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Monday, October 19th, 2009, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:14] iamlindoro: oobe, if you're going to apply trunk features, then don't use the release
[00:01:59] wagnerrp: thats probably something that will get backported to -fixes shortly after release anyway
[00:02:17] oobe: but one day soon im assuming trunk will be using different libs and protocol then it will get unstable
[00:02:26] oobe: wagnerrp, yes thats what i was asking
[00:02:45] iamlindoro: It's a feature
[00:02:55] iamlindoro: that doesn't mean it won't necessarily get backported, but it's not a fix
[00:03:04] oobe: ok i was unsure
[00:03:36] [R]: is the current trunk gonna be 0.23... or is it like 0.22-fixes?
[00:03:43] oobe: as nc a frontend and disconnecting other session seems like somthing that should be fixed
[00:03:50] iamlindoro: current trunk will be .23
[00:03:56] [R]: thats what i thought, thanks
[00:04:10] wagnerrp: oobe: its not a 'bug' so much as an intentional lack of a feature
[00:04:32] oobe: yea i see it both ways
[00:04:40] wagnerrp: the dev who wrote it was not contracted to allow multiple logins
[00:04:52] mzb: the bug is that attempting >1 connection results in dropping the 1st
[00:05:10] wagnerrp: its not a bug if it was intended behavior
[00:05:17] wolfspirit: do most of you have a cable box and then have that plugged into your tuner card? I have mine directly from the wall into the tuner, I only get the basic "network television" channels
[00:05:52] [R]: wolfspirit: i have a tuner that gets the clear QAM and i have an hdpvr plugged into my cable box
[00:07:18] wagnerrp: wolfspirit: you should NEVER have a tuner card plugged into your cable box
[00:07:50] Captain_Murdoch: iamlindoro, oobe, we may be allowing minor features to be backported to -fixes this time since we're shooting for a short release cycle to 0.23 early next year.
[00:07:52] wagnerrp: your cable box will not output atsc/qam, so a digital card would be completely useless
[00:08:18] Captain_Murdoch: rather than having a third -plus branch. this was discussed a day or two ago in the dev channel.
[00:08:20] wagnerrp: and an analog tuner card should use the video inputs (svideo) rather than the tuner
[00:08:32] wagnerrp: svideo >> composite >> rf
[00:08:50] oobe: wow so .23 could be out only 3 – 6 months after .22
[00:09:02] iamlindoro: somewhere in that range, yes
[00:09:10] Captain_Murdoch: yes, target is 3 < x < 6
[00:09:32] wagnerrp: oobe: consider that 0.22 was near a complete rewrite
[00:09:41] oobe: thats amazing you guys must be getting faster and faster
[00:09:49] oobe: i see
[00:09:50] iamlindoro: There's far less to do
[00:09:57] oobe: yeah i get it
[00:10:04] wagnerrp: the change from QT3 to QT4 was VERY large
[00:10:08] oobe: so now the foundation is set away we go
[00:11:40] wagnerrp: consider 0.22 was largely a rewrite, 0.23 is just new features
[00:11:50] oobe: yeah i see
[00:12:37] lydgate (lydgate!n=lydgate@unaffiliated/lydgate) has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[00:20:44] Dagmar: Some folks just seem clue-immune
[00:28:01] oobe: other folks make snide remarks based on little insight and contribute nothing of any use
[00:28:46] jst_home: so does one need to change the db charset (latin1 to utf8) before attempting to update a db from 0.21 to 0.22, or does the db upgrade do that for me?
[00:29:22] iamlindoro: jst_home, not only do you not need to do that, but manually doing so is likely to break your upgrade
[00:29:32] iamlindoro: the upgrade handles it all
[00:29:38] jst_home: iamlindoro: awesome, thanks!
[00:29:41] iamlindoro: np
[00:29:54] ** jst_home is slowly preparing to migrate his main mythtv system to 0.22 **
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[01:16:02] mzb: iamlindoro, I have had *some* success with your mpeg2fixup script *if* I add "-vcodec mpeg2 -sameq" rather than "-vcodec copy" ... but it's _very_slow_
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[01:24:29] sphery: gbee: thanks for cleaning up the release notes major features... nice to actually have features instead of "things that are major differences"
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[01:34:14] computertreker: I'm having an issue with the rc build of mythtv .22. I have a pvr-500 and there is no option in mythtv setup for mpeg2 hardware encoder cards.
[01:34:34] computertreker: i tried using the v4l analog card option
[01:35:08] computertreker: but i get errors in the backend log about no video codec being detected
[01:36:20] computertreker: does anyone know which card type to select for a pvr-500 with v.22?
[01:36:47] resno_ (resno_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:39:50] iamlindoro: ivtv MPEG-2 encoder type
[01:39:54] iamlindoro: if you don't have it, it means you compiled myth incorrectly
[01:40:11] iamlindoro: commonly this occurs on gentoo because of random broken compile flag settings
[01:40:24] computertreker: thanks
[01:40:28] iamlindoro: np
[01:41:24] Dagmar: Hmm...
[01:42:36] Dagmar: Looks like upgrading ffmpeg seems to have fixed one of the issues I was having
[01:51:29] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:55] Dagmar: Maybe the commflagger won't segfault so often after this
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[03:43:37] oobe: [R], how do you record all movies is there a movie tag in your guide data ? also what guy is into piracy
[03:43:55] [R]: oobe: its from the ML
[03:44:15] oobe: what is
[03:44:18] [R]: that line
[03:44:37] oobe: about that guy or recording all movies
[03:44:52] [R]: the whole thing
[03:46:39] mzb: power search?
[03:47:21] mzb: eg: program.chanid = channel.chanid AND ( NOT LIKE 'ABC%' AND NOT LIKE 'SBS%') AND program.category_type = 'movie'
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[04:52:39] [R]: how awesome is that
[04:52:53] [R]: the frontend doesnt' like it when it's time is way off from the backends
[04:55:12] oobe: that is correct
[04:55:17] oobe: livetv cant seek
[04:55:42] Dagmar: Uh, yes, it can.
[04:55:42] oobe: use the same ntp on both boxes
[04:55:52] Dagmar: It just sucks at seeking into the future.
[04:55:59] oobe: yeah
[04:56:15] [R]: well the frontend woudln't even start for me
[04:56:19] oobe: Dagmar, it can reverse either
[04:56:24] Dagmar: ...but if someone has a problem with that, it's not for us to sort out. Hopefully their nurse will be along presently to take them back to their room.
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[05:21:20] bobc: I'm now on .22 and I notice that on the watch recording screens (any theme) it only uses preview images rather than video even though I have it set to use video. anyone else have this issue?
[05:21:33] iamlindoro: There is no video preview in .22
[05:21:43] bobc: thanks
[05:22:05] strex: thank you're cpu cycles. :)
[05:22:26] bobc: never had a problem with it before
[05:22:44] iamlindoro: It's not about CPU, the MythUI video widget hasn't been written
[05:22:57] bobc: I know it would be a problem for themes like terra and graphite, but not the 'old' style
[05:25:00] bobc: I also noticed that setting for showing the show info in watch recording when you are in the program list also doesn't have any effect
[05:25:20] iamlindoro: I can't even parse that sentence
[05:25:21] bobc: probably a poor description of the issue...
[05:25:44] iamlindoro: indeed
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[05:27:30] bobc: OK, in themes like mythcenter, mythbuntu and blue-abstract (ie NOT the left-right type like terra and graphite), when the selection is in the program list (on the left side) their is a summary of the number of recordings for that show...
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[05:28:21] bobc: there is a setting to not show the summary, but simply the first show for that program, however it doesn't have any effect any longer in .22
[05:29:08] iamlindoro: Correct, the setting is no longer used
[05:30:18] bobc: is it another case of simply not having been implemented yet, or is it no longer felt it is needed or possible?
[05:31:31] iamlindoro: it will likely never be implemented, where has been a massive proliferation of useless/trivial/fiddly settings over the years and we are trying to replace as many as possible with sensible defaults
[05:31:36] iamlindoro: er there has
[05:32:06] iamlindoro: What can be replaced with menu options will be, what can be outright removed will be, and what can have a sensible default set will be
[05:33:17] iamlindoro: oh, and a fair number have been/are/will be replaced by giving the themer control of them, too
[05:34:41] bobc: the irritation is that some of these changes add additional steps to the most common uses
[05:35:35] bobc: the group summary adds an additional step if you want to play the first show in a program group
[05:36:14] iamlindoro: That part of it has to do with how MythUI works-- you can't have two selected buttonlists at the same time
[05:36:18] iamlindoro: only one can have focus
[05:36:56] iamlindoro: regardless, yes, there will be some growing pains, but given the extra code exists to save exactly one keystroke, I wouldn't anticipate it being added again, as that kind of hack is on its way out
[05:36:57] bobc: the removal of the right button menu activation to support right-left themes makes it slightly more awkward to get to the menu.
[05:37:52] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit ("Leaving")
[05:38:26] bobc: as I recall it was just the opposite though – the summary info was added with a 'show group summary' option and now it's been make default and the old standard that used less key strokes is being called a hack and removed
[05:39:06] iamlindoro: *shrug*
[05:39:23] iamlindoro: makes sense to me, personally, doesn't seem like one extra keystroke is worth fussing over
[05:40:35] bobc: it's one extra keystroke on the watch recording screen which is where the vast majority of people spend most of their time
[05:40:48] bobc: if it was a fairly uncommon screen it wouldn't matter
[05:41:10] iamlindoro: Well, don't know what to tell you-- we gain far, far more from the MythUI conversion that we lose by dumping old settings that the vast majority of people won't care about losing
[05:42:02] iamlindoro: Myth's settings need massive simplification, the decision in this case makes perfect sense to me, especially in light of the UI changes, and ultimately the people writing the code are going to make the calls that make the most sense to them
[05:42:37] bobc: well, it does always come down to that
[05:42:42] iamlindoro: Two buttonlists cannot have focus at the same time, and writing workarounds for a single screen encourages messy, broken code
[05:42:51] iamlindoro: so we are moving away from that kind of thing
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[05:45:59] bobc: then both options (the video preview and group summary) should be removed prior to the release of .22 to avoid confusion
[05:46:29] bobc: the video preview can just be greyed out if it will be returning
[05:46:43] iamlindoro: Video widget will come back, but will not be user controlled
[05:47:07] iamlindoro: anyway, we are not making any more non-fatal fixes to .22 until after the release
[05:47:18] iamlindoro: after the release such a thing would be considered
[05:48:31] bobc: not a problem for me – just suggesting that you will get a lot fewer users confused and submitting tickets and emails if it is done
[05:48:55] iamlindoro: The .23 development cycle will be short enough that even if we do, it won't be long
[05:49:20] iamlindoro: and after a critical mass of information gets into the public, the answers become self-sustaining
[05:49:55] iamlindoro: There's lots of things it would have been nice to get in/cleaned up in time for the release, but now the focus is on providing fixes for crashes only and getting the release out, then turning to .23
[05:52:52] bobc: I have waffled over going back to .21 until .23, but I do like the new mythvideo features.
[05:53:48] iamlindoro: It boggles my mind that anyone would consider .22 a step back, but to each his own
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[05:57:07] bobc: well, my wife and I don't find terra or graphite to our liking – the left-right themes seem rather awkward and don't show as many programs at once and have very small text – almost impossible to read from 10 ft
[05:57:53] iamlindoro: You could write a theme, it might even be fun :)
[05:57:58] bobc: in mythvideo with images in the background it is hard to see the videos
[05:58:06] iamlindoro: We've got docs for such a thing and everything now
[05:59:18] bobc: I don't want to feel that I don't appreciate the hard work you've been doing – I suppose it would be hard not to with what I've said and for that I apologize
[05:59:41] iamlindoro: it's okay, more politically put than most
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[06:00:02] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:01:24] bobc: I definately like the abilities you and stuarta have worked on and look forward to many more excellent themes making use of them
[06:01:38] iamlindoro: It's unrealistic to believe that some people won't get frustrated that their pet settings/behaviors go away, I can think of at least one that is likely to cause lots of whining
[06:02:24] iamlindoro: but we wouldn't undertake it if there wasn't a sincere belief that in the end we will end up with a much, much nicer experience
[06:02:36] iamlindoro: not that stuarta hasn't worked hard, but you may mean stuartm :)
[06:02:59] bobc: Oh, I'm sure there will be much heartache on the lists
[06:03:15] bobc: damn, you're right, sorry stuartm!
[06:03:20] iamlindoro: :)
[06:04:03] iamlindoro: people are creatures of habit, especially when that habit has been the same for years
[06:04:08] bobc: Oh, I have faith in the developers believe it or not
[06:04:14] iamlindoro: but that saying about omelettes and eggs :)
[06:04:52] iamlindoro: and we can't make it more accessible and more pretty without ripping out some of the stuff that just plain didn't make sense in the first place or which broke UI paradigms for a single screen
[06:05:17] bobc: I've been using mythtv since .09, so I've seen several changes that many people didn't appreciate – this is just the first time that I've had one
[06:06:33] Shady (Shady!n=shady@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:06:34] bobc: Oh, there's no doubt that the settings menu has been overbloated for quite some time – I always struggle for find the setting that I want
[06:09:32] hads: Yeah, less is more.
[06:10:27] hads: But that's what you get for such a complex configurable software.
[06:11:00] iamlindoro: Yes and no-- easily half of myth's settings could be removed and replaced with sensible defaults
[06:11:22] iamlindoro: Will it piss some people off? Yep. ultimately worth it to make myth accessible to more people? Absolutely
[06:12:25] iamlindoro: As it is, you could NEVER build a set top box on Myth for a lot of reasons, but the biggest is configuration complexity and near-impossible maintenance for a non-technical user
[06:12:27] hads: Yeah, I like the idea of removing bunches of settings from the UI and having sensible defaults. Though I think if you leave the settings in the DB then people have no reason to be pissed off.
[06:12:38] ddettman: what about an "advanced settings" option, where all but the most simple options are hidden, but still there if someone really needs it?
[06:12:47] hads: If they are that much of a power user they can change the settings with SQL
[06:12:57] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:12:58] hads: Not like it's hard.
[06:13:16] iamlindoro: hads, Well, the settings wouldn't even remain in SQL, ideally
[06:13:30] iamlindoro: as there is not point in keeping many of them
[06:13:51] iamlindoro: 90% of those that remain should be hidden in an expert mode, and the bare minimum needed to run Myth should remain exposed
[06:13:59] hads: Agreed
[06:14:07] Wicked: i think having a normal options..then an advanced options mode is a good idea
[06:14:15] Wicked: just my 2 cents :)
[06:14:36] Wicked: kinda get best of both worlds.
[06:15:11] justinh: and if you don't get what you like, ask for a refund
[06:15:23] Wicked: lol
[06:15:52] bobc: the more options you have the harder it is to ensure that everything works correctly – especially with so much being theme dependent going forward
[06:16:27] bobc: it may make sense to have options based on the theme used
[06:16:44] iamlindoro: IMO having a lot theme related is a good thing-- you can simplify a lot of decisions most users shouldn't even get to make and write, say, a theme for a STB... or a mobile phone... or a high end PC
[06:16:56] pizdets (pizdets! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:17:26] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle!n=pizdets@ has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:20:02] justinh: heh seems mr 'max no of simultaneous recordings' has run into a problem with his dodgy sassythingy
[06:20:20] KraMer (KraMer! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[06:20:21] iamlindoro: justinh, I weep for him ;)
[06:24:38] justinh: well, time to head to the place where I look busy
[06:25:08] iamlindoro: justinh,
[06:25:17] iamlindoro: justinh, Goofing around w/ the menu, though by no means done
[06:32:29] pak0 (pak0! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[06:42:02] grokky (grokky! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:42:37] BlueSteel (BlueSteel! has quit ("I'll be back")
[06:43:30] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:06:24] benklop (benklop! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[07:09:18] lozarythmic (lozarythmic! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:18:11] justinh: whoah! me like! :)
[07:19:01] jst_home: Anyone here have any ideas what "Registering internal as a media playback plugin. Floating exception" might be caused by when starting a 0.22 frontend?
[07:19:24] justinh: a division by zero error right at startup eh. Nasty
[07:19:30] jst_home: I know what a floating point exception is, but a "Floating exception"?
[07:19:47] justinh: sounds like the same thing
[07:19:57] jst_home: yeah, that's my guess too
[07:20:11] justinh: tried svn-up'ing ?
[07:20:26] jst_home: I guess I'll build a debug version...
[07:20:57] jst_home: justinh: earlier today, yes, and the same frontend code works on another box here...
[07:21:30] psj (psj! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:21:43] jst_home: backend runs fine...
[07:21:46] justinh: are both frontends running at the same screen size/resolution/theme ?
[07:21:59] jst_home: no
[07:22:24] justinh: that might well be the key
[07:22:46] jst_home: hmm
[07:30:13] pak0 (pak0! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:34:58] justinh: wonder if there's any way I can block a browser displaying images containing Tux
[07:35:20] justinh: very few things annoy me as much as seeing that retarded mascot
[07:39:18] justinh: had a thought about the signal indication in livetv mode.. wonder if it'd be easy to make that a different area so it could be optional in the OSD theme
[07:39:55] justinh: always bugs me when I see it – and that's only when I'm testing tuners
[07:40:02] cdpuk (cdpuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:42:07] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:43:51] jst_home: justinh: so it seems that "floating exception" is because the frontend ends up in qt-3.3 code, moving /usr/lib/qt-3.3 out of the way get the frontend up and running
[07:44:32] jst_home: moving it back makes it fail again
[07:46:16] justinh: hahahahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Nice to see the mythtv themes wiki page has had the awful ones removed :)
[07:50:30] justinh: wonder if I'm the only one who thinks the mythbuntu theme doesn't have enough contrast
[07:52:39] jst_home: nope
[07:53:13] hads: Mythbuntu theme is the favourite in my test so far.
