:: #mythtv-users

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Thursday, October 1st, 2009, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:54] nePenthe (nePenthe! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:03:46] nePenthe (nePenthe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:26] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[00:06:34] jpabq (jpabq! has quit ()
[00:14:45] edman007 (edman007!n=edman007@unaffiliated/edman007) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:10] mindoms (mindoms! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:15:25] edman007: hi, does the hdhomerun ignore the broadcast flags? i get one channel that comes in at 100% and it seems to work, but every time i tell it to record a movie i get nothing
[00:15:45] edman007: mythtv says the file is not there...
[00:19:04] meshe: did you check your backend logs?
[00:19:14] ForsGump (ForsGump! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:22:42] edman007: meshe, 2009-09–30 14:00:03.759 Started recording: Joe Somebody: channel 3261 on cardid 2, sourceid 3
[00:22:42] edman007: 2009-09–30 14:00:04.028 DTVSM(ffffffff/0) Error: Wrong PMT; pmt->pn(3) desired(1)
[00:23:01] sphery: jams: how's this for interesting... the segfault caused by hitting Esc after the USR1 happened in arialbd.ttf... Don't know why it wasn't able to execute that font file.  :)
[00:23:01] edman007: thats what i got
[00:23:33] jams: heh that is pretty funny
[00:23:38] sphery: edman007: you have Quick Tuning enabled for LiveTV only.
[00:23:49] edman007: think so
[00:23:55] edman007: is that bad?
[00:24:10] sphery: edman007: while you /can/ enable Quick Tuning for LiveTV and recordings, if Quick Tuning works but "safe" tuning doesn't (which is what's happening here), you need to rescan.
[00:24:38] simcop2387 is now known as notidented
[00:24:45] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has left #mythtv-users ("")
[00:24:50] sphery: and it's possible that there may be HDHR-specific issues that mean it won't work right without Quick Tuning, but you'd have to ask HDHR users about that
[00:24:53] notidented is now known as simcop2387
[00:25:20] edman007: alright, i'll try and see if making it always use quick tuning helps :)
[00:25:40] sphery: edman007: but note that my recommendation is /not/ to use Quick Tuning for everything, but to rescan...
[00:26:08] sphery: edman007: if you enable Quick Tuning for everything and see that it works, I /highly/ recommend putting Quick Tuning back to LiveTV only and rescanning and seeing if it works.
[00:26:20] edman007: alright, i'll rescan
[00:26:33] sphery: test with Quick Tuning for recordings, first
[00:26:42] sphery: that way you'll see if that's actually the issue
[00:27:14] AndrewNC_ (AndrewNC_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:27:57] Essobi (Essobi! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:28:05] edman007: well it's scanning
[00:29:19] Maliuta (Maliuta!n=scooby@ has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:29:33] Maliuta (Maliuta! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:30:22] ftjla (ftjla!n=Fred@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:35:05] JJ1 (JJ1!n=jjensen@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:35:20] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:45:35] edman007: sphery, i think the quick tuning thing helped, the re-scanning did nothing
[00:47:10] sphery: there may still be some issues with HDHR--potentially dependent on firmware version and such... other HDHR users will know more
[00:47:42] sphery: but, in theory, Quick Tuning is more dangerous than normal tuning because it takes fewer changes to the broadcast to break tuning
[00:47:53] ** edman007 kicks the channel **
[00:47:58] sphery: (i.e. normal would pick up some changes that Quick won't)
[00:48:01] edman007: anyone here have an HDHR?
[00:48:13] wagnerrp: why is it any quicker? are the PID tables only reported every couple seconds?
[00:48:41] sphery: don't know how much quicker it is, but in theory it's using the last-found info on the channel versus re-reading tables
[00:48:44] J-e-f-f-A: edman007: I do. I am using it with my 0.21-fixes production box though, not trunk.
[00:48:50] johnsu01 (johnsu01! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:53] sphery: might just be one of those "not-precise" setting names
[00:49:16] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: do you find you have to use Quick Tuning for everything?
[00:49:34] wagnerrp: ive never touched that, so im just using whatever is default
[00:49:34] johnsu01: So as of a recent update in Debian testing, I'm not able to watch some of my mythtv recordings — I just get audio and a black screen
[00:49:41] johnsu01: However, from other client machines I can watch those same recordings fine
[00:49:42] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: I don't think so... let me check what I've got configurd. (PS: ATSC only here)
[00:49:59] edman007: J-e-f-f-A, same version i'm running, though maybe 6 months old
[00:50:01] johnsu01: and I can also play those recordings on the myth machine using mplayer and it works
[00:50:04] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:50:06] sphery: yeah, good point... edman007 is yours DVB or ATSC?
[00:50:06] wagnerrp: yeah, ATSC doesnt really matter
[00:50:09] johnsu01: I don't see errors in any log file — syslog, myth's log, xorg log
[00:50:12] edman007: ATSC
[00:50:18] wagnerrp: considering the rarity that broadcasters change things
[00:50:20] sphery: good, then the same as the others :)
[00:50:24] wagnerrp: QAM on the other hand....
[00:50:36] edman007: and i can record from other channels just fine
[00:50:40] johnsu01: any ideas what the problem could be? I'm thinking that it's related to the HD — I can watch some recordings okay, but not live TV or new ones
[00:50:53] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: I've got it set to "never"
[00:51:05] wagnerrp: johnsu01: what kind of tuner do you have?
[00:53:43] johnsu01: wagnerrp: pchdtv
[00:53:47] johnsu01: wagnerrp: 5500 I think
[00:54:03] J-e-f-f-A: johnsu01: half-height or full-height?
[00:54:20] johnsu01: cx88[0]: subsystem: 7063:5500, board: pcHDTV HD5500 HDTV [card=47,autodetected], frontend(s): 1
[00:54:38] wagnerrp: i hope youre only using it for digital?
[00:55:02] johnsu01: wagnerrp: yes
[00:55:08] johnsu01: note that this has been working fine for a year
[00:57:46] wagnerrp: not sure how you would get audio but not video from a digital tuner
[00:58:11] wagnerrp: doesnt seem possible without something being humorously broken
[00:58:42] johnsu01: wagnerrp: I don't think the problem is the tuner
[00:58:48] johnsu01: I can watch the recordings from other clients
[00:58:54] johnsu01: and also with mplayer on the same machine
[00:59:01] wagnerrp: the files that mythtv has recorded?
[00:59:05] johnsu01: correct
[00:59:22] Dagmar: Xv failure
[00:59:32] johnsu01: Dagmar: yeah, I was thinking along those lines
[00:59:41] Dagmar: Time to look for the OS dropping more little round hints into the cedar chips.
[00:59:43] johnsu01: it's intel video hardware
[00:59:56] Dagmar: Are you using the i810 driver or the intel driver?
[01:00:05] jgarvey (jgarvey! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:00:10] Dagmar: ...cuz the i810 driver X ships with is basically rather fragrant about a lot of things.
[01:00:35] johnsu01: Dagmar: Using the intel driver
[01:00:49] Dagmar: Okay, definitely chec /var/log/Xorg.0.log for any clues
[01:01:00] Dagmar: ...or pastebin the whole thing and we'll pore over it.
[01:01:09] Dagmar: It's probably saying something about a missing module somewhere
[01:01:11] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:01:23] Dagmar: ...or the frontend is spitting something to stdout
[01:01:38] wagnerrp: well mplayer would have spat out something about Xv failing, and reverting to X11
[01:01:49] johnsu01: hm that's a good thought, I'll check mplayer
[01:01:55] johnsu01: I didn't see anything in stdout from the frontend
[01:02:11] johnsu01:
[01:02:13] johnsu01: is xorg log
[01:03:30] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:05:45] Dagmar: Well, unless mplayer says something when it fails, I'd start by trying to get the newer intel driver
[01:06:09] Dagmar: Apparently 2.9.0 came out yesterday, and since you're running a pre-release version of Xorg I doubt it's going to create much of an additional risk
[01:06:33] Dagmar: "2009-9–29:xf86-video-intel 2.9.0 released, with B43 chipset support, 8xx chipsets improvement, and various fixes for kernel modesetting, together with Intel 2009Q3 graphics package released."
[01:06:37] laga: make sure you got the right version of DRM and userspace libs
[01:06:50] laga: basically, the stuff from the 2009Q3 graphics package
[01:07:18] johnsu01: mplayer output is maybe of interest:
[01:07:20] johnsu01: Playing 1381_20090929213000.mpg.
[01:07:20] johnsu01: TS file format detected.
[01:07:20] johnsu01: VIDEO MPEG2(pid=49) AUDIO A52(pid=52) NO SUBS (yet)! PROGRAM N. 1
[01:07:20] johnsu01: VIDEO: MPEG2 1920x1080 (aspect 3) 29.970 fps 18000.0 kbps (2250.0 kbyte/s)
[01:07:26] johnsu01: open: No such file or directory
[01:07:27] johnsu01: [MGA] Couldn't open: /dev/mga_vid
[01:07:31] johnsu01: open: No such file or directory
[01:07:33] johnsu01: [MGA] Couldn't open: /dev/mga_vid
[01:07:37] johnsu01: [VO_TDFXFB] Can't open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory.
[01:07:40] johnsu01: s3fb: can't open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory
[01:07:41] Dagmar: Don't flood the channel
[01:07:43] johnsu01: [vdpau] Could not open dynamic library
[01:07:46] johnsu01: ==========================================================================
[01:07:48] johnsu01: Opening video decoder: [mpegpes] MPEG 1/2 Video passthrough
[01:07:51] johnsu01: VDec: vo config request – 1920 x 1080 (preferred colorspace: Mpeg PES)
[01:07:55] johnsu01: Could not find matching colorspace – retrying with -vf scale...
[01:07:57] johnsu01: Opening video filter: [scale]
[01:08:00] johnsu01: The selected video_out device is incompatible with this codec.
[01:08:03] johnsu01: Try appending the scale filter to your filter list,
[01:08:08] johnsu01: e.g. -vf spp,scale instead of -vf spp.
[01:08:08] johnsu01: VDecoder init failed :(
[01:08:11] johnsu01: Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
[01:08:14] johnsu01: Unsupported PixelFormat -1
[01:08:15] Dagmar: Dig up libvdpau
[01:08:17] johnsu01: Selected video codec: [ffmpeg2] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-2)
[01:08:21] johnsu01: ugh
[01:08:30] johnsu01: sorry :|
[01:08:40] johnsu01: yes, that was supposed to be
[01:10:41] johnsu01: that seems to be a gstreamer thing
[01:10:53] johnsu01: it's in gstreamer0.10-plugins-really-bad
[01:10:59] Dagmar: "The selected video_out device is incompatible with this codec."
[01:11:08] Dagmar: You have an mplayer problem, not a mythTV problem
[01:11:18] johnsu01: err, but mplayer plays and mythtv does not
[01:11:28] johnsu01: what's the connection?
[01:12:00] Dagmar: Then why do we care what comes out of mplayer?
[01:12:17] johnsu01: because it is of interest that mplayer can play a file recorded by mythtv, that mythtv cannot play
[01:12:23] johnsu01: on the same machine
[01:12:34] wagnerrp: only because it would have indicated a failure in Xv, were that the issue
[01:12:36] johnsu01: mplayer has video and audio, mythtv has only audio
[01:13:49] wagnerrp: so into settings --> setup --> tv settings --> playback
[01:13:55] wagnerrp: go a couple pages in
[01:14:03] wagnerrp: and make sure you are using the 'slim' playback profile
[01:15:09] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:16:19] johnsu01: wagnerrp: that works
[01:16:25] johnsu01: it was not on slim before, it was on CPU+
[01:16:57] AndrewNC_ (AndrewNC_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:17:41] wagnerrp: myth was trying to use XvMC, and failing, i guess?
[01:18:01] johnsu01: what does the slim setting change?
[01:18:16] wagnerrp: everything you see in the area below it
[01:18:39] ** johnsu01 nods **
[01:18:42] johnsu01: I'm reading
[01:18:50] johnsu01: well, thank you very much for the tip
[01:19:27] johnsu01: (and sorry again for flooding)
[01:19:48] wagnerrp: careful with that middle click
[01:20:15] ftjla (ftjla!n=Fred@ has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving.")
[01:20:31] Penth: mythbackend finds my hdhr, then loses it. ... Any advice?
[01:20:34] johnsu01: wagnerrp: it was GNU Screen actually :)
[01:20:51] wagnerrp: eh?
[01:21:10] johnsu01: the contents of the screen paste buffer were not what I thought they were
[01:22:05] wagnerrp: Penth: first, youre supposed to set up both tuners as independent tuners
[01:22:43] wagnerrp: second, it looks like maybe youre running on separate subnets, so the broadcast discovery packet is going unreceived
[01:23:56] Dagmar: Not even that
[01:23:57] Dagmar: "#
[01:23:58] Dagmar: 2009-09–30 21:05:09.506 MediaServer:: Loopback address specified – Disabling UPnP"
[01:24:15] wagnerrp: well should that matter?
[01:24:46] wagnerrp: this is detection of the HDHR, not detection of the backend
[01:24:56] Penth: I only have a line into one of the tuners. Do I still need to set up the second?
[01:24:57] Seventoes (Seventoes! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:25:13] wagnerrp: i would imagine the HDHR libraries function independently of myth's other network access
[01:25:33] johnsu01: High Quality works as well
[01:26:05] Dagmar: Ah
[01:26:10] Penth: Dagmar – I'll change that to point to, then?
[01:27:23] Dagmar: No, but you should probably configure things with a real IP address
[01:27:47] Dagmar: Your HDHR is apparently being detected at that address, unless wagnerrp says that message means something other than what it look slike
[01:28:21] Penth: Actually, [\ says the address should be the backend's
[01:28:24] Dagmar: Either that or you need to show us your routing table
[01:28:51] Dagmar: Which address are you talking about
[01:29:18] Dagmar: Where it's saying "MediaServer:: Loopback address specified –" YES it's talking about the backend's IP address, which for a standalone box will work just fine
[01:29:24] Dagmar: will always be there on every host
[01:29:32] Dagmar: It is however NOT USEABLE for network communications
[01:29:46] wagnerrp: the two IPs on the first page of mythtv-setup should be the master backend
[01:30:06] wagnerrp: the IP set for the HDHR tuner should either be the IP of the tuner, or the ID of the tuner
[01:30:51] Dagmar: The "eno: Network is unreachable (101)" says something going off the rails when it tries to talk to the HDHR
[01:31:08] wagnerrp: is what mythtv binds to and listens for incoming connections on
[01:31:22] wagnerrp: there is no reason why if cannot make outgoing connections when using that ip
[01:31:48] Dagmar: Huh
[01:31:59] wagnerrp: so the only thing i can see is some sort of network error preventing you from communicating with the HDHR
[01:31:59] foxbuntu (foxbuntu!n=foxbuntu@ubuntu/member/foxbuntu) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:32:03] Dagmar: Who are you and what have you done with wagnerrp
[01:32:19] wagnerrp: eh?
[01:32:20] Dagmar: is never a valid address for communication across ethernet.
[01:32:37] wagnerrp: across ethernet, no, across loopback, sure
[01:32:56] Dagmar: So the HDHR sits on the network as a network device, right?
[01:33:01] wagnerrp: right
[01:33:21] Dagmar: So there's no way you're talking to it using as the source address
[01:33:36] wagnerrp: but myth *should* be trying to communicate with the HDHR using whatever the system's routing tables tell it to use
[01:33:36] Dagmar: ...if for no other reason than the remote device would be insane to respond.
[01:33:40] wagnerrp: not
[01:34:23] wagnerrp: that address should only be what myth opens up for a listening socket
[01:34:31] Dagmar: It shouldn't even need that
[01:34:56] wagnerrp: unless it opens up a file socket somewhere, when in single machine mode
[01:35:29] Dagmar: Well, I know my backend is listening to (which is correct) but I don't know what the HDHR comms code might be doing
[01:35:43] Dagmar: If it's trying to specify the interface for the backend it knows about, which appears to be, it'll fail
[01:37:08] Dagmar: Whatever ginned up this log is only missing the routing table, which might help
[01:37:23] wagnerrp: go ahead and try changing mythtv to use an accessible IP, i dont think thats the problem
[01:37:28] ftjla (ftjla!n=Fred@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:37:31] wagnerrp: but its not like it will hurt anything to try
[01:37:33] Dagmar: It definitely can't hurt
[01:37:42] ftjla (ftjla!n=Fred@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:37:46] wagnerrp: Dagmar: thats some ubuntu/mythbuntu pastebin script
[01:37:49] Dagmar: ...just don't tell the thing that is the IP of the backend
[01:38:07] Dagmar: wagnerrp: yeah I've heard they coded up something like that
[01:38:22] Penth: The log was generated by mythtv 0.21 itself. 1.45 is the front/backend machine and 1.39 is the hdhr
[01:38:23] Dagmar: If the thing reported the routing table too it would be just about perfect as a rubber stamp solution
[01:38:34] wagnerrp: ah, yeah... line 180
[01:38:46] neogeo (neogeo! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:38:54] wagnerrp: oh!
[01:39:03] Dagmar: Penth: Okay so tell the backend to use
[01:39:06] wagnerrp: do you have mythbackend set to run on startup?
[01:39:37] Penth: what had me is that the hdhr was found ate lines 55 and 77, then gone at 91. I can get channels and schedule recordings, but not watch
[01:39:38] wagnerrp: mythbackend runs on boot
[01:39:55] wagnerrp: but the network only comes online once you boot into the UI, and networkmanager runs a dhcp client
[01:40:04] wagnerrp: so your network is not active when mythbackend starts
[01:40:09] Penth: Yes; I moved it to S99 in RC?.d so that it would come up after the network.
[01:40:13] wagnerrp: big snafu
[01:40:24] ftjla (ftjla!n=Fred@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:40:34] wagnerrp: it doesnt matter, network is no longer part of the boot process
[01:40:38] Dagmar: Actually I think it's already started and it's being restarted
[01:41:18] petre (petre!n=petre@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:41:25] wagnerrp: well then its being restarted and causing the backend to drop the HDHR?
[01:41:35] Dagmar: Could very well be
[01:41:43] wagnerrp: that would explain why it has an IP... it has an IP... and it cant find it
[01:42:09] Dagmar: Yeah this would be why I think they shoudl have stuck with using ISC's dhclient
[01:42:18] Dagmar: ...instead of deciding to write their own damn implementation.
[01:42:23] petre: When I import a DVD, using the perfect version, it keeps using the wrong soundtrack; I keep getting the one with the director's comments.
[01:42:46] petre: Yet, this is not what I hear when I preview it just before ripping
[01:42:59] Dagmar: Ah wait
[01:43:02] Dagmar: Murder networkmanager
[01:43:04] Dagmar: You don't need it
[01:43:21] Dagmar: Thank god they're still using the older version that DOES call dhclient
[01:43:48] petre: It does list two audio sources, a two channel and a six channel.
[01:43:55] wagnerrp: Dagmar: its nice if youre on a laptop, or otherwise using wireless
[01:44:03] wagnerrp: but certainly for mythbuntu, it should be disabled
[01:44:03] petre: Is there some other place I can specify which soundtrack to use?
[01:44:13] wagnerrp: considering myth shouldnt be on wireless anyway
[01:44:36] Penth: m, line 233... so will I find it in init.d?
[01:44:40] Dagmar: At 21:07.42 NetworkManager causes it to _drop_ the ethernet interface momentarily
[01:45:09] Dagmar: ...which is probably why the backend carps about not being able to see the HDHR card at 21:07:46
[01:45:14] Dagmar: Literally a race condition
[01:45:18] edman007 (edman007!n=edman007@unaffiliated/edman007) has left #mythtv-users ("C-x k")
[01:45:25] laga: ah, good old NM/hdhr fun
[01:46:28] Dagmar: laga: You're familiar with this issue?
[01:47:02] wagnerrp: ive never seen this variant before
[01:47:09] Dagmar: I know how to take NM out of the picture, but I don't know what otehr things in MythBuntu it'll piss off
[01:47:11] wagnerrp: but there were big problems with a networked backend and NM
[01:47:23] laga: mythbuntu tends to have trouble with that during bootup. there are some workarounds in place. i have no intimate knowledge of any issues with the hdhr, though
[01:47:26] wagnerrp: the network was offline during boot, do mythtv had no network IP
[01:47:32] wagnerrp: and remote frontends could not connect
[01:47:54] laga: wagnerrp: easy as pie. in NM, edit the connection, set to "make available to all users". problem solved. whether people should have to care is a different thing
[01:48:14] Dagmar: So that'll keep it from killing off dhclient so it can restart it itself?
[01:48:36] laga: i have no clue how it actually works. but it should work
[01:48:39] Penth: well spotted, Dagman. tyvm
[01:48:48] Penth: s/man/mar/
[01:48:52] ** laga is very tired, so might not make sense **
[01:48:55] Dagmar: Like the only other thing I can think of would be to make the backend delay about 3–5 seconds before starting
[01:49:00] wagnerrp: laga: oh? does that take the locks out of the gnome keychain, and cause it to boot stuff as soon as the daemon starts?
[01:49:13] laga: wagnerrp: i believe so.
[01:49:23] laga: wagnerrp: did it for wireless on my box here. WFM
[01:49:37] Dagmar: It's probably more a matter of networkmanager is inappropriate for this particular environment
[01:49:43] wagnerrp: ill have to look into that for my laptop, ive long been without NTP, because networkmanagerdispatch seems to be broken
[01:50:12] Dagmar: I sort of ran into this with Dropline
[01:50:30] Dagmar: It made it a LITTLE TRICKY to ssh into the machine I was devving on
[01:50:40] Dagmar: ...because X wasn't being started automatically. heh
[01:50:47] laga: yup :)
[01:50:53] laga: same problem here
[01:51:02] laga: .. which was resolved as told above
[01:51:08] Dagmar: Cool
[01:51:41] wagnerrp: now i just need to figure out why gnome-screensaver blanks my monitor
[01:51:45] ftjla (ftjla!n=Fred@ has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving.")
