11:42] flexy: it happens
[21:11:59] janneg: flexy: . . . ol=milestone
[21:12:46] janneg: to answer your question in #mythtv
[21:13:39] flexy: yeah, thanks. Don't know how have I missed this
[21:15:10] sphery: flexy: seems you want only reporter or CC as it's and'ing them. And change reporter to tapio, for example
[21:15:20] Ryushin: I thought mythweb was supposed to have a new flash player in .22? If it does, where do I find it or what more do I need to compile and install?
[21:16:22] Ryushin: I found mythflash under mythextras. But there is no documentation on how to install it.
[21:17:39] sphery: mythflash is different
[21:18:26] sphery: Ryushin: you have to explicitly enable the setting in MythWeb that says, "I understand that the Flash junk in here is only a proof of concept and I won't report bugs or other issues against it."
[21:18:33] Gumby` (Gumby`!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:18:45] Ryushin: Oh, okay. I'll go look in the settings then.
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[21:19:19] sphery: those words are not an exact quote--kind of a paraphrasing :)
[21:19:35] sphery: a pair of raisins?
[21:19:44] flexy: yes thank you
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[21:21:36] flexy: well, good night. and thanks for the advice and all...
[21:21:36] Ryushin: Also, is there any option to have turn on pages to list the shows in mythweb? I have over 700 shows to display and it would nice break them out and only display like 50 at a time or something to that affect.
[21:23:06] flexy (flexy! has quit ("leaving")
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[21:24:28] wagnerrp: Ryushin: nope
[21:26:21] Ryushin: Thanks for the info.
[21:30:31] sphery: benklop: how's the reconfigure going?
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[21:40:24] sphery: Eviltwin: that was very not evil of you...
[21:40:31] grokky (grokky! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:41:24] skd5aner: sphery: think you meant to send that to the other channel?
[21:41:56] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit ("Client exiting")
[21:42:09] sphery: no, since it was not on-topic for dev, I sent it here (since he's in both), but it was referring to his helping someone in the other channel
[21:42:47] skd5aner: of course :)
[21:43:36] Eviltwin: Well I can't ALWAYS be evil
[21:43:40] Eviltwin: That'd be too predictable
[21:44:32] wagnerrp: sometimes he shaves his mustache, and just sits at a park to watch the birds
[21:45:22] Eviltwin: To be truly evil, you must keep people of balance
[21:45:30] Eviltwin: Not knowing whether to expect kindness or evil from you
[21:45:42] Eviltwin: The lies mixed with the truths till it's impossible to distinguish one from the other
[21:45:46] Eviltwin: That is my purpose
[21:45:53] wagnerrp: no, that would be chaotic neutral
[21:47:00] MTughan: sphery: Took a while, but DisplaySize did the trick. Thanks. Will probably look into moving to VGA or maybe even DVI over a cheap AGP card in the future, but at least that solves the immediate problem.
[21:47:13] sphery: Eviltwin: now you're being devious...
[21:47:39] wagnerrp: VGA and DVI are not alternate technologies to AGP
[21:47:43] sphery: MTughan: great... I think you'll like Myth /much/ better when you switch to a GPU and no S-Video
[21:48:10] MTughan: wagnerrp: I know. I'm saying we may move to VGA instead of S-Video out of a Hauppauga PVR-350.
[21:48:33] sphery: MTughan: and nvidia GF5200 is proabaly a nice cheap AGP-using GPU that's easy to set up for Myth
[21:48:40] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:48:49] MTughan: sphery: Not sure if I can get a 5200, but what about a 6xxx?
[21:49:18] wagnerrp: you can get 6 and 7 series agp cards
[21:49:28] wagnerrp: both work with the mainline nvidia drivers
[21:50:02] MTughan: Yeah, I can get a silent 6200.
[21:50:20] sphery: MTughan: ah, yeah, those would work--I was mis-remembering where they stopped doing AGP
[21:50:20] MTughan: $51 CAD, not too bad.
[21:50:48] sphery: (in spite of the fact that I have an AGP 5200, 6200, and 7800 ...  :)
[21:50:54] MTughan: lol
[21:50:56] olesalscheider_ (olesalscheider_!n=desktop@u-0-054.vpn.RWTH-Aachen.DE) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:51:18] sphery: anyway, any nvidia 5200 or better should be easy to use
[21:51:24] MTughan: Only other thing I've got to watch out for is that our case is a half-height case, so I need a half-height card and back plate.
[21:51:26] wagnerrp: yeah, 8 is the first series with no agp
[21:51:54] wagnerrp: im surprised no one made an agp varient, considering they made pci varients
[21:51:59] MTughan: wagnerrp: Well, did any OEMs make 8 series with AGP->PCIe chips?
[21:52:05] wagnerrp: either way, youve got to use a bridge chip
[21:52:07] MTughan: I know some OEMs with ATI cards did that.
[21:52:17] wagnerrp: none that ive seen
[21:52:25] sphery: yeah, I've only seen PCIe and PCI
[21:52:44] sphery: (but then again, I just proved my memory of GF versions is faulty...)
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[21:55:25] Ryushin: Any idea why flow player would stream 3 seconds and then quite. ffmpeg shows it's still doing something but nothing else shows up for the stream. I've tested this with several recordings including HD, and it streams 3 seconds and that's it. I've reduced the resolution down to 200 pixels and that didn't show any difference.