[07:53:25] justinh: hads: how can you even read it?
[07:53:32] jst_home: mine too, but could use more contrast
[07:53:56] hads: justinh: Where are you having trouble, my test subjects are saying it's the most readable.
[07:54:09] justinh: look at any of the screenshots
[07:54:22] hads: Well I'm going by actual use.
[07:54:27] justinh: so am I
[07:54:35] hads: *shrug*
[07:54:41] [Peter]: it's way to transparent
[07:54:42] justinh: the shapes used as the text area backgrounds are not opaque enough
[07:54:53] [Peter]: by looking at the screenshots
[07:55:10] hads: Terra was quite popular too but people couldn't find what was selected.
[07:55:40] hads: In mythvideo gallery mode mostly.
[07:55:42] poodyp (poodyp! has quit ()
[07:55:45] justinh: that was more down to it using 'dark' highlighting :)
[07:56:09] justinh: threw me on many occasions
[07:56:39] hads: I see where you're coming from about the alpha, it could proably be a little more opaque.
[07:56:51] justinh: even just a smidgin would do it
[07:56:58] justinh: maybe only another 10%
[07:57:31] hads: Screen size I think makes a difference, I just looked at the bedroom TV and it's a bit harder to read than the lounge.
[07:57:39] justinh: and maybe boost the brightness of unselected textareas if that's not enough
[07:58:05] justinh: my TV is properly set up & I could read it but only by really staring at it
[07:58:45] justinh: I initially thought it was just something which shows up because of gamma differences between CRT & LCD
[07:59:14] justinh: but it was worse on my laptop :(
[07:59:23] hads: It's pretty readable here
[07:59:58] justinh: I can see the decision to make it so transparent was coming from having fanart etc – make it too opaque & there's no point having fanart displayed
[08:00:22] hads: Yeah it is a bit of a toss up
[08:00:59] justinh: I won't be bothering with fanart display
[08:01:21] justinh: at least not full screen
[08:01:56] hads: It's quite popular here, I like it too. Mostly because there's a bunch of movies and it's another memory prompt other than the cover and synopsis.
[08:02:24] justinh: not sure I use mythvideo enough to even warrant it :)
[08:02:34] hads: Yeah, we use it a lot.
[08:02:34] sid3windr: look at my horse, my horse is amazing!
[08:03:05] hads: Mythbuntu theme shows fanart in watch recordings too.
[08:03:15] justinh: meh
[08:04:03] justinh: only gonna do a theme so I have something I like to use. won't be releasing it
[08:04:35] Wicked (Wicked!n=zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[08:04:39] justinh: users can all go to hell once they say "great but"
[08:05:12] hads: Yes, I remember you.
[08:05:20] sid3windr: great butt?
[08:06:06] justinh: great theme BUT
[08:06:12] justinh: <whine> :)
[08:06:20] justinh: <feature request>
[08:06:47] hads: <whine about making themes>
[08:06:55] hads: :)
[08:07:23] justinh: lesson learned. don't release it, no users to complain about anything or ask for stuff :)
[08:10:41] justinh: I know, I hate freedom. Sue me
[08:11:55] motd2k (motd2k!n=motd2k@xbmc/staff/motd2k) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[08:17:25] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:24:08] purefusion: so, chroot or vserver?
[08:28:12] justinh: for what?
[08:30:05] justinh: apt-get install timesink
[08:35:40] mzb: I've not had the chance to play with fanart yet. What's the big deal?
[08:35:43] ** mzb ducks **
[08:36:33] justinh: I dunno :)
[08:37:30] mzb: *sigh*
[08:38:06] mzb: how will it improve the|my viewing experience (or possibly increase WAF ... which improves *everything*)
[08:39:06] mzb: I'm guessing that blootube-wide or mythcentre don't have it?
[08:39:11] justinh: lol
[08:39:16] mzb: oops
[08:39:36] ** mzb guesses that blootube was formerly written by an unamed "j" **
[08:39:44] mzb: ps: not a feature request!
[08:39:54] mzb: just wondering what the fuss is about!
[08:39:58] justinh: oh I'm sorry for not predicting the future
[08:40:10] gbee: mzb: some people like pretty pictures
[08:40:12] mzb: (ps: she seems to like the recent change to blootube)
[08:40:44] justinh: what recent change?
[08:40:46] gbee: I wouldn't say it improves usability, it's just a bone for those that like that stuff in xbmc etc
[08:41:04] mzb: changed from mythcentre to try it out
[08:41:06] mzb: gbee, yeah, I do most of the time .... and by *her* appreciation of j*'s work it would appear she does too ;)
[08:41:31] justinh: what work? I haven't lifted a finger on those pieces of crap for ages
[08:41:35] mzb: ok, so which themes feature fanart
[08:41:47] mzb: ?
[08:42:10] mzb: sorry, thought I recalled that you made that them ... or something
[08:42:14] mzb: s/theme
[08:42:27] gbee: Graphite, Mythbuntu, Blue Abstract and to some degree Terra (but Terra wasn't designed around it)
[08:42:46] mzb: ok, thanks ... I'll take a look
[08:44:14] mzb: where do I find Blue Abstract?
[08:44:37] mzb: looks like google is faster ;)
[08:44:47] justinh: it always is
[08:45:19] psj:
[08:45:49] mzb: yes, thanks
[08:46:12] simonckenyon (simonckenyon!n=kvirc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:46:35] mzb: just wondered why I don't have it already
[08:47:14] psj: it wasnt included when i installed .22 either
[08:49:00] mzb: it's mentioned on the themes page as part of the default theme package (kinda) ... would have thought that a trunk install would've included it
[08:49:15] mzb: (nm: *also* not a feature request!;)
[08:49:26] justinh: it's not included in trunk
[08:50:13] JAP-sylvain (JAP-sylvain! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:50:40] mzb: got that
[08:50:56] mzb: nah, she won't like Graphite ... as technically nice as it is
[08:51:13] JAP-sylvain: hi!
[08:51:23] justinh: my wife has awful taste. she likes mepo ffs
[08:51:44] gbee: mzb: Blue Abstract is under the 'user contributed' themes which I'll grant is misleading, but anything in that section won't be found in official packages
[08:52:01] mzb: fair enough
[08:52:48] mzb: ok, so what do I do for fanart? (eg: with recordings)
[08:52:52] JAP-sylvain: I'm new in mythtv and I try to configure my tuner, it's japanese tuner, I find nothing in internet, somebody can help me please?
[08:53:27] mzb: *she* might let me get away with Blue Abstract ... if fanart is a "killer feature" ;)
[08:56:32] mzb: blootube-ng ? hmm
[08:56:46] mzb: (also has fanart apparently)
[08:57:04] rgd (rgd!n=rgd@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:57:09] gbee: never heard of it
[08:57:17] justinh: sucky
[08:57:46] justinh: as in – as sucky as the original is :)
[08:58:08] mzb: hehe
[08:58:24] mzb: so does fanart "just work" if I have a fanart directory defined?
[08:58:39] mzb: or is there something else I need to do/enable/... etc
[08:58:49] gbee: doesn't seem like anyone has had enough time to create a proper version of blootube for mythui
[08:59:21] justinh: eew. it uses alphapulse on the selection bar
[09:00:28] mzb: gee, it's big enough!
[09:00:53] justinh: lol
[09:00:56] justinh: 34MB
[09:00:57] mzb: (bt-ng)
[09:01:08] mzb: my gawd!
[09:01:20] justinh: how the hell it ended up that big is anybody's guess
[09:02:07] mzb: heh
[09:02:09] mzb: ah well
[09:02:14] mzb: we'll see
[09:02:40] mzb: if she likes it there's no problem with the size
[09:02:44] mzb: *cough*
[09:02:58] ** mzb puts *it* away **
[09:03:39] justinh: haha that's why it's so big
[09:03:50] justinh: he shoulda done an svn export
[09:04:04] justinh: right now it's got all the .svn directories in it
[09:06:09] mzb: great
[09:07:09] mzb: hmm ... I don't mind it that much
[09:07:13] mzb: (so far)
[09:07:22] pak0: i have a little question
[09:07:41] mzb: but either way I'd still like to know how to get fanart working!
[09:07:52] mzb: (ie: visible!)
[09:07:56] pak0: i have a doble tuner dvb-t, set it up correctly on mythbackend, two inputs, two connections, but i can only wach one channel at once
[09:08:16] mzb: sure you set up the second tuner?
[09:08:26] pak0: i think yes
[09:08:30] mzb: ie: not just the first tuner as 2x virtual tuners?
[09:08:36] pak0: /dev/dvb-/adapter0 and adapter1
[09:09:02] pak0: i look up on wiki for how to set up correctly, is any guide better?
[09:09:03] mzb: what does mythweb show you?
[09:09:09] pak0: 4 tunners xD
[09:09:10] mzb: (status)
[09:09:14] mzb: in use?
[09:09:17] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:09:42] mzb: watch the backend logs when you're trying to change channels ... I'm assuming you're talking about live tv
[09:09:46] justinh: what's xd?
[09:09:55] oobe: mzb, you define fanart directory in mythvideo settings along with scripts etc.
[09:10:05] pak0: in encoder status say i have 4 enconders on htpc and is not recording
[09:10:13] oobe: ~/.mythtv/MythVideo/Fanart
[09:10:14] mzb: thanks oobe, anything else to do?
[09:10:28] pak0: when i try to change channel say its blocked and try to change input (y) but i cant
[09:10:38] oobe: yes you need to get jamu and ttvdb working
[09:10:40] mzb: err ... how is that related to "recordings" fanart?
[09:10:45] oobe: but thats not too hard
[09:10:45] mzb: ah
[09:10:49] mzb: hmm
[09:10:56] oobe: they grab the artwork
[09:11:01] mzb: yep, gotcha
[09:11:04] justinh: mzb: bt-ng uses fanart as the background in 'watch recordings'
[09:11:12] justinh: nasty
[09:11:14] mzb: ooh
[09:11:22] mzb: that bad?
[09:11:47] oobe: i also have a modded version of blue-abtract that i like i can give you
[09:11:47] pak0: have to work now, latter i try it another time
[09:11:54] justinh: I never intended it to be used like that, so depending on the colour of the background... hmmm
[09:12:08] mzb: *she* seems to hate the sideways scrolling menu ... so it's either bt-ng or Blue Abstract (which has purple in it, so that might be a winner;))
[09:12:36] mzb: oobe, modded? still got purple in it? ;)
[09:12:46] justinh: I'm not a fan of horizontal scrolling anything either
[09:12:50] gbee: *sob*
[09:12:59] ** mzb pats gbee **
[09:13:12] mzb: sorry, couldn't convince her
[09:13:37] pak0: i have two set up on mythbackend two times my capture card? two times font video? two times connections?
[09:13:57] mgisbers (mgisbers! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:14:47] justinh: heh Peter Griffin is gonna be on Question Time
[09:15:02] waxhead (waxhead!n=pete@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:15:52] oobe: mzb, i put it on my blog page but its not up right now
[09:16:07] mzb: let me know and I'll give it a try
[09:16:09] oobe: i will pack you one and pm you a link
[09:16:17] mzb: s/know where\/when
[09:16:22] mzb: ok, thanks
[09:16:29] oobe: i the screenshots are old and i have changed it alot since i put it up
[09:16:35] gbee: justinh: I hope you mean the animated character and not the nazi
[09:17:05] gbee: oh wait, that's Nick Griffin
[09:17:23] justinh: same difference?
[09:17:30] gbee: and it is him :(
[09:17:40] justinh: I like them both as much :)
[09:17:47] gbee: heh, well both are two dimensional
[09:17:48] pak0 (pak0! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[09:18:05] jst_home (jst_home! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:19:01] mzb: "not specifically specified" ... oh dear ... this is going to take a while ;)
[09:19:01] gbee: *ding* *dong* is dead
[09:19:34] justinh: at last
[09:20:19] hads (hads! has left #mythtv-users ()
[09:20:24] justinh: "This Account Has Been Suspended"
[09:20:40] justinh: trade descriptions act violation? ;-)
[09:21:12] oobe: mzb, screenshots are a bit old but give you an idea
[09:21:32] justinh: gbee: somebody I know has suggested the BBC dub Nick Griffin's voice with an actor doing a bad Hitler impersonation
[09:22:31] oobe: there are i overwrote the background with somthing else but also made it so recordings and mythvideo have different backgrounds you can overwrite then with any 1280X720 png
[09:23:15] justinh: sigh. while more of us push for common UI elements others strive to make every screen different
[09:23:38] mzb: hehe
[09:23:40] oobe: heh the title says it all
[09:23:46] mzb: thanks oobe, I'll have a look at it
[09:23:59] oobe: plus i didnt do it for the public
[09:24:16] justinh: put a tarball on a website, it's public :)
[09:24:17] oobe: i like things out of each theme so i took what i liked and left the rest
[09:24:31] oobe: not after i close port 80 it isnt
[09:25:10] JAP-sylvain: I'm new in mythtv and I try to configure my tuner, it's japanese tuner, I find nothing in internet, somebody can help me please?
[09:26:03] oobe: mythtv supports tuners that are supported by linux
[09:26:34] oobe: pastebin the output of lspci -vv to
[09:27:13] JAP-sylvain: I see my tuner in the hadware list but in the driver line: unknow is write...
[09:27:26] justinh: since when was this channel a tuner support place? hmmm
[09:27:27] mindoms (mindoms! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:28:22] oobe: JAP-sylvain, you can get more specific help in #linuxtv
[09:28:32] JAP-sylvain: ok yhanks
[09:28:36] JAP-sylvain: *thanks
[09:28:39] justinh: no mention of the tuner model, or what type it is (analogue or digital).. I suspect it's an analogue framegrabber card anyway – which is the least desirable of all tuners to have
[09:28:41] oobe: yo probs
[09:29:03] JAP-sylvain: it's digital tuner, ISDB-T
[09:29:19] justinh: ouch. no linux drivers for that
[09:29:42] oobe: JAP-sylvain, like i said pastebin the output of lspci -vv
[09:30:55] justinh:
[09:31:17] justinh: I tell a lie. there is SOME support for ISDB-T devices
[09:31:31] mzb: oobe, I see the title doesn't lie ;)
[09:31:47] mzb: interesting to see what can be done, however :)
[09:33:10] oobe: yea
[09:33:19] justinh: if you get ISDB-T working in linux.. I doubt it'll work with mythtv yet
[09:33:30] oobe: i mainly modded video-ui and recordings-ui
[09:33:52] jst_home (jst_home! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:34:14] oobe: i like meta data for mythvideo so i changed it to arrange it how i liked
[09:34:30] JAP-sylvain: I don't have my tuner in lspci -vv....
[09:35:51] JAP-sylvain: i have it sorry
[09:35:59] oobe: lspci -vv > dump.txt pastbin it anyway
[09:36:08] oobe: (since your most likely wrong)
[09:37:00] mzb: local_language: okker
[09:38:02] JAP-sylvain: 01:00.0 Multimedia controller: Fujitsu Limited. Device 2030 (rev 01)
[09:38:02] JAP-sylvain: Subsystem: Device 1718:0020
[09:38:02] JAP-sylvain: Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR+ FastB2B- DisINTx-
[09:38:02] JAP-sylvain: Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR- INTx-
[09:38:02] JAP-sylvain: Latency: 0, Cache Line Size: 64 bytes
[09:38:05] JAP-sylvain: Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 10
[09:38:08] JAP-sylvain: Region 0: Memory at cfdfc000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=16K]
[09:38:11] JAP-sylvain: Region 2: Memory at f9bffc00 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=128]
[09:38:14] JAP-sylvain: Capabilities: <access denied>
[09:38:33] justinh: sigh
[09:39:21] oobe: :P
[09:39:41] oobe: well my work is done
[09:41:50] mzb: oobe, I assume you're .au?
[09:42:07] mzb: if so, how does the episode metadata from jamu marry with shepherd?
[09:42:32] oobe: hmm you may jamu -MW ?
[09:42:56] oobe: i get some art for my recordings
[09:43:14] oobe: it depends more on the guide data
[09:44:01] oobe: fellow aussie how did you know i was .au
[09:44:32] mzb: channels and programmes on your screenshots
[09:44:37] oobe: oh ok
[09:44:39] mzb: GO!
[09:44:42] mzb: ;)
[09:44:46] oobe: yea lol
[09:45:07] mzb: no point in clobbering shepherd's metadata, right?
[09:45:26] oobe: one odd thing is there is a show that jamu collected posters and fanart for but it does not display in recordings-ui
[09:45:48] oobe: shepherd doesnt collect the posters
[09:46:04] oobe: jamu does based on the info that shepherd collects
[09:46:13] mzb: got that
[09:46:26] Lurker (Lurker!i=81f1ef20@gateway/web/freenode/x-qzapxjpbxuetfvrs) has joined #mythtv-users
[09:46:29] mzb: I don't get the difference between:
[09:46:32] mzb: data_flags: PBFIE
[09:46:34] mzb: and
[09:46:43] mzb: get_banner: True
[09:46:45] mzb: (etc)
[09:47:03] oobe: B is for Banner
[09:47:11] oobe: P is for poster etc.
[09:47:19] mzb: got that
[09:47:28] oobe: so PBFIE would get all available
[09:47:34] mzb: yep ... got that
[09:47:43] mzb: so what are get_* for?
