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Saturday, September 12th, 2009, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:06] cdpuk (cdpuk! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[00:11:56] beatbreaker (beatbreaker! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:17:55] psm321 (psm321! has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[00:18:48] Greek-B0y (Greek-B0y!n=greek@ has joined #MythTV-Users
[00:21:37] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ("")
[00:30:30] SlicerDicer (SlicerDicer! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:41:56] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: wow.. fanart is much faster in graphite now. ;-)
[00:42:13] wagnerrp: sphery: the amazing thing is that a piece of software is too complex for someone running a beta OS
[00:42:18] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, faster how?
[00:42:57] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: It used to take a 1/2 second or show to load/display on my test box – it's displaying instantly now.
[00:43:03] wagnerrp: faster in that he already has the scaled images all cached
[00:43:14] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, it will always take that time when it cahces
[00:43:16] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, yeah, that too
[00:43:17] iamlindoro: caches
[00:43:22] iamlindoro: after that, it's near instant
[00:43:47] Greek-Boy (Greek-Boy!n=greek@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:43:49] sphery: bleeding edge, but not too advanced, please
[00:44:31] J-e-f-f-A: But when I first loaded the metadata (a week or so ago), even after popping around the screen, it seemed to take a half a second or so per fanart image.
[00:53:00] jamiem (jamiem! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:57:41] beatbreaker (beatbreaker! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:00:16] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:01:02] rmckee (rmckee! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:04:28] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit ("Terminated with extreme prejudice - dircproxy 1.0.5")
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[01:10:57] dagar (dagar! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:11] sphery: So, I would imagine that at least *buntu/Debian would have a proper font-replacement rule for Bitstream Vera, right?
[01:12:34] dagar: anyone using jamu from mythbuntu builds?
[01:12:39] dagar:
[01:14:47] wagnerrp: dagar: yeah, trying to dick around with unicode is a source of endless pain
[01:15:09] dagar: this is my first time trying it
[01:15:14] wagnerrp: what is the file?
[01:16:00] dagar: I was just running it with -MV
[01:16:04] dagar: doesn't that scan everything?
[01:16:11] RDV_Linux: dagar: I am the author of Jamu. Give me a minute to check out the error.
[01:16:18] iamlindoro: Jamu is not a scanner
[01:16:18] wagnerrp: yes, but it failed on a specific file
[01:16:31] wagnerrp: namely, one that has non-ascii characters
[01:16:58] wagnerrp: do you have any files with non-english characters in the name?
[01:17:00] dagar: I'll take a look at what I have here
[01:17:38] sphery: has ads?
[01:17:44] sphery: and they use pdf files?
[01:17:54] wagnerrp: RDV_Linux: it actually looks more like one of the built in functions youre using doesnt support unicode
[01:17:59] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:18:02] sphery: what's that for? easier to take advantage of the Adobe PDF vulnerabilities?
[01:18:04] wagnerrp: or at least is not being fed properly
[01:18:14] sphery: (since people update Flash more often than Reader?)
[01:19:00] sphery: OK, that was an offensive ad
[01:19:07] dagar: adblock?
[01:19:20] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:19:25] sphery: (didn't see anything at all, but it made a full screen window and JS that prevented closing it)
[01:19:40] sphery: I think I'll just never again go to
[01:20:02] dagar: so this is jamu v0.4.7 from trunk 21765
[01:20:29] sphery: I wonder if someone hacked their server, because the porn ads (though just words) don't seem the kind of thing a non-porn related site would typically allow
[01:22:21] dagar: anyone here using a zotac ion?
[01:22:49] squidly: sphery: I would not doubt it
[01:23:11] squidly: I looked at the code and they have some nice php injection attacks avaliable to them
[01:24:11] RDV_Linux: dagar: The version would not matter for that specific code has remained unchanged to a along while. The worst thing about python is its handling of unicode. That is all fixed in python v3 but v3 is not backward compatible. I can see what is wrong but fixing it will take more time,
[01:24:50] dagar: RDV_Linux: anything I can do to help?
[01:24:54] dagar: I'm just playing around on a friday night
[01:25:02] squidly: sphery: yea they got haxors
[01:25:07] squidly: or the add hosts got haxored
[01:25:54] RDV_Linux: I will IM you if I come up with anything to try. Maybe just finding out which file name is causing the problem. That would allow me to try things in my test environment.
[01:27:49] sphery: squidly: yeah, I think it's the ad host
[01:28:01] sphery: did you try contacting the owner?
[01:29:32] sphery: heh, even the mailto brings up a hacked ad (first click in the page, so probably an overlay or something)
[01:29:56] squidly: not yet
[01:30:13] squidly: I tired and got hit by redirects and pop-up attacks
[01:32:46] sphery: I sent an e-mail. Hope the FBI doesn't come knocking on my door, now. (Under some kind of, "He who reported it must have hacked it," reasoning.)
[01:33:06] squidly: sphery: they dont
[01:33:28] squidly: and besides they have to show 50K+ in damages (which I bet pastbin wont be able to prove)
[01:33:39] sphery: well, if I disappear in the next couple of days, you all know where to look
[01:33:57] squidly: yep
[01:34:01] iamlindoro:;gumball;1
[01:34:02] iamlindoro: doink!
[01:34:06] clever: sphery: i'll be following you, atleast 2 people claim the FBI are watching me!
[01:34:10] sphery: anyway, thanks for confirming that I'm not crazy
[01:34:19] squidly: welll actually no, now that Guantonimao Bay is being closed
[01:34:31] sphery: heh
[01:34:33] squidly: sphery: I confirmed you were correct, not crasy
[01:34:43] sphery: I guess clever and I can talk Myth behind bars.
[01:34:58] clever: sphery: its just idiots with empty threats
[01:35:01] sphery: that's true... It was the other voices in my head that said I wasn't crazy.
[01:35:13] iamlindoro: Wow, whatever will clever do if he's forced to live indoors 24/7 in a dirty place of squalor
[01:35:20] iamlindoro: and let someone else take care of him
[01:36:25] phunyguy (phunyguy! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[01:36:51] squidly: hmm how can I tell mythfrontend that the themese will be in a different place?
[01:37:02] iamlindoro: You can't
[01:37:04] sphery: anyway, that character is definitely a 2, 3, or 4th byte of a UTF-8 char.
[01:37:13] iamlindoro: installprefix/mythtv/themes
[01:37:14] sphery: which different place?
[01:37:15] iamlindoro: always
[01:37:23] sphery: you can put them in ~/.mythtv
[01:37:26] iamlindoro: and that
[01:37:41] sphery: (at least you could before mythui--don't know if that's still true)
[01:38:05] squidly: sphery: yea I was looking at that
[01:38:45] squidly: sphery: I will try that and let you know
[01:39:20] sphery: the big downside of doing that, though, is when the API changes and themes have to be updated, nothing tells you--except the segfault :)
[01:39:50] sphery: when you use distributed themes in normal dirs, they tend to be updated for in your sharedir, they tend to be updated for you
[01:39:53] squidly: sphery: heh
[01:40:08] squidly: I'm tying to do that but I'm having an issue where it keeps going back to Terra (which I hate)
[01:40:45] squidly: I think the package that made my themes broke
[01:41:11] iamlindoro: Bah, I've been writen out of the equation
[01:41:18] iamlindoro: now *packages* can make themes
[01:41:25] iamlindoro: so simple a .deb can do it!
[01:41:29] squidly: iamlindoro: lol
[01:41:40] squidly: they are pulling from the trunk database
[01:43:13] sphery: squidly: it's $HOME/.mythtv/themes/
[01:43:46] thedarkone (thedarkone! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[01:43:50] sphery: squidly: and the changes to the theme organization may well have broken the theme package creation
[01:44:01] sphery: i.e. there's no myththemes anymore
[01:44:15] squidly: sphery: that is what I'm thinking
[01:44:16] sphery: and oldthemes has most of the, er, old themes
[01:44:24] squidly: that is why I want to try the trunk themes
[01:44:29] Heliwr (Heliwr! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:44:59] sphery: I didn't want to be the one to tell the ubuntu packagers about it--especially since it's likely to change again (themes will go into oldthemes, so oldthemes will be huge, and there won't be myththemes or themes, anymore)
[01:45:09] Heliwr (Heliwr! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:45:14] sphery: until someone writes some new mythui themes
[01:46:36] tgm4883: sphery, no more themes?
[01:47:08] sphery: the old legacy themes in the themes dir will be moved to oldthemes
[01:47:22] squidly: sphery: in the trunk/themes dir?
[01:47:25] sphery: so I mean, specifically, trunk/themes
[01:47:25] sphery: yeah
[01:47:33] squidly: actually it looks like it's already done
[01:49:16] iamlindoro: trunk/themes is not the old themes
[01:49:22] iamlindoro: oldthemes is the old themes
[01:50:13] squidly: iamlindoro: I know. I was saying it looks like the move sphery was talking about already happened
[01:50:33] iamlindoro: yes, yesterday
[01:50:38] iamlindoro: (my yesterday, anyway
[01:50:38] iamlindoro: )
[01:50:49] sphery: trunk/myththemes got moved
[01:50:55] sphery: trunk/themes is still there
[01:51:12] ** iamlindoro sets fire to oldthemes **
[01:51:24] sphery: wait until we put themes in there, too
[01:51:28] Shadow__1 (Shadow__1! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:39] iamlindoro: sphery, except for all the themes in there?
[01:51:40] iamlindoro: :)
[01:51:45] iamlindoro:
[01:52:07] sphery: no, I mean trunk/themes –
[01:52:19] sphery: though there are some wonderful themes in there, they're old legacy (non-mythui ones)
[01:52:21] squidly: sphery: you mean like Graphite
[01:52:44] sphery: OK, that's the one that gets kept
[01:52:55] squidly: can we toast terra
[01:53:03] squidly: IMHO that is on ugly theme
[01:54:21] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit ()
[01:55:26] sphery: no, Terra is good
[01:55:37] sphery: and it's mythui
[01:55:51] squidly: it may be mythui but I hate the way it looks
[01:55:55] iamlindoro: Terra is easily the most consistent theme Myth has, and style is a matter of taste, I quite like it
[01:56:02] sphery: but, if you really think it's bad:
[01:56:16] sphery: now is your chance
[01:56:50] squidly: sphery: I will work on one. But I've gotta find a job first
[01:56:56] sphery: Oh, and /this/ is what I was talking about:
[01:57:10] sphery: graphite will be moved, then themes will be merged into oldthemes
[01:57:19] squidly: food ont he table for my kids take priority over making more
[01:57:23] sphery: (fortunately, graphite is really light, so it's easy to move)
[01:57:31] sphery: food is good
[01:57:35] squidly: sphery: yea..
[01:57:42] iamlindoro: True in more ways than one
[01:57:45] iamlindoro: less than 1 MB
[01:57:53] squidly: lol
[01:58:08] squidly: oh so Graphite is not myhtui
[01:58:12] sphery: iamlindoro: actually, it's about 2.09–2.23 g/cm^3
[01:58:19] iamlindoro: Graphite is MythUI
[01:58:28] sphery: graphite is good
[01:58:30] sphery: and mythui
[01:58:33] iamlindoro: Graphite and Terra are the only two *released* mythUI themes
[01:58:36] iamlindoro: *cough*
[01:58:44] Shadow__X (Shadow__X!n=jose@unaffiliated/shadowx/x-411846) has quit (Connection timed out)
[01:58:48] sphery: which is why it's being moved to be with the other "real" theme
[01:58:51] squidly: ok I though so I was confuges
[02:01:33] squidly: confused*
[02:01:35] android60 (android60!i=d82fc4c9@gateway/web/freenode/x-sjfnpsiljrcbjyyr) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:02:13] android60: I am testing .22, how can I switch between capture cards? I am stuck on my digital one, when I try going through the guide and pressing ok like in .21, it doesnt change it to the selected channel, just sits there
[02:02:18] android60: 0
[02:03:22] wagnerrp: first, youre not testing 0.22, youre testing trunk
[02:03:36] wagnerrp: there is a feature freeze on trunk, in preparation of a branch to 0.22
[02:03:41] wagnerrp: but that has not happened yet
[02:03:50] wagnerrp: go into the menu 'm' while in livetv
[02:03:56] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit ("ZNC by prozac -")
[02:04:03] wagnerrp: and go to 'select tuner' or 'switch tuner'
[02:04:11] wagnerrp: something like there
[02:04:22] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:04:22] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[02:04:22] wagnerrp: there is also a hotkey to cycle between them, but i dont know what it is off hand
[02:04:45] android60: ok, where can I set what buttons on my remote do what?
[02:05:20] squidly: android60: setting -> Edit Keys
[02:05:28] android60: ok thanks
[02:05:36] squidly: and also you have to set lirc to send the command
[02:05:53] android60: also, on one analog card, the picture is full of static, on the other analog card the picture is all wavy
[02:06:08] android60: idk if its just b.c they are old not so great cards or what
[02:07:13] squidly: what cards do you have?
[02:14:33] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:28] android60: squidly: ati tv wonder ve, and plextor tv100u
[02:16:15] wokasaur (wokasaur! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[02:26:56] poodyp1 (poodyp1! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:32:40] dashcloud (dashcloud! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:36:45] phunyguy (phunyguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:39:37] squidly: android60: ahh sorry I dont use either of them
[02:40:19] poodyp1 (poodyp1! has quit ("Leaving.")
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[02:47:08] gizmobay (gizmobay!n=gizmobay@VDSL-130-13-3-58.PHNX.QWEST.NET) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:47:56] gizmobay: Anyone know where I can get for trunk?
[02:48:10] gizmobay: that is
[02:48:40] kormoc: why not just run the icon grabber in mythtv-setup?
[02:49:29] gizmobay: oh, didn't know it was in there. I've been using the same cable for 5 years and I have to change
[02:56:20] hadees (hadees! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:59:33] android60 (android60!i=d82fc4c9@gateway/web/freenode/x-sjfnpsiljrcbjyyr) has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[03:01:45] sphery: or, if you want command line, run
[03:02:02] sphery: but mythtv-setup should be much easier
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[03:13:30] drenyx (drenyx! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:21:14] croppa (croppa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:24:27] FisherPrice70 (FisherPrice70!n=david@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:24:57] wombo_: woohoo my first ticket got committed
[03:25:18] FisherPrice70: My mceusb remote has stopped working since I did an update this morning
[03:25:19] drenyx: if I wasn't in a channel that dealt with code, I'd be worried for you wombo
[03:25:33] FisherPrice70: I've used mode2 to see if it's receiving input and it is
[03:25:36] pat- (pat-! has quit ("quit")
[03:25:36] FisherPrice70: any ideas
[03:25:46] wombo_: lol
[03:25:47] drenyx: FP: irw working?