[01:52:16] Dagmar: cuz yer sitting there not triggering any events
[01:52:49] Dagmar: ...and the hooks to tell gnome-screensaver you're watching something are probably only present in totem/gstreamer
[01:52:53] Jedi_Stannis (Jedi_Stannis! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:53:03] wagnerrp: yeah, pounding on my keyboard is not triggering events
[01:53:05] Dagmar: I'm not quite to that phase of the rebuild here yet so I can't say much about how that works
[01:53:11] laga: mythtv does poke it. at least mythtv on ubuntu is patched to do that
[01:53:26] wagnerrp: i have to ctrl+alt+f1 out to a new terminal, and kill gnome-screensaver
[01:53:27] AndrewNC_: I wonder if there are public domain "education shorts" available, ala MST3k  ?
[01:53:41] Dagmar: mst3k is educational?
[01:53:44] wagnerrp: either that or ctrl-alt-bkspce, and start new
[01:54:03] wagnerrp: Dagmar: sure, 'how not to make films'
[01:54:10] Jedi_Stannis: I'm getting choppy video over nfs over wireless to mythtv. any suggestions?
[01:54:14] AndrewNC_: Dagmar, you never saw the ones where they had the 10 minute school reels, like how meat is made
[01:54:34] Dagmar: Jedi_Stannis: Use copper, or turn on the option that says "always stream"
[01:54:35] laga: Jedi_Stannis: run some wires? tune NFS?
[01:54:52] Dagmar: AndrewNC_: No, but I saw Manos, Hand Of Fate
[01:55:08] Jedi_Stannis: dagmar: what is the always stream option?
[01:55:20] AndrewNC_: Dagmar, I think I have that DVD ;-) worst film evar
[01:55:27] Dagmar: JEDIDIAH__: It's in the configs somewhere
[01:55:33] wagnerrp: AndrewNC_: i wouldnt say that
[01:55:35] Jedi_Stannis: laga: any suggestions on tuning nfs?
[01:55:52] wagnerrp: theres got to be some scaling factor for money spent on said movie
[01:55:56] laga: Jedi_Stannis: see the mthtv wiki
[01:56:02] Dagmar: How about ya move the access point off channel 6 where it gets to play with cordless phones and pacemakers.
[01:56:09] Dagmar: Change the default channel to 1 or 11
[01:56:19] AndrewNC_: argh, I cant find a good link
[01:56:35] Dagmar: "stuttering" doesn't tell us whether you've got a throughput or a latency or a filesystem caching issue
[01:56:46] AndrewNC_: wagnerrp, I dunno man, it had like 20 minutes of "driving through the country side" footage
[01:56:51] wagnerrp: AndrewNC_: i mean the $73M Battlefield Earth MUST rate below the $20K Manos
[01:57:00] Dagmar: wagnerrp: No, it can't.
[01:57:03] Dagmar: It really, really can't.
[01:57:22] Dagmar: If a friend brought MHoF over to your house for movie night, you'd punch them
[01:57:26] wagnerrp: ive seen manos, i believe i still have a copy of it somewhere
[01:57:32] wagnerrp: but honestly, i seem to have blanked the whole thing from my memory
[01:57:40] Dagmar: That's probably for the best
[01:57:46] Jedi_Stannis: ok, thanks guys
[01:58:06] Essobi (Essobi! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:58:06] justinh: !seen sandman
[01:58:06] MythLogBot: sandman has not been seen here
[01:58:06] Dagmar: Keep in mind that in the MST3k version, BOTH the evil people apologize to Joel and the robots
[01:58:07] Seventoes: whats a good beginner (cheap) tuner card? SD, only one stream needed
[01:58:08] AndrewNC_:
[01:58:11] justinh: bugger
[01:58:18] wagnerrp: standard definition, get a PVR-150
[01:58:21] Dagmar: ...because it's clear they've gone just too far with Manos
[01:58:36] AndrewNC_: mst3k had a bit on "a training film for Chevrolet sales managers"
[01:58:41] wagnerrp: here we go... manos the hands of fate
[01:58:41] Seventoes: wagnerrp: thanks!
[01:58:43] AndrewNC_: I have not seen that, but now I very much want to
[01:58:49] wagnerrp: right there under /Movies/MST3K/
[01:58:54] ventz: hmm, I still can't see the web front end "pictures" of my recordings
[01:59:00] ventz: i could've sworn it worked today
[01:59:03] AndrewNC_: also: "films intended to teach children about posture or personal hygiene."
[01:59:08] ventz: it's almost like it works if the time is before 1300
[01:59:51] Dagmar: ...or like there's a filesystem full
[02:00:35] ventz: Dagmar: i have 1TB free
[02:00:51] Jedi_Stannis (Jedi_Stannis! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:01:06] Seventoes: Does the PVR-150 come in low profile?
[02:01:10] Dagmar: Yes
[02:01:20] Dagmar: You'll just have to dig a bit to find a version like that
[02:01:43] Seventoes: or search for it once and it'll be the first result <-- noob >.<
[02:01:46] sphery: and especially if you're in the US--where you can't buy new
[02:02:20] Seventoes: lol found one much cheaper than regular profile
[02:02:49] Dagmar: That's good
[02:03:25] Dagmar: Everyone in San Francisco should probably drive past Oakland for the next few days
[02:03:34] Dagmar: Another big earthquake
[02:03:55] ventz: has anyone seen this:
[02:04:04] ventz: see how "preview pictures" are missing
[02:04:12] ventz: i am not sure if it was a time problem as one of the mods suggested
[02:04:15] Dagmar: Check the apache logs
[02:04:16] ventz: sphery: hey
[02:04:21] ventz: no errors :(
[02:04:27] petre (petre!n=petre@ has quit ("Leaving")
[02:04:28] ventz: sphery: hey, glad you are online
[02:04:45] ventz: i could've sworn it fixed it, but i see the same problem now (when i checked before noon i think it worked though)
[02:04:53] ventz: sphery: here's finally a screenshot of what I meant:
[02:05:05] sphery: the php issue?
[02:05:08] ventz: :nod:
[02:05:44] sphery: and was that screenshot showing the right time according to your other clocks?
[02:05:52] ventz: yes
[02:06:29] sphery: I'd suggest checking the mythweb data/cache directory permissions etc.
[02:06:31] ventz: so the backend, is the webserver and the "frontend". I can't use it as a front end because there's a really crappy video card and it's in a place far far away, so I use the 'web stream' to watch stuff — but i wrote my own stuff on top (completely seperate)
[02:07:44] DjMadness|Lap (DjMadness|Lap! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:07:49] ventz: /var/www/mythweb/data/cache is a syn link to: /var/cache/mythweb/image_cache, which is: drwxrwxr-t 2 root www-data 12K 2009-09–30 11:48 image_cache
[02:07:53] ventz: sym*
[02:07:57] wagnerrp: didnt someone commit suicide over Manos? or is that just urban legend?
[02:08:09] Dagmar: You've seen the movie.
[02:08:17] Dagmar: It could easily make someone go over the edge.
[02:08:25] wagnerrp: i may consider suicide if i were part of that
[02:08:28] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:08:41] ventz: sphery: the weird part is that I can see the 100x0x64.png files
[02:09:10] Dagmar: So look at the apache logs
[02:09:49] ventz: no errors at all
[02:10:20] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:40] wagnerrp: Dagmar: ok... i repeal my comment
[02:10:49] wagnerrp: at least Battlefield Earth is amusingly bad
[02:10:55] wagnerrp: Manos is just painfully bad
[02:13:43] Dagmar: Yep
[02:13:49] Dagmar: It's _agonizing
[02:14:29] sphery: ventz: and ls -ld /var/www/mythweb/data/cache
[02:15:12] ventz: sphery: interesting bit, I can see: https://mydomain/mythweb/data/cache/1025_2009 . . . 100x0x64.png
[02:15:18] ventz: this is only accessible over https by the way
[02:15:30] ventz: so it's not a 1.) missing problem 2.) permissions problem
[02:15:49] Seventoes (Seventoes! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:15:54] sphery: might be permissions problem still
[02:15:59] ventz: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 2008-05–27 06:59 /var/www/mythweb/data/cache -> /var/cache/mythweb/image_cache
[02:16:28] sphery: ok, then probably not (since root owns both /var/www/mythweb/data/cache and /var/cache/mythweb/image_cache)
[02:16:45] ventz: yea, something very funky is going on
[02:16:51] ventz: and ia m suprised neither log has any info
[02:16:53] sphery: means the SymlinksIfOwnerMatch isn't causing permissions to be a problem
[02:17:14] sphery: did you check the backend log to see if it's getting preview requests?
[02:17:38] sphery: I'd suggest you rm all the *.png in your recording directory /and/ your mythweb data/cache directory and then try again
[02:17:57] ventz: yea, nothing out of the ordinary
[02:18:03] ventz: i cleared the data/cache yesterday
[02:18:03] sphery: at that point, you should see lots of previews getting generated in the backend log when you hit the page in the mythweb recorded programs page
[02:18:06] ventz: but let me try the other one
[02:18:17] sphery: clear both
[02:18:23] sphery: and then test the page
[02:18:29] sphery: just to start with a known state
[02:18:45] sphery: both = mythtv recordings *.png and mythweb data/cache/*.png
[02:18:52] ventz: okay
[02:19:03] ventz: sphery: (thank you for the help btw)
[02:19:41] sphery: well, hasn't been much help, yet
[02:19:42] ventz: okay, done
[02:19:44] sphery: still doesn't work for you :)
[02:20:35] sphery: so after rm'ing, you can hit the Recorded Programs page again
[02:20:58] ventz: nothing
[02:21:11] purserj (purserj! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:21:13] sphery: I don't know what else could be causing it
[02:21:23] ventz: /data/cache did not get those png's though
[02:21:23] ventz: now
[02:21:30] sphery: ah, that would cause it
[02:21:42] sphery: mythweb not downloading them from the backend properly
[02:21:58] ventz: when i clicked on a show though
[02:22:01] ventz: i did get:
[02:22:07] sphery: probably due to UPnP or (built-into-mythbackend) http server issues
[02:22:11] ventz: 2009-09–30 22:21:28.710 Preview: Grabbed preview '/data/ventz/1025_20090928200000.mpg' 720x480@64s
[02:22:22] sphery: and can you see that one?
[02:22:29] sphery: the big one in the detail page?
[02:22:30] ventz: and at that point
[02:22:31] ventz: 1025_20090928200000.mpg.320x0x64.png
[02:22:34] ventz: small one and big one
[02:22:41] ventz: yea, i can see the big one now
[02:22:44] ventz: but not the small one
[02:23:03] sphery: but 1025_20090928200000.mpg.320x0x64.png is in mythweb/data/cache?
[02:23:15] ventz: yes
[02:23:20] sphery: but not visible
[02:23:24] ventz: correct
[02:23:27] ventz: but it is web accessible
[02:23:34] ventz: if i go to it directly
[02:23:49] Dagmar: So again, check teh apache logs
[02:23:53] ForsGump (ForsGump! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:19] ventz: Dagmar: nothing
[02:24:28] ventz: as in, nothing gets added to error log
[02:24:36] ventz: and i don't see the access on the access log
[02:24:56] Dagmar: So verify that the access_log shows everything it's supposed to
[02:25:16] ventz: yep
[02:25:20] sphery: if mythweb doesn't get the image for the recorded programs page, it doesn't insert the img tag, so you won't get an attempted access
[02:25:28] ventz: so when i click on a show that doesn't have the cache generated, it see this in the logs:
[02:25:32] Dagmar: ...because you're basically telling us that the images are there, and that you can go to them directly, but that they don't show up when MythWeb is referencing them, which is basically not possible
[02:25:56] ventz: [30/Sep/2009:22:25:08 -0400] "GET /mythweb/data/cache/1013_20090928195500.mpg.320x260x64.png HTTP/1.1" 200
[02:26:01] sphery: ventz: ok, so 320x0 is too big to be the small one, so it must be the "medium" one
[02:26:02] ventz: so clearly it picked up the one that was generated
[02:26:13] sphery: medium and large are in detail page
[02:26:17] sphery: s
[02:26:27] Dagmar: Hit up View Page Info, select the Media tab and see what Firefox is saying about the images
[02:26:55] ventz: i have safari (using activity) it's not showing up as trying to load at all
[02:27:07] ventz: the 320x0x64 seems to be the right size
[02:27:52] Dagmar: Then your browser is broken
[02:27:55] ventz: ahh, you are right
[02:28:00] ventz: it is the preview
[02:28:32] ventz: so what size is the little one, and why isn't it getting generated
[02:28:41] ventz: Dagmar: are you serious?
[02:28:46] sphery: probably around 100x0
[02:28:57] sphery: maybe 120x0
[02:29:06] sphery: but <300, for sure
[02:29:12] ventz: hmm, and they get generated from the DB?
[02:29:56] ventz: sphery: do you have a box that you can check on?
[02:29:56] Dagmar: If mythweb is generating the image, and the HTML document your browser renders references it, but your browser doesn't LOAD it, then your browser is broken
[02:30:01] ventz: if they are not getting written at all, that's a whole nother problem
[02:30:13] ventz: Dagmar: trust me, my browser is not broken
[02:30:29] ventz: and if it is, it's not broken on all 5 computers in my room
[02:30:52] Dagmar: It's either that or you've broken your install of MythWeb
[02:31:05] ventz: yea, that's what I am hopping is not the case
[02:31:06] sphery: I really can't think of a reason that mythweb would be able to get the medium and large images, but wouldn't be able to get the small ones
[02:31:11] sphery: strange, really
[02:31:17] ventz: but the only thing that changed from installation a few years ago to now is running apt-get update
[02:31:28] Dagmar: You're the one saying the browser simply didn't grab the image, and that the access_log shows they were pulled by the browser, and that error_log is empty
[02:31:53] Dagmar: Ah yes because a huge pile of changes lobbed into the system at once never has unexpected repercussions
[02:32:00] Dagmar: o.O
[02:32:04] ventz: heh
[02:32:09] ventz: again, what I am worried about :)
[02:32:16] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:32:23] ventz: is there a way to turn up the log?
[02:32:28] ventz: i want to log every thing that happens
[02:32:55] Dagmar: error_log will log anything written to stderr by any child process
[02:33:06] Dagmar: access_log will log every access through the httpd
[02:33:13] ventz: Dagmar: can you tell me for one recording how many images you have in your cache?
[02:33:15] Dagmar: Between those two there's little else that should matter
[02:33:22] Dagmar: Probably lots
[02:33:39] ventz: well it sounds like there should be 3 per individual recording
[02:33:44] ventz: and i think i am not getting the 3rd one
[02:33:50] Dagmar: >140
[02:33:59] ventz: for a single recording?
[02:34:09] Dagmar: Nope.
[02:34:49] Dagmar: There's 147 of them and they're all nnnn_nnnnnnnnnnnnnn.mpg.100x0x240.png
[02:35:17] ventz: Dagmar: right, but the first part 'nnnn' is the channel
[02:35:19] ventz: and the rest is the date
[02:35:26] ventz: so pick one that matches, and see how many there are
[02:35:34] Dagmar: I don't think you understand
[02:35:39] ventz: ahh, got what you said
[02:35:40] ventz: crap
[02:35:44] Dagmar: Yes. Only one per.
[02:35:45] ventz: so yea, i am missing 100x0x240
[02:35:57] Dagmar: This is basically a _default_ install of MythWeb
[02:35:59] ventz: and 3 per: nnnn_nnnnnnnnnnnnnn.mpg.?
[02:36:14] Dagmar: I didn't even diddle settings in it's own config beyond enabling flash streaming
[02:36:24] Dagmar: Dude, think carefully
[02:36:52] sphery: the 3 per doesn't actually happen until you visit the details page for each recording
[02:36:56] Dagmar: If the first part identfies a recording specifically, and the last part is always 100x0x240.png then how many files per recording could there POSSIBLY BE
[02:37:14] sphery: Recorded Programs gives you 1 (when it works :) at 100x , the details page gives a couple extras
[02:37:25] ventz: well what i am worried is that there are others i am not getting
[02:37:31] ventz: but i guess i would see a black box
[02:37:32] jhulst (jhulst!i=230b3713@gateway/web/freenode/x-emavtpjybnzqfsgz) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:37:35] sphery: Dagmar just never goes to Recording Details pages :)
[02:37:49] ventz: anyone know which part writes the 100x0x240
[02:37:52] ventz: into cache
[02:37:57] ventz: I want to try to trace
[02:38:17] Dagmar: I just had it generate a new one when I went into the details screen, ending in 320x260x240.png which is obviously the thumbnail for the flash app
[02:38:24] sphery: something like mythweb/modules/tv/tmpl/default/recorded.php
[02:38:35] sphery: look for thumb_url (or something)
[02:38:40] sphery: thumb whatever
[02:39:07] ventz: great, see it
[02:39:14] sphery: wow... not bad from memory
[02:39:29] ventz: very impressive actually :)
[02:39:50] sphery: but if you look at your recorded programs html source, you'll likely see that the img src for the thumbs is not even there
[02:40:10] sphery: because that img tag is only written if mythweb actually successfully retrieves the preview
[02:40:31] sphery: and the preview itself is retrieved elsewhere, probably in mythweb/modules/tv/recorded.php
[02:40:34] sphery: (not the template page)
[02:41:08] jhulst: Hey guys, I'm running trunk right now and have a few Matroska files with x264. Does mythvideo have the ability use the chapters in the files? I don't see a way to jump around or to go right to one...
[02:41:38] Dagmar: by the way, if error_log is empty, you are looking in the wrong place.
[02:41:45] Dagmar: There's ALWAYS going to be something in error_lgo
[02:41:56] sphery: jhulst: no, we don't use them, yet
[02:42:04] sphery: jhulst: patches would be very much appreciated
[02:42:14] ventz: Dagmar: i don't think it's being created
[02:42:16] ventz: so maybe
[02:42:22] ventz: but i have to insert some debug statements a long the way
[02:42:36] jhulst: sphery: Sounds like a good project. There's support for DVD chapters already, right?
[02:42:50] Dagmar: ...or you're looking in the wrong directory for some error messages that will help you
[02:43:09] sphery: jhulst: yeah, but the dvd code is a whole separate (and not reusable) path
[02:43:10] Dagmar: If it's empty you are definitely not looking in the right place.
[02:43:23] Dagmar: Apache itself will always put somethign in error_log
[02:43:30] jhulst: sphery: Of course, that'd be too easy
[02:43:36] sphery: jhulst: you'd really need to edit the normal Internal (file) player's ffmpeg libav seeking code
[02:43:59] sphery: the code that's used when we don't have a seektable in the DB
[02:45:52] jhulst: I haven't looked at Myth's code much, I'll have to see if I can find it
[02:46:09] jhulst: sphery: Thanks for the answer, good to know I'm not blind
[02:47:06] sphery: jhulst: I will tell you that I know of one dev who very much wants the support and has convinced me that it would be worth looking into
[02:47:22] sphery: but I won't get to it until after 0.22 release at the earliest--possibly not before 0.23
[02:49:31] jhulst: sphery: I'm sure the release is keeping you guys busy. Maybe I'll poke around and see if I can come up anything interesting
[02:55:39] sphery: sounds good
[02:57:26] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Connection timed out)
[03:00:30] AndrewNC_ (AndrewNC_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:04:07] rushfan (rushfan!n=rushfan@ has quit ("Lost terminal")
[03:05:01] Beirdo_ is now known as Beirdo
[03:07:35] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch, Have you done any work on the SG part of the PBB image hunt? I am starting to look but don't want to duplicate effort
[03:07:50] Captain_Murdoch: no, haven't touched it.
[03:08:11] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:08:12] iamlindoro: ok, thanks
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[03:12:40] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch, in: Why the addition of "(season > 0 || !isScreenshot)) "? This excludes TVDB's "Specials" seasons (which are season 0) and all screenshots from the image hunt
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[03:22:30] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch, I am planning on applying: If you see any major logic error let me know
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[03:24:18] iamlindoro: AFAICT this should solve a few logic issues-- Will hunt for episodes in the "Season 0", and will do the (currently missing) hunt for screenshots for movies
[03:25:10] Captain_Murdoch: iamlindoro, inside the for each extension loop, you only add filenames to sfn in 2 places. first is if season > 0 the second is if !isScreenshot, so there was no reason to even go into the main for loop if neither of those are true.
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[03:26:16] Captain_Murdoch: not sure about your new logic, I was just optimizing the old logic. :)
[03:26:42] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch, OK, probably just carrying forward my mistakes, then, this ought to fix :)
[03:26:48] Captain_Murdoch: when I was testing, I noticed that we were downloading the file list from the backend, but not checking it for anything, so I optimized the loop out.
[03:27:05] iamlindoro: This should test no matter what
[03:27:53] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch,
[03:27:58] iamlindoro: Easier to see in context I think
[03:28:44] Captain_Murdoch: I grokked the original diff as well.
[03:28:59] iamlindoro: sorry, I would need to see it the second way :)
[03:29:01] Captain_Murdoch: logic looks ok if the episode/screenshot stuff is correct.
[03:29:06] iamlindoro: yeah
[03:29:10] iamlindoro: Thanks :)
[03:29:12] Captain_Murdoch: no problem. :) it is easier, but my mind thinks in code.
[03:29:41] laga: .oO(.. show-off...)
[03:30:51] Captain_Murdoch: it's a curse sometimes.
[03:31:14] Captain_Murdoch: if code can work that deterministic, why can't real life. :)
[03:31:57] wagnerrp: if girl in apartment:
[03:32:00] wagnerrp: pass
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[03:36:13] bobbob1016: Anyone manage to get Uverse Receivers to play back MythTV content?