[09:47:43] justinh: #mythtv-users is brought to you by the letters P, B, F, I and E
[09:47:48] mzb: heh
[09:48:02] oobe: yay
[09:48:33] mzb: rats ... lenny's IMDBpy is too old :(
[09:48:36] mzb: *sigh*
[09:49:47] sid3windr: mmm, py
[09:50:35] GlemSom (GlemSom!n=Unknown@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:52:58] mzb: crap
[09:53:39] jvs (jvs!n=jvs@ has quit ("Leaving")
[09:54:18] mzb: yay (I think)
[09:54:31] mzb: ./ install_scripts
[09:56:44] mzb: hmm ... that was hugely unsuccessful
[09:56:56] mzb: path name/mask?
[09:58:24] mzb: I don't see how either jamu or ttvdb do fanart for recordings ... what am I missing?
[10:01:18] oobe: -MWV
[10:02:41] oobe: if you have a lot of stuff in mythvideo jamu -MV will get it all mostly
[10:03:02] mzb: it seems to be confused by the path names ... or something
[10:03:07] mzb: I'll play
[10:03:12] mzb: ... thanks
[10:03:39] mzb: -i seems to be getting more of a result ... but I don't think it's touching recordings
[10:03:49] oobe: are you executing jamu from its install path
[10:03:58] oobe: W gets recordings
[10:04:12] oobe: when combined with M
[10:04:56] mzb: ok, I've only done -C
[10:05:05] mzb: and then -C -i ... so far
[10:05:34] mzb: (still waiting for -i)
[10:06:36] JAP-sylvain: somebody know the tuner sony SUV-CK472Z ?
[10:06:58] mzb: oh ... err ... so I _do_ want metadata by jamu? (for videos, but not recordings...)
[10:07:52] justinh: JAP-sylvain: did you see what I said about ISDB-T tuners earlier?
[10:08:18] justinh: JAP-sylvain: if it works in linux at all, mythtv probably won't know what to do with it
[10:08:50] justinh: if you need help making it work in linux you should speak to somebody in #linuxtv
[10:08:55] JAP-sylvain: I saw in internet japanese people use ISDB-T tuner with mythtv...
[10:09:33] justinh: you saw in internet? where?
[10:09:41] sid3windr: I love the internet, it is fun
[10:09:43] justinh: mayube THEY can explain it to you
[10:09:47] justinh: *maybe
[10:09:59] pizdets (pizdets! has quit (Client Quit)
[10:10:06] justinh: nobody else here knows about ISDB-T tuners
[10:10:09] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!n=gandalfc@dhcp-16.MPA-Garching.MPG.DE) has joined #mythtv-users
[10:10:40] justinh: I can guarantee that :)
[10:10:59] JAP-sylvain: here
[10:12:14] oobe: JAP-sylvain, #linuxtv
[10:13:11] JAP-sylvain: yes, I'm in
[10:13:51] justinh: why don't people check that hardware works in linux BEFORE they buy it?
[10:14:17] JAP-sylvain: in japan we have ONLY ISDB-T!
[10:14:25] justinh: so?
[10:14:35] sulx: linux is so great that every hardware existing is supported!
[10:14:36] justinh: you should have checked the wiki first
[10:15:16] justinh: or you should have tried to buy the hardware listed on that japanese wiki page
[10:15:55] sid3windr: linux is bloated!
[10:16:19] justinh: yeah, you guys with your 3MB kernels!
[10:16:24] justinh: full of bloat!
[10:17:00] sulx: 1.4MB here \,,/
[10:17:10] sulx: still bloat tho
[10:19:47] oobe: JAP-sylvain,
[10:19:49] gbee: JAP-sylvain: we don't have many Japanese mythtv users and no developers providing code or support for ISDB-T
[10:20:17] gbee: unfortunately :/
[10:20:25] oobe: JAP-sylvain, keep trying you will get there mate
[10:22:36] JAP-sylvain: I found this
[10:23:05] JAP-sylvain: I know lot of japanese users of mythtv!
[10:24:13] justinh: so why did you buy a tuner when you did not know if it would work in linux?
[10:24:16] gbee: relatively speaking
[10:28:24] justinh: whoah dvb-t2 tuners!
[10:28:46] sid3windr: heheh
[10:28:51] sid3windr: if you hang enough in #linuxtv
[10:28:54] justinh: only two and a half thousand euro!
[10:28:58] sid3windr: you can run into dongs
[10:29:07] sid3windr: who will happily tell you you should be running windows instead :>
[10:29:32] justinh: I tell some people things like that for their (my) own good
[10:31:08] JAP-sylvain: why only japan use ISDB..............
[10:31:38] justinh: because they're awkward :P
[10:32:04] justinh: why did the USA come up with ATSC when the DVB standard was already agreed?
[10:32:36] JAP-sylvain: and why brazil use isdb too? .....
[10:32:58] justinh: because they can can can
[10:34:36] JAP-sylvain: if my tuner is working in linux it will work in mythtv?
[10:34:41] justinh: everyone should use DVB-T with 1080P h.264 for video & DTS audio
[10:34:44] justinh: JAP-sylvain: maybe
[10:39:05] Lurker (Lurker!i=81f1ef20@gateway/web/freenode/x-qzapxjpbxuetfvrs) has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[10:42:10] gbee: Japan uses ISDB for the same reason that the US uses ATSC – they were only interested in protecting their industry and excluding international competition
[10:42:27] gbee: that and they like being bloody difficult
[10:43:14] jduggan: like the japs have tv worth protecting =]
[10:43:58] justinh: Clive James showed us they do :D
[10:44:10] jduggan: takeshis castle
[10:44:21] jduggan: however you spell it
[10:45:12] jst_home_ (jst_home_! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:47:15] gbee: it's not about content, but about the hardware
[10:48:18] justinh: funny, dvb-t is mostly european thing but where's all the hardware made? ;-)
[10:48:38] jduggan: down the coal mines
[10:48:41] jduggan: =]
[10:49:22] gbee: not just the end-user stuff, stbs etc, but the broadcaster end of things, all that means valuable contracts to Japanese industry but it's not really a market manufacturers in other countries are going to waste their time chasing when they can manufacture DVB equipment which reaches a much broader market
[10:49:57] gbee: justinh: aye, it seems redundant, but that's why these decisions get made – protectionism is alive and well
[10:52:38] gbee: they'll usually try and tell you that it's something to do with better specs, specs more suited to their particular country or broadcasters etc
[10:53:13] jduggan: sure
[10:53:17] ** mzb wonders if jamu is going to try downloading fanart/etc for 1500 music videos ... hehe **
[10:53:21] jduggan: everybody wants to sell their own product
[10:53:23] jduggan: =]
[10:53:33] gbee: but they had ample opportunity to be involved in the construction of one common standard which suited everyone (hah)
[10:54:41] mzb: this is all starting to sound biblical
[10:56:06] gbee: lets not forget patents, even if ISDB/ATSC devices were manufactured outside their respective countries of origin, they still win because they get income from patents they've made sure were tied into those specs
[10:59:15] mindoms (mindoms! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[10:59:15] mzb: *sigh* ... jamu still going ...
[10:59:53] ** mzb remembers the half-a-dozen other things he was doing prior to jamu **
[11:00:19] justinh: what do you expect? etc are non-commercial enterprises
[11:01:43] mzb: nm, I had hoped to see the results _as_ they came in
[11:01:51] mzb: I'll happily wait
[11:02:26] mzb: do the phrases "easily distracted" and "high attention span" appear to work well together?
[11:02:49] justinh: sorry I wasn't looking
[11:02:55] mzb: :)
[11:03:14] jst_home (jst_home! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:03:45] simonckenyon: JAP-sylvain: have a look at &nd ash; that at least should get you drivers for some ISDB-T devices. first step in a long chain
[11:04:10] justinh: I already posted that link
[11:04:58] justinh: and FWIW none of the devices listed there look like the one JAP-sylvain has
[11:05:04] justinh: so :P
[11:06:18] simonckenyon: must have joined after you posted it – anyway, if it is not listed there then he is straight out of luck
[11:06:33] justinh: not necessarily
[11:06:44] waxhead (waxhead!n=pete@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:06:49] justinh: the wiki is notorious for being out of date
[11:07:11] simonckenyon: true. need to dig through the mailing list
[11:07:14] justinh: and I gave up editing one page when somebody kept undoing my own edits with BS
[11:07:32] justinh: frickin hate wikis
[11:07:42] waxhead (waxhead!n=pete@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:09:11] mzb: and blogs, iirc ;)
[11:09:31] mzb: (or any link with the word "blog" in it)
[11:09:32] simonckenyon: the 774 Friio White, ISDB-T USB receiver is the only other one supported – as per the mailing list
[11:11:57] JAP-sylvain: this is my tuner
[11:12:23] JAP-sylvain: sony SUV-CK472Z
[11:13:29] simonckenyon: you need to join the mailing list and ask there
[11:17:22] justinh: doesn't matter how many people say it
[11:24:47] mzb: nope, still not seeing fanart for recordings
[11:24:57] mzb: although I know it's downloaded
[11:27:25] justinh: did you define a storage group for it?
[11:28:45] highzeth (highzeth! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[11:29:41] mzb: yes
[11:32:06] highzeth (highzeth! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:32:51] mzb: ah, now I see one
[11:33:30] mzb: (using Graphite)
[11:34:13] mzb: ok, it seems that Blue Abstract doesn't have fanart for recordings ?
[11:36:47] GlemSom (GlemSom!n=Unknown@ has quit ("leaving")
[11:39:07] croppa (croppa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:39:48] mzb: hmm ... looks like blootube-ng might get a run, in spite of a few issues
[11:40:14] clever: -ng?
[11:40:29] mzb: gday clever
[11:40:38] clever: good morning:)
[11:40:51] justinh: stands for 'not good'
[11:40:54] justinh: :P
[11:41:07] croppa (croppa! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:41:08] mzb:
[11:41:11] clever: but aircrack-ng is very good:P
[11:41:26] mzb: it comes up with the same name, in my case it's the first one
[11:44:14] mzb: I suspect the slow menu (caching?) is going to get the fanart idea classed as a distraction by ${WOMAN}
[11:45:25] Lurking_ (Lurking_!i=81f1ef20@gateway/web/freenode/x-lquhgbqkwqmrvtna) has joined #mythtv-users
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[11:52:31] mzb: hmm ... kills menu speed ... we'll see
[11:53:23] mzb: clever, as someone who appreciates hacks, pm ?
[11:54:33] waxhead (waxhead!n=pete@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:54:38] clever: mzb: shure
[11:55:45] waxhead (waxhead!n=pete@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:56:39] gbee: mzb: shouldn't be any slower, images are loaded in a background thread, without blocking the UI
[11:57:08] gbee: "Very nice. The lack of nice looking + widescreen themes in trunk was getting to me." << Ouch
[11:57:21] mzb: hmm
[11:57:41] mzb: I don't mind Graphite, but she hated it
[11:57:56] mzb: the recordings screen does appear a little confusing, tbh
[11:58:16] jduggan: its not confusing just a change in approach
[12:01:25] mzb: sure ...
[12:01:35] mzb: I don't get the two rows of recordings at the bottom
[12:10:49] mzb: ie: the difference/purpose between the two
[12:13:18] gbee: it's just a grid, rather than a linear list
[12:14:19] mzb: kinda got that ... just not sure how it compares/equates with the list I'm used to
[12:15:24] mzb: ie: is the top row what I'd normally see, with the bottom row following it?
[12:15:51] mzb: why not just use a single row and leave more space to see all that lovely fanart? ;))
[12:16:22] ** mzb decides that sounded too much like a feature request and decides to pull his head in **
[12:19:03] waxhead (waxhead!n=pete@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
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[12:25:11] zand_ is now known as xand
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[12:29:04] ** mzb takes another look at Graphite **
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[12:31:02] mzb: ok, kinda get it
[12:31:14] pak0: i have two fisical dvb-t, on mythbackend i can wach, dvb/adapter0 adapter1 and adapter2, all on /frontend0, one card have 2 turners, and other is usb tuner
[12:33:10] pak0: i cannot find a good guide for set up two dvb-t cards =(
[12:34:03] justinh: setting up two dvb-t tuners is as easy as setting up one dvb-t tuner
[12:34:15] justinh: add the other tuner once you have added one
[12:34:50] pak0: i dunno what i have bad on settings now
[12:34:56] justinh: the 'video sources' name confuses a lot of people
[12:35:16] pak0: dvb-usb: error while querying for an remote control event.
[12:35:56] pak0: justinh, if i have a card with 2 turners, i have to set up tow captured cards on mythbackend? and two sources and two connections?
[12:36:14] justinh: no
[12:36:20] pak0: and.. just added another card, usb dvb-t with one tunners, and i dunno why myth breaks now
[12:36:30] justinh: just set up two capture devices & link both to the same source
[12:36:47] pak0: ok
[12:36:59] pak0: lets go to delete one source then xD
[12:37:10] justinh: you only need to set up additional 'video sources' if tuners get different channels
[12:37:22] justinh: if the lineup is the same across three tuners, you still only need one 'video source'
[12:38:42] pak0: hmmm
[12:39:10] pak0: but if i have one capture card with two turners, then i have to set up one capture devices only?
[12:39:40] justinh: no
[12:40:03] justinh: if it's a *dual* *tuner* then it's really TWO devices on one card
[12:40:19] justinh: maybe calling the menu item 'capture cards' was a mistake
[12:40:44] justinh: but when it was first written no dual tuner cards existed :P
[12:44:57] justinh: another area where setup wizards could help no end
[12:45:26] sid3windr: tooner setup
[12:45:42] justinh: and turner setup
[12:46:04] justinh: my sister's B&O TV has a built in turner you operate with its remote
[12:50:21] justinh: heh the pulseaudio creator has 'responded to critics'
[12:52:13] justinh: only he hasn't, not really. Just saying that some apps are broken is not really acceptable
[12:52:26] [Peter]: some apps? is that pulseaudio?
[12:53:28] [Peter]: does anyone know what problem pulseaudio really solves for the regular desktop user?
[12:53:44] Josh_Borke: [Peter]: this isn't the appropriate channel for that sort of question
[12:53:59] justinh: alsa & a good smattering of recent soundcards don't have hardware audio mixing
[12:54:12] justinh: and who made Josh_Borke the IRC police?
[12:54:34] [Peter]: justinh: isn't dmix enough?
[12:54:45] justinh: apparently not
[12:55:11] brad7_ (brad7_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:56:26] [Peter]: Josh_Borke: Thanks for the hint.
[12:56:31] jduggan (jduggan! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[12:56:46] Josh_Borke: afaik, it's not a simple question with a simple answer
[12:57:18] wagnerrp: basically, its a sound server
[12:57:28] wagnerrp: it lets you abstract the program from the sound card
[12:57:29] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:57:47] wagnerrp: so if you have multiple sound cards, or a bluetooth headset
[12:58:03] stoffel (stoffel! has joined #mythtv-users
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[12:58:04] wagnerrp: you can switch your audio output between them without changing anything in the program
[12:58:37] pak0 (pak0! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:59:47] grokky (grokky! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:01:50] [Peter]: wagnerrp: it's just too bad that it fails so often
[13:03:06] mzb: or push it across the network
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[13:03:55] davidm is now known as Guest10142
[13:05:53] simonckenyon (simonckenyon!n=kvirc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:11:58] wagnerrp: mzb: well thats nothing new, theres half a dozen other programs already available to do that
[13:13:14] mzb: at the same time, with gui control, on-the-fly, integrated .... half-a-dozen?
[13:14:00] wagnerrp: no, thats the difference, this one has the GUI that lets you shift things around on-the-fly
[13:14:22] mzb: that's what I'm saying
[13:14:50] wagnerrp: the rest that ive seen are all set through env variables, making it rather difficult to shift around
[13:15:04] mzb: yep
[13:15:15] mzb: multiseat makes it worse
[13:15:38] wagnerrp: but think about that
[13:15:42] mzb: seem to have been a couple of brain-dead developers working on these things ;)
[13:16:14] wagnerrp: that means the only real advantage pulse gets you is the ability to switch between multiple locations and output cards
[13:16:27] justinh: multiseat.. pfft. skinflints. may they rot
[13:16:39] wagnerrp: certainly multi-seat and multi-computer setups are the rarity, even among linux users
[13:17:27] justinh: natural selection should be used to weed them out of future generations. Oh wait..
[13:17:46] wagnerrp: it doesnt explain why pulse suddenly got so large
[13:18:15] wagnerrp: it fixes a problem that exists in a niche market
[13:18:51] justinh: how did linuxmce end up being the 'mediacenter' of choice when KDE went looking?
[13:18:56] justinh: wheel greasing :)
[13:19:41] wagnerrp: i thought when ubuntu and friends started using pulseaudio, the pulse guys even said it wasnt ready for mainstream
[13:25:26] wagnerrp: basically, theres nothing wrong with pulseaudio, its just one more attempt at a sound server to make audio configuration easier
[13:25:52] wagnerrp: the problem is its ALSA implementation
[13:26:48] justinh: the problem is when developers point the finger at other projects & the user is left in the middle
[13:27:13] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: My comment may be a little dated but if you use a mixture of passthru and PCM to a surround receiver pulseaudio is a pariah.
[13:27:16] wagnerrp: its incompleteness, and the fact that it became default on several large distros so suddenly, caused a lot of problems for mythtv (and a lot of people coming to here for help)
[13:27:44] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:28:05] wagnerrp: RDV_Linux: never used pulse, so i cant say
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[13:29:17] wagnerrp: its basically going to take one of the pulse guys to fill out the additional capacities in ALSA emulation, or one of the myth guys to sit down and write a direct-to-pulse audio output
[13:30:47] mzb: works fine with pulse here ... can't remember what I did
[13:31:07] RDV_Linux: wagnerrp: When Ubuntu first included pulseaudio it messed up my audio so I went to the pulseaudio web site and right there they stated that they could not careless about passthru. That killed it for me. I also enjoyed see a web site titled fixing pulseaudio issues that were instructions on how to remove it.