[03:26:01] FisherPrice70: um, ok how can I check?
[03:26:11] drenyx: run irw on a console and try using your remote
[03:26:22] kormoc: wombo_: and your second as well, Awesome work! :)
[03:26:28] drenyx: if irw works, then it's your app
[03:26:37] wombo_: thanks kormoc
[03:26:58] FisherPrice70: ok I'm using mythbuntu and they have said to use mode2 instead
[03:27:05] FisherPrice70: but irw doesn't say anything...
[03:27:11] drenyx: wombo: I'm a little tired but I read "ticket" and "committed" and I don't usually go that deep into code stuff
[03:27:12] FisherPrice70: just sits there with nothing
[03:27:50] FisherPrice70: but mode2 is ok, it comes up with codes
[03:27:52] drenyx: FP: mode2 tells you your driver is working
[03:28:09] drenyx: irw tells you if lircd is running and talking to the driver correctly with a config file that works
[03:28:27] FisherPrice70: well irw says nothing
[03:28:28] drenyx: so if irw isn't showing you anything, then that means your problem is with lircd
[03:28:39] wombo_: kormoc, im hoping in the next release to move the power search snips to the database. so then they can be shared with MythUI
[03:28:54] drenyx: and/or it's config file, or it can't talk to the driver, but it would usually say if you can't talk to the device/driver
[03:29:49] FisherPrice70: well, looks like my lircd is borked somehow
[03:30:04] drenyx: I played with lirc just enough to figure out how to track down the problems, and this is about it
[03:30:17] kormoc: wombo_: yeah, that'd be really awesome
[03:30:21] drenyx: I'm not familiar with your remote, does it operate more than one device?
[03:30:39] FisherPrice70: well it's a usb mce remote
[03:31:20] drenyx: I got lirc working for *me* so I know the software, but I don't know all the hardware variations
[03:31:29] FisherPrice70: that's ok
[03:31:44] drenyx: so the best I can suggest is to double check your config file didn't get screwed up
[03:31:47] FisherPrice70: if the hardware is working... just point me in the right way
[03:32:06] drenyx: yes, so mode2 says your hardware is working, is lircd running?
[03:32:10] i_is_cat: :|
[03:32:14] FisherPrice70: lircd is runing too
[03:32:43] drenyx: are you running irw as a user or as root?
[03:32:48] FisherPrice70: user
[03:33:00] drenyx: what's the permissions on /dev/lirc*
[03:33:22] FisherPrice70: 666
[03:34:39] Newsome (Newsome! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:34:40] drenyx: I think from here what I've done before is made some dummy file for lirc
[03:35:05] i_is_cat: my mceusb needs specification when starting lirc.. ie: lircd -d /dev/lirc0 -o /dev/lircd /etc/lirc/lircd.conf and its good anything less and it doesnt seem to wanna work
[03:35:07] drenyx: I think you can do irrecord /etc/lircd-testing.conf
[03:35:37] drenyx: and see if irrecord can map out your remote again
[03:37:55] drenyx: but I found irw was a good friend to have, it basically shows what lircd is interpreting the signal into buttonwise for your apps to see
[03:38:09] drenyx: so if it doesn't show anything, than it's easy enough pinned down to lircd
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[03:59:20] Dassu (Dassu! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:00:22] Dassu: is there a way to see what command mythshutdown executes (with variable values) when mytshutdown -t is ran ?
[04:00:51] Dassu: pretty confusing as all I see with -v most is " Mythshutdown: wakeup time given is: 2009-09–12T16:53:00
[04:00:53] FisherPrice70: drenyx: is there a way to specify the config file to use?
[04:00:58] Dassu: well.
[04:03:09] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:05:35] drenyx: yes
[04:05:37] drenyx: one sec
[04:06:15] drenyx: it's just on the command line
[04:06:21] drenyx: no -a -b -c or -d
[04:06:27] drenyx: lircd /etc/lircd.conf
[04:06:55] drenyx: I've found if you replaced the same file you were using a killall -HUP lircd seemed to work for me
[04:09:07] FisherPrice70: ok, I've used irrecord to create a conf file
[04:09:23] FisherPrice70: stopped and restarted lircd using that config
[04:09:31] dashcloud (dashcloud! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:09:31] FisherPrice70: but when I use irw it is still blank
[04:09:32] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch, Did I show you the new baby, btw?
[04:09:34] FisherPrice70: :S
[04:09:53] Captain_Murdoch: iamlindoro, yeah, looked at those pics the other day when you posted to the list.
[04:09:54] Captain_Murdoch: nice
[04:10:09] dmz (dmz! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:10:17] iamlindoro: cool... have done a bit more since but having fun trying to force myself to be extremely consistent
[04:10:45] gizmobay (gizmobay!n=gizmobay@VDSL-130-13-3-58.PHNX.QWEST.NET) has quit ("Leaving")
[04:12:54] FisherPrice70: drenyx: ^
[04:13:01] FisherPrice70: any more ideas
[04:13:40] FisherPrice70: should I need to use irw with any parameters?
[04:14:00] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:14:16] Swaebby (Swaebby! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:14:18] Dassu: so.
[04:14:53] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:14:59] Swaebby is now known as Swabby
[04:15:00] Dassu: Let me get this straight "mythshutdown -t" is suppose to run "Command to set Wakeup Time: " of mythtv setup ?
[04:15:10] drenyx: umm...did playing with irrecord do anything for you?
[04:15:22] FisherPrice70: well it created a conf file
[04:15:35] Swabby: Okay...don't shoot me..but what the major advantages of using MCE vs MythTV as a media center platform?
[04:15:52] FisherPrice70: which I used "sudo lircd /home/me/lircd-testing.conf" on
[04:15:59] FisherPrice70: then it said it started up fine
[04:16:12] drenyx: and still nothing from irw?
[04:16:13] FisherPrice70: but when I ran irw it did nothing again
[04:16:58] drenyx: hrmm...I really don't know get what I was saying about what mode2 shows vs what irw shows right?
[04:17:26] [R]: Swabby: one you are restricted and can only do what microsoft says you can... one you can do whatever you want
[04:18:09] FisherPrice70: I think so
[04:20:08] AnNahar1 (AnNahar1! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:20:11] gizmobay (gizmobay!n=gizmobay@VDSL-130-13-3-58.PHNX.QWEST.NET) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:20:13] AnNahar1: help, my display video is blueish or something
[04:20:19] AnNahar1: not in the preview from mythfrontend, but only when i play
[04:22:20] gizmobay: I'm trying to add two video sources. I added them in Schedules Direct and then I added them through myth-setup. When I do a filldb --do-channel-updates, the channels for the two new video sources are empty in mythtv-setup.
[04:22:57] gizmobay: I thought filldb would pull in the new channel info on the new video sources
[04:23:26] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:23:34] iamlindoro: JEEZ, kormoc, I'm gonna have to relearn mythweb here ;)
[04:27:12] Shadow__1 is now known as Jebediah_Springf
[04:29:57] sphery: What? He finally converted MythWeb to Python?
[04:30:13] sphery: Jebediah Springfield... heh
[04:30:14] iamlindoro: exactly. It's four lines long now
[04:30:21] Dassu: yeah.
[04:30:22] iamlindoro: import MythTV
[04:30:25] ** Dassu is confused **
[04:30:25] iamlindoro: import ajax
[04:30:32] iamlindoro: import bling
[04:30:37] sphery: nice... No wonder it took so long--most Python programs are half that size.
[04:30:46] iamlindoro: import rootkit
[04:30:53] ** kormoc laughs **
[04:31:02] sphery: Dassu: ignore me, I'm making things up
[04:31:05] kormoc: It's how I plan to make money ;)
[04:31:12] kormoc: Dassu: inside joke ;)
[04:31:24] Jebediah_Springf: sphery: you like?
[04:31:27] iamlindoro: "Paypal me $100 within 24 hours or the nudie videos of your wife go worldwide"
[04:31:48] sphery: Jebediah_Springf: yeah... didn't realize there was a max length on nick, though
[04:32:30] AnNahar1: kormoc: help please
[04:32:31] Jebediah_Springf: neither did i until now
[04:32:36] sphery: wait, the new mythweb isn't the one sending me all those e-mails purporting to be from the Internal Revenue Service saying that I grossly underestimated my tax payment?
[04:32:54] ** kormoc blinks **
[04:32:59] sphery: AnNahar1: what video drivers? sounds like a broken driver.
[04:33:06] iamlindoro: import nigerianPrince
[04:33:30] sphery: AnNahar1: Xv isn't working properly--unless you mean you see normal picture but things like people are bluish looking
[04:33:48] sphery: AnNahar1: then your Hue needs set
[04:33:54] iamlindoro: kormoc, umm... so the fix for mythweb streaming unfixed my mythweb streaming :)
[04:34:20] ** kormoc blinks **
[04:34:24] sphery: maybe it changed your IP address from
[04:34:38] sphery: Dry eyes? Get Visine.
[04:35:04] iamlindoro: Heh, for reference mythweb is stock, no diffs :)
[04:35:06] kormoc: Get's the red out
[04:35:13] iamlindoro: looking for info now
[04:35:17] kormoc: iamlindoro: hrm....
[04:35:33] iamlindoro: File does not exist: /var/www/pl
[04:35:42] iamlindoro: should be /var/www/mythweb/pl :)
[04:35:47] kormoc: hrmmmmmmm
[04:35:52] iamlindoro: redirectbase thing again?
[04:36:46] kormoc: ooh, I think I see
[04:36:49] AnNahar1: yes, the people are blueish
[04:36:51] AnNahar1: what to do, sphery ?
[04:37:18] iamlindoro: it's either a) broken compile of myth
[04:37:20] iamlindoro: or
[04:37:22] sphery: AnNahar1: change the hue
[04:37:30] kormoc: iamlindoro: care to edit includes/defines.php and change line 109 to $stream_url .= '/'.root; and see if that fixes it?
[04:37:31] iamlindoro: b) VDPAU then switched back to Xv
[04:37:44] iamlindoro: That doesn't LOOK like python, mister
[04:37:49] lyricnzzzz: Waaah, myth/drivers have started randomly not recording things :(
[04:37:59] AnNahar1: sphery im confused because i didn't change it to get this way, so i didn't know if i did something wrong
[04:38:29] sphery: AnNahar1: we don't blame here... it is the way it is. Just need to fix it.  :)
[04:38:36] AnNahar1: sphery: what do i do to fix it?
[04:38:46] iamlindoro: kormoc, yup, that fixes it
[04:38:50] kormoc: snaz
[04:38:52] sphery: AnNahar1: you can edit the hue by the F key during playback (might still work)
[04:39:11] sphery: I think that's how to change it
[04:39:32] AnNahar1: f does nothing, it seems
[04:39:55] AnNahar1: my keys dont do anything at all, it seems
[04:39:58] sphery: what video card/drivers/mythtv?
[04:40:05] iamlindoro: emmmplayaaaaaa!
[04:40:15] AnNahar1: nvidia
[04:40:22] sphery: and are you /sure/ you're using Myth to play the file?
[04:40:33] AnNahar1: yup, i opened it in mythfrontend
[04:40:57] sphery: where in mythfrontend?
[04:41:07] sphery: Watch Recordings or Watch Videos?
[04:41:11] AnNahar1: watch recordings
[04:41:20] sphery: and are you using vdpau?
[04:41:24] sphery: what driver version?
[04:41:34] AnNahar1: vdpau?
[04:41:47] sphery: what video card?
[04:42:10] sphery: like, which nvidia model number
[04:42:51] AnNahar1: ring: GeForce 9600 GT/PCI/SSE2
[04:43:16] sphery: and which version of Myth? specificall the branch and revision provided by mythbackend --version
[04:43:32] AnNahar1: MythTV Version  : 0.21–20.fc11
[04:43:32] AnNahar1: MythTV Branch  : tags/release-0–21
[04:43:43] AnNahar1 is now known as AnNahar
[04:43:52] sphery: so I'm guessing that means no vdpau
[04:44:05] sphery: and you're using nvidia proprietary drivers?
[04:44:08] iamlindoro: my svn uping can't keep up with kormoc's svn ci'ing
[04:44:22] AnNahar: did ya'll ever readd pa support?
[04:44:28] AnNahar: xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs-185.18.36–1.fc11.i586
[04:44:31] FisherPrice70: does anyone else have any ideas about my remote problem?
[04:44:37] iamlindoro: we've always supported Pennsylvania
[04:44:46] kormoc: Indeed, I'd be mad if we didn't
[04:44:58] sphery: PulseAudio, though, not so much
[04:45:04] AnNahar: p works for pause
[04:45:07] AnNahar: but like, i doesn't
[04:45:14] AnNahar: ff and rw doesn't
[04:45:28] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[04:45:33] FisherPrice70: drenyx: one thing I may have forgotten to mention... though I don't know what difference it would make is that I've put another capture card in my pc and it has a remote input (which I haven't plugged id)
[04:45:38] FisherPrice70: id=in
[04:45:48] sphery: can you try going to Menu->Picture Settings->Hue and changing it to see if it fixes your blue people
[04:46:32] sphery: basically, you should try either 0 or 50 or 100% values
[04:46:38] AnNahar: where do i get there from?
[04:47:05] drenyx: umm...check your dmesg for details on what the driver is pointing to? make sure it didn't pick something up and load a /dev/lirc1 and it's got something pointing the wrong way instead of /dev/lirc0 ?
[04:47:31] sphery: during playback, hit M for the menu, then scroll to the rest and use right or select to select them
[04:48:07] drenyx: I *think* the capture cards have all the ir receiver hardware on the board (a driver can talk to the receiver but it won't get any signals) and the piece you attach to the tuner card is just the eye itself
[04:48:46] FisherPrice70: dmesg looks fine
[04:49:33] lyricnzzzz is now known as lyricnz
[04:49:38] drenyx: other card isn't getting picked up?