[03:36:52] wagnerrp: you can use it like any other set-top-box
[03:36:59] wagnerrp: analog capture plus IR blaster
[03:37:19] wagnerrp: ive not heard of anyone actually capturing the stream directly, and would image theres some form of encryption to prevent doing so
[03:37:50] bobbob1016: I don't mean to record Uverse on my MythTV, I mean play my MythTV on my Uverse. As in I have media on my MythTV I want to play on each receiver
[03:38:08] wagnerrp: do they support UPNP?
[03:38:34] bobbob1016: Not that I've seen, it says it supports Windows Media Player 11 shares though, so not sure
[03:38:38] wagnerrp: or NFS? or CIFS? can they run linux?
[03:38:54] wagnerrp: if it supports WMP11 shares, that probably means it supports UPNP
[03:39:08] wagnerrp: which means they *may* work with mythtv
[03:39:30] wagnerrp: or, they may support microsoft's funky non-standard blend of UPNP, in which case youre probably out of luck
[03:39:31] bobbob1016: I think it runs Windows CE. However it didn't see my receiver last time I scanned
[03:40:47] bobbob1016: Any way I could scan for it or anything?
[03:40:52] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[03:41:11] wagnerrp: do you have your backend set up with an accessible IP (not
[03:41:51] bobbob1016: I'll check, one sec
[03:42:02] wagnerrp: do you have any remote frontends?
[03:42:21] bobbob1016: No, I don't
[03:42:36] wagnerrp: ok, then you may have just defaulted to
[03:42:49] wagnerrp: in mythtv-setup, first group, first page
[03:42:58] wagnerrp: you need to set both backend IPs to an externally accessible IP
[03:43:04] wagnerrp: 192.168.something most likely
[03:43:26] bobbob1016: Booting up, one second.
[03:43:48] wagnerrp: well if the backend is off, upnp is certainly not going to work
[03:43:58] bobbob1016: It hasn't before, with the backend on
[03:44:54] wagnerrp: ok, while were waiting...
[03:45:04] wagnerrp: if the IP is set to an externally accessible one
[03:45:21] bobbob1016: Ok, you meant to go into mythfrontend and setup, or no? I see database servers settings is localhost
[03:45:23] wagnerrp: then UPNP is automatically turned on, unless you forcefully disable it with a command line flag
[03:45:32] wagnerrp: no... 'mythtv-setup'
[03:45:42] wagnerrp: the backend setup tool
[03:46:04] wagnerrp: if UPNP is running, thats all you can do
[03:46:15] wagnerrp: its up to the client device whether or not it can detect and use mythtv
[03:48:47] bobbob1016: Ok, it is set to, same with master backend, set those both to the same thing? I have this machine setup with a static IP already
[03:49:01] wagnerrp: set them both to the machine's static ip
[03:49:08] wagnerrp: one is the IP of the local backend
[03:49:17] wagnerrp: the other is the IP of the master backend
[03:49:28] wagnerrp: that machine just happens to be both
[03:50:14] bobbob1016: Then can I just next, next, next or are there other settings?
[03:50:34] wagnerrp: thats it, next a bunch of times, exit, and start up the backend
[03:55:04] bobbob1016: Looks like no, but trying one more thing
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[04:06:22] wagnerrp: another foggy night... i can only see about 50yds
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[04:09:40] bobbob1016: So looks like no on the UPnP thing
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[04:12:47] RyeBrye: Hmm... one of my recordings says it was "manually canceled" at 2009-09–30 20:00:03. There was a recording on a different channel using that same HDHR tuner that has 2 log entries, one at 2009-09–30 20:00:03 saying Finished recording, then one at 2009-09–30 20:00:04 that says finished recording...
[04:13:13] RyeBrye: (running trunk – a revision about a week and a half old) – If there is a race condition will it cause it to "manually cancel" the recording?
[04:14:45] DjMadness (DjMadness! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:14:57] Der_Thomas: Hey guys, trying to find a setting in the settings menu. I can pull up the menu durring video playback and choose my video scan mode (example progressive, interlaced normal) but where can I set that perminately
[04:15:55] sphery: Der_Thomas: can't
[04:16:12] Der_Thomas: hmm, that stinks
[04:16:23] sphery: Myth uses whatever the video says unless you override it on a one-time basis during playback
[04:16:41] sphery: however, in trunk, it will now ignore the stream when it says weird things
[04:17:24] Der_Thomas: did an old version have this as a setting? thought that I remembered it somewhere in the settings menus
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[04:41:35] bobbob1016: wagnerrp, So it seems I can't get the uverse boxes to play myth content, however, my xbox 360 picked up my mythbox. However it says no videos on it. Any ideas?
[04:43:23] mishehu: hmm I'm liking this hauppage hvr 2250 already
[04:43:35] ** mishehu feels like he is getting his money's worth now. **
[04:46:04] mishehu: bobbob1016: uverse as in from ma bell?
[04:49:08] wagnerrp: mishehu: apparently they can function as a MC extender
[04:49:32] mishehu: MC extender? what's the MC?
[04:49:40] mishehu: media center?
[04:49:40] bobbob1016: Media Center
[04:49:49] mishehu: oh eww. yeah I'm not surprised.
[04:49:58] mishehu: I've got uverse here but only have internet.
[04:49:59] bobbob1016: presumably Windows Media Center
[04:50:47] mishehu: you do not honor the Darth Maul Corporate Agenda (DMCA) with your open sores soft where
[04:51:19] mishehu: </evil villian plotting from secret island fortress voice>
[04:52:21] bobbob1016: mishehu, The TV gets great picture, but I am *just* close enough to get it, they say not past 3000 feet, but I'm 3200 feet. They said too far until he cut like 8 feet of wire, so that is on the edge I guess
[04:56:31] sphery: bobbob1016: XBox 360 won't do MPEG-2 videos via UPnP without MS Windows blessing/container/DRM stuff
[04:56:47] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:56:58] sphery: and it won't do NuppelVideo at all, so it won't do any recordings from Myth
[04:57:10] mishehu: what would be nice is if we could get clear qam on pUrVerse
[04:57:16] mishehu: more than just OTA
[04:57:43] sphery: bobbob1016: you can flip a switch to tell Myth to export your MythVideo videos via UPnP, so if you happen to have Windows containers with MPEG-4 or whatever, it might work
[04:57:54] wagnerrp: what would be nice is if companies would lighten up on the reigns
[04:58:04] sphery: bobbob1016: . . . ack-faq.aspx
[04:58:25] sphery: +1 for giving users more control
[04:58:27] wagnerrp: mush... mush... enjoy that content on approved devices only
[04:58:29] bobbob1016: Ah, ok. Guess this won't work as well as I hoped. Maybe I can mod my Classic XBox, get Myth on it and hook that up to get the content outside of my room.
[04:58:35] mishehu: wagnerrp: You have not met Big Media's enforcer, Mr. Maul, have you?  :-)
[04:58:55] sphery: bobbob1016: standard-def content?
[04:59:24] mishehu: still reminds me when I argued with comcast about getting anything more than OTA channels on firewire, and was told that I might record it and keep it forever...
[04:59:28] bobbob1016: The content might not be standard, but the TV would be
[04:59:47] mishehu: obviously they didn't understand the concept of VHS, as that's what my parents did for 20 years... heh.
[05:02:17] wagnerrp: honestly, what do they care if you record it and keep it forever?
[05:02:32] wagnerrp: theyre not going to get further proceeds from possible future DVD sales
[05:03:05] wagnerrp: and most of the stuff on primetime is aired once, never to grace the signal again
[05:03:24] wagnerrp: why are they so intent on keeping control?
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[05:06:37] mishehu: wagnerrp: they THINK they are going to get more sales
[05:06:47] wagnerrp: from WHERE?
[05:07:08] mishehu: from Harvey, the invisible rabbit of course
[05:07:17] mishehu: you and I know that there's going to be no increase in sales.
[05:07:19] wagnerrp: so little content goes into syndication
[05:07:34] wagnerrp: and only cable series really have much in the way of reruns
[05:08:01] mishehu: it's like they're being run by scientologists.
[05:08:18] mishehu: using copyright as a stick to bloody the masses for no good reason
[05:08:31] wagnerrp: oh, there is good reason
[05:08:35] hadees (hadees! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:08:48] ** mishehu is all ears **
[05:09:00] wagnerrp: they dont want a third party getting hold of their emeters and such for analysis
[05:09:13] mishehu: yup
[05:10:03] mishehu: but seriously, they don't seem to remember how badly the true DivX failed.
[05:10:53] mishehu: I refuse to pay $70/mo and not be able to do with it as I please as long as it stays within the borders of my house and property
[05:11:36] mishehu: I also have a blueray-rw in my computer, but that's for data and home movies, not for buying any crap that's encumbered up the wazoo.
[05:12:02] mishehu: only reason I have as many dvd's as I do is because of dvd jon and the other folks involved in teh whole story.
[05:12:03] wagnerrp: rather pricey for data
[05:12:08] wagnerrp: cheaper to just buy hard drives
[05:12:16] mishehu: wagnerrp: mostly just for home videos
[05:13:24] mishehu: data I do tend to use firewire/usb/esata media instead
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[05:20:38] mishehu: they don't get that I'd buy many movies on blueray if it weren't for that garbage encryption and bd+ they got.
[05:20:55] mishehu: (why would I buy what I cannot view?)
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[05:54:24] [R]: ok, so i've stripped EVERYTHING from my box
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[05:54:34] [R]: its been 7 minutes and no preemptions
[05:54:48] [R]: only my onboard sound isn't working, so its not much fun... i want to actually WATCH somethign... not jsut exedrsize the cartd
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[06:16:29] Dagmar: What pre-emptions are you talking about, man?
[06:17:11] [R]: vdpau
[06:17:34] [R]: so i have my dvd drive disconnected and my case fan disconnected
[06:17:41] [R]: and it looks like vdpau is stable
[06:17:57] Dagmar: Why did you disconnect your case fan?
[06:18:03] Dagmar: You know heat is bad, right?
[06:18:06] [R]: because i'm trying to figure out why my video card is freakin out
[06:18:08] [R]: Dagmar: haha
[06:18:17] Dagmar: Reconnect the case fan
[06:18:25] [R]: it was an additional fan
[06:18:33] [R]: i just put it there for the hell of it
[06:18:36] Dagmar: The optical drive being connected should have zero impact on the system if you're not using it to play anything.
[06:18:38] [R]: ah damnit
[06:18:40] [R]: i spoke too soon
[06:18:42] [R]: it just preempted
[06:18:56] Dagmar: Okay so again, what "preemption" are you talking about
[06:19:00] [R]: vdpau
[06:19:25] Dagmar: vdpau is a mechanism for using hardware to accellerate the decompression of video.
[06:19:29] Dagmar: It's not a scheduler
[06:19:36] [R]: 2009-09–30 23:18:32.014 VDPAU Error: DISPLAY PRE-EMPTED. Aborting playback.
[06:19:57] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:21:29] Dagmar: Hmm...
[06:21:32] Dagmar: Well, it's unstable.
[06:21:37] [R]: lol
[06:21:42] Dagmar: Hopefully one of the guys who coded that will see it.
[06:21:58] [R]: i talked to a guy from nvidia, he thinks its my system
[06:23:15] Dagmar: Probably is
[06:23:24] Dagmar: What kind of PSU do you have and what kind of video card do you have?
[06:23:34] [R]: 300W, 8400GS PCI
[06:23:45] Dagmar: Since we know the thing isn't going to be dependent on your system RAM or CPU we can almost rule those out
[06:23:46] Dagmar: FAIL.
[06:23:51] Dagmar: You need a better power supply.
[06:23:53] [R]: lol
[06:24:06] [R]: and why do i need a better power supply?
[06:24:10] Dagmar: Get something in the neighborhood of 400–500w with an "80 plus" rating
[06:24:26] Dagmar: Because it doesn't supply enough power to drive the machine _and_ the video card, most likely
[06:24:59] [R]: on my box with 220W it would die instantly
[06:25:10] [R]: it dosent die instantly... and the card says it only needs 300
[06:25:12] Dagmar: If it's some generic PSU it's probably not capable of even delivering a full 300W under load stably
[06:26:26] themo|est (themo|est! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:26:27] jst_home (jst_home! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:26:27] Dagmar: I would also suggest checking for newer nvidia drivers on a regular basis for awhile
[06:26:31] Dagmar: This is all new stuff even for nVidida
[06:27:04] Dagmar: ...but seriously there's a very high expectation that with a generic 300w it's just not doing the job
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[06:27:27] Dagmar: Now mind you that I have a _gaming_ card here, but the 8600 I have uses more power than my CPU does
[06:27:48] wagnerrp: honestly, you shouldnt be pushing more than 100W on a myth frontend
[06:27:52] themolest (themolest! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:28:07] wagnerrp: an 8400 isnt going to pull more than 20–30W, what CPU?
[06:28:09] Dagmar: If I were to try and run games on it with a borderline PSU that just had the right connector for the dedicated GPU power, but not an actual separate circuit, it WOULD crash within minutes of me logging into WoW
[06:28:33] Dagmar: If you have _any_ other power supply in the house you can try which is at least 300W, switch them out
[06:28:44] [R]: wagnerrp: 3ghz celeron
[06:28:49] Dagmar: It'll at least be cost-free to test teh theory that the PSU is tanking it
[06:29:08] wagnerrp: eew.... well thats probably going to pull close to 100W on its own
[06:29:13] [R]: rofl
[06:29:31] [R]: well i'll see if i can find another one this weekend
[06:29:41] Dagmar: You don't have another machine at your place?
[06:29:50] [R]: my other box has only 220W
[06:29:50] wagnerrp: like some form of P3?
[06:29:54] Dagmar: Damn
[06:29:56] [R]: and it compeltely locks up with the card
[06:30:09] wagnerrp: i mean its a PCI card, just about any machine will do
[06:30:25] [R]: i only have 2 computers
[06:31:02] wagnerrp: so slap it in the other one, something with a 220W PSU is probably P3 grade
[06:31:05] Dagmar: Judging by what Googling for "VDPAU Error: DISPLAY PRE-EMPTED. 8400" says you're not the only person chasing down these weird crashes
[06:31:18] grokky (grokky! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:31:25] wagnerrp: unless you compiled stuff on your own, anything built for a P4 celeron will run on a P3
[06:31:50] [R]: wagnerrp: the box with 220W totally locks up with the card, did it 3 times...
[06:32:11] Dagmar: That would almost be a sign that the card was bad if it weren't for the 220w psu
[06:32:22] Dagmar: Gotta be a Dell or something
[06:32:25] [R]: well i'll try to find another psu at my dad house this weekend
[06:32:50] Dagmar: You could also try manually playing the file with mplayer compiled with vdpau support
[06:32:57] Dagmar: That would at least square away the issue as being in Myth or not
[06:33:00] [R]: in the end i might just get one of those nvidia ion system
[06:33:08] [R]: Dagmar: oh, i've done that
[06:33:14] Dagmar: same thing with mplayer then?
[06:33:14] [R]: Dagmar: it gets the same stuff
[06:33:18] Dagmar: Bummer
[06:36:09] mgisbers is now known as mgisbers_away
[06:36:10] Dagmar: If you wind up having to buy new gear, feel free to get with some of the older heads in here before you do it
[06:36:13] Dagmar: We mail order stuff all the time
[06:36:26] Dagmar: ...mainly because it's cheaper, even with shipping.
[06:36:36] olesalscheider (olesalscheider! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:36:54] [R]: i've read great stuff in the wiki and maling lists about the zotac ion boards
[06:36:59] Dagmar: I'm probably going to be ordering a new mainboard soon, one with an integrated chipset capable of VDPAU
[06:37:26] Dagmar: Yeah if you buy something a lot of other people are using successfully, your odds go way up
[06:38:22] Dagmar: Conversely, if you are using something made by PCChips or ECS (and a few others) the odds plummet
[06:38:48] [R]: lol
[06:41:17] Dagmar: You have a PCChips board?
[06:42:15] [R]: no
[06:42:20] [R]: i think my desktop is an ECS
[06:42:25] Dagmar: I'm not just poo-pooing them because I have a "bad feeling" about them, I've had to replace a lot of them
[06:42:27] [R]: but my mythbox is something called jetwy
[06:42:36] [R]: jetway*
[06:42:43] Dagmar: Yeah that would be one of the brands I've avoided becuase they seem to be fine with cutting corners
[06:42:59] Dagmar: I see a lot of people not too pleased about them on Newegg
[06:43:34] Dagmar: Mainly I buy ASUS or ASrock and sometimes MSI
[06:43:52] Dagmar: MSI has had some stinkers, but they seem to have figured out to stop using those parts suppliers
[06:44:03] [R]: so this zotac ion board either comes with a 90w ac adapter or it plugs into an ATX power supply
[06:44:13] [R]: does that mean a 200W atx power supply would work with it?
[06:44:25] Dagmar: Dunno. I'd have to see what they're talking about
[06:45:08] Dagmar: Lessee what this Anandtech article says
[06:45:39] wagnerrp: [R]: only if you get the version of the board with a ATX power port
[06:45:56] Dagmar: Okay yeah I was about to say
[06:46:04] [R]: wagnerrp: well tahs what i meant
[06:46:05] wagnerrp: running a 12-volt supply off the 12v source from an ATX supply is bound to cause problems
[06:46:18] Dagmar: I'm seeing a bunch of different pictures, some with ATX power headers and some with an obvious barrel type external power connector
[06:46:32] wagnerrp: yeah, two of each
[06:46:36] Dagmar: Odds are if your PSU doesn't suck you could use it with the zotac board that has the ATX power connector
[06:46:57] [R]: i'm trying to look up if an mini-itx board will fit in a micro atx casee
[06:47:01] wagnerrp: a ION board should not use more than ~40W
[06:47:09] wagnerrp: plus whatever addons you have
[06:47:11] Dagmar: It'd fit, but it wouldn't have the mounting posts in the right places
[06:47:22] wagnerrp: which on that board, means a couple drives
[06:47:25] gunni_ (gunni_!n=quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:47:34] [R]: Dagmar: yeah, tahts what i was worried about
[06:47:44] Dagmar: You can budget drives at 25W apiece, assuming they're just 7200's and not 10k raptors or something
[06:47:48] wagnerrp: [R]: what is your tv sitting on?
[06:47:49] Dagmar: Optical drives, 35W
[06:48:01] [R]: wagnerrp: a 3 tired glass stand
[06:48:05] wagnerrp: wha? maybe initial power on
[06:48:06] [R]: tiered*
[06:48:13] wagnerrp: a loaded disk is like 10W
[06:48:24] Dagmar: Yes and it's the spinup that will get you
[06:48:27] Dagmar: I speak from experience.
[06:48:29] wagnerrp: although chances are that board has no form of staggered startup
[06:48:51] Dagmar: It was a lot of fun working around having one of my disks at random fail to spin up
[06:48:52] wagnerrp: [R]: so no option to just drill a couple posts on the underside of your TV stand
[06:49:03] [R]: wagnerrp: haha
[06:49:12] [R]: wagnerrp: i'm going for visually appealing, not a hacky mess
[06:49:24] rmckee (rmckee!n=rmckee@ has quit ("Leaving")
[06:49:35] Dagmar: Pfft If you hung some EL wire around it the Koreans would call it "innovative new design"
[06:49:36] wagnerrp: this would be appealing (assuming your stand was made of wood, and could hide a small board like that
[06:50:14] Dagmar: Look more closely into the mounting posts (check the manufs website)
[06:50:30] Dagmar: Your case *might* have mini-ITX mounting holes
[06:50:45] toorima (toorima! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:50:53] Dagmar: I think the case I have in the front room does
[06:50:56] wagnerrp: if those Zotacs had s-video outputs, i would buy a pair of them right now, and mount them caseless next to TVs
[06:51:02] Dagmar: heeh
[06:51:24] wagnerrp: one TV is up in a hole, and could very easily hide a board
[06:51:35] [R]: wagnerrp: only dsub, dvi, hdmi
[06:51:36] wagnerrp: the other is in a big cabinet, and again... could very easily hide a board
[06:51:58] wagnerrp: [R]: yeah... none of the onboard nvidia stuff has svideo/composite anymore
[06:52:29] wagnerrp: ive considered calling them to see if they support such outputs via VGA adapter
[06:52:31] wagnerrp: but i doubt it
[06:53:03] Dagmar: I'm not sure you'd be happy with the picture quality from such an adapter
[06:53:16] wagnerrp: im not talking about a scan converter
[06:53:23] wagnerrp: i mean a straight adapter
[06:53:37] Wicked (Wicked!n=zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:53:43] wagnerrp: apparently some systems use some of the dead pins on VGA to output an svideo signal
[06:53:52] Dagmar: I'm assuming you mean connecting pins together and telling the video card to output somthing resembling s-video
[06:54:34] Dagmar: The ones using the dead pins are built to do that
[06:55:30] gunni (gunni!n=quassel@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[06:57:22] wagnerrp: it might be worth just picking up a couple scan converters
[06:57:35] wagnerrp: although i have no experience the quality of those things
[06:57:42] Dagmar: I've got one, it's not great
[06:57:45] wagnerrp: ive only ever used one that i got for free, and it never worked anyway
[06:57:50] Dagmar: It works but the gamma is weird
[07:00:34] wagnerrp: display options.. 'HDMI, dual-link DVI, DP, or VGA (any 2)'
[07:00:46] wagnerrp: does that mean the ION chip doesnt even have support for tv out?
[07:01:02] Dagmar: Everything's got DVI, VGA, or HDMI now.
[07:01:16] [R]: wagnerrp: . . . r-component/
[07:01:19] wagnerrp: i mean thats off the spec sheet on the nvidia page
[07:01:36] Dagmar: OEMs are free to put whatever analog output forms on there they like
[07:02:00] wagnerrp: only if the chip has outputs for it
[07:02:12] wagnerrp: unless they want to run their own DAC
[07:02:30] Dagmar: Yeah well there's nothing really stopping them there
[07:04:04] wagnerrp: why are people asking about overclocking their Atoms....
[07:04:20] Dagmar: Because they don't care if they kill it
[07:04:38] Dagmar: If they knew what they were doing they wouldn't be asking.