[13:31:37] wagnerrp: mzb: did you compile mythtv with 'pulse support'?
[13:31:45] mzb: no idea
[13:31:55] justinh: but upmixing stereo & messing with the volume of digital signals is fun!
[13:32:01] justinh: :-\
[13:32:18] wagnerrp: are you using a relatively recent version of trunk/0.22-rc?
[13:32:30] justinh: audio buffs love introducing distortion at every available opportunity
[13:32:32] mzb: this is on my workstation (multiseat) ... so I only use mythtv here for editing. She sometimes watches it on her screen
[13:32:36] wagnerrp: like, the last couple months
[13:32:38] mzb: yes, trunk
[13:32:51] mzb: few weeks old, max
[13:32:57] mzb: (I hope)
[13:33:04] wagnerrp: trunk is currently set up to disable pulseaudio before it starts, so myth can access ALSA directly
[13:33:26] resno (resno! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:34:15] mzb: wouldn't that mean that I wouldn't be able to play mythtv in a windows and mplayer(et al) of video clips simultaneously?
[13:34:33] JAP-sylvain (JAP-sylvain! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:34:44] [Peter]: mzb: why would you want to do that?
[13:34:47] wagnerrp: assuming you have a halfway decent sound card with hardware muxing, it should work just fine
[13:35:05] wagnerrp: mplayer should cycle through a list of audio outputs until it finds one it can use
[13:35:18] mzb: xfi with dodgy drivers for this seat
[13:35:21] [Peter]: wagnerrp: unless one of them wants to use passthrough
[13:37:10] mzb: the way I look at it, the problems with pulse will either make it better (eventually) or kill it ... it's all good in the end
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[13:53:59] sfs: Hello
[13:54:36] sfs: I am trying to configure iptv. Is there someone who has done this before?
[13:54:38] JJ1 (JJ1!n=jjensen@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[13:55:36] sfs: atm I am trying to receive a lokal stream. I set up a vlc client to stream to localhost.
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[13:59:17] sfs: Is there please someone how would give me some hints on this? I am trying this now for over 2 days.
[13:59:55] sfs: I am able to receive the stream with mplayer. But doing this in mythliveTV I always get errors.
[14:01:44] justinh: oo errors are bad
[14:02:22] justinh: if only somebody would say what kind of errors, or what the errors actually *say* ...
[14:02:40] sfs: you are right ;-)
[14:02:58] sfs: i get the following error:
[14:03:23] sphery: sfs: don't know anything about it, but look at: and (though the focus of the 2nd isn't relevant, the idea of receiving from VLC is)
[14:03:48] sfs: "mythtv id using all inputs, but there are no aktive..."
[14:04:20] davidm2 (davidm2!n=David@nat/ti/x-jojaaekuwwynhtdn) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:04:43] justinh: don't type the errors out yourself. put mythbackend's log output into
[14:05:00] sfs: thank you for the links, but I already read this articles
[14:06:31] gunni_ (gunni_! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:06:54] sfs: do you know if iptv support is broken in actual trunk?
[14:07:22] justinh: if you are not going to listen to what we suggest then you might aswell leave
[14:07:28] justinh: I asked to see mythbackend log output
[14:07:55] justinh: looking at what mythfrontend says will not help you diagnose the problem
[14:08:43] sfs: ohh i am sorry.
[14:09:00] sfs: i got you wrong. I will do what you advised.
[14:09:14] pak0 (pak0!n=francisc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:09:17] sfs: just give me a second to reproduce the error
[14:09:46] pak0: justinh
[14:11:01] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:11:48] sphery: sfs: and please also post the output of: wget 'http://<mythhostname>:6544/' (please fix the hostname and as Content Type HTML)
[14:12:31] pak0: is required to have mythfrontend on for records schedules?
[14:12:38] pak0: or only mythbackend active?
[14:12:48] sphery: pak0: only mythbackend needs to run for recordings
[14:12:53] sphery: mythfrontend can be shut down whenever
[14:13:17] wagnerrp: you can run mythtv entirely without a frontend if you want
[14:13:24] sphery: I leave on business trips and shut down my mythfrontend for the whole week, so only mythbackend is running
[14:15:38] Goga777 (Goga777!n=Goga777@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:16:00] sfs: so here is the output of mythbackend log:
[14:16:03] justinh: just for the record, other people who can help are often available, so no need to ask for me personally
[14:16:33] justinh: I don't get paid enough to be anybody's personal help bitch
[14:16:33] sfs: the other is coming in a view seconds
[14:19:06] sfs: so, here is the other one:
[14:19:43] sfs: I really hope that someone could find the error.
[14:19:53] justinh: no encoders? wtf?
[14:20:19] justinh: looks like you've not defined any capture sources
[14:20:49] d3f4ultr0 (d3f4ultr0! has quit ()
[14:20:51] sfs: maybe at the end. I have tried many configurations
[14:21:30] justinh: in there are no encoders mentioned
[14:21:37] sfs: I had importet a .m3u file and the channels got shown
[14:21:54] sfs: is this what you mean?
[14:21:56] ** sphery curses the engineer who decided to make a semi-randomly-timed, mostly-non-directional, very-annoying beep the only indicator of which smoke alarm has a bad battery... Would an LED have been so hard to add? **
[14:22:21] justinh: sfs: no
[14:22:30] wagnerrp: you wouldnt notice the LED
[14:23:02] wagnerrp: and generally, you dont have detectors close enough together that you cant figure out which one it is
[14:23:02] sfs: what exactly do you mean? please help me with that
[14:23:09] sphery: I would when it beeps and then I walk around to see which one has the LED on
[14:23:23] wagnerrp: ah, well both would work
[14:23:32] sphery: instead of spending 30s-3min standing in each doorway to see if that's the one with the bad battery
[14:23:45] wagnerrp: or maybe multiple beeps spaced a second apart
[14:23:55] sphery: and, yeah, I know they say to replace them all every year, but IMHO, that's a waste--especially when it will beep when it's really bad
[14:24:06] sfs: i have done the things mentioned here:
[14:24:26] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, that works too--just make it annoying enough that you /have/ to change it
[14:24:34] wagnerrp: HAHAHAHAH
[14:24:36] sfs: what exactly do you mean with encoders?
[14:24:51] justinh: capture devices
[14:24:54] wagnerrp: sfs: he means anything that is not a framegrabber
[14:25:10] wagnerrp: if its not a framegrabber, and provides pre-encoded video, mythtv calls it an encoder
[14:25:22] wagnerrp: HSN was selling a nintendo wii, with 15 addons
[14:25:24] resno: framegrabbers are totally awesome!
[14:25:25] justinh: or are iptv devices not listed in mythbackend's status page?
[14:25:29] sphery: sfs: looks like you missed the steps: # Using mythtv-setup, create a freebox IPTV "network" tuner in mythtv. Use the m3u file you created when prompted. Scan for channels and save your settings.
[14:25:42] sphery: and: Set up Schedules Direct for your listings. It sure would be nice to sniff the listings direct from SureWest too, but Schedules Direct is cheap and gives you more in the future.
[14:25:42] iamlindoro: You know...
[14:25:46] wagnerrp: the guy was demoing the tennis racket addon
[14:25:48] iamlindoro: I just read the scrollback
[14:26:00] wagnerrp: the top flew off the wiimote, and punched through their big LG LCD
[14:26:12] iamlindoro: and while I used to believe that this channel went retarded after the non-US folks went to bed, I see that I was wrong
[14:26:22] resno: wagnerrp: did it really? while on the air?
[14:26:22] sphery: wagnerrp: on YouTube?
[14:26:24] iamlindoro: This channel always has it's retards, 24/7
[14:26:36] justinh: iamlindoro: I'm surprised you hadn't worked that out yet
[14:26:40] sfs: I did all this but deleted it afterwards. You are right, I have to redo the things and post the correct logs. Sorry for that
[14:26:51] wagnerrp:
[14:27:11] wagnerrp: seek to about 5 minutes in
[14:27:11] justinh: iamlindoro: IMHO it's worse when the US goes to sleep – but it's mostly USA folks who should be in bed :P
[14:27:28] resno: justinh: hey now wait a mintue.
[14:27:43] justinh: wtf is a mintue?
[14:27:53] iamlindoro: justinh, Also, A testament to MythUI that shows that anyone... and I mean ANYONE... can at least modify a theme... but that that is NOT necessarily a good thing
[14:28:02] justinh: hahaha
[14:28:08] wagnerrp: i dont understand the purpose of the 'tennis racket extension'
[14:28:24] wagnerrp: i mean at least the gun extensions help you aim
[14:28:26] pak0: justinh excuseme, last time i lost my connection when we are speaking
[14:28:28] mzb: sphery, take one of the batteries out and see if the beeping stops ;)
[14:28:32] wagnerrp: and the wheel extensions are easier to hold
[14:28:33] justinh: wagnerrp: to give the wiimote realistic 'weight' and 'balance'
[14:28:43] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:28:44] wagnerrp: but a tennis racket extension is absolutely worthless
[14:28:46] justinh: too add to the 'realism'
[14:28:49] resno: WOW
[14:29:04] wagnerrp: justinh: youre saying a half pound chunk of plastic makes any difference in weight or balance?
[14:29:19] justinh: might do, I've not seen the thing or held it
[14:29:25] pak0: i`m testing now one hdtv, and i have a little cuts every 4 seconds, but i can wach 1080p movies w/o problems, maybe is a problem on settings? i have set vdpau if rez => of 720p
[14:29:36] resno: wagnerrp: im surprised they left that huge mistake on the site!
[14:29:40] wagnerrp: they trashed their tv for a $0.10 piece of extruded junk
[14:30:04] resno: wagnerrp: a little piece of plastic that offered no extended functioality
[14:30:11] justinh: hmmm maybe I could market a heavy shot-putting attachment for the wiimote
[14:30:15] wagnerrp: i.e.: junk
[14:30:22] justinh: and a javelin attachment
[14:30:44] Goga777 (Goga777!n=Goga777@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:30:45] resno: its to make it feel more "realistic"
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[14:30:51] justinh: wagnerrp: anyhoo, fools, money, easily parted.. yada yada
[14:30:52] wagnerrp: might actually give you a workout
[14:31:04] wagnerrp: more than you would from just flailing your meaty appendages, anyway
[14:31:16] justinh: a treadmill attachment, to make the jogging games more realistic
[14:32:47] CyberKnet (CyberKnet!n=cyberkne@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:33:01] justinh: I should patent this stuff
[14:33:11] wagnerrp: so theyre selling this bundle for $330
[14:33:27] wagnerrp: a wii costs $250 (soon to be $200)
[14:33:36] justinh: bargain
[14:33:44] justinh: is it endorsed or something?
[14:33:44] wagnerrp: and a much larger bundle is available on amazon for $33.50
[14:34:04] sfs: is there also a log file for mythtv-setup?
[14:34:08] wagnerrp: (22 pieces of garbage, the HSN one only has 16)
[14:34:19] wagnerrp: sfs: no, just the terminal output
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[14:34:27] justinh: I'll pay more for something that has a facsimile of an autograph by somebody famous
[14:34:44] wagnerrp: assuming you ran it from the terminal, instead of some icon your distro created for you
[14:34:59] justinh: Paris Hilton love
[14:35:17] sfs: there is very very little output on the terminal while running mythtv-setup
[14:35:25] justinh: sorry, wrong window :P
[14:35:30] wagnerrp: ooh, the 26-in-1 mega pack is only $23.45
[14:35:35] gbee (gbee! has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[14:35:56] sfs: I already managed to import the iptv channels. But in many cases it just doesnt work.
[14:36:06] justinh: do they also do finger attachments for the DS & DSLite?
[14:36:30] sfs: I host the m3u file on apache on localhost to import it into mythtv
[14:36:58] wagnerrp: justinh: yeah, seems their clientele has fat fingers, cant use the touch screen
[14:37:43] sphery: mzb: thanks to the caps, the beeping continues for 20–30min+ after removing batteries and disconnecting the main power.
[14:37:46] sfs: and it just does not give me any error. Sometimes it imports the channels but even then there also is no success sign shown
[14:38:45] jvs (jvs! has quit ("Leaving")
[14:39:21] mzb: sphery, take all the batteries out, then?
[14:39:23] sphery: mzb: and btw, with the "play 2 videos on different players at the same time on the same computer with audio" thing, it will also work with plain ALSA and a software cound card (AC'97/Intel HDA), as long as you've configured the dmix plugin (or used the ALSA default definition for your card)
[14:39:25] mzb: :)
[14:39:40] mzb: kk
[14:39:44] sphery: (2-channel audio, only, though)
[14:40:05] sphery: and, yeah, that would stop it, but my insurance company might be upset with me for saying I have smoke alarms, then...  :)
[14:40:19] wagnerrp: man... im going to have to start watching the home shopping channels
[14:40:40] wagnerrp:
[14:40:53] wagnerrp:
[14:41:08] mzb: gnite all
[14:49:18] sfs (sfs!i=c3b30994@gateway/web/freenode/x-stdrussnycasgmhd) has quit ("Page closed")
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[15:27:04] whoDat: is mythstreamtv still supported in .21/.22?
[15:27:21] wagnerrp: it was never really supported here
[15:27:27] wagnerrp: whether it still works... i can say
[15:27:31] wagnerrp: cant
[15:27:34] whoDat: ahh
[15:27:49] whoDat: is it still the best option for mythtv streaming to cell phone?
[15:28:26] tmkt: mythexport can build iphone versions of the videos for you
[15:28:30] whoDat: my new cell phone doesn't support .asx streams :(
[15:28:38] wagnerrp: if your cellphone supports flash video, mythweb has flash streaming support
[15:28:58] wagnerrp: that would be... a video player written in flash
[15:29:17] wagnerrp: although with some simple changes to mythweb, a direct link to the video could be exposed
[15:29:45] whoDat: wagnerrp: i cant fast forward and such with the experimental flash player. is that a known problem or just me?
[15:29:52] whoDat: otherwise I would use it
[15:30:34] wagnerrp: known, not a problem per se
[15:30:47] jpabq_ (jpabq_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:31:02] whoDat: it is if you watch half a show, and lose connection. you would have to watch the first half all over again, lol
[15:31:08] wagnerrp: youre not going to change that without writing the transcoder directly into mythtv, and interfacing it with a web server
[15:32:35] Essobi: Hmm.. There is Red5.
[15:34:03] Essobi: #
[15:34:03] Essobi: A software based H.264 codec with the ability to decode Base, Mainline and High profiles.
[15:34:05] wagnerrp: ugh...
[15:34:22] wagnerrp: i think it would be better NOT to require Java for every mythtv install
[15:34:26] Essobi: Supports those.. which you'd still have to transcode, but you could stream.
[15:34:59] whoDat: hmm so my options are 1. mythstreamtv (not sure if it works in .21) / 2. set up a seperate orb server alongside mythtv and point it to mythtv recordings / 3. use flash player which doesnt allow jumping to a certain spot in the video.
[15:35:06] Essobi: Eww, god it is in Java. *CRINGE*
[15:35:37] whoDat: 4. set up batch jobs (which is not on the fly)
[15:38:22] wagnerrp: 5. take the initiative and write up a transcoder into the file transfer protocol in mythtv
[15:39:27] mgisbers is now known as mgisbers_away
[15:39:54] whoDat: isn't that what mythstreamtv is, or no?
[15:40:16] wagnerrp: something like that *should* be in the base capability of myth
[15:40:39] wagnerrp: as it would benefit streaming, upnp, underpowered frontends, and a slew of other possibilities
[15:41:08] wagnerrp: but it would take someone who knows mythtv, ffmpeg, video processing, AND has the free time to do it
[15:41:32] wagnerrp: looks like mythstreamtv just shuffles the video off to VLC, which runs its own streaming web server
[15:41:50] whoDat: ahh, yeah i remember that now, it used vlc
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[15:42:07] wagnerrp: and it probably requires direct file access in the process (no storage groups)
[15:42:38] whoDat: yeah it mentioned storage groups being a problem.
[15:42:45] wagnerrp: it may set up a file pipe through the plugin for VLC to use, i dont know
[15:43:14] whoDat: i found this :
[15:43:21] wagnerrp: storage groups are a problem exactly, it just means you have to provide NFS access to remote files, rather than running it through myth's file transfer capability
[15:43:39] wagnerrp: s/are/arent/
[15:43:56] whoDat: hmm that article sounds promising
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[16:07:53] pak0: i?m looking the logs for watch my problem, but i dunno where more i can find the problem, when i wach one channel HD i have micro-cuts? every 4 seconds
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[16:34:58] sphery: pak0:  ?
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[16:40:15] Outlier: I just fired up my backened after a long time off, and my pcHDTV 5500 isn't recognized – mythtv-setup says "Could not get card info for card#0" any clues?
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[16:45:17] Outlier: OK – under the assumption that my pc5500 card died, what's the current recommended HDTV card?
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[16:48:44] pak0: sphery thank you for the link
[16:48:46] Goga777 (Goga777!n=Goga777@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:51:28] pak0: its probable to up the size of the ring buffer?