[04:50:04] drenyx: 'cause I agree if mode2 works then the driver is seeing your remote
[04:50:41] drenyx: just seems somehow lircd isn't working right
[04:50:50] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:50:51] AnNahar: i hit enter on hue and the menus left
[04:51:37] sphery: you may need to change your OSD theme
[04:51:42] AnNahar: k
[04:51:49] FisherPrice70: yeah though syslog has something
[04:52:00] FisherPrice70: lircd-0.8.4a[8338]: Failed to initialize hardware
[04:52:01] sphery: back in mythfrontend's GUI (not in playback), go to Utilities/Setup|Setup|TV Settings|OSD Settings
[04:52:05] sphery: and select a different theme
[04:52:15] AnNahar: k
[04:52:17] drenyx: there you go
[04:52:18] AnNahar: changed
[04:52:23] sphery: it sounds like yours may be broken
[04:52:30] drenyx: so need to figure out why it can't initialize the hardware
[04:53:15] drenyx: that one if it's not a permissions issue, I don't know
[04:53:29] AnNahar: that fixed it but i couldn't see it moving
[04:53:44] AnNahar: sphery: i dont see the tiome in the show either when i hit left and right
[04:53:45] sphery: see what moving?
[04:54:00] boylec (boylec!n=boylec@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:54:05] FisherPrice70: well, I think it's looking for /dev/lirc0 but it doesn't exist atm
[04:54:18] AnNahar: weird, i only have like 3 themes installed
[04:54:21] drenyx: well that would be a big issue
[04:54:33] drenyx: what does you dmesg show for lirc driver?
[04:54:34] sphery: sounds like your theme install didn't work right
[04:54:42] iamlindoro: or you're changing menu theme
[04:54:44] sphery: I recommend uninstalling all theme packages and reinstalling
[04:54:49] drenyx: lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 61
[04:54:51] AnNahar: thx sir
[04:54:52] sphery: or that
[04:55:26] FisherPrice70: lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 61
[04:55:44] drenyx: I belive you want to mknod /dev/lirc0 61 0
[04:55:47] sphery: Ground control to Major 61...
[04:55:56] drenyx: then chmod 666 /dev/lirc0
[04:55:59] iamlindoro: kormoc, something's wrong w/ mythweb, I tried import MythWeb in JAMU but it won't work
[04:56:01] drenyx: and try re-running lircd
[04:56:07] iamlindoro: your new code is broken
[04:56:11] iamlindoro: ;)
[04:56:18] kormoc: hehe
[04:56:30] sphery: Why'd it have to be snakes?
[04:56:39] AnNahar: 60m!
[04:56:41] AnNahar: wowzers!
[04:57:05] Dassu: aargh can somebody please guide me. It appears that mythshutdown -t isn't even running the setwakeup command
[04:57:30] ** drenyx happens to still be proud of the lirc serial module he made **
[04:57:35] olejl (olejl!n=olejl@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:57:43] FisherPrice70: mknod: missing operand after `0'
[04:57:51] sphery: Dassu: only guidance I can give is to and
[04:57:59] sphery: (never done shutdown stuff myself)
[04:58:03] drenyx: oh, wait, it's been a while
[04:58:36] drenyx: mknod /dev/lirc0 c 61 0
[04:59:26] drenyx: so if your /dev/ stuff was screwed up I have /dev/lircd , /dev/lirc0 and /dev/lirc (symlink to /dev/lirc0)
[04:59:34] Dassu:
[04:59:54] FisherPrice70: npe
[04:59:55] Dassu: sphery: I don't even see why should one use mythwelcome when shutdown settings are in mythtv-setup
[05:00:02] Dassu: sphery: and already read those
[05:00:04] FisherPrice70: drenyx: phail :(
[05:00:07] drenyx: nope? what nope
[05:00:09] drenyx: how fail?
[05:00:10] FisherPrice70: didn't work
[05:00:21] Swabby (Swabby! has quit ()
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[05:00:41] FisherPrice70: well /dev/lirc0 is there
[05:00:54] FisherPrice70: and I restarted lircd
[05:01:01] FisherPrice70: but irw still doesn't work
[05:01:06] drenyx: chmod 666 on /dev/lirc0 ?
[05:01:13] FisherPrice70: hrm
[05:01:18] FisherPrice70: didn't do that
[05:01:19] sphery: Dassu: mythfrontend will prevent the system from shutting down (as long as any mythfrontend is connected to a backend, the backend can't shut down), so mythwelcome is an "idling" program you use to allow you to shut down mythfrontend when you're not using it to allow shutdown, but that allows easy restart of mythfrontend when you want to watch TV
[05:01:22] iamlindoro: irw will never work if you don't have a valid lircd.conf
[05:01:25] iamlindoro: run mode2
[05:01:27] drenyx: what do you have if you ls /dev/lirc*
[05:01:38] iamlindoro: you need to test raw mode before trying to test the "interpeteted" mode
[05:02:02] drenyx: iamlindoro, his /dev files were screwed up and lircd won't talk to the driver or some crap
[05:02:21] iamlindoro: all the same, until you have a response from mode2, running irw is silly
[05:02:26] FisherPrice70: YAY, I have lift off
[05:02:29] iamlindoro: it's like trying to diagnose your limp by flying a plane
[05:02:45] FisherPrice70: irw returns
[05:02:54] Dassu: sphery: Well. I don't want my system to shutdown automatically. I want it to wakeup automatically
[05:02:57] drenyx: so if irw works your apps should too
[05:03:27] drenyx: iamlindoro: mode2 worked all along, but thought it would've relied on /dev/lirc* too
[05:03:28] sphery: unfortunately, I can't help with that as I haven't used any of that, so I don't know how it works
[05:03:51] iamlindoro: if mode2 worked all along, then the problem wasn't /dev nodes
[05:04:12] iamlindoro: mode2 tests the operation of dev nodes, irw test all of the above plus the lirc daemon config
[05:04:16] FisherPrice70: well it was apparently
[05:04:22] drenyx: that's what has me puzzled, but he claims /dev/lirc0 was missing and recreating it brought it back to live
[05:04:23] drenyx: life
[05:04:36] sphery: I can't wait until the new version, mode3, is released
[05:04:57] Dassu: sphery: well. AS this seems to be a total hell to do I rather fall back in the cronjobs and scripts
[05:04:59] olejl (olejl!n=olejl@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[05:05:11] FisherPrice70: I think that the mythbuntu team changed things.. when I did a ls /dev/lir* I got /dev/lirc and /dev/lircd
[05:05:13] drenyx: sphery: we don't want to have that kind of fun
[05:05:27] FisherPrice70: before I did the addition of lirc0
[05:05:41] FisherPrice70: I think the mythbuntu pple changed the setup somehow
[05:05:55] Dassu: imho mythshutdown -v all is either not reporting everything or --help reports wrong info on '-w' or -t option
[05:06:00] FisherPrice70: so that the /dev/lirc was created and /dev/lirc0 was deleted
[05:06:11] FisherPrice70: so it stopped the remote from working
[05:06:24] FisherPrice70: does that make sense?
[05:06:24] drenyx: if you ls -l /dev/lirc* then lirc starts with a c for character?
[05:06:31] drenyx: matches /dev/lirc0
[05:06:37] Dassu: Most propably there is just something that prevents the wakeup set commadn from being ran and mytshutdown doesn't tell me about it. It is absolutely certain that the script isnt executed
[05:06:39] drenyx: and /dev/lircd is s for socket?
[05:07:22] FisherPrice70: duno
[05:07:33] drenyx: I said if you ls -l /dev/lirc* it will show
[05:07:42] FisherPrice70: but now I have two lirc files that are pointing to 61
[05:07:47] FisherPrice70: crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 61, 0 2009-09–12 14:39 /dev/lirc
[05:07:47] FisherPrice70: crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 61, 0 2009-09–12 14:59 /dev/lirc0
[05:07:51] drenyx: yes
[05:07:59] drenyx: the c at the beginning means character device
[05:08:05] drenyx: and lircd should have s for socket
[05:08:11] FisherPrice70: yes I do
[05:08:12] AnNahar (AnNahar! has quit ()
[05:08:22] FisherPrice70: srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 2009-09–12 15:01 /dev/lircd
[05:08:51] drenyx: mode2 may have found /dev/lirc where lircd was stuck looking for /dev/lirc0
[05:09:01] FisherPrice70: I suspect so
[05:09:17] FisherPrice70: and I think that it was something to do with the update
[05:10:20] drenyx: might post that on some forum then for them
[05:10:38] FisherPrice70: yeah... I should do that
[05:11:42] FisherPrice70: I'll get onto the mythbuntu dev site
[05:13:11] drenyx: now if someone will fix my splashy I'll be happy
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[05:28:10] paperclip: mytharchive fails on the ffmpeg command with pretty much no explanation.. is that common?
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[05:52:03] paperclip: looks like the ffmpeg in medibuntu doesn't contain the "mpeg2video" encoder
[05:55:15] paperclip: odd.. is mpeg2 patent encumbered or something? it's not included in Ubuntu either apparently..
[05:55:23] kormoc: it is
[05:57:21] paperclip: is included.. or is encumbered?
[05:57:55] kormoc: encumbered
[05:57:58] iamlindoro: is patented
[05:58:04] paperclip: neither explains why it isn't in medibuntu
[05:58:15] iamlindoro: them wanting to keep their houses does
[05:58:28] kormoc: just enable the restricted sources and install it?
[05:58:31] paperclip: i thought they were in other countries
[05:58:40] kormoc: erm... not all of them?
[05:58:47] paperclip: hmm
[05:58:57] paperclip: does mytharchive work for you?
[05:59:03] kormoc: it's a 3 click process to get it... why's that so hard to do?
[05:59:20] paperclip: it's not.. it took a while for me to track down the problem..
[05:59:45] iamlindoro: so just compile it yourself
[05:59:45] paperclip: pretty sure i have restricted..
[06:00:03] paperclip: i'm not a big fan of that solution..
[06:00:11] iamlindoro: erm... why?
[06:00:16] iamlindoro: because you're not able?
[06:00:22] paperclip: I'm able..
[06:00:27] iamlindoro: so....?
[06:00:31] paperclip: just able and lazy
[06:00:37] kormoc: Woo!
[06:00:39] paperclip: I'm not complaining..
[06:00:43] iamlindoro: if you're able, it'l take you < 5 minutes
[06:00:51] iamlindoro: let's see how long lazy takes
[06:00:54] paperclip: just wraping my brain around the problem
[06:00:56] paperclip: heh
[06:01:02] iamlindoro: it's 11:03 now, let me know when it's done
[06:01:06] ** kormoc eyes mythweb patches **
[06:01:09] paperclip: it'll take me more than 5 minutes..
[06:01:13] iamlindoro: like hell it will
[06:01:18] paperclip: thanks for the replies..
[06:01:19] artus35 (artus35! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:01:21] ** iamlindoro goes to compile ffmpeg to prove a point **
[06:01:35] ** kormoc types emerge ffmpeg and taps his foot **
[06:01:36] paperclip: could you make a package for jaunty :P
[06:02:11] ** kormoc doesn't use/support Ubuntu out of principal **
[06:02:53] wagnerrp: seems 802.11n finally got ratified
[06:03:25] kormoc: cool... I wonder if my Apple hardware is ratified as well
[06:03:28] stoffel (stoffel! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:03:39] paperclip: i used debian for years.. then switched to gentoo when all the cool kids did.. but got tired of the wait..
[06:03:53] iamlindoro: You're *still* waiting
[06:03:55] kormoc: I'm way faster on Gentoo then any other distro
[06:04:02] iamlindoro: real 1m16.008s
[06:04:02] iamlindoro: user 4m9.856s
[06:04:02] iamlindoro: sys 0m22.833s
[06:04:03] paperclip: it is a nice system.. but I'm really happy with ubuntu
[06:04:06] iamlindoro: done
[06:04:14] paperclip: hah.. I haven't even started..
[06:04:16] iamlindoro: that's with a fresh checkout, and it supports mp3 and MPEG-2
[06:04:19] iamlindoro: on ubuntu
[06:04:22] paperclip: nice
[06:04:24] iamlindoro: so much for the lazy way
[06:04:41] paperclip: I was just seeing if mytharchive worked..
[06:04:46] iamlindoro: mytharchive works fine
[06:04:50] kormoc: Works for me (tm)(r)
[06:04:52] paperclip: and i figured out why it didn't (for me)
[06:05:03] paperclip: and I'm happy with that for the moment
[06:05:12] ** iamlindoro sighs **
[06:05:23] paperclip: me too..
[06:05:33] paperclip: are you still drinking coffee at this hour?
[06:06:12] ** kormoc blinks and wonders what that means **
[06:08:20] iamlindoro: bah, don't have the attention span to review any more translations tonight
[06:08:30] iamlindoro: Wanted to get Czech done, but maybe tomorrow
[06:09:02] kormoc: Onay Igpay Atinlay?
[06:09:41] iamlindoro: mythfrontend_ipal.ts
[06:09:57] kormoc: Hehe
[06:10:03] mchou (mchou!n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:10:11] kormoc: I half want to convert mythweb over to gettext
[06:10:19] iamlindoro: no klingong or swedish chef translations this time either
[06:10:23] iamlindoro: er kilngon
[06:10:32] iamlindoro: bork bork forget old bork
[06:10:38] kormoc: Hehe
[06:10:50] drenyx: wait, there's a klingon language pack for mythtv?
[06:11:02] kormoc: KIPAH!
[06:11:12] drenyx: I think the girlfriend would hate it
[06:11:16] drenyx: perfect
[06:11:40] kormoc: There's easier ways to get rid of that insignificant other
[06:11:41] paperclip: wouldn't you need a klingon font?
[06:12:07] kormoc: which there are plenty of
[06:12:24] iamlindoro: not to mention most translated klingon is transliterated
[06:12:54] paperclip: heh
[06:13:10] paperclip: that takes the fun out of it
[06:13:17] paperclip: lazy asses!
[06:13:30] iamlindoro: pot, meet kettle... hey, you're black!
[06:13:41] paperclip: affermative
[06:14:04] drenyx: I didn't want to get rid of the girlfriend, just keep her off my toys :>
[06:14:43] kormoc: If having her playing with toys is a bad thing, you have the wrong toys...
[06:14:45] drenyx: I need a remote control translated into klingon too then
[06:15:15] drenyx: that's the thing, I want her to get bored with my toys so she goes and plays with her toys
[06:15:48] kormoc: The fun's in the sharing...
[06:15:57] kormoc: *Anyway....