[07:05:00] wagnerrp: then instead of spending $140 on an atom, spend $150 on a real system, processor, and memory
[07:05:10] wagnerrp: one far more powerful than the Atom/ION combo
[07:06:30] ForsGump (ForsGump! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:11:43] wagnerrp: to be honest, i dont even care if its ION
[07:11:58] wagnerrp: i just want an nvidia 8/9 board with video out
[07:17:58] wagnerrp: i cant seem to find *any* modern board with video out
[07:18:37] [R]: so get a card
[07:18:54] wagnerrp: the whole point of this is that i dont want a card
[07:19:00] wagnerrp: i want everything on a single board
[07:19:25] wagnerrp: or at least something with a parallel mount slot (but those are very rare)
[07:19:41] [R]: oh
[07:19:46] wagnerrp: maybe a PCIe extension on a ribbon cable
[07:21:45] simonckenyon (simonckenyon!n=simoncke@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:22:29] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[07:26:06] wagnerrp: you know, even a 1-slot riser wouldnt work, because the heatsink would be against the board
[07:26:24] wagnerrp: i would have to get one of those aftermarket coolers that flip the heat to the opposite side of the video card
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[07:42:53] clever: wagnerrp: just get one of these beasts:P
[07:42:53] clever:
[07:43:15] clever: then you can put the pcie card in an external(and holy-shit expensive) enclosure where it has plenty of space
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[08:15:51] loki_666 (loki_666! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:15:58] loki_666: hi
[08:16:21] loki_666: is there a way to get full zoom for live tv, but no zoom for mythvideo?
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[08:58:42] justinh: not unless you assign video playback a custom player command – that's IF it's possible to specify settings overrides to the mythtv player command e.g. "mythtv $file -O VideoZoomSetting=foo". Not sure you can do that
[09:00:08] laga: or just UTSL
[09:00:46] justinh: UTSL?
[09:00:54] laga: use the source, luke
[09:01:01] justinh: heh
[09:01:23] justinh: must be over 2 weeks since I looked at source code now. Think it's healing nicely
[09:01:48] justinh: anyway, just what we don't bloody need. Another setting :(
[09:03:49] grokky (grokky!n=grokky@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:04:26] justinh: hey we could have a case for every hour of every day. I mean another 24 settings pages won't hurt, right?
[09:04:49] laga: that would be cool
[09:05:31] justinh: tie that in with multi-user stuff & we can make users cry when they see the setup pages. Cos they don't do that yet ;-)
[09:05:32] Zanthus (Zanthus! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:05:46] laga: they don't?
[09:06:29] justinh: well, it's been known I suppose. but not everybody
[09:06:55] jst_home: if mythtv gets stuck thinking that a frontend is watching live tv, even though it isn't any more (due to a crash), is there a way to tell it that it should stop the live tv thing?
[09:07:23] jst_home: other than restarting the backend...
[09:07:25] justinh: on restart you should be able to set the watch recordings filter to show livetv recordings, then just stop them
[09:07:48] jst_home: ooh, ok
[09:09:15] Greek-B0y (Greek-B0y!n=greek@ has joined #MythTV-Users
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[09:14:30] jst_home: justinh: ok, got it to show up there, but if I try to delete it, it complains that it's in use by the crashed frontend :(
[09:14:56] justinh: so do it on the same frontend
[09:15:34] jst_home: I am...
[09:15:50] jst_home: justinh: tried to frontends, same result
[09:16:18] justinh: has the frontend's hostname changed or something?
[09:17:20] jst_home: no. It literally just crashed, I restarted it, can't get it to stop thinking it's still watching live tv
[09:17:32] jst_home: no changes anywhere that I can think of
[09:18:05] Greek-Boy (Greek-Boy!n=greek@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[09:18:05] jst_home: justinh: just to clarify, we're talking about the "Watch Recordings" view here, right?
[09:18:10] justinh: IP address changed? I dunno if that could have a bearing on it
[09:18:11] justinh: yes
[09:18:19] jst_home: no, static IP
[09:18:22] justinh: you could try with mythweb I suppose
[09:18:51] justinh: though I dunno if mythweb can show livetv recordings, not being a user of livetv
[09:20:00] jst_home: ok, that did it!
[09:20:30] jst_home: I'll see if I can reproduce that, seems like something worth fixing...
[09:20:55] jst_home: if it's really a bug, ant not just something odd that I happened to trigger here
[09:21:11] jst_home: justinh: thanks for your help!
[09:21:39] justinh: I dunno how the frontend is identified for usage locking other than its unique identifier/hostname
[09:22:14] justinh: I'd have thought that doing it on the same machine wouldn't have presented a problem
[09:22:31] justinh: the lesson to be learned here is not to use livetv :P
[09:25:07] justinh: hmm maybe it's hooked into the processid of the frontend too. that'd do it
[09:25:16] justinh: spoofing that wouldn't be easy :P
[09:26:51] justinh: let's have a look at the code
[09:32:52] justinh: nah, I think it's hidden in the bowels of the myth protocol so unless it's documented I'll give up
[09:33:20] jst_home: justinh: ok, fair enough
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[09:34:59] justinh: I think it's connected to GetChainID, but I dunno where the unique ID comes from. It might be based on a combination of things – safe to say I think it's not just the frontend indentifier
[09:35:17] justinh: cos if it was you'd have been able to stop the recording on the same frontend it started on
[09:37:05] shashwatpns_ (shashwatpns_! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:37:59] shashwatpns_: how to install mythtv????
[09:38:45] justinh: go to and read the documentation. Or go to your distro & find a howto in their wiki
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[09:41:28] shashwatpns_: i am running ubuntu linux justinh when i open the backend setup i select the language it shows me no unup backends found and when i just go ahead it says "cannot login into database".What should i do
[09:41:32] shashwatpns_: ???????????/
[09:41:50] justinh: go read the ubuntu community documentation about mythtv
[09:41:58] justinh: seriously
[09:42:26] shashwatpns_: well there is no help o'er there
[09:42:31] justinh: and go easy on the frickin question marks
[09:42:59] justinh: if you had followed the documents in the ubuntu community documentation about mythtv you wouldn't be having any problems now
[09:45:38] loki_ (loki_! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:46:18] justinh: has everything you need to know
[09:47:48] justinh: I've had enough of you guys who don't read the docs & run into easy problems like "cannot login to database". Infact it's pretty hard to mess up installing mythtv on ubuntu these days. Well done
[09:57:10] loki__ (loki__!n=loki@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:00:18] sulx: justinh: thats what being ubuntu user is all about =)
[10:02:20] shashwatpns_: its still not loging in !!??o.O!
[10:04:12] shashwatpns_: help someone please
[10:04:53] purefusion: is there a mythbuntu that uses gnome instead of x?
[10:07:55] laga: wa
[10:07:56] laga: t
[10:12:02] Lunar_Lamp: I think he means: "is there a mythbuntu that uses gnome instead of XFCE?"
[10:12:24] justinh: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop, like it says in the mythbuntu community docs, IIRC
[10:12:37] justinh: but for goodness' sakes read that documentation
[10:12:57] justinh: there is actually a FAQ which covers that
[10:12:58] purefusion: I've only used vanilla ubuntu
[10:13:13] loki_ (loki_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:13:28] purefusion: didn't know it was that easy to change desktop environments
[10:13:43] purefusion: probably should have expected that though :P
[10:13:45] justinh: the docs cover it pretty well
[10:14:34] Dibblah: justinh: Did you do any of your themes to support the "Big" "Small", etc font sizes?
[10:14:51] justinh: screwed if I know, to be honest
[10:15:06] justinh: IIRC I started paying some attention to it in the latter days
[10:15:22] Dibblah: Hmm. iamlindoro just committed effectively removing the font size settings.
[10:15:25] justinh: but I honestly didn't care much either way
[10:15:40] justinh: there's a font scaling thing now apparently so that should make it pointless
[10:15:57] justinh: it was too much of a PITA to have three font sizes for everything
[10:16:08] justinh: I mean for every fscking text element
[10:16:19] justinh: so if he's done away with that, YAY
[10:17:20] justinh: it's enough of a ball ache to test every screen with different combinations of textual length without needing to do it three times
[10:17:43] Dibblah: I'm wondering about the "user choice" element, though – If it's actually a good thing to present.
[10:18:05] justinh: personally I thinka global font scaling setting is better for everybody
[10:18:11] Dibblah: ... Everyone sits at different distances from their different sized screens, etc.
[10:18:34] justinh: IIRC Isaac argued the same thing. One of the few things we agree on no doubt
[10:19:50] justinh: and FWIW I've NEVER subscribed to the 'it's an HDTV, let's max out the info onscreen with tiny text' view
[10:19:58] simonckenyon: ok, but could you please announce the change so that theme developers have a chance to make the necessary changes – feature freeze and all that
[10:20:24] justinh: it has nothing to do with me. I'm only saying it's a good idea :)
[10:20:39] simonckenyon: i understand that
[10:20:48] justinh: and no, I won't be fixing blootube, projectgrayhem etc
[10:21:01] Dibblah: You rat, you. Commit and run! ;)
[10:21:08] justinh: I don't think anything will be affected much
[10:21:15] Dibblah: And no, svn del is not a solution ;)
[10:21:27] justinh: unless he's gone & changed the whole syntax of font definitions
[10:21:33] justinh: which I doubt
[10:22:21] justinh: if anything you'd have to announce to *users* that the BIG/SMALL/DEFAULT setting is now gone, so use the font scaling doobrey instead
[10:22:40] Dibblah: Actually, I don't see any removal of any settings.
[10:22:50] Dibblah: It's just reworks of the themes themselves.
[10:22:53] gbee: can't blame iamlindoro, it was my commit
[10:22:56] justinh: and then themers take it as read they no longer have to bother doing everything in triplicate
[10:23:00] shashwatpns_ (shashwatpns_! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[10:23:23] justinh: if you want to encourage people to take up theming, I can only see this move as a bloody good idea
[10:24:07] simonckenyon: MythCenter and neon-wide are the other two themes that use it
[10:24:43] justinh: I suspect (and gbee will confirm or deny this) that the tags being in there now will make no difference
[10:24:54] simonckenyon: ok
[10:25:12] justinh: I've not even seen a commit yet. Heh
[10:25:29] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[10:25:45] justinh: I'll go in & make changes if necessary but if not..
[10:26:13] Dibblah: Actually, I'm pretty sure that the setting still exists. Must update to head soonish.
[10:26:13] simonckenyon: #22134
[10:26:15] justinh: if anything is gonna be broken badly it may as well not remain there
[10:27:10] Dibblah: simonckenyon: "alongside"
[10:27:35] justinh: btw I was wondering wth iamlindoro was doing messing with that stuff. Seemed a bit outside his usual remit of choice ;)
[10:27:48] simonckenyon: pardon
[10:27:53] Dibblah: Interesting. It does remove the "small" and "big" elements.
[10:28:08] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:28:31] justinh: simonckenyon: making changes to the text theming bits... figured he'd started branching out ;)
[10:28:45] Dibblah: gbee: Is that an intended change?
[10:29:02] justinh: it looks very much like it's intended ;)
[10:29:12] Dibblah: So why not pull the UI too?
[10:29:24] justinh: on the to-do list, maybe
[10:30:32] justinh: anyway, it's not really gonna 'break' anything as such. except for people who rely on those settings in themes which currently support it
[10:30:57] justinh: and they can just as easily use the global font scaling attribute instead
[10:31:50] Dibblah: Heh. Okay. That last commit answers my question. Thanks :)
[10:34:38] Malard (Malard!n=Malard_L@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[10:35:36] justinh: yay. One less setting! :)
[10:36:01] Malard: hello
[10:40:16] gbee: the big/small stuff was added back when we didn't scale font sizes along with the rest of the theme to match the resolution, if you took 1280x720 theme designed on a 15" monitor and put it on a 40" 1920x1080 HD tv the text would be too small, but that's no longer the case
[10:41:16] Dibblah: Yup. Similar to pre/post-roll, however, it's been misused :(
[10:41:35] Dibblah: Potentially.
[10:41:39] gbee: now we always scale the font and with pixelsize we can scale it better – it always remains in the exact intended proportion to the rest of the theme
[10:41:50] jhulst (jhulst!i=230b3713@gateway/web/freenode/x-emavtpjybnzqfsgz) has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[10:42:41] gbee: if users really feel the text is too small as designed, they can edit the theme, which with Terra etc means just four lines need to be changed in base.xml to change all fonts/text
[10:42:48] PhoenixMage: Is it normal for my signal strength to drop as I progress through a channel scan?
[10:43:11] gbee: PhoenixMage: yes, since it's scanning both frequencies with a signal and those without
[10:43:23] PhoenixMage: oh ok
[10:43:31] justinh: ugh. I give up on this. I wish I'd used inheritance sooner :-\
[10:44:01] justinh: unless somebody can furnish me with a funky regex
[10:44:03] gbee: but anyone editing the theme does so knowing that they are changing the intended font sizing and accept the consequences (potentially lots of truncated strings etc)
[10:44:20] PhoenixMage: I suspect my crappy adhoc cables I just made arent helping
[10:44:35] justinh: I strongly advise anybody against ad-hoc theme editing. I leads to things ;)
[10:44:44] gbee: justinh: point size will remain alongside pixel size, so there is no need to change anything
[10:45:25] justinh: I was just gonna remove the :big & :small definitions to save confusing anybody who might take it on in future (sigh, hope upon hope)
[10:45:47] justinh: gawd, that sounded like I might give a damn after all. careful
[10:48:05] justinh: anyway, I thought there was a feature freeze on ;-)
[10:48:34] justinh: a bit tenuous to call this a bug fix, but I'm all for it :)
[10:49:11] _ben: Morning
[10:49:47] justinh: by that argument I could pick up tidying up my rotation code, since there's a bug in the UI which means text & graphics can't be rotated arbitrarily :D
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[11:02:24] gbee: whole pixel size thing had been bothering me for ages since the point scaling just wasn't accurate enough
[11:03:33] gbee: simonckenyon: what changes are necessary? You said above that themers needed to make changes?
[11:04:08] justinh: make changes to their working practises. no more need to do stuff in triplicate ;-)
[11:04:29] justinh: not that it was ever compulsory
[11:04:37] PhoenixMage: If I have 2 identical cards do I have to run a full scan on both of them to be able to utilise both?
[11:04:57] justinh: PhoenixMage: not if you assign both to the same 'video source' no
[11:05:39] PhoenixMage: cool, thanks
[11:07:48] simonckenyon: just was pointing out the themes that made use of size:big and size:small. i also used it one of my own (no big deal). it was the fact that the change was in a changeset which didn't really describe what had changed "Support specifying font size in pixels (height) alongside the traditional point system." this implied an additional capability; not a removal
[11:12:21] Malard (Malard!n=Malard_L@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[11:33:43] simonckenyon: any docs on storage groups and how they apply to mythvideo?
[11:36:57] justinh:
[11:39:35] simonckenyon: brill – could not find it anywhere
[11:40:05] justinh: it keeps cropping up ;-)
[11:40:16] justinh: I should prolly read it at some point
[11:40:50] simonckenyon: i'll add a link to that page in the "Storage Group" section of the wiki
[11:43:33] loki__: can you have fanart and stuff without using storage group?
[11:44:38] justinh: yes
[11:44:57] justinh: but they would have to be 'local' I think
[11:45:09] justinh: i.e. actually on the frontend machine or shared via nfs
[11:45:25] loki__: justinh, thats ok
[11:45:44] justinh: makes much more sense to use SGs though I think
[11:46:06] loki__: so instead of settings storage groups, i just set the differents directory in mythvideo settings
[11:46:32] justinh: maybe not for those whose allegiances lie with external video players :P
[11:46:39] simonckenyon: i've added the link
[11:46:58] loki__: you mean with working players :p
[11:48:06] justinh: no I mean external players
[11:48:26] justinh: IIRC you've never got around to letting anybody here see the output of -v playback
[11:48:55] loki__: yup i know, didnt had time to get it yet
[11:50:24] simonckenyon: so if i have this correct – i don't specify anything on the frontend – it is all done with magic storage group names on the backends – tell me it will work with videos stored on both an MBE and an SBE
[11:50:37] Malard (Malard!n=Malard_L@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:51:06] Malard: hi
[11:51:11] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:51:20] Malard: i've been searching google and the mailing list for support on this problem but to no avail, but forgive me if i have missed a link. basically i have an MPEG2TS on my network which i want to use to watch live tv and do recordings against, i've added a network recorder capture card and created a playlist for it to get the channel, i've created a video source and input, i can play the stream through mplayer but not mythtv
[11:51:23] simonckenyon: is there somebody working on the docs for .22 – as that is something i could do
[11:51:31] loki__: justinh, i realy wanted to get rid of mplayer, but i'm having to much issue to get en enjoyable experience with internal player (frame rate dropping, subtitle out of sync, dvd player stuttering, vdapu issues)
[11:51:51] justinh: I think all you need do is define the SG on the hosting machine & then specify it on the frontend machines
[11:52:29] simonckenyon: but what is the syntax on the FE?
[11:52:51] justinh: loki__: I keep telling you vdpau has little to do with your xvid playback issue. the rendering method won't affect playback speed to the extent you've seen.
[11:52:53] Malard: in the mythbackend.log file i am getting a "Program #1 not found in PAT!" then a printout of the the PAT table, and then the next message says "But there is only one program in the PAT, so we'll just use it"
[11:53:13] loki__: justinh, the vdapu issues i'm having is with h264
[11:53:16] justinh: simonckenyon: I can honestly say I dunno.
[11:53:26] Der_Thomas (Der_Thomas! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:53:33] simonckenyon: i suppose i could always look at the code :-)
[11:53:39] justinh: loki__: well, carry on not reporting issues & they'll carry on not being fixed ;-)
[11:53:49] loki__: error in decompression for some movies (they could be broken, agreed)
[11:53:51] justinh: and fwiw, telling people here is not reporting issues
[11:54:15] loki__: justinh, i'll fill them but in the mean time i'll switch back to mplayer
[11:56:29] Doris_ (Doris_! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:57:41] Malard: is anyone able to help?
[11:58:58] justinh: Malard: seems like you need to rescan
[11:59:52] Malard: delete the input connections?
[11:59:55] Malard: and make a new one?
[12:01:12] Malard: right now it says [ FREEBOX : http://iptv/playlist.m3u ] (MPEG2TS) -> IPTV, there is 1 channel available
[12:01:16] Malard: when i scan
[12:01:41] justinh: hmm. I don't know what you're supposed to do with IPTV sources
[12:01:59] justinh: I don't think anybody here will know either
[12:02:03] Malard: :S
[12:02:12] Malard: any thoughts on where i could get help?
[12:02:15] justinh: not a lot of people use IPTV
[12:02:28] justinh: try asking on the -users mailing list
[12:02:51] Malard: i am not really using iptv, i have a bank of 50 pro IRDs which each are locked onto different transponders, they intern are multicasting various channels to the local network
[12:03:16] Malard: so i have a playlist which defines those multicast endpoints on the network, i want to be able to schedule various recordings from each
[12:03:33] justinh: 50?! what on Earth are you doing with mythtv? lol
[12:03:47] Malard: erm, i have about 2000 channels on this network
[12:03:50] justinh: seems like a very interesting case anyway
[12:04:25] Malard: basically we watch live football and provide stats to bookmakers, but i want to setup a VOD server to run along side it
[12:04:36] Malard: and thought mythtv would work well and scale nicely as we up our coverage
[12:04:44] justinh: I'm not even sure the 'error' you're seeing is even a real problem. I've seen that in my logs sometimes
[12:04:59] Malard: well i think the actual error is just below it
[12:05:09] Malard: which says
[12:06:36] Malard: Finished recording Unknown: channel 1001
[12:06:37] Malard: twice
[12:06:44] Malard: then a bit further down
[12:07:02] Malard: Preview Error: Previewer file '/home/bg/recordings/1001_20091001150601.mpg' is not valid
[12:07:12] Malard: * basically the file is 0 bytes in size
[12:07:15] justinh: that's not really an error, the "Finished recording Unknown: channel 1001"
[12:07:32] justinh: let's see more log at
[12:07:59] justinh: first of all the 'Unknown' bit is because you're recording a source which has no EPG data
[12:08:34] justinh: you do seem to have a problem where nothing is actually being recorded though. That might be something simple
[12:08:45] Malard:
[12:08:51] Malard: do you want the frontend log also?
[12:09:07] justinh: nah, backend log will be enough
[12:09:26] justinh: Sorry, an error has occurred. Reason: That is an invalid ID, or the post has expired.
[12:09:59] Malard:
[12:10:02] Malard: sorry miss spell
[12:10:07] Malard: i am on a different pc, on irc
[12:10:55] justinh: ah. lol
[12:11:21] justinh: need to see more log than that
[12:11:37] justinh: I can just ask you anyway. are the permissions on the recording dir correct?
[12:11:52] Malard: i did chmod 777 /home/bg/recordings
[12:11:53] justinh: really want to see the log from mythbackend starting up
[12:12:02] Malard: lemme dump the entire log
[12:12:42] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:13:32] Malard:
[12:14:13] Zanthus (Zanthus! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[12:15:24] Dibblah: Heh. "oops".
[12:16:26] justinh: Malard: I dunno. but "QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range" looks odd
[12:17:15] justinh: Malard: other than that, it looks like you have all the easy stuff done correctly
[12:17:41] justinh: seems to me it's some kind of problem with the streams themselves
[12:18:25] justinh: easy to say they'll work with VLC or whatever but although mythtv 'supports' IPTV stuff not a lot of people know much about how it works
[12:18:28] Dibblah: Your NIC doesn't appear to support multicast.
[12:19:01] Dibblah: Which would probably cause this issue.
[12:19:11] justinh: where did you glean that from Dibblah ?
[12:19:30] Dibblah: 73
[12:19:42] Dibblah: Of the most recent pastebin.