[17:01:18] Outlier (Outlier!n=tom@ has quit ("Leaving")
[17:03:34] sphery: pak0: that would only help if a) you have lots of RAM, b) you have a "spotty" network connection such that the bitrate of throughput drops for several seconds at a time, but still has an average bitrate greater than the video's bitrate for all periods of duration ringbuffer_size / video_bitrate (i.e. wifi that's mostly good--which is not what pauses every 4s would imply), or it could help if your broadcaster is sending out ...
[17:03:40] sphery: ... garbage video with audio and video streams massively delayed from one another at any given offset in the "file" (though I doubt it would help then because Myth doesn't like that in general, and IIRC only handles offsets of a couple of seconds even with huge ring buffers)
[17:03:56] sphery: pak0: which means it's probably more likely some mundane system configuration or Myth configuration issues
[17:04:16] sphery: pak0: also, make sure you get rid of PulseAudio
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[17:08:52] pak0: just changed the profile of watch tv to use vdpau and now i can?t watch nothing xD
[17:09:18] pak0: i dont use wifi, and have a very good equip, probabily its my config im very bad xD
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[17:16:04] MythBork (MythBork! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:16:41] sphery: pak0: Try switching your playback profile group to the default configuration of Slim. Slim is good.
[17:17:18] sphery: All others are likely to fail on varying hardware. Slim works on any hardware where the CPU is capable of decoding the video it's asked to decode.
[17:18:54] MythBork: Hello all. I was asked to give a little talk about the current state of MythTV at my users group this weekend. I was wondering if anyone is using the 0.22 version yet and if they could give me some of their thoughts on how it feels and performs compared to 0.21 etc. The only machine I have to test it on is a laptop and I don't think I'm getting the full impression.
[17:19:32] pak0: LOL
[17:19:40] pak0: excuseme caps lock
[17:20:02] pak0: just solved my problem before read your recomendation, wait i say what im using
[17:20:08] sphery: MythBork: I'd recommend doing up upgrade to MythTV 0.22rc1 (or rc2, if one goes out today) and playing with it this week (assuming you can make time).
[17:20:18] pak0: CPU++
[17:20:23] sphery: CPU++ is awful
[17:20:28] sphery: CPU+ is bad, too
[17:20:32] pak0: ok
[17:20:39] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:20:39] pak0: changing to sli,
[17:20:39] pak0: slim*
[17:20:50] sphery: but if they work for you and Slim doesn't, it just means you have an underpowered CPU
[17:20:57] MythBork: sphery, I would, but I am worried about doing that on my only Myth system. I don't want to blow it up you know?
[17:21:01] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:21:07] MythBork: I have a high WAF factor to deal with
[17:21:14] sphery: so you're better off with CPU++ than with a non-working Slim, though the /best/ solution would be to upgrade your system :)
[17:21:43] MythBork: sphery, do you feel 0.22 is close enough to release quality that I shouldn't worry?
[17:22:36] sphery: I know a lot of devs and users are using it full time in production. (I'm not one of them, so draw your own conclusions--more than anything, though, I'm not qualified to answer that.)
[17:23:04] pak0: sphery thanks, works like a charm with slim
[17:23:25] sphery: pak0: great... Slim is generally the best choice.
[17:23:32] pak0: and a little question more, when i record one program on hdtv channel, they create a great mpeg
[17:24:15] pak0: if i want to convert to mkv is better to use another program or what is the best solution? i want to record something on hdtv and share it on my tracker :)
[17:24:35] pak0: i see on some tracker the people uses .ts extension
[17:24:44] sphery: pak0: we don't discuss file sharing of copyrighted material here
[17:24:47] sphery: it's a bannable offense
[17:25:31] sphery: even if it's legal in your region, MythTV is primarily hosted on US properties where it's illegal and can get the project and developers in serious trouble.
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[17:26:50] sphery: if you mean you want your backend to tweek that it's recorded something so all your friends know what you're watching, that's ok, but I don't know how any of that works.
[17:27:06] pak0: i dont are speaking about movies
[17:27:16] pak0: only sports events
[17:27:23] pak0: but on my region its possible
[17:27:27] pak0: i think xD
[17:28:03] pak0: thank you for your support sphery, i`m happy now
[17:29:52] wagnerrp: i got forced off the road by someone not paying attention, and then flipped off as if it were somehow my fault
[17:30:06] Dagmar: wagnerrp: That's because you didn't open fire.
[17:30:13] Dagmar: That'll teach you not to shoot at people.
[17:30:31] MythBork: so sphery, how would i know if rc2 comes out today?
[17:30:59] wagnerrp: i wonder what the legal penalties of building (and using) a RF weapon would be
[17:31:21] iamlindoro: MythBork: by monitoring (or this channel)
[17:31:33] MythBork: wagnerrp, slashdot ran an article on that about a week ago
[17:31:38] MythBork: thanks iamlindoro
[17:31:42] iamlindoro: np
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[17:31:45] Dagmar: wagnerrp: Having one isn't that much of a problem.
[17:31:50] wagnerrp: MythBork: yeah, it was an article on someone who built on in ~2002
[17:32:03] Dagmar: Incurring the paperwork for the police after you use one, that's the _real_ danger
[17:32:03] wagnerrp: slashdot was late, as usual
[17:32:26] iamlindoro: FWIW I have been using trunk for a long, long time in production-- The biggest issues with upgrading to .22 are not crashes, but issues users who are set in their ways will have with changing behaviors
[17:32:30] iamlindoro: MythBork: ^^
[17:32:32] wagnerrp: i swear officer, i dont know why their car, and radio, and phone, and... suddenly went dead
[17:32:39] MythBork: so sphery/iamlindoro – would you guys advise a clean install or is it probably OK to upgrade?
[17:32:57] Dagmar: wagnerrp: Don't forget their elderly grandmother with the pacemaker riding in the back seat
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[17:33:15] iamlindoro: MythBork: Many settings have been removed, many more no longer have the same effect, still more are now controlled by themes, which will seem unfamiliar in some cases... and then there are plugins like MythVideo which have so many new features/behaviors that they might feel like entirely new plugins
[17:33:44] wagnerrp: this horn on my roof here? oh, thats because people cant seem to hear my horn blaring at them as they run me off the road
[17:33:45] MythBork: hmmm, all good things to know
[17:33:51] iamlindoro: MythBork: Assuming you haven't, excuse the phrase, borked your DB by manually hacking on it, an upgrade ought to work fine-- but we always, always advise a backup of the DB first
[17:33:52] wagnerrp: i needed something louder
[17:34:09] MythBork: sure, I'll backup the db first, always do
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[17:34:30] sphery: MythBork: for rc2, you'll likely hear about it if you hang out here.
[17:34:41] MythBork: ok cool stuff. Maybe I'll upgrade on thursday, that's the say we don't ahve anythign scheduled to record, so I have time in case there's a problem
[17:34:54] MythBork: I'll check in later tonight
[17:34:54] sphery: then again, it may just be the 0.22 release (not a rc) and then would be announced on
[17:35:04] iamlindoro: MythBork: by thursday it is very likely .22 itself will be out
[17:35:09] MythBork: oh wow
[17:35:14] sphery: right, likely before your talik
[17:35:16] sphery: talk, too
[17:35:18] MythBork: great
[17:35:39] MythBork: I'll try to upgrade then and be able to give first hand reports. Maybe even bring it in to show
[17:35:41] sphery: so if you're planning on bringing a demo system to show it off, I highly recommend installing 0.22 on it
[17:35:47] MythBork: sounds like a plan
[17:35:50] MythBork: thanks guys
[17:35:55] MythBork: TTYL
[17:35:58] sphery: and, if you have a need for tuners, you can set up a test tuner
[17:36:06] iamlindoro: and if you're doing a demo system, I highly recommend the Mythbuntu 9.10 beta
[17:36:14] iamlindoro: (and tehn add their nightly build repos and upgrade to current)
[17:36:17] MythBork: oh cool, I'm on mythbuntu now
[17:36:26] wagnerrp: but 120 should be enough for anyone
[17:36:26] sphery: where you copy over a (preferrably high-definition) MPEG-2 file and set up Myth to record from that file
[17:36:32] sphery: then you can show LiveTV in action
[17:36:38] sphery: of course, all channels show the same show
[17:36:45] sphery: and it always starts at the same time
[17:36:49] MythBork: lol
[17:36:55] MythBork: ok, gotta run
[17:36:57] MythBork: cya
[17:37:00] MythBork (MythBork! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:37:06] sphery: wagnerrp: not if you're trying to start your own cable co and sell the service to others
[17:37:33] sphery: wagnerrp: and of course, if you are, you wouldn't even /think/ of getting sufficient hardware for the job--I'll just use virtual tuners, instead
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[17:37:49] sphery: and 3-month-long scheduler runs
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[17:38:37] sphery: wagnerrp: oh, nvm... I thought you were talking about the mythtv-users list guy with 12 physical tuners and a hack that allows him to set each to allow 10 virtual tuners, for 120 tuners in Myth--and he's complaining it doesn't work
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[17:38:56] wagnerrp: sphery: thats the one
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[17:39:22] wagnerrp: yeah, because its set in the code to be something less than 10 isnt it?
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[17:39:27] wagnerrp: like its limited to 7 or 8
[17:39:29] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah 5
[17:39:33] wagnerrp: five
[17:39:37] sphery: so he shouldn't have more than 60
[17:39:40] sphery: has has double that
[17:39:55] wagnerrp: and isnt there some thing where a number of cards have trouble with more than four?
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[17:40:05] sphery: 5 was chosen because it should be enough for anyone and it creates a reasonable performance impact on scheduling
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[17:40:19] sphery: going beyond the gains are small but the problems are compounded
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[17:40:51] sphery: don't know about the cards, but I wouldn't be surprised--with hardware /and/ driver quality differences...
[17:41:05] wagnerrp: i wonder how long that 10TB lasts, recording EVERY MOVIE
[17:41:49] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: Speaking of commflagging, I noticed that on Fringe episodes, the commflagger cuts out the image before commercials... How am I supposed to keep up if I can't see the apple with the fetus and the smoke with the face? I think this should be fixed for 0.22--it's a blocker.
[17:42:14] wagnerrp: sphery: just wait until after the season, when someone deciphers it
[17:42:27] sphery: yeah, that's actually what I do
[17:42:35] sphery: . . . lyph-cipher/
[17:42:37] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, I think I see those, but mayb eit's just the ones after the commercials that we see.
[17:42:53] sphery: I haven't checked to see if this season is using the same cypher, yet
[17:43:09] Josh_Borke: wait, those pictures mean something?
[17:43:30] Captain_Murdoch: means your demented if you can figure them out without help
[17:44:05] wagnerrp: i still need to post that episode of house that breaks the transcoder
[17:44:10] ** Captain_Murdoch is into Fringe enought to notice but not enough to decypher or even google it. **
[17:44:18] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: I just noticed with a E-Z edit when I cut some commercials (I'm worrying about space this season...). When I normally watch with notifications, I always saw them and just assumed the 1s extra was part of the 4s notification period
[17:44:42] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: that's what Julan Sanchez is for
[17:45:10] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: last time, it was just a basic substitution cipher
[17:45:10] sphery: he broke the cypher at the end of last season... I'm sure if this season's is different, he'll publish it soon enough
[17:45:18] wagnerrp: something you could break without much effort
[17:45:21] sphery: specifically . . . lyph-cipher/
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[17:45:43] sphery: Now, here's the part that pains me just a bit: Erica did a whole bunch of work that ultimately enabled me to crack the thing in a couple of minutes, but stopped just a hair short of the solution.
[17:45:43] wagnerrp: anyway, its kind of ironic that the episode that doesnt work is subtitled 'Epic Fail'
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[17:46:08] sphery: that's the one with the misspelling?
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[17:46:17] wagnerrp: misspelling?
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[17:46:37] sphery: Also, it looks like there was a flub in the glyphs aired for episode 5.
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[17:47:04] sphery: 5: SURGG [should be SURGE?]
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[17:47:41] wagnerrp: i seem to recall kormoc kicking someone for similar behavior a couple days ago
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[17:47:50] sphery: Season 1, Episode 5 – Aired: 10/14/2008 – Power Hungry
[17:48:00] sphery: guess that's not Epic Fail
[17:48:11] sphery: heh
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[17:56:33] wagnerrp: better now?
[17:57:37] ** kormoc shoots dircproxy **
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[18:00:13] tmkt: should LCDd and mythlcdserver both be running? or just one?
[18:00:32] tmkt: can't figure out why myth stuff isn't showing up on my lcd, but lcdproc stuff does
[18:00:35] tmkt: wasn't a problem before
[18:01:03] Dagmar: So set it up the same way you did the last time
[18:01:42] tmkt: cept now with 0.22
[18:01:50] tmkt: can't recall if they were both running right now
[18:01:52] tmkt: before
[18:01:57] tmkt: right now mythlcdserver is running
[18:01:57] tmkt: and lcdproc
[18:02:11] Dagmar: So set it up the same way you did the last time.
[18:02:50] tmkt: last time..once i compiled lcdproc and got that work..myth started working also
[18:04:10] kormoc (kormoc!n=nnnnnkor@unaffiliated/kormoc) has left #mythtv-users ("")
[18:04:55] sphery: Seems Dirc the Daring just tripped again...
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[18:05:51] mag0o: heh
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[18:14:26] ** sphery wonders if the character encoding error in (which doesn't show in the HTML version) was a) a terminal configuration error, b) an e-mail client configuration error, or c) an encoding-handling error in the script... **
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[18:28:41] sphery: meshe: Didn't know if you'd like to take a look at . Just mentioning in case you have some time
[18:29:29] wagnerrp: weeee! unicode
[18:30:31] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:31:03] sphery: the problem that's killing it is actually a missing releasedate (which shouldn't have anything to do with the encoding), and the encoding issue may have been due to his terminal/mail config and not the script (or may have been the script)
[18:31:28] wagnerrp: well it fails under 'en_US.UTF-8'
[18:31:51] meshe: unicode in perl sucks if you're using any regular expressions
[18:32:02] Dagmar: no it doesn't.
[18:32:04] meshe: i'll have to wait until i reboot to have a look at it
[18:32:05] wagnerrp: and the tmdb site is down...
[18:33:01] meshe: it shouldnt' failt under en_US.UTF-8
[18:34:20] wagnerrp: is it a problem that the movie has been deleted from tmdb?
[18:34:25] meshe: fun: The server at is taking too long to respond.
[18:34:59] Dagmar: meshe: You're using :encoding(utf8) right?
[18:35:32] wagnerrp: the images are still there, but the tmdbid has been removed
[18:35:58] sphery: maybe they took out the unicode in title?
[18:36:08] wagnerrp: no, its gone
[18:36:19] wagnerrp: 17484 is no longer on the website
[18:36:41] wagnerrp: its still referenced in the API, but the site just gives an error
[18:37:24] wagnerrp: and the search function is broken
[18:38:39] meshe: Dagmar: honestly i haven't messed with it for a couple years
[18:39:26] Dagmar: Ah, well, that's about the only thing afaik you have to do if Perl hasn't gotten the hint that the text it's been handed isn't utf8 in some other way
[18:39:41] messerting: So, I just recorded a program that the EPG claimed to be in HD quality, but I couldn't really see any difference. Is there a way to tell from the file or something?
[18:40:04] Dagmar: Once you do that, and stop using byte-oriented regexps like [a-zA-Z], charsets stop being a big ugly issue
[18:40:04] wagnerrp: messerting: an 'ffmpeg -i' will print out a bunch of information on the file
[18:40:11] iamlindoro: HD != wuality
[18:40:14] iamlindoro: quality
[18:40:28] sphery: exactly
[18:40:37] wagnerrp: but its very possible the show was broadcast in 720p or 1080i, but was an upscale from some original standard definition content
[18:40:41] sphery: though high-resolution can be determined with ffmpeg -i /path/to/file
[18:41:16] messerting: thanks, will try that :)
[18:41:28] sphery: messerting: and remember that digital != high-definition (regardless of what a certain user from San Francisco likes to say)
[18:41:31] meshe: sphery: i'm in windows atm, but the fix for that is:
[18:41:42] messerting: :)
[18:41:46] Dagmar: It's one o' them weird perlIO things
[18:43:14] wagnerrp: looks like 48kbps AAC scores almost as well as 160kbps Ogg in a blind test
[18:43:15] meshe: Dagmar: yeah, i think that's what I was trying to do, was character based regexes on utf8 data
[18:43:34] wagnerrp: in other news, 30% of study participants have been found to be tone deaf
[18:43:52] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: which just goes to show that OGG is ~3x as crap as AAC ;)
[18:44:03] meshe: i never had a need to go back to figure it out and time was limited so I just had the user send me ascii
[18:44:37] messerting: Yep, seems my "HD" program was sent in 720x576...
[18:45:05] iamlindoro: blame the listings source
[18:45:05] messerting: at least, I recorded it in that format
[18:45:16] messerting: could it be some setting somewhere I'm missing?
[18:45:31] messerting: My card is capable of recording HD
[18:45:40] messerting: (Terratec Cinergy C HD)
[18:45:43] wagnerrp: well unless you captured it off your STB using analog capture, thats the resolution it was broadcast in
[18:45:44] iamlindoro: If you are recording digitally, no
[18:45:57] iamlindoro: ^^ exactly
[18:46:07] iamlindoro: meaning your listings source is to blame
[18:46:43] wagnerrp: and/or your cableco is to blame
[18:47:00] wagnerrp: listings source cant do much if the cableco gives it bad data
[18:47:01] messerting: ok, it was a direct capture from the digital source
[18:47:53] messerting: will ask around in the norwegian channel, maybe someone else is also using the same cable company. thank you for the help :)
[18:49:11] sphery: meshe: Thanks. I put that patch in my plugins series file, so I'll apply it (but after the release so I can put it in both trunk and -fixes).