[06:17:56] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:19:49] FisherPrice70 (FisherPrice70!n=david@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[06:22:45] i_is_cat (i_is_cat! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[06:38:19] Dagmar (Dagmar!i=dagmar@unaffiliated/dagmar) has joined #MythTV-Users
[06:38:25] Dagmar: It LIVES
[06:38:47] Dagmar: I managed to get the builds working on Slack 13 once I stopped hanging out in here and running my mouth.
[06:41:56] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:43:06] drenyx: sup dagmar
[06:43:23] drenyx: I did get mine working the week or two ago
[06:43:29] drenyx: I guess 2–3 now
[06:44:53] Dagmar: Yeah and once I test these packages some more no one will have to go through that nonsense again
[06:45:27] Dagmar: Well, no more Slackware users anyway
[06:45:43] drenyx: now I'm just trying to get slackware to play nice with splashy
[06:45:51] Dagmar: I'm just going to start keeping a rogue's gallery of the misguided hate mail I get
[06:46:15] Dagmar: "You're turning it into Gentoo!"
[06:46:34] Dagmar: "You blaspheme against the holy Patrick!"
[06:46:37] Dagmar: Stuff like that
[06:47:26] drenyx: why don't you just buy a commercial package if you're gonna make it like that :P
[06:47:40] Dagmar: Make what like what
[06:47:50] Dagmar: You've heard of Dropline, right?
[06:47:53] drenyx: ok, my bad hatemail thing wasn't as good I guess
[06:47:57] drenyx: nope, no dropline here
[06:48:06] Dagmar: ...but you've heard of it, right?
[06:48:09] drenyx: nope
[06:48:26] Dagmar: Ah okay.
[06:48:40] Dagmar: So like, some years ago I was basically building Gnome myself every time
[06:48:48] Dagmar: Every bit of it.
[06:48:59] Dagmar: It seemed more sanitary than whipping myself with barbed wire.
[06:49:21] Dagmar: Anyway, Todd K of the Dropline project was also doing this, and packagizing it for others
[06:50:04] Dagmar: ...but he had to deal with grad school, so he was bowing out and it looked like it was going to die, so I saw what they were doing and which resource they were short on (man hours) so I sat down and ported my build engine code into theirs
[06:50:31] poodyp (poodyp! has quit ()
[06:50:35] Dagmar: So until about 12.0ish when I started getting buried in personal stufff, we were shipping out stellar sets of pakcages for Gnome with an installer app and everything
[06:50:46] Dagmar: ...and man oh man you just have no idea the number of misanthopes who use Slackware.
[06:51:51] drenyx: I'm realizing I haven't had dinner yet
[06:51:57] drenyx: I might have to go hunt something donw
[06:52:10] Dagmar: I've gotten complaints about literally everything
[06:53:01] Dagmar: The valid ones I fixed most of the time, but the invalid ones from people who simply don't quite know how to manage unix yet were numerous
[06:53:31] Dagmar: So like, there's a degree to which I hesitate to mention Dropline-built packages to strangers
[06:53:43] Dagmar: I never know when i'm going to hear "OMG IT R INTRUSIV!"
[06:54:04] Dagmar: You'd be amazed the amount of fudding that goes on JUST becuse you put PAM into a system
[06:55:00] dserban_: omglol? slack doesn't use pam?
[06:55:11] Dagmar: PFft. You're kidding, right?
[06:55:56] dserban_: lollercopter?
[06:55:59] Dagmar: k
[06:56:01] dserban_: Eh nah not kiddin'.
[06:56:12] dserban_: Haven't seen/used slack since '95ish
[06:56:23] drenyx: I still like it
[06:56:29] Dagmar: It hasn't changed much.
[06:57:10] dserban_: Wow. Right on, as long as it has the balls to keep it real. I also delved into lfs once... got tired of the constant "maintenance"
[06:57:11] dustybin: Dagmar: do you have a mythtv slack build script?
[06:57:38] Dagmar: It definitely doesn' have PAM, and while PAM _used_ to simply be a liability, when you start getting into advanced desktop stuff, you simply _can't_ avoid it because it provides a lot more security
[06:57:57] Dagmar: dustybin: I have had them for a long while now, I've just finally gotten them more or less functioning with Slack 13 now
[06:58:03] dustybin: ok
[06:58:16] Dagmar: I'm not sure about the 64-bit stuff yet tho so I'm taking my time on that
[06:58:42] dustybin: C is portable, does that mean everything can be compiled to support 64-bit arch?
[06:58:52] Dagmar: What? Yes of course
[06:59:09] Dagmar: It's a real BITCH to make 32-bit and 64-bit libs play nice on the same system
[06:59:13] KraMer (KraMer! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[06:59:13] Dagmar: THat's about it
[06:59:17] dustybin: right ok
[06:59:29] Dagmar: If you want to compile something for 64-bit, unless you've got a lot of what amounts to _bad code_ it'll compile.
[07:00:02] Dagmar: If people follow best practices with setting up structs and detecting length of int and so on and don't make a lot of forays into inline assembly, it generally works fine
[07:00:17] dustybin: ok
[07:00:38] Dagmar: I'm trying to get my head around what Pat's done, since it's the result of him riffing off what some other guys were doing
[07:01:01] Dagmar: All long time slackware heads
[07:01:17] Dagmar: ...but these are all guys who you can throw at pretty much any Unix and they can run it
[07:01:40] Dagmar: I want to make sure that I don't eff anything up for this release of Droplien
[07:01:56] Dagmar: I'm pretty sure we'll be able to just keep using the same scripts for both platforms with a few tweaks to the engine
[07:02:33] dserban_: hmm... another stupid question. what would make mythbuntu complain that the media is read-only etc when I insert a dvd in the drive?... is that a function of hal?
[07:02:37] Dagmar: Then I can get some *stuff* done on my desktop again instead of living like a nomad off of thumb drives, laptops running Ubuntu, and vmware images
[07:03:35] dustybin: i want a copy of this: . . . e_%28book%29
[07:04:18] [R]: dserban_: you expect it to say its read-write?
[07:04:35] wagnerrp: dustybin: so... buy one
[07:04:51] Dagmar: You aiming to get it as a collector's item?
[07:05:01] dustybin: 'The first edition of the book, published in 1978'
[07:05:08] dustybin: C has been around for ages
[07:05:16] wagnerrp: uh huh...
[07:05:32] Dagmar: Dennis Richie is practically considered a god by a lot of people.
[07:05:53] wagnerrp: hes certainly got the beard for it
[07:06:27] wagnerrp: then again, most of those old UNIX guys did
[07:06:37] Dagmar: Well, yeah
[07:06:40] dustybin: here he is in action: . . . nis-ken2.jpg
[07:07:11] Dagmar: You can tell them apart from Windows admins that way
[07:07:14] toorima (toorima! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:07:20] dserban_: [R], nope... just seems that fstab doesn't say it's ro... which it isn't since it's a writer... but every time i insert a dvd to watch it complains about four different messages .. one... it's not writeable, so mounting read only and the others just cascade from there...
[07:07:21] dserban_: odd
[07:07:23] Dagmar: Unix auncients have long hair and beards
[07:07:32] Dagmar: Windows auncients are playing golf
[07:07:36] Dagmar: :)
[07:07:56] [R]: dserban_: if you put ro in fstab, it might go away... its trying to mount it rw, and tahts failing, hence the message
[07:08:20] Dagmar: hUH?
[07:08:24] Dagmar: What distro is he using?
[07:08:32] Dagmar: Those aren't problems people should have anymore
[07:08:38] dserban_: yeah i get it... heh... though on my debian box.. which is somewhat (not really) similar... it doesn't complain at all
[07:08:50] Dagmar: Well, yeah it's probably got a fully working HAL
[07:09:09] Dagmar: fstab isn't a place you generally have to mention optical drives anymore
[07:09:14] Dagmar: HAL and dbus just "take care of it"
[07:09:34] dserban_: yep what I figured... i'm gonna pull it out of fstab.. see what it does
[07:10:03] Dagmar: I still think dbus is definitely here to stay
[07:10:05] Dagmar: ...and HAL.
[07:10:10] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:10:30] Dagmar: KDE4's new panel, not so much.
[07:10:40] dserban_: i've done a bit of reading on devicekit... i don't fully understand how it differs.. but it sounds "good"
[07:11:04] Dagmar: Yeah at some point one of the two will give up and "concede the point" probably
[07:11:06] Dagmar: Maybe
[07:11:11] Dagmar: _Usually_ anyway
[07:11:28] dserban_: heh
[07:11:56] dserban_: hmm somethin's effed up... now when i insert the dvd... it's reported by mtab, but myth doesn't detect it
[07:11:58] dserban_: wth
[07:12:20] dustybin: the creator of C++ personal homepage: no beard?
[07:12:31] Dagmar: dustybin: The sign of a heretic
[07:12:33] Dagmar: :)
[07:12:44] dustybin: heh
[07:12:45] wagnerrp: or late onset baldness... of the chin....
[07:13:04] Dagmar: lol
[07:13:08] Dagmar: That's awesome
[07:13:08] wagnerrp: he needs to get that comb-over beard going
[07:13:15] wagnerrp: comb-under, if you will
[07:13:40] Dagmar: it should haev gotten the tipoff from HAL I think
[07:13:47] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Connection timed out)
[07:16:14] P2E (P2E! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:18:17] drenyx: dagmar: wanna figure out my next problem?
[07:18:21] wagnerrp: apparently CBS is going to bring to the radio
[07:18:24] Dagmar: Might as well
[07:18:37] wagnerrp: ... i fail to see how this will result in anything more than another top 40s station
[07:18:41] Dagmar: Part of the reason I hang out in here is to figure these things out before they can happen to me
[07:18:54] drenyx: splashy complains about my framebuffer config
[07:18:56] Dagmar: wagnerrp: Well, so far _hasn't_ turned into that
[07:19:10] Dagmar: drenyx: It's more specific than that
[07:19:12] wagnerrp: Dagmar: because it tunes itself to your tastes
[07:19:19] pat- (pat-! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:19:25] Dagmar: Yeah, and so I concur with what I think you're angling at
[07:19:31] wagnerrp: if you cater to the average tastes of a major city... what are you going to get?
[07:19:39] drenyx: what's more specific?
[07:19:44] Dagmar: I saw that news this afternoon and my first thought was that it'll last until one of two things happen...
[07:20:09] Dagmar: 1. Someone in CBS's marketing decides that if it's re-monetized that they could squeeze more money out of it
[07:20:42] Dagmar: 2. People in record labels figure out they can easily hire overseas criminals to artificially shill into's database with bots.
[07:20:56] Dagmar: drenyx: I'm sure it's not saying "Oh your framebuffer is frumpy"
[07:21:08] P2E (P2E! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:21:17] Dagmar: I've used splashy before, but it's been about three years
[07:21:30] Dagmar: So, common causes I've no idea about, but I'm sure it's saying something, somewhere about why it won't jump on the screen
[07:22:07] wagnerrp: Dagmar: well at least the winamp client requires half the song be played before it registers... i dont know if that is a function of the client, or of in general
[07:22:26] Dagmar: drenyx: You *did* set it to mode 791, right?
[07:22:27] wagnerrp: and one would hope they program the station based off local ratings
[07:22:32] wagnerrp: doing some sort of IP geolocation
[07:22:37] Dagmar: wagnerrp:
[07:22:43] drenyx: yes
[07:22:54] drenyx: it runs awesome in test mode or I can do it manually after booted
[07:22:59] pat- (pat-! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:23:07] drenyx: just doesn't like it from rc.S
[07:23:18] Dagmar: Does your distro use an initfs to get it's modules?
[07:23:35] drenyx: my distro? slackware 13?
[07:23:46] Dagmar: wagnerrp: it doesn't use much bandwidth. Like, enough that bots could keep a stream going on someone else's pipe and they'd likely not notice
[07:23:55] Dagmar: drenyx: AH
[07:24:02] Dagmar: Lemme look at what they've got for that
[07:24:06] Dagmar: I'm looking at the site
[07:24:31] Dagmar: What's it say when you try to call it from rc.d?
[07:24:34] Dagmar: er rc.S?
[07:24:38] wagnerrp: and i suppose even if they put reasonable rate limits on an IP, thats still over 500 songs a day
[07:25:04] drenyx: hang on, watching star trek on box and mudding iaw
[07:25:13] Dagmar: wagnerrp: You can hire a custom botnet of 50,000 bots for less than the average minor ad campaign
[07:25:23] Dagmar: That is becoming a problem.
[07:25:58] Greek-B0y (Greek-B0y!n=greek@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[07:26:09] Dagmar: As to CBS, they'll just do the Busdev 101 thing and decide they can get more money from the labels for preferential placement in the streams
[07:26:45] Dagmar: The same thing that always happens.
[07:28:40] Dagmar: wagnerrp: The whole transitioning to digital formats that industry is going through is fascinatin' stuff
[07:29:25] Dagmar: wagnerrp: Have you seen the lectures Lessig's been doing?
[07:29:49] wagnerrp: cant say i have
[07:30:37] sebrock (sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:30:40] Dagmar: Ah... There's actually epic-sized things going on in this space
[07:30:56] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:31:08] Dagmar: . . . ativity.html
[07:31:45] Dagmar: This dude truly and deeply understands copyright.
[07:32:04] Dagmar: ...and he's up there with Noam Chomsky for making compelling argumetns.
[07:33:55] Dagmar: He's been doing the lecture circuit the last five years like a lobbyist on a coke binge
[07:34:24] AndyCap: At least Sousa believed in evolution. :)
[07:34:28] Dagmar: Dude could probably call up the Whitehouse and get a walk-in appt. with Obama if he needed it
[07:34:59] drenyx: the one on the faq
[07:35:06] Dagmar: eh wot?
[07:35:16] drenyx: ERROR: Couldn't splashy_start_splashy(). Error -2
[07:35:19] drenyx: that's part of it
[07:35:48] BhaalWK (BhaalWK!i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal) has quit (Connection timed out)
[07:36:02] BhaalWK (BhaalWK!i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:36:10] drenyx: and yeah, it said it didn't like the framebuffer device whatever it said
[07:36:40] P2E (P2E! has left #mythtv-users ("slack13 compile only required svn mythtv")
[07:36:54] drenyx: ok, star trek is done, I can reboot now
[07:37:14] Dagmar: That actually helps narrow it down a bit
[07:37:22] drenyx: star trek being done?