[21:55:45] wagnerrp: fault in the recording?
[21:56:23] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:56:24] Ryushin: Not sure. I tried a number of recordings and they all die at 3 seconds.
[21:56:29] eFfeM (eFfeM! has quit ("Leaving.")
[21:57:05] Ryushin: The recordings play fine under the frontend.
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[22:01:09] ** wagnerrp is getting increasingly frustrated at cacti **
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[22:10:46] ** MTughan is getting increasingly frustrated at hyperion :P **
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[22:24:47] gizmobay: what happened
[22:27:02] Eviltwin: It's called a Netsplit
[22:27:10] Eviltwin: Wikipedia it
[22:29:01] gizmobay: oh, I see
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[22:57:17] benklop: my searches seem to be timing out
[22:58:36] benklop: wait.. no they sometimes time out
[22:59:58] Dibblah: Yes. The tmdb site is overloaded.
[23:00:04] Dibblah: Try it when it's less busy.
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[23:02:35] benklop: hmm.. I wonder why so busy now?
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[23:03:00] Dibblah: Because there's lots of merkins?
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[23:06:21] wagnerrp: i completely dont get that reference
[23:07:01] wagnerrp: having looked up what it was, i dont understand how that would be a reference to a person
[23:09:14] benklop: is it a mispronunciation od americans?
[23:10:06] wagnerrp: not at all
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[23:12:52] Dibblah:
[23:13:11] Er1K (Er1K!n=erik@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:13:12] Dibblah: Scrolling up would be moderately NSFW.
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[23:27:12] benklop: when I try to change channel, the frontend pauses for a second, says "on known multiplex" and then goes back to the same channel
[23:27:25] benklop: i'm not sure what that means
[23:27:58] benklop: it also says it's only using one tuner, yet both tuner lights on my hdhomerun are lit
[23:28:32] benklop: any ideas why?
[23:30:15] benklop: or what I could do to find out
[23:31:42] FR^2 (FR^2! has quit ("Der Worte sind genug gewechselt, lasst mich auch endlich Taten sehn!")
[23:32:38] J-e-f-f-A: benklop: Do you have EIT enabled?
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[23:35:27] J-e-f-f-A: that took a long time... (an svn up...) Server must be very busy....
[23:35:46] benklop: J-e-f-f-A: I might.. I don't get why it wouldn't let me change the channel tho
[23:35:56] benklop: ill check if changing that fixes it
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[23:36:39] J-e-f-f-A: If you have EIT enabled, your tuner(s) may be 'in use' when idle, to collect EIT data. If you're using Schedules Direct, EIT should be off.
[23:37:23] benklop: ok. SD doesn't actually have all my channels in it tho
[23:37:43] benklop: I was hoping some of the ones not in there would be sending me data
[23:39:33] J-e-f-f-A: They *might* – but keep in mind EIT data is only for like a day or two at most. And don't enable EIT on channels that you get SD data for, or it'll get really messy...
[23:39:38] Gumby` (Gumby`!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:40:17] CoreDump is now known as CoreDump|home
[23:40:31] J-e-f-f-A: benklop: But having EIT enabled will use 'idle' tuners to grab the EIT data. (It's broadcast on the actual channel, so it has to tune it in to grab it...)
[23:42:00] abqjp (abqjp! has quit ()
[23:44:10] bobgill (bobgill!n=smileyfa@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[23:46:09] unimaginative: It's official.
[23:46:19] unimaginative: Even though this tv is relatively small, it's effing *awesome*
[23:47:52] benklop: J-e-f-f-A: that was in fact the issue. I just assumed that when I watch live TV, it would consider that tuner no longer idle
[23:48:25] gregL (gregL! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:48:36] J-e-f-f-A: benklop: Well, that's good to hear. Maybe you can put together a patch?  ;-) hehehehe
[23:48:43] benklop: problem is I guess it placed me on a multiplex of the channel it was gathering EIT from, and that meant i couldnt change channel
[23:48:49] ** J-e-f-f-A doesn't use EIT. ;-) **
[23:49:08] J-e-f-f-A: ah.
[23:49:10] benklop: J-e-f-f-A: i've already got an idea for my first patch..
[23:49:21] benklop: :)
[23:49:58] ** J-e-f-f-A has only contributed one patch so far... but has thoughts for more as time allows... **
[23:50:49] benklop: I'm thinking that EIT should be a low low priority and if there is a conflict between what eit wants and what the user wants the user wins
[23:52:15] J-e-f-f-A: benklop: The reason that probably doesn't exist right now is that LiveTV is a very low-priority for the core developers – MythTV is a PVR, and that's what it's great at... ;-) I personally only use "LiveTV" as "Tuner Test Mode"... ;-)
[23:53:36] cocoa117 (cocoa117! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:04] mindoms (mindoms!n=stefan@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:56:18] J-e-f-f-A: ... or mostly "channel changing script test mode"
[23:57:51] sphery: benklop: there's a setting "Open DVB cards on Demand" (which may not apply for HDHR--but then again might) and you can change EIT scanning from active to passive. Active scans with idle tuners, passive only gets EIT when a tuner is in use (and only from that multiplex)
[23:58:12] sphery: benklop: and if you're in the US, EIT is likely to cause more problems than it solves

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