[18:49:34] meshe: sphery: no problem
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[18:58:21] FinnTux: <- is this still the correct way to go from 0.21 -> 0.22?
[18:58:51] Dagmar: It's one way to do it
[18:58:59] wagnerrp: thats the way to move from one machine to another
[18:59:05] wagnerrp: has nothing to do with updating
[18:59:32] FinnTux: yes, I meant if I want to "clean up" my mythtv backend
[18:59:35] FinnTux: at the same time
[19:00:16] justinh: what do you mean 'clean up' ?
[19:00:29] iamlindoro: Get the granny porn out
[19:00:35] FinnTux: only keep recordings and start fresh with new settings
[19:00:46] wagnerrp: generally... is the recommended way to clean up
[19:00:49] justinh: plenty of people have leftover settings from old frontends & plugins they no longer use
[19:00:50] iamlindoro: Will Myth remove my midget porn if I die in a car accident?
[19:00:58] iamlindoro: When will MythKillSwitch be done?
[19:01:03] FinnTux: I think mine is from 0.18 or so
[19:01:10] wagnerrp: do a 'Partial restore of a backup'
[19:01:23] justinh: in the big scheme of things settings etc don't take up much room
[19:01:25] FinnTux: oldest recordings is from october 2006
[19:01:28] FinnTux: -s
[19:01:35] wagnerrp: make sure to do so from the same database schema
[19:01:42] wagnerrp: meaning clean, and then update
[19:01:48] wagnerrp: or update, and then clean
[19:01:52] wagnerrp: but not both at the same time
[19:01:57] justinh: recordseek & recordedmarkup have the most data in em :)
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[19:03:06] justinh: the danger with manual db mangling is always that you'll overlook something, then come running here & after a few hours messing around discover that starting from fresh is the best way :P
[19:03:31] ** J-e-f-f-A thinks when he eventually creates a theme that he'll remove "LiveTV" from the main menu, and put it under the Utilities/Setup menu as "Tuner Test" ;-) **
[19:03:34] justinh: i.e. if it ain't broke!
[19:04:22] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: that can be done in a matter of minutes
[19:04:54] wagnerrp: the menu layouts are separate than the themes
[19:05:31] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: yeah, I know... just that msg in the users list is annoying... That's why I was thinking of that...
[19:06:14] justinh: a -users list message annoying? you really know how to narrow it down
[19:08:06] sphery: FinnTux: no, that's not correct
[19:08:07] iamlindoro: justinh: You know, the one about LiveTV ;)
[19:08:15] sphery: FinnTux: you should do a full backup and a full restore
[19:08:16] J-e-f-f-A: justinh: Hehehe... ;-) ^^ yeah, that one. ;-)
[19:09:13] FinnTux: sphery, you mean if I only want to save recordings? I don't care about tuners, frontend settings etc
[19:09:26] J-e-f-f-A: LiveTV having priority over recordings??? Gimme a break!!!!
[19:09:40] sphery: FinnTux: if you read . . . _of_a_backup (on the page that wagnerrp mentioned), you'll notice you can /not/ do a DB upgrade *and* a partial restore at the same time
[19:10:20] FinnTux: sphery, right, I wasn't going to anyways. sounded like a bad plan from the start
[19:10:25] sphery: you must either do a full backup/drop/new old-schema myth db/partial restore with the old version of Myth, then upgrade and do a full restore of the partial/unconfigured DB
[19:10:37] wagnerrp: sphery: already mentioned... but it can always stand to be pressed in
[19:11:00] sphery: or you must do a full restore/upgrade/schema upgrade/full backup/drop/new new-schema db/partial restore
[19:11:15] sphery: but really, there's no real benefit to a partial restore
[19:11:20] sphery: and it's not really recommended, anymore
[19:11:36] sphery: ah, yeah, I see... You were way ahead of me, wagnerrp
[19:11:53] wagnerrp: so no more suggesting of partial restores?
[19:11:59] sphery: no
[19:12:10] wagnerrp: will [not] do
[19:15:42] sphery: partial restore is really only useful for those people with corrupt DB's who hope that the 7 tables of recording info do not contain corrupt data
[19:15:46] sphery: fixing the wiki page, now
[19:16:13] wagnerrp: ugh... 'i installed qt3-mysql, why is 0.22-rc1 complaining that it has no mysql drivers???'
[19:16:48] [Peter]: qt3?
[19:16:49] sphery: QMYSQL3 != Q3MYSQL
[19:17:18] sphery: I'm thinking of changing our code that requests the Qt-MySQL driver just because people don't get that
[19:17:53] wagnerrp: well the problem is he referenced some post in the mailing list several months ago, from someone running 0.21
[19:18:01] sphery: heh
[19:18:40] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:21:35] sphery: Re: [mythtv-users] Recording over riding live tv -> don't use LiveTV
[19:22:46] J-e-f-f-A: ^^ hehehehe...  ;-) I was going to reply with something like that... ;-)
[19:22:48] wagnerrp: someone should post a patch for her to try, that removes that button in the menu
[19:22:51] dagar (dagar! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:23:07] wagnerrp: problem solved!
[19:23:10] ** J-e-f-f-A laughs hysterically! **
[19:23:22] wagnerrp: heres a good time to try it out J-e-f-f-A
[19:23:33] wagnerrp: she could be your first tester
[19:24:24] wagnerrp: what priority are livetv-turned-recording set at?
[19:24:26] [Peter]: LiveTV has it uses :)
[19:24:36] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Hehehe.... Evidently she's never used a 'commercial' PVR – they don't give LiveTV priority over recordings either...
[19:24:52] J-e-f-f-A: [Peter]: Yeah, "Tuner Testing"
[19:24:55] wagnerrp: [Peter]: see J-e-f-f-A's comment way back...
[19:25:01] [Peter]: J-e-f-f-A: or live stuff
[19:25:03] wagnerrp: 20 minutes back anyway
[19:25:52] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... we could tell her to add more tuners... and schedule less concurrent recordings...
[19:26:35] sphery: [Peter]: why LiveTV has no uses:
[19:26:44] sebrock (sebrock! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[19:27:13] sphery: *** Save as a non-specific test of whether you've configured your capture cards properly
[19:27:32] sphery: (i.e. they may still work in LiveTV and fail for recordings when set up improperly)
[19:33:38] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:34:12] dagar: any way to get 0.22 packages on hardy?
[19:34:34] squish102: does mythfrontend have to scale images each time it starts?
[19:34:34] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:34:41] wagnerrp: no
[19:34:47] iamlindoro: gcc + debbuild?
[19:34:47] wagnerrp: only the first time it ever uses that image
[19:35:04] wagnerrp: (and every time you choose a new theme, or every time you change the base resolution of the current theme)
[19:35:13] dagar: probably less work to just upgrade
[19:35:26] J-e-f-f-A: squish102: Unless you have the theme cache set to "1" and switch themes/resolutions... ^^ yep.
[19:35:43] ** J-e-f-f-A has his set to '10'. ;-) **
[19:35:46] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[19:36:03] dagar (dagar! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[19:36:18] wagnerrp: the theme cache only works if you have previously use that theme before
[19:36:40] wagnerrp: so unless you have a couple themes you cycle between, or have it set to random
[19:36:47] J-e-f-f-A: right. So it'll cache the last 10 themes/resolutions, scaling the first time for each.
[19:36:50] wagnerrp: there is really no purpose to set it to anything but 1
[19:37:09] justinh: wtf point is there in having a random theme setting anyway?
[19:37:31] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: I have it set 'cause I sometimes run MFE in fullscreen on my backend, and at other times in a window. ;-)
[19:37:35] mag0o: those that like to live on the wild side
[19:37:46] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: so... two?
[19:37:50] J-e-f-f-A: justinh: yeah. ;-)
[19:37:56] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller!n=devinhei@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:38:11] wagnerrp: you can randomly cycle between this, that, and the other theme!
[19:38:13] justinh: people use a particular theme because they like how it looks, don't they?
[19:38:23] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: yeah, but I've got pleanty of disk space, so 10 doesn't hurt anything. ;-)
[19:38:34] iamlindoro: For those with an overdeveloped sense of guilt, they have a one in 12 chance of having GANT inflicted on them
[19:38:44] justinh: seriously..
[19:38:47] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: they used to anyway
[19:38:55] iamlindoro: justinh: It's a retarded setting and should be removed
[19:39:01] iamlindoro: In fact...
[19:39:22] J-e-f-f-A: You know what would be AWESOME?!? Expand the "Random Theme" option to allow it to select a random theme with every menu change!  ;-) [just kidding!]
[19:39:58] justinh: Drew Whittle.. you bad man, you
[19:40:15] justinh: 7 years ago that patch was committed. jesus
[19:40:36] iamlindoro: I'll bet you a million dollars there are < a dozen people using that setting
[19:41:03] GreyFoxx: yeah that one seems kinda silly
[19:41:04] ** J-e-f-f-A should get a dozen people to switch to it so he could collect from iamlindoro ... ;-) **
[19:41:10] justinh: be funny if one of those was he who must be obeyed :P
[19:41:40] justinh: like, remember when you used to have commit access? ;-)
[19:43:41] iamlindoro: patch done
[19:44:06] devinheitmueller: Hmmmm... Does anybody have any idea what this HVR-1600 issue is all about: . . . ;oldid=41004
[19:44:31] devinheitmueller: I find it *very* surprising to find out that somebody is getting analog audio to work by enabling PVR-350 output.
[19:44:56] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: sounds like a load of clueless nonsense
[19:45:08] devinheitmueller: iamlindoro: indeed.
[19:45:29] devinheitmueller: If that *actually* worked for some reason, I would be very interested in better understanding what is going on there.
[19:46:24] J-e-f-f-A: devinheitmueller: yeah, right...
[19:46:33] iamlindoro: That just doesn't make any sense at all
[19:46:37] iamlindoro: I'd nuke it
[19:46:49] iamlindoro: and if you don't, I will
[19:46:51] J-e-f-f-A: devinheitmueller: ^ ditto
[19:46:54] devinheitmueller: Well, I do enough nuking on the wiki, so I'll leave it up to the mythtv resident maintainers.
[19:47:11] iamlindoro: OK, I'll do it, thanks for bringing it to my attention
[19:47:15] devinheitmueller: np
[19:47:22] wagnerrp: hold on
[19:47:34] wagnerrp: cncook001 is an australian
[19:47:47] wagnerrp: 1600s dont work, and cannot be purchased in australia
[19:47:57] wagnerrp: WTF is he doing commenting on it
[19:48:00] devinheitmueller: wagnerrp: all the more reason this seems suspicious.
[19:48:56] iamlindoro: Well, it's gone now, so all is well
[19:49:21] devinheitmueller: I've developed a newfound interest in the 1600, so I'm just researching what people are complaining about.  :-)
[19:49:23] J-e-f-f-A: Or change it to say "Video but no sound" "TURN UP YOUR TV!"  ;-)
[19:50:59] jimmyz (jimmyz! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:51:44] wagnerrp: hah!
[19:52:12] wagnerrp: 7 copies of the same movie were created sequentially
[19:52:58] erik_____ (erik_____! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:53:46] iamlindoro: there, now...
[19:53:51] iamlindoro: *clears throat*
[19:53:56] iamlindoro: "What random theme setting?"
[19:54:55] ** mag0o refuses to ever upgrade again now that random themes have been taken away **
[19:55:31] iamlindoro: Sadly there will be people who respond to the removal of tiny, stupid and trivial settings that way
[19:55:37] iamlindoro: and you know what I say to that?
[19:55:39] iamlindoro: good riddance
[19:55:43] mag0o: fork!
[19:55:45] mag0o: oh
[19:55:58] iamlindoro: Myth will never be lean/mean without performing a settingsectomy
[19:56:03] iamlindoro: and the doctor is IN
[19:56:09] meshe: lol
[19:56:29] wagnerrp: im just waiting for the 350 output support to fester and get excised
[19:56:42] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: We talked about doing that for .23
[19:56:56] wagnerrp: i mean does it even still work?
[19:57:16] iamlindoro: general inability to answer that is one of the main reasons for losing it :)
[19:59:12] meshe: drop it from myth, there's still an xorg driver that works for it
[19:59:30] meshe: which i do use on a production myth box
[19:59:57] meshe: running jaunty
[20:01:41] clever: meshe: do you know much about the internals of XV?
[20:01:47] meshe: no
[20:02:21] simonckenyon (simonckenyon!n=kvirc@ has quit ("KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, revision: 3513, sources date: 20090907, built on: 2009-09-29 15:50:58 UTC")
[20:03:07] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:03:50] meshe: i think it's this package: xserver-xorg-video-ivtv
[20:05:17] jimmyz (jimmyz! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:08:08] sircolin (sircolin! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:13:06] wagnerrp: any reason why #6211 shouldnt be closed?
[20:13:30] wagnerrp: i mean that code doesnt even exist anymore does it?
[20:13:43] sphery: meshe: the driver for ivtv is not the one used for PVR-350 hardware decode output
[20:14:07] sphery: meshe: using the driver only, you get Xv video output, which works fine and won't be removed from/not supported in Myth
[20:14:21] sphery: it's specifically the hardware decoder support that will be removed
[20:14:50] sphery: (and which is useless and limiting and ...--it's not 1998, anymore, folks)
[20:15:29] Wicked: does anyone in here have fios tv?
[20:15:57] wagnerrp: indeed, my TOTC vintage P3 can do standard def mpeg2 just fine (which is all the 350 is capable of)
[20:17:07] messerting (messerting! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[20:19:43] Goga777 (Goga777!n=Goga777@ has quit (Read error: 148 (No route to host))
[20:20:44] fbnts (fbnts! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:20:47] fbnts: Hi,
[20:21:11] fbnts: I have just upgraded to 0.22 but when I goto the scheduler Mythtv frontend closes
[20:21:24] fbnts: the log is showing the error: Theme error: Unknown widget type
[20:21:58] fbnts: its refering to <align>allcenter</align> in the /usr/share/mythtv/themes/metallurgy/schedule-ui.xml file
[20:22:08] fbnts: is this a theme issue?
[20:23:04] wagnerrp: metallurgy is only partially converted to the new ui isnt it?
[20:23:12] wagnerrp: (i.e.: half broken)
[20:23:43] wagnerrp: thats assuming youre not using the old 0.21 version
[20:25:46] justinh: if you update mythtv you need to update themes too
[20:26:55] fbnts: yep, i removed all mythtv 0.21 packages
[20:27:07] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[20:27:14] fbnts: Is there a list of themes that are fully converted?
[20:27:18] wagnerrp: depending on how your package manager is set up, it may not delete those old themes
[20:27:33] wagnerrp: uninstall, and completely remove the /usr/share/mythtv directory
[20:28:07] fbnts: yep thats what I did – when I 1st upgraded the frontend wouldn't load because of the old themes
[20:28:19] wagnerrp: there is a page on the wiki with the handful of themes that have been created/converted
[20:28:46] wagnerrp: and at the moment 'mythcenter' is the limit of the 'converted' category
[20:29:49] jarle (jarle! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:29:56] wagnerrp: afterwards, you may want to dust off and nuke it from orbit, its the only way to be sure
[20:31:02] jarle (jarle! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:33:09] wagnerrp: whoops...
[20:33:32] wagnerrp: just built a new kernel for my laptop, and forgot to build ext2 support, for my ext2 boot disk
[20:33:48] wagnerrp: its boots just fine, i just cant change anything
[20:33:51] stoffel (stoffel! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:36:57] Spida: is 0.22 released yet?
[20:37:10] iamlindoro: no
[20:37:21] ** iamlindoro points at the topic **
[20:37:21] justinh: hmm just tried 'jump to programme' from the osd menu.. wouldn't it be better to offer a list of shows from the same group first?
[20:37:34] Spida: 22:21:11 < fbnts> I have just upgraded to 0.22 but when I goto the scheduler Mythtv frontend closes
[20:37:36] justinh: might have a stab at that sometime
[20:37:45] justinh: 0.22-rc1
[20:37:45] AndrewNC (AndrewNC!n=N0135446@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[20:37:49] Spida: ah.
[20:37:53] iamlindoro: Spida: people erroneously referring to trunk or the RC as .22
[20:38:10] justinh: trunk will be 0.23 when it comes of age :)
[20:38:23] justinh: now it all got complimicatered
[20:38:55] iamlindoro: justinh: Check out my menu earlier? I may add watermarks but god help me I'm actually happy w/ a main menu for once
[20:39:07] justinh: yeah even I like it
[20:39:16] justinh: I mean really like it
[20:39:21] justinh: as in may ape it :P
[20:39:23] iamlindoro: heh, I'm glad
[20:39:40] tjcarter (tjcarter! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:39:41] justinh: I've had enough of watermarks. enough to last an effing lifetime
[20:39:57] iamlindoro: There's just too damn many things to find images for
[20:40:00] ** tjcarter watermarks justinh hello **
[20:40:18] iamlindoro: and no real legit sources of decent redistributable images, either
[20:40:33] justinh: none I haven't already used :P
[20:40:33] jduggan_: is there a link? to ur main menu?
[20:40:36] jduggan_: its not in my lastlog ;P
[20:40:49] iamlindoro: jduggan_:
[20:40:50] Wicked: iamlindoro, was it you who was talking about miro or something? i thought you mentioned it and that is can record shows from revision3?....
[20:41:05] wagnerrp: jduggan_: it was like 14 hours ago
[20:41:07] iamlindoro: Wicked: look up "mirobridge" in the wiki
[20:41:14] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has quit ()
[20:41:50] Wicked: hmm. ok. ill have to look into this. ive never really heard of miro or used it.