[07:37:29] Dagmar: If it was -2
[07:38:12] drenyx: yes
[07:38:29] drenyx: gt framebuffer is not configured properly it says with a tinyurl link to the faq
[07:39:51] Dagmar: "As of now, the only known way of running Splashy during boot is by editing /etc/rc.d/rc.S and /etc/rc.d/rc.M. This is very dangerous if you don't know what you are doing, so it is imperative to make backups of these files before you start. "
[07:40:02] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:40:03] drenyx: it has the tux btw so I know the fb is working
[07:40:14] Dagmar: That's from the splashy page for Slackware on debian's site, and it's wrong
[07:40:19] Dagmar: Just sayin'
[07:40:22] drenyx: and that's for slack 12 btw, I don't know if it's current
[07:40:25] Dagmar: So you see the tassy then?
[07:40:38] Dagmar: It wasn't true for Slackware 11, or 10 for that matter.
[07:40:51] drenyx: tassy? that funky muzzled tux?
[07:40:52] Dagmar: Just because it looks like a BSD init doesn't mean it is a BSD init
[07:40:58] Dagmar: Yes, that's a tasmanian devil
[07:41:04] drenyx: gt oh
[07:41:07] Dagmar: I know, I had to ask someone wtf was too
[07:41:19] drenyx: ignore the gt like I said someone is dragging me around on this mud too
[07:42:02] Dagmar: Lemme just cut to the chase, download their package and see what that script is doing
[07:42:08] Dagmar: Did you use their package or did you compile it?
[07:42:14] drenyx: compiled it
[07:43:00] drenyx: it's fairly poorly documented IMO, not saying about config files that need to be dropped in places and stuff
[07:43:44] rmckee (rmckee! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:43:50] drenyx: oh, and I had to edit /etc/fb.modes 'cause the color depth was wrong, and I don't know if that's part of it 'cause it wouldn't even work right in test mode before that
[07:44:04] Dagmar: So like, the most obvious issue is this
[07:44:16] Dagmar: At the outset of rc.S, you have nothing but / mounted.
[07:44:39] drenyx: fine here
[07:44:53] Dagmar: If you did what most people do and put the shared libs, or basically ANY of the shared libs it needs are in /usr/lib and you have that as it's own fs, it will fail horribly
[07:45:14] drenyx: nope, one filesystem
[07:45:42] Dagmar: Wha's in /proc/cmdline?
[07:46:34] drenyx: root=/dev/md0 acpi=force quiet splash vga=792
[07:46:47] Dagmar: You didn't just typo?
[07:46:59] drenyx: no, 791 didn't work so I tried 792
[07:47:20] Dagmar: "Make sure that you have .vga=791 splash. as kernel parameters."
[07:47:36] drenyx: it doesn't work that way either
[07:48:44] sebrock (sebrock! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[07:48:47] drenyx: it says lots of things depending on where you look :P
[07:49:24] drenyx: how did we go from tux to taz?
[07:49:25] Dagmar: Well, if it's expecting to dump a 16-bit image to the device, the 24-bit framebuffer will definitely not work
[07:49:46] drenyx: again been there, tried that
[07:49:49] Dagmar: Or to put it another way, you tried 792 and it didn't work so set it back to the recommended 791 to be as vanilla as possible and look for another cause
[07:50:09] mikeones (mikeones! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:50:11] drenyx: did that, now partition has been mounted 32 times and check is forced
[07:50:25] Dagmar: if you're using ext3 you should just disable that, but that can happen later
[07:50:30] drenyx: 'cause I didn't etunefs yet
[07:50:52] Dagmar: YOu should probably boot the thing into single-user mode and try running splashy then
[07:50:54] drenyx: I know, but now I wait for it to scan a 1 TB partition
[07:51:19] Dagmar: Next boot-up, pass it init=/bin/bash as a kernel parameter through lilo manually
[07:51:44] Dagmar: It will basically run *none* of the startup scripts, including rc.S and then you can _hopefully_ see exactly what state the environment is at that point
[07:52:10] Dagmar: ...because I'm guessing it's got something to do with the fact that mount has never been called when splashy is started
[07:52:13] drenyx: sounds like the best plan I've heard yet if it works
[07:52:40] Dagmar: Well, at that point /proc isn't mounted yet... It could be looking for something in that...
[07:52:47] drenyx: possibly
[07:52:51] Dagmar: Neither is /sys...
[07:53:03] Dagmar: There's no device mapper to speak of either.
[07:53:20] Dagmar: There's a LOT of things that happen in Slackware at the start of rc.S which not having happened yet could be fatal
[07:53:35] Dagmar: Their instruction to put splashy at the start of rc.S is probably just the wrong thing to do.
[07:53:52] drenyx: yeah, I did stick it up front too though 'cause how much you gonna wait to happen before you want your splash screen up anywho
[07:53:53] drenyx: oh
[07:53:56] drenyx: bud just for you
[07:54:22] drenyx: when this is booted up, I hacked a slackware theme for splashy real quick like
[07:54:28] Dagmar: Well, *those* tasks should happen in an eyeblink
[07:54:54] Dagmar: If you dig around deviantart you can find some stuff I did for lilo ages ago
[07:55:39] Dagmar: Mainly I'm thinking the likely lack of /dev is the fatal thing
[07:55:49] scan_away is now known as scan
[07:55:51] scan is now known as scan_away
[07:56:05] drenyx: eyeblink hrmm
[07:56:09] drenyx: that gives me a bad idea
[07:56:26] drenyx: I need a freaky scary gorey picture that flashes on the screen right after splashy and before X
[07:56:33] Limmo (Limmo! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:56:43] Dagmar: If you made it happen after the first stanza that sets up /proc, or _maybe_ after the udev stanza, it'll probably work
[07:57:06] Dagmar: ...but if you boot with init=/bin/bash and run it and it fails you can hand-mount those things, or just run rc.S and then run it again
[07:57:11] drenyx: yay, almost 10% on scan
[07:57:14] Dagmar: er run splashy again
[07:57:18] drenyx: yeah
[07:57:23] drenyx: see where it starts working
[07:57:35] drenyx: step, splashy, step, splashy, step, splashy
[07:57:56] Dagmar: Pretty much
[07:58:24] Dagmar: ...or you could litter rc.S with a bunch of invocations and set a variable if it actually completes
[07:58:39] Dagmar: ...but manually mounting /proc and so forth is not much work
[07:58:45] drenyx: right
[07:59:04] drenyx: cat /etc/rc.d/rc.S and run the crap manually
[07:59:19] Dagmar: I just never reboot my myth box unless I'm redoing a kernel, so I could care less what the boot screen looks like at the moment
[07:59:23] Dagmar: That'll change soon tho
[07:59:44] drenyx: my mythbox is currently really a frontend only, with a dummy backend
[08:00:01] drenyx: I take it with me as a media center and I'm trying to get the game side up and working
[08:01:38] drenyx: I have wireless built into it and currently it's cabled so I plug it into the front of whoever's tv and give it power
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[08:07:44] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:08:04] drenyx: btw dagmar
[08:08:16] drenyx: I did have one of my linux boxes make it to 950 days uptime
[08:08:22] drenyx: and then it had to get moved :<
[08:08:33] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle!n=pizdets@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:08:37] Dagmar: You should have had better UPSes
[08:08:51] Dagmar: I dont' care about uptimes.
[08:09:02] Dagmar: I care about whether or not I'm the one who controls them.
[08:09:02] drenyx: had to get physically moved to a different location
[08:09:18] sid3windr: that's why you have the ups attached :>
[08:09:27] Dagmar: Yes. I moved halfway across town once and deliberately kept my server powered just to show I could.
[08:09:31] sid3windr: $friend actually moved $server+ups
[08:09:34] sid3windr: just to keep the uptime :>
[08:09:35] Dagmar: Yep.
[08:09:56] Dagmar: I unplugged the UPs from the wall, put it on top the server, took the server outside, put it in the car, and plugged the UPS into two others.
[08:10:03] drenyx: the UPS it was on at the time was not movable by one person
[08:10:12] sid3windr: ah, he just had his one ups ;)
[08:10:16] Dagmar: I could have just used a 110V adapter in the car, but I have a lot of little UPSes
[08:10:19] sid3windr: but it did ast a few hours
[08:10:22] sid3windr: +l somewhere
[08:10:30] drenyx: was on a APC 2200 with 2 external battery units
[08:10:59] drenyx: each "unit" having like, 8 car batteries in it
[08:11:23] drenyx: so lets just call it 16 car batteries plus the UPS itself
[08:11:36] drenyx: and cord being routed through rackmount enclosure
[08:12:02] wagnerrp: i dont know why you would even want 950 days of uptime, aside from maybe bragging rights
[08:12:15] wagnerrp: wouldnt you have software updates at some time during those three years?
[08:12:31] Dagmar: I would hope so
[08:12:41] drenyx: yeah, it turned into lets see how long it can go
[08:12:43] Dagmar: Frankly, I view uptimes longer than 365 days to be an issue, as clearly no recovery testing is being done
[08:13:02] sid3windr: 10:13:01 up 450 days, 2:55, 16 users, load average: 0.11, 0.06, 0.02
[08:13:05] ** sid3windr <- issue ;) **
[08:13:26] wagnerrp: oh i certainly have no recovery capability at home
[08:13:26] Dagmar: Yeah but it's not a world-ender if that box goes down and doesn't come back up, right?
[08:13:42] sid3windr: it is
[08:13:44] sid3windr: it runs my irc client
[08:13:49] Dagmar: heh
[08:13:55] sid3windr: so it's life threateningly dangerously important
[08:14:04] wagnerrp: everything relies on my one server for boot image
[08:14:16] sid3windr: other than that it doesn't do much, no
[08:14:29] sid3windr: general jumpstation/screenbox with my irssi and one website ;)
[08:14:32] wagnerrp: and the server will not boot without some manual finagling at the console, due to some mount order issues
[08:15:01] Dagmar: heheheh
[08:15:04] wagnerrp: considering it only gets rebooted once every couple months, i havent gotten around to fixing it
[08:15:11] Dagmar: There are that many fields in fstab for a reason
[08:15:29] wagnerrp: Dagmar: well the bigger issue is that im not using fstab
[08:15:43] wagnerrp: ZFS does its own mounting, independent of fstab
[08:16:15] wagnerrp: you have no control over the order it does things in, hoping it magically does them properly
[08:16:29] Dagmar: That sounds like a design flaw
[08:16:31] wagnerrp: so i currently have three partitions that cannot mount, because the parent partition has not been mounted yet
[08:17:04] aphyd (aphyd! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:17:22] wagnerrp: you *can* set the partitions to mount to 'legacy', at which point you take manual control of mounting
[08:18:14] wagnerrp: but honestly, i should just move those disks elsewhere, and bypass the problem all together
[08:19:01] wagnerrp: a four minute fix, to prevent the occasional 30 second trip to the basement
[08:20:02] Dagmar: You realize of course that I just saw tassie for the first time last week, right?
[08:20:15] wagnerrp: tassie?
[08:20:27] Dagmar: The replacement for Tux on the framebuffer screen
[08:20:43] drenyx: hehe
[08:20:47] drenyx: me too prolly
[08:20:58] wagnerrp: well this is freebsd, no framebuffer to speak of
[08:21:04] wagnerrp: 80x25 FTW
[08:21:51] drenyx: Command Line Is The Only Real Interface Society ?
[08:22:44] wagnerrp: more the 'what are you doing down in the basement, you should be up at your desk doing this over ssh society'
[08:23:05] drenyx: I think wagner didn't sit and figure out the acronym
[08:23:22] wagnerrp: wow... no i didnt
[08:23:31] wagnerrp: been watching Jay and Silent Bob?
[08:23:48] drenyx: nah, just stuff you hear around
[08:24:29] Dagmar: From people who have no other knowledge of what the acronym means
[08:29:12] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:29:18] drenyx: dagmar: with init=/bin/bash at startup
[08:29:26] drenyx: splashy works
[08:30:11] Dagmar: Type `mount` to see what's mounted
[08:30:30] Dagmar: If it says nothing but / then I've no idea
[08:30:30] drenyx: does show /proc and /sys mounted
[08:30:36] Dagmar: They shouldnt' be there
[08:30:42] Dagmar: Something went awry
[08:30:59] Dagmar: Move the splashy invocation below the first stanza in rc.S and reboot it
[08:30:59] drenyx: no, it was stale
[08:31:13] drenyx: from mtab and ro filesystem
[08:31:14] Dagmar: "stale"?
[08:31:25] Dagmar: Ah
[08:31:34] Dagmar: So /proc is actually empty then?
[08:31:38] wagnerrp: looks like i actually did fix that mounting issue a while back
[08:32:15] drenyx: proc and sys are empty
[08:32:20] drenyx: dev is not
[08:32:25] Dagmar: Hmm
[08:32:41] Dagmar: I dunno what's going on then.
[08:32:53] Dagmar: You'll just have to see if you can get splashy to cough up something more descriptive than -2 then
[08:35:30] drenyx: ok ok ok
[08:35:32] drenyx: what if....
[08:35:51] drenyx: 'cause init=/bin/bash would still load the bash profiles and stuff right?
[08:38:38] Dagmar: Yeah but they don't amount to much
[08:39:02] Dagmar: The idea is to get it to *not* work manually
[08:41:23] Dagmar: or just plot /bin/bash in after the splashy invocation in rc.S.
[08:41:27] Dagmar: er plop
[08:41:33] drenyx: but I tried putting in /bin/bash -c '/usr/local/sbin/splashy boot' &
[08:41:41] drenyx: but same mess
[08:42:04] Dagmar: huh?
[08:42:16] Dagmar: Oh
[08:42:19] Dagmar: Nah it won't
[08:42:52] Dagmar: You want to get control of it as soon as possible after it fails in rc.S
[08:43:04] Dagmar: It *should* have failed when you invoked it manually after keeping it from running anything
[08:43:49] drenyx: apparently...
[08:43:55] drenyx: according to a thread I found
[08:43:59] drenyx: I need a power outage
[08:44:05] Dagmar: huh
[08:45:37] drenyx: or at least that worked for someone, power went out and came back on and it worked
[08:45:37] Dagmar: If hard killing the power makes it work, we'll just pretend we never had this conversation
[08:45:37] Dagmar: ...although I would recommend giving the affected equipment a nice warm bath in holy water.