[12:19:44] justinh: ahhh
[12:20:15] justinh: it doesn't appear on later restarts though
[12:20:51] Dibblah: -v is probably different.
[12:22:48] Malard: Dibblah how can you tell?
[12:23:06] Malard: sorry
[12:23:11] Dibblah: ... Again, line 73 ;)
[12:24:32] Malard: ah, that would be because we havent installed an IGMP Querier yet
[12:24:59] Malard: okay so even tho i only have a single multicast right now, mythtv explictly requires it then?
[12:25:17] Dibblah: I don't know.
[12:25:26] Dibblah: I'm only going by the same error messages you're reading ;)
[12:26:01] Dibblah: For multicast, your NIC must support it (most recent ones will) as does any router between the client and the server.
[12:26:11] Doris_ (Doris_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[12:26:25] Malard: well thats not entirely the case with this seup
[12:26:27] Malard: *setup
[12:26:30] Dibblah: Some switches also will not pass multicast.
[12:26:47] Malard: in layer3 there must be an IGMP Querier to manage multicast transmissions
[12:27:09] Malard: only need 1 device to handle this, and the other switches use igmp snooping to relay the request
[12:27:41] Malard: i will be back, as they say, once this cisco switch arrives
[12:28:00] loki__ (loki__!n=loki@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[12:30:33] Dibblah: Hmm. Of course, that *could* just be referring to uPnP.
[12:30:37] justinh: Oh David Cameron you prize arsehome
[12:31:17] justinh: no sooner than he's cosying up to Murdoch, it comes out not only does he want to kill ofcom – he also wants to screw the bbc
[12:32:05] sid3windr: you pee and pee
[12:32:55] Dibblah: Newsflash: Governments (in-power OR opposition) are never popular in a recession.
[12:33:12] EvilGuru: justinh: I hate Murdoch, but ofcom are mostly useless
[12:34:48] justinh: yeh but we could do without murdoch seeing his dreams come true
[12:34:55] EvilGuru: Dibblah: Neither are the bankers
[12:35:28] EvilGuru: Although the unwashed seem to have made them a scapegoat
[12:36:42] Malard: i find it odd that mythtv struggles with a single multicast when vlc and mplayer do not
[12:36:50] justinh: oh here we go
[12:36:57] EvilGuru: I'd be happy so long as our news channels do not turn into Faux News
[12:37:09] justinh: Malard: very few people even use IPTV with mythtv
[12:37:31] EvilGuru: Newsflash: If Stephen Hawking was British and lived under the NHS, he'd be dead!
[12:37:33] justinh: Malard: it's not very well documented & very few people know anything about it
[12:38:03] justinh: EvilGuru: Sob! I love my country so much I make stuff up for my Fox news rant-o-thon. Wah! Sob!
[12:38:27] EvilGuru: Wealthcare FTE!
[12:38:29] EvilGuru: *FTW
[12:38:42] justinh: still, I'm not sure who is worse. Jeremy Vine or Glenn Beck
[12:39:10] justinh: I know Beck's voice is a damn sight less annoying than Vine's ;-)
[12:39:58] EvilGuru: I'm sure Vine can spell oligarchy
[12:40:05] justinh: and the BBC's 'Have your say' should definitely go. I mean, what's gonna happen if you ask stupid questions like "Should priests be allowed to molest children?"
[12:40:35] justinh: Killing people: Good or Bad? HAVE YOUR SAY
[12:40:40] justinh: ffs
[12:41:04] ** justinh is an avid reader of the 'Speak ur branes' blog btw **
[12:41:27] EvilGuru: Still, some BBC funding cuts would be nice, I dislike paying for talk show hosts
[12:41:31] justinh:
[12:41:41] justinh: yeah. we could all do without wossy
[12:41:56] justinh: give his money to charlie brooker instead :D
[12:44:55] justinh: they use the argument they need to pay 'top talent' silly money to attract them. so get TOP TALENT ;-)
[12:45:37] justinh: give Bill Bailey a Friday night chat show. I'd pay to watch it
[12:45:39] Malard: justinh: do most people here use dvb-s or dvb-t directly?
[12:45:51] justinh: Malard: depends what time of day you come
[12:46:05] EvilGuru: Eurotrash are mostly DVB-T with some -S
[12:46:05] justinh: in the US it's mostly ATSC/QAM/Firewire
[12:46:16] justinh: much more DVB-T than DVB-S
[12:47:22] Malard: ok, well, do you know of a oss/free package that would do recordings and playback of mpeg2ts?
[12:47:27] EvilGuru: Now I just need to sort out my Hauppauge cards after yesterdays changes
[12:48:06] justinh: nope
[12:48:14] EvilGuru: No idea what they've done to Five, but everything is a blocky version of the chipmunks
[12:48:32] justinh: as far as I know, if the streams work in VLC or whatever they should be OK in mythtv
[12:48:49] justinh: wonder what the wiki says
[12:50:32] justinh: Malard: I take it everything you've done so far has been based on something like
[12:51:41] justinh: does not seem to make much sense to me
[12:52:17] Malard:
[12:52:20] Malard: except for the grabber
[12:52:25] Malard: i did everything as mentioned here
[12:52:41] Malard: i turned off the grabber as i have yet to setup an EPG server
[12:52:58] Malard: <-- just explains the tech
[12:54:05] justinh: all seems sane
[12:54:51] justinh: other than your servers doing anything fancy that mythtv doesn't know about I have no idea what might be wrong
[12:54:59] oobe: the router im currently using does not support TPGs IPTV but i tried it on my old one there isnt much to look at im afraid
[12:55:07] oobe: atleast last time i checked
[12:55:20] Malard: i dont have TPG, i dont even live in aus, but its the same basic format as to what i am doing
[12:55:23] Malard: just in a local enviroment
[12:55:37] oobe: oh ok
[12:55:51] Malard: how do i restart mythtv backend?
[12:55:58] Malard: my linux-fu is very weak
[12:56:01] justinh: which distro?
[12:56:04] Malard: ubuntu
[12:56:17] justinh: sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart might work ;-)
[12:56:31] justinh: doesn't work here though, I have to stop & start it separately
[12:56:46] oobe: its cause the pid file goes missing
[12:57:15] oobe: atleast on my end if i re create the pid file then the script works
[12:57:20] justinh: yeah I've seen that. It's only a minor annoyance
[12:57:48] Doris_ (Doris_! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:58:26] Doris_: tu as compris boxy?
[12:58:44] Doris_: va te faire foutre salope
[12:58:49] Malard: is when i restarted it
[12:59:13] justinh: boxee? bleugh
[12:59:25] Doris_:
[12:59:27] Doris_: point
[12:59:42] Doris_:
[12:59:51] Doris_: ou je te poursuis
[12:59:59] justinh: Malard: looks pretty normal
[13:00:27] Doris_:
[13:00:27] justinh: Malard: try running it as the 'mythtv' user from a terminal with -v record then try watching livetv
[13:00:43] Doris_: sale pute
[13:00:47] ** justinh points out that this is an English language IRC channel ;-) **
[13:01:05] Doris_:
[13:01:20] justinh: je ne parle Francais.. see even my keyboard doesn't have the little accents ;)
[13:01:21] Malard:
[13:01:22] Doris_ (Doris_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:01:52] Malard: the coloured logo i think came when i added the graphic for the channel in mythtv
[13:01:58] Malard: its not from the actual broadcast
[13:02:00] justinh: yeah it would do
[13:02:11] justinh: LAMC lock looks ok though
[13:02:23] Malard: the other thing, is that as the time moves forward the image is not redrawn, you just end up with text ontop of text
[13:02:30] Malard: what is LAMC lock?
[13:02:58] justinh: Malard: it refers to digital streams, what it expects to see, and if all letters are capitals, it means it's all good
[13:03:15] Malard: ok
[13:03:21] justinh: maybe only relevant to digital tuners, I dunno
[13:03:33] justinh: try the log output from -v record from mythbackend
[13:03:51] Malard: sorry, dumb it down for me, what do i run at the console?
[13:04:02] Malard: "mythtv -v record" ?
[13:04:11] justinh: as the *mythtv* user, mythbackend -v record
[13:04:16] justinh: then run mythfrontend as normal
[13:04:34] PhoenixMage: why would my program listing fail to appear in my program guide but when I search for a program everything is in the search and at the correct time on the correct channel
[13:04:39] PhoenixMage: I am running trunk
[13:04:48] justinh: to catch log output to a file you can do mythbackend -v record -l $logfile
[13:05:20] justinh: PhoenixMage: you have empty channels, and channels with EPG data but no tuning info
[13:05:24] justinh: that's how
[13:05:56] PhoenixMage: but I have tuned the channels in mythtv-setup? How do I resolve it?
[13:06:01] PhoenixMage: Retune?
[13:06:10] justinh: I mean channels you can tune to but don't have epg data for, and other channels (with the same name further down the list) which have EPG data but they won't actually work
[13:06:25] justinh: PhoenixMage: using xmltv or SD ?
[13:06:58] PhoenixMage: shepherd/xmltv
[13:07:15] justinh: you probably never set xmltvids for the channels you found when you scanned
[13:07:35] justinh: now you have a bunch of channels WITH xmltvids & EPG data in the list but they'll never work
[13:07:53] justinh: those other channels will also probably not have channel numbers
[13:08:19] justinh: if you have mythweb working, look in the channel configuration page & see
[13:08:40] PhoenixMage: No, I dont have mythweb working
[13:08:48] PhoenixMage: but gives me a good reason to set it up
[13:09:13] PhoenixMage: Am I able to resolve without using mythweb?
[13:09:16] justinh: you can also use mythtv-setup's channel editor, or the channel editor in mythfrontend
[13:09:42] sidh: greetings gentlemen
[13:09:57] PhoenixMage: thanks justinh
[13:10:39] justinh: top men are working on the problem I'm told. top. men
[13:11:35] olesalscheider (olesalscheider! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:12:24] sidh: some people told me about myxbmc passion, but i don't understand one thing, it seems to be a derivated project from mythbuntu, but it seems to not have mythtv on it, so is it a joke or another mythtv distribution (i'm not sure to understand) ?
[13:12:50] justinh: it doesn't have 'myth' in its name anywhere
[13:13:09] justinh: so that would suggest to me that it has nothing to do with mythtv at all :P
[13:13:33] sidh: ahhh ok , as it was based on mythbuntu, i thought ...
[13:13:38] justinh: looks like an XBMC live distro, nasty
[13:13:48] sidh: ok justinh , so it seems to be a concurent project then
[13:14:03] justinh: it might well be based on mythbuntu – like they took mythbuntu & took mythtv out if it
[13:14:24] sidh: i see
[13:14:41] justinh: I guess their own webpage says it all "myxbmc-passion-une-distribition-linux-sur-mesure-pour-xbmc"
[13:15:05] justinh: even I can tell it's a linux distro built around XBMC
[13:15:29] justinh: and their homepage was the first google hit for "myxbmc passion"
[13:15:48] Malard: hi justinh,
[13:15:48] justinh: so I find it difficult to be confused by that
[13:15:50] justinh: :P
[13:16:24] sidh: no i was confused by mythbuntu without mythtv
[13:16:32] PhoenixMage: justinh: the channels all seem to have the correct numbers against them in the channel editor... any other ideas?
[13:18:16] justinh: PhoenixMage: but are there some channels that have xmltvids & some which don't?
[13:18:25] sidh: now you explained it , i see what this mean (but it is strange to choose a special mythtv ubuntu release to get rid of mythtv ...)
[13:18:27] PhoenixMage: yes
[13:18:39] justinh: PhoenixMage: so that IS the problem
[13:19:10] PhoenixMage: I am confused, i'll have a look tomorrow
[13:19:12] justinh: PhoenixMage: what you need to do is find the *valid* channels & add the correct xmltvid to them – i.e. the channels you scanned. and delete the other ones
[13:19:12] PhoenixMage: thanks anyway
[13:19:18] justinh: PhoenixMage: it's simple
[13:19:35] PhoenixMage: ok, still will look tomorrow
[13:19:40] PhoenixMage: nite
[13:19:48] PhoenixMage (PhoenixMage! has quit ("Leaving.")
[13:19:52] justinh: PhoenixMage: when you run mythfilldatabase, if any channels are found in the resulting output which don't have xmltvids in the channel table, they'll be added
[13:20:47] justinh: Malard: everything seems to be fine in the recording log
[13:20:57] justinh: maybe it's a frontend problem after all
[13:21:30] sid3windr: dualing, not ducking
[13:21:34] sid3windr: dualing shiv!
[13:21:38] justinh: doesn't seem to be anything unusual in the backend log. recording starts, streams are being found & parsed.. no errors about not being able to write the file..
[13:21:49] Malard: okay ty, would you mind taking a look at my frontend log?
[13:21:52] justinh: then it just stops as if you'd quit livetv in the frontend
[13:21:58] Malard: well
[13:22:00] justinh: sid3windr: heheh
[13:22:07] Malard: the frontend just stops
[13:22:10] sid3windr: did you see the T9 clip, justinh ? :>
[13:22:11] Malard: with an error saying cannot play
[13:22:26] justinh: lemme see the log
[13:22:32] justinh: T9?
[13:22:43] sid3windr: dictionary thing for sms
[13:22:56] sid3windr: lemme look it up
[13:22:59] justinh: mitchell & webb? yes! classic of recent times
[13:23:10] Malard:
[13:24:01] sid3windr: think so yes :)
[13:24:02] sid3windr: hehe
[13:24:04] justinh: wtf?
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[13:27:29] hiemanshu: I am trying to configure mythtv to use My AverMedia Ultra 116 (CX23416 chipset), The card is recognized by mythtv-setup But when i try to configure Input Connections i am not able to scan for channels
[13:27:32] justinh: I think there's something funny with your streams
[13:27:32] simonckenyon (simonckenyon!n=simoncke@ has quit ("Leaving")
[13:27:34] hiemanshu: I am following this guide
[13:27:43] justinh: that's my considered non-expert opinion :)
[13:27:51] Malard: justinh, sorry this is going to be 'relevant' now i say it
[13:27:59] simonckenyon (simonckenyon!n=simoncke@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:28:04] justinh: hmm?
[13:28:08] Malard: but yes, if i use a different stream from a different channel
[13:28:18] Malard: i end up with 2 pictures ontop of each other
[13:28:31] Malard: i.e
[13:28:32] justinh: ah that just means your video driver is borked
[13:28:35] Malard: the interlaced picture
[13:28:45] justinh: ATI problem when you use Bob deinterlacing
[13:28:53] Malard: oh mkay
[13:28:58] Malard: so how might i solve that?
[13:29:02] justinh: which means your streams & the recorder actually works
[13:29:07] Malard: phew
[13:29:17] justinh: well, apart from the one channel you said you have problems with
[13:29:23] Malard: well i have only tried 2 channels
[13:29:26] justinh: ffs that could have saved us all some time!
[13:29:30] justinh: lol
[13:29:42] Malard: i totally forgot lol
[13:29:44] Malard: i feel such a fool
[13:29:56] justinh: !trout Malard silly
[13:29:56] ** MythLogBot slaps Malard with a silly trout on behalf of justinh... **
[13:30:12] oobe: mythfrontend wont start with opengl anymore
[13:30:13] Malard: thankyou
[13:30:14] CyberKnet (CyberKnet!n=cyberkne@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:30:19] Malard: for the slap
[13:30:25] Malard: we got this 'partially' running last night
[13:30:29] Malard: and i got heavily drunk last night
[13:30:41] justinh: Malard: to fix the double video problem it should just be a case of changing the deinterlacer in the video playback profiles page
[13:30:42] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has quit ()
[13:30:45] oobe: i get QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current in the logs
[13:30:53] justinh: if it's Bob, change it to something else :)
[13:30:58] oobe: but if i start it with QT it works fine
[13:31:11] justinh: oobe: broken opengl?
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[13:31:41] oobe: im not sure i changed my nvidia drivers tonight maybe that is it
[13:31:52] justinh: most likely suspect
[13:32:31] oobe: but i did it for good reason i had the latest 185 nvidia drivers and gdm would die and shutdown my desktop every 2 days
[13:32:55] d00gster (d00gster!n=doughant@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[13:33:01] oobe: plus i think it was responsable for mythfrontend using an abnormally high amount of ram
[13:33:11] Malard: justinh is there a working mythtv windows front end?
[13:33:16] oobe: perhaps i didnt clean the old drivers out properly
[13:33:29] Dibblah: Malard: Not really.
[13:33:45] Dibblah: The frontend (mostly) now builds on Windows.
[13:34:13] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:34:38] simonckenyon: the windows frontend works quite well
[13:35:01] Dibblah: Apart from the issue that people have to build it themselves.
[13:35:03] justinh: can't work any worse than XBMC works on windows IME
[13:35:14] Malard: building it isnt an issue
[13:35:25] justinh: man, that thing is a *dog* on my laptop
[13:35:32] Dibblah: And generally match the backend revision that they have – Which is impossible for many people.
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[13:35:43] justinh: and not a happy waggy tailed dog. A lame old blind & deaf dog that needs to be put down
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[13:38:03] Malard: so right now i have 1 working feed whereby the picture is not interlaced
[13:38:14] Malard: would someone mind telling me where the option to turn on interlacing is?
[13:38:40] justinh: deinterlacing you mean
[13:38:45] justinh: video playback profiles
[13:38:54] justinh: utils/setup > setup > tv settings > playback
[13:39:05] justinh: is it my break yet?
[13:39:38] justinh: and no, it's still not ok to PM people without asking first
[13:40:30] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:40:46] justinh: I said "it's still not ok to PM people without asking first"
[13:41:31] justinh: sigh. I had a good run today
[13:41:37] Malard: hmm, thats a bit brash, appologies.
[13:41:50] Malard: i wasnt looking at the main chat anymore
[13:42:59] justinh: giving up smoking again tonight. god help you all
[13:43:22] justinh: I want new gadgets :)
[13:44:17] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:45:11] Dibblah: I want a nice C2M 9400 motherboard.
[13:45:18] Malard: link?
[13:45:40] Dibblah: (Not Ion – Don't really like the Atom in terms of processing / watt.
[13:47:21] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:48:00] Dibblah: They don't exist.
[13:48:46] purefusion: do you guys use the branded-verb 'tivo' in your daily lives, or does is there another term that's near-and-dear to you mythtv users?
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[13:50:32] deaman: purefusion : record?
[13:51:05] purefusion: that isn't near-and-dear though...
[13:51:42] purefusion: it'd have to be something like mythcord or some newfangled fanciness
[13:52:43] purefusion: I like myvo though ;D
[13:54:36] Malard: PVR?
[13:54:52] Malard: or in my case, VOD server :p
[13:56:19] grokky (grokky!n=grokky@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:56:30] purefusion: btw, I also like 'Devo it' xD
[13:56:31] simonckenyon: are you saying that people use the phrase "i'm going to TIVO that program" and you want the equiv for myth
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[13:57:50] purefusion: well, I'm just considering the options... I'm just so used to using TiVo as a verb
[13:58:14] purefusion: mentally it's short and easy...
[13:58:21] simonckenyon: tivo is not available on this side of the pond
[13:59:11] purefusion: my first DVR was UltimateTV for DirecTV way before TiVo became popular
[13:59:23] purefusion: but the service was twice as much
[14:00:16] felipe` (felipe`! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:00:52] purefusion: I worked at RadioShack at the time, it was a store display that the manager didn't think could be sold, but it was in our inventory so I got it for next to nothing once I convinced him it was sellable.
[14:02:35] justinh: dualing labels. why do people have to dualing label everything?
[14:04:27] justinh: Oh yeah. Aunting. I like that word. I'll use it a lot
[14:08:07] j-rod: anyone else with an hvr-1800 out there? mine seems mildly fucked, wondering if its just me...
[14:08:22] justinh: the word is 'dualed' :P
[14:09:28] j-rod: oh, right. must watch potty mouth.
[14:10:11] j-rod: recordings with the 1800 look like absolute ... crud
[14:10:45] justinh: oo digickle internets radios for under 20 quids? w00t
[14:10:50] j-rod: like its dropping a chunk of the stream ever second or two
[14:10:57] j-rod: leading to massive pixellation, stutter, etc
[14:11:19] j-rod: while the same channel w/an hvr-1250 in the same box records flawlessly
[14:11:46] justinh: could be drivery
[14:11:55] CyberKnet: j-rod: Don't have one myself, sorry.
[14:11:57] justinh: what does femon say?
[14:13:47] j-rod: does show semi-regular jumps in ber and unc
[14:14:14] j-rod: (though ber and unc appear to be reporting the same value)
[14:15:02] justinh: weird
[14:15:26] j-rod: would have to look at output on the 1250 as well to see if its 100% clean
[14:15:37] j-rod: damned near identical cards on the digital side
[14:15:47] justinh: using loopthrough from another card?
[14:15:53] j-rod: nope
[14:16:07] justinh: own feed from a dist. amp/splitter ?
[14:16:13] j-rod: wall -> splitter -> each card individually
[14:16:20] justinh: powered split?
[14:16:25] j-rod: nope
[14:16:36] CyberKnet: might try switching legs to the cards
[14:16:44] justinh: be tempted to disconnect the others & see if it improves it any
[14:16:56] j-rod: yeah, probably worth trying
[14:17:19] justinh: after that, maybe a heat issue, psu noise... faulty hardware
[14:17:22] j-rod: I swear it used to be just fine, but then, I did move the box to another part of the house, so the feed to it isn't 100% the same as it was before
[14:17:54] justinh: repetitive gaps in the signal would indicate to me some kind of interference
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[14:18:45] j-rod: yeah, but I'd expect to see it with the other three capture devices connected to the same feed
[14:18:47] j-rod: unless...