[20:41:53] jduggan_: wagnerrp: ah, well, i had a 90 rack outage this afternoon, it took down this box =], reset my last log :P
[20:42:03] justinh: jduggan_:
[20:42:13] tjcarter: So where do I begin if I want to get a box that seems unsupported to work via firewire?
[20:42:22] tjcarter: I have an RNG 110
[20:42:28] tjcarter: more precisely, I've got two of them.
[20:42:30] wagnerrp: jduggan_:
[20:42:46] justinh: iamlindoro: only problem (sigh) anybody will ever see with a menu screen that sparse is a lack of info panels, scrollers etc
[20:42:51] jduggan_: wagnerrp: thanks ;]
[20:43:10] jheizer: menu image looks niiiiice
[20:43:30] justinh: hey I wonder.. can the webkit thingy be made like a real panel – you could put a java scroller info thing in one of them I bet
[20:43:49] iamlindoro: justinh: yes, teh webbrowser widget can be used as a UI element
[20:44:00] iamlindoro: I wrote the patch to add the <url> tag to it :)
[20:44:01] justinh: never played with it yet
[20:44:21] justinh: so you could kinda have a realtime updating info panel thingy?
[20:44:44] iamlindoro: justinh: Somewhat, yeah-- last I worked with it the results were not great and unstable
[20:44:52] justinh: ah
[20:45:14] wagnerrp: being able to have a chunk of log or job log would be nice
[20:45:30] justinh: a chunk of log – on a menu screen.. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!
[20:45:45] fbnts (fbnts! has quit ("leaving")
[20:46:09] iamlindoro: I would rather like MythWeather to disappear and become a clock-like widget
[20:46:27] justinh: mythbarometer. whee another use for my icky patch
[20:46:30] iamlindoro: couple statetypes, a new widget definition, done
[20:46:30] wagnerrp: justinh: job logs would be very convenient
[20:46:46] justinh: wagnerrp: maybe upcoming & recently completed jobs etc
[20:46:51] justinh: not actual log output
[20:47:03] clever: i find the job control is a little sloppy
[20:47:03] wagnerrp: 'transcode of X recording has finished', now i can run my X export script
[20:47:07] jduggan_: summer glau doesnt seem nearly as hot in dollhouse
[20:47:16] clever: it i try to cancle a job, i cant restart the same type on that file
[20:47:16] jduggan_: (from the photos ive seen)
[20:47:24] wagnerrp: justinh: i dont mean some random log file, i mean the stuff usually found in the system status screen
[20:47:29] clever: because the cancle takes several minutes to get thru the system
[20:47:57] wagnerrp: getting rid of system status all together, and making it some popup from any menu would be better
[20:48:03] clever: even when cancling a queued job that didnt have to stop anything
[20:48:18] wagnerrp: when you batch exporting the last couple weeks of recordings
[20:48:27] wagnerrp: being able to pull something up to see what has finished
[20:48:39] wagnerrp: rather than backing into system status
[20:48:42] motd2k_ (motd2k_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:48:56] justinh: yeah well that screen is overdue some TLC
[20:49:31] justinh: need to clone myself to get all the stuff done I wanna look at
[20:49:48] motd2k (motd2k!n=motd2k@xbmc/staff/motd2k) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:49:48] motd2k_ is now known as motd2k
[20:50:03] wagnerrp: might want to call Michael Keaton, see how well that worked out for him
[20:51:47] sircolin (sircolin! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[20:53:02] AndrewNC_ (AndrewNC_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:53:43] Wicked: hmm. im using latest svn of 0.22-fixes but it doesnt seem to have install mirobridge
[20:53:55] wagnerrp: mirobridge is in contrib
[20:54:04] kormoc: seem to have install?
[20:54:31] Wicked: *installed
[20:54:36] iamlindoro: contrib scripts don't get installed, you do it
[20:54:45] iamlindoro: contrib/imports/mirobridge
[20:54:51] wagnerrp: like most of the other random scripts and programs, they get stuck in contrib, where its up to you to find and use them wherever you want
[20:55:10] iamlindoro: make sure to maintain the directory structure
[20:55:13] RDV_Linux: Wicked: Use the wiki please.
[20:55:44] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux: What, you mean you expect people to USE the long articles we write detailing step by step instructions on how to use things?
[20:55:45] Wicked: RDV_Linux, i am. i was following
[20:55:54] iamlindoro: I thought the wiki was just an 8th grade writing assignment?
[20:56:19] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: But I never passed the 8th grade
[20:56:25] wagnerrp: it 'ships' with mythtv, in contrib
[20:56:26] Wicked: i thought the scripts where installed when i installed mythtv as it says "The Miro Bridge scripts are typically installed in /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/ or /usr/local/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/."
[20:56:31] iamlindoro: Wicked: "are installed" = "you should install it there"
[20:56:34] Wicked: i now understand that :)
[20:56:36] wagnerrp: what your distro may have done with contrib, no one knows
[20:56:57] wagnerrp: RDV_Linux: hey! neither did I
[20:57:02] iamlindoro: cd contrib/imports/mirobridge
[20:57:26] iamlindoro: sudo cp -rf * /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/
[20:57:57] stefanj (stefanj! has quit ("Leaving.")
[20:58:00] Wicked: ah. ok was just looking for what sub directory it was in
[20:58:06] Wicked: thanks :)
[20:58:06] iamlindoro: /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/ -t
[20:58:14] wagnerrp: find . -name 'miro'
[20:58:38] iamlindoro: if it wasn't immediately obvious, you need miro installed and set up before using mirobridge
[20:58:55] Wicked: yea.
[20:59:00] Wicked: im playing with setting up miro now.
[21:00:22] RDV_Linux: Wicked: Installing all the prerequisites mentioned in the wiki first will make the set up process much more enjoyable,
[21:00:56] davidm (davidm!n=David@nat/ti/x-jkvssvzjotkphjgc) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:00:59] iamlindoro: /keep us all much happier with you
[21:01:20] RDV_Linux: Wicked: I recommend using the Miro PPA (link in wiki) as the latest version is better than old Miro v2.0.3
[21:01:24] davidm is now known as Guest39202
[21:02:30] Wicked: RDV_Linux, yea. reading over more of the wiki now and use a miro ppa...over the official miro repo from the miro website?
[21:02:39] Wicked: as i used the one from there website.
[21:02:44] Wicked:
[21:03:54] sphery: So, I noticed that when deleting a recording to the Deleted recgroup from the Default recgroup, we actually replace the whole value. I was thinking we should probably check to see if the recgroup is Default, and if so, just replace the "fault" with "leted" for efficiency.
[21:03:55] psj (psj! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:03:59] RDV_Linux: Wicked: The Miro Web site packages are the PPA as far as I am concerned. Versus what is in your distro's repository.
[21:04:12] Defense (Defense! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:04:12] sphery: (that's not a serious recommendation, btw)
[21:04:13] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:04:19] Wicked: RDV_Linux, ah ok gotcha
[21:04:20] iamlindoro: sphery: del33ted?
[21:04:26] kormoc: BELETED!
[21:04:28] sphery: oh, yea
[21:05:04] kormoc: It's less re-written flash bits on SSDs, you know
[21:05:12] sphery: exactly
[21:05:36] sphery: and since any sane user has an SSD for their MySQL data files...
[21:05:47] kormoc: Yup yup yup
[21:06:14] davidm2 (davidm2!n=David@nat/ti/x-twukzgjouwvlsucb) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:06:27] wagnerrp: bleh, SSDs are so slow
[21:06:45] kormoc: well, any sane myth user runs them in a 12 disk raid-0
[21:06:56] wagnerrp: real men just buy enough processors that the entire database can fit within the L3
[21:06:58] sphery: how can it be slow... they use /flash/ memory, and we all know how fast Flash Gordon was, so...
[21:08:18] jpabq_: sphery: I usually go into "system info/status" and delete from the autoexpire list. I can't remember the exact menu structure, or I would respond to the mailing list.
[21:08:57] sphery: ah, that would work, too
[21:09:14] grokky (grokky! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:09:16] AndrewNC_: has anyone come across a mythbackend upstart config?
[21:09:29] tt884: In mythbuntu
[21:09:34] jheizer: What is the default mythweb videos admin key?
[21:09:48] sphery: AndrewNC_:
[21:10:05] wagnerrp: jheizer: i dont believe there is a default
[21:10:13] wagnerrp: its just blank and disabled until you set one
[21:10:16] AndrewNC_: sphery: brilliant :) that should have been the first place I looked ;-)
[21:10:17] sphery: from mythbuntu packager extraordinair, superm1
[21:10:25] kormoc: jheizer: whatever you set the mythvideo key to be in mythvideo proper
[21:10:34] jheizer: ahhh, blank, duh
[21:10:53] wagnerrp: ah, saw 'mythweb videos', and just read 'mythvideo'
[21:10:53] jheizer: thanks accidentally tabbed in there and deleted it
[21:11:45] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:11:46] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: Responded to you on the list, but "video source" is a bit of a misnomer-- you create one for each provider/delivery method/etc.
[21:12:13] devinheitmueller: iamlindoro: Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I haven't spent *too* much time in MythTV-setup
[21:12:18] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: but for multiple tuners connected to the same course/delivery method, you can share a video source
[21:12:25] iamlindoro: er same source
[21:12:57] Wicked: storage directories setup in mythtv-setup will always over ride the options in mythfrontend right?
[21:13:05] devinheitmueller: The analog channel scanner is currently disabled in 0.22, so I haven't played with it much.
[21:13:08] AndrewNC_: that upstart config may not work on FC10, which I believe uses an outdated version syntax, I'll have to look into it
[21:13:09] Wicked: or is it vice versa
[21:13:15] AndrewNC_: or just upgrade to FC11
[21:14:02] iamlindoro: Wicked: Depends on the exact circumstance, but yes, generally SG takes priority
[21:14:39] Wicked: ok thanks
[21:14:39] devinheitmueller: iamlindoro: Interesting. I never knew you were Robert McNamara. Pleased to make your acquaintance...
[21:14:42] iamlindoro: Hopefully you have carefully read the MythVideo transition page
[21:14:47] iamlindoro: devinheitmueller: Hello :)
[21:15:20] cdpuk (cdpuk! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:19:48] android6011 (android6011!n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:20:57] elmojo: iamlindoro, sphery: do you guys build seek tables for videos in MV?
[21:21:08] iamlindoro: elmojo: When necessary, yeah
[21:21:09] sphery: AndrewNC_: I'm waiting for upstart to become less of an upstart before trusting it
[21:21:16] iamlindoro: elmojo: Predominantly for my blu ray content
[21:21:46] iamlindoro: (by which I mean legit blu ray content in m2ts containers)
[21:21:48] sphery: elmojo: Yeah, basically MPEG Systems streams should have them. Matroska shouldn't.
[21:21:57] sphery: some others might need them
[21:22:02] sphery: others won't
[21:22:09] sphery: hope that's not too specific for you
[21:22:51] sphery: iamlindoro: what are your blu-rays ripped to?
[21:22:55] iamlindoro: easy with the technical terms, sphery
[21:22:58] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:22:58] elmojo: iamlindoro, sphery: so if a seek table is not present then seeking is performed by libav*, right?
[21:22:59] wagnerrp: hard drive?
[21:23:00] sphery: heh
[21:23:05] iamlindoro: sphery: mostly keep them as the original m2ts files
[21:23:18] sphery: oh... "in m2ts containers"... I'm slow
[21:23:40] iamlindoro: elmojo: In theory, yeah, but on at least one of my blu ray rips that never seemed to work... but last time I tried was before some of the recent seek fixes
[21:23:44] sphery: just making sure it didn't counter my little bit of specific info
[21:24:36] iamlindoro: The Dark Knight would relentlessly start playback over if you tried to skip without a seektable
[21:24:37] elmojo: iamlindoro: hopefully fixed now.... all my MPEG TS videos work now
[21:24:41] iamlindoro: adding one fixed it right up
[21:24:52] iamlindoro: elmojo: Nice, if I remember to I'll clear its seektable and try again tonight
[21:25:15] sphery: elmojo: clearing them can save a relatively large amount of space in your DB
[21:25:27] elmojo: iamlindoro: cool, wondering if having a seek table and using mythtv seeking is better than using libav seeking
[21:25:34] Dagmar: "relatively large" being an understatement in my case
[21:25:40] iamlindoro: I would *think* it would be faster
[21:25:45] iamlindoro: (to use the myth seektable)
[21:25:54] iamlindoro: but it probably really is a matter of inches
[21:25:54] sphery: yes, /much/ faster to use Myth's seektable
[21:26:03] sphery: and, more importantly, /much/ more likely to be accurate
[21:26:17] sphery: especially when going to "unexplored regions" of the video
[21:26:23] sphery: (i.e. skipping forward)
[21:26:29] elmojo: iamlindoro: no doubt about that... I have all my recording symbolically linked to my MV library and seeking in PBB works much faster than in MV
[21:26:30] sphery: and especially for variable bitrate stuff
[21:26:52] iamlindoro: Even with a seektable, skipping on certain sources is dog slow (HD-PVR)
[21:26:59] wagnerrp: which would be.. everything?
[21:27:14] sphery: yeah, most everything
[21:27:14] wagnerrp: what isnt variable bitrate anymore?
[21:27:19] sphery: very little CBR anymore
[21:27:30] wagnerrp: besides maybe old mpeg1 stuff
[21:27:36] sphery: but I figured I should throw that bit in just in case
[21:27:43] iamlindoro: poorly encoded pirate crap, maybe
[21:27:50] iamlindoro: ie someone trying to "break into the biz"
[21:27:53] sphery: didn't some of the old HD-PVR drivers only really work with CBR?
[21:27:58] wagnerrp: i imagine for them, the more passes, the better
[21:28:08] sphery: or maybe old myth only worked with HD-PVR CBR for a while?
[21:28:12] wagnerrp: and you by definition cannot run a multipass CBR
[21:28:44] iamlindoro: sphery: myth only produced HD-PVR CBR without some wrangling for a while, could that be what you mean?
[21:28:52] sphery: yeah
[21:29:21] sphery: I only remembered the terms "HD-PVR" and "CBR" were at one point linked (but no longer)
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[21:30:09] sphery: Like some kind of James-Burke-gone-mad, I only remember connections--not actual information.
[21:30:38] wagnerrp: like an altavista web page?
[21:30:46] wagnerrp: no, anglefire
[21:30:52] wagnerrp: angelfire
[21:30:58] wagnerrp: one of those 'a' sites
[21:31:48] AndrewNC_: what is the leading choice for a cheap ntsc analog tuner to augment my hvr-2250 for analog tuning until comcast goes all digital?
[21:31:54] wagnerrp: webrings are the spawn of the devil
[21:32:10] wagnerrp: PVR-150 or 500
[21:32:13] iamlindoro: AndrewNC_: For my money, a PVR-150 or 500
[21:32:18] wagnerrp: only two choices available
[21:32:20] AndrewNC_: thx
[21:32:24] iamlindoro: If you could also use an extra digital tuner, an HVR-1600
[21:32:30] AndrewNC_: yeah, once I started looking at what was available and what worked..
[21:32:47] wagnerrp: arguably, a 1600 would not be considered 'cheap'
[21:32:50] AndrewNC_: is the 1600 the one that has issues w/nvidia driver?
[21:32:58] iamlindoro: well, ~$60 last time I checked
[21:33:19] AndrewNC_: I wouldn't mind an additional digital if it worked, as then it wouldn't be a throw away once cable analog dies
[21:33:24] sid3windr: webrings :D
[21:33:33] wagnerrp: only $60? seems theyre finally back down to where they were at release
[21:33:38] AndrewNC_: I'm thinking that the 2250 will never have analog support
[21:34:11] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Hmm, google says $79 right now, so maybe what I saw was a fluke
[21:34:26] sphery: Fluke? No. Great deal? Yep.
[21:34:38] AndrewNC_: 84$ on amazon
[21:34:56] wagnerrp: (considering the old $50-$60 PVR-150 boxes used to contain HVR-1600s)
[21:34:58] iamlindoro:;jsessionid= . . . ?iid=1089121
[21:35:00] iamlindoro: $60
[21:35:11] iamlindoro: even the MCE version
[21:35:20] sphery: does it come with a nice, stylish vest?
[21:35:30] wagnerrp: manufactured by HP?
[21:35:41] iamlindoro: sphery: As worn by the Nerd Herd?
[21:35:42] AndrewNC_: . . . driver_users <-- anything to that still?
[21:35:56] wagnerrp: ooh! 'Package includes: VGA Card'
[21:36:00] devinheitmueller: AndrewNC_: I've got a spare PVR-150 card kicking around that I would part with for $20.
[21:36:17] wagnerrp: they give give you an output card in the bundle!
[21:36:30] sphery: iamlindoro: I would actually get one of those...
[21:36:39] sphery: wear it every time I watch Chuck
[21:36:40] iamlindoro: sphery: Then I could call you Emmett?
[21:36:55] sphery: that wouldn't be too much of a stretch
[21:37:04] AndrewNC_: devinheitmueller: dunno about buying used stuff off IRC :P esp a shady chan like this one... ;)
[21:37:32] devinheitmueller: AndrewNC_: Up to you. I'm just offering.
[21:37:49] Wicked: mirobridge seems to be working good. awesome job guys :)
[21:37:52] AndrewNC_: I saw some pvr-150s on ebay that were system pulls, but appeared to have a custom bracket from the HP systems
[21:38:03] iamlindoro: Wicked: 100% RDV_Linux's work
[21:38:11] iamlindoro: he deserves all the praise
[21:38:15] ** Wicked ^5's RDV_Linux **
[21:38:24] sphery: AndrewNC_: I donated a PVR-350, PVR-250, and 2 PVR-150's to a user in here (free shipping, even)... Unfortunately I'm out of stock.