[08:45:37] wagnerrp: Dagmar: you laugh... that is the solution to some of our problems at work
[08:46:02] wagnerrp: many a problem has been solved by a 'pull the plug and wait a few seconds' fix
[08:46:18] Dagmar: I eliminate those problems
[08:46:34] wagnerrp: well that would be the higher ups
[08:46:57] wagnerrp: i.e: the ones building a cluster out of consumer grade hardware
[08:47:16] Dagmar: Yeah see, generally I figure out where the hardware is broken, and either fix it, or get new hardware
[08:47:53] wagnerrp: i blame the piece-of-crap inwin TFX power supplies all these machines have
[08:48:58] drenyx: I happen to have a power supply tester I just love
[08:49:00] drenyx: fyi
[08:49:29] wagnerrp: its very much troubling when i pull a node because i cant get it to turn over, take it back to my desk, and it boots straight up (at least until the point it wants the DHCP server)
[08:49:36] Dagmar: Yeah but some you practically have to put on a digital scope to see what's wrong with them
[08:49:53] Dagmar: "Oh look, 2V ringing in the 12V line... BIN IT"
[08:51:02] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit ("Leaving")
[08:52:05] wagnerrp: i imagine a good deal of our stability problems could be solved by buying a lot of picopsus and a couple large DC bench supplies
[08:52:18] Dagmar: We switched to 208
[08:52:18] drenyx: yeah
[08:52:27] drenyx: that's the power supply tester I have
[08:52:35] Dagmar: It keeps the cheap-ass PSUs out of the datacenter
[08:52:39] wagnerrp: i really loathe InWin
[08:52:40] drenyx: it shows the voltages per rail
[08:53:23] Dagmar: Two customers had cobbled-together rackmount units.
[08:53:25] Dagmar: One survived.
[08:53:45] Dagmar: A Promise array that was supposed to be able to handle it failed amazingly
[08:53:50] Dagmar: Blew out both PSUs
[08:53:59] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit ()
[08:54:21] wagnerrp: handle what?
[08:54:22] drenyx: wonder if dcc will work from behind a router
[08:54:35] Dagmar: Depends on if you're sending or recieveing
[08:54:54] wagnerrp: receiving works just fine
[08:55:24] Dagmar: Oh you're going to love the /msgs you'll get for that one
[08:55:35] drenyx: why?
[08:55:38] Dagmar: You didn't send that to the channel, did you?
[08:55:45] drenyx: I don't belive so, just you
[08:55:50] wagnerrp: i saw nothing
[08:55:53] Dagmar:
[08:56:08] drenyx: hehe I'm trying to send a tarball
[08:56:24] Dagmar: So clearly it doesn't work
[08:56:41] Dagmar: there's a long-standing issue of clients being too stupid to ignore a DCC sent to a channel
[08:58:20] drenyx: why does my router say invalid password please try again
[08:58:37] drenyx: it should be more like it ain't right, give up and fuck off
[08:58:47] Dagmar: So customize it
[08:58:54] laga_: drenyx: you know, that's not the thing you want to see in a channel for supposedly smart people right after getting up ;)
[09:00:30] drenyx: you saying my router being hack-ed?
[09:00:54] drenyx: but I'm on the opposite end, it's right before I don't go to bed and stay up longer more
[09:01:16] laga_: drenyx: never mind, thought you were asking why it says "invalid password" ;)
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[09:01:41] drenyx: trying again dabmar if you want it
[09:01:49] drenyx: bleh, see, it's that lateness thing
[09:01:52] drenyx: dagmar, sorry
[09:02:23] Dagmar: <-- was on EFnet in the 90's
[09:02:34] drenyx: eh, me too
[09:02:36] drenyx: somewhere
[09:02:46] Dagmar: You might as well be cursing around a rap star's roadie for all that bothers me
[09:04:37] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:10:29] levander (levander! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:10:48] levander: Is there any comand line command I can run to see if mythtv is currently recording anything?
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[09:19:03] drenyx: dagmar: I don't have an easy spot currently to put this, can I email you this piece of crap?
[09:20:49] Dagmar: Email me what?
[09:21:12] drenyx: oh, I thought you sounded interested, I hacked up a slackware theme for splashy
[09:21:13] solv: i've got some weird issue – i have the option to send deleted items to auto expire rather than delete straight away, however if I use manage recordings and try and delete the deleted items they dissappear for a seoncd and then just respawn themselves! Plus the free space progress bar never goes down either. I thought they may dissappear after a reboot but they are still there!...
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[09:25:39] anykey_: what version of the nvidia driver is recommended for running an ION based system? OpenGL works here, but VDPAU seems not to work, CPU usage is very high when playing back 720p
[09:27:48] solv: anykey_, is mythtv compiled to support vdpau? The lates nvidia driver should be the best option
[09:28:08] anykey_: solv: yeah, log says it's using VDPAU
[09:28:28] anykey_: though something seems to go wrong
[09:29:06] anykey_: AFD: Using ffmpeg for video decoding, that seems to be the problem
[09:29:09] solv: i haven't actually used it so i'm afraid that's as much as i know...waiting on getting a zotac ion system myself when i save the money
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[09:52:50] levander: After you've scanned for channels using scte65scan, is it common to have to go back and re-scan them occasionally?
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[10:05:05] drenyx: Dagmar, it seems it was udev
[10:05:34] drenyx: something udev does to change the environment makes splashy not work before udev is done
[10:10:53] pheld (pheld!i=tsnygq@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[10:21:32] Dagmar: udev isn't started yet
[10:23:30] _ben: grrr, alsa
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[10:55:31] aphyd_: where does mythtv read the audio configuration?
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[10:56:26] aphyd_: when I removed .asoundrc that's configured to use jack mythtv sound magically appeared with ALSA:Default option
[10:57:01] aphyd_: doesn't ardour have free wheel?
[10:57:11] aphyd_: sorry wrong chan last sentence
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[11:19:14] _ben: anyone experienced not being able to change channels?
[11:21:09] laga_: works fine in irssi here
[11:21:22] _ben: i mean, in myth, not irc :p
[11:21:28] laga_: oh, sorry
[11:22:38] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:22:42] sid3windr: lol
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[11:36:43] jduggan: lol @ change irc channels
[11:36:50] jduggan: :)
[11:37:29] _ben: :)
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[11:37:55] laga_: thanks, i'll be here all week
[11:39:55] jduggan: :)
[11:41:47] _ben:
[11:41:52] _ben: could be that then
[11:43:30] laga_: have you checked the logs
[11:43:37] laga_: and your nick looks like a member variable
[11:45:21] ** mzb presses the ch+ button on the laga_ remote ... nothing happens **
[11:46:05] mzb: _ben, that can happen if the tuner is busy (for eg.)
[11:46:28] mzb: s/mythbackend _thinks_ the tuner is busy
[11:48:45] _ben: yeah, nothing in the logs
[11:48:51] _ben: tho i've just upgraded :p
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[12:58:52] aphyd: nice render with opengl
[12:59:56] aphyd: has anyone here experimented running mythtv in conjunction with Compiz cube?
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[13:07:30] gbee: lots of people
[13:09:34] ** Dassu doesn't even understand why is CUBE so cool **
[13:09:44] Dassu: it seems to be like awfully unusable
[13:10:08] Dassu: There are some 3D desktops that actually are quite cool but cube is not one of the
[13:10:11] Dassu: m
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[13:22:21] aphyd: I use fluxbox so no 3D here
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[13:22:44] levander: After you've scanned for channels using scte65scan, is it common to have to go back and re-scan them occasionally?
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[13:55:39] wagnerrp: levander: probably
[13:55:52] wagnerrp: my cableco shifts channels around occasionally
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[13:58:07] MarcT: Guys, I'm drawing a blank here. anyone remember what the channel scanner script is that would require you to get a number from your cable box? Comcast added all my standard def channels to the digital streams this past week.
[13:58:31] wagnerrp: scte65scan
[13:58:40] MarcT: thanks
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[15:24:12] paperclip: iamlindoro: lazy way "sudo aptitude install ~nlibav.+-unstripped.+"
[15:24:54] wagnerrp: if you call all that weird garbage you just printed the 'easy way'
[15:25:28] paperclip: way better than downloading ~80mb of libs and compiling
[15:26:13] wagnerrp: the 'easy way' is generally the 'way that takes a lot longer to do, but doesnt require hours of searching through options for the tool already programmed to do so'
[15:26:35] paperclip: it took minutes..
[15:27:02] paperclip: probably would have taken me longer to figure out how to enable mpeg2 support in ffmpeg
[15:27:10] paperclip: while compiling
[15:28:18] paperclip: doesn't make sense that only the stripped versions of the libs support mpeg2.. when both are in restricted
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[16:20:09] gbee: Guess if I want this schedule editor stuff tested I'll need to commit it :/
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[16:29:20] jams: woohoo: the setting compare code is working
[16:34:05] paperclip: what's it comparing? current settings vs. ?
[16:38:37] gbee: frontend settings on two different machines
[16:39:05] gbee: so you can more easily synchronize settings/behaviour across multiple frontends
[16:39:07] jams: yeah two machines or three or four or all
[16:39:23] jams: but adding the ability to compare to the saved settings for itself is a good idea
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[17:15:22] paperclip: nifty
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[17:25:54] _ben: perhaps this issue is known to someone here? . . . /021154.html
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[17:32:55] gbee: _ben: unmuted the digital device in alsa mixer? defaults to muted and normal mixer mute/unmute won't unmute it
[17:33:27] gbee: and what's the output of aplay -l ?
[17:33:37] ekristen (ekristen! has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:34:33] gbee: btw, I think you wanted to post to this list instead –
[17:34:53] _ben: someone specifically said to post it to devel
[17:34:54] _ben: shrug
[17:35:02] _ben: everything seems unmuted tho
[17:35:09] _ben: let me paste aplay -l somewhere
[17:36:16] _ben:
[17:39:56] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:47:32] gbee: speaker-test -Dplughw:0,3
[17:48:14] gbee: the hdmi device is number 3, not 1
[17:49:03] _ben: I'm not trying to use the onboard HDMI interface
[17:49:18] aphyd: _ben: what's the problem?
[17:49:18] aphyd: _ben: do you have an .asoundrc?
[17:50:12] _ben: I'm just trying to output sound via SPDIF, connection from SPDIF headers to my NVIDIA card
[17:50:14] gbee: that's the only one listed
[17:50:25] gbee: oh, my bad
[17:50:40] gbee: in alsamixer, what does it appears above S/PDIF or IEC958?
[17:50:51] gbee: err, what appears
[17:51:34] gbee: not too familiar with the spdif > graphics card method
[17:53:04] paperclip: does the spdif feed into the hdmi cable?
[17:53:16] gunni_ (gunni_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:53:25] _ben: it feeds into the card yeah
[17:53:49] _ben: alsamixer shows 3 SPDIF objects, SPDIF, SPDIF Default and SPDIF 1
[17:54:01] _ben: all unmuted
[17:54:12] gbee: 00 instead of MM ?
[17:54:20] _ben: Yeah
[17:54:32] gbee: ok, are you using the .asoundrc from the wiki?
[17:55:12] _ben: sec
[17:55:14] gunni (gunni! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:55:44] gbee: . . . .2C_Properly
[17:56:13] _ben: ah, was looking at earlier – let me read your link
[17:56:56] gbee: sigh, yeah we were talking about deleting that one
[17:58:01] _ben: ;)
[17:58:28] gbee: talk about confusing the issue by doing things completely opposite to the official guide
[18:01:09] _ben: i reckon it's a driver issue tho
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[19:08:48] Flexy: I have a backtrace of a segfault of FE. Tried to start to watch livetv. did not get picture after choosing channel, segfault happened. I
[19:09:15] Flexy: I've tried to find if there is similar bugreport in trac, no luck.
[19:09:32] Flexy: perhaps I just should do I new ticket?
[19:09:43] sphery: pastebin of backtrace, please?
[19:11:00] lightpriest (lightpriest!n=lightpri@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:11:13] lightpriest: is there an option to preview a channel from the channel editor?
[19:11:37] sphery: lightpriest: no, mythtv-setup can only scan in all channels. After doing so, you can start mythbackend, then mythfrontend, then use mythfrontend's LiveTV channel editor (hit E while watching a channel) to edit channel info.
[19:15:00] sphery: Flexy: I can look at the backtrace and can probably tell you if there's already a ticket if you'd like to pastebin it
[19:18:25] lightpriest: sphery, basically if i want to fine tune a channel i have to go back to mythtv-setup
[19:18:25] lightpriest: that was a question ;p
[19:19:48] sphery: lightpriest: yes, though there should never be a need to specify a value for finetune (as all hardware tuners have built in fine-tuning mechanisms which mean the finetune values serve little purpose other than providing a placebo effect)
[19:19:59] sphery: lightpriest: where are you in the world? US?
[19:20:35] Flexy: sphery: OK, that would be nice. I
[19:20:55] Flexy: I'll do it. Couple of minutes...
[19:21:46] sphery: anyway, make sure you've chosen the right frequency table and you shouldn't ever need finetune
[19:22:09] sphery: so, if you're in the US and you're having problems with channels 5 & 6, you've chosen the wrong frequency table
[19:23:40] lightpriest: IL
[19:23:40] lightpriest: Israel
[19:23:45] lightpriest: i guess don't need the fine tune, was just asking :)
[19:23:49] lightpriest: I thought the channel was not tuned, but if you say there's an auto mechanism to fine-tune. I guess it's just me
[19:25:42] sphery: I don't think we have an Israel-specific frequency table. If you find that none of the provided frequency tables work for you, you can specify exact frequencies in kHz for the freqid (for analog channels). If that's the case and you can find a specification of the frequencies in use in your area, let me know and I'll add a frequency table for you.
[19:26:15] sphery: if Israel is using the same frequency table as one of the provided ones, I can also modify the name to include Israel in it to make it easier for users to find.
[19:29:04] lightpriest: actually there is a frequency table, it's just not updated I guess
[19:29:16] lightpriest: i'll be happy to help updating it. I used the "try-all" table
[19:29:34] lightpriest: there's a freq table called "israel-hot-matav"
[19:30:06] Flexy: sphery:
[19:30:36] lightpriest: i don't know if it's in the original sources or a maintainer of the ubuntu package added it
[19:34:22] sphery: really wish people would quit using until the guy fixes the site (it's been cracked and has porn links/redirect traps/click traps/sends you to malware sites/...)