[14:18:57] justinh: not all tuners are made as immune
[14:18:57] ** j-rod has something to check... **
[14:19:33] j-rod: tuner hardware is pretty much identical to the perfectly-fine, in-the-same-box 1250 though
[14:19:44] j-rod: I think there may be an uncapped split somewhere now
[14:19:56] j-rod: since I yanked the hd-3000 in favor of (gack) a pvr-250
[14:20:22] j-rod: the hd-3000 had a coax feed going into it, the pvr-250 doesn't
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[14:32:22] justinh: time to head home :)
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[14:43:21] Dibblah: simonckenyon: It is and I'll sell you one if you want one ;)
[14:44:48] simonckenyon: Dibblah: it has not been sold over here for a long time – and who needs it – we have myth – thanks for the offer and all that
[14:45:22] Dibblah: Heh. I agree – But I do have a lifetime sub box here.
[14:46:06] oobe (oobe! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:46:06] Dibblah: The listings data comes from Tribune – So the same source as Schedules Direct.
[14:46:45] Dibblah: Which I would be interested in getting, since I detest the radio times "mini-review" format :(
[14:46:56] simonckenyon: and i have a lifetime offer letter from intel for a swap for my P90 with the FOOF bug – like to see them find a P90
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[15:11:40] Malard: i'm getting an error: NVP: Could'nt find a matching decoder for: myth://localhost:6543/1001_2009etc.mpg
[15:11:52] Malard: what decoder do i need to install to play back recordings?
[15:12:56] shashwatpns (shashwatpns! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:12:57] sphery: Malard: that just means that your version of Myth doesn't support that file's encoding.
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[15:13:32] sphery: Malard: you need to either a) transcode it or b) put it in MythVideo and use a different player for it
[15:13:46] Malard: how can it not play back a recording it made itself?
[15:14:05] sphery: or, if it's an actual recording (not something you imported), it could be any of a number of other problems.
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[15:14:15] Malard: it plays okay in vlc and mplayer
[15:14:20] Malard: so i presume its a codec issue
[15:14:24] sphery: where did it come from? (what recorder)
[15:14:30] Malard: network recorder
[15:14:33] Malard: MPEG2TS
[15:14:35] sphery: which one?
[15:14:37] sphery: HDHR?
[15:14:47] Malard: nah, its from a DVB-S orginally
[15:15:04] Malard: but sent as an mpeg2ts multicast over my lan
[15:15:18] sphery: well, I really can't help you figure out why it can't play it back if you don't tell me what made it, but I'm now leaning toward my first response
[15:15:25] Malard: its SD content
[15:15:32] Malard: umm, well i dont know
[15:15:38] Malard: i went into mythtv front end
[15:15:43] sphery: any network recorder/DVB-type/IPTV stuff is just dumped to disk
[15:15:47] Malard: and made a custom recording of 5 minutes in length
[15:15:55] sphery: so it could create a recording that it couldn't play
[15:16:04] sphery: especially if it's encrypted satellite stuff
[15:16:09] sphery: or whatever
[15:16:12] Malard: its not encrypted
[15:16:24] Malard: as i can play it back in mplayer and vlc, so i presume mythtv needs a codec perhaps?
[15:17:34] sphery: if so, then Myth can't play it and you need to transcode or stick it in MythVideo and use an external player
[15:17:36] Doris_ (Doris_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:17:42] sphery: as you can not add new CODEC support to myth
[15:17:49] sphery: except by upgrading to newer versions
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[15:19:40] AndyCap: Malard: and what is inside the ts?
[15:19:59] Malard: well, its an mpeg2 stream as far as i can tell
[15:20:11] Malard: its not just being used as a container
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[15:23:11] oobe: finally that was a real mess around
[15:23:33] oobe: it was my nvidia drivers downgrade that messed things up
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[15:41:15] sphery: jams: Did you have some tool for generating screenshots of all the screens in Myth? (I'm assuming he's asking for some "useful" purpose--like updating the wiki or website screenshots or making a bunch of screenshots for some theme he's making.)
[15:42:42] jams: sphery- i did but it doesn't work with trunk..i'm in the process of updating it
[15:42:53] jams: actually started on that a few days ago
[15:44:57] sphery: cool... if you'd like to mention it on the list, feel free, but I didn't do so in case you don't want to support it, etc.
[15:46:05] motd2k (motd2k!n=motd2k@xbmc/staff/motd2k) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:46:27] iamlindoro: wrong idea
[15:46:32] iamlindoro: he means mythvideo screenshots
[15:46:50] iamlindoro: ie the screenshots in the videometadata.screenshot field
[15:47:40] iamlindoro: Originally we were supposed to have the preview generator hooked up for this release, but...
[15:48:33] iamlindoro: And as always people are too lazy to highlight the item and press "W"
[15:48:44] iamlindoro: (which will download the TVDB screenshots)
[15:50:34] sphery: ohhh.
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[15:50:55] RDV_Linux: sphery: I saw the users request for batch screenshots. If he can code in python most of the code is already written between jamu and Miro Bridge. I have a routine in Miro Bridge that creates quality screenshots from the video file using ffmpeg.
[15:51:10] brad2: hey guys, can anyone point me to where the overscan setting is? I have a flickering bar at the bottom of my recordings. (I thought it was in TV-settings, but can't seem to find it)
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[15:57:09] sphery: brad2:
[15:58:21] sphery: note, also, there's overscanning the MythTV video playback window, cropping the video with a playback filter, and overscan/scaling on the TV
[15:58:27] sphery: lots of choices
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[16:48:55] brad2: sphery: thanks!
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[17:14:19] resno: irc seems kinda lonely today
[17:16:41] iamlindoro: If you've got something worthwhile to say, by all means, say it ;)
[17:16:52] PeaceKeeper (PeaceKeeper!i=PeaceKee@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:16:56] iamlindoro: But if you just need a hug, they do that kind of thing in ##ubuntu ;)
[17:17:44] ** mag0o punches iamlindoro **
[17:17:57] iamlindoro: No more theme help for you
[17:18:06] ** iamlindoro deletes the MythUI docs **
[17:18:18] mag0o: oh noes!
[17:18:43] ** mag0o installs windows! that'll teach 'em **
[17:18:43] Dibblah: Those theme docs look great, BTW.
[17:19:02] iamlindoro: Thanks :) Getting better little by little, but it's a good start
[17:21:15] Dibblah: I would even say it's better than the old pre-mythui theme docs.
[17:21:24] Dibblah: But then that's not saying much ;)
[17:21:31] iamlindoro: hehe
[17:21:58] iamlindoro: Well we seem to have an unprecedented interest in theming lately, and that's even without the uncoming "incentive"
[17:22:15] iamlindoro: er upcoming
[17:22:18] resno: what "incentive"?
[17:22:26] iamlindoro: You'll see ;)
[17:22:38] resno: iamlindoro: extra top secret stuff?
[17:22:57] resno: is mythtv on twitter?
[17:23:09] iamlindoro: As a project? No
[17:23:16] iamlindoro: various people's MythBoxes? Yes
[17:23:18] wagnerrp: a shiney new nickle to anyone who makes a theme into trunk
[17:23:39] resno: wagnerrp: oh, ive always wanted a shiny new nickle!
[17:24:01] resno: iamlindoro: are they using some sort of plugin, i see twitter posts about such and such a show was recorded
[17:24:17] iamlindoro: Not a plugin, just a little user job that runs post recording
[17:24:19] ** Dibblah votes for worst kept secret ever. **
[17:24:41] iamlindoro: Dibblah: Heh, well it was *supposed* to be, then people started talking about it in #mythtv :)
[17:24:41] dserban: Secret?
[17:24:50] wagnerrp: one was written intentionally, the other as a joke
[17:24:58] Dibblah: Good thing that channel isn't logged.
[17:25:17] iamlindoro: Anyway, no harm in people knowing, yes, we will be running a theming competition from the release of .22 until the feature freeze of .23 or so
[17:25:25] iamlindoro: With fancy fancy prizes
[17:25:28] ** jst_home turns off his channel logging :) **
[17:25:41] ** dserban takes off his clothes **
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[17:25:48] ** resno does a dance **
[17:26:03] resno: iamlindoro: a super computer?
[17:26:13] wagnerrp: oh... i thought the 'incentive' was something special for themers
[17:26:14] wagnerrp: guess not
[17:26:25] dserban: Oh how unfortunate. Channel logging ... off :(
[17:26:26] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: It is!
[17:26:44] wagnerrp: well then i saw something different than what youre talking about
[17:27:01] wagnerrp: ah... you just mentioned it above
[17:27:07] wagnerrp: nevermind...
[17:27:11] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Getting a fairly decent prize just for submitting a complete theme, and a fair number of good prizes for the top themes (and probably an extra one for "best MythUI patch")
[17:27:30] dserban: who's sponsoring the prizes?
[17:27:59] iamlindoro: Various MythTV and OSS friendly companies, To Be named when we announce the competition
[17:28:08] iamlindoro: mostly because the prizes aren't all firmed up yet
[17:28:15] dserban: Nice.
[17:28:22] dserban: That should put in a few decent themes.
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[17:28:39] iamlindoro: Now if only I was eligible to enter :)
[17:29:17] dserban: I have fears.
[17:29:27] dserban: Of running trunk... of trying .22 :)
[17:30:02] gbee: fear is good, listen to the fear
[17:31:33] dserban: Heh. It's never stopped me before. I'm just writing down possible responses to things like "Why aren't you mowing the lawn", or "Can you feed the baby? No? Why the eff not?" and the list goes on...
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[17:32:48] brad2: i had fears of going trunk and hd-pvr, but with a bit of elbow grease and a lot of reading, i am loving it!
[17:32:57] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: you not eligible means no devs? or only GPL themes?
[17:33:12] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: no devs, but submissions will also need to be GPL
[17:33:44] dserban: :o
[17:33:49] iamlindoro: As any/all of them will be considered for inclusion
[17:34:16] dserban: brad2: what do you mean hd-pvr? Going hd with your hardware?
[17:34:29] iamlindoro: dserban: He means the hardware called the HD-PVR
[17:34:35] iamlindoro: from Hauppauge
[17:35:04] dserban: oh! err. Didn't know it existed, I'm still refusing to believe that seinfeld will look better in HD.
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[17:35:42] iamlindoro: Seinfeld probably doesn't... but Discovery/HBO/SyFyllis/etc. sure do
[17:36:04] ** iamlindoro has two, they're lovely :) **
[17:36:16] jst_home: lovely indeed
[17:36:23] dserban: My cable company wants my left nut for HD programming, so I refuse to bow to them atm.
[17:36:51] wagnerrp: oh? mine charges no difference between digital and HD
[17:37:00] wagnerrp: nothing more than a box swap
[17:37:42] jduggan: but to receive the hd broadcast is no extra monthly fee?
[17:38:20] dserban: Yeah they want an additional $40 for HD programming per month. On top of the $110 I pay already.
[17:38:39] wagnerrp: there is no 'basic digital' tier
[17:38:39] dserban: Screw 'em
[17:38:49] wagnerrp: so youre already paying for HD
[17:38:57] wagnerrp: you just dont have an HD box, so it downscales
[17:39:34] dserban: yep, but basic.. costs more than sd.
[17:39:47] jduggan: it works the other way here
[17:40:03] dserban: right, but the basic "entry" hd programming stuff is more than basic digital
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[17:50:15] elmojo: iamlindoro: I think I understand the problem with playing back that MKV video
[17:51:05] elmojo: it has nothing to do with matroska or vdpau
[17:51:40] elmojo: looks like it's related to ffmpeg and h264 probing
[17:51:58] elmojo: and it's a regression from what I can tell so far
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[17:53:10] iamlindoro: elmojo: Weird, odd that more people aren't seeing it, then
[17:53:46] elmojo: iamlindoro: not too odd since it may be how my h264 videos are encoded
[17:53:59] iamlindoro: could be... any leads on a solution yet?
[17:54:23] elmojo: still digging
[17:54:32] iamlindoro: The probe stuff in ffmpeg has seen a lot of activity of late
[17:55:14] elmojo: the latest ffmpeg -i reports that the codec frame rate differs from the container frame rate
[17:55:47] elmojo: and the 'container' not referring to matroska but something h264 specific
[17:55:48] iamlindoro: Don't think that's necessarily an issue? That message has been around with lots of material for a looooong time
[17:55:56] elmojo: I know
[17:55:57] elmojo: but
[17:56:26] wagnerrp: matroska containers can force an alternate framerate
[17:56:53] elmojo: it appears now when we start playback from different parts of the video it chooses one of the other
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[17:57:07] elmojo: probably whichever it finds first in the packet/stream
[17:57:19] elmojo: so here's what I see coming out of the decoder
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[17:58:11] elmojo: the container frame rate is 24/1 fps and the codec is 48000/1001
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[17:59:21] elmojo: when it is playing back correctly the decoder is feeding the video frames with 24 fps timestamps and if you don't skip/ffwd/rew it remains perfect
[18:00:08] elmojo: however sometimes a skip will change the fps to 48 fps according to the timestamps
[18:01:01] cynicismic (cynicismic!n=rclark@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:02:29] wagnerrp: well then the codec framerate is broken
[18:02:37] wagnerrp: horribly
[18:02:53] wagnerrp: and honestly, the container framerate is probably wrong as well
[18:03:22] wagnerrp: video is rarely 24fps
[18:03:33] elmojo: so at the time that ffmpeg is sending 48 fps timestamps the NuppleVideoPlayer is still displaying frames at 24 fps which causes some serious stuttering issues
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[18:04:04] elmojo: film is 23.976/24 fps and is a type of video
[18:04:22] elmojo: these videos are inverse telecined
[18:04:23] wagnerrp: film is almost always 24000/1001
[18:04:30] elmojo: which is 23.976
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[18:04:58] wagnerrp: which means if you play back at 24fps, youre likely to get audio sync issues
[18:05:23] wagnerrp: either that, or youre playing back audio at an incorrect frequency, which will break digital passthrough
[18:05:25] elmojo: the av sync code can handle it
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[18:06:02] elmojo: it's based using audio as timebase for av sync purposes so audio is never altered
[18:07:20] elmojo: iamlindoro: I think the only practical solution is to use the matroska containers frame rate
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[18:08:36] elmojo: we now use the matroska aspect ratio for videos so why not the video frame rate too
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[18:10:07] elmojo: one other note is that an older version of ffmpeg reports my video correctly as 23.976 fps and the newer ones report the frame rates mentioned above
[18:10:45] elmojo: I'm guessing older ffmpeg versions may have not done the h264 frame rate and depended on the container
[18:10:56] elmojo: which would make since
[18:11:28] elmojo: iamlindoro: is h264 frame rate detection something newish in ffmpeg?
[18:12:05] iamlindoro: elmojo: There was a lot of work towards carruate H264 timestamps, it could be a byproduct of that
[18:12:10] iamlindoro: er accurate
[18:12:24] elmojo: ah yes now I remember
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[18:12:56] elmojo: iamlindoro: so do you have an opinion on how we should determine frame rates?
[18:13:21] elmojo: video stream or container (ie. mkv)?
[18:13:52] elmojo: looks like most players use the container
[18:14:40] elmojo: and it probably makes sense because older (or even current) encoders may have botched the frame rates or a user may have gave the wrong frame rate
[18:14:45] iamlindoro: elmojo: TBH I don't have an educated enough perspective to know for sure-- if most players do so from the container, and that is accurate more often than determining it from the stream, then I say go for that
[18:15:01] elmojo: most easily corrected with changing the container frame rate versus re-encoding
[18:15:15] elmojo: I agree
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[18:15:56] iamlindoro: And yeah, like you say, there's a precedent w/ the demuxer aspect ratio in MKV
[18:16:42] elmojo: yep, might want to mention this to janneg
[18:16:45] iamlindoro: elmojo: Best thing to do may be to figure out what ffplay does
[18:16:52] elmojo: oh, good idea
[18:17:00] iamlindoro: Since that's where I found what they do for the MKV aspect ratio
[18:17:13] iamlindoro: and that code is near-identical to the Myth code, so framerate may have a similarly close relationship
[18:17:28] elmojo: thanks for pointing that out – my head hurts from being in libav land for so long
[18:17:41] iamlindoro: np
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[18:17:58] justinh: aharrrr. love mkv files
[18:18:08] elmojo: it's not mkv's fault this time
[18:18:50] justinh: iamlindoro: best mythui patch & devs are excluded? no fair :(
[18:19:01] justinh: way to encourage existing contributors :-\
[18:19:14] joe2371: Hi. I'm looking at a motherboard that lacks onboard video for a backend I'm building. My intention is to put an ancient, cheap PCI VGA card on it for purposes of installation and configuration, rather than running out and buying a PCI Express card. I'd probably prefer to just use X11 forwarding thereafter. My question is, is there any reason I can't get away with using either X11 forwarding or a super cheap graphics card on the BE
[18:19:43] iamlindoro: justinh: Goal was to get new contributors involved, but when it comes to the patch thing we could probably afford to be flexible
[18:19:58] justinh: joe2371: X forwarding is ok if you can make it work
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[18:20:50] justinh: iamlindoro: it's not that I'd do it for the prizes anyway. I mean I never did before
[18:21:03] joe2371: justinh: I had it working before. But if I can't for some reason, would the ancient VGA card be a major problem on the BE?
[18:21:26] wagnerrp: not if you arent running a frontend
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[18:22:03] wagnerrp: although if its old enough, it *could* be interfering with your tuner cards
[18:22:16] jst_home: joe2371: backend configuration etc is very doable over vnc
[18:22:42] joe2371: wagnerrp: you mean bus contention with PCI tuner cards?
[18:23:07] wagnerrp: well if youre actively using the PCI card, youre certainly going to run into bandwidth issues
[18:23:17] joe2371: I guess in the worst case, I just need to run out an get a $35 pci-express graphics card.
[18:23:24] wagnerrp: but i was more talking about IRQ contention
[18:23:32] joe2371: Ah.
[18:23:40] wagnerrp: or, once you get the system set up, pull the card and run headless
[18:23:47] joe2371: Then I'll just run out and buy some more IRQs. ;-)
[18:23:57] wagnerrp: or, only let it run to the terminal, never run X
[18:24:20] justinh: well, guess this means I'll dust off my code hat & make the rotatey stuff work in more mythui elements than just graphics
[18:24:24] wagnerrp: an 80x25 terminal should be fairly resource light
[18:24:43] jduggan: hey uh in trunk, the letter box coloring occasionally goes light grey, it almost looks like the color from terra, im not however running terra, does anyone know what the problem is? it seems to be focus related
[18:24:54] justinh: as for whatever anybody suggested about scripting in themes, I'll just forget I ever heard about it
[18:24:58] jduggan: it'll flash grey for like 5 seconds then go black again
[18:25:15] justinh: jduggan: sounds qt-ish
[18:25:32] justinh: oh wait the letterboxing colour.. weird
[18:26:03] jduggan: yea its only one frontend, its a third screen of a tri head setup
[18:26:08] jduggan: its a 21" CRT in my office
[18:26:11] jduggan: running off my workstation
[18:26:14] jduggan: :P
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[18:26:35] jduggan: it think its focus related
[18:26:50] jduggan: though cant pin it down
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[18:27:30] joe2371: Are there any SDTV and/or HDTV sample MPEGs available for download anywhere? One thing I wanted to do was to verify that one of my old machines will be able to playback digital TV MPEGs smoothly. I found sample H.264 files through the wiki, but what about MPEGs?
[18:27:48] judalla: mplayer sample site
[18:27:55] joe2371: I'll try that, thanks.
[18:28:04] judalla:
[18:29:23] justinh: jduggan: which video renderer?
[18:30:42] jduggan: xv
[18:30:46] jduggan: but i'll try vdpau
[18:33:31] mag0o: grr, what screen is it where i set one video to play after another video...
[18:33:43] mag0o: i've lost myself
[18:33:54] iamlindoro: edit metadata
[18:34:10] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:34:15] mag0o: doh
[18:34:19] mag0o: yeah, file to play next
[18:34:22] mag0o: just found it
[18:35:54] mag0o: so, if i have a multi dvd set and want them to play one after the other i set that there. what about hiding the 2nd and 3rd dvd from any of the video views, like gallery
[18:36:14] iamlindoro: edit the second and third item and make them non browseable
[18:36:39] mag0o: then exit/start the frontend or just leave video?
[18:36:50] iamlindoro: just leave mythvideo
[18:37:01] mag0o: i though tso
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[18:37:22] mag0o: maybe im missing something
[18:37:39] iamlindoro: Also have to have your filter set to brawseable only
[18:37:43] iamlindoro: probably defaults to "all"
[18:37:47] iamlindoro: er browseable
[18:37:53] mag0o: ah
[18:38:08] justinh: hmm do I need 80mm fans or 120mm. can't remember
[18:38:20] mag0o: bigger == less noise
[18:38:24] justinh: duh
[18:38:42] justinh: not bothered about noise. more about fitting where the existing ones are :)
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[18:38:57] mag0o: oh :)
[18:38:59] justinh: think standard case fans are 120mm
[18:39:13] mag0o: filtering was what i needed iamlindoro
[18:39:16] mag0o: thanks
[18:39:17] wagnerrp: they are now, they used to be 80mm
[18:39:23] wagnerrp: and slim cases still use 80s
[18:39:25] iamlindoro: mag0o: np
[18:39:31] iamlindoro: As ever, I live to serve ;)
[18:39:43] mag0o: and you're good at it
[18:39:52] iamlindoro: That's what she said
[18:39:54] mag0o: i vote we double your pay for this project!
[18:40:23] justinh: treble it!
[18:40:42] tommck: I have been setting up a myth box by starting with ubuntu Jaunty... Mythweb seems to be trying to use the wrong IP address to connect to the backend, but I can't find where it's reading the info from. Can anyone tell me where mythweb gets its server IP from?
[18:42:29] mag0o: hehe, search for "Curious George" and your first result is George W. Bush
[18:42:31] iamlindoro: from the mythweb.conf
[18:42:39] kormoc: actually
[18:42:42] iamlindoro: you should probably read the readme stuff in mythweb...