[21:38:52] devinheitmueller: sphery: way to make me look like a greedy bastard.  :-)
[21:38:57] sphery: lol
[21:39:25] sphery: I have to admit the user is actually a core dev, so I'm not as much of a nice guy as I pretended to be.
[21:39:32] wagnerrp: well $20 is about the ebay going price
[21:39:38] AndrewNC_: sphery: maybe I can volunteer to document some functions in trade from some other dev ;)
[21:39:46] sphery: heh
[21:40:10] RDV_Linux: Wicked: Thanks and enjoy
[21:40:11] iamlindoro: FWIW devinheitmueller *is* some other dev
[21:40:26] iamlindoro: specifically, the type of guy who makes our tuners work in the first place
[21:40:34] wagnerrp: yeah, but hes one of those untrustworty types of devs
[21:40:44] wagnerrp: you know, the one you wouldnt transact with over IRC
[21:41:24] devinheitmueller: I just threw it out there because I've had one sitting in a drawer for about two years and don't have any planned used for it (I have another unit already in my collection of tuners)
[21:42:00] sphery: maybe you could do like a FSBO and split the (eBay) commission :)
[21:42:38] rooaus (rooaus! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:45:05] AndrewNC_: iamlindoro: yes, upon investigating, an upstanding fellow
[21:45:42] AndrewNC_: sphery: ebay takes too much cut these days, I sold a nikor lens a year ago and when it was all over with, I should have just kept it
[21:45:52] ** devinheitmueller does a quick google search of his own name to makes sure it doesn't come up with "... is a fraud" **
[21:46:11] ** iamlindoro registers **
[21:46:34] devinheitmueller: HA!
[21:46:35] ** devinheitmueller gets ready to file his WIPO domain name dispute paperwork. **
[21:46:41] ** AndrewNC_ notices redirects to **
[21:47:00] sphery: AndrewNC_: no joke... I've only sold things that were useless to me and was amazed at the cut ebay took--and it's all spread out through various stuff throughout the process.
[21:47:00] elmojo: iamlindoro, sphery: did you guys check [22539]? Looks like he also negated ffrew_skip if play_speed > 0.0 which is opposite from the original code and not mentioned in the commit message
[21:47:00] iamlindoro: umm... wow
[21:47:08] AndrewNC_: that is a reference btw
[21:47:37] AndrewNC_: to a gilbert gottfried bit, I'm not actually suggesting you're a terrible person ;)
[21:48:31] sphery: elmojo: that still does the same type of thing for negatives--it's just a different construct from the ternary operator
[21:49:02] AndrewNC_: sphery: yeah, posting fees, closing fees, then paypal which they also owns, takes their cut, it is almost absurd, I'd be curious how their financials look since they've stepped up all the fees
[21:49:07] sphery: (basically, the first had an else, but this one doesn't, but this one only sets the value if it needs changing)
[21:49:48] elmojo: sphery: the previous code set it to -ffrew_skip if play_speed less than or equal to zero
[21:50:37] sphery: oh, I see what you're saying
[21:50:57] wagnerrp: AndrewNC_: yeah, because people who rape and murder children are actually really nice?
[21:51:10] sphery: I thought you were concerned about it's not having an else
[21:51:17] sphery: s/it's/its/
[21:51:54] elmojo: sphery: it even seems backwards... and it would have been nice for him to comment what 30 is in the code
[21:52:09] wagnerrp: that reminds me, does anyone elses' 3xFF not work under VDPAU?
[21:52:17] AndrewNC_: wagnerrp: well, Polanski didn't kill the girl,but he seems pretty popular... anyway, gottfried had that line about Bob Saget at his roast, and it became somewhat of a meme, I believe someone registered a domain to some pundit and started a stir
[21:52:18] wagnerrp: the audio goes mute, and it plays at the same speed
[21:52:39] elmojo: warnerrp: what version are you using?
[21:52:56] wagnerrp: trunk, revision directly before the branch
[21:53:02] Dagmar: AndrewNC_: Yeah he just gave her a "sliver" of a quaalude.
[21:53:15] Dagmar: He *should* have paid attention to her age.
[21:53:29] Dagmar: ...then he would have given her children's chewable quaaludes instead.
[21:53:33] sircolin (sircolin! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:53:43] AndrewNC_: Dagmar: I'll quote the typical quote from the Boston papers "he was a good boy, turning his life around"
[21:54:17] elmojo: wagnerrp: what type of video and are watching from recordings or Myth Video?
[21:54:17] Dagmar: I think he could stand to spend six months in a minimum security facility
[21:54:40] wagnerrp: yeah, every time cops shoot someone around here, at night, running from the cops, with something that looks like a gun, and several dozen previous charges
[21:54:43] iamlindoro: HAHAAHAHAH.... "make -j 98"
[21:54:46] iamlindoro: "whoops"
[21:54:49] wagnerrp: someone gets on tv saying 'he was a good boy'
[21:54:51] sphery: elmojo: thanks for noticing. I passed it on to danielk (since he knows the video stuff/has access to HD-PVR recordings and has been busy in #mythtv)
[21:54:51] Dagmar: You can't exactly make an argument for the statute of limitations. That assumes you spent that time hiding out, in fear of capture, living a hardship
[21:54:52] AndrewNC_: Dagmar: that product sounded familiar, and sure enough google turns up plenty of hits
[21:55:03] Dagmar: ...not gallavanting around europe with supermodels.
[21:55:05] wagnerrp: elmojo: recordings, ATSC, in the PBB
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[21:55:22] Dagmar: AndrewNC_: lots of sarcastic people on the internet
[21:55:23] AndrewNC_: wagnerrp: you in NE, or a city with similar reporters?
[21:55:52] wagnerrp: no, im in cincinnati, where the suppressed minorities like to riot
[21:56:09] AndrewNC_: ah yeah, I have a lot of family in the cincinnati area
[21:56:12] Dagmar: They're not doing a very good job of suppressing them, then.
[21:56:16] elmojo: wagnerrp: weird, I haven't noticed that at all... is it for all of your recordings or specific ones?
[21:56:29] wagnerrp: just noticed a couple this morning
[21:56:37] elmojo: sphery: thanks... normally wouldn't say anything but I know you guys are trying to get the RC done
[21:56:38] wagnerrp: doing a batch of transcoding
[21:56:48] wagnerrp: and was trying to get past the 'last time on...' garbage
[21:57:03] sphery: elmojo: yeah, that's an important one since it went into -fixes, too, so I'm /very/ glad you mentioned it
[21:57:14] sphery: elmojo: do you want to respond to the commit on the list or want me to?
[21:58:29] wagnerrp: 'make oldconfig' just uses default if i give no answer, right?
[21:58:37] Dagmar: Yes.
[21:58:49] Dagmar: It'll generally indicate which that is by capitalizing it
[21:58:58] Dagmar: Y/n/m/?
[21:59:02] wagnerrp: ah, that it does
[21:59:03] kormoc: if by no answer you mean a new line
[21:59:14] elmojo: sphery: you can if you'd like... might just want to ask gigem if it's correct or not
[21:59:25] Dagmar: Some options won't have a default, and will be a little snippy about repeating themselves when you just smack enter
[21:59:32] elmojo: sphery: he might have meant to make the change but forgot to mention it in the commit message
[21:59:58] wagnerrp: yeah, i lost something i actually wanted to record, so im trying to fix that PVR-150 issue
[22:00:14] wagnerrp: updating to 2.6.31, and the vanilla kernel rather than gentoo's modified one
[22:00:54] Dagmar: wagnerrp: You know then to actually put their config file in place before trying oldconfig, right? (just makin' sure)
[22:01:09] Dagmar: The makefile wont' go looking for /proc/config.gz
[22:01:09] elmojo: wagnerrp: odd, unless it's a seek table issue or something then I don't know why 3XFF would be broken
[22:01:26] elmojo: wagnerrp: have you tried rebuilding the seek table?
[22:01:27] wagnerrp: yeah, i assume it would have complained if .config didnt exist
[22:01:37] wagnerrp: elmojo: havent tried anything, ive been at work
[22:02:49] sphery: wagnerrp: doesn't the max possible FFWD speed when using VDPAU depend on card capability?
[22:03:08] sphery: though, really, up to 3x, I think we may actually just play the video faster...
[22:03:13] sphery: after 3x, we may just skip
[22:03:29] sphery: so vdpau doesn't get a real stream, and maybe doesn't handle that
[22:04:40] elmojo: sphery: correct upto 3X the video is just played 3X faster instead of skipping
[22:04:49] elmojo: so it's weird he is having a problem with 3X
[22:05:12] jheizer (jheizer! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:06:55] elmojo: wagnerrp: so did this all of a sudden start happening without upgrading or anything?
[22:07:40] elmojo: wagnerrp: and sphery brings up a good point about 3XFF in that it doesn't seek so a seek table shouldn't matter
[22:08:28] sphery: elmojo: was it at 3x we stopped using seek table or was 3x the last one where we use seek table
[22:09:20] elmojo: sphery: I thought we just played faster upto and including 3X, but could be mistaken
[22:10:05] sphery: yeah, I knew that 3x was special, but don't remember for sure which side of special it falls in
[22:12:28] sircolin (sircolin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:15:52] elmojo: sphery: line 4448 -> . . . pp?rev=21890
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[22:18:18] sphery: elmojo: ah, so less than or equal to 3x is played through--and that is actually right next to the code you just noticed was changed
[22:18:44] elmojo: sphery: coincidentally, yes :)
[22:20:41] Guest39202 (Guest39202!n=David@nat/ti/x-jkvssvzjotkphjgc) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[22:21:13] sphery: elmojo: so, maybe the GPU performance does limit your ability to do ffwd/rew up to 3x
[22:21:15] davidm is now known as Guest43446
[22:23:23] elmojo: you would think so
[22:24:05] elmojo: sphery: I use VDPAU and have never noticed a problem with 3XFF even for ATSC 1080i
[22:24:22] sphery: with a pretty hefty GPU?
[22:24:31] sphery: and video RAM?
[22:24:39] sphery: I'm just guessing, though
[22:24:48] sphery: I may be totally wrong--I know nothing of VDPAU
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[22:25:35] gandalfcome_ is now known as gandalfcome
[22:25:36] elmojo: sphery: I've got a 9400GT with 512MB which is middle of the road
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[22:28:30] FR^2 (FR^2! has quit ("Der Worte sind genug gewechselt, lasst mich auch endlich Taten sehn!")
[22:28:59] elmojo: sphery: what probably happens is that the code notices it is getting behind and starts skipping frames
[22:29:13] elmojo: since you are FFWD'ing you wouldn't notice
[22:29:21] elmojo: should look at playback logs and see
[22:29:43] android6011 (android6011!n=chatzill@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
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[22:30:47] sphery: heh, just realized I mis-worded my e-mail to David on the list... should have been "negates ffrew_skip if play_speed is positive"
[22:38:08] anykey__ (anykey__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:40:32] wagnerrp: elmojo: this is a 8200 (onboard), but ive never really used 3x
[22:40:50] wagnerrp: i usually use something faster, or just skip
[22:41:10] wagnerrp: why is it that people think its their duty to prevent you from speeding?
[22:41:59] FinnTux: allright...I ran into a problem. mythtv-setup says it can't upgrade db schema. table oldrecorded is corrupted. "REPAIR TABLE oldrecorded" and mysqlcheck say it is ok.
[22:42:09] wagnerrp: i passed someone going 45 in a 35, so they sped up to 55, almost lost control in a couple turns, cut me off twice, and then proceeded to pace a car in the other lane
[22:43:30] Dagmar: Oh they weren't trying to stop you from speeding.
[22:43:35] Dagmar: They were just looking to get in your way
[22:43:54] Dagmar: You know what puts a stop to that?
[22:44:08] Dagmar: Driving a visibly beaten-up car.
[22:44:11] wagnerrp: yeah yeah... im support to stop not shooting them
[22:44:25] wagnerrp: you told me earlier
[22:45:00] Dagmar: If you're driving a nice new car, people assume you want to protect it.
[22:45:15] Dagmar: If you're driving a beater, people figure you're probably the reason it's beaten up.
[22:45:23] Dagmar: They'll get the eff out of your way.
[22:45:31] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:46:05] wagnerrp: well its not a new car, but i keep it looking nice
[22:46:11] Dagmar: You can also yell at them and slur a little while waving any dark-colored drink container
[22:47:13] Dagmar: IBC used to be my favorite root beer in college for that reason
[22:48:41] wagnerrp: i dont think he would have heard me over the noise of his lowered racing truck with a big exhaust
[22:49:08] wagnerrp: he still had handles bolted onto the doors mind you
[22:49:22] wagnerrp: because he had trouble climbing into a truck no taller than my car
[22:49:43] Dagmar: Oh THAT was his problem then
[22:49:45] Dagmar: Small penis.
[22:49:54] Dagmar: Those people can't stand to be passed, ever.
[22:50:29] wagnerrp: why? he doesnt want to go that fast, why does he care if other people do?
[22:50:33] wagnerrp: they are not affecting him
[22:50:39] Dagmar: Shame on you for implying he wasn't man enough to lead by passing him
[22:50:40] wagnerrp: they make no difference to him
[22:51:16] Dagmar: it's not the speed, it's that you insulted his manhood by getting ahead of him, thereby asserting your superiour masculinity
[22:51:41] wagnerrp: i often wish i were telepathic, if for no other reason than to understand the thought process of other people on the road
[22:52:01] wagnerrp: my empathy is not strong
[22:52:25] Dagmar: You don't want that
[22:53:09] Dagmar: If you really knew what was in the minds of other people, you'd be looking to dig it out of them with a screwdriver within the month.
[22:53:16] tmkt: the pip and pbp is cool, just t=need thosew pop up menus to stay large
[22:53:26] tmkt: can;t read them in the pip
[22:53:31] ** kormoc blinks **
[22:53:37] kormoc: t=need thosew?
[22:53:41] ** wagnerrp turns on his gibberish filter **
[22:53:49] tmkt: need those
[22:54:27] tmkt: one hand, other hand holding a newborn
[22:56:10] Dagmar: Don't let the wife see you one-handing the baby
[22:56:59] tmkt: 3rd one have the technique almost perfected, just need to working on typing accuracy
[22:57:03] jgarvey (jgarvey! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:01:33] tmkt: so, other then the bad typing..the point was...the menus are crazy small on pip/pbp mode
[23:06:14] elmojo: wagnerrp: I might have a theory why yours doesn't work
[23:06:53] wagnerrp: shoot
[23:07:42] sphery: don't shoot the messenger
[23:08:15] wagnerrp: or kick him down a bottomless pit?
[23:08:34] elmojo: wagnerrp: I have some code that makes some of the av divergence work properly, but I'll need some time later to produce a patch
[23:08:49] FinnTux: now if I "delete from oldrecorded" upgrade goes ok. but I suppose I don't want delete data in oldrecorded.
[23:08:56] wagnerrp: well like i said, i havent noticed it until now, so its not pressing
[23:09:01] FinnTux: any ideas?
[23:10:12] elmojo: sphery: did you send the e-mail to gigem on the mythtv-dev list?
[23:11:04] sphery: elmojo: yeah, sent it , but no response, yet: (and that's the one with the mis-wording)
[23:11:25] sphery: 18:30:46 <+sphery> heh, just realized I mis-worded my e-mail to David on the list... should have been "negates ffrew_skip if play_speed is positive"
[23:11:30] sphery: that mis-wording
[23:11:49] ** sphery shouldn't write English when working on Perl code **
[23:12:16] elmojo: just curious because I never saw it show up in my e-mail.. must be delayed somewhere
[23:12:17] iamlindoro: oh not to worry
[23:12:20] iamlindoro: that wasn't english
[23:12:28] iamlindoro: ;)
[23:12:42] sphery: heh
[23:16:07] tank-man (tank-man! has quit ("this is not a rage quit")
[23:18:22] wagnerrp: anyone know what an IVTV card would do with incorrect I2C support?
[23:19:02] wagnerrp: might it not tune properly, and just feed me an mpeg2 of noise?
[23:24:07] Dagmar: Quite easily
[23:25:39] wagnerrp: im thinking i had the 'autoselect pertinent helper modules' set, and it didnt choose bit-banging
[23:26:07] Dagmar: That bit doesn't EVER seem to work properly
[23:26:17] Dagmar: It's failed every time I've used ti
[23:26:31] Dagmar: I no longer let it make it's own decisions there.
[23:33:08] wagnerrp: well that was a module, so i can fix without rebuilding
[23:33:12] android6011_ (android6011_!n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:33:14] wagnerrp: lets see if that was the issue
[23:39:06] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[23:39:45] pheld (pheld! has quit ("Leaving.")
[23:40:04] anykey_ (anykey_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:43:33] wagnerrp: well that didnt fix it, but i may have just not reloaded the proper modules
[23:43:40] wagnerrp: ill see if a reboot does it later
[23:44:56] jpabq_ (jpabq_! has quit ()
[23:47:06] wagnerrp: well crap... seems ive done something to break my digital tuners in the process
[23:51:21] mikeones (mikeones!n=mikeones@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:58:35] Guest43446 (Guest43446!n=David@nat/ti/x-krxxddxzpmiyabck) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:59:19] wagnerrp: well that was fun
[23:59:33] wagnerrp: the machine didnt come online after restarting
[23:59:40] wagnerrp: so i went to the basement to find it segfaulting

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