[19:34:55] lightpriest: lol :)
[19:35:05] Flexy: sorry. did not know that, I use it so rarely... :/
[19:35:15] sphery: yeah, it's not your fault
[19:35:17] sphery: just annoying
[19:35:26] sphery: which version of Myth?
[19:35:47] Flexy: 21785
[19:35:50] sphery: trunk?
[19:35:54] Flexy: yep
[19:35:55] sphery: or 0.21-fixes?
[19:35:58] Flexy: trunk
[19:36:34] sphery: yeah, I think this is a new one
[19:36:43] Flexy: ok, I
[19:36:49] Flexy: 'll make a ticket
[19:37:10] l3v0n_ (l3v0n_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:37:11] sphery: one sec
[19:37:22] Flexy: damn this keyboard, ' key is at different place than my laptop has... keep hitting enter when trying to use it...
[19:37:45] sphery: heh, I have that same problem with a couple of my keyboards :)
[19:37:52] sphery: so, do you have "Show the program guide when starting Live TV" enabled?
[19:38:28] sphery: Flexy: if so, please mention that in the ticket
[19:38:34] Flexy: first my brothers 4 year old child dropped my laptop. got new from insurance, different keyboard layout. then the new one broke, did not like motorcycle trip...
[19:38:43] Flexy: yes
[19:38:46] Flexy: I do have
[19:38:47] Flexy: ok
[19:39:00] sphery: yeah, that looks like it's important, so saying so in the ticket would be very useful
[19:39:11] sphery: btw, nice backtrace... has all the info
[19:39:15] Flexy: right
[19:39:33] sphery: (make sure you attach it as a file after creating the ticket rather than pasting it into the ticket, please)
[19:39:45] Flexy: thanks, I've been trying to get useful backtraces, it might help to get WAF higher values
[19:39:49] sphery: I'm guessing you knew that, though, as it looks like you've done this before...
[19:40:02] sphery: yeah, good bt's are /very/ much appreciated
[19:40:02] Flexy: actually not so very much
[19:40:13] sphery: well, good job figuring it out, then :)
[19:40:24] Flexy: I've done couple of tickets in maybe 2 months
[19:40:34] Flexy: but nothing with gdb before that
[19:42:05] Flexy: I get the Breakpoint 1 (qFatal) pending. And Function "qFatal" not defined. I've used mythwiki and it has mentioned this qFatal in .gdbcommands
[19:42:31] Flexy: Is there something missing somewhere in my system, because the qFatal not defined message?
[19:42:44] sphery: yeah, I'm pretty sure that's just because it hasn't seen the qFatal breakpoint yet
[19:42:53] sphery: it sees it later once it loads the Qt libs
[19:43:00] Flexy: ah, ok
[19:43:06] sphery: so it's a warning that's not an error
[19:43:08] Greek-Boy (Greek-Boy!n=greek@ has joined #MythTV-Users
[19:43:10] Flexy: right
[19:43:13] sphery: but it looks like an error and confuses users :)
[19:43:23] sphery: should probably mention that on the wiki :)
[19:43:37] Greek-Boy: Anyone play with an Acer Aspire Revo? Makes a nice solution for Myth Front End :-)
[19:43:59] Flexy: is there some -dbg libraries I should install? I installed libc6-dbg an hour ago... thinking that backtraces might be more useful?
[19:44:56] Flexy: sphery: yep, it perhaps should be mentioned... I've been tempted to remove that from .gdbcommands acouple of times.. :)
[19:45:27] sphery: the Qt debug packages might be useful for this specific case (as we're actually crashing in Qt libs), but may not be necessary.
[19:47:02] Flexy: right,I'll see if there are those available
[19:47:30] sphery: there isn't some Qt thread/multithread package for Qt4 for your distro, is there?
[19:47:38] sphery: if so, are you sure you have it installed?
[19:48:48] Flexy: I'm using debian sid. I'll have to check, don't remember...
[19:51:17] Flexy: hmmm. I actually don't know. what should it's name be? libqt4threads?
[19:51:23] sphery: no idea...
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[19:52:40] Flexy: aptitude search libqt |grep thread only returns one package. libqthreads-12. And I don't have it installed. Should I have?
[19:52:41] sphery: looks like it would just be the one qt package
[19:53:01] sphery: is libqthreads-12 for Qt4 or Qt3?
[19:53:11] sphery: if Qt4, then try installing it
[19:53:21] sphery: nevermind
[19:53:26] Flexy: hell, it does not say.
[19:53:27] sphery: that's for Guile, not Qt
[19:53:35] Flexy: aaah
[19:53:37] Flexy: right
[19:53:42] sphery: QuickThreads
[19:53:48] sphery: so, I think you've got everything
[19:53:53] Flexy: ok
[19:53:55] Flexy: thanks
[19:54:15] sphery: go ahead and post the ticket--danielk (or maybe Shane will probably get to it--they know the player stuff quite well)
[19:54:57] Flexy: ok. I'm in the process of doing it... :)
[19:55:15] sphery: thank you
[19:58:41] Flexy: hey, one more thing. Graphite theme, EPG has only half an hour of space, when I normally have 2 and half hours worth of programs showing. I think this changed after I changed from Terra to Graphite. I can't find where I can change that back to showing longer time in EPG.
[19:59:23] Flexy: and I think that perhaps it was showing correctly, if I go to EPG via the manage recordings menu
[19:59:48] Flexy: is that an user malfunction? :D
[20:00:19] sphery: TTBOMK, the themes determine the amount of time shown in the EPG--there's no longer a setting allowing users to break the design by showing too much/too little
[20:00:44] sphery: this is new in trunk--in 0.21-fixes there was a setting that if you changed generally caused problems
[20:01:00] sphery: which is why it was taken out and put under the theme's control
[20:01:36] Flexy: ok. in any case, I think half an hour is too little, horizontally...
[20:01:56] messerting (messerting! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:02:14] Flexy: I could live with it, but WAF gets a hit or two... ;)
[20:06:09] sphery: I think he just wanted it to show what's on now for LiveTV, but the GUI EPG is more traditional
[20:06:28] sphery: If you don't like the LiveTV EPG, the quick solution is just to never watch LiveTV.  :)
[20:07:07] sphery: So, you can do all your scheduling with the GUI EPG and then LiveTV EPG is useful to see what else is on that you might want to watch now.
[20:13:01] sphery: Flexy: out of curiosity, how reproduceable is that segfault? happen every time or just the once?
[20:13:11] Flexy: once
[20:13:35] Flexy: then again, I really can't say from backtraces that are the crashes related or not
[20:14:18] Flexy: but from users point of view, this was the first I've got backtrace from. Might have seen it earlier, but not sure
[20:14:20] sphery: ok, just curious...
[20:15:08] Flexy: is there some nice url to give some information how to get some superficial stuff decrypted from backtrace?
[20:15:15] sphery: figured I should probably mention some possible workarounds if it was persistent
[20:15:51] Flexy: right, don't think that is needed, it seems pretty rare problem, so far
[20:15:59] sphery: I don't know of any
[20:16:19] Flexy: ok. will have to try to google something when I have time
[20:16:49] Flexy: can you think of one or two good magic words for google? :)
[20:17:17] Flexy: earlier I found mainly just how to get a backtrace... not how to read something from it.
[20:17:55] android60 (android60!i=d82fc4c9@gateway/web/freenode/x-lkynyysstndculab) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:18:38] android60: I am trying to do ssh -X username@ /usr/bin/mythtv-setup on a machine with no x windows or monitor. But on the capture cards I always get "failed to open"
[20:19:10] iamlindoro: username likely has no permissions to the dev nodes for your cards
[20:19:31] iamlindoro: inadequate ones, anyway
[20:19:50] android60: iamlindoro: how can I add permissions?
[20:19:59] android60: i added my username to mythtv group but thats the only one
[20:20:02] sphery: Flexy: most of the reading is based on having a good understanding of the code it describes... Pretty much all the howto's I've seen are like the ones you've seen--for getting the backtrace, not for reading it.
[20:20:33] iamlindoro: ls -al the dev node, see what group owns it, and add your user to that, or you can go figure out the udev rules that create your video nodes and edit those
[20:20:55] tank-man (tank-man!i=1000@ has quit ("Fuck off with your Star Trek ideas")
[20:21:06] iamlindoro: every time I see that quit message I am irked
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[20:22:08] mzb: any python nuts handy? I'm having trouble understanding why a script works in the lab, but not in the real world
[20:22:08] android60: ok, when you say dev node, what exactly am i looking for
[20:22:18] iamlindoro: ls -al /dev/video0 for example
[20:22:21] android60: oh ok
[20:22:30] sphery: Flexy: basically, though, it says, "Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault." and the next line shows the line it was executing when it crashed, "0x00007ffff16754bc in QMutex::lock (this=0xca3f40) at thread/qmutex.cpp:152". If you follow the address, 0x00007ffff16754bc, it takes you to the thread (Thread 1) which shows which function called which other within that thread before the crash. The other threads provide ...
[20:22:36] android60: root owns it
[20:22:36] sphery: ... additional context necessary for debugging thread-related failures.
[20:23:05] mzb: my problem all comes down to this line (it seems): mplayer = os.popen("pgrep mplayer").read()
[20:23:10] iamlindoro: android60, K, so your options are to put the user in the root group, which many would consider ill advised, or find the udev rule that creates the nodes and change the group to something like users
[20:23:23] android60: ok thanks
[20:23:29] iamlindoro: np
[20:23:46] mzb: if I run the script from a shell, all works ok .. but if it's (forked) from my xinitrc that line doesn't seem to work. What gives?
[20:25:20] mzb: put another way ... using python, how can I tell if mplayer is running?
[20:26:34] Flexy: sphery: so, if there are files mentioned at the top of the file, like qmutex.cpp, some of those are likely to have something to do with the crash?
[20:26:41] jamey: If you run multiple sessions of mythtv frontend, it by default puts in hardware defaults the same for each session , anyway of having seperate default for each session.
[20:26:49] Flexy: sphery: is that interpretation close? :)
[20:27:52] Flexy: sphery: well, as long as I can not C or C++, I might leave the reading of backtraces to someone that knows something about them... :)
[20:28:49] sphery: Flexy: well, in this case, it's probably something in Myth that broke the boundary conditions for those Qt functions. Looking at qmutex.cpp line 152 would allow you to see what specifically failed, which can often help you figure out what Myth did wrong.
[20:29:01] sphery: in some cases, though, it turns out to be a bug in Qt
[20:29:11] android60: I am loving trunk btw. i tested it on a standalone machine before installing it on my nas, and it is so much better than .21 for me
[20:29:14] Flexy: ok
[20:29:18] jamey: I am running a multiseat setup and I would like to change lircd to licd1, the problem is that i can change it but it changes it for all the sessions. That is not what i want, I want each session to have its own distinct lircdN.
[20:29:46] mzb: run a seperate deamon for each
[20:29:59] mzb: tie them together with network
[20:30:13] mzb: (if necessary)
[20:30:38] Flexy: what is an accepted way to break a file in sub 100MB peaces? I'm planning on including a recording to a ticket. Sharing site I'm using does not allow over 100MB files...
[20:30:41] jamey: i am kind of noobish what you mean by seperate daemon specifically
[20:31:24] android60: Flexy: some zip and rar applications have the options to break a file into certain file size chunks as it is archived
[20:31:27] Flexy: over 100MB individual files, 5GB totally is ok
[20:31:41] android60: thats what most people do
[20:31:49] sphery: jamey: as long as you don't need funky kernel modules:
[20:31:57] Flexy: ok, just wanted to know if developers here have some preferences
[20:33:34] jamey: Thanks sphery, I actully got it working that way, but its really a hack, and doesn't fix some other specific issuses that i want
[20:33:58] jamey: I need something like 3 installs of mythtv
[20:34:20] jamey: or be able to have different databases per session
[20:35:31] jamey: the different databases is well i guess seing if anyone know where the hardware configuration stuff is hidden
[20:37:18] gbee: #join #mythtv-theming
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[20:39:22] chasep: I just changed my enabled channels on schedules direct. It adds the new channels, but it doesn't get rid of the ones I disabled. Besides manually deleting them, is there a better way to clean that all up?
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[21:00:56] sphery: chasep: nope, manually delete them
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[21:05:31] heyheyhey: any one any thoughts how i can do comcast vod?
[21:06:16] Dagmar: . o O ( Manually )
[21:06:59] sigkill_: hi, i have a situation, where in my frontends i have duplicate channels, which i want to keep on the backend as theyre on different transponders so with multirec, they can be used to avoid conflicts on occasion, the question is, can i hide them in my frontends so i dont see the same channels listed 5 times, but they can still record?
[21:07:00] heyheyhey: nope not a option
[21:07:24] Dagmar: heyheyhey: Then you get to write the code that makes it happen.
[21:08:01] Dagmar: sigkill_: I'm pretty sure you can tell it to hide duplicate channels but for the moment I can't remember how
[21:11:36] heyheyhey: dagmar ya i know but can u point me to right direction
[21:12:04] heyheyhey: should i use mplayer
[21:12:13] heyheyhey: or vlc or even xine
[21:12:32] Dagmar: You could use popsicle sticks for all the good those would do you
[21:14:07] heyheyhey: lol well what u suggest
[21:14:28] Dagmar: Just watching the VOD OD
[21:15:35] wagnerrp: heyheyhey: every couple months you come in here asking the same question
[21:15:37] heyheyhey: well ya just want it for vod
[21:15:46] heyheyhey: yeah wagnerrp
[21:15:52] wagnerrp: and every couple months, the same people are going to give you the same answer
[21:16:12] heyheyhey: do it manually
[21:16:16] heyheyhey: lol
[21:16:19] wagnerrp: the ONLY way to possibly do it is to write your own OCR and natural language processor
[21:16:29] wagnerrp: that understands what it is reading on screen
[21:16:45] wagnerrp: and can decide what to order
[21:16:59] heyheyhey: yeah
[21:17:00] wagnerrp: obviously, this is not a trivial undertaking
[21:17:12] heyheyhey: well it don't matter if it orders a ppv
[21:17:19] sigkill_: Dagmar, hmm, is the option to possibly set all the channels i /want/ to see as favourites then use the 'only display favourite channels' setting in settings-> program guide
[21:17:20] heyheyhey: since i don't pay for them
[21:17:30] wagnerrp: i dont like where this is going....