[18:42:43] kormoc: we use the database for the backend ip
[18:42:53] kormoc: we use the mythweb.conf for the database ip
[18:43:06] kormoc: so it depends on which service he's talking bout
[18:43:21] tommck: iamlindoro: I have. The data is setup properly in the mythweb.conf
[18:43:33] ** iamlindoro decides to delegate this to kormoc and eat his sammich **
[18:43:48] kormoc: so change your ip in mythtv-setup on the master backend
[18:44:00] tommck: kormoc: it's looking for the backend ip
[18:44:02] foxbuntu (foxbuntu!n=foxbuntu@ubuntu/member/foxbuntu) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[18:44:20] tommck: I should look in the "Settings" table theN?
[18:44:26] justinh: no
[18:44:32] kormoc: Don't touch the database directly
[18:44:33] wagnerrp: youre going to eat Sam Malone surrounded by two women?
[18:44:33] justinh: change the *setting* not the database
[18:45:03] tommck: I don't have a functioning front-end right now (this is a backend-only)
[18:45:04] erik_____ (erik_____! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:45:06] iamlindoro: kormoc: So how'd you get Shuttleworth to name this release after you anyway?
[18:45:10] tommck: so, where do I change the setting?
[18:45:15] kormoc: iamlindoro: say what?
[18:45:22] kormoc: run mythtv-setup on the master backend
[18:45:26] iamlindoro: kormoc: You know, 9.10 Kormoc Koala
[18:45:31] ** kormoc blinks **
[18:45:35] mag0o: haha
[18:45:35] tommck: kormoc: ok, I'll try that again.
[18:45:46] oobe (oobe! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:46:14] iamlindoro: Oh I so love when users explain what's allowed and not allowed in feature freeze...
[18:46:26] kormoc: iamlindoro: I was totally about to go crazy over that, you evil man :P
[18:46:37] iamlindoro: kormoc: Which thing?  :)
[18:46:57] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:47:03] kormoc: Heh, I'd would punch shuttleworth in the face if he used kormoc as a release codename
[18:47:08] kormoc: That'd be my word!
[18:47:14] ** _ben does the freeview retune thing **
[18:47:43] iamlindoro: I missed iamlindoro Ibex by this much
[18:47:44] jduggan: hey uh, _ben youre 24hrs behind
[18:47:52] jduggan: !
[18:47:53] jduggan: :P
[18:48:33] iamlindoro: MM, Apple Bacon
[18:48:43] ** jduggan looks @ iamlindoro **
[18:48:54] jduggan: apple bacon??
[18:48:57] gbee: at least he benefits from all the icon approval I did this morning
[18:49:03] Doris_ (Doris_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:49:07] _ben: jduggan: i was doing the going out and getting drunk thing last night
[18:49:10] _ben: :)
[18:49:12] gbee: guessing applewood smoked bacon
[18:49:19] tommck: thanks kormoc and iamlindoro :)
[18:50:12] iamlindoro: gbee: It's not enough that the devs can't agree on what the feature freeze is, now Simon Kenyon is telling you you broke the rules :)
[18:50:17] gbee: though being in the US, maybe that's bacon artificially infused with the flavour of apples (which contains no apple)
[18:50:29] justinh: iamlindoro: he was here earlier
[18:50:35] iamlindoro: Yeah, I saw
[18:50:57] gbee: screw him
[18:51:00] jya (jya! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:51:06] justinh: no thanks ;-)
[18:51:38] mag0o: could be pigs that were fed apple wood
[18:51:45] ** iamlindoro returns to his apple extract infused pork flavored meat food **
[18:51:57] jduggan: lol
[18:52:04] justinh: pork flavoured?
[18:52:14] jduggan: pork flavoured quorn
[18:52:16] jduggan: lol
[18:52:16] justinh: it's either pig based or it's heresy ;)
[18:52:17] mag0o: pressed soy
[18:52:34] tommck: oh... picking a file system (I know, it's almost religious)... should I use ext4 for my recordings drive?
[18:52:39] gbee: well that's odd the next few randomly selected tracks in my playlist all have ".mp3" in the title ... guessing that means they have no id3 tags, but I've never see the smart playlist group them together like that
[18:52:51] iamlindoro: Like the "spray on cheese" that doesn't *technically* claim to be cheese
[18:52:55] iamlindoro: it's "Cheese Food"
[18:52:57] justinh: tommck: if you want ;)
[18:53:16] mag0o: cheese food – the stuff that cheese eats?
[18:53:34] tommck: justinh: any opinions? I don't know much about it..
[18:54:04] justinh: xfs does me fine thanks. I don't follow new developments in file systems. I find it all a bit Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[18:54:16] iamlindoro: "Due to the processing and additives, some softer varieties cannot legally be labeled as "cheese" in many countries, including the United States and United Kingdom, and so are sold as "cheese food", "cheese spread", or "cheese product", depending primarily on the amount of cheese, moisture, and milkfat present in the final product."
[18:54:27] iamlindoro:
[18:54:29] tommck: justinh: me too, but it's now the default file system in Ubuntu, which piqued my interest
[18:54:31] iamlindoro: It's "easy"!
[18:54:41] iamlindoro: Not complex and degree-requiring like normal cheese
[18:55:00] jduggan: tommck, unless you think you need to run anything else then just run default
[18:55:04] jduggan: :p
[18:55:05] justinh: tommck: YMMV :)
[18:55:42] tommck: caveat emptor, I get it
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[18:57:01] justinh: if it's good enough for their OS I don't see what could possibly be lurking in the shadows
[18:57:38] justinh: all FS have their drawbacks. If any of them were perfect there'd only be need for one ;)
[18:57:55] _ben: there is no drawback with zfs!
[18:57:56] _ben: ;)
[18:58:04] justinh: death to the infidel!
[18:58:08] justinh: ahem
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[19:02:40] flexy (flexy! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:03:30] flexy: I'm getting this at my backend logs: DVBRec(4:/dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend0): PID 0x1ffe discontinuity de
[19:03:33] flexy: tected
[19:03:57] flexy: backend is eating my cpu and whole system is less than responsive
[19:04:30] sphery: flexy: You're the report of #6836 and several other segfault tickets, right?
[19:04:55] flexy: backend is recording one SD channel, one HD channel. I have not had this problem before... might be that HD channel has changed the stream?
[19:05:00] flexy: I have to check
[19:05:30] flexy: yes
[19:05:40] sphery: If so, just wondering if you're /absolutely/ positive your system is working properly--meaning your installed OS (and libs), your CPU/chipset cooling, etc., and your RAM.
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[19:06:03] sphery: You seem to be getting a large number of segfaults that no one else is seeing that indicate memory corruption
[19:06:06] flexy: I ran 8h of memtest earlier today
[19:06:15] flexy: no problems
[19:06:43] sphery: yeah, I'm thinking, though, that it's corruption due to overheating the chipset/memory controller or something
[19:06:50] flexy: I plan to run it more later, when the shows to be recorded to the wife are recorded
[19:07:09] flexy: hmmm
[19:07:31] flexy: I vacuumed the dust away from the system two days ago, to be sure
[19:07:32] sphery: for example, your #6836 backtrace shows the Qt QRegExp (regular expression parser) calling into NVIDIA OpenGL libraries--which just can't happen except through memory corruption
[19:07:45] messerting (messerting! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:07:50] flexy: hell...
[19:08:06] sphery: might be worth logging your system temperatures (using sensorsd), too
[19:08:06] flexy: what do you suggest to test the system? memtest86+ and ?
[19:08:16] sphery: That's a tough question.
[19:08:55] sphery: I've actually never had any memory testing program show any problems with any of the RAM I used except when it was noticeably broken (i.e. noticed problems before even booting up all the way)
[19:08:56] flexy: cpu 53C, mb 43C
[19:09:14] sphery: yeah, keep logging them--especially around the time of the segfaults, it could be interesting
[19:09:18] flexy: kernel compiling in parallel?
[19:09:25] messerting (messerting! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:09:40] sphery: I had a system that had random crashes every once in a while due to memory corruption caused by an overheating chipset
[19:09:58] sphery: I ended up solving it through trial and error replacement of parts (the hard/expensive way)
[19:10:06] sphery: kernel compiling is definitely a good help
[19:10:11] flexy: I've had no problems to compile myth, but I have not compiled kernels in years, I use debian kernels now
[19:10:18] sphery: could also run BOINC/SETI@home or something else to keep the system occupied
[19:10:30] flexy: burnK7?
[19:10:43] sphery: oh, and overclocking can cause these issues, too... are you overclocking, by chance?
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[19:11:01] flexy: I also aptitude searched stress, might be of help to determine stability
[19:11:10] sphery: haven't used burnk7, but might also be good
[19:11:11] flexy: no, not overclocking at all
[19:11:50] flexy: just the amd's automatic cpu freq changing
[19:11:50] sphery: anyway, not trying to ignore your question, but if you do have hardware or system install issues, it may be the cause of that, too :)
[19:12:33] sphery: oh, and may be worth trying running with the Performance governor (keeping the CPU at full speed all the time) to see if it's more stable
[19:12:33] flexy: I've not seen anything else, but the myth issues, which began after I came to using trunk from 0.21-fixes
[19:12:48] sphery: you're compiling yourself?
[19:12:53] flexy: yes
[19:12:56] flexy: from svn
[19:13:08] flexy: following the instructions from wiki
[19:13:10] sphery: hmmm... I still don't see how even a bad myth compile could cause that, though
[19:13:14] dserban: flexy: I had the same problems. After 2 days of memory testing, Dagmar called me an idiot and told me to fix my hardware. I cried. Ran memtest one more time and lo and behold: the sticks were bad. I've enjoyed system stability since then, and Dagmar is no longer an a$$ in my eyes :P
[19:13:15] sphery: what distro?
[19:13:18] flexy: been doing it over a year
[19:13:36] flexy: debian sid
[19:13:42] sphery: dserban: maybe we need Dagmar to come in here and call flexy and idiot :)
[19:13:53] dserban: heh :P Probably.
[19:13:59] flexy: :)
[19:14:02] sphery: :( Was hoping it was Ubuntu or something (where trunk packages are readily available)
[19:14:14] sphery: just to allow you to completely reinstall the system easily...
[19:14:26] dserban: I ran sensors, I ran memtest, I ran stress. Nothing showed. I compiled a kernel, and the system froze.
[19:14:42] dserban: That's when I ran memtest one more time. 20 mins into it. BAM red screen of suck.
[19:14:45] sphery: yeah, kernel compiles tend to be a good way to call out hardware issues
[19:14:51] flexy: OK, I'll be doing kernel compiles after the recordings are done
[19:14:53] sphery: though becoming less good as systems become more powerful
[19:14:59] flexy: and perhaps in parallel...
[19:15:11] sphery: they used to be the standard approach for determining whether a system was overclocked too much :)
[19:15:15] dserban: flexy: just install kernel-package
[19:15:29] dserban: yep.
[19:15:34] flexy: I'll be back later. have to go to sauna now. I'll read the messages later.
[19:15:44] sphery: flexy: thanks...
[19:15:57] sphery: would be nice to figure out the issue--for you, and for all those open tickets in Trac :)
[19:16:01] flexy: dserban: I've used that alot, since couple of year I've been using debian own kernel
[19:16:27] jduggan: heh justinh i thought its cleared with vdpau but now its showing the letterbox background colour as the mythcenter blue background before flashing back to black
[19:16:31] dserban: flexy: yeah I was in the same boat, just google make-kpkg howto. First example worked for me :P
[19:16:43] flexy: sphery: yeah. the problems began after I started using trunk... I've been just assuming that it's the bugs in there... :/
[19:17:12] flexy: back later
[19:17:15] messerting (messerting! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:17:18] dserban: I'm still waiting for my "lifetime warranty" memory swap from corsair.
[19:18:39] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit ("Leaving")
[19:18:47] sphery: dserban: maybe they forgot?
[19:19:19] iamlindoro: They hope you don't have a lifetime of memory?  ;)
[19:19:21] tommck (tommck! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:19:24] dserban: lol
[19:19:32] dserban: Probably.
[19:19:43] sphery: "We think there is consumer fatigue over changing formats. Blu-ray has two to four years of life to go. After that, consumers will be clamouring for terabytes of storage."
[19:20:00] sphery: iamlindoro: So, prepare to replace all your Blu-Rays in 4 yrs tops
[19:20:06] sphery: . . . ts-developed
[19:20:17] iamlindoro: What color will I buy then?
[19:20:22] ** mag0o is still trying to figure out what to do with my collection of vcr tapes **
[19:20:37] dserban: OMG!... for being so into computers and technology all my life, I'm resisting this stuff hardcore...
[19:20:47] dserban: I h8 blu-ray and what it stands for
[19:20:53] dserban: namely "Sony"
[19:20:54] sphery: mag0o: I had a grand collection of 4 VCR tapes, and I'm upset about its being a dead format.
[19:21:04] mag0o: i think thats about how many i have
[19:21:11] mag0o: actually probably more like 10
[19:21:15] sphery: +1 on Blu-hate
[19:21:18] mag0o: and the girls still want to watch them
[19:21:30] sphery: though not so much the Sony thing... I hated HD-DVD just as much
[19:22:04] dserban: I'm going to record from my vcr on the pvr-150 into myth, see how it turns out. I find it odd that myth doesn't have a "clean" input selection. So there's no easy way to add an input without channels. So here we go with channel 0 :)
[19:22:07] sphery: mag0o: what's worse is I can't even digitize them thanks to the Macrovision garbage in them
[19:22:20] sphery: so I really /have/ to buy the movies again to get them
[19:22:23] meshe: i must be nearing 400 dvds in my collection, i haven't bought a blu-ray player yet
[19:22:34] dserban: meshe: good on ya
[19:22:34] sphery: (and they're actually from a company I hate like dserban hates Sony :)
[19:23:09] sphery: meshe: Yeah, I have a ton of DVD's--thanks to my need to have every Stargate-related DVD in existence. I won't be buying them on Blu-Ray
[19:23:15] justinh: mag0o: yard sale!
[19:23:43] mag0o: exactly sphery
[19:24:09] meshe: when i do get a blu-ray player i will rebuy a few in blu-ray, but not many
[19:24:10] mag0o: they're cheesy kids stuff from the mid to late 80's, before barney and the wiggles
[19:24:27] sphery: Electric Company?
[19:24:33] mag0o: nah, wee sing
[19:24:42] mag0o: and some other random stuff
[19:24:49] gunni (gunni! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:25:53] meshe: i got rid of all of my vhs tapes about 3 years ago
[19:26:26] sphery: I always liked The Electric Company. And Reading Rainbow with LtCmdr Geordi LaForge :)
[19:26:37] jams: meshe...can you talk to my wife and convince her todo the same
[19:27:05] meshe: jams: do what we did, we moved from a house to a 525 square foot condo :)
[19:27:30] _ben: so, how did UK people tune in the end?
[19:28:22] mag0o: a tuning fork?
[19:28:22] justinh: delete & rescan
[19:28:30] justinh: then repopulate xmltvids
[19:28:42] justinh: some naughty folks hacked the db themselves
[19:28:43] sphery: Delete /all/ (video sources) and rescan would be my preference :)
[19:28:57] justinh: dunnno why you'd have to delete the sources
[19:29:08] sphery: deletes the channels
[19:29:12] sphery: video source is just a list of channels
[19:29:17] _ben: the full scan thing is broken for me, i'll have a mess around with dvbutils
[19:29:19] justinh: delete all channels should do that
[19:30:00] sphery: yeah, but delete all video sources cleans up the other garbage in the db linked to video sources and channels
[19:30:12] sphery: which will eventually be cleaned up, anyway
[19:30:24] sphery: but the big benefit is if you start clean, you know your db is clean
[19:30:38] cocoa117 (cocoa117! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[19:30:49] sphery: i.e. when users accidentally end up with extra (unused) video sources or unconnected channels or ... there are big problems
[19:30:53] pak0: hi all people good looking
[19:31:01] motd2k (motd2k!n=motd2k@xbmc/staff/motd2k) has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:31:06] ** sphery feels left out **
[19:31:13] iamlindoro: and sphery too
[19:31:18] sphery: thx
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[19:32:15] pak0: i`m looking for a guide on wiki for the correct settings for one card with 2t, i have to set in on capture 2 times? /dev/dvb/adapter0 and 1/fronted0?.. two video fonts and two captureds?
[19:32:47] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:32:56] iamlindoro: 2t one card?
[19:33:04] iamlindoro: I have an informative video about...oh, never mind
[19:33:09] gunni_ (gunni_!n=quassel@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[19:33:54] mag0o: i see where you were going with that
[19:36:20] pak0: my dvb-t have 2 turners
[19:36:28] pak0: that says the specs
[19:36:34] pak0: kworld pc160
[19:37:28] wagnerrp: ive still got a few drawers full of recorded VHS
[19:41:27] mag0o: please keep the 'home movies' to yourself
[19:41:29] mag0o: ;)
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[19:57:38] justinh: I fancy getting a tv turner. handy for those sets with narrow viewing angles
[19:58:58] iamlindoro: I hear the Polish have good, strong backs
[19:59:10] justinh: even the women? ;)
[19:59:24] iamlindoro: especially the women!
[20:00:31] justinh: time to settle down to watch 'Upgrade Me'
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[20:07:55] jduggan: bleh i updated to trunk just for itv hd, and i cant even find the channel in a scan
[20:09:28] iamlindoro: Is it broadcasting at the moment? Isn't ITV HD one of those channels that's only on a few hours a week?
[20:09:37] jduggan: yea
[20:09:40] jduggan: its broadcasting now
[20:09:58] justinh: iamlindoro: yeah a show called 'the bill' is in HD.
[20:10:02] jduggan: i chose 'all' rather than just tv to scan for
[20:10:15] jduggan: but i dont see 10510
[20:10:17] pak0 (pak0! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
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[20:19:59] gbee: SELECT name, callsign, channum FROM channel WHERE serviceid='10510';
[20:20:33] gbee: jduggan: you might have to put the frequency for the multiplex manually for a single mux scan
[20:20:55] jduggan: gbee, im scanning 11426 now
[20:21:05] jduggan: and search for all channels
[20:21:09] motd2k (motd2k!n=motd2k@xbmc/staff/motd2k) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:21:10] jduggan: i did it last night during the football
[20:21:16] jduggan: but no workie
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[20:22:06] jduggan: and thankgod i backed up my db before scanning, trunk doesnt have the 'append' channels setting? it seemed to wipe my whole channel settings and just insert channels from that mux
[20:22:15] gbee: jduggan: which symbol rate?
[20:22:26] jduggan: in mythtv-setup there was some update setting previously
[20:22:28] jduggan: doesnt seem to have it now
[20:22:48] gbee: 11426000 | a | 27500000 | auto | h | qpsk
[20:23:14] jduggan: yea 275
[20:23:21] jduggan: and horizontal
[20:23:52] gbee: jduggan: file it as a scanning bug, because it is
[20:24:01] _ben: blah, loads of conflicts when scanning
[20:24:22] gbee: jduggan: if you want I can dump the multiplex and channel table entries so you can add it manually
[20:24:39] jduggan: gbee, that would be useful if you can, thanks
[20:25:06] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has quit ()
[20:29:30] gbee: can't do much about the wrapping, sorry –
[20:32:49] jduggan: gbee, thanks, no problem, im doing another scan now, if its not there i'll backup my db and insert those settings
[20:36:03] Lt_Dan (Lt_Dan! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:37:14] sphery: gbee: \G works wonders for the wrapping: SELECT name, callsign, channum FROM channel WHERE serviceid='10510'\G
[20:39:27] jams: o man sphery i cursed mysql for ages until I found that in the docs
[20:39:35] joe2371: I'd like to do DVD ripping from the comfort of my laptop. And I'd like my laptop to contribute spare cycles to the comflagging and transcoding effort. But I'd still need to be able to use the laptop for ordinary desktop computing purposes. Is this all possible and straightforward?
[20:39:48] gbee: sphery: damn, why didn't you tell me that 5 years ago?
[20:39:48] jams: i still curse at it but not because of wrapping
[20:40:07] _ben: mmm, when trying to import a channels.conf i get "failed to parse %1"
[20:40:11] _ben: known issue?
[20:40:15] jams: gbee- you mean \G isn't the first thing you would guess?
[20:40:19] meshe: gbee: pager less
[20:40:23] meshe: gbee: then \G
[20:40:53] gbee: jduggan:
[20:40:57] justinh: _ben: wth are you messing with .conf files for?
[20:41:22] _ben: justinh: i can't use the inbuilt scanner so using scan from dvb-utils
[20:41:28] justinh: eh?
[20:41:53] _ben: if i use the inbuilt scanner i get conflicts and what not
[20:41:55] justinh: worked fine for me yesterday :)
[20:41:57] wagnerrp: _ben: are you on 0.21?
[20:42:00] _ben: trunk
[20:42:07] justinh: meh
[20:42:09] wagnerrp: then you should be using the inbuilt scanner
[20:42:20] _ben: it worked fine in 0.21 – trunk is just ... broken
[20:42:28] wagnerrp: just name the conflicts to something arbitrary
[20:42:35] wagnerrp: and then go back through and clean it up in the channel editor
[20:42:35] sphery: gbee: yeah, it's kind of a hard-to-find thing in MySQL
[20:42:35] deaman (deaman! has quit ()
[20:42:49] meshe: sphery: \h tells all :)
[20:42:57] gbee: I feel like I should have known about it
[20:43:08] gbee: \h? there's a \h?
[20:43:16] meshe: \h will tell you about \h\
[20:43:19] meshe: \h will tell you about \h
[20:43:34] jduggan: gbee, you're too helpful, thx
[20:44:34] gbee: I'll try to be less helpful then
[20:44:52] jduggan: lol
[20:45:09] mag0o: bahahhaa
[20:45:18] mag0o: i just stepped on the on/off switch on my work desktop
[20:45:21] mag0o: oops
[20:45:33] jduggan: ok the scan just finished, i get 'found 380 off-air channels. 'delete all', 'set all invisible' 'ignore all' are the options i have... presumably off air means theyre not broadcasting?