[21:17:48] heyheyhey: buddy of mine pays for them
[21:18:10] wagnerrp: quite the friend you are
[21:19:05] wagnerrp: the only other thing you could possibly do would e have a separate remote
[21:19:08] mag0o: yay, tennis channel in clear qam gets me the go-ahead from the wifey to buy a new tv :)
[21:19:13] heyheyhey: well i pay his for his house he pays for cable
[21:19:13] wagnerrp: or perhaps special keys on your remote
[21:19:19] mag0o: i just won't tell her that they can change that whenever they want
[21:19:19] wagnerrp: that are in 'passthrough' mode
[21:19:41] wagnerrp: meaning you control the STB manally, just remotely
[21:19:58] wagnerrp: of course you will still have to contend with myth's 2–3 second livetv delay
[21:20:36] heyheyhey: well in vlc i got so it was instand but it wouldn't work correctly
[21:20:54] sigkill_: another question i have, i understand mythtv has no concept of time shifted channels, however, if i changed the chan name of the +1 channels to the same as the regular channel, should that cause any probs? theyre the same channel, but the +1 is an hour later, it should still follow eit right?
[21:21:40] sigkill_: simple answer is just get more tuners but at this point i have no pci slots free :P so im hoping i can utilise timeshifted channels to avoid conflicts etc
[21:22:02] sigkill_: fwiw, im using dvb-s in the UK... most of the major commercial stations have a +1 channel
[21:22:10] jblack: that reminds me. I need to figure out where my second tuner went.
[21:24:07] nighthawk (nighthawk! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:26:37] jblack: That's a new type of error... "Frontend Id: Could not get card info for card #1 Subtype: Unknown error"
[21:26:59] sphery: jblack: probably invalid input connections
[21:27:48] sphery: jblack: should be able to fix it with , specifically the capture card part (but might need the video sources part, too, depending on what/how bad it is messed up)
[21:29:12] jblack: Oh that's cute. now I can't make a card 1 anymore.
[21:29:52] gbee: *sigh* both Five and Virgin have started popping up annoying ads during the program
[21:32:29] jblack: ohhh, the hd-5500 is 99 bucks now.
[21:33:04] cdpuk (cdpuk! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[21:37:44] sphery: jblack: if you follow the instructions I posted, that's the /only/ way to make a card 1 now
[21:38:44] jblack: sphery: I think the problem is elsewhere. Two cards used to work fine. I suspect it's the kernel that was upgraded. I'm taking the system from from intrepid to jaunty, and will go from there.
[21:39:22] sphery: oh, you mean it's not seeing the card that's you want to make as card 1
[21:39:33] sphery: if so, that /would/ be outside of Myth
[21:39:39] jblack: I mean it's not seeing the card 1 that it used to see in the past. :)
[21:39:53] sphery: yeah
[21:40:01] aphyd (aphyd! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[21:40:39] jblack: so when I deleted card 1, and now I can't re-add it because myth doesn't think it's there. It'll be fun to figure out, as I do have a /dev/video0 and /dev/video1.
[21:40:51] jblack: My personal bet is that I just need a module option to tell the driver to scan for a second card.
[21:41:19] jblack: but, seeing as how the system is so old, I may as well upgrade it first anyways.
[21:42:27] sphery: if you have /dev/video0 and /dev/video1, it should see them--make sure, though, that you pick the right card type
[21:42:41] sphery: i.e. for PVR-150, choose MPEG-2 encoder (or whatever it is)
[21:42:47] sphery: otherwise, it won't show them
[21:43:07] jblack: dvb 3.3 or whatnot. It sees card 0, so it's easy to crib.
[21:43:21] jblack: maybe the card locked up or something. I should have tried a reboot first.
[21:43:30] sigkill_: does anyone have any thoughts on my solution for timeshifted channels?
[21:43:39] sphery: dvb should be /dev/dvb/...
[21:43:53] sphery: only the analog side (framgrabber side) should be /dev/video*
[21:43:57] jblack: well, I'll be.
[21:44:09] jblack: So, I have both analogs, but only one dvb. That's fun
[21:44:13] Hiisty (Hiisty! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:44:25] Hiisty: how i can debug my mythbackend, it seems to me that it stops recording new shows 1–2 times per week, quite randomly, mythbackend keeps running but it just don't record anything?
[21:45:03] sphery: trunk or -fixes?
[21:45:21] Hiisty: i thought that maybe i should stop start mythbackenf at 0600 am :)
[21:45:45] jblack: me? an old fixes.
[21:45:59] jblack: I'm pulling it up to something in this centuery as we speak
[21:46:02] sphery: then chances are it's your scheduler losing its connection to the backend
[21:46:13] sphery: er, to the MySQL server
[21:46:15] sphery: database
[21:46:44] sphery: it shouldn't do that if properly configured, but I don't know what causes that
[21:46:55] Hiisty: sphery: that could be, but database is running on the same machine
[21:46:55] sphery: likely something at the mysql server/os level
[21:47:18] sphery: still happens
[21:47:31] sphery: mysql closes idle connections after a while
[21:47:55] Hiisty: but shouldn't it retry connection?
[21:48:01] sphery: generally, Qt-MySQL drivers handle this and reconnect, but it seems on recent distros it's not happening properly (or takes so long it times out)
[21:48:13] sphery: either a change to MySQL or to the config is probably at fault
[21:48:33] sphery: but I don't know what, specifically
[21:49:03] Hiisty: ok, maybe i should check backend log, to see what has happened after last recording?
[21:49:23] Hiisty: there should be somethin about connection to database
[21:51:49] aphyd (aphyd! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[22:01:49] sigkill_: charming ptr record
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[22:19:53] PLC (PLC! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:19:55] PLC: hi
[22:23:34] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:24:07] [R]: i just compiled trunk last night and the frontend crashes horribly if i try to use VDPAU... has anyone else seen this?
[22:25:47] laga_: sigkill_: yeah
[22:26:01] _ben: [R]: nope, it's rocking
[22:26:04] [R]: hrm
[22:26:06] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver!n=martincl@ has quit (No route to host)
[22:26:07] MartinCleaver_ is now known as MartinCleaver
[22:26:08] [R]: musta screwed soemthing up
[22:26:17] [R]: i need to check vdpau with mplayer then make sure that is working
[22:30:10] J-e-f-f-A: wow, kormoc has been quite busy... ;-)
[22:30:49] PLC: ++
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[22:54:22] [R]: hrm
[22:54:26] [R]: so vdpau in mplayer works
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[22:58:13] sigkill_ (sigkill_! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:02:48] mag0o: mmmm, cooking your own steak from a butcher shop cant be beat, unless you add a newcastle :)
[23:03:35] ** aphyd forgot to install the plugins **
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[23:29:03] juski: newcastle brown ale & steak? Bleugh
[23:29:20] _ben: :/
[23:29:47] iamlindoro: He means a stout lad from newcastle
[23:29:51] iamlindoro: and steak
[23:29:54] juski: lol
[23:30:01] mag0o: haha
[23:30:20] juski: hate newky brown. spent too many years overdoing it & then just went off it
[23:30:24] _ben: Right so, don't suppose anyone can confirm deny that channel browsing/volume control is broken with trunk21785?
[23:30:35] juski: my arse has forgiven me, thankfully
[23:30:49] juski: _ben: could be your OSD theme is borked
[23:30:56] juski: saw mention of that earlier
[23:31:03] juski: try a different OSD theme
[23:31:08] _ben: Sure, sec
[23:31:14] juski: i.e. don't use that blootube crap
[23:32:17] _ben: nah, not the theme
[23:33:17] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit ("Leaving")
[23:33:40] ** mag0o hides the other tv using blootube **
[23:34:21] iamlindoro: someday we'll have newtube-wide
[23:34:52] iamlindoro: One of my great moments of humor in the last week is a (non-native english speaker) who refers to blootube by a different name every time
[23:34:55] iamlindoro: boothtube
[23:35:00] iamlindoro: boothtude-wid
[23:35:07] iamlindoro: the list goes on
[23:35:24] mindoms (mindoms!n=stefan@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[23:36:01] mag0o: speaking of wide, it's time to start actually looking at a new tv. any myth friendly suggestions?
[23:36:15] iamlindoro: Any decent TV should be fine
[23:36:37] iamlindoro: something with the ability to disable overscan w/ HDMI ins, but that's most brand name TVs
[23:36:52] iamlindoro: Vizio, Dynex, etc. you take your chances
[23:36:59] _ben: i was thinking of buying some new samsung job
[23:37:00] mag0o: yeah, im not going vizio
[23:37:10] _ben: maybe panasonicc
[23:37:14] _ben: -c
[23:37:14] iamlindoro: Samsungs are nice TVs from what I've seen
[23:37:18] _ben: Yep
[23:37:22] aphyd: Olevia
[23:37:32] paperclip: nothing really wrong with vizio for the price..
[23:37:38] iamlindoro: Heh, hope that's Olevia for the "don't buy" list
[23:37:40] paperclip: i have a Samsung tho
[23:37:52] paperclip: isn't Olevia out of business now?
[23:37:54] _ben: i've never heard of vizio :D
[23:38:05] _ben: or olevia
[23:38:07] iamlindoro: Vizio is the #1 TV company in terms of sales in the US
[23:38:30] _ben: what panels do they use?
[23:38:36] iamlindoro: but only because people want the bargain basement price and don't mind losing any semblance of quality
[23:38:43] aphyd: I think is better to look at the technical features
[23:38:52] aphyd: get a 250MHz screen
[23:38:54] paperclip: walmart effect
[23:38:59] iamlindoro: heh, Mhz
[23:38:59] paperclip: 250?
[23:38:59] mag0o: so, sitting about 8–10' away, what resolution should i aim for? Should I just opt for the 1080p for future use?
[23:39:04] iamlindoro: that'd be a damn fast refresh
[23:39:06] aphyd: err 250Khz
[23:39:10] iamlindoro: um, still nope
[23:39:15] iamlindoro: Hz
[23:39:16] paperclip: i guess that's for pal, eh?
[23:39:19] aphyd: oh my bad 240KHz
[23:39:22] laga_: jigahurtz
[23:39:23] iamlindoro: Still no
[23:39:32] iamlindoro: 240 Hz.
[23:39:33] mag0o: (resolution, not size)
[23:39:35] paperclip: heh
[23:39:38] iamlindoro: Hertz, like this conversation
[23:39:44] aphyd: a right.
[23:40:06] paperclip: it's debatable weather 240hz is worthwhile yet..
[23:40:10] mag0o: Hertz, they'll pick you up.
[23:40:17] laga_: the weather is fine
[23:40:20] mag0o: or is that Enterprise
[23:40:26] paperclip: enterprise
[23:40:27] iamlindoro: 240 Hz is perfectly worthwhile if you own a lot of 24p material
[23:40:33] paperclip: they'll beam you up too
[23:40:35] iamlindoro: which I do
[23:40:52] paperclip: iamlindoro: there are apparently two implementations and one of them isn't so great..
[23:41:18] paperclip: according to the guys on HD Nation on Revision3
[23:41:22] iamlindoro: But that's not a statement of the merit of 24 X whole number refresh, it's a statement about low cost TVs implementing it poorly
[23:41:37] paperclip: i said worthwhile yet
[23:41:38] iamlindoro: 240 Hz as a concept, executed properly, is absolutely worthwhile
[23:41:43] paperclip: as in the current market
[23:41:45] iamlindoro: and there's tons of TVs that do it well
[23:41:56] iamlindoro: namely, anything that's not a bargain basement POS
[23:41:58] sphery: Enterprise, we'll pick you up. vs There's Hertz and there's "Not Exactly."
[23:42:12] paperclip: from two manufacturers and they cost a lot more.. thus the worth part of worthwhile..
[23:42:25] iamlindoro: sigh, forgot this was the internet
[23:42:30] paperclip: hah
[23:42:37] iamlindoro: where it's better to make shit up than to admit ignorance of a topic
[23:42:42] ** paperclip passes iamlindoro a gold medal **
[23:42:50] ** iamlindoro goes back to doing something worthwhile, like gargling acid **
[23:42:52] mag0o: im ignorant
[23:42:58] mag0o: oops, did i type that :)
[23:43:08] ** laga_ blinks **
[23:43:21] laga_: ah, saturday. people get on the internet
[23:43:38] paperclip: personally I'd wait on 240hz :P
[23:43:48] paperclip: but i'm frugal
[23:44:07] iamlindoro: It's pronounced "poor"
[23:44:10] mag0o: i've been waiting on a new tv for quite some time now, so no rush
[23:44:18] paperclip: i'm not poor at all
[23:44:31] mag0o: im just plain 'ol cheap
[23:45:19] paperclip: iamlindoro: did you see the solution i found for the mpeg2video encoder in ffmpeg?
[23:45:30] laga_: *en*coder?
[23:46:26] paperclip: yes it *en*codes
[23:47:10] mag0o: surely someone else here is watching the sc/ga football game and screaming with me
[23:47:24] ** laga_ is watching bowling for columbine **
[23:47:45] ** _ben watching end of sin city **
[23:48:21] ** iamlindoro is watching the Arclight XML scroll across the screen **
[23:50:21] wrostek: Are the compile options "XvMC Pro" and "Xvmc VLD" only for VIA chipsets?
[23:51:46] sphery: VLD is via
[23:51:58] wrostek: thanks.
[23:52:26] sphery: Pro might be too, I don't know for sure
[23:52:44] sphery: yeah, looks like it
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[23:53:06] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[23:53:21] wrostek: ok thanks..
[23:53:58] paperclip: i have an old via epia 8000.. wonder if it's good for anything..
[23:54:24] juski: holding a door open?
[23:54:36] paperclip: perhaps..
[23:54:55] KaZeR (KaZeR! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:54:57] paperclip: maybe a terminal server..
[23:55:27] aphyd: hi
[23:55:36] juski: or a night light. those can burn 20 watts while not doing very much too
[23:55:59] aphyd: the colors swirl
[23:56:12] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:56:26] mag0o: put it in the attic and every time you go up and look at it, you'll wonder if theres anything you can do with it
[23:56:26] paperclip: heh
[23:56:42] aphyd: areas of the same color have the color moving about
[23:56:45] mag0o: thats what i do with all of my old computer stuff
[23:57:07] paperclip: i'm sure it's good for something.. but the freaking powersupply is so small it can't have more than one ide device..
[23:57:17] mag0o: give it to a local school
[23:57:35] paperclip: good idea
[23:59:52] juski: maybe they can do experiments on it
[23:59:55] juski: :)

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