[20:46:06] mag0o: (the switch on the power bar, sitting happily under my desk on the floor)
[20:46:28] mag0o: my first thought: oh no, there goes my uptime
[20:47:38] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:51:36] judalla: whats the hold up with .22 at the moment? still waiting for 2022?
[20:52:03] justinh: judalla: the devs just want to piss you off. this time it's personal
[20:52:04] resno: judalla: its a bunch of stuff. waiting for you join in and help
[20:53:08] judalla: is trunk relatively stable?
[20:53:17] iamlindoro: I personally try to introduce two bugs for every one fix
[20:53:21] iamlindoro: just to piss people off
[20:53:32] judalla: i imagine that works
[20:53:38] ** mag0o likes bugs, they taste good **
[20:54:00] resno: mag0o: which ones the squishy ones or the electronic ones?
[20:54:03] ** J-e-f-f-A prefers Chicken. ;-) **
[20:54:06] mag0o: squishy
[20:54:11] iamlindoro: I up the bug # to four for every fix each time someone uses the wors "what's the holdup"
[20:54:23] iamlindoro: s/wors/words/
[20:54:25] resno: iamlindoro: i like that idea!
[20:55:10] judalla: guess you're on 4 now then :P
[20:55:21] iamlindoro: Yep, care to try for 8?
[20:55:34] resno: i would like to!!!
[20:55:44] judalla: tomorrow, kinda worn out right now
[20:55:48] resno: whats the holdup!
[20:56:00] iamlindoro: Cha-ching!
[20:56:11] ** iamlindoro postpones the release by two weeks and reverts MythUI **
[20:56:12] judalla: ooh is it exponential? this could get fun fast!
[20:56:19] resno: that or program with us
[20:56:57] resno: the truth is being bugged about when its releasing its goign to make us feel any better about rushing to get out...
[20:57:10] wagnerrp: about damn time, those blocking image loads are so annoying
[20:57:29] judalla: hehe i dont think there's ever been a rush
[20:57:48] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Yep, GANT LIFE!
[20:57:59] judalla: but i wasnt bugging anyone, just a legit question – guess i'll check the list
[20:58:00] mag0o: you forgot the dots
[20:58:20] iamlindoro: rm -rf /usr/lib/mythtv/themes/Arclight
[20:58:21] resno: everyone asks, its old
[20:58:24] iamlindoro: sorry, wrong window
[20:58:26] J-e-f-f-A: judalla: That's not the tone we all read from your initial comment of waiting until 2022... that was quite pointent...
[20:58:52] judalla: lost in translation /nods
[20:58:55] wagnerrp: well now theres no chance of that theme getting nominated
[20:59:08] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Not that it was eligible :)
[20:59:19] wagnerrp: well now it no longer exists
[20:59:40] gbee: in summary, we just can't win – people complain that 0.22 it taking too long, the moment we move to release it people complain that we shouldn't be releasing it, it's not ready
[20:59:41] resno: its almost time to leave work :)
[20:59:44] ** mag0o is going to name a theme Carlight just to make folks feel dyslexic **
[21:00:10] wagnerrp: gbee: release it under a modified GPL license
[21:00:22] wagnerrp: where by use of the software, you agree to not complain to the devs
[21:00:29] gbee: and none of these people have lifted a finger to help, which seems pretty rude
[21:00:33] wagnerrp: constructive criticism only
[21:00:33] resno: sweet, does that exist?
[21:00:53] poodyp_ (poodyp_! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:01:03] resno: as with anything its easier to complain then do somethign about it
[21:01:06] justinh: omg new BBC4 idents. Genius
[21:01:15] pak0 (pak0! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[21:01:26] wagnerrp: resno: just have to make that illegal
[21:01:31] justinh: I might need to preserve these recordings just so I can keep the idents
[21:02:09] wagnerrp: justinh: you mean new watermarks or something?
[21:02:28] justinh: no, I mean the little videos they show before the programmes
[21:03:02] DjMadness|Lap (DjMadness|Lap! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:06] resno: wagnerrp: i got wishful, i in counter the same type of thing on a project i have. people ask for its release, then i released and now all the bug requests are streaming in
[21:03:18] wagnerrp: youre such a file squirrel
[21:03:21] resno: i encounterd*
[21:03:31] justinh: lol
[21:04:00] wagnerrp: some web app?
[21:04:07] resno: got that right
[21:04:14] justinh: the way they customise the idents for themed series is brilliant
[21:04:22] poodyp (poodyp!n=poodyp@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[21:04:45] resno: justinh: is that sarcasm or honesty? it doesnt translate well via text
[21:04:47] flexy: sphery: I'm running 5 parallel kernel compiles, 1 stress instance, backend/mysql is up (but not doing really anything) and tried stress at the same time about 5mins. so far nothing has failed...
[21:04:48] ** dustybin looks forwrard to using a Athlon II 605e X4 Quad Core 45W TDP in future home server **
[21:05:05] cdpuk (cdpuk! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:05:23] wagnerrp: dustybin: i thought you were looking to get some form of opteron
[21:05:23] flexy: sphery: oh yes, and 2 commflags also is going ioniced...
[21:05:29] justinh: resno: the ones for the latest technology season are cute
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[21:06:00] dustybin: wagnerrp: nope, there are not as efficient
[21:06:07] dustybin: AMD wins here
[21:06:17] wagnerrp: dustybin: erm.... AMD makes opterons
[21:06:22] dustybin: oh
[21:06:44] dustybin: i was going to use a core2duo for home server, now i have changed my mind
[21:06:47] justinh:
[21:06:48] wagnerrp: yeah, you wanted some giant supermicro dual-opteron
[21:06:55] dustybin: oh yes of course
[21:07:08] beatbreak (beatbreak! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:07:10] dustybin: i would still ideally like a supermicro board, im not sure if any will take a Athlon II 605e X4 Quad Core 45W TDP ?
[21:07:10] wagnerrp: and you can always grab those 40W hexa-cores
[21:07:33] dustybin: nice
[21:07:35] motd2k: i got a bargain off ebay
[21:07:36] motd2k: . . . t_500wt_1133
[21:07:48] wagnerrp: as mentioned before, dont bother with server hardware if youre not getting at least dual processors
[21:07:50] motd2k: pretty good dev machine
[21:08:04] wagnerrp: (just commenting on your wildly changing desires)
[21:08:09] dustybin: ok
[21:08:20] dustybin: wagnerrp: you recommend staying away from supermicro mobos?
[21:08:26] justinh: haha hadn't seen this one:
[21:08:41] wagnerrp: no, i recommend using them for multiprocessor servers and workstations
[21:08:54] wagnerrp: you should not pay their premium unless you are running a multiprocessor system
[21:09:08] dustybin: right ok, multi processor system = lots of watts
[21:09:19] dustybin: = not ideal for home use
[21:09:20] wagnerrp: says who?
[21:09:40] dustybin: 2 processors will be at least 80w (2x 40w)
[21:10:08] motd2k: the 8 core one is drawing 170 during make -j8
[21:10:11] wagnerrp: and yet far more powerful than one of those 140W Phenoms
[21:10:20] motd2k: the whole thing i mean
[21:10:52] dustybin: wagnerrp: i will probably go for a asus board instead
[21:11:04] jduggan: gbee, ok im 10mins too late, i have 10510, when i tune to it its just blank, i assume that happens when its not broadcasting?
[21:11:39] justinh: blimmin hell. had no idea red bee do so many channel image packages as well as do all the BBC's playout
[21:12:18] DjMadness (DjMadness! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:12:23] _ben: mmm, might have to install 0.21 to tune then upgrade to trunk :p
[21:12:55] iamlindoro: _ben: Or you could, you know, be helpful and open a ticket with verbose logs of your scan
[21:13:09] _ben: Think there's already a ticket open
[21:13:19] ** _ben looks **
[21:17:27] gbee: jduggan: iirc yeah, for a couple of minutes before/after it shows something that's reminicent of an old windows screensaver, it might even carry an mheg saying it's off-air the rest of the time
[21:17:57] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:19:06] dustybin: cor blimey guvnor
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[21:21:12] jduggan: gbee, can you see if it has any mheg ? i have nothing here
[21:22:41] gbee: hmm, it's showing that screensaver 'stars + sun lens flare' loop
[21:22:58] gbee: so I guess something isn't right on your end
[21:23:33] judalla (judalla!i=57c294f2@gateway/web/freenode/x-srcajkavfhzjpwov) has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[21:23:57] gbee: jduggan: current trunk?
[21:24:10] jgarvey (jgarvey! has quit ("Leaving")
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[21:25:01] dserban: Hrrm mythtv-users needs a designated trout slapper guy for everyone that asks "what's the holdup"
[21:25:14] iamlindoro: We rotate
[21:25:24] jduggan: gbee, yep, checked out about 5hours ago
[21:25:26] ** AndyCap slaps dserban with a large trout **
[21:25:32] dserban: or... a bot!
[21:25:32] AndyCap: dserban: what's the holdup?
[21:25:40] dserban: hah!
[21:25:51] motd2k (motd2k!n=motd2k@xbmc/staff/motd2k) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:25:51] motd2k_ is now known as motd2k
[21:26:03] AndyCap: don't make me get the sturgeon
[21:26:08] dserban: :o
[21:26:22] ** dserban runs away from stinky fish tacos **
[21:26:34] dserban: apparently they're all the rage
[21:27:47] gbee: jduggan: odd, anything in the backend/frontend logs which might give a clue?
[21:28:16] gbee: what about re-scanning existing transports after manually inserting the mplex into the table?
[21:28:43] gbee: and maybe you can dump those entries for comparison
[21:29:03] gbee: working with both vdpau and ffmpeg here
[21:29:04] dserban: flexy: how many hogs in stress? and did you run memtest again?
[21:32:35] gbutters_work (gbutters_work! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:32:39] justinh: anybody interested in preserving the BBC..
[21:33:03] justinh: dunno what aunting use a petition is but sitting on my arse it's all I can do :)
[21:34:29] jduggan: gbee, ahh, can not find channel in pat
[21:34:37] AndyCap: justinh: was a somewhat vague petition?
[21:35:13] jduggan: i think i need to do a full scan and start from scratch, what frequencies does one use to scan everything? is that possible? or you have to provide mux frequencys each time?
[21:35:32] justinh: yeah I thought that. might be time to write to my MP
[21:36:17] justinh: jduggan: a full scan of satellite would be possible if it was allowed but it'd take dualing ages ;)
[21:36:43] justinh: quite a freq. range to cover, see. not to mention symbol rates etc
[21:36:46] flexy: dserban: no, not memtest. I used `stress --cpu 1 --io 1 --vm 1 --vm-bytes 512M -d 3 --timeout 5m` for a couple of times. so far no problems. I had to pause 3 compiles to watch video, 2 is running... after I'm ready watching videos, I'll put all the compiles back up for the night...
[21:37:05] jduggan: justinh, yea, thought as much so i have to go through lyngsat and feed it symbol/freq of each mux?
[21:37:38] flexy: dserban: stress had also higher values for the 3 first, but it was using all the cpu, not really getting anything for the compiles...
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[21:38:36] gbee: jduggan: it should work if you pick any frequency from those carrying Freesat (and even that restriction probably doesn't apply in reality), Full Scan, enter the first freq/symbol rate/polarity listed on lyngsat then just sit back
[21:38:54] gbee: _assuming_ that it's not been broken by recent scanning changes
[21:39:48] gbee: 10714 H 22000000 is a good place to start
[21:40:21] jduggan: and that should scan through all of freesat?
[21:40:29] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:41:26] gbee: if the scanner is in full working order, yes
[21:41:45] gbee: if that doesn't work then file a bug so we can get it fixed for 0.22
[21:43:29] jduggan: will do
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[21:48:20] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=Jeff@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:48:56] mkrufky: ...this is kind of old news, now... but for those obsessed but not AS obsessed as I am ... I knof the titles of the first four episodes of LOST season 6
[21:49:22] FR^2 (FR^2! has quit ("Der Worte sind genug gewechselt, lasst mich auch endlich Taten sehn!")
[21:49:56] _ben: Lost sucks
[21:49:59] dserban: mkrufky: they haven't let it die yet? wth
[21:50:18] mkrufky: i'll take it to mean that you're not interested
[21:51:00] mkrufky: lol, here's an even GEEKier comment ..... There are TWO hundred and SEVENTEEN people in this room ....
[21:51:01] dserban: flexy: use stress -c 12 -m 12 -d 12 -i 12 -t 45m and run some compiles of the kernel otherwise. If it passes (at probably over 100 loadavg), you have a software issue.
[21:51:16] mkrufky: like the TWO minutes and SEVENTEEN seconds ... from flash forward
[21:51:23] ** mkrufky hides **
[21:51:50] dserban: All I saw was "GEEK", "TWO", "SEVENTEEN" .. huh?
[21:52:18] iamlindoro: mkrufky: reLA X, dude
[21:52:20] iamlindoro: ;)
[21:52:24] mkrufky: :-)
[21:52:29] mkrufky: u know already iamlindoro?
[21:52:34] mrand (mrand! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:52:38] iamlindoro: mkrufky: Yeah
[21:52:39] mkrufky: that's the first two
[21:52:42] mkrufky: u know 3 and 4 ?
[21:52:55] kormoc:
[21:53:00] mkrufky: i heard it on a podcast
[21:53:04] mrand (mrand! has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:53:13] kormoc: . . . ason_6:_2010
[21:53:15] kormoc: etc ;)
[21:53:26] iamlindoro: I know what she does, but that's no substitute for hearing it from you ;)
[21:54:00] mkrufky: whoah
[21:54:17] mkrufky: i heard ep 4 was entitled, "...And Now"
[21:54:45] mkrufky: but i also heard there's a chance it may be swapped with ep 5 ... so maybe that was the substitute
[21:55:07] dserban: are they off the island yet?
[21:55:08] mkrufky: i ALSO heard that it will be a terry o'quinn episode
[21:55:08] dserban: :)
[21:55:28] kormoc: mkrufky: read the referenced page, it's The Substitute
[21:55:43] Therock_ (Therock_! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:57:09] AndyCap: starring Tom Berenger and Luis Guzman.
[21:57:18] mkrufky: the substitute makes more sense as a terry o'quinn episode
[21:57:25] mkrufky: mayeb "...And Now" is bogus info
[21:57:51] laga (laga! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:58:25] laga: so, does stewie in family guy have a british accent?
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[21:58:54] PeaceKeeper (PeaceKeeper!i=PeaceKee@ has quit ()
[21:59:24] justinh: totally
[21:59:57] justinh: hard to believe him, Brian & Peter are voiced by the same guy
[22:00:11] iamlindoro: With Brian being the actual voice :)
[22:00:27] wagnerrp: brian is the guy's actual voice?
[22:00:35] gbee: but not a typical accent, more of a stereotype – how Americans think we all speak
[22:00:49] wagnerrp: oh, im think of the kid
[22:00:52] laga: gbee: so, some random german recognized it as british ;)
[22:00:52] wagnerrp: brian is the dog
[22:01:02] davidm2 (davidm2!n=David@nat/ti/x-peeiytsbchnyxsxl) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:01:37] gbee: laga: some random German who was watched too many bad american films? ;)
[22:02:38] AndyCap: Ze bad american moofie.
[22:02:55] justinh: FG take a pop at everybody I think
[22:03:37] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:03:43] gbee: hey, I shouldn't have to apologise for Alan Rickman or Jeremy Irons ;)
[22:04:37] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:05:18] AndyCap: gbee: what's there to apologise for? :)
[22:05:36] justinh: thank gawd Stewie doesn't have a Geordie or manc accent ;)
[22:05:39] pak0 (pak0! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:06:39] gbee: both have sported dodgy German accents in American films (alongside Bruce Willis)
[22:06:52] Gumby` (Gumby`!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:07:08] laga: gbee: i often watch synchronised movies ;)
[22:07:14] iamlindoro: Yippie Kay-ay....
[22:07:40] AndyCap: gbee: that's a capital offense in die hard.
[22:07:49] michael_ (michael_! has left #mythtv-users ("Ex-Chat")
[22:08:16] justinh: I like the Afrikaans accents the best in Die Hard movies
[22:08:18] iamlindoro: Missstah Mack...CLANE...
[22:08:28] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[22:08:33] iamlindoro: I do love my Die Hard, I does
[22:10:01] gbee: Afrikaans was it? I remembered them as being German pretending to be English
[22:10:35] gbee: or were the mercenaries working with them Afrikaans? Damn, I'll have to re-watch the films now
[22:10:51] AndyCap: Otto doesn't speak english
[22:10:56] justinh: the 2nd one I think had the Afrikaans
[22:11:17] AndyCap: on the airport?
[22:11:24] justinh: no
[22:11:39] AndyCap: sure you're not confusing it with Lethal Weapon? :P
[22:11:45] justinh: oh shite. LOL
[22:12:02] justinh: same diff
[22:12:26] AndyCap: whatever you want, Leo Getz.
[22:12:55] gbee: my form teacher was South African, we used to crack ourselves up over his pronunciation of the word black (blick) (yeah, we were stupid teenagers)
[22:16:05] gbee: down south you have to wade knee deep through South Africans, I ran into a lot of them growing up
[22:16:06] CyberKnet (CyberKnet!n=cyberkne@ has quit ()
[22:17:49] AndyCap: speaking of the family guy:
[22:21:07] flexy: dserban: got it. I'll do that.
[22:22:26] Wicked (Wicked!n=zero@2001:470:8b81:dead:dead:dead:dead:dead) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:23:10] AriX_ (AriX_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:23:16] Wicked: hmm. for some reason sometimes mythcommflag is still running from the master backend...but i want it to run on a slave ive setup that is running mythjobqueue
[22:23:35] Wicked: ive checked and mythjobqueue is running on the second machine.
[22:24:00] Wicked: and it seems that mythcommflag is only sometimes being run on the slave/mythjobqueue
[22:24:59] kormoc: so set the number of jobs for the backend to 0?
[22:25:08] Wicked: hmm
[22:26:14] Wicked: do i set that in mythfrontend or mythtv-setup?
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[22:26:21] grokky (grokky!n=grokky@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:26:36] Wicked: and if i set the number of jobs to 0...all jobs will be pawned off to mythjobqueue?
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[22:28:08] dserban: oh flexy try (in a vt) watch -n1 sensors ... make sure you're not overheating
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[22:36:00] dustybin: i think its time to find a decent way of automating backups on my servers
[22:36:14] dustybin: instead of using my crud rsync scripts
[22:37:33] sidh: i'm installing LinHES (latest stablle), and i'm at step "[hostname] is preparing for life" and it is still at this step from an hour now
[22:37:41] sidh: is it normal ?
[22:37:43] RyeBrye: Ah.. fall TV season... The season when MythTV earns it's keep for me... I have 10 hours of recordings scheduled between 7pm and midnight tonight :)
[22:40:04] laga: dustybin: i like rsnapshot, maybe it's for you
[22:40:53] dustybin: laga: i have 3 servers, 1 at home, 2 remote
[22:40:55] gbee: sidh: sounds like [hostname] is dead
[22:41:06] dustybin: i might install amanda server on the one at home, and install amanda clients on the remotes
[22:41:10] gbee: sidh: maybe cesman can help
[22:44:49] dustybin: i think its time to purchase this:
[22:46:16] iamlindoro: 768 pages... guess the first 380 pages are tar cvzf, and the last 388 are tar zvxf and glossary
[22:46:27] grokky (grokky!n=grokky@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:46:36] dustybin: laga: does sound good, it uses rsync and has all the other benefits like incremental, excellent
[22:50:08] ** dustybin snapshots iamlindoro brain, and uses it for future mythtv reference **
[22:52:40] meshe: dustybin: so what else lurks in that darkness?
[22:57:03] dustybin: meshe: even more mythtv..
[22:58:34] dustybin: Unpacking brain ...... MYTHTV OVERLOAD ...... [FAIL]
[22:58:38] dustybin: and on that note, im going to bed
[23:00:45] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[23:03:30] jadams: I have an hauppage winpvr 150, but apparently don't know how to set it up...I've run mythtv for years, but I've tried to set this thing up like four times since my karmic upgrade and all I get is a test signal showing a (1) picture
[23:03:41] jadams: then it pops back to the main screen
[23:08:11] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")
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[23:09:43] elmojo: iamlindoro: any pointers on turning on av_log info in the libav* under mythtv?
[23:10:34] iamlindoro: elmojo, Think myth's -v libav should hook into that?
[23:10:44] elmojo: it doesn't
[23:10:45] elmojo: :(
[23:10:52] iamlindoro: Boo, I'm sorry then, I don't
[23:11:35] elmojo: btw, I think I can fix this problem
[23:11:45] elmojo: got most of it coded up
[23:11:50] iamlindoro: nice
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[23:22:18] elmojo: iamlindoro: -v libav is supposed to
[23:22:42] elmojo: looks like it doesn't spit out AV_LOG_DEBUG messages though
[23:24:18] tommck (tommck! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:25:02] tommck: does anyone have a working script for the RCA DRD420RE DirecTV box? The ones posted out there don't seem to work for me, and I accidentally deleted the script I was using before a reinstall :(
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[23:32:58] mofu: The red LED on the power adapter on my HDHomerun is blinking?? anyone had this happen, HDHR doesn't power up.
[23:33:27] tommck: mofu: I thought there was a problem with some of their power adapters... a recall, maybe?
[23:34:01] mofu: I'll check with 9th Tee, that's where I bough it.
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[23:36:35] tommck: mofu: I have a vague recollection of it... I actually happened to have another power supply that was the same voltage (higher amperage) and used that until they got my new one to me. Lucky me
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[23:42:25] mofu: Found another 5V-2A apdapter that fit . . . . . back online!! Thanks, I'll have to get the dead one replaced.
[23:42:47] tommck: mofu: cool.. glad that was it
[23:45:23] Gumby` (Gumby`!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[23:45:47] mofu: later . . .
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